#there isnt much of a reason for them to want to get out n move about unless they end up in distress (easily achievable post-Mass Ascension)
spotsupstuff · 1 year
Worms off their string AU seems to be going great, I wonder if the iterators coming off their arms is more of accidental design.
honestly kinda surprised by the interest it has piqued skldgjlsdkml
accidental design as in someone sort of planned it/planted seeds of the potential into the Iterator design? nah, i like to think that it was all incredibly unexpected and nobody really likes it or knows how to deal with it including a lot of the Iterators (esp. durin the Ancient times) but now they just gotta deal with it cuz the puppet organic design somehow managed to evolve to reject/not need the rest of the structure specifically so the feeding tube. they are like fucked up lab babies
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35gofbeansprouts · 7 months
#writing this before i forget it that was the coolest dream ever#it started with just taking to high school friends on likeee. dark mode msn??#and then idk exactly how it happened but i accidentally invited kasabian to my house n for some reason they actually came#only serge and ian were like actually In my dream tho#ian was cranky and didnt hang around much but me and serge were best friendsies and it was so cool#i dont remember details 😖😖😖 but they thought i was rly cool and impressive and i was having a lot of fun#and then like. serge set fire to a clothes drawer in my house#the fire was inside the drawer and gets bigger when you open it#some guy was sleeping with one hand inside the drawer (normal according to dream lore)#and he moved in his sleep and pulled the drawer open and the fire grew#for some reason i went somewhere else and when i came back the fire was put out it was rly easy#and i found this sticky note from serge on the drawer and it forget what it said but#he wanted us to know he did it on purpose but it was meant to be easy to put out#but somehow it was just this mysterious thing i wanted to figure out#like it was a riddle he left for me#but everyone else was really angry at the whole band and it was like#that triggered ppl to start finding out some shady shit like the band was supporting the coal industry (???)#and everyone was so angry at them and cancelled them and i was so sad and hurt and some ppl felt sorry for me like i got bullied#that isnt enough to ruin the vibes of the rest of the dream tho !! me and serge became besties really fast and it was so cool and fun
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iheartmapi · 22 days
can you write alexia x reader angst if youre ok with it?
like them having a pretty harsh argument (because of what ever reason, you decide) and saying the meanest things to eachothet. Even though the argument startet soft, it ended with alexia saying stuff like: „the team is even successful without you we dont actually need you!“whilst r is trying to recover from an bad injury or „sometimes you truly are pathetic you know“ or maybe „can you shut tf up!? Is it possible seeing you and not getting annoyed of you for once?!“ or „no wonder you failed/lost/couldnt achieve/dont/ cant do this or that etc.. (the phrases are related to reader’s insecurities) alexia ends up going for a walk but when she returns r already put alexias bed stuff on the Couch and wont let her in the bedroom. After 1-2 days of not talking and ale trying to apologize, r comes up to her ( now even more insecure) happy but fearful ending pls make it as angsty as you possibly can. i hope it’s understood cause english isnt my first language:)
(I’ll try my best!!! Also don’t worry cause you wrote it perfectly and English isn’t my first language either so I get it)
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Teddy bear
(Yes I listened to Melanie Martinez’s teddy bear when writing this)
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Alexia Putellas x Reader
Summary: Alexia doesn’t always watch her words, and she sure as hell doesn’t during the most intense argument the two of you had ever.
Angst with a happy-ish ending.
TW: slightly toxic, degrading thoughts about one self, crude language,
Word count: 1,925
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The hour Alexia returned home after being away with the team for matches, she ran a hand through her blonde hair..Alexia loved her profession but it was still a very tiring one, all she was dreaming of in the moment was a nice warm bath to soothe her sore muscles and a good night’s sleep..
She dragged her feet through the front door and dropped her bags in the foyer and went ahead to the living room.
Upon entering Alexia’s eyes landed on you, you were relaxing on the couch with a random book by some bestseller author which really could be anyone, but you didn’t really care…you didn’t have much to do due to being prescribed to stay home to heal from a recent injury on the pitch. Lately you’ve been apprehensive and often worried all because of your injury and inability to play.
You looked up from your cheap book.
The exchange of words between the two of you was short and awkward, this weird tension appeared in the house and between you two before Alexia’s trip, its genesis wasn’t really clear to her..but she figured it was all a part of your hyper-sensitivity from the injury and would pass quickly anyways.
Alexia passed you and went to the kitchen to fetch herself a drink, she gulped some down, taking in the taste of being back home before returning to the living room, the silence went on, but you weren’t focused on your book anymore, though you pretended to be, secretly you were eyeing her every move, from when she walked into the living room to now as she was standing by the window looking outside.
You gulped, “Alexia?”
“Listen I-“ you rethought that “We…have something to talk about” the knots in your stomach were multiplying from stress each minute, Alexia was looking at you, the intensity of her gaze wasn’t helping you out.
“It’s about this specific..behaviour of yours” You started “I think you’re- um..I…” What were you supposed to say? You rehearsed this so many times before she came back yet now you felt as if you were on fire and your memory was gone. “I think sometimes you’re too touchy with others” you finally choked it out.
Alexia looked at you with an almost judging look “As in?” She stated sharply, “I mean like..we’re girlfriends you know? And I don’t want to forbid you from hugging others and stuff but sometimes you act so..intensely affectionate, like with Ona-“ Alexia immediately butted in “Are you being serious right now?” She belted at you “For fucks sake Y/n…you think I’m cheating on you with the whole team just because I hug them or something?” You feared this exact reaction from her “I didn’t say that…” You murmured “You kind of did though, I just got back and this is the greeting I get? Can’t you ever knock it down a notch?” She started ranting “You’re so melodramatic, as always” she scoffed.
“I’m not being melodramatic” you said, you felt weak against Alexia but you couldn’t just let her walk over you like this in this argument. “So it’s wrong of me to be afraid of my own damn girlfriend being so touchy with everyone?” You protested “It’s always like this, I’m the bad guy and you’re the victim”
Alexia took a deep breath, you swear you could detect the anger forming inside her pupils, then she opened her mouth, and yelled at you.
“Can you shut the fuck up?! Is it possible, seeing you and not getting annoyed of you for once?!” She scowled, you opened your mouth wanting to protect yourself, or calm her down, just say anything, but hell…it’s like every word ran away from you.
“See? You can’t even form a sentence, cause you know that you’re spitting straight bullshit” Alexia rolled her eyes “Sometimes you truly are pathetic you know”
Wow. Your eyes widened and you closed your mouth, not believing the clear poison coming out of your girlfriend’s lips. “I wanted you to get over this whole injury thing, wanted to try and make you happy, but you can’t do anything besides being stingy all the time. But you know what?” She waited a minute before adding “You’re stingy even without the goddamn injury, the team is successful, even without you! I hope you know we don’t actually need you?!” tears prickled at your eyes, begging to be let out, you couldn’t handle it, and they started running down your cheeks.
“Here you go now! Crying like a fucking baby, I’m not putting up with you right now” she barked before turning from you and heading out of the living room.
You sat still in your place like you were frozen, and truly you were, by the coldness Alexia just showed you, you heard her yelling “I’m going for a walk!” Before the front door swung shut. And then it came, you started crying, the tears marching down your cheeks and reaching your neck like a furious army, maybe she was right? She always was wasn’t she? Now you regretted ever mentioning that, but you acted stupid and brought up something that didn’t matter at all, now here you were, crying all alone like a big baby.
You stood up, your legs were shaking, in fact every inch of your body was, you stumbled towards the bedroom, feeling stupid but also cheated, the closet doors opened hastily and your shaky hands reached for every piece that belonged to Alexia, you took her bags from the foyer and threw everything inside…were you in an irrational state of mind? Yeah, probably…
Now everything of hers was in the bag, you glanced at the nightstand, seeing the framed picture of you two, kissing, but you couldn’t stand to see that happy memory right now. The frame was put down so that the photo couldn’t be seen by you and then you took the bags and simply threw them onto the couch, leaving them there for Alexia to see when she gets back. Now you didn’t really know what to do with yourself, finally you slumped on the bed like a picture of misery, left alone with your thoughts only.
Alexia knew she couldn’t stay outside all day even though you irritated her to the core, she just couldn’t understand why you were being so irrational…always acting so difficult, she thought to herself, she stomped down the street, already seeing the peak of the neighbourhood the two of you lived in, dreading seeing you again.
It was kinda weird, she started thinking about it deeply, she loved you, but at the same time you were such a big pain in the ass literally everyday..if only you wanted to cooperate and listen to her more most of your arguments wouldn’t even happen in the first place, you should know that she wasn’t your property, instead of being so damn jealous and giving her your attitude.
The house keys clicked in place and turned the locks to your home, though the home was literally a quiet battlefield lately. She sighed as her feet made contact with the familiar flooring. It was quiet, you were probably sulking in some corner and just didn’t want to greet her or make up for your stupid behaviour, always acting like a child afterwards such moments in your relationship.
The shock she felt when she entered the living room and was met with the sight of her bags atop the couch was immense. For a moment Alexia just started at them in disbelief before rage filled her again, she sauntered over to the bags observing them resentfully, where the hell were you? Cause she wasn’t going to let this go.
Kitchen, bathroom, small storage, balcony, backyard, nowhere. You were nowhere, but there was one place she hadn’t checked, the bedroom. There was no fucking way you just packed her bags and left the house, so you had to be there…
Firmly, her hand grasped the handle of the door, expecting to see you inside, acting like a saint..but the moment she turned it, it didn’t open, it was locked. So you were inside! Alexia angrily turned the handle a couple times more before knocking on the door. “Y/n?” She stated loudly, her tone was very passive aggressive, no answer. Then she just went ballistic and pounded on the door “Y/n! Let me in, god damn it!” Alexia didn’t stop until she heard your much quieter and shaky voice calling to her beyond the door. “I-I’m not letting you in Alexia!” You stated, “What?!” Her brows furrowed before she groaned in fury “This relationship is a fucking joke!” And then she stormed off.
You curled on the bed, thinking about what you’ve done, was this the correct way of handling things? Hell, you wished you knew, but nothing made sense to you now.
Two days, that’s how much time has passed since that ugly argument of yours, you eventually unlocked the bedroom and went out to see Alexia’s face filled with annoyance but she tried to talk to you once she saw you, weirdly calm for the emotions that were pulsating inside her, and in fact, she was the one trying to calm things down between you two, but you felt dumb and were too much of a coward to just accept it, the tension in the ENTIRE house was poisoning…and when you didn’t budge with Alexia’s apologies you two just stopped talking to each other
The insecure thoughts took root in your brain, eventually branching into a full tree with anxious and insecure fruits hanging from its twigs. After all, Alexia was always right about you.
The whole week couldn’t just go on like this. You took the tiny pieces of courage left in you and took them to use them to apologise to her, you kinda treated her like shit..and all for nothing, you did hug your teammates too after all…teammates, friends, family, people just have different ways of showing it.
On the morning of what was supposed to be the third day you finally spoke to Alexia
“Ale…I- I’m just so fucking sorry, okay? That was so stupid of me, I dunno..I guess it was in the heat of the moment- the thing is I love you, I don’t want to lose you. I was an idiot, if you don’t want to then fine, don’t accept this shitty apology but I’m begging you..” by the end of your apology tears were streaming down your cheeks again, as lately you have been crying often when Alexia had no way of seeing you.
You could see the gears turning in her head, trying to decide whether she was going to accept or refuse, she narrowed her eyes at you “Yeah, you were an idiot” then she added “But I guess I’m glad you can see that now, listen I just…” the blonde sighed “Please stop pulling shit like that, sometimes you really are too sensitive” she reprimanded you softly, it felt weird listening to this harsh “truth” about yourself, even weirder knowing that those air quotes weren’t needed because it was the most pristine truth. Then Alexia looked at you with an unsure manner, “I love you too, ok?” She then said, and you nodded, after that she turned to steal a glance at the morning sky.
You sighed to yourself, appreciating the so long awaited moment of calmness.
You should remember to listen to her at all times, even if it hurt slightly.
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sillyyuserr · 7 months
A longer, more in depth (9 parts all in one) terukane analysis, and/or everything i could find, compiled (one of my better pieces of work imo) ⭐️
Ok so it might be the fact that i ship them so i see alot of things they do as possibly romantic even when theres no romantic implications, but the amount of times it feels like AidaIro seems to be implying that teru likes akane is getting to a suspiciously high number. Like lets look at this from a non-shipper’s pov (or at least try😭)
Item A: teru looking at akane
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Without the context that he’s looking at akane, he genuinely looks like he’s showing something of raw emotion, unchanged by his “fake persona” but a genuine reaction. Looking at this picture at face value one would assume he’s big time crushing. I mean i wouldn’t say “omg hes so in lovveee!!!” But considering he doesn’t really open up to like anyone, i think this is definitely something??
Item B: them going together on a romantic outing
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Yes i did make it sound much more compelling then it actually is but cmon man. The school festival is considered a “romantic event” and these two spent the entire time hanging around the school together. Giving the excuse that "it's our job being in the student council" (which i guess it is) but in reality it was because no one wanted to come with them.
Which i mean they also did technically go on an actual date together
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also nene looking like a hamster 😭😭
Item C: teru trusting akane more than anyone (?)
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Teru likes talking to akane, trusts his intellect, and considers him someone he can rely on but doesn't like it when his whole world starts to revolve around aoi. My guy, that's jealousy.
