#then i discovered the henna take
colognedecigarette · 1 year
nnnnnngggggghhhhhhhh. am soooo piiiiiissssseeeeeeeeddddddd.
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jabberwockprince · 1 year
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this entire post about the hanahaki disease and eve made me black out for one hour to draw this
some design notes and ideas i had while drawing this in a feverish, dionysian frenzy, i didnt even stop to think i just HAD TO GET THIS OUT OF MY SYSTEM <33
read the linked post for further context bc im working on an EMPTY STOMACH AND A BRAIN FULL OF EVE
i wanted her to be our beloved eve, but a little to the left. yknow. eve but something is off her usual characteristic bright colors ( the blues and yellows and greens she wears ) muted down to a dangerous degree. missing various iconic details like her earrings or hand-holding necklace, etc
something something, she's losing her sense of self while trying to figure out more about this new, hidden side she's just discovered. the side that's causing all the flowers to clog up her throat and all
also also. a subtle feeling of restraint in the way her hair is now a braid that wraps around her throat, also held together by black and white beads. and the hands, a very prominent theme in her art, now holding her chest - but in a "keeping her body together" kinda way, not in a sexy kind of way sadly
read rosie's latest addition to the linked post RIGHT FUCKING NOW because the daffodils and the themes of eve wanting to embody art but not being ready for people to inspect the piece of art she's made out of herself is. is so. YEAH.
also i imagine her jacket is replaced by this daffodil inspired coat that is the MOST eye catching thing. as a way to represent how this obsession with finding out what feelings shes repressing is taking over her entire sense of self
i wanted to add more eye motifs, since eve's art is a lot about her complex relationship with being perceived and also using that same fear as a weapon herself when feeling cornered (yknow. that one moment with zuke where she starts insulting him and saying he's "one of them". yknow. YOU KNOW) but maybe later in a proper design
bUT!!!! you know how in her cover art, the eyes are also different palettes? but once you beat her, they're HER actual eyes crying and closing. i wanted that but. in a much more aggressive way, like she's actively searching for the parts within herself she cannot understand
god i love her i love her so much guys shes so
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theharrowing · 2 years
Feeling Nauti 💦 1
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Your best friend's destination wedding is the last place you expect to find the man of your dreams, but then again, the husband-to-be's best friend Seokjin is the last man you expect to sweep you off your feet.
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💦 Seokjin x Non-binary (AFAB) Reader
💦 word count: 4.6k words
💦 strangers to lovers, smut, a little fluff, somewhat slow burn, nswf, explicit 21+
💦 warnings: flirting, so many puns (i am truly, very sorry), Seokjin is annoying as hell but also very cute, Seokjin is also quite condescending and it does something to you, use of the word “slut” playfully, alcohol consumption
💦 written for the BDC’s Summertime Seduction collab! 
💦 shout out to @neoneunnajimin for beta reading & to @blog-name-idk​ for helping me brainstorm all the terrible, terrible puns.
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"Get it? Nauti?" A tall, dark-haired man quips. "As in nautical?" 
Everyone laughs and shakes their head, and you just groan, rolling your eyes dramatically. Rule number one to telling a joke is that if you have to explain the punchline, it probably isn't that good. 
The man leans in, noticing your response and mutters, "It's because we're on a boat."
You widen your eyes sarcastically and say, "Ohhhhh, okay...good one," and walk off, away from the front deck where everyone is congregated and back inside where the bar is. It may be too early to start drinking, but you are on vacation after all, and this is your best friend's wedding, so you reason that you may as well start celebrating now. That, and you have a feeling this is going to be a long fucking weekend. 
Growing up, you and your best friend always fantasized about your perfect weddings. The two of you would imagine something small and intimate, close to home and not too over-the-top. You dreamed of handmade flower crowns and having the ring bearers be adorable, well-trained dogs. 
So when you found out Jiya and Jeongguk planned a destination wedding that you had to fly halfway around the world for and then take a boat to some lavish remote location on an island, you were shocked. This was definitely a departure from the flower crowns and lowkey ceremonies you had always envisioned. 
Despite the wedding being an expensive destination trip, the word intimate definitely would not be used to describe this event, which has a massive turnout, especially from Jiya's side. Which, to be fair, is an expected oversight from your childhood fantasies since you've come to discover that Indian weddings tend to be big events, and Jiya’s family is sparing no expense.
You balked at the idea last year, and when she offered to cover your costs if you promised to be her esteemed best person—a gender-neutral term for maid of honor—you almost laughed in her face. Surely she wouldn't be willing to foot the cost of travel and hotel expenses for something so over the top? But here you are.
Most of the guests on Jiya's side—with the exception of Jiya herself—wear casual Kurta, whereas most of Jeongguk's guests are dressed in modern Hanbok, yourself included. The bride and groom requested the laid back but still somewhat traditional dress code, and you're happy to look at all the various fabrics and designs you see as you make your way through the small crowds dispersed throughout the yacht. 
You wear a cream-colored top that wraps around to the left and ties above the waist with embroidered flowers that match the shade of the top, and high-waisted slacks in a dull, burgundy that flare slightly at the hips with a straight, wide-cut leg. Your hair is tied back, off your neck, and you opted just to wear a little mascara to bring out your eyes and forgo makeup, otherwise. 
"Hey, lush," your best friend's voice comes from behind you just as you wrap your fingers around the stem of a champagne glass. 
Jiya wears a beautiful red and gold modern Hanbok, and her hands and arms are adorned with intricate henna designs. Her long dark hair is tied behind her head, and pretty gold earrings dangle from her ears. 
"Excuse you," you respond with a raised eyebrow. "There's orange juice in this champagne. That makes this a breakfast drink."
Jiya raises her eyes incredulously and tongues the inside of her cheek. "I'll have one of those as well, please," she tells the bartender over your shoulder, then returns your gaze with a soft smile.
"I know what you're thinking," she starts, and you cock your head to the side and interrupt. 
"With all due respect, Jiya, there is no way you know what I am thinking."
"For starters, you think all of this is ridiculous," she tries, and you concede, glancing around and nodding your head. 
The boat you're on is a massive yacht, the likes of which you've only seen in music videos. If Jiya and her fiancé wanted, they could easily have the wedding on this vessel, with plenty of rooms for everyone to stay. Speaking of her fiancé—
Groans and the sounds of bodies crashing into the doorway distract you from your conversation, and you look over Jiya's shoulder to find Jeongguk—the husband to be—in a headlock. Much to your chagrin, the man with Jeongguk's throat wrapped in a vice grip is none other than mister Nauti, himself.
Jeongguk and his friend wear black modern Hanbok with embroidered gold floral designs. Jeongguk's dark brown hair is a bit outgrown and hangs in waves over his forehead. He has a childish wonder about him with a mix of soft, round cheeks and eyes, and sharp lip and jaw lines, making him effortlessly cute and handsome. He's also very sweet and respectful; it's no wonder Jiya took to him so easily. 
The other man has a more oval-shaped face, almond eyes, and soft, round features, including very pouty, full lips. You would almost say he's handsome, but your first impression of his sense of humor still hangs over you like a storm cloud, and you push the thought away. 
You can't hold in your groan at the way Jeongguk and his friend make their entrance, and you turn away from the so-called adult men as they wrestle into the room. Jiya giggles, shakes her head and mutters, "Boys," and you stick your finger into your mouth and make a gagging sound, pretending to throw up.
"Oh, mimosas!" Jeongguk's tall friend shouts. "If there's champagne, I'll be there in a prosecco."
As you sigh and bring your palm up to your face, Jiya giggles beside you. "Don't encourage him," you mutter under your breath as you attempt to slip away from the bar and find a quiet corner to seclude yourself in, but your best friend grabs you by the arm.
"Not so fast," Jiya teases, forcing you to stay put while the men approach. "You should get to know Seokjin since he's Jeongguk's best person."
"You can't be serious," you mutter, earning you a nudge in your ribs that sends a displeased squeak out of your mouth.
Of course, the loudest, rowdiest man on this boat is Jeongguk's best person. Why couldn't it have been one of the quieter friends you were recently introduced to, like Yoongi or Namjoon? This guy is a handful and a half. Your face must be twisted with disgust as Seokjin approaches, and he eyes you with a smirk.
"What's the matter?" Seokjin asks. "Is the ocean life making you salty?"
At this stage, you just stare at Seokjin and blink. There is absolutely no way this man only speaks in really low-tier dad jokes. Seokjin turns to Jiya and asks, "Do they not speak English?"
This being a mixed tradition wedding between Jiya's Indian family and Jeongguk's Korean family, there seems to be an unspoken agreement for those who can, to speak English. You roll your eyes and feel your blood begin to boil; who does this man think he is? Jiya starts to answer, but you cut in.
"Knowing English doesn't make your jokes funnier. In fact, I wish I didn't understand a word."
While Jeongguk's face seems to fall into something of a worried yet amused expression, Seokjin throws his head back and laughs. There's something so disarming about his unabashed behavior—almost as if he delights in being annoying. 
"Can we switch?" you ask Jiya with a playful, pleading expression. "You love Ashley just as much, can't she be your esteemed best person?"
Jiya slaps you on the arm and grumbles, "No!" and you whine and stomp your feet like a petulant child. 
"Doth the esteemed best person of the bride require a nap?" Seokjin asks with a grin. "I can escort thee to the sleeping quarters if thou wish."
