#there's not that many queue words ya feel
suguru-getos · 7 months
୨・┈﹕✦﹕ Kinktober Day 25﹕✦﹕┈・୧
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-> event masterlist
wriothesley x f!reader -> degradation
a/n: kekeke this is the first time ive written wrio 🙇🏻‍♀️ his grace sama, i had fun playing around this and i promise this is the last prompt for the day :3 it’s just not everytime i get the time & the writing juice 🧃 yanno?? to finish works left n’ right!! i also don’t wanna queue them bc they were supposed to be finished w kinktober but i picked up the future prompts bc inspo. ❤️‍🔥🥹💋 wrio fuckers get ya mans
warnings: cockwarmie, degradation!!ofc ofc, wrio is a meanie but we’ve begged him for it ‼️👀
“please, your grace.” you squealed out when wriothesley spanked your needy clit for clenching around him too tight. sipping at his tea languidly and humming in ignorance. “can’t do anything but act like the little slut you are, huh? can’t live without cock?”
it hurts your heart but spasms your cunt when wrio uses words like these, uses you— for his own pleasure. like right now, using you as his personal little cock warmer. “my pathetic little cocksleeve.” he chants and hums, reading through entrance papers of the new criminals who are to be admitted in fortress of meropide. you know you wanted this in the first place, you’ve practically begged for wriothesley to treat you with the stature of ‘his grace’ and not your boyfriend. and here you are, now slumping against his desk, defeated.
wrio loves how you’re being put in your place right now, it’s adorable really. you’re nothing but his little princess after all. someone who gets away with everything she wants, someone who always gets what she wants. the whole fortress of meropide is at your service including wriothesley. you’re the definition of ‘spoiled’. maybe this is why, he’s ecstatic at your request and wants to show you just how much power he holds on you. how much control he can have on you and the most carnal need of your body, your pleasure.
his hands languidly reached your clit, finally letting your ignored bundle of nerves get some pleasure. rubbing circles on it and smirking when you squealed. “aw? go on, squeal like an animal. maybe i should put the announcement mic up your face so the whole fortress knows how much of a slut their grace’s little girl is.” with the way wriothesley said something so sinful, you whimpered at the sentence alone. the dirty talk shooting right at your core almost painfully turning you on.
“no, your grace. just want you to hear them.” you smirked and answered back, making wriothesley feel special in your own kind of way. “oh, we’re being too good are we? why? scared you’re gonna be punished?” wrio’s hands wrapped around a fistful of your hair, tugging them and making your back arched as he started railing you. cock pistoning against your nastily wet cunt, squelching noises filling up the room which were like music to his ears.
“just- wan- oh god.” you squeaked like a stuffed toy being used and abused oh so right. you waited to feel him moving, you’ve been so good for him. now that he’s rewarding you it’s so hard to keep a check on your aggressively building orgasm. “sir, please- gonna cum so bad.” you cry out, sniffling & sobbing at just how intense it felt. no you weren’t hurt, no you weren’t in pain or feeling bad. it was just the way wriothesley shoved you into feeling small, feeling like your purpose was to be his & only his, that the grateful tears of pleasing your dom & earning a reward erupted from your half-lidded eyes.
“don’t cry,” wriothesley softened a tenfold, hey— you are someone wrio’s whole world revolves around after all. his thrusts continued as he leaned in, rewarding you with your first gentle kiss, shoving his tongue in softly and humming as he ate away at your moans.
oh you’re definitely gonna want this so many times more. and you’ll definitely have to ask him to go a little further ;)
“feels- so good.” you hummed, humping back against his thick cock, pushing both you & your lover off the peak of the orgasm, shattering down below him & convulsing around his girth with a low scream. “that’s it, take it all in, my breedable little bitch in heat.” wriothesley commented, though with the way he rubbed your back and kissed your nape throughout the whole sentence makes you think otherwise. <3
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wakeup01 · 3 months
Hey, is it still open ? If it is, I've got something to ask. See, the university that I attend is apparently quite focused on sports, when compared to degrees such as mine in linguistics. It means that, on my way to class, I see a lot of hot men with great hairstyles, and I've always felt a bit jealous at that. Don't get me wrong, I love the eyecandy, but it always made me wonder what would happen if, one day, I entered the wrong building. Could you help me to see what would happen ? Just as an experiment, of course, I want to go back to my degree nice and easy after that...
Team Player
Linguistics? Oh dear, oh dear. I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you won’t be getting anywhere with that. But don’t worry, I’m feeling generous today. Okay, listen up. It’s very simple, all you have to do is follow that hot jock with the gelled blond hair to the left. No, no, not the right, the left. Take note of his smile. The way he laughs at literally nothing. Why? Oh, no reason…
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Whoops. The locker room you say? What a blunder. Egg on my face, I tell ya. But while you’re there, maybe it’s worth taking in the sights and….smells. Every step is like walking through the humid air of the jungle, a breeze of sweaty jockstraps assaults you from every direction as the Football team get changed. You fail to avert your eyes from their hot glistening bodies, the display of pure strength and testosterone.
The jock you followed in notices you, notices certain inadequacies that need amending if you’re gonna be on the team. The team? Yes, the team. That messy hair for one. You barely get the opportunity to argue as he sits you down and scrapes the clippers across your skull. The buzzing sound makes you shiver. An overwhelming lightheaded feeling allows him to easily tilt your head down and mow the back. Running his hands through what little remains as he gells it up into a spiky jock style. Patting your strapped rear and padded thighs as the dirty, preused tight leggings pull up your legs and cover your cupped crotch. Your mouth opens, opens before your brain has engaged, just hanging ajar for several seconds. “B—bro.” The word is more of a proclamation than anything else. You impulsively adjust your junk, a clear shadow visibly outlines where your big balls push the cup outward.
He tells you that the newbies are liable if the team loses. That would be you. Taking one…or many, so to speak, for the team is the accepted punishment. He tells you this while stroking at his own cupped groin, a rather large bulge growing as you swallow hard.
Before you know it, you’re completely kitted out in the heavy uniform, a thick helmet lowering over your head - silencing those niggling doubts in the back of your increasingly tiny, sports obsessed mind. It’s like a deprivation chamber for your head, your inner monologue being blocked. The only thing that matters to you now is the game.
The game.
The ball.
The team.
The… punishment.
The twitching of your cock and ass makes you wonder if losing would be all that bad. You stand up and admire yourself. You barely recognise what you see, uncontrollably getting turned on by your own appearance. Were your arms always that chunky, that tanned? Like prime cooked beef hanging from your wide shoulders. Looking like a proper jock boy…smelling like one too. Huhuh. You turn, smiling dimly back at your bro. Laughing out loud for a reason you don’t remember. Uhh, I’m sure it’ll come to you…eventually.
I mean, you’re just trying out something new, right? No harm done, you rationalise as you sprint and achieve your first touchdown, your memory of…le..lin….lingizztics? Completely knocked loose from your ‘bro’d out, empty head.
Of course, the team loses anyway. Though you, and the rest of the team have suspicions about how accidental your ‘fumbles’ really were. Never-mind, that didn’t matter so much anymore, not while the whole team form an orderly queue behind your bent over rear. Your blonde bro is first up, he spreads your sweaty cheeks wide, spits on your crack and lines himself up for the ‘shot’. “You ready to learn how to handle some balls dude?”
“Hell yeah brah!”
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its-isover · 7 months
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Li Zhao Yu had zero doubt in his mind that he was, indeed, one of the best. After all, not just anybody could hit radiant in Valorant. He leaned back in his chair lazily, stretching with a yawn. His gaze flickered to his webcam and then back to his screen. His career was a crisp green carpet, with him fragging well enough to be the top or at least second highest fragger each match.
“I think that’s about enough for today, chat,” he muttered into his mic as he rubbed his eyes. It had been…five hours? He swore it did not feel like he had been playing for that long. Unfortunately, right as he was about to log off, he heard a little ping from his phone. Picking it up, his expression turned to one of mild annoyance. With a little “tsk”, he put his headphones back on.
“Change of plans, chat, seems like a few friends want to grind comp for a bit. We’re in for some…five-stack shenanigans.”
With a few final stretches for his shoulders and neck, he joined his friend’s party, the four already present members waiting for him. His eyes narrowed at their lack of rank.
“Weh, what gives?”
“I needed help carrying some new friends,” his friend responded dryly. Li only sighed, “Whatever, man, just don’t make me derank.”
As it would turn out, lower elo was absolutely god awful atrocious to him. Li had half a mind to cut the stream, almost certain he would get into trouble of some kind for the level of toxicity he was displaying. Granted, he only said about a third of what he really thought in team chat, but given the words circulating through his head, he had little doubt what he was saying was awful enough.
“Bai chi ya…zhen me wu yong…” Frankly, he was way too tilted to be playing. Did that stop him though? Of course not. Because Li Zhao Yu was not a quitter. The night was off to a horrible end, and three matches in, Li was throwing in the towel. “I’m done with this,” he had declared, leaving the party and slumping back in his chair. He ran his hand through his hair, eyes shut and brows furrowed, pulling his hair back and ruffling it, leaning forward, sighing, and ruffling his hair again. “I’m done,” he repeated. Done with what, exactly, he did not bother to elaborate. He got up to stretch a bit, finally feeling the dull ache in his neck. The pain absolutely was not worth it. Playing with those idiots? Deranking this much? Disgusting. He had never seen this much red in his career since he…he couldn’t even remember the last time he’d done this badly. Except it wasn’t even his fault. How could it be, when he was the match MVP in almost all of them? He should stop. He should get some rest, some time away from the blasted game. But no.
Against his better judgement, he hopped back into solo queue. There were various reactions to his decision in chat, ranging from “You sure about this?” to “I really think you ought to rest” to “Hell yeah! We don’t end on a loss!” Not that any of that mattered to him. Li felt like shit, and since it was caused by numerous losses, his only logical solution was to garner just as many, if not more, victories to compensate himself emotionally.
What a stupid decision. These random guys he ended up with on his teams weren’t much better. Left to his own devices, he very well might have played through the night to recover all his lost rr. It took his roommate, Ryo, pulling the plug on his PC for him to go to bed. With that abrupt end to his stream, Li hauled himself under the covers, passing out as his frustrations turned to exhaustion and overcame him.
Maybe Ryo was right, all he needed was a little rest. Li thought, until he had breakfast and Ryo said he was going out with Kirra. “You’re not gonna duo with me?” had been Li’s first reaction, breadcrumbs dropping as he dropped his bao onto the table. Ryo only shook his head. “Maybe tonight,” Ryo offered. “Maybe you should come along, the fresh air might make you less insufferable.”
