#their romance bar definitely went up!! as did their friendship bar
wool-f · 5 months
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Hello friends,
I’m back again this week with something I’ve been thinking about a lot of late, particularly as I get closer to 30.
The importance of putting yourself out there and asking for the things you want out loud. 
After the last few years of the pandemic, I have come to realise that the the more we delve into being online and the increasing influence that technology has in our everyday life, the less we know how to actually speak with each other face to face.
I’ve experienced this in the workplace, with my friendships and family; but most potently, in the dating pool.
It seems that closer we get through our phones and devices, the further away we fall from human connection in the real world.
In the last year, I’ve completely removed myself from dating apps, content with the concept of someone approaching me in real life, at bars, in clubs, the local coffee shop, anywhere. I found the dating apps served as a shield for real conversation and connection, more often leading to small talk and the constant facilitator of hook up culture.
It’s not that I don’t want a physical connection with anyone, but I’m so sick of physical connection being the only option on the table – what happened to people writing love letters to each other, what happened to yearning, what happened to romance, to taking a chance to speak with a stranger?
I took myself off the dating apps because they increasingly made me feel bad about myself and made me doubt my likability and worthiness of the things that I desire. This was unacceptable to me – I have worked too hard throughout my twenties to now compromise with my own self confidence and love.
I also realised the kind of person I was looking for most likely isn’t on the apps for the same reasons that I wanted to not be on them. I definitely had my fun while using them in my mid-twenties, but now, if I’m going to spend a significant amount of time with someone, I want it to mean something more than a fleeting few dates or a giggle over a drink.
So to put my money where my mouth is, I’ve started putting myself out there again, in the REAL world.
I was recently at a wedding and met someone. I really enjoyed their company and we ended up being the last two people in a bar after the wedding, just laughing and chatting and revelling in each-other's company.
We exchanged numbers and went our separate ways.
A few days after the wedding, we’d been chatting on and off over text, and I took the plunge – I asked him if he wanted to go for drinks.
Prior to this, I would always wait for the guy to make the first move on all fronts – asking out, first kiss, everything. When I deleted the apps, I knew I would have to make a compromise from this, and I was more than happy to do that in this case.
However, despite it all, I struck out. Let me be honest – I was disappointed with the rejection – no is not something I'm used to hearing from men. I was surprised, but I knew this came with the territory of putting myself out there – I would have to be willing to get rejected every now and then to really get to the prize.
At this point, I leant into my mindful practices and felt comfort knowing that whatever is meant for me will never pass me by. And despite the small low of rejection, I felt proud of myself for taking the chance – it’s no small feat to be vulnerable or exposed at risk of not receiving the response you want!
I did that all by myself! It sounds crazy to be congratulating myself over such a small thing that humans used to do all the time – but that is the state of our world at the moment. People live in constant fear of rejection, when really it’s a gift – it’s an example of us being brave. Calling myself brave is something I’ll happily add to my resume of adjectives.
The notion of bravely walking towards the things we want by putting ourselves out there, or actively asking for the things we want is something I’ve been thinking a lot about lately, as I said above. The reason I have been thinking about it so much is due to the creeping realisation that life is to be lived and we don’t really have that much time to live it.
The older I get the more I understand how important it is to at least try to live your dreams. The fear of being on my death bed and not having achieved the goals I set for myself now, or even the goals I had in my younger years, overwhelms me at times, as I recognise how quickly time is moving around me.
Asking for the things I want and throwing myself at opportunities and chances to achieve them is something I try to do every single day. 
Even if it has to be in one percent increments, one percent is better than remaining where I am. 
It signifies a commitment to myself, if nothing else. The promises we make to ourselves are so often broken to appease the desire of another person - whether it be our bosses, our partners, friends or family members. Why is it that we are so willing to break promises we make to ourselves, but keep those we make to others? I think it's because if we break a promise to ourselves, it's private - nobody but you knows that it's been broken. But when it's to another person -  it becomes public, it attracts an expected judgement or exterior disappointment.
I've come to the realisation that I never want to feel disappointment for myself again. I am keeping the promises I make to myself. Judgement and disappointment from others is becoming more and more irrelevant the older I get, and honestly I'm enjoying life so much more without the pressure of caring about it. 
This is something that has played on my mind regarding deleting the apps as well. So many people have just accepted that "the only way to meet someone" is through these low effort apps. I've spoken with numerous friends about it and for the most part they are supportive of the decision, however the apprehensive friends are concerned about the likelihood of meeting someone in the "real world". 
But this is not something I'm actually concerned about if I'm being honest - finding a boyfriend/partner/husband/romantic soulmate is not what I centre my life around. I have amazing friends, so many hobbies I enjoy, a career that is at its grassroots level and family.
Furthermore, my truth is that I don't want to meet someone on "the apps". I don't want our love story to begin with a swipe right. I want a meet-cute, a moment in a bar, a friend of a friend, a romantic gesture! And if that is something I want, I'm more than certain that there is someone out there willing to give it to me! 
And I'm not taking that step towards that reality if I'm still using the apps to mindlessly swipe through people as if it's a game or gambling. I truly believe if you want something, you have to become it first. So if I want a real life romance, I have to become the person who has a role in that, by being present in the moment, not walking around with my head in the virtual cloud. I have to be open to being approached (not by creeps though lol) and willing to take a chance! 
At the end of the day, whether you meet on an app or in real life, we are all strangers until we are not. 
So, I have written all this to say - take your life into your own hands! It is not enough to make a vision board and hope those things will happen, it's not enough to make the to do list - you have to get out and get the stuff done! 
Take control of your own destiny. I will be. 
In the wise words of Slim Halliday,
Do you time before it does you.
As always, chat to me in the comments! I want to hear your thoughts on dating right now, dating experiences and life in general - what are you taking control of?
Signing off for another week, 
G xx 
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
Can someone ezblain why we had that whole roy vs jamie over keeley fight revived? I was happy that they were being friends. Then they went to keeley's house and wer liek you pick and I was so sure she was going to be like why not both? I was on that train. Her canon reaction made sense but then made ask why bring it up at all? They were doing fine. Their relationship grew beyond fighting over a girl, after what they went thru togtherr? Idk
I really wish I could explain it, anon. Personally, I think the problem started an episode before when they suddenly introduced the "I don't want to just be friends" conflict when, from where I was standing, Roy and Keeley had already gotten back together, concluding the journey we've known they were on since the start of Season One. Keeley starts falling for Roy, they date, have some struggles, overcome them, and presumably conclude the series as an item, demonstrating that Keeley can be a strong, independent boss while also indulging in the romance she's been interested in since her introduction.
But then, suddenly, their night together + Rebecca's realization doesn't mean they're dating again. Okay, weird to introduce that in the literal final hour, but I guess they wanted one last conflict for the finale. I got ohhhhh so excited when Roy admitted to being anxious about "stuff" because what could that possibly be except him grappling with feelings for Jamie too? He and Keeley JUST slept together, he JUST wrote her a love confession, he JUST said overtly and without reservations that he wants more than friendship, so there's nothing Keeley-only related that he'd be this nervous about. It's got to be the poly plot-line that's been happening in the background. This is why everyone looks to Jamie during Colin's coming out scene. This is how we confirm Beard's reminder that there are more queer people in the room. This is why we see Jamie's bedroom with a sexualized Keeley AND a poster of Roy right beside it, positioning them as equals. This is why we got moments like Jamie attending Roy's uncle party because yeah, they haven't just become friends, they've become intimately close. Holy shit, Ted Lasso's actually gonna do it!
So I went into the bar scene not liking the regression to jealousy -- and I hated that Jamie used the video to try and one-up Roy, especially after all the good work the writing did with that: having him apologize and keeping that information from Roy when it was none of his business -- but I figured this was just the messy way the story was getting us to that poly ending. They need to act in the traditional Manly Fashion over the girl, going so far as to demand that Keeley choose one of them, in order to access the opportunity for her to say (and I could hear it so clearly in her voice): "Why should I choose just one?" The lead-up to this could have definitely been done better, I thought, watching the three of them sit down at the table, Like, I hate that we're suddenly regressing to set this up, it's stupid, but a canonical poly ending will be worth some missteps. Hell, I'll forgive a LOT here because we almost NEVER get that representation and in a show this popular? Hot damn, that's amazing.
And then Keeley just kicked them both out.
Thank god she remained single, like she always should have been. Strong and independent! I've seen a lot of fans say post-finale and I'm just in my corner going wait, I'm happy for you, truly I am, but I'm asking in the nicest way possible if we watched the same show?? The one where Keeley has ALWAYS wanted a romance? How she's an amazing character in part BECAUSE the writing allowed her to love romance and sex and being a badass boss? Where she and Roy were set up to be the True Love story from the very start? How a Keeley/Roy/Jamie story has been happening subtly in the background, now primed to become canon in the season largely focused on queer identities? How Keeley did not need to be the narrowly defined strong, independent, single woman when Rebecca Fucking Welton was right there, loving her life post-divorce, and instead the story decided to give her a man and a little girl at the last possible second?
They'll at least address that and have Keeley announce her intentions to stay single for a time after that mess with Jack, as a way of wrapping up her story, I thought and then that never happened.
They'll at least address Jamie and Roy's lingering feelings for Keeley because surely, after that bar confrontation, resulting in an actual FIGHT, they won't just shrug this off over some kebabs, I thought and then that never happened.
Well, it sucks that we didn't get a poly couple, but I suppose it was always a long shot--
[Dani slams in with two model women we know nothing about, just literal arm candy at a wedding where Beard marries his abuser that, intentionally or not, is kinda framed as a dream and wait wait wait THAT'S the canonical poly rep we're ending on??]
I've seen a couple people say that they enjoy the finale more after a re-watch and hell yeah. More power to you. Wish that were me. Unfortunately, outside the stuff I liked right at the start, I've enjoyed the finale less and less the more I've returned to it. So much just feels like it came out of nowhere, regressed the characters, contradicted long-term setups, and generally left me feeling disappointed about things they I believe we had good reason to expect from the show. These weren't things we simply hoped for and thus fans are in need of a reminder that this is not their story. This was stuff Ted Lasso textually and thematically implied... and when you're the feel good show of the quarantine era, pulling back from those implied promises feels even worse. The long-running couple break up in the most confusing, backsliding way possible. The last episode cruelly teases one of the most popular ships. Nate's entire redemption arc was rushed/had key moments pushed off-screen, giving him almost no time to re-connect with Ted. The established abuse plot-line is played straight at the end. Ted goes back to Kansas and, according to the montage, full-on abandons his found family in the name of doing right by Henry -- a level of sacrifice I don't think this kid needs or, if given the chance to have a say in all this, would necessarily even want.
Idk, there were a LOT of fantastic moments (the sign reveal makes me SCREAM!!!!!) but overall the bones of the finale left me feeling sad. The Roy/Keeley/Jamie situation is pretty reflective of that feeling.
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thewillofdeez · 1 year
50/50: A Shanks/OC (and Beckman/OC) Romance - Chapter 1: Meetings and Propositions
Summary: A twenty year journey of friendship, love, and heartache between Shanks and the woman he loves.
Chapter 1 word count: 4240
Notes: This fic is currently incomplete but it's pretty close to being done. Smut will definitely be in later chapters, they will be tagged appropriately. Also, Hongo does not exist, the OC is the doctor of the Red Hair Pirates. No hate to Hongo or my Hongo stans.
Cannons and gunshots fired in the distance. Riley continued what she was doing in her office, paying the noise little mind. She’d have to check for survivors later, certainly, but until the blasts died down there wasn’t much she could do.
Pirate battles were pretty commonplace in this area of the South Blue. Compared to other islands in the area, Isha Island wasn’t the biggest or the wealthiest and was quite isolated, being a journey of at least five days to its nearest neighbor. But it did have ample resources and a strong sense of community. This combined with its pleasantly warm weather almost year round made it a perfect place for pirates to make port.
For the most part, this worked out quite well for the island’s residents - most weren’t wealthy enough to have anything worth taking, and the business the pirates provided to the bars and markets kept the economy flowing. Of course, it wasn’t always a great deal - pirates were rowdy, violent, and varying levels of cruel. Any week that went by where there wasn’t a battle in the streets, a trashed storefront, or a mindless death was generally considered to be a good one. On Isha Island, that was pretty much all they could ask for.
Riley dragged the tip of the pencil down the sketchbook paper before her, defining the outside line of a metatarsal bone. She shaded along one end, adding definition. When she was satisfied with her diagram of the bones in the human foot, she took a ruler and drew lines straight out from the key points, labeling them in a neat script. It had been a few minutes since the last blast of gun fire. Perhaps the battle was over. Time to see if anyone was left alive.
Riley made her way through the village street and down to the dock. Putting a hand over her brow to shield her eyes from the late afternoon sun, Riley could see a ship sailing off into the distance, clearly the victor, and the remnants of what appeared to be a much smaller ship sinking into the sea, just a few chunks of broken wood, a mast, and a torn, unmarked sail slipping slowly into the water. Looks like these guys bit off more than they could chew, she thought.
Riley walked towards a small craft bearing a red cross on its single sail, untying it from the dock and making her way out to the site of the battle. This was pretty standard practice for her - wait for the battle to end, head out to sea at most a mile (she wasn’t exactly a sailor - that was about as far as she could bring herself to go), and see if there was anyone to rescue. Sometimes there was, sometimes there wasn’t. If there was, she’d haul them aboard and bring them back to her office, where she would mend their wounds and send them on their way. Such was the life of a doctor in a village like this one. It didn’t pay well, or sometimes at all, but it was what she felt she was meant to do.
“Hey!” a voice called out to her. Looking around, she spotted a head of wet, black hair in the water, attached to an equally soaking body. The man was waving out to her with one hand, his other seemingly holding someone. Riley waved back, acknowledging the two men, then made her way over.
When she got close enough, the black-haired man spoke. “Please…my friend got shot. He needs a doctor.”
“Well lucky for your friend, that’s what I am. Here, let me help him up.” The man in the water passed the unmoving body of his friend to Riley, who grabbed him underneath the arms and hauled him aboard, plopping him onto the deck. The injured man let out a cry - she probably got him where he was hurt. “Sorry!” she said. It wasn’t easy being a relatively normal-sized person and hauling men who were sometimes two or more times her size on board the small craft, but it had to be done.
When the injured man was on board, she finally took a good look at him. A blood stain bloomed through the white shirt covering his right bicep, and was much the same color as the man’s hair and the red ribbon that circled a straw hat which hung around his neck. Another seeped through his pants near his right glute. The man grimaced in pain. “Sorry,” she said again. The man didn’t respond, his head lolling to the side. His skin was pale - he’d probably lost a fair amount of blood so far.
Riley then turned her attention to the other man and helped him aboard.
“How many were with you? Do you know if they’re alive?”
“It’s just us,” the black haired man replied. “Is there anything we can do to stop the bleeding?”
Riley pulled the injured man’s shirt aside to examine the first wound. “Not much until we get back to my place, unfortunately,” she replied. She retreated briefly into the boat’s small cabin and came back with two towels. “Here, take these and apply pressure to the wounds. We’ll get him taken care of.” The man obeyed without a word.
Riley turned the boat and began sailing the two castaways back to shore. When they arrived, she looped the boat to the dock and jumped off. “Let’s get him out of there, quick.” Working together she and the black-haired man brought the wounded red-head off the small craft and onto the dock. For the first time she got a good look at the red-head’s uninjured companion. He was tall, his long black hair hung in a wet ponytail down his back, and his soaking clothes hung to a lithe, muscular body. He lifted his injured friend from the dock and carried him in his arms.
“Lead the way,” he said.
Riley nodded and turned on her heel, leading him quickly through the streets. “Right here,” she called behind her, gesturing to the small building that bore the same red cross as her boat. Opening the door, the wet man walked inside, his friend in his arms. “Lay him out on that table, right side up,” Riley said. The man obeyed wordlessly.
“What’s his blood type?” she asked, glancing his way.
“Ummm, XF I think? I’m not positive though.”
Riley sighed. “We’ll have to test him quickly, just to be sure.”
Riley got to work, stripping the man of his wet clothes and hat and instructing his friend to keep the pressure on the wounds until she was ready. He watched as she moved quickly around the room, pulling bottles and metal instruments from the cabinets, and laying them on a rolling cart. She then pulled on a pair of gloves and settled down on a stool next to her patient, gently pushing away the man with the black hair to take his spot.
He watched as the young woman worked on his friend, testing his blood and beginning a transfusion, extracting the bullets, cleaning the wounds, and sewing up the holes they left behind. She worked quickly and didn’t even look like she knew he was there - her focus was entirely on the man with the red hair. Eventually, with her work complete for now, Riley straightened her back from her position leaning over the red-haired man and pulled off her gloves. She turned to the black-haired man. “What’s your name?” she asked.
“Beckman. Benn Beckman,” he said. “And that’s my captain, Shanks.”
“Well Beckman, Shanks will be fine. His wounds will need some care, but he’ll be back to full health in a few days, maybe a week at most. Since your ship was destroyed, you can stay here until then.”
“Thank you, ummm…”
“I’m Dr. Juniyoshi, but you can call me Riley. Come on, let’s get him to a recovery room. Beckman lifted Shanks up again and followed Riley down the hall to a room with a 1 on the door. He laid his friend down in the sheets, being careful not to accidentally hit his wounds, then plopped himself in a wooden chair by the head of the bed.
“Can I get you anything?” a gentle voice said. He looked up to see Riley standing in the doorway.
Beckman thought for a moment. In all the rush to get Shanks to safety, he hadn’t been very present to his own feelings. He felt the wet fabric sticking to his skin, becoming uncomfortable. “Dry clothes, if you have any?”
Riley smiled softly. “Let me see what I can do.” She left the room and returned a few minutes later with a bundle of clothes in hand. “I hope these will work, we sort of have a mishmash of things people leave here. I’ll come back in a minute to get your stuff and his in the wash.”
Beckman peeled off his wet shirt and pants and slipped into the sweats and t-shirt Riley provided. She returned to take their items to the washroom, gathering the wet bundle in her arms. “I’ll be down the hall. Let me know when he wakes up, okay?” she said before turning around and leaving him alone with his thoughts.
What a day it had been for the two of them, Beckman thought. What Shanks had sworn would be a pretty standard treasure grab turned into a bloodbath - mostly for them, sure, but he and Shanks had gotten some good shots in on the other guys. The other guys who were greater in number, stronger, and who Beckman had fucking told Shanks they didn’t have a chance infiltrating and stealing from, but no, Shanks swore they could handle it, that they just needed a single bag of gold to get by, and they’d be in and out easily. And now here they were - no treasure, no ship, and even their weapons were at the bottom of the sea.
Between the two of them, Beckman had always been the voice of reason. He was a good bit older than the man he considered his captain and his friend, and in the short time they’d been traveling together, he realized it was on him to keep Shanks from losing his head in the clouds. But it was a trade-off - Beckman was the angel on Shanks’ shoulder, but Shanks was the devil on his. He helped the older man lighten up a little, and Beckman couldn’t deny that the two had a lot of fun.
Beckman didn’t know how much time had passed when he heard a soft groan from the man in the bed. “Shanks?” he said. Shanks grimaced a little before opening his eyes to see his friend leaning over him.
“Oh hey, Beck.” Shanks took a minute to allow himself to feel the pain in his wounds and the cotton sheets on his naked body. He looked around the small room as his eyes adjusted. “Where are we?”
Beckman rose from his seat and habitually patted his pocket, seeking out his pack of cigarettes before remembering that they were with his pants and destroyed by sea water. He sighed. “After those pirates kicked our asses,” he began with a pointed look at Shanks, “the village doctor came out and rescued us. We’re at her place. You got a bullet in the arm and one in your ass. Also we have no ship and no money. So, hope it was worth it.” He wanted a cigarette so badly.
Shanks could only let out a gentle laugh. “Welp, we tried!” He shrugged his shoulders, wincing with pain at the movement.
“We tried and now we’re stranded on some island.” Beckman could feel himself getting heated. “We’ve got nothing, Shanks, what are we gonna do?”
Shanks laid his head back against the feather pillow, a smile on his face. “We’ll figure it out. We always do.”
Beckman could feel a headache coming on, and Shanks had only been conscious for a few minutes. He couldn’t imagine how his captain could be so blasé about such a serious situation. But that’s just how Shanks was sometimes. Beckman took the opportunity to step out of the room, taking a breath to calm down before going to seek out Riley.
“Riley?” he called softly. Her head stuck out from behind a door at the end of the hall.
“He awake?” she asked.
“Yup.” Without a word, Riley made her way to Shanks’s room. Beckman resumed his place in the chair.
“Shanks, I’m Riley. How are you feeling?” she asked, one hand resting on the door jamb. He looked up and saw the woman who saved him for the first time. She was on the taller side with dark hair and brown eyes. Shanks was taken aback - he’d seen a lot of pretty women in his day, but to him, she was particularly beautiful. And she had saved his life. Remembering the bullet hole in his ass, he realized she’d probably also seen him naked. He blushed a little at the thought.
“I’m doing okay, all things considered,” he said with a crooked smile. A pretty woman in the vicinity meant Shanks reflexively turned on the charm.
“Are you in pain?” she asked.
“A little, but I’ve had worse.” His ass really, really hurt. Arm too, but especially the ass. He could not let the pretty woman know.
