#then freaking sora in smash happened
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Hrrgh...*sniff* Hnngh...
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Seriously...you two need to explain what the hell is going on-!
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Not...Not now...
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You’re right...I’m...sorry...
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*Kaede tries her hardest to choke back the tears.
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I’m so sorry Kaede...I tried, I really tried! I-! I did EVERYTHING I could! But I was...useless...I’M SO USELESS!
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Miu...don’t...It’s not your fault...Kaede knows that.
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*Everyone backs up in shock, as a body suddenly flies through the air, various bruises on his body, and crashes into a tree trunk near the onlookers!
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*Makoto, Sayaka and Seiko immediately rush over to help him up.
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What happened!? A-Are you alright!?
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S-Sorry Boss...! This chick’s a freaking tank!
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What chick-!?
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*Kanade bursts out into the overworld, her whole body caked in blood! She immediately dives for the table that Monodam lays upon, and swings at Kaede, who is pulled back just in time. Kanade instead swings her axe and completely desecrates Monodam’s body! When Kaede begs her to stop, she mockingly attacks faster and stronger!
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She said...STOP!
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*Kanade halts as Rei fires her gun at her, which she blocks with the guitar. Enraged, she kicks the table over, and Monodam’s pieces scatter across the ground in front of her.
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*With Kanade’s desecration being the final nail in the coffin, Kaede LOSES IT.
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Kaede...! No...!
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That’s how you sound right now! It’s not a competition to see who between us can be the whiniest little BITCH!
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You fucking WHORE! 
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How dare you! I can’t believe you would just cut up her friend’s corpse like that in front of her! YOU’RE INHUMAN!
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Oh yeah mommy give to me, insults like that turn me ooooonn~
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She’s deranged...! More deranged than anyone I’ve ever encountered in my life!
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What did you do the soldiers in the lab!?
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Hehe! Why don’t I show you rich-boy?
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*Byakuya hops back just in time to avoid Kanade throwing the severed head of an FF soldier at him. She then turns her attention back to Kaede.
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Hey...! Doesn’t feel nice, does it?
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Having the person you love stripped away from you, right in front of your eyes?
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THAT’S HOW IT FEELS AKAMATSU! Bathe in the blood of that teddy bear and SUFFER FOR ETERNITYYYYY!
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I’ve half a mind to kill you myself...!
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That’s fine! All I’ll do is drag your wounded carcass back to Zetsubou base where you belong...And better yet, I’ll find the rest of your surviving group and take them with me...
*Kanade mockingly rubs her thereabouts.
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The rest of you? You can all die! Slowly...and painfully...Especially you and YOU!
*She points at Kaede, and then Setsuka.
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Try it, Kanade...I’m not gonna let you torture Hibiki ANY MORE!
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Well I’m not leaving here until I get my sister! And I know she’s in one of these tents! 
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*Hibiki hides in a nearby tent, whimpering.
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Not happening...Ngh...You’ll DIE FIRST!
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HAHAHA! Gonna try and fall AGAIN Kurafto!? BRING IT!
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*Everyone gapes in horror, as a sharp blade suddenly is ran straight through Kanade’s abdomen, piercing straight through her and emerging out the other side, covered in her blood. However...more shockingly.
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*The blade is NOT Kuripa’s...
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What...the hell...You...You actually just-!?
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*Kanade coughs up some blood, as Kaede suddenly pulls her forward.
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My teacher taught me how to avoid hitting vitals if I ever need to stab someone...I’m grateful for that...
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Because...I’m gonna ENJOY making you suffer before I end you...!
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Heeh...Hehehe! You think that’s scary!? We both know you don’t kill...!
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Hehe...Who told you that? 
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You have hurt...one too many people that I care about...!
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And I’m ending this NOOOOWWW!
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*Kaede yanks the blade out of Kanade, then switches it into bludgeon mode and knocks her flying through the trees! She then flips her blade into it’s deadliest setting!
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Akamatsu, what are you doing!?
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Giving her EXACTLY what she deserves! IN FULL!
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Kaede, wait! Take me with you!
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I need to see this to the end! For Monodam!
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Sora, wait, let’s be rational about-!
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*Kaede uses her extended spear to knock Sora out of Yoruko’s hand and catches her! She then crouches down.
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Kaede, no-!
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*Kaede bursts through the trees, ignoring the feeling of the thorns and brustles against her face...as she flies after Kanade with deadly intentions!
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darkershining · 1 year
Just watched episode 16 of Hirogaru Sky! Pretty Cure, in which Ageha and the Cures put together a puppet show to cheer up Ellee.
The episode begins with a brief recap of the events of the previous episode, as well as the girls explaining to Ageha what happened during their stay in Skyland. Yoyo enters the room, revealing to have done some more research. Apparently, the Undergu Empire and Skyland fought against each other in the past, but after the war, the two realms never interacted again until now. On a brighter note, she also reveals that she found a way to heal the king and queen during her research. If the Cures gather enough of the positive energy released from whenever they purify a Ranborg with the Mirror Pad, she might be able to make a medicine that can cure the king and queen.
Ellee, remembering the state her parents are in, begins to cry. The Cures figure the first thing they should do is try to cheer up Ellee, and Ageha has an idea for something they can try. She brings in some picture books, suggesting they put together a puppet play based on one of them, and tries to see if Ellee would be interested in one of them. Sora asks about the story of Momotaro, which Ellee takes an interest in, and Mashiro gives Sora a brief summary of the plot.
The Cures and Ageha have fun making the puppets and props for their puppet play while Ellee takes a nap. Once everything is ready, the Cures begin the play, with Ageha having made some changes to the story to appeal to Ellee. As the Cures continue the play, we see from Ellee’s perspective how she imagines it playing out.
At first, things are going well, but once “Elletaro” and her companions are heading out to where the ogres live, the Cures are reminded of the recent events and their own battle with the Undergu Empire. Ellee begins crying, and the Cures quickly hurry over to comfort her, with Ageha managing to calm her down. Ageha notes how babies are perspective of the feelings of those around them, and the Cures apologize for getting anxious.
Meanwhile, in a park, Battamonda has just arrived in Sorashido, and spots some kids trying to throw a ball into the hole of an ogre-themed playground device, giving him an idea.
The Cures continue the play, until Sora gets too carried away and accidentally knocks over the sheet with the ogre on it, leading to part of their scene collapsing. As the Cures and Ageha scramble to fix it, Ellee walks over to them, saying each of their names. Ellee manages to raise everyone’s spirits, and Ageha comments that the puppet play seems to have served its purpose. Yoyo interrupts to tell them they’ve received a call from Skyland. The Azure Guard explains that Yoyo filled them on the situation, and they’ll leave getting the cure and looking after Ellee to the Cures while they look after things in Skyland.
A group of birds suddenly appear at the window, with Tsubasa explaining they’re some of the birds he befriended around town, and he changes into his bird form to talk to them and find out why they’re so worked up. He learns that Battamonda showed up, and the Cures quickly head over to the park, with Ageha and Ellee observing from a nearby bush. Ageha suggests she and Ellee go home, but Ellee wants to stay close to everyone.
