#bc if it just works to represent and nothing else
Sexiest Podcast Character — Unscripted Bracket — Round 4
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Glenn Close (Dungeons & Daddies):
#Propaganda for Glenn Close: one of the other PCs mentions multiple times how hot he is #Actually several characters point it out but especially Henry #Also the only person in a podcast that has to put a disclaimer about not being a BDSM podcast to have had sex during the course of the show
We didn’t do hot Glenn summer for him to LOSE. Spoilers for his story but MORE PROPAGANDA FOR YOU:
Young hot rocker dilf
Loyal to his dead wife <3
Does in fact smoke weed
BARD!! HES A BARD. HE WAS LEAD GUITAR IN HIS BAND (that he was kicked out of)
His band was a Christmas cover band btw.
Literally the fandom had hot Glenn summer which consisted of drawing him being incredibly hot and sexy
Anti government (ofc)
Kind of cringefail (Disney adult) (was on dilfs of disneyland)
Young and sexy not your style? Then how about HIM AFTER YEARS LOCKED IN A TIME PRISON WITH A DAMN HANNIBAL MASK ??
Lost an eye and wears a fucking eyepatch
One incredibly buff arm
Has a pet rat named after his son <3
Immeasurable amounts of trauma in this man- becomes progressively more unhinged
Becomes a demon hunter for the rest of his existence
Also nonwhite !!! We are done with cringefail whiteboys !!!!!!!!!
I can’t put into words ok just know he is the best plz love him.
Listen, I don't know this other character but I've seem some good arguments for her However Consider Glenn Close winning through no effort of his own in a bullshit way despite being a dick is the most in character thing ever. He leveled up three times and got a crab mech, we GOT to give him this win, it's fitting
I don’t regulate if minors follow me or not bc I’m a pretty chill space but I hope the world is aware that’s the only reason I haven’t been downright nasty about Glenn close. I’m down bad. I’m NOT in the boat of ‘Glenn isn’t sexy but I want him to win bc it’s my fandom’. I would estimate I have 200+ drawings of Glenn on my phone that AREN’T safe for work. Way more that are. Where did they come from? That’s MY business. But I tell you this fact to assure you- Glenn IS sexy. I’m not voting to represent my fandom I’m voting out of TRUTH AND LOVE. IF YOU DON’T GET IT YOU DON’T GET IT!!! I just think my level of feral over this man is more powerful than y’all realize. If you don’t get his sex appeal that’s okay, but don’t doubt that this is my truth.
Okay but Glenn made a minivan cum by talking to her so
HE HAS A BOOK THAT HE MARKS X’S AND CHECKS FOR EVERY DAY TO SEE IF THAT DAY WAS A SUCCESS OR NOT. TO SEE IF HE DID GOOD THAT DAY. ITS ALMOST ENTIRELY X’S. HE WAS CUCKED OUT OF A SON. AND A DEAD WIFE. HE DIDN’T EVEN GET TO KILL HIS DAD IN REVENGE. There’s absolutely nothing going for him except his sex appeal in his life. Nobody he loved remembers him. He lost his eye. All he has is a pet rat and friends who admit they don’t really like him that much. He was kicked out of his own band. The band was named after him. He was kicked out of the Glenn Close trio. All he could do was deez nuts the big bad and be sexy. If nothing else, then pity him. Look in his eyes. Look at his heart and soul. Do you think pickman needs this to feel good about herself? Can she not accept a loss for the sake of a pathetic father? Can she shake hands with the minivan fucker and his human gun and just take the L on this one? He did not do the BDSM episode for this I’ll tell you what. Do this for my his sake. Do it for Nick Jr, who needs the prize money to pay for his rat snacks. Do it for his son. For Morgan. Ganbatte.
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Mod Note: While I will still take "bad dads are sexy" propaganda and "bad dads aren't sexy" anti-propaganda, I kindly request no more discussion on whether or not he was a bad father. This is a sexypoll, not a parentingpoll. If you see a post you strongly disagree with, you can just not reblog it.
Mod Note 2: This tournament is about fictional podcast characters. Please do not vote for the real actress Glenn Close.
Lup (The Adventure Zone: Balance):
Is somehow the hot twin between her and Taako
Lup Bluejeans (née... Taaco? Tacco? Taco? Tako? who tf knows this is why I'm going with her husband's last name. doylistly she gets her last name from her brother whose last name is given as "Taako again but spelled differently"): Hot, funny, smart and undead. Is there anything else you could want in a woman?? Well, in case there is: she's also canonically trans
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kaicubus · 2 years
Distraction | Xavier T.
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warnings ✩° : mutual pining, angry(?) confession, teasing, competition, cursing, rivals to lovers, both reader and xavier are 17-18 years old, fluff but also a tad spice.
pairing ✩° : xavier thorpe x fem!reader
premise ✩° :  on the day of the annual poe cup, you're put against your academic rival, xavier thorpe, and you don't want to lose. however, he has other plans of  getting the upper hand with you and knows exactly how to get his way. hes knocking out two birds with one stone, if you will.  
word count ✩° : 3.4k
authors note ✩° : this was done in literally a few hours bc i’m obsessed and it needs to be addressed.
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The rules were simple.
They always have been. Follow what the people in charge told you and don't disappoint. If you disappoint them then you disappoint the whole community and what good are you if you're a disappointment. It was hard not to see school, ground zero for being the best, as a competition. In fact, you thrived working towards a goal of being superior than everyone else; maybe it was due to the fact that no matter what was put in front of you, you could understand it and write it off as done as soon as you wrote your name. However, there were some things you didn't get at times and that frustrated you.
Over the time you’ve known him, it’s been test after test, assignment after assignment, obscure experiment after obscure experiment to prove to this seemingly effortlessly perfect creature that you’re better than him, only for you to miss his mark by one. point.
“Maybe you should think less about being better than me and more about the material, Y/n.” Xavier would say, “But don’t worry, you ALMOST got the same score as me.”
It wasn't his snarky comments or obviously stronger memory than you that made you over the top angry, no, it was the fact that you couldn't understand how he was doing it. Nothing made sense and the feeling of not knowing made looking into his stupid hazel eyes, gazing at his sharp and defined side profile, and wispy long hair all the more annoying. Everything has to have answers. So why did he make your throat tighten every time you spoke to him? Or your face flush with dark shades of pink and red? It had to be anger. There was no other explanation.
All of the rivalry would eventually lead you both up to the annual Poe Cup. A boat race amongst four teams, five members from each house all stuck together on their respective hand crafted boats each representing a different Edgar Allen Poe poem.
You're on The Black Cat team while Xavier’s on The Amontillado team. For a whole week you spend with your team, preparing for the race and to utterly destroy Xavier because this will finally prove to yourself that you’re good at him at something.
“You ready to beat the shit out of Xavier, Y/n?” Your friend who knows your rivalry with the guy smiles at you, “Once WE have that cup he has to realize that all he is to you, is dirt.” She was right.
“Relax, F/n, why ruin my chances with excitement when I can take all of that and shove it in his face at the very end.”
Your other team mate taps you both on your shoulders, “You guys ready? It’s almost time.” With that, you watch everyone file into their boats, Xavier included, and so you and your friend make your way into your own seats. However, just before you adjust your headband on your head, you decide to catch a glimpse of the destined losers on each side of you. Though no one else is important right now other than seeing him, so you give a side eyed glance in Xavier’s direction.
