#there a buttons to take you literally to the start on mobile
stevieschrodinger · 2 months
Part One Two
“I’m really sorry,” Steve is saying before Eddie has the door fully open, but it makes Eddie smile. It feels like Steve has started saying ‘I’m sorry,’ instead of ‘hello’ as a matter of course.
It’s Sunday afternoon though, and Eddie isn’t cooking anything and Steve isn’t holding an empty plate, so Eddie has no clue what Steve could be sorry for this time.
“Could you come and help me with something? It’ll just take two moments.”
“Sure thing,” Eddie agrees easily, slipping on his adventure crocs and following Steve down the hall.
Eddie follows Steve into and then through his apartment into the small bedroom. It’s a two bed apartment, the same as Eddie’s. Eddie uses his spare room to store his guitars. He has a desk in there too; a place to write and paint his miniatures and do guitar maintenance.
It’s a nursery. It’s cute, animal themed. The ceiling is painted powder blue, which drops down onto the walls about a foot before ending in a neatly done scalloped edge. The walls are white, but have cloud shapes printed on them in the same blue. There are random tufts of painted grass popping up from the floor; some with flowers. The rocker and the other furniture, including crib and chest of drawers, are all painted the same green, and the blinds are green jungle, with elephants and big cats and monkeys hiding amongst the leaves. A lot of the soft things are yellow and white, and Eddie has not a fucking clue as to the sex of Steve’s pup, so he asks as much.
Steve smiles, “I don’t know. I didn’t want to know. I like surprises.”
“Huh. Well. I’m always the one shaking the gifts at Christmas, but I do love a surprise too. What did you need?”
“We have the fixings for the mobile there ready, but I clean forgot about it until now, and I’m too big to stretch up there. Didn’t do it at the time because we were moving furniture and I was frightened I’d break it.”
“Okay sure,” Eddie takes the dangly parts of the mobile; cute little moons and stars and sun shapes, and fixes it to the bit already attached to the ceiling. It’s nice, and easy to figure out, but it does hang low so he gets what Steve means.
He also sees why Steve can’t reach; he seems to have suddenly gotten even bigger over the last week, and he's also only been wearing these sort of loose shift dresses, like a blouse, a button up, and a tent had a horrendous love child.
He looks gorgeous though. Eddie always thought pregnancy must be pretty fucking miserable; your body betraying you almost. Needing to pee all the time, unreasonable hormones. Cravings. Morning sickness. Odd shit happening all over the place. Eddie always figured telling pregnant people that they’re ‘glowing’ was just a nice thing people said to make them feel better during what must be a pretty shitty nine months.
Not with Steve though. Steve’s actually glowing. Not like literally glowing but...he’s beautiful, and Eddie suddenly understands what all the fuss is about.
Steve clears his throat. Right. Right okay, Eddie’s creepy staring, “so I was going to make chicken parm again tonight, since I know you like it and it’s been a bit...do you maybe want to get out the apartment and come to another, slightly different, apartment?”
Steve laughs a little, looking at where his hands cradle his bump, before looking back up, cheeks pink, “I think I’d like that.”
Eddie’s laid the table as nice as he can. He snagged a little bunch of daisy looking things out of the garden and shoved them in a mug, just because he remembered Steve’s little daffodil.
He doesn’t own place mats, but he does dig out a table cloth he usually only uses for games night; it’s black, but it’s clean.
Steve settles himself at the table and Eddie goes and gets dinner, he can’t help but notice Steve shift in his seat, wincing.
“You okay?”
Steve hums, “been getting funny back pain, but it’s all normal. Could be anything really, just the weight of the baby, or maybe they are leaning on my sciatic nerve. It’s all fine. Nearly done now.”
Steve takes the first bite of his dinner and hums appreciatively. It makes Eddie warm inside, a little tickle of his brain releasing happy chemicals. Omega is being fed. Omega is safe and happy.
Eddie tells it to fuck off.
“So you’re due soon?” Which feels like he;s stating the obvious, Steve is the size of a tiny moon.
Eddie makes a noise, startled, then nearly chokes on a string of spaghetti, “excuse me,” he manages to get out, before drinking half his water, Steve looking half concerned and more than a little amused from the other side of the table. “Tomorrow?” Eddie asks weakly.
Steve nods, chewing and swallowing before he answers, “the due date is tomorrow, but it’s the norm really for first pups to go over that, even more normal with male Omega, don’t worry, it’s fine. Although it should be soon, I passed the mucus plug yesterday.”
Eddie nearly chokes again, “the what?” he tries his best not to sound too horrified.
“Oh. Sorry, you probably don't want to hear about the uhm, the kind of gross stuff.”
“No, no, of course it’s fine what is...uhm...that?” And Eddie is fully prepared to regret acquiring this cursed knowledge. He doesn’t even know what it is and he’s already eyeing his spaghetti sauce dubiously. For Steve though...he will learn about the gross stuff.
“Oh, well, when you’re pregnant you get sort of this...lump of...gacky stuff and blood. You don’t have periods when you’re pregnant usually, so it kind of protects everything from infection getting in and stuff like that.”
Eddie takes a deep breath and lets it out, blowing up his bangs, and makes himself eat his dinner normally, “fair enough, but that means you’re...kinda’ close?”
“Well, kinda’. Robin’s spending this morning with her girlfriend and then this afternoon sorting her place out. She’ll be over later, she’s moving in until the pups a week old or so, just make sure I’m okay.”
“She’s...a really good friend, right?” It warms Eddie to know Steve has someone like that in his life.
“Yeah...she’s been there with me through everything. Every appointment, all the classes, everything. Even when I decided I wanted to do this it was...it was right after yet another crappy breakup, you know. She could have said all the sensible things about maybe it's not the right time yet, or that I should...think about it. You know, all that things that would have been totally reasonable for her to say but I'd just...I’d just had enough of waiting and she said she’d support me whatever, and that was that. She’s the best.”
Steve shifts again, putting down his cutlery to try and stretch his back out, hissing with pain, “you sure you’re okay?” Eddie asks, concerned.
“Yeah, fine I think,” Steve bends forward then, gripping the edge of the table and breathing out harshly through his nose, “oh that felt weird.”
Eddie’s up and coming around the table before he can stop himself, hovering his hands, not sure if it’s okay to touch, “Steve?”
“I...oh. Oh gosh I’m so sorry Eddie,” Steve stands cautiously revealing a very clear wet patch on the seat.
“I...that’s fine,” Eddie squeaks out, “are you...is this. Is that…?”
“Yeah, pretty sure my water just broke. And I really wanted that chicken parm,” Steve sighs.
“I can make it again,” Eddie says reflexively, “kind of feel like there’s bigger things to think about what should- like can I help? What do we do?”
Eddie finds himself, very strangely, not panicking. Like, well, maybe a little, but not an uncontrollable amount. Which now he’s here that’s a really nice surprise.
“I’ll just call Robbie, and then will you walk me home?”
And Eddie had maybe had inappropriate thoughts about walking Steve home so he could steal a kiss, not whatever this is. But. Still. “Of course.”
Steve smiles at him with his phone next to his ear, “it’s go time Birdie. Oh, what was I supposed to say? Code red? The eagle is...leaving? I can’t remember, you couldn’t make your mind up about the-” Steve hisses, bending to lean on the table, “yep, yep, see you soon.”
Steve hangs up, telling Eddie she’s on her way as they walk down the hall, dinner abandoned on the table. Steve chooses to stand, walking little laps back and forth along the back of the couch, “is there anything I can do?”
“My bag and car seat are in the nursery, if you don’t mind grabbing those?” Eddie does, putting Steve’s things right by the door, “oh, and a towel, from the bathroom? I don’t want to make a mess in Rob’s car.”
“Sure thing,” Eddie grabs a bath towel from there, and puts it on top, just as Steve’s phone starts ringing.
Eddie can practically feel it when Steve tenses up, his scent turning bitter with distress. Despite what’s going on, Steve’s scent hadn’t changed at all until now, “your car won’t start?”
He sounds terrified.
“I. Yeah. Okay. I can wait I’ll- okay.”
“Okay?” Steve shakes his head, eyes suddenly wet, he looks like he’s biting back tears and Eddie can’t stop himself from going to him.
“She’s got to wait for Chrissy to get to her place and pick her up, then they’ll come over,” Eddie has to make this better. He has to.
“Okay, how about this, me and you go now, I’ll take you, and they can meet you there? That’ll make it faster right?”
“I mean, I’m not...I mean labor can take hours and hours, I’m being silly I just- Eddie I’m a bit scared. She was supposed to be here, it’s a bit too soon.”
They end up holding hands, which Eddie’s kind of thrilled about even if Steve is squeezing the life out of him, “would you feel better if you were waiting at the hospital?”
Steve bites his lip, clearly torn, “are you sure you don’t mind?”
“I’ll get my keys.”
Part Four
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embarrasingmf · 23 days
₊˚ෆ | moving up | S.B
SUMMARY: After you helped him learn how to use a mobile phone, Ben comes to you a few days later so he can learn how to use a laptop.
WARNINGS: not proofread, little bit of swearing, maybe OOC Ben???, use of Y/N (only once).
A/N: a few people suggested I make this a series where reader teaches Ben how to use various pieces of modern technology and I LOVED that idea so here I am with my first series<3. also literally could not come up with a title so I js decided on some basic one…
part one! | part three!
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Ever since you forced helped Ben work a mobile phone, you realized he started being a little nicer to you.
He didn’t call you names as often and he didn’t yell at you whenever you didn’t refer to him as his super name.
You didn’t ask him about it since you thought that if you did, he’d go back to his bitchy self.
Butcher and the others had just left for yet another mission that Butcher didn’t let you go on.
Apparently, he had also noticed how Ben seemed to be a little nicer to you compared to the rest of The Boys.
You didn’t necessarily mind not going on mission and risking injuries, per say, but it got a little boring constantly being told to stay back and watch Ben to make sure he doesn’t blow something up.
Right now, you were sitting at a random desk that was placed in the makeshift hideout, just minding your own business.
Well, you were minding your own business until you heard Ben’s booming voice speak up as he approached you.
“Hey, Y/N.” You raised your head and looked in his direction.
The first thing you noticed was the laptop tucked firmly under his arm. You raised an eyebrow, wondering whose it was since Ben obviously didn’t know how to work a laptop.
“Whose laptop is that, Ben?” You questioned skeptically.
“It’s Hughie’s.” Ben said smugly, throwing a thumb over his shoulder and gesturing to the now empty desk that once had Hughie’s laptop on it before he left.
“Seriously, Ben—“ Before you could protest further, Ben grabbed a chair and placed it next to yours, putting the laptop between you.
“Teach me how to use this thing.” Ben said in a slightly demanding tone.
You rolled your eyes and opened it, noting how Hughie surprisingly didn’t use a password in his laptop.
“Okay, well..” You sighed and looked over at Ben, pointing at the smooth squared area below the keyboard that you were dragging your finger on.
“This is how you drag the cursor. You can also plug in a mouse instead of using that.” Ben just stared at you, his forehead creased.
“A mouse? Why the fuck would you plug in a mouse to a laptop?”
You shook your head, shoulders slumping a bit.
“Not an actual mouse. Like a, uh…” You found yourself stumped on how to explain so you turned back to the laptop and opened the web browser.
“This is the web browser, there’s multiple of these but it looks like Hughie just uses Google. This is where you look stuff up.”
You quickly typed in the word laptop mouse and then turned the screen towards him.
“This is what I meant by mouse. It’s basically a different way to move the cursor.”
Ben nodded before looking at you again. “What’s a cursor?”
You pointed to the small white arrow that was in the middle of the screen. “That’s the cursor.”
“Oh, okay.” Ben moved the laptop closer to him and started snooping through Hughie’s apps and messages.
“Ben-“ You frowned, gently taking the laptop away from him. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
Ben scoffed and mumbled something close to “party pooper” under his breath before he snatched the laptop back.
“I jus’ wanna do something real quick.” He mused, going to Hughie’s messages and scrolling until he found Butcher’s contact.
“What are you doing?” Ben held up a finger to silence you before he started typing something.
You shook your head in disappointment as you read what Ben was trying to send to Butcher.