Riley giggled - she saw straight through him. She excused herself to the main office and came back a minute later with a syringe full of clear liquid.
“This will sting at first, but I promise it’ll help.” Shanks inhaled through his teeth as the cold liquid entered his muscles around the bullet hole in his arm, but the cold and the pain subsided in seconds.
“Roll over so I can get the other one,” Riley ordered. Oh boy, she was gonna see his ass again. Shanks wasn’t sure why he was feeling so self-conscious. It’s not like she was the first woman to see him naked. Shanks obeyed regardless.
“So what led to this whole situation?” Riley asked, as she discarded the syringe and took a spot on the edge of the bed. Beckman recounted the tale, emphasizing the fact that it was a stupid plan - it was for some reason very important to him that she knew that he knew that it was stupid, and that he was not the mastermind behind it.
Riley spoke when Beckman finished, shaking her head. “Another day, another bunch of pirates doing stupid pirate things. So you guys are shit outta luck then, huh?”
Shanks and Beckman looked at each other. “Yeah, basically,” Shanks replied. “I take it you get a lot of people like us around here?”
“Oh yeah, pretty much constantly. Pirates love this island. This island tolerates pirates.” Riley rose from her spot on the bed. “Like I said, you’re welcome to stay until you’re healthy, but after that you’re on your own. I’m going to go make dinner, be back in a bit.” With that, she left the room.
“So what’s the plan now, Captain?” Beckman said pointedly. Shanks chose to ignore the attitude from his second in command.
“Well first we get me healthy. Then we figure it out. We’ll ask Riley what’s around here, maybe she can help us.”
Beckman said nothing, he just turned to the window and watched as the last rays of sunlight faded from the sky.
“I want her to join our crew,” Shanks said. Beckman turned around and stared at him incredulously.
“You want her to join our crew? First of all, why her? Second of all, what crew? It’s just us and we don’t even have a ship to sail on anymore. We’re barely a crew, Shanks, we’re…we’re just two assholes trying and failing at being pirates. She’s not gonna leave her home to come fuck around the oceans with us.”
“Come on, every pirate crew starts somewhere! We got a captain, a vice captain, and soon we’ll have a doctor. I was hoping we’d get a cook or a navigator first, but hey. I bet we can convince her to do it.”
“How, exactly?” Beckman replied. He really, really, wanted a cigarette.
“Dunno!” Shanks said, placing his uninjured arm behind his head in a relaxed manner. “We’ll figure it out.”
Beckman groaned. “You keep saying that. I’ll believe it when I see it. Also, you didn’t answer my first question.”
“What question?” Shanks asked innocently. Beckman couldn’t tell if he was playing stupid or genuinely didn’t remember.
“Why her?”
Shanks grinned. “Dunno. Just have a feeling.”
Not long later, Riley returned carrying a tray laden with three steaming bowls of stew, bread, a bottle of sake, and a carafe of water. Beckman rose to take it from her hands, placing it on a side table and handing a bowl to Shanks. Meanwhile, Riley poured the sake.
“This smells amazing, doc,” Shanks said. “Thank you for saving me. And for the food.”   Riley shrugged. “No need to thank me. Not gonna let you starve under my watch.” She smiled slyly at him.
The three made light conversation over dinner. Shanks and Beckman told her about how they met and their adventures together so far, while Riley told them about life in the village as a doctor. The conversation flowed easily between them and was full of laughter. Riley had met a number of pirates in her time as a doctor on Isha Island, and many interactions she’d had weren’t quite this pleasant. With pirates, it truly was a crapshoot what kind of person she’d end up meeting.
“So what made you two become pirates? Like, what are you after?” Riley asked, taking a sip of her sake.
“Short term,” Beckman began, “Freedom, adventure. Money, but out of necessity more than anything. I’m sure you get a lot of asshole pirates here, but we don’t start trouble unless we need to.”
“We’re not afraid to finish it though, if it happens to come our way,” added Shanks.
“And long term?” asked Riley. The two men looked at each other.
“Long term,” said Shanks, “Have the strength to protect people. Maybe be an Emperor. Find the One Piece.”
Riley stopped with her drink halfway to her mouth, then burst into laughter.
“Oh you’re those kind of pirates!” she guffawed.
“She doesn’t believe us, Beck,” Shanks said to his first mate, his voice full of mirth.
“Can you blame her?”
“You laugh, doc, but the One Piece is real. I know that for a fact.” Shanks’s tone became more serious, though the crooked smile remained on his face.
“Oh?” Riley replied. “And how do you know that?”
“Because I grew up on Gold Roger's ship.” Riley met his gaze. The look in his brown eyes told her he was completely serious. She looked to Beckman for confirmation, who only nodded.
Riley cleared her throat. “So you know what the One Piece is, then? And where?”
“Eh, sorta. It’s complicated,” Shanks said. “I unfortunately wasn’t there when they found it. A friend of mine was sick and I stayed behind with him. In theory, though, I have most of the information that I need.”
“So what’s stopping you then? Why not just go for it?”
Shanks shrugged his uninjured shoulder. “It’s not time yet. Not sure when it will be either. But it’ll happen. I might be 40, but it’ll happen.”
Riley could only look to Beckman. “And you believe him?”
“I do,” Beckman replied. “I haven’t known Shanks for long but I know him well enough to know he’s not bullshitting me. And I do believe he’ll get there one day. I wouldn’t be on his crew if I didn’t.”
“So now that you know what we’re all about,” Shanks said to Riley. “Wanna join us?”
Riley’s eyes grew wide. “You want me to join you? You’re serious?”
“Deadly,” said Shanks. Beckman only looked at her and nodded in assertion. When his captain’s mind was made up, there was no changing it.
“We just met,” Riley said.
“So?” replied Shanks, “Beck and I had only known each other a few days before he joined me.”
“I’m not a pirate.”
“Most people don’t start out as pirates. I’m a rare exception.” Shanks said with a wink.
“I can’t sail very well, I’ve never even been more than a mile out to sea.”
“We’ll teach you what you need to know,” he responded.
“I can’t fight.”
“You don’t have to.”
Riley was getting frustrated. Couldn’t this guy take a hint? She rose from her seat, crossing her arms as she began pacing the room.
“You don’t even know me!”
“I know that you’re kind,” Shanks said softly. “And that’s the type of person I want on my crew.”
“Since when do pirates care about kindness?” Riley scoffed. “You don’t even know me,” she reiterated.
“Riley, you went out to sea after that battle, of your own volition, pulled our soggy asses out of the water, and saved my life. Not only that, you also washed our clothes and made us dinner, and are letting us, who have absolutely no money to our names, stay here until I’ve recovered. People who aren’t kind don’t do that.”
“I’m a doctor, Shanks, I have an ethical obligation to care for anyone who needs help.”
“And you know what type of people hold themselves to ethical standards? Kind people. Boom. Beckman, hit me.” Shanks held his closed fist out to his vice captain, awaiting a bump. Beckman rolled his eyes, but obliged. Riley couldn’t help but laugh before a silence settled between the three, letting her mind mull over the proposition. “You don’t have to decide now,” Shanks said. “But just…think about it, okay? I promise, it’ll be worth your while. Just give me a chance.” She looked up and met his eyes, which sparkled with something she couldn’t quite place. Riley couldn’t explain why - it went against all logic - but for some reason, she really, truly trusted this guy. This strangely charming idiot who she just met who wants to find the legendary One Piece.
“Okay, I’ll think about it,” Riley replied. “But for now, you both should get some rest.” She gathered up their bowls and cups and stacked them on the tray. “The bathroom is at the end of the hall. Beckman, I’ve set up a bed for you in the room across from this one. Oh! Which reminds me, I almost forgot.” Riley ran out of the room and came back with some loose cigarettes and a lighter, which she handed to Beckman. “As a doctor I can’t condone smoking, but I also know nicotine withdrawal is a bitch. Just smoke out the window, ‘kay?”
“Holy shit…thank you.” Beckman replied, in awe of the kind gesture. Shanks sure did have a way of reading people, and Beckman knew his captain’s analysis of her was spot on.
“I sleep upstairs, just come get me if either of you need anything.” Riley made her way across the small room, stopping and turning at the door. “Goodnight, boys.”
“Goodnight,” they echoed back.
Riley climbed the stairs to her room and prepared herself for bed. As she brushed her teeth, the conversation with Shanks and Beckman replayed in her head. They wanted her to join them? And become a pirate? Holy shit, were they crazy?
The largely rational side of Riley’s brain gave an outright No. But the less logical, more fantastical side reared its ugly head for the first time in a while. You should do it! It’ll be fun! it insisted. Riley didn’t love that part of her brain, and tried to keep it suppressed whenever possible, as it had a tendency to cause trouble. It occurred to her that Beckman seemed like the kind of person to be much the same way.
Climbing into bed, Riley started a list of pros and cons in her head. Pros:,she thought, It would be fun. I feel like I can trust them. I’d get to see the world. My life could be over at any point, I should take some risks while I can.
Riley rolled onto her side, struggling to get comfortable. Cons: They have no ship. No money. No crew except the two of them. The red head might be crazy, going after the One Piece. They could be human traffickers for all I know. They could be murderers. They could cut me up and use me for fishing bait. I mean I don’t think they will, but still. My life could be over at any point, it’s silly to take a risk like this when I have a good, stable life here.
Okay, the cons were in the lead. But that little part of her mind didn’t want to let it go. As she felt her eyelids get heavy, she allowed the gears to turn in her brain. What if I could get rid of some of those cons? What if I could help them out? As Riley drifted off, she thought of stepping onto a real pirate ship and going out to sea for the first time.
The next morning, Riley awoke when the sun from the window reached her sleeping form. She stretched, and couldn’t help but smile. She knew how to make the logical choice into the one she wanted to make.
Next - Coming Soon
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sneales · 3 years
♥jjk’s characters falling in love and confessing + headcanons♥
Characters: Gojo, Nanami, Itadori, Megumi, Nobara, Yuta, Sukuna, Toji, gender neutral reader Genre: romance Warnings: grammar mistakes, mention of sex in Sukuna and Toji’s parts. Notes: this is more like “who’s the most awkward person?” lmao
→Requests are open!
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He’s surprised when he realizes he’s in love with you.
He has had many partners but they weren’t serious relationships.
So he has no idea what to do with his feelings. 
He doesn’t really get nervous for anyone, but he gets so self-conscious when you are around him.
He tries to look cooler and moderate the messy parts of his personality.
He also starts inviting you to fancy places and buys you expensive things you never asked for.
He lowkey thinks looks and money are his best qualities, so he shows them off a lot.
He is slightly allusive too, so his shirt won’t be button up properly, or he’ll sit in a suggestive way etc.
When you ask him what the heck is wrong with him lately, he admits he has fallen for you.
He has always thought you were interesting, so he wasn’t shocked when he realized he fell in love with you
He’s actually a bit insecure because he doesn’t know how much you like him.
He’ll begin some kind of light courtship, it’s not that evident, but nonetheless you notice he’s being kinder, warmer.
He’ll tell you “I was passing by that shop and I thought of you” and he gives you some sweets or snacks.
Yeah, he also buys flowers and other little cheesy things. 
Nothing too exaggerate though. He wants to let you understand he’s interested, but without making you uncomfortable.
He invites you to go out on a dinner and you can probably predict that is the day he’ll confess.
He’s a bit clueless at first, but he’s not too slow either, he understands he likes you quite soon.
He’s the kind of person who laughs like an idiot and sees everything colorful and beautiful when he’s in love.
He won’t confess quickly, probably he’ll first try to understand if he has any chance with you.
But he doesn’t really try to get your attention or to show off his good qualities.
The only difference with normal Itadori is that he tries to spend more time with you and he always wear a big smile whenever he’s around you.
His confession is quite simple and easy-going, maybe while you’re drinking a juice in a bar.
Like Gojo he is completely lost at first.
It’s not like he has never liked anyone before, but it doesn’t happen too often either and he thinks love is too hard and complex for him.
After that he gets used to his new feelings, but he still doesn’t feel like he has to do anything to get together, he doesn’t believe you like him back and anyway would it even work?
He won’t really confess unless he has evidence you like him too, or unless Itadori and Nobara push him to confess.
Itadori and Nobara will try to set you two up, it’s so clear to them you would make a great couple.
After a lot of persuasion, he accepts to tell you his feelings (maybe only to shut up those two).
He asks you to go for a walk and looks for the quietest place in the park to confess.
She’ll be “let’s gooooo” when she understands she likes you.
A bit like Nanami, she tries to conquer your heart before confessing.
But hers is not a quiet courtship, it’s a messy way of trying to get your attention.
She’s probably the kid who pulled the hair of her crush, so expect anything from her.
You go to karaoke with your friends? Well she’ll take that microphone and never let it go, singing in such a loud and bad way you go back home with a headache.
You go to the beach to play some volley? She probably slapped several balls in your face, because she wanted to show you how strong her spikes are… they are hella strong.
Anyway she did manage to get your attention (probably not in a positive way) and you’re happy when she says she’s in love with you because you were starting to think she hated you.
He gets super awkward at first, mostly because he doesn’t know if he’s a nuisance for you.
Once he realizes you don’t dislike him, he feels more relaxed.
He doesn’t have anything planned tbh, he just wants to know you better and spend time together.
When you build a solid friendship, he probably feels a bit ashamed because he feels like he’s hiding something important from you.
So he’ll confess, not really because he expects an answer, but only to be 100% honest with you.
He is definitely the incarnation of the “best friends to lovers” trope.
He definitely mistakes love for lust.
So forget Nanami’s courtship, the order is completely messed up.
You start as sex friends, but at some point he’ll realize something is weird.
He’s definitely not new to lust and sex, but for the first time he feels he has to tuck your body under the covers, or to place a glass of water next to you in case you’ll feel thirsty after you wake up, or clean you up after sex.
He’s usually careless and selfish, so he doesn’t really see any logical explanation for his behaviour.
He’s getting affectionate to you, but he won’t ever call that “love” because he thinks like his tongue would fall off if he ever says that word.
He’s very subtle so his confession won’t be vocal, but if he’s still close to you after such a long time you know the reason behind it.
I feel he would mistake love for lust too.
The order is kinda messed up here too, Toji won’t definitely fall for someone he doesn’t desire or with someone who doesn’t have a good sexual chemistry with him.
But unlike Sukuna, he’s a bit more emotionally intelligent (?) so he recognises his feelings and he isn’t afraid to admit them.
He confesses after a night of sex, while you two are resting. He randomly spoke while there was silence and you were almost falling asleep, for one second you even believe it was a dream.
He’s a bit abrasive and hard to deal with, but I think he gets a lot tamer whenever he is with his lover.
To your surprise, he’s a person who takes very seriously love relationships, it almost feels as if you straight up went from f*ck buddies to married couple.
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ana8swift · 2 years
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summary: You start a secret romance with your best friend's ex, a person you never connected with and you want to know more about him, you want to know his mind.
word count: 2995
(no cheating; reader×Gwen friendship; no use of 'y/n'; no pronouns used; this is my first one-shot, and first time writing about Peter Parker)
kinda inspired by Sabrina Carpenter's new song 'Read your mind'
Peter Parker has never been your friend. Even though you went to the same high school; had the same friend group /meaning Gwen; had similar interests /meaning both of you were members of the local photography club; and you even shared the same coffee order/meaning black coffe...
But all these stuff didn't mean anything to you, because in your head Peter Parker was the total opposite of you, someone you could never want around. But he was around, he was your best friend's ex and now he was her friend. 
So it wasn't weird that Parker was invited to Gwen's 'starting college and meeting new people' kind of brunch.
And there he was, standing as tall as he is, with his nice shirt and his absolutely, beautiful, wavy hair. He almost looked like he was kissed by the sun, he looked beautiful. Like he always does, and that irritates you.
Because he never sees you. When he's around, you feel invisible, vulnerable even. Your confidence and smile fall when you greet him. But Parker, on the other hand, says your name with a smile, even shakes your hand and says:
"Hi, you're here" and then, he's gone. The whole brunch, he doesn't look at you after that, he never does.
You feel like you don't exist when he's around, you don't talk with him, you don't even know him that well. It's not like you want to know him. But it would nice, to read his mind, to know his thoughts, what he likes or dislikes, because he always knows how to bring you down, even without doing anything wrong.
It's really a complicated thing, what you feel towards him.
It's like you hate him most of the time, and you have a lot or reasons to do so:
One, he was a terrible boyfriend to Gwen /meaning he was emotionally unavailable and distant. Well that's the only reason really, and yes, Gwen got over that, but you never did.
But the other times, you really want to know what is like to be his friend, or if he's a good kisser. His lips always look so perfect and you wan- but you can't know that and you can't think this, and you should definitely stop kissing him right now.
But you don't. You continue to play with your tongue in his mouth, with your hands in his hair and his hands on your waist. The way he touches you, like you're made of glass, like he's afraid he'll break you. And that makes you to want him more. And more means that you start to see him every other day. After classes, after game nights at Gwen's or after you have a terrible date, you call him. And he always answers.
Just like tonight.
The air in your lungs becomes heavier. It's getting harder to stand still. Maybe because of the weird cocktails you had 10 minutes ago, or because the weather is getting colder, winter is definitely coming. And you can feel the wind move through your hair, and few hair strands get stuck on your lipstick. And you wish you brought a coat with you, because it's late and it's cold and you're waiting in front of a bar, that's really close to Peter Parker's new apartment and you wait. You wait for him, to pick you up, and take you home, to kiss him and get tangled between his bedsheets and to leave in the morning like you always do.
And there he is.
In his old truck, which belonged to his uncle, he calls your name and opens the door for you.
You get in, and he holds your thigh as he drives and you wonder what's going through his mind. Again you wish, you could read his thoughts and know how he feel about you. Because this has been going on for two months now, secretly hooking up- with your best friend's ex that fears commitment and you want to know if he also feels guilty. Even though they only dated for few weeks, and both agreed they were better of as friends, you still feel like a traitor.
"How was your night?" he asks with a low voice, while his eyes are on the road.
"It was nice. The girls kept talking about this new profeser and stuff. Did you know Gwen's roommate Ayla is moving away soon?" you answer and this conversation is cut short, because the drive to Peter's apartment is short and now you are standing in his kitchen looking at the unpacked boxes on the floor.
As you drink your wine, as he tells you about his classes and you try to understand what he's saying but you just get lost in his eyes. Lost in his smile and voice. Later you get lost between his bedsheets.
But before all that you two talk and drink cheep wine.
You tell a story from when you were little, and how you used to take acting classes at your local theater and how you and Gwen met. And Peter interrupts you-
"Wait your first role ever, was like a talking bear?" He almost laughs, but it's fine, because you've grown to like his laugh.
"My first and last" you continue.
"Is that why Gwen's nickname for you it's teddy? Can I also call you teddy? Or do I have to think of a new nickname for you?" you can hear the excitement in his voice. Peter Parker is one of the few guys who actually listen, care and get excited when you talk about something, even the stupid stuff.
"Only Gwen calls me that. You know after the show she even got me a giant teddy bear"
"I wish I knew you back then when we were kids. I bet we would have been great friends" he replied.
"Friends? I don't think so. I mean we knew each other when we were in high school, we weren't friends then" you explain and you quietly mumble "or now"
"We were friends, we are friends" he reassures you and you softly laugh.
"Peter Parker, you are not my friend, you never were" you didn't want to sound mean, you just wanted to say the truth, and still you can see the little hurt in Peter's face but he smiles anyway.
"If I'm not your friend, than can I be your boyfriend instead?" he flirts and he manages to make you smile.
"So you can break up with me in few days, just like you did with Gwen?" you say, but this time it doesn't sound mean.
"It was a mutual break up. And I'm a changed man now" he says in dramatic voice and comes closer to your face. Inches away from his lips, you ask again:
"So commitment is not your biggest fear? Now that means, the dark is officially your only fear and weeknes. That's why you have that old lamp in your room, right?" you tease and look at his lips, waiting for a reply as he laughs.
"Hey, that was a gift. And you said that you liked that lamp, that you thought it's vintage!"
"I do think that! I just think it's ugly as well" you laugh and you kiss and after that the conversation is cut short, and the night seams to go by just as fast.
You wake up to the sight of Peter's voice. "You didn't leave last night, that's new" he says quietly.
"Too tired" you say with your sleepy voice and Peter thinks that's the hottest thing ever. You, waking up in his bed, looking beautiful as always but still you seam to break his heart with what you say next.
"About what you mentioned last night. I don't think you can ever be my boyfriend, Parker"
"Why not? Don't you think I'm boyfriend material?"
"I think you're great. But you're my best friend's ex and I can't do that to Gwen. And I should probably go now" you mumble a poor excuse as why you have to leave.  You get out of bed, put on your clothes and in few minutes Peter is left alone with the smell of your perfume on his bedsheets.
"Teddy, where did you leave to last night? You left so quickly. I thought you went to the toilet and then Tina said that you left and I-"
"I know, I'm sorry. I wasn't feeling well, I didn't want to ruin girls night so I went home. I'm all right now though. Don't worry about it" you lie.
"Oh I'm sorry I dragged you there. It's just, I feel like I don't see you anymore. I don't know anything about what's going on in your life. Did you finish that assignment you talked about?"
Of course you have been avoiding your best friend, and of course she's so nice about your stupid excuses of why you have been so busy these past weeks.
