#there are so many other closer choices he could've gone with
You know how the Mad Dogs vaguely guess at what Mayhem is during the first episode? And Donnie specifically thinks he’s “some kind of nuclear St. Bernard”?
I just looked it up and... Donnie. Have you ever seen a St. Bernard. Why would you namedrop a breed you can’t recognize??
For reference:
Tumblr media
This is a St. Bernard.
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thedivineladyinwhite · 10 months
Right back at you.
Summary: Where everything went downhill when you stepped in the city. A/N: This came along re2 and re4 :)) Aaand I made him like a big jerk hihi, lets just follow my silly plot, mwah mwah. (ALSO A LITTLE ANNOUNCEMNT ABOUT THAT GENSHIN WRTING I DID, I'LL PROMISE TO DO IT NEXT MONTH)
In his dark world there was you. All loveable and cheerful, only dating for a couple of months and he was sure seeing his future. He was happy when you agreed to come with him to Racoon City. One step on the city, chaos disrupted. An Outbreak. Both of you met Claire a long the way and got separated. As you and Leon now trying to find a way out of the police station. Many things have happened from being chased and so on and so forth. And that's when you both got separated, he met the Ada Wong the disguised mercenary. The woman he suddenly grew attached when you were only gone for an hour or so. When you guys finally regrouped you wondered. "Hey, who's this woman you met?" you asked, he was still and a small blush appeared on his face. "She helped me when we got separated. Her name's Ada Wong an FBI" The way he talked about her was laced with something you couldnt grasp on. Now being in a group of 3, you noticed the way he would help her instead of you, he would look at her with something other than worry in his eyes, and she felt it too. .... You should've never woke up or even slept when he told you to rest when the three of you got in the train. Was it worth it? You should've stayed in your nightmares if you were only greeted with your one boyfriend kissing another. Yet you stayed silent. Watching the scene unfold as you closed your eyes hoping it was a dream, but it wasn't. Was the world really this unkind to you? - Everything was a blur, you're hurt. A pole pierced in your stomach, as you watched Leon save Ada who was falling after being shot. Was he just gonna hold onto her and leave you? And. she slipped. And the whole building crumbled. And you were buried in those layers of cement and other kinds of heavy stuff. You thought it was the end. so how come you're found alive? Somehow still breathing and able to move? Yet more flexible, faster, and stronger. Who could've done this to you? Until a man walked inside the room. "I see you're awake, took you almost 5 months to get up." A sigh escaped the strangers lips. You look up to see a blonde man, wearing sun glasses as he looked at you with an very different eye color you haven't seen before, crimson. "Who are you...?" You whispered, moving back and hitting the wall as the monitor beside you picked up and your heart beating faster, and faster. "Do you really want to know?" He chuckled with amusement. "You're the only one who managed to live throughout my experiment, sadly Wong died. Such as shame." He shook his head and looked away. "But it doesn't matter now. What matters is that you, now work for me." He walked closer, and seeing him up close he looked more intimidating and scary. "Are you up for it?" You took a moment to take everything. You've been out for 5 months?! That Ada Wong died. And now you're an experiment working for an unknown man! But what were the odds, at least she was alive. And her eyes lit up. He's still alive, he has to be. Leon Kennedy "As if I have a choice." You answered. "Alright." You looked at the man with somehow an interested look. The man seemed to be shocked. "You're interesting, maybe I will keep you." He muttered. The one thing only kept coming back in your head. The same man who left you to die for someone who was already died. For now, you pray you'll meet up in the future to let him see what he'd done to you.
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pastelwitchling · 4 months
The Missteps of Bridgerton Season 3
I love Bridgerton, I love Polin, and I enjoyed the first half of the season fine... but as someone who'd started watching Bridgerton only because of Polin, who'd read the book, and who had been looking forward to this particular season from the very beginning, I have to admit that I was a little disappointed by what we got. Not because it wasn't good, but because it wasn't as amazing as it could've been.
And no, I will not be tagging this as 'anti.' I've gone through the anti tag, and it's some very vile bull from people who genuinely hate the show or hate the characters (or hate other fans), and I love them. I just have some criticism of a few choices made.
So. If you can't handle any critique to the show at all, then please don't read the rest of this. Otherwise, grab some tea and a snack because I have quite a few thoughts.
I don't even know where to start.
I think the most frustrating thing for me in the beginning was how many other plotlines they tried to shove into this season. I don't want to sound mean, but I don't care about Will and Alice's business, I don't care about Benedict's boring relationship with another dArInG wOmAn WhO dEfIeS sOcIeTy'S eXpEcTaTiOnS (more on that later), I don't care about Cressida's redemption.
In fact, let's start with her. This was such a bad fucking idea. Not the redemption itself, though I don't know why some storytellers think there are no unlikable people in the world, why every woman especially has to be redeemed and forgiven. Some are just awful, they exist, it happens. It's okay to have scenes of our characters just reacting to these people and navigating kindness and forgiveness in spite of them. But anyway, working on Cressida's redemption in this kind of story doesn't freaking work. Why? Because we've seen this character put Penelope through endless shit already, and her season is not the season to work on her bully's redemption. Because Penelope already lost her best friend to this girl, and trying to redeem her now isolates Penelope even more, because instead of Eloise getting to properly realize how much she's lost in giving up Penelope as a friend, we're getting her genuinely bonding and getting closer to someone else. Most importantly, redeeming Cressida now doesn't fucking work because you have her and Penelope competing for the affections of the same guy.
You can't pit the girl we want to see win and root for against her bully for the affections of a man, and try to make us sympathetic for the bully. Are we not supposed to want Penelope to get him? Are we not supposed to root for Penelope? I get the idea of complex characters and relationships, but for the love of the gods, Penelope has been crapped on over and over and over in this series. I don't know about anybody else, but I got so excited when I saw her with Lord Debling in the promos because I thought, "Finally! We're going to see Penelope actually be pursued and cherished by someone else!" And instead? We have her embarrassing herself in cringey and awkward conversations against the bully we're also supposed to sympathize with? This was the show's chance to finally give Penelope someone who values her, but oh no, we have to show how tough things are for Cressida, so we have to make her actual competition who actually connects to Debling as well. So which is it, writers? Are we supposed to root for Penelope or Cressida? When Penelope wins, which is already unfair because she's had to bust her butt to get this guy so it's always her in pursuit, how are we supposed to be happy for her when Cressida is in the corner all sad?
Don't get me wrong, when Cressida chose not to gossip about Penelope at the ball, I was really touched. But the problem in trying to redeem her is that it works, which then creates a whole other problem when her and our heroine are then competing for the same guy!
Speaking of that guy; Lord Debling. I'm conflicted on him because I like how much he comes to learn about Penelope (arguably more than Colin does, but we'll get into that later), and I like how genuinely kind he is. But I hated seeing Penelope have to embarrass herself in front of him. I hated that we had to watch this girl who already feels like less than everyone else not even properly get this guy's attention for half the time we know him. Why did the writers think that would be fun to watch? I thought a majority of the time with him would be spent with Colin's jealousy, but even in those brief moments when Colin was jealous, it was from a distance, and we knew that in reality, those conversations Penelope was having with Debling were awkward and kind of degrading to her character.
Which brings me to my biggest pet peeve in this whole thing. The changes made to Penelope herself. Look. I'm not a stickler for accurate adaptations, okay? I don't care if the adaptation matches the source material so long as it's entertaining, which is why I enjoy the Percy Jackson movies more than the actual show. How I see it, we get two different, very fun and likable versions of a beloved story. So I didn't come into this season hoping it would be like the book, I just hoped it would be a good time. However...
Something I did appreciate in the book, and in the past two Bridgerton seasons, was Penelope's wisdom. She was hopeful with Colin, but realistic. She knew she would probably never be with him, but she was determined to be happy anyway. Lady Danbury even calls her something along the lines of the cleverest person in the room, and that's why she takes such a liking to her. Penelope is supposed to be clever, witty, amusing, and wise enough to know that even if she may not get everything she wants, she has her best friend and a guide in Lady Danbury and the small joys of being alongside the Bridgertons, and that was enough for her. Colin saw her for that wisdom and wit, saw the love and joy and pride she had in her work, saw that her priorities were the people she loved and the craft she'd perfected, and fell in love with her for it.
Here? She's the butt of every joke, she's a subject of mockery and dismissals, she's someone to be pitied, not appreciated. Yes, she was a wallflower in the book too, but she had at least a few supporting figures who she admired and helped her be happy where she was. I don't care SO much that they switched the scene of him finding out she's Whistledown, so much as the fact that they changed the meaning behind it. Her and Colin honestly spent so little time together because the show was trying to shoehorn in all these other plots, and so when he suddenly decides he's going to stop her marriage, it feels like he just does it because he's horny! In the book, he's impressed with the strong, talented, and passionate woman she is. In the show, I technically know that he wants to be married to his best friend, but the scenes I was most looking forward to with Colin and Penelope properly talking more and getting to really know each other aren't even there, so based off what friendly interaction had he suddenly learned to see her differently?
Finding out she was Whistledown was a shock to him, and it pushed him over the edge of his feelings for her. Not to mention, him finding out she was Whistledown told him so much about her as a person. Really think about it; what does Colin Bridgerton in the show know about Penelope? Nothing! Lord Debling knows more about her interests and what she enjoys better than Colin does! Knowing about Whistledown also gave him access to a secret part of her that no one else was privy to! Taking that away means that when they get married, Penelope knows everything about Colin and his travels and what he enjoys, and he knows next to NOTHING about her! So we spent the season with her being a joke to everyone, her having to compete for a guy and fail for a good long conversation, and then her ending up in a relationship with a guy who never bothered to get to know her? Fun.
In fact, why don't we talk a little more about Colin, too. Um. What the fuck was he writing? I don't care that it's sexual, but him describing Greek beaches and Scottish pubs in the book and interactions he's had with people shows exactly how grown he really is without him even knowing it. In the book, Colin hated being known for nothing but his charm. He even resented it and turned bitter when Penelope brought it up! He wanted to be more than that, he wanted to have a real purpose and be taken seriously and even be perceived more like Anthony. Writing about the landscapes he'd seen on his travels and his interactions showed that he wasn't just travelling to sleep his way through Europe, but that he was actually learning about new cultures and experiencing new worlds and lands. Here? He's just writing smut! In itself, it would be fine, except that he CLEARLY had a problem not having a purpose in his conversation with Anthony and Benedict and when Penelope praised his writing, so he does want the same thing Book Colin does, except... doesn't just writing erotica completely undermine his whole thing of wanting to be known as more than a charming flirt??
Not to mention, Book Colin ends up publishing his travel journals, so how's this version going to do that? You can tell us he's doing it at the end, but it will ring hollow because we all saw what he's been writing, so if they try to divert at the end to Book Colin's ending, it won't make any sense when we've already heard what he's written. In that time period, how the hell is he going to publish that? AND Book Colin ends up giving his stuff to Penelope to read once they're married because he wants her opinion on it! How the hell is that going to work, giving your wife your erotica with other women to test read? I know it could be done, but the charm of the book version is then gone because it feels like you've reduced a cultured man to a rake who just wants to gloat about how many foreign women he'd gotten to sleep with. Doesn't even that then undermine the whole flirty act he put on in the first episode when even Lady Whistledown could tell he was just pretending to be someone he wasn't??
I'm so tired, so I'm going to end this with a few final notes:
Why does arguably the most charming Bridgerton brother, Benedict, always get the most BORING storyline? I hate the woman he's with, there's absolutely nothing original or charming about her, and I am SICK TO DEATH of these so-called "quirky, strong women who don't care what anybody else says because they're edgy like that," it's just so cliched, and I need that archetype to die already. I thought they were going to do something with the fact that she's clearly a lot older than him, but they don't address it at all, so there goes that interesting concept.
Francesca's fickleness was getting on my last nerve, and I was so bored with her storyline until she met that guy. Their relationship is a cute and unique one, but before he shows up, nothing of what she wants is clear. She doesn't mind meeting a guy, but the second someone actually tries speaking to her, she backs off. She wants to talk about music, but when someone tries to speak to her about music, she backs off. I just couldn't get a reading on what she wanted.
I really don't care at all about Will and Alice's business. It's the same storyline every freaking season.
Eloise's whole "It's not nice when Whistledown writes about you, is it?" is very stupid because Lady Whistledown has written plenty about Penelope's family before that point (and in the book, about Penelope herself). You can't have Colin acknowledging that Whistledown outed Marina in the first episode, and then have Eloise forget that Penelope threw her own family name under the bus to protect Colin.
