#there's something so sweet about her being their only kid and their literal pride and joy!!
coldshrugs · 7 months
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can't stop thinking about io and estinien raising havi, so have some gentle and proud dad!estinien. i think he might miss her when she leaves home. just a little.
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usernameforaboredcat · 8 months
Growing Old Together
What life is like when you make the life long choice to grow old with them. Life, family, love, all the things that are needed to get old and crusty with the man you love.
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Firstly, you two would wait AFTER he becomes King of the Pirates for literally anything to develop in your relationship. He’s too busy focusing about becoming King of the Pirates and finding the One Piece to worry about something like a relationship. Of course there would be that tension, the casual closeness and moments that just the two of you share. Never like boyfriend girlfriend shit, just casually sharing food or sleeping in the same bed all cuddled up, but no relationship. The day the crew found the One Piece and Luffy finally became the King, he asked you to be his Queen.
With such title, came a promise to protect you and forever be by your side, along with it being a proposal. Which yes it’s weird from being a ‘so are they a thing or not?’ for years on end to getting married, but it works for you two and you personally couldn’t have it any other way. You can finally call your captain your lover, officially being each other’s special someone.
It doesn’t take too long to finally have your first and only child. A little boy, he’s all you two need. Neither you or Luffy could think of a name, so Robin chipped in and suggested the name Isra, meaning journey, like yours and Luffys journey together as individuals, a crew, and the journey of going through parenthood together. You both fell in love with the name, thus keeping it. And boy did Isra grow up to be exactly like his father, so full of energy and love in his heart. The crew fell in love with little Isra, enjoying the little boys company and the simple joy he bought to the crew. It was just like having two Luffys
As he got older, Isra would train with his father to become strong and a reliable member of the crew. He is the son of the King of the Pirates, to say he had a lot of pressure was an understatement. Especially since Luffy still remembered what Ace would say about Roger, and it would kill him if history repeated itself. But of course it didn’t, Isra grew up with a crew that loved and respected him, an Angel of a mother, and a father that any kid would ever dream of having.
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Anything was on the table for this man, willing to put his dreams of finding The All Blue just to make you happy from day one of you two dating. But when you told him that his dreams where just as important as his and that you’d be willing to duel wield your dreams he fell for you all over again, dropping down on one knee and proposing on the spot. But it was a few years before you two finally tied the knot, after you two had celebrated the arrival of two baby girls. As much as Sanji wanted to marry you before having kids, biology can’t help that you got pregnant. Which is how little baby Sora came along, naming her after his mother. Than around 5 months later on the night he was going to propose, you drop the bomb of already being a month pregnant. And soon enough Kairi came along. Your two little girls, named after the sky and the ocean.
You two had one big wedding, the Straw Hats and at the Baratie. Unknowingly you referred to Zeff as the girl’s grandfather, never have you seen such a tough man melt so fast. The wedding was short and sweet, your big family all together. And that might lead to the creation and soon birth of your third daughter, Lucy. You picked the name in memory of your captain and his alias back in Dressrosa. If it wasn’t for Luffy, you two would have never met and never had your three beautiful girls, it was your personal way of saying ‘thank you’ to him. Luffy actually greatly appreciated the thought, taking the gesture very personally and taking the fact with pride. Definitely doesn’t flex it saying “I have a kid named after me”.
After that as time went on, you two had two more kids and finally decided to stop. Two more girls, named Oceana and Koi. Sanji prided himself on being the number one girl dad, and that he was. All 5 girls being his spoiled princesses, all they’d have to do is bat their eyes and he’d bring them the whole world, sun, and moon. Funnily enough, they all grew up and developed their fathers love of cooking, wanting to be just like him. He felt so proud, have a little class of his little princesses to teach. Not only did he teach them cooking, the girls grew up seeing how a woman should be treated. Not through directly telling them, but just how he would treat you. Always make you feel like the Goddess you are. I mean you gave him all 5 of his beautiful daughters, growing and making them in your own body and going through hours of pain to bring them into the world. He can never express how gratefully he is.
Lucky for him he doesn't have to worry about his girls too much. They didn't get much when it comes to his sheer strength, but they did get both yours and his head strong attitude and not the type of girls to deal with shit. Sure they get into fights a lot because some guy thought it would be a good idea to flirt with one of them, but honestly you and Sanji can't help but feel like the most proudest parents.