You feel guilty, you feel sick even. Betraying your best friend like that. You should stop seeing Peter, he's the one you should avoid.
But you remember where everything started. The constant small white lies you have been telling to Gwen, the stolen kisses in dark alleys with Peter and the constant anxiety, guilt, and adrenaline you have been feeling these past two months.
It was at a mutual friend's birthday party /meaning you had too much to drink and more confidence than ever.
You walked over to Peter /meaning you tripped over something and almost broke your leg.
You asked him why he never talks to you, and what hair products he uses, because his hair always shines and looks so soft /meaning you were jealous because his hair always looks better than yours.
And he laughed at your angry expression, he thought you were cute, well he always thought that about you, but that's when he finally confessed that and he made you feel more confused. What's going inside his mind? Is he crazy? He thinks I'm cute? Well he's the cute one...
You thought to yourself. He smiled and walked you over to your apartment that night. He even brought you coffee from that French coffee shop across your street that's always open. He got your black coffee, made light conversation with you on the way, and he laughed at your jokes. You kissed him that night, in front of your building, under all the stars in the dark sky and next to your drunk neighbor Carl who was asleep on the stairs. But Peter quickly pulled away, and simply said:
"Sober up, we can talk in the morning" and he smiled. That was the first time you realized how beautiful his smile is. You of course talked in the morning, you called to apologize for your behavior from the night before but he said that you shouldn't be sorry, and that he wanted to kiss you as well, just not when you are drunk and stuff. You felt like the whole world stopped that moment, maybe because you were hungover or because Peter Parker said that he wanted to kiss you. He never noticed you and now he wants to- what?  So you just invited Peter over, so you can talk it over in person.
Spoiler alert, you didn't talk, but you did kiss.
And the way he kissed you for the first time, you felt all the fireworks you have read about in your romance novels.
He tasted like apple pie, autumn nights and new beginnings, like broken rules, black coffee and cinnamon. You still remember that first kiss, and the next and all the times you have kissed, all the details, all the things he said that he likes and dislikes. And you feel like you know him better now, but you don't know enough. But you do know that if you keep seeing him, if you get to know him, you're going to fall.
Fall in love. Fall apart. But for now you just fall asleep.
It's a complicated thing, what you feel right now, seeing Peter again after avoiding him for weeks. Gwen's apartment seams like it's shrinking, you feel like the walls around you are going to crash onto you. Like you can't control your breathing or your body. Because you are stuck, sitting on the small couch next to Ayla and some of her friends. Not listening to their conversation, your eyes meet Peter's gaze and you stay like that for a while. He moves over to Gwen, and even though her apartment is small and they are so far away from where you are sitting, you try hear what they are saying. You try to read their lips, try to analyze their movements and try to figure out why they are now both staring you. Are they talking about you? Why is Peter now leaving? And why is Gwen coming over to you? Everything is moving too fast.
"Hey girls, can you give me a moment alone with Teddy?"
They all say 'sure' and 'okay' as they stand up and leave to the kitchen, probably to get more drinks or to pack Ayla's stuff, she's moving after all. But that doesn't matter, nothing does, except the look on Gwen's face. A kind of look that says 'I know that you have been lying to me and sleeping with my ex. I know everything'
"Peter was just here, he left though" she says and takes a sip from her drink, her eyes still staring at you, like she is staring at your soul.
"Oh, I saw him, yeah. Why did he leave so quickly?" you don't want to ask, you don't want to know but you do anyway.
"He told me" she puts her drink on the coffe-table and waits. She waits for your explanation, or your excuses, or anything. But you stay quiet. You try to say something, you open your mouth and you try to find the right words, you try to apologize, you try but nothing happens, so she continues:
"I think he likes you, a lot. And I know you have been seeing someone, I just didn't realize it was Peter. So I think that you must like him too, that's why you didn't tell me anything. I understand" she calmly says. Why isn't she angry, or is this an act?
"I don't like him" you defend yourself
"You can't lie to me Teddy, you're not that good at acting. That's why we left theater, remember?" she tries to make you smile, to make it light. But you still feel stuck.
"I was going to tell you. I wanted to"
"Well now you are telling the truth. But why? Why didn't you tell me? I'm not mad, or jealous, or anything. You already now that I like someone else now, and that I've moved on. So why keep it a secret?"
"I don't know. I guess I was scared" you confess.
"You don't get scared, like ever. Except on our first show. Well our only show. You were scared and embarrassed to play a bear, and I just thought that you were so cool, because you never showed that during practice. You always looked so tough and seeing you cry before going on stage, shocked me. In that moment I just wanted to protect you from everything that could hurt you. But then, you washed your face, cleared the tears and went on stage. I knew then that you're braver than most people I know, so you shouldn't be scared.
You are my best friend, I will always want to protect you, but I also want to see you happy. Because you deserve it, Teddy" she says and your vision starts to get blurry as tears roll down your cheeks. But she doesn't wait, she hugs you and holds you close for a while.
"I think that I was just scared to tell you. I was also scared to fall in love with him, because fuck- he makes it so easy to be around him. I didn't know that before- And of course you're my best friend, and I feel so guilty and bad for everything" you started to panic. Tears still forming in your eyes. She pulls away from you and her hands find their way to your cheeks as she says:
"Hey, hey, hey! Everything is going to be okay. It's okay to fall in love. But you should probably talk to Peter about this. Because he's also falling in love, and he's hurt. I've never seen him like that. And you know, he'll catch you if you fall. You'll catch each other, you'll take care of each other. I know that for sure, because I know you two. You both deserve happiness- Also before you go, just know for sure that you have my blessings and yes, I've started planning your wedding"
And just like that you leave with a wet face of tears and a smile, because your best friend always knows the right thing to say and you love her for it.
You take a cab, buy two cups of black coffee and you knock on Peter Parker's door. Not knowing if he'll open the door, you wait. Just like all the times before.
You feel like a kid waiting for the last day of school.
You feel like you broke you arm, your whole body and heart and you're waiting to see a doctor.
You feel insane, invisible, vulnerable but Peter opens his door and all those feelings change.
As you look into his eyes, you feel peace, you feel seen and still vulnerable. But you don't really mind that, because you're falling in love. And that’s complicated, scary and you might get hurt, but still you walk in Peter's apartment, you walk into his heart, soul and his mind as well. Because you know he feels the same.
Hope you liked reading it, and please if I made some grammar mistakes or anything, leave a comment. I would appreciate to hear your thoughts about this.
Hope you also have a great day, love Ana!
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umbran6 · 3 years
The Argument Against Caleo
Spoilers up to Blood of Olympus and beyond. Beware! (Or not, the book series has been out for a few years, get over it). I wrote this after seeing a user wondering why people didn’t like Caleo, or in some cases, hated it. Here, I want to explain the answer as much as possible while doling out my own points. 
One of the main grievances I have as a fan of Leo Valdez would be the ship Caleo, or Leo x Calypso. It’s a complicated ship, to say the least, with multiple issues that make me question why people like the ship. And I admit it, they initially had some chemistry, but there’s multiple issues that Uncle Rick produced through making such a relationship that makes it extremely open to criticism, criticism which I will explain through this post.
One of my main points against them is that the ship was created on a very limited time scale. Although we aren’t given an exact date to date of when Leo and Calypso met to when they fell in love, we can safely estimate it to be a week at best. Such a limited amount of time from going through the multiple stages of a relationship already stresses the limits of the suspension of disbelief.
A counterexample would be Percabeth, or Percy x Annabeth. Throughout the series, we aren’t introduced to them being romantically involved until the Titan’s Curse, which was two years after they met. Specifically, this is brought up by Aphrodite, the goddess of love herself. Admittedly, Percy and Annabeth were twelve years old when they first met, when romance was definitely out of the picture, especially with a quest to get the Master Bolt.
However, from there we get to see multiple examples of their character depth, ranging from their respective fatal flaws to their ambitions, hopes and dreams, and their friendship. We get to see the slow build up of their chemistry, which was a really good writing move on Uncle Rick’s part. These characters took their sweet time to get to where they wanted to go, and despite the false romantic lead of Rachel, they still got together.
On the other hand, we don’t see enough of this between Leo and Calypso — we only see one book where they interacted with each other in The House of Hades, and that was only for a handful of chapters. While they are definitely older so they can jump straight to romance (some may say too old, but I’ll get to that) its still a pretty huge gap to jump through without making it stick. This makes it hard to root for a ship when it is built on a rather faulty foundation from the ‘they just met’ to ‘they get together’, especially when they don’t have a lot of events to show their chemistry.
Which brings me to Ogygia, which has raised a few red flags for me when looking at it from a retrospective point of view. Now, we know what the main issue of the island is that the hero who landed on said island can’t leave until Calypso falls in love with them. And we’ve seen this with Percy during the Battle of the Labyrinth, where he lands in the island and Calypso falls in love with him while tending to his wounds from, you know, being erupted from freaking Mt. St. Helens. Needless to say, this falling in love with each other montage happened quickly to the point of suspicion, which sets up the complication that Calypso and Leo might have fallen in love due to magical intervention.
And hear me out, because although this  might be a pretty big pill to swallow, we have evidence for this through Percy. It only takes one chapter for Calypso and Percy to meet, and the next he’s willing to consider leaving Camp Half-Blood and Annabeth behind to live on the island when Hephaestus gives him the choice to leave Ogygia or stay. We don’t even get an explanation on why Percy considered giving it all up just so he can be with her. All we know is, girl meets boy, now they want to live on an isolated island forever. It’s especially absurd considering Percy’s hamartia (fatal flaw) is freaking loyalty to those he loves.  Needless to say, It’s a huge YIKES, especially when we apply it to Leo and Calypso. 
It also raises the possibility that the romantic relationship between them is doomed to failure. And if you guys want to fight me on this, let’s look at Jason and Piper, a couple whose relationship started with a similar foundation. Piper had romantic memories implanted into her brain by Hera through the use of the Mist, while Jason was reduced to a Tabula Rasa (a blank slate for those who lack culture) by said goddess. They broke up before the Trials of Apollo because it was clear that when the dust settled, Piper had been aware that their romance was a lie and that their intentions to stay together was a mix of delusion and pressure from freaking Aphrodite. Leo and Calypso get together under what is arguably a very similar set of conditions if Ogygia’s magic had any influence on their relationship, and that this magic could wear off if given enough time. 
Third, and here’s a pretty big one for me, would be Calypso’s character, mainly because there are a lot of unfortunate implications attached to it. In The Blood of Olympus, she was turned into the divine equivalent of Princess Peach, with Leo being her Mario (except he saves her with a badass metal dragon). Its extremely unnecessary to make a character, especially as one such as Calypso, get  turned into the typical reward of a B-Class action movie. It’s insulting and puts her up as a trophy, a narrative that is definitely not ok by any means necessary.
In another direction, Calypso is also really, really worrying when things don’t go get her way. First, let’s look at The Odyssey, the first myth she pops up. Calypso had imprisoned Odysseus for ten years on her island until Hermes said to let him go, and although it gives them plenty of time to fall in love, it also raises the implications of stockholm syndrome. Then we’ve got the fact that Calypso cursed Annabeth out of spite, implicitly saying that she wished the daughter of Athena would suffer the same isolation that she did, which came to reality when Percy and Annabeth met the Arai in Tartarus. And Annabeth wasn’t even aware that she was still in Ogygia, much less intentionally intervened in the matter. When Percy left Ogygia, rather than be angry at Percy, Calypso cursed Annabeth out of all people to suffer the same loneliness and misery she went through. That’s some Hera at her worst levels of spite. 
Through such evidence we can see that Calypso is extremely wrathful towards those who break her heart even though they don’t want to. It certainly implies that Calypso isn’t in a good state of mind, and could easily repeat said actions if provoked. We could almost compare it to Medea and the original Jason, but at least in that case, Medea has every right to be pissed off at Jason and take her revenge. Calypso’s curse and how she handles things certainly implies a level of immaturity that would end in disaster if they broke up.
One issue that, I’ll admit is more from my personal point of view is that the ship took a lot of Leo’s character and threw it in the garbage in Blood of Olympus. Though we see him do a lot of stuff behind the scenes, the fact that its all for the goal of reaching Calypso just reduced him to someone who is more focused on love than, you know, fighting the evil goddess that was responsible for killing his mom and getting sweet sweet revenge. While the revenge plot can be cliched sometimes, it can be played well, while romance and the typical ‘always save the girl’ trope is just overdone. If Leo had been allowed to, you know, be more focused on other things rather than Calypso, we could have seen a lot more variety in his character.
For example as one of the possible character arcs he could’ve gone through, Leo has always been alone among the couples, often being isolated. Heck, Nemesis herself stated that he would always be the seventh wheel, and that he would never find a place among his brethren. Though some fellow tumblr users have taken this in multiple ways, either saying that he should learn to be happy by himself or that he is socially isolated in the Argo II because of these romantic relationships (I prefer a mix of both). Uncle Rick just giving him a girlfriend seems like taking the easy way out of solving such an issue and abandoning what could’ve been a rather interesting character arc. The relationship isn’t a bad thing if we remove some of the unfortunate implications, but it is a bad way to end what is a complex and realistic problem for a character and in some cases maybe possible in real life.
One more minor but still yikes worthy point is that there’s a huge age gap between them. We’re not talking about the ‘Hazel is 15 and Frank is 17 and in one year that’ll be a problem because then Hazel will be jailbait’ age gap. And even then, we can argue that Hazel is older since she is chronologically ninety-one years old. No, Calypso is older by millennia in terms of mindset and body due to the perks of being a goddess, while Leo is sixteen.
God-to-Mortal relationships are already complicated, even with emotionally and socially well-functioning adults. The fact that Leo is underage, inexperienced with romance (despite his flirting, Calypso was his first kiss), and has been through a freaking ton of trauma in his youth, does not make this okay. At best, they’re both mutually interested in each other but may have different expectations when it comes to a relationship. At worst, Calypso is taking advantage of a boy just so she can get out of Ogygia and possibly dumping him later on like the wrapping of a candy bar. Even though Calypso lost her immortality during The Trials of Apollo, that doesn’t even compensate for the immense age gap alongside Leo’s guilt at the possibility that he might’ve been responsible for her losing said immortality.
Oh, and about Leo... I’m a fan of him, but I can admit that he is in a bad spot both mentally and emotionally throughout the series. He’s lost his mom due to a mix of his own powers and Gaea’s trickery, and never had the chance to fully process that event and come to terms with it. The foster home system alongside his own trauma has forced him to hide his emotions through a façade of happiness and jokes when it’s quite clear to me he needs a therapist, stat. He's also run away from several foster homes, implying this means he was and still is being affected by the event. His mask is still on during The Blood of Olympus considering he hid a lot of things from Piper and Jason.
Speaking about them, not helping this matter is the fact that he’s rather isolated in terms of friendships since Jason and Piper, his supposed best friends are more interested in locking lip rather than, you know, actually hanging out with each other.  He doesn’t have good friendships with the rest of the Seven, and the closest ones he does have is with Hazel and Frank. And even then they start off in the wrong spot since Frank is very insecure about possibly losing Hazel to him during Mark of Athena while Hazel in the meantime, is also dealing with the fact that he is the descendant of her possible boyfriend Sammy Valdez. 
This could indirectly have made him desperate for affection since he has nobody else to confide in during the rest of the series, which is a bad mental state to be in when one lands on Ogygia, the island that we’ve seen could possibly force two people to fall in love with each other. A romantic relationship is not something that he needs or something that will help him in the future. He needs more than that, and having him in one that could end in disaster is the last thing he needs. 
And that does not make him a bad person, much less a bad character. While some who are similarly emotionally and socially isolated may turn to violence or creepy behavior on those they want affection from, Leo does not do that to the other characters. It just means that he as a character needs more time to recover and develop before we go giving him romantic relationships, much less one with Calypso.
That’s not to say that they don’t have some things in common. Both are starved for love and affection, with Calypso being constantly rejected by heroes while Leo was rejected by foster homes and his own family. It’s a trait that they have in common, but it shouldn’t be the only thing that they have in common, especially since it is laced with a trauma that is clear they haven’t had help processing. They need to develop more as characters and as friends before they should be paired together.
So… yeah. The Caleo relationship is, in my eyes, doomed to failure, or at least heavily flawed after taking the above points into account. Uncle Rick, as if seemingly aware of these criticisms, has put the relationship in a rocky place by The Tower of Nero, giving them the possibility of overcoming the above criticisms and their own flaws, or giving fanfic writers an out and pairing Leo with another character or have him single, but happy. Either way, in my opinion Caleo is a bad ship when it comes to how it was created, alongside the flaws and unfortunate implications it has.
While I can see some of the chemistry the ship has, you can’t just use a couple of moments where they get along as evidence that they belong together, especially with the above reasons. That’s like using a band-aid to cover a bullet hole without removing the bullet, stopping the bleeding, and preventing infection. If both characters and their relationship had been given more time to develop, I would understand how they would get together. 
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kimbapmmbapbap · 3 years
More k-dramas y'all should watch
So, at the end of 2017, I created a post going through my favourite dramas of all time. Obviously, I have watched more dramas since then so I have a few more dramas that everyone needs to watch!!
Strong Woman Do Bong Soon
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This is an obvious one, so if you haven't watched it, have you been living under a rock?? When I first heard of it just before it came out, I thought it was going to be a rip off of weightlifting fairy Kim bok joo. But boy, was I wrong!! This drama has the perfect amount of romance, comedy, thriller and crime, so it is a good all rounder drama!! The whole cast (not just the leads) had amazing chemistry. The only flaw with this drama is that it does queerbait a little. I wish they either didn't add it in the story or fully went with that the main lead is Bi.
The story surrounds a girl with superhuman strength who wants to be a video game designer. She has always hid her strength due to fear if hurting others and losing her power. She in a unrequited love with her childhood friend who is now a police officer. She then crosses the path of a CEO of a video game company and her starts to become more chaotic. With a serial killer on the loose, Do Bong Soon needs to decide if she will keep a low profile or use her powers for the better good while also falling in love on the way.
While You Were Sleeping
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Again, an obvious one, but it has to be watched!! Like strong woman, I was a little apprehensive of this one. Mainly because I hadn't heard good things about Suzy's acting before this came out. But it really surprised me and I really loved it! I'm a sucker for anything crime related, so with a really cute love story as well, it was amazing!! It has really good chemistry and likable characters. The second male lead is also amazing!! I usually don't get second male lead syndrome, but damn I felt it even though I also really loved the main lead. I can't really find any faults with it.
The story surrounds two people who can see the future through dreaming. This includes good and bad things. When the female reporter about dying while on the job, she quite her job to try and changes her fate. A prosecuter move across the street from her, initially they do not get on and their bond starts to grow. Together, they use both of their skills and their power to help change the future and solve crimes along the way. They also soon realise that this is not the first time they have crossed paths.
Psychopath Diary
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I cannot recommend this drama enough!! Honestly, it is so underrated!!! Yoon Shi Yoon's performance is incredible, he really embodies the role here. It is so funny, and sweet. You also see a serial killer low key but high key fall in love with the male lead, so there is major gay vibes. The only issue I have with it is, I wish there was a little romance involved. But it is a not a major want.
The story surrounds a pushover who is working at a stocks company. After a major issue arises, he becomes the Scapegoat of the company and is being blamed for it, even though he tried to prevent it. Due to this, he decides that he will end his life. On the way to do this, he witnesses a murder and accidentally picks up the serial killer's diary. While trying to escape, he gets hit by a car and gets amnesia. When he wakes up and reads the diary, he believes that he is the serial killer.
Honestly, please watch this drama, it is so so so funny, the chemistry of the whole cast is incredible. It also possibly has one of my favourite villians in any drama.
Your Honor / Dear Judge
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Yes, I am a simp Yoon Shi Yoon. He is just so good and thus role just confirms it! His acting is incredible, king of the double roles! He plays twins and you really tell when either pop up on screen which one he is. This is a really wholesome drama that makes you cry. It has some really sweet moments in it, the leads have such good chemistry. This only issues with this one is that the ending felt rushed. I hate that the TV company changed it from 20 eps to 16 eps.
The story follows a set of twins. Twin A is a top judge in Korea, who is incredibly smart and is living a rich life. Twin B is a criminal who has been screwed over multiple times by the justice system and Twin A. Their mother always sides with A and will tell B not to bother him. When A goes missing, B goes undercover and takes his brothers place. He soon learns about the corrupt world of the court system and his brother. B meets a law student who is meant to be shadowing A. Like B, she has also been affected by the corrupt system and is wanting to be a judge to convict those who have wronged her. Together they fight the system while also falling in love.
Because This is Our First Life
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This is a slice of life drama so will have some heavy moments in it. But on the whole, it is just so lovely and cute. The acting is incredible, they really take on the role. It also has one of the best female friendships which is not toxic, they all genuinely care for eachother and want eachother to achieve their dreams. It also has some true badass moments in it as well! I feel like all slice of life dramas have this, but it does have some frustrating moments where the characters are almost purposely making their life's difficult
The story focuses on a woman who is a drama script writer. Due to her patriarchal family who always favour her brother and being let down by her crush, she wants to move out. She ends up moving in with a friend of a friend of a friend. It is to her surprise that the person who she is moving in with is a man who is very much stuck in his own ways and likes to stick to routine. Due to their own desires to be on their own, they decide to get married to relieve the pressure that their families are giving them. This (of course) causes issues and both have to learn about their new feelings for eachother while trying to get through the struggles of life.
