#there's a plethora of stories about me sleep talking to sleep punching/kicking(?) other to me singing and laughing and on occasion speaking
rorywritesjunk · 9 months
Oh, go to sleep, Little Skylark. Fly up past the stars
After breaking your heart, Buggy is cursed to be a kid again. The last thing you want to do is be involved with this.
Rating: PG-13ish. Warning: A crying kid. Mentions of kidnapping. Reader is not nice to the kid in this chapter either, gets fed up, but also owns up to it, so a heads up. Also an adult lying to a kid because what else do you do in a situation like this? This story and how the Reader deals with Kid Buggy is different than the other Kid Buggy story. Reader probably just needs therapy or something I'm realizing. A/N: I'm almost done with this story, just working out some things with the end of it.
Title comes from “Little Skylark (safe at home)” by S.J. Tucker.
Chapter 1 + Chapter 2 + Chapter 3 + Chapter 4 + Chapter 5 + Chapter 6 + Chapter 7 + Chapter 8 TAGLIST: @lostfirefly @fluffybunnyu @plethora-of-fickleness @ane5e @valen-yamyam16 @lavanderdreamve @jollycandyruins
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Chapter 5
You managed to convince Mohji and Cabaji to let you off the ship the next day so long as you had the pepper balls Buggy once made for you to defend yourself. You could fight if you needed to, preferring to use punches and kicks instead of weapons, so initially you didn’t think the pepper balls would be important until you both got drunk at one point and tested it out between the two of you. The gasps for air, burning eyes, and the painful stinging on your lips and face told you how effective they were so you made sure to carry a few with you at all times.
Buggy was excited to be off the ship with you. He tried to dart ahead of you but you grabbed his hand before he could disappear. The two warned you again about the risks before you left, but you needed to find the witch. Buggy needed to be changed back to normal so you could move on with life. 
It was only the third day and you were exhausted. Neither of you cried yet today but it was hard not to at times when the kid looked at you with a smile, reminding you when he would smile at you whenever he saw you, but the last few months that smile wasn’t there, or it wasn’t really a smile, more like he was just tolerating you at that point. 
Every time you thought of how the last month was in particular it was hard. You were starting to pick up on the little details of how the relationship was failing. He would shut you out whenever you tried to talk to him, stopped kissing you and if you tried he’d turn away. And when he started nitpicking your meals, saying that nothing tasted good, that hurt the most. 
Now here he was as a kid, wanting your attention, needing to be close to you, and thinking your meals were the best ever. It was weird for you to deal with.
You two walked along, the kid’s head turning every which way as he looked at everything. It was kind of cute and when the crowds thinned out, you let go of his hand to let him run on ahead, but he only walked a few steps ahead, keeping you within sight as you gave him directions on which way to go. Cabaji told you how to find the house again and you hoped this trip would be a success. 
“Hey, look, wanted posters!” He pointed out as he hurried over to the wall. You swore softly and followed after him, managing to get there a few steps ahead of him to rip one down off the wall. He looked at you funny before turning his attention back to the wall with a frown. “I don’t recognize any of these faces. Where’s Captain Roger’s poster?”
“Maybe someone took it for a souvenir.” You said as you rolled up the one in your hand. Buggy looked back at you, narrowing his eyes before he snatched the poster from you and unrolled it. “Wait, Buggy-”
His eyes went wide and his mouth fell open in shock when he saw the face smirking back at him. The bright red nose stood out on the poster and Buggy looked up at you. Was this a relative he didn’t know about? He looked so much like Buggy, and when he read the name, he almost dropped the poster. 
“W-Who is this?!” He demanded. “Why does he look like me?! We have the same name!”
“That guy? Oh, uh…” You had to think quickly as you picked the poster back up and tried to stick it back on the wall out of his reach. “Buggy, everyone has someone who looks like them in the world, and they aren’t always related. You just… happen to look like him.”
“We have the same nose!” He exclaimed. “He’s an imposter!” Then, without missing a beat, “Where’s your wanted poster?
“Who knows, but Buggy, we have to get going, we’re going to go meet someone.” You said as you tugged him along down the road. He followed after you, keeping his eyes on the wall, specifically on that poster of the one that looked like him. It was unsettling to see someone who looked just like him, from the hair down to the nose, but that man was older. “Come on, we don’t have much farther to go.”
He fell quiet as he followed, eventually looking away from the wall and to the path ahead. Occasionally he’d look up at you, but you weren’t looking at him, but you were alert, looking around at the people you would pass. Your hand tightened around his when a group of men walked by and he noticed you pulled him a little closer when he saw one of them look at the two of you with a smirk.
Finally you came upon a row of little houses. You spotted the house immediately, seeing the abundance of flowers throughout the front yard. There was a spot of upturned soil and some dying flowers nearby. That was it. You sighed and pulled the kid along with you as you opened the gate and went up to the front door, knocking as politely as you could. A young woman opened the door and your brain short circuited for a moment. If this was the witch then she had every right to curse Buggy for calling her old. She looked younger than you. When she saw the kid she smirked, leaning against the door frame with her arms crossed.
“Can I help you?” She asked, looking between the two of you. “You must be the girlfriend he was stealing flowers for.”
That stung. You glared at her as you pushed Buggy’s hand away from picking his nose and pulled him in front of you.
“Change him back.” You demanded. “Fix him, please!”
Buggy looked up at you, feeling insulted. “There’s nothing wrong with me!”
“Why should I change him back?” The witch asked with a raised eyebrow. “He acted like a child so I found it fitting to change him back to one. What, you don’t want to care for your boyfriend now?”
“He’s not my boyfriend! Stop calling him that!” You snapped. “He’s got someone else now but I’m the one stuck having to take care of this kid, so please change him back!”
The witch frowned and looked back at Buggy. He was glaring up at her. “Does he? Hm, well, I don’t want to.”
“Well, not so much as I don’t want to in that this will stay in effect for a while. I can’t just change him back because you don’t want to take care of him.” She looked thoughtful for a moment. “Now is it two days, two weeks… two years?”
“Two years?!” You shrieked. “I can’t even do two days! And… and it’s been over two days! Why won’t he change back?!”
The witch shrugged. “Maybe it’s four days, or four weeks? Maybe four years.” She looked down at Buggy. “Hard to remember since I’m old.”
“She’s older.” Buggy pointed at you. You swatted him on the head for that. “Hey!”
“Please, I can’t take care of a kid. You have to change him back to an adult.” You begged. “What do you want? I’ll do anything!”
The witch shrugged. “He’ll stay this way for a certain amount of time, just don’t know how long.”
“No, you can’t do this to me!” You cried as you grabbed her by the shoulders. “I can’t take care of him any longer, do you understand?! He broke my heart and I’m having to take care of him! Please please change him back so I can move on with my life! This isn’t fair!”
The witch shoved you back. “It wasn’t fair that he tore up my garden for you.”
“He didn’t do it for me!” You shot back as tears started rolling down your cheeks. “Are you even listening?! He has another girlfriend! Where is she, why isn’t she here dealing with this kid?!”
“Not my problem.” The witch told you. “Now go away or the curse will be permanent. I’ll make it so you can never leave him.”
She slammed the door in your face, leaving you crying on the front porch. Buggy pushed away from you as he began storming down the path to the gate. You wiped your eyes on the back of your hand as you followed after him. He got to the gate and struggled to open it for a moment before getting out of the yard.
“Buggy-” You reached for him but he jerked away from you.
“Who are you?!” He demanded as he spun around to face you. You were a little surprised to see tears in his eyes, but this was different. He was upset, yes, but it wasn’t what you saw before. He looked angry. “What’s going on?! What do you mean I got turned into a kid? I am a kid!”
“Buggy, it’s… it’s complicated.” You said as you tried to stop your own tears. “I don’t know where to even begin.”
“Stop lying to me!” He shrieked. “You’ve been lying to me this whole time, haven’t you?! Does Roger even know where I am?! Did you kidnap me?!” He took a step back from you. “Where’s my captain?! I want to go home!”
This was it. You couldn’t do this anymore.
“Captain Roger has been dead for over twenty years!” You snapped, startling him. The witch pissed you off, the situation pissed you off, and you couldn’t deal with this any longer. “You’re a grown man who pissed off a witch and was turned into a child! And I’m surprised it didn’t happen earlier with the way you act!” 
Buggy stared at you in shock. “W-hat do you mean h-he’s dead?”
“I’ve been telling you a lie this entire time because I was trying to protect you! You-you don’t know what time you’re in because you were cursed to be a kid again!” You told him, not caring that he was growing upset with what he was being told. “And I’m pretty sure I was apparently cursed by the universe to have to take care of you, which was the last thing I would have ever wanted, Buggy! As an adult you broke my heart and I got dragged back into this mess by Mohji because you don’t know when you keep your damn mouth shut!”
He took another step back, words sinking in. You didn’t want to take care of him? He didn't understand what you were telling him. How could his Captain be dead? This had to be a lie. What was this nonsense about being an adult when he was a kid. 
“Y-You’re crazy!” He shot back. “My captain is alive and waiting for me to come back!” He glared at you, stomping his foot as he clenched his fists. Tears were rolling down his face now. “No wonder you don’t have a boyfriend since you’re this crazy! Are you even a pirate captain or just pretending?!” He shook his head. “I gotta find Roger.”
He turned away from you and started running. 
Swearing, you got up to go after him but he was faster. 
Shit. Why did you say those things to him? You turned back to look at the house. The witch opened the door and glared at you.
“Close the gate behind you.”
You did as you were told, glaring back at her. “Why are you doing this to me?”
“I’m not doing anything to you.” She snapped. “It’s your stupid boyfriend who caused all of this. ‘Oh, she’ll like these flowers. I better apologize for being an ass to her.’ Pathetic man.”
“He’s not my boyfriend! Stop saying that!” You stomped your foot. “H-he broke my heart for no reason! I left him because I couldn't be around him anymore! I hate him!
“No, you don’t hate him.” She chuckled. “Otherwise you wouldn’t be taking care of him.” She crossed her arms. “Better go after the kid or he’ll end up kidnapped. There’s some unsavory pirates about.”
“Yea? Maybe it should happen. I can’t deal with this any more.” You rubbed your eyes, sniffing loudly. “I hate him.”
“Yea, the adult, not the bratty kid.” She told you. “Go find him.”
She slammed the door after that while you glared in her direction.
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the-four-hoursemen · 2 years
Interesting info; I am an extraordinarily heavy sleeper
some would say I sleep like the dead
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Keeping Secrets Ch. 51
Keeping Secrets Masterlist
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A/N: According to the TVD universe timeline I’ve been using, Hayley was pregnant with Hope for like, a year and a half or some crazy crap. So just so you guys know in this story, Baby M. was conceived in late March, putting Katie’s due date in late December or early January.
Late October (The day after Rebekah left)
Katie, sleeping with her back to Klaus’s chest, was woken up by the feel of him slipping his fingertips lightly up her bare arm, skipping over the strap of her pajama top as he moved them over her shoulder and across her chest. Curious about what he’d do next she kept her eyes closed, pretending to still be asleep. He traced back over his previous path then down her side and over her thigh that he gently gripped. The touch sent a tingle throughout her body, but she tried her best to hide her reaction.
Since that didn’t wake her he slowly moved his hand up and under her pajama shorts and she almost had to bite her lip to hide her reaction to his teasing. He knew she was awake, not from her relaxed face or slow even breathing, but from the beat of her heart, that skipped at his tempting touches. With his hand now on her hip he pulled her closer then went back to lightly slipping his fingertips over her smooth exposed skin. When he moved his hand back to her chest and pressed his palm to it, his fingertips touching the hollow of her neck, her heart skipped again and he couldn’t hold back his chuckle. “You are an amazing actress, Little Phoenix, but the beating of your heart betrays you.”
She smiled, but didn’t open her eyes. “I’ll work in it.”
“Why do you attempt to fool me?” he asked, letting his eyes skim her face.
“Because I’m afraid if I open my eyes you’ll stop touching me like that.” she answered then opened her eyes to see him studying her face. “I missed you.” he placed the backs of his fingers on her cheek and stroked it with his thumb. “When those witches took you I…” she narrowed her eyes and shook her head, “I hated not being able to help you, not knowing where you were or what they were doing to you. How did they manage to take you down anyway?”
“While Elijah was saving you from that burning house, Sophie Deveraux stabbed me with Papa Tunde’s blade. I passed out and woke up in the sanatorium.” He answered then dropped his hand to rest on the side of her neck.
“Well, the next time I see her I’m going to bust one of Bonnie’s magic muting bombs in her face and break her neck.” Katie said through gritted teeth.
“I would pay to see that, Little Phoenix, however someone beat you to the punch.” He told her getting a curious look from her. “Sophie is dead, Elijah didn’t tell you?” he asked and she shook her head no.
“So what happened to you, at the sanatorium?” Katie asked, getting back on topic.
“Genevieve shackled me to a chair, took the blade out, kept me weak and linked my mind to Rebekah’s. While we were linked Genevieve forced Rebekah to take a walk down memory lane revealing her betrayal.” he answered.
“Why? What did Genevieve get out of it?” Katie asked with a frown.
“Revenge against Rebekah.” Klaus answered.
Katie gave him a confused shake of her head. “I know Rebekah used her to bring your father here, but that doesn’t seem reason enough to completely wreck someone’s family.”
“When Genevieve found out exactly who she brought to town and that Mikael would kill me she threatened to come to me and beg for forgiveness for what she had unknowingly done. Rebekah could not let that happen, so she infected Genevieve and her nosey little friend with Spanish influenza and had them locked in quarantine until they died.”
“Do you happen to know the name of the friend?” Katie asked curiously.
“Clara I think.” He answered, “Why?”
“Things are making so much more sense now.” Katie said with a look around and a shake of her head. “In 1919 Celeste was using Clara’s body. Both Celeste and Genevieve were victims of Mikaelson mistakes and Bastianna went along with everything because she was mad at Father K. and Marcel for screwing up the harvest ritual.”
To change the subject Klaus slipped his hand over her growing stomach and asked, “How is our little princess?”
“I haven’t felt her move in a while. I’m worried.” Katie admitted as she slipped her hand over his and looked down at her dark blue pajama tank top covered stomach.
“Her heartbeat is as strong as ever.” He told her as he brushed his thumb back and forth over her stomach. “We can find a doctor in town to take you to if you need more reassurance.”
She was about to take him up on the offer when the baby kicked hard, making their hands move. “Nope, I think I know what the problem was.” Katie told him as she gave his shoulder a push then moved to straddle him.
“Yeah?” he asked, placing his hands on her hips as she settled into his lap.
“She, like her mother, simply missed you.” She was about to lean in and kiss him when her phone on the bedside table chimed so she leaned over and grabbed it.
“If that is Nate I’m going to get jealous.” He told her with a bit of a smirk.
“It’s Hayley.” She replied as she opened the text. “Did you know the crescent wolves have been cursed to only be human on the full moon?” she asked and he shook his head no. “Elijah told me about it and Hayley came to me the day before yesterday asking for information in exchange for helping keep the peace between us and the wolves. Turns out Celeste cursed them while hopping a ride in a Deveraux witch’s body.” Klaus slipped his hands up her sides as she read the text, going back to caressing her like he had been before they started talking. “According to this message Hayley got to Celeste before Elijah killed her and got what she needed to cure her people.” Katie texted back, “Awesome.” and a smiley face emoji then put her phone away. “On the subject of Nate, who’s not gay just so you know,” Klaus gave her an I-knew-it look. “Oh don’t look at me like that. Straight or not he’s not interested in me like that. Besides, I doubt I’ll be talking to him anytime soon considering he’s been banished from the quarter. It seems it’s not meant for me to have friends here.”
“Why not get Bonnie to make a daylight ring for Josh?” Klaus asked. “He’s completely loyal to Marcel and you’ve expressed the desire for his friendship in the past.”
“Bonnie doesn’t make those rings for just anyone. She didn’t even want to make one for me, but Damon and Elena talked her into it and I had to promise that I wouldn’t feed on people before I could have it.” she said with a shake of her head. “And I kept that promise up until I stopped clinging so tightly to a relationship that was doomed from the beginning.”
