#there is this idea that if u cannot relate and project
luobingmeis · 1 year
lrb i think something very. interesting. that has cropped up from the push for “good pure moral media” is that it has simultaneously brought the “push for representation” movement—something that is good and should be promoted bc all different types of people should be represented in media, not just the white/cis/het/able-bodied—to this idea that media should at all times be Representative. like maybe it’s just a slight difference but i think a lot abt that post that occasionally goes around that’s like “if ur writing just to check of a series of boxes in representation, ur gonna end up with very flat characters.” like, yes, A Lot of the conversation abt representation also began with a lot of media falling into the trope that the only Black/queer/disabled character was also the villain, which then in turn causes negative associations while also feeding into stereotypes one way or another, so i won’t discredit that. but Now it’s like. how much media upholds itself on “finally being pure representation.” finally showing “good people.” like yes at all times u should be cognizant of Who ur representing and in What way (who is the villain, who is the antagonist, who is being upheld as the good heroic one, etc), but sometimes it just feels like. “everyone in this media has to be good and pure to prove it’s not like degenerative ~other~ media” (op’s note: heavy sarcasm there) or it feels like “if we don’t represent everyone here in a way that is relatable to every viewer and if they are not all good and pure then we will be torn apart.” which then feeds into the concept of “relatability” which, again, i feel like used to be about how like. you can relate to a character even if they are not like you (which tbh i believe that you shouldn’t have to relate to a character at all to enjoy and understand a story but i digress bc the main point and this one are not mutually exclusive), and now has become a bit. hm. like things are upheld as universally relatable Because of how good and pure it is? and that it Should be relatable and if it isn’t that’s Your problem.” or the even more fun “why are you consuming this media if you don’t relate to it/the characters aren’t like you” because apparently fiction is made solely so you can relate to it and not because it’s art that can be, yes, related to, but also appreciated and understood without needing to point at it and be like “that guy is like me.”
which is all to say i think more people need to read more books where the characters you love do stuff that makes you say “hey that’s fucked up.” and then you realize you still love the character and it does not change your Real Person Morals because you have come to the realization that the books you are reading as an adult are meant to entertain and are not the same as the books you read when you were five years old (you know, the ones that were meant to teach you that lying is bad and hitting people is wrong).
which is all to say (part two) that we should also not go completely opposite end of the spectrum bc that is how we cycle back to “””coincidentally””” making the only minority character the villain and perpetuating stereotypes left and right. so maybe there’s a nice middle ground.
#anyways i think ************ is fun and cute but the way the fans are showing their whole entire ass on twitter#upholding it as the epitome of good pure representation while also being very racist abt it#has really got me thinking#and also my more hot take i have begun to hate the push for needing to relate to characters#*hot take in a sarcastic/joking way. if i could edit tags on mobile i would take that out bc it feels dismissive of the prev point#and i am someone who has /related/ to characters#and still do!!#but sometimes it feels like.#there is this idea that if u cannot relate and project#and treat a professionally published character as just a mold for u to shape and take away from canon#and essentially make into an oc#then there’s something wrong with the media#also furthermore the discussion that crops up abt ‘reading abt people u dont relate to’ is so strange#bc there was such a push to publish all different kinds of stories#(rightfully so)#but now sometimes u see discourse and it’s like#people very much view consuming media as just a way to see urself /and only that and nothing else/#and thus if u consume something that doesn’t represent who u are- u must have bad intentions#(which isn’t to say that relating or wanting to see urself is inherently bad#absolutely not!#but it’s like. art in general needs to be made and treated as /more/#bc if it just works to represent and nothing else#we will just keep having these moral panics and less and less nuance)
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evereverest2 · 1 month
Little Monster Q&A + author fun facts !!
hello new followers and fans of Little Monster. first of all, i just have to thank everyone for the crazy support ive been getting as of late. thank you everyone. every like, comment, and reblog just pushes me to keep writing, even when it feels like every word i write is garbage.
so i decided to make this little special! idk if anyone will be super interested, so ill put all the stuff under the cut, but i also wanted to add this little drawing i did of terzomega as like extra content. if you arent interested, thanks anyway and enjoy the art!
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to everyone who stayed, i have no idea why you’re interested, but thanks lmfao. this shit will be long.
Is your most recent oneshot about the mirror related at all to Little Monster? (from @ofthemorningstars)
i'm glad you noticed that !! in The Mirror, i very purposefully left two hints at the end of the fic to indicate its connection to Little Monster, which was the taco ring reference and Terzo's use of "mostriciatto". to me, mostriciatto will always be the Little Monster version of terzomega. no matter when i finish that fic or if i write more fics after, i will never again use mostriciatto unless im purposefully writing these versions of terzomega. i havent seen anyone else use it (i hope they dont), so i like to imagine this can be forever my impact on terzomega fics lmao. anyway, the purpose of me leaving those references isnt necessarily to say, "this is a future scene of little monster" bc it isnt exactly that (while i have plans that line up with this oneshot, i cannot anticipate that everything will fit perfectly by the time we get there in the canon). the purpose of doing that was to show u cuties that yes, terzo and omega will eventually have a better relationship, and i will be extending this timeline into papa terzo era. just a fun little teaser for my more observant fans.
also, fun fact about how i came up with that pet name. i was writing the first part of Little Monster (that part is now titled Spilled Wine as featured on my Ao3) and i knew i wanted to give terzo an affinity for using pet names, but i didn't know quite which ones to use. i didn't want to be boring, so i googled some. i have no idea where, but i found mostriciatto, meaning, of course, "little monster." i had yet to even really start writing it, but i knew i wanted it to be DARK with a very unhinged omega, so i thought, perfect. ill talk a bit more about the writing of part one later on
2. How many parts do you currently anticipate writing? Do you have a set ending point, or will this perhaps be an ongoing project for the foreseeable future? (from @ofthemorningstars)
i have 12 major plot points (including the first five parts i have written) that loosely translate into parts. this could mean 12 parts, or it could be more depending on what i write. i kinda plan on expanding this to 18 (6 parts per “era” or “act” [you’ll see what i mean]) though i dont quite have a set ending yet, so really its up in the air. i am, however, planning on having a definitive ending, ergo not an endless project. from there there may be some oneshots in this universe, but they will have an ending.
3. In the first part of little monster you put a disclaimer with something along the lines of "if you're expecting comfort I'm sorry to disappoint". The angst is MWAH but do you like plan on giving Terzo like any sort of comfort or happiness?? (from @puuuders)
before i begin rambling, here's your answer: there will be hope and good times as mentioned above, and you might have even picked up on that in part 5. i may have wrote a fucked up versions of terzomega but whats a good story without character growth?? i havent determined the direction of the ending, but rest assured, if it all burns down, they will hold each other close (for the minute it takes).
but also.... funny story about that disclaimer....
soo i wanted to write ghost fanfic to impress my friend who is a VERY avid member of this community. however, i failed to realize they DO NOT like angst without love and care and fluff, so after i showed it to them, buddy did not like it. i took that as a sign that maybe this shit was a little TOO dark.
but my god, i could not stop thinking about it, as the caption said, and i dont always feel that away about what i write. i had recently started to post semi often to tumblr, and i just thought. well, theres gotta be someone else as fucked up as me, and i posted that shit. that disclaimer was a result of taking my friends reaction seriously and realizing that i needed to make it VERY clear that this fic is NOT for everyone. there was a different og caption that was longer and more grave, but i cut it down for aesthetics bc little monster has already seen more success than i ever anticipated.
