#then maybe I Jedi and then the hand of thrawn?
awsok · 1 year
okay. let's talk about shin, sabine, and whatever the hell is going on here:
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i've been trying to figure out this moment, and why shin responds like this. because it feels like a change, right? the shin of episode 1 would be thrilled to have permission to hunt down and kill sabine. but here, she's clearly protesting the order (indirectly, because she can hardly outright say 'no' to thrawn).
on one level, this is definitely at least in part because the order is coming from thrawn. orders from baylan are fine for shin: baylan is her master, and by this point in the series it's obvious how much she respects him. but thrawn? baylan told her finding thrawn would bring them power, but instead both she and baylan are being treated like his underlings - this is not what shin thought they were signing up for.
but if this were solely about thrawn giving orders, i'd expect shin's reaction to seem irritated or offended - she's hardly a stranger to anger, after all. but i think it's fair to say that shin's response here can be best characterised as alarmed? she's clearly surprised that they aren't letting sabine go, and more than that: she's not happy about it.
so then, i thought maybe that this was about honour - that shin was so disturbed by this, because it is dishonourable for baylan (who has made a point of insisting on keeping his word to sabine) to break their agreement. (and i know it may seem counterintuitive to assume that shin cares about such a jedi-like concept as honour, but judging by the way baylan speaks of the jedi and shin's padawan braid, he probably instilled her with their values if not their morals.) but then i remembered where episode four left off (which is indicated by the show to be a most a day or two ago):
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this takes place literally immediately after sabine has made a deal with baylan. if shin cares enough about honour for it to override her hatred of sabine in episode six, it doesn't make sense for her to disregard honour (even in the heat of the moment) to try and kill sabine in episode four.
so if this isn't about thrawn (not entirely), and it isn't about honour (probably not at all), what is this about? what has changed to make shin go from homicidal obsession to protesting seemingly on sabine's behalf?
sabine, of course.
(by which i actually mean: shin.)
let's talk about The Look!
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shin staring at sabine is nothing remotely new. shin staring at sabine without a homicidal glare or a mocking smirk? that's extremely new. this scene makes me crazy (i'm trying so so hard to keep the shipping goggles off and to be objective guys). it may not seem like much at first glance, but this is a dramatic change of behaviour for shin. she's looking at - no, observing sabine in a completely neutral and open way. there's no hostility in this gaze, no judgement, not even fear or conflict. just: observing. and she's doing so openly as well - not just that she isn't disguising herself - she turns to face sabine, as if to give sabine a better look at her. as if to let sabine observe her right back.
why??? why is shin doing this??
um. well. i actually don't know.
i can't make any remotely certain assumptions about what has changed since they left seatos. maybe shin has done a lot of introspection. maybe she feels like she's seen a different side of sabine. maybe they fucked on that spaceship.
the only conclusion i do feel it might be safe to make is this:
i don't think shin sees sabine as an enemy anymore.
i don't know when exactly that changed, i don't know what exactly caused it. but it's true. and if shin and sabine aren't enemies anymore - what are they to each other? what will they become?
tl;dr - shin doesn't want to murder sabine in cold blood anymore. also i think they should hold hands.
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vibratingskull · 1 year
Hello! 👋 I have a request if you don't mind. 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 Thrawn x f!reader reunion sex. F!reader was with Morgan, Bylan, Shin, and Sabine in finding Thrawn cause that's her man and she misses him and when they reunite, they have passionate alone time together 😏
Mmmmmmmmh 😋 smexy times with Thrawn, you have such good tastes anon. Plus Lars interpretation is DOING THINGS to me 😩🥵
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tag : reunion sex, cunnilingus, p in v sex, she/her reader and a bit of fluff
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“What was first just a dream has become a frightening reality for those who may oppose us.” He casually says, closing the gap between him and the group with his signature smirk.
You straighten your back, gulping, your heart beating at 100 miles per hour.
After ten years.
You can see him in all his glory.
Your heart screams to throw yourself at him, everyone be damned, but it is a bad idea. None of them are aware of your relationship with Thrawn, you took great care in hiding that from them. This info is too sensitive to be known by anyone. Morgan would have tried to get rid of you if she knew, her thirst for power and glory pushing her to follow and obey Thrawn in all matters, but she’s not without deviances and you don’t trust her enough, Thrawn didn’t trust her enough either to reveal your relationship to her back in the Empire.
But you, you know her.
She always struck you as an odd choice for Thrawn to take as a protégé… She always lacked the genius he saw in Vanto and Faro, maybe it’s her undying loyalty that resembles obsession that pleased him? You doubt it. He surely only took her under his wings to know more about the Force and fight the jedis more efficiently.
“Great mothers, I salute you. Soon we should all escape this exile thanks to the help of Morgan Elsbeth.”
Oh that voice… so soft and melodic like in your memories. How much you yearned to hear it again. It makes you want to run into his arms and hug him tightly, to jump in his embrace and kiss him deeply.
But that would be stupidly dangerous. Elsbeth is too savage and you don’t feel those… Great Mothers. Something tells you they are the kind to exploit any weakness.
The discussion continues while your eyes remain on your man, your treasure, your cha’cah… He’s old. He seems tired and weary, his uniform is patched up. The weight of years really makes itself felt despite his haughty demeanor.
But to you he’s never been so handsome.
Nothing could compare to him and the moment of your reunion.
This instant is magic, timeless.  A fairy tale. You feel light bubbles in your stomach. But you have one lingering fear…
“And you are?” he asks Baylan, clasping his hand behind his back as you remember him doing.
“Mercenaries” Morgan explains “Baylan Skoll, and his apprentice Shin Hati.” She presents them, they bow lightly to him, remaining humble. “And (Y/n)(F/n), but I think you already know her.” 
You take a step forward and bow respectfully to him, a sour taste in your mouth. What if his sentiment faded during this ten years exile? What if he found comfort in the arms of one of his stormtroopers? What if you’re just too old for him now?
You look into his eyes as you raise back your head, he glares back at you with a light grin.
“I do remember. We used to work closely to defeat the enemy of the Empire together.”
“Indeed, Grand Admiral.” You nod humbly.
Oh to be close, you were close. As close as you can be. He takes his time to gauge you up and down with his little grin before turning back to Baylan.
“Then you must be General Baylan Skoll, of the Jedi order.”
You're fidgeting your fingers, laying on the bed. 
You can’t sleep. 
You’re well awake under the covers, eyes fixated on the stone ceiling of the cold room, mulling over your situation.
You find him! A hunt of ten years just ended, and you hoped for… more? Just after finishing the presentations Thrawn and Morgan locked themself in a room to strategize your next moves. Baylan, Shin and you were left arms dangling without anything to do. You tried to access the Chimaera to visit your old room but the captain, Enoch, stopped you and escorted you back to the stone citadel without a word.
You’re not welcome in the Chimaera anymore it seems.
Are your fears correct?
Did he find someone else?
You sigh deeply, turning in the cover again.You try not to think too much about it, you wished you could ask him for an explanation but each time you tried to enter the room a soldier stopped you. And you don’t think he would have appreciated to be disturbed in his brainstorming session for heart matters.
You bite your lips, feeling tears building behind your eyes. Even after ten years that still hurts like hell. You hoped for an explosive reunion, but you got a nod and a grin before getting ignored and relegated to a goon status. If only you could just cross path with him in the corridors, just one discussion to clear the air and know your situation for certain, if only-
You hear knocks at your door.
You raise your head. It’s almost 3am, who would come at this hour?
“Coming!” You shout, praying for it not to be Enoch with bad news.
You open your door to Thrawn, hands behind his back, and a serious gaze.
“Oh…” That’s all you can say, you thought he was already sleeping.
Apparently the session with Morgan only ended moments ago.
“May I enter?” he politely asks.
You step to the side, signaling him your permission. He enters slowly, like he’s discovering the room. You close the door and cross your arms, as much to protect you from the cold than to protect yourself from what he could throw at you.
“Is something wrong?” you ask, a little anxious.
He spins on himself, turning to you.
“Nothing is wrong, dear. Nothing has ever been this brighter in ten years.”
You smile a bit, nodding.
“Yeah, I guess finally seeing your rescue group must lift a heavy weight off your shoulders.”
“It is true. But I was not referring to that.” he counters. “Approach.”
You tilt your head, walking toward him. He extends his hand to you and you take it, wondering what he wants. He inspects your left hand and a smile graces his lips.
“You are still wearing your wedding ring.” you think you hear some relief in his tone but you can’t be sure.
“Yes. I kept it for all those years.” you admit.
“Does it still have value in your eyes?” he asks suddenly.
“What do you mean?” you frown.
“Your ring. Does it still hold any meaning to your heart?” he demands with gleaming eyes.
After a hesitation you nod.
“Yes. Yes it does.”
He looks into your eyes, as to see if you were lying and sighs of relief.
“You ease my heart.” he takes his left hand from behind his back into your hand, revealing his own ring “I kept mine too. It reminded me of you everyday.” He kisses your hand reverently.
You observe his ring on his finger, feeling your heart dilating with relief. 
He didn’t forget you…
“Thank Maker.” you whisper, closing your eyes.
“Cha’cah.” you reopen your eyes, feeling his warm palms on your cheek “I am blissful to see you. I missed you terribly.”
“I missed you too.” you throw yourself in his arms, circling him tightly.
He squeezes you against his heart, kissing the top of your head.
“I am here, cha’cah. And I am not going anywhere this time.”
You raise your gaze to meet his, full of hope.
“You promise?” you hear your voice crack “I already lost you once, I won’t survive losing you a second time.”
“I promise cha’cah. From now on we will remain together, fight together, rule together…” he tries to appease you.
“I don’t care about ruling anybody, it’s you that I want!” You bury yourself against him, digging your nails in the fabric of his white uniform like he would evaporate. You don’t care about any powers, all you came here for is to bring him home, you will think about power after.
“You are right as always. I am sorry. This is the most important.” He murmurs as he buries his head in the crook of your neck, deeply inhaling your scent.
He looms over you with his height, shielding you with his large shoulders. You start hearing a faint purr as he breathes in your musk.
“You smell lovely.” he finally says after a minute of silence.
“Yeah right!” you giggle “I’m sweaty and there aren't any showers here.”
“Well it is lovely nonetheless.” He inhales again with a growl of satisfaction “It is doing things to me…” he sighs deeply satisfied.
He starts kissing your exposed neck as you chuckle.
“Doing things to you? What happened to my unshakable Grand Admiral?”
“Maybe the unshakable Grand Admiral would like to revel in your delights.” he says lowly, pushing you gently against a wall.
You’re pressed between the cold stone and the large wall that is his chest, he kisses your neck, your jaw, stops to devour you with his red gaze and finally kisses your lips. You close your eyes to savor it, opening your mouth to let him enter. His tongue passes past your lips to hug and dance with yours. You  moan against his soft lips, indulging yourself in the languorous kiss. His purr grows louder, a hand in your hair to press your lips against his, his other hand snakes its way in your back to pull your body against his. You circle his shoulders with your arm, a hand passing in his hair, dishevelling him. The kiss became heavy and feverish, his hands sliding under your shirt, caressing your bare skin with his warm palm. You part with him to start unbuttoning his jacket with haste, barely containing your desire to simply tear it apart to gain access to his body. Thrawn chuckles darkly.
“I do not remember you so hasty.”
“We didn’t have 10 years to compensate.” you counter, you wince because a stupid button refuses to open.
He kisses your forehead tenderly and opens it for you, taking his sweet time deliberately. 
“I don’t wanna play tonight.” you say between a plea and an order.
“You are right, this is cruel of me.”
He finishes to open his jacket at a more acceptable pace and take it off, leaving himself in his signature black tank top.
“Maker, your taste in fashion hasn't evolved in ten years.” you giggle.
He sighs and tackles your feet. You yelp in surprise, losing your balance but he catches you with expert hands and carries you bridal style to your basic bed. He lays you down, looming over you like a predator and kisses you again, pulling your shirt over your breast and sliding your bra under it to expose your sensitive tits. He lapps them avidly, licks across the mount and sucks them like he would gulp down a treat, groping them with his large warm hands. You whimper and arch your back under his ministrations, how right does it feel to feel him on you again…
He kisses your tit and passes to the other, giving it the same treatment while massaging the first one. Your breath gets stuck in your throat and you feel your pussy starting to leak with your slick and soaking your undergarment. You want his lips and hands everywhere on you at the same time, you want to feel the weight of his body on yours, pining you into place, you want him deep inside you.
“Hurry… Please hurry…” you whimper as his tongue works on your nipple.
“No.'' He berates you gently “I have been deprived of you for so long, let me enjoy it as I please.” He slowly trails his way down your stomach with his tongue, leaving a trail of fresh saliva from your breast to your tummy. He reaches the hem of your pants and takes a good lick at your venus mons with the flat of his tongue. He kisses it swiftly and opens your pants with deft hands.