He is shown to trust him and even show his back to him in multiple instances, knowing he wont hurt him, and he’s someone he can trust (lets ignore what happens on the literal next page)
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Even literally being one of those “i fight alone” type of people but when akane’s there, he’s never fighting alone
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Item D: not sure if thats whats happening here but im pretty sure he tried rizzing akane(?) even blushing n shit like ‘oh no mr judge im not guilty🥺💄💋’
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And then got agitated when it didn’t work
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Item E: akane knows teru better than we think
When kou and teru were fighting, the reason teru even walked out in the first place was because of the fireworks. And whos idea was that?
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Akane’s. He knew he liked fireworks and that they’d lure him out of his room. And again, he was right they did it fact get him to leave
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Item F: valentines day event
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i dont think i even need to break this one down. Its a picture of JUST them TOGETHER posted on VALENTINES DAY. 2/14/24. THE ANNUAL HOLIDAY THAT CELEBRATES NONE OTHER THAN ROMANTIC LOVE. Also teru’s color being used as akane’s sparkles and akane’s color being used as teru’s sparkles kinda shows that AidaIro arent just showing us two characters, they’re showing us TERU and AKANE, TOGETHER. If it really could be anyone im sure they’d put them in a general setting, but with the paired colors i’d say that says otherwise.
some might say they’re looking at eachother
Item G: possible fruit symbolism
first off, this picture.
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First lets look at hanako’s. We can see he has two drinks, both red + with strawberries, along with a red straw. While also being pictured near other red fruits.
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In this picture, nene’s flower(s) are literally strawberry flowers, putting the association between strawberries + nene out there. Meaning the strawberries in his drink could be purposeful, along with the red undertones. (red being her eye color) (sorry for quality im doin this on iPhone)
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Moving on to teru’s, he has one drink, being yellow-ish with pineapple on the side, and chunks in the drink itself. Whilst his straw is orange, while also being pictured around a ginormous pinapple
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And this isnt the first time we’ve seen him pictured with pineapples
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This god awful picture unfortunately exists so im adding it as proof/evidence for my argument. (Oh and not to mention akane has green pants on so everyone’s a lil funky igs)
notice how as soon they got to his house his outfit changed? This is him when they got to his house (clearly in a long-sleeve shirt, not the hoodie)
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this is him with akane + nene going on a date
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All within the same chapter i think, but him changing outfits i feel like says something. Like we’re supposed to associate that with something other than aoi (them talking ab how to save her at his house) or his family. Like aidairo are shoving it in your face ‘disassociate teru w aoi!!!’ He even straight up left when they started talking ab how they missed aoi at the karaoke place. (More or so when he left they started talking but ykwim) Since nene is being associated with strawberries it leaves the only other person to be akane, this also making sense also because of the straw color. (The straw being orange; akane’s rep color being orange, as nene’s is red)
also the fact that fruit is literally associated with the queer community
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Item H: triangles + queer symbolism
Quick history lesson, A triangle has been a symbol for the queer community, initially intended as a badge of shame, but later reclaimed as a positive symbol of self-identity. In Nazi Germany in the 1930s and 1940s, it began as one of the Nazi concentration camp badges, distinguishing those imprisoned because they had been identified by authorities as gay men. In the 1970s, it was again, reclaimed as a symbol of protest against homophobia, and has since been adopted by the larger queer community as a popular symbol of queer pride. More or so, the upsidown triangle. and guess whos ALWAYS wearing a fucking upsidown triangle
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My guy has one for EVERY OUTFIT 😭 he’s just ab the only character to have this. Aidairo finds a way to sneak an upsidown triangle in all of his outfits
Item I: extras
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This picture. Him holding akane’s shirt and aoi’s bag really shows that AidaIro REALLY doesn’t want us to know which one he likes 😭 (if you’re confused, to sum it up AidaIro did a really good job keeping teru’s stance on the “love triangle” between akane, teru and aoi, ambiguous. If you are STILL confused go check out my other analysies i only have like 5 other posts, they go more in depth ab it)
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Him looking at akane after he ate his “home made cooking” 😭 ALSO HIS EYES?? Dude they’re glistening. And the slight blush too
In the “kiss comic” part of the art book, not only are teru and akane’s on the same page, but they also look like they go together
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Thats all i got for now (´-ω-`) MAN this took me like 5 different consecutive days. I wrote like 3 parts on one day, 2 more parts the next, and 1 more part today. 😭 hope you enjoyed and this re-gave you faith that terukane might be canon one day 😔 fake it till you make it
Feel free to comment and tell me ab anything i may have missed!! :3
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kuni-is-daddy · 1 year
can you do a scaramouche or kuni x wanderer x reader threesome story? i love your writing btw!! (⁠^⁠^⁠)
Wanderer x scaramouche X female Reader
'Agree to disagree' : word count 1.5k
Cw: Minors do not interact past the cut! This is a nsfw post!
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Remembering when wanderer talked about how he gets angry at himself all the time- Me when i don't post.😭
Kuni and scara would always argue with eachother for no reason- yet always agree with eachother when it comes to their shared love for you. "You want to take her to a vantage point for a date? Ugh. Could you think of anything more boring than that?" Scara lightly stroked his black pen against the paper, pretending to write Wanderer's idea on the list.
"Lets take her to that teahouse in inazuma, they have great black tea there." Wanderer nearly hurled at the idea. "Yes..Inazuma..." Scara mumbled. Truly a nation of filth, One he use to spend centuries yearning to overthrow. Oh how he'd love to see the look on his creator's face as he destroyed the grand narukami shrine, burning down the sakura tree with his electro flame as- "How ridiculous, is that pathetic nation really all my past self could think about? So much.. That i use a date as a excuse to destroy it?" Wanderer leaned back in his chair and crossed his legs while scara snapped out his daze. "You imbecile. Do you need your mechanical ears fixed? Thats not what i meant. But sure..Maybe that would be an even better reason for you to go. A fool like you could use a trip there instead of hiding in this nation of delusion and...-" Wanderer raised an eyebrow as scara ranted. "And...?" "I needn't say more, Thats all this place is. Cant believe I got stuck here of all places after you foolishly erased yourself. Did you really think the gods would listen to US of all beings?"
Scara got out of his chair, walking towards his reborn self and scoffing at the glowing vision under his ornament. "It doesnt matter, obsessing over that is a waste of time. What matters is that Y/N is safe now. When we're done with kusanali you can 'wander around' and see for yourself what beelzebul thinks of us- you. For all I care." Scara sucked his teeth and sat back down. 'safe from what..me?'. "Lets go to the vantage point first, Then go out for tea. But Not, In inazuma." He snatched the paper from scara. "Fine. Then I expect that you at least picked a decent spot."
Scara held your soft hand as the both of you followed wanderer up the cemented pathway, Heels clicking under your sparkling black dress to match their suits. Wanderer had his ornament on a upper pocket besides his tie, as scara had his on his belt. Of course..Wearing a dress this pretty would be a hassle to wash but it was nothing compared to hearing your two lovers bicker over them 'copying eachothers taste in clothes and gifts.' Just thinking about it made you giggle. Wanderer then broke the silence by wrapping his arm around your waist, bringing you closer to him and almost stealing your held hand from scara. "The scenery is breathtaking isnt it baby?" "Yes! you picked out a great spot wand-" he cut you off, "Shh..No need to thank me though." Wanderer trailed his hand down to your waist. "You wearing this dress I bought is more than enoug-" Scara then pulled on wanderers tie. Giving a death glance to himself that made you gulp "S-scara! why'd you-" you shrieked. "Is this why you saved my plans for last hm? More of your pathetic and desperate attempts to show off for y/n?" Scara mocked. In an instant it was as if you we're sandwiched in between the two puppets chests, wobbling in your heels as wanderer everso tightly rubbed his hand along your waist while scara moved his hand ontop of wanderers. "Show off? Hah, Its childish for you to even think that. Is talking bad on yourself a kink of yours?" Wanderer smirked. You sighed and countined to look at the pretty sunset while they argued over your head.
The 3 of you arrivied at the teahouse Scara suggested, Beads of cor lapiz hanged along the white slicked walls as decor if it was freshly painted, along with plush cushions and chairs. "Guess picking a nice place is something your reliable on. Y/n why dont you wait over there while me and scara get our table ready?" Wanderer said, to which you nodded then sat at a nearby cushion. "So. Are you paying?" He asked, "Unnecessary, just put it on the northland banks tab and the fatui will-" the ballader bit his tongue. Since he erased himself the fatui wouldnt have any knowledge of giving him or receiving mora. "What? Tsk. Dont tell me we relied on that 9th ranked guy for mora?" Wanderer sighed. "I wouldnt rely on that mortal for anything. Especially on his affiliation with the doctor. I have my own mora. I guess Lessor lord kusanali gives you an allowance as they call it?" "Dont bother. I have a job unlike you, 'balladeer.' such a bygone title.." "Oh right...Running around sumeru for Buer is that-" The balladeer was interrupted by the waiter. "Hat guy, Scara. Why are you two arguing? This is supposed to be one of Ms Y/Ns special days." Scara rose an eyebrow, eyeing down the waiter "Who the fuck are you? Heh. The audacity some of you humans have. I cant believe I live around you-" Wanderer nudged at scara's side. "You fool. Look at her eyes." The waiters eyes we're glowing a slight green, with a stroke of neon green coming down the womans hair. Nahida hid her mouth behind her hand, giggling at the two. "Heheh sorry- I just wanted to check up on you two. Is everything going alright? Is she having fun?" Scara rolled his eyes. "Ugh.. If you tried any harder buer id start to think you actually cared." "We're fine buer. Y/n finds my past selfs immaturity amusing. You can stop with this stalking hobby of yours." The mini archon smiled, completely forgetting about the waiter and acting as if it was her own job.
--(Wanderer is referenced as Kuni.)
The 3 of you arrive to your home. You walked into your shared room, kicking off your heals then throwing yourself into bed with a heavy sigh while wanderer and scara locked up for the night. The both of them would feel so guilty for you being this tired and assume it's their fault. When you actually just had really long day. They'd knock on the door before climbing into the bed, only wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Wanderer sitting up in the bed while scara trailed his hand through your hair laying beside you. "Scara...kuni.. please im fine.. just a bit tired.." "No..that's not it.. we shouldn't have been arguing on our date...let us take care of you tonight y/n." Kuni tugged at your stockings while scara snickered at his pleads. "O-okay..just be gentle please.." you laid your head against the pillow with a clear view of scaras devious expression, he whispered in your ear "There's my good pet~" before smashing his lips against yours, making your legs twitch as Kuni climbed ontop of you, trailing his hands under your dress and towards your hips. "S-scara~ slow down i-" he placed your chin in his palm. "Shh... spread your legs for master" you parted your legs as you felt your stockings subtly rip with each pull. Before you could scold the two puppets again, scara pulled you into another kiss. Letting his tongue explore your sweet taste.
God he hated sweets but having it through you made it so much better he made sure to steal it from his present self. Kuni looked up from in-between your legs to view your head getting pushed into the pillow by scara as his hand trailed down to your clothed cleavage. Getting hard just at the sight of it, he pulled your undergarment aside. Your glistening wet folds causing him to lick his lips before digging his black painted fingernails into your thighs. You gasped for air as scara pulled away from another heated kiss. He rubbed his fingertip on his lip, looking at it to see your smudged lipgloss rub on his finger. The both of you stared at eachother, catching your breath until you felt a warm sensation though your lower body. "Ah! K-kuni..Fuck!!" Hearing you curse shot another wave of lust throughout their ears, you wanted them to be gentle but God the line holding them back from devouring you grew thinner and thinner.
Scara rubbed in circles on your cleavage roughly while Kuni's tongue swirled around your bud. Your shared bedroom echoed the sounds of your mixed pleads and their praise in your mushy mind. They we're both painfully hard. Scara began shifting in the bed for any type of friction and making Kunis tongue slosh inside you while he rubbed his finger on your bud, completely disregarding his 'breathing' just to moan endlessly into you, sending shivers throughout your body. "M-master..M' so close. Please don't stop! I-" "that's it pet.. louder, I wanna hear how good masters making you feel." "Hah...you taste so good baby~ want you to squirt all over my tongue.. be a good girl and let go for me..just like that~" Your toes curled as your thighs inched closer to kuni's head, reaching your limit and screaming out his name while your juices gushed onto his tongue and face. Scara sunk his face into your neck after hearing you plead out again, Cumming untouched in his shorts. You tried calming down from your high, breathing heavily until Kuni and scara pulled away from you, Unbuttoning and unzipping their clothing infront of you. Flustered you tried hiding your face with a pillow until you felt one of them straddle you by your legs, raising them up above his shoulders. Kuni laughed, pulling the pillow away from your face and replacing it with his aching hard on.
"Dont hide now Baby, This is your special night."
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imaniwriting · 9 months
Rafe Cameron Doing Lines and then being caught by reader who he promised to get clean very very angsty pleasee
(hate but love this at the same time)
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Warnings : usage of drugs, underage drinking at party, swearing (tell me if i missed any)
Summary : after rafe broke his promise once again he has to pay a bigger price than his drugs will ever cost
Genre : Angst, Angst, Angst
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Rafe was complety lost. He did line after line not caring for a single thing around him, the thought of selling drugs long lost. He had become greedy, any person that walked his way to buy some he had shot down.
“Rafe, dude” yelled topper over the loud music blasting through the speakers. Rafe looked up at him with the 50 dollar bill still held at his nose. “dude i thought you wanted to get clean”
Rafe shook his head chuckling “topper, bro, you know damn well that i only tell y/n that because she keeps bugging me” topper stared down at the boy. “well good luck explaining that one” he had said pointing behind the boy where you stood.
