#the youngest daughter of 16 children
drizzledrawings · 22 days
Do you have a full master post of like your cowgirls lore, how they met, their backgrounds and situations they got in ect. I absolutely am obsessed with them.
Why thank you so so much
I’ve talked so much about them on here, but it’s scattered, and quite a lot of it has evolved lore wise
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So let’s make this that master post:
Basic lore for this universe:
Set in a non specific time of the Wild West (implied to be the tail end of the era)
But with a magical twist. The folklore of things that are not quite human living alongside humanity is real, and they are hunted for their skin. It is a known fact that shapeshifters exist, and they are illegal. Though some peoples “magic blood” don’t always show itself as Shapeshifting, it can also appear as accelerated healing or acute senses. These people are generally referred to as beasts or animals
These transformations are hard on “beasts,” they take up a lot of strength to preform them, and if you’re injured in one form, it can take time before you’re able to switch. If you’re injured enough it can be permanent.
Brunette: Flora Guerra
She was born to an Italian immigrant family with strict parents, as well as the youngest daughter to five other children. When she was 16, her parents arranged a courtship with a much older man. Flora was furious, this rage culminated in her first transformation, unfortunately this happened in front of the man as well as the rest of her family. They immediately turned their backs on her, disgusted with what she was. Terrified, she fled. She hopped on trains and resorted to petty theft to make her way west, to a land she hoped would be freer than the life she left behind!
Her first big brush with the law was when she stole her horse Bandit from a man who was treating him poorly. She fled the scene but only after shooting one officer. (Thus her first ever bounty was for murder)
Her main way of making money was seducing men and robbing them blind while they were distracted by her beauty, unfortunately she picked up the wrong trick one day, a notorious gang leader, who instead of shooting her outright, brought a then 17 year old Flora back to his gang. She became “his girl” and used her looks to help him get what he wanted.
In the gang however there was one man who was like her! He could turn into a wolf, like how she could turn into a jackalope, they formed a bond, and when the gang fell apart, he was the one to get her out safely.
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Ginger: Mattie (Matilda) Hayes
Mattie is the eldest daughter of her odd family. Her father and mother immigrated from Ireland, her mother dying during childbirth of her youngest child, Ben. Because of this, Mattie became the sole caretaker of him, very much raising him herself. The entire family were beasts of some sort.
Mattie could turn into a fox from a young age, her brother as well started to transform around the same time. (Though he was a cougar)
Their father, was also odd, in more ways than just beastly. He was a sour old man with a mean streak, drink had a mighty hold on him. After an incident that broke the camels back, involving hateful words and a smashed beer bottle, Mattie had enough. In a fit of rage she set fire to her father’s barn, in the aftermath She packed her bags and set to leave. She tried to get Ben to come, but he refused and told her to never come back. So she listened.
At 18, her and her horse June travelled the desert, finding odd jobs, pulling off some robberies, and failing at pickpocketing, this left her with quite a price on her head.
After a couple years of travelling by herself, the way she preferred, she ran into Flora for the first time.
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First meeting:
They met as their animals first, Mattie was trying to hunt Flora but got startled by her horns.
Later on, she was trying to rob a man on the side of the road. Only for Flora to swoop in at the last moment and get the trick instead. (By “saving” the man, but picking his wallet a moment later)
That night, Mattie was nursing her hurt ego by drinking her weight at a saloon, but alas she couldn’t even enjoy her whiskey in peace, when the woman who stole her prize sat down at the bar with her.
Pissed off Mattie tried to storm away but bumped into an angry drunk, this turned into a full on bar fight. Which Flora dragged her away from and offered to patch up her wounds
They stuck together after that. But didn’t become lovers till much later
Flora fell first, but Mattie fell harder.
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JESUS this is long I’m sorry
Anyways main plot:
Word gets to Mattie that her father is dead, and her younger brother has resorted to a life crime. He is being set to hang once he’s caught. She sets out to find him.
Flora’s old gang has picked up on her location, and they are hunting her down. Scared for Mattie’s safety she works with her old friend to figure out how to keep them off their trail.
The two of them have also been found out to be beasts by the law, so on top of being wanted because of their crimes, they are also being stalked by beast hunters.
Everything seems to be going okay, Mattie finds Ben, and together her and Flora help him get away from the noose, they look after him and bring them to their camp. They thought they were evading the hunters as well as the gang.
What they didn’t know was that Ben still held a grudge for Mattie leaving. He blames her for their father’s ultimate death.
He rats them out, not only to the hunters, but to Flora’s old gang. He figured that if he gave them their location, the law would let him go. They took the bargain.
The hunters and the gang ambush them, Ben leading the way.
Flora gets injured during the fight in her human form. Ben nearly kills her.
The siblings go head to head in their beastly forms, and against all odds, the fox beats the lion, killing the last remaining member of her family.
Flora, incredibly injured, cannot transform, and for reasons unknown to Mattie, she cannot switch back.
Years pass, Flora has a limp that doesn’t go away. She is never able to be her animal again. And Mattie, well, she didn’t get too injured that day, though it seems like something broke inside because she lost her human form.
They move north together, and live a peaceful life, even though it’s not quite normal. What with Mattie being a fox and all that.
A decade or so after everything, they’ve been out of the life for a long time, is when Mattie finally finds herself again. Though she’s very different to what she used to be, her human form had changed, more fox like and more wild, though still her. She can only take that form for bits at a time, but it’s something. They’re happy
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If you read all of this… damn thank you!!
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alicentofhightower · 1 month
being the targtower’s youngest sister would include…
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pairings: platonic!alicent hightower x daughter!reader, platonic!aegon targaryen x sister!reader, platonic!helaena targaryen x sister!reader, platonic!aemond targaryen x sister!reader
synopsis: what it’s like to be the youngest daughter of the green queen.
includes: reader being the only somewhat normal targtower, i went overboard on aegon’s are we surprised, might be ooc, sorry for how short alicent’s is i wasn’t feeling much inspo for her
a/n: one of my favorite things about alicent’s dynamic with her children is that they all represent a part of her: aegon, being used for politics, helaena, her innocence that she used to have, and aemond, her rage and thirst for power. so i decided to have reader represent alicent’s devotion to her family and her “duty”. hotd is so weird abt character ages so for my sanity aegon is 20, helaena is 18, aemond is 17, and reader is 16 in this. forget daeron pls
Alicent has incredibly complicated relationships with her children. They are mirrors of her anguish, but her blood nonetheless. She will protect you and your siblings with her life, if necessary, but she also cannot look you in the eye without a pit of guilt settling in her stomach.
She feels nauseous when Viserys has you betrothed to a Lord from the Crownlands, but apart of her is satisfied with the match, though only because it means you will be allowed to stay in the Red Keep instead of leaving her.
She is just as gentle as she is with Helaena as she is with you. You are one of the only good things that have come from her. She cherishes you. When word of your pregnancy spreads through the Keep, Alicent orders an abundance of maternity gowns for you from Myr. She will always, without fail, offer you a guiding hand when going up large sets of stairs.
By all means, she is not a perfect mother, but she does what she can. She gifts you lots of her own accessories, like the hairnet she wore during Aegon’s second nameday celebration. Helaena is her “dearest love”, and you are her “sweetness.”
Trying to include you in her own private matters is one of the only ways she can spend time with you. She takes you to the Sept with her when she can, though her eyes are always averted from you.
That is one of the other strange things you’ve noticed about your mother; she can never make eye contact with you. Perhaps it is because you are with child just as she was at your age.
When the time comes, she cannot be by your side to hold your hand while you give birth. It’s improper. But she is overjoyed that both you and your son are healthy.
— “You have done well, my sweetness,” Your mother whispers, voice soft and melancholic and warm. Grand Maester Orwyle, bless him, had propped you up on great plush pillows after you’d finished your labors. He’d quietly congratulated you and helped you get comfortable in your bed, then had left you to rest.
She sits on the edge of your mattress, right by your side, thumb gingerly tracing your cheek. The forest green she’s clad in brings out the auburn of her hair. “The babe is a beautiful one. A handsome son for the realm. I am… proud of you.”
Articulating her thoughts has never been her strong point. It is the hour of the owl now. The only sounds you can hear are the padding of raindrops against the tall windows in your chambers and the crackling of the hearth.
“Aegon’s birth came quick for me as well,” She mutters, almost to herself. Peculiarly, she clings to the little ways you are alike to one another; they are fading as the days pass by. Her brows furrow as her mind begins to race.
Your firstborn sons’ births had come with ease. You were both married off far too early in your lives. In girlhood, you had both favored naive stories of brave knights and pretty ladies and romance. You both committed yourself to duty to further the family—
She stops the list she’s making in her head there. Far more resolutely than before, as if putting a wall around herself again, she kisses your forehead and retracts into herself.
“I shall leave you be. Good night.”
For Aegon, news of a new sibling is unsurprising. It’s the same old thing to see his mother waddling around the castle, belly swollen. He’s a little indifferent when you’re born.
As a teen, though, Aegon is certainly the type to smack you a bit too hard in the training yard and then shush you, begging for you to hit him just as hard before you wail too loud and one of your mother’s handmaidens hear and alert her of it.
It makes him feel shameful, the first time you see him drunk, stinking of the whores of Flea Bottom and sweat. You promise to not tell anyone of it, if he, in exchange, does not do it again. He still does. You still do not tell.
After the events of Driftmark, you are the one to cut his hair short. Seeing Aemond bloody and bruised had frightened you, caused you to weep in front of the crowd in the great hall, and you’d tearfully asked Aegon if you could sleep in his bed together that night. He forces you to help him trim his waves the next morning as “repayment”, though he did not actually mind it.
You grow closer as you become older. To Aegon, you are the only one who has a semblance of faith in him; your mother was constantly repulsed by him, as was your grandsire and own father. Aemond had given up on him a long, long time ago, and Helaena focused on the children far more.
On his better days, Aegon likes to fly on your dragons together. Seeing you windswept and almost free is strangely satisfying for him; he misses when you both hadn’t been burdened by what your parents had put on you. In the dead of night, he likes to imagine what life would have been like if he hadn’t been forced to marry Helaena, and you your “fat, old husband”, as he put it.
Speaking of, he’d made a great fuss at your wedding. That was the angriest he’d ever saw you; he’d drunk himself half to death at the celebration afterward, made a fool of himself when he got into a fist fight with one of your husband’s brothers. Even the bards had stopped singing to stare at the spectacle. You’d almost lost your voice that night from how loud you’d yelled at him, asking when he’d ever think of anyone but himself, cheeks flushed from deep embarrassment.