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Zoro never thought about dating, getting married or having kids. But something about you triggered something in his brain. It wasn't a whole love at first sight and have kids, it was more like a 'out of all these idiots you irritate me the least' and you didn't mind that. You treated each other with a neutral respect, that's what kept you close to each other. Two peas in a pod, attached by the hip, the brains and the brawn. It was only until during the two years that you two thought through your feelings for each other, missing each other and hating not having the other. The second Zoro first saw you again, all he said was "never leave my side again". And that you didn't, ever. You stayed by his side, up until years later when Luffy became King and he could finally chill out a bit. He was still developing using more swords, but now he could focus on other important things. You. Which was the day he gave you that ring, saying the same thing he did years ago. "Never leave my side again". And you accepted.
As if it was some romance novel, your wedding night lead to the creation of your daughter. It was your idea to name your daughter after Zoros deceased childhood friend, looking him in the eyes as your baby sleeps in your arms. "I've always like the name Kuina, it's such a beautiful name! And I know you'll make her proud, her, and our little Kuina". Your words brought tears to his eye, something he hasn't done in a long time. Although he loved and appreciated the name, he'd always call her Squirt. He devoted himself to teaching how to use a sword, since she always used to try and nibble on them when she was teething. When she got old enough he trained her everyday on how to use a blade, over the years teaching her to use two swords. He of course offered to teach her 3 sword style, but she was happy with the two.
Luckily for you, Zoro, and the Straw Hat crew, she didn't inherit Zoros terrible sense of direction. In the case of that event, both you and Zoro requested that Nami teach her navigation. She happily did of course, but not for free. She was a very sweet girl, but was probably double the amount of dense at her father. Can navigate but has zero social awareness, a fair trade from Zoros point of view. But he's always been social unaware, which surprisingly enough he's the only person to get that side of her. There would be something life threatening happening before their eyes, everyone would be freaking out especially Chopper, Nami and Usopp, but poor Kuina and Zoro would just watch with a blank stare before dealing with the threat. In which, Zoro knew that his daughter would be able to take care of herself, she is his daughter after all.
Which is probably the best part of his side of parenthood. Your crew would be adventuring or something and Kuina would be gone and you'd be loosing your mind worrying about your daughter, Zoro would just give you a blank look and tell you to "calm down, woman. She's fine". She always was, but you're a mother. Kuina is basically Zoros side kick, second in command, his left hand woman, his missing eyes, the one who covers his back. He liked to brag to the cook that his daughter is as strong as he was at her age, even going as far as to sometimes say "my 10 year old daughter is stronger than you, pervert cook" which would of course always start a fight. Not that she minded, she always got a kick out of her father getting into arguments with the ships cook. Much to your dismay.
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The fact that someone like you confessed to him in the first place was already a shock. You had always been so kind, helping out anyone who needed it. Which makes sense as to why you where Marcos main nurse, his number 2. For a while he just thought you where just being nice, until you two got drunk one night and ranted everything to each other. Ace thought that you'd never talk to him again, think of him as some monster child like everyone else. But no. "Why should I care if your Rogers son? I'm a whitebeard pirate! And so are you, so to pops we're family. And I like being around you, much more fun to be around than all these old men". And he fell hard. The next day he casually asked you out, which you said yes. Even after what you said, he didn't know if he should trust that this would last long. It would be nice while it lasted, the cuddles and kisses, holding someone at night, a drinking partner, someone to keep warm at night during the winter, someone to keep him cold during the summer with how cold womans bodies get, just someone to love him. But the ending never came, shocked even when you brought up the idea of going more and more steps further into the relationship, finally leading to you asking about marriage.
Before deciding what happens next in your relationshit the events of Impel Down and Marineford go down, but end better than hoped. Ace didn't listen to the antagonizing words of the marine, instead he came sprinting for you to scoop you up in his arms and take you far away from all this danger. You're a nurse after all, you shouldn't be this far into the battle field. That was actually the day he finally asked, you, him, and the Whitebeard pirates rushing back to the ship, you safe in his arms, he smiles as he looks down at you. "Let's get married". And you did. The Whitebeard Pirates and the Straw Hats, coming together for your wedding. Soon after, your boss Doctor Marco looked you in the eyes and told you that you're pregnant. It was probably the first time in his life that Ace had cried, knowing that he was going to be a dad. To start a family with you, a family away from Roger, a family starting within the Whitebeard Pirates. You had your daughter, naming her Rouge, after his beloved mother. The woman who slowly forced herself to die just so she could bring Ace into this world.
