#there's nothing going on
oh-atlas · 2 years
anyway here is a pin board for my backup cos character she's a perfectly normal guy and totally isn't sexy and doomed
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jodiosmenu · 5 years
been having an anxiety attack since i left my house at 2100 and it’s currently 0102 and going strong  ✌
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louisegluckpdf · 2 years
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obsob · 2 years
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hgrng...thinking of love 
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astrolavas · 2 years
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if he came back to the owl house—
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glitterghost · 2 years
Being ace can be pretty isolating at various times, for varying reasons that I don't feel like I have to explain because if you are ace, you probably get it.
#asexual#ace#pride#vague post but you know..*gestures to nothing*#i dont think i even need to expand on this#aromantic#could be thrown into this as well#things are just sometimes frustrating when people dont get it#if you read tags cook bc here we go a bit#there is always this talk of being left behind or being forgotten about or whatever#and yeah its true and when things happening almost in succession that makes it even more aware and apparent that yeah you kinda do get left#behind a bit*#so many ppl want marriage and or kids and its like#what about the people that want to hold on to things as they currently are?#to friends and books and cats and fictional feelings#and the way some ppl you know talk about how people gradual drift apart?#like thats a full on decision#thats not always a mutual thing#people leave at times and another person that might not be ready to end that connection with a person has to navigate their way through it#on their own#but like society is so weird to people that dont want the predictable life path#as you get older questions become are you married#do you have kids like its expected#where are the questions like whats the latest book youve read#whats your current favorite fandom#what makes you happy or brings you joy or whats a good thing about today?#not sure where im cycling down into with this bc theres too much to touch on#but not everyone wants sex or kids or marriage or crippling responsibilities of adulthood#sometimes we just want a hobbit hole to disappear into#a friend to text or pizza to eat or something funny to laugh at
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layla-carstairs · 3 years
I love the warm colours family bc they truly all said "we do not talk about Bruno.... but if we did-" and proceeded to have the time of their lives telling you about Bruno.
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cruelsister-moved2 · 2 years
today (27 Jan) is International Holocaust Memorial Day, so I've compiled a list of charities you can donate to which help to preserve European Jewish culture as well as supporting living Jewish communities, especially in Eastern Europe, as a way to honour victims of the Holocaust both by preserving their memory and by supporting the European Jewish communities that the Nazis aimed to destroy.
- YIVO [Link] ; founded in Vilne, Lithuania in 1925 and now based in New York, is one of the largest organisations for the preservation and education of Yiddish, as well as hosting the largest archive of Eastern European Jewish materials (23 million items) - including many which were rescued from Nazi book-burning by Jewish resistance. It is the ONLY prewar Jewish library and archive to have survived the Holocaust.
- World Jewish Relief [Link], formed during the Holocaust by the UK Jewish community to aid the evacuation of German Jews. The majority of their modern day work focuses on aiding vulnerable Jewish communities in Eastern Europe. They also provide aid to refugees, disabled and elderly people, and respond to international disasters across the world.
- The Yiddish Book Centre [Link] hosts an online archive of hundreds of digitised Yiddish books (many with translations), as well as a video oral history archive with 1000+ Jewish people of all ages and backgrounds telling their own stories, many in Yiddish (with subtitles). They also train new Yiddish translators and run lectures, education programs, film screenings, music festivals, and the world's first Yiddish museum.
- The Together Plan [Link] supports post-Soviet Jewish communities, especially in Belarus due to the current instability there. As well as supporting Jewish communities with aid, education, and community building; they also record and translate Holocaust testimonies, preserve Jewish graveyards, and run education on Jewish Belarus.
- The European Jewish Cemeteries Initiative [Link] works to preserve and restore Jewish cemeteries, particularly in countries whose Jewish populations were decimated by the Holocaust, which left cemeteries to be vandalised and fall into decay. This is an important act in honouring the dignity of the dead, as well as witnessing and preserving the presence of lost European Jewish life.
If you have no money to spare, consider spending some time browsing the testimony and history hosted on YIVO and the Yiddish Book Centre as an act of memorial instead.
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baejax-the-great · 2 years
Seven years after Trespasser, Bioware has boldly revealed that DA4 will be about Solas
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boylikeanangel · 2 years
our flag means death is truly such an inspirational show because it gave us the most pathetic soggy little golden retriever puppy of a man who doesnt know the first thing about sailing, is scared of blood, spends half his day lounging around in a nightgown, has no respect from a single member of his crew, spent 3 whole episodes showing him bumbling his way through trying to be a pirate and failing at absolutely EVERYTHING, nearly getting killed at least twice an episode just because everyone he meets absolutely hates his vibes, just REALLY hammering home just how much of a loser this guy is, and then immediately after went "and here's the most successful and fearsome pirate in the entire world and he is absolutely totally incandescently IN LOVE WITH this guy. the rest of the show is going to be about their slowburn romance." and that's literally just so beautiful
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moondoposting · 2 years
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“i’m trying to help him!"
"you're helping yourself!"
"... maybe!"
some rough panels under the cut cause i think theyre funny
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catcrumb · 2 years
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today is my two year anniversary of daily cat doodles! thank you all for your kindness!!  ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ  ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 years
girl help someone is taking things out of context and ignoring the differences between 19th and 21st-century gender norms on Twitter again
specifically, some person claims they have Figured It Out and Louisa May Alcott was Definitely A Trans Man
(this person is insistent to the point of refusing to call her by her name, using instead her family nickname Lou, and using only he/him pronouns for her)
(and by the way, Lou was a common nickname for Louisa. it was not inherently masculine, and the fact that her family called her that is irrelevant)
like. dude. there’s definitely a discussion to be had about LMA and gender. as with many 19th century women who expressed desires to be men for greater social freedom and/or evinced enjoyment of presenting in a masculine way, we cannot be certain that she would still be a woman presented with the modern range of gender determination options
but like. she wasn’t. and given the options available in her day, she chose to continue living as a woman. which is still significant and cannot be dismissed with a mere “they had no choice back then,” because...some people did. there are known trans people from that era, who socially and aesthetically transitioned. that doesn’t mean  anyone who didn’t couldn’t have been trans, but it does mean that experiences have to be looked at with a great deal of nuance
take the quote they open with:  “I am more than half-persuaded that I am a man’s soul put by some freak of nature into a woman’s body.” sounds pretty trans- but the second half is, “… because I have fallen in love with so many pretty girls and never once the least bit with any man.” in answer to an interview question about why she never married. which is a very Victorian idea: the conflation of one’s gender and sexuality.
is she saying she’s gay? is she saying she’s trans? and what are to we to make of a Victorian woman who calls herself “Papa” to her adopted daughter but nonetheless lives as her birth-assigned gender? who expresses a desire to be a man so she can join the Union army, but enjoys sewing and describes women’s gowns in lavish detail in her books? butch woman? artistic trans man? genderqueer? cishet but gender-nonconforming and a product of her time? like so many historical figures living on the edge of the rainbow, she evades firm categorization
that’s a conversation worth having, for certain. but in the absence of surety, all we can do is use the terms she used in life- and converse
however. if you have to cherrypick this hard, and ignore a lot of evidence that runs contrary to your theory, she is definitely not up there with Charley Parkhurst and Dr. James Barry in the ranks of For-Sure 19th Century Trans Men
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nonpoppie · 2 years
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silly hs au
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girlgerard · 2 years
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killyourrdarlingss · 3 years
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