#there's not enough alma and luisa bonding
yellowcry · 1 year
Fear in the night
After a bad dream, Alma decided to go outside for some fresh air. It turns out that she wasn't the only one who couldn't sleep well tonight.
Alma slowly stood up in the quiet water of the river, walking forward. Everything was pretty blurry as she rushed forward with only one thought. They had to get away. She saw the terrified look on her family's faces but didn't stop. It doesn't matter right now; the main thing is to go somewhere safe. The red moon glittered ominously in the sky. Alma witnessed dark shadows of people but couldn't actually see anyone.
"Mamíta!" Bruno let out a suffocating gasp, and Alma winced, also jumping in fear, as she looked somewhere where she heard a voice. Her hijo was standing there, frozen. A dark, twisted hand that looked like a chicken paw grabbed him, pulling him away.
"Bruno!" Alma screamed, now running to her son. A sable metal blade flashed in the air only for a second before falling right into her child, painting everything red.
Darkness surrounded them. Alma felt like shadows bent her down, pressing on her shoulders. 
"Mamá, don't leave us!" Her children's voices melted together. Alma attempted to look up, but everything was so blurry. The figures in the shadiness kept changing repeatedly, from ginger hair to black, from brown eyes to green. 
Alma opened her mouth, wanting to scream, but she couldn't make a sound. It's like she was underwater, and attempting to speak just made her have water in her lungs. 
She saw her family's outlines in the flickering moonlight; people were falling to the ground as rapiers hit them. The air was full of a bloody smell. Alma's guts twisted as she tried to close her eyes tightly, but then the screams around her became louder and louder.
"Abuela, help!"
"I'm scared!"
"Why didn't you help us?"
Everything was red. Alma wheezed, looking at her hands covered in blood. Why did it happen? E-everything was fine yesterday! Probably. Now all she could see were pictures of her dying family. Soldiers found them, and now everything that Alma tried to prevent for fifty years has happened. Her kids are now lying in her hands as breathless newborns. But somehow her grandchildren were still there, begging for help. There were only two colors: gray shadows and red from all the violence. The blood that she swore to never spill anymore. But now the water under her feet was red. Alma felt like she was drowning; a wave swept over her, pushing her down.
Alma woke up with a terrified gasp, clutching to her chest. Her heart kept beating like crazy for over a minute as she gazed at the clock. Two AM. She took a deep breath, trying to calm down. Everything was fine. Nobody was dying. Nothing happened. 
But memories of the nightmare inside her head were still too fresh. The boiling blood in her ears was still too loud. Alma wasn't even sure, why she had a nightmare. It was over fifty years ago; everything is fine now. Still, her heart missed a bit when she thought about the cracks in the cliffs. Alma knew that now was a different time; right now, there wasn't any war that could take the life of someone important to her. They even visited Alma's home village not so long ago. But the images of bleeding shadows still flickered in her mind, almost mockingly. A dark reminder of what might happen in the future.
"I need some fresh air," Alma muttered to herself while carefully shooting her blanket. She looked out of the window, and the shutters wobbled a little. Yes, some time to think outside would be good.
Alma winced in stunner as she realized that she wasn't the only one who was sleepless in the middle of the night. There, on the bench in front of Guzman's house, sat Luisa, clearly distinguished by her big figure. Her loose curls were falling on her shoulders, making her look like some beautiful muse from ancient Greek myths in the weak moonlight. She looked at the cracks in the mountains, almost frozen, breathless.
"Luisa?" Alma's nieta fluttered at her voice. "Why are you awake?" She came up behind her, looking at the young woman worriedly. Luisa shrugged her shoulders, slightly crouching over.
Alma saw how Luisa pursed her lips unsurely as she sat next to her. "Abuela, why are YOU awake?" She finally asked back, keeping looking into the distance with an impenetrable facial expression, pursing her upper lip, her eyes looked like she wasn't here right now. Not mentally. She clasped her hands, respiring heavily.
Some parts of Alma wanted to scold Luisa for answering a question with a question, while others wanted to say that everything was fine. But her inability to speak about her feelings was the thing that led them all to lose their gifts. To almost losing one of her grandkids. So Alma took a deep breath, also looking at the mountains. "I had a nightmare." She whispered, breaking the heavy, tense silence in the air. 
Luisa made a surprised sound and finally turned to see Alma. Her face was so shocked as if she couldn't believe that her abuela might have nightmares. Then she bit her lip, taking a calm breath. "Me too." She sighed harshly, leaning back on the bench, looking at the broken mountain again, and crossing her arms over her chest.
Alma wanted to ask what Luisa dreamed about, but she knew that forcing somebody to talk about it was a bad idea. So, instead, she kept studying a severe crack far away, trying not to think about what could happen if something went wrong. As she saw with her side eye, Luisa did the same, staring at the rift almost without blinking. She looked like a cornered animal, ready to attack at any moment. And Alma probably wasn't any better, baring her teeth from a mix of anger for the monsters in her dream and fear for the family, chin tucked in.
There was a heavy, awkward silence for a few minutes, interrupted only by a light breeze. The air was wet; judging by the clouds in the sky, it might rain in the morning. Without Pepa's powers, they all had to get used to the equatorial climate. The stars were shining in the night sky, breaking through the cold fog of the night. The crack looked scary, almost ominously, as if it were laughing, "You don't know what might be behind me." Alma didn't want to know the dark thing—all the bad people that now had a way into the Encanto. But her memories of this awful dream were still too fresh. A vision of lifeless bodies kept appearing in her mind. Of what could happen if something went wrong.
"Is it..." Luisa hesitated, finally speaking again, hunching over. "Is it strange that I'm afraid that something bad might happen because of crack?" She asked unsurely, making Alma stare in surprise as she finally got distracted from contemplation of the mountain and looked at her nieta again, trying to proceed with what she just heard. Luisa looked at her hands, clutching them into fists. "L-like with Abuelo Pedro?" She sighed heavily, closing her eyes. "I know that... Every person from the outside world that we met was very nice, but..." She stopped in the middle of the sentence, not sure what to say next.
Alma couldn't hold back a surprised giggle, which wasn't left unnoticed by Luisa, who looked away in embarrassment, probably thinking that she just acts stupid. "Lo siento, I didn't mean to laugh at you." Alma immediately assured her. "It's just..." She pursed her lips. Talking about her feelings was hard. Throwing all those years of pain outside was barely pleasing, but Alma allowed these inner scars to be cooked way longer than they were supposed to. "That's what happened in my nightmare." She explained with a harsh breath, looking up at the cloudy sky, wondering if Pedro was looking at them right now. But, knowing that she wasn't the only one who couldn't keep calm because of senseless thoughts was a little bit reassuring.
"And in mine too." Luisa breathed out even if it was completely unnecessary because of her last sentences, and Alma was pretty sure that her nieta knew it too, clarifying it more for herself than for anyone else. Alma clunked her palms together, looking at Luisa, thinking that the two of them might have way more in common than she thought before. She never paid Luisa much attention, especially compared to her sisters. Isabela had the privilege of being the favorite grandchild, spending most of the time with Alma and, pretty much, overshadowing all the other kids in the house, including her hermanitas. But if Mirabel was desperately trying to get Alma's attention, always working around the Casita, asking her for credit over many things like needlework on her skirt or the new song for the town kids, even if it rarely was anything more than a simple 'good job' told just for politeness until Alma would return to her business. And Luisa did the same, except for the fact that she never asked for any sort of attention directly. Just working hard, desperately trying to be noticed, to earn some sort of prosperity. Yes, it was pretty easy to overlook Luisa, despite the fact that she was the largest person in the whole Encanto. It just felt like she was very small. The curse of the middle child, isn't it?
"I don't even have my gift anymore." Luisa murmured gloomily. "I won't be able to help if something bad happens." She winced, once again looking somewhere far away with a strange, abnormal sadness printed in her bones as if she were way older than she was supposed to be, making her abuela worriedly sick. Luisa shouldn't be worried about anything like that; it wasn't her business or something she was obliged to do.
Alma shook her head unhappily, speaking to her nieta. "Protecting this family is not your job." She should've said it ages ago, but instead, she placed the need to keep everyone safe on the kid's shoulders. Maybe if it weren't for Alma's own issues, Luisa wouldn't be sitting here right now, fretting just like she was. 
"It's not your job either." Luisa chuckled, shrugging slightly. Alma let out a weak laugh. Okay, Luisa got her here. It wasn't a job for anyone but for the whole family together. Even if asking somebody for help was scary and hard. But she used to rule alone, throwing away all worries to keep others safe, so asking anyone for help was unusual and very strange, like breaking some unsaid rule.
 "Fair enough, I think we both just got used to it." Alma sighed, and little smiling sprinkles appeared in her nieta's eyes. Alma was putting her problems away for the sake of her people, hoping that this pain over Pedro and her fear of repeating history would just go away. And her nieta used to be the one who could handle anything, no matter how hard it was. 
"I mean, I want to make sure that you all are safe." Luisa's tone became serious as she looked at the crack again. And something on her face just told Alma that if something bad really happened, if there was even the smallest threat, then Luisa would move mountains even without her gift, just to protect them. And for a moment, Alma saw a five-year-old who was sobbing in her white party dress, scared that somebody might take her family, just like they took her Abuelo years ago. The girl who promised to protect her family at the moment she earned her gift Alma wondered if this willingness to keep everyone safe was the reason why Luisa's gift was super strength. To make sure she was strong enough to save them all. People mostly assumed that it was due to her love for physical activity, but maybe there was more behind it.
"Thank you.." Alma whispered. "Luisa, you're the strongest person I know, even without your gift." Her nieta had a strong willingness to protect her family. Maybe a little too strong. She had already sacrificed herself for fourteen years for the community, letting go of her childhood for hard work. And if self-sacrifice was a generic family trait... Alma hoped that it wasn't, even if something in Luisa screamed that she would do the same thing as Pedro if it meant keeping everyone safe.
Luisa shook her head, clutching her hands in front of her chest. "I'm not strong." She chuckled a little, making Alma wince in surprise. "I would never live through losing someone I love." She scrutinized at Alma softly, even adoringly.
"I didn't do it either." Alma sighed. She had been mourning for many years, even if she hid this burning pain inside her chest, promising to stay with the one who could hold them together. Because she thought that she didn't have time to cry over something that couldn't be changed. Pedro was gone, and admitting it made her heartache. Thinking about how he never managed to meet his own kids was painful. For a moment, the wind became stronger, messing up their hair. Alma's white hair hit her spine. 
Luisa smiled, gently placing her big palm on Alma's hand as she threw her hair back. "Still, you managed to build this community out of nothing." Luisa squinted her eyes, there was some kind of pride inside them, destined for somebody really important. "I would never be able to do something like that." She looked down with a harsh sigh. 
Both of them stared at the rift again, not sure what to say next. Because the problem still remained. They were open to the outside world, which could be beautiful but also very dangerous. The shiny darkness inside the crack made Alma's guts twitch as she thought about everything that could be behind it right now.
"But what will you do if something really happens?" Luisa bit her lip, tucking a strand behind her ear, running the curly hair between her fingers, finally speaking about an unsaid problem. Truth be told, that's worth worrying about—the reason why Alma couldn't just ignore those nightmares.
Alma looked behind them at the house where the whole family was currently sleeping; she really hoped that everyone else had sweet dreams. Two nightmares were more than enough. "I'd like to say that I would discuss it with everyone and make some kind of plan..." She moaned, leaning back on the bench, trying to be honest, more for herself, and because now, sitting in the darkness of night, Alma realized that Luisa would never judge her for the truth, not when she was as worried as Alma is. "But I don't think that I ever would be able to out anyone, even at the slightest risk." Even the smallest thought that anyone could be hurt made her shrink in fear.
Luisa scratched the back of her head, lost in thoughts for some time. "Maybe I could delay the danger for some time." She put her head in her hands, and her hair was thrown behind the bench. "I still have my muscles." And she tensed her arms, showing her powerful hands earned by years of hard work.
"You don't have to." Alma assured her immediately, the last thing they needed was to return to their old habits and put a burden on just one person. It wasn't Luisa's job, and Alma really meant it. Luisa should run with everyone and stay safe, not risking herself for the sake of anyone else.
"I want to." Alma knew that it was true. Because something in Luisa said that she would do anything if it meant protecting them. She would give anything for it, even her own life. It was the same confident look that Pedro had at the moment when soldiers reached for them. If Mirabel got his optimistic outlook, then Luisa totally earned his endless love for the people that were important to her. Something, that made Alma shrink in fear of knowledge of what might happen if something would really go wrong.
"I know." Alma sighed hard, snuggling up to her granddaughter. "But this family doesn't need another Pedro."
They had enough trauma over one dead member. Alma would never be able to live with herself if her grandchild died. She remembered how scared she was, almost forgetting how to breathe, at the moment when Bruno's tower fell on Mirabel. When Alma only imagined what could happen to her little girl, whom she had abandoned for years. 
