#the worst witch 17
hydr0phius · 1 year
If I had a dollar for every time a smart, red-eyed blue man made their debut in live action, or finally got their own show and was horrendously let down by the writers that probably didn't look at current canon content and overall did a bad job with their characterisation etc etc, I would have two dollars.
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devildomwriter · 1 year
Mammon Birthday Special 100 Fun Facts
1. Mammon states that he sleeps in the nude
2. Mammon despises witches and was nearly chopped into pieces by them once but Lucifer rescued him (although Lucifer was also the one to recommend they cut him into pieces)
3. When Levi tried attacking Mammon in his sleep, before he could even bring his foot down on Mammon, Mammon had him in a headlock
4. Mammon has a habit of stripping while drunk
5. Mammon does not like it when bath’s smell like flowers
6. Mammon’s dream for the future is having a carefree and playful life
7. Mammon starts his baths by washing his head
8. Mammon’s fear of ghosts and monsters originates a little after a year of living in the Devildom when he is possessed by a ghost
9. Mammon hates a Devildom song called “Corpse Rock”
10. Karasu refers to Mammon as noodle-boy
11. In earlier chats and Devilgrams Mammon is said to be a cat person, in later stories he is said to be a dog person, but his birthday information card again states he is more of a cat person
12. Mammon’s motto is “Money will makes the Devil turn millstones.”
13. Mammon’s daily activity is procrastinating in MC’s room
14. Mammon is obsessed with his shades and when he accidentally breaks them he’s devastated
15. According to Beelzebub, Mammon is bad at cooking and doesn’t make good peanut butter sandwiches
16. When Belphie and Beel helped Mammon pick out his human world outfit, he was so touched he bought them their human world clothes
17. Mammon states if the Devildom disappeared tomorrow he’d borrow as much money as he wanted to spend and not have to pay any of it back
18. Mammon’s favorite food in hell is Soy Sauce flavored cup ramen
19. In a love survey in B’s log, Mammin is said to be the active one pursuing love
20. Mammon is said to attract the “sassy and outgoing” types
21. The first thing Mammon does in the morning is check his stocks
22. In the love survey in B’s log when asked if he’d want to be bound by or bind his lover his response was “what do you want me to do? What did you say? Idiot!”
23. Mammon’s car is a Demonio 666 Lexura. The specific type was very rare and (unbeknownst to him originally) only with Lucifer and Diavolo’s help was he able to get it
24. Mammon easily forgets anniversaries and special dates of remembrance
25. Mammon is unable to express himself frankly
26. Mammon likes R&B music
27. Mammon is not a morning demon
28. One of the first things in the game said about Mammon by his brothers is that he’s a masochist
29. The results of a demon brain scanning app showed that Mammon’s thoughts are 90% money
30. Mammon’s worst RAD subject is Hexes and Curses
31. Mammon became Lucifer’s attendant in the Celestial Realm before Leviathan had even been born
32. Mammon was once almost roasted alive by hellfire
33. Mammon is a very bad liar and often admits exactly what he did when explaining that’s not what he did
34. Mammon was almost the one to tame Cerberus but Lucifer rushed in as he was about to confront the dog
35. Mammon is extremely protective of his little brothers
36. When forced to be honest, Mammon admits how much he admires and respects Lucifer
37. When Lucifer has a bad day, Mammon will bring him a drink and sandwich without being asked
38. Mammon was almost kicked out of the celestial realm thousands of years before the fall until Lucifer got through to him
39. Besides the people who were told what Simeon was going through in season 4, Mammon was the first one to notice something was wrong with him
40. Once Mammon was punished by Lucifer by being tickled until he laughed so hard he was humiliated
41. Mammon was given a serum with unknown results that caused him to tell MC he wanted to do many explicit things with them
42. Even Michael was unable to handle Mammon as an angel
43. Mammon is so fast that not even Diavolo and Lucifer can catch up to him
44. It’s been mentioned multiple times that Mammon uses crows as familiars
45. When Lucifer cannot trust Diavolo, he turns to Mammon
46. Mammon once called up Simeon to ask about significant lines in the TSL series so he could successfully hack into Leviathan’s akuzon account
47. Levi and Mammon sometimes perform standup comedy
48. When Mammon tried making a cake for Lucifer on his birthday in the Celestial Realm, he accidentally destroyed the kitchen, infuriating Michael
49. Mammon works as a model occasionally
50. In lesson 11 of the game Mammon claims he is well over 5,000 years old
51. In the celestial realm Mammon would often watch over the younger angels
52. Mammon once tried selling bird feathers to the lesser angels, claiming they were seraph feathers
53. In the celestial realm, Mammon once used the lesser angels to play a game of life-size chess
54. Mammon is said to have been the one who rallied and encouraged the angels in the Celestial war
55. Unlike his brothers, Mammon doesn’t often lose control of his powers
56. Whenever Mammon comes up with solutions to a crisis, they usually make things worse
57. Mammon struggles with math unless he thinks about it as calculating money
58. Mammon loves pandas because they’re profitable
59. Mammon always lets his brothers know about sales and deals going on
60. Mammon is the one who told Lucifer to always have pride and not regret his decision about the war
61. Mammon was cursed to speak like a cat during season 4 and Satan was unable to leave his side even getting Mammon to play with cat toys.
62. The first time Mammon lost control of his powers and transformed into a demon in the game is when he misunderstood a conversation between Levi and MC and assumed they had “relations”
63. Mammon is one of the only people who will indulge Asmodeus and watch his one-man fashion shows
64. When Mammon put too many meals on Satan’s tab, Satan called up Solomon and told him Mammon wanted to try his new recipe
65. Mammon has kidnapped MC multiple times
66. Mammon sometimes goes clubbing with Asmo after part time jobs
67. After Mammon sold all of their silverware he was fired from Ristorante Six
68. Mammon is sometimes referred to as MC’s pet
69. Mammon continues to insist he’s MC’s master not the other way around
70. Mammon sees Luke as his little brother
71. Student council members used to oversee detention until Mammon kept getting detention himself
72. Mammon once accidentally cast a spell on himself that made him burst into song
73. Mammon once accidentally turned himself into a dog
74. Mammon accidentally cursed himself and became extremely small. He was scared of how Beel was looking at him
75. When Mammon made the Miss’em dolls he became extremely wealthy but later blew it all on gambling
76. Mammon is too scared to watch horror movies alone and asks Lucifer to watch them with him
77. Mammon once attacked Lucifer with a three-prong pitch fork when he embarrassed him
78. Mammon has cried from fear of Simeon multiple times
79. Mammon was unable to even pretend to break up with MC
80. Mammon is one of the reasons you need a permit to get to the human world rather than do so freely
81. Mammon got a Mohawk once but his brothers teased him so much he immediately got rid of it
82. Mammon loves the Devildom version of Harry Potter
83. Mammon often threatens lesser/younger demons to hand over all their money
84. Mammon once stopped a bank robbery and demanded the money as compensation
85. Mammon accidentally cut down a Christmas tree gifted to Lucifer from Diavolo
86. Mammon was tricked by Lucifer to gamble against everyone he’d ever screwed over all at once
87. Mammon calls going to the horse races “seeing the horsies” to try and convince MC to tag along
88. When he was Lucifer’s attendant, Mammon sought for a rare Crystal Lily flower to gift him but got lost and Lucifer had to come find him
89. Mammon used Serenity Manor as collateral in gambling as soon as he got to the human world, almost forcing everyone to go right back to the Devildom
90. When coming up with proposal’s Mammon forced Simeon, Solomon, and Luke to participate in a flash mob
91. Mammon has a blood oath with MC and Leviathan
92. Mammon accidentally won Henry 1.0 while trying his first Devildom ice cream. He was nearly eaten.
93. Mammon owns an AK-47 after winning it over in a game against Leviathan
94. Mammon fees guilty that he didn’t have a grand reason to follow Lucifer to hell rather than just feeling like it
95. Mammon once lost a bet to a bunch of rabbits
96. Mammon prefers spicy foods to sweets
97. Mammon extorted Satan for 50,000 Grimm in exchange for throwing him a baseball
98. Mammon’s highest known rank in the celestial realm within the game is a Throne
99. When Mammon was turned into a Test Name box he got used to it immediately, disappointing Beelzebub
100. Mammon died in season 4 for a few minutes but was brought back by Barbatos
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Honestly, Petunia Dursley drives me up a wall. I can't think about her character for too long. Imagine having a sister that you love but you lose your love for her after a series of unfortunate events. Your sister's magic emboldens a boy to approach both of you and insult and hurt you (yes, I know Snape's actions are his own but he never would've approached lily or petunia if the former were not a witch. I'm sure petunia thoughts were along this line.). Your parents rave over your sister because she's magic and you're not. Your sister leaves for months at a time. You don't get to see her after school. You see her on holidays and that's it. When she graduates, she marries a boy that you don't like, moves out, has a child, and then dies a year after that child is born. You never got much time with your sister after she turned 11. Fucking 11.
Not only that, but the child your sister had has been left in your care. You cannot escape the world that your sister was apart of even though you, yourself, were rejected from it. This world crops up in the worst of ways. People breaking through your fireplace. Your own son gets his tongue enflated to where it chokes him. When your nephew turns 17, you're told that you have to leave your own home because the person hunting him may come after you.
I'm not saying the Dursley's were good people. But my god. This story, from Petunia's perspective, is a horror story where you're refused a starring role but somehow get all the pitfalls of the limelight anyway.
She makes me insane.
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call-sign-shark · 1 year
Heaven In Your Eyes || Masterlist
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Pairing: Arthur Shelby x Reader!OC (Heaven Lavey Shelby)
Additional content/Info: CLICK HERE
Fic Summary: He meets her at church one dreary night, guided by her singing. Her name? Heaven Lavey. White ivory hair, fair porcelain skin, and petite shape, this almost ethereal creature is Arthur's strict opposite. Yet, all it took was one dive into her heavenly eyes for him to be convinced God has sent His sweetest angel to save his bastard soul. The two lovebirds, obsessed with each other, are determined to live their love no matter people's judgments and no matter the dangers of a Peaky Blinder's life. They are together through the best and through the worst.
But behind her holy appearance and sweet facade, Heaven Lavey is dangerous. With rumors of witchcraft and murder, her shady past weighs on her shoulders. And if she is a blessing for Arthur Shelby, she will soon prove to be a curse for those who dare to stand in her and her husband's way. Even Thomas Shelby himself.
She is Arthur’s Angel, but don't get fooled by her doe eyes: for the rest of us, she is the White Devil.
And by extend, you are too.
Why? Because Heaven Lavey… It’s you.
TW: Major character death, explicit sexual content, canonical violence, graphic description of violence, blasphemy, witch trials and burning of innocent women, dependent relationship (if Arthur and Heaven are happy in their relationship, they are obsessed and possessive, which leads to bursts of violence and deifying from Arthur. By no means I am claiming their relationship is healthy, but it is what works for them)
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♢ Ch. 1 || Heaven in Your Eyes
♢ Ch. 2 || Never Did, Never Dared
♢ Ch. 3 || Something Wicked This Way Comes 🔞
♢ Ch. 4 || Dead Bird at Witchin Hour
♢ Ch. 5 || The Hell in His Eyes
♢ Ch. 6 || The One They Should Have Burned
♢ Ch. 7 || Of Matches and Gasoline 🔞
♢ Ch. 8 || Tango on Broken Dreams
♢ Ch. 9 || For Whom the Bells Toll
♢ Ch. 10 || Closer to Heaven or Closer to Hell? 🔞
♢ Ch. 11 || When The Bridges Burn
♢ Ch. 12 || As They Always Did
♢ Ch. 13 || Cross My Heart and Hope to Die
♢ Ch. 14 || Pure As a Lamb 🔞
♢ Ch. 15 || Women Like Me in a Men's World
♢ Ch. 16 || Après Moi le Déluge ( c o m i n g . . .)
♢ Ch. 17 || ( Il Diàvulu Biancu)
♢ Ch. 18 ||
♢ Ch. 18 ||
♢ Ch. 19 ||
♢ Ch. 20 ||
♢ Ch. 21 ||
♢ Ch. 22 ||
♢ Ch. 23 ||
♢ Ch. 24 ||
♢ Ch. 25 ||
♢ The series can be longer.
Some events from the show are taken and obviously reworked. Yet, except for a few quotes and scenes, everything else is imagined by the author.
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Related works - in chronological order-
♢ From Blood We Will Grow
♢ To Bark and Bite
♢ Kaiser Meeting Cyril (requested)
♢ A Bone to Pick With It (requested)
♢ Perfect Lines
♢ Savage Daughter
♢ A Slice of Us (Modern!HYE)
♢ Love Ritual (@zablife's celebration)
♢ The Woods Whisper 1, 2 (Halloween Horror)
♢Little Lamb 1, 2, 3 (Yandere!AU)
Moodboards and other content
♢ Playlist
♢ Moodboard Aesthetic
♢ Moodboard Chapter 6
♢Heaven In your Eyes Act II trailer
♢ Moodboard Chapter 12
♢ Heaven in your Eyes chapter 16 trailer
Looking for more? Check out Heaven's masterlist I and II.