A few years later you had your son, Eddy. His namesake being your captain, Edward. He was so touched by the gesture, an adorable innocent little one being named after him. Being even more toughed when you two asked for him to be the Godfather. Of course he said yes, already accepting the title of grandpa anyway. You also asked Marco to be a Godfather, gratefully for the man who saved you and brought you to the pirates. The crew loved having the two little ones running around the ship, it bringing a new layer of joy on board. Someone's having a bad morning? The two kids come running past happily playing and laughing. Depression cured. With the two kids, Rouge was an exact copy of how Ace was as a kid, Ace actually finding it funny cause Eddy was exactly like Luffy as a kid. Same age gap to. Eddy was the cute little happy idiot who would talk to anyone and everyone, and if anyone was mean to him you'd expect his big sister to appear out of nowhere and bite your ear off.
The two grew to be amazing, Rouge always staying the protective older sister and taking care of her brother. She developed multiple skills in case Eddy wanted to go off and be a pirate without their parents and he needed a crewmate. A doctor? She's got it. A navigator? She's got it. A cook? She's got it. A shipwright? She's got it. Anything Eddy would need for his crew, his big sister has his back. You and Ace are glad that the two have such a good relationship, especially Ace. Remembering how much of a dick he used to be to Luffy he's glad that his daughter is such an amazing big sister. But where Rouge knew knowledge, Eddy was the fighter. He was the one that started fights and punching people in the face, doesn't mean that Rouge was weak by any means. Say Eddy heard someone making an off handed comment about his sister, he'd hit first. But if they hit him back, she'd come in and hit third. Ace is honestly looking forward to the day his kids will go off and make a name for themselves, knowing that they'll be two forces' to deal with.
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Surprisingly enough it didn't take too long for sparks to fly with you two. Knew each other for 3 months before dating, which to outsiders looking in it looked like 'oh they'll last a month and never speak again' but no, it was as if that sweet honeymoon phase never ended and constantly being sweet and lovey dovey. Which lead to only dating for a year and him dropping down on one knee, you said yes. Because of his line of business it had to be insanely small with just the two of you and a priest, of course you two sent out a few letters to close family to tell them. Which was his little brother and boss, and your very close family. He didn't think this would happen, especially since you where once a pretty girl he saw on the street while he was in Dressrosa. Not like me minds, he's madly in love and you love him just as much as he loves you. It didn't take long before you fell pregnant, which is when stuff with life started to change. You where moved to a Revolutionary secret hideout to keep you safe, especially with how many enemy's would love to kill you and your unborn baby. You didn't mind, spending most of your time with Koala and talking about parenthood with Dragon, not like he could say much in the first place.
9 months later your daughter was born, little baby Nova. Her name was a heavy topic between you and Sabo, wondering what to name your little princess. Nothing ever felt perfect enough. Until one night while laying together, looking up at the stars with your head on his chest and his arms wrapped around you and one on your stomach. He said it. "Nova". "Nova?". "Yeah, like a supernova in the stars, and it also means 'New', like my new life with you". "Nova it is". And that's when it was decided. She was the light of his life, not leaving home for almost a month just to be with you and your daughter. You told him that he needs to work and people need him, which he eventually gave in and finally went back to his work under Dragon. There would be time that he would be gone for weeks on end but you knew he'd always come back, and when he did he'd always hug his family close and never want to let go. As she got older she was granted a normal life, being able to go to school and make friends, while under the watchful eye of the Revolutionary. Sabo is very high ranked after all, if anything happened to Nova it would break the hearts of everyone who knew the girl. He always made sure to make it for birthdays and bringing back an amazing gift from the country he had returned from, which defiantly not making her classmates jealous.