Battamonda turns the ogre-themed playground device into a Ranborg, causing the people nearby to flee, and the Cures transform. They battle, and the Ranborg gets the upper hand, knocking the Cures down and smashing part of the playground. Battamonda compares it to the state Skyland is in, but Cure Sky protests that Skyland is not weak, and they’re doing all they can to protect everyone. Ellee cheers on the Cures, and they get a second-wind, managing to figure out how to disarm the Ranborg and weaken it enough for Cure Sky and Cure Prism to purify it. Having brought the Mirror Pad along, Cure Sky uses it to collect the energy released from the Ranborg’s purification as Yoyo asked. Battamonda freaks out, wondering how he could be defeated once again, but quickly regains his composure when he notices the Cures staring and tries to take his loss gracefully before retreating.
The episode ends with everyone headed back home, noting once again how Ellee helped lift everyone’s spirits.
Another good episode! It was really sweet seeing everyone working together to cheer up Ellee, and then Ellee ending up being the one to cheer them up. And now the Cures have a new objective, having to gather enough energy to wake the king and queen. Part of me wonders if this will lead to an episode where Battamonda catches on to the fact that they need the energy from purifying Ranborgs, and then just refuses to make one and tries to fight them head on, or something.
I’ll be looking forward to the next episode!
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heartsmithed-moved · 3 years
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rikalovesrice · 3 years
Ok so I don’t even play Smash Bros like that but when I TELL YOU I GOT THE FEELS DURING SORA’S REVEAL I JUST --
I really wanna talk about this for a sec cause it’s just so beautiful and magical. 
We see all the other characters still and lifeless, bathed in darkness aside from the ominous glow of the Smash logo. Then Mario takes a step forward towards a flame, does an epic yeet and --
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Followed by the complete reveal of the iconic keyblade? Perfection.
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So I went back and watched all the Smash Ultimate character reveals (holy crap the ANIMATION like dang why y’all goin’ so hard but also more pls owo) and found out that people have been wanting Sora in Smash for forever (again Rika’s out of the Smash loop lol). But for obvious legal reasons, it’s been a fight for Sakurai to get the beloved light boy in the game.
BUT YO. Glory be, looks like he finally did it! And when I was watching people react to Sora’s reveal, seeing the pure, unadulterated joy and emotion, people straight up crying seeing Sora make it into Smash, it was really beautiful to see.
This being the final reveal, and last page in this chapter of Smash, is the cherry on top heehee
Congratulations, Sora!!!
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Also this is really sick :
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #867: Reached Destination (Kingdom Hearts X SSBU)
9:12 a.m. at the Streets of Smash Town......
Roxas/Xion/Ventus/Namine: (Takes a Look Around the Town in Awe) Wooooah.......
Terra: So this is really Smash Town?
Aqua: I never imagine it being so huge and lively.....
Lea: You think this place have a clock tower?
Isa: Probably. But I doubt we'll have the time to find it in a place like this....
Barret: I don't think I'll ever understand how y'all like going up there all the time. Don't you ever scared get of falling off?
Lea: (Shrugs) Eh. Not really. I like the view so much that the fear of dropping doesn't really bother us that much.
Isa: Are you not a fan of heights yourself, Barret?
Barret: Not completely. I'm willin' to go to high places whenever duty calls. But I'm more of a grounded type of guy if ya catch my drift.
Isa: I see.
Riku: (Turns Back to the Gang) Guys. We're getting off tracking here.
Kairi: (Nodded in Agreement) Riku's right. We need to keep focusing on finding Sora and see if he's actually here. So there's no time waste.
Isa: Right. ('Clears Throat') Getting back to the manner at hand, this is Smash Town. A place where it's well known for hosting the biggest combat fighting tournament of the century: Smash Bros. As well as the place Tifa and Cloud moved into years prior, just in case you were wondering.
Barret: Which brings us to why we came here in the first place. You see, a few nights ago, I remembered the Merc telling me about the new fighters that have been joining the tournament as of late. The last five or six if you will. And once I remembered Isa here told me about him entering that Olympic tournament in the past, the idea of him being here just clicked in my mind instantly!
Vantias: So basically what you're saying here is that Sora was chosen to take part of their tournament from the start?
Namine: And that he was summoned here because of it?
Isa: (Simply Nodded) Precisely. And while there's a possible chance of us being wrong, I'm still willing give this place a thorough investigation.
Kairi: (Nodded in Agreement) So are we. Do you think you know where Ms. Lockhart and Mr. Strife live now that they've already moved here?
Barret: Yeah. They said they're living in a mansion along with the other fighters. Can't say I exactly know what it looks like, but from what I've heard, it's supposed to be huge.
Lea: (Starts Nodding While Understanding the Situation More) Alright.....So all we had to find a giant ass mansion....Not too difficult.
Aqua: Well, if that's the case, then I think it's best that we spit into two groups. Terra, Ven, Namine, Vantias, Roxas, Xion, and I will look around town and find ourselves a place to stay for the night or two. While the rest of you find that mansion.
Lea: Sounds like a good enough plan to me. We ain't leaving here until we found our boy, so let's start moving out, people!
Everyone: (Nodded in Agreement) Right!
With everyone splitting up and walking with their respective groups, Lea starts catching up to Riku and Kairi.
Lea: Hey, kids.
Riku: (Turns to Lea Along With Kairi) Hm?
Kairi: What's wrong, Axel?
Lea: It's nothing. I was just.... wondering how you two are feeling right now is all. Especially after everything that happened earlier...
Riku: Well, we don't feel like crying anymore. So there's that at least.......
Kairi: ('Sigh') Yeah..... (Smiles a Little) Still, we can't thank you guys enough for helping us.
Riku: (Nodded in Agreement)
Lea: (Smiles Brightly) Nah. There's no need to thank us for that. You know we got your backs. Plus, we'd probably would've freak out too if any one of us went missing. Maybe without all the crying though.
Riku: I dunno.... (Starts Smirking at Lea) I'm pretty sure you would've start crying in a heart beat if that were to ever happen.
Lea: (Scoffs Before Turning Away) As if! I don't cry that easily!
Kairi: Really? (Starts Crossing her Arms While Smirking as Well) So does the movie "Coco" doesn't ring any bells to you or.....
Lea: (Groans While Rolling his Eyes in Defeat) Okay, fiiine! So maybe there's one instance of me-
Riku/Kairi: (Already Raising an Eyebrow at Lea) ..........
Lea: TWO instances of me letting my emotions run rapid. But other than that, I can be as calm and cool-headed as anyone of you clowns!
Isa: (Walks Past Lea With a Chuckling Barret Next to Him) Please. You're the biggest crybaby on the face of the Earth. Especially back when we were children.
Lea: (Groans in Anger Before Glaring at his Boyfriend and Giving him the Middle Finger) PISS OFF, ISA!
Isa: Love you too, crybaby.
Kairi/Riku: (Giggles Softly)
Lea: (Glares Back at the Laughing Teens) Oh! So now my pain and misery is funny to you twerps or something!?
Riku: (Calming Himself Down) No. No. It's nothing like that. It's just helping us feel a lot better than before and we have you to thank for that, Axel.
Lea: Yeah? Well....(Starts Looking Away While Crossing his Arms Again) It better help you feel more better.....(Felt Kairi Hugging Him Before Looking Down at Her) What? Is this some kind of a apology hug or something?
Kairi: (Giggles Softly) No, stupid!~ It's thanks for having our backs and being the best big brother ever. (Gives Lea a Peck on the Cheek on her Tippy Toes) We love you, Axel.
Lea: (Sighs While Smiling Softly) Yeah. Yeah. I love you dorks too.