‘I hate you, you stupid British fuck’
After clicking the send button, Ben laughed boisterously, leaning back in his chair.
“Oh, I can’t wait to see Butcher’s reaction to that message.”
“He’ll probably know it’s you.” You butt in, arms crossed across your chest like an angry parent.
Ben let out a defiant huff. “No he won’t, he’ll totally think Hughie sent it and then chew him a new one.”
Eventually, when everyone got back after you taught Ben how to maneuver through a laptop some more, Butcher saw the text and showed it to Hughie.
You sat back with Ben and watched as the color drained from Hughie’s face in a horrific expression.
“I didn’t send that!” He started defending himself immediately, making various points on how the time didn’t match up and how he would never say that to Butcher.
Butcher chuckled before turning to you and Ben, you didn’t hesitate to rat Ben out.
“It was his idea. I was just showing him how to work a laptop.” Ben shot you a glare as you were glad looks couldn’t kill because you’d definitely be dead meat right now.
It was safe to say that instead of Butcher chewing Hughie a new one, it was Ben on the receiving side of Butcher’s scolding.
reblogs n feedback r appreciated! <3
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gracie-rosee · 10 months
Empyrean Clothing
If I could borrow a minute of your time. I promise it’s worth it :)
I took it upon myself to put this together, since I really enjoy the detailed world Rebecca Yarros has laid out for us. Plus, as an artist it’s good to have solid references. And a lot of these are somewhat book accurate to the descriptions of some clothing and styles I can recall.
It bugs me when people see a fantasy world and immediately think: corsets, tight leather, sexy dresses, ball gowns, billowing capes, and eight million buckles. So here’s how I see the clothing in this series.
Let’s start with the War college and flight leathers:
I don’t think their uniform resembles any kind of prep school/academy uniform whatsoever. Their uniforms are quite literally flight uniforms. So, I take a lot of inspiration from real life flight jumpsuits you would see from pilots and astronauts. Simple enough for daily wearing to classes, yet durable and efficient for flight maneuvers and lessons. Leathers are worn on top of uniforms.
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Have any of you ever tried to do a simple cartwheel in a waist-snatching leather corset with cutouts in all the weird places? I doubt there would be much range and ease of mobility. Leather is great for flying, but they’re also fighting, too.
Flying also requires high altitudes and extremely cold weather and wind. I imagine one would wear clothing to cover their neck and face while in flight, in addition to goggles. (Seriously, where did the goggles go in the fanart/fanfics I’m seeing?) Practicality over aesthetics.
Other necessities would be gloves. Being able to grip your dragon and wield weapons is a must.
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For more casual, everyday clothing:
Lots of sweaters. Buttons rather than zippers. More casual, yet always always so practical in a way that you could jump into flight or channel a signet that requires physical exertion. Complete and total range of movement would be required. From what we’ve seen, it’s a cooler climate, not just during the winter, and everybody works. There was two instances I can recall where someone wore something other than pants and that was Violet’s skirt for Reunification Day and her dress later on in book 2.
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Even Scribe robes are very practical and efficient:
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And now for my favorite.
High ranking officials, nobles, and royalty:
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I often think of Liam and Xaden’s family. High ranking officials, wealthy families, and powerful signet wielders would have more flaunting style. To show their signet, to show their wealth, status, or position. And yet, and YET! Still practical. You could jump onto the back of a dragon at any time. The extravagance would often lie in the details. Hand crafted embroidery, or Deverelli silk sashes. Almost no jewelry would be worn, but I think expression could be shown in extravagant hair colors and makeup styles.
Again, while I did reference the book for most of this, the rest is my interpretation of what I think fits the series the best. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk!
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wolffwish · 2 years
More Than Just A Short Time
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Warnings: Distressed reader, miscarriage, mentions of anxiety, panic attack, soft!Toto x reader,
A/N: Personal experience used here, so please be understanding. 2022 was the worst year of my life, losing a baby and my fiancé within 3 months of eachother. I’ve been wanting to write something for months, to try and help me cope with my emotions. This hasn’t been spell checked, I literally have finished it and pressed post. So please bear with me if there’s any mistakes or it’s not that great, or sonically cohesive. It’s literally a coping mechanism. I’ve also tried to incorporate Taylor Swift’s “Bigger Than The Whole Sky” as that song has bought me a lot of comfort. Thank you so much for reading and I hope soft Toto brings you comfort if you need it ♥️ my inbox is open to anyone if you need to talk about anything.
It’s been a long 5 days without Toto, and your physical health was declining by the hour. Your period was the heaviest it had ever been, but you didn’t want to tell Toto, because everyone has periods and usually, they’re nothing to worry about.
Toto knew you were struggling physically, and had been the ever-supporting husband that you could’ve dreamed of. Virtually working instead of heading into the office, skipping races and rescheduling meetings or holding them online— to the point where he’d be sitting on the bed with his laptop perched on his lap on Zoom with people at Brackley, with you sleeping next to him and him not taking his hand off of your head once, constantly stroking it to ease your pain.
He was away in Bahrain for first race of the season and it was the longest amount of time he’d been for a few months. You hadn’t been feeling that great in the lead up to him leaving, a bit run down and not your usual self, extremely tired and incredibly nauseous. You just assumed it was your birth control playing up again.
It was Sunday. Race day. You were feeling rough, and after yesterday’s ordeal in the ER followed by a strict instruction for bed rest and preferably someone with you, all you wanted to do was curl up on the couch, watch the race and wait for your man to come home.
You hadn’t been contacting him much over the past 4 days, mainly just good morning and good night texts, as you knew he was going to be flat out busy with media, meetings and all the other stuff that goes with the job he’d worked so hard for.
11am. You heard your phone ping, with his specific text tone and notification lighting up your screen.
💬 1 New Message: Toto🐺♥️ — Liebling, I have a free half hour. Can you talk? We need to talk.
“We need to talk”? You read it three times, making sure you were reading it right. Need? Panic sets in. Usually, when anybody receives a message of “We need to talk.”, ending abruptly with a full stop, that’s never a good sign, right? Right.
Before you could even start typing, he was ringing. Accidentally, you pressed the green answer button, steadily putting the phone to your ear.
“Hello?” - your voice broke as you awaited his response.
🐺 “Schatzi? Is that you?”
“What do you mean, is it me? You rang my mobile?”
🐺 “Oh. Thank god. I had a missed call from the hospital, they left a message asking me how you were after yesterday. I didn’t— what happened yesterday, I didn’t know you wen—“
“Oh my god, are you kidding?! They rang you?”
Anger that started in your stomach was slowly making its way up your body, flushing your red cheeks and making your hands grip the phone tighter. You were checked into the ER yesterday after having what you thought was a 3 day long, heavy and extremely painful period. You had to call the ambulance because you were bleeding so heavily you couldn’t control anything, and started to feel dizzy and weak. With nobody around, and Toto working, you had nobody to call.
🐺 “Come on baby, talk to me. Why did you visit the ER?”
You paused. You didn’t know what to say to him, but neither did you want to lie. You knew as soon as the ER nurse asked if you’d had any morning sickness or previous experiences of dark red heavy periods that this wasn’t just a period. You were having a miscarriage, not even knowing you were pregnant.
🐺 “Liebling? Whatever it is, you can tell me. It doesn’t matter that I’m here, ok? You are my priority, just let me in.”
“I can’t tell you over the phone, Toto. I’m sorry. Just concentrate on the race, and I’ll see you later. I love y—“
🐺 “No Schatzi, baby please, I can’t concentrate unless you tell me what’s going on.”
You knew that he wasn’t going to give in. Tears started filling your eyes and the pit of your stomach started knotting. Emotions got the better of you, your breathing started to get shorter and faster, even though you were trying to disguise every bit of it, so you didn’t make him panic even more. But you just couldn’t do it. You fell apart. You needed him, now more than ever.
“I’m sorry, Toto. I didn’t know. You know I’m on birth control, it was just a heavy period, and then the nurses started asking all these questions about morning sickness and the colour of it and they rigged me up to the machine and started doing all these scans and I was really scared and I didn’t know what to do and then they kept apologising to me and I was in such a state I didn’t know what they were talking about until they— until they said it wasn’t a heavy period, and I’d lost—“
That was it. Uncontrollable tears streamed from your eyes as you relived the worst day of your life all over again, for the millionth time. Hysteria creeping in and your adrenaline winning, you began to shake. You’d been reliving every second of it since you got home, and it took a lot of persuasion for you to the nurses to let you home on your own. But they all knew your situation, they all knew Toto and who he was, so they made an exception. You didn’t think they’d call him.
🐺 “Oh my go—, baby, I’m so sorry. Shit. I should’ve been there, I knew you weren’t right when I left, but I had no idea it could be this—“
“Don’t apologise Toto please, it’s not your fault, I just, I can’t wait to see you later. Please try and just do the race and I’ll be here when you get home.”
🐺 “I don’t care about the race Schatz, baby. I’m coming home now. I’m walking to Rosa right now, she’ll get me on the next flight darling. Hold tight for me, ok?”
You didn’t want to ruin his day like this, especially the first race, but you were done fighting with yourself.
“Ok.” - through tears streaming and sniffles of your nose to try and control your breathing, a simple ‘ok’ was the last thing you said to Toto before dropping the phone on the bed. You’d almost been in denial about the whole thing, and saying it all out loud made it more real. You pulled your legs to your chest, your body still screaming in pain from miscarrying, back pains so intense you feel like your spine is on fire and a headache strong enough to make you squint at any view of light.
You could hear the television in the background, the race build up had started and you began watching it hoping it would distract you from everything that was happening in your head at that very moment.
The grid walk started, and Martin Brundle was desperately searching around for Toto to ask him where he thinks the two Mercs’ we’re going to finish today’s race. He eventually came across Shov, who was ready for an interview.
MB: “I was hoping to talk to your boss, any idea where I can find him?”
AS: “He’s had to rush off, personal matter, so won’t be able to watch the race today, but I can answer any questions you may have - just not with as much Austrian flare as he does!” he tried to laugh and distract from the situation- but you knew social media was about to blow up.
A few hours passed, and the sheer emotional state you were in made you fall asleep at some point during the race. You woke up as the podium ceremony started, that damn Dutch national anthem again. You flicked over the channels and started watching some random nature show about birds. Anything but that damn podium.
Anxiously waiting for Toto to arrive, you kept drifting off to sleep, losing track of the time, until you heard a key in the door and footsteps running up the stairs.
“Schatzi, where are you baby? I’m ho—“
The bedroom door swung open and there he was, still dressed in his white button down shirt and black trousers, so damn handsome. Your man was home.
“Toto, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” Tears streaming, you sat up on the bed, trying to adjust your body to a position you weren’t in pain.
“Baby, it’s okay. Come here, little one.” Toto softly sat down in front of you, cupping your face in both hands and softly brushing the tears on your cheeks away with the pad of his thumbs. “I’m so sorry, baby. I’m so sorry.” He brought his lips up to your forehead, pressing the most gentle kiss just above your left eyebrow, muffling the words “Let go baby, I’m here now. Just let it all out.”
The reassuring words from Toto meant every single emotion waved over you like a tsunami, and you fell apart in his arms. The tears came streaming down your face as you leant forward into him. You adjusted your body so you were sitting side aways on his lap, legs resting on the bed and head resting in his shoulder. His arms wrapped around you like he was protecting the world, his gentle touches making you feel safer than you’d ever felt.
“Let’s get you into bed properly, baby, get you more comfortable.” Without hesitation, Toto stood up with you in his arms as he gently walked around the bed, making sure not to walk into any furniture or make any sudden movements. He slowly leant down, to lay you on his side of the bed. He grabbed a blanket, took his shirt and trousers off, walked round to the other side of the bed and got in with you.
“Are you comfortable? Do you need to move?” He asked as you started rolling over as he got into the bed beside you.
“I can’t get comfy, it’s so frustrating, everything hurts and I can’t move without feeling like I’m making a mess everywhere, it’s horrible.”