4. What is your favorite ghost album, and what song introduced you to ghost? (from @puuuders) & Favorite ghost song (or songs) (from @ask-enso-ghoul)
my favorite album is Infestissumam!!! the vibes of the album are so fucking immaculate, even if terzo is my favorite papa.
of course, of course, the first song i ever heard from ghost was Mary on a Cross. it blew up when it did and i loved it. the second song that really made me start getting into ghsot was square hammer, which will secretly also be my favorite ghost song but ive heard it so many times i have to give it now to the future is a foreign land. some of my other fave songs are jigolo, respite, body and blood, faith, twenties, and year zero (there’s just so many)
i want to take a second to say my least favorite album though, which is opus eponymous, or as i call it, pope pussy. it’s ok. it’s just ok. mk. i’m not a fan of that sound. the best song on there is genesis. I FUCKING SAID IT—
5. how do you get into the zone of writing smut-? I’m trying to get into it but it sounds cheesy when I do, so do you do something specific? (from anon)
im gonna level with you. i have been writing for almost a decade, since i was 12, and the first thing i started writing was smut. sex has always been a HUGE creative force for my writing and art in general. as stupid as it sounds, writing smut to me is more than just that. its my art. its my greatest and most inspirational subject. i love being creative with it, bending it to the niches and intricacies of the duo im writing, just playing with it as a medium of expression, of storytelling, of how DEEP it can be.
that being said, one of the easiest ways to get into the zone of smut specifically is being horny ! you imagine your pairing doing some illicit bedroom activity and you pick them up liek dolls and smush their faces together ! let it be fun, and let it be yours. dont write it to please the kinks of your audience, write it to your own taste and enjoyment.
as far as it being cheesy, yeah, it will feel that way. the most important thing is to be confident with your language and don’t shy away from calling a dick a dick, a pussy a pussy, an ass an ass. it feels stupid, but it will read worse if you make up artsy names for them every other line. don’t be afraid to be descriptive either, because that’s what the people want to see, trust me.
apologies if that was unhelpful, ive just been writing smut so long i can hardly tell you how i do it. im jsut super passionate about it and it fuels me creatively….. can u tell lol
6. Favorite work you’ve ever done? (from anon)
so.... ive written many things and that depends. its definitely not anything ive posted on here.
i think my favorite "serious" work is a short story i wrote for a creative writing class, called Abel and Sally. it was an modern inversion of the bible story of abraham and sarah, with a really dark ending (i love to shit on catholicism)
the other work that comes to mind is the first story i wrote about my oc anson, called Anson's Prison. that is something i would potentially post on here, its pretty short but its a good one. its oc content, tho, so i doubt many ppl would be interested lel.
8. will you draw more drawing for your stories in the future? (from anon)
well. heres my thing with art.
ive been drawing as long as ive been writing. but im not an artist; i never learned ANYTHING beyond like drawing itself, i.e. i dont know how to shade, pick colors, do bgs, etc. (can u tell??? do u see that art up there???? can YOU TELL??) thus, i have a sort of love hate relationship with drawing, and i usually dont like my own stuff. i didnt pick up drawing as easy as i did writing and its not nearly as intuitive to me.
that being said, it is sometimes fun when the drawings turn out just right and i get super passionate about something i draw and i can create the image in my head. so if the mood strikes me, i probably will draw more terzomega stuff in the future.
but why do i need to?? @puuuders feeds you all SO WELL with little monster stuff you dont need my shitty art lmfao
9. MILK OR CEREAL FIRST? (from @raysoleil)
cereal. bc the moment the milk hits that cereal u are on a speedy ass countdown to devour that shit before it gets soggy, and brother, u better eat quick.
Things I wanted to share
Little Monster was supposed to be a one shot
so, Little Monster started as one thing and turned to something else entirely. originally, i wrote the beginning of the first chapter (where they are flirting in the church) in about april of this year. in this version, they were supposed to already be in love, though hiding it, and terzo was not drunk at all, just teasing. i eventually scrapped it because i wasnt very passionate about it and got p bored. then, in july, i had the itch to write something dark, but none of my projects at the time had characters i could really write that with. i came back to that scrapped fic and i thought, damn, i could really fuck these guys up, and i did.
little monster immediately became more successful than i thought it would be, and that was only about 10 notes and a comment in. i was happy to leave it at that, but then, i just started writing part two on a whim. if you look at the og post in the comments, i mention that im writing a "follow up". thats bc even when writing part two, this was not going to be a series !! but then, as i kept writing, part two became so long i had to split it in half, meaning there were suddenly 3. by the time i posted part three, though, i was shocked at the sheer amount of attention i was getting. at the same time, part three ended in such a way that i knew this story needed to keep going, to give these two a resolution. now, little monster will be a full fledged story thanks to all the support ive received :3
2. im an english major
yeah, you got me, im a college student majoring in english creative writing. is it obvious? my penultimate goal is to one day be a published author. it’s crazy surreal to me how much people express to me how they enjoy my writing~~ i hope i can one day make my dream come true 🥰 the unfortunate part about this is i go back to college next week and im uncertain how that will affect my writing schedule :p i’ll stick to weekly uploads for little monster tho dw !!
3. this is the first time i’ve written fanfic in several years
when i first started writing it was frerard and peterick fanfics on wattpad in middle school (huge shoutout to the ones that know lmfao). i stopped writing those before hs and haven’t written fanfic since. i think it’s very funny that i have come full circle back to writing band fanfic, altho ghost ofc is way more intricate with its canon
i know i’ve said it a dozen times already on this post, but god it’s crazy. it’s nuts !! i’ve already made a handful of super sweet mutuals who i appreciate with all my heart, and even if you’re just a lurker, I STILL APPRECIATE YOU. EVERY SINGLE NOTE MAKES ME SO HAPPY. EVERY COMMENT AND RB HAS ME BURSTING WITH JOY.
it is entirely thanks to you all that i write terzomega and ive become so passionate about it. if it weren’t for your support, i would probably still be writing my silly little stories that no one but me could possibly understand, rotting away and wondering if anyone would even like my writing. terzo and omega are such a unique pairing compared to what ive written before, and writing them is a really cool feeling. i truly love it, and i hope i can continue to feed this side of the fandom for a long time.
from the bottom of my heart and with all my writing soul, thank you. i want to keep writing for u guys, and i want to satiate ur dirty terzomega fantasies >:) this is such a sweet and inclusive fandom and im glad i’ve been welcomed in so quickly. i hope i can continue to grow my talent here :3
ok that’s it bye teehee
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markiza297 · 6 months
some of my music-related EMH headcanons because i feel bad and want to share it.
Vinny loves post-punk and goth music, like Joy Division, The Cure, Swans, The Fall, Depeche Mode and New Order. But when he gets asked to put something he likes on, he puts something like Prodigy or Infected Mushroom on, to look cool and not to "bore" his friends. And because he genuinely likes those as well.
Also i cannot NOT project my own coping mechanisms on emh characters, so i think (before the events unfolding, while Jessa is still alive and everything is normal) that boys like to meet up and share music AND their feelings in the format of : "This is how I feel : *Numb by Linkin Park starts playing*".
Jeff feels overwhelmed at his hospital job, feeling that he is responsible for everyone and everything, so most of the time when he doesn't have to work with patients, he wears headphones to ease his mind a bit, usually listening to something rhythmic (+1 point if the track doesn't have any words).
Jeff would be such a fan of Twenty One Pilots. This band is so him coded.
I think that Jeff and Evan would bond over their love for AJJ (again, im projecting, I KNOW). But Jeff would like the deeper details of the lyrics, and Evan would be like, "yo thats fire" because of the interesting sound.
I think that Evan has a Walkman cassette player, and he prefers cassettes to CD's, because "they sound worse". 
And the glove box in his car is filled with checks and old bills, and cassettes that don't match their package, for example, an AC/DC cassette in a Metallica case, etc. 
imo im convinced that Evan would be a huge lover of nu metal, im talking ALL OF IT. im talking Limp Bizkit, im talking Papa Roach, im talking Slipknot, Linkin Park, Skillet, KoЯn. Every time he gets a chance to get a record, he would spend his last money just to headbang to new edgy song while driving home.
And OF COURSE he would like Gorillaz. I think it should be canon, it's so obvious.
I think about Evan and his taste in music like this scene in Scott Piligrim where Ramona has unnecessary amount of different teas.
"-What do you like to listen?"
"-Let's see... We have classical rock, punk rock, hard rock, rock and roll, heavy metal, industrial, nu metal, alternate, metalcore, electropunk, funk metal, new rave, and... Indie"
Evan can't stand MCR (i know it's a hot take, i know), but HABIT loves them, especially when he gets to rearrange and clean his weapons, humming along while putting on a show, like twirling knives in the air or threatening an imaginary opponent.
If talking about my favorite purple bastard, I think it's really for music to get stuck in his head, and sometimes it can result in pretty hilarious (although still horrifying if you know the context) things, for example him throwing out the "trash" *wink wink* and not noticing how he sings something he had heard on the radio.
Just imagine HABIT humming ABBA or some 2010 white girl music. This brings me so much joy, you have no idea.
I think Steph would hide her preferences, until she feels safe enough to share some of the music she likes, and if a person she shares it with likes it as well, she would spend hours and hours talking about every little detail in lyric and sound and how it all has A DEEPER MEANING! She would be right, tho.
I'm convinced there was a situation where she gave an Evanescence cd to Evan with "this reminds me of u" written on the cover. I don't make the rules.
She probably writes some lyrics she really liked "to put them into her art later" only to forget about it.
