#then my review xD
me: okay I'm finally going to get back to working on my review for the episode
the overwhelming urge to write an episode coda of Buck talking to Maddie:
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seases · 2 years
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girlfriends who look like boyfriends who look like girlfriends who look like boyfriends who look like girlfr
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benevolenterrancy · 9 months
2023 Tumblr Top 10
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So apparently people enjoyed the silly MDZS comics I drew this year while reading the books! + one sherlock holmes and one torchwood pic 😂 for variety i guess
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the-clay-quarters · 9 months
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continuing from that ask earlier, I doodled what Silverstein looks like in Parabola :3c (text from said ask ⬇️)
He looks about the same as he usually presents himself, but the details depend on his mood with very little control from him. On his most confident and independent days, he'll look more alive than he does in the waking world; warm human skin instead of cold painted clay. At his worst, he won't look like clay but instead skip past that into looking like a mannequin, with stiff ball jointed limbs and porcelain skin. He's kinda uncomfortable and weirded out with how he looks in Parabola, no matter the day.
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hellishgayliath · 26 days
I think it'd be nice to post at least something positive that happened this week to balance out the negatives even if its just something little
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skyward-floored · 8 months
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“So, what do y’all think?” Twilight asked eagerly, looking around as they all took bites of the Ordonian goat cheese.
“It’s— it’s got quite a strong flavor,” Warriors said, a funny look on his face, and Time’s expression was carefully blank as he chewed, as were several of the other’s.
Wild, on the other hand, gave him an enthusiastic thumbs up as he took another bite of cheese, Hyrule smiling next to him as he did the same.
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sirensea14 · 9 months
So Specialedd finished his gameplay series of In Sound Mind and is, hands down, easily able to tear the fuck me out. This game is a masterpiece, its so emotional. I really cried at the fact that the government or smth tried to kill Desmond and his parting with his cat. This game easily made me tear up, wtf. (This is actually a rare occurrence for me 😭)
This is a fucking masterpiece psychological game. It had the strongest feels and--ugh its just way too emotional. It tackled things about mental health whilst being a game.
The characters that resonated the most to me is Allen and Desmond. My favorite part of the game would be Jorge (a mannequin)-and also the other mannequins-helping Desmond. Fuck. And it has an animated mv of it which made it sooooo sick!! It's way too fucking awesome. And that scene in the post-credits? Fucking wtf moment for me! The kinda 'relieved' type of wtf lol.
I should also mention that in Lucas' tape, those star connecting puzzles are so fucking awesome. And also i remembered, the 4 medallions in the church, fucking awesome detail.
I love this game and I--ugh damnit.
This is way too realistic for me. Damn too much. Im gonna have a brainrot on this. And the lamp/small chandelier near the staircase, the light had the colors! And the details of the map outside the building--the rooftop. All the places-Homamart, Icarus point, the quarry and the Elysium state park(or whatever, its smth Elysium) theyre all there! I love that detail sm. I even stopped the assignment im currently doing just to check on yt and suddenly the last episode of the gameplay is the first thing i saw! XD
I love this. I so love this sm. This-well, ive had a bit of interest in psychology or smth that affects people's behaviors and minds and stuff. This game. This. Game. Damn showed it too well.
In sound mind is going to my favorite games, kudos to We Create Stuff !(game dev team) This game has left an impact on me.
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cuubism · 1 year
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soon we will reach the natural endgame of corporate work: MEETINGS THAT NOBODY EVEN ATTENDS
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lazzarella · 3 months
Going to try to start posting more of my thoughts on shows as I watch or re-watch them because it's my blog and no one can stop me. Anyway! Starting with Hidden Agenda because that's the most recent one I've finished
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My expectations were tempered going in—not because most other people said it was terrible, because I've learnt not to put much stock in others' opinions on media as they often don't line up with mine, but because I didn't care much for JoongDunk's scenes in Sky in My Heart. (Tbf, there weren’t that many.) But I liked the premise (it very vaguely made me think of one of my favourite movies, Plan B, even though it's actually nothing like it—just a connection my brain made) and I saw that AouBoom were the side pairing, so I figured I'd give it a go! Not like I'm marrying it, you know?
Anyway, I ended up having a blast! 
