#their resilience remains unmatched
inpursuitofnunchi · 7 months
it is nearly 5 months of continued wreckage of an entire population. out in the open, while global powers watch silently or egg them on. it is despicable, there are no words
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deesseshesca · 19 days
PAC : Why are u the baddest ?
What do u mean, u are staring at an ICON !
Choose the image that’s speak to you and allow yourself to soak ONLY what’s reasoning with YOUR SITUATION 
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Rules and Disclaimer 
I am the type of tarot reader to say as it is. Nothing is sugar coated but everything is sent with good intention. If you are not ready to face some truth, you should vagabond somewhere else.
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Pile 1: The Strategic Visionary 🌟
Overall Energy: Nine of Wands You are a warrior at heart. The Nine of Wands as your overall energy shows that you've been through battles—both internal and external—and yet, you remain standing. Your resilience is unmatched. Each scar, each challenge, has only made you stronger and more determined. What sets you apart is your unwavering commitment to your intentions. Every decision you make is rooted in your core beliefs and desires, which acts as your guiding star. This card signifies that you're not just surviving; you're thriving because you’ve learned to harness your experiences and channel them into wisdom and strength.
Knight of Wands The Knight of Wands embodies your bold and adventurous spirit. You are someone who is driven by passion and ambition, and you’re not afraid to take risks to achieve your goals. Your decisions are fueled by your inner fire, and once you set your mind on something, nothing can stand in your way. The Knight of Wands is all about action and momentum, and you embody that energy. You’re always moving forward, always seeking new experiences, and always ready to take on the next challenge. Your intention drives your every move, making you a powerful force in any situation.
Three of Wands (Reversed) While the upright Three of Wands represents expansion and looking toward the future, its reversal indicates that you’re someone who knows the value of timing and patience. You don’t rush into things without careful consideration, and you’re not easily swayed by the allure of what’s ahead without being certain of your steps. This card suggests that you’re strategic in your approach—you don’t just leap into the unknown without a plan. Your strength lies in your ability to assess situations, learn from past experiences, and make informed decisions that align with your long-term goals. You’re not afraid to wait for the right moment to strike, ensuring that when you do, you achieve the maximum impact...
For the rest... (with moodboard)
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Pile 2: The Baddest Bitch Energy 🔥
Overall Energy: Justice (Reversed) You embody the kind of energy that doesn't wait for things to be handed to you. You are not someone who depends on external validation or fairness from the world. You understand that the world is not always just, and you've adapted by creating your own justice. You don’t wait for karma; you are karma. This reversal of Justice indicates that you’re willing to bend the rules, push boundaries, and break down barriers to get what you want. You're the kind of person who doesn’t rely on the system to deliver fairness—you make your own rules and execute them with precision.
Four of Cups (Reversed) While others might wallow in missed opportunities or what they don’t have, you’re the kind of person who sees potential in every situation. You don’t get stuck in a rut; instead, you’re always looking for the next opportunity, the next move. This card in reverse indicates that you are highly adaptable and quick to shift your mindset when you realize there’s a better way forward. You don’t stay down for long. If life hands you lemons, you’re the type to make lemonade, start a lemonade stand, and turn it into a whole franchise. You’re constantly evolving, constantly moving forward, never letting anything hold you back.
Page of Pentacles This card speaks to your go-getter mentality. You’re someone who has the vision and the drive to see your dreams through from conception to reality. You’re always learning, always growing, and always thinking about the next step. You’re not afraid to put in the work, to start from the ground up, and to build something solid. The Page of Pentacles represents your relentless pursuit of success, your practical approach to achieving your goals, and your willingness to invest the time and energy needed to manifest your desires. You have a keen eye for opportunities and the patience to see them through, which makes you unstoppable.
For the rest...(with moodboard)
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Pile 3: Born to Be Badass 💥
Overall Energy: The Inborn Power
Pile 3, you’ve always been different. While others might have had to struggle and evolve to become strong, you were born with a natural strength and resilience that sets you apart. You didn’t need to go through the same trials and tribulations to find your power—it’s always been within you. Your energy is innate, undeniable, and unshakeable. You were born the baddest, and the cards confirm that this is your birthright.
Eight of Wands Speed, precision, and relentless momentum define your approach to life. The Eight of Wands speaks to your ability to move quickly and decisively. When you set your sights on something, you go after it with a fierce, unstoppable energy. You don’t waste time doubting yourself or second-guessing your decisions—you move forward with confidence and purpose. This card reflects your natural ability to manifest your desires with ease and speed. While others might get bogged down by obstacles or hesitation, you forge ahead, trusting your instincts and knowing that success is inevitable.
Ten of Cups You carry an innate sense of fulfillment and joy that radiates from within. The Ten of Cups indicates that you were born with a deep understanding of what truly matters in life—love, connection, and harmony. You have a natural ability to create and attract happiness, both for yourself and those around you. This card signifies that you don’t just chase after success—you embody it in every aspect of your life. Your presence brings a sense of completeness and joy to those who are fortunate enough to be in your orbit. You have an intuitive grasp of emotional intelligence, which allows you to navigate relationships and situations with grace and ease.
Death The Death card is a powerful symbol of transformation and rebirth, and in your case, it speaks to your inherent ability to embrace change and thrive in it. You don’t fear the end of one chapter, because you know it’s the beginning of another. While others might struggle with letting go or facing the unknown, you welcome it with open arms. This card reveals that you were born with a natural talent for transformation—you know how to reinvent yourself, adapt to new circumstances, and emerge stronger each time. You don’t cling to the past; you evolve, shedding what no longer serves you and embracing what’s to come with a fearless heart.
For the rest ...(with moodboard)
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carionto · 1 year
Aliens are floored by tardigrades
Life is pretty resilient. It has to be, especially if the rest of the Galaxy thinks we're from a Deathworld. In comparison then, if their planets are not as demanding, would life there ever be under enough pressure to survive to go to the extreme lengths that some Earth creatures do? I think one of the most profound things aliens might learn from Earth and Humanity is just how powerful life itself can be.
That itself could shake their understanding of themselves - a billion year old civilization could never even conceive of a thing we accept as simple fact, ushering a revolution in thinking not seen in eons.
The Galactic Coalition scientists are busying themselves with obtaining, analyzing, categorizing, and integrating the libraries of information Humanity has brought with them as they incorporate into the greater space faring matrix of civilizations.
A good grasp of Physics, though lacking in certain fields for now; unmatched Engineering doctrines, they really do think of everything, although, perhaps, better to say - they really do attempt everything, then take notes and improve for the next attempt.
Chemistry is another fine addition to the collective knowledge base, a disproportionate part of the catalogue is comprised entirely of explosive reagents and combinations - always good to know more about what NOT to do.
