#theo raeken series
seriesxwriting · 2 months
not sure if you’re doing requests still but i was wondering if you could do Theo Reaken x reader where shes always there for the pack but gets pushed aside like shes nothing by them and Theo notices because hes trying to get in good graces with the pack again and then the reader gets kidnapped and the pack doesnt care so Theo takes matters into his own hands
My requests are always open!! I love to see into other peoples creativity and bring their ideas to life. Thank you for this one <3
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I’ll follow you anywhere
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Pairing: Theo raeken x female reader
Series: teen wolf
Warnings: fighting, deep wounds, kissing.
Summary: request x
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“Stiles!” “Lydia! I’m so glad you’re okay” stiles swallowed while throwing his arms around the ginger girls shoulders. He held her head into his neck as she gasped from relief. “Is everyone back?” Scott asked walking through his living room, nodding at everyone.
“Yeah” malia nodded looking round the room confirming everyone’s appearance. “Uh no- y/n isn’t here” Theo raised an eyebrow pulling a face but keeping his thoughts to himself. “Oh- yeah y/n” malia mumbled to herself tucking her hair behind her ear awkwardly. “Oh we forgot about y/n” Lydia swallowed looked between Theo and then Scott.
“Who heard from her last?” Scott swallowed feeling the tension in the room. “Erm- not since she left” stiles licked his top row of teeth not giving anyone eye contact. “She made it to the location” Theo stepped in looking around at everyone suspiciously. Out of nowhere the door handle started rattling and the groups attention swivelled round to that.
A gentle knock followed and the eyes of the group glued onto Scott as he edged to the door, with precaution. He unlocked it pulling it open. I stood on the doorstep with tears in my eyes. “Y/n?” “Why was the door locked?” I asked gently wiping a tear off my cheek. “No reason- just an accident- come on…” Scott moved out the way opening the door wider.
“what happened?” Malia questioned seeing the dirty state I was in. “Uh you were right- it was crawling with berserkers” I nodded to Scott tucking my hair behind my ear. “I knew it! God- how are we going to get round them- did you see a way?” Malia questioned completely passing the fact I was evidently hurt. “Y/n come and sit down you’re clearly hurt” Theo pointed to the sofa with his head. “No- it’s okay- um I didn’t see a way I’m sorry, I was too busy running away from their clasp- I can always go back and…”
“No” Theo shook his head “it’s too dangerous” he outburst looking to Scott. “Theo you don’t make the decisions here- if y/n is offering to go back then…” Lydia shrugged slightly. “Scott seriously? It was possibly dangerous when you sent her the first time she got hurt- why would you send her alone again” Theo raised his eyebrow pulling a face of disgust at the group. “Theo she’s offering” Scott rolled his eyes.
“Theo stop it” I widened my eyes at him whispering under my breath. “I don’t mind- il let you know how it goes” I waved them off before squeezing past Scott to go out the door. I usally felt like I wasn’t part of the group but recently it’s picked up more. Of course I’m getting the hint but i keep thinking that if I do something helpful they will see I’m capable of being a full member. Theo came running out the door behind me.
“What are you doing?” I hissed at him from across the green front garden. It was starting to get a little late now, the sun was setting. Theo ran up to me and I didn’t even acknowledge what he was saying. He looked so pretty in the golden hour. “Y/n! Did you hear that?” He chuckled putting his hand on my arm. “What sorry no” “I said I’m coming with you” “why” I frowned turning my head.
“Y/n they are horrible to you- they shouldn’t send you back and you definitely shouldn’t go on your own” he said under his breath. “Oh, don’t sit up on your high horse you’re in the same position as me- you arrived a little late and you’re trying to get in their good books- are you mad because I’m a little better than you at doing it?” Shrugged pressing my car key to open my car. Theo pulled a face before running after me.