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Look, did I sometimes wonder if I'd blacked out for a minute or two and missed some important scene or piece of exposition because I was lost about how we got somewhere? A few times, for sure. And could some of the acting have been stronger? Probably, but I've seen way worse acting. Like way worse. Way. Worse. Plus it was never unwatchable for me? And my secondhand embarrassment threshold is pretty low. And did it just pile on a bunch of drama (especially toward the end) that sometimes got resolved super quickly even though it probably should have taken longer? Again, yes. But, somehow, it all worked for me?? It did a lot of things that usually bug me, but there was *something* about this show that kept me hooked.
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Like I said, I had a blast! I enjoyed pretty much every minute of it, and I was never bored. I thought Joong and Dunk were super cute together and definitely not shy about the kissing, Aou and Boom may not have had many scenes but I just love them together, I was impressed by both the level and variety of drama they managed to pack in (there's a stalker and both mommy and daddy issues and homophobia, just for starters), and it has some incredibly pretty cinematography! And lots of really good hugs!
I know this is a not a very insightful ‘review’, but I'm a little rusty! But, yeah, genuinely had a great time with this show, it's a solid 8/10 for me! 
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reveriix · 3 months
Late Saturday Night
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summary: One late night Mobius is bored.
pairing: currently none but future loki x mobius x zemo.
notes: This is a silly idea I had and decided to write it because I can't draw everything, this is part 1 and then i'll post the second part, i'm not sure how many there will be (or how long I'll take for part 2 I have to many ideas and wips).
This is a Demon AU where basically Mobius decides to make bad decisions because he is bored one Saturday night.
warnings: summoning demons, shenanigans.
word count: 875 words
part 1 // part 2
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One thing led another, the boredom of a late Saturday night, half a bottle of wine and a dusty old book with a sticker plastered on the front cover with the words 'Half Off' and the title 'Why not summon a demon in ten easy steps ' for Mobius to be sitting on the floor with chalk in his left hand.
“Okay so I got the circle down." He glances from the pages to the messily drawn circle on the wooden floor." Somewhat...That should be alright?" Mobius really wasn't sure what he was doing, maybe trying to pass time or maybe he was trying to fight the feeling of loneliness that seemed to creep up every other night.
He looks around him, having pushed the table and couch to the side, all of this for one silly idea, if  Ravonna found out she would probably shake her head in disapproval, laugh  and offer him another drink, this was why he couldn't be left to his own devices.
Mobius skims the page he was on, the circle was done so he could cross that off, next was an offering which if the doodles and scribbles around it were any indication where left up to him." Okay, okay...." He pushes himself up from the floor, there wasn't much that he could place at the middle of the circle, the couch had a couple of Jet ski magazines, his console was on the table and he wasn't ready to give that up, that's when he noticed the half empty bottle of wine.
"That will do it." He takes a few steps grabbing the wine, taking no time in placing it in the middle of the circle. “Huh, half a bottle might not be enough maybe-" Mobius voice wanders as he looks around, there had to be something else, he scratches his chin and then remembers the bracelet, the one that sat neatly on his wrist. It had been a gift for his birthday, he wore it all the time and was one of his favorites, green and gold beads with an hourglass resting in the middle.
Mobius kneels on the floor carefully removing it and placing it at the center of the circle. Two offerings, as the book said.
He focuses on the page, circle check, offerings check, however the next step seemed to be crossed out making it impossible to figure out what it was.
"What the-" Mobius frowns slightly, holding it up to the light in the hopes of at least getting something, it dawned on him there was no way he would be able to read it." Probably not that important." He whispers to himself, he was starting to wonder if it would even work? Here he was sitting on the floor planning to summon something on a Saturday night instead of doing anything else, he could have just turned on the TV but no Mobius wanted to try something silly, prove to himself that he could be spontaneous and fun.
Pushing his thoughts aside Mobius reads the last step, all that was left was to say the words out loud three  times and then it would done.
"Okay here we go" Setting the book on his legs Mobius starts to say the words, slowly at first, voice trembling, surely nothing would happen.
His eyes dart to the bracelet and the half empty bottle as he repeats the phrase, but what if something happened? What would he do then? As he spoke up the last word, Mobius grew quiet, eyes on the circle feeling more anxious with each passing moment, he could almost swear that he felt something, a change in the air, a slight flicker and as he leaned closer, hand reaching to touch the marks on the floor -
Life is a highway
I wanna ride it all night long
If you're goin' my way
Well, I wanna drive it all night long
A sudden blast of music breaks his attention, the ringtone from his phone plays throughout the living room filling the space, he had forgotten about the damn thing completely.
