#there couldn't be a physical experience he dislikes or avoids
starry-teacup · 5 months
so Johnny has canonically committed every crime known to man except for the sexual ones, right? And I know that he always assumed it was just a thing carmilla had built into him. but I like to imagine that he's sex-repulsed ace. this fact has never crossed his mind ever
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gguk-n · 2 months
Can you please write enemies to lovers with Lando where they have their first kiss accidentally using the following prompt :
"Is this some kind of game to you?" She asked, anger in his words. "Are my feelings nothing but a silly little game to you?" He shook his head, the sensation of her lips on his still lingering on his skin. "Never," he told her. "I've been wanting to do that since we first met."
Pit Lane Rivals to Race Partners (Lando Norris x Engineer!Reader)
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{Reader's POV}
I knew what I was getting into when I signed the contract with Mclaren as their engineer. Since I had freshly graduated with very little experience I was mostly going to be assisting the other engineers and learning from them. I had been in love with cars since I was little. I remember taking apart the toy cars and trying to put them back together only to be scolded by my mother since my siblings were crying because I broke their toys. Seeing how destructive I had gotten even for a 4 year old, my dad decided I needed to release my energy else where and took me karting. It was the most exciting and the best thing I had ever done. Learning how the machine worked and how to control it as I grew older was my biggest passion in life.
That was what led me to karting races. I was an aggressive driver and anyone who got in my way would feel my wrath. I made sure not to cause a lot of physical or collateral damage. But I did cause one boy a lot of emotional damage. Both of us were fiercely competitive and neither of us liked to lose. Our races always ended with Lando behind me and he could never really take it. I had a good laugh but all of this turned sour when we had a huge fight after a race crash and he pined the entire blame on me when he too was trying to run me off the track. Both our dad's had to intervene and that's how I ended up hating Lando. But I was 11 years old. Right now, I'm older and more mature and I don't really hate anyone, it a strong word. I might dislike people but I don't hate anyone. And the incident with Lando is a funny memory at best.
Lando went up to become a Formula one driver while I had to cut my dreams short since there weren't a lot of opportunities for female racers. I instead took the more academic route and got my degree in automobile engineering and strived to become a race engineer or racing principle one day. So, when I was able to apply for Mclaren which was well on it's way to become the best car on the grid, I couldn't say no. I also thought about Lando, and how I expected to have a bit of a laugh with him about out 'karting rivalry' now that we were older. What I didn't expect was that the boy who's eyes I almost gauged out was still as petty as ever.
It was the first race of the season, in Bahrain and we had flown in a few days before the drivers to get everything set up. So on the day Lando came up to the garage, all the new recruits were introduced to the drivers. Oscar was a sweetheart and even offered us words of encouragement since we were on the same boat. Lando greeted everyone but me properly. He ignored my hand when I raised it up to shake his. I was shocked and my mouth was left hung open. If he wanted to be petty, I can be petty. I made sure to avoid him like the plague and the times we interacted were filled with sarcastic remarks.
Oscar and I had grown pretty close and shared a sibling dynamic. Whenever Lando saw us interacting he would have a scowl on his face. And then a couple months later, Oscar stopped talking to me other then exchanging a few pleasantries. It hurt a little when Oscar ignored me and walked away. I thought we were friends. I felt like I had lost another friend since I joined Mclaren. The first one being Lando, since I imagined that we would've been friends since we karted together but it turns out I was completely wrong. Honestly, he was my first crush too, so it hurt a little more.
Eventually, Lando had gotten a little bearable and he had stopped passing snarky remarks whenever I would suggest a strategy or an upgrade. Each snarky remark and not having a proper friend after losing Oscar too, was starting to get to me. After the DNF in Austria and how pissed Lando was, not many people were willing to confront him; me included. If he hated my guts on a regular day, he would tear me apart today, I thought.
At the end of the day, as were packing up, I ran into Lando. I decided to extend my condolences. "Hi Lando" I said as I almost bumped into his shoulder while stacking up the papers. He looked at me and just nodded, as if to acknowledge my presence. I decide to let it go, since it was bad day for him. "You did pretty well today" I said cautiously. He let out a forced laugh, "ha, you must be so happy. Watching me fall apart" he retorted. "What no?" I replied shocked. "You've always hated me, since we were kids. You left no stone unturned to make me feel like shit. You weren't even a good sport" He spat out. "Ok, Lando, I get it. You had a bad day, it was a bad day for us too. But that doesn't give you the right to say whatever you like." I replied trying to keep my breathing constant. "You were a spoilt sport and always got what you wanted. It must your life's joy watching me struggle" he seethed. "Listen here mister, don't you dare direct your anger towards the one person you see right now. Whatever happened was a race incident and you need to put your big boy pants on and deal with it. Stop being a spoilt brat and taking your anger out on others." I replied calmly. If that asshole said anything else, I was about to slap him. Lando stepped closer, trapping me in between the desk and him. "You think you are so mature and above everyone else don't you" he sneered. Okay, I've had it with him. He has made my life difficult since I set foot in Mclaren. Before I knew it, my hand touched his cheek with a harsh sound.
His eyes were wide open. Before I could say anything, I felt a pair of warm lips on mine. I quickly pushed him away. "Is this some kind of game to you?" I asked, anger in my words. "Are my feelings nothing but a silly little game to you?" He shook his head, the sensation of my lips on his still lingering on his skin. "Never," he told me. "I've been wanting to do that since we first met after so many years." It was my turn to laugh. "You don't say" I chided. "Believe me Y/N I really like you. And I'm sorry for the way I've behaved. I really needed that slap to set me straight" he said while massaging his cheek. "Don't fuck with me" I replied with tears in my eyes. "Then why did you Oscar stop talking to me?" I croaked. "I got jealous" he replied, head held in shame. "I'm sorry. It's just I couldn't stand you laughing at his jokes. I wish I was the one making you laugh." he mumbled. "I wanted us to be friends when I first came here, you were the one who pushed me away." I replied sternly. "I was a stupid kid and I didn't know how to react when I saw my childhood crush." he muttered. I was shocked.
"Give me one chance, I'll repent for my sins and wrong all my rights." he begged. Honestly I wanted to kiss Lando before he started being an ass to me when I first saw him after so many years; maybe I should let my intrusive thoughts win. I pressed my lips against him while my hands found his neck. For a moment, he was still, there was no movement and within seconds I felt his lips move and his hands find a place on my waist. After we pulled away, "I had a crush on you when we were kids too. But I wasn't an ass when we met after so many years." I remarked, "but I'll give you a chance, prove me that you've matured and maybe I'll start thinking about that crush I used to have on you." Lando smiled, "Okay, yes, I'll prove how much I like you" he said while almost hitting the chair on the way out. "Dinner date at 8, I'll pick you up, tomorrow" he called out as he ran off making me laugh.
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lovelychoso · 1 year
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There Are Whispers Behind My Smile
(Getou × psycho!reader)
Hey all!
I haven't written fanfiction in a while but that Geto mf has been driving me crazy and the fantasies have been running wild
I decided that because psycho Y/n barely happens, I would like to give writing her a try. I live in Canada so any descriptions I give of high school will be from my personal experience.
I will do my absolute best to not specify any of Y/n's physical features so that this fic doesn't exclude anybody <3
Clothing might be specified here and there, but I'll try to avoid that as well when I'm given the chance
Tags will be added as the story progresses! I haven't figured out all the details so I'm only tagging what I know will eventually happen.
I hope this isn't a turn off for anybody (lol) but Toji and Mamaguro are our parents for this fic, Megumi is our half brother. I thought having Toji as a dad (and Megumi as our little brother) would be quite fitting in some places. Plus, I just want those three to be a family (is that too much to ask gege?)
I hope my writing style isn't super wonky! It's been years since I've written for entertainment so my flow might not be strong in the first few chapters.
That's all I can think of to say right now. So without further ado, Enjoy?
Every year the school put together a year-end camping trip for the grade 12 (senior) students. They're always planned to take place over the weekend and consist of three days and two nights. They went to the same cabin camp ground every year that was an hour outside of the city. The camp ground was on the opposite side of a lake that you and your family went to every year, so you were semi familiar.
Despite this, you were still reluctant to go. You didn't really like the other students in your grade - save for a handful of kids who actually had a form of sense - and you thought you deserved better than to waste a precious weekend with the stupid bastards you attended school with. You didn't mind staying at home with your family. Your parents - mainly your step mom - liked to plan enjoyable things for the weekend anyways so it wasn't like you were going to miss out on a good time.
When you told them about your decision to veto the camping trip, they didn't push too much for answers. They of course inquired as to why this was your decision because they thought it odd. Normally kids at the age of 17 would jump at the opportunity to spend a weekend away from home. They even pointed out how the lake was one they frequented as a family. You simply told them it wasn't something you thought you'd enjoy.
"besides, my classmates are unbearable at times. I'd rather stay here than go to the middle of nowhere with people I dislike."
Nonetheless, their hearts couldn't help but warm at the fact that their ‘little’ girl would rather stay with them. Your dad, Toji, raised you after all, and in terms of personality, you took on after him quite much. They, especially he, were familiar with the fact that you weren't super outgoing when it came to things like the camping trip. And even though the fact delighted her, your stepmother couldn't stop the concern from seeping into her chest when you reminded her of your reluctance to be social.
Your tendency to be antisocial reminded her of your dad. When she met you both seven years ago, she wanted nothing more than to help him out with the issues that stemmed from the traumas he faced as a kid. And even though you and him were in a much better place now, she could never guarantee that – outside of the home – you would be safe from the issues that once plagued your father.
You were 10 years old when your father introduced her to you for the first time and she immediately noticed that you weren't like the other kids she had seen of your age. For one, you were quiet. You weren't shy, no, you just didn't want to speak to her.. or anyone who wasn't your dad for that matter. It was like you needed to trust her first.
You were a carbon copy of your father.
You were careful and calculated. You weren't a hasty child and you always thought about your actions. Deep down, she knew that this behaviour was a product of you and your dad's previous living conditions. And it made her feel terrible because she thought the irrational and carefree portion of your youth had been stripped away. It took time, but eventually you started coming around. You stopped hiding from her. And although you were still hesitant to speak to her directly, you slowly let yourself become curious around the new woman that seemed to have captured your dad's heart. When you needed to know something about her, you would whisper your curiosity into your dad's ear and he would smile at your progress.
She felt proud of herself for what she was able to accomplish. But there was always a nagging feeling that there was more she could do for you personally. So although your dad had dropped the issue of the camping trip, she made it clear that should you ever change your mind, you had their support.
You were content with this, feeling like the matter had been disposed of and you could move on with your life.
Besides, it's not like you knew that you would have a sudden change of heart...
You had gone to school the next day feeling awfully bored and displeased. Just an hour ago you were sitting at the table with your darling little brother, Megumi, watching him eat his breakfast. You never had an appetite for food in the morning, it made you feel a little ill when you ate in the early hours. Instead you talked with him about odd topics – or whatever you could muster up with a 5 year old kid. How much you wished to go back home..
You sat in first period and waited for class to start, still another 10 minutes. Your assigned spot was in the back of the class. Ir was something you particularly enjoyed because it meant your watchful eyes could see everything. Or...
And that 'everyone' included him.
Suguru Geto.
Geto had been the apple of your eye the moment you first saw him. It was the first day of high school almost three years ago and you remembered the moment like it happened yesterday. Though how could you not? It replayed in your head only a million times a day:
The first day of school and you were already late. Great. Sometime during the night, your charger unplugged from the wall and your phone battery drained down to 0%. You missed your alarms and slept in which automatically set your schedule back 30 minutes. And because getting ready in 5 was out of the question, that meant you were to miss the first bus. Taking the next one was no problem, but when you finally arrived at school it caused you to be 10 minutes late for your first class.
You hastily finished at your locker and moved to speed walk to where you thought you had to go. Luckily for you, orientation happened a week ago and your brain was still a little fresh on how to maneuver through the halls of this maze of a high school. But through it all, you were amused that you weren't the only student still roaming around. Here and there, you would find other first year students still finding their way through the school, consulting the roaming staff and teachers for directions to their classes.
