#encanto actor au
What do the actors think about their characters in Encanto?
A lot of them feel they have a lot of similarities and/or would probably befriend them in real life. Some of them have felt that way since the original - the animated one - came out, long before they were cast.
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
Actor AU!
It's fun to do actor AUs Where they're all characters of Encanto but still have a history together
Fun part is some of them are actually related.
Alma's Actress is actually related to Mirabel's, she's her actual grandmother.
Isabela's actress is the younger sister for Alma's younger actress who also has a role as a background character.
Felix and Antonio are father and son though Dolores is Felix's niece. He's married to Pepa but she's his second wife
Camilo was a intern who got the role by luck
Interesting! I’ve seen this before, and I think it’s cool! I’ve also seen it with JoJo, they’re funny asl 😭😭
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Pepa what was it like acting in the movie the movie Encanto? I know you and your family acted in it and it’s based off of the generational trauma of your family, but we’re there any parts of the movie that you had a hard time acting in because it was too emotional?
Filming the movie was pretty hard for all of us. It was especially hard for me because I have so many emotional triggers. I needed to think about all those triggers to even get the emotional reaction the production team wanted from me that I would often have to take several breaks from filming a day. One of the hardest scenes for me was the fall of Casita and having to see Mirabel reenact risking her life for the candle. It was already hard to watch the first time and having to watch my youngest niece reenact it was too much for me. Julieta and Felix had to take me to the side after filming to calm me down when they noticed I was getting pale and was about to faint. After we were finished filming the movie, I was feeling a little bit better and I cried when the family and I watched it over for the first time. I also got so many messages from fans about how much they related to me and how I made them feel better about their own mental and emotional issues that I felt better about my own issues after that. I still remember, there was this one girl at a fan meetup that told me about how she has been infantilized, shamed, and desexualized because she was autistic, and how she never had an actually autistic role model and developed internalized ableism throughout her adolescence and college years, but after seeing the movie and seeing me onscreen she said she started healing her relationship with her disability, along with her sexuality after seeing Felix and me act super affectionate onscreen and reminding her of her own relationship. What mattered in the end was that I made a difference in a fan's life.
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signed-sapphire · 1 month
Who do you see as the voice actors of your characters from The Fallen Star au? P.S. The question appeared after reading this post: https://www.tumblr.com/annymation/740501852095905792/the-voices-in-my-wish-rewrite?source=share
OOHHHHHHHHH thank you for asking!
Okay okay so I will be recasting most of the main characters. Like @annymation, Chris Pine is still Magnifico because he’s literally Magnifico, and I don’t really have a problem with any of the seven teens’ voices.
So here we go!
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Asha is voiced by Cynthia Ervo!
I really like Ariana’s voice, it’s very much what someone would associate with the 3D Disney princesses. However, TFS!Asha has a completely different personality than most Disney princesses, and I want her voice to match that. She has a very strong singing conviction, and it’s different voice representation! Plus, Cynthia has HUGE vocal range, it’s seriously amazing, and honestly fits exactly how TFS!Asha is
And as a bonus, Cynthia was in Disney before!
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Cielo is voiced by Anthony Ramos!
I first found out about Anthony because of Hamilton, and I’ve loved him in everything since. Literally every character he plays or voices is similar to Cielo! Particularly his roles in In the Heights and Bad Guys, he sings in both too!
Anthony is just so funny and goofy, and has SUCH STRONG flirtatious vibes EXACTLY how I imagine Cielo to be with Asha
^This is the song I’m imagining when I imagine domestic royalstar. I’m only attaching the song instead of the music video bc it’s a tad suggestive and also, Jasmine (his then girlfriend and fiancée featured in the video) broke up and that makes me sad
But!!! Musical experience, chill personality, Spanish, literally all Cielo.
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Magnus is voiced by Chris Pine!
