#there's something so delightful to me about them the team the SHOW really being so...
lisbonsteresa · 1 year
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i'm so normal about them
16 notes · View notes
Rumoured Nights | S.R
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This was written for the lovely and wonderful @foxy-eva milestone celebration. Congratulations love! 💕 I used the prompt - “someone has to unexpectedly share hotel room with their favourite coworker - who apparently really likes to cuddle.”
Set during 5.21 Exit Wounds - this ep just lends itself perfectly for a one bed fic.
Summary - a case in a small town in Alaska forces you and your favourite coworker into sharing a room and a bed. And according to Morgan, Spencer likes to cuddle.
Pairing - Spencer Reid x Fem! Reader
Category - smut NSFW Minors DNI
Warnings - one bed trope, friends to lovers, sex dream, cuddly Spencer, swearing, making out, Spencer is touch starved, canon compliant death, meddling BAU team, interruptions, fingering, handjobs, penetrative, protected sex.
WC - 7.5k (don’t ask me how, she’s wordy)
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“I’m not sleeping with Reid.” 
The comment was probably meant inoffensively, an off the cuff remark to make his coworkers laugh but instead only caused the youngest member of the team to blush furiously. 
Spencer Reid shrunk down in the armchair, attempting to hide his embarrassment from the eyes of his fellow team members who now all looked upon him. 
As far as he was aware, Morgan had never told the team what happened the one and only time they’d shared a room during a case. The confused looks being sent his way went to further that, thank god. 
It happened a few years back when they’d been on a case in a town equally as small as Franklin, Alaska where they found themselves now. Like tonight, the BNB was small and they’d had to double up. 
And Morgan had woken in the morning to find Spencer’s arms wrapped around him like he was the genius’s oversized teddy bear, and one of Spencer’s legs draped across him. 
Morgan had pushed the younger man off of him and apparently Spencer hadn’t even so much as stirred. It wasn’t even until a while later Morgan had filled him in on what he’d subconsciously done in his sleep. 
It was perfectly innocent. There was no more to it other than the fact that Spencer was painfully touch starved. He didn’t allow himself to dwell on how long exactly it had been since he’d had another warm body to share his bed with, but if he did he would be able to recite how long it had been down to the minute. 
It was an involuntary reaction. His subconscious must have gravitated him towards the body in his bed and held them without thought to who it was. In his unconscious mind, it didn’t matter who it was, just that he needed the comfort of holding somebody. 
He was glad Morgan hadn’t woken him because he would have been a hundred times more embarrassed if he had to remember his inappropriate middle of the night cuddle. 
While he relented to his own mortification, the rest of the team silently paired off. Garcia was quick to place her hand on Morgan’s arm, nabbing him as her roomie before anyone else had the chance.
Hotch and Rossi exchanged a look of understanding and JJ smiled at Emily, the brunette nodding back at the blonde in response. 
Spencer felt his stomach coiling into thick knots as he let his eyes glance across the room and land on you who had also noticed the non-verbal agreements taking place. You met his gaze and offered him a meek half-smile.
“Guess you’re with me, Doc.” You got to your feet, grabbing your bag off the floor. 
You tried to hide the look of sheer delight from your eyes, tried to pretend that this wasn’t the best outcome to you. There had always been something about Spencer that you found magnetic, his brain intrigued you and he wasn’t at all hard on the eyes. 
Through five years of working together you had kept your little crush underwraps, your poker face was second to none. 
So you had to play it cool. You couldn’t show how utterly thrilled you were that the chips had fallen in your favour. 
One by one the rest of the team stood with their bags and collected their room keys from the kindly innkeeper and headed towards the staircase. 
You hung back for Spencer while he procured the key and with an awkward smile he followed you to the stairs.
“Good luck, mama.” Morgan smirked at you, clapping a hand down on your shoulder as you went to pass him by. “Pretty boy here is a secret cuddler.” 
“Morgan!” Spencer’s voice pitched, around five octaves higher than his usual cadence. 
“She’s gonna find out sooner or later, kid.” Morgan winked at the younger man, causing Spencer to turn beet red again. 
You shook your head with a soft laugh, averting your eyes away from Derek and towards the bottom step.
“Uh, thanks for the heads up. Goodnight.” You started up the stairs, hearing Spencer following behind you. 
You met him at the door to your room and stood aside so he could unlock it. Like the gentleman he was, he held it open for you to enter first. 
It was you who first noticed the initial problem. When Spencer sidled up next to you a moment later he saw it too. 
One bed. There was only one freaking bed. 
“I’ll sleep on the floor.” He was quick to speak, dumping his go-bag on the dresser. 
“You’ll put your back out.” You rolled your eyes. 
“I’m not Rossi.” He scoffed, indignantly. “I’ll be fine.” 
“Spencer, your knee still hasn’t properly healed. I cannot in good conscience let you sleep on the floor.” 
“I’m fine,” he waved a dismissive hand. “I’ve been walking without my cane for months.” 
“With a limp.” You clucked. “If it makes you uncomfortable to share a bed, let me sleep on the floor, please?” 
“It is statistically improbable that I will let you sleep on the floor, Y/N.” He folded his arms across his chest in defiance. 
“Fine,” you shrugged. “It’s one night, Spence. We can share a bed can’t we?” 
For the third time in ten minutes, Spencer’s cheeks burned bright red with his embarrassment. 
“I, uh, you see…” he swallowed. “Morgan wasn’t lying about the cuddling thing. We had to share a bed once on a case and apparently I cuddled up to him in my sleep.” 
A smile tugged at your lips and you felt a little guilty given how mortified he looked. But honestly you thought it was incredibly adorable and plenty endearing.
Spencer was known for having an aversion to touch, always citing how many germs could be passed in a single handshake and how it was actually safer to kiss. So the thought of him hugging anyone made you smile, even if it was when he was asleep. 
“I just so happen to not totally hate that idea.” You tried to encourage him, not wanting him to be embarrassed. 
“Y-you don’t?” He stuttered with a frown. 
“It’s cute.” You smiled.
“I think the word you’re looking for is pathetic.” He sighed. “Who knows it might have just been a one off anyway. If you’re lucky, I’ll leave you alone.” 
Lucky? Some luck that would be. 
You hid your expression from him, the one that desperately loved the idea of him snuggling up to you in his sleep. You pushed it down, simply offering him a nod. 
You just might be disappointed if he didn’t cuddle you.
The two of you took turns in the bathroom, brushing your teeth and changing into your respective pyjamas. Usually you slept nude, or at the very least just in your panties, but thankfully you kept a pair of shorts and a tank top in your go-bag in case you ever found yourself in this position.
You were already in bed scrolling on your phone when Spencer stepped out of the bathroom. He wore a set of dark green flannel pyjama pants and a matching long sleeved top, buttoned right up to his neck. You smiled in amusement at him as he padded across the room.
“Why does it not surprise me one little bit that Doctor Spencer Reid even sleeps in a button down?” You giggled a little as he sat down on the edge of the bed.
“I get cold easily.” He shrugged, his back now to you. “And we are in Alaska.” 
You didn’t reply, simply watched him as he slid his legs under the sheets, his mismatched socks still adorned on his feet, and laid his long, messy hair on the pillow. He kept his back to you and he reached out and switched off the lamp.
“Goodnight, Y/N.” He whispered, tucking one hand beneath his pillow. 
“Goodnight, Spence.” You smiled to yourself as you closed your eyes.
It was still dark out when you stirred in your sleep, eyes fluttering slightly as you pulled the duvet further up to your chin. You would have fallen straight back to sleep if it hadn’t been for the sensation of something heavily draped over your ribcage. 
You were on your back, the ceiling staring back at you when you opened your eyes. It was then you realised there was something hard between your head and the pillow. 
You looked to your side and blinked against the darkness, trying to adjust your vision. A messy head of hair was next to you on your pillow, so close you could feel the soft breath coming from parted lips tickling your face.
It was then you pieced together that the thing that was under your head and across your torso were one in the same: Spencer’s arms. One was tucked beneath you, holding you close to him while the other cautiously rested over you, just below your breasts. 
His right leg was bent at the knee, slung over your bare thighs. His whole body was pressed up against your side and it was then you registered that something hard was digging into your left hip…
Oh, your eyes widened. Oh. 
You looked back at the ceiling, body going rigid in Spencer’s arms. It certainly did not take someone with a genius level IQ to figure out what it was. 
You tried to ignore it, willed yourself to go back to sleep and put it behind you. Maybe you were still asleep, perhaps this was just a really vivid dream. In the morning you would pretend it never happened, not wanting to embarrass the poor man. 
But then the situation somehow grew even more awkward, if that were possible. Spencer nuzzled closer to you in his sleep, his face buried against your neck. His breathing started to grow frantic and his hold on you tightened. 
And then he moaned. 
Your stomach tightened at the delicious sound, equally trying to commit it to memory and forget it at the same time. But then it happened again, the sound deeper this time. There was no denying it was a moan of pleasure. 
The third time he made the sound it was followed by the whimpered utterance of the word fuck. 
And when his hips started to gesticulate, grinding his hardness against your hip, you had to do something. 
“Spence?” You hissed, wriggling in his arms. “Spencer, wake up!” 
His eyes shot open suddenly and he huffed out a breath. His eyes were hooded with his sleep, his plump lips parted in confusion. 
For a few moments he just laid there, not registering his position or the bulge in his pyjama pants. He simply stared blankly at you. 
“What happened?” He groaned sleepily. “Another body?” 
“No….no. Not work.” You swallowed. “I uh, I don’t really know how to say this so I’m just gonna say it…I think you were having a sex dream.” 
His eyes got really wide, really fast. As your words registered with him he also realised he was holding you, snuggled tightly against you. And at the same moment he also realised the part of his anatomy that had woken up long before his brain had. 
And it was pressing right against your side. 
He scrambled away from you suddenly, drawing all of his limbs close to his torso and burying his face into the pillow. 
“Fuck,” he mumbled against the cushion. “Fuck, I am so unbelievably sorry. I’m going to…” 
He trailed off and quickly rolled to the edge of the bed but you were faster and you managed to grab his arm before he made it out. 
“Spence, it’s fine. These things happen. Let’s just go back to sleep and forget it ever happened.” You gently guided him back to the mattress and he flopped onto his back. 
“This is somehow more humiliating than when I cuddled Morgan. At least then I didn’t have a, uh…yeah.” He shook his head, not willing to finish that sentence. 
“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about, Spencer. You were dreaming, and apparently it was a very good dream.” You couldn’t help but laugh, trying to cast light on the situation and make him feel less uncomfortable.
It had the opposite effect.
“I really don’t see how this is funny. I’m lonely ok? I’m so painfully lonely that the only kind of physical contact I can get with a woman is in my sleep.” He blurted out, his brain not quite awake enough to stop the words coming out of his mouth. 
The room fell silent. Spencer stared at the ceiling, you stared at the side of Spencer’s face. 
It wasn’t exactly a surprise to hear. Spencer never talked about dating or anything of the sort and although Morgan had speculated he just kept his exploits quiet, you were never so sure. 
Spencer was awkward and shy and had a hard time talking to anyone he didn’t know unless it was in statistics and facts. 
So it didn’t surprise you to find this out, but it did surprise you that Spencer was offering that information out to you. 
“I, uh…” you croaked. 
“It’s ok, you don’t have to say anything. I’m sorry I made you uncomfortable. I’m sorry that I had a sex dream about you but in my defence I can’t control my-”
“Hold up,” you cut him off, leaning up on your elbow so you could look at him properly. “Did you say you were dreaming about me?” 
His cheeks turned impossibly redder and he buried his face further into the pillow. 
“I assumed you knew that part. I thought you said…'' he wracked his brain.
No, you didn’t tell him he’d said your name. He’d added that part, assumed that you knew who he’d been dreaming about. Fuck. 
“You were dreaming about me.” You croaked, staring at what little of his face wasn’t covered by the pillow. 
“Y-yes.” He whispered. “As if the situation wasn’t already awkward enough. I can just go and sleep in the bathtub or something. The lobby even.” 
“Spence,” you gave his hair a gentle tug, trying to get him to look at you. 
Reluctantly he lifted his head and his eyes were wide and guilt ridden, his bottom lip cushioned between his teeth. 
“Do you…have you…” you couldn’t seem to finish that trail of thought. 
“Yes.” He clearly knew what you were trying to say. “It has happened before. More times than I care to admit right at this present moment.” 
“Oh.” You swallowed thickly. 
“So bathtub or lobby? How bad is this situation exactly? Does the bathroom put enough space between us or do I seriously need to leave the room entirely?” 
“My preference would be that you don’t go anywhere.” You confessed, causing Spencer to frown. “I mean, unless it’s closer to me.” 
“I…I’m not sure I understand.” 
“Sure you do.” You smiled, shuffling closer to him when he wouldn’t move. “The real thing will be so much better than even your wildest dreams, Spence.” 
An air of confidence washing over you, you finally got the chance to do something you’d been imagining for years and pressed your lips against his. 
He whimpered at the contact, momentarily dumbfounded by what was happening. But he soon managed to snap himself out of it and quickly took hold of your face and parted your lips with his tongue. 
As he deepened the kiss he rolled himself on top of you, already straining at the front of his flannel pants again. This time he was happy to roll his hips against you, really allowing you to feel him. 
You gasped into his mouth and he swallowed the sound down into his lungs. He held your face with care but the kiss was all frantic tongues and the clashing of teeth. 
It was years worth of pent up sexual tension for which neither of you had ever realised the other felt too, all spilling forth against the others lips. 
You wrapped your arms around his waist, fingertips brushing beneath the hem of his pyjama shirt, he moaned into the kiss when your hands glided over his back, across his shoulder blades and back down his spine. 
His own hands wandered at the same time his tongue hungrily explored every crevice of your mouth. His touch was featherlight down your biceps and forearms before falling towards your torso and following your lead, under the hem of your shirt. 
His finger brushed delicately over the sides of your ribs, up and down and up and down the skin, his fingertips making a mental note of how every dip and curve felt beneath them. 
His teeth grazed against your bottom lip before nibbling on it lightly and then pulling away. He sat back and looked down at you, your hands dislodging from under his shirt.
His pupils were blown out wide and his lips were puffy and red. His chest heaved his haggard breaths while he fought for air. 
You smiled up at him, reaching for the top button of his pyjama shirt. He let your deft fingers do their work, popping each button in turn and moving lower and lower down his abdomen. 
When the final button was undone he shucked the material off his shoulders and tossed it aside. His long curls hung around his face, framing him perfectly and you didn’t think anyone had ever looked as delicious as he did right now. 
His own hands brushed under your tank top again, palm flush against your stomach for a moment or two before he hooked his fingers in the fabric and started drawing it upwards. 
He let out a feral moan as he peeled the top away to reveal your bare breasts beneath. You helped him get it over your head and it soon joined Spencer’s shirt on the floor. 
He was open mouth staring at you, not even trying to hide it. You rolled your eyes with a soft chuckle, reaching for him and pulling him close.
“What’s the matter, Doc?” You spoke as you kissed him again. “Never seen a pair of tits before?” 
“None that magnificent, that's for certain.” He mumbled in reply. 
“Flattery will get you everywhere Doctor Reid.” Your hands moved to cup his clothed ass. 
“Fuck,” he hummed, rolling his hips against you. “Keep calling me Doctor Reid and it’ll be over before it begins.”
You laughed at the insinuation, wrapping your arms around him and expertly managing to flip you both over so his back was to the mattress and you were straddling his hips. 
His hair splayed out against the pillow and from this angle you were able to get a good look at what the good doctor was hiding in his pants. 
You involuntarily hissed at the sight and his eyes never left your chest. His hands were pawing at your hips, cloying at the fabric of your shorts. 
You raised your eyes to his face and waited for him to meet your gaze. When he did you made a show of grinding down against his lap, his mouth falling open as a moan erupted from his lungs. 
The friction caused by his pants rubbing against him was nice in a way but he would much rather a different kind of friction. 
He reached for your neck, pulling you closer so your bare chests crashed together and he kissed you deeply. 
You continued to grind against him, feeling his hard member between your legs and wishing for fewer clothes to be in the way. 
But before you could think about helping him undress further, Spencer’s hungry fingers were trailing up your thigh and grazing beneath the leg of your shorts. 
His hand wove higher, he could feel the heat emanating from your core. His fingertips lightly brushed against your pubic bone and you whined into his mouth. 
“Is that what you want?” He spoke against your lips, his other hand gripping the back of your neck tightly. 
“P-please…” you whimpered, nibbling on his lip and trying to move yourself closer to his waiting fingers.
Spencer chuckled almost darkly, brushing his fingers over the same spot. 
“Do you have any idea how long I’ve waited for this?” He whispered as your lips latched against his neck, sucking deep marks in his flesh. 
“About as long as I have. Please Spencer, please for the love of god!” 
The way you moaned so desperately for him made his head spin, no one had ever reacted like this for him. 
He inched his fingers nearer to where you wanted them, but as he was about to give you everything you’d been waiting for, an ear piercing scream reverberated in the room. 
You fell back as Spencer sat up, ears pricked and waiting in silence that now shrouded the room. Seconds passed that felt like hours until you both heard it again. 
“Help! Somebody please help!” 
“Is that…?” Spencer’s chest heaved in panic. 
The two of you were suddenly out of bed and on your feet, scampering around to dress as quickly as possible. You threw a pair of jeans over your shorts, foregoing your tank top and tossing on a sweater instead before your coat. 
Spencer grabbed his pyjama shirt and fought with the buttons whilst stuffing his feet inside his converse. He grabbed his jacket and scarf on his way to the door, before quickly doubling back and picking up his revolver. 
You got your firearm as well, toeing on your boots as they two of you quickly dashed from the room. In the corridor you saw Morgan ahead of you, running towards the stairs. 
“You heard it too?” You asked as you ran to catch him. 
“You bet your ass I did.” Morgan hurried down the stairs with you in hot pursuit. “Pretty boy, wake the others. Y/N and I will check it out.” 
Spencer nodded though no one was looking at him. He fell back, his hand holding the gun dropping to his side as he made his way back to the other rooms.