His suggestion was met with a sharp glare, lavender eyes piercing through dark onyx ones. Li looked nothing short of scandalised at the notion of his grind being interrupted. Was he expected to agree? Hell no. There was nothing Ryo could say to convince him to go out just to be a third wheel on his roommate’s date. Li was sure Ryo knew him well enough to know that, so he wasn’t really sure why he had bothered asking. However, that clarified itself when Kirra showed up, an unfamiliar face in tow as she declared they would all be going on a double date.
It was awkward, to say the least. Ryo and Kirra walked on ahead, hand in hand, leaving you behind with Li. Perhaps it wouldn’t have been so bad if Li wasn’t already bothered, but there was no way of knowing that as you walked beside him, trying to gauge what would be an appropriate distance to put between the two of you. It didn’t help that Ryo and Kirra took the dog, which left you and Li with even less of a buffer.
How does one start a conversation with a stranger your friend set you up with when they look completely disinterested? One option is always to just…not. For better or worse, you weren’t a quitter (though not to Li’s extent). Just your luck that you managed to hit the topic of Valorant. By the way he perked up subtly, you had to assume it was of interest to him. Progress was progress, and you were quite satisfied with how you’d managed to chip the ice. That is, until the dreaded question arose.
“What’s your rank?” Li asked, seemingly nonchalantly, but the sideward glances he shot you told you otherwise. Subtle as it was, his gaze wasn’t one so easily ignored, and you happened to notice the pale lilac of his irises rather acutely. You laughed nervously, rubbing the back of your neck in hopes he’d catch onto your awkwardness and change the topic. At this point, you weren’t sure if he was socially inept or just insensitive, because rather than act according to your hopes, he’d turned his head to look at you properly, tilting his head slightly as though prompting you to get on with your answer.
“I don’t have a rank, I don’t play comp,” you replied sheepishly. You swore you saw a flicker of disappointment cross his face, but by the time you’d blinked, his features had returned to their usual bored expression. “We can hit an internet cafe after lunch, I’ll duo with you and we’ll find your rank.”
His offer was more of a statement - no, an instruction. You felt a smidge of betrayal, not quite sure you like Kirra’s boyfriend’s roommate very much in spite of her insistence that he’d be a good match for you. Then again, you didn’t think it was her fault since you don’t exactly love Ryo very much either when she thinks he’s brilliant. Perhaps this was just another clash of opinions, since you’re sure she meant well.
Li seemed to have little interest in much else, to your mild dismay. While he would respond to any conversation topic you decided to jump into, he never quite seemed nearly as interested as he did when you brought up Valorant. Until music, that is. At which he promptly asked to see your playlist, his brows furrowing as he found little common ground. With a murmured promise to send you a few of his playlists and then some he'd try curate more towards your taste, he returned your phone.
If only your awkward date ended with a walk in the park. Lunch was an equally tense affair, with Li mostly feigning disgust at the couple with you, and you trying your best to avoid his gaze. As lovely as his eyes were, there was something cold and piercing about them that made you feel like he'd see right through you, and you weren't yet sure if you enjoyed it very much. Worse still was the way his hand found its way to your waist immediately after dropping enough money to cover both your meals in Ryo’s hands as he steered you away after lunch, bidding Ryo and Kirra farewell as he led you to an internet cafe. To his credit, he did keep his word…
“Um, look, Zhao Yu, I'm really not good at the game, I just play casually,” you began, trying to excuse yourself.
“I'll play casually with you then,” he insisted with a shrug, not at all bothered by the change in plans. Without waiting for any further protests on your part, he ushered you into the cafe. He strode up to the front desk with a comfortable familiarity, and you wouldn't be surprised if he'd told you he was a regular there. As you pondered his screentime, he had already paid for the time, once again returning to your side to usher you in. It was, in part, a sweet gesture, but a part of you felt the firmness of his hand was also partly to keep you from running off. Left with little other choice, you obliged and sat at the computer beside him.
You grinned sheepishly as your final game ended in borderline disaster.
“You weren't joking when you said you're bad,” Li quipped. For a moment, you half expected him to curse at you the way you'd heard him swear at the enemies and some teammates, but the barrage of insults never came. Instead, you felt a cold hand reach up to brush the hair from your face, his fingers gently twirling a lock of it before dropping his hand. His expression had softened, seemingly placated by the contact. “It's fine, it's not competitive…and you're cute.”
His last few words were mumbled, too mashed together for you to catch, but if the tips of his ears turning red was anything to go by, you'd guess he'd complimented you.
“Did you say something?” you pressed, hoping he'd repeat himself, but he only shook his head. “Mei shi ba, zhi shuo ni ke ai.”
Once again his words were quick, melding together like a fluid melody in his native tongue. It felt like you were hearing him properly now that he wasn't whisper-shouting at a screen, and it was…charming. You smiled to yourself. Cuteness privileges, huh? You could probably make use of that.
“Right, so how much do I owe you? For both the meal and this?”
Your questions were halted by a shake of his head and cold purple eyes enrapturing your own. “Another date, probably, I don't take cash.”
“Ah, then I guess I'll see you some other time?” So maybe he was a little pushy.
“We can plan while I walk you home. Zou ba.” Scratch that, he was a lot pushy. But it was part of his charm, you'd suppose, from the way he'd kept you on the inner side of the sidewalk to the protective hand on your waist as he insisted on escorting you to your door, Li Zhao Yu was a very straightforward individual, especially when it came to his interests.
“Zai jian le…unless you've anything else to say before I go?” The slight bit of hope in his voice was apparent.
“I don't need thanks from you, I want to do things for you.”
It was hard not to giggle at his bluntness. “I know, you make that quite clear,” you point out, kissing his cheek as a goodbye.
Perhaps for the first time on your date, Li was speechless. You'd tease him for it if you weren't into him too. Well, there's always more opportunities on future dates.
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eoieopda · 10 months
[visual content blog recommendations]
we see fic recs all the time, but i don’t think i’ve ever seen rec lists for visual content (gif/art/gfx/etc.) creators! they’ve been dealing with a bunch of shit lately between reposts, tumblr garbage, etc., so i wanna shout-out some favorites. thank you for keeping us fed!!
disclaimer: this is not an exhaustive list!! if you have recommendations of your own, please feel free to expand on this yourself and/or drop some of your faves in the replies for others to see. self-promo is always welcome here, too ✨ p.s. some of these are recent finds for me, so pls expect to see more of them on my blog. eta: i will be adding more as i go!!
@yooboobies — réka’s gif sets are *chef’s kiss* and the ART? omg. the talent!!! 😭 we simply have to simp.
@cordiallyfuturedwight — apart from being one of the coolest/funniest people i’ve found on army tumblr, i am a kayla stan because the niche themes for her gif sets (ex. bangtan turtlenecks series) feel like they’re made 👏🏻 for 👏🏻 me 👏🏻 even though they absolutely aren’t, lmao.
@hopeinthebox — the bts as reductress headline + incorrect bangtan series are probably my favorite pieces of content on the entire internet??? also, lizzy is absolutely gd hilarious. tags are 11/10. a blessing upon my dash.
@kimtaegis — i’m not visually artistic enough to say this in a way that makes sense, but annie’s gifs are just… stunning? like, the colors? idk about the process that goes into that, but i imagine it takes a lot of time/finesse to be this vivid.
@kithtaehyung — ryen is the renaissance man of army tumblr, fr. not only can she write (like!!!) but she’s multi-faceted and insanely creative with her graphic design. i want her to tutor me, lmao.
@raplinenthusiasts — ooohhhhh my god. the coloring of their gifs makes my brain go brrrrtttt. this bts x the office set is on my “always reblog” list; i’ll share it every time i come across it.
@heybaetae — this set in particular is on my “always reblog” list, no matter how many times i’ve done so already. also, idk how to describe this, but kelli’s gifs are just…. crispy 🤌🏻 like, so satisfying with the…. texture? filtering? contrast? i’m an idiot re: editing terms, but go peep them and you’ll know what i’m trying to say.
@kth1 — literally who could ever forget maggie’s 100 days of (member) series??? the amount of work that had to go into that? unfathomable.
@jeurias — i want to wallpaper my house and office with their gfx. i’m deadass.
@jinstronaut — emmeline has been doing her “a jin a day while he’s away” series for OVER 250 DAYS NOW. i have never been nor will i ever be able to commit to anything to this level.
@starryoong — do not get me started on starry’s paintings, sketches, etc. because i will never shut up. ever. j’adore 🫠 is also a five-star human being.
@irlvernon — my queue is probably 80% max gifs at any given time. god-tier, fr. a must-follow for carats, as far as i’m concerned.
@vcrnons — incredible gifs, lovely human, and also the writer of some of my favorite svt fics??? we stan.
@yelhsaart — i don’t have any words for how much i love their art so please imagine guttural screaming instead. asdfghjkl!!!
@hizuillu — ……breathtaking. legitimately stunning skz art. like…… i have heart palpitations.
@snug-gyu — THE USE OF COLORS. i’m always a simp for pantone-inspired sets; they just scratch an itch in the back of my brain, and BOY HOWDY, is my brain satisfied 😵‍💫
@yunwooz — again, i have no idea what i’m talking about when it comes to the gif-making process, but the colors!!! the COLORS!!! like, taking a mv that’s not super vivid/is fairly greyscale and bringing it to life? ya know????
@booskwan — you want incredible gifs? they’ve got em. you want stunning gfx? they’ve got em. seriously, idk what to tell you except “pause right here and go follow immediately”.
@haechannabelle — listen……. annabelle’s art style is 😗🤌🏻 (that’s a chef’s kiss). the use of color, and the technique, and and and — ! ALSO, i must mention that she took, like, 50 hours to compile a boycott-friendly k-pop playlist. their vibes are simply impeccable.
rev. 4/10/24
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ahoycaptainautumn · 2 years
Fell Into You Part 7
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Pairing ghost x f!reader
Part 6 here
Part 8 here
Synopsis: Departing from the Russian base was harder than Simon or you had previously thought. But anger boils to the surface during your escape leaving the truth out to air. Where do you go from here? Or does something, or someone, stand in the way?
Warnings: canonical violence, mentions of wounds and blood.
The scratchy feeling of an old duvet scratches against your arms. The touch of a worn out mattress cushions your body as you run your hands over your face. You don’t remember what had happened after Ghost had come to your rescue after your fall. As if on queue, the pain of your leg wound radiates warmly up your body. You rub your eyes awake as you try to lift your head up from the thin pillow it lays on. A gloved hand finds purchase on your shoulder and gently brings you back down. You tilt your head to find Ghost sitting next to you. Taking in your surroundings you realize you had made it back all the way to the safehouse.
