#there’s like 3 different ones on the actual weekend of his wedding but there’s also one the weekend before and another the weekend after
stevie-baby · 2 years
My cousin’s wedding is really fucking up my concert/festival season this year
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WIBTA if I canceled my wedding or at least change the plans I already agreed to?
So I (26M) got engage to my boyfriend (28M), we’ll call him John, about 4 weeks ago. We’ve been together for the past 5 years.
To provide some context, John and I come from different backgrounds, he grew up in a upper middle class urban and very progressive family, I come from a middle class/lower middle class rural family. I have one twin brother (26M) and one sister (17F) and my mom and dad. They all are very involved in the local community and their church and basically everyone in my family is very religious (but my sister). I always was a good student growing up, so naturally about 9-10 years ago, I left my hometown and move to the big city about 4h away to study. I have been out to my family for about 3-4 years now, and while I wouldn’t say they are supportive, they are not homophobic either. Mostly we don’t talk about it and just pretend like there’s nothing. I’m pretty happy with this situation because I know of so many people who were just rejected by their family, so I feel lucky they are still here for me.
So anyway, back to the wedding, John really wants to have a big wedding where we would invite everyone in our families and friends, just like his siblings had (he has 5 brothers and 2 sisters) and since I’ve been to 2 of his brother’s weddings and enjoyed them a lot, I agreed that this is the kind of wedding I wanted.
Then I called my mom to tell her about the engagement and the wedding, but she told me that, she doesn’t want to be rude, she’s truly happy and proud of me, but that her, my dad, brother and sister wouldn’t attend because that would be too much for them. (I also suspect that they’re afraid that people in my hometown will learn about it and start talking). My sister later reached out to tell me she was saving her allowance so she could come.
I told John about the decision of my family not to come to the wedding and he gave me the look (queer/lgbt people out there, you know THAT look) and was visibly upset. Later we went to play soccer with 2 of his brothers (that I’ve actually known for longer than John) and we talked about it. I explained that I was kind of bummed out to have to do all the wedding stuff without my family (especially my bro) like choosing the tuxedo etc. of course they both gave me the look, then they told me it was non sense that I wasn’t gonna do it alone, and that they would do it with me, because after all after all these years I was like one of the brothers. Later that day also, john’s dad called to tell me how sorry he was, and that I he would also do all the wedding stuff with me and the brothers, and that John would rather have his mom with him for that anyway. That was really sweet of them and I thanked them all (and kind of agreed to it?).
Last weekend, we were discussing the guest list for the wedding with John, (we won’t get married before next summer but apparently you gotta do these things super early), and John told me he already told his whole family (that’s like 45 people) and his childhood friends (around 30 people) and they were super excited to meet me (for those I don’t know). This is the moment I became very uncomfortable about the wedding, because I’m gonna have like 10-15 people with the +1, all friends that I made as an adult and no one from my family or my childhood. I also realized that I was gonna spend my wedding day getting the look from EVERYONE we know and this is just not something that I want.
Now I’m thinking of canceling the wedding because I know this is gonna be a terrible day for me, but since I know John really wants to get married and I sort of already agreed to the big wedding plan, he talked to everyone about it and I don’t know if I can ask him to scale it down to like 10 people and close family only? So WIBTA if I canceled my wedding or change the plans after agreeing to it?
PS1: I know the real AH are my family in this situation, but this is not something I can control so pointing that out is useless. I want to know would I be an AH if I did something within my control and how can I not be one. And just fyi, they are great people, not progressive for sure, but they are trying the best they know how and for that they deserve more respect than hate.
PS2: I know my sister told me she would be here, but if my parents aren’t coming, I’d rather she doesn’t come because I’m afraid this is gonna create so many problems for her and my parents. Of course, if I feel like she’s gonna show up anyway, I’ll pay for her trip expenses, she’s still a child.
PS3: No I haven’t talk to John about the look and how I feel because I know it’s gonna ruin the day for him, and that he will try to fix it and find a solution to a problem that doesn’t really have one. He’s sweet but he would be useless in this situation. And I love him enough that if necessary I’ll go through with the original plan so that he can have this day to remember.
What are these acronyms?
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cjkie22 · 10 months
A non-exhaustive list of why you should listen to hit dirtbag boyband Bears in Trees:
their music is really amazing. you'll love it.
especially if your Spotify wrapped was on the pov: indie side of things
and even if it wasn't.
songs for every emotion
absolutely beautiful lyrics
sometimes these lyrics make sense. sometimes they don't. that's part of the fun.
songs about platonic love !!!!!
songs for the queers! the aros! the aces! the enbies! the trans community!
my dad likes them. doesn't sound like a lot, but it's an achievement.
(more underneath the break)
iain (bass/vox/lyrics) has "ginger" tattooed on the back of their head. if that isn't iconic I don't know what is.
on the note of iain, they were the first person i was aware of that used they as a pronoun, and that changed my life
they have a discord server! it's a really lovely community. i am not biased in the slightest. (discord.gg/sandbox) (https://discord.com/invite/thesandbox) (i will personally send you an invite i don't actually know what the link is)
they should DEFINITELY be on the heartstopper soundtrack
if I'm remembering correctly in the tiktok where they said they should be on the heartstopper soundtrack, they also said 3 out of 4 of them were in some way queer. seems like a good thing to me.
they opened for you me at six earlier this year. it was my first time seeing them live. and WOW.