Meanwhile at Smash Mansion......
Tifa: (Walking Around the Dining Hall with Sora, Cloud and Pit) How are you enjoying the tour so far. Sora?
Sora: (Smiles Brightly) I'm loving every second of it already. I don't think I'll ever get over how huge this mansion really is. (Turns to the Others While Licking his Ice Cream) Hey, do you guys ever get lost here sometimes?
Cloud: When I first moved in. Wasn't long till I was able to know where I was going.
Tifa: Same goes for me as well actually.
Pit: (Smiles Sheepishly While Holding his Popsicle) I still get lose sometimes.....B-But I am getting the hang it though!
Sora: Awesome. (Starts Licking More of his Ice-Cream) Mm. (Turns to Pit) Say, Pit, this Ice Cream's pretty great. What flavor is it?
Pit: Floor favored.
Sora: (Eyes Begins to Widened) This....ice cream came off from floors?
Pit: (Smiles Brightly) Only the cleanest ones there is! Pretty cool, huh?
Sora: Cool?......(Smiles Brightly as He Held his Ice Cream Up) This is awesome!! Someone should get an award of how genius this is.
Pit: I know, right!? That's what I've been saying!
Cloud: (Watching Pit and Sora Talking and Laughing Among Each Other) Well, I'll be damned. They really are twins.....
Tifa: (Giggles Softly) Be nice, dear.
Cloud: (Shrugs) Just saying.
?????: Never thought I would see you again after all this time (Takes a Sip of his Tea Before Putting the Cup Down on the Table).....Sora.
Sora: (Gasps Loudly Before Dropping his Ice Cream and Immediately Summon his Keyblade and Gets into a Battle Stance at the Very Sight of...) SEPHIROTH!
Tifa: (Immediately Rushes Over to Sora's Side Along with Cloud) Woah woah woah woah woah! Sora! It's okay, sweetheart. Lower your stance and keyblade. He's not a threat anymore.
Sora: Wait. (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise While his Keyblade Disappears) Really!?
Cloud: As much as I hate to admit it, Tifa's right.... Sephiroth.....('Sighs Heavily') Is a change man....
Pit: Yeah. He's.....not as scary as he once was when we first met him.
Sephiroth: They're right. I've spend my days enjoying the simpler things in life. Being a proud father of one, being part of the League of Villains, embracing popularity, and psychology mess with Cloud every chance I gets.
Tifa: (Gives Sephiroth a Dark Glare) What was that?
Sephiroth: Nothing. (Went Back to Sipping his Tea Casually) Nothing at all.
Sora: I....see.....G-Good for you, Sephiroth. (Turns to the Others and Whispers to Them) You guys really don't trust him completely, do you?
Tifa: No.
Cloud: Not in a million years.....
Pit: (Turns to Sora) What about you, Sora?
Sora: (Starts Shaking his Hands Little an Uncertain Manner) Ehhhhh.....But....Wait. (Turns Back Sephiroth) Cloud killed you a long while back, right? How were you able to come back to life?
????: That would be thanks to yours truly!
Sora: (Turns and Look at an Unfamiliar Face For a Brief Second Before Turning Back to Pit) Uhhh...Pit, who's that?
Pit: Hades.
Sora: (Eyes Begins to Widened Again) Wait. As in....THE Hades!?
Hades: (Suddenly Appears Next to Sora, Which Caused the Boy to get Startled a Little) The one and only, Keyblade boy! (Starts Smirking in Smug Fashion) Bet you've heard a few things about me, haven't you?
Sora: Yeah, but..... You look COMPLETELY different from the last time I saw you.
Hades: Wait. (Raised an Eyebrow in Confusion) What? Kid, this is the first time we're meeting each other in person. And I've always look like this. (Smirks Evilly) Handsome and evil!
Pit: (Starts Rolling his Eyes) Not too sure about the handsome part......
Hades: Says the angel boy who still can't read.
Pit: (Glares at Hades) HEY! I've gotten better!!
Hades: Doubt it.
Tifa: (Glares at Hades as Well) He has. Just the other day, he managed to read the stop sign all by himself.
Pit: Yeah!
Sora: Ohhhhhhhhh! I think I get it now. (Turns Back to Hades) Sorry, mister. I think I've confused you with another Hades.
Hades: Wait. (Eyes Widened) There's another me!?
Sora: Yeah. He had blue fiery hair, dressed in grey and black, had yellow, sharp teeth, and I think I remember him being more angrier the last time I saw him.
Hades: .....Huh. That's.... actually pretty interesting. (Shrugs) Eh, I'll read into it later. In the meantime, how does it feel being in Smash?
Sora: It feels amazing.....And still surprising in hindsight. I can tell by everyone here that it's not gonna be easy. (Smiles Brightly) But I'll still do my very best no matter what!
Cloud: (Nodded With a Small, Proud Smirk on his Face) Good spirit there, Sora. As long as you keep having faith in yourself, I think you'll do just fine out there.
Tifa: (Smiles Brightly) And we'll be very happy to help whenever you need us.
Pit: I know this is the first time we met and everything, but....(Smiles Brightly) We'll always have your back no matter what. That's the Smash Family way!
Sora: (Heart Begins to Melt in Genuine Happiness) Thanks, guys. (Hugs the Trio Together) You really are amazing.
Pit: (Happily Hugs Sora Back) You too, new buddy!~
Hades: (Teleports Back to Sephiroth Before Whispering to Him in his Ear) You were not kidding when you said the boy was overly positive. Almost giving Kirby a run for his money.
Sephiroth: Perhaps. But regardless, it will be interesting to see how strong the boy has really gotten as of late. Speaking of which......(Noticed Bowser and Ridley Trying to Sneak Out of the Dinning Hall) Oh boys!
Bowser/Ridley: (Immediately Stop in their Tracks) !!!!!
Sephiroth: I believe our bet money is in order. (Continues to Slip on his Tea)
Hades: (Smirks Evilly While Sticking his Hand Out Along) Cough it up!
Bowser/Ridley: (Reluctantly Gives the Duo Fifty Bucks Each While Grumbling in Annoyance)
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I feel like after Sora comes out of crystal stasis in KHIV or whatever, he’s just going to be like, “Man, I had the two weirdest dreams while I was asleep... And one was longer than the other. And I feel that one, the second one, is the important one. But the first one was strange, too. But that one was cute. I liked it.” And the first one is freaking Super Smash Brothers. LOL. The second one being him dreaming Yozora’s life in Verum Rex, or whatever the hell is happening there.
Bonus points if we get a callback to KH1--because this was already a callback to KH1, with Re:Mind--and Kairi going, “Yeah, sure.”
Or something.
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minijenn · 3 years
I saw your new header picture and my first thought was, “Wait…is that Sora in Smash? Did Sora for Smash actually happen? Damn, Jen must be freaking out, she’s talked about wanting this for ages,” haha.
bruh where have you BEEN for the past day? The entire internet has been EXPLODING over this ahahah
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fizzingwizard · 4 years
LOL there just isn’t enough time in the day. Especially if you’re like me and have really crappy wifi that makes Tumblr unusable most nights... but anyway last week I was gone on the weekend and didn’t have time to recap epsiode 22, but since I didn’t like it much I thought I’d just do a quick snip about it at the beginning of my episode 23 review today. However... then I realized I have too many pictures I want to post x’D So I’m going to very belatedly review episode 22, but it’s mostly just to put screencaps up for posterity, lol. I liked episode 23 a lot better so I hope I have time to do that today as well!