As Nova got older, Sabo had told her the truth behind his work and how important and truly scary it really was. Even at the age of 13 when she was told she understood compliantly, she wasn't an idiot. Speaking of, Nova was very smart for such a young age with Sabo being her teacher. She was a little of an outsider because of it, kids her age hating how smart and spoilt she was. She didn't care, she didn't really like them either. And besides, there was an entire organization that practically kissed the ground she walked on. At only age 17, she looked up at her father with a serious stare. "I want to join the Revolutionary". And she did. She wasn't sent to do anything scary or too dangerous, just starting off to help with Koala and her father on missions. You felt so proud of your family, your husband and daughter being Revolutionaries and working hard to change the world for the better. You where just a girl who would spend her days working at a bakery, years later you're married and birthed two people who are changing the world.
Eventually as she got older, Nova became Sabos right hand woman, taking over Koala's job and working hand in hand with her father. She always was a daddies girl, even if he was slightly absent during the early years. He hates himself for that, but he defiantly is making up for lost time by working with her now. Still his spoilt princess though, but she wasn't a spoilt brat. You raised her better than to be a brat, always making sure she grew up to be gratefully and knowing that her daddy wasn't like the other kids dads and could gift her different things. Which she always took to heart, always using it till you two practically begged her to stop using it. Like if he got her a beautiful kimono from Wano, she'd wear it even when it wouldn't fit and was practically falling apart. She has a box under her bed of everything Sabo ever got her that she can't use anymore, not having the heart to ever get rid of it. She thinks it's a secret, but of course you know and you told Sabo. Sabo hopes that one day if needed, she'll take over his roll in the Revolutionary. She would want nothing more, knowing it would make him proud.
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Your crew mates described you two as childhood sweethearts, but Law begged to differ. That day in the snow, begging Penguin and Sashi to stop hurting the poor bear, Law appearing and saving Bepo, you and Bepo following him around like lost puppies, and befriending Penguin and Sashi. The OG crew was what you 5 where called. It wasn't a secret that you had a crush on Law and it wasn't a secret that he liked you, but you where always too considerate of his feelings and waited for him to confess when he was ready. He knew that you where doing this and he appreciated the thought, and oh how he wanted desperately to finally tell you how he felt and how much he had fallen for you over the years. What was stopping him? Doflamingo, obviously. He didn't want to get you to get hurt because of him, especially knowing the type of man that Doflamingo is. If he knew that Law had someone that close to him, God doesn't know what that big bird would do to you just to hurt Law. Once it was over, he knew he was ready to confess. But of course shit happens, Straw Hat shit. During the celebration at Wano, the celebration of freeing the country from Kaido. He watched the fireworks with you, and finally told you how he felt. "I've loved you for years now, I've waited years to hold you in my arms. Now, you are safe. And I want you to be safe with me for however long you wish". You grabbed his hand, gripping it tightly. "I'd be more than happy to be with you, for however long you wish to have me".
It took a decade before finally getting married, but a little something popped up between this time. Well, someone. Well...two little someone's. 3 years into your relationship, the Heart Pirates celebrated the announcement of a new member joining, a member created by you and Law. Law was your own personal doctor, giving you daily check ups and his own prescription of how to healthily grow the baby. But while he was doing a check up during your second trimester, his eyes lite up as he told you. "Twins". Two little girls, his little angels. He was anxious as he helped you give birth, no one else was allowed in this moment. After hours and hours, little baby Cora and Rose laid in their bed together all wrapped up like burritos. The crew fell in love with the two girls, swearing to risk their lives for them. Especially uncle Sashi, Penguin and Bepo, self proclaimed uncles by the way.
Law’s a very hands on parent, being a huge helicopter parent for the first 4 years of their lives and closely monitoring their early years of development. Nothing went by without his knowledge, talking things through with you of course since you literally grew and pushed them out. He also wanted his girls to be smart and able to take care of themselves if needed, even if he was keeping a close eye on them over the first 18 years. His girls are free to develop their own interests and hobbies of course, he wasn’t that type of helicopter parent. It took a long time of reassurance from you telling him that the girls are fine and that there’s no one that can hurt them. He knows that there isn’t really anything or anyone that can harm his girls, not with him, you, the crew, and the Straw Hats around. But he’s still going to be anxious as all hell.