“Hey hey baby, it’s okay, don’t cry. It doesn’t matter if there’s mess, we can clean it up, okay? Come here, lay here.” He perched himself up on the headboard, his bare chest gleaming in the night light that was the only light on in the room. The smell of him just felt like home. Lightly tapping his torso, he helped you lay your head on his chest, right on his heart. You moved your arm over his toned tummy, slightly tapping your fingers over the grooves of his muscles.
“There we go baby, you just lay there and relax now. It’s okay, I’ve got you my girl.”
A few minutes of silence passed as Toto gently run his fingers through your hair, up and down your back and over your shoulder.
“Yes, baby? What is it?”
“We’re never gonna meet her.”
You didn’t know if it was a girl or a boy, but your initial thought was it was a girl. You don’t know why. It’d been playing on your mind all day whenever you caught yourself thinking about what would’ve been, what could’ve been and what should’ve been.
A deep breath came from the pits of his stomach as he saw your heart break in front of him.
“I know darling, I know. But look…” he pointed out towards the night sky, a sky full of stars. A sky so beautiful, that you would’ve thought you’d made it up.
“She’s up there. She knows you’re looking at her. Hey, she’s that really bright one, look” he points to a specific star, that is, quite literally, the brightest one in the sky. “She’s bigger than the whole sky, isn’t she?” he looks down at you, as you’d cocked your head to see the star he was talking about. Making eye contact, one side of his mouth turned into a slight smile, as he leant down to kiss you on the lips. “I love you, little one.”
You kissed him back, finally feeling like a weight had been lifted off of your shoulders now he was home.
“I love you too, Papi.”
He smiled down at you again, bringing his hand up to the side of your face and gently guiding your head to lay on his chest. You heard him snuffle, and felt a teardrop on hairline where your hair meets your forehead.
“Toto?” You looked up at him, tears in his eyes as he looked out of the window.
He responded immediately. “It’s okay, baby. I’m okay, I’m just so sorry I wasn’t here.”
“Don’t be sorry, I’m sorry for not telling you when it happened. I just didn’t want to pull you away from work and—“
“Baby listen to me. You are my world, ok? Nothing is more important than you. I would sail the seven oceans to be with you in a heartbeat. Don’t ever think anything is more important than you, Schatz. I love you so much it hurts.”
He looked down at you again, kissing the top of your head and stroking your hair. “You can rest now, baby. Daddy’s got you.”
You closed your eyes and felt your entire body relax into the indentation of his body, and sunk into the bed with him. The soft strokes of his hands over your arms, hair and back brought you more comfort than you’d ever felt before, and the sound of his slow controlled breathing meant your breathing started syncing with his. You both drifted off to sleep, holding each other close. His arms wrapped around you, you laying on his chest.
This was home. He was home. He is your home.
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danieyells · 3 months
Also like if you're cool with it can you tell me to build the cards and stuff? I'm still confused with it :'(
UH! I don't really know how to build cards either lmao. I just push the buttons when they get red blips U: BUT I WILL TRY AND EXPLAIN WHAT I CAN
i was actually writing this on mobile and then i accidentally closed tumblr when it was like 87% done so MAYBE THIS WILL BE WORSE THAN INITIALLY INTENDED I DON'T KNOW. Initially I was explaining like. A bunch of unnecessary stuff about where you get certain upgrade materials so I think this'll be better and marginally more concise because I feel like there's not actually that much to explain. It's very much just "make number go up".
So from what I've been told it's better to focus your efforts on a single SSR if you have one than trying to even things out, but since you're not only going into battle with your singular SSR I try and keep other units at a minimum of level 50 and a Level 40 warding card(preferably the one it gets a link bonus with!) with 50 Potency Grade. THIS MAY OR MAY NOT BE ADVISABLE but it's how I do things personally. And then I have my SSR(s) which I focus on--one SSR gets most everything and once I have to wait to limit break it, I start giving resources to the next one down(or the next SR down.)
Now since just about every stat relies on different items to boost it up(coins obviously notwithstanding but you can very easily gain more coins) you don't really have to ration anything--just focus on boosting your highest ranked unit.
Like I said I just hit the button when the red blip pops up, but you may have noticed that when it comes to equipment the game prioritizes higher levels to higher rankings. Which. . . .
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not very helpful, as it turns out! Turns out higher ranked units(SSR-SR-R-A-B-C-D-E, from highest to lowest) are generally a little better even at slightly lower levels! Because some equipment doesn't boost attributes(multiple stats) at all!!!
Higher rank = higher attribute boost. Higher level = higher battle stat boost.
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see how Alan's overall power is higher with the level 95 C perfume than the level 100 E perfume? The game automatically gave him the E. . .even though it was weaker and both were available. The game checks for rarity over their level, so you may want to manually choose cards based on their stats as opposed to choosing the auto-equip button!
Also of note, sometimes a fully awakened R is stronger than an unawakened SR of the same level. . .if you have to wait to limit break your SRs, check out how your Rs are doing! They can be pretty strong too! You can always take stronger equipment and gems and such away from them for the higher rarity unit when you're ready.
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@tokyo-debunker-memes made a pretty good guide to gems here and you can refer to that for any of your gem questions since I think they did a good job explaining and summarizing things! (I will say, gems go past level 9, they just can only be purchased at a base level of 9.)
The best equipment(SSR, SR, and R) can be made at Mr. Mo's Goldmine using using gold, silver, and copper materials you get there. You only have a chance get gold if you do multiple pulls there over the course of a week(the milestone resets every 7 days or so. . .or every time there's a new gacha I've noticed), so I wouldn't think too hard about SSR equipment. That's for whales. It's literally designed so that you have to use gems to even get a chance at gold material to make SSR equipment. And you need so much of the stuff just to make one it's just not worth it monetarily unless you've got insane disposable income haha.
I would focus only on the level 100s of the Mr Mo equipment(the Red Queen set and the Lotus set. The Stardust set if you wanna whale real hard.) If you get lucky enough to get enough silver and copper material you can make them, and they're stronger than anything you'll find doing Investigations or that they'll find on campus after investigations--that I'm aware of, unless they start giving out SRs and SSRs at higher level investigations which I doubt.
R, SR, and SSR equipment can be trained and given gems, just like warding cards, and raising their Special Attributes will provide additional percentage boosts to the unit they're equipped to(Necklaces, Rings, and Earrings raise HP percentage; Perfumes raise Physical Attack and Physical Defense percentages; Brooches raise Special Attack and Special Defense percentages. Warding Cards raise Attack percentage.) Try and focus on raising the Special Attributes related to the unit's attack style(noted in the 'Skills' window on the unit page.) That is to say, raise the Special Attibutes for Perfumes for Physical attackers and Brooches for special attackers so that they'll have higher attack power and do more damage. Of course, both are also important for their defensive value, and HP is also very important!
R, SR, and SSR equipments also have 'badges' which detonate they're part of a set. The more of that set you have, along with a warding card with the same badge, the higher bonus(indicated in the upper left of the unit page) you get for the character it's equipped to! The only way to change a Warding Card's badge is by leveling it up so. . .don't worry too hard about it, because moonlight paint is a pain in the ass to get.
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Guardian spirits similarly should be distributed based on the ideal stats that unit should have raised. I only use SSR guardian spirits and feed any lower ranking ones to them to raise their levels. If you get a guardian spirit of the same level with stars, it's better to use and level up that one! It gives a higher percentage boost!
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Generally you legit just have to look at the numbers and percentages and choose whatever's higher overall I think. Higher percentages are usually better, I think, since those will scale up with any increasing stats' individual numbers. Not that equipment have percentages, but I mean in terms of figuring out what to upgrade in general. Again, it's very much 'make number go up' from what i can tell. I usually focus on level since it boosts all the unit's battle stats by a percentage, but since everything needs different materials to level up anyway it's fine to just use whatever you get wherever you can, or save up to be able to boost your strongest units.
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cerosin-bis · 1 month
might I ask for a handful of just random cod trivia ..
and/or ! just your thoughts on the games and reboots, if you’re comfy w that?
I feel like you always have some random notes or tags about weird trivia in the game but obviously this isn’t specific At All so feel free to just ignore this if it’s weird sjdndjhd
Hi! no this isn't weird 🥺 I think what gives this impression is "just" that I played most of said games a lot and got interested in the lore that's not necessarily accessible to people who, big quotation marks, are superficially in the fandom. as in people who aren't interested in multiplayer or secondary gamemodes, let alone lore and are more focused on the main cast or one particular mp character (such as könig)
This got VERY long so, my rambles and opinions about the Modern Warfare games and their reboots below.
I played mw2 and mw3's campaigns in 2010-2013. I wasn't playing multiplayer at the time, I started it with BO4 in 2018. But I fell hard into MW's multiplayer with the first reboot, mw19, in early 2020.
Just so that my words have a bit of "the player's weight": I have around 900 hours on mw19, 400 on MWII and I believe 200-300 on MWIII.
Regarding campaigns: Call of duty is Call of duty. It's literally funded by the US army. it's blatant propaganda, and I expect no less when I run a campaign. With that being said, what I expect from a CoD campaign is either being over-the-top and extra (like the original trilogy and in some ways MWIII specifically), or rooted in reality and wanna be serious like mw19. This is minding the blatant history 'rewriting' it's doing (eg. chemical attacks in syria, highway of death mission). My honest opinion on it is that the reboots don't know what they want and it's especially visible in MWII. In my opinion, the original games nailed that "american action movie" feel that the reboots kinda lost by instead veering towards something overlapping with real-life maybe a bit too much while still wanting to include crazy shit. Like, I don't think it's a balance that can work. I do like that we had more character development with MWII and it felt fun to play (in that regard I have no complaints, and I even liked the semi-open missions that a lot of ppl disliked), but it feels a bit less like call of duty. I'll be curious to see what direction they take for the next MW game, but I sure hope IW get their shit together and have a clear direction.
Transitioning to multiplayer with that. This feeling that the MW games are now an amalgamation of things sewn together hastily started with the Warzone fusion and the BOCW implementation. It became especially visible in multiplayer with the addition of crossover bundles, providing less and less "mil-sim" skins, and it was obvious that by MWIII IW would step away and let other developers (treyarch, SHG, which are both turned more towards arcade gameplay) take over the multiplayer development. Which is kinda insane: MW was always Infinity Ward's flasgship initially.
In my opinion the MW multiplayer started feeling different (in my eyes, falling off) for 3 reasons:
Catering to a younger playerbase, notably the "tiktok crowd": younger gamers want games that are incredibly fast-paced (mirroring their use of social media and those yknow "adhd videos") and like extremely flashy skins. Therefore, they'll spend money to get them. I'm not saying this to say "it's bad!" it's just an observation
The absolute success of mobile games and fortnite-like collaborations. This is mostly due to the current way people "consume" social media and games, with everything being quick and instant and fleeting. The sheer impact that these two things have had on video games as a whole is absolutely insane: they started adding microtransactions in games because it started on mobile & they realised that if you let people buy skins with real money w the press of a button, spendings increase tenfold. Same goes with the battle pass model: it's incredibly lucrative.
Crunch, changes of leadership, writers and artists probably being allowed less communication and therefore focus; and, in MWIII's case, the arrival of AI giving us some tasteless slop in cosmetics. That they sell. For real money.
I've said it countless time but I really regret mw19 multiplayer's artistic and narrative direction. It had a story that's completely absent from MWII where characters are just empty shells with a few lines of marvel-like, mary-sue grade bios. Where's the cohesive story? Where are the outwardly morally grey or flawed characters, the sub-squads, the interaction lines, the bundles that made sense with the characters' backstories?...
Long story short, I don't know if the MW series will ever go back to what made it MW. I hope so, but seeing how between 2020 and 2024 the multiplayer entirely lost its soul & the campaigns don't know what they want to show, I'm afraid it might either never come back or take a dozen years so that a reboot of reboots gets out or a new series takes over.
'til capitalism and cashgrab leadership ruins it again and the cycle begins anew.
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sammywolfgirl · 1 year
Actually no let’s dissect this new layout as someone who has used Twitter for a bit @staff listen up @wip @changes
I used Twitter for about a year because a lot of my mutuals at the time did, and you know what?
I hated the layout.