I met some of my best friends through this band. I'm not joking; big shout out to the mojo dojo castle house, I'll never forget that weekend.
they're hilarious on the internet
you might cry at several of their songs for a million different reasons
BearBerry records
they have a tumblr blog @/bearsintreesofficial (iirc). I'm not gonna tag them but
BiT gigs are a safe space. I may have almost fainted at my last one (new cross inn, August 2023) but I've never met so many kind strangers and genuinely lovely people
merch is super comfy and really cute.
it gives stardew valley and animal crossing (trust me I'm right)
after the new cross gig (sweatiest gig in the world), despite surely being exhausted, callum (uke/keys/vox) took my bereal and i got my mini lesbian flag signed by them all
I turned out not to be a lesbian, which possibly makes it funnier, but the flag is stuck on my wall still
cryptids would LOVE their band
there's also a community minecraft server for discord members
BiT postcards !!!!
gosh and the bit stickers
they covered stick season on an Instagram live
they also do the funniest twitch streams
iain and the mountain
the raccoon email address
george (drums/production) is elite. the drum fills in doing this again? iconic. also has a specific really cool shirt I want to steal
wedding. dress. tiktok.
callum doesn't wear shoes on stage. apparently this was common knowledge but it sure surprised me at new cross.
the austrian soft drinks advert
iain make up looks
callum plays the flute. I want to say classically trained flautist but i may be wrong.
none of them have EVER bribed any members of law enforcement
their songs are very tattooable
talking of tattoos, nick (lyrics/guitar/saw him play the uke on stage once) has L + R tattooed on his forearms (iirc). absolute genius and I am stealing it when I get more of my patchwork sleeve done
iain releases solo music to under the name pet yeti. it's ethereal. callum also plays flute on one of them.
trumpet joe
the four of them never look like they are dressed for the same event
someone once edited the bears in trees wiki page to say that Ryan Ross was in their band
silly geese
that time we got singing? poetry? performance art? of THAT harry potter fanfiction
according to tiktok, iain and nick once had to sneak into their own show because they were underage
I have a video in the depths of my camera roll of them covering Mama by My Chemical Romance on a twitch stream
all of them give me gender envy at different times
their newest single (bart's bike) features banjo
patreon content
yelling it gets better with a room full of people was a healing experience.
modern baseball and fall out boy adjacent in my brain
if you like bears in trees you're automatically hot and really cool
they did a song with noahfinnce and its really super good
callum also featured on a myriad song which is also really super good
bit songs feel like coming home. they feel like hot chocolate and a blanket on a cold night. they feel like a warm hug. they feel like surviving and falling in love with life again and overcoming the worst things. they feel like victory, because you didn't think you'd make it to adulthood. but I'm 20 now. and I'm still here. I've almost graduated uni. and that's what bears in trees feels like.
all of their songs!!!! amazing!!!!
please feel free to add to this list. I'm taking suggestions.
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rmd-writes · 4 months
Tag Game Tuesday Wednesday: 911 Lone Star Fandom Edition
Tagged by @liminalmemories21 and @freneticfloetry thanks, and good timing! You both caught me on my lunch break
When did you first start watching Lone Star? Who or what introduced you to the show?
I can't remember the exact timing, but I'm pretty sure I watched the first two seasons while s3 was airing and then caught up after - I wanted to start earlier but I had some issues finding a way to watch the show here!
My introduction to the show was via @three-drink-amy telling me to watch it (repeatedly), @clottedcreamfudge's judicious use of gifs from the show in the gc and a bunch of SC mutuals yelling about the gay howdy wee woo show on my dash every week.
Season 4 was the first season that I watched "live" which I did with @welcometololaland, both of us texting and screaming as we watched each episode together hours and hours after everyone else had.
Which season is your favorite?
Season 3, hands down. I don't know that they'll ever beat it?
Who is your favorite character? (Bonus: If you answered TK or Carlos, who is your favorite besides them?)
Other than Carlos and TK, I think it's Grace. I just adore the her energy and the way that she takes everything in her stride and even when things are hard, she's very practical about it. Also she doesn't take shit from anyone.
Top five episodes. Go!
I don't think I've ever tried to do this? I'm generally very bad at choosing, my SC fave ep list contains three episodes that I insist must be watched together so they only count as one ep hahahaha Anyway, in no particular order, and not necessarily by episode title or number because I can't be arsed looking them up:
Push, my beloved
3 x 13
the one with Lou
Bad Call
the Soulmates one
Bonus: the Marjan ep in s4 which was just so, so good
If you could pick any character to be given a "begins" episode, who would it be and what would that episode look like?
Either Nancy because we know nothing about her and I want to know, or Paul because I think he's had such an interesting journey.
What is a scenario or storyline that you would like to see in season 5?
I love @liminalmemories21's idea of a Halloween ep! It would be so fun!
We probably won't get it because of the shorter season, but I'd love more Lonestar-is-a-comedy-actually episodes like Red vs Blue and the (original) Lou arc.
More realistically, I'd love to see Carlos actually grappling with the consequences of his actions in s4 and also working through his grief and TK helping him do that. And I'd like to see an absence of Owen love interests.
What do you think is going on in this still?
I want it to be something silly like Lou 2 is lost in the loft and Carlos is Not Happy about it (the reason for TK's posture) and then he answers his phone in the middle of all of that, hence the facial expression. The phone call isn't that important, it's Owen asking Carlos for help on a side quest.
We all know about the elusive 5x05 spicy scene that has been teased, so what is your prediction for how it could possibly top 1x02?
I don't know about a prediction, but I'd love to see them getting distracted from getting ready in the morning. Carlos (in just his underwear) waking TK up with a kiss and TK pulling him back into bed for a good make out session and that turning into more. A very different vibe to 1x02 but hot nonetheless.
Where was the Tarlos honeymoon in your mind?
I think it was somewhere close to home - with the accelerated wedding timeline (lol) they didn't have time for a long trip for to somewhere far away, and by all accounts, travelling overseas wasn't on their radar anyway (see: TK's disbelief when Carlos says he wants to go to Tuscany). So a long weekend at a nice resort somewhere. Enzo paid for it as their wedding gift because he couldn't make it to the wedding when they moved the date up.
Shoutout one of your favorite fan creations.
Just one (1)? Impossible! This Rafa fan art by @ambiguouspenny made me actually say "oh fuck" the first time I saw it. I adore the way @whatsintheboxmh uses light in all of her fan art. I love @howtosingit's Carlos episode edits because they a) let me watch all of the Tarlos scenes on repeat (and before I actually get to the watch the episodes when they air because time zones), b) give me an easy way to check canon dialogue and c) make it easy to convince new people to watch the show when they sneak into my DMs and tell me that the number of Tarlos gifs I am putting on their dash is tempting them. @liminalmemories21's Knave-verse might be my favourite Tarlos AU, everything about it makes me swoon. Okay, cutting myself off now.
