#then they’ll make us wait another 2 years for a season that will probably be even shorter
spicysucculentz · 1 year
I hate hate HATE the trend of these fucking streaming shows being like 8 episodes long… where’s the time for character development?? where’s the time for worldbuilding??? Everything is rushed and shallow! Give me more fucking episodes you cowards
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starfxkrreloaded · 18 days
This doesn’t have much to do with canon, im just spit balling cause I need answers.
Rafe was the product of young love pogue kook love, it’s mentioned in season one that Ward was from the cut. Ward met a kook and they started dating when they were around 25, 3 years after Ward graduated from UNC Chapel Hill Rafe’s mom got pregnant with Rafe. Ward and Rafe’s mom were not married and they were extremely low on money, I like to believe that Ward is super religious so they got married. They had a smart court house wedding that way it’ll seem like they waited to have children.
When Rafe is born they’re still low in money, despite the fact Rafe’s mom is a kook her parents won’t help her and Ward cause they believe is she’s grown enough to get married and have a kid she’s grown enough to take care of her own family. This is around the time Ward asks Limbry to fund Cameron Developments, and he gets the funds and he’s slowly building his business but the thing is they are still not rich yet, and they are far from living the life that Rafe’s kook mom is used, and after realizing this isn’t the life she wants and she misses the high life she used to live with her parents she makes a deal with her parents that she’ll leave Ward and her son behind and her and her parents will move out of the obx and they’ll help her get her life back on track, so that is exactly what she does. She abandoned 2 year old Rafe and she doesn’t divorce ward no she goes all the way when it comes to forgetting them she annuls their marriage.
And now this poor 3 year old Rafe is distraught cause his mother just walked out on him wards angry at what his now ex wife did and so he takes this anger and resentment out on Rafe not even 6 months later Ward starts dating within a year he’s remarried and now Sarah is in the picture Ward is still resentful to Rafe and Rafe now 3 is confused to why his father doesn’t love him, Ward puts all his love into this new family of his, his new child, his new wife it’s like Ward doesn’t need Rafe anymore.
Then 3 years later Wheezie is born where her and Sarah’s mother dies due to complications. So now Ward has another child that took away someone he loved. But now Cameron Developments is booming they are building houses, they are building businesses, it’s a multimillion dollar company but the thing with building houses is you need to sell them so Ward hires a Realtor and this realtor is none other than rose herself, rose is going through some tough shit in life, she has no money she’s a high school drop out and she spent the last 200 dollars to her name taking courses to get her realtor license, she gets hired instantly, she’s pretty, she’s convincing, she’s got natural talent when comes to selling houses. Now it’s obvious that Ward (now 35) has the hots for this new 22 year old realtor that works for him so he asks her out and how could she say no, he’s hot, rich, and a father, she says yes they go on a couple of dates and after 6 months of dating Ward introduces Rose to his kids, Rafe hates her, every mother figure he has ever had left him, his mother walked out cause she loved money and living the high life more than him, Sarah and Wheezies mother died, so now there’s another woman whose probably just going to leave him like the two women before her, and the thing is you’d think Rafe would resent Wheezie for the fact that her and Sarah’s mother died in child birth with her but know he understands that she’s just a baby and he understands that her mother dying wasn’t her fault just like how his mother leaving was his fault, but he’s fucked up nonetheless Ward has been taking out all his anger and resentment for Rafe’s mother leaving out on him for the past 8 years and Rafe is acting up, the way an abused 10 year old acts up, and rose notices this and tries to get Rafe some therapy but Ward refuses and over the next 9 years Rafe watches as his father favors his sister Sarah how he ignores Wheezie how he spends all his money on his wife that’s 13 years younger than him how no matter how hard he tries he can’t keep friends. He’s a loser he doesn’t fit in, Sarah has so many friends , she has her father’s love.
And we get to present day season one of the show where everything goes down as we know it.
u put more thought and consideration into how this affects the characters than the writers did ctfu
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humanpurposes · 2 months
wait yes I totally agree about this episode ESPECIALLY your opinions on Rhaenyra and Jace
while yeah the pacing sucks and has sucked all season and the lack of green development sucks ass, this episode had some of the strongest character writing we’ve seen all season for the blacks
even daemons scenes with Oscar Tully and with viserys were really fire
also dragons. Yes.
Dragons!! YES!! 🤩🐉
Yeah, I’ve said my piece on the pacing and the portrayal of the characters so I won’t keep going on about it. I’d say if I rewatch the season I’ll probably appreciate Jace and Daemon more, and even though he’s been out of action since Rook’s Rest, Aegon has been really interesting to watch.
Episode 7 feels like it should be a midway point, but there’s lots exciting set up for a finale. I’m just slightly worried we’ll end on a cliffhanger then they’ll make us wait 2 years for another slow season. We shall see 🥲
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lilover131 · 3 years
Heading towards the end for Clear Card...What does this mean?
So...as some of you already know, Ohkawa (the writer of CLAMP) announced in a Twitter Space on 1/2 confirming that Clear Card is starting to head towards the end. It appears that the prediction I and others have made in regards to the current events seeming to gear up for the climax of the story are indeed correct. 
So, now that we know this...what does this mean? Many of you probably have a lot of questions about what this entails, so I’ll go point by point on my predictions, opinions, and thoughts as a long term follower of CLAMP manga and my familiarity with following them particularly while a manga is still being serialized. My thoughts under the cut!
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When will Clear Card end? 
Personally, I think that even though Ohkawa has announced that it is gearing up towards the end, I do not think this will happen quickly. I believe what she means by this is that it is entering the final arc of the story. In terms of pacing, I doubt that we’ll even see the end of the story this year as the entire story would have to be resolved in basically 8-9 chapters with the occasional breaks CLAMP takes. 8-9 chapters I don’t think is suitable to end the series, especially considering how short these chapters usually are. We also have SO many questions that need answering, and at least one flashback that is in my mind guaranteed for Kaito, so I’m thinking it’s more likely going to end in 2023. 
Are we ever going to get a Season Two for the Anime? 
Unfortunately, there has still been absolutely no news on this. However, based on how well the Clear Card anime was received (I gauge this based on the sheer amount of merchandise and games they are still pumping out as a result), I can’t imagine why Clear Card would not get a season 2. I feel like financially, it was a success, so it seems foolish to not make another season when the odds of making money seem so much like a sure thing. The way season 1 ended was a bit abrupt and without any answers, and even as vague as CLAMP can be with some endings, it seems too odd to end it there. Personally, I think there are and have been intentions of making a season 2, but that they had to wait until more manga material came out before they could even have the possibility of starting it. I think this is a smart move as I have seen countless anime die due to the pacing moving faster than the manga and having to rely solely on fillers to keep going (or god forbid air on a channel that can’t support the themes of the plot and the animation studio decides to just change the most important plot points to make it work *cough* Tsubasa *cough*) . The reason the fillers worked so well in the original anime of Cardcaptor Sakura was because Ohkawa was right there to help them write the scripts, so everything was still canon. However, I doubt she has all the time to spend doing that right now with a manga still ongoing and other projects too probably in the works (not to mention the ladies of CLAMP are getting older and can’t be expected to do as much as they did 20 years ago). 
My hope is that with the confirmation that we’re nearing the end of the story that they’ll finally give us some news about a second season. I feel like there really isn’t any better time than this year, and they should strike while the iron is still hot. I know some friends of mine and myself tend to look for big news around April 1st of every year as this is CLAMP’s anniversary (and Sakura’s birthday!), and it’s not uncommon for them to give us big news on this day. I certainly haven’t lost hope as I have now seen proof of other series getting another season several years later (like ‘The Devil is a Part Timer’), and Cardcaptor Sakura itself is an example of a series getting more content twenty years later. That speaks volumes as to how precious this series is to so many people, including CLAMP, so I just know it’ll get what it deserves. 
What will CLAMP do after Clear Card is over? 
Back when Tsubasa Nirai Kanai was being serialized and reached its final chapter of the arc several years ago, it became apparent, at least to me, that CLAMP was gearing up for something big on their end. The way Nirai Kanai ended seemed to lack in actual answers and really implied that there was more to come (hey, sounds familiar to our situation with the Clear Card anime, now doesn’t it?). Back then, I had felt deep in my heart that CLAMP was putting Tsubasa and XXXHolic on pause for something big. It was very shortly after Nirai Kanai had it’s last chapter that they announced a new Cardcaptor Sakura project.  CLAMP I believe even confirmed themselves that they would continue Tsubasa at some point and this was not the end. So I firmly believe that once Clear Card is done, they will continue with Tsubasa and may even tie it together somehow with Clear Card (no need to panic for those of you who are freaked out by possible Tsubasa connections. I think Clear Card will remain untainted by this and keep true to its main themes). It’s also entirely possible Tsubasa and XXXHolic were placed on pause simply due to time being a factor, but considering how far in advance I’ve seen them plan some things out, I’m a bit more inclined to think that this was decided ahead of time (with Clear Card in particular, I had theorized that it was being planned since at least 2009). 
We also can’t forget that CLAMP is likely still working on finding a new animation studio for the Tokyo Babylon project after the plagiarism scandal with the first studio. I know this is a project they told fans they intend on still going forward with, so this is probably going to be another focus of theirs in the future, and I’m personally very much looking forward to it! I’m happy that it’s so important to them for it to be done right, though I’m bummed that we didn’t get it last year as expected due to absolutely atrocious choices by GoHands (good on CLAMP and King Records for backing out of that one! It was the right choice 100%, and I believe there was even mention of CLAMP themselves being involved in that conversation). 
What will WE do after Clear Card is over? 
Well, I know there are plenty of people who have really struggled to keep following the story and will be grateful when it is over. As for me, it will be very sad. Of course every story has to come to an end at some point, but I love the characters and story so much that I often find myself never wanting it to end. So whether it is a relief for you, a sad parting, or a bittersweet moment filled with feelings from both sides, everything will surely be all right. Be grateful that we were so fortunate to have this extra time with Sakura, Syaoran, and all the other amazing characters, including brand new ones! Be grateful for getting to share this moment with other people who grew up with CCS just like you (I personally have made so many new friends that I might have not met otherwise). Be grateful that so many are being exposed to Cardcaptor Sakura for the first time, some old fans getting to enjoy this alongside their children. Be grateful to love a series so beloved we got more content two decades after the creators said it was done and they didn’t plan on making more. Be grateful that when they made a Clear Card anime, they managed to get nearly every single original voice actor, director, music composer, singer, and more to come back 20 years later to reprise their roles. Everyone’s love for Cardcaptor Sakura is what made Clear Card a reality. So really, when it comes down to it, the magic was in us all along. What we have here is so incredibly special, and I’m going to enjoy every moment of it. 
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drunkkenobi · 2 years
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Hello all, I come bearing a quick spreadsheet update. It’d been awhile since I’d done one, so I thought I’d share the past couple months of Watcher’s content.
There’s not too much out of the ordinary here. AYS continues to only do well when it’s airing (if that makes sense) and the one-off videos have done very well too.
TMS’s opening numbers are a bit softer than for season 4, but obviously not bad, either. AYS’s opening numbers were also a bit softer than from the fall. I don’t know what that means, if anything. Pretty much every episode was sponsored, including two special episodes that were entirely promotional. I have zero idea how those work and what the expectations are for them. (Steven mentioned there were numbers that were promised for them to the companies...but not what those numbers are. Steven Lim plz tell me all your business secrets)
My favorite bit of insight I can gather from this season of AYS is that the Cats episode didn’t do as well because people were probably afraid a cat died in that story. And The Missing did well because it’s when Shane talked about wanting old men to kiss. The internet is sensitive about cats, and wants old gays to kiss, confirmed.
The main reason I wanted to make this post was for WILD SPECULATION TIME! This past Friday at Vidcon, Watcher gave us months for the premieres of both Ghost Files and Dish Granted. I have looked to my calendar to try and figure out the exact days and folks, it is confusing. (putting it behind a cut because it got long)
So, the current season of TMS will end on July 15. Dish Granted to set to start in “August”. There are two weeks left in July between them (and we don’t know what week of August for DG). My personal guess for what is going to slot in here is a 3 week pilot run. Watcher has talked about debuting one more pilot show this year that I believe Ryan was involved with (whether it’s his or he’s just helping a new creator, unclear). This would be a great place to slot that in.
That puts Dish Granted starting August 12. There are only 3 confirmed guests for this season, I believe, so I can imagine this season being shorter than Watcher’s usual 6. DG is a wonderful show, but I know it’s really hard on Steven and the crew, so a shorter season would make sense.
This could lead into Ghost Files premiering September 2nd. So that’s one theory. Another is that you slot in 2-3 weeks of one-off videos, maybe one after TMS, the possible new series, and/or DG and then you have GF premiering September 23 or 30.
Then there’s the Puppet History of it all. The teaser at VidCon says “Coming Soon”, which is not helpful at all. Shane and some of the other Watcher crew have posted a few cryptic instagram photos over the past week of what I assume is the set, so my guess is that it is filming right now. However, Shane especially is notorious for posting things not as they are being filmed, so I can’t say for certainty that the season has not already been completely shot. (My guess is that it is currently filming, but again, I have been lied to before Shane)
My issue with PH is I have no idea where it fits in. Waiting until after Ghost Files airs puts it at airing in possibly November, which is quite far off. If GF starts in mid-late September and runs for at least 6 episodes (another thing I’m not sure of, but they have filmed 3 for sure and asked for evidence from many more places), that has PH starting November 4 or 11. Now, maybe they’re filming so far ahead for editing and/or scheduling purposes. Ryan gets married at the end of July, so he’ll be busy for a few weeks around then, plus they’ll have to fit in traveling for GF, so maybe they are getting it out of the way early. 
Or perhaps, they’re going to air their most anticipated show and their most popular show at the same time. I have been dying waiting for Watcher to go back to two videos a week for some time. I get why they stopped, but I’d love to see them go back to it, at least for special occasions. 
If PH does premiere in November, that rounds out Watcher’s schedule for the rest of the year, save maybe a couple holiday episodes and/or more one-offs. Wild!
Anyway, sorry this got so long and speculative, but it has consumed my weird little brain since Friday, trying to figure things out. Why they gave us months and not exact days is a mystery to me. One that will probably remain...well, you know. Thanks as always for reading! 
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xzturtles · 2 years
Things the fandom doesn't talk enough about #2
(I’ll do 10 points each part to keep it shorter)
1. Casey is the best example of "how bad the writers are at characters.”
He was one of the main character at some point..still...we know barley anything about him. How old is he?
17? Who are his father and his little sister, what happened to his mother?
Why can't he be Leo's crush...I just want Leo to get a boyfriend or male crush that isn't a cartoon figure.... What is his backstory?
He had to 100% trouble with the police right?
Are his front teeth missing because of a hokey accident or because of a fight?
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2. Speaking of mother....from the main cast (+ all teen girls) characters are the mothers either dead or never mention or presumably gone in any way.
April's and Karai's mother are dead, nobody knows what's with Casey's, Shini just left her family apparently..if she had one, Mona lived mostly with G'Throkka in space and Renet apparently lives either at her working place under the command of Lord Simultaneous or lives by Lord S and works at night.
(I have headcanon for Renet which I’ll post once I finished a drawing with her (mainly to finally start getting back into writing fanfiction after a 3 year break) and somewhat also with Shini & Mona but I’m not so far on these two)
Also...are any of Mona’s, Shini’s or Renet’s parents alive?
3. Speaking of Renet...she has a dagger that she NEVER used once in all of her screen time...and apparently she’s left-handed (She’s using her left hand the majority of the time + she’s carries the dagger on her left leg on a position where she wouldn’t able to grab it and pull out quickly...I definitely didn’t spend half an hour analyze..so yeah, there’s a good chance that she’s left handed.)
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Also what's up with the "You just have to wait until we meet again Michelangelo, in the future." this is one of the most terrible open story holes ever.
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She hints a relationship between her and Mikey but this quote just led people to think that they're doing a Season 6 or something else WITH the 2012 show....yet, they'll never to anything with them probably again...at least they could do a spin-off comic but no.
At least we know that Mikey & Renet have contact...and that Mikey apparently kissed Renet but how true this is knows nobody.
Also we ignore Mikey’s pointless crush on Shinigami...I mean it does makes sense insofar “Mikey is heartbroken because he thinks he’ll never see Renet again, so he tried to move on and search another love in his time”...but why was neither the crush on Renet or on Shini mention, when one girl apparent in a episode.
They could’ve at least made a scene that Mikey was heartbroken in thoughts of never seen Renet again (since at least a year should have past when she left (”should have” because the timeline is so messed up that we don’t know it)) and that he simply try to forget about her or something but really nothing?
4. Just...why.
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5. This
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6. The past Turtles are still in Space...what are they doing? How would past Raph react to Mona (which he never meet before) and she’s randomly “Hello my boyfriend”?
Told future-Raph past-Raph about them having a girlfriend? I mean the past Turtles never meet the Salamandrians.
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8. Pigeon Pete.
Did he died?
Was he fired?
Turned he into a villain?
Did he flew away?
9. There is a small chance that Mikey is either playing stupid or being extremely lazy or just being the biggest child alive. He showed many times in the show that he has a very good memory and a pretty good understanding of chemistry.
10. According to Mikey they're still 15 years, A SEASON BEFORE Casey said that the first Kraang invasion was "last year."...meaning they between Season 1 ending and Season 2 ending was 1 year in between but in Season 3 they're still 15?
By this they should've been 16.
Also by this logic, by season 5 they should be 18 because apparently between the ends of the seasons a year has past.
 End season 1 - 15
 End season 2 - 16
-End season 3 - 17
-End season 4 - 18
But following what Mikey said...between 3 seasons NONE year has past..meaning with in a single year (S1. E1. - S3. E.4) - They had 2 whole Alien invasion - Splinter "died" - Anything that happened around Karai. - They almost died more than once. - Mikey almost exploded. - A pizza zombie apocalyptic - They went into Dimension X - They found April's "mother” - April discover her power - At least 23 Mutation
I refuse to believe that all happened within LESS than a year.  Even for a cartoon...that's too much.
I absolutely hate the timeline in the 2012 show, it’s way too illogical and confusing.