“First, let me indulge myself in my favorite treat.” he says with a short breath, a rare visible sign of his excitement.
You try to raise your bust on your elbow to have a better view when he slides your panties to the side to gain access to your wet cunny. He blows on it lightly, letting the cold hair hit your sensitive bud. You whine, your pussy demanding attention urgently. He chuckles and kisses your pussy lips before taking a fat sloppy lick with the flat of his tongue. You throw your head backward with a moan as he licks and laps you thoroughly, he focuses on your clit, sucking it and flicking his tongue, giving it extra intention, eating you out as good as you remember him doing. Maker, in ten years he didn’t lose his touch, you feel yourself getting wetter and wetter. He looks straight into your eyes as he does it, unashamed, growling like a carnivore feasting on its prey. You inadvertently squeeze his head in the spasm of your thighs, his large hands come part them wide open to give him better access. You flush deeply, taking shallow breath you feel yourself trembling terribly as pleasure waves spread through your veins. He continues to tease you like a hungry man, unbothered by your trembling limbs locking his head in its place. The waves grow furious and you come on his face. You let yourself fall on the mattress, tired and ashamed.
“I’m sorry…” you whine between two gasps.
“Never apologize for that. It is exactly what I wanted and you delivered splendidly.” he purrs, working his tongue on your fold. Drinking your slick, he parts your folds and enters you and tonguefuck you thoroughly, darting and caressing your gummy spot so deliciously.
You didn’t know any other man during those ten years, you stayed faithful to him and rarely took the matter in your own hands because you were so busy working to get him back. Those ten years of abstinence got you so sensitive that one orgasm already took a toll on your delicate pussy. You grip his hair and face, trying to pull him off you but he doesn’t budge, remaining firmly in place.
“Thrawn… please…” you try.
“That is it. Call my name cha’cah, do not hesitate to scream it as you cum.” he coos, his swollen lips working on yours all puffy and soft.
You try to wiggle out of his grip but he holds down your hips firmly with a growl of disapprobation, warning you to never deprive him of your cunny. He purposely makes the most obscenes sounds to get you hot and bothered, to let you know that it is because of you he behaves like a rabid animal in heat, that he tossed both of your dignities to indulge in the sinful pleasures of the flesh. You moan under his skillful tongue, you are hypersensitive and already sore, how could you take another orgasm without shattering in a million pieces? Your pussy clench painfully over his tongue, you feel your muscles gorging themself with hot blood and puffing up.
“I missed that pussy.” He groans “You have no idea how much. Ten years without it was torture.”
“It… It wasn’t funny without you either.” you breathe.
“We will make up for it tonight, cha’cah. Do not worry about that.”
Oh you don’t worry about that, you worry about your spasming cunt. You feel your heart beating at max speed, ready to spring out of your ribcage. You feel your own blood beat furiously down in your core.
You come again, a powerful orgasm that tenses up all your muscles. You squirt in his mouth as you land on the mattress with a “oof”.
“Prodigious, cha’cah! You have done it!” He praises you, you can hear the warmth and the satisfaction in his voice and deep purr as he licks his lips hungrily. Thrawn adorns a smug smirk of making you cum two times. He kisses your clit and looms over you again, kissing you deeply, letting you taste yourself on his tongue.
He places himself between your legs, raising up on his knees to take off his shirt and open his pants.  You wearily push yourself in a sitting position to get rid of all your clothes sticky and full of sweat. You help him with his pants, seeing the bulge in the tight fabric. It must be painful for him, you think. He frees his erection and you take it in your hand, stroking it lazily and kissing its head. You lick his blue girth from the base to the tip, peppering kisses here and there. He inhales deeply, his head back, caressing your cheek. you take him in your mouth and circle his crown with your tongue. It is warm and heavy in your mouth, it makes you drool. You taste the saltiness of his pre-cum. You start bobbing your head when he gently pulls you off. You look at him without understanding, pouting like a child who just got denied a tasty candy.
“What you are doing with your mouth is delightful, cha’cah. But I want my cock inside your pussy as soon as possible.” He rasps.
You open your eyes wide.
In your pussy? No way.
You’re already so sore, he can’t be serious.
“Thrawn…” you whine “I can’t take another one…” 
He gently pushes you back on the mattress, following you with a smirk.
“Of course you can, cha’cah. You are a big girl, you can take it and more. I trust you.” he licks and kisses your neck, weighing heavy on your more petite figure. You feel so safe under his warm, hot body.
He circles your waist with his arms and rolls on the side, pulling you on top of him.
“Ride me, my love. Take control.” He instructs.
You feel his dick poking at the plumpness of your ass, hard as a rock. You cry, your legs are already trembling, you don’t know if you can even ride him properly. You sigh and tiredly raise from your laying position to grasp him and align him with your sex. You ease yourself slowly on him, opening your mouth round at the full sensation. 
Maker, he’s big! You forgot how much.
You’re stuffed to the brim, you can’t take more. His hands come caressing your waist to ease your muscles.
“You are doing great, cha’cah. Ride me as you please, what you want I will give.” He praises you. 
You rise up and go down slowly, letting your slick act as a lubricant and it’s hardly a luxury given his girth. You breathe deeply through your nose and continue to ride him slowly, making circling motion with your hips. He can reach every spot with ease, you feel his tip brushing your cervix, deep inside you. You moan his name pathetically, your legs are barely working and you have difficulty raising your own weight on his shaft.
“Maker, were you always so tight?” he gasps with gleaming eyes.
You ride him sloppily as best you can, with Thrawn seizing your waist to help your motion, caressing you with his thumbs. He starts rutting into you delicately, but you can feel his eagerness bubbling under his skin. Despite that he respects the pace you choose. 
When you reach the end of your rope you fall on him, gasping for air. He hugs you tight, kissing the top of your head while rutting deep inside you, one hand between your two bodies to caress your clit. You can’t move anymore, you really should work on your stamina, you think with a tired smile, letting him work. Your sore pussy is stretched to the max, your pussylips are all swollen and your abused clit is all puffy and nervous. You feel your inner muscle working to welcome his cock deep inside you, so much you feel waves in your stomach. His veiny shaft stretches you deliciously. 
“Can I take the lead?” He softly asks.
You nod with a mumble, exhausted.
He makes you roll swiftly, getting on top of you again and installs a breakneck pace all of the sudden. He knocks the air out of your lungs, hitting your cervix with ease.
“Ha! Thrawn!” You manage to speak between two powerful thrusts.
“Hold on to me, cha’cah.” He indicates, panting, pressing himself against you and merely suffocating you.
Your head hits the headboard repeatedly, as you hold on to Thrawn for dear life. The scent of sex and his musk makes your head spin and the obscene noises of flesh hitting flesh resonate in the bedroom in an obsessing fashion. You gasp and mewls and whimper and sob, digging your nails in his large shoulders, his imposing figure shielding you completely. You let your gaze travel south and see how his cock disappears inside your body, a creamy O at the base of his shaft.
He rolls his hips like a jackhammer, pushing you into the mattress like it was nothing. You fear the bed will break, it’s clearly not made to bear such activities. 
“It is so good, cha’cah. It is better than in my memories. Is it good for you too?” he asks, biting your lower lips.
“Yes, yes, yes…” you can only chant.
He plunges into you with force, at this point you’re more of a fleshlight he uses than an active participant. But you’re so exhausted, and the pleasure you feel is so great it stiffen your limbs, preventing you from moving. You feel your poor pussy getting abused, hit repeatedly by his mighty hips. 
Despite his age, he really still got it.
It transports you back in time, with your younger self making love all night long, with him nuzzling against you, begging for another round while you just layed barely moving from exhaustion. In some way it is still the same, your older self just lasted less time.
You feel your pussy clenching on his cock again, and you just know you completely soaked up the sheets. You feel your slick and his pre-cum leaking of your cunny, running along your tight ass.
He holds your cheek tenderly and kisses you feverishly, muffling your mewls with his soft lips. His tongue comes to hug yours, languidly.
You cry his name as you cum again, seeing stars behind your closed eyes, tensing around his dick like it is trying to hold it deep inside, he kisses your cheek, purring loudly, clearly satisfied by his work.
His hips start jerking and moving erratically until he freezes, completely contracted, spurting long hot ribbons of seed in you. Your pussy milks him dry for all his worth.
He peppers your face with kisses, as you try to get back your breath.
“Can I remain inside? I want to enjoy you as long as I can.” he whispers in your ear.
You slowly nod, repressing a yawn.
He slides on the side, hugging you tight. You snuggle against him, your head against his beating heart.
“It was grandiose, was it not, cha’cah?” he kisses your forehead “I could go for another round if you wish?”
 You hide your face in his chest with a pathetic whine.
“Alright.” He chuckles, “as you wish, my love." 
You remain silent for long minutes, only listening to each other breathing. You draw circle on his wide chest with the tip of your finger before taking the floor. 
"You're gonna find it stupid, but I was afraid you'd find someone else." You let out. 
"Nobody could have taken your place, you are unique in my heart." Thrawn whispers back. 
"Yet when Enoch refused me access to the Chimaera I thought our time was over." You turn your head to meet his gaze. 
His hand comes grazing your cheek. 
"I had to do… reforms to keep my troops alive. It was not against you. I will warn Enoch to give you free access to the ship first thing in the morning." He comforts you. 
You pull the cover a bit over the both of you, thinking.
"I don't like Morgan." you let out "I don't trust her."
"Me neither. But she is a necessary evil to my plans."
"Necessary to the point of isolating yourself with her for hours?"
He gives you a sidelong glance with a smirk.
"Did you become jealous during those ten years?" he asks, amused.
"Yes, terribly. I want to know what you do with her." you demand.
"We simply planned our next campaign. I would like your opinion on some moves tomorrow, I trust your strategic abilities more than hers." He boops your nose and you wince exaggeratedly.
You remember the long hours you used to spend together, strategizing carefully each move, he asked your advices regularly, taking your opinions and suggestions very seriously despite his genius. You ended up sleeping at your desk several time but he would carry you to your shared bed and hug you tight... Those were simpler, nicer times.
You smile, looking in his magnificent red eyes. 
"I love you, Thrawn." you murmur, eyes heavy with sleep. 
"I love you, Ch'acah." He kisses your forehead "Sleep well."
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@thrawnalani @justanothersadperson93 @al-astakbar @thrawnspetgoose @bluechiss
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lieutenant-teach · 7 months
Meeting Cyare’s father (or Anakin Skywalker doesn’t like his new son-in-law very much)
(Anakin doesn’t go Dark, everyone lives, everyone’s happy. No Sequels, rehashed Heir to the Empire instead of the OT. DinLuke, minor Anidala, CodyWan, HanLeia)
Din was really relieved about his helmet on, but then he remembered that the Jedi can feel other people’s emotions. No luck, then.
His cyare’s father’s eyes were trying to burn a hole in his head.
– Let me get it straight, Luke. A Mandalorian bounty hunter. – The voice could cut the stone better than a lightsaber.
– Mum likes him, – Luke was smiling, but Din saw him tensing for a fight. A cybernetic hand squeezed his.
– I didn’t raise my only children to give them away to some criminals, - Skywalker-senior stood up from the couch and started walking back and forth. – First I have to agree to allow my princess marry some smuggler…
– Han did help us to stop Thrawn.
– … and then my son wants to partner a bounty hunter, - Luke’s father wasn’t listening to him, anger coming off him like waves – Din was certain he wasn’t Force-sensitive, but one may not be to feel the Dark Side emanating from Anakin Skywalker at that moment.
Din remembered Luke’s words before ‘meeting with father’s half of the family’: ‘My Dad will become angry, I’m sure – he didn’t react to Han well, too – but don’t worry, he’ll cool down’. The warning rang in his ears when he saw Skywalker-senior for the first time: tall, with a rich mane of greying curls, but still very handsome former Jedi assessed him and made up him mind immediately. ‘Not worthy’. Now they were sitting on the softest couch Din’s ass had ever been on, in the richest living room Din’s eyes ever seen, and ‘officially’ letting Din into a very branchy Skywalker family tree. Or, trying.
– Dad, I’m almost thirty, I can decide for myself. And Din’s a hero of his own – he kept Grogu save and sound, stopped Moff Gideon, and also saved the town of Mos Pelgo from the krayt dragon…
– But a bounty hunter! – Skywalker-senior cried exasperatedly. – And, to add to it, a Mandalorian! It is all your fault, Obi-Wan! – he suddenly turned to Luke’s uncle, quietly watching all this until this moment.
– Wait, why? – the man was older than Luke’s father, gray hair and beard and mischievous twinkle in the eyes. So far he hadn’t said anything, but Luke had said his uncle would be supportive. Now it was time to find out. – My fault Luke fell in love?
