#there is no 'break room' or designated little area where i can sit down and eat it
carcarrot · 5 months
trying to eat my lunch at work is an olympic sport and brother im going for the gold
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nohoney · 6 months
dabi’s pretty baby that accompanies him to get a tattoo. he’s getting a dark cybersigil piece that starts at his right forearm and goes partly onto his hand, a sketch that he had drawn the rough draft for and then let the tattoo artist finalize the design when he was satisfied with the final result.
you sit with dabi in the waiting room after he’s checked in for his appointment, filling out all the paperwork and then waiting for the artist to prep their station as well as the stencil. he’s pulled your legs over his lap, his hands idly tapping some random beat on your knees and you’re staring at the empty space of his forearm, thinking that it’s going to forever be decorated in black ink and it will be the last time you see it naked.
“alright man, let’s put the stencil on now.”
the thin paper is laid out on pale skin after sanitizing the area, carefully peeled back with light purple ink left behind in its wake. dabi rotates his arm left and right, observing how his skin moves with the tattoo. “what do you think, doll? does it look straight to you too?” he asks as he goes to where you sit and holds out his arm to you.
you look a little carefully, placing your hands on his forearm and also carefully rotating so that you can assess the placement. “maybe a little more to the right? so that the spikes line up more towards your nail beds?”
the stencil is readjusted and dabi gives the good to go, getting posted up at the station as he leans back against the seat and is able to rest his arm comfortably on the cushion. and you get to sit beside him, given a chair that you scoot as close as possible to his opposite arm.
the loud buzzing of the tattoo machine initiates the start of the appointment now.
you watch at first with fascination how the artist applies the tool to dabi’s skin, dabbing it in a little container of black ink and starts to follow the lines of a stencil. a funny thought comes to your head that you voice out loud to him, “it’s like you’re a coloring book.”
both the artist and dabi laugh a little at the observation, not necessarily wrong.
outlining the stencil is a much longer process than you thought. there’s a lot of wiping down in between as well before even getting to fill in the spaces with more black ink. dabi has to take two breaks, one for the bathroom and the other for food that you volunteered to walk over to the little burger place that was just a five minute walk away. there’s so much relief from him as he eats two whole burgers and fries with his left hand, commenting that he hadn’t realized how hungry he was now that he’s out the chair. but he checks in on you, eating away at ten piece nuggets with your favorite sauce and drinking a milkshake.
“i’m okay, i like watching. i think it’s kinda fun.”
back in the chair dabi goes in and you also resume your spot next to him. the artist had already switched to the other needle needed for filling out the rest of the tattoo. the last part of the stencil is dabi’s hand, which is one of the more painful areas to get tattooed.
dabi’s face twitches here and there, taking in a deep breath and assuring that he’s fine when the artist asks if he’s okay. you’re holding his left hand for support, also noting how he squeezes a little hard and you squeeze back in silent comfort.
but the design is finally completed, dabi sighing in relief and scooting out the chair when he’s offered to look at it in the mirror. he nods his head in approval at the fresh ink, even letting the artist take a photo to post on his instagram before laying through saniderm over the new tattoo. already knowing tattoo aftercare, dabi gives his thanks and a hearty tip before walking out with you.
the wrap for dabi’s tattoo gets peeled off after a few days and you help in applying moisturizer to his skin until he no longer needs to do the aftercare.
“baby, come here. i need you to check something.” he calls for you, waiting a few seconds as you arrive to the doorway of the bedroom. you’re waved over and you stand in front of him, asking what he needs to check. “just need to make sure the tattoo looks good, that’s all.”
his right hand goes to your neck and you gasp, your heart racing as dabi applies some light pressure to the sides of your neck. you moan softly as dabi genuinely inspects how the new ink looks, admiring the design before he lets go and kisses your forehead.
“yup, looks good.”
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vickyvicarious · 3 months
When a couple of hours had passed I heard something stirring in the Count's room, something like a sharp wail quickly suppressed; and then there was silence, deep, awful silence, which chilled me. With a beating heart, I tried the door; but I was locked in my prison, and could do nothing. I sat down and simply cried.
This is heartbreaking, of course.
But all the more so because it implies that Dracula didn't just come straight in through a window and hand over the child to be eaten. This time is different from before in several ways, all of which seem designed to taunt Jonathan with his own powerlessness even more.
The feeding itself appears to be happening in the Count's room, right by Jonathan's. Or at the very least, he came in through his own window, and then silenced the child and carried it away to be eaten elsewhere. Previously, he seems to have come back in through his own window and then walked through the castle to deliver the baby to the vampire women, but I don't think they were actually supposed to be in that room either. I suspect they're meant to eat down where they sleep usually, because then it's easy for Dracula to come in his own window and go down the stairs to deliver their meals more in the chapel area. There's also a ready place to dispose of a body there if I recall correctly. So Dracula coming in through his own window isn't necessarily any kind of taunt so much as his own standard procedure. But the children being so quiet while they are carried in the bag suggests some kind of hypnotic control to me, or at least gagging/smothering them somehow - they'd be wailing or screaming for help on the trip over too otherwise, instead of only making any noise when the bag is opened. So the fact that Jonathan hears a cry, even if it is quickly silenced, suggests to me that some amount of feeding or at least 'unwrapping' is happening right next door to him. Where he can hear (and then hear the even more horrifying absence of sound) but not reach, thanks to his locked door.
But Jonathan's door was not locked when Dracula left. I suppose it's possible that Dracula ordered the vampire ladies to ensure he was closed up in his bedroom before he returned, and the hypnosis scare was just their way of doing so. I don't really believe that though, because a) Jonathan's breaking free seemed genuine, and b) Dracula doesn't seem to trust them to get that close to him as a rule. I suspect their little dust dancing was not quite allowed, any more than they were supposed to look at or touch him even when he went out of bounds before.
So that means that Dracula probably came back and then locked Jonathan in afterward, right? In which case, he would likely be carrying the child right up to Jonathan's door with him, right up to the very threshold where Jonathan could try to intervene - and then locking him in so he couldn't.
And this is all on top of the mindfuck inherent in Dracula dressing up in Jonathan's clothes to go out and do this. Not only did Dracula ruin any local credibility as a human Jonathan may have had left after months imprisoned in his castle, not only did he potentially create 'eyewitnesses' to Jonathan posting his letters, not only did he potentially convince a mother that Jonathan was the one who kidnapped and killed her child... on top of all that, he did all this in Jonathan's own clothes. He did all this just - but only just - out of reach.
Jonathan sits down and simply cries. Because there is nothing at all he can do, and he has been made brutally aware of this again and again and again. And all this happens even before the mother chases after. Imagine how aware of both their helplessness he was. He knew her child was already dead before she even arrived. He knew she wouldn't believe him if he tried to tell her anything, he knew he couldn't save her either. He couldn't do a single thing, and she blamed him for that, and despite being forced into this inactivity on some level perhaps he blames himself too. Perhaps he is jealous of her - the bravery to act despite certain death being the result of acting; and the release that death brings. But he still wants to live, even if he has no hope he will. And he also surely is aware that Dracula would take personal care of his death or at least give him to the vampire ladies, that his fate would be the same as her child, and his soul would be forfeit as well as his life.
Meanwhile, Dracula didn't even care enough to go down and kill her himself. She was utterly disposable to him, not even of interest as sustenance. It's so deeply utterly cruel - but perhaps Jonathan is a bit jealous of that as well.
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goingmerryfics · 6 months
Love Languages with Ace, Crocodile & Doflamingo
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Content: Gender Neutral reader, no NSFW here.
Ace’s love language, at a first glance, seems like Physical Touch
He’s always hanging off of you, ruffling your hair, giving you hugs or even picking you up off the ground in his back-breaking hugs
He loves affection and cuddling and hand holding, but what this boy really needs is some Words of Affirmation
With all his insecurities he keeps inside, sometimes all he needs to cheer him up after a shit day is to hear that he looks really cute that day, or just a simple ‘I love you’.
He still struggles to believe that he is any good for you in the first place- but at least he feels safe enough to share those insecurities with you
At least sometimes
Sometimes you’ll find him hidden away, isolated in his room, sitting and hugging his knees. He always looks exhausted when he gets into those upset moods, and it’s hard to get him to talk to you when he doesn’t even have the energy to answer when you ask him what’s wrong
You already know what’s wrong, though
You’ll sit beside him and put your hands into your lap and do most of the talking, reassuring him that whatever is bothering him will pass, and that he’s surrounded by people who love him, and that nothing would ever be the same without him around
Eventually he smiles, his heart burning with adoration that you can so easily tell him what he needs to hear
In return, he’s always giving you compliments and encouraging words- especially if he sees you struggling
If you’re dealing with a particularly frustrating task, he’ll squat down beside you (if you’re sitting, that is) and use a calm voice to guide you
“That’s it, you’ve got this, I believe in you. Just take your time.”
Or if you’re having a bad day and feeling down on yourself, he’s the first one to pull you somewhere private
“I appreciate you so much. Don’t forget how much you mean to me, yeah?”
He is so sweet on you. Just don’t be surprised if he accidentally lights up a bit from excessive praise
For Crocodile, I think it’s a tie between Gift Giving and Quality Time is where he stands
I refuse to believe that once this cold, mistrusting, stand-offish man found his person that he wouldn’t use his high status to gift you expensive things
And if you’re not one for the fancy 24 karat gold jewelry and the tailored designer outfits, then it’s the little things
You’re walking with him through town and he catches your gaze lingering on something miniscule in the marketplace. A little trinket, like a music box. Something that reminds you of home.
He stops where he is and you walk into him in your distraction, but he doesn’t glare you down like he would to his subordinates
You apologize, and he doesn’t even acknowledge it
“Do you want that?”
He asks so simply, because it is. If you want it, it’s yours
You walk away with it safely in your hands, and as you smile down at it and take in all the details up close, you miss how he just barely smiles down at you
Additionally, the entire day plays into his need for Quality Time with you
Crocodile is a busy man and a private one too- after all, he doesn’t need people knowing you’re his weakness. While you are perfectly capable of fighting for yourself- you had to be, Crocodile can’t protect you all the time -he still worries, and he’s not ready to face the fact that he might be going soft. Just a little
So at the end of the day when all his work is done and over with and he can crawl into bed next to you, it’s when he’s most at peace
He pulls you close to him. You can smell the remnants of his cigar smoke and his cologne on him. He presses a kiss to your forehead and you both lie in the silence, just enjoying each other’s company before the next morning where you know you’ll wake up alone after he’s carefully slipped out of your shared sleeping area to go through another day of working
While you’re not as busy as he is, he appreciates when you schedule your day around his. If you know he has a free moment at 1 or 2 PM, you’ll take a later lunch so you can surprise him in his office with a home cooked lunch
Wanna see him really blush? Get him some flowers. Azaleas are your best bet, since they’re both a nice addition to remind him of you when you’re away, and also a useful tool in case he needs to… Get rid of someone quickly. 
“These are for me? Hey now, I’m the one who’s supposed to get you flowers.”
He won’t outright say thank you, but he will make sure to give you a kiss
… Are you sure you want this one?
Doffy is a strict Gift Giving Type. He likes to get things, and he gives things if he’s feeling generous
If he likes you enough to make you his person, well you better hope you’re not going to change your mind because this man with Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss his way into your heart
It’s not so much expensive items like Crocodile, but they definitely mean something to either you or him
He knows how money talks, and that it’s very easy to manipulate people by putting something nice and shiny in people’s hands
Would probably use gifts as a threat as well, if you were/had done something he disapproved of
But you would never!
He gives you things because they satisfy him. Flamingo themed or just things in his signature colour to remind you who you belong to
“Here. Keep it with you. Don’t lose it.”
On the other hand, he is very picky about the gifts that he receives from you
If you know his style, you’ll bring a smile to his face when you hand it over- just make sure you wrap it up nicely, or put a cute little bow on it. Make it feel like a present, not that you’re just handing him something you picked up in some dank alleyway
If it’s not something he particularly enjoys, he’ll give you an unimpressed hum and tell you to keep it with you ‘for now’
You’re better off trying again. Don’t give up- he kind of enjoys seeing how hard you work to impress him
He’s more likely to demand gifts from you than to give them
He’s so materialistic, so it better be something impressive- or at the very least, something useful
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straykids-97 · 11 months
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Passion is a sort of fever in the mind, which ever leaves us weaker than it found us.
Warnings: Vampire/werewolf hybrid Jeongin, human reader, degradation, rough sex, dirty talking, unprotected sex, mentions of drinking, strangers to lovers,  lmk if I forgot anything!
Word Count: 1.5k
You were in over your head, as usual. Coming out to the middle of the woods to a party held by a pack of lycans was not the smartest thing you had ever come up with. But, then again, it wasn’t you who had been invited either. It was your friend who managed to secure the invite. As soon as you cross onto the pack grounds, you can hear the party. 
As you walk down the path, you can see a group of houses and at the center of the homes, you can see the lively party. There were more people than you expected, an equal amount of women and men enjoying the cool spring night. There were string lights connecting the houses above the heads of the crowd, a small fire in the middle where people were gathered around. There was a designated area for drinks and snacks, and a little DJ booth with a man standing behind it, fidgeting with the laptop and soundboard. 
“Oh, stop being so nervous. They’re not gonna latch onto you,” Your friend hissed, slapping your arm. You feel anxious still, despite her words. Though you knew they weren’t going to, it still made you feel on edge to be so close to such powerful creatures. “Here, have a few drinks and loosen up. You’ll see.” She put a drink in your hand. Taking a deep breath, you did just that. And true to her words, you did start to unwind. 
The two of you were dancing with each other when a pair of hands danced up your sides, causing you to turn and see a dark-haired man staring down at you, intrigued. His dark brown eyes were chocolate in the lights as they flickered above his head. “I don’t think I’ve seen you before…” He grins down at you, sharp teeth exposed in his white smile. You thought you would flinch, but you don’t as he chuckles, “In fact, I don’t think I have ever seen you around…” He narrowed his eyes before a fox-like smile spread across his face, “I like new faces, I’m Jeongin.” 
“I’m, y/n.” You introduce, “Perfect… Now we know each other.” 
You two dance for a while until you tap out, “I need a drink,” You wave your hand at him, causing him to chuckle, “Sure. We could take a break.” You could see a little bit of sweat in his hairline, and that made you feel better that he was sweaty just like you. Maybe not as much, but still affected. 
You grab a water and Jeongin guides you over to a quieter area, “Is this ok?” He asks, making you bob your head. “Yeah, this works for me.” You giggle, sitting down beside him. “Perfect.” He laughs, leaning back on his elbows on the stairs. “This is my house anyway,” He bats his hand at the house, “So, we don’t have to worry.” You can’t help the small laugh that comes out of your throat, “Ok?” He laughs with you, “What? You don’t believe me?” You shake your head, “Uh, no.” 
He suddenly stands up, offering you his hand. “I’ll prove it.” He grins as you slide your hand into his. “Prove it then.” You can see something dark flash in his eyes as you stand up. “Alright then.” With that, he gently guided you up the stairs and pushed the door open. 