His head was still spinning, dizzy with the lust from previous moments ago. Maybe this was a sign to him not to cross that line with his friend. The line was blurred, sure, but not yet so much as it couldn’t be rectified. 
All he could hope was that he hadn’t destroyed your friendship to the point of no return. 
You followed Morgan hurriedly towards the front door of the inn, guns pointed in front of you. You could still feel an electric current pulsing through your veins from Spencer’s touch, your lips still tingled from his kiss. 
You pushed it aside as a blast of frigid air hit you when Morgan opened the door and the two of you descended the front steps. 
“Help! Someone help!” Cried Penelope off in the distance. 
Morgan’s head whipped around almost three hundred and sixty degrees, eyes taking in the dark landscape to find what he was looking for. 
“Over there!” He barked, nodding his head towards two silhouettes in the trees. 
He quickened his pace, so did you. 
You found Garcia on her knees on the ground over the dead body of a man. She had tears streaming down her cheeks, her mouth hung open.
“I…and he…and then…”
“It’s ok baby girl,” Morgan crouched down next to her, stuffing his gun in the back of his jeans and helping her to her feet. 
You tucked your own gun away, leaning over the body and placing your index and middle finger to the side of his neck. 
No pulse. You didn’t think it needed to be spoken out loud. 
Garcia was sobbing, head buried against Morgan’s strong chest while he held her. The sound of crunching leaves alerted you to your company and you spun around to see the rest of the team running your way. 
Hotch and Rossi still wore their usual daytime attire but JJ and Emily wore sweats under large coats. Spencer looked an absolute picture in his pyjamas, coat and scarf hanging limply from his neck. 
He briefly made eye contact with you, but you broke it swiftly, glancing over at your boss who looked even more annoyed than usual. 
“Get her inside.” Hotch spoke to Morgan. “Someone call the sheriff.” 
Emily pulled her cell phone out and stepped away to make the call. 
“He knew we were staying here. This was a big risk.” Rossi huffed, glancing at the faces around him and lingering a little longer on Spencer. “Kid, why do you look so flustered?”
Spencer’s eyes widened and you saw him swallow thickly. You looked away, focused on the body on the floor. 
“I…” he squeaked, rolling his lip between his teeth. “I’m fine.” 
And if anyone noticed his voice was several octaves higher than usual, they kindly didn’t say anything. 
Over an hour later you all trudged back inside from the cold. The coroner had taken the body away and you would continue your investigation in the morning. 
Penelope was fraught, never having seen a dead body in real life let alone having to witness someone die. Morgan tried to keep her calm but even he couldn’t bring her back from this spiral.
When she stormed upstairs you all watched her go. Morgan looked over at you, his eyes asking you questions before his words did. 
“Can you…?” 
“Yeah.” You nodded. 
You moved past the others towards the stairs, you hadn’t so much as looked at Spencer in the last hour. He tried to make eye contact with you as you walked by but you kept your gaze forward.
Once you were up the stairs, Morgan sidled up to Spencer who was still watching you walk away. 
“You gonna tell me why you’ve been looking like a lost puppy for the last hour?” He cocked an eyebrow at the younger man. 
“What? I’m not! I’m…tired. I was sleeping when I heard Garcia.” Spencer averted his gaze.
“I hope that isn’t true.” Morgan scoffed. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Spencer frowned looking back at him. 
“It means,” JJ stepped forward, an amused smile on her lips. “We’ve all spent the last five years trying to get you and Y/N to see what the rest of us can see.”
“And what’s that?” He turned to JJ. 
“Oh please.” Emily chuckled. “You think we don’t notice the tension between the two of you? Morgan’s been single handedly trying to get the two of you to bone for years.” 
Spencer’s cheeks instantly turned red and he felt his chest tighten with his embarrassment. 
“I…I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He turned his back on them and headed for the stairs.
“Go get her lover boy.” Morgan called after him and they all fell about laughing while Spencer shrunk away. 
He was at least glad you hadn’t been privy to that. But he didn’t relish the idea of seeing you right now, that would surely be one awkward encounter. 
You found Penelope pacing the length of her and Derek’s room, muttering under her breath frantically. 
You cautiously entered, not wanting to startle her. 
“I watched him die.” She spoke when she saw you. “I watched him take his last breath, Y/N.” 
“I know.” You nodded slowly, coming close to your friend and placing your hands on her shoulders. “I can’t imagine how scary that was for you.” 
“I just…” she whined a little. “When I was shot, all I could think was that if I die the last face I’m ever going to see is the man who killed me. I didn’t want that for him.” 
“You’re too good for this world, Penny.” You squeezed her shoulders. 
“I don’t know how I’m ever going to sleep again.” She pulled free of your hold and started pacing again. “Tell me something, anything. Something to distract me.” 
“Uh…” you scratched the back of your head. “You did everything you could to help him?” 
“No, not that. Not about this.” She quickened her pace, arms flailing about as she walked. 
“Uh…I’m pretty sure after tonight you can get Morgan to spoon you. All you need to do is tell him how scared you were.” You tried again. 
“As delicious as that sounds, I don’t think Kevin would be too pleased about that.” She was a blur of colour, like a rainbow flying through the sky. “Please Y/N, I need to think of something other than this horrible night.”
You had the exact thing she was looking for, the perfect piece of information to take her mind off of this. 
Goddamnit, here goes nothing. 
“I almost slept with Spencer tonight.” You blurted out before you could change your mind. 
As expected she immediately stopped pacing, halting in her tracks and glaring wide eyed at you. Her mouth hung open like she wanted to speak but couldn’t find the right words.
You rolled your lip between your teeth, awkwardly waiting for her to say something. Slowly she stepped closer to you, eyebrows raising towards her hairline. 
“You…and boy wonder?” 
“It’s about time!” She slapped your bicep and you growled at the impact. “Wait…did you say almost?” 
“Yeah, we didn’t quite get that far.” You rubbed your arm from her assault.
“Why not?” She sounded incredulous. 
“Because…the screaming? The cries for help?” You huffed. 
“I…I ruined your first time with Reid?” She gasped. “No, no that won’t do. You are going to march back to your room and resume all previous activities. Right now.”
“I don’t think that’s gonna happen.” You shook your head. 
“It was a dumb idea, Pen. We’re friends, we work together.” You sighed deeply.
“Friends who are utterly infatuated with one another and have been for the past five years.” She clucked. 
“Guess my poker face isn’t as good as I thought it was.” 
“It is not. You make heart eyes at him every time he walks into a room. And he’s just as bad!” Garcia sounded exasperated. “Go to him. Finish what you started. For the love of all things pink and sparkly.” 
“Penny, I love you but it’s not gonna happen.” You shrugged. “I’m not ruining one of my closest friendships for one night of passion.” 
“Ok…I do not like thinking of boy genius and the word passion in the same sentence.” She pulled a face. “That’s like thinking of my brother…gross.” 
You couldn’t help but laugh at the way her body shuddered at the thought. You were pleased at least you had managed to get her to calm down. 
“You gonna be ok if I go?” You smiled at her. 
“Morgan will probably be up soon, I’m sure he can protect me.” She smiled back. “Just let him down gently ok? Reid is fragile.” 
You rolled your eyes, backing away to the door. 
“Goodnight, Penelope.” You blew her a kiss as you opened the door and stepped out into the corridor. 
Across the hall your own door loomed. Your chest tightened as you pushed forward, hoping Spencer may already be asleep so as to avoid an awkward conversation. 
But you knew he wouldn’t be and that was confirmed when you entered your room and found him sitting on the edge of the bed as if waiting for you. 
He looked up from where he’d been staring at his lap when he heard the door close. He pushed himself to his feet, his jaw set tightly. 
“I don’t want to ruin our friendship.” He blurted out suddenly. 
“Me either.” You agreed, stepping closer to him as you got out of your jacket. 
You unsheathed your firearm and laid it on the dresser next to Spencer’s. 
“But uh…” he frowned, fighting an internal battle with his own thoughts. “Friendships are overrated right? I have plenty of friends…”
“Way too many friends.” You smiled and nodded as he reached for you, large hands cupping your face. 
“I don’t want to be your friend.” He whispered and then proceeded to crash your lips together. 
You immediately parted your lips and his tongue slid inside of your mouth while he pulled you back to the bed. You both fell to the mattress, you on top of him while never breaking the kiss. 
He didn’t want to waste a second, didn’t want to risk being pulled away from you again and so his hands quickly found the hem of your sweater and helped you out of it. 
You got his buttons undone and he guided you with a hand on your back, down to the mattress. He slipped the garment off of his shoulders and rolled himself on top of you, kissing you again. 
His hands wandered down your torso to the button of your jeans. His lips trailed to your neck and brushed along your collarbones. 
They moved lower, down to your right breast where he placed kisses on the swell of it before moving on and taking your hard nipple in his mouth. 
You moaned and bucked your hips to meet his erection in his pyjama pants. He popped the button on your jeans and you helped him shimmy them down your legs. 
When his lips moved to your neglected breast, you reached out and blindly groped him through his pants. He grinded against your hand, moaning around your nipple. 
His large hand glided back across the plains of your stomach before inching lower. His fingertips brushed over the waistband of your panties before disappearing beneath the fabric. 
His index finger located your clit and pressed firmly against it, another moan erupting from your chest. He pulled back from your nipple and looked down at you with a sinful smirk. 
He started rubbing deft circles between your legs, his nimble finger a thing of magic. Wanting to return the favour, your own hand slipped inside of his pants and you grasped the base of his cock in your hand. 
He moaned deeply, his finger working more frantically as you started to stroke him. He met your gaze, his lips parted and soft moans escaping between them. 
“F-fuck.” He stuttered, moving his finger from your clit and running it through your folds, collecting your arousal on his digit. 
His middle finger joined his index and pressed against your entrance. You increased your movement on his shaft as he pushed them slowly inside of you. 
“Jesus Christ.” You muttered as you clenched around him. “Jesus fucking Christ.” 
“Why the fuck have we never done this before?” He whined, pushing his fingers as deeply inside of you as he possibly could.
You whimpered, bucking your hips against him as he moved in and out of you hurriedly and your strokes of his member were becoming frantic. 
His head was already leaking with pre-cum and you swiped your thumb through it causing an animalistic growl to leave Spencer���s mouth. 
It was too much and not enough all at once. You needed more, you needed everything. 
His fingers slammed into you roughly, the sounds of your slickness filling the room. You twisted your fist as it moved up and down his cock and he was snapping his hips back and forth, practically fucking your hand. 
“Fuck…I don’t suppose you have a condom?” You panted, desperate to feel more of him. 
“Uh, embarrassingly yes I do.” He nodded, his cheeks flushing a little. 
“Why is that embarrassing?” You slowed your pace and Spencer slowly removed his fingers from inside of you. 
“It seems…presumptuous? It wasn’t like…I didn’t think…it’s not like that I swear. It’s, uh, a long story.” He stood up, locating his wallet on the dresser and unsheathing the small golden foil packet from inside. 
“I believe you, Doc.” You smiled at him as you shimmed out of your panties. 
Spencer’s mouth fell open at the sight of you laid bare for him. His hands started to tremble as he moved them to the waistband of his flannel pants. 
He wouldn’t look at you as he pulled them over his hips, down his legs and kicked them off of his feet. 
When he did look back at you, you were staring right at his crotch. 
Your chest heaved with frantic breaths and you were rolling your lip between your teeth. 
“Good god, Reid.” You smirked. “I need you like yesterday.” 
He shuddered at the desperation in your voice and shakily ripped the condom wrapper over. He moved closer to the bed again, holding the base of his shaft in one hand and rolling the rubber over his tip with the other. 
You spread your legs for him, welcoming him between them and wrapping them around his waist. He leant on his hands either side of your head, the veins in his arms pulsing as he held his weight above you. 
He eyed your face, an almost delicate smile on his lips and you weren’t sure what it meant. 
“What is it?” You asked him, reaching up to tuck his long hair behind his ears. 
“You’re sure about this?” He asked softly. 
“Very. Aren’t you?” 
“I’ve wanted this for so long.” He breathed. “But I really don’t want things to change between us.”
“Spence,” you brushed your knuckles across his cheek. “Things have already changed between us. But not in a bad way.” 
Linking your hands at the base of his neck you drew him close for a kiss. He moaned into your lips and you felt him finally pressing between your legs. 
He held his shaft again and guided him where he needed to be, his blunt head penetrating you, stretching you to accommodate him. 
He slowly sank into you, a long and shaky breath leaving his lungs. Inch by inch he ebbed deeper, your walls fluttering against him as your body made room for him. 
When he bottomed out he stilled, glancing between your bodies at where he was now sheathed inside of you. The look on his face was pure bliss, as though nothing in the world had ever felt this good to him. 
He lowered himself onto his forearms as he drew his hips backwards painfully slowly. But then he surprised you by roughly thrusting back into you. 
After that there was no holding him back, like a man possessed he started fucking you hard and fast into the mattress. 
He pounded against your cervix with each thrust, kissing you with a newfound ferocity. The room was encompassed by the sound of skin slapping against skin and your moans which were being swallowed by the other's mouth. 
He already knew he wouldn’t last long, but that was ok. He didn’t plan on this being the only time he fucked you tonight. 
It was completely unexpected, out of the blue for the mild mannered doctor to be such a stallion. But it was electrifying, dizzying, the way in which he pounded into you like his life depended on it yet kissed with such gentle passion.
Resting all of his weight on one arm, his other hand manoeuvred between your sweat slicked bodies and his finger pressed deftly against your clit again. 
He started rubbing intricate circles on your bud, hips still snapping back and forth, stretching your walls around his length. 
He had a few beads of sweat trickling down his forehead which was scrunched up much like his nose was. 
His chest was flushed beet red and his left arm which was holding him up shook with the exertion. 
Your legs tightened around his waist, walls clenching around his cock. A combination of his rough thrusts and ministrations on your clit we’re bringing you rapidly spiralling towards your orgasm. 
You assumed by the look in his face that he was close too and by the way in which he started to lose his rhythm a little, his thrusts becoming a little frantic. 
You drew him in for another kiss. It was slightly messy, teeth clashing together and tongues fighting their way into the other's mouth. 
He moaned deeply against your lips, his finger now rubbing against you rampantly.
“I’m s-so close.” He mumbled. “Can’t…don’t think I can…”
“Me too.” You agreed as you felt the tightening in the pit of your stomach. “Don’t stop. So close, don’t stop!” 
And he didn’t. 
The pressure was building and between his cock burying deep inside of you and his finger never letting up on your clit, you teetered on the brink. 
And then as if a volcano erupted, you reached your peak, moaning into Spencer’s mouth as your body convulsed beneath him. 
He felt you clenching around him as you came, causing a pressure to shoot through his member. He thrust deep one last time and whimpered as he felt the come shooting from his head in ropes, filling the condom. 
His hips continued to buck lazily as if he simply couldn’t get enough of this feeling. His hand fell from its spot between your legs and he collapsed on top of you, panting and sweat slicked. 
You could feel his heavy breaths as his chest moved against yours, could feel his heart erratically beating at his rib cage. 
He nuzzled his face into your neck, his breath fanning across your skin. His hips were still rolling, grinding against you not ready to stop despite how worn out he was. 
You stroked his cheek and moved your head so you could kiss him sleepily. He mumbled something incoherent against your lips. 
Eventually his movements stilled briefly before he cautiously pulled out of you. He rolled onto his back and peeled the condom from his softening member, tying a knot in the end and tossing it lazily in the general direction of the trash can. 
He shuffled a little, his arm finding his way beneath your head how you’d found it when you woke up in the night. 
You curled into him, resting your head on his chest and listening to the still slightly erratic beating of his heart. 
“I never like being friends anyway.” He mumbled, making you giggle. 
“Me either.” You slung your arm around his waist. “Whatever this is, it’s so much better.” 
He placed a kiss of agreement in your hair and snuggled closer to you as his eyes fluttered closed. 
He decided, as he drifted off to sleep, being a secret sleep cuddler maybe wasn’t so bad after all. 
Down the hall, Morgan flopped on the armchair in his and Penelope’s room, eyeing the blonde as she stared at her laptop screen. 
“What a night huh?” He ran his hand over his head. 
“Yah huh.” She nodded, bouncing a little in the bed as she did so. 
“You seem oddly chipper. Y/N manage to take your mind off of things?” He cocked an eyebrow at her. 
“Something like that.” A small smirk played at the corner of her mouth.
Derek sat up straight, scrutinising her curiously. 
“What?” Her eyes snapped away from the screen and over at Morgan. The guilt was written all over her face. 
“You think I don’t know when you’re hiding something, baby girl? Spill.” He sat forward, leaning his elbows on his thighs. 
Penelope huffed out a breath, chewing on her bottom lip. 
“Promise not to tell anyone?”
“I promise.” He frowned. 
“I think…I think Y/N  and Spencer might be…you know.” She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. 
Morgan’s eyes widened as he stared at her. 
“No way.”
“Yes way. Apparently they almost and then, you know, everything happened. But I’m hoping that they picked up where they left off.” She was grinning from ear to ear and it must have been contagious because a smile broke out on Morgan’s face too. 
“My man.” He smiled brightly, a glint of something in his eyes. 
“What was that?”
“What was what?”
“I too know when you’re hiding something Derek. Now you spill.” Garcia eyed him up, Morgan’s smile only grew. 
“I’m just happy is all,” he beamed in amusement. “And I’m really glad I made up that story about him cuddling up to me in his sleep now.” 
“You did what?” Garcia gasped, wide eyed. 
“It started as a prank, just to wind him up a bit, embarrass him. And I thought if I brought it up tonight it would put ideas in his subconscious. Guess it worked.” Derek looked exceedingly pleased with himself. 
“Derek Morgan, you are evil! Pure evil.” Penelope cackled, shaking her head at her chocolate thunder and his mischievous ways. 
“I was just giving him a nudge in the right direction, he needs all the help he can get.” He grinned happily, pushing himself up and sighing wistfully. 
“True, I love Reid and Y/N but they are so oblivious sometimes.” Garcia shut her laptop screen and laid back against the pillows. 
Her eyes closed and as such she didn’t see the playful look spread to his eyes as his smile somehow grew, encompassing his entire face. 