“How did we get here?” You ask in a crackly voice. Your throat is terribly dry, Ghost offers his water canteen to your cracked lips. You drink it greedily while Ghost's hand never leaves your shoulder. 
“I carried you.” He replies. You can’t help the scoff you give him nearly choking on the water. 
“Are you crazy? That could have gotten you compromised!” You attempt to sound stern, but your voice is still trying to find itself. His fingers grip into you with a tad more pressure. His eyes don’t leave your own. 
“I thought I lost ya back there.” He responds. Never did Simon’s voice have an inkling of emotion in the time you had known him. He was reserved, a well oiled cold machine. But now, well now, you don’t miss the sad undertone his voice takes. 
“Doesn’t matter, mission comes first.” You respond, looking away from Ghost. You attempt once again to lift yourself up but pain grips you once again. You can’t help the strained noise that comes from your throat when you attempt to lift your leg. 
“Oi, don’t be an idiot. It’s nearly morning, we aren’t moving for another hour or two. Gain your strength tonight.” Ghost reprimands you. You can’t help the lick of anger that flares in you at his words. Where was this worry when it came to you and your feelings not so long ago? Why now of all times did he decide to be your knight in white armor?
“I don’t need to be scolded by you, I don’t need you period.” You cut into him, your voice harsher than you had meant. But the turmoil of your strenuous relationship had already rooted itself in you. The anger, stress, and sadness of the past weeks seemed to always just be bubbling under the surface around Ghost. He retracts his hand from you and breaks from looking at you. 
“I saved your ass back there (y/n). That’s a hell of a thank you.” He snips back. Not that Ghost ever expected one regardless. Yes, it had been reckless to carry you all the way here. It put a target on his back and practically asked for the Russian soldiers to come find him. But the moment he had seen you hurt his mind wasn’t thinking of battle tactics. All he could see or think was you. About getting you to safety. You threw up your hands with an exasperated sigh. Mustering as much strength as you can you lift the top portion of your body up. You lean against the headboard to be eye to eye with Simon. You wring your hands together in your lap, not making eye contact with him. 
“Simon. What the hell is this?” You barely whisper out. Your throat feels like it’s closing up on you as you ask. This wasn’t the time or place for this conversation. You were still in the middle of a mission. But the feelings you had were only worsening. Your feelings were so mixed up you didn’t know which way was up. Ghost made you feel so many things all at once and it felt like you had no idea how to be around him or even talk to him. 
“What are you talking about?” Ghost responds slowly. He can feel his tongue stick to the roof of his mouth after each syllable. He knew this conversation was coming, it was inevitable. But he didn’t think it would be now. You usher your hand between the two of you. Your eyes find his once again. 
“This. Us! I don’t get it. I don’t get you! One moment we are no strings attached. Then maybe it’s more, then I find out about some other woman-“ you start going on a tangent. It feels like all the feelings you’ve been holding in are spilling over and you can help how fast the words leave you. The rush of the past months engulfs your heart and the pain with it. Ghost cuts you off before you can continue. 
“What bloody other woman? The hell are you talking about?” Ghost’s voice grows angry, borderline lethal. His eye turn to slits as they stare into your eyes. You scoff at him once again and roll your eyes. 
“Oh really? The Kuwait mission? Don’t act dumb.” You can feel the inch of a laugh enter your voice. Ghost looks at you puzzled. He searches your face for some clue as to what you were referring to. That’s about when you had stopped contact with him. But the mission itself was quite insignificant, run of the mill in his long list of missions. He had tried to come to you a day or two after and that’s when you had shut him out. That’s all he could think of. You wait for any type of lightbulb to flash for him but he continues to give you a clueless look. 
“I overheard those two girls from the Shadow unit who were with us on that mission. The one said you two fucked during it.” You spit the words like venom. You thought once you said the words out loud you would be filled with anger. That you would lash out harshly against him. But all you could feel is an emptying sorrow. You hang your head, unable to look into his eyes. Because you knew if you looked into them you would find the truth in them. You couldn’t stand it. Ghost can only stare at you in disbelief. This, this is why you weren’t talking to him anymore? 
“(Y/n), love. Look at me.” His fingers find their way to your chin as they softly turn your head to him. You can’t look him in the eyes. You focus your attention on the details of his mask. 
“I don’t have a clue where the hell you heard that. I haven’t been with anyone since we started.” Ghost replies. His hand slides from your chin to nestle against the side of your head. Your eyes widen in shock. 
“Wait, wait, you didn’t?” You ask hurriedly. 
“No. Never.” He replies without hesitation. A warm connection fizzes between your shared glances. Somehow time had stopped the moment he replied. All this anger and sadness over someone else’s lies. You grasp to find words or where to even begin to feel. 
“Ghost I-“ you start. But then static buzzes from Ghost’s radio. 
“Ghost, Crow. Do you copy? Over.” Came the staticky voice of Price. Ghost lets go of you and grabs for his radio. 
“Here, over.” He responds. 
“Your flight out will be there at 0700. You need to make your way to the rendezvous point.  Over.” Price replies. Ghost curses under his breath. You both had barely gotten any sleep since making it to the safe house, another three hours would be hard on the both of you. 
“Understood. Making way now sir, over.” Ghost finishes. He clicks the radio off and looks over to you. You had already swung yourself over the side of the bed and were testing weight being put on your leg. 
“Got anything to help here Lt?” You ask him. The pain wasn’t as bad as before but still stung terribly. You noticed that Ghost had done a commendable job at patching your leg up with fresh bandages. 
“I got a pain killer stick but I can’t say for how long it’ll last.” Ghost hands you over a syringe with a needle attached to it. You take it grateful and count to three before sticking your leg with the pain killer. You let out a small hiss at the needle but it only lasts for a second. After a minute or two you start to feel it working on the pain and you can stand with little effort. 
“Well we better get moving.” You look over at Ghost who nods in reply. 
“Can you, with your leg?” He asks. 
“I’ve had worse, come on. I’m not missing our ride.” You respond with a wink. He tosses you your pack as he loads his own onto his back. You both bundle into your layers as best as possible and set out in the freezing tundra once again. 
Outside Kursk - 0640 
The trek to Kursk went on in silence between you two. It left you both time to marinate in the words spoken back at the safehouse. Even with such a short conversation so much had changed. You curse yourself over and over for believing the women in the bathroom those weeks ago. You had hyped yourself up so much to talk to Simon that anything seemed able to burst that bubble for you. But the conviction Ghost had was enough to make you believe otherwise. But where did you go from here? Could you still go on, try to create something once again? Or was this too scarred to do once more? These thoughts kept you occupied as you pressed on through the snowy terrain. As the hours had passed the pain reliever was beginning to dwindle. The throb of your wound was pressing onto you again and you could hear your heart pump in your ears. You took a look down at your leg and saw blood beginning to run down your pant leg. The blood had leached through your pant leg and had dribbled onto the snow as you walked. The last thing you wanted was for you to tap out and have Ghost carry you once again. As much as he put on a show you knew he had to be tired. All you had to do was go a little bit longer. 
Kursk - 0710 
You both finally made it back to the small Ukrainian base just a few minutes after seven. The helicopter promised to you sat waiting on the heli pad with Price there to greet you. You would damn near run for it if it weren’t for the searing pain now shooting down your leg. Blood had begun to rush more frequently and in larger quantities. Stars danced on the edge of your vision and your focus waxed and waned out from in front of you. Almost there, almost there. You try to remind yourself over and over again. Tingles spark through the tips of your fingers and toes the longer you walk. Somehow the helicopter felt as if it were getting farther the more you walked towards it. Just outside the heli pad your foot falls incorrectly in front of the other and you trip over yourself. Before you fall face first into the snow Ghost grabs you around the waist and leans you against himself. 
“Falling for me again huh love.” Ghost quips. You toss your head into his shoulder and hold onto his bicep. 
“Hurts.” Is all you can squeeze out through your teeth. Ghost looks you up and down and realizes the thin trail of blood that had spotted behind you. Panic shoots through his body as his head whips towards the heli. 
“God damn it, medic!” Ghost screams out. Ghost scoops you into his strong arms bridal style and sprints for the inside of the copter. He holds you against him as a medic climbs aboard. From there you all take off as the medic starts his work. The medic cuts your pant leg from where blood had saturated the cloth. There your wound had turned an ugly mossy color as it actively bled. 
“Why didn’t you say anything?!” Ghost all but yells at you. You head lays limp in his shoulder and you nuzzle into his familiar scent. Home. This feels like home. 
“Didnt. Didn’t need you worrying about me.” You reply to him. Ghost feels the argument brewing in the back of his throat for how irrational you were being. He would have carried you the rest of the way. Hell, he would carry you wherever you asked for as long as you asked. As long as it meant you were okay. But all Ghost does it squeeze you to him tighter as he waits to get back to headquarters. 
Infirmary - three days later
It had taken several doctors, lots of antibiotics and even more painkillers to get your leg in a better spot. It had gotten terribly infected while on the mission and without proper care, it could have possibly killed you. For the past couple days you stayed on a high dose of pain medications while the doctors would routinely change your dressing or administer antibiotics. Soap, Price and Gaz had visited numerous times since then, Soap offering to play cards or bring you food from off base. Graves spent the most time with you, constantly checking on you. He always was recording you when you would get silly off the pain medications. He had gotten you a ridiculously large stuffed bear with a cast on its legs. You welcomed his comfort and appreciated his company. But there was one man who still hadn’t shown his masked face. Ghost had helped load you into the infirmary but since then he had vanished. You tried to ask Soap about it but all he said was that he was moody. You couldn’t help but worry about him. You knew his mood had to be related to everything that had happened. You just wished he would come speak to you. 
Currently though, Graves was in the midst of telling you a funny story from his latest mission. 
Ghost stalked the door of the infirmary religiously since you had flown back. He spent nearly all his free time here. Watching you, asking about you, waiting to get the nerve to come talk to you. He couldn’t help but blame himself over your injuries. If only he had realized, if only he had thought. Worry and anxiety plagued him unlike what he had experienced before. He had more than his fair share of trips to the infirmary throughout his career in the military. It hadn’t phased him in the slightest and he never worried about the injuries he sustained. He was expendable, and expendable things would get broken. But for the first time he felt true terror walking towards those doors. Ghost didn’t scare easily and never gave off the hint that he was anxious to anyone. So he kept to himself, which came off as more moody to your shared teammates. This effect someone could have on him was something he wished to keep to himself. So he sat alone just outside your room, waiting,. Waiting for something he didn’t quite know what yet. 
