#theoden raised them and would have been like a father to them too.
warhirrim · 4 years
hc: fatherhood. As we know, Théoden entered fatherhood rather tragically with the death of his wife, Elfhild, who passed in childbirth. The conflicting emotions would have been unfathomably difficult to compartmentalize. He would have experienced both the greatest and the worst moments of his life simultaneously --- Théodred was his pride, his bundle of joy, his only son, but Elfhild, his one, true love (he would never remarry). In fatherhood, he was utterly alone.
Then, just two years later, a new obstacle. His father passed, making him the next King of Rohan.
One might expect he would have no time to tend to little Théodred, that he would be absent, what with overseeing an entire realm, no wife by his side. But they would be wrong. Albeit busy, Théoden devoted as much time as possible in being an active, present, and loving participant in Théodred’s life. Undoubtedly, there was his mother, caretakers, servants, and tutors who aided --- it would have been easy to relegate all rearing to them --- but what his son needed was his dad. So he would refuse to miss those milestones and refuse to not watch his boy grow; he would teach his son to walk and talk, tell his son stories at night, teach him right from wrong, and be there with him the first time his little hands clamored up a horse, then onto armor, then a sword. It was exhausting, caring for two worlds. But it was more than Théoden’s duty. It wasn’t enough to just be a father. He wanted to be a dad.
By the time he’d adopted little Éomer and Éowyn to raise, his heart broken by the death of his beloved little sister, he’d already been a father for 24 years. A king, for 22. But as we can see from The Lord of the Rings and how dearly Éomer, and particularly Éowyn, loved their uncle --- even beyond uncle, truly. He was more than that to them, and he loved them as though his very own --- it’s clear that being a single father of three and a king did not interfere with his ability to actually be a dad. What’s more, the two even considered their cousin Théodred to be more like a brother. And who could blame them? The royal family of Rohan was a very tight-knit, loving, and tender family, and Théoden, despite being stretched thin in duties and responsibilities, was absolutely unwilling to sacrifice being a father to these children. He had so much love to give, and given how noble, brave, and kind they all grew to be, Théoden succeeded in both fatherhood and his kingship --- and he was undoubtedly proud of them all.
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Erestor Peredhel x Samantha Johnson (OFC) - Unknown Chapters
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Work Summary: Sam is a modern world woman that finds herself in Middle Earth with no way home. So she makes the best of her situation and becomes a cook for Rohan before traveling around Middle Earth for a few years to learn more about the food. She returns to Rohan days before a farewell party is being held for Lord Elrond before he parts for Valinor, where she meets Erestor. Who has been debating his own fate.
Sam Johnson’s Bio
Pinterest Board
Chapter 1: Home Sweet Home
Summary: After a few years of traveling around Middle Earth to learn of food and culture, Samantha Johnson returns to Edoras. Her long-time friend, Eomer, reveals how much has changed.
Notes: My NaNoWriMo project!
Sam is from the modern world, but in her universe, LoTR doesn’t exist so she’s like Jon Snow: she knows nothing lol!
I know I was going to do a celebrity faceclaim, but none of them looked as good once I put the long elf hair on. Picture whom you want for Erestor.
Divider by @firefly-graphics​
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Edoras. The capital of Rohan, where the Riders of Rohan gather to serve their king and protect the people. The first home Sam had known since entering Middle Earth.
Sam rode up to the gates that were actually closed for the first time since she had called this place home. Rumors and stories had spread across the land of a devastating battle at Helm’s Deep, an attack on Gondor, and of an army marching on Mordor. Hopefully, Sam could get some answers.
“Who goes there?” A voice called out from the top of the city walls.
Sam raised a hand to shield her eyes from the sun, “It’s me, Sam! Please inform King Theoden of my return.”
Silence greeted this statement before the city gates slowly opened. Sam watched them for a moment before riding through the city and up the hill to the keep. As she pulled in front of the stairway that lead up to the House of Theoden, Eomer came strolling out, a large smile on his friendly face.
“Sam! It has been far too long, my lady!”
“That it has, old friend,” Sam dismounted her ride before allowing Eomer to crush her in a hug. “I see not much has changed since my departure. Though, hopefully, King Theoden has come to his senses about keeping Grima around.”
At the mention of Theoden’s name, Eomer became somber. “I have forgotten you were not around for the major changes in Middle Earth. Please, come inside so that we can regale each other with our stories.”
Sam worried about Eomer’s tone. “Somehow I believe your story may be more interesting than my own.”
They passed through the large doors into the keep as they talked and Sam was instantly tackled around the waist. Blonde hair blocked her vision and she began to giggle.
“I never would have picked you to be one to drop the formalities just to tackle someone with a hug.”
Eowyn pulled back to smile at her friend. “It is far too exciting to see you once again. Alive and well!”
Sam looked up and saw a handsome man with dirty blonde hair and a beard smiling at the exchange. “Oh, you have company!”
“Oh!” Eowyn blushed as she looked over her shoulder at the young man. “Yes, this is Faramir. His father had been the Steward of Gondor.”
Sam bowed her head as the man walked up. “Pleasure to meet you.”
“The feeling is mutual. I have heard so much from Eowyn and Eomer about your adventures together when you lived here. Is it true you are not from Middle Earth?”
“Faramir!” Eowyn chastised.
“It’s ok. Really. I stopped being homesick after the first few years. Yes, I’m not from Middle Earth. I’m from...well, it’s really hard to explain. But long story short, Gandalf has concluded I’m here to stay. And so I’ve made a great home here in Edoras.”
“Perhaps you will share your store at the feast if you are comfortable,” Faramir smiled.
Sam’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Feast?”
Eomer cleared his throat. “Lord Elrond and his house will be here by week’s end. King Aragorn wanted to have one final feast for his kin before they sailed west for Valinor. They wished for a more intimate space so we have offered our keep.”
“Oh! Well, then I better get settled and head towards the kitchen. Is Evelyn still working?”
“Yes!” Came Eowyn’s excited cry. “She’ll be so happy to see you. Let me lead you there.”
Sam laughed. “Ok, ok, but let me greet your uncle first. I can only imagine how hurt he would be if I did not say hello.”
The room became solemn, and Sam instantly knew something was wrong.
“The stories are correct, aren’t they?  The battle at Gondor. The unnatural orcs running around. A huge war at the Black Gates.”
Eomer sighed. “Yes, they are all true. A small group left Rivendell a few years ago with the purpose of destroying a very powerful ring. Sauron’s ring. They were successful, but many were lost. Including our Uncle during the battle at Minas Tirith.”
“Oh my God,” Sam instantly gathered Eomer and Eowyn in a tight hug. “I am so sorry for your loss.”
“Thank you,” Eowyn sniffed in Sam’s ear, trying to keep back the tears even though it had been a few years. “Now, let us get you to the kitchen. You can show us all that you have learned on your travels.”
As the two women walked down the hall, Sam glanced back towards Faramir’s direction. “So is that why the son of the Steward of Gondor is here? For the Elf party? And Gondor has a king now?”
Eowyn gave Sam a small smile. “No. Faramir is the Steward of Gondor now. His father died during the Siege of Minas Tirith and his older brother was killed by orcs as he was trying to protect the hobbits in the Fellowship.”
“The Fellowship? Yeah, we definitely have a ton to catch up on.”
Eowyn gave a bigger smile at that. “We certainly do! I wish to hear all about your travels and to the different lands you visited. Which were your favorite?”
Sam laughed. “That’s a tough question. While I loved the people of Dale, I have to say the food was amazing at the Grey Havens. So many different cultures mixing to create a unique concept of food. Though, I will say no one makes comfort food like the Shire. Even if they are a bit wary of outsiders.”
“Did you dare venture into Mirkwood?”
“Didn’t have to. While I was in Dale, I ran into the Captain of King Thranduil’s guard, Feren. He was impressed with my cooking and asked if I would show the staff back in Eryn Galen a few things.”
Eowyn’s eyes grew wide. “I did not think King Thranduil allowed outsiders to touch his food.”
“Oh, I doubt he ate anything I made while I was there. Hell, I think he forgot I was there half the time. Which wasn’t a problem for me. I was there to learn about food, not schmooze politicians.”
Eowyn blinked in confusion. “What’s schmooze?”
“Right,” Sam laughed, “I forgot I haven’t been around for a few years and some of my slang may have been forgotten. C’mon. Let’s have a refresher course while I meet the new kitchen staff.”
Back in the main hall, Eomer was trying to explain where Sam came from better for Faramir. But it was far too confusing to put into words. As Eomer tried once more, a guard came into the room and bowed.
“My King, a counselor of Lord Elrond’s has arrived.”
Eomer’s eyebrows furrowed. “So soon? We were informed Lord Elrond’s party was not arriving for another three days time.”
A very tall Elf with long, black hair, piercing grey eyes, and a serious look came strolling into the room. “Indeed, but I have come ahead of Lord Elrond at his bequest. We have heard from Mithrandir that you have a chef from another world. While I may have concerns, Lord Elrond is intrigued and wishes to see if they can make some of his favorite foods.”
“Aye, that we do. Sam is an amazing cook and I have no doubt she will be able to make anything Lord Elrond desires.”
“Sam?” The Elf wrinkled his nose. “What an unusual name.”
“She says it is short for Samantha, a common name in her world. And what is your name, if I may ask.”
“Erestor Peredhel, Chief Counselor of Lord Elrond.”
Eomer gauged the elf in front of him and wondered if he should risk bringing him to Sam, knowing very well she could be the type to speak first and think later when someone has been rude to her. And while Erestor hasn’t been rude, per se, he does have an air about him that Sam would find...off-putting as she had once worded it.
“King Eomer?” The Elf pressed.
Eomer looked towards the kitchens and then back towards the Elf. “Forgive me, Sam has just arrived back to Edoras mere moments before your arrival. I do not believe she is receiving guests at this moment but I will be glad to ask on your behalf.”
“Please do. I shall wait here.”
Chapter 2
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What about Aragorn x witch reader? The night of Helms Deep battle she helps Aragorn put on his armor and get ready and she tells Aragorn she will keep him safe and assure him that they will survive? Aragorn was everyone's emotional support that night the man needs someone to do the same for him🥺
This request is so cool! Let’s do this!
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You were a bit of an odd case amongst the court of Théoden. The man had been ill, years prior to everything that was going on now. You had saved his life with an unconventional remedy and the man started asking you for more assistance. Or at least this was the story everyone was told. Your days amongst his court were typically very pleasant though. This however was one of the worst days of your life. The man that you had spent multiple years helping had betrayed you and stuck you in the dungeons. 
You paced when you were bored and when your legs were too tired you sat. Éowyn was the only thing keeping you alive, you being too frail now to even function. Fucking Grima allowed Saruman to seep into Théoden’s mind, poisoning his boy and soul. 
You laid on the floor, clinging to the only crack of sunlight you could find, unaware that Gandalf was there now with the future heroes of Middle Earth. You coughed, sick from the lack of basic human needs and struggling to remain alive. In one last poor attempt to fight you said “help”. You weren’t expecting an answer.
Gandalf turned, looking around. “Is there something wrong Gandalf?” Legolas asked. “Do you have a wizard in your court?” Gandalf asked Théoden who was now well and alive. Théoden’s eyes widened and Éowyn took off in the direction of the dungeons. The group all followed her, finding you barely breathing. “My gods.” Théoden gaped at the sight of you chained to the wall, eyes tired, skin pale. “Get this woman some water!” Gandalf demanded. A guard ran over with a pitcher of water. “It’s Grima he let--” “We know...” “Saruman has betrayed us all” “We know.” Éowyn soothed, you leaning against her. “I’m so sorry Lady Y/n.” Théoden said. “I should apologize to you my king... I let you fall into the hands of Grima, I should have been more vigilant.” You muttered. Aragorn looked in your eyes, you meeting his gaze. You seemed exhausted just by the mere act of standing. 
“Sir Aragorn can you take her to the-” Aragorn needed no further instruction, lifting you up. He walked to the healers, you still in his arms. “I’ve seen you before.” you muttered, groggily. “I do not recall when we have met.” Aragorn said. “It was not a meeting... It was a vision.” You muttered. Aragorn tensed. “You are Isildur’s-” “No. You’re mistaken, my lady.” He halted. 
Hours passed before you joined everyone in the main hall again. “Lady Y/n, it is good to see you recovered.” Théoden said as you walked. Aragorn was shocked at the sight of you. No longer were you frail, no longer were you pale and close to death, you were beautiful. Your hair was pulled back but you were a dress similar to Éowyn but it was blue, reminding Aragorn of Arwen. You stood up straight, bowing to the king. “Now for a proper introduction. This is Lady Y/n L/n of Rohan. She is our court mage.” Theoden introduced. “I do not deserve such a warm welcome your majesty.” you said softly. “Nonsense. She’s more of a daughter to me than an assistant.” Théoden said. “You speak more kindly than I deserve.” You muttered. “Y/n, where is this coming from?” Eowyn asked. “I should’ve done more than what I did to keep Grima away from the both of you.” you muttered. Aragorn noticed your eyes, sad as they looked forward. “My dear girl, an army couldn’t have swayed my way once Saruman took control.” He said. 
You still seemed remorseful, looking down. “Lady Y/n, it is an honor to finally meet the lady of the lake.” Gandalf said, Legolas gaping. You turned. “You are the Lady of the Lake?” Legolas asked. “What has earned you that title I wonder?” Gimli asked. Aragorn was equally as confused as the dwarf on the title. “You know not of the lady of the lake--” “Shh!” You hushed. Footsteps came from behind the door before it opened, two terrified looking children stepping into the hall. “These two children rode in from a village in the west.” A guard said. You frowned. “Then we are in need of evacuation.” you said. You kept a stern face, Aragorn raising a brow until you looked the little girl in the eyes and kneeled to her level. 
“What is your name?” You asked, your voice soft and expression softening. “Freda- my name is Freda.” She whimpered. You brushed the hair from her face. “The children will remain with Lady Éowyn, my lord I request that we-” “We will send our citizens to Helm’s Deep.” Théoden said. You nodded. “You will help the citizens--” “No my lord.”  you halted. He rose a brow, as did Aragorn and Legolas. “I charge with the men, you need protection outside of a sword.” you stated. He sighed. “I cannot ask this of you. It is like letting my own child go out there.” He said. “Nor can I ask you to lead towards death, for it is like sending my father to his doom.” you said simply. He sighed, Aragorn looking at you. “Then you charge with us.” He said. You nodded, turning on your heel.
The next time Aragorn saw you, you were in armor, your hair pulled back out of your face. You seemed quiet, watching the new addition to the group in silence. You rode next to Aragorn, not speaking as you listened to Gimli’s rather odd tales of home. “So your title.” Aragorn started. You looked over, nodding. “You’re referring to this ‘lady of the lake’ business I suppose.” you shrugged. “What did earn you that name?” Gimli asked. You chuckled, looking ahead at Théoden as he rode. You glanced at your wrists for a moment, them being covered by your vambraces. 
“I was almost dead. Goblins had stormed my village and nearly took my life. They left me for dead in a lake not far from it.” You muttered. Theoden looked at you with a sad look. “Something in me wanted to keep fighting. It wanted to stay alive.” Aragorn noticed that look in your eyes, it being far off and pained. “So when they least expected it, when they were removing the sword from my brother’s corpse all they saw was a woman with glowing white eyes emerge from the waters before they were struck down and killed with my powers.” You explained. Aragorn looked at the sword on your side. “Was that your brother’s then?” He asked. “Yes.” you nodded. “How did you end up with Lord Theoden?” Gimli asked. You smiled kindly to the dwarf. “I went unconscious after using my abilities. He found me, asking if I wished to stay with his niece. I said no after first but not long after he found me he fell ill. My mother taught me the ways of medicine and I nursed him back to health. After helping him his villagers started coming to me. After two years, I agreed to help him.” You answered. “You seem happy here.” Aragorn said. You looked at Éowyn who was smiling at something a villager said. “I am.” you answered. 
Aragorn liked that smile. It was beautiful, it reminded him of home. “I know of an elven woman who is skilled with water magic.” Aragorn said. “I stayed with the woman you are speaking of.” You said. He blinked. “Arwen Undomiel is the woman you are speaking of, correct?” you asked. He nodded slowly, raising a brow. “Before I lived in the village I stayed with the elves. I spent most of my time in Lothlorien but I also spent some of my time in Rivendell, learning the art of healing from Elrond.” You said. “Why not stay with your family?” Gimli asked. “Power without control is a dangerous thing sir Gimli.” you said. “You trained with us?” Legolas asked. “Yes. I have indeed met your father. Great man. Stern. But great.” you said. Legolas seemed to tense up at the mention of his father. “There are many strange things about you Y/n.” Aragorn stated. “I know. But strange and mysterious is more fun that way, don’t you think?” You asked, clearly amused by the man’s confusion. He gave you a small smile, your heart doing a small backflip as you looked at him.
“Are you close with Lady Arwen?” you asked. “She is practically my sister.” He admitted. You looked over confused. “Elrond raised me.” he said. You rose a brow. “Then how have we never crossed paths if you were in the same places that I was.” you asked. “I am much older than I appear, my lady.” He said. You looked at the man confused. “I am 87.” He said, you blinking with surprise. “You have seen many winters my lord when I have only seen 25.” you said. “You are wise for a woman who is so young.” He said, smiling. Again your heart pounded in your ears. “I have seen many things in this world that provided me with wisdom.” you told him, smiling at him. He felt this strange feeling in his chest. 
You noticed a bird in the sky, sticking your arm out so it would perch. It landed, you looking at it as you fed it a cracker from your pack. “There are enemies nearby.” you said. Aragorn rose a brow. “You’ve kept a sentinel?” He asked. “Yes I have.” You answered before lifting your arm, the hawk flying away. You drew your sword, Theoden riding off to the side instructing the men to protect and fight as best as they could. You all rode away from the group, deterring the enemy away from the refugees. 
Aragorn immediately noticed you abandoning the horse you rode in on, sending it back to the group before you swung your sword, cutting down an orc. You fought hard, Aragorn noticing your skill. But the large thing he noticed was your habit of keeping close to Théoden. By no means was the man unskilled for battle, he was fighting very well. You though, had this raw energy of fighting that seemed untouchable. 
You stabbed an enemy close to you, noticing a warg hurdling towards Aragorn before you stuck out your hand, an invisible force knocking it back out of the way of him. It seemed annoyed by your intervention, standing back up. “Shit.” you breathed as it prepared to charge. It sprinted forward, readying your blade before someone blocked for you, attacking the warg before it could hit you. You looked at him, nodding as a thank you before another warg bit your arm, dragging you as it ran. Aragorn frowned, about to stab it before he realized that his boot had latched itself to the saddle that an orc rode on. “CUT IT FREE!” you yelled, smacking the warg to make it let go. It was in vain as Aragorn made one last attempt to do as he was told before the warg launched itself off of the cliff. 
You managed to get free, cutting the loose leather strap of the boot away, pulling Aragorn close. “What are you-” “Trust me” was the last thing Aragorn heard. 
Your bodies collided with the waters, it feeling like concrete when you landed. You both washed up on shore, you being a bit more lucid than Aragorn who was still unconscious. “Spirits -o nature hear nin plea. Help nin help nin núr. Help nin help hon núr (spirits of nature, hear my plea, please help me help my people. Help me help him)” You whispered, your voice traveling on the wind before you closed your eyes. You felt something hanging over you, you looking up at a horse… the horse you sent back to the group. You pulled yourself up by the reins, lifting Aragorn up. He groggily climbed onto the horse, you doing the same before it rode on. 
You chose to rest while riding, Aragorn slowly waking up. He was leaning against something. He leaned back, his vision slowly returning before seeing you, slightly hunched over as you slept. He was grateful for you. You had saved his life taking most of that fall and he had been much appreciative of that. He noticed that peaceful look on your face, your eyes closed, hair damp from the waters of the river and cheeks slightly rosy from the cold. He held you closer, providing his body heat to keep you warm and you tensed up at first. 
It wasn’t until dusk that you actually woke up, Aragorn holding the reins to the horse. You leaned up after realizing that you had fallen asleep against him. “You’re awake.” He noticed. “Yes….” you muttered before noticing something. You leaned forward, looking at the horizon and frowning. You took the reins from Aragorn, making the horse ride faster. “Y/n, What are you doing?” He asked. “There are forces coming from the west, we don’t have much time before they reach Helm’s Deep!” you said.
So you rode, clearly worried. Aragorn couldn’t stop looking at you, something was different about you. Maybe it was the fact that you were no longer a frail woman who needed assistance to even do so much as walk. Maybe it was the fact that you were so determined to save your people from a potentially hopeless battle. Aragorn found himself admiring you. 