And Biology. Oh boy. What a chaotic but beautiful but also disturbing mess. Life on most planets has a long period of just chugging along, surviving as best it can, until eventually something has the bright idea to evolve the ability to have bright ideas. Then in almost no time at all (on a cosmic scale) a dominant intelligence emerges and civilization alongside it, and in the blink of an eye it finds itself exploring the stars.
A similar pattern happened on Earth, but interrupted alarmingly often by utter catastrophes. Humans call them Mass Extinctions. It is exceedingly rare to find life that can talk about its own extinction events. Kind of deflates the term a bit. Life on planets as inhospitable (by Galactic norms) as Earth tends to be found only as fossils, and almost always on the microscopic level - very rarely do they get the chance to form more complex and advanced lifeforms before the planet with its harsh conditions and scarce resources kills it just as randomly as it spawned it.
We were incredibly saddened to learn from the Humans that the biodiversity of Earth had dwindled by roughly 85% since they accidentally created that giant hole on their planet, and that it had already been on a steady decline before then. Even so, when they revealed there were still 2.4 million species alive on Earth was a shockingly high number. Most are on the brink of extinction, yes, but the fact remains that Earth is easily one of the most biodiverse planets in the Galaxy.
Then we started looking at each individual species and learned about the Tardigrade.
It is literally the toughest creature ever discovered, and it's not even close. At least, so far, we haven't looked at absolutely everything Earth has or had yet.
It can just... basically turn itself off and then back on again when the outside becomes livable again - Cryptobiosis, or suspending their metabolism, something we considered only possible through artificial means. And the levels of various extreme they can endure and still be alive would just be utterly ridiculous if they didn't give us samples to confirm for ourselves.
Then we came across the term Extremophile and just decided to take a day off.
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rogueshadow1124 · 5 days
[Ryomen Sukuna x reader]
Summary: back in the heiran era Y/N and Sukuna found each other but Y/N disappeared just as quickly. Now it's far in the future, a new era, but what was to come.
Word count: 1595
Warnings: none.
In the ancient era of the Heian Period, Ryomen Sukuna ruled over all with an iron fist. He was the undisputed King of Curses, feared by all who dared to cross his path. His power was legendary, his cruelty unmatched. The very mention of his name caused shudders of terror to ripple through the land. But there was one person who had not feared him—one person whose presence softened the jagged edges of his monstrous soul. Y/N Y/L/N.
Y/N was a mystery, a wanderer who had appeared one fateful day in Sukuna’s life, completely oblivious to the terror he commanded. She had stumbled into his domain, her life fragile and flickering, yet her spirit unyielding. For reasons even Sukuna couldn’t explain, he had spared her, kept her by his side instead of obliterating her as he had done to so many before. Over time, their bond deepened, and for the first time, the King of Curses felt something strange, something foreign—a tenderness that gnawed at the darkness in his heart.
But just as quickly as she had appeared, Y/N vanished, slipping from his grasp without a trace. The years that followed were filled with rage, frustration, and a hollowness that Sukuna could never fill. His wrath grew more terrifying, his cruelty more sadistic, all because the one person who had brought him any semblance of peace was gone. Eventually, Sukuna was defeated, executed by the combined forces of Japan’s most powerful sorcerers, but even as his body was sealed, his mind lingered on Y/N.
He never forgot her.
Centuries later, Sukuna awoke in the body of a boy named Yuji Itadori. The world had changed—its people, its culture, and its technology—but the dark, brooding anger that swirled within Sukuna remained the same. Itadori was nothing more than a vessel, a container for Sukuna's immense power. In this new world, Sukuna sought nothing but the restoration of his former strength, eager to reign over the weak and claim his place as the King of Curses once again.
But something unexpected happened.
As Sukuna adapted to this unfamiliar time, bound to the whims of the young and surprisingly resilient Yuji, he began to notice an eerie familiarity. A presence, almost imperceptible at first, haunted his senses like a whisper from a past he had long tried to bury. For weeks, it was nothing more than a feeling—a fleeting sensation of déjà vu. But one day, while Itadori was on a mission with his comrades, Sukuna sensed it clearly, an unmistakable tug in the pit of his soul.
It was Y/N.
The air was heavy with the scent of rain as Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, and Nobara Kugisaki approached an abandoned shrine in the heart of Tokyo. The sky was dark, thick clouds rumbling with the threat of a storm. The mission had been simple enough—exorcise a low-level curse that had been terrorizing the area. But the closer they got to the shrine, the more uneasy Itadori felt.
Suddenly, Sukuna stirred within him, more forceful than ever before.
"Itadori," Sukuna’s voice dripped with an uncharacteristic urgency, “stop.”
"What? Why?" Itadori muttered, confused by the sudden demand.
"Stop moving. There’s something here… something I need to see."
Despite his better judgment, Itadori hesitated, coming to a halt as the others glanced back at him, perplexed.
“Is something wrong?” Fushiguro asked, his brows furrowed in suspicion.
But Itadori’s focus was inward, grappling with the sudden shift in Sukuna’s demeanor. The curse had never been like this—never this intense, this… frantic.
Before he could respond, the air in front of them shimmered. The faint outline of a figure emerged from the shadows, bathed in the dim light of the setting sun. A woman, her silhouette familiar in ways that sent chills down Itadori’s spine.
She stepped into the light, her form becoming clearer, and Sukuna—locked deep within the confines of his vessel—felt the earth shatter beneath him.
It was her. It was Y/N.
Sukuna’s heart, if such a thing still existed in that hollow chest of his, slammed against his ribs. He had convinced himself that Y/N was gone, lost to time like the rest of his ancient past. Yet here she stood, in the same flesh, the same soft features that had once haunted his dreams. Her eyes, wide and confused, scanned the group before landing on Itadori.
On him.
On Sukuna.
"Who are you?" Nobara asked, her voice steady, though tinged with wariness.
The woman’s gaze never left Itadori, and Sukuna knew she recognized him—or rather, what was inside of him. It was as if she could see through the boy, beyond the surface, and into the dark pit where Sukuna's soul resided.
Y/N’s voice trembled when she finally spoke, “Ryomen... Sukuna?”
The sound of her voice—it was like a knife twisting in his chest. How many years had passed? How was she still here? How could she still be alive?
Itadori could feel Sukuna’s overwhelming surge of emotions, emotions that he had never associated with the malevolent curse. For once, the King of Curses wasn’t angry, wasn’t vengeful—he was something else. Shocked? Unsettled?
Sukuna forced himself to the surface, taking control of Itadori’s body with a wave of energy that made the boy's companions stumble back.