To your surprise, not only is he already looking at you, but, “Is he laughing at me?”
Your friend looks towards Xavier as well and scoffs, “Yeah,” She confirms, “Looks like they all are. Fucking clowns.”
As you chew on the inside of your cheek out of anger, a sudden whistle blows from Ms. Weems accompanied by a large megaphone that amplifies her voice as she speaks.
You can tell out of the corner of your eye that ever since your friend had rudely thrusted her middle finger into the sky for all the jesters to see, Xavier hadn't stopped looking at you. His eyes, laser focused, burned into the side of your head and it only made you more anxious for the race. You bite your lip ever so slightly and fight back the urge to look at him too.
Thankfully, you're saved by a gunshot that explodes into the air and suddenly your team gets pushed into the water.
Of all things, why should you be thinking about Xavier Thorpe and what he has to say or look at you for? All this time, you've convinced yourself that you could care less what he thinks of you. After all, the reason you're trying so hard to be better than him is the very reason that motivates you every day to get up and face him. Otherwise, you'd be locked away in your dorm with nothing to do but attend class and repeat the cycle. In a way, he was your reason to wake up.
“Y/N! Duck!” Your friend suddenly snaps you out of your mechanical like motions of rowing as hard as possible. Wasting no time, you dodge the flying axe coming your way by a hair. “What the hell?! Y/n, focus!”
“I am focused, F/n.”
“No, you're not. You got that lost look in your eyes. Stop thinking about Xavier and maybe pay attention to all the objects being thrown around at us? So you don't die, and most importantly, so we can win this for our hall?”
For the rest of the distance from the starting line to the other end of the lake, you try not to look behind you as looking behind you would only distract you from the prize. All of your team puts in their all in rowing as fast as they can together in sync, each arm pushing at the exact same second as everyone else to really glide through the water. Despite nets being tossed, siren students diving under boats and tipping them over, and very small fire crackers being thrown into other boats, three teams are left remaining to the next stage of the race. Getting the flag.
“Go go go!” F/n pushes you up, “Get the black flag. We’ll be waiting here to look out for anybody.”
Not wanting to waste anymore time, you nod and start sprinting directly into the old, creaky forest. Dry leaves crunch under your feet in threes, making their crinkles the only noise in the entire forest. That’s good, you think, that means no one else came yet. Quickly jumping over logs and rocks, you make your way to the flag destination, only to see that your black flag is missing.
“What the—”
“Hey,” a voice calls out from behind you, “Looking for something?”
The cheesy line doesn't go without an eye roll as you turn around, “Xavier.”
“You don't seem too happy to see me.” Your rival stands with a shit eating grin on his face, comically extenuated with crimson, drippy paint.
You're quick to reply, “I'm not. You took my flag which I need to win this. So hand it over, Thorpe.”
He raises his hands and allows you to charge up to him just close enough so that you're barely touching the tips of his pointed shoes with your jet black boots. “What? Who says I have your flag? I JUST got here in case you hadn't noticed.”
“I actually haven't noticed. Because why would I stop to care about where you are?”
“You seemed to care when we first started.” Xavier leans down and twists his head slightly, just enough for you to be caught off guard and step back, “I saw you looking at me.” His tone makes you shrink back.
Heat rushes to your face in a fleeting panic and almost immediately, your chest twists your rib cage hard enough to squeak out, “I WASN'T LOOKING AT YOU! YOU were looking at ME!”
Xavier raises his brows and chuckles, “I remember differently.”
Of course he has to be cocky now. “Look, Xavier. Just forget this and let me go. Your gross sweat is getting all over me.”
“Oh is that so?”
He snickers at your flustered nature but decides to go the extra mile and tease you further, “You do realize that we all have to get back, Y/n, its kinda the whole reason why we made it here. Though it looks like its just the two of us.” He turns to both of his sides and then directs his attention back to you, “I’d say we have a little time.”
Again, you emphasize, “WE don't have time. Unlike you, I actually WANT to win. Xavier, I don't know what your deal is or why you're so obsessed with me and making me look like a complete and utter fool, but once I win this for my team, it ends. Do you understand me?”
Xavier exhales deeply, “You know, for someone who’s so high strung and smart, you're really dumb, aren't you?”
He steps forward, causing you to back into a tree. You can feel the roughness of the tree bark as it etches its way across the backside of your suit, causing a mildly discomforting feeling that shivers throughout your skin. Before you can move forward, Xavier steps closer, basically eliminating any means of escaping.
“Why am I so obsessed with you? Is that what you think this is? Obsession?”
You look up at him to find his naturally tall stature hunched over to be at eye level with you. Surely, if anyone to walk into the scene, they’d think you two were stopping the competition just to make out. Even though Xavier’s hand is firmly pressed just between your ear and shoulder and he was just over an inch close to you so that your noses are barley touching, it’s not like that at all. Yet, at least.
“That’s what I just asked.” Your eyebrows stitch together bitterly, “Can you not hear, clown? You don’t understand how hard it is for me to watch my reputation die because of you and your perfect grades and your perfect art. What makes you think you can just parade yourself around to be better than me?!” The questions leave a burning sensation in your throat.
“Reputation? Grades? Is that what this is about?”
“YES! Are you DENSE?!”
Instead of matching your violent glower, you watch as the clown leans his head to the side in laughter. His lips parting just enough so you can see his sharp teeth laugh at you too, “Y/n, did you just call me dense? What is that? An insult? At least I’m not the one who always scores lower than me.”
Embarrassment? Anger? Nervousness? Why was his laugh the thing to make you feel weak now? Maybe the first two are theories, but the third is a definite fact. Your eyes are quickly drawn in by his hazel pupils, curious and dilated as they stare back at you. For a moment, the silence between you two isnt filled with hate or rivalry, but peace. That is until he lets out a breathy laugh after getting a good look at your calm face for once.
“Y/n, cat got your tongue? Or do you just not have anything else to say to me other than ‘I hate you’ and ‘stop being better than me’?” He points a finger to your feline head accessory.
"Shut up.” You bark, “Dumb isn’t really a good insult either. You are so full of shit—"
Xavier moves closer, now toe to toe with you and just a breath away from your face.
“God, Y/n, cant you see that I like you? All this time I thought it was so obvious. I mean, how are you going to tell people you're the smartest person in the room when you cant even pick up on subtle hints that basically spell it out for you?” He says, “Or are you too busy to notice anyone other than yourself?”
His words cause your heart to pound once, twice, and before you know it you can’t hear anything but the thumping in your chest and the soft winds surrounding you both. Xavier parts his lips again, determined to give you the answers you've been so desperately searching for. 
“Do you know how fucking exhausting it is to pretend I hate you back, just to have the opportunity to talk to you?” His tone is exasperated and shallow, but he doesn't break eye contact with you, “You seriously thought all those times we got close was because I wanted to be ‘better’ than you in some subject?” Almost like he doesn't believe you, Xavier shakes his head in disapproval, “The only time Ive wanted to prove to you I'm worth something is now.”
