#the writers wanted the ot3 too
qvid-pro-qvo · 1 year
never forget that the leverage team found db cooper
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artekai · 7 months
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Based on this. This is Tess's ideal relationship dynamic. btw.
I also took the chance to put her in Lillie's dress from Prettiest Platypus because it's so cute and I always thought I wanted to draw a character in it :)
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mejomonster · 6 months
I finished final fantasy vii rebirth and. Some mixed opinions.
The main good points: as a Sequel to original FF7? Its good. The women are all written well (which was a concern considering Kairi and Lunafreya in past games), and everyone was in character just fleshed out more (with 2 slight exceptions). What the game did best was accomplish an open world game, world spanning adventure, stick fairly well to some main highlights from original ff7 (which is what people wanted for ages) and with new stuff thats fun if you like the world, very little wasting of player time (so much better than ff7 remake). It did open world well, pacing well, side quests and mini games well, characters well, combat well, and overall gave the feel of what square enix was maybe Hoping and Wishing to successfully accomplish in a mainline game for years but either hasnt been able to achieve on a technical level or fumbled in the past. (So no time wasting dungeons like ff7 remake, fleshed out open world with stuff you enjoy doing so more than ff15, open world so more than ff13, and combat that feels like things theyve learned and improved on well). How it feels to play? Great, fast paced, no dead time, all enjoyable game you came to play. (With the exception maybe of Cait Siths box mandatory mini game and the aerith in ancient temple magic platforms thing but they both werent too difficult to push through if you dont enjoy them).
The bad? Mostly... if you treat Rebirth as a SEQUEL to original ff7, these arent major issues. They just annoy me as a player of the original ff7 game. Because i know plenty of people will ONLY play ff7 Remake and Rebirth etc, and never know the original characterizations. So 2 characters were slightly unlike their original ff7 selves, and instead more like their Advent Children (and general non ff7 appearances) selves: aerith and sephiroth. Sephiroth's character being NOT like ff7 originals is more irritating personally. Because yeah... i get it. As a sequel to original ff7, this Remake/Rebirth Sephiroth might be from the future (so he is Advent Children esque version of himself), hes had time post losing his way to really get all mysterious and hyperfocus on cloud and be a looming vague pest. But the thing is... in the original ff7 the reason we learn hes used to be a SOLDIER war hero, is so the cast and you are confused why he kills Shinra people. Then you and the casy figure: well cloud remembers sephiroth finding out hes a monster cause of shinra, justifiable for sephiroth to hate shinra. Unflrtunately Sephiroth also decided to hate ALL HUMANS. Then you later find out maybe Jenovas controlling Sephiroth/one with him etc. But the key here is you find out at some point in original ff7 that sephiroths goal is mainly Destroy World because Hes not Human. Rebirth... does not clarify this very important and very BASIC point ever. Maybe it assumes its so basic that as a ff7 fan you should know.. but plenty of new players wont. Rebirth clarifies yes sephiroth may be Jenovas kid... but the whole MOM, im an ancient like Jenova! Oh Jenova isnt an ancient oh well fuck humans anyway! Either way fuck humans ill kill them all! None of those Very basic sephiroth motives are clarified much. I felt Rebirth did good explaining the Gi and the black materia. But to make Sephiroths motives so vague, why he wants to end the world SO VAGUE, why hes in clouds head (the black robes are everywhere but the game HINTS theure sephiroth clones but never actually spells it out eevn though its a BASIC KEY DETAIL). Now... because Rebirth is a sequel, it makes sense... if hes Advent Children Sephiroth he already knows he isnt an ancient, knows hes Jenovas kid, knows he wants to fuck with Cloud specifically now and the world generally but not necessarily so singlemindedly desperate to just kill all humans. So yes, Sephiroth is in character for his future self... but i feel like even with him less SINGLE MINDED and freshly with Jenova, clarifying some basics of his Original old timeline motives... would be helpful to new fans. So it annoyed me. I think the biggest Not Good writing decision in Rebirth was to never fucking clarify Sephiroths original basic goal: im not human like mom, hate humans, kill world. I suspect the writers either thought players KNEW so hinted instead of being on the nose (but to new players theyll just be CONFUSED), or they plan to explain those basic things in game 3. Which seems stupid to me and shouldve been explained earlier.
And Aerith. As a sequel? She remembered the other timeline which explained some moments she was calmer than original ff7. She forgot, then toward the end of Rebirth she seems to have remembered the other timeline again and that she needs to die and X happens etc. So her being calmer based on the plot they wrote for Rebirth? Makes sense. However... i deeply miss her Original FF7 personality where as an Ancient she freaks out a bit LIKE sephiroth, paralleling him, that shes not human, a freak, that it all rests on her as only one ancient left. Their overwhelm parallels each other. Aerith is more scared in original ff7 of being the only ancient, of what it means, of finding out more. That fear is slightly there in Rebirth but WAY LESS. its only a little in cosmo canyon and almost gone in the Ancient Temple. In ff7 expanded universe theyve changed her character over time to a calmer wiser goddess type like in Advent Children, and so yes in Rebirth when she remembers the alrernate timeline it makes sense she'd be calmer like her future self. However... i miss original ff7 aerith. I miss her initial shock, loneliness, fear of the weight on her shoulders, not being sure what to do. Her and Sephiroth, because of Rebirth writing them to know more, act more like their future selves and so. While it is in character and logical to the Rebirth plot. Its also sad to me that anyone who only plays Remake and Rebirth simply wont see what they were like WHEN these revelations were brand new shocks to them, forcing them to react and grow and fear. I dont think Aerith is written bad, i just think because this game is in reality is a Sequel im just personally mourning that it didnt have that as much of the original Aerith's personality who was afraid and discovering. Mostly her Rebirth personality is similar to original ff7s. But in some high tension moments shes way calmer and wiser than in the original. I miss getting to see some of that before to after character growth.
Oh and. The aerith dies scene. Does it make sense in context of Rebirth written as a sequel? Sure. Is it impactful? Not as much as the original. In Rebirth, theres a scene where Cloud is losing control and listening to Sephiroth and attacks Tifa, causing Tifa to fall into mako. That scene is high stakes and emotional and lands WELL. Later in Rebirth, when Aerith actually dies, Cloud has not lost control and isnt the one who killed her. Its fine, as a sequel to ff7 i get the choice to make him able to stop himself from hurting her. But it does make the scene less impactful: now cloud will NOT be blaming himself for her death, will not be struggling with the guilt and fear, and will not be as terrified of losing control again. Since he wasnt the one who attacked her. And since he saw her ghost/something post death, hes not even sad or grieving her. He thinks shes fine. These 2 things will result in a WILDLY DIFFERENT cloud moving forward than the original ff7 one who very much was distraught and horrified he did that. So like... as a sequel its fine these changes were made. But death wise... i wouldve prefered like, cloud drops her from up high qhile struggling with whispers, or doesnt get to her in time and sephiroth stabs her when shes too far away. The way Rebirth did it, cloud was near her, she gets stabbed anyway. It seemed to me almost like the writing was trying to vaguely or softly kill her, like somehow making it vague would make it hurt less. Yeah it did hurt less... but id rather if a character i love dies that its a Worthy Scene for them to die in. A strong meaningful scene that makes me cry, that felt like the loss it is. The Rebirth scene... couldve done its plot as intended and just make Cloud farther away or something and it wouldve been better to me. Maybe the writing point was Cloud thinks its fine, and its still not, and he cant even feel distaught because he cant tell if she died or if things are fine? Thats the only angle i can see where maybe the death scene did what the writers wanted? Anyway. Aeriths moms death made me sob, Aeriths death did not. It is what it is. I feel like Tifa, crying in my heart off screen, the game acting like Cloud like its fine and it looks fine to him but im confused like Tifa aa to why hes (the game) treating it that way. Lol.