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miutonium · 1 month
Congrats on your final! I saw your Spongebob post and it's really cool how the artist uses him as his muse for his artwork! I wish I could see his artwork in real life. Anyway, what did you do for your final work? It's okay if you don't want to share it 🙂
BUT AAAA THANK U FOR THE WISHES! And yesss I think it's really neat too he used Spongebob as an inspiration since I dont see enough people using cartoon characters as an academia subject.
Anywayyyyy yeah of course and I'm glad I got this ask! I've been waiting for people to ask me about this ngl likeeeee I've been wanting to have people ask me about my fyp 😭😭😭 My FYP is about secondhand smoking. It all started when I see someone bought a box of cigs in front of me at the counter and the cashier asked "Which picture do you want?" And they said "The baby." Idk if other country used pictorial warnings on cigarette box but the ones in my country used it and plastered smoking related illness (heavy NSFW for the images btw so I won't attach it here but honestly I think people are unfazed by it due to how outdated it is ) and it suppose to serve as a deterrence for people to smoke but I find it really ironic that people dont care and even asked which picture they preferred (btw most smokers preferred the miscarried baby/fetus picture) so that experience is pretty much the catalyst for my project.
So anyway, for my final, I build an empty room filled with cigarette smokes. My artwork is a participatory art where I involved audience to interact with it. It's basically an empty 4x8 room with CCTV inside and windows left and right so people from outside can see the audience's reaction. Participant will be given a headphone where there'll be a narrator feedinng then instructions such as to calm down and listen to nature's sounds and there's going to be a line that says cigarette smoke calms people down. The room is locked from outside so they cannot go out unless they press the alarm to their right. The 'challenge' is to see how long anyone can stand sitting in a smoke filled room.
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This room serves as a physical representation for secondhand smoking. The purpose is to give people an idea of how it feels being a non-smoker exposed to smokes in public places such as cafés through their own POV. the outcome is not to have smokers quit, instead I just want people to understand how suffocating the smokes could be. Basing my artwork to Dissonance Theory, there's going to be 3 outcome:
- Smokers don't care and continue smoking
- Smokers quit smoking
- Smokers continue to smoke but will be mindful on where they smoke
Anyway here's a clip of my friend being hazed by smoke scent lmao
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Anyway, TL;DR: Don't fucking build an installation art for your finals. Don't start smoking and don't smoke 20 cigs in one succession to collect ashes in front of a private building and be questioned for 10 minutes and almost have the cops called on you because the guards think some asian chick wants to commit arson.
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m-jelly · 8 months
Hello! I hv read your Levi Hybrids AU, and the Puppy Eyes was well written too just as your others fics. I very much enjoy them, and thank u for creating this idea to life!
If you don't mind, I would like a certain oneshot hybrid AU for Erwin? Let say Levi and fem!reader are already in a relationship, and then both of them introduce Erwin to reader's friend or cousin (it's up to you) for any reason you can think of.
Just imagine a female ferret hybrid just running around and suddenly attack jump behind Erwin's back - can you imagine him being quite buff due to his hybrid genes(?)
The story can be any kinds of story, as long as it is fluffy (my heart cannot take a lot of angst at the moment). I hope this doesn't confuse you much, I'm not sure how to put it in words with less details😅
Hv a pleasant time and give yourself a break if u must, bcs I know u hv other things to do/other requests. Stay safe and thank you!💐
PS: I am the anon that request the bunny reader - Puppy Eyes - and I hope you don't mind me requesting another hybrid Au😅
So I'm gonna change this a little and not make it linked to puppy eyes as I would have to make an OC in order for them to be related to y/n. This will be a separate story and not linked of y/n and Erwin. Hope that's okay. Also I love hybrid things and the puppy eyes. Please send me as many hybrid requests as you like because I love them.
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Lion tamer
Erwin x fem!reader
Future AU, fluff, romance, becoming a couple, couple moments, hybrids, lion Erwin, ferret reader.
Erwin and you fall hopelessly in love with each other and know right away you're mates. Erwin protects you and you fill his life with brightness and fun.
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @nbinairyn @bts-spnlvr12 @darkstarlight82 @mari-zs
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It was like an explosion in your chests as soon as you locked eyes with each other. Erwin was a big lion hybrid who just oozed leadership energy and a protective nature. You projected a fun and cuddly energy that Erwin needed in his life. It was fate.
Erwin swept you off your feet. He took you on the most romantic dates and you just wanted to be his. You were incredibly excited to be around him. You adored his fluffy ears and long tail. Erwin loved your little ears and furry tail. The two of you were just so in love that you couldn't hold back.
You moved in together rather quickly, but that was normal for hybrids when they found their mate. You would nap a lot together, go on long walks and have a few adventures. You cooked a lot of food for the two of you to enjoy as well.
Erwin was the CEO of a large business, which made sense being that he is a lion. He spoiled you a lot and offered to be the supplier of money in the house and for you to relax. You worked for a bit but soon you gave him and stayed at home and loved it.
Often Erwin worked from home and today was one of those days. You made a large collection of snacks and drinks for Erwin and you to share. You paced a little and longingly gazed at Erwin's office door. You had to behave and leave him alone so he could work.
As soon as you heard Erwin's footsteps getting closer to the door you got excited. You felt a warm tingle inside you and you couldn't control yourself, you knew very well you were going to have a hyper moment with him.
Erwin walked out of his office and stretched a bit. He yawned causing his sharp canines to flash a little. He hummed and smelt delicious food you'd made. He paused a moment and looked around for you, but you were nowhere to be seen.
He sniffed the air and smelt you sneaking around. "Where are you, buttercup?"
You ran and jumped onto Erwin's back. "My King!"
He chuckled at you attacking him. "There you are. Did you miss me?"
You bit his shoulder and sucked a mark. "Yes. You were working so long today."
"Forgive me." He smiled at how cute you were. "I missed you too."
You jumped off his back and trotted to the front of him. "Are you spending time with me now?"
"I am."
You grabbed his hand and dragged him to the kitchen. "I made snacks!"
"I can see." He ruffled your hair and then played with one of your ears. "Thank you." He lifted you up with ease before smothering your face with kisses. "I love you so much, little buttercup."
You wrapped yourself around Erwin and whined a bit. "Love you too, my King."
He carried you to the sofa and sat you down. "Be good and wait there, okay?"
You nodded but as soon as Erwin left you, you turned on the sofa and gripped the back of it. You watched Erwin closely as he gathered the snacks and drinks. When he started to return to you, you perked up. You turned in your seat and bounced a little when he joined you.
Erwin fed you a bit of food before giving you a kiss. "Delicious as always."
You licked your lips and ate everything you were given. Once it was all gone, your tiredness consumed you. You hugged Erwin's arm. "Can we nap now?"
Erwin put a few things on the coffee table before wrapping you up in his big arms and flopping onto his back with you on top. He let out a deep chest-rumbling growl as he held you. He kissed your face a few times allowing him to settle. He closed his eyes and felt so lucky that he found his mate, you. You were the perfect dream.
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moonmingi · 7 months
Hi!! I love your IF idea so far, and I look forward to seeing how it turns out no matter how long it takes!
This is completely unrelated, but while browsing for more, I saw you were also a skz fan! Are there any songs that you could say (more or less) relate to the ROS.
TYSM 🥹💕💕💕 I’m honored that you want to wait for the full project ahahah😭
And yesss there are song that relate to the ROS by skz (aka my beloved hehe) and I’m giving you a whole playlist to listen to lol
( may contain huge character spoilers so proceed with your own risk 💕also, my grammar kinda suck srry 😭)
Estelle : 좋아해서 미안 (Sorry, I Love You) , Star lost , Ex , Phobia , B Me , Novel
She is really lonely inside and long for someone, anyone that can understand her whether it be platonic or romantic. She is a Star Witch which most of them are underestimate and abandoned. Other powerful beings views them as if they are just a background characters only made to entertain them with a little ‘ star ‘ show and Estelle wanted, needed, to be more than that. Wanting to prove herself that she is worthy, but that come with consequences, while she is busy practicing and learning about magic, she loses connections with everyone around her and other star witches deemed her as a arrogant and full of herself. She want to fix the relationship but to scared to really do something about it. That’s when you come in to help her
( or make it worse. Your choice👀)
(More Star Witches lore drop on my demo heheh currently TBA )
Chanwoo : 강박 (Red Lights) , Charmer , WOW , Muddy Water , Give Me Your TMI , Taste , 충돌 (Collision) , Social Path (ft.LiSA) , Lost Me , Scars , DLMLU
Chanwoo is all about having fun and enjoying life ( also being flirty and stuffs) because this guy been through a lot and decided to just settle down and chill. Chanwoo viewed himself as something that cannot be turned back or changed. He already made it clear and whatever happened in the past is all his fault and now will not went back the way he is, never leaving his now persona ‘ Chanwoo ‘ , but of course there are still underlying problem ’s’ that he don’t want to ever touch again, or will he?