Luisa didn't say anything about it; she just shook her head, looking at the ground. The warm equatorial air was lying on their spines. The trees rustled far away as the wind played with their leaves. The bright stars in the clear sports in the sky shone somewhere far away from here.
"It's just so much to take in." Luisa fetched out a breath. "At first, my gift disappeared." She looked at her hands, clutching them into the fists on her knees. "Now we're open to the outside world." She hesitated for a moment. "Maybe I'm just overthinking." Luisa shook her head, giggling a little.
"I'm the last person who could blame you for it." Alma chuckled, thinking about how she came here because of her own worries. Yes, saying anything to be worried about nothing was total duplicity.
They became silent for a while again. The broken mountain stopped looking so terrifying. Still, the darkness between the edges of the crack sent an awful, twisted feeling of worry down her spine.
"I hope that everything will be fine." Luisa sighed as she put her head on Alma's shoulder, making her wince in surprise.
"I do too." Alma placed her hand on her nieta's spine, slightly patting her.
Hope was the best thing they could afford right now. After all, no one could see that the future was holding—not anymore. Even if Alma knew that her fears were mostly irrational, forced by old scars on her soul that would never heal properly. Still, it was hard to feel unsafe with Luisa around. Part of Alma wanted to slap herself, reminding herself that placing a burden of protection on Luisa wasn't fair; it wasn't her job or something she had to do. But again, her determined face said that Luisa would protect her family without any hesitation, not because she was forced to, but because she wanted to keep everyone safe because her heart was big and warm, ready to keep beating for her family. But the fear that this heart might go too far, willing to help them at any cost, was awful.
Alma winced as she realized that Luisa stared to sneeze on her shoulder, finally falling asleep. She chuckled, slightly ruffling her nieta's hair. "Have sweet dreams, Luisa," Alma whispered in the air with a soft smile, leaning her head on Luisa's. At least now they were safe. Her granddaughter deserved some good sleep after thinking about what might happen if she didn't manage to save anybody, despite the fact that she never had to be the one who should protect anyone more than a normal human. "Tomorrow is another day." Alma yawned, closing her eyes. 
Everything was fine. They were safe. She couldn't say that she wasn't terrified by the thought that something might go wrong. But for now, they were okay. No one was going to repeat Pedro's fate of disappearing in the cold water. There wasn't a smell of burning houses or fresh blood. And maybe, for now, things are quite okay.
None of them had a nightmare this time. Even if, in the morning, both Alma and Luisa would laugh embarrassedly over the photo of the two of them sleeping together on the bench.
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queenofthedisneyverse · 9 months
Encanto God au
I got another Alma and Mirabel bonding au! 
Ok so, what if the Madrigals were gods? Like: 
The story/au goes that Alma fell in love with a human man, Pedro. Her parents, friends, and even strangers told her that it won’t end well but Alma, being the young goddess she was, didn’t listen. The way they met was at the candle festival, Alma loved festivals, so she wasn’t going to pass up a fun time. 
So, she disguised herself as a human and went to the festival. Soon meeting the love of her life.  They dated, got married, and had three demigod children. Everyone on earth and above the clouds were of course happy for them. But her parents and friends couldn’t fight the feeling of something going wrong. 
On the night of the triplets' birth, Alma was in a deep coma like sleep, as any mother would be. While asleep with her three babies next to her, Pedro was outside talking to a “friend”. This “friend” got word of Pedro marrying a goddess and having children with her. His jealousy got the best of him and when Pedro was in his calmest and happiest state…he killed him. 
Not long after Alma woke up in a cold sweat and went outside to look for her husband. At the moment, a raid was going on. Houses and stores are up in flames, men with machetes on horses left and right and Pedro…After what seemed like days of weeping and sobbing, she found the man who killed her husband and…dealt with him properly, let's say. 
After that incident, the only humans allowed to come near her were Pedro’s parents, high up on Monte Encanto (Mount Encanto, Like Mount Olympus ). Humans can only go to Mount Olympus when they are invited, no other way. On the plus side, it’s incredibly too high for any human to climb. 
Alma was quite upset and hates herself for not being vigilant enough to protect her husband, therefore she’s going to protect her children and never let them near humans. In her mind, falling in love with them is the worst thing you can do, on both sides. 
Where does Mirabel come in? Give me a sec
Remember how I mentioned Pedro’s parents? Yeah, they wanted his grave to be on earth. They wanted it on earth because they didn’t want to constantly have to have Alma’s permission for them to see their own son’s grave on mount Encanto. So, out of respect of his parents, she lets the grave be on earth and every so often she visits it when she needs time alone or is too stressed out. 
Her children sometimes tag along with her on his birthday and leave some flowers or gifts for him to take into the afterlife. You know how the skeletons in Coco would take a magical version of the gift sat on their grave? 
Yeah, they believe that’s how he takes the gifts. On one of his birthdays, the triplets and Alma visited his grave with gifts to give him. While doing so, they heard a faint cry. A baby's cry, they looked around to see if there was any baby in the distance. They didn’t see anything. The cry was far but close enough to hear, which is strange, who would leave a baby at a graveyard of all places? 
After looking around a bit more, they found a little baby girl in a basket near a tree. She was small, very small, and she looked…new. Like not even a day new, like she was born mere hours ago. 
Julieta, being the caring mother she is, picked the baby up and held her close. The little infant was cold, very cold, and from the vibe she was giving Julieta, more than likely sick. 
“She’s just a baby, who would do such a thing?!” 
Alma stared at the little one and she knew right then and there, she had to care for this child. Unlike her granddaughters, who had been born within the safety of alabaster stone pylons, and in the presence of trained nursemaids draped in maroon and gold silks, this little baby had no such luxury.  
Unlike Isabela, whose head was christened in rosewater the minute she was birthed, or Luisa who was immediately coddled in the finest of linens to warm, or Dolores who was put in the finest cradle made of gold and calming scented clouds to lay her head on. Mirabel was in nothing but a withered old basket and wearing…nothing. There was a simple small blanket covering her, nothing more. 
And to top it all off, she was born on her late husband's birthday, March 6th. This little girl was a miracle. She would’ve called her a gift from the gods but she just went with a gift from her Pedro. 
So, from then on, little Mirabel (or sometimes Miracle) was welcomed into the family as a Madrigal. A mere human yes, but still an amazing little gift that Alma welcomed with open arms. 
She was going to teach her everything from literature, mathematics, combat, science, just anything in the little girl's early years to make sure that she was going to be strong, independent, and smart just like her. 
“I give you my word neita, you will be outstanding” 
Mirabel/Miracle was given to Julieta and Agustin to care for but…it’s more like Alma adopted her herself. She read her stories, gave her gifts, fed her, clothed in the best clothes, etc. To make sure absolutely nothing happened to her little Miracle, Alma made a potion for Mirabel to take everyday to make sure she’s immortal. 
The potion was supposed to give her other magical properties but it only gave her immortality, no god magic like her sisters or primos. No super strength, healing, no ability to control weather, ability to make plants, shapeshifting, or hear from far places, nothing. 
No matter how many potions Alma made, no magic from her family would stick besides immortality. No matter, she was still special, and will forever be special in Alma’s eyes. 
At school (for the god kids, but Mirabel was easily accepted in) Alma made sure she only had the best teachers, if she couldn’t always be the one teaching her then Alma was going to make sure gods who were well qualified were going to. 
Mirabel isn’t bullied per say but she isn’t well liked either. To gods, humans aren’t anything but an annoyance or something to play with. So seeing something you were taught to not see as anything but a speck is doing better in class than you…does get annoying. And most of them think she doesn’t deserve to be there
All of the god kids avoid her unless they are paired up with her for an assignment. Other than that, they don’t pay much attention to her, and it’s easier for them because they are much taller in comparison to her. They don’t even have to look down in her direction. 
God children ages 1-5 are about half her height at fifteen. So in this au, Antonio is at her shoulders, Camilo is four feet above her, Luisa is two feet above him, Isabela/Dolores are three feet over her, and the adults are a few inches above the two oldest girls. 
Alma keeps her height small in case she has to talk to Mirabel, who she knows can’t stand her smallness. Did I mention that Mirabel needs to nearly climb everything in her castle to get to it? If no one in the family is around she really has to climb her way to the kitchen counter just to make a snack. 
Oh, and Alma doesn’t look old is this au. From what I’ve read in Greek mythology and seen in Greek statues, none of the gods look or seem to be older than 30 so Alma looks 26 but she’s about the same age she is in canon. Same goes for the triplets, no gray hair or that much wrinkles. 
Mirabel does have her own room in this au and all that jazz. I’m not so sure what to do for dynamics but I think I’ll keep things the same? Idk, 
I was thinking that maybe Mirabel, Camilo, and Dolores are ok with each other, but leave them in a room alone and it’s just gonna be…awkward and silent. They don’t talk much seeing as they just have stuff to do but they're alright with each other. Antonio and Mira still have that cute little brother and older sister relationship though. 
Luisa and Mirabel are cool, Luisa is a little overprotective of her, but it’s not to the point of where it’s annoying. I’m not sure about Isabela and Mirabel’s relationship though. I feel like Isabela is slightly Jealous that Mirabel gets more attention from Alma in regards to gifts, excellent teachers, and knowledge about anything and everything she gives her. 
Don’t get me wrong, she loves her and would rip the entire fabric of the universe for her, but Isa just isn’t quite sure what to do with her. Julieta and Agustin are still loving parents and shower her with love and care when they can. 
Felix and Pepa love her too and speak to her when they have the time. Bruno does the same and cracks some jokes if she’s ever upset. 
The idea that I had is that Mirabel is like Ariel but different. She wants to go to the human world just to feel normal. Her thinking is that she's a person just like the rest of the people in the village she sees.
Nobody is up on some high horse of superiority; the people are just people. No one treats or looks at her like she's some omen you're not supposed to talk to.
On the plus side, they don't ignore her as if she isn't there and it's a rarity for anyone to be above 6'4, she's amazed by the simple fact that her height is average among girls and some boys.
The only problem is that she knows damn well she isn't supposed to be down there. Alma expects everyone, Including Mirabel, to not talk to humans.
"It'll be the worst thing you could do, for both ends"
But Mirabel isn't a goddess, just a human with immortality, so nothing can go wrong right?
That’s all I’ve got for now, if you have any ideas, let me know! Oh, and here's everyone's majors
Alma - Goddess of strength, independence, fertility, and festivity 
Julieta - Goddess of peace, healing and fertility
Agustin - God of loyalty, crafting, and perseverance 
Isabela - Goddess of flowers, elegance, and beauty
Luisa - Goddess of strength, independence, and loyalty
Pepa - Goddess of war, emotions, and storms
Felix - God of light, happiness, and love
Dolores - Goddess of silence, peace, and music
Camilo - God of trickery, comedy, and festivity 
Antonio - God of animals, happiness, and imagination
Bruno - God of Prophecy, wisdom, and laughter/comedy
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gamerbearmira · 8 months
I got another Alma and Mirabel bonding au! 
Ok so, what if the Madrigals were gods? Like: 
Alma - Goddess of strength, independence, fertility, and festivity 
Julieta - Goddess of peace, healing and fertility
Agustin - God of loyalty, crafting, and perseverance 
Isabela - Goddess of flowers, elegance, and beauty
Luisa - Goddess of strength, independence, and loyalty
Pepa - Goddess of war, emotions, and storms
Felix - God of light, happiness, and love
Dolores - Goddess of silence, peace, and hope
Camilo - God of trickery, comedy, and festivity 
Antonio - God of animals, happiness, and imagination
Bruno - God of Prophecy, wisdom, and laughter/comedy
The story/au goes that Alma fell in love with a human man, Pedro.Her parents, friends, and even strangers told her that it won’t end well but Alma, being the young goddess she was, didn’t listen. The way they met was at the candle festival, Alma loved festivals so she wasn’t going to pass up a fun time. 
So, she disguised herself as a human and went to the festival. Soon meeting the love of her life.  They dated, got married, and had three demigod children. Everyone on earth and above the clouds were of course happy for them. But her parents and friends couldn’t fight the feeling of something going wrong. 
On the night of the triplets' birth, Alma was in a deep coma like sleep, as any mother would be. While asleep with her three babies next to her, Pedro was outside talking to a “friend”. This “friend” got word of Pedro marrying a goddess and having children with her. His jealousy got the best of him and when Pedro was in his calmest and happiest state…he killed him. 
Not long after Alma woke up in a cold sweat and went outside to look for her husband. At the moment, a raid was going on. Houses and stores are up in flames, men with machetes on horses left and right and Pedro…After what seemed like days of weeping and sobbing, she found the man who killed her husband and…dealt with him properly, let's say. 
After that incident, the only humans allowed to come near her were Pedro’s parents, high up on Monte Encanto (Mount Encanto, Like Mount Olympus ). Humans can only go to Mount Olympus when they are invited, no other way. On the plus side, it’s incredibly too high for any human to climb. 