Thirty but Seventeen
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This drama is the definition of wholesome and cute. I feel that while I was watching it, it went by so quickly and I always had a smile on my face. The romance is so cute and lovely and you could tell they really cared about eachother. The side characters were also amazing and sweet. Honestly, the acting is incredible. The female lead does an amazing job.
The story follows woman who as a child was involved in a bus accident and fell into a coma. She wakes up over ten years later and learns that her family have stopped coming to see her. While on the search for her family, she resides with a man and his brother who are now living in her old family home. The two soon learn that there are more connected than they thought. With the man trying to push her away, the more his feelings grow for her.
Introverted Boss
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This is a revenge to love story. It on the whole is a really cute drama where you get to see the leads grow for the better. The acting is incredible and you really fall in love with the leads and the support cast (except for the second lead). It is not a perfect drama, but it is a really easy watch with an interesting story.
The female lead is a stage actress who quits her job to work at a marketing firm. This firm happens to be where her sister used to work. She is out to get revenge against the CEO of the company who she blames for her sister's death. She learns that the CEO is extremely introverted and becomes confused by how he was responsible for her sister's death. As the story goes by, she becomes more intrigued by him and focuses less on revenge and more on helping him open up.
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Ahhhhh, how do express my love for this one!! It is just amazing!! The story was so well thought out and the actors did a fantastic job. It was so satisfying to watch, I wanted to be a member of the mafia lol. The villians were also incredible, like I just love this drama so much. Like Your Honor, the only issue with this one is that the ending felt rushed.
The story surrounds a Korean man who was adopted into an Italian family and became the consiglerie of the mafia. After an issue with his adoptive family, he travels back to Korea in search an insane amount of gold bars which happens to be underneath an unsuspecting block of flats. He then gets involved with a major legal court case with a pharmaceutical company. As he delves deeper into the case, dark secrets start to get revealed.
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pascalpanic · 4 years
Benny’s Girl (Prequel to Before The Next Teardrop Falls)
Inspo: Jessie’s Girl by Rick Springfield
Pairings: Benny Miller x f!Reader, later Frankie Morales x f!Reader (in Before The Next Teardrop Falls)
Summary: Benny’s new girlfriend is everything Catfish wants and more. Too bad it’s his best friend’s girl.
W/C: <4k
Warnings: language, sexual content, pining ohhh my word pining. 
A/N: HI FRIENDS <3 I absolutely loved Before The Next Teardrop Falls and I LOVE writing pining, especially with my Frankie baby, so I decided to make a prequel to it! This fic is based on Jessie’s Girl by Rick Springfield, which I absolutely ADORE. you can read this as a stand alone or you can read it as a prequel, I think either one works well!!
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Sometimes, a spark seems to appear where one never existed. It’s common enough; it’s the reason most relationships fizzle out before they can become something explosive and fiery. One thinks that the dynamite is going to explode and take off in a bright shower of colors, when in reality the lighter never truly lit the wick.
That’s what happened between you and Benny Miller. You’d loved the guy, really, but not in the way you thought. You still do. It’s just that the both of you were lonely people seeking something more than your past had given you. The two of you were hopeless romantics. Maybe that’s what started the relationship.
You’d met in a way typical for the younger Miller brother. You’d been at a bar with some friends who were desperate to get you laid. The same could be said for Benny, who was there not with his brothers-in-arms but the man he’d defeated in the ring that night. Nick and Benny were good enough friends, close enough that losing to the other was rarely a sore spot. 
He’d spotted you across the bar, thought your laughing face was beautiful and your smile as you locked him was magnetic, drawing him to you before he could stop himself. Natural attraction. You introduced yourself. He told you his name was Benny. You asked why his hands were taped, he explained that he was a professional fighter, you’d made some snarky joke and you ended up talking for the rest of the night. One of your friends left with Nick. You and Benny stayed until the bartender shouted that it was the last call. You wrote your number on his taped palm and he saved it. 
You went on two bar dates before he decided he needed to introduce you to his best friends. They were like brothers to him, they knew everything about him and he knew them inside and out. You went to the same bar as you’d met at, and you met the men he’d served with in his Special Ops days.
Santiago, known as Pope for some godforsaken reason, was a charmer. He’d kissed your hand after shaking it, complimenting you and making small talk, finding connections and building on them. You’d laughed at the man’s joking advances, and flirted right back. Benny squirmed lightly, but you kissed his cheek and assured him you were just playing along.
William, Will, Ironhead, was Benny’s older brother. He’d given you a warm clap on the back and shook your hand, telling you that you were brave for putting up with the rascally guy. You had to admit, it was fitting. It was clear that they’re brothers: they had the same furrow to their brow, their blue eyes widened in reaction to anything, they had a similar habit of tipping their head back to laugh when something was especially funny. 
Frankie Morales, Catfish, was the last one you met and most definitely your favorite. He was quieter than the other guys, sat back while the other men made the noise. He was the punching bag, taking the brunt of the hyperbolized jokes- how Catfish hadn’t slept with a woman in 10 years, how he was the loud one of the group, how he was the one you had to look out for when he was drunk. You knew none of them could be true. He had a sweet smile and gave you a nod when you introduced yourself. He and Pope had some kind of banter between the two of them, albeit a banter you couldn’t understand as someone who didn’t speak Spanish. 
Throughout the night, you found yourself more drawn to Frankie. He had a beautiful laugh, would pull his ball cap down a little lower when someone made a joke about him. He was the one who’d expose a lie Benny or Santiago took. He nursed one beer while the other men got rowdy, and you’d done the same. It seemed that the two of you found kindred spirits in each other over the course of the night, while Benny and Will and Santi smacked each other around and took an obnoxious amount of trips to the bathroom.
When it was time to head out, you’d hugged each of the men goodbye. It was already clear that you fit in just like one of them, even if you didn’t have the past experience that bonded the men. You hugged Frankie last. He was the best hugger; he wasn’t ridiculously ripped like Benny, firm and awkward like Will, or flirtatious like Santiago. He was strong but soft. The man was definitely a hugger, you could tell, and it was comforting for the brief moment or two you were in his arms. 
Frankie put his cap on your head teasingly, covering your eyes, then stole it back and gave you a pat on the back. “Ben’s a wild one. Good luck with him,” he teased and walked off. You had to admit, his ass had a nice curve to it as he walked off to his beat-up truck. “Call me if he does anything stupid and I’ll beat his ass for you,” he called over his shoulder, prompting Benny to flip him off and put an arm around you. He simply laughed and got in his car.
Frankie became your favorite of the group. The two of you are the ones teasing each other exclusively and sitting quietly while the other men get crazy. Frankie tries sips of the cocktails you order, excitedly making grabby hands when the bartender sets it down. He always lets you steal some of the food he orders when you’re at the bar longer than normal. He shares your affinity for classic rock and when the bar blasts AC/DC, it’s Frankie who screams the lyrics to Thunderstruck with you while the others cover their ears. Santiago joins in sometimes too, but the country-loving Miller brothers never quite know all of the words like Catfish does. 
At some point in the few month relationship, you earn your nickname of Queenie. It’s from teasing Santiago, and the one who bestows the title upon you is Will, the most stoic of the group. It’s an honor, you tell them all, laughing. You call the shots, and everyone follows. Even though Benny is your lover, Frankie is your second-in-command.
When Frankie does allow himself to get drunk, he’s the most fun of the group. He’s extra lovey, telling the men how much he appreciates them. He tells stories the other men won’t about their Special Ops days, about the stupid things Will did when they were abroad. He’s shamelessly goofy and funny and falls all over the men. You even convince him to do karaoke with you once.
Benny is an overgrown class clown, but he won’t do karaoke, no matter how hard you begged him, called him baby and pressed soft kisses to his face. He wouldn’t budge. Tonight was a rare night that Frankie drank more than one round. “I’ll do it!” He shouts excitedly, eyes lighting up. “Ooh, c’mon, it’ll be fun. We’ll be so good at it.”
You, unfortunately, were not good at it, but you had the time of your life with Frankie. On that barely-raised platform, the two of you sang Don’t Go Breakin’ My Heart, completely out of tune and out of sync. You were giggling the whole time, especially at Frankie’s falsetto on the little “woo-hoo”s. 
The two of you tumbled back to the table after, you giggling and falling into Benny’s arms. “Did you like it?” You cooed, sitting on his lap.
Benny laughed genuinely, pressing a kiss to your face. “Sure did. That was fantastic. Maybe you’ll have to sing just for me sometime, huh?” He teases.
Frankie sits alone on his barstool at the end and downs the rest of his beer. He flashes you a quick smile when your eyes meet his and he retires early for the night.
You and Benny had sex a couple of times. He was good at it, good enough. You enjoyed the way his lips moulded to yours, the way his thrusts were quick and fast and properly angled. From a technical standpoint, he should’ve been perfect. It was all you wanted, but there was no real connection behind it. The moans that trailed from your lips were small and soft, and the louder ones were never genuine. He always made you orgasm, at least, but it was slow and dull, the kind you’d wring from yourself with just two fingers.
The two of you had fun together. You went to the county fair, you got boisterous and drunk at bars, you did everything two twentysomethings are expected to do in a relationship. After every date, you had a small sad smile on your face as you got in your bed and distracted yourself with something on your phone. Something about it wasn’t right: you didn’t connect soulfully, in some mystical and spiritual way where one can read the other’s mind, in the way that movies and books and legendary romances felt some kind of supernatural force that pulled the strings and led them closer. It wasn’t what you needed, but it was what you wanted, and so you hung on a little longer.
Benny felt the same, but he was too afraid to disrupt the balance. He’d rather be mediocrely happy than alone again. He liked having a girl to squeeze water into his mouth and wipe his sweat after a fight, someone to slide his dick into while her lips met his skin. He didn’t want to lose that, even if he was slowly realizing that he just wanted a friendship with you.
You hung out with him and the other men more. You realized that he wasn’t your boyfriend around them, more of a sibling, teasing and nudging. There was no affection, no romance, just the playful aspect of him. That was fine, you told yourself, until you realized that it wasn’t, it couldn’t be.
By principle, Frankie is not and refuses to be a jealous man. That changed when you came into the picture. 
Something about you is absolutely magnetic to him, more than the way Benny was drawn to you across the bar. Sure, he’s been attracted to many girls, but he wants you. He yearns for you. He makes a joke at the table and it doesn’t make anyone but you laugh, but he doesn’t give a shit that Benny and Will and Santiago don’t find it funny, because he gets to watch the way your eyes glimmer and your mouth falls open and your chest heaves with the beautiful ring of your laughter.  
He loves that you hug goodbye, because he gets to pretend for a moment that you’re his and he is yours, that he can press his lips to your soft skin and call you his girl. But you’re Benny’s girl, and he’s okay to live like that. He’d rather have you as a friend than not have you at all. Even if he dreams about you at night, even if you live in his head on repeat, saying his name. Frankie, baby, I want you, I want you…
One night, in his sleep, the sound of those words echoed through his head. He’s never heard you say them, but his unconscious brain assembled them like a beautifully haunting jigsaw puzzle that made all of his blood run south. 
Dream-you is standing in the doorway to his bedroom, wearing just his t-shirt. Dream-you smirks, walks closer, climbs over Frankie and presses her lips to his and her tongue delves into his mouth. She lies down onto him and grinds her hips to his and laughs and laughs and he presses his face into the curve of her- your- neck, smelling your perfume and grinding his hips back against dream-you’s. “All I want is you, Frankie,” dream-you mumbles and bites his lower lip. He shivers and dream-you coos his name, lines herself over his aching member and just before she slides down, he wakes up to a dark and lonely bedroom with a half-hard dick. 
You and Benny joined the gang the next night out. He couldn’t meet your eyes. He listened as you fussed over Benny, heard you call him baby and steal his beer with a giggle. 
“What the fuck has gotten into you, Fish?” Santiago asked when you’re in the bathroom. 
Frankie shook his head. He pulled his cap lower and finished his beer, then poured another from the pitcher on the bar. “Slept like shit last night.”
You’ve decided that it needs to end, so you asked Benny to meet him at your favorite bar. He agreed, and wanted to invite the boys, until you asked that it be just the two of you. It hurts that he has a glimmer of hope that you’re about to end things. If you don’t, he will.
You walk in with an apologetic smile, sitting across from him. “Hey, how was your day?” You ask in a soft voice. You’re unconsciously trying to prepare yourself to let him down gently.
He shrugs a little. “Uneventful. Yours?”
“The same. Listen, Benny…” you start and trail off, looking away.
He takes one of your hands and looks at you, his eyes understanding. “Hey. I think I know what this is about.” He reads the sadness in your eyes like a book. “We need to be done. I get that. I agree.”
Your face finds a soft smile as you look back at him. “Really?” You ask.
“Yeah. I have something to ask.”
He takes your hand and presses it to his lips softly. “Will you no longer be my girlfriend and just go back to being my friend?” He asks. 
You nod excitedly, laughing. “Oh my god, yes, Benny. I’d love to no longer be your girlfriend.”
The both of you laugh at the irony in your words, and he sets your hand down. “Thank God.”
Later that night, Will, Frankie, and Santiago find their way to the bar. Of course they do. They come over to your booth, sliding in and pretending to love up on Benny. “Oh, are we interrupting a date?” Santiago asks with a fake pout.
You chuckle and look at Benny. He gives you a small smile and a nod. “Actually, no. No more dates between Benny and I. We’re over,” you say and breathe a sigh of relief.
Frankie’s blood runs cold. He must be dreaming for him to hear this. It’s only ever in those dreams that he hears the words he wants the most fall from your lips, words like these. Words that indicate you’re no longer Benny’s girl. “You two seemed so happy,” he murmurs in confusion.
Benny senses it all clicking. Frankie has liked you all along. He’s smarter than the gang gives him credit for. He can read his friends easily, and Frankie is the easiest of all of them to understand, with those big brown eyes that give everything away. It’s gotta be, he thinks. You probably don’t like him back, as anything more than a friend, but Frankie is in deep shit now for you. He nods, looking at Fish and shrugging. “We just didn’t work. We’re still gonna be friends though. She’s one of us, isn’t she?”
The men all cheer in agreement and it calms your frantically beating heart. The worst is over now. And goddamn, does Frankie look cuddly tonight in that flannel, you think to yourself. You slouch down against him two beers later and discover that yes, he’s as comfortable as he looks.
You’ve been single for a year now. Benny still texts with you daily, as do the other men. He sends you shitty Facebook memes that seem more like a dad would post. You realize that it’s for the best that you and Benny are over, with a chuckle. You can be much more honest.
It pains you to realize it, but you’re crushing hard on your ex’s best friend. Frankie Morales is everything you need and want and desire. His big arms wrap you in a hug every time the two of you say goodbye, and every time it feels like it lasts a millisecond longer. That neither of you want to let go.
Frankie feels the same, even though you don’t know it. He has that haunting dream once a week, the one where you kiss his neck and call him baby and it makes him yearn every night at 2:00 in the morning, staring at your Instagram page and thinking he should text you and see if you’re up. Not as a hookup, not anything like that. He just wants to talk to you.
You tease Frankie about his chronic insomnia. How he sends you random texts late at night. “Have you considered melatonin?” You ask.
“I have weird dreams. It’s not the falling asleep, it’s the waking up,” he admits, looking in the opposite direction of your face. 
Some days, Frankie thinks you feel the same. He notices the way your eyes linger on his face, the way you always sit next to him in a booth. The way your phone’s lockscreen is a photo of the two of you being stupid at some function. You’ve become best friends, Frankie has to admit, but sometimes he thinks there could be more. But then you say something offhanded and he has to throw the notion away. 
One night at the bar, when it’s just the men and you’re nowhere to be seen, Frankie takes Benny and guides him into the bathroom. His blonde brow furrows in confusion as he looks at Frankie. “Yeah, Fish?”
His hands rub together nervously and he looks down, before fidgeting with his cap and looking Benny in the eye. “You and Queenie… that’s all in the past, right? There’s nothing between the two of you?”
A smirk finds his face. “I knew it, Frank! I knew it from the night her and I broke up.”
He frowns. “Is that why?” He asks hurriedly. “Oh shit, I didn’t break the two of you up, did I? Jesus, Ben, I’m-”
“No, you dumb fuck,” he laughs and shakes his head. “I just saw the way you looked at her after it happened. Crazy in love. You totally are.
Frankie’s face turns red and he takes off his hat to adjust his hair. “Do you think she might like me too?” he asks, quietly. As if you could hear him somehow.
Benny nods, excitement in those bright blue eyes. “Hell yeah she does, Fish! You’re her fucking phone lockscreen. Girls don’t just do that.”
“I don’t know, man, we’re best friends. That might not mean shit.”
The blonde puts his hands on the brunette’s shoulders. “Listen to me, Frankie. I’ve known you’re into her for like a year now. I know she likes you too. It’s time, you gotta ask her out.”
“Really?” He asks, brown eyes widening. “I don’t think so. That could fuck everything up,” he says, the anxiety in his voice.
“Trust me,” Benny nods. “It won’t.” 
Frankie’s grinning ear to ear. “Alright. Tomorrow night, I’ll ask her to meet us here, but it’ll be just me. I’ll ask her out, how does that sound?”
“That sounds fuckin’ amazing, man!” Benny exclaims. “I’m happy for you. She’s a great girl and you’re a great guy.”
“You’re sure you’re okay with this?” he asks, wringing his cap in his hands. 
He nods. “Go for it, Fish.”
- Frankie never gets the chance.
The next night you float into the bar, absolutely on cloud nine. You’re grinning ear to ear and it only widens when you see Frankie, rushing over and hopping on the stool. “Hey Fish,” you coo and kiss his cheek.
Frankie’s stunned. “Hey. How was your day?” He asks hesitantly, looking at how flustered and happy you look.
“So good,” you laugh. “I actually got asked out. Like, on a date. This really sweet guy, friend of a coworker. His name is Sam.”
Frankie’s sure you can hear the crack that echoes inside his ribcage. His heart splits in two and to hide a quivering lip, he raises his glass to his lips and takes a swig of his beer.
You continue to talk about him, noticing his silence. “How was yours?” You ask, frowning a little at how tense he is. You rest a hand on his upper arm.
Frankie does his best not to flinch from your touch. “Not great,” he chuckles and clears his throat. “I kinda fucked something up.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” you pout and stroke his arm softly. “Can I help you with it? Do you need to talk about it?”
He shakes his head quickly, standing from his stool. “No, just a personal thing. Hey, I’m gonna run and piss, the other guys will be here soon. Order something, it’s on me.”
Frankie’s gone into the bathroom before you can even process it. You frown a little but the smile returns as you order the drink and think about Sam.
Frankie locks himself in a stall and texts the other men.
Frankie: mission aborted. You guys need to come to the bar now so I don’t look like a chump.
Benny: what happened?
Frankie: a guy asked her out today. she’s taken now I guess
He stares at his phone and sends one last text.
Frankie: and don’t you dare mention it to her. make her tell you first.
He slides his phone in his pocket and leans against the wall of the bathroom stall, letting out a deep sigh. This is all shit. He’s a coward, and he should’ve done something sooner. 
He finally returns and sits next to you on a barstool. There’s a smile on his face that you’d notice was plastered if your mind wasn’t so wrapped up in your day. “So. Tell me about him. I’m happy for you, you know that?”
@remmysbounty @mishasminion360 @softly-sad @blo0dangel @luxurybeskar @binarydanvvers  @sleep-tight1 @apascalrascal @randomness501 @spideysimpossiblegirl @notabotiswear @pedro-pastel​ @sanchosammy​
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youaremy-dreamgirl · 2 years
Punch Drunk Love - Chapter III
Pairing: Jinki x reader (and some brief Minho x reader)
Genre: angst
Word count: 1.7k
Summary: Jinki has some thoughts (and feelings!) about you and Minho being together
A/N: well this wrote itself and now I have a chaptered fic, something I've never thought I would do! Make sure to check chapters I and II of the Punch Drunk Love series to catch up on these three before diving into this mess lmao.
Series Masterlist -- Chapter I | Chapter II | Chapter III | Chapter IV | Chapter V | Chapter VI
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Jinki sighs as he closes the door to his room. He should have seen it coming, honestly; he knew Minho liked you and that something had happened between you two the other day, but he still wasn't prepared for this whole thing to be right on his face.
He chooses a song and turns up the volume right as he hears Minho's bedroom door close, taking a deep breath while doing so. He has no reason to be this upset -and he definitely wishes he wasn't-, but what was he supposed to do, when all he's ever wanted was what Minho was having right now?
He can't forget the after-party of his musical's opening night and that breaks his heart. The show was a success, so logically everyone was cheerful and happy, but the way you praised his performance had him feeling weirdly proud of himself, your words filling his heart like no one else's. He could blame it on the booze but really, deep down, he already knew he liked you, although he couldn't bring himself to make any move, afraid that you'd turn him down.