'Just around this corner..' you recalled to yourself, no longer paying mind to the others around you.
And although you were semi acquainted with the route, your mental frazzle posed as a distraction so big that you didn't see the body you collided with until it was too late.
You had crashed into someone's chest and stammered backwards, holding your nose that unfortunately took the brunt of the impact. In the back of your daze you heard a clutter of something hitting the floor. It was probably your phone, ugh.
"Oh crap.. I'm so sorry!"
You rushed to apologize, still pressing around the surface of your nose. You hadn't looked up at the person yet. You felt increasingly displeased, stressed, and embarrassed about what just happened - not to mention the minutes were continuing to add up, making you more late for class. Your glare at the floor was interrupted by the sight of your phone being.. held out to you.
"You're good, don't worry."
Said a male's voice. Sultry, you noticed. Whoever it was sounded humourous and his amusement at the situation could be heard through his tone.
‘Damn you..’
You couldn’t help but think to yourself. But all in all, at least he wasn’t mad at you for crashing into him, right? A win is a win..
You only nodded at the reassurance he responded with, letting go of your nose to take your phone from him. You thought it was time to be decent and look up at the person you just inconvenienced. And when you did, you couldn't stop the breath that hitched in your throat..
... Woah.
The moment you tilted your head up you found that siren eyes were already looking down at you. His pale skin and black hair complimented each other in a fascinating manner. You had never seen a boy your age be comfortable enough to wear their hair the way that he did. His black hair - silky, you noticed - was pulled back into a messy bun of volume and loose strands. The bang that framed the right side of his face only added to his striking charm. You couldn't stop your eyes from trailing down to his lips. They looked soft and unblemished. The corners were raised ever so slightly, solidifying the amusement that was surely spreading through him. The difference in your heights caused him to stare down at you. His dark, cold-cutting eyes were keeping you locked in a trance. You couldn’t move or look away from him.. Do something, you unresponsive idiot!
Surely this man had to have been carved by God himself, yes? A canvas in which no single brush stroke left space for error.
“S-sorry again.. I was distracted.”
You said with the intention to diffuse the situation, hoping it would help your case. In all of this, a particular heat had rushed to your face and you forced yourself to look away from his captivating eyes. There was no way he hadn't noticed the nerves had taken over your body. Your theory was confirmed when you heard the chuckle that make his chest and shoulders shake, a sound that reminded you of soft leather had sent heat to your stomach.
Oak and sandalwood surrounded you and your eyes trailed from where they looked off to the side of the hall to the pale expanse of his neck... you desperately itched to get closer to where you knew you'd find something akin to heaven.
You knew it was rude, but you didn't want to stay any longer. It was getting harder to control your desires and and you still had a class to attend. Drooling over some boy – who was still observing you with anticipation – wasn't going to make this odd day any better for you
"Anyways I need to go, thank you."
You said and moved to step around him, simultaneously gesturing to your phone he picked up for you. Although your words were hasty, theh came out smoother and you gave him a small smile to show you were sincere.
"You're welcome."
It took everything in you to not falter in your steps while you walked away from him. More heat pooled within your body and when you were far enough down the hall, you released a breath you didn't know you were holding. Your heart was beating rapidly and you could feel your face was still warm.
'What the hell was that?..'
You turned around to look at where you were moments ago, feeling a mixture of relief and disappointment when you found there was nobody there..
For the rest of that day, you could think of nothing but entrancing eyes and a sultry voice.
After that day, you two hardly spoke again in the three years you attended high school together. Maybe once or twice in short commentary but nothing that stood out for anyone as divine as him to remember. You soon found out his name when you overheard him talking to his friend with the white hair.. someone you soon came to despise. Why? Because he was always around Geto; a position you ached to fill.
As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks turned into months, Geto and his friends rose into a popularity that soaked up the attention of the many people at their school. Girls wanted a taste of their charms and the guys wanted their validation and acceptance... You knew for a fact that you would never have to force yourself to appeal to him, it would certainly come to him naturally. Everybody wore a fake personality when they were around Geto or his friends, that included their damned smiles.
... It made you infuriatingly sick.
Those bastards weren't worthy of Geto or his attention. Everyday you came to school and watched him look and interact with people who didn't deserve it. It didn't matter the time or place, there was always someone who had his attention. Bitterness was a common emotion you felt at school because his charisma and smile should have belonged to you only.
So why couldn't he see you too? Didn't he see how much better than the others you were?
Your reminisce was interrupted by the ringing bell, signaling the start of first period. Students started to pile in the room and they moved to sit in their seats. Chatter replaced the silence as they got into their spots. And although your head was turned away to look out the window, you kept your ears peeled. Brainless conversations were heard from all corners of the room, further solidifying your lack of care for these people so dull-witted.
But you had no choice. There was still one person you were waiting for.
'Come on come on come on come on… —'
A cackle could be heard outside the room and you grit your teeth in displeasure. You fought not to turn your head because you knew that wherever Satoru Gojo was – the white haired idiot who couldn't keep his mouth shut – Geto was always there to follow. Soon enough, they too entered the class. You watched Geto's reflection through the window with an intense, obsessive stare. Your ears automatically tuned into their conversation..
"Suguru.. come on. She's hot! Go on the camping trip and who knows what'll happen between you two. I'll even pretend to sleep while you two sneak out of the cabins to make out after midnight.. " Gojo teased Geto like something was fucking funny and the latter had the audacity to not deny a thing.
You on the other hand, let your eyes widen in shock.
'Geto…? With another girl…?'
Your eyes slowly narrowed, glowering at him through the window.
'No fucking way.'
Wasting no time, you pulled out your phone and texted your dad.
You: Hey dad, changed my mind. I feel
like going on the camping trip if
that's okay
Likes and Comments are appreciated <3
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malocclusive · 2 months
Big queer gender rambling, just a lil vent. Not angry or sad, more just release I guess hah
H put on a video essay about queer horror and auhhhhhh
Everything boils down to the whole "am I trans enough" thing, but also my own relationship with gender. Idk man. I don't know how I feel, I just don't want my gender to be something taken into consideration when I'm perceived. I don't DISLIKE femininity, it just makes me uncomfortable with all the baggage it prescribes to me.
Listening to this sort of thing always makes me feel dizzy when I watch/listen to it with a cishet person. Ive obviously rarely been in that situation, but it's like this weird visceral pleading that they take something away from it and understand a little bit more? It's like a combo flight/fawn feeling with a yearning for understanding that is completely up to the other person. Haha typing that out physically relaxed me a little, which is weird. I guess journaling is good, thank Christ I got back on Tumblr. Having your existence cradled in someone else's hands is a weird feeling.
I kinda wish I had transitioned and all at the beginning of last year, since I changed schools, and didn't have a presence. I don't really get upset when referred to as my given name (dead name? Idk if I even wanna go by Mal, but I like it and it makes me happy when I hear it) or feel anything about it. Same thing with being referred to as "she" as opposed to "he/they" I was thinking about this while driving yesterday, and how to explain it to a cishet person, especially one I know. It's sort of like if you were to only refer to someone you know as "that person". It's a neutral statement, but it doesn't make you feel seen or understood. "yeah, that person is my coworker" is a lot more alienating than referring to them as how they're asking you to. It's not offensive, but it shows you don't care about how they view themselves or want to be seen. Hearing people refer to me by Mal and they/he just makes my ears perk up and my tail wag a little bit. That's just kinda what it feels like. I don't get upset or feel bad being referred to as I have been for the past 32 years, but that's just how it's been. I'm excited for what can be.
I think it's just the whole waiting process for gender affirming care is the hardest part. I'm ready to go, baby! But I understand that I have to rely on others and their schedules for my top surgery and all. I'm not upset, it's just a mildly disappointing fact and state of reality. I've never used a binder because of my extreme dislike of feeling my breasts sagging and being pressed against my ribcage. I barely can stand not wearing a bra/sports bra/built in bra cami because of that feeling. I don't like them being pressed down lower, and am blessed that they're "perky" especially for their size. They're also fucking massive, especially compared to my ribcage, and I know I couldn't really "pass" wearing a binder. I'd just look more cylindrical than anything. Never bothered trying because of that. Honestly, I'd rather exist as is than introducing further dysphoria in that way.
I also love that I'm constantly telling myself I don't experience dysphoria when I also realized in the past 7 years or so I just avoid looking at my body or photographing myself anywhere below my armpits. Originally I thought it was because I'd gained weight, but nah, that's not it. It's part of it, but honestly I just hate having tits hahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Just 10 more days before I get my consultation. I hate waiting for things to happen, but I'm SO excited.
Just in general, I'm extremely desperate for my feelings to be validated. I (usually in all things) know how I feel, but need someone to say the same thing without much prompting for me to believe it. I'm 110% the type to decide not to drink, but then give in the second I'm offered something. I'm very easily swayed towards something I already want, but will abstain unless it's reinforced. I need to be told I'm a good person, and that I'm also correct in whatever I'm thinking. I think that's also the hardest part of all this transitioning stuff. There is no correct answer, and whether or not someone else thinks I'm whatever enough doesn't really matter. I just have a real hard time with it
I know I'm not alone in that, but there's that hahaha
I'm also SO excited to come out at school to my students. I have/interact with a good hunk of trans kids, and I think they'll be as excited as I am. Idk, just to feel seen, I would have loved that when I was their age.
Told a college friend of mine I was transitioning, and she was one of the first to say "I'm not surprised". I literally wore a suit to my junior prom, which my Gramma was so concerned about, she called my psych teacher (who was running the event) to know if I would get kicked out. I refer to myself as a dude (I can't tell you how obnoxious it is to say "I'm the king of _______" and some acquaintance/coworker goes "queen" as a correction. What the fuck? Did you think I don't know what I'm saying? That I forgot? I made a choice, dingus) all the fucking time around everyone, why is that dismissed? Like even close personal friends are like "oh, wow". Bro, you've been around since I tried referring to myself by gender neutral pronouns, I just didn't have a big coming out or constantly correct you. But I think that's just asking a lot of someone to keep tabs on when you bring something up and then get disappointed and stop bothering.
Hopefully being visually confusing will give folks enough cognitive dissonance to second guess and ask me.
Idk where I'm going with this any more.
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caffeinatedsunbear · 1 year
was that a ride!!! needed to freak out about it somewhere and I'm a little too lazy to actually write it down by hand so typing it is :)
finished season one around two before and then season 2 just a week before this. oh man.
wow where do I even start with this??
I guess I can start with how I actually started watching mob? Which isn't actually that difficult to explain. I've heard of the anime as far back as 2016 when season one first aired via Domics (one of his old videos) and I didn't give it much thought at the time. It didn't seem like the kind of anime that I would enjoy (mostly due to the aesthetics, the art style is relatively unconventional for an anime and the character designs weren't traditionally attractive.) I've seen other posts about mob after that, and even seen fanart of it, but like I said I just never got into it.
Once I got into grade 11 and got closer to Victoria I started seeing more mob things but I was still relatively detached from everything. Then I promised her that we would watch it together at some point (I think this was first mentioned during winter break?) But because of the thing that is ib/dp2, we couldn't do so until after may exams were over.
So!! Exams are over, and I end up watching the first 5 episodes of season 1 with Victoria and. They were really good??? Especially the teru arc (and the op is. Insane. I never skipped the op for either season once) but we had to stop at episode 5 because it was getting really late. Then I took a few days break from it and didn't get back to watching it until maybe half a week later(?). And then the Ritsu gaining powers arc happened and I was hooked (because brooding overachiever archetype and the wonderful sibling dynamics???) Seeing how much mob cared for ritsu made me feel so many things. And also made me care for mob as a protagonist that much more. And then he gets kidnapped?? And the Claw infiltration arc???? Was so intense???