You rode through the lands, encouraging your horse to go as fast as it could before arriving at the gates. Éowyn was overwhelmed when she saw you, her hugging you on sight. “You’re alive! I knew it!” She said. “Where is Lord Théoden?” you asked. “He is in the hall, Y/n I don’t think he--” “Forces are coming and fast. We must fight, we do not have a choice.” you said before walking past her. You shoved the doors open, walking into the hold. “Lady Y/n!” Théoden gasped, hugging you. “The people are in danger my lord, we must fight. We have no choice” You said. “We do not have the men-” “Then we must call for aid my lord, we have to do something!” you said, urging him to fight. “Y/n, you act as if we have resources to do so.” he said. “We do, we can ask for Gondor’s aid!” you said. “Gondor!?” “Yes my lord! If we call for aid-” “Calling Gondor would be useless.They will do nothing!” He said. “My lord if we fight with only our men we risk leaving them all to die.” You said. He let out a frustrated sigh. “If you do not wish to call for aid then I could-” “No.” He halted you. You frowned. “Sire, our people need protection, if you would just let me-” “I will not allow you to do that Y/n, do not press this any further.” Théoden halted. “Sire-” “I REFUSE Y/N, NOW STOP!” He yelled. You swallowed hard, Aragorn looking at you as you pushed past him and walked out. 
You started taking off your arm braces, Aragorn walking after you. “Y/n, there may yet be hope.” He said. You shook your head. “So long as it is only our men that charge, there is no hope for survival sir Aragorn.” You breathed, braiding your hair. He frowned, putting a hand on your shoulder. “There is still hope Y/n, if you would trust me.” He said. You looked in his eyes, before looking down. “There is one last thing that we can do my lord…” you said with a sigh. You looked at your wrists, the markings of chains embedded on your skin. “What is that?” He asked. You looked at him and shook your head. “I am… Not what you believe me to be.” You told him. “What is it that you mean?” He asked. “My lord I am not in Théoden’s court as a healer or a sorceress.” you said. He raised a brow. “Then what are you there for?” He asked. “I am a weapon.” you answered. 
He looked at you. “I am not to use my abilities unless it is life or death for it may kill me.” You admitted. Aragorn frowned. “Then no, we will not use that.” He said. “We have no choice, if it is my life for hundreds then so be it.” you said. “I cannot lose you!” He said. “Why? Because you care for me!? I care too much for my people than to sacrifice their winning chance because you decided to feel something for me.” you snapped. He sighed, closing his eyes. “If we lose you, who’s to say that sacrifice would not be in vain?” He asked. You sighed. “I must try Aragorn. Even if it does kill me.” you said softly. He closed his eyes and you put a hand to his cheek.
“Im am sorrui an what cin lothron lose Aragorn. But know i whatever does happen. Im ceri- care an cin. (I am sorry for what you may lose Aragorn. But know that whatever does happen... I do care for you.)” You said softly. He opened his eyes, looking at you. “I should find the armory.” you said, clearing your throat and leaving.
Hours had past, the sun was falling on the horizon and war was creeping closer. You had remained in the armory, watching children who shouldn’t be prepping to die, prepare for death. You looked over, Aragorn putting on his armor in silence. You walked over, tightening a strap he couldn’t reach. He cleared his throat. “Are you really… going out there?” he asked. “Unless a miracle happens then I will make whatever sacrifice I have to.” you muttered. Aragorn looked down, clearly saddened by this. First he lost a woman who was practically his sister by sailing away to the Undying Lands. Now he was losing someone all over again. 
You heard a loud horn, looking up confused. “That is no orc horn.” Legolas noticed. You rushed off with Aragorn, walking out to see elves. You paused, looking at the sight in front of you. “Who… called for aid?” You asked, looking at the elven general. “I bring word from Elrond of Rivendell. An alliance once existed between elves and men. Long ago we fought and died together.” Haldir said. Aragorn smiled. “We come to honor that allegiance.” Haldir added. “Mae govannen, Haldir. (Welcome, Haldir)” Aragorn greeted. He hugged the man, earning a small smile from you. “You are most welcome!” Aragorn said clearly relieved by the man’s presence alone. 
Morale boosted greatly as you continued to prepare for war. Théoden found you putting on your breastplate. “Y/n… a word.” He said. You turned around. “Yes, my lord?” you asked. “I apologize for yelling at you earlier, it was wrong of me.” He said. He noticed you didn’t put on your vambraces. “Are you planning on using your abilities?” he asked. You swallowed. “...I saw those forces Théoden… There’s too many… We will lose.” you muttered. “...Do what you think is best.” He said after a long silence. You looked up. “Sire-” “you have always done what was best for our people. You’ve fought strongly and bravely and when I said you were like my daughter, I meant it.” Théoden said. “Sire… Do you think I should use my abilities?” you asked. “I think you should only use them in a moment you think it’s truly needed.” He said. You nodded before he walked out. 
You walked to the wall, standing next to Aragorn. “You seem a bit more confident.” you muttered, looking at the man as he adjusted his boot. “Indeed. We have more aid.” he said. “Aragorn I..” you sighed and shook your head, him raising a brow. “Y/n if you wish to say something I’d advise you to say it before we possibly die.” he said. You rolled your eyes. "Great job on boosting the morale sir Aragorn." You muttered. "Speak now or forever hold your peace." He said sarcastically. You sighed. "... You've been pleasant to be around. And I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier. I want you to know that whatever happens out there… I'm glad that I am fighting next to you. And I'm glad that I knew you." You said to him. Aragorn rose, looking at you. You faced the battlefield, trying to ignore the gaze of the man. 
Course that became more difficult to ignore when Aragorn pulled you into a kiss. You sunk into it, your heart beating in your ears as you nearly collapsed into the man's arms. "I am glad to have you with me." He said softly. You nodded slowly before he walked off to investigate the other groups on the walls. 
Rain poured around you as twilight finally set and you could see the forces approaching. Aragorn soon came back to a place on the wall, looking at you as you stared at the forces gathering and then the chain tattoo on your wrists. Aragorn looked at you before taking your hand. You looked at him and then turned back to the battlefield. You had a dagger in your freehand, you looking at your wrist and then the battlefield again. "....Aragorn?" You muttered. He looked over. "Hmm?" He asked. "Thank you for being here." You said softly. He smiled and you looked back at the battlefield. You slid the dagger back into your holster, looking at the orcish army before you.
Perhaps you would live to see another day.
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idjitlili · 4 years
Legolas x reader
Summary: being close friends with legolas , and joining him on the fellowship. But damn he gets too touchy , not that you didn’t like it.
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Warnings: teasing,sexual themes, fingering , dick touching.
A/n i dont know what this is really. @tmbm123 requested it.i tried.
Word count:1759
You had been friends with legolas for a long time, you weren’t an elf , you were a human. Your mother was a witch but she would never hurt someone innocent,she had cast a spell causing you AMD her to become immortal. You had met legolas in Mirkwood forest , when you were young ,it did lead him to take you to his father. You only went into Mirkwood because you had wandered away from you mother and could find her. As apparently Thranduil trusted no one , after his wife died, he thought everyone who entered Mirkwood were spy’s.
You wouldn’t be surprised if people were trying to assassinate him, all he did was mock dwarves , sass, and pretend to be a princess. Eventually they let you go, when your mother came looking for you, turns out your mother was friends with the king somehow. Thranduil didn’t know she had a daughter.
Anyways after that legolas would come to see you often after that, you both soon became buddies, legolas helped training you. As Mirkwood was poisoned and there was evil growing, you needed to be able to protect yourself. Your mouth watched in awe at you and legolas training, even Thranduil did when you would go there. He didn’t really like anyone else other than elves, so it was surprising, he was a little jealous, missing his wife.
You and legolas would go adventuring around , for centuries, until 13 dwarves came to Mirkwood and everything changed. Legolas didn’t tell you about it , or them reclaiming erebor and killing azog until after it happened. He told you he was leaving to go in search of a ranger named strider and he wished for you to accompany him. You had asked why he told you about his father being cold ,controlling, and he couldn’t live in his shadow anymore.
You had agreed , bringing him into your house while you packed, your mother wasn’t home. You knew she would forbid it , not wanting to lose you so you simply wrote her a letter, leaving it on the table. Once you had packed, legolas led you to his horse, he mounted on it,holding his hand out to help you get on behind. Which you took jumping on the back with an ‘oof’ .you wrapped you arms around legolas waist ,blushing, you had been crushing the elf for a long time. You rest your head against his back, moving his hair aside. Legolas ushered the horse to go quickly before your mother arrived home.
“I swear if I lose my virginity to this horse ,legolas. I will cut your hair.” You whined, you really didn’t want to lose your virginity while riding a horse, he gasped your comment.
“That’s very dirty y/n..” you pinched him in the side , at his sarcastic
comment,backing him Yelp in pain.
“I mean riding it-fuck off. You know what I meant.” He chuckled at you before focusing on the road again.
Once you had met strider , he assumed that you were with legolas you both assured him that you weren’t, he raised an eyebrow at this. You and legolas became close to strider who you later found out his real name was Aragorn. The heir to the throne of Gondor.
Now you sat on a horse, that Eomer had given you , with legolas sat behind you and Aragorn on another horse with gimil behind him. It was like when you had left with legolas but he was the one with his hands around your waist. You had already found Gandalf today, turns out he’s Gandalf the white now. Anyways you were on your way to Theoden ,something about him being possessed or evil.
After you found out you would have to run in search of Merry and pippin, you had quickly cut your long pants into shorts with your knife. Legolas had watched in wide eye, he had never seen your mid thighs bare. Gimil and Aragorn laughed at legolas , who you looked up at catching him starring.
“What i couldnt run fast.” That’s all you said before you all started running.
Yet still now legolas couldnt stopped staring at your leg, with his head rested on your shoulder.You were focused on getting to your destination,when you felt a hand rub against your right thigh. Legolas had removed his right arm from your waist , leaving the other clutching onto you, as he moved his hand to stroke your lower thigh. You tried to ignore him, but then his hand traveled up high, on to your inner thigh, his stroking becoming harder. You gasp,”legolas not now please.”
He smirked at your response,ghosting his hand high and higher before it got to your moose,briefly resting his hand there. You frustratedly reached you hand back to above his knee squeezing it hard, making him remove his hand quickly. “As much as I want that not here.” You muttered not sure if he even heard. When you reached Rohan you had befriended Eowyn.
Then on the eve of the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, you know the place with the tents. She had forced you into a dress after confronting you on your feelings for legolas. The dress complimented your figure , making your burst look bigger and waist smaller. Not that legolas didn’t think you were beautiful anyways.
Eomer, Eowyns brother took interest in your humour and clothing before the change but after his eyes almost popped out. You about to walk to search for legolas and the others , when Eomer has approached you. “Miss y/n ,you look very beautiful tonight.” He compliments you sincerely smiling at you, “thank you Eomer.your sister made me wear it.” You has smiled back at him.
“Awe. Don’t tell anyone but she did the same thing to me when we a little younger.” He whispered, you giggled “how old were you?”
“18, she was 13” you burst out into laughter soon after he did too, unknowingly to you legolas had been watching the whole thing.”why did you agree?” You questioned trying to breathe,
“She’s very convincing what can I say!”
“I bet you looked great, next time you drsss up please invite me to see.” You smirked, only before Eomer could reply legolas had stomped over to you dragging you away.
“I look forward to see you Eomer in that dress.” You shouted to him looking back, he smiled at you , waving. He knew of legolas’ crush aswell it was clear.
Legolas dragged you Into a tent,harshly “what was that for legolas?!” You shouted angrily at him. He said nothing just placed his hand on your cheek and the other on your waist, pulling you closer. He leans down to your ear, his breath on your neck, his hand running up your side. “ you do it on purpose.” He growled, his eyes moved down your body ,”why do you have to be so beautiful.” He now whispered, pulling you into a tight hug, your breasts pressed against his chest. “Don’t you mean why am I so beautiful.” You whispered flirting with him, he grasped your chin leaning in slowly.
“OI y/n are you in here?” Someone called going to open the tent you and legolas separated quickly. “Yeah, i am.” You replied , as merry stepped in. “What are you too doing?” He asked , suspiciously. “I just came to ask legolas if he had seen any potatoes. I am really hungry.” Legolas smirked at your response, and merrys eyes lit up, “I knew you would want some potatoes come on I made some already.” He jumped towards you in excitement, grabbing YOur hand pulling you along. You looked back at legolas smiling apologetically.
After that battle , you all were drinking in celebration, after Theoden made a speech. Merry and pippin were dancing , Legolas and Gimil were having a drinking contest, which lead to Gimil passing out drunk. You sat next legolas, Aragorn infront of you both. You were a little drunk as was legolas; it made him more confident.
He spoke to Aragorn ,complaining about something you don’t know what ,you were focused on swishing your beer around in your cup. You hand had made its way on his thigh all night, eventually it was on his area , stroking harshly causing his cock to harden ,That was until legolas hand was on your thigh, going under your dress, on your bare skin. You gulped trying to ignore it, sipping your beer, then his hand gripped tight then let go to venture up higher. He made his hand right infront of your sensitive area, before rubbing at sonic speed between your lips. Damn he wasn’t even your boyfriend you face now bright red. You sipped your drink coughing, when legolas slipped his fingers into your wet hole.
“Are you alright y/n?” Aragorn hand asked concerning , as legolas added another finger, legolas acted like he was worried about you. “Yeah I’m fine , I think I am going to go , it’s too hot in here.” You tried to act normally, “yeah I have to agree with you there.” He chuckled, legolas curled his fingers in you, you try to hold in your moan.
You pushed legolas hand away , secretly before standing up , getting out from the seat. “Goodnight.” You spoke still red. “Wait someone should go with you.” Aragorn suggested,”I’ll take her , if you don’t made me living you Aragorn?” Legolas smiled at Aragorn, as he nodded his head.
Legolas grabbed your arm leading you to your chambers, as soon as bayou got outside , you smacked legolas. “What were you thinking legolas.” You angrily whispered, walking fast. He shrugged,smirking. “Why in public on horse and now infront of aragorn. What the hell we aren’t together.” He grabbed your shoulders turning you to face him before smashing his lips into yours roughly, biting your lip causing you to open your mouth allowing his hungry tongue,His hands around you waist tightly.
As you pull away he whispers “I love you y/n. Too be fair you did touch me first.”
“Yes I did but the horse thing was-. I love you too princess.” You embraced Legolas tightly.
“Come on let’s go.”
“Too finish what you started.”
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ladyideal · 4 years
Pairing: Eomer x Gender Neutral Reader!
Word Count: 1404
Warnings: Fluff, some canon violence
Summary: Eomer comes at your doorsteps, more times than you'd like.
A/N: Ummmm. Surprise? I found a prompt, but didn't expect to write it all in just 2 hours. It was also supposed to be a drabble, but I guess that's not happening. Yeah. I'm gonna be writing for LOTR for some time, and some Hobbit if I can magically conjure up inspiration. So look out for... random posts? I know this isn't my schedule, so I'll try to return to it. Prompts from here.
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(Gif not mine)
Throughout all of Middle Earth, the cattle you and your parents raised were notoriously famous and prized for their superb quality and taste. So much so that, all races from all directions would stop by, often having to be put on a waiting list.
Even the royalty that governed Rohan from Edoras would send envoys to the monthly markets in search of your stall. This month was no different. 
"So this is the famous stall Uncle Theoden ordered from," An unfamiliar face reached your stall, gazing interestingly at the prices you've set up. 
You shrugged. "I'm afraid you'll have to wait, good sir. My father has promised a good portion of the meat for the King and family."
"Surely, they wouldn't mind if I take a piece," The stranger stretched out a hand to unveil the pieces of steak from within.
With a rag, you swatted away his hand. "I'm not afraid to chop off that hand of yours, if you continue."
He eyed you for a moment. "I could have you arrested for saying that to the Third Marshall."
You straightened up, doing your best to stand your ground. "Marshall or not, I'm afraid stealing from anyone is frowned upon, Prince Eomer."
The brunette merely grinned at being recognized. "Aren't you supposed to bow or something?"
You snorted. "Not when said prince of Rohan doesn't have respect for even his own people," And pretended to be busy. "Besides, aren't you supposed to be bothering someone else?"
"I'm surprised. Most people would fall over themselves to do what I want," He arched an eyebrow, daring you to continue. 
"Then I'm not like other people, Prince Eomer," You glanced to the side, where an eager line was forming behind him. "I'm busy, m'lord. My father wants me to close the stall early tonight, and head back home before the sun sets. So either-."
"I'll take the portion for my uncle. He's been waiting patiently," Eomer interrupted. 
What an infuriating jerk.
With narrowed eyes, you rummaged around your pack before finding the prepackaged meat. "Here, all yours. Anything else you would like?"
"Thank you, this is all I need," He took it, paying no mind when his fingers grazed over yours. "Perhaps I may be bold and ask for a name?"
You made a showing motion at him, ready to take on the next, albeit visibly impatient, customer. "It's stamped on the back."
Sure, it was supposed to be your father's seal on it. It was just a matter of not being able to find the stamp some weeks ago, before it was decided on yours. 
So with a fluttering of your fingers, you continued the rest of the day without any trouble. When the day was done, you settled back in the small cottage, and forgot about the matter with the prince.
Until the letter came.
Your first thought was to throw it into the fireplace. The brat of a prince couldn't just waltz into your life however he wanted to. You had a business to help run, and to tend to.
To be able to put food on the table, fine. For anything else though, nope.
Your curiosity won out. So with a resigned huff, you opened the heavy letter, half expecting it to be a joke of some kind. What surprised you, was an apology first of his behavior from earlier in the week, and that he asked for a retry, in becoming fast friends.
With a hmph, you threw the letter to the side, hoping to forget about it as you had other pressing matters to tend to. After all, you didn't raise quality meat without any daily tending.
You sneaked at the letter.
Then again. 
Just this time.
Before you knew it, you kept correspondence with him over months at a time. He was the nephew of the King, which kept him busy as he patrolled the borders with his Rohirrim by his side. At times, his letters would take weeks to arrive and even once, a straight month.
Danger, he spoke, lurked too close to the borders. To you. And for that, he apologized that the letters would be infrequent and sparse. That he was returning to Edoras to speak with his Uncle about the growing boldness of the orcs. 
You agreed, so it came as a surprise when a mere two weeks later, a Rohirrim pounded on the door a few hours into the early morning. 
With your sleepwear on, you shuffled over to the door, rubbing your eyes as you cautiously peeked out. 
"Y/N is it?" The Rohirrim spoke curtly, the green flag fluttered gently beside.
"Yes, that's me," You spoke sleepily. "What in Valar's name do you want? It's the middle of the night."
"It is about Prince Eomer."
Spurred by the words, you woke up the rest of your family with a loud screech. Over his shoulder, you watched as a company of men and horses crested over the hill, exhausted and even some carrying wounded. 
Fires were started, food was delivered, extra blankets and pillows were brought out, and even your sister tended to the wounded with her bandages and potions. 
Yet there was no trace of Eomer.
As the hour rolled by and the Rohirrim was made comfortable not far from the cottage, you ventured out with a bowl of medicine, intent on finding the leader of them all. After some drunken directions and a few side eyes thrown your way, you found the Third Marshall asleep on his cot.
You felt bad to wake him up, but it was necessary.
Setting the bowl quietly beside you, you turned back to the sleeping figure, only to find the business end of the spear pointed at your throat. 
“Shh, it’s me, only me," You tried, breath hitching as you gulped, turning your gaze at him.
Recognition dawned on him, and he immediately dropped his weapon, letting it clatter on the grass without a care.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," He apologized, sitting up and rubbing the sleep out of his face. "I didn't mean to hurt you."
"What happened, Eomer?" You breathed, inching closer to him now that the man wasn't about to kill you.
He took your hands into his, and gently patted it as though the motion itself could make his predicament go away.
"Y/N, we've been exiled."
You blinked, not trusting your hearing.
And again.
"Your uncle exiled you?" You spoke, inching next to him until your shoulders touched. "He can't do that to you. You're the heir now. That's not possible."
"He's the King. As long as Grima Wormtongue sits by his side, I have no say," He gripped his spear again. "I can not return, for it would be my death if I set foot ever again."
"Then stay, stay here for a bit. Let your men heal and rest," You offered, glancing up at him. 
His eyes were hard, gazing into the night. "Rohan is my home, Y/N. I will protect it at all costs." A pause. "Even if my men and I are exiled for life."
Unconsciously, you laid your head on his shoulder. "It'll be okay, Eomer. You've got me still."
The prince stilled as he wondered what you were doing. Only seconds went by before he dared to look down at your figure, surprised. Both him and his sister lost their parents at an early age, and was thankfully taken in by the King. He was groomed to become the Third Marshall, but nothing more as Theodred was the next in line. 