But the night went on and suddenly you were there, smiling at him and asking for the nth time to dance; he had turned you down every time, and every time you had pouted, but this time you laughed and stayed by his side. The place was so loud he could barely make out what you were saying, so you leaned closer to his ear, once again congratulating him on his excellent singing. He smiled shyly and turned his head to thank you, only to find you turned yours too and now your faces were incredibly close. You stared at each other for a moment, both your breaths stuck in your throats, but when he leaned in and kissed you he felt you tense up, so he took a step back and mumbled an apology, quickly leaving and getting lost in the crowd. He left the bar soon after, embarrassed, not sure he'll be able to face you again that night.
Talking to you the next day, you admitted you had drunk a lot and didn't really remember much about the previous night, so before doing anything stupid, he decided to let it go... although the memory of the kiss -of finally kissing you, even if it was under those circumstances- still lingered on his brain.
But the truth is, you've lied. You remember; god, you remember everything. The issue with bars is that alcohol plus dim lights plus loud music do not make a good match, because based on your recollection of the facts, it was you who leaned in for the kiss -not him-, only for him to break it and take a step back apologizing. You remember clearly how he disappeared and how you stood there, a sudden and poignant ache in the middle of your chest you didn't know how to handle.
To you, opening night was when you realized you liked him more than just a friend. Watching him singing about love and acting out a romance made you yearn for that kind of affection, but soon you realized it wasn't the abstract idea of love you craved, it was with him, specifically, that you wanted to experience it. You were surprised at your own thoughts, when did that happen? You couldn't deny his good looks even if he wasn't your type, and on top of that, he was one of the best friends you've ever had, so sweet and caring. You spent the whole play daydreaming, going back to every time you've interacted and picking your brain to see if he showed any signs of wanting something more than friendship (and if you've been too blind to see it). Was he just as nice to you as he was to everyone else, or was there something different about your relationship? You didn't have to wait long to get your answer though, him fleeting the bar after that fateful kiss was enough proof of how wrong you were.
So now here you both are, tangled in a complete misunderstanding that resulted in you forcing yourself to move on and having sex with non-other than his roommate while he is trying to drown any sound from the room next to his and stop the tears in the corner of his eyes from falling down.
It is just his luck to hear a moan from you right when one song faded and the next one was about to start, his jaw clenching and his eyes closing shut. It isn't fair, what does Minho have that he doesn't? You barely even know him. He turns around in his bed and covers his head with the bedspread, groaning, hoping the night would end already.
He wakes up and the first thing he hears is you giggling. Great, you spent the night. He considers feigning a cold or anything that would make him not leave his room, but he's too hungry to skip breakfast. Soft footsteps approach his door but they stop, and seconds later he gets a text from Minho. "Hyung are you awake? There's food"
He groans, sitting up on his bed and ruffling his hair. "I'll be there in a sec" he sends back, against his better judgment. He gets dressed and leaves his room, and the first thing he sees when he enters the kitchen is you sitting on the table.
"Hey Jinks" you greet him, looking up from your phone and flashing a sleepy smile "there's coffee over there" you signal behind your back with your head. You are dressed in Minho's clothes and he bets you even smell like him. Fucking great.
"Great, thanks" he mumbles, walking past you with his head hanging low. He gets a cup out of the cupboard and hears Minho entering the room while he's pouring his coffee.
"Morning hyung!" he yells, but lowers his voice before speaking again "Babe, I'm gonna shower real quick, ok?"
You hum in agreement and you kiss, or at least that's what he hears. He puts the cup down a little too forcefully and some hot coffee spills on his hand, making him curse out loud.
"Are you ok?" you ask
"Yeah yeah, spilled some coffee" he says, turning around to face you. Minho's gone and it's only the two of you now. His heart skips a beat and he realizes he definitely can't be in the same room as you, not when you are looking so radiant. He darts past you but you are quick to grab his wrist, making him stop.
"What's up with you?"
"What do you mean?"
"You've been avoiding me the whole week" you tug at his wrist to make him face you "You can't even look at me right now"
"I'm just tired" he lies
"Sure" you reply, scrunching your eyes. "Is this making you uncomfortable? Me being here?" you ask, and he can tell you are worried by the tone of your voice.
He takes a deep breath. He can't think of what to say without admitting his feelings for you, and the more he delays his answer, the more anxious he gets.
"It's ok, I'll leave" you spit out, collecting your phone from the table and getting up.
"I- I don't-" he sighs. Fuck, you're angry now. "I'm sorry I've been avoiding you"
"That's not what I asked, but ok" you take a couple of steps but stop, turning around "I thought you'd be happy for me. We are friends, and friends are supposed to be happy for each other"
"You're right"
"Then what's wrong?" you ask softly.
He can feel himself starting to shake, and closes his hands in fists to control it. You notice, and insist "Jinki, talk to me"
He hesitates for a moment, but finally speaks. "I can't be happy for you when I wish you'd be with me instead" he blurts out, looking down to avoid your eyes.
You open your mouth, a confused look on your face. It only lasts for a second before you let out an exasperated scoff.
"Really? Now you like me? When I'm dating someone else?"
He raises his eyebrows. "You are dating?"
"That- ugh, that's not the point, don't dodge the question"
"I've always liked you, Y/N" he sighs
"Yeah, right, you've always liked me, that's why you ran away that night after we kissed"
"You said-" he purses his lips, lowering his voice "you said you didn't remember!"
"Of course I remember, but what did you want me to say? You literally disappeared after I kissed you"
"YOU? You kissed me?" he whispers, pointing at his chest "I kissed you!"
"What? That's not how it happened!"
"What do you mean 'that's not how it happened?' I was there!"
"So was I!"
You look at each other with furrowed brows, dumbfounded. He pinches the bridge of his nose, letting out a breath before speaking again.
"Y/N, I kissed you but you... you froze" he shrugs "I said I was sorry and left because I didn't know what else to do... I thought you rejected me"
"That's... Jinki... that's not..."
He's getting dizzy and can feel his heart beating out of his chest, and by the look on your face, you must be feeling the same.
"Please tell me it's not too late" he begs
"Are you kidding me?" you whisper, pointing to the bathroom door, just when you both hear Minho stepping out of the shower "We can't do this right now. I can't-"
"I know. I'm sorry" he apologized, turning around and scurrying to his room.
You stand there, unable to do anything but stare at the empty space where he used to be, until Minho shows up, towel wrapped around his waist.
"Hey... everything ok? Where's Jinki?"
"He...uhm, he went to his room" you shrug
He nods, grabbing your hands; before he can say anything, you pull him closer and hug him tightly. He hugs you back, kissing the top of your head.
You look up at him, resting your chin on his chest "I have to go home now" you pout
He pouts back. "I know. Let me change and I'll drive you"
"Sure" you smile.
He kisses your cheek and leaves. You stand there, breathing deeply and biting your lip.
This is a fucking mess.
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blu-joons · 4 years
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Doyoung tends to love to be affectionate when it’s just the two of you. He’ll often cuddle up closely to you when no one else is around and whisper a lot of sweet nothings into your ear. And of course, leave his lips against your skin.
The two of you met through Johnny at a party for his birthday. You were stood at the bar all alone, and so Doyoung came over to say hi, as he was never one to leave a damsel in distress. He offered to buy you a drink to try and get you smiling again, and the two of you soon struck up a conversation with each other.
Your friendship soon blossomed into something more, you spent a lot of time together as friends, and not long after did the two of you begin to wonder if there was something more between you both then just being friends. Doyoung ended up confessing to you one night at the dorm when he invited you round for a quiet night, in the middle of a competitive game to try and take more of the attention away from what he said to you.
Your dates were often very homely, Doyoung loved being in his own space so he’d often invite you to the dorm and set up a romantic space for the two of you. Movie nights were very common between the two of you, wrapped up tightly in a pile of blankets and cushions as close as you could be together. Doyoung gives the best hugs, so being able to lay against him all night long makes for the perfect date night in your opinion. You’re happy doing what makes Doyoung comfortable, and if the dorm is it, you’ll never complain.
Dating was very much a mystery to Doyoung before he started dating you. When he fell for you, he fell with his whole heart and wanted to make sure that he did things right. He often turned to his elders in the group for advice and encouragement whenever he doubted himself. Sometimes, falling in love with you scared him as he never imagined himself falling so hard, but with the support of his friends around him, they’d always assure him that he was doing the right thing and keeping you happy.
At times, Doyoung could be a little bit snappy which led to a few squabbles between the two of you. He had a bit of a shorter fuse in comparison to some of his other members, and you weren’t an exception to feeling the wrath of that at times. He always tried to remain calm around you, but sometimes he just couldn’t help but bite back. When the row of you argued, Doyoung would often leave for a little while to give you both some space to think, and after a few hours, would return so that the two of you could talk things through with each other, and he could apologise for being so abrupt.
Doyoung couldn’t wait to introduce you to his family, he wanted to show off the girl that had stolen his heart. It led to a lot of expectation being placed on your shoulders, but every time you saw them, they loved you a little bit more than they did the last time they saw you, and saw how happier Doyoung was with you too.
His space was very valuable to him, so Doyoung didn’t want to rush anything when it came to moving you in. As much time as you spent at the dorm, knowing you still had your apartment was incredibly comforting, and seeing you give that up was often an intimidating thought for Doyoung in case anything went wrong.
He was the first one to say, ‘I love you,’ at the end of one of your movie nights after watching a harrowing romance. Doyoung found himself incredibly teary at the end of the film, and when his eyes met yours as the credits rolled, he couldn’t help but whisper those three little words down to you whilst you wiped away his tears.
There were definitely times when Doyoung would get jealous, selfishly he wanted to have you all to himself, but he knew that wasn’t possible. Whenever he got jealous, he would stare a lot, it was also a pretty subtle hint to any of the other members who were around you that they were overstepping the line. He couldn’t help but often be quite protective of you, even though he trusted you implicitly, it all often felt too good be to true as if he was waiting for someone better to come along and blow him out of the water.
Having children was definitely something that Doyoung saw in his future, but he was definitely in no rush. He wanted to take things slowly with you, even after several years he didn’t want to do anything that would scare you off. With that, he wouldn’t mention children around you often unless you brought it up and then he would know that you were happy to talk about it and wouldn’t get frightened if he suddenly brought it up.
The sound of your laughter was what Doyoung lives for, he loved being there to make you laugh, and also wear a proud smile on his face whenever you made him laugh too. You could often be heard by the other members laughing away in his room at even the most random of things. There was something infectious for Doyoung about being around you that just naturally made him laugh, his cheeks were always hurting whenever he was with you, there was never a dull moment as long as he had you with him to keep the smile on his face. Any time the two of you laughed together, usually spelt out mischief for everyone else.
Being on tour and away from you was always an emotional time for Doyoung. He hated the distance of being away from the dorm, and from you. You usually stayed at the dorm to keep an eye on things when he was on the road, but seeing that you were there and he wasn’t was almost like a torture for him. If there was one bonus about having you there, it was that as soon as he got home you’d already be there and waiting for him in his room. There were definitely a few occasions when Doyoung would get teary about being away from you, the other members would often see him wiping under his eyes with his sleeve to try and hide his tears before he was spotted getting upset.
It was a nickname that Doyoung hated, but you loved to call him ‘dodo.’ It was one you used to try and sweeten him at the end of an argument once, which just so happened to stick with the two of you, much to his disapproval.
He’s obsessed with your waist, he’s an incredible hugger, and loves to keep his arms wrapped tightly around your waist whenever he pulls you close to him or rests against you.
P ⇴ PDA 
Affection in public isn’t something the two of you are huge on, you’ll usually feel Doyoung hugging onto you from the side or behind, but that’s as far as anything goes. It’s enough to make sure that he knows you’re safe and with him which is all he worries about whenever the two of you are out in public.
The two of you would often ask a lot of questions to each other late night at just before you went to sleep, cuddled up to each other. Neither of you could ever just fall asleep, so you’d stay up and chat for a while about whatever thoughts came to mind for you both.
Every single thing that reminded Doyoung of you, he kept. Underneath his bed he had a whole folder alone dedicated to all of the cards that you’d given him over the years, either for his birthdays, anniversaries or something else. He found himself attached to it all, just knowing that you had given it to him meant that he didn’t have it in him to throw the stuff away, instead he’d hoard it all under his bed where no one else could see it.
Would often be a very cuddly affair, Doyoung would love to hold you as close as he possibly could to you so that his hands could run through your hair and his lips could press to yours. Doyoung loved to take his time with you, he was never one for a quick fix or to rush anything between you both, you were worth a lot more than that, and he wanted to spend a lot longer making sure that you felt loved and safe with him.
He’d often text you with suggestions of films for the two of you to watch that night or a takeout that he fancied ordering. He’d always ask you what you thought about it, and if you liked it, he’d always set it up for you both.
Doyoung loved welcoming someone into his own world, even if he enjoyed his own company at times, there was still something so comforting about knowing that you were even just in the room with him, even in silence.
The two of you never really tended to go away, you knew that if Doyoung ever had any time off then he’d like to spend it at the dorm and just enjoy his own comforts and his own personal space. You were more than happy to do whatever Doyoung was comfortable with, just being able to spend a bit of time with him was enough.
Doyoung doesn’t tend to whine too often, unless you’re spending too much time with the boys and not him. He likes to make sure he’s always your favourite member.
Whenever he cuddles you, he just can’t help but kiss you too. It almost comes as an instinct to him to kiss your cheek whenever you reveal it to him, or press your lips whenever there’s a short distance between the two of you. If you’re feeling down, Doyoung knows that a kiss from him will usually be the medicine to put a smile back on your face. More than anything else, he loves to make you blush by pressing as many kisses to you as he can.
Y ⇴ YOU 
You were his team mate, the two of you together were inseparable.
Z ⇴ ZZZ 
He’d cling to you every night, without fail whenever the two of you went to sleep together. He loves having you close when he sleeps, it’s incredibly comforting to Doyoung to know that you’re that you’re right there beside him, especially when he has a restless night.
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Good Girl, Bad Blood
Holly Jackson has done it again. Like the first book in the AGGGTM series, it had me on the edge of me seat from the first word to the last word, and like the first book I devoured it within a day. Some of my favourite parts of the book include;
1. Ravi and Pip. They are one of my favourite couples in literature that I have read recently. Their relationship is healthy, with lots of communication (especially on Ravi’s part, not so much with Pip but she obviously isn’t as much of a communicator when it comes to her feelings). The consistent nicknames that Ravi gives Pip GIVE ME LIFE. I want my own Ravi Singh now.
2. More interactions between Pip and her other friends. Jackson didn’t include many interactions between Pip and her other friends in the first novel, mostly focusing on Pip’s friendship with Cara (whom I adore), and seeing more of the friendship between Connor and Pip made me that much more engaged. I also loved the portrayal of how friendships can fall apart. Like, I was seriously ready to jump into the book and choke out Ant and Lauren. 
3. NAT DA SILVA RIGHTS!!!!! I seriously love her so much, and love how her relationship developed with Pip throughout the story, especially at the end of the trial when the verdict was reached. I also absolutely loathe Max Hastings and wanted to jump into the book and choke him out as well, the bastard. But  also appreciate how Jackson displayed an accurate r*pe trial because unfortunately many r*pists do not receive jail time. As much as I would have loved to see that bastard behind bars I can also understand why Jackson went the sadly more realistic route and had Max be found innocent. Going off of this, my all time favourite part of the novel is,
4. Pip’s character development. I think that it’s extremely obvious that Pip started out as a more neutral good character in AGGGTM, possibly a chaotic good, but in Good Girl, Bad Blood she definitely takes a turn toward being more of a chaotic neutral in my opinion. I mean, our girl went and vandalized Max’s house and wrote rapist on his door. She has definitely started giving less fucks about what she does. Although I can’t say I don’t like it because I think that she did what many readers wanted to do when reading about Max being found innocent. And the fact that she went and told Ravi right after it happened and he basically went “ *sigh* what crazy shit did you do now?”, like I love that he just accepts that he cannot stop his girlfriend from doing potentially dangerous and illegal things.
To sum up, I fucking LOVE this series, I love this book, I love Holly Jackson, and I love Pip and Ravi. If you like this type of stuff in your books, mystery with a dash of romance, realism and vandalizing the house of r*pists, READ THIS BOOK.
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troubatrain · 4 years
delicate - m. barzal
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a/n: a repost from my old blog!
You walked down Canal St, cursing Mat for making you come this far downtown in the middle of a Saturday afternoon to the Lower East Side. You knew why he did it, the perfect distance between your place in You opened the door of the dive bar, and spotted Mat in the back corner, pizza in front of him with two beers waiting for you.
“Please don’t ever make me come this far down Canal St again in my life Mathew,” You say, sliding into the booth and taking a sip of the drink that was waiting, “Also can you have picked a sadder place?”
Mathew’s smile was on full display, “You told me lowkey?”
“I told you lowkey because you’re obsessed with the notion that someone might see us, eating a meal together,” You say, referencing an agreement you’d made when you guys started hooking up. 
“Do you really want all of that bullshit that goes along with people seeing us, be honest,” Mathew deadpans, a knowing look on his face.
You knew he was right, he’d seen people’s lives torn apart the second someone found out on the internet that he was seeing them. He’s seen it happen to his teammates and he really just wanted to keep you safe. You had your own successes and you did enjoy your privacy.
“Okay fine, why’d you wanna see me anyways?” You reluctantly agree.
“Oh, um I’m playing at MSG tomorrow, if you were interested?” Mat offers, hoping maybe you’d come if the game was at least in Manhattan.
“You made me come all the way here to ask me to go to your game?” You ask.
“Okay I was also hungry, and I wanted to see your pretty face,” Mat compliments, a smirk gracing his lips, “Among other things.”
“You could’ve cut the middle man and brought take out to my apartment,” You say back.
“Can I try and keep the romance alive, taking you to a nice lunch before I go back to your place and fuck you into your mattress,” Mat says, causing you to laugh.
Mathew really was a good guy, and in another life, you did think you could be in a relationship. He was nice, and he did actually respect you. He’d won over your roommate, always remembering to bring her food or coffee when he would bring it for you. He was honest with you, always and he never did anything without your consent. But, you were both twenty two and living in New York, there was no reason to settle down. Mat’s schedule was hectic, and quite frankly so was yours, you both barely found the time to have sex.
“Wow, maybe people should see us, so I can post on Instagram how romantic you are,” You joke.
The two of you spend the lunch catching up, you ranting about how awful your week was, Mat knowing you’ve been having a rough time at work. When the two of you started hooking up, you guys kept things about your lives private- trying to keep yourselves from catching feelings. But, when you’d gone over to his apartment and he could feel how stressed you were from how tense your shoulders were under his touch. You two didn’t even have sex that night, he’d run you a bath, and the two of you sat in the tub while you ranted and raved about how your boss was driving you absolutely insane. Thing’s had shifted that night, and the two of you never went back. You were sincerely Mat’s friend and you knew he was yours. There was a fine line between your friendship staying as a friendship and Mat and yourself were definitely walking on it but for the time being you just didn’t care.
You step into Madison Square Garden, the Islanders set to take on the Rangers and you knew it was a big game. You were a big Ranger fan growing up, your father was still a huge fan, but you hadn’t caught a game in a while. It never stopped you from giving Mat shit for playing for the Islanders even though he knew you really didn’t care much at all. Mat had left you and your roommate tickets, right against the glass. You watched as Mat skated around for his pregame skate, and you had to admit, the whole hot athlete thing wasn’t something you totally got. But, watching him skate around the ice with his hair on full display you were starting to.
“Maybe I should have gone to one of his games earlier,” you say to your roommate, eyes never leaving Mat.
“You’re drooling,” your roommate says, “Remind me not to come home tonight.”
“Are you going to stay at your boyfriend’s?” You ask, curious if you’d be able to have Mat over without bothering her.
“I planned on it,” she says, blushing a little bit at the mention of the guy she’d been seeing lately. You had yet to meet him, but she was spending an awful lot of time there.
The game was well underway when you started to eavesdrop on the two girls behind you, gossip about players on both teams.
“I wonder if Barzal is single?” The one girl asks, your ears perking up at the sound.
“No, I read on the internet he’s some girl in Vancouver that he flies out,” The girl says, as if she knew this was a fact. Your skin crawled at the comment, and you weren’t sure why. Mat wasn’t yours and he didn’t owe you any sort of explanations.
The Islanders ended up with a big win, Mat tying the game with a few seconds left and taking it to overtime in which he ended the game with another goal. You wanted to be happy, knowing exactly what mood Mat was after a big win, but you couldn’t be because you couldn’t stop thinking about those girls behind you.
You’d met Mat outside of MSG, him slipping out easily, hair still wet from his post game shower. He grabbed your face immediately, planting a kiss on your lips in the middle of Midtown.
“Good game?” You ask, knowing exactly why he so boldly kissed you in the middle of the sidewalk.
“I mean it was okay,” He smiles, waving down a taxi and giving the driver your address. Mat’s hand immediately lands on your thigh, his face filled with concern when he realizes how tense his hand was making you.
“Are you okay?” He asks lowly, not to bother your taxi driver.
“Fine, we’ll talk later,” You say, sighing and laying your head on his shoulder. It wasn’t his fault you were being a jealous brat, and you didn’t want him to have to worry about it.
Mat nods, his hand moving to play your hair, something he knew you liked when you were upset. You take the ride to your place in silence, taking in the city streets as you head downtown. You head up to your apartment, letting Mat in behind you. He sits on your couch, kicking off his dress shoes.
“Alright spill,” Mat demands, “Did I do something? You never tense up like that with me.”