Overall? Um 4/5. 8/10? Really solid square enix game, Amazing as far as final fantasy 7 SEQUELS go. It has one main weak spot in treating Sephiroth fully mysterious when a few clarifying details could help the game stand on its own Better (and make Sephiroth a stronger enemy character instead of a vaguer one). The other weak spots are more my personal preference and mourning the parts of ff7 original i miss and had wished were in this, but as this is a Sequel in a parallel timeline i dont feel the parts effect Rebirth on its own merit. It IS the best Square Enix game ive played in ages, at least since Final Fantasy X or XII. I thought it was better than FF13, FF15, definitely better than ff7 remake (i hate time wasting dungeons and bad pacing its a dealbreaker), and than kh3 (although kh3 was quite good for a kh sequel). I get to play FF16 next, which will hopefully be as good as Rebirth or better! Since its also on the PS5 and clearly from Rebirth, the square enix main team can do excellent combat, open world, level design, mini games, side quests, and good pacing now. So i'll just have to see if ff16's story is better. And i am guessing it hopefully will be, since Rebirth as an ff7 sequel has some weirdness to its plot quite typical of ff7 extended universe stories like Crisis Core and Dirge of Cerberus. Whereas ff16 is a brand new plot, so they have nothing preventing them from a tight excellent written story except themselves. I am curious how BIG ff16s world will be though. Because ff7 Rebirths world was MASSIVE and very full of stuff, tons of mini games, cool stuff to find or do or little character side quests. If ff16 also takes me 60 hours to beat the main story its gonna be thw longest final fantasy main title ive ever played.
Rebirth is very replayable if you enjoyed it. I will probably replay ff7 original soon.
#final fantasy vii rebirth#ff7r#lb#rant#oh and shipping discourse lol: if you ship tifa x aerith? GREAT TIME#tifa mourns aerith more than cloud does. tifa aerith ARE IN LOVE. great time for me as an aerti fan and ot4 fan#i do think in theory the writers had aerith x cloud scenes more in Rebirth since aerith dies at the end. and predict game 3 will have#more tifa x cloud scenes. so itll be even by the end. i think everything was in character tho tbh#(in my opinion anyway)#like. aerith x tifa x cloud x zack i ship and they clearly all CARE for each other. zack loves aerith but also saved cloud#when aerith likes cloud. zack is big enough to be happy for aerith and want her to have what SHE wants.#cloud loved zack and was so fucked emotionally when zack died he convinced himself he WAS zack. tifas his childhood crush. aerith likes him#and he gradually does like her back too. (clouds very not interested in crushes tho tbh. hed happilt be in ot3 with#tifa and aerith or ot4 with zack or ot3 with barret too if they just told him to be)#and tifa loves cloud but wisely isnt sure how he feels OR whats going on mentally with him. and is focusing on building trust#that cloud will communicate with her BEFORE getting romantic (shes wise we should all copy her). and she loves aerith. which is goof#cause cloud isnt giving aerith some care she Needs. but Tifa always does give aerith that support.#tifa knows aerith likes cloud. so tifa simply is likinv her 2 crushes (happy to be in an ot3 if aerith and cloud would start it)#but tifas shy and slow going ans values friends MORE so shes not making any major moves until she knows the other 2 aerith and cloud#are emotionally stable (and theyre lol not)#and now shes grieving aerith so :/. my point is: all the romance is written very in character#very similar to original ff7. and if ur a tifa AND aerith as characters fan like me?#its really NICE to have 2 main woman leads in a game (with romance even) who are full characters ON THEIR OWN#and really well written and with relationships outside of cloud. (again... after lunafreya and kairi#i was worried tifa or aerith as love interests might get written BAD or flat or destroyed writing wise#by some shitty square enix writer *cough* who tends to butcher woman characters if theyre love interests)#so im super glad i could just enjoy tifa and aerith#also as a Non romance lover. i enjoyed that Rebirth focused HEAVY on friends but had very little actual romance#flirting yeah sure. but aerith and tifa never even kissed cloud in my playthrough (yay for me)#their crushes are just side details they mention to be direct and communicate (wise of them) but the romance isnt the main point
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jaybren · 2 years
Jaskier and New Geralt
I am of the belief that Cavill is leaving because of the way the writers have screwed up some very important aspects of both the games and the books.
MOST IMPORTANT being Geralt's relationship with Jaskier.
Both book!Geralt and game!Geralt love that funky, feral bard. Geraskier fan or not -- they are, at minimum, platonic soulmates for life.
Point being, Cavill left because the writers didn't let him show that despite Joey being an AMAZING Jaskier.
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timetravellingkitty · 1 month
Save Siraj's Family!
If you've been following Siraj's updates, you probably know that he's reached his short term goal of 30k. While he is grateful for your support, we cannot forget him just because he reached his short term goal, as if it's done and dusted. Siraj still has a long way to go to reach his goal of 82k. The next goal is to get him to 32k by the end of Monday, which is tomorrow. He wishes to reach 40k by the end of the coming week.
If you don’t know by now, Siraj is a journalist, a writer and a father to three children. He risks his life by travelling 3km everyday to get a stable connection to the internet, just so he can show us the truth. He has been displaced seven times. His son is sick and has painful skin rashes from living in unhygenic tents! His wife and two other boys might fall sick too if this goes on!
Campaigns that seek to rebuild are just as important as those to evacuate. Siraj should not be forced to leave Gaza - it is his home and he wants to rebuild and survive!