Daniel : Silent cry , Lonely St. , Maze of Memories (잠깐의 고요) , Chronosaurus , Voices , Grow Up , Spread My Wing , Awkward Silence
Daniel never know what he wanted to be. The first thing he ever heard is to do a better job than the old ‘ death ‘ . He was made to be cold and detached with life forms but something stirred inside him when he went out of the dark, plain realms and out into the world full of life. It makes him confused and distracted, which is the main two things that his creator are best at, sarcastically told by another powerful beings. He don’t want to be that, or do he? Maybe enjoying life is something that can be done, but while taking them too? Is that really okay? All kind of thoughts swirled in his head but cannot be let out or he will be destroyed and deemed as ‘ another failed puppet ‘
Wow that was long Ahhahah hope u guys give them a listen 🥹💕💕
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maygranted · 1 year
I saw your post about Buck being OCD-coded! Can you please say more?? I’ve always read him as being ADHD-coded and I’d love to hear more!
omg ofc i’d love to! i do apologise for how long this post is going to be 😭
so to start off, this all began bc my friend (who has adhd) really related to buck and i (who has ocd) also really related to him so we were like hmm wait a second… adhd AND ocd???
anyway i think one part of him that’s just v ocd coded to me (but also definitely is in combination with rsd from his adhd) is how he tends to catastrophise situations. like he has such severe abandonment issues to the point where he actively obsesses over it, here’s an example !!!
BUCK: Starts out small. Uh, she's-she's canceling plans. She's got to work. She needs to wash her hair or do her laundry, and before you know it, poof. Dropping them off at the airport and never seeing them again.
HEN: Okay, Buck, you're being a little too Buck about this.
like it’s just a very irrational line of thought and u can see how hen says oh you’re being a little too buck abt this bc it’s common for him to exaggerate situations he obsesses over in his mind. and then in turn to alleviate this anxiety somehow he begins to cling bc all his irrational thoughts are telling him that people will leave
and then ofc there’s the situation where after chimney’s left he feels so heavily responsible for it (responsibility ocd ) to the point where he says he’ll leave the 118. like that’s such an irrational line of thought that his mind has catastrophised from obsessing over it.
and then also the tsunami episodes <3 like ofc he feels responsible for chris it’s a normal response but the way he actively obsesses over losing chris and that that makes him a terrible person and he has such severe guilt over it is just v moral ocd and responsibility ocd to me? so he searches for chris to the point where he’s severely dehydrated and bleeding and he still doesn’t stop that’s just a v obsessive thing to me does that make sense??
here’s an explanation of hyper-responsibility related to ocd, which btw sounds very buck coded to me:
But what happens when someone overestimates their responsibility? What happens when someone feels that they can control things that they cannot actually control? These feelings might even seep into relationships—feeling like they can control how someone else feels, or feeling that they are responsible for making everyone happy or content. This can create people-pleasing patterns and make them constantly feel the need to put others’ needs in front of their own. This can look like saying yes to things they do not want to do but feel they need to do, lest someone get upset with them. Or, they may think, “If I don’t do this, then something bad might happen.” […]
Anxiety and guilt are often at the root of an inflated sense of responsibility. The person with OCD thinks of all the possible repercussions of not acting in a particular scenario. They feel guilty for possible negative outcomes, often engaging in magical thinking—believing that their ideas, thoughts, actions, or other things can impact the world around them. This results in compulsions, which can take on many different forms; for some, it may involve very detailed rituals they feel they must perform to prevent something very specific from occurring. For others, it may be a vague need to do something “just in case” or to feel like everyone will be safe.
and then ofc there’s my gifset where he’s developed a compulsion bc he’s scared he’s still in a coma so he has a list of things he checks </3
anyway i feel like a huge part of this is definitely also projecting bc i personally struggle with moral ocd and responsibility ocd and a lot of guilt bc of that but it’s just something i’ve noticed a lot with buck, how his mind is constantly jumping to the worst, most irrational conclusion (and irrationality IS a huge part of intrusive thoughts) and so in turn he either feels the need to fix it (bc it’s HIS responsibility in his mind!) by distancing himself bc he’s the problem or clinging. trying to fix something that isn’t even a problem that needs fixing or isn’t even ur responsibility to fix is just a very ocd coded thing to me <3 and i think a lot of this is definitely more related to mental compulsions which a lot of people don’t really know abt and instead assume ocd is just the stereotypical compulsions (washing hands, organising etc which ARE ofc things that happen but it’s not just that!) so he v much falls into that “irrational thought / obsession” —> anxiety, uncertainty, guilt —> compulsion (trying to fix shit, apologising, reassurance) cycle u see with ocd.
i hope this made sense somehow and ty for asking, as u can see i love talking abt this :)) also it’s absolutely ok to disagree with me on this, it’s just something i personally noticed and really identified with due to my own ocd, i just hope i did a good job of explaining it!
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twignotstick · 4 months
TMNT: SECOND SHOT - Arc 1, Chapter 5: Old Wounds🩸
<- Chapter 4: Tiny's First Checkup 🩺
Sorry this chapter is so short -u-" it's importante
Warnings (if there's anything I should add here, tell me please!): Flashbacks, small injury, mention of death, ominous speech i guess
Words: 2,291
Summary: Nothing ever stays dead.
“Dr. Stockman!”
Baxter was so excited to just get off campus. He had done one too many lectures that day, and dealt with the humbling reality that so many of his students don't take him seriously. He used to really be somebody. Now he was teaching watered down versions of his life's work to kids who didn't have brains developed enough to appreciate it.
He almost got to get off campus, too, but the shout of a redheaded girl stopped him from opening his car door.
With a heavy sigh, Baxter turned around to face the student. She wasn't any of his, clearly. Her ginger braids and bright red cat-eye glasses were too iconic. She was rushing up to him with a chunky, oversized letterman jacket for some fictional school that swallowed the thin girl on and a green backpack thrown over one shoulder.
“Hello, young lady,” Baxter grumbled.
“Hi!” The girl finally got up to him and caught herself before she fell on her face. “You have no idea how glad I am that I caught you,” she said, winded.
“Sadly, I cannot say the same,’ Baxter sighed, straightening his bag on his shoulder.
“Oh,” the girl said, picking herself up. “Oh, I'm sorry, I promise this will be quick.”
Better be, Baxter thought.
“I'm April O'Neil, I work with the school news,” the girl said, taking her phone out. “I was wanting to interview you?”
Baxter was taken aback. “Interview me? For what?”
“I've heard a lot about you from a friend of mine!” April said, opening something on her phone. “I was wanting to write an article about the genetics field, and she recommended that I talk to you!”
Baxter blinked, but finally relaxed and fully started to listen to April. A student, actually commending his intellect? Unheard of.
“Well,” Baxter said, suddenly feeling an air of confidence. “Ask away, Ms. O'Neil. I will do my best to suffice.”
April swiped for a moment on her phone, then started bombarding Baxter with various questions. Some details about himself, his personal life, how he became who he is today. With every answer he gave, April would take notes. Baxter answered her with a smile, but he kept up walls. Any figure of authority surely needs to keep up some level of secrecy, right? April would understand.
Baxter needed desperately to keep up walls.
She asked him about his career, as well as his various accomplishments. She had obviously done some research. The amount she knew about his previous projects was flattering and admirable. The pair settled onto a bench once they realized the conversation was going to last a while. It lasted for over thirty minutes. Part of Baxter wanted to just get up and go home, but being admired overshadowed that feeling.
“Okay, okay, okay,” April said, grinning, “one more question.”
“Shoot away, O'Neil.”
“Have you done any projects relating to making animals more human? Or maybe, making humans more animalistic? And, if you haven't, how do you feel about the concept?”
He felt like he had been shot. It took all of his willpower not to gasp in a breath and keel over then and there. All of his energy was focused into keeping his composure, and it left himself with cotton in his ears and a fuzz at the corners of his vision.
If she only knew.
Maybe she does.
Baxter took a heavy breath, almost as heavy as the memories in his mind. “I have some… strong opinions on that topic.”