Tagging: @welcometololaland @howtosingit @three-drink-amy just so they know my earlier tags in this post were tags to do this and also @lightningboltreader @orchidscript
@danieljradcliffe @guardian-angle22 @reasonandfaithinharmony @alrightbuckaroo
@cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @nancys-braids @heartstringsduet and anyone else who wants to play 💖 PS. if ao3 user olympia2007 is here on tumblr, I'm tagging you too (and please come say hi)
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sarah-sandwich-writes · 5 months
Idk if you're participating in TST, but if you are...
Talk Shop Tuesday: What's one goal that you're working towards and what steps are you taking to try to achieve that goal? Why is this goal something you want to achieve? <3 -@fieldsofview
@fieldsofview thank you for spelling out the acronym bc I actually was not familiar with this one! I am always happy to participate though (‾◡◝)
Your timing is excellent and your questions are perfect! I just decided over the weekend to get serious about dragging myself out of the slump I've been in since December. My focus is Violet, like these delights which is the Jo POV sequel to Blue, like don't forget about me. I've got most of an outline done, but got inspired yesterday and might scrap nearly all of it to do something slightly different that would fit her character better and be more interesting for me to write.
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I made a whole chart of word count goals for the month of May based on day of the week and plans I know I have and what days I have to go into the office and what days I get to work from home. It totals out to 18,700 words by end of May. I'm two days in and sitting at 2,531 words out of my goal of 3,000. Not a strong start but I am chipping away at the rust and flushing out the neglected pipes and honestly just happy I'm doing anything at all lol
I am also reacquainting myself with the sprint bot in the writeblr discord server I'm in. It helps commit me to actually getting words on the page but also kind of sucks when no one joins and it's just me and my piddly word counts slugging away for 2 hours for everyone to see.
Thanks for the ask!!! As a reward please have this out of context conversation about ✨napkins✨ please forgive the complete and utter lack of southernness it will be added later I prommy <3
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[Nash's] expression turns dour. “He wants me to pick one for the reception.”
“Alright, so pick.”
They were supposed to get married in February (fucked up, unnatural time for a wedding but nobody asked her), but then Teddy freaked out acting like a little backyard shindig wouldn’t be good enough and now they’re shelling out actual cash money to stand around in a swanky lodge for six hours and eat overpriced chicken. Downright foolish, but again, nobody asked her.
“I tried but he said he could tell I was just trying to get out of it.” Steel gray eyes stare into hers. “Jo, I don’t care about napkins.”
“I don’t think anybody cares about napkins.”
“That’s what I—!” He lowers his voice. “That’s what I said.”
“But Teddy cares about—,”
“That’s the thing,” Nash interrupts, eyes wide, animated in his exasperation. “He doesn’t care either.”
“Then why—,”
“He thinks—,” He wrinkles his nose, then confesses, “He thinks it’s one of those things where maybe I do care, I just haven’t thought about it enough to know.”
“That’s ridiculous.”
“I know.”
“They’re napkins.”
“I know.”
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kedreeva · 2 years
Oh, McShep #12
WOW okay
12 - Is there a wedding? What was the proposal like? Any kind of honeymoon?
The proposal OBVIOUSLY happens out on the edge of the east pier. It's nothing fancy. Rodney's got a beer grasped gently in both hands between his knees, and John's leaning back on both palms, their legs kicked over the edge. The endless starry sky is spread out above them and for once it's perfectly clear. John's staring up into them thinking about how he used to think they were just unreachable pinpricks of light when he was a kid, and now these aren't even HIS stars but he's been to a bunch of them anyway and everything is so big and they are so small, and yet still somehow they matter. And Rodney's staring out over the water as the reflection of stars twinkles upon the gently rolling waves, thinking about how deep it is, thinking about their last mission, thinking about their next mission, thinking about at least 3 different physics equations, two mystery gadgets they're trying to solve, and planning what he wants for breakfast. And he turns to ask John for input - on the breakfast, not the science - and before he can say anything, John just fucking says it: "We should get married."
(of course Rodney says yes, they've only been dating - like, actually dating) a couple of months but he's got years of love under his belt)
There ALMOST isn't a wedding; John's had one and hated it, and Rodney thinks he wants one until he realizes he'd have to plan it, so they almost just go get the documents and call it good, until Ronon finds out and implies that he'd be very mad if he didn't get to be someone's best man after John spent time explaining what that was the last time someone got married. Teyla also insists, so they make her officiate a ceremony in front of the stargate. They dress up for it, but insist no one else should have to (everyone else does), and there's a nice dinner with dancing after, arranged at a local planet. In all, it wasn't too much pressure or time taken away from business, but they have fun.
They don't take a honeymoon, but only because they would be driven up a WALL trying to stay away from the action that long. But... John does at least arrange a Very nice evening off planet alone, maybe a long weekend. It's close enough, with how hectic their lives are.
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1d1195 · 3 months
IF YOU WANT TO ONLY PLAY 1D AND THEIR SOLO WORKS AT YOUR WEDDING YOU HAVE EVERY RIGHT IN THE WORLD i heard an orchestral version of “falling” once and wowwwwwww that thing was BEAUTIFUL ikkk it’s not really a love song 😭😭 BUT STILL i could totally see someone walking down the aisle to that. (potential orchestral songs: sign of the times, and infinity; also ‘black and white’ and ‘i want to write you a song’ were made to be played at a wedding) but seriously if i ever heard abt someone only playing one direction band and solo songs at their wedding i would think they’re the coolest person in the world
I LOVE HOW YOU POINTED OUT MY FAVORITE PARTS OF THE SONGS OMG totally real abt going off the grid if that song was about you, i said that about “the smallest man who ever lived” by taylor swift because omggggg😶😶😶 when i first heard it i was SHOOK😭 i was watching tv the other day and this song started playing and it reminded me sm of you !! it’s called “Big Jet Plane (Acoustic)” by Angus & Julia Stone
GIRL I HOPE YOU HAVE THE MOST RELAXING & DETOXING SUMMER OF ALL TIME YOU DESERVE IT🫡🫡🫡 spending time with your friends sounds great !! even if it is dinner on weeknights (which sounds like a blast to me idk) IVE BEEN READING YOUR POSTS ABT YOUR BOYFRIEND GETTING INTO WRITINF AND ITS SOOO FUNNY TO ME HAHAHDAHABAH “i don’t think you like writing that much.” SIR ???? HAVE YOU READ PROTECTION !:!;?3??—?-?-? OR ANY OF YOUR WORKS FOR THAT MATTER BABDJSHAH and the whole dialogue thing 😭😭 girl how do you not bust out laughing ???😭😭
things have been quiet on my end too, after the wedding i’ve literally just been home at the time lol one of my closest friends broke her phone so i haven’t even been talking to anyone much butttt im hoping to hit the bookstore over the weekend so do you have any recs ? what are your favorites ?