Mobius quickly makes his way to the table, picking it up, Casey, probably wanting to talk about the article for the next issue.
“Hey! No, no it's fine Cas. I'm not busy." He takes a quick glance at the messy circle on the floor, rolling his eyes at the whole thing, it really was silly of him.
“Yeah, I can take a look, give me a second to turn on my laptop." As Mobius walked out the living room he couldn't shake the feeling that he had sensed something, it was as if for a brief moment the circle had lit up or maybe it was just his imagination playing tricks that was most likely it, no need to think too much about it.
“Yup, still here." Not giving it much thought Mobius decided it was just best to forget about it, he turned off the light in the living room, he could clean up his mess tomorrow morning.
He made his way to the office closing the door behind him, it was then that something seemed to glow in the darkness.
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WHOOOOOOOOOOO 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎉🎉🎉🎂🎂🎂🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰!!!!
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fluffypichu876 · 10 months
In retribution to my dear mutual @prototypelq's post, I will also be writing about my 3 favorites games of all time! Making this list was a bit easier than I expected, but because I have too many beloved games to choose from expect a lot of honorable mentions hehehe
And the first game on the list is, of course:
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
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It's no surprise that this game would be here. I mean, it's not like I replay it every year!
SOTN is a game of the genre "Metroidvania". You probably know this term if you have heard of games like Hollow Knight or Ori, but if you don't, basically, a Metroidvania game takes place on a huge map consisting of interconnected smaller rooms. When playing, you'll travel and explore around these rooms, defeating enemies and unlocking new abilities that allow you to acess new areas that were unaccessible before.
The OG Metroid on the NES can be considered the very first game of this genre, but Super Metroid and SOTN together were responsible for defining its standards and popularity today. Hence the term, "Metroidvania".
This game is a heck lot of fun to play. Dracula's Castle is huge and full of interesting areas to explore, filled with enemies and secrets of all kinds. SOTN is based on an RPG-like stat and level system, and you gradually grow stronger as you defeat foes, gain EXP, and level up. Weapons, armor, and other equipment are found all through the castle, further increasing your stats and other attributes.
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The soundtrack is an absolute masterpiece. I'm not exaggerating when I say that Castlevania as a franchise has some of the best OST's out there. Michiru Yamane is a great composer, and her instrumental works fit CV's themes and tone really well.
SOTN does not use MIDI samples processed by the PSX's sound chip (except for the Librarian's theme). Instead, all of the game's songs are played through audio streams, granting them CD-like quality, which is a little rare in other games on the system. Here's an example of what Yamane could do with this audio quality:
Sounds great, doesn't it?
Another aspect of SOTN that I love is of course, the visuals. To this day, I consider this game to have some of the best 2D graphics ever. The levels and backgrounds are beautiful, and every tile is filled with plenty of detail. All of Alucard's animations are fluid, graceful, and an absolute delight to watch and control. Often, the game will mix in 3D elements to enhance the beauty of an area, and it looks great.
There are so many little hidden details in the game that make you appreciate the developers's love and care even more. For example, in the Outer Wall area, a small suspended room can be found at the area map's bottom. In this room alone:
A falcon/hawk/eagle/bird of prey can be observed in her nest. As you progress through the game and return to this room, you can see the falcon coming back everytime to lay, incubate, and take care of her offspring. It's really damn cute.
A telescope can be found in the left wall. Using it allows you to see the Ferryman from the Underground Caverns.
Alucard can sit in one of the chairs. Leaving him there for a few minutes will cause him to fall asleep. Aditionally, in the Japanese version, the fairy familiar will sing him a lullaby (she can sing in any chair, in fact.)
Now, what is the purpose of this area, you ask? None. There are no items, weapons, enemies, or anything of use to the player (except for map completion). The devs just created this room to add more life and personality to the game. And this is just one example!
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As much as I love this game, though, I do admit that it isn't as perfect as most people make it. It does have its flaws: the game has very bad balancing issues, and the difficulty curve is essentially non-existent.