– With a Mando! – Skywalker raised his voice. – Who in this family has a thing for Mandos?
– Do not speak about Satine like this, – Obi-Wan’s voice became steely, – and anyway, Cody is not a Mandalorian.
– He is a clone of a Mandalorian!
Din started to lose the thread of the conversation. He even wished he had a Jedi ability to speak telepathically and could ask Luke what the kark was going on. He shifted his head, trying not to be very obvious in his confusion, Luke caught his gaze and shrugged.
– Do you really think I taught Luke… - Luke’s uncle sighed. – We have been here before, Anakin. Luke is an adult, he can think for himself. If he brought young Din Djarin here, then he is certain in him and his own feelings. Did your fits of reality rejection change Leia’s mind?
Luke’s father breathed in and out heavily, clearly holding himself from harsher words, but reluctantly accepting the truth.
– Maybe, you should just talk to Din? – Luke’s uncle didn’t look happy, but so wasn’t Din hearing this suggestion.
‘Let me talk, – Din remembered Luke’s words. – When Dad started being… um… not very nice to Han – critical of sorts – Han started talking back. It escalated, some chairs were flying around, Dad and Leia exchanging angry remarks – Dad said she deserved better, Leia insisted she loved Han – and Han himself wasn’t making everything easier. It took two professional negotiators – Mum and Uncle Obi-Wan – to calm them down. Still, Leia and Han are happily married and have a son. So it’s just an unpleasant procedure you have to endure’.
– Maybe, he would take the helmet off for starters? – Poison in Skywalker’s voice could kill a bantha. No, a herd of banthas.
– I cannot, - Din was glad his voice didn’t tremble. He wasn’t afraid of the man, but watching a family drama, and, worse, being the reason of it didn’t feel well. He didn’t want to cause a rift in Luke’s relationship with his father. – My Creed prohibits me to.
– Veery convenient, - Skywalker smiled a tight and unpleasant smile, ignoring pleading and exasperated eyes of his son. – We’re a family now, you don’t show your face even to your family? Luke, have you seen his face?
– Dad, now it’s rude. Of course, I did. – It was obvious Luke was holding well, but his patience wasn’t infinite, too. – It’s only for immediate members.
Technically, after realizing the existence of different Mandalorian Ways, Din wasn’t sure he couldn’t do that. After all, taking off helmets didn’t make Bo-Katan Kryze or Sabine Wren less Mandalorians. But even if he would – not for this man.
The door slid open, a man quietly entered the room and stood behind Luke’s uncle’s armchair, resting his elbows on the chair back. Could he be Boba Fett’s relative? Because he was a carbon copy of Din’s friend, albeit much older. An intricate scar was winding its way from his temple down around his left eye.
– I am being quite nice! – Skywalker protested, dragging all attention to himself. – I can’t believe Padmé actually said ‘I like this guy, let’s take him in’.
– You know, I agree with you, - the probably-Boba’s-relative suddenly said. Luke’s uncle turned to him with puzzled expression. Luke looked disappointed. – The kids take after their mother in their bad choice of life partners.
Skywalker seemed about to blow up. He grabbed something from his belt that appeared to be a black respiratory mask and pressed it to his nose and mouth. The mechanical labored breathing sounds filled the room, Skywalker was drilling the man with burning eyes.
– Now, Cody, that was harsh, - frankly, to Din’s mind, Luke’s uncle didn’t look apologetic a lot. Luke sighed, his shoulders relaxed.
– I thought you were serious! – he even laughed a little, then gather himself again. – Dad, you do realize your approval or disapproval won’t change anything?
– Unfortunately, - Skywalker’s voice also sounded mechanical. – I believe no one in the galaxy or farther is worthy of my children. – He signed. – I guess I have to work with what we have here. – He shot a look at Cody, who smiled in return, and this smile was ‘I know you know I’m right, and I unashamedly love it’.
– Very well, - Obi-Wan clapped his hands. – Now as everything is settled, - Din clearly heard ‘Anakin is settled’, - we can share some stories and know each other better, right, Din?
Luke looked at Din with shining eyes. Din signed quietly. This look was worth all these awkward minutes.
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redskull199987 · 1 year
Love me again
Ezra Bridger x fem!Jedi!reader
Word count:2.1k
Warnings: !SPOILERS! for Ahsoka Ep. 6, minor injuries, canon typical violence, you can maybe notice that I was a bit pissed at Sabine-
Summary:After being knocked out by Baylan Skoll, you regain your senses on his ship as a prisoner on your way to find Ezra…and Thrawn
Part I (you are here), Part II
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“Ezra…please, don´t go”
“We will see each other again, I promise.”
“I love you, Y/N”
Your head was pounding, as you slowly came back to your senses. Memories of conversations long ago haunting your dreams and making you want to wake up again.
“Ezra…”, you mumbled, as your eyes slowly opened, the world before you still blurry.
“Easy there, you hit your head pretty hard”
As you finally managed to gain your full consciousness again, you realized that the person in front of you, very much wasn´t Ezra. It was Sabine. You looked at her with confusion written all over your face, as you slowly sat up.
“Sabine? Where are we?”, you mumbled, taking in your surroundings. It looked like you were in a small prison cell. Only a bench adorned the dimly lit room. Taking another look at Sabine, only confirmed your suspicion.
“We were captured.”, Sabine finally said, after a few moments of silence, “By Baylan. We are currently on the way to the place where Ezra is.”
“And Thrawn.”, you mumbled to yourself, as bits and pieces of what had happened on Arcana came back to you…
Fear filled your eyes, as you arrived at the battleground. Ahsoka was fiercely fighting Baylan Skoll, trying to obtain the map.
“Ahsoka!”, you yelled, as you grabbed your own lightsaber, joining in to the battle.
Just in time, you jumped forward, preventing Ahsoka from being cut in half and pushing Baylan back a few inches.
“Get the map!”, Ahsoka instructed and you nodded at her, ready to sprint towards the small orb, but before you could reach it, a blazing red blade appeared right in front of you, blocking your path.
“Not so fast”, Baylan mumbled, preparing to strike, but you managed to block him beforehand. Your lightsabers colliding in an explosion of colors, as your green blade pushed against his red one. And those few moments were already enough for Ahsoka to lunge forward and grab the map. A scream of pain left her lips, as the glowing orb burned her skin and she dropped it to the floor.
Momentarily distracted by your companions' actions, Baylan managed to push you back. You only had seconds to react, but you were too slow. You felt the burning pain in your hand, as Bayllan hit you with his lightsaber, causing you to drop your own. You looked up at him, thinking that he would kill you right then and there. But instead of impaling you, he used the force to send you flying against one of the gigantic stone pillars, knocking you unconscious almost immediately.
You heard Ahsoka yell your name, but what happened afterwards was not known to you. 
“Where is Ahsoka?”, you finally asked, after a few minutes of thinking. Sabine looked at you with sorrow in her eyes:”She…She was fighting Baylan, when I arrived, but he knocked her over the edge of the cliff. I don´t know if she's alive or not.”
“And then what?!”, you pressed, trying not to think about the possibility of Ahsoka being dead,”Did you just give them the map and left her behind?”
“I had no choice!”; she tried to defend herself, walking up and down the small room, even if that were only a few steps.
“I thought she was dead! You were laying there, also possibly dead. I was alone and this was the only way to ever see Ezra again!”, she explained, finally looking at you, still sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall.
“Sabine…”, you began, taking a slow breath in,”Believe me, out of all people that you know, I am probably the only one who understands how much you want to see Ezra again, but preventing Thrawn from returning to our galaxy is more important. We can´t let him start another war. That's not what Ezra wanted. He made this sacrifice, so that Thrawn would forever be exiled and now, we have to make sure, it stays that way.”
Before Sabine could say anything, the door to your prison cell opened and two Storm Troopers entered.
“Time to get up!”, one of them said sternly, as he grabbed your arm, harshly pulling you to your feet, while the other grabbed Sabine.
It took you a few seconds to gain your footing, the blunt force that had caused your knockout on Arcana still affecting you. As the Trooper realized you were struggling to stand, he pushed you forward, causing you to stumble to the ground again.
“Get going already!”, he yelled, as you slowly stood up again.
“Hey, she's injured!”Sabine yelled, but the Troopers ignored her. As you were finally standing on your feet again, the Trooper grabbed your arm again and they both started escorting you and Sabine out of the prison cell. 
After a few minutes of walking in silence, you finally reached your destination. You couldn`t believe your eyes, as you took in what was in front of you. 
Grand Admiral Thrawn himself was standing there, waiting for you and Sabine. He looked exactly like you remembered him. His red eyes bored into your skull, as he looked you both up and down. 
“Sabine Wren”, he said, as you came to a halt in front of him,”And Y/N L/N”
“Thrawn…”, Sabine said quietly, looking at him with the same disgust in her eyes, as he held for her.
“What a delight it is after so long to see familiar faces.”, Thrawn continued, not one ounce of emotion in his voice,”I understand it is you I have to thank for my escape from exile.”
“Where is Ezra?”, you finally spoke, ignoring his question entirely.
“Ah yes.”, he smiled, looking down at you,”The desire to be reunited with your long lost Lover…”, he briefly turned around to Sabine,”...and Friend.”
He paused, looking to the ground for a second:”How that singular focus will reshape our galaxy.”
“Just answer the question.”,Sabine interrupted him, anger lacing her voice. 
“No need for hostility.”, Thrawn smiled, as calm as someone who was about to start a new war, had ever talked.
“I´m aware of your agreement with Baylan Skoll, and I intend to honor it.”, Thrawn continued to explain as he turned away from you. You eyed Sabine from the side, as she had never told you about any agreement.
You watched how a Storm Trooper with a patchwork armor of white and gold walked over to you, taking off your cuffs.
“You shall have provisions, a mount, and our latest intel on Bridger´s whereabouts.”,Thrawn revealed.
You furrowed your brows in confusion:”So, that's it? You´re just gonna let us walk out of here?”
“You two helped my cause. Now I shall help you.”, Thrawn explained with a little bow of his head,”You should know, though, that once my starship departs, you´ll be stranded here forever. It's also quite possible that your friend…is dead.”
You shook your head, a sarcastic grin lacing your features. You knew that he had to be up to something. He would never just let you walk out of there.
“If you survived, I'm sure he's doing just fine.”, Sabine suddenly said, her voice sounding like venom.
Thrawn seemed to be agitated by her statement and stepped towards her concerningly slowly:”You have gambled the fate of your galaxy on that belief.”
“You wouldn't understand.”, Sabine countered, staring up at Thrawn with nothing but hate in her eyes.
Even though you knew what she meant, you couldn't help but agree with Thrawn. You had to find Ezra now or else, everything would be lost. You needed to turn this battle to your favor or the galaxy would fall into darkness.
After a few seconds of silence, Thrawn looked over to you, inspecting your face for any signs of disagreement, but you didn't let him see your concerns, so he finally looked back at Sabine:”Perhaps not.”
“We'd rather not waste anymore time.”, you interrupted their little conversation,”What kind of ride you got around here?”
After being given back your belongings, you were escorted to your ride. Much to your and Sabine´s dismay, it wasn't a speeder, but a domesticated creature called Howler. It apparently went by the name Tota. 
You looked at the creature for a few seconds before stepping forward and petting it´s snout. Tota happily licked your hand in response.
“You're injured. You ride.”, Sabine said, patting your shoulder, leaving no room for protest. You only nodded and mounted the Howler, as Sabine grabbed the leash.
“Be warned”, One of the Troopers instructed,”Nomads wander this wasteland and prey upon each other for survival. Here are your weapons.”
He first handed Sabine her two blasters and then her lightsaber, before walking over to you. The man pulled out your lightsaber and you were relieved to see that it was still intact.
He stepped back, ready for your departure:”Die well.”
You eyed him for a second before turning around, as the door in front of you opened. Sabine led the Howler outside and the doors closed behind you. Now, you were on your own.
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To say that your ride through this wasteland was eventful, would be an understatement. You were out for maybe an hour or two, as you were attacked by those nomads the Trooper had warned you about. Much to your dismay, Tota jumped in panic and threw you off before running away.
Luckily, You and Sabine had managed to defeat the attackers, before  anything worse could happen. It also didn't take you long to find the Howler again. Sabine was heavily against taking him with you again, but after a bit of convincing, she accepted him and you continued your journey. 
Which led you to where you were right now. Following a small creature you had encountered, hoping they would lead you to Ezra, even though you didn't understand a word they said.
You had grabbed Tota´s leash firmly, to keep them away from the small creatures.
“It's alright, Tota.”, you mumbled, staying back a bit to calm the Howler down. You smiled as one of the people gave you an unknown fruit. You took it, thanking them before trying to feed Tota with it. They smelled it first, before finally taking a bite, judging that it was tasty.