“And with any luck,” Morgan shuffled to the bed made up on the floor. “Pretty boy still had that condom I gave him.” 
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marycorcaroli · 9 months
sub!luffy x fem!reader
dom!fem!reader with sub!luffy? hmmm..
req ♡ : sub!luffy getting fucked silly by another captain of a rival crew who's also trying to find the one piece, and luffy being all needy and stupid.
mary ♡ : thanks for the request and sorry if it was too long ! 💌 i hope you enjoy everything, i tried really hard ! love luffy too much <3
english is not my first language, i apologize for my mistakes ♡
rules ; masterlist
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your hips keep pounding against luffy's thighs, ignoring his pleas to stop, because he can't cum anymore, but can he? his cock is throbbing inside you, and legs are trying to pound into you themselves to fill you all over.
"y/n, please make me feel good, only you can do that, ah-h" luffy tried to say something intelligible, but nothing came out, it felt too good that his brain refused to think. he didn't remember how many times he had cum, three, four or five? you clouded his mind, he could only think about you and your soft cunnie that was so right for his big cock.
you picked up your pace with each passing second, realizing that you were close to orgasm, but it wasn't your plan to show that to luffy, you just needed a map and some information about the one piece, but instead you were bouncing on some strange boy whose cock surprised you as much as he did.
"your body was made for me, wasn't it sweetie? i know just what to do to make you cum like you've never cum before, hehe." your lips descended on luffy's nipples, leaving wet kisses on them and lifting up to his chin "just tell me anything i want to hear and i'll even let you cum inside me, isn't that a gift, darling?"
when you stopped you felt luffy's hands grasp you sharply and his eyes became glassy, he started to cry and tried to make you resume your pace, but you continued to sit and wait for the answer to your question, running your finger over the places where you had left your marks for everyone else, with your claw you left the name of your team, that's how everyone would know whose slut luffy really was.
he was your whore from the first moment you met him, at the bar, the night you sought out zoro and offered to join you, but he was a son of a bitch and left you to your own devices until a strange guy came along and tried to hit on you.
"you want zoro? join my team and he'll be with you all the time." his cocky grin threw you off balance, but it was time for luffy to get scared as your hand grabbed his cock through his clothes and began to massage it gradually.
"yes, i want zoro, but now i want to destroy you even more." your hot breath on luffy's neck gave him goosebumps, he was lost in space and didn't realize what was going on, but he knew one thing for sure, he wanted you to fuck him in the dirtiest way possible.
as you replayed the memories in your head, you didn't hear the pleading along with luffy's whimpering, he was like a little kid, but wanting your cunnie very badly.
"y/n? p-p..lease i'm.. begging you, s-start moving and i'll tell you everything you want, i'll let you get to the one piece, j-just, fuck it all out of me." his eyes were like puppy dog eyes, it was impossible to refuse them, but you didn't want to, did you? after all, when else would you have just an obedient boy who would do anything for your pussy.
your gentle palm touched his cheek and slowly traced down the whole side of his face, and your eyes stayed on luffy's eyes, you wanted to see how pathetic he'd become in just one night and you were the reason why.
with a quick motion you planted luffy and slowly began to move in time to his hips.
"you look great when you're begging for something, all sweaty and red eyed, i'm going to make you feel good baby, but after this you're not likely to be able to walk or think properly." throwing him back on the pillows and squeezing his fingers tightly, your pace began to quicken again, and luffy's moans grew louder and louder.
it was a delight to your ears, knowing that he was only like that for you, only you see him that way, but or not really....
you didn't notice zoro with his red cock in his hand, he was watching you and jerking off, but he also wants to feel himself inside you or luffy, he hadn't decided yet, but he knew that you and him could destroy luffy with your dirty words and endless orgasms.
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sebscore · 1 year
could we get more lando and gzd moments? like them playing more into their marriage rumor and reeking havoc during races like pushing into each other on the track or chasing each other around the paddock, they’d be such a chaos duo😭 i love grids delight💗
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pairings: f1 grid x driver!reader 
warnings: a collection of gen-z driver moments during the 2023 austria grand prix :) 
author's note: i am so confused about this as well, but just enjoy our lovely gzd being chaotic and just as confused as us! thank you for loving the series, darling!! i appreciate it a lot!!!
• • • • • • •
''Okay Y/N, so we have a 5 second penalty for the lap track limits. Keep it clean from now on.'' Marco's voice came through the radio, notifying the driver. 
She loudly sighed, momentarily lifting her hand from the steering wheel to show her frustration. ''What? Who snitched? Lando? Was it Lando? Oh, I bet it was Lando.'' Y/N rambled, glancing at the McLaren driver in her mirrors. 
''Just focus on driving. They're giving a lot of drivers penalties at the moment so don't worry about it too much.'' He brushed it off, not wanting her to get distracted by which driver reported on her breaking the rules. 
Y/N listened to his words and calmed down. ''Understood, Polo.'' She answered, trusting his judgement. 
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''Y/N, Sainz told over the radio that you're intimidating him.'' Marco informed her as she pressured Carlos, fighting for the third spot on the podium. 
The driver frowned. ''Well… is the intimidation on the track with us right now?'' She chuckled. 
''Push harder, we have better pace than them.'' Her engineer had laughed himself when the message came in, finding humour in the Ferrari driver's comment to his own team. 
Y/N listened to Marco's instruction and intimidated the car in front of her even more, eventually passing him a few corners later. ''Marco, I passed him so he doesn't feel threatened anymore- aren't I such a good friend?'' She laughed, giving herself a pat on the wrist. 
The commentators and analysts tried hard not to cackle as her radio message was replayed on the broadcast, still wanting to remain their professional attitude. 
''Y/L overtakes Sainz from the inside with a nice message for the Spaniard attached to it- beautiful stuff we are seeing here at the Red Bull Ring.'' Crofty's voice sounded over the replay of said overtake. 
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''Charlie, you're in my chair again.'' Y/N walked into the cooldown room, immediately noticing the Monégasque occupying her seat. The situation had also happened in Baku when the three of them made it onto the podium. 
The Ferrari driver glanced behind him, seeing her car number and team logo above his chair. ''Oh, sorry…'' 
He made an advance to switch seats, but she stopped him. ''It's okay- I'm P2 now.'' She teased, sitting down on his original chair. 
''It's been a while since we were on the podium together.'' Max stated, standing up from his seat and grabbing one of the towels that were laid there for them. 
Both Charles and Y/N nodded at him. ''Well, it's been a while since Charles was on the podium with us.'' The youngest corrected the Dutchman, chuckling at the Monégasque's unimpressed face. 
''I'm back.'' He simply smiled. 
While the second and third place drivers were joking around with each other, the RBR driver watched the replay of the race. ''A lot of penalties.'' He noted. 
''I got one.'' Y/N admitted, raising her eyebrow in light annoyance. 
The two men's heads shot up at that. ''Really? Track limits or what?'' Charles asked. 
The young woman nodded. ''Yeah, Mr. Norris ratted me out.'' There was a sarcastic tone to her voice, indicating she was joking and wasn't actually upset with her British friend. 
''Lando? That's funny.'' Charles had always been a fan of Y/N and Lando's friendship, their banter having made many great moments on the paddock and online. 
Max pointed at her. ''You should get revenge.'' He grinned, knowing she most likely already had something in mind. 
He realised he was right once he saw the mischievous smirk on her face. ''You know I will.'' She folded her hands together as if she was a villain in a superhero movie planning a grand scheme. 
''I'm scared for him.'' Charles said, relieved he wasn't a victim of her humorous retaliation. 
''You should be, Charlie.'' 
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''YOU TOLD EVERYONE I PEED MYSELF SO HARD DURING THE RACE THAT THERE WAS A HOLE IN MY SUIT?!'' Lando stormed into her motorhome, his eyes widened in disbelief. 
Y/N had a devilish smirk on her face as the McLaren driver walked in, having expected him to waltz in. ''Snitches get stitches.'' 
''Oh, come on! You would have done the same thing!'' He defended his actions. 
''You,'' she pointed at him, ''think I,'' she pointed at herself, ''would have reported on you every time you went over the track limits? I would never, Lando.'' The way in which she was speaking sounded like that is exactly what she would do. 
''And by the way, no one would believe a thing like peeing so hard that there are holes in your clothes- people aren't that gullible.'' She said, brushing the entire thing off. 
Lando rolled his eyes. ''People are believing it! 'Lando peeing' is trending on Twitter already.'' 
Y/N snorted at his words, immediately covering her face as she loudly laughed in his face. ''L-Lan… pee- peeing…'' She couldn't get any words out, finding the situation too funny. 
''Stop laughing, it's not funny!'' Despite his words, Lando had started grinning himself- the sight of his best friend completely losing it being too much for her 'I have to remain serious'-facade. 
''I'm sorry, okay? I didn't think people would take it seriously.'' Y/N was still cackling while delivering her ''apology''. 
The Brit sighed. ''This is gonna haunt me for a while, isn't it?'' 
''I'm afraid so, Rumple.'' 
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taglist :: @lorarri @missskid @missthem @rosesintj @evans-dejong @thehistoryone @dreamycloudsworld @alonsogirlie @muushmeg @topguncultleader @the-great-adventures-of-me @love13tter @xcharlottemikaelsonx @kiwisa @starkwlkr @nora_moon @princesselle2111 @valluvsu @thatsadsmallchild @babyyoda89 @milkbreadforlife @fxllfaiiry @hc-dutch @its-ash-not-grey @princessbetsy123 @mehrmonga @nyenye @screechingtrashkid @ahnneyong @holybatflapexpert @itsnotgray @beautycinders @rowansshit @uhhevie @revengze @nylaslife @majx00 @multi-universe21 @jaydensluv @isasalom @gentlemonsterjennie1 @appledashhh @breathinfive @lighttsoutlewis @champomiel @ooooohmicky @koufaxx @flannelforthetoads
@mysticfalls01 @ghostcorazon @mango-bear @totally-random-person @youkissedareaderinthedark @phoenix-luv @hamilton-mount @calcaneous @aurora-maria @idkiwantchocolatee @anonymous-platypus1 @elizanav @erinisrightheree @sachaa-ff
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apomaro-mellow · 6 months
Read on AO3
Written for @slavicviking for the @steddieholidayexchange !
When Steve Harrington had graduated, Eddie thought he’d be pretty much done with him. Not that they had a lot of face time before. He just thought, in the true fashion of guys that peak in high school, he’d fade into the town, get married young, show his face at the 20 year reunion. Maybe he’d catch glimpses of him around Hawkins, but not for very long. Eddie was planning on hightailing it out of here the moment the diploma was in his hands. So what if it would take another year?
The positive was supposed to be that he was NOT going to see Steve’s face in the hallways. It was a great misfortune to see him walking up from the football field with some kid. Eddie had just finished a deal by the picnic tables. Why Harrington was hanging with what looked like a freshie, he didn’t know.
Eddie would’ve known if he had a brother. So who was the kid? Curiosity got the better of him and he trailed a good distance behind them. He was a little surprised when Steve took him through the cafeteria’s kitchen doors, which had a broken lock. It was the school’s worst kept secret, but he never imagined The Hair sneaking into school during summer vacation. 
So what could he do but follow? 
What he saw as he crept behind them was Steve Harrington giving what must be a future freshman a tour of the school.
“Here’s the cafeteria. Honestly the food’s not bad. Their creamed spinach isn’t the best, but really who’s is?”
Steve led the kid with the curly hair out of the cafeteria and into the greater part of the school. “Here’s all the lockers. No you don’t get to choose one, but once you get assigned you can always switch with someone who’s got better real estate.”
“Does the location of my locker really matter?”, the kid asked, nose scrunching up.
“Do you want one right next to the bathroom?”
“....Boy or girls?”
Steve smiled. “Good. You’re learning.”
Eddie shadowed them for the whole tour, which ended up being about twenty minutes. Harrington was really showing this kid everything. And yet was giving him the most skewed tunnel vision of high school. Great, just what he needed his third time around as a senior. A mini-Steve. Steve was telling him which teachers would let him get away with coming in late, the best spot to sit in the classroom, what teams it was worth going for.
“Steve, it’s like you don’t even know me. Have you ever seen me dribble a ball?”
“I’m just saying that it’s a fresh start. You could be someone new”, Steve reasoned.
“Did you become someone new in high school?”
Eddie thought back to the proto-Harrington he knew in middle school. The answer was clearly no. He’d been on the baseball team back then and was pretty much just as self absorbed as he would’ve been in high school. Steve gave a non-answer about how everyone had different experiences and pushed the kid on. Eddie decided he’d heard enough. Enough to know this kid was under Steve’s wing, but clearly they had different interests.
So come the first day of school, Eddie wore his Hellfire Club shirt loud and proud. The air was still warm, which meant he did so without his jacket. That just allowed the emblem to show even more. He’d told the other members to also wear theirs. Normally Eddie waited about a week, scoping out the freshies before figuring out who he’d approach to join. But he’d already had his sights set on at least one boy.
Imagine his delight and surprise when said boy had two others hanging around. Eddie was hanging outside the school, his cronies surrounding him as they caught up from what happened over summer. The trio was loud. Very obnoxiously arguing over something. Freshmen tended to be more self-conscious, wanting to keep their heads down at first. Eddie noted the Weird Al shirt one of them had. These boys were the opposite of timid. Perfect Hellfire material.
Eddie waited until lunch to make his move though. Give them a bit of time to get acclimated and at least half a day to see where everyone stood. But when Eddie did get to them, he was glad to see both excitement and relief in their eyes. They were looking for somewhere to belong. And he could give it to them.
Screw any influence Steve Harrington had on them. Which was why Eddie made careful measures not to even mention his name. The guy had graduated. His reign was over. Actually, it had kind of ended back in 84 but who was keeping record? Dustin, Mike, and Lucas were great additions to the club. They had a passion for the game and a never-back-down attitude. Honestly, it was so great, that Eddie almost forgot that these kids knew Steve.
That is until sports tryouts started.
“You can’t honestly be thinking out trying for a team”, Mike said, practically slamming his lunch tray onto the table as he sat down.
“I’m not just thinking. I’m already training”, Lucas replied.
“Ugh”, Mike retched. “Don’t get me started on that. You spend more time with your dad than us now.”
“His dad’s not the one teaching him”, Dustin said. “Steve keeps bailing on driving me places because he’s coaching Lucas.”
Mike had a look of utter betrayal and was definitely about to say something in response when Jeff cut him off.
“You’ve got Steve teaching you? As in Steve Harrington?”
“Yeah”, Lucas answered, much to the jeers of the rest of the table.
“Gentlemen, gentlemen”, Eddie said, holding his hands up in a calming gesture. “We must not bar Lucas from his own choices. And as for Steve, well, let’s just be glad young Sinclair didn’t go to him for academic assistance.”
The others laughed at that and the subject was quickly changed to something else. The rest of them didn’t really want to talk about any of the sports teams, lest that get Eddie really going and off on one of his rants. Sometimes it was nice to have just a stress free lunch.
“He said that?!”, Steve shouted indignantly as he dribbled the ball around on the court. He and Lucas were at a public court. Lucas was getting some practice in with his dad, but whenever he was busy, Steve stepped in.
“He’s not your biggest fan”, Lucas said with a shrug.
“Yeah, well he’s no prize either. Don’t let him get in your head. There’s nothing wrong with the sports programs.”
“But they’re right about there being cliques. If I get on the team, can I even be friends with Dustin and Mike anymore if they’re gonna be in Hellfire?”
“You should go for whatever you want. High school only happens once.” Steve dribbled the ball a few times before giving a bounce pass over to Lucas. “Alright, show me your handling.”
Lucas followed Steve’s advice. He officially joined up with Eddie’s club. He loved DnD and he enjoyed playing with his friends. But walking around with a Hellfire shirt didn’t do good things for their reputations at school. The others took it in stride, but Lucas was tired of being called names and girls looking at him weird.
So as soon as the sign-ups for try outs was out, Lucas put his name down. He didn’t really announce it but he didn’t hide it either the first time the guys wanted to do something and he was busy. The reception was not so good.
“You actually wanna be on the basketball team?”, Mike was incredulous.
Eddie was leaning against the lockers, arms crossed. “I get the feeling someone put this idea in your head. Was it Harrington?”
“He didn’t put any idea in my head he just..encouraged me”, Lucas confessed. “He said I should go for what I want. You only get one life.”
“One life indeed”, Eddie nodded.
“And you wanna use it shooting hoops with Jason and his cronies?”, Jeff asked.
“They’re probably not all that bad. Steve wasn’t”, Lucas defended.
The opinions were mixed on that. Dustin, Lucas, and Mike knew what Steve had done that they couldn’t tell others. He had stood between them and certain death more than once. But they couldn’t tell Hellfire that.
“You guys don’t know what Harrington was like”, Eddie said.
“Are you saying Steve bullied you?”, Mike asked with a raised brow.
“Bullied? Pfft, no. Harrington and I barely crossed paths. I just know his type. I know what he’s about. And he and I couldn’t be anymore different.”
At first it was just a conflicting of ideals. Whatever Steve told them about high school, Eddie told them the opposite. And there was no telling one what the other said.
“Harrington’s an idiot.”
“Munson’s a loser.”
It made talking to either of them hard. Most of their days involved hanging with Eddie and when they saw Steve it was all they wanted to talk about. Sort of difficult to talk about Eddie without talking about Eddie, but they managed for now. 
Well, at least they did until the party got super deep into Hellfire. The campaigns were really involved, to the point of needing rides home from Steve when they ran too late. It resulted in quite a bit of petty glaring across the parking lot. Mike and Lucas had resigned themselves to the status quo remaining, but Dustin wasn’t satisfied with that.
It took quite a bit of doing, but what else brought people together more than a missing child? Dustin didn’t actually go missing. He simply concocted a plan with his friends to make it seem like he did and only to Eddie and Steve. He wasn’t crazy enough to get the whole town looking for him. Steve wasn’t crazy about Eddie tagging along for the search but the priority was finding Dustin.
“Why do you need that to find Dustin?”, Eddie asked, reaching a hand out to touch the nails in the bat, just to see it they were real.