And of course I have the mention Reigen's 1000% power up. The way he's just a great father figure to mob despite the fact that he's technically a shit human being for underpaying and exploiting mob for his powers is so interesting?? The way One is able to write characters that I dislike initially (teru, reigen, 7th division members) and make them likeable is actual witchcraft because the turnaround is insane. Also the way that Reigen main priority throughout the entire infiltration arc is to make sure that mob doesn't have to fight because he's just a kid, and shouldn't have to bear the responsibility of saving the world because he has powers made me so emotional. It's so rare to see a functioning adult mentor figure that actively cares for the child and takes responsibility for their well-being. When he got slashed I genuinely thought for a second that he was going to get hurt (silly me) but the way he comes back was so. Fucking badass.
I just want to give mob and all the other kids a big hug man. Watching them get beat up hurt (almost physically???) Which just speaks to the impact of the animation (which is also absolutely stellar?? It's so dynamic and creative and so impactful) I can't help but feel hurt by proxy when mob is hit by the antagonists.
So season one was already absolutely insane and amazing, but oh man I was not ready for season two. I think this is the first anime that I watched where I deliberately chose to avoid consuming media surrounding it to avoid spoilers (which worked for s1/2 but. I am weak and I have a few minor spoilers for s3 and I regret everything) but going into season 2 was an experience.
I like how the way each season is structured kind of mirrors each other as well, starting with 3 episodic episodes before moving into some shorter arcs and then into the big bad of the season. The way that the Emi episode showed mob's growth was genius and really impactful and really set the tone for the season.
So. The mogami arc. Haha. Where do you even start with that??? I took a break after episode 3 and came back a few days later and I was not ready. I was ugly crying through all of the first half of episode 5. Watching mob have to go through the abuse from mogami was so fucking painful because he didn't deserve any of it. And the way the show somehow made me laugh after crying so hard when dimple showed up and the epic fight between mob and mogami happened was. Also a first!!! So many firsts with mob man. The scene where asagiri apologizes to mob was so touching.
By the way the messages of the show are so????? Positive????????? About how regardless of any external factors and how others perceive your identity you can choose to make your own life and have autonomy over your decisions, how children shouldn't fight adult battles, how conflicts should be resolved in a pacifistic manner if possible, but sometimes force is needed, the relationship between power and responsibility, the various relationships formed between people, finding the strength to stand up for yourself, dealing with insecurity and ego, how everyone has the potential to change regardless of their past, the importance of just being a good person at the core. Just. So many good things to watch be presented.
The separation arc!!!!!!! Aka. Reigen is an ass to mob but it turns out to work in both their favours. Seeing Reigen's struggles with his insecurities and loss of identity, and subsequent rebuilding of his self and abilities when apart from mob, and seeing mob grow by acknowledging how Reigen isn't always spouting the gospel and asserting his boundaries was incredibly refreshing. I think the first half of episode 5 and Reigen's tv scenes are two that I cannot watch again (I probably will but.) They were so hard to watch. I got second hand embarrassment when watching Reigen flounder on stage. The final scene where mob tells Reigen that he's a good guy makes me cry lol.
And. The big final boss arc. Was so. ARHDJDHSHSH the stakes felt so high?? And all the fights were so well choreographed and felt so impactful (I cannot think of a different word to use). Watching mob walk off alone to fight the boss and helping serizawa was so sweet and. Once again. Watching mob get beat up hurt. I also find the way that mob is able to take on the boss on his own as opposed to reigen really interesting. Because reigen comes back for mob but isn't able to properly fight (since he isn't an esper) and mob decides to take on the responsibility.
Watching mob lose himself for a moment and start to laugh maniacally while at 100% was really scary. And when he decides to go back for suzuki when he was self-destructing made me cry lol. How he was willing to take on the energy and pain from the explosion and stay with him in his "last moments". Come on. Like. COME ONE HOWNDNDNDJD he's so kind?? And good-hearted???
Anyways mob has since altered my mf brain chemistry. I'm not ready for season 3 (madeline said it will make me cry even more lol) and I can't wait to watch it with jet and colleen.
Also!! I read through "A Breach of Trust" which is this 300k+ mob fic in an au where mob is taken away by mogami as a kid and that made me cry too lol. It was really good and I really hope it wraps up with a satisfying ending.
Tl;dr I really, really like mob psycho 100 :') it's a good show. I think the high will die down after a while but gosh. It is good. I don't think I'll ever love it as much as I love it right now (just like how I'm sad I'll never get to watch it for the first time ever, which in of itself is a first for me) but I hope I'll still be able to love it tons even in the future :')
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newlyarkhampsych · 2 years
A list of things that have been ruined for me as I work in Arkham
Wind up teeth
One time someone spread chattering teeth everywhere during a mass break out. I think they annoyed batman as a lot of them were broken during the situation. Sometimes I swear I still hear them, it's pretty annoying.
One of our patients has his room filled with calendar pages. Physical calendars now unsettle me. Holidays are a good sign that he will break out.
A good sign our patient will try to cause trouble outside. Multiple days off have been ruined by "Arkhams favorite inmate" but a few other will try to as well
If you spend enough time with a certain patient that loves riddles you will suddenly have very dark answers to riddles. When he isn't constantly causing trouble, he is harmless with them. But I don't appreciate now nearly answering riddles in the darkest fashion possible.
This one spawned from a dream, so I had taken a pottery class. The clay I accidentally used was Clay face. He couldn't piece himself together, so he died.
Honestly this patient has an incredible taste with trick umbrellas. Wish he wouldn't use them to terrorize arkham staff and the city.
In the early days of a certain patients "career" they used large cartoon like hammers. Many a concussion and blood spill had been caused. Apparently she has been doing well for herself and has turned to a anti hero streak. Hope she will keep improving.
Our dark knight caused this one. So, one time I was out and about on the premises at Arkham and he apparently jump from the gargoyle and nearly crashed into me. I would've been crushed! His armor has to be more then 100 lbs. He did apologize for the fright and asked me a few questions and went on his unmerry way.
Gothams court system
Hate to be that person, but some of these patients shouldn't be here. Great white proved that. Also some of these people understand right from wrong to be suitable for jail time or more. I can't blame Batman for trying to avoid the justice system though. Like I disliked it before, but now it's worse.
In Gotham there are good cops but more bad cops in my experience. Especially with dealing with patients that need help among other things.
One of our permanent residents really like pig heads and is heavily disturbed. His crimes are way to graphic to describe here.
Need I say more?
Ventriloquists and puppets
One of our patients has a pretty freaky puppet that he uses to express himself in fairly dark ways. Impressive ventriloquism though.
A patient keeps making condiment puns, it's infuriating.
The "Joker" green
I will not say more on this.
Multiple memorials and museums dedicated to tragedies caused by Arkham patients.
I will admit I watched the podcast done by Alexis Kaye. I recommend it as her downward spiraling was an interesting watch. The "Joker fish" plushies made me infuriated. That's one way to disrespect the dead.
I may continue these kinds of posts if people like them.
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stellocchia · 2 years
Oh! Prompt!
You know how I personally like to imagine Tommy to really dislike eye contact and also generally being stared at post exile? Like. There's a bunch of cool stuff connected to it that I can rant about but like one of my main ones is the good old "he was just here to watch me" combines with him always being the center of attention mixed with the alienation he feels to everyone else due to his experiences. And like. Obviously he's not gonna tell people that because weaknesses and vulnerabilities are for pussies and people who aren't him in general. So he'll just kinda shove the anxiety it creates down.
And obviously that just becomes even worse after he's revived because of. Well. Everyone's looking at him weird. His alienation is even worse.
Like. HHHHHHHHHHH it's not a big thing but every now and then in canon Tommy will actually drop a line about being watched and I'm really trying hard not to go off on a rant rn. Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Ok. Before I actually do go off on a rant again because stell believe me it's physically painful to keep myself under check rn.
I mean it could be allium duo with their shared dislike of eyecontact. It could be Crimeboys with the connection of... Well... Kinda paranoia? It could even be primeboys because Dream, who's the one person actually intentionally watching him, has this whole stalker thing going on in the first place.
It's been a while, but I'm feeling like writing again tonight, so here we go!
I will write something about this, but you have to promise me you'll go on a rant about it as soon as you're done reading it, alright? I love reading your rants.
Anyway, onto the prompt!
Eyes were an awful bodily feature that one day Tommy would eradicate with his own two hands. They were useless anyway. People only use them to watch shit.
To watch him. Study him like an annoying little bug trapped in a glass jar.
The point is, he didn't like them.
He had a grudge against them, and when he had a grudge against something he couldn't eradicate he just did the next best thing: ignore its existence entirely.
That was the only reason why he avoided eye contact. Maybe eyes would just shrivel up and disappear from the power of his spite alone if he ignored them long enough.
Because that's what it was. Anger. Not fear or discomfort, just anger. Which wasn't a weakness. He wasn't a wimp like Pussboo. He was fine and strong, and he definitely wasn't shivering slightly under his best friend's stare.
Tubbo had been doing that a lot since Tommy came back. Stare.
It was like Tommy's skin suddenly turned fluorescent and Tubbo was some kind of little moth attracted by the light. He was constantly circling Tommy and staring at him with that intensity his best friend's eyes always held.
It pissed Tommy off.
At least Ranboo didn't become all weird after Tommy's time in prison. His tone was a bit softer, but Tommy could overlook the pity in exchange for some blessed hours spent not having to think about eyes on him. Constantly on him.
Watching his every move. Analyzing his every step. Memorizing his every habit. Hiding in his walls.
No, Ranboo disliked eye contact as much as he did. Though, in Ranboo's case, it was because his enderman side made him uncomfortable with it. Tommy wasn't uneasy. He wasn't.
He was a man without weaknesses. Not because he got rid of them like some kind of monster, but because he was simply too cool for them.
Anyway, until he found a way to exact his revenge on every eye that decided to exist he'd just hang out with Ranboo and ignore everyone else around him.
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tangepr · 3 years
I don't even know why I'm so attached to the concept of genderbent Archer I'm so sorry if this is weird lmao bc I'm gonna vomit a... headcanon, I guess? about what f!Archer would be like. Somewhere in some specific nasuverse timeline branch this is real and canon and you can't prove otherwise.
I think some people dislikes the concept of genderbending so if you're one of those people, yeah, ignore me. Don't read this IT'S EMBARRASSING IT'S WEIRD I'M AWARE
I'd like to imagine female version of Archer would still basically be the same as the one we already know and love (emphasis on LOVE) except on a few finer details:
She tries her best to avoid appearing feminine.
While in ordinary life setting m!Archer chooses a plain unassuming clothing tucked properly, f!Archer prefers the same kind of clothing except she keeps it a bit untidy to create a 'tough girl' impression.
She also enjoys homemaking tasks but avoids being seen doing it and dislikes being referred to as a motherly figure.
In an environment where she's 'humanized', basically able to not just be a counter guardian/heroic spirit, like in Chaldea, she would have no problem being perceived as a motherly figure.
She's sensitive about children because traditionally as a woman she's expected to participate in a nuclear family as a childbearer and she couldn't do that. Tbh as a male I think he also wonders what it feels like to be a father to a child, and because he doesn't have that experience he doesn't feel that he's fit to provide care to a child which is false he's an amazing mom regardless of gender
I often hear comments that Shirou isn't really sexist with his 'girls shouldn't fight' statements so much as that he uses it as an excuse to take responsibility in keeping Saber safe regardless of her gender, and I agree with that. But I also think he does believe that men has the responsibility to protect women, that women are usually physically weaker than men, all that jazz, those are just traditional values that are taught to him all his life, something that he subconsciously holds even if he knows it's not always how it is in reality.
Basically, I think Shirou Emiya holds a traditional view about gender because he's someone born and raised in a... conventional? Japanese society, and if he's a female, naturally female Shirou Emiya would hold the same view, except she would reject her femininity because it doesn't align with her compulsive need to put everyone else above herself, and later in her life and as a counter guardian isn't something that is relevant to her as a warrior (something like female=weak so female=/=warrior something something)
In f!Archer's run on 5th HGW, Saber is a male. No I don't mean Arthur, m!Saber is Artoria if she's male. There's no specific reason to it except that m!Saber would be cool and it would fuel f!Archer's feeling of inadequacy as a female with savior complex lmao
Actually everyone getting genderbent sounds interesting
In conclusion: f!Archer is just m!Archer but with a bit more self hatred and self rejection and it's a sign of love from me to Archer lol
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ghostietea · 3 years
Furuba autistic headcanons
With it being April, or autism acceptance month, I wanted to finally drop my list of characters from Fruits Basket that I read as autistic! This is based a lot on my own experience, as well as that of other autistics I know or have seen talk online. I hope some people can get something out of it, feel free to tell me what you think 😊, though please refrain from getting upset that I would dare suggest your fave is autistic.