Not him. 
With a heavy heart, he sighed. "Thank you."
Wrapping an arm around your waist, Eomer turned his gaze back to the distance before slowly nodded off to sleep in the embrace.
"I love you," He mumbled. 
"I love you too," You answered, maneuvering him around so he could sleep on your lap instead. "I'm sure that’s too much for you to understand right now, but I’ll be here the next time you wake up, and I’ll tell you again. I’ll keep telling you."
Snatching the blankets off his cot, you covered him and yourself. Then laying down on the grass, you listened as horses nickered amongst themselves and watched as the stars twinkled above. 
Trouble was brewing, however, you'd do whatever it took to keep your prince and love, away from it all, even for just a few short hours.
Chomps Everything: @asraime @mournthewicked @bluesclues-1234 @aspiring-ginger
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for the quiet night in ask: how did Grima make his way into your heart? And why do you ship him with Eomer? I've been meaning to inquire about this for long hehe (also I love your theme! think this is the first time I see it)
I am so sorry, you’re getting an ESSAY. 
I’ve been wanting to talk about my Grima feels FOR SO LONG. 
Um, tl;dr I have a soft spot for the bad guys who clearly have a complicated history with those they are opposing and I think Eomer/Grima have a fun opposites-attract dynamic and I love a good redemption story. 
I don’t touch on literacy and Grima in this because that’s strictly the films and it’s worthy of it’s own post entirely. 
I’m trying to think best how to break this all out, because it gets a bit long and rambly. I’m using both book and films for this, as a note. Since I tend to mash up different aspects of those Grima’s in my head, give the guy some eyebrows, and call it a day. 
So, first off, his history. Now, we don’t really have anything to go on in canon here. All we know, in both book and film, is that Grima “was once a man of Rohan” (ROTK). In the book, Gandalf says: “This here, is a snake. To slay it [Grima] would be just. But it was not always as it is now. Once it was a man, and it did you service in its fashion.” 
Grima evidently has served Rohan for some years at this point. We know that Theoden’s enchantment/possession began three years prior to TTT. In the books there is no possession. Theoden’s enchantment relies on the powers of words and their suggestions. Something Tolkien was well aware of carrying great weight and import in Anglo-Saxon culture. You tell a man he is old and infirm, he will become old and infirm. 
I understand why Jackson went the possession route - explaining Anglo-Saxon engagement with galdorcraeft/witchcraft and the power of words etc. and how that influenced the development of Rohan in the span of like 7 minutes of screen time wasn’t happening. Possession works for the same purpose, but in a language the modern audience is familiar with - especially in visual mediums. Grima is circa 40 when TTT happens, same age as Boromir for reference. So, let’s say he’s been an advisor for 10/12 years at this point. He has therefore been a good servant of the king longer than he’s been a traitor. 
Hence, the outreach. And, in Brad Dourif’s wonderful acting, Grima’s clear desire to go home to his king. In the book it’s more subtle. Grima chucks the palantir out the window at Orthanc and it’s stated that he wasn’t sure who he was aiming for, Saruman or Gandalf, because he couldn’t decide who he hated more. 
Honestly? Legit. I would also hate the guy who reduced me to “it” pronouns. But maybe that’s my gender identity stuff playing up ;) 
(Granted, in the full quote Gandalf reverts back to “he”, for context. And I’ve said this before, in another post, that it makes sense for Gandalf and as a writer, I agree with Tolkien’s decisions for that scene.)
Now, for some speculation. Not that I haven’t spilled a tonne already. MORE SPECULATION. This time bringing you long term effects of bullying and never having loving relationships modelled for you! Because LOTR, at the end of the day, is all about trauma and how maybe not to deal with it. 
So - motives. 
We know Saruman’s motives. Indeed, he tells them to us in FOTRK: “[to] have power, power to order all things as we will, for that good which only the Wise can see” and to achieve “the high and ultimate purpose: Knowledge, Rule, Order; all the things that we have so far striven in vain to accomplish, hindered rather than helped by our weak or idle friends.”
Great. Super straight forward. And from the man’s own mouth. 
Grima’s though, always come to us second hand. In the books it’s Gandalf telling us (Gandalf can mind read, so yes, maybe he is accurate). In the films, it’s Eomer guestimating. 
But Grima never actually tells us, himself, what his motives are. 
(a quick aside: if some dude is shoving me up against a pole and threatening me, and I hear someone walking by, of course I’m going to look over at them and it by no means indicates my desire to shag that person. Now, of course, we know from other scenes this is the case. I’m just saying. It’s natural to look over at the person walking by while you’re being jumped by the Third Marshal of the Mark who is twice your size. anyway.) 
So what are his driving forces for treason? What made him go to this point of no return then keep going even when people offered him a way back. 
It is important to note that his treason required him to forswear his oath to his liege lord. I don’t know how to convey what a big deal that would have been, in modern terms. But it would have been huge. Forswearing/reneging on oaths was a massive cultural taboo in Anglo-saxon [AS] England (and general, early medieval Europe). 
And, as Rohan is based on AS England (I forget if Tolkien was cagey about this. He was sometimes a dumb shit and coy about things so was like “noooo it’s not STRICTLY AS England….but it’s clearly AS England with more horses and a light dusting of vikings and the Danelaw”), we can assume it carried as much weight for them as it did for the historical people. 
(Indeed, it’s implied, if not directly stated, in the text what a big deal oath breaking is. Don’t say “oath breaking” too loud or the Silmarillion fandom will come out of the woodwork)
And he did it! Which is why I don’t buy the “it was because of Eowyn and like some nice jewels.” You don’t betray your country, you don’t forswear your oath to your king, simply because you’re hot on the king’s niece and Saruman might give you a raise. 
And, as a liege man to Theoden, he was part of Theoden’s household so would have eaten, worked with, lived with everyone else in the household (Eomer, until he becomes Third Marshal; Eowyn; Hama; Theoden’s guards etc.) 
So, you live with these people, eat with them, drink with them, spend all your time with them, for circa 10 years then you do a bunk and betray them? Something happened. I suspect it was years and years of things happening. 
Overall, I think it to be a combination of things. As is usually the case for these sorts of crimes. In this case, a nice mix of fear, desperation, greed, resentment, anger and desire. 
Fear/Desperation: So, to Grima’s mind the world is ending. Why wouldn’t he think this? Hell, even the Wisest and the Fairest (i.e. wizards & elves) think it’s ending. Why wouldn’t this poor bloke from some small country nearby to Mordor not think it an existential threat to an unimaginable degree? 
Grima is sat here in Rohan looking at Mordor going "oh fuck" then who are the leaders left? Denethor (slightly bonkers) and Theoden (past his prime and lacklustre, like his father and grandfather). 
This is not a man with a strong moral fiber. Or...any moral fiber, let’s be real. He does not have the fortitude to stick it out through hopeless situations. And it would have been hopeless to his eyes. And those around him (see: Eomer’s do not trust to hope… Sure Saruman was a problem, but he wasn’t just talking about the white wizard).  
Gandalf’s plan, which none of these people were ever wholly aware of, was a goddamn Hail Mary pass and it worked. Barely, but it did. NO ONE had reason to believe it would, though. And those are people in the know. Not someone like Grima who has no fucking clue what Gandalf et al is up to. He sees Gandalf then like … Nazgul torture him on the planes of Rohan (Unfinished Tales). He sees Gandalf then bad things happen. 
Lathspell indeed. 
Greed & Desire: I don’t think I need to go into these ones too much. They’re pretty self explanatory. Grima and Black Phillip hung out and the goat asked Grima if he wanted to live deliciously and Grima, like any normal person, said: um, yes please? Also, Eowyn was around being badass, beautiful and untouchable. 
Resentment/Anger: Alright, more probing in the dark. I suspect, for one reason or another (and these reasons would vary depending if you’re looking at books or movies), he was someone who was always treated as other/differently, teased, picked on, isolated, overlooked, doesn’t measure up to Rohan’s military ideal of masculinity. All of which creates an underlying resentment issue.
And nothing festers quite like resentment. 
On top of that, I also suspect he was always told he was a snake/untrustworthy/not worthy etc. and if you're told something enough, and you don't have anything or anyone else telling you the opposite, there is a strong chance you become that thing.
It's a chicken and egg: the face you wear to the world tells the world how to treat you; the world tells you what you are and that is how you shape your face.
THEN you add in Saruman. Who is clearly, in the text, abusive. Which, if there were any inferiority/bullied etc. issues that are informing Grima’s actions, Saruman is just going to amplify it. 
“You are a traitor because you’re a snake, and you’re a snake because you’re spineless, weak, nothing more than a creature that crawls on its stomach on the ground. Snakes are bad, evil things. Which is all you’ve ever been. Barely deserving of the good treatment I give you etc.” <-- all of which is basically a summary of what Saruman has been saying to him for a few years at this point (in the book, it’s only tangentially implied in the movies). 
So Grima sort of morphed himself into what he believed himself to be, fuelled by that perversity resentment causes: Oh you think I’m a snake? I’ll be the best goddamn most poisonous snake you ever did see. Just watch me. 
He is trapped in this situation. A hutch to trammel some wild thing in. 
Which leads me to an interesting point that I think gets lost sometimes: Narratively, he and Eowyn are similar in what they are experiencing. Isolation, being overlooked, misunderstood/misrepresented, don't fit into societal roles and expectations etc. They just go in very different directions in how they respond to it.
I think that's why, in the film, it was smart to have her give pause and listen to him because what he's saying resonates. He is, in some ways, speaking as much for himself as her. But then, of course, he's also just trying to shit disturb and make mischief so of course, at the end of the day, any sympathy he is attempting to convey is laced with poison.
I do wonder, too, if he's the first person to see her fear and her frustrations and acknowledges them out loud. Which is powerful. To have someone see you. Damn shame it's Grima. Still, Eowyn (in the film) paused and listened for a reason.
A brief aside on my idle, ill founded thoughts on gender and Rohan: 
One of the reasons I think Eowyn and Grima go in diverging directions, is that Eowyn is performing masculinity, in her society's accepted interpretation of it. Masculinity, in Middle Earth, is clearly the norm. And in Rohan, it’s a very particular iteration of military-focused masculinity that is idealized (you can bet, men who killed like 10 orcs were awarded places in court above Grima who served as advisor for like ten years but hasn’t killed an orc ever).
Eowyn’s desire to live/perform this more masculine ideal caters to the subconscious thing of “Masculinity is Natural Neutral Ideal” so of course you would want to be more like A Man. Whereas Grima is the opposite, not performing masculinity according to Rohan's accepted view of it.
And gods, in Anglo-Saxon culture (therefore, Rohan’s, most likely. I see no evidence to the contrary) is that a difficult position to find yourself in. Back in AS England, being called argr, unmanly, or to be accused of ergri, unmanliness, was one of the worst insults you could throw at a man (indeed, some laws said you could kill a man in retaliation for calling you such things). I would bet my shirt that people used such insults about Grima in this world. Which is all kinds of messed up.
Now, my interest in him is my general love for a good redemption arc for the most hopeless of characters. It’s why I struggle to call Boromir’s arc, when he’s written as living, a redemption arc. Because I don’t know he has much to redeem himself for. In his own mind, sure, yes, but externally? Not in my view, at least. He has things he’s done wrong and needs to make amends for. But that’s different from redemption.
Grima, on the other hand, is one whose walk-back from evil would be a full on redemption arc. And I like it because he’s not nice, he’s not pleasant. He will never be nice or pleasant or cheerful. But learning how to love and be a good person doesn’t require niceness. 
Saruman could be plenty nice. Sauron could be plenty nice. Look what they turned out to be.
And in my writing, I do hope I’m treading that line between creating an understanding of who Grima is without Kylo-Ren-ing him. Or, woobiefying him, as the old parlance was. That’s the line I’m really aiming for. I want people to not hate him. I want them to understand him. Oh, still condemn him, still judge him, disagree with him, acknowledge and know he did bad things and isn’t a nice person. But the end game is to add some understanding and nuance.
Shades of grey.
Also I’m a sucker for challenging redemptions.
Why Eomer/Grima? 
Because I am an agent of chaos. 
More seriously, I was never overly taken with the Grima/Eowyn approach, personally, which is obviously popular (um...within the Grima world), and closer to canon. There are some beautifully written fics and art out there for the two of them, so if you’re into that. The creators in that nook of fandom are top notch.
I always liked the drastic opposite of Grima and Eomer. As I noted above, Grima and Eowyn are two sides of the same coin. Both bitter and resentful and trapped. And that’s a lot of fun to play with, and i get it. But for me, I love a good strong contrast of personalities in my pairings. (If that uh … isn’t readily apparent.)
I think both Eomer and Grima would have a lot to teach each other and in some really interesting ways that neither would expect. I can see both getting under each other’s skin in that way where you’re sort of always thinking about them.
Grima is also someone who has had very little love in his life (I suspect he wants it, he just doesn’t know how to give or receive it). Eomer is someone who has lost a lot of people (parents, quasi-uncle for a few years there. I think it’s why he’s so controlling over Eowyn. Didn’t want to lose her). And I think there’s something in there where they could help each other grow. But I’m a sucker for some beauty to be there, in the end. Some hope.
Mostly, though, I think it boils down to their dynamic and the angst potential. Eomer is this brash, forthright, fiery third marshal of the mark who may or may not think things through. Big of heart, dumb of ass. Then there’s Grima who is quiet and reserved, cynical, critical, always has a plan or five, gets by via his wits etc. Lots of fun potential there. 
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dalleyan · 3 years
Diplomacy (9th chapter of new LoTR story posted, 12-2-20)
While in Rohan for Theoden’s funeral, Imrahil makes an unusual request of Eomer that has far-reaching consequences.
 Complete in 14 chapters.
 Chapter 9
Despite the snows of December and much of January, by February the worst weather was largely over with, and though the days were often bleak and glowering, they suffered only a chill wind, grey skies and rain at least once a week.
As March arrived, the shrubs and trees in the garden began to bud, and eventually some of the flowers nudged through the soil.  Lothiriel enjoyed watching her hard work come to fruition, and she kept the garden neatly tended, with the help of the newly assigned gardener.  The sight of the flowering plants and organization inspired him, and soon he was as enthusiastic about it as Lothiriel was.  It pleased her that the plot of land would be cared for when she returned home, and her efforts would not come to naught.
Home.  They had not set a date for her departure, and though she was anxious to see her family again, she knew it would be difficult to say goodbye to her friends here.  And it would be especially hard to leave Eomer.  Even if her feelings were not returned, she could not help caring about him, and some part of her was convinced he needed her help.  Still, she knew her father would never agree to lengthening her stay any more than she already had.  She would go back to Dol Amroth and Eomer would be a fond memory. They would visit occasionally, and eventually each would likely marry someone and raise a family.  And that would be the end of it.
At the midday dinner three weeks later, Lothiriel was surprised to find Eomer tense and on edge. “What is wrong, Eomer?  Has something happened?” she asked.
With a sigh, he explained, “The orcs had a difficult time of it during the winter.  They are hungry and have begun attacking the more outlying villages that are still occupied, taking whatever food they can find and killing the livestock.”
More than a little afraid of his answer, she queried, “What will you do?”
His eyes came up to meet hers.  “I will ride out with Eothain’s eored tomorrow.  We will drive them back sufficiently or kill them, until they are no longer a threat.”
Lothiriel had never liked warfare of any kind.  Too many were wounded or killed, even when merely defending themselves, but she also understood that sometimes it could not be avoided.  The thought of both Eomer and Eothain riding into battle filled her with almost as much dread as she had felt when her brothers and father had gone to fight.  But there was nothing she could do other than sit and wait, hoping they came safely home. She had hoped the defeat of Sauron had signaled the end of such things, but she knew it was mostly just wishful thinking on her part.  She would do what she had always done – wait and watch and ask the Valar to protect them.
Despite their pre-dawn departure, Lothiriel made it a point to rise and see them off.  Both seemed pleased by her effort, and tried to reassure her they would return quickly and that this was a minor thing.
For the next few days, she went about her activities in a fog, unable to really concentrate on anything. The tension and worry took a toll, and each evening she fell wearily into bed.  But this night proved different than those that had preceded it. She had been sleeping several hours when, just before dawn, a loud knocking came at her door.
Sitting up, she called out, “Who is it?”
“My lady,” came the voice of a servant, “Gamling has asked me to wake you.  The men have returned and your presence is requested.”
Lothiriel rose quickly and threw on a robe and slippers, then hurried to the door.  The girl, Blidhe, had often sat and sewed with Lothiriel and she tried to give the lady a reassuring smile.  “This way, my lady.”  She gestured to her right and led the way down the hall, to an open door around the corner.
 continue reading on AO3:
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Eomer ~ Nightmares
700 Followers Challenge!
Requested by Anon
Words: 1,278
Warnings: Hint at character death, exhaustion
They were getting worse.
Eomer wasn’t sure how many nights he could take like this, his mind being invaded by dark and dangerous images, or terrible things happening to those he loved, to his people, constantly worrying about what could possibly be before all of them.
He knew that it was some sort of warning, that he should be paying attention, but with dark lines under his eyes most days, it was hard enough to focus on just the day to day.
You were growing increasingly worried about his well being and you knew, just by a look shared with Eowyn, that she was too, but the problem was, you both knew that he was too proud to do anything about it; the several times you had already asked were proof enough of that already.
But with Theoden growing sicker by the day and the court drawing further and further into disarray, you knew that something had to be done.
The final decision came when Eomer almost passed out on his horse riding one day, Theodred riding back with him, just managing to keep the pale faced and shaken Eomer up as you and Eowyn hurried over to greet them.
Theodred was not pleased. “It is bad enough that father is not taking this seriously, but to now have you weakening as well Eomer, it is not a good sign.”
Eomer sighed heavily as you help him from his horse and he quickly sits hurriedly against a wall, his body slumping.  “I am fine, I just need a moments rest.”
Theodred stared at him critically.  “When was the last time you had a full nights sleep?”
He shrugs.
“I thought as much,” He looks between you and Eowyn.  “I trust that you can look after him and get him somewhere where he can properly rest.”
“Of course Theodred.” Eowyn said quietly.  “We’ll look after him.”
You all ignored Eomer’s protest as Theodred rode away, Eomer grunting as you kept him held down.
“I should be out there with him,” Eomer growled.  “He should not be left unguarded.”
“Theodred is as skilled as you brother.”  Eowyn said quietly, starting to unfasten his armour and take the weight off.  “He can manage for a day.  You look terrible.”
Eomer’s expression is tired and grim.  “I feel terrible.  Something is coming Eowyn, I can feel it.  The nights I do sleep are fitful at best.”
“Then I will brew you some tea and you can get some sleep.”  You said firmly, taking his hand and helping him to his feet.  “We can see that these are dark days to Eomer, you need not hide it from us, so we need you at your best.”
He gives a half hearted warm smile as you take his hand and start to lead him back to the hall.  “I’m beginning to wonder what I would do without you.”
“Probably go mad,” Eowyn said, following closely with a small smile.  “And I think that would be the best case scenario.”
The three of you share a small laugh but it quickly fades from your lips as you enter the hall and heavy energy fills the air around you, stifling all good feeling.
Eomer groans.  “I hate to ask, but can I have tea in my quarters?”
You and Eowyn share a look and nod, Eowyn taking charge of guiding him away as you disappear to the kitchens to make the tea.
Your chest ached as you worked, even though you knew he would be fine with some well-earned rest, it was still hard seeing him like this, as if the weight of the world was on his shoulders and he was willing to bear it until he dropped.
Hurrying to Eomer’s room, tea in hand on a tray, you come across Eowyn outside the door, her expression worried.
“Will you be alright on your own?”  She asked. “I’ve been summoned by my Uncle, I’m starting to fear the worst for him.”
“I will be fine Eowyn,” You said.  “Go do what you need to.”
She flashes a brief smile and hurries away, leaving you to enter Eomer’s room.
If you weren’t mistaken, it almost looked like Eomer was already asleep, at least until he started as the door closed behind you and he went to reach for his sword, which, luckily, you had removed earlier with his armour.
You raise an eyebrow as you set the tea down.
“Sorry,” He mumbled. “It seems my dreams are starting to plague my wakefulness too.”
“That’s now what the tea is for dear,” You said gently, filling a mug.  “And I don’t want any complaints, I want you just to drink.”
Eomer gives a crooked grin as he watches you and takes the mug.  “What would I even do without you Y/N?”
“I think Eowyn’s earlier statement still stands.”
He chuckles and drinks the tea without protest, his eyes occasionally watching as you tidy up parts of his room here and there.
“I did not realise I needed a body guard.”
You smile.  “I’m afraid I wouldn’t be very good in that department, however, I will wait until I know you are resting well, it’s the least I can do.”