Taglist: @adaydreamaway08 @theshelbyclan @jomarch-wannabe @esposadomd @zablife @woofgocows @anathemasworld @anastasia000 @kate654 @kxnnxy @babayaga67 @meowtastick @shelbyssins @sarai-ibn-la-ahad @bluevenus19 @raincoffeeandfandoms @kishie8 @zablife @alexandra-001 @dearshelby @alexizodd @helen06dreamer @kmc1989 @emotionalcadaver @peakyswritings @peakyltd @chaosinkest1996 @vanhelsingsbigtoe @cherubswhispers @he6rtshaker @bemyqueenofdarkness @cljordan-imperium @cjarbo @red-riding-wood @rysko @lokigirlszendaya
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wastemanjohn · 2 months
fic masterlist
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wincest and daddycest. follow the smell of dead doves under the cut :)
when i'm down on your knees you're how i pray Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 13,703; Warnings: Incest
Summary: It’s not as if Sam doesn’t know what makes Dean tick, after all. He can’t have forgotten all the fantasies Dean has shared with him over the years, even the really nasty, violent ones that flushed Sam's cheeks a glaring scarlet, evoked awed responses like "Jesus, Dean, you’re really into stuff like that?" Dean didn't mind - quite liked watching Sam squirm, actually - and he'd long since accepted that he’d likely never get Sam on board with acting out the more grisly tales buried deep in his spank bank. But then again, Sam is different since he...
Dean still can’t use the words “Sam” and “died” together in the same sentence.
some unholy war
Rating: Explicit; 12,328 words; Warnings: Incest, Canon-Typical Violence
Summary: Somewhere between a bar fight and the end of the world, Sam and Dean learn to take care of each other again.
exit light
Rating: Mature; Word Count: 3,730; Warnings: Incest
Summary: Tonight doesn’t smooth over all the ways their lives are in ruins, hand back all that he and Dean have lost, atone for all the things it’s driven them to. It certainly doesn’t change the fact that one year from now, Dean is going to die. 
heart of a dog
Rating: Explicit, Word Count: 2k, Warnings: Incest, Sam is 17
Summary: They were supposed to be going to the fucking laundromat. But that was almost four hours ago, and Sam can smell the musty sweat wafting through from where their clothes are still festering in the trunk. He should really have learned by now not to trust Dean, when he insists on his little bar detours on the way - just a quick one, Sammy, don’t be such a little bitch. The thing is, the chances of it being a quick one are always about as slim as Sam’s patience right now; and a quick one always evolves into half the damn bar when a pretty young thing catches Dean’s eye.
Her name is Daisy. Dean’s probably forgotten that by now. He’s definitely forgotten about Sam. 
john/dean and sam/dean:
what it is
Rating: Explicit; 48,258 words; Warnings: Non Con Elements, Incest, Canon Typical Violence
Summary: Everything that has ever gone wrong for Sam and Dean starts and ends with John.
i don't mean to suggest that i loved you the best
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 1,930; Warnings: Incest
Summary: Dean’s need is a dark pit, a bleak, bottomless thing, and that’s the pull. That’s the lure, for John. People who need the way Dean does, people who want to crawl inside the ones they love and live there forever, they’re easy to control. They’ll do anything for you. John finds that fucking irresistible.
Sam hates his father. But he understands him perfectly.
with new bones in your closet
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 4,890; Warnings: Incest, BDSM
Summary: It’s almost funny. It’s almost too predictable that Dean would do this for John, be this for John, take his submission to all too literal levels.
destructive love is all i am
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 604; Warnings: Incest
Summary: Things like this don't just go away.
love is
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 2323; Warnings: Incest, Non Con
Summary: Love is all you are.
shimmer and rot
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 3012, Warnings: Non Con, implied CSA
Summary: That witching hour loneliness can eat you alive.
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 4552; Warnings: Incest, Homicidal thoughts, Sam is 17
Summary: There's nothing good on TV, and Sam's contemplating killing his father again.
the world was so easily won
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 3153; Warnings: Dub Con Elements, Incest, Violence
Summary: The bites are about five days old now. They’re not healing well, skin-split punctures and raised pinks and purples. Any forming scabs have chafed raw all over again under Dean’s clothes. And Sam’s running his fingers over the worst ones, almost gentle, like a doctor examining an open wound. There’s nothing at all gentle about Sam’s rage-tight mouth though. Nor his mutter of, “I’ll fucking kill him.”
toss me a breath when you hold me down
Rating: Explicit; 1624 words; Warnings: Incest, consensual non consent
Summary: It's never been quite like this.
and if you crave it then you know that you are injured
Explicit; 3593 words; Warnings: Non Con Elements and a very nasty John
Summary: He doesn’t even flinch when John’s hand comes down on his thigh. Doesn’t pull away when John flutters his lips over the nape of his boy’s neck and whispers, “Why don’t you let me take care of you?”
when i hear your lips make a sound
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 2682; Warnings: Incest
Summary: It's a damn risky thing to do, with Bobby asleep upstairs. But Dean never disobeys his father, and he’s horny as all hell. It’s not a prime combination for sensible decision making.
i heard love is blind
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 12,764; Warnings: Incest; addition of John/OMC
Summary: There are a few shadowy figures on the sidewalk, the night’s offerings left on the shelf. They're all boys, their frames slight and their legality dubious. They look up at the sight of John’s headlights, but he keeps his head forward and carries on driving. He’s seen exactly what he’s looking for just up the street.
The boy is alone. He's a cookie cutter street whore, all mesh and tight pants. John can see the ghostly entrails of his breath, the skinny arms wrapped around his chest like chains. When John winds down his window, the kid steps forward in a tired, non-urgent sort of way. His lack of pretence is appealing.
John checks him over to make doubly sure that he's the right choice. He’s tall. His hipbones jut a little, distorting his tight pants, the waistband flapping over his barely there stomach. His hair is a few shades light of brown; it's short, but chunky and uneven, like he's cut it himself without a mirror. When John peers closer, he can see that the kid's lips are full and pink. That definitely helps. He's not to John's exact specifications, especially with his completely absent bulk, but he'll do. Beggars, choosers, all that noise.
and you learn how to settle for what you get
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 3,163; Warnings: Dub Con, Incest
Summary: Yet John chooses this, over and over again. John loves Dean more than he loves anything.
sharp teeth, dry heat
Rating: Explicit; Words: 2504; Warnings: Incest, grief (addition of dean/ofc)
Summary: Your world was terrifying, and John knew how hard he was to love.
someone forever warm
Rating: Explicit; Words: 4290; Warnings: Incest
Summary: He takes a moment to enjoy the thought that John has slayed the monster, now he’s come to claim his prize.
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 771; Warnings: Non Con Elements
Summary: You'll hide from mirrors until the marks fade away.
nowhere boy
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 2528; Archive Warnings: Incest
Summary: The true meaning of Christmas is family, and all that crap. Everyone always forgets about Jesus. Probably a good thing, Dean thinks, as he adjusts the red ribbon around his neck with its dumb little bow and checks himself out one last time in the smudged bathroom mirror. Jesus definitely wouldn’t approve of what he’s about to do.
quiet room
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 1878; Archive Warnings: Non Con, Incest, BDSM
Summary: This is what love looks like.
the dark is light enough
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 3219; Archive Warnings: Incest
Summary: It's hard, with the lights on. Lights on, with his boy so close John can hear his pulse; see the freckles dusting the tops of his thighs, the strip of fine hair from his belly button down to his groin; pert pink nipples on a chest that blushes from the middle out when he's excited, all these intimate details John shouldn't know; but he sits with it, he breathes it in and he lives with it. The closeness; the vulnerability; like an exposed nerve.
Yeah, it's hard, hard to face this. Who they are, what they've become. But John isn't doing it to punish himself. He's doing this for Dean.
yesterday's hymn
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 1323; Warnings: Non Con; past CSA: addition of original male character
Summary: A bad man doesn't pawn his soul so his son can live.
so many moving parts
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 7302; Archive Warnings: Incest
Summary: And sure, no one’s actually said the word anniversary, but they've never had a day like this before.
when the stiff wind blows
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 8625; Warnings: Incest, BDSM
Summary: Dean is in tune with John's patterns and emotions, even some four states outside of their blast radius; and when John withdraws, Dean chases. Dean knows his absence, his distance, when John is not fucking handling it. And somewhere along the way - he learned how to help.
then leave me the bones
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 6816; Warnings: Heavy Angst, Incest, Dub Con
Summary: John’s moods are like a slow growing tumor. Easy to miss at first. Causing all kinds of problems when it's too late.
Rating: Mature; Word Count: 1655; Warnings: Incest
Summary: You know there is so much harm Dad could do in these moments, if he were so inclined. He as good as says it himself sometimes, with his quiet promises of I'd never hurt you, Dean, like a pre-emptive hail Mary for his sin.
now bleed for me
Rating: Explicit; Words: 3689; Warnings: Incest, Gunplay
Summary: John comes back unsteady, whisky on his tongue, scents of tobacco and cheap perfume clinging to the jacket Deanna loves to wear, because it’s so heavy and big on her, it smothers her like a hug. My dad, Deanna thinks, broken in all the same spots she is, yet so remote. My dad.
i've loved all i've needed, love
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 4602; Warnings: Incest
Summary: She never seemed to realize that her daddy's a piece of shit. John hates the way she found out.
this dream is for you (so pay the price)
Rating: Explicit; Words: 2,333; Warnings: Incest
Summary: So John comes to her, during that weird time that's not really morning or night, comes to her after they've finished half a bottle of Jack and a pack of Lucky Strike between them, comes to her with everything on his face that sits heavy and acidic in Deanna's heart.
all you wanna do
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 10,178; Warnings: Incest, Misogyny
Summary: For the prompt: Deanna’s boyfriend gives her a red lingerie set for Christmas that she opens in front of John (optional: Sam). After OMC is sent home with a chastisement, John makes her show them off to him. Or, Deanna has started dating and John is a fucking creep about it.
a simple motion
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 2353; Warnings: Incest
Summary: But watching her - watching her is different. Watching isn't touching, and there's no law against that.
i'll be your mirror
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 2551; Warnings: Incest, Misogyny
Summary: The girl in his bed isn’t quite his wife, but in the glowy relative darkness she has room to morph. 
one day like this
Rating: Mature; Word Count: 6182; Warnings: Incest, grief
Summary: Sam goes through his father's old photos.
coming up roses everywhere
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 14618; Warnings: Incest, Sam is 17
Summary: Where John wasn't planning to snoop around Sam's laptop, but his boy seems to be hiding something.
john/dean and sam/john
don't say you need me when you leave and you leave again (samjohn only quietly implied)
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 8,224; Warnings: Non Con Elements; implied sexual abuse
Summary: Maybe Dad felt the kind of loneliness that ate away at your soul until you lost sight of the fact that you were even alive, maybe Dad needed to grab the nearest willing body and pull it close, close.
this be the verse
Rating: Explicit; Word Count 6822; Warnings: Big Non Con warning for this one. Additional pairings: johndean
Summary: There are a lot of things that Dean doesn’t tell Mary about her husband. It’s best that John stays 27 in her head forever, like Hendrix or something, young and beautiful and fucked up in a pretty unremarkable way.
when the earth moves again
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 1947; Warnings: Incest, somnophilia
Summary: It was something. Something that felt good; something that some part of him was willing to give her, even if it wasn't conscious, even if it wasn't much. And hell, Sam didn't have much in life that made her feel good.
hunky dory
Rating: Mature; Word Count: 4917; Warnings: Incest, pregnancy resulting from incest
Summary: Deanna went out this afternoon. For hours. Didn't say where she was going; but it's got to be the first time she's left Bobby's place in weeks. She left her phone behind on the nightstand, in this way that Sam couldn't help but suspect was intentional, because there had to be something about that; had to be something in the way Deanna caught Sam's eye through the window as she was coming back, all slow down the path with Dad's jacket over her shoulders and this tight expression on her face. Something in the way Deanna had sharply changed direction at the sight of Sam, veering off until she faded into the salvage yard and Sam couldn't see her anymore. And it's not that Sam meant to be hovering near the front of the house at the exact moment of her return like a worried parent, but shit happens.
Let her be, son, Bobby had said, without looking up from his scotch and that leatherbound demonology book he'd been annotating all day. Harder you push, the more she's gonna clam up.