"Sukuna!" Fushiguro growled, his fists clenching in preparation for a fight.
But Sukuna wasn’t interested in them. His eyes were fixed on Y/N, his gaze sharp and disbelieving as he towered over her, standing in a body that wasn’t truly his.
“How are you here?” Sukuna’s voice was low, dangerous, yet laced with something akin to wonder. “You should be dead. Long dead.”
Y/N’s eyes were wide, brimming with the weight of centuries of memories. She stepped forward, her face pale but resolute, as if searching for some remnant of the man she had once known within the demon now inhabiting a stranger’s body.
“I—I don’t know,” she whispered, her voice fragile, trembling. “I don’t know how I’m here. One day I was in your time, and the next… everything was different. I’ve been searching for answers, for you… ever since.”
Sukuna’s expression hardened, though his emotions swirled chaotically beneath the surface. His memories of Y/N—of the years they had spent together—came rushing back, vivid and raw. She had been the only person to ever see him as something other than a monster, and it had driven him mad when she disappeared.
He had scoured the earth, razed villages, and destroyed kingdoms, all in a vain attempt to find her, to reclaim what had been taken from him. Yet, even in his most vicious moments, he had never imagined she would be here—in this time, in this world.
"You left," Sukuna growled, the bitterness in his voice cutting through the air like a blade. "You vanished without a trace. Why?"
Y/N’s face twisted in pain as she tried to piece together the fragmented memories of her past. “I didn’t mean to. I don’t even remember what happened. One moment I was with you, and the next… everything was gone. I was alone. I’ve been alone for centuries.”
Her words hit Sukuna harder than he expected. Centuries. She had been alive all this time, wandering a world that had forgotten her. The thought of her suffering, of her searching for him while he had been sealed away, ignited something deep within him—a fury that had nothing to do with curses or power.
"Why didn’t you come for me sooner?" Sukuna’s voice was dangerously low, but there was an undercurrent of desperation in it.
Y/N shook her head, her eyes brimming with unshed tears. “I didn’t know where to look. I didn’t know if you were even alive. I’ve been trying—trying to find you, to understand why I’m still here, why I haven’t aged or died.”
For the first time in his long, violent existence, Sukuna found himself at a loss for words. The King of Curses, the monster that had terrorized the Heian era, stood frozen in the face of something he had never known how to confront—vulnerability. Y/N was the only person who had ever made him feel anything beyond the lust for power and destruction, and now, centuries later, she stood before him, just as broken as he was.
In a rare moment of clarity, Sukuna released his grip on Itadori’s body, allowing the boy to regain control. Itadori stumbled, gasping for air, his eyes wide in confusion as he tried to process what had just happened.
But Y/N’s gaze never left Sukuna, even as Itadori looked at her with bewilderment. She knew who she was speaking to, even if the body was not his own.
“Ryomen,” she whispered, her voice soft and aching. “I never stopped searching for you.”
Itadori, still recovering from the sudden loss of control, glanced between Y/N and his comrades, unsure of what to do. But before he could say anything, Y/N stepped closer, her hand trembling as she reached out to touch Itadori’s chest—Sukuna’s chest.
“I don’t know why fate has brought us here,” she murmured, her fingers ghosting over Itadori’s shirt as if she were trying to reach the man buried beneath. “But I’ve been waiting for this moment for longer than I can remember.”
And for the first time in centuries, Sukuna—the King of Curses, the most feared being to have ever walked the earth—felt something other than rage. It was the faintest glimmer of hope, a small flicker in the endless darkness that consumed him.
It was Y/N. And she was here.
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The Timeless Lessons of SADE ADU: A Feminine Breakdown of Her Qualities 💋
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Welcome back to The Black Feminine Society, your go-to place for illuminating and celebrating the spectrum of black femininity. You loved our last deep dive into the unique feminine qualities of the iconic Aaliyah Haughton, and we heard you loud and clear when we asked, 'Who's next?' With a confidence that's unmistakable and a style that's undeniably timeless, Sade Adu was your top pick in our recent poll. So, without further ado, let's deep dive, breaking down the feminine characteristics and qualities of this IT GIRL who continues to inspire us all with her grace, strength, and unmatched talent. Enjoy the read, and as always, let's continue the conversation in the comments below 💋
Key Notes: (What Sade Has Taught Us)
The Power of Grace & Elegance
There’s Strength in Sensitivity
Balancing Strength & Softness
Authenticity is Key
Tapping into Empathy & Compassion
Resilience and Independence
Nurturing Creativity
Having A Classy Style is TIMELESS
✨Grace and Elegance:
Sade exudes grace and elegance in her appearance, demeanor, and music. She carries herself with poise and sophistication, which teaches us the importance of gracefulness in our interactions and how living in your feminine energy can elevate our presence in the world.
✨Strength in Sensitivity:
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Sade's music often explores themes of love, vulnerability, and sensuality. She demonstrates that embracing one's sensitivity and vulnerability doesn't equate to weakness but rather showcases inner strength and emotional depth. Learning to embrace and express our emotions authentically is a powerful lesson in femininity.
✨Balancing Strength and Softness:
Sade embodies a balance of strength and softness, showcasing that femininity encompasses a spectrum of qualities. She teaches us the importance of embracing both our assertive and nurturing sides, finding harmony within ourselves.
Every IT Girl moves to the beat of her own drum! Sade remains true to herself throughout her career, not conforming to trends or expectations. Her authenticity resonates with audiences worldwide, teaching us the importance of staying true to our values, beliefs, and passions, regardless of external pressures.
✨Empathy and Compassion:
Sade's lyrics often convey empathy and understanding towards the complexities of human relationships. Her ability to capture the nuances of love and longing teaches us the importance of empathy and compassion in our interactions with others.
✨Resilience and Independence:
Despite facing challenges and setbacks in her life and career, Sade has maintained resilience and independence. She serves as a reminder that femininity is not synonymous with passivity and that women can be strong, independent, and resilient while still embracing their feminine qualities.
✨Nurturing Creativity:
Sade's music is a testament to the power of creativity and artistic expression. She encourages us to nurture our creativity, whether it be through music, art, writing, or any other form of expression, as a means of connecting with our inner selves and the world around us.
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✨Classy Style:
Sade is renowned for her timeless and sophisticated style, both on and off stage. Her fashion choices often feature tailored suits, elegant dresses, and minimalist yet chic ensembles. Through her fashion sense, she exudes a sense of class and refinement that transcends trends and remains relevant across generations. This is why The Black Feminine Society encourages our ladies to always keep it classy, and chic with a touch of authenticity it’s TIMELESS.