The carriage scene, I'm sorry, was cringey and came a little bit out of nowhere. And I really didn't like that Colin was backing away until, again, Penelope put herself forward. She's always the pursuer, and I'd hoped for something different this season. I also didn't like that she had to be dumped first. Like, yeah, let's really not give her a single break until Colin deems it time to actually do something for her.
That's all I've got that I can think of, at least in terms of negative criticism. I'm sure more will come to me later, but this was the big stuff. And I don't want to hear anything about, "But Rin, the season's not done yet!" Yeah, but half of it is. No matter what happens in the last four episodes, this was how they started. I guess when the cast said it was their most graphic season so far, they meant the most graphic for everyone but the main couple, and isn't that what you wanted to see?
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queenvhagar · 1 month
tbh, they could've included laena as friends with rhaenyra and alicent instead of ageing her down and reducing her to a tertiary character.
Rhaenyra is supposed to have a bunch of ladies in waiting! She's the princess! Think Margaery constantly surrounded by her handmaidens in the Red Keep. There would be many ladies at court. In the books, the court was full of people who were divided between the Princess' party and the Queen's party. Before this split, certainly ladies of a similar age would be spending their time together. Alicent and Rhaenyra, yes, but also many other girls at court. Laena could have been one of the girls if she was at court. And considering their houses and their positions, these three would be the highest in status of the young ladies at court and prominent figures at court.
Imagine the all of them attending class, doing needlework, and going to tourneys, hunts, and other royal events together. After Aemma's death, Laena and Alicent and the other ladies attempt to cheer Rhaenyra up but she is out of spirits. Alicent begins to miss the occasional needleworking session and seems more tired than usual (she says she stays up too late in the evening reading). Laena's father proposes to the king that he remarry to her, and Laena and Rhaenyra talk through it and reluctantly accept that this could happen. Rhaenyra ultimately gives her blessing to Laena. However, when the king announces his new bride it's Alicent. She had been visiting with him, and she insists they only talked about the histories, and she doesn't really have a choice in who she marries, and despite Rhaenyra and Laena having just talked about their lack of control, Rhaenyra shuns Alicent and refused to speak to her, leading to ripples in the court. Laena's father is upset with Alicent's father and the king, and he leaves with Laena, her mother, and her brother back to High Tide. Now the three prominent young ladies have gone down to two and they aren't speaking to each other. The court begins to fracture based on who they are most sympathetic toward in the scenario: the majority favor Rhaenyra and believe she was deceived, and some instead support Alicent and help her prepare for her upcoming marriage.
Over time Alicent has children, and those who have been by her side through it all are celebratory about the births. Others, though, flock to Rhaenyra and join in her disdain and ridicule of Alicent's party.
One day a rumor rocks the court: the night that her uncle returned to the city, Rhaenyra was seen with him at a brothel in Flea Bottom, half undressed and wrapped up in each other. Rhaenyra vehemently denies such slander. Her supporters insist it is a lie. Others, though, whisper about the timing of her uncle being banished and the Hand fired and sent away from court. That same day, a maester was seen delivering a special tea to her chambers, and despite the months long marriage tour being considered unsuccessful, almost immediately the king announces Rhaenyra will marry her cousin.
Laena welcomes the marriage of Rhaenyra to her brother so they have an excuse to be closer, and now, with Rhaenyra of age, she can come to Dragonstone whenever she wants, closer to where Laena and farther away from the rumors at court. Laena believes Rhaenyra's account. Following the announcement of her marriage, Rhaenyra's uncle begins to court Laena. Rhaenyra does not object to the match, as it removes the chance of Laena being married off and sent away, and it keeps her beloved uncle close.
Both Rhaenyra and Laena become mothers and raise their children together, betrothing them at an early age to further unite their families. Another rumor arrives at court: Alicent's party whispers that Rhaenyra's boys have the same brown hair as the man who is her sworn shield, and they look nothing like her husband, who lives in a separate castle from Rhaenyra. Rhaenyra's party denounces this as slander meant to injure the princess' reputation. Laena and Daemon acknowledge the rumor in private, but since Rhaenyra maintains they are trueborn sons of Laenor, they do not discuss it with her. The king himself says nothing but it's noted that he pays more attention to Rhaenyra's sons than his own with Alicent, and the favoritism is clear to both parties. Hostility grows between the women and their supporters as petty insults and attacks are thrown toward each other. Rhaenyra plays on her father's favoritism to get at Alicent, and Alicent alludes to rumors against Rhaenyra to get back at her. Rhaenyra asks special favors of her father, and Alicent asks to meet Rhaenyra's sons soon after birth to confirm their parentage. Meanwhile, Alicent's sons are raised around members of the Queen's party, and Rhaenyra's sons are raised around members of the Princess' party, and the children catch onto these sentiments quickly, promoting rivalry between them.
Laena has a rough pregnancy, and Rhaenyra is by her side through it all, doing everything she can to make her comfortable. For the both of them, memories of Rhaenyra's mother's death are ever present. Suddenly, the day comes, and Rhaenyra sends for her own maester to help Laena. Following a day and night of labor, she gives birth to a son who dies within an hour of birth. Laena develops a fever, and Rhaenyra sits by her bedside for three days, until Laena gets out of bed and attempts to reach Vhagar to one last time take to the skies. She makes it down the hallway before her heart gives out. Her husband carries her body back to her bed, and he and Rhaenyra grieve together.
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dairy-farmer · 1 year
Tim is the other woman and he's content to be one. He just doesn't have much time or interest in maintaining a relationship. But initiating a casual relationship with any single men, usually ends up with those men urging for more. And whenever Tim actually does try to make it work, Tim just becomes suddenly so busy. There seems to be an uptick in the amount of work in WE and cases to solve. Tim is either called away to help his family with cases or called away by Bruce to work on a project that mysteriously went awry or a new project he thought up and made a fuss about. So Tim decides to just exclusively fuck married men. He's happy with that. He's so happy with this arrangement, he's the other woman in multiple marriages at the same time
And then those men decided that they're done having to hide Tim in the shadows and divorced their wives
😍😍😍😍😍😍 tim falling into the 'other woman' trope like in a lot of angst fics except this time it's his choice because he made the very logical deduction that the only way to get a consistent and casual relationship that had no chance of ever turning into "more" was to go after married men. and tim is familiar with the "other woman" in relationships. his dad's "secret girlfriend" had babysat him a handful of times when he was a kid and his mom's lover would always come to the house once a week to "clean the pool" when his parents were in town. both his parents knew about the other's affairs in some way or another and were only happy that it meant more time for their own engagements and the fact that they didn't have to go through as something as ugly and messy as divorce.
so tim knows how wealthier couples operate and working for WE and being a wayne makes it so tim is much closer to brushing elbows with those kinds of people than any other. sure maybe in the eyes of the general public it was shameful to be the affair partner, the other woman, the slut that's getting banged on the side. affairs are often horrible betrayals of trust and relationships that could leave people mentally and emotionally damaged for years. but for certain levels in society that's not the case.
tim knows that very well.
for the woman, the affair partner was a point of pride just like their shoe collection or the car that they drove. if their husband is having an affair with some 19-year-old college student and paying their rent- now THAT is shameful, that is what gets other ladies whispering about you at galas and charity events. but a wayne? the co-CEO of one of the largest and wealthiest enterprises on the east coast? even if tim hadn't finished highschool or gone to college his numerous projects for gotham have earned him a kind of good grace to most of the media and the upper circles. tim being their husband's affair partner would make women hold their head up high because they were still the wife and someone as respectable as tim was "just" the other woman.
so tim knows exactly the sort of couples he can go after. and it eases many of the issues and concerns he'd had with relationships. tim isn't constantly on call for someone who needs his attention or assurance. there's no hard feelings if he needs to cancel suddenly because tim gets canceled on just as often because he needs to be kept on the down low. the media doesn't publish speculative pieces about one person he went on one date with. bruce isn't calling or updating or demanding tim's presence just as tim starts getting more serious with someone, forcing him to break it off or risk getting dumped.
it's easy. it's fun. tim gets to have sex and get fucked by men nearly twice his age all with the support of their wives and tim commits to nothing. neither do they. they don't have to buy tim fancy clothes or jewels or apartments because they know tim has his own money and the only thing tim wants from them is their cock. sure tim could've just hired escorts but they were just as liable to run to the media with their stories. with married men, they have a vested interest in making sure no one finds out about their entanglements. which is just how tim likes it. he's gotten tired of all the emotional labor expected of him in a relationship, his life was hard enough as it was. he just wanted to be able to get dinner with someone attractive and then be taken somewhere and wonderfully fucked until he forgot the mess of problems that was his life.
tim liked his new arrangement- he loved it even! tim has more time than he did before. and with the nice orgasms he's getting on the side he can focus better on work and actually do a good job without having to worry about whether he misses an anniversary or a date! the circle of people that know he's fucking a married men is very small. the amount of people who know he's fucking multiple married men is even smaller.
none of those groups included members of his family or his friends.
tim's in no mood to listen to their moral crusades or lectures no matter how hypocritical he could point them out to be (as if bruce or dick had never seen multiple people at the same time or even cheated on their current partner with an on-again off-again flame). so when tim attends the weekly dinners with the rest of the family, he doesn't mention it. not only because it's not polite dinner conversation, but it's also no one's business what tim does in his spare time.
tim is listening to one of bruce's office stories as is the rest of the family when the doorbell rings. jason looks up and the rest of the family pauses as they watch alfred slowly start towards the door. tim can think about a dozen people who would show up during their dinner time, most of them are capes looking to bum off a meal and knowing that bruce will be shamed into letting them stay by the rest of his children if he says no. tim can already see jason beginning to hastily spoon more mashes potatoes onto his plate because speedsters usually always went for the carbohydrates first.
tim is picking at some crispy honeyed ham when there's suddenly commotion from the front door. suddenly tim is much more alert along with the rest of the table that's fallen silent. the sound of more than one pair of expensive loafers speed walking on the hardwood greets tim's ears.
alfred looks a bit flustered as he turns the corner. he barely manages to get out "master tim, there's some gentlemen at the door for you-"
before a handful of very familiar faces brush past alfred. some are in varying stages of distress. one of them has a bruise on the side o their face in the shape of a hand reddening. one has roses missing petals with ribbons printed with the logo of a very expensive flower shop. tim spies various giftbags intemingled between about four of tim's affair partners who are shoving at each other to get through. tim is utterly lost.
apparently so is bruce. considering that he's worked with or shaken hands with many of them at events.
"mikey?" he asks in that default brucie 'i'm innocently confused' voice, "matty? nolan? benny? what are you all doing here? you know i'd never say 'no' to a guy's night but it's dinner time-"
"tim, i've left my wife for you!"
tim's not sure who yells it too busy grimacing with dick at bruce's sudden tone shift. but the words have him freezing in place along with the rest of the table.
bruce's expression flashes in pure confusion but tim can see the slight furrow in his brow that indicates genuine bafflement before transforming into deep offense.
tim finally allows his head to turn and locks eyes with benicio alamar, the shipping mogul of gotham port that is responsible for the import of more than 22% of gotham's canned and packaged foods and 43% of the furniture and tile. tim has been fucking him for months. and now he's in the home tim shares with his family and saying something about how he's divorced his wife for tim-
him and three others are trying to speak over each other while tim sits frozen and thinks 'what the fuck' and how this wasn't how it was supposed to go. it's not as though they all had some deep emotional connection to each other- in fact many of them had been chosen because of their iron-clad prenups with infidelity clauses that would ensure they'd lose more than half their assets if they initiated a divorce for someone else- no way would any of them do something that fucking stupid to squander their very lavish lives without actually getting confirmation from tim that they'd be together.
which they wouldn't be getting.
tim would sooner drop an axe on his his foot before he went back to committed relationships. what he had going on worked.
only it seemed like they hadn't gotten the message.
tim didn't say anything as all four of the men were pushed out of the dining room, shooed away by both alfred and a suddenly furious bruce who was demanding that they leave.
tim could feel the eyes on him when alfred and bruce returned, bruce with his arms crossed and boring a stare into tim who had no idea what to say.
fuck. why couldn't anything in his life ever be easy?