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ginnympotter · 3 years
call it even
Chapter 1: you’ll always know me
A/N: This is the first chapter of a 2 (or possibly 3? who knows) chapter Muggle AU fanfic inspired by tis the damn season and dorothea by taylor swift hehe hope you like it :) You can also read it on AO3 here.
She felt a tap on her shoulder and took a deep breath. It was way too early in the morning, she had just gotten off a long flight where she barely slept a wink, and she just didn’t have it in her to talk to any fans without the coffee she was impatiently waiting for at the LAX Starbucks.
But she turned around anyway, bracing herself, and then saw a face that jolted her so much she supposed she wouldn’t need the coffee anymore. “Harry?”
“Hey, Ginny,” he smiled. Harry Potter was standing in front of her for the first time in almost a year, looking as handsome as ever. He was tired, his green eyes looking glazed behind his glasses, his hair pointing in all directions- though she could tell he didn’t try to comb it- wearing the grey-blue sweater she knew her Mum bought him years ago.
Without really thinking about it, she moved forward and hugged him, throwing her arms around his neck, and he put his around her waist and hugged her back, but he also let go first.
“What are you doing here?” she asked incredulously, trying not to think too hard about him breaking the embrace before she could.
“My students had a tournament against a school out here,” he explained. “We lost though.”
“I’m sorry,” she offered.
“Oh, don’t be, I don’t mind. But the kids all seem like they’re going to jump out of the plane before we can make it home. I was up until 2am consoling the quarterback. My assistant coach is talking them all down now out there while I grab us coffee.”
She nodded, biting her lip. And then blurted out, “Why didn’t you call?” At Harry’s confused look, she added, “to tell me you were in L.A.?”
He cleared his throat, and Ginny saw a light blush creep up his neck. “Well, I knew you were away for your match. I caught some of it, you played great, as always.”
“Oh,” she responded, feeling stupid. She sometimes forgot that as a member of the U.S. Women’s Soccer team her schedule was often public knowledge. She felt a tug at her heart thinking about Harry still supporting her after all this time. “Right, thanks. I wish I could’ve shown you around the city. Did you like it here?”
He shrugged. “Not bad, but big cities aren’t really my style. You know that,” he ended, a solemn note in his voice. “Have you been enjoying it out here?”
She mirrored his shrug. “It’s fine, I suppose. I like the weather, if that counts.”
“Nothing else?”
With most people she’d probably just lie and say she loved it, but with Harry she had a bad habit of always being blunt. “The traffic here is worse than what they warn you about, and honestly, it’s hard to make friends when it seems like everyone just wants to use you for your fame- or for the more famous people that you know.”
“Well, if you’re ever tired of being known for who you know, you know you'll always know me.” Harry offered her a sad smile. “I’m always a call- or a FaceTime- away. Not that a tiny screen is my ideal way of seeing you, but better than nothing.”
She wasn’t sure how to respond right away, as she could feel her whole body burning up and her throat closing. There was so much in the air between them. But the barista called out a cold brew, and at the same time they both said, “oh, that’s me,” then looked at each other and laughed. The first one had Ginny’s name on it, the one that followed five seconds later had Harry’s.
They walked away from the coffee pick-up area together, and Harry checked his watch. “Well, we have to board soon. I’m sorry this is the only way we got to see each other.”
“I’ll be home for Christmas,” Ginny told him in response. She originally didn’t plan on reaching out to him when she got back home, because she knew her brother and Harry’s best friend Ron would just tell him, and if he wanted to see her he could make that decision for himself. But suddenly this became information that she couldn’t hold in.
“Oh,” responded Harry, running his free hand through his hair. Her heart fluttered at that motion, as she knew what it meant- that he was nervous in a good way. “Well, that’s great! Let me know when you plan on getting in, I’d love to catch up, properly.”
“Yeah, me too,” she said, the sincerity spilling out against her will. She never could truly play it cool with him, not even when they were kids. She hugged him again, smelling home lingering on his sweater. “I will. Have a safe flight, Harry.”
His grip on her was tighter this time, even with coffee in hand, than the last. “You too,” he replied. And then stiffened and let go. “I mean, you already had your flight, so that made no sense. Have a safe...cab ride home, I suppose?”
Ginny laughed at his stumbling. “I’ll do my best.”
He smiled, raising a hand in a small wave as he walked back towards his students. “See you later, Gin.”
She returned the smile and watched him reach his students. She noticed one of them looking at her as if they recognized her. She saw him nudge Harry with his elbow before she turned around and began walking to find her cab driver. As she continued to stride forward she faintly heard him ask, “Mr. Potter, was that just… Ginny Weasley? Do you know her?”
It was her fault for thinking her brothers would give her some indication that Harry would be there. They knew she still had feelings for him, no matter how much she denied it and how many times she tried to move on, and yet they couldn’t even give her a heads up.
When Fred and George saw her exasperated expression, they rolled their eyes in unison as Fred put his arm around her. “Are you reverting back to your 11-year-old self, little sis?”
“Fuck off,” she said, shrugging out of her brother’s embrace. “You could have at least warned me.”
“I thought you were bold, or whatever,” said George. “Wasn’t that one of the three qualities you used to describe yourself in People Magazine?”
Harry began walking over to them. She mentally prepared herself as he hugged Fred and George and congratulated them on the joke shop’s expansion. As he turned his attention to Ginny, the twins quickly left to talk to other guests. He didn’t smile.
“Hi,” she said nervously. “I didn’t know you’d be here.”
“Hi,” he replied, one hand in his pocket, the other holding his drink. “Ron told me you landed three days ago.”
She gulped, feeling his hurt absorb her. “Well, I just got settled in and recharged, you know. I- I was going to text you.” Which was true; she did intend on keeping her promise to Harry at the airport, but didn’t know when the appropriate time would be- how do you know the right time to text your ex and first love to casually catch up?
He hummed, taking a sip of his beer. She absolutely despised cold Harry, she could feel it emanating off of him. “It’s fine,” he said, ostensibly lying. “I was catching up with some other people from school anyway. Remember Cho?”
Oh, he was cruel, bringing up his ex like that. “Obviously,” she almost spat. As if she could forget.
“Saw her and Neville, Hannah and Luna the other day.”
She had half a mind to mention Dean Thomas, her boyfriend right before Harry in her sophomore year, reaching out to her asking to go for a drink, but couldn’t find it in her to do it, so instead she just mirrored his cool and pretend unbothered tone. “I don’t remember asking, but thanks for the information.”
Harry’s frown became more clearly defined. “Fine, sorry to bother you.”
She felt a chill as he walked away from her, a familiar ache pooling in her abdomen. They were fighting like they were teenagers rather than grown adults. It was unlike him to start it- it was usually her- but she couldn’t really blame him, though. She knew at the end of the day that she was the main culprit, that she made him ache the way she did because she didn’t know how else to hold it on her own.
She watched him return to her brother Ron’s side and take another large sip of his beer. Ron’s wife and one of both Ginny’s and Harry’s closest friends, Hermione Granger, gave Harry an appraising look and then walked over to Ginny. Hermione gave her a short hug and then said, “Alright, which one of you said something stupid this time?”
Ginny scoffed, pulling away from her friend. “Oh, it’s nice to see you too, Hermione.”
“I saw you yesterday. So which one of you started it?”
“Obviously he did! He had the audacity to mention hanging out with Cho Chang to me.”
Hermione gave a look of utter exasperation. “That’s a new low for him.”
“I know!”
“But I’m assuming you replied with equal spite?”
She sputtered, crossing her arms. “Maybe so.”
“Well, you should have texted him, Ginny.”
“He should’ve texted me! ” she whispered sharply.
“But you told him at the airport-”
“No, I know that, but- I mean, he should have texted me after…” she trailed off, feeling ashamed of herself for being this upset. “After your wedding last year.”
“You mean after you two slept together again after my wedding last year.”
“Well, yeah. Once I got back to L.A. at least. But nothing.”
“You could’ve texted him then, as well.”
“Whose side are you on, anyway? I know Harry’s been your best friend forever and everything but I’m your sister-in-law! Doesn’t family by marriage mean anything to you?”
Hermione shook her head and rubbed her temples. “You two really need to sort out your issues on your own. But if it helps to know, he wasn’t really ‘hanging out’ with Cho. We were out with him and the others as well, Cho wasn’t in our group, she just happened to walk in with Michael Corner and they stopped by our table and said hi for a quick minute.”
“She’s dating Michael? My ex-boyfriend Michael?”
“Oh, yeah, they’ll be engaged any day now,” Hermione informed her.
“That lying piece of-”
“You’re both to blame here,” Hermione declared, using her I’m Putting My Foot Down voice. “Just act like adults for once and sort it out. Properly.”
Guilt enveloped her throughout the rest of the night and she hated how such a small exchange could do this to her, as she had to act like everything was okay, be happy for her brothers and talk about her life in L.A. and as a famous soccer player and sell the life she was living as one she was satisfied to have.
By the end of the evening, before he could leave, she found Harry by himself sitting and reading something intently on his phone. She took a deep breath and walked over to him. “Mind if I sit here?”
He looked up for a second, shook his head, and continued staring at his phone. She eased up just a tad, as she could tell his silence wasn’t his I’m Ignoring You silence, but rather his I’m Deep In Thought and Concentration silence. “Everything okay?” She asked, and when he glanced her way she gestured to his phone.
He gave a half-laugh, half sigh, looking back at his screen. “Yeah, it’s just some of these parents have no boundaries… emailing me during the holidays- on a Friday night no less. I’m just reading through them to decide if any of them are worth responding to outside of my automatic away signature.”
“Is this for the football team kids, or your English Literature students?”
“My Lit students, but there is some overlap. I have this one student, Danny, who’s a really great kid, and his parents are real dickheads, and they’re mad that he got a B+ instead of an A, despite me telling them last quarter that a B is a great grade, and Danny’s already self-conscious as it is and could use encouragement rather than nitpicking over bullshit-“
He caught sight of her face and quickly cut himself off, a blush spreading across his cheeks. She realized she was smiling- it was always nice to see Harry talk passionately about something- and quickly adjusted her facial features. He cleared his throat and closed his phone. “They can probably wait until after the holidays for me to repeat myself, I suppose.”
“I think that’s the right call,” she assured him.
He exhaled, running his hands through his hair and then over his face, trying to wipe off his exhaustion with it all. “Thanks.” He put his hands on his lap and looked at her fully, as he refused to do a couple of hours ago. “Ginny, I’m sorry-“
“No, I’m sorry,” she interjected. “I told you I’d let you know when I’d be here and I didn’t. You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“I let my frustration get the better of me,” he said with a sigh. “Classic Harry for you.”
She laughed, folding her legs into a pretzel in her seat. “Can’t blame you, really, as I’d probably behave the same.” She let out a breath and continued on. “Look, I did mean to text you and tell you I was back. I just… I don’t know, I was stupid, I thought it had to be the right timing, but I guess that doesn’t make much sense.”
“What, were you waiting for a sign or something?” he asked. He was joking when he asked, but as he processed the look on her face he rolled his eyes and chuckled. “Wow, Gin. You never stop amazing me.”
She blushed and laughed nervously, thinking of all the times in the past Harry had said something like that to her. She wanted to hear more of it, over and over, even when he’s saying it in jest. “That is what I do best.”
His features sharpened a bit and he leaned forward. “Well, how’s me asking to see you tomorrow for a sign?”
She put her hand on her chin and pretended to think about it. “A pretty good one, I’d say.”
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tealquacks · 4 years
They Share a Kitchen 3: Grocery Gathering
Originally posted here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24317644/chapters/58625389
I’m sorry this took so long, but I hope y’all enjoy!
It had been a little over a week since Remus made the croissants, and the daily routines still hadn’t quite recovered. At breakfast, Virgil showed up ten minutes later than usual, and stood nervously in the doorway, checking to make sure nobody unexpected would be in the kitchen. Roman never came to visit the kitchen, but Patton brought him meals three times a day— 9:30 am, 1:20 pm, and 5:50 pm. Virgil would occasionally join him. 
Patton and Janus still met for tea every single day, but they never stayed in the kitchen anymore. Patton would ask Janus to take walks with him. They’d stroll through Roman’s side of the imagination, then drink their tea and talk. The only reason Logan knew this was because Patton brought it up at dinner one night. Virgil left shortly after. 
The only people who remained unaffected were Remus and him. They kept to their usual schedules. Except now Logan found himself staying up late to talk to Remus while he cooked. He had yet to make paella— something about wanting to save it for a special occasion.
Every day felt like a special occasion. Logan couldn’t help but stare at the charts he had made, one pre-Remus, and one post-Remus. Color coded and organized. Pristine.
“It’s surprising,” Logan had said at breakfast that morning, eating some waffles Patton had made, “that Remus spending one day in the kitchen threw all of our schedules into chaos.”
Virgil glared at him silently. Patton stared down blankly at his waffles.
“I don’t like him,” Patton murmured.
“You seem to get along with Deceit just fine,” Virgil spat, lip twitching in silent anger. Patton sighed.
“His name is Janus, Virgil. Be polite.”
“Why should I care?”
“Because it’s rude to call him Deceit— Logan, how would you feel if we only called you Logic?”
Logan sat straight. If he said he didn’t care, that would be mostly honest. If he said he did care, that would make it seem he had some sort of emotional attachment to his name. He swallowed.
“I don’t care either way. However, Janus now seems to prefer we address him by his real name. Besides, deceit is not his only function.”
Virgil rolled his eyes, staring angrily down at his plate of waffles. That was the end of the conversation at the breakfast table. Logan ate in silence, slowly sipping water out of a glass with a lemon on the rim. 
Now, he sat at his desk. The clock said it was 2:28 pm. The kitchen would be perfectly empty, since Virgil and Patton no longer had their little talks in the kitchen. Logan didn’t know where they went, and he didn’t care to ask. Of course he worried about them, but he didn’t think where they talked mattered so much. He set down his pen, thinking of when Roman had run from the kitchen in horror, Remus doing nothing but sitting at the table.
Suddenly, someone knocked at his door. Logan stood from his comfortable office chair, and walked to the door. He adjusted his tie and smoothed his hair down before calmly opening it. That calm facade almost broke when he saw Remus on the other side, wearing a painfully bright yellow bucket hat, a fishnet shirt, and a green pair of cargo shorts. He had a bag slung over his shoulder.
“Hello, Remus.”
“You remember how you said I should make paella? Well I thought real long and hard and I thought that you could not only help me with the cooking but you could also help me with gathering the shit that goes in it! Like clams and mussels. One recipe says squid but I’ve honestly never cooked with squid and I’m not interested in fucking with that.”
Logan blinked, slowly trying to take in the information, and the sight of Remus before him. Remus never came to his room. Nobody did. It seemed like there had been an unspoken rule made, that he was never to be interrupted. Now the matter at hand.
“You want me to accompany you in collecting the ingredients?”
Remus nodded violently, causing the bright hat to flop off his head. He picked it up, and put it back on. Logan blinked.
“I’ll take that as a yes. And this involves going under the water?”
“No shit Sherlock! That’s where the mussels are! Unless you count these guns—“ Remus flexed his arms, a stunning smile on his face. Logan looked at the bag he carried, then to the yellow hat on his head.
“I think it would be best if you changed into something more… sensible.”
Remus wagged his brows, leaning up against the doorway.
“Oh don’t worry, I’m wearing a speedo under these shorts.”
“I meant the hat. It will make you very, very visible.”
“It’s okay,” Remus rebutted, “I think fish are colorblind. Maybe. Do you know?”
Logan gnawed on the inside of his lip. He didn’t know. He couldn’t say so, that would be seen as weakness. But Remus was… different, somehow, uncaring about strength and weakness. He took a slow, deep breath.
“I honestly don’t know,” Logan responded, “most fish only see two colors, but I’m unsure how many can see yellow. However, if your plans are to go underwater, it would be wise to forgo the hat.”
Remus shrugged, took off his hat, and tossed it into Logan’s room. It landed on the neat sheets of his bed.
“We won’t be in the water the whole time,” Remus said, “we still have to get other things? Like, erm, I don’t have the recipe on me but we’re almost out of apples, and honey— honey will be a bitch to get but you know what I have?”
Logan furrowed his brows, staring at the bag.
“A beekeeping suit, a smoker, and an apiary of some sort?”
“Nope! Just my morning star and overwhelming hubris!”
Logan didn't know what he’d expected. Of course Remus wouldn’t go about getting honey in any sort of logical way. 
“There are other things we will need.”
“You have a special request?”
Logan shook his head.
“I don’t. But paella requires saffron,” Logan explained. “Saffron is derived from the stigma of Crocus sativus.”
“Huh? What’s uh….” Remus trailed off, snapping his fingers a few times. “What’s the common name of that?”
“They are also known as autumn crocus, or saffron crocus. Do you know where these flowers grow?”
Remus raised his eyebrows, tapping his fingers to one another— thumb to index, thumb to middle, thumb to ring, thumb to pinkie. 
“Lemme think… I have a spice garden in my side, but I didn’t know that saffron came from a fucking flower! But I do have a bit of land I could… flowers. Goddamn! Saffron from flowers! That’s pretty cool! I have to ask— how did people think of putting it on shit?”
Logan suppressed a smile as Remus flapped one of his hands a little. It felt nice, being asked harmless questions, not being interrupted. Even then, he couldn’t help but wait for the other shoe to drop, for Remus to tell him to shut up. He took a deep breath.
“It is commonly believed that saffron originated in Greece, however most of it is grown in Iran, I believe.” He paused, giving Remus ample time to say something. Instead, Remus waved his hand at him.
“Well? Go on.” 
Logan shifted from foot to foot.
“Saffron is incredibly expensive due to the fact that one flower only produces three strands when it blooms, and the flowers only bloom for one week each year. Saffron has been used and cultivated by humans for more than three thousand and five hundred years, and has been used not only as a seasoning, but also as a dye, fragrance, and medicine.”
Remus grinned, eyebrows raised. 
“Cocaine used to be used as a medicine! Freud diagnosed it to some of his patients for depression, I think! Did you know that cocaine, like meth, can cause people to hallucinate vermin crawling under their skin? And they’ll scratch at their skins to get them out!”