But he never ever had to worry about it, his twins where perfectly fine while growing up. The only problem really would be the pranks the two would pull on the crew while they grew up, being identical twins and all. You found it hilarious when they went through their creepy twin phase, especially since it worked so well of your crewmates who would always get all jumpy. Law made sure the girls grew up with at least a brief knowledge about medical care in case they needed it, both growing a interest in anything and everything medical, the sweet to the gory. It should have been a tell tail sign, the girls loved to collect dead animal bones or poke at rotting animals with sticks as kids. You obviously raised the concern with Law, but he reassured you that it's okay. Now they're talented surgeons and morticians, Law was defiantly proud but you on the other hand wished that at least one of them didn't have such a morbid interest. But they're both happy and that's all you care about in the end.
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This is the oddest, it being Kid and all. Kid never really expected or planned or even wanted something like a partner or kids. He liked the idea of being free and casually getting to fuck whoever and do whatever he wanted, until you joined. It was actually Killers idea, seeing you being sold off at Sabaody and telling Kid how he knew you from his younger years being known as a little freak who can basically turn any plant into median. The older boy always kept an eye on a kid like you, always wanting the best even with how you where treated just because of your gift. So Kid took it up, during the commotion he ordered Killer to grab you and take you with them. You didn't really fit in with the group, being surrounded by tall buff scary men. You where more the soft smile, the people person, the kind heart, the "Don't worry, I'll make you feel better in no time" on the crew. At first Kid hated that about you, hating that he was convinced to have some softy chick on his crew. It was only during the time of nursing him and helping him through the phantom pains of loosing his arm did he actually start to soften up. You where patent with his suborn attitude, until you'd angrily snap at him if he was actually at risk of hurting himself.
He kinda liked that you had that switch, especially seeing you so nice and happy all the time. He wouldn't admit that he had developed a little crush on you, it didn't get any better. His brain skyrocketed and his crush grew in an instant during a drunken hookup, his brain short circuiting at how much of a secret sex Goddess you are. Taking him so well, saying and doing all the right things, being able to make him finish many times with just your hands and mouth. Sure sex isn't the number one important thing in a relationship, it was the fact that a sweet girl like you had a dark side, and he was in love. He would have been happy keeping his crush to himself and making you just a fuck buddy...until you told him that he got you pregnant. He accepted his fate now, he couldn't bring himself to demand you to get an abortion. He later thanks his previous choice, seeing you with his son. "REX!". "Rex? Like...a dog?". "IT'S A COOL AS FUCK NAME!". And that's how your son got his name, Rex. He wanted a cool tough name for his boy. He felt so proud to have a son, and a son that looked like a tiny clone of himself. He loved to keep him around, loving to watch his son do dumb shit. When he got a little older Rex would try picking fights with the other pirates on board, throwing shit and screaming. He loved his kid, Kid loving his kid.
The two would get scolded by you a lot, saying that Kid is going to raise a violent child who will be swearing by the time he's 10. Or if you'd ask them to do something and yell at you. "SHUT UP BITCH!". "YEAH BITCH". "I'm sorry, what did you two just call me?". You'd ask them with a sweet smile, the two going white in the face and muttering apologies. Not like you where absent, you where the more strict parent. Making him eat his vegetable's, go to bed on time, shower, do homework you gave him, brush his teeth, the normal stuff. The topic of marriage or even being in a relationship never came up, mainly because neither of you felt the need to. He always came to you for his sexual needs or any none asking for comfort. Neither of you went with anyone else, no sex from anyone or anything, just there for each other. You two where basically married, but never even became boyfriend and girlfriend. Not even any 'oh we should get legally married to make it feel more normal for Rex' but no. Rex understood that his parents where different, but that they still loved each other. Kid didn't need some paper or a ring to say "She's mine" when his actions showed that.
Rex was already an interesting kid, growing more and more into his dad. But just like you, he had his other side. Well instead of a dark side it was a light side. He knew how he should act in public so he'd always use what his mother had taught him to his advantage to get what he wants. Even going into making stuff like his dad and being able to sell trash for high prices, being a very charming and persuasive young business man. Little ass hat, but you and Kid still being very proud of him. You're just proud he's getting his own money and not having to beg you and Kid for money, Kid is happy that Rex has taken up his interest in making shit and being able to make tones of cash for a piss poor effort. All in all, Kid was actually an amazing dad for Rex. He was a lot more caring and loving that expected, having his little clone by his side till the day that Rex has old enough to take care of himself and fly on his own.