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hi so I just reread our trsb collaboration from last year and aaaaaaaaaaa it's so so good and I'm crying again even though I've read it at least five times before
I always find that there's something deeply lonely about the end of a story when all the familiar characters are dead or gone and the world is left to the next generation, but at the same time this one is still so full of joy and even though it's about the end and only vaguely describes the 100+ years in between it and the end of RotK, Arwen's life feels so rich and full of friendship and love and words cannot describe how much it makes me feel things.
And then there's all the beautiful little character details!!! Arwen wishing she could've shared her life with her mother???? The uncertainty of the twins' choice but also the "maybe there's always supposed to be one of each" and also the idea that they might stay and be the guardians of Middle Earth because it'll always be their home in a way that Valinor just isn't???? Gimli pledging to give Arwen's love to Galadriel????? EVERYTHING about the garden in Minas Tirith???? DID I MENTION THE TWINS??????? Augh. It's just. so perfect.
And of course. Hearing the wedding vows. The pledge. The bouquet. "what use would her mortal shell have for empty proximity, when their spirits are forever intertwined?" I have no words. I cannot possibly describe the emotions this is evoking in me.
Ok I will shut up now but ONE MORE THING. The second to last paragraph? Makes me sob. So much. It's so unbelievably beautiful and well expressed and I love it deeply with my entire being.
aaaaaaaaa! thank you SO MUCH, my lovely! I so enjoyed working with you on that one and I'm just thrilled that you like it so much <333333333 it was one of those that just kind of wrote itself, once it got going, and it went off in all manner of directions I wasn't quite expecting (Gimli was a particular surprise XD although I have to confess the twins were deliberate, as they always are with me :D ) I've been sort of circling Arwen and Celebrían and the twins for a long time (including all three TRSBs I've done, in one way or another) and I feel like I'm getting closer to them, although still not quite close enough to write the twins-make-their-choice fic I've been trying to do for ages. (nearly ready to write a reunion in Valinor, because that absolutely is the endgame, but the actual thinking and considering and dithering and finally coming to a decision is still eluding me)...anyway, I'm so delighted it's stuck with you and thank you so very much for letting me know, you've pretty much made my year. <333333333
(and if anyone else wants to read 5k of Arwen at Cerin Amroth contemplating her life, right at the end of it, and see some utterly beautiful art, it's here: I Will Be With You Always)
Her own reunion draws ever closer, in the place where the spirits of Men go, the place unknown to the Elves; at long last she will leave behind half of her heritage for ever. It has always been with her, even after she made her choice, it has stayed with her to the end of her days, but now it will leave her at last, or she will leave it. It is time for her to make that last sundering, to join her uncle and all of the cousins she never knew and turn her back on her closest family for ever. She has thought about this moment, contemplated it, turned it over in her mind, many times over the years, and since Aragorn has been gone, it has occupied her thoughts more and more. She has always thought that she would know when the time came, and now she is certain that it is drawing ever closer. She can almost hear his voice, that dear, dear sound, dearer to her than any other, singing the Lay of Lúthien just as he had on that evening so long ago when first they met, calling her home to him at last. He has been her hope for so long, the hope of Middle-Earth for longer - the twins called him ‘Estel’ all his life, although everyone else, once he was grown, used his proper name or called him ‘Strider’, and once he was King those who did not know him called him ‘Elessar’; but the twins, of course, always did things their way, and though he was the high hope of all free peoples, for the twins, Arwen thinks, he was their own hope, though they dressed it up in teasing banter. They could not defeat the Enemy on their own, she knows they knew this, and she thinks they knew, also, that if anyone could, it would be Aragorn - Estel, named by his mother because she knew it too.
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datastate · 1 year
2, 3, 15 and 23 for the yttd ask game! i hope thats not too many :o
no worries!!! thank you very much :D
(3 was answered here!)
2 : who is your least favorite character in the game?
hmmm. in terms of abhorrent actions, gashu's really the easiest choice here huh. he's raised his only child within asunaro as to not be alone, though it means putting kai through. horrific things and constantly pushing kai's physical/mental limits; once kai was no longer of use to asunaro, gashu was unable to accept his (or sei's) death & instead created the ranger project to try to satisfy the idea that there was any way in which he could've had either of them live -- only to shoot said project when it lost its use and, despite being engrained solely with the 'negative' emotions he saw within kai and sei, clung to him in the end despite being outright told he was a failure; he's deliberately gone out of his way to kill an innocent person, even at the cost of his own life, simply to purify the death game (only leaving candidates for floors 4/5, built specifically for them). & also he's rich. awful man.
but! in terms of characters i'd 'get along with', i must admit it's hayasaka. or, at least doll hayasaka. he has no spine and no real cause he's dedicated to, besides the desire of keeping himself alive (until gin managed to get close to him, though even then i much rather prefer q-taro & gin to. this.) and is seemingly polite to the point of no conflict. gashu's also more 'polite' than 'nice', but he doesn't particularly try to hide anything else behind his courtesy, which is something i can respect on a personal level. even megumi falls closer to hayasaka in those terms, but we've seen her take a stand for someone else - being keiji, with the implication it was for his reputation/safety that she signed the asunaro contract to keep the murder from going public (keiji wouldn't have signed it on his own; he wanted punishment). which is also something that is. so corrupt, but indicates more intrigue to what ways she attempts to protect those beneath her from asunaro's hold on higher-ranking officers.
15 : whats a part of canon do you dislike?
head in hands. well, my feelings on sei's last-minute inclusion are. complicated, but i can ultimately rework my previous interpretations (despite my frustration there was little foreshadowing beforehand) & i understand what nankidai was going for, even if i do genuinely think he needs more confidence in his writing (see also: overt emphasis on fake reko)
but in terms of its main story... i do think nankidai has put himself in a very rough patch where he must rush the final chapter. i would've preferred a longer game, maybe six chapters for each floor? with four/five mixed as usual, depending on where hiyori centers the game. it would've given us slightly more time to actually, properly, interact with the dolls and made us care more when they finally had to be written out. i honestly don't have many qualms with the banquet, because i also understand where nankidai was coming from on a narrative-level, & i realize that there would be far too many variables for him to properly deal with. however, i do think he's still put himself under a lot of constraints to not as freely explore the concepts he's already presented because he's trying to rush this project and do it within only three chapters. there is much more that yttd should be given the right to dig into, that he simply. can't do with the pressure he's placed upon himself. i appreciate that he's tried to make up for this via side stories with the entire cast, including the dolls, but as much as i enjoy it, i do think the majority of this extraneous content should've been held off until the end of the main game, so he could see what he was actually omitting in the main kimigashine game to keep the narrative running smoothly, and build upon that wrt miniepisdoes. i do think ytts and how it may eventually tie into yttd is interesting because it gives us other perspectives besides sara's, but it is also a project that i expect to be updating slowly - as much as i enjoy it, getting to see the strengths of the characters, it's not the main thing that drew my interest. he's working on too much at once because he's underestimated the bulk of the main story - & i'd much rather he go back on public statements that it would be 'only 3 chapters' + take his time with the game rather than end up with a sloppy imitation of the actual potential the game holds.
bah! even that is a bit more meta than i meant it to be. as for the actual game: i have many small qualms (both petty (green v (white) internal narration w little differentiating factor) &. genuine (colorism)), but i think. i will settle with the confrontation between shin, kanna, keiji, and sara. it's particularly frustrating because it is a tense moment, immediately broken by the under-handed comment of implied romance between both groups. which is obviously meant to be a deliberate point of 'i don't trust you or your intentions with anyone', but it's still so. needless. which is really what gets to me. you could've had the entire interaction without that. and yet... ahhh. whenever i watch playthroughs/replay myself, i always skip through it as quickly as i can.
23 : were you able to save anzu + hayasaka at their first death chance?
i was!! the minigames were fun to figure out; i'm better w rpg style than i am with the minigames of ch2. i had to go back to see the executions and i didn't realize i was only a couple turns away from dying Badly, so the entire time i felt like this:
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ageless-aislynn · 2 years
For the writers emojis ❤ 💕 🎬 please?
Aw, thank you so much for sending me something! 😁
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
Ooo, that's a tough one, kinda like trying to choose your favorite child, right? But I have to say that one line that I know for sure that got a lot of mentions is from "Side Effects" (John/Kai, Halo) NSFW chapter 2 . It's John's response to Cortana telling him to say something complimentary to Kai during a rather, ahem, intimate moment. I don't know why, but I can just HEAR him earnestly, sincerely saying what he then says to Kai. ��😂 I had quite a few people respond with varying degrees of AISLYNN, ZOMG, to that one, lol!
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(For those who haven't read it and don't want to jump into a very graphic fic, I'll summarize by saying that he tells her she has a very lovely body part that most people don't end up getting complimented on in polite company. But he's so SINCERE about it and they're so comfortable with each other that she's not insulted or offended or anything, and that it honestly makes it feel rather sweet to me. But I'm the weirdo writing this smut stuff so I don't know if my judgment is 100% correct here or not, lol!)
💕 What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
Obviously, I love all of my bbs BUT... There are a few that are just a little nearer and dearer to my heart. So I won't feel so biased towards my latest works, here are ones from the couple of fandoms I've written in: (in alphabetical order😉)
Arrow: "Five Times Oliver Held Felicity (And The One Time She Held Him)" (Olicity) - This one just... I don't know. We were still pretty earlier in the show and I had NO idea if they would ever become canon or even get a kiss at this point. This was just all a bunch of my own wish fulfillment moments put together in a fic. I also could've mentioned a line from it for the above answer (if my brain hadn't immediately gone to the Naughty Place™😳😉):
He held her like she was spun-glass fragile and infinitely breakable, but he knew the truth. Between the two of them, she was far, far stronger in all the ways that really mattered. She always had been.
Doctor Who: "Balancing Act" (Ten/Donna) NSFW - My very first multi-chaptered fic (and for many years my only one). I learned so much writing this one and I had such an amazing time with all of the wonderful friends I gained from them interacting with it! Plus, I loved getting the chance to fix Donna's unfortunate fate in a bawdy yet romantic way. 😉
Halo: "15 Minutes" (John/Reader) - I was still feeling-out writing Reader fics when I did this one (which was originally just a one-shot) and... *beckons you closer* if it feels a little more like an unnamed OC instead of a reader insert, that's because that was what it was originally going to be. 😱😁 I made the decision to go as a Reader fic very late in the thought process and ultimately, I'm happy with the choice. However, yes, that does mean that the Reader, at one time, had a name. But no, I can't tell you what it was. 🤐😉
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The Flash: "By Any Other" (Eobard/Frost) - I have a LOT of Flash fics and they all mean something to me for one reason or another but, looking back, this was the first one where I really FELT my own connection to the characters. This was written in season 1, we had no idea for sure if we would be getting Caitlin as Killer Frost, so I decided to make my own version. Her powers were obviously more inspired by her comic book version, then altered further by me. What I ended up loving about this particular pairing, though, was something that wasn't planned at all: Caitlin is by far the more broken of the two of them in this series. I don't have any plans to add any more fics to Partners In Crime but, at the same time, I don't want to mark it finished. I like to think that these two are still existing out there somewhere in the far fields of my imagination, getting into trouble and loving each other a lot. ❄⚡
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🎬 If a movie or show were based on your fic, which fic would you choose and who would you fancast?
Ohhh, mannnn, the possibilities! 😂 I mean, some of my fics would have to go straight to, like, HBO Max or worse, lol! But, trying NOT to pick from my unrepentant smut-fest fics...
"The Thousandth and the First" (Eobard/Caitlin, The Flash) is definitely one I would've loved to have seen actually portrayed on screen. It's one of my most "complete" fics in many ways: it's not just all jokes and laughs but it does have humor, it's not all smexy tiems but it does have some R rated love scenes (not nearly as graphic as some of my rated E/NC17 fics, though), it has a bit of sadness, it has some hard decisions and, ultimately, it's the only "realistic" way I felt I could redeem Eobard within the constraints of this story for the evil he had done.
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Secondly, because I'm ignoring the fact I was supposed to just pick ONE, lol... You might know it used to be common for shows to have, like, 24 eps in a season and have time to do things like what-ifs? I'd love to see an episode of Halo where "Trust" (Kai, Cortana) showed us how things could've played out if Kai would've been the Blessed One instead of John and thus ended up getting Cortana in his place.
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I think they would be a formidable pair, lol! 😁
Since all of my work is based on shows, I'd just leave the casting as it is. 😉
Thanks again! 😎👍
Fanfic Writer Ask Game
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johnmdarling · 2 months
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                    meet  john m. darling  !