“Are you really that blind to it?” Theo questioned walking round to his side. “Blind to what?” I swallowed turning the car on. He invited himself in and closed us in. “Y/n they use you- they dont use me, they are open with how they feel about me- they talk about you behind your back- we aren’t in the same position” he told me as I started pulling off ten drive and taking us away from the house.
“Theo I appreciate your concern but they are my friends they don’t talk about me behind my back, if they didn’t want me to join the group they would have let me know by now” I told him smiling and shaking my head. “Oh god I feel even worse knowing you don’t see what’s happening” he whispered under his breath. “Theo will you drop it- I don’t know why you even came” I rolled my eyes frustratedly.
“I came because I don’t want anything bad to happen to you” he answered making my heart skip a beat. “And I won’t drop it because I don’t want them to hurt you when you do finally realise” he added on adding to the silence of the vehicle. “Thanks for looking out for me… but I don’t need your help I’ll win them over myself” “well if we’re in the same situation shouldn’t we stick together?” He whispered rolling his head and staring at me as I drove.
His eyes I could see out the corner of mine, along with his gorgeous smirk. He was making my legs feel like jelly. Which wasn’t wise because I was driving. “Stop looking at me like that” I told him in a small voice. “Why?” He questioned with a smile. “you’ll be responsible for your death when we drive off this cliff” i told him trying to focus on the road now. Theo chuckled to himself and then looked ahead. Nothing more was said and eventually we reached our destination. It was pretty much dark now.
It made it a lot more eerie. I stopped the car down the road and me and Theo got out looking up ahead. “What exactly are we here for” “we need to try and get in” I shrugged looking at our challenge pretending that I was screaming inside from the fear. “Come on then” he whispered walking fearlessly in front of me. “Theo- be careful” I hissed running to him. “I’m alright” he whispered putting an arm around my waist. This is how we continued to walk up the road.
I did feel a lot safer with him next to me. I looked up at his face now in the moonlight. Still gorgeous. “This is so eerie, this place was crawling with them two hours ago” I shrugged looking around like a hawk. “I believe you” he told me looking above us in the trees. My heart stopped and I froze when I heard a low growl behind us. Theo squeezed my wrist before we both slowly turned around.
There were three berserkers in front of our exit and two coming from the sides of us. “Run” theo whispered to me. I saw fear in his eyes when I looked across at him. “Come on then!” I frantically grabbed his wrist and pulled him as I started running. He eventually realised what we were doing and what was going on, and he started running properly getting a full grip on my hand now. “Stop stop stop!” I squealed as two more stepped out in front of us.
As we stopped to turn one of them grabbed my arm. It pulled me squeezing my arm so tightly. “Theo!” I screamed as he held on tightly to my hand. I saw his eyes flash as his wolf anger began to show. His claws came out as he held on to me and let out a howl calling for Scott’s help. “Theo let go” I cried out pulling away from him. He fell just dodging one of their hands coming out to him. The berserker wrapped me in its giant arms as I squirmed, screaming to get out of its harsh embrace.
Theo jumped up and was now fighting them off while this one carried me away. “Theo!” I screamed thrashing about trying to get free. “Y/n!” He desperately called out for me. The last thing I saw was him watching me and he fought off the rest that surrounded him. That was before the berserker knocked me out against a tree.
Theo took an opportunity to duck under one of their arms and get away from the circle they were creating. Him being the piggy in the middle. He looked at what why I could have been taken but I was long gone. Theo felt panic spread across his body. “No- y/n” he whispered to himself before pulling it together and running away from the ones left. Theo jumped straight into my car and raced back to Scott’s house breaking every road sign and camera. He pounded on Scott’s door.
When he finally opened it he was in shorts and no top. He covered his mouth to yawn before letting Theo continue. “Y/n has been taken” he breathed with wide eyes. “What? By the berserkers?” Scott asked jerking his head back. “That’s odd- that haven’t taken anyone before usually just killed” “we can’t let that happen- we have to get y/n back” Theo ranted becoming a bit jittery from the adrenaline.