“Ah, yes, delusional parasitosis, also called formication.”
Logan shook his head.
“I doubt formication and fornication could be mistaken for one another, unless ones idea of fornication is subdermal penetration.”
“Oh, talk dirty to me!” Remus cried, rolling his shoulders. Logan couldn’t stop his lips from twitching up into a small smile, but turned his expression back to a straight face as quickly as he could. 
“So what are you looking to retrieve?” Logan asked. Remus reached into one of the many pockets of his cargo shorts, and pulled out a folded piece of paper. He dramatically unfolded it.
“Apples, honey, saffron, I guess, and mussels and clams and whatever else we may find. So is that a yes?”
Logan paused for a moment. He’d been to Roman’s side of the imagination, and the land was bright and beautiful, filled with fantastical creatures and lush landscapes. However, Remus was the opposite of Roman, or at least the bits of creativity that Thomas considered unpleasant enough to purge from his consciousness. So what did that include? The horrifying, the macabre, and the explicit. Dicks, drugs, and the disturbing. None of it could hurt him. And judging by the fact Remus sought him out to come with him, he wouldn’t even be threatened. As long as he was cautious, he would remain unharmed during their journey. That was reasonable enough to assume.
 But what about the others? He would be expected back at dinner, which was at five pm. That would only give him two and a half hours with Remus, and time seemed to go much faster while around him, probably something to do with how Remus’ nature distorted reality around him, that reality including the way one would perceive time passing. Logan looked into his room. If he left the door closed, the others wouldn’t bother him. Patton would leave dinner outside of his door, he’d done it before, many times, but he wouldn’t come in. So he could miss dinner. If they asked questions, he could say he was busy. And they’d believe him.
Logan stared at the yellow bucket hat, garish and blinding on top of his sheets. He swallowed.
“Yes, I will accompany you.”
Remus flapped his hands expressively, smiling like a million and a half suns. He hopped from foot to foot, then did a little spin. 
“Fuck yeah! I’ll let you get changed, meet me in the kitchen as soon as possible! It’ll be so much fun!”
Just as Logan opened his mouth to tell Remus he would be wearing his usual clothing, Remus sprinted away. He let out a deep sigh. He wore his usual outfit— black dress pants, a black polo, indigo tie, dress shoes. Comfortable and professional. If he were to open his closet, there would be exact clones of the exact same outfit. Of course there was always the clothing he wore on Halloween, but a bulky, velveteen coat would be even less practical. The Sherlock costume would be out of the question, and he’d long since gotten rid of his onesie. 
So that left him in his typical outfit. However, the tie around his throat could possibly get caught and damaged. Logan touched his striped indigo tie, and slowly loosened it. Halfway through doing so, he realized he would look like an absolute fool without his tie. Even to Remus. Logan pulled the tie tight, so tight it almost choked him, and walked out of his room, slowly shutting the door behind him.
Logan silently crept through the hallway then down the stairs, making sure to skip the one squeaky step. If Virgil caught him with Remus, willingly spending time with him… well, he didn’t know how he would react. Virgil hated him, saw him as a nuisance, and there certainly was some history between the two of them. He had no clue what, despite the fact Virgil had once been a ‘dark’ side. 
He stepped into the kitchen. Remus sat on the table, kicking his legs back and forth. Somehow, even wearing those ridiculous clothes, he looked like he belonged in the kitchen. Logan pushed his glasses up. Remus smiled at him, hopping off of the table and grabbing his arm in a tight grip. His hands felt burning hot.
“Are you ready to go?”
Was he? If the others—
“—Yes, I am.”
Remus tugged on his arm, and they both sunk down into the white tile of the kitchen floor.
A gust of warm, sweet air hit him in the face. Logan gasped at the sensation, staggering backwards. He tripped on a stone, and landed on his ass in tall grass. All around them grew wildflowers and grass, and the clouds gently danced in the sky. The flowers swayed in the wind, blossoms of all hues growing around them. Truly, a beautiful landscape. Strange.
“Is this your side of the imagination?” Logan asked, ignoring Remus’ offered hand in favor of standing up by himself. 
“Yup! Wild and uncivilized. I had an idea for a monster— it’s an intelligent being that’s made of fungi that connects to the roots of plants, like how a brain makes neuron paths! Earth brain! We’re currently standing upon the brain of the smartest being in the imagination! Well, except for you, now that you’re here.”
Logan nervously looked down at his feet, face flushed. He really didn’t want to ask what the thing looked like, but his curiosity begged him to. His ego, meanwhile, preened at the small praise.
“Does it have a body?” Logan asked, “does it need to feed?”
“Yes to both questions!” Remus proclaimed, “The body is like. Laying down sort of? It’s like a big, smart pancake! And it eats! Don’t worry, it won’t eat us. Or any other side. Or cows since it’s lactose intolerant. But it won’t eat any sentient beings, like us sides! Except for Roman and his creations of course.”
Logan raised an eyebrow.
“Why only him?”
Remus twirled around, then pointed off into the distance. Logan looked to where he was pointing, and there in the horizon he spotted a massive palace, one he immediately recognized as belonging to Roman.. 
Remus opened his mouth, then suddenly shut it, a manic smile splitting his face. 
“Look, here comes a unicorn! Oh, you’ll love this.”
And just as Remus had said, a white stallion with a gleaming horn pranced into the field of flowers. It wandered forward, then bent down and started to graze. As it opened its mouth to take a bite, the plants suddenly burst to life, wrapping around the unicorn. It fought and kicked as the thick grass dragged it to the ground— no, into the ground, as if the prairie earth had turned into quicksand. The unicorn whinnied and thrashed, until it was pulled fully under the ground, horn disappearing in the thick foliage. 
“It absorbs its prey, like a protist.” Logan said breathlessly. If he could feel, he wouldn’t know if he felt shocked or impressed. 
“Yeah! This land, in like a mile wide stripe, is the border between my land and Roman’s. And I don’t want anything to do with his shit. So anything that comes over here gets chomped up by Bartholomew!”
“Bartholomew?” Logan asked.
Remus crouched, patting the ground. He flopped onto his front, pressing a little kiss to the earth.
“It goes by Bart for short. And don’t worry, we had a conversation and it’s fine with it/its pronouns. Anyways what should we get first?”
Logan stared at the earth, shifting from foot to foot. Thousands of questions were bubbling in his head, but Remus had brought him to gather ingredients, not to ask questions. 
“Apples,” he croaked out. Remus leapt to his feet, looking him in the eye.
“I said it won’t absorb you. It only eats Roman and Roman’s shit. And even if you did get eaten, you’d be able to sink out. You’re safe.”
Logan inhaled slowly, then let out a deep breath. He didn’t care if he was safe. He wanted to ask how Bartholomew dissolved its prey, what acid it used to break down prey, he wanted to ask about the ph of the soil—
“Let’s go get the apples,” Logan insisted.
Remus nodded.
“The orchard is like, ten miles away? I don’t know but I can teleport us. Will it make you puke? Since Jannie told me that when he and Patton were in the imagination they saw Roman and Roman teleported them away from him and then Patton puked his guts up!”
“I don’t puke,” Logan explained, “I’m not human, and I can’t pretend to be.”
“You are a part of a human. Anyways, let’s go!”
Remus grabbed his arm, and the world shifted around them, the ground fell out from under his feet— for an instant, he felt like he was flying and falling all at the same time.
Then the ground appeared again. Logan stumbled. The sun was filtered through the branches of tall trees, taller than any apple tree he’d seen. The ground felt hard, and thorny bushes grew between each massive tree. Strangely enough, even though the air felt warm, the branches had no leaves, as if winter was coming. Logan looked down at his feet. The earth was covered in a layer of frost. He crouched down and touched it, and his fingers brushed coarse weeds and warm frost.
“This is fascinating,” Logan said. He scooped a little bit of frost into his hand. It didn’t melt. 
“How so?”
“Where do I start? The trees— they’re far too tall to be apple trees, yet they still bear fruit. And they have no leaves, which raises the question of how they perform photosynthesis. Not only that but the ground is covered in frost, and the frost is warm. The frost is warm, but it also doesn’t melt in my touch. Truly fascinating.”
Remus flicked his wrist, and a red apple the size of a fist fell into his palm.
“I like the way that frost looks, but I fucking hate the cold! So I made this place! And the branches are high so I can climb them and see out above the entirety of the land! But if you take issue with the height of the trees…”
Remus took a bite of the apple. He stomped his foot. Suddenly, one of the trees shrank, smaller and smaller, until it was the size of an actual apple tree. Ripe, beautiful apples hung off the branches.
“There,” Remus said, “that should be low enough for you to reach.”
“I’m not that much shorter than you,” Logan said, “do you have something to keep the apples in?”
Remus reached into the bag, and pulled out a wicker basket. Logan almost asked how he managed to do that, but realized it would be pointless. This was Remus’ land, it ran by his rules.
“I have a question!” Remus proclaimed.
“Go ahead,” Logan said, silently glad Remus had gone back to asking questions.
“Why are you so touchy about shapeshifting? Like. You never do it. I mean when the cameras aren’t rolling. You look exactly like Thomas and you never change it up!”
Logan froze. He pulled an apple from one of the branches and set it carefully in the basket.
“Patton is emotionally unstable. Virgil is a ticking time bomb. Roman tends to prioritize fantastical ideals over reality. Janus is level headed, but Thomas only just accepted him. And I’m unsure if he’ll ever accept you.”
Remus took another big bite of the apple.
“And what does this have to do with you not shapeshifting?”
Logan sighed.
“Thomas needs someone to be steady. Someone for him to rely on and trust no matter what the situation is. I don’t want to lose his trust.”
Remus giggled. Logan picked another apple.
“He trusts Patton even when he’s a fucking puppet. It’s not about trust, is it?”
Logan set the apple down in his basket.
“How many of these do we need?”
“Fuck if I know, fill the basket. But if it’s not about trust, then what is it about?”
Logan picked an apple, staring at the deep red color. He rubbed it against his polo, and he could see his reflection.
“Thomas hasn’t been listening to me as much as he should. I’m hoping that if I maintain the same appearance as him, he’ll be more inclined to listen to what I have to say.”
Logan stared at the apple. He shouldn’t be here. If the others found out he’d spent so much time with Remus, then what would they think of him? Would they consider him a friend anymore? That plus the fact he was picking apples, something they didn’t even need to do because they could be summoned with the snap of a finger. He didn’t need to eat. Logan set the apple in his basket.
Remus hummed. He flicked his wrist again, and apples began to rain from the sky. They struck the ground hard enough to bruise, and the noise they made was thunderous.
“Do you think the apple rain helps or diminishes the experience of apple picking?”
Logan stared up at the sky— cloudy, with a chance of apples.
“I don’t think catching apples in a basket counts as picking.”
“But it does count as fun!” Remus insisted.
“It’s not very effective.”
“Really now? Watch this!”
Remus pulled another wicker basket from the bag, and held it above his head. One, two, three apples hit the basket hard. The fourth made a sickening crunch as it hit the basket, and Logan flinched.
“What was that?”
“Some of the apples have bones!”
Logan furrowed his brows, looking at Remus. Another apple fell into his basket, thankfully lacking the crunching.
“An odd feature for an apple to have. What are the purpose of the bones? Structural stability? Do the bones assist in reproduction?”
“None of that!” Remus responded, “I just like the crunch! And Jannie likes the extra calcium!”
Logan nodded. Somehow, the fact that nothing made sense was logical. This was Remus’ land, it obeyed him. He plucked another apple from the tree.
“You know, Logan,” Remus said after a moment,  basket held over his head, “I think you’re Eve.”
Logan raised his eyebrow.
“And what do you mean by that?”
Remus shrugged. Another apple landed in the basket with a crunch.
“Well, you see, Eve ate the apple from the forbidden tree, because she wanted to know the difference between good and evil, she wanted to see like god. In all honesty, I don’t think she was tricked. She knew what she wanted. She knew what she was getting into. She was just scared to be held liable. She was scared of the judgement.”
Logan plucked another apple from the tree. He had to stand on his toes to reach it. What Remus was saying made no sense. If God had dropped him in the garden and told him to not eat the apple, he would’ve followed the rules. And he certainly feared no judgement. Certainly.
“I don’t think so.”
“You don’t? So you would have rather stayed ignorant? Unharmed by what you don’t know?”
Logan froze. Remus continued talking.
“I remember Janus told me you really went off at him when he suggested that ignorance is bliss. So, I think you’re just like Eve. I mean, would you give up peace for knowledge?”
Logan plucked another apple. Of course he would. What he wanted more than anything was a life full of books and reading, knowing everything there was to know. Being an academic.
“That isn’t my choice to make. Thomas has chosen his path in life.”
“But what if it was your choice? Then what would you do?”
Logan picked another apple. The basket was close to full.
“I would choose knowledge. I have told you what I would do as a human, I would pursue knowledge above all. I wouldn’t be able to stop my pursuit. I would never be satisfied.”
Remus snapped his fingers, and the apple rain stopped as suddenly as it started.
“Wisdom cries out in the street; in the squares she raises her voice. Proverbs 1, verse 20.  You’d never be able to stop learning once you started. Which I think is pretty cool!” Remus looked him dead in the eye, lowering his basket from his head. “You’re a passionate guy, Lo. Show it. I liked hearing you talk about saffron. And if they won’t listen? Then—“
“Then make them listen. Yes. You said it before.” Logan sighed. “I must admit, I don’t think I would be able to. Once they see me as a joke, it’s over. I’m only listened to when I’m being used to counter something that inhibits Virgil and Patton. For example, when you and Janus first appeared. I… I think we have enough apples.”
Remus took his basket, full of apples, and shoved it into the bag. Logan gave him his basket, and watched Remus make it disappear.
“If they won’t listen to you just because they see you act improperly, because they see you smile and feel happy, then they’re a bunch of hypocrites that I want to punt into the fucking sun.”
Logan took a deep breath in. A tiny little voice inside of him screamed to lash out, punch a tree in anger and frustration and pain, but that would be illogical. The apples had been picked. That was all. Now saffron, or honey, or whatever Remus would drag him to next. Then he’d be back in his room, asleep in his chair, then in the morning—
“I honestly don’t know why you care so much,” Remus said.
Logan exhaled.
“They’re all I have.”
Remus set a hand on his shoulder.
“Well, you’re have me now, too. Let’s go get the saffron!”
The earth suddenly fell out from under his feet. Logan couldn’t help the surprised yelp that escaped his mouth, hand flying out to grab Remus’ arm. Then as quickly as it disappeared, the earth came back, and his feet hit the ground. He yanked his hand away from Remus, brushing invisible dust off of the front of his shirt. 
They had appeared in a desert. The sun beat down bright and strong, no clouds in the sky to inhibit it. His feet sank into the sand. A harsh wind kicked up the sand, and it flew around in a flurry like a blizzard. Logan gazed at the horizon. Nothing for miles and miles, just sand, low and level.
“Is this where you find saffron?” Logan asked. Remus crossed his arms.
“You should know better than anyone that flowers can’t grow in a desert! And besides, I just found out saffron came from flowers. So I have to grow them!”
Logan raised an eyebrow.
“Why bring us to a desert then?”
Remus smiled.
“Oh, you’ll see.”
Remus turned away from him. He raised his hands out, like he was conducting a band. He slowly breathed in. Logan felt the sand under his feet shift, pull together, and shake. Logan’s eyes went wide.
“What’re you—“
Remus turned back to Logan, eyes filled with fire.
“What is the best condition for crocuses, Logan?”
Logan swallowed, mouth suddenly dry.
“Saffron crocuses bloom in early to mid fall, and prefer sandy loam and lots of sunshine. They prefer soil with good drainage, as well as a pH range of 6.0 to 7.0. Crocus grow best in hardiness zones 5 through 8, not too hot, but not too cold either.”
A cool, fall breeze ruffled Remus’ hair and the fishnet shirt he wore. Logan raised an eyebrow. He couldn’t tell the temperature, but it certainly had gotten cooler.
“What is sandy loam?” Remus asked, knocking Logan’s train of thought off the tracks.
Logan paused for a moment. Remus really wanted to know. But why? The imagination didn’t follow the laws of physics or nature, why would he want to know? He said he liked hearing him talk. But did he?
“Sandy loam is soil that, while containing silt and clay, has primarily sand in it. It is a good soil for gardening because of its draining abilities… Does it matter?”
Remus tilted his head.
“Well, if you were to be making a big ol’ crocus field, you’d care about the soil! Everything about it! So since it matters to you…”
Remus smiled brightly, and grabbed Logan’s arm, tugging him. Logan let himself be pulled, finding himself right in front of Remus, stumbling as the ground shifted under his feet. Bright sand melded together and changed, turning into dark, rich earth. Logan knelt, scooping a little bit into his hand. Sandy loam. 
The soil in his hand moved, like a miniature earthquake. A small, green sprout rose from the dirt, reaching towards the sun. Delicate green leaves grew, and so did a small, purple bud. It opened. Vibrant amethyst petals showed themselves to him, but so did three red stigma. Saffron.
“My god,” Logan said, “that was amazing!”
Remus snorted out a laugh.
“What, you've never seen Roman do something like that?”
Logan shook his head. Roman preferred to run his side of the imagination like an actual human kingdom, planting saplings and waiting patiently for them to grow. Sometimes, he’d see Roman in the wheat fields, harvesting wheat with a large iron scythe, just how a human would do. He let everything take its time, and grow at its own pace. 
“Really?” Remus crowed. “Well then— watch this!”
Remus cackled, and snapped his fingers.
The ground shifted under Logan’s knees, and hundreds of little green sprouts poked out from the dark earth, basking in the gentle sunlight. Glorious purple buds opened to reveal perfect crocuses, each with three sprigs of saffron inside. Logan gazed out to the horizon. The desert had turned to a field of purple, as grand and never ending as a sunset.
Logan’s jaw dropped open in shock. For miles and miles, nothing but crocus…
“Amazing,” Logan whispered, “absolutely amazing.”
With a thud, Remus sat down next to him. He leaned forward, and tore one of the crocuses from the ground, holding it up to Logan. Then, the petals shuddered, as if blown by an invisible wind, merging and shifting until they had formed a purple frog.