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As we conclude our analysis of the feminine qualities of Sade Adu, we hope you've enjoyed this exploration as much as we enjoyed crafting it. The Black Feminine Society cherishes the opportunity to highlight such profound figures in our culture, figures like Sade who embody the essence of femininity with an unshakeable strength and grace. As we celebrate these IT GIRLS, we invite you to join us in our mission to redefine and embrace the multifaceted nature of black femininity. Thank you for joining us on this journey, and remember, your voice matters in these conversations. Until next time, keep embracing and expressing your unique feminine qualities.
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volgeblaft · 3 months
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Reference sheet of Shichiro! Inspired by the JJK character animation references ❤️
Realized I didn't include his grading, but he's a current grade 2, future grade 1 sorcerer(maybe eventually even special grade?)! Up until the point he is able to fully optimize his ability, he remains a grade 2, too held back by the scarring and exhaustion caused by his technique.
More about his cursed technique below the cut ✨
Cursed Technique: "Beastial Convergence"
"Bestial Convergence" is a formidable cursed technique that allows the user to partially or fully transform into a wolf-like beast. These transformations grant the user immense physical capabilities and specialized abilities. However, each transformation exacts a toll on the user's body, causing scarring and damage, particularly in areas where the cursed energy is most concentrated for the particular transformation. Partial transformations, the most used method, causes scarring around the wrists and ankles.
Key Features:
- Transformation States:
Partial Transformation: The user can selectively transform parts of their body, such as their arms, legs, or head, into those of the beast form. This state grants enhanced strength, speed, and heightened senses while maintaining some human characteristics for versatility in combat.
Full Transformation: The user completely transforms into a massive wolf-like beast. In this state, the user gains immense physical power, unmatched speed, and feral instincts, but at the cost of higher energy expenditure and more significant physical damage.
- Enhanced Abilities:
Strength and Speed: Both partial and full transformations grant the user superhuman strength and speed. For example, partial transformation of the feet grants heightened speed and jumping abilities, while partial hand transformation grants heightened strength and damage.
Heightened Senses: Transformations enhance the user's senses, allowing them to see in the dark, detect scents over vast distances, and hear minute sounds, making them formidable trackers and hunters.
Drawbacks and Scarring:
Energy Cost: Each transformation requires a significant amount of cursed energy, proportional to the level of the beast form taken. The higher the energy expended, the more severe the physical toll on the user's body.
Scarring: High-energy parts of the body, such as the arms, legs, chest and back, develop deep scars after each transformation. These scars accumulate over time, marking the user with a distinctive pattern of eye-shaped injuries. However, if treated quickly with RCT, the damage can be minimized post-transformation.
Pain and Exhaustion: Transforming causes pain, and prolonged use can lead to severe exhaustion. The user must carefully manage their energy and transformation duration to avoid incapacitation.
Special Techniques:
Feral Rush: The user channels their cursed energy to temporarily boost their speed and agility, allowing them to move in short bursts of incredible velocity, making them a blur to the naked eye.
Hunting Instinct: The user temporarily heightens their senses to track and predict the movements of their prey, making them exceptionally difficult to evade.
Pack Call: The user can summon spectral beasts made of cursed energy to aid in battle. These spectral beasts are not as strong as the user but can overwhelm opponents through sheer numbers and coordinated attacks.
Strategic Use:
The user must balance the power gained from transformation with the damage it causes. Strategic planning and precise execution are crucial to maximizing the benefits while minimizing the drawbacks.
The scars serve as both a testament to the user's resilience and a reminder of the cost of their power, shaping their fighting style and approach to combat.
"Beastial Convergence" is a cursed technique that embodies the primal power and versatility of the animal kingdom, granting the user a range of formidable abilities at the price of their own physical well-being. The technique's effectiveness lies in the user's ability to adapt their beast form to the demands of the battle, making them a fearsome and unpredictable opponent.
Domain Expansion: "Whispering haunt"
The Domain Expansion "Whispering haunt" transports the target into a haunting, foggy forest of birch trees. The atmosphere is perpetually dark, with an eerie luminescence that only heightens the sense of dread. The birch trees, tall and slender, are covered in ghostly white bark, each one marked with sinister eye patterns that seem to come alive, following every movement of the target.
Key Features:
- Environment:
The ground is soft and damp, muffling footsteps and adding to the sense of isolation.
A thick, cold fog clings to the ground, obscuring vision and creating an oppressive atmosphere.
The air is filled with faint whispers and unsettling rustling sounds, as if the forest itself is alive and aware.
- Sure-Hit Attacks:
Claws from the Trees: The birch trees can suddenly sprout long, sharp claws from their trunks. These claws are as hard as steel and move with terrifying speed, aiming to slash and tear at the target.
Maws of the Forest: The trees can also open wide maws filled with jagged, splintered teeth. These maws can appear on any part of the trees and will snap shut with a vicious bite, attempting to maim or consume the target.
Sentient Surveillance:
The eye markings on the trees are not just decorative; they actively follow the target's movements. They can detect even the slightest shift, ensuring there is no place to hide within the domain.
The eyes can also communicate silently with the claws and maws, synchronizing attacks to corner and overwhelm the target.
Psychological Warfare:
The whispers in the air are not just random noises; they carry taunting messages, preying on the target's fears and insecurities.
The fog can occasionally take on the shape of ghostly figures, adding to the psychological torment by creating the illusion of additional threats.
Escape Mechanism:
The only way to escape the "Whispering haunt" is to break the caster's concentration or defeat them directly. The domain is a manifestation of the caster's cursed energy, and as long as they maintain it, the forest remains an inescapable nightmare.
This Domain Expansion is designed to disorient and terrorize its target, combining physical attacks with psychological horror to create a relentless and inescapable assault.
(AI used to further work out the writing. Basic ideas were made fully by me, text edited by me.)
If you came this far, the reason he likes camping and hiking is specifically for the quiet and calm. He prefers going completely by himself. He's very sensitive to stimulants, and the city life definitely overstimulates his senses. Eventually, in the future, he goes AWOL and kinda disappears into the mountains for a while. Little fun fact as a treat ✨❤️
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avaleigh16 · 1 year
In the heart of the dense and mysterious Yautja jungle, a unique bond was about to unravel. Y/N, a courageous and resilient human, found themselves trapped in the midst of a treacherous war between two powerful factions of the Yautja species. Unbeknownst to them, a male and a female Yautja had been silently observing their every move, their fascination intensifying with each passing day.
Y/N had always been drawn to the enigma that was the Yautja, their strength, and unmatched skill. From a young age, they had studied their culture, their traditions, and their ways of life. Through countless nights spent meticulously researching, Y/N had somehow managed to save themselves from certain doom on numerous perilous occasions.