Screencap of the episode:
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I never can get enough of his determined face.
More below...
This episode is basically about Takeru being Cool.
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Capped because Gabumon protecting Takeru <3
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So yeah, basically Taichi, Yamato, and Takeru have entered Devimon’s hideout thanks to Eldradimon and are going after Angemon’s diig-egg. Smart? Probably not. Essential? Probably yes. Takeru is very clearly on a mission and if the other two didn’t escort him he’d just go in on his own. I really miss crybaby Takeru but... anyway.
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Back in the human world, various tankers have had their controls scrambled and can’t move properly. They seem to be heading for collision. I’m trying to remember but this ep was a whole week ago guys that’s too far away hahaha
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Many eyes are very creepy. Japan loves many eyes.
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I don’t remember what was happening here. I think they were just being creepy and threatening.
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Ooooh creepy creepy.
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Taichi gives a PIERCING LOOK
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Meanwhile in the real world... Sora messages Mimi and Jou to hurry to their rendezvous spot. I just liked that her icon is a flower arrangement <3
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Mimi’s private chauffeur is slow as a molasses, so slow that Mimi is the one telling him which shortcuts to take x’D
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Meanwhile Jou is impeded by a herd of clones on their way to the elevator. Bahaha. Animation budget, what animation budget?
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At least these two are looking awesome.
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Devimon brings out this stone we’ve seen a couple times before that seems to be a central locus of dark energy. He uses it to empower his minions as well as himself.
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Now he uses it to evolve Skullnightmon to Darknightmon. Batman watch out he’s coming for your franchise.
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Takeru is appropriately freaked.
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Except, no he’s not, because his first impulse is to CLIMB UP DARKNIGHTMON’S LANCE. Which he immediately falls off of but it’s okay because...
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... he’s chasing his dreams!
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The ships start to get dangerously close! Oh noes! Like I wish there was more to say about what’s going on in the human world but there just isn’t much. They’re still just fighting Calmaramon and her goons.
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I will never be over how loooong MetalGreymon’s arm gets this season
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WereGarurumon protecting Yamato on his way to help Takeru :’< so sweet
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LIKE TAKERU. ARE YOU OKAY. If 99 Takeru didn’t have a spine, 2020 Takeru doesn’t have A BRAIN. Lol
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He does, fortunately, have a brother in both universes, which fills the deficit. Sweet brotherly love <3
Honestly the animation.... lol... that poor digi-egg.... hahaha.
The important thing is they catch it before it falls in the vat of evil.
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Then Takeru and Yamato have a sweet moment in which Takeru says he saw his brother’s fight and wants to be just like him. It’s sweet, not to mention DESPERATELY NEEDED since Yamato’s been suspiciously chill about this whole baby bro was abducted by the enemy and is now in constant danger as long as he’s with us thing!
However it’s a very short moment. :/ I’m glad we got it of course but like do the writers of this show have something against characters having personal problems?
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Whoops, while I was ranting Taichi got steamrollered.
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WereGarurumon too. So, turns out, this entire episode was a WereGarurumon episode. As in he’s the central character. Lol. You can barely feel it before this moment. Last episode, it was Taichi/MetalGreymon fighting and sharing their bond and there was a dramatic moment of Taichi risking himself to save MetalGreymon and then giving a speech. This repowered MetalGreymon and gave him new weapons. This week, Yamato fighting to help his brother is what motivates WereGarurumon to overcome his injuries and also get new weapons, in the form of some kickass yet very random neo-wings.
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I mean it’s cool, it’s just... he’s werewolf. But okay. This is Digimon after all x’D If MetalGreymon can fly then YEAH SURE WHY NOT WEREGARURUMON TOO IT MAKES JUST AS MUCH SENSE
I do find it annoying that it’s barely noticeable this is a Yamato/Gabumon episode until the last few moments. Too much time spent fighting, not enough talking. This show has no budget at all, that’s my currrent theory.
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Oh no!! So this is actually interesting. Takeru falls and the egg briefly touches the pool of dark energy. It might mean nothing, because...
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... WereGarurumon scoops them up and flies them to safety. So no harm no foul I guess. But... it’s possible that a little bit of darkness seeped into the egg in that moment. That’s just something I thought about, but it’s not exactly my theory - yet.
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The egg immediately hatches!
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Awww Poyomon! His voice is REALLY ANNOYING.
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Cute but... please don’t least long Poyomon! Too annoying! Gah!
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Devimon himself then appears because smashing small children and babies is his hobby.
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We end with Takeru and Poyomon engaged in a “who’s cheek is the most soft and springy” contest.
Okay that’s enough of that! Like I said this episode was pretty dull. If I’d enjoyed it more I probably would have found time during the week to post a better recap, but it’s just more of the same fight we’ve been having for weeks now. You’d think a “save Takeru and help him save Angemon” storyline would be really interesting but it’s just not because no one talks. When’s the last time anyone had a conversation? Takeru’s one line to Yamato about wanting to be like him is the closest thing to it. Not sure what’s going on, I don’t think this is normal even for a kid’s show. Maybe budget, maybe coronavirus, maybe just lackluster writers... Idk. Some of this show I really really like! Other bits not so much. My current hope is this arc is an anomaly. The previous ones were more fun after all.
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paleblank · 4 years
So I've been thinking a lot about smash dlc characters so here's 6 characters I'd love to see in smash! The character I most wanted in was Banjo Kazooie so I'll be pretty satisfied with anything really but here are my picks
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Sora: I think sora would fit so well in smash, his battle style is so unique with the keyblade being such a cool weapon that can transform into a buch of things with formchange and teleport back to the owner's hand when thrown. We also got the super badass drive forms and the hella edgy Anti-form that would be so cool to see implemented in his moveset. the only real thing I see holding this character back is that he's not owned by Square Enix being owned by Disney instead. Idk how would Disney react to that. Also a lot of Sora's summons are Disney characters, his keyblade has the mickey head thing so idk that could be troublesome to license well. Also he's more on Sony and Microsoft consoles rather than Nintendo but so was Cloud. Guys but he's so adorable 🥺 the way he says sorry when messing up cooking with Remy from ratatouille just breaks my heart.
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Paper Mario: I feel Paper Mario is different enough from Mario to be his own character in smash.Paper Mario has a hammer, partners, the whole paper mechanic and that ability with the stars that appear again in Mario Party 5 for some reason... hm a lot to work with here. He's also completely silent unlike Mario! he'd be another flat character like Mr. Game n watch. Also, he just recently had a new game on the switch so that's a plus. I know it'd be another Mario franchise rep and people have been wanting Waluigi(let's be honest it's just to complete Wario and also cuz memes) but Paper Mario is way more unique and even has his own series of games. Keep the Waluigi-not-in-smash meme alive.
