#there comes a point where people suspect the callsign is more than that
ghcstao3 · 9 months
yes ghost uses his stealth for actual, useful purposes, because why hone a skill and not make good use out of it when it benefits him the most?
but he also uses it entirely accidentally just because it’s sort of become second nature to him. everybody hates it.
because he’ll clearly be seen leaving a room or walking away, then something will come up in conversation and suddenly he’s back, butting in with his input like he hadn’t just seemingly appeared out of thin air (he was just wandering back and overheard).
alternatively someone will mention him and he’ll be there to ask “what about me?” because despite what everyone thought, he had not, in fact, left at all.
he doesn’t always mean to give people heart attacks. he just sort of… does.
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crispy-bonnie · 11 months
Let me tell you all about: The VENGEANCE AU!
This post contains major spoilers for CoD:MWII and CoD:MWIII while also heavily diverging from canon! If you don't wish to be spoiled on either of these, or really fucking hate canon divergency, DO NOT READ THIS POST!
The Vengeance AU is an alternate universe that I have translated to many fandoms and franchises, but this post will be focusing on the Call of Duty versions of the stories.
First, let me introduce you to my character: Bonnie, callsign "Northstar". A sniper and assassin, one of the best at their job, but their role is so specific that they aren't needed for much. They are a rookie to Task Force 141, deeming them as not as reliable compared to the others whom are of higher ranks.
Bonnie doesn't seem to be much in the Task Force, seen as the backup option and sometimes even just dead weight. The only one advocating for them is Price, and even so, his doubts are starting to overrule his initial impression on them. In a feeble attempt to prove themself, they push themself harder in hopes that their efforts will prove some sort of worth. Yet their attempts fail as if they were words falling on deaf ears. The only thing keeping them at ease is their lucky charm necklace that was passed to them by one of their deceased best friends [this is important, remember this bit].
Now, this is taking place during the time that Graves is involved in the story. Due to their lack of missions, Bonnie ends up wandering, and that leads to them fucking around and finding out. They find out about Graves' betrayal plans and makes an attempt to call him out on it. Attempt after attempt, they fail, and it's not long before Graves catches on.
Graves, not wanting to take any risks, frames Bonnie for some silly war crimes and even adds subtle hints that pointed towards them working with El Sin Nombre. Enraged, Task Force 141 and Los Vaqueros have all eyes on Bonnie, but not in a good way. They're detained and interrogated rather harshly, to the point where the interrogation seemed more like a bloodfest. Bonnie eventually can't handle it, considering that their body is a lot weaker compared to the others', and ends up dying just after one of the many interrogations.
Hey so remember that necklace that I mentioned just a couple paragraphs ago? Yeah that thing is a demonic necklace. It serves as a link between the Limbo realm a certain demon is trapped in and the Overworld. Now, who is this demon you may ask? This demon goes by the name of Raymond Yonaga, a serial killer trapped in Limbo for his wrong-doings. However, his wickedness and cravings for entertainment are enough to push past this barrier, now using the emotions of those who crave vengeance as puppets for his murderous intent. However, he can only link himself to these people through the necklace that was previously mentioned.
Bonnie, having possessed this necklace in their final breaths, eventually finds themself in Raymond's realm. Raymond offers Bonnie a second chance at life, a chance to be able to get back at those that wronged them. Bonnie, still distraught and infuriated at their own team's blindness to their reasoning and Graves's audacity to frame them, they accept.
Back into the world they come, new body, new alias, yet following that same setting. They're introduced once again to the Task Force by Price: Kai, callsign "Cassiopeia". None of them suspect a thing.. except for Soap MacTavish. He didn't know much about Bonnie, but he was one of the few that Bonnie trusted a tad more than others, making him significant to them. Soap has his suspicions, but he'd be crazy to say anything. Surely they couldn't be reincarnated with such.. resemblance... right?
W R O N G . What Soap thought was him going crazy or being delusional was completely true; Bonnie was back, and they were fucking pissed. Soap was very much denying his own 'delusions' but he still wanted to make sure that this newbie didn't try anything funny, so he keeps an eye on them and makes sure the others are wary. Little did Soap know that he was getting himself into some deep shit.
Alright, this is the part where things get wonky because I haven't finalized this yet. There are several ways this could go, perhaps you can pick one?