“Kitchen’s over there, living room over there.” He moved down the hallway, and sure he was able to point out the right rooms, but anyone could do that. “This is my bedroom.” He opens the door and reveals a room with the shades drawn. Jeongin flips the light on, revealing a dark bed and a desk with a computer on it. It was bare apart from the small picture frame of what looked like Jeongin and a small family. 
“So… It really is your house.” You giggle, going to the picture, holding it up. “Why didn’t you stay with your family?” I question, making Jeongin snort, “Wolves don’t have to stay with their packs their entire life. I’m in a bachelor pack, with my friends. We all have the same goal…” He trailed off, biting his bottom lip as he closed the door. “And… what’s that?” 
“To find someone to bring home…” He licked his lips as he slowly crossed the room, taking the picture frame from you, and putting it back where it belonged. “Someone worth being with for the rest of our long lives.” His words were hot on your neck as his fingers ghosted down your sides. A soft whimper comes out of your mouth as he holds your hips, pushing you against the bed. 
He stares down at you, cocking his head to the side, “If you don’t want this, say something.” He breathes. When nothing comes out, he crawls to where your face is, “Do you want this, y/n?” You fervently nod your head, “Are you sure? Wolves tend to be a little rough…” A soft gasp comes from your throat but that only urges him on. “If you want me to stop, then just say so.” 
“Ok.” You squeak as he loops his fingers around your jeans, pulling them down your legs until they are off. You shiver as he crawls back up your body, hands running under your shirt until he is pulling that off too. Jeongin unclasps your bra with one hand, discarding it on the floor. “One last warning.” He murmurs, kissing your neck before growling. 
The heat in your groin wasn’t about to go away, and you knew if you went home feeling like this it would have been a long night. 
Your lack of response made him growl and lean away, quickly stripping off his clothes. “You humans are like putty.” He snorts, crawling over you and pushing your thighs up so he can run his erect length along your soaked folds. You whine, wrapping your hands around his wrists as he grinds against you. “I bet you can’t even speak right now your so fucked out.” He grunted with a laugh. 
He wasn’t wrong; your mind was like a puddle of goop. 
Jeongin groaned, rolling his now glowing eyes back as he pressed against your entrance. “Fuck-” He shoved into you, stuffing you so full that your toes were curling. “Holy shi-” You babble, clenching as he rubs against your g-spot. He stops, head sagging between his shoulder blades and a guttural moan comes from his chest. 
He liked this more than he expected. 
Jeongin rolled his hips against yours a few times, before faltering for a moment. You look up at him as he stares down at you, a sly grin on his face. He shifts his hands, pinning your legs to the bed on either side of you, your feet by his face as he angles his hips so that most of his weight is on his hands. 
You gasp as he starts to pound into you, eyes squeezing shut as he slams into you over and over. “F-f-f!” You stutter, unable to get the words out between his brutal thrusts. He was so deep, stroking you just right and to your shock, caused you to orgasm in seconds. Jeongin let out a throaty groan but didn’t stop, fucking you through your orgasm. 
“So stupid,” he grunts, “Can’t even talk. Huh? Like my cock that much?” You bite your lip as tears roll down your cheeks, nodding your head as you claw his forearms. He laughs, cooing at you, “Awe, I almost feel bad.” He picks up the speed, and you press your head between the pillows, crying out a broken moan that almost sounded like a sob. “You get any louder, I’m sure they’ll hear you over the music. But then again, I don’t think you care right now.” He moans, panting into your neck. 
You let out a disappointed whine when he pulls away suddenly, rolling you onto your side forcefully, and kissing your shoulder. Jeongin slides behind you, pulling your hips back and lifting your leg up. Your hand joins his, holding the back of your knee as he guides himself back into your weeping pussy. 
Your whole body shakes as he grinds into you, each stroke hitting that gooey spot inside you that made you sob into his pillow. “Fuc-” He grunts, holding your leg to your side as he pounded into you. “Your pussy is so fucking messy baby.” He groans, kissing your neck before biting it. You moan, another orgasm ripping through your body violently. Jeongin chuckles huskily but doesn’t say a word as he fucks you, his speed picking up as he nears his own high. 
After a few moments, his hips slam into yours, and warmth spreads across your womb, making you mewl as he slowly moves a few times before pulling out. He lets out a breathy pant, “Fuck. Tell me you live nearby.” He laughs, pulling you into his arms as he drops your leg. 
A.N: I hope you enjoyed it! Again, I’ve never written a fic about I.N. so I didn’t want to feel like I was rambling or anything.
Thank you so much for reading! ©️straykids-97
Tag list: @artisticbirb @kaitchan @queenmea604 @bangchans-angel
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thank u luv u xx
for my lovely bear <3 this also was a little sadder than id like but it really comes up at the end i promise.
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
prompt: forehead touches - [ SAFE ] in an effort to prove to the receiver that they’re safe after a particularly traumatic incident, the sender gently rests their foreheads together in a gesture designed to be soothing and reassuring.
warnings: descriptions of a car accident, please proceed with caution.
charles stands frozen in the middle of his apartment, ears ringing as your best friend tries to explain the situation unfolding in front of her. he can hear the sirens in the back, the static chatter beneath her wavering voice.
"charles, she's not conscious." she whimpers, "we're on the way to the hospital right now."
"send me the name, i'll meet you there."
charles has never this sick in years. his mind speeds through every worst case scenario, prepared to see you buried in tubes and wires. he let all his fears take over his every thought as he drives to the hospital. tears are streaming down his face as he parks, voice shaking as he approaches the help desk and says your last name.
"charles!" his head whips around to see your friend, waving him over.
"où est-elle?" where is she?
the sound of your soft voice redirects his attention, head whipping around looking for you. he steps around the doctors and nurses running to and from different bedsides. there you are, under harsh fluorescent light as a nurse places a bandage over a cut by your hairline. your eyes are bloodshut, swollen from the tears. the nurse smiles sympathetically at charles as she cleans up her area and making room for him to come over.
but charles couldn't move. he was afraid that she might break, that he'd make things worse if he came any closer. you look up at him, brows furrowed in confusion as you stare at your boyfriend who is frozen in place at the foot of the uncomfortable hospital bed.
"charles?" you watch as tears continue to fall from his green eyes, and you frown. "charles, please come here."
he hated that it took you begging for him to finally make a move. he takes slow and cautious steps, sitting at your bedside with his hand on your leg.
"how are you feeling?" he asks.
"i'm okay." you assure him, "all things considered, it's just a minor concussion and a couple cuts and bruises."
he nods, inhaling deeply as he lets out a humorless chuckle. "j'avais si peur. je pensais que peut-être-" i was so scared. i thought that maybe-
"hey. stop. don't let your mind go there." you say, fighting back the tears already beginning to brim at your eyes. you've never seen charles so distraught, the fear so prevalent in his soft features. you reach for his hand, fingers wrapping around his own as you try to pull him closer to you. but his body remains rigid in place.
you scoot forward, ignoring the way your legs ache, inching closer to your boyfriend. you take his hands, placing them along your jaw as you do the same to him. you gently bring his face closer to yours, gently resting your forehead against his own. charles squeezes his eyes shut at the gentle gesture, the pressure in his chest slowly being released. his hold on your face is firmer as you both sit there, trying to match the other's breathing.
"i'm okay. everything is okay, amour. okay?"
he nods feverishly, leaning in to press a soft kiss against your lips. "okay."
you smile, leaning in to kiss him again. your fingers move towards the name of his neck, rubbing his hair on the back of his head. you both sit there for just a moment longer, eyes shut with steady breathing, forehead resting on his. there is a sense of serenity that falls over the both of you, a feeling of security. charles feels all his anxiety slip away in your hold, no longer afraid of the worst.
"je t'aime." charles mumbles, eyes popping open to look at you.
"je t'aime aussi."
fluff party!
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gamequeenanya · 7 months
Taking a Break in the Safe Room (Switch!William, Switch!Phone Guy)
Summary: When Scott gets hurt on the job, Henry has William watch over him. William isn't the affectionate type, but he soon finds a way to bond with him that both of them can enjoy!
Everything had been going fine. The children were laughing, Freddy was on stage with Bonnie. The guests were chatting amongst themselves and Scott was serving beverages.
William, on the other hand, was telling Henry that his idea would never work. He'd thought of some other animatronics, and designed the costumes, but they were more like fursuits than animatronics and didn't fit the restaurant's style.
In his rage, William gestured a bit too wildly and smacked Scott in the face. He yelped and recoiled, the tray falling out of his hand. The drinks then spilled all over the floor. Panicking, Scott rushed for a towel to clean it up. But he unfortunately slipped on the floor himself. He flailed, and then fell over backwards, hitting his head on the floor. Some of the surrounding customers laughed.
"Scott! Are you alright?" Henry said in a concerned tone. He rushed over to examine him.
When Scott didn't answer, Henry looked up at William.
"It seems like one of us needs to help him."
William nodded.
"Good luck… I'll be on my break."
"Will!" Henry cried angrily. "You did this. You fix it. I need to get the extra costumes ready just in case!"
Growling, William crossed his arms. Why did Henry have to be so mean to him?! Why did Scott have to be such an idiot?!
Looking down at the scene, William thought he may as well take him to the safe room. It was nice and roomy in there, and maybe he could take his break at the same time. Not like an out cold man needed much.
In the safe room, William nibbled on his sandwich. He sat in a chair he'd stolen from the dining area, and had set Scott on a couch he'd stolen from the game room. He didn't know how the day could get any worse, but he wasn't optimistic.
Seeing Scott move didn't unsettle him until the man rose like a zombie to sit up.
Jumping, William glared and held his heart, pounding fast.
"You scared me!"
Looking around, Scott seemed confused.
"Huh? Where are we?"
William explained the situation, not enthused.
"You slipped on the floor and hit your head. Henry wanted me to take care of you."
Scott could hardly remember what happened. All he recalled was the happiness and whimsy he felt before it all went down. Things were silent as Scott processed everything.
"Uh… S-so, did the spill get cleaned up?"
"No idea."
Scott rushed to his feet.
"Then someone's got to-!"
Stopping him, William walked up to him and held his shoulders.
"No. You can't start to work already. You might have a concussion."
"Huh?" He looked confused, but then sat back down. "Oh… Uh, then what?"
"You are staying with me on your break. Or Henry's going to be angry at both of us…"
Scott stayed silent, hoping he understood. He sat back on the couch and watched William eat. His mind was reeling and not much was making sense. He'd ask for some food too, but he wasn't really hungry. He was already underweight because he didn't eat very much. He'd grown up poor and was used to not asking for stuff unless he absolutely needed it.
After a while, he spoke up.
"So, William?"
"Thanks for taking care of me." Scott smiled softly.
"Oh? It's alright."
Walking up to him, Scott offered a hug. William cautiously accepted it, patting his back awkwardly. Scott's hug was warm, full of affection. William tried to show more affection by patting a little more intently, squeezing his lower back close to his sides. To his surprise, Scott made a strange noise, and pushed him away.
"Hm? Oh…" William smirked. "Come here, Scott."
Smiling nervously, Scott stood there wondering what he should do.
"Uh. Heh! W-why?" He said, already knowing.
And William pounced, wrapping his arms around his waist and tickling him all over. His quick fingers moved from his belly to his sides, up to his armpits, and back again.
"I think you might be a little ticklish!"
"AHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAAHAHAAA!! YOHHOHOOOHOUUUU DOHOOOOOHOOHOON'T SAHHAHAAHAHY!" Twisting around, Scott looked for an opening. William was scribbling everywhere he could, mainly focusing on his sides. "HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAAHA!"
He knew Scott could catch his breath relatively easily, so William wasn't afraid of going all in.
"You know, your sides are very poke-able!"
Grabbing his wrists, Scott pushed him away and took a breather.
"Haha… Heehehe… S-so are yours!" He shot back, and dared to poke William back.
Flinching, William looked startled. He gulped and backed away when he saw him smirk. Unlike Scott, who was used to giving and receiving physical affection, William didn't get touched a lot, which probably made him more sensitive. Scott noticed and got a sly grin.
"They are not!" William snapped. He hoped it would discourage him.
Scott grinned, poking them with both hands. "Wanna bet?"
Since William wasn't used to this, he didn't have good breath control. He was uncertain where Scott would go next. Secretly he hoped Scott would continue, because he was curious as to how ticklish he really was.
"Okay, so you know what has to happen…" Scott said teasingly. He brushed his fingers along his sides once more, delicately, making him flinch. "We're going to have to make a deal…"
He scribbled William's thick hip.
"That's right… You don't tell anyone about me, and I won't tell anyone about you." He winked. His tone was playful. "Got it?"
William just stood there and said nothing.
Scott grinned.
"Oh? Wait. Heh… Or maybe, you want this…?" He teased, tickling William's ribcage, delicately like a piano.
William screeched and wheezed.
He pushed his hands away.
Scott seemed unaffected.
"Am I wrong??"
William huffed, blushing.
"You… you are wrong!"
"Oh really…?"
He scribbled William's neck, making him devolve into squeaks.
William took a defensive stance as he caught his breath, holding Scott's wrists so he couldn't do this further. Seeing as he was taking longer to catch his breath, Scott sat down with William. William seemed upset, so he rested his hand on his shoulder and made sure he was alright. This was the wrong move, as William was ready. He grabbed his wrists and held them behind his back. Then he went for it.
"By the way?" William said, booping and scribbling Scott's sides once again, "Haha… You… You know that this isn't a secret?"
"EEHEHEHEHEHEEEHEHEE!" He squealed, thrashing and trying to get away. "STAHAP! WHAHAHAAHT'S NAHAHAAAAAT A SEHECRET!?"
"That you're ticklish." He grinned, as he tickled up and down his back and along his spine. "So basically you just promised me you wouldn't tell anyone I'm ticklish. I'm truly grateful!"
Scott's face flushed more as he pulled away from William's grip.
"Hahahaaaahaha… hhohhohow dihihid you knohohow?"
Smirking, William recited the incident.
"Don't you remember? Your comrades tickled you at the company's Christmas party?"
He shook his head.
"You came in with the drinks and they started poking you. You told them to cut it out, or you'd spill them! Your voice was strained and high pitched. They knew what they were doing!"
Scott huffed. He remembered being quite proud that he did not spill them. It was his grandma's eggnog recipe, home made.
"W-whatever." He held his sides protectively. The sight of him was quite adorable, a huffy, pink faced little nerd. (Well, only little compared to William.)
William smirked. "Anyway. I'm going to tell Henry you're alright."
He got up to leave, but just to show Scott he had more tricks, he scribbled his fingers along his back.
Scott jolted and shifted away from him, arms in a defensive stance. He pouted.
"You know you like it."
To this, Scott had no words. He looked away and laughed awkwardly to try and lighten the mood.
William rolled his eyes and left the room, checking in with Henry. He told the man Scott was holding up alright.
Seeing that things were ok, Scott pushed himself up. He decided he'd slacked off enough today. Time to get back to work!
…Or so it would seem. Henry stood at the doorway and shook his head. He had a glass of water in his hand. Guiding Scott back to sit down, he made him drink from it.
"I think you're going to need more rest. You hit your head, remember?" He smiled a little through his stern tone. Scott did look better, but he didn't want Scott to push through his pain.