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Ryu Hayabusa: Ok. Ninjas. Ninjas in smash. Nintendo we need ninjas in smash... and I'm not talking about pokemon ninjas(greninja) that doesn't count. I'm talking about actual human ninjas. Ryu first appeared on the NES with the Ninja Gaiden trilogy of games(which I never beat cuz it's hella hard) so he'd be kinda like a retro character like Simon. I say kinda because he got a reboot on the xbox later on which Slapsss. But the NES wasn't the only Nintendo console he was on, he was also on the NDS(this game was super fun like you hold the DS sideways it's greatt) and Wii U(he's back on the Switch NES online collection thing too) Now, he is primarily a sword user like so many other smash characters but Ryu is diversity incarnate this man can use sooo many other weapons like a staff, kusarigma, tonfas, bows, dual swords, bladed nunchuks, freaking wolverine CLAWS oh and a modafuckin SCYTHE. So idk they could implement different weapons like they did with Byleth or make the Dragon Sword be his homie his only weapon to keep it classy. To complement that got the usual ninja stuff like the shurikens, the kunais and the totally not op Ninjutsu. Also he his so graceful and fiercee have you seen his fighting style? His movements are so cool to look at. Like, Izuna drop. In smash. Ugh husbando. He's owned by koei tecmo the same guys that did the dinasty warrior games and the fire emblem and zelda warriors crossover of games. So they've been working really close to Nintendo recently. Although the last we've seen of Ninja Gaiden was back in 2014. But like Banjo Kazooie hasn't had a game since 2008 so it's not a big deal. (Edit: wow so Nintendo just announced Koei Tecmo is doing yet another Zelda Warriors game :D andd they're lending them assets from BotW which means Nintendo really trusts this company so Ryu getting in Smash as a representative of Koei Tecmo and Team Ninja is very very likely, probably the most likely of the list) 
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Dante: Hey we have Bayo let us have Dante. He's a cool mofo, he chill he badass. What else can I say? I love his personality ahhh (reminds me of Pale a bit) but I know he's another sword character but he has GUNS and can turn into a DEMON so I think they can make him stand out enough from the others. His fighting style is so stylish and cool yes yes. I feel Nero would be super cool with his devil breaker arms too but Dante is the face of Devil May Cry. I think dmc 3 is the only game on a Nintendo console though... But who cares get this mofo in smash please
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Travis Touchdown: why do I love these personality types hmm. Now he was a wii excluse for a while and most of his games were on Nintendo platforms first so plus plus. Yet another sword character oops but I mean he has a beam sword that's hella cool plus he can turn into a red TIGER. His game is a bit.. well mature, and not only on the gory side of things but there's like a lot of sexual innuendo (he looks like he's jerking off when he's charging his sword) but hey Bayonetta had her moments as well. We got a new game coming up in 2021 mhm. Anyway I wouldn't mind if he didn't got in probably just a bonus on my list.
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Okami: wow I want a lot of hack n slash human characters huh let's combo break that with Amaterasu! She's a wolf, a goddess, she's so cool definitely the most unique pick out of my choices here. like her game is so one of a kind it should be in museums across the world and they should have ppl handing out free copies just so everyone can experience this art in game form. Just image the possibilities of her moveset! She was in a fighting game before and it was amazing. We need more non-human characters in smash too. Hmm it is yet another capcom rep though(we have Megaman, Ryu and Ken and I want Dante too.) But let it happen please
So that's my list for now. If any of these characters get in I'd be sooo happy!! Let's wait and see.
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smartzelda · 5 years
Okay, first off, I know I said we would start where I left off in Corona, but I need to take a second to recognize something I forgot in Toy Box when rewriting the last post. Yozora.
Sora's "I never looked this good"
And Donald and Goofy like, "He looks kinda like Riku. Must be him."
And the Kingstagram post: "Yozora looks so much like Riku! I have GOT to play this game someday!"
Soriku bro😔👌
Okay, now back to Corona😂
So, where we left off, Gothel took Rapunzel back to the tower, and I'm skipping to Gothel's Rapunzel trap working on Flynn, and Flynn slowly dying
So, starting with Rapunzel, she starts off pretty confident, talking about how she'll run and run and run from Gothel forever, but in one moment, she becomes more submissive
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If only she could just use her hair to save him.
Though obviously these are two different feelings going on, we're gonna start with this loose parallel of Rapunzel to Sora, who also in a single moment or from a single event, goes from confident to crying on his knees
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If only Sora had his friends to give him the power to drive back the demon hurricane.
And of course, neither Flynn nor Riku will let it be this way. Flynn can't let her give up her dreams and her freedom to save him, and Riku just can't let Sora give up and believe he can't do anything.
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["Sora, I believe in you. You won't give up."]
So, what do they do?
Flynn cuts off Rapunzel's hair, condemning himself to death, but saving Rapunzel's life (or at least, right to truly live)
Riku takes a shot at the demon tide, sacrificing himself in hopes of saving Sora's life.
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In other words, they do a true love's sacrifice/act of true love
Quick intermission since here is where Gothel becomes the heartless and final boss. I still suck at this boss. It took me an hour or two to beat her. However, this is also when I started abusing shotlocks for the first time, so there's that. Abuse ultima shotlocks, cast magic, time your dodges, and hope whenever you attack you don't get attacked 😂
So, by the time Sora, Donald, and Goofy get up to the tower, I think we're supposed to presume Eugene is nearly dead, but Rapunzel is holding on, not wanting him to die
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And of course, Sora desperately reaches for the light, calling for Riku. I guess you could say he's holding onto Riku.
["Riku! Riku, answer me!"]
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Rapunzel sings her healing song that talks about reversing time, bringing back "what once was mine", changing "the fates' design, ect, and then her tear drops onto Eugene's face. And so, after both of them risked their own lives in acts of true love, both of them cheat the different deaths which would have been thrust upon them, changing fate's design
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In similar fashion, due to what I believe to have been Kairi holding Sora's form together and Riku's act of true love saving Sora's heart, Sora too has cheated death (at least for now), and after reaching for the light, calling for Riku, and flying into it, he goes for Riku's heart first, saves all of his friends (minus Kairi till the light tunnel, though Sora doesn't save her) and not only reverses, but rewrites the destined events to happen in the timeline. I'd say it parallels Rapunzel's healing song, and even though he does save everyone and not just one person, there definitely is something to the fact that he specifically goes for Riku, specifically calls his name, and ends up wresting him from his fate first.
(Don't worry, bro, his heart'll be okay now)
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Also, side note: During Rapunzel singing her healing song, she and Eugene confess that the other was their new dream and that just my heart
Bro, Eugene like, "Did I ever tell you... I've got a thing for brunettes?"
He really be the Riku parallel in this scene, don't he😏
Now of course, being me, I can't pass up the next parallel in this world
Sora: Well, if he comes back and tries to bother Rapunzel again, then Flynn will keep her safe.
Donald: Come on. Rapunzel's the tough one, if you ask me.
Flynn: True. But nevertheless, I won't let her out of my sight.
I mean, maybe it's just me, but it seems this parallels Riku wanting to have the strength to protect Sora, attaining that strength, but also being aware that Sora can take care of himself and has his own strength
And of course, this world is ended with a funny sex joke and Flynn getting stared down by Maximus and wet willied by pascal
Since here we're done with the worlds in the first area of gummi space and launched into the next, I'm gonna add that after every world I spend forever in gummi space farming meteorites and occasionally fighting the heartless and some boss battles, and every time I get launched into the next area of gummi space, I get all the treasure planets and the warp zone things too (apparently actual words evade me for both those things today). Legit though, farming meteorites is so helpful in getting synthesis materials you can use for upgrading your keyblades
So next was on to Monstropolis. I don't have much to talk about here.
Sora, Donald, and Goody freaking out over each other's monster forms? Hilarious.