You stared at Rafe anger mirroring in your eyes before he could yell your name you stormed out pushing past coupples that were grinding on each other making disgust kreep onto your face.
“y/n!” he yelled stumbling over his own foot. “y/n please I didnt mean it like that!” he reasoned trying to catch up with you but he was stoned and it didnt help that there was hundreds of people around him.
You quickly got to your car before ripping the keys out of your pocket. But that gave him enough time to reach her. “What Rafe? you wanna tell me that you’ll get clean so i can stop bugging you?” you spit out making him flinch slighty.
He isnt used to you speaking to him like that “baby im sorry, I promise i’ll-“ but before he could finish the sentence you slapped him across the face. “Stop!” you shouted at him. “Stop! Promises are supposed to make you not break them!” you continued now with tears in your eyes “we pinky promised Rafe! God, you told me you could quit anything aslong as you kept me!” you then met his eyes who were twitching lightly. “am i not enough?”
That question made Rafe frown. Did he really make you feel like that? Like you werent enough? He took both of your hands into his cupping them slightly. “Y/n please don’t do this” he said knowing what you were playing at.
He let your hands fall to your side before grabbing your face with both hands forcing you to stare into his eyes. He leaned in to kiss you on your lips but you moved your head to the side. “Y/n please, im sorry baby” he tried to convince you but you just coldly shook your head.
“We’re done Rafe” you said making him let go of your face. He had just lost the love of his life to some stupid substance he couldn’t get enough off. He also just realized that this loss would hurt him more than anything.
Not being able to do coke or any drugs seemed so much easier than loosing you. You placed the car keys into his hand “ you can have this back.” You said his hand trembled not being able to hold the weight of the keys. The keys he had given you on your birthday last week.
“Good bye Rafe” you had said before taking off into the dark night. He wanted to run after you and beg for your forgiveness, god, you wanted that he would but you knew that he would return to his old habits and he’d disappoint you once again even he knew.
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alluringnectar · 4 months
abby anderson x fem!reader
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a/n: this is the final chapter, if u want a bonus lmk . not proof read yet!! i will tmr .
summary: abby takes care of you while you’re sick .
warnings: very fem reader, slow burn, angst, use of petnames, gentle abby, taking care of r, sweetheart!abby, fingering (r! receiving), cunnilingus (r! receiving), aftercare, happy ending
pt.1 , pt. 2 , pt. 3
after abby was informed of her duty “to supervise” you she took it instead as protecting you.
not that you were complaining, her undivided sweet attention was heavenly.
you wish you hurt yourself more if that meant abby could take care of you more.
the door to your bedroom creaked, causing you to flinch.
“hey, did you sleep well?” abby asks.
“jesus you scared the shit outta me.”
“yea, i did abby. thank you for everything.” you reply softly.
abby grins “do you need anything? herbal tea? pancakes?” “some tea would be nice”. you say. abby grins and she walks up to your bed. you motion her to come over and, she sinks into your bed as she sits. the closer she gets to you, the more jittery you feel. she pulls some hairs out of your face and behind your ear. her gazed softened as her eyes returned to yours.
“how are you feeling princess?”
after the couple days of her taking care of you, she started giving you cute nicknames, and every time she would call you one your throat would go dry and your heart would flutter.
“im doing really good abs…. i don’t know how i could ever make this up to you.”
“you don’t have to, i don’t expect anything.”
and it was true, she didn’t expect anything to come out of this, but she hoped.
she was close to your face, and you were close to hers.
she glanced at your lips and moved closer.
you leaned in.
but you heard a loud knock which had abby and you recoiling, abby shuffling to get the door.
“stay there, i have this baby.”
5 minutes passed by, and no Abigail.
she was taking a long time, and curiosity got the best of you, you walked out of your bedroom to the door and saw Mel and Abby,,, arguing?
“the fuck abby? you just met her and you’re already going after her. owen, now this?” mel yells.
“look mel, I know you’re upset at me and you have every right to be-”
“damn well I am! she’s my friend y’know. i don’t wanna see her hurt.”
then abby and mel spot you, leaning on your doorway, with a guilt of look in your eyes. you didn’t want to be the reason abby and mel were divided. “hey abby, i’ll talk to mel outside.” she nodded and gave no fight, she trusted you.
as you close the door to your apartment, you’re facing mel. “what was going on?” you asked. “look,, i warned you about abby I dont want her to hurt you.”
“she won’t. and if she does, it is what it is.”
“do you know what happened between her and i?” mel asked.
“no, i don’t” you eased up after hearing those words as you understood that she isn’t trying to sabotage you she is just worried.
“abby and owen… they had something before me and owen. i thought it was over & after they broke up, we all became friends. i started dating owen, and-” mel’s eyes welled up. “i was pregnant. and she got with owen.”
you were stunned, and you realized why she was worried for you. “thank you mel for caring about me, but I’m not owen or you. i’m not excusing anything abby did, but it isn’t all on abby. sex requires two people, it’s unfair to put this all on her. she changed, and im sure she realized what she did was wrong from what i heard earlier. you cannot change the past, and if you continue fixating on it you won’t have a future.”
mel broke down, and you hold her. you let go and tell her. “forgive both of them for yourself and your baby, you deserve to be happy.” mel smiled and thanked you. “im sorry.. for intruding, it wasn’t my intention. i know it isnt all on abby,, i miss her i guess i just didn’t realize how much i did now.” you smile at her softly, “take your time, im sure abby misses you too.”
mel thanks you for your words, and as she walks away, she looks behind twice and you are still standing at the door way, letting her know it will be okay.
you walk back into your apartment, and closed your door. you see abby sitting on the sofa, with your tea in her hand. as she passes it to you, you see her tremble a bit.
“are you alright abby?” you ask, concerned.
“yea, im fine princess thank you.”
“you don’t have to be okay, we’re human” you giggle, trying to lighten the mood.
“do you still like me?”
“im sorry i asked-”
you shut up abby by closing her lips with a kiss.
“of course i like you silly, nothing will change that.”
abby loosens up a little bit after hearing those words.
you sit closer to her on the couch, and you begin to straddle her waist with your legs. you hold her face and press another kiss onto her mouth, this time sliding your tongue into hers. she groans & reciprocates by holding your waist rubbing small circles onto each side.
as the kiss deepens, her fingers start toying with the bottom of your tank top.
abby breaks of your kiss to say “can i take this off?”
“anything, abs.” you smile with full teeth.
abby chuckles. “up baby”, you put your arms up as she takes your top off.
“this too?” abby asks as she pulls on your small shorts.
you laugh and shimmy your way out of your shorts leaving you in nothing but your bra & panties.
“absss” you whine, as she starts kissing up and leaving love bites on your collarbone and your chest.
“yeah baby?”
“you have have to at least take your top off, i wanna see you too!” you pout.
abby laughs and takes off her top, leaving her in her sport’s bra. you and abby start kissing again, abby getting more rougher.
you massage her breasts, and she whimpers a bit.
you giggle a bit but its cut off quickly as she starts rubbing your nipples.
“ahhh abs,,,”
“is this okay?”
“keep going,, please abs” you nearly beg.
abby isn’t mean and she won’t tease you, so she listens to your commands like a dog. she takes off your bra & licks your nipple, starting to suck.
you moan loudly, toes curling.
abby unlatches herself from one and goes to the other nipple.
“feel good baby?” she asks
“more abs…” you barely get out.
abby yanks your underwear off, and pushes you onto your back.
abby and you hold eye contact, and you tell her.
“please, i’d only want this with you.”
and that’s abby’s green light because shes rubbing lazy circles on your bud, eliciting moans that gradually get louder as she speeds up.
you’re so lost in pleasure, you didn’t even realize she was gonna slip a finger in you.
“aaahh abby!” you claw her back, and she curls her fingers in and out.
abby inserts another finger into your cunt, and curls them back and forth hitting your g-spot repeatedly.
your legs start shaking, and you feel that funny feeling in your tummy. you start tapping her forearm, too out of it to form words but as a way to let her know you’re close.
she goes even faster, and your back arches. you close your eyes and hear abby say “it’s okay love, come for me.” and it’s like you were waiting for her to say that, bc you release on command. cum all over her fingers.
as you’re panting, trying to get ahold of yourself abby asks you
“can you give me one more?”
“what abs?” you laugh, “i want you to feel good too.” you look at her guiltily.
“nono, seeing you feel good makes me feel good too.”
you smile at her words and relax yourself again, the couch’s fabric a little soaked from your sweat.
“im gonna go ahead and start again okay?”
you laugh at abby’s assurance and roll your eyes at her playfully.
“yes captain,” you chuckle as looking down at her between your legs.
she smiles, and still staring into your eyes she licks a long stride onto your slit.
you moan and put your head back, but abby tells you
“nono look at me baby.”
and as you look back down at her, she latches onto your clit starts sucking.
“abby- i cant !”
“you can take it , right?”
you nod, and your thighs clench around her head, bringing them closer to your cunt.
she kitten licks your hole and folds, eating you out like she hasn’t ate in forever.
“mmph im close!!”
“let it out, its okay ma im here.”
you come all on her face, and abby looks up at you and smiles, licking her lips.
you start laughing at the sight.
“don’t look at me like that when you just ate me out!” you yell. laughing, you get a pillow and hit her with it.
abby gets another pillow and starts playfully hitting you with it, leaving your faces close again.
you lean in and close your eyes, abby closing the gap and kissing you passionately with no urgency.
both of you pull back, saliva connecting your lips.
“soo,” abby goes on.
“sooo..” you mock her jokingly.
“are we girlfriends then?”
“of course we are abs.” and you pull her into the tightest hug you could ever imagine.
“i don’t think I ever finished the tea you served me though.”
you’re 5 months into a relationship with abs, and as you’re holding her hand, fingers intertwined in eachothers, mel approaches you guys.
“hey abby, can i talk to you?” she requests timidly.
abby looks confused, but she nods. “can she stay though?”
mel straightens up, of course she can. “i just really wanted to say, im sorry, and i miss you. i think there’s a lot we need to talk about, and i’d regret it if i turned my back on you forever. one choice doesn’t define you.”
abby grins and tells the short hair woman, “i miss you more and it’s okay.” she looks up at you, approvingly. “would you want to join us for breakfast?”
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jaemified · 1 year
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major, minor, and the things in between - nishimura riki
"are we friends, lovers, or whatevers in between?"
pairing ; nishimura riki x fem!reader
genre ; slice of life, enemies to lovers-ish (y/ns mean to riki smh), romance, drama, fluff, small angst, non idol au
warnings ; swearing, drinking, brief mention of blood (someone gets cut), mention of offing yourself but its just niki making a joke
wordcount ; 7.0k
synopsis ; though never quite well acquainted, sim y/n had always felt strongly against nishimura riki, until her brother jake had forced them to get along. but, what was meant to have them get closer turns into something a little more.
note (5/29) - there isnt rlly much mention of jake/nikis actual siblings but for one scene theirs like additional (baby) siblings
note (7/10) - its finally here!! im a little upset it took me 2 months to write 7k since i used to be able to write 4k in 8hrs but summer has been kicking my ass so im glad its out despite being 10 days past release date
taglist 🏷️ ; @stinkoscope @asyleums
read below the cut !
"'when im with you, i.. im so happy. i like you, na bora!' 'i like you. i like you too! i really really like you!'" y/n cried at her computer screen, rewatching 20th century girl for the 2nd time this week, before being so rudely interrupted by her brothers presence, bugging her with the same, repetitive question. the same question hes been asking for years on end now.
"the guys are coming over and of course you know niki is gonna be here as well. i want you to talk to him. why cant you just be friends?"
"id appreciate it a lot if youd leave, this is my space."
"i dont know if you noticed, but this is a small flat with not much room to move around. its not only you living here you know." jake reminded.
of course y/n knew there was limited space, she knew the moment she first realized she had already circled about the unit, trying to escape her brothers nagging.
"if you know theres not enough room for you and me then what makes you think theres room to accommodate an additional 6 other grown ass men. go to your room, im doing homework.'
"you were literally just crying watching 20th century girl milliseconds before i walked in, and im not asking much y/n! all i want is for you to talk to him, even pretend like youre getting along, thats it!" jake remarked, before catching the pillow y/n attempted to throw at his face.
'so damn annoying.' y/n thought, growing more and more annoyed by her brothers constant nagging as each second passed.
"whats so hard about getting along with niki? hes a good kid!" jake complained. since his little sister couldnt get along with one of his best friends, it made even the intimate gatherings.. unpleasantly awkward.
"hes annoying, like you are being right now."
"no, why do you really hate him so much."
"i dont know! he just reminds me of someone i guess? and he always cheated on projects back in middle school. even stole my ideas so he could make it look like im in the wrong."
"thats it? youre holding a grudge over him just being a middle school kid from, what, 5 years ago? cmon, theres gotta be something better then that. not to mention even if there wasnt, that makes you sound hella dumb holding a grudge from the 7th grade when youre graduating next year."
y/n thought to herself. of course there was another reason, but it seemed unnecessary to bring up. and she also just didnt want to share it with jake. or maybe, it wasnt the right reason after all.
"well hes cocky as hell and is still a better dancer, basketball player, volleyball player then i, not to mention ive been playing longer and layla likes him more then she likes me!"
"thats your fault youre never home, laylas just more used to him. and me. i am clearly her favorite between you and i."
"more like his fault hes practically living in my apartment cause hes never at his own home. and how can she be more used to him when ive known her since way before she met riki.."