Before becoming able to better control her powers, she would be constantly overwhelmed by the things she heard to the point that she couldn't even really go out in public. This reads a lot like sensory overload.
Constantly picked on in school because other kids thought she was weird. Eventually reclaimed this weirdness and turned it into a whole persona.
Seems to talk usually in a relatively flat tone.
Had trouble socializing with no friends outside her family until middleschool.
Has a very funny, dry sense of humor that I find very similar to a bunch of autistics I know, including myself.
Listen. You have seen the funky little man, you have seen the way he talks, the way he acts around others. He is, and I mean this in the best way, a weirdo. I do not know how you could look at him and see a neurotypical.
Once again, like Hana, Haru is funny in a way that feels very autistic.
Very flat, dry, tone delivery. Sometimes just Says Things that make everyone else go huh??? Suuuuper blunt. Doesn't emote facially a lot of the time.
When this man sees a social norm he doesn't get he WILL NOT follow it. Pierces his ears just because his hair got flak, defends Momiji wearing whatever he wants because sometimes y'know the social rules are just dumb and don't make sense. Especially dress codes.
Sometimes says things not befitting the current tone of the situation.
Represses (masks) a lot of his emotions, leading to outbursts that seem uncharacteristic.
His main childhood trauma revolves around adults branding him as "dumb" and ridiculing him. Haru, however, is super smart and wise!! Just in an offbeat way that not everyone may get.
Reads as very "flat" emotionally to the point that others would call her boring. Also has a flat vocal delivery.
Relies on specific habits or ways of doing things or else she gets super upset (her hatred of imperfection.
Has trauma surrounding adults completely misconstruing her intentions and thinking she's doing something malicious when she's not.
Generally behaves in a way that's hard for others to understand, one of her formative moments with Yuki was him saying he wanted to "see how the world looks" through her eyes.
Once again, trouble socializing.
Tries super hard to please her parents but in the end they still see her as somehow inherently "defective."
Listen. A lot of this one and the last two are mostly vibes, hard to verbally define. You just have to look at them and trust me.
Displays behavior very reminiscent of masking throughout the story, a huge part of her arc is about how she hides a lot of herself and has a very controlled persona. I think it would fit very well if she had other autistic behaviors that she suppresed also it helps explain why she is relatively socially adept, it's learned behavior to make people like her more.
Yes she is very good at saying what others need to hear, but especially early on she is pretty blatantly imitating her mother's words. She only gets better at getting through on a more personal level later on (see her with Rin and Akito v. early series Tohru). She does this by relating her own experiences, a very autistic way of showing empathy that often gets us written off as self centered. The way she relays things her mom said could also be seen as this, and she even worries at a few points that she's being insensitive for going on about things like that.
While emotionally repressed she is hyper empathetic and feels other's emotions so strongly she cries.
Her speech patterns are all imitated from her father and she often copies verbal things from others (see Ritchan-san). Noted in canon that people think her way of speaking is slightly off/not befitting of someone her age. Additionally, her father was polite more sarcastically, while she plays it straight and sometimes takes things very literally or fails to get the message, indicating trouble with reading tone. Has numerous strange verbal tics, including saying parts of her internal monologue out loud without context.
Very expressive with her hands including waving them around and flapping them up and down.
Does have a bit of trouble with accidental insensitivity in social interactions, like how she constantly fixates on her mom and realizes that might bug the Sohma.
Has trouble paying attention in school since it doesn't have much to do with her interests
Her only friend until she was a middle schooler was her mom
Has a pretty unique outlook on things compared to others, people seem to think she's pretty eccentric. There's always a "this girl is nice but in an odd way, she's our weirdo and we love her" vibe.
Sometimes has an "inappropriate" emotional response to situations
Has a lot of trouble with change, similar to Akito. Which oh, look at the time, next hc coming up.
But first, a disclaimer. It is cathartic for me to read Akito this way, but with that reading comes the baggage that she would, mayhaps, be showing a more negative side of things... It doesn't bother me since it's a joint hc with other characters and she does develop at the end but yeah, general villain hc baggage. This is in no way me trying to excuse her being The Worst being autistic doesn't absolve you of being able to do wrong . Also, a lot of these points can and do have other explanations related to her upbringing, but things can be for more than 1 reason. With that said, she really strongly comes off as autistic to me, in a way that's sorta hard to explain. I wrote a lot more for her than the other, both because I felt I needed more to convince people and that this headcanon was more sensitive and I needed to be careful in my explanation. Also hey! She's my special interest within a special interest.
Shown to have a dislike of summer weather due to heat and brightness, could be due to sensory issues in tandem with sickness things. Also covers her ears when people raise their voice sometimes which is partially her trying to shut down opposition but also 🤔 can read a different way. She'd also avoids louder Juuni like Ritsu and Ayame because she can't handle them.
Wears pretty much the same outfit every single day. Said outfit is also pretty loose fitting.
Always seen sitting in a pretty unconventional way. Evidence:
Tumblr media
Of course this is also the isolated in a cult thing and there is a level of her purposefully doing things to intimidate but: doesn't follow a lot of social rules (overly touchy with strangers, legit doesn't get that what she's doing is wrong, ect.). Repeatedly confused when people indicate she should act otherwise without explanation. Has a breakdown when this comes to a head and approximately says that "they" shouldn't expect her to know "common sense" if "they" never explained it to her, that the way that she was was her "common sense."
Often talks in a way uncharacteristic of her age when shown as a child in a more faux mature/pretentious way. Might just be the translation and idk how to explain it but her speech as an adult also seems off from what one would normally use in conversation. Additionally, when she tries to fake being friendly in her intro chapter, it comes of as extremely stiff and unconvincing.
Generally displays behavior that could be thought of as childish as an adult, but a lot of this behavior could also read as autistic (covering ears, emotional deregulation and meltdowns, ignorance of basic social norms, ect.). It's also important to note that she knows that this behavior makes her seem younger and more helpless to the older zodiac and uses it as a manipulation tactic. Has issues regarding people treating her like a child or only hanging out with her because of pity. While she does weaponize it, we can tell that this grates on her, as seen with her finally blowing up on Kureno, which is partially triggered by the maids saying some sorta infantalizing stuff about her. Irl, a lot of autistic adults and teens struggle with being infantalized for our behavior generally or treated as little babies that can do no wrong. Even in fandom, you see people doing stuff like jumping to call autistic adult characters, such as Entrapta from Shera, "minor coded." It is also common for us to have at least one bad experience with someone hanging around us out of pity. This is something that really gave me a similar feeling in Akito's arc. She's not a baby and she can understand and do better if she is given the chance to learn and break from all the freaky cult indoctrination she's been subjected to instead of just being constantly enabled. In the end, a lot of her growth is represented by her showing that she is capable of changing and being independent.
Shows particular difficulty with socialization, often sits by herself spacing out at social events. A lot of her fear is rooted in the fact that she doesn't know how normal relationships work, becoming overly reliant on the curse because she doesn't know how to make friends.
Clings desperately onto the notion of being "special" and in some way superior to others to be worthy and to make up for perceived inherent "flaws." It's the nd gifted kid burnout vibes for me.
Easily bothered by things that don't bother others. Feels emotions very strongly to the point of getting physically ill and has bad emotional regulation.
Relatively good at reading others in an analytical sense (though has more trouble when it comes to seeing how they feel about her since she's wildly delusional) but brings up her observations in a very cold, detached way and hurts people even on the rare occasion she didn't mean to. Has extreme trouble connecting to others and understanding their point of view. This makes her come off as pretty unempathetic even though that might not fully be the case. Also thinks that people like Momiji are trying to look down on her when they try to empathize with her. A lot of why Tohru can get through to her is that she manages to convince Akito that she's not condescending by relating shared traits and experiences. As I said earlier, autistics often empathize by sharing their own experiences with someone, and I know I often have an easier time confiding in other autistics because of a fear of being seen as lesser by those that don't understand me. I think the connection between these charachters and the way that Tohru manages to reach Akito like that while others couldn't makes a lot of sense through an autistic lense!
Additionally, when Akito herself gets around to trying to help others instead of just projecting trauma, she tries to reach out to the old maid by relating back to her own experiences. This however, doesn't work.
Has "cold" emotional reactions sometimes even to things that do make her upset. For example, how sort of calm and detached she acted after her father's death can make her seem uncaring. However, we know that this event did mess her up a lot and she is still (poorly) dealing with a lot of grief from the death of her father years later.
Copies mannerisms from others, the most blatant example is with Ren, who she directly parrots lines from as a child to Yuki.
Partly just her posturing, but gestures a lot with her hands when she talks. Also seen several times clutching her hands in her hair.
Deals extremely poorly with the idea of things changing to the point that it is a driving force of the story.
Does not understand when people tease her.
Ect. Ect. Ect. Listen, I could go on for ages but just trust me, the mean gremlin lady is autistic.
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talkingbl · 2 years
The Good and Bad of Semantic Error
My second true Korean BL and...boy did it not disappoint. Let's start with....
The Good
The length. While nearly all popular kbls boast a 20-25 minute runtime, usually the runtime is not enough to get me invested in the characters. But here, the runtime works in tandem with the efficient story to create a constant-moving, low-fat viewing experience.
The acting. While not mind-blowing in the manner of a Gun Atthaphan or Wayne Song, both Seoham and Jaechan gave a strong showing. I completely believed in them 100% of the way.
The chemistry. So, I was not part of the Park Seoham + Park Jaechan hype train. I honestly avoided it at all costs because most k-dramas I've seen are absolute garbage water. But from the very first scene between the two you sense this depth of feeling. It's a chemistry quite unlike anything I've seen before. If I could describe it, I'd say that it's a twist on the classic push-and-pull/tsundere dynamic. I don't ever feel like Sangwoo actually hated or even disliked Jaeyoung. Instead, I feel like he always liked him but couldn't understand why. But that's just the genius of Sangwoo and I'm getting ahead of myself. For Jaeyoung, on the other hand, it's clear that he liked Sangwoo from the beginning, but, again, what I find interesting is the external manifestation toward Sangwoo. For example, Jaeyoung takes every opportunity to be in physical proximity to Sangwoo, even during the time he allegedly hated him. And he was not just close--he was smothering, touchy, concerned, and even visibly affected by all of Sangwoo's actions. Those were not the actions of a man in hate. Jaeyoung's sunny disposition, combined with Sangwoo's decidedly robotic one already created an intriguing dynamic, but when you add the words that had gone unspoken the sparks just flew.
Chu Sangwoo. Chu Sangwoo is a gem of a character portrayed sparklingly by Park Jaechan. I never read the Semantic Error manhwa but I know that Jaechan took Sangwoo and made him into something greater than the character on its face. Sangwoo is like a machine--he only thinks logically, he lacks emotional intelligence, and he treats relationships like means to an end. But underneath the cold, tough exterior, is a childlike naivete and open-mindedness that I believe has gone unnoticed. Sangwoo has a lot of depth to him. His single-mindedness comes off more as endearing than annoying but only because you know that he genuinely does not understand his own self, let alone his effect on others. I have so much to say about this character and on rewatch I'll probably come with a more nuanced study on him.
The setting. One thing about k-dramas is that the settings always seem real and lived-in. This actually worked to help viewers connect with our main characters, as without such a grounded world, we'd be hard-pressed to believe an over-the-top petty and spiteful Jaeyoung or a cripplingly robotic Sangwoo.
The skinship. I'm talking the first head pat, the first *real* kiss... There was something magical about their affection (probably the connection underlying it) and I demand 3 more seasons of it.