“No you didn’t do anything,” You sigh, “It’s just- you know what nevermind.”
“No, it’s just what?” Mat asks.
“These girls behind me were talking about you and girls from back home that you fly out and all of this stuff and you don’t owe me shit but I was a little jealous,” you blurt out.
Mat smiles, long arms grabbing your waist and pulling you on top of him, both of your legs straddling his waist, “Babe, I’m yours, no one else��s.”
The simple statement felt like a different page of your relationship was about to be written. You planted your lips on his, his moving to your back almost as an instinct. The two you moved in sync with each other until you finally pulled away, your forehead leaning against Mat’s.
“Mine,” You whisper, planting a quick peck on his lips.
“Yours,” Mat smiles, kissing you again slowly.
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itsthestutterforme · 4 years
Friendzoned (Supernatural)
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Characters: Dean x demon!reader, Crowley x reader, Sam x reader
Summary: Y/N admits her feelings for Dean and Dean lies about not feeling the same way as a way to save her friendship. She goes off the deep end and convinces a demon to possess her so she can escape her harsh reality.
I've had enough of this. Enough of hiding away my emotions from Dean. He can already tell that something is up. Dean and I met on a vampire hunt in Ohio and we've been friends ever since. He mentioned that I was the youngest hunter he's met and that I shouldn't be hunting alone. I told him to shove it and that was the deal breaker.
He's been there for me when my depressive episodes would spike and I was there for him through Lilith, Abaddon, Megatron and the Leviathans. I used to think that our friendship was just that, friendship. But one night when me, Sam and Dean went to a hunter barbeque, a light bulb went off.
I was talking amongst some old friends when my eyes went looking for Dean. I saw him laughing hard about something. The type of laugh where his face turns red as a tomato and his eyes were screwed shut. Butterflies built up in my stomach and a soft smile tugged at my lips.
"Ooo, I see you eyein' up Dean Winchester." One of my friends teases whilst nudging me with her elbow. "Believe me girl, everyone has at one point. He's fine as hell." I silently curse myself when my cheeks redden with embarrassment. "Girl, stop, you're making her blush," my other friend teases.
"Can you guys just stop? I don't have feelings for him, okay. We're just friends," "Oh yeah? Then why is he looking at you right now?" I look over my shoulder to lock eyes with Dean as he takes a swig of his beer.
He sends me a wink and I roll my eyes. "Just friends my ass," "Stop it," you beg, wanting then to change the subject.
"Girl! They're coming over here!" Sure enough, Dean and Sam walk over to us. "Ready to head out?" Dean asks. "You sure? You seem to be having fun with your pals," "Ah, I'm missing my bed right about now." Dean says as he wraps an arm around my neck. He tightens his grip and pulls my head down as rubs the top of my head with his knuckles.
"Ouch, Dean! Let me go," I exclaim as I hold onto his large forearm. I apply slight pressure to his ribs and he grunts, momentarily letting go of my neck. I push him and jump up to slap the back of his neck. Instead, he grabs me and throws me over his shoulder.
"Dean, put me down!" "See you around ladies," Dean states before advancing towards the Impala. What was that about? When did he become so touchy?
Later that night after a long bath and an even longer time thinking about it, I decided to go for it. I walked up to his room and knocked on the door. "It's open," he calls, and suddenly my nerves started to take over. "D-dean, I need to talk to you about something,"
"You okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine.. physically." "If this is about you not fully believing that I'm okay after the Mark, I told y-" "I love you, Dean." "I love you too, Y/N," "Not like that," Dean's face falls and my hands ball up at my sides.
"Y/N, I don't. We can't," "Why not?" "Because after everything that happened, we were there for each. We were able to do that because there was no romance involved. Just commitment to each other."
Words were trapped in my throat and you look away from him. "You're right, I'm sorry." I say softly. He stands from the bed and slowly made his way towards me. "Y/N, you're more than just family to me. You're so beautiful and pure. And I don't want to taint you," he says, trying to touch my face.
I push his hand away and say, "What is this talk of pure? I'm not a virgin, Dean." "That's not what I meant. I.. You're like my daughter, Y/N. There are things that me and Sam went through to keep you safe. To make sure that you don't never feel what we felt." "Daughter?" I say in disbelief.
I take some steps backwards and Dean tried to reach for me. Daggers stab my chest and tear prick my eyes. "I need some air," I rush out of his room and ran into mine. I close the door and lock in case Dean tried to follow me.
I collapse on my bed and rest my back against the headboard. My elbows come into contact with knees as I hold my face in my hands. Why didn't I keep my mouth shut? Did I ruin things between us? I think as I gently cry into my hands.
Third Person POV
Things have been quiet and tense between you and Dean. Dean had enough of it. You guys just got back from a hunt and the first place you went was your room. Dean followed you and bursted into your room without warning. Your heart nearly launched outside of your chest. "What the hell, Dean?!"
"We need to- where are you going?" He asks when he sees a duffel bag on the bed. "Home, my Mom wanted me to visit. And I need a change in scenery," you lie. You just wanted to leave the bunker and find something or someone that makes you feel like someone. Hunters very existence is to be invisible, go into towns undetected. They have to be nobodies to thrive as a hunter.
And you're tired of being a nobody. You want to be a somebody. "You can't leave when we are on bad terms," "That's what I'm doing," Dean puts his hand over yours to stop you from packing. "Y/N, look at me." You slowly comply and he adds, "I care for you deeply, and I'll do anything to bring things back to the way they were."
"I just need time," you say. Dean takes a moment to look into your eyes in search for a lie. And he found one. He knew you like the back of his hand, of course he knew when you were lying. "You're lying. Just tell me what you want, Y/N. And I'll do it." "You want to know what I want? I want out! I want to make something of myself," you snap.
You pull away from him and he stands up straight. "That's not what you want," "How the hell are you going to tell me what I do or don't want?" "Because I know you better than you know yourself. You just want to belong," "Fine, you're right. But I don't belong here." "You don't mean that." He crosses his arms and narrow his eyes at me.
"And what if I do," you say, mimicking his actions. "You're not leaving," he says before advancing towards the door. He closes it and you heard multiple locks clicking. You never understood why the doors locked on the outside. "Wh-- are you serious?" You bang on the door and yell, "Let me out of here!"
"I would cancel your plans with your mother if I were you," "God, you are such an asshole, Dean!" You collapse to the floor and lean your back on the cold, rusted door. You wanted out of here, which means that you had two options. Both you would regret, but what the hell. You only live once right?
You find yourself talking to Crowley until he appeared. He looked around the room with his hands stuffed into the pocket of his black trench coat. "Well this is unexpected," he says amusingly. "I was about to say the same thing," "Any particular reason why you called? Or are you just lonely?"
"If you even think about it, I will kill you," you threatened, brushing off your hands as you stand up from the ground. "You a most definitely a Winchester," he says with a chuckle. You roll your eyes and say, "I need to ask you a favor,"
"Let me guess, get you out of here? If I may ask, how did you get grounded anyway?" "None of your business and that's not what I was going to ask." "Well spill it out then. I don't have all day," "I want you to find a demon to possess me," you say all in one blurb.
"Damn, you're full of surprises, aren't you?" "Are you going to do it or not?" "That depends if you're completely aware of what you're asking." You lift your shirt where your devil's seal resided. Taking out your pocket knife, you cut through and broke the seal.
"I guess you are." He snaps his fingers and black smoke comes from the vent and aim straight towards you. "Good luck, darling," Crowley says before leaving. You fall to the ground and fell unconscious momentarily.
The demon was in charge and looked around the room. They stood from the ground and looked in the mirror. "Finally, a hottie." The demon finished packing their belongings and blinked into the garage to hijack a car.
"Is that the garage?" Sam asks while he was in the middle of arguing with Dean. "Y/N," Dean says before sprinting towards the room. Sam ran into the garage but Y/N was already long gone. Dean's eyebrows furrow when he sees the door was still locked and shut. It wasn't until he smelled sulfur that he knew what it was.
"Sam, she's possessed," Dean says. "What? How? She has the devil's seal, right?" "She must of broken it. I can't believe she would do this," "I can't believe you locked her in the room like some kid," Sam snaps.
"So you're saying that this is my fault?" "I'm saying that you could've handled it better." "I don't have time for this, I have to find her." "Where would you even start?" They both look at each other for a few seconds before saying in unison, "Crowley,"
Weeks went by and you were in the wind. But truth be told, you were having the time of your life. Crowley made sure to give you the soul of an gay, extroverted fuck boy. The exact opposite of who you were. The demon has been bouncing between bars and clubs, bring home new guys every other night.
They made sure to stay under the radar so the Winchester couldn't track them. But one night, they decided to twerk on the bar with a bottle of Hennessy in their hand. Sam found it through an algorithm he created and showed it to Dean.
"What the hell is sh- is she twerking?" Dean says both in disbelief and disappointment. "It seems like she's-" "Like she's what, Sam?" Dean snap, unable to pull his eyes away from the computer screen. "She's having fun."
"Come on, that's just the demon possessing her," he says, his eyes still glue to the computer. Sam closes the computer and Dean's eyes were starting to glaze over. "What if she doesn't want to be found?" Dean says softly.
"She'll miss home, eventually. She just needs time." "How much time, Sam! She's being selfish! She's acting like our relationship is one sided. I love her just as much as she loves me." "As friends, Dean. She needs to accept the fact that you see her as a daughter,"
"I don't actually see her as a daughter. I don't even know why I said that." Dean sits down and placed a hand over his face. "You have to tell her how you really feel, dude. Time's running out." "Listen, she's in Detroit. That's almost a half day's drive. If we leave now, we can get there at 8 in the morning." Sam adds.
In ten minutes, the made their go bags and took the Impala out of the garage. When they get there, Dean got straight to business after he downed three coffees. Time is of the essence when it comes to this demon. They never stay in the same town for longer than two days.
Sam and Dean ask around for Y/N and a man overhears her name. He knows the name because she slept with him last night after they met each other at a club. "Hey, is she in trouble or anything?" He asks.
"No, she's not. She's our family and we just want to make sure she's okay," Sam states. "The last I saw her, she was in Victory Hotel. You guys are some lucky bucks," "And why is that?" Dean asks.
He knows where this was going, but didn't care. He was looking for something to punch anyway. "She does this little twisting trick when she's on top that I--" Dean's fist collides with the man's face. He catches him before he hits the ground to slam his face against the bar counter.
"So she is your girlfriend," the bar tender says to Dean. Dean storms out of the bar and everyone looks to Sam in deafening silence. A nervous smile tugs at his lips and he awkwardly walks out of the bar.
Dean waits for Sam before driving to Victory Hotel. Without another thought, Dean walks in and slams $200 on the counter where the clerk resided. "Y/N, what room is she in?" Dean asks. "R-room 30," the clerk stumbled.
"Dean, wait," Sam calls out as he follows Dean up the stairs to Room 30. "You have to calm down," Dean ignores him and kicks the door in. The demon yelps out in shock before a playful smirk fell on their lips. "Hey there, Deany boy. I'm assuming you're here for you little lady back." They ask.
"Put her on," Dean commands. "What if I don't, huh? What exactly would you do to me? To her. Absolutely nothing," they taunt. "Why did she do it?" Dean asks, getting closer. "She said that she wanted to feel like someone instead of a nobody lurking in the shadows. And I don't blame her, you called her your daughter. Ouch."
"I would want to leave you too," "She really wanted to leave?" "You know what? How about you talk to her," the demon says. Y/N came to the surface and you nearly lost balance. "Y/N?" Sam asked. You looked over to him first before cowering under Dean's angry gaze.
"You had us worried sick about you, Y/N. What the hell were you thinking!" "For once, I was thinking about me and my life, Dean! Is that so hard for you to comprehend!" "You hate being called a child, yet here you are, acting like one!"
"Screw you!" "You mean like you did the grocery list of guys." Your hand comes up and slaps him. Your hand print instantly made a mark on his cheek. "My sex life is none of business," "You me to kiss you? You want me to be with you, fine."
Dean rushes over to you. "No, it has to be your choice. Not an ultimatum. And you made it clear that you didn't--". Dean's hand finds your stomach and pushes you into the nearest wall.
Before you could object, he slams his lips on yours. Your body instantly tenses and every time you try to pull away, he follows your lips. "I'll just be outside then," Sam says. Your legs became jello and you no longer felt the need to fight him.
He steps closer to you until your body melted into his. He softly pecks your lips every time you try to speak. When he finally pulls away, you are completely speechless and tired. "I lied about before," he whispers.
You look into his eyes and a small part of you believed him, but not enough of you did. "Let's go," You say to the demon. "No," Dean says but the demon already took over. "Whew, you really know how to make a girl wet. I'll have to take care of that later. Those lips certainly works wonders and you almost won her over.. almost."
Dean tries to tackle the demon but with the flick of wrist, they send Dean crashing into the wall. "Dean!" Sam says as he rushes into the room. "Oh, and Y/N says to stop looking for her. Tootles!" They said before blinking elsewhere. "Damn it!" Dean yells before flipping the table. "Get Crowley on the phone, now!"
With Crowley and Cas' help, they summoned Y/N within minutes. They trapped her in a devil's trap and the demon crossed their arms. "You really don't know how to take a.. hint." The demon says when they see Crowley standing in the corner. "My apologies, my liege," the demon says.
Crowley walks up to them and says, "Get out." "I didn't hurt her, like you made me promise, my liege," "Either you get out or I kill you. Your choice," Dean says, taking out his inscribed knife. "Oh please, you would rather stab yourself than stab her,"
Crowley snapped his fingers and the demon left Y/N's body. "I'll deal with you later," Crowley says to the demon as it goes back to Hell. You collapse to the ground and slowly lift your head to see everyone. Embarrassment warms your cheeks and your gaze falls to the ground.
"Guys, we should give them some privacy," Sam says. Dean kneels down next to you but you refuse to meet his gaze. "Y/N, you gotta talk to me, please." "I don't even know what to say, Dean."
"Let's start at the night after the barbeque," "Let's not, Dean. I don't want to relive that pain," "What about my pain, huh? What about my suffering?"
"Y/N, I'm sorry for hurting you and I'm sorry for lying to you." You stand up from the ground and look down at Dean. He stands up and brushes the dirt from his hands. "But I understand if you want to leave," he adds.
You turn to walk towards the door but stop yourself when your hand touches the cold door knob. You turn back around and run into Dean's arms. You squeeze him as hard you could and he tightened his grip on you.
"I'm so sorry for everything, Dean," you whimper and he says, "There's nothing to be sorry about. You found a way to cope and I should have judge you on that."
"Dean, about that kiss," you say and Dean pulls away from you slightly. He looks down at you but didn't move his hands. It was like he was waiting for the signal to kiss you.
"You were right, about leaving things as friends. You are more committed that way. As ass backwards as that sounds, it finally makes sense now."
"But kiss me like that again, and that won't be the case anymore." You joke but Dean still looked quite serious. "Dean?" He grabbed the back of your neck and captures your lips in a burningly slow kiss.
He brings you closer by the hips and slides his tongue against yours. You moan softly and try to pull away before you coupf make anymore noise. But of course, he follows your lips and bite down on your bottom lip.
You finally managed to pull away from him and put your fingers against his lips so he wouldn't kiss you again. "My God," you say softly. "We'll continue this later, but I'm hungry and I have to kiss and make up with the rest of the team," you add, earning an eyebrow raise from Dean. "Not actually kiss, Dean. It's an expression,"
"I know, and I never liked it," he says, squeezing your hips. Now you start to wonder what exactly you got yourself into?
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veracity - v. dunn
As promised, here’s one of our many resident himbos, Vince Dunn, in “I didn’t realize wer were dating.” As I’m sure a lot of other writers have experienced lately, reblogs have definitely been down, so I would love it if you’d give a reblog if you like it. I also read the tags! Alternately, feel free to keysmash in my inbox or let me know what your favorite parts were. 
word count: 4.9k+
warnings: light sexual content (brief)
Aly Kalinski had never bothered leaving her home town. Why would she? She loved St. Louis. She was born there, went to public schools in the city, and barely moved ten miles away from home for her art degree at SLU. For all its faults, she loved her city. Aly met Vince her sophomore year of college, an accidental run-in at her favorite sandwich shop that had turned into a friendship that had turned into a relationship. So it was a no-brainer decision for Aly to stay once she graduated, getting a position teaching middle and high school art at a school in the suburbs and a loft in downtown. She didn’t want to leave her parents, or her city. Or Vince. 
They had just gotten together, and it really hadn’t come as a surprise to anyone but them. Her older sister rolled her eyes when Aly told her, saying that “it was only a matter of time. You two practically act like an old married couple already.” Her parents were shocked even less. Vince’s teammates had actually been some of the biggest perpetrators in the first place, not-so-subtly leaving them in rooms together at parties and encouraging Aly to admit the feelings she wasn’t even sure she had until a few months ago. But it had happened organically, so naturally that Aly really couldn’t even put a pin on the point where their friendship had turned into romance. All she knew was that she was falling hard for Vince Dunn, and for once in her life, she wasn’t trying to stop herself. 
Clashing teeth and her hands running through his hair and his fingernails digging into the backs of her thighs was all Aly felt as Vince held her up against the door. “Vin, bedroom,” Aly gasped, pulling away for air. 
“Mhm,” he said absentmindedly, his lips trailing kisses down the column of her neck as her legs wrapped around his waist. He walked backwards into his room, dropping her down on the bed. She fumbled with the buttons on her shirt as he frantically pulled his belt off. God, it had been too long since they had touched each other. Vince had only recently returned to St. Louis for training camp and the start of pre-season, but he had been so exhausted from drills and scrimmages that all he could manage on nights they got together was curl into Aly’s side with some take out and turn on reruns of Kitchen Nightmares. She had visited him in Toronto for two weeks in July and August — it didn’t always work out so perfectly, but she was thankful that teaching meant most of her summers were free — and they had obviously had sex while they were there, but she had been missing it more than she wanted to admit. Missing him. 
So when they went out to a downtown bar with the rest of the team to celebrate the end of training camp, and Aly didn’t have work the next day, they were both more than happy to indulge in a little liquid courage. Which meant a couple of  drinks and a few more flirty touches later and the pair made their excuses to the rest of the group, Vince pulling up his Uber app before they were even out the door. And they weren’t exactly subtle about it  — Sammy had definitely shouted “USE PROTECTION” while Vince threw him a middle finger  — but they they needed each other too much to really give a fuck. 
Vince trailed his fingers up her now-bare sides, the clasp of her bra falling open with a well-practiced flick. Aly palmed him over his jeans, trying half-heartedly to reverse their positions. Vince groaned. “Not tonight, baby. I need you.” Well, it’s not like she was going to argue with that. Her leggings came off in record time. His jeans followed. Aly dropped her head into the crook of his neck as he slid into her. God, they could do this a million times and she’d never get used to how good he felt. “You’re fuckin’ incredible, Aly, you know that?” Vince gasped out. 
She pressed a kiss onto his shoulder. “You might've mentioned it once or twice, but feel free to keep going, Dunn,” she said. 
He quickened his pace. “I will.” Ten minutes and two orgasms later, she was wrapped in Vince’s arms, trying to savor every last moment before she had to get up and use the bathroom. “I meant what I said, you know?” Vince said, one hand carding through her hair. “You really are incredible, Aly. And when we’re together…” He paused, searching for the right words. 
“There’s only a few things in my life that have always come easy. Hockey, never being able to say no to ice cream, and you. I never feel like I have to be anyone other than exactly who I am when I’m with you, and I don’t know if you know just how meaningful that is for me. I need it, and I need you.” Aly smiled, turning over and pressing a soft kiss to his lips. This was the closest he’d gotten so saying he loved her, and she’d take it. 
Aly sipped her champagne, her eyes surveying the downtown St. Louis ballroom where she found herself on a Saturday evening. Her free hand fingered with the sequin-adorned cloth of her dress, brushing up against the thigh-high slit. It wasn’t something she would have ever bought for herself, but she loved it. It caught the light like nothing she’d ever seen and Vince’s jaw had nearly fallen off the second he saw her when he picked her up for the gala. He had bought it for her, too, insisting that if he had invited her the least he could do was spare her the expense of going out and buying one on her own.
Her job paid well for a teacher, especially one in their first few years, but she wasn’t about to complain when Vince gave her his card and sent her into the shopping district to find a dress for the night. He had told her to get something stunning, and she had delivered in spectacular fashion. It was the Blues’ big fundraising gala for the year, an annual charity event to benefit the children’s hospital. Essentially, the night was an opportunity to party on the team’s dime while wining and dining Midwestern elite in a bid to get them to open up their checkbooks. It was something that Alexandra Kalinski was proving surprisingly adept at; even though she didn’t have nearly the rapport with some of the businessmen and philanthropists as most of the players and their partners did, she was able to turn on the same “teacher” charm she used on back-to-school nights, lay the accent on a little thicker than she usually would, and tug at the heartstrings of multi-millionaires with a story of a seventh grader in one of her intro painting classes who had been treated for leukemia in the hospital’s oncology ward. They couldn’t write the checks fast enough. 
