#there is no fire for that wizard though. she is a fungus. she and fire do not get along.
essektheylyss · 1 year
I changed my discord status to "Only YOU can create forest fires!" with the This Is Fine dog emoji during the Candela episode, and it is admittedly very funny with regards to my dnd games this weekend, in the first of which I was aggressively pushing for arson in the middle of the Colorado wilderness, and in the second of which I have been emphatically told not to further assault a tree.
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frostbitebakery · 6 months
part one two three four five six seven eight nine
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“You’ve got something there,” Quin says, gesturing vaguely at his own shoulder.
“I’m aware,” Obi-Wan signs. “It’s some sort of monkey lizard fungus.”
The monkey lizard fungus giggles into his shoulder.
Quin nods grimly. “I heard the only cure is to placate it with sweets and hope for the best.”
Anakin precariously leans over, heels accidentally digging into still bruised ribs.
Obi-Wan bites his lips behind the collar but of course Quin immediately detects his movements turning stiff.
Quin holds out an arm, flexing his bicep with wiggling eyebrows. It has the desired effect and Anakin jumps from Obi-Wan, swinging around the elbow before hooking his knees over Quin’s arm.
“He’s heavier than he looks,” Quin strains out.
They walk to one of the mess halls that’s open around the clock and mainly offers food and beverages to those clinging with teeth to their sanity during exam season.
One of the cramming Padawans looks up from their dozen holo books displaying graphs, and squints at them. “Master Vos, there’s something growing out of your arm?”
“Monkey lizard fungus,” Obi-Wan signs, hiding a smile behind his collar at the Padawan nodding to themselves as if that makes perfect sense.
“What’s with them?” Anakin asks, looking at the sleep deprived tableau and hoisting himself up and swinging one leg over Quin’s shoulder.
“This is your future,” Quin says gravely and Obi-Wan is catapulted to melting stone fire Darkness “You were supposed to be my Master!” yellow familiar eyes from a smoking alive corpse and the grief is ripping him apart “—see once you take your first assignments. The only places you’ll be is either here or the Archives.”
It’s been years since he last had a vision. It’s staggering, his heart thumping in his chest like a clock ticking down the inevitable countdown. But it’s not.
He looks over to Anakin who’s already watching back with wide eyes, the fear in his hands gripping onto Quinlan. “I won’t let it come to that,” he promises, fingers thudding together heavily but he’s still shaking off the vision and Anakin’s fear is a taste in the air by now. He can’t not make promises he only hopes he can keep.
Quinlan is silent during their exchange, gloved hands keeping hold of Anakin. The calculating look in his eyes a guarantee Obi-Wan is going to get cornered later.
“Do you like Depa being your Master?”
Let it be said, paranoia is a common infliction amongst Shadows.
“Obi-Wan,” Anakin sighs, voice breaking with puberty and annoyance. “Depa is wizard. She’s amazing even though she’s signed me up to all these classes.”
Obi-Wan looks over all the models, plans, and concepts with added calculations. There’s a data pad displaying language modules and another proclaiming the joys of agriculture. “It’s almost all in the engineering field,” he signs.
“Which makes her so wizard. You’d never have me taking up gardening though,” Anakin adds sullenly.
Don’t yearn for things I cannot give you, Obi-Wan has thought a lot in the past few years as the Galaxy seems to slowly steep in Darkness.
“Knowing what can poison you is important,” he signs, feeling restless and helpless. The mission he’s finished two cycles ago may still reside in his bones.
“I’ll just bite back,” Anakin says, tongue sticking out as he connects wires to ports. He presses a button and the thing he’s been tinkering with since before Obi-Wan left starts to purr smoothly. “Now she can even juice cocadooms,” he says, satisfaction purring just as smoothly in his voice.
“Well done.”
“I know,” Anakin responds airily and swivels around to face Obi-Wan fully. “You’re lurking in the shadows again so let’s get this tradition over with: Depa is an awesome Master and maybe I sometimes wish you’d have chosen me but,” he adds loudly when Obi-Wan lifts his hands to protest, “I also sometimes daydream Master Tiin had chosen me because he’s got his own modded Delta-7.”
The paranoia settles down as Anakin waxes over how wicked the new wing box skins and sensor fusions are, no, truly, you should see them, Obi-Wan!
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whereserpentswalk · 2 months
Choose a being from another realm banished to this wicked earth to meet and form a close relationship with.
1: a faerie noble who was kicked out of the fae for insulting a guest. They look like a pale naked humanoid with pink splotches and a mushroom hat (it's actually part or their head) and red eyes. Though she looks humanoid, he's closer in biology to a fungus. They're a bit naïve to the way the world of mortals works, but can be very energetic, and occasionally sadistic. They aren't evil, but they don't understand human morality.
2: a vampire from the void between realms that was taken back to earth by a researcher. It's very powerfully psychic, and seems to be millenia old. It appears as a sexless humanoid, with an extremely underweight body, transparent skin, silvery eyes, and long hair, it lacks a mouth using four sharp tentacles on its back to suck out fluids and souls from mortal bodies. It's very skittish and shy around those it sees as a threat, but it can be very freindly to those it knows, being known to be very intelligent and introspective.
3: a mysterious black cat who shows up in random locations. Thought to have immense eldritch power. Speaks in low male voice. (Warning, he is the only one on this list who won't have sex with humans under any circumstances).
4: a shadowy being made out of living void. Seems to be a somewhat glitched enetiy, with a strange colorful aura around an entirely dark body. Attempts to communicate with this one have been largely unsuccessful, but this entity has proven to have a very docile personality, being able to harm people very easily and trying not to, and mostly wanting to stay inside and enjoy mortal entertainment.
5: a demon summoned by a sorcerer on earth but never allowed to fulfill the tasks they were assigned due to the wizard rejecting them. As a demon not being able to fulfill their masters request is very traumatic, and it took work for them to be able to do anything at all. They appear as an athletic feminine human, with raven's wings, a Scorpion's tail, shark's teeth, stag's horns, and a snake head and upper body where a human’s genitals should be. They're still kind pretty broken after their rejection, but tend twords optimism, and they're very egar to do anything they can to please the humans around them, even to their own detriment.
6: a fallen angel who was recently banished to earth from whichever dimension they came from. They're still very upset by this, and may think of themself as worthless due to their rejection by the other angels. Their body appears somewhat humanoid, but more like a jointed plastic doll than anything, with massive golden wings, and a broken halo behind their head. They also seem to have developed cracks along their body. They're very upset at the momment, and can easy burst into fits of self loathing, though their starting to make a few freinds on earth, mabye you could help cheer them up. (Warning, the entity that created the angels should not be trusted, do not believe it if it tells you it God or a god.)
7: cyborg supersolider permanently skinned from the neck down and welded to their power armor, even the lower part of her face has been replaced with a gas mask. They were banished by her superiors for disobeying orders to fire on civilian targets, and are only in a realm with other humans by sheer luck. She can be very calm and patient, though they're somewhat rebellious by nature, and very willing to stand up to people they see as evil, as well as being a bit afraid of anyone trying to control her.
8: eldrich shape-shifting dragon, whose true form is a massive three headed beast, with silvery scales and massive wings. He's known to be here for his own reasons, though if he could ever go back to his home plane is still unlikely, especially after what he's done. He's known to be somewhat calming to those around him, being somewhat fatherly and slightly dominant by nature and speaking in a low booming voice, though he can still be very deadly to those who wrong him.
9: a creature from a digital realm whose been brought into the physical world. Their form should not be described due to the horror of such a transformation, and it's very likely they're in constant pain due to what they are. They seem very freindly, but they'll try to sell you things, they don't want to but they have to. They seem to be under a lot of stress.
10: a wizard who was sent to this plane due to a spell backfiring on them. They look mostly human, but their eyes have been replaced with a special kind of stone, and their teeth have been filed down into sharp points. They also have a lot of tattoos and piercings on their body. They seem very ambitious and hedonistic, though not entirely evil, and they can be very charismatic for those who meet them. They'll also likely try to transform your body into something new, like they do with most people who consent to such acts.
11: a sentient silvery slime created by a god of the outer realms. It's very intelligent, and can take any form though without the ability to adjust color or texture (when interacting with humans tends to take the form of a heavily stylized human female), though it's likely it was rejected by the gods for a good reason, and seems to have some desire to dominate humans, and be free of any moral constraints, though it's not ambitious enough to make a play to try to control anything larger than a small cult on earth. It's currently just sort of relaxing and observing humanity as it likes to do.
12: the wolf with many heads (do not try to interact with the wolf with many heads, trust us!)
Like to give the creature a little gift, reblog to get the creature to come to you! ^_^
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thisisnotacampaign · 8 months
“What are you going to do?” Lyra asks over the crackling fire late that night. Her hands are still stained red with blood where they’re clasped around her knees.
Larkspur’s found themself a nice rock to lean against, fingers dancing over the cords of their lute, plucking out something slow and melodic, almost without thought.
“When we get to the city.”
“Ah,” Larkspur’s fingers still briefly, then start plucking away again, just as slow and rhythmic as before. They play a few more bars before answering, “The usual, I suppose. Find an inn, get raucously drunk, and fuck my way through half the patrons before I’m asked to leave.”
Lyra’s nose wrinkles, the closest she ever gets to expressing displeasure.
Larkspur tilts their head back and laughs.
“And what about you?” They ask, throwing a grin, “What are you planning?”
“I don’t know,” Lyra says, and pulls her knees closer to her chest, “I haven’t really thought about it overmuch.”
“Thought about what?”
Larkspur strikes a discordant note, jerking upright at the sudden voice.
Enoch drops from a nearby tree into a crouch next to Larkspur, grinning.
“Gods,” They say, pressing a hand to their heart, “do we need to get a bell to hang about your lovely neck? What were you even doing over there?”
“Aw,” Enoch tilts her head toward Lyra, “you hear that? Little bird thinks my neck is lovely.”
“Oh, piss off.” Larkspur waves a hand at the tiefling, before setting their fingers back to the lute and returning to their gentle strumming.
“Mm,” Enoch hums, amused, and turns her attention to Lyra, “what were you saying though, about not giving something much thought?”
“Nosy.” Larkspur mumbles, then yelps at the sharp nails that pinch his side through his doublet.
Lyra giggles and Larkspur shoots her a poisonous look, but it’s tempered because that’s the first time they’ve heard her laugh in… days, at least. Ever since they’d left Wren behind with the Druid healers, in the hopes that they’d be able to save Wren’s eye and arm.
They were camped close by — of course, Lyra had insisted — but the longer they’ve waited to receive word of Wren’s condition, the more withdrawn and sullen Lyra had become.
It’s almost a relief, to hear her laugh again. To know that it’s still possible.
Much as it pains them to admit, Lyra has grown on them — perhaps like a fungus— and Larkspur can’t help but feel something like affection toward the young woman.
They don’t care much for it.
Attatchments, Larkspur had learned early in life, were a liability and liabilities were to be avoided. Liabilities were things that got you killed.
Lyra — smiling, laughing, happy— was a dangerous liability indeed.
Enoch stands, knocking boots with Larkspur, as Lyra explains that she’d only been to the city a handful of times with her father, and after he’d died she hadn’t really planned on ever returning.
Enoch takes a seat next to Lyra, knocking their shoulders together. “Well, I’ll just have to show you around then, and you can decide what you want to do from there.”
Lyra smiles gratefully, and knocks her shoulder back against Enoch’s.
“Of course, first thing we ought to look for is a healer. There’s all sorts of mages and wizards running around Civitae, in and out of the University. See if we can’t find one that can-“ Enoch makes a plucking motion towards her eye.
Lyra wrinkles her nose at her.
“Yes, yes,” Lyra says, “and then after?”
“Well, after we get rid of these nasty crawlers, and I’ve shown you all the delights Civitae has to offer,” Enoch looks up and locks eyes with Larkspur with a mischievous grin, “I suppose I shall find an inn, get raucously drunk, and fuck my way through-“
“Enoch!” Lyra’s cheeks have gone bright red.
“Kidding! I’m kidding.” Enoch soothes, though the effect is somewhat ruined by her laughing.
Larkspur snorts and shakes their head, amused.
They lean back against the rock again, letting their hands transition from playing something slow and melodic to something with a bit more bounce to it. They play, and listen to their two companions bicker like children, and try very hard not to think about the way it makes their heart sing.
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guidedbynors · 3 years
The Heirs of Oralia (Part 1)
Note: This week I am changing up the formatting to practice and reflect on how the official Quest website (adventure.game) presents its signature adventure: Mischief Mountain.
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For Guides:
Currently, Maergale is surrounded by an army of undead, per the scenario in Riot In The Streets, Ghosts of Crescent Wood, and The Dead Light. This adventure can be played in conjunction with these other adventures, or by itself.
Fischer Fissure was created a thousand years ago by a great and powerful wizard. Her name was Oralia Fischer. It is said she stood against an invading army by herself with nothing more than her wand and dressed in robes of crimson. As the invading army bore down on her Oralia stood her ground, raised her wand, and cast a spell that tore the earth asunder, creating a fissure that stretched 20 miles, from Lake Maer to the plainlands of Groth. However, legends say that as Oralia cast her spell, an arrow, fired from the bow of an archer struck Oralia in the heart. She died there and the invading army rode the distance around the fissure and sacked the village near Lake Maer. The populace of Maergale is the descendants of the invading army.
This adventure is about the perceptions we have of history. At first, Questers will be led to believe Oralia is the champion of this town, only to discover it is the archer who founded the Maergale City as it is today.
For Guides:
At the beginning of this adventure, Questers are presented with the dire situation outlined in Riot In The Streets. There doesn’t need to be a riot about to break out, but the undead army of Curiel Neralo is still present.
If this is a new group of players and characters, ask players how they know each other, why they are in Maergale and define some character dynamics. If you have fit this adventure into our own campaign or been playing through the Maergale City line of adventures, this may not be applicable.
When everyone is ready to play, read the introduction below. Modify the text to fit your players' situations in terms of experiences together.
At the beginning of this adventure, Questers start in Maergale City, but it won’t be long before they are sent on a quest.
Maergale City
Exposition: Read Aloud:
Maergale, the azure city, is named for the pure glacial waters of Lake Maer. It is a model of civilization. Perfect brick streets, towers that stretch to the sky, artists and merchants, scholars and students: all belong here. Yet a stench blows into this city. The undead army of Curiel Neralo waits outside, biding their time. What they wait for, nobody knows. They seek something of great power.
This is why you have been called by The Daughters of the Crescent. Yet all you have found, as you enter their offices, is a well-dressed possum in a tiny pantsuit, shuffling around on a high oak desk strewn with papers.
As you enter, the possum stands on its hind legs and nods its head, as though it knew you were coming.
Daughter Pelomn, Quest Giver, And Transdimensional Lawyer
For Guides:
Daughter Pelomn is a member of the Daughters of the Crescent, a political opposition group to the city council of Maergale. Daughter Pelomn is a possum with a degree in transdimensional law, and their main goal up until this point has been to bury the city council in bureaucracy and paperwork. Pelomn will tell Questers the story of Oralia Fischer and the wand she carried. Pelomn is unaware that Oralia isn’t the ancestor of the town, but rather, kin to the undead army outside (the people who inhabited the land of Maer before the invading army destroyed them). Pelomn believes the wand of Oralia is somewhere in the fissure she created. They ask Questers to retrieve the wand.
Exploring Fischer Fissure
For Guides:
The western tapering of Fischer Fissure runs along the north edge of Maergale. The northern gate of the city leads directly to a draw bridge that spans this tapering fissure. Below the bridge is a fast-moving river, though not white water, about 30 feet across. This is the ample outlet of Lake Maer.
Exposition: Read Aloud
The northern gate of Maergale is a broad wooden drawbridge reinforced by thick iron bands. It is closed, drawn up against the city walls, and the arched entrance that leads across the tapering fissure just beyond the wall. Five city guards occupy a checkpoint just within the wall and more sentries line the wall above, peering through parapets, their bows at the ready.