His confession only fills your head with more questions, “That doesn't even make any sense! How can you say you didn't actually want to be better than me when that's all you did?” You feel the heat saturate into a dark pink that settles into your cheeks, “And why are you telling me all this now? Why are you so adamant on telling me that you—”
Xavier doesn't even acknowledge your questions, he just continues to hold a burning tension between you and him, focusing only on one thing.
Maybe its the fact hes so close, or that he told you hes liked you all this time, but right now it feels like nothings stopping you from telling him too. It just feels so right.
Before you know it, your mouth opens on its own, your bottom lip trembling for just a second. Xavier’s eyes trail down to your lips, then back into your eyes, and a small smirk pulls the corner of his ivory painted skin up.
Without another second to lose, Xavier tilts even closer than he thought he’d ever be to you and cups your cheek, finding the courage you both need to pull you into an unexpected kiss.
The pastiness of your rival’s white face paint rubs against your dewy skin as the taste of him spreads across your pallet, rough, warm, and agonizingly slow. With a gentle hand, you bunch the back of Xavier’s thin yet airy suit and fall into him, curving just enough so he can extend his hold on you.
Xavier knew that he wanted to touch you. It’s basically been his dream ever since he got close to you and seemingly hurdled himself into being your rival. But he’d never admit that. Or maybe, now he would. Gently, Xavier clasps onto your hips more carefully, securely rubbing his fingers against the skin tight latex uniform you were forced to wear which gives him enough grip to hook his desperate palms onto your body.
You break away for a second, just long enough to look at his face and how mesmerized he is by you and just how fucked you are in this downward spiral of messy feelings and requited love. Love you are much too afraid to commit to. But, Xavier pulls you back into his lips and makes you forget all of your worries, even the one you're supposed to be most worried about. 
The kiss practically captures you for what seems like an eternity, erasing all memory of the Poe Cup and time spent hating Xavier's guts only to now realize that that hate may have been fueled by a painfully simple crush. But you wouldn't admit that either. Though, now there’s no other explanation to the methods behind your madness.
Soon enough, your hands find their rightful place in his long, messy hair, scooting his jester cap off easily. Had you known his hair was this soft before? You always told yourself you didn't care but now it was too hypnotizing not to twirl your fingers in. In fact, it’s practically asking you to grab it and play with it, screaming at you to touch it, touch him.
Xavier’s hips press into yours, giving you the go ahead to adjust your position so that your thigh is comfortably resting atop his hip. The stance feels too natural to be normal, and you're both caught off guard by it. Yet, you continue to taste him and feel him up close without another thought.
Nipping at your bottom lip, you can feel Xavier let out a sigh of relief, as if kissing you has been something on his mind for years. Only half of that could be true. Still, his victory cheer makes you do your own version with a quieter huff.
You give the roots of his hair a tight squeeze before your shoulders relax and another sigh escapes from your now open mouth. The force of his lips smashing against yours pushes you back successfully, leaving each part of your body to surrender to his. For once, you let it and as much as you hate to admit it, whatever he was doing was working.
When he finally pulls away, your breath is harsh and so is his. No matter how hard you could try, looking away from his hazy eyes was not an option. Just like the fog around you both, his gaze is inescapable and suffocating. You knew kissing your rival was a bad idea, but neither one of you want to move your hands from their proper places on each other.
Just then, a distant voice calls out to Xavier that snaps you out of your absentmindedness. “Shit,” Xavier curses softly against your lips, “Thanks for that Y/n,” he pulls away, much to your hidden displeasure, “But...I have a cup to win.”
Suddenly, it all comes hurdling back.
“FUCK! THE RACE!” You tear yourself away from Xavier, breaking the warmth between you both, and scramble to find your flag, “YOU CONNIVING SON OF A BITCH. YOU DISTRACTED ME!”
“I hope you don't mind but I actually sort of hid it.” He grins slyly at you, straightening his suit with a swift rub on his chest, “No rules, remember?” He pulls out a flag from behind him and snickers. Has he had that this entire time?
A flash of surging anger fumes inside of your chest, but Xavier just smiles. In his mind, it’s almost laughable how you fell for his devious yet successful confession slash plan. It was too good to pass up. And judging by the sour pout on your face, it worked!
“Y/n,” He chirps, “Was I a good distraction?” He can’t help but ask.
You avoid his gaze and turn your head to other possible directions your flag can be in, “You're the worst, Xavier.”
He runs a hand through his brown hair and smooths it down, “Right, right. You hate me. But I got you pretty good, didn’t I?” He picks up his jester cap and lazily smashes it onto the top of his head, “I'm gonna go, but, you should totally meet me in my dorm tonight? At 8?”
He makes his hasty exit before you can reply, leaving you breathless and weak in the knees—mostly tight fisted and furious, but still, weak in the knees.
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“So, Y/n. Do you want to explain why you...left for so long..?” Your teammate asks, kind of scared to ask in the first place but confusion was eating her alive. How fitting.
Instead of answering, you reply with strong and swift robotic motions that quickly thunk your boat along the shore line, taking a good chunk out of the grass and soil. Unfortunately, half way through your synchronized rowing, some water kicked up into the boat and soaked your costume. You didn't care though. All you wanted was Xavier.
And his head on a stick.
Sounds of congratulatory cheers erupt from the crowd as Xavier and the rest of his jester-like teammates hold up the Poe Cup trophy together.
“Bitch.” Is all you can say when all your other teammates wash up next to you, sad, defeated, and soaked with murky lake water.
“Well get them next time, Y/n. Don’t be so hard on yourself!” Your friend smiles happily.
Yeah. Tonight.
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bigfatbreak · 11 months
more mlp au dumps
3 am palette cleanser. tis the season
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additional fun for my dorky ass twibra au... twilight's friends mimic the elements of harmony in a way that reflects the magic of their pony selves (bc I said so lmao) and it's what brings her back from the brink after principal cinch grenade tosses her little magical collector in her face and blasts her with equestrian magic
Chrysalis represents generosity specifically because of how she's selfish on behalf of her friends. she's absolutely willing to dupe other people and manipulate them if she thinks it'll help out anyone in the squad, even if the fallout could be cataclysmic. This has led to a really bad reputation following her around, and though its not really unprecedented, her friends still keep her around as she means well. It's a bit hard training her out of fawning over other people to try and make them stay, but she just wants everyone well-fed and happy.
Stygian has the loyalty blessing because he's the real ride or die. He would rather physically staple himself to his friends than possibly lose them, especially since he was subject to losing a friend group in the past which left him deserted at a really bad time. Meeting Tempest around that time was the only thing that kept him going, and now he's fiercely protective of his new friend group.
Spike is laughter because I love him. puppy power
Tempest gets honesty because she's extremely blunt, even though sometimes its to the point of insulting, she genuinely just wants communication to be established at any cost. Her straightforward attitude is very effective at stopping Chryssie's schemes and keeping Stygian grounded, and she doesn't mind being an anchor for the team, especially since she used to be team captain on her volleyball team before she lost her arm. The sense of "these people need me" helps anchor her as much as it anchors them.