DO NOT LET HIS CAMPAIGN STAGNATE NOW. Help him reach his goal of 32k by tomorrow, and follow him ( @siraj2024 ) for daily updates on his situation. And ignore the number of notes this gets. Notes do not equal donations
#219 on this spreadsheet
Tagging for reach:
@deathlonging @briarhips @dirhwangdaseul @mahoushojoe
@feluka @terroristiraqis @irhabiya @anneemay @wellwaterhysteria
@kahin @that-one-queer-poc @ot3 @amygdalae @ankle-beez @communistchilchuck @dykesbat
@socalgal @ghelgheli @chexcastro @velvetys @komsomolka
@omegaversereloaded @vague-humanoid @biconicfinn @xinakwans @heritageposts @vakarians-babe
@appsa @malcriada @brutaliakhoa @opencommunion @magnus-rhymes-with-swagness @schoolhater @pcktknife
@rhubarbspring @toiletpotato @fromjannah @transmutationisms @neptunerings @northgazaupdates2 @marnota
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sentfromwolves · 6 months
Hey writing friends! (❁´◡`❁) Along with my new writeblr intro post, I also just wanted to make a more casual post too calling for more writeblr blogs to follow and interact with! If you write any of the following or are interested in the following and 18+ feel free to say hi! I'd also love to hear about all y'alls wips so I can find more writers to follow for 2024! (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ
sci-fi and fantasy of any kind! cozy fantasy, epic fantasy, space opera, romantasy, you name it, i'm usually here for it! >:3
trans/nonbinary protagonists and big queer casts! it is my bread and butter (and what you'll always find me writing too)
Intricate worldbuilding in any genre! Especially ones with intricate politics, funky magical systems, or corrupt religious systems. I'm always down to yell about worldbuilding because I think it is Neat af
You just like to shout about ocs!! I'm so here for it, and I love making more connections here with people who obsess with their ocs the way I do. >:3 come yell at me about them anytime hehe
OT3S!! OT3S!! Please. Thank you.
2nd person POV & Epistolary Narratives or funky narrative experiments. This is hands down my favorite povs to read. I'm obsessed with them. Please come be obsessed about them with me.
Big found families! YES yep yes it's me I'm that bitch I love this stuff it's honestly my bread and butter ESPECIALLY IF IT IS DYSFUNCTIONAL AS HELL (bonus points if they try to murder each other at some point)
Non-European fantasies/celestial fantasies/space fantasies/underground fantasies. Yeah I know I put fantasy above, but celestial fantasies and consumed world concepts are something I'm obsessed with and I want more people to be obsessed with
Queer contemporary fiction. I'm usually in the sff boat but sometimes I write contemporary too, and I'd love to connect with more writers who write both.
The list could go on forever and ever, it's not exhaustive at all! Honestly if you're just interested in new writers to yell with, feel free to hit me up! I'm also looking to build a 2024 tag game list for writer games, so if you'd like to be added, let me know! I love spreading fun writing games around whenever I can. >:3 💝
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duckprintspress · 9 months
Calling All Artists!
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In celebration of January 1st, 2024, and Public Domain Day, Duck Prints Press is thrilled to announce that we are doing open recruitment for artists to contribute to our next fanfiction and fanart anthology A Truth Universally Acknowledged: Queer Fanworks Inspired by Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”!
Are you an Austenite? Do you love Regency romance but lament how, well, straight most of it is? Do you wish Mary Bennett found a partner? Are you positive Charlotte Lucas deserved better? Do you pity Miss de Bourgh? Do you dream of Darcy and Bingley OT3s? Well you are NOT ALONE! We at Duck Prints Press are right there with you, and we’re here to say: this is your moment to shine! We want your wlw pairings, your new happy endings, your P&P ot3s and ot4s, your “but what if they’re trans,” your queer art and fanart inspired by this beloved story! This story has such a lovely main and supporting cast, the possibilities for taking Pride and Prejudice and MAKING IT QUEER are endless!
This is the third in our Queer Fanworks Inspired By… series, publishing legal fanfic and fanart inspired by popular works in the public domain. It builds on the success of our first two, And Seek (Not) to Alter Me (inspired by Much Ado About Nothing) and Aim For The Heart (inspired by The Three Musketeers). This is a paid arting opportunity; artists will be asked to complete one full-page (A4/210 mm x 297 mm), full-color piece, and we may have space for some artists to complete more than one page and/or short comics. Base pay is $50 per page, with the potential for raises up to $400 per page depending on our success during the eventual crowdfunding campaign.
Want to Learn More? OF COURSE YOU DO!
A Truth Universally Acknowledged Rules and Guidelines
A Truth Universally Acknowledged FAQ
A Truth Universally Acknowledged Schedule
Sample artist contract
Ready to apply? YAY! Follow this link to the sign up form! Applications close at midnight, January 15, 2024!
Interested in writing for this anthology? Unfortunately, author applications are only open to writers already involved with Duck Prints Press. Sorry! If you’re on our private Discord server, be on the lookout for the announcement with sign-up forms there.
Interested in buying this anthology once it’s available? Make sure you follow us on social media and/or sign up for newsletter so you hear the latest!
Eager to see how this project develops, read sneak peeks and see art previews, and more? Back us on Patreon! Patrons also selected this anthology theme – you can have a say in our future anthology themes, too, just by backing us at any level!
Please signal boost to help us spread the word!!
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phmonth · 1 year
Pandora Hearts Month 2023 Prompts!
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Wonderful art made by @retracexcviii for last year's secret Santa!
What is Pandora Hearts Month? Pandora Hearts Month is an event that celebrates, well...Pandora Hearts, the manga created by Jun Mochizuki! Each day is a new prompt. The first three weeks celebrate the three main trios, and the fourth is a bonus week that celebrates any ships/friendships/ot3s fans chose and love--or simply any characters not covered by the other weeks! You can create edits, fanart, drabbles, fanfictions, amvs and mms...whatever you can think of, really!
Pandora Hearts Month 2023 Prompts:
Golden Trio Week (Alice, Oz and Gilbert), October 22nd-28th:
Day 1, Sunday Oct 22nd: Coat
Day 2, Monday Oct 23rd: Autumn
Day 3, Tuesday Oct 24th: Precious
Day 4, Wednesday Oct 25th: Raven
Day 5, Thursday Oct 26th: AU
Day 6, Friday Oct 27th: Blue
Day 7, Saturday Oct 28th: Sun
Rainsworth Trio Week (Sharon, Break and Reim), Oct 29th—November 4th:
Day 1, Sunday Oct 29th: Silver
Day 2, Monday Oct 30th: Fragile
Day 3, Tuesday Oct 31st: 🎃 Candy 👻
Day 4, Wednesday Nov 1st: Affection
Day 5, Thursday Nov 2nd: Grave
Day 6, Friday Nov 3rd: Moon
Day 7, Saturday Nov 4th: Winter
Tragedy Trio Week (Lacie, Jack and Oswald), Nov 5th—Nov 11th:
Day 1, Sunday Nov 5th: King
Day 2, Monday Nov 6th: Lyrics
Day 3, Tuesday Nov 7th: Spring
Day 4, Wednesday Nov 8th: Gold
Day 5, Thursday Nov 9th: Guilt
Day 6, Friday Nov 10th: Pocketwatch
Day 7, Saturday Nov 11th: Stars
Fan’s choice Week, Nov 12th—November 18th:
Day 1, Sunday Nov 12th: Hat
Day 2, Monday Nov 13th: AU
Day 3, Tuesday Nov 14th: Meadow
Day 4, Wednesday Nov 15th: Rose
Day 5, Thursday Nov 16th: Lonely
Day 6, Friday Nov 17th: Contract
Day 7, Saturday Nov 18th: Book
(If you want to use other prompts to make a Halloweeny piece, feel free! You don't have to save that for Halloween day!)