“So that’s why your compulsion sucked when we first met.” He said with a small smile at the memory of the guy that Klaus almost killed at homecoming.
“Pretty much.” She nodded. “And after getting compelled by Elijah I have to wonder if all compulsion feels that invasive and violating or just what he compelled me to do.”
“You’re livid with him for that, aren't you?” he asked, seeing a spark in her eyes.
“Livid is an understatement.” she answered with a nod as she dropped her eyes to his shirt covered chest. “That slap was not satisfying enough.” She looked into his eyes. “I’m guessing you’re mad at him for defending Rebekah.”
“As well as a plethora of other things.” He replied then slipped his hand over her cheek and pulled her down for a slow, sweet kiss. “Less discussion.” He whispered then started kissing his way to her neck, pulling a sigh from her when he grazed his teeth over the sensitive skin. “Show me how much you missed me.” he whispered then kissed her earlobe as he threaded his fingers through her long, wavy auburn locks at the nape of her neck. She pulled back and looked him in the eyes as she grabbed the hem of the grey wife beater he’d worn to sleep and pulled it over his head. His hands settled on her sides as she tossed the shirt aside then turned her eyes to his torso, slipping her fingertips over his shoulders, his collarbones, down his chest, over his perfectly toned abs and around to hold his sides. She leaned forward and kissed his chest slowly working her way up to his neck where she nibbled, pulling a sigh from him as his hands lightly squeezed her hips.
She kissed just below his ear before she whispered, “Tá tú gan locht.” “You are perfect.” Her words, spoken seductively in her native tongue, made a toe curling groan slip from his lips and he wanted to take her right then, but after two nights without her, he wanted to make the moment last. So she kissed down to his chest, "tá tú dathúil." "You are handsome." she kissed over to one of his nipples and swirled her tongue around it making him sigh and back to the nape of her neck, his fingers tangled in her hair. "Tá tú blasta..." "You are delicious..." she pulled back and looked into his lust veiled eyes, “and...Kingdom or no kingdom…'' She moved to sit on her knees beside him, "village or no village," removed the blankets from his lap then slipped her fingertips up his inner thigh stopping at the line of his boxers then leaned up and caught his lips in a kiss that quickly heated up. When it finally broke she opened her eyes, her bright greens meeting his steel blues, "beidh tú i mo rí go deo." "you will forever be my king."
A gasp left his lips as he whooshed to his knees, one hand still on the back of her neck and the other pressed to her lower back, holding her as close to him as her belly would allow. Her hands pressed into his back as he caught her lips with his. Every ounce of passion, how much what she said meant to him washing over her like a tidal wave. As his tongue found hers her hands slipped down to his lower back, lightly scratching him as she moved her hands to hold his sides, steadying herself. He broke the kiss and cupped her cheek in his large hand as he looked into her equally lust clouded eyes. “Tá tú, mo bhanríon, ar meisciúil.” “You, my queen, are intoxicating.” She’d known he could understand her when she spoke Irish, but she didn’t know he could speak it and doing so caused an overwhelming amount of love and desire to wash over her.
A smile spread over her lips before she bit her bottom one and let it slip between her teeth. “Say that again.”
“Tá tú meisciúil.” “You’re intoxicating.” He repeated as he brushed his thumb over her cheek.
“The other part.” She told him with a smirk.
“Mo bhanríon.” “My Queen.” He picked up her left hand from his side and looked down at the tiara on her finger, sat it and her other hand on his shoulders then grabbed her butt with one hand and her back with the other, picking her up. A laugh left her lips as she wrapped her legs around him and he laid her back cutting off her laugh with his lips on hers.
Katie stood in the kitchen making a late breakfast when Elijah walked in. “Where is Niklaus this morning?” he asked as he leaned on the frame of the archway that led into the room.
“His studio.” She answered flatly, not looking up from the banana she was slicing. She was hoping he’d go away in pursuit of Klaus, but instead he walked over to stand beside her, leaning his hip on the edge of the counter.
“I owe you an apology.” He told her as he set his hand on the bar next to the cutting board.
She flipped the knife around in her hand, slammed it down into the back of his hand. He looked at his hand and the knife that she still held onto then back at her. She looked into his brown eyes with a glare that he was unfortunately getting used to being aimed at him. “I am getting, so sick of your apologies.” She told him through gritted teeth. “Thanks to you, in the back of my head I am still unwillingly coming up with ways to excuse what Rebekah has done.”
“You are the one person he listens to. I needed you to talk him down.” Elijah reasoned.
“Playing mediator was not my job or my wish at that moment.” She argued angrily as she jerked the blade out of his hand and tossed it into the sink. “He looked like death warmed over and all I wanted was to be there for him, however he needed me. Rather that was simply nursing him back to health or talking him out of killing his sister.”
“You made it perfectly clear you had no intentions of that.” Elijah pointed out.
“I was angry with her and pissed at you for stabbing him!” She yelled at him, but she stopped, closed her eyes and placed her hands on the bar as she took a deep breath then let it out. “I said things I didn’t mean. If you seriously think I’d ever really want him to kill her,” she looked back up at him, “for him to live, knowing that he was the one that took her from this world…then you really don’t know me at all.”
“Yes, well, you were not the only one who was angry.” He pulled the handkerchief out of his pocket and wiped the blood from his hand where she had stabbed him.
“Oh I’m aware.” She used her hand to scrape the banana slices off of the cutting board into a bowl of honey nut cheerios. ��Klaus and Rebekah aren’t the only ones who inherited the Mikaelson temper. You, in your anger, kicked a friend of mine out of this house.”
“You made a friend amongst the riffraff. Why does that not surprise me?” he asked, his air of superiority pissing her off.
She grabbed the jug of milk out of the fridge and took the cap off. “Just because they were loyal to Marcel and Klaus does not make them unworthy of being in the presence of the holier-than-thou Elijah Mikaelson.” She poured some milk in her bowl then capped it and looked at Elijah. “My friend's name is Nate and he is welcome here anytime I damn well please.” She grabbed her bowl of cereal and took a bite.
“If I find out he has less than honorable intentions for you I will put an end to them.” Elijah warned her.
“I’ve come to expect no less from you.” she replied and started to walk off.
“Katie.” She turned back to him with a sigh and an eye roll. He walked over to her, placed his fingertips on her cheek then looked into her eyes. “You are free of my compulsion.”
She blinked out of the compulsive state then took his hand off her face. “Thank you. Now, if you ever compel me again, you can expect more than a slap to the face and a knife through your hand.”
Later that evening Elijah led Katie to the court yard where Nate stood near the fountain. “He asked to speak to you.” Elijah told her as they walked down the stairs.
“Nate, what are you doing here? Elijah could have killed you.” Katie asked as she walked over to him and the other two vampires.
“I don’t want to leave the quarter. It’s my home.” Nate answered. “Most of the others are across the river following Diego, but I have a different leader in mind.” He made a motion at her with his hand.
“Me?” Katie asked with raised brows and a disbelieving tone. “You’ve got to be kidding.”
“Hear me out.” He told her defensively. “I understand that you have Klaus and Elijah, but they can’t always be with you. You’ve complained in the past about not being about to go out and about without one of them with you to make sure the witches leave you be. You need a body guard since your dad left. Besides, I kind of thought we had become friends and I don’t leave my friends even when an original tells me to.” He glanced at Elijah who was standing behind Katie then back at her.
“Don’t you have friends amongst the people that you’re leaving behind for me?” Katie asked with a narrow eyed head shake.
“Not really, no.” he answered as he tucked his hands into his pockets. “I’ve lived here for five years. Only a year of that has been spent with Marcel and his people and the whole time I was with them I never felt like I was one of them. You’re the first friend I’ve had here.” He finished with a shrug.
“Then how did you get a daylight ring so fast?” Katie asked.
“I was a vampire before I moved here. Not all witches hate vampires, as you well know.” He pointed out with a motion to the daylight ring she still wore. “If I have to follow a leader to live in this city then I choose you.” he told her with a shrug.
“I say he can stay.” Klaus’s voice hit their ears and they both looked at him as he walked down the stairs to stand beside Elijah. “Though, I’m not sure my opinion is the one that matters at the moment.”
“I would like him to stay here and be able to come and go as he pleases.” Katie said with a look at Elijah.
Elijah frowned in thought and crossed his arms over his chest. After a few seconds that felt like minutes he gave Katie a nod then looked at Nate. “Do not make me regret letting you stay.” Nate gave him a nod.
A Week Later
Katie sat at a chair at the hair salon in the quarter, the hairdresser cutting her long hair that hadn’t been cut in over a year, back into the style Katie preferred which was shoulder length with layers and side bangs. Nate sat in a chair outside keeping an eye on every person that entered the salon while pretending to read a newspaper.
“You know,” Genevieve said as she sat down in the empty chair next to Katie that wasn’t being used by a hairdresser, “You may have Klaus wrapped around your finger, but I’ll have that little knot untied in no time.”
“Excuse me?” Katie asked with raised brows as she looked at Genevieve out of the corners of her eyes, not able to turn her head for fear of messing up her stylist.
Genevieve propped her elbow up on the armrest of the chair. “Once he sees how powerful I am and that I can offer him things you could never dream of, he’ll realize you are nothing more than a has been.”
“You’re forgetting two little problems with your theory.” Katie pointed out, turning her head while her stylist sprayed her hair with water, to give Genevieve a glare. “I’m pregnant with his daughter, and he loves me. He’d never leave me for an overconfident little witch bitch like you.”
Genevieve looked at her painted red nails and shrugged. “We’ll see about that.” she gave Katie a confident smirk as she stood and walked away.
Not two seconds later Nate sat down beside her. “I tried to stop her, but she did that stupid thing witches do where they make it feel like your head’s going to explode.” He told her with a rub of his temples.
“It’s fine.” She told him with a shake of her head.
“Are you gonna tell Klaus?” he asked, sounding worried.
“That a witch got past you or that said witch is out to snatch him away from me?” she asked with a look at him before the stylist asked her to look straight ahead. So she did.
“Um…both?” he answered though it sounded more like a question.
“I have to warn him that she’s after him, even though she could try as hard as she wanted to and she’d never come between us.” she answered. “Don’t worry about Klaus. Unless you do something incredibly stupid like side with our enemies, you’re safe.”
Present Time
Elijah stood in the doorway of Katie’s recording studio watching her where she sat on the couch in the control room, practicing guitar that she’d been getting lessons to play. She’s also been getting lessons on recording and writing music. “What is that you’re playing?” he asked curiously.
“You mean other than a guitar?” she asked then looked away from her fingers on the guitar strings to give him a smile that let him know she was joking with him. He gave her a small, fleeting smile back as he walked in and sat down in the chair at the control table, facing her. “It’s a song of mine, ‘Lonely’.” She answered.
“May I hear it?” he asked hopefully.
“Mmmm…I don’t know…” she answered with a draw. “It’s kind of depressing and I’m not that good yet.” She reasoned with a motion to the guitar.
“I promise not to judge.” He told her with a serious look then gave her a small smile.
“Fine…” she sighed then turned her attention to her guitar and started playing a slow, melancholy tune and sang. “I’m slowly killing myself. Trying so hard at the back of the shelf. It’s just the same every day. I’m writing these songs that will never get played. I get told what’s wrong and what’s right. I don’t have a fantastic life. Everyone’s dying so I keep on trying to make ‘em proud before they’re gone. Can’t someone help me, please, someone help me. I don’t care, anyone or anything ‘cause I’m so sick of being so lonely.” She finished at what she had learned to play then looked at Elijah to see him frowning. “It sucks, I know…” she sighed and set the guitar on the couch beside her.
“No, it was good.” Elijah countered still with a frown on his face. “When did you write it?”
“The end of sophomore year, right after Elena’s parents died. Why?” she asked with a frown.
“Because what I just heard was a literal cry for help.” He told her, sounding really worried.
“Let me guess you thought I’d been feeling neglected by Klaus and lonely because he’s been…entertaining, Genevieve.” She said with a smirk that told him he was being ridiculous. He just nodded. “I knew what I was getting into when we started this whole thing. He’s not neglecting me. I still get just as much time with him as I always did. She gets his days, I get his nights and after Klaus’s wolf relatives and the crescent wolves have moonlight rings on their fingers…she gets dropped on her bony little ass.”
“You are aware that in order to keep up the charade Klaus will eventually be required to give her some of your nights, right?” Elijah pointed out.
“I’m aware.” Katie nodded.
“She will grow suspicious if she even so much as suspects that you and Klaus are still together.” He reminded her.
“And have I not played my part perfectly?” Katie asked, getting irritated with him.
“You have, which is what confuses me.” he told her with a frown. “How are you okay with him indulging her?”
“Because I know where his heart truly lies and that everything that happens between them means absolutely nothing to him and everything to her.” Katie argued.
“How can you so callously crush someone’s heart when yours has been broken so many times?” Elijah asked.
“Because after torturing him and Rebekah, threatening to take Klaus from me and therefore break up yet another part of his family she deserves to get dropped on her ass.” Katie answered then decided to change the subject a bit. “So how’s it going with your end of things?”
“I have gotten the new faction leaders to agree to a meeting this afternoon.” He answered. “Would you like to join me in leading it?” he asked, catching Katie a little off guard. “Diego and Hayley respect you.”
“Yes, but Genevieve will be there representing the witches. Witches, who I need not remind you, I have a special hatred of. Putting the two of us in one room together will be like putting two angry vipers in a tank and watching them fight to the death. It will be counter productive to the mission.” Katie pointed out.
“Yes, you are probably right about that.” he agreed.
“Is she gone yet?” Katie asked, missing the enhanced hearing she once had as a vampire.
Elijah listened for a moment. “No. She and Niklaus are talking, but it’s nothing of import. Would you like me to interrupt and urge her to leave?”
“Yes, please.” Katie told him with a thankful look.
That afternoon, while Elijah and Genevieve were at the summit, Katie and Klaus had lunch together. “So, how are things with Genevieve?” Katie asked before she took a bite of her b.l.t. sandwich.
“I believe she has grown suspicious.” He answered making Katie give him a curious look. “I noticed a willows hoop dream catcher, adorned with the bones and feet of a chicken, on a shelf in our quarters.”
“She’s spying on you.” Katie observed getting a look from Klaus that asked how she knew about the witch’s use of dream catcher spy glasses. “Fiona’s mother used them all the time to keep tabs on my father. That way she wouldn’t get caught healing my back.”
Klaus looked at her with sadness in his eyes and she knew it was because he too knew what it felt like to have his flesh split open with tiny strips of leather. He took a deep breath, then let it out and took a bite of his lunch. “Yes, she is spying on me. So we can no longer sleep in our quarters.”
“Because if you move or destroy the dream catcher it will only further her suspicions.” Katie sighed.
“And I’m afraid her suspicion stems from the fact that she and I have been taking it too slow. My actions do not match my reputation.” He added. “It is time I took the next step with her…”
“Well,” Katie paused to swallow the food in her mouth then continued, “we knew this was going to happen sooner or later.” she pushed her empty plate away and took a drink of water from the clear wine glass.
“I can not tell if you are hiding your resentment with indifference or if you truly do not care rather or not I sleep with Genevieve.” He observed.
“Klaus…” she sighed as she stood from the chair and walked around the table to lean her butt against it as she looked down at him, “I truly don’t care if you have sex with her. If you’re comfortable using it as a tool of manipulation then so am I.” she assured him. “All of this…Elijah working to unite the factions, us empowering the werewolves and manipulating Genevieve into doing so…it’s all to achieve one main goal.” She placed her hand on his cheek. “Create a safe environment for our daughter with you and the werewolves at the top of the totem pole. It will take time, but I have all faith that we can make it happen.” He scooted his chair back and grabbed her hips as she slid to stand in front of him. “I’ve asked you before and I have to ask again…are you comfortable using sex to manipulate her?”
“It’s nothing I haven’t done a thousand times before.” He answered as he slipped a hand over her stomach. “It’s easy when she means absolutely nothing to me.” she gave him a look that asked him to give her a straight answer. “Yes, I am comfortable with it.”