"tough luck." jake pat y/n on the head on his way out before shutting the door.
the sound of the doorbell awoke y/n from her, well, what was meant to be a quick nap (which later turned into a 4 hour sleep). just as she slowly got out of bed to answer it, she heard jake yell from down the hall, "ive got it! make sure you dont look stupid or anything in front of my friends!"
she rolled her eyes and climbed back into bed, thinking about her outfit. standard pajamas, plaid shorts and a black tee (which probably wasnt even hers). she thought about how the one person out of the 6 she didnt want to see would be out there. truth be told, even she herself didnt know the best explanation as to why she hated riki so much. y/n figured it was because of a little mishap back during freshmen year and she just couldnt bring herself to apologize for everything that had been said during that time, so she forced herself to continue hating him. 'yeah, seems about right.'
the sound of the door opening caught her attention and the next thing she knew, there was a boy in a cream essentials hoodie jumping onto her.
"oh shit, what the f-"
"hi y/nnn!" sunoo smiled, carefully getting off his best friend.
y/n was in joy once she realized who it was, and brought him into a tight hug.
"hey sunoo! god it feels like forever since i last saw you!"
it was really only a week.
"i know right! its been too long!"
she smiled, no matter what mood she was in, sunoo always was the sunshine in the rain.
"so, whos here?"
"oh, you know the usual. sunghoon, heeseung, jake, and jay hyung. niki and jungwon are supposed to be setting up something in the courtyard."
"setting up what?"
"a volleyball net. jake was on nikis ass all week and wanted him to 1v1 you while we all played basketball. jungwon just wanted to help however he could, hes been tired all week from his job and the dance program."
no fucking way.
"youre saying i have to be alone, with nishimura riki? hell no!"
"isnt it great?" "this is a disaster!" they both exclaimed in unison.
"how is that bad?" "how is this good?!"
sunoo signaled for y/n to continue first. "i just cant stand riki. jakes been on my ass to talk to him but i didnt think hed actually talk to him, or that hed even listen either."
"seriously? i always thought you had a thing for him. i mean, you look good together, you both share mainly the same interests, mainly the same circle, not to mention the undeniable love you have when your eyes meet-"
"okay thats enough! you know what, how bout we go outside, im hungry anyway."
sunoo shrugged and went along with y/n down the hall.
he was slightly surprised when he saw niki and jungwon sitting on the couch, having a sip of their drinks.
"back already? i thought you were setting up the nets."
"yeah, but it was easier then expected. and we didnt even need to go to the lobby for the stuff. it was all already in the courtyard." jungwon told the two with a smile, proud of their work.
"y/n." niki looked at her with that stupid grin she had always hated.
"i didnt know youd be here." he observed, ignoring how she had addressed him by his last name instead of niki, or riki.
she scoffed, crossing her arms.
"i live here dipshit. you think id run away just cause i knew you were coming?"
niki got up from his seat and walked closer, and closer, until their faces were mere centimeters away.
"just like you ran from all our problems in freshmen year huh?"
"you realize it was all because of what you did, dont you?"
it took niki a minute to notice how close they were. he looked down at her lips before realizing what sunoo and jungwon were saying in the background. "are they about to kiss?"
"hell no!" y/n and niki both yelled out in unison, quickly pushing away from each other.
"whatever. i need to use the bathroom, i cant stand seeing your face." she remarked to niki.
as soon as y/n closed the bathroom door, she let out a breath she never knew she was holding in, slowly trying to register what had just happened. 'did i really almost kiss him.'
minutes after being stuck in the bathroom for so long, she left and walked into the main living space, only to notice everyone was gone.
well, almost everyone.
"are you serious."
y/n dryly stared at the boy sitting on her couch, in her spot, watching her favorite show.
"i forgot you were still here." niki yawned.
"where is everyone?"
"did you seriously not hear them say theyre gonna get food and that theyll be back in.. three hours or more?"
"three hours or more? it does not take that long to get food, youre fucking with me." y/n walked into hers and jakes individual bedrooms to see if anyone was hiding from her, to her dismay, niki wasnt lying.
"it does if youre getting food from busan."
"why the fuck are they going all the way to busan for food??"
"language! my young ears cant take this!"
"shut up nishimura youre only 11 days younger."
"more like 11 years at heart cause you act like a grumpy old lady all the time.."
"whatd you just call me?"
"so why are they going all the way to busan for food again?" y/n reminded, getting niki back on track.
"cause they got a friend whos house is down there and hes in town for the weekend, they said theyll bring us home our own order."
y/n walked into the kitchen, rummaging for food.
"what are you doing now?"
"looking for food, im gonna die if i see your ugly ass face any longer."
"what are you on about 'ugly'? girls at school love this face."
"and apparently you loved those girls too much in return.."
niki got up from the couch and walked over to the kitchen bar, sitting down. "are you still mad at me about that?"
she stopped what she was doing and looked at niki, not saying anything, hoping it was enough of an answer.
"so you are." 'so he isnt all that dumb'
"look, i didnt know she had bad intentions, and you were right, i shouldve listened to you. but you really have to stop avoiding me. how was i supposed to tell you i didnt realize what she was trying to do if you keep running away?"
"how do you not realize no matter how many times i warned you?"
"i thought you did it because you were jealous."
"i did it because i loved you!"
niki froze, thinking he was crazy, thinking maybe he hadnt heard right.
"you what?"
"past tense. loved, not love. and how could you think so badly of me? we were supposed to trust each other, always tell the truth, and you thought i told you she would end up using you was because you thought i was jealous? how could you?"
he sighed, thinking about what he had done, realizing how badly he had mistreated y/n in the past, realizing there was no reversing it. he walked into the kitchen where y/n was, backing her into the corner as the kitchen was just as small as the apartment itself.
"get away from me!" she yelled, throwing ramen packet after ramen packet at niki.
"no. i know i havent been the best to you-" "more like you know youve been the worst."
niki glared at y/n.
"-and i know theres no reversing it. i realize i cant undo the past, but what i can do, is fix our future. i want to show you i can be better to you then i was then. we can be what we used to be before, us. our spark."
"there is no us, or we, or, our. but maybe just you, caught up in your daydreams." y/n pushed niki out the way, and walked out the kitchen, not noticing she was slowly being followed.
"i loved you too you know. except for the fact that i still do."
"can you just please leave." she turned around, now facing him.
her vision blurred, head dizzy, face stained, all as her glass like tears trickled down her cheeks.
"hey, its okay. dont cry."
"get away from me!"
niki attempted to hug y/n as she fought against him, trying to run from his grasp, struggling to no avail. she eventually fell still in his hold, forgetting its natural warmth and comfort.
"im sorry for everything." was the last thing y/n heard before falling asleep, growing tired and stressed from everything that had just happened.
it was late at night by the time everyone else had come back, 2am to be exact. traffic was unusually heavy though it was a saturday night, not to mention the designated driver and his understudy (heeseung and sunghoon. yikes, scary night) ended up being the most wasted while everyone else was still tipsy. poor jungwon, still tired from a 4 hour nap after being on 2 hours of sleep all day, had to drive everyone through the slow traffic.
jake, who was slightly sobering up, turned on the lights in the dark room and dimmed them as his head was still throbbing. he walked into the living room and saw y/n, fast asleep with her head on nikis shoulder with his arm around her as he finished the rest of avengers endgame.
jake knew his sister well enough to know she had been crying once he focused on her puffy red eyes. but, it was a sweet moment, y/n was passed out, niki was barely conscious, and everyone was painfully drunk or achey. he figured he would just yell at riki for whatever happened in the morning.
sunghoon and heeseung ran into the kitchen (as best they could without tipping over) for water, jungwon had knocked out as soon as he sat down in the chair next to y/n, jay was busy trying to figure out how to use jakes water filter, and sunoo was sitting at the kitchen bar eating a pudding cup.
jay called for jakes help, just as his eyes had fluttered shut. begrudgingly so, jake got up and helped the three boys it the kitchen. "you press the bottom button, not the top button. the top is for ice."
"thanks." "yeah whatever."
"i know youre tired hyung, but so are we. where are we all supposed to sleep?" sunoo quietly asked, putting his hand on jakes shoulder.
he thought, looking at the three sprawled out in the living room, and the three bubbling nonsense in the kitchen. "jay and sunghoon can stay with me, ill move niki and y/n to her room, you can stay in the living room with jungwon and heeseung hyung. but move jungwon to the couch since he drove everyone."
"thanks-" sunoo cut himself off as he heard the sound of jakes receding footsteps.
morning came, and though it wasnt a good one, y/n wanted to remedy that. or, remedy the nasty hangover she knew everyone would be experiencing.
she had woken up with her eyes puffy and red, and even though she didnt want to get up she knew she would have to eventually.
"is that hangover soup i smell?" jake asked tiredly, rubbing his eyes as he walked out his room.
"well i know riki doesnt know how to cook and jungwons still asleep. so who else would be making it?" y/n flashed a tired smile, pouring a serving for jake.
"so, why were you crying last night? and dont say you werent or that you just didnt sleep well. ive lived with you long enough now to tell the difference between your 'i didnt get enough sleep' eyes, and your 'i was crying pretty hard' eyes." he interrogated as he took a big sip of the soup. so good he almost felt better already.
"what did he tell you? or were you watching me?"
"he didnt tell me anything, he was already asleep by the time we came back. i just saw the look on your face and knew."
"just reminiscing on some bad times is all."
jake raised a brow at his sister, taking another sip.
"you dont have to tell me now if you dont want to. but i do want to hear about everything. later. when my head isnt pounding like when i heard mom push you out in the emergency room. after i take a nap. and when youve bought jungwon some coffee."
"me? why do i have to buy him coffee? im not the one who drove him because the designated drivers were too wasted."
"we typically treat him to an iced americano since hes always up taking care of us when were drunk, but we havent gotten this wasted in a while. and he spent so long getting sunghoon out the house, not to mention the long drive to the point he ended up falling asleep as soon as we got back."
y/n thought about it before mumbling a, "tough luck" to jake, patting him on the back before walking into her bedroom.
she was met with the sight of niki making the bed as she walked in. "when did you wake up?" she quietly asked.
"not too long ago, you?"
"about an hour ago. i had to cook for them."
"ah. did you sleep well? i know sleeping upright on the couch mustve been a lot less comfortable then this."
"i guess. i dont remember waking up to walk here though. jake probably carried me."
"he was way wasted, snoring loudly way before i woke up. how else do you think you got here?"
it took a minute for it to click in y/ns mind when she realized it was niki who took her to the room and slept next to her. this whole time, she thought it was her brother who lent his own room to his friends.
"of course not, he just asked me to help or make sure you got to bed safely and that i could stay with you since there was nowhere else."
'that bastard.. ill kill him one of these days. im surprised i havent already.' she spoke to herself in her head.
"so. are we good now?" niki questioned, walking over to the other side of the room.
"how can you ask me such a thing after making me relive one of the worst memories of high school ive ever had?"
"it wasnt my intention. i was just trying to explain-" "theres nothing to explain when i had already given you multiple warnings. thats on you."
y/n threw a pillow at niki and walked away, back outside.
"what was that all about?" sunghoon asked, taking a sip of the coffee he had just made. 'where did he get silk pajamas from. are- are those mine?'
"not to bother, but i mean, you were kind of yelling." heeseung explained to y/n.
she let out a sigh, rubbing her forehead in stress.
"i dont want to talk about it right now. i- actually. you know what? ill be back."
"where are you going?" sunoo asked y/n, following her to her room just as niki walked out.
"somewhere, not sure yet. dont follow me."
"i wont, i know how much you value your alone time but- oh youre changing. hold on ill turn around. but please be safe. when will you be back?"
sunoo turned back around and saw she had changed into beige cargos and a white crop top. realizing he was staring, he looked around the room, before a certain picture caught his eyes. he walked closer to get a better look. it was baby jake feeding yogurt to baby y/n. 'awe, they were always close werent they.' he hadnt even realized y/n was talking to him, and by the time he faced where y/n was standing, she had already left out the front door.
y/n🤨; srry, u were so immersed in that picture of jake and i as kids, but i rlly wanted to leave. i cant handle being around niki. see u l8r
sunoo😴 ; no worries, have fun, stay safe, and dont take any candy from strangers lol
y/n drives to her favorite cafe she always used to visit with her brother, mama han's. she sits down at the bar and scrolls deep into her camera roll, coming across some mundane memories of her and riki back when they were close.
"what can i get you, hun?" the waitress, jiwoo, asked with a small grin. she didnt look to be any younger than 40 something now, compared to the last time she visited the spot. jiwoo was always the waitress here, even served the two frequently in their childhood when they visited from australia.
"just a vanilla shake is all. extra whip please."
"sweetie, arent you lactose? it must be pretty bad if you want extra dairy."
"yeah, it is. but, im not comfortable talking about it at the moment if thats alright."
"of course it is. just hope youre doing okay." jiwoo pat y/n on the shoulder, before reaching down to get the ingredients.
"hows your brother? havent seen either one of you in a while."
"hes well, a little hungover, but hes fine."
jiwoo laughed as she poured milk into the blender. "of course. what more to expect from your brother. well, how are you? i realized i didnt really ask."
"im alright. and, do you remember niki?"
"little niki from when you were kids? the one you used to like- oh dear, dont tell me hes the reason as to why youre so down?"
"long story, but yeah. its fine though, ill deal with it. but what about you, whats going on? did you ever pursue your dream as an actress?"