One fateful evening, as a storm raged over the Yautja jungle, Y/N found themselves in a fierce encounter with a hostile Yautja warrior. It was none other than the male Yautja who had been shadowing their every move. This Yautja, known as Arkan, had been deeply intrigued by the human's unwavering spirit and determination. As the intense battle unfolded, Y/N's wits and physical prowess impressed Arkan, captivating his warrior's heart.
Just as victory appeared within Arkan's reach, an unexpected figure emerged from the darkness to aid Y/N. It was a female Yautja warrior named S'arin, whose lightning-fast reflexes and strategic combat maneuvers stunned both Y/N and Arkan. However, her motives remained unclear – her arrival had seemingly saved Y/N, but was it out of empathy or something else entirely?
In the aftermath of the battle, as the rain poured down relentlessly, Y/N stared in awe at the two Yautja warriors who had both come to their aid. The tension between the male and female Yautja was palpable; each shared a look that hinted at a deep, complicated history. Sensing Y/N's perplexity, Arkan approached cautiously, his fierce golden eyes locked with Y/N's. He let out a low, raspy growl, akin to a Yautja's way of speaking, and a profound connection seemed to form between them.
S'arin, feeling an unexpected surge of jealousy, retreated to a nearby tree, her nimble movements visible only to the keenest of observers. She watched with eyes clouded by emotion as Arkan and Y/N conversed, their mutual admiration and respect almost tangible in the humid air.
As their interactions became more frequent, a bond began to grow between Y/N and the two Yautja warriors. Together, they ventured into the depths of the jungle, facing danger head-on and relying on each other's unique skills to survive. The lines between friendship, trust, and admiration blurred, creating an intricate tapestry of emotions.
It was during one particularly treacherous expedition that Y/N, Arkan, and S'arin stumbled upon an ancient Yautja relic – a beautiful crystal said to possess great power. The discovery triggered a desperate scramble for control, as each Yautja believed the crystal could bring glory and honor to their respective clans. However, a realization began to dawn on Y/N – the crystal, unlike anything they had ever seen, could manipulate the very fabric of reality.
United by their newfound affection for Y/N, Arkan and S'arin put aside their differences and agreed to protect the human from the chaos the crystal could unleash. As they sought a way to neutralize its power and prevent it from falling into the wrong hands, the trio found themselves engulfed in a race against time.
Through countless battles and harrowing encounters, Y/N's bond with Arkan and S'arin flourished. In the darkest moments, they found solace in each other's arms, sharing stolen moments of tenderness amidst the constant danger that surrounded them. It was a love that transcended species, societies, and expectations.
Ultimately, the crystal's destructive potential was harnessed for good, its energy redirected and locked away. Y/N, Arkan, and S'arin emerged from their intense journey irrevocably changed. They had discovered a love that defied the limitations of their respective races, their hearts forever intertwined.
As they prepared to go their separate ways, a bittersweet understanding settled upon them. Despite their deep connection, Y/N knew they could only belong to one. With a heavy heart, a decision was made – to forge their own paths and allow fate to guide them.
In the years that followed, Y/N would reminisce about the love shared with the Yautja warriors, reflecting upon their time together as a cherished memory. In their hearts, they felt truly blessed to have experienced a love so extraordinary, knowing such a bond could never be replicated or forgotten.
As Y/N embarked on new adventures, they carried the lessons and memories gifted to them by the Yautja. Their story, a testament to the power of love and unity amidst chaos and uncertainty, would forever remain etched in their heart, reminding them that love, in all its forms, is a force that knows no boundaries.
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prettyhennytea · 1 month
Simone Biles: The Gymnastics GOAT’s Unmatched Legacy
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Simone Biles isn't just a gymnast; she’s a global icon who has redefined her sport. Although she contemplated retirement after the Tokyo Olympics, Biles made a triumphant return at the 2023 World Championships, proving that her dominance is far from over.
With a refreshed perspective on gymnastics, Biles now views the sport as something she does, nt who she is. Yet, the medals keep piling up, solidifying as the greatest of all time. 
A Look at Biles’ Jaw-Dropping Achievements:
Most Decorated Gymnast in World Championships History: Biles boasts a staggering 30 World Championship medals.
Queen of World Golds: She holds the record for the most World goal medals (23).
Unstoppable All-Around Champion: Biles has clinched an impressive 6 World all-around titles.
American Olympic Record Holder: Her 7 Olympic medals tie Shannon Miller for the most by an American gymnast.
Presidential Recognition: In 2022, Biles received the prestigious Presidential Medal of Freedom.
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Biles’ Dominance Across Competitions: 
From the Olympics to the US Championships, Biles’ trophy cabinet is overflowing. She consistently delivers gold-medal performances, showcasing her unparalleled skills and athleticism.
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Beyond the Medals:
Biles’ impact extends far beyond her medal count. She’s a role model for aspiring athletes, a champion for mental health awareness, and a symbol of strength and resilience.
What’s Next for Biles:
While she remains undecided about the 2028 Olympics, one thing is certain: Simone Biles will continue to inspire and amaze, leaving an indelible mark on the world of gymnastics and beyond.
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mayamidnightmelody · 4 months
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Leia Organa's Iconic Outfits in Star Wars
Leia Organa, a character immortalized in the iconic Star Wars saga, stands as a symbol of beauty, courage, and resilience. While her character is defined by her wit, leadership, and bravery, her physical appearance also captivates audiences, especially through her attire in "Return of the Jedi" and "A New Hope."
Leia's smile radiates warmth and determination, reflecting her unwavering resolve in the face of adversity. It's a smile that can light up a room and inspire hope in those around her. Behind that smile lies a woman of immense strength, one who fearlessly confronts the challenges that come her way, whether battling the Galactic Empire or leading the Rebel Alliance.
Leia's courage is unmatched, earning her a place among the most revered heroes in cinematic history. She fearlessly stands up against tyranny, risking her life to fight for freedom and justice in the galaxy. Her unwavering commitment to her cause inspires those around her to stand up and join the fight, making her a true leader in every sense of the word.
However, it's Leia's attire in "Return of the Jedi" and "A New Hope" that has left an indelible mark on popular culture. In "Return of the Jedi," Leia is famously clad in a gold bikini while held captive by Jabba the Hutt. This outfit has become iconic, symbolizing Leia's strength and resilience even in moments of vulnerability. Despite her precarious situation, Leia maintains her dignity and refuses to be objectified, ultimately using her chains to strangle her captor and free herself.
In "A New Hope," Leia's white, lightweight outfit, famously described by George Lucas as bra-less, allows her chest to be free. This outfit is a testament to Leia's comfort in her own skin and her refusal to conform to societal norms. By portraying Leia without a bra, Lucas challenges traditional notions of femininity and empowers Leia to embrace her natural self without restraint.