Scott hadn't remembered, but then his body did, pain shooting through his skull.
"Ugh…. Y-yeah…"
Henry had some pain meds in his hand, but Scott shook his head.
"I can't. I'm allergic."
Henry nodded, and gave him a warm cloth instead. Scott eventually relaxed and rested against Henry, who patted his back.
"Heh, thanks Henry. Maybe I needed this…" He muttered.
"Of course you did, Scott. Be kinder to your body and take your breaks when you need them."
Scott hummed softly, and given his body was already very tired, it took that as the green light to go to sleep. Henry smiled softly, and continued to stroke Scott's back, wanting him to rest easy.
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queenofthedisneyverse · 8 months
El santuario de los padres
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Today was a tough day/week, for all of them really. The kids just were a bit much all over…and they needed a break. So, why not have a get together among cross dimensional friends and kids? Parent by parent, kid by kid, they walked through portals and stood in front of the six story Casita. 
There they all stood. Mamabuela, mamaisa, papa Bruno, mamalores, mamabel, papantonio (all by @gamerbearmira), pamamilo (by me), and Mamaluisa (by @yellowcry). Each of them had their own kid/kids with them and the parents looked…tired. But very happy they got this break.
(PS. Papa Bruno is Bruno who adopted Mirabel and Antonio because they were being neglected.)
“Hey luisa!” Mamabel waved at mamaluisa with her 12 year old daughter next to her. Mamaluisa waved back and so did ML! Mirabel (MLU = Mama luisa). Mamabel had 2 year old Antonio in her arms and the rest of her children in tow. 
“Hey tio!” Mamaisa waved at papa Bruno who had his 14 year old Mirabel and four year old Antonio with him. He waved back and so did his nino’s. Mamaisa was busy holding 3 year old Antonio and had 13 year old Camilo and Mirabel with her, as well as 17 year old Luisa. 
“Hola Lolo” Mamabuela waved at mamalores who had 11 year old Mirabel with her and 1 year old Antonio in her arms. Mamabuela had 12 year old Isabela, 10 year old Luisa, and six year old Mirabel with her. 
“Hey tonito!” pamamilo waved at papantonio who had 4 year old Mirabel with him. Pamamilo had 4 year old Antonio, 6 year old Isaac, 8 year old sophia, 9 year old macario, and 10 year old celeste. 
The very ground they stood on was a wide and long land full of luscious jungle. Beyond that was just a beautiful orange sunset. You could see that the jungle did end somewhere but too far for anyone to actually walk to. 
The trees and bushes gave sweet fruit and berries for the kids or adults to eat. The overall vibe was very joyful and warm. A large playground sat to the right of the house and that’s instantly where the kids above the age of 3 went. The older kids could easily watch the four year olds so it was no biggie leaving them alone. 
The tweens/teens such as PB! Mirabel, MLU! Mirabel, ML! Mirabel, MA! Isabela, and M! Mirabel, MI! Camilo, and MI! Luisa ran into the house and into a large decorated room for them to talk.  (PB = Papa Bruno, ML = Mamalores, MA = Mamabuela, MI = Mamaisa). 
As for the babies such as PB! Antonio, MI! Antonio, ML! Antonio, and MB! Antonio among other toddlers were put into a small play area next to the couch inside the living room. The “adults” all sat on their designated cushions and all let out a relaxed sigh. (And yes, I know, lot’s of baby Antonio’s)
“Tough day?” Mamabuela asked?
All she heard was tired sounds that clearly meant “yes”. Don’t get me wrong, they love their little munchkins to death, but please believe that taking care of them isn’t so easy. Especially when you're too young to even raise them…
“Antonio wouldn’t eat his vegetables for two hours” Papabruno pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Mirabel thought it was a good idea to make a toasted pb&j sandwich…almost burnt the kitchen down” Papatonio groaned. 
“Alejandra decided she wanted to see what leaves tasted like” Mamabel’s eye twitched
Parent by parent, they all listed what they went through from the following week and day. It was apparent that all of them were tired. 
“I need tea” Mamalores sighed when she put her hands on her head. A headache prominent in her head for three hours before she got here. 
“I need wine” Pamamilo chuckled
“Tea it is” Mamaisa got up and attempted to go toward the kitchen but someone stopped her. 
“I got it isa, you can relax” Papatonio put his hand on her shoulder and patted it. 
“I’m more closer to the kitchen” Mamalulu stood up, “I can go make it-”
Here we go
“Oh no, you guys can sit down, I can do it” Mamabel raised her hand in an up and down motion. Gesturing for them to sit. 
“I can do it, it’s no issue. Just tell me what tea you guys like” Pamamilo chimed in
“I can go, I don’t mind” Papabruno stood up
“I mentioned tea, so I should do it” Mamalores got off the couch, “you can sit d-”
CRASH….a window has been broken. And what went through the window? A baseball. Yards, miles, acres worth of land and yet the children decided to play baseball…directly near the house. 
And what made the situation funny, is that the outside was very quiet. Eerily quiet. Usually, the outside always sounded like kids at recess. Now?...ghost town. The kids all knew there was trouble ahead and this could be heard from outside-
“Why would you do that?” MB! Luisa shouted at ML! Mirabel. MB! Luisa sounded scared and panicked. 
“I don’t know! It was an accident!” ML! Mirabel sounded like she was on the verge of tears.
“You're gonna die” MB! Mirabel said with blatant honesty.
Inside the house all of the “adults” looked very displeased and stared directly at the baseball. 
“How about we make our own tea and deal with that later” 
Here’s how sanctuary casita works:
Sanctuary Casita has about 50+ rooms inside of it. All of them are big or small depending on the kid or parent. 
Casita is six stories tall and wide as hell seeing as it needs to fit 50+ people. Sometimes the parents and kids stay long enough to sleep there but not all the time. 
It has a pool, LARGE kitchen, dance studio, library, and anything else you could think of. 
Yep, that’s about it. If you have any ideas for what else to add let me know. 
How the au works and Q&A
When the parents get stressed out they usually go to sanctuary casita for a break. 
How did they meet? Still trying to figure that out but it has to do with just a portal opening up in their room. 
All of the parents have a special pendant necklace (that was gifted to them by sanctuary Casita) they can call each other through. All they have to do is touch the pendant with a certain person in mind and they just call them. The kids above four have them too.
Do the other relatives of the parents know the sanctuary world exists? Depends on who you're asking. Papa bruno, Mamaluisa, and Mamalores, Mamabel: No/not yet. Papantonio, Mamabuela, and Pamamalio: yes. 
Do I plan on expanding this au?...sort of? I guess, mostly with incorrect quotes. 
How many times do they meet up? Every week or every other month.
Will there be angst in this au? only by request. Other than that, it's just wholesome family vibes.
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foreversecrets · 2 years
Chapter 1: Home Invasion
Lloyd Hansen x OC (Rebecca Wilson)
Summary: Escaped from the hell of omega breeding rings Rebecca is hungry and tried but her wounds aren't going to treat themselves, unfortunately she stumbles into the wrong abode.
Emma was just approaching the second trimester of her pregnancy but there wasn’t much for her to do besides plan for the pup. It wasn’t often anyone in the pack was needing medical assistance and part of her regrets the deal she’d made with her husband but part of her is gald she gets to be a stay at home mom. With Steve away for the next week for Avenger business, it's the first time she’s truly been alone in five years. She wants to take advantage of this time to start planning out the nursery, they agreed not to find out the gender of the baby, settling with a geographic theme. Steve has been able to shut up about the colorful world map he is going to paint on the wall since the decision had been made, while she finds it endearing his brothers have practically banned him from discussing anything baby related. Tablet in hand she’s using the program Lloyd found her to test out furniture in specific spots throughout the room. 
Scrolling through the specs of a promising looking crib, the familiar squeak of the front door breaks her concentration. She sighs, Steve promised he was going to put some WD-40 on the metal so it would stop alerting the whole neighborhood. She checks the time on the tablet, each day since Steve has been gone one of the brothers has stopped by to check on her today she suspects it's supposed to be Ari but he usually comes closer to dinner so he and Maya can eat with her. She knows Ari well enough at this point to see his timing for what it is, insurance that she's eating properly to provide for herself and the pup. But it's only 3:42 pm, he should be on his way home from picking Maya up from school, a little too early for him to be dropping by.
“Ari, is that you?” she asks as she makes her way down the stairs only to come to an immediate stop as she smells a strange scent in her home, she isn’t able to identify a designation, probably on suppressants. She immediately goes to her phone, finding and calling Lloyd, his home is the closest and he is the most equipped to help her.
“Don’t,” the stranger growls, neither have eyes on each other yet but she’s heard Emma. Emma places her phone face down on the hall table and goes to stand at the top of the stairs. “Come down the stairs with your hands where I can see them.”
The stranger pops out from the kitchen area and glares at her down. The first thing Emma notices about her is the gaping gunshot wound in her shoulder, she’s also bleeding from varying other places. She is covered in dirt and grime so Emma isn’t convinced whether or not her hair is black or not but her eyes are a very obvious green, and she’s far too thin. 
“I’m a nurse I can-”
“Shut up!” the stranger shouts, grabbing a hold of Emma as soon as she is close enough to her. Emma preys Lloyd picked up the call and is on his way, he isn’t the kind of person to openly show emotion but she knows everyone in the pack would do anything to protect one another and she is no exception.
“Please, I’m pregnant.”
“Just shut up and sit down at the table.” The woman pushes her to the dining room table and Emma obeys easily not wanting to endanger herself or her pup. 
She watches as the stranger begins going through her pantry and stealing all their non-perishable food items, stuffing them in a worn looking Jans backpack. While she’s distracted when pillaging the Rogers kitchen, Emma notices movement out of the corner of her eye. Not wanting to draw the strange woman's attention back to herself, she doesn’t move her head until the person comes closer, then she only moves a fraction to see Lloyd. But her movement gives her away and the omega turns on her, this time with a gun in hand pointed directly at her. 
“I’d put that down if I were you,” Lloyd growls as he places himself in front of Emma, out of the omegas line of sight. 
“Or what?” she spits.
“Or my brother, is going to stick you with that nasty concoction.” Lloyd points behind the women just as Ransom pops out from the shadows with a syringe in hand. The woman swings wide and lands a blow to Ransom’s nose, giving Lloyd the opportunity to get the upper hand. He uses the butt of his pistol to whack her on the back of her head, easily knocking her unconscious. 
The stranger knocked out, Lloyd sets about tying her up while Ransom’s, pinching his bleeding nose, moves to Emma. “Are you alright? Did she hurt you?”
“No,” Emma’s voice is shaky as she watches Lloyd bind first her hands and then her feet. She knows some of the men in her life are involved in dangerous dealings and careers but she never imagined they would turn up on her doorstep. “She just made me sit, I don’t think she knew anyone was home.”
“We have to call Steve, Lloyd will handle her.” Ransom promises, trying to coax Emma into calling her alpha. 
When Rebecca wakes up it's in a familiar situation, keeping her eyes closed while she assessed. Her hands were bound but they were bound in front of her so that was something, her feet were unbound on the surface she was laying on. Her head hurt but nothing else did and she was fully clothed, so she suspected she hadn’t been recaptured and brought back to the ring. 
“I know you’re awake pudding,” she recognizes the voice and realizes it wasn’t a dream. She’d broken into a house she’d thought was unoccupied but a pregnant omega was there, it wasn’t long until help arrived including the male alpha voice. The male she was pissed to discover was her mate upon registering his scent similar to dove soap and melted chocolate. Opening her eyes she’s on a couch the alpha sitting on the coffee table pushed too close for comfort to the couch. “Let’s start with something easy, what’s your name?”
“What happens if I don’t want to answer your questions?” She slowly sits up on the couch, a little dizzy. “Is the omega alright?”
“Now you’re so caring?” Lloyd smirks. “You’re not leaving here until I get some answers so take all the time you want.”
“Free room and board?” she smirks. “Why would I answer your questions if this arrangement is already far superior to my current one?”
“Street rat then? You expect me to believe you just randomly stumbled upon Steve’s place.”
“I don’t know who Steve was and I wasn’t going to hurt anyone. I didn’t know anymore was home, I was just getting supplies.” 
“Emma mentioned you were stealing food.” Becca looks off to the side, not able to meet the intense blue eyes. “Your scent is blank, you are stealing food, your clothes are worn down. I just need a name to verify what I’ve already realized.”
“And what have you realized?” she spat out at the pity in his voice. He didn’t acknowledge her question, just pulled her hands into his to remove the handcuffs but didn't release her hands. His calloused fingers rubbing soothing circles into the palms of her hands. “Rebecca.”
“Last name?”
He releases her hands to pull out his phone, tapping a couple times before showing the image on screen to her. It's a missing persons ad from her hometown back in Iowa, the phone number listed was her fathers before he passed after the last time she managed to escape and retreat back home. 
“You’ve escaped an omega ring before, I imagine that’s where you’ve been the past couple years as well?”
“They took me when I was fifteen, I got away when I was seventeen and made my way back to my father. They found me, murdered him and I’ve been stuck with them for the past ten years. It's hard to sell a disobedient omega.”
“Your scent?”
“The drugs they use to control our hearts also block out our scents, but part of me thinks they did it on purpose to prevent anyone involved with the law from sensing the distressed omegas and freeing us.” 
“Well the good news is the drugs are wearing off,” he stands retreating to the other end of the room. “The bad news is you're about to go into heat and we both know what you aren’t saying.” 
She tries to distance herself further from him on the couch despite him having retreated from her. 
“How do you want to handle this?” he sighs.
“What do you mean?”
“Your my mate, there is no way I’m letting you continue to be homeless but we just met and it wasn’t the best of introductions, your heat only complicates things further.”
“You’re going to help me?”
“My brothers would tan my hide if I let you continue on as you have been but Emma is going to need an apology and Steve’s going to be a grouch about it.” 
She carefully stands and moves across the room to where he’s retreated, she has to crane her neck a little to look up at him. Maybe it's because she knows he’s her mate, maybe it's his scent relaxing, or just the demeanor that says he could strangle a bear and not break a sweat or maybe it's because she’s been alone and terrified for far too long, but she stands to her tip toes and smashes her lips to his. When he doesn’t react, just lets her do her thing she pulls back suddenly self conscious, he doesn’t let her retreat though, he plants his hands on either of her hips and holds her to him.
“Listen, I’m not the sentimental soft guy.”
“I can tell.”
“I don’t do flowers and date nights.”
“I don’t want pups or marriage, none of that.”
“Alright,” a smirk is curling at her lips now because even as he’s saying all these things about him that he believes to be true, she can feel his conviction waning. 
“Yeah?” he asks in surprise, but the excitement manifests in how his hold on her tightens. She nods laughing. “Fuck.” he groans before tossing her over his shoulder and heading to his bedroom. He may not be able to give her his mark now but he sure as hell is going to make sure there’s no doubt who this omega belongs too. Her scent of sugary goodness that speaks to the foodie in him is going to be diluted by his own scent until that's all anyone can smell on her, and when it starts to fade, he’s going to fuck her again and again. She is his, titles and signatures be damned.