“Don’t ask”, Steve bit out as they entered the woods.
Dustin thought getting them to work together would ease the tension, and it did. But only after bickering like children for a little while longer. Steve didn’t like how Eddie was undermining everything he’d been saying about high school. Eddie didn’t like how Steve had been trying to lead his sheep in the wrong direction.
“Yeah well before they were your sheep they were my-”
“....They were your…”, Eddie urged him to continue.
“You and Nancy must’ve been pretty tight when you dated to get so close to her brother and his friends.”
“Me and those guys bonded outside of Nancy.”
“Is there a story there?”, Eddie asked.
“Yeah-” Steve froze when he thought he heard a sound before continuing. The sun was still high in the sky, so they didn’t have much to fear just yet. It didn’t hurt to be cautious though. “I just…I guess I just know how high school can be for kids like that. I wanted to make it easy for them.”
Eddie shook his head. “Doesn’t matter what kind of cheat codes you give ‘em. There’s always gonna be someone who makes it harder than it needs to be.”
Steve thought about thanking Eddie for giving them a place right away, but didn’t. Eddie thought of saying how Steve seemed to have changed, but didn’t. When they finally found Dustin, they laid into him hard, especially because he wouldn’t stop smiling despite his lie being revealed. All Dustin cared about was the fact they weren’t arguing with each other.
Mission accomplished.
Mission accomplished a little too well.
Now instead of having two friends who hated each other’s guts, Dustin had two friends who reveled in being shitty older brothers to him. Any time Steve picked them up from Hellfire (which he did with a suspicious amount of willingness now) he and Eddie traded notes on whatever it was that Dustin did that week. It was like a Henderson Briefing and the main objective was to either embarrass him or annoy him, sometimes both.
“I regret ever forging this friendship”, Dustin said.
“I think it’s the best thing you’ve ever done”, Lucas beamed.
Mike was grinning too. “It’s definitely the funniest.”
It got to the point where sometimes Steve and Eddie would hang out on their own. And wasn’t that just bizarre? What did they even do together?? The answer was mostly smoking, drinking, and shootin’ the shit. Even though Steve wasn’t able to tell Eddie any of the grimier details of the past couple of years, he was still able to tell plenty. And Eddie had no NDAs to speak of. 
They were sitting out by Steve’s pool one day in March, the weather just starting to warm up to be able to relax there without freezing. Spring would officially come soon and with it, maybe a day or two where they could actually take a dip.
“I’m telling you, the lunch ladies changed the formula. Something’s different about the meatloaf”, Eddie said, fully reclined in a pool chair.
”You’re implying that they actually cook that stuff in the school.”
“I’ve seen the vats of mystery meat stew, Steve. But some of the food is made on-site. And the meatloaf is one of them.”
Steve smiled up at the clear sky. They talked like this, high or not. Just the most inane things that he never wanted to end. What did he care about the food at a school he no longer attended? He cared when Eddie was the one talking about it.
“So you’re done with the loaf then?”
“I don’t even think it’s the same meat anymore”, Eddie said. “Or maybe they changed the seasoning…?”
Steve continued gazing up at the sky as Eddie mused on that. Suddenly a drop of water hit his head. Then another, then a third. He wiped his face and looked to Eddie, who was also blinking through drops. Wordlessly, they got up from their seats and went under the porch awning as the rain began falling in earnest.
“How is it raining? The sun is still out”, Steve said, reaching a hand out just to be sure it was still rain.
Eddie snorted. “Never seen a sunshower, Harrington?”
“No”, he answered honestly.
“Don’t sweat it. I’ve still gotta knock ball lightning off my strange weather checklist.”
“It’s just weird seeing it rain with no clouds”, Steve said.
Eddie watched the droplets fall in the sunlight. It was like liquid gold falling from the sky. He watched Steve’s face, no hard lines or sarcasm, just awe at seeing something new and wonderful.
“You know, some folks back where I’m from have a name for this.”
“You mean something other than ‘sunshower’?”, Steve tore his eyes from the rain to look at him.
“They say the devil’s kissing his wife”, Eddie stuck his tongue out. “Give you any ideas?”
He had been a hundred percent teasing. Eddie had just been talking. Flapping his gums. Doing his usual friendly flirtation style. He had no plan in place for when Steve actually kissed him. But when it happened, there was only one choice: to kiss him back. The rain provided some pretty romantic ambience in his opinion.
“So are you the devil in question?”, Steve asked when he pulled back.
“Only if that makes you my sweet, lovely little wife”, Eddie teased and then made kissing noises.
“Fuck off, Munson”, Steve laughed.
Feeling like they were on the edge of something, Eddie took the plunge and kissed him again instead of cracking wise. Steve softened so beautifully that Eddie wished he could go to the past and kick himself in the pants. He probably could’ve been doing this months ago.
“You know we absolutely can’t tell Dustin about this?”, Steve said against his lips.
“It’s none of his business anyway.” Eddie didn’t feel the need to mention that no one could know. He just put his hands on Steve’s hips and for once was thankful for the privacy the backyard gave them.
Weeks later, during the spring break from his darkest nightmares and the stroll through actual hell, Eddie would have an epiphany.
“That’s why you have that bat!”
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jar-of-maise · 10 months
"Lynette!" Lyney bursts into the living room with uncharacteristic clumsiness. Leaning against the door frame, Lyney looks like the perfect image of chaos. Little streamers erupt from his pockets and tiny fireworks explode, crackling from under hat and sleeve as he stumbles through the doorway. 
The ominous smell of smoke begins to taint the air. 
"Lyney, you know what the rules are about magic props inside the house," Lynette chides, blowing on her tea meticulously without looking at her brother. 
"Is something wrong...Lyney?" Freminet asks hesitantly, unsure of how to breach the topic. 
His older brother huffs dramatically, staggering over to the couch with comically elongated steps. Freminet has to remind himself that this is his older brother, Lyney the Magician, the responsible team leader they all look up to and admire. 
He takes another look at Lyney's frazzled expression and decides that now might not be one of those times. 
“Oh it’s horrid!” Lyney whines, “the show’s all falling to pieces now!” He exclaims, shoving his face into a cushion. Freminent glances at Lynette, who’s determinedly ignoring Lyney and eyeing a slice of cake on the table. 
“Leave him be,” she says when she notices Freminent’s silent cry of help, “he’s just being dramatic. Lyney pull yourself together,” she scolds, carefully slicing through the cake with a fork, “you’re making Freminent worry.” 
“Oh my dearest little brother! I had no idea, please forgive me for causing you grief!” Lyney monologues, in a manner not very different to how Lady Furina would deliver speeches, “but this is a matter of utmost importance, I’m really in a pickle.”
“Lynette, maybe…” Freminent begins, watching as his sister’s tail flicks, “hm? Oh alright,” she says in an exasperated voice, “Lyney, use your words. What. Is. It?” 
“I,” Lyney begins, delighted to have an audience, “have a problem!”
“I’m delighted to know that you have gained self-awareness,” Lynette replies dryly, reaching for another slice of cake, Freminent watches her and knows that a scolding from Lyney is imminent, but keeps his mouth shut.
“Oh Lynette, how could you be so cold to your dear brother?” Lyney continues to complain, he rests his cheek on the cushion and sighs. 
“Are you going to talk about your problem or not?” 
“All in due time, there’s no need to be impatient,” Lyney retorts, Freminent blinks, clutching Pers a little tighter as he gets comfortable.
“See, it goes a little like this,” Lyney begins wistfully, “I’ve been experiencing something quite phenomenal you see,” he says, eye turning round, “my hands have been sweating a lot, and it’s like my heart is about to go–” Lyney snaps his fingers and miraculously, a shower of blue coloured butterflies erupt from his fingertips. 
“Like that!” He waves his hands.
Freminet nods, “I see,” he says, absorbing himself in the storytelling. 
“Just get on with it,” Lynette says, delicately pouring herself another cup of tea, her ears pricked in a very satisfied manner. 
“Well!” Lyney continues unoffended, “my brain has also been going fuzzy and I’m finding it hard to focus…no matter what happens, I just keep thinking about the same thing. But sometimes I’m giddy and all mushy like–” 
“Please don’t,” Lynette interrupts, “it’ll be a hassle to clean up later.” 
“Oh just this once, please Lynette, please?” 
Lynette sighs, “fine.” She says, with unamused eyes. 
Lyney grins and melts himself onto the couch, “I’m melting like sugar, or one of those chocolates that dissolve in your mouth!” He proclaims, and throws a sweet at Freminet who catches it, “Caramel Melts; nothing like a melt to give you a little help,” he says slowly, reading the cursive print on the wrapper. 
“Where did you get this from?” Freminet asks curiously. 
“Unimportant,” Lyney says dismissively, “I’ll get you some more if you like them though, but anyways, all of the symptoms listed above,” Lyney unravels a scroll and unrolls it with a flourish. 
Freminet should be used to Lyney’s tricks by now, but he’s still amazed at the fountain pen that begins writing by itself, “sweaty hands, strange emotions; mushiness, unreasonable amounts of joy…” he stops reading. 
“All of these,” Lyney points at the scroll, “are what I believe are symptoms of…” he pauses for dramatic effect.
“That’s right! These are none other than…signs of heart stroke!” Lyney says proudly. 
There is a long, fat silence. 
The floor is very interesting, Freminet decides, and these shoes have a spectacular shine, I should really polish them some more, he thinks to himself.
“Lyney,” Lynette says, breaking the heavy silence, “you’re not going through heart stroke.” 
Thank archons, Lynette is here! Freminet doesn’t think he’d have the courage to say that to Lyney’s face, in a manner that wouldn’t make Lyney even more melodramatic. 
“What!? Then what is it?” Lyney asks, rising from the clutches of the plush couch for the first time. 
“My diagnosis is…” Lynette pauses for dramatic effect, and Freminet swears Pers is listening attentively too. 
They all hold their breaths. 
“You’re in love, Lyney.” Lynette announces, taking a long sip of her tea. Freminet’s eyes widen, but it doesn’t compare to the heavy thud he hears and the long, loud shriek of, “WHAT?!” That echoes well and truly wonderfully throughout Hotel Bouffes d'ete. From then on, the urban legends of Fontaine often speculated about a most inhuman ghoul or perhaps, troll that was being kept hidden in the Hotel basement. 
Not that such rumours could ever be proven. 
“Let them imagine,” Lynette would say, sipping her tea nonchalantly, “a little shock has never hurt anyone,” she glances at Lyney, who’s been sitting on his chair with a stunned expression on his face. Indeed, Lynette helps herself to a macaroon, perhaps the next step is to give Lyney a little push, after all, a gentle nudge has never hurt anyone either.
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doctorprofessorsong · 5 months
Destiel fic recs
Another round of brainrot. I hope they never fix what's wrong with me.
Beggars Would Ride by Tiamatv (Explicit, 118k)
You had me at Aladdin AU. When Dean Winchester is caught stealing, he's given one chance for freedom. Go into the Cave of Wonders, grab the amulet, and get out. Things don't go as planned. Now he's got a moody ancient genie to contend with. But maybe he can use up two of his wishes and then grant the genie his wish: to be free. What could go wrong?
This fic is an absolutely delight. I laughed so hard, especially at the fun ways Tiamatv played with the SPN canon and the Disney movies. But beyond the humor is some really fantastic world building and a beautiful story about finding your way when you feel trapped by life.
Genie Cas is very cute and grumpy and sassy, and it's fun to watch him start to care. And Dean has so much heart it will make you ache. Sam and Jess are disgustingly cute but both are also whip smart and fun. And Jo (Jess’ sister in this) is the knife girl of my dreams.
This one is hard to put down.
Tourbillon Dreams by kayliemalinza @kayliemalinza (Mature, 40k)
Dean uses Bobby's life insurance proceeds to buy a hoarders house stuffed to the brim with cursed and haunted objects. But when he finds a clock that also happens to be an angel, things take an unexpected turn.
It sounds cracky and there is some delightful humor, but this fic packs a beautiful emotional punch. Dean is in his peak caretaking, competency mode and Clockstiel is adorable and entranced with Dean in a way that is just immensely readable.
There is something starkly gorgeous about the way Dean and Cas are physically so different and yet they find each other in meaningful and beautiful ways.
Love Is a Meat Loaf Song by followyourenergy @followyourenergy (Explicit, 68k)
A reimagining of canon where Dean is never saved and becomes a demon. He's bored waiting for the apocalypse when he happens upon a certain blue eyed seraph and they decide to work together.
This fic has all the delightful sassiness you expect of Demon!Dean and especially when he spends time with his frenemy, Meg. It also has just absolutely amazing angel lore and a deep dive into Cas and his trauma. All of this is wrapped up in a soft love story about two beings finding each other and seeing each other and breaking down each other's walls.
It's the entire package of funny, sincere and romantic.
Where there is Darkness by quiettewandering @wanderingcas (Explicit, 91k)
I may have popped this on at some point when it was a WIP but I have to renew my recommendation if so. Dean and Sam are lighthouse keepers, but Dean keeps driving off the third member of their team until Cas shows up. But will they be able to overcome their past to carve out happiness?
This Dean and Cas are so delicious. I am deeply fond of them both. They are fighting against so much baggage and yet they find in each other something so special. Sammy is also perfectly oblivious in the best way. It's hard to explain what makes this fic special except that it is so engrossing, you will be slamming next chapter
Valley of God by ValleyDean @valleydean (Mature, 145k)
I know. I KNOW. The MCD tag is daunting in a fic like this but I promise that while it is accurate, then ending is softer than you think and it's really the way it should end.
So there are a few things about this fic that make it absolutely delicious. First, it really delves into Cas’ trauma in a really gorgeous way. We don’t have enough fics that look at his angel trauma (we can't for me tbh) and this one uses a religious cult situation to delve into it. Second, Dean and Cas in this fic are just so messy and delightful. Dean wants to believe that Cas is good so badly. Cas wants to protect Dean the same way. It's crunchy. Finally, the atmosphere is amazing. It's creepy. It gets under your skin.
Is it dark? Absolutely. But it's also amazing.
The Darkest Sunshine by StarlightOfFandoms @starlightoffandoms (Explicit, 35k)
If murder husbands is your thing, this one is a delight of a fic. Dean Winchester is the Righteous Man serial killer, a notorious murderer who goes after monsters (in human form). People who are guilty of abhorrent crimes. But when he goes after Cas, a professor believed to have murdered several students, he discovers an innocent man being framed. Together with Cas and his team, Dean decides to find the real killer. He just has to pretend to be Cas’ boyfriend until they succeed.
The fake dating trope in a murder husbands fic was a total delight. So was the fact that Dean doesn't work alone and has a full support system to go after the worst of the worst. It's an intriguing concept done really well. Dean in this fic is an interesting blend of sociopathic tendencies, a strong sense of justice, and a willingness to do anything for those he is loyal to. Cas is intrigued by Dean and accepts him as he is. It's a really great combination.
A Weed In Any Other Place by VioletHaze @scones-and-texting-and-murder (Explicit, 63k)
On the other end of the spectrum is this fluffy rom com. There is some angst, but most of it is soft, sweet falling in love along with supportive friends and family.
Cas is a writer. Well, Cas had a book published and now he's desperately trying to write his second while convincing himself the first was probably just a fluke. Writers block is a bitch. That is until his car breaks down and he ends up at a little shop called Winchester and Son. By some weird trick of fate, it's exactly what he needs. He has the most productive day in years sitting in their waiting room. So he comes back, and keeps coming back. The extremely cute mechanic with green eyes doesn't hurt.
Cas is a disaster at social situations in a relatable way. Dean is struggling to put away some bad lessons from his dad so that he can find what he wants instead of what his father pushed on him. Both have a lovely support system. Charlie, in particular, makes me deeply fond in this fic.
i like your shoelaces (thanks! i stole them from the president) by you-cant-spell-subtext-without (ayreisha) @you-cant-spell-subtext-without (Explicit, WIP, 33k so far)
My lovely Tumblr wife is back at it, writing the most delightfully chaotic fic based on Misha's prompt awhile back for President Cas and Fast Food Janitorial Staff Dean Winchester. It's a Cinderella story and in equal parts hilarious and adorable. Also it is a Dean-saster/Cas-tastrophe pairing which is always fun plus there's a 2 person love triangle situation.
Dean's stuck in a miserable job with his only escape being his love of How I Met Your Mother and the Tumblr blog he devotes to the fandom. But when a handsome man walks in one night after hours, things heat up. Too bad the man in question is actually the President.
It's a romp and a love letter to fandom.
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reidsdimples · 28 days
When Everything Changed | Part 3
Spencer Reid x BAU!Reader
Enemies to lovers- slow burn/case talk/yapping Spence
Part 2
In which you and Spencer help with a case virtually from his apartment after his hospital stay. 🧸 🖤
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You had always thought time to work in mysterious ways. It could heal any wound yet allow it to fester. It could bring people together and rip them apart. Time was an enigma, especially to you. How much time did it take to recover from something like a near death experience?
How much time did it take to recover from trauma without allowing it to cripple?
“Y/N, my office,” Hotch calls out to you.
You’ve been on desk duty for a week, going crazy truthfully.
“Yes?” You ask when you see him.
“Reid is behind discharged today,” he informs you as you sit.
You don’t really know why you had to be called into his office for that information.
“The team is flying out to Atlanta. I’m going to need you and Reid working virtually. Are you able to see him home and work with him from there?” He asks.
“I don’t see why not, is this pertaining to the suspected serial down there?” All you knew was that people in the ghost hunting and supernatural communities were turning up dead.
“Yes, we will brief you via video chat while we’re on the plane,” Hotch nods.
You leave the office toying with a mix of emotions. You were eager to work on an active case, happy that Reid was being discharged, and nervous to see him.
Following that night you read to him, you recalled the quote in question that he had partially written.
One from Pride and Prejudice reading;
“I cannot fix on the hour, or the spot, or the look or the words, which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun.”
You had not mentioned it to him, nor had he said anything to you. When you showed up two days later with a copy of the book to read to him, he got agitated. He asked that you read something else or don’t at all.