Alma was quite upset and hates herself for not being vigilant enough to protect her husband, therefore she’s going to protect her children and never let them near humans. In her mind, falling in love with them is the worst thing you can do, on both sides. 
Where does Mirabel come in? Give me a sec
Remember how I mentioned Pedro’s parents? Yeah, they wanted his grave to be on earth. They wanted it on earth because they didn’t want to constantly have to have Alma’s permission for them to see their own son’s grave on mount Encanto. So, out of respect of his parents, she lets the grave be on earth and every so often she visits it when she needs time alone or is too stressed out. 
Her children sometimes tag along with her on his birthday and leave some flowers or gifts for him to take into the afterlife. You know how the skeletons in Coco would take a magical version of the gift sat on their grave? 
Yeah, they believe that’s how he takes the gifts. On one of his birthdays, the triplets and Alma visited his grave with gifts to give him. While doing so, they heard a faint cry. A baby's cry, they looked around to see if there was any baby in the distance. They didn’t see anything. The cry was far but close enough to hear, which is strange, who would leave a baby at a graveyard of all places? 
After looking around a bit more, they found a little baby girl in a basket near a tree. She was small, very small, and she looked…new. Like not even a day new, like she was born mere hours ago. 
Julieta, being the caring mother she is, picked the baby up and held her close. The little infant was cold, very cold, and from the vibe she was giving Julieta, more than likely sick. 
“She’s just a baby, who would do such a thing?!” 
Alma stared at the little one and she knew right then and there, she had to care for this child. Unlike her granddaughters, who had been born within the safety of alabaster stone pylons, and in the presence of trained nursemaids draped in maroon and gold silks, this little baby had no such luxury.  
Unlike Isabela, whose head was christened in rosewater the minute she was birthed, or Luisa who was immediately coddled in the finest of linens to warm, or Dolores who was put in the finest cradle made of gold and calming scented clouds to lay her head on. Mirabel was in nothing but a withered old basket and wearing…nothing. There was a simple small blanket covering her, nothing more. 
And to top it all off, she was born on her late husband's birthday, March 6th. This little girl was a miracle. She would’ve called her a gift from the gods but she just went with a gift from her Pedro. 
So, from then on, little Mirabel (or sometimes Miracle) was welcomed into the family as a Madrigal. A mere human yes, but still an amazing little gift that Alma welcomed with open arms. 
She was going to teach her everything from literature, mathematics, combat, science, just anything in the little girl's early years to make sure that she was going to be strong, independent, and smart just like her. 
“I give you my word neita, you will be outstanding” 
Mirabel/Miracle was given to Julieta and Agustin to care for but…it’s more like Alma adopted her herself. She read her stories, gave her gifts, fed her, clothed in the best clothes, etc. To make sure absolutely nothing happened to her little Miracle, Alma made a potion for Mirabel to take everyday to make sure she’s immortal. 
The potion was supposed to give her other magical properties but it only gave her immortality, no god magic like her sisters or primos. No super strength, healing, no ability to control weather, ability to make plants, shapeshifting, or hear from far places, nothing. 
No matter how many potions Alma made, no magic from her family would stick besides immortality. No matter, she was still special, and will forever be special in Alma’s eyes. 
At school (for the god kids, but Mirabel was easily accepted in) Alma made sure she only had the best teachers, if she couldn’t always be the one teaching her then Alma was going to make sure gods who were well qualified were going to. 
Mirabel isn’t bullied per say but she isn’t well liked either. To gods, humans aren’t anything but an annoyance or something to play with. So seeing something you were taught to not see as anything but a speck is doing better in class than you…does get annoying. And most of them think she doesn’t deserve to be there
All of the god kids avoid her unless they are paired up with her for an assignment. Other than that, they don’t pay much attention to her, and it’s easier for them because they are much taller in comparison to her. They don’t even have to look down in her direction. 
God children ages 1-5 are about half her height at fifteen. So in this au, Antonio is at her shoulders, Camilo is four feet above her, Luisa is two feet above him, Isabela/Dolores are three feet over her, and the adults are a few inches above the two oldest girls. 
Alma keeps her height small in case she has to talk to Mirabel, who she knows can’t stand her smallness. Did I mention that Mirabel needs to nearly climb everything in her castle to get to it? If no one in the family is around she really has to climb her way to the kitchen counter just to make a snack. 
Oh, and Alma doesn’t look old is this au. From what I’ve read in Greek mythology and seen in Greek statues, none of the gods look or seem to be older than 30 so Alma looks 26 but she’s about the same age she is in canon. Same goes for the triplets, no gray hair or that much wrinkles. 
Mirabel does have her own room in this au and all that jazz. I’m not so sure what to do for dynamics but I think I’ll keep things the same? Idk, 
I was thinking that maybe Mirabel, Camilo, and Dolores are ok with each other, but leave them in a room alone and it’s just gonna be…awkward and silent. They don’t talk much seeing as they just have stuff to do but they're alright with each other. Antonio and Mira still have that cute little brother and older sister relationship though. 
Luisa and Mirabel are cool, Luisa is a little overprotective of her, but it’s not to the point of where it’s annoying. I’m not sure about Isabela and Mirabel’s relationship though. I feel like Isabela is slightly Jealous that Mirabel gets more attention from Alma in regards to gifts, excellent teachers, and knowledge about anything and everything she gives her. 
Don’t get me wrong, she loves her and would rip the entire fabric of the universe for her, but Isa just isn’t quite sure what to do with her. Julieta and Agustin are still loving parents and shower her with love and care when they can. 
Felix and Pepa love her too and speak to her when they have the time. Bruno does the same and cracks some jokes if she’s ever upset. 
Now in this au, Mirabel is like Ariel but different. She wants to be around people because that's what she knows she is. A person, not a goddess. So, when she has the chance, she goes down to the human world to just feel normal.
The adults, teens, and kids they're don't treat her like she's some creature you're not supposed to talk to. Down on earth she's seen as a regular human being, and she loves that. And the simple fact that it's a rarity for anyone to be above six feet, her smallness is seen as normal.
And to top it all off, not every person around her is on some high horse of importance. Humans are just simple Humans.
But girl knows damn well she's not supposed to be down there. Alma wants everyone, Including Mirabel, to follow the rule of not talking to humans.
"It causes nothing but trouble on both sides."
But Mirabel isn't a goddess so talking to people wouldn't hurt, right That’s all I’ve got for now, if you have any ideas, let me know!
This is sad :((( good idea❗❓ but like also sad :( like why???? Take a human child in knowing full and well that she might be excluded from things 😭😭 though they had good intentions, and obviously Alma means well. It does make me wonder, why doesn't Mirabel feel even the least bit above the normal humans? Also would Alma be able to give her some kind of "demi-god" status and give her more abilities???
Idk, still real cool <33
Imagine climbing a mountain just to leave a baby there and dip back down. You could do all that but care for the child 🤨
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The final chapter - featuring Alma and Mirabel bonding! Thank you so much for all the love and support, and I apologise for it taking so long, I hope you enjoy it.
Chapter 15
Mirabel felt a lot better when she woke up. Physically, at least.
Her parents were the first to see her. Making sure she was okay and that she knew Casita, their family and community were all okay. Now being changed into clean clothes and propped up in bed, with a plate of fresh, warm arepas sat on her lap, Mirabel sighed.
“I think I may have overreacted before,” she says. “I think you may have been right about me.”
“About what?” Her father asked.
“About me. About me being… insane.”
“No, Mirabel, we don’t think you’re insane.” Her mother said. “We… from what the doctors have said, we think you might be suffering a mental health condition, as a result of getting caught in Casita’s collapse.”
Mirabel didn’t quite understand. “What?”
“What you went through was a very distressing experience; trauma. And trauma can effect your mental state.” Her father explained, taking a seat on the bed beside her mother.
“As I’ve said, we have been speaking to one of the doctors in town. He specialises in matters of the mind. We have arranged for you to speak with him later today, so that he can help us with what’s troubling you and how we can make it easier.” Her mother finished.
Mirabel didn’t really want to, but she clearly wasn’t going to be getting the choice.
For now, she focused on eating and trying to keep herself calm. She later asked her parents to leave her, they seemed hesitant to do so, though they did eventually leave her in peace. Isabela and Luisa came to replace them - though they said they were only here to briefly check on her before heading to work for the day.
She wasn’t in the mood to do much. Though she was less exhausted than before and had been healed of any injury, she still felt weak and tired. But she didn’t want to think about what might await her in her nightmares if she went to sleep. She couldn’t calm herself enough to sew or read or write, so she simply listened to her sisters chatting away like she was normal.
Luisa did leave for work after a while - promising to be there for the appointment later. However, Isabela decided she’d stay for the whole day and that new blossoms could wait until tomorrow. Isabela said anything and everything that was on her mind, from plants to accusing Camilo of stealing her makeup to what she thought of various tea flavours. She stayed well clear of any sensitive topics and didn’t push Mirabel to respond or contribute with anything.
It was almost nice. Almost because Mirabel still couldn’t shake her fear. Her mind always crawled back to cracks and death.
She had insisted that her sisters both come with her. Her parents, who had both decided to go, didn’t reject the idea. Though as soon as they arrived in the building, they did make it clear that they and her sisters were going no further. Mirabel didn’t understand why they hadn’t said anything sooner - she wouldn’t have made Isabela and Luisa come otherwise, her sisters probably had more important things to do.
That was the point though, wasn’t it? If she had realised she’d have to speak to the doctor completely on her own, she would have freaked out and insisted she wasn’t going.
The doctor was Alfredo Navarro. He said it would be a good experience for her to talk about everything, even if she didn’t have a mental health condition. Just to get it off her chest.
He was wrong.
It was not good. It was awful. She hated the experience and swore she was never doing this again. What was the point of this? Just having her think of all those horrible things and being made to feel embarrassed as she sobbed and chocked on tears in front of him.
When he had finished, he sent her out and invited her parents in. She settled back between her sisters. When Luisa asked what had happened in there, she buried herself in Isabela’s side, not wanting to talk about this any further.
She was later called back in. She refused to go back in, not until she was told her sister could come with her for this. Her parents were still there when they entered - it looked like her mother had been crying, she was dabbing a handkerchief under her eyes. Her father looked very grave and uncharacteristically quiet.
Isabela looked between them in confusion. “What’s.. going on?”
“Take a seat, please,” Alfredo insisted.
Once they were all sat down with Luisa on the floor as there hadn’t been enough seats, the doctor cleared his throat and explained to the girls.
He confirmed that Mirabel definitely had suffered mentally from her experiences. She now has something called PTSD. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. How when she sees the cracks or Casita falling, they are flashbacks. Her nightmares were made based off said traumatic memories. Her difficulty sleeping, sense of guilt and increased anxiousness and paranoia were all a part of the condition.
Her mother continued crying as he continued to explain everything. Her father had to excuse himself from the room once or twice. Luisa left the room to at one point, allegedly smashed a window and then came back. Isabela just held Mirabel’s hand, keeping perfect composure.
Mirabel had to remain there. She didn’t want more attention on her, so she didn’t cry.
She asked when this would go away. It was an illness, wasn’t it? Her mother could heal her? It would pass on and she could continue as normally as she had before.
Mental illnesses don’t work like physical ones. This is something she will live with forever. There is no cure.
“I’m broken,” she concludes, when nobody else does. “I can’t fix it?”
“You aren’t broken, Mirabel.” Her father speaks up. He sounds very hoarse for someone who hasn’t said a word at all.
“There are things you can do to make it more manageable, such as therapy or medication.” Alfredo offers, as if it’s a consolation. “The medicine your mother has currently can help when you are having a PTSD episode like this and let you sleep when it’s difficult. But we can discuss what you might prefer at a later date, I understand you might want some time to think about it - I’m sure your parents will want to talk to you about it.”
But there is no way for her to erase what happened to her and the damage it’s done. That’s it. It’s done.
“This time next week okay for you?”
“Yes. Thank you, Señor.” Her mother says quietly.
After a short debate between her parents and her sisters, they decided they would take Mirabel back home. She remained quiet and still; in shock and crushing reality. Even as the rest of the family stared, prodded and questioned her and the others on their return. What happened? What was it like? Was she going to be okay? Was she going to be like this forever?
Abuela was the last to approach, her mouth drawn in a neat line. Her eyes looking sad and thoughtful. She raised a hand and silenced the rest of the family.
“Don’t crowd her. She isn’t some spectacle,” she said. “Take any of your questions to Julieta and Agustín. Camilo, you should know better. Antonio, why don’t you go out with Isabela for a bit? You could help her with the work she hasn’t done. Luisa, there is some fresh coffee in the pot for you. Mirabel?”
The girl in question looked up distantly, after Dolores nudged her arm.
“Come. I’d like to take a walk. Casita? My walking stick, please?”
There were no objections to any of her instructions. Everyone did as they were told with no delay.