April's excited face fell. “Such as?”
The man stared at the sidewalk in front of him, trying to put the right words in his mouth. There were too many words.
Words he wouldn't dare say.
“The world allows many things to exist. Many things that some may see as strange, or dangerous, but have been allowed to exist by whatever cruel force rules this world.”
April had completely stopped taking notes.
“To force something into existence, something that this world did not create naturally, that it does not allow…”
Baxter swallowed, remembering the feeling of glass against his fingers.
The sting of chemicals in his nose.
That stupid syringe.
“It is an unforgivable sin.”
‘I wanna go outsiiiiiide,’ the scout whined.
‘No, my son,’ their father squeaked, ‘the human said you should rest, remember? I thought you trusted them.’
‘I did! Then the scary lady came in and yanked my leg open! I don't even know if I can trust the other ones anymore…’ he chirped tearfully, falling over in dramatics.
‘Just eat your pill and get over it, Scout,’ the hunter groaned. ‘Maybe you'll get some bugs outta this.’ He practically shoved the pill down the scout's throat, who swallowed it reluctantly.
‘Be gentle, my son,’ the rat hissed. He looked over to his oldest son, who was keeping a vigil watch over the entryways to their home. They had stayed here for too long, and the protector didn't feel safe.
They didn't have a scout to find a new, safer place. The hunter had tried his best. Scavenger, too.
The protector had begged to help.
He knew that his job was only put in place to appease him. Otherwise, he'd just be a big weight that could get ripped open in an instant. The expendable one. So, he built himself as a glass cannon with pride. It was the least he could do for his little brothers.
When he was given his job, he was young. As soon as he was old enough to understand how much his father was sacrificing for them, he wanted to do the same.
The other boys got jobs when they actually proved they could perform them. The second oldest always had such a knack for hunting, catching food so easily both above and below the water. He was bulky, but knew how to use that bulk to his advantage in a fight.
The second youngest always had an eye for good materials. Even as a tot, he would dig around trash piles that ended up in the tunnels and scavenge out survival gold. This was important, seeing as he could hardly stomach meat and always liked having something to do.
The youngest had proven himself so much. When he was young, the rat was worried that he may always need to be cared for. He was so fragile. Always in so much unforgiving pain. But, his small size and dexterous form allowed him to become the perfect scout. He would scope out every spot before the scavenger ever went. He found them places to stay. He helped the hunter too.
His second oldest's voice made the rat shake his head. The turtle was rubbing the youngest's head, making the smaller turtle squirm.
‘What is it, my son?’
The larger turtle pinned his younger brother to the ground effortlessly, laying his plastron across the smaller turtle's carapace. The scout squeaked and wiggled in protest. ‘I thought you hated humans. Why are you letting us interact with them so… normally?’
The rat sighed. ‘I am not letting you interact with them. I have watched over them.’ He scurried over slowly to pat the head of the youngest, who had given up his squirming. ‘I want you all to understand that humans can provide some great assistance, but should always be monitored. A human could turn on you at any moment.’
‘How do you know that?’ The scout strained, trying to sit himself up on his elbows and failing.
The protector turned to face the conversation with shadowed eyes. ‘You know the answer to that, Scout,” he growled. ‘We shouldn't push Father.’
‘It is fine, my son,’ the rat chirped. ‘He should seek to understand. That behavior will keep him safer than accepting ignorance.’ He looked to the second oldest. ‘Let him up, I want him to truly hear this.’
The turtle did as he was told, and the scout settled into a seated position in front of his father.
‘Many years ago, I trusted a human too. I knew many humans then, but I only trusted one.’
The small turtle was wide eyed, listening entirely. 
‘Until that human, the human I trusted, promised to kill me. And threatened to kill you all as well.’
The rat paused.
‘But you trusted them? Before?’ the turtle churred.
‘...I did. And I regret that to this day.’
‘But were they a good friend?’
Splinter had to pause and reflect on that question. Was he a good friend? Was that friendship one that mattered? Did he want it back? ‘I suppose I could thank him for one thing,’ he chirped after a moment.
‘What's that?‘
The rat smiled and cupped the turtle's face. ‘Without him, I never would have been blessed with you four. My beautiful sons.’
The turtle trilled happily and enveloped his father in a tight hug. The second oldest moved to his big brother to share the love, nuzzling his face from the side and watching their youngest brother and father embrace. The protector relaxed into the contact. 
The happy scene was drawing the protector's attention.
The red light at the end of the tunnel went unnoticed. 
Dr. Baxter Stockman didn't consider himself superstitious. He was a man of science, of facts and principle. He would never jump to pointless conclusions without tangible evidence.
He did, however, trust his gut. And his gut was telling him that student's interview had underlying motivations. The thought couldn't leave his brain, like some creature bound in a maze, searching aimlessly for the food its cruel owner may taunt it with.
Like a… rodent.
He knew.
That is why, when Baxter finally arrived in his home, he felt like he couldn't breathe. The air was too sterile. Too clean. The plain walls that once brought him comfort were only twisted reminders. 
The feeling of glass against his fingers.
Chemicals stinging his nasal cavities.
The buzz of fluorescent lighting.
Squeaking. Growling. Scratching.
“Take the stupid syringe.”
He stumbled to his kitchen sink and forced his head under the running faucet. It was turned to hot, but the water heater wasn't fast enough to burn his face off. Instead, he allowed the cold to rush in his skull through every possible entry. Through his ears, his nose, his mouth, his eyes. He pulled his head up for a moment, processing his delirium, before slumping back down and letting the stream run down the back of his head.
This is ridiculous behavior. She's just a journalist, one who was genuinely interested in your craft!
“This is ridiculous behavior. We don't need it anymore. We never needed it in the first place.”
The fire burns. 
Baxter whipped his head out of the sink violently, hitting his head on the faucet on the way up.
Right. Hot water.
He yanked his steam covered glasses off his face and tossed them onto the kitchen island carelessly. He rubbed his eyes and touched the back of his head, immediately regretting that decision when his fingertips came back red and his skull buzzed.
“If you won't, I've been itching to stomp its tail off.”
He didn't feel anything as he cleaned the wound, slapping a haphazard bandage on it and leaving it at that. The ache can wait until a later time. Something more pressing must be addressed.
“It'll just be one less thing to worry about.”
Stockman moved into his office, caring not about the water dripping from his head. It'll dry. It'll go away.
The rodent skittering in his brain will not. It knows how to hide.
He opened his computer, as the light affronted his buzzing mind. Opening a program he made, a format of his own design, he booted it up.
He didn't consider himself an engineer, either. Software or hardware. But these creatures were his magnum opus.
As the program booted up, a red light appeared on a shelf in the office. Then another. And another. Soon, the room was lit by nothing but the offensive computer screen and dozens of red lights.
The small, bipedal robots began moving. They hopped from shelves, nearly falling over due to the size of their large, toothy heads. They bumped into each other. The room was filled with the sounds of metal clinking and robotic joints.
All of their red eyes looked at Baxter's desk.
Baxter's screen displayed the image they saw.
“Find April O'Neil.”
The drones all beeped at the command. They scurried (much like rodents) and crawled over each other as they escaped Baxter's home to begin their quest. Their red lights covered the city, scanning every alley. Every building. Every corner. Every rooftop. They searched for their bounty.
One such drone happened upon an apartment building. It never went inside, but it caught sight of its bounty moving in and out. It watched her, following her as she went around her day. Sitting outside her classes, outside whatever restaurant she would visit, outside the apartment of whatever friend she was spending time with. It saw the people she spent time around.
It followed her as she sulked into an alleyway. As she hefted up a heavy manhole cover and lowered herself slowly into the tunnel below.
It followed as she turned a corner, coming upon a group of mutants. Three turtles and a rat sat huddled together, the second largest squeezing lightly around the shoulders of the smallest. Another turtle came in from another tunnel, while the drone's bounty entered. The rat glanced at both of the new arrivals. The girl lowered herself and handed a lunchbox over to it.
They're dead. It's over. 
Baxter watched the living corpses breathlessly.
A man sat at his computer, smiling. It was time to finish what he started.
Things are happeningggg 😈
Chapter 6: Pursuit of Progress 🌇 ->
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ectobio · 7 months
Just stumbled upon ðïs blog and it's such a cool idea/project! May I ask you, do y8u have a headcånon for where theze folks are made (ectobioligised)? Is it on Earth C in the end of homestuck or whatever? Is it in your own fanon? (I GeT tha t you are mainly doing ðïs for the fun of creating the characters n art, but do you have any idea in the back of ur head?)