It was strange, his behavior was strange. He had been happy to see you yet distant. Then you found that very same page with that portion of the quote crumbled up and thrown on the floor. Why?
You knew what that quote was about, it was about the moment Darcy realized he was developing feelings for Elizabeth despite not realizing it.
Your heart pounds as you think about it. Could he be feeling that way for you? Or you him? You feel your pulse in your throat as you recall the feeling times you stared to long at his waist or his hands. Perhaps listened too hard when he spoke because there was something soothing in his voice even when he was annoyed with you.
Why had that quote come to mind while you were reading to him that first night? And when and why did he trash it?
You were once again back to being irritated by him but not enough to hate him. You were more elated that he was better, that his voice was back, and that he was cleared to go home.
You had a feeling that he insisted on helping with this case. You were fine with that. You could do this, you would just push the strangeness of Jane Austen’s words and Reid away.
So you swallowed those feelings, cleared your throat and stepped into his hospital room for the last time.
“Time to go home,” you announce as you enter.
He was spinning himself around absentmindedly on the doctors chair when he came into view. He smiled, delighted most likely to be going home. He was dressed, freshly, and showered. Save for the incision scars on his throat, he looked like himself. You think the scars somehow make him more sexy but you swat the thought away as soon as it occurs.
“Thank you for coming to get me,” his voice is low and raspy.
You hadn’t heard him talk yet and it took you off guard. Not because he sounded hideous. Quite the opposite, actually. It came off as sultry, like he was half asleep. Shit.
“You’re welcome,” you grin.
You’re standing in the doorway still, aware that you’re not sure what to do with yourself. What was your problem? Damn, it’s just Reid. Annoying old Reid. The same brainiac Reid.
Yet sexier somehow, probably because he almost died taking a bullet in your stead.
You collect all of the discharge information and prescription for his liquid diet formula grossness and before you know it, he’s easing into your passenger seat.
“How long until you can eat proper solid food again?” You ask as you try to fill the calm silence in the car.
“They’re going to reevaluate me in two weeks,” he answers, his voice like sand paper.
“Sorry you probably should talk as little as possible,” you wince because it sounds painful.
“Talking strengthens the vocal cords,” he informs. “I came dangerously close to never being able to speak again. In fact about 73 percent of patients with this type of trauma lose the ability to talk completely.”
You smile to yourself. The way he needs to blurt information is so endearing.
Your phone pings with the BAU group chat:
“Wheels up in 30,” from Hotch.
“Okay we need to get the laptop set up at your place by the time they take off so we can sit in on the case briefing,” you punch the gas to ensure you get there on time.
Reid sits up a little in his seat.
“Are you scared of my driving?” You ask.
“No?” He lies. You narrow your eyes playfully but don’t respond.
You and Reid are patched in with Garcia and the rest of the team just in time. Reid seems slight uncomfortable in the wooden chair with the way he has to hold his neck so you help him with some pillows.
“Cara Lynch, Jane Wilbur, and Mason Riley all found murdered and dismembered in the old mill plant on the east side,” Hotch starts.
“Ten days later, James Marlon and Ryan Finch met the same fate in a separate infamously haunted place,” JJ says.
“Ghost hunting seems to link all of these victims,” Hotch says.
“Were they recording at the time of their deaths?” Reid asks in a gravely voice.
“Tripods recovered, no cameras or audio recording equipment. It seems the unsub took it,” Morgan answers.
“Manner of homicide?” You ask.
“Shot, with arrows in vital organs. Each victim shot twice,” Prentiss says as she flips through the photos.
Both you and Reid seem to wince at the mention of being shot. But neither of you acknowledge it to the other.
More details are shared about the limb removal possibly being a forensic countermeasure before the team starts spitballing profile points.
"The use of arrows by the unsub suggests a need for a sense of precision and control. Arrows are often associated with hunting, so the unsub may view their victims as prey. Additionally, the fact that the victims are ghost hunters could indicate a belief by the unsub that they are somehow deserving of this punishment. It's possible that the unsub sees themselves as some sort of vigilante, targeting those who they believe are meddling in the supernatural realm,” Spencer muses. His speech is slower but the team is patient with him, more in tune with what he has to say than usual.
“I would point of alternatively that the arrows symbolize a form of justice or retribution in the eyes of the unsub. The unsub may believe that the victims, in their pursuit of the supernatural, have disrupted the natural order or crossed a line that they deem unacceptable. By using arrows as a weapon, the unsub may be trying to send a message that their actions have consequences and that they are being punished for their perceived transgressions,” you add. Reid glances over at you but says nothing.
“Given the victomology I can believe that this unsub believes the ghost hunters have crossed some sort of line,” Rossi says. “Maybe he’s religious?” Prentiss asks.
“The-“ Spencer starts but you inadvertently cut him off. He’s unable to speak over you like he used to.
“Sorry,” you squeeze his arm but continue. Just as you start talking, his hand moves to your knee. “In Christianity, arrows can symbolize strength, protection, and divine intervention,” you say. You could continue but pause for Spencer to add his thoughts, your mind glitching at the contact of his hand on your knee. The jeans didn’t seem like enough of a barrier for how heated your skin became.
“The unsub may view their actions as a form of divine justice or punishment for those they believe are engaging in sinful or forbidden practices,” he finishes simply, and removes his hand.
He doesn’t seem upset by you speaking over him which is almost out of character. He wasn’t nearly as aggravated with you anymore. You didn’t know whether to be relieved or concerned in this new attitude… or lack thereof.
The team signs off and you and Spencer are instructed to work on the geographical profile until further notice.
You find yourself absentmindedly inspecting his endless rows of books while he uses his protractor on the map. The geographical profile had been relatively easy to put together since there were only two locations.
The tension and silence stretches out between you, things unsaid. What was that?
You turn your attention back to him when he stands, placing photos on the white board.
“To go searching for ghosts only to become one, kind of ironic right?” You sigh and add to the board with him.
“Unfortunate, but the risk that urban explorers and paranormal investigators put themselves at in these locations is relatively high. It’s why I don’t personally see them as low risk victims,” he says.
“True but they aren’t a high risk, nothing indicating drug use, an inclination towards petty crimes, or sexual deviancy,” you reason.
“Trespassing is a petty crime,” he insists. You narrow your eyes on him as his long fingers press a magnet over a crime scene photo.
“And part of the job,” you retort.
“The same could be argued about shooting a bank teller during a robbery,” he turns to you with his eyes up. “Doesn’t make it any less a crime.”
He’s so close to you that you can feel his breath fanning against your face.
“You-“ you begin, pointing your magnet at him.
“I what?” He taunts you, dares you to finish that sentence. The rasps in his voice goes straight to your head. He outwitted you, you both knew it. He plucks the magnet from your hand and slaps in onto the board.
“I’ve resigned myself not to compete with you anymore,” you smirk and step out of his vicinity which fogged your head.
“Hardly a competition,” he murmurs.
“What is with you?” You whirl on him. “It’s like you don’t know how to act all of the sudden. You want to be an asshole? Fine, I’m used to that. But don’t touch me and then turn on me. It’s confusing,” you explode.
He blinks, stunned by your fury. Then he smirks.
“I get under your skin don’t I?” It’s a cocky rhetorical question.
“Your mood swings do,” you bite out.
“I don’t think that’s it,” he drops into the chair and picks up a pen. “Did you know hatred and desire are two of the most powerful feelings we experience?”
You knew that, of course. Fine line between love and hate and all that.
“As such it’s easy for them to become intertwined,” he whirls the one around his fingers. He clocks you watching the movement, seeming to further prove the point.
“Are you speaking from personal experience? Or just yapping like you always do?” You take a step towards him. He raises his eyebrows.
“Yapping?” He laughs.
“Maybe you should stop talking, your voice is becoming hoarse,” you say indignantly. How dare he insinuate that you hated him and now want him. Neither were true. You think.
“What if I don’t? What if I decide to recite every word of the Lord of the Rings novels to you?” He lifts his chin, his voice teasing.
“You don’t have the gall,” you grumble in annoyance. Mr. Eidetic memory with his very own weapon. You lean place your palms on the back of his wooden chair, briefly glancing at the case file in front of him, hoping he wouldn’t…
"When Mr. Bilbo Baggins of Bag End announced that he would shortly be celebrating his eleventy-first birthday with a party of special magnificence, there was much talk and excitement in Hobbiton…”
“Not another word or something awful might befall you and you may end up in the hospital again,” you flick his ear.
He lulls his head back and dramatically feigns choking to death. Before you know it both of you are laughing.
Somehow your hand ends up resting on his shoulder, causing the laughter to slow until you both were painfully aware of the physical contact.
You clear your throat and gesture at the file.
“What was, um what is her cause of death again?” You already knew but you needed to say something to distract from the sudden shift in energy. “Which organ was pierced…” you clarify.
He glanced back and upward at you, those eyes full of something you’d never seen from him. A sense of uncertainty, vulnerability, and need?
You’re unsure why, as though being controlled by a force outside of yourself but you trail your hand up his neck, gently massaging the back of his head. Goosebumps prickle his neck as he turns his attention back to the table. You don’t miss the white knuckled grip on the pen.
“All of them took an arrow to the heart, that’s a shared trait,” his voice is low, distracted.
“A signature?” You hum and run your fingers through the longer hair at the top of his head. The strands are soft, moving between your fingers gently as you soothingly massage his head.
You hear him groan deep in his chest and he’s inadvertently leaning his head into your touch. You swallow hard, unsure about this sudden need to touch him. More than that, you wanted to hear other noises he could make.
“Second arrows hit various organs between the victims,” he leans forward from your grip to lay the photos out.
The absence of him causes you to frown, but you turn to the white board.
“He’s a skilled marksmen if he could hit them all in the heart in the darker locations where they died,” you state the obvious and write it on the board.
“Military training?” He asks.
“Not with bow and arrows, he may have had personal lessons. Ask Garcia to check with archery ranges inside of the geographical profile,” you say.
He shoots Garcia a text and places his phone down awaiting results.
You’re scribbling on the board when you hear him approach, he’s behind you, so devastatingly close that you can hear him breathing. His body heat warms your back, you falter but keep writing.
Now your body is tingling because he leans his mouth closer to your ear, fanning his breath across your neck.
“You spelled ‘toxophilite’ wrong,” he whispers. You flatten your hand over the word and smudge the blue ink.
“Maybe if you weren’t standing so close,” you hiss.
“Do you want me to move?” He reaches up and sweeps your hair back over your shoulder. You don’t respond, you stop breathing. Stop thinking.
You shudder when his lips find the soft spot of your neck, small kisses planted delicately until your own moan escapes you.
“That pesky line between hatred and desire,” he tutts and steps back.
You bite your tongue, after all you teased him first. The simple touch of his lips on your skin had your body heated up and your insides twisted with need.
You contemplated throwing the marker at his big head as he leaned over the table but refrained.
It was probably for the best because Hotch and Garcia rang in on FaceTime.
Whatever the hell was happening with you and Spence was going to take time. Luckily, the team had given you both the leeway needed to heal. Who knows what’ll happen in the mean time.
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lovingache · 2 months
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𝐜𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝'𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐝. 🏹
𝐫. 𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐚 𝐱 𝐟!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 summary: "𝐬𝐡𝐞'𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞" | tanaka is the biggest simp for his girlfriend. warnings: f!reader, aged up!haikyu (karasuno is a university) | no y/n, swearing, fluff fluff fluff, i love ryū and im so happy i finally got an idea that works so well for him, tanaka is an absolute SWEETHEART to reader, names used: doll, babe, word count: 1.1k a/n: i was listening to cupid's chokehold and immediately had to start writing this because THAT SONG IS LITERALLY GHOST WRITTEN BY TANAKA IDC ARGUE WITH THE WALL
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Ryū didn't necessarily ask you to be his girlfriend. There was no grand gesture a few months into dating or a massive heart-to-heart to confirm that you two were taking that step together. He sort of just started calling you his girlfriend.
Something that surprised you about him is how deeply sentimental he is. During one of your dates, he insisted on taking photobooth pictures together, practically dragging you into the booth with him as he paid the fee and slung an arm around you. "C'mon, doll! It'll be fun, plus, this way, I can keep your picture with me everywhere!"
You two were there for almost an hour, striking pose after pose as you laughed with each other. You feel your cheeks heat up as he kisses you for a photo, his large hands cupping your face as he kisses you deeply. He hums with delight when he sees it printed onto the snapshots. "This one's just for me," he grins, wriggling his eyebrows at you as you smack his chest lightly.
He pouts when you say no after he asks you for one last set of pictures with just you, "Please, babe! That way, I can look at it whenever I miss you."
You roll your eyes playfully but oblige— you're not a monster. "You tell me you miss me all the time, Ryū," you tease, smiling at him as you stay seated.
"Exactly, I can look at your pictures all the time then! It'll totally help to see your face before a game if you can't be there in person— it'll help pump me up!" he grins, feeding the machine another bill as you pose for the pictures. He dropped you off that night with the broadest grin, knowing he didn't have to look far to see you smiling at him. It warms his heart knowing he's found a girl that not only puts up with his antics, but loves him for it.
He took the photos of you everywhere. His wallet, his phone case, his gym locker, taped up on his room's wall. You name it, your face is plastered there. You had to physically restrain him from ordering t-shirts with the photos on them, much to his dismay. "Fine," he grumbled. "I'll just show people the pictures of you then."
It's safe to say he loves being with you, showing you off as the brilliant woman who had, in your folly and his delight, chosen to be with him. The first time you'd visited him after practice, the team's eyes practically jumped out of their skulls after you ran up to him and kissed him on the cheek, asking him how it went.
"So she is real?!" Nishinoya yells as he runs up to Ryū to give him a high-five. "Holy shit, sorry, Tanaka. We all thought you made her up—"
He turns to you, introducing himself as Karasuno's libero and Tanaka's friend. "I've heard a lot about you, Nishinoya," you smile, giving him a friendly pat on the shoulder. You swear he swoons a little as you do.
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"Babe," he whines when you peel his arm off you as Daichi calls him into the gym. "I wanna keep my arm on you until we get in!" he complains, earning a snicker from Nishinoya and Kageyama, who are a few steps ahead of you.
You laugh, "Oh god, you big baby. Do you really want your opponents to see you pouting? Think of what message that'd send, Tanaka." You tease, knowing exactly how to rile him up for the match.
You laugh even harder as he crosses his arms and gives you a "Hmph!" as he lets you go. "Fine, but you better be cheering the loudest in there, doll."
He blushes as you kiss him quickly, "You know I always am, honey." You marvel at how quickly he runs into the gym, energized by your affection as his teammates run in to catch up with him.
You sit beside a friend from class as the team warms up, beaming at him whenever he looks at you after nailing a spike. "Let's go, Ryū!" you yell as the crowd thickens.
Soon enough, the match starts, and you're as energetic as he is as the team plays, whooping when they score and yelling encouragements when the other team scores. "C'mon, boys! You've got this!"
He turns to point to you after every kill, grinning up at you like you're his sun, and when he gets the game-winning point, he screams your name as he lands back on the gym floor.
The team is huddled and celebrating as you run down to congratulate them and celebrate with him. You raise an eyebrow at Daichi when you don't spot Ryū in the huddle. He shakes his head, jerking a thumb back over to where Ryū is standing, arguing with a player from the opposing team.
You hurriedly walk over to try to pull him away, knowing that he can get a little too hyped up after winning games—especially when he's the one who scored the match point.
You're about to call out to him when his voice cuts you off, yelling at the player as he grabs his gym bag from the team's manager, ruffling through the contents to grab something.
Oh no.
"Uh yeah! I so, too, have a girlfriend, dipshit!" He yells as he smiles wickedly at the brown leather wallet in his hand, unfurling it with a dramatic finish.
Oh, god, no.
"Look and weep, dickhead." He bellows, the proud undertone incredibly clear in his voice as he puts a hand on his hip. To your dismay, the player actually looks, stuttering as he tries to downplay the photo, "Y-Yeah, whatever. That's probably just a random picture you printed off the internet, weirdo."
Ryū scoffs, his hand still on his hip and wallet still extended at the gawking player. "Ha! You'd think so, right? I mean, she's so gorgeous that there's no way she's real. I thought so, too, when I first saw her. Why'd you think I worked so hard to impress her?" He says, his voice brimming with pride and affection, before folding the wallet.
"Yeah? She's not even here, so she can't be that good!" The player argues, and you roll your eyes.
You take a breath, about to call out to him, but Daichi's voice beats you, "Tanaka!" He waits for a beat as Ryū turns to him slowly before gesturing to where you are, "Your girlfriend's been here waiting for you, dummy."
You give Daichi a thankful look and giggle as Ryū turns quickly to where you are, scooping you up in his arms as he celebrates the win with you. "Congrats, babe!" You cheer as you kiss him deeply.
He pulls away from you, giving your nose a delicate kiss, before turning to look at the player who's already walking away, one arm hooked under you to keep you held up as he points at the player before pointing to you.
"Hey! Asshole! Take a look at my girlfriend!"