Mirabel went without thought, moving her body. She didn’t know what to do with herself. She wouldn’t have known if she had been left alone in her room at home, even less so walking with Abuela. With every tree they passed, a fear began to bubble away inside of her. This is it. She’s really done it now. She’s become the family disappointment she never wanted to be.
She vaguely notes the nature-filled path they are taking, probably one Isabela enjoyed with Abuela. Though it was quiet, so perhaps Dolores did too. And it was very spacious, perfect for animals or sport, so she can imagine Luisa, Camilo and Antonio would love to come along here. Abuela herself must enjoy the view of their entire little village, full of life and love and well-protected and hidden in the depths of Colombia.
And it isn’t even protected, Mirabel thinks. It had all been destroyed so quickly by just her own words. She has done this to herself. She has no one to blame but herself for her own misery and suffering. This is her punishment for ruining her family and—
“I am sorry, Mirabel,” her Abuela says eventually.
“What?” She manages weakly, tone heavy with confusion.
“For what has happened. Your trauma, what has happened to you, is my fault.” The old eyes flicker away into a nearby butterfly; a spot of yellow amongst all the greens. “I never would have wanted anyone to experience what I did when your Abuelo died. A child does not deserve to be weighed down by such grief and fear and yet… I am so sorry.”
Mirabel’s brow furrows, slowly. “I don’t understand…”
“I never went back to that river where I lost my Pedro. I knew you understood that because you’re wise and sympathise because of your empathy.” There was a moment of hesitation. “I now think you understand because you feel the same way about our Casita.”
They met each other’s eyes for a moment. Mirabel turned back, her eyes searching for theirs amongst all the houses. Tears stung.
“I know it’s our home and I shouldn’t feel like I’m constantly going to die,” she whispered but couldn’t finish.
Gently, Abuela pulled her into a hug. One hand just holding her close, the other in her hair and brushing. Somewhat caressing the top of her face. Mirabel returned the embrace shakily, crying. Just letting it out, desperate to not feel so scared and stressed. Wanting her pulse to settle and be calm, for her to breathe steady and normal, able to concentrate and do things without constantly returning back to her memories of the broken remains.
The older woman held her for what felt like hours, softly giving her reassurances. She’s okay. She’s here. She’s loved. At one point, though Mirabel can’t be sure with all her crying, she thinks Abuela had started humming quietly. Some lullaby she use to sing to the triplets.
And it does feel nice.
She never imagined anyone would come close to understanding her. Much less Abuela. She was so convinced she was about to be rejected and disowned out here. She can’t even imagine how Abuela must have felt - having been alone for so long, not having people trying to help the way Mirabel did, not having anyone to reassure her and let her know everything is okay. Sure, she does now, but what about before then? She always knew it must have been hard, but having experienced some of that herself, she can’t…
But Abuela has managed with the new found love and communication and support. This isn’t going to go. There will be times that are better or worse, talking about it felt like hell to that doctor, but having such a wonderful family… Maybe it won’t be as bad as she thinks? Maybe it is possible? Maybe she can do this?
Once Mirabel is calmer and quieter, they separate a little. Abuela’s hands still cradle her face, drying away the odd tear with her thumb. Smiling at her, as warmly as ever, so there can be no doubt in Mirabel’s mind that she isn’t loved and accepted.
“You’re okay, nieta.” Abuela insisted. “It may be a hard road ahead, but we will all be there for you and help you with whatever you need or want. We are your family. Nothing will ever change that.”
Sniffling, Mirabel nods.
Offering her hand, stepping in the direction of home, Abuela continues, “And nothing could ever be broken that we can’t fix together.”
Mirabel smiles, taking the hand.
Yes, she can do this.
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tboycamilo · 9 months
in the spirit of the season (mutuals posting about their encanto aus) i wanted to post about mine bc i love them and am not active enough on here and wanna change that bc sharing my stuff is fun! so without further ado here they are lol
next gen au
pretty self explanatory. the story outlines what all the madrigals (mostly the grandkids) are up to in the years following the movie. mirabel gradually takes on more of a leadership role as time passes and eventually becomes the matriarch after alma's death and with enough time to prepare for the role. under her leadership, the madrigals are less shoehorned into roles and are encouraged to express themselves more freely, but being the leader still isn't easy and things still aren't perfect - while alma is still alive, mirabel often finds herself going to her for advice and repairing their bond further in the process. she also gets a gf (lorena), i've been playing around with the idea of her being an outsider that finds her way into the encanto but i would have to flesh that plot out a little more before i make it official. dolores eventually marries mariano, but only on her terms - she realizes quickly after the movie that though she loves mariano, she wants to take things slow, and mariano is more than happy to respect that. he puts in a lot of effort to understand how her gift works and help her out with it whenever he can, and for once, she feels like the one being heard. isabela, now free of her old role as the golden child, begins to let her more adventurous side out, exploring the outskirts and forests of the encanto to observe the plant life. she hones her gift and is able to bring even more exotic plant species to the encanto and starts up a very successful garden. she also ends up marrying two village women - lilli and rosa - and the three of them adopt a daughter, jacinda, together and spoil her rotten. lilli runs a flower shop and isa helps her out immensely with this. luisa finally learns to take it easy, prioritizing rest and relaxation after so many years of working hard to serve the community - though she definitely still loves to lift and hang out with the donkeys in her spare time bc old habits die hard. she probably takes over the care and raising of the donkeys as a whole bc they love her. she marries a village woman, inés, and they adopt two daughters, valentina and ciela. camilo is actually the first grandkid to settle down - he marries his childhood best friend and love of his life marco, and the two of them have six children together - amelia, imelda, brunito, ignacio, felipe, and sofia. they have their hands quite full with fatherhood but on top of that marco works as a teacher at the encanto's school while camilo continues to volunteer in the community, eventually becoming the drama director and soccer coach for the school. antonio grows up and starts his own animal sanctuary in the encanto that becomes wildly successful. he enlists dolores' help to scope out any injured or sick animals in the forests and nurses them back to health at the sanctuary, and he often accompanies isa on her trips to the forest to keep taxonomy records of the encanto's diverse wildlife. he never had much of an interest in romance - though plenty of people swoon over his kindness to the animals - but he is very fulfilled nonetheless and couldn't be happier helping take care of his animal friends. i have a more detailed timeline and bios for the kids that i'll be posting eventually but this is the main rundown of where the grandkids are at years down the line!
essentially follows the plot of the movie but the sides of the family swap roles. instead of alma, pedro is the head of the family. pepa has the gift of healing food and felix is her clumsy husband, camilo is the golden child with the wonderful floral gift, dolores is the middle child with the gift of super strength, and antonio is the baby of his side of the family, cursed to a giftless existence (and being the main character of the storyline). on the other side of the family, julieta's emotions control the weather while agustin keeps her calm, luisa is the eldest with the ability to hear a pin drop from miles away, isabela is the mischievous shapeshifting middle child, and mirabel is the youngest member of the family and gains the ability to speak with animals. bruno is still bruno.  did i make this au entirely to put camilo in pretty pink outfits and make him a mean annoying gay? maybe.
the warm color family is a fearsome and renowned pirate crew descended from the notorious husband-wife pirate duo alma and pedro madrigal (the latter is dead and the former has long since retired), with pepa as the captain and felix as the first mate. pepa was estranged from her mother and siblings in her youth as she attempted to learn more about her parents' past, and she soon set out on her own to live the pirate life that alma tried so hard to keep her children out of. in the meantime, julieta and her family form their own rival crew and set sail in search of pepa to take their vengeance. bruno tries his best to be a good mama's boy and stay home, but he is soon taken hostage by the fearless captain hernando, a legendary pirate who has feuded with both madrigal sisters and their crews for a while now. he grows rather fond of his bargaining chip over time and bruno eventually becomes the captain's lover and first mate. when the sisters finally put aside their squabbles and unite to save their brother from their enemy's clutches, it's a very awkward family reunion. also everyone has their gifts and uses them to help their crew in one way or another. eventually when the two sides of the family unite, the grandkids take up a ship of their own with mirabel as the new captain. 
marco and camilo are college roommates with luca and alberto. that's literally it no linear plot just vibes. luca is a first year astronomy student, alberto is a second year student and undeclared, marco and camilo are third years and marco is majoring in education while being on the soccer team and camilo is majoring in theatre (🤢). alberto and camilo despise each other but also camilo is lowkey crushing. camilo and marco are already dating and alberto and luca are also definitely together but heavily in denial about it. they fight over dishes being left in the sink and decorate their dorm all cute
the fall 
wrote a ten chapter fic about this one so read that if you wanna know what it entails but tl;dr au where the family never recovers after the fall of casita and they go their separate ways, with dolores camilo and isa fully moving out, their whereabouts unknown - until, ten years later, mirabel takes it upon herself to track them down, reunite the family once and for all, and save the miracle for real this time. will she succeed? what have the runaways all been up to over these past ten years? read it and find out i'm not telling you! also this fic/au is quite old compared to the others so no marco 😔 fly high king 
mamma mia 
the silliest dumbest most self indulgent au ever. camilo centric of course. the storyline is literally just mamma mia but with camilo. he has twin daughters and one of them (ima) is getting married and wants to invite her other biological father to the wedding - the only problem is she doesn't know who that is, and if camilo's old diary describing all his old hookups in detail is to be believed,  there's three possibilities - marco osma, dante velazquez, and nicolas sorelli (the latter two are ocs, i'll probably post their bios at some point lol also nicolas is trans so he's definitely not the other dad but he's stealth so he's just going along for the ride). she invites all three of them to her wedding and they reunite with camilo for the first time in twenty years. drama ensues. camilo marries marco at the end regardless of if he's the dad or not (but he probably is - they never find out for sure). isa is tanya (so lilli is pepper ofc) and mirabel is rosie (except she doesn't end up with one of the dads at the end bc she actually respects herself). ima's fiancées identity is yet to be determined bc i don't have a partner oc for her but i do know she's a lesbian so. gay greek weddings! camilo in overalls! love wins!
runaway camilo 
this one is a rewrite of the canon plot to a degree but not really enough to be considered a full on au. plays with the scrapped concept of camilo looking completely different after the fall of casita that didn't make it into the final movie, which is like one of my favorite concepts ever especially because of how easily it plays into trans camilo. in this rewrite, camilo has basically used his gift to masculinize himself perpetually since his ceremony, which all but cures his dysphoria - that is, until casita falls, he loses the gift he had become dependent on, and it all blows up in his face. he's unrecognizable when the dust clears, and rather than be seen in such a state, he flees the scene and goes missing just around the same time as mirabel. the family is split as pepa and felix go looking for their son while the cool color family goes looking for mirabel, and both are found within a few days - camilo in the depths of the forest, skin scraped and clothes ragged from running into the forest with reckless abandon, practically digging his own grave and ready to give up for good. when he's found, it takes a LONG time for him to allow anyone to see him, much less recover from the trauma. the rewrite basically involves these events and the aftermath. luckily camilo does get his gift back when casita is rebuilt but the scars are forever and he probably still has nightmares about losing his gift well into adulthood and has to learn to become comfortable going without his gift for short bouts of time in order to get more comfortable lest the worst case scenario happens again! more or less a transmilo angst fest add-on to the main plot of the movie. mimi needs a hug 💔
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madrigaljail · 1 year
Modern Celebrity AU Headcanons
Because I'm writing a thing for it and it's on my mind.
The triplets' matching tattoos were Julieta's idea; they got them when Bruno moved back to New York after the accident.
Casita is exactly like Casita, maybe a little bigger, and is located between Malibu and Santa Monica. Pedro and Alma built it not long after their wedding, and Alma is convinced it's alive and/or haunted by Pedro. It was damaged slightly in the Northridge Quake not long after Los Trillozos broke up.
They don't have their gifts but they KINDA do? Like, following Julieta's recipes is guaranteed comfort food, the weather tends to reflect Pepa's moods, Bruno gets deja vu a lot (and may or may not have prophetic dreams), Isabela has a green thumb, Dolores has perfect pitch and echoic memory, Luisa's as big and buff as canon and a natural athlete, Camilo...see below, and Antonio bonds easily with animals. Oh, and Mirabel is fashion.
Camilo's a VERY good actor; their big breakthrough role was a Tatiana Maslany/Orphan Black-style one actor with lots of roles situation and they killed it. They can morph their voice and mannerisms in uncanny ways, almost like a shapesifter!
Bruno has a tricky relationship with his elder nieces because he was at his worst while they were growing up, and eventually they were old enough to figure out why he did what he did. When he came home after the accident it took a while for them to trust him, but things do get better.
Meanwhile Camilo and Mirabel and later Antonio took to him right away, and their acceptance helped him a lot in his recovery.
Felix was a session musician who worked with Pepa on her first solo album, "[insert storm-related title here]", and fell in love with her. They had a whirlwind (lol) romance culminating in a destination wedding in Puerto Rico. Some jackass whose name rhymes with Schmuno went on a bender and missed his flight. The delayed ceremony took place as a hurricane came ashore.
Agustin is a lawyer. IDK how h and Juli met but they eloped. It was amazing.