Ohoho you don't realise the lore that's in this. I had a convo with my fellow ectobiologiser over at @/ectobiology-machines (follow them aswell!! They do cool stylised sprites) so I'll just plonk what i said to them over here (with some tweaks)
My Earth C (which i shall christen as Earthsee for ease) is an idealised version of Earth C in hsbc.
However some of the components may decide to stay in the limelight as gods, while some don't.
My ectobiology machines were originally manned by Roxy, June and Karkat which caused the first boom in population, the 5000 time skip happened and society was turning up to be like exactly how it is in hsbc which was a collectively decided by the main cast that species clustering, segregating and never communicating is VERY bad
so the ectobiology machines were reopened to allow new mixed species and got new genes into the machines (thx to june retconning pretty much every death) and now being manned by my dear bby Axel they're one of the people who's genes and components got mixed up so far into the pool since their great great great etc grandparents were first created in the og boom.
They do do it on commission if someone wants kids but for some reason cant but the machine kinda just goes on autopilot, axel is mainly there to make sure it doesn't explode or whatever.
They're bosses are June and Karkat, who sometimes come over to make sure nothing is blowing up or whatever. Roxy decided the ectobiology life wasn't for her and would rather be a programmer full time.
There is also in fact multiple first guardians seen as ectochildren (or ectomirrors if u wanna get loresy) of some of the creators mixed with whatever first guardian. They cannot be intentionally created and spawn from the machines on it's own accord.
Some ectobabies are taken in by creators (lootra, patine and juno immediately spring to mind) but most live lives with pretty much no interaction with their components, they're simply just the civilians of the world. The only grey area is the ectobabies with exact matches with their components in the dreamer/aspect side. They just kinda exist knowing that they are heavily related to their components, sometimes having them on kinda speed dial
There's more stuff but I can't think of the top of my head. Youll need more specific questions for me to spit that out :P
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notholaenas · 1 year
curious what do u not like ab x-reader stuff? like personally I don’t engage w it but I don’t see the harm in it? asking coz I saw the mischaracterisation circle in hell tag and was wondering lol, unless I’m taking it more serious than u meant it sozzers
heyy. i have no idea how old this ask is lmao i didn't ignore it on purpose i swear.
disclaimer: i don't speak for everyone, this is just this girl's opinion, no more, no less.
i myself try not to engage with it as well, mainly because reading about other people's sexual fantasies (cause essentially this is what x reader content is about, isn't it?) makes me a little uncomfortable. (also i'm not talking about the y/n imagines things, if it brings you joy and comfort, who am i to judge? yk)
my main concern isn't about the mischaracterization, strictly speaking (that's another story), but the fact that no matter how hard you try, you cannot escape it; you cannot filter it out if those who write it refuse to tag it properly. a good portion of the tags i follow here are cluttered with x reader/reader insert content even though i have the "tag" and any related expressions on mute. it's my personal preference not to consume this type of media, so naturally i take an issue with it not being presented correctly, therefore me being unable to avoid it.
as for the mischaracterization: the x reader content i happened to have the misfortune to glimpse were basically just sexual fantasies projected onto certain fictional characters, them behaving certain ways or saying things they definitely would not do/say in any other situations. and i'm not talking about fic writers taking liberties with the personalities of the characters they're writing about for the sake of an au. i'm talking the "he would not fuckin say that* type of stuff, where you basically take an oc and hide it behind [insert character's name]. if u wanna write p0rn with yourself getting into situations, that's fine by me, you do you. but i'd prefer if you leave my favorite characters alone. lol
so yeah, i didn't mean anything serious by the tag there, simply expressing my neverending frustration with a situation that cannot be helped, sadly. (i mean.... it could be helped if writers tagged their shit properly but whatever.)
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okamirayne · 6 months
Hi Rayne! I see your in the plotting stage of HHU judging from your memes? 💖 *insanely excited* Just curious as I know ur slowly coming out of burnout by returning to fanfic? As somesone who gets rly confused between writers block and writers burnout (I see from other posts/asks you've always refered to it as burnout not block?) could you maybe (only if u want!) share your experience & journey out of burnout as you go? I'm so stuck creatively atm and your journey has always inspired me. 😘 MWAH
Hiya Anon! 😘
I see your in the plotting stage of HHU judging from your memes?
Ha...yeah 😅...you could say that...🫠
Just curious as I know ur slowly coming out of burnout by returning to fanfic?
That is correct, my lovely. Let me take this opportunity to say it's thanks to the amazingly sweet reviewers that I've had the courage to do this after so long away. They give me the chakra with their engagement, I give them the chapters with my insanity - it's a beautiful thing. 💜
As somesone who gets rly confused between writers block and writers burnout (I see from other posts/asks you've always refered to it as burnout not block?)
Completely understandable you'd get confused between the two. For definition's sake, my personal experience with Writer's Block and Burnout is this:
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BLOCK: I have no ideas. My brain screen is white noise. My canvas is blank. I can't think of any stories or characters or scenes. Its a ghost town. There are tumbleweeds. And crickets. There is a big BLOCK and nothing can come INTO my headspace/heartspace. Maybe I need inspiration. Maybe I need a muse. Maybe I need to return to stuff I love and enjoy (outside of writing) to grease the wheels and get the ball rolling again. Maybe I need to just play around a bit with WIPS or switch projects and try some creative exercises. There's not usually a bigger, neurological issue playing out here. There might be (and often is) an emotional / mental one and that looks different for different people. Maybe I can power through this and crack on (some do, some don't). It's not spilling into other areas of my life. I still have the desire to write.
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BURNOUT: I have ideas. Many ideas. My brain screen is active, but it's on mute and sometimes grainy. My canvas has the picture sketched out, but I've gone colourblind. I can think of stories and characters and scenes but I cannot connect to them or express them. It's not a ghost town, it's a burning wasteland during dawn of the dead and I am the zombie staggering around. I cannot connect to what I am seeing/feeling about the characters/stories I love. I do not have the energy, clarity, or capacity to CREATE (put on the page/screen) what I am HOLDING inside me. It's not gone or absent, I AM. I cannot connect to it. I can't THINK straight. Brainfog on STEROIDS. Apathy creeping in. There is a big BLACKNESS and nothing can COME OUT of my headspace/heartspace. Those spaces are malfunctioning. Maybe I need a brain transplant or defibrillation. Maybe I need a bit of self-care. Maybe I need Jesus / Buddha / Insert-Your-Go-To-God or Grace-Place Miracle...because turning to things I used to love isn't doing it. I can't feel anything (losing joy and love for things you used to enjoy is a big part of it). Nothing is greasing these wheels or getting this ball rolling again until I walk through the hellfire and address the pyromanic issues that set me and my world on fire (not in the good passionate way; think petrol self-immolation montage). Said issues are both emotional / mental AND physical (neurological/health related) and it's an unholy trine that needs to be addressed gently and with grace, because if I try to POWER through this wasteland I will lose so, so hard and set myself back even further. It's not isolated to creativity. It's spilling all over the bloody shop and impacting other areas of my life. I can't feel the joy or desire anymore.
Writer's Block = Struggling to conceive and generate ideas, cannot get the ideas IN (inspiration, doubt, perfectionism, tiredness, often emotional/mental root causes). Doesn't usually affect other areas of your life. Desire to write is there. Tough but not severe. Writer's Burnout = Struggling to connect to writer's heart and give birth to ideas, cannot get the ideas OUT (no energy, no capacity, chronic, physical/emotional/mental root causes). Affects other areas of your life. Desire to write is gone (worst feeling EVER). Existential writer crisis. BLOODY SEVERE.
I'm not sure if that helps, luv? But from my mad ramblings you can see how I view them as completely different entities. I've experienced bouts of writer's block and I've always managed to power through it with the right approach (again, that's different for everyone) because though it was tough, I hadn't lost my writer heart. Burnout is very different. Writer heart is buried under smoking rubble. Nothing tried-and-tested for BLOCK could get me through the BURNOUT -- it's a whole different monster, way more sinister and boss-level bad. It needs a whole different treatment, and in my experience, that recovery and treatment needs to be HOLISTIC.
[...] could you maybe (only if u want!) share your experience & journey out of burnout as you go? I'm so stuck creatively atm and your journey has always inspired me. 😘 MWAH
I'm so sorry you're feeling creatively stuck. That's rubbish on fire, and I feel for you. I hope my words above gave you a little insight into my experience of burnout (in a really abstract way, sorry!). I'd highly recommend Becca Syme's work on burnout, though it's geared specifically towards writers (though artists and other creatives can definitely benefit from her YouTube series on Burnout and 'energy pennies' etc). I tend to sometimes post a few quotes and pieces on burnout, but I can do more of that if it helps other creatives?
