#there are too many thoughts in my head aaaa!!!!!
merakiui · 2 years
frothing at mouth bc of azul's masquerade look,,,,
it reminds me so much of Phantom of the Opera? The mask, coat tails embroidery, the PEARLS? shook
which just makes me think about phantom! azul pining after a singer darling who has the most beautiful voice and dancing of the opulent opera house they reside in
Phantom!Azul adores your voice. Such a pretty cadence befitting an equally pretty owner. He watches from the shadows, confined in his loneliness, as your potential is wasted on such minuscule roles. Are these people blind? Deaf? Surely they can see and hear how talented you are. Yes, you may need some coaching here and there. But with enough practice, you can refine your beautiful voice and use it for bigger, more important roles. You deserve to be in the spotlight, not shunned like an extra or a side character. You are the star, his star, and he’s determined to help you get the recognition you deserve. For a price, of course. All Azul requires is that you allow him to coach you. (These coaching lessons also allow him to spend more time with you, to actually converse with you instead of stalking from afar, and he’s always so pleased to hear you sing for him). 
He’s ruthless when it comes to intimidation, pulling all sorts of dangerous strings behind the scenes to force the opera staff’s hands. You’ll soon find yourself assigned the star roles within days and though you’re happy to be recognized something doesn’t sit right with you. You’ve always been on the sidelines, so to seemingly go from nothing to something overnight is quite jarring. But you’re happy nonetheless, eternally grateful for your dear Angel of Music. The staff have warned of the troublesome Opera Ghost and it’s clear just how much of an influence he has over them, for they scramble to do all that they can to appease him so that they can avoid incurring his wrath and continue to put on shows that will please him. 
You never thought this Opera Ghost was so vicious, that is, until all sorts of terrible things begin happening. And your Angel of Music is at the center of it all, doing everything within his power to ensure you’ll be with him forever. 
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homicidal-slvt · 1 year
I keep telling myself
"Ok. Answer your requests. Just write. You can do it."
And then instead I just stare at my wall for 15 minutes and it's like
"Well- guess I'll just read other people's fics then go back to doing chores!"
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the-monkeies-girl · 4 months
koba x reader pls pls he doesn't get enough love compared to caesar
We love 1 ( One ) Bonobo on this Blog. I really hope this is good, I'm the worst with trying to pick apart new characters to write for AAAA.
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Title: End Of Day. Fandom: Planet of the Apes. Pairing: ( Slightly, just a tease haha. ) Implied Koba x Reader. Words: 3K+ ( How? I don't know don't ASK ME. ) Rating: T ( Mentions of aggression, animal abuse. ) Summary: Your favorite thing to do? Annoy Koba. ( I am bread crumbing here. Someone eat my bread crumbs and ask for MORE. )
Koba was sure to make sure you knew your place. From the moment you stepped into the Colony, with every move you gave, every word you either said or signed, every breath you took was accounted for, almost painstakingly so. It wasn’t your fault you were found by Caesar’s army, half dead and dragged back, nursed to health by some lovely Chimps wearing intricate face masks, that in your heated haze of injury, looked remarkably like medical masks.
It wasn’t your fault that Caesar offered you refuge after you explained the circumstances that left you almost dead; you were turned on by your fellow group of Humans for expressing the opinion that maybe… The Apes were not so bad, maybe they were just trying to survive much like you all were. Bad choice of opinion to have in a group of people who were terrified of the sun. Rather than just letting you out with you opinions, they ended up beating you to a bloody pulp, taking all the things you had scavenged for, and left you in the woods. Fear made Humanity turn against itself, and that was your clear cut example. 
So, that’s how you found yourself where you sat. Perched rather comfortably in front of the fire of the Colony, taking in grace the way that the flames roared in front of you. You could see Caesar and Maurice from your position, signing away without any caution. What were they talking about? You had no idea, the heat from the fire resulted in the warping of the air around you and the signing looked blurred. You had just wrapped dinner up, enjoying the regular assortment of Fall dishes.
Some fish, an Elk caught by Caesar’s hunting party earlier in the day, more nuts than there were berries; just a circumstance of the weather. All things you enjoyed, but not as much as you enjoyed antagonizing your favorite Bonobo. Tilting your head at that thought, you took a moment to glance around the Colony. Speaking of the devil, Koba was nowhere in sight. He usually sat himself along with Caesar and company for meals, taking in some refuge to talk about strategies about the human camps that were too close to the Colony. Koba always suggested just attacking. Caesar always shot him down.
Koba would then look at you like Caesar’s reasoning was solely your fault. You’d stare back at him, unnerved and knowing that if he were to do anything to suggest harm to you, Caesar’s fist would come down on him again. Metaphorically, of course. Apes together are strong, apes do not kill apes. 
If you could record the interactions between Caesar, Koba and yourself, it would make for some good Reality TV. You laughed at that to yourself, knowing that no one else around you was going to understand unless you explained in detail what you were talking about. You had patience for many things, but explaining brain-rotting TV to the Colony was not on your bingo-card, at least this evening.
Shifting your body just a bit, you pulled the sleeves of your shirt down to encase your forearms and let your eyes trail back around so you were looking at Caesar and Maurice again. The Orangutan must have noticed your stare, giving you a slight gesture with the move of his head. Smiling at him, you fell pensively into the flames in front of you and how they moved. Admittedly, there wasn’t much to do when you were by yourself, when Koba wasn’t around. He was seated drama for you, and at least you got the pleasure of communicating verbally when with him, even if it was all aggression and arguments. You recalled in almost vivid detail your first spark of aggression from him. It wasn’t the absolute mad-dog stares he gave you when you finally emerged from the medic portion of the Colony. Or when you sat for the first communal dinner, not sure of the etiquettes. You imagined he complained to Caesar the entire dinner about your mere presence. Oh, no no. He avoided you deviously then, and tried his best to do that going forward. Out of sight, out of mind for Koba though he admittedly found himself a bit obsessed with the hatred he had for you. It was all humans, but now it was streamlined to just you for the time being. 
You were placed in a delicate situation of circumstances. The streamline had to have started when you accidentally mistook him for a Chimpanzee. The absolute animosity as he went off the rails, telling Caesar things like how stupid you were to not know the difference, how you didn't belong there, how you were too human for any of them and needed to know your place and that Caesar needed to do something about you before you tore down the Colony with ignorance. 
It was an honest mistake, you tried to explain in the moment. It wasn’t your fault once again that… Chimpanzees and Bonobos looked remarkably similar. The only times you had seen either were in Zoos when your were a child! Koba did not look too kindly on either and absolutely tore into you in broken English and a few signs at the mention of a Zoo falling from your lips. A place, to him in his resolute mind, that meant nothing but torture and was just a means to keep them in cages, away from actually experiencing life, only getting glimpse from the hands of humans. He hated it, he hated how loosely you had talked about it. He hated you. You were tentative to leave the conversation, more offended than anything at the fact that he got angry at your ignorance and didn't even offer the chance for you to explain yourself or apologize. 
You apologized to Caesar later that night after dinner, who took the apology as sincere and who gave you a bit of insight about Koba as a piece of mind; sensing that maybe you needed the information to make your own judgment about his friend and not just ones based on pretenses. The years he spent in facilities after what happened with his mother and caretaker from the TV stunt he did. He was literally being tortured again and again at the expense of Humanity's gross negligence and sadistic curiosities. Caesar explained his scars - all of them against his arms, legs, his face and his eye. 
With each word the Ape King told you, your heart sank a bit more in empathy. No creature, as nefarious as Koba acted or not, deserved such things and it opened a door for you to be a bit more accepting and understanding that his bias towards Humans, towards you, were rooted in deep fear and alienation. Caesar told you to never take what Koba said to heart, Koba was bred to fear, bred to run from any notion that Humans could be good and nothing you were going to do or say would save him from that. You nodded in quite understanding to Caesar. 
And that’s how you fell into your enjoyment of annoying him. You had tried to be kind to him multiple times with no avail, each time mentally beating yourself up at the fact that Caesar had warned you that goodwill was not going to be reciprocated or appreciated. So, you began to give it back to him just as hard as he gave to you. It was a fun game, most of the time. Koba usually got caught by your bitter remarks towards him and he’d stand down before aggression really bubbled to the surface and he’d do something to garner the wrath of Caesar. Instead, you opted into the enjoyment of staring at each other during breakfast, mid-day meals when they happened, and dinner. You found it mildly endearing the way that he complained to Caesar that things around the Colony were starting to smell like humans. Starting to smell like you. 
You chuffed at that and smelled your sleeve. It smelt like the creek you washed it in. You had no idea what that comment was about. You were just as smelly as the rest of them, actually more than you really cared to admit, for your own tastes but that was down to the Simian Flu taking the advantages of showers and soap from you. If he was going to say something mean, he needed to do it about something you had no control over and that’s how you ultimately kept yourself rather level headed in the game you had going with Koba. He took offense to your personal issues without really knowing the deeper meaning, if there even was one.
Every step you took was full of intent to Koba. Every blink you had was full of malice to Koba. Every breath you made was just the worst to Koba. It meant you were still alive. All everyday activities were scrutinized, and you just had to laugh at that. How much he despised you to the point of obsession. You’d joke around with him and imply that maybe he didn't hate you, that maybe he actually really liked you, but that was taking it a bit too far and you wondered if that was going to be the straw to break the camel's back, to get him to actually lurch at you out of defense. The sun had set at least half an hour ago, your back now feeling the chill as the brisk air of the ocean came rolling over the land. Always at the same time of day during the Fall, always right at bed time and you found yourself wrapped in many pelts just to cope. Maybe he got busy, you thought to yourself and began willing your body to get enough energy tohead back to the nest that Caesar was so gracious to offer you for as long as you wanted to stay. A voice absolutely tore you from whatever state of consciousness you were floating around in, reminiscing about when you arrived, thinking longingly about the things you left behind from the Flu… Whatever they said, you made the assumption that they were not talking to you. Why would they? You were just minding your own little--- Ah, the voice spoke again, you noticed the gruff nature, the harshness inflicted into each of the words. Koba. And he was asking you what you were still doing out, sitting by the fire. You really had no excuse and looked over your shoulder at him, raising an eyebrow at wonderment at where he had been for dinner. You had no entertainment.