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et6rnalsun · 27 days
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LET ‘EM KNOW, chris sturn
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𝜗𝜚 pairing: chris sturn x fem! reader
warnings: 18+ smut, p in v, unprotected sex (wrap it up) literally js sex, chris being rough as always, slightly toxic! reader & toxic! chris
posted this cuz i needed to post something so here u go sum freaky smut. there’s a small time skip directly to the sex, hope it’s clear
your relationship with chris was complicated — and it couldn't even be called that.
something unfinished, that neither of you wanted to end. something that you had to let go but were too attached and dependent to the toxicity of the entire thing. you fucked, argued, argued while you fucked. it was a cycle that repeated itself, threats of never seeing each other again and then ending up in each other's bed with sinful moans escaping from swollen lips.
you weren't a jealous person, never been, especially towards him. you knew perfectly well he fucked other girls and pride ate you up completely before you could make a scene or something. but there was one of his hoes in particular, who made your hands tingle with the desire to beat her ass, that kept hanging around on him as if he was hers.
you fought the urge to nibble on your freshly manicured nails as you stared at that photo posted on his instagram story, their faces too close for your liking, clearly laying in his bed. so, you didn't think twice before clicking on his number, calling him. you waited one ring, two rings, and at the third he finally answered, his raspy voice saying your name slurredly.
"can you come over?" you asked shortly, getting straight to the point as you sat on the edge of your bed. chris sighed, knowing where you were going with this. "i'm busy right now, i think you know that"
"do you think i care? drop this bitch, chris, we both know you're dying to come here anyway" you huffed, not caring in the slightest that maybe you sounded too cocky. then your voice took on a more pleading tone, trying to get to him. "please, i need you. i’m not even kidding"
you could practically hear him wavering, his silence the answer you needed while you were already smiling in victory. "i'm coming. i fucking hate you" and hang up.
you then stood up, walking to the bathroom as you changed out of your underwear into his favorite thong, a smirk on your glossy lips the whole time. you had won, as always. you had confirmed that chris couldn't even resist you and your sweet voice of yours that begged him so subtly.
you didn't care if you sounded pathetic, or if you wouldn't do it for any other man anyway. you wanted him and had him again.
and then you didn't care even more as your fingers continued to pull the long curls of his hair to draw him closer to your neck, already tortured by marks and hickeys. your other hand gripping the crumpled sheets of your bed due to the inhuman rhythm of his thrusts. your moans were like music to his ears, especially after not hearing them for so long.
the tight, pink thong you had worn a few minutes before his arrival had been thrown to the floor without the slightest importance or care, like the rest of your clothes, only that one had been completely torn by chris's fucking impatient hands.
“you're such a needy slut,” he murmured through gritted teeth, one of his hands resting on your neck to keep you still. "you couldn't stand the fact that i was with someone else, huh? admit it" to those last words he added a thrust that hit right in that sweet spot, making you whimper.
“shut the fuck up” you managed to breathe out, your thighs tightening around him as you were desperate to reach your orgasm. "you didn't even - ah- didn't even hesitate to come here, didn’t you?”
he tightened his grip on your neck, lifting one of your thighs onto his shoulder with his other hand as he groaned. "fuck you" small beads of sweat had formed on his forehead at that point. “no one, no one has a pussy as fucking tight as yours” he felt like your walls were about to snap him in half, his eyes nearly rolling into the back of his head. "you drive me so crazy"
your moans had increased, feeling that pressure starting to persist more and more. “admit it” you whimpered, your long nails scratching his back as your arched yours slightly in pleasure. "admit that no one is like me"
his lips had found your bare shoulder, his teeth digging and biting into the sensitive skin as he whispered and moaned shamelessly into it. "no one makes me feel like you do, ma, i would gladly die inside this pussy if i could."
and you're cumming around him the minute the words leave his lips.
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loveywon · 1 year
part 2 of START NOW !
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pairing: jungwon x gn!reader
synopsis: after being stuck with jungwon in a new and unfamiliar world, you start developing newfound feelings about him.
wc: 4.0k+
warnings: fluff! there’s a baby, one (1) mention of throwing up, the fluff in this is so sickening seriously i feel gross, i think that's it tbh, not proofread as per usual
a/n: surprise!! thank you guys sm for 800 notes on my first fic, im literally experiencing whiplash from it. hope this was written well to your likings, i love you all and thank you guys again<333.
