#there please hook me up
moldwood · 5 months
okay google fastest way to get $4000
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4th-make-quail · 1 month
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❝I've gotten so close with Assad. We've enjoyed spending a lot of time with each other.❞
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ducktracy · 10 months
a short placing heavy emphasis on Hungarian Rhapsody No. II is a rite of passage for golden age cartoons. Bugs Bunny did it! Tom and Jerry did it! Daffy and Donald! but one thing Woody Woodpecker has above the competition is that he is held hostage by a group of gangsters and is forced to entertain, lest he get executed. amazing
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whifferdills · 4 months
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sorry can i just -
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bittsandpieces · 26 days
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thegreatmelodrama · 6 months
I think what surprised me most about the CW’s Nancy Drew was how the show sold the story it was telling. I was so skeptical at first of the paranormal element (especially on a CW show), and yet the show not only fully leaned into it, but also balanced it with very real and complex storylines rooted around diverse human experiences. This combined with the performances from the actors—both individual and as an ensemble—truly draws you in. In fact, the times when the writing may fall flat are almost always offset by performances that shine, as well as the incredible chemistry between the actors. This translates to a chemistry between the characters that feels natural, and it is this element in particular which not only lies at the heart of the show, but drives the story as a whole.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
I'm still thinking about how ashamed I was (and am) with being open about my pain because I am so young. It's so hard to feel worthy of having your pain taken seriously when the people around you insist that young bodies are always in pristine, untouched condition and that you must earn your pain through aging. Never is it considered that young people aren't lying or being a hypochondriac for expressing their pain.
Young people can be in life-altering pain. Young people can have debilitating pain. It doesn't matter what age it happens because pain doesn't discriminate. Complaining about pain and doing things to prevent needless pain aren't something you have to "earn" through aging.
If you want young people to be in less or lesser pain, then encourage them to do whatever they can to minimize it. Don't downplay what they're experiencing. Not everything is a lie, not every experience that is different than yours is exaggeration or deceit.
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lavena · 1 year
Okay, I can't stop thinking about this. But in the 2007 tmnt some people headcannon Don and Mike being Twins and I SEE IT Or at the very least they are much closer with eachother than the other two. Look at this small scene.
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Don and Mikey are in the back group, but when you look at them you can see they don't do anything without first checking in with the other.
Raph leaps off and immediately Mike wants to follow as you see him rock forward a little, but he immediately checks in with Donnie. Without saying a word the two of them check in with eachother and make sure the other is comfortable following Raph into that danger. They don't follow after Raph without thinking and they don't bother to check with Leo either. But before either of them makes a single move they make sure the other is alright with it. That just mean so much to me. Ita like Leo was gone, Raph was isolating himself and these two just made a pact to check in with eachother, they wouldn't do anything without first making sure the other is alright with it.
In that little scene you can even see don smile slightly and gesture down to Raph to make sure Mikey actually wants to go and wasn't just following their big brother. Mike nods and only then does Don jump down to follow Raph.
Just mwah. I love this movie so much and the appreciation for these two in it is lacking severely. I need to find more fics istg
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gallawitchxx · 5 months
29 for the kisses, please!
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send me a number & i'll write you a smoocheroo 😚
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#29: ...as a promise
The digital clock on the wall is a goddamn tease.
How is it only three-thirty?
It’s not the worst job in the world, working the reception desk at an auto repair shop. It’s mostly just answering phones and handing out intake forms. Running credit cards upon drop-off and pick-up, and using what little knowledge he has about cars to field basic questions. Ian’s a little surprised that his parole officer had stuck him in a place that was clearly running some kind of illegal chop shop after hours, but whatever.
Southside is as Southside does.
But today has been fucking dragging. A shipping delay had pushed a ton of work back a week or two, so there was only one pick-up on the books, and it had already happened. At nine a.m., right at the beginning of his eight-hour shift. One can only clean a desk so many times before starting to feel a little buzzed off cleaning spray fumes, so for the past couple of hours, Ian’s been supremely bored, his mind bouncing from one topic to another, trying to keep him occupied, but away from the mechanical sounds coming from the belly of the shop.