Seriously, Chris Pine really loved his role, you can tell. “This is the Thanks I Get” didn’t fit his voice in the honeyed way it’s perfect in, and I’ll forever be mad at Disney for that. Chris is good in slow, emotional songs, which is why his villain song in my rewrite will be perfect for him
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Amaya is voiced by Carolina Gaitán
So I’m still not really sure about this one. Amaya in TFS is Egyptian-Hispanic and I didn’t really know a lot of singers outside of Broadway tbh, but Carolina is such a great one! She voices Pepa in Encanto and it’s a shame we didn’t get to hear much of her singing voice (besides that small bit in “We Don’t Talk About Bruno”) because she’s such a great singer! I’m not 100% sure of her voice, but I do think it fits and that it will grow on me. I also haven’t had the chance to draw Amaya as much as I’d like to, so I feel like once I do I’ll be able to picture her more.
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Valentino is voiced by Ravi Cabot-Conyers
Now, Valentino doesn't have any significant singing roles in my AU, but he does still speak. And I love, love Alan and know he has done amazing things for Disney, so I want to find him a voice in The Fallen Star too, but Ravi also voiced this little cutie
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And yes, it's another Encanto voice, but Ravi was so adorable and amazing and it would be funny to have his dichotomy with the deep-voiced Asha
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yellowcry · 26 days
Worship au! Some fresh baked angst!
She feels like imposter.
Coming with all the "New family" thing. What is supposed to be her real family. When everything had changed in a couple of seconds. She just blinked and now she was in Encanto. With the Madrigals, who kept saying that they were related. Yes, she looked a lot like Julieta, but it was still too bizarre.
Everything was stupidly new. You didn't have to starve every morning until the mornig prayer is over. Nobody beats you, or yells. Doña Alma is strict, yes. But it wasn't the same. Nothing was like it was supposed to be
And... She just couldn't find her place in here.
Was she Rafaela? Was she Mirabel? She didn't know
She wanted to go back to her 'family'. Was it selfish? The Madrigals were nice to her. They... They weren't mean, except for violating Lord's will (But Padre Flores had said that what her 'family' had told her was actually a lie and human sacrifices are bad). But she couldn't connect to them. She didn't know them. They were all strange, almost crazy for her belief. Or she was crazy in here?
She wanted to feel at home, but it just was impossible. She didn't even know her home. She didn't know her name or herself. Just the shards of the shattered past. Does she even have an identity? Or anything inside of her. She's not sure if she's a real person. 'Rafaela' had been a lie all along. And she can't connect with 'Mirabel'. She knows Madrigals think that she's Mirabel. But she feels like she's an actor, tricking everyone into believing that she's somebody she's not.
Why couldn't Mari...sabela just abandon her? Life would be so much easier if she didn't know. Just be blind and accept everything as normal. It wouldn't hurt that much then. She would have at least one identity to rely on. Now, she doesn't know if she's anybody at all.
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hannahhook7744 · 6 months
My Encanto Next Gen Headcanons;
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Set in my descendants-encanto au, ' The Invisible truth.'
Mirabel and Agustín made all the baby clothes for the next gen kids. They also made the clothes for Isabella's potato people and the taxidermied animal decorations when they came to life.
Isabella adores her little potato people and has called herself their 'mama'. (Inspired by this story).
She also loves giving sentience to her other plants (which her husband, Bubo, also loves).
Isabella and Bubo are alot like Gomez and Moritica Addams but like, the mad scientist versions.
A statue of Alma's sister law, Alejandra, does eventually get added to the house after they find out from Alma's long lost siblings and nieces that she died the same night as Pedro.
Isabella and Bubo go on to have two children— Miguel Jr (named after Miguel Rivera who helped deliver him when no one else was around) and Zoey Madrigal.
Claudine gets along most with Mirabel and Rick gets along best with Isabella. As does Rachel.
Rory favors Luisa.
Antonio is a single pringle like his uncle Bruno and like his uncle Bruno (in this au anyway) ends up adopting a kid of his own eventually (while in his mid twenties).
No one is ever really quite sure how many kids are in the Madrigal family anymore because of all the new grand kids and great grand kids. The kids themselves aren't even sure anymore.
The Madrigals still have their problems but they're much closer than before and the relationships are a little more healthy.
Out of the Frollo-Ratcliffe turned Madrigal kids, Cesare had the hardest time adjusting.