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you feel like you’ve been slapped in the face. 
jungwon has basically adapted the routine within the first week, between taking care of the kid that is apparently yours and his job that he only found out two days ago because he got a call saying “you’re gonna get fired if you keep skipping work like this” from sunghoon. with a look at his checking account, his eyes almost popped out of his head with how much money was in there. when he showed you, you simply shrugged. of course jungwon was going to be successful, with how his high school life is (now, was), he’s bound to live a fulfilling life. he’s taken aback by your nonchalance to the money in the account, and you have to swallow your pride down to admit vocally to him that you always admired his dedication to the academic school life. 
speaking of, you found yourself swallowing your pride often. almost too often, you think, but you feel like its character development, or at least it’s what jungwon says. he’s done a great job at making sure you’re not too overwhelmed in this new life that you two have to adapt, and you feel kind of bad that you’re not really doing much with helping out. you do try, really! it’s just the fact that not being around kids often is a tad bit hard and being thrown into a situation where you have one of your own is more difficult than you thought it would be. jungwon does a great job at teaching you the basics, and he always reassures you that you’re doing great with the baby, even if it’s just holding her or feeding her. 
you also find yourself being more open with jungwon. it still feels foreign, and you always hesitate still and almost back out often times, but you’re determined to stick to your promise and to at least try, because jungwon has been nothing but an angel to you ever since, and the newfound realization that he has been pining for you this entire time makes you want to try harder for him. you’ve confided in him and you start to feel more safe around him as well, and admittedly, it’s something you never thought would happen, but when jungwon tells you every moment that has made him fall harder for you, you start to feel fuzzy and warm, even giggling a little. jungwon feels over the moon, like he’s absolutely won at life. he doesn’t want to leave. 
on the other hand, you want to leave. as cute as the baby is and nice the house is, something is still off and you don’t know how jungwon does everything so naturally and pretends like everything is so normal when it’s so far from reality. neither of you have figured out how the two of you got here, because there was quite literally nothing to go off of. every night you wonder if you’ll ever be able to go back to high school, but now you’re letting yourself fall into the daily routine you and jungwon curated. 
the sunlight shines through the blinds, and you’re already awake. every morning feels like deja vu, and you’re not used to sleeping on a foreign mattress. jungwon lays on the floor beside you, a blanket wrapped around him like a burrito. he insisted on sleeping on the floor because he didn’t want to pressure you, even though you assured him it was fine, but he still was stubborn and laid out his own makeshift bed beside you. it’s a sweet gesture, you think, and every night you invite him to sleep up on the bed because it can’t be comfortable to sleep on the floor, but he still refuses and makes himself comfy. 
you lean down, poking his shoulder. he stirs, but he’s still asleep. you smile slightly at his cute sleeping state, but you slap a hand over your mouth when you catch yourself. something you’re not used to is smiling at something whenever jungwon does something because you’re normally grimacing in disgust. you decide to let him sleep in and try to take care of the baby yourself since he’s been doing everything lately. he must’ve been so exhausted, and you feel yourself frowning. 
you roll yourself out of bed, making your way to the baby’s room. she blinks her eyes open as soon as she hears the door knob turn, and she reaches her small arms out for you. “hi, sweetheart, had a good sleep?” you ask, even though you know you’ll only get random babbles as a reply. you tickle her side and she giggles. you feel a fuzzy feeling again, and you admire the baby for a few minutes. one thing that ‘future you’ didn’t put in the scrapbook was the baby’s name, so you and jungwon refer to the baby as the baby. it feels almost too adulting to give the baby a name, so honestly you’ve been avoiding it but jungwon doesn’t bring it up either so you assume it’s mutual. you go over to the little counter by the wall and start making the baby’s milk, remembering what jungwon had taught you last week. pouring the milk into the baby bottle, you walk back to the crib and pick the baby up, opting to sit on the carpeted floor and feeding her the bottle. you smile as you simply look at her, almost fondly but it’s still off. 