I never liked the Inverted Castle. Not because it's just the normal castle turned 180º, but because it doesn't feel like it was coherently designed, instead just quickly put together so they could ship the game claiming it to have double the original content (Galamoth was a great addition, though. I might make a post someday on why I love this boss so damn much).
Overall, this game means a lot to me. It pretty much set up my standards and taste with video games, and it made me understand why I enjoy playing them so much. It's a great game that I recommend to pretty much everyone! It's fun and really easy to pick up, taking only about 12-18 hours to beat for the first time, at max.
Also, can we just appreciate Ayami Kojima's wonderful cover art for the game?
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And now, for my second most favorite game:
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
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My first (and only so far) FromSoft game, and boy did I fall in love with this game.
Well, to begin it, Sekiro has one of the best combat systems I have ever had the honor to experience. It's based primarely on player reaction, testing their ability to counter, parry, and dodge the various attacks thrown at them. Equipped with only one sword (and a few very useful prosthetic appendages), our protagonist Wolf must defeat all sorts of opponents, from respected warriors, shinobis with no honor, animals (yes I did die to a rooster. Twice), the undead, demons, and much more, all so can rescue and avenge his master.
Using your trusted katana, you have the ability to deflect enemy strikes based on your input timing, dropping their guard and allowing for attacks of your own. When fighting enemies in this game, you are not aiming for their health. Instead, you aim for their posture. As you deflect attacks with perfect timing, your enemy will slowy begin to lose posture, and once said posture breaks, you can go for a finisher attack that instantly depletes their whole health bar. It's hella satisfying to pull off. Deflecting attacks poorly can lead to your own posture breaking, though, so paying attention is essential.
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There are other aspects to the game's combat, such as Perilous Attacks, which cannot be deflected. To deal with them, you must either dodge, jump, or counter, adding even more danger to a fight and demanding focus from the player. Your prosthetic can also hold a few unique abilities, such as the Firecracker, which helps stunning certain opponents. Wise usage of these Prosthetic Tools will greatly help you on the harder fights.
Oh, and there's a catch: Wolf is no mere shinobi. He was blessed (or rather cursed?) with the power of the Divine Heritage, granting him immortality and the ability to revive from the dead for all of eternity. Gameplay-wise, this means that whenever you die, you'll receive one (or two, sometimes three) chance to revive on the spot at half health, allowing you to properly finish off your opponent. But don't think this makes the game easy! Reviving in the face of a tough boss never means an immediate victory, trust me.
Unlike Dark Souls, which rewards a more defensive playstyle, in Sekiro, the player must be aggressive and constantly take risks to overtake their opponents. Dodging everything and staying away will only drag on the fight and allow the enemy to regain their posture. As a certain character would say, "Hesitation is defeat".
But the amazing combat isn't this game's only strength. Another aspect that I love is how beautiful the game looks. Everything from the lighting, the colors, the gorgeous views, and the very well designed areas come together really nicely, and exploring this rather linear game is an absolute delight.
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The battles look graceful, and not just because of the combat system. The special effects look amazing, and add great beauty and danger to every strike. The Divine Dragon's bossfight is the most gorgeous part of the game. It's so cinematic and breath-taking that despite being one of From's easiest bosses, it's easily one of the most memorable ones.
The instrumental soundtrack is really nice, complementing each moment of the game pretty well. The Divine Dragon battle above has one of my tracks in the game.
And as expected, the game is tough as nails (I died like, 50 times at the first mini-boss. The Ogre has no fucking chill). One of the hardest FromSoft games, according to fans. This game demands a lot of the player's attention, skill, and mostly importantly: their knowledge of the game and how everything works. Your first few hours will be very difficult, as you slowly get an grasp on the game. But once you beat Lady Butterfly or Genichiro (two of the game's most important skill checks), everything just clicks and the rest of the game becomes a lot more doable.
Overall, this game was an blast to play, but it may not be for everyone. I recommend it for anyone who likes FromSoft's other titles, as well as for those who enjoy a good challenge. If you want to get into more difficult games, this game is not too bad of a choice, since it's extremely balanced and very skill-based, completely free of bullshit.
Oh well, time for my last but not least favorite!:
Devil May Cry 5
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This shouldn't come off as a huge surprise xD
I might have only gotten into this game earlier this year, but the 160 hours I currently have on it speaks more than enough. I LOVE this game and don't plan on dropping it anytime soon!