“You know of my apprehension when it comes to large events such as these, and yet you cannot steel yourself for one night for my sake? What will you do when Jaehaera is married? Light the castle aflame?”
(You do not know the reason he’d done such a thing was to make such a big scene your consummation ceremony would be an afterthought. That, and the fact he was drunk and angry.)
Some part of him feels guilty when you get pregnant. He knows, deep down, that he had no part in it, and he could not control your fate, no matter if his efforts were weak or strong. But he was still your elder brother, was he not?
One day, while you sit in a rocking chair and he plays with the twins in their nursery, you tell him, “I should like for my son to be like you.” Aegon says, quietly, that yours will be better than he ever was, with you as his mother. He vanishes back into the Street of Silk soon after that.
One of his best qualities is being able to make light of anything, and he does just that after your labors, laughing at how disheveled you are and kissing your forehead. It’s hard not to laugh with him.
Days later, at his coronation, you are the first he looks to for approval, after your mother. The subtle nod you give him makes him wonder how you would’ve reacted if he had been successful in running to Essos. He hopes neither Aemond or Cole told you of what he’d said.
After becoming king, Aegon grows to value your input more and more. On his council, he feels you are the only one to genuinely listen to his concerns and thoughts when it comes to winning the war, and so he ignores the disapproving looks the men around him give him when you come to the meetings.
He does not mention your dragon when discussing battle plans, almost seems to ignore it when Lord Jasper brings you up; your dragon is great and strong, and he knows he will have to utilize you one day, but he refuses to think of it until it’s absolutely necessary. His mind has already been spoiled by what he has seen in brothels and taverns, and he imagines it will only further be by the sights of war. Aegon will do everything he can to avoid what happened to him happening to you.
The assassins Daemon hired infiltrate the Red Keep. They kill his son, leave with his head in a sack. Aegon rages and drinks and rages. He will not allow even you to see his tears, but he cannot stop them from soaking the cloth of your dress when you hug him tenderly, as if afraid he’ll slip through your hands like sand.
Bile floods into his mouth when Otto suggests wheeling his son’s body through the city to secure the approval of the smallfolk. The image of you insisting on going instead of his mother is burned into his brain. “If you will force Helaena, then at least spare Mother and allow me to go,” You’d begged. It does nothing.
As foolish as he can be, Aegon is also not one to forget what others have done for him. You were the only one who’d taken his side against your grandfather. He is glad he was not forced to marry you, glad that he did not force you to a brothel as he did Aemond; he is glad that he has not ruined you.
Aegon’s visits to your child become less and less frequent. He loves the boy dearly, like he’s his own, but he cannot stand to look at him. It’s only a reminder of what happened to his little Jaehaerys.
Rook’s Rest destroys him. He does not even need to tell you that it was Aemond who did it, you just seem to know. There is no way for him to verbalize that he is listening to you while he is in his milk-of-the-poppy induced coma, but he does appreciate the stories you tell him while sitting at his bedside.
He specifically forbids you from looking at him while the Maesters change out his bandages, but he’ll allow you to sit on the other end of his bed with your back to him and hold his unburnt hand while they do so.
— “I feel a monster,” He admits to you one night while you light a candle on the stand next to his bed. You’re clad in a warm nightgown; many whisper that winter is coming, and it’s hard not to notice with how cold the breezes have been lately.
“Why is that?”
“You know why.”
You can’t even fight the scoff that comes from you, and you turn back to him with a frown etched deeply into your face. “You should not. You are king.”
Aegon rolls his eyes. “That did not stop our cunt of a brother from burning me like the Conqueror did Harrenhal.”
Huffing, you smooth out your dress, then walk to the other side of the bed and slowly crawl on. You’re careful not to move around too much, so as to not cause him any more injury, and sit next to him, back against the headboard. You bring your knees to your chest and wrap your arms around your legs. His eyes are slightly glossy when they meet yours.
He takes a sharp breath. “…If it had been my decision, I would have named you regent.”
You laugh incredulously at that, shaking your head. “They set aside Mother for Aemond. They would have forced you to do the same.”
Aegon raises his remaining silver brow. “I am not as feeble and weak-minded as Father. I speak truly. It is you I trust the most.”
Helaena is perhaps the least expressive out of all of your siblings, but even she felt happy when Mother’s babe had come a girl.
She does genuinely appreciate that you do not judge her and make fun of her behind her back; she has never felt like she has been able to fit in with her ladies-in-waiting.
As mature as she is, Helaena does like to indulge girlishly sometimes; she enjoys matching her gowns with you, as well as hairstyles and (light, so as to not overstimulate her) jewelry.
Observant and introspective, Helaena also has a great memory. If you tell her you’ve had a fascination with direwolves as of late, or have particularly enjoyed reading about Valyrian history, suddenly the dresses she gifts you will subtly be embroidered with subtle little wolf icons or ancient Valyrian imagery. She is very thoughtful.
Unbeknownst to most, she also gives very good advice. There have only been a handful of times her council has not helped you. Wise and empathetic, she is, and she is always willing to listen to you explain your troubles while she plays with one of her bugs.
It pains her to see you inflicted with the same fate as she was; married off to a man you had no love for, forced to be his incubator. Just as it was during Aegon’s coronation, her head is bowed at your wedding. She does not want to look at your doom.
Despite this, she is perhaps the most supportive of you during your pregnancy; she likes suggesting names for the babe as well as crafting him little clothes for him to wear when he is born.
Although you do not understand her prophecies, it does quell her anxieties a bit that you at least listen to them instead of dismissing them like all else do.
When noise gets to be too much for her, you are the first to cover her ears with your hands, guiding her to the lush gardens of the Keep to breathe. You are the only person she has a likeness of boundaries with; when she does not want to be touched, you leave her be. It’s why you are the sibling she is fondest of.
Her hand immediately flies to grasp yours when Meleys erupts from the boards at Aegon’s coronation. The look on her face had confused you. She’d appeared fearful, but simultaneously also put at ease, as if she’d known that this was going to happen.
After Blood and Cheese, she cannot find rest at night. She takes to pacing about the Red Keep, almost looking like a ghost; pale and silver and paranoid. Despite the fact that it distracts you from your own slumber, you insist on her staying in your chambers with you. She still paces, never sleeps. Some nights you even walk with her around the castle.
— “This one will not live,” She blurts out randomly, interrupting you from one of your tangents, confusing you. She never interrupts you, always listens to whatever your qualms are for the day without complaint.
You feel like you’re about to burst; partly from the grand lamb you had for your midday meal and from how heavy the babe in your belly feels. She seems surprised that the words had actually come out of her mouth.
She pushes her face closer to the fly she has somehow managed to capture in her palm, a perturbed glint in her eye. “I do not think this one will survive.”
You decide to indulge her, tilting your head to the side from where you sit across from her, lounging on a velvet sofa. “Why is that?”
“The art of the spider is subtle. It shall trap another in its web.”
(Later that day, you can only wonder if she was speaking of Lord Vaemond after he’d been beheaded by Prince Daemon from behind.)
Aemond can barely remember the day you were born, much less the day a celebration had been held for Mother’s pregnancy.
Alike to his siblings, Aemond is not one to forget what you did for him when you were children; how you always offered to take him on rides on your dragon before he’d claimed Vhagar, how you were the only one uninvolved in the “pink dread” incident, how you cried for him after he lost his eye.
After the loss of his eye, Aemond begins to put a wall around himself. Unfortunately, that does include you. Before Driftmark, you were closest with him, but afterward, you had slowly drifted toward Aegon; nevertheless, he shows his affection for you in his own way.
However, he does keep the little gifts you’ve given him over the years safely hidden in his chambers, away from the eyes of curious maids and servants, like the eyepatch you’d embroidered a little Vhagar in in the weeks after his eye was cut out.
When Vaemond’s head is cut off, Aemond immediately places a hand on the pommel of his sword, lest Daemon himself attack you next. When he becomes regent, he is the one who orders you to be given a sworn protector. He is the one who’d help you learn Valyrian when you struggled, even after all your lessons.
Aemond never, never shows much affection to anyone in the family publicly, but he doesn’t mind it if you place a hand on his forearm or his own hand. He prefers it if you keep things like cheek or forehead kisses private in the sanctity of your or his own room.
In his immediate family, you are perhaps the most normal of all, which does make him seek out your company the most. The mornings after he seeks out Madame Sylvi’s assistance are the mornings he spends the most time with you. The shame of it all almost eats him alive, and you are a welcome distraction.
Additionally, the one-eyed prince does genuinely appreciate how you show your devotion to the family, though of course he’d never verbalize it. Almost every training yard session he has, you sit on the balcony, embroidering a dress or two while he swings his sword at Criston’s morningstar.
Your wedding to some old Crownlands lord was a memorable one, mostly because of when Aegon had pinned your new brother-by-law to a table and began beating him senselessly. Aemond was the one who had pried him off, mercilessly tugging him by the collar of his doublet away from the man.
You become pregnant quick. Aemond says that when your son is born, he will bring him to meet Vhagar himself, stating that a “new Targaryen babe should learn the ways of his predecessors”.
As the moons pass by, the Maesters order you to bedrest. Your elder brother likes to visit during his free time, sometimes bringing a book with him to read or nothing, just to converse with you quietly. You are the only “quiet” Aemond has ever known.
When Rhaenys bursts through the boards at Aegon’s coronation, Aemond’s palm finds your wrist, gently grasping it with his long fingers.
Just as your mother does, you begin to shun Aemond after Luke’s murder. It does not make him resent you as much as it does Alicent, but it does make him spiral a bit quicker.
Many a time have you slept in Aemond or Aegon’s bed because of nightmares. The only time he’s ever slept in yours was the night Aegon had found him in the brothel with Sylvi. You had not been awake when he’d crawled into bed with you, just laying beside you and shutting his eye. He makes sure to leave before you wake. Aemond does not know that you were quite aware of his presence, but had chosen not to say anything. If Aemond of all people had decided to find sleep in your bed, something awful must’ve happened. Why take that moment of respite from him?
He knows that you know he burned Aegon, but he does not ever bring it up in a conversation with you, much less acknowledge it. However, Aemond is observant. He notices the fearful glint in your eye when he is around you, now, but this is what he has always wanted, has he not? To rule?