Kai [Bonnie and Raymond] go on a killing spree, picking off various members of Los Vaqueros, Shadow Company, the Las Almas cartel, and eventually targeting Task Force 141. When Raymond tries to go after the Task Force, Bonnie tries to stop him, but it fails as they soon realized that the deal they made gave him more power than they realized. Bonnie tries everything they can to stop him, knowing damn well they should've just stayed dead. This one splits into two as well, one ending being that Kai dies and Bonnie finally manages to stop Raymond, or Raymond takes over and kills the Task Force before going on a hunt for more victims.
The story progresses as usual, the only difference being that Kai is there. Kai does a few kills every now and then, but Raymond's hunger is far from satiated. Bonnie on the other hand realizes that they're being selfish and harming those close to them. In an attempt to bring light to the situation while also not being suspicious, they ask Raymond for help as they form a blood pact with Soap. The blood pact works similarly to the necklace, only being through blood this time; Raymond didn't tell Bonnie this. He lied and claimed that it would give Bonnie the ability to communicate to Soap without using Kai, but he already knew what Bonnie's plan was. Eventually, Soap dies [MWIII shits] and is sent to Raymond's realm, much to Bonnie's dismay. Regardless, Soap finds himself ashamed for his actions, as well as the actions of his teammates. Raymond, being the ultimate manipulator, convinces Soap to do the same thing Bonnie did.. and the cycle continues.
...and that, my friends, is a very condensed version of the Venguance AU! I may make visuals and I've been definitely thinking about making an animation or two of it. It's a story/AU I've been holding onto for years now, WAYYY before I even got into CoD. This story was for a completely different franchise! Nonetheless, I adapted it here, and this is the first time I've ever written about it. It's scrappy at best but it works. Hope you like it :]
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 3 years
Motion Sickness Chapter 48
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It was a cold long ride to Atlas. Cold. And long. I said nothing to the pilot and he said nothing to me. I just sat with my luggage on my lap in the back of the plane. I had nothing but my thoughts to keep me company as I got closer and closer to my home kingdom.
I sat and worried. What if the General didn't let Ruby and the others join Ozpin? My fears weren't as dissuaded as I wanted them to be.
The worst part was I was an overthinker. I over-thought about it the whole way there. It was an eight hour flight, no less. And I had nothing but depressing thoughts to keep me awake and aware.
"Atlas ground control to unidentified vessel. Please identify," came through the radio.
"This is XTR-niner-niner-ought-two. Callsign ought-five-six-six-niner-eight. We've got Weiss Schnee onboard. Requesting permission to land."
"Granted. Did you say Weiss Schnee?"
"We roger that XTR. We'll have company waiting for you."
We came in low over the floating city and swept in for a landing near Atlas Academy.
The plane hovered to a stop and descended. With it descended my stomach. I was alone and hundreds of miles from Ruby.
The back of the ship opened. I stood with my things and departed at once.
"Weiss? You're alright." An even voice availed me.
It was my sister surrounded by armed robots and waiting near the airstrip. She was as tall as ever with crystal blue eyes and snow-white hair.
My sister sounded relieved.
"Winter." I acknowledged. "It's good to see you again. I've got a special message for General Ironwood. It's urgent."
"For Ironwood?" She asked. "What could you possibly need to talk to him about? Weiss the general is a busy man-"
"It's about the maidens. And the relics. He'll make time for it. I am sure," I hedged a working bet. My sister was in a position to know about Ozpin's secrets. I was willing to bet that she did, now that I knew myself.
The only beings within earshot were machines and they'd never tattle on us to anyone. Winter's eyes widened with something like shock.
"Oh. Then you must come with me immediately." She led the way into the academy. "How do you know about the relics Weiss? And the maidens?"
"Ozpin told me. But like I said I have to talk to Ironwood. I have a message for him. It's the only reason I took the ship ride here."
She swiped a key card on one of the doors and led me all the way to the headmaster's office. I'd been there before. I knew the way. It was back from when I considered Atlas Academy as an alternative to Beacon and I was given a tour of the place.
"General, my sister says she has an urgent message for you. It's why she came. It's about the relics and maidens."
The general turned to look at me. He looked as I remembered. Maybe a bit more grey hair. The stress of Beacon afflicted him, giving him a bit of Marie Antoinette syndrome. He was tall and half metal with a long sleeve over his metal side.
He was sharply dressed as I'd ever seen him. His arms were crossed behind his back, looking crisp.