He watched you from the window of the door as you continued to laugh at something Graves had said. Your head was thrown back with a wide smile gracing your lips. Your soft (h/c) hair falls over your shoulder gracefully. Ghost could feel anger tingle up his spine and into his brain. He didn’t trust Graves, he didn’t like his cocky know it all attitude. Seeing you two together so comfortably, so happy, made his skin crawl. He catches another glimpse of you both just as Graves takes your hands in his. He had stopped talking, staring up at you instead. Your laugh quiets to giggles as you look to Graves. 
“What? Why are you starin at me?” You ask him. Slowly, Graves slides his hand up your arm and rests it on the back of your neck. Your breath hitches as Graves scoots closer to you. A blush takes over your body and you can only stammer in response. Your eyes widen in surprise as he leans into you.
“Graves what are you-“ you begin but he cuts you off with his lips on your own. He melds your mouth to his own as he entwines his fingers into your hair. 
Ghost had seen enough. Rage boiled in his blood as his entire body tensed. All he could see was red.
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ppnuggie · 1 year
💙💙I AWAKE FROM THE DEAD// I saw you were mainly doing MTMTE so here :)) ||
GN reader with trailcutter, skids, swerve, Megatron and roddy [separate] [headcannons], them reacting to reader flirting with them? fluff, crack do whatever I need my Teebs bro,got me feeling empty 😭😭
achoo see you next year prob idk, happy times💙💙
      MTMTE x gn human reader
    『 trailcutter ,, swerve ,, megatron ,, rodimus ,, gender neutral human reader    』
  -> bots reaction to reader flirting w/ em 🫣
  — fluff ,, sfw ,, crack
  — yep ! see ya next year ! :D i mean ,, it will be next year when this is posted 💀 but i am writing it on dec.30 rn 🫣 ughh teebs 😞😞 i just got the part where he dies im so heartbroken ,, my mans ,, 😭😭😭 he didnt deserve alla that ,, smh ,, but tysm for requesting 😏 tbh i might not actually be online for this to be posted ,, bc this is in my queue along with many other things to be posted later 🫣 so theres a little update for not having links updated in the second masterlist 🕺
trailcutter ::
• he’d be quite flustered ,, not sure what to say not only because he was most likely super drunk but also surprised you were flirting with him
• any time you compliment him for something ,, his fans will kick on immediately ,, and whenever you’re not around some mechs might coo at him and make smoochy noises ,, mainly whirl
• he may try to return the compliments ,, though he’ll end up tripping over his words and end up more flustered if you say something about it
• primus help this man ,, hes just ,, stuck dealing with these flirty lines and little compliments whenever you decide to just drop them outta nowhere ,, swerve swears that one day he’ll combust if he has to see this sappy romance continue on for any longer !
swerve ::
• he might brush it off as a joke ,, or a dare if anything ,, because why of all people would you flirt with him ? swerve ? the annoyingly loud mech who doesnt shut up ?
• of course you’d have to reassure him that it isnt a dare ,, or just you trying to get something out of him ,, but that you generally like him
• he’ll malfunction right then and there and then ratchet will have to deal with another bot ,, poor ratchet 😞
• he may try to return any compliment with a horrible pick up line ,, but end up think you’re laughing at him and not the worst pick up line ever to be heard in the universe
megatron ::
• megs would be ,, confused but also flustered ,, because have you not seen him ? dont you know of the things he’s done ? hes megatron ! a feared bot throughout many parts of the universe ,, known to kill humans
• and yet here you are ,, sitting beside him as you read his poetry that you somehow persuaded him to show you with your little secret magic hypnosis ,, and now youre calling him cute
• he’d scoff ,, say that he wasnt cute in his mind ,, but not mutter a single word out loud
• he wouldnt know what to do ,, and instead just sit there in silence and listen to your attempts to flirt with the mech
rodimus ::
• he’d return it immediately ,, but with horrible compliments and pick up lines
• one time he said “ nice shoelace “ after you said he looked stunning with the new paint job after his recent mishap on another planet ,, and he keeps thinking back on it to this day ,, wondering why he said shoelace ,, like he even knows what a shoelace is 🙄
• ultra magnus would be so done with you two ,, because roddy would decide to start flirting with you during the meeting and despite you not returning any remarks or even acknowledging you even heard him ,, the mech continues
• even after megs passive aggressively told him to “ stop with the nonsense “ he only continued ,, only 10x worse this time
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Wasted 8
Warnings: drug dealing/use, violence, noncon, and the usual. Proceed with caution.
Feedback is always welcome. Love you and thanks for the wonderful responses so far.♥♥♥♥
The other girl in this one is from Black Light
Part of The Club AU
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The world is duller without Snickerdoodle around. In the week you've known her, she's affected your outlook. You're still a cynic but you don't mind having her around. In fact, you enjoy it. Besides, she needs someone to keep her out of trouble.
So it is that you're restless. She's busy at the thrift shop with her mother. She offered to bring you along but it feels like an intrusion. She has other friends, even if they sound shitty.
After a while of indecision, you head down to the coffee shop. As you come up on the aged awning, you pause. The burnt coffee and stale croissants aren't as appealing as usual. Your feet carry you past it.
You hop on a bus and step off a street away from your destination. You don't know what you're hoping for, a bit of comfort in sugar form. You enter the cookie shop and suck in the scent of chocolate and cinnamon.
Maybe later you can meet up with your new friend. You join the queue and look up at the menu. You could grab an extra lemon square. Ugh, since when are you sentimental?
You stand behind a man. Short and spindly, his blonde head bobbing up as he tries to see the display of cookies around the customer in front of him. You glance around at the free seats, there's not many left.
The line shifts forward and you go with it. The man steps up and places his order. His deep voice surprises you but you don't hear his words as you peruse the specialty lattes.
It comes your turn as the skinny blond stranger moves to join the other customers by the order window. You get the rosehips tea latte and a few lemon squares. You pay and wait for your change.
"Steve," a barista calls out.
You peek over as the blond man grabs his cup, only for the man near the other side of the window to snicker.
"Ha, think that extra cream will hulk ya up," the other man snarls and laughs with his buddy.
You frown. The guy's minding his business, you don't see why those jock douchebags need to chirp him. Or maybe you're just annoyed because you know the type.
"Jack Skellington here and his double foam mocha–"
"Whatever," the blond mutters.
"Hey, why don't you shut it," you sidle over and cross your arms.
"What do you care?" One of the bulky men rolls his eyes.
"I don't which is why I don't wanna hear it."
"Mind your business," the other retorts.
"You," you snap back.
"You shouldn't talk to women that way," the blond inserts himself in the middle, gripping his cup, "so why don't you quiet down?"
"She put her nose where it doesn't belong. Guess you'd know all about that, bird beak."
"Loser," the second man taps the bottom of the blonds cup, splashing the cream and coffee up his front.
You step forward as the barista barks out, "hey, take your drinks." He slams down two cups, "and don't come back."
"The pip squeak–"
"I can hear, bro," the barista interjects, "so go."
The dude bros sulkily take their cups and shoulder past the smaller man. The barista puts a roll of brown paper towel on the counter and you grab it before the blond can. You guess Snickerdoodle rubbed off on you, just a little. You tear away a good length and hand it over.
He puts down his mostly empty cup and accepts it with a scratchy thank. He tries to mop clean his button-up, the brown plaid baggy across his thin torso. The barista takes his cup and dumps it, promising a fresh one as another employee sets your latte in the window.
"You didn't have to say anything," the man says as he wipes his neck, "you know, I can stand up for myself."
"Yeah, I'm sure you can. I just…" your lemon squares are put up on the counter, "guess you're right. Sorry."
He winces and lets his shoulders fall, "look, sorry. Thanks. It was… nice. Brave. I just… it's embarrassing."
"Pfft, those idiots should be embarrassed," your sniff, "got nothing better to do, do they?"
The barista comes back, once more calling out, "Steve." The blond, responding to his name, thanks him and accepts the fresh coffee. He looks at you and gives a sheepish half-smirk, "guess I could skip the whip cream."
"No fun in that," you say, "anyway–"
"Hey, do you mind actually, I wanna snag a few seats for me and my buddy. He's running late so maybe… you could be a seat warmer?"
"Oh, you mean placeholder? Damn, thought I was past that shit."
"No, no, I didn't mean–"
"I'm kidding. Sure, I'll sit with you. Just until your guy gets here, then I gotta catch a bus."
"Uh, alright," he says, as if amazed, "that's… a yes?"
"Sure," you laugh, "I walked halfway here so whatever."
You wait, and gesture him ahead of you. He hesitates but leads you across the shop, weaving between patrons to the corner. He claims the two seats by the bookcase and you sink down into the cushy seat.
"So, uh, you from around here?" He asks, nervously balancing his cup. It's almost endearing.
"Not really. Just ended up here…" you look down at the box in your lap, "you like lemon squares?"
"Uh, yeah, they're not bad."
You flip the lid up and offer him the pick of the lot. Another thanks as he takes one and smiles. You notice how he struggles to even look at you for more than a second.
"You, uh, I like your necklace…" he ekes out.
You have to keep from laughing. Alright, that's cute. You close the box but before you respond, a grizzly voice cuts through you. Steve's name precedes the man but you don't need to look up to know him.
"Ha, what are the odds?" The man from the club sneers.
"Bucky," Steve greets and smooths his hair with his palm. "You know… her? Oh," he reddens, "she's–"
"As if," you stand and fling your cup at the man, Bucky’s, chest. You feel as if you could explode. You want to peel his skin from his bones. "Don't fucking come near me," you keep your arm out, "fucking– creep!"
You're shaking as you cradle the box of lemon squares and stomp away, battling between fight and flight. Leave and no one gets hurt. Leave and you can catch your breath.
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buttersmama · 11 months
Amusement park shenanigans
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Choi soobin x m!reader
Summary: an amusement park date w soob
Warnings: none
Wc: 1k+
“yn hurry up! The cab’s already here” says Soobin in hurry as he puts on his shoes for the day, waiting for his boyfriend to get ready. It had always been like this he remembers back then on their first date too, yn was late by a whole hour. Soobin was so bummed about it and resorted to sit alone in the café after getting stood up by his date, and downing down 3 whole drinks.
Just as he made up his mind to leave, the café door sprung open suddenly by a customer, and that was the first time ever when he laid eyes on the culprit who changed Soobin the self-claimed ‘anti romantic’ to a hopeless romantic. “hey, sorry I’m late, I messaged you several times too but you didn’t reply to any” yn says sitting right across Soobin.  