“Then we have nothing to worry about.” She told him then leaned down and pressed her lips to his. “Though I worry a little,” she made a pinching gesture with her thumb and pointer finger, “that she will be better than me, all things considered.” Her eyes glanced down at her massive stomach.
“You needn’t worry about that.” Klaus assured her as he stood up and looked down at her.
“But I do.” She replied as she slid her hands up his chest. “I can hardly breath these days much less satisfy you…” her eyes slipped from his to look at her hands on his chest. “Besides, you clearly have a thing for redheads considering I found a painting you made of a very beautiful woman with long, wavy, red locks in the attic.”
“How do you know it’s one of mine?” Klaus asked with a tilt of his head.
“Because I’ve watched you paint enough to know your brushstrokes when I see them.” Katie answered.
“I’ll admit to having a predilection for red hair.” he told her before he pecked her on the end of her nose, “However, you…are the red head I crave every second I am away from you.” he leaned down and caught her lips in a long, slow, sweet kiss.
When it broke she looked into his blue eyes. “I love you, Big Bad Wolf.” He just smiled and slipped his thumb over her cheekbone. “So…how’s Father Kieran?”
“His lucidity is slowly deteriorating.” Klaus answered. “I’ve heard talk of him being replaced as the leader of the human faction.”
“By who?” Katie asked with a frown.
“Francesca Correa.” He answered. “She is the city’s leading philanthropist.”
“So she’s a do-gooder like Father K.?” Katie asked curiously.
“She also owns the biggest casino in the city and is the matriarch to a rather sizable drug trafficking empire.” He added.
“Okay…definitely not a do-gooder.” Katie drawled. “Have you spoken to Cami?” Klaus just shook his head as his cell phone dinged in his back pocket.
“The summit is over. No doubt Genevieve will be here soon.” He told her.
“I will be so glad when this is all done and she is banned from this house.” Katie sighed.
“That makes two of us.” Klaus told her then pecked her on the lips. “Until then we all have our parts to play.”
Katie simply blew air between her lips as she led her head fall forward to rest on his chest. Knowing what she was feeling he pressed a kiss to the top of her head.
With Nate at her side Katie looked through maternity dresses on a rack in the local maternity boutique. “So why are you going to this party?” Nate asked as he looked through a rack then held up a black dress and she shook her head no.
“Because it’s partially my responsibility to help Klaus and Elijah make this place safe for my child to grow up in.” She answered and he held up another dress. “Ooh, I like that one.” She took it from him when he held it out to her and draped it over her arm. “And you wonder why I thought you were gay when we first met.” She commented with a playful smile.
“Hey, a guy doesn’t have to be gay to know what will look good on a woman.” He defended.
“Oh I’m aware.” she replied with a laugh.
“For curiosity’s sake why did you think I was gay?” he asked as he held up another dress that she liked and tossed it over her arm.
“You’re pretty for a guy.” She answered and he gave her a “get serious” look. “And I mean that in a very…Jensen Ackles kind of way.”
“Thanks…I think.” He told her as he held up another dress and she shook her head.
“You’re welcome.” She told him then looked at her arm to see that she had way too many dresses stacked on it. “I’m going to go try these on.” After waiting for what felt like forever for her to be done she stepped out of the dressing room in a dark blue form fitting dress that stopped just above her knees with a deep v cowl neckline and long sleeves. “Be honest, what do you think? Is it too plain?”
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“I think if you wear that dress every male at the party as well as some females might have heart attacks.” He answered.
“Is that a good thing?” Katie asked with an unsure look down at the generous amount of cleavage that the dress revealed.
“Yes.” He answered. “And no, it’s not too plain.”
“It doesn’t look like I’m trying way too hard to be sexy when in reality I look like a blue whale?” she asked self-consciously.
“No.” he answered. “If your goal is to make Klaus remember what he left for a shapeless bean pole with no personality setting other than bitch, then this is your dress.”
“What would I do without you?” Katie asked fondly.
“You would be a hopeless mess too scared to leave the compound.” He answered, then smiled and shook his head. “Na, you’d be just fine, friendless, but fine. Now go change, I still need to buy something to wear to this fancy pants shindig.”
She ducked back behind the curtain of the changing room. “You’re coming tonight?” she asked knowing that parties weren’t usually his thing.
“You think I’m going to let you walk into a room of witches, werewolves and vampires without a bodyguard?” he asked as if her question was silly. “No. I’m your self appointed friend date.”
Katie just laughed to herself at his silly over protectiveness. “You know both Elijah and Klaus will be there right? Neither of them will let anything happen to me.”
“Yes, but Elijah will most likely be working the floor ensuring that everyone gets along with each other and Klaus will have his head up Genevieve’s butt.” He pointed out.
“Okay, fine, you can be my friend date.” She told him as she pulled her maternity shirt over her head then stepped out of the booth and shrugged her jacket on.
Loud dance music floated upstairs from the party that was kicking off downstairs and into the bedroom that was attached to the nursery where Katie stood at a vanity fastening a shimmering bracelet around her wrist. When it was secured she took off the necklace Klaus had given her and added some small shimmering beads to the chain dressing it up to match the form flattering dress. Klaus let himself in and quietly closed the door. Katie turned to see him dressed in a black suit with a black dress shirt and a black and gold printed tie. “Hello handsome.” Katie greeted with an appreciative tone that suggested if she had it her way they wouldn’t leave the bedroom at all tonight.
Klaus growled, low and deep, as he sat his hands on her waist then slid them down to her hips and caught her lips with his. “Was it your intention, when you chose that dress, to torture me all night?”
Katie laughed and he noticed a devious tone in it. “I chose it to show Genevieve that regardless of what she thinks even eight months pregnant I’m still sexier than she’ll ever be. Torturing you and making you think only of me all night was just a happy side note.”
He gave her an impressed look with his lust filled eyes. “You haven’t peeked at the nursery have you?” he asked considering he knew it was tempting to do so, but he hadn’t finished it yet and didn’t want her to see it until he was done.
“I promised you I wouldn’t.” she told him with an eye roll and he gave her a look that told her to be honest. “No, I haven’t peeked at your unfinished project.”
“And you remember your role for tonight?” he asked, getting back to business.
“Yep, hang out with Nate, look defeated when I see you with Genevieve, help keep an eye out for tension and if need be distract Genevieve catty, immature banter while you’re talking to Jackson who is the alpha of one of the two branches of crescent wolves.” She answered then slid her hands over the smooth skin of his neck.
He smiled down at her but it faded when an uncomfortable look flashed across her face and she placed her hand on her stomach. “What’s wrong?” he asked, suddenly concerned.
“It’s nothing.” She assured him with a shake of her head as her face relaxed.
“Katie.” He drawled in a warning tone.
“Klaus.” She mimicked back. “It’s just Braxton hicks.”
“You’re sure?” he asked with wide worried eyes.
“I’m sure.” She assured him then dropped her hand from her loosening stomach. “I know what contractions feel like. I’ll tell you when I start feeling the real thing.” He breathed out a heavy breath and rested his forehead on hers. “I know you grow more anxious the closer we get to the due date…” she sighed as she grabbed his hands off of her hips and threaded their fingers together as she looked into his steel blue eyes. “But we’ll be okay.”
It was rare for him to let her see him vulnerable, but every time he did it just reminded her how much he cared for her and trusted her. Eventually, as the music outside grew louder, Klaus let go of her hands and pecked her on the lips. “Let’s get this show on the road shall we?” he asked as he held his hand out to the door for her to go first.
Katie and Nate were sitting at a table munching on some hors d’oeuvres when Genevieve and the three harvest girls walked in from one entrance. At the same time, a group of people led by two rustically handsome men, one with long blond hair and the other with shorter, but still long brown hair, came in from the second. “I’m guessing those guys are the crescent wolves?” Katie asked Nate.
“Yep. Something tells me it’s only a matter of time before this party gets interesting.” He answered then noticed her plate was empty so he grabbed his then motioned to hers, “you done with that?” she gave him a nod so he went to pass the plates off to a waiter. While he was gone she watched Elijah join the party and Katie was going to go talk to him and compliment him on his party planning skills, but another woman beat her to it and started flirting with him. “Feeling jealous?” Nate asked as he joined her at the tall table and handed her a champagne flute of sparkling white grape juice.
“What?” she asked looking away from the woman and Elijah, to a smirking Nate. “Why would I be jealous?”
“Um, probably because you two were a thing once upon a time.” He answered getting a frown from Katie considering she never told him about her past with Elijah. “It’s kind of public knowledge that you were soul bound to him and the link only broke because your soul shattered. The recovery from which led to you being able to get knocked up by Klaus when you were still a vampire.”
“My life’s story is public knowledge?” she asked with raised brows and he nodded. “Wow, that sucks. But to answer your question, no I’m not jealous. I’m curious.” She told him with a sigh then looked to see that Elijah was elsewhere, but the woman still stood at the table choosing desserts.
“You’re curious?” he asked disbelievingly.
“Last I heard he was dating Hayley. So when I see him flirting with whoever that chick is, yeah I get a touch curious.” She defended.
“That chick is Francesca Correa.” Nate informed her with a smirk.
“Would it completely and totally annoy you if I asked you to be nosey and tell me what Elijah and Diego are talking about?” Katie asked with a nod of her head at the two men.
“Not at all, I love being nosey.” He told her with an interested smirk then noticed her giving him a look. “What, guys can be nosey too.”
“I knew there was a reason I like you.” she told him with a laugh that he playfully shushed.
“Elijah is telling Diego to be polite and welcoming to the wolves, but they killed Diego’s family and would have killed him too had Marcel not saved him.” Nate told her while continuing to listen then Katie watched as Elijah said something to Diego and walked away.
“What did Elijah say back?” Katie asked, but when she looked at Nate she saw that he was looking off to the side and up. She followed his gaze and realized he’d noticed Klaus and Genevieve standing on the upper balcony talking.
“Elijah used fancy words to tell him to suck it up and Genevieve just called you a walking incubator with trashy taste in fashion.” He answered. The insult didn’t bother her, it wasn’t anything she hadn’t heard a thousand times before in her life. What bothered her was when Klaus placed his hand on Genevieve’s shoulder and said something to make her smile before he kissed her.
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It wasn’t passionate or even a lingering kiss, but it was still a kiss and the first time Katie had actually seen them together. “If you squeeze that glass any harder it’s going to break and slice your hand open. I don’t need to tell you how bad that would be given the amount of vampires in the building.” Katie tore her eyes off of Genevieve, who’d seen her giving them a glare that if looks could kill would have Genevieve coughing up blood, then set her flute of juice on the table. She flexed her fingers and took a deep breath. “You okay?”
“Yeah.” She answered. He ducked into her line of vision and raised his brows at her. “No, but…I have to be.” She told him with a sigh. “Otherwise I’m not and I can’t deal with that right now.”
“Well, I would offer you a drink, but…” he motioned to her stomach.
“Yeah, trust me, if I wasn’t pregnant I would have found my way to the nearest container of bourbon and drank half of it already.” She told him with an aggravated look then picked up her glass and downed it.
“You know they say the last month of pregnancy is all hormones and mood swings. So, just, keep that in mind.” He told her in an attempt to make her feel like less of a crazy person and she gave him a thankful look.
An hour later, Nate had left her to dance with a witch that had been eyeing him all night. So Katie stood at the table by herself watching him dance with the witch and Elijah dance with Hayley. She was supposed to be keeping an eye out for fighting or tension, but so far the entire party had been going according to plan. So when Jackson, the rustically handsome brunette werewolf, interrupted Elijah and Hayley and Hayley started dancing with him, Katie left the table she’d been hanging out at to go to Elijah. “Save me from my boredom?” she asked with her hand held out to him.
“Gladly.” He took it and gave her a spin before she placed her other hand on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around her waist.
“Did she just ditch you?” Katie asked with a glance at Hayley.
“She just informed me that she and Jackson were betrothed right after their birth and considering she is eight weeks pregnant with his child they are going through with the ceremony.” He told her with a displeased look.
“But Jackson and the other crescents haven’t even been cured for a full month.” Katie thought out loud. “So that means…” she couldn’t make herself finish her sentence. It meant that Hayley has slept with Jackson while being courted by Elijah. “I warned her-”
“It’s fine.” He cut her off.
“She cheated on you. That’s not okay in my book.” Katie argued with a frown and a glare at Hayley who saw and averted her eyes in shame.
“They got caught up during a full moon and sparks flew.” He defended Hayley. “I can’t say I do not know the feeling.” She knew from the look in his chocolate browns that he was talking about the sparks that once flew between the two of them. “I just did not feel it with her.”
“What about Francesca Correa?” Katie asked and he narrowed his eyes and shook his head not knowing what she was talking about. “I saw you two flirting earlier.”
“She flirted first and I flattered her because she is the new head of the human faction.” He explained.
“Either way, she has a thing for you.” Katie told him noticing Francesca gave Katie the stink eye. “She doesn’t like that I’m dancing with you.”
“Well, you are incredibly threatening to the entire female population in that dress.” He replied purposely making it a point to not look any lower down than her eyes.
“I’ll take that as a compliment.” She told him before he gave her another twirl making her smile.
Katie was dancing with Nate when a confrontation between the blond werewolf guy, who’s name she’d learned was Oliver, and Diego broke out. As soon as Diego threw Oliver into a glass table, shattering it, Nate whooshed Katie up to the second floor away from the fight. Soon after, Elijah pinned Oliver’s head down on a table while Jackson held Diego against one of the wooden columns with a stake on his chest. “This ends now. I won’t ask again.” Elijah told Oliver.
“Oh we’ll end it alright.” Jackson said, making Elijah look over his shoulder to see that he had Diego pinned down.
“So end it.” Katie spoke up as she left Nate and started walking down the stairs and into the middle of the courtyard. “Kill each other. Get it all over with.”
When she walked past Klaus where he had been talking to Francesca she heard her ask him, “Shouldn’t you intervene or something?”
“Why would I? This party just got interesting.” Klaus replied. “Besides, I want to know what’s going to come out of that talented little mouth of hers.”
Katie ignored him and kept her eyes on Elijah and Jackson. “Except that it won’t be over. It will just be one more hate crime to add to the long list. Let’s take a look at the “crimes” each of the factions shall we?” She air quoted the word crimes as she looked at Jackson and Oliver. “The werewolves have a natural and uncontrollable tendency to turn feral one night a month and tear people to shreds. Therefore getting on everyone’s bad side and we all know that the wolves and vampires have hated each other since the creation of time.”
She turned her eyes to Elijah and Diego. “Then there's the vampires who ticked off the witches by throwing a wrench into their harvest ritual and using one of their own to control them. And, well, they anger the werewolves and humans simply by existing.”
From there she looked at the witches. “In retaliation for the vampires and the leader of the human faction getting in the way of them gaining more power with their ritual, the witches hexed not one, but two humans. Long before that they also cursed the werewolves to live in their wolf form save one day of the month. And to top it all off they’ve angered the original vampires with their repeated attempts to get rid of my unborn child.”
Lastly she looked at Francesca, “Then there’s the human’s…” she sighed. “From what I’ve seen they turn a blind eye as long as the money keeps rolling in and when it stops they go on a killing spree of whatever faction cut them off.”
“Are you approaching a point?” Elijah asked, still pinning Oliver’s head to the table.
“My point is…” she turned to look at everyone else in the room, now speaking to them. “We all have reason to hate each other, but we need to put the past in the past, step out of the hate tainted shoes of our ancestors and come together to create a thriving community. Not just for ourselves, but for future generations as well. Otherwise we will constantly be looking over our shoulders waiting for the next war to break out…the next crime to be committed, and I don’t know about all of you, but that doesn’t seem like much of a life to me.” she paused and looked at the four men still frozen in place with their eyes on her. “So, boys, what’s it going to be, murder and war… or peace and hope for a better future?” she asked and the men let go of one other and brushed themselves off. “Alright then,” she looked at the DJ standing at a table in the corner of the silent courtyard and made eye contact with him. “laissez le bon temps rouler!” she waved her finger in the air in a wrap it up manner and the DJ turned the music back on kicking the party back up.