When you post, please remember to:
Tag me @i-prefer-the-term-antihero, @phmonth, and/or @this-idiots-left-eye in your posts to make sure I reblog them! (My main blog is your best bet).
Tag #phmonth23 in your tags! I will go through that tag and check if I've missed any direct tags. (If you don't see your piece reblogged on this blog after doing both these methods, please dm me!)
Either put a link, or a “read more” on long fics (or long posts in general), so they're easier to reblog!
NSFW content is allowed, but please make sure it’s clear it’s NSFW/tagged that way, and is beneath a read more so anyone who doesn’t want to see it doesn’t have to!
I also made a collection on Ao3 for writers! Don't hesitate to add your fics to it!
Don’t forget to join our discord if you haven’t! It’s a fun place to discuss the series and more easily share your creations!
You are free to have fun with this!! As I said, as long as you tag it, NSFW is allowed! Tagging ships is nice too. You can pretty much do whatever you want with the prompts!
As long as you make sure the characters from the trio are your main focus, it’s okay to use other characters in your creations too!
You can join any time, and use as many or as few prompts as you want! You don't have to post on the exact day if you can’t make it! I’ll reblog things late!
Since we live across the world, you are free to post whenever the day is for you. I myself will be making posts according to my time, which is Central Standard Time in America. 
If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to send an ask here, or post in the #questions channel of the discord!
P.S. About the Phmonth22 prizes:
Some of you may recall me posting about wanting to add a raffle aspect to Phmonth22, with the 15th anniversary merch as prizes. The prizes finally arrived!
Once the setup for Phmonth23 is done, I plan to gather up the names of everyone who posted for Phmonth22, and raffle off the two prizes: one for artists, and one for fic writers!
(Do note, however, that you will have to pay for shipping, especially if it needs to be sent internationally! )
Lastly, Vncmonth!
You guys voted to have a Vanitas no Carte month, like last year! Not sure when that'll be, I'm thinking January-February. I will work on that prompt list after the setup here is done as well!
Feel free to get started on making stuff early! (But please wait to post until the month has started!) I'm so excited to see what you make! Thank you for all your support!
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pikapeppa · 9 months
Year-End Writer's Round-Up: 2023
It’s that time of year, writer friends — time to take stock of what we’ve been up to this year! Tagging to literally ANY AND ALL WRITERS who would like to participate, but I’ll throw down some tags from the top of my head: @contrivedchaos @jadefyre @kittynomsdeplume @iamcayc @hollyand-writes @elveny @johaerys-writes @crackinglamb @mogwaei @alyssalenko @about2dance @cthu-boo @chloefraazers @fogsblue @lordofthenerds97, join in if you fancy!! If you're not a smut writer, feel free to leave out those stats, and feel free to add any accomplishments and "metrics" that are significant to you! 🥰
(Blank template at the bottom for convenience!)
Words written (published or not, WIPs totally count too!!): 999 496 — ARGH IT WAS SO CLOSE TO A COOL MILLION. I did this calculation on the evening of Dec 31 and I was like DAMMIT I NEED TO WRITE A DRABBLE LMAO. 😂🙈 Honestly, I’m surprised the word count was so high this year — I could have sworn my word count had dropped because I wrote very little for a few weeks after BG3 first came out LMAO!
Smut scenes: 42 — I've done better LOL. I’ll blame the slow-burn BG3 ships I’m working on currently. 😂
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New things I tried:
I started dabbling in M/M smut this year, in the context of my beloved Horizon F/M/M polycules (Aloy/Drakka with either Kotallo or Nil). Usually when I write F/M/M threesomes, the focus is on the men pleasing the lucky lady of the group, but I headcanon Drakka in particular as being very unapologetically bi, so it’s only fair and right that he get some sweet M/M action. I’m looking forward to putting this M/M practice use on Halsin/Tav/Astarion when my BG3 writing finally gets to that point! 
This was also the first time that I wrote an AU where I gleefully yeeted the canon deaths LMAO. I’m usually a stickler for adhering to significant plot points including character deaths, but the dastardly and darling @iamcayc nudged me into writing Here Come the Dreams, where Varl and Fashav both get to live, and it was a total delight to keep those darling men alive and happy. 
I wrote a smut scene in first-person POV for the first time, using the adorable voice of Karlach from BG3. This was a particularly interesting challenge because I feel that the first-person voice calls for a more urgent in-the-moment kind of narration, which means that I had to alter my usual way of writing smut in terms of phrasing/wording and pacing, so it was a fun challenge! 
With Astarion/Tav/Halsin, this is my first time writing an OC who falls in love simultaneously with two people, and it’s been… interesting trying to negotiate the polycule coming together. Of course I had to get enamoured with (arguably) the two most emotionally complicated male LIs in BG3 and make my own life difficult, LMAO. I’ve been struggling a little with bringing the relationships together and it’s been slowing my writing down over the past month or two, but I’m trucking on because I love both Halsin and Astarion and I really do believe in the dynamics of the OT3. SILVANUS GUIDE MY HAND AS I FIGURE THIS SHIT OUT.
Fic I spent the most time on: 
Even The Hardiest Desert Blooms! I really sank my focus into my beloved Desert boy this year and wrapped up his fic, which is always a bittersweet feeling when you adore the pairing. 😭
Fic I spent the least time on:
Burning Blue (Karlach/Dammon). I was bitten by a sudden bug of adoration for them, and that piece basically came together in a day and a half because I was on fire to get it out. I LOVE THIS PAIRING SO MUCH. 😭🔥
Favourite thing I wrote: 
Even The Hardiest Desert Blooms has always been my self-indulgent pleasure because I just love Drakka to the moon and back, so focusing a lot of this year on his fic was a treat. But Here Come the Dreams was also an enormously fun project because I just went ham and hyperfocused on it for a month and a half. I really wanted to see if I could finish it in a month just for shits and giggles, but AS ALWAYS it ended up being longer than anticipated so I didn’t meet that goal, but it was still a total ball to come up with a fun little project and finish it as quickly as possible. 
Favourite thing I read: 
Hands-down, without a doubt, What’s A Sex Tape Between Friends?  by @auntie-coagulant. I don’t read much fanfic, and when I do, it's only for the ships that I don't write. So when I saw this fic recommended in the Kotallo server and I was like “Travis/Lis?? You have my attention.” My eyes were popping and I was HOWLING by the first chapter, and I’ve been dead in the water for this fic ever since and procrastinating on finishing the fic because MY EMOTIONS ARE NOT READY FOR THE HEARTBREAK.