"no, and i regret not going for it. i didnt get to be in stairway to heaven, but shinhye and taehee did though. which is why you need to go for what you want, otherwise you really will regret it." jiwoo advised, adding the cherry on top of the extra whip prior to sliding the glass over to y/n.
"so i should forgive him?"
"if its what you want. though i dont know the backstory, i do know that as long as its something you want then its worth a shot. the worst he can say is no, you know?"
"yeah.. oh and jiwoo, can i get a chocolate shake to go?"
"no problem, just give me 4 minutes. and- oh dont worry about it, put your card away! its on the house."
y/n heard her phone buzz in the center console as she pulled into an empty parking lot. she turned the engine off the car and pulled out her phone.
sim jaeyun ; Can you come home
Y/n Sim ; can u stop using caps
sim jaeyun ; I don't think it matters but okay
sim jaeyun ; can you stop disappearing whenever you're mad at someone
Y/n Sim ; can you change my name so its not in caps
sim jaeyun ; can you stop changing the topic and just drive back because niki wants to talk to you and i was getting worried
Y/n Sim ; can u change my name
'sim jaeyun' has changed your display name to 'y/n sim'
y/n sim ; i bought u a shake from jiwoos
sim jaeyun ; no you didn't she probably got it to you for free
y/n sim ; cz im her fav sim
sim jaeyun ; im going to tell all the guys about how you pissed yourself at disneyland on splash mountain
y/n sim ; driving home rn
sim jaeyun ; no texting while driving love u
y/n sim ; lyt
she let out a small laugh at her brothers texts. she quickly got out the car, taking some pictures of the sunset for her instagram, and posting it, before driving out as the milkshake was beginning to melt.
niki got the alert y/n had posted and pressed the notification at the top of his screen. he didnt miss how the caption referenced wave to earth as it was always their favorite band to listen to together.
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@/05sim_y/nn ; how can my day be bad when im with u? - [9m ago]
liked by @/02sim_ikeuu, @/suniskim, and 99 others - 20 comments
@/rikimura has liked this post ! [now]
after getting back home and taking a relaxing shower (thanks to everyone leaving 2 hours prior), y/n had continued to keep herself up at night for the past week before deciding it was time to talk to riki.
she pushed her feelings aside, waking up on a random wednesday morning at the crack of dawn then randomly told herself 'ive got to do this, for my brothers sake and our friend group.' (or so she unconvincingly tried to convince herself, but thats already another thing she didnt want to get into at the moment) y/n quickly threw on whatever clothes she could gather laying about the floor, then ran to grab her car keys and hurry out the door.
as soon as she swung the big piece of metal open, she was met with the familiar sight of nishimura riki knowing when hes done wrong, his guilty face, with his hand raised and ready to knock.
"what are you doing here at the ass crack of dawn?"
"what are you doing ready to run out your apartment like its the olympics as the ass crack of dawn?" he responded to her question with a question, with the intent of knowing how much she hated it.
"actually, i was about to leave to see you. i think its time we had a talk. you know, after my.. moment, that i had last week."
"yeah. i know. its not your fault i realize now, or, im telling you that but ive realized it since the moment i lost you. i think-"
niki was interrupted by jake shouting from across the flat, "if youre gonna finally have this talk i think you should go somewhere else! can you leave soon? 'cause my girlfriends gonna come over at like 12!"
"i seriously doubt any place is open for us to be going to at 5:41 in the morning." y/n yelled in response.
"you know well mama han's is open now, and jiwoo works day and night, just go there so i can be alone!" "for 7 hours?"
niki laughed in response as he registered what jake and y/n were arguing over.
"what girlfriend?-" "-talking stage, technically, but he says theyre dating because she accidentally kissed his cheek on their first date when reaching to grab something near him."
"i remember her lips on my skin like it was yesterday, meanwhile you have yet to kiss niki." jake scoffed in english, the words flowing smoothly off his tongue with his accent before walking closer towards where y/n was standing.
"gross. if anything her accidentally very barely brushing her lips against your stupid face is the only action youll ever be getting if you keep trying to get rid of your one and only favorite little sister." y/n muttered in response, slightly ignoring niki muttering about how he thinks y/ns accent sounds cute.
and so y/n found herself driving to mama han's cafe with niki after jake called their eldest brother, complaining she should listen to him because shes younger and if she wouldnt listen to jake himself then maybe she would listen to her older-older brother.
"you should listen to your older siblings but jake, if you had someone coming over you shouldve told her in advance. and what are you even gonna do alone for 6 hours??"
after being seated and placing their orders, niki brought back the conversation from earlier that had sort of been killed by jake.
"i get it, youre mad at me, and i shouldve listened to you. i know i fucked up and i know you see it too. i get it if you dont want to forgive me yet, or if you ever even will. but when you decide we could be good, im always here for you."
"why would i be here if i hadnt been prepared to forgive you?"
"i seriously question how dense you are sometimes."
"thanks for believing in me."
"no problem, but seriously. i forgive you. as much as i hate to admit it since i know youll use it against me, but i kinda missed having you around. i mean, you were my first love among other things but you were also one of my first and closest friends. it wont always be the same but im sure if we try enough we can get pretty damn close."
"god have you always been so philosophical?"
the two burst into laughter together, smiling as they took a sip of their milkshakes, reminiscing on the times they had spent together in their earlier high school years. it was moments like these that they has missed the most.
by far the most fun together (said niki), by far the most fun theyve had in a while (said y/n) after having spent the morning together, discussing and going over whats happened in the past few hours before going to pay. "ive got it," niki said, pulling out his card. "its the least i can do."
"thank you for today. i know i was hard on you but i needed this."
"no worries, i think ive owed you for a long time now right?"
"i need to do something in here real quick. you mind waiting in the car?"
"wait are you gonna be okay? i dont wanna leave you here alone."
"im a regular here, i know the people. its fine."
"are you sure?"
"if you go ill let you have the aux."
thats all it took for niki to run straight for the car, rushing to open the door.
y/n laughed as she saw him waving from the passengers seat, before going to talk to jiwoo who was busy wiping down the counters. she took a seat at the bar and felt comfort as jiwoo flashed the same smile she always would throughout y/ns childhood.
"thats a hell of a boy youve got there. special one isnt he?"
"you could say that in the very least. hes definitely special to me though."
"thats the boy you were tellin my sister about? he aint from round here, that right?" an distinct, familiar, voice spoke from the back kitchen.
"auntie jiwon?" y/n questioned in shock.
jiwon is jiwoos sister, she also used to work at the cafe just as much as jiwoo did. had been a favoritre of the customers including the sims themselves before moving to the countryside, only popping up on occasion. jake would call jiwon auntie since she was older and it had also grown on y/n.
"thats my name isnt it?" she chuckled as y/n ran up to hug her.
"wow, i cant believe it. i havent seen you in like, 7 years!"
"been a long time right? well, im just down here for a short while before i gotta go back. just here for a weddin and thought to visit my sister at work."
"thats great auntie, too bad you arent here for longer."
"yeah, well. thats what happens when you get 3 divorces and run out of money, that right jiwoo? but, seriously, whats with that boy of yours? he dont seem to be from here."
"hes not, hes from japan, for the dance academy we all go to."
"that explains a bunch. i always knew youd be a dance. you have quite the physique for it, no?"
jiwoo interrupted jiwon from rambling on the way she always would, quickly seeing y/ns desire to leave as she has other things to tend to.
"alright well, im sure y/n has plenty of things to do as do we, so we all really should be going. its about time for the regulars to start coming in." jiwoo awkwardly laughed as she too seemingly forgot her sisters idiosyncratic personality.
"you dont want to spend time with your auntie jiwon is it? kids nowadays have no sort of respect for their elders. you could drive a preacher to drink!"
y/n awkwardly cleared her throat and put on a smile, frozen in a sort of way as auntie jiwon hadnt seemed to be the same as she was 8 years ago.
"oh im only joking now! go on then, ill just see you in another 8 years." she sighed, overexaggerating the moment.
"its not like youre her real aunt anyway." jiwoo muttered, yet jiwon heard it.
"like your supposed to be? what are you to her anyway?"
"someone whos around of course! i practically raised her and babysitted her on top of running a restaurant with my own children whenever her parents would be in office from dusk till dawn with her brother busy at school with his own life."
"i was there too you know! she would tell me things she never told you."
"she only told you things because you made her! she was scared of you!" jiwoo rolled her eyes at jiwon before quickly gesturing for y/n to go.
"what are you doing- where is she going?" "somewhere where youre not."
as y/n go back into the car, she slightly scared niki in the middle of a game.
"what happened in there? looked kinda tense. never seen the other lady before."
"jiwoos sister. shes kinda crazy and possessive and scary. didnt even know she came back."
"maybe we should go.. shes kinda walking towards the car so i suggest to step on the gas."
"shit- shes what??"
within the next few months, niki and y/n drew closer to one another like they were before.
it was only a matter of time before their unresolved feelings for one another began to surface, yet they continued to push it down with all their might, not wanting to ruin anything like before.
so here y/n was, watching some random kdrama out of boredom, completely uninterested before she received a text from niki.
nishimura ; help
sim ; with what
nishimura ; baysitinf
sim ; the fuck
nishimura ; hold - my brother just took my phone
sim ; babysitting?
nishimura ; yes pls
nishimura ; jake literally js dropped off ur sister here while my brother was having a hyper thingy
nishimura ; hes just very hyper
nishimura ; send a swat team.
sim ; i dont rlly wanna watch sarang tho😐
nishimura ; BUT ITS UR SISTER??
sim ; yea but she’s a headache i have to deal with that like every weekend
sim ; i gave her to jake so i can have a free day just for her to bounce back to me😒 sim ; i hate guys named jake
nishimura ; thats what u get for abandoning a 5 year old
sim ; then im not helping
nishimura ; that lego set i bought you arrived today
sim ; see u in 20
and so here y/n found herself driving towards nikis apartment, reminding herself to lecture her brother once they both get home.
“good thing you came otherwise i mightve actually killed myself.”
“this better be good, i dropped crash landing on you for this.”
with that, niki stepped aside to point at the kids behind him without breaking eye contact with y/n, not wanting to look inside only to furrow his brows as she tilted her head in confusion.
“is this a joke?” she scoffed.
“what are you talking about?” his jaw dropped once he saw sarang and hiro getting along together just fine, completing some puzzle together. “i swear they werent getting along and hiro was just bouncing off the walls, plus sarang was like having a meltdown about ice cream!”
y/n slightly grinned then spoke, “you look fine. they look more then fine. you don’t need my help. did you just want an excuse to see me?”
“no! i- i mean i kinda wanted to see you but that’s not why- i, ughh!”
y/n held back a small laugh at nikis frustration before she heard the two kids watching them giggle adoringly at their older siblings.
“riki has a girlfriend!” “y/n has a boyfriend!” hiro and sarang exclaimed in excitement.
“im going home.”
“absolutely not.” y/n groaned in annoyance while niki pulled her into the house by grabbing onto her shoulder.
“so.” he awkwardly started, rubbing the back of his neck nervously with the palm of his hand.
“about yesterday.”
“what about it.”
“we’re good right?”
“of course we are.” she reassured.
just as niki was able to reply, sarang began to cry loudly, like she saw a monster in her closet or something.
“what happened?”
“i cut myself!” she cried, showing the skin between her fingers. her and hiro had been doing small arts and crafts for the past hour, so she has hurt herself with the scissors.
“just put a bandaid on and ice it.” y/n rolled her eyes, shaking her head while not even bothering to look up from her phone.
“you’re so mean y/n unnie!” sarang pouted before holding her ‘injured’ hand up to nikis face.
“what is this, the school nurse? you gotta be a more helpful sister then that.”
“i am helpful. i asked her what happened then gave her a solution.”
“but you were so mean to her.”
“im teaching her to be tough! our parents were hard on me and my brothers, so we have to be hard on her.”
“but you aren’t your parents. you’re y/n.”
“but what if i don’t want to be just y/n?”
“well, then that’s not something you can control. you’re you whether you like it or not. you gotta learn to accept life as it is. that’s what really being hard on yourself is, and that’s what it does to you.”
niki goes over to sarang to pick her up and carry her over to the kitchen. he sets her on the counter and grabs a pastel flower print bandaid before placing a small kiss onto where he placed the bandaid.
he coos at her lovingly, with him who’d always seen her as his own sister having had watching her grow up since she was born despite her not really remembering much of him.
y/n felt her heart melt as she saw how good he was with her baby sister.
she got up from her seat to go over where they were, wrapping her arms around nikis waist to envelop him with into a warm back hug, pressing her head into the space between his shoulder and neck, letting it rest there.
“mean unnie.” sarang stuck out her tongue at y/n, pushing her face away from niki as she stuck out her tongue back.
“what are you, 5?”
“no but she is.”
niki sighed before pulling away (he really didnt want to but you didnt need to know that) grabbing his car keys, and picking up his brother.
“let’s go for some ice cream.”
so here you were, sitting at the local ice cream parlor together.
niki’s face turned as he watched you absolutely devour those three scoops (scoups) of mint chip.
“i seriously dont see how you could eat that. it tastes like toothpaste.”
“why are you talking when you’re eating plain vanilla.”
“hey, sometimes basic is better!”
“well you don’t have to like mint then. ‘cause me and this kid do!” she jokingly replied, hugging said kid (hiro) while niki and sarang rolled their eyes with their vanilla cones.
“hate to be a bother, but you guys are such a cute little family. youre just like me with my kids when they were still young. and, little girl, you really have your fathers eyes.” an elder women from a table across the parlor smiled, patting y/n and niki on the shoulder as she ignored her husbands remarks “stop disturbing the little couple!”