He returns your smile and hold out the mug.  “It’s not the worst thing you’ve ever made me drink.”
Laughing, you take it from him and for a moment, he takes your hand.
Heat creeps into your cheeks and you are quick to step away, returning the mug to the tray.  “Well, I’m glad to hear that, it’s actually one of my mother’s recipes that she passed to me.  I would suggest getting comfortable Eomer, the tea should take affect fairly quickly.”
He waits until you look back at him, his gaze slightly bashful.
“Will you lay with me?”
Your face flushed further. “What?”
“I just…I feel better when you are here.  I know the tea is meant to keep the dreams at bay but…please.  I know I’m asking a lot and I promise I will make it up to you.” His gaze was earnest and he was holding out his hand to you.
You looked at him, to his hand and back, for a moment, undecided before you held out your own and let him taken.  It had always been somewhat unspoken between the two of you but maybe, now was almost the right time.
You waited for Eomer to get comfortable first before lying next to him, covering you both with the blankets and getting comfortable in your spot, a little away, and thinking that you could sneak out once he was asleep; that would at least stop any questions possibly raised by Eowyn should she happen to come back.
Eomer, however, had other ideas.  His arm wrapped tightly around you, pulling you against him, and while it wasn’t uncomfortable, you knew for a couple that wasn’t exactly courting, it wasn’t very appropriate.
He sighed, his breath hitting the back of your neck causing a slight shiver to go through you.  “Why are you always so warm?”
At that, you knew that the tea was starting to take effect, and you also knew that there was no way you were escaping from his arms until he either moved or he woke up.
Eomer’s slight snores confirmed it and you sighed, your hand moving until you can interlock your fingers with his, not disturbing his sleep.  You lay away for some time, just thinking about things, but as you start to feel your own eyes grow heavy, you begin to grow content with the idea that you just may be able to get used to this.
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blankdblank · 5 years
Secret Scarves Pt 34
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Pt 1 - Pt 1a - Pt 1b - Pt 1c - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 - Pt 6 - Pt 7 - Pt 8- Pt 9 - Pt 10 - Pt 11 - Pt 12 -
Pt 13 - Pt 14 - Pt 15 - Pt 16 - Pt 17 - Pt 18 - Pt 19 - Pt 20 - Pt 21 - Pt 22 - Pt 23 - Pt 24 - Pt 25 - Pt 26 - Pt 27 - Pt 28 - Pt 29 - Pt 30 - Pt 31- Pt 32 - Pt 33 -
Aimlessly in class on one of the few days without you there Thranduil sat waiting for his students to finish their exams. The play by play growing across the screen of his phone of the retrieval of Lana fetching and taking Letio back to their distant home again after Legolas agreed to share an email for only their conversations for some sort of connection. To calm himself again and again he would slip the now laminated covered slip of paper you had given him stating that you loved him out to stare at reminding himself of the future you had together. He just hoped you wouldn’t mind the night he had to spend grading these tests instead of curling up around you.
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A short distance away Thorin sat back in his own seat eyeing the pocket journal of his that each night he had spent at your place or you at his he had found a new random note or doodle eased inside from you. It was only a few pages but nipping at his lip he traced each rune and image with his finger until the final test was handed in and his class was over to once again check his phone at the progress report for the special dinner he so painfully had to miss. Tonight you surely would be missed and dreamed of with hopefully an early stolen moment could be found with you so he could possibly pass you a cute note of his own he had been contemplating doing for a while now, just needed to find the right one.
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Choosing to take the later train back to you Frerin headed back to his apartment. A cheerful giggle and clap from Aletta in her bouncer dangling in the doorframe to the kitchen from the hall brought Tea from her fixing dinner with momentarily pursed lips in seeing the grinning Professor entering his home she had been welcomed into so selflessly. Crouching to greet Aletta he peered up at Tea, “Long day?”
Tea shook her head, “I thought you had that dinner tonight.”
“I do. Though I was wondering about your plans for Valentines day. I found a box set of Hugo the Horse and a nice bottle of wine if you wanted a night in after I take Jax out to the Aquarium?”
Instantly a blush spread across her cheeks and she nodded, “Oh, okay. I have pot roast recipe, family recipe, sort of hit and miss between too much garlic and not enough so it adds some mystery to the meal.”
In the fading of her words he raised Alt in his arms and stood up with a chuckle answering, “I have never had a pot roast with garlic before, but I cannot wait to try it. Also, I am off tomorrow Dis mentioned you needed a male perspective on your gown for the gala.”
Her blush deepened, “Well, I sort of already picked it.”
With a nod his grin spread in purring out, “What color am I wearing?”
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Quietly she led him through the apartment to her room where he eyed the clear garment bag with a figure hugging blue dress flaring at the base. The top however was white mimicking feathers, with shimmering rhinestones across the sleeveless up to the neck design held in place with a button under the bright blue bow on the sheer backless portion. Timidly she stated, “It’s a bird theme for the new exhibit.”
In a chuckle he kissed Alt’s cheek then hummed, “No need to be nervous. I have a blue suit that will match it nicely.”
“You have a blue suit?”
Again he chuckled in a wide smile, “As a Durin it would be a crime not to have a blue suit. It is a lovely choice, no doubt you will be the envy of all.”
In a roll of her eyes he chuckled and shifted on her feet making him ask, “Anything wrong? Do you need shoes?”
“I have, shoes.”
He nodded with a smirk saying, “Alright. If you say so. I just needed to pick up a suit for tonight and wanted to ask about the weekend.”
“Ya, I’ll be here.” With his grin holding as she claimed Alt mumbling, “Where else would I be?”
The warmth of his hand cupping her cheek silenced her and parted her lips in taking in his adoring grin at her, “Please don’t be nervous, I cannot wait.” She nodded and he chuckled again, “I could use some help picking a tie if you have a moment?”
Lowering his hand she nodded and joined him through to his room she pretended to have never stolen glances into before as well as the closet packed with shirts and sweaters she wanted to steal so badly. Easing her mood in the brief conversation through choosing the right blue suit for the Gala along with a charcoal one for that night, though in his exit he caught another timid glance from her in asking, “You like the new house then?”
Frerin smirked, “It is lovely. Boromir made certain it suited all Jaqi and Jax’s needs.”
“And your needs?”
“I can skip the train out Friday if you prefer.”
She shook your head, “I don’t want to force-,”
Leaning in her voice died in his lips meeting her cheek, humming lowly through her blush induced silence at being inches from her lips, “I will stay Friday. No force needed. I can grab Jax in the morning.” In her steady inhale to try and look alive again he added, “If you ever want me to stay let me know.” After a gentle peck on the tip of her nose he kissed Alt’s cheek again and promised to drop by tomorrow after work leaving her nodding silently only to chuckle under his breath down the hall hearing an elated squeal through the door behind him.
Dis beside you on the couch added the sugar to her own tea after offering you yours asking, “How are your classes, I understand you are missing Denethor’s course now?”
You nodded, “I was at first though I managed to find a shorter route so I get there a few minutes late. He’s being very understanding about it all.”
Dis, “No doubt. Greenwood is very understanding when it comes to young parents. Jax is adjusting well, I heard through Tea about you getting called in to see his teacher?”
“Oh, that. He’s been asking for extra credit and spending play time in the library. Handing in paragraphs in on books on marine life he’s been reading. Headmaster asked for tips for a class wide book club and even offered me a tutoring position next year.”
Her lips parted and she said, “Tutoring-, that is a very good school, are you considering it?”
Your head tilted to the side, “It’s on the list of possibilities.”
“How did you get Jax to excel so?”
You shrugged, “Um, hard to say. I mean he’s always seen me studying and I got him reading early, children do love learning things and there’s a great deal of magical things to learn in libraries. A lot of times it is easier to just get sucked into books, I sort of coped with studying and I suppose he did too. Out in Gondor outside of his specialty school there wasn’t much of a group for him to converse with outside of us, at least out here he has a few friends. Bombur’s girls for example really have just lit him up. He loves to learn and share so it really isn’t a shock to me at least he’s focused on exploring his marine passion on his breaks. Why the teacher can’t understand you don’t stifle them when they find that spark is beyond me. I know mine bounced around but Theoden did his best to keep up.”
“I think you would be a wonderful asset to the school. Any clue on what you would be tutoring on?”
You shook your head, “I’m not certain, though I could sort of be a general tutor, cover all the bases I suppose. How is your work? I heard you managed to get Letio calmed down.”
Your eyes wandered to Thrain and Boromir following Jax to go see his project he added to your guest house wall as she answered with a curious look over you gauging your reaction. “Yes, we did. Work is good. Busy as usual really. Not as boring as it sounds, we do meet some interesting characters. How are you handling it, the whole Letio situation, I heard from Celeborn Lana dropped by your job?”
You nodded and lowered your cup from a sip, “It’s more of a bother for how Leg is taking it. I know it was probably more about him trying to get to know Leg than anything but there’s a way about that. I mean I’ve had demanding relatives before.” Wetting your lips you leaned in a bit asking softly hearing the guys coming back, “I have to ask, Lana’s, really tall, even looked taller than Thranduil,” Dis couldn’t help but smirk, “I mean, comparing us, was he just out for the polar opposite?”
Dis chuckled, “I know Lana was the only one his height growing up, he sprouted early, all limbs and hair, even then they had troubles it really didn’t last long. If anything you are exactly, had he written down all the traits he wanted you would fit it to a T.”
You nodded and smirked through replying, “Oh yes, lotta little with a dash of damaged and opinionated to boot.”
In your sip she rolled her eyes in a chuckle, “Don’t sell yourself short.”
“I am not short, I am travel sized.”
An awkward snorting laugh came from Dis making her sons smirk in entering while Frerin made his way through the door easing his jacket on behind his father and Boromir. Jax hurried out and climbed onto the spot between you two shifting your arm he eased under to steal a sip from your cup through Boromir’s lean in to kiss your cheek asking, “How was work Darling?”
“Lovely as always, got to trade caramel drinks for the new espresso machine.” You glanced at Dis, “Eowyn’s stomach churns at caramel.” Making her nod in understanding, “yours?”
Boromir, “Ah, yes, Monday is the big send off for your instruments to the specialty schools. Press should have it out Tuesday, the public models are still a few months off. But we’re all excited, we have it all planned.”
Thrain inched closer to you and at the announcement of one of the servers that the dinner was ready you stood peering up at him as his grin split across his face and his arms extended, “There are no words to express how honored I was with your gift.”
Giggling to yourself you hugged him tightly in return saying, “I knew if anyone would appreciate it that it would be you. I memorized it years ago and trust me, so much better than the translated copies.” Pulling back you said, “Shopping for you is a bit difficult still.”
Chuckling lowly he planted his hand on your upper back saying, “True, even my love has trouble finding gifts for me.” Guiding you to the dining room, in the walk there you caught Frerin’s approving glance at your dress that melted into a knowing smirk at having been right about their father loving you the most right now for the priceless gift. “How did you even come across it?”
“When my stat book was coming out I was in the publisher’s office mostly while my parents went over the contracts, I got to browse through his bookshelves, it was his wife’s, bought it in some auction but they were divorcing so he just didn’t want it to fight over I guess. Neither of them spoke Khuzdul, so, no reason to keep it.”
Frerin, “I can’t imagine how much she spent on it.”
Without a pause you replied, “47.5 million.” Around the table they froze and you flashed them a grin, “The receipt was included with the authentication papers. Oh, I found them, they’re in my office, go them a little protective sleeve display folder and all, you can see the whole transaction history, all the receipts are with it since the First Age.”
Thrain, “Four-,”
You waves your hand and pointed at him, “Now don’t you even consider talking about the price.”
Dis, “How much did you pay for it?”
You looked at her with a smirk, “He gave it to me, for free.”
Her mouth dropped open and Frerin chuckled when Boromir said, “Trust me, it was a brutal divorce. He’s where I got that Bugati, couple million, just signed the deed over to me when I offered to pick up him a sandwich when I was off to get Jaqi’s lunch.”
Thrain, “I, don’t know what to say.”
You smiled at him, “You gave me something so much more valuable than that book will ever be. Even if it doesn’t feel like it.” With a giggle you helped Jax pull his chair in closer to the table beside you making Thrain turn his head to subtly wipe a tear from his cheek. Easing your skirt along your legs you lowered into your seat that was eased in for you and you caught Boromir’s third glance at his phone before he pocketed it. “Waiting on Dwalin to rush in?”
Boromir shook his head, “No, sorry.”
With a smirk you held back your question and looked to Dis in her asking Frerin, “Have you asked her yet?”
Frerin smirked and replied in taking his own seat then said, “I have, when Jax and I are done with the Aquarium I was thinking I could bring him home with me so we could have a dinner together. She showed me the gown she chose for the Gala,” his eyes switched to you, “Which reminds me, I need your help to pick her a pair of shoes to go with it. She says she has some but, new gown she needs some new shoes settle the night as spectacular.”
You let out a giggle saying, “I’ll text you a list most of our emails are flooded with shoes. There was this one pair, bright blue and stunning, strapless just to die for heels that she would love and it has a cute little bow on the backs of them in rhinestones, she will squeal.”
Frerin chuckled and grinned at you, “Thank you. She seemed stunned I would have a blue suit somehow.”
The first course was set out in front of you and with your thanks you looked to him again, “Well her ex was a black suit and tie kind of guy.”
Dis, “And we’re certain he won’t be there?”
You shook your head, “No, last I heard he was still in the process of finding a lawyer willing to take the case, turns out the cop he attacked was a relative to the King. So, he’ll be tangled quite a while. If they let him live to the trial.”
More and more you all chatted with Dis asking more of you, your thoughts and interests the others joined into, especially Thrain, who loved learning more about you and getting to spend more time with you. But eventually even through the stolen stares from Fili you managed through the night seamlessly and accepted the parting hugs from Dis and Thrain while Jax rushed off to catch one last bout of cartoons before bed at your approval through Frerin and Fili’s move to change. Alone in the kitchen of Boromir’s house you joined him in stealing one of the last brownie bites you stole one of asking, “Tabi emailed me today.”
Boromir smirked catching your eye sheepishly, “She told you?”
“Why didn’t you tell me she was two months off? I mean, you said she offered to be your surrogate and you’d talked about actually going through with it-, but, seriously? She’s ten months pregnant with your baby!”
Boromir grinned wider squeaking out, “Little girl.”
Your mouth fell open and you gave him a tight hug filled with giggles from the both of you and you pulled back, “No wonder you needed the house! What about Dwalin?”
Boromir wet his lips, “I told him, when I moved out here that I had a surrogate.”
“Really?” you popped the brownie bite between your lips and he nodded.
“Yes. We hashed it all out the other night. Tabi had that car accident early on and she was really cautious hoping she wouldn’t lose our girl and she’s pulled through and now she’s arriving on the train Monday, didn’t want to risk flying. We’ve planned it all, Dwalin’s going to come and meet Tabi, they’ll bond and when Cleo-,”
“Aww, Cleo.”
His grin spread across his face again in a blush, “So when she arrives, which you know Tea was overdue like her other sisters, the nursery supplies will be here next week so we can set it all up for her. Tabi is finalizing her book draft and that could take a while so easily she could handle that while helping to nurse Cleo for the first few months and help us to settle our lives around our little girl. When she is old enough surely I could take her to the daycare there easily and of course that should give Tabi enough time to settle her plans to her next step.” Inching closer his hand eased around yours and he asked, “And of course we discussed this, we would like you to be the godmother.”
With tears in your eyes you stole a tight hug around his neck, “Of course.” With a sniffle you pulled back out of his loosening grip asking, “I have to ask, you’re skipping marriage?”
Boromir chuckled, “Ah, that, no. Dwalin requested to wait until a family dinner in two weeks to announce it fully, and as far as an engagement he has demanded the rights to propose how he sees fit since I was the one in college to spoil things. It will be his terms any day and way of his choosing and of course we will be following Dwarvish traditions for the ceremony since Gondor really has nothing special to it.” After a chuckle he added, “And with your own place being nudged down the aisle the topic of a double wedding came up,” making you roll your eyes in a giggle, “In case you don’t want all the attention on you.”
You nodded, “Because I’ll just blend right in, three grooms and a bride.” Making him chuckle as you ate another brownie bite. “Now, I will have to head off to bed, early press and all that.”
You nodded and giggled again saying, “You’re going to get an email from me,” his brow inched up, “Look it over with Dwalin, I found the cutest onesie and footie pajama site. To die for.” He chuckled joining you through the door kissing your forehead on your way to your house.
With a giggle you found Jax in his pajamas lounging on the couch and you eased off your heels and laid out beside him laying your hand against his leg his hands instantly folded around. Curiously Fili poked his head through and hurried to the couch to settle under your legs resting his hands on them until you got up to take Jax to bed. Straight back to the couch again you strolled then plopped down how you were in front of Fili, who was stretched out in your former spot. With a grin he eased his arm over your middle asking, “Have I mentioned how breathtaking you look?”
With a giggle you shifted to glance back at him, “Not in so many words thank you though, and you looked amazing in your suit.”
He smirked and leaned in stealing a kiss then hummed against your lips, “Thank you. There’s a monster flick on if you’re not tired.”
You nodded and turned to grab the remote you used to switch the channel he mentioned you then put back on the table and stretched out in his arms. At the fourth building being smashed in the ac kicking on you shifted to wiggle under Fili making him chuckle and straighten over you peppering a trail of kisses along your jaw ending with a heated make out session until the credits rolled and with numb lips you both stole one last kiss and split up for bed once Fili had helped to lower your zipper past your shoulder blades.
Wrapped in Thorin’s t shirt you washed your face and let your curls down grumbling your way to bed, wiggling under your covers you settled in and looked at your phone in your hand smirking as you sent off the picture of you in the shirt you took in the mirror to your guys messaging, “Sweet Dreams.”
You could almost hear their groans when they typed good night in return promising to make up the night alone to you. Plugging your phone in you settled back to bed and closed your eyes, sure you wished there was someone to snuggle with but you were also incredibly grateful for a full nights sleep.
Pt 35
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tearlessrain · 5 years
I’m about to watch Arthur and Merlin, which is free on youtube and came up in my suggestions randomly. I have no idea what it is but I am hungry for the arthurian Content so Imma watch it and see how it goes
update: it was way better than I expected and accidentally SUPER gay. that merlin tv show everyone loved was amateur hour compared to how gay this was.
“there is magic in the air, and in the water, but it has been forgotten by many in these lands” wow why does that sound familiar I wonder
the funny thing is I watched fellowship of the ring literally yesterday so this will be hilarious
but there is hope [extremely unsubtle cut to a baby who is definitely important]
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now I think... and I could be wrong... but guys I suspect this baby might be the chosen one.
oh god there was no father he was conceived by midichlorians
okay place your bets is it arthur or merlin
it’s Merlin. or Merddyn rather, in a surprise twist this movie was written by Fucking Nerds
so far mild cheese aside this is surprisingly watchable
“your crops fail and so you ask the king for help, but do not help yourselves! where are your alters?? starvation is punishment for your lack of faith!” THE RNC HAS INFILTRATED THE CELTS
okay so near as I can figure out the mark is from the old gods but there’s a druid who I guess speaks for the king or something who wants them to worship different old gods and now he’s demanding the villagers make a human sacrifice and it’s gonna be Smol Merddyn.
aw no they killed Celtic Shmi. Merddyn got away though and is now wandering the Forbidden Forest
I’m mad this is actually a solid movie so far. absolutely nothing unexpected has happened but I didn’t click on a movie called “Arthur and Merlin” to be surprised
oh wait that kid who freed him was Arthur
fifteen years later arthur is... a military leader who looks strangely like one of those romans played by obviously white actors in older movies
I honestly can’t pinpoint when this movie was made on aesthetics alone
ooo some Roving Misogynists™ are here to cause trouble and assault random women for being christian. by order of the druid no doubt.
“you mock us!” “I do.” okay I’m starting to like this arthur.
oh my god is that. he just fucking. tripped over excalibur while wading in like a two foot deep pond to get this woman’s cross back for her. best interpretation ever.
wait Olwen??? as in Ysbaddaden’s daughter Olwen?? once again I assumed they’d go with Guinevere or make someone up but I forgot, this movie was made by Fucking Nerds.
okay I know insisting everything is gay is a constant thing on this site but I want to point out that Arthur has showed nothing but very platonic friendship to Olwen but this is the face he makes when he sees Merddyn in a vision
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and I mean to be fair to him this is what Merddyn looks like now
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oh no they’ve immediately made it very clear that he’s Romantically Involved With Olwen In Secret Look They’re Kissing Nobody Is Gay
so now I really want to know who wrote this movie because what I’m seeing here is people who intentionally chose to use the name merddyn, and know that olwen exists, but then decided to pair her romantically with... king arthur. and culhwch just doesn’t exist I guess. not that this is the most off the wall welsh mythology ship I’ve encountered but still it’s a weird one for this kind of media even if it’s an indie film
who are you people. how did this movie get made. I mean I like whatever it is but for real how and why did you do this.