Monster Sora? He will never not be adorable. Same with Boo
The big blue turtletoad unversed are annoying, and ngl, I had to dodge around a lot and play safe so I wouldn't die in like 2 hits.
Both the keyblade forms for Oathkeeper amd the form for Ultima on monster Sora are just so epic!!!
I still hate light rails with a passion.
Poor Sora so tired of dealing with computers thst when Goofy suggests smashing it, he's completely ready
Monstropolis: Randal nearly becomes leather wear before Vanitas saves him
The fact that Sora, Donald, and Goofy talked about Sora's weird kh1 smile and afterwards actually came up with a name for it. "Do the silly face special!" Also, when Monster Sora does it, it's definitely cute compared to the kh1 scene
The final boss unversed still sucked and took me plenty of tries, but I think I did better than my proud run.
Ngl, I chanted YEETUS VANITAS cause I knew when it was coming
Poor Vanitas. He just need some love. From what I can tell in kh3, he's probably not hurting like he was in bbs and is less angry, and because there was a hole in his heart, he believed he had to join with Ventus to fill it even though their hearts have grown apart. Vanitas probably needs love to fill that hole
Poor Sora hurting and falling to the ground while Vanitas tells him that Ventus is in his heart
And last but definitely not least! Sora's Kingstagram post on the Vanitas scene where he learns that Ven is in his heart. And at the end of it, after talking about how apparently Ven is in his heart and stuff (I think) he's just like, "Would Riku know?" And the fact that Sora's included Riku in the Kingstagram posts means he was probably thinking about him and the fact he thinks Riku might know these things just... aaaaaaaa brooooo
And now onto Arendelle, home of many a Soriku parallel and where I did a lot of backtracking to save points
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masked-phantom-47 · 5 years
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OH NO! An Evil Shadow Mewtwo!  What’s gonna happen to Skull Pichu!? Will they SURVIVE this PSYCHIC STRIKE?! Is this Mewtwo really that evil?!
Find out next time! In the next episode of something...
(the effects is just a screenshot of the final hit in Smash Ultimate I took)
Pokémon © Nintendo, Game Freak, Creatures Inc., Pokémon Company Super Smash Bros. © Nintendo, Sora Ltd.
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Aqua is multilingual.
Her first language is German. This was discovered after she tripped on stairs and cursed for five straight minutes in her native tongue.
Terra was a theater kid. He’s to dramatic not to be.
He’s also a soprano.
Xion is a functional lesbian.
Namine is a disaster lesbian.
Terra once deadlifted a couch with Sora, Kairi, Riku, Aqua, Ventus, and Lea on it. They got a picture to prove it.
The one time Terra got drunk with friends, they went to Deep Jungle, and he got into a wrestling match with 3 gorillas. He won. And his hangover was all the worse for it.
Ventus is pansexual. He flirts with everyone he meets, either unintentionally smooth, or with purposefully bad pick-up lines.
Xion can transform into her final form any time she wants. She mostly does it at night over Twilight and Traverse Town to freak out whoever thinks it’s a good idea to be out after midnight.
Xion can also change her size without affecting her shape, so she sometimes fucks with the others by slowly getting bigger in the middle of conversations. Terra was the first to realize when he noticed she was suddenly level with his chest.
She also does it when flirting. She’s talking with a girl who likes tall girls, and she just looks in awe as Xion goes from 5′5 cutie to a 6′8 amazon ready to smash. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
It’s for that reason she wears baggy clothes and big sweaters.
Aqua and Terra have silver streaks in their hair from their contact with darkness.
They can still use darkness and sometimes use dark magic to cope with what happened to them.
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wolfgabe · 5 years
Nintendo E3 2019 Thoughts  Part 1The Direct
ce Okay so with yesterday behind us I felt I might as well offer my own opinions on the main event of the day the Nintendo Direct.
To start off I like how rapid fire a lot of Nintendo’s Directs have become. While it’s not as flashy as a full blown conference it pretty much cuts out most of the padding and helps make things arguably more focused. I wasn’t expecting them to cram so much in within 40 minutes and I admit I thought at times they would do a Smash Ultimate and spend a bunch of time on one title which of course never happened now then onto the games themselves
Dragon Quest Hero or should I say Dragon Quest Gang for Smash. Pretty much something most of us expected. Personally I have nothing against Erdrick and Pals and it was inevtiable really that we got Dragon Quest representation in Smash considering how in Japan DQ is pretty much on the same level as Call of Duty, Fortnite, and Minecraft here in the States. As easy as it is to complain about more anime sword boys when you look at it DQ was pretty much one of our only options for an additional SE rep considering how stingy SE is with Final Fantasy as well as the fact that Sora is pretty much a massive legal minefield for obvious reasons. I kinda find it clever really that rather than just represent 1 game they instead use the Hero as a means to represent the entire Dragon Quest series as whole.
Following that up fittingly is another trailer for Dragon Quest 11
Doug Bowser makes his E3/Direct debut and already the memes are out in full force
H̶o̶t̶e̶l̶ ̶M̶a̶r̶i̶o̶ ̶2̶/Luigis Mansion 3 is looking great. Seriously I just love how clean everything looks. It’s almost like the Luigis Mansion Dark Moon Artwork come to life/ Too bad we didn’t an actual release date but really for a game like this I would be surprised if they don’t go for  an October release.
A Dark Crystal Game That was unexpected
Link’s Awakening now with Dungeon Maker. Seriously I can’t help but keep imagining a Zelda spinoff that’s basically a Zelda themed Dungeon Keeper
Trials of Mana and Collection of Mana Not exactly my cup of tea but it’s cool seeing The Mana Collection available on Switch right away
Witcher III for Switch. Another rumor that  turned out true. Bring on all the oerformance jokes and PC master race trolls. Panic Button doesn’t appear to be handling this one but I can’t help but wonder what sorcery they used to get this game running on Switch
Fire Emblem Three Houses Not really big on FE myself. I get why some people are complaining they basically spoiled the big twist but I figure that Nintendo may have did it on purpose to show fans that it’s not just Harry Potter with a Fire Emblem Skin
More Resident Evil love for Switch which is nice although I can’t help but wonder why they chose a port of RE6 over the remake of RE2
No More Heroes III another bit of a surprise. I admit for a second I thought I was looking at some new Power Rangers mech game. Great to see after Travis Strikes Again
That new Contra game looks eggghhhh but its cool we are getting the Contra collection too
Daemon x Machina. I actually did get some enjoyment out of the demo and what I saw with the mech customization looks interesting but I seriously hope they fixed the framerate in the final release.
Panzer Dragoon Another one that came out of nowhere. Switch has been seeing quite the amount of Sega love. Now if only we could get a Sega Ages port of Daytona USA
Pokemon Sword and Shield get a brief shoutout. Figured they wouldn’t spend too much time on it considering how it just got a direct last week. And like that the R34 crowd has already abandoned Sonia for Nessa go figure.
Astral Chain got a new trailer. Pretty interesting game and no doubt it will probably have an insanely over the top final boss as with fine Platinum tradition
Empire of Sin pretty interesting management/strategy game looks like it might be worth a shot when it comes out.
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 Not a big Marvel person but personally I think its a bit funny really that UA3 has better models than the SE Avengers game.
Cadence of Hyrule Finally have a release date and its right at the end of E3 which is cool
Mario and Sonic at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games. Figured they would give a shoutout to this game.  Eggman looks surprisingly hot in shorts.  Why is nobody talking about the majesty of Barefoot Wario?