“do we really look like a family?”
“sort of, if you really think about it.”
“okay but she had to be lying because your eyes look nothing like sarangs.”
“i mean.. if you look closely enough.”
“you aren’t even korean!”
they laughed together, for the first time in a while.
“okay, but on a serious note. what are we? are we friends, lovers, or whatever’s in between?”
“i mean.. I guess for now, in between.”
“please date y/n unnie! shes sooo lonely and boring.” sarang interrupted, tugging on nikis sleeve.
“yeah! and i want more playdates with sarang!” hiro pouted, looking up with puppy eyes at y/n.
niki laughed at the kids’ reactions, before taking y/ns hand into his.
“well, no matter what you decide, let’s see where this takes us. they seem to be up for it anyway.”
“you’re right. alright, fine. but if you fuck this up again, you realize you’re not getting another chance, right?”
“i promise i won’t hurt you again. it already cost me everything last time.”
“glad you’re aware.” she bitterly mumbled.
“so. you will date me then?”
“ill think about it.”
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shoezuki · 8 months
Ok random things/hc bout the aha!sampo divinity AU i was thinkin of
Aha at some is like. Yknow what fuck it im gonna reincarnate as a human n see whats up w this. So he basically takes bits and pieces, dropped change n spilled drinks on the floors of taverns, scrapes the side of the universe, takes scripts and stories and anything made from human joy n makes a body out of it
He starts off as a kid cuz he saw kids n were like o those guys seem to have fun hell ya.
He makes sampo koski and Becomes Him. Is taken in by the masked fools cuz they are all a lil fucked up so spendin too much time w em or struggling to hide his divinity can scramble their brains only so much...... probably.
Also these ppl who worship him not realizing the scrawny kid they took in is aha????? Thats funny as shit
Sampo grows up normally. Well he kinda got it a bit wrong n he grows at a wayyy slower pace than humans but he jus says he got caught in a temporal anomaly or smthing.
It takes him a long time to really get a hold on his powers/presence/divinity and ends up making people go mad quite often. Sometimes on purpose.
The masked fools send him to planets, give him scripts and have him portray characters and sow chaos. He bends reality a bit sometimes to make the scripts more fun. He creates a major presence on the masked fools and becomes infamous in some planets n ships thay marginally survived him
(Some of the things he does cant be attributed to him and it puzzles people. Theres no way a mere human could change the colours of stars or rearrange galaxies n move planets a lil to the left, right? He makes entire waterbodies taste like beer and makes trees bleed when cut and flips mountains upside down)
The role he's given in Jarilo is his longest one yet. Usually he's just like a force of nature running through but this time he becomes a Person on this planet
He meets the underworld ppl and they all have different reactions to his divinity the longer he's around them:
Natasha is fairly sensitive to his power but it doesnt really overwhelm her. She hears childrens laughter when hes around and the air feels warm like sunlight that Belobog hasnt experienced since the eternal freeze and every time he brings her medicine or carries out of her requests she tastes bubblegum on her tongue. She never says anything but sometimes she Stares n it makes sampo squirm
Oleg tenses every time sampo shows up but eventually forces himself to relax. But he always has to be aware of sampo at all times, can't ever turn his back to sampo or be unarmed around him. He has no clue why and thinks theres something wrong with him and its his problem not sampos. But sometimes when he looks at sampo he can almost swear he sees something shift over his skin
Seele doesnt notice anything for a long time. She has to be around sampo for hours sometimes days without break. But eventually she just becomes irrationally angry with him. Everything sampo does grates on her brain and makes her want to attack him. She doesnt think anything of it and just assumes its because sampo is annoying.
Luka is one of the least sensitive to divinity. Any anxiety or unease he feels around sampo he just attributes to sampo being a shady guy. Sometimes sampo's laughter and his voice feels heavy in his skull though
Children in general are highly sensitive and resilient to the divine: sampo doesnt know why. Maybe because theyre brains are still developing? Because they arent stuck in their own ideas of reality n rationality like adults? Regardless Hook KNOWS sampo isnt normal. She doesnt question it, she just knows sampo makes things fun.
He finds a lot of responses with those in the underworld: some want to worship him, others want him dead, some cant look at him without feeling sick. For some reason the overworlders tend to find him more unsettling and disconcerting. Qlipoth probably has nothing to do with it but Sampo blames qlipoth
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comet-forgot-you · 8 months
What about River comforting R? Like R’s super ‘tough and reserved’ and all ‘idgaf’, but just breaks when River’s around.
me fr
river x reader
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summary: river comforts you after a very unexpected anxiety attack.
warnings: anxiety, anxiety attack i think thats all
a/n: this is my first time writing something that isnt smut. kinda nervous lol. i had to look up hurt/comfort prompts before settling on this one. do not repost for any reason.
the room felt like it was getting smaller and smaller, a pool of worry gathering in the pit of your stomach. your eyes darted around the booth, hyperaware of every single surrounding. the sound of the person breathing next to you, the sound of the fan rattling in the corner, the words of river’s friends talking getting jumbled together. it was like every sound was heightened.
it was sudden, you didnt know where the sudden wave of pure anxiety had come from. had something happened to someone? your body goes rigid, you glance around the booth again, hoping no one had noticed the slight shift in your demeanor. your eyes find river’s her eyebrows furrowed as she looked at you with worried eyes. you tear your gaze from hers, the feeling of tears prickling in your eyes, threatening to escape was not something you were interested in at the moment. you didn’t want to cry surrounded by people you barely knew. your breath caught in your throat, hands shaking in your lap.
you wanted, needed to leave. you couldn’t stand being in the crowded booth any longer, couldnt stand that constant chatter and scraping of metal forks against plates. it was all too much, the people, the noise, too much. you elbow the guy sitting beside you, the one that had you squashed between him and the girl beside you. your breath came out in a heavy exhale.
“what the fuck?” he winces, cradling his ribs in his hand.
“move, i need to get out.” your voice sounds normal to everyone else, but you could hear the shakiness of it, and you knew river could hear it, too. he stares at you like you’re crazy, but your lungs itch to fill with air that the crowded booth doesn’t seem to be providing. “fucking move!” you don’t mean to yell, every eye in the restaurant landing on you. you could feel it, but you feel like the room is closing in on you, it felt loke the weight of the world was loading itself onto you shoulders. he quickly moves out of the booth and scurry up after, eyes darting to river before fumbling for your wallet stuffed in your pocket.
“are you okay?” it’s the girl sitting next to river that asks. you glance up at her, you fear that if you say something, you’ll break down. but you try anyways.
“yeah, i just..” you’re fumbling over your words. “i forgot about this meeting.” you throw enough cash on the table to handle the two of yours’ meal and rush out of the packed restaurant.
the cool winter air fills your lungs, but it still doesn’t feel like its enough. your hands shake at your sides and you curl them in a ball. your eyes dart around the street before taking off for the parking garage you had parked almost an hour ago in. you make it into the dark, concrete structure when a hand tugs your own.
“hey, what’s wrong?” river. she sounds almost breathless, almost as if she bad been running after you. you turn to face her and you can’t hold the tears back anymore, they fall freely from your eyes. you’re hyperventilating, gripping the hand that holds your own.
“i- i don’t know,” your breathing is ragged, “i couldn’t help it, i’m sorry,” you barely process the words tumbling messily out of your lips. river pulls you into her arms, your head resting in the crook of her neck.
“hey, its okay. you’re okay, i have you.” her hands soothe your hair, an action she knew brought you some sense of comfort. your hands wrap around her waist, hold onto them in an attempt to keep your hands from shaking. “breathe, baby. i know its hard right now, but you need to.” she takes a deep breath in, and you follow her lead, allowing your breathing to regulate. “lets go to the car, yeah? you think you can walk to the car?” you nod against her neck, pulling back. she takes your hand into hers, squeezing it.
the two of you climb into the back seat of the car, your tears having come down with the walk. your hands still shook in river’s hold, she presses kisses to your face, wiping away at the tears that flowed down your face. “m’ sorry, riv. i don’t know why i broke down like that,” you felt so guilty ripping her from her time with her friends. it was a lunch she had been talking about for weeks, talking about how excited for it she was, how much she missed her friends and couldn’t wait to introduce you to them, the thought of letting her down caused a stream of tears to slide down your face. “m’ sorry, river,” the pace of your breathing picks up, borderline hyperventilating. “i didn’t mean to mess it up,” your voice is hoarse.
river cradles your face in her hand. “you didn’t do anything wrong. its okay, i understand, and i’ll make sure they understand. what matters is that you’re okay. you couldn’t help it, and that’s okay. i want you to be okay, we can always reschedule.” her words are soft, they lift the weight that previously sat on your shoulders right off. you wrap your arms around her shoulders, hugging her closer to you.
a/n: im sorry if this is terrible and absolutely not what was wanted, i rarely ever read hurt/comfort and i have the memory of a child at a family gathering that completely forgets you after like 3 days even though they said you were best friends.
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pandoraroid · 3 months
The Pack Wedding 💥💥💥💗💥
reaction rambles bc yes
please keep in mind this is meant to be lighthearted i love these men with all my heart n life n soul
THIS IS 43 MINUTES IM SO SCARED WHY CANT I PRESS THE VIDEO this is too much nervousness for seven in the morning im dead
"it's the pack everything's gonna go crazy." bro it's the SHAW pack what does that say about you hm 🤔 /j i love you david 
"reception's gonna be a solstice party on steriods" I SNORTED SO DAMN LOUD 😭
now should be a good time to say that part of the reason why i like redacted so much is because it's so funny and lines like that do it for me every single time.
"i love you angel so very much" BOOGSH 💥 im so in love with you david shaw 
i think bro's in love with us guys idk 
"beautiful... you.." NO YOU 🫵 david we are not doing this back in forth in the morning JUST ACCEPT IT
he's triggering my cuteness/love aggression SO FUCKING SAPPY I LUV U MWAH
"you fucking menace c'mere" HIS LAUGH OMFG GOOD FUCKINH MORNINGGGG
"oh fuck it's the day" me just this morning
"asher breathe we're good you've been training for this your whole life" ELABORATE???? id love to know how exactly youve been training for this asher
"it's our wedding day. holy shit it's our wedding day. i'm gonna be a husband." KILLL MEEE RIGHT NOW I CAN HEAR HIM SMILEEE OMFG WEAR THAT SHIT WITH PRIDE ASHER
"i've always been husband material look at what we're working with" KILL ME RIGHT NOW /pos baabe smacking him though HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
id kiss you for the rest of my life asher
laughing against/while kissing THIS MAN WANTS ME DEAD
"say how much time do we have before we meet everybody in the lobby" LET THEM FUCKING WAIT
MILO AND SAM???? OH MY GOD???? (should go without fucking saying but... drive safe..... please...)
in my head: sam is driving. david's shotgun. ash & milo are in the back. just because. >> BRO I WAS RIGHT????
darlin driving in another car with the other mates??? that... isnt what i think it is.... is it......
david sounds so tired of their bs HAHAHA "rounded out with a little traditional opinion from them of all people" DARLIN FIGHT BACK
"hey we're fun too, right?" ASHER PLEASE
"well let's see: we've got a grouchy grandpa drivin us-" 
"at least he didn't call you cowboy." BRO
"now don't you start." 
"and we got the grumpy alpha."
"i'm not grumpy. just preoccupied."
"right. right." bros didnt even try to sound convinced
"we're fun." 
"asher. we spent your bachelor party playing destiny 2." 
"and smash!" 
"oh my mistake."
this entire conversation. peak.
"i dont even wanna imagine what chaos those four are getting up to piled in one vehicle." OH WOULDNT YOU LIKE TO SAM 
DEAD ASS SILENCE I LOVE IT i cant fycking breathe this is too funny.
in my head, they were definitely arguing over directions. or darlin's driving, or making fun of the other car.
wait darlin what
"or you'll likely end up staring down the maw of my own beautiful mate-" SAMUEL COLLINS
"oh move it mr. wedding day" WHY DOES THAT SOUND SO GOOD
"and fix your hair."
"it's suppose to look like this!"
"are you trying to look like you got married in a wind tunnel?" BRO NOT ON HIS WEDDING DAY 💀
sam encouraging milo omgomg
"you talk more than anyone i know. and i know asher." AHAHHAHAHAHAHA
"is my tie on straight?" 
"is it ever?" is the one wearing it straight /jjjj
david helping him with his tie someone kill me right now
"why did you pick me?" OH SHIT
i seriously just listened and payed attention to their conversation so no thoughts head empty only them
"what really mattered in a beta was having a person that was the other side of your coin."
"i picked you because you were the one person i trusted more than anyone else. you made me feel safe at a time more than i couldve explained. you were everything i wasnt. where i was distant you were outgoing. where i was rough you were warm. where i was analytical you were intuitive. you're the other side of my coin. you always have been. so it never mattered to me what anyone else thought of what i needed in a beta because they didnt know me. i did. you did. and i needed the person that was right for me not for anybody else."
i couldve typed out everything david said but THIS!!!! I WAS SOBBING!!!! THEY ARE THE OTHER SIDE OF OTHER'S COIN NEVER FORGET THAT!!!!!!!! their vows to each other fr
this is wrecking me THEY LOVE EACH OTHER SO MUCH
"you're too hard on yourself too."