Writing goals for next year: 
Finish Coming In Like A Western Wind. I’ve been sleeping on this fic since September because Astarion and Halsin turned my head and I feel really bad about it… but I do mean to finish it! 
Just keep on keeping on with my BG3 fics for Astarion and Halsin! I’ve been DYING to write smut for Halsin for months, and I have images living rent-free in my head of Astarion enjoying some very tender sensate focus, so let’s hope I get around to writing these scenes before I explode. 
Template time!
Words written (published or not, WIPs totally count too!)
Smut scenes written (if applicable)
New things I tried
Fic I spent the most time on
Fic I spent the least time on
Favourite thing I wrote
Favourite thing I read
Writing goals for next year
Enjoy, friends!!! And cheers to another fulfilling year of writing! 🥰🥂
-- love from your friendly neighbourhood Pika! xoxo
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vole-mon-amour · 1 year
You know, I was surprised by the amount of people asking for s4. I understand, it's your favourite show. Mine, too. I'll be devastated if we never see Phil as Jamie again (he's my fav character, can't do anything about it). I'll miss him very very much.
1. I was amazed by the amount of things they got wrong but general audience saying that the finale was perfect and asking for more. We must be watching a very different show.
2. After that AMA with Brendan, I simply don't trust the writers to continue this. In my mind it's a bit of a relief that we're probably not getting more because of the possibility of them ruining it even further.
Sure, one of my fav episodes (Sunflowers, 3x06) was written by Jason S. and Joe Kelly. Brendan was probably involved in some way, but not enough to give him credit for writing and directing it.
International break, 3x10, was written by Jane Becker. There are moments that I dislike, but the entire Uncle day? Roy & Jamie being besties? Roy finding the right words after he sees Jamie giving a nod to Sam that couldn't represent his team? Chef's kiss. I still think the way they handled Roy x Keeley was awful, but still. It was, more or less, a nice episode in my opinion.
Mom city, 3x11, was written by both Jason and Brendan & I absolutely LOVE it for most part (especially if we ignore the entire 'forgive him' thing with Jamie's dad). Jamie-centric episode that I'll always cherish & it's a shame we didn't have more of those. Give Phil all the awards. Love love LOOOVEEE IIITTT. Even better, give Jamie his own spin-off and invite Phil back as Jamie. (But then again, the fear of them bringing James back into Jamie's life and showing it as a good thing... The fear is Real.)
However, how could all Jason, Joe, and Brendan together write and release 3x12 as is is beyond me. How could they give us all those parallels, all that build up, only for it to ruin it in the finale? Jamie and his dad, Beard and Jane, the weird triangle thing that before this was mostly presented as ot3 but suddenly turned in the dumbest possible '2 people are chasing another same one' and Roy & Jamie both being OOC as HELL. Even ot3 aside, what was that bar talk? Jamie would never. Then at Keeley's house and Roy that's 'been working his ass off for the past year' but actually regressed to the point of BEFORE we see him in s1. He was presented as mentally mature in s1. I understand that he's jealous and insecure, but getting back to throwing punches at your best friend trying to convince himself/believing that after one night stand (that was VERY poorly addressed in 3x10 and 3x11 in my opinion) you're getting back together with your ex when she's been turning you down again and again? After that misogynistic comment about "But she's a woman, so you never know." WHO wrote that and why? Who allowed this to appear in the actual episode? And don't give me the "He's only human" treatment, he was always human but he never treated Keeley that shitty. He was better than that from the beginning. Or is it just me who wanted him to be better? Plus, Roy attacking Jamie after KNOWING what Jamie went through and how awful it is for him.
Before TL there was a show that I loved very much, but it disappointed me to the point that I started hating it, dropped it before the last season aired, and blacklisted it everywhere. I won't name it, but the writers were absolutely awful and treated the fans and the main gay ship like clowns. Typical Cis White Guys behavior towards their own characters and writing them as OOC as possible. I was very afraid this might happen to TL but was hoping that it won't. After 3x12? You guys. All my trust into their writing and believing in knowing what they're doing completely disappeared.
I am gutted bc of how much this show means to me and how it helped me through the darkest time in my life, but also... Are we sure we want more? Are we sure we trust them to continue this with these characters? I can kinda imagine the female football team, but to continue with all of our favs?
Mmm, I'm not sure about that, guys. Are you?
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thebennettdiaries · 8 months
I would personally love to see more Bonnie femslash ships (Bonbekah, Bonfreya (?), Bonora, Bonley, Bonliv, etc.) but I do NOT agree with that person. I do not want to take away from Klonnie and Stefonnie and Klefonnie and Kennett, etc. (also ot3s exist...Bonnie/Klaus/Hayley, Bonnie/Tyler/Caroline, Bonnie/Rebekah/Marcel, etc.) The more Bonnie ships and the more Bonnie works the better imo. I hope you never stop writing about Bonnie!
One thing I appreciate about Bonnie is the ships that can be built from her. Depending on the circumstance, I think she can fit into just about anything. It all comes down to how it is framed, which is why I think that writing Bonnie with so called 'villain' ships are just as valid as her canon ships.
I would love to see some more femslash. I personally am not the best femslash writer but I am adding it to my list to create some femslash edits (I am also not the best editor). There used to be a femslash week for Bonnie, maybe someone wants to take that on in the coming months?
I am definitely thinking of doing an OT3 week. Because I love me so good OT3s (Klaus/Bonnie/Stefan is my personal fave). Anyone else want a Bonnie Bennett OT3 week?
Oh, I will probably always write for Bonnie. She is too much fun not to!
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Writers' Month 2024 masterlist
Here's the full list of the fics I wrote for @writersmonth this year! The series is here - 40,965 words!
destiny - destiny, unbroken, Tolkien, G, 623 words, Legolas thinks about Aragorn and his destiny, and that he has managed to achieve it against all the odds.
running - run, Tolkien, G, 363 words, the Three Hunters have one goal - to rescue their friends from the Uruk-Hai. There is nothing more they can do for the others, but they can yet help Merry and Pippin - and so they run.
laughter - lost no more, Tolkien, G, 605 words, the twins are reunited with their mother at last.
fairy | stage - light show, Tolkien, G, 295 words, Sigrid stands in the wings, utterly entranced, watching Tauriel and the rest give the show of their lives, lit up by the most spectacular light show Sigrid has ever seen.
choice - really no choice at all, Tolkien, G, 2103 words, a messenger arrives in Rivendell and the twins must make their choice at last.
flame | forest - off his guard, Tolkien, G, 1188 words, Aragorn, camping alone in the wilds and waiting for any sign of the Halfling nearing Bree, suddenly realises he is not alone in the woods.
tattoo parlour - together, completed, Tolkien, G, 453 words, after thirty-odd years, Bard and Thranduil finally manage to make something permanent together.