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damnedmisery · 1 month
𝐂 𝐔 𝐑 𝐒 𝐄 𝐒 & 𝐀 𝐍 𝐆 𝐔 𝐈 𝐒 𝐇 •⊱】
The rhythm of shared silence engulfs me, a drumbeat in the abyss, an empathetic cadence. Healing design emerges through the kaleidoscope of our scars, a pattern woven from shared suffering's threads. We sit in the quiet before the storm, I'd said my piece and braced for chaos. It feels like my claws had grown just for this moment, and I was ready to fight.
The silence in the room was broken by Nicholas's grandfather clearing his throat. He was the eldest of the Agosti family. I remember Nicholas telling me how much adoration he had for him. How he was respected but also feared by many. I’m hoping whatever he says eases the tension in the room. “Mr. Levine, a muzzle is all you need for a mouthy bitch.” I wasn’t expecting that. His words struck me with the sharpness of a blade. They also struck a chord in Malik. “Watch your tongue or you won’t fucking have one!” I was taken aback by him defending me, he is nothing but cruel towards me. One minute he hates me, and the next, he is protecting me. It’s a real mind fuck. “If you can't keep your own in line, how can I trust our future?” He seemed unfazed by Malik’s threat. I gaze at him in disgust, is this truly the person Nicholas was so eager to follow? Someone who speaks down on women this way and refers to them as dogs.
𝙈𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙙𝙞𝙙𝙣'𝙩 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙞𝙨 𝙥𝙖𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙩𝙞𝙘!
As I reflected on Malik's words, I couldn't help but wonder if there was a side of Nicholas I was unaware of. Was my love for him so blind that I failed to see him for who he truly was? That he was just like the men I despise.
I swallow the lump in my throat. This dinner was surely a tough pill to get down. I looked at my father, wondering if he would correct Mr.Agosti for what he said. Considering his wife, Lillian, was also present at the table and I might not like her but she still deserves some respect.
With zero patience and faith in my father, I couldn't care less about whatever else he had to say. I left the table, bringing my wine glass with me.
Leaving them to their miserable dinner, I walk out to get some air. I pass the living area where I catch a glimpse of the wall of family pictures. Whenever I felt overwhelmed, I come here to find solace with my mom, Amelia Levine, my anchor through it all. These pictures were the sole reminder that she existed and that I wasn't always shrouded in this darkness. I lost my mother when I was twelve but it still feels like yesterday. Somehow I managed to make it to twenty without her. Her smile so beautiful and bright in these photos it almost helps erase the final tainted memory I had of her.
I remember I was just a little girl being abruptly awoken from my slumber by the sound of breaking glass and my mother's shouting. Disoriented and confused, I struggled to make sense of the chaos unfolding.
𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶?
𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘺 𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘮𝘦!
I climbed out of bed and headed towards the door when my mother pushed it open. The front of her nightgown stained in blood. I was about to say something but she silenced me with her hand on my cheek. Her shaking revealed her fear and pain.
“𝘓𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘦, 𝘓𝘪𝘯𝘢. 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦… 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘺 𝘪𝘯 𝘣𝘦𝘥. 𝘕𝘰 𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳. 𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘺 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦. 𝘜𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘥?”
With her bleeding out like this in front of me, I couldn't possibly bring myself to take her orders. “What’s going on mom? Why are you bleeding?” I asked her. I was afraid, tears clouding my vision. The blood soaking through her nightgown is too traumatizing for me to withstand. She takes my hand and tries to give me some comforting words
“ 𝘐’𝘮 𝘴𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘺 𝘐 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥𝘯’𝘵 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴.
𝘐…𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯’𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘰 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘐 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶, 𝘓𝘦𝘯𝘢. 𝘗𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘥𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘦.”
She gently withdrew her hand from mine and exited my room, softly closing the door behind her. It wasn’t long before her screams echoed down the hall, interspersed with the dull thuds of blows against the wall. I was trapped, unable to act, and I listened to her pain-filled cries until the very end, my tears flowing endlessly.
I wished it all was a nightmare, and I could just open my eyes to find life simple again. I stand here staring at her photo, looking at her smile but being haunted by the sound of her screams. They drown out everything else around me.
I keep watching those I love meet tragic ends, sometimes it makes me wonder if my love is the reason for it. That I am every bit of the curse that tainted my mother first and then Nicholas. I just couldn't see it any other way.
My heart races, and I struggle to draw a breath. I’m on the verge of a panic attack and I’m trying to ground myself but I can’t. The glass of wine slips from my grasp, shattering on the marble floor. The sound echoes the turmoil of her struggles. What I heard as she fought.
I’ll 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 forget it.
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dsandrvk · 6 months
Thursday, March 28 - Ronda
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We awoke to rain (surprise) but it didn't look too intense, and we decided it was a good time to take a walk down the road and out of town to get a view of the Puente Nuevo from the bottom. This is the classic photo shot, usually with wonderful golden hour light making everything glow. We had to settle for a few brief rays of sun, but mostly dark clouds and rain.
To get there we walked through the old town to the south, passing the bullring opposite our hotel (this side does have statues of matadors) and then hiked down a cobblestone road to the bottom of the gorge, trying to avoid cars and sheep. At the bottom (almost), there was a parking area and a short muddy scramble to a viewpoint. There was another viewpoint, accessible from the top, but it was closed due to construction, so this was the only way to see the bridge in its entirety. The arch in the limestone cliff was another bonus.
As long as we had walked several kilometers down and around we continued all the way to the river, which was running red-brown at flood stage. The fourth shot is the river from the top of the "new bridge" - it's easy to see how impregnable this town was, and why it was one of the last Moorish cities to be retaken by the Castilians. The river here is higher than where we were, since it cascades below the bridge in several large drops.
The rain was off and on (mostly on), and as it got a bit heavier we decided to head back up and visit the other places on our ticket. We headed to the Palacio de Mondragon, which was built by a high ranking Moor. Beautifully designed, with multiple courtyards and patios, and a beautiful coffered ceiling in the formal meeting room, it now houses the Museo de Ronda. I had hoped for some explanation about the construction and use of the house, but instead the exhibits describe the history of humans in this area, from prehistoric times through the Phoenicians, Romans, Visigoths and Moors and on into more modern times. There was a lot on the prehistoric peoples of the area, including a good explanation of how they believe dolmens were built. There is not much of a Roman presence here in Ronda, as they built a city on another defensible hilltop about 15 kilometers away.
While we were inside it rained pretty heavily, and it was still raining when we left. We had two more stops on our route, but when we arrived at the next place it was already closed. It seems that today, Maundy Thursday, is an official holiday, so everything closes at 3 PM. We will try to at least visit the museum for the Puente Nuevo tomorrow before we check out of the hotel and catch our train for Granada.
So there was nothing much to do except stop for some late lunch tapas and make our way back to our hotel to clean up and dry off. In better weather we would probably wander all the little streets in the town, but with temperatures in the low 50's and rain, we chose not to spend more time avoiding other people's umbrellas. There is a procession scheduled for tonight, but it doesn't start until after 8:30 and doesn't end until after midnight, when it finally arrives at a church two blocks from our hotel. It may be too wet for them to proceed - this weather is definitely affecting local businesses, as this is an especially busy week for them, and nobody can sit outside at cafes and restaurants.
The weather looks the same for tomorrow, but if we can get a little break, we will run out in the morning before wheeling our bags back to the train. Looking ahead to Granada, there will be plenty of Good Friday activities there, if the weather cooperates. It doesn't really matter to us, since we are happy just to wander and see the sights.
0 notes
melodyschaos · 2 years
A bit of a darker request so feel free to skip!
But, if possible, could I request for a Macaque x reader(they/them) in which reader is part of MK's friend group and fights alongside them as part of the good guys so obviously them and Macaque are rivals. But has reader like, a really abusive mother, maybe the father is absent for whatever reason.
Point is, the mother is physically, mentally and emotionally abusive, making reader have more than horrid thoughts, one night reader and their mom have a really bad fight and reader leaves, just runs away under the rain and in a state of panic and emotional overwhelm they end up at Macaque's dojo, the shadow monkie finds reader all injured and crying, soaked up from the rain, they can barely for a word but they manage to explain thay they didn't know where else to go as they had kept their home situation a secret from their friends. You can take it from there!
Again, feel free to skip if you don't feel comfy with this stuff and hope your surgery goes well!!!⭐
CW: ABUSE (Physical, mental, emotional) A/N: I feel like a lot of people don't utilize Macaque's ability to hear things in the past, present, and future a lot. Let's change that. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It was a storming night, usual for the spring weather, but what wasn't usual was Macaque finding one of his adversaries curled up on the floor of his dojo crying, and covered in fresh bruises and a good few cuts. They were soaked to the bone, which would explain their violent trembling. Though confused, Macaque goes over to Y/N and kneels down. He carefully puts a hand on their shoulder, to which they violently flinch away.
"Easy kid, it's just me. I'm not gonna hurt ya, it looks like someone beat you up enough. What happened, why aren't you with the kid?"
Y/N couldn't respond, only breaking out into violent sobs. Something was definitely wrong, but first things first. Macaque takes off his scarf and uses it to cover Y/N. "C'mon Y/N, you'll get sick if you just lay here. I'm not gonna hurt you, ok? But I do have to move you." Slowly, letting Y/N see what he was doing, he picked them up like a mother would a sick child. He let their head lay on his shoulder, tugging the scarf so it fit as a sort of cloak. He thought for a second before turning the ground to a shadow portal, slowly moving through it. On the other side was what looked like the inside of a cave. The sound of the rain outside was very distant. Candles lit the area, giving everything a soft glow. Macaque set Y/N on a couch with ridiculously comfortable cushions set on top of an egregiously mis-matched carpet.
"I know, its not pretty, but I've never been one for interior design." He knelt down, putting a hand on Y/N's shoulder. "I'm gonna go get something to make you feel better, ok? Sit right here, and don't go anywhere."
He left to some deeper part of the cave, pushing aside the blanket that acted as a curtain-door as he exited the room. Y/N was left alone with their thoughts for a while before they felt something tugging on the scarf end. They looked over and saw...a tiny little monkey with a red face...skull? Was there two of them?? The little guy hopped up on the couch, tugging at the scarf. Its twin hopped in Y/N's lap, peering at the new stranger. Y/N cautiously reached out a hand to pet the Lap Twin, who shoved their head under the hand immediately. Y/N smiled a bit, feeling the fluffiness of the soft fur. Were they Macaque's pets or something? The second monkey hopped on Y/N's shoulders, rubbing the hood of the make-shift scarf-cloak before laying its head on it.
"Rumble! Savage! What have I told you two about climbing on people? Not unless I tell you to!"
The two monkeys (apparently Rumble and Savage) immediately left Y/N to begin hopping around Macaque's feet, who was holding a steaming tea cup and a blanket. "Alright alright, just gimme a second. I know, there's a stranger, it's exciting, but just give dad a few seconds."
Macaque went over to Y/N and handed them a warm cup of tea. It smelled nice, like peaches. "Don't mind them, they're both little devils." When he sat next to Y/N, he was immediately pounced upon, with Savage tugging at his ears and Rumble attaching to his chest for hugs. The demon monkey sighed, patting Rumble's back.
"So what happened, Y/N?"
Y/N spoke their first words. "I didn't have anywhere else to go...I'm sorry I broke into your dojo, but-"
"I don't care about that. You look like someone's punching bag, and that doesn't happen on its own or by accident."
They went quiet, sipping the tea instead of answering. Macaque internally sighed. He hated to do this, but they'd given him no choice. Closing his eyes, he ignored the tugs and cuddles of Rumble & Savage, pushing out all external sounds and sensations. He could hear screaming, slapping, fists connecting with flesh. When he opened his eyes again, he felt sick to his stomach. He spoke in a much more gentle tone, "It was your mother, wasn't it?"
Tensing up immediately, Y/N scooted as far away from Macaque as they could "Talk to me. Why doesn't the kid know? The pig and the gay nerd would've taken you in, they could have-"
"I don't want them to know! Please Macaque, you can't tell them ever! I don't-" Y/N's voice broke and fresh tears fell from their eyes.
At the tears, Savage hopped down from messing with Macaque. He slowly inched over to Y/N, hopping in their lap. Rumble followed, even reaching up to wipe away the water that leaked from their face.
"Fine, I won't tell them, but you're not going back there. If you're not going to tell the kid, and you have nowhere else to go...you can stay here. I'll find you someplace safe to stay."
Y/N only nodded, sipping more of the tea. It couldn't hurt. Macaque continued, "I'll get whatever stuff you need later. For now, here..." He handed them pain medicines, as well as bandages. "You can patch yourself up and sleep here." He set down the blanket in the space between him and Y/N. "Rumble, Savage." He clapped his hands twice. The two apelings ran over and hopped on Macaque's shoulders. "If you need anything, I'll be in the room with the purple curtain."
"Isn't it a blanket?"
With that, he took the twins and left, leaving Y/N to finish their tea. It might not be much, only a cup of tea and a blanket, but it was a start. Curling up, Y/N felt a small drop of something they hadn't felt in a long time: safety.
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amphxtrite · 3 years
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cedric diggory x fem!reader
warnings: smut, alludes to innocence kink, experienced cedric and first time reader, oral (both male and female receiving), praise kink, daddy kink, use of pet names, alcohol, fluff at the end.
do not read if you are uncomfortable.
summary: the reader has never been with anyone when she transfers to Hogwarts for her last year, what happens when a party, fire whisky and a game of ‘never have I ever’ push her to ask the infamous playboy how to love?
a/n: hey everyone, it’s been a while! bear with me this ones still being edited but I finally finished it so here you go!
hope you enjoy!
Sunlight streams from a window into Cedric’s eyes, slowly waking him from his slumber to throw a stabbing headache at him, a consequence for his activities the previous night. Sitting up and glancing around the room that was not his, the blue and gold accents decorating the four posters made it obvious which dorm he was in, and glancing down at the mess of black hair beside him, who’s was it?
“Fuck, not again.” Cedric murmurs, standing and tugging on his trousers and buttoning up his shirt, walking out the doors as the girl in the bed begins to stir.
After winning the Triwizard tournament Cedric had become almost a celebrity in the wizard world. He was handsome, smart, and now a champion of the deadliest competitions in the world. He gave Gilderoy Lockhart a run for his money at Witch Weekly’s Most Charming smile. The fame was everything he wanted and more, and with the girls practically throwing themselves at him, it wasn’t long before he became a notorious play-boy too, rumoured to give the best anyone ever had, before disappearing the next morning.
Sitting down at the hufflepuff table, next to his mates, Cedric reaches across the table and grabs an apple from a basket in the centre of the table and takes a bite, nibbling slowly as a headache pounds through his head.
“Hello there Diggory.” A voice laughs, dropping down beside the hufflepuff. Cedric turns his head to see Zacharius staring at him with an eyebrow cocked.
“Y-Yeah, what’s up Smith?” Cedric sighs, turning his head and massaging his forehead.
“Oh don’t tell me you were drinking again cap’n!” Zacharius groans, taking a swig of milk from his cup. “Doesn’t matter.” Cedric shrugs, shaking his head.
“We’ve got a game today!” The blonde exclaims, poking Cedric in the head.