“Look,” Remus exclaimed, “it’s a croak-us!”
Logan couldn’t help but snort with laughter, covering his mouth quickly. His eyes went wide. Remus didn’t seem to have any intention of poking fun at him for laughing, but it was better safe than sorry. Though he couldn’t help but think of Remus, sat at the kitchen table in nothing but an apron, saying that he’d beaten him fair and square, and could do so again. Logan lowered his hand from his mouth, chuckling quietly. It was a pretty funny pun.
"Yes," Logan opened his mouth, closed it, then exhaled. "'It's quite ribbit-ing." 
Logan looked up, meeting Remus’ eyes. There was no judgement, no smugness. Remus looked absolutely fucking delighted, a manic glint in his eyes.
"You've toad the line!” Remus cackled. Logan laughed quietly, staring right at the little frog in the flower, trying to think of another frog pun. His brows furrowed in thought. 
"Did you know that in South America, there's a species of big frog with enough poison to kill two thousand men?” Remus said, interrupting Logan’s train of a thought. 
"I don't believe that's true. The golden dart frog grows only up to five millimeters, as opposed to the goliath frog, which can grow up to three-hundred and twenty, and weigh just over four pounds."
“Damn, you know a lot about frogs,” Remus said, “it’s pretty cool!”
“I researched them extensively after Patton turned into one, just in case another problem arose.” 
They stared at each other, much too long to be considered normal. Remus's lips twitched. The silence grated on Logan’s nerves. Had he said something wrong? 
“Would you like to play a word association game?” Logan nervously asked.
"Part two: Electric Boogaloo!" Remus exclaimed, startling the croak-us enough to hop into the fields of its former kin.
He brought his hand down onto Logan's in a low five, purple petals smeared onto his palm. Remus was still grinning, parts of his moustache standing on end, like he'd been shocked. Electric Boogaloo. Remus sat, cross-legged in the new soil so they were face to face. Logan brushed against him, and felt the burn of a spark go out on his leg. Electric Boogaloo, again.
"Vampire,” Remus said.
Logan’s mind jumped to when Virgil had dressed as a vampire for halloween.
"Bok choy!” Remus chirped.
Logan paused. What led to that connection? Remus shrugged.
"Plant,” Logan said, brushing off his previous confusion.
Remus snapped, loud as a cracking whip. Logan watched him shake a freshly printed page he clutched in his hand, peering at it intensely. 
“It says on our list that we need honey!”
Logan looked back out at the field of crocuses. Every single one of them had three sprigs of saffron inside, red and beautiful. He could smell it, the aroma beautiful and heavy. 
“We have to harvest the saffron first, for the paella. How much will we need for the recipe, Remus?”
Remus sighed.
“Harvesting saffron ourselves sounds like a big waste of time. Don’t you think?”
Logan brushed his fingers on the warm, rich soil. He imagined Remus and him in the field of saffron, carefully plucking saffron from the flowers, putting the delicate threads in jars to be dried later. Then he could ask all the questions in the world about the soil, the saffron. He could spend hours talking to Remus about everything he wanted to. He wanted to say so much. And yet his mouth wouldn’t obey him. Remus wouldn’t tell him to shut up, so what was stopping him? Nothing was stopping him.
“Yes,” Logan said, “it would take up a good deal of time. But honey won’t take that long, will it?”
“I don’t even need honey,” Remus admitted, “I just wanted an excuse to spend time with you without any of the others popping in or having to wait until like five am. You’re the functional one, you gotta get some sleep.”
Logan’s eyebrows shot up. Oh. Remus’ words slowly went through his head. His heart did a backflip— even though that certainly was anatomically impossible— and his lungs stopped taking in air.
“Yeah,” Logan said, voice quiet, “I do. I mean— uh. Spending time with you is much better than laying unconscious for eight hours.”
“As if you get eight hours of sleep,” Remus said, a bright smile plastered on his face.
“So. We don’t need honey?”
“We still need mussels.”
“Mussels, yeah,” Logan said, breathless, standing up, “lead the way.”
“What about the saffron?” Remus said, raising an eyebrow. He stood.
“...Well. We can always come back for that some other time.”
Remus nodded, a bright smile plastered on his face.
“Yeah, some other time. Well then. Off we go!”
Remus grabbed Logan’s arm, and the world fell away from them. Logan closed his eyes. 
Waves crashed gently. He could hear them, and feel a cold sea breeze blow on his skin, ruffling his hair. He slowly opened his eyes. Apparently, night had fallen while his eyes were shut, and moonlight bathed everything in a pearly pale light. The air smelled like salt. Both of his feet were solidly on a wooden dock. Remus’ hand still felt warm on his arm.
“How long did that take?” Logan asked. The sun had still been up when they left.
“It’s always night here,” Remus explained, shifting his weight from foot to foot, “I like it better that way. Look at the beach and you’ll see why.”
Logan turned his head. The moon shone gently on the black sand beach, but more impressive were the waves— each foaming, rushing wave carried with it an ethereal teal glow, like all the stars in the sky were gently ebbing with every wave. Logan stared at the water, eyes wide. 
“The waves glow like that because of an algal bloom, right? And when the water moves it causes the algae to glow. It is absolutely wonderful, Remus.”
Remus smiled, running his hand through his hair, almost as if he was shy.
“Thanks, this place is one of the first places I’ve ever made, and the first one I felt satisfied with. The rest of this place I like to keep constantly changing, but not here.”
Remus walked to the end of the dock. He calmly set his bag down, then yanked off his fishnet top, holding it in his hand. Logan watched his hands undo the button of his shorts, then watched Remus toss his shorts onto the dock, revealing the bright green speedo he wore, leaving nothing up to the imagination. Remus raised his arms out like Christ on the cross, looking up at the full moon. Then he tilted backwards, gracefully falling off the dock, and landing in the water with a loud splash.
Logan slowly walked to the end of the dock. He knelt, knees pressed against wet wood. Even through the glowing waves and the dark water he could see Remus’ back, his legs, pale skin disappearing quickly underwater. 
Logan’s hands clasped the indigo fabric of his tie. Then they drifted down. He sat down, cross legged, staring down at the water. Slowly, he took one shoe off, setting it carefully behind him. Then the other. He pulled off his socks and placed them in his shoes. Then his pants, leaving him in boxers, his shirt, and his tie. He took off his glasses.
His hands clasped his tie again. He gazed at the water, dark as the night around him except for the beautiful waves and the occasional glimpse of Remus’ skin. Then he raised his head, staring out into the distance. He could see for miles. Empty, dark ocean, with no land in sight. Slowly, he loosened the knot. His hands shook. 
Remus wouldn’t care. He wouldn’t care if he took off his tie. He wouldn’t see him as less. He would see him as Logic, as Logan. Nothing less. 
He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath of cold, salty air. pulled off his tie, setting it with the rest of his clothing. Before he could lose his nerve he yanked his shirt off, threw it haphazardly in the pile of clothing, and ran to the end of the dock. He jumped. Time seemed to slow as he rushed through the air, flying to the water—
He landed with a loud, graceless splash. The water around him lit up like fireworks. Surprisingly, the water felt warm compared to the bite of the wind. Logan couldn’t tell where Remus was, he just knew he was underwater with him now. Logan kicked and paddled until he reached the surface, gasping for breath. A sharp laugh escaped him. His heart pounded in his chest— he could feel it beating, even though he knew he didn’t need one to function. The waves rushed over him, bright as all the stars. 
Logan treaded water in place, then let himself tilt back, until he floated on his back. Waves gently rocked him, and he let them. What had he been so scared of? He laughed again, much quieter, listening to the waves rush to shore. 
Next to him, he heard Remus surface, taking a deep breath.
“You good?” Remus asked. Logan turned his head a little, looking at Remus. His hair was soaked, plastered to his forehead.
“Perfectly fine,” Logan responded, “and you?”
Remus didn’t answer, just smiled and sunk into the water. The wind blew cold over his skin, sending a shudder up his spine. Remus had to be swimming under him, collecting the mussels he’d use for the paella. Logan couldn’t help but wait for the time they’d be able to spend in the kitchen, knees bumping, or the time they’d spend collecting saffron, the sun shining on violet flowers in a golden gleam. 
Logan breathed out slowly. There was something with Remus that made all his thoughts become portraits. Cohesive, yes, but coated in a loveliness that never used to be there. It might have to do with the imagination. It might not. 
The waves beneath him swelled, then gently ebbed out. Remus surfaced again, treading water as easily as breathing. He’d changed his fishnet top into a net, which was full of mussels and what looked like clams, maybe? Logan couldn’t tell. 
Remus gingerly grabbed Logan’s arm. The waves under them swelled. 
“Let’s go back up onto the dock,” Remus whispered.
Logan nodded. Within the blink of the eye, they both appeared on the dock, both of them soaking wet. Remus shook his head like a dog, water flying everywhere. Logan raised his hand to keep the water from hitting him, even though he was already absolutely soaked. Remus set the bag of shellfish on the dock with a clatter. 
He calmly took one out of the net, and Logan realized they were oysters, not clams. Remus grabbed his bag, unzipping one of the pockets and pulling out a knife. He held the oyster carefully, curved side flat against his palm, and wiggled his knife into the hinge between the shells. Remus’ hands were surprisingly steady, even as the knife slipped between the shells and the oyster popped open. He scraped the knife against the inside of the shell, freeing up the meat, then knocked the oyster back like a shot.
Silently, he offered Logan the knife. Their fingers brushed as Logan took the hilt of the knife, grabbing an oyster from the net. He mimicked Remus’ movements, trying to slip the knife between the two shells. Remus chuckled, and grabbed the hand that held the knife. 
“You have to press harder,” he said, “you can’t finesse your way into the shell, you have to put some oomf behind it. If you don’t, it’ll never ever open up.”
Logan swallowed. He felt oddly lightheaded as Remus guided the knife between the shells of the oyster, helping him push the knife into the space between the shell, easing the hinges apart with the flat of the blade. The shell slipped into the cup of his fingers, just so, supported by the weight of Remus's hands over his, thumb pushing against his, twisting the hinge open with a pop.
"See?" Remus was grinning, that ever-present expression of glee, and Logan tore his eyes from it to the movement of hands again, guiding the knife under the oyster to lift the flat shell off. 
"These would be good for the garden," Logan blurted out. Remus looked up, just as attentive as he'd always been, and the words caught in his throat for a second. "For- for the soil, oyster shells, when ground into powder, have been shown to improve soil pH and nutrient status, strengthening cell walls due to an increase in calcium, overall resulting in healthier produce.”
Remus tilted his head. Logan’s face flushed.
“...I know you employ an extraordinary method of growing and cultivating, and therefore have no need for this knowledge, but tossing them aside or simply letting them disappear seemed.. unnecessary."
"I think you need to stop worrying about what I need to know, and start asking what else I'd want to hear,” Remus said with a grin, “But it is flattering that you think it's extraordinary. Now why don’t you try the oyster?”
Logan stared at the meat of the oyster.
“I just… drink it?”
“Like a shot, yeah.”
Logan slowly brought the oyster to his mouth. Slowly, he tilted his head back, opening his mouth.
The taste made his eyes go wide. The meat of the oyster was plump against his tongue, but it tasted like coppery brine. He swallowed it without chewing, since he hadn’t noticed Remus’ jaw moving. The coppery taste lingered on his tongue. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath of fresh, ocean air.
“Why don’t you stay here?” Remus suddenly asked. Logan’s eyes shot wide open. He had another oyster in his hands, wriggling his knife between the shells.
“I’m sorry, what?”
Remus looked down at the oyster, face surprisingly blank and unreadable.
“You spend all day in your room except for when you come out and cook with me. I have a feeling that I almost wasn’t able to get you out of your room today. So why don’t you just stay here? I can make you a castle or a cottage for you to study in, and you won’t have to worry about the others bothering you. And you’ll be able to come here whenever you want. So what do you say. Will you stay?”
Logan stared down at his hands. He could. He could say yes, and watch Remus make him a place to stay, a place that was truly his. No worries of anyone walking in and seeing him disheveled, just himself and Remus.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t say yes. I’m needed with the rest of the sides, and Virgil may see my leaving as betrayal, or a sign of untrustworthiness. I need to keep them on my side. I need them to trust me, to listen to me.”
Remus still was fixated on the oyster. The knife slipped between the two shells, and it popped open. Remus’ brows rose.
“I still think you’d enjoy it here more than you would crammed in your little room all the time. And I don’t know how to tell you in a way that’ll make you listen, but they need you more than you think they do. You are all of Thomas’ cleverness and wit. Where would he be without you? Creativity is nothing without knowledge— whether its working with or against knowledge.”
Logan shook his head. Remus slowly reached for Logan’s hand. Logan let him take it, pull his fingers open, and press something into his palm. It felt like a pebble. Logan felt his hands ball into fists.
“Roman seems to mostly work against me, but at least Thomas heeds his words. I really can’t stay here. I…. I should honestly go. It’s late.”
Logan awkwardly stood, fists still clenched. Remus looked up at him with wide eyes, brows furrowed.
“Are you sure?”
Logan opened his mouth, but no words came out. A part of him still wanted to stay, to sit with Remus at the dock and watch the glowing waves, to eat oysters with him. He closed his mouth and nodded. Remus sighed.
“Alright. I’ll teleport you and your clothes back to your room. Just… you’re welcome back whenever you want. Don’t be a stranger, Logan.”
Logan smiled. He wanted to say something, but the next thing he knew the world vanished around him. Then it reappeared, and he saw the door to his room. There was a bowl of spaghetti in front of it. It had long grown cold, but Logan picked it up anyways, and stepped into his room.
He set the bowl of spaghetti on his desk, and haphazardly tossed his clothes on the floor. He felt soaked to the bone, and started to shiver a little, even though he knew he couldn’t feel cold, couldn’t feel pain, couldn’t feel the cocktail of conflicting emotions inside of him. With a sigh, he sat in his office chair. His hands, still curled into fists, shook slightly. What had Remus given him? Slowly, he relaxed his fingers. 
Resting in his palm was a round, black pearl. 
Logan stared at the black pearl in his palm. A million different thoughts rushed through his head, most of them strange and illogical. He could go back to the pier and watch the luminescent waves, or help Remus grind the oyster shells down into fertilizer. And they would eat oysters together until they had enough pearls to make a necklace, a necklace he’d wear wherever he went.
Then what? 
Then Logan would wear the necklace, and someone would ask where he got it from.
This was for the best for Thomas’ stability. It had to be.
Logan let his head flop against the headrest of his office chair, and shut his eyes, hoping sleep would take him.
He never let go of the pearl.
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snowpiercer-recaps · 3 years
Season 1, episode 5: Two Dicks, One Box
Spoiler alert!!! This is a rewatch recap of Snowpiercer s1e5: Justice Never Boarded. Naturally, it is full of spoilers for that episode. However, it also contains spoilers for some other episodes of season 1 and season 2. You have been warned!
The episode begins with Princess Layton locked away in a tower drawer, awaiting a knight so bold as to rescue him. He’s having hallucinations-slash-flashbacks, set to Nikki’s cover of Sealed With a Kiss. Eventually, Miss Audrey begins this episode's opening monologue, while dressed as… Spiderwoman? It’s an unconventional choice, but she makes it work. She gives Clay a mysterious, silent order, and they head out to ambush a waiter. Clay steals the waiter’s jacket and trolley, and wheels a shiny dish up towards the First class dining room. 
After the opening credits and another cool shot of outside, we see Roche unpacking his breakfast while he guards the cell’s latest occupant: LJ. She keeps asking about his life, and he subtly suggests that she should shut the fuck up. Did Lilah Sr. seriously never tell her daughter not to talk to police without a parent or lawyer present?
Mommy and Daddy rush in and fuss over LJ for a moment before Melanie informs LJ that, today, she stands trial for murder. Roche mentions three victims and… which three is he talking about? LJ was only really involved in two of the murders, right? And Erik killed an additional three (the guard, clinic staff member, and Nikki). Can someone please explain to me why it’s three victims, rather than either two or five? 
In the tail, Josie is lying about Suzanne’s arm infection. Suzanne immediately calls the doctor out on her bullshit, and Josie offers a lame excuse: she was a vet, not a human doctor. After almost seven years as the tail’s doctor, Josie still has not adjusted to the idea of patients talking back to her. Did she never treat a parrot before the freeze? 
Winnie then brings another message from Astrid: Josie needs to go uptrain today. Lights calls Josie a badass, and gives her a bracelet that holds the chip.
In other chipping news, Till and Jinju are getting kind-of-married! In the best indication yet of how much time has passed, Till’s bruise has disappeared. So, it’s definitely been at least a few days since Melanie roofied Layton. Dr. Pelton is putting a new chip into one of Till’s hands, while Jinju is squeezing the other. Cute. The notary tells Jinju that she’s responsible for Till’s behaviour during her probationary period, and they both smile and laugh and sign the paperwork. Then, Dr. Pelton ends the scene by pretty much telling them to fuck?
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Till and Jinju love an enthusiastic ally, but that was a bit much.
In grand lesbian tradition, they only waited three months before moving in together! This is going to go well! Then, because it’s always best to consider important life decisions after signing the legally binding paperwork, Jinju proceeds to ask Till if she’s sure about this. Till admits that she is not sure. SERIOUSLY!? I fucking can’t with these two!
In the Folgers’ car, LJ is using her last moments of freedom to play on her Switch. Her parents are trying to relax into the knowledge that they’ll know the whole jury, which means they can bribe and threaten them all! LJ seems genuinely worried about getting drawered for a moment, but before we have time to feel sorry for her, she, I shit you not, asks to TAKE OUT HER DAD’S EYE AND SUCK ON IT.
[there was gonna be a screenshot here, but no one needs a visual reminder of that scene]
In hindsight, this is probably the point at which we should have stopped watching. Maybe then I’d still be able to eat mango.
Next, we catch the end of breakfast in the First class dining room. Tristan is gazing out of the window. He always dreamed of seeing the Amazon. Ruth reminds him:
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Clay wheels in a trolley behind them, bringing Eugenia and the Sharmas a special treat, compliments of the Nightcar. It’s a nutritious plateful of bugs! The prank is pretty mild as far as I’m concerned, but it’s too much for poor Ruth. She sends Tristan to fetch Melanie.