hope you have a great weekend sam, love you !!!! <333
In case my blog wasn't obvious I Want To Write You a Song is one of my FAVORITE songs of 1D I think I would cry like a baby if I heard it at a wedding. But I also think I can only reserve it for my marriage to Harry (it's a song for us). My funeral is also just everyone going to be sitting there and listening to 1D and solo albums. It's how I want to be honored. I think I would spontaneously catch on fire if I heard one of those songs at a wedding--Black and White especially.
Taylor is so real for that--good for her. I've been listening to Big Jet Plane for the last twenty minutes or so! It's really sweet. Very love at first sight of them 👀 I think I could do something with it! 💕
my bf hasn't a CLUE that I'm a "writer." It's really hard to keep a straight face sometimes. I have to tell him things like I took a creative writing class in high school (I didn't) when I want to suggest ANYTHING to help. But honestly, I think he's a really good writer on his own. Prone to overthinking it. I usually just reference some of my favorite books and such. I would kms if he read one of my stories tbh. This is like a diary for me. I don't want anyone I know in my personal life to know about it 😂
I like to do NOTHING on my weekends. But other people don't feel that way I guess. Idk hahaha I'm just a little different I guess heheheheI just hit the bookstore myself! For once I didn't buy anything--a miracle really. But I do have some suggestions. I made this post when someone asked about book recs before. I stand by this list COMPLETELY. But I can add a few more as well!
Normal People by Sally Rooney -- the actual way the book is written is a little confusing tbh (no quotation marks during dialogue) but it really holds up to the show as well. Not sure if you've seen it but I would highly recommend both.
The Once and Future Witches by Alix E. Harrow -- a little long at times but I overall enjoyed it! Cool premise and I thoroughly enjoyed the relationships between the sisters and such.
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey -- one of the hardest books I've ever read, but actually really good. The movie was pretty accurate to it as well if I recall correctly. It was pretty sad though so don't read it if you're having a good time.
That's all I really got right now. I probably have more to recommend but I've been bringing books I finish that I don't plan on rereading my work and leaving them for other people to take to clear room on my bookshelf. I also give the ones I DO want back to my sister to read so we have something to talk about hehehehe
Hope you enjoy the bookstore! Let me know what you get!
P.S. it's a guilty pleasure of mine but I read this book My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick the MC's name is Sam and she falls in love with the boy next door and there is a LOT of drama as well but the falling in love part is... 👌 it's a YA and came out in like 2012 and I'm putting it here in the P.S. because it's been years since I've read it, but I've never read a book where my name was the MC's name. But I think about it a lot. It's in a box under my bed along with other favorite novels of mine from my YA adventures that I can't part with. (Also, a quick Google Search says you can't buy it in Barnes and Noble--at least not near me) but I wanted to recommend it anyway.
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zer0cyanz · 1 year
A WRoEF related rant:
I swear to god, the creators of WRoEF did not check a calendar before deciding on some of the Finches death. I guess weekdays doesn’t necessarily matter but in some of these contexts I struggle to see the logic.
Most scenarios it doesn’t matter at all where the day they died could literally have been any day of the year and their story wouldn’t be different in any way, like Calvin who died on a Saturday (September 23rd, 1961) after he launched himself off a cliff (meaning it wouldn’t have matter if it was during the weekend or not) or Walter who died on a Thursday (March 31st, 2005) after he decided to leave the bunker and died by a train that ran him over (and judging by his note this train came everyday) just to name a few. But there are some that bugs me a lot. I’m currently writing several fanfics for this fandom so keeping track of dates and such is important for consistency. So you can say I realized a couple things along the way.
(I make it sound all dramatic when it’s actually only 2 deaths I’m focusing on even though I’m listing 3 down below. Just think it’s funny how the 2 deaths that involves something that has been scheduled doesn’t make much sense but I’m not going to judge… too much)
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Barbara died on October 31st 1960. The date itself isn’t necessarily important (other than it being her 16th birthday) and I’m sure that was probably planned since early on. My issue is that it’s implied that Barbara was supposed to go to a “Witch’s Ball” that night on Halloween. This could be figured out by a flyer inside her room.
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Of course, if you’ve played the game you know what happened. My question is however:
Who plans a ball on a Monday?
Sure it’s Halloween but in every case I’ve experienced in real life they simply moved the date to the nearest Saturday or Friday (so either it happens before or after Halloween, more often before, in this case on the 28th or 29th). It was the 60s but still, a ball on a Monday? School is assumingely out, but it still confuses me.
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Gus died on November 8th 1982 during his father second wedding:
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This wedding could have been planned for any day, especially since it was in their backyard meaning they didn’t have to hire a church or whatever. Again, I just have to ask, why did they decide to get wed on a Monday? In Barbara’s case I could defend it saying they wanted it to happen on Halloween no matter what, but what importance does November 8th hold? Couldn’t they just move it to a weekend or what? I understand that sometimes you gotta ignore reality and just pretend it isn’t literally the start of the week, but here I feel like 1 google search and they could have change the date to the 12th or 13th (the 13th might actually have been pretty cool considering how and why Gus died).