I love how there’s just this trio of random dudes who don’t even have names who are arthur/olwen’s friends. and yet somehow they’re likable and I’m rooting for them. whoever they are.
so the only real problem with this movie that’s denting my enjoyment is that nobody has names and they all have the same haircut so I lose track of who’s doing what. see these are arthur’s friends:
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and these are bad guys:
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and Olwen is the only person in either screenshot who has a name
if any of them ever changes into a new outfit I’m screwed.
I’m gonna be real with y’all I love me a cursed forest
in an ironic twist, excalibur is now firmly stuck in a tree trunk and arthur cannot get it out
why is this movie GOOD what the heck. I mean the druid and king situation is blatantly ripped from wormtongue and theoden but I still like. care about the king. they’ve done it well.
“I’ve already told you, I am no longer a man.” “are you so sure???” see I know nothing will happen since this is a movie not a fanfic but that line is the quintessential hate-makeout segue
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THIS IS VERY HETEROSEXUAL they’ve had most of the argument while approximately that distance from each other
oh god what the fuck arthur’s friends got sacrificed by the druid just to make a point to olwen. this is the opposite of a Sacrificial Girlfriend.
they do not need to be this close to each other to argue but they keep on doing it
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they’ve been on screen together for less than five minutes y’all
arthur: maybe you’re right, you are no longer a man
merlin: [conjures an entire patch of flowers for him to make... some kind of point I guess?]
okay now they’re arguing again but there’s all this “I thought I knew you” talk (which, again, it’s been five minutes) and the actors have clearly decided that their dynamic is based entirely on constant, roiling sexual tension
why does every single thing they say scan like dialogue from a slow burn enemies to friends to lovers fanfic
“the girl in the village, did you love her once?” “I know little of love” “Surely a man who can control the growth of a flower must be able to make love blossom” JUST FUCK ALREADY
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this is how they’re having this conversation by the way
there was only one shrub hollow
“to control nature is one thing, but only the most powerful sorcerer could control the mind of a man- OR WOMAN,” he said, heterosexually.
y’all I’m gonna be honest I thought I was just projecting at first but this is the gayest thing I’ve seen since the baseball song in high school musical 2. this is just absolute beleg and turin levels of probably unintended but utterly blatant homosexuality. I’m so glad I decided to watch this movie and youtube was right to recommend it to me.
this movie really speaks to me because on a spiritual level I too am a mystical but irritable and socially stunted forest hermit with sexy hair just waiting for a brash but pure-hearted warrior who looks like a roman statue to draw me out of my cave with homoerotic banter. 
oh it’s not excalibur it’s... nuadu. which I guess in this movie is not the king of the tuatha de danann but a sword forged by them? see my first impulse would be to assume that the way they’re mangling everything, the writers knew nothing about Celtic folklore, except that they’ve chosen such weirdly specific things to mangle. they know their shit, they’ve just deliberately chosen to go absolutely buckwild with it.
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for real though character-wise this might be one of my favorite interpretations of merlin/merddyn I’ve ever seen. I feel like everyone involved was genuinely super passionate about the subject matter they were working with. like all jokes aside he’s really honestly well acted and well written.
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uh oh they’ve been captured by... bandits?
oh it’s olwen’s uncle
it is a mystery, olwen’s uncle.
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a mystery.
this motivational monologue could have been so cheesy but like. I’m here for it. I would follow arthur into battle.
aw come on. olwen’s uncle betrayed them. I kinda saw it coming but dammit.
again, the druid should be absolutely stupid but he’s kind of a cool villain.
yay olwen’s uncle unbetrayed them. probably so would I if I’d seen what merddyn just did to the druid’s guys.
so the druid is trying to sacrifice ten thousand souls to raise a god from the underworld and merddyn is on the fucking warpath. and olwen’s uncle is ON BOARD HELL YEAH.
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arthur and merddyn have escalated to clutching each other’s clothes during their heated two-feet-apart discussions
olwen is a badass in her own right like she has her own whole thing going trying to save the king from basically his own literal dementia and the druid who’s taking advantage of it, which is somehow way more compelling than just magical mind control.
“I thought the cave taught you fairness” “well... you taught me fighting” JUST KISS.
okay let’s see how they pull off this dark god on the shoestring budget they definitely have, at this point I honestly believe in them.
by avoiding showing the god entirely apparently but they made it work even with that.
aw the king has named him his heir. which again we all knew would happen but it’s still so well done.
and we end on merddyn placing the crown on arthur’s head while lovingly quoting his own words back at him, while olwen looks on with the kind of approval that implies they’ve ended up with some kind of road to el dorado situation. solid.
so I was expecting this to be absolute garbage with bad actors and checked out writers just trying to make another mediocre coattail-riding medieval fantasy movie and what I got was some weirdly good actors and writers who are clearly obsessed with celtic folklore and desperately wanted to just run amok with it for an hour and 45 minutes. and they did. they poured every ounce of their hearts and souls and tiny, tiny budget into it. and it was beautiful. 10/10
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annathewitch · 6 years
The Golden Bird: Prologue & Chapter 1
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Summary: Eomer X Reader. Fairytale AU. As a gardener’s daughter in Edoras, your life is expected to be simple and dull, but you get caught up in a quest to find a mysterious Golden Bird which might be the key to breaking a curse on the Rohirrim.
Words: 4,000
Warnings: None! Not even swearing.
A/N: Based on the Grimm Brothers fairytale, the Golden Bird, for @thefanficfaerie’s Flip The Script Fairytale Challenge. Hoping to post the whole fic within the next week or so! This bit is largely scene setting and the adventure really begins in the next part. I have taken some liberties with the geography of Middle Earth. Not canon LOTR compliant.
Once upon a time in Edoras, the once great city of the horselords, there lived a King. Theoden King was not one of the great Kings of Rohan, not a warrior like Eorl, or full of the wisdom of Brego, but he was kind and fair and under his rule the Rohirrim lived in relative peace and prosperity. He doted on his beautiful wife Elfhild, and for her happiness he created the gardens of the palace Meduseld. In the centre of the gardens, Elfhild planted the most beautiful apple tree, which bore the sweetest tasting fruit with delicate skin of gold. The King and Queen were happy, and the tree flourished.
But tragedy befell Theoden King. Elfhild bore him a strong son, but sickened with childbed fever and when Prince Theodred was scarcely a week old she died. His grief was great for his lost love, and though he sought joy in his son and heir, his heart did not recover. In short order his sister and brother were also cruelly taken from him, and Theoden King vowed in his grief to care for their children, Éomer and Éowyn as if they were his own. The King did his best to raise the three children, and to serve the people of Rohan, but without the counsel of his beloved and his family, he succumbed to a deep melancholy.
Around this time, a man from the North who came to be known as the Wormtongue, wheedled and connived his way into the court at Edoras, dripping honeyed words into the ear of the King until he became a most trusted advisor and the most powerful man in Rohan next to Theoden. There were whispers that he was in league with woodland elves, or a great wizard, but none spoke openly, for those who challenged him met with unfortunate fates. As the children grew they saw Wormtongue for the parasite he was, and he began to see the children as a threat to his power and influence.
When the children were full grown, Theodred and Éomer were sent to defend the borders of Rohan from Dunlendings and Orcs, and though the Prince was a strong and clever warrior and the finest horseman, he was felled from his horse while crossing the River Isen and killed. Eomer grew suspicious for the fatal blow struck his cousin from behind, but he kept his own counsel until he could return to Edoras and speak with his Uncle.
Eomer laid his discovery bare, but Wormtongue’s influence had grown too deep, and Theoden refused to listen to his tale. Afterwards, those who witnessed the scene whispered that the King had been mad with grief and his nephew incandescent with rage. So when one night Eomer and his sister disappeared and Eomer’s horse went missing from the stables, it was easy to believe the Wormtongue’s rumours that they had run away. And, despite a search the length and breadth of Rohan, they were not seen or heard from again.
Where once Theoden King had been kind and just, he grew bitter and cold at the loss of everything he had held dear. And as the years passed, Wormtongue led him to apathy and greed, and the Rohirrim suffered. As the harvests failed, and the horse herds dwindled, and Edoras fell into disrepair, so too the tree that bore the precious golden apples began to sicken and wither until it produced but a handful of fruit.
The only faint and almost forgotten hope of a people in despair was the prophecy of the wise man Mithrandir who had foretold that in time a shieldmaiden would ride into Edoras on a Mearas stallion, bearing the sword of a son of Eorl, and she would restore Rohan to prosperity. But there had been no shieldmaidens for many ages, and none likely to appear soon.
Chapter 1
You were content with your lot in life, really you were. As the daughter of Meduseld’s gardener, even in these difficult times your family never went without enough food to eat or a roof over your head. And when you saw so many others in need on the streets of Edoras, it would be foolish and ungrateful for you to hope for something more than keeping your father’s house and waiting on your older brothers.
Still you dreamed of adventure. Hanging the linens to dry in the little yard of the cottage high up on the hill above the city, you could see for many leagues the stretch of the plains of Rohan and the forests beyond, and you would imagine what wonders lay out there. Imagine a world where the childhood tales of an age of shieldmaidens performing great deeds, were still true.
But of course, your life went on in the same old routine of cooking and cleaning and helping your father in the gardens, and the best you could reasonably expect was to catch the eye of a young rider, or a tradesman and exchange your father’s house for a husband’s.
The same old routine, that was, until your father burst into the cottage one day, breathless and ashen, as if he had seen the ghost of one of his forefathers. He slumped down at the table head in his hands.
“Father, what is the matter?” you asked pressing a cup of mead into his hands.
“Y/N! We are ruined, and you shall likely be cast out of our home and made to beg on the streets.” At your shocked expression he continued. “I was summoned before the Wormtongue today, and accused of stealing golden apples from the King’s tree. They are now so rare that the King has set a man to count them every day. Two have disappeared over the last two nights. Unless I can prove that I am not the culprit by three days hence, I shall be branded a thief and my life shall be forfeit. What am I to do?”
“Oh father!” Your mind whirled as you tried to think. “We may only prove your innocence by catching the true thief. We must set a watch tonight and see if he returns to catch him in the act.”
“Aye, my clever girl, you are right. But I am too old and too weary. Your brother Elfric must sit guard.”
“Father, may I not do it? I would be watchful and careful, and I am good with my bow” you pleaded. For as much as he was your oldest brother, you knew Elfric tended to laziness and would hesitate to trust such an important task to him.
However, your father was not to be swayed. “No child, your brother shall do this. It may be dangerous to catch a brazen thief in the act. It is a task for a grown man.”
So Elfric, though unhappy at the responsibility and the discomfort of spending a night on the ground, was sent to watch in the gardens. At midnight an unbearable sleepiness overwhelmed him, and when the morning came and you went to find out what he had seen you found him asleep beneath the apple tree and another of the fruit was gone.
Your father was sick with worry, and despite your pleas to be allowed to keep watch, the next night he set your next brother Wulfric to the task. But Wulfric was little better than his brother. Again, the midnight hour approached and he too could not resist the temptation to close his eyes. In the morning he lay sprawled asleep amongst the roots of the sickening tree, and a fourth apple had been taken from under his nose.
There was just one last chance to catch the thief before your father would be taken for the crime. You pleaded and cajoled with him to permit you to sit in wait that night, certain that you would not fail at the task. Resigned to his fate, your father eventually relented, and so on the third night your wore your warmest woollen dress and taking up your bow you wrapped yourself in a big dark cloak and settled under the canopy of the apple tree in the shadows of the trunk.
The hours passed. Resolved as you were to stay awake, you played games to pass the time. As the stars in the sky brightened, you listed each of the constellations your mother had taught you, until eventually you searched out the mighty Leona, lion of Rohan just as the midnight bell tolled.
All at once, from the north came a whisper of wind through the branches, which shook the leaves and seemed to murmur a lullaby in your ear. Your eyes grew heavy and your mind began to drift as you could feel yourself relax against the trunk of the great tree. But the fate of your brothers the previous nights had made you cautious and you were prepared to struggle against the feeling of overwhelming weariness. Gripping a sharp stone you dug it into your palm, and with the flare of pain the fogginess seemed to flee.
Alert again now, you could hear a rustling from high up in the branches and, quietly as you could, you drew your bow, notched an arrow, and shifted to try and catch a glimpse of what you presumed was the thief in the tree. It was hard to discern in the dark, but there was certainly something on one of the high branches where apples still grew. Then all at once, the leaves parted and the moonlight glinted off a golden wing. A bird!
Swiftly you drew your bowstring, aimed, and in the space between heartbeats you let the arrow fly. You were a fair shot, more naturally skilled than your brothers, who preferred a sword or spear and you were gratified to hear a squawk. But perhaps the branch had bounced or the wind had blown a fraction harder, and you saw the bird take flight, flashes of light as its wings beat, carrying it back towards the north.
For a second you cursed your luck, for without the creature, you would not be able to prove it was the culprit. Then the branches shifted again, and a single feather of the most delicate gold floated to ground in front of you. You scooped it up and tucked it in the pocket of your cloak, and resumed your watch. For though you knew in your heart that the bird was the thief, you could not take a chance that another would not try their luck to take a precious apple from the tree.
As dawn broke, you ran shivering back to your father’s cottage where he waited huddled by the banked hearth, and showed him your precious evidence.
“My clever child! Wake your brothers, for we must take this to the great hall at once.”
With much complaint they were removed from their beds, and jealous looks passed between them at your success, but at length you arrived at the doors of Meduseld to request an audience. Eventually your father was called to the dais, where Theoden King sat pale and slack in his throne, and the Wormtongue stood like a skinny crow at his right side.
The King did not speak, rather the Wormtongue spoke for him. “Master Gardener, what proof have you of your innocence in the matter of the theft of the King’s apples? Three days have passed.”
“My daughter discovered the thief last night. It was a b-bird my Lord,” your father stammered, offering the feather up. Wormtongue took it between slender fingers which could have been made from bone, and twirled it thoughtfully.
“Your daughter you say? How odd. Bring her forth, for the King wishes to look at her.”
You didn’t like the tone in the advisor’s voice, and you wondered how he knew the King’s wishes when Theoden had not spoken a word, but you stepped forward beside your father and dipped an awkward curtsey. Wormtongue descended the steps from the dais, and looked you up and down through beady black eyes. You suppressed a shiver.
“How did you come by the feather girl?” He crooned the question, twirling the feather all the while, so the light glinted off it, and you felt a strange sensation in the back of your mind.
Shaking your head you answered. “I shot at the bird. It flew away, but left this feather behind. No other came near the apple tree all night.”
“Indeed? And are you skilled with a bow?” Somehow it felt like the question held more weight than a simple enquiry about your prowess.
“I am a fair shot, but there are many better than I,” you demurred, avoiding his unsettling gaze. It seemed to satisfy him, for with one last sweeping glance, he ascended to stand beside the King once more.
“This feather is a rare and precious thing. It is the King’s wish that the bird be found and brought to him, that it might adorn the coffers of Rohan, and its golden feathers compensate for the loss of the apples. Gardener, as the apples were lost under your watch, the crown charges you with this task. There will be great reward should the bird be brought to him.”
You stared openmouthed at the Wormtongue, and then looked to your father who could scarcely manage to pay the customary respects to his King, before the two of you were ushered to the doors again, where your brothers waited.
In the safety of the cottage, your father bemoaned his fate.
“I am to bring back the golden bird, but how am I even to find it? I am too old and frail to venture far from the city,” he wailed, and you tried to soothe him.
“One of us must set out to find it in your place, father,” you offered.
“My clever girl! Of course my children will help me in my hour of need. But which of you is equal to the task? It will surely be dangerous to go adventuring in such times as orcs and Dunlendings roam the plains and forests.”
How desperate you were to volunteer, for you longed to see the world beyond Edoras, to scoff at the fate that was laid at your feet to be a wife and mother, and instead walk in the footsteps of the Shieldmaidens of old. But you knew that you father would not willingly let you go. As you wrestled with your desire and your duty, you were surprised when your oldest brother spoke up.
“Y/N may very well have stayed awake all night, and shot at a bird, for that is nothing really. Nothing to the bravery required for such a venture as this. As the oldest I should go, for I am entitled to claim the reward before my brother and sister. It is the task of a full grown man.” At this he puffed up his chest.
You bit your tongue, for you had done better than him to stay awake, but knew that it would be futile to protest. Your father doted on his sons, and could never see the idleness and dissipation as anything more than youthful spirits.
“Very well, Elfric my son. You shall be the one to find the bird and bring it back.”
And so within a few days, your oldest brother rode out of the gates of Edoras laden with supplies and a purse of silver and headed north towards Helm’s Deep. On the second day of his journey, he forded the Isen, crossing the border of Rohan heading for the Fangorn Forest, for surely if a magical creature were to live anywhere it would be in the forest.
Wisps of smoke on the horizon indicated some kind of settlement and Elfric picked up his pace a little. He had spent the previous night camped at the roadside, and, unused to the hard uncomfortable ground, had vowed to find a proper bed and perhaps some willing company for the second night. The life of an adventurer did not need to be a dull one after all. Full of pleasant anticipation he did not notice the creature that sat in the road ahead of him, until a soft growl startled his horse, which shied away from the sound.
It was a large mountain lion with a tawny golden fur that crouched alert and watchful, blocking the path between two large rocks. Elfric fumbled his spear out of the loop on his saddle and aimed it at the animal, which got to its feet.
“I do not wish to harm you traveller,” the lion spoke with a deep, rough voice. “I know of your quest to seek the Golden Bird, and I can give you good counsel. You will reach a village tonight with an inn, but do not stop there. Continue into the Fangorn Forest and make camp for the night and I will help you.”
Elfric, considered the animal, which was lean and had a raw-looking gash on its rear haunch. What could such a creature know of my business, your brother thought. And without further consideration he hurled his spear. The lion moved with surprising swiftness and his shot merely grazed it, but the creature was gone, disappeared into the forest without another word.
Your oldest brother continued on, and at nightfall reached the village the lion had described, and a cheerful, well-kept inn with brightly lit windows beckoned to him. A wench with a pretty smile and ample charms waited ready to welcome him at the threshold. The words the lion had spoken to him were barely even recalled as Elfric’s appetites drove him to the door. He entered the place and took his fill of all the delights that were offered, forgetting the Golden Bird and the quest and his duty to his family and King.
A month passed back in Edoras, with no word from your oldest sibling, and your father grew sick with grief and worry that something terrible had befallen him. The Wormtongue summoned him back to Meduseld. Again the advisor called you into his presence and looked you up and down appraisingly, twirling the golden feather so that the light bouncing off its delicate fronds began to mesmerise you. He did not address you, but his intent stare was unnerving, and you were glad when your father was dismissed with a reminder of his duty to his King to bring the Golden Bird to him.
Though this time you begged your father to be allowed to follow Elfric and take up the quest, he merely patted your hand and told you that your place was in Edoras, keeping house for him. Instead your less than eager brother Wulfric was sent out with a purse of silver, to ride north and seek the Golden Bird, and you played the part of the devoted sister watching him ride away over the plains as your heart longed for adventure.
At length, Wulfric forded the Isen and headed for Fangorn Forest. And he too was waylaid by the mountain lion who gave the same advice he had imparted to your oldest brother many weeks before. Now he possessed a little less arrogance than his brother, and listened gravely to the words of the lion with every intention of heeding them. But though his intentions were true, poor Wulfric was gifted with very little of his own initiative and as he rode through the pretty little village and passed the inn that the lion had spoken about, he saw his brother Elfric waving to him from the doorway.
What harm can it do for me to stop and say hello to my brother, to take one drink and find out if he is well, Wulfric thought to himself. And so, being so easily swayed, he was persuaded to enter the inn and after his first drink persuaded to take another, and a third, and before long he had forgotten the Golden Bird and his family, just as Elfric had.
Again time passed in Edoras, and you continued in your dull routine. There were whisperings that Theoden King grew sicker and more frail and, though no one dared to speak it aloud, the Rohirrim feared that the Wormtongue would be named Theoden’s heir. One month became two. No word was heard from either of your brothers, and your father’s heart broke, for surely they must have met with a terrible fate on their quest.
He was summoned once more to Meduseld, to appear before the King and his most trusted advisor to answer for the failure to bring back the Golden Bird. And again after you father had stammered his apologies and excuses, the Wormtongue beckoned you forward, spinning the golden feather between slender white fingers.
This time he spoke to you in his strange soft whisper. “Your father has one last chance to produce the Golden Bird. If he does not, we shall have to come to some arrangement to settle the debt.”