Sombra can be exceedingly kind, showering people in gifts and lavish trips, assisting them in whatever programs they're in, and he's more than willing to put the effort in and sacrifice things of his own if it means his friends will benefit from it - but it stops there. His kindness is wonderful only to those in his close circle, and most importantly, to Twilight.
though their dynamic sometimes isn't the healthiest, they're all recovering from friendship issues of their own - some done to them, some because of what THEY did to others - and Twilight's the precious sun they seem to rotate around, as being a shut-in only focusing on her studies has given her zero inclination to have any sort of preconceived notions of other people. For friends with a bad past they're trying to work through, its incredibly refreshing, and they would rather die than lose her.
even more additional details:
Sombra collects pretty minerals, and wears a lot of jewelry as a result. He often compares Twilight to precious stones and seems smug about dating her.
Tempest and Stygian are room mates, but they're not dating, sharing a purely platonic relationship. (Stygian is gay and Tempest is a lesbian. they're each other's beards, basically)
Chryssie lives in an apartment Sombra pays the rent to, but only under the agreement that she stop dating people just to raid their houses. It's worked so far, at least according to CCTV footage
once the magic Twilight absorbed disperses into the team, giving them magic, Spike gets dragon attributes along with being able to talk. This means sometimes he eats Sombra's fancy gemstones and there's absolutely nothing he can do about it because if he yells at his gf's dog/little brother he'll get smacked. Sombra is in hell but everyone else loves it
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icallhimjoey · 1 year
Q&A things, here we go:
this is joe's first time in philly
joe said his life has changed immensely and that it's so nice to have a character that's so loved, it's beyond what he could have ever imagined
joe knew the eddie book was going to come out, he's on board with it, is involved with it, is excited about it but doesn't know much else
for the most epic theme song for his life, joe chose heroes by david bowie
joe just sat and waited for is passport to be found, didnt go "through hell" like the moderator suggested
if eddie got a spin-off, joe asked if it could be with chrissy and thinks they'd be a good duo
when asked what crimes their characters would be fighting, joe said he thinks eddie would take it very seriously (whereas grace mentioned she thinks it'll be scooby-doo funny and they'd solve nothing)
joe on eddie: eddie represents the outsider and is on the fringes of society and becomes a hero, it's brave to be different and brave to be yourself.
joe watched the peep show whilst filming st4
joe has not seen are you being served
joe mentioned set shenanigans, said it was funny to see grace in a harnes just hanging there
he mentioned how natalia is good a photoshop again
joe starts filming gladiator 2 next month and doesnt know if he's allowed to use his own accent
joe wants to use his own accent for gladiator 2
about eddie becoming kas, joe said no one has called him, but theoretically it could happen - probably won't, but it could
joe got to pick all the eddie tattoos himself, and he just picked the ones he thought looked good
when he picked the bats he didnt realize his demise
he was wearing pink socks, idk, felt like i should mention
joe's stepdad was a camera man, his mum worked in tv promotion, so joe would go into work with them and see that it was the most extraordinary place, he wanted to be a part of that
joe says you need good stamina for theater, and that you don't get paid well for doing theater
joe's scared to do a shakespeare play bc 'we all know how they end'
grace said joe should be used to dying by now
joe's never going to get used to seeing his face on so many things but he loves the creativity
joe is happy so many people have the eddie guitar, but doesnt feel like a rockstar (he did when filming that scene, but thats it)
joe loves all the heartfelt letters he receives, feels that it's more than something physical
Joe likes F Scott Fitzgerald
would love to play in something set in the 1920 bc he wants to be a flapper girl
joe had a cheesesteak for dinner last night
joe thinks eddie wouldnt have gotten into college, but instead would have been a rockstar - eddie would have made it
also said that eddie and chrissy would've been friends
joe has played DnD once, and we've all seen it, said he'd like to play again
asked for a bar recommendation from the moderator, bc why not, you know?
(big massive fat thanks to @jo-harrington who sent me live updates throughout the whole thing)
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dykesynthezoid · 7 months
My mom’s been watching the squid game reality show and while I have a lot of objections about the show existing just sort of ideologically and ethically, for better or worse I actually ended up really intrigued the farther in she got because the behavior of the contestants presents a level of teamwork and selflessness and bonding not present in the original show. Like. These people really band together. And that’s not to say there aren’t people who behave selfishly bc there are of course, there always will be— Be even the people who make selfish decisions aren’t behaving that way 100% of the time. They may be selfish one minute and then do something to help or connect with someone else the next.
And I think given the fact that the original show is so bleak, and presents this supposed “critique” of late stage capitalism but without any possible solutions, and just sort of dissolves into its own fatalism— it’s really striking to see people placed in a similar-(ish) situation insist on working together and supporting each other in a way the original show either chose not to represent or made a point to “deconstruct” via having those relationships fail.
And ofc it’s easy to say “oh it would be different if people were actually dying” or w/e but I really don’t think that’s true. Things would be more intense, obviously, and emotions much more heightened— Any swings made would be bigger. But at the same time, those higher stakes would also only make the bonds between some people even stronger, even as it broke others apart.
And ofc there’s an irony in having watched the original show just sort of shrug its way through the tragedy (like: nothing anyone can do 😔 so sad 😔 we’re all just doomed, nobody question the idea that things could actually change, that’s silly) and then as soon as you put a bunch of real people together in this high stress situation they’re within days going “hey what if we just unionized”
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emojackolantern · 2 months
saw a couple people on the timeline read for what dnp are up to so i thought it might be fun !!
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deeply scared of all the reversals at first until i realized that they're all so good >:))
the seven of pentacles is about collecting on the work you have put in. likewise the ten of pentacles is about legacy and the culmination of that work. i expect this is where the empress fits in, the nurturance of their life and their legacy.
the page of wands and page of pentacles both reversed really indicate that this is not a career or financial move though...
the nine of wands is about being close to achieving some goal after a period of hard work. it being reversed, to me, implies that the goal wasn't as close as initially thought-- that the goalpost moved, maybe. that an amount of effort that should've been enough suddenly wasn't. (this COULD BE wanting to be more vulnerable with us after BIG but it could also not be)
the tower reversed reads to me like dread. it doesn't feel so much like the cataclysmic change the tower is known for, more just this sense of fear that change might happen, if that makes sense? but it doesn't. the sense of anticipation of a rejection that doesn't come.
the devil in a dan and phil reading is significant in and of itself. i don't know what it means to them that they chose it to represent them but they did. if nothing else they chose to represent the fact that they're bound together and that's crazy.
the ace of cups reversed. the ace of cups upright is new love. reversed bc theirs isn't a new love I CAN'T DO THIS
altogether,,, uhhhhhh wild?? just like dnp themselves despite the one emotional card i was given im getting a lot of emotional vibes?? i feel more than anything just like the trust and the faith they have in each other idk. no real big closing thoughts :))
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beelzeebub · 2 years
you most definitely have already got this ask lol but I would love to hear more about what you picture the plot of Goncharov (1973) is (and what your opinion on the very popular gonchrey ship as well!) I am so tempted to get a poster you would not believe-
Ok so about the ship Gonchrey or Goncharov/Andrey (who si played BY HARVEY KEITEL). In my own lore, Goncharov is the main protagonist and Andrey is the main villan (it's kinda obvious from the poster lol) so I'd totally get why people ship them bc people tend to ship heros with villains. But with everyone having their own interpretation of who the chracters are, I can't comment on other people's view of them.