— Aemond is with you the morn after Blood and Cheese, standing in one of the Red Keep’s balconies as you watch the wagon carrying your mother and Helaena depart. Your eyes are sunken in from crying, cheeks swollen; you wear a veil of mourning yourself, though there is no crown settled on your head. The way you lean over the railing to peer at the ground, the way your back is hunched, the way you grieve so openly.. it does not befit a princess. It does not befit someone from the Targaryen family, someone who is supposed to use honeyed words and cunning tricks to protect themself from the environment of King’s Landing.
You sniffle. “Where were you?”
Aemond’s eye goes wide. A deep pit was already settled in his stomach, but it only seems to get worse at your questioning. Even his throat seems to tighten up, make it impossible for him to even choke out an answer.
“When news of… the boy spread,” You begin, “I went to find you myself. But you were not in your chambers, nor in the library. Where were you?”
“Patrolling.” It’s an obvious lie. He regrets it the moment it comes out of his mouth, jaw clenching immediately. There was no use in patrolling at night, when he could barely see anything. His hand unconsciously squeezes the stone railing.
He’s ready to leave with haste when you nod to yourself, face blank and detached from reality. “…I won’t tell anyone,” You mutter, just loud enough for him to hear. “Wherever you were.”
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bruciemilf · 1 month
I know this is a DC blog but I NEED dad Logan. Get that murder teddy bear some kids ASAP.
Fancast + non canon Headcanons ahead.
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“Sure everything in my life is terrible. But at LEAST I’m gay”
Makes pop culture references Logan doesn’t understand. “Logan threw the first brick at stonewall” “what are you SAYING” “he’s an ally”
Can, will, and has gaslight Logan into thinking he’s homophobic just for not letting Bobby do what he wants
Stole a beer from Logan once and they found him drunk crying at 3 am. He calls Logan to apologize about it. “I’m sO sorryyy. You know I love you??” “Go to bed” “noOoo” Logan is next to him.
Has a secret YouTube channel and everyone watches for Logan interactions specifically
Mabel Pines coded
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KITTY… that’s his half pint your honor. / 17
Logan is terrified. Why are you such an easy kid. Why aren’t you rebelling? Why isn’t defiance bleeding on your fists?
Why aren’t you clawing and biting and snarling for your freedom? Why aren’t you being a kid? Who do I have to skin-
Daughters are not supposed to exist quietly.
I hc that Kitty’s family is extremely unsupportive of her being a mutant, — but they’re just traditional in general. Specifically she’s petrified of being around/existing along men.
Certified babysitter when Logan’s not around. She’s so big sister.
“guys!1!11!!!! mr. Logan said not to do that!1!1!1”
Logan BEGS her to be a shitty teenager for like 10 minutes. Be bratty!!! Tell him to fuck off! Throw a tantrum!!!! “But I’m not a kid.” “You’re MY kid.”
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JUBILEEE daddy’s girl / 15
Problem Child TM
Plays Rock n Roll by Avril Lavigne at 4 am to piss Logan and her siblings off when they annoy her
Grounded all the time but if she fake cries Logan will shamefully relent.
Always puts Logan’s patience to the test because she anticipates him leaving/giving up on her
Foster child with issues. She spent half her life looking for people and the other half being abandoned by them. This won’t be any different.
Except Logan is very good at fighting destiny.
Your honor I don’t CARE Logan is made to be a girl dad!!!!
“On the spectrum. Not saying which one”
STRONG she/they energy
Most affectionate with Logan out of all the kiddos. Her love language is terrible pancake making (Logan eats them anyway) and cat cuddling.
ADHD icon
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LAURA (murder baby) / 7
Brings dead birds/mice to her family members (affectionate)
Charles has the bright idea to enroll her in school with the kids. “It’s important for children to socialize with peers their own ages.” “Can’t socialize if they’re all DEAD.”
That meme of the little boy and his father with an arrow in his shoulder
Youngest child privilege
Steals Bobby’s phone and shoot’s hilariously off angle family vlogs. One of them includes her stealing Logan’s motorcycle while he runs after her
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bluedosjaykewon · 20 days
🥹✨Enhypen as Dads✨🥹
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Fluffy, only lots and lots of suggar
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Making everyone very sad (I know we would all like to see Heeseung being a “girl dad”, I would love it too) but I see Hee being father of two boys (about 3 or 4 years apart)
I honestly think he would be so happy with that since he grew up with his brother too so he wants to provide a childhood as cool as his children was
He is 100% the type of father "don't tell your mother"
"Don't tell your mother we drank soda at dawn"
"Don't tell your mother we stayed up playing video games until 4 in the morning"
"Don't tell your mother I took you to Burger King after school"
Etc etc
I also can see you scolding your son and he saying "hey honey but he didn't do anything wrong" and you just look at him and automatically he turns around and says “VERY BAD KID THIS IS VERY VERY BAD”
What can he do???? He's the good cop
I think Hee would be the kind of father who would be very supportive of his children, especially if they want to pursue a career in music, but I think he would be very wise to tell his children that it's a very exhausting life and full of very complicated obstacles
His oldest son is definitely his best friend (he lives to make this boy feel proud of him)
His youngest son is his baby
As Heeseung is the youngest children in his family I think he sees himself in his baby boy so is that the reason why he’s always very emotional about the youngest
He wants to be the cool and laid-back father to his youngest son while he wants to be the loyal friend of his oldest
I can really imagine him taking his oldest son for a drive at night to clear his head
Speaking of cars, these 3 always go on a fishing trip every month IT'S A TRADITION
His youngest son doesn't like fishing that much but he loves spending time with his father and brother so he goes anyway🥹
His children always come back covered in mosquito bites because Heeseung always forgets his insect repellent home, but they come back smiling and happy so it doesn't matter.
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Ok, let's go
Jay is a couple father, DOES EVERYONE AGREE?????
He has an older daughter, who he raised with all the love, affection, care and protection and will always take care of her because she is his princess.
And he has a younger son that is his best bro forever (maybe 6 years between the children?)
I imagine that his daughter must have been so jealous of her brother when he was born
I can see them at 16 and 10 years old, having a Disney Chanel sibling dynamic, who live to make each other's lives hell, are fighting 100% of the time but deep down love each other deeply
He and his youngest son are quite a duo
They have a garage band together🥹🫶🏼
Jay taught him to play guitar but the boy's passion is the drums
I imagine that he is much closer to his older daughter, but he doesn't know how to deal very well with his daughter growing up and no longer depending on him.
So he spends all the time he can with his youngest because when the youngest grows up it's over for him
Jay loves to keep his kids entertained so he would be up for anything
“Daddy, are we going to the Taylor Swift concert?”
“Sure, my love.”
“Daddy, can we go to the skate park?”
“We’ll leave in a few minutes, okay? Just let daddy finish this first”
Btw, he supports everything his children want to do
I swear his children have already taken every course and private lesson that exists on the earth
Jay will enroll them in and out of anything they want
Because he wants his children to be happy and he grew up with a family that gave him so much support that I believe he will do the same
Btw, the family tradition is take the childrens to see baseball games
In fact, Jay had a huge existential crisis when his daughter started not wanting to go to the games🥹
He started remembering her when she was little with a t-shirt and a cap that was too big for her, sitting on his shoulders and watching the game🥹🥹🥹🥹
Poor man, he collapsed
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I imagine him being such a calm and relaxed father, you know?
I think he would be such a relaxed father.
His relationship with his children is based on trust, affection and love 100% of the time.
I don't think he smothers his children or wants to be with them 100% of the time.
Of course he is a present father, but I think he respects his children's time a lot.
But let’s go, he has 3 children.
2 older boys and a younger girl (about 2 years apart from each child?)
Oh, how this man was in heaven when these children were born.
Jake loves being a father, I think he considers it his favorite profession.
And he is simply so delicate with his children, his tone of voice is always soft and loving, he touches them as if they were made of porcelain.
He loves taking them to the park, riding his bike with them and stopping for ice cream afterwards, or taking them to the pool, spending the whole day at the water park and then stopping at the McDonald’s🥹🥹🥹🥹
God, he loves his little 4-year-old girl, he’s an idiot for her (she gets whatever she wants, he’s her personal butler)
You see him walking around with weird hairstyles and stickers on his face quite often (he’s a regular at the 4pm tea party with his daughter and her bunny every Wednesday)
But he’s so incredibly in love with his 8 and 6-year-old boys
I can imagine them playing with lots of Hot Wheels tracks lol (and Jake taking it so seriously)
They build a lot of Lego together too, God, his kids have BOXES AND BOXES of Lego of every possible and imaginable type
He’s the kind of father who dances with his daughter dressed as a prince and gives her flowers so she gets used to receiving love early on so he doesn’t worry about future relationships
At the same time, he’s an example of such a good man for your children
Your children are so in love with your relationship🥹♥️
I imagine the 3 of you being so close, they are brothers who truly love each other unconditionally because the only reference they have is love, love and more love♥️😭
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Two girls
He has two girls who are about 3 years apart from each other
His oldest is like “🎀✨💕DADDYS GIRL💕✨🎀” and his youngest is more like “💋✨⛸️DADDYS GIRL⛸️✨💋” if you can understand me
Like the oldest is more “Daddy, can I use your card??? I need a new dress” and the youngest is more “Dad, I told you! You don’t have to buy me anything”
He is absolutely in love with them to an extreme level
They are his world, after they were born nothing else matters more to him than the happiness of his two little girls
like really
He can’t be able to sleep if he knows that your girls are on a party or on a date
He just CAN’T
And you’re like “babe, cmon, let’s rest a little” and he will be like “I can’t sleep, y/d must call anytime”
Something he miss when the girls are little babies…
When they were little they cried for him to put them to sleep and sing to them😭♥️
And now his princess wanna buy short skirts and dance all night😭💔
His youngest really like to skating so they do it together sometimes
These two girls are the pinnacle of what a doting and protective father can do with a girl
But like I said he is protective
The day you came to him saying he was so cute like your oldest daughter had a boyfriend in kindergarten….
He went to the school to have a serious talk with a 5-year-old boy and his parents
Even today, more than 10 years later, he still has a grudge against the poor child who just held his little girl's hand
I can imagine your daughter going to say that she has something important to talk about and him saying "did you find out you're a lesbian and are you going to get rid of that idiot?😃"
and your daughter saying "no daddy" and he would reply with "are you absolutely sure you're not a lesbian?😃"
You think Jay would spoil his children but nothing is as good for the economy as Park Sunghoon, his daughters and his black card at the mall
You know that scene from Beverly Hills where the father asks what his daughter is wearing and she answers "Calvin Clain"
They have this energy
He takes them and picks them up from everywhere because he doesn't like his princesses to walk around alone and he doesn't want boys bringing home
Nothing in the world would break his heart more than seeing his daughters cry. He always makes a point of buying their favorite foods, giving them a cuddle and leaving a kiss on their heads when they are crying.