Both outfits serve as powerful symbols of Leia's agency and defiance, embodying her refusal to be defined solely by her appearance. Instead, Leia's beauty lies in her courage, intelligence, and compassion, qualities that make her a timeless and beloved character in the Star Wars universe.
In conclusion, Leia Organa is a multifaceted character whose beauty transcends physical appearance. While her smile and courage are undeniably captivating, it's her strength of character and unwavering resolve that truly make her shine. Whether clad in a gold bikini or a bra-less outfit, Leia remains a symbol of empowerment and inspiration for generations of fans around the world.
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jenniferstit · 2 years
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pac: what makes you UNIQUE?
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you have a remarkable ability to remain balanced. no matter what happens, positive or negative, you operate from a place of neutrality. you are neither impulsive nor impatient, you understand and appreciate the value of hard work & endurance. you have excellent resilience, and you are not afraid to get your hands dirty, so to speak… you recognize that you are the only person who can take yourself to where you want to go. you are a truth seeker, you see things clearly. you don’t let others’ doubt cloud your clear mindset. i’m also hearing “don’t take no for an answer.” i feel that you handle rejection very well. you recognize that one closed door simply leads to another opportunity. you welcome new beginnings and aren’t afraid of change. this pile is very independent. your belief in yourself and faith in the universe is unmatched. i believe this pile is highly protected & very in touch with divinity… earth angel vibes. whatever seeds you are planting at/around this time will sprout beautifully in the next few months… big or small. there is an energy of emerging victory present. stay true to yourself & remain authentic. the world needs it. you know your shadow traits and you keep them in check. it may spook the people around you because they never see you step into a negative energy, giving them the impression that you do no wrong. this energy cracks me up bc it’s so calm & assured… you’ve been this way your whole life so you don’t recognize it as special but these traits are indeed unique, embrace it.
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ok this group has lots of messages coming through, the last pile was more straight forward. so i see that you have big dreams, especially related to finances, or it could be that you have a strong emotional desire for family or some sort of stability or support. you definitely have star quality, whatever financial aspirations that you have can be achieved if you believe in yourself & plan accordingly. if you try to cut corners or achieve things quickly you will almost certainly run into obstacles. universe is really emphasizing the importance of patience & planning. i’m seeing that you are an EXTREMELY creative individual and your creativity needs to become the primary focus. i’m getting the energy of someone who’s thinking too far ahead into the future. success will come but what are you doing right now to ensure that success? i’m seeing that these thoughts abt success/finances may stem from self-worth issues. i recommend really putting in the work to develop your solar plexus chakra bc that will 100% help you get to where you want to be. in order to have this success you need to believe that you are truly worthy of it and this reading suggests that you may not [unconsciously] believe that. i definitely believe that you are meant to be a star, at any age, but you have to believe it too.
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what makes you unique? you’re showing up as the magician, which says a lot. it’s also showing up here with the high priestess so i’m definitely going to say that you are a witch or mystic of some kind… even if you don’t practice. you just give off that energy. i’m seeing that people don’t know whether to love or hate you lol. it’s like they find you inspiring but they also put themselves in competition against you… weird. you may deal with a lot of weirdness from people… inconsistent behavior, oddities, things that just can’t be explained. this has nothing to do with you but everything to do with them and how they choose to react to your energy. i’m seeing that people try to compare themselves to you but they’re only able to perceive a percentage of who you are. it’s like they’re comparing 100% of themselves when they really only see abt 20% of you lol… not a rational thing to do. but that’s just it, these people aren’t thinking with their rational minds. 2222. you have a strong sexual presence as well, i think it’s very easy for people to idealize/sexualize you. you may find fantasy creation to be a problem inside your relationships bc people just can’t receive the real you. it’s very easy for people to perceive themselves to be inadequate when in your presence. i think you’re aware of this on some level and you intuitively know to stay away from such people. i think you have an incredibly powerful auric field and you consciously or unconsciously carry the weight of that. you may perceive it to be a burden bc it’s challenging for you to make quality connections, or even just navigate normal social situations. things won’t always be this way, but i think it’s important that you learn the lessons from these situations bc the lesson is the most important thing. i also have to say this: if you are manifesting a romantic relationship with someone, it will happen, but not when you expect it. it will be with a king of pentacles character— someone established and well off financially.
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☆ more readings on tiktok ★
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yujo-nishimura · 10 months
The Escape - Part 17
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - Part 16
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On the third night of your ongoing journey, slumber is abruptly shattered by the sound of cannonfire. The piercing noise reverberates through the ship, accompanied by the urgent cries and tumultuous activity on deck. Swiftly, you rise from your bed, seizing the sword that Buggy has finally granted you permission to carry, and hasten towards the source of the commotion. 
As you emerge onto the deck, the vast expanse of the starry night sky serves as a backdrop for the ominous sight before you. Five marine ships loom on the horizon, steadily closing in on your vessel. 
The whole deck is in a hurry to get the cannons ready, Buggy is standing on the second level of the ship's deck, giving orders. “We should flashily greet them with a Buggy ball!” He laughs and orders his men to prepare these special explosive balls for the marine ships. 
With urgency coursing through your veins, you hasten towards Mohji, gripping your sword tightly, prepared to defend the ship should the marines manage to get on board. The canons stand poised, their barrels trained on the approaching marine vessels, ready for confrontation. Buggy, sensing the tension in the air, instructs his crew to exercise patience, recognizing the need for the ships to draw closer for maximum impact.
Buggy's excitement becomes contagious, fueling your own anticipation. The prospect of witnessing the devastating power of these unique cannonballs fills you with a sense of exhilaration.
"Fire!" Buggys voice rings out, cutting through the stillness of the night. In an instant, the air is shattered by the deafening boom of an explosion. Two marine ships approaching you from the front are hit and the explosion is just outrageous. The intensity of the battle forces you to squeeze your eyes shut, shielding yourself from the blinding impact of the clash, you hear screams of the marine soldiers dropping into the sea like flies. 
However, as you survey the unfolding scene, your heart sinks. The three remaining marine ships have closed in perilously close proximity, rendering it too risky to unleash the powerful explosive cannonballs upon them. The potential for collateral damage to your own ship is too great. “Get ready to defend the ship!” Buggy yells and everyone is drawing their weapons, ready to defend themselves from the invading marines. 
In a blink of an eye, the marines have maneuvered their ships to surround yours, effectively boxing you in. With calculated precision, they begin their invasion, launching simultaneous attacks from both the left and right sides. The air is filled with the resounding battle cry of the crew, a collective roar of determination that echoes through the chaos.