                             23 — LIBRARY COORDINATOR
favorite song? imagination by belouis some
sexuality: heterosexual 
pronouns?: he/him
a natural adherent to whoever was in charge, john darling had followed in his father's steps before following peter pan. though life had been fine with his parents and his siblings, it wasn't until meeting peter and the lost boys that his longing for amusement had been fulfilled. now the lost boys were people that knew how to have fun, much more than john could have ever concocted on his own. this was a group of lifelong friends that he knew would not let him down and that he would do anything for. which was interesting because john wasn't one that found friends all that appealing, he liked to stick to himself but around the lost boys he found he could be himself and that was enough to change his mind.
there wasn't one single lost boy that he could consider his favorite, if asked, the obvious choice was peter, he was comfortable giving that answer as it was usually the same as everyone else's. but if he had been truthful from the start not only to others but to himself as well, he could've said there was a fascination with the fairy that hung around. he never could've given that opinion though, at least not without feeling like he was somehow betraying his sister for choosing her tormentor. so although there was inclination towards the blonde, any interest in her was buried deep down and never told or shown outright. they'd been friends and he was certain that's all they would be.
that was until he found himself kissing her at a party, acting as a substitute for nibs. one simple night of hooking up had taken a toll on him, he thought it couldn't be possible to have feelings for her since they were just friends. and yet, after that night he couldn't stop thinking about her. the two had grown closer over weeks that turned into months, sneaking off from the group to continue in their shared secret that their friends could never know about. that's what tink urged, at least, she advised against sharing their relationship for the sake of the group and john understood that, at the beginning. as time had gone by, he grew tired of their covert meetings and suggested they could make things public. he figured she'd needed time to think it over but anytime he brought it up, she shot him down. and there were only so many times he could hear her say no.
john knew he had to let her go because it became clear that this was mainly hurting him. no matter how serious things had gotten between him and tink in secrecy, nothing could ever come about them if the only way she could like him was through private affairs. whether it be out of the self-doubt he allowed himself to have or a genuine spark of perception when looking back, john deliberated on the thought that maybe this was a part of some joke. that his emotions were being toyed with for a year out of the satisfaction of hurting him. and subsequently, hurting his sister. he knew tink was never the biggest fan of wendy's, she even went so far as to laugh in his sister's misery, but he figured the hostility would've died out, instead it only made him that much wary of the relationship - if that was even the appropriate name for it - he had built with tink.
when confronting her about this revelation, tink couldn't seem to outright deny it. the anger he'd received from the news was what fueled his desire to leave the island. there was hesitation in leaving before because of his friends and family but he felt like he needed to start fresh elsewhere, anywhere that it wasn't possible to see anyone and have to hide the secrets which he chose to keep for the sanctity of peace. he'd chosen to never tell anyone of the year he spent chasing tink, he didn't want anyone's pity nor did he want to leave the island with a scene he wouldn't have to deal with. there was already enough tension between wendy and tink, he wasn't going to add anything onto that. and so he left the island, hoping he'd made the right choice.
the years away from his friends had shown him a lot about the real world, and of responsibilities. as much as he admired and wished he could simply goof around and shirk away his duties, stuff like hobbies and fun had to be put on a back burner. studies were important and finding a job even more so, his father had taught him that and those instructions remained in his head like a mantra he could never escape. slowly but surely, john had lost the whimsy he'd spent his childhood years curating with the lost boys. any sense of fun was no longer something that had to be pushed away but rather, the opportunities had stopped coming altogether.
at hearing the news that he could be around his family again, he jumped at the opportunity. the barrier had taken away too much time from seeing them, so it didn't take much time to consider moving back. of course, things will be different now. he will be living in his own apartment, he won't have much time to waste on adventures but he's hoping that adjusting won't take long. besides, how much could have changed within the span of 5 years?
wrote physical letters back home, mostly to wendy but he sent in gifts over birthdays and christmases to all the lost boys.
his everyday outfits adhere to a sensible uniform: a neutral button down, sweater vest, slacks, and loafers. if he wants to mix things up, he'll add a tie.
spends a lot of his time reading books, he likes stories but has grown less excited to experience them firsthand.
it was easy to just resign to a life with less fun because most of the fun he had with the lost boys felt like that was the pinnacle of entertainment, it was hard to imagine having more enjoyment anywhere else with anyone else.
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beybaldes · 2 years
The Prying Hands Of Choice
detective abe x gn!reader
summary : "y/n and Abe reunite at Wilford's roller rink disco and fate does not seem to care."
Word count : 2.9k
Part 1 - The Prying Hands Of Choice
Part 2 - A Love Never Flourished
Part 3 - Somewhere, Somehow
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Pushing past the pink haired man, despite his insistence that you shouldn't, you slipped through the rainbow of streamers and out into a dance floor. Not the most unusual place you had been dropped off at so far, but definitely the most fun: the bright, strobe lights and the funky 70s themed outfits all were a welcome change.
The broad shoulders entrenched in a suave leather jacket was an even more welcome one.
"Stop stalling! You're under arrest for the deaths of way too many people to even count." Abe. You hadn't heard that voice in what felt like eons - not since the manor, and however many years you had spent falling through wormhole after wormhole.
Your eyes filtered over to the other William, or Wilford as he had referred to himself as, that stood before him - near identical to the one who stood next to you now, bar the cocktail that he sipped from occasionally- boring down the barrel of his gun.
"Well that's just ridiculous I would never kill anybody." Wilford drawled, his speaking slurred as he tried to get the straw of his drink into his mouth; struggling severely besides the simplicity of the task.
Turning to ask the Wilford that stood beside you what was going on, you found him to have disappeared - like magic. Maybe there had only been one Will after all.
Were all those wormholes making you lose your mind?
Probably. You were seeing Abe after all. Abe who you'd watched die at the hands of the Colonel, shortly followed by yourself, after he'd spent so long, and tried so hard to solve Marks murder.
Although, if this is what losing your mind allowed you'd gladly embrace every twist of your imagination and echo of your past.
"Is that right?" Abe asked the pink haired man who stood in front of him, slowly lowering his gun with a twinge of anger in his voice. How long had he been so bitter?
Gently lifting your heavy helmet from your head, you lowered it to your side, holding it loosely between your fingers. You suddenly felt underdressed in your Captains coveralls - as though you'd have ever had time to change - that the outfit was too odd, too unlike the you Abe knew.
That wasn't you anymore.
The District Attorney who had worked hard in Damien's office, who tried to help solve their friends murder, who died trying to protect the people they loved, was long gone. Yet, was your new role of Captain much different from that?
How many times had you jumped into the wormhole? Jumped out of the airlock? Let yourself be consumed by the vastness of space? - to try and save your crew? To try and save Mark? Too many to count.
Perhaps Abe would love you, and your silly, little beret, all the same. Besides, you deserved to be a little selfish for once.
"Well..." Abe pulled a small, grey taser out of his holster, slowly stepping closer and closer to Wilford: who was still entirely focused on the straw in his Martini. "Whatever you say buddy."
The way Abe had spat out the words - as though they had soured on his tongue - did not befall you. Had he been through so much hurt since you saw him last? More than you knew.
Abe's heart ached for you; longed for you to still be by his side, be his partner (in every sense of the word). He kept himself awake at night in anguish, thinking and thinking about what he could've done to save you. After all, he had survived a bullet to the heart hadn't he? Yet, like always, he couldn't save the one who mattered most, his partner - you.
Was it his fault? Probably. Every partner he'd ever had at his side had left, been left behind, died - and he supposed by giving you the title, he had doomed you to such a fate.
He often wished he'd told you to run far away from that goddamn manor at the first sight of danger - but he hadn't, and he would have to live with that.
As Abe stalked towards Wilford, taser in hand, you let out a ghost of a sound - something between gasp and a whine - hoping to stop Abe before he took it too far, but not knowing the words to say, where to begin.
"Abe." You mustered out, hushed words coming out barely above a whisper, though it halted the detective in his tracks all the same.
Lowering the taser, Abe looked to the floor, tears welling in his eyes at the sound. Many times he had heard you calling his name, usually a whisper in the night - a comforting presence when he struggled to sleep - but this time felt too real. As though you were actually stood mere feet behind him and not 6ft below him.
He knew he shouldn't look - knew he would just be getting his hopes up over nothing. You were long, long gone. And a voice in his head is all you would be: yet like every other time he turned his head.
Though this time you were there. Standing, living, breathing mere feet away from him. At least he thought. He'd never seen the ghost of you before, only heard the echos of his past - but if this was him finally going crazy from your haunting presence, then crazy he would be.
"Abe." You chocked out, tears beginning to well in your eyes at the sight of the man before you. A hand came up to clamp over your mouth, to keep the pathetic whimpers in, letting your helmet clatter to the floor - the sound resounding around the near-empty roller rink.
Now Abe turned to fully face you, his eyebrows creasing together as he attempted to keep up his stoic appearance - this wasn't real, and he knew it. You were but a figment of his imagination; his own little secret only he had the joy of being privy too.
"You're not meant to be here!" Wilford slurred, his straw now loosely held between his lips and his martini almost gone. "I thought I told you to stay put y/n."
Will could see you too. Fuck.
Tears begin to rapidly fill Abes waterline as his eye raked up and down your figure - clad in a beige coverall, a little red beret resting disheveled atop your head and a discarded, cracked helmet on the floor. He doubted that it was in such condition minutes ago.
"I just couldn't help myself." You whisper breathlessly, your gaze never breaking away from Abes as you spoke. Finally getting to see him again, you doubted you'd ever be able to look away - not that you'd want to in the first place.
"Well, I guess I can it allow it for the mean time." William huffed folding his arms tightly across his chest, a sulk forming on his face. With a snap of his finger his martini began to refill. "But don't take too long, we've got to get back to our regularly scheduled programming soon."
You let out a teary laugh at Wilford's outlandish wording - ever the dramatic - a trait he and the him you knew seemed to share. Taking a few, small steps closer to Abe, you didn't speak, not wanting to get too close, or say the wrong thing, and startle him into disbelief.
This whole thing felt unreal enough to you, you couldn't imagine how it felt for him. Not only to see you now: but to wake up after being shot and finding you dead, and to spend years dedicating his life to finding your killer only to have you standing before him now.
"Partner?" Abe finally asked, his taser slowly being sheafed into his pocket as he finally took a step in your direction, not moving too fast as though that would make you disappear from his vision - gone like a wisp of smoke.
"Partner." You repeated, somewhat confirming his notion and somewhat using the term of endearment on him too. Talking larger and larger steps across the roller rinks wooden floor, you met each other in the middle, neither touching the other and both heaving in air.
"Are you- are you real?" Abe chocked out, his eyes flickering over every part of you he had been blessed with seeing again - free of blood and injury, filled with life and soul.
"I hope." Not the reply he has wanted, but it suited well enough. It was true, honest at the least - after falling through a myriad of wormholes you didn't quite know yourself, though you hoped now more then ever you were.
Taking another step forward, you were now chest to chest - close enough to feel the other breathe but far enough it could still be a dream.
A twisted dream at that.
Abe raised his hand to ghost above your cheek; almost too scared to touch you, to have you melt away under his finger tips. Though you didn't give him long to worry, leaning into the heat of his palm - skin meeting skin. Abe stilled at the contact, unnerved by the warmth that pooled in his fingertips and sent shivers up his arm and down his spine. You were once again in his arms - or were you?
Abe wasn't going to allow the prying hands of choice to drag you away from him again - in his arms, you would be safe this time. So, his hand swiftly moved to the back of your neck, pulling you against him and tucking your head into the crook of his neck; his free hand snaking around your waist and keeping you tight against him. Twisting his fingers into the fabric of your coveralls, he pressed you as tight against himself as he could.
You couldn't feel the beating of Abe's heart, but you hoped he could feel yours, assure himself you were real. He couldn't. Whatever resemblance of a heartbeat either of you had, had left you as you hit the floor of the manor many moons ago.
"Oh God, I missed you Partner." Abe's voice cracked as he spoke, the flood of emotion overtaking each of his senses. He pulled away slightly from you, enough that he could now clearly see your face - meet your eyes. Slowly, his hand moved from the back of your neck, coming to caress the side of your face. "But what's with the outfit?"
The two of you let out bittersweet, teary laughs, neither surprised by the capability to find such humour in the moment of upset and turmoil. It felt right to laugh in the others arms after all you'd been through.