“I’m sorry, I can’t hear what you’re asking me over your loud breathing sounds.” You were referencing the huffing he often had around you, the anger palpable from his body at the release of your comment. He sauntered towards you, your internal primal instinct being that of fear but you just peered up at him when he was right next to you, arms apart in defense, legs holding himself to look larger, more intimidating. It surely worked, the gait he used coming towards you put your heart into a skip and it felt like it was sitting in your throat with realization.
You’d never been alone with Koba- you always had your buffer. Caesar, usually, had the easiest time taking his friend down from the ledge, but Maurice has taken his due diligence, as well as Blue Eyes when Koba said something about you he didn't agree with, who very much like his father, told you not to take anything Koba said about you seriously. “Caesar…” You narrowed your eyes as he began to speak, already aware that his one good eye was more than good enough to see you in impeccable detail despite the only light source being from the bonfire that was slowly dying. “Has you waiting for Koba?” “I’m honored you think I’m waiting for you.” Rolling your eyes at the audacity of his statement, you stood up. He was only an inch or so taller than you when he was bi-pedal, but the fact that he was pure muscle as compared to your very slinky form of human was enough to give you a slight pause as you considered sizing him up teasingly. He’d probably think it was a real threat from you and tear your face off. Quickly, you decided against it and muttered to him, “Move. I want to go to sleep.” He didn't. You sighed, rolling your eyes again and tried to move past him but with every step you took to the side, he followed suit. You didn't have any excuse to wait for him by the fire--- IF!! That was what you were doing, which it definitely was not. You simply lost track of time and didn't move. Good justification, you patted yourself on the back and looked at the Bonobo in front of you.  A part of your heart shifted. You had been close to him plenty of times, usually when he charged at you before Caesar had to tell him to back off. But, now, this close and without any movements, you really got a good look at his face and how… How almost sad he looked. 
The scarring on his face against his natural skin was jarring, so bleak and faded from years, his bad eye was ghosted with white but you swore it was looking right into yours with the intensity of his gaze. The fragment of empathy you always had towards him surfaced. You felt a tiny urge to reach up and lightly trace th--- Oh my GOD what were you thinking? You blinked that thought right out of your mind and stared at him again, focusing on the expression of his face rather than the minute details. It was perpetually as grumpy as ever, his expression. But it was often capsized by a look of anger or annoyance, depending on how he felt that. Anger when you said or did something stupid, annoyance when you were just hanging around for no reason. In this case? A little bit of both, but more annoyance. Swallowing softly, you felt your fingers twitch as Koba’s gaze pierced you like a thousand knives.. “Why are you so late?” You muttered finally, your breath expanding onto his face from the mere proximity. Koba scoffed at you, now returning you the absolute pleasure of having his breath in your face before dropping to all fours and heading to the left to pick some food before bed. Your eyes followed his movements, always mean and hard, but maybe that’s just how he felt he needed to hold himself after what he had been through. “Not… Human business.” That was a fair and valid point, and in most instances, you would leave it alone but you decided to push, having not gotten enough stimulation from him during the day. “Well, we really missed your cheery attitude. I had to eat all by myself, no Koba staring longingly at me.” There was sarcasm leaking through every pore of your being. Koba bit into an apple; his canines shone in the light of the flames of his action. The bite he took was large, chewing just as roughly as he had bitten into the fruit. “Had... things to do.” “Like what? Bring me with you next time so I can start to annoy you on your outings. I get bored here.” Koba growled ever so slightly. He didn't like being questioned by anyone, especially by you. It felt oddly like an interrogation. And the suggestion? He’d rather gouge out his other eye than take you with him, anywhere. Well, not that… He’d take you with him. If it meant he could beat you to an inch of your life, his fists taking relished silence in how they’d crush your ribs, how they’d beat you to submit to him, how he’d bring your face closer by holding your hair and make you admit all your ignorant human mistakes. Submit, submit! That idea lingered in his brain before he forced it back out. No, no. He did not want you to submit like you had submitted to Caesar, a topic of conversation that Koba did not enjoy. A topic of conversation that Caesar denied, being in any sort of advancements with you, being intimate with you. Koba was just making accusations to get you to go away. 
“No.” You tilted your head at his answer, the fact that he didn't give you anything snappy in return like he so often did before he turned, picking a few more pieces of fruit up and trailed away. You watched him in shattered silence. He had to be up to something, you figured as his figure disappeared into the darkness, towards the nest he had made for himself so many years ago. You wanted to follow out of loneliness, now left to your own devices for the rest of the night but you stopped yourself. He’d probably bark at you for following… Tell you to back off, maybe even snarl at you in the typical Koba fashion. But, he wouldn’t do anything, Caesar would make sure of it. He’d sit in petulant aggravation as you bothered him about the details of your day. You thought about that and weighed your options. A few seconds later, your feet were pattering on the ground as you followed him, talking once Koba was in range of your hearing. You could see his shoulder tense, figuring he was out of the woods with your relentless chattering. He never understood that about humans, how absolutely grating the small talk was. In fact, Koba sometimes took solace in the mere idea of ripping your lips off. Then you couldn’t talk back, couldn’t ask him things, couldn’t address him. He liked that idea. He liked that idea a lot. He didn't bother to turn towards you as you trailed next to him, Koba’s feet taking him a few steps ahead of you. He’d refuse to walk side by side with you as he took to leading.
 “Seriously though--- Where were you today?” Koba growled in frustration at the sound of your voice. Yes. Very, very annoying the concept of small talk with humans. With you.
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arisewanekosuki · 4 months
TLH -Extra-: Love Potion! - Lisa (Feat. Aether/Diluc/Venti/Gorou x Fem!Reader)
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-"Lisa.....it is possible to make a Love Potion?" The librarian took a sip of her tea and then smiled at you. -"Oh my....is the little cutie having feelings for someone?" After that, you heard some glass hitting of one another and a gasp -"Aether! Watch out!!" You looked behind Lisa to see Aether who almost dropped a new batch of potions and Paimon holding a bottle and scolding him for not being careful. After making sure they don't need your help, you look back at the librarian. -"It's not that I want to use it on someone... After making so many potions with Aether I just started to wonder if it's even possible to make Love Potion too." You tilted your head, wondering. Love Potions are a popular concept in fantasy stories. You saw the magic of the potions you made with your companion, so you couldn't stop wondering if it's possible to make one that will bring two people together in this world too. The purple witch closed her eyes, with a smile not leaving her face. -"Then I want to ask you... How would such a Love Potion work in your opinion?" You hummend. -"Something like, the person who will drink it will feel more relaxed around the other person? Or maybe the person can use potion on their skin and the smell will make other people attracted to them?" Lisa giggled. -"Oh my....are you planning to make all the people in the city fall in love with you?" -"Wha-!? N-no! ... Alright, the potion used on skin is a bad idea..." -"But I like your ideas... most people  would say that a Love Potion should make someone immediately fall in love with the first person they see. A potion like this is possible to make of course but it is morally wrong to use one like this." Lisa poured more tea to her and your cups. You thanked her and asked. -"Have you ever made one before?" -"Oh? Are you interested in my love life?" -"W-well..." You played with your fingers, Lisa laughed. -"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't but coming back to the subject... I won't mind for you to try making your own 'Love Potion', you can consider this as a small test from me. She was still smiling, but you felt a chill run down your spine. You gulped. -"Before you start you have to promise me that you will be the one testing the effects of your Love Potion, alright?" -"A-alright..." You nodded, maybe this wasn't a good idea to ask about it, but you won't lie, it's exciting to try to make such a new potion.
Aether watched you working on this new potion. He knows this is a bad idea and yet deep down he wishes for it to work even for a moment and have you shower him with affection and love. You promised Lisa that you will be the one testing it and Aether is there to make sure you won't be jumping on random people to kiss them or something. -"Are you sure about that?" the blond boy asked. You looked at him with a big smile. -"Of course! It's really fun! I used Zatyun Peaches, Marcotte, Dandelion, Glaze Lily... let's see..." You put the mixture into heart shaped glass. The color was pink mixed with purple. "Okay... let's try it!" You took a sip. -Oh! Is (Y/n) testing the potion now?" Paimon flew towards you, wanting to see how it would go. You licked your lips. -"So how are you feeling?" The little girl asked. -"Hm... normal." You shrugged. "The taste is a bit off though." -"So the first one failed? Don't worry (Y/n)! I'm sure the next one will work! ... (Y/n)? Why are you looking at Paimon like that?" -"..." You placed your hands on Paimon's cheeks and then started to pinch them. -"Uwaaa! Paimon!!! Your cheeks are so chubby! So cute!! Like a hamster!!" Paimon tried to run away from your grasp but you held her tight and started to hug her. Nuzzling your face into a little girl's head. -"Why are you so cute?! This should be illegal!!" -"Aaaa! Aether!! Help me!!!" But the boy didn't do anything. He stood there watching all of this with a pout. "Why couldn't this happen to me?" he thought. ... You sighed. Thankfully the potion worked only for 5 minutes. After drinking the potion Paimon started to look very cute in your eyes and you got the urge to hug and smooch her cheeks. -"This...wasn't the effect I was looking for..." -"Next time do that to Aether! Paimon felt like some toy!!" the little girl pouted still hiding behind the golden haired boy. -"I'm so sorry Paimon! I didn't expect to lose control like this!" Paimon only did small 'hmph' and went to gather more flowers. -”I have to buy Paimon some Sweet Madame later…” you scratched your head, looking at an angry, little girl flying over the garden. “Okay, let’s go back to making potions!” Aether watched you putting ingredients into the pot. You look so cute when you concentrate on something, he really wanted to leave a kiss on your cheek now. And maybe he will be able to, if the potion works of course. He was so deep in his thoughts that he didn’t realize that you finished your second one. -”Oh! Master Diluc! Welcome back!” Paimon shouted. Aether looked over where the red haired male stood. He wondered if there was some problem with the batch they sent to Dawn Winery, so he went to ask Diluc about that. -”Welcome back, was there any problem with potions?” -”No, I wanted to commission you to make another one with different effect-” -”Diluc!!! Welcome!!!” You jumped on the red haired man, holding on to him tightly. Both guys were surprised. Diluc didn’t know what to do, after you jumped at him, he stopped moving. “Ah I missed you so much! My heart is in pain without you!” You nuzzled your head into his chest. -”(Y/n)! Let Master Diluc go! We are sorry! (Y/n) was trying to make Lo- testing new potions, so she ends up behaving like this! Aether don’t just stare! Help Paimon!!!” The white haired girl shouted at Traveler who was standing in place, too shocked that again your affection was given to another person. And the worst part is that it is given to another guy! You held tightly to the young Master of Dawn Winery. -”No! I won’t let go! Diluc is so warm! I want to stay with him! Oh? I knew it! You feel the same, right? Your face is so red! Hehe~” You giggled, seeing the red cheeks of Diluc. He tried to cover his face with one hand and turn his head away from you, but with your hold on him it was hard. -”That’s it!” Paimon shouted and then started to tickle you, hoping it would make you let go of Diluc.  And it worked, even too well. You tried to run away from Paimon but you ended up falling on the ground with the little girl not showing any mercy. 