When the Frollo-Ratcliffe children are adopted, Alma's long lost siblings, her two nieces, and Felix's brother, Gabriel, have been in the Encanto for a few years already and the Madrigal Grandkids are all in their twenties (except for Antonio, who is either a preteen or a teen).
Camilo is an actor.
Isabella is a botanist selling crazy plants and an interior designer. Bubo is a costume designer. She and Bubo have a shop that they work out of.
Antonio is a zoologist and vegetarian.
Miguel Rivera, Mirabel's husband, is a musician.
Mirabel is a therapist.
Mariano is a poet.
Agustín is a tailor.
Félix is a musician and construction worker. His brother, Gabriel, is a traveler who has a thing for Pepa's cousin, Miranda.
Miranda helps heal people with Julieta.
Her sister, Beatriz/Beatriz, runs a casino.
Everyone still helps out in the village but they get breaks more often.
Camilo is a drama teacher and a small time actor and his wife, Mina, is a handyman.
That's all I got for now but I'll come back to this later.
Ryder Nattura, Luisa's husband, is a donkey herder and Luisa is a dog walker and pet sitter.
Dolores is a gossip magazine writer and a script writer.
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waitingonavision · 2 years
I crave more modern AU encanto madness😭😭😭💕💕 and your hcs for it were SO SPOT ON. branching off of the social media ask, what do you think each of them would have in their bios? + who would they be following 👀👀👀💕
Aw, thanks!! T^T And oh wow, this one's gonna be fun...
Also: just imagine their bios are in Spanish.
Bio/description: Her name and nothing more, she’s got no time for that
Following: family members***; accounts that focus on photos taken around Colombia; oh, but also whatever accounts they’ve made for their hobbies, etc. (e.g., Mirabel’s crafts). I imagine someone helped her choose an account that posts about grief and stuff too.
*** “following family members” is the default for everyone.
Bio/description: A mamá who heals with her love, and lots of food.
Following: Local restaurants’ accounts, chefs (but not too many celebrity chefs), medical/medicine-related accounts
Bio/description: Your freaking weather goddess 🌦⛈ and honorary Wine Aunt 🍷
Following: Favorite authors, potential romantic getaway spots, some kind of animal facts account that she can share with Antonio
Bio/description: It’s actually me. But sometimes it’s Hernando or Jorge. Hi 👋🏽
Following: Various rat instas; his favorite writers, artists, and telenovela actors; a few food accounts
Bio/description: It either somehow just says “description” or he’s attempted to write an autobiographical novel
Following: A lot of the same accounts Julieta follows; also the Spanish equivalent of stonkexchange for some reason (he doesn’t get the memes but laughs anyway)
Bio/description: Married to a freaking (weather) goddess. Father of three stunning children. WEPA! 🇨🇴
Following: Okay, so Félix definitely used to have an account on Duolingo in order to mess with Agustín. He’d troll him in the leaderboards by letting him get ahead and then outranking him by a hundred or so points (and so on and so on)
Bio/description: Sick of pretty. Always finding out ✨what else✨ I can do! ‘Find’ me on Etsy @ LasFloresDeIsabela
Following: She and Lizzo are probably mutuals. Also, she, Dolores, and Mirabel all hype one another and their endeavors up
Bio/description: Afro-Latina. Romantic. Listens more than she speaks 
Following: Poetry and writing accounts; her favorite artists (music, etc.), especially other Afro-Latinx artists; natural hair stylists
Bio/description: (Mirabel wrote hers) Hi!!! I’m Luisa (she/her). I love my family and helping people, and like to stay super, super fit! I’m sorry, but I can’t accept requests for assistance via DM. Photos of puppies are always welcome, though!