His eyes travel down to the three now empty drink glasses. He tilts his head in confusion before questioning out his thoughts “you are Soobin, right? I don’t mean to be rude or anything but were you with someone else before I came along?” yn asks deflating a bit at the thought. “ah- no, I was the one who drank all the three drinks because I had nothing to do and was kinda sad that my date had stood me up” Soobin explains immediately, and gets embarrassed soon after the words leave his mouth.
His ears burn as decides to shut up. Yn laughs out loud at the boy’s demeanor, and Soobin sinks in the seat thinking he’s laughing at him. “Soobin, you don’t have to explain yourself to me, and im really sorry I made you think I wasn’t coming, I mean no one would ever leave you hanging. Just look at you” yn explains with his exaggerated hand actions.
“ow-” Soobin flinches at the sudden pain, “now who’s getting us late?” asks yn all dolled up. “what’s gotten into you? Stop staring” yn says looking away from his lover’s eyes. “nothing just remembered how we were quite late on our very first date too” Soobin replies without missing a beat, satisfied with how yn flushes in embarrassment. “how many times have I told you it was because I am bad with directions and got lost on the way!
Anyway, don’t we have a cab waiting? Don’t blame me when we get there late and have to stand in long queues” y/n huffs heading out. “wait for me babe!” Soobin says shutting the door behind him after placing the house keys in the pockets. Catching up to their designated car for the ride, Soobin rushes sitting in the back seat with his boyfriend and utters a small ‘sorry for the delay’ settling and adjusting a little.  
“we just got out of the house and I am sweating buckets” yn says to no one in particular while leaning on Soobin while looking at the view outside. “don’t worry yn my love for you won’t decrease even if you stink” Soobin comments jokingly, who was quickly shut up by yn’s stern glare. He quickly
apologized embracing the latter tightly. The couple held the same position till they reached the amusement park.
“we’re here” the mister who drove them, said breaking the silence. Soobin was the first one to get out of the car and waited for his boyfriend to follow as well while he paid for the ride. The amusement park was bustling with people and there was already a queue forming at the ticket counter. “told ya there’d be a queue” yn said joining soobin’s side.  
“and who’s fault is that?” asked mockingly.  
Yn on the other hand ignored the comment and started heading forward after harshly elbowing Soobin as a punishment. The couple joined the queue and waited and waited and waited for a long time until finally it was their turn to purchase the tickets. “tickets for 2 please” yn said, paying for them and taking two purple color bands assigned for adults to wear.
“here, I’ll help you with it” yn muttered to his boyfriend and pulling him along. They stood at a secluded area while helping each other put the bands on. “thank you, baby,” Soobin said suddenly feeling all lovey dovey and embracing his darling. Yn was a bit surprised initially but smiled and leaned in more affectionately.  
Yn cherished such moments; it made him feel all warm inside and think what good did he even do to deserve such a guy in his life. “love you boobie” Soobin scoffed at sudden confession, “love you too or whatever” he says swaying both of them together.  
“hmm, I don’t wanna leave but do you wanna try out the roller coaster?” yn asks looking at his yn to which he nods detaching from each other.  
“ya think you can handle it?” soobin asks being all confident.
“yeah I guess, I mean I’ve never tried it before but I think I’ll do okay” he answers honestly, swaying their hands together.
“if you get scared, just latch onto me instead, I’ll protect you”  
“yes love” yn says absolutely smitten.
They wait in the queue once again and soon enough get to sit on the ride, two people in one compartment it said, perfect. All settled, with the safety bar in place the ride starts, initially it was quite slow which yn wondered around why, just as he was bout to voice his thoughts, the ride took a dip. Not until that moment in life yn experienced true fear. He let out a screech and clung onto his lover eyes tightly shut as a safety measure.  
Soobin laughed at his lover’s antics wondering why would he even suggest going on the roller coaster if he himself was so scared of them, and mentally took it as a note to never bring yn on this very ride. The ride was over in minutes though yn felt as if he had been stuck on it for an eternity. Soobin held his hand out to support a very dizzy and tired yn, this was their first ride and yn already looked like he was ready to pass out.  
“babe, if you couldn’t handle fast rides why did you even suggest going on one?” Soobin chuckled. “I didn’t know it would be so draining! Besides, I had never tried it before” yn replies, still holding onto Soobin as they made their way out.  
“its was pretty good if we leave out the part where you were practically glued to me” he teased. Yn’s face burned up in embarrassment and buried his face in Soobin side staying silent having no comeback. This didn’t go unnoticed by Soobin of course to which he just ruffled yn’s hair gave him a small peck on the forehead.  
Yn’s heart thumped faster at the sweet gesture, face adorning a smile unknowingly.
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ectonurites · 9 months
I haven’t been keeping up with current dc comics, what’s happened with Kon? I keep seeing people talk about it but it’s all vague
Basically, Kon had a really fun and overall good mini called Superboy: The Man of Tomorrow which ended this week. This book ended with Kon in a good place and having really seemed to find his place in the world again after the rough last several years (since getting reintroduced in YJ 2019 into a world that didn't remember him) he's had. That book ended technically last week via digital release, but this week in terms of the physical release.
But then... also this week... we found out via a Bleeding Cool article on Sunday that there was going to be a backup story featuring Kon in Action Comics this week which... suddenly made Kon/M'gann—a ship that originated in the Young Justice cartoon which has literally nothing to do with main continuity comics, a ship between two characters who have barely if ever spoken a fucking word to one another in actual main continuity—be dating. With absolutely no build up.
Queue people being concerned/stressed/angry/etc etc. And now today the issue dropped. And well it's just as bad as it seemed like it was going to be.
It basically just... manages to mention Superboy: The Man of Tomorrow while also regressing Kon back as if the development he had in that book hadn't happened at all, have Kon be ridiculously rude to Ma Kent out of nowhere in a way he never has been before (like... even the at-many-times bratty Superboy '94 era Kon wasn't like that towards her! it is seriously out of nowhere i am utterly fucking baffled), stick him back in fucking high school again (as if YJ 2019 hadn't... had him explicitly on page decide he was done with that and done with just trying to be a carbon copy of Clark BEFORE he even got sent to Gemworld!), and just have a poor grasp on his current history/his personality/his voice as a character imo.
I have seen several people point out that the writer of this backup story doesn't actually have anything else with Kon currently slated so it's very possible that other books may not really be paying all that much mind/attention to this story/the characterization/choices in it, and so while it's frustrating that it exists it could in the end not have the biggest impact on things in the long term, but it's still just... wow. It feels like such a slap in the face after Superboy: Man of Tomorrow, I can tell ya that.
And like... one thing I do want to note, is that in the comments the writer has made about this story on twitter, she's made it clear part of what she was going for here is trying to approach who Kon could be outside of/after Superboy... but I simply do not think undoing the character work that was literally just done with him is the right way to approach that. I think from where things left off in Superboy: The Man of Tomorrow one could easily have started to ask those sorts of questions and approach that subject without backtracking and random retcons and OOC behavior which all make it really frustrating to read for longtime fans of the character.
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You Stop My Heart (Pt.2)
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Part 1
Pairing: Elvis x Black! Reader
Summary: Elvis Isn’t the only one who can cause a visceral reaction in the crowd.
Warnings: Implied Racism, race talk, cursing? 50s Elvis. Reader is indeed promiscuous.
A/N: I was so hurt when my original draft vanished in the middle of writing it but I think it was a sign because this came out so much better! The song, as always, isn’t required (but yes it is) but I would recommend playing it once the band starts because it brings it all together and gives an idea of how the reader is singing. Happy reading!
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... Alright, here we go
Gumption be damned, all eyes we trained on you, and you hadn't uttered a word yet. The host turns his attention to you, visibly shocked, "H-How are ya tonight, Ms. y/n?" You can't help but feel a little uncomfortable, hands clammy and a mouth as dry as the desert.
"Just fine, sir, thank yo-"
"The hell is she doin' up there?" A man in the sea of people shouts. The question is enough to stir your stomach, bile rising in the back of your throat. We will not blow chunks in front of all these white people. Not tonight, no, ma'am. You decide that your conscious is right and bury the feeling in your feet.
"Is there anything you'd like to say, Ms. y/n?" The host asks, making an effort to ease the tension. A simple "No sir,'" is all you can get out. "Well, alright then, the floor's all yours." With a nod to him, you look over your shoulder toward Greg. You give him the queue to start, praying he doesn't fuck this up.
Sure, you all have practiced a thousand times, but that was in the comfort of your own home, with not nearly as many leering eyes. There's just no telling how a nervous Greg sounds. You turn back toward the crowd, silently praying you wouldn't screw up, either. The first kick of the bass drum confirms that this is really happening.
Mack doesn't usually sing, but she can. She, Val, and Angel open with a simple harmony. You join in soon after. The crowd looks like you first did when Elvis was on, disinterested. Not good. You break from the girls,
"I'm so excited. I can't get past a-one, two, three," There's murmuring throughout the room, but you have to keep the attention.
"I'm so impatient; it's everything you do to me." You're gripping the mic stand like it'll save you from the intense stares. Then, quickly, you glance toward Sister Mack, silently pleading for help. She holds your gaze and mouths gumption. You release the stand from your clutches and loosen up a bit.
Your hips start to sway. "A little fire.. mixed in good with desire." You run your hands from your bust down to your waist, bouncing with the beat. "Makes my heart sing like a choir- I'm on a respirator whenever he leaves." Your hands move from your waist to your hips, and you lean forward, back arched, and cleavage on full display. Whistles ring out through the crowd.
" 'Cause you stop my heart," you lead the chorus; Angel follows, "I can't focus on anything." You grab the stand again, using it as support while
you dip down and throw your head back. " 'Cause you stop my heart..." you flash a smile, "...and you get to beat it back again." Whistles have turned to hollers. Okay, y/n, bring it home now "bum, bum,bumm, bumm, bum..." you rock your hips from side to side on the beat. This has boys rushing the stage to get a better look.
You look back at sister mack and see a smug expression gracing her features. Told you, she mouths. You continue, and the screams get louder. You can't help but think these fellas look so... fucked out. It's your turn to feel smug.
You didn't realize the weight of the situation. White girls sitting in a puddle of their own slick because a white boy got on stage and shook his hips in their face is one thing; white boys creaming their pants for a black girl swaying hers was another.
Mouths hung open as you teased a bit more, pushing up the curls that framed your face and giving a wink. Hands reached out toward you; some got a hold of your leg. You thought you were done for, that they would drag you down and beat you senseless for such a promiscuous display.