I didn’t like how I had to keep tabs on my friends because the algorithm would show me shitty stuff I wouldn’t want to see and was so hard to curate a feed
I’m fairly certain I ended up blocking a lot of people because they kept liking pictures of boobs and I didn’t want to see that shit and Twitter never let you turn that off
I ended up blocking people who kept getting recommended because their art made me sick and I didn’t want to see untagged nsfw on my feed
And the side bar sucked, it took me a while to figure out how to post in the first place
And don’t get me started about having a trending tab always right there and how it would set off my anxiety because every day it was just “here’s a new thing to make you want to jump off a cliff!”
Twitter and the way it works is designed to get hate clicks and engage on outrage, is that the method you want to follow?
Especially for a website who’s users are very loudly against that and also like privacy and will literally use outside resources to fix the ‘improvements’ you made because you didn’t think a toggle feature was worth it
Also putting the stuff on the left or right does not draw the eye, why? Because that’s where your hands are. Blocking the features you want to engage with. My eye is drawn up so putting your stuff there works best! It gets attention. Not to the right where my big ass hand is blocking the post button. (This is also why you should put the mobile post bubble back in the bar where it belongs but that’s a topic for another day)
I understand tumblr is in debt hell, but users have stated many times that if you just ask for donations like ao3 they’d be happy to donate
Hell, crab day was thrown around to be just like that.
Listen to your users or they will all leave for the websites you’re poorly emulating.
Tumblr is surviving because it offers an experience NO OTHER WEBSITE DOES
Taking that away just means tumblr is not unique, and users would rather try their luck with a website that’s doing this better.
Like Twitter, or tic tok, or Instagram.
Lean into your uniqueness and just ask for donations like an adult, just a little add that shows up in the add rotation that’s like “like what you see? Why not throw a dollar in the tip jar?” Like frame it like giving money to an artist so they can keep doing what you love, it’ll be charming!
Tumblr will not find success or even break even if you try and appeal to newcomers, every new social media is confusing to newbies, but you know what they do? They learn, and they adapt. And changing everything is going to make you loose legacy users who again, would LOVE TO DONATE MONEY TO KEEP THIS HELLSIGHT STANDING AS IS.
Or do you just not care about the users? The users who have the money you need.
I don’t want to watch tumblr die a slow and painful death like Twitter is.
And you know there’s something oddly poetic about tumblr, the quirky kid, tearing itself apart just to fit in with the popular kids which won’t work out and only lead to hollow friendships that can turn on a dime when you could have found meaningful relationships with the other weirdos who like your quirks and flaws and would have been ride or die for you.
But no we gotta be like Twitter so let’s chop off our arms and legs becsuse that’s what they’re doing
Tkdr listen to your users and open an donations sight so you can keep being tumblr and get money for it okay? Okay. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk
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longlivefeedback · 2 years
Commenting 101
Lesson 3: Quote. Or paraphrase
Sorry about going MIA last weekend, but I'm back with Lesson 3 💪 But before we get into it, how are we doing with describing the indescribable and commenting in general?
Alright. So let's talk about quoting bits of the fics and commenting on them in a comment. Personally, it's one of my favourite ways to comment because I find it easier to focus on a specific thing/sentence/paragraph/turn of phrase that I really like and gush about it to an author. By doing this, I can also focus on the bits of the story that I really really liked, and not worry about the parts that I didn't like so much. Win-win for everyone!
The one downside of this particular commenting technique is that it does take a relatively high amount of effort and is not as easy as a keyboard smash or entering a bunch of smileys and a catchphrase into the comment box. But hey. Some fics are worth it :)
So, here are some tips on how to quote while commenting:
Keep 2 tabs open.
Use a third party browser script that gives you a floating review box.
1. Keep 2 tabs open
Easier on a computer, but I've done it on mobile before. This is literally having two tabs open to the same chapter/fic as I read. When I get to a sentence or phrase that I really like, I'll copy it from my reading tab and paste it into my second tab which has the comment box open.
Sometimes I'll notate what I am thinking in the moment for that quote, and sometimes I'll leave it for the end and experience all the bits I loved again 😍. My comment at the end usually looks something like this:
"Sentence I really like" ~~ I really love how you described this character!
Everything from "Start of a paragraph/section..." to "...end of paragraph/section" is giving me life!!
"Paragraph I really like" ~~ This was perfection and made me cry 😭
and so on and so forth.
It's nice when I notate as I go, because when I'm done reading, I've got quite the comment already written and I usually just round off the comment with a catchphrase like "This was all wonderful! Thank you for writing and sharing!" and hit post, easy-peasy.
2. Use a third party browser script that gives you a floating review box.
This is not something I personally use, but the people who do have really loved it and I love the concept of it so here it is for you to try and see if it works for you!
There are a couple of scripts:
AO3 Floating Comment Box by ScriptMouse. This is a script to create a floating comment box at the bottom of the page for works on AO3. Box will be closed by default, and can be open/closed using the button in the top left corner of the window. Thanks to @memorizingthedigitsofpi for the link!
AO3 Review + Last Chapter Shortcut + Kudos-sortable Bookmarks Tampermonkey script by @ravenel. Click on the link to take you to the original post describing the tool and here's a follow up tutorial post by @bourbon-ontherocks on how to install the script. Credits to @altschmerzes and @castillon02 for the links!
I think these are only for browser on computers (so no mobile?) but please feel free to correct me in the notes if anyone knows.
3. Paraphrase
Let's be real. While Tips 1 and 2 are really just giving you tools to make commenting easier, when it gets down to it, commenting really requires you to, well, comment on something.
So what to do if you forgot to take notes as you read, didn't feel like doing it as you were reading, or found it just too hard to wrangle on mobile?
Just refer back to that one thing that caught your attention ala:
"I really love how you described this character in that part!"
"That part where you wrote about that thing that happened to that character is giving me life!!"
"That part where you that happened was perfection and made me cry 😭"
Yes, this does require you to remember and be able to point out and talk about certain parts of the fic. It can be a lot to remember particularly if it's a long chapter. So, as I've stressed in previous lessons, don't let it paralyze you. Just pick one thing you can remember and have the ability to comment on.
Just quoting and commenting on one thing is better than nothing.
When you cannot quote, paraphrase!
And as always, when in doubt, comment your catchphrase.
If you want more help constructing a comment or validation that you're writing good comments, please send in an ask or submit a screenshot!
Lessons masterpost.
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autumnslance · 2 years
Tumblr Cosmetic Customization Tutorial
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You there! New Tumblr User with a default icon and header, no description, no custom URL, and not wanting to be mistaken for a bot--you just want to maybe figure out this weird hellsite and follow some people without being blocked, right?
Maybe you've been around for a little while, or are returning from that other hellsite, and don't know what the heck folks mean by enabling the custom URL and why are so many blogs opening on the dash instead of in a new tab?!
Let's sort this mess out below the cut with a screencap-laden tutorial, starting on mobile app (since Most new blogs start there these days, and many people use mobile more, or exclusively) and then moving to web browser for some other features that aren't available in the app (as of 1/27/23 anyway).
This is just going to be about cosmetic customization and accessing the correct blog URL and archive; Tumblr's many other settings and features for how you want to see your Dashboard and how much Privacy control you decide on are for your exploration (or another day and another tutorial, this one's long enough).
The tutorial blog itself literally took me well under 5 minutes to set up, and Tumblr guided me to customizing immediately. Taking the screenshots added a few seconds to the time; it's taken longer to write the first part of this post out. If you didn't customize the blog right away, don't fret! You can always tap the little art palette and cogwheel icons at the top of your blog to sort it out.
Now go below the link to see written instructions with image examples, including a few more with my cat:
TO BEGIN: In the mobile app, I make a new blog. For me, it's a sideblog under my main and existing sides, but otherwise this is all the same info. The following process also isn't actually all that different in web browser.
Now, you can change your URL later on if you want; a lot of folks do over time. Just be aware: changing your URL breaks any and all previous links to your blog, including any posts others have reblogged under "Read More" cuts, with the same result as if the blog was deactivated; the URL no longer exists, so Tumblr doesn't count it as "there" anymore.
Now that's out of the way, once I make a blog it immediately takes me to the Customization screen:
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I can--and should!--give my blog a name and a description. Doesn't have to be long or fancy, and can always be changed later with no risk to your links.
I can tap the "Background" and "Accent" buttons to change the default colors, too. Let's go for something easy on the eyes by tapping on the colored circles to find some default options, or the wheel to grab a random custom one. I'm going to go to purple and find a nice shade there.
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Next I will tap on the little default icon to choose an avatar photo. I can choose not to show it on my blog, and if I do, whether I want it to be square or circle.
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I can also tap to choose a header image if I like. I'm just grabbing some images from my phone. I did have to redo the avatar as it didn't want to stay after selecting a header pic for some reason.
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And then I made a quick post and pinned it, to let folks know that I am human and what the purpose of this blog is (lurking for now? A main blog for following while sideblogs get the content? In this case, a tutorial).
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OK, so my cat for an icon, my copy of the fanzine I worked on as a header, a quick title and description, and a short post. Even if I post nothing else to this blog (and if it were a main blog; sideblogs can't follow others, nor send asks or replies), people will be fairly certain I am not a bot, hooray! And if I want to change anything, I can tap on the icons at the top of the blog and get back to these customization screens.
...BUT WHAT IF I, or buddies, try to open my blog in a browser and it opens a dash panel? What if I (or others) want to access my Archive? Unfortunately, I cannot find the correct option in the mobile app at this point, so onto a web browser we go (on my phone or my tablet, or my computer).
I am using a generic default web browser where I don't have many extensions/plugins/addons enabled (though apparently I did set dark mode). When I tap/hover over my icon, it still shows my color option and everything I selected in app setup.
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Here is where I am going to direct you to the side bar and the "Edit Appearance" button so I can point out some Very Important Things, even if you don't customize anything else ever.
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When I open my blog's appearance tab, right away it's going to tell me some interesting things I have circled and pointed at on the below screenshot:
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In RED I have circled my blog's URL: www.tumblr.com/lynmarstesting. This is why a blog opens in a dash panel instead of going to an actual blog. This is the new Default URL, I cannot access an Archive or other blog features like this.
The ORANGE arrow points to the feature we want, right below the "Blog name" and URL: "Custom Theme". When I swipe this feature to active, it tells me my URL is updated.
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When I go to my blog, the URL in my browser shows the proper https://lynmarstesting.tumblr.com link.
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And the blog looks...well, bare bones and empty, but a proper weblog page. And I (and anyone else) have access to my Archive! When, y'know, I have enough posts to make that a thing on this blog.
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Now, if I or anyone else opens the blog by clicking my username or icon, it'll open a dash panel...but also show my actual @ and my proper URL link, so they can go to the blog itself that way if they want. Everyone wins!
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there's no need from this point to keep messing around in a browser, we've done everything to 1) make ourselves look human and 2) make our blog properly linkable/accessible.
Once again, the little art palette icon at the top is our clicky-buddy, boxed below in orange:
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This opens an "Edit Theme" sidebar panel where one can customize the blog. Each theme has different options, and Tumblr's default theme is honestly really modular; change colors, fonts, have multiple columns, add some pages (I've a whole other tutorial on that), etc.
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There's also an "Advanced" pane, where you can mess with some other settings (the little ? icon on each line tells you what it does) and, if you're knowledgeable--or just bold--this is where you can add some Custom CSS.
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Say the Default Tumblr Official isn't doing it, though; at the top of the Edit Theme pane it tells you your current theme, and there's a handy "Browse Themes" link.
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This opens a drop down with multiple sorting options. I don't want to spend money on a premium blog theme at the moment, and the others are a mix, so let's check out the Free Themes options.
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There's a lot of options here! Some new ones, some are sponsored, lots of variety. Even the "Accessible" theme I mainly use is there, in its barren glory, compared to what you can see I've made of it on browser (see that previous tutorial I linked above):
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Again: Different Themes have Different Levels of Customization.
Some will let you change every color, the fonts, the frames, and so on. Some let you add links everywhere. Some barely let you touch anything. You can tap "Use" at the top to preview, and the "Advanced" pane will let you preview random pretend posts if you don't have many/any of your own to see how they'd look. If you don't like how something's turning out, just click back on "Free Themes" and look for another one.