And now the lore! I’m sorry if this sounds stupid or doesn’t make sense, I’m writing it in a hurry and I will extend upon this in future. Also, this is not a Martin Scorsese story. It’s a mine, let’s be honest. I’m not saying this to brag but I’m not all that interested in pretending this film is real. For me, they’re just my OC’s from a funny poster I made for my mutuals. I’m saying this because I’m not trying to emulate writing of the great Martin Scrosese who I love very much. I’m just some rando person who likes mafia and gangster things. Hope that makes sense.
Oh and before I begin, no clock, boat or bridge scenes or anything of that sort is in my story. All these things were created by someone else and don’t fit in my story.
The story takes place in Prague, Naples and New York
Some info about Goncho and Andrey:
So Goncharov is the main protagonist of the story. Not much is known about him, his origin is very mysterious but it is later revealed the crime boss Andrey had his whole family murdered for owing him money and Goncharov is of polish-italian origin (I'm not sure what I want his real name to be yet). In the story Andrey is about 10 years older than Goncho in order for this to work, the actors are the same age but the eyepatch ages Andrey up so it works. Murdering Goncho’s family was one of Andrey’s first things he did after his rise to power. And so basically the story is about revenge. Andrey is half czech and half italian and he operates from Naples but his crime ring works all over the world. 
If you asked Andrey how he gained all his wealth and power, he would tell you it was through hard work and that he came from virtually nothing. That's a lie as his family was very well off. The extend of his wealth can be also attributed to all the blackmails, murders, abductions, frauds, thefts and other crimes he and his crime ring commited. Maybe these are the things that constitute as "hard work" to Andrey. Andrey is also a classist and something of an ethnonationalist as he often refers to himself as full blooded italian and rarely admits his half slavic origin.
Here’s some info about Katya and Goncho’s relationship from other ask (some info about Sofia too):
In my own lore, Katya is very much in love with Goncharov but is also tempted by Sofia. To Katya, Goncharov and Sofia also represent two very different ways of living. Goncho is a smuggler but an honest one and Sofia works for her boss Andrey’s crime ring. Being with Goncharov means living a dangerous life on the run but somewhere down the line there is a possibility of settling down and living life through honest means. Being with Sofia means choosing a simpler, cushier life, a life of luxury but it also means being forever part of the crime world. Who will she choose? I don’t know and neither does Katya :)
Also, I’m toying with the idea of Katya being married to Goncho (simply becasue I tagged her as Katya Goncharova a couple of times lol) but I don’t know yet :))
Info about Mario and Ice Pick Joe:
Mario and Ice Pick Joe grew up together in Sicily and were both very poor. They are not related but share somewhat of a brotherly bond. Joe’s darker side started to show from a very early age. He loved to kill and dissect small animals which sometimes freaked up Mario (although he never judged him for his impulses). Joe also talked about joining mafia from an early age, it seemed like a natural thing to do. He never imagined himself as anything else than a criminal. Mario is academically very smart. Joe often said to him that someone this smart could go study and make something of himself through honest job. But Mario was a very cynical person from an early age and thought that the only way people like them can escape poverty is through dishonest means. Also, Joe is just a joy to be around (if you’re not the animal or a person he’s dissecting), he’s funny, great cook, loves music, unassuming but charismatic. And it’s not just a front, he really is like that, he has two sides, one of them is very dark. Mario, as smart as he is, lacks the charisma and is aware of that. He is brooding and sulking and cynical. Lacks the social capital ... and friends (except for Joe of course). He also likes to go to casinos and gamble, not because he needs the money, but he likes winning and he likes the fact that other people’s social status can’t help them there. He’d never admit this to you but he secretly wants friends and wants to be liked but he is just so goddamn unlikable to the majority of people that no amount of wealth can help him with that. Mario was also always ashamed of his humble origin. When the two of them joined the crime world, they joined Andrey’s crime ring. Joe is very loyal to Andrey because he sees him as someone who gave him a chance and saved him from poverty. Joe became Andrey’s best hitman and is free to act on his darkest impulses. Mario became Andrey’s accountant, handling money. But unlike Joe, Mario resents Andrey because Andrey is a big classist and often and not so subtly lets Mario know that he would be nothing without him. In the story, Mario befriends Goncharov (the met in a casino) and will have to decide whether he betrays his boss or not. And will he be able to convince his best friend Joe to work against a man he is very loyal to?
The Naples side of my story is probably my most developed part as of now. I still don’t have everything figured out.
How Ice Pick Joe got his nickname:
Ice Pick Joe's favorite weapon of choice actually isn't an ice pick, despite many people assuming that's the case. He doesn't have a favorite weapon or a torture method. He likes them all. His nickname refers to one specific event that took place shortly after after he joined Andrey's crime ring. One of Andrey's highest ranking lieutenants was suspected of stealing money and giving up information to a rival crime lord. He was subjected to many hours of interogation and torture but still he would not confess. Then Joe asked to try. The only thing he took to the room with him was in ice pick. Nobody really knows what happened in there but it took less than 15 minutes for the lieutenant to confess how much he stole and what information he gave up. Andrey then used this information and destroyed the rival crime lord. This event prompted Joe Morelli to gain an immense amount of respect within the crime ring and ever since that day everyone called him Ice Pick Joe.
Info about Katya and her brother Valery:
Katya and her older brother Valery were born in Moscow but moved to Moldova after Katya's birth. Their moldavian mother died during Katya's birth and their russian father was very abusive but mostly absent. Valery is 20 years older than Katya and he basically raised her on his own. Valery became a high ranking officer in the militsiya (soviet police) at quite an early age, mostly due to his efficiency. He soon became disillusioned by the brutal soviet regime and defected to the USA, searching for a better life for him and Katya. He became a weapon smuggler and that's how he and Katya met Goncharov. Valery and Goncharov fell out during an event where Valery thought Goncharov had betayed him after a heist gone wrong (he didn't betray him, it was misunderstanding). He also hates Goncharov because Katya fell in love with him and choose to leave with him.
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nishipostitz · 10 months
running buddies
ushijima, iwai, kageyama, bokuto, hinata, and oikawa x gn!reader
notes - ngl, this is really self indulgent bc i always thought like, how come readers are never working out with them? since im a runner, i wanted to write something where i can represent my athletic readers and have the reader actually participate in the activities.. ykwim 😭
tw! none so far. just.. running 💀 lowkey boring. whoops
youre not exactly an early bird, but once you wake up, the adrenaline starts pumping and youre no longer dreading the run. waking up is hard, but once you start running and feeling it in your veins, you’re unstoppable. which is why youre compatible with him! he like to wake up early and go on his runs, and you enjoy the feeling of running. the run just clears your mind and gives you time to enjoy the scenery while everyone else is still asleep. giving you time to appreciate your surroundings and explore new areas. a bonus, catching up on podcasts (totally not canon). and while youre running, your mind is distracted by the man running beside you. he always motivates you to keep going and push yourself. not only has he improved your stamina, but your overall athleticism. getting together with him was a life changer, not only did he make you happier, your life and everything changed for the better. youre healthier, much brighter and just overall happier. but one thing, running is also just really calming and intimate in a way where nothing else can compare.
totally not a canon event bc i started doing my morning runs again my has my life been better. i dread the thought of actually running, but once i start running, i love the feeling. so this is just something i thought of while on a run 😭
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sporesucker · 8 months
what i think the mercs got put on death row for
(please keep in mind that i couldn't find much info about death sentences in New Mexico in the 60s-70s but the info i did find is being used to make this as realistic as possible)
(also emesis blue lore states that they were put on death row, idk if this complies w/ canon or not but whatever its a cool concept)
Demoman: aircraft piracy resulting in death. him and soldier thought it would be good ol' fun to do this to celebrate a victory after a battle. only reason solider didn't get caught for this too was bc he jumped out of the gottamn plane and demo was too mf wasted to flee the scene as well. now its something they both look back on fondly. good times.