Then... THIS FUCKING SCENE! Melanie stalks into the Nightcar while Audrey calmly sips tea in her underwear and dressing gown. Casual. Melanie thinks that stunt was beneath Audrey, and Audrey assures her it really wasn’t. 
Do you hear that? It’s the sound of a thousand lesbians typing Mel/Audrey fanfiction. 
Audrey calls Melanie out on how rigged the trial is: First and second are going to be judging one of their own for killing three Thirdies. Again with the three! LJ only murdered two people, right? How is she also getting the blame for Nikki? And, in that case, why are they ignoring the unnamed guard and clinic worker who got killed at the same time? If anyone has an explanation, please tell me!
Next, Melanie and Audrey give us a quick politics lesson. We learn that the Nightcar is supposed to be neutral. Audrey cracks out a huge law book and uses it to smack Melanie around the head. Just kidding! She points out the section that says Third has the right to petition Wilford to get a place on the jury. Melanie is not impressed, and Audrey reminds Melanie that she used to try to make a difference, too. Oh, Audrey - just wait til episode seven!
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The next class is Nightcar History. We learn that Wilford (the real one, presumably) had intended for the Nightcar to be a brothel. However, Audrey had other ideas. Melanie “persuaded Wilford” that Audrey was right, and the Nightcar became what it is today. So, presumably that means that the Nightcar spent some amount of time as a brothel at first? Which contradicts what Zarah told Layton in episode two. Unless Audrey and Melanie were close enough pre-freeze that Audrey went to Melanie to get help changing real Wilford’s mind, long before departure. Interesting!
Anyway, this show doesn’t need logic! Melanie and Audrey’s argument gets heated (presumably to provide fanfic writers with a bit more inspiration), and ends with Audrey essentially threatening strikes and sabotage. I love season one Audrey so much. 
Melanie’s next meeting is with Creepy Klimpt and Jinju, where they’re checking out the results of Nikki’s tests. The data are inconclusive: they have no idea whether or not Nikki would have fully recovered. As Melanie and Jinju walk away, Jinju doesn’t even pretend that Mr. Wilford is making the decisions about the trial. She directly asks Melanie whether she’s considering allowing a Third class passenger onto the tribunal. So, I guess we can add Jinju to the list of people who Definitely Know.
Melanie continues to debate adding a Thirdie to the jury with Bennett and Javi. They don’t think it’s a good idea. Melanie, however, is more focussed on trying to smash that HR violations record. This time, it’s by smashing one of her employees! She “borrows” Bennett, throws him against her bedroom wall, and then they fuck on the desk next to the eugenics library. It’s Bennett’s turn to provide the episode’s obligatory naked ass shot, bringing us to a total of five naked asses in five episodes!
When they’ve finished, Bennett informs us that they haven’t done that since the bees died. Which is… three years? And I thought lockdown was long! He hogs the bed, so Melanie kneels on the floor. Melanie misses fresh air after sex, Bennett misses the sound of rain, and I miss scenes that I care about. 
Next up, Melanie decides to go ahead and draw a new tribunal. Third rights! Fuck the Folgers! In the non-torturey hospitality room, they draw passenger numbers at random. Who chose this font? Tristan? Probably Tristan.
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The Folgers and Ruth are all fuming at the decision, but Clay and Audrey are delighted.  
Downtrain in Sanitation, Josie and Astrid swap outfits so that Astrid can cover Josie’s shift while she tries to rescue Princess Layton from his tower drawer. The first step in Josie’s noble quest is to find Terrence-Never-Terry in the market. 
In the hospitality announcements room, Ruth is having a grump. Mr. Wilford can’t just change the rules! He wouldn’t care about the will of the people! They don’t have will (yikes!); they have order! Our girl really goes on a journey in season two, huh?
Downtrain, Osweiller is back to his old tricks: he’s being a dick. He calls his sister bourgeoisie, because she moved in with her Second class girlfriend. Till replies by asking if her little brother is planning to extort addicts for sex again today. Their dad boss is not gonna be happy that they’re fighting. Finally, in another vague win for anyone still trying to keep track of the timeline, we learn that Osweiller’s probation is over. 
Brakeman Blowie then gives a speech implying that Thirdies are unhygienic, lack self respect and liable to punch people at random. Brakeman Bourgeoisie just stands by and allows him to insult himself. To be fair, I’d do the same for my sibling.
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While the Folgers continue to prepare for LJ’s testimony, Princess Layton is having more hallucinations-slash-flashbacks. He’s taken back to early days of the tail, in a time when Miles is still played by the younger actor. The cannibal cult has struck again, and Layton needs to put a stop to it. But this is only the second drawer dream scene, so we’ll have to wait for the next one to get more information!
Josie walks around the market like an introvert at a nightclub, until she eventually finds a yellow butterfly to follow. JAnnietor welcomes Josie to third with the traditional knife to the throat, then takes her to visit Terrence-Never-Terry. Josie explains that Princess Layton didn’t make it back to the tail: she thinks he’s in a drawer. Terrence-Never-Terry suggests that Layton could be dead, but Josie points out that he’s a lead character - he wouldn’t die in episode five! The mopping mafia don’t require any more convincing, and decide to break into the drawers car while the trial is on. That was easy!
Uptrain, a small group of First class passengers are complaining to commander Grey that Wilford has lost touch: he shouldn’t be changing the rules right before LJ’s trial! Grey points out that he doesn’t make the fucking rules, he just enforces them. But when Grey senses an opportunity to get rid of Melanie, he’s suddenly a lot more interested in hearing what the Firsties have to say.
Surprise! First class Martin is another Wilford spy! He’s telling Melanie all about the planned sedition - minus a few details about Grey’s response. He’s not a big enough character to be playing both sides like this! Is he still jealous of her Cantonese skills?
Meanwhile, LJ is getting in some last minute prep for the trial. She’s not sure what contrite tears are, and in one of my favourite teen rage moments in the whole show she tells her parents that they can “Criticise [her] after.” Beautiful!
At the trial, Melanie is sitting at the side and shaking with anxiety that she’s not in charge. Ruth is leading the trial, with Tristan’s help. In a tribute to his favourite song by The Lonely Island, Tristan shows the jury the most damning and gross piece of evidence in the whole case.
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Yep, LJ didn’t just torture the victims and cut off their penises: she also preserved them and kept in her jewellery box. She’s really not going to be able to cry her way out of this one. 
Next up, Pelton discusses the autopsy results and makes a chopping motion with her hand as she describes what happened to Sean Beef’s genitals. She’s weird and awkward and I love her. Tunnelman Jakes then describes the body as “limbless and dickless”, to prove that none of the witnesses are going to remain professional. Then, Jinju recounts her time as Erik’s hostage before rapidly abandoning the facts and yelling this to the court:
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Jinju, sweetie, Dr. Pelton knows a lot about PTSD and there’s a whole Nightcar for hypnosis therapy. Go to one of them, please!
Audrey’s up next. Ruth introduces her to the court as Miss Audrey of the Nightcar. Still no last name! I’m calling it now: she’s an ancient vampire. The trip to the hall of mirrors was a decoy, to throw Layton off. 
In yet another power move, Audrey refuses to swear on the Wilford Bible. I love her. Then, she begins her speech. She starts off with some information about Nikki, then details how shitty life is in Third, and explains why the people uptrain need to care about that. She ends by saying that order isn’t as important as it used to be - they all need to save their souls, and justice for Nikki will be the first step towards that. Basically, she absolutely fucking smashes it. 
Downtrain, JAnnietor steals Creepy Klimpt’s keys and breaks into the drawers car with Terrence-Never-Terry and Josie. While Josie tries to find Creepy Klimpt’s address book for cursed princesses and steals some epi pens, JAnnietor and Terrence-Never-Terry steal some Kronole chemicals. Then, the mopping mafia want to get the fuck out of there before they get caught. Sweary Josie returns! She’s going to have to find Princess Layton all by herself. Shit. 
Meanwhile, Melanie has decided to use the trial recess to do a bit more flirting. She runs into Lilah Folger, and they eyefuck for a while before getting into the story of how seven-year-old LJ stabbed her dad in the eye with a fork. It is a thoroughly disgusting story, but it’s gonna take more than a bit of eye jelly to stop Melanie Cavill’s daily flirting ritual! Lilah ends her speech by warning Melanie not to fuck with her bloodline, and it’s fucking brilliant.
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Back in the drawer room, Josie can’t find any records on Princess Layton. So, she does the next best thing and begins a systematic search. Just kidding! What she actually does is stroke the drawers and whisper “Where are you, Layton?” 
When I said she’s one of the only characters with any common sense… Well. I didn’t claim it was a lot. 
At the trial, it’s LJ’s turn to speak. We find out that she’s receiving about as much support for surviving child abuse as Jinju is for her PTSD. She reveals that Erik’s torture of Sean Beef worked: right before he died, Sean revealed that he was a spy, who knew “four hundred secrets that would rock us to the rails.” Next, LJ apologises to Mr. Wilford for keeping quiet, and promises to do her part for the train if the court shows her mercy. Honestly, it’s as good as Audrey’s performance. She should try out for the Nightcar!
While LJ speaks, Josie finally begins to actually search the drawers. She discovers one of the apprenticed kids from episode two, then another child, and leaves them both there. She’s just there for Princess Layton! Fuck those kids! Then, she finally finds him. Conveniently, he’s tucked away on the bottom row - another stroke of luck! If Melanie had put him on the top shelf, Josie never would have been able to reach up and rescue him!
Uptrain, Jinju and Melanie discuss LJ’s speech. They’re worried that Sean Beef’s four hundred secrets are about the drawers, and how Melanie/Wilford is using them even though they don’t fucking work properly and turn peoples’ gums to sludge. Then, they worry that LJ knows about The List. I’m not sure what that is, but I am Very Intrigued! Either way, if LJ knows Melanie’s secrets, that ‘changes the calculus’. Fuckin’ nerds! to resolve the situation, Melanie sends a note to the engine via the pneumatic tubes. Whatever it says makes Javi so annoyed that he lashes out and calls Ben a slut.
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Josie, meanwhile, is still trying to figure out exactly how the fuck she’s going to rescue Princess Layton from the tower drawer. Despite having no idea what’s in the tubes he’s hooked up to, Josie begins to yank them all out. And his little brain monitor thingies have to go, too. I’m starting to wonder whether she was really a vet pre-freeze? This seems potentially very dangerous!
Just outside, Osweiller is still teasing Till about her new girlfriend. She smacks him, then invites him for dinner: they get dessert every night in Second! A fun little detail. Osweiller walks right past the suspicious thing blocking the drawer room door, but Till notices it. The Brakemen break in, and Osweiller immediately walks right past another dodgy door! How the fuck does he still have this job?
Till notices it, though, and they open up the drawer together. Surprise! It’s Josie, having a nice little cuddle with Princess Layton! Osweiller panics, drags Josie out of the drawer and starts beating her up. Till stops him by bludgeoning him with her baton, causing yet another head injury that should be fatal. He’s lucky it’s only episode five. 
With Osweiller unconscious (which is how most of us prefer him, I think?),Till and Josie return their attention to Princess Layton. Sweet, innocent Till is very confused that Layton isn’t in the tail. She lets Josie revive the Princess, then helps her rescue him from the tower drawer. 
The trial has resumed, and the jury is ready to deliver their verdict. Lilah Folger Junior is found guilty on all counts. Third celebrate, and First are horrified. Melanie looks like she’s trying not to be sick. Bennett and Javi send Melanie the message that she asked for “in the worst case,” giving the pneumatic tubes even more screen time! They’re the true heroes of the show. Ruth reads out the sentencing: Mr. Wilford is commuting LJ’s sentence, because she’s very young and also because she might share Melanie’s secrets. 
Till and Josie have carried Princess Layton all the way to the chains before Till realises that maybe it’s a bad idea to be aiding a fugitive, in public, in uniform, while her little brother is unconscious in the drawers car. She runs away, leaving Josie to drag Layton the rest of the way to Zarah’s place alone. 
Zarah is thrilled to see her old friend Josie! She welcomes her with a hug and offers her a coffee while they have a good good catch up and wait for Layton to wake up. Just kidding! They very clearly hate each other. Josie lets herself in, throws Layton on the bed, and gets Zarah up to speed: Princess Layton was locked away in the highest room lowest drawer of the tallest tower most accessible drawer room, and now they need to figure out which one of them is gonna have to kiss him to break the curse. When Zarah asks Josie how she got out of the tail, Josie’s common sense finally seems to return: she’s not telling that traitor anything. 
Up in the non-torturey hospitality room, Melanie is making sure that LJ won’t tell anyone Sean Beef’s secrets. LJ confirms that she knows something about the drawers, but she won’t tell Melanie exactly what it is - she’s going to keep it between herself and Mr. Wilford. Melanie is clearly already regretting the decision not to sentence LJ to lung of ice. 
Downtrain, Till can’t find her little brother. She’s going to be in so much trouble with her dad boss for losing him!
Layton’s withdraweral looks rough as hell. Zarah tries to help him while he wriggles around in distress, and we finally get to see the last part of his tail cannibalism flashback! He’s covered in blood, and carrying a bloody human heart through a corridor. He begins to slice it up with a large knife, and more blood-spattered tailies join him. Layton, Lights, Santiago, Mama Grande, Strong Boy, Josie, ZWreck, Murray and one more person (who is maybe Suzanne?) each take a piece of FRESH, RAW CANNIBAL HEART and agree “never again”, before eating it.
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Same, Layton. Same.
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yutahoes · 4 years
(Part Seven)
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One - Two - Three - Four - Five - Six - Seven
genre : Chaptered, Fluff, 
pairing : childhood friends: soccer player! Nakamoto Yuta x single mom! Y/N
word count : 3.3k words
You’ll always be his Sakura.
@ailoveyuta @loona-4-eva @aiforyuu @2-3-t-i @cosmiclatte28 @url-lindo-sexy @nuoyipeach​ @aaasteroidsky​ @thisis-myname @yutazen01​​​
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Her smile that time in Osaka is still imprinted in Yuta’s mind that it haunts him even in his dreams. It was winter in their last year of their teens when Yuta begged Y/N’s mom if she could spend the holidays in Osaka with his family. Of course, his parents were also behind this and promised that they’ll take care of Y/N. And even if he’s just remembering it now, he still can’t believe that her mom actually allowed her to go to another country. 
His parents quickly greeted her when she came to the airport, asking if she had trouble during the flight but she smiled at them answering them in fluent Japanese that made him proud. She seemed so natural talking to them, even calling them okaasan and otousan like they’re one family. “Yuta!” she called excitedly, arms wide open to hug him which he accepted. His parents were just smiling at him knowingly. “Bogoshipda.” 
Who wouldn’t? The last time he saw her was the day she left for Chicago. No, the day before that. Although he and his mom sent them off, he refused to look at her that time. "I missed you too." He whispered that made her smile widely. Something changed about her. Is it because they never saw each other for years? Or because his memory of her is stuck in the last time they were together? Is it because they already grew up? Maybe it's because of Chicago.
His family had been welcoming to her and they were equally amazed that Y/N can understand and speak Japanese. Since it's just days before New Year, their house is full of people but they made her feel like she is a part of the family. "You should bring her to Osaka Castle." One of his aunts claimed that made Yuta nod. 
"Why not bring her to Universal Studios?" Another asked and Y/N just nodded, looking excited. Yuta put his phone on top of the table. "Otousan, can you drive us to Hirakata Park tomorrow?" He asked which made everyone look at him.
Y/N was so surprised seeing a Cardcaptor Sakura exhibition that she squealed in excitement at the entrance making Yuta smile. This feels like the Y/N he knows. They kept on looking at the different artworks related to the anime she liked since she was young, even staying too long at some merchandise. "Should I buy that? Sakura is really cute." 
Yuta chuckled. "You can't even eat that." That made her glare at him, pouting. But Yuta remembered that merchandise, even telling himself that he’ll save up to buy that for her birthday. 
She was really happy to eat in a café that is inspired by the same anime. She kept on taking pictures saying that she'll show them to her mom. "I knew you'll love it here." 
"Can I just live here?" 
He laughed once again. "You can ask my parents to adopt you." 
Y/N wrapped her arms on Yuta's arm that made him freeze. What's with the sudden skinship? "Shall I call you oniichan?" 
He smiled at her then frowned. "No." 
It was almost nighttime when they reached Dohtonbori. Tons of pictures were taken and she kept on running around, claiming that everything in Japan is pretty. "It's prettier when there are cherry blossoms. You should go back in spring." But honestly, he just wanted her to stay here until Spring. Or maybe for a long time. 
Should he ask his parents to adopt her? But he doesn't want him to call her imouto. 
The lights illuminating the whole area looked magical. Why does he like it more today than when he's out here with his parents? Why does the light look more lovely today? The cold breeze made him pull his oversized coat closer. Why is it so cold? Glancing at her, he realized that she may be cold as well. Does Chicago have a cold season like this? 
Knowing that she's focused on looking at those little trinkets by the store, he went to another store to buy something. Her mom will kill him if she gets sick in this weather. Besides, it's going to be busier this time of the year. "Y/N." He called that made her look at him. He put on a white scarf around her neck, wrapping it nicely on her. "My Christmas gift." 
She had to laugh at that, raising a snow globe. "And I was thinking of buying one for you." She turned her attention to the different snow globes on the shelf. "You should pick one, Yuta." 
But he never looked at the snow globes. Instead, his focus was on her. The lights illuminate her, creating a picturesque background. The white snow falling gently on her, adding to the effect. He badly wanted to imprint that image in his mind. When did she become this pretty? When she turned to him, he lightly gasped. Why did he feel hot all of a sudden? Why can he hear his heart beating on his chest? 
Y/N shook the snow globe with the Osaka castle inside then handed it to him. "I'll get you this, onii chan." It annoyed him. Why does she like using that word? 