Now if it is because of some boy... God have mercy and may he not find out the address of that boy
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He has two girls too, but they are twins.
He is over the moon with them.
Do you agree with me that they would wear matching outfits????😭😭😭😭
He knows ALL the Disney princess songs
He would be his daughters' best friend 100%. He gives his daughters a lot of space to talk to him about absolutely anything and everything, he is always very present and aware of everything that happens in the lives of his little gems.
One of them is really extroverted and shining just like him and the other is like “omg you two are making me feel embarrassed please stop”
But he is also very protective of them.
Not like Sunghoon, of course.
Dad Sunoo is like a mother lioness, he protects his children tooth and nail no matter what.
If this man finds out that one of his daughters is being bullied at school... I feel so sorry for the principal of that institution because he will DESTROY her.
He also watches a lot of movies with his daughters, when he gets home from work and his girls have already come home from school, it's always the perfect time to order food and watch Korean dramas together
He would always be available for serious, intimate, or everyday conversations
I think he would be such an attentive father🥹🥹🥹 but at the same time he would have no patience at all
He seems to me like the kind of father who when his kid makes a fuss he leaves the child on the floor of the store crying, walks away and pretends he doesn't know her
I imagine him being very truly with his daughters too, like "are you going out like that? With those clothes???? No, you can't change that, it's not good, you're dressing like Sponge Bob"
He would be their safe place too
I can see him comforting them when they were crying about something, like them lying on his lap while he caresses them and says "it's okay, love, it'll pass, I already have your age too, it'll pass"
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He has a son, a little boy
You are thinking about having another one, but he is always analyzing how you have such a comfortable life with only one child and that a second child would require you to give up some privileges, etc.
Obviously he would be up for more children if you wanted, he catches himself thinking about another baby often, but he always brings up this conversation at some point
But anyway, your little boy is around 5/6 years old????
I feel like Won is in a limbo between “being the cool dad” and “being the example of a responsible man that his son needs”
He demands a lot of himself as a father
whenever he gets home and sees that his son is already in bed sleeping and he didn't get him “good night kisses” he feels terrible😔😔😔 (I think you will have to reassure him several times a day that he is doing an excellent job)
I can imagine him like this:
“What's up, son? Boys' day today, huh? Let's go to the park, the movies, and then have ribs for dinner, what do you think????”
“What's up, buddy? How was school today?”
Like that type of kids that say “MY DAD IS MY SUPERHERO” is really cute
Doesn’t help the fact that this kid has his father kitty bubble tea eyes😭✨
But he’s really shy when he’s not with you or Jungwon, like, your two are his best friends.
Jungwon is such a fun father🥹
Even if he comes home feeling sad, limping, anemic, fragile and inconsistent, he will take time to play with your son and this will charge his energy 100%.
Just like Jake, Won is the kind of father who lets his son do whatever he wants with him.
His son will stick stickers on his face, draw a mustache and a goatee with a marker, etc., etc., and he will stand there laughing at how cute his son is.
He loves taking naps with your son (he even went through a difficult time when your son stopped being afraid of sleeping alone and asked to sleep with you every night).
I think he would be such a responsible father. He would know how to say no to his child when necessary and would teach that there is a time and place for everything and that we should be polite and patient. 🥹♥️
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Just like Won, I imagine that Kiki has 2 father skins: the fun-child father with a 4-year-old mentality and the extremely mature father who is aware of his activities as a father.
He fluctuates a lot between these two.
He is extremely responsible when it comes to his children, he can handle any situation on his own without any problems.
Btw, I can see him having a family just like his own (two girls and a middle boy🥹). They are like 10, 8 and 5 years old. 🥹🥹🥹
He and the older ones do so much messy together that I swear to God I don't know how your house is still standing.
They play a lot of running games until Kiki stops and says "Aaaaaah daddy's back isn't the same anymore."
Like I said, his older ones brought out his fun and agitated side, but his youngest is so calm and sweet that he can't be the childish father with her, he just wants to protect her from everything
(he also joins the team of daddys who let their little daughter do whatever she wants with him) this girl is almost always riding on her father's shoulders😭♥️
He is the biggest fan of his children, he is there for everything his children want to do
I can see his children so interested in his “idol” career and always with stars in their eyes when they see videos of enhypen's performances
But unlike Heeseung, I think Riki would be reluctant to let his children enter the world of stardom, especially young ones like him, I think he wouldn't want his children to go through as much as he did and he would be far away and imposing to do something...
His favorite pastime is taking his children to Disney, I swear to God they are at Tokyo Disney almost every weekend
I like to think he likes to hold his two oldest ones by the feet while his youngest is on his back and playing mechanical bull AJAKAKAKAKAKA
His kids feel so comfortable talking to him (he's not a very jealous dad either)
I also think that there’s moments that Riki just stops, look at his kids and says “wow” like “they’re real, I made them”
And I think he’s the “what your mom thinks about that?” Type of dad, like “bro, you know that mommy is the leader of this family go ask her”
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peachsukii · 4 months
I wanted to continue off of last week’s Softie Sunday story about the Bakugo family bookstore. 🥰 I know it’s a liiiittle late but I finally got around to writing this out today.
『 ♡ bookstore owner!bakugo x fem!reader 』
content ; no quirks, mentions of children (two daughters: 16 and 10), Bakugo & reader are married
“So…there’s somethin’ I wanna tell ya,” your eldest daughter starts, pausing to await your reactions. Katsuki quirks an eyebrow at her and glances your way, signaling for you to take the reins.
“Sure honey. What is it?” You ask, placing your utensils on the table and folding your hands over one another, devoting your attention to her. It wasn’t uncommon for important conversations to happen over dinner in the Bakugo household, it’s where you all could come together to connect every night.
“I decided what I wanna do. Y’know, as a career…at least I think I do.”
Katsuki tilts his head in curiosity while taking another bite of his dinner. “Yeah? An’ what’s that?”
She takes a deep breath before smiling confidently.
“I wanna be an author, just like Aunt Momo!”
Katsuki’s eyes twinkle under the dining room lights, beaming over his daughter’s aspirations. She was always the kid with the wildest imagination, constantly drawing cute children’s stories throughout school and acing all her creative writing projects. You and Katsuki assumed she’d want to be writer or illustrator when she was older, but never wanted to push her on it. It’s a hobby she loved and you didn’t want to pressure her into turning it into a career.
“That’s fantastic, sweetie!” You praise, reaching across the table to touch her hand. She turns to Katsuki, putting her free hand on his shoulder.
“Plus, someone’s gotta be book smart like Pops to run our store. I wanna continue the family legacy.”
He’s stunned, speechless. The room remains quiet until the silence is broken with your youngest throwing her fists in the air, victoriously shouting, “See sis? I knew he’d cry!”
Katsuki bursts into laughter, wiping the stray tears away with the backs of his hands. “That predictable, huh? M’proud of you, peach. Your Ma and I love and support whatever you wanna do.”
Your eldest crinkles her nose before grinning widely, just like her father does.
“Why don’t we call Aunt Momo after dinner, see if she has time to take you to lunch to talk about it?” You offer, squeezing her hand assuringly. “I’m sure she’d love to talk your ear off about writing.” She nods excitedly, her smile lighting up the room.
“I’ve got an idea for ya,” Katsuki says, leaning back in his chair with his arms crossed. “How ‘bout we let you do a reading at the shop? Compile some of your stories in an anthology of sorts and read ‘em to customers, get yourself out there. We’ve got the space.”
“Really?!” She gasps, eyes wide with excitement.
He smiles, leaning his elbows back onto the table. “It’s our store and I’m the boss. We can figure it out after your talk with Aunt Ponytail.”
She jumps up from her seat, feet padding down the hallway to her room while exclaiming, “I’m gonna call her now!”
“There she goes, reminds me of someone I know,” you tease, winking in Katsuki’s direction. He shakes his head with a chuckle. In the distance, you can faintly hear “Auntie Momo! How are you?! I want to…” coming from her room.
It’s hard to believe how much a little local bookstore has helped shape your family into what it is today, but you wouldn’t trade it for the world.
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byunpum · 1 year
What will happen when Jake learn from Neytiri and his sister how before the war there are some Navi men and women from different tribes try to court his sister and even after the war they still try to ask her as a mate but still gotten shut down each time
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Pair: Human reader x neytiri x jake (family moments)
Warning: None, neytiri and reader being bestie. More auntie content <3
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"Do you remember that guy…what was his name?" speaks Neytiri. As they both laughed and worked on the family dinner. Watching their children run around the hut and play. Jake was sitting next to his partner, also helping to prepare everything. His sister didn't live with them, but used to spend time in the family home. "The one who had given you that nice necklace, a couple of months ago" says neytiri.
"Ohh are you talking about Lewaymä, yes I remember him. He was cute" you chuckle a little. While neytiri pats you on the shoulder. "You're talking like he's dead…I'm asking you if you remember him. Because he asked me about you" says neytiri, laughing mischievously. "Ahh yes?, I thought he had a mate" you say as you continue to cut some fruit.
"Well no…he's single and he told me he was still interested in you." Neytiri looked excited about it. It could have been a long time since you two met. But when you were together you felt like children again.
You two had met years ago, even before Jake came to Pandora. You were one of the youngest humans to arrive at pandora, at the age of 16. Your intelligence and dedication helped you get a scholarship. Joining grace's team, and living with the navis. There you met all the Omaticaya clan and were quickly accepted. Still having your human body. You couldn't have an avatar, because of some DNA complications. So you were also one of those humans that were taken as a sample to see how the navis and humans behaved.
You and Neytiri became very close friends very quickly, you were both the same age. And you liked to talk, walk and learn from both of you. It hurt you very much when you had to separate, it was like another loss for Neytiri. You had spent so much time together, that when you saw each other after a while, when jake was entering the clan. Neytiri's emotion was unique, hugging you and giving you lots of kisses. Even mo'at and her father embraced you, calling you daughter, welcoming you as part of the clan. Even tsu'tey got excited when he saw you.