His icy gaze swept up and down your body, sending a shiver down your spine and with the light sparkling from the feather, his words seemed to echo in the back of your mind. He leaned in closer.
“You are a biddable girl, I look forward to your submission.” His tongue darted from between thin cracked lips. Though your mind screamed to be away from this creature, you found your feet locked to the floor and your voice lodged in your throat. The Wormtongue smiled, and stepped away, hiding the feather from view, and you found yourself able to move again.
“The Golden Bird may yet be found, my Lord,” you said as you took your father’s shaking arm. And as you departed from the Great Hall, the echo of the Wormtongue’s broken laughter followed you.
In the relative safety of the cottage, your father slumped once again at the table while you ministered to him.
“Your brothers are gone, and I am too old and too frail to seek the Golden Bird, and now I must hand you over to such a man! Oh what are we to do Y/N?”
You placed a cup of mead down in front of him and turned to the little window in the kitchen which looked out over all of Edoras and the plains beyond. You wrapped your arms around yourself to try and warm the chill in your heart. It was scant comfort but likely the only you would get. There was only one answer in your mind.
“I must follow my brothers and seek the Golden Bird myself.”
Your father sputtered a mouthful of mead. “But you cannot! It is too difficult and dangerous and you may never return. You cannot hope to succeed where your brothers have failed. If you go to the Wormtongue, you will be safe in Edoras and I will not be alone. He will be kind to you if you please him I am sure!”
“I would rather die at the hands of robbers or orcs than hand myself over to that man. I am just as brave as my brothers, and sharper to be sure. And I am quicker with my bow.”
“But we have no horses left! How will you travel? No no, you must stay here with me as a dutiful daughter would.”
“I will walk then, father!” you cried out in frustration, before dropping to your knees beside him. “I cannot stay here and wait idly for my fate to suffocate me.”
He sat silent and unmoving, staring into the hearth, and eventually you rose to your feet and left him. You worked swiftly to put together your pack, for you were set on your course with or without your father’s blessing. When it was done, you set about your household chores as usual, and retired to bed at your usual hour, though you exchanged scarcely a word with your father.
At first light you woke, and dressed in some of Wulfric’s old clothes, they were a little large but they hid your shape and it was better to travel as a youth than a lone woman. You braided your hair back from your face as you had done for your brothers many times before. In the kitchen, you packed some supplies for the road and scribbled a note for your father. You pulled on stout boots, wrapped yourself in your warmest cloak and hefted the pack onto your shoulders.
As you opened the door, your father cleared his throat behind you. You turned to him and he held out something in his hands, a hunting knife.
“I have failed as a father if I cannot protect you. Perhaps you can protect yourself with this.”
You took the hilt of the knife and secured it in your boot. It was a blessing of sorts and you acknowledged it with a nod.
“I will do my best to come back to you father. Fare thee well.”
“Fare thee well my clever girl.”
And with that you stepped out into the misty first light, not looking back at the little cottage as you wound your way down the path into Edoras, instead looking out at the ghostly plains and the shadows of mountains and forests in the far distance.
Tagging some people who might be interested: @musikat18 @yallneedtrek @bkwrm523 @bookcaseninja @queenmismatched @fearofdeathkeepsusalive @outside-the-government @goingknowherewastaken @thefanficfaerie @theodwyns
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Fallen {Eomer x Reader Oneshot}
Requested by: Anonymous Wordcount: 2630 Prompt: Eomer has to tell the reader that her father has died.
Unlike Eowyn, you did not see taking care of the women and children in Helm’s Deep as being a bad thing. You considered it a high honor to be one of the last defenses against the Orcs for the people of Rohan. Your people. There weren’t many weapons left, since everything that could be spared had been given to the men that were fighting, but you had hidden your favorite sword - a sword that your father had given you. As a Rider of Rohan, he had many beautiful weapons in his stores, but he had been forced to pack it up when they were banished from the Kingdom because of that snake, Wormtongue. It was times like this where you missed your father, and wished that he would swoop in and save the day like he had when you were a child and playing Riders with your friends. And Eomer ... you missed him as well. If those two men were here instead of out there in Middle Earth doing who knows what, you know that this fort, and these people, would be safe.
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After the battle had been one, thanks to Gandalf retrieving the Riders of Rohan and bringing them to Helm’s Deep, the search for Loved Ones and then the retrieval and identification of bodies started. Eomer was happy to see Eowyn, and his Uncle Theoden, but was looking for one person in particular. He had bad news to bear and hated that he was the one that had to do it - but he knew deep in his heart that you would prefer to hear it from him. He passed by other riders, by men who still looked like children being stitched up, by elves still marching in perfect formation in his search of you.
When he finally found you, holding a piece of cloth to a young man’s forehead to dab at a wound, he saw that there was still a smile on your face and hope in your eyes. She’d heard from some of the fighters that help had come. The Riders of Rohan, being lead by Gandalf The Grey. That they had come in the hour they were most in need and saved the day. Your father and your friend, fighting side by side and reigning victorious. Eomer knew that you thought you had a lot to smile about. He hated how wrong you both were.
“Eomer!” You said, rushing to his side and threw your arms around him. He felt a sense of warmth that he had not felt since he had left Rohan what seemed like ages ago. He would be welcomed home, no doubt about that, but those weren’t the feelings that he was meant to be fixed on. He did return your hug, holding you close. You smelt of apples and potatoes, which was a welcome smell from the pungeant smell of death that hung outside of these fortified walls. “I’m so happy that you came. You saved us, I knew that you would.” Your confidence in him had been outstanding. But then he said something which only made his heart fall into the pit of his stomach. “Where’s Father? I need to thank him too.”
“I need to talk to you a moment, alone.” Eomer said, his voice strong without the slightest bit of tremble that he felt would come out at any moment. You looked at him, took in his tone and nodded. He took your arm lightly and lead you into one of the storage rooms that was already cleared out. It was empty. Being alone with you was something that he had never been before, now that he thought about it. There were always people around, your father mostly. This was strange, it had his heart quickening - but he knew that he had to do his task.
“What’s going on? Where’s father?” You asked, with that flash of hope still in your eyes.
“He had fallen in battle.” Eomer finally said, his eyes lowered to look at yours. He kept up that eye contact. He wanted this to be more personal than the other knights who were going around to loved ones, saying a couple of words of condolence then moving onto the next. “He fought bravely, as I’m sure you know. He took down many - and he had even saved my life once more. I’m sorry.”
Eomer could see your heart sink. He could see the light go out of your eyes as you tried to pull yourself together and stop yourself from crying. He watched carefully, even going as far as to put his hand out onto your shoulder. Your hand went on top of his and held his fingers as you came to terms with what you had just heard. “There’s no time for mourning yet.” You said, which made him stand back at attention as he realized that you were right. “Plenty of good men were lost today, there are arrangements to be made.”
“If you need .. anything.” Eomer started, but you cut him off with a nod.
“I know, thank you for telling me.” You took his hand off of your shoulder and gave it a squeeze before letting it go. His arms returned stiffly to his sides. “I’d better help the others.”
“Good.” Eomer nodded. “I’ll take care of the funeral arrangements, you don’t need to worry about anything. He’ll have a burial befitting a Rider of Rohan.”
On the ride back to Rohan, you stayed with the cart that bore your fathers body. He was one of the few to get a small cart to himself, while on the others, bodies were stacked as high as they could go without falling over or causing the horse to pass out. The walk was long back to Rohan, back to home. The battle had been one but the war was far from over and that made everyone on the trek feel uneasy, particularly Eomer, who rode beside you rather than at the very front with the King and Aragorn.
“He looks peaceful.” You remarked which made Eomer look down. Indeed, your father did look peaceful. He was set into the cart and his hands placed over his chest, holding his sword, in the way that was custom. His valiant steed who had made it through the battle, was helping to carry supplies but did not stray far from the body. He would be yours now.
“He knows that his sacrifice was not in vain.” Eomer said. “And that you would be safe. Are you sure you do not wish to ride? I can see how heavy your heart is.”
“It’s my father.” You snapped. “It is my despair to bear.” Eomer fumbled with his reins, not sure how to take that tone of voice. But as he had said, he knew your heart was heavy.
“Of course.” He gave a nod and trotted along in silence.
As soon as the chaos was over and people were either sheltered in their homes or in the shelters that had been erected for them within the city walls, Eomer returned to his old bedchamber. He hadn’t been here since Wormtongue had talked his Uncle into banning him from the Kingdom of Rohan. It looked the same as it always had, but yet there was a feeling of darkness that hid in the corners, not just of the room but of his mind.
When he had been away, he had thought of you often. He spoke of you as well with your father as they both wondered about your wellbeing. He recalled how many times that your father had snapped his fingers or hit him in the legs with his reins when he stared off into space after these conversations, stuck in the whirlpool of worry about you.
“Y/N is strong.” Your father had insisted. “Rohan is protected as long as y/n is within the walls. Even as a child ... that is one spirit that will never be broken, not by war or by corruption. Now stop thinking so much or perhaps y/n will be able to feel it. I get the feeling that’s not the emotion you want to convey.” The older man looked upon Eomer with a raised eyebrow but the blonde haired man shook his head viciously.
“Not worry.” He said. He would bid your father goodnight and then go to his own shelter, usually towards the mouth of a cave since they didn’t have tents to erect. And there, he would look out at the stars and wonder if they were watching over you. If the moon was shining it’s light face through your window tonight.
Those caves were less lonely than this bed, more cozy than the blankets that would be piled on top of him tonight. No amount of cover would be able to shake the chill off of his skin as he remembered for the fiftieth time that day that your father was dead and that you were alone. He could not handle it. This did not feel like his home tonight.
He did change out of his bloody gear and into fresher clothes. Something more comfortable - cotton rather than leather, and instead of going to his own bed, he walked out of the Keep, down the stairs and towards the village where he knew that he would find your home.
A candle was lit in the window, as if beckoning him, guiding him towards you. Each step of his feet against the rock-strewn path made his heart thump harder. This was taking all of his courage, approaching you like this after night.
He rapped on the door, and it was opened quickly, after only one night. He saw you standing there, holding a different candle on a small holder, looking up at him. You breathed out in relief. “Eomer, come in, come in.” You said, moving aside. “I thought you were one of the townsfolk, coming to tell me how sorry you are.” Once he stepped inside, you closed the door behind you. “I know they mean well but if one more person tells me they are sorry-”
“You’ll what?” Eomer asked, making his way to one of the chairs and resting himself on it.
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“I don’t know what but it won’t be the most pleasant thing in the world. Do you want a drink?” You offered but Eomer shook his head. “So what can I do for you?”
“I thought you might not want to be alone tonight.” Eomer offered, leaning forward, clasping his hands together in his lap. The only light in the small home was in the fire, burning bright in the fireplace, as well as the two candles, one of which you were still holding. It made orange and yellow flickers through your hair.
“I appreciate that.” You said. You put the candle down and sat across from him, wrapping a blanket of warm wool around your shoulders. “I probably shouldn’t be. All I can think about is the fact that tomorrow, I’m going to be burying my father and I’ll never see his face again.”
“Nonsense.” Eomer shook his head. “You can see his face in yours. You have the same eyes, the same laugh. You can feel his presence next to you, guiding you. He’s not truly gone.”
“That’s all well and good, but that’s not what I meant.” You sighed. “His advice and his faith in me has never wavered, it has made me stronger. What am I supposed to do without that?”
“You can turn to me.” Eomer blurted. “I believe in you.”
You stared at him, the fire reflecting in your eyes making it seem as if you were burning from within. You looked like what Eomer felt like. The hot blood rushing through his veins, making it feel as if he would burst into flames at any minute. His heart was beating quickly, ready to be the explosion that would ignite everything.
“Your father was one of my best men, and one of my very good friends.” He went on. “And for him, I want to take care of you. Be what you need.”
“I hope not just for him.” You said, shaking your head, turning your face away so he would be gazing at your profile. “I’m not going to be a burden onto you just because you were friends with my father.”
“Never a burden.” Eomer spoke, remembering the way that your father had looked at him whenever you had come up in conversation. The old man seemed to know more than even Eomer did about his feelings. The hints. Worry not being the feeling that he wanted to convey... “I want to take care of you, to have you by my side. If you don’t want it, I’ll retreat.”
Those words hung in the air. He stared earnestly while you seemed to think about what he was saying.
“Would you let me take care of you as well?” You asked, finally. “Not for my father’s sake, but because I want to?”
“You’ve proven yourself to be good at it. The thoughts of you took care of me when I was far away-” Once those words were out, Eomer realized how off they had sounded and coughed an apology. He saw you smile, but then he saw you attempt to hide it. “You know what I mean. You, as well as my King and my Sister was who I was fighting for out there.”
“Then I think we’ve come to an agreement.” You blew out the candle that you were holding and placed the holder onto a rough wood table that your great-grandfather had made. You went towards the fire and threw handfuls of sand onto it, dousing it. The house was dark, save that one candle still in the window. “Can you stay with me tonight? In my room? I need to feel warmth next to me, after the coldness.”
Eomer nodded, realized that you could not see it, then stood and followed you into your bedchamber.
The next morning proved to be a beautiful day, weatherwise. The sun was shining but with clouds drifting in front of it, providing some coolness to the otherwise hot day. A breeze played with the grass, making it whisper with a language all their own. Sprouts of wildflowers had fought against the smoke and ash from the burnt down houses and showed their petals off for the world to see.
It was hard to appreciate the beauty when something so tragic was happening. The grave had been carved out of a knoll in the countryside, fitted with wood and ready for the body to be interred. Eomer had volunteered to help - he was one of the four men who carried the body from where it was prepared down to the gravesite and secured it into it’s final placement. Your father had been buried with his sword and with his reins. Beside you stood Eowyn, with her singing a funeral song. Behind you, your father’s horse nibbled at the back of your clothing. Once the body was put into place, Eomer moved to stand on your other side. His hand was seeking yours until he finally caught it and held it tight.
“Gone but never forgotten.” He said, as dirt started to fill in the hole and the foundations.
“Never.” You spoke, a tear in your eye. You let it fall. After baring yourself to Eomer last night, a tear was not something to hide afterall.
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berjhawn · 7 years
The Lost Lothlorien Princess - Part 13 - Rohan
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Warnings: None really 
Pairings: LOTR X Reader ; Legolas X Reader
Part 1 - High School
Part 2 - Rivendell
Part 3 - Concerning Hobbits
Part 4 - Merry and Pippin
Part 5 - Bree
Part 6 - Aragorn
Part 7 - The Council
Part 8 - The Road Ahead
Part 9 - Moria
Part 10 - Lothlorien
Part 11 - Boromir
Part 12 - Fangorn Forest
Riding across the plains of Rohan, Gandalf, Legolas, Gimli, Aragorn, and I stop to look at Edoras in front f us. “Edoras and the Golden Hall of Meduseld. There dwells Théoden, King of Rohan...... whose mind is overthrown. Saruman's hold over King Théoden is now very strong.” Gandalf says and I gulp down a breath of air.  “Be careful what you say. Do not look for welcome here.” He says as we start the ride into Edoras. 
I glance toward the Golden Hall to see a maiden dressed in white standing at the very top of the steps. The standard on the flagpole next to her flutters loose and gets carried away by the wind. We ride into Edoras, and as Aragorn reaches the outside gates, the standard flutters to the ground next to us. As we ride through Edoras, people stare at us. 
“You'll find more cheer in a graveyard.” Gimli says and I nod as I look around at all the gloomy faces. I look back at the Golden Hall but the maiden has gone. Coming to a stop outside the Great Hall we climb off our horses and I take a deep breath as I follow closely behind my father up the steps to the Hall.  Suddenly a group of guards walk out of the Hall and the lead one with wavy auburn hair says, “I cannot allow you before Théoden King so armed, Gandalf Greyhame. By order of Grima Wormtongue.”
Gandalf nods at the others and they quickly hand over their weapons. I grit my teeth as I hold back a few choice words for the unaware guards. “Your staff.” The lead guard says as he points to my father’s staff and I take a deep breath of air as he replies, “Hmmm, You would not part an old man from his walking stick.” The lead guard looks worried for a moment, then turns and leads them forward.  
Gandalf winks slyly to Aragorn and follows him, holding onto Legolas' arm.  Aragorn, Gimli, and I follow closely behind. The lead guard pauses at the door and lets them pass. I glance forward to see a sly looking man standing next to a withered old man who I instantly knew as Théoden.
I watch as the sly man leans down and secretly whispers into his kings ear. I look over at Aragorn who as if sensing my want to say something gently shakes his head making me groan inwardly with anger. “The courtesy of your hall is somewhat lessened of late......Théoden King.” Gandalf says and I follow behind my father, every once in a while glancing around at the menacing looks being given to us as a group of guards follows us. 
“Why should I welcome you......Gandalf Stormcrow?” Théoden says as he looks to Grima for agreement. “A just question, my liege.” The man replies as he gets up and walks towards us continuing, “Late is the hour......in which this conjurer chooses to appear. Lathspell I name him. Ill news is an ill guest.”
I feel Aragorn grab my arm as if to hold me back as my father replies to the man, “Be silent. Keep your forked tongue behind your teeth. I have not passed through fire and death......to bandy crooked words with a witless worm.” He lifts his staff in front of the man’s face making his eyes go wide as he cries out, “His staff. I told you to take the wizard's staff.” The menacing group moves to attack Gandalf, and I pull away from Aragorn as Legolas, Aragorn, Gimli, and I quickly fight them off.  Gandalf continues to walk towards Théoden.
“Theoden......son of Thengel......too long have you sat in the Shadows.” Gandalf says his staff rose toward the king. The sly man I now realize as Grima sits up in an attempt to get away, but is stopped by Gimli standing on his chest with one foot. 
“I would stay still if I were you.” Gimli says before motioning with his head toward me as he continues, “She’s easily angered and wouldn’t mind relieving you of your head.” I smile devilishly as I hold tight to a dagger I had relieved one of the guards from. “Hearken to me! I release you......from the spell.” Gandalf says as he holds up his hand, closing his eyes. Théoden laughs mockingly as he says, “You have no power here ......Gandalf the Grey.”  
Gandalf, angered, throws off his grey cloak.  Théoden is thrown back by a bright white light as Gandalf yells out, “I will draw you, Saruman, as poison is drawn from a wound.” He thrusts forward his staff, which throws Théoden back in his chair. A maiden with long flowing blonde hair runs in, sees her king in trouble, and runs towards him; But Aragorn quickly  grabs hold of her as he says, “Wait.” 
“If I go, Theoden dies.” Saruman says through Theoden making my body cringe. Gandalf, still holding forward his staff continues to move closer to Theoden as he says, “You did not kill me......you will not kill him.”
“Rohan is mine.” Theoden says and I grit my teeth. 
“Be gone.” Gandalf says as suddenly Théoden jumps from his throne, lunging at him.  Gandalf thrusts him back with his staff. Théoden slumps forward and the maiden Aragorn was holding rushes to stop him from falling. Théoden’s face slowly changes.  His hair and beard shorten, and his face becomes younger.  His eyes clear. He looks at The maiden quizzically as he says, “I know your face. Eowyn. Eowyn.” She cries with happiness and he looks round at everyone, and sees Gandalf in front of him, “Gandalf?”
“Breathe the free air again, my friend.” Gandalf says as his posture relaxes. Théoden stands up shakily as he says rubbing his fingers against his palms as if to wake them, “Dark have been my dreams of late.” 
“Your fingers would remember their old strength better......if they grasped your sword.” Gandalf says as he moves out of the way allowing the lead guard to step forward and offer him his sword.  He takes it and lifts it up in front of him.  He looks at it wonderingly as everyone smiles.  Then he seems to remember something, and turns his gaze to Grima who is still being held on the floor by Gimli.
Grima is thrown out of the Hall, and falls down the stairs. Théoden walks falteringly down the stairs after him, “I've only......ever served you, my lord.” Grima says as he crawls backwards on his hands. I watch as Théoden continues to advance on him as he says, “Your leechcraft would have had me crawling on all fours like a beast!” 
“Send me not from your sight.” Grima says begging for his life. Théoden raises his sword above Grima's head, as if to kill him. Aragorn rushes forward and holds his hands to stop him, “No, my lord! No, my lord. Let him go. Enough blood has been spilt on his account.” Aragorn says and I grit my teeth as I know exactly where he would be going and what he would tell him.
Aragorn offers Grima a hand, but he just spits on it and scrambles to his feet, pushing past the people yelling out, “Get out of my way!” The lead guard cries out, “Hail, Théoden King!”  and the  people in the city kneel before Théoden.  Those from the Great Hall do the same as Aragorn's kneels at Théoden’s side.  I watch with knowing eyes as Grima rides out of Edoras. Théoden turns back to the Golden Hall and looks at everyone as he silently asks, “Where is Theodred? Where is my son?”