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Okay this one doesn’t bug me like the others, I just wanted to point out this man took his daughter on a hunting trip on a Thursday. I mean, I don’t remember exactly how long he said they were going to be gone but either way I think it’s funny. Also the fact he died 4 days before his son’s birthday (Gus is already dead at this point but still) and 1 day before his father’s birthday (again, Sven is long dead).
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(Lana's POV)
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We're engaged! Parker proposed on a wonderful night in Myshuno Meadows park. It was such a surprise to me because I genuinely thought I'd be able to tell when it happened, so for me to be surprised is just another cherry on top of the happiness sundae!
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We had plans to head to San Myshuno for this conference on relationships that Reece & Stacie's church was hosting in the city, at the time time my parents got an invite from some family friends to visit, so I flew in with them and my sister . Parker's parents were invited to speak at the conference, so them being in the city wasn't a surprise to me either. The conference was definitely a blessing, who would've thought that I'd be able to apply the notes I was making in the not so distant future!
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Maggie, Shane, Reece, and Stacie also all attended the conference with us, so it was a great bonding session for us all. I feel so blessed that Parker's sisters and sisters-in-law have taken me in and treated me like family since we met, and now we're going to actually be family soon! After the conference was over we went for a large family dinner the next day since we had a long weekend, after dinner Parker and I branched off with the siblings and we headed out and got some hot chocolate and nice winter desserts as it started to slowly start snowing. Maggie suggested we go into the park and appreciate the nice view with the snow and maybe get some pictures, and as we were walking the boys headed off towards the park whilst us girls got caught up taking pictures.
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As the girls and I walked into the park and got into the area by the gazebo, Maggie and Stacie both told me I had to wear a blindfold for what would happen next. I went along with it and started walking and reach what I know to be the gazebo that's in the park. When at the gazebo the blindfold is taken off of me and replaced with Parker's hand and we walk further down - at this point I knew that the proposal was happening but didn't want to believe it. As we were walking, Parker was reminding me of our conversations about the future and what my 'dream' proposal would be like, and as I was agreeing is when he lifted his hand off my face and I saw the ring and all the decor!
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In that moment, time stood still as Parker began quoting "I have found the one whom my soul loveth" and got on one knee and asked me if I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. It was all so surreal, I don't think I said yes for a good 2 or 3 minutes until Parker asked me again. It was only after he put the ring on that I zoned back in and realised that Maggie was photographing the whole thing and our parents and siblings (well, my sister and then some of Parker's) were just outside the gazebo waiting to celebrate with us! Parker made my dream proposal come true, outside with the snow falling and our families surrounding us.
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Our mamas were the first people onto the gazebo to celebrate with us, and they took this cute picture with us. They started planning the wedding as we stood in the gazebo! It's such a blessing that we have such wonderful parents, Parker is the 11th of his parent's children to get married and his mother is still overjoyed with each engagement and wedding that comes in to the family. My mama has been praying for this moment her entire life, and is rejoicing now that it's coming true for her.
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My parents love Parker to bits from the moment they got to meet him, he fits right in with us. Before we started dating, my parents decided to upgrade our 4 person dining table to a 6 person one, what incredibly forward thinking. Parker fits right in at family dinners, and is like the son my parents never had, when he comes to visit sometimes my dad will take him out with other guys from church and they'll do different activities from time to time. Out in Oasis Springs the desert doesn't provide you with much recreational activity, but they still found a way to bond.
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Parker's parents, siblings and their spouses have made me feel so welcomed into their family. From inviting me to whole family events, to his sisters and sisters-in-law inviting me out with them, as well as inviting me, my mama, and my sister out to different outings and events. I can't wait to officially join the family and be Mrs.Collins! Let the wedding planning begin!
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lord-leclerc · 1 year
Hi thanks for answering :)
I agree on all your points on Carlando especially the last one (I had forgotten about that one) and it's just amazing I can't describe how I feel about them... The fact that they talk a lot in private is so cool. If you think back to Miami where they went on a golf weekend together with Zak. Like they must be conversing so much and and I don't know of any other drivers pairing which is so close like Carlando. Or like in Melbourne they arrived early so they could spend to whole days together. :) They're not even from the same team. But I guess there's no rule for them to not hangout with eachother so they do it bc they can. That's so wholesome! Also the moment when Carlos listed all the teammates he had had and forgot Lando and said Charles first. And then Charles noticed and pointed it out to him. I think they don't even realise they're work-buddies anymore but actually just see eachother as friends who meet up every weekend. They seem so close and I imagine Lando will be invited to Carlos' and Isa's wedding (if it happens - hopefully).
They mean everything to me! <3
About Lestappen: Absolutely! I adore their history with eachother. It may be a rivalry but the respect between them makes it beautiful. It's so different from Brocedes where they went from bff's to haters to "yeah we can talk again but we're not friends". It's childhood enemies to "yeah we can talk but we're not friends" to work-buddies (or friends? but they still don't follow eachother on insta...). I love how everyone calls them emotional support rivals. Like that's literally the perfect term for them. What do you think about them being rbr teammates? Do you think it would work out well for Charles? In terms of racing. And what do you think would it do to their friendship?
don't apologies I'm happy to hear your opinion! 😊
exactly, in f1 even teammates don't spend time together outside of work usually but carlando always finding a way to spend time in any way possible-like playing golf in augusta or u said Melbourne, it's very brotherly. however I dont think we would be seeing lando or anyone for that matter in carlos and isa's wedding. they've broken up bestie😭
as for lestappen, so true. i think even seb and lewis had their disrespect moments where they were enemies at some point but with lestappen its quite respectful. for example, when charles crashed in miami and ruined max's only chance of flying lap, max just sighed on the team radio and later during the media pen he said it could've happened to anyone and that he was prone to errors too in that area. could you imagine if it were anyone else? there'd be a rainbow of words coming out of him right there and then and he could very well hold charles accountable for that incident, but he didn't. and again thats something u don't get to see a lot. like come on, even your own teammates blame you but coming this from a rival must've meant a lot.
as for rbr teammates,I think it would be a disaster for the team . ofc both of them would get equal machinery and opportunity and there would be cut throat competition, which can be good for racing but that may lead to unhealthy rivalry if you know what i mean. it would even affect their friendship in an adverse manner ofc. so i think them being in different teams is a better option because neither of them would back out and it could prove to be bad for the team.