Feeling absolutely dumbfounded, you slam your mimosa, shake your head to try to rid it not only of whatever the hell Seokjin is going on about but also as a response to the bitterness of the drink, and then you limply wave a hand at him.
"I'm going to sit in a dark corner alone," you announce. "It was...an experience meeting you. See you later."
You turn and smile to Jiya and make your way toward one of the empty passenger rooms to lay down. From behind you, Seokjin calls, "A good experience, I presume!" to which you say, "Nope!" elongating the o, without looking back.
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Once you arrive to your destination, you hang back on the deck and wait for everyone else to exit the yacht. Palm trees line the coast, and a large white and blue resort building looms just ahead. There are comfortable beach chairs along the shoreline, outdoor pools, seaside bars and many more buildings, small and large, in bright, medium woods and decorated with white or blue cloth and upholstery. 
Everything appears pristine, if not a bit sterile, and you can't help but feel a bit apprehensive about the whole thing, anticipating spilling a nice bright red daiquiri all over one of those white chairs. It would be Jiya's fault for allowing you to come along to such a nice place, you reason. 
"Fellow best person," you hear Seokjin call, holding out his elbow as if expecting you to take it. "Shall we?"
You approach and accept his invitation to be in your personal space, but you do not take Seokjin's arm. Everyone spreads out along the beach as they exit the yacht, and as you walk down the ramp and get closer to land, music from—you presume—one of the outdoor bars greets you with heavy drums and an upbeat rhythm. You do your best to ignore the way Seokjin swishes his hips along with the song.
"How long have you known Jiya?" Seokjin asks, leaning slightly to the side. He's quite tall, and you find yourself tilting your head to respond. 
"Since college. She just showed up in my life one day, and we have been inseparable ever since. How about you and Jeongguk?"
Seokjin chuckles brightly to your response, then says, "About a decade. We were both scouted for the same company and have worked together ever since." 
"That's right, I hear Jeongguk has a beautiful singing voice," you say, glancing around at your surroundings. Your sandaled feet sink into warm sand, and you adjust to walking on the new terrain. "What were you scouted for?"
Seokjin leans to the side and nudges you gently with his shoulder, causing you to look at him. "My good looks, obviously," he responds with a wink.
You stop in your tracks, squinting and studying his face. From the side, his softer features look sharper, especially his jawline, and the contrast of angles and curves certainly is attractive. Especially his deep brown eyes and those full, pillowy lips...
You bring your hand up to your eyes to block the sun and really get a good look at him. Then you shrug and say, "I don't see it," before continuing on toward the resort. 
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The main building of the resort is a lavish hotel with decked-out suites containing every amenity one might need. They appear more like small apartment units than hotel rooms, or so you hear. You, unfortunately, are not staying in the resort with the rest of the friends and family, so you have not seen any of the rooms first-hand. 
You are staying behind the resort in a very fancy condo where you not only have so much free space it's stifling just how alone you are, but the only other person sharing that building with you is none other than mister Nauti, himself. 
The counters and tables in the unit resemble the mid-2000s era of restaurants and cafes where furniture seemed to be hand-carved out of driftwood for some inexplicable reason. You can't tell if the lopsided, overly polished decor is meant as a statement about recycling and conservation or simply a product of island gentrification. Either way, you're equal parts fascinated and repulsed as you wheel your suitcase through the dining area and into the bedroom to unpack.
Your bedroom is somewhat plain, with a four-poster queen-sized bed and the standard white and light blue bedding you've come to expect. There's a bedside table with a lamp, a dresser, and a wall-mounted television that you anticipate never turning on. The mattress is a decent firmness, and you're delighted to have no fewer than four pillows to wrap your limbs around later. 
Outside the front entrance, a wooden deck snakes around to the right in front of your unit to Seokjin's place. If you leave to the left down a short set of steps, you find the resort straight ahead, and behind the little condo is a firepit and small jacuzzi. You cannot, for the life of you, figure out why Jiya thought it would be a good idea to pair you with him rather than literally anyone else from the wedding party and lament probably never stepping foot in the jacuzzi for fear of having to hear some pun related to bubbles.
You do, however, plan to grab a drink from one of the oceanside bars and sit under a nice large umbrella while listening to crashing waves and cawing seagulls, and you unpack your tasteful floral two-piece bathing suit and put it on. With a very soft white beach towel wrapped around your hips, you make your way to the door and slide your sandals on. Then, you open your door and nearly jump out of your skin when you find a tall, shirtless man standing before it. 
"Seokjin, what the hell!" you half-shout as you raise a hand to your chest and squeeze your eyes closed in disbelief.
Seokjin stands with one fist raised as if he had just been about to knock, wearing only black swim shorts and holding a fluffy white towel of his own draped over his other arm. Sunglasses push the hair off his forehead, and you do your best not to glance at the exposed skin of his forehead, nor his broad shoulders, and certainly not his toned abdominals. A spot of chipped white paint on the doorframe beside him is suddenly quite fascinating.
"Sorry," Seokjin mutters, "I was coming by to see if you wanted to join me in any number of the water vessels that can be found on the property or perhaps seaside for a drink. I see you have also changed into a bathing suit."
Although having the opportunity to gawk at the half-naked man in front of you at any number of the aforementioned water vessels seems appealing, Seokjin is still someone who you consider annoying, and you don't exactly wish to spend every waking moment by his side. It's bad enough that you will have to sit near him during the wedding celebrations and pose with him in photographs. 
"I'm flattered," you mutter, tearing your eyes away from a spot on the doorframe to find an adorably expectant look on Seokjin's face. "But I was going to grab a drink and enjoy a little alone time. I have a feeling things will get hectic and I would like to clear my head for a bit."
Seokjin's expression falls, but he swiftly picks it back up with a smile. "Suit yourself," he mutters. "I hope you have a sand-tastic time."
And with that, you nod your head and close the door in Seokjin's face, then wait for his steps to retreat down the dock steps before you exit your unit.
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You: You couldn't have paired me up with a bridesmaid? Why Seokjin?
Bestie: I figured you two would be together a lot during the events, so it would be a good opportunity to get to know each other! 
You: Now, why would I want to get to know Seokjin??? Have you met him before today? The man is annoying. 
Bestie: Don't be petulant. Of course I have met him! Seokjin is a very sweet guy! He's just cracking his silly jokes as icebreakers. I think you'd like him quite a bit if you gave him a chance.
You: If I have to hear one more pun, I swear!!!
Bestie: Yeah, yeah. All bark and no bite. You're just mad that Seokjin is so your type that even an anti-romantic grump like you may actually like him deep down. 
You: Excuse you??? My type??? I may actually like him???
Bestie:  I haven't seen you this flustered in years.
You: Flustered????????????
Bestie: Admit it...you can't wait to *sea* him later...
You: I'm blocking you. Goodbye forever. Good luck with your wedding!
Bestie: <3
You set your phone onto the table beside your cozy seaside chair with a huff and then bring the last of your daiquiri to your lips, sucking in mostly air in an obnoxious gurgling sound of straw against moist glass. You sigh and dread having to stand up and walk back to the bar, but swing your legs over the side of the chair, grab your phone and empty glass, and make your way over. 
Though the bar isn't too far from where you sat, the music that plays from small overhead speakers only becomes apparent as you approach. You find yourself so distracted by your thoughts of what the rest of the extended weekend may look like that you don't notice a familiar face leaning against the bar top. 
"Whale, whale, whale," Seokjin pipes up, pulling you from your thoughts. You jump slightly, glare at him for startling you twice in one hour, and roll your eyes.
"Does that really work for you?" you tease.
"What's that?" Seokjin responds, leaning with his elbow on the bar and his cheek against his fist. The curve of his torso accentuates his lithe but toned figure, and you do your best to hold your gaze on his face only.
"The puns," you respond sharply.
 Seokjin grins. "Don't you think they make me sound so-fish-ticated?"
Seokjin eyes your figure up and down, making you feel acutely aware that you left your towel behind. Then he stands up straight and takes a step closer. "They don't have your seal of approval?"
"Absolutely not."
With one more step, Seokjin towers over you. There's mirth and something indiscernible pooling in his dark eyes, and you hold your ground, doing your best to appear unaffected by him being this close, but butterflies in your stomach swarm and swoop and make you extremely anxious. 
"What's the matter with telling jokes?" Seokjin asks, voice much deeper than before. "Afraid to come out of your shell and live a little?"
You didn't feel so intoxicated moments ago, but now you're lightheaded and unable to stand your ground, with heat rising from your chest to your cheeks. Your lips fumble around air, trying to speak before your brain can catch up with anything but a weak, "I—"
Seokjin's voice drops even deeper as he says, "Come on, sweetheart. I bet you'd be reel fun if you opened up a little."
You feel frozen in your spot, suddenly only able to comprehend the loud whooshing of the ocean and your own heartbeat. Seokjin winks and backs away, saying, "You know where to find me, should you change your mind," leaving you to stand in shock as you attempt to get your bearings again. 
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Two can play this game. If Seokjin wants to eye you up and call you sweetheart with that patronizing tone of his, then you're going to give him a run for his money. As you get ready for the wedding party dinner that's scheduled to take place inside the resort, you put on a satin black modern Hanbok top that accentuates your curves nicely, paired with short black shorts that bring out the shapes of your legs in a manner you find more than agreeable. 