The Bad...with a twist.
Jung Jaeyoung is batshit (but like, I was entertained). This man STALKS Sangwoo, MOVES INTO THE APARTMENT RIGHT NEXT TO HIS, studies his every move, and harasses him for four days all because Sangwoo (rightfully) snitched on that ass. Who does that? Then he has the nerve to be upset when Sangwoo tears into that ass when he called himself being worried about Sangwoo. Not only that, but when Jaeyoung starts figuring out that he likes Sangwoo, he takes every opportunity to separate him from Jihye, finds reasons to get Sangwoo to do boyfriendy stuff with him, and basically just forces a confession out of Sangwoo. Like ??? Was nobody in this show seeing all the red flags? I'm not gonna lie it made the story entertaining. I'm just saying that in-universe Jaeyoung did so many questionable things that Sangwoo clearly didn't like. But here's the thing, unlike with shows like TharnType and other dubcon-heavy/crazy SO plotlines, I actually didn't mind it much? Like it made the show entertaining and I didn't feel like it was trying to normalize/romanticize dubcon/harassment. It was just showing it as part of this particular story. It's like, with, say KinnPorsche. Just because a bunch of people died in that show doesn't mean it's morally objectionable to watch it/be entertained by it.
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anthrogothic · 3 years
~Well, this is the first fic I've posted (not that I've written many). Maybe I found it interesting to explore the emotional and psychological side of the clones and, of course, Echo. Besides, of course, other little things. Hope you like it. 🥺 (and sorry for any mistake as this fic was originally written in brazilian portuguese).
Second part heeeeree
Pairing: Echo x fem!Reader (in this chapter only Hunter and Wrecker appear for now)
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: Body insecurity and bullying.
You were always a woman of science. Curious, persistent and genius. As a child, you loved growing plants and watching animals. Sometimes experimented with changing the color of flowers in jars with colorful products or hatching small eggs of birds and reptiles in small boxes bathed in light and heated cloths. You once set fire to his parents Aldeeranian Silk curtains, after pointing a magnifying glass in front of the sunlight streaming through the windows.
No wonder you was one of the top students at Naboo's Faculty of Science when was older. After all, you were one of the few females in your class. Being constantly the victim of offensive comments and jokes, mainly because of baggy clothes that didn't mark your body, adopted after years of harassment for your sharp curves. Your glasses and voluminous hair didn't do much for the "jokes" to stop. Withdrawn in any group of popular and partying colleagues, you had nothing but to study with your few fellow “nerds”.
As a result, you soon got your first job in the field. Standing out so much that you was invited to participate in the cloning processes on Kamino a few times, even creating a certain professional relationship with Nala Se, the chief scientist.
You weren't a fan of cloning, even though it was incredible, you found it somewhat unethical in relation to the impact on the lives of Jango Fett clones. They weren't just battle products or numbers to you, but Human Beings with as many rights as anyone else. That they should have autonomy over their lives. But work is not always 100% pleasant, as much as it is something you love as long as you understand being human.
With your occasional visits to Kamino, you ended up having the sympathy of the clones, precisely for treating them like ordinary people, with different names and personalities despite the identical DNA and their fateful serial numbers.
You even ate with them in the cafeteria instead of the staff room and played with them in your free time and some would sneak men's uniforms for you, who were too bothered by the looks and teasing you received in your tight women's uniform.
One day, during a typical meal with your friends, a tone of laughter and nasty comments made you take your attention off your plate.
You poked your clone friend in the shoulder on your right.
"What is happening?"
He, without even looking up, snorted a laugh and spoke before taking the meal to his mouth:
"So you don't know the subject of the moment? There is a new squad among us. Weird… but they haven't suffered a single casualty on the field so far."
You raised an eyebrow, craning your neck a few times in an attempt to see something.
"I was not informed of this. I have not been assigned to inspect newly graduated soldiers for some time. But why the laughter and so much whispering?"
Deep in your brain, the bitter memory of your college days was pulled.
Your friend gave you an incredulous look, gesturing to find the right words to avoid any reprimand from you:
"They… well… are technically defective. Very different from us. No wonder they nicknamed them The Bad Batch."
He stifled a laugh. Soon getting punched in the arm accompanied by a scowl from you.
"Okay, okay. Forgive me, clone rights advocate."
His irony was clear, making you roll your eyes and get up, heading towards the counter where they left the used dishes. After thanking the wrinkled green lady who served the meal, you turned in the direction of leaving the cafeteria, but a sharp impact on your face and chest propels you back, followed by a lot of pain and strong hands gripping your elbows.
"Hey! Are you okay?"
A familiar, but deeper and stronger voice resonated in your ears, making you open your eyes faster than you normally would, as you bring your hand to your forehead and in the background thanking the Maker for wearing contact lenses instead of glasses today . It took you a while to map the face of the man in front of you. His long dark hair fell to his shoulders, his red bandana letting out a few shorter strands across his forehead, his almond-shaped eyes looking a little worried, and finally, a tattoo that covered the entire left part of his face.
He was familiar…but at the same time very different from the other clones. Even the armor, grey and red. Definitely seeing a different face in that cafeteria was a bit intriguing.
"I think you broke her, Hunter!"
A loud, husky voice came from behind you, making you turn your back to the tattooed man, just to behold the huge soldier who covered your entire field of vision.
He was huge, broad and with perfectly shaped muscles. Gradually, your eyes traveled from his abdomen, across his broad chest to his face. This one had no hair. He had a blind eye, with a huge scar running from there to the ear. The clone's good eye looked you up and down, literally.
"I'm fine… sorry… I-"
You were shocked by the image of both men. Could it be they who your friend had spoken of?
You can barely complete your sentence when interrupted by a clone next to you.
"Well well. The scientist and her laboratory freaks. How comical..."
He didn't even stop to stare at you, being followed by two other clones who clearly enjoyed the bad joke.
The men beside you clenched their fists and the bigger one growled, taking long, heavy strides in front of you, until he was stopped by the tattooed-faced clone, who practically jumped in front of him, bracing a hand on his chest.
"Forget it, Wrecker. It's not worth it… and we can't take another warning for assault in the cafeteria."
The taller one nodded a few seconds later, clearly disappointed not to get his hands on his attacker.
With slow steps, you approached them, curious and also irritated by the other clone's words.
You huffed, crossing your arms over your voluminous breasts.
"You are the new squad the others are talking about, aren't you?"
There was a certain wonder in your voice now.
"Force Clone 99, doctor!"
The two said in chorus, with clear pride in their words and saluting.
"The rest of the team is going through the assessment upstairs. Miraculously we both got through!"
Said the taller clone, with humor in his voice, pulling a smirk from the tattooed clone.
You smiled, even more in awe of them. They were beautiful, unique and not "sloppy".
"Nice to meet you Hunter and… Wrecker, isn't it? My name is Y/N, I work in the lab."
The two looked at each other, minimally polite treatment to the clones was a little rare around here.
"We've heard about you. Won't you give me a warning? For… bumping into you?"
Hunter was a little suspicious, moving closer to you, watching your forehead. Looking for any evidence of injury.
"Oh no, of course not. It was an accident. I also barely looked where I was going."
You tried to be as gentle as possible, despite your brow and nose bothering you, already realizing that it couldn't be too easy for them to get along with each other. You continued:
"Trust me, I know what it's like to be bothered all the time by little jokes and to have people pick on me out of simple dislike. I'm not like the rest of the employees."
Wrecker approached you, already with a content expression on his face.
"There is! I liked her! At least someone here doesn't hate us!"
The clone pulled you into a hug, pressing his side with yours. You blushed a little, as physical contact was never common with you.
Hunter continued with a suspicious expression and his arms now crossed, making him even more imposing, just taking the look off your face, when the communicator you carried in your pocket beeped.
Brought out of your reverie by Wrecker's tight embrace and Hunter's form, you picked up your communicator to read the newly arrived messages.
"Uh… I need to go. Nala Se never give me a break. See you later guys. Hope to meet the rest of you!"
You headed towards the exit, leaving a sympathetic smile as you left the clones. They were still there, trying to absorb how kind you, a scientist, were to them.
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ship ask game: wangxian, lan xichen/jin guangyao, lan yi/baoshan sanren
Thanks, anon! Appreciate the ask!
WangXian - SHIP IT!
I mean, it's a classic!
What made you ship it? *motions to all 50 CQL episodes* Seriously, though, for all the censorship issues, I really like how the series was forced to dig a little deeper into their relationship since they couldn't rely on obvious horniness. The sense of devotion in both of them is so strong, practically from the get-go!
What are your favorite things about the ship? Oddly enough, my favorite thing is their neurodivergent symbiosis! I'm totally stealing from someone else's post/ observations, but Lan Wangji helps Wei Wuxian by reminding him or helping him both with his daily physical needs (eating, sleeping, etc.) and by giving him an opportunity to let the ADHD genius hyperfixate and stream-of-consciousness ramble to help process his thoughts. In turn, Wei Wuxian learns of Lan Wangji's autism-coded quirks so that the latter isn't constantly having to explain himself. He doesn't demand that Lan Zhan be different, instead rejoicing in his differences. He also happily takes the burden of speech (and occasionally providing a distraction) for his introverted and sensitive soulmate!
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? I think their actions are a bit selfish at the end of the book. Like, yes, y'all have worked your asses off for your happy ending, but like... Lan Wangji, your brother has been helping and supporting you all your damned life are you really just gonna peace out on him?!
Why don’t you ship it? YaoYao is constantly trying to prove himself better than others think him, is trying to constantly prove that he has a place among the upper echelons. I think that pairing up with the Chancellor of the Morning Sun™ only makes him ramp up those pressures on himself as he tries to prove himself worthy of breathing the same air as Lan Xichen... or at least lie/pretend that he is a better person than he really is because otherwise he thinks Xichen would dump him in disgrace. I really liked his romance with Qin Su (before the reveal, obvs), and while both she and Lan Xichen saw the worthiness in YaoYao before he had climbed his way to the top of the ladder, Qin Su's status- while still a genteel lady- would not incite the same level of self-consciousness. Not to mention that she seriously FOUGHT for the relationship, even to the point of damaging her own reputation. Lan Xichen, with his sect riding on his shoulder, just can’t do that, and YaoYao needs someone to fight and flip the bird at the cultivation world for his sake. And on Lan Xichen's part... sorry, but I truly think that sensitive-but-stalwart Nie Mingjue was his best chance for happiness. Lan Xichen is a people-pleaser and has an intense dislike for conflict, going to great lengths to avoid it. YaoYao's own people-pleasing encourages these bad habits or even bring out the worst of them. YaoYao, for better or for worse, is a manipulator (I am one too, so I say it as a fact and not a criticism) and it's all too easy for him to keep Lan Xichen from experiencing pain or discomfort... even when he needs to experience them to grow.
What would have made you like it? The thing is, because of the above reasons, I don't know if anything could make me like it without altering their personalities. I guess the closest thing would be to throw Nie Mingjue into there and make them a throuple... but only if all of them are emotionally healthy and capable of true trust.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it? I think that their ship is absolutely necessary for the sake of the story and tragic foils/parallels, but because it's a bad relationship that I think is not good for both of them. It's a truly, truly fascinating dynamic, and I do like watching it! I just don't think it's healthy.
Lan Yi/Baoshan Sanren - *shrugs*
I mean...
Why don’t you ship it? I'm not particularly hostile to it or anything, there's just not a lot there to work with. CQL gave us some little hints, but neither their personalities or their backstory are fleshed out enough to give me yea-or-nay vibes.
What would have made you like it? A sumptuously-costumed 50-episode series with gripping emotional storytelling and phenomenal acting? It worked for WangXian...
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it? They're two powerful and badass girlbosses; relationships have definitely been built on worse!
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nova9 · 4 years
Taiyuu oct round 2. | Aimi vs Shou |
*im on mobile so it won't let me add a tab sorry for the wall of text!!!
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To say you were nervous was an understatement, a very, very big one. And that nervousness only got worse and worse as you and your other classmates got closer to where you'd all be separated.