Engie: murder related to a drug trafficking offense. idk why but i hc him as being a recovering addict. he stopped once he saw what it made him do and how it was affecting his loves ones (i am projecting) the team celebrates the anniversary of him going sober every year.
Heavy: alr heavy is a fuckin badass so he definitely did some fucked up murder but it was to protect his family. could possibly be involved with solider's 1st charge too. aka solider involuntarily got him wrapped up in it because he wanted to show heavy some good old fashioned american fun. heavy did not approve
Medic: bffr we all know what this bitch was in for. bro got a lil too loosey goosey with his intentional medical malpractice resulting in multitudes of murder. he does not care. he will do it again.
Pyro: terrorism. they didn't mean to tho.
Scout: i firmly believe he has killed. he just fucking lost it at one point and beat someone to death in a public setting. he freaked out afterwards and it messed him up for awhile after it. nobody brings it up and scout pretends like it never happened. my source? i was there i was the one he beat to death.
Soldier: kidnapping the president/treason. he tried to represent himself in court which didn't go over spectacularly. his reasoning was that he thought if he beat the other potential kidnappers to it, the president would be safer than ever. he doesnt understand how this is betraying his country, he literally was protecting its most important member????? heavy was involved in this as well because solider told him that they were going on a little boys night outing. heavy was confused why this boys night consisted of only 2 men and took place at the whitehouse.
Sniper: tbh simple murder charge. i think this guy has a lot going on and he just genuinely enjoys killing. hes the quiet, reserved type and used to working on his own which is part of the reason why he doesn't care as much about winning as he does killing. nothing else gives him the same pleasure.
Spy: you saw this one coming. espionage. idc if its basic or lazy but all the other capital punishment-worthy crimes are too low-down and dirty for him to take a stab at them. he sticks to what hes good at. also there was that one guy who was executed who made the "french fries" joke but im making it again bc its my post. french fries lmao.
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pinkberrypocky · 1 month
pmmm rewatch live notes: ep 10
ep 10 wough all the homura content and seeing the flashbacks is so great but also so heart wrenching what if i exploded. the scene where madoka asks homura to kill her before she becomes a witch ugh head in hands homura's scream as she kills her echoes around in my skull
Homura has bows in her hair in flashback! Just like madoka 
Madoka leads homura to the nurse’s office on her first day so it makes sense that she knows how to get there in our timeline
Madoka tells homura to call her by her given name on the way there just like homura tells madoka to do in the first ep
Madoka tells homura about how her name is so cool that it would be a waste not to become cool to match it
Foreshadowing lol
Just like how homura became the cool/cold person she is now because she followed madoka’s request to go back in time and save her before kyubey could trick her
Red sky in the background of the labyrinth that homura gets trapped in before she is a magical girl
They talk about being magical girls over tea and cake like its no big deal and complement each other and laugh like wtf that does not match the weight of the topic
Madoka’s duty to protect other makes her try to kill walpurgisnacht on her own in the original timeline even though she knows she will die
It's like the places are swapped where homura cries and tells her to just leave it all and run away and be safe together like madoka is trying in the main timeline
Homura is sooooo survivors guilt and inferiority complex and lack of self worth
“What is the wish that will make your soul gem shine?” raw ass line considering that the soul gem is THEM so he’s really saying what is the wish that will make YOU shine
Red background when homura tries to tell all of them about kyubey in the third timeline and sayaka shuts her down
In the old timelines the magical girls work in teams like madoka has been saying they should in the main timeline
Blue lighting when mami tries to kill the others before they can become witches
In the scene where both homura and madoka are about to become witches it starts with a super up close image of them bc nothing else matters it's just them
Homura wants to despair and give up on everything else whereas madoka uses her last actions to save others bc she is the embodiment of hope
Water around them is purple when madoka asks homura to mercy kill her
Even when she is despairing enough to become a witch madoka wants to protect the world 
Yellow and blue lighting on black silhouettes as homura kills madoka
Mostly grayscale and purple once homura decides she has to do everything on her own
Screen is dark and black as kyubey tries to convince madoka to make a contract to help homura defeat walpurgisnacht (the scene that was her dream in the first ep)
The way madoka becomes the most powerful witch when she makes a contract to destroy the most powerful witch is so heartbreaking
Like the epitome of the witch/magical girl cycle
Homura steels herself to put on an act before going forward to face madoka after madoka finds kyubey running away from homura
This ep ending with the opening is so representative of the cycle of the repeating the timeline and also the cycle of witches and magical girls
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creamiceandsugar · 2 months
i talked previously on how i just love thinking about the paths characters are and what it means about their character or story and nothing makes it more obvious than going "of course, what else but erudition" at jade, realizing I forgot to even register what path firefly is but going "uuuh, destruction. what else could she be" and just checking for confirmation.
so i guess i'll loosely define what personality traits i personally think each path represents (very very loosely bc it really does depend on the character and there's a wide spectrum for interpretation. i'll put some examples). and right away i'll tell you i do not have harmony figured out. it's the hardest path. like, i'll try, but i am not confident.
also i'll say this, none of these "personality traits" are inherently good or bad. like for erudition i used the word "manipulator" bc i have no other word i can put down but i dont meant it in a bad way. jing yuan manipulates people all the time but it's generally for the greater good.
destruction: pretty literal. linked to destructive behavior (hook) or destruction of others and/or the self (blade/firefly). dan heng IL is so neat because technically he is so non-confrontational and doesn't Want to be destructive but it's his past self that carries it over. like, he can't escape it, it still haunts him and that is why his true path is destruction. delicious, right? also destruction of bonds (unwillingness to reconnect with jing yuan etc.) clara is the hardest to interpret but if you got a big robot with you that fires lasers then idk what to tell you
erudition: chess players, manipulators, "genius/smart". do i need examples? it's so self explanatory. easiest path to interpret for real. i think argenti is the weirdest one to be erudition, but we also dont know much about him yet and i think he's plenty smart and manipulative just. in a very eccentric way?
hunt: "has a goal to follow" in the simplest terms. very narrowed in on that goal. stubborn. (yanqing wants to get stronger, dan heng wants to be free/escape his past etc. etc.)
nihility: disconnected from people or the world around them. (in different ways. welt is from a different dimension and guinaifen works mainly online but both disconnects them from the people around them. which doesnt mean they cant form bonds or care about people)
preservation: very simple and obvious but a protector type. "by the book" (doesn't cheat). upfront. (you'd think aventurine would be the outlier but i maintain that he's more honest than people expect him to be and he hates cheating. so he plays by the rules even if he bends them and he HAS a protective instinct. i personally actually think march is the outlier here who's a bit hard to pin down but what can you expect from a girl who doesnt even really know herself)
abundance: researcher type. fascinated with humanity in one way or another. (so so hard to pin them down but i think this fits broadly, at least for now, even for gallagher. may change the more abundance characters we get. dont mention huo huo, Please, she's like a harmony/abundance hybrid anyways. and she IS fascinated with humanity ok, fascinated how confident her coworkers are anyways)
harmony: bro please, idk. look at the characters we have and tell me what they have in common. i'm dying i'm in the desert and i have no water. i WOULD have said administrators/bureaucrats who are willing to take on responsibility but then sparkle happened so i don't know anymore. also she's playing a character so what do we REALLY know about her. how about "puts their all into things". "commits"(to the bit). that feels vaguely right.
so anyways this is what i have so far. i've thought more about some than others, obviously, i have my favorite characters, but i think this can at least for now broadly apply.