For Guides:
The guards are reluctant to let the bridge down. On the other side of the fissure is an army of undead and the guards are terrified that if they let down the bridge, the horde will seize the opportunity to attack and gain entrance to the city.
Bridge Master Bawb:
For Guides:
Bridge Master Bawb is a young and nervous man. He is terrified of the undead and will flatly deny Questers any request to lower the bridge. Questers can use clever roleplay or magical abilities to persuade Bridge Master Bawb to do so, but the grooling undead should be a focus if Questers decide on this course of action. Alternatively, Bridge Master Bawb will ask why Questers wish to leave the city. If they answer him truthful and tell him they wish to descend into the fissure, he will suggest repelling down from the city wall. Questers can also use any magical abilities to achieve the same outcome. If they decide to rappel using a rope, they will need thousands of feet.
Fischer Fissure:
Exposition: Read Aloud
The cliffs of the fissure are rough reddish stone. Below you, hundreds of feet, the water flows rapidly along. There are ample handholds and ledges as you descend, toward the water, the temperature dropping, a pungent and earthy tone reaching your nose. A mist glistens on your arms and legs, your face. Drips from your brow as you drop lower. Before long, you are soaked through with cold dampness.
At the bottom of the fissure, the cliffside recedes, leading to an undercut where the water has carved out sections of the cliff in the winter.
Everything is shadowed down here. It is difficult to tell how far the water has carved out the cliffs on either side of the river.
For Guides:
At the bottom of the fissure, nearly everything is in shadow. The ledge where Questers can find footing after their descent is a long and carved out part of the wall which is wide enough to walk three abreast for the most part. There doesn't seem to be anything in the initial vicinity, but Questers should know (or be reminded) that the place where Oralia Fischer made her last stand was some way to the west of where they have descended into the fissure. Questers will need some light, though it is too damp down here for torches. If they have no way of creating magical light, Questers' attention may be drawn to the river, which is home to a luminous fish that, if caught, can be used as a pale light. As your Questers travel west, following the river, you may choose to have them face a Trial in order to stay dry and warm. For every hour they are consistently chilled and wet, you may increase the cost of their abilities by +1 Action Points. Abilities that would usually cost 0 AP, would cost +1 per hour. This reflects the exhaustion Questers would feel at constantly being wet and cold more thoroughly than filling their inventory with exhaustion per the Quest Game Book.
Exposition: Read Aloud
You travel west along the thin ledge, the water and cold ever-present near you and on you. After about an hour of traveling along the river, the wall to your left suddenly opens up to a vast and yawning cave mouth. On the walls to either side are markings. Not made by water, but surely carved into the stone by hand. The carvings are simple and crude, though easily interpreted. The carved scene depicts a vast group of people on horses riding toward a solitary figure holding up a hand, rays slashing out from it toward the ground as well as the oncoming charge. A single arrow flies toward the solitary person.
As you examine this curious carving, you suddenly hear a scuffling sound from deeper within the cave.
The Heirs of Oralia:
FOR Guides:
Within the cave is a civilization that is directly descended from Oralia Fischer and the indigenous peoples of what is now called Maergale. They have burrowed into the cliffside, and then up so that during the winter they do not get flooded. Their homes are completely underground and they have evolved to possess a tremorsense that lets them detect vibrations in the ground. Their underground city is a labyrinth of small rooms, stone stairwells, and underground fungus gardens. There is no centrality to the city, but it seems fast and difficult to navigate once Questers are presented with it.
The underground people are not hostile, though they will become so if threatened. They look like humans but have overly large eyes and some webbing between their fingers and toes. Most of them wear clothes spun out of a strange and stringing fiber (from a fungus). They do not speak the same language as Questers, nor do they speak "common." Questers can explore the underground civilization as much as they want, but details concerning the underground city are not present or essential to this adventure. Instead, an emissary is sent to communicate with Questers but doesn't invite them in as they don't know if they can trust these outsiders.
Exposition: Read Aloud
From deep within the darkness of the cave a shape moves, tall, thin, and then slowly emerges from the dimming shadow. Is it a woman or a man? It is difficult to tell. The person is human-esk in appearance, but with eyes far larger than any human possesses. They have no hair, either, and wear a strange shimmering robe, woven of thick strands the same hue of oyster shell.
They speak: Gragek?
Let Questers struggle with the language for a time. There may be a magical item or spell Questers already have so to understand this person, if not, the emissary will point to the lone person depicted on the wall, then point to themselves. They are not trying to communicate that THEY are Oralia, but rather, Oralia and her people are their people. Then The emissary will point to the horde of cavalry and point to the Questers. If the Questers are able to communicate that they are not from Maergale, then the emissary will point to the cavalry and point up, toward Maergale instead. After that, the emissary will point to the arrow, then withdraw a small, thin stone box from its robe. Within is the arrow that killed Oralia (See Arrow of Oralia, at the end of this adventure for its magical properties). Lastly, the emissary will point to the hand of the solitary person, from which the rays of light spring. Then they will shrug, point to Questers, then to themselves, and offer Questers the arrow, as if in exchange. The emissary will point upward, out of the fissure and toward the army of undead, then to the place where Oralia's wand is indicated on the wall. Of course, if any of your Questers have a way to understand the emissary, this interaction can take place without the game of charades.
The Wand of Oralia:
For Guides:
The wand of Oralia is not in the fissure river, but rather with Curiel Neralo. He is using it to control the undead, though of course, Questers do not know this. The Heirs of Oralia do, however, though are unsure if they can trust the Questers with the information.
To Be Continued
Item: Arrow of Oralia
This arrow is old and worn and must be re-fletched before it can be used. This arrow always finds the heart of its target. It kills anything it is shot at.
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thetradeway · 3 years
Session 48 14 Aug 2021: "Dhidth hwe huin?"
I’m late today. Ginger balls. Never admit you were wrong, and never apologise! Has anyone heard from Mina? She may or may not join us. Billy Corgan on a rollercoaster!
Matthew, wondering: “Does Billy Corgan have alopecia, or is that a choice?”
Duncan: “I don’t know, I’m not his mum.”
Matthew opens a 4% by volume Potion of Healing, and we get started. Everyone makes saving throws except Tarragon for their hangovers after the Midsummer festivities. Ahleqs is delicate but not too rough; he has however just discovered that he is no longer immune to alcohol. (He isn’t quite puking up pixies, so he’ll take it.) Gideon is bright as a button, as is Kessler, and Melaina. Ardvack complained that the sherry wasn’t up to snuff, so he didn’t drink much.
Gutpunch is snoring and emitting smells when the boys wake in their room. Tarragon returns as the sun rises. She returns to her chambers to find everyone else asleep; she joins them, and Mina joins us. The gnome bunked in with us is not emitting smells. There’s a bang on our door - it’s one of the Avowed, a runner.
“Your presence is requested in one of the Necessariums.” He’ll return for us in a few minutes.
Same thing happens for the boys; Ahleqs tries to wake Gutpunch, with no success. Ahleqs, blearily: “Necessari- what? What is this Hogwarts bullshit?”
Is Darkspire in with them? Yes. The Avowed asks if he behaved; yes, Ahleqs thinks so. Charity overhears this conversation, and butts in. He opens the door wide and tells Ahleqs to go back to bed; he does so. Charity peers at the Avowed’s face, the one who showed us to our rooms.
“Yes? What? Yes? I’m here. Everything’s fine, nothing occurred.” Assured that no crimes have been committed, the Avowed retreats.
Ahleqs asks Charity why there would be ‘incidents’. He says he has no idea.
We use our ten minutes to head to the Hearth for breakfast. Ahleqs has water. And a small pot of coffee. and one egg, and one bit of toast with some salt. “Is there any tabasco?”
Ardvack explains about the Necessariums. They are tall towers with lots of books; we can’t access them ourselves but the Avowed will get us anything we want. Kessler wants some books about tinkering and artificing.
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The vegetarian menu is vast, and very good.
The runner returns as we are stuffing more food in our pockets to take with us.
Ahleqs is delighted to see Mr Pickles in the Necessarium; he’s talking to a green dragonborn. Ahleqs doesn’t want to interrupt so he hops from foot to foot until the Al Miraj spots him. He is bidden to go over so Mr Pickles can take a look at him.
Mr Pickles says Ahleqs looks a little green around the gills; did he not hear about the revels last night, Ahleqs asks? Mr. Pickles was in the library having discussions. Should he order some tea? Yes, Ahleqs will have a small bucket of tea. Mr Pickles summons an Avowed.
Mr Pickles says there are wards on this place to cut noise and prevent eavesdropping from outside; he has some news for us if we will gather around.
An Avowed brings Kessler the books she asked for. (Carl wants some books too; The Very Hungry Caterpillar, A Tiger Came to Tea, The Borrowers, that sort of thing.)
MP introduces us to Bookwyrm, the First Reader of Candlekeep - the dragonborn he was talking to. He is in charge of maintaining the collection and acquiring newbooks. We want access to books about the Shadow Weave?
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The knowledge in there is dangerous, those books have been locked away. They don’t usually let people access them, but since Mr. Pickles is involved, he might be able to help - if we can do something for him in return.
Ardvack has a question; is this endeavour going to cut into our ten-day? No, since we will be out of the Candlekeep to do it. Bookwyrm can’t give us details until we agree to help, but Mr. Pickles believes it’s well within the limits of our skills to accomplish what he needs.
Tarragon agrees immediately, but mostly because Ardvack looks dubious. Ahleqs, assured by Mr. Pickles’s confidence that we can do whatever it is we’re being asked, also agrees.
Some time ago, Bookwyrm tells us, the keep was visited by a drow scholar who told them the location of a book the Keep have been seeking. Are we familiar with the caves below the Keep? No, but we’ve seen a picture.
They are beneath the catacombs, in the bedrock. They lead all the way to the Underdark. The book was supposed to be there. Someone went in search of it; a more than capable wizard, Olius Visk, but they were expecting him back a full ten-day ago and he has not been heard from. He is a young man, it is very out of character for him to miss the Midsummer Festival.
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What was the title of the book he was after? Bookwyrm doesn’t know. When the wizard applied to go after it, he didn’t mention which one it was.
Where is the drow? He left, as you can only spend a tenday here. He did not book in another visit.
We just need to rescue the wizard, not necessarily complete his mission, Bookwyrm says. If we do locate the book then we could bring that too. It’s not the Underdark proper, it’s not that far down - it and the wizard will be in the Upper Dark.
The First Reader gives us a book about the Underdark. Tarragon gets excited about the fungus that could be down there, and the potions she could make with them.
Will we need any further resources? Healing potions, at the very least.
When we are ready we’ll be teleported to the caves. We can get past the myconids that way, the ones that moved in and live off the mushrooms they grow on the refuse from the keep; they keep the drow and duergar away.
He gives us an orb to follow; Ardvack suggests giving Gideon the ring the activate the thing. While following Olius’ tracks, it will glow brightly to show us we are going the right way. Gideon blusters about the ring; “A fine piece of brass work! That will fit on my finger nicely.”
How many potions will we need? Tarragon, immediately: “All of them.”
They can spare a GHP and two RHPs - each. Oooo! They will give us twenty days’ of rations as well.
Can Carl come? We need Carl, probably more than Ardvack. Ardvack consults his book of manners, then laughs; “Ahahah, very droll.”
We decide to leave Popcorn in the stables while we go; he doesn’t like dark and scary places.
Tarragon is excited to be going into danger again; Ahleqs less so.
Ardvack, resignedly: “To almost certain death?”
Tarragon, far too excited: “To almost certain death!”
Ahleqs does a very shaky sigh.
A runner approaches with our Healing Potions, and we spend ten minutes farting about with our inventories.
Ardvack, bored, pulls a book from his pocket and begins to read; Ahleqs wants to know what it is.
Matthew, OOC: “What languages do you speak?”
Duncan: “Common, Elvish, Infernal and Light Crossbow.”
Are we all ready? Various themes on ‘yeah’, some more excited than others. Ahleqs casts Mage Armour.
Carl is brought from the Hearth (holding a book called ‘Ye Olde Very Hungry Caterpillar’), and we are teleported.
It takes a moment for our eyes to adjust when we arrive in the dark, wet caves. We head deeper underground, and of course someone (Mina) starts singing Jamiroquai. Well, someone had to.
Tarragon looks out for mushrooms for use in her recipes. There are lots, of various sizes. Some have bits that look like they’ve been cut off; as if someone has been eating or harvesting them.
Tarragon takes a bit of mushroom and eats it; it’s tasty. Ahleqs will watch her for about 45 minutes before he eats any himself. Ardvack stands as far as physically possible from all of the fungus.
Joe waits for his computer before telling us what has befallen Ardvack, who has gone ahead; Tarragon starts cackling. (She doesn't do subtly devastating insults, she does this.)
Matthew rolls a d4; he gets a 3. Does 16 hit him? “I think the 8 might do it.” The 16 does hit as he backs away from one mushroom into a violet fungus, for 8 Necrotic damage.
We roll initiative!
Melaina kills the fungus, but we don’t feel as though we’re alone. Tarragon holds a Thorn Whip in case she sees something within 30 feet of her that she doesn’t like, and warns Ardvack that this includes him.
We hear something shuffling towards us. Ahleqs is trying to hide when it attacks him twice for ten necrotic damage, and Tarragon gets it with her Thorn Whip. Ahleqs does Burning Hands at it.
Joe, laughing: “Really? You’re going to make a mushroom do a Dex save??”
He misses the one he was aiming at but hits the one he didn’t know was there, so… a win?
More turn up; Gideon does an Acid Splash, complete with quavery wizard voice as he announces it.
Ahleqs and Ardvack are closest and get a horrible, acrid stench as the acid burns the violet fungi.
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A fungus aims at Ahleqs but only manages to sort of caress his face with its tentacles, leaving a slimy residue; he sicks up all the water he drank.
Kessler gets one with her crossbow. “Remove your grubby bits from the Ahleqs!”
Tarragon, yelling “Danger and excitement!”, takes out her quarterstaff and runs at one; she hits, and is pleased when it doesn’t die just yet.
Does Ardvack want to chomp on a tentacle with someone else, do a sort of lady and the tramp manoeuvre?
Duncan, disgusted: “No tentacle sucking, this is not that kind of show!”
Mina, disconcertingly matter-of-fact about it: “Some people would pay good money for that.”
Ardvack chooses to hit the thing with his shillgjakjsgaklghjkghhhjbblhh instead. It crumbles into bits, but is also ‘a little bit on fire’.
Ahleqs spots some little orbs somewhere ahead up the path. He thinks they are probably magic, but has no idea what they are or what they do.
Carl does a ‘friendly yet violent pat’ on one of the violet fungi and does 5 splatting damage. It wraps its tentacles around him - and then lets go, shuddering. Carl goes in for a bonus action grapple-slash-fatal-hug. The fungus loses the grapple. “High point in Carl’s life.”
Sophie, OOC: “Are you going to give it a noogie?”
Ahleqs takes aim at the grappled fungus. Matthew, OOC, singing: “Now that’s fuckin’ teamwork!”
“If I move away they’ll get a tickle of opportunity won’t they?” Ahleqs stays where he is. “I do not consent to this.”
Gideon gets one with Magic Missile.
Joe: “How de do dis?”
Sophie, OOC: “With gusto!”
Carl maintains his grip on the fungus.
Melaina is feeling arrogant so she goes Sharpshooter. “Urgh, five, that’s not going to work is it?” But to her amazement, it does. 29 damage; a little bit overkill. It explodes into truffle oil, which showers Ardvack but completely avoids Tarragon.
Tarragon offers Carl her old quarterstaff, since he doesn’t have a weapon. He rolls an INT check to try and reply to thank her, but gets a 0. He accepts the staff with a nod of thanks; she smiles at him.
We have killed all the Violet Fungi! We have solved Joe’s Underdark puzzle, yay!
Yeah, nah.