You couldn't've been more wrong. Screams for your attention were coming from different directions. "y/n! over here!" One yelled, "I'll treat you right," said another, "Let me show you some fun, darlin'!" you heard.
It was all too much. These men lusting over you was not the expected outcome. You pull away as you begin to finish the song. When it ends, you blow a kiss. Many attendees pretend to catch it, and you can't help the giggle that leaves your mouth.
For the last time, you look over the crowd. You see boys with blown eyes and seething girls red in the face. Boy, did you feel accomplished .
"It was wonderful performing for Yall. Goodnight, everybody!"
You and your friends make your way off the stage. Greg is the first to speak. "Did ya see that? Them boys couldn't get enough!"
"Mhmm, y/n had 'em foamin' at the mouth," Val says.
You shake your head and open your mouth to speak, but Mack beats you to it. "What'd I tell ya? Gumption!" With a roll of your eyes, you reply, "Yes, sister mack, you told me. I didn't do anything too different, though."
"My ass!" Greg exclaims, "You ain't never sang a song like that before. I mean, I ain’t never seen ya move like that and ya were practically moanin’ on stage." You're quick to shake your
head. "I was not! I -” Angel is quick to cut you off,
"Oh yes you were. Every high note in tonight's show was downright sinful." You laughed, "kept the attention, didn't I?"
"Sure did!" Mack shoots back.
With your adrenaline dropping and your stomach rumbling, the need to change into something more comfortable and find food was getting harder to ignore.
"I'm gon' run to the car to grab my other dress and some flats."
Greg gives you a skeptical look, "You ain't goin’ alone. Take Mack."
You roll your eyes. "It's bout twenty feet from the door. I can handle m'self." He shakes his head, "well, at least let her stand and wait for ya."
You breathe through your nose, irritated that he's holding you up.
"Alright, come on, mack." She hops up from where she's sitting, and you two head for the door.
"Your brother's so dramatic." Mack chuckles at your scrunched-up face. "He just worries, is all. We don't know nobody here, and well, you're... Ya know?"
You understand what she means and drop it, not wanting to continue the conversation. "Hmm. Yeah, I guess."
As you push through the door, striking blue eyes meet your own. He takes in a breath and holds out a shaky hand. "Hi... m'Elvis"
Holy fuck.
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Taglist: @prayerstopresley @kaitaesupremacy @18lkpeters @dumpsterhippie @dkayfixates @pennyroyalcreep
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callsign-foreigner · 2 years
You’re as Cold as Ice - Part 3
Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x reader (Iceman’s Daughter)
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Phantom had enough of feeling sorry for herself, so she patted Mav on the back and got up.
“ Think I’m go catch up with the other pilots, see ya tomorrow.”
She said before downing her beer. Maverick just nodded and looked down.
Yeah..see ya kid”
Phantom walked over to the pool table, where she knew her fellow pilots would be.
“What do we have here? Am I seeing ghosts?”
Hangman was a friend of sorts. Phantom and him were put on many missions together the last few years, and had actually texted just the day before, about a mission they had both been called to.
“I’m the prettiest ghost you’ll ever meet” Phantom blew a kiss his way and he pretended to catch it and place it on his heart. She laughed and was bombarded by a few other pilots introducing themselves. Payback, Fanboy, Coyote and some cute little blonde named Bob. Phoenix was speaking to Rooster, So when she heard Hangman announced the arrival of her friend, she had barely turned around for a second before she was almost pushed over by a strong force. Hugging Phantom tightly, Phoenix laughed and screamed excitedly.
“I can’t believe you’re an Ace! Congratulations, girl!”
Phantom laughed and looked up to find Rooster staring at her, intently.
Phantom nodded her head and released Phoenix from the hug, trying to put some distance between her and Rooster.
Hangman cleared his throat and spoke
“Well looks it’s gonna quite mission.”
Every pilot nodded their heads and they saw more pilots coming in through the doors.
“Is that Yale?” Said Phoenix
“What the hell type of mission is this?” Phantom said quietly but just enough so everyone around her heard.
“We’re all the best of the best. Who are they gonna get to teach us?” Replies Phoenix.
Phantom slowly looks to where Maverick had been sitting, which was now empty.
“Gotta be someone good” Fanboy replies
Hangman stares at Phantom “Shit, it might even be Phantom here. Girls a legend already” he says while smirking.
Phantom smirked back at him, crossed her arms and said while using an annoyed voice “like I have time to come back here. I’m a busy woman.”
Just as Phantom has uttered those words, her phone began to buzz from her back pocket.
Looking at the caller ID, she frantically answered and excused herself from the group to talk outside.
Payback waited Phantom was out of ear shot before he whispered to the group “Damn right she’s been busy, heard Phantom had a kid right after her graduation.”
Rooster spit whatever beer was in his mouth out and it landed right on Phoenix.
“Rooster! What the hell man?”
“She had a kid? How long after graduation?” Rooster asked Payback, ignoring Phoenix.
“I don’t know, like less than a year that’s for sure. Weren’t you friends with her?”
Rooster nodded silently. “Yeah, We were friends.” Deliberately passing over the part where they were dating each other
“Yeah well one day I was in Admiral Kazansky’s office and saw a pic of Phantom holding some baby, on his desk. Kids pretty cute, not gonna lie. Wonder who the papa is” Payback finished, laughing at the end.
Hangman smirked
“Maybe it’s mine, boys. I mean you know no one can res-“
“Oh please, that kid has brown curly hair, definitely ain’t your kid, Hangman” Payback laughed
As if on queue, Phantom re-entered the bar and looked around nervously.
“Sorry guys, gotta take care of some things. I’ll see you tomorrow at training”
Phantom slipped a 10 dollar bill on the bar next to her empty beer glass and waved goodbye. She didn’t bother to wave in Rooster’s direction.
Her ignoring Rooster shouldn’t have bothered him, but it did. He had no idea she had a kid, much less right after graduation. She moved on quite quickly and didn’t even look back.
Though he knew he had made his decision, he couldn’t help but wonder what could’ve happened, had he stayed with her and not shut the door in her face.
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zipperzoo · 1 year
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The Batman (2022) bruce wayne x f!reader Word count: - 2259 Masterlist / AO3 / Playlist Themes: Enemies to Lovers, Slow Burn, Crime Family, Thriller, Nior, Heist, Action, Comedy, Crime. A/N: howdy! I took a um a hiatus HA- I needed a break due to life stuff but I really wanna finish this! and I did some research into stuff >.>
Chapter Eight:
Helping solve the crime you’d need many of these, a particular way of viewing things to bring justice to its knees
“Name?” “Oliver Caddel” “Okay Oliver, Occupation?”
“Circus staff… Is this going to take long?” He murmured, scratching his jaw with his thumb.
Rubbing his eyes, Exhausted already. Gordon pressed on. “Could you describe the events that took place here- what did you see or hear?”
Seated inside one of the many tents around the outskirts of the crime scene, outstretched a long line of partially injured civilians. Witnesses holding papers. Awaiting their turn to share their own statements of their experiences. 
Unkempt appearances could already tell their own personal experiences of the night. Injuries as well as haunting distant empty stares into space. Lined up one by one behind one another. There was no discrimination of person, the victims were diverse among age, gender and race.
In an attempt to evacuate the camp site of the circus that was now taped off to the public while forensic officers would use their magic along with the help of the 'CID' (Criminal Investigation Department). It didn't stop news anchors or news broadcasters from attempting to get in through sky or ground for any latest scoop or raw footage of the damage. 
Swirling around, capturing the long queues and the smoke trailing up above the main tent into a cloud of green and yellow mystery gas that just settled.
The tent that Gordon sat in, was small, cramped practically and opposite him was a singular witness who was nervous, worse for wear. 
Oliver was the tenth or maybe the eleventh witness that Gordon had spoken too so far, and all he had to show for it was either vague descriptions of evocative unique descriptions per person of the events. Nothing was the same, they were all like different accounts of different events stitched together. Making a hazy similarities.
Nothing was drawing him closer to any answers to why, why this circus, why these people, why this specific method and importantly who would have the motive? What was the motive?
Was it a display of power? 
Was it just so they could? 
Was it a test? Was it a test? 
What was the reason?
What is that mysterious gas?
“I wasn't inside the tent when It happened, I was… around.” The hesitation in his voice caused Gordon to drop the pen he held. 
“You know, like around the tent.”
“But not inside?”
“What part of the team did you work a part of?” With a deep sigh through his nose, Gordon picked his pen back up and jotted down everything the witness was sharing onto his witness form. Maybe this should have been something for Rivers to work on. Gordon wasn't getting anywhere and some fresh eyes on this would actually get him somewhere. He was beginning to regret putting them on the Wayne tower case.
That case feels like a distant dream now.
I worked on the electrics, ya know the lights. To make sure everything was-” “Hmm hm-” Gordon cut him off, lacing his hum with attitude. He knew what a tech did, he didn't need a recap. He just wanted to know what the man's experience of the evening was. “-I had a hard time focusing but when I finally did they were red, beet red i mean red!!”
Looking up at the witness through his brows, stopping his notes for a second Gordon asked “What was? The lights?”
“Like the worst sunburn you’ve ever seen!”
“Yes I’ve gotten the colour- what exactly was red though?”
Oliver’s face scrunched up, trying to recall exactly what then realization washed over him. His face stretched as his brows frowned. His gears were moving and Gordon was captivated by it. 
Then, as if an alarm went off in his mind, he shot up and looked at Gordon, confused. “I’m sorry, what was the question again?” “You said something was red?”
“Hm? I’m sorry I-” He paused, looking down at his lap “I don't really remember?”
Leaning back on his chair, pushing aside the witness form which was half way filled in. Gordon looked at the witness. This was getting nowhere. Again they all had different descriptions of the events that might as well have been about different incidents.
One witness stated she was in the middle of an airplane on fire and about to crash, she remembered running through the cabins when pieces of the walls flew off. Vacuuming out civilians on the flight with her to then find herself standing in the middle of a field having others crash into her, fleeing. 
Another stated he lost the ability to speak while everyones face morphed into empty sockets. His instinct was to fight back. Upon the realization that he could have very possibly hurt someone made him hysterical and had to be escorted out by officers.
Moving things along, Gordon quickly signed off the sheet, shuffling it to the growing pile beside him. If anything was to come from this maybe one hell of a book with all these testimonies. Some of these would make one hell of a horror novel.
“That's alright.” Gordon spoke. “We’re done, could you let in the next person in the line?” 