“Everyone’s gone home and got into bed” Scott shook his head looking at his pjs. “They aren’t going to want to come back out” he admitted looking at Theo who’s face had dropped. “Are you joking?” “No- it’s late” Scott pulled back getting defensive. “She’s part of your group are you joking, please say you are” he threw his head back taking a step down to get away from Scott. “We will get her back just in a few days when we plan out how to get in”. Theo shook his head.
“Count me out of this group, I don’t like how you treat outsiders” Theo looked Scott up and down before backing off. “You’re making a mistake leaving” Scott shouted as Theo walked off but he just scoffed, which Scott only heard using his wolf ears. Theo jumped back in my car and sat for a second with both hands on the steering wheel.
He was just thinking. Thinking about what to do. “Come on Theo, you can do this yourself” he whispered to himself. “You don’t need the pack” “just need to think” he told himself seriously. “I can do this” he nodded before starting the car back up. He then drove as fast as he could back to the place I was taken. He over took cars on dangerous roads, risked his life and other peoples to get to me.
Theo drove right up to the entrance and got out with glowing eyes. It was quiet. It was dark. Theo looked around for something to sink his teeth into. Out the corner of his eye he saw a berserker come out the trees. Theo headed straight toward it with no fear this time only anger. Theo went under his arm and kicked his back so the berserker was on the floor. With one punch to the head Theo cracked the skull of the creature and it stopped moving.
He looked around for something else to kill, but his ear twitched. Clapping started appearing and Kate walked out of the tree like. “Well done- not many people who can kill berserkers” she raised an eyebrow looking him up and down. “Is this what you want?” She held the triskillian in her hand up at theo. “No” Theo shook his head. Kate jerked her head backwards. “Yes it is” she frowned. “No- I’ve left that pack- I don’t care what they want” he snarled.
“Don’t say you’ve come to join the opposite side you rebel” she winked at him but Theo just rolled his eyes. “Kate, I just want y/n back” “y/n?” She pulled a face. “Oh the one with y/c hair- the petite one?” “Yes y/n” Theo nodded once. “We don’t have her anymore” Kate shrugged carelessly. “What do you mean? Who has her?” “Nobody- I thought she’d ran back to the pack she got away” Kate explained. Just then, to the side of the two the leaves started rustling.
“Call off your berserkers Kate, I’m no threat to you” Theo told her dangerously. He was feeling a lot of emotions right now. “Theo that’s not one of them” she shook her head looking intrigued. Theo’s claws retracted out as he stared at the leaves. I stumbled out barely being able to even see straight. I thought I could hear his voice so I walked towards it. I could see a figure in the distance and it must have been him. Or I was hallucinating from the blood loss. “Theo?” I called out quieter than I thought I’d said it.
“Y/n” Theo whispered to himself before running over to me as quick as he could. “Y/n can you hear me” he whispered rubbing my cheek with his thumb. I didn’t say anything but I moved my hand up to hold his as I fell in and out of consciousness. “Take her to the hospital” Kate called out. “You’re just going to let us go? Just like that?” “You told me you’re no longer part of the pack- why’s that?” Kate shrugged stepping closer. “I told them y/n needed help that she’d been taken- but they didn’t care- they treat her badly- I don’t like their morals” he answered.
“Then they’re your enemy just as much as mine, it would be silly to hurt a potential ally” Kate raised an eyebrow. Theo didn’t say anything he just turned to me ignoring her comment and lifting me into his chest. He nodded at Kate when we left and he reversed out the space. Theo then sped all the way to the hospital where he gave me across to Melisa.
The next day-
I woke up yawning in a hospital room. I was strapped into a bed and was attached to various drips. Theo was sitting in the corner with his eyes closed on a chair. They’d given him a blanket too. I smiled at him before picking up the buzzer next to me and pressing it. Theo jumped awake looking towards me. “Y-you’re awake” he stuttered scrambling up to come by my side. “Yeah- you’re here” I smiled warmly. “I- couldn’t leave you there knowing- I could do something” “Theo” I put my hand out for him to come closer.