Fortunately more and more, burnout is becoming acknowledged for creatives and not just those in the corporate world. Generating creative energy and expending it requires TREMENDOUS energy (usually joyful) at a core level. If that joyful source runs dry, it's time to find the exit wound(s) and see where the heck you've been bleeding out (hence, holistic approach for a usually chronic state) - and that is unique to each individual, even if burnout is a universal condition (paradoxically, it can look/present both similarly and very differently for people, as with most things).
I sincerely hope that you're blocked and not burntout, sweetheart (though if you ARE burntout, there is absolutely a way back from that). Either way, it sucks not to be able to create. Again, I'm not sure if anything I've shared here has helped or answered your question properly. Thanks for your patience in my lengthy response.💜💜 I have deep empathy for those who lose their creative light (not the spark, but the whole damn fire) and hence my tendency to rant on and on...I shall shut up now.
Big love and creative energy coming at you. 🥰 May the root cause of your "stuckness" be removed from you and may inspiration and JOY pave the way back to your creative spirit.💜
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eldragon-x · 2 years
bill nye the cipher guy. from the gravity falls. for the ask game
the scrunkly. thank u ray.
First impression I saw that weird jokester creature with an eerie forboding aura for the first time at age 11 in his debut episode and knew right away he was literally one of the best characters created.
Impression now I have nostalgic attachment to him but also just genuine appreciation. He sticks to me like a burdock. Funfact: As a kid I actually only watched the first two eps of s2 and he specifically was part of the reason I remembered + caught up + got back into the show later not too long before the finale aired.
Favorite moment There's defenetly more impactful ones, but one that I just enjoy is him teasing Ford and playing piano + singing. He's just a silly guy your honor (literally causing the apocalypse). It's also neat because this is a scene from the finale and We'll Meet Again is, in the context of GF, associated with the hints about Bill not being dead for good.
Idea for a story If only I had solid ideas and more confidence in my writing and dedication to write multi-chapter fics I'd write out my own interpretation of Bill's backstory. But alas,
Unpopular opinion Idk if this is still a hot take in the year of 2023 but it's kinda. annoying how people insists that it's canon that Bill is a one-dimensional character who cannot have a shred of a sympathetic trait or any chance of a redemption when the Axolotl Poem is like:
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Don't get me wrong, I can enjoy a pure evil villain who's simply entertaining (Jack Horner of Puss in Boots fame literally pokes fun of villains with tragic backstories and it's great), but there is canonically More to Bill and it's so interesting but never overshadows how horrid he is. If you ask me, I think you'd have to drag him kicking and screaming towards self-improvement but fact is that he's getting another chance at life (with the expectation to make up for his atrocities) and we can only imagine how that plays out. And I don't think this is in an ominous way because the arcs of the protagonists are finished and God knows they put up enough with his shit lol.
I also want to mention here that when I rewatched the show recently I was honestly worried he'd just be boring to me because a funny but flat (hehe) character will probably only hold my attention for so long but then I remembered The Agonies and was like ah i see. i'm not getting rid of him.
Favorite relationship His ass has not had a genuine relationship with anyone in eons but I like when ppl portray him and Pyronica as besties. Girlboss solidarity.
Oh Also I want to know his relation with the Axolotl so bad because they're implied to be like. the opposite good/creative force to his evil/destruction in the multiverse and yet they are the one who revives him in the first place for reasons we can only guess.
Favorite headcanon I can't think of anything else so here's literally just a random hc from me: His eyesight sucks because he starts squinting in that one scene in Dreamscaperers while trying to read something + the irony of an omniscient being having shit eyesight is amusing to me + I have poor eyesight and love projecting. Get a monocle king.
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tabl3 · 2 years
Lab Rats Ask Game
by @texanmarcusdavenport (your name and bio made me spit water lmfao)
⛵️ Favorite ship? Least favorite ship? (Doesn't have to be romantic.)
-Chase/Kaz, Bree/Skylar, Leo/Logan, Tecton/Megahertz, Horace/Bridges
-DAVENPORT SIBLINGS (love their dynamic. I have three siblings of my own and it’s too accurate lol)
- MM trio (nuff said lmao)
- EF (done correctly)
Least Favorite:
- Incest (obviously)
- Kaziver/Chaziver (no hate to those who ship it :) just not my cup of tea)
👀 Characters whose relationship you wish was more explored?
- Leo, Logan, and Taylor (next gen spinoff fr)
- Leo and Kaz
- Kaz and Skylar
- Kaz and Bree
- Chase and Oliver (literally the copy homework but change it up a lil bit meme)
- Skylar and Chase
- Adam and Skylar (bff material fr)
- Jordan with literally anyone (love she)
- Techertz (gay old men. the end.)
- Chase and Taylor (I have a comic in the works of them setting up Leogan. they 100 percent would meddle lol)
- Bree and Taylor
- Adam and Logan
- Horace and the trio
💥 Favorite crack ship / characters that never met in canon but would've been best friends if they had?
- Spark and Reese (idk why. I cannot remember who did the incorrect quote that implanted the brainworm but)
🐀 Favorite season of Lab Rats? Least favorite?
- 1 and 2 :) (1 was so cute, and Douglas/Marcus as antagonist were really entertaining in 2)
- 4 (said almost everyone lol)
🏥 Lab Rats or Mighty Med?
- both
🏳️‍🌈 Favorite LGBT+/neurodivergent headcanon?
Idk tbh lol, so here’s a few of mine:
- Chase: bi disaster, trans, autistic, OCD, insomnia
- Bree: pan, ADHD (hyperactive)
- Kaz: gay, ADHD (switches between hyperactive and inattentive), dyscalculia
- Skylar: lesbian
- Oliver: trans, OCD, monophobia
- Adam: aro/ace, ADHD (inattentive), dyslexia, dyscalculia 
- Leo: queer
- Tasha: bi
- Douglas: bi, OCD (maybe schizophrenic. not sure on that yet)
- Marcus: aro/ace (some form of nd lol)
- Daniel: also nd in some way (it’s genetic lol)
- Taylor: lesbian
- Logan: gay
- Horace: ADHD
- Alan: aro/ace, OCD
- Jordan: aro/ace
- Gus: omnisexual, autistic
- Tecton: bi
- Megahertz: gay
- Solar Flare: lesbian, nonverbal
- Gamma Girl: lesbian
📖 An AU/fanfic idea you'd love to see but don't have the motivation to write?
- literally my whole rewrite lmao (i have the motivation but this timeline is murder help)
💭 Favorite headcanon overall?
- soooo many. one that’s fun is Oliver literally never being spared from walking in on horrors lol
🔥 Hot take/unpopular opinion?
- not sure how unpopular this is, but Bree is written poorly. she can have more personality than just “girl”
❤️ Favorite character? Least favorite character?
- EF (in character), Horace, Adam, Leo, Tasha, Jordan (Wallace and Clyde are fun too)
- not sure on the least fav
- actually EF Oliver lol
⏱️ When did you start watching Lab Rats?
- 10 years ago (I’m an og baby let’s goooooo)
🟢 Any crossover ideas? Are there any shows you think would've made a better crossover than Lab Rats/Mighty Med?
- okokokok, hear me out.... how about a crossover between two hit sitcoms: Mighty Med & Lab Rats, BUT we don’t ruin the characters? I know it sounds like madness
🎼 What songs do you relate to the characters/ show?
- Bloodpop (Davenport Family)
- Feel Invincible (MM trio)
- Waiting for the End (EF)
- start//end (for my Decimation work)
- Dollhouse (Davenport Family)
- Training Wheels/ Line Without a Hook/ Sweater Weather/ I Like Me Better/ Mirrors (Chaz)
- Tongue Tied/ Everybody Talks/ Falling For U/ she/ sofia (Brylar)
- Gasoline (Adam, Bree, Chase)
there’s like a billion more but I’m tired atm lol (drawing and writing causes one to make playlists haha)
🟠 Which character is the most like you? Which character is the least like you?