Animal Crossing New Horizons Finally the game pretty much everybody was waiting for. So it would appear Animal Crossing has now transformed into Minecraft. Jokes aside I can’t help but love the idea that you are pretty much now building the town yourself and populating the island from scratch. Okay actual path creation tools and the ability to place furniture outside this is too much. It’s kind of a bummer the game won’t be out till next March but its understandable really considering how packed Switches release schedule looks for the rest of 2019.  Also Tom Nook being a greedy little shit as usual and where is Isabelle please don’t tell me Nintendo you forgot our precious doggo girl.
The obligatory switch game/port sizzle reel. Nice recap of things to come. Another MS game confirmed with Super Lucky’s Tale. Also the Spyro Reignited Trilogy has finally been confirmed for Switch and PC which is great.  Alien Isolation? didn’t expect to see that game get ported. Still no release date for A Hat in Time Switch though
Now for what is arguably the two biggest bombshells to come out of this presentation
First off, Banjo Kazooie in Smash. I cannot freaking believe it a character where the Grinch Leak actually ended up turning out to be right!!! I admit even I had my doubts that we would actually see this come to fruition since I never thought MS would be that chill about letting Banjo show up in a game hosted by one of their own competitors. Of course competitor may not be the right word here considering how surprisingly chummy MS and Nintendo have gotten with each other as of late. I can’t help but find a sense of inner happiness and satisfaction when my own theories and hunches end up being proven correct. I just knew there had to be a reason why Blast Corps and Jet Force Gemini spirits were found in the game files for Smash Ultimate never mind the fact that MS in their E3 schedule clearly suggested we should watch Nintendo’s own E3 presentation. I admit when I first saw that Jiggy bounce by I kinda started to lose my collective shit. The whole reveal was just so brilliant from the way they basically parodied their own trailer to how happy the DK crew was to see Banjo again. Its almost like Sakurai and Nintendo were reading everyone’s mind. I am really liking Banjo’s Smash design and how they basically went for more updated version of his classic look rather than just settle for the Nuts and Bolts design. A perfect way really to drive home the point that Banjo has pretty much come home. And I cannot believe it they actually got Grant Kirkhope himself on board to compose new music for Smash. I admit I am loving that Spiral Mountain remix and you can even make out bits and pieces from other Banjo levels too. I can’t wait to hear what else there is with Banjo. While I am mainly a Nintendo person I would just like to give thanks to Phil Spencer for helping make so many Nintendo and Smash fans wildest dreams finally come true. Now perhaps see if you get the original Banjo games as well as maybe a Nintendofied version of Rare Replay perhaps on Switch
And finally capping off the direct was the reveal that an actual follow up to The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild is now in development. When we will see this title in full I am not sure but the brief teaser looks like they are hinting that Ganondorf himself could be back from the grave. Now I am hearing how the devs say they were inspired by Red Dead Redemption 2 does that mean more detailed horse mechanics?
All in all I would rate Nintendo’s E3 Direct an 8/out of 10. A few points were docked from the Animal Crossing delay but there was still a lot of games that I am interested in due out in the near future as well as some wonderful surprises to boot. I would personally say Nintendo was probably the best part of E3 this year and they made me a very happy gamer
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metalliveblogdramon · 6 years
Adventure Episode 16
The Digidestined are walking through another desert. I’m starting to think the Digital World just automatically fills in desert terrain if there’s nothing important nearby.
The group are worried about keeping ahead of Etemon. Tai tells them not to worry too much, they just need to figure out how to use his new crest to get Agumon up to Ultimate. Tai figures all he needs to do is make sure Agumon is well-fed for energy and he’s in danger- which Etemon will provide either way.
“And if that doesn’t work, I’ll just get a new Digimon!“
Probably a joke, but Agumon visibly doesn’t take it that way and Tai doesn’t notice.
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Yep, we’re doing the “don’t be a  dick to your partner“ episode all kid with monster partner shows need to go through.
Tai has in fact confiscated everyone else’s rations and is attempting to give Agumon 14 shares of food. Not sure why they allowed that, they’re in a damn desert.
Sora and Izzy have a conversation to the effect of “You know, Tai isn’t usually a complete douche what’s up with this“ until Joe’s tag starts glowing.
Which I guess answers “Do tags actually do anything?“ the answer is that it apparently helps you find your crest.
Joe runs towards a colloseum in the distance, then faceplants after tripping over a Dark Network cable, immediately letting Etemon know where everyone is. He recognises the colloseum as where he holds his annual tribute concert to himself. He calls his minions in the area and tells them to roll out the welcome wagon and keep the kids occupied as he’s on his way.
The colloseum turns out to contain a football pitch, causing the group to form a humans vs digimon team game whilst Joe looks for his crest... Until Tai throws a hissy fit at them for trying to have fun.
Honestly, I know from meta-knowlege that Tai is team leader, but in the early arc they weren’t organised enough to have leadership. This is the first time he’s really tried to take charge beyond simply having a fairly confident personality and a self-percieved responsibility to keep morale up.
Etemon speaks to them via the Jumbotron, still being a long way off, and when they try to flee he drops one of the goal nets over them, electrified so that they can’t escape. Agumon was too slow and lethargic from his deviantart stuffing session, so got isolated from the rest of the group. Etemon takes this opportunity to release another Greymon into the arena to force Agumon to fight in a mirror match.
The amimation team miss an opportunity to redraw the digivolution scene to reflect a bloated and lethargic agumon. To be expected though.
Greymon recieves a predictable beatdown from the other Greymon who’s in fighting condition, including getting shoved into the electric fence, a period of literal curbstomping and an uncomfortable burp instead of being able to breathe fire. Tai spends the entire period yelling at him.
Also Tentomon keeps flying into the fence like it’s a bug zapper.
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Tai, at this exact moment: “GET UP AND FIGHT!”
Etemon orders one of his Gazimon to break out the fireworks for his arrival, and I wasn’t actually going to mention that in this liveblog because I thought it was a trivial detail but no, so:
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The Gazimon runs up this weird statue and starts letting off fireworks.
Gomamon tries using his Marching Fishes attack, and water pours out of the statue’s mouths and releases fish, which start flying, grab the fireworks, fly up to and harass Etemon’s Greymon, then leave.
Joe asks Gomamon how he did that, gets back “I don’t know but if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.“ Izzy cuts in and says it’s “probably just a dimensional vortex rift” then Sora waves goodbye to the fish as they fly off into the upper atmosphere.
The Digidestined set to lifting flagstones so as to try to tunnel out from under the goal net. One of the flagstones is Joe’s crest, and removing it causes them to fall into a tunnel network beneath the arena. In the meantime, Greymon is being choked out by Greymon. The kids get out without incident, and instead of doing the sensible thing and ganging up on the Greymon Tai insists on going out alone and throwing rocks to provoke it whilst yelling at his own Greymon to just frickin’ digivolve already.
The other kids catch on and start digivolving their ‘Mons to try to rescue him, but they’re too late and a beam shoots out of Tai’s crest turning into a roiling cloud of darkness spreading across the sky, which turns into pillars of dark fire which shoot down into Greymon.
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Technically, this does count as achieving ultimate.
The other Greymon tries to flee, but is backhanded into the Jumbotron then he, the jumbotron and half the stands on that side of the coloseum are evaporated by one of the weird shark-missiles Skullgreymon can shoot from his back.