“And we’ve got it! I’m only a little hungover.” Cedric smirks, pushing Zach back with his elbow.
Zach rolls his eyes and pulls his wand out of his pocket, “this should clear your head a bit.” He states, tapping the tip to Cedric’s forehead and muttering a soft spell.
Cedric smirks, instantly feeling the cool feeling of the drink’s impact being brushed away.
“Thanks mate.” He sighs.
“No problem Ced, now let’s get down to the pitch captain, we’ve got a match to win yeah?” Zach laughs, grabbing a slice of toast.
“Yeah, let’s go.” Cedric grins, standing and walking out of the cafeteria with Smith beside him.
“Wake up sleeping beauty!” The giggle and squeal of your new roommate wakes you, followed by a pillow to your face.
“Ah- Brinley!” You groan, sitting up immediately, and grabbing the pillow before she tries to throw it again. “Today’s tour day and then a surprise!” Brinley laughs in a song-like voice.
“W-What time is it?” You sigh, bringing your hand to your eyes and rubbing away the sleepiness.
“Doesn’t matter, it’s the weekend and Hogwarts is huge!” Brinley smiles, falling onto her own four-poster and closing her curtains.
“Get changed y/n, then the tour will commence!” She declares like a quidditch commentator.
“I got it, I got it.” You call out, throwing your covers off of you and quickly getting changed, eyes still barely opened as you pull a sweater over your body and call out to Brinley.
“Brin ‘m ready.” You sigh, standing up from your mattress and tucking your wand into your pocket.
“Finally, c’mon!” The brunette cheers, throwing back her curtains and grabbing your hand to lead you out of the dorm and out the common room.
You spent the rest of the day running from class to class, from courtyard to ‘special corridors.’ Seriously, where did this girl get all her energy from?
“Oh and there are some house ghosts! Oh- over here is the Charms classroom!” Brinley continues, tugging harder on your arm and stopping abruptly.
“Brinley what the-”
You’re cut off by Brinley’s sigh of content and legs practically melting beneath her.
“Look.” She smiles in an almost dream-like voice.
Your eyebrows furrow but you follow your gaze over to a group of boys in yellow robes, laughing and shoving each other about, you note the design as quidditch uniforms, they must be a team. You glance back over at the awe-struck girl to see her smirking with her finger in her lip.
“Cedric Diggory, tall brunette with the perfect smile.” Brinley giggles, nodding at the boy in the centre. “Playboy, school golden boy, Hogwarts champion…” She sighs, leaning against you.
“He’s absolutely stunning. There’s a rumor he can get a girl’s knickers off minutes after he pulls them away.” She breathes with glee, undressing the brunette with her eyes. You smirk at her and find your gaze following the hufflepuff’s frame.
Your eyes trail up with chest, taking in his toned shoulders and strong arms before admiring his long digits underneath his tight fitting gloves, how they flex and stretch as he walks.
Finally your eyes fixate on his face. Piercing grey eyes that seemed to stay serious even while he was smiling, the colour of storm clouds over a forest, calm but strong.
Moving downwards you trace down his defined jawline and cheekbones, sure to have anyone crawling on their knees for him. Soft pink lips almost gave the illusion he was innocent, but as soon as they pulled up to reveal a smirk, you could tell he was experienced, daring, the kind of person up for any kind of challenge, even if it meant jumping in harm’s way.
It was a face everyone in the wizarding world grew to know, the handsome hufflepuff that had not only survived, but won the triwizard tournament, he’d managed to get the entire world swooning for him.
“Hey there captain, where are you heading?” Brinley calls to Cedric once he’s close enough to hear.
“Back to the common room, can I help you sunshine?” Cedric murmurs, stopping for a moment.
“I’d like you to meet my new friend, Ceddy, this is y/n.” Brinley smiles, taking your hand and pushing you forwards.
“Well hello there y/n, say that’s a pretty name.” Cedric smirks, reaching out and taking your hand.
“O-Oh, thank you.” You smile, shaking his hand gently as he raises your fingers to his lips to press a kiss to them.
“What do you say we get away?”
“We just met Diggory, don't get cocky.” You laugh, watching his smirk grow.
“Oh, so the kitten has claws?” Cedric teases at your sudden change in tone.
You blush, and Cedric chuckles softly. “No worries, nice to meet you kitten.” Cedric nods, walking off with the rest of his team.
You’re frozen for a moment, feeling the heat grow in your face and in between your legs, did that really just happen? You blink, turning back to Brinley who has a huge grin on her lips.
“Oh I can see this…” She murmurs, glancing back and forth at you and the hufflepuff.
“Didn’t you just say you like him?” You laugh, raising an eyebrow at her.
“I said he’s hot, not that I like him, there’s a difference, kitten.” She smirks smugly, putting emphasis on your new nickname.
“Haha sunshine, any chance we could go get something to eat? I’m starved.”
“Why would you need something to eat when there’s a full course meal right ahead?” She jokes, winking at you with a playful smirk.
You roll your eyes and she slaps you gently on the shoulder.
“Hey! I’m teasing, come on it’s almost lunch anyways.” Brinley giggles, grabbing your arm once again. “After lunch I’ll show you the pitch, I have a feeling you’ll love your surprise.”
Lunch is quick and uneventful, you manage to sit down long enough to grab a sandwich, but as Brinley glances around at a clock her eyes widen and she takes your hand.
“On second thought lunch can wait, your surprise starts in ten minutes and we need to get good seats!” She laughs apologetically, placing a sandwich into her mouth as she pulls you away, luckily with yours still in hand.
“Let me guess, the surprise is a quidditch game?” You question, catching up to Brinely and walking by her side.
“You got me, just thought it would be nice for your first day.” She shrugs, walking out the door of the castle and starting across a grassy field.
“Sounds fun, who’s playing?” You ask.
“Hufflepuff, obviously, and Ravenclaw, bound to be an exciting one.” Brinley squeals, swinging her arms back and forth. “Oh?” You add.
“Ever since Cedric and Cho broke up their games have been pretty interesting.” She elaborates with an awkward smile. “Some people say they still sleep together, but everyone knows it’s because they both get hot and bothered when they’re drunk in the same room.” Brinley hints, raising both of her eyebrows.
“They sound… serious?” You joke half-heartedly as the brunette beside you breaks into a fit of laughter. “Both of them have made it crystal clear they do not want to be together, both of ‘em seem to be impossible to tie down.” Brinley giggles, catching her breath to calm herself before the two of you get to the stadium. “Exciting.” You shrug, beginning to climb a flight of stairs up to the seating area with Brinley close behind you.
“Oh that’s Hogwarts for you.” She sighs playfully, pushing you further up and forwards to find a seat.
“Now, I want a nice fair game, all of you!” Madame Hooch calls to the two teams facing off at the centre of the pitch, every player nods to the referee and she throws the quaffle up into the air, signalling the beginning of the game.
“Here it goes.” Brinley smiles excitedly, practically bouncing in her seat.
You watch in awe as the chasers fly skillfully across the pitch, passing the quaffle with speed and perfect aim, only for it to be cut short by another player who then goes zooming in the other direction. The quaffle is in possession of hufflepuff, then is stolen by ravenclaw but taken back again. Every moment is filled with suspense and when Ravenclaw scores the first goal the section of the stadium filled with blue goes wild. Up above the beater’s are hitting bludgers back and forth, defending their teammates before sending it off to the other side again. Their movements are smooth and strong, hitting every swing on the dot. The keeper’s are positioned defencefully at each end of the stadium, using tactics to save the quaffle you had never seen before. They maneuvered themselves back and forth quickly and forcefully, even taking quaffles right in the stomach to stop them. You winced more than once trying to watch the Keeper’s save each goal.
Finally, up above were the seeker’s flying up, down and around the pitch in full alert for the snitch, both Cedric and Cho had their goggles pulled down over their eyes and their heads snapping back and forth every second. You could see the competitive nature in Cho with her teeth gritting everytime Cedric dove a little too quickly or turned to try and trick her. If Cedric was having fun with this he wasn’t showing it. His lips remained sealed in a tight line and by the looks of it his jaw was clenched, both of the seeker’s hair were blowing behind them even though there was almost no wind, almost blurs compared to the other player’s a little ways below. A yellow blur here and a blue blur there was all you could see, then they would stop, scan for a moment and wait. You nibbled on your bottom lip as the scores began to grow, each team displayed new tactics the other didn’t know and soon Ravenclaw was leading 170-130. Even the golden snitch wouldn’t be enough to help them win, and you could tell there was some slight hesitation on Cedric’s face as he kept scanning.
As if he knew you were staring, Cedric’s head moved for a moment, glancing down over in the direction you were sitting in and among the sea of people, he found you. Neither you or Brinley were wearing any house colours other than the colours blue and yellow painted across both of your cheeks, guess you couldn’t make a decision, he chuckles, flying a little closer to the booth you’re sitting in, and in a teasing manner he removes the outer jacket of his quidditch uniform and drops in down, right onto your lap.
“Hold onto that for me won’t you kitten? It’s getting rather hot.” He shouts, pushing back his slightly matted brown hair and throwing a wink your way. He watches you nod bashfully, before chuckling and turning back to the game. Teasing you was so fun, how could he resist.
Turning back for a moment he catches Brinley nudging you gently with her elbow and your eyes roll as your cheeks go a light shade of pink.
He grins, but then sees it, the score has changed in his favour and as his smirk rises, he dives.
Your eyes widen as you watch Cedric plummet towards the ground. Did he spot it? Did he see the golden snitch? Cho seems to notice this too and begins plummeting down in Cedric’s direction from the other side of the stadium. You lean over the edge of the railing with Cedric’s uniform still in your arms, eyes zipping about trying to find the familiar flash of gold when, out of nowhere, Cedric looks up, and pulls the front of his broom forwards and skywards again. A loud uproar erupts from the crowd at the stunt Cedric manages to pull, leaving Cho gritting her teeth harder and stopping for a moment right at the ground before pulling up again.
Up above where Cedric was heading, you saw it. The golden snitch flutters above the stadium moving from left to right, up and down. You look over at the scoreboard and your mouth drops. 170-150, Cedric had spotted the snitch at the perfect time right as he had distracted Cho into thinking he was diving for it. You’re sitting on the edge of your seat as the chase begins. By now the sky was already changing colours, the bright azure had faded into a mix of baby blue and pink, creating a very serene backdrop for such a heart-racing chase. The snitch was as mischievous as ever, dropping down, moving to the side, up and then running away with Cedric right behind, his fingers just grazing the back of the shining snitch before losing touch again.
Cho was beginning to catch up and her gritting teeth changed into a smirk as she began to tail Cedric. Her arm raises and she begins to push herself further, almost neck and neck with the hufflepuff when the snitch jumps up suddenly, pausing for a moment as if to watch the two seekers practically leave it behind.
To it’s dismay however, a hand wraps around it at the last moment and grips it tight. The whistle is blown and every stand erupts in cheer.
Cedric sat on his broom, panting and throwing his fist, containing the snitch up into the air over and over again. A huge grin is plastered on his face as he cheers in victory and his team swarms him and starts patting each other on the back. The group of seven touch down and cheer in unison as the stands begin cheering a mix of “hufflepuff” and “Cedric” You smile, watching the seeker high five his team mates and push back his hair once again.
You don’t even realize you’re clutching his quidditch robe right against your chest until the scent wafts up into your nose and your eyes slowly drift downwards.
At first all you can smell is faint hints of citrus lingering for a moment, but taking a deep breath the soft but powerful mix of musk and sandalwood cologne fills your senses, you smile. The earthy cologne suited Cedric. Glancing around, there seemed to be no eyes on you, so you raise the fabric closer to your nose and get hit full force by the sweet aroma. It was just strong enough to make your knees go weak, but not enough to be overpowering, perfect. You smile to yourself, but feel a pair of eyes looking at you. Looking down at the pitch again, your eyes meet a pair of sharp gray ones and you know he has caught you. Cedric smirks tracing his tongue over his teeth before turning and walking into the changeroom.
“Hufflepuff won so you know what that means!” Brinley squeals, taking your hand gently and helping you stand. “What?”
“Party in the common room tonight dummy, come on!” She exclaims, tugging you off again.
“But the ro-” You interject.
“You can give it to him at the party, now hurry up!” Brinley cheers, cutting you off and running with you in tow back to the castle.
By the time Cedric and the rest of the hufflepuff team reached the common room, the area was already filled with dancing students, drinks and people making out left and right. Cheers and applause went up for a moment as the winning team stepped into the busy room, before stopping again so the partying could continue.
Your eyes had been scanning the entrance ever since you stepped in, so as soon as you saw the familiar gray eyes and brown hair you stood to get to him but Brinley, already a couple fire whiskeys in, grabbed your hand.
“Don’t h-he’s gonna go take a shower now, don’t wanna talk to him, he stinks.” She murmurs out in between giggles. You roll your eyes and look back up again, but sure enough Cedric has disappeared and you sit back down.
“You sure you don’t want to- drink some?” Brinley asks, lifting a cup to your nose.
“Brin I need to be sober enough to give it back to him, later okay?” You smile, pushing the cup back to the brunette. She mutters a short ‘suit yourself’ in response.
For a while you simply sit on the couch with your leg bouncing nervously up and down, you keep glancing back and forth at the clock and the robe in your hands and as you finally begin tuning Brinley’s drunk rambling out, Cedric emerges from the boy’s staircase in a casual white t-shirt and gray sweatpants. Standing again, you weave your way through the crowd and tap Cedric on the shoulder to get his attention. He turns to face you and a playful smirk lifts his lips.
“Well hello there kitten.” He teases softly.
“Hey Ced, h-here’s your robe.” You manage to stumble out, words getting caught in your throat as glistening beads of water slipped down from Cedric’s damp hair down his cheek.
“I don’t know, you seemed pretty attached to it after the game.” Cedric chuckles.
“Oh, t-that. That was nothing just-” You’re cut off by another voice.
“Y/n, they’re doing a drinking game, come on we have too!” Brinley laughs. “Oh hi Ceddy, would you like to join?” She asks, taking both of your hands.
“Sure sunshine, lead the way.” Cedric shrugs, ushering you forwards and nonchalantly placing his hand on your waist.
The three of you take a seat on the couches again and are handed a cup by another student.
“What are we playing?” You ask, turning to Cedric.
“A muggle game called ‘never have I ever.’ You just take a shot if you’ve done something they say.” He explains, thanking the person who begins filling up your glasses.
You nod and take a deep, trying to focus on your drink and not Cedric’s hand resting on your hip.
They start off with generic questions, “never have I ever broken a bone,” “never have I ever broken up with someone,” “never have I ever lost a bet.”
Soon at least everyone had taken at least one drink, you included.
“Alright, never have I ever had sex!” Brinley questions smugly, watching as one by one everyone threw back their drink with a smile, only to stop on you.
Her eyebrows furrow, “aren’t you gonna take a drink y/n?”
“Oh- aren’t the rules if you have done it?” You question, worried you had been playing the game wrong.
“No-no it is. But you’ve never ‘done the deed’ before?” She asks, tilting her head in confusion.
“Well, no.” You state, shrugging.