- really when I write I heavily project to all of them lol, but probably Chase in canon. I’m the thirdborn, autistic, OCD, and super sensitive to light, sound, smells, etc. (I’m also the “smart one” too lmao)
- Idk really lol
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shopcat · 1 year
elaborate on how people portray steve's parents please!!!! i would like to hear ur thoughts
OH GOD okay i think i have talked about this a little every now and then but i'll stick that specific post i drafted under a cut though because it is 2 o'clock on a tuesday
basically it's like... okay for example. last week a tiktok trended essentially talking about how people made up steve's relationship with his parents being neglectful or abusive (which is true) but the tone being used in the comment section was like inSANE and something i've seen in many different contexts from many different sources it just all highlighted it horribly for a moment there though. but this isn't about that specific tiktok iderc about it. but like people were acting like it was soooo funny so hilarious we love it haha but i eat it up tbh haha i love it when he's abused haha ... ??? like how are people seemingly en masse actually incredibly aware of and able to identify something like that and instead of taking the time to be like actually .. maybe this is weird in a lot of contexts 🤔 they instead just go haha i love it though. like i don't even know... how brains can work like this what is stopping you from attempting to access a voice to your OWN OPINION.. weird. but not the point
on the other side of things at the same time the classic thing that gets said is "haha it's so fucking hilarious he's not neglected it's just made up to make him look sad and give him a tragic back story" why is everything all or nothing with these ANIMALS!!! it's like something can be recognised and it will be a realisation that abuse will be used transparently as a shallow narrative tool to commodify victimhood for .. #fan fiction... but they don't actually like care. because it serves the purpose the author intended (to make people react). which is so fucking depressing like jesus christ. you know it's weird but you "like it anyway" somehow worse imo. like u can always assume someone who depicts something like that could be coming from a personal place of projection or empathy but a comment i've seen before has been like "i love my parents haha we have a good relationship i don't know why i like [abuse] so much" UGH it just skeeves me the fuck out. also u like it cuz u enjoy seeing a character u like experience something hard and then be able to survive it and be comforted and helped... while failing to realise a vast amount of the time it is cheap and dehumanising garbage functionally created to profit off of genuine hardship in people's lives ?! exploitation is content what else is NEW!!!
but then when ppl say it's so "weird" this happens he's not abused that's such a stupid sob story i . can't handle it even MORE. they can see the core of it but lost the compassion to blanket it like why the Fuck do you think it's an appropriate thing to say "how dare people want to relate to a fictional character experiencing things they have" why would you assume every single person is, Like You, happily CONSUMING and eating something like this down to the bone without any care in the world. that abuse victims do not deserve a small amount of comfort or catharsis that people who aren't victims aren't allowed to feel compassion for it that being abused does not make you Used Up and you are able to not only survive but thrive and you as a human being are afforded the RIGHT of happiness + safety. that things like these cannot possibly be the necessary balancing act it's always just literally black and white WHY IS THE WORLD so dark and cold. Maybe because my blinds are closed. that's a metaphor. UGH it just all drives me crazy. i think we know this though.
i don't even think his parents ARE abusive but to i guess throw actual victims under the bus when we're already treated like WELLS of "whump ideas" is such a fucking annoying thing to do. it also drives me crazy when ppl r like he's a rich white cis straight man like boy do i have news about 99% of the entire fucking cast for u <- specifically that they say that cuz they're being like "people r just trying to make him something interesting". abuse is interesting to them btw. also when they bring up jonathan as the Actual Abuse victim to be quite honest i hope jonathan dies in a glue trap right now
anyway basically i don't think exploitation is content and if the only thing you're doing WITH your content is tropeifying serious things like abuse (but this extends into things like disability or mental health or lgbt identity etc) then you're being a dickhead and dressing it up in a very... juvenile way. also i think it's ironic people will go on and on about "complex relationships" and then not actually make them complex because it's just an excuse to paint steve as a poor broken boy who needs to be Saved (by eddie or whatever the fuck honestly it happens with robin too) and as an abuse victim i think it. sucks. even though i do relate to steve and some depictions of it have been ... nice? well-portrayed and nonexploitive. i think it's an interesting read of his character and comes from a solid basis but i will always welcome narrative diversity over the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. mwah.
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morganaux · 1 year
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NAME: Morganaux de Roulemet
RESIDENCE: The Dzemael Manor, along with his personal manor post-Endwalker
TYPE OF BED: A double bed filled with plushies. ...Alternatively, his work desk, or a nice comfy sofa, or a rug, if it's fluffy enough.
NUMBER OF PILLOWS: One for his head, one or two for him to cling to. Or one book. A book can be a pillow if it wants to be.
TYPE OF CLOTHING: Frilly, floor-length nightgowns in pink, white, or cream, or whatever he wore that day.
DO THEY SLEEP WITH COMPANY?: Depends on the verse, but even if he has a partner to sleep with, he has times where he gets overstimulated and needs to sleep alone. (That, and he sometimes feels the need to wander at night for reasons relating to his trauma and wouldn't want to accidentally wake them up.)
DO THEY SLEEP BETTER WITH COMPANY?: It varies. In most circumstances, it makes him feel safer if he's sleeping with someone he trusts, knowing there's someone around to protect him if he needs it. But if he's feeling overstimulated by touch or someone's mere presence, he won't be able to sleep at all.
DOES IT MATTER WHERE THEY SLEEP?: Theoretically, he can fall asleep anywhere if he works himself to the point of exhaustion, which often happens while he's toiling away at an arcanima project. If he's choosing to sleep, he wants a private room to himself, and if that's not an option, he's going to find the most secluded spot he possibly can.
WHAT DO THEY DO IF THEY CANNOT FALL ASLEEP?: He'll go for a walk, find something to read, write down any ideas relating to his studies that might come to him, etc. Pretty much, he'll just do things he would normally do until he's feeling tired out enough to try sleeping again and won't just lie there waiting to fall asleep.
FREQUENT DREAMS, NIGHTMARES: His more pleasant recurring dreams involve him exploring unfamiliar parts of places he's been to before, although in reality, they don't actually exist. He's tried finding them and hasn't had luck so far, but he's not unhappy about it and considers these dreams to be adventures of their own. Some of his recurring nightmares can be found here.
DEEP SLUMBER OR NAPS: Deep slumber, but does enjoy the occasional nap if he's convinced to take one. But good luck with that if you're not dating him. This man is a chronic workaholic with too many tasks he wants to get done, and he often sees naps as an unnecessary indulgence.
WHEN DO THEY SLEEP: It varies. Sometimes, he tries to be kind to himself and sleep at a reasonable hours, but his anxiety and claustrophobia get in the way and he needs to wander. Other times, he's in the middle of working on a project and doesn't want to sleep until he's reached a certain milestone with it. And sometimes he just straight up passes out because he won't put his work down. If he's in a relationship, he'll pretty much try to sleep whenever he's asked, barring his need to wander. He just really needs someone to encourage him to take care of himself. :,)
WHAT COULD WAKE THEM UP: A lot of things, unless he passed out, but most notably even the smallest bit of light.
EARLY OR LATE RISER: Early. He likes to see the sunrise, but even more, he likes getting up and being productive. (Please help this man. He is suffering.)
Tagged by: @thekavseklabs (thank u!!!!!!!!)
Tagging: if you see this and want to do this, you are tagged!!
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soleadita · 1 year
okay yes listen buck is an all american rejects fan for sure he also related to teenage dirtbag on a worryingly deep level and he would spend hours listening to the same fall out boy song on repeat while reading the lyric booklet bc he wanted to be the guy that knew exactly what they were saying. he knows all the words to every song green day has ever put out his favorite album is nimrod because maddie would play it when he was a kid (you cannot convince me maddie didn’t go through a mild edgy phase in the form of listening to albums her parents hated). also he unironically likes weezer. thanks.
bia!! i love u!! yes buck and weezer and green day and teenage dirtbag also he listens to dirty little secret and feels sad bc he's def been the dirty little secret in his time. and while he's doing his little cross-country adventuring he blasts california by phantom planet unironically and ok who can blame him, it's a BOP.
ok and: buck is a lyric booklet girlie (gn)???? of COURSE????!!!! because. well. i can't quite put into words why this makes sense, but it just does. something about wanting acceptance so badly and thinking that if he Knows The Words, Yes, The Right Words, he'll be one step closer to getting people to like him, bc doesn't everyone want to know the right words, but he doesn't realize that the unspoken agreement is you sit there and listen and listen and listen and eventually figure it out on your own. and also. maybe not everyone cares about The Right Words (tm) as much as you do. something about doing Too Much and being Too Earnest in a way that people find just slightly off-putting and you have no idea why. idk. i'm literally just sayin shit at this point. (am i projecting. is my tism showing. no. yes. shh.)
anyway. which fall out boy songs were in his rotation i need to know this immediately.
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