Following: accounts that post about dogs, dog photos, etc. (e.g. Thoughts of Dog but in Spanish); fitness and weight training accounts; accounts that post affirmations and positivity (quotes and things)
Bio/description: Making you laugh with my jokes and impressions and cry over my beauty and voice 🎭
Following: Trinidad Cardona and other singers; actors, comedians, films/theatre accounts; food accounts; he once made a fake account for either Isabela or Dolores. His parents put a stop to that real quick (the girls teamed up to get back at him)
Bio/description: Quiubo! I’m Mirabel (she/her), 15, Colombiana 🇨🇴 Blogs about Colombia, my tío’s rat telenovelas, sewing and DIY crafts, magical realism, animals, and other things
Following: sewing and craft accounts, all of her interests listed above; probably fandom stuff too
Not on social media
Thank you for the ask, @mmollymercury​! I hope I did alright 💚
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hitchell-mope · 11 months
Modern au. Their favourite musicals and why
Just a heads up. These are either Broadway or movie musicals. Some are also Disney. Either Disney canon or Disney Channel. And the reasons are either the actors, songs, plot or otherwise. Does everybody get that? Good. Then let’s begin.
Mike. Chicago. Catherine Zeta-Jones and Renee Zellweger
Jane. High school musical. Zac Efron
Lucas. Hamilton. Renee Elise Goldsberry
Max. Dear Evan Hansen. Requiem
Dustin. Sweeney Todd. He likes the gore.
Suzie. Moulin rouge. Aaron Tveit.
Will. Encanto. Waiting on a miracle.
Jonathan. Newsies. Santa Fe.
Nancy. Enchanted/Disenchanted. Patrick Dempsey
Jim. All of the muppet movies. He just thinks they’re hilarious
Joyce. Beetlejuice. Why do you think?
Argyle. The SpongeBob musical. Hero is our middle name
Steve. Mamma Mia. Amanda Seyfried in a swimsuit.
Robin. The prom. The plot. She does, however, hate the movie.
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toaverse · 2 years
Since finding out that the voice actor of Bruno, John Leguizamo, also voiced Sid in the Ice Age films, how about a scenario where the Ice Age gang (Sid, Manny, Diego, etc) encounter the Encanto?
This is the best AU I've gotten! :D
Let's go with the main Ice Age trio for now.
Some time after the end of the first movie, "the great meltdown" Sid was talking about happened. Though the trio basically stumbled in the Encanto.
Manny and Diego joked that Sid could see the future.
It didn't take long for them to meet the Madrigals.
Poor Pepa saw them first, and almost got a heart attack. Like, what ares those animals?? How did they found the town??
The other Madrigals soon saw the three animals, and it became quite chaotic.
Alma, Julieta, and basically the whole warm family (minus Antonio and Félix) were a bit scared and skeptical. Agustín, Félix, Luisa, Isa and Mira were quite fascinated and interested seeing the strange animals, and Antonio loved to have more animals in the town (before his ceremony)!
The animal trio quickly nicknamed each Madrigal.
Alma was named "Oldy".
Pepa was named "Sun".
Félix was named "Sun's mate".
Julieta was named "Food lady".
Agustín was named "The weak one".
Isabela was named "Flower lady".
Luisa was named "Strong lady".
Mirabel was named "The mini weak one".
Dolores was named “walking ear”.
Camilo was named “that kid who copies everyone”.
Antonio was named "The baby".
Over time, Manny, Sid and Diego figured out that the Madrigals (also referring them as a heard) have different "strengths" (a.k.a their gifts).
Figuring that Félix could handle himself since he's around Pepa most of the time, Diego started to follow Agustín and Mira, making sure that they're safe and unharmed, basically becoming their bodyguard😄
Meanwhile, Sid tried to adopt Antonio while Pepa and Félix were right there (basically like in the third Ice Age movie😄).
Yeah, Pepa didn't like Sid all that much, even almost electrocuting him :/
And Manny? Well, the town kids loved him! Basically accidentally stealing Camilo's job in town (he wasn't jealous...)
But then Bruno came back...
Oh boy...
The second they heard his voice, Manny and Diego joked that he sounds exactly like Sid, even naming the seer "human Sid".
The sloth simply questioned why Bruno sounded so much like him😄
And it only got better when Antonio received his gift!
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In actor au, how's relationships between the cold sisters/their actors?
(Did I just ask something about the au that was forgotten the day it was created? Go call an ambulance)
This has been a long while. Let me spend the next few hours scrolling all the way back to early 2023 to find my notes on this AU.