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When people follow links to your blog--like a Read More cut--they will see the post on your blog's theme and in your blog's colors. Even on mobile app, especially if you override the default mobile theme, your color choices will have an impact! Aesthetic is all well and good, but frames, fonts, colors, and so on, should be legible and readable to most people, especially if you mean to share a lot of text posts.
Another thing to note: Your theme will NOT appear on mobile app. It defaults to a basic setup in the app, keeping maybe only your colors. Any custom links won't show, and cosmetic site options and access are limited in a lot of ways. The site is usable on a mobile web browser, and will have those features there. I get around the app's inability to show my theme's links by adding them all to my informative Pinned Posts on each blog, but that's me.
And there you have it! How to cosmetically customize a Tumblr, in mobile app and browser, to seem like a real person and access the correct URL and features of your blog. Whether you're new or been here awhile, hopefully this helps answer some really basic questions about how and why to do some of these things.
Have a final full-sized silly Chel pic to say goodbye.
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
so, look. i think we've all noticed that i am a chronic overthinker. and i sure have been thinking about the mechanics of a free use system. this is just going to be me rambling but like? strap in i guess?
so the thing is. it's in everyone's best interests that this not actually be an anonymous system, right. you need some accountability (and usage data for... however this is being funded. i'm personally assuming this is a government-funded program, which is hilarious to me, but anyway), so you need registration and some kind of system to verify and record accounts. which. depending on when this whole thing starts this... does open up the potential for a VERY funny and unsexy pre-fuck negotiation of "okay, here are the services i'm offering today. you want anal? alright, that's fine, just let me see your registration card... just have to write down your information... just a minute... okay, have at it!"
if you get more recent this is probably more of a chip card and mobile card reader thing. i'm definitely thinking people registered to be used have a collar they wear to show that they're available, so maybe that has a card reader? maybe it's more of a smartwatch thing?
but. let's be real. modern day? there's an app. there would 100% be an app. you could view anyone available to use nearby, you could filter for certain preferences, there would be some kind of "confirm fuck" button. there would be complaints about the app. there would be grumbling about the Good Old Days when people had to Actually Talk To Confirm A Fuck. is this funny to anyone else. i have no idea. but this is VERY funny to me.
anyway. please picture dream of the endless, deeply pissy about having to 1) get a phone 2) make an account 2)b get a fake identity so he can make an account 3) use an app. because hob keeps fantasizing about getting bent over a table at a pub (that he imagines looking suspiciously like the white horse circa 1389) in front of his friends and only realizing after, when he sits back down with his hole full of come, that it was dream fucking him.
Great news! This is hilarious and entirely appeals to my mindset today (I am a very tired little slut right now).
So back in the good old days, there were collars, right! They were colour coded to indicate a person's limits, you would exchange details (like you exchange insurance details after a car accident lol). Then you were good to go!
Now there's a database, an ID verification process and of course there's an app. Of course! And the app is annoying and laggy and occasionally crashes entirely but yes, it does keep people safe so it's fine. It just takes the magic out of the whole thing. Ah well.
Dream goes into the waking world with... limited knowledge about all of this. He has to ask Matthew for help and God that is humiliating for everyone involved. Matthew has to pretty much do the entire generic profile for Dream (he doesn’t see the point when he only wants to fuck Hob anyway! But Matthew makes this fake profile where Dream has a pseudonym and a list of interests so it looks legit), and they get it done eventually. Dream pops into the new inn, looks at his app, and there's Hob's profile! Signalling that he's free to use!
So Dream hits the 'fuck?' request, and Hob glances down at his phone... and hits the 'confirm fuck' button! Dream is literally at the end of his patience and he doesn't even have take the time to say hello to Hob before he yanks him out of his seat, bends him over the table, and ruthlessly fucks into him.
The conversation continues as though nothing is happening while Hob pants and whines and squirms. Dream nods politely to Hob’s friends, and they nod back at him. It's a fairly regular occurrence to see Hob like this so they aren't bothered. As long as he's safe and happy.
When Dream has finished and cum into the squeezing tightness of Hob’s hole, he pulls out and carefully rearranges his clothing. Hob is still splayed over the table with his legs spread as Dream pulls up a chair and casually joins the group. Their eyes meet over the table, and Hob clearly goes through 100 different emotions before moaning and coming completely untouched onto the floor. The mere knowledge that Dream has just used him - that it was Dream and he didn't even know - is more than enough to tip him over the edge.
So maybe the app isn't so bad after all.
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asterism343 · 2 years
For New Tumblr Users: A Guide About Why and How to Set a Profile Picture and Blog Title
So, why should you set a profile picture and blog title?
Well, Tumblr has a huge bot problem. Bots are running rampant, following random people left and right, for reasons that are kinda hard to explain, but basically they're trying to appear legitimate to get their websites higher in search results. Also, some of them may start posting malware and porn links after a while. Because of this, most seasoned Tumblr users will block any user they suspect of being a bot.
Most bots don't set their blog title or profile picture. So, if you don't set yours, many people will block you immediately when you try to follow them, thinking you are a bot.
For example, I was recently followed by this person:
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With the default profile picture and no blog title, I thought they might be a bot. Upon checking their actual blog, they seemed to be a real person, so I didn't block them. But a lot of people will just block right away without checking.
Also it's really important to make a few original posts and reblog some as well. Please do that.
Ok but how do you change them in the first place??
You may have seen some posts like this, telling you to change your profile picture and blog title, without showing you how. So here's how you do it, with pictures.
Desktop version
In the top right corner of the screen, you'll see this line of icons. Click on the one that looks like a person. (the "Account" button)
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This will open a little menu thingy. Scroll down a bit until you see your blog and the "Edit Appearance" option, and click on that
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Now it will take you to a new screen, click the "Edit Appearance" in the top corner
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And now you can change your blog title and profile picture! just be sure to save your changes once you're done.
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But you may be asking, what should I change them to?
well, it can be whatever, but here are some suggestions:
For blog title: -literally just a keysmash -quote you like -what sort of things you plan to post -your nickname (dont use ur real name online) -something funny
For profile picture: -picture of a character you like -literally just a solid color -pride flag -cool picture/landscape/whatever -art you made
that's all for now, i might upload a guide for mobile users later, but i don't have the app so idk if it looks way different.
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dayfalwastaken · 1 year
Henry Emily and the tale of the Fredbear's Show Tape.
Eventually, the side Matthew was hoping for won out, and Henry knelt down to answer him.
“Hehe, alright, sure, if you guys want to hear it.” It was funny how easily he’d been convinced... but he may have just been dying for someone to ask him about the Springlocks. They were his most prized creations, so of course he’d be eager to discuss them. “It’s complicated but I’ll try to keep it as simple as possible. So, the process me and Bill have developed for this is rather interesting. First thing’s first, we write how the show’s gonna be. Everything that’ll be said and how it will be said. Then, we put what we write into a program that reads it and makes Freddy and Springbonnie speak. Now comes the tricky part. Behind the stage is where we the magic happens. William gets into either Fred or Spring, we plug `em with a few cables that are hooked up to a computer, and then Will starts acting. While plugged in, the suits are in what we call a Recording Mode. When that mode’s active, however William moves will be remembered and stored in the computer. There are sensors in the mask that know when your eyes are closed, and by how much, so that’s how those two are able to express. The jaw’s movement is also recorded-…”
It hadn’t taken Henry long to start rambling. Get the man to talk and he’d never stop, but Matt wasn’t protesting. Most of what he was saying flew right over Liz’s head- she was staring through her uncle like he wasn’t there, while Cassidy wasn’t doing much better. Evan understood some of it, but he was still struggling to comprehend all the information. Admittedly, it was a lot for him to wrap his head around. Charlie was following along alright, but from how she was watching her father, she’d have loved to be doing anything else. To Matthew however, Henry’s ramblings sounded awfully similar to motion capture.
Walt Disney had done it first with animatronics more than ten years ago, but still, Henry… He was so casual about having recreated literal motion capture!! And to a level that surpassed any existing technology in that niche field!
He’s way too nonchalant about his achievements. Like, man, don’t downplay what you’ve built- you’re so awesome for doing something like this, is what the boy wished he could’ve said.
To think that this was the in-universe explanation for why the next gen animatronics were less mobile than the Springlocks despite being newer…
“-Now, the voice lines are played over a speaker as Bill performs so he can react accordingly. It’s all done live, and it has to be in one take or we start from scratch. That’s the hard thing about it. There’s no room for mistakes if we want it done in a timely manner. Thankfully William is great at acting, so we don’t run into too many issues. He does his thing and I press the buttons. But anyway, once he’s done, he takes the suit off and does the same for the other one. At the end, we combine the audio with the movements, put them on a special tape, upload it in the suits and we’re golden. That’s all there is to a Fredbear’s Show Tape. Pretty rad, huh?”
If he'd had a red beer cup Henry would've been the perfect stereotypical uncle. The kind spotted only at backyard barbeques and awkward family gatherings.
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Gonna put this under a keep reading too for... reasons.
It details Ellyus (my OC) rescuing Elan 4 because I'm still salty about his fate, damn it—
Y'know how Miorine could change the colour of Suletta's piloting suit and school uniform with just a tap with her phone? From that I think it's fair to reason that the uniforms of all the students would be able to do so as well, as theoretically any of them can potentially become the Holder, right? Miorine just has to be the one to authorize the change bc she's the Bride. Which means there's some programming or somesuch built into the fabric of the uniforms, telling them which colours to display, there must be some sort of technology involved with this.
Which means that technically, theoretically, if Ellyus were to somehow hack the mechanism...
Chaos in the entire school in the form of everybody's uniforms “malfunctioning” aka displaying colours they should NOT be displaying. Neon? Yes. Technicolor tie-dyed rainbow effect? Why not!! The school faculty is rushing to fix it but alas Ellyus had somehow taken over the controls of the mechanism so it doesn't stop until he lets up. Maybe he even makes them blink like disco lights or Christmas lights.
He was picking his and Suletta's uniforms apart to study the effect and how things got there, came out the other end with the power to unleash unruly pranks on everybody— And he took that principle and applied that to make a new thing, something like an Invisibility Cloak? Fabric that imitates the surroundings to make whatever it's covering invisible (he can make so many shenanigans with this). He also makes a couple big-ass blanket/cloak type things, just basically fuck-off huge sheets of fabric, and also decides to coat every surface of his handmade hovercraft including the buttons with the fabric.
Aka: a stealth transport device has just been born (yes I know that the decision to glue fabric on every surface of the machine is... weird at least and unhinged at best but hey, this is Ellyus after all). And I am pleased to inform you that it has a snack compartment.
So we've established that Ellyus is a) good at hacking, and b) has an invisible auto-mobile, right? So on the day Elan 4 is slated to die, like he's literally in front of the incinerator, all power in the building cuts off, the Peil ppl are trying to fix it but alas Ellyus is the one with the controls.
(Maybe he even snuck his little mobile onto the huge transport carriers taking Elan back to wherever Peil is and snuck into the facility that way) Surprise! Ellyus makes his way into the incinerating room and frees a very confused Elan from his bounds, scatters some plant ash he robbed (aka nicely asked) from Miorine in Elan's place, puts Elan under the invisi-blanket (he brought an extra) and proceeds to bridal-carry him out the facility.
Elan is so confused he doesn't even know where to start, but he decides to ask wtf why are they floating what are they even sitting on, Ellyus just cheerfully replies “my invisi-mobile! isn't it cool? we're getting you out of here, I promise. okay?”
4 was already disoriented and confused, he was so sure he was gonna die but now... everything's been thrown into jeopardy and he needs something, anything to ground him, anything he can anchor himself onto, and the fact that he can't see the craft nor Ellyus when he turns everything invisible really really doesn't help with the state of his mind— he starts freaking out until Ellyus just. pulls him onto his lap as he drove the hovercraft. He may not be able to see El but he can feel him and that's... that's kinda enough. It has to be. It staved off a panic attack at the very least.
They make it onto a ship, at which point El parks the craft in a remote corner before turning everything visible again and proceeds to feed 4.