When Paimon stopped tickling you, you needed some time to take your breath. -”Are you alright?” Aether that was crouching by your side, asked. -”Ha…ha…y-yeah… I’m better now…” Aether held his hand for you to help you get up from the ground. “Thanks!” You smiled and then looked at the red haired man. “I’m sorry Diluc for that. The potion I was working on didn’t go well as it seems. Ah! I have to write everything down!” And you ran off to the table where you are making potions. Aether sighed. “Next time I have to stay close to her no matter what.” He thought. Meanwhile Diluc finally calmed his fast beating heart down. He coughed into his hand. -”It seems you both are busy… I’ll come another time.” -”Wa! But Master Diluc! We can still take your order!! Oi!” Paimon shouted but Diluc already left. Right now he wished he had Cryo vision to cool down his red cheeks. 
… -”Done! The third one should be a success!” You held up the potion to show to Aether and Paimon. The little girl already hid behind the Traveler. -”How does this potion work?” the boy finally asked. -”Hm? Oh! I want to make a potion that fills you with confidence! Like you know, if someone is planning to confess! If I lost control over my emotions and stuff that means I failed…Ok! Let’s try this one!” You drank it. -”So…how are you feeling?” Paimon asked, still being behind Aether. -”Normal… the taste is at least better!” And you three just stood there in silence for a moment. -”Weird. I don't feel different either…” -”Hello there my good friends!” you all heard a sing-song voice. -”Wa!! Tone-Deaf Bard!! Don’t scare Paimon like that!” the little girl pouted and crossed her arms. -”Ehe~!” -”Ugh Paimon have enough! Why are you even here?!” Venti make sad face -”Aw, I just wanted to check what my dear friends are up to…but it seems you don’t want this poor lil old me here…” The bard turned around “Ah how sad that I’m not welcome here…” he said with a sad tone. The truth is he wanted to tease Paimon a bit, but what he didn’t expect is that your arms would embrace his torso from behind. Your head on his shoulder. -”Don’t say that, Venti. You know we are always happy when you’re with us. I love hearing you sing or recite poems or play on your Lyre. And of course we love hanging out with you!” you said, your cheek pressing towards his one. It’s hard to surprise Venti, he is not moved when someone tries to charm him either. And yet there you are, making Anemo Archon’s heart beat speed. -“Oh? Is that so? So you won’t mind if I stay for awhile then?~” You turned him around and grabbed his cheeks. -“Of course we won’t! Stay as long as you want!” your thumbs started to do small circles on his cheeks. Venti was stunned because of such close contact.  “Did anyone said how pretty you are?” You continued while playing with one of his braids. But before the bard could say anything, someone took you away from him. -“It seems the potion works….but not in a way it should.” Said Aether, glaring at Anemo Archon while hugging you from behind. You looked surprised, but then smiled and pat the golden haired boy’s cheek. -“Aww, is someone jealous? Don’t worry Aether…you’re pretty too!” Paimon flew over Venti to explain your behavior.
… This time the effect of the potion lasted longer. You spend one hour complimenting the boys, holding their hands or caressing their cheeks. They didn’t complain, they decided to just bath in your affections. Even when the potion stopped working and you were apologizing for all those stuff you did, they were smiling saying “Don’t worry!” in their heads they wished the potion lasted longer. Venti had to go, he promised Diona to help find some more stuff for her new drink. But he didn’t mind to leave so soon, your attention towards him and touches brought him to such a good mood that even now he is coming up with new songs and poems. He hopes that you’ll listen to them later.
Meanwhile you were feeling burned out. None of the potions worked the way you wanted and you’re not sure what you are doing wrong. You were looking at your notes but feeling a bit frustrated you just closed the notebook and sighed. -“What’s wrong (Y/n)?” The boy asked who was sitting by your side. -“I.. I’m just angry I failed so many times… we did so many potions that I thought I can make something like this…” Aether patted your back. -“How about a small break? Maybe you’ll get an idea how to improve it after you relax a bit?” -“Yeah!” Paimon flew over with flowers in her hands “We didn’t eat anything in some hours!! Your belly is empty and this is why you can’t come up with anything!” You giggled. -“Alright, let’s go to eat then!” Paimon fly higher like she wanted to jump in the air shouting “Yay!!”. Your group decided to go to Good Hunter for a meal.
After filling your bellies with good food, you come back to working on the potion. -“Alright… this is my last attempt… if it won’t work then I give up.” You said to your companions and started working on the mixture.  You were writing something on your notebook, Aether is always curious what you write there but he can’t read it at all, even if he visited so many worlds he didn’t know your language (or maybe he doesn’t remember it anymore?). The connection between him and you helps you to understand and speak in Teyvat language but you can’t read Teyvat alphabet and people from here and him can’t read your alphabet. He is really wondering why this connection can help with speaking but not reading, there are many mysteries about it. -“I finished it!” you suddenly shouted, surprising Aether. “Okay…here we go!” and drank it immediately. “It tastes sweet…too sweet…ugh…”  you said, closing your eyes. -“Hey everyone!” Everyone turned toward Gorou who was approaching your little group. -“Gorou, wait! Don’t move--!” But before Aether could finish his sentence you ran towards the Watatsumi General. -“Hm?” Gorou stopped moving and looked at you. The both of you looked at each other without saying anything. “Is there a probl-“ -“Marry me!!” you shouted. Kneeling in front of him and holding his hand. -“WHAT?!” everyone shouted. Gorou's ears and tail were standing up. -“I know it’s sudden but Gorou! I want to spend the rest of my life with you!” You put his hand where your heart is. -“B-but (Y-Y/n) this is…this is too sudden!” he said but anyone who was behind him could see his tail start wagging. -“I know! But I don’t want to waste any more sec- uwah?! “ you were interrupted by Aether who tried to take you away from the cannie warrior. -“Sorry Gorou! Don’t take this seriously, she drank a weird potion and is…a bit crazy!!” said Paimon and then helped Aether to take you away. Gorou stood there stunned, his face was red. -“So…does it mean you and (Y/n) are married now?” Kirara asked, approaching him. -“Wha- N-no…” his ears fall. -“You look disappointed.” -“I’m not!” But yes, he is.
When you come to your senses you apologize, you’re so embarrassed that you proposed to someone. You think you won’t be able to look Gorou in the eyes for some time. This was a big failure and you gave up. When talking with Lisa, she said to not worry, even if the potions didn’t work how you wanted you still learned some things. You decided to take a small break from making potions and took a nap under the tree, while Aether continued to make potions that people commissioned. Lisa watched from her table and sighed. -“It’s a shame Razor wasn’t there…” then she chuckled “But oh well, at least I had some fun watching all of this~” and then she took a sip of her tea.
-Bonus- In Inazuma, the pink kitsune laughed loudly. -“Ah I wish I could see this with my own eyes~” said with a smile, trying to imagine the whole scenario. -“Paimon said it was because of potion…at first I thought (Y/n) was serious about that nya! -“Hmm… I think this gave me some ideas. Thank you Kirara for sharing about your trip with me.” Yae Miko eyes’ looked like a predator finding it’s another meal. -“A-ahaha! You’re welcome!” Kirara at this moment started wondering if it was really alright to tell Yae about her trip with Gorou to Mondstadt.
------ Thank you for reading till the end! And sorry for mistakes >.< You can guess I had the idea when I played the potion event but because I couldn't use my PC I had hard time to finish it in peace... But now I can use my PC again so I'll try finish other things! I'll post other short thing today or tomorrow that I started to write in that time without my PC. It may not be that great but I hope you'll still like it!
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saey707 · 11 months
AAAA HEARTSTEEL! i was hyped for dAYS and it paid off! if it is not too much, can I request hcs for Heartsteel!Sett as your bf🥺 i just love him (bonus if Reader is an idol too ehem ehem)
✿ Prompt: Heartsteel Sett as your boyfriend ✿
♡ champion focus: sett ♡ tw: none! ♡ Gender-neutral reader
Author’s Note: Hi anon, thanks for your request! Just a heads up, I didn't make the reader an idol in this one (I have 20 other requests asking for the reader to be a star/idol/KDA member right now and need a tiny break from the star x star trope!) (_ _ ) . . z Z Nonetheless, I hope my headcanons put a smile on your face! Enjoy! ₍^⸝⸝> ·̫ <⸝⸝ ^₎
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Sett would be a boyfriend with a heart of gold! Of course, being the partner of a star can be quite the challenge, especially given how much he travels and can be busy more days than others, but he still will always make an effort to make up for any lost time at the end of the day!
Sett works hard to take care of you and be able to provide for you! He'll shower you with gifts and let you live the lavish life with him by his side (just don't be surprised if he puts Mama's comfort above your own sometimes...).
He will do everything he can to assure your safety and comfort. This just means Sett will never get you involved in his shenanigans with the other guys. The last thing he needs is you getting hurt because he was being too reckless around you.
If the paparazzi get too close, he'll be sure to make sure they know their place. And if they so much as touch you, or worse, harass you, he won't be afraid to throw the first punch at one of them! To hell if it ruins his reputation, he won't let anyone hurt you!
Loves to sew the both of you matching clothes! Do you want a cute jacket? He'll make one for himself as well! ... They won't have sleeves, but it's the thought that counts, right?
A huge show-off! He'll do anything to impress you, especially when the both of you go to the amusement park. Half the time, Sett will end up humiliating himself by completely missing a basketball shot or accidentally throwing a ring too far, but if you give him a hammer to slam down or a punching bag to hit? He'll for sure win you the largest stuffed animal!