You gently rested your forehead against Abe's, relishing in the moment and committing every detail of his face to memory - not knowing when you'd get to see it next. Though you hoped you'd see it today and tomorrow, and every day for the rest of your life - you couldn't exactly trust that would be the case.
Not when the crystal in your palm could start burning against you and whisk you away down another wormhole at any moment.
"I have so much I want to say." You spluttered, leaning into Abe's hand as you hiccuped out a sob. Abe's thumb brushed gently across your cheek, wiping away the escaped tears, hushing you soothingly. "I don't even know where to begin."
"Take your time gorgeous, we've got worlds of time." You didn't. Abe didn't know, you couldn't blame him for the way his words made you sob harder then before. Dropping your head into the crook of his neck, you grabbed fistfuls of his leather jacket, hoping a tight hold on him would keep him there with you.
"A captain doesn't leave their ship when it's sinking; now do they?" Wilford asked, his Martini once again empty and the straw still evading his tongue. "I believe our little y/n's time here is up. No?"
The warm-burning sensation in your palm only confirmed Williams words. Fate was not on your side; though when had it ever been?
"No." You commanded, though Will was right: you couldn't leave your crew to die by your lack of attention, because you were selfish enough to let the wormhole fester for your own peace of mind. "It's not fair."
"When is life ever fair?" William near spat - anger of a life he had once lived consuming him and leaving him just as quick. "When has life ever been fair to any of us? You're not special! You need to do what's right."
"Don't listen to him partner." Abe pleaded, his hands holding onto the fabric of the our coveralls tighter then he had previously; as though you'd slip through his fingers at the mention of going anywhere but with him. "I just got you back, I- I can't lose you again."
It was selfish of you, to want to heed to his words. To stay in his arms now you'd found them. And in all your lifetimes you'd never put yourself first, at least that you could remember. You'd given up your life, your body, your soul for the sake of your friends, for the sake of making things right - why couldn't you be selfish for once?
You had a job to do.
"He's right." You sombrely answered, removing yourself from Abe's hold with little struggle. His arms didn't chase after you, hold you close to him so you couldn't go - be taken away by things out of your control. He didn't fight this, didn't fight for you. "I have no choice in the matter."
"Life is ours to choose." Abe spat, the words bitter on his tongue. How many time a had you heard that phrase? In how many bodies? Tears welled in your eyes once more at the wave of grief that washed over you; grieving the life you'd never get to live with Abe, a life long taken from you. "Choose to stay."
Choose me.
"I would, if I could. I would over and over again." Your voice trembled as you spoke, leaning down to pick up your discarded helmet, not breaking eye contact as you did.
"Don't make them leave." Abe begged, turning towards Wilford - William, the colonel - pleading with the man he had spent the last decade, decades, chasing after. As though he had any control over the matter. "It's the least you could do."
Wilford didn't answer the man, instead he fiddled with the straw inside of his drink, idly sipping the liquid.
"Abe, it's okay." You soothed, taking a step closer to your lover, in some lifetime or other, though not daring to touch him. You'd already let go of him twice, and to do so again might kill you. "I'll find you. Somehow, somewhere."
"You promise?" You couldn't promise, that would be cruel. To have him lead his life in hope, in wait. You loved the detective far too much to subject him to such heartbreak.
"No. But I'll try my hardest." A bitter laugh left your sore and scratched throat, tired of the crying. "It's the best I can give you."
A hot white burn flooded your senses, the crystal that was buried deep into your palm glowing brightly.
"Ive seen so much more than you know, and it's means I know things. Like somewhere out there I've already found you; I can do it again. I will do it again." You reassured, wincing as the pain in your palm became unbearable, fighting against leaving becoming harder and harder. It was futile to resist.
"I hope you know I don't like this, not one bit." Abe seethed through his teeth, his eyes red and raw from both the tears he'd let flow and the ones he was trying to keep within.
Taking a step back from you, Abe stood closer to Wilford, giving you one last look over - relishing in the sight of you alive and breathing for what well could be the last time.
"Be safe, partner."
"I will, partner." A swirl of blue and white began to form behind you, the wind picking up inside the roller rink despite all the windows being closed. This was goodbye. Turning to face it, you had just about accepted your fate: but you knew you needed to be selfish for once. To have some peace of mind to get you through whatever mayhem was to come.
"Wait, Abe, I-" With a flash of bright light you were gone. Gone from Abe's grasp once again, slipped through his fingers like grains of sand.
"I know," Abe whispered, his glazed-over expression fixed on the spot where you had just stood. "I know."
"Well, better get back to our 'regularly scheduled programming.'" Abe sardonically spat, turning to Wilford and slipping the taser out of his pocket. "I have a job to do after all."
Abe would return to the roller rink before he knew, before he was ready to really. Though this time he wouldn't feel the heartbreak, dazed by the flashing lights and groovy music, he'd become entranced by the disco-loving Warfstache's antics and join in.
He'd dance to the upbeat music, moving in  slow circles with Wilford and his mask-covered friends; deluded by the knowledge that you couldn't survive a bullet to the heart.
And he'd constantly find himself looking over his shoulder, a whisper in the wind calling his name, and a strange feeling that one day, he'd turn around and a person would be waiting at the other end of the call.
a/n : There's not enough Abe content so I decided to make my own.
If one single person wants a part 2 I'll make one because I already have ideas lol.
I hope you enjoyed! <3
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lexxiie · 3 years
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Did I wait to post this on his birthday? Totally. Quite a fun concept to write. Guess we can say this is a drabble???
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Fandom: My hero Academia
Pairing: Shota Aizawa x reader
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This was supposed to be a normal mission. He was supposed to defeat the bad villain and go home to get some sleep. That was it. However, nothing ever goes as planned for him, does it? He had no idea the villain he had to fight would have a disintegrating quirk. How was he supposed to know? Now, his clothes were gone. They took his dignity with them. He needed to find a way to avoid being seen by anyone; to get home before the sun started to show itself.
This wasn't gonna be easy, he had to cross a bunch of streets, there weren't enough parks near that would help him hide himself. Everything was awful. What if he encountered a little kid on his way home? Or worse yet, a little kid with his mother? The thought made his skin crawl. He had no intentions of traumatizing anyone.
He kept calling Yamada, but there was no response. he was probably already asleep, of course. He was hoping that he could bring him some clothes but it seemed like that plan wasn't going to work. He had thought of buying clothes somewhere, but there were many reasons why that wasn't gonna work either.
He had no choice. He'd have to walk all the way there. Fuck. He figured it would be better for him (and any poor soul out there) if he tried to move using alleys. It was unlikely that anyone would want to go near an alley so late at night.
His plan was actually going very well. No encounters of any sort. Thank god. He was way closer to his house now, he only needed a bit of luck to keep avoiding the few people that were still out. He was walking through the next alley when he heard someone walking down the stairs of the apartemnt complex at his right. His first instinct was to hide behind the trash containers near him. The person he heard approached the container he was using to hide himself. Whoever it was, they sounded like they were in distress, the bags were probably too heavy for them. He heard one bag falling into the container, then two, the- "AH!" Fuck. He was fucked. He had been hit with the last bag and couldn't help the scream that left his throat. "Oh my god, is someone in there? I'm calling the police!" "No!" He stood up before thinking the moment he heard you say you'd call the police, "Ahhhhhh!!" and he forgot he was completely naked.
Explaining to a total stranger why he had no clothes on was humilliating, but having to accept this stranger's help to get home was much more worse. He watched as you were trying to find some clothes that would fit him, but you were very obviously not the same size as him. When you gave him what was your selection of clothes for him, he felt even more humilliated. He honestly prefered to keep using the blanket you gave him than wearing those sweatpants that said "juicy" on the back. But he had no choice.
You could sense his discomfort as he got into your car, trying to avoid eye contact at all costs. "So... Being a hero really is hard, huh?" He still wasn't looking at you. "Yeah." All right, he wasn't very talkative. However, he was in fact very glad he came across you, he realized that he wasn't as close to his house as he thought. Any other person that could've seen him would have reported him for public nudity.
When you finally arrived to the front of his house, you thought he was gonna leave as if anything had happened, without saying a word. Much to your surprise, he turned around to look at you for the first time in the whole ride. "Thank you. I'll bring you your clothes back tomorrow." You smiled at him and nodded. So you would be seeing this guy again, huh?
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kyeomunism · 4 years
Journal of the Bruised || Sirius Black
Pairing: Sirius Black x Fem!Reader
Marauders Era
Word Count: 2.9k
Summary: In which Sirius gets fascinated by the spitfire witch after reading her hopes and goals in a research journal.
Warnings: slight wounds, swearing, anxious thoughts, mentions of toxic parents, suggestive flirting, making out, me abusing my prompts I'm supposed to use for twelve different fanfics... (i think that's it, please tell me if I missed something.)
y/h/c=your hair color
y/l/n=your last name
y/n=your name (or just yeen:))
︵‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・༺❀༻・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ︵‿︵‿︵
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You carefully step over some gigantic vines as you stroll around the forbidden forest. With a journal on your hand, wand in your pocket, and the bright moonlight over your head, you crouch down to get a closer look at some thorny branches and see a gleaming strand of unicorn hair entangling within it. You carefully save it in your pocket for your potions ingredients collection.
You stand up to get back to the castle without anyone noticing because getting detention would be a blow. You increase your pace, a hoard of centaurs being the least of your woes, considering the distant howls you've been hearing.
Your fear of getting in trouble at Hogwarts is just a result of your parent's high expectations, but you'll risk it for the sake of adding something to your journal. You love going to the woods at night just to pick a rare plant, animal hair, or at lucky nights, beast eggs. The moon is so bright you don't need to pull your wand out to illuminate the path.
Within a heartbeat, a loud thundering howl followed by ground-quaking steps electrify your spine. Instinct tells you to run immediately but the feel of something else's presence just several meters away glues your feet to the ground. You slowly reach for your wand as you turn. There's nothing there, but it feels like you're being watched.
A small rat came running near your direction as you inhale deeply, backing up towards the shadows just in case. A huge stag suddenly appears from where the rat came from, followed by an enthusiastic bear...no wait, you squint hard and could make up a large dog. The howling returns but this time, it's louder and scarier. Shivers overwhelm you as a full size werewolf came out of the shadows. Your free hand fly towards your mouth to stifle your terrified gasp.
You move away but not carefully enough, swearing all of them looked at your direction. The next second, you're running for your life, not daring to look back. All you know is that not only the werewolf is coming your way, but also the stag and the dog, and you don't care why. Nothing else matters as you make efforts not to scream nor show your face. It becomes harder for you through the thorny vines, wincing as the branches sting you.
Nobody can know you've been breaking the rules, not if it means getting many wounds or getting devoured alive. Nobody can know, or else your parents may force you to quit your hobbies and start preparing for work at the ministry. Oh you'd rather be dead than live without your passion.
The fear and panic about your future drives you out of the forest, not realizing until you find yourself catching breaths and applying pressure on wounds. You sit on the ground, listening to the distant howling that nearly became the last thing you heard. You check your pockets, your wand and the unicorn hair is still there.
"Damnit! Where's my journal?" You whisper-shout, bitter expression from your stinging wounds and the years long research now gone. Having the urge to lay there and cry until morning, you have no choice but to sneak back in the castle.
༺∘◦ ❀ ◦∘༻
"Who do you think that bloke was, Prongs?" Sirius asks as they sit beside Remus's hospital wing bed. "Doesn't matter now, does it? Whoever they are, they shouldn't have been idiotic enough to take a walk in the forest during a full moon," James says rather loudly.
"How 'bout you, Moons, who do you bet was it?" Peter pipes up.
"Doesn't matter, I could've killed them, worse, I could've bitten them," Remus says weakly.
Sirius brushes it off with a whole new full-proof plan for the next full moon. Something that Remus doesn't look forward to, but somehow enjoy with his friends' company. The marauders later spends the whole weekday morning in the hospital wing with the food Sirius, James and Peter got from the kitchens. The topics change each moment, until James finds a way to mock Sirius with his failed attempts at flirting with you.
"Just go talk to her!" James says between laughs.
"She doesn't even acknowledge me."
"I don't think so, it was only last quidditch practice when I heard her yell, suck it Black, when you got hit by a bludger." James, Remus and Peter laughs as Sirius's eyes widen.
Before Sirius could retort, "I gotta go prepare for my date with Evans now." James suddenly gets up, hastily messing up his hair and pocketing some sweets as his friends laugh at his ridiculous behavior.