dawn | castle - away, away, Tolkien, G, 870 words, Legolas stands on the balcony of Imrahil's bedroom and watches a ship sailing North as dawn breaks.
clock | museum - set the record straight, Tudors OT3-'verse, G, 696 words, The weekend after the John Norwich episode airs, Ellie and Ahmed give a talk at the Town House.
season - a little box of salt, Tolkien, G, 1230 words, Sam has lost something dear to him, and Legolas offers to help him get it back.
snow - an ill omen, King Arthur (2004), G, 692 words, the unseasonal snow north of the Wall does not bode well, Gawain thinks.
birds | library - the birds know, Tolkien, G, 707 words, the birds are behaving strangely, the twins notice, in their last weeks in Rivendell, flocking and calling, fluttering from tree to tree, landing sometimes on railings and rooftops, and watching, always watching.
dark - get the real story out, Tudors OT3-'verse, G, 901 words, an actors' panel interview in the OT3-'verse.
college | lonely - all part of the service, original (but Tolkien-adjacent), G, 983 words, Bran has had a very long and trying day; thankfully Rowan is there to make sure he switches off.
glow | lake - the last light of the sun, King Arthur (2004), G, 786 words, there’s a tarn not far from the Wall, where the people of the fortress sometimes go to swim when the weather is too hot to do anything else, and one long summer evening Gawain and Galahad steal away…tonight they don’t want to be disturbed, or to share the water with others.
ache | ship - the last ship to leave Middle-Earth, Tolkien, G, 852 words, the twins, waiting for the last ship to cast off, are in two minds as to whether they're doing the right thing.
red - red, Tolkien, G, 249 words, his cloak is lined with red, the colour of blood; he is all silver, silver and red, ice and blood and a love he can no longer bear to let himself feel.
bell | attic - Edward Bear, Tolkien, G, 1120 words, Tilda has found something in the attic of Greenwood Hall that brings back memories for Thranduil.
chess | park - lucky indeed, Tolkien, G, 1358 words, Thranduil and Elrond mend some fences.
stone - ever further into danger, Tolkien, G, 1973 words, Pippin cannot resist the Seeing Stone.
hospital - in the meantime, you've got me (chapter 1), Tolkien, G, 1381 words, Théoden awakens somewhere he had not expected.
beast - allow the light back in, Tolkien, G, 2816 words, Thranduil senses an intruder in his forest.
lost - in the meantime, you've got me (chapter 2), Tolkien, G, 3038 words, Théoden, Ioreth and Merry talk about many things, including loss, hope, and being far from home - and come up with a way to distract themselves while they wait for events to be decided, and to give two of their loved ones a chance at happiness into the bargain.
petal - golden flowers everywhere, Tolkien, G, 3501 words, Glorfindel's grave, covered in flowers, no longer exists, and its occupant is reborn and returned to Middle-Earth. The earth, trying to catch up, rather overcompensates.
faith, bar - stairs of wood, stairs of stone, Tolkien, G, 1968 words, Hilda talks Bard out of his despair one evening in Lake-town, and a month or so later, in Dale, talks him into accepting what he has achieved, and the light he has found in the darkness.
fur - something to look after, Tolkien, G, 2146 words, on their way back from the Grey Havens, having seen Elrond and Galadriel and the others onto their ship, the twins and Celeborn stumble upon a rather snappy bundle of fluff…
lightning | office - a storm on the horizon, Tolkien, G, 1179 words, Elrond observes a storm on the horizon, just beyond the boundaries of Imladris, while he waits for news of Frodo and the Ring.
sketch | plane - business class, Tolkien, G, 2381 words, Bard, on his first business trip abroad since his wife died, gets an upgrade to business class, where he finds himself sitting next to someone very intriguing indeed.
sense - corridor of stone, Tolkien, G, 453 words, Legolas is the only one who does not feel fear at the thought of entering the Paths of the Dead.
mischief - laughter in the mountains, Tolkien, G, 694 words, rumours begin to reach the Woodland Realm of something in the peaks of the Misty Mountains, mysterious disembodied laughter - or is it a lament?
double - Wayward Nephews, Tolkien, G, 3359 words, Ioreth has well and truly adopted the twins.
Thank you as always to the @writersmonth mods, and to everyone who prompted me, commented, bookmarked and kudos'd - I have had a whale of a time and I couldn't have done it without you! <33333
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cephalog0d · 2 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thanks for the tag @babblingbookends!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
89! (tbf a lot of them are drabbles XD)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
62,284. Higher than I thought!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly Batfam, occasionally branching into other DC, occasionally gift fics for others and original work.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Bomb Sing Se (arguably the fic that got me to actually write and post things instead of just keeping stuff to me and a couple friends)
Comfort Food
Bower Birds
Bat Math
5. Do you respond to comments?
Absolutely! I try to respond to every comment I get, I appreciate every single one so much.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Well Relative Velocity is the only time I've ever used the "Hurt No Comfort" tag so.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of what I write is silly humorous nonsense so I think most of them are happy endings? I like the fluffy siblings ending on Midnight Snack a lot.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not anywhere I've ever seen it, luckily!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nah, not really my thing.
10. Do you write crossovers?
I've done fandom fusion ones like Venom!Steph but I don't know if that counts as a crossover since it's still all characters from one setting, just with setting elements from another property.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of, luckily!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of, but that would be super cool!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not yet! But we'll see. :)
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Uhhhhh I'm gonna say Leverage OT3? (I don't really have a lot of strong "this is my thing" ship opinions.)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
*quietly sliding my giant WIP/fic idea spreadsheet under the rug to hide it* I have too many. So, so many.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I like to think I'm good at the banter thing. I really enjoy writing back and forth dialogue, especially for humor, but also for serious conversations. It's often the part I think about the most and spend the most time on. (I think I'm also pretty good at world building stuff, but that doesn't always come up with fanfic.)
17: What are your writing weaknesses?
The focus to finish plotting/writing long stories is definitely one I'm not great at. I have the ideas, but my brain sees another shiny new idea and goes "but what about that". It's something I'm working on.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
It depends? For one thing there's the whole thing of having the knowledge/resources to actually have accurate translations, which may or may not be difficult to do, but also I think it depends on who the POV character is. If you put in dialogue in another language people can look it up and see what it means, so it can be a fun way to have a little easter egg that the audience knows and the POV character doesn't, but if you don't want to give stuff away it's better to just say they're speaking X language, or maybe POV character recognizes a word or two but not the whole statement.
19. First fandom you wrote for? 
Batfam stuff is what made me actually start interacting with fandom instead of being a weird internet lurker talking to my friends about things I like so.
20. Favourite fic you've written?
Oh boy, I don't even know...I'm gonna say Finders Keepers because I really love that AU and that's the one that started it.
And that's that!
No pressure tags for @outtoshatter @2dents @teleportationmagic @kayrielwrites @sepia-stained-sunset !