As a new transfer, you'd not managed to form strong bonds with anyone yet, but you didn't know anyone in class 1A that didn't consider you as a good team member, no one particularly disliked you, that you knew of at least.
But that was class 1A class 1B was a different story. You knew for a fact that there were people who didn't like you for your quirk. You didn't particularly mind that at all because everyone's entitled to their own opinions. Still, now that you were going to be facing off against them, it was an utterly different situation.
Aside from the fact that you'd never really used your quirk in combat against another living thing before. Not even in sparing somehow, you'd gotten away with just avoiding activating your quirk for its intended purposes. Instead of using your blades to strike, they'd only ever been activated to defend you from blows, create armor, or other pretty mundane uses.
This morning as you sat with your classmates and listened to the principal, announce the next round of exams. You'd crossed your fingers, hoping that it would be a written one, but of course, it wasn't, why would it be?
This is a school for future hero's to master their quirks, and to protect people,
To master your quirk, you have to use it in combat.
Something that terrified you to do.
The last time you physically used your quirk on someone, they lost an arm. While yes, they would have died had you not done what you had still, the way your blades so easily cut threw his flesh and bone, like it was nothing but soft butter, was both amazing and downright terrifying.
Years of practice have given you the ability to dull your blades at will, which thanks to your classmates and trainers protective gear and quirks of their own combined with upmost discipline on your end have made it so that no one has gotten their skin broken even accidentally.
But still, you knew better than anyone else that a dull blade is still a blade; all it does is make the cut a lot less clean.
Coming to Tayuu has been both remarkable and utterly awful in the fact that it's like removing a bandage that's been on way too long and has kind of grown into the skin. You're excited to get it off, but it hurts like hell to take it off. You're also too scared to just rip it off all at once, so its just kind of dangling there on your skin getting caught and tugging on things which makes it sting even worse.
You knew that you would be using your quirk on others eventually. You knew that you'd have to do it, but now your stomach feels like it's trying to claw its way out of your throat as you got closer to the place where this whole simulation would be taking place.
As far as you comprehended, all there was to do was locate and retrieve the ball. God, you wished that you had the confidence to just think of it like that. But there was also the fact that you were up against a member of the other class. It could be against someone who hated you. It could give them a reason to attack you, forcing you to use your quirk on them, and you didn't want that.
You didn't know much about anyone from the other class. This was the first time since your enrollment that you'd taken part in a class vs. class scenario.
The field of manufactured buildings that replaced the training grounds was so vast that you couldn't even try to see who was on the other side even if you knew it was the other class the fact that you didn't know who you'd be facing off against was nerve-racking enough on its own. Not to mention the fact that you had to defeat them to get a chance at winning probably.
"Lighten up, Aimi! You'll do great!" Ameko, one of the classmates you've gotten close too called at you over her shoulder as she walked with her friends ahead of you. You'd always had a habit of trailing behind the group. Even if no one ever really given you a reason not to feel included. The opposite, they've all been inviting for the most part. Even Lymeron, with her rash personality, people often joke that if she's not trying to fight, then she doesn't love you.
You're still not used to the concept of friends, but that doesn't mean you're not interested, you've just gotta get a better hold on your quirk first then you'd feel comfortable with hug attacks or jump scares. But until then you're happy watching them be happy from a distance. Your only hope at the moment anyway was to make sure you didn't fail them.
You knew that just passing the entrance exam wasn't enough to prove that you'd be a valuable team member, wanted that fact to be carved into stone, and getting passed someone you had no clue about was one step closer you'd get to that goal.
You were on the number one spot which you hated, and you were to stand here and watch your classmates walk farther down the stone column to their own spaces.
It was nothing but something to make your already spent nerves worse. It gave you time to look out over the vast playing field clearly marked with barriers and lines that defined where you were allowed to be and where you weren't allowed to be, it also gave you time to start a complete internal meltdown.
You weren't stupid; these other students had weeks more class time than you did, most of them had a ton more experience with their quirks than you did. The chance that you were going to succeed was slim to none, but you were just stupid enough to take that chance, so when the buzzer sounded announcing the start of the game, you jumped in just as fast as anyone else.
You dodged in and out of the buildings and alleyways, not having any real point of focus other than to find this damn ball orb thing. It was much easier said than done, you could hear the sounds of battle around you, but you weren't particularly concerned with them. You were too busy flitting around looking in each and every window you could reach for the orb.
As time drew onward, you could tell that finding the orb alone was going to be almost impossible, and the threat of an unknown opponent was always on your mind. You could hear explosions going on from other fights you didn't see or hear anything from your opponent at the same time.
But what if that's the point?
What if they've got a stealth quirk made for sneaking, and if they have any kind of tracking ability, they'll have the orb back to their goal before you get a chance to even lay eyes on it.
You got deep enough in thought that you almost didn't hear it—the tapping.
It was like glass tapping against the glass, and while it was hardly audible over the other fighting, it was distinctly closer, so you played a game of high tension hot and cold with the damn noise. Either it was your opponent or something else, finding anything at this point would be better than finding something.
You were almost at a loss until you saw a faint blue flickering against a shop window. Upon closer inspection, you realized that it wasn't in the shop but the building opposite the road. It looked like an apartment building, and somewhere near the third floor was a light blue flickering glow.
Without thinking, you took the most direct route by scaling the side of the brick building with your blades as climbing gear. You noticed that it seemed more natural to hoist yourself the higher you got.
You hardly paused for a half a second to look for the ball before you busted into the room the glow was coming from with your quirk.
As you stepped into the room, you almost thought that you'd mistaken a ceiling light for your orb because it was on the ceiling.
It confused you for a moment because it looked almost like it was stuck up there, but before you had the chance to get a good look at it, it was getting closer to you, or so you thought. When you moved to step away, you realized that your feet weren't actually o the ground anymore.
You were fucking floating?!
And then it happened again.
That embarrassing thing always happens when you get startled, and you hate it, not only because it shows how little control you have over your quirk but also destroys your clothes.
"Oh, my bad." A voice said from behind you as you struggled to maneuver yourself around in the air, you started to float towards being upside down. As the person made their way around you, you were able to direct yourself towards them just as they grabbed onto the orb-like, it was nothing.
You'd seen them a couple of times in the hallway. You didn't know their name or anything, and to be honest, you didn't know what their quirk was until right this second, but apparently, it was something to do with weightlessness or antigravity. A quirk you'd never really thought you'd be going up against and had no clue how to combat.
"Hey!" You shouted as they reached for the orb so casually it was insulting. "I was here first!" You added as they looked at you with mild confusion. "Physically, I mean, I guess." They shrugged. "But my quirk is what got you up here so fast, so technically I was here first." They said.
You couldn't do much other than struggle to stay upright as they casually made their way towards the door like it was nothing. They thought that you weren't a threat, and could you blame them? YOu're floating around like a dummy.
You were so frustrated that by the time he was out the door, you were half in tears.
Here you were with your super lethal quirk reduced to nothing but a bumbling fucking balloon floating there pitying yourself.
You then noticed that you were slowly lowering towards the ground.
You didn't go directly after them as soon as your feet hit the ground because you knew that there was a chance that you'd just be floating again if they knew you were closing in on them.
You went outside the building and began climbing downwards but stopped as soon as you noticed yourself feeling lightweight again.
You froze on the spot. You didn't even know if you were breathing. You wanted to be as quiet as possible to remain undetected. You watched as they exited the building threw the main entrance lazily floating tossing the orb as if they were utterly unbothered by the fact that they were in any kind of competition at all.
You took the time you had to analyze, hoping they couldn't freaking teleport or anything else like that.
You watched taking note of the fact that there seemed to be a limited area of zero gravity around them, making everything around them float from papers and rocks in the streets to cars that seemed to lift themselves slightly when they got too near.
But there had to be something that could be done.
You finished climbing back down as they entered an ally way back towards their goal area. You had time, but not much. You had to move now that you had a prime opportunity; it could be the only chance you had.
You ran towards the alleyway, and as soon as you got the feeling of weightlessness, you anchored yourself to the ground with your blades, ruining your shoes but keeping you in place.
All you had to do was keep yourself attached to the ground or to the narrow alley walls to get done what you needed to do.
You didn't give yourself time to second guess the plan and ran for it.
When they noticed you were there, they turned around in shock, but with how quick you were landing a punch square in their snout wasn't hard and it sent them spinning in their quirk.
But it also caused them to let go of the orb, sending it floating up towards the sky. You moved on impulse, not stopping to consider if what you were doing was going to work, but thank god it did!
You were able to use their quirk to help you propel yourself upwards, gripping into the stone of the walls for leverage and kickback off of them to get closer to the orb.
You were able to grip onto it and had hardly an inch of space left on the wall to anchor yourself before you would have continued floating to the freakin moon!
Once you were secured, you looked down to see your opponent floating up towards you and the lack of gravity getting stronger every foot they got closer to you.
There was no point in fighting them. Their nose was already dripping blood that was pooling up from where you probably broke it.
Now all you had to do was get away, and with your blades, that was a done deal.
You didn't think you'd ever ran so fast in your life, and as soon as you felt your full weight on your blades, you left nothing but small box cutter sized blades out on the bottom of your feet just Incase to keep some small grip on the ground as you sprinted.
You started feeling sick the moment you got into view of your goal line. It wasn't a familiar feeling but not something you felt often. Its what happened when you used your quirk too much, your iron was too low, which made you nauseous and faint.
It didn't stop you from making it, though! You ran over your goal line and to the back to place the orb on its pedestal before promptly turning around and spilling your guts all over the ground.
Despite winning, you felt super embarrassed. Your clothes were destroyed, your makeup was running from crying before, you puked all over what was left of your shoes, and there was a possibility that you'd pass out in it.
Whats a win when it cost you all this?
"Good job Otsuka!" A voice you didn't expect to hear chimed in front of you. You looked up to see the principal of the school standing there, smiling at you like you didn't have puke covering the front of your shirt.
Laccadaisy thankfully pretended that she didn't see you using your tattered shirt sleeve to wipe the tears and vomit from your face. YOu didn't think you could have withstood embarrassment anymore at the moment.
"T-thanks, but I could've done better." You said hoarsely because your throat still stung.
"What do you mean? Last I checked your goal in quirk training was to use your quirk in battle effectively." She asked, turning her head confused. "I didn't use my quirk in battle…" you mumbled, not understanding.
She stood there for a moment before laughing at something.
"The battle wasn't to beat your opponent, the point of this test was to get the orb and you did that. You used your quirk to do that." She said confidently. "I could name more than a few people who wouldn't have had such an advantage against Mujuyo Shous Mircogravity quirk!" She added.
"But if I hadn't-" you started
"If you hadn't thought to use your quirk effectively, you would probably be floating in the sky somewhere by now." She interrupted you.
"You're thinking too critically about the whole thing. You did what you meant to do." She added as if that was the end of it before another buzzer went off in the distance.
"Opp, there's another one! I'll see you later! Go to the medbay and get checked, we're all going to meet in the mess hall when everyone's finished!" She called over her shoulder as she made her way towards the latest buzz.
Every step you took towards the med bay, you felt worse, your lightheadedness coupled with the fact that you couldn't keep yourself from shaking made you feel like you should work on your limits as much as restraining your quirk.
You tripped over your own feet about halfway there, and while it hurt when your cheek scrapped the sidewalk, the cold concrete felt good against your skin.
You woke up in the med bay still half out of it. The dizziness only got worse as you sat up.
"Here, this should help you feel better in no time!" The nurse said, handing you what looked like candy before you even asked any questions.
"Sorry." You muttered after shivering at the bitter taste of the completely deceiving looking purple gummy.
"For what, dear?" The nurse asked as if she had no idea what you were apologizing for.
"I know I'm a bit heavier than I look, must have been hard carrying me back here." You said.
"Oh, I didn't! Young Mujuyo did! Their quirk makes things like that easy, you know!" She said happily before someone in the cot next to you started groaning out in pain.