Luisa is a Olympian (living the dream!). Do no ask me her sport I go back and forth. Probably some kind of track and field.
Bruno is on record stating that, if a movie is made about his life, Lin-Manuel Miranda is not allowed to play him.
Asks open, feel free to request elaboration or ask about other aspects of this 'verse.
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Once Upon a Studio: Wishing Upon a Miracle by Two Cousins (Part One)
(From Enemies to Friends, Slowly but Surely)
Long ago, an 5-year-old Magnifico was gazing at the stars when his father Cosmos asked him to come and see his uncle Marte’s newborn baby that had arrived a week ago.
When the young prince meets his baby cousin, he was worried because he looked so small but his uncle assured him that his baby boy was okay and seemed to be perfectly strong enough to even see the stars. Cosmos also replied that someday, Magnifico and the baby will ruled the kingdom together as brothers to keep the universe safe in harmony from danger who dare to harm the people.
Magnifico stared at the baby who was trying to reach out to him and their hands touched, sparking a great bond in the future…
Years later, it was Agustín Madrigal’s birthday that made his three daughters Isabela, Luisa and Mirabel to create something really special for him while their mother Julieta worked on helping the rest of the family with decorating their home Casita.
They’ve been able to invite their friends, including villains, from Walt Disney Animation Studios to congratulate Agustín’s birthday, even though it’s Father’s Day.
Mickey and the Mad Doctor talked about Walt Disney while Anna and Gremlin Prescott discussed about 101st anniversary of Disney in October, and Olaf was super excited about the party that the Genie promised him that tonight will be worth remembering for which Timon doubted about it in case something bad happened and Pumbaa thought it would be impossible to think that.
Later that night, the party seemed to be a full swing when Agustín’s parents Marte and Sophia arrived to see him and their three granddaughters until Marte noticed Magnifico by now his eyes were shining bright like a blue sky and he remembered him when he was only five.
When Agustín asked how would he know him, his father replied that he had an older brother who was Magnifico’s father Cosmos which lead them to realise something shocking; Agustín and Magnifico were actually cousins!
Dolores pointed out that if Agustín was Magnifico’s cousin, that means he would have been a prince and the girls would have been princesses as well, much to Isabella’s shock as her hair was burst into pink flowers.
Timon called out that he knew something like this would happen and Mushu was impressed by this family secret that turned out to be royal.
Alma Madrigal thought it was a wonderful news that Agustín had a royal family which made her thinking that Encanto and Rosas would have the best community in their two lands, but that quickly turned into a argument between Agustín and Magnifico as they both agreed that two lands will not be shared since Agustín wasn’t crowned prince and Magnifico wasn’t a Madrigal.
Then, the fight broke out between two cousins when Magnifico commented something about Mirabel that got Hercules and Aladdin to separate Agustín away from the king and Alma immediately calmed the situation down and confirmed everyone that she and the family will discuss the plans between two lands eventually, much to Queen Amaya and Julieta Madrigal’s unsure and disagreement since their husbands just fought.
At the kitchen, Agustín and Julieta talked about the event which Agustín couldn’t believe this was happening to him and he had no idea about unless his father didn’t tell him sooner, but Julieta mentioned that he might have a reason why he couldn’t tell him because Agustín might do something risky to discover the family member or that he won’t believe his own father. Agustín doesn’t like the idea of what Alma mentioned about Encanto and Rosas being in one community together and won’t stand a chance to even getting along since Magnifico did horrible in the past. Julieta understood and believed it was best to take time for him and Magnifico to try and get along if the two lands would work together in the future.
Back in Rosas, Magnifico couldn’t sleep as he kept tossing and turning while trying to not wake his wife up. He decided to get fresh air when he noticed that Asha was up to and she was talking to Star about her father Tomás before he passed away when she was only 12 and she talked about what was going to happen now after the family secret revealed before she and Star goes inside. Magnifico, who heard everything, decided to try his hardest to get along with his so-called cousin.
The next day, the three brother-in-laws of the Family Madrigal were helping Pearl sorting out the farm while she and the sheriff were dealing paperwork when Magnifico was able to talk to Agustin about last night and decide to invite him and Julieta to have dinner with him and his wife Amaya.
Maggie, who was eating with Mrs. Caloway and Grace, noticed something was heated and decided to go to them while the two cows followed her. Agustín asked him why would he invite them when he made comment about Mirabel which Magnifico questioned back by why he got some nerve to attack him like some cows would do to fight for the farm, he then apologised to the three cows when Grace replied it was alright.
Mrs. Caloway told the two cousins to not fight here in this unless they can it somewhere else, which Maggie said that they can do whatever they as they got popcorn for the show. Agustín still waiting for answers and then started to push Magnifico around until Magnifico swung a punch in his face that caused him to fall onto the mud, Felix and Bruno tried to help Agustín when their brother-in-law attack the king again.
Despite those two had a mud-wrestling and had a time-out in the Sheriff’s Office, Agustín accepted the invitation as long as his three daughters were coming to that got Magnifico to asked Asha and Star to join them which both of them agreed.
At dinner time, the royal couple and Mirabel’s parents were feeling awkward while the girls and Star were enjoying their time together, chatting about their lives and what to do in the future.
Just then, Agustín demanded Magnifico to apologise for insulting Mirabel as he was still waiting which the king did, but in a sarcastic manner that made Agustín comment about his actions as a hypocrite over wishes that he was cowardly enough to not grant them.
They argued again and it’s got heated up once Agustín did replied that Magnifico’s parents would be very proud of him if they were actually around which made Amaya and Julieta gasped, Star hide behind Asha’s hair and Magnifico lunged at him which got Valentino to cheer Agustín on and Star decided to get himself ready to jump in when Asha be able to stop him from doing so.
They took it outside to fight until Amaya demanded them to stop immediately which they surprisingly did and told them that they need to stop acting like pair of kids, Agustín would if he didn’t have a cousin who turned out to be selfish man and nearly killed everyone.
Everyone around were shocked to hear this, Mirabel tried to calm the situation down but few of the crowd mentioned that Magnifico was like a psycho back then after Star came to this kingdom, made Asha felt embarrassed and Star looking small as the people complaining about the wishes and the chaos that got the king absolutely mad.
Magnifico silenced them all and then confessed to Agustín that he may have done awful things to them for a good reason as he doesn’t know how to rule the land properly with his magic wasn’t strong enough as he was crown king when he was only 14 after his parents’ deaths at age 8, he also said that he never meant to hurt Asha and her family as he did made a promise to her father Tomás that he would protect her, and then an unusual plant came out between them and showed to be a Dragon Plant.
While Mirabel said that was a serious confession and Sabino explained that the Dragon Plant was his son Tomás’ dream sketch that he wished for it to come alive as it got dragon flowers/flies/fruits and Star somehow got curious about this plant, Magnifico couldn’t believe what he just did until Star looked at him absolutely upset along with worries.
That made the king realised that Asha heard it all and just ran away in tears which Magnifico hesitated to go after her, which Star and Amaya insist him to go after her which he did. Asha’s mother scolded Agustín for being irresponsible and should not pushed the king’s limits as he has been through enough as it was, Isabela couldn’t stop staring at how beautiful this Dragon Plant was and Julieta apologised to Amaya for her husband’s actions towards Magnifico which the queen let her know that she will do something about their beef sooner or later.
Magnifico found Asha as she sat on the tree where her and father used to go there and see the stars before he passed away when she was only 12.
He came to her and apologised to her, but she understood why he would actually say that he never wanted to bring up or never wanted all this to happen and she also apologised that the king had to go through without parents to guide him as he was crowned king at such a young age and that she should never have crossed him as he doesn’t want everyone to get hurt.
He explained that he and her father known each other since they were kids at age 3, but Tomás had always act like a big brother to Magnifico when he feels worthless in his time as king and never left his side no matter what. The king also explained that Tomás was fearless and willing to risk his life to save him from the people who wanted him dead along with his parents, and then he told Asha that he had to watch his parents being murder in front of him as a child and he unleashed his powers to kill the murders of his parents. After all that, he was told to be crowned king by 14 and he was already had a panic attack during his coronation day when Tomás be able to help him go through.
He had always believed that he would never be a good king like his father was, but he knew that he would done something terrible for a good reason to protect everyone from the stars as he feared that he was just a normal man with his heart hiding grief and fear from everyone, especially Amaya.
He still apologised to Asha, and replied that she was trying to help others and never hurt them, blaming himself in disgrace when Asha said that the people in Rosas had all the hopes and dreams in their hearts to believe the wishes would come true because of him; They were willing to be more than what they were because of him, they would make mistakes and learn from them because of him.
Then, Magnifico and Asha had emotional embraced as Star came to join them and booped the king’s nose as he forgive him.
The next day, Agustín couldn’t shake the feeling of him in guilt and let his frustration out while Felix and Bruno listened to him.
He kept complaining and groaning at his problems with Magnifico when Bruno accidentally snapped at him and said that he needed to get a grip and accept the fact that Magnifico is his cousin, he then apologised to him for snapping. Felix pointed out that he needed to apologise to him for what he did yesterday by pushing his limits to confess that he had doubts about being a good king.
Even the three cows agreed with them as they all said that he need to think about his cousin than just his daughter Mirabel as they know about his thoughts on the one person in the family who doesn’t have a gift, Agustín thought about it before made a decision and decided to go to the kingdom of Rosas right after, apologising his so-called cousin whether he liked it or not.
Agustín traveled to the Kingdom of Rosas and was greeted by Amaya who was surprised to see him, but also grateful that he was only came to apologise Magnifico for his behaviour towards him and in front of everyone.
While the queen goes to find her husband, the blue madrigal goes to the shelves of books that he had never seen before, then his eyes were on the Book of Forbidden Magic that caught him curious. But before he could touch it, Magnifico stopped and warned him that book was strictly forbidden. Agustín wasn’t sure but his hands were still in the case when magical dragonflies came out and started to attack him, Magnifico came in and controlled the dragonflies and put it back where it’s belong.
When Magnifico asked why Agustín was here, the blue madrigal replied that he came to apologise since Bruno and Felix made it clear that he did pushed the king too far but Magnifico said that he did found Asha and those two somehow reconnected as friends.
Then, the king noticed that Agustín’s socks were different colours and patterns which he explained to the king that Mirabel made these socks for him that resemblance to her and Luisa since he had a pink flower as Isabela. Agustín explained that he was proud of his three daughters, especially Mirabel as she was the only one who doesn’t have a gift, and he and his wife Julieta would always be there for her when she felt so alone and not fitting in the family since Alma doesn’t seem to care about her for 10 years.
He admitted that he had always wanted to hurt the mother-in-law so badly that he once had a dream about hurting her while she was arguing with Mirabel before Casita fallen apart as the magic died once, took an axe and about to throw it at her after he moved Mirabel to the side as he ignored everyone around him.
Magnifico couldn’t believe what he was hearing and understood what was like to hurt someone who treated that person you cared the most means nothing, the king mentioned that he was once struggling to deal with the nightmares he had that kept haunted him since the day he lost his parents. He mentioned that he was only a child when his powers came out of him and accidentally killed the men who murdered his parents in front of him and the people around him. Agustín had no idea, and yet he apologised.
Magnifico explained that he felt weak after he somehow used all his powers to stop the murderers from killing more innocent lives and he slowly recovered after 1 week in bed, he couldn’t forget the night that changed his life forever once he became king at age 14 and he would promise himself that he would do anything he could to protect his old homeland from what happened in the past. He did truly regret his actions after Star came to Asha’s help to have something more for everyone than what he had done, he did asked forgiveness to Amaya who surprisingly forgive him and apologised to him for not be able to save him as she sense that the book contained dark magic.
Agustín replied that the queen loved him more than anything in the universe as he can see from those two being like young lovers, Magnifico chuckled at that and mentioned that he met her on his coronation day when she was so shy around him but showed great kindness towards him and supported him while she and her family were staying for a while. They became good friends until they turned 18 that lead them to fell in love with each other, Magnifico still remembered it like it was yesterday and noticed that Agustín’s smile before he explained to him that he felt the same way about himself and Julieta when they were young at age 12.
Agustín mentioned that he and his family were travelling in their lives since he was a baby until they entered Encanto where they met the Family Madrigal, Agustín were playing the piano and met Julieta who was dancing along with the music he was playing. It was love at first sight to them but they kept a secret until they were 21 where he proposed to her in front of their families. He also said that Alma never got along with him and was skeptical that he would fall in love with her daughter since Agustín wasn’t Alma's first choice to marry Julieta, besides judged him harshly for his clumsiness.
But Magnifico mentioned that Julieta loved Agustín so much just like how Amaya loved the king, which the blue madrigal agreed.
Agustín decided to invite Magnifico to the Family Madrigal dinner tomorrow night and he could bring his wife, Asha and their friends if they want to come along as well. When Magnifico asked why he would invite him and the others over, Agustín mentioned that they’d better get along or they’d ended be at each other’s throats again and again.