"What man are you talking about?" asked Jake, now he was the one who was surprised. His little sister had lovers? He couldn't believe it. It wasn't that you were ugly or anything. You were a beautiful, talented and kind woman. But he was surprised that Navi men were interested in a human. "Lewaymä he's been after Y/N for years" says neytiri.
"Are you kidding me?" says Jake, turning to mock you. You give him a quick punch in the arm. "What's wrong with you, you idiot!!!" you yell a little, throwing a piece of food at your brother. "Even if you don't believe it, I have my lovers…very good lovers" you say snickering a little. You can hear how jake laughs out loud, looking at neytiri who was looking at him with a bad look.
"Laugh all you want…but Y/N has made the best warriors of some of the clans fall in love with her. Remember when Tìnzaik had started to seduce you?" says neytiri. You blush at the memory. A navi girl from the war clan had tried to court you. It was not a common thing, but for her you were so interesting and beautiful. You had been in that clan for a while, doing some tours with grace. Of course you rejected the proposal, you didn't feel ready. But Neytiri had been teasing you all week about what happened.
"Are you serious?" Jake still didn't believe it. You decided to ignore him, while you and Neytiri kept talking about your stuff. You weren't going to lose your patience with your brother. After a while, Neytiri ordered jake to go get some things so we could finish dinner. Jake came out of the house, picked up what neytiri ordered him to pick up. But he stopped for a moment, when he saw a tsu'tey approaching. Always with that perfect posture, stunning. Jake noticed that the man had some object in his hand.
"Jakesully" says tsu'tey, laughing a little as he approached him. "Is something wrong?" asks jake, the man can see how his colleague is getting a little nervous. The more he talked to him the more he could notice how he kept moving anxiously, until he interrupts him out of nowhere. "Jake…mmm I don't know if you can" says tsu'tey, lifting the object he had in his hands. Handing the gift to jake.
"And what is this?" asks jake. Tsu'tey swallows hard. "It is for Y/N…. I would like you to give it to her" says tsu'tey. He is sure that his plan was going to work. "And what's in this?" says jake. Tsu'tey becomes nervous. "You just hand this to her…she'll understand" says tsu'tey, waving goodbye to jake. Walking as fast as he could, jake watched as tsu'tey even stumbled a bit as he walked away.
Jake arrived at the hut, approaching you. You and Neytiri were joking, while you were holding lo'ak in your arms. "Love here are the things you asked for…and Y/N tsu'tey told me to give you this" says Jake handing you the wrapped object. It was very beautiful, you could see that everything was handmade and with a unique delicate touch. "And this?" you were surprised. Tsu'tey had never given you anything before.
"He didn't say why he sent it?" said Neytiri, coming closer to you. To look at the new gift. "No…he just gave it to me and then left. He looked a little nervous," says Jake. Neytiri lets out a cry of excitement, hugging you and wiggling like a little girl. This surprised Jake, Neytiri never acted like this with him…it was always with you that she shared these emotions. "Open it…I think I know what it is" says the woman, watching as you slowly open the gift. You had to admit that you felt a little nervous…after all it was tsu'tey.
Opening the gift, you could see that it was a top. It was so beautiful, it had beautiful rocks, you could see the details of the vine patterns that probably had been chosen with care. You took the piece carefully and placed it on your chest. It was your size, it was perfect. "It's very pretty…aunt y/n" says lo'ak, touching the gift carefully. "I know…it's beautiful" you speak, still admiring the gift.
"Ahhhh it's a courting gift..tsu'tey is courting you!!! you have to say yes!!!!" neytiri says, your sister-in-law was so excited. "I don't know…" you start talking. "Tsu'tey?" says jake a little surprised. You quickly turn around to take a look at your brother. You laugh a little and give a complicity look to neytiri. She laughs and understands what you want to tell her.
"You know what…maybe I did accept this gift" you say. Jake settles down and gets a little upset. "Ahh no, no…tsu'tey no" jake says. You raise your hand and place your index finger on your brother's lips making him shut up. "Shhhh you shut up" you speak, taking the gift in your hands again. Neytiri starts laughing hysterically, teasing her mate. Jake gets upset, taking lo'ak from your arms.
"I think he's upset now," Neytiri says, laughing as you stick your tongue out at your brother.
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HotD seems a bit kinder to Ser Otto and Queen Alicent and now even Ser Gwayne. Granted the Hightowers we meet in the main story are only just briefly mentioned by other characters, but what do hear of them like Leyton or Lynesse aren't that great. The Lannister get a lot of (not undeserved) flack from within the fandom, but are under-the-radar terrible as Houses like the Lannisters or even the Freys or Boltons?
I wouldn't say HOTD is kinder to the Hightowers, as much as it allows them to be real people and not just historical caricatures or empty shells. (The biggest failure of F&B's history book conceit, more than any of the other problems with that book.)
For example, Gwayne in the book gets assigned to the Gold Cloaks to keep an eye on them in case some are still loyal to Daemon, and then during the Fall of King's Landing gets murked by his own men because indeed they are still loyal to Daemon. That's it, that's all there is to him, there's no there there. (Although the "You turncloaks!" "Daemon gave us these cloaks and they're gold no matter how you turn them." is a great line, and I hope it's kept even if Gwayne may not be involved.)
Gwayne in the show, however, is a prissy classist racist aristocrat, who is still brave in battle and protective of his sister and caring for his nephew; he's a knight who helps depict GRRM's knighthood themes with Criston; he's an actual person, both good and bad as a GRRM character should be. I have hopes that Gwayne takes the Ser Hobert Hightower role for the Caltrops and Second Tumbleton, that would be a great ending (especially considering his relationship with Daeron) for an excellent actor.
Re the main story Hightowers -- well, generally GRRM goes by Tolstoy's principle of "All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." Or as he put it, "happy families are boring." Not everyone always gets along in real families, and even the most beloved king and queen can be real assholes to their daughters. I imagine that when we actually meet Leyton in TWOW and find out exactly how complicated his family is -- four wives and ten children, you know there's friction there -- we'll see something imperfect, but different from the Lannisters, Freys, or Boltons. Maybe more dysfunctional the way Cregan Stark's family was dysfunctional or the Tyrells are dysfunctional. (If you think they're a perfectly happy family, then you entirely missed Olenna's relationship with Mace, Mace's relationship with Willas and Loras, Mace's relationship with Margaery, Olenna's relationship with Alerie, and so on and so forth.)
I can see Leyton as a patriarch who became increasingly distant as he got more into esoteric research (he hasn't come down from the top of the Hightower in more than a decade), leaving the eldest son Baelor to manage everything practical in the absence of his father. Was Leyton already half-distant the year before he stopped leaving the Hightower, and that's why he let his youngest daughter (only 16 or 17 years old) marry a newly knighted 35-year-old poor-ass lord from the back of beyond just because he did well in a tourney? How did the rest of the family react to that? The people of Oldtown don't think much of Lynesse now, but how did they feel when their young golden lady was taken away by a bear? These kinds of complicated relationships are the sort of detail GRRM loves to sink his teeth into, and is one of the reasons I'm so looking forward to Sam's Oldtown chapters almost more than anything in TWOW.
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hymnserendipity · 1 month
A day with farmer Kita
Fluff, She/Her pronuns, mention of sex
After the wedding you and Kita moved to the countryside because of his work in the fields, you, working from home, have no problems due to the distance from the big city. Since the wedding night you have completely abandoned the use of condoms, lovingly welcoming what was to come.
One of the usual days Kita wake up at 5 am and, as usual, go to the field and you put a little ritual during summer, with the help of the childrens that came out from your love. When the kids dont have school, kindergarten or nursery, so during summer you keep your hudsband Kita healthy with them.
Kita is now working since 6 am in the field, sweating till 10 o clock. As he worked, he heard footsteps approaching behind him. He glances behind him only to find his oldest son, Hiro, walking over him.
Hiro: Papa! I brought you cold water!
Kita smiled at him, standing up and accepting the water from his hands.
"Thank you, my boy." He said and ruffled his hair affectionately. At 11:30 the other siblings run to him too.
Sakura: Papa! I brought you a popsicle. Kita chuckled as his other daughter, Sakura, came running to him, holding a popsicle. He smiled at her and knelt down to her eye level.
"Thank you, princess." He said as he pat her head softly.
Later, he continued working, but this time, his second youngest son, Akira, came over, holding an armful of snacks and food.
"Papa, here you go." The boy said with a big smile. Kita felt his heart swell with love. He kneeled down and wrapped his arm around the boy's shoulder, ruffling his hair affectionately.
"Thank you, baby." He said tenderly and kissed his forehead.
Everyday is like this, till 16:00, when Hiro and Sakura brought him cold lemonade, water and fresh fruits. Kita has been noticing how Hiro and Sakura bring him stuff lately everyday. He found it endearing, especially how they seemed determined to make him stay hydrated and fed under the hot summer sun.
He smiled at them, taking the cold lemonade and the fresh fruit you had brought from the market town.
"That's some more stuff you got for me. Thank you, my darlings."
Hiro: mum say you can get tired in the hot, she is working from computer and she gave us water to refill your bottles and healthy snacks and popsicle!
Kita chuckles at that, giving them an amused smile. He should've known you were behind this. You worried about him more than himself does.
"Mama always knows best, huh?" He said with a nod. He took a small break and started eating and drinking. The cold lemonade felt refreshing as it went down his dry throat.
He pats the space beside him, beckoning his two eldest, Hiro and Sakura, to sit next to him. The two of them looked at each other before moving over, sitting beside Kita between his legs. Kita wrapped his arms around them both, pulling them close to his body.
He couldn't help himself, as he kisses the top of their heads affectionately. Kita was so immersed in doting on his eldest two that he didn't notice the third one coming until he felt the cold wetness of the towel on his forehead. He jolts out of surprise before chuckling, knowing it's only Yuu, his third son. "Ah, and here's the surprise attack." He joked. He pats Yuu's head, silently thanking him for the towel that'll cool his face from the heat. He leaned back a bit, the two older kids still cuddled against his body. Yuu was sitting in front of him, peering at him with those wide, innocent eyes. Kita felt that familiar warm feeling in his chest, looking at his adorable kids. Kita loved his family for always giving him an excuse to stop his work and take a break.
He always loved the fact that you gave the kids small tasks to be around you both and feel 'adult'. Still, he's not complaining. Having breaks and being doted on by his own kids? He'll take it. As he enjoyed the fresh fruit and the tasty popsticle, he kept on giving out affection to his kids. He loved how all of them just seeked his warmth and comfort. He even let them take turns sitting on his lap while he pats their heads fondly.