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likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated! ♡
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iliketangerines · 3 months
dude, ur like…really good at writing I’ve been reading so muchhh of your work. love it. i was hoping maybe if it were possible….(bit of an ask…—i’m a h0rn d0g)(and an attention wh0re LMAO)
could you do a one shot maybe of mk1 raiden and kung lao x f!reader? Like both the boys really have a crush on said reader and try to impress her during training,like Lao is either trying to drag her away to show off his new skills, or share his prepped lunch with her…or raiden pulling her away to ‘help teach’ her with her stance etc. anything to have her away from the other. (and during the process they also try to one up each other, yk a little bit competition Tehehe >:3, but also kinda cutely embarrassing themselves) so after a long day of trying to get the attention of reader, they both decide to just flat out tell them about their feelings,(Laos idea) expecting reader to choose one of them. only for the reader to exclaim that she can’t choose, that she actually really likes both of them, so with this being said…the two silently agree on what they must do next. So naturally…they both end up sharing her (aka clapping cheeks, aka fucking me silly, I’m talking pussy eating, fingering hickeys biting team work to make reader cum, praise and if you have some more you wanna add then please dooooo😼) I hope this is a good enough prompt for you to work with. I’m a mess I hope it was comprehensive 🥲
choose me!
a/n: don't worry, i too am a horn dog, clearly
pairing: dom!kung lao x afab!reader x dom!raiden
warnings: nsfw (MDNI), praise kink, slight degradation, blowjobs, creampies, double penetration, spanking
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Raiden glares at Kung Lao as he feeds you something from his packed lunch with his fingers
you smile in delight as you take a bite of Kung Lao’s food, lips brushing against his fingers, and Raiden can feel electricity crackling around him as his anger rises
he wants to take you for himself, away from Kung Lao especially because the other shoots a sneaky wink at Raiden, as if saying that he was going to win you first
Raiden won’t have that
later when you stretch in the courtyard, Raiden offer to help you stretch, and you gladly take him up on the offer
you lay back down on your back and have him sit on one leg while he presses the other toward your body
you groan out at the stretch, but Raiden can only stare at the way your pussy is separated from him by two thin layers of fabric
you have him keep you in that position for a minute before having him stretch out your other leg the same way, and Raiden’s head spins at your flexibility
you wave him off to have him do his own stretches, and you easily slide into a split and you bed your back leg and grab onto your foot, stretching out your quads
Raiden nearly drools at the sight of your chest pushing out into the air as you stretch
he averts his eyes and focuses on his own stretching as you switch to the other leg, and when you’re finally feeling loose and ready to warm-up, Raiden comes up to you and offers to warm you up
you easily take his deal and train with him, and Raiden guides you through the stances and moves, warming up your muscles
he can feel Kung Lao boring holes into the side of his head, but he doesn’t care because you’re so pliant underneath his hands as he helps you
the next day Kung Lao brings you chocolate-covered strawberries
Raiden lets you use the amulet the day after
it’s an endless catfight between the two, and you start avoiding the two, tired of how they bicker and constantly hiss at each other
Kung Lao approaches Raiden underneath a cherry blossom tree and sits down next to him and tells him that they should both just confess their feelings for you
Raiden raises a brow at Kung Lao in confusion, and the monk continues, saying that you’ve started avoiding them with how much they fight and that he doesn’t want that
Raiden hums but finally nods, and the both of them get up to find you
you’re sitting in your bed, taking a day off from training, and you have a book in your hands and a thin t-shirt on to battle the heat of the summer
Kung Lao knocks first, and you tell them to enter
they both enter and share a glance between each other before Kung Lao blurts out that they both like you and that they’ve been trying to impress you all week
Raiden glares at Kung Lao, saying that they’ve been too much and it’s been driving you away and so they wanted to chance to come clean and possibly have a chance with you
you glance between the two of them and set your book down and put your reading glasses down on the dresser next to you
you ask that you have to choose between the two of them?
Raiden and Kung Lao nod, and you look between the two of them in silence before quietly saying that you can’t really make a decision, that you like them both for different reasons
Kung Lao looks over at Raiden, and it seems they have the same thought as Kung Lao closes the door behind them and Raiden approaches you on the bed
Raiden crawls over to you and presses his body into you as he tilts your head and up and kisses you
you grip onto his shoulders as Raiden presses his tongue into your mouth, and he feels like he’s in heaven as you moan into his mouth
he grabs onto you and flips you both over so that you’re on top of him, and he grabs onto your hips
your shirt rides up, showing how you have no panties on, and Kung Lao groans at the sight of your naked pussy and climbs onto the bed and settles in between Raiden’s legs
Kung Lao grips onto your ass, squeezing roughly and spreading them apart to see your pussy better and you whine into Raiden’s mouth at the sensation
Kung Lao mutters under his breath how you’re such a slut for not wearing panties, and he smacks your ass, enjoying how it jiggles at the force of the impact
your hips jerk and grind into Raiden’s clothed cock, and the champion underneath you groans at the stimulation
he moves you upward so that he has access to your neck, and he grips onto your waist tightly as he kisses and sucks hickey into your neck
Kung Lao behind you slides his fingers through your pussy folds and tells you that your cunt is already drooling for them and asks you if you've’ been wanting this
you whine and try to grind your pussy into Kung Lao’s thick fingers, but he retracts his hand and slaps your ass and tells you to answer him
you cry out a yes, and Kung Lao laughs, saying you really were such a whore
he slides his fingers along your pussy folds against, and this time he pushes his fingers in, groaning at how your pussy sucks him in
you whine at the stretch and buck your hips backward, and Kung Lao grins and starts fucking you slowly on his fingers, grinning as you whine desperately for more
Raiden nips at your neck and tells you to be patient and to be good for Kung Lao and take what he gives you
you whine but listen and clutch onto Raiden’s shoulders as he continues to lavish your neck with attention
Kung Lao continues to pump his fingers in and out of you slowly, laughing at your pathetic and needy whimpers
he watches as your pussy drools on his fingers, the wetness dripping down and staining Raiden’s pants, and Kung Lao removes his fingers from your wet cunt
you whine at the loss, but Kung Lao tells you to turn around and sit on Raiden’s face
Raiden perks up at the prospect, and he helps you turn around so your pussy hovers over Raiden’s face
you shift your weight on your thighs, unsure if you should put the entirety of your body on his head, but Raiden grabs onto your thighs and pulls you down, burying his tongue into your wet cunt
he laps at you desperately, trying to taste every sweet part of you, and you whine as he fucks you on his tongue
Kung Lao tells you to clean up your mess and points at the stain in Raiden’s pants, and you lean down until your mouth is only an inch away from Raiden’s crotch
your clit grinds into Raiden’s chin, and you whine at the stimulation and grip onto the sheets
Kung Lao tells you to hurry up and crosses his arms despite the tent in his own pants, and you stick out your tongue to give a hesitant lick to Raiden’s pants
Raiden moans into you as he laps your cunt, and you whine as the vibrations travel through your spine and make your head spin with pleasure
you mouth at Raiden’s clothed crotch, licking up every spot that your wetness leaked onto, and Raiden moans and bucks his hips up into your face
you groan and keep licking, desperate to have him cum first before you do, but Raiden grips onto your thighs as he loses himself in your taste
little shocks of electricity run through your legs, and you let out a whimper and a loud moan as you cum on Raiden’s tongue almost immediately
you grind your hips into his face as he moans into your face, and you fist the sheets in your pleasure
as you ride out your high, Kung Lao grabs onto your hair and lifts your head up so that he can kiss you, and you moan into his mouth as he presses his tongue into your mouth
Kung Lao pulls you away from him and tells you to get up and take off your shirt and get on your knees
you get off of Raiden’s face, and he whines at the loss of your sweet cunt
but he quickly loses that disappointed thought as he sees your bare chest presented to him and you on your knees before the two of them
Kung Lao strips off his clothes, and Raiden quickly gets out of bed and gets rid of his clothes as well
you drool at the sight of their bare bodies, muscles flexing in the sunlight, and Kung Lao smirks as he notices how your gaze focuses on their heavy cocks slapping against your stomach
Raiden guides his cock toward your face, and you eagerly take it into your mouth and suckle on the tip, pressing your tongue into the slit
he groans and grips onto your hair as you bob your head up and down his cock, and your hand reaches up to pump at Kung Lao’s cock
you moan as you look up at Raiden through wet eyelashes, and the champion coos at you, telling you that you look so beautiful for them on your knees
you whine at the praise and try to take Raiden even deeper, his tip hitting the back of your throat, and you breathe through your nose and push through the pain as your nose hits his pelvis
Raiden groans at your warm mouth enveloping his mouth entirely, and his hips buck into your face
you gurgle at the sensation, but you keep your head down as drool drips down your chin
Raiden says you’re so good to him, and he starts fucking into your face slowly, enjoying how your lips stretch and drag along the length of his cock
Kung Lao is doing no better
your hand is wrapped around his dick and spreads his pre-cum all along the shaft
you press your thumb into the slit every time you pump up, and Kung Lao has his head thrown back as fucks into your hand
he’s getting close, but he doesn’t want to waste his seed on your hand
and so he pulls your hand away, and Raiden reluctantly pulls his dick out of your warm mouth
you whine at the loss, but Kung Lao drags you up and lays down in the bed with you laying on top of him, chest pressing into his
Kung Lao aligns himself with your dripping pussy, and he slides in, groaning at the feeling of your wet cunt squeezing around his fat cock
you whine at the feeling as your hips jerk, too full and stretched, and Kung Lao slaps your ass and tells you that you can take more
you then feel Raiden notch his dick right next to Kung Lao’s, and you say you can’t, you’re already so full, you can’t, fuck, it’s too much
Kung Lao purrs out that you can, and Raiden agrees as he slowly slides into you, saying that you can be a good little slut and take their cocks, right?
you sob at the stretch, but you blabber out incoherent nonsense that you can be good for them, that you’ll be a good whore for them
Raiden hums happily and starts thrusting in and out of you slowly, and Kung Lao follows soon after
their pace quickens soon enough, and they’re soon abusing your poor pussy, the sound of wet slaps echoing in the air and mixing with the sound of your moans and whines
you’ve never felt so full, and your clit grinds into Kung Lao’s pelvis with every thrust
you’re slowly losing your mind to the pleasure and you can only clench onto the sheets and whine
Kung Lao has one hand gripping onto you waist hard enough to leave bruises, and his other hand cups the back of your neck and brings your lips to his
Raiden has his hands squeezing your ass, hands sending little shocks of electricity through the plushness as he becomes consumed by pleasure
your head spins as you moan into Kung Lao’s mouth and cum on their cocks
they groan at the feeling of your pussy clenching down on them, but neither of them cum
rather they fuck into your pussy even rougher, slapping your ass and spreading your cheeks to see how your pussy drools and how a creamy ring of your release form at the base of their cocks
your mind goes blank as they make you cum on their cocks over and over again, and the overstimulation soon sets in as you hips attempt to jerk away
Raiden coos and tells you to take one more, to be good and cum just one more time for them, you can do that, right?
you whine and nod dumbly, and Kung Lao laughs at how cockdrunk you are
but neither Raiden and Kung Lao are doing any better as their hips start to lose their pace and their pants and moans grow louder
their grip on you tightens, and they leave bruises in your skin as you throw your head back and cum on their cocks as they spill their seed inside of you
they fuck you through your orgasm and theirs, and Raiden moans at the sight of their cum leaking out of your puffy pussy
finally, they both come to a stop, and Raiden pulls out first
Kung Lao pulls you off his lap and lays you on your bed before cuddling up close to you
he tells you that you did so good for them, that you’re such a good little slut for them, taking both of their cocks so well
you whine at his words, and Kung Lao chuckles and presses a kiss to your forehead while Raiden slides in next to you, pressing his chest into your back
Kung Lao rests a hand on your hip and rubs soothing circles into you as you slowly fall into sleep, mind drowsy with pleasure, while Raiden whispers praise into your ear
you’ve got both of them wrapped around your finger, and you don’t even know it
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geotjwrs · 4 days
Tall Male!R (preferably around 6'6"/198cm or more) playfully teasing Jenna Ortega for being short ;P
Pairings ; Jenna Ortega x Male!Reader
Warning/s ; none
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Jenna and Y/N sat side by side on the plush couch, facing a lively audience and the charismatic talk show host, Emily. The interview had been going well, with both stars sharing insights about their latest project. The chemistry between them was palpable, drawing smiles and laughs from everyone present.
Emily leaned forward, her eyes twinkling with curiosity. "So, Jenna, Y/N, you two have become quite the talk of the town—not just for your amazing performances, but also for your adorable relationship. How do you manage to keep things light and fun on set?"
Jenna exchanged a quick, knowing glance with Y/N. "Well," she started, a playful grin spreading across her face, "it helps that we don't take ourselves too seriously. Especially when someone here," she nudged Y/N with her elbow, "loves to tease me about my height."
Y/N chuckled, his deep voice resonating through the studio. "What can I say? When you're 6'6" and your girlfriend is just over 5'1", it's hard to resist."
The audience laughed, and Emily raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Do tell, Y/N. How do you go about teasing her?"
Y/N leaned back, his smile widening. "Oh, it's all in good fun. Like the other day, Jenna was trying to reach something on the top shelf in the kitchen. I offered to help, but she was determined to get it herself."
Jenna chimed in, rolling her eyes but smiling. "I was almost there, and then he comes up behind me, pretending to use me as an armrest. I was like, 'Really? Right now?'"
Emily laughed along with the audience. "That must make for some interesting moments."
"Oh, definitely," Jenna agreed. "But it's not just him. I get my fair share of teasing in, too."
Y/N nodded, mock-serious. "She's got a wicked sense of humor. Like, she'll hide my stuff where only she can find it. I once spent an hour looking for my phone, only to find it in one of her tiny shoes."
The audience erupted in laughter, and Jenna grinned proudly. "Hey, you have to get creative when you're the short one."
Emily's eyes sparkled with amusement. "It sounds like you two balance each other out perfectly. Any more funny stories?"
Jenna thought for a moment. "Oh, there was this one time we were filming a scene, and Y/N had to pick me up. He lifted me so high that I almost bumped my head on one of the stage lights. The director had to remind him to keep it grounded."
Y/N shrugged, laughing. "What can I say? I forget my own strength sometimes."
Emily leaned in, her tone conspiratorial. "Okay, but seriously, what's the sweetest thing about being with each other, despite the height difference?"
Y/N's expression softened as he looked at Jenna. "Honestly, it's the little things. Like when Jenna stands on her tiptoes to kiss me, or when she snuggles into me perfectly because of our height difference. It's those moments that make it special."
Jenna's eyes glistened as she smiled up at him. "And for me, it's feeling protected and cherished. Plus, I get to have the best hugs."
Emily sighed dramatically, her hand over her heart. "You two are just too sweet. Any plans for future projects together?"
Y/N nodded. "We're looking at a couple of scripts. We really enjoy working together, so we're hoping to find something that lets us continue doing that."
"Well, we can't wait to see what you two do next," Emily said, beaming. "Thank you so much for joining us today and sharing your delightful stories."
As the interview wrapped up, Jenna and Y/N stood, their height difference once again evident as Y/N helped Jenna down from the couch. The audience applauded, clearly charmed by the couple's dynamic.
Walking off stage, Jenna glanced up at Y/N, her eyes twinkling. "You know, I think we aced that."
Y/N grinned, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "Of course we did. We're a perfect team."
Backstage, the couple found a quiet corner to relax. Jenna nestled comfortably under Y/N's arm, feeling the comforting weight of his presence. Their public appearances were always fun, but it was these quiet moments together that Jenna cherished the most.
"You know," Y/N said, breaking the silence, "one of my favorite things about these interviews is how they always make us reflect on all the fun we have."
Jenna nodded, smiling. "Yeah, and it's nice to share those moments with everyone. Plus, it gives us a chance to tease each other publicly."
Y/N laughed, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "True. And speaking of teasing, remember when you tried to scare me on set by hiding behind a door? I heard you giggling before you even jumped out."
Jenna burst into laughter. "I couldn't help it! Your reactions are just too funny."
Y/N shook his head, smiling fondly. "Well, you definitely keep me on my toes."
Just then, a production assistant approached them. "Great interview, you two. There's a press conference in an hour, and then you're free for the rest of the day."
"Thanks," Jenna said, glancing up at Y/N. "You ready for round two?"
"Always," Y/N replied, giving her a quick squeeze. "But after that, how about we grab some lunch? I'm thinking of a place with chairs that don't make me feel like I'm sitting in kindergarten."
Jenna laughed. "Sounds perfect. And maybe a place where I don't have to ask for a booster seat."
Y/N chuckled, standing up and offering his hand to Jenna. "Deal. Let's get through this press conference, then it's lunch date time."
As they walked hand in hand towards the next part of their day, Jenna felt a warm glow in her heart. Despite the public scrutiny and their busy schedules, she knew they always made time for each other, balancing their playful teasing with deep affection. And as long as they had that, she knew they could handle anything together.
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livyjh · 1 year
Dbf Joel request here☺️ We love her testing his patience in any way, or her being super touchy around him and essentially trying to stress him out with getting caught by her dad. But really anything you'd like too!! Thank you so much😁🥰
Omg thank you for the request! I… had so much fun writing this. Enjoy my first ever dbf!Joel fic 😵‍💫😘
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Dbf!Joel Miller x Reader
Rating: EXPLICIT 18+
Word count: 1.9k
Summary: on a scorching summer day, you and Joel get left alone by your father, which leads to some afternoon delight.
Joel Miller Masterlist
It all started a couple years ago when your dad started smuggling things to make extra money to spend in the QZ. He just wanted a better life for you both. You were well over 18 now but there wasn’t enough space in this part of Boston for every “kid” to move out of their parent’s house. So, here you were, mid 20s, living with your father. Thankfully, there weren’t any social expectations to keep up in this new world order.
Of course, as your father made more connections, made more money, smuggled more contraband, he ended up meeting his competition. Joel and Tess.
After about six months of an almost-war, trying to beat each other to different deals, the three decided to team up.
So here you were about a year and a half later. It was summer. Hot. Humid. Miserable.
You put on the shortest shorts you owned and a light bra and tank top to try and keep cool.
Joel and Tess were over, having lunch with your dad in the kitchen while you sat and read a book in the living room.
You swear you keep seeing Joel look up from his plate at you, but when you turn to look, he’s looking away again. So you’re not sure.
You’ve found him more attractive the more you got to know him. It’s not like you knew him well, but you knew enough to feel like you could talk to him. Even if your dad wasn’t there.
You knew he had a daughter. A daughter that had died on outbreak day.
You knew he wasn’t as mean as he looks. He even laughs sometimes, whenever your dad said something stupid enough to be funny.
You’re trying desperately to focus on your book but then make the mistake of looking up, almost meeting Joel’s eyes this time. But his stare was held on your half exposed chest before his eyes shot up to make contact with yours. He almost choked on air, looking away quickly before taking a long sip of his drink and trying to focus on the conversation your father was having with Tess.
“I’d love for you to show me how it works, sometime.” Tess said, referring to your father’s radio he uses to contact other smugglers throughout the surrounding states.
“Sure. I’d be happy to.” Your dad nods and gets up, Tess doing the same.