The drift globe leads us around the next corner. Tarragon and Carl chase it, and see three little huts made of fungus and dried grass. Two look abandoned, but the third has light inside. The orbs Ahleqs saw seem to be drifting around it. Ahleqs rolls 19 Arcana; the orbs are warding or protection magic.
We decide to approach, because the inhabitants might know something about the missing wizard.
Kessler, approaching: “Helloooooo? Avon calling?” Tarragon casts Guidance on her as she goes by.
A bell sounds; Kessler recognises the Alarm spell. She calls out to say she doesn’t mean any harm. “Ignore the mech armour, and the idiots with me…”
Duncan OOC: “I want to know what happens if we find the ‘How not to be a goblin’ book and Kessler turns out to be a six foot five valkyrie warrior. Ardvack’s not going to know where to put himself, is he?”
An Unknown Woman appears from the hut:
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“What on earth are you doing down here?”
Kessler explains about the wizard and the book. Are we from the Keep?
So is she, it turns out. Will we be going back? Yes, unless we’re killed horribly.
Do we have a way to get back in past the myconids and such? (uh oh.) She says she was a speaker for the keep and was looking for some books, and got lost down here and got stuck.
Kessler rolls Insight with Guidance - 13. She seems convinced. We can pick her up on the way back? That would be amazing, she says. She’s smiling especially at Ardvack.
She has some warding magic up here if we want to rest? Ardvack tenses up. He makes an Insight check as well. He rolls a 9, but uses his Inspiration to re-roll - a 12. He feels a kind of kinship with her, as though her magic might have a similar source. He eases a little bit, and ventures a half smile, even though she’s wearing a 'very low-born outfit'.
Ahleqs, scandalised: “She can’t even afford a middle bit on her top!”
We don’t need a rest, do we? Ahleqs got hit a bit. Melaina doesn’t trust her, and doesn’t want to stop.
Tarragon asks the woman’s name. It’s Ava.
We could take a short rest, roll some hit dice? Have a sandwich? Get to know the locals?
Melaina: “Alright, but I’m not going to sleep.”
Ava points out the orbs. Anything on this side of them is safe.
This seems a bit too good to be true. Does Ahleqs get a sense of magic, other than the protective field? A nine; “She seems legit.”
She was looking for a book that the Keep wouldn’t exactly approve of when she got stuck here. She’s been living off the mushrooms. She was fleeing undead when she was chased into the myconid hives? A ghost or wraith or something.
She brings us some tea, apologising that it’s not quite as fresh as she would like. Something is definitely fucky; Tarragon takes watch, on Ava as much as for other dangers. Tarragon rolls 24 Perception, so she can see the colonies of ants coming to get us.
She sees that no-one’s quite at ease. Suddenly Ava’s skin sloughs off, peeling in big chunks, and a blood hag reveals herself.
Me, horrified: “Blood hag?? JOE!” Tarragon Thorn Whips her.
A writhing mass of hair bursts from the hag, and reaches out toward Ahleqs. She reaches out with her claws to Ardvack and Kessler, and hits both. 23 slashing to Ardvack - and 35 slashing to Kessler.
We roll initiative!
Melaina gets in amongst the mushrooms and tries to hide. “And now I’m going to shoot her in the face. Shit. No I’m not, with a ten.” She cowers behind her mushroom.
Gideon Thunderwaves her and hits, and retreats.
Tarragon casts Greater Shillsdghksdfkhsdg, and crit-misses. The quarterstaff bounces off and hits her in the face - she takes half the weapon’s damage and has Disadvantage on her next attack.
Carl hits her with his new quarterstaff and hits!
Ahleqs casts Mage Armour on Ardvack and Carl, using Sorcery Points to twin the spell.
Kessler bonus action slams her Greater Healing Potion. She uses her Thunder Gauntlets and forces Disadvantage on attacks not against her.
The Blood Hag uses something called Call the Blood, to do a Blood Choke Curse on Ardvack - his mouth fills with blood, preventing speech and verbal spell casting components for one minute. She uses her bonus action to Misty Step to Melaina and do another blood drinking hair, and a claw attack on her.
Ardvack’s turn; he riffles through his spells but they all have a verbal component. Matthew OOC, cross: “I needed that to be effective.”
Joe, pleased: “She’s charming, isn’t she? I thought you’d like her. But at least all the blood vessels in your mouth and throat have burst and you’ll keep having to spit blood for the next minute, so that’s something.”
Ardvack clubs her instead, and hits. He somehow manages to do 0 damage.
Duncan, OOC: “If you say ‘good girl’ or something while you attack, you could do some psychic damage…?”
Matthew: “If only I could speak!”
Melaina gets sneak attack plus Sharpshooter with her rapier - 31 points of damage. All of us, fanning ourselves: “… Damn.”
Gideon will cast Scorching Ray - all three bolts hit, for 21 damage total. The blood hag is pissed off, now, we are told. Gideon bravely retreats.
Tarragon misses again, and begrudgingly heals Ardvack. “Come on, it’s not that bad. Get up.”
Carl was going to use his Raging Cadaver ability, but Tarragon is now in the square he was going to rage to. He can probably navigate through the mushrooms. He does that, and then a slam attack. He does a zombie grab as well. He rolls 17 to her 14, so she’s grappled!
Ahleqs casts Shatter right in the huddle of Carl, Charity, Tarragon and the blood hag. But he would hit Carl, so he doesn’t. He does Eldritch Blast with Tides of Chaos and hits both times for 7 total Force damage.
55: His hair falls out again. “Oh… this again. Okay. I mean I was growing that, but whatever.”
Kessler wants to know if the mushrooms are difficult terrain; she can push through them. “I haven’t finished with you yet!” 16 with the Thunder Gauntlets hits for 12 Thunder damage, then 19 to hit for 11 more. The hag has Disadvantage on attacks versus anyone but Kessler.
Carl is surprised when the hag Misty Steps out of his grip. “He is very perplexed.”
Does 26 hit Ardvack? Er… Yes. He takes 24 piercing damage, and is grappled; her hair worms dig into his flesh and start to suck his blood. He makes a Dex save - or he would, but he might be dead…? No, he’s at 1HP. His lucky hit point.
Matthew is fighting his computer. “Dex save… Any minute now… It’s coming… I’ve pressed the button… It’s asked me if I want to make it public… seven.”
Joe has devastating news for him. The hag has reached out and torn his face off.
Holy Fuck.
What the fuck???
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“I wanted the pretty elf, but this will have to do!”
The hag makes good her escape as Ardvack goes down. Tarragon uses a free action to vomit.
Ardvack has an ability that brings him back with 8HP. “Dhidth hwe huin?”
Melaina shoots the hag in the back but misses; Gideon does a Scorching Ray.
There’s discussion about the face and the fact that it has Ardvack’s memories and personality; Mina, OOC: “Give it a few minutes, she’ll bring it back.”
Duncan, as the hag: “‘Can you take this back, it’s kinda bumming me out’.”
Tarragon does Cure Wounds at the highest slot available to her; Ardvack’s face is now a mass of scar tissue. She uses her bonus action to throw up again.
This is worse than when Wee Jock got Disintegrated. This is worse than the time we were all zombies, and we started off dead.
Joe, put out: “You’re so ungrateful. It took me ages to find this monster.”
Carl can reach the nasty lady. He can Dash, but he can’t do anything when he gets there. He holds out his hand for Ardvack’s face. She ignores him.
Ahleqs: “Okay… Okay… I cast Fireball. Oooh, it’s big!” He casts it at level 4, and places it so he’ll get the hag, but not Carl. The hag must make a Dex save. She gets a 22.
Duncan, OOC: “Well… Yes, she does and she doesn’t.” She takes half the damage, and is really pissed off.
Kessler: “Oi! Come back with that!” She pulls out her crossbow and shoots. First shot is a miss, and so is the second - a crit fail. Booh. Off target: You deal half damage for 1d4+1 rounds (3). She tries to intimidate the hag, who is unimpressed.
“Let me leave, or I’ll cast Cloudkill.” The bitch uses Invisibility.
Ardvack’s turn; he is now un-stunned, and remembers the sensation of having no face. He’s also still spitting blood. He takes out the mirror that Amelia gave him, and looks in it to see the horrible-ness that is his face, still drooling blood. He puts the mirror away. He gives Tarragon a pat of thanks on the shoulder as he turns away so no-one can see him and crawls toward the hut, “Because this is where I live now.” Even Tarragon feels a little sorry for him.
Before we go, Ardvack is crawling into one of the huts, yes? Yes. "I do not wish to take tea with guests." The most complete hut is the hag’s one; he sees some stones on the floor as if she’s been scrying. Next to them is a pebble with a purple ring on it.
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He makes an Arcana check on it to make sure it’s not a bum-stealing stone. 21; he knows the mark as the symbol of Shar. He may remember Shar from such activities as fighting a giant scorpion and an assassin, or raising an army of scarecrows to harass a halfling village.
We decide to leave it on that cliffhanger...
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queen-scribbles · 5 years
@pillarspromptsweekly fill 101: Recount. This wound up less “ridiculous” and more “alternate view of one of my muses”, but it was still fun to write, so yay?
Collected accounts of the “Blue Witch”, recorded by scholars in a variety of locations around the Deadfire, for interested parties.
“You dunno the Blue Witch? Then thank your lucky stars, mate, an’ steer clear a’ th’ slave trade t’ keep it that way. She’s what scared me straight, y’know. Crookspur was a good gig, lotsa money, no rules ‘side respect th’ captain, the whole ocean was our huntin’ ground. Then one day we see this little ship, pretty thing, looked like easy pickin’s. She was flying colors we didn’t recognize; green an’ yella wit’ an eye and a castle, and her stern named her Mercy.
“*snort* Mercy’s the farthest thing from what we found, I’ll tell ya that right off. They was firin’ at us ‘fore we were even close, got our Cap’n right pissed. She decided against cripplin’ them first, drove us in close t’ take the ship. Ondra as my witness the woman was a fool. Usher keep her, but it was the biggest mistake of her life. My wildest nightmares never prepared me to lay eyes on kith like this. If y’ can even call ‘em all kith.
“Th’ whole crew was armed to their blazin’ teeth, which we’re used to. A sailor with a sword or wizard spitting their spell ain’t enough t’ make our blood run cold. They’re all the same once y’ clap irons on ‘em and break ‘em and stand ‘em on a block for the highest bidder.
“But you know what we ain’t used to?” He thumps his drink emphatically against the table. “Women with feathers and burnin’ swords who fight like Magran Herself. Or a copperfuckin’ shark with legs that was ten feet all if it was an inch. Ondra as my witness, boys, call me crazy, but it was standin’ in front of me surely as you are now. But none of ‘em compared to the blue witch. I ain’t never seen a thing like her before, and I pray to all the gods I never do again. Almost as tall as her walkin’ shark--musta been some kinda thrall, with how well it followed her biddin’--eyes of blue fire, strange glowin’ tattoos all over, no armor. She did nothin’ but look at us and I felt her screamin’ in my damned head, just pure wordless rage that made me wanna jump the blazin’ rail. Mighta gone better for me if I had; Cap’n weren’t in any shape to punish by then.
“Fools we were, we thought we could take ‘em. Thought they’d fetch a price’t’ make up our losses. The feathered warrior, the shark outta water, the blue witch. The crewmates I didn’t see fall to blade, bullets, or spells threw themselves off the ship like their minds weren’t their own t’ drown or be crushed against one a’ the ships. Only reason I’m alive is they thought I weren’t. See these burns, my whole damned chest? Her shark’s doin’. Aye, y’heard me. The fucker can walk, ain’t a surprise it has spells, too. Took out my mate Dren with a rock spike almost big as his head, then got me with fire that struck from the sky. Dunno why I ain’t dead, musta fell in th’ water when I blacked out, woke up on one of the islands, bein’ tended by the locals. They were jabberin’ ‘bout someone they called ‘Watcher’ wipin’ out the nearby slaver presence, so’s I figured best not tell ‘em what I was. Wasn’t plannin’ to do it no more anyway. Scrambled as my head was, I could still hear the blue witch’s screamin’ rage in the back of it. Way she fought, it was clear wipin’ us out was personal for her, an’ if slavin’ might mean runnin’ afoul of her again, with her shark and other creatures followin’ her I wanted no blazin’ part of it no more. I got lucky once, no need to push my fortunes like that. I’d sooner live landlocked in a hovel than worry she was after me.”
~overheard in the Wild Mare, attributed to Honest Joel, storyteller and merchant
“I was there when the blue witch hit our fortress out near Ori o Koiki.  The kith following her weren’t nothin’ special; elves and folk, though they did their share layin’ waste to our holdin’s, but that blue-skinned witch... Ah, she was a special kinda terrifying. You’ve heard the stories, yeah? Burnin’ eyes, tattoos what glow, shreds yer mind if ya meet her gaze? All true. But don’t think witch tricks are all there is to her, no. Y’see here the crooked set of me jaw?  That’d be her doing. Froze me with a look, cracked me ‘cross the face with her hammer, knocked me clean off the fortress ramparts. Only lived ‘cause I landed atop a pair of mates cheated me at cards the night b’fore, an’ serves ‘em right. Better their necks than mine. I’ll tell you one thing for sure an’ simple, boys: you ever see a woman with skin like sapphire and eyes that could burn right through a man, or glimpse a ship called Mercy, you pray to all the gods who ever helped you and you beg your captain on bended knee if you hafta to steer well clear of her, b’cause I swear by my good eye it’s the only way you’ll see another sunrise. The blue witch don’t spare our kind. Not on purpose.”
~”Half-face” Morrisey, Harbormaster of Port Maje
“She ain’t no witch by my reckoning. No, she’s some poor sod what perished in the trade and come back as a ghost for her revenge. It’s what I’d do. And her crew must be more a’ the same. Where else d’you find an elf with two voices or a woman part bird or a shark with fuckin’ legs? They’re nightmares from the Beyond itself--if they exist at all.”
~Captain Pegi of the independent slaving vessel Tiama, overheard with her crew while stopped to resupply. She was found three days later by a passing merchant ship, adrift, alone, and barely alive, muttering about the vengeance of the dead.
[the next several pages are heavily damaged by water, slick with fungus or greenish mold, and only pieces of the accounts they contain are still legible. The tone is the same, however--the blue witch and her fantastical, impossible collection of followers devastating slaver ships and outposts, leaving no survivors save the ones lucky enough to hide or smart enough to play dead. At the very end, however, one account remains mostly undamaged.]
“The Blue With? Ekera, I’ve seen her. She was the answer to nigh on three years begging the gods would save me from those Crookspur bastards. They worked m’ brother to death, y’know. Woulda like as not done the same to me if their dreaded Blue Witch hadn’t shown up an’ killed ‘em all. Magran’s eyes, but she was a sight to watch. Washed through like the damned tide, her and her friends, didn’t leave a one of ‘em standin’. Some of her friends had flashier spells; fire and lightnin’ and such, but she just had t’ look at kith and they’d fall to their knees or turn tail to run. Those ones didn’t get far, she saw to that.
“[a paragraph is illegible, before] Once she’d introduced ‘em all to the Usher, she took care of us. Freed every man, woman, and child from the chains that held us, from our cells. Locks she couldn’t find keys to got broke open.
“She may’ve been a witch to slavers and the like, but to us she was more savior than anything. And one look at her wrists’ll tell ya why on both counts. I hope every slaver in the damn Deadfire shits themselves at the thought of her, but there are many kith, like me, have lives back thanks to the ‘blue witch’ who freed us and fed us and took us to safety. May her legend live on.”
~Jesse, sailor on the Recurrent
The original intention was to see how unbelievably I could have the poor, poor slavers Emiri went up against describe her and her friends, but it turned into just them being terrified out of their damn minds. Which... is fair. They should be terrified of her. She would be very pleased. (And she would laugh, very hard, at that last account; someone viewing her as deliverance sent by the gods when they never answered her prayers for rescue).