Klaus gave her a proud smirk when they caught each other’s eyes as she turned and headed back up the stairs where Nate still stood. “You are aware that you just did a New Orleans style mike drop right?”
“I’m not sure I’m aware of anything that just came out of my mouth.” She answered as she turned her back to the crowd, leaning on the wooden railing then stared off into the distance. “I hate being the center of attention.”
“Then what possessed you to stick yourself in the limelight?” Nate asked curiously.
She shrugged and shook her head. “I don’t know, I just…I saw Elijah slam that werewolf’s head into a table and Jackson threaten to kill Diego and something in me just…snapped.” She explained then met his green eyes.
“Well, this is your home now and you’re not just a human, you used to be a vampire and you’re carrying a baby that is three out of the four factions. You have good reason to want them to all get along.” Nate pointed out.
“Yes, but that doesn’t give me the right to jump onto a soapbox and lecture them like I’m some kind of high and mighty, all knowing-”
“Queen?” she heard Klaus ask and looked to her left to see him walking over, “May I steal a minute, mate?” he asked Nate who nodded and walked off.
“I’m not a queen.” She told him with a head shake.
“That speech you just gave suggests otherwise.” He countered. “You may not see it, but everyone else does. You were born for this role. All you have to do is open your mouth and people respond.”
“Born for it or not I wasn’t born into it.” she argued as she turned around and looked down at the crowd. “This has only been my home for a little under eight months. Those people have lived here their whole lives.” Genevieve, standing at a table with the harvest girls, minus Davina, looked up at them and Katie frowned. “Queen or not we shouldn’t be talking right now. So,” she gave Genevieve a challenging look as she turned from the crowd to face Klaus and placed her hand on his shoulder. She started seductively talking to and touching him, “I’m going to flirt with you like the desperate, has been, walking incubator she thinks I am and you’re going to look at me like I’m pathetic, reject me then walk away.”
His face took on a look of disdain as he removed her hands from where they were slipping under his suit jacket then towered over her as he grabbed her face in his large hand and looked her in the eyes. “I love you.” from far away, especially from the angle Genevieve was viewing the exchange from, it looked like Klaus had told her he loathed her.
Katie’s face twisted with a pained look and she surprised even herself with the tear that slipped down her cheek as he let go of her face, turned his back on her then walked away. She kept her eyes on him as he made his way to Genevieve then asked her to dance to the slow song that was playing. While they were dancing Genevieve glanced up at Katie and gave her a snooty, ‘I win’ smile then slipped her eyes back to Klaus. “Wanna take a walk, get some fresh air?” Nate asked as he walked over and stood beside her.
“Fresh air would be nice.” She answered as she took her eyes off of Klaus and Genevieve to look at Nate as she wiped the tear from her cheek.
They were on their way to one of the main exits when she heard Elijah call her name and stopped as he walked over to her. “May I have a moment?”
“Uh, yeah, sure.” She answered, wondering if she’d said something in her speech that pissed him off, then looked at Nate who had also stopped, “I’ll meet you outside.” he went ahead and she turned her attention back to Elijah who placed his hand on her shoulder and walked her over to the desserts table. “What’s up?”
“First,” he grabbed a slice of cheesecake and a metal fork and held them out to her so she took them with a roll of her eyes, “I haven’t seen you eat much tonight. Also, I have been talking to the faction leaders and we all agree that you should join us in signing the treaty tonight. They believe you should take a seat at the table.
“What?” she asked around a bite of the plain cheesecake.
“With Rebekah no longer in the picture, the people see you as the Mikaelson matriarch.” He explained. “Not to mention you put things in perspective and gave them the final push that led to them all agreeing to sign the treaty tonight.”
“You call me a matriarch, Klaus calls me a queen, both are flattering, but insanely inaccurate.” She said with an animated shake of her head not understanding why Klaus and Elijah kept putting her on a pedestal.
“Katie, you are standing in a unique place of power as an important member of this community with the fresh, un-bias, view of an outsider. We are simply encouraging you to embrace it. However, it goes without saying that you do not have to do anything you do not want to do.” He told her diplomatically.
“Can I think about it?” she asked as she dropped her eyes to her cheesecake.
“Of course.” He answered, happy that she was even thinking about it. “We’re meeting here in the courtyard at 11 if you decide to sign it.” she just gave him a nod and headed outside where she found Nate sitting on a bench.
“So, what did Elijah want?” he asked as she sat down next to him.
“He asked me to sign the treaty.” She answered with a sigh as she slipped her hands over the itching skin of her stomach.
“Are you going to?” he asked curiously.
“I don’t know.” She answered with a shrug. “On one hand I’m flattered and I want to step up to the plate, but on the other I just want to be a good mother.”
“You know, this is the twenty-first century, you can choose to be both.” He told her, making her look at him across her shoulder. “I think I speak for the masses when I say I think you should go for it. Take your place at the table and use your voice to make a difference.”
Katie took in a deep breath as she lifted her shoulders then let them fall as she let it out.
Elijah gave Katie a surprised look when he saw her walk into the courtyard and join him, Francesca, Genevieve, Diego, Hayley and Jackson where they all stood around a table that held the new treaty, a bowl and seven silver daggers. Diego was the first to pick up a dagger and cut his palm. Everyone else followed suit then held their hands over the bowl, creating the ‘ink’ they would sign the treaty with. Elijah dipped a quill pen in the blood then handed it to Diego who signed then handed it to Francesca who passed it off to Genevieve then on until Hayley handed Katie the pen. So Katie dipped it then signed her name and handed it to Elijah, the last to sign.
After a few words from Elijah the meeting dispersed. Katie and Genevieve headed for the stairs at the same time and bumped shoulders. Katie bit her tongue, gave Genevieve the most polite smile she could muster for such a horrid person, then stepped aside and waved for her to go first. “You know,” Genevieve started as they neared the top of the stairs, “you can flash your cleavage and flirt all you want, but you’ll never win him back.”
“Yet, I believe you’re time with him is limited and you know it.” Katie replied with a condescendingly chipper tone and her head held high as they came to a stop at the top of the stairs. “After the birth of our child he’ll be so wrapped up in his daughter and me, aka his family, that your little love spell on him will break and he’ll forget all about his witchy little play thing. So enjoy your borrowed time in our bed while it lasts.” Katie told her with a smile as she walked past her. “Goodnight.”
She knew she shouldn’t say things like that since it was technically true, but she was ninety percent sure that Genevieve saw her as a giant joke no matter what came out of Katie’s mouth.
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brokutosan · 4 years
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Title. Quarantine Tales Or alternatively; Bokuto Tries Baking and Nearly Poisons His Two Roommates/Best Friends
Pairing. Bokuto Koutarou x Platonic!Reader x Kuroo Tetsurou + Minor BokuAka and Kuroo Tetsurou x Fem!Reader
Summary. In which a pandemic hits the world and tests the ten year long friendship between three roommates. Or; Kuroo enters quarantine as a cheeky bastard, and walks out of it as a cheeky bastard with a really pretty girlfriend.
Warnings. Manga spoilers, very strong language, and lots of sexual innuendos. Also lots of platonic cuddling and skinship. It gets kind of steamy at the end but nothing too bad. This is basically just a collection of short stories that also kind of has a plot. Fair warning: excessive use of the words ‘bro,’ ‘dude,’ and ‘man.’
Once the news of the pandemic hit Japan, the three roommates were confident they’d come out as better individuals. Maybe pick up on a new hobby, drop a few pounds (or in Bokuto’s case, gain some muscles), and just have a good time, making the best out of the worst situation. They were good at that.
At first, however, the three friends each had a different response to the news. Bokuto decided to splurge and buy everything they need and then some they didn’t (he was making bank from being a pro athlete). He was convinced that the apocalypse was going to happen soon, and that they’ll need all the rations they could get before it’s too late. Kuroo decides to confiscate his Netflix account and told him to stop watching The Walking Dead.
During the first few days Y/N easily got swept up in Bokuto’s bullshit, also convinced that the apocalypse was coming. (“Kuroo, look! The cases doubled over the last few days! Tell me that doesn’t mean something!”) But she was easier to snap out of it, mostly because she’s not as childish as Bokuto. She did, however, buy all of her favorite snacks and put them in a secret stash. (Although Kuroo figured out where it was within three days).
Kuroo is the mediator between them. He’s a man of science, so “no, Bokuto, there’s no way the infected ones are turning into zombies, now stop crying!” He also took the liberty to create schedules and laid out some ground rules on when and how they should shop for groceries and things of that sort. He also made the rule that no one joins their Zoom meetings in the living room after Bokuto walked in on his screen ass naked.
All in all, they (Kuroo) were able to set up a system that ensured Bokuto doesn’t lose his mind out of boredom and Y/N doesn’t try to kill them in their sleep.
“If aliens take over the planet do you think I could become their overlord?”
“Doubt it. You need to have the brains for it.”
“Hey! I’m pretty smart!”
“Explain the process of osmosis.”
“Fuck you, Kuroo.”
Y/N listens in on the idiotic conversation between her two roommates, not daring to speak up in fear of losing her much needed brain cells.
“Y/N! Listen to this, Kuroo doesn’t think I’m smart enough to become an alien overlord!” Bokuto sits up from his spot on their living room floor, one elbow propped up to support his body. Y/N sighs, closing her book realizing there’s no way she’ll get the peace she needed.
“Kuroo doesn’t know what he’s talking about, Bo.” It’s only been one week since the mandated quarantine started. If Y/N gives in now, then she’ll only spiral into madness as the months go by.
“Hear that, you bastard?! Y/N-chan believes in me!” Kuroo looks unamused. There’s a shit eating grin on his face that Y/N wants to wipe off. Or punch off. Whichever happens first.
“Y’know what they say, owls of a feather stick together.” Kuroo’s probably referring to the fact that both Y/N and Bokuto attended Fukurodani. Either way, he’s insulting her. Y/N is seething.
“Shut up you cocky cat!” Y/N screeches, flinging her book to his relaxed figure on the floor. Kuroo lets out a groan as the hardcover book makes contact with his groin. “Shit, there goes my future generations.”
Bokuto emphasizes with his bro, placing a protective hand over his ‘lil man.’
During the third week of quarantine, Kuroo comes down with a cold. Or maybe he got the virus. That’s what Bokuto and Y/N are currently trying to figure out.
“Kuroo, man, I searched up your symptoms here and it says you have network connectivity problems. What does that mean?” Bokuto grumbles, aggressively tapping the laptop screen. Y/N scowls at the way he’s manhandling her laptop before snatching it away from his hold.
“That’s not what that means, dumbass.” Bokuto pouts. “It means someone fucking forgot to pay for the wifi for this month.”
Y/N is glaring at her bedridden roommate through her face mask, but the rooster head throws his hands up out of innocence. “Sorry, I was too busy trying not to die!”
“So what now?” Bokuto asks, trying to cut through the tension between his two roommates. Y/N sighs in response, shutting off her laptop. “Now we just have to wait for him to sleep it off. If he has the virus then we burn his room with him in it.”
“Hey!” Kuroo tries to object. Instead what comes out is a garbled noise followed by excessive coughing and Bokuto screeching something about the ‘zombie virus infecting his home,’ and then he bolted out of Kuroo’s room.
“Whatever,” Y/N sighs, knowing Bokuto would have been useless in this situation anyways, “just try to rest. I’ll come in to check on you every now and then to bring you food. You better eat it!”
“Aw, Y/N-chan, you really care about me, huh?” Kuroo fake gushes, pressing one hand on his chest and another on his forehead. “It’s sweet how you try to act all tough.”
“Bo! Go find the lighter!”
Six weeks into the quarantine, Kuroo is over his ‘virus scare’ and now it’s Bokuto who’s sick. Correction, lovesick. It’s starting to test Y/N’s thinning patience.
“Do you think ‘Kaashi would get annoyed if I call him again?”
“Bo, you’ve been facetiming him every single day since this quarantine started. What changed?”
“He hasn’t been messaging me back the last three days! Do you think he got tired of me? Do you think he realized I’ve been in love with him and now he hates me? Do you think he hates my owl memes? Damn, I should’ve just told him before this whole thing started.” Y/N snorts. Clearly. One less headache for her. Even the sight of Kuroo breathing is starting to irk her. One time she nearly slapped him across the head for sleeping on the couch. Quarantine is doing something to her.
“Y/N? Why aren’t you answering? Oh my god, you hate me too, don’t you?” Crap. She was too absorbed in her hatred towards Kuroo’s existence that she forgot this big baby was lying down on her lap crying about something. What was it again? Akaashi hates him? Impossible.
“Impossible.” Y/N doesn’t realize she is running her hand through his two-toned hair. Bokuto hums in content. Y/N is suddenly reminded of her dog from back home. She wonders how he’s doing.
“Keiji’s like, in love with you. If anything he’s probably just drowning in work. You know how busy he gets.” Even Y/N’s not buying it. Busy or not, three days of radio silence from Akaashi has to mean something. She just doesn’t want to deal with an emo Bokuto. She decides to pass the responsibility to Kuroo.
“Bo, I bet Kuroo has some pretty good advice for ya. Remember when he had that crush on Akari-chan for all of highschool?” Bokuto shoots up with a new look of determination. He yells out a ‘you’re the best, Y/N-chan!’ over his shoulders before dashing straight to Kuroo’s room.
Y/N smiles in triumph as she receives a plethora of messages from one very angry Kuroo Tetsurou, ranging from ‘Why would you do this to me?’ to ‘I fucking hate you.’ Serves him right for finishing the ice cream.
(Later they find out that Akaashi simply broke his phone and had to wait three days to get it fixed. Bokuto was over the moon).
Sometimes Y/N wears their highschool jerseys because she thinks they’re comfortable. Some days she wears Bokuto’s. Other days she wears Kuroo’s. Today she’s wearing Bokuto’s, and Kuroo doesn’t know why it’s pissing him off.
“Oh man! That thing looks like a dress on you!” Bokuto squeals like one of his fangirls. He dashes to where she is, minding her business making toast in the kitchen, and picks her up from under her arms a la Lion King style.
“Bo! Put me down, you dumbass!” She wiggles in his hold, legs thrashing around. It’s all meaningless though. Bokuto is a pro athlete and is 190cm. Any attempts to free herself remains futile against this giant man-baby.
“Kuroo, look! So cute!” Bokuto gushes, showing her off like a baby. He lightly loosens his hold on one arm and extends his hand to bring a finger up to her cheeks. Y/N is emitting a strange aura. Kuroo suspects she’ll start tearing his ass into pieces within ten seconds.
Correction, three seconds. Because somehow she figures out how to kick behind her and shove an ankle deep into Bokuto’s groin. Now Bokuto is wriggling around on the living room floor as Y/N returns to her toast.
Kuroo finds this amusing, yet there’s a foreign feeling deep inside his chest. Is he getting sick again? He’s gonna need to check on that later.
“Ou! What ‘ya watching?”
“Your Name.”
“Huh? Bokuto Koutarou. Did you forget?”
“Dude...” Y/N stares at him in disbelief. Bokuto doesn’t notice but that’s because he’s Bokuto, and just about everything flies over his head. Instead he plops down on the couch next to her and hogs all the blanket.
“Get the fuck out! Get your own blanket!” Bokuto doesn’t reply, but he hums and opens his arms as an invitation. Ah, another platonic cuddling, as Bokuto puts it. Y/N is touch starved and she can’t deny it, so she slides closer to his lean figure and lets her head fall on his chest.
Eventually they settle in, huddling impossibly close to each other as the movie reach its tear-jerking climax. They don’t notice Kuroo walk in with a scowl on his face.
“Oh hey, bro. Wanna watch?” Bokuto notices him first, lifting his head up from the crown of Y/N’s head. Y/N finally looks over Bokuto’s chest and spots Kuroo moving around in the kitchen.
“I’m good.” Is his short answer before he trudges to his room with a loud bang! from his door. Y/N flinches a little, but pays no mind to it. Instead she directs her focus back to the movie, where another sad scene is unfolding.
The movie reaches its ending, but not before Bokuto could ask, “So, what’s the actual title of the movie?”