I find a place away from everyone as I watch the funeral progression for Theodred. I didn’t know him but I had read about him, which made me equally sad. I watch from the top of the Great Hall staircase as Gandalf and Théoden talk. My heart clenches at the sudden memory of Boromir’s death. Suddenly I glance over to see a lone horse riding towards us. 
All the sudden one of the riders fall off and I quickly run out to them pulling the young boy into my arms I glance at the scared little girl and say, “Tis alright, I will not hurt you.” She nods and carrying the young boy I lead the horse into the city where Eowyn quickly runs over to help. “Bring them inside,” she says and I nod. In the Golden Hall the children are eating ravenously, as Eowyn sits with them. “They had no warning. They were unarmed. Now the Wild Men are moving through the Westfold, burning as they go. Rick, cot and tree.” She looks to all there, Gandalf, Theoden, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, and I.
“Where is Mama?” The little girl cries out and I instantly remember her from the books. I smile as I lean down in front of her and says, “Hello little one, what may I ask is your name?” 
My smile grows as I say, “My little Freda do not fear you shall be with your mother again. Now you must be strong for the road ahead is going to be a harsh one. Can you do that for me?” The little girl nods and I watch as Eowyn wraps a blanket round her.
“This is but a taste of the terror that Saruman will unleash. All the more potent for he is driven now by fear of Sauron. Ride out and meet him head on. Draw him away from your women and children. You must fight.” Gandalf says and I nod at the King in agreement. “You have 2000 good men riding north as we speak. Eomer is loyal to you. His men will return and fight for their king.” Aragorn says as he stands a few feet from me. 
Theoden stands from his seat as he says, “They will be 300 leagues from here by now. Eomer cannot help us. I know what it is you want of me......but I will not bring further death to my people. I will not risk open war.”
Aragorn takes a puff from his pipe before saying, “Open war is upon you, whether you would risk it or not.” 
“When last I looked......Theoden, not Aragorn, was King of Rohan.” Théoden says slightly angered. Suddenly Gimli who is eating and drinking burps loudly and looks embarrassed making me giggle under my breath. “Then what is the king's decision?” Gandalf says staring at Théoden. Outside the Golden Hall, Hama stands amongst the people of Rohan and calls out, “By order of the king......the city must empty. We make for the refuge of Helm's Deep.”
Gandalf walks through the people gathering their belongings followed by Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, and I; a look of pure annoyance clear on his face as Hama continues saying, “Do not burden yourself with treasures. Take only what provisions you need.” 
“Helm's Deep.” Gandalf says unable to hide his annoyance any longer. “They flee to the mountains when they should stand and fight. Who will defend them if not their king?” Gimli says and I glance at Aragorn. “He's only doing what he thinks is best for his people. Helm's Deep has saved them in the past.”  Aragorn says as we walk into the stables.
“There is no way out of that ravine. Theoden is walking into a trap. He thinks he's leading them to safety. What they will get is a massacre. Theoden has a strong will, but I fear for him. I fear for the survival of Rohan.” Gandalf says before he turns to face Aragorn, “He will need you before the end, Aragorn. The people of Rohan will need you. The defenses have to hold.”
“They will hold.” Aragorn replies and I nod in agreement.
“The Grey Pilgrim. That's what they used to call me. Three hundred lives of Men I've walked this earth, and now I have no time. With luck, my search will not be in vain.” Gandalf says as he mounts Shadowfax and Aragorn stands aside, “Look to my coming at first light on the fifth day. At dawn, look to the east.” Aragorn nods and I quickly grab my father’s leg as I say, “And what of me? Do I remain here or go with you?” He glances at me lovingly before he says, “You must remain with Aragorn,” I nod quickly before Gandalf rides off out of the stables leaving me to stare off after him.  
“Are you alright?” Aragorn asks and I slowly look toward him as I say, “I am, I just don’t know what I am supposed to do anymore.” He is about to reply when two men holding a horse on either side with ropes enter, the horse is rearing and clearly upset. Aragorn walks up to the distressed horse and I follow closely behind him. “That horse is half mad, my lord. There's nothing you can do. Leave him.” The Rohan stableman says as he looks at the horse with disgust. Ignoring him Aragorn walks up to the horse and says, “Fæste, stille nú, fæste, stille nú. Lac is drefed, gefrægon.” (Fast, be quiet now, fast, be quiet now. A battle is stirred up, they heard.)
The horse calms a bit.  Aragorn takes away one of the ropes and strokes him as he continues saying, “Hwæt nemnað ðe? Hm? Hwæt nemnað ðe?” (What is your name?'Hm? What is your name?) 
“His name is Brego. He was my cousin's horse.” I hear a woman say and I turn to see Eowyn standing a few feet away tending to a grey mare. 
“Brego. Ðin nama is cynglic.” (Brego? Your name is kingly.) Eowyn walks towards us as Aragorn continues to talk to the horse and calms him down, “Man le trasta, Brego? Man cenich?” (What troubles you, Brego? What did you see?) 
“I have heard of the magic of Elves......but I did not look for it in a Ranger from the North. You speak as one of their own.” She says and I glance over to see the look of fondness in her eyes. “I was raised in Rivendell......for a time. Turn this fellow free. He's seen enough of war.” He takes his saddle and leaves Eowyn with Brego.
He grabs my arm and pulls me over to where his chestnut stallion was waiting patiently for us. “You know she likes you right?” I ask as I gently pet the horse’s soft neck. He glances at me with a look that says don’t go there and I smile as I say, “What you’re allowed to comment on my relationship thing with Legolas and I can’t make a point?” He raises and eyebrow as he says, “You are Arwen’s aunt, yet you are still curious?” I give him a sarcastic look as I say, “I may be her aunt but I am also your friend and you my friend are like a brother to me. Therefore I will ask,”
He smiles as he says, “If only my parents had been brave enough to have another child I bet she would have been like you.” 
“You bet your ass she would.” He laughs and I feel a grin cover my lips. 
Suddenly Boromir’s face appears in my mind making my clench my jaw and look away from him. “You are not alright,” he says as he gently takes my hand and says, “Share your troubles with me.” I look back at him and try not to cry as I say, “I see his face every time I close my eyes,” 
“No Boromirs, It’s my fault he’s dead. I could have saved him but I-” Aragorn pulls me to his chest as he says, “It is not your fault Boromir fell. Before he drifted into death he said that he was fond of you, even though you were an elf and the daughter of Sauron.”
I quickly push myself away from him as I say anger in my voice, “He is not my father! God, the next time someone says that I swear to God I will kick him in the jewels!” 
“You are not his child?” 
“No! I’m Ga-” I pause before I let out the name of my father. 
“Your father is whom?” I sigh as I say, “You cannot tell a soul, promise me that Aragorn.” I say as my eyes plead with him. 
“I promise,” he says his hands reaching up and gently resting on my shoulders. “Gandalf is my father.” I say and I watch as his eyes widen. “Gandalf?” He asks and I nod, “That is why I asked him if he wanted me to go with him or remain here.” 
“Then why did the Orcs say you were Sauron’s child?” I groan out as I say, “Because for some reason Sauron has the creepy fascination with me, he claims he’s my father although he admits he wasn’t there when my parents you know, did the dirty.”
Aragorn tilts his head in confusion and I sigh as I say, “See I was just as confused as you are now. All I know is that he wants me for something but I will never go to him.” He nods as he says, “I have faith that you will honor your promise.” I smile as I gently lean my head against the horse’s neck and say, “Did he really say he was fond of me?” Aragorn smiles and as he finishes the final strap on the saddle says, “Yes, he said you fought bravely to protect him and the Hobbits. He was very proud to have called you his friend.” 
A tear silently falls from my eye as he finishes saying, “As am I.” I smile up at him as he leans over and gently places a kiss on my forehead. I wrap my arms around him as I say, “You are a great friend Aragorn.” He then pulls away and climbing on top of his horse holds his hand out to me. Smiling brightly I take it and let him pull me up behind him.
“Wait does Legolas think I am Sauron’s daughter?” I ask the sudden realization hitting me like a wrecking ball. Aragorn gently nods and I groan in annoyance, “Dammit!” I say as I silently remember to tell him the truth once we are alone. As we leave the stables and ride up to the Great Hall I look out the main gate to see the people of Edoras leaving the city. “Wait here, I’ll be right back.” Aragorn say as he climbs down off the horse leaving me there to twiddle my thumbs.
I look around me as I wait patiently to see Legolas emerge from the stables leading his grey mare with Gimli walking close behind. Biting my lip I jump into the saddle and grabbing the reins usher the stallion over to them.
When I reach them I see Gimli turn and a smile covers his face as he says, “Hello princess,” 
“Hey Gimli can I speak to Legolas for a moment?” I ask but before he has a chance to reply Legolas says, “There is nothing to discuss.” 
I stare at him for a moment before I say, “You’re just not going to talk to me?” 
“That is correct.” I grit my teeth as my grip tightens on the reins and say, “Fine two can play at that game.” I quickly lead my horse away not even bothering to glance back at him.
When I arrive back at the Great Hall I see Aragorn walking out to me and I slowly slide of the back of the horse and say as I hand him the reins, “Here, I need some space. I’ll help Eowyn and the people carry their belongings.” He stares at me confused for a moment before giving me a slight nod. 
I walk back up the stairs of the Great Hall and seeing Eowyn say, “Is there anything I can help you with?” She shakes her head as she says, “I believe we have it all, but I could use the company if you wouldn’t mind?” I smile as I say, “It would be an honor, especially since the only company I’ve had for months has been that of men.” She smiles and the two of us head off through the gates. 
The people of Edoras are seen leaving the through the city gates led by Théoden and his guards, with Legolas, Gimli and Aragorn.  Théoden pauses to look back at Edoras, then rides off.
Will Continue in - Helms Deep
@talknerdytome25 @renner-hawkeyeloves​r @jotink78 
If you wish to be tagged please let me know so i can add it to my stickynotes
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ladyideal · 4 years
Pairing: Daddy!Eomer x reader
Word Count: 1652
Warnings: mention of small injury, fluff
Summary: Requested by @asraime. just Eomer and his daughter spending time together and getting into slight mischief.
A/N: Okay, I know I lied that Bones will be up today, but I wanted to write for another Karl Urban character. he does them all sooo well, and Eomer is one of my favorites from him. 
If anyone could call Eomer, they would realize he had many titles. He was a nephew, a cousin, a lord of the mark, the third marshal, a king, a husband, and lastly, a father. He was a father to not just one, but two.
A son.
And a daughter to spoil.
Life as a princess of Rohan was fun, bright, but absolutely still recovering from the war. There was still lingering evidence of families struggling to keep themselves afloat. It had only made both your parents, especially your father, busier than normal. 
This time, he had friends, not enemies. 
Peace, not war.
So it only came as a shock, when your brother, Elfwine, confided to you in secret, that he was not interested in the throne. Swords and shields, bows and arrows, were the way of the land, and that's how he would rather rule, instead of on a throne. 
You swore you would never tell.
Eventually, your brother announced his thoughts a few weeks later, over dinner, leading to a many very heated arguments that had you eventually excused yourself from. Sure, you had gone with your father whenever he took diplomatic trips, but it was never in your future to be the crowned heir. You were just curious of Gondor, and the hobbits at the Shire.
Till now. 
Another year went by before Eomer agreed to the changes. His firstborn abdicated, and would take on the title of the next Marshal, while the younger of his kids would become the next ruling Queen.
Which meant only one thing: More work and lessons.
You were expected to attend meetings, attend diplomatic parties, attend the trips to various different parts of Rohan as the country returned to its former glory after the costly war. For the most part, you shouldered the weight of it all with a brave smile to the public, showing no evidence of the late night anxiety when you would cling to Eomer in shoulder wrecking sobs.
It was too much and not enough at times. There were times during the harder weeks that you wanted to ride your horse, Astra, out of Rohan and never look back. Yet there were times, all you wanted to do was to take on more projects, and exhaust yourself in the name of having your people live a better life. 
You had tried it once. After a frustrating morning with the financial adviser, you had taken your horse out for a ride into the countryside, and away from all the commotion. There, you spent the rest of the day, on your own and with your thoughts. It was evening before you decided that it was time to head home.
It wasn't your mother's furious tone, nor the disappointment in her words as she berated you for being so reckless, that swayed you to be more careful in the future. What did convince you was the brief look of fear within Eomer's eyes you'd seen when you returned, and was your first time that you'd ever seen such a response from your Father.
It broke your heart into pieces when he pulled you into his arms, crying into your shoulder that he was sorry about putting everything onto your shoulder all at once. It should've been you that apologized, not him. You realized then, that it wasn't because you were crown or his heir, you were family and he'd lost many during his early years.
A knock came at your door. 
You looked up from your notes, noticing that the sun was dipping below the horizon, sparkling the sky above with a prism of a breathtaking rainbow. 
The door opened, revealing Eomer looking concerned for you. 
"Hi dad," You greeted, brightening up as he crossed the threshold into your room. His eyes studied your barely concealed black circles, and an everlasting look of exhaustion that never seemed to fade away.
"Y/N," Eomer greeted, gently squeezing you in a brief hug. "Why don't we take our dinner out to our spot? The sunset is beautiful today."
Not wanting to let the chance fly by, you immediately agreed. Before long, your father was on Firefoot, and you on Astra with a picnic basket in hand. A couple guards came along, but fell behind in an effort to keep privacy between father and daughter.
It was supposedly a spot he'd found back when he was just the nephew to the late King Theoden, and a newly Third Marshal of the Rohirrim. His wife knew of the spot, but pretended to play ignorance on not knowing where the place was.
"Were you ever ready to become King?" You asked after settling down against a lone tree upon the hill. It overlooked Edoras, and the multitude of huts surrounding the hill fort that served as the center of power for Rohan. The view was breathtaking, and wonderfully scenic, and absolutely your spot to spend precious time with your dad.
"No. Uncle Theoden had Theodred to be first in line," Your dad spoke, taking out the items within the basket. "He was killed at the Fords of Isen though. Uncle never got to speak with his son before Theodred passed."
It was barely even considered history, given what had happened wasn't so long with the war of the ring. A good majority of the people had gone through the horrors of war, of blood, and of death. All capable men were to take up arms.
It was a grisly war, one that was still fully engraved in your father's mind for the rest of his life. For many people throughout the Middle Earth, the same sentiments could be felt throughout the land.
"Do you think it'll happen again?" You asked, starting on your light dinner. "Y'know the whole ring and everything?"
Eomer barked out a laugh. "We'll be ready if something like this happens again," He spoke, gazing down at the capital of Rohan. "Your old man's not ready to lay down his sword just yet. Even if something happens after my time has gone, I hope you and your brother will remember that, in times of need, you have friends to rely on in Gondor, at the Shire, and across Middle Earth. No matter what happens, hope is never lost."
"You think so?"
"I know so," He reached forward to gently squeeze the dimples that you had inherited from him.
"Dad!" You complained half heartedly, squealing out of his grasp. With a slight grin, he returned to the food in front. 
"Did you sprain your wrist again?" He asked, after a moment of content silence. "How?"
You nodded slowly. "Fell off. Again."
Your father let out a labored sigh. "Don't let your mother hear of this later. We can stop by the healers, and get that wrapped up before it gets worse," he grumbled into his food. "Or I'll never hear the end from her."
You laughed, but sobered up immediately at his pointed glare. "Mom's going to find out sooner or later."
Eomer grumbled wordlessly, but continued eating what's left of the small dinner. As the sun went down below the horizon, your horses were untethered for the short ride back home.
"Can I tell you something dad?" You asked, hauling yourself back onto the saddle with practiced ease. 
"Of course, my love. You can tell me anything," Your dad pulled Firefoot close to yours, eyeing you and raising his eyebrow in question. It wasn't until you were halfway back home till you spoke up again.
"What if I do something wrong? Or even say something wrong?" You asked, chewing on your bottom lip anxiously. "I'm afraid of not getting things right."
"Y/N, listen to me," He spoke. "You might not get everything right, but what you stand up for, and what your intentions are, are worth much more than words alone. We are in the service of the Rohirrim, not them to us. It is because of them that we are here today."
"Were you scared when you became King?"
"Terrified," Your dad spoke, looking forward as the stables grew nearer. "I did what I thought was right, and listened to the people."
You lapsed into silence for the rest of the trip home, only grumbling in pain when you couldn't swing yourself down your horse and needed help. Once Eomer settled you down on your feet, he took your non injured hand in his. 
"Let's get that wrapped up, shall we?"
After having the wrist prodded, checked, and wrapped, you departed from the healers with your father in tow with a sheepish grin.
"Do you think Mother will-?" You stopped short as you caught a familiar figure standing in front of the hallway towards your room. From behind, you heard your father audibly groan.
"So this is where my daughter and husband have disappeared to for the last few hours," Your mother spoke disapprovingly, arms still crossed against her chest with a rather upset look.
"Hi mom," You greeted quietly, slightly shrinking under her glare. If you didn't stop her at this pass, she would never be stopped.
"Why are you hiding your wrist, Y/N?" Her eyes narrowed at your half hiddened wrist. "Did you fall off your horse again? For Valar's sake, Eomer, when will you stop bringing her outside of safety and hurting our child? And when will you be more careful, Y/N? This isn't the first time anymore!"
"Mooooom," you whined.
"And where do you think you're sneaking off to, Eomer?" She snapped. 
"My love, I've still-."
But even he as king, couldn't avoid the wrath of his wife and queen. 
"Oh no you don't. You got her into this mess, now you're getting her out."
You and your father groaned, but with a nod, escorted you back to your room. Thankfully, you had a loving father and King ready to help you every step of the way. 
Permanent Tags: @mournthewicked @asraime @mournthewicked (Taglist is open!)
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dalleyan · 4 years
Tutelage  (Ch 2 of LoTR story posted, 9-9-20)
Lothiriel happily lived her life vicariously through her reading, but then she met Eomer of Rohan, and found not everything was contained in her beloved books. [Complete in 7 chapters.]
 Chapter 2
(17 Jul, 3019 III)
The next day proved rather quiet. Her father was in various meetings, and her brothers had wandered off who knew where.  She did not mind particularly as it gave her an opportunity to return to the library, and continue making her notes about Rohan. Supper was a subdued affair at home, though their cousin, Faramir, joined them and spent the evening telling them much of his lady.  The rest of her family had met Eowyn briefly, and knew something of her personally, but as she was not returning to Minas Tirith with her brother to retrieve Theoden’s body, Lothiriel would have to wait until they reached Edoras to see the woman for herself.  Faramir had remained unmarried for so long that she was most eager to meet the woman who could capture his heart, particularly since said woman seemed so remarkable.  A woman riding into battle disguised as a man!  She had never heard of such a thing, but oh the tales the woman could likely tell her.  She hoped Eowyn proved to be as agreeable as Faramir and the others deemed her, for she had many questions to ask.
She was fortunate that she had exhausted the library’s information on Rohan that day, because the next day proved too busy for her to slip away.  Her family kept her occupied most of the morning and then, not long after the noon meal, the Rohirrim were due to arrive.  Many in the city were eager to witness their return, and she was looking forward to watching them from the walls.  Perhaps it would be a little like it had been when they rode into view on that fateful morning in March, coming to aid the White City and vanquish the enemy. As soon as the noon-day meal ended, she hurried off to find a good spot on the wall before all the best places were taken.  She had induced Amrothos to join her, though he was not nearly so fascinated by the event as she. 
“Will they blow their horns, do you think?” she asked, scanning the horizon.
Her brother chuckled.  “I should doubt it.  Perhaps once to announce their arrival when they are fairly close, but they are not leading a charge, Lothiriel!  How you do let your imagination run away with you!”
“I understand they sing when they ride into battle.  Did you get to hear them?” she queried, ignoring his admonishment.
Sighing resignedly, he nodded. “Yes, I heard them.  It was a marvelous thing to behold.  All the horns in the host were lifted up in music, and the blowing of the horns of Rohan in that hour was like a storm upon the plain and a thunder in the mountains.  They began to ride forward as the dawn broke, and the enemy was clearly alarmed at the sight. Then all the host of Rohan burst into song, and they sang as they slew, and the sound of their singing was both fair and terrible.  It could even be heard in the City.  Orcs were flying towards the River like herds before the hunters; and the Rohirrim went hither and thither destroying them.  But they had not yet overthrown the siege, nor won the Gate.”  He fell silent and then blinked as though coming out of a dream, giving his sister a rueful grin.  “You catch us all up in your imaginings, Lothiriel!” he commented with slight embarrassment.