"I'll stay here and finish these," Peter says while munching on some toast.
"I still want to know who's the owner of the journal I found a while ago. You sure you'll be good here, mate?" Sirius asks, to which Remus replies with a nod and goodluck.
༺∘◦ ❀ ◦∘༻
You're trying out spells to hide your puffy eyes from crying throughout dawn, frustratedly healing wounds. You don't want to miss breakfast to avoid suspicion, but it's hard to act normal. You finally look decent enough to your liking, but the potion made from the ingredients in your trunk did not do well on a gash on the back of your right hand, leaving a bruise. You decide to hide it in your Hogwarts robes and eat breakfast quickly.
After breakfast, you find yourself staring at the raven haired boy at the end of the hallway. Not that you expect him to care or notice you, but an inch of hope is still there. His usual unkempt hair that touches his face with such grace is just one of the many things you find attractive about him, but there was something different this time. He was holding a book, a very unusual thing to see since it's weekend.
You gasp as you walk closer in his direction, it's your journal. The thing you poured hardwork on, contains researches, discoveries and a list of dreams that had been ridiculed by your own parents. It was an extension of your soul, and it was being held by the Sirius Black.
He noticed you staring. "What's your deal, y/l/n, did you ran out of ridiculous potions to dye your hair y/h/c?"
You snap back from your thoughts. "Just a near-death experience, Black. And for the record, my hair is naturally y/h/c."
You turn around with a pounding heart. How did he find the journal? Did he read the contents? Was it that embarrassing?
Sirius watched you walk away. What does she mean by near death experience?
He looks at the journal, scans it for the second time since he found it this dawn. It's well-written and perfectly organized. He could swear he had seen the handwriting before, and the initials scribbled at the first page. Sirius decides to follow you to see if his guess is right.
༺∘◦ ❀ ◦∘༻
You sit on a part of the Hogwarts grounds away from other students, having trouble figuring out how did Sirius got your journal.
"You could've just told me this was yours."
You almost got a whiplash with Sirius's voice appearing out of nowhere. You just stared at him, examining his sharp features under the sun.
"What do you want?"
"Do you want this back?" he says, lightly waving the journal in front of you.
With a sigh, you spoke softly, "yeah. Can I have it now?"
"What?" You ask in disbelief, standing up to look at his silvery eyes.
"No, you have to reach it."
You want to whip out your wand and Accio the journal but Sirius's grin made you reach out as he waves it high above your head.
"What's wrong with your hand?" You freeze and hastily adjust your sleeves to cover it.
"You know what, I'm going back to the castle," you say half-heartedly.
"Who did this to you? I'll hex them."
"A tree branch. I would very much enjoy watching you hex it. You'll look more stupid than you already are."
"As much as I love the idea, let me see your hand first. Sirius's gentle voice almost melted you while reluctantly showing the bruise on the back of your hand. Sirius holds it, muttering an incantation under his breath. The bruise disappears in an instant.
You fill up with sudden gratitude and mixed emotions.
"I owe y—"
"No you don't. I'm doing this because I want to, deal with it. Now, tell me where you hurt yourself. Then I'll let you have your journal back."
"Why do you care anyways? I told you, I got hurt from a tree branch."
"That bruise is a cause of a potion applied on a deep gash lacking the proper incantation. What were you doing in the forbidden forest?"
"Speaking from experiences, are we, Black?" You say, highly amused. "I was just wandering around and dropped it. Are you done?"
"No, I know the easiest kind of lying is when you leave things out of a story. You could've been bitten or got killed. You're lucky Prongs and I saw you first."
You almost choked. "Excuse me? I don't know what you're talking abou—"
"I was there, me and my friends. It's a long story, y/n, so could you start first?" Your cheeks heat up at the sound of Sirius saying your first name.
"I don't think you'll understand, I'm my parent's disappointment, I'm the opposite of what they want me to be. Instead of doing my purpose, I'm out here wasting my time, trying to cope using the dumbest ways possible." You start venting out as you sit on the grass beside him.
"Believe me, I know exactly what that feels like, love." They both mentally freeze as the words slip though his mouth.
"I go through the forest just to write about the things I find there. Something I couldn't get from sitting in the library. That journal contains my hard work."
"I can tell. It's impressive and elaborate."
"Uhm, thanks. Y-you wouldn't tell anyone I was in the forest, would you?" You say hesitantly.
"If I'd tell the professors about your midnight strolls, I might as well be turning the marauders in for expulsion."
"It's my turn to explain," Sirius utters with a sigh.
You watch the handsome boy talk about his friends; how they had to transform into Animagi for the sake of keeping their friend's company—which greatly impressed you—and their mischievous whereabouts. You've never heard Sirius speak this gentle.
There so many things you wanted to say, but can't form words. "Sirius..."
His eyes meet yours for the first time you mentioned his name, and it's in a tone that he wouldn't trade for the world.
"...can I visit Remus?" you continue.
He smiles at you—a genuine smile that made your heart leap—and takes you back to the castle without a word. He gives the journal to you on the way.
Your steps are slow and steady, as if the air has never been more comfortable. You finally got to the hospital wing, and see Remus lying in bed, reading a book next to a pile of sweets his friends placed there. He looks at the two of you with a questioning stare.
"Remus, I... I was the person who saw you in the forest. Sirius told me about..."
"I'm sorry."
You felt taken aback with Remus's response.
"No, I should be sorry, I wasn't thinking. I shouldn't have been sneaking around late at night."
"That's actually a difficult habit to stop, y/n. Not that I tried," Sirius pipes up, earning chuckles from you and Remus.
You eventually become good friends with the marauders. Remus is glad you become friends because of his condition, and not inspite of it. Sirius would always ask about your day, which earns a lot of teases from James. You would still walk through the forbidden forest sometimes, but Sirius is always there to accompany you.
༺∘◦ ❀ ◦∘༻
Your NEWTs were coming near and Remus studied with you in the Gryffindor common room. It was late at night and completely silent, except for your small discussions about some topics. Several minutes pass and you find yourself talking about your feelings for Sirius, to which Remus never fail to respond with the best advices.
"Sometimes I wonder if Sirius feels the same..."
"You don't have to wonder," Remus says.
"Because he's right behind you." You almost jump as you hear him speak. "Mind to take a break from studying, y/n?"
You look at Remus, who shrugged with a smile. You get up and take a walk with Sirius. It was a comfortable silence, casually avoiding spots where you know people can see you and get you in detention. Your mind was going places thinking about a possible future with him. You didn't even realize you're in the astronomy tower if it wasn't for the sudden hug if cold air. You watch his eyes sparkle under the stars, standing at the huge overview of the tower.
"You wanna know how I feel about you?" You gulp at the way he broke the silence. You don't think you'll ever be ready to know. Your eyes finally met and it sent your bones to flames.
"I love you, y/n. And I've never felt more sure about anything in the world, fuck that, you are my world." The sincerity in his tone melted your brain, you couldn't string up a word.
"I can't believe we're finally here." Your throat starts to tighten with the struggle of words. "I was so scared to lose you, but I was also scared to say anything."
"Does that mean...?"
"Face first to the point and you still missed it. Of course I love you too, you idiot!"
You laugh as you jump into his arms, he gladly hugs you tight. The warmth and comfort that you felt contrasting to the cold night air felt so right.
"Hogsmeade, this weekend?" He whispers to your ear which sends shivers through your spine.
"Yes, but I don't wanna end up in detention after that."
"That's also a good idea for a first date."
You let go of the hug to look at his face.
"There's a fine line between liking you and wanting to hex you to oblivion."
"And I cross it everytime."
"Oh yes you do."
"You love it though."
"Hmm...yes I do."
With one meaningful look in his face, you press your lips against his. It's soft and gentle, firm and promising. His hand cups your face, thumb caressing your cheek. You wrap your arms around his warm body, feeling his heartbeat under his perfectly chiseled chest. After what seems like a beautiful forever, you pull away. The second you back up, a whistle and cheering made you jump.
"Prongs, Wormtail, what the hell are you doing here?" Sirius called the crackheads by the door.
"We saw you in the map, thought we've come to see the show," James says smugly.
"Want a treacle tart, y/n?" Peter says while holding half a dozen of them.
"No thanks I—"
"Hey, I thought you snuck out to the kitchens to get those for me?" You hear the distant voice of Remus, who clearly made an effort to leave his studies just to get his friends away from trouble.
"Nah Moons, 'tis the best part right here, I wanna know if Sirius messed this up," James continues with such a bright tone.
"Oh sod off, mate!" Sirius laughs as Remus take the two grown children away.
"Where were we?" You coo.
His lips brush yours passionately, like a fiery tease. You barely had a second to react and you already granted his tongue in the seam of your lips. He delved in your mouth, making you breathless. Your arms travels up to tangle around his neck to his luscious black hair. He pulls you even closer and you inhale sharply as his lips form into a smirk. He began peppering your neck with delicate kisses. You can't get enough of it, you let out pleasured tones that feels like godly music to him.
"Please, Siri... I need you."
"Absolutely, love. I will be gentle and make sure you can still walk after."
"I have seen your exes walk, no you won't," you reply. He chuckles between kisses that turned you on even more. The rest of the night will forever be one of the best things you've ever experienced.
༺∘◦ ❀ ◦∘༻
After graduating, you and Sirius joined the Order, fighting with and for each other.
One day, you and Sirius comes home from an Order mission, you have a slight bruise on your hand after falling over once in a duel with a Deatheater.
"What's wrong with your hand?" Sirius asks. Your lips forms a smile at the sudden flashback of his words.
"It's not holding yours," you reply. He lets out a bark of laughter as he checks your hand. His laugh is the nicest thing to watch and listen to.
"Wanna know what's wrong with your hands?" you ask him.
"They're not around my neck." Before you even finish the sentence you both are already laughing loudly.
He did fix what's wrong with his hand later that day, which you absolutely love.
You continue writing all your researches on your journal as you participate in the war. It all paid off because of Sirius, despite your parents' disapproval. You're with him and that's all that matters.
You eventually publish several informative books, with Sirius always by your side to support you. You both are proud of the fact that your books became the foundation research for Damocles Belby in creating the wolfsbane potion.
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step-on-me-khun · 3 years
Your Voice Ch.3 - timeskip!Kenma x reader
Still can't really say anything about how consistently I'll write or post a chapter.
(C/N) = Country name or city name, your choice really. Also, I know I haven't stated it, but it's female or girl name reader. Later chapters will be NSFW, just warning you all now.
[[Ch.2]] - [[Ch.4]]
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Warnings: Cursing, that's all
Words Count:
Kenma never really had much to look forward to. There wasn't a rush to play one of his games as soon as he got up out of bed. He would take his time and shower first, get something to eat, and then play whatever video game he felt like playing.
He was sure that you would stream today, so he took time off from streaming himself. No feelings of nervousness or anxiety were there in his head or stomach. There wasn't any need for it, really. But there was a tinge of excitement in him.
He was constantly checking to see if you were recording. There was a lot of questions still in his head that he wanted answers to. But you were practically a stranger, and he had never talked to you before.
Kenma was never really one for starting conversations with someone new, but he knew that he had to take a step forward and try.
His hands were busy pressing the buttons and fiddling with the joystick on his controller. The game would pause every now and again, but it was so Kenma could check on his phone to see if you were online.
Time went by, the small rays of light coming from outside began to fade the longer he played. It was seven at night, and it had been a whole week since you had last streamed. He was getting more and more impatient. He had turned the notification settings on so that he was alerted to you.
That's what he was looking down at right now. He would never admit defeat, but damn was he close to it.
Just as the screen of his phone turned black, a notification popped up. It was you, and you were streaming. His face lit up, eyes widened.
It was as if he was in a rush like he would miss your stream. He immediately exited the game he was playing and turned his computer on.
His fingers clicked on the mouse impatiently, each click bringing him closer to listening to you again. He had thought of not interacting with you yet, but as he got to your stream, he quickly abandoned that idea.
Music played as the screen switched colours slowly. He rested his arms next to each other on the table, his chin resting on them as he kept his eyes on the monitor.
He was thinking about hosting your stream, but he didn't want to do it yet. His foot tapped on the floor impatiently.
"Hey guys, I'm just setting myself up. I'll be with you all in a minute," your voice says. Kenma was soon snapped out of his impatience.
It felt weird to him. He had heard your voice before, but it felt like he was hearing it for the first time again.