He jumped up walking slowly over to me. He looked like he hand guilt behind his eyes. “Thank you” I breathed pulling him in for a hug. “Anytime gorgeous- anywhere” he whispered in my ear holding me tightly. “The pack were right behind me- I just am a better driver” he shrugged sitting on the side of my bed and holding my hand with both of his. “Yeah- I can imagine” I hummed rubbing his bicep gently. I looked at his arms and tried to put my whole hand around it. I couldn’t even get close.
Theo noticed what I was doing and chuckled. “Impressive mr reaken” I smiled squeezing his arm. “You know I think you’re gorgeous too” I blinked up at him. “You’ve never said it but I know that you think it” Theo winked at me leaning in closer so he could whisper. In that moment the door opened. “H-hey y/n” Scott waved smiling at me which must have been fake because he then looked at Theo with the same one.
“Oh you guys are here aw that’s so great” I smiled back, sitting up and putting my hand on my heart. Malia filtered in as the last one. Stiles and Lydia were there too. “Yeah we thought we’d come and check on you- make sure you’re ready for the big fight tonight” malia put her hands together. “Tonight?” Theo scoffed rolling his eyes. “Stop it” I whacked Theo on the rib gently. “Big fight mmh I remember you talking about it” I nodded “yeah that’s tonight so we need all hands on deck, so- we’re glad you’re okay” stiles laughed nervously.
“Obviously we would have rescued you our selves, but…” scott trailed off scratched the back of his head. “Yeah don’t worry Theo explained that you were right behind him” I smiled nodding. Scott eyed Theo before smiling at me and putting his thumb up. “Good- good good- so we will see you later then” Lydia waved and blew me a kiss. “Yeah you should go” I swiped my hand in the air.
“Mmh we should” stiles nodded making his way to the door. “Yeah you should, just don’t be expecting me at that big fight of yours” “what! Why?” Malia outburst, wrinkling her forehead. “I know Theo’s covering for you- you wasn’t right behind him you were tucked up in bed knowing I was in danger” I told them dropping the smile from my face. “I know you don’t like me and you treat me badly, you don’t appreciate me and you’re never going to accept me in this tight circle” I added in counting on my fingers.
“Y/n…” Scott blinked but I cut him off “no im not finished thank you for asking, you don’t respect me and it’s time I stopped respecting people who only showed up here to check it was okay to drag me out of bed to sit in another fight on the front line even though I’m still hurt from a previous wound from your battle you that forced me into!” I shouted pointing at the door. “You should be ashamed- and I should be ashamed it took me so long to realise” I folded my arms and lied back down.
“Y/n we…” “get the fuck out” Theo lit up his eyes standing up. “Fine” Scott swallowed and backed out the room with stiles and Lydia. “You’re both made for each other” she spat staring us up and down before storming out. Once they were gone Theo twisted his head to me. “How did you know?” He widened his eyes dropping his anger and becoming all soft again. He only did that with me. “I heard you- talking to Kate- I heard what they did to me and you and that you had left” I half smiled taking his hand to hold in mine.
“And I’ll follow you anywhere Theo raeken” I looked up into his eyes. Theo’s eyes flicked to my lips quickly and in seconds his were against mine. I smiled against his lips and put my hand against his head pulling him in closer. My heart fluttered and I didn’t want the moment to end. We pulled away staring into each other’s eyes. “I don’t know where we go from here but- I’m glad you’re here with me” Theo whispered, his eyes looked slightly scared. “We’ll figure it out together handsome” “I’ve never had anyone say that to me before” he breathed, I saw a flick of pain in his eyes.
“You have me now” I kissed his cheek gently. Theo smiled and puckered his lips for another kiss.