Your eyes widened as you were led to a village. You saw lots of small tents, at least a hundred people running around doing Maker knows what, but most of them were looking at you curiously, as you entered their home.
“I knew I could count on you.”
Your Head shot up as you heard his voice. A few meters in front of You, Sabine turned towards a small hut, presumingly staring at a Person you couldn't see from where you were standing. You watched how a smile unfolded on Sabine´s face before she stepped forward.
And so did Ezra.
You only took in his form as they started conversing. He was much taller now, his long hair hanging around his face, that was adorned by a beard. You watched how the two of them hugged each other,  you finally decided to step away from Tota and closer to them.
“Ezra?”, You said quietly, your voice trembling, as his eyes finally landed on your form. The smile on his face dropped, as seriousness that you never seen on him before, took over.
“Y/N.”, he mumbled and only seconds later, he ran towards you, engulfing you in his arms.
“It's really you!”, You exclaimed, tears in your eyes as you wrapped your arms around him. Ezra happily lifted off your feet, spinning you around.
“It's really me!”, he smiled, as he let you to the ground again. You looked up at the boy you loved. He had grown into a man. You smiled as your hand cupped his cheek. He immediately leaned into your touch, closing his eyes.
“Maker, I missed you so much.”, he mumbled, putting his hand on top of yours.
“I missed you too.”, You smiled and looked into his eyes. His appearance might have changed, but his eyes were still the ones you fell in love with.
“I'm gonna kiss you now”, Ezra muttered and you only nodded, before his lips collided with yours. And that's when you finally felt the relief of having him back again. His beard tickled against your skin, as he poured all his emotion into the kiss and you felt connected to him even through the force. 
You were gasping for air, as you finally parted again. A soft smile now adorned Ezra´s face and he leaned forward to give you another kiss on the forehead.
“I love you, Y/N”, he said firmly. And this time, you got to reply to him. Finally, after all this time.
“I love you too, Ezra.”
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hastalavistabyebye · 3 months
Every so often I'm thinking about what Coruscant culture (and art) would look like.
Because it's one hell of a melting pot, that's for sure. But it has also been the Capital of the republic for a very long time. People have been there for generations after generations, living on top of each other's. So there would be a Coruscanti culture. But it's also very divided between the elite in the hight levels -very wealthy, very powerful- and the lower levels -very poor, very numerous and diverse. And it's a giganormous metropol which means that it's always changing, always evolving. And since it's the litteral Capital at the center of the Republic, it also most likely has access to the newest inventions and highest tech...
So what would its culture look like ? Would it be defined by contradictions too, like the rest of the planet ?
Maybe the music would be the form of art that unify it the most easily, with its easy way of propagation. Of course there would be lots and lots of different scenes (with various cultural influences, genres...) but it could have something that sounds distinctly "Coruscanti" just like it's easy to know when our music is from the US because this mainstream music sounds "American". Because of course coruscanti music would be wild spread through the republic too.
Fashion and clothes would have the same tendencies too. Very different clothes depending on how hight you are of course. And Coruscant wouldn't be as famous for its fashion trends as Naboo, obviously. But it could still have quite the influence (especially if we think some people copied the Jedi clothes to be trendy or what not, who says it would be the only style copied like that ?)
But what about the other art forms ? There would be an Elite art and a lower levels art ?
The elite art would be like every elite art around the world, very luxurious, good and bad tastes alike (just like I've already thought about with space Palissy and Cellini). I tend to think from what we saw in canon (especially with Thrawn's art collection in Rebels and Luthen's gallery in Andor) that the elite favor sculptures and other tridimensional arts more than pictural art. The only time where we saw pictural art having a major cultural importance was for the Mandalorians and their armor paint really, anyway.
And the Lower levels are completely submerged in urban life. I don't think sculptures would be the favorite medium here, especially with the restrictive spaces they live in, all piled up like that. So maybe graffiti and murals would be commonplace. It would definitely be a more "people art" if I can say it like that, something with a soul and value for the people making it, but without the intellectual, artistical research and such of the elite. Something not simpler necessarily but more organic, living with the people. Made of everything at hand, knick-knacks and such. Maybe holographic? But I don't know how that could be done. Yeah, graffiti for sure (there would be so much surfaces for that too). But I'm sure there would be other mediums too.
Coruscant really is something complex and a bit monstrous. And it's so so hard to gauge its depth, including when thinking about how it even works. So here's some of my thoughts on its culture and art. Do tell me what you think.
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septima-severa · 1 month
A bit of jealousy spikes in Thrawn
I finished - rather hastily - a standalone story from the ongoing series of Thrawn x Dr Lani Kordes. I fully intended to make Thrawn a bit jealous, but probably don't have it in me to actually write our favourite blueberry man as someone acting harshly towards their partner.
Anyway, enjoy A Party Belowdecks to your heart's content (NSFW in the last part on AO3 only - because after an argument... whelp).
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Another excerpt (the previous one is here)
The bedroom was dark and cold, making goosebumps erupt on your damp skin. He had remained in the other room; you could spy a flicker of light through the hatch he hadn’t bothered to close behind himself. Donning some warmer clothing, you decided to go to him.
Thrawn was sitting in his private lounging area, reclined against the backrest with his eyes closed, taking in a sharp breath from time to time as his muscles twitched and protested painfully – an old injury making itself known. You knew that even though he wasn’t watching you at that moment, he kept track of your whereabouts by listening to the padding of your bare feet – you were too sore from all that dancing belowdecks to put on appropriate footwear, relishing in the coolness of the floor.
He didn’t bother looking at you when you perched on the edge of his seat, right beside his outstretched legs, either. He let you observe him in silence for a while.
“Maybe I could help with the pain?” you piped up after you noticed his jaw muscles twitch for an umpteenth time. He cracked one eye open, focusing on you.
“Can your miraculous abilities heal?” he huffed, uncalled-for annoyance dripping from his words. They were slashing viciously into your mind, making you wince.
I’m not a walking book of sacred Jedi texts, you jerk. If Force could heal, I don’t possess that knowledge. You had to bite your tongue not to say it out loud, opting for a softer voice. “I was offering you a massage, Thrawn. Nothing more, nothing less.” You looked down at your hands folded in your lap. “But you would have to lie down on the bed; I reckon it might be more comfortable than the settee. If you can stomach me doing it, that is.”
His brow shot up questioningly, making you squirm and stammer over the things you wanted to say next.
“You… you seemed content to spend the night here instead of your own nest.” You had to pause and take a shuddering breath. “If that’s… because of me, I can find sleeping arrangements elsewhere.”
“With them?” he couldn’t help a spike of jealousy.
“With – what? No!” you finally met his gaze, eyes wide with disbelief before you rose to your feet abruptly, taking a step back. “Claim me, mark me, do whatever you want with me, I give my consent. But it pains me that you would think so lowly of me.” On a verge of tears, you wanted to flee, but his touch froze you on spot. You couldn’t tear your eyes from his fingers circling your wrist.
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illuminatedquill · 10 months
Sabine Wren (A Quick Study)
The Seven Second Slip
So, let's talk about the Sabine and Ezra reunion scene in Ahsoka for a quick second.
I've talked in other posts before about how Sabine's innermost thoughts and feelings in this show are deliberately with held from the audience. Our favorite Mandalorian Jedi is not the easiest person to read, often to the detriment of herself and the people around her.
Sabine serves up so many different emotions throughout the show: anger at herself and at Ahsoka; excitement at unlocking the sphere to reveal Ezra's location in the other galaxy; fear at the potential loss of her only path to Ezra when Ahsoka contemplates destroying the map to prevent Thrawn from returning; despair when handing over the map to Baylon; determination in her battles against Shin, despite the difference in their skills; joy when reunited with Ezra again for the first time in a decade.
And, as usual, her trademark Sabine snark. Always reliable.
But all those emotions are a part of this mask she's kept up for a long time. Like I said before, the audience is never explicitly told or shown how Sabine is feeling/thinking throughout all this or why her drive to find Ezra is so all consuming that she betrays all he fought for to save him.
All those emotions I mentioned before stem from the same root feeling. And all the major characters around her - Ahsoka, Hera, Huyang, Baylon, Shin, and even Grand Admiral Thrawn himself - can only comment on what they see from Sabine in the moment they encounter her because the real feeling is buried deep.
Buried so deep that not even Sabine probably knows or understands what she's feeling.
But there's a brief moment - seven seconds, to be exact - when that mask slips.
And we see what's really buried at the heart of Sabine Wren.
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"I knew I could count on you."
Sabine whips around, instantly recognizing the voice.
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Stunned disbelief. Slowly dawning comprehension.
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A slow, half-smile. The realization settling in. Sabine lets out a surprised breath, part laugh, part sigh of relief.
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And then there's this. She takes a deep breath, exhales, and . . . looks at Ezra. It's like all the weight has lifted from her shoulders and Sabine can breathe freely again for the first time in ten years.
Sabine looks at Ezra and she finally feels at home.
Natasha is such a fantastic actress. She really does embody this role like no one else could.
It's such a soft look from Sabine. I adore it so much because, for once in the entire show, we see Sabine be completely open with her innermost feelings - even if she isn't aware of it.
Guys, gals, and non-binary Sabezra pals; that's the look of someone who is in love. It's the look you see in someone's eyes when they find their Person.
We don't get this look from Sabine towards anyone else in the series; even with Ahsoka and Huyang she's still guarded and snarky.
But not here. Not with Ezra.
There is so much love in her gaze; so much devotion and longing and adoration for this person.
The mask slips in these seven seconds. And we finally see past the walls she's put up to see the true beating heart of Sabine Wren; what's been driving her all this time.
Not anger. Not bitterness or resentment.
It's love. Always has been. Sabine loves so fiercely - and that is, unfortunately, why she also guards her heart exactly the same way.
She's been burned before. But the remarkable thing about Sabine is that she gets up and keeps trying. Doesn't always succeed, but she keeps trying.
(It's incredibly humorous to me that Ezra, meanwhile, is on the other side of this, grinning like a loon. Completely oblivious to Sabine's Look of Love.)
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And, just like that, the moment is broken. The mask re-adjusts; Sabine and Ezra pick up their old habits and resume where they left off.
But, maybe, the walls aren't as high up like they were before. Not nearly as high.
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starplusfourletters · 8 months
I read vision of the future (hand of thrawn book 2 aka Who Scams the Scammers)
(spoilers) and once again it turned into a liveblog, apologies
Hold up are we doing Warrior Cats? Is this Warrior Cats Planet??
What base is “arm around your waist to serve as a psychic translator conduit”
Omigod I WISH my Warrior Cat name were “Jaded of Mara”
Everything I know about Soontir Fel I learned from x wing but I would not have guessed his primary motivation to be "dirt"
@ luke and mara: the girls are talkingggggg
North Barris Spaceport has me twitching
Ghent not remembering who the president is and just assuming it’s probably Leia. I mean fair
What base is "holding hands to brace yourselves over a swarm of flesh eating insects"
So we’re finally asking why Mara ISN’T actually dark side and the answer is… shrug emoji?
Man Zahn really is stuck on “character bonding hike” as a device huh. But consider I eat that shit up
Oh No Lando is racist
LMAO at “so oblivious you need a child pterodactyl to tell you to just kiss already” to “besides I don’t want my life to be like spiderman three I hated that movie” to “kissing with dubious consent” ALL ON THE SAME PAGE like Zahn finally realized he really needed to get this show on the road
LMAO at Ghent getting a free pass from Pellaeon to hack the empire. Like you’re just going to get the thing you need and not steal all of our military and political secrets right? Riiiight? Even more LMAO at the fact that that would probably not even occur to Ghent
When everyone assumes they're the protagonist so finding this one macguffin is their job personally. Like guys I like the energy but maybe we've got enough different plans to do the same thing (the exception, hilariously, being Luke) (and Oh No it turns out Luke is the one to find the macguffin because You Have to Follow Your Heart and Let the MacGuffin Come to You. I eat that shit up also)
Mara’s just... So great.