Tai yells at Skullgreymon that he’s his partner and he has to obey him.
Skullgreymon attempts to step on Tai, then is engaged in battle by the other partner digimon. They aren’t able to do any meaningful damage, and Etemon flips out back in his trailer as the collateral damage severs his Dark Network connection to the area and cuts off his ability to observe what’s happening.
Skullgreymon smashes through a wall of the coloseum and runs off into the desert smashing everything in his path until he runs out of energy and devolves all the way back to Koromon.
Koromon has a different voice actor than he did in his first appearance, that is to say, he used to just have the same voice as agumon, now he’s clearly a woman doing a high pitched falsetto to sound babyish. That aside, he’s freaking out over all the damage he caused and attacking the others. And for disappointing Tai. Matt tells Koromon it’s not his fault, as Tai finally catches on to how he’s been acting.
Tai: Sora this is all my fault isn’t it?
Sora: Yes.
Other than that though, he basically gets away with looking kinda sad and saying “Please forgive me?“
This was a really chaotic episode, even by Digimon Adventure standards, with weird goings on and asspulls left and right. That said, Skullgreymon’s design steals the show by being a freakishly huge, lanky-proportioned terror with strange bony protrusions, an exposed heart and uh... a shark missile.
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #873: Nightly Stroll to the Mansion (Sonic X Crash Bandicoot X Kingdom Hearts)
7:32 p.m. at the Streets of Smash Town......
Coco: (Happily Humming While Walking in the Sidewalk With Tails and Wave, Wearing a Unicorn Costume)
Tails: (Chuckles Lightly While Wearing a Costume of Frankenstein's Creator, Dr. Henry Frankenstein) Already excited for tonight's party, Coco?
Coco: (Smiles Brightly) Yep!~ It's my first time going to a Halloween Party. And in a huge Mansion of all places! Hey, you guys think the atmosphere there is gonna be more spooky or fancier like?
Wave: (Rolling her Eyes a Little While Wearing a Pirate Captain Costume) I hope it's not the latter.... I've been to a lot of fancy, business parties in the past and they're all redundantly boring.
Tails: I'm sure the party is gonna be a lot more exciting this time around, Wave. Especially since we get the chance to meet the new fighter tonight.
Coco: (Giddying up With Joy and Excitement) I knoooow!~ I still can't believe Sora is joining Smash! It's way too good to be true!~
Tails: (Starts Getting Excited as Well) Right!?~ I had some doubts about the whole thing at first, but I am SO GLAD it's actually happening! And I think his friends are gonna be at the party too!
Coco: Really? Yay!~
Wave: Okay. Hang on a second. Who is this.... Sora guy again?
Coco: (Turns to Wave) Wait. You actually have no idea who Sora is?
Wave: I mean, I've heard his name a bunch of times before, but the only thing I know about him is that he wears giant shoes. If that really is true to begin with.....
Tails: (Smiles Sheepishly) Yeah. He...does wear some pretty big shoes from time to time. But there's definitely more to him than meets the eyes.
Coco: (Happily Nodded in Agreement) Exactly. He's a optimistic islander who uses the Keyblade to fight the darkness, save worlds, and protect those that matter to him.
Wave: Wait. He uses a KEY as a weapon?
Tails: Yep. But it's a lot more unique than it sounds. It can use a variety of powerful magic, seal and open barriers between worlds, it can even open anything else easily.
Wave: (Starts Getting Intrigued by the Last Fact About the Weapon) It can open....anything?
Coco: Correctamundo. It can open a lot of things with a single tap on the objective in question. Doors, treasure chests, locks, some security safes.....(Continues Giving Out Examples)
Wave: (What am I hearing right now?..... There's no way a weapon as ridiculous as freaking KEY can have that much power!.....Unless.....If it really is as powerful as those two say it is.... Imagine how many treasures we can easily find and open.... And all the spell we can create up the boot....The Babylon Rogue can actually be a forces to be reckoned wi-)
Wave: Huh? (Looks Back at Tails and Coco Who Are Already Giving Her Deadpinned Looks on Each of their Faces) What?
Tails: Wave, are you thinking about stealing the Keyblade for yourself?
Wave: N-No! Of course not! W-What makes you think I would do such a thing!?
Coco: Well, you've been thinking mightly hard about the weapon in question. Plus, you're part of a band if thieves, sooooo-
Wave: Okay, fine! So maybe I WAS interested in that stupid Keyblade thing or whatever. Doesn't mean I was entirely thinking about stealing for myself! I was just wondering how powerful and resourceful it is. Maybe even use it for a few tests here and there- BUT ONLY WHEN I BORROW IT! Not steal.
Coco: (Still Unconvinced) Uh-huh.....Well, even if you do try and take it, it'll only come back to Sora in a matter of seconds.
Wave: Wait, seriously?
Tails: Yeah. Once the Keyblade found it's owner, it's rightfully there's.
Coco: Unless something contrived happens that says otherwise, but that rarely ever happens nowadays.
Wave: I see....('Sigh') So much for making a potential profi-
The trio looks up at the sky to see a few faces soring up in the air, much to each of their surprise.
Wave: What in the hell is happening right now?.....
Coco: No way..... It's Sora!
Tails: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) And Pit?
Sora: (Happily Flying Around the Night Sky Along with Pit While Wearing a Pirate Costume) You're having a good time yet, Pit!?
Pit: (Smiles Brightly While Flying and Wearing a Gladiator Costume) Are you kidding me!? I don't have worry about the feathers falling off of my wings and falling to my inevitable death!....Y-You... really wouldn't let me fall, right?
Sora: Of course not! I'll be right here to catch you in no time if that ever happens. (Happily Gives Pit a Thumbs Up) You can count on it!
Pit: (Smiles Back) Thanks, man. Now, as what I was gonna saying beforehand, THIS IS THE BEST NIGHT OF MY LIFEEEEEEEEEEE!~ (Begins to Fly a Little More Faster With Sora)
Kairi: SORA! PIT! (Follows Behind the Duo Along with Riku While Also Wearing Pirate Costumes of Their Own) Will either of you jusr slow down for one second!? You're going to end up crashing into something at this rate!!
Riku: Plus, you do know the pixie dust doesn't last for very long, right!? RIGHT!?
Wave: ......... I'm.... guessing the guy in the pirate suit is that Sora kid you mentioned, isn't it?
Tails: (Smiles a Bit Sheepishly) Yep. That's him alright.
Coco: (Smiles Sheepishly as Well) Have we ever told you that he can fly as well?
Wave: Not until now......
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jindogay · 7 years
1, 4, 29, 47!
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk?i try to make it as equal as possible, but i always, always end up with more milk!!
4: how do you take your coffee/tea?with as much honey/sugar/milk/sugar/sweetener as physically possible
29: what's something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing?oh, jeez. kieran has this wild surprised laugh whenever something funny happens that i love, and symon sometimes give me this like lil side-eye smile and its Great... KIERANs habit of writing notes and drawings to me was also so awesome oh my god i still have a bunch of em. and morgan is just a total freaking meme and manages to brighten up my day like all the time with her shit eating grin... sora? sora has given me the gift of key smashes and theyre so fun and i love the variety of emotion they convey like. thank u. god bless u.you are a delight
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe?that seems pretty harsh!!!!! brussel sprouts. 
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