One peaceful afternoon Bokuto decides to take in a stray cat. Except...
“Bokuto, you fucking idiot that’s a racoon!” Y/N screeches as she climbs Kuroo’s back. The rooster head screams as he backs away from Bokuto and ‘Mr. Fluffles.’ Bokuto stares at his frightened roommates and the ‘cat’ in his hand and then back at his roommates again.
Realization strikes, and now Bokuto is screeching with the other two, holding the raccoon as far away from his body as possible.
“If you fucking drop it, I’ll kill you!” Kuroo threatens, holding onto Y/N’s arm that’s starting to dig into his throat. “Take it outside!”
“But it’s raining!”
“It’s you or him, man!”
The two continue their little back-and-forth, not noticing the raccoon had escaped Bokuto’s grasp. But Y/N notices. And it’s heading into her room. And now she’s seeing God.
“Bokuto, gah-!” Kuroo is rudely interrupted by Y/N’s tight hold on his throat getting tighter. Before he could give her hell for attempted murder, he notices the look of horror on her face. “What’s wrong?”
“Your fucking raccoon went in my bedroom!”
“Ah shit!” Both Kuroo and Bokuto scramble, the former forgetting all about the human person hanging onto his back. Said person is too scared of letting her foot touch the floor, afraid that it might be met by the furry abomination Bokuto brought home. So she kinda just...lets Kuroo run off into her room with her dangling off his neck.
“Where’d he go?!” Bokuto panics, not seeing Mr. Fluffles anywhere in his immediate vicinity. He starts flinging stuff off the ground and her table and her bed, making a huge mess in the span of ten seconds. Y/N takes one foot off of Kuroo’s waist and kicks him square in the back.
“Quit trashing my room!” She scolds like a mom. Bokuto pouts but continues looking, until they hear the quiet pitter patter of claws hitting the wooden floor. “Wait shut up!”
Y/N huffs but still complies, wanting nothing more than Mr. Fluffles gone from her room. Kuroo takes the liberty to start questioning Bokuto’s stupidity.
“How could you have possibly thought that thing was a fucking cat?!”
“In my defense, it was pretty dark outside.” Bokuto grumbles in his low and whiny voice, before firing back, “And stop calling him a ‘thing!’ Mr. Fluffles has feelings too!”
“Bokuto we’re not keeping it!” This time it’s Y/N yelling at him with fire in her eyes. The poor guy looks like he’s about to cry, but Y/N is far too gone over the thought of a raccoon making its home in her bedroom.
Bokuto lets out an ‘aha!’ as he emerges from under her bed with Mr. Fluffles. Y/N visibly relaxes knowing that the raccoon is safely contained. Until she remembers what was stashed under her bed.
“Ah, there’s something in his mouth.” Bokuto announces, holding Mr. Fluffles disgustingly close to his face. Her secret stash of snacks. The bastard got into it.
(They later find out that at least four neighbors filed a noise complaint against them).
It’s two months in to the quarantine when Bokuto discovers TikTok. Within one week he’s dropped his towel in front of Kuroo, sat on Kuroo’s lap during his work Zoom meeting, smacked his gym bag across Kuroo’s face, and then some. Y/N finds humor in this, of course at Kuroo’s expense, but that’s even better.
Speaking of Kuroo and Y/N. Lately there’s been undeniable tension between his two roommates, and Bokuto doesn’t know how to resolve it. Everytime he tries to get them to talk they end up arguing.
He’s asked Akaashi for advice, but Akaashi simply told him to let them resolve it amongst themselves. Bokuto does not have the patience for that. He’s scared their meaningless arguments might rip a tear into their ten year long friendship.
So Bokuto does what he thinks is best, bake them cookies! No one could possibly be in a bad mood while eating freshly baked cookies, even Bokuto is drooling at the thought. So with a new resolve, Bokuto scrolls through his new favorite app (TikTok) to find some good recipes. Because TikTok has all the answers.
Except when he bakes the cookies he later finds out he used two cups of salt instead of sugar. He doesn’t know how that happened, but it could be because he grabbed the first white substance he saw and dumped it in the bowl.
Kuroo and Y/N somehow found a way to blame each other. Bokuto is reaching his limits.
Bokuto calls for an emergency meeting. He needs help deciding whether or not he should drop 40,000¥ on the Animal Crossing Limited Edition Switch that comes with Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
Y/N says go for it because she’s secretly plotting on stealing it the moment he gets tired of the game (which knowing Bokuto, would be fairly quick). Kuroo objects because Bokuto blew 50,000¥ last month buying shit he didn’t need for the quarantine.
And now there’s a fullblown argument between the two. Bokuto is reminded of his parents, except their fights never got this hostile and he’s pretty sure his mom never called his dad a “rooster-hair bastard!” He’s too scared to cut in. He thinks they might cut off his head. So he decides to sneakily crawl back into his room.
He ends up ordering the switch anyways, and when it arrives a week later Kuroo calls Y/N a bad influence. They argue again.
Bokuto has an epiphany.
Two days after Bokuto’s epiphany, they take a trip to the supermarket. Bokuto wants to drive but he can’t because his license got revoked after he ran through five consecutive red lights. Kuroo tells him this but he gets pouty so Kuroo had to buy him ice cream on the way there to get him to shut up.
So now Bokuto is slobbering up Kuroo’s car, much to the latter’s distaste. It isn’t until Kuroo brake checks him and Bokuto slams the ice cream on his face, does Kuroo show a look of content. Bokuto pays no mind, and decides to bring up his recent epiphany.
“So, bro, when are ya gonna tell Y/N you’re in love with her?” Kuroo slams his foot on the brakes again, this time out of shock. “I - uh - what - what did you just say?”
“Oh man,” Bokuto lets out a boisterous laugh while licking the ice cream that dripped down his shirt (gross), “you didn’t know?!”
“You two have had this sexual tension between you brewing for weeks! It’s like - I could actually cut through it with a knife, like a piece of pie or something!”
“I hate everything you just said.”
“Whatever man, just let me know if you want me gone for the night. I’ll even come up with a good excuse.” He winks, and Kuroo resists the urge to crash the car into a tree.
Bokuto’s words affect Kuroo a lot more than he would like to admit. Ever since that fateful trip to the supermarket with his owl-eyed friend, Kuroo’s been too wary of his other roommates existence. He wants to prove Bokuto wrong. He, Kuroo Tetsurou, is not in love with L/N Y/N, his best friend since his first year of highschool.
L/N Y/N is one of the guys! That’s like saying he likes Bokuto (Kuroo bites back his disgust). And Kuroo doesn’t like Bokuto, thank you very much.
Except L/N Y/N is not Bokuto.
L/N Y/N is his endless highschool memories that he always goes back to on a bad day. She is going to the beach during the summer and playing in the ocean until they tire themselves out. She’s like a warm hug that welcomes him after a long and tiring say. She’s like the rock that was flung at his ex’s window after she cheated on him with some other guy. She’s like the fun he’s had during the summer away games, where he got to play volleyball with his friends for one week straight. She’s like taking the long way home just so he could walk back with her. L/N Y/N is his best friend.
No, Y/N is not all those things. She is, however, the person he’s shared those memories with. The person Kuroo could say one hundred percent, without a doubt, knows him best (aside from Bokuto and maybe his mom). She’s the person that’s always been there through thick or thin, for ten years and counting.
Oh god. Kuroo Tetsurou is in love with L/N Y/N.
Bokuto has a plan in mind. A plan to help his two best friends hook up (and maybe date afterwards). Bokuto tells Akaashi his plans but Akaashi tells him all his plans are moronic, so he goes to his teammates Hinata and Atsumu, who says he’s a genius.
(The plan is simple: make Kuroo jealous. That bastard is as possessive as a dog over his food).
Which is how he finds himself seated at the kitchen table, phone in hand with a disgusted Y/N right across from him.
“No, you’re not giving my number to Miya Atsumu. That guy has shifty eyes!”
“Come on, you’ll learn how to love it! ‘Sides, Tsumu-tsumu is a nice guy! Did’ya really think I’d set my bestest friend in the world up with some sketchy guy?” If Bokuto’s normal talking voice is at a hundred, he’s talking at a hundred twenty now, just to make sure Kuroo can hear him from his room.
Y/N presses her palms to her ears, not really questioning why he’s talking so damn loud. Instead she blackmails him. “Bokuto if you don’t stop I’ll send Keiji all your embarrassing pictures from our first year.”
“You wouldn’t!”
But the look in her eyes says she would. And the ping! sound that came from her phone says that she just did. “Y/N!” Bokuto cries out, scrambling incredibly fast to his room where he left his phone plugged in, hoping he could stop Akaashi from witnessing the embarrassment that is Bokuto Koutarou as a fifteen year old.
Moments after Bokuto bolted to his room and is screaming out, “‘Kaashi! Block Y/N-chan right now! Don’t open her texts!” Kuroo steps out of his bedroom, having been shamelessly eavesdropping on their previous conversation.
“So,” He leans over the kitchen counter (he thinks he looks like hot shit but Y/N begs to differ), “Miya Atsumu, huh?” Her face contorts into something out of digust or discomfort, he can’t tell which one. Is it bad for him to say he likes that reaction? Probably.
“Don’t.” Is her short response, bringing up a hand in front of her body. “If Bokuto thinks I’m desperate enough to go for one of his teammates, then I’ve got a surprise for him. No offense to Shouyou.”
“So what I’m hearing is...it’s not the aspect of being in a relationship you’re totally against, but the guy himself?” Kuroo thinks out loud. Y/N throws him one of her infamous ‘what-the-fuck-are-you-talking-about’ looks, but he feigns ignorance to it.
“I mean, yeah? I haven’t had a good fuck since-” Kuroo decides to cut her off there, not really eager to learn the name of the man she’s...well, you get it! (Bokuto was right, this man truly is possessive).
“Anyways, good choice. I heard the other twin is where it’s at.” Kuroo ends the conversation there, with new knowledge about his new found crush and confidence over the fact that he still has a chance.
A week goes by just like that. Bokuto makes it painfully obvious he’s trying to make Kuroo jealous. Except painfully obvious is not obvious enough for his slightly-frustrating friend, Y/N.
At one point, when obviously Atsumu didn’t serve much of a threat to Kuroo (curse that idiot for being too easy to mock), Bokuto took matters into his own hands and tried flirting with Y/N himself. And while Bokuto is a lot of things, being smooth isn’t one of them. There’s a reason why he hasn’t made whatever he has with Akaashi official yet, he’s terrible at relationships and anything related to it.
(Though Kuroo had a riot witnessing Bokuto’s failed attempts at heterosexual flirting:
“So, you come here often?”
“Bo, I fucking live here.”).
And as much as Bokuto wants to just go out with it and announce to Y/N (and the world) that his totally radical bro, Kuroo Tetsurou, is in love with her, he has just about enough self control and conscience to know that doing that could only result in his immediate death at the hands of a very angry rooster-head. So he’s just been beating around the bush. For a week he’s tried to drop subtle hints that were, sadly, left dropped by Y/N. She’s almost as helpess as Bokuto. Almost.
But when an opportunity like this falls on his lap, Bokuto just knows he has to take it.
It’s at one of their annual roommate-bonding, a tradition they’ve held since moving in together during college. This time Kuroo is unable to join due to some hold-up at work. He’s in his room furiously typing away at his computer.
“So...” He makes sure to drag out the last vowel to gain her interest. Though it’s pretty useless since Y/N is as easy to fool as Bokuto himself. They’re best friends for a reason. A very bad reason, one might say.
“So what?” She asks, shoving about ten pieces of popcorn in her mouth all at once. Bokuto realizes he is tired of beating around the bush. He decides to set the metaphorical bush on fire. “Admit it, Y/N. You like Kuroo, don’t ‘ya? You wanna screw him or something?”
“Shh!” Suddenly Y/N is more invested in whatever Bokuto has to say than the shitty movie he picked out. And now she’s launched herself off her side of the couch onto his, pressing a greasy, buttery palm to his lips.
Bokuto easily swipes her hand away with a shit eating grin on his face. “So I was right! Which one is it? ‘Ya like him? Or you wanna screw him?”
“Bokuto!” She warns. Her eyes dart to Kuroo’s closed bedroom door, suddenly too aware of just now thin these walls actually are. It also didn’t help that Bokuto’s normal speaking voice is about as loud as a race car engine.
She realizes there’s no point in hiding it, since he’s looking at her with those creepy owl eyes, just daring her not to spill everything. “How’d you even find out?” She sighs in defeat.
“Come on! You’ve been so irritated lately that there was only two possible explanations: ya either love the guy or hate his guts. I don’t think you’d be friends with him for ten years if you hated him so much.” Y/N blinks in surprise. That’s surprisingly perceptive, coming from Bokuto. She tells him this.
“Hey! I’m capable of using my head too!” He doesn’t like how she’s giving him that judgement look. Clearing his throat, Bokuto decides to skip past that.
“So? Since when did ‘ya like the lucky bastard?” Bokuto expects one month, maybe two at best. What he didn’t expect was this: “Probably since highschool.”
“Wha-?!” His outburst is contained by a smaller body flying on top of his, as well as two palms pressed tightly over his mouth. Eyes wide, he looks down to see a flustered Y/N, pink cheeks and all, looking menacingly at Kuroo’s door, trying to see if he heard any of that.
Once she confirms she’s in the clear, she lets out the breath she’s been holding and smacks Bokuto across his biceps.
“Idiot! Don’t just scream like that!” She huffs, arms crossed at her chest. “I told you ‘cus I trust you, Bo. Don’t do anything stupid with that trust.” The man simply nods, still too shocked to form coherent words.
Once he does however, Y/N is hit with an onslaught of whispered questions. “Since when? How come I didn’t notice? How come anyone didn’t notice? Why-” He pauses, realizing his questions aren’t being answered. So he waits as she brings her legs up to her chest with an unreadable expression.
“I mean it was pretty easy to hide it. We went to different schools, and whenever we hung out you were always there,” Y/N starts, but quickly adds, “I mean, not like I didn’t want you there! It’s just - it was easier to forget I even liked him whenever the three of us were together.” Her voice is barely above a whisper, probably still wary of the fact that Kuroo was only one room over. Bokuto notices this and turns up the volume of the TV, earning a small smile from his nervous wreck of a friend.
“At one point I was actually gonna tell him, but then he started dating Akari-chan.” Bokuto scowls at the name. Akari, the girl that Kuroo crushed on for a full year, but also the girl that ended up cheating on him with some guy in her painting club. “I wasn’t really the type to cry over a small crush, I had other things to do. Actually I was kind of relieved. Kuroo being taken meant I didn’t have to act on these weird feelings I started having.”
“And next thing I knew we were off to college. I started dating other people, and my feelings for him started shrinking. Even when we decided to move in together, we were all so busy with our separate lives, so I wasn’t really worried about it...until, y’know, we kinda got stuck here together. I guess seeing him 24/7 just caused my head to malfunction. I thought fighting with him would stop these weird...feelings, from coming back. But I guess that backfired on me since you ended up finding out. Wait - Bokuto are you crying?”
The said man tucks his head in his arms, mumbling out “No,” even though it was pretty obvious. Y/N softly smiles, finding his reaction kind of cute. It was nice to know he cares that much, no matter how infuriating he could get.
“I didn’t even know you went through that much, Y/N-chan. C’mere! Lemme give you a hug!”
“Bokuto, no! I don’t need-” The rest of her complaints are drowned out by a sturdy chest meeting her face. Great. Bokuto’s way too emotional now.
“I’m sorry, I promise I’ll help you tell him!”
“Wait what? I don’t want that!” Y/N tries to argue, but her voice is muffled due to being stuffed into his chest. Suddenly remembering that Bokuto has a tendency to be a loud mouth and could never keep a secret from Kuroo, Y/N shoots up, pressing her palms to his chest to release herself from his hold.
“Bo, you have to promise me you won’t tell him anything.”
“But -”
“Bokuto!” He slightly recoils from the sternness of her voice, before he bows his head and nods. Y/N relaxes a bit, settling back into her previous position and fixed her focus back to the movie playing on the TV as if their previous conversation never happened.