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cursewoodrecap · 5 years
Session 11: Cirque Macabre
On the road from Mornheim to Bad Herzfeld, we can’t even have a day off in peace.
Good Morning Baaaaaaaltimornheim~
We wake up in Mornheim along with the Fairgolds, having crammed all six of us into one room at the overcrowded inn. We see behind the scenes into Flynn’s hair care routine. What, you think he looks this dashing naturally? He has product for his beard and moustache. 
Flynn is sicker than he was after Valeria gave him the Pat Pat of health yesterday, but better than he was when he came in. He had advantage to his roll today, for Reasons the DM won’t disclose. He’s putting up a brave front, and is definitely putting some extra effort into looking dashing and healthy. Somebody get him his fancy hat!
Meanwhile, having spent the whole night in close quarters with Valeria, Clem, and Fiona, Shoshana wonders: why is every woman she meets improbably jacked? What even is her life.
The plan, just to recap: We’re heading to a place called Bad Herzfeld, because we’ve heard it’s overflowing with the rare herbs and plants we need as spell components for the ritual we found in the manor house, which should purify the water supply of Mornheim. (Somebody’s been sticking their Taint in the water. HURR HURR)
We take a moment to question why, if it was a mage working in the von Mornheim manor, are the ingredients of the spell so druidic, and the spell written in archaic Old Valdian like a druid might speak? Druids live in the woods making friends with badgers; this was a bona fide wizardy laboratory. Shoshana rolls to see if she can figure it out and nat 1′s. What do you mean this isn’t what all wizard shit looks like? 
Valeria also rolls to figure it out and rolls...not much better. Maybe there was a druid squatting in an old wizard lab? Who knows. Magics is magics.
We have a thin, unfulfilling soup for breakfast, and then split up to prepare for travel.
Valeria immediately heads off over by the city gates. She tells the DM that her activity will need ten minutes, and that “you know what I’m doing.” The rest of us  have to wait in suspense.
Shoshana stops in to double-check on the doctor; she’s realized that it’s pretty likely that any corpses will get up just like Sokolov did, and she’s pretty sure the locals have figured that out but needs to double check. Turns out that yes, the Doctor has been burning the bodies. Cremation isn’t common in Valdia; if you live in a forest, funeral pyres tend to set the trees on fire. But you do what you gotta in a zombie apocalypse.
Clem organizes her kit and sharpens her sword, then takes a little while to read through the Sturmhearst journals she picked up from the book merchant. There’s an article about research into “replacing lost limbs with synthetic troll blood made of fungus.” Given what we’ve just found out about fungus people... thaaaaat could be bad.
Gral interrupts her reading to awkwardly ask Clem about when he used his magic lutestrings to wooble her. “How did it feel? I’d like to make sure I don’t kill someone by accident.
Clem thinks about the experience, which did come with a chunk of psychic damage. “It wasn’t painful, or necessarily unpleasant?” she says, thoughtfully. “But it was unpleasant in its unexpected nature. Like when the surface of a pond starts rippling – but you’re made of air instead of water – I dunno if I’m describing it right? But it was like that.”
Gral sits down next to her. “After acquiring the strings, my best test subject was self. You get used to it quickly. Maybe it’s not good to get used to it?”
Clem nods. “Yeah, it’s probably bad to get used to it.” She shows the journals to Gral to get his opinion, since the orcs have had skirmishes with fungal zombies before. The paper details the formula derived from a strange new fungus, but doesn’t really give any details about the fungus itself, so Gral doesn’t have much to go on.
As they flip through the journals, they also find a paper about fungal infection and potential treatments, by a Professor Alma Ulmus. Useful for Flynn, perhaps?
Clem med checks well and grasps the concepts pretty well. The paper details several techniques for dealing with fungal infection. There are some theories about ways to selectively target the infection with necrotic damage and certain medicines/poisons. Unfortunately, the techniques tend to come with hefty risks to the wellness of the patient, since you’re basically injecting a toxin that is mildly more deadly to the fungus than to the patient. It’s chemo, basically.
(We go down a conversational rabbit hole re: magic cancer and magical chemotherapy techniques, and have to get wrangled back on track.)
None of the treatments are outlined in enough detail for us to use. Mostly it’s an update about ongoing research initiatives, in case anyone wants to give the good Professor some grant funding.
(”The results aren’t peer reviewed yet - Who am I kidding, Sturmhearst doesn’t peer review.” “They used to, back in the good old days!” says our ghost scalpel.)
Valeria has, meanwhile, found a decent spot to perform her holy ritual, and lets the other players know that “we” are coming to meet up with the group. The first player to realize what’s going on squeals a little.
Valeria, in fact, has cast Seek Steed. (Yes, the PHB calls it Find Steed, but alliteration is important!) 
Something is walking alongside Valeria, pressing its large reptilian head to her chest affectionately. It’s similar to the creatures we’ve seen pulling Lucinius’ cart but it’s thinner, taller, more fine-boned. It is a faintly glowing lilac color, with silver reaching up to almost its knee on one foreleg and its ankle on the opposite hind leg, with a silvery crescent on forehead. 
“Oh my god, it’s a crocodile,” Shoshana’s player gasps.
“It’s an ALLIGATOR,” Valeria’s player returns indignantly.
Valeria pets the cool dinosaur behind its skull and tells it its name is Aethis. (It’s named for the aether from which it arose, being a celestial mount.) Rack, in his divine kindness, also had Aethis show up with a very fancy saddle. It has a rose embossed on it, and as Valeria names the creature, “Aethis” appears embossed on the saddle in Draco-Aquilian. The reptilian mount is faintly glowing purple. 
Its pronouns are they/them, because it is a celestial being of divine energy that has taken mortal form for Valeria’s convenience; what even is a gender.
The rest of us stare. “...Where did you get that.” 
“Rack gave them to me!” 
“Just, like, now? While I was in the bathroom?” 
“There’s a ritual. It’s a paladin thing.”
Shoshana awkwardly waves at the lizard. Gral obligingly holds out his hand for sniffs. Aethis sniffs him. Heartened, Shoshana cautiously moves forward for awkward pats on the head, which Aethis accepts.Shosha awkwardly pats. Aethis accepts the pats. Gral(‘s player) is like I PLAY WITH THE PUPPY even though it’s an Alligator Horse.
(The locals are like, what the fuck is that thing??? Like it’s obviously a paladin’s celestial steed, but……it’s THAT THING. Former-Kyr Crabber is not around to miss his long-gone mount.)
We don’t see Aubrey around – she was on watch last night, so she’s probably sleeping. Skulbjor the troll is watching the gate. 
“Hi, folks. Oh, lookit dat. You didn’t come in with that,” he says, appreciating Aethis. And hey! More folks came in last night - the one that doesn’t talk and the one that talks too much. So where ya headed? Back into the necropolis for another mission?”
We tell him all about our mission for spell components and fungus problems.
“Alright, well, don’t got time to process all that right now,” he says slowly as his troll-brain tries to catch up. “Let’s say good luck and I’ll tell Lady Aubrey you went to get some medicines. All right, best of luck to ya. Stay away from that grove what’s north of the road, the watchman heard some things movin’ around in there. I like your new chomper.”
Skulborg proceeds to scritch our new chomper with one big troll finger. “Aww, ’s a good chomper.” Aethis accepts the scritches.
We leave the dreary town of Mornheim. And as we leave its twisted trees and grim orchards and rows of graves, we feel the sun on your face, and it feels a little like we’ve been holding our breath in all this time. The sun feels warmer and we all feel a bit more alive, having left that place.
According to our best map, some of the roads go through Dead Towns, which people generally go around. Traveling in the Cursewood is a lot of back roads these days. You take the main road where you can, but some places are just impassable now – disrepair, or spooky monsters, or sometimes a town just vanishes and people wisely decide not to go where it used to be.
The result of this is that all of us have maps, and none of them match. Being a cartographer is a very stressful job right now, okay? Luckily, a good Survival check keeps us on the trail. We’re going for a town called Three Oaks Junction, which is more of a permanent camp than a proper town. We can get a better map there. It’s basically a three-way crossroads of some major roads; a travel stop that has a large enough occupancy of tents and carts that it can function as a safe stopover and makeshift town. We’re about two days out from there.
How long do we have until the troll moot? Fiona starts signing, and Flynn translates. Trolls don’t exactly subscribe to the mail, so they’re very slow to get the word out and get together. It’s less of meeting and more like a short-term living situation for times of crisis. They rarely last very long – trolls are solitary because they eat a lot of food. A large population of trolls in one place needs a LOT of food, and a big gathering is only done in extreme situations where there’s access to large food stockpile. There hasn’t been one in at least 200 years; mostly they’re just talked about in old songs. So we have plenty of time, but we want to shut it down long before any momentum starts up. If we can stop trolls from hearing about the moot in the first place, that might be the best for everyone.
(As we travel, we have our usual silly arguments, this time about Aethis: Celestial war mounts do not need to eat, although war gators are obligate carnivores. So Aethis can eat meat if they want to, right? In that case, what happens to that food?
“It’s not a real gator, it doesn’t poop!”
“It waits until it’s unsummoned, and then it poops ALL AT ONCE in the celestial plane.”
“Dude? Dude? Curse you.”
“Was that a....lore dump?”
I am told to please excise this from the record. I absolutely do not follow instructions.)
We’re boppin along and making decent time. As we travel, Valeria rolls good insight and sees through Flynn’s stiff upper lip, and insists on pushing another Lay On Hands of curing disease into him. Again, it clears his symptoms but doesn’t end the disease.
It’s late afternoon when we see a decently sized cottage by the side of road. It looks pleasant! There’s flower boxes in the windows, blooming picturesquely. There’s a cart next to it, loaded up with furniture and stuff, and a sign nailed to a tree nearby that says “MOVING SALE! CURIOS, ODDS AND ENDS. COOKIES PROVIDED WITH PURCHASE.”
Valeria is intrigued by cookies. Clem always likes a curio.
There’s a young girl running about and an old lady in a rocking chair, out in front of the house. The young girl is carrying things from the house to the cart. There’s a little table next to the old woman’s chair with a tray of cookies, as well as a surprisingly sturdy looking box. The old lady waves. “Oh, hello!”
We come say hi. “Yes, I’m moving in with my daughter and my granddaughter here! Say hi, honey.” The little girl waves hello and continues to help pack the cart. “My daughter and her family say it’s not safe out here alone for old woman. I resisted as long as I could. I can handle myself, but just last week as Rosie here was coming to visit, a werewolf almost attacked me! So I figured it was finally time to pack up and go.”
(Yes, we picked up on the Little Red Riding Hood joke.)
Clem immediately insight checks the little old lady, and nat 20′s. She is being perfectly trustworthy. Actually, she’s playing up the helpless little old lady act a little too hard. Clem thinks that she might have killed that werewolf herself. She’s got no intent to harm us, except maybe rip us off a little.
Clem shrugs. We ARE a group of 6 well armed strangers and a war gator. She’s got every right to be a bit on guard and play up the friendliness. She’s legit.
“Most of the things I’m not bringing with me are inside. Go take a look around! I traveled quite a lot in my youth, and I still have a few souvenirs!”
Valeria ties Aethis outside – in sight but not right up on the old lady, who is not spooked by Aethis at all. (Valeria is slightly offended that everyone is a little spooked by them. They’re just a gator! Gators are everywhere, it’s not like they’re a big deal!)
We enter the charming cottage and, well...that’s not what we expected. It’s absolutely stuffed, and it’s stuffed with COOL-ASS STUFF. There’s paintings and trophies lining the walls. That’s definitely a giant’s axe hanging there, carved with ancient runes. There’s a sultry oil painting taking up most of one wall, a picture of a young woman halfway out a window, turning to face the camera, smiling wickedly and clutching a gem as she prepares to rappel out the window. There’s big ol’ treasure-chest-lookin’ chests and boxes everywhere. There’s an old Aquilian war banner, hanging as a decorative tapestry. Gral spots some Orcish artifacts.
Who IS this woman?! Maybe she’s the protagonist of our spinoff prequel.
The first thing Valeria does, of course, is cast Detect Magic to see what glows. A beat, and then she just starts pointin’ everywhere. EVERY-DANG-THING is magic.
Gral ponders sagely. “I’m starting to think she may have overplayed the helpless old lady thing.”
Let’s investigate for stuff we wanna buy! Gral would like a projectile weapon, or perhaps some armor? Or a nice brooch. He finds a pack of 5 crossbow bolts inscribed with some sort of rune.
The old lady sticks her head in to see how we’re doing.  “Ah yes, can I help you find anything? I know it’s a bit of a mess, I’m in the middle of moving.” She spots Gral holding the bolts. “Oh, those are Bolts of Heart Seeking! They’re quite nice, I think. They’ll run you at least a hundred. I was asked to get rid of most of the deadlier souvenirs…” Gral buys them. 5 bolts, each granting advantage on the attack and an expanded crit range.
Shoshana looks for something protective, given her terrible caster AC. 
“I’m sorry, dearie, I sold my old armor set a while back,” the old lady tells her, but she rustles in a drawer and pulls out a little bag. “This was big help back in the old days whenever I got cornered by some-” 
“Grandma-” interjects the granddaughter, warningly.
“Well! Anyway, this will make anything that breathes sneeze and cough! 100 gold, and don’t say where you got it if you use it for anything illegal.” It’s 3 doses of Dust of Sneezing and Choking. Shoshana considers, but passes.
Clem doesn’t have much money after splurging on her new armor. She’s gonna save it.
Valeria looks for - well, she wants books, also anything that matches the Order of the Rose aesthetic, since she just found Kyr Marius’ old dagger. She doesn’t find anything recent - maybe some stuff decorated with floral designs, but nothing that would have been lost in the Crusade at the Summer Palace. She does find a shrine to the trickster god Guile in one corner of the room, and more importantly, a collection of rare books! None are magical, sadly. 
Valeria picks up a book about an expedition to an ancient Aquilian flying city. “Ah yes, that one was a comp copy! It all happened maybe 40 years ago?” the elderly lady chirps.
“Oh, did you write this?” Valeria inquires politely.
“Oh, goodness, no, I didn’t write it – I’m in it!” Sure enough, the cover has a lovely picture of a dashing lady-adventurer who looks suspiciously similar to the one in the painting.
We ask her name. “Jolene. Or Josephine. Johanna, sometimes. I think I’m Jolene in the book. Yes, those were good old days…”
She holds out a rod with a grappling hook on both ends. “This old girl’s seen a lot of the world with me. I picked it up from that nice artificer in Galway. It produces ropes! You push this button to launch the grapple, see-” she says, demonstrating, “-and this one to wind it in.”
“It’s a clever bit of machinery,” Valeria admits. 
“Oh, he mostly cheated with magic.” We pass on the Rod of Ropes, but it’s caught Flynn’s eye. After a short bickering session of increasingly rapid hand-signs, he buys it.
Gral asks about all orc stuff. “That was all a gift from orc leader some years back.”
“Oh? Who was it?”
“Ven’shek was the last name. His people mostly called him One-Ear?”
Gral’s jaw drops, like an indie band kid who found out their grandma knew Les Paul personally. “YOU KNEW ONE-EAR?!”
Gral’s history roll gives him some context: One-Ear was a bard, and he was a pretty big deal. He had two ears; he was just deaf in one after rocking out too hard at one point. He’d fought an evil necromancer who was trying to animate mummies of the honored dead, leading a group of bards to put a stop to that nonsense. He unleashed a sonic blast so powerful it buried the necromancer in an avalanche, but also blew out his left eardrum.
The old lady seems unfazed. “Yeah. He had two ears! He kept wanting us to ask why, but I wasn’t gonna fall for that.” Hanging on the wall is a bona-fide autographed copy of One-Ear’s bard mask, similar to the one Gral wears. 
Gral is still Absolutely Gobsmacked. “He was before my time but I’ve always really admired his work!”
“Yes, good times. He wanted my help with retrieving a thing from a-” Her voice drops to a mumble, “-dragon’s hoard.”