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lunar-years · 1 year
everyone has different interpretations of scenes, but for real that scene with jamie and roy was just plain sexist. roy seriously said "i don't know if we're getting back together because she's a woman and you never know". like what the absolute fuck was that line? they showed up to her house condescending, completely unapologetic about their behaviour, and treated her like a trophy prize. she deserved to beat them up. jamie and roy have always been troubled characters, but they were never (not even in season one) sexist assholes. the show went out of its way multiple times to establish that even when they made mistakes it was due to personal insecurity and not misogyny.
and whenever it was something misogynistic, it was heavily criticised as such, which, in this episode, it was not. a lot of people did seriously not catch the blatant sexism of it at all and went "that's how these men act" (again, what the fuck?). jamie spent season three being respectful of roy and keeley's breakup and not making a move on her, out of consideration of roy's feelings. roy, who knows how abusive jamie's father is, probably better than any other male character on the show, physically assaulted him. despite the fact that throughout the season roy has been approaching jamie with affection, realizing that's what he needs to feel secure (complete disrespect to 2x08 too, one of the best episodes of the series). and while we're on the topic of violence, roy and jamie were never this violent with each other, even when they hated each other's guts. jamie, who gave keeley a truly heartfelt apology about the leaked video, making a point to not victim-blame or engage in literally ANY other sexist behaviour, just brings it up to upset roy in a dick-measuring contest. and one episode ago, one fucking episode ago, they were all getting along, keeley and roy were obviously trying to get back together, and jamie wasn't one bit bothered by it. they were holding hands on his bed and he saw them and smiled! regardless of whether you think the roykeeley arc was rushed (i do), jamie might have been heartbroken or sad, but he wasn't, not once, established as jealous of them. and this entire season was devoted to roy and jamie becoming friends by slowly growing comfortable around each other and actually trusting each other. every single one of those things was thrown into the trash. and yeah, sure, progress isn't linear and perfection isn't possible for people, but that WAS NOT regression. roy and jamie were never sexist dicks. those were two completely different characters.
ALSO, this scene normalizes the idea that it's perfectly forgivable to revert back to sexism whenever emotionally distressed, even if you are generally not like that in your life. it's not. in reality, you're either sexist or you're not, and doing this in one scenario will absolutely mean that you will be sexist in different scenarios too. nobody in real life will be sexist in some areas of their life and feminist in others. implying that this isn't the case shows a very poor understanding of feminist theory and ted lasso has more or less done a good job at not being sexist. i feel like this really excuses unacceptable behaviour that the show itself tells us, with rupert particularly, has very real consequences that perpetuate violence against women. to me, the light-hearted resolution of that whole scene was terrible and poorly written at best. people in the writers' room typed that scene, read through it, and did not find it weird at all. though it's not the first time in the third season, see: forgiving jamie's dad and far-right bigots (???).
and lastly, when people were asking for a love triangle resolution, they meant something fitting for the year of our lord 2023. healthy communication and conversations, mutual respect and love between the charactets, maybe even polyamory (3x11 had a great ot3 set up, too). nobody meant we wanted something from the fucking 1950s. literally the only worse way this could have played out would have been if keeley ended up with the one that caused the other more damage. legit disgraceful ending for roy and jamie as characters, and for the show as well. considering everything it has stood for so far.
(i'm sorry if this reads like i'm calling people out, i'm not, really, i'm just very mad. and also really sad, because i did not go into the ted lasso finale expecting unaddressed sexism. like that was Really Very Bad. for this show especially).
woahhh there's a lot going on here, anon. For anyone wondering, I'm assuming this is a response to this post of mine. While I don't mind discussion or being called out... this does feel like something that could've very well been your own post or an open response to mine instead of an anon note. Because if you've read my meta, you'll probably already know I'm not going to agree with you on this.
Just gonna drop a few short thoughts because I don't have energy to write a think piece when my broader thoughts are already contained in my original post:
I'm not sure where you think I was trying to excuse their words or pretending they weren't being sexist or like they weren't treating Keeley as a weapon in their own games or a prize to be won. I think there's a difference between excusing someone's actions versus trying to understand where they were coming from for the characters and where they are at now.
"while we're on the topic of violence, roy and jamie were never this violent with each other, even when they hated each other's guts" Roy & Jamie were literally beating each other up in the locker room and brawling right out there on the pitch in season 1, anon.
"Keeley and Roy were obviously trying to get back together, and Jamie wasn't one bit bothered by it." this is just not true. Roy was trying to get back together with Keeley. Keeley wasn't shown to be reciprocal (beyond sleeping with him, which is a repeated pattern of behavior for her on the show, and something she in fact did with Jamie in season one), and Roy misinterprets it, as Jamie misinterpreted it. In fact, I'd argue Roy deciding it was a good idea to try and make him and Keeley happen right there in Jamie's bedroom with Jamie crying to his mum one room over, shows he wasn't thinking about Jamie, not when it comes to Keeley. Roy wants what Roy wants and he assumed he was going to get it. And Jamie went through a whole journey of expressions when he opened that bedroom door, so I don't think it's fair to say he "wasn't one bit bothered." I think we've established at this point Roy and Jamie both love Keeley and have always been weird and jealous about it with the other.
"this scene normalizes the idea that it's perfectly forgivable to revert back to sexism whenever emotionally distressed" this scene didn't normalize anything, because the show immediately acknowledged that Jamie and Roy were both in the wrong and had Keeley rightfully kick them to the curb for it. The narrative was not that this is okay or acceptable behavior. I definitely didn't see the scene as light-hearted
"nobody in real life will be sexist in some areas of their life and feminist in others." i am a woman who considers herself very much a feminist. That doesn't mean I've never had moments of internalized misogyny or made harmful comments that buy into a patriarchal narrative, despite myself. Well-intentioned people make mistakes. We are all works in prog-mess trying to get through life as the best people we can be. Jamie and Roy, in my opinion, are fictional iterations of the same principle. I don't think this comes even close to destroying their entire characters in the way you are implying.
All the best x
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esssteee · 11 months
Thanks for the tag @yletylyf <333
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 13
2. What's your total A03 words count? 351,919
3. What fandoms do you write for? grishaverse and castlevania. i'm still a baby writer, having started actively contributing to fandom works not quite 2 years ago.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
we are the wild youth chasing visions of the future (gv, aleksander/alina), young liars (gv, aleksander/nikolai), with the sun against our back (gv, aleksander/nikolai), winding and unwinding (gv, aleksander/nikolai), i will eat you alive (gv, aleksander/nikolai)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yep, almost all! if i receive several in a row, chapter after chapter and by the same person, than i will more likely just respond to the last one, but i do like giving an answer to any feedback and show of love i get!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
um, good question. i don't think I've written a true angsty ending. i have several open/ambiguous endings, but the ending for me and the devil (gv, aleksander/alina) is the most ambiguous of the bunch just because it can be interpreted as alina just going stir-crazy from being alone and forgotten for so long and imagining aleksander by her side and staying with her, so it can be angsty if you take it that way.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
with the sun against our back (gv, aleksander/nikolai) cause they end up pseudo married and ruling together (yay!)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
nope! too small a fandom writer for that and i'm ever thankful for it!