Magnifico commented that it was like they were acting like brothers than cousins or maybe like Lilo and Nani when they have a sister-fight over the smallest things as possible like how the social worker Cobra Bubbles arrived and left, both of them laughed at that when they were told by Goofy about Lilo and Nani’s relationship few weeks ago.
While they laughed, their chest suddenly glows that led the entire kingdom into warmth and hope in their hearts just like Star did when he was summoned by Asha, but much more love of the family. But it was not just the Kingdom of Rosas, it also in Encanto as well they.
Once they’re done laughing, Magnifico notices that his wishes were glowing multicolour which was unusual, but decided to not bother with it.
(Part two will come real soon)
Song opening for years later after child Magnifico meet his baby cousin, not knowing that he’s Agustín Madrigal: The Family Madrigal (Once Upon A Studio Version)
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addaxus · 9 months
Part four of the Unforeseen timeline!
Return of Bruno
1889-1891 (Age 33-35)
El Ojos Diablos' health has deteriorated severely by this point. As his misdeeds yield less profit, fewer outlaws are willing to ride with him. He'd rather spend his days drinking, sleeping, talking to his rats, caring for his horse Two-Socks, and shooting those who irritate him. He has nothing worthwhile to offer anymore.
Diablos' few remaining men have had enough of him and decide to simply give him over for the bounty on his head. However, they are unaware of his habit of sleeping under his bed rather than on it. This quirk works in his favor and he manages to turn the tables on them. The darkness works against both sides as they shoot wildly at one another. A fire breaks out in the process, engulfing the entire hideout in flames.
El Ojos Diablos, injured in the shootout, rides unknowingly into Oklahoma Territory. Maria Morricone and her brother Alonzo discover him. Bruno has a vision of Maria's future in which she has a child. This astounds the duo, and they decide to assist him. They return to their family homestead just outside of Sergio, where El Ojos Diablos is confined for four months due to his failing health and harsh winter conditions.
The outlaw opens up to Maria while in her care. He finds her easy to talk to, and she listens in genuine silence, offering her own words of empathy. Her compassion and understanding reach the lonely, bitter youngster buried deep within.
El Ojos Diablos recovers by the end of the winter, but he chooses to express his real gratitude by working as a ranch hand for the Morricone siblings. This practically means he has forsaken his life as an outlaw and has returned to being Bruno. A mutual attraction gradually develops between Bruno and Maria. The two do eventually marry with Bruno choosing to take on Maria's maiden name.
That same year, Isabela and Dolores both receive their own wonderful Gifts. Isabela is endowed with the ability to conjure and control plants, while Dolores gains super-hearing. Alma is especially proud of Isabela's Gift, but she is concerned when Dolores' Gift becomes too much for her. Her reaction reminds her of He Who Must Not Be Mentioned. Alma, concerned about what her granddaughters might become, shows them both a book with articles and scraplets describing Bruno's numerous crimes. This serves as a warning to both granddaughters to always be grateful for their Gifts and to never be hesitant to serve the community, lest they end up like their monstrous uncle.
Bruno Morricone became well-regarded by the town of Sergio. Everyone recognises him for his abilities and patience with animals. Because of their love and concern for Maria, he and Alonzo have created a strong brotherly bond.
Maria develops morning sickness. A trip to the town doctor reveals that she is pregnant. When Maria breaks the news to Bruno, he panics and has a vision. He envisions their child, revealed to be a girl, killing someone with a double-barreled shotgun. Maria quickly reassures her husband, telling him that instead of fearing the worst, they should focus on raising their daughter to be a decent person. This calms Bruno down a little, but he's still nervous.
On her fifth birthday, Luisa Madrigal receives her gift of super-strength. Alma shows her the book of El Ojos Diablos. Has about the same effect it had on Isabela and Dolores.
Richie Spait, a wounded and on-the-run bandit, bursts into the Morricone home one night and takes a visibly pregnant Maria hostage. He demands everything valuable in their home, as well as a horse. Richie has no idea whose house he broke into. The house rats divert his attention long enough for Maria to flee and Bruno to strike. Spait tries to flee, but Bruno shoots him with a shotgun. The outraged husband and soon-to-be father strangles Richie to death before flinging his body to Alonzo’s hogs. The experience disturbs him because of how swiftly he reverted to his old behaviors. He sees parallels between his circumstances and Richie's. Bruno realizes that if he hadn't been so vulnerable when the Morricone siblings discovered him, he would have killed them.
Mirabel Morricone was born in the month of March, 1891. Camilo Madrigal, Felix and Pepa's second child, is born around the same time.
A sinister force stirs within Bruno's sealed tower.
1896 (Age 40)
Bruno has kept his distance from Mirabel for the previous five years due to his anxieties about the prophecy he had regarding her. He believes that being around her will bring about the future he predicted. Mirabel spends most of her time with her mother, but she longs for her father's attention as well.
Mirabel is nicknamed Mira-Boo by Alonzo. She responds by referring to him as Bud Bear, a nickname bestowed upon him by a Native American Shaman and which Maria teased him about in their youth, much to his dismay.
In the days leading up to Mirabel's fifth birthday, Bruno worries about whether or not his child will receive a Gift like he did.
Mirabel witnesses her Papa having an uncontrollable vision. She inquires if he is a witch. Bruno reluctantly informs her about his Gift. Naturally, the little girl becomes very excited. Her father does not share this sentiment.
Mirabel receives no Gift on her fifth birthday. Her door, unbeknownst to the Morricones, appears within Casita. The Madrigals are reasonably perplexed by this, considering the door shows a spectacled girl and the doorknob has a 'M' on it. Eventually, the door vanishes without a trace. Nonetheless, the Madrigals are left wondering who that child was.
Mirabel spends the next few days looking for her "Gift." She tries to fly off the roof. Bruno saves and then shouts at her, telling Mirabel she'd be better off without one. Maria consoles her daughter before gently discussing the matter with Bruno. Miss Morricone suggests that Mirabel may have desired a Gift in order to be closer to her Papa. A Papa who has been largely absent from his daughter's life.
Bruno gives his daughter her own horse in order to make amends with Mirabel and find a way for them to spend time together. Specifically, Maria’s mare Marmalade's newborn foal whom was conceived after an unfortuante overnight incident involving a customers stud whilst Marmalade had been in heat. Mirabel names the foal Pedro. Bruno and Mirabel raise Pedro together, with the Morricone Daughter displaying her talent for animals.
Camilo receives the ability to shape-shift on his fifth birthday. Alma shows him the El Ojos Diablos book. However, due to the numerous exaggerations of Bruno's exploits as an outlaw, young Camilo is left with the sense that his Tio was an anti-heroic gunfighter.
1899 (Age 43)
Maria becomes bedridden after contracting pneumonia. Bruno considers taking her to Encanto or traveling there himself to have Julieta heal her. The local doctor, on the other hand, makes it obvious that she is in no condition to be relocated and does not have much time. Bruno Morricone can't bear the prospect of leaving just to find his sweetheart dead when he returns. Maria requests that he spend the remaining time with her, Mirabel, and Alonzo as a full family.
Maria dies shortly after Mirabel's eighth birthday. Bruno leaves Mirabel with Alonzo while he buries her privately. Despite his wishes to be alone, Mirabel joins him, resulting in both father and daughter supporting each other in their grief over Maria's death.
Following Maria's death, Bruno has a serious discussion with his daughter. He informs Mirabel that everything Maria left is hers to inherit. It is merely his duty as her father to manage the place until she is ready.
1901 (Age 45)
Pepa gives birth to her and Felix’s third child, Antonio.
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toaverse · 2 years
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Alrighty, here’s part 2!
After the whole argument, Alma, Pepa and Julieta took matters into their own hands.
They decided to spend more time with Isabela and Dolores, so that the two kids could get to know them too. And by "spending time" with them, they meant taking the kids everywhere they went...
Isa and Dolores, however, weren't fond of this. Who were those adults? Where are they taking them? Where's their papá?
Both girls cried the whole time...
Luisa was too young to be taken outside in town, so Agustín still had to look after her. Julieta tried to feed her, but Luisa cried the whole time, not recognizing the woman. Where's the nice man? He always fed her!
The next day, Pepa tried to force Dolores to wear a yellow dress, but the girl refused.
"I want to wear blue, like Papi!" The girl insisted, making Pepa angry and thunder...
It pretty much went the same with Isa. Julieta tried to make her wear a pink dress, but Isa wanted to wear blue...
The girls simply wanted to go to the only parent they knew. Their amazing Tío Bruno was cool though!
As for Agustín, it broke his heart seeing all three of the kids so sad. He always felt angry at the other adults. Why have kids if you would dump them on someone else?!
But despite all that, Alma and the others (minus Bruno) wanted to continue this routine, and continue it did...
Agustín had to continue looking after Luisa, until she was old enough for Julieta to take her to town. He had to look after Camilo and Mirabel as well when they were born...
It went the same. Agustín looked after the kids while the others were working, kids get attached to him snd see him as their papá, other adults get angry because he "stole their kids, the others take the kids to town, kids don't want that and want to go to their papá, other adults get angry, another kid gets born, and repeat...
In the end, after Antonio was born, no more grandkids would be born, but it wouldn't break the cycle...
Like his siblings and cousins, Tonito saw Agustín as his papá, who looked after him all his life...
This, of course, made Alma and Pepa angry...
At this point, the other adults, except Bruno, didn't like Agustín, feeling like he was "stealing their children. Even Julieta distanced herself from her husband, even suggestion that he should "step aside" and to let the others bond with their children. But that would always end in a disaster...
It all saddened Agustín greatly. At least the kids and Bruno were there for him...
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duckielover151 · 2 years
You know what? My last post was wrong. You remember the old days when Disney movies would get full TV series? That's what Encanto needs, more than a sequel.
Because every single character is rich enough to craft their own story around, and I'm dying to see some of those ideas explored.
Not just Bruno reintegrating into his family, of course... But also...
Luisa learning to be kind to herself. Not knowing how to take it easy even if she's now "allowed" to.
Mirabel and Isabela properly teaming up and tackling some issue, not just the teaser the movie gives us.
Camilo was great. Any episode revolving around him would just be a good time. (Normally, I'd say there'd be some sort of identity crisis plotline when looking into a shapeshifting character... But he's got so much personality, for how little screen time he got.)
Dolores is super interesting. The movie chose to focus on her unrequited love... But I feel like her ability is one that might be kind of a pain. Maybe literally painful at times. I can't help thinking that maybe that short period where they lost their abilities... could have been kind of a relief? I'd like to see that explored. Her mom also has a difficult power; they could have a bonding episode.
And Mirabel's dad! That man deserves everything. I loved his loyalty. How he's always trying to go along with what the family decrees, but there was that moment he did stand up to Alma to protect his daughter. Not having a special power himself, I feel like they missed out on a wonderful bonding moment too.
I'll stop, but I'm sure I could think of more. Disney+ led me to believe this movie had a 2-hour runtime... I felt so betrayed to reach the end and see more than 20 MINUTES of credits. There's so much more that could have been explored!
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thegamingmonk · 3 years
Encanto Headcanons #3
This family gives me so much brainrot, it's not even funny.
Dolores heard of ‘Ignorance is bliss’ and thought “Damn, must be nice-”.
All the triplets are one minor inconvenience away from snapping. Especially Julieta. Pepa and Bruno not so much since they let out their chaos more often than their sister.
Camilo gets his knife cat face from Pepa when she was younger.
Camilo is a full blown mommy's boy, born and raised. Nobody could hold him longer than 5 minutes unless it was Pepa when he was a baby.
Antonio more of a daddy's boy, Félix always helping his son adjust to his newly acquired gift. Dolores is close to both her parents; spoiled rotten by Félix and relating the most to Pepa.
Out of boredom and fun, Félix and Agustín would try playing cards (Go Fish) with each of the baby grandkids to see who would get the concept faster. Mirabel was the fastest to understand.
For personal reasons, Isabela is banned from playing uno, monopoly, and any other family-ruining games.
Pepa, Dolores, and Julieta can only play for so long until they become problems too.
To everyone's surprise, the Cool sister's competitive nature comes from Julieta. Agustín doesn't have a single competitive bone in his body. Meanwhile Julieta gets so invested in a game of Monopoly that it's slightly terrifying.
Nobody knew where Mirabel got her sassiness from until they encountered a very tired and almost-done-with-life Julieta.
The Cool sisters have moments where they inherited Agustín’s accident-prone nature. The amount of convincing Isabela has to do to get Mirabel and Luisa to not laugh about her tripping over her own plants.
Now that I think about it, all the Madrigals are clumsy in their own ways (we see from young Alma, Bruno, Camilo, Pepa, Mirabel, and of course, Agustín our accident prone king). It just runs in the family. Thanks Alma.
When Isabela started experimenting with creating four leaf clovers, best believe Bruno was on that market.