Before I get into the answer, just a reminder that the actors have different names:
Mariana Borrero - Mirabel
Alejandra Carmen Monagas - Alma
Bruno Juan Lozano - Bruno
Lucía Diallo - Luisa
Ines Gamarra - Isabela
Javiera A. Crespo - Julieta
Alvaro Valdés - Agustín
Paulina Cavero-Gallegos - Pepa
Felípe Cavero-Gallegos - Félix
Dafne Yanez - Dolores
Chepe Frontera - Camilo
Arlo Cantù - Antonio
Some of these names have changed since the first post of this AU. Also some of those names I have now used for other characters and such.
(The first name’s initial is the same as the first name of the character. While the initial of the surname matches the voice actor - with the exception of Dolores, because sources don’t have an agreed surname for Adassa; Pepa and Félix are married so they have both).
To answer the question, the cold sisters’ actresses are all on very positive terms.
None of them had met prior the table read. Well… Ines and Lucía met literally ten minutes before, having both gone into the local coffee shop and chatted whilst in the queue. They had an awkward moment when they both walked into the same building, like “oh, you’re in this too?” The two got on right away, bonding over coffee. Now whenever they do anything for Encanto, they meet up at a coffee shop beforehand.
Mariana had never been in film or TV before and was understandably a nervous wreck, not knowing what to do, outside of when she was acting or singing. Lucía reflects in many interviews how she instantly decided that she was going to take Mariana “under her wing” after seeing the girl for the first time. Ines has fully admitted to thinking Mariana wasn’t going to be great and then being blown away at the first vocal warmup because “holy shit, kid has pipes”. Listening to anyone nail Red Leather, Yellow Leather or hold a note for a stupid amount of time is a stunning moment.
Mariana herself had been overwhelmed with everyone else and didn’t feel worthy enough to talk to them, so… she didn’t for the first few table reads, unless they spoke to her first. But she recalls both Lucía and Ines being very chatty, welcoming and helpful. (Not that the rest of the cast weren’t, she just spent a lot of time with these two).
Ines and Lucía were among some of the ones who usually goofed off on set. Lucía frequently interacted with fans and social media, so subsequently you’d see a lot of Ines and Mariana if you followed her. They later started weekly live karaoke sessions where (taking advantage of the piano on set) Mariana would play a song and the cast would sing.
The three are usually seen together for interviews. I imagine they’ve done a lot of those “best friend test” and “Disney trivia competition” type press too.
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butthead7 · 6 months
Updates/ notes on TMNT Musical! AU
First of all, I'm thinking "musical" as in animated musical. Like, a Disney movie, or Tangled the Series.
The designes are my own AU.
Leo is based mostly on Mutant Mayhem Leo. He writes cheesy poetry, and is the leader of the team. I'm thinking Isabella from encanto on how his "whole life, he was stuck being perfect"
Raph is based a lot on 2012 in personality, but Rise! In appearance (except I made him shorter and less buff). He doesn't sing or dance very often, only singing a song with Casey about being "bad boys" who don't follow rules. And of course, a small duet with Mona Lisa
Donnie is, appearance wise, based off 2012 (what can I say, it's my favorite) except I gave him freckles along his nose and cheeks and giggles that sit up on his head (might give him glasses, still undecided). I'm thinking like Varian from Tangled the Series in personality, and honestly he goes the most extra for the songs
Mikey is also based mostly on 2012, but I gave him freckles all over his face and body. He acts most like Rise! Mikey though. But he is treated like the baby, and it pisses him off. Yes, he gets a song about it.
These boys's main goal is to get accepted (like in Mutant Mayhem) and to save the city from the Kraang.
Now, April is really just some girl in the journalism club with frizzy ginger hair and freckles, who got stuck reporting the school hockey team for the newspaper. She wants to help the boys for the thrill, and because she knows it'll help her get a great job in the future. I mean, being friends with the heroes of the city? It'll set you up for life.
Casey is a dude going through it. he doesn't have any friends except for his hockey team, who only tolerate him because he's a good player.he and Raph immediately become friends, and Casey feels comfortable enough to spill about his dreams of being an actor. Casey wishes he were different, but he just doesn't know when to shut his mouth
The turtles wear pants. Please. They wear shorts.