Joel looks at them, only half understanding what’s going on as he takes a bite of his sandwich.
“Go ahead and finish your lunch.” Your dad started.
Joel began to protest, setting the sandwich down and moving to get up.
Your dad’s hand lands on Joel’s shoulder to push him back down into his seat. Joel sits with a ‘hmmph’. “We’ll be back in an hour. Mi casa es su casa. Have another beer. Hell, have whatever you want. Y/n will keep you company. Gonna show Tess the radio.”
Joel swallows his bite of food and nods sheepishly, listening to what your father says. He and Tess leave and the second the door closes, the silence is deafening.
Joel looks at you, clueless.
You give him an innocent smile before looking down at your book again.
The sun was shining directly in the window at you, keeping you extra warm, making you sweat a little. You decided you needed some cold water.
You close your book and get up, walking into the kitchen, opening the fridge, leaning down to grab the pitcher of water from inside. You pour yourself a glass before returning the pitcher to the fridge and turning towards Joel, leaning your hips against the counter.
You take a big gulp of the water, thirsty, too warm, loving the cool feeling of the water going down. You tip the glass a little too far and water dribbles down your chin and onto your chest.
Joel makes a choked sound before you lower the glass and look at him, wiping at your upper breast to get the water off. “Something wrong?” You raise a brow, genuinely curious.
“You think you’re cute or somethin’? Teasin’ me?” Joel gets up and stalks towards you.
“I don’t- um, I don’t know what you-“ you’re stopped when Joel’s hand grips your face, slightly squishing your cheeks together, pursing your lips. You gulp and feel heat pool in your stomach at his proximity.
“First, this slutty little outfit. Then you go and bend over for me. Spill on yourself. What’s your angle, Y/n?” He narrows his eyes at you.
You lick your lips, bravery shooting up your spine. You grab his wrist connected to the hand on your face, moving it down so that his hand is now wrapped around your throat.
He whimpers.
“No angle, Joel.” You shrug. “Just looking for a good fuck.”
He growls this time, gripping your neck a little tighter. He’s breathing hard, brown eyes staring deeply into yours. You can see him considering it, gears turning in his head.
Then he does something unexpected. He lets go and pulls away.
You whine at the loss of his touch.
“Y’know damn well I can’t do that.” He straightens out his shirt, adjusting his collar and sleeves.
“Why not?” You make pouty lips at him.
He scoffs a laugh at you. “Your dad would kill me, for starters.”
“He doesn’t need to know.” You shrug. “Our little secret.” You wink at him.
His knees go weak, almost buckling under his weight as he tried not to drag his eyes up and down your beautiful body.
He starts to grab his pager off the table, fixing to leave, before you stop him.
“Joel, I need you.” You whine out, squeezing your thighs together.
He sets his pager back down and looks at you slowly. His jaw clenches and the next thing you know, he’s right in front of you, grabbing your waist to spin you around and bend you over the kitchen counter.
You whimper with arousal as he presses his hips against your ass, you can tell he’s hardening quickly.
He groans as he presses the outline of his cock against the split of your ass, in turn making you moan.
“Joel, please.” You gasp softly, resting your forehead on the counter, hands in fists beside your head.
He yanks your shorts and panties down to your knees before you hear his buckle behind you.
You can feel yourself dripping at the sound, it was tantalizing. Then there was a zipper, the shuffle of clothing, him moaning softly as he released himself from the confines of his underwear.
“Oh-!” You whine as the head of his dick presses against your aching pussy. It’s hard to tell just by the tip but… he feels big. You may be in over your head.
You bite your lip as he begins to push into you, using both his hands to spread you open.
“Jesus- fuck!” You gasp as he stretches you out, your wet cunt slowly adapting to accommodate his size.
You’re throbbing around him as he speaks darkly behind you. “You asked for this, honey. Come on, you can take it.”
Your nails scratch against the counter as you try and grasp it to ground yourself. He stops and you think, ‘oh god, finally, he’s in’ when he shoves into you another inch.
“Jo- oel…” you whimper his name brokenly as his head twitches against your cervix.
“Gonna give you a second. Then m’gonna fuck you good, okay, sweetheart?” His hands move up over your ass to your hips to grab them in preparation.
“O- okay.” You breathe out, tears forming in your eyes.
It hurt. You weren’t gonna lie, but you knew you could take him. You had to. It felt too good to know he was finally inside you.
Over the next minute you focus on relaxing your muscles, trying not to instinctually clench around him. And then he starts to move.
He pulls out slowly, just until only the tip was inside you, and then pushes back in just as slow.
“Oh my god.” You sob, squeezing your eyes shut to push the tears out.
“You cryin’?” He asks, pulling out slowly and then back in a bit faster this time.
Your toes curl and you ball your hands into fists once more at the feeling. “N- no.” You sniffle.
“Look at you. Fuckin’ wrecked over my cock.” He growls, pulling out quickly, pushing back in even quicker.
“Joel-“ you cry out, squeezing around him.
“Fuck, darlin’… do it again.” He orders, feeling the pressure on his dick.
You do as he says and squeeze yourself around him once more and it pulls a lovely groan from him as he continues moving.
He’s thrusting quickly, grunting with each movement as he fucks you against the counter. Your waist hurts from being pressed against it like this, but your orgasm was getting closer and you didn’t have the extra energy to care about pain right now. Especially now that you didn’t feel any pain inside of you, having adjusted to Joel’s size faster than you expected.
You started to cry again when his fingers traveled around the front of your hip to your clit so he could rub it. You were overwhelmed with pleasure.
His hips were snapping against your ass as he furiously rubbed your sensitive bud and you felt something start to happen.
“Joel- Joel, I’m- oh, god.” You stutter as your orgasm hits you, pussy clenching around his thick cock. More tears fall from your eyes as you feel yourself squirt on him, the sensation making you dizzy.
“F- fuck.” Joel curses, your juices wetting not only his dick but the front of his pants, dripping down your legs into your panties and shorts too.
He’s so close but he knows he can’t cum inside you, so he pulls out, soaked with your slick. He starts to jerk himself, pushing the back of your tank top up to bare your low back to him.
“Stay right there. G- good girl.” He stutters and groans as he finishes, ropes of hot liquid spurting up onto you. You moan at the feeling, wiping the tears off your face.
He’s panting as the sound of him jerking himself stops and he steps back. You grab a dish towel and wipe your back as you turn around to face him.
You both get re-situated in your clothing and Joel almost looks panicked, yet blissed out. “That can’t happen again.” He mutters as he grabs his bag and pager.
“Of course.” You nod, lying. It was going to happen again. It had to.
“Bye, Y/n.” He takes one last look at you before leaving, needing to get changed into fresh clothes that weren’t soaked in your cum.
You throw the used dish towel into your dirty laundry and sit back down on the couch to read until your father gets back with Tess.
They walk in about a half hour after Joel leaves, looking around as they settle back in at the table.
“Where’s Joel?” Your father looks at you.
“Didn’t even finish his food.” Tess motions to the half eaten sandwich at Joel’s previous spot at the table.
“Said he wasn’t feeling good.” You shrug, putting your book up in front of your face, smiling to yourself as you pretend to read. But really, you were still cock drunk over Joel.
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milaisreading · 1 year
Pairing: Itoshi Sae x Reader
Warnings ⚠️: none in particular. Reader uses she/her. Requests are open
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to:Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
(Y/n) was in Japan for something Blue Lock related while her friends were still across Europe in their teams. The first few days were pretty uneventful with her doing some paperwork and preparing some documents to bring back to Germany. Well, today was the day in which her mundane stay in Japan would pretty much change. One moment (Y/n) was minding her business at the JFU building, waiting for Ego and Anri to finish their meeting, the other she was startled by a reporter, asking her weird and personal questions about Sae and herself. Questions like 'How did you two meet?' and 'How do you feel about being official?' flew around... Wait!
"What do you mean with official?" (Y/n) asked, obvious confusion laced her face as the reporter raised her eyebrow and took out her phone.
"Now don't play stupid with us, the news of your relationship have been the main topic in Japan and Spain for days." (Y/n) chocked on her saliva as she looked at the screenshoted articles, varying from Japanese to Spanish ones, showing one specific picture of Sae and (Y/n).
'Not this one!' The girl thought as she remembered the incident. Well, it was nothing scandalous, but the media made a stupid twist of the whole situation.
'Bachira, Otoya please hurry up. I am so hungry.' (Y/n) yawned as she waited for her two friends. She was visiting Spain for the weekend and it just so happened that Barcha and Real played against each other. The game was fun to watch, (Y/n) loved seeing her friends on the field, seeing how much they developed and the great scores they made. She was also left in awe but not in surprise when Sae would show his skills, how fast he was and how well he reacted in every situation. The game ended in a tie and (Y/n) was left with a lot of adrenaline in her body, she really wanted to watch them play more.
"Why are you alone?" The girl turned around, surprised to find Sae approaching her, his stoic expression present as ever.
"Ah, Sae-san! That was a great game, it's always nice watching you play!" (Y/n) said, sending the redhead a smile. Sae's face turned red and he cleared his throat, nodding his head at the compliment.
"Thanks. I didn't know you would be here today. Did Bachira invite you?" The boy raised his eyebrow.
"Yes! Bachira and Otoya called me, since I am on a short visit here."
"How long are you staying in Spain?" Sae asked as an idea hit him.
"I am going back to Germany Monday morning, why?"
"Great. I will take you sightseeing Madrid tomorrow. It's my day off, anyways."
"Oh? That's really nice of you, Sae-san. But I already thought of a few places I could visit on my own-" (Y/n) cut herself off as she saw Sae shake his head and take something out of his pocket.
"And let you walk into tourist traps? I know Madrid very well and a lot of the more exciting parts are never recommended. We can exchange numbers, I will text you later about the plans." Sae said nonchalantly. Although he had a completely neutral face, on the inside he wasn't calm at all. His stomach was doing flips and heart was racing as (Y/n) finally gave in. She gave him her phone and she took his, then typed down her number.
"Thank you, I am sorry for the troubles-"
"It's not a trouble. Don't worry." Sae interrupted (Y/n) and gave her a small smile. The girl just nodded confusedly, wondering if the expression she was seeing was real or not.
Present time...
'This can't be for real!' (Y/n) shook her head and looked back at the reporter, shaking her head.
"T-this is a misunderstanding!" The girl defended, groaning when she saw the look on the reporter.
"Really, we are just good friends. Sae-San just offered-"
"I offered what?" The reporters eyes widened in delight and (Y/n)'s in horror as they turned to look at the said redhead walking up to them.
"Itoshi-san, it's so nice to see you back in Japan." The reporter greeted as (Y/n) just kept her mouth shut, face flushing up in embarrassment.
"Yeah, yeah." The older Itoshi nodded, focusing his attention on (Y/n).
"So, why did you mention me?" Sae wondered, standing next to (Y/n), who showed him the articles nervously. The player kept quiet as the girl calmed down a little. Knowing that Sae will deny it to brought her some peace.
"So? Is there any truth to the rumors, Itoshi-san?" The reporter asked.
Sae kept quiet as he returned the phone to her and shrugged his shoulders. (Y/n) jumped a little as the boy wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
"I will let you decide that."
"What?!" (Y/n) yelled out as she saw his smirk, but Sae said nothing and started walking off with her.
"Excuse us." The boy said, leaving the reporter and (Y/n) flabbergasted for a moment.
"Wait! It's not true! Sae-san is just joking!" (Y/n) yelled at the reporter, internally crying when she saw the woman take a few pictures of them.
"Why didn't you say anything like 'no, it's not true'? Now everyone will think we are dating!" (Y/n) cried out as Sae kept quiet for a moment.
"Didn't feel like it."
The next day (Y/n) watched on in horror as the articles about her dating Sae were the hot topic for not just Spain and Japan, but in multiple other countries as well. She let out a small cry, knowing she will never hear the end of it from Kaiser once she returns to Germany.
'I need a refund in life!'
Bastard München...
"Eh? Noel,we have a small issue." One of the players approached their coach, looking terrified.
"What is it?" The man asked.
"Well... Kaiser broke his phone, Ness somehow got his hands on a knife, Kunigami broke one of our lockers-"
"What?" Noel asked in shock, but the player kept on going.
"That's not the worst part! Isagi keeps on glaring at everyone and Gagamaru is just throwing insults at anyone who keep approaching the goal. Yukimiya refuses to come out and play. Meanwhile Kurona and Hiori are just ignoring everyone. Kurona even tried to bite someone for approaching him."
"Why are they like this?" Noel facepalmed as he went to see the commotion himself.
"So... (Y/n) will be your sister-in-law now, Rin?" The younger Itoshi spat out his water as he looked at Loki in horror. This caught Karasu and Shidou's attention as well, since they were nearby.
"What?! Why would she be my sister-in-law?" Rin asked in horror as Loki raised his eyebrow and fished out his phone.
'If anything, (Y/n) will be my wife.' Karasu and Shidou walked over, wanting to hear what was going on.
"What's the tea?" The tanner boy asked as Karasu leaned against Rin.
"Did our Rinnie make a scandal or something?" Karasu teased, earning a glare from the said boy.
"No, the whole of France is talking about Sae and (Y/n) dating tho. Some tabloids even said a wedding day might be revealed soon." Loki answered, scrolling through his phone.
"What? You are joking, right?" Shidou asked, feeling like throwing up all of a sudden. Karasu had a blank expression on his face as he looked through the articles Loki was showing them.
"Rin, you will be brotherless soon." Karasu threatened as the younger Itoshi said nothing. Rin looked blankly at the phone, feeling lightheaded all of a sudden.
'I am beating him up. I am done.'
Was the last thing Rin thought before fainting. Panicked Loki went to call a paramedic as Karasu laid him on the ground.
"This is a tragedy,this can't be for real. My sweet, cute (Y/n) would never date a barbarian like Sae. These have to be photoshopped." Otoya cried out as he fell to the floor. He just opened his phone to look something up, only to come across an article saying that wedding bells might be ringing for Sae and (Y/n). Bachira walked in on Otoya and had a confused expression at his behavior.
"What happened? We need to go, practice will start soon." Bachira said.
"Forget practice! How can I practice when my sweet (Y/n) is held hostage?!"
"What?! What happened?!" Bachira asked in worry as Otoya showed him his phone.
"(Y/n) has to be blackmailed or something, there is no way she would willingly go out with Sae of all people."
Bachira kept quiet as he read some parts, seeing the pictures of them together made something snap in him and he ran out of the locker room.
"Lavinho, can we cut practice short?! I need to visit Madrid!"
"Sae, you little piece of shit! How can you do this to your bro?! You know I like her." Oliver cried out on his phone as Sae picked up the call. The news of him and (Y/n) 'dating' hit the Italian sites today, leaving 4 players in particular in a foul mood.
"Give me that phone, Aiku. Sae, I am beating your ass for just touching her like this." Baro threatened as he tried to take Oliver's phone, which just caused a fight between the other two. Meanwhile Niko and Aryu were desperately trying to reach (Y/n), wanting to hear her side.
"Why isn't she picking up?! Do you think she is ok? Should we leave and go back to Japan?" Niko asked nervously as Aryu bit on his fingernails.
"I swear if one of Sae's crazed fangirls is harassing her, I will kick a football to his face. My dear, little (Y/n)... what sort of taste do you even have?" Aryu pouted as Niko fidgeted around nervously. Meanwhile Lorenzo and Snuffy were trying to stop the fight between Oliver and Baro.
"Forget it! I am not in the mood!" Chris sighed as Chigiri slammed the door shut. Ever since they arrived at the stadium, neither him, Reo or Nagi were in the mood to play. Right now, all three barricaded themselves in the locker room, not willing to gear anyone out.
"They will get over it... Ego, who did you even send me to play?" Chris cried as he cursed the said man out.
Meanwhile Reo was making calls to whoever he could, asking for a possible transfer so that (Y/n) could be their manager instead.
'Those incompetent losers couldn't keep Sae away, I knew leaving her with them was a mistake.' The purple-haired boy thought.
"(Y/n), please tell me that article of you dating Sae is a belated April fool's joke. I am so close to braking someone's jaw." Nagi said as (Y/n) finally answered her phone. The albino was stressed out over it all, sleep and games were the last things on his mind. He just wanted to hear from (Y/n) that none of it was true and that she just had eyes for him.
"Give her to me. I will talk some sense into her. That fake redhead is no good for her." Chigiri pouted, already making plans to fly her out to Britain.
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felixethereal · 11 months
Stray kids for Harper's bazaar
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Stray kids cut interview
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[Bang Chan]
Q: Who eats the most?
A: I.N!
Q: Who has the strongest mentality?
A: All of us!
Q: Who is the most indecisive?
A: It must be me! I decide what to buy when I go shopping, but I spend three hours not being able to decide. And I end up not being able to buy anything, hahaha. But when I go shopping with Felix, I don’t hesitate. Felix is persuasive and he always encourages me like, ���That’s great, you look good in that.” So, I go like, “yeah?” and buying things becomes really easy.
Q: Who relies on you the most?
A: Felix, perhaps? But we have a good relationship where all the members can rely on each other. As we have spent so much time together, we have very deep ties, and we believe in each other. We are such a great team!
Editor’s NOTE
He really takes control of the conversation! He even answered in Japanese to some questions. He has such an elegant and gentlemanly behavior and has an extremely great communication skills.
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[Lee Know]
Q: Of all the members who has changed the most since you first met?
A: At the beginning, I had an impression that it might be difficult to get along with Bang Chan as he seemed dignified as a leader, but now he has more affection to SKZ than anyone and is very charming man.
Q: Who is the best listener?
A: It may change according to the situation, but I think Changbin listens to everyone a lot. So does Hyunjin and so does HAN, oh that means we all listen to one another really well.
Q: What is the chemi you cannot resist recently?
A: It’s Seungmin and I.N. They both love coffee but they promised not to drink it for their health. But in fact, they are drinking coffee behind their back. It’s funny and it’s sweet to see them like that.
Q: Who relies on you the most?
A: My cat that I have at home.