Hiro: you know dad since i am 10 now i am older! I'm a man! Kita glances down at him after hearing his son's serious declaration. He bit back a smile, humoring him, and nodded with a straight face.
"Oh, you are a man now, hmm?" He said in a teasing tone.
Hiro: When i will be adult i will marry someone nice and gentle like mum and be a great and strong man like you.
Kita couldn't help the warm and proud smile spreading on his lips as he hears his son's declaration. He pats Hiro's head affectionately.
"You're on the right path then." He said with a nod of approval. Kita and you have seven children in total, and all of them are doing well in school. They all had different skills sets they're good at. You've also been teaching them how to play the piano, which is impressive because playing instruments is a rare skill.
Kita has been thankful to have been able to provide for his family well, since the farms have been flourishing all the years after he started it. You working from home is also a big plus in the family's financial situation. Kita smiled as he looked over his kids who were sitting around him. He never thought he'll become so lucky.
He never expected that you, the love of his life, would have given him such a big family, filled with so much love and warmth. Kita watched his kids return back to the house with a small smile and continued on working with his two hired workers.
They worked in comfortable silence, as Kita focused on his work while glancing at the house every now and then. The afternoon went by quickly, and Kita felt his back starting to ache. But that won't stop him.
He continued to work like the hard worker he is, determined to get all the work done so he could get back home to his lovely family. At 7 pm Kita finally went back home after the whole day's work was done. He sighed deeply, feeling the exhaustion settling in. His back ached, and his feet were tired from standing all day. But the thought of you and the kids waiting for him at home gave him the energy to keep moving.
He pushed open the door and stepped inside, announcing his arrival with a soft "I'm home."
"My love" you say, as you kiss him. "I made you a scent bubble bath, why don't you go and relax while me and Hiro make dinner?"
Kita leaned into the kiss, savoring the feeling of your lips on his. He rested his forehead against yours, taking a deep breath.
"That sounds wonderful." He said, his voice tinged with exhaustion. His body visibly relaxed as he imagined the soothing effect of a nice, hot bath on his sore muscles.
"I'll go take a bath then."
He kissed your forehead before heading upstairs to the bathroom. The image of a hot bubble bath with soothing scents beckoned him forward, promising respite for his weary body. He quickly undressed and stepped into the tub, sinking into the warm water with a deep sigh of relief. The hot water enveloped him, its heat seeping into his aching muscles, soothing and rejuvenating him. Kita leaned back against the tub, closing his eyes as he let the water and the scent of the bubbles work its magic on his sore body.
He felt his tension slowly melting away as the steam enveloped the room, and the fragrance filled his senses. He exhaled deeply, feeling the weight of the day slowly lifting off his shoulders.
Kita was startled out of his relaxation by the sound of the bathroom door opening. He looked over to see Kyra, your 4-year-old, peering at him from the doorway, with her big, innocent eyes.
"Kyra, sweetheart, what are you doing here?" He asked, a smile playing on his lips
Kyra: Papa quack quack.
Kita chuckled softly as he watched Kyra approach him with the rubber duck toy. Her innocent and playful demeanor never failed to warm his heart.
He leaned forward, taking the toy from her tiny hand and holding it up for her to see.
"Ah, it's the little duck again. Does he want to take a bath with me?"
Kyra: papa can play while bubble bath. I go help mummy
Kita chuckled again, feeling a wave of affection for his little daughter. He nodded at her, patting her head gently.
"Alright, sweetheart. Papa will play while in the bubble bath. You go and help Mama." Kyra beamed at him with her innocent smile before turning and running off. Kita watched after her for a moment, before his attention returned to the rubber duck toy in his hand. He smiled, feeling touched by the little things his kids do. He began to make the toy 'swim' around in the water, creating a little narrative with the 'little duck' for his own amusement. Despite the exhaustion from work, Kita found comfort in the simplicity of playing with a toy, surrounded by the warmth of the water and the soothing scent of the bubble bath. As he played, Kita allowed his mind to relax as well. He let all his worries and fatigue float away, replaced by the sense of contentment and tranquility.
Kita's Reading list
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countrymusiclover · 3 months
1 - The Lannister Kingsguard
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Part 2
The Lion Knight and Dragon Princess
Tag list just send an ask to be added @cdragons @kmc1989 @starkleila @noirrose21-blog @lover-of-books-and-tea
16 years ago
“I’m going to catch you little rascal.” I called through the large hallways of the Red Keep attempting to catch my youngest brother Viserys who insisted we play chase this morning.
His silver white was getting tousled around while he ran around the corner with me trying to catch his heels. “You can't get me.”
“I think you doubt me far too much, little brother.” I smirked flying past the Targaryen banner near the wall rounding the corner he had gone around but he stopped running when I tackled him to the stone floor in my short dress. “Ha! I told you I'd get you.”
He whined underneath my hold. “That’s not fair.”
“Sister?” Yanking my head upward I saw my older brother Rhaegar standing a few steps away from us.
A few members of our fathers kingsguard were standing near the Iron Throne. I saw an older man with a bald head dressed in all red meaning it had to be the Hand of the King Tywin Lannister. “Um hi brother. What is going on here?”
“I was about to make this 16 year old a member of my Kingsguard until I was interrupted by you, daughter.” My father raised his tone towards me, sitting on the throne of swords.
I gulped knowing he didn’t have good control over his temper sometimes, especially around his children. “Forgive me, father. I didn't recall that it was today until this very moment.”
“It doesn't matter now. Get over there with your brothers and watch silently. Let's get this done. I don't wish to keep my wife waiting.” Father scoffed, tapping his fingers on the armrests of the chair until a different kingsguard delivered him a sword and walked forward standing on the first two steps where the young boy was bent down on one knee before his king.
Tywin finally spoke up to the king. “State your name, boy.”
“Jaime of House Lannister. Son of Tywin and Joanna Lannister.” The boy of fifteen with the long blonde hair responded on command.
Father raised his sword tapping his shoulders with the tip individually declaring the oath that must be bestowed onto a knight. “In the name of the warrior I charge you to be brave. In the name of the father I charge you to be just. In the name of the mother I charge you to defend the innocent. Arise Jaime Lannister, a knight of Seven Kingdoms and a member of the Kingsguard.”
“Woo hoo! Um - my apology.” I began clapping, breaking the silence in the throne room causing everyone to turn their heads in my direction.
Father placed his sword inside his holder and two knights along with the Hand of the King retreated from the room without another word. That left me and my brothers alone with Jaime Lannister. “I've been meaning to talk to you, sister. I have news for you.” Rhaegar turned on his feet facing me.
“What news is that?” I asked him curiously.
He answered me with a half smile, mentioning the Dorne family we had gotten along with since one girl was a former lady and waiting for our mother Rhaella. “I'm going to marry Ella Martel.”
“That’s great news, brother.” Flinging my arms around his neck I giggled and he hugged me back now smiling too.
The typical tradition of our family was for brothers and sisters to Wed one another but it took our parents seven years before they had me. By that time our father had already been talking about wedding my brother off to some high born girl of his many kingdoms. “I'm rather happy with it myself. I must go tell our mother. Come Viserys.” Rhaegar took our young brother by the hand leaving me alone in the throne room.
Shifting my gaze around I felt a pair of eyes on me when I turned my back to the throne seeing that the newly named kingsguard Lannister hadn't left me alone like I believed he had. “Can I help you with something, ser Knight?”
“I should be asking you that question, my princess. For I am sworn to aid and protect you.” Jaime bowed his head at me.
I clasped my hands together in front of my dress, my hair swaying with the fabric as I moved over to stand in front of the new knight. “From my memory I was not ever required to have a personal knight following me around my childhood home.”
“Well those were the commands I have been given and I intend to follow them, princess.”
Holding up a hand I interrupted him before this conversation went on any further. “Please stop calling me princess. I have far too many people addressing me by that title. I’d rather have someone call me by my name.”
“I can arrange those terms. Who do I have the honor of meeting now before me?”
I crusty to the night holding up the fabric of my dress showing him how my silver hair was styled into a crown when I did so. “Vaella Targaryen.”
“Then I’ll just be Jaime to you, Vaella.” The Lannister lion sent me a cheeky smile, bright green eyes focusing on my purple ones.
Lightly twirling side to side in my dress I smirked towards him deciding I should get to have some fun with my personal knight while my father wasn’t around us because right now he didn’t appear to be so serious as he was now that it was just the two of us alone together. “It’s nice to meet you, Jaime. I do have a question for you though?”
“What is your question Vaella?” He asked resting his right hand on the handle of his sword attached to his hip.
Sticking my tongue out at the knight I bolted barely waiting to hear what his reaction would be. “Do you think you can catch me, Ser knight?”
“I don’t understand. Wait - seven hells Vaella!” Jaime shook his head, awe struck and confused till he noticed the silver hair and white dress disappearing further away from him.
He began chasing after me concerned that he would get in trouble if something bad happened to me. But he wouldn’t admit it until years later how much he wished they had the opportunity to go back to that life compared to all the chaos that would be thrown their direction.
Kings Landing - current day
Jaime was currently standing outside of the King's office in the hallway on guard duty. The current king who had sat on the throne once he had killed the Mad King and now the Baratheon signal flew high in the Red Keep. The current king called Jaime’s nickname wanting to speak with him. “Kingslayer, get in here! It must wound your pride. Standing out there, like a golden sentry. Jaime Lannister, son of the mighty Tywin. Forced to mind the door while your king eats and drinks and shits and fucks. So, come on. We’re telling war stories. Who was your first kill, not counting the old men?”
“One of the outlaws in the Brotherhood.” He answered his king.
A fellow Kingsguard replied. “I was there that day. You were only a squire. Sixteen years old.”
“You killed Simon Toyne with a counter-riposte. Best move I ever saw.”
The other knight nodded. “Good fighter, Toyne. But he lacked stamina.
King Robert entered the conversation between the two Knights. “Your outlaw any last words?”
“I cut his head off. So, no.”
The king’s next question caused Jaime’s hand to drop down onto the handle of his sword. Recalling the night so vividly for more than one reason besides betraying the king he swore to protect. “What about Aerys Targaryen? What did the Mad King say when you stabbed him in the back? I never asked. Did he call you a traitor? Did he plead for a reprieve?”
“He said the same thing he had been saying for hours. Burn them all.”