It bothers Sam when Bobby talks like that, like he knows Deanna better than Sam does or something. As for letting her be - well, if Bobby knows Sam at all, he's got a strange way of showing it
john/original male character
safe in the dark (how can you see?)
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 2492; Archive Warnings: Non Con Elements
Summary: Because maybe there was something about Dad's energy that fizzled with those weary neon lights; and Dad still didn't say much, and Sam still can't read the man's mind, but you don't live for eighteen years close enough to rub up against each others last nerve without learning how to spot when something might be wrong. And theres always something wrong with Dad - he's sour faced and miserable, the cause of that changes day by day - but he'd been so insistent. You don't leave this car, Sammy, okay? This guy's a loose cannon. I don't want him to see you.
Sam had snorted, and Dad had looked at him with resigned contempt; but it had faded quickly, and there'd been that something Sam couldn't put his finger on as Dad had got out of the car. Something about the way he didn't look to check Sam was obeying, something stilted in his footsteps. Something that made Sam log the path he took across the parking lot, register the room number he knocked on. The door had opened, and Dad had gone inside, but it had closed so quickly that Sam hadn't been able to see the guy. The loose cannon.
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dorabledewdroop · 7 months
Okay so I've been reading wandanat x reader stories pretty much nonstop for the past few weeks and I wanted to try my hand at writing a story (its my first ever time writing one)
warnings: none? I mean wanda is hurt on a mission? a little angsty but fluffy overall? Im so sorry I don't know what im doing. fem!reader if that's relevant?
Summary: A mission involving wanda and Natasha goes sideways leaving wanda injured. Reader is almost at her limit when it comes to those two.
A slight beeping brought you from her trance. Sighing you moved across your bed and checked your phone. It was an alarm you had set that would let you know what time your best friends would arrive back to the compound.
"FRIDAY, has the team arrived from their mission" you asked anxiously. Something had just seemed off about the mission when Steve told you the details, being the Avenger's head tactician, you had to listen to your instincts and most of the time they were right. You hadn't voiced your concerns to the team as it was a simple mission that only required Steve, Natasha, and Wanda's assistance.
The team returned back to the compound 7 minutes ago, Mr. Rogers is in the kitchen while Ms. Romanoff and Ms. Maximoff are in the med bay.
Immediately you shot off the bed and sprinted towards the med bay thinking the worst. While your love for the both the widow and the witch may be unrequited, you still wasn't ready to lose either of them.
As you reached the doors to the room they were in one of the nurses stopped you from entering
"Im sorry maam but only spouses and family can enter at the moment." The nurse said, looking at your panting state.
A hurt look crossed your face but she nodded.
"Can you pls tell me what happened?" you asked, a slight waver in your voice.
The nurse shook her head in sympathy. "I'm sorry but I can't breach patient confidentiality"
Unshed tears built up around your eyes as you continued to think the worst
"Please" you said, your voice cracking. "I can't lose them, please just tell me they're okay. Please"
The nurse's heart broke looking at your broken expression. Sighing and looking around to ensure no-one else was in the vicinity she told you "You didn't hear this from me, but Ms. Maximoff came in with a bullet wound in her thigh. Ms Romanoff needed a few stitches on her shoulder but the both of them are going to be absolutely fine. Ms Maximoff will be waking up soon enough. I'll let you know when you can go in, okay?"
"oh my god okay thank you so much" you whispered as you wiped away the tears that had leaked.
You sat just outside the room, your mind going back to how happy the two had been, cuddling in the lounge, whispering sweet nothings in each other's ear. A pang went through your chest as you remembered how much you wanted to join them. Not that the three of you didn't cuddle. But to share that intimacy, to be able to call them both yours.
Eventually the nurse returned.
"You can go i-" She started but you had sprinted inside before the nurse could finish her sentence
As you burst in, both wanda and Natasha looked up at you startled. You saw them holding hands as wanda was in bed and Natasha was sitting right beside her on the same bed. The heartache returned with full force as you looked away before collecting yourself.
Natasha noticed this and asked "Malyshka, are you okay?"
You let out a humourless laugh and looked at them.
"Am I okay? What happened to the two of you? You told me you'd be careful? Now look at you, Wanda you're in bed and Natasha you've got 17 stitches on your shoulder. What the fuck happened? Did you try to hug a knife??" you rambled. Letting out your frustration and worry
Wanda frowned, this wasn't the y/n she knew. Usually you were calm and collected, made so many jokes and was alway so so caring. That's what had made herself and Natasha fall for you in the first place.
"Detka, what's wrong" Wanda asked, noticing your watery eyes.
"I- just- please. Promise me you'll be careful." You said defeated. As the both of them nodded, you turned around walking towards the door.
Wanda and Natasha looked at each other in concern.
"You both mean so much to me. I can't lose either of you" You said sadly, facing the door. The next part was whispered so softly so no-one could hear it. "I can't lose you two more than I already have.."
While your words may have been soft, your thoughts were loud. Wanda had heard it. Her eyes widened. It couldn't be.. Wanda had spoken to Natasha so many times earlier and they both agreed that they were in love with you just as much as they were in love with each other.
"Detka wait-" Wanda started, but you had already walked away by then.
"What's wrong?" Natasha asked worried about the entire interaction.
"She... she feels the same." Wanda said, as tears slowly made their way down her face. "But if we wait any longer.. I think we might lose her."
Natasha's eyes widened as her eyes got teary as well.
"Okay" Natasha said, kissing Wanda's forehead. "We'll talk to her when we you can walk"
Thankfully, with the help of Dr. Cho, Wanda was almost completely healed within the next two days. As soon as she was allowed both of them headed straight to your room. As fast as they could, given that Wanda still had to use crutches. The moment they neared the room, Wanda stumbled. "Careful love, we don't want- wait what's wrong" Natasha asked as soon as she saw Wanda's tear-stricken, wide-eyed face.
Wanda whimpered, "Her pain.. Malysh.. she's in so much pain"
They hurried and knocked on your door. When there was no answer, they knocked again.
"Y/n, it's Wanda and I, could you please let us in?" Nat said
When they heard a muffled "come in", they slowly opened the door.
Entering a totally dark room caught them by surprise. While everyone knew of your sensory sensitivity, you usually had the place bright enough that other's could see around. But this... this was total darkness. The only light was the one from the corridor.
Sitting amidst a pile of pillows was you. your eyes puffy and cheeks red. It looked as though you had done nothing but cry in the past two days. Which was more than accurate.
"Hi" you said weakly
"Detka when was the last time you stepped outside you room?" Nat asked as she sat on the bed next to you.
You gave her a confused look as Wanda came to sit by your feet, placing her crutches aside.
"Just last night, after I met you guys" you stated, confused and looking at the both of them. The proximity and the look of horror the both of them had confused your to no end.
"Detka you met us 3 days ago.." Wanda slowly said as she placed her hand just below your knee, rubbing comforting circles with her thumb.
"Y/n, can you please come with us to the kitchen? We'll make you whatever you want. But please baby. Come eat with us" Nat pleaded
Your eyes widened at the nickname and looked at Wanda in panic, expecting her to look upset and start screaming at how you had ruined their relationship and how it would be better if you just stayed away from them. However, when you saw her face you could see nothing but concern and a look she only gave to Natasha. But that couldn't be right. Looking back at Natasha you finally had the courage to speak.
"you- you can't call me that.." you said softly, your heart, once again, breaking into a million pieces.
Natasha and wanda shared a confused look.
"Call you what detka?" Natasha asked softly, pulling your chin up with her finger so you'd look at her. They all knew how difficult eye contact was but with the conversation Wanda and Natasha wanted to have with you, they needed to know you were on the same page. That wouldn't work if they could barely see your face.
"Show us your pretty face Malyshka" Wanda whispered.
Your eyes once again widened, glancing at the both of them.
"You- you shouldn't say things like that. It's between the two of you. Please" you repeated as tears made their way down your face.
Natasha cupped your face, her thumb wiping your tears. Neither of them failed to notice how you practically nuzzled Natasha's hand.
"Do you not like it when we call you pretty?" Natasha asked.
This brought you back to reality as you forcibly jerked your head away from Natasha's soft hands. Seriously, how can someone work out and fight as much as Natasha and still have hands so soft?
"I- I like it.. more than you know, but I can't take it right now. it hurts too much. Seeing you so concerned. Having both of you here. It hurts too much" You whimpered.
"Why?" Wanda asked softly, her eyes begging you to continue.
"Because-" You stopped yourself before you could continue.
"Because what, detka" Natasha urged, knowing you are almost there.
"Because I love both of you" you whispered.
"Because I am in love. completely. utterly. hopelessly. Because I want you both to be mine. I wake up thinking about being in your arms and go to bed dreaming of your faces. I want to hold you, kiss you, be with you how you are with each other. But I know that will never happen and I thought I accepted it but it's becoming too much. I can't do this anymore. I'm sorry I ruined our friendsh-"
You were interrupted as Natasha lunged forward pressing her lips against yours. It. was. everything. Your heart burst. "This is it." You thought. "I died of hunger two days ago. I didn't realise I'd go to heaven but I'm definitely not complaining."
A bite on your lower lip brought you back to reality as you jerked your head away. Heart pounding. Eyes switching from wanda to Natasha.
"What-" immediately red wisps shut your mouth. Leaving you unable to talk. Your eyes widened to a comical level.
"It's our turn to talk detka" Wanda said softly.
Nodding your head you glanced at Natasha and immediately felt your insides tingle. Her hooded eyes just looked at you as though she was going to devour you. Her chest rising and falling rapidly as she bit her lip.
"Since Natasha is unable to talk right now" Wanda started with a smirk, "I'll go. Y/n. Everything you've said is true for us as well. We have wanted you since the moment you entered our lives. Every time we cuddle or go to sleep or talk, both of us think of how much better it would be if you were there. It's not that Nat and I aren't happy with our relationship. It just felt like something was missing and when you came in with your smile and laughter. We immediately knew it was you who we wanted. We want you too detka. To be called ours. To wake up to and go to sleep with. We love you so so much."
Fresh tears made their way down your face. Except this time, they were tears of joy.
Unable to control yourself any further you tackled them both into a hug, holding them as tightly as you could. And they hugged you back just as tightly. None of you wanting to let go. Ever.
Looking at the both of them your heart soared.
"I can finally call you mine" you whispered, causing both of them to chuckle and glance at each other.
"What" you asked, frowning.
"Well.. we've been calling you ours for quite a while, baby" Natasha states smiling.
Tilting your head in confusion, Wanda laughs and cups your face.
"What do you think 'detka' means, baby?" Wanda asked softly.
Finally, as it clicked that all this while, the nicknames they called you were terms of endearment and not friendly insults. Causing you to make an expression that brought laughter from all three of you.
"anyway" Wanda states, as she stares at your lips, bringing her face closer to yours.
"I believe it's my turn."
Okay this was my first every piece of writing please tell me how it was im so nervous omg
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wonderer399 · 4 months
Sebastian : Why he is Perfect for Ciel
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Ever since I was in the black butler back in 2015, I was like 17 years old...I was obsessed with BB...I shipped Sebaxciel very hard, I still do and will continue to do it and none of your petty 'anti' opinions will make me change my mind like ever. You are free to judge me and I will judge you 'anti' back as well...You guys think that you are being 'self righteous' ? Tbh in reality you guys exactly sound like 'Alicent Hightower' from 'House of the Dragon' after she was living her miserable life with her 3 annoying kids and had to stick her nose into Rhaenera's bussiness because her 'morals' goes against what Rhaenera was doing....Therefore, stop being annoying and you guys better keep your own opinion to yourselves...I'm 25 now...and I will still ship SebaXciel..until my last breath...I may start the fandom very late , however I have more sense and adulting going on my brain to judge what is 'right' and what is 'wrong'...and what should be kept in the 'greyzone'
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I have always defended Sebastian, still do and will always be defending him because he deserves it. Sebastian and Ciel both NEED each other. You guys might think Sebastian NEEDS ciel more...its the other way around ..CIEL NEEDS SEBASTIAN and without Sebastian HE CAN NOT SURVIVE A DAY WITHOUT BEING KIDNAPPED!!!!! OR WORSE BEING KILLED!!!! SEBASTIAN IS CIEL'S LIFE SUPPORT!!!