Lothiriel eyed him with a raised brow of surprise.  His words had almost been poetic as he described the scene, but they seemed oh so fitting to what she thought it must have been like.  Just then, both were distracted as a horn blew in the distance, and one replied from Ecthelion’s tower.  “They are here,” Amrothos told her quietly, turning to look over the Pelennor. After a moment, he pointed. “There.”
continue reading on AO3:
 [Can’t believe I was actually able to post on Tumblr.  Not holding my breath that it will continue to be the case, but I’ll take what I can get.]
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blankdblank · 5 years
Secret Scarves Pt 27
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Pt 1 - Pt 1a - Pt 1b - Pt 1c - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 - Pt 6 - Pt 7 - Pt 8 - Pt 9 - Pt 10 - Pt 11 - Pt 12 -
Pt 13 - Pt 14 - Pt 15 - Pt 16 - Pt 17 - Pt 18 - Pt 19 - Pt 20 - Pt 21 - Pt 22 - Pt 23 - Pt 24 - Pt 25 - Pt 26 -
Tags –
@himoverflowers, @theincaprincess, @aspiringtranslator, @sweeticedtea, @ggbbhehe4455, @thegreyberet, @patanghill17, @jesgisborne, @curvestrology, @alishlieb, @jogregor, @admirationofarmitage, @fizzyxcustard, @here2have-fun, @lilith15000, @marvels-ghost, @catthefearless,  @abiwim, @jotink78, @c-s-stars,  @sweetlytenacious25, @tigereyesf,  @evyiione, @deepestfirefun, @queenoferebor
“He’s cheating on you you know.” The snarky comment came from a blonde as you walked into Thranduil’s class drawing a defeated sigh from the Professor.
In a playful giggling tone you asked, “Really? Can’t imagine how he’d have the time.”
Thranduil’s eyes shifted to you as she raised a brow, “I have it on good authority your boyfriend and Professor Greenleaf are having an affair. Where is your Son?”
A giggle came from you, “Again, highly doubtful. My Brother is home with my Cousin.”
Her brows tightened and she crossed her arms saying, “They spent the weekend up at the Ski Resorts up in Moria.”
You giggled again as Fili and Kili joined your sides as you said, “It’s supposed to be a surprise for my Brother. Frerin promised to send me pictures, wanted to take Jax to the Mountains.”
Her lips parted and she pulled out her phone and relayed the message as you turned flashing Thranduil a subtle wink he tried not to show his pleased smirk as he planted his chin in his hand, leaning forward onto his podium watching you trot up to your seat. 
In a deep inhale he rose again to start his lesson, ignoring the pings of phones in his classroom lasting the rest of the day. With Dwalin and Thorin’s classes over and them on their way to read through the set of essays that had been due you smirked parking in your spot and made your way up to your apartment. Collapsed on the couch Frerin had his notes for his Wednesday lesson, a shift of his foot when you passed by the end of the couch it was propped up on as he flipped the page.
In a teasing tone you said, “You little hussy.”
In a shift of his notebook his eyes met yours with an amused raised brow, “What exactly have I done now?”
His eyes watched as you climbed over his leg and sat with your legs crossed over his middle earning an amused smirk from him, “Dew Drop called Thorin Warthog, now half the school is saying he called him Sweet Cheeks.”
“And?” He set his notebook on his chest propping an arm behind his head.
“A Cousin of one of the girls at school spotted Dew Drop and Thorin on the ride back to the jet, I was asleep in the back.”
“Ah, so it’s me and Thran. Not the worst rumor about us, jetting off to the mountains.”
You rolled your eyes, “They wouldn’t let up so I said I asked for pictures for a trip for Jax.”
Making him smirk again, his arm shifted to grip your legs and give them a gentle pat, “So, why the snuggling?”
“I, have a favor to ask.”
His brow twitched up again through a smirk, “Let me guess, no flirting with Thran to make things worse?”
You shook your head, “No. It um, it’s a bit strange but please hear me out.”
He nodded, “Of course. I’m listening.”
After a glance at your clasped hands on your lap you met his eye again, “You live and work in Moria, and I have a Cousin. She just got out of a bad divorce and got a job in a Museum out there.” He nodded again, “Thing is, there’s a gala, and her ex is going to be there and she’s required to go too.”
Frerin, “She needs a chaperone. When?”
“Two weeks. I know it’s strange..”
“It’s not. I understand. So does she know she’s being set up?”
“She asked if I knew anyone. At first I thought Boromir might be able to go but he’s got to focus on some projects coming out soon and he’s busy, I doubt Dwalin would be up for it..”
“You’d be wrong with that, why me? Worried Thran and Thorin would fall for her?”
With a nip at your lip you pulled out your phone and found her picture you showed to him, “Teanna.” Shifting his eyes to the picture his lips parted at your blonde haired counterpart beside you on a park bench with one silvery blue eye and the other a pale lilac with a toddler in her arms identical to her, “And her Daughter Aletta.”
He looked you over curiously, “You look like twins mostly.”
“We look like our Gran, you should see her Mom, could pass for mine too.” His eyes scanned over your face, “Thankfully Jax and I took after Gran not our Parents. Will you? Thorin mentioned you live near Falcon square, a few blocks from her job, you look after me, I thought maybe you could be friends, keep an eye on her too possibly when you get tired of playing my beard.”
An easy smile spread on his face moving the notebook to the floor as he sat up wrapping his arms around you pulling you to lay at his side making you giggle and rest your head on his shoulder, “I am never going to get tired of protecting you. Does she have a place to stay?”
“She’s got a list she’s combing through.”
He nodded, “Send her a message, she can stay at mine.” Your chin rested on his arm and he turned his head to catch your eye, “It’s a huge duplex, three spare rooms, great security, plus, until I’m done out here it would save Balin from having to check in on the place. When does she move, I can help her.”
“Couple days, Faramir’s helped her pack the essentials it’s being shipped out for her.”
“Faramir? How well do you know him? Boromir doesn’t talk about his Brother much.”
You sighed laying your head down again making him peer at you curiously, “After my Parents died I sort of caused a fight between them. He’s not a bad guy, it just, we were young and it was stupid. Just, hurt feelings and over protective Boromir.”
“Well, whenever Teanna is going to move let me know, I’ll help her get settled and show her around.”
“Thank you.”
He let out a deep chuckle as you reached over him claiming his notebook to give it a peek, “No need, I’m certain we’re all curious to meet your Cousin Teanna and little Aletta.” His smirk grew as he eyed you flipping the page on his notes, “Besides, at least now we know what you’d look like as a blonde.” Making you giggle and roll your eyes, “She’s your age?”
“25. Married young.”
He nodded tightening his grip across your back, “I’ll keep her safe.”
“I know.” He claimed his notebook and started to read through his notes with you, thankful you helped him set up his lesson. For the rest of the day you snuggled at his side leaving him to curl around you, even when he carried you to your bed. A firm grip on his arm led him to climb in behind you keeping his hold on you after your mumbled broken sentence about nightmares if you slept alone. Morning came and he left you to get ready in his own room as you did the same in yours, after the breakfast he made for you his smile inched back after hearing your explanation of it having been your Mother’s birthday. The day inched on and through to the end of school Frerin stayed by you until he joined Thorin and Dwalin out to a family dinner while Thranduil went to join Legolas at a dinner with Troy and Tallie. Their main reason for leaving you alone was the papers you had to finish for the next week.
Back in the apartment Frerin led Thorin inside making them glance around curiously for any sight of you. Their only clue was a note for Frerin taped up by the front light switch of your being called to help a family member and you’d be back as soon as you could manage. With a sigh Thorin tried to call and message without any luck, getting only messages your phone was out of service. Anxiously he stayed the night hoping to catch you in the morning only to have to head home, change and then race off to school. But through the day even Theoden, who was on his usual day off, was absent leaving them no clues where you could be when you had neglected to show up at all.
All the way until a group dinner was missed by you at Thranduil’s by all but Frerin, who had taken his usual collapsed position across his bed after the long day. Quietly he laid on the bed worrying about where you could be, at least until he looked at his chiming phone reading your message, “Could you help me carry something up?” In a race down to the parking lot he flew then froze when he saw what you needed help carrying.
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… Earlier that day …
A few hours before sunrise your eyes narrowed as you focused on your phone screen catching Faramir’s name pop up. Curiously you raised it to your ear, “Faramir?”
Through the line a pained breath was heard, “Hey Squeaky. I need a hand.”
Sitting up in bed you asked, “What’s wrong?”
Through the line you heard a muffled hospital announcement as he filled you in to where he was bringing you to your feet to tug on your jeans over your shorts. Socks, sneakers and a sweater were added quickly and you filled your pockets on your path out to your sub. A short drive later you were on a last minute flight out to Gondor. One cab drive later you were racing through the hospital up to the small private room with Teanna sleeping in the window bench with Aletta on her chest as Faramir inched up on the bed.
A soft smile flinched onto his face as you closed the door and moved to sit on the edge of the bed. “Hey Squeaky.”
“You ok?
He nodded, “Yes. Bit worse for wear, but I’ll mend. Thank you for not telling Boromir or Father.”
You shook your head as his hand folded around yours on your lap with a sentimental glimmer in his eyes. “Dormo did this? I can’t believe you went after him, he’s massive.”
He nodded, “Good news is, he won’t be doing it again.” Your brow inched up, “Thought he might drop by, he had one of his assistants watching the house when we packed up. Let her stay at Hamma’s with his Brothers staying up while I crashed at hers to keep an eye on it until the keys were passed off to the realtor. Car pulled up, door was kicked in, cops called. I ducked and Dormo started swinging at the cops, assaulting and attempted murder on an officer will certainly make the charges stick this time.”
With a nod you glanced from his hand then shifted on the bed meeting his eye to say, “I can’t thank you-. After how I ruined things.”
“You asked me out.”
“You didn’t feel the same.”
He cut you off, “I was an idiot.” Your lips parted, “Growing up, I was a jealous idiot and I hurt you. I couldn’t handle not being able to be there for you how Boromir was. I spent years away without being able to help you hide. It was excruciating to see you in pain, and I made things worse. I understand that, and it’s so painful knowing that I hurt you and that it’s taken this long and this for me to get a few moments alone with you to say it.”
“I wanted to go with you, to the film. But all my life that far I was always second to Boromir, and you loved him, and I hated it. I didn’t want you to settle for me.”
“I wasn’t-..”
His hand patted yours, “I know you liked me, but you loved Boromir as badly as I loved you.” Your voice caught in your throat as the tear streaming down your cheek mirrored his, “Everyone loves him, who he is, just like you. Everyone loves you, can’t help it. I am sorry, I should have gone with you, should have just taken my chance, helped you see I could have loved you more than he ever could.” After a pausing chuckle he said, “None of this is your fault, mine entirely, and, I do thank you for trusting me with this.”
You nodded and his eyes scanned over your muddled expression as your mind raced, he asked, “How are you on that front? With Boromir?” You drew in a breath and he let out another weak chuckle as another tear streamed down his cheek after one slid down yours, “It’s ok. It’s a hard love to let go of. You love, and love and let it tear you apart. It shows, even to the point it terrifies you to even say it. I know, I’m the same way.” His eyes scanned over yours with a loving gaze, “I heard through Eowyn you’ve two boyfriends and a toy on the side until May, Squeaky.”
With a weak chuckle you brushed your cheek on your sweater coated shoulder, “It’s a bit strange. Still a bit rough on relationships.”
His eyes scanned over your courting ring before his hand rose to brush your hair back exposing your earring, “They have good taste. I am glad they are taking care of you.” His fingers lowered to wipe your other cheek dry, “What about the boy toy? Hear he’s blonde.”
Making you smirk, “Fili, he um.” Another tear rolled down your cheek he brushed away with his thumb, your voice wavered out, “He’s supposed to be my beard till May, but, I think he really cares about me.”
Faramir nodded and sat up with a pained groan settling his hand on your cheek stirring another set of tears from you as your lip quivered, “He loves you Squeaky. No doubt about that.” You nodded and tried to look down only to have him raise your chin again, “Don’t look down. The Moon turns away from no one, she shines-,”
“Bright and wild enough to enamor those free.”
He smiled wiping your cheek again, “Boromir’s always been the Sun, and you’ve always been the Moon. As hard as it is, no matter who, or how many you choose, the choice is yours. If you feel the same your boyfriends will agree to it, they clearly love you.” Your eyes scanned over him in a curiously pained glance, “No matter what, if you need me I’ll be there. It’ll blow over with Father, you’ll see, good things are coming for us.”
“Careful there, you might start rumors on moving the wedding up.” After a pause your lips parted to ask, “You’re moving it up?” he nodded and you whispered, “Babies?”
He nodded with a weak chuckle, “Babies. We certainly need more babies to bring us all together again.”
“When can I get you out of here?”
He smiled and kissed you on the cheek when you turned your head to look at the Doctor entering with the discharge papers and instructions for the stitches on his arm. In your path out to the waiting car Hamma had brought their things in, you shouldered most of his weight and giggled softly at Faramir’s mumbled comment, “Eowyn’s going to hate me for taking her out to the beaches coated in bruises. Wanted one last trip before it shows.”
“I’m certain she’ll understand.” You replied as you helped him in the back seat beside the car seat Aletta was being buckled into before Teanna took the front seat beside you in the middle seat beside Hamma for the ride to the airport. A short flight later you were back at your sub where Teanna was pleased you already had a car seat. With an anxious smile she looked out over the area on the path to your apartment, that made her smile wider when you pulled in and parked as she dialed Frerin’s number for you admiring his picture.
Bursting through the doors Frerin froze in place staring at the blondes beside you with bags on Teanna’s back while you helped Faramir to his feet. His groaning slumped halfway conscious figure drooped to your shoulder then was shifted to Frerin’s when he went to your side as you said, “Frerin, thank you, Faramir here is ready to drop.”
Firmly Frerin gripped him draping him across his shoulders and claimed two bags while you grabbed the last two, locked your car and guided them up as Frerin glanced at Teanna when she peered up at him curiously, he stated with a grin, “You must be Teanna.” His eyes scanned over Aletta affectionately, “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
She smiled wider making him chuckle anxiously before peering at Faramir in his pained grumble, “When can I get down?”
You patted his thigh, “Couple minutes, nearly there Fay.”
Frerin glanced at you asking, “What happened? You took off, no word now Baby Brother’s all battered and bruised?”
Teanna answered drawing his eye, “My ex got the restraining order last week, his assistants have been watching me. Saw me packing, Fay let me stay at his friend’s and he kept an eye on the house so it didn’t get trashed. He kicked in the door, we got a call from the hospital.”
Frerin looked to you, “Why did he call you? Why not Boromir?”
Faramir, “Don’t call Bo! I’m fine!” He groaned again as he was carried through the front door.
Frerin smirked rumbling back, “You sure sound fine.” Faramir groaned again as he was carried into the living room to lay on the couch as Teanna went to lay down in Eomer’s room smiling to herself at Frerin’s wishing her good night with a spreading smile of his own that froze at his head turning back to you and your knowing brow rise. “What?”
You shook your head and set Faramir’s bags near him then covered him with a blanket saying, “Thank you. I’m going to go to bed.”
Faramir groaned as you pulled off his shoes helping him settle before Frerin shut off the lights softly saying, “Text your men, let them know you’re home.”
You nodded, “Thank you RinRin.” Making him chuckle to himself stealing another peak at Eomer’s closed bedroom door through the shifting of blankets sounding through the door.
In your shuffling out of the shower Frerin smirked eyeing the blonde in the kitchen in a baggy sweater and flannel pants then passed to the front door where he eyed the trio of Teachers alongside Boromir who walked through to the kitchen hoping to find you only to freeze when they spotted the blonde mess of curls on the head of the body facing away from them. Dwalin mumbled, “You’re blonde..”
In a curious turn Teanna grinned straight at Thorin, who blinked curiously as Thranduil’s eyes narrowed slightly taking in your doppelganger’s different colored eyes, “Frerin, how do you like your eggs?”
Over Thorin’s shoulder Frerin’s head popped into view making her lips part and glance between them as he replied, “Scrambled would be lovely, thank you.”
Boromir stepped closer to her around the island, “Teanna, what are you doing here?”
She tore her eyes from the Brothers as Frerin explained who she was to the teachers around him, “Dormo didn’t take the restraining order well.”
All eyes turned to her as Boromir asked, “Jaqi went to get you?”
She nodded only to have the men flinch at the loud thump and groan from the living room making them rush in to inspect. An audible gasp came from Boromir as he saw you in a tank top and jeans with still partially damp hair helping Faramir back onto the couch. With a weak chuckle he said, “Thanks Squeaky.”
You stepped back and Boromir sat beside his Brother looking him over, turning his bruised face asking, “What happened?”
Faramir swatted his hand away, “Oh come on. I can handle a few bruises and stitches.”
Boromir looked at you as you raised your damp towel from your shoulder to ruffle it through your hair some more, “Hey, I didn’t hit him.”
Boromir’s eyes narrowed and Dwalin stepped closer to you asking you, “You’re not hurt?”
You shook your head, smoothing your fingers through your hair as Thorin and Thranduil inched closer to you helping to untangle your hair and guide you to finish getting ready in your room through Frerin slipping into the kitchen to speak to Teanna as Boromir dug for what happened to Faramir. In your room a firm hand cupped your cheek as another rested around your side through Thorin’s fiery kiss soon followed by Thranduil after he picked a blouse for you to wear. Thorin then picked your shoes as Thranduil asked, “Why didn’t you message us? You’re gone a full day without any warning.”
“Sorry. It just happened out of the blue. I had to fly out, wait for him to be discharged then fly back again, forgot to charge my phone. I’m really sorry.”
With a set of sighs you were kissed and hugged by both of them, then pulled on your blouse and chosen heels claiming your bag on the way to breakfast where you eyed Teanna and her giggling conversation with Frerin that made Thorin lean in softly asking if you were alright with this, only to go silent as she eyed Faramir’s entrance with Aletta. The crying toddler was placed in her Mother’s arms when she left the table saying softly, “Ok, time to eat.” Heading for her room.
Curious glances came from around the table until you said, “She’s still weaning her off nursing.” Making them nod before you looked at Frerin asking, “You look cozy.”
Frerin smirked, “Getting to know my new tenant.”
You nodded, “Mhmm.” Making him send you a playful glare.
Thranduil, “Tenant?”
“Teanna got a new job at a museum in Moria.”
Frerin, “She needs a place to stay and Balin is growing tired of dropping in at mine. It’s large enough and has great security.”
Thorin, “And the flirting?”
Frerin glanced at you and you answered, “Mmm. That’s on me. I asked him to keep an eye out.”
Dwalin, “Why?”
Frerin, “I can be nice.” His eyes narrowed at them, “I live in Moria, she is moving to Moria, Jaqi’s family and we need to look out for family. Dis and Vili are there too, even they will be dropping in to bring her in closer in our circle and you know it.”
Faramir groaned reaching for another slice of toast then said, “Besides, he knows she just got out of a bad divorce, he wouldn’t dare have Jaqi come after him if he hurt her. You don’t want to be on the wrong end of that slap.” Making Frerin smirk in a glance at you.
Shortly after the doorbell rang making the lights flicker drawing you to your feet to answer it and claim Jax’ crashing hug before he smiled at Teanna and her Daughter that giggled when she saw him. Happily he climbed on Faramir’s lap enjoying his breakfast as you and the teachers all filed out into the hall leaving him with pecks on the forehead and Boromir stayed for a bit longer to speak with Faramir and take Jax to school. Climbing in your sub with you Thranduil and Thorin both looked at you and Thranduil asked, “You’re alright with Frerin flirting with her?”
You let out a sigh, “We were talking the other day. She needed a date to a gala for work, her ex was going to be there. Her ex beat her. She had to get a restraining order and fought to get full custody of Aletta. He is attractive,” You glanced at Thorin in the passenger seat, “Same way you are, he’s also protective same as you all. Couple days back he offered to let her stay at his place. I don’t know how it’s going to go but if she likes him she likes him, I can’t control that.”
Thranduil chuckled softly, “You never mentioned she looked so much like you.”
Thorin, “A warning would have been nice.”
You glanced at him raising a brow, “Oh, like you warning me about your identical Brother.”
Making him chuckle lowly, “Point taken.”
“We take after our Gran.”
Thranduil smiled leaning forward kissing your shoulder, “How long is she staying with you?”
“Depends on when Frerin can show her his place and we can help her move in. She does start work in a couple weeks, she just might want to hang out a few days with us first.”
Thorin chuckled, “I’m certain Frerin won’t mind.” With a smirk you pulled into the University parking lot and spotted Legolas who rushed over to claim a concerned hug the young Durins jumped in on wrapping you tightly in their arms as you explained what had happened. But it wasn’t until your lunch break that Teanna finished her walk with a stop in to share your break in classes stunning everyone who say you together, then stopped to speak with Theoden before heading back for another nap.
Pt 28
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