Of course, all these things are not yet set in stone. I think of these things sitting in class and draw it.
I'm still taking suggestions, please roblog if you want more, it lets me know your interested, love you boo boo bears 😙
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Pepa since you and Felix were very touchy on the set of Encanto did you guys ever sneak off to have sex sometimes
There were some parts where mama would yell at me for getting too touchy with Felix on the set. Mostly the scenes when we were sitting next to each other. The only times I remember sneaking off to have sex with him was after the breakfast scene and after "We Don't Talk About Bruno." If you watched it, you know why.
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orchidlatte · 2 years
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Bruno, 15, Encanto Divided AU:
- Before finding the Encanto, Bruno lives with Pedro in a little town just beyond the river where they lost their family.
- The shyest, quietest teenager. Pedro often worries about his son’s timidity, but Bruno simply likes to observe.
- Bruno is an actor at a local theater, the youngest and most talented of them all. Acting and storytelling is his one true love. He loves becoming a new person, leaving his world behind and entering a new, fantastical one.
- Ever since he was five, Bruno suffered from chronic headaches. No one connected them to his remarkable and haunting tendency to know things that it was impossible to know.
- A few kind souls say it is remarkable intuition. But most whisper that it’s witchcraft…
- Because of his neighbors’ suspicion and fear, Bruno never talks about his visions. Rather, he draws them, using art to to process what he sees.
- One of these vision drawings is what drives Pedro and Bruno to finally explore the other side of the river.
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madrigaljail · 2 years
AU Idea
I thought it up on the drive in to work and thought of it more on the ride home so...sigh. I was challenging myself to come up with a modern AU and what tragically popped into my head was unfortunately “Keeping Up Moving In With the Kardashians Madrigals.” Big messy celebrity family. Yes with a reality show. I blame Pepa.
As I outlined to the Discord:  Alma and Pedro were rising Hollywood starlets who met and fell in love while filming a movie together, let's call it Encanto. Their romance was well-documented because they were young and hot and happy and they had a wedding of the century blah blah blah the media and the public hung on every move they made and were so! excited! when Alma was pregnant. Towards the end Perdo got the opportunity to star in this huge production but it was filming...somewhere else, but no worries production promised to wrap in plenty of time to get him home for the birth. But then!! Alma went into labor early! because triplets! Pedro's of course on the next plane back to LA but........ it crashes. Bye Pedro.
Someone who's not me needs to thread the needle between Alma hating the industry and wanting nothing to do with it ever again and the triplets becoming an adorable little mini singing group sensation like the Osmonds or whatever. At some point Pepa goes on to a successful solo career, Julieta walks away to pursue her passion for cooking and design and basically becomes Martha Stewart, and Bruno....does the burnt out trainwreck child star thing. He wants to act even if he gets absolutely sick of being compared to his father but cannot get his shit together for any length of time. Pepa marries music producer Felix, Julieta marries complete normcore rando Agustin. 
GRANDKID ROUNDUP: Isabela's a model, Dolores is also in the music biz, Luisa's an athlete, Camilo's an actor, Mirabel's a fashion designer, and Antonio is like ten leave him alone.
Do not let me do this. Unless we just want to kick it around in a ridiculous manner. 
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julietas-basil · 2 years
Just a thought in a actor AU (like encanto is a film with real actor) I feel like Agustín and Julieta would really be a couple in real life not only in the film, they would be the cutest on set on sharing kisses and hugs and being proud of their youngest co-workers for being so talented for a start in the work (cuties 😈)
The fact that they are already a couple gives me butterflies 💞😮‍💨
Mirabel on the back taking videos of them,Luisa and Isabela dressing them in flower petals while sniffing because...cuteness
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omgcheez · 2 years
Disneyland HC: every real madrigal at one point or another get mistaken for a cosplayer or a big fan of the movie
Imagine them going for halloween and being told "you should have been this one character from Encanto. You look just like them".
I do wonder which universe this is in though. If we go off of the Roger Rabbit universe, they could be actors. You could also have the universe where they get magically transported to our world or a modern AU where they are just regular people
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