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Sebastian keeps to be surprisingly being 'Kind' towards 'Ciel' by every chapter and each chapter their bond becomes stronger than ever, mostly because due to Agni's influence. And I remember exactly Ciel saying that 'If my soul He wants, then I will make sure to get my revenge properly'...Ciel KNOWS what did he sign up for with sebastian !!! CIEL MAY LOOK LIKE A CHILD ...BUT MENTALLY HE CAN SELL ADULTS IN THE BLACK MARKETS 10 TIMES WITHOUT ANY HESITATION THOSE WHO ARE AGAINST HIM ....He is that cunning!!! We have seen Ciel's Kind side as well...Ciel and Sebastian both knows when and to whom to be 'cunning' or 'Kind'...Both Sebastian and Ciel are Extremely Extremely cunning and will and does 'BEND' the rules of the game at their own advantage through their extremely calculated and refined dirty tricks and schemes ....Playing fair is not their 'concern' ... but 'winning' is ....if Ciel is the 'King' in the Chessplayer, Sebastian is the Ultimate Cheat code and Chessboard in the game ....and pawns are the other characters ....Sebastian can't be the pawn ...Sebastian simply sets up the helpful environment for Ciel to win...Sebastian simply assists Ciel in his own game ....
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Sebastian is the STRICTEST, SMARTEST, GENTLEST and NICEST ( may not be the kindest ...but he is still trying his best ...he gives me more like 'TOUGH LOVE' vibes your asian households will give off ) guy to be able pull up with all of Ciel's bratty tantrums .... ( if you even dare to give off the same exact attitude to your parents as Ciel does to sebby time to time....In the white household you won't be affected that much but in the black/latina/asian household, parents will start beating with flipflops no more attitudes.... compared to that Ciel is in 'heaven' as Sebby keeps tolerating ) Sebastian STAYS with Ciel through thick and thin ...Sebby never EVER abondons Ciel ( I don't count filler episodes of season 1 because its not Cannon ) ....Sebby is not that kind of 'mannerless' character who would force himself into 'Ciel's' arm ..sebby HIGHLY VALUES MANNERS,GRACEFULNESS and AESTHETICS...Sebby knows his self worth... we even see sebby getting 'blushed' cheeked whenever ciel compliments him for his good work and that what motivates sebby to stay with ciel through their journey together...they both appriciate, tolerate, they get and understand each other and the same time they are very fond of each other as well...
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In the emerald witch arc, it is very evident that when sebby saw ciel was at his worst state ...sebby gone mad and destroyed the entire german military single handedly...ciel is very PRECIOUS to him...once ciel realized how sad Sebby would have felt when he kept rejecting sebby touch...after waking up from psychic trauma, Ciel immidiately compansated sebby with constantly 'touching' sebby 'affectionately' ...its like the two lovers being aparted for wayy too long and when they meet again, they can't let go of each other that easily...their bond just keeps getting stronger...and yall antis be burning lol ...because we shippers got the latest TEA DATE in the chapter 212 !! in the victorian era it was not 'acceptable' to sit 'butlers' and 'noble man' together ...let alone sipping tea and flirting with each other...its so sad that you guys don't like something that's fine! ...but don't dictate us and don't rubb your moral dicks into our faces ...keep it in your pockets
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Bridget x fem! Oc
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"Red, my dearest, don't cut your hair like that." Hecate had walked in on a 17 year old Red, sitting begrudgingly at her vanity chair and was about to snil a whole chunk of hair off, probably because she was frustrated at it.
"Go away Hecate."
"Mh, sure, after you've given me those scissors, or else my head'll be the next one rolling." She joked, something that was strictly forbidden.
"What would you like me to do princess?" Red held up her hair in a half up half down, which she had been trying to do for a while now, but it just wouldn't sit right.
"There, no need to cut it all of, it takes longer to grow lost things back than it does to cut it off." She smiled at Red through the mirror, patting her shoulders and staring at her for a bit as she did her makeup.
"I'm allowed to stare at you kid, you've grown so much Red, it's weird how much you're like your mom." Red scoffed, hooding up her tube of mascara as if it was her mom's scepter and mocking her accent.
"Off with their heads!" Hecate laughed, the same loud and warm laugh that's been in every good memory Red has ever had.
"Exactly like that kiddo, just add a bit more black to your eyeshadow and you'd be a carbon copy!" She stopped laughing and looked at Red suspiciously.
"Well, i'd say your tutoring session is already done, but apparently Maddox had forgotten to give you some homework." Red frowned in confusion, what the fuck was that old lady on about?
Maddox landed on the couch she had but in the corner of her room, waving at them through the mirror with some papers.
"Good morning my Hecate!" The woman smiled at him, patting Red's shoulder once again before turning around and leaving.
"Gods, she's changed so much." Maddox reminisced about his past memories of the witch, not realising that Red had turned around in her chair.
"Has she really changed that much?"
"Mhm, there used to be a time where she was engaged... not that she'll ever be able to have a love life anymore though, so I wouldn't dwell on it too much." He shrugged, handing her the papers and quickly rushing out before she could ask more.
"Stupid Maddox and his shitty cliffhangers."
Red wasn't going to tell anyone that Maddox's words had intrigued her, so she obviously also didn't tell anybody that she was 'lurking' around in the court magician's quarters, even though it was her home sk it wasn't considered lurking, it felt as if she was, because she had never been in this hall before.
Much like how the queen had a hall of portraits of past rulers, the court magicians had a similar hall, with their engagements, accomplishments and marriages depicted on a plaque under their portrait.
When she had finally gotten through the endless sea of bright purple blue hair, and her eyes landed on Hecate's face, she searched the portrait for anything first.
She had an axe swung across her shoulder, the same muscled build, mostly same clothing, the hearts on her trousers were shades of pink, not red... weird, especially when the hearts on her shoulders kept their pink.
Her eyes trialed over her portrait, she saw a mass of bodies piled up behind her, making up the entirety of the back of it, but just far enough that you won't spot it when you first look.
"What the fuck..." she breathlessly muttered, leaning closer as she distinguished the bodies of human beings, including massive giants and sea creatures.
"Oh wow, she's a fucking monster, good to know." Red rolled her eyes, then went on to read the plaque.
"Hecate Spades and her weapon: the princess of Hearts, engaged to Queen Bridget Hearts- WHAT?!" Red's eyed widened, leaning closer and rubbing over the plaque as she saw her mother's name.
"Yeah, that was such a long time of my life, i'f wish it upon my worst enemy... but y'know, don't have any anymore." Hecate shrugged, as if she hadn't just scared the life out of the girl she considered a daughter.
"YOU NEARLY MARRIED MY MOTHER?!" Hecate nodded, looking down at the princess with a smile.
"Mhm, definitely almost did." She shrugged, "but, someone has to carry on the court's magician line, and i'm not sure how that would work if we merged with the royal line." Red suspiciously eyed her, that was not the real reason for the break up.
"Then where is your heir then? Mh?" Hecate smirked at her.
"You." Red choked, then saw Hecate laughing and slapped her.
"Hey! Not funny!" Hecate stopped laughing, staring at Red for a while, seemingly out of it before she nudged her arm.
"Right, actually, i'm training my niece for it, she's my father's sister's son's daughter, she had a high affinity in magic, and if she gets my magic when I pass, she might be up to par with me." She looked down at the plaque, eyes zeroing in on the queen Bridget of Hearts part, if she ever found out, she'd have no niece to teach.
"Let's leave before she finds us here-."
"Red. What are you doing here." The queen herself had left her throne room purely to find her daughter, now that was rare.
Hecate stiffened up, which Red noticed, and pushed the girl to her daughter, standing in front of her portrait with a matching grin.
"What'cha think? Do I still look as amazing as 2 decades ago?" She put her hands on her side and puffed up her chest, Red let out a giggle at it, and Hecate looked at her with soft eyes, remembering more and more of her Bridget the longer she spend with her.
"You look utterly stupid, stop this nonsense at once." Speaking of the woman, she was staring straight into Hecate's eyes, who smiled at her.
"Will do so, my queen." She bowed, disappearing into nothing in less than a second.
"Hey, mom? Were you ever engaged-..." Red trialed off with a frown, looking at the plaque, where once stood engaged to to Queen Bridget of Hearts' now laid a blank spot.
"Why are you spouting such nonsense, out of this hall! Now! And I better not find you snooping here again! I bet Hecate put you up to this, didn't she?!"
"Can I see the princess of Hearts?" Red had been begging Hecate for a few weeks now, and was officially hanging off of her leg to try persuade her.
"Okay! If you stop... whatever this is?" Hecate groaned out, stopping in front of Red's quarters, where she was supposed to drop her off.
"You are not small enough to do that anymore!" Red smirked as she stood up, crossing her arms as she stood before her heart shaped doors.
"Show me!" Hecate pulled out a mirror with a cheeky grin, Red glared at her.
"Okay! Okay! Calm it kid..." She trialed off, gesturing with her hand, and then the axe was there, giant pink heart and all.
"Here you go." She held it out to the princess, whose former titleholder it was named after.
"Is it named after... you know?" She spoke softly, as if trying to preserve the magic the weapon held in her eyes.
"Your mom? Yeah, but my cover up story is that she has a heart and it's my princess." Red rolled her eyes once more at the lame coverup.
"Don't roll your eyes at me young lady!"
"It's too late to go back from being the fun uncle Hecate!" Red teased, her arms slowly starting to tremble from the weight of the axe.
"I'll hold her for you, i'll place her down in your room so you can inspect her all you want." She had to get out of there before Red reminded her too much of Bridget.
"Yeah sure, what kind of stone is that?"
"A lover's secret, ironically enough."
"That's so corny."
"I can go back in time and see how Hecate looked for myself now?! I've always wanted to see how she defeated that giant seamonster!" Maddox snatched the watch out of her hands.
"No Hecate related trips until you're older! Promised?" Red hiffed, crossing her arms and tapping her foot on the ground.
"All right! I won't go on any Hecate related trips in the near future!" Maddox nodded, relieved.
"Also, I have the Princess of Hearts in my room right now, you wanna go check it out?" Maddox shook his head yes wildly.
"-invited to join Auradon Prep." Red saw Hecate's features sour from besides her mother, who looked shocked for a while.
"We accept!" Even Hecate seemed surprised, and she was never surprised at anything her mother did.
"Wait what?"
"You shall go to Auradon Prep! Now go and pak your bags!"
"Did my mom just grow a heart?" Red frowned as she asked Maddox, who also seemed confused.
"And dress in something respectable! For once try not looking like Hecate..." Red shrugged, that was a compliment in her books.
"Okay so half a heart, i'm gonna go ask Hecate why she looked so sour! Bye!"
"Why did you look so sour?" Red popped up in Hecate's office through the hidden door behind one of the paintings, Hecate staring at where she popped up long after she had jumped down.
"Mh?" She snapped out of her memory of having to catch Bridget from when she tried to come in through there, swallowing the knot in her throat for later.
"Why'd you look so sour?"
"I went to Auradon Prep..."
"It wasn't called that yet stupid, sit down somewhere, I'll tell you a story about your mom that not many know, only like... three people are left." Red quickly plopped down onto the comfortable chair she had Hecate place close to her desk in a corner.
"Okay, so, it used to be called Merlin's academy, because, of course, Merlin was the big man there." Red nodded, urging her to continue.
"And my dad was a douchebag, so he said I could 't join Bridget there unless I defeated an entire army, which I did by the way! And then when I finally got there Bridget didn't recognise me. Blah blah blah, almost a year later, family day, her parents show up-."
"Mom had parents? She didn't just... spawn?"
"Shut up kid. -and they revealed that I was her childhood best friend, she was all shocked like what?? Oh my good gracious heavens how did I not recognise you?!"
"She cussed like that?"
"It's not about that?!" Red sighed and rolled her eyes.
"The end, not happily ever after because we eventually broke up after like... 7 years." She let that information sink in.
"You guys were in a relationship until I was like...5?"
"I think it's more 6? Who cares, we're both shit at math, which is why you need to find yourself a girl who's good at counting stuff because we're both fucking bad at it, and I already found a girl like that but it didn't work out for me but it will for you!" the princess rolled her eyes, leaning back in the chair.
"You wanna help pack?"
"Hell yeah!"
"Don't forget to brush your teeth every morning and evening, and then don't forget to do your skincare, you never know when you might end up in a picture that they might post, having pimples when that happens is so fucking annoying." Red slapped Hecate's hands away, who was fussing over her even though she was supposed to put her luggage into her dorm.
"Hecate?" A blue haired woman was looking at them, and Hecate grinned at her, the girl standing next to the blue haired woman staring wide eyed at the woman.
"Ella! I'm not really allowed to talk to you... is this Chloe? She's way prettier in person! Where'd she get all that from?" Red awkwardly stood next to her, trying to leave but instead being kept there by Hecate, who gave her a shove into the direction of Chloe, who was freaking out about the fact that thee Hecate Spades was standing in front of her.
"Well obviously from me."
"Mh... not sure, i'm way prettier."
"Hecate... we're adults now, we're better than this."
"You might be, i'm still not over the fact that you threw that rock at my forehead, I think I even have a scar! Look!" She held up her hair and leaned her forehead closer, Ella laughed and slapped her arm.
"Oh my god! You normally would've punched me... has royalty pressure changed you?" Ella looked away from her.
"It did? That's not good-...."