“Honey, are you saying you’re in your last year of school, and you’ve never had a good shag?” She giggles, losing her filter with the amount of drinks she had.
“Brinley!” You scold, burning up with embarrassment.
“Aw, y/n!” She coos, wrapping you in a tight hug as if you were a lost puppy. “You’re so innocent and sweet, it’s adorable.” She slurs, giggling and turning back to the game.
Your lips purse and your eyebrows furrow. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to do it, you just never had the chance. You kept repeating it over to yourself as if that would change anything, but your mouth remained sealed and your eyebrows furrowed.
Cedric notices your change in demeanor and leans down closer to your ear.
“Are you alright kitten?”
It may have been the alcohol giving you a boost in confidence, or maybe the teasing you couldn’t stand, but you squeezed your legs together shamelessly right for Cedric to see.
Glancing up at the brunette you shake your head and stand from your spot, you extend your hand out for Cedric to take and he obliges, allowing you to lead him down to a more secluded area next to the boy’s dormitory staircase.
“Is everything alright?” Cedric asks as you cut him off.
“C-Can you help me?” You stammer out, wringing your fingers together.
“With what y/n?” Cedric implores, tilting your chin up to face him.
“Y-You’ve done it before right? A lot?” You continue, feeling your face grow hot.
“Listen kitten, I can only help you if you tell me what it is.” Cedric states firmly.
You swallow your pride and feel your knees buckling under his intense stare, with all the courage you can muster, you take a deep breath and murmur.
“Can you show me how to do it, c-can you fuck  me?”
Cedric’s eyes widen and he has to blink the shock out of his eyes. He’d never been asked to help someone through their first time, he found it surprising you would ask him of all people, but at the same time, it was no secret he had done it all when it came to this and your request had his cock hardening in need.
“Alright kitten.” Cedric smirks, taking your hand into his and leading you up the stairs to his private head-boy room. “If you want a lesson, I’d be happy to give one.” He chuckles darkly.
You can already feel the arousal from his words alone dripping from your core to your panties as you nod slowly. Cedric pulls you into his dorm, shutting the door behind him in locking it.
“Now be good darling, and let me teach you.” Cedric smirks, pinning you against the wall and lifting your chin up to him. “Y-Yes…” You respond shyly.
“Yes, who?” Cedric teases, leaning closer to you and ghosting them right over yours. “Call me whatever feels right, kitten.” Cedric smirks, noticing you deep in thought.
“Yes daddy.” You respond meekly, almost like a question. Cedric’s eyebrows raise and his mouth begins to water at your words.
“Say it again, louder.” Cedric teases, placing his hands on your hips and squeezing tightly.
“Yes daddy!” You repeat louder, watching as Cedric’s sharp gray eyes go dark and his lips are on yours. Cedric groans as your lips mould to his, and he takes the lead, moving you in sync with his movements and tilting your chin for better access.
The brunette had never had a lover call him any nicknames before, they usually stuck to his name as he fucked them, but Merlin was this better.
His hands fly to the hem of your sweatshirt as he breaks the kiss for a moment to throw it off before connecting your lips again, slowly prodding his tongue along your bottom lip as you submissively open your mouth to give him access.
Cedric glides his tongue against yours gently swirling it around, taking in the taste of strong firewhiskey essence left on your breath and the sweet smelling perfume on your skin.
His hands travel down your chest and onto your hips as he drags your pants down by the waist, leaving them in a pool around your legs, leaving you only in your bra and panties.
Not taking his lips off yours, Cedric takes your hands and places them at the hem of his white shirt and you get the message, slowly, you take the soft fabric in between your fingers and tug it up Cedric’s chest, pulling back to maneuver it over his head and dropping it on the ground beside you. Taking your hands into his again, Cedric guides your hands to his torso and chest, inviting you to touch him as he deepens the kiss once again.
You oblige and place one hand on his toned shoulder and the other finds its place around Cedric’s abdomen and on his lower back, pulling you impossibly closer to the hufflepuff.
Your breath hitches as you feel the brunette’s hard length pressing against your lower stomach and you pull away from the kiss for a moment to look down and gulp nervously.
Cedric looks down at you teasingly, watching your eyes go from excitement to anxiety.
“What’s wrong kitten? Do you want to get on your knees for your daddy?” Cedric chuckles, placing his nose against your ear and whispering in a hushed tone.
“Y-Yes daddy, but-”
“Shh, daddy has it covered, kitten.” Cedric smirks, bringing his long digits up and placing two in front of your lips.
“Now show me what you want to do, and then we’ll put those lips of yours to real use.” Cedric nods, doing his best to keep himself upright as you nervously open your mouth and take his fingers down to the knuckle, Cedric swallows his urge to just fuck you right there and bites back a groan as your tongue begins swirling around his fingers. Your movements are slow and timid at first, but you move your hand up to hold Cedric’s fingers in place and begin moving your head back and forth, moving quickly but taking your time to drag your tongue up and down Cedric’s long digits.
“Fuck that’s perfect kitten.” Cedric smiles weakly, feeling his cock begin to throb in desire.
“Does it feel good daddy?” You ask, pushing Cedric back a bit so you have room to get down on your knees. “Yes, so good.”
You smile and pull down Cedric’s sweatpants by the waistband and his hand finds its way into your hair, softly at first, but as his length finally springs free, his grip tightens and you smirk knowingly.
Taking Cedric’s shaft into your hands you begin teasing the hufflepuff’s tip with your tongue, running it up and down his thick shaft as his grip on your hair tightens and soft groans leave his lips. You pause for a moment, and Cedric, sensing your fear, places his other hand on your jaw and gathers your hair into his hand.
“You’re doing so well, kitten, making daddy feel so good.” Cedric sighs contently with a grin. Your smile returns to your face and you nod, taking Cedric’s length into your mouth as far as you could and using your hand for what you can’t reach, and like with his fingers you begin swirling your tongue around, testing the waters and glazing up to see Cedric’s reaction.
Eyes closed, mouth agape, and incoherent curses spilling from his lips, you feel your confidence grow and you pick up the pace, bobbing your head back and forth and slowing down to tease his tip. You grow daring and attempt to go deeper, and as Cedric feels his tip hitting the back of your throat he lets out a low groan and feels his hips rolling gently.
With tears pricking your eyes you take Cedric’s cock as the arousal in your pussy grows and with eyes clouded by pleasure, the gray-eyed hufflepuff smirks.
“Use your finger kitten, and make circles around until you find the right spot.” Cedric instructs, watching your hand travel down past your stomach and into your panties.
You experiment around, slowly moving upwards until you feel it, a sudden burst of pleasure hitting you right in the perfect spot..
“Mmh!” You moan, moving your fingers faster against your clit, finally feeling the need in your lower stomach being satisfied.
Your moans send vibrations up Cedric’s shaft and send the brunette doubling over in pleasure with one hand on the wall behind you for support.
“T-That’s it kitten, fuck.” Cedric sighs, watching your hand move back and forth against your clit while your tongue swirls addictively against his cock.
For a moment, with his eyes practically rolling into the back of his head Cedric forgets ‘the lesson’ and delves deeper into the pleasure, his eyes train on your lips wrapped around him and your fingers moving innocently, still too nervous to go deeper, the feeling of you gagging was enough to get him to snap out for a moment and let go of his grip on your hair.
“W-What’s wrong daddy?” You ask, looking up to Cedric with wide eyes.
“N-Nothing, it’s just time for our next lesson.” He explains, helping you up and leading you over to his bed.
Pushing you backwards onto the bed, Cedric watches intrigued as your eyes fly about his room instead of looking at him and he bites back a smirk.
“That’s enough kitten, lay back.” Cedric commands.
You oblige immediately, slowly lowering yourself onto the soft bed and wringing your fingers together over your stomach.
Cedric pauses, dragging his eyes over your body and taking in every curve, you feel the insecurity bubble in your stomach and you move your hands to hide it, when Cedric grabs them and whispers a simple, “don’t, you’re beautiful.”
Your face flushes red and you allow Cedric to place your arms at your side before hooking his fingers on the sides of your soaked panties and pulling them down.
The full scent of your arousal hits him full force and the sight of it glistening all for him made the wish to just drop to his knees now unbearable.
“Okay kitten. I want you to spread your legs and play with your clit again.” Cedric orders, stepping back and crossing his arms.
“Spread your legs and fuck yourself with your fingers, kitten.” Cedric repeats, watching in amusement as your eyes widen and your lips purse nervously, legs spreading and fingers finding themselves on your clit nevertheless.
“L-Like this daddy?” You ask, gently teasing your fingers down your slit.
“Faster kitten.” Cedric replies plainly, smirking to himself.
You gasp suddenly as your digits begin to pick up the pace, moving in circles around your throbbing clit. “L-Like this?” You pant, throwing your head back gently as the pleasure
“That’s perfect darling. How does it feel?” Cedric smirks.
“Good. So-So good!” You squeak, curling your toes at the euphoria rushing through your abdomen and through your veins as you push your fingers faster and faster.
Your hips buck upwards and your panting grows heavier as your thoughts and movement begin to grow erratic. Cedric licks his lips and steps forwards, lowering himself down onto his knees and prying your hand away, he watches in delight as your eyes widen in confusion at him, your mouth opening and closing as you try to regain your thoughts.
“Just relax, kitten.” Cedric coos, inching closer and licking a thick stripe up your core, lingering seductively on your clit as he pushes it around with his tongue.
“O-Oh fuck.” You moan, tightening your grip on the sheet as you watch Cedric suck gently on the sensitive bud. His large calloused hands massage your thighs as he works, gently caressing them as they shake in pleasure.
He shifts his attention downwards, letting his tongue slide down until he reaches your slit and then, agonizingly slowly, he begins to dip the tip of his tongue in and out, again and again, watching you shake and whine impatiently, waiting for you to break.
You try to pull him closer to you by burying your hand into his hair and tugging on him, but he keeps his pace, no matter how hard you buck your hips or grind down on him he persists until finally you beg.
“Please daddy, please. I-I need you! Fuck go faster.” You cry in pure need.
Cedric smirks to himself victoriously and obliges.
“Whatever my princess wants.”
As if a switch was flipped Cedric begins darting his tongue out as quick as he could, going in and out and lapping up and down.
The hufflepuff moves his hand from your thigh and begins slowly teasing you as his tongue swirls around your clit. You whimper at the feeling of his fingers sinking into your slit and grind your hips instinctively at the feeling. Your core clenches as Cedric’s digits pick up the pace, your mouth parts over and over again, trying to find your voice, but no words come out. You couldn’t think, couldn’t move, all you could feel was Cedric fingers thrusting in and out of you and his tongue sending delicious shockwaves up your stomach it was too much, but it felt so fucking good. You could feel your body clench and something tightening inside you that kept tugging everytime Cedric’s fingers slammed back into you.
Cedric chuckles to himself, sending even more vibrations up your core. He knew what was coming. Your breathing was growing erratic, your hips were bucking and you were squirming around in his grip.
“Do you feel that kitten?” He smirks, watching as you nod vigorously.
“Let go, darling. Relax.” Cedric hushes in a soft tone.
His fingers don’t stop as you finally give in, white flashing your vision as you cry and feel your release, crying Cedric’s name over and over again as he helps you ride out your high.
“Beautiful darling.” He murmurs, cleaning you off with his tongue as you whimper in response.
“How are you feeling? We can stop if-”
You cut him off.
“No! P-Please daddy, it feels so good I want more.” Your eyes widen at your own words and your face flushes a deep shade of red, you look down.
Cedric’s eyes widen for a moment before his grin returns and he nods.
“Very well then.” He murmurs, ditching his sweatpants that were wrapped around his ankles and climbing onto his bed.
Pushing you back gently he positions himself above you and takes his lips into yours in a soft kiss, waiting for you to return it.
Your eyes close and you tilt your head to the side, allowing Cedric to part his lips and tease his tongue along yours.
You breathe sharply in through your nose as the taste of your pussy still lingers on Cedric’s lips, but you find yourself moaning at the sensation, wrapping your arms around Cedric’s neck to pull him closer to you.
His hands move to your back where he skillfully unclips your bra, breaking the kiss for only a second as he pulls it from your arms and tosses it away.
Before you even realize it his lips are on your again, harder this time and far more passionate, he moves his lips slowly but fully, making you moan in satisfaction.
You feel your arousal grow again as heat builds up in your core, you swing your legs impatient around Cedric’s torso in a wordless plea to fuck you.
Cedric smiles into the kiss and without removing his lips from yours he uses his hands to loosen the grip from your legs and place them back on his bed. He pushes them apart and gets himself into position, before slowly pushing his length into you. You drew a sharp breath as he pushed deeper into you, but the sharp feeling went away almost immediately as you shifted yourself into a more comfortable position.
Cedric has to restrain himself from starting as he waits for your permission to start. Being your first time, he didn’t want to accidentally hurt you, or start before you were ready.
He lets out a breathy groan, you wrapped around him so perfectly, he had to pull away from your lips for a moment to bite his lip.
You capture his lips back into yours and whisper softly for him to start, Cedric doesn’t hesitate and begins to roll his hips in and out, building speed with each thrust of his hips.
“Fuck kitten you feel so good.” He moans, moving his lips to your neck and sucking on the sensitive skin as you sigh in pleasure.
Your breathing came out in rough pants with each thrust from Cedric’s hips, mixing with moans of ecstasy as he filled you up each time, hitting the spot deep in you that had your toes curling and your head lolling back.
“Faster daddy please!” You cry as Cedric nods and quickened his pace making shallow but thorough thrusts and sent vibration all the way up your body and through your veins.
“F-Fuck right there.” You beg, holding onto Cedric’s back like your life depended on it.
“You’re doing so well for me kitten, f-fuck.” Cedric praises causing light shivers to go down your spine.
You whimper softly.
Cedric chuckles softly as he buries his neck in your neck again and bucks his hips, burying himself fully causing a sharp gasp.
“Kitten you feel so good wrapped around my cock, Merlin I could fuck you for days.” The brunette murmurs darkly.
Your face darkens even more and you can only squeak out a small ‘thank you’ before Cedric begins snapping his hips back and forth again.
“Oh- oh fuck.”
“You like it when I praise you kitten? Tell you how perfect you feel while I fuck you.” Cedric taunts, pressing hard kisses down your neck.
“Yes daddy, I love it!” You shout, tightening your grip on his back as Cedric thrusts faster and harder
The tight sensation in your stomach was back and it was getting harder to hold in your climax with Cedric thrusts still hitting your core perfectly.
“D-Daddy, I’m so close.” You pant, arching your back and dropping your head into the pillows below you.
“I-I’m almost there kitten, you’re doing so well.” Cedric breathes, moaning in pleasure as you clench suddenly, trying to keep your release at bay.
“It’s alright darling, cum for me love.” Cedric murmurs, connecting your lips once more as his thrusts grow slower. You nod firmly, arching your back and feeling your eyes roll back as ecstasy pulses through your being.
The shockwaves from your release and the sound of your voice shouting his name pushes Cedric over the edge and after one final thrust his vision flashes.
“Oh fuck y/n.” He moans, slowly rolling his hips to ride out his high.
Cedric smiles as he finishes, collapsing gently beside you.