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kirantalks · 7 months
Entry number #??
I got absolutely sidetracked with my work, but I'm still sometimes watch bc its purgatory qsmp >:D
So, 17th November would be a big one, eh?
Well, lets talk about qsmp blue team then
On recent Tubbo's stream he recently had many points of why is the blue team is the cursed team. I wanted all to be true (no, this is not related with I am salty of red team victimised themselves (well maybe a little bit (im biased to qtubbo, none of you can change my mind)))
This is more of a brainrot(?) But I wanted as if when the eye guy announced that team soulgayfire lose... The eye guy also revealing qTubbo's lore, like they announces them like on the introductory video; every single member of qsmp bio was pulled up.
And qtubbo is marked as a resident, but unlike anyone else. Like, the rest of residents past was mostly in federation offices or quesadilla island or so; qTubbo was not. Instead, he was originated in egg island, with the other eggs. More brainrot again, he was introduced as a representative of the egg island, with mission to return the eggs back to egg island, an egg who hatched and care for the unhatched ones. This is why qtubbo had been in ice chamber, because federation wanted everyone to stay on quesadilla island, and the eggs are a good motivation to do so.
The place they had purgatory were not in egg island, but a transit unnamed island. And because the eye guy knows about qtubbo so late, the eye guy began to make sure that both this guy and qtubbo quest was done. Which to make sure the islanders were split and to take eggs back to egg island.
The cursed team? There was none, because the cursed team is the egg team, and qtubbo is a representation, both of the blue team, and the egg team.
There was four teams playing, despite only three was seen.
Red team, Green team, Blue team, and Egg team. By making qTubbo upset, is upsetting the Egg team. And so, when the federation knows about this purgatory event, it was over. Qtubbo and the eggs were dispatched back to egg island and the rest was still in purgatory, where Cucurucho will swoop in and return the islanders back to quesadilla island. Of course, qtubbo before being transported would say about its not fair and such, and saying how he like the residents more now, but the eye guy won't budge, saying that the rest of the islanders are trouble for the eggs.
Just imagine how will the rest would react, seeing video of qtubbo and their eggs on a more exotic island, filled with nothing but good things and the biome was so good. There's a big island for every single biome, even for machineries and a center one which had like nest place, and on the nest was egg shells that belongs to qtubbo before he had hatched. The island don't have any hostile mobs, and the little guys like Trousers & co. was their helpers to make sure they were warm, and safe.
Not to mention if there's more than just the islanders eggs on that egg islands. But much much more, like you have one with flower in its head, one with a party hat, one with sunglasses at its head. A sign that qtubbo read also says one thing. On the egg island, they don't need to be so worried about death, because they doesn't have limitations; unlike in quesadilla island where they have to stick with two canon death only. Oh what if Trumpets, Tilin, Juanaflippa, and Bobby are on that island too, god this is too much copium for me to even proofread it
And the video ended, they were miserable and wanting to take qtubbo and all the eggs back to quesadilla island. But they're now back in square one; alone in quesadilla island, now without qtubbo.
And if Fred asking them where the young engineer went? Saying that the bear loves him, the bear wanted to meet qtubbo?
Damn, I need to incorporate this to story sometimes but I don't have the time nor the brains
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writterings · 3 months
do you have any recommendations for resources re: tarot
okay so actually i have advice. don't read the literal meanings of the cards. like it can be helpful to know the intended meanings, the astrology, the numberology, and symbolism but ultimately a reading will be more accurate if you understand the tarot in your own personal way. a lot of practitioners recommend making your own personalized deck to start to understand this concept better (like, printing out a photo of a butterfly and taping it to the death card to represent death bc that symbolism hits better for you).
for example, the knight of swords was a card i associated with an ex of mine. now whenever it shows up in a reading, i can either interpret it as its literal meaning or as having something to do with the romantic partner of the person im reading. but that will ultimately depend on the message of the readings, which is up to you to interpret.
also some people use spreads. i personally find spreads pointless. you don't need them to be able to read. don't memorize them. the position of the card on the table means nothing unless it DOES mean something. but that's up to you to FEEL not formulate. so don't use spreads. unless, like, you personally vibe with them. i'm not a cop or your mom so you do you.
in terms of resources, don't bother with books unless you're looking for general history stuff or some scammer's take on the "the soul's feminine and powerful journey of the tarot" or whatever. here's what you're going to look up:
-the history of the specific deck you're using, who created it and for what reason
-occult symbology and associations
-alchemical symbology and associations
-basic classic art symbology (ie what poses mean, etc)
-astrology in general and astrology in its relationship to the tarot
-meanings of each suite
-numberology (but like numberology specific to tarot. you can take into account actual numberology but tarot has its own numberology. googling 'tarot numberology' should work)
those last two are literally just what tarot is and it's usually universal across any type of deck. for example, take five of rods. rods = fire = knowledge. five = conflict. the five of rods' literal meaning in traditional practice is either a conflict or fun challenge. so conflicts are caused by differing opinions or thoughts OR conflicts can be seen as fun brain challenges. so five of rods literally means what rods and five represent together.
finally, a note on reversals - don't read them when first starting out. reversals don't mean the opposite of the upright card a lot of the time and you'll just get confused when trying to remember them all. just read the cards like normal and then eventually start to understand what the reversals mean TO YOU.
also those pick a card tiktoks never work bc its all based on algorithm. find some on youtube though (like the hour long ones) and just listen to those readings even if you don't think their advice applies for you. hearing someone else's take on interpreted tarot can be pretty beneficial in seeing how you view it.
also practice tarot with friends when you can, it's fun. make them learn tarot too so you get readings sometime as well.
anyways hope this helps. my source is that i have been a tarot reader for 10 years now, i'm a student at a government-recognized occult temple (and technically completed my first year of ministry training but i'm prob not gonna continue to priesthood), and i have paying clients. have fun.
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66sharkteeth · 8 months
I've been rereading City of Blank before it gets censored, and I just wanted to say I love it just as much as I did when I first started reading 3 years ago, if not more so now that I can see plot elements being set up and foreshadowing, etc. It made me sad to see you on twitter/X talking about how S1 isn't good. I can understand being hard on your own work, I'm like that, but why S1 in particular? I really like it! I could make notes as I go through listing out each and every thing I love in every chapter and I'd be doing it for ages. I've read a ton of web comics before and after finding CoB and yet it remains my favorite even still, including S1. Ignore my question if you want, I don't wanna bother you, but please at least accept the compliments because you deserve it and more, thank you for sharing your story 💜
Hmm, to be clear, it's not like I think season 1 is a steaming pile of crap or anything... I just think it's...nothing special and not particularly good.