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
me? smut??? XD just look at the rating for each fic and the associated tags, i guess i do love developping characters through the very intimate act of them falling in bed together. no real kinky sex or anything, but there's often lots of hidden (and not so hidden) feelings behind the act. most smut i've written can be considered rough and/or passionate, since there's a kind of desperation born out of the characters thinking they only have that one single time to be with the other so they're giving their all. i do love exploring the vulnerabilities that come from that for sure!
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
no i haven't. it's never really been my fav thing, but if done well, it'd read one.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i don't think so, not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
i had someone asking to translate one, yes.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
that i've written? aleksander/nikolai in gv for sure, aleksander/alina a close second. but as a reader, i just love love love the perfect OT3 that is alucard/trevor/sypha from castlevania (if you haven't read baba by crownofpins, GO READ IT NOW)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
none, i'm just terribly slow right now. life is throwing a ton of shit at me (dog being very sick, work is horrible, energy at the lowest point), but i keep daydreaming about each fic and slowly coming up with future parts in my head if not on paper.
16. What are your writing strengths?
ah man i don't know, getting into the character's head for which i'm writing the pov from, making their thoughts and feelings just as important as anything going on. i guess because of that i strongly favour inner conflict storylines.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
too wordy. also pantsing my way thru a fic instead of really sitting down and coming up with a plan ― we are the wild youth chasing visions of our future really forced me to come up with a strong plan, which i never would have been able to do without @theonewiththeory's immense help, girl i never would have been able to achieve what i did without you!! it is my first fic in english, the first one i wrote as an adult, and it shows, but i'm still proud of it! but i definitively continue to struggle with planning and too often i fall into the bad habit of vibing along with it. also, big external-conflict plotting is a hard thing for me, tho i wish i could become better at it since it's always so fun as a reader and i'm always impressed by writers who pull an intricate plot so flawlessly!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i'm not a fan of it. so often the other language is plain up butchered, and there are ways to do it without having to juggle the hassle of writing a dialogue in another language and needing to translate it so the reader knows what's going on. but as all things, they are exceptions to the rule and anything can be done well!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
oh man the lord of the rings (with a very mary sue oc even! but i remember having such self-indulging fun with that oc and all the research needed to flesh the story out) and the legend of zelda/ocarina of time (at least i went with link for my mc in this one!)
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
when i was 12, i started a complete rewrite of ocarina of time which i of course never posted online. it was in french and i was only doing it for fun. but i still have one version of it and oh boy is it cringe-worthy XD big fail, i read that question as the first fic written ― my brain is really elsewhere these days. my fav fic is definitively with the sun against our back (gv, aleksander/nikolai) which became a comfort reread when i need to feel better by reading about familiar and intimate characters. the whole series (of monsters and men) is something i'm really proud of, even with its faults and misgivings, but that third and final part has left me with the biggest impact personally.
Tagging: i'll tag a few people (no pressure, it's only if you want of course!), but anyone else who see this and wanna do it too, have fun with it (and tag me! i wanna read about people <3)
@theonewiththeory, @ladyverdance/@greensaplinggrace, @inahandful-of-dust, @aloveforjaneausten, @fantomette22, @goatsandgangsters, @zizygy, @itsnotunfinisheditsmystyle
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niloycentral · 11 months
Welcome to Niloy November 2023!
We’re glad you want to join the fun in our inaugural year! This is something I hope to generate every November for fans of Aloy x Nil, new and old.
Tumblr media
What is it?
Above, you’ll find a table of one prompt per day of November, most of which contain special significance to the relationship between Aloy and Nil. For those participating, simply take the prompt and create something around it for that day.
What can I make?
Whatever you feel most comfortable creating!
If you’re a writer: a drabble, ficlet, even a poem! No word count minimum or maximum, but in the spirit of the event, I recommend no greater than 2500 words.
Artists can do sketches, doodles, fully rendered pieces, comic pages, whatever they are inspired (and have the time) to create.
Gif-makers, virtual photographers, and other types of visual media are also more than welcome to participate and we encourage it!
For prompts that limit gifs and virtual photography, alternates have been provided – though you are welcome to use the alternates for art and/or fic for the given dates, if they inspire you more.
In addition, you are not limited to one form of creation. If one prompt inspires art, another inspires writing, another has the perfect shot from in-game photography, feel free to mix it up!
The only ask is that whatever you create be new for the prompt. However the prompt inspires you, run with it! Some may feel “on the nose,” but those can be fun to explore metaphorically too!
What are the restrictions?
For fic submissions, please use the appropriate submission tags below the text box. All ratings are welcome provided they are properly labelled.
As per Tumblr guidelines, we cannot show any NSFW art or photomodes. If your submission contains NSFW material, please submit a suitable crop preview or censored version that can safely be displayed on Tumblr. The post will also, if possible, have a Mature community content label. This also applies for other types of Mature content.
Can I team up with someone for art or writing for a prompt?
Yes! Fics and art are welcome to inspire each other.
Where do I post?
Wherever you feel comfortable sharing. Fics should be posted on AO3 and you are welcome to share the link on your own social media or in a server. Mostly, I encourage you to submit it directly to the niloycentral tumblr.
If you have a Tumblr: You can submit it directly to niloycentral, or tag your post with either #niloynovember or #niloynovember23 – both will be tracked! You can also @niloycentral.
If you don’t have a Tumblr: You can submit the art or photomode itself directly, or link to your creation on other social media (Twitter, Instagram, AO3, wherever it is hosted) through our niloycentral submissions page using the following format:
Creator: your @(social media) or your alias
Prompt: what day/prompt you have submitted
Plus any applicable tags as per checkboxes below the submission area.
#niloynovember and #niloynovember23 will also be tracked on Twitter, but to make sure we see and catch everything, I encourage submissions to niloycentral Tumblr!
Do I have to do every prompt?
We don’t want anyone to get burnt out or frustrated. Some prompts will inspire more than others and we all have days where we just can’t. You definitely don’t have to do every prompt to be included! Your creation will be featured whether you do all 30, or 19, or 12, or if you even only do 1. You’re more than welcome to continue working on the prompts after November as well.
Do I have to do them in order?
No… but if you do submit to the blog for a prompt from later in the month, we will schedule your submission to post on the proper day (based on EST). Any submissions from previous-day prompts will be posted as usual.
Prompts are being released now, but we ask that you do not post until November 1.
Happy creating!
Prompt list below:
OT3 (Alternate: Sharp)
AU - Historical [pre-2000s] (Alternate: Fly)
AU - Genre [sci-fi, horror, etc.] (Alternate: Mask)
Free space/Your choice
AU - Modern (Alternate: Mask)
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