Believe it or not, Sett has the best cuddles! You won't be able to escape them, and he'll always look forward to giving them to you every night he comes home!
He will want to adopt a dog with you if you are with him long enough... Or two... or three? Can you ever really have too many dogs? Sett doesn't think so.
Sett is very humbled in interviews and will happily boast about you to the whole world. Even though it isn't a good idea for idols to get their relationships involved in the public eye, Sett has no fear of showing you off to everyone! If they don't support his decisions or can't handle it, then they aren't a fan of his!
Thirst traps of him at the gym are reserved for you and you alone. But you can't stop him from posting his arms on his Instagram- He thinks everyone should be inspired to get as sculpted as he is! ...And he might be trying to make a few people jealous.
The boss will definitely let you boss the other guys around. And none of the other guys can say anything about it.
Sweeps you off your feet to kiss him! He knows he's a big boy, so he has to make himself more accessible to you. Plus, it's just another way he can show off how strong he is to you~
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fem reader x Itto were he really wants her to sit on his face but she worried she’d be to heavy but he proves her wrong and she ends up on his face desperately holding on to his horns
Please ignore this if it makes you uncomfortable have a nice day ❤️
♡ Facesitting Itto X fem!Reader ♡
!● warnings: fem!reader, body whorship, fingering, face sitting, focus on reader <33, very smut, NSFW🔞 no minors or I’ll eat u alive
note: OMG YEAH THIS IS SO CANON at least in my world, gonna make him sit on fem!reader’s face bc she deserves it (also sry for taking so long bbyy aaaa)
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“Awww… come on (y/n)... It won’t hurt me, you know that right?!”, Itto did not stop insisting on his request while you were a blushy mess of the thought of it. “N-no, I worry about crushing you…”, you said quietly but loud enough for him to hear. Another pouty ‘aww’ before Itto gets on his knees. This man really wanted you to sit on his face! “Why do you think that? I am the greatest Oni out here, I can handle you. So please, let me eat you out…”, he begged, now looking up with his big puppy eyes, hands together like he was praying for your approval. Damn, this was the point where you couldn’t deny him. His infamous puppy eyes got you both in the first place together, also many other stuff too, but this one shot an arrow straight through your heart. “O-okay fine… b-but can we go slow?”, you said nervously, fumbling on your shirt while Itto jumps up to hug you. “Heck yeah, babe! You will love it.”, he says while giving you smooches all over your face. As if you would weigh nothing to him, he carried you to the shared bedroom.
Itto sits you safely down and gives another kiss on the mouth before stripping down his pants since he only wears pants around the apartment. It was nothing new to see him fully naked but it still made you feel embarrassed to see his huge dick hanging out freely. Best part is that he was half hard already. Your head heated and you looked away while Itto smirks at you, oh how he loved to see you like this, it totally boosts his confidence even more. “Don’t worry, babe! Today I will only focus on you and…”, he got on one of his knees while starting to undress you and kiss your leg. “... your pretty cunt.” This man had no filter when it comes to the intimacy you both were sharing for some time now, and oh boy, your heart pounds loudly against your chest seeing him kneel down to you. Itto helped you undress before starting to kiss you from your leg up to your mouth, giving on your whole body little butterfly kisses. He carefully leaned you down the bed after you were fully naked, hiding your breast from him. “Aww babe, I love it when you get shy around me. Trust me okay? If it’s too much to handle you know the safeword, right?”, he kissed your hand and waited for a sign from you. You nod and stretch your arms towards his face to cup him. He willingly came near, now towering you before you could cup his face and give him a kiss on his forehead.
“I love and trust you, Itto.” He was right away a blushing mess but this did not stop him from giving you this time deeper kisses while one hand caresses your inner thighs. You open your legs wider for him while he continues to massage your tight. His nails were not too long to hurt you but he used them to make little circles on your skin, touching it lightly, not too harsh. You told him many times before that this makes you laugh more than getting excited but he loved you little laughs. And this way you were getting more comfortable. “Does my little pumpkin want more?”, he asked while giving you neck kisses. “Yes please~”, you hugged him while he used his spit to lubricate his fingers to use it on your cunt. When his wet pointer and ring finger carefully slid between your lips, you bite your bottom lip, fully concentrating on his fingers. He slowly made circles around your clit and kissed your neck, licking and sucking on your skin while he worked on your first orgasm. Itto was painfully slow and you could feel how hot you were getting. “I-itto… please faster…”, you begged, petting his face with one hand while you were holding with the other one the bedsheet under you. “Of course, babe.”, he said, then sped up his circles around your clit. He stopped kissing you to watch your expression you were making as you were slowly building your orgasm. You close your eyes and bite your lip, looking away from him. Itto slowed down his movements and saw you open your eyes again, looking at him. “N-no, don’t play with me, Itto please…”, you pouted at him and cupped his face again. He gave you a deep kiss before letting go of you, sucking your juices from his fingers. “Babe, sit down on my face and I will make you cum, trust me.” You gulped, worrying that you might crush him with your weight but as you saw him replacing himself to the position you were and helping you climb and then sit on his chest. His dick was poking your ass from behind while you leaned down to give him a kiss. His hands are holding on your sides. “You make me crazy… so please, *please*, sit with your lovely cunt on my mouth and I will make you feel like you are in heaven.”
You could have said that you are already in heaven whenever he just fucked you silly but this might be the cherry on top of your relationship with him, when you facefuck him. Which is pretty obvious his idea but maybe you will like it and both of you are pretty open for experimental stuff.  “Alright, but tap on my sides if I crush you or anything, okay?”, you said while climbing up, finally having your pussy right in front of his drooling mouth. “O-of course, (y/n), now come here~”, he couldn’t hold his excitement longer back and pressed your hips down on his mouth, letting his tongue finally lick your wet cunt. His tongue licked your pussy from the bottom to the top doing it a few times over and over again, moaning and growling while digging his nails into your flesh. You hold yourself onto the bed frame and adjust yourself a bit to guide his tongue a little more. Itto noticed it and stuck for a while on your sensitive clit, circling and sucking on it. Making you moan out his name and pressing yourself a bit harder on him. “S-sorry”, you said and were about to lift yourself a bit up, but Itto held you close to him while now he inserted his tongue inside you. Making your eyes roll back and moan louder. And Itto loved it so much. He was drowned with your pussy juices mixed with his own salvia, making a mess. You looked down to see into his hearty shaped eyes and how he continues to eat you out without any stop.
“I am getting close, Itto.”, you stated and started to grind yourself on his face, making his nose meet with your clit with every hip movement. Itto enjoys this way too much with his dick leaking with pre-cum and him going crazy with his tongue. Since he was an Oni, his tongue was a bit larger and longer than human ones which made this experience a lot better than you would expect. “mhmm~”, Itto slurped and moaned non stop after you started grinding harder on him, making him straighten up which made you stumble and instead of holding the bed frame… you now are holding his horns which makes his mind go crazy. You felt something warm on your ass assuming that Itto just came but did not stop eating you out, going even crazier on your pussy. “Itto, Itto…!”, you screamed and moaned while cumming on his face, making your gush and press your legs together. Itto tried to drink as much as he could but ended up patting your sides to signal that he needed to breathe or else he would drown. You immediately stood up and helped him lean up, while also noticing that he really came too. His cum stains his stomach and your ass. “O-oh, are you okay, Itto??” He coughed and smiled. “Oh my archons, yes YESS that was amazing, damn come here”, hugging you and kissing your face. You couldn’t stop him here and now you got your juices on your face too, laughing at his reaction. This also made both of you catch your breaths before he let go of the hug just to give you a big smooch on your forehead. “I am still pretty hard, may I have another delicious meal?”, he grinned while his hands went down to your ass, massaging it. “Only if you let me have a quick break~”, you said, kissing his nose and snuggling against him. Itto leaned back still holding you in his arms and cuddling you. “Anything for you, (y/n), I love you.”
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Banner made by @/benkaibear (or just click on the image to get it)
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thebellearchives · 1 year
HEYYYY BELLE 💗💗💗 I am so excited to see your requests are open 😍💗 Can I please request Solomon + You’ll always be safe with me 😭💗 I am so in love with the way you write him and this prompt sounds so comforting! Thank you so much 💗💗
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~ solomon ; obey me [nightbringer]
✧˚ · . S Y N O P S I S : even in the worst of situations you know there’s someone who will always be your safe place
‧₊˚ c o n t e n t s : gn!reader, set on nightbringer lesson 11, comfort and fluff, a little tiny bit of angst ~ established relationship
‧₊˚ a / n : aaaa winter ~ !! yesss of course anything for you love, i’m so glad you enjoy my sol shots (‘: thanks for requesting ily i hope you like this one too 😭🫶🏻
prompt list
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You stared at the floor, where the faint blue luminescence illuminated its texture. Solomon and Thirteen were nearby, you could barely hear his voice explaining everything that had just happened and Thirteen arguing with him.
Their bickering turned into background noise until their words morphed into white noise. You brought your knees against your chest and rested your chin in your arms, ignoring the slight chill of the magic that kept books floating around this section of Thirteen’s cave. It had been so long since the last time you had lived such conflicts with the brothers, you had spent so many days and months living alongside them that you had forgotten how scary and anxiety inducing it was to be targeted by them. Or how heartbreaking it was now.
A hand was placed on your shoulder, Solomon’s familiar warm voice calling your name pulling you out of your messy mind.
“Did you listen to what I just told you?”
“Uhm, no, sorry” you shook your head slightly, trying to chase away your thoughts and focus on the present “what was it?”
Solomon’s silvery irises studied you, reflecting clear concern. The sorcerer sighed and sat down next to you.
“I’m really sorry you have to go through this… again.”
You bit your lower lip, trying to keep your composure. You were in a different place now, a place where mostly everything looked the same, all of your friends looked and sounded the same, and yet they weren’t. The brothers that loved you unconditionally now looked at you and saw nothing. Solomon’s hand suddenly grabbed yours, your body almost jolted in surprise to his touch.
When your widened eyes went to look for him you found him staring back with a melancholic expression painted on his features.
“You know I will always be here for you, right?” his soft voice warmed your heart “you can always count on me, I will always protect you.”