"well we had to have something in common other than destiny and smash bros, right?" the range of friendship everyone 
my heart felt so heavy in this WHY
"i think you're the best fucking beta i could have ever asked for. i think you're the besy friend i could have ever asked for. i deserved most of the time."
aaaanndd got heavier 😁
"i just feel bad that i'm going to be up there looking this good y'know people are going to get confused on whose wedding day it really is." EAT EM UP SWEETHEART (i meant milo but them too ofc)
"do we get a step stool for behind the podium?" HAHSHAHAHAHHA THE CONCERN IN HIS VOICE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA
"i love you milo"
"i love you too asshole" CRYING 
"thank you for doing this milo"
"i got you. always." ALWAYS.
"when i was asked by my friends to officiate their unions, i only had one question for them: how much does it pay?" ASKING THE REAL QUESTIONS
im really listening on this part so head empty.
oohh asher (i think it's asher) laughing through baabe's vows IS SO SWEET I LOVE YOU AND I ALWAYS WILL
"you're the best part of me. and i'll spend the rest of our lives showing that i'm worthy of that." oh david shaw you dont even have to try
"i now pronounce you all married the-the pairs of you to each other not all together" OH THEY ARE NEVER GOING TO LET HIM LIVE THAT DOWN
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zeezu-ix · 1 month
HII so im starting my own au pretty soon and i want to make a side blog myself but i have NO idea where to start :[ i wanted to ask how did you get started on your au??
i absolutely love the triple stars au and how you have it organized n stuff so I HOPE THIS ISNT A BOTHER JUST A QUESTION SO I HAVE AN IDEA ON WHAT TO DO 😭😭
NOT A BOTHER AT ALL DW!! im gonna be so real im insanely bad at explaining things but fuck it we ball
putting this under a read more because i ramble on for a bit,,
honestly the entire reason i made a side blog for triple stars was because i was too nervous to share more about it on this blog LMAO!! i think this was the right call though, i know for a fact i wouldn't have posted this much if it was on my main. took me like 3 months to even start posting about it wough!!
but as for how i started triple stars, GOOGLE DOCS HELLO!
at first i didn't have a super clear idea for the story so i stuck to establishing characters n their roles in the au and only then moved to thinking about plot and how i want to connect the key characters.
I HAD SOME. THINGS I KNEW FOR SURE, like Eggman being their band manager and a huge dick to them but i wasn't certain on other details like whether Triple S knew eachother before working with Eggman or not and stuff like that
Since i was still figuring things out i quite literally wrote down everything that came to mind. MAJORITY OF MY NOTES LOOK LIKE THIS ABSJHFD. essentially just arguing with myself until something clicks.
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Since this doc was solely for me to brainstorm i did not make it organised at ALL LMAO. this thing is a 20 page mess just full of notes but it helped a TON.
anyways!! I had a rough plot line eventually and god. DESIGNS.
took me forever to get round to drawing them (for some reason everytime i tried to draw triple s it just looked. so bad. the universe was against this au for a while).
my thought process for designs in triple stars really just boils down to what clothes i think they'd wear and thats about it IM SO SORRY ABDJFH. still dont know why i gave Silver a tie but it worked out. OH BUT making pinterest boards for inspiration was a HUGE help!! really do reccomend just scouring for a bunch of refs and playing dress up with them.
honestly not sure what else to write here but if you have any more questions im up to answering em!!!
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pacifymebby · 2 years
Modern!peaky boys and a reader who won them in a monopoly. It seems to me that Thomas would be a little irritated, because he has a huge business and he lost this game.
Hahaha this is such a good one <3
🌿 He isn't going to get mad, its just a game (at least thats what he's telling himself anyway)
🌿It would be a slow painful loss because he's good at the game... He'd keep pulling himself back from bankruptcy over and over until he finally lost
🌿 At which point he would in fact be very embarrassed but trying not to show it. He'd sit there with that emotionless stare like "alright well, that was fun, what're we doing next?" trying to move on as quickly as possible.
🌿 Youd definitely gloat a bit because hes the owner of a huge business and you just managed to beat him.
🌿 And your gloating would embarrass him more but also irritate him so he'd be dismissive like "oh well love its only a game, doesnt work like real business does it,"
🌿 Would end up telling you to run the company for a week, "then we'll see how good you are eh?"
🌿 Basically hes sulking.
🐻 Acts like he cares when he loses
🐻 Doesnt really care at all..
🐻 He just knows that you want him to have a temper tantrum, so he's acting up for you, to entertain you
🐻 Lots of grumbling and groaning and rolling his eyes but its all for show, he actually likes doing anything that means spending time with you.
🐻 Although he can think of much better things to be doing with you than playing monopoly...and he will tell you that.
🐻 Will dramatically get in a huff when he loses, explain why he shouldn't lose, accuse you of cheating... Anything to make you laugh and tease him more.
🐻 Will pretend to sulk until you come sit in his lap, give him a kiss and say sorry for making him play the game.
🍂 Gets confused by the game, he'd lose pretty quickly
🍂 But honestly i think hes throwing the board away before he loses just out of sheer frustration with the whole thing.
🍂 Youre just constantly trying to explain the rules, and when he has to pay tax and stuff he just point blank refuses, "Nah thats not how that works darlin, i dont pay tax..."
🍂 Wants to know why the street names are all in London, "what about the rest of the country eh?"
🍂 Theres honestly nothing you can do to get this man to play properly or understand the game and in the end he really does just tip the table.
🍂 "Next time I'm choosing what we play!"
🌼 Doesnt know why you've got to play board games when theres better things you could be doing like watching the godfather or something...
🌼 (look right, if we had modern peaky boys they'd be the type to make you watch all the mafia movies and the sopranos and stuff just so they could sit and mansplain how "look at this bullshit, that aint what its really like at all... Where the fuck do they get these ideas...")
🌼 But anyway, when you're playing monopoly hes grumbling away, bored games are for people who can't entertain themselves blah blah
🌼 Its all just a front because he knows hes going to lose... And he doesnt want to lose
🌼 He doesnt mind losing as much as his brothers do but he doesnt like to lose... So hes setting his excuses up now and you dont hesitate to let him know you know what hes doing...
🌼 "Just cause you're scared of losing..."
🌼 In the end though john is playing this stupid game with you because he knows it'll make you happy.
🌼 And when he loses he sits there and takes it with a smirk on his face, shaking his head rolling his eyes at you all "Ahh well whatever makes you happy love."
🍀 Bonnies probably quietly quite anti capitalist in the 2020s, and he definitely isnt the indoorsy type that could concentrate on monopoly for as long as it takes to actually play monopoly
🍀 For that reason this games been going on for several days with lots of pauses in between
🍀 And youve heard multiple times "dont know why you like this so much y/n, you know the toffs would never let people like us do any of this shit in real life..."
🍀 But just like john, bonnies playing it with you for your sake, cause he wants to make you happy. Doesnt mean he isnt going to keeo playing it "unseriously" to try and make you laugh
🍀 To end the game he cheekily announces that the economy has just tanked due to a revolution, the means of production have been siezed and all the money in the worlds just gone up in smoke, you're skint, hes skint and now everybody has to go back to bartering and trade like "the good old days"
🍀 "Oh and nobody owns the land anymore dove so me and you, we can go wherever we like... Stop wasting time playing board games eh?"
🐀Acts like he doesnt care but actually does care
🐀He's even more annoyed when he loses because he was cheating!! How can you lose when youre cheating?
🐀Will sulk, will say hes not playing anymore. Will throw the money at you when he lands on your space.
🐀He'll even admit to cheating when he tries to accuse you of cheating (spoiler alert youre both cheating)
🐀 Definitely shoves the board away and messes it all up. Its not even that he thinks he should be good at the game, its that he just doesnt want to lose.
☘️ Won't be able to hide how much he cares about winning
☘️ He played the game as a kid and claims to have never lost. You can believe this if you like, I'm not sure whether he's telling the truth.
☘️ When he senses hes losing he will start to cheat, he'll feel bad about it but he'll try anyway.
☘️ If he gets sent to jail he'll claim he should still be able to take the money for passing go, he would in real life...
☘️ He'll definitely accuse you of cheating when you win... (you're actually not cheating)
☘️ He won't tip the board or be dramatic but he will grumble about how stupid the game is, how its nothing like real business
☘️ He'll tell you hes not playing it with you again, he will reallyyyy sulk about it.
☘️ So much sulking.
☘️ The sulk could last several days
☘️ You'll have to be really sweet to him to heal that wounded ego
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cxrsed-angel · 2 years
eddie x fem!reader (angst)
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warning: angst no warnings i don’t think, around 2k words, not proofread
a/n: been in bad place mentally and i guess this was the result
You and Eddie had been broken up for almost a month now after being together for 2 years. When he broke up with you, he didn't give you a specific reason, he didn't say that he stopped loving you or you’ve done something wrong or anything. You wished he would’ve given you a reason as to why. You thought everything was going great, he graduated in ‘86 and started working as a mechanic, and you were both saving up to move into an apartment in Indianapolis while you attending Indiana State. You had a plan. What went wrong?
You were lying in your bed next to your stuffed animals, you had all the ones Eddie gave you in a box off to the side of your room. You didn't have the heart to donate them, they were really cute and had fun memories attached to them, but you couldn't look at them without starting to tear up. You missed him so much.
The Cure’s Pornography album softly played in the back. You look over at the stuffed animal box and see your white dragon stuffed animal Eddie had given you one day. He had the matching black one. You started thinking about the day he broke up with you, you tried hard not to, but it almost always played on replay in your head whenever you were alone with your thoughts.
You had just knocked on Eddie’s trailer, but you could tell something was off when he answered the door. He didn't look into your eyes, his body language was closed off, and he held his head down.“Um hey um come in” “are you okay” “um we need to talk.” You felt your heart sink into your stomach, you started getting a lump in your throat. “Ok what do you want to talk about” “babe-no um this wow hard,” he laughed lightly, but you could tell it was out of nerves more than anything “Eds you’re starting to scare me did-did you like cheat on me or something” “What! No no but um I think we should stop seeing each other” You felt your heart get ripped out of your chest. You suddenly couldn't breathe. You were trying as hard as you could to start not crying. “What-what-what’d you mean like a-like-a um a break or a pause or something like that” You saw him shake his head, still not looking into your eyes. “No like stop all together not a break” “you want to break up?” He just nods “why-why, did I um do something” He shakes his head. “You could at least fucking look me in my eyes Edward” your voice started to get louder, the sadness starting to mix with anger. He couldn’t even look at you, “why do you want to break up” “just because,” he said nonchalantly. He looked like he didn’t even care. “No this isnt something you can shrug off, do you not love me anymore, did you sleep with someone else, do you just not want to be-” “God! Can’t you just leave Jesus I don’t want to deal the 3rd degree right now can you just leave!” He yelled at you, it was the first time he had looked into your eyes since you’d gotten inside his trailer. “Sure Eddie yea um have a good life.” You stormed out, almost slamming the door, but you remembered he hadn’t gotten fixed yet and didn't want to cause anymore damage, especially to Wayne. You just get into your car and drive home.
Your pink phone ringing on the nightstand next to your bed breaks out of your thoughts that were replaying the scene again and again. You looked at the clock. It was 12 am, who is calling you this late? You get up and sit on the edge of your bed, “Um hello” there was a silence “hello?” you asked, more annoyed now “look if this is fucking prank-” “fuck i missed your voice” you pause, hearing his voice, you missed his too, but anger started boiling again. “Wrong number” you slam your phone down and lay back on your bed. You start reading your book to distract your mind from him. About 30 minutes later, your phone rings again, you stare at it, a part of you know it's Eddie again, but there’s a small part of you that was naive enough to believe it was someone else. You knew it was unlikely you didn't really have friends, especially ones who would call you this late; you were just acquaintances with Eddie’s, honestly. You sigh and picked up the phone “I'm not fucking doing this all night, Eddie” “I know I know but I just really wanted to hear you” He sounded off like he was high or something, you could hear it in his voice. “Are you fucking high right now?” there was a pause “maybe” “fuck you Eddie. ” You slam your phone down but leave it off the hook so he couldn’t call back. “That dick he doesn't call you for weeks, goes out of his way to avoid you, then calls you high he probably wants to come over and get his dick wet”, you thought to yourself.
You lay back down for a minute until you sit up and remember you have a personal phone and a general home phone for your apartment that your mother insisted you have when you moved out. You lay back down, “he wouldn't, right?” You thought about it for a minute and sat up “yea, the motherfucker would” you sprint to the phone as soon as you entered your living room, you see it ringing. You know you should just leave it alone, then take it off the hook and go about your night, but a small piece you believe he’s gonna call, apologize, and you’ll be back together that piece won. You slowly pick it up. “Hello?” this time, you stayed silent “babe, I know you're there,” you still don't respond “please just say something” you had nothing to say, though. You felt numb, you had lost your best friend and the love of your life all in one night, and he couldn't even give you a reason. And here he was calling you high, why, you started crying, ‘why couldn't he break my heart and leave me alone” you thought. You sniffled through the speaker “are-are you crying” you start crying more, hearing his soft tone. The one that had comforted you when you got rejected from your dream college when your pet guinea pig died, every time you had an existential crisis, or every time you would feel alone from having no close friends, he was always there. You sniffle into the phone again “wrong number,” you say coldly. You slam the phone down on and left it hanging off the wall.
You flop down on your couch and start crying, crying over the fact that you had no one, no one you could call and ask for help or talk to, crying because it was going so well, or so you thought, you felt like you messed everything up, like you did something wrong. You slowly cried yourself to sleep like you’d done almost every night since the breakup.