Red zoned back in on the girl now holding her hands.
"Hi!i'm Chloe? You must be Red! My new roomie!" Red witheld a grimace, instead slowly nodding.
"Yeah... sure."
"Bridget, don't." Hecate spoke up before the queen could say what she wanted to, but she only gave her a glare and stood up to pronounce war onto Auradon, throwing her cards up.
Hecate sighed as she stood up, holding out her hand for Red, who slowly shook her head as she looked up at the woman who had essentially raised her.
"I don't want to die, please don't let me die." She heard Hecate whisper into the breeze, empowered only by hope and her own strength that it might reach someone's ears.
"I don't want to kill, I'm not good for anything else, please don't do this." It was really Hecate, Red watched as her mouth moved, only whispers coming out that she could only half hear.
"Please don't make me use her."
"Sweetheart!" Bridget smiled as Hecate walked into the courtyard, Red's eyes widening as she saw the stray blood splatters on the bottom of her trousers.
That certainly explained why they're red now  -it didn't, but maybe???-
"Princess!" Hecate grinned, rushing towards Bridget and picking her up to spin her around, pecking her lips several times.
"Hey! Big lady! Let the princess down!" Ella kicked Hecate's shins, the girl glaring down at her as she held Bridget close.
"Shut up Ella. I got you this!" She smiled as she fished a small bag out of her pocket, presenting it tk Bridget like it was priceless, carefully setting her down.
"Is this?" Bridget gasped, eyes wide.
"I saw one of them on my way back from fishing for those fish you wanted, I got a few of its teeth and grinded it to the powder for you! Also I put an anti stink spell on the fish... why do you need them though?" Bridget smiled, placing a finger to her lips.
"Awwwww!" Ella kicked her again. "Hey little ant girl! Stop that!"
As the two continued exchanging insults, Red and Chloe glanced at each other.
What the fuck.
Well, they stopped the prank, ish? And headed back, but they ended up still not back, instead they were in a very specific room in the Hearts castle, the Queen's, it seemed like they weren't there in person, more like their conscious was.
"Bridget? Where are you?" Hecate called out into the room as she walked in, walking through the two girls.
"I'm here, no need to be sk worried." Bridget giggled, looked at Hecate from the bathroom doorpost.
"Are we interrupting something?"
"Why sre your eyes red? What happened? Do I need to-?"
"Kill someone?" Bridget finished with a frown, looking down at the floor.
Hecate kneeled down in front of her to be in her line of sight, holding her knees and placing her chin on her stomach.
"what's wrong?" A tear fell onto her forehead, Hecate didn't stop looking up at the no-darker pink haired woman, who's hands were shaking as they gripped onto her light pink sleeping gown.
"Why do you always kill everything?"
Red's eyes widened, the Hecate she knew had begged her not to have her kill, not to die, not to use her most prideful weapon, this was a whole other Hecate.
"I'd burn the world down for you, my queen." Chloe Awwed, Red hit her for it.
"I don't want you to burn the world for me, I want you to be here with me and watch the world flourish, not burn, I don't want to hurt the world anymore than I have to." Hecate kept silent, she knew what this meant.
"I won't kill for you anymore, I can swear on my life-."
"Don't do that, you'll just kill yourself, that's not what I want, I don't want the world to burn, but all you do is set it ablaze further. I don't want that." Hecate's eyes began to water, leaning back a bit so the can look down and lean with her head against her.
"Just say it."
"What're they talking about?" Chloe whispered to Chloe, who had walked closer to hear their hushed conversation, as if the whole world was in this room, as if their whole paradise was about to crumble within these walls, nowhere further.
"Shut up Chloe."
"I don't think this engagement is a good idea.... We're not right for each other." Hecate's tears finally hit the hardwood floors, Bridget slowly combing her fingers through her hair.
"Don't do this, don't do this to me." The queen's tears fell onto Hecate's hair, slowly rolling off or sticking in between the ruffled strands.
"I have to, I can't let everything burn for us, it's not who I am."
"And I respect that! I don't need to set it all ablaze for you! I can just.... Not do that! I'll watch everything grow with you! I'll watch Red grow up and be just like you! Please don't-." She stopped talking abruptly, slumping down and sitting on her knees completely slouched.
"We'll watch her grow up, just not together."
Red hadn't noticed her own tears until Chloe was stood next to her, gently holding her hand and leaning against her.
"It's allright, you can cry about it." Red let a soft sob escape her lips, hiding her face in Chloe's shoulder and crying as Hecate slowly stood up and exited, leaving Bridget, who fell on top of her bed and sobbed into the pillows.
"Red! My daughter!" Bridget held open her arms for her daughter, who hesitated a bit before accepting the hug.
"Where's Hecate?" She felt her mother tense a bit under her, but she didn't see it otherwise, and she was greeted by a warm hand on her back.
"Wassup kid, i'm happy you're going to attend almost the same school as us! We had such a good time here..." Red glanced at Chloe, who was next to her, both in silent understanding that yes, that was a really sad tone.
"You'll find friends in no time!" Bridget smiled brightly, hugging her again.
"The castle will feel incredibly empty without my little felon."
"Well maybe it will be easier to clean up without you influencing her every move." Hecate jokingly crossed her arms, turning away from them slightly.
"Stop it you crybaby!" Red grinned out, grabbing Hecate and pulling her into the hug, cautiously eyeing her as she stared at her mother with soft, lovesick eyes.
"How about I show you guys where your pictures are, they still have them, you know." Ella nudged Hecate, who dragged both Chloe and Red with, Bridget trying to stop them.
"Come on princess!" Bridget stuttered in her step, eyes widening as she nearly got sucked into a memory of the three of them running around, her usually after the two others, who were wrecking havoc, and always with the same two sentences being thrown at her by Hecate and Ella.
"Yeah! Let's go!" Ella grabbed Bridget's wrist and dragged her with, leading the group towards the wall filled with pictures.
"Oh! Castlecoming! You two were announced cutest couple!" Ella excitedly pointed out, her finger pointing towards the two, wrpaped up in a loving embrace, Bridget in a beautiful light pink ballgown, and Hecate in a matching white suit, with a light pink blouse.
"Always matcht the lady." Hecate shrugged it outt with a proud grin, "also helps if the lady doesn't give me dead rats."
"You know, i'm thinking about kicking your shins again, i'm wearing pointy heels!"
Bridget watched as her family ran around again, and even though she had never wanted to see the world burn, she'd have loved to watch this flourish with Hecate by her side.
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gingiesworld · 9 months
We’re Family
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BlackHill x (17) GN! Reader/ (17) Wanda Maximoff x GN! Reader
Warnings: Angst. Fluff
Taglist : @natashamaximoff-69 @canvascoloredin @wizardofstories @louxbloom @wandanats-goodgirl @the-ox-fan20 @ladyqueenxoxo @aemilia19 @wandaromamoff69 @mfd-101 @dorabledewdroop @marvelogic @dopeyouth @karsonromanoff @bimad @lizzieislife94x (If you want to be added to my taglist, please DM me or comment)
Ever since Y/N was found two years ago at a Hydra facility in Russia, the team had brought them back to the compound. The twins, although the same age bonded with them, made them feel at ease. Pietro was more of a whirlwind and overly energetic but Y/N found themselves attached to Wanda, but they also kept their distance. Afraid that this was all some dream their mind had concocted.
The nightmares were the worst, memories of the torture and pain they had endured during their time at Hydra. Nat and Maria both found themselves spending most nights beside them, comforting them until they were able to fall asleep again.
“Is this real?” They asked one night as they woke up screaming, alerting the two women. “Being here? Being safe? Is it real?” Natasha’s heart broke as she saw the pain and uncertainty in their eyes.
“This is real.” Maria told them, taking their hand in hers as Nat held them close. “You being here and being safe is all real.”
“I promise you will never feel alone again.” Natasha told them softly. “You will always have a family here.”
“So, you guys don’t want to just use me for my powers?” They asked them barely above a whisper.
“No.” Natasha shook her head. “We want to keep you safe, give you the choice of what you want your future to be.”
“The twins have the same choice.” Maria informed them. “Wanda told me that she wants to become a doctor. She wants to help people and not by using her powers.”
“Well, Pietro wants to join the Avengers.” Nat laughed as the other two chuckled. “But you have that choice and all of us here will help you, whatever you decide. After all, we are family.”
The next few days, Y/N remained studying with Wanda, all three of them being homeschooled while they learned how to control their powers. Wanda was also helping them decide what colleges or career paths they wanted to take.
“I don’t know.” They groaned as Wanda smiled at them. “It’s hard to just decide.”
“What is something that brings you peace?” Wanda asked them as they smiled tenderly at the witch.
“Being around you.” They answered her honestly, smiling as a blush formed on Wanda’s cheeks. “But, I do like the idea of helping people.”
“Then, there is public services, the medical field and the Avengers.” Wanda told them.
“Maybe I should be an Avenger.” They leaned back in their chair. “Besides, someone has to look out for your brother.”
“That is true.” She chuckled as she gazed into their eyes. This past year she had seen them in a different light to usual, she found herself admiring them from afar. The gray of their irises has become her favourite colour. She has also taken note of the small scars on their neck, their freckles that dotted their face, the way their eyes shine when they smile.
“Are you ok Wanda?” They asked her as she shook her head with a smile.
“Yes.” She answered them as she closed her books. “I just. I have to go.” She disappeared as fast as Pietro entered the room, a smirk on his face.
“My sister likes you.” He told them as he took Wanda’s seat.
“No.” They shook their head as Pietro nodded.
“She is my sister and I have known her forever.” He told them. “She really likes you Y/N.”
“Why?” They asked him as he shrugged.
“Beats me too.” He teased them. “But I can see that you like her too.” He stood up and patted their shoulder. “Talk to her.” Was all he said before running out of the room, leaving Y/N to walk towards Wanda’s door. Knocking quickly before they chickened out.
“Y/N?” She questioned as Y/N nodded.
“Hi.” They spoke nervously. “May I?” They gestured inside her room.
“Sure.” She opened her door wider for them to enter. “What’s up?” She asked them as she nervously played with her sleeves.
“I like you?” They spoke unsurely. “Well, I haven’t really had anyone talk to me about this sort of thing. I don’t remember my parents and well, the only parental figures I have here are Nat and Maria.” Wanda smiled as they rambled. “But I’ve seen descriptions of how one feels when they like someone more than just a friend.”
“Do you have this weird feeling in your stomach?” Wanda asked boldly as she stepped closer to them, they answered her with a nod, their eyes watching her every move. “Do you feel happy and elated whenever you’re around me?”
“I do, and I feel safe and comfortable, like I’m not afraid to be who I am with you.” They spoke shakily as Wanda now stood before them, her hand ghosting over their cheek as she gazed into their eyes.
“Can I kiss you?” She whispered as they just nodded, leaning in with trembling lips as they shared their first kiss, Wanda’s soft hands cupping their face as they wrapped their arms around her.
“Wow.” They whispered when the two pulled apart.
“Yeah.” Wanda smiled as she pecked their lips once more.
“Can I take you out?” They asked her. “On a date?”
“I would love that.” She answered as she dragged them to join her on the bed as they watched her favourite show. Relishing in the new found love between the two of them.
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nameissmile · 11 months
Official reference sheets!
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Additional notes and a transcript under the cut!
Leo „Goblin“ Tamaro
- bog turtle, he/him, 13
- likes fish (special interest)
- loves Magic and wizardry in general! Wants to become a arcane biologist (discovering and studying all sorts of magical creatures, and documenting them)
- year five of wizard school, in beginner courses
- doesn’t like change all too much
- thinks aquariums are the best (they are)
- uses a wand to cast his spells (ninpo) because it’s safer for beginners to channel their magic through a conduit to reduce chance of pain to the user
- Color is a dark blue, similar to a deep ocean color
(Side Note, i don’t have a lot for Leo yet and I feel really bad about it :()
Raph „princess“ Tamaro
- painted turtle, she/her, 16 and younger twin to Donnie
-mean transfer and she thinks gender is stupid
- bisexual
- witch, loud AND proud
- year 11 of magic school, in a spells course and working on getting her certificates to use magical equipment, the only one with a magic broom license and uses it to her advantage
- has and uses a magic broom to get everywhere she can reasonably use it, her Ninpo is related to the summoning of magic fire familiars (I’ll explain at a later date)
- although she can be mean and sarcastic at times, she is a caring older sister to all of her family
- she’s also a gamer, enjoys run and guns and has the best style, bows are her favorite
- hot pink is her color
Donnie „Stinker“ Tamaro
- snake-necked turtle, they/them but won’t bother to correct you, 16 older twin of Raph
- high as Balls all the time
- saw the face of Jod and laughed (refuses to call Jod anything other than Jod)
- potions MASTER, and year 11 of Cantoro Magicks academy (name is subject to change)
- asexual, but is cool with holding hands, only has 2 - 3 good friends
- A U T I S M
- worst taste in clothing by far
- makes their own potion bottles, and has a small bag they made themselves to store said potions
- gender-fluid
Mikey „Gramps“ Tamaro
- Coahulian box turtle, he/him, pan, 17 (tax payer)
- likes reading and wrestling, thinks ninjas are the best
- was never good at magic (ninpo), ended up being super good at magic tech though (ended up becoming the tech guy of the family as a result)
- year 12, in a magic tech course for learning how to handle/make magical equipment
- very serious about his ninja training, and keeps himself in shape by exercising (his fav is swimming around, because he can bask in the lamp right after and it feels SO good) ((also gives him a salt-dried look, and a white shell from the salt))
- likely the fastest or most agile of all of them
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hairmetal666 · 2 years
Eddie is sixteen and his magic is incredibly volatile. He's powerful and he has trouble not accidentally casting when his emotions are high (which is always) or casting on a whim, not being careful enough of his words, and suffering the unintended consequences. Wayne ends up hiding the grimoires and family journals until Eddie learns a little more control, and is the first to realize that Eddie casts better while he's playing music. They develop a system, by no means perfect, where Eddie composes a song based on how the spell feels.