Dressing up fancy is something you are not overly fond of, and performing femininity gets exhausting at times, but you want Seokjin to look at you—you want to dangle yourself in front of him like a pretty piece of bait only to retract yourself at the last moment. 
With a deep sigh, you fight with your brain against imagining him as a fish and you as a lure, refusing to let all his stupid puns get to you and focus on the shiny lip gloss you apply. This stuff only comes out on special occasions. 
You're surprised to find the walk to the resort lonely and wonder if Seokjin is a fashionably early or fashionably late kind of guy. Although it's close to the time requested to meet up, you expect to grab a drink at the bar and chat with more of the wedding party. 
However, when you arrive, Seokjin is already at the bar, talking with one of the bridesmaids. His arm is stretched over the edge of the counter, and he's leaning in very close as he says something that causes her to laugh. There's a pang of something that hits your guts, and you swallow the lump in your throat as you move past your original destination and find Jiya and Jeongguk already seated at the large table with two other members of the bridal party. 
Obviously, you're not jealous; that would be foolish. You are simply annoyed with Seokjin for apparently being such an unabashed slut and using you for his own entertainment. Again, two can play this game. 
Hoseok walks in just in the nick of time, right as you're taking your seat in front of your best friend, and you stand and say, "Hoseok!" sweetly elongating the vowels as you stretch your arms for a hug. Hoseok gladly accepts and pulls you in, groaning as he hugs you tight. 
"I was hoping you'd be happy to see me again," Hoseok mutters in your ear, and you bite your bottom lip, remembering the last time you saw Hoseok, tangled in his pale yellow sheets covered in a sheen of sweat. 
"Of course," you respond, pulling from the hug. You eye Hoseok up and down with a grin, taking in his sharp, pretty features and willowy yet muscular frame that's hugged nice and tight by his deep blue satin modern Hanbok top and tight black jeans. His hair is wavy and overgrown, perfect for tugging on, and you smile as your eyes drift down to his heart-shaped lips. "Who wouldn't be happy to see you?"
Hoseok and you have a history. Not an extensive history, but history enough. Jiya introduced the two of you after you got out of a somewhat turbulent relationship, and while you weren't—and still aren't—interested in jumping into anything serious, you didn't hesitate to jump into Hoseok's bed. He doesn't seem to mind being a rebound, and you continue to flirt whenever your paths cross. And, often, your crossing paths tend to converge into one that leads straight to one of your bedrooms. 
It had occurred to you that perhaps you would have another tryst with Hoseok on this trip, but Jiya recently mentioned he might be dating someone, so you've been trying not to let yourself get too excited to see him. You're thankful, at least, for such a warm, welcoming hug, even if his flirty nature is just a tease.
Rather than settle back in, you take your time really gassing Hoseok up. The rest of the party is beginning to join you, and as you rub his arm slowly and tell him how handsome he looks, you catch a certain someone approaching from the bar in the periphery. You're in the middle of asking Hoseok what he's been up to when Jeongguk tells Seokjin to sit across from him, which is the seat right next to yours. 
Hoseok also sits beside you, and as you take your seat between both men, your heart begins to race. Heat rises to your cheeks, and you hope that nobody can discern the kind of state you're in as you try to decide just what the fuck to do.
"I would like to raise a toast," Jiya says, standing with her glass of wine. Everyone grabs their glass of wine or cocktail, if they've ordered one, and lifts it to join the toast. You notice Seokjin has his body angled toward you as he holds his right arm up, and you feel yourself shift toward the left, as if to create more space between the two of you. 
"I know this is a lot, and we haven't had much time to settle in and get your bearings, but Jeongguk and I really appreciate having you all here. Drink and eat to your heart's content, and tomorrow let the festivities begin!"
Everyone cheers and drinks to Jiya and Jeongguk, and you pull your white wine to your lips for a sip, letting the cold, bitter drink settle in and fill you with a hint of warmth. One of the guys in Jeongguk's party steals Hoseok's attention, so you stare at your wine glass, hoping that either food will arrive soon, or the wine glass will spontaneously explode and a nice big shard will mercifully kill you.
From your right, a deep voice says, "I hope these drinks can tide us over until dinner arrives," and you sigh, take a gulp of your wine, grit your teeth and shift in your seat, turning at an angle toward Seokjin. 
"Why?" You snap, watching Seokjin with widened, annoyed eyes. 
"Why, wh—"
"Why can't you just...be normal? Why do you have to make jokes all the time? I don't enjoy it; are you doing it to annoy me?"
Seokjin's expression falls, and he looks away from you at the table before him, eyes surveying the scenery as if he's searching for something. You feel guilty for snapping at him and take a deep breath.
"Seokjin, look, I'm sorry, I—"
"No, no," Seokjin responds, waving a hand as if to dismiss your apology. He looks downcast, like he's just been rejected. You can't quite put your finger on the emotions that swirl around inside you, but you don't like the shift in tone between the two of you, and you begin to worry you may have actually hurt the man who you're supposed to spend the most time with on this trip. 
Then Seokjin turns to you with a devious smirk, sending a chill through you. "I'm sorry if my jokes of-fin-ded you."
Your jaw sets, eyes narrow, and your blood begins to boil. Just who the hell does this man think he is? You open your mouth, ready to give Seokjin a piece of your mind, when he leans in close—too close and mutters, "You are just...absolutely stunning when you are angry. I almost feel bad for riling you up so much, but...gosh, you just make it so easy."
Shock settles over you like a heavy blanket, and all you can do is stare at Seokjin, feeling absolutely dumbfounded. Your heart pounds, dizzying you, and as much as you want to find something quippy to say in response, your brain and mouth have pumped the brakes. 
Seokjin hums, still leaning in your personal space. "Stunned into silence is a good look, too, quite honestly."
All you can do is blink and gawk at Seokjin as your mind buffers. Thankfully a server comes by and sets plates of food in front of you and the rest of the party, pulling you from your thoughts. There's a mix of Indian and Korean food spread out over the table, with beautiful entrees and more side dishes than you can fully comprehend, filling the air with a spicy, savory aroma. 
Everything looks expertly prepared, but even as your mouth waters, all you can focus on is Seokjin's words, and you're not sure how you feel. 
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thanks for reading! please don’t be a silent reader! feedback & reblogs do so much to help content creators!
tag list:  @btsiguess-kpop, @btsstan12, @dasexydevitt13, @giriiboyy, @mwitsmejk 💦 comment or dm to be added!
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Feeling Nauti is copyright 2022 Nabi Olive, all rights reserved. Don’t be a silent reader! I love to hear from you! Let’s be friends on Twitter!
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macaroni-rascal · 8 months
Okay, here comes the ice dance roast.
I'm calling this first team Olivia and a Half, because dude is barely there. I liked her previous costume too but she's also a smokeshow in this one. I'm convinced they're putting her in distracting costumes so we won't be looking at Tim, who desperately needs to discover that there's an audience there that he should be projecting to. Good outing, but it made me miss Adrian.
I'd give anything for Katerina's skirt lengths not to give me anxiety for one (1) season, and now she's added a long ponytail as well - why does she hate me so? These costumes are giving 2000s more than 80s. They desperately need our mother hen Madison Hubbell to take them under her wing, these unpointed toe kicks are not it.
Why are the Browns skating in what are essentially practice outfits to the famously flamboyant Elton John? Give these talented children funding! Otherwise they slayed, which is why I'm annoyed at the packaging. Best sibling team here, I said what I said.
HanYe with the costumes of the event and possibly the field. Only guy with an actual outfit. I wish her sleeves were attached to the bodice more in the front, we don't need armpit cleavage, but other than that, best dressed. Levels were oof. IAM needs to leave their teams with Paul Mac over the summer to learn how to execute their turns, they've got pretty much everything else figured out.
Holly and Jason looking hot af. I prefer her golden butt to Olivia's in the free. His corset-y mesh top - cunty af. Her bodysuit seems very intricate up close, but I wish that same level of attention went into getting their levels.
Taschlers look okay for a European team and the costumes are accurate for the music choice, but why oh why is the cutout on the side of his stomach round instead of matching her pointed one? Love their attack and unison but wish them better programs moving forward.
I actually like this French team this season and I hate that for me. His boatneck I'll allow because he isn't a broad boye but I'm not quite sure what his top has to do with the 80s. Her outfit is cute but I wish she'd move on from the Slutskaya cut and the henna dyejob to a more contemporary pixie or bob or something, they need to look more polished because they are indeed very trained and technically strong.
Marjo and Zak - my loves. The only ones I genuinely care about, not gonna lie. Seemingly the only team that read the ISU Communication on the theme this year. Fantastic campy costumes, killer performance ability, couldn't take my eyes off them. Noticed in the warmup that the costume designer shaded his butt crack as well and for that, that mofo need Jesus. They need to sort their levels situation out because they're the stars of the discipline, really, but we're not allowed to talk about that just yet (🤫).
Now for the crime of the night - the grand larceny that was Green/Parsons' score. They were the strongest team here across the board, they're the most complete all around, and I was fuming when I saw 4th. They def need to rework the cut but I like this better than the Paula, it suits them, the costumes weren't revolutionary but they both looked fine af. I know he's old enough to be her great uncle but at the same time I don't want them with lesser partners. The judges went out of their fucking way to prevent last year's situation when H/B (let's be honest) obliterated C/B. Maybe if G/Pa weren't coached by human silver medal and Canadian trophy husband Charlie Allen White, they wouldn't be in this mess.