Silence fell inside the chamber room with the king silently staring at him for a few minutes. “Then we should all be grateful that we took care of all the Targaryens. The Seven Kingdoms didn’t need anymore reign or vows to a house whose words are Fire and Blood wouldn’t you agree?”
“It would seem so, your grace. If that is all I’ll take my leave.” Jaime bowed his head walking back out into the hallway and he didn’t release the tension in his shoulders and show emotion until he was away from the king. For the king was wrong in his words because not all the Targaryens were dead. One remained in Kings Landing and Jaime was the reason for it
And if the king ever found out both their heads would be on spikes.
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iammadsdemons · 3 months
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Some of Mansi and Koda’s children, aka their little frostlings 🥺❄️💖
Ma’rek- mansi and koda’s oldest son, Warrior/hunter in Training, he is a clever, cheerful and responsible son and older brother, though he can be very overly confident that does tend to turn into arrogance.
He really loves his girlfriend her name is Sae 💖🥺
age 18-19 and is 10ft
Nicknames- Mochi
Roätx- mansi and koda’s oldest daughter, prodigy Warrior/hunter in training, she’s very fierce when it comes to her lessons but is very much the opposite and very much enjoys causing chaos with her brothers, she prefers to stay close with them most of the time.
Age 16 years old, 9.8ft
Nicknames- lotus
Raie- mansi and koda’s second oldest son, Warrior/hunter in Training, he is a very sweet boy, though he can be rather rude and has some anger issues, but playing the drums for festivals helps and he is betrothed to the daughter of another clan. age 16
Nicknames- snowstorm/ storm
( belongs to livieeartworks on ig)
Ìnuyä- mansi and koda’s youngest daughter, she is very kind, very curious child too and is tsakarem, she’s very much your typical girl and she loves horses. age 13 years old
Nicknames- snowdrop
• Is look down on by some of the older members of the clan because she was born in a different region from different na’vi of the snow mountains which is also her second home with the Ra'Baeonriikä'roakx (fan made clan by @rukicchisanarts )
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sukisheadlights · 9 months
tmrminho x wckd!oc
summary: she took care of him all these years in the maze. But will she be there for him when he needs her outside it?
story: maze runner masterlist
rory’s voice mail 🎧: Sooo I'm not that well versed in the lore (that is a sign for re-watch + re-read I know) either way I haven't made any mistakes as far as I'm aware of but incase I missed anything, let me know <3 love you, say it back!
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Sadira spins around in her chair as the dark blue light reflects off her glasses; before coming to an abrupt and screechy halt when she hears him yell through the computer screen. She quickly turns and looks over the multiple cctv screens around her in search of minho, until she finds him. Eventually. She messes around with some buttons around her until the 'griever' as the gladers called it, slows down. She sighs and leans against the chair having succesfully saved him the third time this week.
Sadira could confidentaly say that she was the youngest at w.c.k.d. She was 16. She could tell you alot of things, except for what she does in the abnormally technologically advanced building all day. There isn't exactly a job description for saving the asses of the friends you've made through a screen who don't know you even exist. Infact, that probably hinders the consistent experiements being thrown at these children who are her age, heck— some of them are even younger.
Sadira knows that the only reason she isn't in that maze is because she's the daughter of Dr. Ava Paige. I guess even being an adopted daughter has it's own advantages.
That's why she's so careful when she saves the lives of the gladers, if ava finds out both her and the reckless gladers she watched over are doomed. Boy this would be tough to explain if she met them in person, how would she even act around them? Thankfully she doesn't have to worry about that yet. Right?
When Ava turned her away and banished her from coming to w.c.k.d for 'safety reasons', Sadira was MORE than curious on what her 'mother' was hiding. So naturally, when she called her back urgently she ran through the multiple maze like hallways of the building in search of Ava like a mad woman. Maybe in her own way, w.c.k.d was her maze and cage too. just in a non-life threatening sense. for now.
She walks towards the prison cell looking holding room as she stands next to the woman she calls her mother not looking through the window just yet; she should have, maybe she could have ran instead of walking straight to her demise.
Instead she stared gaping mouth at the other girl who happened to step into her peripheral vision. "You remember teresa, yes?" Ava announced loudly, her words ringing colder than the white lights above their head. Sadira could only nod in response; who the hell was inside that room?
"Unfortunately my love, it would be unwise to get into details here. But teresa recently found her way back to w.c.k.d, back to us. And she has been working with us in your absence. It is with a full heart that I can tell you that you will be learning hands on how to talk to a test subject today. Do not worry child, rest assured, you will be safe." She spoke again as teresa walked away, her tone laced with something unfamiliar which, looking back— could have only been something poisonous. "Go on." she nudged again as Sadira walked into the plain white chamber which, looked even sadder from the inside.
She turned around as the door closed behind her and this, mystery inmate. Her heart dropped to her feet. It was him. He was here. Nonetheless, she approached slowly and sat down infront of him. He looked...Terrible.
"Hello," She said blandly, but internally she was nervous as ever. But if she showed it, Ava wouldn't let her talk to him again. How would she help him out then? She should probably slow down but the difference in his character was unsettling.
He didn't say anything in response and only watched her intently, or dazed. She remembered how his eyes looked in the maze, even if they were facing near death every second of the day. And then she noticed how dead they looked this very moment, when this was the one time in life he was truly protected. She looked towards the one-way mirror hoping she was looking directly at Ava. That's when he scoffed. "They can't save you in here."
She looked back at him, eyebrows raised and all. "What would I need saving from, Minho? You won't hurt me." She said confidentally, but not in the sense that she knew he wouldn't. Well, still in that sense but she only showed Ava what was on the surface. Confidence in the sense that she was hiding her fear.
Minho ofcourse, knows that even if he wanted to kill her this very second he would be unable to, considering the shitload of drugs he was put on. She's pretty, it's a shame she's on the wrong side of all of this, he thought.
"Don't wanna talk? that's alright. We'll get you to one of these days Minho. Time is on our side." the words spilled out of sadira's mouth leaving a bitter after-taste. she didn't like talking to him like this, but if she even let Ava catch on to the idea that sadira had...once grown fond of the boy infront of her? she would have lost her chance. for what exactly? she's not entirely sure herself.
silence engulfed the small white room as she watched the nervous bob of his adam's apple before promptly getting up and leaving.
That night, without much shock. She was kidnapped. "Oh, it's just you lot." she said calmly, looking at the faces of thomas, frypan, newt, and gally. All the idiots she saved multiple times. Well, except for frypan— he was always a sweetheart.
The point is, she wasn't intimidated. Instead she laughed when they tried to threaten her. Then, she asked them to untie her and much to everyone's surprise, they obliged.
Not wanting to leave them high and dry Sadira explained everything to them. How she saved their lives, How she knew them, How she saw teresa, And about how she spoke to Minho. She then warned them that as a 16 year old saving them to those small extents was all she could have done and that it would be unwise to redirect their anger from w.c.k.d to her simply because she knew.
She also agreed to get minho out, but that was a given. The only condition she set down was freedom from Dr. Ava Paige. Who she had the displeasure of calling her mother. They sat on the floor that night and all the gladers and Sadira in unison decided the best plan to get minho out of that hellhole. And they settled.
On Gameday, Sadira offered to walk with Janson and pointed out how something looked suspicious with teresa and her guards. Inevitablly, Janson approached the disguised gladers and it was there that they grabbed her as she sneakily snatched janson's all building access card. She was with them under the ruse of a hostage, just so that Ava doesn't get suspicious and look too closely.
When they found out Minho was moved, it was only because of Sadira and another test subject that they could pinpoint Minho's exact location.
However, she should have probably thought to warn him in some way that she was on their side. Maybe then Minho wouldn't have mistakened her for the enemy and slammed her into the wall once they did find him. ouch.
The escape after that was mostly smooth sailing, there were no losses and only minor setbacks. But those don't matter enough to be mentioned here. [Authors Note: I didn't have it in me to kill off newt so don't blame me] Ofcourse, Sadira almost dying while protecting minho doesn't fall under minor setbacks but she would have done that for any glader.
When she woke up in the 'refugee' a few days later, minho was the first person she spoke to. The conversation flowed much more smoothly when her formerly alive mother (that was fun to find out) wasn't watching over them, she joked. And he laughed. And she thought it was the most beautiful thing in the world. So she made him do it again, and again, and again. Until she finally realised she couldn't get enough of it.
They moved fast. From touches, to kisses, to something more. But it was never in the sense that it was too much to handle, Instead it was in the sense that they had waited too long for each other and that they were desperate for this. Needy, even. Which was insane considering he barely knew her. Oh well.
First Kisses and First loves are obviously difficult post-apocalypse but hey, atleast it makes one hell of a story.
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think-like-a-poet · 4 months
Continue the Legacy
Verstappen Daughter x Leclerc Son
Master list here
Max Verstappen is a known driver who has written pages in the history books. Being the youngest person to ever drive in Formula 1 he got lots of opinions on him from the start. He proves them all wrong in the following years winning races in Mercedes dominance. Sharing podiums with earlier winners and champions and winning his first one in 2021. In 2023 he had a dominance year with almost all of the races except for three. He went on to win two more championships in 2024 and 2028. However, the 2028 season marked a significant change for the Dutch driver, as he announced his retirement from racing at the end of the year. The news came as a surprise to many fans, as Verstappen had become synonymous with the sport. He cited his desire to focus on his family and spend quality time with his new-born daughter as the reason for his decision. He still races in his spare time and on the sim. In 2032 he became his daughter's manager in her karting career.
Charles Leclerc is Ferrari's golden boy. Since he signed with them in 2019 he hasn't changed his team. He has endured more bad luck than any of them and put the famous Ferrari curse to his name. With luck on his side he won his first Championship in 2025, beating the reiniging Dutch man. The following year he also won the championship in the last round against his teammate. In 2027 he lost the Championship to the Mclaren driver, Lando Norris, who had been dominant all year long. In 2029 he scored his third and last victory. After an illustrious career, Leclerc announced his retirement from racing at the end of the 2030 season, citing his desire to spend more time with his family. He left the sport behind to focus on his wife, two children, and beloved dogs, bringing an end to an era marked by both triumph and tragedy. He also became the Manger to his son, leaving his legacy to him to continue.
As Jules and Sofie's competitive spirits clashed, their fathers witnessed moments of intense rivalry between their kids. The tension culminated in a heated crash during a karting competition, leaving the two young competitors at odds with each other. The same emotions that had once fueled their own fathers' arguments now seemed to be at play.
Follow the life of Jules and Sofie in this story, with their love being destined from the beginning.