"I'm supposed to tell you the 'king has castled.'" I told him. His face shifted. Growing at once more interested from confused.
"What? Where?" He demanded.
"Back in Argus with Qrow."
"Ozpin and Qrow…" he murmured. "I'll send a ship there immediately. What's the status of the relic of knowledge?"
"We don't know. We think Salem has it," I answered. "Leonardo Lionheart turned on us. He betrayed Ozpin to Salem."
"That's terrible news." The general steepled his fingers.
"The relic here is safe though, isn't it? Ozpin was worried about this one next."
"It's secure." He said so quietly I had to strain to hear him. "What about the spring maiden?"
"She fell. Cinder Fall, the new fall maiden became the new spring maiden. She's very powerful now."
"That's even worse news."
"Yes… sir, about my friends with Ozpin… will you allow them into the country?"
"They know about the relics and maidens as well?"
I nodded crisply. I felt almost like I was a young girl talking to my father. It was frightening.
"Then it can't be helped." He nodded. Lights on his implant flickered. "You did well to bring me this information. We'll see about getting you set up in a room within the academy. You should rest easy, now. I'll handle things from here."
I exhaled a sigh of relief.
"There's more, sir." I began. He'd begun to turn his attention away from me and hesitated. "We were betrayed by a student too. Ozpin suspected he was a sleeper agent. A man named Jaune Arc. I'm not sure if that matters to you but it's something to be aware of. He's the one with the relic of knowledge. We think he's bringing it to Salem. He's very dangerous. I also have the identities of two more of Salem's agents. A Tyrian Callows and Hazel Rainart, I have their fighting styles, weapons, and a description of them both."
"You've been through a great deal…"
"No more than anyone else since Beacon's fall and Black-Out day," I dismissed.
"Even still I had hoped to keep people as young as you out of the conflict. I wasn't so successful myself. You know Penny Polendina."
"It became a necessity. Ozpin was out of options after he died. He's in a body called Oscar now. And yes sir, I know her. She's alive?"
He smiled and nodded. "You can tell Winter about Salem's agents. It's good to hear from Ozpin. I'd been worried. I must arrange for his and Qrow's extraction," he phrased it like a kind of order and I had to resist the urge to give some kind of salute. My own military background having been raised in Atlas at the forefront of my mind.
"And my friends." I interrupted. It was a bit of a sticking point for me, I overcame my desire to salute and intruded anyways.
"Yes, of course," Ironwood agreed. He seemed to sense my anxiety about it. His voice was unusually gentle.
"Come with me Weiss," Winter said. "I'll tell you about the winter maiden and the staff of creation, if that's alright, sir?"
Ironwood dismissed us with a curt nod and Winter snapped off a salute before gently pulling me away.
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Winter led me beneath the school to the vault. There the staff of creation hung and suspended with it was the massive chunk of earth and ice the city floated on top of. "So the staff is what keeps the city floating? I always thought it was dust."
"That's the official story. But Ozpin showed the previous headmaster how to use the staff to levitate the city."
"How's this possible?" I was still tired from the flight but I had energy enough to be amazed at one of the relics in action.
"The staff is an unlimited source of power. Although it's limited to one task at a time. It and it's vault are set up in a circuit with the engines to help the city hover."
"That's amazing. It costs nothing and keeps the city safe. The relic of knowledge was similarly incredible."
I was able to look out and see gondolas on guide wires to the lower city.
"It allows the user to ask any question of the lamp. Only three questions every one hundred years. We're afraid of what Jaune will do with it."
"Your friend who turned on you?"
"Yes." I breathed. "It's been hard."
"How are you holding up with that knowledge?"
"It's been difficult. My best friend was in love with him. Is in love with him. His betrayal came out of nowhere."
"Are you sure the rest of your friends can be trusted? You were rather insistent that your teammates join us here."
"I trust my teammates with my life."
"As you trusted this Jaune?"
"As Ozpin trusted Leonardo. Mistakes happen," I defended.
"Leonardo was a coward," Winter turned her nose up. "You could smell it on him."
I walked up and pressed a hand against the vault. The staff of creation was a beautiful object. A blue crystal wreathed in gold and mounted on a pillar of bronze, it was gorgeous. I'd only gotten a glimpse at the relic of knowledge but it was similarly intriguing.
"My teammates aren't cowards. And neither was Jaune. He was obsessive. That was his downfall."