And now for the grand finale - I'm dispatching a firing squad for the tech panel because are you seriously telling me that this team that graduated with honors from the Diana Davis School of Edgework is best-in-class??? And I can see what she was trying to do with the dress but she didn't quite nail it, the front is awkward, the mid-buttcheek zipper-like split in the back is a choice, and the skirt flaps around awkwardly. Meanwhile, Evan's outfit is just low-effort and perfunctory. They should've just put him in a white tank top and lightwash jeans to highlight his white basicness, since he wears her like a jacket for most of their programs anyway, it would've been apropos. They were out-skated but most of the teams here, they had no energy, speed, power or ice coverage, and to top it all off, they were on the edge of disaster in the lift again, and that was the only edge they were on the entire program. They deserve a surprise P/C comeback at this point, I can't take this anymore.
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A masterpiece of a roast.
Anon, I want you to know I got three OTHER anons that were excited to hear about your fashion opinions.
Olivia and a Half is beyond correct, I can forget he's there if I squint, and I enjoy the program so much more. I honestly don't think the Browns have ever had a good costume, and that's a damn shame. If Paul MacIntosh cam to IAM, I would cheer for years, they really need a kick in the ass in terms of tech, and quickly. Holly looks so good in that gold outfit, it's wILD. French team I can't even get into, they are never not So Deeply French Looking. You are spot on with G/Pa, they do not deserve to be sitting in 5th right now. I also can't even get into C/B, cause it's just Too Much at the moment when I'm trying to switch into women mode for the short program that starts in 5 minutes.
Anon, you're a damn icon.
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hellougly22 · 1 year
Please, listen to my story. Listen to it in my native tongue.
I’d found myself in love. and I had admitted it.
I had discovered love. I had acknowledged it.
I was passionately in love; I was ecstatically in love.
It was a wonderful story about your love.
They all bother me, the fragrance when you came and the times you went.
I haven’t seen you in a long time; I need to meet you.
Please pay attention to my voice and the tyranny of the beloved that I am conveying.
I’d found myself in love. and I had admitted it.
My desire is to make you my bride.
I’d get your name henna-drawn on my hand.
I’d take all of your issues. I would turn away an ill eye from you.
It is my wish to have you for the rest of my life.
Look here, being faithful in love is not tough.
My entire universe is in your eyes.
Please attempt to comprehend what I have never been able to articulate.
You are my entire universe and my sole source of support.
Please pay attention to my prayers. Listen to my anguish as I express it.
I’d found myself in love. and I had admitted it.
Please, listen to my story. Listen to it in my native tongue.
I’d found myself in love. and I had admitted it.
I had discovered love. I had acknowledged it.
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cheshirelibrary · 2 years
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YA Books That Prove There’s No One Way to Come Out 
[via Epic Reads]
These YA books (and one fantastic memoir) have characters discovering who they are and how they want to be in the world (spoiler alert: they’re all wonderful). We hope they show that there is no one right way to come out! 
Who I Was With Her by Nita Tyndall
We Are Totally Normal by Naomi Kanakia
Juliet Takes a Breath by Gabby Rivera
Leah on the Offbeat by Becky Albertalli
If We Were Us by K.L. Walther
All Boys Aren’t Blue by George M. Johnson
The Magic Fish by Trung Le Nguyen
The Henna Wars by Adiba Jaigirdar
Click through to see more titles.
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keralanaturals · 16 days
Naturally Beautiful Hair with Indigo Powder
"Looking for a natural way to color your hair? Discover the magic of indigo powder! 🌟
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Indigo powder offers a range of benefits for your hair:
✨ Achieve rich, deep shades of blue and black naturally
✨ Strengthens and nourishes hair
✨ Free from harmful chemicals and synthetic dyes
✨ Perfect for blending with henna for a variety of shades
Ready to embrace natural hair care? Shop our premium organic indigo powder today and transform your look naturally!
+91 6282681925 / 8304085450
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ahanatravelin · 26 days
Today, I will take you to a unique and exotic location called Aman-i-Khás. Nestled in the rugged wilderness of Rajasthan, India, Aman-i-Khás is a luxury tented camp that offers an unparalleled experience of nature and wildlife.
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tejasmehndiartist · 3 months
Transform Your Event with a Master Mehndi Artist and Double Your Celebration
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In case you want to give elegance and tradition to your event, which isn't possible for anything, you ought to try to use Mehndi's wonderful art. In the city of Panchkula, Tejas Mehndi Artist in Panchkula is the best in class and with lots of experience in the peculiar profession, with the ultimate goal of making a beautiful final product.
In the blog post, we are going to tell you why enlisting the assistance of a skillful Mehndi artist in Panchkula can only intensify the celebrations resulting in "double the joy" for your guest.
The Core of Mehndi Artists
Mehndi, more commonly known as henna, has an unsurpassed history of enhancing beauty as well as glorifying happy occasions. A Self-respecting Mehndi artist can bring the charm from this natural dye into outstanding designs, and the skin, then, can be beautified with grace and perfection.
It is the Mehndi artists that the people of Panchkula are seeking these days, as everybody wants to turn their events into eternal splendor with the eternal art of Mehndi.
Tejas Mehndi Artist: A Tower of Prowess - A gateway to success
Mehndi art of Panchkula is highly acclaimed across the country and this business is Mehndi Artist in 
Panchkula Tejas is the epitome of professionalism and dedication towards their work.
Tejas Mehndi's artist possesses the sharpness for observation coupled with a selected combination of both tradition and innovation.
He brings into every project uniqueness and creativity. Whether it’s a Mehndi celebration for a bride, a festive design, or a corporate event, Tejas Mehndi Artist in Panchkula monitors that every dot or line is a masterpiece by itself.
Tejas Mehndi Artist Services: Elevating Your Celebration
Tejas is proud to present a variety of services from providing you with a better occasion to creating timeless memories. This variety ranges from complex bridal designs to grand Mehndi parties. They can ensure similar skills but a different style and theme.
Adopting only the premium quality of henna and mastering the art, Tejas Mehndi Artist differs from others in ensuring that the designs to be created using our techniques are vibrant, long-lasting, and tailored to the suitable your tattoo needs.
Q1: How I can get the best Mehndi artist in Panchkula for my occasion like a wedding or Mehndi function is the question that always haunts me?
A: The process of searching online, reading reviews, and viewing portfolios may perhaps be a step taken to discover a Mehndi artist in Panchkula who would suit your needs. These aspects like experience, comfort level, and accessibility need to be taken into consideration when choosing the manner.
Q2: Besides that, what conditions should I take into consideration when I’m looking for an expert in Mehndi styles for my event?
A: Make sure you examine things like whether the Mehndi worker you want is free on your event date, the pricing packages they provide, and whether they can cater to your specific creativity wishes. Communication about your expectations along with any things mentioned earlier is very necessary.
Q3: Whether a Mehndi artist should be booked a day, a week, or a year before any event that is to be held in Panchkula, it all depends on a wide range of factors.
A: The best way to get your mehndi artist booked as fast as possible is to do it early, preferably during the times when the majority of the weddings and festivals in Panchkula are happening simultaneously. Thus, the borrower can immediately access funds without the need to wait for slow processing and consultations.
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The Consequence of Mehndi in Celebrations
Marriage, in many cultures, is a crucial reason to have Mehndi because it is a symbol of enthusiasm, affection, and well-being. From weddings and festivals to religious celebrations and corporate functions, mehndi comes in, and it makes every occasion more traditional and more adorned with beauty than before.
Application of mehndi is an art itself
Mehndi has an array of wildlife, beautiful coastlines, and an abundance of natural resources. The paste used for the Mehndi is traditionally created from the leaves of the henna plant. The densely packed spray cones or stainless steel brushes are used to effortlessly guide the henna color onto the skin.
Then a day, after the design planes get up the paint gets off, and geometrical shapes, remain that are a little bit darker the days after that.
Designing Through Trends and Importance of Powerplay Mehndi
The artistry of mehndi continues to change and revise, new trends and patterns come each year so that its styles keep evolving. While Mehndi artists incorporate traditional Indian designs in their work, bend the craft in modern ideas, and take designs that are in style at current celebrations.
The time has come to explain Mehndi Care and Maintenance.
Take care of your Mehndi design if you want it to last for a long time, endurance and precise care should be your greatest priority. Keeping away from water, covering the design with surfaces like silk, and moisturizing the skin with lotions daily should be done to ensure that a Mehndi is durable, and looks fresh at all times.
Hiring a Mehndi Artist in Panchkula: Tips and Considerations
As for the process of selection of mehndi artist in Panchkula better to keep in mind ones like their experience and reliability and the style which goes along with yours.
Allocating some time to ensure that all the expectations are clear and communicated accordingly will be a good help in the process of having a successful collaboration of the Mehndi design during the event.
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Eventually, the professional Mehndi artist's master course will be the joint- pleasure of your celebration that adds the sparkle of joy. Tejas Mehndi Artist is the embodiment of supremacy in the Mehndi artistry domain in Panchkula with unparalleled skill, artistic imagination, and professionalism.
If you want to undertake a wedding, festival, or special gathering the professional ability of artists from Mehndi in Tejas will make it a fabulous day touching the hearts of you and your guests.