I think it's biggest issue is it's pacing. S1 feels like...2 or 3 episodes, all stretched out into 25 episodes. A big part of this is because I was told they wanted s1 to end on Jericho's reveal, and back then, they didn't want first-time creators like myself committing to 50+ ep seasons they weren't sure they could keep up with. And honestly, not a ton happened between the first ep and Jericho's reveal. In hind sight, there was a lot more I could have done. I could have had Rex bond with Des and Lyss more, and just...given Lyss more screen time in general. I know so many people dropped the series because Lyss is introduced and when boy meets girl in media, they assume there's gonna be SOME romance there...but then Lyss just kinda fucks off and is asleep for literally 2/3rds of s1, losing that entire audience. Even if...Lyss didn't end up being the love interest, I wish I kept her around more to at least give people the false hope that she would be so I could have just maintained that huge part of WT's audience LMAO.
But instead, half of s1 was spent on that night on the town with Rex and Des and fighting Claude. These are things that crossed my mind when writing it but... I don't know how else to put it other than back then I just had the mindset of "eh, good enough." And on that note, I think the story just wasn't nearly as personal to me back then. I remember literally telling people like "It's nothing deep. The blanks don't represent anything. Sometimes people just wanna tell a fun story." Which...to be clear, 100% valid to people who wanna tell stories like that! But uh... by the end of s2, that stopped being the case. And this story became very personal to me. It became really impossible for blanks and their struggles to not represent things deeply personal to me. Around end of s2 is when this story started to be a lot more than "just a fun story w/ no deeper meaning" and when I really really started to pour my heart into it, and I LIKE to think it shows, because s3 is hands down where I'm most confident in my writing, compared to s1, when it was just trying to be a safe shonen adventure.
Lastly, going back to s1, I guess I kind of underestimated just how much this would end up meaning to me, and how having a weak-ish s1 would impact me 3 years later in s4. Back then I wasn't thinking about how the audience I get back in s1 is only gonna be a fraction of the audience you maintain in s4. I didn't realize there would be literal discussions on Reddit of comics people dropped and CoB being one of them bc of a lackluster s1. I wasn't thinking about how I would eventually be showing this to agents and publishers and that they might not look past it beyond s1 as just very average, mid content.
I was really just kinda in the mindset of "This is just Canvas 2, and if people like it, they like it!!" I wasn't thinking about how not putting 100% into s1 was going to potentially cost me thousands of readers, dollars, and even potential opportunities.
So TLDR, I don't think s1 is the worst thing ever, but a lack of heart, ambition, certain conditions, and just experience made it very lackluster in my opinion. I wish I could put a huge disclaimer on the series "IT GETS BETTER I PROMISE"
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mrschwartz · 2 years
If you had to guess based on nothing but your own feelings lol what do you think alex's love language would be?
i'm not sure if i believe that each person is mainly defined by one love language, i think we all contain multitudes. or that there's even only 5 of them, for that matter
but then agan let's pretend that i do lol. for the sake of discussion bc this seems like a fun thing to answer
physical touch. and it's not close
and like what do you mean based on nothing. i'm a person of facts, we work with evidence in this house
when it comes to his girlfriends, most of the pics and videos we have of them together they have linked arms, or are holding hands, or are kissing
in his lyrics, whenever the subject is a romantic partner he tends to describe his devotion through physical acts. you know that tweet that got famous a while back that said something along the lines of "alex turner has never said 'i love you' in a song and i think that's beautiful"? that's SO true. he's always talking about kisses:
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and other forms of physical touch:
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when it comes to his bandmates, he's SO affectionate with them. when they're doing interviews he sits flush next to them, touching thighs and/or arms:
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during photoshoots he often has his arms around them or they have theirs around him:
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he loves hugging them and touching them in general in his casual life:
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and like of course. the elephant in the room that is miles. it's hard to even describe succinctly what he has going on with miles when it comes to physical contact. they have something special and very natural, it's like they always have to be touching. alex is the one who starts it the most, and it's often absent-mindedly. let me just drop these here (the tip of the iceberg):
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my final point ruling out the other 4 love languages:
words of affirmation: probably the one that represents him the least, he actually doesn't like compliments or praise
receiving gifts: the other one that actually also represents him the least lol, he's not materialistic at all. and his "i don't like opening my birthday presents in front of people" quote comes to mind lol
quality time: probably the second one that represents him after physical touch! loves chatting and laughing for hours and hours with his friends and partners, watching movies with them, going out to bars and restaurants, sitting down and cracking songs together with them etc but still always has a tendency towards isolation, so
acts of service: this one is the middle of the ranking, i think. what comes to mind is miles cooking breakfast for them during the making of the eycte album, but also alex carrying miles' luggage when they were touring. can't think of much else, so this is why it's a mid for me. he's pretty selfless but also needy, so this is why i think sometimes he acts on both ends through this one
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blxckcatwritesx · 27 days
it’s been years since I’ve found a new writing partner like this but does anybody else want to cook up two or more cute ships together that we love and mutually obsess over 🙏🏼
I’m not just talking writing, but also the headcanons, memes, plotting, text threads, doing little character or ship building memes we steal from tumblr over on discord. having their main verse we write in but then also? any AU or other setting we think of concurrently? gimme them in whatever original setting we think of, then a celebrity AU, supernatural one, or whatever other setting we think of 😭
looking for a writing bestie here too because I will 100% want to be your friend too 🫶🏼 idk I feel like this might be representative of old tumblr but if anybody else wants this PLS hmu and I’ll come running to you. I won’t ghost so I’d prefer if you didn’t either 🥲 if something doesn’t work I’m always happy to revisit the drawing board. until September I can guarantee high activity mostly, but work may require different things on a given day and I’m always understanding of what real life entails for you. if nothing else I’m around ooc and for talking about the bbs 🩷
if anybody is still reading here’s some more boring info below to consider and if you’re still interested PLS interact with this. Also so sorry for all the colors lmao tbh they were just to entertain myself as I write this long ass thing
21+ preferred (I’m 23F), 3rd person, and on discord 🩷. I write all pairing types and given I have SO many fxf and mxf pairings rn I’d love at least one mxm pairings at this time 🖤 the other pairings I’m open to ANY
Also if you have a wanted opposite I’d love to grab them for you. I get it. I won’t think you’re face chasing. I just rewatched Venom and it’s down bad for Tom Hardy hours bc he’s a cutie 🥲 other than him at the moment tbh I don’t usually have wanted opposites personally. Rn is a bit of a rare occasion (will love you if you use him but I don’t mind at all either way. pls let me know tho if you’re willing bc I might be too anxious to ask 💀). I never mind if my writing partners do have wanted opps though and if I’m thinking of a new muse I’m especially all ears. however I only like to grab wanted opposites (and visa versa ofc) IF we can still love all our ships and it doesn’t have that weird transactional/doubles feel. I want to collaborate and love all our pairings and I always do get obsessed with them all 🫶🏼
dark theme AND nsfw friendly but I’d rather discuss that in private!!
that’s all folks 👋🏼
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