Without a word, the witness Oliver pushed back his chair to then exit, letting the next person in through the tent’s flimsy waterproof door. 
The next witness meekly made her way to the chair opposite Gordon. She looked extremely exhausted, eyebags fresh and sharp. Her hair knotted and fried. She was cradling her arm which was in a sling. “Name?” “Is this going to take long?” “It depends on the information you’ll be able to provide- name?” Gordon licked his thumb to then pluck a fresh form from the immaculate pile besides the ruffled one. “Abigail Williams. But I’m known as Dizzy on the staff”
“Okay, Dizzy, Occupation?” when pronouncing her nickname, he raised his eyebrows. Wasn't the first one of the evening preferring their stage name he heard. He had jotted down her name with Dizzy alongside it in quotation marks.
“Circus staff. I work closely with the performers.”
“So you were inside the tent?”
“I didn't know where I was or what time it was, let alone what was happening.”
“Could you try.” He leaned back on his chair, the wood squeaked under his weight. He had nothing but time right now. 
It's all he could really do. 
By the books he had nothing but time.
A very uneasy nod bloomed from her still state. Dropping her arm that cradled her sling to her lap, to then fiddle around with nervousness, an attempt to try and jog her foggy memory of a very traumatizing evening.
“I remember just my body feeling a sense of urgency, like something wasn't right. And the smell mostly.”
“A smell?”
“Um- A very sweet smell, kind of like honeysuckle-like?” she scrunched her brows together. “Yeah! Honeysuckle! Like a flower but it was kind of sour, burning at the back of the nose.”
Gordon pulled his eyes away from her to jot down exactly what she was saying. Pulling out a notebook from his pocket, completely separate from any of the paperwork scattered on the makeshift table.
Taking note, he scribbled ‘Honeysuckle smell- sour???’ 
“Then um.”
“Then what?”
Looking down, frowning, trying my best to remember. “I… I remember- oh god.” she gasped covering her mouth, panic eroded as she looked up at Gordon with a sudden realization. “Are the Grayson's okay?”
“The Grayson's?”
“The Grayson's?! The performers of the circus. They were the leading performers and they are a family. Two parents and one child. But I saw- I swear on my life I saw the two fall and crash into the ground.”
“Fall and crash like-”
“Like, fall and crash! Falling to the ground and just kind of a thud.” Lowing her hand revealing her mouth agape, worry lines forming beside it. “Then after that I- I just remember like everyone acting frantic and not normal.”
“Wait, you mentioned a child? Was the child a part of the two bodies you saw?”
“Huh? No, oh god no? The child wasn't there. I have no idea where the child was.”
“Did you see the child before or after the incident?”
“Uh.” her eyes frantically moving around the room, searching. “I haven't seen him since maybe this morning? With his parents? Besides that-” she shook her head.
“So the child wasn't there at the show?”
She pulled a face and shook her head again. “He was planning to be there but he wasn't. I just assumed it was a last minute change? Is… Is he not with the officers?”
“What's the child's name?”
“Dick Grayson.”
A moment Gordon’s thoughts raced, staring at Dizzy the Witness to then suddenly reach over the messy pile of paperwork flipping through all of them. Looking for any witnesses that matched the name of the child. Flipping through once, nothing. He blinked then flipped through again.
He hadn’t spoken to a Dick Grayson.
“Does the child have a stage name? What's his description?”
“Um, short boy. Dark hair, kind of an innocent look but he has a know it all attitude of sorts- Hard to miss.” She shifted in the chair slightly. “I’m sorry, is the questioning over?-” She asked, cocking her head with an inquisitive brow, concerned.
Dropping the paper he was holding, he scooted out of his chair. “Excuse me for a moment.” Swinging around the table to then dash out of the tent, leaving her there, turning around to look at the exit where he left. Confused.
Welcomed by harsh on sight lighting of the powerful The Nomad tripod lights scattered across the field illuminating the field. Gordon was momentarily blinded. 
Blinking, adjusting his eyes to the lighting, he looked at the long line of witnesses.
Gordon turned to the first person in front of him who was covered head to toe in mud and blood- no clue where the source of the bleeding was from or if it was even their blood. “Where's the officers?”
The person stared hard at Gordon, startled by Gordons urgency. Shaking their head frantically to then turn to the person next to them. They too shook their heads.
They didn't know where they could be.
With a huff, Gordon looked around. Police standing by taped off areas bantering among themselves, one even laughing. Several forensic teams built recreational mysterious tools, while others carried bags of evidence. 
Even several paramedic teams were attending to some civilians close by. 
Gordon Marched towards the police Officers.
Grabbing an officer by the shoulder, turning him to Gordons attention. “I need you to locate a child for me, goes by the name Dick Grayson.”
“It's urgent.”
One of the officers laughed, “Good luck with that.”
“You think this is funny?”
The officer coughed, changing his entire demeanour. “No sir.” he panicked.
“Dick Grayson, A young boy- meant to be one of the events mainline acts with the parents. Any information on him?”
“Dick Greyson? Yeah the kid, he is on the missing list.” 
Gordon frowned in response. The officer looked to his colleagues to then pull up a clipboard of names that had red dashes next to them. 
Below two dashes that were two Greyson's was a Dick Greyson that had a blank space.
“We are still searching the wreckage, there are alot of bodies sir but so far from what we have accounted for, no Dick Greyson has been found that we can formally account for. He is either dead or missing.”
“The red marks?” Gordon pointed at the clipboard. “What do the red marks mean?”
“Deceased. His parents have been identified. But again-” The words failed to leave the officer, he didn't need to say anything; it was in between the words he had spoken.
Gordon ran a hand down his face. A defeated sigh slipped through his tired lips. 
There was no doubt about it that there was an ever growing number of missing people and children. But to know one thing was out of place before the actual events could be a crucial key to this mystery.
Cutting short the brief haunting thought of a child and his parents- A crowd of people started running, dashing out of the way to either side. 
The officers by Gordon jumped besides him, all turning their attention towards a loud pipe like noise that was vastly approaching.
With mud flying it was hard to make out what was heading their way. Gordon took a few dragged steps back and squinted, hoping to focus on any details betrayed between the specks of mud flying.
He saw the red lights of a vehicle flooding the field and painted the tents with its harsh light. 
A monster that looked like a car screamed life so much so that a few civilians flinched and cowered.
Slowing down as it spun around to turn then coming to a halt.
The engine dying down like a beast just suddenly being tamed to rest. 
Steam coming from its exhaust fogging the ground. Tendrils of smoke swarming around the site, invading the tents. Entrapping the residents who stood idle in its mist.
Bursting open the steel doors from the vehicle, black boots emerge from its inner shadow.
A tall dark figure lurked out, with its piercing blue eyes looming over the people that stood around him and his beast. 
A watchful gargoyle that breathed life as his chest heaved with vengeance as his eyes met with Gordons.
A few heads turn to face Gordon, with fear residing in their expressions.
“Batman.” Gordon whispered, relieved. “Finally.”
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your-divine-ribs · 10 days
I’m With the Band Part 17
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Words: 1.5k
I’m With the Band Masterlist Main Masterlist
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"Arabella! Where've you been? I've been looking for you everywhere!"
"Sam!" I say, not being able to keep the surprise out of my voice. "I was just... errr... just... umm there was a massive queue for the toilet!"
I feel flustered, caught out, the knowledge of what I've just been doing at the forefront of my mind, like everyone is going to take one look at me and know exactly what I've been up to. It doesn't help that I'm no doubt wearing the tell-tale flush that always stains my skin when I climax, my cheeks and upper chest glowing with it. I've also realised too late that I left the scene of the crime minus my panties and I cringe inside, picturing them lying discarded on Van's hotel room floor, wondering if Larry might have spotted them. That could be awkward.
Sam's chatting away to me, completely oblivious to my embarrassment whilst I stretch the hem of my short dress further down my thighs, still feeling the sticky wetness of my arousal as I press my legs together.
Van really is something. He's certainly got hidden talents that go way beyond his song writing skills. No one else has hit the spot quite like that before quite so quickly. It's like he knew every inch of my body already without ever having been acquainted with it. I wonder whether he just has a natural affinity for these things or whether he's slept with so many girls that he's become like some kind of orgasm-giving aficionado.
Probably the latter I think bitterly, surprised and dismayed by the sting of jealousy which shoots through me. I quickly push it aside. Of course I'm not jealous. I'm only interested in having a good time. And Van's not the only one who can provide that.
"Are ya listening to anything I've been saying?"
Sam's face swims into view and I realise that I've completely zoned out, thinking about Van. I recover quickly with a flirtatious remark, curling a hand around Sam's waist and drawing him near to talk closely into his ear. It seems to be working, but as I look over his shoulder I see Van approaching with a face like thunder.
I ignore him, switching my attention back to Sam, expecting him to just storm past, but to my complete shock I feel a large firm hand closing around my wrist.
"Hey whatcha doing?" Sam calls out, confusion clear on his face as Van pulls on my arm, wrenching me away from him.
"Yeah Van, what the hell?" I add, trying to pull back but he's too strong and I'm too tipsy to put up a fight.
"I want a word with you!" He says, his voice stern, and he keeps pulling, dragging me with such force it makes me stumble over my feet.
"Hey Van... be careful with her mate!" Sam calls, stepping forward, concerned. "You okay Bella?"
I consider kicking up a fuss but reluctantly decide that it's not worth it, I've only just met Sam tonight and I don't want to jeopardise things because of Van's childish moodiness. I mumble that I'm fine and traipse after Van, muttering that I'm coming and he can let go of my arm, but he doesn't. He keeps a firm grip as he marches me from my spot on the terrace back into the hotel suite. I think he's going to take me back to his room but he stops short, guiding me into the kitchen area and coming to a stop in front of me whilst I lean up against the wall.
"What's got into you?" I blurt, folding my arms across my chest, wondering how on earth he can go from attentive lover to sulky adversary in the space of ten minutes.
He looks back at me, incredulous. "What's got into me? More like what's got into you!"
"Nothing's got into me!" I huff.
"Well... maybe I should have got into you then. If I did then maybe you wouldn't be running off to Fender whilst your knickers are still lying on my hotel room floor!"
Ouch! That stung...
To make matters worse he digs into his back jeans pocket and produces a balled up fist. I don't realise until he throws the contents at my face that it's actually my panties.
"Fucks sake Van!" I hiss, my cheeks going scarlet as I scrabble for them as they drop down to rest draped over my shoulder.
"Everything alright in here?"