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nerdieforpedro · 9 months
12/17/2023 Weekend Update
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We’re halfway through December already! The year will be over soon, so weird but it does happen every year. Anyhow, let’s get started.
Nerdie, you’ve got some new graphics. It looks…the pickle is starting at me.
Is it? Eh, it probably feels like it. I’ve been playing around on Canva after looking through other people’s accounts and masterlists. I’ve made some progress. The lists I’ve updated so far:
Dieter Bravo Masterlist (Betty liked this one so I’m leaving it as is.)
Frankie Morales Masterlist. (I found a side profile pic that screamed Frankie to me, I made it the largest picture.)
Joel Miller Masterlist (He screams to me that he drinks whiskey so it’s on his page also I edited the middle picture because you gotta understand how broad he is)
Dave York Masterlist (The Dave I wrote is a sadistic man who might be softening a little. I might have gotten a soft pic or two in there.)
What else have you been up to this week Nerdie?
Session Three of the Sard’ika Sessions went up. We’re half way through Space Buddies. I want to thank everyone who’s been reading and following along. Your comments and reblogs are always very sweet and have some great takes.
We did a Fic Authors Self rec this week in the tag games and we all gave five of our own fics we would recommend to readers. If you’re a writer and would like to do some signal boosting, you can try it out as well.
I was in the mood for some Dieter Bravo this week. I read quite a few fics with him in it and I somehow forgot that I had written a second chapter of my Dieter Bravo series that I started a couple months back. 😅 Yup, too many WIPs and not enough focus will do that.
The series is revolves around Dieter and our OFC Maya who is traveling to her younger brother’s destination wedding. She meets Dieter and chaos ensues. I made Dieter a goat papa and Dee may have an issue with the man who plays Poe Dameron. I won’t say his name because Dieter doesn’t react well to it at all.
Both chapters are on the Dieter Bravo Masterlist. I am working on chapter three. No clouds were harmed in the creation of the chapter.
How do you forget you started a series Nerdie?
Well, I kept reading others people’s fics, starting WIPs based off of different ideas and it fell off. I have three other series that are “paused” too. I haven’t had any ideas for them.
Plus I have two different challenges to work on and that are due soon.
What are those?
One is that pickle staring at you: The Pickled Peña challenge. Open to all writers who wanna try it. Have some fun trying to figure out a Peña pickle. Instructions are in the hyperlink above.
The other challenge is, well, involves Pedro characters, we were assigned one to get pegged. It’s the Peg That Middle Aged Man or PTMAM 2024. Go big, go forth and peg on! I think, but I have an outline. So, yeah… 😭 Totally on goal there.
We should know by know not to ask, it never goes where we think it’s gonna go. What else?
We spoke in our group about astrological signs. We had a very good discourse led by @goodwithcheese who told us what our sweaty palms looked like and gave us more insight. Pretty fun actually, I pondered I pondered hard.
I started another WIP (because it feels like I start a new one every 3 days) about Joel and Layla from my Sugar series. Them at Christmas, Joel spending more time with her family, what happened when he met them the first time, where they are now. The nylons will make a return, because I’m not sure I can see Joel without them now when I write him. It started out being @morallyinept ‘s fault but it’s all mine now. I won’t shift blame on that one.
Is there anything else Nerdie?
Just one more thing, I made volume 4 of my fanfic author recommendations so please check out their work and make sure to reblog. 😊
Stay warm, hydrated and safe,
Love Nerdie ❤️
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bisluthq · 5 months
I mean it's easy to say this whole thing started cause Joe wasn't paying attention to her, but like that was what Taylor felt. Maybe in his mind he was doing his best, even if he was blue. Like I don't think he's insane and changed out of the nowhere. If Taylor felt him different and pulling away, maybe he felt the same about her who knows??
And Taylor herself doesn't say he was simply not talking to her and not caring for her. Seems more like something wasn't right for her, she wanted him to realize that but also wasn't really communicating it. And at the same time she was entertaining Matty too so like???
And the whole thing of the problem is he didn't want to marry her is silly as something that's being reduced as the main cause. Again he's not insane, they had plans, if he didn't want to marry on the timeline she wanted he probably had his reasons. Maybe he didn't told her them all and just kept saying it's not the right time now or give me time who knows. But as we see now, he clearly made a good call so idk y'all maybe he is in fact not dumb and had valid reasons 🤷
yeah idk it’s just a sad story lol but like so’s every other divorce/LTR breakup. It’s much rarer to get exciting shit after something like that lol that’s why 30 is… a really great album with a few deep cuts but kinda boring overall and why Lemonade (about deciding to stay even when you know you have reason not to) was one of the best albums of all time in all of musical history imho because that’s like dramatic and complicated feelings and leaving a LTR is mostly just… sad.
Finally, I’d like to say when Ari and Dalton got married a bunch of anons were like “and when will Joe do it??? See it’s not gonna work!!!! Yay Ari go queen!!!” But Taylor and Joe lasted 6.5 years and Ari and Dalton lasted 3 even with the marriage and it made everything much messier. I’m not anti marriage in general and I’m not even necessarily fully anti it for myself but I’m anti marriage being seen as the solution to things lol and I’m very anti people forgetting about the possibility of divorce. Like besties it’s not actually till death do you part (might’ve been for Tatty if they’d done it in like a murder/suicide thing because they’re nuts but generally speaking) and it adds a lot of paperwork.
so if joe wasn’t sure - and Taylor clearly also wasn’t - then he was 100% correct for not setting a wedding date for the following weekend and having Matty in attendance crying in the bathroom or however that would’ve gone down.
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Hello JALEBI 🙋🏻‍♀️, how are you?