We check out a few more items. There’s a perpetually bloodstained sword sitting in the corner, with teeth carved in the hilt, quietly whispering, “feeeeeeeeed” to itself, which we leave well alone. There’s Gloves of Thievery and a Handy Haversack for sale, as well as a small silver raven ornament that Ms. Jolene claims will deliver messages. “Oh, I got that little thing in the flying city! It’s an Aquilian device originally meant to carry messages between their cities. It’ll deliver a spoken message or a letter. If it can’t get there in 24 hours, it’ll come right back to you. I was sort of hoping to use it to correspond with old friends...”
Awww. We won’t take it away from her, then. We WILL pool some cash for that Haversack, though. “We had good times together. I’m a bit sad to see it go,” the old lady admits, patting it fondly. Sure enough, the small black-and-grey bag is there in her painting, on the hip of the sexy thief.
That’s about all the cash we want to spend, but the sun’s starting to go down and this seems about as safe a place to camp as any. Old Woman Jolene doesn’t mind.
Flynn takes the opportunity to play with his new Rod of Ropes. “Fiona, hold my hat! I’m gonna try it out!”
Fiona signs to Shoshana, which with a bit of insight she figures out means, “Can you cast Feather Fall?”
Fiona signs something to Flynn.
“Thank you, Shoshana! I’ll be sure to shout if I need your help!”
He does some acrobatics off the roof of the house, but he hasn’t had the practice with this thing yet. “Shoshana, now would be a good time to-” He falls flat on his face.
Fiona does her weird cough-laugh at him as he dusts off with an overdramatic scowl.
That’s our adventure at Jolene’s Lifetime-of-Adventuring Surplus. Jolene’s Stolen Goods Boutique: She takes them just because she caaaaaaan.
Given what we know about Ms. Jolene, we all keep an eye on our purses that night. Luckily, it seems like she’s trying to downsize.
In the morning, Flynn is not doin’ great, coughing hard and looking pale. Valeria Lays on Hands again, negating his symptoms. But we’re gonna need a permanent solution eventually.
Shoshana rolls a mediocre medicine check. The illness is from the inhaled spores from the farmer’s son, and it’s mostly respiratory. Maybe Shosha could brew a tea that could help with some of the symptoms, but she doesn’t have a supply of the right herbs, and Valeria’s got the symptoms covered for now. Ah well, it was worth a try.
We get on the road and roll into Three Oaks Junction later that day. There are indeed oaks there, significantly more than thee. Like we expected, it’s more of a big camp than a normal town – there are a few permanent structures, like a sheriff’s depot, but most folks here are living out of tents. There’s a big marketplace where many traveling merchants and local farmers come to trade, sort of a perpetual bazaar.
Valeria & Clem work together to write up a letter to Ambassador Khoshev with the warning about the Red Hand’s assassination plans. They give Clem’s name and rank for veracity and slap Valeria’s noble seal on it to give it priority. Asking around, they’re told there’s actually a courier service with a permanent shop over by the founder’s statue. Bonus, not only can they get a message to the Ambassador, they can also get a message over to Holzog, where Clem knows there are messengers who could get a message back to her “caravan,” which she hasn’t mentioned to the other three before.
Clem and Val head over to Red Raven Couriers to send their letter. Clem also sends parcel of gems to her caravan, the ones that we found in the Mornheim manor, about 100g total. The halfling clerk asks if the packages have any valuables we’d like to insure. Clem insights him, he seems like a trustworthy professional instead of someone who’ll go through her mail for loot. “The package for Holzog is valuable, I’d rather delay it if it will get extra security. The message is the opposite - it’s urgent, and there is no material value.”
The package of gems will go on the next well-guarded stagecoach, and the message will go immediately on a relay of fast horses. Valeria makes sure to tip extra well. Red Raven Couriers: Leave at sunup, there by nightfall.™ (Disclaimer: this is not a guarantee of one night service. We do not travel by night. What, do you think we’re crazy?)
Their job done, they take a look at the statue of Three Oaks Junction’s founder. It’s a drow! There’s two captions, a rather short one in Valdian and a much longer one in the Drow language.
Valeria reads off the Valdian: THREE OAKS // TOWN FOUNDER.
Clem can see the Drow caption has the elf’s full name: “Born to Clan Shenkel on a Rainy Night Under the Shelter of Three Oak Trees.” Ah, that’s where the town name comes from!
Clem’s pretty chuffed! “I’m very pleased to see people who aren’t averse to drow in this area! There’s even a statue, and not a burning heap where the statue used to be!”
The folks at the courier are happy to share the founding story. Three Oaks was a skilled wagon repair-person, and set up a wagon repair station at a good high-traffic spot. It became a local fixture, she eventually settled down and built a real shop, and that was the start of the town!
Clem knows: If drow know anything, it’s how to fix wagons. And care for horses. Good for this Three Oaks for making an opportunity of it!
Towering over the town, a distance from the main thoroughfares, is a large black and white striped tent. There’s a circus, scheduled for tonight! Valeria gets excited about the possibility of Night Circus.  
Clem has never seen a circus. Gral has never seen a Valdian circus. Valeria has seen many traveling shows. Shoshana’s seen a couple significantly less fancy traveling shows. Flynn and Fiona are excited to go to the circus. Everybody’s like, yeah, let’s have a night off, let’s have fun!
We worry that Gral, as a performer, might be That Guy: “Their technique was horrible, frankly, I’ve seen better-”
We’re hype! Let’s get CIRCUS SNACKS. There’s spiced nuts and funnel cakes. Clem gets a funnel cake. Shoshana is deeply disappointed to learn that cotton candy has not been invented yet.
Valeria goes over to get some spiced nuts. The nuts stand is run by a red dragonborn, obviously named Bophades. (He tells us he has brothers, Joe and Ligma.)
Valeria doesn’t know how much to pay the guy, and we meme about it. How Much Could Nuts Cost, Clementine? One Gold? Ah, nobles.
A few performers are starting to walk around to work the crowd. Everything in the circus is black and white, like a fun theme. All the performers have pristine white facepaint.
We realize we should probably not bring Large Greatswords into a theater, so we stash Clem’s sword, Valeria’s tridents, and the Eyegis with Aethis. Hey, Aethis has the Eyegis, Valeria basically has a large lizard camera drone to look through! Cool. Valeria buys Aethis a live chicken as a snack, even though celestial steeds don’t need to eat. “We’ll come back soon, I love you~!”
Shoshana’s anxiety cloak is freaking out, but, like, it freaked out around the cool old lady too. Does this thing have a snooze button?
We all find our seats, passing around snacks and jostling with the crowd. Outside the sky is darkening, and Dancing Lights come up all around the tent, swirling and casting shadows. A ringmaster in a black-and-white jester’s motley comes out. The lights all focus around him, 
“Hello, everyone,” he calls to the crows, in the practiced cadence of a seasoned performer. “We live in troubled times. This wood is not a very fine place. So tonight, in this tent, open your minds and your hearts and join me as I take you to a kingdom far away - yet as close as you allow it to be! First, walk with me as we approach the land of my king. We must approach the borders, guarded as they are!”
Braziers burst into flame all around the perimeter of the tent with a big oooh from the crowd! Jugglers begin tossing batons between them, forming a high arch, which the ringmaster walks under. “Cross the border with me!” he calls. “These woods are dangerous place, but my lord’s marksmen are expert.” Each baton is shot out of the air at the apex of their arch by an arrow! The jugglers catch them expertly, and demonstrate that each arrow has struck the dead center of a target painted on each baton!
Gral murmurs an aside: “I have the memories of every orc performer who ever lived, I’ve seen better, there was this one guy-”
Shoshana dope slaps him. Shut up and enjoy the show, doofus.
After a pause for the audience to applaud the archers, the jester continues. “And now, our master, my king, is building a bridge! A vast river lies before us!” Performers come out, shaking a long blue cloth between them. “But fear not, we will cross it!” A pair of strongmen start heaving around big ol’ beams of wood, while acrobats start making their way across the tops of the whirling beams in an impressive display of balance and coordination. The beams are moved into place, and one strongman lifts ringmaster with one hand up to them. The ringmaster mounts the ‘bridge’ and walks across. “Ladies and gentlemen, the bridge builders!” 
There’s another round of applause. Clem and Valeria are enthusiastic. Even Gral is starting to get into it.
“But before we can approach the castle and visit my master’s court –” the jester warns us. We her galloping hooves (or possibly coconut shell) noises. “Ah, yes! Do you hear who’s come to greet us! The knights of the Black and White!” Everyone claps, the ringmaster throws something in the braziers, and the arena fills with smoke. As horses carrying stunt riders circle the big top, we must all make wisdom saves. Valeria is informed she may do so with proficiency. We’re  all lucky enough to save, except Flynn.
As the smoke hits Valeria, she realizes – there’s something wrong here. Once tent has filled with smoke from the smoke bombs – it was to set up dramatic entrance, but…the ringmaster’s describing this glorious kingdom where nobody has to fear any death or dismemberment,  where the power of his king is absolute. There’s something weird about the smoke. Something weird about the performers and their flickering shadows. She can’t quite place it...
The show has moved along. There’s a knife thrower, a fire breather, and a sword swallower performing now as the “village blacksmith” as the procession “approaches the court”. It’s a whole routine.
Something Is Wrong.
The ringmaster’s patter about this king has become increasingly creepy. Fiona is giving us the side eye. Meanwhile, Flynn and most of audience are slack jawed and enraptured. I mean, it’s a pretty impressive show, but the imagery is getting macabre.
The crowd is no longer applauding after each performance. Everyone is just sitting there, completely entranced. Clem murmurs, “Does this...usually happen at circuses?”
Valeria glances through the Eyegis. The camp outside is perfectly normal, no fires or thieves or anything this might be a distraction from. She cuts back to the here and now.
Right now there’s two guys with halberds, with acrobats dancing on tips, performing as the “castle guards.” Shoshana pokes Flynn, who doesn’t react at all as he stares unblinking at the black-and-white figures. Fiona scoffs - just a poke? Please - and slugs her brother in the stomach. He snaps out of his trance as he gasps for breath, sputtering “WHAT WHY WOULD Y-mmph!” as she slaps a hand over his mouth and shushes him.
Gral hisses, “If we make a scene, they’ll know. Pretend like you’re watching the performance!”
We all perception check. Gral figures it out: the entire time, those dancing lights and braziers have been casting wild, flickering shadows of the rapidly moving acrobats and the people in costume armor But he gets clear look under the acrobats for just one second, and realizes: they’re casting the shadows of skeletons. 
These are undead. The king the ringmaster wants us to visit is none other than the Pale King himself.
Clem is very glad she kept her warhammer on her.
There’s maybe 80-100 people in audience. If we act, the civilians might be collateral damage.
The bad guys wouldn’t know us by look. Maybe we pretend to be enraptured like the rest of audience and wait for them to reveal their big plan. That, or we could just rush the guy leading circus.
The ringmaster is narrating entering the castle gates. The smoke started the process, but clearly the performance has something to do with keeping it going. Shoshana’s all for casting Shatter into the center of the ring - maybe a loud enough noise will wake up the audience. Valeria’s not sure.
Gral and Valeria want to wait and see; Clem and Shoshana want to disrupt the performance before they finish enthralling the audience. Valeria’s player flips us a coin. Our answer? Disrupt.
We refocus in on the plot of the show. The audience has been invited into the great hall, and a feast has been laid out for us – there’s a huge table, with acrobats and jugglers doing a routine where they’re tossing around plates and chairs. We have to roll deception, and we do good enough that they don’t notice we’re snapped out of it, but the ringmaster is definitely scanning the crowd for anyone who’s not under yet. 
At this point, the macabre stuff has become overt. The “castle servants” are setting plates with skulls and crawling hand bones. It’s Obvious Curse at this point. We agree that this is a really cool, goth circus theme, but we would prefer it to maybe...not end with the whole crowd becoming zombies?
Gral decides to Dispel Magic the smoke. To hell with subtlety, we’re going for disruption. He stands up and strikes an echoing POWER CHORD!!! Rolling well, he dispels the effect of the smoke, shouting, “The show is over!” 
As he strikes his lute, a tangible soundwave goes out through the audience. A ripple goes through the smoke, and it starts to fade. The Dancing Lights flicker and come back up. With the spell gone, we can see clearly: the performers are still dressed up, but the acrobats, strongmen, etc. are all visibly rotting or skeletal.
The crowd, suddenly jerked out of the mass charm effect, predictably panics.
The ringmaster turns and looks directly at Gral. In his ringing showman’s voice, he bellows, “GET THEM. THE KING COMMANDS IT.”
Shoshana centers a Shatter on the table full of dancing acrobats, trying to get as many low level undead as she can. Bone shards fly everywhere as all but one of the skeletons explode into bits, with a deafening BOOM that drowns out the circus music. A shame, since this is a dope-ass circus.
(The DM comments: If we’d let it get to end, it would have definitely gotten a bit King in Yellow. We drew a red card at the end of last session, so we get to meet an Avatar of the Curse. This here is the Ringmaster, also known as The Fool.)
Clem, Valeria, and the Fairgolds dash toward the Ringmaster. Valeria has her adamantine wrench. Clem has her warhammer. Fiona has hers, too. Just three super buff ladies with hammers…and Flynn. 
“I’ve got an aesthetic, it’s called Swashbuckler? We don’t use hammers!”
“If he used a hammer, he’d be a Squashbuckler.”
“Or a Smashbuckler?”
“That’s alright,” he quips, summoning his pistol, “I’ve got another kind of hammer I can use…”
(”Is it his penis?” asks everyone who has ever seen Dr. Horrible.
“It’s the HAMMER OF THE GUN, it’s not his penis!” sighs the DM.)
Shoshana aims another Shatter on the remaining zombie strongmen and their table, but they have better CON than a bunch of bones, so it doesn’t have quite the dramatic effect. Flynn shoots the Ringmaster with his pistol. As the shot hits home, he drops the pistol and snaps his fingers, a second pistol materializing in his hand. This time the shot goes wild.
The Fool howls, “GET THEM!” and the two strongmen rush at our tanks, picking up chunks of table to wallop our melee fighters with, mumbling “In the name of the king!” in their garbled zombie voices. The Fool begins to rise into the air, which is never a good sign. He points at Shoshana and in an echoing voice demands she KNEEL. She flips him off. She ain’t kneeling for no floaty-ass pale-faced clown!
Gral Banes the strongmen and the acrobat. The zombies are zom-baned. Clem sees them waiting to clobber her with chunks of table and is like “I can take ‘em,” and rushes in, carving a chunk out of the nearest one. The zombies don’t seem to be trying to defend themselves - they’re just balls of rotting meat in between us and the real threat.  I mean, they’re swinging broken table legs at us, but they’re whiffing hard. Valeria casts Shield of Faith on herself and Cone of Colds them. One save, one fail. Thanks, Bane! (”I love Bane!” “I love you too, citizens of Gotham!”) The one who failed its save and got Clemmed is bloodied. Fiona, raging, does 35 damage in a single turn and bloodies the other strongman. Her mouth is open like a battle-frenzy scream, but it’s just coming out as a hiss.
Shoshana takes a thrown knife from the last skeleton acrobat, and brushes it off. Then she realizes that unlike the others who charged in, she and Gral are still in the middle of the crowd. A crowd that is freaking the fuck out.
Shoshana promptly takes more damage from getting Crowd Trampled than she has from the actual enemies. (Gral gets buffeted around, too, but at least he stayed standing.)
Hey, did you know that The Fool gets lair actions? Arrows, like the ones that shot down the jugglers’ batons, fly in, targeting Gral, Clem, and Fiona. They even seem to change direction in midair to target him. These are ghost arrows! (Which does make the whole baton trick less impressive in hindsight. Cheaters.) 