But Aly found herself at the bar a few hours in, next to Sammy as Vince smooth-talked someone she vaguely recognized as an exec for the Cardinals. Transitioning from friendship to being a couple, at least in regards to their social lives, had been much easier than she had thought. It had all just been so natural that people probably wouldn’t have even noticed if it hadn’t been for the looks she gave him, or her now-permanent spot on the “good chair” in the family box — that everyone else claimed was too lumpy but Aly swore up and down was the most comfortable place in the whole room  — or the time Colton had walked in on them hooking up in a supply closet at the Enterprise Center during a wine tasting with season ticketholders. But she had loved everything in their relationship so far, loved how welcoming all of the other WAGs were and how happy everyone had been for them when they finally got together. “God, it was about time,” Sammy had said. 
She could see that the person Vince was talking to had started making his way over to the reception table, where all the donations were being collected, and caught his eye just as he was being swept into yet another conversation. Vince liked people, there was no doubt about it, and he loved being able to help out a cause as incredible as the children’s hospital, but after almost four hours of schmoozing and small talk it was beginning to take a toll on even him. Aly gave him a tiny nod, a signal that anyone else probably would have missed, but one that Vince understood instantly. She was coming to get him. Alexandra was by his side in thirty seconds flat, her hand resting between his shoulder blades while she smiled apologetically to the man across from them. “I’m so sorry to interrupt, but I’ve got a headache and have had a bit too much to be driving myself home. Would you mind taking me?” 
Vince nodded, trying to keep his enthusiasm dampened. “Of course, babe. No problem.” He gave the businessman his best PR smile. “Sorry to have to leave so abruptly, but duty calls. Thank you so much for coming out tonight and supporting such a great cause, it really means a lot to me and the whole team.” With a perfunctory handshake, they began heading towards the exit, his hand gripping hers as they wove through the crowd. “Thanks for that, Aly,” he said as he opened up the passenger door for her. “I really was running on empty there.”
She smiled softly back at him. “Always.”
Vince’s arm was draped casually over the back of Aly’s chair, his fingertips dancing over her shoulder. She was beaming up at the couple under the flower-covered wedding chuppah at the end of the aisle, leaning into Vince’s side. Her cousin Olivia was getting married, her and her soon-to-be wife Yara had been together for years and had finally decided to take the next step. When she got the invitation four months earlier, she hadn’t hesitated to invite Vince as her plus one. They had been dating for a little under a year by that point, but seeing as how most of her family was local — some of her mom’s family was in Wisconsin, but nobody really aside from that — he had already met everyone important. 
The ceremony went by in the blink of an eye, Yara and Olivia broke the glasses, and everyone began milling over towards the barn for the reception. Olivia and Yara had already met Vince some six months before, and had immediately taken to each other. The brides came over to their table after thanking everyone for coming, and dinner was served. She had never seen anyone eat as many dinner rolls in one sitting as Vince did.
“Alexandra!” Aly heard an excited voice from the other corner of the room over the cacophony of the music, and barely turned her head quickly enough to see who had called her name before she was pulled into a warm hug. 
Aly laughed when she saw who it was. “Nice to see you, Aunt Ruth. Aunt Ruth, this is Vince. Vince, this is my Aunt Ruth,” Aly said, gesturing to the woman across from them. 
Vince held out his hand, but Ruth waved it off. “We’re huggers here, Vince. She brought you to the wedding. You’re practically family.” She raised her eyebrows at the couple. “When’s it going to be your turn, hm?” 
Aly groaned. “Aunt Ruuuth.” 
Ruth shrugged. “I’m just saying. Your bubbe’s not getting any younger, and I’m sure she’d love to see some of her grandchildren with kids of their own.” 
“How about we, uh, get off of that subject,” Aly said, her cheeks burning. “That’s up to this one, after all,” she said, patting Vince on the arm. Vince ducked his head, understanding the grip of Aly’s hand on his arm as I love this woman but I swear to God if you don’t get me out of here I think I might combust.
He smiled apologetically to the older woman, feigning a glance at his watch. “The ceremony was amazing, Ruth, but I think I’ll have to be taking Aly home now. We’ve got early breakfast plans tomorrow and I’m sure you know how this one gets when she doesn’t get a full night of sleep.” Aly squeezed his hand in appreciation. 
“Of course,” Ruth said, smiling at the pair. She winked as they turned towards the door. “But think about it.” 
Aly ran her hand through her hair as soon as they turned the corner into the dirt parking lot. “Thanks for that, Vin. We don’t have breakfast plans, though?” 
Vince shrugged, an impish smile on his face. “Guess we do now.”
“I bought that tea you like,” Vince said from his spot on the couch. “I didn’t want you to be over here while you’re looking after Henry and run out.” Henry was Vince’s rottweiler, a rambunctious eleven month old that he had adopted at the middle of last season. 
Aly smiled as she opened the cupboard, seeing her prized brand of Irish Breakfast next to his favorite type of coffee. “Thanks for that, Vin.” 
He shrugged as the corner of his mouth twitched. “Don’t mention it.” 
The Blues were about to leave for their first real road trip of the year, and it was an unspoken agreement by this time in their relationship that Aly would stay over at his apartment while he was away. Early on in the relationship, she’d just stop by a few times a week to water his plants, and then he got a few fish, and then Henry came along. It didn’t take much convincing from Vince for Aly to agree to look after them; Henry loved her almost as much as he did Vince, and getting to see him before and after school helped to curb some of the loneliness she felt in Vince’s absence. 
She turned down the hallway, taking her bag into his bedroom. He had a guest room that would have been just as convenient to stay in, but she had grown used to the feel of his sheets and liked having the ensuite bathroom. Plus, she had already not-so-subtly taken over one of the drawers in his dresser. Her bag had the jeans, button downs, and blouses she’d need for work — her school mostly adhered to a smart casual dress code, plus she was an art teacher — but there were plenty of sleep shirts, underwear, and leggings in the dresser. If push came to shove, she also wasn’t above stealing Vince’s old sweatshirts. He always said she looked better in them anyways. 
Even when Vince was back in town, she slept over enough for it to make sense for her to have a space of her own; it just wasn’t practical for her to have to drive fifteen minutes to her apartment and back again just to grab a shirt if she wanted to spend the night after a movie date ran long. They hadn’t broached the conversation of moving in together yet, though. It was something that had crossed Aly’s mind, and if she knew Vince as well as she thought she did, he had thought about it too. But she wasn’t in a hurry to break her lease and he hadn’t said anything about it, so she had decided to let sleeping dogs lie. 
She tucked her bag into the corner of his closet, padding into the bathroom and closing the door. She cursed herself as she pulled down her shorts, realizing that her period had started and, conveniently, her purse was out in the living room. Biting her lip, Aly decided to rummage around in the vanity, praying to God that she’d left something from the last time. It wasn’t like she thought Vince would be weird about it if she asked him to bring her something from her purse; he never had been before, even when she had bled through a pair of his sweats one night staying over. “Not a big deal,” he had said, shrugging and tossing them in the washing machine. “I needed to do laundry anyway.” But she’d rather not ask if she didn’t have to. She crossed her fingers as she pulled out the last drawer, her head turning to the side in confusion as she saw an unopened box of tampons. Her eyes softened in realization. He had bought them without her ever having to ask. 
It was bye week for the Blues, which meant everyone who hadn’t been picked for the All Star Team suddenly had an extra week in the middle of the season and nothing to do to fill it. Or, rather, had a week in the middle of the season and had to find something to do to fill it. In Vince and Aly’s case, that something turned out to be a trip to the Bahamas with some of his teammates and their wives. It had been a no-brainer for him to invite Aly; everyone else was bringing their partners and Vince knew she had a few vacation days saved up from work. They had been planning it for months, Aly having requested the time off as soon as she was able, and had blissfully traded in the chilly winters of Missouri for a balmy week on the shores of Nassau.
Vince had wanted to go to Iceland originally, half to do with the hiking and half to do with the ponies he saw in a National Geographic article as a kid, but one Google search from Sammy led them to the unfortunate realization that being so far north, there were only about six hours of daylight each day and the temperature topped out in the mid 30s. Vince looked a little deflated when he read the forecast. “Don’t worry,” Aly had said, squeezing his arm in reassurance. “We can go in June, after school lets out and before you head home for the summer. I’ve heard amazing things about their hot springs.” Sammy wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. Aly hit his shoulder. 
But the Bahamas were proving to be one of the most beautiful places she had ever been. “Better than home?” he asked as they lay stretched out on the sand while they watched the sun dip below the horizon. 
She scrunched her nose at him. “Unfair comparison. St. Louis is hovering around freezing and perpetually covered in a layer of slush this time of year. And, to be fair, it’s an endearing layer of slush and I love it. But right now I think I’d rather be where it’s 75º and sunny and I can lay outside looking hot as hell in a bikini without worrying about freezing my tits off.” 
Vince choked on his rum punch. “Worried about that, are you?” 
Aly shrugged. “I’d rather deal with a sunburn. Which, speaking of,” she glanced over at Vince, “you’re looking a little red. Don’t worry, though. I’ve got as much aloe vera as I could pack in a single quart bag. Would have tried to sneak in a whole bottle, but didn’t want the feds after me.” 
Vince laughed, a whole body laugh that all but consumed him for a few moments, before pulling Aly in to rest against his chest. “I’m really happy you came, Aly. You know that, right?” 
“Why wouldn’t I? All-expenses paid trip to the Carribean with you and our friends, getting to hang out on the beach all day and drink cocktails without having to worry about driving home after?” 
Vince gasped in mock offense, the hand that wasn’t wrapped around her waist coming to clench at his heart. “You’re killing me here, Aly! You mean to tell me this whole time you’ve only been using me for my money? I expected more from you.” 
“Not just your money, Vin,” she giggled, settling into his touch. “I tried to pay for my share of the expenses, you wouldn’t have it. But seriously, I do really love it here. It’s gorgeous, and so peaceful, and there’s really not anything I think we could do to make it better. I love you, Vince Dunn.” 
“I love you too, Aly Kalinski.” 
“One sec, I’ve got to go grab something,” Vince said, smiling at Aly as he pushed his chair back from the table. It was the day after he had come home from a two week road trip, and he had invited her over for dinner, told her to dress nice, and made what actually turned out to be a very respectable dinner of ravioli and roasted vegetables. 
She nodded as her heart started to pound faster and faster, coming to a peak when she thought her chest was going to burst as Vince returned from the bedroom, turning a blue velvet box over in his hands. “I know it might seem unexpected, but I saw this the other day while I was downtown with Sammy and I don’t know, just somehow knew you were meant to have it. Knew it was meant to be yours. Something I hope you’ll see as a sign of how much I love and care about you and how even though we might not always physically be together, you’re the person I trust most in this life.” 
He slid the box across the table to Aly, who opened it with shaking hands. Inside was a silver necklace with a pendant of an olive tree on it. It was absolutely gorgeous — and Vince was right, very her — but it was not what she had been expecting.
Aly snorted, burying her face into her hands. “Oh my God, I’m going to have to call my mom.” 
Vince was confused. “Why?” 
Aly rolled her eyes. “I told her I was coming over here for dinner and you told me to dress nice. She thought you were going to propose.” 
“Propose?” Vince asked, dumbfounded. “Why would I propose?” 
She tried to wave him off, but Vince could see the shimmer of hurt behind her eyes. “I mean, we’ve been together for almost two years. It wouldn’t be out of the realm of possibility.”
“Together?” He looked over at her. “For two years?” 
“Yeah?” she said slowly, thinking he had forgotten their anniversary. “Come June, two years.” 
Vince swallowed hard as it began to dawn on him, looking down at his hands. “Together...She thinks we’ve been together for,” he looked up at the ceiling, “twenty-one months.” 
“You keep repeating that word, babe. Together. What’s confusing about it?” Aly said, giving him a weird look.  
God, how was he supposed to tell her? “I didn’t know we were together. Are together? Let alone that your mom was expecting a proposal.” 
Aly’s blood ran cold. “Let me get this straight,” she said, pausing. “You didn’t know we’re together? What did you think we’ve been doing for almost two years?” 
“Being really good friends?” 
She shook her head. “Why did you tell me to dress up when I came over, then? Why did you make dinner?”
He fixed his eyes on a chip in the coffee table. “I knew you’d been having a rough week and I wanted to do something nice for you.”
“What about the vacation?” She questioned.
He shrugged helplessly. “Everyone else was going in couples, and you’re my best friend down here regardless.” 
“Me coming to all the games? Sitting up in the box?” 
“You’ve become friends with all the WAGs, and I love having you there to support me,” he tried. 
“The sex?” Aly asked incredulously. 
Vince winced. Okay, that  one was a little harder to explain away. “I just always thought that we were both single, both hot, both too busy to get into relationships. Each other’s best options.” 
God, Aly felt like a fucking fool. She felt like she’d been played, because in a weird, sort of twisted way, she had. “You said you thought it was because we’re both too busy to be in relationships now. But Vince, I know you have no think energy out your ears, but I need you to concentrate for a minute. Think about most couples you know. They get together a few times a week if they don’t live together. We do that.” He nodded. 
“They have a drawer or a part of a closet at each other’s places, they look after each other’s plants and dogs when they’re out of town. We do that. They become friends with each other’s friends, they visit each other’s families, they take weekend trips together and fly to the Bahamas with friends when they have a week off. We did that.” She looked up at him, her eyes glassy with unshed tears. “They dance around in the kitchen together and make love and go to the zoo at least once a month because I love seeing the otters. They comfort each other when they’re at their worst, encourage each other at their best. You said you didn’t have time for a relationship, but you didn’t realize that that’s what we’ve been doing, Vince.” 
Now it was Vince’s turn to be struck speechless. Aly wasn’t meeting his eyes. And honestly, he couldn’t blame her. He turned to look at her, but she had stood up abruptly from the couch, pacing nervously as she slowly made her way to the door. “I, uh, I think I should go,” she said, looking down at her hands. 
Vince stood up, taking a half step towards her before deciding that it was best to give her space. “No, Aly, you don’t have to go. We can talk. I think —”
“No, I think. I think you don’t feel the same way, and I’ve been misreading things for two years. And that’s fine, I can’t force you to fabricate feelings that aren’t there, so um. I’ll go,” Aly said, shaking her head stiffly. She opened the door and shut it, and Vince was suddenly stuck in the loudest silence he’d ever heard. It was like he couldn’t move for a minute, as if all of his muscles were paralyzed, and then he came back to reality. Aly had only been gone for maybe a minute at most, but it felt like an hour. 
Vince bolted out of the door, not even bothering to lock it, running straight past the elevator. Stairs would be quicker. He caught her just as she was exiting the front door, one of her hands coming up to wipe a stray tear off her cheek. “Aly!” Vince called. She hesitated for a moment but kept walking. Vince ran across the lobby, not even caring about his complete lack of shoes. “Aly! Wait up, please.” 
She turned around, eyes watering, and sighed, walking over towards one of the chairs with a defeated look on her face. She didn’t even sit down, just perched on the arm like she wasn’t quite comfortable with actually settling in, like she needed to be able to up and leave at any given moment. “Please, Vince. Don’t make this any harder than it has to be. I’m not mad at you for not feeling the same way, it wouldn’t be fair of me and people can’t control their feelings, but I feel like a fucking idiot right now. Like I spent so long misreading all sorts of signs and signals and words —”
“What if you didn’t?” Vince asked breathlessly. 
Aly looked startled. “What do you mean?”
“What if you didn’t misread anything, Aly? What if you didn’t have to be mad at me for not feeling the same way, because I do?”
Aly sunk into the chair, her eyes meeting his for the first time since she had left his apartment. “Then why...Why did you not say anything? How did you not know we were in a relationship?”
Vince ran a hand through his hair, squeezing his eyes shut. “Because I thought that’s all you were going to give me. And if that was it, that was enough for me,” he smiled sadly. “I thought everything, the sex and the wedding and the Bahamas, was just me being a good friend and you needing a stress relief and someone who’d always be in your corner. I never knew this was supposed to be a relationship. I didn’t think you wanted anything serious. And I had resigned myself to that, come to terms with only getting stolen kisses on late nights and early-morning coffee runs before you had to head to school. If I only got you halfway, I was okay with it, because I love you and that was better than nothing.” 
“You what?” Aly’s breath caught in her throat. 
“I love you,” Vince said. It was the easiest thing he had ever admitted. Because it was true. 
He had told her he loved her before, but as Aly searched his face, she could tell that he meant it in a different way. In the way she always wanted him to. “You love me?” she asked, voice cracking. 
Vince nodded. “I do. I’m in love with you. And you don’t know how good that feels to admit.”
Aly gave an airy laugh, reaching up to tuck a stray piece of hair behind her ear before Vince had a chance to get it for her. “I think I might.”
“I’ve just got one question, though,” Vince asked. 
“Which is?” 
He cracked a smile. “You’re not going to make us change our anniversary date, are you? It would be pretty weird to explain to everyone and I really don’t want Aunt Ruth to find out and show up at my door to chase me around with a chainsaw.”
Aly giggled, leaning over and placing an exhilarated kiss against his lips. “No.”
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shelbysdevil · 2 years
💕 (Tommy and Adelia)
Send me a 💕 and a ship: In-depth Edition from here @mettleborn
How did they meet?
They met in his bar the Garrison and he invited her for a drink so they started talking, flirting and dancing ♥︎
Who flirted with who first?
Tommy never really flirts on purpose, he just bluntly says when he wants to fuck or is interested. Adelia is more the flirty one and made it obvious she’s interested and that settled it
Was it love at first sight or a slowburn romance?
They would both probably deny they fell in love first sight or that they are that romantic, but in fact Tommy noticed from the start that she is special and will later realize that he fell in love with her at first sight, yes.
Did they start dating right away or were they friends before things became romantic?
Let’s say they started hooking up for fun and excitement but that also fed their connection and developed a deep friendship. It’s probably like two lost and lonely souls found each other and then it was them against the world.
What was their first date?
I don’t think they had real dates even if they surely went out for a party or dinner but usually they are not the dating people.
What are their favourite things to do on date nights?
As said, they are not the usual date people. So they would rather just meet and hang out wherever they are and whoever else is there and have their privacy in the sheets or wherever they hook up. But if they would have proper dates it would probably be riding horses together and having a picnic on the fields.
Do they still go on dates after being together for a while?
See usually when they spend time together it’s always somehow connected to work. Like when they go to a party it’s for socializing. When they have dinner it’s probably with other business partners. So that’s why they don’t have the normal dates. But I can imagine that with the time Adelia will exactly demand that cause she never had that before and because Tommy would probably always claim it’s silly and he doesn’t have time for that. So he would have to make sure to get some free time just reserved for her so they can both experience what it’s like to date and how it is to have Tommy for herself.
What is their love language?
Words of affirmation and physical touch for sure. But Adelia is probably also a woman showing acts of service while Tommy would also choose giving gifts to her.
Who kissed who first?
Tommy kissed her first on their way to his hotel room
Who started the relationship?
They never really started it and then she disappeared and married… but Tommy will fight to get her back.
Monogamy or Polyamory?
Monogamy. Tommy doesn’t share her.
Are they/do they plan on getting married?
Tommy definitely wants to
Who proposed? Was it a yes or no?
Tommy would ask her and he wanted to pretty early but then missed his chance. When he will finally ask her it will hopefully be a yes from her but it will probably take a while until he dares to ask again.
Do they want kids? Who brought it up first?
Tommy would love kids but I’m not sure if they’d talk about it before or if it just happens. But he would definitely say that he wants her to be the mother of his children.
Do they already have kids, together or from previous relationships?
Do they have any routines/rituals in their relationship?
At first their only routine is having sex but when they meet again and get serious, I’m sure they’ll develop a few routines. For example sharing dinner together and having date nights on the weekend so they have some time on their own besides in the sheets. Also I’m sure Adelia will support him in his job and they’ll get a routine in talking about business and her organizing things for him cause Tommy tends to lose track of things cause he follows his instincts. He needs someone keeping an eye on everything that happens outside of his view.
How do they take care of each other when they are sick/hurt?
Tommy is horrible in just staying at home or just keeping someone company. He would rather search ways to somehow help them or revenge them if someone hurt them. So he would probably make sure doctors are there, call her every hour to check on her but needs to be on the run cause he can’t sit still, it makes him feel powerless and out of control and he hates that. Adelia would probably more sit by his side or read to him and make sure he’s never alone.
How do they like to spend time together?
They love just being with each other and it doesn’t matter how or where. I bet they like to giggle about the silliest things, gossiping about their enemies or just talk about the world, art and poetry while laying in the grass and on the others chest. They don’t need much when they have each other.
What are their favourite non-sexual forms of intimacy?
Definitely the trust they have for each other. Their bond is so strong that you can literally feel it in the air. But also Tommy loves to have his arm around her to show her off as his as well as subtle hand touches whenever they can.
What are some of their favourite things about their partner?
Tommy loves her energy. He can sometimes seem distant or cold or detached from himself and his feelings while she is such a bubbly sunshine that she brightens up his whole world and shows him so much passion that he can only thrive from it. And Adelia probably loves his confidence, his intellect and how good he manages power. Also I think she loves that he simply doesn’t care what anyone else thinks about him while she grew up in this golden cage where she always had to fulfill expectations. Tommy represents that freedom and independence for her what probably impresses her a lot.
How do they comfort the other when they are upset?
Tommy would hold her. A lot. And sometimes he just reads to her or writes poetry to communicate his love for her. Adelia would make sure that he eats and rests enough and prepare baths for him. But also playing with his hair and massaging him while telling him how amazing he is and how much she loves him will definitely help. As well as sexual favors tbh ;) it’s better to let out some steam in that before he takes drugs or gets drunk, so offer him that and he’ll be fine.