I snap my head up at the sound of Johnny's voice, quickly shoving the hand holding my underwear behind my back. I plaster on a fake smile so Johnny won't notice my embarrassment. "Yeah... all good!" I say brightly.
In contrast Van doesn't even try to hide his annoyance. "It's private actually Bonds!" He snaps, much to his friend's surprise.
Johnny looks taken aback, his mouth falling agape. "It's just that Sam said..."
"I don't care what Fender says!" Van fumes. "This is between me and Bella, okay?"
Oh wow, he's really mad. I wonder for a moment whether he's justified but no sooner has the thought entered my head, I dismiss it. I've not actually done anything wrong. I was just talking to Sam, and even if I was intending to do more, it's none of Van's business. Just because we've shared a few sexy encounters it doesn't give him the right to dictate to me who I can and can't hook up with. In fact, the more I think about it the more vexed I get.
I wait until Johnny slinks away and he's out of ear-shot, then I let rip at Van.
"What is your bloody problem? You picked on me when I was a kid, and I stupidly thought you'd grown up since then, but you've obviously not. It's actually none of your business who I speak to... or who I shag!"
"So you're gonna shag him?"
"I didn't say that, did I?" I retort, exasperated. "And even if I want to, what's it to you?"
"You're fucking infuriating!" He hisses. "You know how good I can make you feel and you go running off to him straight after? What... is it because he's got some number 1 album out? That's it isn't it? Bet he still can't make you come in five minutes flat!"
Van looks deadly serious but I can't help the laugh that erupts from me. "My god, you're so full of yourself! You really do think you're God's gift don't you?"
"You fucking loved it!" He says, eyes flashing with a touch of anger and more than a hint of passion too. "Come on Bella, don't deny it."
I lean back against the wall, refusing to look impressed, trying to deny to myself that his fiery outburst and passionate jealousy isn't actually a huge turn on, because surprisingly it is. It's just that giving in to Van now would be too easy. I think he'll just have to work harder to convince me. Much harder in fact. I've always loved the thrill of the chase... as long as I'm not the one doing the pursuing.
Van seems to mistake my passiveness for an agreement. He places one hand flat on the wall to the side of my head, leaning in until his face is just inches away from mine.
"So... you gonna keep me company tonight then, huh? I'm gonna be awful lonely in that huge bed all by myself..."
Fuck... why does he have to be so bloody tempting? My body is screaming yes whilst my mind is saying no in the sternest of voices. Giving in to Van now is only going to give him the green light to thinking he has some kind of monopoly on my attentions. And I've never been one for settling for just one guy. I'm having way too much fun for that.
"C'mon... I'll make sure it's a night to remember," he whispers into my ear, his breath warm on my neck, his lips brushing my skin lightly before he pulls back to look at me.
"Well..." I say, drawing out the word like I'm pondering his invitation. "The night is still young. I might be tempted..."
A crowd of party-goers wander into the kitchen at that point and a smartly dressed guy in a suit who I presume is from the record label breaks away from them when he spots Van, instantly starting to head over.
"There he is, the man of the moment! Come and have a drink with us Van!"
Van's attention shifts at the sound of his name and I take my chance to slide out of the corner that he's got me backed into, but I don't get far before he's grasping my wrist again as I turn to slip away.
"Don't forget Bella... my room later. Be there, okay?"
I fix Van with an alluring look, a hint of a pout with wide eyes.
"Maybe..." I say, the small shrug of my shoulders showing him that it's definitely not a done deal.
Then I don't give him time to react, pulling my arm out of his grip and pushing firmly past him, smiling to myself at his look of frustration as he realises he's got to let me go and speak to his party guests.
I make for the outside terrace again, scanning the crowd. Now where did Sam get to?
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papa-evershed · 10 months
Gifs of robs grey hair plsss, I love his grey hair now, also what is your favourite thing that rob has ever said in an interview? He's a funny guy and I love his accent, I could listen to him for hours
Eek. Favorite thing he's ever said? Like just the one thing? 😅 It's sort of like being asked my favorite food or favorite song, there's simply too many to choose from and it greatly depends on my mood. I know I say that a lot as a cop out but it's true.
I do appreciate his sense of humor, it's an attractive quality for anyone and he has it in spades. I love it when a man, especially, is playful and easygoing. But. I also really enjoy the more serious side of him too. I feel like it's often overlooked and underestimated. Random example, there was a moment in that interview he did with Broadcasting House where they were discussing current headlines and it was about what was the proper time for a person to have dinner and Rob pretty much came at them with a "who cares, just be thankful you have food" (I'm paraphrasing) and it's that very no nonsense, grounded way he has about him—buried beneath the layers of Golden Retriever energy, that I also find extremely appealing.
I'm totally word vomiting again but y'all get what I'm saying. 🤓
Annnnnd, the gifs! In case it takes me a minute to get around to your request, I don't want ya to think I'm ignoring you. Right now my blog's queue is just running thanks to all the drafts I'd saved up, I'm kinda enjoying some downtime from giffing as I prepare for new stuff to gif next month hopefully. I don't wanna be burned out just as we're finally getting new content. But I will work on your request at some point because I also fucking adore that man's greys. Who knows, I may get a burst of energy as soon as tomorrow. Or next week. 🫣
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zorkaya-moved · 1 year
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Morning, besties. Ya girl is back from her hiatus 1 day early, but only to update y'all beautiful souls about what's going on.
Did u miss seeing me and Zarina on ur dash (say yes 🔪)? ;)
I had the time to just chill out, concentrate on my real life, and understand that I'll be doing some things differently. I over-hoarded drafts and asks. Every year this happens, and I just never fucking learn, but I'll try to take my time to sort out everything. This means that I'll be looking through my endless list of drafts and finally replying to them (thank u brain for finally working).
I have a queue prepared to start tomorrow until 17-18th for now. It's 3 posts per day, but I'll keep it to 2 posts per day after 18th of March. I'll be absent today as well, even though I came back but it's like... Update-update. Still not going to reach out regarding plots because I'm still not back with those thoughts and ideas.
If YOU have ideas for plotting, through them at me!
It was SOOOOO NICE to take a break from Tumblr and just? Play games? Read books? Just vibe. Also re-connect with some of Zarina's personality traits that I've let to float around. Now, thanks to PTN, I finally understand how to write some of Zarina's apathetic sides and it made me super happy. I'll also post some of the metas I finally sat down to write. I just might continue this type of existence for the whole month of March due to how much I need to do.
I probably will be giving myself like week-long rests without Tumblr on my phone. I'll probably still take a bit of a long time to rest and not really communicate with anyone yet because I still feel like I need a bit more time there. I'm still playing games but I'm also especially busy this month (graduate school registrations, essays, recommendation letters, applying, all of that jazz). 'Cuz of that I'll probably full-on rely on queue. And yes, I wrote things over my hiatus because I just cannot leave my girl alone lmao. Thank u Google Docs for existing.
Hope y'all are safe. I've got things already queued. Today's gonna be a busy work day, and I've got a call with one of the universities before my application to ask some questions, yahoo! Have a fantastic day. Just know that the activity will only be continued through queue for now. I'll also try to limit my ooc posting because I think the amount that I posted made ME overwhelmed as well since I want to have more IC content to interact with people and not make others feel like I forgot or worse. I really was burnt out and I'm sorry if I hurt anyone, made them feel forgotten, or I made them annoyed with my activity/words/ooc posts.
I still struggle with replying to people socially/ooc-ly even in real life, but I'll try to do better. Over the course of my previous job, I was over-stressed but I also... lost touch with many people. And I didn't chase them because, yes, I didn't keep in touch and it was my fault. However, I will do my best to not let this happen again. I cannot promise anything as I still do not have stability in my life (and didn't have for the last, what, 5 years?) and I cannot make any definity promises. I promise to do better, but that's all I can do. And I will do my fucking best.
Oof, thanks you for reading this! Take care of yourselves. I'm gonna try to concentrate on drafts instead of asks these days because that's how active interactions go and I want to interact. Let's fucking go!!
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guttersniper · 4 months
@rvolving as yusuf said: an overjoyed hug, probably after a long time of not seeing each other
hug prompts.
the men were relieved to be on dry land, as lively as if they were already in their cups. mutt took his pay, tucking it into his trouser pocket with deceptive indifference.
the near-overlapping goodbyes began. you're off in a hurry. and don't blow it all in one place, lad. and fuck off, i've never seen that little shit spend money on anything. other than what he needed, that is. even then, he was thrifty. mutt thinks that last one is more telling on the speaker than him.
" where you off to, then? " one of the men asked, quieting the queue inching forward. mutt always thought he'd looked like his good friend, same mischeviously bright eyes and thick beard, one of the ones he's going to reunite with after so many months. maybe that's why they had taken to each other. (mutt, it has been said, could make friends with anyone.) he never told him this, though. better for them all to think of him as someone without anyone to get back to.
" i've got someone to see, " mutt responds simply.
" bit little for that, now, ain't ya'? " a loud round of laughter ensues, and mutt's eyes narrow. he knows the implication, the houses offering said services would be busy the next few nights, which is why his next words – those in glass houses – got an even louder response. with that, he left.
he knew the address he had to go to. he hadn't sent mail like the others, but he'd kept the scrap piece as a bookmark. as if he needed it, as if he hadn't memorized it from the day it entered their lives. it is reassuring to be back in familiar streets, to recognize it as unchanged. he arrives at the house, and it belatedly occurs to him that he hadn't said goodbye to the men. he'd never see them again, most like. he'd outlive them, and their children, and their children's children. he'd miss them, he thought sadly. they weren't the first. they wouldn't be the last.
his fist knocks, sharp, three times. he doesn't know which one will open the door, or if booker or andy'll will have beaten him from their own venturing outs. he's ready to see any of them, whichever one.
the honor goes to yusuf. the moment his eyes recognize who is standing at their doorstep, he laughs and takes him into his arms. mutt is lifted from the ground, boots dangling, strong arms securing him around his torso. his baker boy hat is knocked off in the excitement, but that just gives yusuf an excuse to rest his right hand on the back of his head.
the locking of mutt's arms around yusuf's neck is more instinctual urge to hang on than returning the sudden affection, but the feeling behind it changes the next second. with a matched ferocity, he squeezes back. his eyes slip closed, nose nudged into the skin of his neck and then tucked into the fabric of yusuf's shoulder like a wolf pup would their packmate. he inhales his familiar scent. it's the scent of nicolò, too, and his cooking, and everything that had been kind and devoted and true to him.
" back in one piece. " it's an inside joke among them, but it carries weight, too. true enough that mutt goes off on his own from time to time, it is his nature, he always promises to come back. and he had – in one piece.
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