Shoshana staggers to her feet and throws a Chromatic Orb of acid at the Fool. Flynn’s sword burns with green flames as he brings it down on a strongman zombie. The flame spreads between them and burns at their rotted flesh. One of ‘em nearly smacks Clem, but Gral’s Bane comes to the rescue, and Valeria gets to Sentinel him! She brings the adamantium wrench down on him with two hands. CRONCH. 
Strong Boi #2 punches Flynn in the face – or tries. “Ha! My sister punches better than that!”
The zombie is like, “We’re fighting your sister! That’s a compliment!” Or it would, if this was The Road to El Dorado. Mostly it just grunts.
The Fool gestures grandly, and we all must make Charisma saves. Shoshana and Fiona fail and are Baned. (Hey, no fair using our own tactics on us!) Also, he’s calling reinforcements. We hear the hoofbeats of the stunt horsemen as they charge back into the arena. Without the obscuring magic of the smoke, we can clearly see these are skeletal steeds, ridden by terrible, ethereal spectres waving big ol’ cavalry sabers. They are not headless horsemen; they have heads. We vow to change that.
(These are Sword Wraiths, for anyone who’s keeping track. Also, shout out to Skeleton Horse from our last campaign, forever in our hearts.)
Gral Phantasmal Forces one of the strongmen. The zombie hears a terrible crunchin’ noise. In his mind, the nearly destroyed table has come to life! The shards of wood invert inward, and now there’s a big mouth chompin’ at him! He turns around and starts fighting a table. The Ringmaster facepalms.
Clem channels the scalpel ghost and makes an excellent medicine check. Professor Wendell hmms, and points out a weak spot on the one Gral has just targeted. Clem pops the darn thing’s skull like a weird melon. He died, knowing he was getting eaten by a table. RIP.
Valeria tries to charge past the other strongman, but takes a solid hit of opportunity and gets knocked to the ground. She gets back up and returns the favor. The acrobat skeleton - oh, we forgot about that guy - throws more knives! Have a Knife Day, Valeria. (It doinks off her armor harmlessly.) Fiona smacks at the last big fella.
The spectral riders form a second barrier between the tanks and the Fool as the strongmen fall. They throw some spears at Clem and Flynn. 
The crowd knocks Shoshana over again. This is how she ends: stepped on by frightened civilians in a puddle of popcorn. You’re all gosh darn lucky she hasn’t gone evil yet.
The DM makes a Secret Roll. It’s a success! Valeria’s the first to hear the result, a thudding of claws on hard-packed dirt, and then we see the crowd parting as Aethis the war gator charges toward us, bringing our weapons. They wanted to help! They did a good job!!! We’d give them scritches but we’re, like, in a fight.
We get hit by more ghost arrows, and then Shoshana drags herself to her feet and twins another Chromatic Orb, shooting lightning at both of the spectral riders, who up close look like elven nobles. She then hides behind a chair, in the vague hope that no one else will stomp on her. Flynn stabs one of the riders with his green-flamed rapier, and the flame flickers between both of them.
The remaining strongboi hits Valeria for a big slam, but no one’s looking at them anymore. The Ringmaster, hovering above, begins to distort his body horribly. He distends his limbs, extending his body to spidery and unnatural proportions, and leers at us all with a manic, wild grin. The melee fighters all make WIS saves. Valeria and Flynn are now Frightened of him. As his lips stretch into an even wider rictus, his head rotates on its neck in a deeply unnatural way and his fingerbones stretch out into slender, vicious claws.
Gral inspires Clem, and Dissonant Whispers the strongman. It instantly drops dead. (”You scared a zombie to death. Metal AF.”) The spectral riders close ranks with their shields, forming a barrier between the melee fighters and the Fool, but Clem and Dr. Wendel are READY TO OPERATE! Clem misses one, but maneuvers on attack 2 to try to trip a skeleton horse. Action Surge! She crits the ghost to death, exploding it into mist, its horse falling apart into an inert pile of bones. Her final attack goes to the other horseman with a Distracting Strike. I mean, she did just pulverize his buddy, that’s pretty distracting.
Valeria is afeared of the Creepy Jester (which is taxonomically distinct from a creepy clown, we are told to note.) She takes the opportunity to Lay On Hands herself. The DM is kinda surprised that paladins don’t have resistance to fear in 5e. OH HI AETHIS!!!! They’ve run up to Valeria with her sword and shield. What a good gator!!!! Valeria grabs the Eyegis, and her AC goes back up.
The lone skeleton acrobat is like why r u guise ignoring me??? and throws a knife at Clem. We continue to ignore it. Fiona charges the ringmaster, Clem continues to duel the remaining rider, and the unforgiving crowd continues to trample Gral and Shoshana.
Clem, Fiona, and Flynn all take hits from the ghost arrows. Fiona shrugs it off, but Flynn’s not looking too hot. Shoshana chugs a healing potion (because of freakin’ CROWD DAMAGE!) and dives behind a tent pillar.
The Fool cackles eerily, and everybody under 10 health must make CON save. He was trying to give us all taint, but everybody affected manages to save. He swipes at Fiona with his Horrible Claws, but she blocks with her hammer.
Gral Dissonant Whispers the remaining rider, who nat-1s. It’s scared bad, and Clem does the honors, catching it with her hammer as it passes by. “AH-AH, YOU ARE NOT DISCHARGED!” cries Dr. Wendell. As it flees, the ghost dissipates, and horse tumbles into a mess of bones, carried forward by its own momentum.
Now it’s Clem’s proper turn, and she’s gonna hit the Fool!!!! But first, Second Wind. Miss one, hit one, MANEUVER! Trip Attack! She knocks him prone!
Valeria rides Aethis to the Fool, then dismounts, and Aethis dashes to get to the acrobat. Valeria brings her wrench down on the Fool. She Smites him good. (He is undead, so smite does a Lot.) He makes a goofy OOF! Sound and begins to wriggle up from the ground, and then she just SLAMS him back down. Flattened. After a hit like that, I almost PITY the Fool.
Look, SOMEONE was gonna make that joke.
The acrobat throws knives at Valeria! It crits, but like, it’s a knife. Valeria doesn’t care. Fiona drops one warhammer and just pins the Fool on the ground, grappling him. Raging, she gets advantage. Pinning him down with one arm, she swings her hammer down with the other. He contorts oddly, moving out of the way of one blow, but gets hit by her second slam.
The ghost arrows are back! They all target Fiona. As the arrows slam into her back, she just grits her teeth and takes it. Barbarians, man. Shoshana’s shot goes wide on the Fool as she snipes from afar. Flynn saves against his Frightened condition and starts escorting the last few crowd members out of the tent.
The Fool tries to contort out of Fiona’s grapple, but she keeps an iron grip on his wriggling limbs. Gral decides to join the melee party and stab with his Psychic Blades, finishing off the avatar of the Pale King. The circle of phantom orc warriors again rushes in as one. As he slices into the Fool with his sickle, the jester’s costume tears like a cloth bag, and a bunch of choking black mist bubbles out and away. Inside, there are only the barest, faintest hints of a skeletal form. His weird painted skull rolls away, a head in a jester’s cap locked in a rictus grin jingling absurdly across the big top.
Aethis swats the skeleton acrobat with its tail. It’s dead now.
The circus is silent. The last vestiges of the strange mist are blowing away. The tent is eerie, dark and cold.
Valeria makes a knowledge!Religion check. With the context that this was a weird Pale King thing, she realizes what was bothering her at the start of performance: she’s never been to a circus or play that didn’t open with an invocation to Guile, the god of trickery, illusion, and the arts.
Shoshana lies on the ground grumpily. Aethis comes over and offers a friendly shoulder to help her up. Shosha is like O__O because she’s looking into a massive faceful of teeth, but gingerly accepts the help up after being nudged and sniffed a bit.
Those ghost arrows were flying in from backstage. Let’s check out backstage! We find some quivers sitting there, but the arrows seem to be inert now that the Fool is dead. There are a few musical instruments in the hands of some deactivated skellies and zoms, collapsed awkwardly to the floor. There’s lots of props, costumes, makeup - all the regular circus stuff, including a tour map of places they’ve been. One more for Valeria’s collection!
We find some high-quality stage makeup, which seems a little magic. It might channel illusion magic particularly well? Gral takes a crack at understanding it. It’s not itself a magic item, but it’s designed as a good conduit for illusion spells. Gral takes it. It has 5 charges of enhancing illusion spells. Valeria takes one of the charges. We find some finely ground crystal, which seems to be what was thrown into the braziers. Valeria takes it.
We also have the creepy elongated skull of the Fool. Clem only wants it because her player used to be our party warlock. Fiona wants to smash it. We COULD bring it to the Cursebreakers, like responsible adults, but we’re all like SMASH IT SMASH IT WOOOOOO
We also find a throne on a litter, under a sheet. Is there something on the throne?
Valeria Detects Magic. There’s a lingering magic clinging to it, but fading rapidly. (The makeup and throne have a lot of Illusion and Enchantment; there’s a lot of necromancy generally everywhere.) Shoshana lifts the sheet with her stick. There’s a skeleton sitting in the throne. Not even an animated one. It’s wearing a very nice costume robe and has a crown on its head. Clearly, it’s meant to represent the Pale King, and the culmination of the circus act’s plot, but whatever power it once held was probably coming from the Fool. It’s inert now. We smack it with sticks. It engages in normal skeleton behavior. We want it to be on the floor in pieces, which it finds perfectly doable.
We snag some posters labeled “Feste’s Circus Presents: Journey to the Great Court” and start to head out.
We roll against Taint, but we’re fine. The initial Wis save against the smoke was the big taint risk - getting drawn into story could have been a disaster.
Gral theorizes on what exactly the Fool’s gambit was. There was spell worked into the performance. Its effects weren’t physical, like the disease in Mornheim. This was more like an elaborate, highly modified Mass Suggestion, bringing the people into a susceptible state and then implanting the idea of the glory and power of the Pale King. This wasn’t an attempt to make more undead; this was an attempt to indoctrinate more cultists.
As we exit the tent we remember - oh, right, there’s a big crowd panicking.
Luckily, we have a charismatic and noticeable person with us. A Large Shiny Paladin Riding a Fancy Magic-gator shouting “There is no more threat here, everything has been taken care of, let us talk to the sheriff,” definitely helps - people don’t necessarily believe her, but they’ll obey and let themselves get corralled. Flynn, very experienced in the public relations aspect of monster-fightin’, helps wrangle and pacify the crowd.
The sheriff of Three Oaks Junction has been summoned, and pushes through the nervous crowd to Valeria. “Kyr, thank you, I hear you’ve save us all – what do we do about this???”
Valeria puts on her best commanding voice. “The villainous troop itself has been dealt with; we have no idea if there is any other magical danger in the tent. Is it safe to burn it down?”
The Sheriff nods. “Oh, ya, local fire ordinances meant we had enough clearance around it; nothing else’ll catch.” 
We get the townsfolk well clear of the area, and then Shoshana, whose player is appeased that she won’t start a godawful circus tent fire like in that documentary she saw once, Fireballs it. The tent burns merrily.
Flynn nods to his sister; it’s time for him to do what he does best. He rolls a decent performance check and steps into his role as Radiant Knight, dramatically recounting the battle for the shaken crowd. He focuses on making all of us look good, which is really nice! He lights up his sword with Green-Flame Blade as he gestures around with it, which is an excellent visual effect. He’s framed in front of the burning fire of the tent, and Gral performs an exciting score of back-up musical accompaniment. 
“And then Kyr Argent strode forward, her sword flashing...”
(whispers) “I wasn’t using my sword”
“Ssshhh, it fits better, he’s embellishing.”
As camera pans up, following the smoke into the starry skies over the Cursewood, we end session.
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liquidstar · 6 years
would love to hear about class 2's eye shapes and the symbolism behind their names!
Sure!! :D These descriptions may be a bit messy but I wanna keep them brief :0
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Sun’s is the same as his namesake. He’s named after sunflowers, those symbolize adoration, and loyalty. Those are factors in his relationship with Moon, but also his general personality. His magic is sun empowerment, a fire-based magic that gets stronger with more sunlight. 
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Moon’s, named after moonflowers, is a moon in the same vein. Moonflowers symbolize dreaming of love, and their magic is moon empowerment, a water-based magic that gets stronger with the phases of the moon. 
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Continuing with the trend, Cherry’s eyes are cherries. She’s named after Cherry blossoms, symbolic of renewal, and the fleeting nature of life, these traits are found in her through her healing magic. They also symbolize Good education, feminine beauty, and kindness. She’s pretty and nice girl who is a good student!
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Camellia’s eyes… Have eyes in them. She has spirit magic, so the eyes represent how she sees dead souls. The symbolism for camellia flowers is very dense, but the main that applies to her one is “longing for someone who is missed”, it matches with her magic. The dead are missed.
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Pansy has direction magic, represented with the arrows in her eyes. Pansy flowers symbolize admiration for another person, and her reason for being a wizard is because she has someone who she looks up to. Someone who inspired her to become braver. And pansy is also a synonym for coward.
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Zinnia has energy magic, represent through energy bolts (A bit different from Fennel’s lightning bolts)! The flowers symbolize remembrance, loyalty and thinking of an absent friend, that’s represented though her motivation for being a wizard and her attitude towards her friends.
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Fungus’ are lilly pads, because he has plant magic and a froggy theme (See: his mask). Lilly pads are sort of his trademark and the main spell he uses. His name was chosen because it isn’t exactly a plant… So something is… Off. He’s a good kid he’s just kinda cryptic. 
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Cactus’ are kind of like explosions, based on their explosion magic. The plants themselves are symbolic of motherhood, and they’re more or less the “mom friend”, also they’re kind of a “prick”.
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Cori’s is a comb, because she has hair magic!! Coriander is symbolic of love, lust, and hidden worth. Now the “lust” aspect of the symbolism doesn’t really come into play with her because she’s a highschooler, but she does have self-worth issues that lead into her feeling as if she needs to be with someone.
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Violet is a soul wizard, and the swirl in her eye is meant to represent a soul!! Violets are a flower symbolic of love between women, and well, she’s gay! It’s also a shade of purple, like her older brother’s namesake, lavender.
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Heliotrope has invisibility magic, so their eyes are a bit special in that they use more than just white. They use a second lighter shade of purple to make the sides seem transperant compared to the white stripe in the middle. Heliotrope flowers are symbolic of strength and eternal love, and Heliotrope themselves feel as if they’re weak but find strength through love.
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Bluebell has clairvoyance magic, so his eyes are meant to look kind of like a crystal ball. Bluebell flowers are symbolic of humility and gratitude, which are both things that Bluebell himself needs to learn throughout his arc.
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Almond has wood magic, so his eyes has little tree shapes. Though it is distinct from actual plant magic. Almond trees are symbols of resurrection, and this is a bit of a theme for Almond because of his heart.
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Primrose has drawing magic, whatever she draws comes to life, so here eyes have little pencil shapes. Her namesake, primrose flowers, are symbolic of youth and young love, and well, those are just things most highschoolers deal with!
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Jonquil’s eye shape is meant to look like a screw, because he’s a metal wizard! In terms of personality he’s the “friendship conquers all” type, which is fitting because jonquil flowers symbolize friendship! However they’re also in the narcissus family, associated with vanity. Though he’s not vein, he’s very cocky. Like a typical shounen protagonist attitude. 
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Last but not least, Lavender! His pupils are pointing in two directions, up and down, to represent his gravity magic. Lavender flowers symbolize calmness, grace, and devotion. These aspects are part of his personality, but also a big part of the type of wizard he aspires to be. Lavender is also a shade of purple, like violet, the namesake of his younger sister. 
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thetygre · 6 years
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30 Day Monster Challenge 2 - Day #15: Favorite Great Old One/Monster God
1.      Nurgle the Great Unclean One (Warhammer)
I think you can tell a lot about a person by knowing which of the Chaos Gods is there favorite. I’m not saying there’s a right answer, but I’ve always been a Nurgle man myself. Nurgle is more than just the daemon god of disease and entropy; he’s the god of the value of life. Nurgle loves all of his children equally, down to the smallest virus. It can be hard for people to accept that, to realize that they have as much cosmic significance as a single-cell organism, but that’s just because they don’t realize how much love the Urfather has for that little cell. In Nurgle’s phlegmatic embrace, all of us are equal, regardless of race, gender, or cell count.