A knot formed in your throat, you stared at him, that sweet reassuring smile and the way his pearly white hair fell on top of his forehead, charming eyes fixed on yours. The man who had followed you through realms, through space and time, the one thing in your life that remained constant, imperishable.
Immediately you buried yourself in his chest. He sighed, his arms slid around your body and held you firmly, anchoring you safely amidst the chaos, the familiarity of his worn out cologne grounding you back into security.
“I know” you managed to answer, feeling the warmth of his body surround you and making all your fears and anxiety dissolve into thin air, his love was morphine to your pain.
“You will always be safe with me my love” Solomon buried his face in your hair, his nose grazing your temple.
The moment his lips left a small kiss on top of your eyebrow you knew. You knew there wasn’t a single place in any timeline safer than the arms of your lover.
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yawarakaizai · 11 months
Could I Request Jouno with a quiet People pleaser that'd be so cute ngl >-<I'll leave the rest up to you, and how you see fit hehe
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RECIPITENT Jouno Saigiku (BSD) NOTE omg ,,,..... so many things to say , , ,.. ... ... jouno is so aaaa aaaaaaAAA <3333 i love h im
Note; fluff! gn reader (they/them), overprotective jouno
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we all know that jouno is a big tease to his peers. you weren't an exception to his regular 'insults' and remarks.
what confused him the most is how you'd never bite back.
when you first joined the hunting dogs, you were naturally a reserved and quiet person.
he'd try to bug you, but you never really budged in the way he'd expect.
you take every insult with a nod and unbothered, gracious smile.
jouno began to feel bad. he pitied you for what he thought was you being oblivious when in truth - you thought that he wouldn't like to see you genuinely hurt by his remarks.
against all odds, you two fell in love rather quickly.
to simplify it ; you fell first but he fell harder.
jouno didn't have any previous relationship experience so it was DIFFICULT to figure out his emotions. he had to go to the other members for help.
tecchou was as equally dumb if not dumber than him when it came to love. teruko began to blackmail him, threatening to tell you about his crush before he even had a chance to confess. fukuchi, well.. he was too drunk to give any proper advice. jouno found he was able to confide in tachihara who suggested he take you out somewhere nice and tell you straight-forwardly about how he felt.
and so, he did just that. taking you out to a lavish restaurant by the sea, you were amazed at the thought jouno would even do this much for you.
you were even more amazed when he took you out on the pier with the night sky hanging above and got down on one knee, presenting you with a ring as he confessed his overdue romantic attraction towards you.
bashfully, you informed him,
" ...jouno, that's for marriage. "
he's immediately like &^!*(£*&?@? NO!! I knew that. duh, I obviously knew that!!
you're giggling at his cover-up and shut him up by getting down as well and placing a chaste kiss on his cheek.
he lost it.
for the first time in his life, jouno was so stupidly in love!
he treasures you like gold, like a princess, like treasure, oohhh you are so so spoiled and prized by him!
on a mission his last victim just barely alive vomiting blood by jouno's shoes as they claw desperately for his mercy, then he just,, ''would you like to see my cute s/o?'' the guy is so confused. does he say no? but if he says yes and sucks up to jouno, maybe he'd be spared! jouno goes ahead and turns his phone screen to the bloodied man, showing him his lock screen - a selfie of you and jouno that you insisted was worthy of having as wallpaper. times like that made jouno wish he could see, but nevertheless, " aren't we just the cutest? " with a nervous gulp, the criminal would nod his head rapidly. " yeah! " he'd agree with jouno, unable to care less, really. " they're adorable, yeah! you're a lucky man! " jouno grinned, straightening his posture to tuck his phone away. " i really am a lucky man. a nice one, as well. " he put his sword away much to the relief of the man below. " i gave you the privilege of looking at an angel from the heaven you'll never reach. " jouno had switched his sword for a gun.
you were such a kind person. jouno thought you were a bit too soft and way too forgiving for your own good.
when he'd tease you, he'd KNOW when he went too far, but he was so confused when you wouldn't be upset. at least not visibily.
he could sense that your body would deflate in quiet sadness at some certain joke, but you'd never say anything about it.
you kept your feelings to yourself and soon enough he found out it was because you didn't want to upset him by telling him his humour wasn't right for you.
the day he approached you about it, his heart broke hearing you sob as you were uncertain with how to set boundaries properly.
you were always a ''i don't mind, if you wanna!'' person, letting others push you around and use you how they pleased.
since that confrontation, jouno was always sure to be gentle with you.
he'd still tease you every now and then, but he'd compliment you so, so much.
when you'd oversleep, he'd wake you up by peppering kisses all over your face instead of his past pulling-the-covers-off-and-opening-the-blinds routine.
although jouno still can't fully grasp the concept of a 'people-pleaser', he feared that you were scared of him or at least had been scared of him which made you unable to approach him about your dislike for his mean behaviour.
after that, he was able to spot more instances where you'd allow yourself be taken like a dumb doll by others.
when people would boss you around and you'd comply obediently.
no. he didn't approve of that.
while he'd happily threaten others - with you, he'd sit you down and warn you that your kindness can be exploited.
you were always too afraid to tell people 'no', so jouno would begin to teach you how. steadily, of course!
no one was going to take advantage of you, not with him around.
he cares so much for you, he's such a sweet bf to have, looking out for you.
plus, it was so funny that he - a sadistic, cruel, extroverted ex-criminal had a sweet, shy partner by his side!
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©yawarakaizai 2023 ﹒﹒ reblogs appreciated! requests open :3
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factual-fantasy · 3 months
29 asks! Thank you!! :)) 🦝
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@abaroo @ditzyclown (Referencing this post)
XDD I'm not sure! Evil Grim seems too hot headed and mean to have any real bond with a trainer.. though Evil Sylvester belonging to some pompous rich butthead that treats him like gold seems likely <XDD
As for their good sides,, I haven't really decided if they have one at all. They are supposed to be "evil" versions of Grim and V after all..😅
And I'm also not entirely sure they'd even be friends.. since Evil Sylvester thinks that Gengars as gross, and the two of them have no respect for each other.. it seems pretty unlikely that a friendship would bloom.. 😔
...However.... 👀 That's not to say they couldn't go through some kind of character development and some kind of bond would form..
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XDD Kermit you're so chaotic
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That sounds like a ton of fun actually! :DD Now I just gotta find some of those wheels and challenges- <XDD
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(In response to this post)
Aw man... poor little cookie.. <:(
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I've been thinking a lot about making a master post for my Pokémon stuff, Undertale stuff, Octonauts stuff, etc.. But I just haven't gotten around to it. 💀💀 But I'll keep thinking about it thanks to your ask :00
As for evil Grim and V, I'd love to draw more of them! Maybe even evil/opposite versions of the others.. I just don't have any more ideas for them.. 😔😔😔
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@khoiazo (Referencing this post)
XDDD couldn't have described their vibes better myself!
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It just makes me really uncomfortable <:/ I prefer comments instead :}
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Such a cute littol puppo!! 😭😭💞💞💞
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I'm not familiar with many dog breeds.. but I can say that they both have the dumb and happy golden retriever energy <XDD
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I haven't really thought about what other eeveeloutions he might encounter.. but I imagine a potential encounter with an Umbreon would be very similar to the Espeon encounter.
Maybe he saw the glowing eyes of an Umbreon peeking out of a bush a few feet away.. He froze in shock, recognizing the scent to be an eeveeloution. He looked away for just a second and when he turned back, it was gone..
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I'm thinking that over years and years of being together they just naturally built this rock solid friendship and trust. They've had multiple experiences where their friendship was tested but it never broke.
I'm also thinking that a key factor in their friendship is them having the exact came sense of humor XDD They're both idiots
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@minnesotamedic186 (Referencing this post)
XDD I see what you mean!
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I've seen fanart of it floating around, the game with the.. cat.. slug.? Critters right? :00
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I haven't actually beaten all the gyms yet- <XDD I've been spending most of my time drawing instead of playing Violet.😅
As for struggling with the gyms, I haven't struggled with any so far! AND THATS NOT ME TRYING TO SOUND COCKY- Most of the fun I have with Pokémon is the collecting part. So for the gyms I just use a type advantage and over level my Pokémon by like 10 levels and plow through the battle.. <XDD
I will say however, the water type gym challenge totally stumped me. <XDD For some reason I just couldn't figure it out and googled the answer in the end.. 😔😔😔
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A looooooot of patience and re-drawing <XDD (Also thank you!! :}}} )
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I have seen some of it, :0 but I don't know all the new characters they added.. <:0
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Not at the moment no.. I'm still on break from the fandom 😵‍💫
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<XD I'm not the first person to think of Tweak dying her hair, so go right ahead! :))
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XDD I see the resemblance!
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XDD No they're not infinite- But I was thinking that they can stretch shockingly far thanks to his mystical fairy typing XD How far that is exactly? I haven't really decided.. 🤔
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I'm glad you love them! And while I wouldn't usually agree to this,, I'll give you the go ahead to cross stitch the lads XDD
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@mimiocto (Sent after this post)
Aww! Sylvester needs a positive interaction after that frighting Espeon encounter <XDD
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Ooo! :DD How fun! I should look into getting one too.. 🤔
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(Refencing this post)
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dawnisdreamlanding · 10 months
Ghost x Reader x Konig
Neighbor! and Roommate!au hehe
About me | Masterlist |
Author's note: Happy Hanukkah! I'd like to say THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT FOR THE FIRST PART AAAA!! I've been wanting to write fanfics for agess but I was always too nervous to hahahdsf so all the support means so much to me, especially for it being my first fic. But less talk, more story, I hope you enjoy part 2! <3
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‘Why am I meeting so many tall, buff guys today? Well, not that I’m complaining,’ you chuckle inwardly. Konig’s so tall that when he greets you, he bends down slightly. Talk about being short. You mentally shake that thought away before smiling and telling him to follow you to your apartment.
Everything goes smoothly, and he ends up moving into your apartment the following week. It takes him a couple of days and a little head-banging on the door frame due to his height for him to get used to your shared apartment.
It’s been a month since then. You learn he’s from Austria, and he starts to call you ‘Maus’ which was self-explanatory. But you never really learned anything else other than that. So, to recap, both your neighbor and roommate are both silent and secretive. And they’re hot. You quickly shake that thought away. You shouldn’t be thinking about them like that!