You were woken up by soft knocking on your door, you sat up looking at the clock on your coffee table, “why is someone knocking at 7:00 am” the knocking started getting more aggressive “Ok, Okay give me a minute!” You open the door and see Dustin and Steve arguing “No man, you didn't need to bang her door down at 7:00 in the morning.” “Well, I can't come after school you know that” “yea but I'm just saying we can just knock lightly and -” you look between them “hey whats this about?” “um can we come in,” Dustin asks? You just open the door wider “sure its not like I was sleeping or anything.”
They both come in and sit on your couch. “I would offer drinks but you woke me up before noon so you dont get a nice host” “thats fair thats fair um Steve do you want to um start” you lift your eyebrow up “ok seriously what is this” ‘its about-um Eddie” you stand up and walk over you your front door “get out” “wait just hear him out please” you look at Dustin and roll you eyes as you sit by down “what about…him” “He’s been miserable lately” “and thats my probably because?” “you guys need to get back together, he hasn’t been coming to Hellfire, the dungeon master, he takes is role very seriously and not like him to miss one session let alone every week.” “look Dustin thats rough but I dont understand want you want me to do” Steve started talking “maybe just hear him out whatever he did to make you want to take-” “wait wait wait you think I broke up with him” “well yea he didnt tell us but by the state he’s in we thought you ended it” you laugh and shake your head “no you guys got it all wrong um” you look down “he broke up with me.” There was a huge pause, “holy shit” “holy shit’ “yea holy shit guys so if this is over i would like to go back to sleep.’” They both nodded “um yea come on Henderson I’ll drop you off at school” “yea yea um we’ll see you later,” you wave and lock the door behind them.
You go to your bedroom and gain the sudden motivation to take all of Eddie’s stuff back to his trailer. You hope now would he would be at his shift at the car shop so you wouldn’t see him. After an hour, you were almost done until you see the box of stuffed animals. You were gonna be sad not seeing them, but you knew you needed to give them back if you ever want to even think about moving on. You put the stuffed animals in with the plastic box you had from moving, you decided to do one big box instead of smaller cardboard boxes that way, you just drop it off and move off with your life.
After a 15-minute drive and 10-minutes stalling outside the trailer park, you finally enter and park by his trailer. “Ok, you got this, you got this,” you say to yourself as you get the box out of your backseat. You take a deep breath and knock on the door, you were so anxious and nervous you wanted to turn back and cry, but you waited. You see Wayne open the door “hey kid,” “um hi Wayne um I have some of Eddie’s stuff” He nods, “come on in.” You shake your head, you weren't ready to step back into the place where you felt your heart shatter into a million pieces. You weren't ready to see his stuff, to be in the place that had once been your safe place that now kept you wondering what you did wrong, why didn't he want to be with you anymore. “Come on, kid, we can still be friends” you look up at him, crying a little bit “um really” he nodded “of course.” You slowly walk in and stand in the middle of the living room. “You can just put that on the floor” you put the box and floor and go to sit on the couch, but waves of memories come flooding in, all the movies nights, the first time you tried weed, make-out sessions, him teaching about DnD and showing you the newest campaign he had worked on, you just stare down at the couch.
“You can sit on the barstool, um by the counter” you just nod and go to sit. “Im gonna be honest with you, kid, this is the worst I've seen him since, um since his parents.” You didn't know much about his parents but knew they left him when he was around 10 or 11. That's all he ever told you, and he never mentioned it again. “Well um, he-he made his choice” Wayne walked over and sat on the bar stool next to the one. “My nephew, he um has a tendency of ruining good things, he has a leave before they leave me first mindset, you know, he’s been abandoned by his parents, friends one he started being himself you know, he the the town he grew up abandoned him in a way, you were his first serious girlfriend and honestly sweetie I think he got spooked, he really loves you, and you loves him back, and he’s so use to only me being around I think he wanted to leave before you left him” you felt the tears pooling up in your eyes, now it made sense why he never gave you a reason he was leaving before you left him, you look up at Wayne, “he thought I was gonna leave him” you started crying harder “I wasnt going to,” you say through sobs, Wayne puts a hand on your back “I know you weren't kid I know.” You stay there just crying life you've been doing all month, you just missed him so much, you don't even know how long you’ve been crying, you just felt so bad that he thought you were going to leave him or suddenly not want you and that so many people in his life has made him feel that way, he was the sweetest person you’ve ever known, and didn't deserve all the shit he put up with,
In between crying, you go to get up to leave when you hear the door open, and you feel the same way you did a month ago, lump in your throat, your heart suddenly in your stomach, you felt like you couldn't breathe. “Hey Wayne, I’m gonna go smoke in my-” You slowly get off the barstool “um I was just go-” “no-no, you two need to talk ” You see Wayne grab his keys and walk out. You stand still, staring at the floor, you couldn’t look at him. “Um, listen I’m really sorry,” you see him start to walk near you and flinch away, stepping back, distancing yourself from him. “For-for the calls or-” “ for that and for ending it the way I did, so suddenly, honestly, that night I realized how much I love you, and I’ve never loved anyone like the way I love you, it scared the shit out of me sweetheart, then I started thinking how you weren’t made to stay in Hawkins, you weren't meant to stay in this small ass town, babe, I realized I was holding you back and you could do so much better than me.” You see tears in his eyes now “but I don't want anyone else because there is no one better for me than you Eds. I love you so much, and I would never leave you, and You weren’t made for Hawkins either. You’re too metal for this small ass town.” You see him smile slightly, “but you really hurt me, you know that, right” he nodded “I know, babe I was stupid I should've just talked to you, I just didn't know what to do” you nod “I know Eds”  “can I give you a hug” you nodded again, and he pulls you tightly against his chest “I’m so sorry baby I will never do that again promise Im so so sorry.” You pushed him away slightly “but if you ever break up with me again and proceed to call me high in the middle night Im not taking you back” he laughs a little “while that is fair, I promise I will never break up with you ever again.” You lean up to kiss him and bent down a little and grabbed your face, his lips felt nice and  comforting.
He pulls you away from him, slightly looking down into your eyes, and you stare back at his, “man his eyes are so pretty,” you thought to yourself “I’ve missed my princess, babe” you wipe tears off your face “I’ve missed you more.” “do you want to cuddle or do you still need some space from me” “I can use a cuddle, but Eds, please, please come talk to me ok, I’m here for you and I never want you to feel that way about us again ok babe” he nods and tears slowly falling “I promise”
He wraps an arm around your waist and you walk back to his room. You both take off your shoes and lay down in his bed. He pulls you tightly into him “ ive missed your cuddles” “me too”
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a-wilson-collector · 4 months
(cw: noncon/rape, guns, disregard for gun safety, family abuse, forced isolation, medical neglect)
wanted to save this post for until i got to a safe place, but now that i am, i can give y'all a reason why i didn't post much if at all.
its mostly because of my family.
on a scale from 1-10 (10 being the worst, 1 being the best) my mom and dad are 10, most of my dad's side of the family is like, 9.5 outside of grandma n pa. they are like an 8 or 7 depending on how pissy/petty i feel about them. my brother is like, 4. and my sister is the only one whose normal about everything so she's a 1.
the reason my mom n dad are so highly rated is because my mom would lowkey ghost me for the entire summer when school stopped, and my dad is, well, according to mom- "he never takes no as an answer."
makes me think about why i always gravitated towards noncon fanfics for wilson/maxwell. Im still working on that.
grandma n pa are 8 because my grandma defends my dad (and pretty much any violent male member of the family) and my grandpa WAVED A FUCKING LOADED GUN IN MY FACE on the day of the move. if his hand was NOT on the trigger, he could've shot me in any part of my body including my head
my brother is a 4 because he hasn't apologized for beating the shit out of me almost every day until i was 16, but he's gotten a lot better at controlling his anger.
my sister was the only one who realized that the only way she was going to stay in my life was being cautious, but also realizing why i wanted out so bad, since she went through most of this herself.
outside of that, i hid most of my art from my family because i could NOT handle the disappointment that my family would show if that their "adorable daughter" drew a guy ripping his face off, or drawing porn (tho that wasnt until years later, obviously.) thats why most of my art is violent or violent in nature. its what i grew up in. constant fights all the time. cps was called a few times but they didnt do anything outside of adding to the trauma pile
im tired and finally in a safe environment where i wont be threatened to be shipped off my dad's place, which, if that was to happen... I'd lose all of my support network, including doctors and psychiatrists. I'd be completely shut off from the outside world, including my boyfriend and friends on discord. in his mind, the internet is the reason i have such high needs, instead of, y'know, THE 'TISM.
as for my past, i have gone by "noonfish" or some variation of that on tumblr, but that was while i was stuck somewhere in the alt-right rabbit hole on yt since most of my family loves trump, which is why i nuked all of them. I am deeply ashamed of my past and i'm still working on it, i know i can be better tomorrow than i was today. If i had a nickel for every time my grandma defended a rapist, I'd have three nickels, which isnt a lot but its weird it happened with three people.
i understand if people also stop following for my previous "ties" to the alt right (i was pretty surface level, mainly memes), however i was like, what, 16? and extremely isolated to boot. Thank fuck i got anti-psychotics. i was losing my mind for YEARS due to undiagnosed schizo-affective disorder, which was in play since i was 8. I still remember the time i missed my bus going home from school in elementary school, and when my mom had me in the car, she drove into a parking space and proceeded to yell at me to stop telling the teachers because "i was scaring them" because i kept seeing shadow people in the hallways. all the doctors just assumed I was being racist or something? im not sure about that but the only thing that came out of that was me getting glasses (which, tbh i did in fact, need)
after that, it went lowkey until middle/high school, where it resurfaced again and will continue until i fucking die, so thats fun. if I didn't have schizo-affective disorder, i probably still would've fallen for the alt-right pipeline on yt when i was a child (because of unsupervised access to the internet), but at least i'd be able to make a coherent statement about it. i still hate all those people that helped make my mental illness worse to the point i thought only ohio existed for like, 6 months. shit was awful.
so yeah, thats why i've been so on n off. hope to get some art soon since its about time i should do a full render. maybe it will be two girls kissing.
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delopsia · 10 months
how much of the truck do you think Rhett has replaced over the years? (maybe the better question is what hasnt been replaced at this point) like do you think hes completely rebuilt the transmission and engine? is there a point that he will give up on it? or do you think hes the person that will say that as long as the seat is the same one its the same truck? cuz it isnt going to last forever because that truck is how old and its also been a farm truck all its life. regardless of what state we are all living in now its safe to say that the Wyoming winters have taken a toll on the truck in the form of rust and wear and tear. if he rusts through the frame (a death sentence for vehicles) will he buy the same make in model that has had an easier life and just take his transmission and engine (he just put those in less than 80,000 miles ago god danmit!!) out and put it into the one with the good frame. i think if he ever does throw the towel in on the truck hes going to keep the seat and put it in his room in the house because theres too many memories on that seat for the thruple
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I am so happy that someone is asking me about the trucks because I have put so much unnecessary thought and work into them. But Rhett's truck... Jesus Christ, it is the bane of my existence. I cannot figure out what year it is, and it's been driving me up the wall, but I'll admit I've been using this sale listing as a reference.
I'm in trouble if this truck ever sells.
That old truck has close to 225,000 miles on it at this point; it's practically gone everywhere, and for some damn reason, it's still alive and kicking. Had about 100,000 miles when Rhett bought it, and he's driven it to all hell ever since.
He's replaced the front and rear wheel hubs three times now. Had to put in new ball joints, and rust essentially forced him to replace the transmission, fuel, and brake lines after a couple of years. Shortly after that, the transmission failed and forced Rhett to gather a few buddies to help him rebuild it. But it's been a lot of small fixes here and there, the forgettable things that take an afternoon, and that's it.
The old truck was built to last, and even though nobody is 100% sure where it spent its early years, it's been well taken care of. If there's an odd noise or it starts to act out of character, the problem is located and found within the week. It's always best to fix the issue when its small, rather than wait until it gets worse.
Trucks last on the Abbott ranch. Royal's vehicle is older than Rhett's, and it's still alive and kicking! I haven't done a ton of research into what Royal drives, but I think it's an '80s GMC C/K Sierra Classic.
Honorary comparisons.
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Nifty how Rhett and his Dad both seem to have Sierra's, lmao.
Regardless, it's an old truck. If Royal's truck can make it, so can Rhett's
Unless it becomes a money pit that can't stand to run for more than a few hours at a time, then Rhett's going to be hanging onto it. He could replace the whole vehicle over the course of time and still believe it's the exact same truck. But if it does fail, he'd likely go with another older-model truck with a bench seat. Maybe not the same make and model, but he'd be happy to bring home another in a different color.
As of the "current time" in the story, the Sierra is living herself a nice little life in the garage. Her Pavement Princess era, if you want me to start sounding cripplingly Gen-Z. Rhett's new work requires a lot of trailer pulling and things that the Sierra just couldn't keep up with, which means a new truck!
In Whispers In The Dark, I vaguely hinted that Rhett left the Sierra in Wyoming for a period of time because he'd bought a new truck after moving out.
This was the truck!
A 2019 Ford F-350 that I picked out back in February and simply never mentioned to anyone 😭 it never made sense to mention the exact make and model, so it got reduced to "Rhett's other truck."
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After the Sierra comes home, she gets to become the official date night vehicle, alongside Bob's. It's her only job now!
I haven't mentioned a ton about Bob's truck, but since we're already on the topic, he's got a 2021 Toyota Tundra in the color Midnight Black Metallic. I exclusively picked this truck for him because some models come with a front-row bench seat.
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Who would have thought that I'd have so much truck lore 🧍‍♂️
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