Unbeknownst to her, Bokuto is already putting the pieces together for his master plan.
Y/N comes to regret telling Bokuto her ‘dirty’ little secret exactly one week later, at their next roommate-bonding. This time Kuroo is there, with Bokuto right in between them on the couch. There’s another shitty movie playing in the background (curtesy of Bokuto’s horrible choice in films), but Y/N can’t bring herself to pay attention.
She does however, snap out of her little daydream when Bokuto shoots up, phone in hand and reaching for the door. Oh no. Both Kuroo and Y/N think to themselves.
“Ah! What’s this?! There’s an emergency at ‘Kaashi’s apartment?! Guys, I’ll be right back!” Bokuto is out the door before either of them could object. Y/N knows Akaashi. Akaashi is a safe guy. He’s not the type to call out of nowhere because of an emergency, and even if he did, Bokuto surely would not be the first contact in mind. Which means, Bokuto, that sneaky bastard, planned this with the single brain cell he had left.
Silence fills the air for the next five minutes, until Kuroo’s phone sounds off. It’s a text from Bokuto, reading: When I come back you two better be-
Kuroo decides to turn off his phone there, fearing the contents of the very explicit paragraph Bokuto sent following those words. Instead he turns his head to his friend next to him - or rather on the opposite side of the couch, avoiding him like he’s the plague.
He doesn’t like this awkwardness at all. Conversation between them used to always just flow, even if most of them end up becoming a heated debate over the most trivial things. Kuroo decides to man up. It’s now or never.
“Okay so -” “Hey -” The two pause, finally making eye contact for the first time in past week. All of Kuroo’s brain cells fly out his brain and out the window, leaving him to fend off for himself in this awkward situation. His head is like that one Spongebob meme. Oh god, he’s turning into Bokuto-
“So,” Y/N’s voice snaps him out of his train of thoughts, or rather his lack of it. This is pathetic. He’s a grown man and he’s acting like a highschooler over a pathetic crush. Except this isn’t a pathetic crush. This is Y/N - his best friend for the past ten years, who he’s just now realized is a lot prettier than he initially thought.
“I’m in love with you.” Yes, yes he is. Wait, that wasn’t his voice. And that definitely wasn’t his subconscious trying to patch up what’s left of his decimated ego, which means -
“Kuroo?” Jesus fuck, when did she even slide over this close? “You don’t have to answer or anything, I just thought I should tell you first before Bokuto breaks. I understand if you don’t feel the same way-”
“No!” She flinches at how loud his voice is. “I mean, fuck - wait. You gotta let me process this real quick.” Kuroo is suddenly aware he’s redder than his Nekoma jersey, and her face is super close to his, and her lips look totally kissable right now.
“I’m in love with you, too.” Kuroo finally speaks up. He notices how she goes stiff, and how quickly her face turns into a bright shade of red.
“You don’t have to say it just ‘cus you feel bad! This doesn’t have to change anything between us! I mean, I’ve kept it a secret for ten years, I can do ten more-”
“Y/N.” She finally stops her rambling, meeting his eyes. And she doesn’t know why, but suddenly she just knows he’s being sincere. She could probably die right now and she’d say she lived a happy life.
“I’m gonna kiss you now.” Kuroo waits for her confirmation, in this case a shy nod, before cupping her cheeks with his large and warm hands. He inches over slowly at first, but lets his lips eagerly meet hers with a smile. He feels her hands wrap around his waist, letting him deepen the kiss.
It starts of slow and steady, everything Y/N could have ever dreamed of, until needy hands start roaming her body. She has to crane her neck to meet his lips, and Kuroo probably sensed her discomfort because now he’s gripping her waist tightly, lifting her up gently and placing her down on his lap.
The new and more comfortable position allows Kuroo to deepen the kiss, and Y/N finds her hands grabbing the hair she’s been insulting so much for the past two months. Kuroo sighs into the kiss, with Y/N smiling a bit at the situation. As things escalate, a loud gasp breaks them out of their trance.
“Oh. My. God!” Bokuto is squealing like an idiot and Akaashi is behind him unamused. “Finally.” Is his short statement.
“What the fuck Bokuto!” Kuroo growls. Y/N, suddenly a bit too self conscious climbs off the spot she made for herself on Kuroo’s lap. Though her embarrassment doesn’t last long, before she joins Kuroo in glaring at Bokuto.
“I just came back ‘cus I forgot my wallet, but oh man! You guys are adorable!” Akaashi is still behind him, but this time he looks more apologetic. “Bokuto-san, maybe we should leave.”
“Nah, I kinda wanna stay.”
“Get the fuck out!” Bokuto only laughs as he catches both the pillow and the remote control thrown at him. He drops both items back down on the living room floor and snatches his wallet from the counter before calling over his shoulders,
“Yeah, yeah. Just make sure ya make me the best man and the maid of honor!”
A/N. Reupload! This fic was totally self-indulgent bc I am so bored of quarantine and am currently wishing I had a Bokuto and Kuroo to keep me entertained. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! And as always, thank you for reading! Leave a like if you...liked it? Is that how it goes? - chuu
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5-24-21 Back at it, stronger, better, faster...older
5:52 a.m. I’m at the plantation, sitting in my car, 3 mins until I walk in. There are a myriad of thoughts dancing in my head, I’m still not well rested (a black cat...well the resident black cat walks by without seeing me). It’s a gray, drab Monday, but I’m in good spirits...my Dani is well, but she has a lot on her mind. She’s my biggest supporter and I’m appreciative. My children are fine, they are my biggest supporters, I dropped them off yesterday to their moms...I miss them already, especially since I really didn’t see them this weekend because of me new position. Pause...I have to go into work...
5-26-21 Unpause, thrust into debauchery again
Well,?I walk into work that Monday...I work...that’s pretty much it. It’s another day, I post a review, I talk with O and stay away from others for the day. The 17 year cicadas are out in full force. Everything is eating them, dogs, birds, humans...they must be delicious, but I will never find out. As I am sitting here I’m hearing a noise beyond the cars riding by, beyond the birds chirping, beyond the crickets and even the annual cicadas. I realize that the noise is the 17 year joints. It sounds like a cry from the heavens...a wailing...shot if I waited 17 years for a mate I guess I’d sound like that too. It’s eerie. I went to go pick up Dani yesterday, she was having a moment on Monday, crying about her next steps in life. I felt her pain, and I didn’t want her to be there. I’m the other half of her, and I’m responsible for helping her with her ailments. I asked those that are not seen to help me help her. Let me take her mind racing ailment, let me take her pain away. It worked, they answered, and on 5-24-21...I woke up with my mind racing. I knew that I took on her angst, I handled it accordingly and kept busy...ahhhh that’s what was significant on Monday. I was dead tired and I worked worked that day. Controlling my mind to not go too far over the edge. I even came home that day and started cleaning, cooking, washing, resetting my phone, cropping pictures, hooked up my studio, pulled out the dip kit, packed a go bag...just everything. Sleep was easy to delve into that night. “Goodnight Dani” is all I remember saying. It feels good to have money in my pocket on a Monday...and there is a reason why my pocket is heavy. So last Thursday I’m home, my off day, I’m chillin out on the balcony talking with...who else...my Dani. “I need to find a way to get some more money” I said. Now that statement comes not to long after a conversation we had about our ancestors, and how to put them to work for you, how they are always around and how they are READY to work for you. I contemplated more money for a hot second...then I let it go. No more than an hour later I get a call while on a call...the phone reads “Black”. “Let me see what he wants...hold on babe” I say. “Black man with the permanent tan...what up” I say to him, my normal greeting, even though we haven’t talked in a while. He says “Aye...I have a gig for you”, “Uhhhh ok what is it”? Then in the background I hear a all to familiar voice say “Heyyyyy Farman!” Ha!! It’s my long time friend Reds, Frenchie, Arlen...man these guys go back 30 plus years with me...I’m overwhelmed because it’s good to hear from them, and a plethora of memories rush through my head...those young good times. Nonetheless Black tells me about this bouncing gig. I deny it...it’s going to interfere with my regular job....but damn the money sounds good. He wanted me to stop what I was doing and go on an interview...I said “Nah...I’m cooking dinner, fuck it, I’m not going to be able to do it.” “Ok, I’ll vouch for you dog, just show up.” Damn...I thought to myself “Ok, Ok, I’ll do it!” Now I’ve retired from bouncing some years ago...now here I am again, finding myself thrust back into the belly of the beast in Adams Morgan. I’m a veteran of this strip. I know what goes on. Sex, drugs, and people that have yet to find themselves with severe mental disabilities and money. It’s a rough place for an enlightened human being, for someone that knows themselves, and has chosen to not be in the midst of that kind of debauchery any longer. When I was there those years back...it was me that didn’t know who I was, it was me that was susceptible to the night life, lifestyle. I got involved...selling this, drinking that, this woman, that woman, money money, cheating, lying, abusing (me), loneliness, depression, not trusting anyone and myself, not stopping people from going over the edge...essentially I died there, now I’m back and I’m reborn. I met many good people there in the past...hell if I wasn’t there, I would’ve never met my children’s mother. So not everything was bad...I learned a lot and I grew a lot.
5-26-21 Continued
So now I’m 45 I got this offer to bounce again, and I took it. I’m at a different place in life from 10 years ago. I don’t drink, I don’t smoke (weed anymore), I’ve done some egoism work, shadow work, and tempered my life to a better place. $25 an hour, perks like a STOOL to sit on all night (unfounded in the bouncing arena), $25 worth of food each night (an Asian american mix), $20 a night for parking...and I’m sitting outside checking ID’s all night...I’m doing nothing...getting paid. The place is called Death Punch...and it’s full of the residuals of the old Adams Morgan. Everyone in this spot is on coke, and I know it. I’m cool with it... The hours are from 10-3 a.m. and I work at 6 a.m....it a rough schedule but I can do it...shit it was hard...I had to leave that spot the first night and go to my main gig and sleep in the car until 5:50 and go to work. Whew...it was rough but I did it. Black told me to wear a black polo, and not to wear my crown...my signature red, black and green Kufi...that’s a part of my protection. I know I’m suppose to be weary a white Kufi...I know. So I obliged Black on the first night and man was I susceptible to all of the energies that shook my hand (millionaires by the way). Confusing energies, coming up to me talking about their wild ways and ill thoughts. I had to consciously swerve them these no good energies and some good. Long story longer...that first day a woman walking with her man caught my eyes. She was of hispanic decent and this instance happened in milliseconds. While walking, she pulled her mask down, smiling, and said to me “It feels funny being sober out here amongst everyone drunk!” I knew right at that moment that this was an angel, an ancestor...it wasn’t that woman. That comment stopped me in my tracks. Struck me in my soul. It had my mouth open. I yelled to her as she and her man were yards away “How’d you know I am sober?” She yelled back “Because I am”!! That moment moved me to the point of confirmation of me being in Adams Morgan in the state I am today. Shit I was even called a Bitch while simultaneously being called a King by a sista that had to be kicked out of the bar. In her moment of diluted, inebriated (coke) anger...she hurled what the average man would take as an insult (only a bitch nigga responds to being called a bitch), and right after she came back to herself from the sunken place and gave me the right title of King. That Saturday I wore my Kufi...I was fine...it was a swift night, and nobody cared that I had it on...I was protected. I saged and Florida watered the shit out of me before going in that night. Here’s to new endeavors, and being paid.
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thegreatsharkleve · 4 years
Elijah Post LFRP - Crystal data center
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The Basics ––– –
Name: Elijah Post
Age: 28
Race: Midlander/Highlander
Gender: Cis Male
Sexuality: Gay (but flirts with pretty much everyone)
Relationship Status: Sort of involved? (He will neither confirm nor deny there being a presence of embarrassingly soft feelings...)
Languages: Common, a rudimentary grasp of Doman
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: Honey Blond and could definitely use a cut or a style… or a brush most days, to be perfectly honest.
Eyes: Amber – more a reddish-orange hue than yellow
Height: 5’6”
Appearance: He is an attractive enough guy: excellent jaw line, straight nose, striking eyes, long limbs, trim figure, and a charming smile. Unfortunately (for anyone who has to look at him) his fashion sense is … questionable at best. Most of his outfits consist of brightly colored, egregiously wrinkled shirts and pants that rarely make it past his ankles. He wears a lot of tacky jewelry, sunglasses inside buildings and most certainly at night, and there is a very real possibility that the only footwear he owns, besides a pair of fluffy pink slippers, are sandals – which he has, in fact, been known to wear with socks. Still, he carries himself with a lazy confidence that somehow makes his perpetual “I have just woke up in the middle of the afternoon” look seem more of an artful affectation rather than a cry for help.
One of the more notable things about him are his plethora of scars, with the most prominent being the one that runs diagonal across his face and the two sets of whorling burns along both shoulders – one creeping down over his right pectoral and the other running over the upper part of his left arm. His ring finger on his left hand is missing after the first knuckle (don’t ask about this one if you’re eating), and a long surgical scar runs vertically along his outer right forearm. Underneath his clothes are a smattering of healed bullet wounds and a few others of less identifiable origin, but you’re gonna have to buy him a couple drinks if you want to take a closer look.
Personal ––– –
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Profession: Journalist – specifically a freelance field correspondent who specializes in conflict journalism and investigative reporting. When he’s between field work, he often picks up puff pieces with local papers, writing about the arts, sports, culture, etc.
Residence: No permanent listed address – currently renting a room at the Hidden Pearl in the Mists. He can usually be found sitting at the bar after he’s just rolled out of bed, having bacon twists and sake for breakfast (at 2pm).
Birthplace: Ul’Dah
Religion: Meh
Likes: Day drinking, people watching, writing, sleeping, animals, (tall men)
Dislikes: Bureaucracy, wealth disparity, national pride, bullies, snobs, being cold
Fears: Commitment, being emotionally vulnerable, people in mascot costumes
Personality: Elijah seems like a pretty easy going, even tempered guy for the most part. He has a languorous, lackadaisical disposition – meandering through life as though he never really has a place to be, and if he did, he isn’t in any particular rush to get there. With friends or with strangers he’s quick to smile or laugh or tell a joke, affable enough that people tend to trust him with pieces of themselves without noticing he offers very little of himself in return. He can come across as flippant or indifferent in conversation, and while he is rarely intentionally cruel, he has a habit of jamming his thumbs into people’s buttons. It’s very possible he is just incidentally annoying rather than consciously so. He likes to maintain plausible deniability on that front.
When working in the field Elijah becomes much more focused – he stands taller, moves with purpose, exchanging his usual countenance of a rumpled layabout for that of a seasoned professional. He has on more than one occasion put his own body on the line (and in the hospital) in combat situations, or when pursuing a lead. He will recount each scar, and his half missing finger, with a joviality that some folks find off putting given some of the more grisly details. This disregard for his own safety is likely one of the (many) reasons he has never gotten a full time reporting gig with any of Eorza’s major newspapers – that, and he has a habit of leaving journalistic impartiality at the door. It’s clear from his writing that he has a deep well of empathy for other people and admires underdogs who fight uphill battles for high minded idealism, even if he ultimately believes their sentimentality to be a little bit naive..
Relationships ––– -
Parents: His Mother has passed, but his Father is still kicking and perpetually disappointed in his son! Their relationship is… strained by not estranged?
Pets: His Chocobo Bixley – but really, that’s more of a buddy and stalwart feathered compatriot than a pet.
traits ––– -
bold your character’s answer.
extroverted / in between / introverted
disorganized / in between / organized
close minded / in between / open minded
calm / in between / anxious
disagreeable / in between / agreeable
cautious / in between / reckless
patient / in between /  impatient
outspoken / in between / reserved
leader / in between / follower
empathetic / in between / apathetic
optimistic / in between / pessimistic
traditional / in between / modern
hard-working / in between / lazy
cultured / in between / uncultured
loyal / in between / disloyal
Additional information ––– –
Smoking Habit: Has been known to chain smoke.
Drugs: The spice of life is trying anything and everything twice!
Alcohol: Probably too often on that front too..