Ordinary is for the common-day celebrations, and why should you settle for that when you can make your celebration dramatic and special by resorting to the craftsmanship of Tejas Mehndi Artist?
0 notes
Not known Facts About Marrakech
Marrakech is a relatively safe town. There aren't any violent crimes During this city, having said that, it’s a location that is quite notorious for theft, frauds and con artists.
A further location that I have viewed suggested by several bloggers is Auberge Les Roches. This spot provides a quantity of different home measurement solutions and perhaps provides tents. If you choose to camp about the dunes, There may be a wide range of choices from spending plan to luxury tent lodging.
All you might want to do is fill your bucket with incredibly hot water and scrub your self in the sauna-like space. These hammams are very low-cost and value about $3USD. they’re a significant A part of Moroccan lifestyle and could make you feel like a local.
Other xerophytic plants have created comparable techniques by a process often called convergent evolution.[77] They limit water loss by lowering the scale and variety of stomata, by obtaining waxy coatings and hairy or small leaves.
Right after about two several hours, we arrived at on the list of highlights for your working day, the oasis. Listed here, we appreciated a Berber pizza, which was cooked by Hassan within an authentic vogue by burying the dough in scorching sand.
Whenever we called the restaurant to verify our reservation, the owner presented to deliver one among his staff members to fulfill us so we could very easily get on the cafe without having acquiring lost. They even had anyone stroll us back to our hostel.
You’ll locate the freshest and least expensive fruit juice served all day long within the square, the odor of grilled meat, snake charmers, monkeys who are already captured in the wild to execute for tourists, and women leaping with your hands to encourage you to acquire a henna tattoo.
In deserts exactly where substantial quantities of limestone mountains encompass a shut basin, for example at White Sands National Park in south-central New Mexico, occasional storm runoff transports dissolved limestone and gypsum right into a small-lying pan in the basin where the h2o evaporates, depositing the gypsum and forming crystals known as selenite.
Several of the planet's semiarid regions are turning into desert at an alarming charge. This process, often called desertification, will not be due to drought, but usually arises from deforestation and also the calls for of human populations that settle in semiarid lands. The pounding of the soil via the hooves of livestock in ranching, for example, may perhaps degrade the soil and augment erosion by wind and h2o.
Rocks are smoothed down, and also the wind sorts sand into uniform deposits. The grains turn out as amount sheets of sand or are piled large in billowing sand dunes. Other deserts are flat, stony plains the place the many high-quality materials has long been blown away as well as the area includes a mosaic of easy stones, often forming desert pavements, and little further erosion usually takes put. Other desert capabilities involve rock outcrops, exposed bedrock and clays as soon as deposited by flowing drinking water. Non permanent lakes could variety and salt pans may be still left when waters evaporate. There may be underground resources of water, in the form of springs and seepages from aquifers. Where by these are discovered, oases can manifest.
The driest deserts, like Chile's Atacama Desert Desert, have parts that acquire fewer than two milimeters (0.08 inches) of precipitation a 12 months. This kind of environments are so severe and otherworldly that experts have even analyzed them for clues about existence on Mars.
Camel rides, or even more properly, dromedary rides, are very talked-about in this place. The distinction between camels and dromedaries is the fact that camels have two humps but dromedaries have just one. You may take them into Erg Chebbi, observing these awkwardly-shaped creatures simply navigate strolling about the Sahara sand dunes.
There are many of scammer taxi drivers that park for the airport watching for unwary tourists arriving within the region for The very first time. Read more.
0 notes
stopbh · 9 months
Find Out How Can I Increase Melanin in My Hair Today
https://ourcutehealth.blogspot.com    love calculator here & know more about your health
Find Out How Can I Increase Melanin in My Hair Today!
Are you looking for ways to boost your hair health and intensify your natural hair color? Increasing melanin in your hair could be the solution! Melanin is the pigment that gives our hair its color and is essential for maintaining strong, healthy locks. Luckily, there are several natural remedies and lifestyle changes that can stimulate melanin production and enhance the vibrancy of your hair. Read on to discover effective ways to increase melanin in your hair and achieve lustrous, gorgeous locks!
Key Takeaways:
Understanding what melanin is and its role in determining hair color
Exploring the various factors that can impact melanin production in hair
Discovering natural methods to boost melanin production in hair
Tips for proper hair care to promote melanin production
Exploring hair supplements and professional treatments for melanin production
Understanding Melanin and its Role in Hair Color
Before we explore ways to increase melanin in hair, let's first understand what melanin is and its role in determining hair color. Melanin is a pigment responsible for the color of our hair, skin, and eyes. It's primarily produced by specialized cells called melanocytes located within the hair follicles.
There are two types of melanin that contribute to hair color: eumelanin and pheomelanin. Eumelanin is responsible for darker hair colors, while pheomelanin creates lighter hair colors like blonde and red. The ratio of these two types of melanin in your hair determines your hair color.
As we age, the number and activity of melanocytes decrease, resulting in a decline in melanin production and a graying effect. Environmental factors such as exposure to sunlight, pollution, and chemicals can also affect melanin levels in the hair.
In the next section, we'll take a closer look at the factors that can influence melanin production in hair.
Factors Affecting Melanin Production in Hair
Melanin production in hair can be influenced by several factors, including genetics, aging, hormonal changes, and environmental factors.
Genetics plays a crucial role in determining your hair's natural color and melanin production levels. If your family members have graying hair at a young age, it's likely to happen to you too.
Aging is another factor that affects melanin production. As you age, your hair follicles produce less melanin, leading to graying hair.
Hormonal changes can also impact melanin levels. For instance, hormonal imbalances caused due to pregnancy or menopause can lead to significant changes in hair color.
Environmental factors such as exposure to pollutants, UV radiation from the sun, and harsh chemicals in hair products can damage hair, leading to reduced melanin production.
It's essential to understand these factors as they play a crucial role in developing a holistic approach to promote melanin production in hair. By making simple lifestyle changes and using natural remedies, you can improve hair health and maintain optimal melanin levels.
Natural Methods to Increase Melanin in Hair
If you're looking for natural ways to increase melanin in your hair, you're in luck. There are plenty of remedies that can help boost melanin production, resulting in darker, healthier hair.
1. Eat Foods Rich in Nutrients
Your diet can play a significant role in melanin production. Incorporating foods that are high in vitamins and minerals can help boost melanin levels. Look for foods that are rich in copper, zinc, iron, and vitamin B12, which are crucial for healthy hair.
Some healthy food options include:
Leafy greens such as spinach and kale
Fruits and vegetables such as berries, carrots, and sweet potatoes
Protein sources such as eggs, fish, and nuts
2. Try Herbal Remedies
Several herbs can help increase melanin in hair. These include:
Henna: This plant-based dye can help darken hair while also strengthening it.
Black tea: Rinse your hair with strong black tea to add depth to your hair color.
Indian gooseberry: Also known as amla, this fruit is rich in vitamin C and can help promote hair growth and melanin production.
3. Use Essential Oils
Essential oils can help promote hair health and melanin production. Try massaging your scalp with oils such as:
Coconut oil: Helps strengthen hair and protect it from damage.
Jojoba oil: Can help balance sebum production, promoting healthy hair growth.
Lavender oil: Has antimicrobial properties that can help soothe the scalp and improve hair health.
4. Get Enough Vitamin D
Vitamin D is crucial for overall health and can help promote melanin production in hair. Spend some time in the sun each day or consider taking a vitamin D supplement to ensure you're getting enough of this essential vitamin.
5. Rinse with Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar can help remove buildup from the scalp and hair, promoting healthy melanin production. Mix one part vinegar with two parts water and rinse your hair with the solution after shampooing.
By incorporating these natural methods into your hair care routine, you can increase melanin in your hair and enjoy healthy, vibrant locks.
Hair Care Tips for Promoting Melanin Production
Proper hair care is crucial when it comes to boosting melanin production. Here are some essential hair care tips to promote healthy hair and enhance melanin levels:
Choose the right hair products: Opt for products that are free from harsh chemicals and sulfates, which can strip your hair of its natural oils and cause damage. Look for shampoos and conditioners that contain natural ingredients such as argan oil, coconut oil, and keratin to nourish and strengthen your hair.
Avoid heat styling: Heat styling tools such as curling irons and straighteners can cause damage to your hair and affect melanin production. If you must use them, make sure to apply a heat protectant spray and use them at a lower temperature to minimize damage.
Massage your scalp: Massaging your scalp can help increase blood flow to the hair follicles, which can promote melanin production. Use your fingertips to gently massage your scalp for a few minutes each day.
Protect your hair from the sun: UV rays can damage your hair and cause premature graying. Wear a hat or scarf to shield your hair from the sun when you're outdoors.
Avoid tight hairstyles: Tight hairstyles such as braids and ponytails can cause stress to the hair and affect melanin production. Opt for looser hairstyles or use hair accessories that don't tug on your hair.
Get regular trims: Trimming your hair regularly can help prevent split ends and breakage, which can affect melanin levels. Aim to get a trim every 6-8 weeks to keep your hair healthy.
Eat a balanced diet: A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals can promote melanin production and overall hair health. Include foods such as leafy greens, nuts, eggs, and salmon in your diet to nourish your hair from the inside out.