Here's some... dialogue of Ellyus I scribbled out while bored:
“Hey, hey. You alright? You're shaking. I'm sorry. Didn't have much time to explain, we had to get away, you understand. And oh, let me just—” *opens snack compartment to take out the same type of concealing clothes he's wearing* “Should've given you this sooner, you must be so cold! Don't worry, this'll keep you warm, okay? You'll be warm. And you'll never have to pilot that damn thing again. Here, here, eat some more.”
“How did you know?” “Eat some more. What'd you say?” “That I was going to die today. That I was going to die period. How did you know?” “I just did. I knew. Had a feeling.” “What?” “Look, it's. It's hard to explain. It's like watching a glass fall off a building in slow motion, yeah? It's gonna shatter. You know it's gonna shatter. Like that. Does that make sense?”
(4 is thinking to himself “that makes no sense at all” but he... can't find it in himself to mind bc El is just so damn sweet already rambling about Earth House and where he'd settle 4 and picking out a new name and all that jazz)
*on the phone* “Hello? Suletta! Aye, sorry about the silence and oh, I've kidnapped Elan. Do you mind? I promise I'll return him by sundown! Hey, hey, none of that, we're all gonna celebrate a happy birthday together because uh, the thing may have become literal— What? Oh, pay it no mind. See you this evening, sweetie!”
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What´s your favorite Scary Movie?
Ghostface!Thirteen x Local
usually I would make it a reader/mc insert but…
*slams fist into the table* your Honor they are Lesbians!
… also I literally made an entire October thing so I should be allowed to be completely self indulgent for once
also this is lightly based on the movie Scream but you can also listen to this doesn´t have anything to do with the story I just like it and it´s based on Scream
also also that one ended up being long ass Hell with 7029(for now) Words and the longest thing I have ever written by far
reasons why Local shouldn´t proof read, the word count just went up to 8000 words
your parents left you alone for the Night, they always leave for Dates on Thursday Nights since you were old enough to be left on your own but that gave you an excuse to use the good TV in the living room and watch some scary movies, your Mom never let´s you watch them when they are home because your Dad is terrified of them no matter how old or silly they are… at least you can watch them in your room whenever you want and even have your wonderful and perfect Girlfriend and slightly murderous Cousin who share the same love of Horror as you so that makes up for the bad quality and all three of you will be to busy laughing to pay attention anyway
you actually wanted to invite your Girlfriend Thirteen to watch some movies with you but she said she had some more important things to take care of, your Cousin was out immediately because Satan always uses the weekend to play with the street Cat´s around his house or they track him down because they want something to eat and while both of you get along well, or at least as good as people can get along in this family you will never be on good enough terms that he would ditch Cat´s for your sake but not like you could blame him if somebody offered you to play with Rabbits you would also ditch him without a second thought, but knowing him there is a 50/50 chance he would not understand and get angry like he always does
you were going through the cupboards in the kitchen to find something to snack on while watching some of your favorite Scary movies, funnily enough the Scary Movie series was one of them you heard the Landline starting to ring which is weird because everybody who knows your Parents knows that 1. your Parents aren´t here and 2. you won´t pick up anyway because you hate talking with strangers… and you have a hard time recognizing voices on the phone, you stopped accepting them when your Uncles teased you about it when you were younger, the jokes is on them though you won´t even accept their calls on your phone
you just let it ringing because it would either be a Scam caller or one of your Uncles that got into trouble or that needs your help with a problem both options which deserve to get ignored even more so because it´s always hilarious when they act so insulted when you ignore them, even if they should have gotten used to this treatment already because you have been doing this for ages
you found an unopened bag of your favorite Chips when the phone rang again, you checked your mobile phone to see if your Mom or Dad, hell even one of your friends or Uncles tried to contact you but there was nothing, no message no missed calls or no incoming ones, seems like whoever is trying to reach your doesn´t know how you act or that your Parents are the ones who only answer it and you´ll be damned if you willingly talk with a stranger, they´ll get bored and give up soon enough
you put the first movie in for the night in the DVD player when the phone rang again, this time you denied the call but it rang again and no matter how many times you pressed the bright red button they would try again and again and what a surprise again, it would be a lot easier to just accept it and get over with it
“Morgenstern residence, if your here to get money back, someone insulted you online, slept with your Wife or Husband, dined and dashed, stole your Cat or fell asleep on your property you got the wrong family” you waited a moment for them to say anything, but it was oddly quiet you couldn´t even here the other person on the line, some minutes passed which felt more like hours before you tried again “if your trying to reach Lilith or Adam Morgenstern they are out right now but I can pass on a message if you want” you got your phone out and opened the notes app and got ready to type, but they still didn´t say anything “listen if this a prank it ain´t funny nor original so just leave me alone will ya?” you were about to end the call when they finally said something
“who am I speaking with?”
“did you type in a wrong number? because I don´t think you are from the same place we are cuz our family is pretty infamous here for all the wrong reasons might I add” this seemed to catch the other persons interest “this wouldn´t have anything to do with the wall of text you told me at the beginning?”
“believe me that happens so often me and my parents can recite it from the top of our heads no problem”
“what are you doing?” that´s odd usually people would ask you who they reached or who you are but it seems like they don´t care about the whole wrong number thing “I was about to watch a movie, nothing interesting”
“what kind of movie?” you didn´t pay attention to it at the beginning but they sounded kinda… odd to be honest their voice has some weird grain to it, reminds you of the time you and Satan did some prank calls with a voice changer when you were little “some Horror and Parody movies I picked out, nothing interesting here”
“oh really? do you like being scared?” you rolled your eyes “of course not, non of them are really Scary even the real Horror ones are kinda goofy because of their age”
“ah what a shame I think you would look cute when you´re scared” okay now they are moving into creep territory… I mean even more so than they were in the beginning so you would say the are in super creep territory now “what´s your favorite one?”
“why do you want to know? we don´t know each other and I don´t think we will talk after this call is done”
“let´s learn more about each other then, it could be fun” you don´t know why they are calling but maybe you could fuck with them a bit, could turn around in a funny direction “sure hit me with some questions than”
“tell me what´s your favorite Scary movie”
“I have multiple ones, but the most well know one is the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre”
“oh? what a surprise I also like it” you rolled your eyes and went back into the Kitchen, it might just be paranoia but you felt better being out of sight and near some knives even more so when you can keep an eye on them to make sure none will go missing “anything else than my movie preferences because I would like to continue my evening”
“do you have a boyfriend?” you had to hold back a groan, of course a random phone weirdo would ask that “no, why do you ask anyway wanna apply for the role or something?”
“are you offering me one?”
“you could try random phone creeper but I don´t think my Girlfriend would approve of this”
“so you have a Girlfriend? what´s she like?” you don´t know why but the voice sounds slightly smug, but you have no idea why that could be “a short or long version? because I can talk about her for hours you know”
“surprise me”
you looked at the knife blocked and picked out your favorite, it´s actually not a kitchen one but a fancy knife your Uncle Mammon got for you, it looks expensive and you learned to not ask questions when he gifts you something because you never know what is actually bought or stolen, he even says the wrong thing for fun on rare occasions just to mess with others, but never you or your Mom, he cares about you two to much and knows you both will beat his ass when he lies and makes you both panic over nothing “well she´s really nice and cool, super pretty as well and she hates my Uncle Asmo´s ex Solomon”
the voice sounded amused “and what did he do for her to hate him so much?”
you turned the knife in your hand around and watched the light reflect of off it, that´s another thing your Dad doesn´t want you to do when he´s around, in his word you got the stabby tendencies of your Uncles most notably Belphegor who´s first thing he did when meeting your Dad for the first time was trying to stab him when he just thought he might have hurt your Mom´s feelings, he also doesn´t want to be constantly on edge around his only Child, your Mom and her Brothers are bad enough and will scare him until the end “no idea, but if I know anything about Solomon he probably gave her some of his cooking, Solomon isn´t a bad guy but man he wouldn´t even be able to cook to save his life” you shuddered when you remembered the last time you had it, your Dad made the mistake of assuming Solomon would be a good babysitter and to make a long story short you had to get your stomach pumped from something Solomon made for you
“so Mx weirdo wanna continue twenty questions or can I finally start my night?”
“I have one last question” you threw the knife in the air and caught it without any trouble “if it´s a short one sure”
“that´s a nice knife you have there, aren´t your parents nervous having you play with it?”
… what? they must be joking! “ha ha very funny who set you up to this? is Satan still pissed I ate his kitty paw print cookies? or is this you Uncle Belphie? finally found out who spilled nail polish on your favorite pillow?” they said nothing and just breathed into the line, you decided to hold onto your knife and looked around, the blinds are down in all rooms but the Kitchen and even then nobody would be able to see you the window is to far up to see into and the tree besides it is still to small for anybody to climb onto
“are you scared?” you made sure to keep a firm grip on your knife, you took a look at the clock and saw the time, your parents should be on their way back and you don´t think this person would have the guts to keep their charade going when they are here “no I´m just thinking about which place would look best for my knife, I think your guts sound like a nice place” this is such a fucked up situation and they even had the gal to laugh at this “seems like you can be feisty, I like it but that sounds like a family trait from what you told me”
you moved out of the Kitchen and checked all of the doors again, good thing your Mom reminded you of the fact to make sure all of them are locked before leaving “how about you grow a spine and talk to me face to face? hmm? or are you to scared to get your ass kicked” you taunted the voice on the other line, was it a smart move? of course not! but your not know for being a smart person, you also weren´t to worried because you can already hear the car of your parents
“how about you come find me? we do live in the same place after all” you wanted to ask the voice what they meant but they already hanged up, they even timed it perfectly because your Mom and Dad just entered the house
“Honey we´re back! did you enjoy your alone time” you quickly put the knife back in it´s spot before they could see you with it and walked towards them, Lilith opened her arms like she expected you to hug her and you decided to indulge her for once, your Dad seemed more hesitant to say anything, he knows how clingy Lilith can get with people she loves and how she get´s when somebody interrupts her time with them
“did anything happen while we were gone?” your Dad knows nobody calls them when you are alone but he always asks, you know it´s not good to keep the weird call from them but you also didn´t want to worry them “no nothing Dad the same as always” you separated from your Mom and walked up the stairs to your room “anyway I´m getting tired and have to wake up early today, so night” you walked up without waiting for their reply and could faintly hear them say good night to you too
you went to College the next day like nothing happened the Night before, the phone call with the person from last night still stuck in your head you should have told the police but not like they would have done something, getting your Uncles involved would have been a better choice but if you tell them they´ll pelt you with questions and scoldings on why you didn´t talk with them earlier, you don´t even want to imagine what they´ll say when you tell them you didn´t even tell your parents and if you are stuck with a potential maniac killer and sitting through another lecture from Lucifer death sounds a lot more favorable but you did one little thing you decided to pocket your pepper spray your Dad got you just in case somebody will try anything you have something besides punching them in the nuts or guts to defend you with, I mean you could have taken your knife with you but you tried that one and got nearly thrown out of school for it so it isn´t allowed to leave the House
“hey Local! wait up!” someone called out to you and when you turned around you saw Solomon running after you “what´s up with you today usually you wait for me and Simeon to catch up but today you just kept on walking as if you were stuck in your own world” ah yeah… you usually do that, you didn´t even notice that you already passed them, seems like you were stuck deeper in your head than you thought
“sorry Solomon I didn´t get to sleep much last night so I forgot” a lie but it´s not like he could tell, you´re always drowsy and have the eye bags of a raccoon so it isn´t hard to believe you, you looked behind him and looked for the second person who always walks with you guys “were´s Simeon? don´t tell me you left him behind”
Solomon looked behind him and was just as confused as you “did… did we lose him?”