A lot of time I think about the anguish of Khushi and Arnav for not being accepted by either of them. Then I felt very bad for Khushi than Arnav😢. Bcz Khushi had to wait a looong time for Arnav's acceptance, may be from the 1st Diwali and most importantly after kidnapping track. On the contrary Arnav was never in that position that made him think that Khushi won't accept him right now (the terrace scene made him hate Khushi which he couldn't bt he never wanted khushi's acceptance at that time or before that. And on khushi's birthday, it was like pacify the angry wife to him). After kidnapping Khushi wasnt sure that he will accept her or not, bcz he could anytime say that he didn't want Khushi & he did that😔. It was basically if "Arnav wanted Khushi then there will be a relationship between them, if he didn't then there will be nothing" from the very beginning. Arnav's feeling was the deciding factor not khushi's😞.
What's your take in this matter? Can u write something about it in ur free time may be🙂
From Smiley Anon😊
Hello Smiley Anon!
Hope you are doing well <3 <3 <3 Ugh, I struggle with putting out fanfics despite ideas so I will not break your heart by giving any promises!
Arnav always thought he and Khushi couldn't be together because of their differing belief systems. Also he has no idea of the intensity of Khushi's feelings for him. Every time he thought he had a hint - Khushi's dedication towards his and La's relationship convinced him against it. When he is in a miserable engagement and sees Khushi in one does he actually see that there's a possibility of them being together.
If they could be miserable with each other - they might as well be miserable together.
Arnav's hesitation in Diwali came from two things - one, he was NOT ready for marriage and knew Khushi wouldn't settle for less - two, he was in a relationship with La and felt he cheated on her.
Arnav actually had a clue about Khushi's feelings (that they exist strongly) is during the Pre Payash wedding. Until then he knows something exists, but it's mixed in denial and lack of knowledge what the other person has. Like the show's title, he knows it exists but doesn't know the name of it.
And Khushi also deals with the identical dilemma. Khushi's consent and agreement to being in a relationship with Arnav is assumed. And I think Arnav knows post kidnapping she's coming from a place of hurt instead of not actually wanting to be with him.
And I partially do agree with Arnav's feelings being a deciding factor. I wish Khushi had more agency in the relationship. I feel one of the main reasons why this suffers is that Khushi's perspective post elopement is LARGELY diminished. We rarely see her outside Arnav's feelings - while we see Arnav and we see what decisions he takes and we don't see much of Khushi beyond a reactionary character (the kidnapping is the best track to actually understand what Khushi has felt so long about the relationship).
Hope you have a great weekend ahead,
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miss--katherine · 21 days
❝We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it’s forever.
Moodboard: Pinterest
Name: Katherine Dolle Age: 23 Birthday: 10th August Species: witch Lives in: Downtown Occupation: Barista at Enchanted Crumbs Bakery Length of time in Raven's Peak: on and off for 4 years Family:
1 older sister and 3 older brothers
Hobbies: she enjoys everything. Playing instruments (can play guitar, violin, piano and drums), she also likes sports (soccer, tennis, swimming, volleyball, dancing, and running), and she loves reading books and walking around the city. She loves drawing as well. She always has a backpack with random items in it in case she feels like doing something.
Wanted connections:
Roommate (1)
One night stand (1)
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Katherine is the youngest of five kids, a bit spoiled due to that but also taught to be quite loving and easy to bond with people, used to always having someone who is there for her. She grew up in Albany, NY, constantly preoccupied throughout her childhood, constantly switching between hobbies. She tried multiple musical instruments, wishing first to be like one of her brothers who was in a band, then she went to try out different sports for a few years, copying her other brother, who had already graduated as a star athlete. With time she could say she’s tried almost any hobby one would think of but the ones that stuck around were sewing, baking and art, as well as keeping active whenever she could find the time. Maybe growing up with such a big family and always having attention on her has made her a bit too trusting. Despite better judgement and the warning of her siblings when she was sixteen she entered into a relationship with one of the jocks with whom she bonded over studying together for their finals. They were together for two years, planning to go to New York University together and renting. She never really said it to anyone but she was actually imagining wedding bells and suburb houses in her future. Little did she know that once he got accepted into the university - not NYU, and he didn’t need her help with applications or studying anymore, he quickly dumped her. It didn’t take long to understand that she had in fact always been his backup girl. During this heartbreak, she closed off her emotions and spent the rest of her school year debating on whether to go to university or not. At this time was when she fell into her witch powers, not wanting to go out and pour over her mother’s grimoires in the attic. She spent her year after university working and saving up money, unsure of the next step but nonetheless constantly supported by her parents. Finally, she asked her mother about Raven’s Peak, the small town that she was originally from. She had grown up there, leaving her parents and moving to New York State to study. That was where she had met Kat’s father and therefore not come back once she had gotten pregnant and they had married. As her father was unaware of the magical side of his children and wife they had never really gone to the town to visit but Katherine had always had an interest to see where her roots were. After a weekend trip here she decided she loved it and so applied to the university. Her grandparents had passed and her mother had since sold their house, so she had to find an apartment to rent, which she did quickly and found a roommate. She moved to Raven’s Peak right after her 20th birthday, excited to start her bachelor's degree. She wasn’t sure what to major in and by the end of her first year that got to her so much that she decided to drop out until she figured it out. She left the town for a few months and went home, then came back again and repeated for the whole year, finding herself more undecided than ever before. However, after a deep conversation with her mother, she finally chose a major and moved back, signing up to finish her school. She started work in the new bakery in town and loved every moment of it, studying both for university and understanding her magic. Now she’s in her third year and has decided to finish what she started, working so that she can pay rent for a small apartment with a roommate.
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Another year gone
Tomorrow is a new year and I guess it’s my duty to give a life update so, here it goes.
January: I realized that the company I was working for was not one I wanted to stick with once I found out they had lied about the benefits package.
February: Taylor and I saw Footloose: The Musical at Beef & Boards
March: I celebrated my 30th birthday and it was a lot less terrifying than I thought it was gonna be.