The whole week was full of preparations for the New Year and his relatives had supplied her with the rituals they must do. She helped in making mochi with his grandmother who seemed so fond of her. Even his grandfather, who is usually a scary man, smiles a lot because of her. She really fit well in his family. But not as his sister. 
When the clock struck midnight, he realized what it was. She was playing some sparklers with his cousins, laughing along with them. Her eyes twinkling the same way they did when she was staring at those snow globes. Taeyong was right all along. He is in love with her. 
Kareshi. It's a better term than oniisan. Something that he wanted her to call him right now. "Y/N, I…" But a ringtone stopped his words, someone was calling. "It must be your mom, you should pick up." The girl nodded, handing her sparkler to Yuta before heading inside the house. 
God, what is wrong with him? Is he really going to confess to her? He must be out of his mind. Yuta just finished the stick of sparkler before heading inside to check on her. She was seated on the couch, smiling on her phone. "They are all so nice to me, eomma." She then smiled when she noticed Yuta. "We're going to the temple tomorrow with obaasan." Hatsumonde. It's a Japanese ritual that they had done since he was young and since she's here, his grandmother wanted her to experience visiting a shrine. "You want to talk to Yuta?" 
The guy just shook his head, sitting next to her, but she pushed the phone to her which he reluctantly answered. "Eommeoni, annyeong." She sounded so happy talking to him on the phone but again his focus was on the door next to him who was playing the kendama, a Japanese ball and cup toy. "Please take care of Y/N." And even if she doesn't say those words, he knows he'll take care of her. 
When she dropped the call, Yuta saw her phone wallpaper. A guy playing basketball. It looks like a photo taken. Is she dating someone? Did she mention anything about a guy in her letters? Is that why she's prettier? Is she in love?
The question was answered when they visited the shrine the next day. She is indeed prettier especially when she wore a kimono that his cousin let her borrow, little trinkets adored her hair. She looked like a native Japanese. A yome. But he shook his head. He can't be thinking of that. 
They were getting their omikuji, him and her with another set of female and male cousins that are older than the two of them. When Y/N pulled her paper strip, his female cousin shook her head. "You'll probably get pregnant this year." She claimed that startled her. "Are you dating someone?" Y/N nodded. 
"You two are already dating?" His male cousin asked, referring to her and Yuta. She shook her head saying that he's a schoolmate from Chicago. So he's really seeing the guy on her phone wallpaper. When Yuta opened his paper strip, his cousin just tapped his back. "You should have confessed earlier." But he just stared at the bad luck written on his paper. 
His second regret. Why did it take a long time for him to realize these feelings? 
It was Yuta's Summer Break when his parents gave him the airplane tickets to Chicago that surprised him. They had talked to Y/N and her mom that he's visiting. And although he doesn't want to go there, he was forced by his family. "You should at least tell her that you like her. Maybe it can change something." 
The city was different and he felt really foreign, different than when he first came to Korea. "Yuta!" Y/N called, running to where he is and quickly hugging him. What is this girl doing? In front of all these people? "I skipped class to pick you up. Why can't you hug me?" He raised an eyebrow at her. Why is she so bold? Chicago is indeed different. Yeokshi Chicago. 
He jokingly crushed her on his arms but she didn't laugh, which is odd. He felt her breathing on his neck, hot and hard. "I missed you, Yuta." It felt different. Maybe because they're in Chicago. He didn't pay that much attention to that especially when she introduced a guy named Johnny Seo. The person on her wallpaper. The guy she's dating. 
Johnny is a really nice guy. He showed him what Chicago is while waiting for her to finish her classes. He made an effort to talk to him in Korean or English, sometimes in Japanese that he heard from her. He shared stories about her, the Y/N Yuta doesn't personally know. He knew what to order for her in coffee shops, even at restaurants. He speaks to her calmly, staring at her as if she's the only person who mattered in the world. And he knew, she's in the right place with Johnny. 
It was Saturday when Johnny and Y/N brought him to The Bean. The weather was hot and there were a lot of people because of the weekend but Yuta didn't care. "You haven't been to Chicago if you didn’t visit this place." Johnny claimed that made the girl nod. They took tons of pictures, Y/N teasing that he needed to show it to his cousins. 
Johnny offered to get them coffee, leaving the two of them in the park while still taking pictures. "Johnny is pretty nice." Yuta started that made her smile, nodding at him. "You never mentioned him in your letters." 
"I don't know what to tell you." She answered quietly. "But I like him. So much." He wanted to stop her that moment, wanted her to not continue what she's saying or it will just hurt him. "He helped me a lot to quickly adapt here." 
A bitter smile escaped his lips. The same way she helped him back in Korea. How dare she fall in love with another guy that way? But when Johnny came with their coffees at hand, he saw the twinkle in her eyes. The twinkle that made his heart flutter. She really does love Johnny. And who is he to take that twinkle away? Who is he to tell her what she can and can't do? He's just her friend. A very dear friend. 
He drank his coffee watching as how the taller guy fixed her hair, smiling at her with a lot of love in his eyes. Bittersweet. That was what it was. It's hurtful yet romantic. And he can't believe that he will always remember Chicago with those feelings. Yeoksi Chicago. 
Johnny loves Y/N. He's sure of that. And he honestly doesn't want to believe that it didn't work well with them. What really happened? Did she give up? Or is he the one who gave up? That was the question in his mind seeing Johnny in front of the two kids' school. He can still remember him but does Johnny even remember him? 
Yuta can see the two kids going outside the gates and honestly, he was scared that they'll run to their dad. He shouldn't have come here today. Why did he even come here? "Daddy!" He heard Jae call running to his dad. Of course, he must have missed him so much that the younger guy even called him 'appa' last time. But he noticed Cherry stopping on her tracks. 
She noticed him but he only smiled at her, planning to just go. He was about to enter his car when he heard the younger girl say, "Can I hang out with Yuta samchon?" That was when Johnny noticed him, Jae even waved at him excitedly. "He promised me that we'll go back to the library when he gets back from Spain." He did promise her. But her dad is here. Isn't she excited to see him again? 
"Is it alright if Cherry goes with you?" Yuta nodded. He wanted to hang out with them anyways. "I'll just tell Y/N." Cherry just walked chicly to him, her eyes as dark as when he first met her. Why is she like this? Does she not like Johnny? Jae told Yuta that he wanted to hang out with his dad, even telling him to take care of his noona that he found so adorable. 
Yuta bid farewell to the father-son, opening the backseat door for the younger girl. Cherry was just looking at her shoes when Yuta entered the car, starting the engine to drive her to the library she loved. "Samchon…" she called which made him look at her from the mirror of the car, humming as a response. "Can you buy me a cake today?" 
It was a request he can't say no. This was the first time that Cherry asked him for something and he's somehow glad that it is just a simple thing. He parked in front of a pretty café, helping her get down from the car, and even opened the door for her. "You can order whatever you want." He urged, eyeing all the selections of different flavored cakes. 
The girl pointed at a white cake with red cherries on top, making Yuta smile. A cherry cake. "Can you buy me the whole cake?" The guy just nodded. It's not bad to spoil her once in a while. He told the girl on the counter their order, handing him his card when she made another request, "Do you have candles?" Candles? Is it her birthday? Is that why Johnny is here in Korea? 
He let the younger girl put candles in between the cherries of her cake. "Is it your birthday today?" He asked and she nodded casually that startled him. Why are they together? She should be with her parents. "Don't you want to share the cake with your brother?" 
Cherry shook her head. "I always share everything with him. He and eomma never liked cherries anyways." He pursed his lips at that, she does hate cherries. Ironically, she named her firstborn with something that she didn't like. "And dad hates cherry." She was staring at the cake while saying those words in a hushed tone. Is she referring to the fruit or another thing? "Can you light it up, samchon?" Her eyes were moist, sparkling against the light, like she wanted to cry. 
He held the top of her head, smiling. "Wait up. I'll just go get something." He said then stood up. "Stay here and wait for me. I won't be long." But she only stared at him in worry. Yuta handed her his phone, promising that he'll be back quickly. He crossed the street to get her some flowers then cursed himself for not knowing what color she wanted. Does she even like flowers? 
To be safe, he followed the florist's advice in getting a white rose for 'his daughter'. There was a new expression on Cherry's face when he handed her the single white flower, an emotion he hasn't seen from her before. "Girls should receive at least a flower on their birthday." He reasoned out then lit up all the candles on the cake. She whispered something on herself as a wish before blowing the candles one at a time. 
Yuta took away the candles then started slicing the cake. He placed one slice on Cherry's plate, even topping it with cherries on top. It was the younger girl who gave him his slice of the vanilla cake. "Do you want to do anything else? Ice skating?" 
"Can we just go ice skating with eomma and Jae some time?" He nodded. She always thinks about them. "I'll just finish the book in the library today." 
It is her birthday yet she's silently reading a suspense book while seated on a bean couch. Yuta just bought her some snacks and got a book to read so he wouldn't get bored. He would smile at her little gasps and remembered how Y/N would be like that while reading manga. Cherry is indeed a splitting image of her. It's crazy. 
"Samchon," Cherry called, closing the hardbound book she was reading earlier. Is she done? That fast? "When you were young, what do you want to be when you grow up?" 
He chuckled at that question. She is still a kid. "I want to be a soccer player." 
"How about mom?" 
Yuta glanced at her. "She wanted to be an illustrator." He remembered how good her drawings are and even pursue that passion until her college years. "But you know, your mom suddenly wrote to me one day and said that she wanted to be a mom." 
"Can dreams change?" Cherry asked innocently. There's a certain air of maturity in the little girl that Yuta always forgets that she's just a kid. Now, she looks like a little girl who wonders about life. 
Yuta nodded at the question. "What do you want to be when you grow up, Cherry?" 
"A detective." That's a nice dream. Maybe that's why she likes reading all these Agatha Christie books. "When I become a detective, I will help children find their dads." That sparked his curiosity. What? "I wanted to find my dad." 
"Johnny is your dad." 
"He's not." She exclaimed which made Yuta wide-eyed. "Eomma got pregnant with me even before she married dad. She had Jae because she wanted to save her and dad's marriage." That was some wild accusations from a child. 
Yet, it seemed rather logical. 
It was a mystery to him why Johnny and Y/N broke up when he saw how much they liked each other. They had two children, isn't that enough reason to stay together? He remembered all the conversations with Cherry about her dad, how sad her reaction is, and how quiet her voice is when talking about him. The image of the younger girl who looked awkward seeing her dad flashed on his mind. She's wary of him. Not scared, not angry. She just doesn't look like someone who knew what she should do with her dad. She looked like she doesn't belong. 
But then again, maybe it's just her. 
Maybe he can help her. He can probably prove that Johnny is her dad. "Cherry, how old are you?" 
'Seven years, turning eight' He can hear Y/N's voice in his mind saying those words. The same age as Cherry. The last time they saw each other was eight years. In Chicago. After that night. 
"Samchon, do you know who my real dad is?" 
Yuta gulped. He probably knows. 
Fuck, he might just be Cherry's dad. 
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osakaso5 · 3 years
Everyday Splendor in Olympus Town: Season 2
Episode 2: Dionysus
Episode Index
Zeus: Ah, your wines truly are special, Dionysus.
Dionysus: I know, right? It's because I gave the grapes extra pets and played them tooons of songs this year.
Zeus: Pets..?
Zeus: I'm not sure what that means, but I do appreciate all the hard work you do for me.
Dionysus: Yay, a compliment. I'm soooo happy.
Hercules: I've finally found you, Dionysus! You're under arrest on suspicion of lying!
Dionysus: Hmm, you're arresting me again? I feel like that's all you ever do, Herakles.
Hercules: It's H-E-R-C-U-L-E-S! Get it right, or I'll add constantly mispronouncing my name to your charges!
Zeus: Do you have to make so much noise?
Zeus: Either be quiet, or begone.
Hercules: ...I didn't realize you were also here, Master Zeus...
Hercules: Nevertheless, this man is a suspect, and I must take him into custody!
Zeus: Can't you see I'm giving my patronage to his oden stand? I can't have him disappear on me.
Zeus: Do not bother us any longer.
Hercules: ...Very well... I'll hold off on the arrest until you're finished dining.
Hercules: And you, don't even think of running away!
Dionysus: Wow, thanks so much for your patience. In the meantime, you should have a drink too, Hecurlies.  
Hercules: ...I'll have sake.
Dionysus: Red wine, coming right up.
Hercules: Huh? No, I said I want sake.
Dionysus: Here's the red wine you asked for.
Zeus: He doesn't serve anything else, you know.
Hercules: You run an oden stand, but don't serve sake..!? Why!?
Hercules: Hm? Wait a minute... Your oden doesn't even have any ingredients other than potato in it!
Hercules: I'd hardly call this oden... So that's another thing I'm adding to your charges.
Dionysus: What charges are those, anyhow? I haven't been lying to people.
Dionysus: All the potatoes are due to your dad here. I'm sure Master Zauss can tell you all about it.
Zeus: Do you take issue with potatoes, Hercules?
Zeus: Or are you trying to inflate your arrest numbers so they'll be as high as those of Odysseus?
Hercules: O-of course not...
Hercules: I'm not worried about Odysseus. Not one bit...
Dionysus: Ahaha, yeah, right. Since you're so cute, I'll let you have  the wine for free, Hercoolio. 
Hercules: I don't need your damn wine!
Hercules: And besides, the charges are not false.
Hercules: They were brought on by your nonsensical stories about there being gold buried somewhere in Olympus Town.
Zeus: Gold, you say..?
Hercules: My investigation points to Dionysus as the source of the rumors.
Dionysus: Oh, the gold thing. I heard about that from one of my customers.
Dionysus: Apparently, someone very important from Olympus Town buried gold to gift to their children.
Dionysus: And it wasn't just gold, I was told. There were also books with crucial knowledge written on them, such as how to pick up girls, or the secret to becoming the strongest warrior the world has ever seen.
Zeus: Knowledge on how to pick up girls, you say..!?
Hercules: The secret to becoming the strongest warrior..!?
Zeus: If I got my hands on those books, women the world over would adore me...
Hercules: If I became the strongest warrior ever, then I could finally defeat  Odysseus and become number one...
Zeus: So, where exactly is this treasure?
Hercules: Tell us right now.
Dionysus: I didn't think you two would be so interested.
Hercules: It must be investigated, that's all. I still think you're lying.
Dionysus: Hmm, but I don't know where it's located...
Dionysus: I wanted to dig it up and give it aaaall to Hestia, but I've been having trouble finding it...
Dionysus: I digged and I digged, but all I found was garbage. Where could the gold be, I wonder?
Zeus: Were there any books among the trash you found?
Dionysus: Hmm, were there?
Zeus: Any information you have will help.
Dionysus: Oh, actually!
Hercules & Zeus: What..!?
Dionysus: There was a note with Ateeny's name on it. It was inside a chest, so I mistook it for treasure.
Hercules & Zeus: That can't be it...
Hercules: ...Wait. I was wondering who's been digging holes in the ground, but it was clearly you! Do you have any idea how long it took me to fill those up!?
Dionysus: Oh, you filled them up for me? That was so nice of you. Have some more free wine, as thanks.
Zeus: I doubt going around digging tiny little holes in the ground was particularly helpful in finding the treasure.
Zeus: We should evacuate the city, and turn the entire soil inside out.
Dionysus: What!? You can do that!? Wow, Master Zauss, you're amazing!
Hercules: Evacuate the city? Hmph, it sounds like you need to be arrested for making terrorist threats. That's another one of my record.
Hercules: And since I'm apprehending such a high-profile suspect, I'll be the talk of the town.
Dionysus: You'll put Master Zauss in jail? Even though he's your old man?
Hercules: Our personal relationship has nothing to do with his wrongdoings. 
Hercules: I'd worry about myself, if I were you. Your arrest has only been postponed, not cancelled.
Dionysus: You're such a scary policeman. If I go to jail, I can't see  Hestia anymore. Or drink red wine.
Dionysus: Oh, I know! Since you're arresting us both, how about you put us in the same cell?  
Dionysus: That way, Hestia can come  bring us treats, and we can probably  keep drinking wine all day long! 
Hercules: Your laziness astounds me...
Zeus: Hmph, a mere officer of the law will not capture the almighty Zeus.
Dionysus: Whoooa! You're sooo cool! A toast to Master Zauss!
Zeus: Hah hah hah. But of course.
Hercules: ...Ugh... It's pointless to reason with these drunkards...
Dionysus: Heeey! Harculius, stop standing around and drink with us.
Hercules: It's Hercules! ...Though I suppose correcting you won't make a difference...
Zeus: Who cares about names? Have a sip of the greatest wine you'll ever have the privilege to enjoy.
Hercules: Fine... I'll have one glass with you, then.
Hercules: ........!? This actually tastes quite good...
Dionysus: Doesn't it!? I think I've managed to make something special this year.
Hercules: You're under arrest for making wine that tastes too good.
Dionysus: Hehehe, you sure do love arresting people! I must say, I like the sound of those charges.
Dionysus: Drink up, there's plenty more great wine for both of you to enjoy. 
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writingbeary · 3 years
One Chip Challenge
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Set around Year 2020
Words in italics are in English
You can watch ATEEZ’ challenge here!
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The production crew drove ATEEZ downtown for a shoot. Minyoung really enjoyed recording their previous challenges even with the randomness of each mission, she particularly enjoyed their first challenge because she got to see San pretend to be an old man and she took every opportunity to tease him about it.
Looking around, she saw that there were mostly food shops around the street they will be filming in. There’s a row of coffee shops on one side and an ice cream shop in front.
When the staff told them that they’ll be eating ice cream today, everyone could see how excited and happy she is.
“Are you that happy?” Hongjoong laughed as he watched the girl literally bounce in place.
“Of course! We’re having ice cream. Finally, I can eat some!” Minyoung said smiling brightly.
“But knowing the staff, they’ll make us do something ridiculous before we could eat anything.” Wooyoung noted looking at the crew who were still setting up their filming equipment.
“Our babies are so happy when they heard icecream.” Yunho chuckled noticing both Minyoung and Jongho practically beaming.