For the first couple of weeks that Bruno came back, Luisa became his Madrigal-assigned bodyguard to protect him from the weary/angry/jackass villagers reacting to his return. Really, she just wanted to be around her tio again and volunteered to do it.
Bruno didn't mind too much, but it does do something to your confidence when your sobrina ends up being your protection.
More or less, this led to a lot of uncle-niece bonding time consisting of the two helping around the village, sitting under trees, and relaxing during Luisa-mandatory breaks.
Luisa starts to really like rats. She finds them so cute and tiny with their weird tails.
Anytime Pepa snows, Camilo thinks its funny to just make her a mini snowman army in the snow piles she leaves. At first she didn't find it amusing to just turn around and see a bunch of snowmen but now actually turns out quite fond of them.
You know how when Elsa is sick, she makes snowgies? That but it's Pepa being sick and she makes "cloudbebes".
Dolores, Félix, and Antonio adores them. Camilo finds them annoying since they always zap him with static.
That's only if she has a small cold. Pepa with a fever probably sets up the movie "2012".
Mirabel, Félix, and Dolores could honestly be a band if they wanted to. Félix on guitar, Mirabel on accordion, and Dolores on piano. Abuela is considering Madrigal concerts with the three.
During a card game with Camilo, Mirabel, and Dolores, Alma decided to join it. Halfway through the session, it turned into Alma teaching the kids her skills on how she wins every game. You don't live this long and don't learn a thing or two.
Mirabel knows a few magic tricks from wanting to prove she can do magic as well in the family.
The trick where a card appears out of thin air always gets Camilo.
Dolores is still trying to figure out how in the world that peso got behind her ear without her hearing it.
Sometimes when everyone's schedule is just absolutely flooded, the adults trust Casita enough for babysitting duty (Casita the best babysitter).
Casita was the mvp of the whole movie.
Casita "Imma be Mirabel's main supporter through the entire movie" Madrigal.
Mariano instantly fit in as one of the grandchildren, nobody even questioned it.
He starts to hang around the Casita and stay for dinner more and more often. Abuela doesn't know if this is purely for Dolores or just because he's attached to this family.
Catch Mariano letting Antonio sit on his shoulders ever so casually at almost a constant basis.
A whole family discussion could be happening and Mariano is standing there with Antonio playing with his stuffed jaguar on the Guzman's shoulders.
Bruno is not one for confrontation but if anyone was to mess with any of his family, he's ready to whip up the most horrific prophecy to scare the life out of the person at hand.
One would think Bruno is not good with kids due to his social anxiety, but he's fantastic with them. He misses all the time he could've had with his nieces and nephews during his time in the walls.
Bruno regrets missing out on his sobrinas' quinces. He wishes to make up for that lost time and dances some day. (Unsure if males have a similar thing, but if so, he'd regret missing Camilo's as well) (also also let me know cause I'm genuinely curious and don't trust Google).
Everyone fears Bruno disappearing again, but one of the Madrigals who fear it the most is Antonio. He just got his tio, that he didn't even know was around, back and is firmly attached to the man. If Bruno can disappear once, he could again, and that's what scares Antonio the most. If he goes without seeing Bruno for a whole day, he starts to panic and worry. This often leads to a Bruno-Antonio sleepover in the youngest's room; rats invited!
If anyone tells me Casita is not a Madrigal family member, we fighting on sight. Anyhoos~
If anyone Colombian or Latino would like to let me know more about the culture, I would absolutely love that! Movies like Encanto gets me so interested into learning about other cultures (a reason why I want to travel the world one day). That's it for now!
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Encanto Power Distinction au
For a Madrigal family where everyone has a little bit different needs due to their powers:
⁃ Alma can feel everyone when they use their powers. Almost connected by visible glowing strands/bonds. She knows Bruno is still alive bc his bond still exists but it's too dim to follow bc he never uses his powers after he leaves. She has a gentle glow about her in the dark. But she has to be careful not to stay in the sun too long. Her skin is almost like wax and it melts and deforms under heat. She's covered in little scars and divots where she or a family member has had to push it back into place.
⁃ Bruno can lose when he is. Will stop in the middle of sentences or respond to what someone says before they say it. Sometimes people think he’s a telepath on first meeting bc of it. Eyes glow green occasionally.
⁃ Julieta runs extremely warm, like an oven, and constantly needs to be snacking on something to feel healthy. Things taste better/are better for her if they are homemade and cooked with love. Constantly low blood sugar. Never gets sick though and is a fast healer in general.
⁃ Luisa gets muscle cramps and has a excess amount of energy. Often has to run or exercise just to wear out enough to sleep. But it means she can push beyond her limits and stay awake for several days when needed. Generally tougher skin but she has a harder time feeling things/skin is less sensitive bc of it. Extremely heavy due to muscle mass and requires a ton of protein and electrolytes
⁃ Isabela requires sunlight and extra water but can also go longer without food. Doesn’t technically need to breathe oxygen - can also breathe CO2 (has to hide ox meter during a school demonstration)
⁃ Mirabel has parts that need replacing and she always knows where people are inside the house (she finds out earlier that she does have a gift, but has no idea what it is) She definitely is of the same thing as Camilo where she will be able to live longer due to her makeup being more similar to wood and stone than anything (she is very heavy)
⁃ Pepa is actually very light and often staticy. She can tell when the weather is going to go bad, and while she can affect the immediate weather, the weather can also directly affect her moods.
⁃ Dolores has sensitivities and her ears are shaped a little differently than other people. Has to wear ear buds that look like hearing aids when she goes to extremely crowded places and often has to meditate and recenter herself in the mornings. She processes sound differently (synesthesia?) And will do art/dress for the occasion
⁃ Camilo is often shifting minutely all the time, and has a hard time refraining for any length of time. Because of the close relationship with his cells and biology, technically he doesn’t have to age if he doesn’t want to. Causes some fear/anxiety about his family eventually leaving him but he knows that’s a long way off. Any pronouns and has an easy time getting ready in the morning
⁃ Antonio makes little growling or chirping sounds and purrs, often speaks more with his body language than other people. Always getting into trouble/danger bc animals are calling for help. He eats lots of things raw/undercooked (meat, leaves, etc)
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argent-l-p · 2 years
About Madremonte au When will you do teh oneshots of Luisa and Julietta pov of Mira and Isa living away and visiting? And can you include a Isa x Juli x Luisa bonding time fluff on it?
One Shot based on the Encanto Madremonte AU by the lovely @c-rose2081
This specific oneshot is their initial return to Casita after their resurrection from the statues and one of the visits afterwards. I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Memories Remembered and Made
Julieta remembered when her oldest, her little sunflower, was still young enough to need her and deny needing that motherly help. Isabela had always been an independent child, always running in the fields her aunt had watered and constantly getting underfoot when given the chance to go into town with her mother. However, she could not have predicted just how independent she would become in the few short years after Luisa, her then youngest, was born.
She could still remember her sister racing down the street towards her, the dark cloud above her head mirroring the increasingly overcast sky, feet pounding on the stone road. She remembered the way the blood drained out of her face and the mask of worry transformed into one of sheer terror as Pepa took her arm and said, "You need to come home, Julieta! Isabela is gone and her door has dimmed!"
It didn't matter that she had left Luisa with Senora Ortiz or that she had skinned the length of her arm when she had slipped onto Casita's tiles as she flew through the front door. All that Julieta could think was that her oldest was gone and not behind the protective walls of their home. That she had let her mother keep her oldest caged, like the birds that were sold at the market, their feathers untidy and clipped to keep them from flying away; that her baby had flown away despite her wings being clipped and her very own gift seemingly turning against her. After that, all efforts to bring her sunflower home blurred together.
They searched for a long time, days bleeding into weeks, which bled into months. The entirety of the able bodied adult Madrigals and the rest of the Encanto, all of them looked for Isabela. Julieta and Agustin calling out in a daze for their wayward daughter, their calls turning into wails and screams as one by one they went unanswered. The only reason Julieta even stayed home was because she'd found out she was with child once more. Slowly, the search parties dwindled, until one day, almost a year after the fact, a cartographer found her daughters favorite blue dress. It was half buried, torn, and covered in blood.
When Alma Madrigal called her children, sat her oldest down, and mournfully presented the dress? Well, all Julieta remembered was hitting the floor and hearing a keening wail she would later know was ripped from her throat.
The years flew past, only marginally slowing down when Mirabel was born and becoming more terror induced as the patches of stone began to appear, fear causing her to isolate her family from the rest. Luisa, her little mountain, took over the main care of her sister as her mother became more and more frail looking in the wheelchair she frequently used. Rules were set, enforced, and ignored, Mirabel quickly growing and rising above the cages, looking more and more like the sister she never knew.
So when Casita crumbled to the ground and the faces of her youngest and oldest were carved into the statues within the hollow of that tree, she began to think that maybe it was cruel fate that her daughters would be ripped away from her loving embrace in the end.
Only, that wasn't how their story ended.
When Isa and Mirabel emerged from their would be tomb, it took all that Julieta was not to collapse into her wheelchair and sob. Her children had returned! After years and months of 'what if's' and 'if only's', all of her babies were together once more. But then Isa had looked at them and her heart began to sink.
Where once had been eyes that had mirrored her own, there were irises made of dim gold filled with wariness and desperation. Where ears had ended in rounded edges, tapered ends moved by their own volition, twitching at every sound they registered. Sharp fangs barred to all who stepped closer, plant life that had grown on her body stood on end making her seem larger than what her impressive height was. When Alma had tried to come towards them, a rumbling growl erupted from deep within Isabela's chest as she pushed a mildly dazed Mirabel behind her.
And that when it hit her; Isabela was protecting her sister from her family. No sooner that she had finished the train of thought, Isabela swung her sister onto her back, scaled the walls of Casita, the tiles trying to keep them inside, but it was no use. Julieta's voice, which had never gone beyond a low murmur in the past 15 years, strained itself hoarse and Luisa cried for the first time since she realized her Isa had gone missing. Their family tried to comfort them, but it was slow in effect and quick to draw their ire. What use was comfort when their missing and dead family fled from home, away from them? Did they not care? For days afterwards, they would burst into tears, ones a mixture of relief and worry. The other's, ones of fear, shame and happiness.
And then, against all perceived odds, they came home.
It had been close to dusk, the last hour of sun burning off in the horizon line. She had been at the counter making the dough for the bread, soft orange light filtering in through the open window. Head down, she hadn't expected the light to be blocked and least of all to look up into the apprehensive eyes of her sunflower as she hung down from Casita's walls with Mirabel on her back.
"Dios mío!"
Julieta couldn't believe it. Was this some cruel dream? One meant to torture her with wishes she never thought would come true? But no, her daughters didn't disappear or turn back into the statues her nightmares had forced her to witness. Isabela's eyes began to fill with mild discomfort and irritation, her body shifting to release the tension in her muscles. The quick patter of multiple pairs bare feet on tile approached and she only had time to hold out her hand to stop Isabela from fleeing.
"Julieta?!? Que paso? What's wrong? Let me- Isabela? Mirabel?" Her husbands voice, her clumsy husband who she loved, but wished at that moment would shut his mouth. Julieta turned her face slightly to address him never taking her eyes off the children fully, "I'm okay, Amor. Nothing's wrong, but please be a little more quiet?" Please stay calm. Don't move or come closer, is what she wanted to say, but with her girls so close she didn't dare say it so obviously if Isabela decided it sounded too much like threat.
She turned back to face them fully, "Would you like to come in?" Please don't leave me! Don't disappear again! Isa seemed to scan the family behind her, and at Mirabel's nudge of encouragement, she sharply nodded in assent and moved forward, further through the open window. Julieta moved her chair back, giving them room to climb inside and suddenly they were in front of her. Isa was taller than most of the family, seeing eye to eye with her other sister who trembled in the doorway, looking at them with tears in her eyes. Mirabel, who normally had her patches of stone in well hidden areas, had them dotting her body in scale like patterns, mirroring the way Isa's gift had sprouted on her own body. Everything that they had been, had changed and Julieta couldn't will herself to care at all. Her children were here and that was all that mattered.
During her inspection of them, her daughters had faced her fully, Mirabel having climbed down from her sister's back and moving forward to stand in front Isabela a hesitant look in her green eyes. Well, then. That wouldn't stand to stay. So with great dread, Julieta asked "Mirabel? Que paso?"
Mirabel, eyes filling with determination, proceeded to explain their presence. They needed food, anything that wouldn't rot away out in the Wilds and could last them as least a week. They didn't intend to stay, she thought with dismay, they were going to leave. But, hadn't they survived so long away from her motherly gaze? Had her oldest not beat the odds and survived out in the jungle thought to have claimed her life? And had her youngest not essentially raised herself away from the arms that should have protected her? Mirabel hadn't fought to stay when Isabela picked her up and fled, and she certainly hadn't come back sooner. Was this house even home for them? Did Isabela remember them? Deep in her aching, weeping soul, Julieta knew the answer to all those questions.