Not to make everything about my blorbo but absolutely to make everything about my blorbo I do wonder to what extent Ahsoka’s characterization post-Rebels doesn’t click for me is because a lot of the more obvious directions for Oldsoka overlap with Mara, and the powers that be didn’t want to reinvent the Mara Jade wheel. Not to say they have similar characterization – Mara has terminal sam coded dean girl syndrome – but idk, in dynamic range maybe? Calling out bullshit, weaponizing her own abrasiveness, covering insecurity with humor, being Kind of a Lot with a side of trust issues at any given moment – there are modes Mara and Youngsoka share that didn’t pass to Oldsoka apparently. Idk possibly all this is just me wanting them to TALK
Establishing that you can do evil things for selfless reasons without necessarily being in any danger of falling to the dark side is... Philosophically interesting
We interrupt this tale of political espionage to bring you Jedi Relationship Counseling (spoiler alert: communication is key)
"That part of her life [Mara’s time with Palpatine] had died unmourned" I mean mourned a little bit. Mourned for at least a book and a half
I've been willing to suspend my disbelief on everything in this book until "both Luke and Mara forget that ysalamiri exist"
I will never not be a sucker for The Movements and Transferred Ownership of Emotionally Significant Weapons
Oh No thrawn made a second foundation
The Aing-Tii seem OP but whatever
Oh No the second foundation forgot to close the garage doors
(Re: The Jade’s Fire) I know Mara’s having a Moment, and I promise I’m taking it seriously, but when the warrior cat asked “What is it you want, Mara Jade” my WHOLE BRAIN responded with "I want Hermione Granger! And a rocket ship!"
Moranda has real Kevin from home alone energy and I'm living for it
Is it bad that I’m actually kinda happy the Imperials’ Bothawui shield plan worked? Like, they had a really interesting plan and I’m happy for them. They earned it
What base is “full mind meld while you’re fighting for your lives”
Who would win: ~1.5 Jedi, 2 sentinel droids droidekas, or Artoo with a sauntering gun
If I had a nickel for every time this duology explicitly established Jedi can’t go completely without oxygen, even when in a trance, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot but which makes me feel like the Ahsoka show had a weirdly specific axe to grind with the source material
Luke’s proposal to Mara is Just. The. Funniest. Thing. That’s some Anakin-level cringe and the prequels aren’t even out yet. He truly is his father’s son.
I mean POV there’s this guy and for a couple years you want to kill him, and then you realize that’s more of a You Problem, so then you’re friendquaitances for a decade mostly because you don’t approve of the shit he’s getting into, and then you have one (1) honest conversation and get caught in a death trap and he’s like “so I think the next step for us is marriage”
LEIAAAAAA! Full Jedi Knight Leia is both terrifying and hot. I would run.
“So it is treason” – Some random guy
Lando needs to be on the New Republic payroll simply for being willing to speak to any of the other characters and also he needs a raise. This poor guy getting called on to command the entire New Republic fleet mid-battle and he’s like “I’ve been a civilian for 15 years and also I knew you would pull some horse piss like this steve”
Mara Jade, Imperial protege. Skills include: Identifying load-bearing walls. (Now all I want is Property Brothers: Sith Edition)
Mara please. Luke please. These absolute idiots. This is some pear scene shit. I hope nothing bad happens to them ever
The whole back half of this book has been an emotional rollercoaster for me specifically because I wanted Flim to be Thrawn FR soooooo baddddd. And now I’m sad. His name literally means scam don’t do this to me Zahn
I’ve been amused by all the Star Wars universe idioms but I gotta take a moment to specifically showcase “burned your sky-arches.” Karrde is a delight to have in class
Having an independent intelligence agency that’s supposed to work for both the New Republic and the Empire seems absolutely unhinged but go off I guess
When the New Republic and Empire sign peace accords and Luke can’t even be bothered to show up
Mara is great and her arc is fuckin hilarious to me. The narrative has identified her as The Damaged One and I’m like???? She came to terms with her troubled past, drew her own boundaries regarding the Dark Side, recognized that there are people who care about her instead of pre-emptively pushing them away, and resolved to form deeper emotional connections. Smash cut to ROTS Anakin whose physical and psychic damage has literally turned his brain into oatmeal
Again I know this was before the prequels Mad points for explicitly saying Mara needed to form attachments to become a Jedi. Zahn being pretty gangsta there
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antianakin · 10 months
Sith Ahsoka AU where Ezra doesn't come get Ahsoka in the World Between Worlds (or misses her maybe) and so Ahsoka and Anakin fall through the Sith Battlestation. Ahsoka's connection with Mortis and the Daughter combined with the exploding power of the Sith Battlestation end up glitching and backfiring on Anakin when he tries to kill Ahsoka and he dies instead, while Ahsoka lives but only just.
Palpatine arrives on Malachor to pick up Anakin's pieces and put him back together again only to discover he's too late this time. But Ahsoka is lying there on her last breath, broken enough both physically and mentally to succumb to Palpatine's torture and manipulations and powerful enough to be worth the effort. Yes, she'd make a workable replacement for this loss. And of course everyone who knew her thinks she's dead, so they're not going to come looking for her or try to save her until Palpatine's work is done and he's prepared to present his new and improved apprentice, Darth Malis, to the galaxy.
Ahsoka doesn't re-appear until shortly after the Rebels finale, after Kanan's died and Ezra's disappeared, but still before the events of Rogue One. The plans still make it to Leia and everyone on Scarif dies, but this time it's Ahsoka on the Death Star, capturing Leia and waiting when Obi-Wan arrives with Luke and Han.
And Obi-Wan isn't expecting her at all. He'd been able to feel that Anakin died, but certainly had no way of knowing that Ahsoka had even survived Order 66 let alone that she'd been captured by Palpatine and tortured into becoming his new Sith Apprentice in Anakin's place. He wasn't expecting Anakin to be waiting anymore, but the last thing he could've expected was Ahsoka. He's so glad she's alive, but this is the worst way to discover that fact, and it's a little difficult to be calm in the face of this revelation.
Thankfully, Ahsoka's not expecting Obi-Wan, either. Palpatine, knowing how Anakin had obsessed over hunting Obi-Wan down and banking on Ahsoka thinking no one would ever come to save her or care for her again as a way to break her, had kept that tidbit of information from her. So Ahsoka is just as surprised to see Obi-Wan alive as he is to see her, and she's incapable of doing anything to keep her emotions from controlling her anymore. She's still powerful, and faster than Anakin was, but she's still living on life support of some kind and Obi-Wan's got more practice at handling this kind of grief and pain, giving him the upper hand in the battle. So when Luke and Leia show up, Obi-Wan doesn't need to sacrifice himself to keep them safe, he can overpower Ahsoka and run back to the Falcon with the others.
Most everything stays the same, because the Emperor figures out who Luke is and still wants him as an apprentice instead because Ahsoka is broken and Luke is more powerful. Obi-Wan is able to bring Luke and Leia to Yoda years earlier, so they both get trained up together (and they know that they're siblings the whole time). A few more Jedi survivors show up to help the Rebellion while Obi-Wan, Luke, and Leia are on Dagobah: Reva, Quinlan, Cal, Kata Akuna, Ezra (who is miraculously found prior to ROTJ because I want him there, maybe my man was resourceful and got himself back sans Thrawn all on his own).
When they finally make it to Endor, Obi-Wan and Leia stay on the ground to help the Rebellion while the others all go to confront the Sith with Luke. Luke strikes the final blow against the Emperor and the Rebellion takes out the shield around the Death Star, throwing everything up there into chaos. Ahsoka flees and they all have to give chase. Luke and Reva try to offer her a chance to change, to come back with them, to heal. Ahsoka doesn't take it, and the next time the Death Star is hit, she lets herself fall deep into the Death Star's mass.
Quinlan offers to be the one to tell Obi-Wan that Ahsoka didn't make it. Obi-Wan mourns, but he's also already mourned her. He could tell that there was very little of the girl he'd known left in the monster Palpatine had made of her. She'd rejoined the Force now and she was at peace. He wished she could have found healing and known how much she was loved before she died, but he can't begrudge her this choice, especially since the choice to kill Darth Malis brought the reign of the Sith to its end and restored balance in the Force.
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daughterofthequeen · 1 year
The Last Moments of Solace
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Pairings: Ezra Bridger x reader
Request: I saw that your request are open and I was hoping that you could write an Ezra Bridger (season 4) x reader?? Maybe fluff and smutty?? Maybe reader can be also a Jedi of his age? For the plot…mhhh…maybe something based on episode 6 (season 4) or episode 17 (season 3)?
Warnings: Suggestive content cus I don’t write smut yet, yet, fluff, kissing, groans, moans, the overuse of comma’s
A/N: I’ve been wanting to write lately, and I’m so excited to start. And this request just reopened my Ezra hyper-fixation. And I’ve been wanting to write my first series too, I just haven’t figure out which one of the characters I’m currently invested in, to do it on first. You just made the choice harder Anon, you’re no help😫!!! (nahhh I’m just kidding I love you for this, I forgot how much I loved my first Star Wars crush🥰🧡) Ezra had 11 year old me giggling and kicking my feet every Monday night before I had to go to bed 🤭. So I chose episode 6 of season 4 but I couldn’t find a way how to incorporate the reader into the show that I liked so, it’s taking place in episode 7 so technically it’s still based on episode 6. This is my first time doing suggestive too btw and I’m very nervous so cut me some slack pleassse🧡
How did we get here?!
This was only meant to be a recon mission. But no, Sabine just had to get the data recorder and the hyperdrive. Which is good use for the rebellion, but it still doesn’t stop me from wanting a easy day. Next thing I know there’s cats, Thrawn, a wolf, troopers, me and Ezra falling over crates, then us jumping into the newly designed TIE that Sabine hijacked. Which was a nice touch may I add. Well it was, until we found out it had a kill switch that we barley got out of alive. And that lead to us on top of a nice loth wolf, that only me and Ezra could remember since Sabine fainted and didn’t wake back up until we got back to the hideout. Yeah, it was a lot.
The Next Day
Currently me, Ezra, Zeb, and Jai were collecting the hyperdrive, well trying to anyway we couldn’t find where we left it.
“Hurry up.” Ezra told Zeb after he lifted up his mask to his scout trooper uniform. Identical to the ones Jai and I were wearing.
“Where’s the hyperdrive?” Zeb asked looking around the rocks.
“Over here somewhere.” Ezra replied. “Jai keep watch.”
“Over here somewhere? All these rocks look the same!” Zeb whispered frustratedly
“It was dark and we just crashed, we didn’t have time to make a map!” I whispered just as frustrated, sassily putting my hand on my hip. Suddenly we heard the meowing of a white loth cat, like the one from last night sitting on top of a rock.
“Hey, when in doubt follow the loth-cat.” Ezra said while smirking, causing me to lightly chuckle.
“You’re kidding right?” Zeb asked hesitantly as we walked towards it. “You and your loth-cats.” Zeb told Ezra as they moved the rock revealing the hyperdrive. As they started moving the hyperdrive, a small empire ship flew over us towards the crash sight, and I got a strong feeling that we had to hurry, to speed up the pace I grabbed a hold of the back of the hyperdrive to help them move it onto the trailer.
“Uh, Ezra, we have to problem.” Jai called while he was looking into his binoculars.
“What is that?” I asked while walking up beside Jai.
“I don’t know, and I don’t think I want to know.” Jai responded.
Ezra turned to Zeb. “We’ll draw them away, you get the hyperdrive out of here.” He said as me, him, and Jai, closed our helmets and started walking towards the weird bounty hunter looking guy who was using all four of his limbs to run.
“Just let me blast it.” Jai said anxiously, on the left side of Ezra while I was on the right.
“It’s ok, I can get us out of this.” Ezra said in an unsure tone.
“You don’t sound too confident about that blue.” I said also feeling his unease.
Ezra let out a breathily chuckle at the nostalgic nickname that he remembers you giving him back when you both first met.
“Yeah well, I know you have my back no matter what.” He said. Hearing his smirk under his helmet, I can’t help but smirk too.
“No doubt.” He has no idea how right he is, I would do anything for him. But our small moment was cut short when the assassin made it to us, sniffing?
“LS-3226, LS-3227, and LS-3228, reporting. We’ve checked out this area and found nothing. Should we continue our search?” Ezra once again sounds unsure, but this time it’s understandable given this guy is up close sniffing his armor. Jai slowly raises his blaster, ready to shoot but I try to discreetly raise my hand to tell him to wait so, he wouldn’t blow our cover.
“No.” Is all the bounty hunter said before turning the opposite direction then quickly turning back around swinging at Ezra to catch him off guard, but Ezra was able to dodge and punch him instead until the hunter was able to trap Ezra with his legs, and that’s when me and Jai let loose with our blasters. Though the hunter was extremely fast as he dodged and our stray bullets were landing all around Ezra.
“Don’t shoot me, shoot him! Blast it!”
“I’m trying, I’m trying!” “What do you think we’re trying to do blue?!” I yelled back and the hunter was quickly running towards us and quickly dodging our shots so, I lifted up my helmet and force pushed him into a boulder as soon as he made a jump for Jai.
“Jedi.” The bounty hunter stated as Governor Pryce made it use and recognized or faces immediately.
“It’s Bridger and (L/n), blast them!” Pryce ordered.
As shots were coming towards us, me and Ezra took out our lightsabers and started blocking blast. Then the three of us jumped on our speeders.