The deck transforms into a battleground as a fierce and bloody fight ensues. Swords clash, firearms roar, and the sound of bodies colliding fills the air as each member of the crew fights with unmatched ferocity and resilience. You finally have the chance to show your fighting skills, next to Mohji you both attack a group of marines running towards you, inflicting deep wounds upon your adversaries. Adrenaline rushes through you as you are able to take out one marine after another. As you made your way to the forecastle deck and you managed to throw three marines overboard you suddenly felt a sharp pain in your arm, unable to move any further. A rope has suddenly taken hold of you, so tight, that you feel it is cutting right into your skin. 
As you turn around you can see a marine woman, long blonde hair, round glasses, her face showing determination to capture you. From the coat this marine lady is wearing she looks like a Lieutenant Commander. Perplexed by how swiftly she had maneuvered the rope around your arm, you had no time to dwell on it. Instinctively, you chose to defend yourself, launching an attack with your free fist. Yet, in that very moment, to your astonishment, another rope lashed out towards you, emanating directly from her hands. This time the rope is tied tightly around your hip and waist, making it impossible for you to move. You lose balance and fall over. 
“Dammit… Do you have devil fruit powers?”, you lay on the floor and you speak to the shoes of this Lieutenant commander, rather than being able to look in her face. 
“I have been searching for you, Y/n! So it was right what the marines told me in Loguetown. You are with the Buggy pirates after all!” 
“Who are you? How do you know my name?”, you spit these words out in disgust. Her voice laced with superiority makes you feel sick to your stomach. 
“You don't know me yet, but rest assured, the world government knows who you are, Y/n…!” 
She tightens the ropes and you scream in pain, the ropes cutting into your flesh. 
“You will be coming with us for interrogation. Letting someone dangerous like you walk around freely is something the World Government cannot afford…” 
The marine lady jerks you up to your feet, the ropes tightening around your body, you gasping for air. You feel dizzy, not knowing how long you can stand against her any longer. To your relief you can see Buggy sprinting now towards her from behind, giving her a sharp blow on her head, rendering her unconscious in a second. 
Immediately the ropes loosen and you can breathe again, with a gasp of air you sink to your knees. Your captain reaches towards you with his detached arms, he sees you are too weak to fight, and he catches you before you fall on your face. He then jumps on the knocked out marine, not caring that she is a woman but giving her some more beatings to the face in a rage fit which even scares you. “It's okay, Buggy. She is unconscious. Let's throw her back on her ship…!”, you slowly get up, trying to stop your captain. He realizes now what he is doing, stopping immediately in movement and looking at you with a scared face. 
“I am sorry. I thought.. she was hurting you.” You fail to say anything, with the little power you have left you heave her up, throwing her back on the ship of the marines which is almost empty now. Somehow you have no power to kill the Lieutenant, knowing she could become a threat to you later you still think the wisest decision now was just getting rid of her. 
The marines are almost all defeated, you can see half of the Buggy pirates entering their ships, trying to plunder and steal what the government officials carry with them. Cabaji brings back a big treasure chest and Mohji carries two bags of provisions to the Buggy pirates kitchen. You sink down on your knees again, breathing heavily, trying to catch your breath from the fight. 
Buggy, who is ordering his men around, makes sure that everyone is back on the pirate ship, before the three now empty Marine ships are abandoned in the dark night. You smile satisfied. You really belonged to a group of pirates who were able to defend themselves. 
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dailybugle-blr · 6 months
Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes Continue to Inspire Hope in New York City
by Emily Johnson, reporter
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NEW YORK CITY - Amidst the hustle and bustle of city life, one beacon of hope continues to shine bright: the Avengers. Supposedly led by the charismatic Tony Stark, better known as Iron Man, this team of extraordinary individuals has captured the hearts of New Yorkers and inspired a sense of unity and strength in the face of adversity.
From thwarting alien invasions to battling rogue super villains, the Avengers have proven time and again that they are more than just a team – they are a symbol of hope and resilience in a world filled with uncertainty. Their unwavering dedication to protecting humanity, combined with their unmatched courage and determination, has earned them the admiration and gratitude of citizens across the globe.
"It's truly remarkable what the Avengers have accomplished," says Graham Franklin, lifelong resident of Brooklyn. "Their bravery and selflessness in the face of danger are an inspiration to us all. We owe them a debt of gratitude for keeping our city safe."
Indeed, the Avengers' presence in New York City has brought about a renewed sense of security and confidence among its residents. With their unparalleled powers and unwavering commitment to justice, they stand as a formidable force against the forces of darkness that threaten our world.
"I've always felt safer knowing that the Avengers are watching over us," says Ben Duncan, devoted fan of the team. "Their bravery and heroism remind us that no matter how dire the situation may seem, there is always hope for a brighter tomorrow."
As the city continues to face challenges both old and new, the Avengers remain steadfast in their mission to protect and defend the people of New York. Their tireless efforts serve as a reminder that, in times of crisis, we can always count on the Avengers to be there for us, ready to face whatever challenges come our way.
So here's to the Avengers – Earth's mightiest heroes – for their unwavering dedication to keeping our city safe and for inspiring us all to be heroes in our own right.
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sxii-mafu · 8 months
Gaming Partner
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In the bustling world of pixels and polygons, Y/N and Silver Wolf found a unique connection through the digital realm. Both hardcore gamers, they navigated through various virtual landscapes, their paths converging in unexpected ways.
Y/N, an avid player of Project Sekai, Genshin Impact, Honkai Impact 3rd, Valorant, and Resident Evil, was a force to be reckoned with in the gaming community. Her prowess in rhythm games was unmatched, her skill in tactical shooters formidable, and her survival instincts in horror games commendable. Yet, she found herself hard-stuck in the Ascendant rank in Valorant, constantly plagued by terrible teammates.
On the other side of the screen was Silver Wolf, equally dedicated but with a different repertoire of games. Project Sekai, Honkai Impact, and League of Legends were his domains. His mastery in the fast-paced action of Honkai Impact and strategic gameplay in League of Legends made him a formidable opponent.
Their worlds collided when Y/N and Silver Wolf found themselves in the same Project Sekai rhythm room. A shared passion for rhythm games sparked an in-game friendship that quickly transcended the digital boundaries. As messages flowed in the chat, a bond formed, and the duo soon realized they had more in common than just Project Sekai.
Silver Wolf tentatively suggested playing a round of Valorant together. Y/N hesitated, knowing the struggles she faced in the solo queue. Despite her reservations, she agreed, eager to share a gaming experience with Silver Wolf.
The first few rounds were challenging. Silver Wolf, a seasoned player in other genres, found himself adapting to the world of tactical shooters. Y/N, accustomed to solo plays, adjusted her strategy to accommodate a partner. The communication flowed seamlessly, and their shared laughter echoed through the virtual battleground.