Background information/ Potential RP Hooks? ––– – 
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UL’DAH BORN AND RAISED: He lived most of his youth in Ul’Dah, haunting the less affluent areas of Eorzea’s grandest pile of rocks in the desert. His mother was an Ala Mhigan immigrant and his father just a simple Ul’Dah native who ran a hole-in-the-wall restaurant. His parents were very “hard work and sacrifice” types when he was growing up, giving away free meals to refugees and anyone who was hungry. They were well liked by those who knew them, veritable pillars of the community, for whatever that was worth in what was hardly a half step above a slum. His mother died a few years ago but his father still works in his run down little restaurant – lots of folks still recognize Elijah as his parent’s kid rather than for his own work. He has mixed feelings about it.
FREELANCE JOURNALIST WITH AN AXE TO GRIND: Elijah’s had work published in The Mythril Eye, The Harbor Herald, and The Raven. Because he has a reasonably good standing at these newspapers (and friendly relationships with some of the editors) he’s able to pick up the odd puff piece, op-ed, or political coverage gig in order to cover his expenses when he’s between larger assignments. In the past he has written some pretty incendiary pieces about Ul’Dah’s treatment of Ala Mhigan refugees, as well as a few pieces lambasting the noble houses of Ishgard and their complacency in the Dragonsong War and their collaboration with the corrupt Holy See, which has earned him a bit of a “reputation”. On the other hand, he is just as willing to throw himself upon the altar of journalistic tripe for a quick gil. If you have any tips or story leads you want investigated, Elijah just might be your man. If your character is involved at any of the major Eorzean papers, they might be acquainted.
CONFLICT REPORTING: Elijah has spent time in the middle of political unrest in Ishgard, covering Garlean incursions and skirmishes across the continent, and until recently he has been covering the ongoing issues in Othard. In fact, he’s only just returned from spending an extended period living with the resistance forces in Gyr Abania; and, he has some very strong opinions regarding the absolutely hacking edits The Mythril Eye made to his work before publication (without his permission). If your character was part of the fighting in Gyr Abania, Elijah might have spoken to them or went out into the field with them on occasion.
TRAVELING FOR WORK: Given the nature of his job, Elijah has visited most major cities while on assignment and has been known to interview common folks, political figures, travelers, military types -- anyone who will talk to him. If you've spoken to him in the past, your words might have ended up in print, for better or for worse (he has been punched in the face on more than one occasion, and he regrets nothing); however, he has never once burned an informant or lead that has come to him for help. He has enough of a reputation that folks (government and law enforcement sorts) might take to actively avoiding him.
OOC/Contact Information  ––– –
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The Player: Becks | They/Them | 30+ | Atlantic Timezone | Canadian
Looking for: Long term rp connections, short term adventures, friendship, rivalry, romance, I’m open to pretty much anything!
I’m a 30+ year old player who is a little anxious and shy when it comes to meeting new people on the internet (hence playing an extrovert to drag me out of my shell) but I’m really excited to make new friends and rp connections!! As I said, I am up for anything, including walk ups when I am out and about, and this character is on the surface level a very chill and friendly dude! I am, however, also someone who engages with a lot of mature themes -- not just swearing, drugs and alcohol, but also heavier themes (the realities of class disparity and poverty, the human cost of war, trauma, etc etc)  that might not be everyone’s cup of tea. But!! I wouldn’t just throw it out there willy nilly, and I believe firmly in communication between players -- discussing boundaries and limits is very important, as well as trusting each other enough to speak up if either party is uncomfortable!   I am cool with my character being injured, but please check in with me before doing anything drastic that will result in something permanent (like maiming or... y’know, death). Also I am open to rping romance (or lack of romance but the bits that go with it) though this character is currently not up for shipping adventures. Just to be clear, I am not comfortable doing that type of role play with anyone that’s under 25, sorry! I'm in my early thirties, and it would just be weird for me. We can still be pals, I promise! Please only reach out to me if you are 18+ and your character is 18+ -- I am not comfortable interacting with minors.
All art on this tumblr is probably mine unless stated otherwise! <3 Contact: Message me here on tumblr, /tell Elijah Post on Balmung, and if we become friends I am up for discord handle sharing! :D
I am open to cross-world rp and rp outside of the game as well!!
Now that I’ve got this edited how I want it... Boosts appreciated! Always looking for more active blogs to follow/be friends with!! 
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adampage · 7 years
#1 - Seth Rollins
Pairing: Seth Rollins x Reader
Requested: #1 “What the hell are you doing here?” by anon
Word Count: 2,006
Warnings: cheating mention, swearing (obv)
Author’s Note: Angst with a sprinkling of fluff. It’s weird, and I struggled with it, but there ya go. Tag List at the bottom! Love ya, babes (:
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I wasn’t expecting it. When I went out with the girls, it was meant to be a girls’ night out, just bunch of us hanging out, getting ice cream, scaling the gate of the neighborhood park and feeling like total badasses. You know, the cheesy stuff.
It was a night to be merry. We just wanted the joy of being girls together, in the hopes that we’d feel better about ourselves in the morning.
We were all giggling hysterically, laughing at the story Nia was telling.
“So then, I walked into his office, and he says, ‘Nia, honey,’” and at this point we are dying, because all of us had heard that line before, at least once, from Vincent Kennedy McMahon, ‘I know you’re not going to let this go, but could you at least wait until I’ve had my coffee first?’”
I swear at least one of us had fallen to the gravel howling.
That is, until we saw the dark figure of Seth Rollins coming straight towards us.
I jumped in front of the girls, holding a hand out to stop them mid stride. I looked down at my tiny little shorts and my low cut cami, suddenly feeling seven times more insecure and conscious of myself than I had ten seconds ago. I took a step forward, and Seth stopped.
Before he opened his mouth, I beat him to the punch. “What the hell are you doing here?”
“Babe, please.”
“Don’t babe me, motherfucker,” I seethed, not allowing myself to drop my eyes from his own, for fear that he’d see it as an opening. There was no room for him to speak here.
Bayley stepped up behind me, pulling at the hem of my shirt softly. “Sweetie, don’t worry about him, let’s just go.” Her eyes were pleading; as Seth’s adoptive little sister, I could understand why this wasn't something she wanted to happen. She loved the both of us too much to be able to handle another fight, after already having dealt with the aftermath of a plethora of them from both sides. She looked from me, to Seth, hoping one of us would walk away.
But I couldn't. And it seemed Seth couldn't either.
Sasha came forward and pulled Bayley away by the hand. Nia was already walking away with Alexa, giving Seth and I our space. I watched them clear out, taking an alternate path through the park. They would stay at a distance, but they wouldn't be far. If something happened, though, they’d be there in seconds.
Once they were gone, I set my ice cold gaze back on the bastard, but all I could see was the curve of his smirk at the edge of his pink lips that made me see red.
“What the fuck do you want?” I said abrasively, words dripping with acid. If he wanted to talk, he was going to get me at my most hostile. I crossed my arms flush against me, puffing out my chest to make myself bigger, like a housecat would its tail. I was livid. What fucking right did he have to rain on our parade of fun?
“I don't know why you're behaving like this.” He took a step closer, so he was only a few feet away from me.
“You don't know why I'm behaving like this?” I scoffed, then continued when the look on his face answered my question. “You don't think that fucking some random girl in our our hotel room is cause enough?”
“We talked about this,” he started, taking one step closer to me while I held my ground steadfastly. He dipped his head, the smirk on his face growing. “Or don’t you remember?”
“What the hell do you mean, Seth? Exactly what did we talk about?”
“You forgot.” He huffed out a laugh as he looked up at the dark night sky, before turning his cocky grin back my way. “All the shit you’re giving me right now, and you’re the one who forgot.”
“I swear to God, Seth -” my hands curled into fists at my sides, ready to fucking deck him if he edged any closer. “I don't know what the fuck you think you told me, but I doubt I’d ever agree to you screwing some other bitch.”
And that’s when he burst out cackling. That annoying, grating, absolutely wrath-inducing cackle. “Babe, that’s exactly what you did!”
My face dropped. “No the fuck I didn’t.” What was he even doing, accusing me of something I knew I’d never say?
At the repetition of my denial, he scoffed, keeling over. It was safe to say that my ego was bruised. The audacity of him to laugh in my fucking face, and it burned me that I didn't know why.
“Spit it out, would you?” I snapped.
He raised his hands in front of him. “Fine, fine...do you remember back two months ago, when I got a concussion?”
I scowled. “Yeah, I remember. What’s that got to do with—?”
“You wanted me to tell you, so I’m telling you. So shut the fuck up and listen for two goddamn seconds.”
I was so taken aback that I actually stopped talking. And it killed me that my body responded, getting turned on by his assertiveness. I pushed the feeling down, glaring at him.
Seth squinted at me, head tilting to the side to make sure he had my undivided attention. The way he ran his tongue over his lips never ceased to amaze me.
The first thing I remember was your face.
I couldn’t remember the ending of the match - I don’t remember the brogue kick to the face by Sheamus, or the feeling of my head splitting open on the metal fold-out chair, and I certainly didn’t remember the thumping of the ref’s palm slapping down on the mat. I don’t remember Dean pulling me out of the ring as Sheamus’ music played. All of that was lost on me that night, babe.
Your beautiful eyes - that’s what I remember. Your lips, chapped and bleeding from anxiety.
The way your brows creased in worry and the feeling of your soft hands on the sides of my face.
I remembered the bright lights of the room backstage where we waited for the doctor. The bright little flashlight burning my eyes as she checked me, your hand lingering on my skin because you didn’t want to stand even two feet away from me.
She told you to keep me awake while they called for an ambulance.
So you kept talking. Talking, and talking, and talking, on and on. God, you didn’t shut up for one fucking second.
You nagged at me. “Your placement was off, Seth. I thought you were a professional wrestler?” As if that was something I needed to hear. “I’ve told you a million times that you always let him get too close. You’ve taken a brogue kick, what, ten times already? Jesus, Seth.” If I didn’t die from my concussion, I’d have considered it a fucking miracle, because you were just grinding away at what little sanity I had left.
Don’t scowl at me, it’s true.
“Talktome abou’ somethin’ else, please.” I was slurring what words I could muster. You had me beggin’, babe. Begging for you to change the subject, to draw my mind to anything but what just happened and the aching, tortuous pain.
“About what?”
I think I managed a semblance of a chuckle, before I replied. “Whatch’er gon’ do t’ make this up t’ me.”
Maybe I winked? I can’t remember. Probably wasn’t a good wink. Probably looked like I was wincing at the pain, because your breath hitched and you asked me if I was all right.
“S’all right, babe. S’watcha gon’ do for me?”
You opened your mouth, incredulous. The audacity of me, you were probably thinkin’, I don’t know.
“Are you serious?” You asked, crossing your arms, like you know I hate.
“As a concussion, sweetheart.”
And you laughed. Like, a genuine laugh. You’re nodding, does that mean you remember? So you remember that, okay. Maybe you’ll remember this next part, too.
You bit your lip, thinkin’ about what you were gonna do for me, once I was better. You do that a lot, ya know. Bite your lip. And it makes me hard, baby, you know it does.
“Mmm… blowjobs every day for a week? Whenever, wherever? Like Shakira?”
Shit, was that tempting. But my smart ass wanted to get something even better out of you.
“A month.”
“What? No!”
“Then ‘s no deal.”
“Ugh, you bastard.”
“Then somethin’ else.”
You rolled your eyes at me, another thing that I absolutely hate. I was on a rollercoaster, fighting back the searing pain and wincing at the stars in my eyes, caught between halfway in love with you and halfway pissed that you were keeping me awake because I wanted so badly to just close my fucking eyes.
And then you whispered—
“One night with someone else.”
“So you do remember.”
I shook my head. “It just came to me.” I looked up at the sky, wiping the tears running down my face. “And then you said, ‘s’cuse me?’ like you couldn't believe what I’d said, and I replied with—”
“‘Don’t make me repeat it.’ And I didn’t.”
“Yeah,” I whispered, running my hands over my arms to keep out the cold, my skin already laden with trembling goose flesh. “You didn’t repeat it.”
He was right. I had said that. But it was a promise made to a man with a concussion. I figured he wouldn't remember, and in the end I was the one who forgot all about it. It was a joke, something I said just to appease him while he was dealing with mental and physical torture.
“Funny how that’s what you remember.”
“Well, when your girlfriend is giving you permission to sleep with someone else for a night, you’re going to remember.”
“But why didn’t you tell me before you did?” I groaned, turning away from him. “Why did you do it behind my back?”
To this, Seth had no reply. A grin crossed his lips as he opened his mouth to speak, but no sound came out. His mouth closed quietly. He was unsure of himself, for once in his life.
After all, what could he say to get me crawling back?
“I’m sorry.”
“Sorry’s not good enough, Seth. Did you not trust me? Did you think that, deep down, you knew that what I said was a joke, but you still wanted to use it as proof against me?”
“No, babe, I—”
“Because you had to have known I’d be pissed at you for not reminding me of this before you did anything.”
Seth was inches from me, I could feel him. He was so warm, and I hated myself for melting against him. “If you just give me another chance…” he whispered, his breath tickling my ear.
“Seth…” I moaned, my own body working against me as it leaned into his. I had no control. The scruff of his beard scratched at the crook of my shoulder, lightly peppering my skin with soft kisses.
“Baby…just. One more shot. I’ll be good.” His mouth suckled gently on the most sensitive part of my neck. “Let me prove that I deserve you.”
My eyelashes fluttered, eyes closing for a moment. It would be so easy… to just let him get away with what he did. So fucking easy. But then again — we were both to blame. That much, I couldn’t deny. I said something I didn't mean, and that was wrong. Not exactly on the same level as his own mistake, but a mistake nonetheless.
I turned to him.
“I need time. Time away from you. When that time’s over, I’ll let you know what I’ve decided.” I braced myself for his reaction.
But all I got was a half smile.
“Okay,” he nodded. “If that’s what it takes.”
Last Note: An ambiguous ending for the most complicated persona (in my opinion) that I know. Seth, you stupid fuck, I hate to love you.
Tag List:
@llowkeys / @mewsburger / @athoughtfulmindwrites / @kaitlynwwefan / @unabashedwwesmut / @monsteramongmen-tamer / @therealfivefeetoffuckingfury / @baronesscorbin / @heelturn-timesten / @devitts-girl / @bbmbabe / @wrestlewriting / @wrasslin-x / @justrae9903 / @idekwhatthisis / @straight-outta-the-asylum / @lip-sync / @squirrel666 / @deanammbrose / @heelsamizayn / @omegaliciousss / @omegaweaponx / @selinamasri / @meghanannexx / @abschaffer2 / @briankendrick / @crowleysqueenofhell / @sjwrites22 / @wwetrashqueen / @thehardyboyz / @theprestigious0ne / @toosweetme / @p0tat0catofwesteros / @wrestlingbabe / @lunaticfringe216 / @blondekel77 / @welshwitch5 / @the-geekgoddes / @kingslayers-angel / @we-work-hard / @glowrioustrash / @fucking-bandsx / @supermanrreigns / @itsnethbellins / @moneypowergloryfameliquorlove / @alexahood21 / @nopeitsnat / @lagenerica
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nightwingswing · 7 years
“Stalker”(Jonathan crane x reader x Jason Todd) Jason Todd ending.
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Hello my little wiings!
Here it is ! Jay’s ending to the “Stalker” series! Tomorrow will be published Jonathan’s ending (with smut)
Im also working in a continuation to the “Sibling war”(waverider crew x reader) story and bew Batfam imagines and hc and also a  Riddler imagine! so if you have any other propt for any villain or any character of Dc send me a message anytime!
Thank you to everyone who supported this story and the wonderful anon who suggested two ending for this story! 
tags: @hamsterforlive @princessquinn33 @plethora-of-things
If you want to be tagged message me any time!
Part1 Part2 Jay’s ending (here!)  jon’s ending  [Sequel!]