The ones coming from the only mechanic on duty today—Mickey.
Jesus, Ian’s got it bad for the guy.
Between Mickey’s filthy fucking mouth, greased-up knuckle tattoos, and the way his ass looks in a pair of coveralls, Ian never really stood a chance. But then he had to go and be funny and smart and secretly sweet with the kids who come in with their parents, and in no time at all, Ian was halfway to being fully in love.
The way Mickey looks at him doesn’t help the situation either, nor does the coffee and Kind bar combo he drops at Ian’s desk every shift, which means Mickey heard and remembered an off-the-cuff comment Ian made one morning when discussing break room snacks with the shop owner.
But what’s really making things hard—literally—is what happened the last time he saw Mickey��
A few nights back, a freak downpour had collided with a blocked drainpipe and flooded the shop’s main floor. They’d had to shut the whole place down so that the mechanics could instead work on pumping rainwater back outside where it belonged. When the worst of it was over, Mickey promised to take care of the rest, shooing the other guys out the door and home to their families. Ian, who didn’t have anywhere to be, and was a bit distracted by the way Mickey’s wet tank top was clinging to his cut chest, offered to stay and help finish the job.
Help Mickey out with another job, too...
But that was days ago, and even though Ian’s knees still ache from where he’d knelt on damp concrete, they haven’t talked since. Not even when Mickey had dropped off his breakfast! Ian had been on the phone, the timing of which felt suspect.
By the time four-o-clock crawls around, Ian’s worked up the nerve to go say something. But then the chime on the door alerts him to someone coming in, and before he can even say hello, some asshole is screaming at him about promised timelines and demanding a refund.
Ian puts on his best customer service smile and tries to smooth things out, but it doesn’t work. More yelling ensues.
“Ey, there a problem up here?” Mickey’s voice cuts through the noise.
“Yeah, there is,” spits the douchebag. “My car was supposed to be ready a fucking week ago, and this idiot here can’t seem to make that happen.”
“Woah, woah, woah,” Mickey says, taking a step forward. “Imma stop you right there.” He looks at Ian for the first time (since he came down his throat). “Gallagher, can you head to the back and grab me the project file? Should be somewhere on my station.”
Ian blinks. “But the files aren’t—“
“Now, Ian,” Mickey commands, his blue eyes blazing. “Go.”
“Sure thing,” he says, rising from his chair.
The rage-red moron has the nerve to fucking smirk at him, and fuck, Ian doesn’t fight anymore—swore to his court-ordered therapist he was done with that shit—but this asshole just might get him back in the ring. His hands itch as he passes, clenching and un-clenching as his jaw clicks.
Mickey avoids his gaze, which pisses him off even further.
Ian forces himself onto the shop floor, closing the door behind him.
A few minutes later, Mickey joins him. “You okay?”
“Yeah.” Ian scans him for signs of a struggle, but he looks good. Great, even, his cheeks pinked. “You?”
“Course. Forget that dick. Caved quick and left. It’s a fuckin’ shipping issue, ain’t got nothin’ to do with you.”
Ian nods, unsure what to do or how to proceed. After a beat, he mutters a weak thanks.
Fuck, it’s awkward.
“Didn’t know—”
“Listen, man, I—”
They both stop talking, laughing nervously, the tension breaking just enough for some of their natural chemistry to seep back into the situation. Ian’s hands now itch with a wholly new desire to touch and caress instead of maim.
“I coulda handled him, you know,” Ian mutters.
Mickey chuckles. “Don’t doubt that for a second. Thought you were gonna fuckin’ deck that dude.”
“I was—I would have…” Ian shrugs. “But if I went back to prison, we couldn’t finish what we started the other night.”
And well, that gets Mickey’s attention.
“Guess that makes me a hero or somethin’ then, huh?” His voice is like gravel as he steps into Ian’s space.