“hey don´t drag me into this I didn´t lose anybody” you tried to walk away but Solomon took your arm and dragged you after him “yeah not happening you didn´t see us so technically you did lose him too” you rolled your eyes but willingly followed him
both of you found Simeon not far from were Solomon found you it seems like some stray Cat´s made themselves comfortably in front of his feet and he didn´t want to disturb their peaceful slumber
“so did we miss something or have you always been a Cat bed?” Simeon doesn´t seem to like your jokes right now because he gives you a look that screams help “can you guys help me? I don´t want to wake them but I don´t want to be late either” you and Solomon exchanged some looks, you would help but before that you have to do something even more important, both of you got out your phones and snapped some pictures of Simeon´s Cat prison and sent them in your group chat with you, Solomon and Satan in it, Satan will be so jealous to know both of you saw so many Cat´s at once and he wasn´t there for it, that´s what he get´s for being lazy and driving to College instead of walking with you guys
you were the first one to get a Cat, you picked up a fluffy white one, it almost looked like it was a House Cat but the missing collar and state of their paws told a different story, it didn´t seem bothered by being moved either it just looked at you, gave a little meow and tried to fall asleep in your arms, you have a feeling by the end of this all of you will be stuck in the Cat prison
somehow you three managed to free yourself from the sleepy Kitties with enough time left to arrive on time, the three of you split up to go to your classes and by the end of them you planned to get back together to walk home, you were the first one to get outside, you lucked out and the teacher decided to call it quiets earlier than usually, a rare treat for your classes but to your surprise somebody was already waiting for you, two somebodies actually
one was your lovely and eccentric Girlfriend the other your angry Cousin who looked ready to bite your head off, seems like he didn´t appreciate the Cat pictures and was angry you didn´t give him time to arrive to play with them but if any of you did that you would have a death wish because Lucifer would have killed you three if you were the reason Satan didn´t appear for his classes
“HOW DARE YOU!” Satan screamed at you, he was so loud your ears started to hurt from his volume alone “you know how much I love Cat´s is that why you and Solomon would torture me like this!?”
Thirteen also covered her ears, you at least had some safety distance but Thirteen was unfortunate enough to get stuck near him so she can hear him even better than you do
“will you shut up already! It feels like I´m going deaf!” Satan looked like he wanted to say something else but you quickly walked towards Thirteen and hugged her, Thirteen hugged you back and Satan made a gagging sound
“be a lovey dovey couple as much as you want but do you have to do it around me?” Thirteen decided to tease him “what? jealous that we´re in love” Satan looked disgusted “first of all you two being all couple like is gross especially with my cousin which just increases the disgusting factor and second I have somebody that loves me”
“yeah a bunch of Cat´s” Satan looked ready to jump her and tear her to shreds but you intervened
“ya know what would be even worse? imagine if Lucifer had somebody” this made Satan look physically ill, seems like you found his weak spot, could come in handy for future problems “ugh… don´t make me imagine such terrors…” he quickly changed his tune though, it looks like he remembered something “hey did you know that your Dad told us he found some footprints near your House?” you felt Thirteen freeze up, you didn´t know why though, maybe she was worried about you?
“why is that so weird? there are always footprints around our place?”
“yeah but not around your Kitchen and Garden, that´s of limits and we know you didn´t invite somebody to come over”
“so are they worried somebody wants to break in or was snooping around our place?” Satan nodded “I mean it is weird and there have been some weird things happening around town, remember that weird murder case from a couple of days ago?” Thirteen seemed nervous at this, but neither you or Satan picked up on it despite your proximity to her
“oh yeah I remember that, that guy and his Girlfriend were found hung from a tree outside their home, guts hanging out and all”
Satan nodded “exactly and they think it was the same person that killed those two, there were footprints around the House and it was recently found out they got a call before they were killed”
this made you a bit nervous, the chance of anybody going after you or your relatives is small but never zero and then there is the fact with the weird phone call from yesterday, even worse that somebody was in fact around your House yesterday or even before that
Satan noticed it and stopped talking “you know if your scared you could stay with us, I´m sure everybody would be really happy to finally have you over again” you glared at him, he´s planning something you are sure about it “yeah nice try Satan what are you planning?”
he looked insulted but you know he just did it to be dramatic “I´m planning nothing and you know it”
“bullshit, do you want to do something illegal or something that goes against Lucifer?” Satan rolled his eyes “if I wanted to do something Lucifer forbid me from doing I would do it in front of him and you know it”
you shrugged “I mean I know you keep a kitten hidden so I would say you´re a liar” he gasped “how dare you! it´s three kittens and their parents”
“alright you got five hidden Cats but my point still stands”
“the only reason I don´t show them off because Lucifer will take them from me” you rolled your eyes, yeah as if he wouldn´t notice them, you meet one of them they were so loud and energetic you can´t imagine that your Uncle Lucifer didn´t already notice them maybe he decided to be nice for once and indulge him with his wants of keeping a Cat
Satan wanted to say something else but Thirteen interrupted him “alright you two will have enough time with your chit chats some other time but I can see the biggest pest of the universe leaving so we have to go” you and Satan looked to the exit and saw Simeon and Solomon leaving, you don´t know if she also wanted to use Solomon as a distraction but Satan already ran to him screaming about “how dare he!?” and “why didn´t they bring a Cat for him!?” you can´t see Solomon but he looks ready to bolt and you can´t blame him, Satan doesn´t care all to much for him and you wouldn´t put it past him to chase him all over town just so he can scream at him some more
you felt Thirteen tug on your arm but it was more for you to look forward so you don´t trip again because she dragged you to her car without looking back, no surprise there your actually proud of here that she didn´t throw her school supplies at him
before you knew it you were already at her Car, she opened it and you made yourself comfortable on the passengers seat and let her drive you to wherever she wants to go
you were looking out of the window and watching the scenery go by, neither you or Thirteen saying anything at all something that happens rather often but neither of you two mind, it´s nice to just exist with somebody and not be forced to keep a dialogue going or doing your own thing and enjoying somebodies presence
it took you a moment but you realized that Thirteen was driving you to her House, a rarity considering most of the time you´ll either walk through town or she wants to go to your place, she never told you why but you always thought it was because Candy is gone most of the time for work reasons and Thirteen just doesn´t like to stay in an empty House an understandable reason because their House also has a pretty big creep factor too it´s rather isolated between the edge of the town and a massive forest so if something were to ever happen it would be difficult to get help on time or even reach anybody at all the phone service has been know to be pretty bad, good thing that Thirteen or Candy never had an emergency happen there who knows how it could have ended
Thirteen parked the car and both of you left and walked into the Home “any reason we are here today?” Thirteen shrugged “I was planning to do a party this weekend and I know you would be a good help” you rolled your eyes “really me? the person who if they could would never leave their House? you thought I would be a good choice”
“well either you or Asmo and I sure as Hell don´t want him to take over my party”
“yeah a valid concern, his fans alone would take up the entire guest list”
“and that´s why you are my second best choice” you rolled your eyes “your loving Girlfriend of two years is your second choice? how flattering”
“better than being my third choice if you said no I would be forced to ask Mammon for help, but now I have you and that means you can ask him and get the help for free”
“Uncle Mammon doesn´t work for free”
“sure he does if either his little Sister or his wonderful and totally awesome Niece would ask he would do it without asking for anything in return” you crossed your arms “and that´s the reason you dragged me here? because if that was all of it you could have literally told me anywhere hell could have said it as soon as you saw me”
“okay but then the others would have heard us talk about it and I thought it would be interesting to invite some of the people from our college” this confused you, did something happened between the others and Thirteen? usually when there are any parties going on it´s one between friends or when one of your Uncles invited you both to one of theirs “did you guys have a fight or something I didn´t hear about? because it´s pretty weird to make one without them”
Thirteen just gave you a grin, that´s really weird… even for you, did something happen to her?
“nah I just thought it would be nice to do something that doesn´t involve them, you know make new friends and all that”
“who are you and what did you do with the real Thirteen?” Thirteen looks like she got the joke but you weren´t joking, something seriously must be up because that´s not normal behavior for her, maybe something happened between her and Candy that she doesn´t want to tell you about? yeah that must be it I mean why else would she act so suspiciously…
Thirteen just looked like she remembered something “actually there is something I wanted to ask you, you didn´t happen to get any weird phone calls or anything like that did you?” this made you a bit nervous “well…”
Thirteen took your hand in hers and gave you a reassuring squeeze “if you don´t want to that´s fine I was just worried” she gave you a grin that can only mean she´s up to something “ya know I heard there were more than just two dead bodies and guess what?”
you feel like you already know what she´s getting at “your not telling me that all of them got phone calls before getting murdered”
“exactly, so tell me did you get one”
“I mean kinda? someone did call me yesterday and asked me some pretty weird questions but I just thought it was a prank call” Thirteen didn´t look surprised but more like… that´s the answer she was looking for? it´s kinda an odd one that´s hard for you to pinpoint
“what did they ask? If it was the killer maybe it could be something useful if it was them” you don´t know why she´s so interested in what they said but you decided to indulge her “well they just asked a bunch of stupid questions before trying to threaten me, jokes on them Mom made sure everything was locked and the blinds were down” Thirteen doesn´t look impressed at your words “nothing else? this couldn´t have been it”
“why are you so interested anyway? some creep called me and thought it would be funny to prank me what more is there to it?”
“I´m just worried about you, what if it was the killer and they decided to target you next?” you just shook your head “they can try but if they harm just one hair on my head they´ll get hunted down for the rest of their life so what is there to worry about?” Thirteen didn´t say anything more but she seemed pretty upset about this
the day of the party arrived faster than you thought, maybe because you just had one day for prep work and barely got everything together even with Mammon´s help and all he wanted in return was an alibi when he needs one and honestly? you got of pretty cheap because even if he would need one he won´t ask you for one ooor he´ll do something really bad and your stuck with the consequences but the chances of that happening are really really really small but also not zero so you hope your gamble won´t come back to bite you in the ass
you looked around and Thirteen really wasn´t lying when she said that she wanted to invite some random people from your college, some of them you can barely recognize as people who share some classes with you, some are people you share a club with and the majority are people you don´t recognize at all maybe some that you or Thirteen know in passing but nothing more
now that your looking a bit closer you couldn´t see Thirteen anywhere, maybe she had to get something and is in the basement? you hope not, because no amount of money can make you go down there, the lack of a railing and the fact they have stone steps is a death sentence for you considering you are well known for falling down or even up the stairs even in your own Home
you actually hope she isn´t down there so you tried to look for her upstairs but couldn´t find her anywhere, you don´t know why but you got a very bad feeling, like something will go really wrong today
when you went back down and it was just quiet… like everybody left you couldn´t even hear the footsteps or chats from down there anymore it´s really concerning but you saw one person still here laying on the sofa in the living room and decided to ask him what is up
“hey were did the rest of the people go?” this surprised the guy, he nearly jumped out of his own skin when he heard you “who the fuck are you and were did you from come!?” you rolled your eyes “obviously I was invited too smart ass, I was looking around and suddenly everything is empty”
“so your one of those weirdos I see... hey you look really familiar don´t tell me your related to those freaks ya know which ones I´m talking about Lucifer and all of his fucked up siblings and relatives” you don´t know why but this guy sounds really punch able now just because your family is know to be doing it´s own thing and is involved in multiple criminal and amoral actions and… okay maybe your family are freaks but nobody outside of the family is allowed to say it, but before you could do it he continued “the others heard there was another party going on and ditched, dunno who threw the party but it´s a really bad one and if I somebody who rarely get´s invited to parties says that it must have really sucked” you rolled your eyes “wonder why nobody invites you”
“the hell is your problem”
you ignored the guy, you know what you wanted to know and Thirteen is a lot more important than some rude dick that doesn´t even know the most basic of manners, you even got all of your courage together and walked down to the basement and while you didn´t find Thirteen you found something that could also be the reason why the House was empty, because in front of the fridge was a corpse, by the looks of it they must have gotten the shit beaten out of them with a couple of bottles and if anybody would like to know how you know that it´s because they are covered in glass as well as the ground around them so it´s pretty obvious what finished them off
you should be more freaked out by the fact a murderer is running around your Girlfriends house and doing who knows what but your more concerned about Thirteen than anything else and considering the fact you couldn´t find her anywhere in the House has you even more worried, who knows if she´s even alive at this point
you heard somebody opening the basement door and hurried to find a hiding place, just your luck to be stuck in the only place in the whole House with no possible way to somehow escape and the only place that is safe for you would be one of the closest down here or behind some of the boxes scattered around the place and while the boxes might have been a possible hiding spot you decided on the closet at least there if they see you you could use the door as a defense and try to at least run out of the basement while the person is distracted, to bad it doesn´t have any spots for you to look through so if you want to see anything you just have to hope that not only will you be able to see them but also that they won´t immediately notice your hiding spot, maybe the boxes would have been the smart choice at least with them you could see the person and be able to react better
you honestly don´t know if it was a good choice or not but now it´s to late to change your mind you can already see somebody walking down the stairs and according to their weird costume that covers their entire body and face you can already guess that they are the one responsible for the corpse down here not to speak about the fact the mask is still covered in blood and that they don´t want anybody knowing what they are up to considering their get up doesn´t give much of a clue on who it could be
who knows if they know your down here with them but you hope not, you would really prefer it if they just walked back up those stupid stairs, preferably far away from the door so you can run out in one piece and hope that the phone will work today and the Cops get here fast enough to catch them
you don´t know if they had a sixth sense for knowing when a potential victim is here or they just knew somehow but they didn´t leave, of course they wouldn´t just go up and leave they actually went through the hassle of looking for you and it seems like it was a good call to hide in the closet because their first choice was looking behind the boxes and now you could also see that they were holding something in their hand and of course it was a knife, I mean what else could you expect than the number one murder weapon for a shitty wannabe Slasher and when you get out of this alive your Dad is going to get such an earful from it´s going to make your Uncle Lucifer´s scolding look like child´s play in comparison because if it wasn´t for him and his, to be fair valid fears of you stabbing somebody, you could have a better chance against them than some shitty pepper spray, guess in this situation the mask has more than one use, who would have thought?