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Theo raeken masterlist
Teen wolf masterlist
All series masterlist
Masterlist of masterlists
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blackhholes · 8 months
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Teen Wolf as Horror Subgenres
Season six B: Cosmic Horror
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nightingale2004 · 2 months
Teen wolf next generation: Thiam version
Nathan Daniel Raeken Dunbar
Faceclaim: Tanner Buchanan
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Oldest son of Liam Dunbar and Theo Raeken
He looks a bit like both his dads
Is a werewolf
On the lacrosse, wrestling, and basketball team (prefers boxing)
He and Miguel are emo boy besties
He has a temper, but he has a handle on it
Works at his dad, Liam's fight gym
Has I.E.D. like Liam and has a tough time keeping a cool head. (His family and pack help keep his temper under control)
He is the best fighter in the McCall pack
He trains at the gym and in the woods of Beacon Hills
Tara Haven Raeken Dunbar
Faceclaim: Milly Alcock
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The last child of Liam and Theo
Younger sister of Nathan by 2 years
Acts mature for her age
Loves her brother and sticks with him like glue
She is a were-coyote
She considers herself the brains while her older brother is the brawn
She is the strategist in the McCall pack and brainstorms plans and backup plans with some of the Hale pack members
She is always one step ahead of everyone
Is on the soccor team of Beacon Hills High School
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wolfboy88 · 4 months
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Moodboard: All Together Now I & II
(Isaac x Liam x Scott x Theo)
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For @teenwolfrarepairevents character of the month
@thiamsxbitch cos I know how much you love these losers ;)
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mmoosen · 8 months
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a collection of photos that remind me of thiam
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outcastpack · 10 months
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I wanna drown in an ocean of you.
The birthday present moodboard
I'm also using this as a mini celebration for 200 followers because I only just realised I had hit it 😅🤣
Theo entered the garage, following Jenna in as she turns the lights on.
The women immediately went ahead to start routing through the boxes that surrounded the room to begin looking for the photo albums, but Theo's attention was pulled towards something else, in the centre of the garage sat a large sheet covering something- specifically a car if the outline was anything to go by.
"Whats that?" He asks Jenna, pointing at the covered vehicle when she turns to face him. The women instantly looks at the car fondly. "That was my father's car before he passed it on to me." Jenna stands to her feet moving towards the vehicle motioning for Theo to help her.
Together they pull the sheet off the vehicle. Theo's eyes widen as the car is revealed.
A 1970s Ford Mustang.
The vehicle is in definite need of repair and restoration. His eyes skimming over the cars black exterior.
Jenna has moved. Walking along the car stroking her hand over the hood. "I used to drive this car everywhere, even Liam grew up with me driving it." Theo moves along the car looking through the drivers door window.
As expected the interior was in need of help. New seats needed and potentially a new steering wheel not even counting if the car would even start up.
"I wanted to pass it on to Liam one day, but the old girl was damaged and her parts are hard to come by, if not impossible. " Jenna is motioning towards the front of the car now where the front bumper and hood were damaged leading up to the passenger side.
"I couldn't bare the thought of being rid of her though. She was my own father's and is one of the last things I have of him." Jenna’s voice cracks a little as she speaks. Theo turns back to face Jenna seeing the slight wetness in her eyes as she reminisces over the vehicle.
"Does it start?" He asks her. Eyeing the car with interest. A small idea forming in his head.
Jenna turns towards the wall where a rack of keys hangs off it. Pulling out a set and motioning towards the vehicle. She opens the drivers door- ignoring the dust that comes away.
She puts the key in the ignition turning it to try and start the vehicle.
Nothing happens
She tries again- and again.
The engine roars a little before dieing, immediately shutting off.
The women sighs climbing out. Eyeing the vehicle with sadness. "She has been sat here for years now." She sighs sounding a little dejected turning put the key back on the rack.