Ian stares at his mouth. “Or something.”
“Tell ya what…” Mickey stares back. “He comes back, we’ll kick his ass together. Can pin it on me if the pigs show up.”
Mickey answers with his lips, his teeth, and his sinful fucking tongue.
By the time they leave for the night, their knees have matching bruises.
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had a fun lil thought lmao
so in the palia universe it's canon that polyamory is very normalized and that go me thinking. we have yet to see a canon throuple of ANYONE you can't romance and heres my big brain moment.
let me date kenli.
now you may be wondering wtf tay have you lost it and to that i say my brain is so rotted probably BUT THINK OF THE COMEDY BEHIND IT-
you date kenli, who is canonically married to the devil spawn herself, eshe. there is now the option to taunt the fuck out of her, give kenli a well earned confidence boost bc that man is such a cutie-pie AND the added bonus of fucking with kenyatta bc your dating her dad wtf-
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kyupidos · 30 days
nobody understands my love for the yuus. novel yuu, manga yuus, in game yuu, every single one of them holds a space dear to my heart and the fact we’ll likely never see how the manga yuus’ stories end since we get a new yuu for every book makes me wanna die inside.
( i’m at least thankful we get to stick with yuuya bc he’s like my favorite yuu, but i can’t find where the translations are since the most i’ve gotten is right where book 1 starts..if anyone knows where to get more I WILL BE INDEBTED )
like?? you can’t leave me hanging on this with yuuken and koito 😕
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jeanmoreaue · 2 months
hello hello foxes ranking based on who jean would get along best with?
- @you-know-i-get-itt
omg hiii queen love your social media aus <3
1. Andrew - by “get along with” i mean they exchange like 5 words but idk Jean is so similar to Neil (and Andrew). i hope they end up on a pro team together
2. Renee - we’ve already seen they get along well
3. Neil - they piss each other off but also they’re forever partners. they look out for each other and they have the same brand of insults. homies <3
4. Matt - Matt is good at exy so Jean would respect him and Matt is nice and funny and hot. would take some time but eventually backliner buddies
5. Dan - Jean seems to appreciate a strong, skilled woman. like Thea
6. Kevin - im sorry that Kevin is here i just think their friendship is kind of ruined forever. i think if they played tg again they would piss each other tf off lmao. Jean would get prickly at Kevin’s harsh criticism after their history lol and Kevin would get pissed off that Jean isn’t listening to him and would feel guilty
7. Aaron - i think Jean would feel so neutral about Aaron. unbothered king
8. Allison - ik they’re both tall, pretty, and cunty but i think they probably wouldn’t find a lot of common ground lol
9. Nicky - they’re not vibing. Jean would get annoyed quick i think lol
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Michelangelo Hamato: "Talk Too Much"
please watch small screen + headphones, i did what i could to clean up the footage i had lol
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dootznbootz · 5 months
You know that after every shitty retelling release that mischaracterizes Odysseus, he goes up to Penelope with big weepy eyes like "You know I love you, right? (╯︵╰,) I know [insert whatever the new bullshit is] says I don't but I do."
She has to reassure him that she knows he does and that she loves him too.
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fizzigigsimmer · 1 month
Y’all ever realize you had a favorite story as a kid, and every other story you’ve ever loved is basically just a reiteration of that story? Cause I was today years old when I realized mine was Beauty & The Beast. 😆
9/10 ships. I Promise you if I am gaga for it, it probably goes back to that damn Belle and her beast. Disney was out here serving enemies to lovers and I never looked back.
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9-1-1 Writers you may have this idea completely free of charge. Buck walks Maddie up the aisle for the Madney wedding. She’s trying to repair the relationship with her parents but for today she deserves to have someone who truly loves her walk her. Eddie is a groomsmen for Chimney just as the rest of the crew are up on his side. Buck sees Eddie dressed in a suit at the front of the aisle and oh he’s so in love and he’s only just now realizing it. But he pushes it down because today is about his sister and he can freak the fuck out about it later.
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