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Jules Saint Mleux Leclerc
23 July 2027
"To be fair, I already knew that."
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Sofie Piquet Verstappen
16 January 2028
"Your opinion of me, doesn't define who I am."
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Eloise Saint Mleux Leclerc
11 November 2029
"You have to do it now, otherwise it would be too late."
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dxntloseurhead · 22 days
some campaigns i have been asked to share
please donate if you can!!!
ali miqdad and his family: €1,297 / €70,000 raised as of september 16, 2024
youssef abu al-rish and his family: €2,320 / €50,000 raised as of september 16, 2024
safaa and her family: €36,590 / €90,000 raised as of september 16, 2024
maryam and her family: €1,820 / €20,000 raised as of september 16, 2024
mahmoud abu swierh: $9,891 / $15,000 raised as of september 16, 2024
hadeel mikki and her family: €16,685 / €35,000 raised as of september 16, 2024
walaa and her siblings: $12,512 / $50,000 raised as of september 16, 2024
tahani shorbajee and her family: $19,400 / $50,000 raised as of september 16, 2024
haya nahed and her family: €87,993 / €100,000 raised as of september 16, 2024
ahmed alanqar and his family: €60,453 / €75,000 raised as of september 16, 2024
please donate to help these families, and please share this post !!!
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httpsjeonglvr · 1 year
Aged up miles morales x fem!reader
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Chapter summary: You and Miles finally get a break from taking of your children and your jobs but unexpectedly you both get caught in the act by his friends.
Chapter warnings: You and miles get caught in the act,there are children mentioned,let me know if there is anything else
This was taken from my other account guys just so you guys know 👍🏾
It was a regular day. You woke up to the sun shining and an empty bed. You went to your kid's room and didn't see your son in the crib or your daughter.
You went downstairs to see them watching TV on Miles’ lap who was on his phone. You snatch your youngest off his lap making him smile.
"Hey baby you had a good morning with daddy?" You ask him kissing his nose. You gave birth to Chin-Sun, but everyone called her Sunny. A few years later you had Manny. They were both happy babies and were adored by everyone. You lean down kissing Miles. "Hey uh, babe, the guys are about to come to get Sunny and manny is that okay?" He asks
"Sure are they coming right now?" You ask. He nods as you motion for your daughter to follow you upstairs with Sunny following you to get them ready to spend a day with their uncles. It didn't take you long except for when you tried to do Sunny’s hair where she got fussy and started calling for Miles who came to her rescue. "Sunny!" Hobie called walking into the house and smiling at the two kids, Sunny ran down the stairs as you carried Manny downstairs smoothing his hair. Her face lights up reaching for her favorite uncle. "I want them back home before 10, you got that," Miles says
"She's 6 and he's 5 months Rin they're not 16!" Peter speaks up making everyone laugh. "I'm serious!" "Okay! They'll be home before 10" Miguel says as he grabs Manny’s baby bag and leaves. With the kids being gone you figured you'd get some cleaning done. You started with the main rooms like the bathrooms, Kitchen, and bedrooms.
Sunny had toys everywhere, with Miles spoiling her, he bought every toy she picked up in the store and bought it for her. But you couldn't talk much since you spoiled your baby boy with every toy and gave him food every time he begged for it.
You had checked and cleaned every room except for the living room where Miles was and he didn't show any signs of leaving. He had his feet up on the table. You were trying to vacuum but couldn't do it with him in the way. "Baby stop cleaning so much and come chill with me" He says as he grabs your arm. "I will once I finish," You tell him.
"No I want you to stop right now," he says with his voice full of demand. "Who are you talking to?" You ask as you turn the vacuum off. "My wife so sit the hell down,” He says. You ignore him and turn the vacuum back on and continue to clean. This makes him mad and he groans. As you get to where he is you sigh as you attempt to vacuum under the couch.
"Can you move?" You ask. "I don't know can my wife come to sit down with me?" He asks not taking his eyes off the tv. "Miles move, "You say rolling your eyes. "Make me," He says smirking
You roll your eyes turning the vacuum off. You march over to him and take his legs off the table. when you do he pulls you into his lap wrapping his arms around you. "Let me go," you say. "Make me," He says as he kisses your neck. "Miles let me go so I can finish cleaning-" He had found your sweet spot and now you were ice melting in his hands. Soon enough both of your clothes were on the floor leaving a mess you'd worry about later.
"I can't believe you forgot to get their food!" "You were the one that grabbed the bag" "You should have checked it before we pulled off!". Miles looks up seeing his friends in the kitchen. He rolls his eyes forgetting he gave them a key to his home for emergencies.
"Ya know what I won't take any more disrespect- what are you two doing?" Hobie asks as everyone directs their attention to the couch. "I was about to get laid until you guys barged in,” Miles says as you slap his chest. "Well we forgot their snacks,” Miguel says. "And you couldn't just buy some at the store?" You ask. "Why would we do that if she has food here?" Hobie asks while rolling his eyes adjusting the restless baby who was reaching for his snack and babbling.
"Anyway, We are gonna let you get back down to business," Miguel says pushing them out the door. "Please" Miles mumbles as they leave closing and locking the door "Now where were we?" He asks with that stupid smirk on his face. "I believe that we were at make me," You say pulling him back over your body.
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belit0 · 1 year
if the Uchihas could choose, how many children would they have? 😼
AAAAAAAAAAAAA I LOVE THIS YESSSSSSSSSSSSS (no but fr u have no idea how much i love this type of requests)
I will list the ages so everyone can compare the gap between each child😩🛐
uchihas as parents are my favorite topic of conversation❤️‍🩹
please, if you want more information about any of these guys' children, DON'T HESITATE TO ASK ME, I love to talk about it.
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Indra (fertile as fuck and a sex addict)
8 motherfucking kids, yeah, EIGHT. Among them, we have:
a set of twins (two boys - 16 years old)
a set of triplets (three boys - 11 years old)
one girl (7 years old)
one girl (4 years old)
one boy (1 year old)
Madara (most adorable father in the whole entire world)
3 babies, perfect amount (love to imagine him as a single father, don't know why)
a set of triplets (three girls, full chaos)
plain and simple: hates kids, would never be a father. Loves his nieces tho, and he's the best uncle ever, but with that, he has enough.
lives the parental experience through Madara's girls, and loves every single second of it, but likes to keep it that way, as something external and without having to be permanently responsible for anyone (yolo 🤠)
Obito (cutest father alive)
2 kids, and that's enough (wouldn't be able to keep up with more babies)
one girl (big sister - 8 years old)
one boy (younger brother - 5 years old)
Shisui (is he the parent or the child? no one knows)
only 1 son, as he considers it the perfect amount for dividing his attention between the kid and (Y/N). He's a busy man.
one boy (only child)
Itachi (the best of all, totally reliable)
3 kids, cause after having his firstborn, he wanted another one to keep the child company, and the third one came as a surprise.
one daughter (oldest - 6 years old)
one boy (middle kid - 4 years old)
one girl (youngest - 2 years old)
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Random facts about Valentina or I can say the princess XD
Random Facts About Valentina
Bayverse!Leonardo x reader
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All Children Romeo Marcello Gerardo
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A/N: Of course we have to do one for the Princess! Do you have any idea how mad she is, because I did Joan and Romeo before her?😂💙
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Warnings: None💙
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Just like with your sons, you and Leo wanted to name your first and only daughter, something that fell in line with the Italian theme you already had in place. Therefore you decided on the name Valentina, meaning strong and healthy, along with inspiring mental depictions of love and happiness.
The youngest of the flock, and the apple of everyone’s eye, Valentina pretty much has everyone wrapped around her finger, especially her brothers. Treating her like a princess, refusing to hit too hard while practicing. That eventually became a problem, with you and Leo having to explain that if they held back on her, she wouldn’t be able to learn.
At 15, Valentina was finally gifted her weapon, after having seen her cousins and brothers train with theirs for such a long time. The weapon grandpa Splinter gifted her was a bow and arrows, citing her focused ability to reach a goal from afar.
The nickname Princess, was one that Valentina herself actually came up with. Well, sort of. It came after she at 3 years old, started dancing around the lair in her favorite princess dress, saying that she was exactly that. Her adorable little smile as she stood jumping in front of you, singing “I’m a princess! I’m a princess!”, leaving the whole family smiling. And given everyone’s tendency to do and bring her anything she asked for, the name Princess was just fitting.
As the youngest of the Hamato family, with a 8 years age gap between her and her youngest cousin, Ragnar, Valentina had a lot of attention on her. Growing up, there was always someone to play with or talk to, and every birthday and Christmas brought her a lot of gifts.
What is more adorable than a toddler playing dress up and having a tea party with her father? A toddler playing dress up and having a tea party with her father and all three of her big brothers. The amount of times you had walked into Valentina’s room, confused of where your family disappeared to, only to find them all crowded around a small table, each with a very small tea cup, pinkies out, tiaras, tue tues and all of it. Yes, you have taken pictures, and yes, you shared those pictures to all of the turtles’ partners in the group chat.
If anyone knew how to do a smokey eye, a killer sharp eyeliner, or any of the latest makeup trends, it was Valentina. Growing up, she learned much about makeup from not only you and her aunts, but Dorothy and Minerva as well. But once she hit her teens, she was the one teaching you and the others many new tricks and tips.
Being the youngest had its pros, but certainly also had its cons. Imagine the day your sons learned that their 16 year old baby sister had actually been sneaking to the surface, in order to hang out with a group of humans, who she had been friends with for around a year. They freaked out, way more than you and Leo did. Actually, Leo had seemed to relax quite a bit when it came to his children, seeing how the oldests was now adults, but your sons freaked out. Even Gerardo was freaking out, yelling and screaming about how dangerous it was, all while you and Leo watched from the couch.
At the age of 8, Valentina started begging you and Leo, wanting to have a cat. For a long time, Leo stood fast and wouldn’t allow her to get said cat. But then a 21 year old Marcello came home with a cat he had found on the street, and when Valentina said she wanted to keep it, Leo could not fight it any more, deciding it was time to get a cat. And of course, Valentina named the cat Lady.
Like her brothers, Valentina takes her training very seriously, but in a very different way than her brothers. Although the art of ninjutsu was important to her, her main focus was to keep healthy and fit. But as she grew older, she became more and more aware of how important it was to learn self defense, especially given her nature, being a half human, half mutant turtle, in order to protect herself. And well, it would prove handy, once while she was out with her friends.
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