However, even with their combined efforts, victory eluded them. Y/N remained hard-stuck in Ascendant, and Silver Wolf struggled to break into the world of Valorant. Instead of frustration, the defeats brought them closer. Their shared goal of climbing the ranks became a shared journey, filled with determination and unwavering support.
As their gaming sessions continued, Y/N and Silver Wolf's connection deepened. Their conversations extended beyond strategies and in-game banter, delving into personal stories and shared dreams. Late-night gaming sessions turned into late-night calls, the glow of their screens illuminating the growing affection between them.
Their in-game avatars became representations of their real selves, each pixelated movement echoing the unspoken emotions. Silver Wolf, the stoic warrior in Honkai Impact, found himself softening in the presence of Y/N. Y/N, the resilient survivor in Resident Evil, discovered a partner who stood by her side in every gaming adventure and beyond.
In the vast landscape of their digital worlds, Y/N and Silver Wolf found a love as enduring as any in the tangible realm. The pixels may have defined their meeting, but the emotions were real, transcending the boundaries of screens and wires.
Their journey continued, both in-game and in the tangible world. Y/N and Silver Wolf, once bound by the pixels that brought them together, now navigated the challenges of life side by side. The victories and defeats in their favorite games were mere reflections of the victories and defeats they faced together.
In the end, whether they conquered the Ascendant rank or faced defeat in the virtual arenas, Y/N and Silver Wolf understood that their greatest achievements were the shared moments and the unbreakable bond they forged through the language of pixels and polygons.
And so, their love story unfolded in the glow of screens and the click of keyboards, proving that in the vast expanse of virtual realms, the most profound connections could emerge.
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1introvertedsage · 2 months
Some days are easier than others - having such a soft heart.
Living years with the heart buried - provides an unmatched resilience.
What was once a heart that could so easily break down the Mind and a Mind that was capable of doing the same in return- there’s an ease, and stillness amongst a withdrawn observer - capable of remaining neutral even when emotions run high.
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deathly-toxins · 1 year
AMBUSH :  for both characters to come under attack by the same enemy.
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It was just supposed to be a normal night. No oddities, nothing out of the ordinary, a routine check in with one of the Upper Ranks. An exchange of found information, of funds and new commands.
It had no room for a Slayer ambush.
But sometimes the world didn't work that way, and it loved spiting him at every turn. He knew this as a fact, but the fact that these punks had the audacity to jump them in the quiet city streets? They were getting bolder each night it seemed.
Bolder didn't mean smarter, however.
This current generation seemed to have a lot of the former, the gall to try and push themselves into combat with their so called 'prey' when in reality they were only bringing themselves right into waiting maws of the real hunters.
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"Annoying.. PUNKS!" Gyutaro snarled out, slamming one of the blade wielding humans into the ground. Their skull shattering on impact in a splatter of brain matter and blood.
"The hell is with you idiots?!" Three more remained, not a single one carrying a colored haori. Grunts, foot soldiers more or less. Scouts that were meant to investigate and report back to their higher ups.
And a complete waste of their time.
"You suicidal or somethin'? Not very bright either." He'd kill every last one of them if allowed to. His greed for the spilled entrails of the Slayer Corps was unmatched, after all. He hated them, hated their faces, the way they talked, their stupid determined faces and those STUPID blades!
Not like they did anything to him, his skin was too thick by this point. He'd grown strong, resilient, his endurance being among the highest of the Upper Ranks.
He wouldn't even need his sickles for this, they were so damn slow and pathetic. He shouldn't even bother with them but..
They were going to pay the price for their stunt.
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ofhowlingxs · 6 months
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[ lily collins | she/her ] Another face is seeking safety in New Orleans. Make sure to welcome CHARLOTTE LANGTHORNE to the home of the resilient. Rumor has it that they are an 26 year old HUMAN, who is one of the SURVIVORS but we’ll keep that a secret. They are said to be RECKLESS, but that’s all a façade to cover up their ALLURING nature. We’ve heard that they can be found listening to SO WHAT by PINK, which sums them up pretty well. Let’s hope that they can find a way to survive this harsh new world.
Name: Charlotte “Charlie” Langthorne
Age: Twenty-six
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Species: Human
Birthday: December 12th
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Hair color: Auburn brown
Eye color: Green / hazel brown
Siblings: Xavier Langthorne, Cordelia Langthorne
Parents: Nathaniel and Jaqueline Langthorne
She is an enigma to be around. From a young age she has been loud about her opinions, always the life of most parties and not afraid to make it known when the system calls for it. She can get anyone to dance, more often than not you simply want to be around her. She’s fun, and her heart is kind despite how viciously wild it felt at times. She never settles in one place, often driving her parents and siblings grey with worry. She’s simultaneously the girl your parents warned you about, and the one you can’t seem to shake.
Charlotte Langthorne was born a heiress with a temper for the dramatics. She is the youngest of the Langthorne clan, and luckily so considering if she were born first, her parents might not have been brave enough to continue. She was everything wealthy upper east side parents could have hoped for, beautiful and intelligent and full of life. Yet, she also from a young age, allowed that life to overflow. She drove the nannies mad, chasing her through their estate. Trying to keep her dresses clean, her hair less wild. And that’s exactly what she was, a wild flower growing in between cracks of concrete. She loved her life, she loved her family. And most importantly? The love she had for her siblings was unmatched. Especially her elder and only brother. She often followed Xavier around like a shadow. She wanted to do the things he did. She wanted to go the places he did. Party the way he did, when they were older. And she ran circles around him, too. She was no stranger to gasping looks, or ruffling feathers. When she was sixteen, she crashed the debutante ball her parents had her train so effortlessly for all summer, to bring her first girlfriend as her date. At the time, she hadn’t even came out to her parents yet, let alone the rest of their friends and business partners. Boys or girls though, it didn’t matter much to Charlotte.
Things changed when her brother turned, after hearing what happened. She begged to go with him, wherever he was going. She begged for him to take her with him, because the idea of being left alone in New York, without him? She couldn’t do it. And as more time passed, she had decided to drop out of University— nearly putting her father in the grave when she told him that she unenrolled from Columbia. The truth was, she was getting closer and closer to the age that Xavier was when he was turned. And the thought of living without her brother? It was too much to bear. An immortality alone? She couldn’t let him face this world and all it was, for an eternity of lonesome. She couldn’t live and grow old, while he remained the same. She couldn’t. She wouldn’t. It’s why she’s tracked him back down to New Orleans, following her sister once word got out that he’d returned to the city. And she’s determined to become a vampire, while also convince Cordelia, so they can all live together forever.
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