It's rare for me to hyperfixate on one specific game and play it for hours and hours without tiring like this, and DMC5 is currently my second worst case of this xD (the first one being Castlevania of course, in which I have 100%'d like 4 games :P).
DMC's combat system is simply too much fun. You have lots of moves at your disposal, and using them creatively and with as much style as possible adds so much depth to the game that beating the heck out of demons never stops being fun and rewarding.
It's also very skill-based, adding another layer of satisfaction to everything. Building up the skill to perform a new combo, finally managing to use Royal Guard with consistency, defeating that one difficult enemy/boss with an SSS rank, or just beating the higher difficulties is absolutely worth it. And even if you don't have much skill with the game, nothing is ever stopping you from bullying enemies in your favorite ways.
The dynamic soundtrack fits the combat really well and gives you the right ammount of adrenaline and motivation to slash through hordes and hordes of enemies. Also thank you Capcom for adding the Jukebox. I can finally listen to Devils Never Cry during an actual battle (and not just the DMC3 credits one!)
The characters are another great strength for me. The DMC Crew is so unique and fun to watch, and the Spardas in particular have a lot of depth to them, keeping the mind of fans very busy thinking about them xD.
So yeah, this game is way too fun for my own good, aparently. Never saw such a powerful brainrot coming. Absolutely recommend it to anyone and everyone who likes some good video-gamey time!
And now, time to cast the spotlight to a few games that I love, but not enough to consider them my top 3 favorites:
Honorable Mentions
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow & Dawn of Sorrow
My second favorite CV games. Aria of Sorrow picked everything that was good about SOTN and polished it to perfection, creating one of the best metroidvanias out there. Dawn of Sorrow may not be as good, but it has a very special place in my heart.
Final Fantasy IX
One of my favorite JRPGs ever. This game is so charming, but under it's seemingly light appearance is a great story about the meaning of life, and about coming in terms with your own mortality. The battle system is fun and the music is as good as ever. The characters are wonderful and I cherish them to this day.
Final Fantasy X
One of the best games I have ever played. Of all the (4) Final Fantasy games that I've played so far, this one has the best battle system and some of the best enemy/boss design in the series. Alongside the gameplay, the story is the game's second biggest strength, and it has a very high chance to make you cry. The soundtrack is one of Nobue Uematsu's best works for this franchise, making you feel all sorts of emotions. Can't recommend this game enough.
The Legend of the Zelda: Breath of the Wild
This is the only Zelda game that I've ever played (please don't kill me), but boy is it a good one. The land of Hyrule is vast and very fun to explore. The game has such a relaxing vibe: sometimes I would just ride my horse, let it follow a road automatically, and just chill to the music watching the beautiful landscape. I put 170 hours in this game and didn't even realize it until I beat Ganon xD
Devil May Cry 3
Second favorite DMC game! This game is surprisingly polished for its time, and it barely feels dated at all! I personally prefer DMC3's DMD mode over 5's, as I find it more fleshed out, but it sure is a LOT harder.
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
My first Metal Gear game. It may be short and relatively simple in terms of combat depth, but it's a lot of fun, the soundtrack is a BANGER, and the cutscenes are a joy to watch. The memes just never end, do they?
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
Quite possibly Kojima's craziest game to date, but also one of the most fun ones! Not as good as MGS3, but there's something about the old-school MGS gameplay that I absolutely adore. Also the dialogue and plot are so batshit insane that you end up enjoying it despite not understanding a single thing xD
Castlevania: Bloodlines
Most underrated CV game ever, and my favorite old-fashioned Castlevania game. It stands up to SCIV, its SNES counterpart, really well. In fact, I personally enjoyed this game's gameplay and level design more than the latter.
(just three more games I promise)
Pokémon: Black and White (and their sequels)
These games are the most fun i've ever had with Pokémon. They're really good. They've got the best plot of any Pokémon game, and the first BW games actually made me question the morality of keeping these creatures and leading them into battles.
The Great Ace Attorney
My favorite Ace Attorney game. Great story with lovely characters. The cases were a lot of fun, and I'm a huge Sherlock Holmes nerd, so it's only natural that this game appealed to me, I guess xD. I still have to play the sequel, tho.