seems like they had enough of throwing the boxes around in hope of finding somebody and moved onto the next and of course with the luck of somebody that broke five mirrors and got attacked by a Black Cat and ran under a ladder their next choice to look at was the closet you were hiding in, you don´t know why but you are also pretty sure they noticed that it was open and if anybody was hiding in the Basement this would be a good place to look for them, well you just hope your plan of hitting them with the door will work out otherwise you will be more than just screwed, you don´t know what other people think but you aren´t looking forward to getting impaled
is it the wrong time for jokes? yeah but it beats just constantly thinking “I don´t wanna die” and the jokes help you with staying calm anyway because without some humor this situation will hit you like a train and sitting in a corner while crying and screaming sounds rather counter productive to your survival
when you saw their footsteps in front of the closet you decided to take your chance and pushed your entire weight onto the door when they were about to open it and they fell down and seemed a bit dazed, you decided to take the best chance you will get this night and ran as fast as you could but it seems like their confusion was shorter than you anticipated, when you reached the stairs they were already back on their feet and hot on your tail and the only thing from stopping them from getting you was this small advantage you got by pushing them over
when you reached the door to the basement you get to work blocking it, you would have loved if there was something heavier to block it with but you all you had near you was a chair, at least it should buy you some valuable seconds or more for your escape
you tried to leave from the front door but it was locked and the key was nowhere to be seen, getting to the backdoor would take to much time and would put you in a bad spot when the killer decides on their second debut with you back there, not many ways for you to run besides directly at them and considering they have a knife and you pretty much nothing it would be a horrible choice on your part, but good for the killer considering their Victim just ran into their knife
which only leaves you with trying your luck upstairs, I mean you could try and break a window but there aren´t that many for you to fit through and even less you could reach properly, it also doesn´t help that the majority of the windows who could give you easy access to the House are blocked by some metal bars, good idea to keep potential robbers out but in the present it just fucks you over
you kept your eyes open for anything else, you find it hard to believe that the corpse in the basement was the only one there was and you are partially right because that asshole from before was sitting on the ground holding onto his side and by the looks of it he got stabbed “you still alive over there?” he seemed startled and pulled out a gun that you have no idea where he fucking got it from but not getting shot is your priority on top of running from a killer now
“stay back!” he waved that thing around like it´s nothing but a toy and if that is supposed to scare you he does a piss poor job at it “I should have known it was you!”
wow for somebody that you don´t know he really has it out for you “listen asshole I don´t know what´s your problem but I didn´t do shit” it didn´t seem like your word made him willing to put down the gun, good thing you didn´t want him to otherwise you would have failed pretty bad
“your related to those guys aren´t you!? everybody knows there is something seriously wrong with everybody in this fucking family!” oh great now he´s back to that, so what if your family is involved in a bunch of shit that might involve murder? at least you guys are decent people unlike the majority of people that live here
“very mature of you dude, listen there´s a killer locked in the basement and I want to get the cops so just ignore me will you?” you tried to walk back but that fucking asshole shot at your feet! the nerves of that guy your regretting not beating him up even more now
“nice try I already know it was you, your the only one that wasn´t seen the entire party and looking around the House like a creep” wow this guy is dumber than you thought, like seriously the hell is his problem? did your Uncle Asmo fuck his parents and ruined his life or something else because you don´t know why else he would hate you guys so much
“listen have fun getting murdered dude but I couldn´t give less of a shit about who you think did it, it wasn´t me and I would prefer to leave here on my own two feet and not a body bag” he was glaring at you, at least he wasn´t aiming at you anymore and when you tried to find a place to hide you heard a crash and the sound of something breaking seems like your plan of not leaving in a body bag was crushed
you saw the person in the costume walk into the room, the most notable thing about them wasn´t the silly mask or the kind sweet robes no it was their, a really fucking familiar one at that, so familiar in fact that it couldn´t be any more obvious that they stole it from you
before you could do anything the asshole shoot at their foot and got them, they fell down and their mask too and you saw a really familiar face
“Thirteen?” she looked up at you and despite the pain she must be in she looked at you and gave you a grin, yeah that could only be her but it seems like the asshole with a gun didn´t get the memo or even notice that both of you were about to have a moment and tried to shoot her again fortunately he missed and seemed out of bullets I mean you hope so you didn´t really get a phd in gun or really have any knowledge at all
before you knew what you were doing you walked up to him, ripped the gun out of his hands and hit him with it until he fell unconscious, it only took one and you hope he´s only unconscious and not dead, for now that is I mean he was a dick and shot your Girlfriend that´s enough of a reason for you to not care about him
you decided to put your attention to the more important person “Thirteen genuinely what the fuck? what the fuck were you thinking turning your own House into a damn slaughterhouse?”
“did you realize that the majority of the people I invited were the ones who tried to make your live difficult for no reason at all” so she killed the people who didn´t stop bothering you in a weird way that´s… pretty sweet actually in a really concerning and fucked up way but still a sweet gesture
“so you killed for me?” she nodded, she didn´t seem sorry at all and also knows that you won´t run from her “partially for you but also because I wanted to, mainly just for you though” you sat down on a chair that wasn´t covered in blood, you needed a moment to digest it what you just learned “okay what about the rest of the people that were here, I know you couldn´t have killed them all and if they saw a corpse I would have heard it”
she looked around a bit and seemed pretty out of it pale too… okay seems like the question have to wait “okay listen I don´t want either of us to die so that´s what we´re going to do, get out of costume and put it on the guy”
“you know I´m dying and you want me to play dress up? I know you have the craziest plans that always work out but I feel like your are pushing it today” you glared at her and she quieted down seems like she knows your serious “first of all don´t interrupt me second we are going to put the costume on the guy, I want my knife back and I´m going to stab the guy and the story we´ll use is that you wanted to throw a party, he saw a chance to do what he wanted and came to, killed the girl in the basement and shoot you I sneaked up behind him and ‘accidentally’ killed him trying to save you, got it?” she nodded but didn´t do more you really hoped she´ll remember this, you made sure everybody around was dead already, put on your best panicked voice and crocodile tears for the effect and made sure the police and ambulance was on the way before you stabbed yourself in a non vital area, despite the blood lose Thirteen jumped up and tried to put pressure on the wound
“what the hell are you doing!?”
“listen if it was you then it would makes sense I didn´t get hurt, but some random guy that hates my family? no way I wouldn´t get hurt and the ambulance will be here soon so I won´t be in any danger” she relaxed a bit and let go of it
“am I going to get into trouble?” she gave you a hopeful look but if she thinks nearly dying will stop you from not giving her a hard time she´s wrong
“I´m going to tell Candy” Thirteen did her best attempt at tackling you and gave you a panicked look “do you even know what she´ll do when she hears about this!? I´ll be grounded for all of eternity” you sluing your arms around her and pulled her closer “maybe you should have thought about this before killing people without telling me beforehand” you kissed her and despite how disgusting it was kissing her while the smell of blood and death was surrounding you both you couldn´t be happier when both of you separated she gave you a look of mischief
“if you tell Candy I´m telling Adam and Lilith what you did too” you heard the sounds of sirens approaching and let yourself fall back down “sure but then you´ll have to life with the fact my Dad will never allow you in the House ever again and might even make me break up with you” this time she was the one that gave you a kiss “Lilith wouldn´t let him, she knows your happy with me”
“also true…” you saw police officers and ambulance workers right behind them, you really hope your plan works and nobody will think it was Thirteen, seems like you didn´t hit an as harmless point as you thought because you got woozy and shortly after fell unconscious
tried my best to keep it serious but I´m still and always will be a complete Clown besides the point I might make a second part/epilogue who will be more my usually style of silly and insane if you have interest tell me
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megamindsecretlair · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I was tagged by the lovely @umber-cinders, TY
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
None. I just made an A03 a few weeks ago and it will take a long time for my brain to figure out how to put my stuff on there LOL. On Tumblr, jeez, let me see. I have 35? So far. I counted my two series as 2.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
Oh lordt, let me see. On Tumblr, I have...roughly 168,964 words across all my fics. YIKES. And I can't even write in my books LOL
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Marvel, They Cloned Tyrone, Snowfall, and Scream.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Sprung - Tyrone
Stay With Me - Tyrone
Sunday - Tyrone
Run it Back - Tyrone
Pray For Me - Franklin
Gonna link my masterlist because why not: Megamind's Secret Files
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I love getting comments. I want people to know I appreciate them taking the time to read and comment. I love discussing my writing.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably Through the Fire. It was such a sad ending! It had to be done! Someone said "What kind of sane person would write an ending so sad???" Literally made my day as a writer.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of them got happy endings LOL. But the one that ended the sweetest, hm, probably...Sunday?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nope. I be in my own little corner of the innanet and all my comments and reblogs have been positive! It might change with my Kang fic and I'm okay with that. Block button is my bestie.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
YES! A thousand times yes. So far, they've all been one shot smut fics that resolves itself. I have some pt 2's coming, but I'm so behind on Tyrone asks. I'm sorry!!!! I will get to them, promise.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Never did a crossover. My fandoms are all over the place and the only one to use for crossovers is Marvel and I'm not that confident yet. I don't hate on folks who do, but not the type of fics I be reading.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of and I hope it never does. That's so heartless and unnecessary. Everyone can write. You don't need to steal.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope. That would be a huge compliment though!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nah. But I'm constantly flinging my fic ideas at friends and they share with me. I love it.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I'm so not a person that ships, it's terrible. Canon relationships bore me to tears or I know that the writers are gonna do some fuck shit to break them up, so why bother? However, I'm obsessed with Attoye and Janine and Gregory from Abbott Elementary.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Believe it or not, I write fics in the moment and release them in the wild before I have a chance to go back and change everything. I only plot my series. And I plan to finish both series! I've been trying to think of what other series I can do.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I write dialogue pretty well. I'm able to write things in character and pay attention to their characteristics.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Do we have all day? LOL. Nah, I think scene descriptions are still my biggest weakness. I always put them in a white room and it's hard picturing it well enough to write it down. I'm trying to work on it!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I haven't done it. Only because Google translate only takes you so far and it doesn't take nuance into account. And I appreciate when there's translations after the fic. It's hard to copy on mobile and put it into Translate to figure out what was said.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I just started fic writing this year. LOL. I used to say I missed a crucial part of writing culture as a teen. But it was a Marvel Loki fic.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I can't choose between my babies! But it would probably be my Loki series. One of the chapters I finished, I was like??? Okay, you fuckin' ate that. I felt so proud of myself as a writer, that self-satisfaction is what I'm writing for.
No pressure tags: @soft-persephone @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @mybonafidefeelings @notapradagurl7 @sweet-potatah-pie @saturn-rings-writes @c-nstantine
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