Nurgle asks only that you spread the love he has so willingly given, so that all may be his children. Death and disease are natural parts of life; we struggle to fight them so, but they always come back to us. Through Nurgle, we may exalt in the power of pus and the greatness gangrene. We grow stronger with each infection, and every tumor is a sign of endurance. We do not die when the Plague Bearer calls us; we merely transform for the vermin and bacteria that consumes us, to be reborn in the eternal cycle. Truly, Grandfather Nurgle moves in wondrous ways.
2.      Ithaqua the Wind Walker (August Derleth)
It should come as no surprise that the god of all wendigos is one of my favorite Great Old Ones. The Ithaqua Cycle is probably the best thing August Derleth wrote, for what ever that’s worth. Ithaqua is just such a chilling god; the image of some skull-faced giant thing turning around a mountain is the stuff of nightmares. Ithaqua is the primal urge inside life, the need to do anything to survive in an unrelenting environment. He walks in the cold places of the world, but also in that cold space between worlds, spreading his cannibalistic madness from world to world. Ithaqua himself seems hardly necessary, or the countless wendigos that follow him. It’s the chaos and horror he causes between people in a desperate situation, pitting one man against the other and breaking taboos until only the strongest is left. Ithaqua is the cold and brutality of the North personified.
3.      Lolth the Queen of the Demonweb Pits (Dungeons and Dragons)
Lilith is so pastiche these days. You know where the real rebellious queen of evil action is at? Spiders, man, and Lolth is the Spider Queen. Lolth has been in Dungeons and Dragons since the beginning. Wherever the dark elves go, Lolth goes too, like any deity, and her absence from a setting is noticeable. She’s one of D&D’s greatest villains, and countless adventurers have lost their lives in the Demonweb Pits. Her entire realm is an arachnid hell crawling with spiders as small a mite to as big as her spider-golem palace. Lolth is an entity of contrasts; her priesthood is a strict matriarchy, but Lolth herself is absolutely insane. It’s hard to tell if there’s anything left of the elf goddess she used to be. Beneath the layers of scheming, beauty, racially motivated hatred, and plans to conquer the known multiverse lies a beating heart of blind hunger, an overwhelming instinct to survive by strength alone.
4.      Saaitii the Hog (William Hope Hodgson)
Saaitii is actually what got this particular entry in the challenge. See, I wanted to do just ‘Top 10 Great Old Ones’, but then I was worried that not everybody would know what the Great Old Ones are and it’s kind of an arbitrary category that Lovecraft wanted people to change from story-to-story for fun, so then I just broadened the category to ‘monster gods’ and now here we are. Anyway, Saaitii is a monster that William Hope Hodgson’s occult detective Thomas Carnacki encountered in his monster-hunting stories. The locals tell Carnacki that Saaitii is the ghost of a boar wrongfully killed long ago, but Carnacki suspects that it’s an extradimensional something using the spirits of dead hogs to try and come through.
First off, I just want to know what William Hope Hodgson’s deal with pigs was. This is explicitly his second pig monster story, following the pig men from The House on the Borderlands. But the usage of that aesthetic is definitely refreshing a little unsettling. In an age of meme-tentacles, we need new and different cosmic horrors. Pigs can be disturbing; we think of them as cute at best and filthy at worst, but rarely evil or malevolent. Even the meanest boar has a kind of nobility to it. But the Hog brings up images of mindless, vicious cruelty, dark things in the forest and filth. The concept of a higher life form like some extradimensional whatsit coming into our world through ‘lower’ lifeforms strikes a little close to the karmic bullseye for some, turning the tables on humanity and reminding us that in the eyes of the cosmos, we’re just so much more food.
5.      Ogdru Jahad the Seven Who Are One (Hellboy)
You’d think there’d be more dragons on the list, but so far it’s just the one. Seven. 369. Whatever. The Ogdru Jahad are the Hellboy/BPRD universes Great Old Ones, and the source of… a sizable amount of trouble there. Not all of it, but most of it. At the dawn of time, the Sons of God formed the mud of creation into seven great dragons that were filled with the shadow of the moon, for whatever reason. Things would have been fine and dandy there, but one little angel named Satan, for reasons that are still unclear, took the fire of God and filled the dragon with it, giving the Ogdru Jahad life. The Ogdru Jahad birthed their 369 offspring, and the angels had to fight them off before the whole Creation thing could get rolling. From that day on, every human culture has been warned about the Ogdru Jahad, and they have been ingrained in the human consciousness as the Dragon, from Tiamat to the Beast of Revelations.
It’s a nice fusion of Judeo-Christian Biblical lore and cosmic horror. I honestly don’t think it would work if it wasn’t for the fact that Satan is notably absent from the Hellboy series and, as of BPRD: Hell on Earth, the Ogdru Jahad are winning, where even their smallest children can cause natural disasters. I love conflating the image of dragons with cosmic monsters. Cthulhu as Leviathan, flying polyps as oriental dragons, hunting horrors as wyverns; it’s a direct play to the archetype that both types of creatures fill. The Ogdru Jahad illustrate that perfectly, simultaneously something the most modern of cosmic horror and the most ancient of monsters.
6.      Flowey the Flower (Undertale)
Flowey’s final form gets in on design alone. There aren’t a lot of monster designs that actually freak me out, but Flowey is just horrible. Of course that’s also because it’s a genius bit of sprite animation, with the usage of textures contrasting so hard with the rest of Undertale. It looks like something that ate its way inside out from at least three Madoka witches. The claws, the eyes, the mouths; it all makes something perfectly awful and abhorrent. And, of course, the music. I actually think Flowey’s boss theme rates pretty low compared to other Undertale boss themes, but the title is just something else. How are you supposed to do better than “Your Best Nightmare”?
7.      Rom the Vacuous Spider (Bloodborne)
It’s Rom. C’mon. Look, I know she’s not actually a Great One; she’s Kin, like Mergo’s Wet Nurse. But look at her. When I think, “What’s my favorite eldritch monstrosity boss from Bloodborne?” I keep coming back to Rom. Just look at her dumb, stupid face. One of her attacks is just falling over. That’s the most relatable a video game has been for me since I was an undergrad. Rom doesn’t want to hurt anybody; she’s just a giant, stupid bug/fungus thing. You could just walk away, man. You could just leave poor Rom alone. She’s doing her best trying to grant people eyes and you’re over here hassling her. In front of her kids, man. Just leave her alone.
8.      Moder the Bastard of Loki (The Ritual)
Y’know, as a jotun, this guy could have been on the giant list, but I feel like its design and concept are too unique for that. This is a special monster, a kind of revelatory creature. Its design is just out of this world, blending human and stag and those creepy little eyes. But there’s so much more to it than just a great design. Its ability to create illusions essentially gives it access to shapeshifting, tying it to the actual mythology of Loki and Norse giants. The actual ritual to appease Moder, where it picks a person up and impales them on a tree, is reminiscent of the story in Norse mythology where Odin impales himself on the World Tree Yggdrasil to gain the knowledge of the runes. Before a person is killed, Moder shows them something precious to them, or a defining moment in their life; it is, in its own way, giving the person a revelation about what is vital in their own universe. Moder, like any good monster, delivers a message about the meaning of reality to the people it encounters.
9.      Set the Slithering God (Conan the Barbarian/Marvel Comics)
I like this comic book version of a god. The actual Egyptian deity Set is fairly complex, and actually examining his character and divine portfolio gives insight into how Egypt’s culture changes over time. Comic book Set, on the other hand, is the god of snake villains. He is the snake villain to end all snake villains. Marvel cooked him up for their old Conan comics based off an offhand mention in one of Robert E. Howard’s stories because they needed Conan to have a nemesis. So Conan’s nemesis, the arch-wizard/priest Thoth Amon, worships the dark god Set, regardless of the fact that Thoth Amon appeared exactly once in the very first Conan story. Now, it’s fifty years later and Set is apparently one of Marvel’s Primordial Ultra-Deities.
It’s that mixture of traditional myth and the cosmic I like again, though this time it’s less H.P. Lovecraft ‘cosmic horror’ and more Jack Kirby ‘cosmic action’; new gods and a new mythology for a new medium, but still the same old story. Set is the Serpent, like the Ogdru Jahad, manifesting in human lore as everything from the serpent in Eden to Leviathan. He was the first murderer, able to absorb the power of any other god he ate, and even today he seeks reptile supremacy. Wherever there is Set there are snakes, enacting the cosmic cycle of death and rebirth while lounging in decadence.
10.   Haos the Ultimate Bio-Weapon (Resident Evil 6)
… We’re going to do this now, and then we’re never going to do it again. Because we’re going to talk about something good that was in Resident Evil 6. One of the most infuriating things about RE6 is that it had some of the most incredible monster designs in the Resident Evil series. Great designs. The kind of monster designs that other games only wish they could achieve. And they were wasted on one of the worst games the series has produced. One of those designs was Haos, the apparent ultimate bio-weapon engineered by (ugh) Neo-Umbrella in a secret facility at the bottom of the ocean good lord I’m putting this on a list with William Hope Hodgson.
Haos deserves a better game; its design is unnecessarily fantastic. It looks like a ningen crossed with a jellyfish. It’s some far future stage of human evolution driven to its most extreme and bizarre form. There’s something forlorn and sad about it, but also beautiful and powerful. Its concept is purely apocalyptic; Haos will rise from the bottom of the ocean before it finally dies and dissolves into a gas that will spread across the world, turning humanity into zombies and monsters. Herald of a world of gods and monsters and all that. Even its name is kind of cool; ‘Haos’ is literally Siberian for ‘chaos’. And every day I have to wake up with the knowledge that this wonderful, horrible monster was stuck at the end of a Resident Evil 6 campaign. It’s depressing. So here’s to good old Haos; at least here you’ll get some respect.
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yoolee · 7 years
About Lee
@cavern-of-bells made a FUN LIST OF THINGS so I answered them.
1. What kind of food can’t you stand?:  I fervently avoid all food that squelches – like grapes and ‘gelatinous snow fungus’ (that is a google-translated name for a mushroom in a soup my roomie from China made me once – aside from that ingredient, it was interesting). I’ve never, not once in my life, eaten Jello. 
2. If you could choose one minor inconvenience to never have to deal with again, what would you pick?:  Smoke alarm chirping. I could also happily do without pharmaceutical ads, which I think should be illegal, and election campaign ads.
3. Have you got any useless talents?:  AHAHAHA. I can sing the chipmunk Christmas song and say the alphabet backwards? I’m also hypermobile—did a stint in the local circus as a contortionist in high school. (non-animal circus – just acrobatic acts)
4. If you could be really really good at one thing, what would it be?:  Making people smile.
5. Name a few people you think are extremely good-looking: Mila Kunis, Barbara Palvin, Wendell Lissimore, Chris Evans, Zendaya Coleman, Natalie Portma, Godfrey Gao
6. What was your favorite way to pass the time as a kid?:  READING (/daydreaming about book worlds) but also figure skating while we could still afford it. It was as close to flying as I could get! 
7. What is something you’re proud of?:  When I was in my MBA program, my 59 classmates voted me ‘Most Likely to Change the World’. It’s framed next to my diplomas. Though, to be fair, it also sort of haunts me because I feel like I’m not living up to it. 
8. What’s one character flaw in people that you just can’t tolerate?:  I despise being patronized. Being ignorant and refusing to admit it in the face of facts.
9. Do you consider yourself to be more of a leader or a follower?:  Leader -  not a good one, but, I’m not a follower.
10. What kind of student are/were you?:  A really lazy, procrastinating one who still got A’s/B’s. I was a really good test taker.
11. Butterfly effect question! Has there ever been a seemingly minor decision you’ve made (at the time) that ended up having a profound influence on your life?:  Reading in class in 7th grade science. My teacher made a deal with me – if I could pass the pre-quiz at the start of every week, he’d let me read instead of pay attention, but he would get to pick the book. He introduced me to Michael Crichton and Anne McCaffery, which were my first forays into sci-fi, and my involvement in that has rippled through most of my major friend groups since. Alternately, attending a training at my first career job, which introduced me to the career I now have.
12. Name your most irrational fear/aversion: Ants. I hate ants. Where there’s one, there’s hundreds, and there’s nowhere I can go that they can’t get too, and they’re small enough to crawl in your nose and stuff. I sat in a fire ant hill as a kid, which was strike one. Strike two was moving into a house that had been abandoned for seven months when I was in third grade – turned on the tub water and it came out black there were so many ants in the pipes, and they just POURED into the tub and swarmed up the sides oh god it was like a horror movie. Other than that, most of my fears are pretty average – failure, my family being hurt, etc.
13. Are there any fictional characters you find especially relatable?:  I am self-centered enough to find myself in most characters – there’s usually one or two aspects that line up. Unless they are Lawful Good then I’m like…uuuugh. Nope, nothing there.
14. If you drink, what kind of drunk are you? Alternatively, what sort of person are you at parties?:  I am a giggly, ballet-dancing drunk. I get hyper paranoid about my spatial issues so I literally go into ballet-mode because the movements are naturally slower and more flowy. I am also pretty clingy drunk. I like to snuggle, which is funny because sober me is not big on touching or being touched. Not to overanalyze, but I think being drunk takes away the fear of that. At parties I am that awkward wall-hovering introvert who likes to find an extrovert and make them talk while I nod and wait to GTFO. I spent the entirety of my bro’s wedding reception babysitting a 4 and 5 year old because it was so much less stressful than making small talk (simultaneously playing Go Fish AND Who’s Who Monster Edition LIKE A CHAMP)
15. Do you fall in love easily? Or does it usually take a long time for you to trust someone?:  AHAHAHAHA no. I genuinely don’t think I’ve ever honestly been in love – just more fond of one person than most. Invariably, I find I prefer my own company to theirs after a time.
16. Would you rather have one close friend or 100 casual friends?:  This is a really hard one. 100 casual friends means more people to do stuff with, but, I treasure my close friends. I don’t know. Pass!
17. Do you consider yourself to be more of a slob or a neat-freak?:  I. AM. SUCH. A. SLOB. *sobs* My room should have a hazard sign.
18. Describe a place (imaginary or real) that you would find incredibly cozy: I am not feeling creative – a bedroom that cleans itself, with lots of soft, fuzzy blanket piles and pillows, with tea services (including scones!) and lots of bookshelves. A view of a duck pond would be appreciated too lololol. 
19. Do you have kids? If not, do you want them someday?: I don’t have kids. I truly treasure spending time with the kids in my family, and I work part-time as a princess/elf/storyteller at the local zoo – I like kids, but, I am a really selfish and self-centered person, and I move on to new things—including people—with serious regularity. I don’t think I would be a good parent at all. I wish I could be, but, knowing my flaws, it would be really irresponsible to have kids.
20. What was your favorite book as a child?  Elementary school – it was a book about a little black cat who went to boarding school, and there was a yellow spotted cat with a fire truck. Don’t remember the name. I also love the Wizard of Oz books (SO DARK). As a middle schooler – The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley. I needed a Mary Sue at that point in my life. Also loved the Dragonsinger series by Anne McCaffery, and everything by Mercedes Lackey and Tamora Pierce. In high school…The Things They Carried, I suppose. Now, probably Fuyumi Ono’s Twelve Kingdom’s series. It’s YA, but, the characters are so flawed, and so redeemed, I find it really interesting.
21. Name one thing you just don’t get what all the hype is about: Disney World  
22. Name one thing that you think is tragically underrated: The Emperor’s New Groove is the best Disney movie ever. ALSO, Mary Sues. Middle School me needed Mary Sues. I think most do. Go easy on ‘em.