“How many of them are back there?” Ezra asked then I turned around to check. “More than enough! Let’s try to loose them in there” I replied pointing to the sea of rocks, as I seen the bounty hunter coming towards us with a disrupter and I quickly took out my lightsaber and blocked him.
“Can’t this thing go faster?” I said already tired of this assassin guy.
“Hold him there. Just hold him there!” I looked to see why, just in time to see Jai in front of us going in between two rocks and understood Ezra’s idea. The hunter caught on and turned off from us to keep from crashing. That’s when the troopers behind started firing, but Ezra was able to dodge them. I seen a overhead we were speeding towards and took out a bomb and threw it. Causing the large rock to explode and block the troopers. But the hunter was moving to fast to stop so he sped up making it over the piles of rocks and I took my shot hitting the speeders engine causing it to explode and the assassin jumped off just in time to grasp onto a rock before he could fall, and glared at us. I smirked, then looked forward to see Ezra do his signature two-fingered salute and we sped off to the campsite.
We made it back skidding to a stop and seen Kanan walking towards us. “Good job, looks like our hyperdrive problem is solved.” Kanan said as we got off the speeders.
“Yeeeah well, you know how one problem usually leads to another?” Ezra asked Kanan
“Yeeah?” Kanan question in an annoyed tone knowing where Ezra was going with that question.
“We have another, and its small, creepy, and very dangerous!” I explained dramatically as we started walking towards everyone else.
Jai, Ezra, and I went to change back into our regular clothes, while everyone else was discussing the plan. Just as I was finished fixing my shirt, I felt two arms wrap around me and a nice sensation on my neck. I smiled knowing it was Ezra due to the affection and me sensing him as he was walking towards me. I sighed in relief, finally able to let my muscles release their tension even if it’s only for a minute. I closed my eyes and rested all of my weight into him taking a deep breath, lazily looking over my shoulder as he moved up from kissing my neck to my cheek. I giggled lightly and turned my body slightly to meet my lips with his and the deep soft groan he let out drove me crazy. I ran my fingers through his short soft hair, causing him to groan again, this time a lot stronger, precisely why I did it. I moved my hands down to rest them on top of his, that had started massaging my hips bringing out a soft moan from me. I released his lips and opened my eyes to see his lips chasing after mine to reconnect them. I leaned back still trying to catch my breath, but eventually I gave back in as he knew I would.
“You okay?” He asked while our lips were still pressed together continuously trying claim each others, I almost didn’t hear him.
“Mhm.” Is all I could reply back, but I knew better, when it came to my well-being mumbled answers are never accepted, especially after a mission but with his soft lips intertwined with mine I couldn’t focus. He pulled away causing me to whine and turn around completely wrapping my arms around his neck to pull him back down to me, but he wasn’t having it.
“(Y/n)” was all he said, I opened my eyes and responded back with a sigh.
“I’m fine, Ezra.” He frowned as if he didn’t believe me. “I promise.” I reassured him bringing my hands up to his face gently rubbing the permanent scar on his left cheek. He sighed and leaned into my touch, then leaned back down to capture my lips again. His hands started moving under my shirt, thumbs starting to rub my stomach. Enjoying the sensational buzz it was bringing me, I reached down to the waist of his pants to start unbuttoning them, until we heard someone clearing their throat and we jumped apart from each other. It was Hera. A strong heat immediately went to my cheeks, as I hurriedly fixed my shirt and smiled like everything was normal, awkwardly seeing Ezra out the corner of my eye quickly rebutting and zipping his pants back up before quickly turning around with the same smile.
“Hera! Heyyyy! What’s up?!” I say trying to act casual, but that was way out the window. I could tell with her with the way she was standing. Arms crossed with her hip poking out to the side with a small smirk on her face. I looked up at Ezra to see him turning red as he looked up somewhere over Hera that I couldn’t pinpoint.
“I came to check on you guys, and to see if you wanted to see how Sabine was coming along with the hyperdrive, but I can see you two are already preoccupied.” Hera stated
“Oh no, we weren’t doing anything important, come on let’s go.” I said trying to move pass the awkward moment missing the way Ezra head swung to me with a offended frown on his face.
We made it to the ship Sabine was working on. “How’s it going?” Hera called out.
“Well it wasn’t easy but I got it patched in. Still I give it a 50/50 chance of working.” Sabine explained.
“I’ll have to live with 50/50.” Hera responded back, when I felt Ezra’s dread and turned towards him and seen what he was looking at.
“Oh no.” He whispered. “We’re out of time!”
We quickly finished packing up a speeder-car with the supplies to send with Jai, to our allies.
“We’ll hold off the Empire until you’re clear, we’ll signal rendezvous coordinates later.” Ryder tells Jai
“And if we don’t hear from you?” Jai asked worriedly
“You will.” Ezra reassured him.
“Alright Bridger, good luck.” Jai said then sped off.
We all got ready to defend Hera for her take off, lining up behind some empty crates. I looked over to Sabine after seeing her move out the corner of my eye, seeing her looking at something behind us. I turned to see Hera and Kanan kissing. I smirked still a little shocked. “It’s about time.” I said as we all got ready to defend ourselves.
“We won’t stand long against those tanks.” Zeb stated
“We have that transport and a bike.” Ryder explained until the transport was blown up.
“How many can we get on a bike?” Zeb asked and I playfully rolled my eyes at the question. Until I hear a wolf howling and felt Ezra nudge my arm.
“There! That’s our way out.” He told everyone as continued to stare at the wolf that helped us last night.
“Loth-wolves?” Ryder questioned
“Look they helped us before, we should follow them.” Ezra told Ryder still a little unsure.
“Are you serious?”
“Do you know the way out?!” Ezra asked the wolf who immediately started running in a opposite direction after his question.
“Come on.” Ezra said grabbing my wrist and running to catch up with the wolves.
“Kanan?” Sabine asked worriedly.
“Seems like the best idea we got, let’s go.” He replied breathlessly
“This is good, when it gets strange like this, it’s a good thing.” Zeb reassured Ryder.
“How have you people stayed alive so long?!” Ryder yelled following everyone else.
We all were running after the wolves. Well Ezra was, we were following him.
“Ezra wait up!” Zeb called out which he ignored
“Ezra!” Sabine yelled this time.
“I don’t want to lose them, come on!” Ezra finally replied starting to run after them again, but stopped suddenly seeing the wolves all laying down, lowly growling as everyone else caught up.
“Hold it, stay back.” Ezra warned
“Why have they stopped?” Kanan asked
“I don’t know.” Ezra replied as he started walking towards the white wolf who seemed to be the leader of the three.
“Ezra, wait!” I whispered trying to reach for him but he dodged me.
He walked up to the white wolf slightly crouched and carefully talking to it.
“There is a way out of here, isn’t there?”
“You wanted us to follow you, didn’t you?”
“What are you waiting for?” All these questions Ezra was asking and the only reply the wolf gave was looking up at Kanan. Which made me uncomfortable.
“Kanan? Kanan it’s looking-”
“-At me I know.” He cut Ezra off and walked up to the white wolf. “What does it want?” He asked, that’s when the wolves got up and walked into a cave.
“I guess they were waiting for you.” I said as I walked up to them.
We all walked down into the cave, Sabine turned on her flag light looking at cave drawings.
“There are images here of people, people following a wolf.”
“I guess we’re not the first ones.” Zeb said
“Hold on. Shut your light off.” Ezra told Sabine. We were in complete darkness all we could see was the wolves eyes and listening to the wolves still lowly growling.
“What now, Ezra?” Kanan asked
“I’m not sure.”
“There wasn’t a picture of wolves eating those people was there?” Zeb whispered to Sabine.
All of a sudden the cave started shaking, dust and rocks falling, proving the cave wasn’t going to last long. The wolves looked up growling louder.
“The Empire’s bombing the mountains.” Ryder stated
“We’ve gotta get out of here!” Ezra stated turning seeing the white wolf tail in his face, and looking up to see the wolf nod.
“Everyone join hands.” Grabbing a hold of the wolf tail.
“Ezra?” I said unsure.
“Just do it!”
“The cave is going to collapse.” Zeb stated.
“There’s no way out of here.” Ryder said
“That we know of.” Kanan said trying to reassure everyone.
As we walked deeper into the cave a bright blue glowing light started to appear similar to hyperspace when we walked into it. Next thing I know, we’re all waking up in a cave, but it’s a totally different one.
“Where in blazes are we?” Zeb asked shocked
“Let’s find out.” Ezra said walking outside, the rest of us following.
Sabine came up with a data pad. “Uh, you’re not going to believe this. We were in the northern hemisphere, now we’re in the southern hemisphere. Somehow we’ve moved halfway across the planet.”
“Huh.” I said seeing the wolves go back into the cave with Kanan, so me and Ezra followed.
“Kanan?” I called out making sure he was ok.
“Look around, tell me what you guys see.” Kanan told us.
“This place reminds me of the Jedi temple here on Lothal.” Ezra stated as I walked to the pictures on the walls.
“The walls are telling a story. There are people coming down from the sky, I think they might be Jedi.” I told Kanan.
“There’s a message here for us.” Kanan said.
“What, because we’re Jedi?” I asked confused.
“Dume.” The wolf said.
“What does that mean? The wolf said it before.” Ezra asked.
Kanan took off his mask, shock on his face.
“Dume is my name. Caleb Dume is the name I was born with.” Kanan told us placing his hand in the wolf’s head.
“How does the wolf know that?” I asked even more confused than before.
“It has a deep connection to the force, to the energy of this planet.”
“Don’t all living things?” Ezra asked.
“This is different. More focused. Like it has a purpose.”
“And we’re apart of it?” I said starting understand in a way.
“I’m getting the feeling building the TIE defender isn’t the worst thing the Empire is doing here. There’s something else, something more sinister.” Kanan stated worriedly.
“Dume.” The wolf said while backing up into the shadow disappearing. And as the sunlight made its way further into the cave revealing that nothing was there but a wall with a picture on it, and a crack through the middle of it.
“So? All the paths are coming together, right?” Era asked
“Yeah, I’m just not sure if we’re going to like where they lead.”
“Do we ever?” I said sarcastically causing Kanan to scoff in amusement .
“No and yes.”
“I wonder if Hera made it.” Ezra said worriedly causing me to wonder as well.
“I know she did.” Kanan reassured us, he then placed his hands on our shoulders and walked outside with everyone else, and we followed.
Sorry this took me so long anon. I wasn’t sure if I liked this or not. I’ve edited this too many times, but you’ve waited long enough. Just let me if you like it and if not, I’ll try to edit it to how you like. Thank you for requesting anon! I hope enjoy!
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autismmydearwatson · 8 months
Love Thrawn: Alliances so far
Vader: *ahem* does this have anything to do with Kanan Jarrus, the Jedi who gave Thrawn the slip? Or maybe the Bendu, which I might remind you Thrawn ran away screaming from?
Thrawn, whispering: I'll kill you.
So many had died. So very, very many.
But Padmé wouldn't be one of them. Anakin had promised himself that.
Ahaha. AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH. Anidala on the brain tonight 🫠
Thrawn: he don't bite
Vader: YES IT DO
Thrawn: his NAME is Rukh.
Karyn: sir can I make a suggestion
Vader: you can listen to your commanding officer
Karyn: sir can I please make a suggestion
Thrawn: of course honey it's okay go right ahead.
But the texture of his mind was unlike anything Anakin had ever touched before. It was neat and well-ordered, the patterns of thought flowing smoothly and precisely in ways not unlike those of scientists or mathematicians. But the content of that flow, and the muted emotions accompanying it, were completely opaque. It was like a neat and precise array of unfamiliar numbers.
Darth Vader: (a black medieval dragon space rasputin cyborg with metal hands)
Thrawn: surely they won't recognize you.
"Our myths of the Republic speak of two groups of beings with such powers: the Jedi, and the Sith. But the Sith are reputed to be clever and capable warriors."
Can't believe Thrawn just killed Darth Vader with one blow
Did Thrawn just get shot??? In the chest??? Twelve times???
Thrawn: relax my armor is better than yours... sometimes
Anakin: yeah but are you okay??
Maybe one day, if the war ever ended, Padmé might find that kind of peaceful life for herself. If so, she would dedicate the first of her firstborns creations to Duja's memory.
Thrawn: I'm fine. I shall walk it off (crying skdgthfhtjj he would fucking say that)
Thrawn watching Anakin Skywalker puppet around a corpse with the Force: 😐
Thrawn was silent for a moment. "Just remember that the goal in war is victory, not revenge."
Oh sorry what were you saying? Yeah lemme just whoops uh---
What is happening right now is why the Clone Wars were fought in the first place. It is their reason for existence. The Clone Wars have always been, in and of themselves, from their very inception, the revenge of the Sith.