Speaking of Simon, you haven’t seen him for a couple of days. You wonder what he’s doing. After a few extra moments of silence, you realized you’ve spaced out from doing your work. Your gaze lands on the long list of emails you’ll be needing to respond to by tonight, followed by the time on your computer on the bottom right of the screen. ‘7.43 pm’. Ugh, this looks like you’ll be staying back late in the office tonight.
It’s already been a few hours since the last of your coworkers said goodbye to you, and the office lights has been turned off except for your section of the office. The darkness surrounding the office was a little unsettling if you were being honest, but you pressed on with answering those emails. Your phone buzzing makes you jump in your seat and the bright screen in contrast to the surroundings makes you squint a little.
Oh, Konig’s calling. You pick up the call and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t relieved to hear someone’s voice after hours of overtime. The line’s a little staticky, but his voice comes through the phone. “Hello, Maus? Where are you?” Konig sounds worried. “Hey Konig!” You try to sound a little upbeat, but your exhaustion comes through nonetheless. “I’m working overtime tonight; I’ll be coming home late.”
Home. You don’t know when you started referring to your apartment as ‘home’, since you’ve always thought your apartment felt so soulless since you moved in. If you think hard about it, the emptiness of your apartment only ever seemed to disappear when Konig’s large frame started to fill in the empty space in your apartment. Despite not knowing much about Konig’s life, the two of you spend quality time together, bonding over shows on Netflix ranging from ‘The Good Place’ to ‘Emily In Paris’. Though you’d have to admit, the more mind-numbing the show is, the more entertaining it is when you hear all Konig’s quips and comments while the two of you watch it. God, you wish you were hanging out at home with Konig now.
“Maus?” Konig calls me once again, snapping me out of my train of thought. “H-huh? Sorry could you repeat that?” I reply. “It’s looks like its about to rain hard tonight, do you need me to bring you home?” his voice gets a little more staticky by the second, and you’re only able to get out a “it’s fine” before the power in the office shuts down.
“Oh hell no,” you say out loud to yourself. You watched enough horror game playthroughs to know that you’re not staying a second longer in office if you want to see another day. Your line gets cut off and you groan. If this isn’t the start of a horror movie.
You managed to exit the office without tripping in the darkness with being little on edge. Little droplets of rain start to fall to the ground, slowly painting the pavement a darker shade of grey with each drop. Your line comes back and you were seconds away from calling Konig to ask him to drive you back home but then a hulking figure leaving the nearby grocery store enters your field of vision.
You are quick to look at this guy because who the hell is he and why is he dressed in all black at night, looking like a robber? Oh my god is he a robber? Oh, it’s your neighbor, Simon. You should really stop bumping into him in such shady situations.
Simon ends up driving you back to your apartment complex. This time around, you try to talk to him the car ride there. In between the awkward silences, the two of you managed to bond over some shared bands playing on the radio and you learn that he’s from the military.
“’s not fair that they’re makin you work overtime like this.” Simon grumbles out. “Yeah well, what can I do? Besides, they pay me quite well.” You reply. It was true; the company you worked is quite taxing at times, but the benefits and pay holds you back from quitting.
“Well,” he inhales as he puts his car into park. “If you ever need a lift home, just let me know.” His offer puts a smile on your lips. For someone who you’ve gotten to really know in the span of a 20 minute car ride, he has a heart of gold. “Thanks, I’ll keep it in mind.”
He has the manners to walk you back all the way to your apartment — you ignore the fact he lives literally right next to you — and makes sure you enter your apartment safely before unlocking his own door.
 You sigh and drop your bag onto the floor. Your eyelids feel really dry and the constant urge to get some shut eye makes the tasks of getting ready for bed seem to stretch on for far too long. Part of you debates on sacrificing dinner so you can sleep a little earlier but that’s when you hear Konig call out for you in the kitchen.
“Eat.” He speaks. “I cooked dinner for the both of us, but I didn’t know you were staying in the office.” A slight pang of guilt shoots through you at the thought of Konig waiting alone at the dinner table for you to come home. “Thanks, Konig.” I smile at him. “I’m glad to be home.”
Konig tries to ignore the warmth that creeps up on him during moments like these. His eyes naturally drink in the sight of you sitting across the table, happily munching on the food he’s cooked you. Fuck, maybe being a househusband wouldn’t be so bad, especially if its for you. He quickly shakes off that thought. He kills. He likes to kill. What was he even thinking?
“Emily in Paris?” he suggests when you finish your dinner. You sigh and shake your head. “Sorry, too tired, Ko.” The nickname slips out of your mouth so easily that you don’t notice it, but he does. His body freezes up and his brain short circuits. He’s so focused on the nickname you used for him that he doesn’t even feel sadness when you rejected his suggestion. He hums in acknowledgement.
“Maybe this weekend?” You say and he nods, watching you turn to head into your room. He decides not to tell you he’s leaving for work that weekend. Leaving to kill people. “Next weekend.” He confirms. You smile tiredly at him and the warm yellow light illuminates your features. “Goodnight, Konig.” God, he wishes you could call him Ko again. “Goodnight, Maus.”
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Taglist! @gojo-mochi
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iloveundertaesooomuch · 9 months
Some advice from AU Calebs!
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Heck yeah I did it! Finally i finished ONE of the HUNDREDS AU crossover ideas I have in my head!! Crossovers are fun guys!! (I apologise for a bad english in advance. Writing this it a rush.)
"It's ok to ask for help." (A Reverse Of Feathers And Mud by @jess-the-vampire)
I couldn't make a crossover meme without the legend. Sorry, not sorry. He is such a sad lad but tries to stay positive and be happy for his family uydfykudsutsudskudsluds (*dies*). I have to admitt, Caleb's dad energy is too strong for me to handle without wanting a hug him. No wonder! He was THE grandpa for centuries straight without a break. At least Caleb gets his whole family together in the end. Comics with him and either Hunter and Philip or Luz and Eda make me run in cirles around the room aaaa.
"You are not a burden." (Brother's Keeper by @idoodlestuffsometimes)
Damn, you definetly created one of the darkest AU in the fandom. Each time I re-read AU related posts I scream my lungs out because it is so angsty and so great. I am genuinely scared of your Belos ngl, because.. this man didnt loose anything and he still proceeds to do all that stuff. Enconter with him has 0 survival rate.
POOR CALEB! At least in the world of memes he had an opportunity to flee the captivity twice (the bald head and the car). This man had no moment of mental rest for centuries oh my God. One of my friends wants to fight his brother personally to protec Caleb at all cost sksksk. Well, at least Hunter will always have an actually loving relative! And if the happy ending is going to be canon, I think the future looks great, especially knowing how much pain all your characters go through currently. (And I think both Caleb and Hunter would need the "you are not a burdain" affirmations. At least some form of support in their situation.)
You said in the latest ask-answer that BK!Caleb was supposed to have white streaks in his hair so I attempted to add them. Hope they look fine! Colors for the outfit I got from Belos, so they would match, I guess???
"Murder is okay." (Loose Strings by @oldmanpip)
My bro, brother, friend... Despite you being not to involved on the discord server, my brain is still rotting with your great awesome AUs. And I know you know that. Your Caleb is really loose in all sences of that word and I love that. Wonder if your AUs will ever be available to the public. Because oh boy oh boy they deserve to be recognised. (Loose Caleb is such a conservative grandpa who never did anything wrong, wdym?)
"Your feelings matter." (Pip In Time by @celestialscribbler)
Honestly? Man, your comic is the reason I got invested in Witteclaw couple at all. Even if the "Pip in time" is not their story, but you wrote their teen romance so sweetly. Those two melted my heart... I scream each time I re-read your comic for 100th time. Just WOAH my brain goes brrr! And Caleb as a character is also written really really well. I love him so much. He is such good brother but MAN HE NEEDS A BREAK FROM BEING AN ADULT! BOY! Insirt crying and heart emojis here.
(PS: hope you still care about your health!)
My thoughts:
I have been drawing this for more than a month I think? And the only reason for that is my university. I hope to actually get an ADHD diagnosis because something is clearly wrong with me. But thats not the point.
There are so many ideas in my head. Goofy and not. The only problem is that I have less and less ability to do what I want lately. I wish I could bring them all to life, but at the same I dont know if anyone will be interested. Would AU crossovers look too self-indulgent? Or nah? Idk. (Just Grimwalker-Isle already has so much potential for stupid ridiculous fun I am runnin on coffee juice.)
Litteraly my mind is plagued with different fun plots and possibilities I am going crazy. But I also have A TON of WIPs that I need to finish. Perhaps I will attempt to manage everything at once, but, no promises.
Wish me luck on my exams!
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pastelvelvett · 1 year
Aaaa I'm so sorry it took so long But here it is, a Yandere!Harvey x reader, as requested by the lovely @lucienbarkbark! Also, hope everyone's having a great pride month!! I may or may not be preparing a lil something for that, who knows 👉👈
Yandere!Harvey x Gn!Sick!Reader
You and Harvey have been pretty close lately, that was clear as day. Despite Harvey normally being the reserved sort, it took a very small amount of time for him to warm up to you. What once was awkward small talk evolved to discussing topics that were a bit deeper than just commenting on the weather. Often, you'd talk about eachother's lives over a hot cup of coffee, a drink Harvey apparently enjoyed quite a bit.
The more the both of you spent time together, the more attached the doctor would find himself to you. The more details he had about your past life in the city, your life right now, and the things that you liked and disliked, the more he'd find himself hanging onto every word you spoke. While Harvey definitely had a good memory, knowing so many facts about one person was definitely unusual for him. He loved everything about you, so much so that he memorized every single thing you divulged to him without even trying.
Hanging out together after Harvey's work hours became a daily ritual of sorts, one that he woke up every day deeply excited for. So you can imagine how he felt when for the first time in weeks, you weren't there in front of his clinic door waiting for him to exit. His first instinct was to worry, but he was able to calm himself down relatively easily. It was true you were always there at 3PM sharp, but it would be silly to assume something bad happened to you just because you're a little late this time around. You were a busy person, maybe you just didn't finish your work for the day yet. That seemed like a reasonable possibility to him.