Sixteen is also the year Eddie falls in love. He's always known he liked boys, but never thought about relationships. He lives in Hawkins and is a witch, for god's sake. He sneaks off to Indy, goes to bars, but can't imagine having something like a boyfriend.
Jackson is new in town, already 17 but in Eddie's grade. It starts as friendship, but before long Jackson kisses him. Eddie thinks it's like a fairytale. It ends when Jackson's military dad is transferred to a base overseas. It's mundane. It rips Eddie's heart to shreds.
After, Eddie does a spell. He knows he shouldn't; he's too upset and his magic is unpredictable at the best of times. He doesn't care. He grabs his guitar, starts playing. The song is melodic, layered, sad. He starts babbling, casting a spell to never fall in love by creating the most beautiful, unrealistic boy in the world. He won't remember some of what he says--and that's a problem-- but knows he talks about a boy with a map of the night sky on his body, the loneliest king, the prettiest man in Hawkins, jock with a heart of gold, lover of nerds and small children, throws himself into danger with little thought for the consequences, shockingly kind, fantastically mean. He knows this person can't be real, too many contradictions, too many impossibilities.
Enter Steve Harrington.
Eddie knows Steve. Everyone does. And sure, the guy is hot as hell, but the worst kind of douchebag jock, so Eddie never really considers him worth thinking of. And that would probably continue, but his new Hellfire recruits think the sun shines out of Harrington's ass, and apparently Robin Buckley is his best friend. It doesn't add up and Eddie's usually great at math.
Time passes and he starts to get it. He watches Dustin and Harrington do the dorkiest, nerdiest handshake and the joy that contorts Steve's face. It's so fucking beautiful, Eddie has to look away. He comes upon Harrington and Erica Sinclair bickering, both smart-assing, listens to the way Erica giggles about it once she thinks no one can hear. Or when he watches Steve drop Max Mayfield at home--Max who Eddie has never once seen smile, who he's always been just a little bit afraid of--and she's laughing and teasing him, beaming.
It's inevitable when they become friends. Steve is a wonder. Constantly a surprise. So pretty it's like looking directly at the sun. When Steve tells Eddie that he's bisexual, it drops off his tongue with no hint of unease, no consideration for how he's upending Eddie's world view.
One night they're getting high, just the two of them, and he's asking if Steve wants to shotgun and Steve smirks and leans in, and then they're kissing. Doing way more than kissing.
They keep hooking up, but it's nothing. It's Steve Harrington. Steve Harrington who wants the all-American white picket fence, wife, 2.5 kids, and a dog. Not a dnd playing-metalhead-nerd-witch dude. And if Eddie feels himself growing inexplicably more and more fond, well, he's made damn sure love isn't in the cards for him anymore.
They're laying in Eddie's bed one night, Eddie tracing gentle fingers between the moles and freckles on Steve's back.
"That tickles," Steve murmurs. "What are you doing?"
"Mapping the constellations," he whispers.
Steve's laugh vibrates Eddie's ribcage, as does the rumble of his voice saying, "my mom used to do that when I was a kid. Said she was looking for the big dipper."
He presses his lips against the top of Steve's spine to stop from saying something unkind about his parents, who never loved their absolute gift of a son enough, leaving him lonely and forgotten in that big, cold house. He freezes as soon as he has the thought, remembers that spell. It's nothing, of course. The spell was to repel love, not get Steve Harrington into his bed.
They keep sleeping together, spend almost all their time together. Eddie's enamored but it doesn't matter. Steve isn't his, not really, and never will be. Eddie made sure of it.
But one day Steve comes over and sees this old Casio keyboard Gareth brought over.
Steve flips it on, starts hitting notes; at first dicking around, but then sliding into Clare de Lune.
"You play the piano?" Eddie asks. He knows he has a dopey smile on his face, his heart doing something terrible in his chest even though he's not in love.
"Took lessons until I was ten," Steve smiles up at him, blushing when their eyes meet.
Eddie has to walk away or he's going to do something like drop to one knee and propose. Steve keeps playing, transitioning from Debussy to something infinitely sweeter, so sad it makes Eddie's heart ache.
He stands in the doorway to his bedroom for at least thirty seconds, before storming back into the living room. "What are you playing?" he demands.
It startles Steve, whose fingers still as he looks at Eddie with giant eyes. "Uh, I don't know. It gets stuck in my head sometimes. I thought it was Ozzy or Dio or whatever. It only happens when we're together. You don't recognize it?"
Eddie recognizes it. Eddie recognizes it and Steve shouldn't know it. Eddie didn't write it down , just like he didn't write down the words of the spell.
"Get out," he says. Mean because he's trying not to fall apart.
"What? Eds, what're y--"
"No, you need to leave, Harrington. Right fucking now."
"Eddie, tell me what I did. Let me fix it, please."
"Not on you. But you have to go," Eddie is shaking and Steve's eyes fill with tears.
He doesn't fight, though. His mouth pinches and he shoves his way outside.
Eddie panics and cries, tries to remember as much of that fucking spell as he can before Wayne comes home.
The first words out of Wayne's mouth when he sees Eddie curled up on the couch are, "What'd you do this time, kid?"
He spills it all, every last detail, and Wayne listens in silence, eyebrows peaked.
"It's that Harrington boy?" He asks when the tale is told.
"How'd you know?" Eddie asks.
"Are you kidding me? I see the way you look at each other. You love him?"
Eddie nods, burying his face in his knees. "He doesn't want this, though. He only likes me because I fucking spelled him to."
Wayne rests a hand on Eddie's shoulder. "Kid, I thought I taught you magic better than that. Better go make things right while you can. Then we're going to have a long talk."
Eddie wants to ask what the point is in making it right. It's already too late, after what he's done. Still, he makes the drive to Loch Nora.
Steve opens the door in sweatpants and a stretched out t-shirt, his hair undone. He's sad, Eddie realizes.
"You here to tell me what I did yesterday?"
"Like I said, it wasn't you. Can I come in?"
Steve nods, steps aside.
"Well?" Steve prompts.
Eddie explains exactly what he did four years ago, what it lead them to. When he finishes, he braces for Steve's anger, for yelling. Instead, Steve throws his head back and laughs.
"You're not mad?" Eddie asks. "Or you're so mad that all you can do is laugh?"
"Not mad," Steve confirms.
"Why not? How can you trust me now? Trust this?" He gestures between them.
"I don't know, dude. It's not like you...designed me, or something. I didn't wake up one day when I was fifteen with a bunch of new moles. I told you about my mom. Plus, that would be medically concerning. And I definitely already had crushes on other boys. So, you didn't make me bi."
"What about being kind? What about the kids and being protective?"
Steve just shrugs. "I think a lot of that was due to Nancy, but I guess I can't stay it wasn't the spell."
"You're too calm about this. I took away your free will!"
"Did you?" Steve raises an eyebrow, way too unbothered. "Maybe the spell brought us together. Took a damn long time to do it, but I don't feel like I have no choice in this." He turns more towards Eddie, taking his hands. "I like what we have. But if you don't feel that way, we can end it."
It's Eddie's turn to laugh. "Not feel that way? Harrington, I don't know if you've heard, but you're the man of my dreams. I am, unfortunately, wildly in love with you. I just--this isn't what you want, right? Not forever. You want a wife. Kids. All that shit."
"Who says? We could have a family, Eds, if we want. Hell, we already do! We're raising six kids. And, yeah, maybe I will decide I want a wife and all that one day. I'm 90% sure nothing magical is stopping me. The only thing that is, the thing that matters, is that I want you. Not because of a spell." Steve smiles, face turning a delicious pink. "But because I love you too."
He squeezes his eyes shut to force back the tears that want to fall, kisses Steve instead. Their mouths slide together in perfect sync, and Eddie wants to get lost in it forever; in Steve's lips on his, the snag of his teeth, the way he clutches at Eddie's curls.
When they pull apart, Steve starts laughing again. "I can't believe I'm your perfect man."
"Oh my god," Eddie's face flares with heat. "You have to forget this ever happened. Your ego's too big as it is."
"Nah, this? This I'm remembering forever."
They kiss for a long time before Steve says, "I think I understand why that song was so sad now. You should write us a new one."
Eddie pulls Steve close, thinking that he'll write Steve whatever he wants for the rest of their lifetime.
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if you feel like you might want to read the How to Train Your Dragon books here's a list of my favorite chapter titles from all 12 books.
Book 1:
Chapter 13 when yelling doesn't work
Chapter 14 the fiendishly-clever plan
Chapter 16 the fiendishly-clever plan goes wrong
Book 2:
Chapter 4 Whose coffin is this anyway?
Chapter 10 the worst day of hiccups life so far
Chapter 14 the day takes a turn for the worse
Chapter 17 how bad can this day get?
Book 3:
Chapter 16 The cunning but desperate plan
Chapter 19 Aaaaaaaagh
Chapter 20 Hiccup the god
Book 4:
Chapter 7 the quest for the frozen potato
Chapter 11 in the soup
Chapter 13 the great potato burglary
Chapter 14 the potato burglars run
Chapter 15 they might just make it now
Book 5:
Chapter 9 how do you take advice from someone who has taken a vow of silence?
Chapter 11 the quest to stop the volcano from exploding
Chapter 14 is it always nice to bump into an old acquaintance?
Chapter 18 can you out run an exploding volcano?
Book 6:
Chapter 1 an odd way to spend your birthday
Chapter 2 spinach with your driftwood?
Chapter 13 yikes
Book 7:
Chapter 2 may the fattest (and least stupid) man (or woman) win
Chapter 3 isn't that Snotlout a lovely guy?
Chapter 12 R-R-R-RUUUUUUUNNNNNN!!!!!
Chapter 19 keep kicking, it's a long swim home
Chapter 20 the ticking thing starts to tick louder
Book 8:
Chapter 3 definitely not the perfect camping spot
Chapter 7 I'm getting married in the morning
Chapter 10 does anybody recognise this lobster pot?
Chapter 19 an unexpected development
Chapter 20 this really had been a very bad night
Book 9:
Chapter 8 oh for thors sake
Chapter 13 get your skates on!!!
Chapter 15 things go surprisingly well in the sword fighting compatition
Chapter 16 things start to go wrong
Chapter 17 still going wrong
Book 10:
Chapter 2 a few communication problems
Chapter 4 hiccups less brilliant plan
Chapter 11 a genuine surprise
Chapter 17 did I already mention that the pass has away of catching up with the present
Chapter 20 oh dear
Chapter 25 I don't think I'm dead
Chapter 28 facing the music... And Alvin and the witch
Chapter 29 un unexpected development
Book 11:
Chapter 3 plan going wrong
Chapter 8 you wouldn't find Alvin's secret camp even if you searched for a hundred years
Chapter 9 inside Alvin's war bunker
Chapter 15 you rang madam?