The same Mujuyo you'd just sucker-punched in the face brought you back? To say you were confused was an understatement, but you didn't feel like pressing the nurse for more details when you were more hungry than anything else.
When you got to the mess hall, you found a table of your classmates who'd finished their matches, and they welcomed you into the conversation with enthusiastic praise about your passing.
You did, however, catch Shou's eyes from across the room, and even though they lost, they were still laughing with his friends. When he saw you looking at them, they just smiled and gave you a wave-like he wasn't bothered at all.
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kvlcb-blog · 5 years
☕ . ˚ ◝ ( park junhee. cismale. he/him. ) kaleb “kj” jang is a twenty-four year old sagittarius. the dance teacher’s go-to order is iced green tea latte. they like to listen to circles by post malone while they wait for their order. the employees of the deja brew think they are childish but swear they’re totally whole-hearted as well. maybe that’s why multicolored jumpers, trips to the arcade, inside jokes, and playful banters remind me of them. 
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sorry to do this to ya’ll, but here’s another can full of trash. enjoy, ♡
trigger warning for abuse, both physical and alcohol.
if you like this, i’ll come bother you for plots with him. i’m also in the discord @ momochi#0913 if you wanna do things there. ♡
kaleb, who really prefers kj, was born in malibu, california and has been all around the state his whole life.
his parents were very laid back individuals, allowing the boy to be very free to do as he pleased - even as an only child.
his grades in school were always great and he was never involved in any trouble. maybe a minor thing here and there, but nothing that could have actually landed him with a criminal record. literally the most minor of things.
wasn’t always as loud and clownish as he is now. was once a shyer kid, but still pretty easy with making friends and getting along. was never disliked because he was just the sweetest of boys.
although his parents weren’t strict on him, the one thing they did want for him was to have steady job and be super successful.
if there was one thing they pushed on him, it was to make sure he attended college and land himself an amazing, well paying job that could keep him living a great life.
now, here’s where things went sour. 
around the age of 12, kj started showing lots of interest in dancing. it was always something he enjoyed and he could eventually be found around the local dance studios. all of his allowance was saved up to pay for part time lessons and his parents had no idea.
anther thing they pushed on him? saving money. something he wasn’t doing since he was giving his money to the dance studio for lessons.
he passed the form off to is parents as something for school they had to sign and, of course, they didn’t pay too much attention to it because kj new to give it to them to sign while they were in the middle of a party. smart boy got away with it.
he spent almost a year in the studio, learning way more than he already knew and was in total love.
one day, someone from the studio had brought his dance bag back home - the one he had forgotten. but he hadn’t arrived home yet, so when he finally did get back - whatta surprise.
his parents were furious. they scolded him and it got to the point where his father just couldn't handle it.
for the first time in his life, he’d seen a side of his parents that he never even thought he’d see. furious and enraged, his father started to strike him and it was much more than just a small spanking.
he was left battered and bruised by his angry father that he couldn’t even leave the house for  few days. he stood home from school so he didn’t have to explain why he looked the way he did. it was bad.
afterwards, his parents barely cared for him. after he explained it’s something he wanted t do when he was older, they gave him such cold shoulders. they couldn’t stand the thought of their only son being a dancer instead of like, i don’t know, president or something. 
from then on, any time he brought up dancing, he’d get abused. anytime they found him at the studio? he’d be left battered and marked up pretty badly. it was just something his parents were so against, they left no mercy for kj whatsoever.
he kept on hiding the fact that he would sneak to the studio, taking such a risk, but he couldn't’t help it. boy loves to dance.
to this day, kj still dances. he not only teaches, but competes from time to time. he mostly does hip hop or pop, sometimes a bit of ballet - but it isn’t his strong suit. either way, he’s talented and he’s well aware of it.
he lives alone, after finally settling down in an apartment not too far from deja brew. before that, he was all over california, trying to find a place to settle in. he might not wanna stick around for long, but convince him to stay, okay?
is doing well for himself, isn’t rich as hell, but is well taken care of.
is super distant from his parents. obviously.
the one habit he did develop was taking in excessive amounts of alcohol. 
at around the age of 14, kj began experimenting with alcohol which is so sad, but true. and even to this day, it’s something he struggles with.
there are times when his mind travels back to the abuse and practical neglect he suffered and he just. can’t handle it.
or when he becomes overwhelmed, he needs a bottle. or two. a mess.
can be found in the same hole in the wall bar that is barely hoppin most of the time, but for kj? a safe place.
kj does wanna try to reach out to his parents and make amends, but the last time he did - the abuse started again even at his current age, his dad will easily strike him without a second thought.
now, as much as he hates it, he usually avoid interaction with is parents and just. is like nah.
listen, boy is a clown.
kj is a total jokester.
has such a sense of humor, loves jokes and inside jokes and is just overall fond of laughter.
unfortunately, he uses his humor to cover a lot of shit.
his past? humor it. troubled thoughts? humor it. breakups? humor it. literally can make anything into a joke and has no problem doing it about everything in his life.
is not a healthy way to cope, but he doesn’t know how else to do so. he’d gotten so use to covering his problems with humor that it’s all he knows how to do in order to cope.
serous situations can be hard for him because ??? 
one good thing about kj is that he’s always willing to try.
( unlike my other two trash cans ) kj is super willing to learn how to love and open up.
isn’t closed off much or withdrawn. he doesn’t mind feelings or being involved or admitting to things. sometimes he may need help and patience, but he’d not the type to shy away or make it difficult. he will truly work on himself when he needs to. 
kj was always great in relationships. the only problem was how childish he can be. again, his coping mechanism is humor and that’s obviously not always acceptable when dealing with certain things. because of this, it doesn’t work out.
kj is well aware that he needs to work on it and always tries, it’s just really hard for him. but is still trying to improve.
kj as a friend? bitch please.
kj is such a friendly, smiley person. is always up for a good time, is basically the hype man of his group. 
pumps people up, gives them confidence, never says no. total hype man.
soft puppy on the outside, torn apart on the inside, mouth full of dirty jokes. this boy is all over the place.
loves the color orange.
is either in all black or super colorful, no in between.
wears glasses because he is bliiiiind. not totally, but needs them for real. wears contacts sometimes, but most glasses. he enjoys them for the most part.
loves a good inside joke. if he has an inside joke with you, you’re one of his best friends and there’s no question about it.
hair color? changes all of the time. but he doesn’t exactly do crazy colors. usually blonde or brown or black or a natural looking red. but it’s always changing, idk how he has hair.
loves throwback nickelodeon shows so much, as well as them disney ones.
although he’s such a clown, will enjoy a soft moment of a soft talk every once in a while. it’s rare to happen and takes the right person, but loves them. probably is in love with this person, honestly, who knows.
loves to go to clubs. mostly for the dancing. loves to go anywhere for the dancing. i mean, the drinking too. but the dancing.
bites his lip more than he talks bc it’s a habit of his. 
skincare routine is outrageous because he learned that with dancing comes sweating and with sweating comes breakouts so he’s so on top of it. js.
and that’s all i can think of?
his lots page is literally the same as suki’s and jae’s but i’ll link it HERE if you wanna take a look. and i am also very open to anything else, not to only what’s on that list!!
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magichcuse · 3 years
Full Name: Ebony Valeria Featherton
Nicknames: Ebbs, Ebby
The daughter of Oswald and Victoria Featherton, sister of Thames Featherton, aunt of Sebastian and Thaddeus Featherton, suitress/wife of Johnathan Abberquack (later known as Joseph Featherton), and mother of Walter Abberquack.
A top student in her magic school; has plenty of ambitions, but put them aside to focus on taking care of Walter.
Ebony is closer to her father than her mother, mainly because she and Victoria are worlds apart. Victoria is meek and abides by strict gender roles while Ebony is more outgoing and rebellious. Though Oswald tries to rein Ebony in, he understands her better and allows her to have more freedom than Victoria would...which isn't saying a lot.
Ebony is also quite close to her older brother, Thames. Like Victoria, he is more cautious and a rule follower. However, he honestly admires the drive Ebony has...though he feels the need to keep her out of trouble when she pushes herself too far.
Ebony adores her nephews. Sebastian feels safe around her and Thaddeus enjoys actually being acknowledged by someone. She's a maternal figure to Sebastian and Thaddeus, offering her support when needed.
Ebony is in a loving marriage with her husband. They have squabbles at times, but she is loyal to him no matter what.
Walter is Ebony's pride and joy. She dropped everything to focus more on him and doesn't regret it. Being a mother is an adventure to her, though the pressure from herself and magical society has led to her making severe missteps in her parenting. Though she can be sweet and doting, she also has a roughness to her which Walter misconstrues as malice. She ultimately wants what is best for her son, no matter what that might mean.
Thrill-chasing— Dueling is her favorite subject in school purely because of the adrenaline rush she gets from a good duel. She's the type of person who would go into the depths of Merlin's Point for the hell of it. Outside of class, she does tricks on her broomstick. Ebony would go into dragon riding or pegasus riding, but her parents want her to focus on her studies.
Johnathan/Joseph— Being set up to marry him since birth, Ebony has a strong attachment to Johnny. Even if he gets on her nerves and hurts her deeply, she'd still sacrifice everything to keep him safe.
Despite not being the original Johnathan, Ebony loves Joseph and wouldn't trade him in for anyone else. He is the man she built a relationship with; Joseph gave her a chance while Johnathan couldn't be bothered.
Theo— Out of all of her classmates, Ebony enjoys dueling with him the most. (Yes, even more than Johnathan). She admires his dueling style and loves the feeling of dueling against him. Even if she loses against him, the rush she gets is enough to make the match satisfying to her.
Rhonda— Ebony loves her familiar, despite being unconventional. She loves petting Rhonda and doesn't really mind the smell. Not everyone shares her sentiment, but she doesn't care.
Societal expectations based on her gender— Being told to "calm down" and "act like a lady" only makes Ebony want to rebel even more. This causes tension between her and her mother. She also hates the notion that she gave up on her ambitions because she "had to" as a woman; Ebony CHOSE to focus on being a mother because she WANTED to. Having that autonomy taken away from her frustrates her so much.
Professor Daskalakis— Ebony strongly dislikes him, but is also oddly fascinated by him? She pushes herself to prove her worth to him and wants to duel against him one day. She finds the idea of facing an expert dueler appealing, even if that dueler is repulsive.
Sabrina— Ebony despises her sister-in-law. She believes her older brother deserves better than her and hates the way Sabrina treats her children (Ebony's nephews). Despite having harsh feelings towards her, Ebony avoids bad mouthing her in front of Sebastian and Thaddeus (though that's difficult to do when Sebastian takes the opportunity to bash his mother during the rare moments he's alone with her). Unfortunately, Sabrina doesn't treat Ebony with the same respect when it comes to Walter; she even goes out of her way to drive a wedge between Ebony and Walter.
Dueling— Ebony views dueling as an odd combination of a battle and an amusement park ride. She thoroughly studies her opponents' dueling styles and goes for the ones who are the roughest on her. It's not even about winning for her, she just loves the feeling of being dueled against. However, she could still hold her own in a duel if necessary.
Broom riding— Not being allowed to go into more extreme sports, Ebony uses her broomstick to get the adrenaline rush she craves. She's able to do complex tricks with it and still uses broom riding as a method of coping even after she becomes a mother. She even let Walter ride with her when he was younger, though she had to restrain herself as to not traumatize him (or worse).
Broom crafting— Ebony designs her own brooms, in order to create the optimum riding experience. She pays attention to the shape, size, material, etc., having specialized broomsticks depending on the mood she's in. Though she could easily turn her expertise into a business opportunity, she prefers to keep it as a hobby because she's disinterested in the commercialization of broom-riding and doesn't want the fun to be drained from something she's truly passionate about.
Physics— it's not the most conventional hobby, per say, but it's a common theme amongst her other hobbies and she enjoys dabbling in it in general.
Pediophobia— Ebony knows it's irrational, but she's creeped out by humanoid objects. Their soulless eyes make her shiver.