“How was it, kitten?” Cedric asks teasingly, placing his hand on your cheek.
“W-Wow.” You mutter after a moment. “It was perfect Ced, I learned so much.” You smile.
“That's great kitten, you did… amazing.” Cedric smirks, finding his voice getting caught in his throat as he speaks.
You glance out the window and see darkness pouring through the glass panes.
“M’ getting tired Ced.” You sigh, getting ready to throw the covers off and try to get back to your room.
“Hey, hey. It’s alright. You can stay here, I’ll clean you up.” The hufflepuff insists, sitting up suddenly and grabbing his wand.
You nod and close your eyes for a moment, he murmurs a spell and when you open your eyes again you are cleaned off and Cedric was walking towards you with clean clothes, wearing his sweatpants again.
“Here, I-I’ll get you some water.” he smiles, laying a large t-shirt and a pair of his boxers onto the bed.
You nod meekly and sit up carefully to grab the clothing.
Shrugging on the shirt, you watch as Cedric makes his way to his door.
“Thank you by the way.” You sigh hoarsely, smiling to yourself.
“Yeah, no problem. I’ll be back in a moment.” Cedric nods, opening the door to his dorm and leaving.
“Godric…” Cedric sighs to himself as he leaves. For a moment he leans on the door and just breathes. This was just supposed to be a ‘lesson.’ A one night thing where you’d be together one night and forget. But, how was he going to forget? The way you touched his skin, said his name, called him ‘daddy.’
By the time he reached the common room the party had died down to only the hufflepuff students who were either passed out or cleaning up.
The refreshments table still had a few pitchers of water no one had touched so Cedric grabs one and two cups before turning and walking towards the stairs.
When he returned you were half passed out on his bed, your eyes flutter lightly as he walks in and Cedric can’t help but smile. You look so beautiful lying there, exhausted, but absolutely stunning.
“Hey, I brought you something to drink.” He whispers, pouring you a drink before helping you sit up.
“Mm-” You nod, taking the cup from his hand and drinking it.
The cool water feels amazing down your dry throat, you smile and thank him again before handing the cup back to him and collapsing back into bed.
“I-I’ll sleep on the floor.” Cedric mutters, placing the cup onto his bedside stand.
“No- Can you stay with me, please?” You murmur out suddenly, shifting to the side of the bed and snuggling yourself into his blanket.
“Yeah, of course.”Cedric smiles, sitting beside you before laying and getting situated in the covers.
You turn as soon as he’s comfortable and cuddle yourself into his chest.
“G’night Cedric.” You yawn, feeling your fatigue pull you into unconsciousness.
“Goodnight y/n.” The hufflepuff murmurs, wrapping his arms around your torso and resting his chin over your head.
There was something soothing about your breathing, the scent of your hair, the feeling of your skin against his. Something about you felt right, you felt perfectly sculpted against him.
Almost, ethereal.
But you deserved so much better than him. More than a playboy that has used every trick in the book. More than someone who could barely remember his nights because of alcohol. More than him.
You were innocent, more or less, compared to him. You still had a chance.
He sighs, pulling you closer to him.
For tonight though it didn’t matter, you were asleep peacefully in his arms and he was there with you. You could make the choice in the morning. But for now he was here, with you.
And that was all that mattered.
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 3 years
Nia just needed a friend to do a hard mall trip. Trying out dresses. For a formal dance. And hey, maybe Lena and Kara are mad at each other but... She just needs Lena okay?
When Lena receives a call from an unknown number, she almost ignores it. But just enough people spread her phone number that she answers it on the off chance it might be someone who needs her.
“Lena Luthor, how can I help you?”
“Lena, please don’t hang up.”
The voice is familiar, but Lena can’t place it until the voice continues.
“It’s Nia. Nia Nal? And I know--” Lena almost hangs up right then-- not because it’s Nia, but because Nia treads dangerously close to a subject Lena is dead set on avoiding. Almost. “I know you have no reason to take my call, but… I need your help.”
Lena almost hangs up. She doesn’t.
“What do you need?”
The crisis, Lena learns, is that Nia has been given the assignment of her life covering the Golden Globes ceremony being hosted in downtown National City, but has nothing even remotely appropriate to wear. The mundanity of it all is so far from what Lena expects that it’s long moments before the words fully register.
“Uh, Lena…?”
“I’m here,” Lena says quickly, clearing her throat. She leans forward in her chair, rattling off an address. “Meet me there tomorrow at 11am.”
The next day, a few minutes after eleven, Nia walks up to Lena outside of Sylvie with hesitation all over her face. “Lena?”
Lena tucks her phone away and turns towards Nia with a professional but bright grin. “Nia, you made it.”
“Uhm, yeah actually… I kinda thought I’d gotten lost…”
Lena looks at her in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“Lena, I can’t afford anything on this boulevard, are you crazy??”
“You’re not paying,” Lena says simply.
Wide eyes blink at her in shock. “What? No! No, Lena, I can’t ask you to do that--”
“I’m offering.”
“Look, I was thinking we could just go to the mall--”
“The mall.”
Nia quails under Lena’s judgement, and Lena softens.
“Nia, you are about to be on the red carpet, covering an event that could catapult your career into the stratosphere. I think that warrants something a little more than what a department store can offer.”
“But…” Nia continues to protest, but uncertainty colors her features, and Lena knows she’s slipped under her guard. Carefully, Lena places a hand on Nia’s wrist.
“I won’t force you to accept what I’m offering,” she says gently. “But calling a Luthor for help means calling for a Luthor solution-- and nothing says Luthor more than shopping at the best boutique in town.”
Nia nods, but she ducks her chin with a swallow. “It’s just…”
“Just what?”
“I don’t want you to think that’s why I called, you know?” Nia expels a sigh, working a harried hand through her hair. “It’s just that Kara was supposed to come with me for moral support, but she’s had to cancel four times and the ceremony is in three days and if Andrea hears one more time that I don’t have a dress, she’s going to kill me…”
“Nia,” Lena says softly. Nia stops, and meets Lena’s gaze with a hesitant one of her own. “I would never think you were calling for a hand out. I’m offering.” Nia still looks uncertain, but Lena holds her gaze. “You asked for help… so let me help.”
Nia considers her words, studying Lena carefully. Finally, she wraps her arms around herself with a steadying sigh. “If you’re sure…”
“I’m sure.”
Nia follows a few paces behind as Lena turns and approaches the door to the shop, lingering to let Lena be the one to press the buzzer to be allowed in. But as they near, the door opens for them, ready and waiting to admit them.
Luthors don’t use buzzers.
“Welcome to Sylvie.” A pair of well groomed attendants relieve them of their purses, exchanging their bags for a couple flutes of champagne offered by a third.
“Thank you,” Lena replies easily, well versed in the practice. Nia fumbles a step behind, her movements stiff and uncertain. Instead of moving directly into the belly of the store as she usually did, Lena lingers, allowing Nia the chance to take in the shop for the first time. The showroom looks much like any other, as could be glimpsed through the windows, styled with clean lines and immaculately dressed mannequins. The true Sylvie experience, however, happens further in, beyond the curtains that separate the dressing rooms from the rest of the store.
“If you’ll follow me, ladies, I’ll show you to your dressing room.”
Lena wonders what Nia expected as they approached one of the curtained off areas. Perhaps a cramped alcove like the hollywood thrift stores shown in coming-of-age films, where your elbows knocked the walls as you changed and you’d be lucky to find a stool to put your own clothes. Certainly it isn’t the plush, spacious room that awaits them, if Nia’s wide eyes are anything to go by.
Charnelle waits for them at the curtain. “Welcome, ladies,” she greets, parting the curtain so that Lena and Nia can slip inside. “Lena, lovely to see you again.”
“And you,” Lena returns.
“I’m Charnelle,” she introduces herself to Nia. “Wonderful to meet you. I’ll be assisting the two of you today.”
“Thankyousomuch,” Nia says in a rush, her shoulders tight as she shakes Charnelle’s offered hand.
Charnelle allows the curtains to close behind them, isolating them in their own little pocket of divine luxury. Lena settles herself on the central chaise lounge, folding her legs elegantly before her. Nia perches on the edge beside her, her gaze flicking to the small boudoir in one corner and another curtain that shields the actual changing area. Inside there, Lena knows Nia will find a plush bench to sit on as she undresses, and gold hangers to hold her clothes while she tries on various gowns. It’s designed to be beyond comfortable, a place where one could spend hours-- and lots and lots of money.
“So, what do you have for us today, Lena? Another benefit gala to dazzle?”
“Actually,” Lena replies, “Miss Nal here is covering the Golden Globes this week for CatCo Worldwide.”
“How exciting!” Charnelle rounds on Nia. “And what are you looking for in your gown?”
Caught with a mouthful of champagne, Nia freezes, then swallows audibly. “Um…” she coughs out. “Something nice? I probably shouldn’t be outdressing the stars or anything, so nothing too crazy?” She shrugs. “I don’t know, exactly.”
“Charnelle,” Lena intercedes, “could you bring us some formal options in black, maroon, or blue? Floor length, of course.”
Charnelle nods, beaming. “Absolutely.” She gives Nia a wink. “She has your colors nailed, honey. What are your measurements?”
Nia stares at them both. “Uh. A six, usually?”
“They’ll need your measurements to ensure a proper fit,” Lena delivers gently. “Do you mind if Charnelle--?”
“I’m trans!” Nia blurts, her chinks coloring a solid ear-to-ear pink. “Sorry,” she adds quietly. “But-- yeah. Just so you know.”
Lena stares, surprised more by the outburst than its content, but Charnelle takes it in stride. “So am I, baby girl,” she responds smoothly. “That doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to have a dress that fits.”
Breathing a sigh of relief, Nia finally, finally relaxes. She offers a shaky grin. “Okay. Yeah. Let’s do this.”
Charnelle gives Nia’s wrist a squeeze on her way to the boudoir to pull a tape measure from the top drawer. While she’s busy, Lena catches Nia’s eye and lifts her glass in a silent cheers of support. Nia rewards her with a small smile, before Charnelle returns and makes quick work of measuring Nia’s bust, waist and hips.
“All right!” Charnelle chirps, wrapping up her tape. “I’ll be right back with some options. You two stay here and get comfortable, all right? I’ll be right back.”
She disappears, and Nia all but collapses onto the chaise next to Lena. “I can’t believe I did that,” she groans.
Lena pats her on the knee. “You’re all right. Sylvie only gets my business because they know the value of discretion.”
“Yeah.” Nia lifts her head with a hum, surveying the dressing room once more. “This is nice. Thank you for talking me into it.”
Lena smirks. “Just wait.”
As if on cue, the curtains part to admit not Charnelle, but the woman who’d offered them their drinks. This time, her tray holds an array of small finger sandwiches. “Refreshments?”
“Oh, wow!” Nia exclaims, quickly helping herself to three. “Okay, yeah. I could get used to this.”
Lena grins, snaring a cucumber sandwich for herself. “Thank you. And another round, if you could,” she adds, seeing Nia’s empty glass.
The woman nods. “Of course.”
When she has disappeared again, the dressing room fills with quiet, and Lena realizes that she doesn’t have a clue what to say. She’s gone shopping with her mother, and with Andrea, and in both cases the conversation flowed easily, for better or for worse. But she’s never been shopping with a girl several years her junior, and never one in the middle of Lena’s biggest heartbreak.
“It happened the last time I went shopping for a dress too,” Nia says, breaking the silence. “The anxiety about… you know. I guess something about formal wear brings out the worst of it.”
Unsure of how to respond, Lena looks at her. “When was the last time?”
Nia sighs. “Prom. I’d transitioned by then, and most people were used to me, but I didn’t have a date, and part of me just internalized it as a fixture of me not being girly enough, and not, you know, the fact I didn’t know how to talk to boys, let alone date them. I didn’t even know if it was worth it to go at all, and I just-- started crying, right there in the dress shop.”
“What happened then?” Lena asks gently.
Nia smiles fondly. “My mom. She just hugged me, and told me how proud she was to have such a beautiful, confident daughter. It was sort of embarrassing at the time, but… it was something I needed to hear, you know?”
She pauses then as the server returns with their champagne. Afte the woman dips out again, Lena nudges her. “And did you ever find a dress?”
Nia snorts, nodding. “Yeah. Like, two minutes after I calmed down I found my dream dress. And my friends and I had a blast at prom, so I’m glad I went after all.”
“Good,” Lena murmurs, sipping her drink. “Well, I can’t promise anything about a dream dress, but I’ll call it a win if we get out of here without any tears.”
“Cheers to that,” Nia concurs, lifting her own glass for a deep sip.
In that moment, Charnelle returns, wheeling a short cart of long dresses along with her.
“All right, ladies-- who’s ready to see some gowns?”
Nia settles on a bias-cut gown of sky blue, accented with beaded embroidery at the bust and straps. It may not have qualified for dream status, but it’s perfect for the Globes, and Lena can tell Nia is excited by the time they step back out onto the street, garment bag draped over her arm.
“Thank you, again,” Nia offers, hiking her purse higher on her shoulder. “You really didn’t have to do all this, especially with how weird things are right now. I know it probably wasn’t easy to say yes when I called last night.”
Lena blinks. It honestly hadn’t occurred to her to say no. “Nia?”
“Why did you call me?” It’s her turn now to shift uncomfortably on her feet. “I’m always happy to help, but… as you say, things are weird. Why me?”
“Honestly?” Nia asks. Lena nods. “You remind me of my mom. I can’t begin to tell you how or why, but you do. And the thing is… my mom was probably the kindest person I’ve ever known. So-- if you reminded me of her, I figured you were a pretty safe bet. And the worst you could do was hang up on me, so…”
Lena nods, her throat locking painfully around a sudden lump in her throat. Forcing a smile, she clears her throat. “Okay. Well… I’m glad I was able to help. Are you okay to get home?”
Nia nods easily. “Yeah, I’ll just catch the bus. Thank you again. This was really nice, and it was really good to see you.”
Lena nods, but before she can turn away, Nia catches her by the wrist.
“I mean it, Lena. I owe you one. If you ever need anything…”
Lena turns her wrist, allowing her hand to settle into Nia’s palm. Giving it a squeeze, Lena offers her a smile.
“I know who to call.”
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Portrait of a Dangerous Man🎨2
Warnings: (series) non-consent sex and rape; slow creep; cucking; (this chapter) nothing as yet.
This is dark!mob!Clark Kent x reader and explicit. 18+ only.  Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Synopsis: Your dream of having your work hung in an art show comes true but your first buyer is not all he seems to be.
Note: Thank you for your positive response to this one! I hope you enjoy what I have in store.
Thanks to everyone for reading and thanks in advance for all your feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 As usual, I’d appreciate if you let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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Your Spotify list of redundant tracks flowed through the apartment as you sat typing at your small desk in the corner of the front room. The boxy space was as oppressive as any office space, another reason for your voluntary work at the gallery. Vanessa let you in the studio to paint. Without the privilege, you wouldn’t have the space for your easel.
You stretched your fingers and rubbed your eyes. You felt dizzy from staring at the screen, even with night mode on. The work was monotonous and made you restless. You wanted a pencil or brush in hand, a canvas before you, not this blaring laptop. You yawned and took a sip of your lukewarm water.