-Matthew Stover, The Revenge of the Sith
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direwolfrules · 2 years
I have one Rebels AU idea where it's basically just Heroes of Mandalore goes differently and Ezra winds up riding the Mythosaur. Because I saw that scene in Mando and immediately remembered that Ezra's good at connecting to animals.
I don't know, maybe a combination of Sabine deleted all the data on the Duchess in this universe + Thrawn seeing Mandalore as a perfect way to trap some Rebels.
Alrich got moved like two weeks before the prison raid, he's being held in Sundari for a big spectacle of an execution. Tiber's got a whole parade planned, maybe a festival if the damn bangcorn vendor gets over their beef with the uj cake salesman.
Anyway, the main conflict of this alternate arc is they have to sneak into Sundari to free Alrich before he gets executed. The team gets led through a series of caves by Bo-Katan's weird nephew and his weird friends, who apparently use these tunnels to smuggle Force-sensitive children to safety.
They camp at the cavern with the Living Waters to plan their next moves, and that's when some Imperial Supercommandos show up. Thrawn had figured out the rebels would be using the mines by intensive study of Lady Bo-Katan's previous assaults on Sundari and local geography.
It's a fearsome battle, and just when the rebels think they might get the upper hand several squads of stormtroopers show up. They're losing ground and being forced to the shore of the Lake of the Living Waters. It honestly seems like they're about to die there, especially since the troopers won't stop coming. It's utterly hopeless.
Until Ezra senses a presence.
It's old and powerful in a way he's never really felt before. It's not as old as the Bendu, and a thousand times more...feral. It's huge and hungry and even though it isn't sentient Ezra can almost feel it reach back through the Force and scrutinize him.
Ursa and Bo-Katan are both about to yell at the jetii boy to stop standing around and get back to killing Imps when the ground starts to shake. In the center of the lake water rushes as something emerges from the depths. Something large.
The mythosaur roars as it lunges with deceptive speed, and an entire squad of stormtroopers disappears down its gullet. This repeats until all the Imperials are dead. With its hunger sated the mythosaur descends back down into the depths, though not before giving Ezra an affectionate lick.
Everyone is just sort of in a state of shock for the rest of the mission except for Ezra, who has no idea what a mythosaur is or that he just became the hero of prophecy for like three Mandalorian religions. No, he's more flustered about how he utterly embarrassed himself in front of Sabine's father.
They almost get cornered again by Imperial troops while leaving. That's when Ezra summons the mythosaur again and winds up riding it to victory, which is. A lot. Apparently, the mythosaur likes killing for the Jedi boy.
It isn't until later, when they're all having a victory feast that someone explains it to him. Ezra doesn't want to be a Mandalorian and he certainly doesn't want to be a Mandalorian prophecy boy, thank you very much. Kanan's trying to figure out how to tell Hera the latest news without sounding insane. Sabine's trying not drown herself in the cask of ne'tra gal after her mother took her aside and told her to "marry that boy", which lends itself to the hilarious realization that apparently Ursa just thought Sabine and Ezra were dating this whole time.
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wanderingjedi77 · 4 months
Legacy of the Force
Summary: As Thrawn's growing threat lingers Ahsoka Tano and Sabine Wren are tasked with taking care of Talia Ordo, a force sensitive mandalorian child who changes their lives forever.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
"Any idea why we were called to this meeting?"
"Mon didn't say." Ahsoka Tano looked at Sabine Wren as they walked side by side in Home One, frowning a little as they got closer to the meeting room. "It could be anything at this point, although I'm hoping she has more information on Thrawn."
Sabine glanced at her as they entered the room, and stuck close to Ahsoka as they moved off to the side. Mon was chattering away to a few officials but made no move to draw them into the conversation. She glanced at Mons side and she nudged Ahsoka shoulder with her arm.
"Ahsoka." Sabine said softly.
Ahsoka's eyes drew to the small child, maybe seven or eight years old glued to the Chancellors side. She had dark hair cut off at her chin, and green eyes. Her blue tunic and pants seemed to have an intricate pattern although Ahsoka didn't know what it meant.
The girl didn't seem frightened being surrounded by so many people, instead occupying herself with little battle droid figures that she pitted against each other on the small space of table she had been alloted, talking to herself. She watched as Mon put a hand gently on the back of her head and smiled as someone asked a question; and nodded at the child, who looked curiously.
"Well, shall you say hello to everyone Tali?" Mon asked gently, and the girl looked perplexed for a moment.
"Hello." The girl answered softly, and she met Ahsoka's gaze, green eyes staring into her blue ones curiously.
"She looks sweet." Sabine said softly beside her. "It's nice the Chancellor has a new little one. I heard her other daughter wants nothing to do with her now."
Ahsoka tilted her head and smiled back at Tali, who seemed to brighten up in the force. She paused in her playing and looked at Mom, who turned to look at Ahsoka and Sabine as she dismissed the meeting. She smiled at Talia softly and motioned Sabine and Ahsoka over.
"It's good to see both of you." Mon looked at Talia. "This is Ahsoka Tano and Sabine Wren. They are very good friends of mine." Mon softly told her. "Would you like to introduce yourself?"
Talia looked at them shyly, not really liking being put on the spot. "I'm Talia Ordo." She looked at Ahsoka, and her eyes dropped to her lightsaber. "Are you a Jedi!? Like Luke Skywalker?!"
She dropped her battle droid and looked up at Ahsoka in amazement as Sabine started to laugh.
Before Ahsoka could answer Sabine piped up, "She's better than Luke Skywalker." Sabine told her, ignoring Ahsoka's stern look.
"Sabine." Ahsoka hissed in warning. She sighed and looked at Talia. "No one is as good as Luke Skywalker."
Talia looked at Mom, who tried her best to nod seriously.
"I don't believe you. You feel stronger than him." Talia pointed out. She hummed and went back to playing as Ahsoka glanced up at Mon.
"She's force sensitive?" Ahsoka looked curious.
"I think so. I was considering having Luke teach her, but he hasn't completed his academy yet." Mon's neutral expression didn't change, but Ahsoka saw the flicker of worry come across her face. "I would rather her have a mentor then go to the academy after what she's been through." Mon motioned them off to the side and they followed. "Ordo is Mandalorian?"
Sabine nodded. "Yes, although after the purge-" She hesitated and Ahsoka placed a hand on her arm. "Their aren't many left."
Mon nodded and looked thoughtful. "We think she was taken during the purge. She has no memory of what happened, but we found her and a few other children at a facility. They were trying to make them child soldiers? We aren't exactly sure. Because the records were wiped."
Ahsoka crossed her arms and looked at Talia.
"Experiments?" Sabine questioned cautiously.
"I'll let you know. For now she needs better protection and structure than I can provide."
"Sounds like she needs a proper family." Sabine pointed out.
Mon looked amused. "Actually I was wondering if you would take her in? She's a sweet child. And could use a better structure than I can provide for her."
Ahsoka looked at Sabine and swallowed hard. "I don't know."
Sabine glanced at Tali, who was watching them shyly. She smiled at her and looked back at Ahsoka. Shrugged as if to say "why not?"
Ahsoka didn't answer, instead walking over to Talia purposefully before kneeling down next to her. Talia looked at Ahsoka and then up at Mon before her gaze settled on Ahsoka again.
She frowned and looked nervous, "Do I have to go and live with you now?" Talia bit her lip.
"Do you want to?" Ahsoka replied. "We won't force you to do anything you don't want to do. You can stay with Chancellor Mothma if you like."
Talia looked at Mon. She did like her. And she liked how Mon felt less lonely having a child around again. "I don't want you to be alone."
Mon swallowed hard. "You can call me every night and come back and visit. It's for your safety Talia." She explained, and Talia hesitated.
"My safety?"
"Don't worry." Sabine reassured her. "You'll be okay." She shifted her helmet under her arm and Talia looked curious.
"What if I don't like it?"
Ahsoka looked back at Mon for a moment at Talia's question. "Then you can come back." She paused. Realizing that maybe it was better for her to come with them. The child was force sensitive, it was almost like a storm below the surface. Controlled, but wanting to reach out.
"I guess I can go with you for a bit." Talia finally said. She still looked nervous, but pulled a bag from under the table. "I have to go right now?"
Mon nodded, and moved over to help her pack up her battle droids. She closed the backpack for Talia and pulled her in for a hug, kissing the top of Talia's head.
"H-hey." Talia protested as she hugged Mon back.
Mon smiled and stepped away and gave Ahsoka a thankful smile as she stood up. "Take care of her."
"I will." Ahsoka said, looking at Talia as the child reached up to take her hand. She squeezed the small hand in hers. "Goodbye for now Chancellor."
"Goodbye." Mon said softly. She watched as Talia was led out of the room, giving her a small smile and wave and wondered if she had made the right decision. They had to do what was best for her, didn't they?
The T6 shuttle loomed over them as they approached, and Huyang stood at the entrance of the lowered ramp, tilting his head curiously as they approached.
"Lady Tano you appear to have a child attached to your hand."
Ahsoka laughed. "Huyang this is Talia. She's going to be joining us for a while." She moved past him into the ship, and Sabine and Huyang followed. Talia looked back at Huyang.
"He looks old." Talia said at Ahsoka.
"I'll have you know I'm seventy percent original parts." Huyang protested behind them as they stopped in the middle of the room. Talia let go of Ahsoka's hand, looking around with wonder. It was nice. Warm. Like a home. Talia thought to herself. Even though it was a ship.
"I like it here." Talia pointed out, looking around. She smiled at Sabine as she approached her and looked at her more closely. Tapping Sabine's armor with her finger, Talia added. "You're a Mandalorian."
"How do you know that?" Sabine asked softly.
"Because only Mandalorian's where this kind of armor. How many battles have you fought in?" Tali pointed out, she looked up at Sabine curiously. "Are you a Jedi like Ahsoka is?"
"I'm really just in training." Sabine laughed. "Ahsoka is the Master around here."
"And with your training, I would say your chances of becoming a Jedi Master are twenty percent." Huyang piped up.
Sabine sighed and Ahsoka turned to look at them.
"Huyang enough." Ahsoka chided, and she put a hand on Sabine's back. Talia watched them curiously, as though she could pick up Ahsoka's affection for Sabine in the force.
"I think Sabine is going to make a good Jedi." Talia pointed out and she looked at Huyang. "You should be nicer to her." She told him firmly.
Huyang looked at Ahsoka who quickly hid a smile. "Yes well I suppose I should young Talia. Now, would you like to see the training room?"
Talia nodded and followed Huyang out of the room excitedly.
"She has to go to bed soon huyang. Don't be long." Ahsoka called, and sighed when there was no answer. She looked down at Sabine. "I couldn't ask for a better Padawan Sabine. You will be a Jedi I promise you."
Sabine leaned up and kissed Ahsoka tenderly. "So you keep telling me." She teased. "Come on, we should set up Talia's bed. I think I have an old loth cat stuffed animal we can give her."
By the time Huyang had shown her the training room, Talia had grown tired. The days events weighed on her mind as she climbed into bed. It was big, and soft and she had a little loth cat to cuddle at night. But there was a feeling of anxiousness in her stomach that Talia couldn't explain. She looked up at Sabine and tried to smile as the Mandalorian tucked the blankets around her. There was an expression on Sabine's face that Talia couldn't make out, and she waited until Sabine looked at her.
"Are you okay Sabine?" Talia asked quietly. Sabine met her gaze with a forced smile.
"Of course. You don't need to worry." Sabine hesitated, and then squeezed her shoulder. She looked Ahsoka leaning in the doorway. "Goodnight Tali." She straightened up and walked out of the room, trying not to think about how her own mother would tuck her in.
Ahsoka waited until Sabine left, and then moved to kneel by Talia's bed. "Are you okay little one? Is there anything you need to talk about before you sleep?" She asked curiously. "Sabine isn't upset with you. She's just dealing with some things that make her sad."
Tali frowned. "I don't know." She answered honestly. "I think I've blocked a lot of things out." She looked up at Ahsoka, and wrung her hands. "If I upset you, will you send me away 'soka?"
Ahsoka felt her heart twinge with pain and shook her head. "We won't ever send you away little bird." She leaned down and kissed Tali on the top of the head, and the girl smiled as she pulled away.
"Get some sleep. Sabine and I will be here in the morning." Ahsoka explained gently.
"And huyang too?" Tali asked shyly.
"Huyang too." Ahsoka stood up and moved to turn off the light. "Goodnight."
"Goodnight." Tali muttered tiredly from the bed. And Ahsoka turned off the light as she left the room, only to find Sabine waiting in the hallway. They kept step with each other as they went to the cockpit, and Ahsoka waited until they were sitting in their respective chairs before she spoke.
"She doesn't remember the war which is good, but it might still come back to her." Ahsoka pointed out. She leaned over and placed a hand on Sabine's knee. "I wasn't sure about taking her in, but I'm glad we have."