Chapter 18 a very short chapter in which it looks like everything is about to go right for for five minutes
Chapter 19 everything goes wrong again, very rapidly
Book 12:
Chapter 1 however bad things seem to be they can always get worse
Chapter 2 you see, it just got worse again less than five minutes into the story
Chapter 3 the minor problem
Chapter 4 the larger problem
Chapter 8 I bet you thought that this was never going to happen
Chapter 13 a very short chapter that begins well and ends badly
Chapter 15 preparing for the funeral - sorry single combat
Chapter 18 the past never leaves us
Chapter 19 and it haunts the present in more ways than we think
Chapter 20 it certainly scares the living daylights out of me
Chapter 22 that's why the call him Alvin the treacherous (the clue is in the name really)
Chapter 24 did I mention that the past has a way of catching up with us eventually
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devildomwriter · 11 months
Satan Birthday Special 100 Fun Facts
1. Satan was born from a combination of Lucifer’s intense wrath and him tearing off his wings, this gave Satan flesh for a body
2. Physically, Satan is the youngest but he is ranked fourth as he is fourth strongest of the seven brothers
3. Satan often fears he is nothing but a lesser copy of Lucifer
4. Satan’s wrath was so out of control after his birth his brothers did anything they could to stop his rages, including tying him in chains and stuffing him in a locker, knocking him out, or holding him underwater until he passed out
5. When Satan discovered cats he burst into Levi’s room demanding to know more about this
6. Satan believes Leviathan is mature in the way he focuses on other people’s opinions
7. Satan has always been a demon and accepting wrath as part of who he was so he did not struggle with his sin like his brothers did
8. Satan treasures the first things his brothers ever gave him
9. Satan’s tail is spiky and you can be injured touching it if you aren’t careful
10. Satan gets angriest over petty inconveniences
11. Simeon believes that Satan always only wearing one sleeve of his jackets is his way of rebelling
12. Satan has a tendency to overthink things
13. Satan does his best to avoid arguing with his brothers even when they annoy him
14. Satan is compared to a cat by his brothers due to his tendency to show up in completely random places when you least expect
15. Satan has connections in almost every industry as he’s easily able to socialize and make friends
16. Satan claims his books are organized in a way he understands
17. Once Satan’s books collapsed on him and he stayed there for several days relaxing
18. Satan enjoys the fine arts and likes going to art museums
19. Satan enjoys theatre and the opera
20. Satan easily gets his hands on rare and cursed objects to the point it impresses Lucifer
21. Satan has successfully cursed Lucifer several times. The worst of them being when he transferred his pain from Solomon’s cooking to Lucifer.
22. Satan originally looks down on manga but changes his mind after reading a bunch of manga Levi switched out in his room as a prank
23. Satan loves watching dramas and mysteries, especially Mid-Fall Murders
24. Due to watching crime shows regularly Satan believed that when dining in the human world you tell the waitress you’d like “the usual” and they’ll know what you mean
25. Although originally Satan complains he’s never beat Diavolo in chess, it’s implied he finally beats him in season 3
26. Satan has a major inferiority complex when it comes to Lucifer which causes him to often doubt himself
27. Satan is subscribed to Monthly Devil Architect’s Digest
28. Satan was once cursed to see everything as cats, he wasn’t the least bit bothered
29. Satan gifted Lucifer a scarf that was cursed to grow eternally
30. Satan doesn’t seem to realize how terrifying his anger is when he is visibly confused as to why his brothers are hiding
31. Satan has hoarded cats in the past and is no longer allowed to have any
32. Satan feeds a local cat he has named Sir Cat
33. Satan gives MC instructions on feeding many of the cats who come by serenity manor
34. When attempting to turn Simeon’s cafe into a cat cafe he “borrowed” a bunch of cats from witches. He was distressed when they were all returned to their owners.
35. Satan once fell asleep with a cat in public and ended up covered in Hell Zakura petals. Solomon thought it was cute.
36. Satan cursed a pizza deliverer for putting pineapple on their pizza
37. Satan desires to be on the receiving end of a loving headbutt by a cat in full force
38. Satan checks cat blogs before he goes to bed as they give him energy for the next day
39. Satan has to be told to stop using cat stickies as he puts them everywhere
40. Satan covered his and Belphegor’s laptops in cat stickers
41. Satan enjoys classical music, symphonies, and Ska music
42. Satan prefers food chunkier than smooth because it has more bite to it
43. Satan enjoys the bitterness of Dark chocolate
44. Satan has said his type is someone he can have a mutual understanding with when it comes to anger
45. Satan has had things thrown at his head multiple times in the game, some of these items include a pillow, a piece of trash, and a pile of pancakes
46. Satan hates baby talk, more specifically when Asmodeus uses it
47. Satan has inherited some of Lucifer’s memories and emotions
48. When Satan was cursed to stay close to Lucifer he would just stare and growl at Lucifer from the corner of the room
49. Satan’s antagonistic behavior towards Lucifer is somewhat compulsive as even he wishes he didn’t dedicate so much time to Lucifer but cannot stop himself
50. Satan let’s Belphegor sleep on his lap even though it annoys him
51. Satan learned how to read ancient human text from Solomon
52. Satan considers Mephistopheles an ally since they both dislike Lucifer
53. In a love survey on B’s Log Satan says he wants to “bind and monopolize” his lover and is the active one pursuing love
54. Satan cherishes relationship anniversaries and special dates of remembrance
55. In a relationship with obstacles, Satan chooses to face the difficulties with passion
56. When it comes to a lover, Satan said he would get jealous easily
57. Satan originally did not understand humans and assumed they’d all be fine receiving expensive items and gems as gifts and was angry when MC did not
58. Satan has ranked his favorite cat positions as stalk-straight tail, slow blink, making biscuits, head butting, and bellyflops
59. Satan secretly dislikes Green Peas
60. Satan is annoyed by the RAD Newpsaper Club account and has the notifications for it turned off
61. Satan says he tends to sleep on his stomach to avoid being hit in the face when his books randomly come avalanching down on him
62. Satan starts all his baths by washing his left arm
63. Satan’s daily activity is petting a cat
64. Satan’s dream is to have a cat
65. On sleepless nights, Satan calls MC because he finds their voice soothing
66. Satan’s motto is “Wisdom is the treasure of all generations.”
67. Satan’s rage emits so much energy it’s too much for humans to handle and can shake buildings and break things without getting near them
68. Satan sends cursed chain mail to Lucifer daily
69. When Mammon could only speak cat, Satan was called to help and he spent the day happily playing with cat toys with Mammon
70. Satan became enraged with Raphael when he was compared to Lucifer
71. Satan is very knowledgeable when it comes to the constellations and the specific stars among them
72. Satan believes Easter is the perfect excuse to throw eggs at Lucifer
73. Satan looks forward to fall as he believes it’s the best season for reading
74. Satan has trouble eating something if it looks like a cat
75. Satan always has a bag of cat treats with him wherever he goes
76. Satan seems to remember exactly where he left off in a book when he falls asleep reading. In an interview with B’s Log he says “Yesterday I was in the mood for The Complete Book of Cat's Paws, but I fell asleep on the Havana Brown page, around line no. 27.”
77. Satan sometimes hums the theme song to mid fall murders
78. Satan’s compliments often sound more like insults
79. Satan originally took Levi to be a nobody with no powers.
80. Satan once used Diavolo as a hostage
81. When Satan wanted to get MC a gift he offered to kill someone for them
82. Satan enjoys a railroad building mobile app
83. In the baseball game in the anime, Satan’s team lost 0 to 666 but Satan still claims it’s the game where he trumped Lucifer
84. Satan owns a book that can enter the memories of whoever first opens it
85. Satan built a life like snow sculpture of Lucifer out of spite, knowing Lucifer would feel uncomfortable
86. Satan once decorated the backyard with cat towers hoping it’d become a cat colony
87. Satan is the secretary of the RAD student council
88. Satan is the one who introduced the idea of second-hand/used bookstores to the Devildom.
89. Satan has a collection of priceless jewels that are rare in both the human world and Devildom. It’s not stated how he got his hands on them but he is alluded to being very wealthy by Leviathan
90. Believing they were lost deep in the forest, Satan initiated sex with MC but they were immediately after found by Beelzebub
91. Satan said if he was in a horror movie he’d be the silent killer “helping” the detectives and frame Lucifer for all the murders
92. Satan once got into a fight with Beelzebub over who liked Devilcat most
93. Satan once went to a riddle event with Solomon and MC
94. Satan bribed Barbatos with rare tea to let him go to the human world alone
95. In an interview with B’s Log he said his everyday small happiness is gaining new knowledge
96. Something Satan believes is absolutely not allowed in front of him is disrespecting cats and is quoted saying “Dare to make disrespectful remarks about cats in front of me. I’ll **** and **** your ****.” — B’s log
97. Satan’s three rules for his daily life are — Read books, play with cats, and make time for yourself
98. When asked if he prefers mature or child-like people, he states he prefers mature people and then immediately references Simeon
99. Satan is skilled with cooking stews and enjoys working with the variety of spices and herbs Barbatos gives him
100. Satan believes his composure makes him “cool” and that he only “very, very occasionally” loses his temper
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missadacackle · 4 months
Ada and Agatha's Birthscroll
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Okay, so I do not know if this has been done before, but I was overstimulated this morning and needed something to focus on and after a lot of puzzling, I believe it took me about three hours I came down to the following.
(it's a lot of reading and I'll try to keep it as clear as possible)
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Lets just start off with date and time of birth, from Ada and Agatha.
What I managed to figure out is that the scroll says
Agatha Cackle was born at [time]
Ada Cackle was born at [time]
to Alma Cackle
I'm not sure if the scroll says "on" or "Date" both could be possible, and is followed by "Tuesday/Thursday 27th December 19.."
I will get back to whether it's Tuesday or Thursday in a moment, but first the year.
In s1e10, The Mists of Time, Ethel says "What if I have to spend the next fifty years with you." and Ada and Agatha are in this episode most likely around the age of 11/12. The oldest they could be would be 15 as in s4 Maud has a statement that I cannot quote right now, but to which we can assume that Cackle's has 5 years, in which the 5th is exam year.
If we calculate from 2017 when The first season of the Worst Witch was filmed, does that mean they were born somewhere between 1950 and 1960.
After quick research I found out that only times the 27th of December, in the decade between 1950 and 1960, fell on a Tuesday or Thursday were in 1955 (a Tuesday) and in 1956 (a Thursday).
And then if we assume that Ada and Agatha were in the mists of time Episode 11 years old, they would be 61 in 2017, which comes down that their date of birth is on Thursday, December 27th 1956
This means Ada and Agatha are both Capricorns.
Next I tried to figure out what time Ada and Agatha exactly were born
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In the picture, zooming in a little, the first number after Agatha's name seems to be a five.
Okay, so they're born at 5AM (in the U.K they use the 24 hour clock, so if it'd be 5PM the scroll would say 17h)
Then comming to the exact minute.
The numbers aren't quite clear but we know from Agatha's quote "Mother only gave you the school because you're thirteen minutes older" that there must be a gap of 13 minutes. Agatha's numbers are most clear and it looks like 5:04 which would match with Ada's times, which look like 5:17.
(also I just noticed the scroll said "on" before the date)
To figure out what the ohter information was on the scroll I needed another picture.
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Out of this picture I could make up that under "Birthscroll" it says "Twin Witches"
Together with the other two pictures used before it looked like underneath that is writen "Black Crow" + something I could not figure out yet.
The first captital letter looks like a D, followed by probably an o
This made me conclude that ithe words after Black Crow is probably Doctoral or Doctorate, something along the lines of that.
Under the Black Crow Doctoral/Doctorate we have a picture and from what I could see, it looks like an Baby/Angel on either a cloud or something else similair. I could not get a clear view on what it was, nor could I find good referentical pictures so this is just a speculation.
Then before we have Agatha and Ada's name, something else is writen. After viewing different pictures and zooming in, I think it says "This certificate states that" or something similair to that, if we look at how much space it occupies on the scroll.
Now we nearly have the entire scroll
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At the bottom the scroll states something and I could not figure out what exactly, though after doing enough puzzling I managed to figure out that the scroll says "In Witness Whereof" and further it's unreadable.
The stamp seems to be having two babies in it, and under the stamp there is a autograph, which of my guessing and after doing research to these birthcertificates must be from the register.
And then we have the entire scroll
Birth Scroll
Twin Witches
Black Crow Doctoral/Docorate
[picture of the baby/angel]
This certificate states that
Agatha Cackle was born at 5:04
and(?) Ada Cackle was born at 5:17
To Alma Cackle
On Thursday 27th December 1956
In Witness Whereof ....
Peculiar I find that only Alma's name is on the scroll. I tired to do my research to this, but I had a throbbing headache when trying to figure this out, so with that research I did not come very far.
I simply concluded that Ada and Agatha's father was already out of picture/had already passed away when the twins were born, but this information could be incorrect, so if anyone knows, please let me know,
I dearly hope that this was useful. It's not very logical since that several episodes *after* Miss Cackle's birthday it's halloween.
But I feel like logic misses more often in The Worst Witch series.
Thank you for reading this all.
Some other pictures I used:
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budbuddnbuddy · 1 year
𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐟𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 (pt2)
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A/n: Not y’all giving me over 100 notes in under a day. Got me smiling and kicking my feet. 🤭🫶🏾 Since y’all liked Part one so much here’s part two.
TLDR: Same thing as last time you were almost put on a shirt and your discord kittens were angy
Worst thing about party’s in Satan’s opinion? Knowing too many people.