By following these hair care tips, you can promote melanin production and maintain healthy, vibrant hair. Remember to be gentle with your hair and avoid harsh treatments to achieve optimal results.
Hair Supplements and Professional Treatments
In addition to natural remedies, several hair supplements and professional treatments can help promote melanin production and overall hair health.
Hair Supplements: Hair supplements can be a great way to boost melanin levels and improve the overall health of your hair. Look for supplements that contain vitamins A, B, C, D, and E, as well as minerals like zinc and iron, which are essential for healthy hair. Biotin is also an essential nutrient for hair growth and can help prevent premature graying. Consult a health care provider before starting any new dietary supplement.Professional TreatmentsHow it HelpsHair DyeDyeing your hair can increase melanin levels and enhance your hair's natural color. However, it's essential to use high-quality dyes and limit exposure to harsh chemicals.Hair MasksHair masks can help revitalize and nourish hair, promoting melanin production. Look for masks that contain essential oils like coconut or olive oil, which can help strengthen hair and reduce breakage.Scalp TreatmentsScalp treatments like scalp massages or exfoliants can help stimulate blood flow, promoting hair growth and melanin production. Professional scalp treatments in a salon can provide a more targeted approach to scalp health.
While hair supplements and professional treatments can help promote melanin production, it's essential to speak with a professional before incorporating them into your hair care routine.
Embracing Your Natural Hair Color
While it's undoubtedly exciting to experiment with different hair colors and styles, it's equally important to embrace and celebrate your natural hair color. Your unique hair color adds to your individuality and sets you apart from others.
Self-acceptance can be a challenging journey, but when it comes to hair, it's incredibly liberating to accept and appreciate your natural beauty. Try not to get swept away by societal beauty standards and instead, focus on what makes you feel confident and happy.
There are many ways to enhance and embrace your natural hair color. For example, you can try adding highlights or lowlights to bring out the natural shades in your hair. You can also experiment with different hairstyles and accessories to showcase your hair's unique texture and color.
Remember, confidence is key to feeling beautiful. Embrace what makes you unique, and let your natural hair color shine!
Protecting Hair and Maintaining Melanin Levels
Once you've achieved optimal melanin levels, it's essential to protect your hair and maintain its health. Here are some tips to help you maintain melanin levels and ensure your hair stays strong and vibrant:
Avoid harsh chemicals: Chemical treatments such as perms, dyes, and relaxers can damage your hair and affect melanin production. If you must use these treatments, use them sparingly and ensure they're of high quality.
Use protective hairstyles: Protective hairstyles such as braids, twists, and buns can help protect your hair from damage and breakage, which can hinder melanin production.
Protect your hair from the sun: Excessive exposure to the sun can damage your hair and cause premature graying. Use a hat or scarf to cover your hair when outside, or use a leave-in conditioner with SPF to protect it from the sun's harmful rays.
Maintain a healthy diet: Eating a balanced diet with plenty of vitamins and minerals can help keep your hair healthy and maintain melanin levels.
Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water can help keep your hair moisturized and prevent dryness, which can affect melanin production.
Use gentle hair care products: Choose hair care products that are gentle on your hair and scalp and avoid using those that contain harsh chemicals or sulfates.
Get regular trims: Trimming your hair regularly can help prevent split ends and breakage, keeping your hair healthy and strong.
By following these tips, you can help protect your hair and maintain optimal melanin levels, ensuring your hair stays healthy and vibrant for years to come.
Increasing melanin in your hair is a journey that requires patience, dedication, and a holistic approach. By understanding what melanin is and its role in hair color, identifying factors that impact its production, and implementing natural remedies, hair care tips, and professional treatments, you can promote melanin production, enhance hair health, and achieve vibrant, lustrous hair.
Embrace Your Natural Beauty
Ultimately, it's important to remember that your natural hair color is unique and beautiful. While increasing melanin in your hair can enhance its vibrancy, embracing your natural beauty and learning to love your hair's natural color can be empowering and liberating. Celebrate your individuality and let your hair shine!
Protect and Maintain Your Hair
Once you've achieved optimal melanin levels, it's crucial to protect and maintain your hair's health. Consider incorporating protective measures to prevent external damage, such as wearing a hat or using hair products with UV protection. Additionally, maintaining a healthy diet, using gentle styling techniques, and avoiding harsh chemicals can help sustain melanin production in the long run.
By following the tips and strategies outlined in this guide, you can increase melanin in your hair and enjoy healthier, more vibrant hair. Remember to be kind to your hair, embrace your natural beauty, and enjoy the journey to lustrous locks!
Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot be a substitute for any medicine or treatment in any way. Always consult your doctor for more details.
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pa-tr0-clus · 3 years
LGBTQ+ book recc master-list:
(Cause the last time I did this was in 2018 and a LOT of great queer books have been published since then)
1) The lies we tell ourselves by Robin Talley
2) Girl <3 Girl by Lucy Sutcliffe
3) As I descended by Robin Talley
4) Lumberjanes by Noelle Stevenson
5) Our own private universe by Robin Talley
6) Paper Girls by Brian K Vaughan
7) Giant days by Allison, Sarin, Fleming, and Cogar
8) Princess Princess by Katie O’Neill
9) Goldie Vance by Hope Larson
10) CREMA by Johnnie Christmas
11) High class homos by Momozerii
12) You should see me in a crown by Leah Johnson
14) Laura Dean keeps breaking up with me by Mariko Tamaki
15) Love Frankie by Jacqueline Wilson
16) Girl from the sea by Molly Ostertag
17) Hani and Ishu’s guide to fake dating by Adiba Jaigirdar
18) The good girls by Claire Eliza Bartlett
19) The love curse of Melody McIntyre
20) Always human by Ari North
21) Afterlove by Tanya Byrne
22) I think I love you by Audriane Desombre
23) Tell me again how a crush should feel by Sara Farizan
24) Who I was with her by Nita Tyndall
25) She drives me crazy by Kelly Quindlen
26) Some girls do by Jennifer Dugan
27) Trouble girls by Julia Lynn Rubin
28) Royals duology by Rachel Hawkins
29) Patience and Esther by Sarah Winifred Searle
30) Margot & me by Juno Dawson
31) The henna wars by Adiba Jaigirdar
1) Carry On by Rainbow Rowell
2) Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
3) Simon VS the homosapiens agenda by Becky Allbertalli
4) Will Grayson, Will Grayson by David Levithan and John Green
5) I’ll give you the sun by Jandy Nelson
6) Hold me closer by David Levithan
7) Two boys kissing by David Levithan
8) Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the universe (+ unreleased sequel) by Benjamin Alire Sáenz
9) Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan
10) The raven king by Maggie Stiefvater
11) Blood bank by Silb
12) Heartstopper series by Alice Oseman
13) Nick and Charlie by Alice Oseman
14) Openly Straight by Bill Konisberg
15) Honestly Ben by Bill Konisberg
16) The perks of being a wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
17) Wayward Son by Rainbow Rowell
18) Any way the wind blows by Rainbow Rowell
19) Date me, Bryson Keller by Kevin van Whye
20) Sonnet by Emily Cheeseman
21) Castle Swimmer by Wendy Lian Martin
22) Tripping over you by Owen White
23) Starfighter by Hamlet Machine
24) Long Exposure by Kam Heyward
25) Obliviously in love by Jiaoski
26) I’ll be home for Christmas by Mason Denver
27) Liebestrasse by Greg Lockard
28) Check, Please! By Ngozi Ukazu
29) Always raining here by Bell
30) I was born for this by Alice Oseman
31) Red white and royal blue by Casey McQuiston
32) The gravity of us by Phil Stamper
33) They both die at the end by Adam Silvera
34) Dreamer trilogy by Maggie Stiefvater
35) If this gets out by Sophie Gonzales and Cale Dietrich
36) Fifteen hundred miles from the sun by Jonny Garza Villa
37) You spin me right round by David Valdes
38) As far as you’ll take me by Phil Stamper
39) Darius the great is not okay (+ sequel) by Adib Khorram
1) Leah on the offbeat by Becky Albertalli
2) Odd one out by Nic Stone
3) We are young by Cat Clarke
4) Brightsiders by Jen Wilde
5) Everyday by David Levithan
6) Paris Syndrome by Lisa Walker
7) Beneath the citadel by Destiny Soria
8) Ship it by Britta Lundin
9) Home and away by Candice Montgomery
10) Ink Mistress by Audrey Coulthurst
11) Reign of the fallen by Sarah Glenn Marsh
12) The Gentleman’s guide to vice and virtue by Mackenzi Lee
13) The gentleman’s guide to getting lucky by Mackenzi Lee
14) The doctors are out by Blauerozen
15) Fence by C. S. Pacat
16) Be more chill by Joe Tracz
1) George by Alex Gino
2) The art of being normal by Lisa Williamson
3) The Magnus Chase series by Rick Riordan
4) What we left behind by Robin Talley
5) Gracefully Grayson by Ami Polonsky
6) If I was your girl by Meredith Russo
7) Lily and Dunkin by Donna Gephart
8) I am J by Cris Beam
9) Symtoms of being human by Jeff Garvin
10) A + E 4ever by I. Merey
11) All I am by Chaaistheanswer
12) The weight of them by Noelle Stevenson
13) Dream Daddy vol 2 by Lee C.A.
14) Fluidum by Layla E.