He wanted to know everything about you still. He wouldn't know what to do with himself if you told the stream you lived in Japan.
"Okay," you say as you sit down, the screen showing the same shooting game as before. "Sorry, I'm late today guys, it's just been a weird day,"
Kenma wasn't complaining. It wasn't really a problem that you were late. It was Kenma's first time watching your stream. He had so many questions. Hopefully, he wouldn't sound too creepy asking them.
You were busy reading out some of the messages from the chat as the game loaded.
"'Why don't you stream with anyone?' Well, that's because I don't really know a lot of people to stream or game with,"
So you were either shy or didn't like telling people you liked gaming.
He decided to ask his own question.
"'Don't you have friends to game with?' Uhh, no, not really. I'm a socially awkward mess,"
So, you were someone who enjoyed gaming but had trouble connecting with people? That sounded too damn familiar. He could tell that you were uncomfortable with the questions you were getting. He could hear it in the tone of your voice as you answer your chat.
"'What country do you live in?' You must be new here. I know I've said before that I lived in (C/N), but now I live not too far from Tokyo,"
So, you lived in Japan, not too far from Kenma, and you had limited social skill, probably because you might've only just moved to Japan. Was this all really this easy?
"I've only lived here for a while. I've not really made much of an impression on anyone here." There was some sadness in how you said that.
If Kenma didn't know Kuroo or become friends with him, he could've been in the same shoes as you. It was clear that you did want to make friends, but you found it difficult to. Maybe it was a good thing that you were viewed by Kenma.
"'I live not far from Tokyo, too.' I don't know if that's a bad or a good thing," you say, stopping the game for a minute to browse at his own profile. You were expecting him to be a small streamer, with maybe the same amount of viewer as you. It shocked you to see that this person had more than triple your viewer count. "H-how did you find me? There're so many other streamers, I'm just a small percentage of them,"
"'I fell asleep at the computer with the mouse still in my hand, and I accidentally clicked on your stream, and I don't regret it.' Fuck, umm, I don't know what to say to that. Why didn't you get some sleep before then?"
"'I don't know, I didn't even know I clicked on your stream until your voice woke me up.' M-my voice?" You were shocked. You sat on your gaming chair, gobsmacked by this situation.
'You didn't sound like a loud person. Your voice is kind of calming. I know this is my first time actually watching you, but I look forward to watching your future streams,'
Not like anyone noticed it, but your face heated up. It was a good thing that you didn't record your face. It would've been embarrassing to see yourself like this.
You then got on with your game. The sound of gunshots and footsteps filled Kenma's ears as you concentrated on the game. He admired your level of concentration as you played, not getting caught off guard or getting distracted by anything.
Kenma was enjoying himself, not like it was apparent his eyes never left the screen.
The game went on for several more rounds. Sometimes you would win, but other time you wouldn't. The number of rounds you were playing wasn't really something Kenma had kept track of.
"Well, I think that's enough for now. Sorry for being so quiet. This stream has just made my mind gone blank," you say, exiting the game. "Well, I hope you guys enjoyed it, and thanks for any donations. I'm debating streaming more than once a week. Let me know if you'd be interested in that. Anyway, I better get going. It's nearly two in the morning where I am. Night guys, talk to you again soon, too, newcomer,"
Kenma wasn't expecting you to call him out like that. It wasn't as if you knew his name. It just surprised him. Maybe this was one of the few things that Kenma would think of as fun. Every second of your stream was something he had enjoyed. He just wished he got to hear you talk more.
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@jaundrew @aoi-turtle
Just for this story
@kaieoh @zjmbaek @bqkuho3 @kryptidkova
Don't be afraid to message me and ask to be added to the taglist, or removed, I don't mind.
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punkrock-writer · 4 years
Space Cowboy- Part 1
Having a Very Bad Time at Disney World
Pairing- Din Djarin x F!OC
Warnings- Swearing. A lot of bad words. Mild Violence. 
A/N- The response to this fic is overwhelming I woke up and wanted to cry, thank you to everyone who liked and reblogged and followed me. And thank you to everyone who went to AO3 and left kudos and comments ily. This introduces my OC Sedona. She's a little rough around the edges but I hope you like her. Feel free to message me or comment if you like it or hate it, I like talking to people. Thank you again. 
Prologue AO3 Wattpad 
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The musty, thick, Florida humidity did little to stop her body from practically vibrating as she gazed up at the sight before her. The grand entrance to Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge stood proudly, casting an arch shaped shadow that she stepped into to get a better look. Faux sandstone and waving flags beckoned her into the park, and she gladly followed with a face splitting smile. She had been saving for this trip for what felt like a life time; overtime had finally payed off, and she couldn't wait to spend an entire week in "the happiest place on earth"...
Or so she thought.
Sedona smiled as the butterflies fluttered in her stomach, gazing up at the Millennium Falcon was like a dream. The ship was massive, and fit snugly within the surrounding attraction. She wouldn't consider her self a 'super fan'- she doesn't know the names of the planets in a galaxy far far away, and she definitely couldn't name all of the different space races- but the beauty of the universe awakened the child that was buried deep in her soul. Nostalgia and adult money were a deadly combination.
It didn't help that the casting department knew how to cast the perfect eye candy to keep a grown woman entertained.
She dragged herself away from the massive ship. Though she told her self she wasn't obsessed, she still unconsciously decided to carve an entire day out of a week long trip just to roam around Batuu. She took as deep a breath as she could of the hot air, just beginning to get used to the uncomfortable way her hair curled and clung to the sweat on her neck. The air smelled like an amusement park, little kids vomit, sweat, and caramel corn. She walked leisurely, her sandals dragging on the pavement as she passed stalls and a makeshift cantina, making her way under another gigantic arch. Voices and music filled her ears, she let her guard down, allowing herself to completely absorb the atmosphere.
If she hadn't been gazing up at the architecture of the buildings surrounding her, she would've been able to react quicker.
An insanely bright blue light flashed in her face followed by a high pitched whine, similar to your grandpas weird old camera.
Startled she took quick steps back, her vision foggy as she struggled to clear the blotches that stayed behind when the light went away. But when she can see the sight before her fills her with confusion and anger.
"What the hell is this Men in Black Comic-Con, who are you?" Holding her tongue had never been her strong-suit.
There was a tall, old, white man in a black suit and sunglasses. Typing something into an iPad, not paying any mind to the girl he just attempted to blind. She made the move to step toward him when his head moved away from her, looking upwards and to the left.
"So this is the one" he wasn't even looking at anyone, and then she noticed the tiny bluetooth device in his ear. Her brow furrowed deeper, her mouth set in a frown. Her hand lifted and mouth opened simultaneously but before she could yell at him further, an object was thrust in her outstretched hand.
That's when her head split open.
Her empty hand instantly flew to her forehead, eyes squinting shut as she tried to control her breathing. It literally felt like her skull was cracking down the middle, lights danced underneath her eyelids, she curled into herself in the middle of the Disney World street.
"Mother fuck" she spat out the words, cracking one eye open to look for the man, but he had disappeared. Leaving her with a migraine and gadget that looked like the worst dildo in the world.
The growl that ripped through her throat was inhuman. One hand still covered her left eye as she charged in the direction she thought the man could've gone. Most likely looking like the angriest bitch in the entire park. Her fist clenched around the metal piece that was in her right hand, swinging it as her flip flops smacked against the cement. She didn't know where the hell he went but she was going to find the prick an-
"Miss are you okay?" A timid female voice flitted from her left side. She spun quickly, another wave of pain crashed over her, she couldn't fathom how she looked right now to the poor mother and her young child. A fist covering her left eye as her face contorted into a snarl, her other hand clutching some kind of metal object. Her chest heaving and leaning awkwardly into her left side.
"I'm fine" she grumbled, before marching further on her war path. She missed the way the mother quickly bundled the child into her arms, rushing into the opposite direction as quick as she could.
Sedona attempted her murderous trek for as long as she could. Searching the park for the mysterious business man who had fucked with her relaxing vacation. But sooner than she would've liked the pain overwhelmed her. Begrudgingly she boarded a Disney bus and made her way back to her hotel room. The device had been tossed into her purse, not wanting to get rid of it, so she could beat the man with it when she found him.
Yet another shuddering wave of pain ripped through her as she flung open the door to her room. Quickly shutting and locking it behind her, the first thing she did was pull her hair from its ponytail. Her hair, damp and curly from sweat hung to her shoulders, she ran both hand through it, taking a deep breath of the air conditioning. The next to go was her purse, which she unceremoniously flung onto the bed as she stomped forward. Her flip flops were kicked off at the end of her bed. Peeling the sage green sundress off her sweaty body, she rifled through her suitcase.
Nothing good ever happens when I wear a fucking dress.
Satisfied with her choice of pajamas she shuffled into the bathroom. Pausing for a moment to glare into the mirror. Taking in the mess of a girl who couldn't even keep her eyes all the way open. She pivoted to the shower, praying the cold water would do some kind of good for the aggressive pounding behind her eyes.
She stayed in the shower till she was shivering. The headache only diminishing slightly, and the gaudy scent of the hotel toiletries didn't really help. Grappling two thin towels from the rack above the toilet she rolled her hair into one atop her head, the other she quickly dried herself off. She didn't really want to spend much longer in the dampness, wanting a nap much more.
Her pajama choice was simple, a men's 3XL Big and Tall black T-shirt, and a pair of Mandalorian printed MeUndies. No, no, she definitely wasn't a super fan. She exited the bathroom, bee-lining for her massive suitcase that was perched on the bed. Plopping down she hauled it into her lap, searching through the many pockets for the one containing her emergency first aid kit, and she sighed in relief when she finally found the bottle of Advil. As she unscrewed the top she glanced at her purse, a strange blue light emitted from within it.
She reached over her suitcase, grabbing her purse and setting it into the bag on her lap. She couldn't help the eye roll as she pulled the device from the depths. It was a simple looking thing. A long pill shape, with an indented seam running the entire edge, and one small thumb-print size button in the middle. The button pulsated it's annoying blue light slowly, beckoning someone to press it.
"I don't have the energy for this shit" she grumbled. Maybe it was the headache making her loopy, but she placed her thumb over the indentation, without much of a hesitation.
And of course it started to vibrate.
She would've laughed if the vibration wasn't followed by the entire outer seam of the device growing brighter with the same blue light.
"Travel begins in 5 seconds. Please gather all items needed for travel"
Sedona's eyes grew wide as her brow furrowed in confusion. The mechanical voice didn't give her much time to think.
This can't be real.
Panic rose in her throat, her eyes searched the device, flipping it in her hands as it began to grow brighter and brighter.
On instinct she gathered both of her bags closer to her chest. The massive suitcase not really yielding much.
Her breathing grew quicker, matching the aggressive buzzing of the device in her hand.
And suddenly she is falling. Rapid descent lifts the towel from her head, and she can feel wind rushing past her face. She squeezed her eyes shut, but she could still tell that she was falling through and insanely bright blue tunnel. Faster and faster until.
Her knees are folded underneath her, taking the entire collective weight of her body and both of her bags that fall on top of her. She swears she hears a pop, and can feel a burning pain rip up her knees to the top her thighs.
She deeply inhales, slamming her hands onto whatever metal floor is in front of her.
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nana-shiros · 4 years
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This was inspired by a conversation I had with @skorupls and I've added some context under the keep reading to try something different with my posts! enjoy ♡
With the Devildom's rain pouring and the fireplace burning as the sole core source for warm, Simeon must be cold.
Wordlessly, Lucifer offers Simeon his jacket.
"Are you not cold?"
The question is unnecessary. Simeon can hear the other's knowing smile through his words.
"You didn't have to."
"Do you want me to take it back?"
"I didn't say that," Simeon just smiles and laughs."It's been too long since we've spoke one to one. I missed our conversations."
"Do you?"
"Of course. Don't you remember when we tumbled together into the Sunset Gardens?"
"Hold on. Before you spew more lies, I recall it was you convincing me to come look at something, but all you wanted was a partner to share the blame with in case you got caught." Lucifer states.
"I did show you something. The floating peaches remember? You seemed to really like those." Simeon recalls."I'm still surprised we managed to get away with it with taking a few for ourselves."
"Well, if I remember correctly, they added fencing to the borders so no other low level angels could accidentally end up there."
"But it was fun wasn't it?"
Lucifer chuckles."Yes...I suppose I recall those times as fun. Those days when we could so carefreely act."