“If the challenge is to quickly finish the icecream then Minyoung can win this easily.” Mingi wondered outloud as he was getting his mic set-up
“Especially if Wooyoung-hyung decides to take a bite out of hers again.” Jongho quipped
“Yah. I swear you guys never let me forget that. I won’t do it!” Wooyoung groaned as the incident was brought up again. It has been a year since it happened but it’s still consistently being brought up to tease him.
“That’s true.” Seonghwa laughed remembering something “Ever since that happened, he would always ask Minyoung before eating any of her stuff.”
Yeosang agreed chuckling, adding on “Last time, Minyoung was eating chips in the waiting room then Wooyoung asked if he could eat one.”
“What did you do to him?” Mingi, looked at Minyoung and asked her laughing
“I didn’t do anything though?” Minyoung pouted “It wasn’t really a huge deal but I might have been really down that day that I got emotional.”
“Mintokki cried. That’s what happened.” San grinned piping in “Our crybaby bunny”
“I didn’t cry!” Minyoung protested pouting “I just got teary-eyed is all.” making the whole group laugh
The staff handed a box to Minyoung and told her to open it. She looked at the box suspiciously, scared that something would pop up as soon as she opens it, before peeking at the contents inside. Her confused look as she read the label before gasping “Omo. We’re ruined.”
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“Why? Why? What is it?” Jongho asked as he stood up taking the box to check "What’s that? First, it looks like a coal.”
“Huh? Let me see.” Mingi followed as he took the item from Jongho’s hands.
“Ah it’s chips.” Jongho finally reading the label
“Ah! I know this one. “ Mingi held the product and explained to the other members “These are the spiciest chips in the world!”
“Oh! This is the One Chip Challenge! One Chip Challenge!” San stated excitedly
“You said we’re getting icecream.” Minyoung pouted at the staff while they assure her that she will get to eat ice cream but today’s mission involves the famous spiciest snack.
The teams were made by the staff: Mingi and Jongho, Hongjoong and Seonghwa, San and Wooyoung, and Yunho and Yeosang. Since they were odd in number, the staff decided to give an extra benefits for the team that wins the pre-game and partners up with Minyoung.
Minyoung was grouped together with Wooyoung and San after they won rock, paper, and scissors against the other teams.
“I heard these chips are really spicy.” Minyoung said as she stared at the chips already scared at the thought of eating them.
“I watched some videos and the people who tried it really drank milk from the jug.” San nodded patting Wooyoung’s and Minyoung’s backs as the two of them would be the ones eating the chip.
“Minyoung-ah, are you really sure about this?” Hongjoong asked the girl as she volunteered to eat the chip with Wooyoung.
“I am scared. I’m bad with spicy stuff but if I take the challenge then we’ll get the easiest order.” Minyoung let out a sigh before smiling at the leader and turning to San “Just make sure to order fast oppa. I believe in you.”
“Of course! I’ll do it faster than anyone.” San grinned nodding
“Wow. The chip is totally black.” Mingi exclaimed as Jongho opens his pack to attempt the mission.
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“It just smells salty though.” Mingi described the chip to the other members.
“Omo. From afar, it just looks like chocolate bark.” Minyoung squinted staring at the chip
“Are you thinking of anyone right now?” Seonghwa asked as Jongho was quiet, looking as if he was contemplating all of his life choices at the moment.
“This is really scary. How bad can it really be?” Minyoung mumbled holding unto her team’s arms, scared for both Jongho who will try it first and for her who will eventually try it.
“Why are your hands trembling?” Seonghwa chuckled seeing the youngest fidgeting “Ah. I have the seasoning in my hand.” before he tried the seasoning left on his fingers, his shocked expression evoking scared laughter from the rest of the members.
“I just tasted maybe 3 spices but my tongue is..prickling.” Jongho described as he tried to ease up a bit before starting the challenge.
“Waah. Even with just that?” Minyoung gasped. She then held unto a bottle of milk ready in case anyone will need it.
As the first team started their challenge, Minyoung’s eyes were trained on Jongho’s face watching his expression turn into a slight grimace. “How spicy is that?”
“How spicy is it? Can you tell us?” Hongjoong asked curious as Jongho usually could handle spicy food but looks as if he is having a hard time
“I have hiccups right now.” Jongho managed to say before hiccuping.
“Oh no. How could you? Wow!” Wooyoung exclaimed half amazed and scared
“Mingi-oppa! Hurry! Jongho’s crying right now.” Minyoung called out to Mingi who was having a hard time remembering what toppings they needed to get.
Thankfully, Mingi finished paying for the order and running out with 6.8 seconds left on the timer. Having been successful in the attempt, it was now Team 2’s turn to try.
“Yah. Seonghwa, what will you do?” Hongjoong asked laughing as he finds the situation scary yet amusing. The former could only let out a forced smile as he steels his resolve to eat. Out of the two of them, Seonghwa could eat spicy food better than Hongjoong so he decided to be the one to eat the chip. Besides, Hongjoong could probably order the food better since he is more fluent in English between the two of them.
“To be honest, the second I smelled it I thought that it can’t be that spicy. In all my life, I’ve eaten plenty of spicy stuff but this is the first time I got hiccups from eating something.” Jongho confessed still feeling the aftertaste in his mouth.
“Jongho-yah. Do you think I’ll die eating it?” Minyoung asked already terrified evoking laughter from the production staff
“Young-ah. You really should just do the ordering and let San-hyung eat.” Jongho said seriously making Minyoung gasp “Okay. I’ll eat and die honorably then.” laughing awkwardly
“It’s that bad?” Seonghwa sighed, laughing to himself trying to keep his mind off it. “When I first saw this I thought the day might come when I’d have to eat it.”
“Me too!” Wooyoung and Yunho agreed thinking the same
“I guess that day’s finally here.” Seonghwa sighed as he opened the packet taking a deep breath before placing the chip in his mouth. Minyoung immediately hugging Seonghwa as he chewed on the chip.
“Omo. Oppa what to do” Minyoung rubbed his back trying to comfort him as he tries to hold it out “Seonghwa-oppa’s ears are red right now.”
“Hyung, cry if you need to.” Wooyoung looked on as the eldest describes the feeling. As soon as Hongjoong stopped the timer, Minyoung immediately gave Seonghwa the bottle of milk.
“Wooyoung-oppa..what do we do?” Minyoung asked as she held up the packaging of chip, glaring at it while Wooyoung could only smile awkwardly realizing they’ll be trying it next. “Minyoung-ah..”
“Don’t worry you two. I’m gonna order faster than anyone else.” San promised the two patting their arms “When the icecream’s ready, I’ll feed you both. Hang in there okay?”
Both Minyoung and Wooyoung let out an almost sorrowful laugh not knowing how to react before starting the challenge. The two of them kept quiet trying to take their minds off the taste.
The cameras zoomed in on Minyoung’s face as it turned red and tears spilled out from her eyes. “Save me please.” She managed to say before wriggling around and doing whatever she could to hold on, while waiting for San. Wooyoung holding on better as he kept quiet concentrating on anything else but the the chip.
“Yah. Youngie’s dying!” Mingi laughed but felt sorry for the poor girl who is now hugging Jongho tightly, who patted her back comfortingly knowing how it feels firsthand.
“I’m done!” San ran out stopping the clock with 30 seconds to spare.
“I think Wooyoung endured it best so far.” Yeosang noted seeing his friend walking around while waiting for the ice cream. “How is it? Can’t you describe it for a bit?”
“Don’t talk to me.” Wooyoung cut him off feeling sensitive as his tongue has gone numb
“Can’t you tell from how Minyoung looks right now?” Yunho chuckled as he pointed to the girl who looked about ready to bite onto something just to alleviate the pain.
Luckily the icecream came soon after, San delivering his promise to the two and feeding them quickly.
“Our Young-Young did well.” Seonghwa chuckled as the two scarf down the icecream trying to remove the aftertaste of the chip.
The three teammates shared their icecream glad they completed it successfully. The production staff letting the group order another one since they have more members that's sharing one cup.
“San-oppa. Don’t even think about trying it.” Minyoung warned the male looking seriously “It’s just pure pain.” San could only nod patting her back.
When Yunho and Yeosang started the challenge, they were surprised that Yunho seemed to be holding on well and more when he licked the leftover seasoning from his fingers.
“Yunho, your ears are starting to get red.” San pointed out laughing
“Yeah. It’s starting to get spicy” Yunho replied but maintaining his poker face as the members laugh
Everyone but the last team failed due to their complicated order. As they were wrapping up the episode, everyone complimented the maker of the chip for having made the product.
“The icecream works like magic. I just had a little and I’m fine already.” Yunho nodded as he took another bite.
“This is once in a lifetime experience. Don’t try it anymore.” Seonghwa concluded evoking laughter from the staff and members
“Like Seonghwa-oppa said, it’s a once in a lifetime experience. But that once could end up badly. Don’t try this at home. We somehow made it through but it’s really hard.” Minyoung nodded still teary-eyed and sniffing a bit.
“Seriously! Everyone watching this episode at home. Don’t try this at home. Really don’t” Wooyoung looked straight into the camera warning the viewers, still shaken up by the taste of the chip ending the episode.
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ATEEZ Minyoung Masterlist
Disclaimer: This is just a work of fiction. Any portrayal of real people is a combination based on what we could see on cameras and imagination of the author. This is purely fan fiction written for entertainment. Thank you for understanding.
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Writing Beary Corner
To the anon that suggested to do an episode of Hello82. Thanks! ♡ i hope you get to read this and well enjoy this one haha
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onrainynights · 4 years
why you can't compare buddie to destiel (from someone who ships both)
this is kind of addressing the recent negativity in the buddie tag, but it's also a collection of my thoughts and reasoning for being buddie-positive despite my experiences with destiel and spn in general. the text of 911 is not really discussed at all, and this is relatively spoiler-free, so if you're thinking of watching 911 I encourage you to read it. if you haven't seen both shows it probably won't make perfect sense, but I wrote this with spn fans who haven't seen 911 in mind, since that's most of my followers (and also seems to be where much of the negativity was coming from) pretty long post under the cut to save your dash
I just want to prepare y'all for the fact that buddie could be the slow burn will they/won't they mlm romance we've been waiting for practically forever.
at this point it's not fair to call it queerbait because where their relationship is now fits the characters and their development. this is not like destiel, where there were many moments over the years that could've ended with them getting together and it would've made sense with the story. buddie right now is in this sweet, wholesome pre-relationship kind of place, which on its own is a compelling dynamic and so fun and good to see. a resolution of it right now would feel out of character—they both still have some development to do before that would feel natural. and so, I don't think we can really call it queerbaiting unless the characters get to that point and there is still no resolution.
also I'd like to point out the overall positivity from the cast when it comes to buddie. both Eddie's and Buck's actors have said (I'm paraphrasing cast statements in this post unless they are in quotations) positive things about the pairing, and Buck's actor has said that he likes the interpretation of Buck as queer, and he would be happy if the writers took his character in that direction. also Eddie's actor with "that's what they all say" when buddie was referred to as a "bromance". Jennifer Love Hewitt, who plays Buck's sister (another main character), is very supportive of buddie, saying she's "rooting for it", that it would be "amazing", she doesn't "see how it couldn't happen one day". this was in response to hearing that a fan insists Buck and Eddie will be a couple. She flat-out said "I think so, too." She jokes about buddie with Buck's and Eddie's actors all the time. Also, my favorite bit from the video of her saying all this, "Let's manifest it together!"
It's safe to say this is a VERY different environment to spn. I don't think I've ever seen a cast this positive about a show's main non-canon queer ship before. NEVER. I think it's safe to say that if/when buddie is canonized, the cast will be just as excited as the fans—at least JLH will be! Add into the fact that the show's PR seems to be leaning into bi buck and buddie right now, it's a VERY different vibe than spn had, definitely. There's no gaslighting of the fans here, at least not that I've seen. also, although 911 has a large casual viewership, I think it's safe to say the GA would not be upset by buddie—there are only 3 serious, long-term romantic relationships involving main characters in this show, and one of them is a lesbian marriage with two children. And yes, the characters are shown being lesbians, it's not just a stated fact; the audience is privy to their relationship (and their interactions with their adorable kids). I think it's safe to say that buddie would go over well with the fans, even the casual viewers (of which there are many). buddie doesn't seem to be a huge divider in fandom like destiel is, either. reactions generally seem to be either "I ship it" or "I don't care either way."
Also I'd like to point out that while yes, it's possible that buddie is only bait (which would be disappointing), there's a reason queerbaiting works. people WANT to be queerbaited, because it's nearly indistinguishable from a slow burn will they/won't they queer romance. queerbaiting allows fans to make theories, create fan content (including fic), and keeps them engaged with the dynamic and the show. fans who are vulnerable to queerbaiting want a slow burn will they/won't they queer romance, which is currently an almost completely untapped market. spn could've tapped it, but despite the huge fandom they did not. there are SO MANY people outside of spn fandom who want a slow burn mlm romance, one that keeps the audience guessing, one that's will they/won't they, one that is not guaranteed, and that is why queerbaiting works so well. the audience doesn't just want the payoff, they also want the build-up. the longer the build-up, the higher the payoff, and the suspense of the build-up is gone if you know from the start that the payoff is definitely coming. that's part of why malec from shadowhunters didn't fully tap this market—there was no question of if, only the question of when (which wasn't really a question either, given there was an episode in season 1 literally titled "malec" when they got together.) the characters were always queer, the show being an adaptation of a book series where they were in a relationship and eventually had children together.
this was why November 5th was such a big deal—fans were so far past the will they/won't they aspect of destiel, firmly believing that destiel would always end as a "won't they" and not a "will they" that when cas confessed his romantic love for dean, destiel trended on Twitter over the US election. you all know that story, but maybe not everyone reading this knows that after Nov. 5 there was a case of hundreds if not thousands of spn fans experiencing love sickness because of the confession scene. the payoff of making destiel fully canon (and reciprocated, in English) would've been huge. fans would've been throwing their money at the c/w.
which leads me to the possibility (this is not at all me saying that I think this happened or even is likely, just that it's one possibility that /could/ have happened) that buddie started as bait, that the writers never intended for them to be a couple, but saw fan reactions to buddie during season 2 and started to lean into it in season 3 (and 4 so far, but it just started so I don't want to make any generalized statements about it) possibly still as bait or maybe not deciding yet if they'll go anywhere with it. and then maybe they saw destiel trending on November 5th, realized just how BIG the market for a slow burn will they/won't they mlm romance is, and said "hey, we already have the foundations for one of those. why not go for it and draw in all those viewers who clearly want one so badly?"
if buddie goes canon, because the cast and PR have been so positive about it, unlike spn, and because of the text of the show itself, the show's creatives could VERY EASILY claim that they were never baiting, that it was all an intentional slow burn will they/won't they romance from the beginning, and most people would believe them; there isn't really any evidence to the contrary, although I am sure there would be at least a few fans convinced it started as queerbaiting, and there might not be any evidence to refute that, either.
the point is that 911 is currently sitting on a gold mine. if they play their cards right, and execute buddie well, they will monopolize this market that old straight white men serving as network executives have failed so far to really tap into. they queerbait without the payoff, which gives the show a reputation among those in the market who haven't seen it, guaranteeing they will never watch it. shows in this vein: sherlock (huge reputation for queerbaiting and a finale fans didn't like) and spn (huge reputation for queerbaiting and a finale fans didn't like). spn got so, so close with cas's confession but then continued to gaslight its fans, and PR did not lean into destiel AT ALL. if 911 did buddie? the PR team would be all over it. it would be a moneymaker, big time, and Fox knows it. if buddie, or even just bi buck, went canon, tumblr would be all over it. viewership for the show, which is already impressive, would skyrocket. 911 would monopolize this market, because fans wary of queerbaiting would watch it with the knowledge that the payoff is there, and there really wouldn't be a competitor until other shows saw the success of buddie and followed suit with their own pairings, and given the fact that the market specifically wants /slow burn/ queer romances, that might take a couple years. that puts 911 in a really good position, where suddenly the fandom of the show, not just the GA, is very large and likely very dedicated to the show. the success of canon buddie might just change the landscape of TV in the coming years, showing execs that while queerbaiting does work, actually going through with it is really where the money is. 911 would not just monopolize the market for a while; it would pioneer it.
if buddie never goes canon, I would probably be a bit disappointed at the wasted potential, but unless the characters get to that point where canon buddie seems like the most logical outcome and they /don't/ go for it, I won't be truly upset because I don't think it's fair to claim its queerbaiting until then. I can't tell you how likely it is that buddie will be canon at some point, but it seems FAR more likely than destiel /ever/ did, and we ended up getting cas's confession in the end. I have hope, despite being hurt so badly by spn. 911 is a genuinely great show with some fantastic writing, and they don't leave chekov's gun unfired, unlike spn.
really, it comes down to this: if Jennifer Love Hewitt is allowed to clown for buddie, then so am I, and I'll enjoy this show—which is amazing even without canon buddie—while I apply my clown makeup.
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majorsoapfan · 4 years
Umbrella Academy Season 3 Wish list
This is a long one so buckle up:
Let Klaus and Allison take centre-stage this season in leading the plot. Both are incredible characters and deserve the chance to shine. And I can think of several reasons why they deserve the chance to take centre-stage: out of the whole Academy their powers are some of the most fascinating and in Klaus’ case he has so many that haven’t been revealed yet. They’ve both suffered and lost a lot as well, particularly in season 2 and their hardships tend to get ignored by others. Their relationship together is already really interesting and supportive and they would be an awesome team up. There’s more but I’ll be here forever if I tried to list them.
No Apocalypse. The world ending in eight days was a great plot driver in season 1 and again in season 2 with the reveal that the end of the world actually followed the Umbrella’s back in time. But if the same thing gets repeated over and over then I’m worried that the show will lose it’s edge as a result. In order for the characters to develop new crisis's need to take its place.
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Let Five have a rest. Even if it’s just for an episode or two so he can get a solid eight hours sleep if nothing else. For the last two seasons Five has been running around non-stop trying to stop the end of the world and save his family. Without that Five can grow as a person and get a literal break that he really hasn’t gotten in 45 years.