Turning so she faced the counter once more, where the cabinets filled with dried meat and non-perishable food was stored in the cabinets above and below, she asked, "How long do you think you can wait for me to pack up the food, bebe?" How long do you plan to stay after?
Mirabel's brief glance towards Luisa inching closer and Isabelas curling lip revealing her fangs was answer enough, "We can wait for you to pack it up and be on our way, Mami." Not any longer than we have to.
And so, Julieta got to work putting together the healing food that would hopefully keep her daughters safe, the rest of the Madrigals crowding in the doorway. The sound of cabinets opening and closing, the thumps of wrapped food dropping into the wicker basket she used to carry food, and the shifting of fabric were the only sounds accompanying her actions, that is, until she got to the sweets in the cabinets above. As she moved to stand, Luisa came forward an almost desperate expression on her face.
"Déjame ayudarte Mama! I'll get the conchas." Those had been Isabela's favorite, was left unsaid amongst those in the family who remembered the girl sneaking to swipe the pan dulce from the platters her mother made.
As Luisa moved closer, Isa pulled her youngest closer to her body, seeming to curl around her in a way that took her breath from her lungs. They look so much like the statues, she thought with no small measure of pain in her heart. When Luisa had carefully handed the bundle of pan dulce to her mother she turned from her, to her sisters looking like she might lunge for them at any moment.
Julieta put her hand on her daughters arm to still her movement and closed the basket. She smiled at them and handed it to them carefully, watching Mirabel give it Isabela who grew vines to keep it closed for the journey home, wherever that place was. Julieta watched as her mariposa climbed her sunflower and teared up as they looked at her. Golden eyes relieved to leave with no recognition of who she was in front of and green eyes sad, but filling with eagerness to do the same.
As they climbed out the window and off into the darkened jungle, their family exploded into cries calling them back. Everyone trying to talk over one another about what they could have done to convince them to stay, but Julieta just stared out after them, a small but sad smile playing on her lips.
A week later they returned, with the same request and the same time frame of stay. They came near dusk, asked for food, and left after their business was done. Then came the next week, and then the next, they returned to Casita, always through the kitchen window and always when Julieta was alone in the kitchen.
And then one day, they came during the early morning, when Julieta and Luisa were the only ones up. The sun was barely peaking through the mountain when a tap at the window drew their attention. They were hanging there waiting patiently for the window to open and when it did they climbed through, landing less than two feet away from Julieta.
"Hola, mami!"
She watched fondly as her mariposita climbed down her sister, her sunflower, who huffed as her fingers pulled a little too forcefully at her hair, "Hola, mis amores. What are you doing here so early?"
Her daughter grinned and quickly untied a bag that hung next to the basket, "We came back to get some more clothes and food! The clothes I took got dirty quickly and I need something clean to wear while I wash the rest." Isabela gave her a look leading to Mirabel sheepishly ducking her head, "And I might have accidentally used up all of our food. In my defense, I didn't think exploring near the river was that dangerous!"
And so, she sighed and let Mirabel go up to wash her clothes, leaving Isabela to stand in the kitchen inspecting the room around her. It had been the first time Luisa and her mother had been alone with Isa since she had come back and the girl-no, woman seemed the most at ease she had been during their visits; Maybe it was because the entire family wasn't there.
Turning back to the breakfast she steadfastly continued to make the meal, nudging Luisa who had her excitement and want to speak Isa barely veiled behind nonchalance. For a few minutes it was quiet, until a quiet rattle sounded close to her. At her side was Isa, closer than she had ever been before, crouching, and intently looking at the pattern of her apron. Lightly tracing the small embroidered image of a sunflower, she looked up and tilted her head and made a small sound of inquiry.
Luisa's breath hitched next to her, and Julieta put a hand on her own, "Do you like the sunflowers?" A nod of affirmation was all that answered her question and she smiled, but when she turned away in hidden disappointment a voice continued.
Luisa's eyes widened and Julieta almost jumped in surprise, but all other options as to who it could have been were all asleep. Isa had returned her gaze to the flowers, but it was clear it had been her. Isabelas voice, which was slightly deeper and rattled slightly, was the one who spoke, though her ears twitched in what appeared to be slight nervousness. She had stepped away from them in the time it took to register what she had said.
Julieta smiled, leaned forward slightly, and softly said, "They're one of my favorites too."
"And mine!" was Luisa's more exuberant response, though she softened it after Isabela pinned her ears back and her expression became a little more wary.
After a moment, her eyes softened and her lips twitched up for a second before she resumed inspection of the slowly lightening room. It became quiet once more and the two women in blue returned to making breakfast, Luisa glancing at her sister as though she wanted to say more but refrained form doing so.
As the sun climbed the sky and the rest of the household shifted in their sleep, Julieta couldn't help but think that maybe fate was being kind.
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rats0ut · 3 years
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Power swap au! im sure this has been done loads but it’s a fun idea. i woke up in a cold sweat with this au fully formed so im just gonna.. dump all the info about it below
-it’s a temporary swap and they know it - bruno saw it in a vision, and sure enough 3 days later after a heated (but not as serious as the one in the film) argument they all of a sudden have each other’s gifts
- everyone living in casita is involved, so 4 people remain without powers - the triplets and luisa. julieta and luisa feel a bit guilty not being able to do their normal tasks and not feeling as helpful, but everyone encourages them to take this as a forced holiday (the fact that they know it’s temporary takes away a lot of the stress too). pepa and bruno only have mixed feelings because it means someone else has to deal with their powers. bruno gets his first full night of sleep in 45 years thanks to the lack of prophecy dreams and pepa attempts to speedrun processing…everything… before she gets her gift back
- mirabel gets camilos powers, and it’s about the same level of chaos as normal. she also refuses to go back to her actual form after shifting herself to be significantly taller than isabela and claims she “actually just grew this much”
- abuela alma gets pepas powers (pepa is maybe a little pleased with this) she finds it embarrassing and annoying at first, but also discovers the upside to it - she finds making rainbows just as much fun as pepa does and as cold as it is, likes the snow a lot
- augustín gets antonios powers, which he has mixed feelings about - he loves animals and is grateful for the opportunity to ask them to stop stealing from him and tripping him up, but he feels bad since antonio just wants to talk to his animal friends again, but it works out since the two of them end up sticking together - augustín translating for antonio and antonio making sure augustín does all the animal related chores right
- antonio gets luisas powers, he wants to be able to talk to his animal friends again, but he can get by from following augustín around all day and getting him to translate. he also finds it’s endlessly amusing that he can now pick up any of his family members or animals. he has not put the jaguar down and the jaguar isn’t complaining
- isabela gets julietas gift, and immediately throws herself into making every recipe possible and testing the extent of the gift (if i eat something im allergic will the healing and allergic reaction cancel each other out? only one way to find out) it’s also a nice opportunity for her to bond with julieta as she shows her the ropes
- dolores gets brunos power, she’s used to an overwhelming power and is very curious about a lot of future events so honestly has a pretty good time. bruno is very worried though and keeps checking up on her to make sure she’s dealing with it ok
- camilo gets dolores’ powers, he spends half the time with earmuffs on following mirabel around telling her she’s “using the gift totally wrong” and the other half the time using the power to listen in on everyone and relay the information to mirabel and dolores - dolores misses knowing what’s going on
- félix gets isabelas gift. it’s a great time for everyone - pepa has at least 5 flowers in her hair at all times and casita looks exactly like it did when isabela first got the gift - colourful. he also didnt really know much about plants beforehand so he and isabela have many long and in depth conversations about them
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In actor au, how's relationships between the cold sisters/their actors?
(Did I just ask something about the au that was forgotten the day it was created? Go call an ambulance)
This has been a long while. Let me spend the next few hours scrolling all the way back to early 2023 to find my notes on this AU.
Before I get into the answer, just a reminder that the actors have different names:
Mariana Borrero - Mirabel
Alejandra Carmen Monagas - Alma
Bruno Juan Lozano - Bruno
Lucía Diallo - Luisa
Ines Gamarra - Isabela
Javiera A. Crespo - Julieta
Alvaro Valdés - Agustín
Paulina Cavero-Gallegos - Pepa
Felípe Cavero-Gallegos - Félix
Dafne Yanez - Dolores
Chepe Frontera - Camilo
Arlo Cantù - Antonio
Some of these names have changed since the first post of this AU. Also some of those names I have now used for other characters and such.
(The first name’s initial is the same as the first name of the character. While the initial of the surname matches the voice actor - with the exception of Dolores, because sources don’t have an agreed surname for Adassa; Pepa and Félix are married so they have both).
To answer the question, the cold sisters’ actresses are all on very positive terms.
None of them had met prior the table read. Well… Ines and Lucía met literally ten minutes before, having both gone into the local coffee shop and chatted whilst in the queue. They had an awkward moment when they both walked into the same building, like “oh, you’re in this too?” The two got on right away, bonding over coffee. Now whenever they do anything for Encanto, they meet up at a coffee shop beforehand.
Mariana had never been in film or TV before and was understandably a nervous wreck, not knowing what to do, outside of when she was acting or singing. Lucía reflects in many interviews how she instantly decided that she was going to take Mariana “under her wing” after seeing the girl for the first time. Ines has fully admitted to thinking Mariana wasn’t going to be great and then being blown away at the first vocal warmup because “holy shit, kid has pipes”. Listening to anyone nail Red Leather, Yellow Leather or hold a note for a stupid amount of time is a stunning moment.
Mariana herself had been overwhelmed with everyone else and didn’t feel worthy enough to talk to them, so… she didn’t for the first few table reads, unless they spoke to her first. But she recalls both Lucía and Ines being very chatty, welcoming and helpful. (Not that the rest of the cast weren’t, she just spent a lot of time with these two).
Ines and Lucía were among some of the ones who usually goofed off on set. Lucía frequently interacted with fans and social media, so subsequently you’d see a lot of Ines and Mariana if you followed her. They later started weekly live karaoke sessions where (taking advantage of the piano on set) Mariana would play a song and the cast would sing.
The three are usually seen together for interviews. I imagine they’ve done a lot of those “best friend test” and “Disney trivia competition” type press too.
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hourglass-dreams · 3 years
What I think you need to hear based on your favorite Encanto character.
Abuela Alma: it’s okay to take your time processing any hard experiences that you have been through, you deserve to heal no matter how long it might take. Remember that people aren’t always going to meet your expectations, especially if it’s outside of their abilities. You are not a machine, and neither are other human beings. 
Julieta: You deserve to take care of yourself to the same extent you take care of others. Remember to take some time away to do what makes you feel good, it’s great that you want to take care of others and be a healer but you can become drained if you’re not careful. 
Pepa: It’s okay to feel angry, overwhelmed, sad, etc.. It’s only human to have emotions even if they are negative and intense, it’s what you do with those feelings that matters. Try to take time to process your emotions and think about why you’re feeling a certain way, if you need to distract yourself or be alone for a bit, that is okay too. Also even though it hurts, try to take accountability for mistakes you have made instead of trying to find someone/something else to blame. 
Bruno: You are not the opinion of others, you are not the mistakes you’ve made in the past. This is hard to believe, I know but when someone is unwilling to truly get to know you and goes along with rumors or some ridiculous perception of you, they aren’t worth your time and you deserve better. Though you may feel like no one understands you and you feel lonely, I bet you there are people in this world that you will bond with. It’s also normal to worry about the future, it’s a valid fear but try to remember the things that you are able to control in this moment. 
Isabela: Nothing in this world is “perfect”, there are always flaws in even the prettiest sights. Not everything you do will be flawless and that is okay, seriously. It is not your job to make others “comfortable” or admire whatever you are doing. You are trying your best and that is truly enough, it’s not your problem if other’s can’t see it. You deserve to express your real self, whoever that may be. Also try not to project your frustration out on others, especially when they haven’t done anything malicious towards you. 
Dolores: You may feel overwhelmed by everything going on around you and it’s only normal to become drained. You deserve to take a break from what might be troubling you and relax. You also don’t need to know everything about everything, it’s fine to be unsure of some things. 
Luisa: You’re not always going to be the strong one, sometimes you’ll feel weak and break down. It’s okay to know that you aren’t indestructible and take time to take care of yourself and breathe. I know you might feel like it, but it really isn’t your responsibility to be strong for others and do everything for others. Allow people to make their own mistakes even if it might hurt them a little, that’s how people learn. Your worth is not determined by your emotional or physical strength and what service you can be to others. 
Camilo: It’s alright to not know who you really are yet, try new things and figure out what feels right. Take time to consider if you’re happy currently, your feelings matter too. You are such a bright light but it isn’t your job to make everyone happy, it’s impossible really, no one is happy all the time and you won’t be able to cheer everyone up all the time even if you would like to. 
Mirabel: You are good enough and deserve to be included and seen like everyone else. You might have gifts that no one can see unless they get to know you and those are often the best ones. You shouldn’t have to prove yourself to anyone (except maybe yourself), you have so much worth even if people underestimate you. 
(I hope you liked this! I will add more if I think of something for the dads and Antonio).💖💖
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