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
This game might be technically unfinished, but it has some of the best gameplay in the series. The filler side-missions get repetitive but they're oddly fun to finish. It's my second most played MG game, right behind MGRR.
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rapidhighway · 5 months
would really appreciate it if the local libraries mentioned if they have printers or not
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fitzrove · 11 months
I want to write a romance subplot (in [original project]) but I have this problem where I straight-up disagree with most people online on what is appealing in a romance story or romantic subplot (ie. a lot of common tropes are unappealing to me, I usually need it to be Full of Symbolism And Themes [but only like... wider themes, usually sexual liberation and self-discovery which are pretty common ones arent really my cup of tea ajks], I don't usually find much appeal in a mundane romance being at the center of the narrative & it has to be wlw OR i have to delusion it into being so in my head...)
Like legit the target audience for the kind of relationship I would write would just be me and like 3.5 of my gay friends rip
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mushroom-for-art · 4 months
synbe my beloved? perhaps?
Shadow au Maybe is just
●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● | ATTRACTION
●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● | AFFECTION
●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● | INTEREST
●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● | LOYALTY
●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● | TRUST
Trust is higher because literally they are fused and combined with each other through the crystals literally cannot not trust him he holds the entirety of her entity in his hands and can just be inside her brain holding her essence like damn could probably kill her! But he won't cause that's him wife!!! Never not interested attracted to and affectionate for her hubby with extra loyalty because like spoilers but she's stupid devoted to him, I think even with their connection through the crystal he still always intrigues and captivated her because even connected he has his little quirks and can sneak off and leave the radius of their bond and do sneakies she's not aware of he will always surprise her<3
Canon Maybe has a pair of binoculars and is currently wondering who that stranger is outside 🔍 (no binocular emoji crimes) (before at first meeting/after getting to know him)
●●○○○ / ●●●●● | ATTRACTION (who is that kinda handsome stranger outside I dont know him but he kinda good looking but also who the fuck are u)/ will tell him openly how attractive she finds him (when she's got the confidence), and not just the physical attraction, nothing more attractive really than a man who tries and heals and is full of love (the fact she also thinks he's eye candy is a bonus)
●●○○○○○/●●●●● | AFFECTION (while not knowing him she's very familiar with shadows and has a weird kinda relationship to the concept holds nostalgia familiarity and empathetic sympathetic affection for him because are you okay? Affection in the caring sense not the nuzzle sense if that even makes sense)/ now she will nuzzle that mother fucker get down here so we can nose nuzzle u fuck <- Maybe @ Syn lovingly
●●●●●/●●●●● | INTEREST (Sir are you OKAY she is so interested who is this man frfr is he here to start a fight with darkness she is shouting to her creator I do not answer XD)/ still just as interested in him but now like just for him and not the sir who are you please don't deck my sister aspect, thinks he's strange in a nice way he's different to her really they probably have very little in common or overlap and yet they click it's nice
●●○○○/●●●●● | LOYALTY (doesn't know him but DOES feel a duty of care for him he is a mewtwo like her the same species and potentially inflicted by shadow and desperately needing help she didn't take an oath of care but like! Still has that loyalty to her morals to care for him would feel a deep sense of like commitment to stay by his side during his recovery! Like damn you are not okay I want to make sure you're going to be okay though!)/lmao ur not getting rid of her Syn sorry she's like a wart, much like shadow au there's the very real chance she would choose him over her own kin given the circumstances
○○○○○/●●●●● | TRUST (I wish I knew how to make that emoji because I'd make the circles maxed out grey circles because upon first seeing him she WANTS to trust him so so badly wants to really hope there's a pokemon in there a pokemon who will accept help and isn't just rabid and lacking any sense or soul she wants to believe and trust him that he won't hurt her won't try to steal her life ya know wants to believe he's trustworthy)/her goober, loves and trusts him whole heartedly but will still get the jeebies if he tries to hand her something because my love please, please I swear if this is a bug. Syns probably brought her half dead things before, just hmm I love u here's a rattata so you can drain its life force and be strong. Maybe just ilu but please stop bringing me half dead animals XD I don't wanna put my hands out and receive a pachurisu but thank you for the thought.
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studentbyday · 7 days
omg i'm so happyyy- if i can manage to keep up with the timeline, i only have to do 10 slides per day for two of my courses (each, but that's WAY better than the cramming i had to do these past 2 weeks 😭)
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