"So am I." Sabine looked at Ahsoka. "She's a strong little thing." Her voice was steady, but her hands shook in her lap. Ahsoka moved to hold them as she waited for Sabine to continue. "She's good at sending people's moods."
"It's helped keep her alive." Ahsoka replied. She squeezed Sabine's hands. "But now, she has us. So she doesn't need to worry about that anymore." She paused. "Still, she needs to be tested."
"We need to bring her to Luke?"
Ahsoka shook her head.
"I have someone else in mind. Have you ever been to Koboh?"
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mayhaps-a-blog · 1 year
I am a big fan of Making It Work when I watch shows/read books, etc., so here's some thoughts on the latest episode of Ahsoka:
Why did Thrawn send Baylan and Shin after Sabine, when it doesn't matter whether she dies or gets stranded?
Maybe he wanted to get rid of Baylan and Shin as well. He's pretty disdainful of the Jedi, even more than in Rebels; probably, his experiences at the hands of Bridger have been... poor. They're former Jedi, they're mercenaries (loyal only to money), he doesn't trust them to follow his plans... so he clears them off the map, and gets rid of Sabine and Ezra while he's at it. Either they fight and someone dies, and he takes out the survivors, or they all get stranded, and he flies off with no problems. Win-win.
2. How did Thrawn not remember Ahsoka?
The boring answer: it's been 30 years since his encounter with Anakin, and he's forgotten the details like that one-time mention of Anakin's apprentice from Padme. (Maybe there'll be a Marg Sabl moment and Ahsoka will be like THAT'S MINE and Thrawn will be like oh?? it's you??)
The fun answer: Thrawn knows exactly who Ahsoka's master was. What he actually wants to know with that question is how much the others know about Ahsoka, and Anakin... and Vader. And what they're willing to tell him.
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isagrimorie · 1 year
You know what I've wanted but I never thought they'd address in Star Wars Ahsoka?
Ahsoka's tendency to be just as lethal as Anakin. Obi-Wan could never kill Anakin but I believe with all my heart despite loving Anakin and maybe even because she loves Anakin, Ahsoka would have killed Anakin if she were in Mustafar too.
It would have broken Ahsoka but she would have gone through with it -- I believe she'd have done it too in Malachor, she'd die trying at least.
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(source: @padawan-tano from this gifset)
But also at 16 years old, she beheaded 4 Death Watch members SIMULTANEOUSLY.
Even if Obi-Wan can do this move, he wouldn't choose to do this move because he wasn't a Wartime Jedi. I don't remember if this is before or after the Citadel arc. Looking it up, yeah, the Citadel arc happened in season 3, the Citadel mission was one of the hardest missions she's been on in her young life.
There was a reason neither Obi-Wan and Anakin wanted her there, so Plo-Koon, what the hell!? (I love you Plo-Koon but you spoil Ahsoka).
As this meta points out the Citadel arc is when the war gets real for Ahsoka in a way she can't just push away.
It's subtle and it's not called out but Ahsoka basically does something that Anakin did where Anakin stabs a bad guy in the back and the first notes of the imperial march begin to sound.
And ironically it's to save Tarkin.
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Ahsoka had to stab an enemy in the back to save Tarkin (of all people, I bet Ahsoka regrets saving Tarkin years later).
The way Ahsoka stares dazedly at the man she killed by stabbing him in the back... The Citadel arc was rough on Ahsoka.
And then Tarkin tells Anakin: "You've trained her well."
No wonder Ahsoka's afraid she was a little too much like Anakin.
It doesn't help that a ghost of a potential future tells her:
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(source by @mlmanakin)
“There is a wildness to you, young one. Seeds of the dark side planted by your master. Do you feel it?”
and then later: "There are many contradictions in you... and in him."
And I am so, so excited that we might be delving into Ahsoka's contradictions. She can be the warmest person in the room but god, can she also make the coldest, most pragmatic decisions for war.
Easily one of the coldest was her decision to set Maul free and use him as a distraction during the Siege of Mandalore - Shattered.
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(source by @manny-jacinto)
Ahsoka doesn't want to directly kill or maim the Clone Troopers herself, but it doesn't mean she won't use someone else to do it.
If Maul dies in this, it would be one more thing off her hands.
And I don't think people really get what function Ahsoka served in the fledgling rebellion-- she was basically in Luthen's role in Andor. She's not as quick to go to the most expedient solution, but it doesn't mean she won't.
In season 1 of Star Wars Rebels Ahsoka, as Fulcrum, told Hera to leave Kanaan in the hands of the inquisitor, knowing full well what would be done to Kanaan. She was in the Citadel arc where Jedi were imprisoned, tortured, and killed. Ahsoka knew. But she did the cold math in her head -- but if it weren't for Ezra's message that reminded Ahsoka who she was fighting for and why....)
Ahsoka basically did the cold math in her head at the start of 1x04, Fallen Jedi, when she told Sabine they might have to destroy the map and strand Ezra in another universe in order to keep Thrawn from entering their galaxy and restarting another war.
This is why Baylan's condemnations:
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Really, really got to Ahsoka.
When Ahsoka told Sabine in 1x03, that anger unbalances her -- it's extra true of Ahsoka.
But I also don't want to discount what Ahsoka's mother taught her about death, how one must respect death but not fear it, and how that might have influenced Ahsoka's understanding of death as a warrior.
Still, I feel Ahsoka has the same fear as Buffy did -- that all this killing has made her cold with a bonus fear that she might be too like her old Master and fall into the dark side.
I'm so excited for 1x05 and see how this will all tie together now that she's seeing Anakin again. Snips and Skyguy have a lot to talk about and resolve.
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readsalot1 · 10 months
I would like there to be a fic where the "three solobrats" and early love interests (YJK, JJK era, so A/T, J/TK, J/Z) end up time-travelling to the prequel era (probably shortly after Geonosis), and the Organa-Solo kids are excited to meet their not-evil-yet granddad.
This goes off the rails when Tahiri freaks out as soon as Anakin 1.0 enters because that is the monster of folklore who slaughtered a whole tribe of Tuskens, down to the youngest baby.
Because you can't convince me that in this AU a) Anakin doesn't go down as some sort of ghost/horror story in Tusken culture, and b) curious baby force-sensitive Tahiri didn't wander off at some point and end up seeing the echo of the slaughter.
The prequel-era council obviously freaks out about 1. the time travel, 2. some of the time travelers are Anakin 1.0's descendants, 3. Anakin 1.0 apparently committed genocide (note: the fandom doesn't view this with the right amount of horror, even in light of his second genocide--the Jedi), and decides to temporarily suspend his duties until they can perform an investigation of sorts into his decision-making capabilities.
Anakin 1.0 is initially thrilled because OMG GRANDKIDS and one of them is named after him (wahoo!!), but quickly becomes pissy because the friend of his mini-me (EW, she was raised by Tusken Raiders [careful Ani1, your racism is showing] even though she's human) gets him in trouble with the council.
Anakin 2.0 now has even more issues/worries about his namesake, and turning out like him [note: this was a big plot point in his early appearances].
Jaina & Jacen are kinda worried about this because now their granddad was bad from an earlier point??? and they don't know what to do with that. (Jacen is jumping from joy because a bunch of animals that went extinct during the Empire's rule are still alive; Jaina finds out there were apparently seven lightsaber forms before Knightfall, and decides to crash all the basic training classes. This is hilarious because she's older than the enrolled students for the more basic forms like Shii-cho.)
Tenel Ka and Zekk are along for the ride:
("Wait, she's the heir to the Hapes Consortium?" "yes" "and they're letting her be a Jedi too?" "yep" "politically is that allowed?!?" "I mean her mom's from Dathomir?" **jedi padawan noises of imploded worldview**)
("so Zekk what about you" "oh, I'm a Coruscanti street rat :)" "ah ok, so the order found you easily!" "I guess your version would, but the Jedi got massacred, so I didn't start training until I was a teenager :)" **choking noises** "oh yeah, Emperor Palpatine was a total hardass, I'm so glad my friend's parents got rid of him, I'd probably be dead or totally evil if he was still in power" --at this point the padawan(s?) they're chatting to [maybe Barriss; she seems politically aware enough to worry about the heir of a major political power also being a Jedi--she's probably also read about Xanatos] decides to bring them to the council)
It goes something like "Didn't they mention, Darth Vader & the clones slaughtered pretty much the entire Order. Some of the younger padawans escaped (their masters died for them (and oh, doesn't that hit hard)) and ran until dark siders who served the Emperor hunted them down (this can be vaguely compliant with some Rebels content; assume the Rebellion-era is more fusion with new canon, except Thrawn doesn't engage as much with the Lothal cell, and thus is around for the Thrawn trilogy on to proceed (thus inquisitors exist and so too do the Hands--maybe Mara is Palpy's spy in the inquisorius's ranks; Starkiller can be Vader's; Death Star plan theft follows TFU more than R1) it hits hard that some of their own (their children, their future) work to destroy the vestiges of what they were).
Then they find out that Darth Vader, the Sith Apprentice--the emperor's attack dog, his right hand--is Anakin (1.0), the boy they took in, the one they protected, the one some viewed as their savior, the boy winning battle after battle, the one shining bright, the Hero With No Fear, the boy whose fear of losing everything, everyone he cares about is slowly tearing him to shreds, the foolish, foolish boy who will doom the galaxy to save one person and fail at that, the buy who burned and burned, scorching those around him until he was alone, and still burning, until he burned himself to save another foolish boy, the younger burning like a candle, steadily, warmly, rather than like the sun, and Anakin (they can't bring themselves to hate him, even knowing what he will do--they see the sweet child who loved his mother, who wanted to free all the slaves in the galaxy), seeing the warm, kind candlelight of the other boy, the brave, foolish child, his child, his son, and knowing he will burn him, sees the vacuum of space (the cold, cold man who made him burn everyone, who made him lose everyone, until only the vacuum was left behind, the only one he could not burn away), sure to take the air around the lone, kind candle, and the sun (Anakin) burns itself (himself) out, becomes a supernova to push the vacuum (empty, cold, always hungry) away from the candle (the son), and saves the brave, foolish boy who came to help him, but he feared burning most of all (the burning sun of Tatooine burns himself out, after burning with hatred for the better part of two decades, for another desert child, one who burns with warmth, like a hearthfire, and asks for the girl who burns (with the passion of justice, with compassion, the girl who is like him but not for instead of burning the world for those she loves, she who would burn herself out, the girl who would burn her enemies (those who seek the harm the world) for any who deserve kindness, who burns internally, but is willing to burn others as well) to forgive him, and she does, eventually, she names her steady hearthfire of a son after him, and hopes against hope that he (her son, one of her three suns) will have a happy ending, that he will not burn himself out like his grandfather, his namesake [Anakin, her son, he burns too: for his siblings (they will burn as well, his brother like his grandfather--maybe he should have been Anakin instead--and his sister, burning, the one to put out her twin's light, twin suns of Tatooine, one snuffed out the other), his friends (they break apart, the group splintering, fragmented after the war is won; even before), his love (she breaks, in a way not even being shaped by the black holes, put under pressure in the hope of her becoming one, can do; for a while she fades away to almost nothing, invisible, until the brother, seeing the broken, invisible girl takes her, and tries to make the broken puppet of a girl dance for him; it works for a time, building more cracks in her skin until she shatters, and the people who loved him, Anakin the second, the bright boy who burned himself away too soon, see the girl again, no longer invisible, and try to help her [pray they are not too late to put her (shattered, porcelain, crushed spirit, a shell of her former bright self) together again]), for the galaxy; but at this part of the story we don't know his fate, to burn and burn until there is nothing left, until the force takes him away, to burn so hot, so bright, so light, that his enemies (true voids in the force--black holes--not like the cold, hungry vacuum that desired, took the sun of his grandfather) burned away as well; he burns away, but as a hero. This does not stop his mother from her agony; it is all his father can do to hold himself together to stop her shattering like the girl everyone forgot, the invisible girl who loved his son, who would (and does) do anything for the memory of a boy who left the galaxy too soon].
This is the story they tell: of the angry sun who burns everyone (especially even those who offer him kindness), the boy-candle, the girl who burns with the heat of a thousand suns but never harms those undeserving of that fury, the scoundrel with the hard exterior who inside is kind, the brave wookie warrior who lives [and dies, though they will not know it for a time] to protect them, the saviors of the galaxy;
and others as well: the girl who was almost snuffed out by the vacuum, who burned as a quiet ember, whose flame was reawakened by the boy-candle; the boy who parallels her, who was trained by the angry sun to burn like him but refused, who burned out over and over again trying to prove himself, and, in the end, burned out to save the galaxy, who sent the message to the rebels that worked to end the war [the message, that, too late for some, still saved billions, perhaps trillions of lives, had it not been sent (how many worlds could have shared Alderaan's fate?)].
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