April: Taylor and I celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary by driving to Cincinnati to see Lewis Capaldi in concert. It was such a good show and we were lucky to see him when we did. This turned out to be one of his last shows because of his medical issues making it more difficult for him to continue touring.
May: We celebrated Taylor’s 27th birthday
June: We just worked a lot.
July: We saw Taylor Swift in Cincinnati with some friends. It was an incredible experience that I’ll never forget.
Taylor’s dad passed away mid-July
The Barbie movie came out and is now one of my favorite movies I’ve ever seen
I was cast in and started rehearsal for my first Shakespeare play, Love’s Labour’s Lost, as Boyet.
August: We saw five different bands play in August. Amon Amarth, a Viking metal band opened for Ghost at the TCU Amphitheater and we were able to get barrier in the pit. Insane show where Taylor and I both got really sunburnt and heat sick but it was worth it. Two days later we drove back to Indy to the Ruoff Music Center and saw three bands I’ve loved since I was a teenager, Simple Plan, Sum 41, and The Offspring. Yet another incredible show. To finish out the month, Taylor and I were both cast in Creative Arts Councils production of “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.” It was Taylor’s first time ever acting in a play and I was really proud of her for stepping out of her comfort zone.
September: I performed in “Love’s Labour’s Lost” with Parlor City Shakespeare Company. We had three different performances and they all had a really good turnout. Right after finishing Shakespeare, rehearsals for Sleepy Hollow started.
We had another concert scheduled for the 22nd but Taylor wasn’t feeling well so we sold the tickets and stayed home. Then, September 26th happened. The most important day of my life was just a normal Tuesday for everybody else. While at work, Taylor still wasn’t feeling well and decided to take a pregnancy test during our lunch break. The results were literally instant and something we had tried for 5+ years and actually given up on had happened. Taylor was pregnant! (We didn’t go back to work that day)
October: My employer informed me that the company doesn’t give out raises so I tripled my efforts to find a new job.
We went to our first ultrasound and the baby looked like a seahorse. The pregnancy was confirmed by several doctors and it became very real.
We went to Beef & Boards again, this time joined by Bart, and saw “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.” I’ve seen dozens of shows by them and this was one of the best.
The last weekend of the month we had four performances of Sleepy Hollow and Taylor became a thespian
We officially announced the pregnancy to the world.
I took my one week of vacation and started a new job with actual benefits and a $3 pay raise. I never came back from my vacation. I texted my resignation to my boss because that was the level of respect they had earned from me and his response was “Good deal.” Good riddance.
November: November was spent with me getting the hang of my new job. I also cooked a 22lb Turkey for thanksgiving and it only took 6 hours and two mental break downs but it sure tasted good.
December: Had a work Christmas party and actually got enough (paid) time off to make this holiday season memorable. Our last Christmas as a family of two was one of our best.
All in all, 2023 has been one of the best years of my life. I’m still broke but it’s slowly getting better. I love my new job because I’m respected and I actually matter. I love my wife and family and am so excited to welcome our baby in May of 2024. If this is what life in your 30s is like, I’m glad to be out of my 20s. It gets better and I’m glad I’m here to experience it!
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iamrubyjanerabaca · 1 year
2023.7. 5 HALF
Half of the year has gone by and today is just another appointment day at the base. It’s crazy how far have I gone through. I never thought I would be doing these things.
A lot has happened in 6 months. I got to travel with my then boyfriend now husband without having to think about money because he paid for everything. Okay background story before we left for that winter break, we got into a fight and it really scared me but I surrendered immediately. My husband found out that I was still talking to my ex and he didn’t like it. We have very different mindset about relationships, I used to think there’s nothing wrong with still being friends with your ex but then I realized how hurt my husband was and he literally told me “I am not an option!”. That was my awakening. I immediately said sorry because in that instant God told me to surrender it to him and I did. My husband and I prayed together and he stayed. Fast forward, here we are : married.
Married. Wow. It’s a word I have been longing for a long long time and God has truly fulfilled his promise. I knew then that it was undeserved grace for me when my husband chose to stay and fought for us giving us another chance. I knew it wasn’t just my husband, I knew it was God and I thank God for allowing my husband to stay and for allowing us to enjoy what we have now.
Tomorrow, we will be 2 months married. When God moves, he moves in mysterious ways. I never thought I would be married to someone whom I’ve only known less than a year.
3 months of knowing each other through email, decided to date each other, spent 3 weekends together before he goes back to a 4 month deployment and back to emailing each other again everyday (this time). Came back from deployment, spent weekends together before our actual trip to Kansai area. Spent Christmas together, enjoyed the snow in Hiroshima, met his friends, met my friends, enjoying each other’s time. Then talked about what I mentioned above and went on a trip. Known each other better. Talked about the future, started talking about getting married. Timelines and plans. He tested positive for H. Pylori, got more serious about getting married and timelines where and how are we going to make the paper work. Started to do the paperwork through his command and it didn’t work, got led to a person who was also processing the same thing as we do. He was taught how to do the online ceremony and it’s legal. Prayed about it as it was going fast and decided to get married. Engaged and I broke the ring and he was just laughing coz the ring was cheap so it didn’t really bother him. I cried but he laughed. I had to get it fixed and I couldn’t find a place to get it fixed. The day before our wedding, we went out late to find our rings, engagement ring included. He chose the ring I wanted, I didn’t need a fancy one. I don’t need big stones. I just want to get married and we did. He got orders to go back to the states. We were left with just a month to spend time together and before his flight. Sent him off to fly through a military plane back to the states. Spent the night together before his flight traveled for an hour to get to the airport and saw my kids in school while in train. He looked happy to see my kids and wasn’t even bothered when I spent 20mins talking to my kids. He’s the sweetest. He left and now it’s been almost a month since he left and I am just truly grateful for what the Lord has done to my life. Insurmountable blessings over blessings in the first half of 2023. I don’t know what is in-store for us in this second half of the year.
But all glory to God. We will continue to pray and hope and have faith that God will bring us back to each other’s arms. For now, we just want to spend more time talking and resting our case in our God’s hands.
Truly, our God is amazing.
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