Editor’s NOTE
During the recording of 25 Questions, Lee Know was speaking fluent Japanese. He was so caring. When Changbin was about to digress from the main subject, he warns Changbin like a big brother, and he was making a nice atmosphere. We gave them some instant tonkotsu ramen to enjoy back home, Lee Know was so delighted.
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Q: Of all the members who has changed the most since you first met?
A: I think Seungmin. I first thought he was gracious and neat, but actually he is the most mischievous and unique.
Q: Who is the best listener?
A: I talk to all the members and every one of them listens to each other very well. So, it is difficult to pick one.
Q: Please tell me about hidden faces of the members that only you know.
A: When we were living in the same dorm, I heard someone calling me. I peeked into his room, but he was fast asleep. Lee Know speaks very clearly even in his sleep and that was very funny.
Q: Who relies on you the most?
A: All the members younger than myself!
Editor’s NOTE
Changbin came in to see other members’ interviews and shooting sessions for a while. As he received the gaze from the production staff he had met for the first time, he was a bit shy at the beginning, but all through the shoot, he spoke to the members, and really set the mood for 25 Questions recording. He is the unsung hero of the team. Whenever he says something funny, or when other members react to him funnily, he keeps cool. But before you know he is always in the center of the circle. That is the charm he has, and I was drawn in.
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Q: Of all the members who has changed the most since you first met?
A: I think Seungmin. At first, he was a no-joker, serious guy but I think he is the strangest person of all the members. He really is, strange!
Q: Who is the best listener?
A: I think I.N. Whenever I talk with him, he is so warm and makes me calm. He is so therapeutic to be with.
Q: Please tell me about hidden faces of the members that only you know.
A: HAN and I.N like drawing and they often paint still life in oils. They paint characters so well and they show the drawings at STAY’s events.
Q: What is the chemistry you cannot resist recently?
A: It’s Changbin and Seungmin. Seungmin teases Changbin first and it starts from there. Then Changbin gets angry at Seungmin and Seungmin laughs at Changbin. It’s always the same and they love it (lol).
Editor’s NOTE
He has the most beautiful pose, and it was extremely difficult to choose which picture to post. You might think whoever is good at dance performance maybe good at posing, but it is not true. Whether you zoom in or zoom out, Hyunjin has wide variations of poses and has a knack for making the clothes look better. Every time he gets one step closer to success, his parents tell him “I believed in you”. Watching the shooting session and interviewing him, I felt that with that self-esteem, his innate ability to express himself will bloom even more.
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Q: Who is the no.1 trendsetter?
A: I think Seungmin sets the trend with the way he talks. He talks in such a way so that the members laugh and gradually we all begin mimicking it. It’s kind of difficult to explain, but he uses that funny voice, or he teases us quite often.
Q: Who has the strongest mentality?
A: It is definitely Seungmin. He is really mentally strong. No matter what people say to him, he is never distracted. He has got that kind of strength. Unbreakable strength.
Q: Who is the most indecisive?
A: Felix maybe? He changes his mind a lot, haha.
Q: Please tell me about hidden faces of the members that only you know.
A: There are not many hidden secrets... Bang Chan cannot drink coffee! Well, this maybe famous. But it could be a new information for someone who came to know us recently.
Editor’s NOTE
A soft-spoken man, HAN was embracing other members’ words during the 25 Questions recording. He answered the interview politely and shyly. It was hard to believe that he was the same HAN who has got into the rap bag with the rap legend Tiger JK in the single, “TOPLINE (feat. Tiger JK)” , from the album “★★★★★ (5-STAR)”.
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Q: Who is the most particular about food?
A: All of us eat well and eat a lot but if I were to pick one person, it is Changbin. He takes care of his body and does lots of exercise, so he is really healthy!
Q: Who is the no.1 trendsetter?
A: Changbin teaches us lots of buzzwords. HAN is also funny. They are such entertainers, they mimic comedians’ way of talking and moves, and it is so funny we laugh so much.
Q: Who is the most indecisive?
A: Perhaps myself, haha. I decide and I buy something, and I often think something is different afterwards. I regret a bit, then I think “but maybe it’s good in the end”. I keep doing that. I can give good shopping advice to others, though. Bang Chan gave me confidence when he said that I was persuasive.
Q: Please tell me about hidden faces of the members that only you know.
A: Sometimes I can hear a tiger roaring when I am sleeping. Yes, anyone can snore when he is tired. Bang Chan is so busy he often works at dawn, or many times we start early in the morning, so I figure he is tired.
Editor’s NOTE
It was impressive to see Felix greet each of the shooting staff he met for the first time. When a staff from Australia gave him a local sweet the kids love, he showed the biggest smile. It was great to see his facial expressions change so much. He is open-minded to everyone. When I asked them, “Who is the most indecisive?” almost all the members said Felix as if it was prearranged. That was where I caught the glimpse of their relationship.
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Q: Who is the most particular about food?
A: Changbin. He has this strict rule that the dinner must be finished before the date changes.
Q: Who is the no.1 trendsetter?
A: Changbin talks about buzzwords a lot. He is so good at that kind of things. For example, when he was eating chili crab, he got excited and started singing, “chili chili crab crab” after the lyrics of “chili chili men men”. It just comes at the right point.
Q: Who has the strongest mentality?
A: I think it is Changbin. He has an ability to deal in any situation.
Q: Who is the most indecisive?
A: Felix often changes what he is interested in. Hyunjin changes his mind a lot when he tries to choose something from the menu, or simple things like that.
Q: Tell me about your recent TMI (random incidents).
A: Lee Know is doing a lot of cooking at the dormitory recently. He buys some cooked food and arranges it his way. He’s very good.
Editor’s NOTE
I asked him, “If you were to be reborn, what do you want to be?” “A Stray Kids fan,” Seungmin said. “I want to see how Stray Kids are from STAY’s point of view.” Everyone marveled at this answer. He is a quick thinker but also witty as he answered many questions pretending to be Changbin.
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Q: Of all the members who has changed the most since you first met?
A: I think Changbin for me. At first, I thought he was a bit scary but as I got to know him better, he is such a good big brother and making us laugh all the time.
Q: Who is the best listener?
A: "kon kon jeu"(those who are born in 2000, Hyunjin, HAN, Felix, Seungmin ) listen to me a lot. They are a bit older than I am, but they are nice big brothers for me that I can be with like friends.
Q: Please tell me about hidden faces of the members that only you know.
A: It’s Felix’s recent hobby. He seems to like to paint to customize his keyboards.
Q: What is the chemistry you cannot resist recently?
A: Lee Know goes on and on about some facts to Changbin. The words he uses and the fact he talks about can only be called truth, but it is just so funny and Changbin’s pressured face is also hilarious. It is not that he does not talk back, but the rule is that Changbin always loses.
Editor’s NOTE
I.N has a brother who always gives him good feedback. “My brother really gives me great advice and it is very useful for me. As he looks at our team, he always thinks we are great and that also becomes my driving force.” A lovable man-ne(the youngest), how I.N shows his talent freely and purely is because of the affection his big brothers give him.
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noosayog · 1 year
[Hate That You Know Me] in which you hate Kita because he's hot
wc: 1.7k
warnings/content: wouldn't be a true noosayog piece without a hint of jealousy, minimal angst, mostly fluff, enemies-to-lovers
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You’re not a very big fan of your tutor, Kita Shinsuke. He's straight-arrow, strict, and unsociable. He’s not very kind when you get something wrong, either. After the third question you answer incorrectly, Kita sighs and closes the textbook in his hands. 
“Let’s just pick up tomorrow.” 
“Fine,” you huff. He didn’t have to sigh that loud. It’s not like you were stupid. You just cared about things other than scoring higher than 90 points in every subject. You wanted to enjoy your youth and high school life. Besides, you were scoring above average in almost every subject. When your parents confronted you about a mere 70 points you received on a History quiz, you didn’t think it a big deal. Until Grandma Yumie in the neighborhood offered up her smart grandson, who happens to be top of his class, as your tutor. Without your consent, your parents had approached Kita with a part-time job offer tutoring you after school. 
“Kita has volleyball practice afterschool!” you refute, face warm from the embarrassment of your parents sucking up to whom they thought was a “handsome, young man” and the 70-point exam Kita was currently studying. You had never really known Kita that well, but everyone in your grade knows him. You stare at him with wide, intent eyes, begging and signaling him to turn down the offer, make an excuse, say he was busy, anything. But he doesn’t even spare you a glance. 
“I can help after volleyball practice, if that’s not too late.” 
Your mom squeals in delight and bows a thank you. You huff out a harsh breath and that’s what finally gets Kita’s attention. 
“I’m sure you can improve with practice,” he nods at you. 
It’s your 3rd studying session, when Kita notices it. 
“You’re not really that bad at History.” 
“I know,” you deadpan. “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you this whole time.” 
He ponders this. “Why did you agree to tutoring then?” 
You’re going to blow a gasket for sure. “I didn’t!” 
He tilts his head, in genuine confusion, but that doesn’t make you any less pissed off. In fact, his obliviousness makes you even angrier. 
“Why didn’t you tell your parents you didn’t need it?” 
“I’m going to strangle you,” you mumble to yourself. “I did. Did they seem like the type who would listen?” 
“You should’ve been more direct with them, then,” he says archly. “Let’s keep going.” 
– Your relationship with Kita is mutual dislike. Well, he doesn’t seem to hate you the same way you openly express your disdain for him, but he certainly hasn’t been the kindest to you. He says things like, “I would expect that you don’t get these easy questions wrong,” “please stop being difficult and answer the next question,” or here’s the kicker: “don’t project your frustrations on me.”
That one made you want to push him out the window. 
When you ask your classmates what they think of him, most of them describe him as a model student who’s always willing to help if you ask. Apparently, he’s kind, smart, captain of the popular volleyball team, and it helps that he’s hot. Well, he doesn’t show a single bit of that side to you. He’s mean, even a little petty. 
When you complain to Aran, he just laughs. “Kita’s just teasing.” 
You scrunch your nose up in response. 
One afternoon, your club activities go longer than you’re expecting. You set out to find Kita to let him know. You don’t know what comes over you, but you ask, “do you just want to walk home together? I can wait for you.” Your face feels hot and you don’t look him in the eyes. 
“No, thanks,” he fires back, without even pausing for a second to think about it.
“What, why!” Was walking home with you so bad? Besides, it just makes sense. You’re going to the same place anyway! 
“Go home by yourself, before it gets dark.” he says, before turning around to go back into the gym.
“Fine!” and you stomp away. He didn’t have to turn you down that hard. It wasn’t like you were asking him out on a date or anything. Your face is warm and your heart is pounding. You tell yourself it’s indignation, but feel the hurt seeping through your ribcage into your heart. 
You’re dreading that night’s study session, but Kita acts completely like normal when he arrives at your house. You’re still flustered and reeling from the embarrassment of his rejection, running your mind in circles at why you’re so bothered by it. 
“What’s on your mind?” he prompts. 
“Nothing,” you mumble. 
“You’re not focused at all. You’ll never improve at this rate.” 
Had you not been so wrapped up in reminding yourself that you hated him, you might have noticed the teasing intonation in his voice and the slight tilt of his lips upwards in a discrete smirk. But all you hear is the usual patronizing tone and your frustrations burst like a dam at how unaffected he is. 
“I’m thinking about you!” you yell. “You and your stupid… stupid… just stupid!” 
He’s looking at you with his signature stoic demeanor, but you catch the slight puff of air he lets out and the twitch of his lips. 
“Are you laughing?” you ask incredulously. What was so funny about this situation? You’re in a crisis here, and he’s the epicenter! 
He clears his throats and stands up. “Let’s go to the convenience store. You need a cold drink or snack to calm down.” 
Your mind is whirling and a part of you is starting to understand that you’re letting yourself get jerked around, but you follow anyway. 
You’re on autopilot the entire journey until the two of you run into a girl who you vaguely recognize from school. Kita leaves your side and approaches her. 
“Suna, what are you doing out so late by yourself?” 
“My brother was supposed to be with me, but I don’t know where he went. Probably just went home ahead of me. It’s okay, I’m going home now anyway.” 
You watch with growing resentment as Kita pats her head and gives her a gentle smile you’ve never been on the receiving end of. “We’ll take you home. You shouldn’t be walking home by yourself at this hour.” 
So he wanted to walk this Suna girl home, but it was okay to let you go home by yourself earlier? 
“Is that okay?” she asks, glancing at you. 
“Yes, of course.” Kita responds as you stare at the ground. 
Kita and Suna seem to know each other well enough. She even seems to know all the news about the volleyball season and the two of them are chatting animatedly about the upcoming opponents and strategies. You follow sulkily, five gaping feet behind them. Kita seems to be in a great mood, all laughs and smiles, and you hate him for it. 
Turns out, Suna’s house is close by and she bows a polite goodbye when you all arrive at her door. 
“Let’s go,” he turns to you. 
You turn your cheek to him. “I can go home by myself. We’re done studying tonight, anyway.” 
“Hey, c'mon. I can’t let you walk home by yourself at this hour.” 
You want to whirl on your heels and give him your fiercest glare and snarl to scare him off, but you just say, “it’s fine. It’s not like I need to be walked home anyway.” Even you hear the hurt in your voice. 
“Hey…” he says softly. He comes up around you to face you and gently takes hold of your hands. “What’s this attitude about?” 
“Nothing,” you say, still staring at the ground. 
“Okay,” he says. “Then do you want to talk about what you said at first?” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“When you said you were thinking about me.” 
You whip your head up to face him so fast, you nearly headbutt his chin. “I didn’t say that!” 
“Yeah, you did.” He’s smirking openly now. “I want to know what you meant by it.” 
“It meant nothing!” you burst, annoyed by how he seems to be enjoying this whole situation. He’s always this stoic mask; you’re unaccustomed to this smug personality before you right now. Aran’s words echo, he’s teasing. 
“Nothing?” he says, playful lilt to this voice. He’s inching closer by the second and you’re suddenly finding it hard to breathe. 
“Kita…” you whisper. His hot breath and clean scent is fogging up your consciousness and you hear someone say, “I like you.” 
You watch Kita’s smirk widen into a bright smile and you don’t mind the “I-win” light in his expression if he smiles like that all the time. To you and to only you. 
He’s leaning in for a kiss and you have no control over your body as you help him close the gap between you two. It’s a brief kiss, respectful of your boundaries, very Kita-like. His slow, deep breaths bring you back down to earth. 
“Wait!” you say, sudden thought striking you. “What about that Suna girl?” 
He gives you a confused look. “What about her?” 
“You’re always saying mean things to me and you told me to go home by myself after school today, even though you were all nice to her and saying you couldn’t let her walk home by herself!” 
“Jealous?” he teases. 
"No!” you can’t help but huff and turn your back to him, arms crossed over your chest childishly. 
He huffs a quiet laugh and turns you by your shoulders to look at him again. His expression is sober now, eyes serious even if a shadow of a grin remains on his lips. “I’m sorry. I want to be kind to you, but it’s just so fun to tease you,” he admits. “I will stop if you don’t like it.” 
Struck by his earnestness, you’re embarrassed by how childish you’ve been acting. “I never said I didn’t…” you trail off. 
The grin is back when he says, “say you didn’t what?” 
You glare at him, face on fire. “I hate you.” 
“I like you, too,” he smiles, bringing his face back to yours and apologizing with gentle kisses.  
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m-jelly · 3 months
oh! lebi with a world famous and very much loved chef! whos kind of really iconic (almost like gordon ramsay) and is just THE shit.
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My sweet chef
Levi x fem!reader
Modern AU, fluff, romance, married, famous reader, chef reader
You have your wonderful husband join in in the kitchen for your tv show.
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @nbinairyn @bts-spnlvr12 @darkstarlight82 @emilyyyy-08 @notgoodforlife @demonic-bird @searriously
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As the production team moved around and set a few things up for the show, you had your arms linked around your husband's neck. With smiles on your faces, you started decorating his face with kisses. Levi was in his happy little world as you did.
Levi hugged you tightly. "You're so amazing."
"I'm okay." You sighed. "I don't think I'm that good. I could be a better chef."
He lifted you and smiled up at you. "You're better than you think, my darling. You cook and bake things that anyone can do using low-priced things. You're a top-of-the-line chef, you have cooking programs and you help businesses that struggle. You're incredible."
"I wouldn't be this way if it weren't for your encouragement."
The producer approached you with a smile. "Mrs Ackerman, we are ready to go."
You gasped in delight. "Wonderful! Thank you." You pulled Levi along. "Are you sure you want to do this?"
Levi squeezed your hand. "I want to help. We agreed that this show would be about cooking together as a couple." He pulled on an apron. "Let's do this."
You welled up and nodded. "Yes."
The show was a lot of fun to film with Levi. With other shows, you work your way through it and have some laughs. However, Levi was making you and the crew laugh so much. Levi was a natural and good at cooking and baking with you.
Now and then Levi would kiss your cheek, stand behind you and help you, dance with you or lick something that you offered him. The two of you forgot about it being a show and just acted naturally together. The food seemed to come out even better than usual and your usual was of a very high standard.
The fun part was when you made something with Levi, you would try it together and then offer it to the crew to eat. You wanted everyone to have fun and get involved. Levi and you would point at the crew during filming and ask the questions. It wasn't all about you, it was about everyone and the enjoyment of food.
You thanked the crew and waved goodbye to them as they made their way out of your large home. "What a busy day, huh?"
Levi pulled you against him. "Fuck, you are stunning."
You giggled as he attacked your neck. "Thank you."
He picked you up before moving you into the living room. He held you on the sofa and smiled. "I'm so proud of you."
Your cheeks burned. "Really? That's so sweet of you. That means a lot to me."
He kissed you. "I love you."
You giggled. "I love you so much, Levi. I'm proud of you too. You're incredible to me and you're so handsome." You released a long sigh and straddled Levi. You massaged your fingers into his hair. "You really are the best." You caressed his cheek. "My soulmate."
He blushed. "You're my soulmate too."
You showered his face with kisses. "Do you want me to cook or bake you anything?"
He hummed. "So many choices, but I am a bit full from eating your food all day." He pouted and hummed. "How about something tasty like a dessert?"
You nipped his cheek. "You're a tasty dessert."
He growled at you. "No, you are."
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