Theo reachs out, taking the key slowly out her hands. Walking around the car.
Theo stays silent as his gaze returns solely back to the car.
He imagines a younger Jenna driving the car for the first time, to a young Liam sat on her knee holding the wheel while he tries to reach the peddles.
He imagines a 19 year old Liam driving this car.
It being parked outside the beach house or Theo's apartment next to Theo's own truck.
A checklist forming in his head over what the car needs.
New bumper and hood, the interior needing to be restored, issue with the engine needing to be fixed, potentially a full replacement of it, and the exterior needing a complete respray to make it look new along with other things.
Jenna was right. Parts like what it would need would be rare to come by.
Luckily Theo knew just the man that had the contacts they would need. Who had restored other older models before. Theo was sure with his dad's helped, they could both get the Mustang running again.
Theo smiles at Jenna, tapping his hand along the top of the car. "I'm gonna need to borrow her for awhile." The women eyes her sons boyfriend with confusion while Theo's grin just widens.
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I think fic authors should make Theo a little feral… as a treat
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darkphoenix180 · 4 months
Teen Wolf character poll. Final round
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seriesxwriting · 2 years
The back of the bus
Pairing- Theo raeken
Series- tw (teen wolf)
Summary- You and Theo have the back of the bus all to your selfs (considering he kicked everyone off the seats). What mischief could you possibly get up to considering your strictly friends. For now ;).
Warnings- probably swearing, kissing, talks about a wound, talks about death.
I stood at the back of Theo, Scott and stiles. Scott and stiles sat on the last two free seats together. I didn’t blame them, Scott needed to sit down he was still injured.
A bunch of nerds sat at the back of the bus and I knew exactly what was about to happen because Theo eyed them up like his lunch. He had asked to sit next to me before and I had a feeling he was going to make sure it happen. While he headed toward the boys at the back, just as I suspected, I stopped in my tracks not wanting to be involved.
“Get up” Theo ordered at them, his face was serious and he was practically snarling. “what- why should we? we saved these seats we got up early!” “Get -up” he repeated and he wasn’t too happy he had to, frowning bending closer to one of there faces. His tone had changed now.
“…Yep okay” the boy who spoke earlier gave up from fear of Theo, his eyes looked as if he was about to cry. The four boys jumped up scattering around the bus for seats. Theo popped down looking smug while slumping in the chair, elbow on his leg giving me a dangerous smiled knowing he was the biggest and the baddest.
“Come on then love” he winked nodding down to his lap seeing you frozen in space. “Considering you’ve conqueredthe whole back row, there are spare seats I don’t need to use you” you walked over, quietly sorting out your stuff sitting two seats down from him.
“yeah but I’m more comfortable than coach seats, I just want you to be comfy” he rolled his head over to my side looking playful. “And we do have a long really long ride” he shrugged chewing his gum pressing harder to convince you.
“Oh you really do make a good point” you whispered pretending he won for a second. but really you were just not able to resist him anymore. Your legs went either side of his lap and sat down the opposite way he expected you to while holding his face. “can’t believe you got me in to this- I hate busses”
“Well good because this is a coach” Theo chuckled latching his hands on your waist. “Don’t try and be smart with me” you giggled shaking my head. “Well if you’d stop complaining and gave it ago for a moment you might enjoy the journey, I can be quite entertaining” he wiggled his eyebrows making you a lightly giggle. “Well I’ll need proof of that” “that you will have babe” he tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear.
Words couldn’t really describe what you and Theo were, but you went along with anyway. Even though it then allowed you to catch feelings.
 “Alright love birds we get it” stiles plopped next to us sticking his face closely in the middle. “stiles- can you leave?” Theo turned around half pissed off. “Theo” you hit his chest gently but he just grabbed your hand before turning back to stiles, “I just wanna say- Scott isn’t looking too good can we all keep an eye on him” “yeah of course” you nodded sympathetically.