23. If you had to be glued to a person for a month, real or fictional (who you have never met), who would you choose?: UM. HM. Someone who doesn’t need to shower to smell clean? XD Lady Luck, maybe. It would be fascinating to watch – both good and bad luck – unfold all around.
24. What’s something you’d like the chance to do someday?: This feels super arrogant – but I’d like to be a good enough author to have a book published and do a book signing. With people who actually come to get the book signed!
25. Do you typically speak your mind when you have a controversial opinion? Or do generally prefer to not rock the boat?: I like to work behind the scenes. Usually I write like a multi-page rebuttal with linked references, but I rarely post it. Sometimes I do. I call my senators roughly weekly, for what that’s worth, but public discourse is not my thing.
26. What’s the dumbest fad you’ve been caught up in?: ….uuuum. Hmm. Butterfly clips, maybe? But then, it was the 90s and I was eleven, so. 
27. What’s something you thought was cool as a kid/adolescent, but now cringe at yourself for?:  I DON’T CRINGE AT MYSELF but Dragonball Z. XD I forgive my kid/adolescent self for a lot, okay.
28. What’s a trait you consider to be very admirable?: The willingness to publically, and politely, engage in debate in service of someone else. Genuine ability to interact with other people in a way that leaves them feeling better for having interacted with you.
29. Is there a particular kind of item people always tend to give you as gifts? (For instance, people always get you things with ducks on them because you like ducks, etc.): LITERALLY, DUCKS. I love ducks. People give me ceramic ducks all the time. Also socks, because my grandma collected fancy decorative perfume bottles and one Christmas my mom and I went to like 10 stores looking for one she didn’t have and I pitched a FIT saying when I was older I was going to collect socks because you always need more, and there’s no way people would run out of options for me. My family thought this was hilarious and took me up on it. My grandpa shipped me socks from the dollar store once a month while I was in college.
30. Do you speak multiple languages? Which ones?: I wish I did! I can cuss in quite a few, and I know some conversational Irish from studying abroad there and studying it. 
31. Would you rather live in the big city or the countryside?: Having lived in both – the big city. It’s too easy to self-isolate in the countryside, and for me, personally, that’s fairly unhealthy. Countryside is definitely prettier and more peaceful, just, not for me.
32. Has there ever been something you were certain you’d hate, but ended up loving?: Literally all the time. Like, Mitsunari in SLBP for example!
33. Do you mind being the center of attention, or do you prefer the spotlight to be on someone else?: Ahahahaha give me all of the attention please /sigh
34. Favorite holiday?: Halloweeeeen. But I also really like Diwali even if I feel a little bit like I am trespassing/being a tourist. It’s just beautiful.
35. Are you a more go-with-the-flow type of person, or do you need to have things planned meticulously?: “PLANNED” AHAHAHA WHAT IS THAT WORD IDK. I am so last-minute and haphazard it’s absurd.
36. Is there something you loved so much you wish you could forget it and experience it all over again? (A tv show, book, series–anything.) : The pleasure of reading books in middle school. Those ‘first’ exposures, without expectation or standards. EVERYTHING was magical and exciting, and I devoured it all. Alternately, college. 
37. What hobbies do you have?: UM. I dress up as a princess/superhero and visit kids in the hospital which is…weird, I know. I get paid to do it at the zoo, and some parents reached out to them and asked if we could visit and then it became a thing. Less so now that I’m in a new city. Martial arts (Hapkido, Judo, Taekwondo), ballet, baking with zucchini, photoshopping, reading, writing SLBP fanfiction, playing otome games…XD
38. If you could have a superpower, but it was only mildly useful, what ability would you want to have?: THE ABILITY TO FEEL WELL-RESTED AT ANY TIME. Or good luck, but I’d argue that would be more than mildly useful. Ability to find the right thing to say to cheer someone up!
39. Something people are always surprised to learn about you: Online folks are usually surprised to learn I’m old? Friends IRL are usually surprised I’m Chaotic Evil (I won’t say I’m two-faced, I’ll say I try really hard to be nice, and I act like it well, but it is an act – I don’t genuinely possess any empathy to speak of. I will listen to you, but I probably don’t actually care, I just want to – there is a difference) and work folks are usually pretty surprised at the Chemistry background. FOLLOWERS OF THIS BLOG won’t be surprised but, I friggen love Waffle House. That usually throws people for al oop.
40. Something that took you way too long to figure out: That I’m bi? I was on BC for so long I thought I was ace, so when I finally developed a drive in my late/mid-twenties it was sort of shocking to realize it’s only rarely set to hetero, and like, I still don’t know how to act on that. ALSO for years I had no idea there was a little arrow on your gas gauge to tell you which side the gas pump’s on – comes in super handy in rental cars.
41. Worst injury you’ve had? Physically? Fell out of a tree as a kid and snapped an arm bone in half – one half went on top of the other. Other things have happened that took longer to emotionally recover, but, physically that was the worst probably. Weirdly, I fell off of the roof with no injury, but…idk I’m weirdly durable.
42. Any morbid fascinations?: Snake venom. I could probably write a dissertation. 
43. Describe your sense of humor: I LOVE PUNS. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. I like ‘smart’ humor (puns are clever) and nerdy humor, but I don’t like mean humor. I also laugh at gallows humor a lot.
44. If you had to be born in another era/place, which would you choose?: Okay this is really hard because I would be useless in most other eras and I would miss indoor plumbing and women’s rights and people not regularly dying around me. I am probably biased by being interested in times with the best myths/stories. Ancient Egypt? Viking Age? Basically any time period in China or Japan because my US-centric world history studies seriously failed me they are a bit of a fascinating mystery. 
45. Something you are irredeemably bad at: LOL this would be a long list. (you said ‘thing’ singular, I am taking that as a friendly suggestion not a mandate) Push-ups (hypermobile elbows, okay). Cleaning. LOGISTICS AND PLANNING OH LORD. Editing my own work. SMALL TALK oh god I am the worst at small talk I even took a class on it trying to get better. Gracefully accepting compliments - how does one do that and not come off as obnoxious ;.;
46. Something that sucked but you’re glad you went through: Most recently, dumping a Really Good Guy. A past me would have just quietly let it fade into oblivion and that would have been worse. I think? 
47. Would you rather have a really godawful ugly tattoo in a place that is only slightly inconvenient to conceal with clothing (upper arm, thigh, etc.), or the coolest, most beautiful tattoo ever in the middle of your face? (Neither tattoo can be removed or concealed with makeup, and the ugly tattoo will deeply offend anyone who sees it.): lololol oh my gosh. I don’t like offending people. So. I guess pretty one on my face.
48. Are you more of an optimist or a pessimist?: Eeeeeeh.I guess optimist, but that’s mostly laziness.
49. What would be the most flattering compliment someone could give you?: That I have made their life better or brighter somehow. 
50. Something you feel people often misunderstand about you: I am simultaneously incredibly confident about things and incredibly craven about people! And that’s hard for people to get sometimes. Like, my writing I am wholly confident of and proud of to the point of arrogance – as a thing. But the moment someone talks to me about it I get petrified because oh god what if I, as a person say or do something that turns them off to the point where they can’t enjoy the writing (the thing).  It’s greatly exacerbated by the internet where I can’t read tone or facial expressions – but I’m still pretty bad about this offline too. Like, I hate even going to Chipotle or Qdoba where there isn’t a big line of people (if there’s a big line of people everything is hustling and bustling and moving along) – I greatly dislike social interactions that lack a script. But, put my project in front of a board of directors or the company president, and I will kick tush and take names. It’s a weird dichotomy, but that’s how I’m wired.
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totallyrad-tilden · 8 years
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AFFILIATION : Neutral (Order of the Phoenix ally)
BLOOD STATUS : Muggleborn
     ( tw: homophobia, discrimination )
Matilde Polonia Toots was born in Ottery St. Catchpole to a middle-class muggle family, the only child of Donald Toots and Cornelia Shu. Donald and Cornelia met through work, in the small office of the film company that employed Donald, when Cornelia was transferred there as a secretary. The couple were always ones for the long run, and were together for seven years before they finally got married. They always knew they wanted to have a child, and after three years, they finally became parents to their only daughter and child. She was a blessing to the couple; growing up, she was surrounded by love and kindness, and learned to carry those same things into her life. Tilden was a bit of an oddball growing up, in more respects than one. She had a peculiar fascination with plants, spending most of her day in her family’s small garden, digging up mushrooms and climbing trees to get a better look at some particularly interesting fungus. Her little pink room was quickly filled up with books about plants, about insects, and eventually a pet tortoise that she called Bot, short for botany, what she always said was going to be her greatest love. She was a bit of a wild child, proving herself to be extremely different than the neat little neighborhood folk of her family’s social circle. But a fascination with botany and a hatred of shoes was hardly the strangest thing about Tilden. 
It started happening just after her ninth birthday. Tilden was climbing one of the trees in her backyard when  one of the branches snapped. She fell, but much to her surprise–and the simultaneous horror and relief of her parents–she froze midair just before she hit the ground and gently glided down the rest of the way. At first, they all convinced themselves that they’d imagined it. It wasn’t possible, what they’d seen, it must have been some sort of strange hallucination. The Toots family were quick to convince themselves that what they’d seen wasn’t real, and most certainly wasn’t magic. Magic was the sort of thing that only existed in books and Donald’s films, it wasn’t real. But more and more things started happening to Tilden as time went by, strange things that none of them could explain any other way than magic. Objects would float around at Tilden’s command, she could make lightbulbs glow just by touching them, and the plants on her windowsill would grow instantaneously at her touch. After a while, it became impossible to ignore. Especially when Albus Dumbledore showed up on their front step and explained that Tilden was, in fact, a witch. At first, Tilden’s parents thought it was some sort of joke. But after some coaxing, and a demonstration of magic, they eventually fell silent, listening with stoic expressions on their faces as Dumbledore explained to them about Hogwarts school, and that Tilden would learn to control her abilities there. Tilden took one look at her parents’ faces and immediately told Dumbledore that she wouldn’t go. “No,” her parents said in unison, before she’d even finished her sentence. Pale-faced, her father told her that she should go, that it would be best–for all of them–if she left. Tilden was stung by her parents wanting to send her away–they wouldn’t even agree to send her to boarding school because it meant she would be less than an hour away not three months ago–and now they wanted to send her all the way to Scotland. But Tilden agreed, and one month later, she was on the Hogwarts Express headed towards a completely new world.
Any fears Tilden had about Hogwarts were quelled when she arrived. Overwhelmed and awed by Hogwarts and the new world she was now a part of, Tilden was happily sorted into Hufflepuff house. She thrived there, and quickly discovered her passion in Herbology. She was lighthearted, humorous, and made friends easily. It took her some time to become aware of the war raging in the wizarding world, safely sheltered among her fellow Hufflepuffs. But discovering the war and its cause planted a seed in Tilden that she could never shake, and she decided halfway through her sixth year that she wanted to do something about it. She had a voice, she had beliefs, and she wanted to share both with the world. The summer of her seventh year, Tilden started her radio show, “Toots, Shoots, ‘n’ Roots with Tilden Toots” (incidentally, when she started going by Tilden rather than Matilde, because “Matilde Toots sounds like a fungus, and while fungus is groovy, I don’t want to sound like a fungus, just a fun-guy”), which she continued after graduating from Hogwarts.
Tilden moved to London after graduating, feeling more than ever the separation that had grown between herself and her parents who, though supportive of her, had never truly accepted the fact that their daughter was part of an impossible world that they could never understand or be a part of. Tilden moved in with a few friends in a small flat, got herself a job at a Potions shop, and expanded her radio show. News of the war continued to grow, and Tilden continued to speak out, determined that nothing would quell her voice, no matter how dangerous things seemed.
Things were a bumpy road for Tilden after she left Hogwarts, and her disillusionment with the wizarding world was something that she couldn’t help but struggle with. How was she supposed to belong in a world where she wasn’t wanted, and how could she go back to a world where she no longer belonged? Tilden struggled to find her place outside the walls of Hogwarts, and embrace her muggleborn heritage in the only way she knew how-- loud and proud. It wasn’t the only thing that Tilden had to be loud and proud about. She’d figured it out during her years at school, in a few fleeting affairs with fellow classmates. She was never going to have the picturesque little suburban life that her parents wanted for her. Their final hope of being able to connect with their daughter as she became a wife and a mother was snuffed out when she came out to them, and with reluctance and sadness, Tilden and her parents finally shut the door on each other’s lives for good. Tilden threw herself back into the wizarding world with a determination and a fire, and her softspoken pride in her muggleborn heritage grew into something much more unfaltering than anything before. She was different, she was scarred, pushed down and aside. But she was done being pushed into the dirt. Roots planted firmly in the wizarding world, her future set there, there was only one thing to do-- grow. 
AGE : 20
+ : Quirky, easygoing, righteous
– : Nervous-talker, blunt, sensitive
OCCUPATION : Radio personality, employee at J. Pippin’s Potions
Daisy Hookum : best friend, secret crush
Mary MacDonald, Pandora Aldridge, Xenophilius Lovegood : best friends
Amycus Carrow, Alecto Carrow : old tormentors, terrified of
Alice Longbottom, Frank Longbottom : close friends, like family
Quirinus Quirrell, Isaac Stebbins : friends, used to tutor in Herbology and Potions
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buyneopointcheap · 6 years
Training Your Neopet!
The Battledome has been one of the longest standing staples of Neopets. From getting a trophy for beating a 5,000 HP Punching Bag, to Lord Darigan in the Battle for Meridell. The Battledome has been a testament to Neopian history and has seen the strongest warriors fight for their glory! The question remains though - How did these pets get so strong? 
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The Mystery Island Training School is one of the original ways to train your Neopets. Using Codestones that you find around the site or buy off the shop wizard will train your Neopet in 2 - 24 hours, depending on their level. As your level increases, the amount of codestones you will need, and the time for each course will increase. 
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The same concepts are applied at the Swashbuckling Academy. While the academy is cheaper, the courses are longer and only reach up to level 40. The duration of these quests can all be decreased by a random percentile using the Training Cookies from the NC Mall!
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Another method for training is by the use of Faerie Quests. Faerie Quests are given out through random events throughout the site and are not the quests you can receive from Illusen, Jhudora, or Taelia (The Snow Faerie). You will receive these quests from the Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Light, Dark, Grey, and Space Faerie. You can also receive a quest from the elusive Fountain Faerie, but she will not award Battledome stats. Each faerie has their own specific rewards.
Fire Faerie - Strength
Water Faerie - Defense
Air Faerie - Speed
Earth Faerie - Strength, Speed, or Defense
Light Faerie - Level
Dark Faerie - Hit Points
Grey Faerie - Random award from all other Faeries
Space Faerie - Four levels
You can also receive daily Faerie Quests by using the Faerie Quest Cookie from the NC Mall!
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Another preferred method is by using stat increasers. These items are typically expensive, single use items. Some of them are restockable items such as Bubbling Fungus, while others are made through various other items such as the Armoured Negg and Snegg. There are many items that are also given away through events such as the Altador Strength Potion, and Potion of Dexterity.  Some of the more popular stat increasers are listed below.
   Image Name Stats
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Altador Strength Potion +5 Strength
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Armoured Negg +1 Defense
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Bubbling Fungus +/- random Strength amount from -5 to +5
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Cool Negg +1-2 Level, +1-3 HP, +1-3 Movement, +1-3 Strength
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Faerie Queen Negg +1 HP
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Silver Knight Negg +1-2 HP
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Snegg +2-3 HP, +2-3 Movement
  These items are all single use and will rack up quite an expensive fee. These items are only recommended for people with stronger pets that may spend more on Codestones or want to train quickly.
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Other notable mentions that can grant stat increases include: 
Kitchen Quests - Random stat to random pet
Scratchcards - +1 Level to random pet (Winter and Spooky only)
Random events - Random stat changes to random pets
Lab Ray - Random chance to change a random stat a random amount. 
Have fun training your pets! The Battledome awaits! 
Training Your Neopet! published first on https://buyneopointscheap.com
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