But as the minutes passed, his concern grew, eventually to the point that he was such a bundle of nerves that he had to go over to your farm to check if you were okay. As much as he wanted to stay calm, all that he could think about were the nearly infinite possibilities of what could've happened to you, and a lot of the ones he could think of were pretty far on the grim side. A part of him still knew full well that he was probably just overreacting, but the slightest possibility of you being hurt was too much for him to handle.
Harvey, with heart beating at an accelerated rhythm, shakily knocked at your wooden door. Much to his relief, he heard your voice from inside. Even though he did think your voice was slightly hoarse, all he could think about was how relieved he was you were okay, perfectly safe inside your home.
"Come in!" You said. Harvey didn't hesitate to, eager to see you after the maybe (definitely) disproportionate scare he just had. Once he opened the door to your farmhouse, he was quick to spot you laying in bed, snuggled into you blanket. A blush dusted his cheeks, finding the image adorable. He felt like seeing you comforted him even more than hearing you did. Now that he was calmer, he pretty easily noticed that your nose had reddish hue and that you were sniffling every so often. 'Ah... So you had a cold, that's why they didn't come.' Harvey thought to himself.
"Y/N! Hi! Ahah... It's a bit embarassing, but I was a bit worried about you, you know?" Harvey awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. You greeted him cheerfully, motioning towards your chair with a smile. Until that moment he was awkwardly standing in front of the exit, feeling like coming further inside without instruction from you could possibly be rude. Another thing he overthought, it seemed. He sat himself in your comfortable chair, noticing how your pretty lips formed a frown as you ruminated on his words.
"Oh... I'm really sorry Harvey. I didn't mean to worry you. Honestly, I kinda lost the track of time... I've been really sick since yesterday, my head's a lil hazy-" You explained, interrupted by your (admittedly very cute) sneeze. Harvey's brows knitted together, not really liking the fact that you implied that you were going to go out in your current state if only you didn't forget what time it was.
"You don't need to apologize. I'm just glad nothing bad happened to you." Harvey let out a sigh. You were too kind and considerate even when you didn't have to be. "...Besides, it really wouldn't have been a good idea to go out when you have a cold. You need all the rest you can get." Without realizing it, he switched to the tone he'd normally use when talking to patients about their health, this resulting in a lighthearted chuckle from you. He looked down in your directiin, puzzled as to why you were laughing.
"Nothing, just that... You turned on doctor mode there. You're real cute, Harv, you know that?" The nickname you've never used before plus the unexpected compliment equaled a very, very flustered Harvey. His cheeks set ablaze, trying to fumble his way through forming a sentence to very poor results. "T-Thanks... I think...? Gosh, don't say stuff like that. You're going to make me even redder than your face is right now." He breathed in to calm himself down. "Speaking of which..." The brown haired man got up from his seat, walking up to the bed with a straight face. When Harvey pressed the back of his hand against your forehead, in awe at how smooth, and incredibly hot, your face felt. He found himself melting at the contact, and maybe he would've lost himself in it if your temperature wasn't so concerning. He was sure that if he held his hand on your forehead for much longer than it would literally melt him aswell as figuratively.
"Gah, you're hot so hot...! A-Ah, wait, no I mean- In the temperature sense, of course. Not that you're not just-" Thankfully for Harvey, you mercifully cut him off, assuring him that you understood what he meant from the get-go. "R-Right. Well..." Harvey cleared his throat, removing his hand from your forehead and straightening his back. "Do you have any paracetamol? Or anything else that could help with your fever?" You shook your head no. "Okay, I'll have to bring you some then!"
"Only if you're quick. I'll miss you too much." You gave Harvey a playful grin. He really wasn't sure if you teasing him like this was only meant as playful banter, or a sign that he wouldn't irreparably screw things up if he went and told you how he felt. But that was something he didn't want to linger on in that moment. He had to take care of you, afterall. Harvey gave you nod and a smile, turning towards the door. But before he could walk off he heard your voice again. "Wait! Would... Would it be okay if you stayed over a bit to make me some soup? You told me before that you're really good at cooking, and I've been really excited to try it out! Sorry if it's rude of me to ask you instead of you offering..." Harvey's heart skipped at your request, feeling the slightest bit nervous at the prospect of you tasting his cooking.
"Ah, not at all. You're sick. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't at least treat you with some soup?" And with that, he began preparing you your food. Sounds of chatter between you and Harvey mixed in with that of cutting vegetables and stirring. It was a comfortable, intimate atmosphere. It made Harvey imagine how it would be like to live with you and have this dynamic every single day. He couldn't help but be excited for the future. Maybe he was just convincing himself everything would turn over well because not having the future he imagined wouldn't be something he could handle. He didn't know for sure, but in that moment what was once worry turned into (perhaps misplaced) confidence that things would go over well. All he had to do was find the right time, you'd understand him and feel the same.
As the minutes passed, your conversatiin fizzled out into an equally comfortable silence. When Harvey announced that he finished your meal with an excited tone he expected some sort of response from you, but confusingly enough, he didn't receive any. With brows furrowed, he turned his head in your direction. His brown eyes first fell on your closed ones, then your slightly agape lips, and lastly your chest that rose and fell at a steady rhythm. Your peaceful sleeping face was a sight for sore eyes. You worked so tirelessly on a daily basis, and while he knew you enjoyed what you did, he couldn't help but be worried about you constantly. As much as he admired your determination, overworking yourself like that clearly didn't do any wonders for your health. He sighed, wishing you could listen to your body just a little more often.
Harvey left the bowl of soup where it was, deciding he would heat it up for you once you woke up. He took the opportunity to bring you the meds he was planning to bring, placing them on the end table next to your bed with a cup of water. Something he didn't really plan to bring alongside the medicine but ended up bringing anyway was his trusty camera. He knew it wasn't right. There was no way you would be okay with him taking pictures of you while you were asleep, and he knew that him aknowledging but still doing it made him an even worse person. But by Yoba, he couldn't help it. He wanted, and felt like he needed, to keep seeing your sleeping face even tonight after he'd go home. Waking up next to you could be a far future, and he wanted to have you with him while he slept in some way. After he was done taking several pictures from multiple angles, he stuffed the camera in his pocket. He really, really hoped you would never find out about this. Because he loved you more than anything and anyone, and he wanted you to feel the same more than anything.
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guppybibi · 2 months
hii !! can you do akito (shinonome) with a gf who’s OBSESSED with another group? i just thought of this and found it funny
he’s always like “why don’t we go to your place” and reader is like oh no it’s ok haha!! because it’s kind of embarrassing but there’s so much merch it’s impossible to take down
and one day he convinces you to let him stay over and boom. posters everywhere. cds everywhere. binders full of photocards. a whole shelf of albums just sitting there. don’t forget the dvds and polaroids! bonus points if you forgot to turn off your cd player when you answered the door so it’s blasting said group’s music as well 💀
( ++ doesn’t have to be any group in particular but i’m heavy in my enhypen phase right now, so maybe them? that’d make it even more nerdy but 😭 )
𖦹 pairing: Akito Shinonome x fem!reader
𖦹 content: Confused Akito, fluff, kpop stuff, idk..
𖦹 notes: aaaa i love this idea, tysm! for the group i chose enhypen as well but also stray kids because you can never stan too many groups ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ (i had the biggest stray kids phase lollzz, plus idk much abt enhypen:c sorrie) also wrote half of this at school wowie
-Just..so confused?? He doesn't get the thing about collecting photo cards and the terms fans use so you have to explain it to him.
-Once he gets it though he's just mildly concerned, for your sanity and wallet. He does commend your dedication and loyalty to these groups though (silently hopes you do the same with him.) 
-Occasionally asks you if VBS had merch would you buy some, his reaction would vary on your answer. -
-If you say no he’ll just say ‘uh huh’ and walk away. (pancakes are the solution, TRUST.) + he's just playing around, he isn't mad. 
-If you say yes he’ll just smirk smugly and try to talk everyone into making merch. (he fails)
He’s so confused right now, he just doesn't get what's the big deal about it. The ginger knew you absolutely loved these so called K-POP groups and he didn't mind at all, not a tiny bit. To be fair, he was somewhat an idol as well. A street musician to be exact but that was close enough. 
And today was another added episode to the collection of you not letting him go to your home, what exactly were you hiding from him? He stood before you, in all his glory, a skeptical look on his face. “C'mon doll..is yer room messy or somethin’? I’m sure it can't be that bad, trust me–I’ve seen worse.” He said in an attempt to reassure you, intently watching how your lips pressed into a thin line and your eyes darted across the park you two were at. “L..-look! A bunch of people are doing cool skating tricks!” You exclaim, pointing to a bunch of randos doing flips or whatever. Distracting him was worth the shot, no guarantees it’ll work though. 
He almost facepalms himself when he hears your shitty attempt at diverting his attention elsewhere. “Doll I’m not the smartest but I'm not that dumb..” It was honestly offensive that you thought that would work..You couldn't keep hiding forever, you two wouldn't progress if you didn't allow him to do something so simple as coming into your home. And as he said, he's somewhat of an ‘idol’ as well so he probably wouldn't find it too weird. Yeah, think positive! He won't think you're some kind of koreaboo or anything!
“Right..I guess you could come over to my place. But on one condition..” She starts. “Don't find it weird..?” He chuckles in response, shaking his head. “No promises.” 
And that's how he ended up in this rather strange position, sitting on your cozy bed as the posters on your walls stared down at him. “Wow..this is um..a lot.” His mouth formed a crooked smile, glancing at the shelf filled with albums. Where you got the money for all of this was a mystery to him. “So..who are they?” He asks, flopping back onto your bed, full of a bunch of stuffed animals. Your eyes start to sparkle, this was your time to shine, well rather to rant about your unhealthy obsession with these KPOP groups but let's not talk about that right now. 
After your rather lengthy explanation about every basic thing he needs to know, the expression on his gruff face seems unreadable. Was he angry or somehow jealous about it? Or was he simply just not interested in it? That might've been the case, but not right now at least. “Mmh..alright.” He sounded way too casual about it for comfort if you’re being honest. But if he was held captive and needed to be honest, extra–I know, he found this..mildly concerning addiction of yours quite endearing. It’s not like it would cause problems along the way, unless you spent all of your money on merchandise and went broke but he has enough trust in you not to do that..don’t break that by buying some lightstick that costs more than your kidney. 