"You defend him in this?"
"My partner and I think Salem did something to him." I stepped away from the crystal of the vault.
"Your partner who is in love with him?"
"That's right," I was adamant. "I know it sounds crazy. I know it sounds like an entangled mess of emotions but there are things about it that don't add up. Inconsistencies in his betrayal and personality which make no sense. I believe in her. I believe in him."
"You're right. It does sound like an entangled mess."
I glared at my sister. "Jaune was obsessive and one day he was killing and dying for us and the next he was turncoat."
"Traitorousness is the hardest to wrap our minds around because it often comes from those we least suspect. Betrayal is by its very nature unexpected."
"Maybe. Do you want to hear about Salem's other agents?"
"You've yet to give me a description of Jaune Arc."
"Tall, blonde, and muscular, blue eyes and about six-foot-one, maybe six-foot-two. He uses a broadsword that can turn into a shield with a longsword."
Winter sighed. "Weiss…"
"His semblance is called Limit Breaker. It's a charge which let's him elevate to a form where he is stronger and faster. He can do all manner of things with the charge. Fly, for example. And spend it on an attack or movement."
"Weiss it sounds like you, too, are muddled in this."
"I'm doing alright."
"Are you?"
"I-" I hesitated. "I liked him. As a person. The personality he developed. Who he became. The sacrifices he was willing to make for us. I got comfortable. It took me by surprise. Caught me off guard. He used to fancy me and I always felt like a good judge of character. He changed between Beacon and when I saw him again. I liked what I saw in him."
"And your friend?"
"She's hurting but we can get through it together."
"It's as I said. You're ensnared. You're too close to the issue. You need to look at things dispassionately."
"I don't know if I can do that with this. Could you do it if it was someone you cared about?"
"I have my duty," Winter insisted.
"Easy for you to say now." I sounded tired to my own ears. I didn't believe Winter. Maybe she never let herself get close to someone. It would be easy to do if you never had to try, I suppose. "I thought I'd be able to do it too. Now that it's happened to me it's clear that I can't. I have to stand with my partner."
"You're in pain."
"That's life." I pulled at my ponytail and tightened it.
"I hate seeing you like this. It sounds like you're not letting it go."
"I can't release it that easily. Jaune had a partner who died. He talked about getting revenge for her against the agents of Salem. We even talked about how he wanted to be able to let go for her. I think I understand what he meant now."
"I see. You're unwilling to compromise on this issue."
"I am." I agreed. "If time heals all wounds then I need more time."
"Tell me about the other agents of Salem."
"You already know of Cinder, the spring and fall maiden. She fights with glass and dust woven into her clothes. She's incredibly dangerous. Even before she added the spring maiden's power to her own. Jaune fought her before then. His power made him nearly as lethal."
"We have records of her. You keep coming back to Jaune."
"He's intertwined in my story," I dismissed easily. "Tyrian Callows is a scorpion Faunus. He fights with clawed submachine guns. His aura is purple. I fought him at Haven. His eyes are gold and his hair is brown. Hazel Rainart is eight-foot, maybe taller. He fights with his fist and by infusing himself with dust. He has brown hair and brown eyes."
"Do you know either's semblance."
"When I fought Tyrian I didn't catch it. Ozpin said Hazel's was a pain-numbing agent. It allowed him to infuse himself with more dust than your average person could tolerate."
"You've been through a lot since you left father's estate."
"You have no idea. You mentioned the winter maiden."
"I did."
Winter led me back through the Atlas Academy. We arrived at a medical facility. We passed armed guards, security cameras, and robots. A door slid open before us and she gestured inside. I followed her direction and looked down through what I could only assume was a one-way mirror.
"This is Fria."
She pointed down at a woman in a cot. There was a sink and kitchenette in the room as well as two tubes with cables between them.
"She's the winter maiden." I identified.
"She is. She could pass any day now.  Until that happens I'm the only person she's allowed to see."
"Then Ironwood's chosen you. You'll be the new winter maiden. Cinder will come after you."
"You believe she won't stop at two?"
"She didn't stop at one. Why would she slow down now?"
"I suppose…" Winter mulled that over.
"How long have you known?"
"Since Beacon fell."