“Well birdie…looks like you are about to lose hahahahaha!!! This gives me so many memories! Ahh! To bad the big bad bat won’t come! ☹ But anyway…im sure you came for your little princess??? Ohhh you did hahahahaha!! The little robin is alone again!! Poor youuu! Too bad she doesn’t love you anyway!! Hahahahahaha” The joker laughed, over the blodies body of Red hood.
“ Fuck …you” Jason said.
“Good night!” The joker prepared for the last strike.
Jason Todd Ending
Jason fired his gun, hitting the joker in the middle of his forehead.
The joker let escape a mad laugh before falling on the ground. A sick smile in his cold face as a little trail of blood escaped from the hole.
Jason kicked his body away and broke the door, seeing your sleeping face. He immediately calmed down, but his anger incremented as he saw The scarecrow sitting next to you.
“You fucker…” Jason seethed as Crane waked up.
“You…we thought I killed you….To bad, you’ll die soon.” Crane grabbed a knife and attacked Jason. Jason shoot him once. Crane attacked him, injuring his good arm making the gun fall on the ground. Todd kicked him on his knees making him fall, he kicked the knife away and hit cranes face repeatedly making him bleed trough his nose.
“that’s for (y/N)! that’s for all the civilians you killed! , This is for the children you experimented on, this is for my family and THIS IS FOR (y/n) AGAIN!!!!” After a extra strong punch Crane’s head hit the ground violently and got knocked out.  Jason spited blood on the ground before running to you and disconnecting the blood transfuses and the machines.
“Oh god, (y/n) …wake up please! I can’t lose you! I can’t lose anyone else! Please!” Jason teared his domino mask off and hold your face in his bloodstained ones. He kissed you sweetly over and over again.
“(Y/N) PLEASE! PLEASE! Wake up don’t leave me…. You are my everything…my best friend…my lover…my soulmate…The only I trust enough with my feelings…I can’t lose anyone else! “he kissed your lips softly as his desperate hot tears fell on your cold cheeks. “(y/n) …..”
“J-Jay….” You opened your eyes softly, your mouth dry and voice raspy from the screaming. “Jay..” Jason smiled at you as he hugged you hard.
“(y/n)…oh god….you’re okay…everything is going to be ok…” Jason’s breath felt hot in the skin of your neck as his hug felt comfortable and heavenly.
“Jay….im sorry…I shouldn’t have….i shouldn’t have come!” You sobbed on Todd’s chest as he tried to calm you.
“Shhhh, it’s okay….we took care of it…Gotham’s safe again…” Jason carried you bridal style out of the facility, as he went out Kory and Roy entered the labs.
“Everyone has reunited?” Jay asked.
“Yes, everyone is waiting outside. The rest of the league joined in the last fight.” Roy answered.
“Take care of Crane, if I see his face I shot him.” Jason started walking away holding you close. “ oh, and the body of the joker is rooting in the entrance!”
“What.” Roy said.
“Does that mean I can blast the crow of scares? he hurt my friend!” Kori said.
“uh…maybe a bit, yeah a bit” Roy said as they walked to the lab.
Jason got out of the labs to see his allies, friends, and …ugh…family.
“Jason! How is she??” Dick ran to him to see if you needed medical attention.
“She’s okay…”
“My god! Jay your hands! You face! “ Dick said.
“Not my blood”
“Who is it. “ Batman, who had recently joined their fight said.
“Crane’s…and joker’s”.
“The joker was here?” Superman asked as Roy came out of  the lab with Crane’s unconscious body and Kori with joker’s bloodied, cold corpse whose she let fall from her flying position to the ground in a loud splash.
“He’s dead btw.” Jason said nonchalant as he passed them to let you in   Roy’s car. “Now take Crane out of my sight before I shot him ten times.”
"What? JASON!" Batman yelled. Jason let you in the passenger seat and drive home where he showered you, dressed you in your pajama and prepared your favorite to eat. Late that night Jason cuddled you apologizing for not acting before…for letting you get hurt. You tried to smile at him and cuddled him.
“It’s not your fault…” Jason hugged you and hide his face in your neck, smelling your calming scent.
“I love you, (y/n).” Jason kissed your lips sweetly before falling asleep.
It’s been 4 months since what the press called “The Darkest months” . All the hero community united to put Gotham back to its feet.
“Starfire, Hawkgirl please put this in that roof”
“ Okay!” Kori smiled as she and Chayara flied the roof of a house to its place. Superman flied over them melting the joints with his X ray vision. The lanterns set away and got rid of the debris while Aquaman took care of  putting out the fires and of re-construing the port of Gotham.
Batman and the Batclan, helped GCPD with the civilians. Wonder Woman with the Flash helped to put back together Gotham’s memorials. For the first time all the heroes helped in putting back the destroyed city, and for the months it took no villain, mobster or petty thief tried anything.
Jason had finally eliminated all the residual chemicals Scarecrow put in your system, with patience, love and caution Jason sewed back together your psychologic and physical health ,like you once did for him all those years ago. Bruce had months of not talking to Jason, angry at the fact that he had killed, on the other hand, Jason felt his revenge had been finished and now fought for what was right. You and Jason fell in love all over again after that adventure and Jason was very decided to not letting you go.
He had finally found someone he could trust with his life, someone he could be weak with , someone who would love him with his faults …Someone he could form a family with.
Tonight was the 8th anniversary of you first meeting and also of your first date. Jason put a blindfold on you and conduced you to the same secret place he showed you those years ago, this place was only yours…There he had set an small table with two chairs and a candle.
“Jay…?” A wide smiled took over your face as you looked at you romantic-that -acts-like-he’s-so-tough boyfriend and kissed him. He helped you sit and put the first dish he prepared for you when you two moved together.
After eating he smiled at you with his bad boy charm and gave you his helmet. You, confused took it , he told you to look inside. You got a little red velvet box and as you opened it Jason got on one of his knees. You realized when you saw the simple ring inside and tears started falling of your eyes.
“(Y/n) (l/n) I know im not the easier man to get along, nor the best boyfriend heck not even the best vigilante. But I love you, you make me a better man, you feel like I belong, you are my home. Since I meet you I knew there was something in you…something that told me that you were different. You would make me the happiest man on earth if you accepted this mess for a husband.” As Jason ended you had put the ring on your finger and tackled him, kissing his lips over and over again.
“I DO!, I do I do I do!!” You smiled at him as he kissed you passionately.
“Thank you.”
It was a small wedding in that same roof. Just your family, Roy, Kori and jay’s family. He looked handsome with his black leather jacket, clean white shirt and black pants. You, on the other hand looked positively angelic in your medium length white dress with a red bow, your (h/c) hair free and natural and bouquet of red roses on your hand.
Jason smiled when he looked at you, you here the most beautiful view he had ever seen. He took your hand between his and kissed your nose.
Roy, officed the wedding for you as Tim was Jason’s best (or maybe bat?) man and  Kori was your (how she called it ) Maid of brides. Lian with her cute red hood dress you had made for her carried the rings for you two.
After the ceremony Alfred with the help of the Batboys (and Bruce) prepared the dinner, and after Roy got a bit drunk with Dick and Babs had to put them in time out you and Jay came back to your home sweet home where you made love all night long.
Sinking in each others warm until the end of time.
The end.
Meanwhile in one of the darkest cells of Arkham and middle aged man grabed his head between his hands and talked to himself smiling crazily as h lived in his own world.
“Yes, of course my beautiful (y/n)! of course I’m happy we have Sam! You want another?? No problem my beautiful wife! Get out that pesky dress of you and let me make love to you!!!”
Suddenly a loud explosion and the man hit the wall violently as the wall of his prison blew up. When the smoke cleared the man eyes looked at his way to freedom, an evil smile made his way to his soft face.
“I’m coming, my love!” Yelled Jonathan Crane as he ran away of Arkham asylum.
Jason Todd’s ending -  (Here)
Jonathan Crane’s ending ( here)
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nightwingswing · 7 years
“The family’s girl” (Batfam x reader) Part7
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Hello my lil’ wings!
So how i promised in the response to @cecedot  here it is the part 7 of “the family’s girl”! And also @redbird-97  and @hamsterforlive  who messaged me and gave me encouragment to update!
Wednesday is my last day of college, so i’ll publish more stories this week!
tagging @cutiedaij @hamsterforlive @plethora-of-things  
If you want to be tagged ask or message me anytime!
Part1 Part2  Part3 Part4   Part5 Part6 Part7(here we are!)  Part8 Part9 Part10
You were officially screwed.
Who knew the youngest Wayne was capable of falling for someone? In a couple of days?
Worst thing?
He was possessive.
To make the scene worse.
Tim had decided to come every.day.
Super great.
“Seriously Drake, (y/n) has a better taste than you regarding clothes, so let her choose what she wants.” Damian glared at Tim, who had been holding a rather ugly dress.
“Excuse me? This is all the rage!” Tim exclaimed.
“Sure, makes designers rage, that’s for sure.” Dami scoffed
You looked at them an amused/done expression on her face.
“Boys, please…”
“But! Have you seen his taste in clothes?! You deserve so much better!” Damian exclaimed.
“Im going to try this one I choose. “ You changed quickly, the red dress hugging your form nicely. You smiled at your reflexion and went to see the boys.
When the two saw you they stopped fighting, they blushed and Tim smiled at you.
“You look beautiful, (y/n).” Tim praised you. Damian blushing scoffed.
“She looks beautiful every day.”
“Awwww” you coed and hugged Damian. “ I knew you liked me!” Damian plushed you away, blushing.
“Of course I do. If not, I won’t put up with Drake and you.” Dami looked away.
“Anyway, why are you buying a fancy dress?” Tim asked.
“..I got a date, remember? With Jason? He invited me to have dinner.” Tim eyes widened and Damian broke one of the mannequins.
“Dami?” You asked looking at him.”Why-“
“I didn’t like the outfit it wore”
Tim mentally raged on Jason and his stupid bad boy charm, and his stupid leather jacket.
“It’s the hair and the jacket, right?!” Tim shake you. “I thought our kiss mean something!”
“What’ Timmy of course it meant something! But our date isn’t like that! Im sure someone like Jason has a lot of girls on his feet!”
“You sure?” Tim pouted.
“I am” You got out of Tim’s hold and started walking to the changing room. “And anyway, I’m not your girlfriend” Tim bite his lip and Damian smirked at him.
“Such a coward, Drake”
“Shut up, demon”
Jason was gonna get it tonight.
“HEY HEY HEY! TIMBO WHAT YOUR DEAL?!” Jason tried to block all of Tim’s punches.
“WELL, I LIKE HER SO WHAT?” Jay blocked a fierce punch from Tim .
“SHE’S MINE!” Tim kicked Jason.
“WHAT GOING ON OVER HERE!?” Batman growled.
“LANGUAGE!” Batman growled at his sons. “now what the hell is going on?!”
“shit, who was talking to him?”
“Oh look, Scarecrow is on the loose!” Tim yelled. “lets go!” They turned their communicators off so Batman couldn’t hear and the robins disappeared.
“…” Batman batglared at his computer.
You were getting dressed for your date when Damian knocked on you door.
“Come in!” You smiled at Damian who stiffened when he saw you “Ah, Dami, could you help me with the zipper?” He zipped it up and you turned around. “You need something?”
“Why are you going out with Todd?” Damian asked.
“Well, he asked me out so we could know each other’s better.” You smiled and the boy frowned. When he opened his mouth to say something a bike’s Clackson was heard.
“Oh that must be Jay! I called Tim to look out for you, I’ll be back in 2 hours. Please don’t break anything!” You hugged a blushing angry Damian and opened the door.” Tim come in! I’ll be back in 2 hour! Please try to not break anything” You kissed Tim’s cheek and ran outside.
Jason whistled at you as you walked to him, he gave you a spare helmet and you sat behind him on his bike.
“Where to?” You asked.
“To my favorite (f/f) restaurant” Jason said.
“Oh, I love (f/f)! “
Jason speed up while Tim and Damian observed by the windows, they glared at his brothers back until it wasn’t visible anymore.
“We are following him, right?” Tim smirked
“Dam right” Damian smirked.
You and Jason were eating (f/f) peacefully, laughing and meeting yourselves better.
Jason liked what he saw.
He liked it a lot.
“Why did you decide you we’re coming to Bludhaven?”
“oh, well…”You bite you lip, shyly “ I wanted to get as far as possible from home”
“Why?” Jason held your hand and you blushed.
“….” You sighed “I wanted to show my parents than I can live on my own. That I’m older”
“You think that’s childish?” You sighed.
“No…I can relate somehow. There was a time I wanted to overcome the shadow of another” Jay looked away.
“Did you did it?”
“…” for a moment, he looked pained.
“No need to tell me, really” You smiled and Jason smiled back.
“Thanks” Jason moved his chair so he could be closer to you.
Jason and you talked and laughed for an hour, ignoring the two jealous birds stalking you two.
“Do you want me to show you something?” Jason smirked.
“What?” You asked curious.
“My favorite place when I was a kid.” Jason and you entered an alley where he jumped on a fire escape. You grabbed his leg and he pulled you up, he grabbed your hand and the two of you go up to the stairs to the rooftop. The two of you laughed as an old lady opened her window to yell at you two. Once you two where up, Jason covered you eyes and helped you up, he asked you to keep your eyes closed and he set his jacket on the ground.
“Sit and lay on your back” You did as told and you felt Jason lay next to you.
“Open your eyes now” Jason asked and you uncovered you eyes.
You were looking at the sky of Gotham, illuminated by the lights. Colors flying around, the loud sound of traffic blocked by the height.
“It’s beautiful…” You awed.
“Its where I came to relax when I was younger. I felt safe, felt free….You are the only one who knows about it.” Jason looked at you, your face illuminated by the lights.
“I’ll keep as a secret!” You smiled “I promise” Jason smiled back and you grabbed his hand and he blushed. “This will be our safe haven”
“Yeah…ours” Jason looked up again, smiling and his hold on your hand tighten.
Jason gave you a ride back to your home, you two decided to meet again next week to go to the movies. And that you could anytime go to his secret haven as it was yours too.
You gave him a kiss on the cheek as goodbye and entered your building. Once inside you let the blush and the silly smile free. Jason had make you all tingly.
You opened your door to find Damian sitting in the dark, he turned on the light as you entered the apartment.
“Where were you?”
“umm, out?” You closed to door and turned the lights on, then walked towards your room. Damian followed you.
“You said 2 hours!”
“You were out for 3!”
“oh Damian, I’m so sorry! Did Tim leaved an hour ago? Have you eaten!?”
“He leaved half an hour ago and yes. I cooked as Drake can’t even do an omelet.”
“Can I do something to make it up to you?” You hugged him.
“…Take me to the zoo”
“AND you take me to eat on the new vegetarian place.”
“Now, go to sleep, (y/n).”
“Okay…good night, dami” You kissed his forehead and he quickly kissed your cheek.
“Night, (y/n).” He opened his door and closed it behind him.
You smiled at his cuteness and closed your door, you changed into your pajamas and fell face first on the bed, you hugged your pillow.
Now you had even MORE conflicting feelings.
You felt your eyes closing from the tiredness of the day, your muscles relaxing and you fell asleep.
The last thing you saw was a mop of black hair setting next to you on the bed and hugging you, their head buried in your neck.
Oh snap.
It was Damian.
If you wake him up he’ll be all ashamed you found out and he will be angry.
On the other hand
If you pretended you were sleeping until he wakes up you’ll be late for your classes.
To be, or not to be: that is the question
Maybe you could wake him up AND preted you are asleep!
Thank you!
Softly you kissed his cheek and kicked him, when he started moving you turn your back to him and pretend you were asleep.
He woke up, looked as if you were asleep and leaved your room sneakily.
You smiled when he closed the door and high fived the air.
Your plan has worked!
You quickly got up, showered and brushed your teeth.
You prepared a quick breakfast for Dami and when you saw him enter the kitchen you bid him goodbye.
Damian started eating and contemplating how to ask you to come to his father’s gala next week.
With him
He was cleaning his dishes when someone come in thought the windows. Damian glared and grabbed the broomstick, ready to kick the ass of whoever dared to enter HIS house-I mean (Y/N) house!
He sneacked up to the living room, and prepared to attack when the figured turned around.
To be continued!
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