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nejjirez · 1 year
" BABY SITTER <33 . "
req ☆ : Hi idk how many requests you got piled up lmaooo so don't feel pressured to get this out immediately if you can't but you should do a Miles 42! either fic or head cannon about how reader has to babysit, so instead of just going back home miles helps showing how he is with kids bc i feel like he's one of those ppl who swear they don't like kids but after a while he's drawn to how funny and aloof they are and the kids are drawn to his leave me alone personality
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a/n: hii ! i wasnt rlly taking requests rn but this is soo cute so i decided to give yall this while working on this big story i have for yall , ALSO SORRY FOR CUTTING OUT PART OF UR REQ , IT WAS TOO LONG BUT ENJOYY
miles = dark purple you/nari = pink
"aaaa ." you heard mayday say as you played with her , handing her a doll that she seemed to like , making her face light up as she giggled with excitement . "aww , youre so cutee" you said , you were getting baby fever over mayday , she was so cutee
you heard a knock at your door , turning your head to it and raising an eyebrow , it was 11:03 pm and you were home alone babysitting , who could possibly be at the door?..
you were slightly scared , this wasn't your first time being home alone but it was damn sure the first time someone has knocked on the door. It wouldn't have been your mom .. she would've used the key.. who was this??..
you got up and looked out the peep hole hesitantly to see a boy with two cornrow braids , a dark purple hoodie , some grey sweats , and some jordan 4s on. Nevermind you knew who this was ..
you chuckled a little to see miles at your door at such a late time , you opened it and looked up at him tilting your head in confusion. "why is u here at..11:03 pm?.." you weren't surprised he was here , but at this time?? he never comes this late .. "i couldnt sleep ma u mind if i stay over for the night?" you glanced at the bag in his hand which probably held all the things he needed , except for what was already here. some of his overnight stuff was here due to him staying overnight alot.
"mm.. lemme ask my mom first but for rn js come in " you opened the door so he could step in , and when he did him and mayday locked eyes making his face turn up while mayday giggled . "you aint tell me .. this ... was here .." his words traveled off as he slowly looked at you wit a stank face (sassy nigga life style..)
im sorry .. im rushing this kinda.. time skip . 30 mins .
while you were in the kitchen cooking some food for you , mayday , and miles , you peeped into the living room to see what mayday was doing and a smile formed across your face at what you saw. miles was playing with mayday , looking pretty happy himself as he tossed the ball back and forth to her cheering her on to catch it.
you took out your phone to take a picture , but when you went to take it you forgot your flash was on .. womp womp. miles shot his head towards you after seeing the light from the flash flood the room for a split second , glaring at you.
"nari." he tossed the ball back to mayday , her still happily giggling in excitement. "my bad .. thought u didnt like kids?" u crossed your arms , grinning at a statement that miles had made not too long. "shut up , she looked lonely" miles was fucking HORRID at making excuses and it rlly showed ..
taglist: @hiimayee @gw3ndyswonderland @444morales @all444miles @marci-jean @spiderheartzz @nokkihy
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thisismeracing · 1 year
Mick & Wedding & Fluff [I'm a sucker for domestic things] CONGRATULATIONS ON 1K MY LOVE!
Wedding | MS47
⸺ the one where you're living the happiest moments of your life and you know it. ✓ mentions of alcohol.
⁕ one word, a thousand stories blurb night (open) ⁕ my masterlist and my taglist
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"God, we were getting crazy drunk right there," Yn pointed, throwing her head back and laughing.
She and Mick were at home, their new home, watching the videos from their wedding. Right now, the big screen was showing the wedding reception. Yn was barefoot, with her reception-designed dress, champagne glass in her hands, and a huge smile on her face, while Mick had the first few buttons of his white shirt open, his black jacket forgotten somewhere while his tie was around his wife's neck. He too had a glass of champagne in hand, while both of them and their closest friends danced to Lost by Frank Ocean as if the world was about to end. But in reality, it was just beginning. It was the start of the happiest years of their lives sharing it with the love of his life.
"I was so happy. I was a bit naive though, because I thought that would be the happiest moment of my life. I learned a bit after that each day with you would be the happiest." Mick confessed, scooting even closer to Yn's side.
"We should start a journal because ever since our wedding I've had so many moments where I thought 'damn, this is the happiest it could get' only to realize a bit after that it can get even better than that. And when we have kids, they can read about how bright life was, is, and will be for them as well."
"Speaking about kids, when we are going to start trying?" The blonde poked, a smirk gracing his features and his eyebrows slightly raised.
Yn chuckled and eyed him. "We can start now, you know I want it all with you."
And when Mick eagerly pulled off his shirt and got up fumbling with his jeans, Yn felt the laugh bubble in her mouth booming around the room, because yet again life with her husband felt amazing.
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― ⋆🪩 VOICEMAIL: Thank you, babes!!! <3 *mwah* I'm a sucker for domestic fluff too aaaa. Hope you guys like it, don't forget to leave a comment and reblog.
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redr0sewrites · 1 year
So, I really liked your two Aaravis fics, and I have an idea/request. You don't have to do it if you don't feel like it of course.
So there is that dark mark on Aaravos's chest. And we know that it became dark after his imprisonment. Now the idea is that the reader either knew Aaravos *before* it lost it's shine, and like, later got trapped in the mirror too and reunited with him, or maybe met him in the mirror and asked about the mark. And like, asks Aaravos why it lost it's shine, and after hearing about the things, instead of looking at him differently, or scared, they see that Aaravos is sad, so they preform a little trick. So they make a little light ball, making it look like they took it out of their heart and then place it on Aaravos's chest (where the dark star is), and saying that "It's okay, you can have my light" or something like that, idk....
Like, the concept is just reader accepting that darkness, and cherishing it and all that cheezy, fluffy stuff. Like I said, you aren't obliged to write this, this is just a random idea my maladaptive daydreamer self came up with. Have a lovely day, take care, and thanks for feeding us Aaravos fans with your lovely work!
AAAA TYSM THIS REQ IS SO GREAT!!! I love this idea, it made me so excited ajsjdj HOPE U ENJOY!
🥀CW: angst (with happy ending), fluffiness, aaravos being insecure, mentions of trauma and suffering/containment
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when the news of aaravos' imprisonment reached you, you were shocked. how could he have been discovered, he had been so careful and meticulous in his planning, and all of his motives were for the good of humanity! you, and many other elves who supported him were not only surprised, but also outraged. to trap a startouch elf, to take your lover away from you... you knew you could never rest until you could see him again. years of pulling strings, gaining popularity, playing the puppeteer behind the scenes had led you to this moment. you had fought for centuries, sacrificed so much to see him again, and here you finally were. before you stood aaravos, your star touch lover, in all of his glory. it had been so long, and your heart seemed to sing at the sight of him. and yet, something was different.
when aaravos first saw you, he thought he was in a dream. you had appeared to him on so many nights, only to fade away once the morning came, slipping through his fingers like sand. the memory of you, your face, your voice, your touch, it all felt like a painful distant nightmare that played throughout his head every single time he closed his eyes. he had missed you so, so much, yet he knew he had changed. not only mentally, years of imprisonment had long since broken him, but physically as well. the glowing star on his chest had faded from a shimmering splendor to a cold ember, with nothing of its former glory remaining. he couldnt help but feel ashamed at its bleak emptiness, a disgusting mark of his failure and imprisonment. however, he would not focus on it now. you were here, in front of him, and he was free.
"my star.. is it truly you?" his voice was soft, broken and cracked from the emotions swelling inside him. you didnt dare open your mouth, knowing you would probably begin to sob and nodded, your eyes were already brimming with tears. the both of you rushed forward suddenly, throwing your arms around eachother and weeping with joy. you both stayed like that for a while, entangled in eachother and whispering softly. you werent sure how long you layed there on the floor, however it soon began to grow dark. ever so gently, aaravos layed the two of you onto the floor, his hands shaking as though afraid he would break you. as you stared at him, you couldn't help but ponder a certain change on your lovers skin.
"where did it go?" you ask softly, motioning towards his chest. he looked at you in confusion and you added for clarification, "what happened to the star on your chest? why doesnt it glow anymore?" you couldn't help but feel you made a mistake, as you watched the flicker of shame and disgust cross your lovers face.
"it faded, along with most of my powers, when i, well.. when i fell and was imprisoned" aaravos answered softly. his voice was so fragile, barely a whisper as he spoke. "it is simply a blight upon my skin, a mark of my failure and punishment. a cruel scar. it paints me as nothing but a lightless monster, a burden, and a villain." disdain and self disgust seemed to leak from his voice, and he shuddered as he spoke. pain filled your heart at his words and you reached out to rest a hand on his chest. you wished there was a way to undo all the centuries of pain and trauma the both of you had endured while separated, and you wished you could help him understand his beauty.
"you are none of those things aaravos, that is just what the other dragons and elves want you to believe. however, i know that you are special, beautiful, and so, so strong because of your differences and you have fought and suffered for what you believe in. this star is a mark of your perseverence, and it is nothing to ever be ashamed of." you gently pulled your hand away, and placed it on your own chest. using some simple magic, you made your own hand glow with a soft orb of white light resting on your palm.
"you don't have to bear the weight and darkness of your burdens alone. let me share my light with you, and share your darkness with me." you reached out, pressing the glowing ball against his chest and watched a small, pained smile break through the sadness and doubt that had resided on aaravos' face, and he covered your hand with his.
"thank you my love, thank you for finding me, and for always reminding me of the light and the love that we share." he leaned in, resting his unoccupied hand on your cheek and pressed his forehead against yours lovingly.
"i love you until the end of time, and i believe that our love will last as eternal as the light that we share." his words seemed to touch your very soul, and released a flutter from your heart. for years you had drowned in your own misery, but you felt like you could finally breathe again. he was back, and you two were reunited. nothing would stand in your way every again, and neither of you would ever be separated by anyone or anything.
I HOPE THIS WAS TOO YOUR LIKING, THIS WAS SUCH A COOL REQ THANKS FOR REQUESTING!!! REQS ARE STILL OPEN, FEEL FREE TO REQUEST ANYTIME! this was such an emotional thing to write, and i genuinely really like this lmao tysm for the idea and inspiration!
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