Your phone vibrated from across the room and you checked the time. Your lunch started soon but no one was really keeping track. As long as you got your assignments done, it didn’t matter when you chewed on toast and disassociated.
You got up and grabbed your phone from the corner table and leaned against the arm of the couch. You remembered how Marcus woke up there and grumbled as he lifted his head in pain. You couldn’t really feel bad for him going into work hungover. He embarrassed you and it didn’t quite sink in until after Clark left you to stare down at your drunk boyfriend.
An unknown number showed on your screen and you answered tentatively, ready to hang up at the first sales pitch. Your name came from the speaker and you recognized the deep voice in an instant. It took you back to the night before and the canvas hung on the wall.
“I hope I’m not disturbing you,” Clark said, “I only just had the paintings hung and I thought… well, I thought you might like to come see them in their new home.”
“Um…” you chewed your thumb, uncertain how to respond.
“Sorry, I know I can be a bit… to the point,” he laughed at himself, “how are you?”
“I’m good, just… taking a break.”
“You working?”
“Yeah, but I work from home,” you said as you touched the side of your neck, “I could… I could come see them but it might be a while before--”
“When are you finished work?” he asked bluntly.
“Four but I… maybe another day.”
“I don’t mean to be pushy but I did have something else to speak with you about,” he said, “a commission, like I mentioned.”
“I kinda wanna get it started sooner than later, it will probably be pretty time-consuming,” he explained and you heard a clink and a soft sip, “I don’t wanna get into details on the phone but I promise, you will be compensated nicely.”
“You can’t wait until tomorrow?” you wondered.
“I suppose I can but it’d have to be during the day,” he responded, “why don’t you take some time to figure it out and get back to me by two? You can text me through this number.”
“Erm, sure,” you said uneasily, “I’m sorry, it’s just… very sudden, I don’t--”
“You can bring the boyfriend,” he said casually, “if you like.”
“He won’t be… home,” you said carefully, “I’ll let you know. Thank you.”
“I look forward to hearing from you,” he replied, “have a good day.”
“You, too,” you said and the line died.
You put your phone down and took a moment. Good things rarely happened to you. You struggled so long it was hard to think that might change. The skeptic in you told you there was something behind it all. That it couldn’t possibly be your art.
You went back to your computer and sighed as you waved away the screensaver with your mouse. The blinking cursor made you want to believe it was your big break.
You texted Clark at one and at four, you were in an Uber. Marcus drove his car to work and you stuck to buses and the underground when you could. The address was at least an hour out, the house among those estates on the edge of the city reserved for the upper echelon. You’d only ever seen the sprawling yards on your way to the next town.
When the car finally turned up the drive and you passed beyond a low brick wall, you felt entirely out of your depth. You tipped the Uber but didn’t feel too bad with the check from Vanessa sitting soundly in your account. You clutched the strap of your bag and walked along the curve of the brick work towards the stairs.
“Hey,” you stopped as Clark called to you, your ankle still tender from the night before.
You glanced over as he came out of the large garage and peeled off a pair of leather gloves. He smiled as he tucked them into his jacket pocket. You watched him and played with the clasp on your bag.
“Just got back from a drive,” he said, “I almost got carried away. I’m glad you made it.”
“Yeah, no problem,” you replied.
“Well, come on, let me show you around,” he waved behind you towards the front doors, “we’ll go on a tour and then we can talk details.”
“Wow,” you uttered mindlessly as you climbed the stairs to the door but kept the weight on your uninjured ankle, “this place is huge.”
“My contractor went a little crazy,” he scoffed, “but I can’t complain.”
He led you through the doors and directed you to the left. In the front room, your work was hung along the opposite wall, arranged in a way that drew the eye to them. You stepped closer and peered up at your work with a hint of awe. They looked even better in a place like that.
“I had my interior designer make the final call on where to hang them,” he explained, “I hope you don’t mind, I gave her your details. She said she had clients who might be interested in your work.”
“Really?” you breathed, “that’s… too nice.”
“Oh yeah? One day, you’ll be sick of rich pricks like me,” he grinned, “I’ll show you the pool, that’s usually the main attraction.”
“Sounds good,” you said as you followed but he paused and watched your stunted gait.
“I forgot, we can go slow,” he offered, “how’s the ankle?”
“I’ll make do,” you affirmed as you neared him, “just need to get my steps in.”
As you finished the tour of the second floor, you slowed along the long hall and admired the work of artists you only ever saw in museums. You couldn’t help but be enamoured by the historic blots of paint. You almost forgot where you were as you leaned in to read the initials beneath the pastel flowers.
“So,” Clark’s voice brought you back, you almost blanked him out entirely in your mind, “I think you might have noticed the empty space above the fireplace in the front room. I was hoping you could fill it.”
“Oh?” you looked at him and smiled nervously, “did you have something in mind? A landscape or--”
“Well, your portraits are great. I like the old world style. I was hoping you might do one of… me,” he suggested, “I know, it’s vain but why not?”
“I mean, yeah, I could do that,” you said.
“I’ll pay hourly plus materials,” he continued, “three hundred an hour.”
You almost choked at the number. You blinked and swallowed through your surprise.
“Even a small portrait would take at least twelve hours,” you warned, “are you sure?”
“I know it’s a lot of time for you, so… I was thinking, if you have to miss work, I’ll factor it into your rate. I would really like to get the project started as soon as we can,” he put his hand on his hip as he looked down at you, “the only thing I need from you is a list of materials. I’ll have them waiting for you here.”
“Well, yeah, I figure it makes most sense,” he turned his palm out.
“Hmm, sure, I prefer my own brushes but… you know I can just buy the stuff myself--”
“Ah, no, I want it to be perfect. You send me a list and I’ll have my assistant go out and get it all ready,” he assured, “How does Sunday sound?”
“Sunday?” you blanched. That was two days away.
“Like I said, Marcus is more than welcome to come with you,” he offered, “I’d hate to keep you from him too long.”
“I guess Sunday works,” you squeaked, “I’ll talk to Marcus.”
“Great,” he said coolly, “well, that’s business. How about a drink to seal the deal?”
“I don’t know, I should probably get back,” you fiddled with your bag against your hip.
“One drink won’t hurt,” he said, “go on, call the boyfriend and let him know you won’t be much longer.”
“I… thanks,” you murmured.
“You’re humble for an artist,” he joked as he sidled by you, “once you grow an ego, you’ll be unstoppable.” He neared the stairs as you turned to watch him, “I’ll be at the bar, waiting. You like gin?”
“Sure,” you answered as you pulled out your phone, “I’ll see you down there.”
When you told Marcus about your new side gig, he was even more excited than you. You were anxious and slightly hesitant. You hated to jump in feet first and risk losing more than a few tubes of paint. What if the work wasn’t good enough?
Marcus was more than willing to come with you when you told him about the size of the place. He knew by the area that it was extravagant. You sat in the passenger seat with the most expensive bottle of wine you’d ever bought cradled between your legs. You hated to show up empty handed after all of Clark’s generosity.
Marcus got lost and went down the wrong driveway before you righted your course. As you drove up, you were once more overcome from the rich rosebuds and sparkling fountain at the centre of the mosaic. You gripped the neck of the bottle and got out as Marcus whistled in awe.
“You weren’t kidding. This place is fucking nuts,” he swore, “I should’ve worn the tux from my brother’s wedding.”
“Please, Marcus,” you rolled your eyes, “let’s both try not to break anything.”
“You’re the clumsy one,” he chirped, “shit, you’re so lucky. You get to hang out here and paint all day? God, I wish I had an ounce of artistic talent. I’d trade it for code in a minute.”
You climbed the steps and clanged the large knocker on the right door. You waited a moment before an answer came and Clark appeared on the other side and beckoned you inside. He smiled as he shook Marcus’ hand.
“Thanks for joining us,” he said, “I would’ve felt awful stealing your girlfriend on the weekend like this.”
“Are you kidding me? She said you had a pool and I snuck the swim shorts into the backseat,” Marcus chuckled and you nudged him with your elbow.
“See?” Clark arched a brow, “the pool is always the seller.”
“Here,” you said as you held out the bottle of red, “for everything you’ve done and welcoming us into your home.”
“Ohhh,” he took the bottle and looked over the label, “I got a spot for this right behind the bar. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, I brought my brushes,” you patted the canvas bag on your shoulder.
“Mmm, yeah, well, I’ll just put this away and we’ll give Marcus the grand tour. Then I’ll get you situated,” he assured and rushed off.
He returned and pointed Marcus through to the front room, “you’ll see, just over here,” he directed him to your paintings.
“Oh, wow, babe,” Marcus marveled at the hung portraits, “you really did it.”
You smiled bashfully and Clark peeked over at you and winked. You squirmed as your cheeks burned and you turned away as he beckoned Marcus past the mantle.
“It’s a big place,” Clark said, “I’d like to get you started before noon.”
Clark led you along the same path as days before and slowed as you came back to the top of the stairs. He turned back and clapped his hands together.
“Marcus, if you wanna hop in the pool, we’re gonna start just in there,” he pointed to the one door you hadn’t looked through, “that’s the studio.”
“What about you?” Marcus asked.
“Well, I’ll be a part of the process so I’m afraid I will be just as busy but if you need anything, Nina, she has a crooked nose and mean mouth but don’t let her fool you, she’ll get you whatever you need,” he said, “just don’t track in water from the pool or she’ll string you up.”
“Oh, well, that doesn’t sound too bad. Some alone time in the sun and a pool,” Marcus grinned, “I really couldn’t ask for anything else… except you, babe.”
“Sure,” you scoffed, “go, have fun.”
Marcus kissed you quickly and thanked Clark again before he excitedly barreled down the steps. You scratched your neck as you looked back to your host, and you guessed, your new boss.
“I’m sorry about him. He can be such a kid sometimes,” you said.
“Nah, it’s fine,” he waved it off, “so, you ready to see your workspace? I kinda wanted it to be a surprise. Also, a bit last minute so it’s not perfect… yet.”
“Uh, yeah,” you answered, “can’t wait.”
He motioned you over to the tall dusty rose doors and hooked his fingers in the slotted handles. He slid them open and revealed an airy room with a tall ceiling and long windows. An easel stood facing the sun streaked glass, an immense canvas bigger than yourself, bigger than him, propped up on it. There was a ladder nearby and the table was set with a rainbow of paints and a large pallet.
Your lips parted as you neared the easel and stared up at the canvas, “you were right, it’s gonna be a lot of work.”
“I hope it’s not too much,” he said, “but you name your price. We’ll make it work.”
“No, no, I think for what you’re paying, I’ll do just fine,” you put your bag down daintily on the table, “so, uh, a portrait, I guess that means…”
Your voice trailed off as he went to the upholstered chair across the room, at an angle so you could see him from your vantage. Behind it, hung a velvet curtain to add to the scene and a bust on a pedestal. It felt surreal, like a dream.
You turned and pulled out the brushes, “I think you’ll get more tired than me, just sitting there.”
“I’ll make it through,” he assured as he sat, “is there anyway you’d like me to sit? Chin up, or…”
“Hmmm,” you turned to look at him, “I think… if you just put your shoulders back and… did you want a profile or--”
“I was thinking front-facing,” he stared at you steadily, unflinching as his eyes stuck to you, “just like this.”
“Perfect,” you said nervously and looked back to the table. 
There was water to rinse your brushes, rags, pencils, blending sticks; everything you needed and more. You took a pencil from the bunch and pulled over the ladder. You climbed up and looked over at Clark as he sat stoic and still. He looked picturesque in real life, you expected paint would only lend to his figure.
His eyes met yours and you turned to start tracing the basic shapes onto the canvas. You had to stop and steady your hand as you did. His gaze made it hard not to tremble.
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bigfan-fanfic · 3 years
Our Own World (Bucky Barnes x Male!Reader)
Requested by anonymous for Hey bubs! May I please have this request done? It’s a Bucky x male reader where Bucky, bless his soul, has come back from a therapy session in tears, being reminded of his past, and hating it all, and his super soldier architect boyfriend sees this and comforts him, back rubs, sitting in boxers, food, Bucky being fed, kisses and pleasures if he’d like, and numerous amounts of reassurance that he’s a beautiful person and winter isn’t him, and after a night of bonding, the reader breaks the news of a home he’s been building in secret for Bucky professionally, a 2021 designed build, high ceilings, spacious and light toned so Bucky doesn’t feel scared, and on water with big pieces of land for gardening, animal raising and views, to potentially start a family in. Thanks! I love you so much!
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It’s one of the bad days.
He does have them occasionally, much as he tries to keep them away, and you always do your best to help him through them.
But Bucky has returned from his therapy session absolutely wrecked. He’s shaking violently, and his eyes are red from tears. You can tell he’s had a panic attack and it’s all he can do not to completely come apart.
He needs rest, and you hold him all night, making sure he feels safe. The lights stay on and you huddle with him in a pile of blankets on the floor to keep him warm and avoid triggering him. He’s plagued by nightmares all night but having you to wake up to calms him down quickly.
You end up both wide awake in the middle of the night and you do your best to help Bucky. He doesn’t feel like talking about it yet, so you leave it be and instead you distract him until morning.
Bucky needs lots of love and reassurance come morning time. 
He cries a little when you assure him that he is NOT the Winter Soldier, but they are healing tears.
His mood slowly improves after a morning filled with feeding him by hand and lavishing him with kisses, and rubbing the tension from his shoulders.
You let him hungrily kiss all along your body, holding him when he stops and kissing him tenderly.
And that’s when you tell him.
“I have a surprise for you.”
He tilts his head at you, lips quirking at the sight of your smile.
You beckon him over to the bed and grab the Stark-made tablet to pull up a 3D display. On it is a scale model of a spacious house set in a beautiful countryside.
“What is this?” Bucky asks.
And you tell him. You tell him of your pet project you’ve been working on for a few years now, having listened to everything Bucky has mentioned, whether in depth or in passing, about his ideal home.
It’s a nice place, filled with spacious areas and high ceilings. Calming photographs are hung on subtle colors of the walls, everything in shades of greens and blues - Bucky’s favorites. 
It isn’t quite a mansion - Bucky doesn’t like there to be too many rooms - so it’s rather like an expanded version of your apartment, with higher ceilings, more amenities, a bigger kitchen and added dining room, and a couple of guest areas and bedrooms. Everything is state of the art and updated for security to ease Bucky’s state of mind and make him happy with the enhancements.
And there’s even spaces for gardening, whether fruit or flowers or even trees! Even from that time he mentioned wanting dogs and having plenty of space for them to roam and maybe even animals for them to herd, there’s spaces for that, and even a small barn and stable. You really thought of everything and Bucky is touched.
And he doesn’t say anything, but he notices the spare rooms you put in, and appreciates that you don’t count them as nurseries or kid’s rooms because you don’t want to pressure him, and he knows you’ll decide together if that’s what you want.
“You... you really want to live with me? In a house, I mean?” Bucky asks in awe. “You... you built a house for me?”
You nod. “I love you, Buck.”
He kisses you hard. “I love you too. And I want this. I do. I love you so much.”
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