15) Magical boy by The Kao
16) The passing playbook by Isaac Fitzsimons
17) Sasha Masha by Agnes Borinsky
18) The deep and dark blue by Niki Smith
19) Cemetary boys by Aiden Thomas
20) All boys arent blue by George M. Johnson
21) Detransition, baby by Torrey Peters
22) Felix ever after by Kacen Callender
1) Dear Evan Hansen the novel by Val Emmich (Connor describes his sexuality as something fluid)
2) The lady’s guide to petticoats and piracy by Mackenzi Lee (Felicity is implied aro/ace) (sequel to the gentleman’s guide but I’m not sure it can be read as a stand-alone)
3) The Magnus Chase series by Rick Riordan
4) The Trials Of Apollo series by Rick Riordan
5) How they met and other stories by David Levithan
6) Deadpool comics (pansexual)
7) Nimona by Noelle Stevenson
8) Final Draft by Riley Redgate (pansexual)
9) Lets talk about love by Claire Kahn (ace/biromantic)
10) Lost on plant earth by Magdalene Visaggio
11) Youth by Curt Pires
12) The backstagers by James Tynion IV
13) Loveless by Alice Oseman (aro/ace)
14) Six of crows (+sequel) by Leigh Bardugo
15) Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
16) How they met and other stories by David Levithan
17) Rock and riot by Chelsey Furedi
18) Kiss number 8 by Colleen A.F. Venable
19) This is how you lose the time war
20) Upright women wanted by Sarah Gailey
21) The wicker king by K. Ancrum
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thesims4blogger · 3 years
Community Blog: Discover The Sims 4 Fashion Street (Official Trailer)
The Sims team has released the official blog for The Sims 4 Fashion Street Kit!
The Sims Takes on Mumbai, India in Style with Shruti Sitara Singh
Welcome to Fashion Street! Located in the city-center of Mumbai, India, Fashion Street has long been the premier shopping destination in this coastal metropolis, with over 150 vendors selling various wares, from vintage garb, to homemade garments, to designer threads. And it’s not just a hub for all things clothing, it’s also a cultural epicenter where one can enjoy food, music, architecture, the occasional Bollywood celebrity sighting, and the company of friends, family and significant others — we hear it’s quite the place to take a date.
For the latest kit offering, The Sims™ is taking players to this beautiful corner of the world, and unlocking the distinct style one would encounter there. To do so, The Sims has collaborated with its friend and fashion expert Shruti Sitara Singh to co-create a comprehensive and authentic wardrobe of vibrant color, high-contrast patterns, iconic silhouettes and trendy statement pieces that can be integrated into a Sim’s closet.
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Born, raised and currently based in Mumbai, Shruti Sitara Singh is an art-meets-fashion curator, creating immersive narratives that intersect art, music, theater, design and culture. She has worked with the Fashion Design Council of India as a curator and manager, led the launch of India’s first-ever digital fashion week, and served as a creative director for Lakmé Fashion Week. Her expertise is undeniable, but it’s her history with Mumbai’s fashion scene, and Fashion Street specifically, that made her the perfect partner for this kit.
“My first shopping experience was when I was in fourth grade,” reminisces Singh. “My mother had taken my sister and I to Fashion Street, and we were like ‘what is going on? There’s something known as shopping?’ That concept didn’t exist to me before that.”
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Singh has been visiting Fashion Street ever since. Even though she now rubs shoulders and collaborates with India’s fashion elite, she still enjoys the thrill of the bargain. “I love bargaining. That’s what makes Fashion Street, Fashion Street. It’s a heaven for shopaholics, and it’s a mind-boggling experience. Fashion Street is an experience of its own.”
To be fair to Singh and Mumbai, The Sims 4 Fashion Street Kit is directly inspired by the city’s fashion scene, however one can’t talk Mumbai style without mentioning its vendor-lined walkway. Mumbai itself is often referred to as “The City of Dreams” because it offers a plethora of job opportunities for people all over India and its neighboring countries. As a result, these different cultures and ethnicities converge on Fashion Street.
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“The Fashion Street Kit is inspired by a lot of India, and of course Mumbai,” explains Singh. “It’s inspired by the Indian handloom (weaving) industry, which is preserving and rendering a beautiful picture of our age old heritage, known worldwide for its richness and purity of its textiles. Each piece is adorned with lively colors and prints specific to different cultures, because Mumbai, the City of Dreams, is a melting pot.”
The Sims 4 Fashion Street Kit is made up of a bevy of items for all Sims, from nose rings, henna tattoos, and sandals, to flowy wrap skirts and asymmetrical vests, two of Singh’s favorite pieces.
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“Since our team could not visit Mumbai, we worked virtually with Shruti to deliver designs that are relevant to the latest trends on the streets of Mumbai while incorporating traditional themes throughout the kit,” shares Sophia Lee, Senior Concept Artist for The Sims. “I am personally excited to see the full-body evening gown which brings in-game tasteful modern design elements to a traditional saree.”
The wrap skirt is directly inspired by the women of the Koli fishing community in Mumbai, who have inhabited and worked Mumbai’s coastal waters for hundreds of years. “Fisherwomen usually wear a sari,” explains Singh. “Saris are draped differently with every community and culture; in every state you go, there is a different way it is draped.” The Fashion Street Kit’s wrap skirt is influenced by how the Koli women wear their saris. “It’s easy breezy, it’s more like a skirt because they have to walk a lot and go into the ocean to fish, that’s why it’s above the knee and tucked in, so it doesn’t go into the water. It’s a beautiful silhouette.”
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“With kits, The Sims is creating an immersive experience where people, places and experiences can be discovered, and our players from around the world can experiment with these distinctly unique mini collections of curated content,” shares Sheila Judkins, Director of Global Brand Management, The Sims. And, Singh offers her vision for players experimenting with The Sims 4 Fashion Street Kit, “I would like players to experience Mumbai, to understand the culture, to understand the clothing, and how comfortable, region-specific and vibrant the prints are; and how colourful the culture is. I want the players to know more about Mumbai, and experience it through their own versions of how they play [with the kit].”
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sincerelylaurel · 3 years
YA Books With South Asian Representation
I think we can all agree that we need more South Asian representation in the books we read, especially in Young Adult and fantasy. Here’s a list of YA books with south asian rep because we need it. They’re all written by South Asian authors, too! I read a bit about each of them which was very fun. I’m including the synopsis from goodreads as well so you know which ones to read first :)
The Henna Artist by Alka Joshi
Escaping from an abusive marriage, seventeen-year-old Lakshmi makes her way alone to the vibrant 1950s pink city of Jaipur. There she becomes the most highly requested henna artist—and confidante—to the wealthy women of the upper class. But trusted with the secrets of the wealthy, she can never reveal her own...Known for her original designs and sage advice, Lakshmi must tread carefully to avoid the jealous gossips who could ruin her reputation and her livelihood. As she pursues her dream of an independent life, she is startled one day when she is confronted by her husband, who has tracked her down these many years later with a high-spirited young girl in tow—a sister Lakshmi never knew she had. Suddenly the caution that she has carefully cultivated as protection is threatened. Still she perseveres, applying her talents and lifting up those that surround her as she does.
Hunted by the Sky by Taniz Bhathena
Gul has spent her life running. She has a star-shaped birthmark on her arm, and in the kingdom of Ambar, girls with such birthmarks have been disappearing for years. Gul's mark is what caused her parents' murder at the hand of King Lohar's ruthless soldiers and forced her into hiding to protect her own life. So when a group of rebel women called the Sisters of the Golden Lotus rescue her, take her in, and train her in warrior magic, Gul wants only one thing: revenge. Cavas lives in the tenements, and he's just about ready to sign his life over to the king's army. His father is terminally ill, and Cavas will do anything to save him. But sparks fly when he meets a mysterious girl--Gul--in the capital's bazaar, and as the chemistry between them undeniably grows, he becomes entangled in a mission of vengeance--and discovers a magic he never expected to find. Dangerous circumstances have brought Gul and Cavas together at the king's domain in Ambar Fort...a world with secrets deadlier than their own. Exploring identity, class struggles, and high-stakes romance, Hunted by the Sky is a gripping adventure set in a world inspired by medieval India.
Star Daughter by Shveta Thakrar
If the night sky holds many secrets, it holds Sheetal Mistry's secret the closest. A secret that explains why her hair is the silver of starlight, or why some nights the stars call Sheetal by name. Stars like her mother, who returned to her place in the constellation Pushya years ago. Since that day, Sheetal has been forced to hide. But as her seventeenth birthday draws near, the pull from the sky is growing stronger. So strong that Sheetal loses control, and a flare of starfire burns her human father—an injury only a full star's blood can heal. Sheetal has no choice but to answer the starsong and ascend to the sky. But her celestial family has summoned her for a reason: to act as their human champion in a competition to decide the next ruling house of heavens. Desperate to save her father, Sheetal agrees. But nothing could have prepared Sheetal to face the stars' dark history—or the forces that are working to shut the gate between the realms for good.