"And that doesn't bother you? Ironwood groomed your entire military career just for the purpose of becoming a maiden. Don't you feel like you never had any choice? And you want to lecture me about things getting muddled? Jaune mentioned to me that Ozpin was probably looking at me and my team to be maidens and it set off red flags for me. And the more I thought about it, the more I realized he was right. My team and I are ideal candidates. Powerful, talented, and already armed with knowledge."
"It did bother me at first. But the more I thought about it, the more I saw it as a privilege. It's a chance for me to do some real good for Atlas, for Remnant."
"I think you're ensnared by the general. Closing the borders down rather than helping the rest of the world, what is he thinking?"
"I-I'm not sure if I'll be allowed to tell you. There is a greater plan in play, I assure you, Weiss. Things are not as short-sighted as they may seem."
"I should hope not. Ozpin said he was worried for Ironwood next. If Ironwood starts going against Ozpin's orders things will be bad to say the least. Closing the borders is only frustrating things between Atlas and the rest of the world. Ironwood had better have a plan, and it had better be a damn good one."
"I'll see about getting clearance to talk about it with you."
"Thank you."
"I agree with the general's plan. I hope that you will too. Now I must ask what you intend to do?"
"What do you mean?"
"You're in Atlas. You're a huntress and from the sound of things you're never going back to live under father."
"Never again. No," I said, quiet but sure.
"So what will you do?"
"I'll do what my team and I have been doing. Protecting and serving the people of Remnant."
"There's bound to be no shortage of jobs for those of us in the know. The Grimm are always coming. Salem's agents are at the gates at all times. My team and I have seen them. Those real monsters of humanity."
"You won't go back to school?"
"If I went back to school it would only be to teach. And even then…" It wouldn't be anytime soon. I wanted to fight.
"That would be a good career choice for you." Winter smirked.
I nodded. "For now, though, I just don't see it."
"Very well. I'm sure the general will be happy to have you and your team aboard."
"I'm sure he will be. Team RWBY is a force to be reckoned with."
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cyclone-rachel · 5 years
this is sOOO late and im sorry, but what are your thoughts on the latest episode and s5 of supergirl so far?? :D
so season 5 was… difficult to get into, at first? There were a lot of things happening, and moments that I liked (Kara’s new suit and her in general, any scene Kelly and Alex shared, I really liked James, J’onn was very good, there was some stuff with Brainy I enjoyed, I weirdly liked Lena and Eve/Hope’s whole thing for example although that was a lot thanks to Supergirl Radio, etc.), but every episode I was worried about what was going to happen and so I couldn’t actually focus on a lot of it?
This continued for the first 4 episodes, I think. But from episode 5 on, I don’t know if things changed, but I found them easier to like personally and I spent less time worrying about them. Especially 7, and not just because I got to podcast about it. 8 was fine? Not the best midseason finale we’ve ever had, but it tied some things up.
I don’t know how to feel about Crisis, so we’re just gonna skip that, and I will say that I’ve really enjoyed both 5x10 and 5x11, the post-Crisis universe has been very good and interesting so far.
it’s almost like before then, the episodes had been… inhibited.
But seriously, on 5x11 as a whole:
I just want to say that I appreciated Brainy’s new aesthetic in the opening scene, as well as him setting things up so that he could get Winn out of there. That all was pretty cool, although what would he have done if someone other than Winn had gotten out of the bus first? What was that Winn thinking when he saw Brainy there, waiting for him? What are Brainy’s thoughts on time-travel movies, and would he like them enough to quote them?
it’s not guilt-free for you if you don’t need to feel guilt in the first place when eating chocolate because you don’t gain weight, Kara.
(the girls night scene was cute! I liked that that all was discussed, and I wish we got more scenes that were similar.)
I didn’t catch that Winn’s dad was into virtual reality at first, but that was very interesting and definitely made sense for the end of the episode. And I’m not sure how Lex knows so much about this alternate universe Winn? But he certainly got on his good side very well.
really big of Lena to admit that she needs Lex’s help, but they are working together, and this is a new universe where things are different now, so I feel like she meant it
love how Lena immediately is put off by Brainy being there, not because he was her friend and it’s weird that they’re meeting at that point, but because he arrived with Lex (was he in the same vehicle as Lex and Toyman? Or did he get there on his motorcycle?) and because he’s friends with Supergirl, which Lena knows very well. But Brainy’s acting was very good, and keeps him from being found out.
what exactly did Kara do to get her Pulitzer in this universe?