"That's what I'm talking about." Simeon smiles. His expression becomes somber he continues to speak,"as much as I might reminisce of those days, I understand that we've both made our choices that brought us to where we are now."
"Simeon." Lucifer states,"Just so we're clear. Crystal clear. I have no regret about my decision."
"I am aware. And I understand that because of that, much has changed," Simeon replies,"but I still view you the same like I did back in the Celestial Realm. With love and admiration. And I've missed you greatly. I wondered how many years until I could see you again. And here you are before me. As much as I reminisce, all I can think about is where we went wrong and what I could've done and how selfish I might be for being as I am." He cuts himself off midway into his ramble. With a sharp breath out and in, he speaks again in a more relaxed tone."Perhaps I've overstepped your welcome. Thank you for your hospitality, but I think I'll head back to Purgatory Hall."
"Wait. Stay." Lucifer interrupts."Don't leave your thoughts half finished. I'm not satisfied with you leaving it as is. If that's the direction you intend to take with our conversation, then follow through with it."
"I ran my mouth quite a lot already." Simeon assures,"I wouldn't wish to stir up any more bad memories and and leave you in a sour mood. We don't need to talk about anything you don't want to."
"Correct. But you have made it clear to me that even after all these years, there is much to address," Lucifer says, his voice low."I'll be back. Make yourself comfortable."
Simeon considers that he could do as he promised. Return to Purgatory Hall and potentially never bring it up again. But the near desperation in Lucifer's eyes and the fact that he too wanted to talk brings him to settle into the comfortable sofa and watches the flickering fire as he waits for the other's return. He's never seen it gone out in the times he's visited the House of Lamentation.
Much like Lucifer's tenacity.
"For you." Lucifer says when he presents the cup before the other.
"Thanks." Simeon gratefully takes the cup from the other. When he smells the warmth, he smiles fondly. It's his favourite type, and made the way he enjoys it best. Fondly looking to Lucifer, he receives a knowing smile right back.
Lucifer sets the teapot onto the table, and gracefully settles onto the sofa with his own cup.
With much to talk about, regardless of the time that's passed, regardless of the choices made, regardless of the circumstances, there are some things that don't change.
They divulge into their feelings and their thoughts nearly too many centuries late, trying face it one at a time. And of course, not everything is resolved in a night. But they're a step closer to figuring where they are and what they are. Even in the face of an unpredictable future, if for each other, they'll be constants no matter where they end up.
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sophi-s · 4 years
Day 29 #Grief
Whoops. I actually ended up writing a short piece for this one as well and uh... I think I accidentally created a new ship... :O
To Mourn Together
By: sophi-s (me)
Franchise: Darksiders video games
Words: 1 961
Warnings: None
Characters: Uriel, Nathaniel, Abaddon (mentioned)
With utmost certainty, one could say it was one of the brightest nights in the White City. Of course, with the buildings in the color of gilded snow, every night seemed bright. But that one particular night the full moon spilled its cold, silver light all over the angelic city, bathing it in a pale glow that reflected in the smooth surfaces and illuminated the warm darkness as the gentle gusts of wind blew through the quiet and empty plaza.
Aside from the sentries patrolling the streets, all of the Heaven's denizens were long asleep in their homes. All of them.
Except for one.
A figure of a lonely angel threads lightly through the city, grand white wings folded neatly at his sides, just like his hands behind his back. His golden battle armor is discarded in favor of a simple set of clothes. There's nothing threatening him after all. Lost in thought, he doesn't acknowledge guards greeting him as he passes by. He walks seemingly without purpose, reconsidering the not so recent events.
Your friend serves the Shadow.
The Archon? Corrupted?!
Leave me, Horseman. I must think of what to do now…
He shook his head with an exasperated sigh. One hundred years. It's been over one hundred years since all of this happened. And yet, all this felt far too fresh in his head. As though it happened merely yesterday. Sweeping his gaze over his surroundings, he realised he'd left for the outskirts of the White City, where the grand Tree of Life stands tall and magnificent as it has since the day Heaven was created. But to his surprise, he wasn't alone here after all. At the foot of the Tree, his keen white eyes spotted another angel. A woman. The same silver hair, any other angel possesses, fluttering on the wind, wings of golden, radiant feathers slumped sadly against her back as she stood there, gazing out at the locked gate to the Well of Souls. Strange. He assumed he would be alone.
Since he wasn't trying to sneak up on her, she heard him approach quite early and whipped around to face him, her own robes billowing, but the moment she laid her golden eyes on him she simply sighed.
"Oh. It's just you, Nathaniel.."
"So it is."
Nathaniel murmured, silently wondering who she'd been actually expecting, and stood for a few long moments, looking at her. A black ribbon with a darkened feather tied around her right wrist caught his attention and something twisted painfully in his chest. Even blackened and bathed in Hellish corruption, the ribbon was unmistakable and the feather spoke for itself..
"What are you doing here, Uriel?"
He found himself asking nonetheless. It's been a long while since they last talked. After all, Nathaniel had been sent away from the Hellguard shortly after Uriel joined their ranks. And it was so long ago.. Humming quietly, Uriel turned away to look up at the Tree's tangled canopy of small fluttering leaves.
"A year…"
She sighed when Nathaniel came closer and stood beside her, watching her stare into the black sky where the moon gazed down on them like a gigantic, round eye.
"It's been a year since Abaddon died.. exactly a year, day to day."
Nathaniel nodded in agreement, looking at Uriel's fingers absent mindedly stroking the end of the ribbon tied around her forearm. Even though he'd been away from the White City for quite some time, rumours about the commander of the Hellguard reached Nathaniel even in Lostlight. If they were true, then no wonder Uriel takes Abaddon's demise so personally. He could only imagine what was going on in her head throughout this year. He wasn't going to stop her from spitting out what she'd been choking up inside of her.
"And yet.. I still sometimes wonder. If I should've done something. Stopped War… I don't know."
"He'd been the Destroyer, Uriel. As much as I disagree with it, you couldn't do anything else for him."
Furrowing her eyebrows, Uriel huffed and lowered her head.
"I know. But… I still have this in my head. The sight of him reaching out to me for help. What if…"
She hesitated, something that was very unlike her. Nathaniel raised his eyebrows curiously, waiting for her to speak up. He had his suspicions from the moment Death brought the news of Abaddon's fate and he couldn't help but wonder if Uriel thought the same way.
"I refuse to believe he'd planned it from the beginning. What if all of it wasn't his choice? He can't have been in his right mind! What if before War killed him, in his last moments Abaddon, the real Abaddon, came back? What if… there was still something worth saving in him?"
Nathaniel's suspicions turned out to be true. She thought just like he had. Now it was his turn to look up at the sky. Indeed, there was something so enchanting about this particular night..
"I wondered myself, Uriel. Many times in fact…"
The younger angel crossed her arms and glared down at her boots as though they'd done something wrong. The branches of the Tree creaked mournfully as the wind tugged on them and ruffled feathers of both angels standing below. Its gusts were getting stronger and its voice whistling against nearby structures brought to mind a sorrowful cry of a lost soul.
"Abaddon taught me everything I know. I had known him my whole life. It feels so… empty without him."
I can't believe he's gone. That's what she truly meant to say and Nathaniel knew it but said nothing of it. He knew that feeling quite well. Better than most. Abaddon had been his friend after all…
"Sometimes I feel like he's still here. Watching over me like he always has.."
Uriel chuckled humorlessly, as though she meant to laugh off the ridiculousness of her claim but Nathaniel didn't feel like laughing. He laid his hand on Uriel's shoulder, nearly making her jump in the process.
"Who says he isn't?"
He could clearly see her jaw visibly clench tightly at his assumption. Not that he could blame her. Nathaniel knew all too well what Uriel was going through. He didn't want anyone to feel like he does and he wished to offer her comfort, compassion. But it's not easy to do so while he grieves as well.
"Do you think I could've changed it?"
Uriel suddenly asked, making Nathaniel's eyebrow wander up.
"During the initial Endwar.. Do you think if I was a little faster back then…"
The deep tone of his voice had just the result he was counting on as she cut off to finally look him in the eye. Nathaniel placed his other hand on her other shoulder and said sternly
"Even if so, it doesn't change anything. We can't turn back time. Thinking this way won't make you feel better."
"And how could you possibly know?"
It was just the matter of time before Uriel snapped and brushed Nathaniel's hands from her shoulders. There was fire in her eyes, burning like the hottest blaze of Hell.
"You don't know how I feel."
Frowning gently, Nathaniel heaved out a long suffering sigh.
"Quite the opposite in fact.. I know exactly how you feel…"
This seemed to have given Uriel a pause.
"I've known Abaddon even longer than you have. He was my close friend, one of the very few I had. When the news of his fall reached me I kept wondering if it would've been different if I was there. This one, wretched thought stayed with me for a whole century, like a festering wound that refuses to heal. If you seek understanding, I assure you, you will find it in me."
Would it have been different if I knew of the darkness that threatened Lucien? Sometimes he still has those doubts... In shock, Uriel opened her mouth a couple of times only to shut it again as she couldn't find suitable words. Until..
"I'm… sorry. I had no idea…"
With an unhappy smile, Nathaniel shook his head. He wasn't going to take offense. Grief does strange things to people. Uriel snapping at him wasn't the worst thing that could've happened.
"Past cannot be changed. Blaming yourself will not bring you peace of mind. We must march into the future."
Snickering quietly, Uriel looked away.
"You speak words of wisdom.. But I cannot decide if they help me either."
Humming thoughtfully, Nathaniel measured Uriel. Her heart was bleeding profusely, even though she kept it hidden away. He knew how to recognise inner turmoil. From his own experience.. Fortunately, he knew just the way. And honestly, after all this.. Abaddon's treason, Lucien's collapse into the hateful darkness.. he probably needed it as much as she did. Carefully, but insistently, Nathaniel reached out to Uriel and gently pulled her into his arms.
"Nathaniel? What.. are you doing?"
Uriel didn't stop him, probably because of confusion and surprise. Not getting pushed away was a small victory in itself. He was more than happy to explain it to her. Going back to memories of that peculiar human who accompanied Death everywhere always warmed his heart.
"A good friend of mine had told me once that embraces can bring comfort. Especially in sorrow. Does it help you ?"
For a long moment Uriel didn't answer. She was thinking. Up this close Nathaniel could feel her heart rapidly hammering against her ribcage. But then she finally returned the embrace and placed her head on his chest with a heavy sigh.
"It does. Even if a little.."
A tiny note of wonderment in her voice was barely perceptible but definitely there. For a few minutes both angels stood like that in silence before Uriel spoke again.
"Do you think he's at peace? Abaddon, I mean…"
Staring at the shorter angel in his arms, Nathaniel harrumphed. The Charred Council was surely bent on condemning Abaddon, sentencing him to damnation even after his death. He only hoped that the Horsemen made short work of them before they were able to fulfill their dire promises and cast the already tormented soul into Oblivion. Nothing was sure. The only way to confirm either was to travel to the Kingdom of the Dead. Nathaniel couldn't say for certain that Abaddon has his rest or if his spirit in this very moment wastes away in nothingness. The mere thought made his stomach churn. But he didn't speak his fears out loud. He didn't dare.
"I do sincerely hope so…"
An answer as good as any, he supposed. It wasn't a "yes" but neither it was a "no". Perhaps it would be just enough..
"Thank you, Nathaniel.. I'm glad you came here…"
Somehow, an odd, heavy presence lingering about was abruptly lifted from the air when Uriel whispered into the edge of his coat but stayed motionless where she was, unwilling  and not ready to pull away just yet. Mourning is always easier with a companion. For just a second Nathaniel could've sworn he saw something… someone… move out of the corner of his eye but just as suddenly as they appeared, they were gone. It was most likely nothing. Just a fleeting trick of his imagination. Nathaniel rested his chin on top of Uriel's head and closed his eyes, listening to the wind blowing gently overhead and to her heart beating right next to his own. Two different rhythms that seemed the same. He didn't wish to leave just yet either. Luckily, he didn't have to. There was no need for hurry. It was still the middle of the night. No one will see them here, vulnerable and weak, slowly mending their broken hearts from the pieces.
They still had time…
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Bear with me, I just wanted those sad dorks to lift each other's spirits up. It's not my fault that I'm so trash 😂
At least I drew Nathaniel properly, as I promised :P
Darksiders Inktober drawing prompts by @imagine-darksiders
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