Failing as a mother— Even before Ebony had Walter, being a mother felt daunting. Parenting is the one aspect of her life where other's opinions deeply impact her. Shaping a literal person is a HUGE responsibility and she didn't exactly have a lot of time to prepare. No matter what she does, there's always a nagging voice in her head telling her she's not doing good enough. It doesn't help that the nagging exists in the outside world as well. Ultimately, this fear is the root of her flaws as a parent...a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts.
Five Positive Traits:
Brave— Ebony can face any challenge that comes her way, whether it be a fierce dragon or a strict professor.
Intelligent— Ebony is able to calculate things in her head, describing the physics behind something just by looking at it. She's also a good student in general, though she's often overshadowed by her brother.
Innovative— Related to the previous trait, Ebony is determined to make breakthroughs in broom crafting and tries things that haven't been tried before.
Committed— When Ebony makes a commitment, she stays committed. This reflects the most in her marriage and parenting. The one time Ebony made time for herself, she felt physically sick.
Caring— Ebony is sympathetic to those in need and helps as much as she can. She's also an incredibly loving wife and mother.
Five Negative Traits:
Impulsive— This was more of an issue when Ebony was younger, wanting to do dangerous things for the sake of doing dangerous things. After she learns how to calculate potential risks, she's more careful. However, her impulsiveness hasn't completely gone away. If she's clouded by emotions, her impulsive tendencies come back.
Extreme— Some people might find Ebony too intense, especially when she shows her unfiltered risk-taker side. She keeps appearances in front of the pretentious socialites, but you better be prepared if she gets close to you.
Cynical— Despite trying to fit in (for her husband's sake), Ebony has cynicism when it comes to magic society. She has a distaste for the elites and hates the gatekeeping in the magical community. This cynicism makes Ebony judgmental of other women, though she develops a more nuanced opinion as she gets older.
Stubborn— Don't tell Ebony not to do something because she'll be even more determined to do it out of spite.
Fiery-temper— If you catch Ebony in a bad mood or piss her off, you're in trouble
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nicolepremier · 7 years
Nano - 5, 6, 10, 11, 16, 3 (ik there are a lot but i couldn't resist ;-;)
3) Scars or painful spots
Nano’s entire body is covered with scars from involuntary surgical operations and experiments. Most of the time his clothes cover the scars. He isn’t even entirely sure what all has been done to him - how much of his body has been taken without his consent, what has been added that was not his own… is he still even human? How much of his body is still his?
The worst, though… was when they started cutting up his brain… Emma ordered it. She told it was for the best, since he had no choice but to become who they made him. It would be better for him, more merciful even, if he didn’t have to feel… The last emotions he clearly remembers feeling were terror and utter despair when they put him to sleep and he had no idea who he would be when he woke up.
5) Guilty pleasures
Daydreaming… reading… anything that gets him out of his body, out of his reality, and takes him someplace else. Sometimes he thinks that his imagination is the only thing he has left that is still his… and he wonders how long it will be before even that is taken away from him.
After leaving Toshima, Nano began to discover new, more sensual pleasures. The warmth of his partner’s body beneath the sheets against his own, the sound of music and the newfound emotions it induced that he had once thought were dead, the taste of green tea and freshly baked bread with jam in the morning, the feeling of warm running water against his skin, the rhythmic sound of his partner’s breathing as they sleep beside him, the feeling of his lover’s hands running through his hair, their lips against his, fingertips tracing his scars as though it would make them disappear, the pleasured moans that escape their lips when he caresses them…
6) Their vices (physical or emotional)
Misanthropy - Nano despises humanity to the point of reclusiveness/seclusion and active maliciousness/cruelty. It is difficult for him to forgive humanity for everything they have done to him, for everything that they made him do on their behalf, and for everything he has witnessed of their interactions with one another. He feels that they deserve the fates they seemingly bring upon themselves as retribution for their sins.
Neglecting self care - Nano has a tendency to forget he has a body that he actually needs to take care of until it’s absolutely necessary. He won’t cut his hair or nails, won’t change his clothes, will suffer pain/cold/discomfort/hunger silently, and will not sleep enough. He often forgoes safety and comfort unnecessarily and will make himself suffer needlessly, figuring that if he can survive it, he is fine. The cause is primarily recklessness and self-destructiveness, but even after leaving Toshima he will continue to keep this habit partially out of not wishing to complain to his partner nor give them cause to sacrifice their own needs for his.
Lack of empathy -  Nano is innately bad at reading other people and can come off as heartless and unempathetic even when no harm is intended. He can’t always tell how other people are feeling, and even when he can (especially if the circumstances are petty) he often doesn’t see why he should care. In his darker moments, he can be outright cruel and sadistic, taking pleasure in the pain and suffering of others.
Drug dealing. He doesn’t really do drugs himself (at least not voluntarily) because he doesn’t need to. He IS a drug. He finds it very satisfying to watch people OD on his blood and kill one another to get to it. This is his primary form of entertainment after fleeing ENED. He’ll stop once he leaves Toshima, although the temptation will remain.
Sex. (In a relationship.) Nano’s sexuality is complex. He dislikes people so much that it’s very difficult for him to get close to them or trust them. When single he’s more likely to preferentially choose masturbation over sex with another person simply because it requires less human contact. And if he has sex, it is likely to be extremely casual and either viewed as an instinctual means to satisfy biological drives or a means to sadistically control/torment/degrade/mock. (If he’s topping Shiki, for example, it’s almost certainly the latter category.)
Within a relationship, however, in a way sex is everything. It’s much more than just a way to satisfy lust. It’s a means for Nano to confirm that the person he loves is really there, that they are alive, that they accept him as he is, that they want him, that they are going to stay with him. It’s an extremely emotional experience in addition to a physical one. Joining their bodies is a way for him to feel closer to someone. If he is upset or losing the battle to his inner demons, sex gives him strength to keep fighting… to keep living in spite of the pain. It makes him feel more deeply connected to both the person he is with and the world itself which has otherwise rejected him.
Biting/Blood. Nano has a habit of biting his partners. He has a tendency to mix up the emotions he feels, and often confuses lust with hunger. Sex is very primal and instinctual for him so he tends to do whatever feels right in the moment without much consideration for consequences (regardless of whether his partner likes it or does not). He might bite hard enough to draw blood, because the sight and taste of his partners’ blood excites him. He can get carried away with his emotions/instincts in sexual situations and wind up being far too rough/brutal and subsequently hurting his partners. From a psychological standpoint, he finds drawing blood a way to partially overcome the normal limits of physical separation between two people and thus feels that it brings them closer together. It feels similarly intimate and psychologically thrilling if his partner were to bite and/or drink his blood as well.
Reading/TV/Music/Dissociation - Nano spends a large amount of time trying to separate his mind from his own body, preferring to lose himself in fantasy/imagination that deal with the horror and pain of reality. This habit is so ingrained that it persists even after leaving Toshima. Once he discovers things like television and music, he will binge watch fictional shows and lose himself in music because they have the power to fuel not only his imagination, but also trigger emotional responses that he are either not his own or which he has forgotten about.
Failing to get out of bed/trying to get his partner to stay in bed with him even when they have important things to do (thus making them late for work etc) - Nano feels safe, warm, and protected in bed with his partner. He doesn’t ever want it to end nor to be alone apart from the person he loves, even when he knows they have important things to do and will be coming back later.
Spending too long in the bath/shower - Warm water feels very good to him, and is not a pleasure he is used to experiencing. So if he has the opportunity, he can be indulgent. It feels even more decadent if his partner is with him.
Soft textures - Nano isn’t used to having the opportunity to be picky about physical sensations. However, he generally finds that he is drawn to things like soft sweaters, cats’ fur, soft bedsheets, fleece blankets, etc. He dislikes textures that feel overly starched and stiff because they remind him of ENED, so he will generally avoid them if given the choice.
Green tea/baked goods - It’s a pretty good sign if Nano remembers to eat at all, and at first he has a difficult time even distinguishing between various foods, but he’ll start developing preferences once he is around them more. He finds green tea refreshing, invigorating, and natural. He hasn’t settled on a favorite food yet, but he finds that he generally likes baked foods, both sweet and savory, especially while still warm. The textures are generally pleasing to him. He seems to prefer things that incorporate ingredients like fruit, olives, mushrooms, garlic, or cheeses. He is generally also fond of soup/stew and ice cream, despite the fact that the ice cream inevitably makes him cold. He still sort of has it in his head that he shouldn’t need to have sensual things like food that he enjoys and for a long time will prefer to wait patiently for his partner to give him such things instead of guiltily seeking them out on his own when he feels that he does not deserve to have them.
Alcohol - Nano won’t generally seek out alcohol on his own, but if it is given to him, he will generally drink too much of it. It’s sort of a positive feedback loop where they more he drinks, the more he wants to keep drinking.
Melancholy/Moroseness/Sullenness/Depression/Despair - Nano can be withdrawn and solitary when he falls into depression. Once he begins to overcome his emotional numbness, he will be able to experience not only love, trust, and joy… but sadness, pain, and terror as well. Sometimes the weights of his past seem heavier than others. If he’s left to too much introspection, he will tend to be more existential and tend towards self-hatred and misanthropy. If he starts to succumb to despair he can be outright self-destructive and suicidal. He will pull away from others and turn inwards against himself. If he does not have a solid emotional support that he can fully trust, it is possible that he will once again slip into recklessness.
Guilt - Accepting the fact that he has the power to change his own fate will lessen Nano’s despair. However, it also leaves him responsible for all of the actions he has taken in the past that he was previously able to excuse on account of not believing he had any choice in the matter.  He knows that there is no way to atone for all of the sins he has committed, and so he is increasingly shackled with guilt. His PTSD causes him to be plagued with nightmares, triggers, and flashbacks that can at times seem crippling.
10) Fears/phobias
Nano would tell you that when everything has been taken from you and you truly have nothing left to lose, there is nothing left to fear. But once you have something to hold onto, terror is free to enter your heart and consume you alive.
That being said, Nano has seen so many people die at his hands that he cannot help but imagine how those he meets would look once the life had drained from their eyes… even, and especially, those he cares deeply about. Human lives are so fragile, they break so easily… Surely the ones whose lives he took had others who cared deeply for them, loved them even… What if they took the one he cared for in return? Would he bring about their death by loving them? Or… what if the beast that lurked within his soul broke loose one day and hurt them… killed them even… perhaps they would be safer and better off if they were far, far away from him… yet he knows well the pain of being alone…
So in essence, Nano’s worst fear is himself.
11) Bad or petty habits
Nano is notoriously oblivious to the mundane details of everyday life and social convention. He has a tendency to be overly blunt and honest and thereby shocks and offends a lot of people. White lying is not a talent he has ever had to develop and does not come naturally to him, so he is not very good at it. Never ask Nano a question unless you want an honest answer. For example, his boss at a day job asked him if he wanted to go out for drinks after work to get to know everyone. He replied that he didn’t care about getting to know any of them and wanted go home and have sex with his boyfriend instead. (They were in Russia… he didn’t keep that job very long.)Nano puts on whatever clothes he happens to find first that day (regardless of whether they’re inside out or he’s worn them for a week straight already), he gets lost in his thoughts and forgets to eat, he leaves his keys at the baker’s when he is sent to buy food, he winds up locked out and can’t remember where he went that day and might have left them, he tries to break into his own apartment in broad daylight, he scares the neighbors who start rumors… then they have to move again, he doesn’t really understand why, and he still can’t remember where he left his damn keys… but why should it matter when he is perfectly capable of going through the third story window?
16) Dark secrets/’skeletons in the closet’Ohh, Nano has a lot of those… But to take the inquiry quite literally…
When Nano escaped and went on his killing rampage at ENED, he didn’t just tear off Emma’s arm… he took it with him. He couldn’t bring himself to kill her then because he still loved her in spite of everything, but he knew those feelings were twisted beyond redemption.Watching her severed arm decompose was somewhat cathartic. As the flesh rotted and fell from her bones, consumed by insects and fungi, and was brought back to nature, his feelings for her faded as well. Eventually he buried it, and with it what he considered the last strings tying him to this world. When it was over… he knew he was truly alone.
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