I hope that there is an action figure made of Supergirl in her new suit
I’m sure Lex really likes casually using the word “crisis”
damn. Kara’s slow walk out after she changed costumes was very cool, she looked very powerful and I love her
our Winn was Very Dramatic in the first scene he appeared in, but he’s still great and I missed him
also I appreciate how his suit is Ravenclaw colors, I feel like that maybe wasn’t intentional but it could be? I hope he designed the other Legionnaires’ suits to be more colorful, as well.
(I really want to see his reaction to Brainy’s new suit!)
I also liked the reveal that he has a wife and kid, that’s a perfect explanation as to why he’s stayed in the future (how long has it been for him?)
and I had no issue at first with his wife being named Ayla, because 1. my captions spelled it as Aila, so she could be someone completely different from the Legionnaire mentioned in 3x10, 2. if she really was the same Ayla, she could easily be bisexual and previously have been in relationships with women. who knows, we don’t have enough information. I’m upset about it as much as other comics fans are, and wish it was acknowledged, but on the show itself I think it’s fine for now.
Alex and Kara’s reactions to Winn coming back were so good, and if Brainy wasn’t trying to hide his emotions/guilt, I think he might’ve wanted to hug him too.
what “old friend” are you calling to keep the Legion ship safe, Alex?
I really missed Andrea, I didn’t realize it until now but I did and I want the best for her.
LENA’S FUZZY PURPLE COAT. it looked very nice and warm.
Secret elevator! (just imagine that in the tune of “Secret Tunnel” from Avatar the Last Airbender)
The tower!
I was almost expecting Kara to say “Arrow-cave” to be honest
it’s a very cool set in general, looking forward to seeing more of it, and I like the callsigns on the wall.
Winn, please tell us more about these very important things
my headcanon was that our Winn used the name Toyman as a way of reclaiming his father’s name for good, but I don’t think that works anymore. whoops
I feel like Alex might know something is up with Brainy? Or at least she’s going to suspect.
aw, I’m sure Kara felt bad about people writing articles about Winn originally. did she have to in season 3?
aww, I really enjoyed Nia’s reaction to the Tower, and her whole conversation with Winn. Also for what it’s worth I’m glad that Nura does still actually exist?
And she used her dreaming powers! I’m very happy about that! It’s good!
still no idea why Nia calls Brainy wildcat. I know it was because of that one movie Brainy referenced in 4x15 and 5x05, but… would appreciate an explanation, thanks.
Winn’s conversation with Kara is GREAT, this is exactly the kind of good heartwarming stuff I expected from a family reunion like this
I knew Lex was going to be sneaking around on a Legion ship! although we still don’t know how Brainy’s Legion ship is there, when we all saw it leave in the season 3 finale.
Uh… I don’t know how I feel about the fight scene? it’s fine? I like Kara’s super-speeding everyone out of there more, though
that Winn and Winn conversation was real tense and I appreciated it a lot
David did a very good job! this scene with William and Kara was kind of a natural progression of their already-established dynamic, and like you said, a way to make the next episode’s subplot for them seem more natural! of course Kara would take offense to that sandwich! people are just mean!
what. did Winn and Brainy and everyone play trivial pursuit in season 3. when did they have time for this. is this how Kara decided to introduce the Legion to more 21st century pop culture. how did Winn decide that Brainy was a good partner for him, when they were rivals in the second half of season 3. I want to know.
anyway I love this scene. I love how easily Brainy tells Winn the truth and how genuinely sorry he is, and how much Winn understands Brainy and what he’s done, even if he’s still angry about what happened.
also Brainy crying when Winn calls him his friend is my reaction whenever someone says something really nice to me.
Brainy needs a hug, is what I’m saying. thanks.
lol I feel like the word “defiance” was really pointed there, for Jesse
cousin? Cousin?? Cousin???
I know nothing about this. I thought Winn was stopping Brainy’s great-great grandfather. that completely threw me. I’m sorry. what’s happening with this, I want to know everything.
this Lex and Lena scene is very pretty and also very tense, and I’m wondering why Lena chose that beach image?
game night is very cute! I like that Nia is feeling better! Also Alex continuing to say “she’s terrible” while Kara is taking her turn at Jenga, a very sister-y thing
I can’t believe Winn is using the fake name “Marty”, he definitely did that on purpose, what a dork
yeah that last scene really puts the whole “Toyman is eternal” thing into a new light, doesn’t it
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