So many people dragged him and Asmo onto the dance floor, most of the time he wasn’t even dancing! Just talking to a bunch of other demons that he knew.
He wanted to take a break, have a chat with you by the buffet table, but he kept. on. being. pulled. aside. to. chat.
After he was done talking to this witch he swore he was gonna walk straight up to you and relax.
He didn’t even get to see what happened and he’s sure that at least 40% of the people on the dance floor didn’t either, but they all just ran and swept up Satan and Asmodeus along with them.
His brain immediately got to work on thinking about what happened. No regular Devildom civilian or RAD student could have a gun you could only get one if you were on the military or a underground assassin.
Satan highly doubts that any military person would even think about killing someone at RAD, unless they wanted a death sentence.
So if it was an assassin….who were they after? No one of actual important status was at the party no one besides him and his brothers, Diavolo and Barbatos, the exchange stud-
Suddenly the smell of human blood stains the air.
It’s sickening, disgusting, recoiling. He almost pukes when it entered his nose. He can actually feel himself getting nauseous with each passing second.
Finally he’s tugged under a table by Asmodeus.
Anything he had eaten within the last 17 hours was currently now running out of his throat and onto the floor.
After that everything was fuzzy, but he found himself outside watching Lucifer and Mammon get in a ambulance with you while he watched from the sidelines.
After him, Asmo, Levi, and Belphie got home he felt extremely guilty for not doing anything at the moment, so he would have to just make up for it now!
He made sure that you would come back to a clean, good smelling, relaxing environment. Your room and bathroom is deep cleaned, the hallways are clean, kitchen is organized and everything is set up and back properly.
He remembers times when you were sick and he and his brothers didn’t know how to take care of a human. Well mostly his brothers but still…
After you got better you talked with him about it, give him some advice on what to do. So he basically took all of that and brought it to the extreme of course not alone he had some help from Levi and Asmo.
When you were discharged he was there for the ride to take you home, helped you get into bed, and presented your favorite meal to you in bed with Levi. Perfectly cooked.
He would read and stroke your head with it in his lap till you fell asleep, giving you kisses on your cheeks and nose every single night.
So many of his adoring fans were at the party!!! How can he not bath in their attention all night?
Plus when a tall hot muscular guy says he’s a fan of you and starts up an conversation while eventually asking you to dance, how can you not say yes?!
Seriously he was thirsting all over this guy but don’t worry dearest MC! He still loves you the most. ♡
The first gunshot went off and everyone around him ran and scattered. He was getting shoved but he kept pushing forward to find someone he knew.
Satan was also on the dance floor but he was on a completely different side of it, he looked around left and right and found him zoning out next to a near by table.
Using some random people as stepping stools, he tackled Satan under the table and was effectively able to avoid the crowd.
Satan was swaying back and forth, he put his hands on his shoulders, trying to get him to snap out of it.
He flinched his hands away and Satan hurled right next to him.
“Satan! What’s going on? Why does someone have a gun? Who are they after?! If there was someone who had answers he knew it was him.
Asmodeus felt the blood drain from his face and the sound in his ears deafen. It all made sense now.
A huge party at RAD where everyone would be out of uniform and the chance that you would be away from all of them even for just a mere second?
To any average person, you were still being monitored. But to a hitman? If you just found the right place to hide, that would be the perfect place to strike.
He grabbed Satan by the collar and rushed the both of them out of there.
Maybe you were still okay. Maybe you were running along with the rest of the crowd. Maybe you were outside and safe and-
He stares in horror as he watches you get placed into the ambulance, his body finally lets him break out a sob and the waterworks finally start to flow.
When he and the others finally got back to the house he was already walking back out to go buy the best gifts for you.
He places the best ones into a small back a orders Satan and Lucifer to give to you when they’re about to leave and get you from the hospital.
All the others?
When you have so many fans that are willing to give you a bunch of money, you can practically buy anything.
When you walk back into your room there a corner filled with boxes and presents just for you.♡
Beel & Belphie
Y’know…it’s almost as if Beel instantly knows when Belphie has left and been out of the room for more then five minutes whenever they’re at events.
He was at the buffet table stuffing his mouth, per usual. But suddenly felt as if something wasn’t right…he looked around and saw that Belphie wasn’t where he was sleeping before….weird.
Belphie was sleeping again the wall but Beel had moved him to the couch what was near the bathrooms and yet….he wasn’t there.
There’s no way that he would’ve woken up by himself unless
1. Somebody woke him up and he moved somewhere else.
2. He sleep walked away from the spot he put him in
3. Someone moved him from where he was placed at.
Beel highly doubted anyone would do either the first or last options, so he settled on him sleep walking somewhere else.
He looked outs in the hallways, then in the bathroom, then, under the tables, under the couch he put him in, upstairs in the storage closet, in another room- hey wait a minute…
Beel rushed back to the cramped storage closet and found Belphie still asleep on the floor with his back against the wall.
He shook him awake he was about to yell at him but looked confused. “Wait….why am I in the a storage closet?”
Okay now something was very very wrong-
“What the-“ “Holy shit!”
Beel almost rushed out the door but was immediately pulled back by Belphie.
“What are you doing!” “That sounded like a gunshot, you can’t go out there. Guns down here are insanely deadly, if you get hit you’ll die on impact!”
The two of them went back and forth for awhile, Beel arguing that he can’t just sit back and do nothing, while Belphie is still trying to not let them out the closet.
The both of them go silent as your scream rings through out the entire room. Their eyes widened as they soon realized that you were in trouble. Belphie finally let’s go of Beel and he almost ripped the door off it’s hatches trying to get out.
A couple steps forward and a turn to the right hes immediately faced with a Demon running from both Lucifer and Lord Diavolo.
“Beel!!! Stop him! Get him onto the ground!!”
2 seconds later that same Demon was crushed under Beel’s weight and put in a armlock onto the floor.
After Lucifer left Beel and Lord Diavolo was soon joined by Barbatos and Belphie who surrounded the groveling choking man on the floor.
“Thank you for your assistance, Beelzebub. You’ve done enough for us, I think you should catch up with Lucifer and your human. I’ll take everything from here.”
Barbatos then proceeded to tie up the man with with some rope found in the storage closet, and Lord Diavolo gave a nod of approval to go ahead.
They were both late to get on the ambulance but they did see where it was going so they hopped into Mammon’s Car and drove off to the hospital.
They stayed for your surgery and once it was over they left and bought you some snacks and blankets the next day.
Beel carried you out to the car after you were discharged and they carpooled with you Satan and Lucifer on the way back to the HOL.
“So what did it feel like? Did you like die and come back to life like in those human movies? *Gasp!* Does this mean you’re a zombie-“ “Shut up Belphie.”
For someone who was literally the embodiment of sloth he did have a lot of questions to ask.
At least Beel shared most of his snacks with you.
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@vernith @shimmering-obsidian @fortunatelypinkcat @the-sassiest-toaster @ikevampharem
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lingering-42-long · 2 years
Tell me, who did this to you?
Ghost x Female Reader
Requested by @fiction0bsessed hope you enjoy!
Warnings: pg-17, borderline mentioning rape, slight angst, ptsd, trauma
Summary: Robbers break into readers apartment and traumatize her, Ghost isn’t to happy about it.
It was terrible, absolutely scary. You hadn’t known fear until you came face to face with some robbers in your apartment. One of them held you a gunpoint, the others robbed the place dry. The one holding you teased that he might do awful things if You didn’t cooperate. By the time the place was ransacked one of the boys grinned and pinned you to the wall. “Such a pretty little thing too. It would be a shame to not waste this opportunity on her.” Tears pricked you eyes. “Dude cops are patrolling the area come on! Leave her.” The other grinned and forced a kiss on you before hitting you with the back of his bat…
Simon was coming to your apartment from A night drinking with the boys. He had called you once and you hadn’t picked up your phone. That was real concerning for him. You always answered the phone or texted him letting him know what was causing the hold up and even if you did not text him, you usually called him shortly after his call. You too have been dating for about a year and by now he pretty much had to figure it out. Communication was key for both of you and you both agreed on how important it was, so this behavior was out of the normal. He tried three more times but to no avail. Something in the pit of his stomach churned as he feared something happened. He had a mission now, get to your apartment as quickly as possible. Ghost prayed to whatever heavenly being was listening that you were alright.
When Ghost arrived the door was not locked, and when he entered into the establishment his eyes widened. Everything was a mess. Several electronics were missing papers were everywhere glass was broken, but were was (y/n)? “(Y/n)?!” He called out almost frantically scanning the area. Whoever did this left in a hurry. Simon walked to the back of the apartment and found her on the floor, unconscious. Without a second thought he rushed to her side, checking her pulse. It was beating which was good, he noted the bruises on her wrists and a large bump on her head. ‘Concussion’ he thought. Flashbacks of suppressed trauma from years before of his own family, made him fall back clutching his chest. ‘No! No no no no no! This couldn’t be happening’ His mind raced and the world spun around him fast. He closed his eyes to shut out the madness. Slowly, he recovered from the episode. Reaching to your face and gently stroking it he took in deep breaths. Reaching his phone he called the paramedics.
(Y/n) woke up to a lit room in an unfamiliar bed. Thinking the worst, she panicked, gasping and writhing around as soon as she felt hands on her “Love! It’s me calm down.” That voice… she knew it. Simon.
“S-Simon?” (Y/n) asked with a shaky breath
“Shhhhh it’s me, I’m here Love” The man gently turned your face to him. He was not wearing his normal mask but a plain black N95. His hoodie covered his head and the only thing was his eyes witch looked like they had seen a ghost. He scanned over (y/n) making sure she was ok and holding her hand. This was just as traumatizing for him as it was for (y/n).
His eyes looked at you, trying to reason with his crazed, over-processing head. She was ok. She was breathing. She was in his hands. (Y/n) was shaking as the horrific events of the recent past sent her into a state of shock and she cried. It killed Simon to see (y/n) so scared, so petrified, so fearful. This wasn’t her. She was the happy one, the sweet one, the one who made his cold heat flutter and his face warm up. Seeing her this weak, this vulnerable, it did something to him. “Love, tell me, who did this to you?” His voice was deep, threatening, dangerous. Ghost was about to find out who dared to harm her, and extinguish them from existence.
“I-I don’t know they were masked… one almost forced himself on me. He tried to kiss me… I was so scared” (y/n)’s body shook and held onto Ghost’s had for dear life.
“Fuck them. I’m going to gut them clean” Simon’s dark voice rumbled like a brewing storm “Please! Just stay with me… I need you.” (y/n)‘s soft, scared voice called to him. Ghost’s eyes softened as he kissed her head “Always. He told her.
(Y/n) finally got released after three days. The police asked some questions and left and Simon had taken up the liberty to have her move into his house for the time till things settled. He set up the guest room with her things that were not taken like the clothes, makeup, and jewelry they weren’t aware of.
Simon would be lying to himself if he did not believe that somehow this was not his fault. The fact that she was left alone, and this could have been stopped if he was there. The possessive, aggressive side of him was taking over, this would not happen again. He would protect her this time. He palled to think what would have happened if he was deployed or away.
(Y/n) came out of the bathroom. Her eyes were sunken from the lack of sleep, her body was rigged, she shyed away from Simon’s touch, At the hospital she woke up in cold sweat with wild eyes trying to find Ghost. Now she was in her sleepwear looking like a kicked kitten. Simon’s heart ached to see her like this. Sure he was a hypocrite, she would worry about his health every time he woke up in a fright or experience any type of PTSD moment. He said it was fine, normal, or he was used to it. He is the soldier, Simon could handle this, but his girl was not. (Y/n) was not a trained fighter like he was, nor did she have the same past trauma that so many of the men had when joining the army. She was his innocent sweet little dove, flower in the pavement of a busy sidewalk, and a warm fire on a cold rainy day. Now that dove had its wings clipped, the flower trampled on, and the fire doused with water. She needed healing, Simon new that much, ‘therapy would be good for her’ he thought.
“Umm Simon?” (Y/N) called as he looked at her.
“Yes love?” His face was uncovered but he was masking his raw anger to the people who did this to her.
“Can I sleep with you tonight? I… I don’t want to be alone.”
“I got to go in to the Barracks but I will be back” he lied “I promise you will be very safe here.” He kissed her head lightly, feeling her bury her head into his jacket. “Ok. Please come home soon.”
“I will love, trust me.”
Simon left soon after that heading into the night to do some hunting.
Later that night Ghost came back from his excursion. There were four people marked off his kill list. He want going to tell (y/n) about this. Some things are best left quite.
He got into some shorts, he slept in, and climbed into bed next to his broken girl. She would be alright, he would see to it. Gently laying a kiss on her temple and bringing her close to his body, Simon sighed knowing you were safe with him.
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