“His alpha wound?” You questioned quietly, stiles nodded slightly looking downwards. “it’s not healing” “it will take longer” theo explained like stiles was dumb. “yeah smart one we know” stiles raised his eyebrow not taking any of Theo’s smart comments. “And he’s worried about Derek- we all are” you sighed reaching for Theo’s hair playing with it and hugging his head for comfort. “There’s no way he’s dead- so where is he” you try and reassure yourself. “Y/n- he could be dead” theo swallowed looking into your eyes. “He’s not! Plus who would take a dead body” you winced not liking the two pairs of eyes on you.
“yeah I know, just don’t get your hopes up hun” theo nodded at you rubbing your back after a moment of silence. “I have to think positive- I can’t deal with all the negative we go through” I explained to them. Stiles rubbed the top of my hand and Theo clearly got jealous.
“Can I go back to kissing my girlfriend now”, Theo asked with a loud sigh and confession while shooing him away. “what?” You stuttered pulling away and turning to him saying it at the same time as stiles. “ah- I see what happened… I just- called you my girlfriend didn’t I” “and… I’m not complaining am I?” You blinked staring at his eyes with a bright smile. “Really?” He whispered rubbing your cheek with his thumb. “can you just be careful with him- please” stiles said to me.
“I’m right here” theo pushed him out the way wrapping his arms around your waist tightly. “Stiles I trust him- if you don’t can you keep it to your self” you asked him lowly feeling slightly uncomfortable with how honest he was being.
“but y/n I just want wha- wait why are Lydia and Allison following us?” “Allison is here?” Scott turned around, automatically regretting doing it too fast, he winced out loudly. “Scott take it easy” theo looked over at him “I’m fine, really” he nodded at us holding his wound. “Congratulations is in order then?” Scott smirked at you two. Theo turned a bit red looking down, you giggled at how cute he was. “is this new for you?”
“A bit- yeah” he awkwardly started to play with your fingers. “theo we don’t- have to label it” “no- no I want to- I want you to be officially be my girl and only mine” he cupped your face , his cool rings rubbed against your skin as he smiled but with a serious expression.
“really?- your sure” “never been more sure princess”. Slowly theo leant in to kiss you. You had kissed before but not like this and not sober either. It was nice being this genuinely intimate with him. You trusted theo and really liked him, so how bad could it be? “So what’s the real plan for this trip or…” “a lot of this” he kissed you again quickly on the lips “and a lot of this” theo said rummaging in his bag, getting out a packet of crisps.
“Eating and kissing, not at the same time I hope” “and a lot of you learning from my humour- that was the worst dad joke I’ve ever heard” Theo chuckled at you shaking his head. “Shut it you” you joined in.
I guess busses weren’t that bad. Or coach’s. Whatever.
For more like this visit my master list!
Request are open
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reidiot · 1 year
the teen wolf movie isn't canon btw
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blackhholes · 8 months
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Teen Wolf as Horror Subgenres
Season five B: Gothic Horror
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Here's an idea
How about another Teen Wolf spin-off series centered on Theo Raeken and his unfinished redemption arc. Let's say Theo decided "Screw It" and leave the Pack and Beacon Hills behind to live in like Seattle or something with Nolan and Gwen and the three are just dragged into adventure when Theo's biological father shows up and turns Theo's soul-searching peace-finding journey around.
Kira can also be there are there a fuckton of new characters and help him out get redemption. I'd watch tf out of that show as long as Jeff Davis isn't the showrunner.
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mikhardwheat · 1 year
Liam sings "he loves my heart-shaped sunglasses" in his bed while Theo is being held in a facility for stealing glazed donuts from a gas station.
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wattpadfandom · 1 year
Cody, in his "blessed" music video.🐺💕
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slice-of-magenta · 1 year
Fanart for @scribeoffate. I really enjoyed the series. This is for Bound and Rent !
stiles x scott x theo <333
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