The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi
Maya is cursed. With a horoscope that promises a marriage of death and destruction, she has earned only the scorn and fear of her father’s kingdom. Content to follow more scholarly pursuits, her whole world is torn apart when her father, the Raja, arranges a wedding of political convenience to quell outside rebellions. Soon Maya becomes the queen of Akaran and wife of Amar. Neither roles are what she expected: As Akaran’s queen, she finds her voice and power. As Amar’s wife, she finds something else entirely: Compassion. Protection. Desire...But Akaran has its own secrets—thousands of locked doors, gardens of glass, and a tree that bears memories instead of fruit. Soon, Maya suspects her life is in danger. Yet who, besides her husband, can she trust? With the fate of the human and Otherworldly realms hanging in the balance, Maya must unravel an ancient mystery that spans reincarnated lives to save those she loves the most…including herself.
The Henna Wars by Adiba Jaigrirdar
When Nishat comes out to her parents, they say she can be anyone she wants—as long as she isn’t herself. Because Muslim girls aren’t lesbians. Nishat doesn’t want to hide who she is, but she also doesn’t want to lose her relationship with her family. And her life only gets harder once a childhood friend walks back into her life. Flávia is beautiful and charismatic and Nishat falls for her instantly. But when a school competition invites students to create their own businesses, both Flávia and Nishat choose to do henna, even though Flávia is appropriating Nishat’s culture. Amidst sabotage and school stress, their lives get more tangled—but Nishat can’t quite get rid of her crush on Flávia, and realizes there might be more to her than she realized.
An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir
Under the Martial Empire, defiance is met with death. Those who do not vow their blood and bodies to the Emperor risk the execution of their loved ones and the destruction of all they hold dear. It is in this brutal world, inspired by ancient Rome, that Laia lives with her grandparents and older brother. The family ekes out an existence in the Empire’s impoverished backstreets. They do not challenge the Empire. They’ve seen what happens to those who do. But when Laia’s brother is arrested for treason, Laia is forced to make a decision. In exchange for help from rebels who promise to rescue her brother, she will risk her life to spy for them from within the Empire’s greatest military academy. There, Laia meets Elias, the school’s finest soldier—and secretly, its most unwilling. Elias wants only to be free of the tyranny he’s being trained to enforce. He and Laia will soon realize that their destinies are intertwined—and that their choices will change the fate of the Empire itself.
The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi
It's 1889. The city is on the cusp of industry and power, and the Exposition Universelle has breathed new life into the streets and dredged up ancient secrets. Here, no one keeps tabs on dark truths better than treasure-hunter and wealthy hotelier Séverin Montagnet-Alarie. When the elite, ever-powerful Order of Babel coerces him to help them on a mission, Séverin is offered a treasure that he never imagined: his true inheritance. To hunt down the ancient artifact the Order seeks, Séverin calls upon a band of unlikely experts: An engineer with a debt to pay. A historian banished from his home. A dancer with a sinister past. And a brother in arms if not blood. Together, they will join Séverin as he explores the dark, glittering heart of Paris. What they find might change the course of history--but only if they can stay alive.
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poutyniall · 2 years
Curly hair is even better 😍 I love the purple shade!! It's so cool that you're getting that shade with henna. Your old glasses are the ones in the right pic, right? I prefer your new ones 💜 I love that kind of frame, it's so classy and I think it suits your face and brings the focus to your eyes 💜 you're right, we are surrounded by standards that are too high and filters fit in that mindset of "perfection". But filters or no filters, you're pretty 💜
Thank you so much darling, you're really sweet 💜 I've been trying to get it since I found out I can get the purple shade with henna. I've always wanted red hair, like witches, but my mom wouldn't let me dye it 'till I started telling her I wanted blue hair (I actually still want it but to do it I should bleach it and it's a big NO 'cause my hair is really thin and I already lose lots of it so 🙅) and she was like ''Alright, get it red!'' and I was like ''YES!!''. So I began dying it since I was like 16? but I used chemical dyes just for a couple of years, and only every six month, 'till I discovered henna and a whole new world opened up before my eyes. The only 'problem' with henna is that it takes soooo long but I actually love preparing it, it feels like making a potion with all those powders and it's fun waiting for the outcome 'cause it's never the same so you get a different shade everytime. Ahhh I love it! About the glasses, I had the last ones for a decade, maybe even more, so I guess I still have to get used to them since it's not yet been a year since I changed them. The problem with filters is some of them literally change your features. I rarely take selfies or let people take picture of me 'cause I don't like it but when I do take a selfie, except for the funny ones, I try to find the simplest filter (because my skin in really pale and I always have dark circles due to insomnia and anemia and I don't wear make up 'cause I don't really like it, mostly because I don't know how to put it on) just to put a little bit of color on my face and to not look like a corpse but even the most simple one still changes you. It makes your skin smoother and flawless and silkier, subtly adjusting your features a little bit. So, of course when you compare the pic with the image of yourself in the mirror you're like ''Ugh''. It's the same person but the filter gives you back a 'better', unrealistic version of that person so it goes without saying that you feel bad about yourself. No wonder we're all so damn self conscious and at war with ourselves all the time. Sorry for the rant 🙏
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takeshitakyuuto · 4 years
poc queer novels?????? please???
yes!! thank you for asking!!! i mostly read YA novels so thats what’ll mostly be represented here ♥ also i might not get all of the rep and content warnings exactly right sorry. also this is (obvs) not an exhaustive list and if youre looking for something more specific (like plot points or specific rep) feel free to ask!
Black rep:
• You Should See Me In A Crown by Leah Johnson - bi - a girl goes out for prom queen in order to win the scholarship money that goes with it and ends up falling for one of the other contestants. just a book full of joy that will have you smiling the whole time (cw homophobia, family illness)
• Felix Ever After by Kacen Callender - trans, gay - a trans boy gets outed and deadnamed at his school so he begins catfishing who he thinks is the culprit to get back at him. this is a really tough one emotionally but a great read regardless with a great romance (cw transphobia)
• Full Disclosure by Camryn Garrett - bi, gay, hiv+ - a girl starts falling for a boy until she’s blackmailed by someone who threatens to tell the whole school her hiv+ status unless she stops hanging around her crush. musicals, cute romance, predictable but worth it for the fun that is this book
• All Boys Aren’t Blue by George M. Johnson - gay - a memoir manifesto about the author’s life growing up as a Black queer person. although it’s not covered in the book, the author later came out as nonbinary (cw homophobia, transphobia, incest)
• The Stars and the Blackness Between Them by Junauda Petrus - lesbian - when a girl from Trinidad gets caught by her mother with another girl, she’s shipped off to America to live with her father where she meets another girl struggling with a terminal illness. this one also deals a lot with the prison industrial complex (cw homophobia, racism)
• Anger Is A Gift by Mark Oshiro - gay, trans, lesbain - a boy gets caught up in protests after a riot breaks out at his school. another book with lots of great casual queer rep but also a hard read, especially in times like this (cw racism, transphobia, major character death, violence)
Latinx rep:
• Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas - trans, gay - own voices trans rep about a trans boy who’s desperate to prove to his family that he’s a true brujo and ends up summoning the wrong ghost. hijinks ensue. this one is so cute please read it also i can’t see takis at the store without thinking of this book (cw transphobia, parental abuse)
• More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera - gay - i’m not sure how to summarize this without giving anything away but it’s soft scifi set in NYC with unrequited love. not a happy ending but one of the best plot twists ive read (cw homophobia)
• Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz - gay - set in the 80s, two boys living in El Paso, Texas meet one summer and the book follows them as their friendship grows. slow and character driven, also my all time favorite book. basically a ya classic at this point (cw homophobia, transphobia, on page violence)
• Red White and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston - bi, gay, trans - first son of the united states and a prince of wales fall in love. the 2020 everyone wished for. this isn’t won voices for the latinx rep and i’ve heard some own voices reviewers say that it’s not the greatest rep unfortunately. great casual queer rep and really funny (cw homophobia)
Middle Eastern rep:
• Like A Love Story by Abdi Nazemian - gay - set in 1989, it follows a friend group making their way through the aids crisis in NYC. lots of gay culture including diva worship and Madonna. just as gay 80s as you’d expect and wonderful for it (cw homophobia, illness)
• Darius the Great is Not Okay by Adib Khorram - gay - although not explicitly gay until the second book, the main character is certainly gay coded. it follows him as he visits Iran for the first time to meet his grandfather before he passes and his struggles relating to his Persian heritage. this book is definitely worth sticking around for the queer rep in the second book and this first one is amazing regardless (cw racism, illness) 
East Asian rep:
• I’ll Be The One by Lyla Lee - bi, lesbian - a girl tries out for a kpop competition despite people telling her she’ll never win due to her weight and falls for a competitor. this one is so damn cute ;-; also i know close to nothing about kpop so not knowing the industry doesn’t take away from the book at all imo (cw fatphobia, homophobia)
• Girls of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan - lesbian - a fantasy novel that follows a group of girls kidnapped by the demon king to be his human consorts. a forbidden romance blossoms (cw rape, violence)
South Asian rep:
• The Henna Wars by Adiba Jaigirdar - lesbian - an enemies to lovers romance about competing henna stands in a class business competition, this also talks about cultural appropriation vs appreciation (cw racism, homophobia)
Indigenous rep:
• Ziggy, Stardust & Me by James Brandon - gay, two spirit - I tried not to include books where the main character isn’t the representation here but unfortunately I don’t have many queer indigenous books. if you know any please recommend them! this one follows a boy in the 70s going through conversion therapy when he falls in love with a boy he’s doing a school project with. the love interest is indigenous and two spirit (cw homophobia, anti-indigenous racism, parental abuse)
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