Who buys the other spontaneous gifts?
Tommy. He absolutely communicates with gifts and since he’s not interested in money for himself, he would rather use it to make her happy.
What position do they sleep in?
Either Tommy holds her from behind or she sleeps on his chest when he lays on his back.
Do they bathe/shower together?
Yes they would
Do they do anything else in the bath/shower other than wash?
For sure 👀
In the bedroom - Vanilla, a little spice, or kinky af?
They both have a high sex drive and are definitely spicy but I wouldn’t say that they are super kinky cause Tommy is secretly very romantic (but some mutual pinning, hair tugging, choking and marking is definitely in)
For applicable ships - who tops/bottoms?
Tommy usually tops but he would let her take the lead as well
For applicable ships - who is more dominant/submissive?
They are both pretty dominant but Tommy is more, he likes power too much to be submissive
What is their favourite sex position?
Definitely against the wall, her riding him and classic face to face. But if he wants to make a point or show her who she belongs to, he’d definitely take her from behind
Do either of them enjoy bringing sex toys into the bedroom?
Toys aren’t really a thing during their time but he would blindfold her with his tie or cuff her hands with it (and probably sniff coke from her skin -if she lets him - and lick champagne off of her)
Favourite place to have sex?
Everywhere. But often they’re too impatient to wait for the bed and would more often have sex secretly in his office or on a party with the chance of being caught.
Most adventurous place they’ve had sex?
Every public place with the chance of being caught is adventurous, but I think especially a high class event where it’s about Tommy’s or her reputation is most adventurous when they sneak out just to have sex. Besides that probably on one of his boats 👀 or in the movie theatre 🤣
How often do they fight? What about?
About her leaving and his broken heart after that. It will be hard for him to trust her again and maybe she will fight with him when he can’t really decide if he really wants to try to be with her again. He will be very scared that she leaves again and that will hold him back. I guess that’s what will make her question him and if he’s really serious. Also jealousy will be a big topic cause Adelia probably knows about his reputation and how he often used sex for business. He will probably not immediately stop seeing others when they meet again since she is married and that will surely bring troubles as well. And when he rather runs than talk about his emotions. Tommy is a coward when it comes to that and is used to suppress his emotions (with sex, violence, alcohol or drugs) that’s why he needs to learn that in a committed relationship.
Have they ever broken up?
She had to leave Birmingham and married someone else but they weren’t really official at that time. But when they get together properly they won’t.
Messy breakup, amicable split, remain friends, ride or die or til death do us part?
Til Death do us apart
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rosierin · 4 years
Shinsuke de Hyōgo
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this was initially supposed to be for valentine's day- whoops—
a cyrano de bergerac inspired one-shot featuring an oblivious kita, chaotic miya twins and a wheezing suna.
paring: kita x fem!reader
genre: honestly crack, but with a romantic ending
word count: 3.9k
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It was a pleasant summer day to be sat in the park. Evening had fallen, the air was sweet, complete silence surrounded them; all the ideal factors conducive to a perfect confession. And what better way to do it then while watching the sunset after a classic date at a high end restaurant.
Kita and (y/n) had known each other since middle school and had been friends from pretty much day one. 
It was the sort of friendship that had started thanks to proximity; they lived nearby, shared a class, and continued because of their complimentary personalities. Kita had always been the more reserved type, so (y/n)'s outgoing personality had been a refreshing add-on to his life. It wasn't the same type of outgoing as the older Miya twin either; unlike him she knew of things such as discretion and respect of one's personal boundaries. She knew how to make him smile and her presence had always given him a sense of security and peace that only resonated within her. It was only a matter of time until he began developing feelings for her and as soon as their last year of high school came about, that's when he finally built up the courage to ask her out
Tonight however was different. He wanted to take the next step further, for through years of accumulated infatuation, Kita had never been surer about his feelings for (y/n). He knew it was more than just a crush, more than any old, fleeting feeling one could experience such as a romance built over summer. Rather, what Kita felt he knew was real and tonight was the night he would put those feelings into words.
"(Y/n)." Years of yearning to say everything he'd kept hidden, ready to be told at last.
"Hm?" She turned her head, shifting her gaze from the golden sun and focusing on Kita, a smile on her face.
He took a deep breath.
"I love you."
For some reason, his words seemed to hang heavy on the warm summer breeze and all of a sudden, the setting no longer felt so comfortable. In fact, Kita began to feel the exact opposite. Did silences after a confession always take this long? And was it just him, a trick of the light or was she... Frowning?
He pursed his lips. That's it, he'd done something wrong. Was it the tone of his voice? Had he came off as too authoritative? Or cold? His aloofness had never seemed to bother her beforehand though... Gosh. He couldn't remember the last time his hands felt this clammy. Not even his first volleyball game had made this anxious. He swallowed down his dry throat. Patience, Kita. Patience. Good things come to those who wait, his grandma always said. Perhaps she had just gotten shy.
Oh? Was.. Was that all? 
A million and one questions rushed through his head at her response, or rather lack of. No mind Kita, just move onto a different subject, he told himself.
He cleared his throat and hastily tried stringing a coherent sentence together in his head, rushing to kill the oppressing silence, and admittedly, it took him a fair amount of willpower not to stumble over his own words.
"I- erm. Would ya like to do this again next week?"
He didn't miss the way she bit her lip at his question, that simple act alone being enough to make his heart sink. 
"Oh!" She exclaimed, somewhat regaining a bit more liveliness to her demeanor. But Kita had known her long enough to tell that there was a lack of sincerity behind that smile; it was the kind she pulled when Atsumu had told her a joke but was too polite to tell him it was terrible. "Erm, well, I'll have to let you know about that. You know, with homework and whatnot," she chuckled dryly. "You know how it can be." 
"Of course," Kita nodded, politely and as naturally as he could be without looking like he was about to melt through the bars of the wooden bench. "I understand if yer busy."
"Yep! Gotta keep them grades up."
Another silence filled the air, save for the occasional cricket chirping in the distance. It lasted for a good three minutes, until (y/n) suddenly got up and turned towards the still sitting Kita. 
"Well, thank you for this evening, Shin. I think I'm gonna head home for now, it's getting a bit late. Wouldn't want my mum to worry, y'know?"
Then, he stood up and wiped his sweaty hands on his slacks. "Yeah, no, it's no problem." He offered a tiny smile as (y/n) leaned in to lightly peck his cheek. 
"Goodnight," she smiled.
A nod. Then, she was gone. 
Yep. Something had definitely gone wrong.
The next day, Kita went to tell everything to his team. He had debated for a long time whether or not it was a good idea, but the way the whole exchange had went in addition to the image of (y/n)'s scrunched up features and uneasiness had kept him up at night. He needed to know what the problem was, that or he feared he wouldn't be able to focus at all for the next... Well, that was exactly the problem— he didn't know when or how he would be able to function if he didn't get any answers. And admittedly, he knew the twins would have more experience in the relationship department than he did— not that that was very difficult since (y/n) had been his first love— but whatever the case may be, unfortunately they were his only hope.
"Well? How'd ya date go?" Asked Atsumu as he finished setting the ball to his twin brother.
"About that. I think I messed it up." 
A loud bang followed Kita's words in result of Osamu's powerful spike. 
"Why, what happened?" He asked. "Ya didn't make her pay the bill for ya, did ya?"
"No, I paid," Kita said, shaking his head. "I said 'I love you.'"
At this, both twins put their practice on hold to glance at each other. Atsumu propped the ball under his arm and raised a questioning brow at his captain.
"Is that it?"
Osamu's expression mimicked his brothers; a mix between confusion and apprehension.
"Well, what didja say beforehand?" He then asked. Kita blinked. This time, it was his turn to feel confused. 
"Nothin'. That's all I said." 
An awkward silence settled between the three teammates as they shared a round of dumbfounded looks. Even Suna who was busy practicing his serves further down the court had stopped to listen in on the conversation.
"Ya mean ta' say ya confessed to her outta the blue?" Atsumu asked, his lip twitching upward. Now at this point, Kita was truly at a loss. Were the twins implying that he had done it wrong?
"Ain't that what girls wanna hear?"
A splutter echoed somewhere down the court— Suna. He was clutching his sides and laughing openly before shaking his head and serving the ball on the other side of the court and for some reason, Kita felt like his cheeks had grown very warm.
"Well I mean- yeah, but there's a whole process to it! Ya don't just blurt out 'I love ya' 'cause ya feel like it. It's the buildup she's waitin' for," Atsumu explained through a lazy grin.
"But it wasn't just 'cause I felt like it," Kita argued, somewhat perplexed. "I meant it- And we've known each other for years."
"I know, but still. I'm sure she was expectin' somethin' a little more than just three words, ya know? I mean it's as ya said, you've known eachother since middle school! By now she probably expects a full novel from ya!" 
"A full novel?" Kita echoed. Well that seemed like overkill.
"Maybe not that much," Osamu stepped in, "but 'Tsumu's right. I think ya left her feelin' a little underwhelmed."
His captain pondered over his words.
Underwhelmed? Really? But what more could she want? His words were precise, sincere, meaningful. Granted they were only three words, but how else could he possibly express his feelings for (y/n) when that's all he could think to say? He knew other words than love: adore, cherish, admire... But wouldn't it have been the same if he'd used one of those words instead? They all meant more or less the same thing.
"So what am I supposed to do?" 
At that, the twins exchanged a look, and Kita could've sworn he saw both of them surpress a smirk as they held their silent conversation. However before Kita could question, Atsumu piped up.
"We'll gladly help ya with yer romance problems cap'n. But on one condition," he started. Kita raised his brow expectedly. 
"We're off cleanin' duties for three months if ya succeed in wooin' yer lady," Osamu finished, the mischivous glint in his eyes reflecting that of his older twins'. One tended to forget just how cunning Osamu is seeing as it was usually Atsumu who got labelled as the naughtier twin. But it was in times like these where Kita was reminded just how similar those two really were.
"One month," Kita objected.
"Two months," they chorused.
"Six, full weeks."
The twins glanced at each other, mulled over his answer briefly before turning to him and nodding once, twin smiles splitting their faces in a way that practically screamed trouble. "Deal." 
Oh well, there was no backing down now. But oddly enough, Kita couldn't help himself from feeling that he had just made a pact with Inarizaki's two, conniving little devils.
"This doesn't seem like a very foolproof plan, Miyas," Kita droned as he eyed the twins who stood underneath his loved one's balcony.
Atsumu scoffed. "What? Sure it is! You'll see, we've got this whole thing under control!"
"Just leave it ta' us," Osamu smirked.
"Leave it to us." If Kita could think of one sentence he didn't want to hear from the twins, it was that. Perhaps on the court, during practice, then yes, maybe Kita would accept putting his trust in his two teammates. But when stood below (y/n)'s balcony, dressed in a full suit and tie and holding a bouquet of roses, Kita couldn't have felt more out of place. 
"Now c'mon, get her attention!" Atsumu urged, voice low as to not be heard while he made obscure hand mouvements in Kita's direction.
The latter stood stiffly and looked left and right, clueless as to what to do. "How?" 
"Use a pebble or somethin'!" 
This time the captain sighed and reluctantly began his search for said pebble. He knew this idea was stupid and honestly, debated on whether or not he should just go home and call it quits. It was late, already way past evening hours and he couldn't imagine what people would think if they saw him lurking around a girl's house at this time of night, not to mention in the company of two other boys huddled under her balcony. It was freakin' weird. 
Luckily, not many people lived around these parts, meaning he needn't worry about the eyes of others on him as he readied himself to launch a small pebble against (y/n)'s closed window.
No response. 
"What now? Should I wait?" Kita asked as he tried peering into the window. The lights were still on, meaning she hadn't gone to bed yet.
"Nah, try another," Atsumu whispered as he jerked his head in direction of more pebbles. 
"Why am I doing this...." Kita murmured to himself as he reluctantly bent down to pick up another. 
"'Cause ya love 'er.' Osamu whispered regardless from somewhere in the shadows. Another sigh. Yes, he was right, he did love her, and that fact alone was enough to give Kita a motivation boost in order to go through with this far-fetched, Miya concocted plan.
Two more pebbles were launched at (y/n)'s window shortly after this exchange, and it was on the third one that she finally opened up her window, only for her to wince when it knocked her square on the forehead. 
A fit of strangled chortles could be heard beneath the balcony.
"Ouchie- The heck— Shinsuke?" 
As she peered down over her balcony, Kita suddenly felt his chest constrict at the sight of her; damp hair and clad in her summer nightwear and it was only then that it occurred to him that she had just gotten out the shower.
A quiet whistle followed by a low chuckle made Kita stiffen— the Miyas. Had they no shame? 
"...Shut yer traps."
"What?" (Y/n)'s voice suddenly sounded above his head. She was smiling, thankfully. At least she wasn't upset or angry at him for showing up so late. "I uh- sorry, I can't really hear you from up here. Do you want to just come in?" She asked. 
Kita frantically looked at the twins though kept it concealed behind his best vacant expression. They vehemently shook their heads. "It'll ruin the effect," the elder one whispered.
Kita cleared his throat. "Erm, no. No, thank you. Speakin' with ya from here is just fine." 
"Accent! Yer accent!" Atsumu called, quietly while his brother made a cross sign with his arms. Kita discreetly nodded.
"It is far too much of a lovely evening to be locked up inside. It would be a shame not to make the most of it, don't you think?" 
At this, (y/n) merely blinked, somewhat innocently before a small smile pulled at her lips. It must be working, Kita thought. He looked at the twins for affirmation, and when they flashed him an enthusiastic thumbs up, Kita couldn't have felt prouder. It served as encouragement for him to continue. 
"What's all this?" (Y/n) giggled as she nodded towards Kita's attire and flowers, amusement clear on her moonlit features. 
"For thou, my dear!" Kita's usually monotone voice carried across the deserted streets— courtesy of Atsumu's indications. He glanced at him once, listened to his next words before nodding and adopting his same, Shakespearean stance: "A grand gesture, though only a mere token of my affection for if you spare me just a second of your time I shall attempt to articulate the sentiments I have been harbouring for you over the past hundreds of moons!"
"Hundreds of moons?" (Y/n) echoed as she peered down at him from her balcony, lips curling, eyebrows raising. "My, that is a long time!" She marvelled as she leaned further over the balcony, arms folded neatly upon its surface. From where Kita stood, she appeared as a curious cat as she eyed him with all the interest in the world, lips upturned into a mischievous smirk. "But please by all means, I would love to hear these articulated, harboured sentiments of yours."
A pang of worry overcame Kita as (y/n) watched him expectedly. Luckily, he had the twins to lean on. He glanced over at the space under the balcony and saw Osamu motioning to him despite Atsumu's protests. He whispered the following:
"Of course. For (y/n), not only do I love you, I adore you. These sentiments I detain for you are eternal. Like a fruit, our love will be endless; transversing all seasons and growing stronger as the years go by.
To me, you are nothing short of perfection. You're radiant through rain and shine, and I can't help but fathom how lucky I would be, to have you by my side for a hundred moons more."
A smile graced Kita's lips as he repeated Osamu's speech and he was pleasantly surprised by its outcome. For you see, Osamu's speech was simple. It was modulated and concise. He didn't beat around the bush, nor did he use his body to speak. All in all, one could call Osamu's speech effortless. And as the words flowed from Kita's lips, (y/n) appeared bewitched by their appeal.
Now as for Atsumu, he spoke from the heart. Through his ardent words, one could call him cheesy, over theatrical or perhaps even someone who was trying a little too hard. Though through Kita's knowing eyes, all he saw was the same passionate and spirited boy he saw on the court— like love incarnate. And the fire lit in (y/n)'s eyes only served as proof of their efficiency.
However, as elaborate and as heartfelt as his words may be, this only made them harder to relay and much to Kita's distress, he found himself looking over at him more times than he'd ought to. Luckily for him, his twin brother was there, whispering back whenever words escaped him, filling in the blanks.
This little tactic of theirs continued for another ten minutes or so, but as much as Kita wished for it to work, a Miya-elaborated plan could only go so far, Kita should've known that. 
He was midway through his speech when Osamu suddenly stopped speaking and the whispering under the balcony got louder. 
"Stupid 'Samu. I wasn't done speakin'!" 
"So what? She's probably gettin' bored of yer lines anyway." 
"Yeah? Not yer stupid, food related love metaphors?" 
"Rather that than a discount, Shakespearian rip-off."
"Alright. that's it."
Kita paled. 
He watched, utterly mortified when Osamu suddenly pounced on his twin and never in his life had Kita experienced such a drastic change of emotions. He tried subtly getting their attention through shuffles of feet and discreet glances, however it was useless. Without the twins' help, it was only a matter of time until his speech began losing coherency, dying out until it was reduced to silence. 
He didn't dare look (y/n) in the eye after that.
"Shinsuke? Are you alright?" 
"I, er. It seems I have lost my touch," he spoke, ruefully.
"Oh? Don't tell me you regret your heartfelt confession," she teased.
"O' course not!" Kita replied, his voice teetering into a shout. A mix of guilt and embarrassment had made him unable to detect the playful lilt to (y/n)'s voice and thus the unexpected raise of his voice made everyone's head turn, including the twins. He saw (y/n)'s face fall into a look of bemusement, and sighed quietly under his breath as he recollected himself. "No. It's not that..." 
Once again, everything became still. The twins had finally stopped their bickering picked themselves off the ground. And, as they caught a glimpse of their friends' dejected, downcast gaze, they looked at each other before casting him an apologetic look. They tried whispering to him some more but this time Kita refused to listen. Instead he released another, longer sigh, then looked back up at the balcony to meet (y/n)'s gaze.
"Listen (y/n), I'm sorry. Everythin' I said before was true, 'cept it doesn't mean anythin' since none of it came from me." 
He paused for a moment in case (y/n) wanted to speak and simply regarded her, trying to make sense of her current unreadable expression. She didn't appear angry or sad, but blank as though she was anticipating his next words.
He took this as a sign to pursue his speech.
"I was so darn worried after the other night that I asked the twins for their help. They said ya didn't like my confession so I wanted to do it right. I understand why it was weird to just confess outta the blue but I just didn't know how else to say everythin' that was on my heart."
"I don't wear my heart on my sleeve like Atsumu does, and I'm not much of a smooth talker. My words are usually harsh and cold— I know that because I overheard the Miyas and Suna talk about it instead of practicing."
The twins promptly gulped but he heared (y/n) giggle. It brought a tiny smile to his face.
"But I mean it when I say I love ya. It took me a while to get there, but actually I think I've always loved ya. I'm sorry I couldn't think of a better way to say it." 
Kita let out a long breath as he finished his last words and like magic, his chest suddenly felt a lot lighter. He kept his eyes trained on (y/n)'s face, wondering if perhaps what he had said was enough, and when her face melted into an affectionate smile, he swore he'd never seen anything sweeter.
"You're so sweet, Shin. I love you, too!" 
I love you, too. 
Warmth bloomed in Kita's chest. Finally the four, little words he'd been longing to hear had greeted his ears. They sounded sweeter than anything he could've imagined. But then again, everything was when it stemmed from her, if it was enounced through her voice.
A series of coos erupted from the shadows and that's when Kita was reminded that he and (y/n) had not in fact been alone. Heat rushed to Kita's pale cheeks as (y/n) emitted a small squeak and she peered over her balcony in attempts of spotting the two perpetrators. 
"Hold on, are the twins here right now?!" 
Kita pinched the bridge of his nose, ashamed as he watched the twins sheepishly creep out from the gloom.
"Hey, (y/n)!" Atsumu beamed as he and his twin waved. "Fancy seeing ya here!"
Osamu sighed and lightly tugged at his collar. "It's her house, dumbass.." 
At this point, Kita was just about ready to tell the twins to go home, but just as he parted his lips to chide them, (y/n) erupted into another fit of giggles. 
"Now I see why the speeches were so lame." 
Atsumu gasped, affronted, and Osamu pouted. "Lame?! Wh— How dare ya!" The former yelled.
"Yeah. Well actually, at least the part about the fruit was cute," (y/n) hummed.
Another gasp, a low chuckle.
"Told ya she'd like it."
"Shut it, 'Samu! I was gonna say somethin' similar, ya just beat me to it!" 
An affectionate roll of the eyes from (y/n) followed the twins' bickering and even in spite of the ridiculousness of the situation, Kita found himself smiling at them despite himself. 
"Why don't you come inside?" (Y/n) asked, nodding her head to the front door of her house below. "I'll go make some tea." 
Kita nodded with a smile. "Yer the best."
"I know~" (Y/n) blew Kita a playful kiss as she retreated into her bedroom, leaving Kita and the twins at her doorstep.
However, he noticed that traces of bashfulness remained evident on the Twins' features, and they fidgeted as they stood side by side next to the entrance of (y/n)'s door. 
"I'm pretty sure she was talkin' about you too." 
Immediately, their faces perked up and the usual brightness in their eyes returned in a matter of seconds. Then, together they entered (y/n)'s house, the twins hot on Kita's heels.
"So..." Atsumu began, "Do we still get those six weeks off or—"
"Don't push yer luck, Miya."
Atsumu nodded. Osamu cleared his throat. 
Kita shut the door behind them.
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