Oh course that doesn’t mean I want Five out of the drama entirely and I do expect to see Reginald and Five scenes in season 3. Five is the only one of his original children that the bastard seemed to tolerate and he did seem to have some form of twisted respect for Five as well. And I wouldn’t put it past the monocle monster to have some twisted plans in store for the eldest member of the Umbrella Academy. He’s had fifty years to plan for the Umbrella’s return after all.
The Sparrows. I just saw the line up of the Sparrows for season three and I am honestly so interested. I can’t wait to see what their powers are like and I already have some ideas. They have so much potential and hopefully they’ll be done well. And so far they seem to be written as the Umbrella’s foils. Marcus is a natural leader who loves his family, while Luther forces himself into the role and alienated his family as a result. Both Ben and Diego long to be the leader but while Diego is more emotional, Ben’s more strategic. Five is driven by his love and desire to protect his family, while Sloane feels held back by hers. Vanya was treated as an outcast and betrayed her siblings trust while Christopher, a literal Cube, is said to be loyal and is treated as a loved family member 
That being said though, I don’t want the Sparrows to be the main focus this season or have the attention split between them and the Umbrella’s. Because while I do want to see the Sparrows and their family dynamic and how they interact with the Umbrella’s, I would prefer to see how the Umbrella Hargreeves’ cope with their existent and how this impacts them and how they move forward with this. Or a team up between Sparrows and Umbrella’s would be fine. Or multiple team ups, I’m not picky.
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There is a really good fan theory out there about Klaus and Five being twins and while I know that in the comics it’s Luther and Five, the fan theory in season 3 would be so much better in my opinion. And in all honesty it makes so much more sense. Physically they are strikingly similar, especially as children. Their powers both concentrate in their hands and emit a blue glow when they use them. Their powers themselves are literally time and death, which are linked and they have additive personalities, which can be inherited between family members. And I can’t help but feel that this moment:
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lends a new level to their relationship then what we see with them as adults. Look at how alike they are! And that fond smile that Five is giving Klaus? Making them twins opens up a wide range of possibilities for Klaus and Five both character and plot wise.
Give Luther a proper love interest. And I can’t believe that this even has to be said but his sister does not count! Literally all of siblings have have romantic interests, all of them so important in the Umbrella’s life in some way or another. It would be nice too to see Luther form a healthy romantic connection for the first time in his life.
While I’m on the subject of Luther and healthy relationships, it also brings me back to the Sparrows and how their number one Marcus seems to be Luther’s foil. And it would be interesting for the show to explore just how seeing the Sparrows and someone so similar to Luther might just affect him. He did spend thirty years of his life after all being Reginald’s little solider and believing that his position as Number One made him the family leader only to find out it was all for nothing. Only Marcus seems to be respected in his position as leader and loves his family dearly, while Luther was mocked and seems to have driven all of his siblings bar Allison away from him because of it. This has incredible potential for Luther’s character arc this season especially if it makes him acknowledge his behaviour to his siblings as they were growing up; particularly to Klaus and Vanya who probably got the worst of it. Allison after all was his closest companion, Diego was his rival (more or less), Ben seemingly got on with everyone and Five would have bitten Luther’s head off if he tried anything. But Reginald’s disappointments Klaus and Vanya? Luther, wanting to impress their dad and follow his orders probably didn’t treat them the best. And I want Luther to admit that and apologise and make the next step in becoming a better person and brother. He’s made incredible progress in season 2, but I don’t want his past treatment of his siblings to be swept under the rug. It needs to be acknowledged and Luther needs to admit it was wrong so he can grow. 
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Can we get Diego’s season one hair back too? I wondered just how it got that long considering that he was only in the sixties for around three months. Klaus makes sense as he was in the sixties for years. Plenty of time for him to grow it out, not really for Diego. But I really prefer his season one hair so can it make a comeback please?
What I want to see for Vanya this season is for her to realize that she doesn’t need powers to be special. I kinda noticed that she seems to have defined her worth on her powers and that’s not healthy. So a potential scenario: Reginald seems to have made the power-suppressing drug himself, so he may still have it in season 3. Imagine Vanya getting a dose of it that knocks her powers out for a good chunk of time and in the meantime some of her siblings are in danger (I’m picturing Luther and Diego here the himbos) and she ends up saving them. Not with her powers but because of her intelligence and other skills that she has and she realizes that she doesn’t need her powers to be special or to save the day. A logical step in character growth.
Getting some closure on season 2 character like Sissy, Ray, Grace, the Cult (which I really didn’t like) and the Swede and what happened to them once the Umbrella’s left the sixties. And maybe finding out what happened to season one’s characters since the Umbrella’s didn’t exist in this timeline: Agnes, Patch, Leonard, Pogo, Claire.
For Klaus and Umbrella Ben to talk about their issues and make up. I know that our Ben is now up there with the little girl in the sky but that has not stopped Klaus from visiting heaven before. And I think that if Klaus and Ben do not get at least one final conversation to talk through their issues next season then I will sue. They both did crappy things to each other in season two but they both love each other dearly and they deserve the chance to get the closure they both need. I think that Klaus will definitely need it in order to move on completely.
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I know I said no Apocalypse but I’m still going to be expecting some major crisis to happen during the last few episodes. An alien invasion or Sparrows trying to kill the Umbrella's maybe? But no matter what the problem is, I really want Klaus to get his moment to shine by being the one to save the day. Reginald said himself that Klaus has untapped potential and we know thanks to the comics what other powers he has. And thanks to Ben’s antics at the family dinner the old bastard has probably written him off as useless and not a threat when making plans to deal with the Umbrella’s. Which means nobody is going to be looking at Klaus or considering him a potential threat to their plans, leaving Klaus relatively safe to start exploring and enhancing his powers. He was supposed to be the one to have done it in season one with the moon and his abilities were brushed to the side completely in season two or used for Ben’s benefit so I think he’s long overdue his moment to shine. And maybe then will the rest of his siblings stop seeing Klaus as a joke.
Lila. I don’t think we’ve seen the last of her, her story felt unfinished and she does have a briefcase. She could pop at any moment in the story. She has so much potential and I did love her actress. Imagine her and Five forcing to team up or something? Or maybe her and Allison?
Another character I’d like to see return is Hazel. He’s someone who really grew on me. And there is a chance that he could return and maybe team up with the Umbrella’s this season. Potential scenarios: Five on the hunt for allies to help him restore the timeline hunts down Hazel who in this timeline is working with the Commission and because the Umbrellas don’t exist hasn’t met Agnes yet. Maybe something happened to her because of the Sparrows?
Finally Dave. I’m a huge Dave fan but I really don’t want him to show up in season three. Or if he does then for the smallest amount of time possible just to give Klaus some ‘closure’. Time travel is in the Umbrella Academy universe after all and it’s possible that by Klaus warning Dave about his faith and causing him to enlist earlier and in a different branch as a result he’s saved Dave and opened up the possibility of seeing Commission!Dave later. Which is the perfect storyline for season 4. Season three is only 10 episodes long and there’ll be a lot going on already so shoving Dave into what will already be a pretty packed season won’t give Dave the attention he deserves and will take away from the other focus. Not only that but Klaus’ motivation for the last two seasons is doing something for either Dave or Ben. I want to see Klaus train his powers either for himself or to help someone else. Also, Dave deserves the chance to grow as a character as well and making him a part of season 3 would take away from the main focus of the Umbrella’s and Sparrows. Making him a main focus in season four instead if we get one will give a great opportunity story-wise to develop both him and Klaus as individuals and as a couple.
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Come find me | Venji
Summary: A fix it/continuation from season 2. Or, Benji is the one Victor goes to after the wedding
Pairing: Victor Salazar x Benji Campbell 
Word count: 1178
Victor pressed the doorbell and waited nervously. He could feel his palms getting sweaty and quickly wiped them on his pants. While he ran the few miles from Mia's house, Victor had tried coming up with the perfect speech to tell Benji when he'd get to him, but as he stood on the Campbells' doorstep, he unfortunately forgot all his pre-made speech.
After the talk with Felix, everything was clear in Victor's mind. Benji was the one he wanted to go to prom with. They'll wear matching outfits and dance all night and take cute, cliché prom pictures. Thinking about college and long-distance relationships was difficult, but he could see it. They would meet for Thanksgiving and Christmas and even spring break - and perhaps in between if their college wasn't too far by. Get an apartment together after those three years apart. Victor could see a future with Benji, a future he couldn't see himself having with anyone else.
Maybe Felix was being dramatic, but he was right: it would kill Victor if he didn't do those things with Benji.
The sound of the handle twisting pulled Victor from his mind, making him snap his head up as the door opened.
Victor didn't speak, taking in the sight of Benji. He had taken off his suit and replaced it with a grey tee shirt and sweatpants, and his eyes were red, as if he had cried.
A knot of guilt tied itself in Victor's stomach. He made Benji cry.
''I can't do this right now.'' It pained Benji to see his ex on his doorstep. After what he witnessed at the wedding, seeing the boy he loved dancing with another boy, his heart was crushed. ''Go home, Victor.'' He moved to close the door in Victor's face, but Victor stopped him.
''Benji, wait.''
Victor hated to be insistent, but this time, he couldn't give up. Allowing Benji to close the door on him would mean closing the door to their relationship, calling it quits for good, and he didn't want that.
''I ran here all the way from Mia's house, so please, let me talk. You don't even have to say anything, just...listen.''
Benji sighed. As much as he didn't want to hear Victor out, the boy had run a few miles just to talk to him. ''Just say whatever you're going to say, and leave.''
To make things right, Victor started by owning up to his mistakes and apologizing. ''I'm sorry for spilling our- your personal problems to Rahim. It wasn't my right to talk to him about your alcoholism. I shouldn't have. I broke your trust and I know saying 'sorry' won't make you trust me again, but I want you to know that I really am sorry.''
At first, telling Rahim felt good. Victor finally had someone to talk about his problems with - other than Benji and Felix -, someone who understood parts of his life his two best friends couldn't. But this was Benji's secret, not his.
The concept of Anonymous Alcoholics is exactly that: you stay anonymous. But Victor outed him to Rahim, someone Benji didn't know, someone he didn't trust. It would be so easy for him to tell everybody about Benji's alcohol problem.
''Is this all?'' Benji asked.
''No. About tonight. I know what it must've looked like, seeing Rahim and I dancing. You must've felt replaced, but he is a friend and I only went with him because you blew me off last minute. To me, there's nothing more than friendship for Rahim, but he doesn't feel the same. After you left, he came to me and he...he kissed me.''
Tears welled up in Benji's eyes and he looked down. ''I don't want to hear this-''
Telling Benji that Rahim and him kissed could come off as cruel, but Victor wanted to be honest. ''It would be a lie to say I didn't feel anything from that kiss. I did, but only for a few seconds. The moment it was over, I felt conflicted with my feelings. I didn't know what I wanted, but Felix helped me figure it out. When I close my eyes and imagine myself going to prom and maintaining long distance for college and getting an apartment, I can picture you and Rahim, but I can't see myself doing those things without you.''
A brisk of wind blew and Benji shivered, feeling the chill air through his thin shirt and bare arms. Victor wanted to take off his jacket and give it to him or hold him close to provide some warmth, but he wasn't allowed to do that anymore.
''I want you, Benji,'' Victor continued. ''I spent one day with Rahim when I've known you for almost a year. The choice was obvious. No, it wasn't even a choice, it was doing the right thing. I love you and I miss you and I really hope it's not over for us.''
It was clear to both that they still had feelings for eachother, still loved each other, but was love enough to overcome all their problems? They each had their wrongs, but will they be able to work things out?
''Benji, why is the door opened, it's- Victor?'' Mrs. Campbell looked at her son and then Victor and back to Benji, confused.
''Hi, Mrs. Campbell,'' Victor greeted politely. He guessed Benji had talked to her because she wasn't looking at him the loving way she used to. ''Sorry for being here late, I was just talking to Benji.''
She hummed, tightening her bathrobe around her to shield her from the air. ''I suggest you go home and talk to Benji tomorrow. He's had a tough night.''
''Mom...'' Benji said, embarrassed. He knew that his tear stained face gave it away that he had been crying, but his mom didn't have to say it in front of Victor.
Victor nodded. He didn't want to get on Mrs. Campbell's bad side any more. He said goodbye and good night to them and walked home.
Tonight hadn't gone as planned - in more ways than one -, but at least Victor had talked to Benji. Will this monologue fix their relationship? Probably not. But being honest and communicating was a step in the right direction.
Just as he was about to get in bed and call it a night, Victor's phone lit up with a new message from Benji.
I appreciate you coming here and clearing things up - fighting for us. I know I didn't say much, but I didn't want to say something too fast and then regret it. I need time to think before making a decision. I hope you understand.
I can't say I'm not hurt by the kiss - because I am -, but thank you for telling me, being honest with me.
Love, Benji
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gofancyninjaworld · 3 years
OPM Manga Chapter 149 Review: Ambush
Story:  The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves
Operation Sundew, that ad hoc plan of the cadres to simply kill the heroes by virtue of outlasting them, is well underway.  It looks to be reaching its inevitable conclusion with Homeless Emperor joining the fray to give Golden Sperm a hand.  Vomited Fuhrer Ugly is considered surplus to their requirements - the hobo thrashes him soundly and the monster crawls off in search of tastier prey, like Bang. 
Golden Sperm has a lot of fun knocking Darkshine around, first mocking the guy, then punching his lights out.  Speaking of lights, Homeless Emperor showers the swordsmen with fireballs, not caring that Iaian and Spring Mustachio appear to be able to deflect them with their swords. They can’t attack him and eventually, they’ll be too tired to move.  He can wait.
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The remaining unfused Black Sperms are also busy.  A detachment of ten thousand watch over Vomited Fuhrer Ugly, determined to ensure the monster can’t feed and so dries up and dies.  They get a little interrupted by Metal Bat’s arrival.  Next time just answer the hero’s question.   Another lot have been busy wearing down Tatsumaki and Genos and eventually they overcome them.
While that’s going on, we get a scene of Child Emperor sending a desperate text message to Metal Knight, reviewing the situation and reflecting that he’s unlikely to survive this.  He pleads with Metal Knight to come through for the heroes, if not as the hero Metal Knight, then as the man Dr Bofoi.  Fortunately, he’s not left to suffocate in his little prison.  Puri Puri shows up as an only semi-welcome savior.  But saved’s saved so phew!
Up above ground, we see that the Black Sperms have won and have surrounded Genos as he tries to drag Tatsumaki to some semblance of safety...with his teeth.  As they close round and mock him, they hear a ‘BA-DUM, BA-DUM, BA-DUM’ sound resonating through the darkness and look up to see...
...King!   King has finally made a stand and even as we know that his heart thuds so loudly from pure terror,  he does cut a most impressive figure, which is a great place to leave off on.
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Here to save the day... probably. Possibly. Actually why is this happening to him again? He doesn’t know what he’s going to do. But he looks good doing it!
Meta below the cut
Meta: The Chickens Aren’t Roosting Yet, But They Are Circling
(bonus points to someone who points out that chickens don’t fly well enough to circle anything)
What’s the good of a strong spirit if the body can’t keep up?
That question from Bakuma keeps coming back.  This chapter apposes two characters to show us just what the difference is.  Relatively lightly injured (surprisingly, his wounds look to be skin-deep after all) is Superalloy Darkshine.  It has got to hurt. However the way he has completely collapsed into a snivelling mess is difficult to read.  As a person who built himself up by comparing himself to others, the sight of Golden Sperm’s shininess and musclature seems to have provoked one of the worst breakdowns we’ve seen on One-Punch Man.
It’s so bad that Golden Sperm’s taunts just have the air of truth bombs rather than mere disparagement.  Telling him that he has no business to call himself an S-Class hero if even light injury is enough to make him cry and want to run away is just the truth.
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nothing about this panel is okay to me
Superalloy is a nice guy but going into heroism to feel good about yourself is entirely the wrong way to approach it.  And the veneer has come off, literally.
And on the other side, with a spirit that far exceeds his body’s capacity to contain it, we have Genos.  Fighting with everything he has, even repurposing his torn-off arms to fight independently alongside him.  Even without a hope of success, Genos isn’t quitting. Watching him drag the broken, bleeding Tatsumaki by his teeth, one can’t help but admire his grit; as long as there’s anything he can do, he’s doing it.  I was a little surprised at the fact that he kept both his promises to Fubuki -- first, not to use his full power lest he overheat again and second, to be there for Tatsumaki no matter what.  But I shouldn’t have been surprirsed -- keeping his promises is core to Genos. He’d be breaking faith with himself if he reneged on one.
It’s an ugly situation all round, but there’s no comparison as to who is the better hero here.
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I just clocked the gouge marks in the rock by Tatsumaki... damn, Genos has dragged her quite a ways. Painful.
Fuck masters, I guess
OPM looks to have declared open season on masters.  Choose: do you want your master/mentor/teacher/benefactor to die horribly, or do you want them to be fine but not be able to stand the sight of you?
Just sticking with the manga, over on one side, we have Atomic Samurai and Spring Mustachio bewailing over Option 1.  Over on the other side of the battlefield, Bang and Garou are slugging it out over Option 2.
And down in a hole, over one text message. Heck over one screen, we see that something went badly wrong in the previously close relationship that existed between Dr Bofoi and his one-time assistant who would become the hero Child Emperor.   To think that their last text conversation were Bofoi asking Child Emperor to bring junk food along with him... a year ago.   Just like that, that hit me in the feels.  As well as piquing my curiosity as to what went wrong at that fateful last visit that reduced the two to talking only professionally.
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this has to be one of the top ten saddest panels in the series, made sadder by our knowledge that Bofoi will almost certainly leave it on read.
Speaking of student-teacher relationships yet to be exploded, we’re due to see what’s between Psykos and Fubuki within this particular story.  Whether it has much to do with the webcomic, I don’t care. Just gimme! 
The best defense may be a good offense, but a good bluff is the next best thing.
I am so glad that King made a positive decision in the manga to bluff as long as he could in the faith that Saitama will eventually appear.  I did like the accidental version of the face off he had in the webcomic.  I am very curious to see what happens when he does so deliberately.
Moving on
We still don’t know what’s happened to Zombieman and Amai Mask, but it all looks like the promised grand synthesis of all these disparate struggles is going to be delivered on.
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