jungwon walks in, rubbing his eyes groggily. he woken up not too long ago, and upon not seeing you in the bed, he almost panics. he thought you somehow had went back to high school or something, and he was just left here. he sighs in relief when he heard the milk machine stir loudly from the baby’s room. after his vision’s finally clear and sees you feeding the baby, he matches your smile and sits down on the floor across from you. the only reason why he has not brought up the baby’s name is because you haven’t, and he thinks he knows you enough to know that you’re not used to this new world, and he also knows its scary to put a label on things and naming the baby feels almost too official, like the two of you are stuck here. but jungwon doesn’t feel stuck, and he almost feels content in this new life. he has you now, with him, what more could he ask for? just like you, he wonders if you two will ever go back. but he’s more worried if you’ll still try to reciprocate his feelings for you if you two go back, and if you will forget everything that happened in this life. he’ll go back to square one, and he’s not sure if he can go through it again. although if it’s for you, he knows he’ll go through hell and back if it meant being with you. 
he leans forward a bit to watch the baby drink from her bottle, and your gaze changes from the baby to jungwon. it’s a quiet moment, no things are spoken between the two of you and it’s definitely less awkward than it would have been a week ago. silence is now comfortable to you, which is very odd considering you hate any silent moments and you always have to break the silence whenever it happens. “she is so cute,” jungwon whispers, but still loud enough that you can hear. you nod in agreement, she really is cute, and she took a lot of features from jungwon. the resemblance is almost uncanny and you think it was obvious from the start that the baby is definitely jungwon’s. the baby finishes her bottle and pops it out of her mouth, and jungwon takes it to the built in sink on the counter to wash it. she’s dozing off in your arms, and you swear you almost loudly coo at her but you catch yourself in time. you stand up and lay her down gently in the crib as jungwon finishes washing the baby bottle. 
you two make your way downstairs and you sit down on the kitchen island with the scrapbook laid out in front of you. this would make it the second time you’ve looked through the book, and you wonder if you missed anything from the first time you flipped through it. jungwon busies himself with the stove, preparing breakfast for the both of you. you lean your head on one hand, opening up the scrapbook. you don’t remember ever picking up the hobby of scrapbooking, but then again, it feels like you’ve aged ten years, and a lot of things can change in ten years. you also think a lot of things can change in a mere week. 
as you continue to flip through the pages, you stop at a page that had pictures of you and jungwon in front of different landscapes around the world. it’s secretly your favorite page because you’ve always wanted to travel, so to know that you did, even if you don’t recall, it makes you feel a little giddy. maybe when you go back home, you’ll get to experience it. as you’re scanning through the pictures, one of the tapes keeping the pictures on the page loosens up, and you try to fix it until you see handwriting on the back. you furrow your brows in confusion, taking the entire tape off and flipping the picture over. the entire scrapbook didn’t have any writing, so seeing something written on the back was new to you. and not only was it your own handwriting, but what was written on it gave you goosebumps. you always felt odd about this entire situation, even though it was quite obvious that you’re currently in the future, it was just the question of why and how. 
‘you’ll be here one day! 2/17/2034’ 
you flip the photo back around and messily tape it back onto the scrapbook page before shutting it and shoving it to the side. you try your best to think nothing of it, and it could mean literally anything if you think about it deep enough, right? wrong, you frown. it’s too oddly specific, and it’s like you knew that you want to experience traveling. you stare off into space, your bottom lip capturing between your teeth. jungwon finishes cooking, and he places a plate in front of you before taking a seat beside you. he looks at you when you don’t make a move to eat, leaning forward to see your face. he waves a hand in your face, calling out your name. you snap out of it again, and you shake your head. “sorry,” you mumble, grabbing the fork he gives you and taking a bite out of the eggs. “mm, this is so good! seriously, how did i not know you can cook like this?” you turn to him, quickly changing the topic before he could ask what was wrong. you know that you’re technically hiding and guarding yourself again, but you let yourself just this once because you’ve convinced yourself that you’re only inconveniencing jungwon with your thoughts. 
he shrugs, “because you always fought with me back then?” he answers obviously, and you let out a silent “right”. the week has felt like an entire year so you almost forget that you literally hated him just a week ago. “sorry. but you know, why didn’t you ever clear up the misunderstanding with me? we could have been friends then,” you ask, it’s simply out of curiosity because it’s not like it would have changed anything now. he shrugs again, “i don’t think you would have listened to me, to be honest. you probably would’ve death glared at me and killed me with silence… and i guess i was just content with you bickering with me because you were still talking to me. i don’t know if you still would’ve talked to me if i cleared it up, and i still want to talk to you.” he replies, smiling more to himself because he thinks it’s kind of funny. 
“ohh. that’s fair, i guess. i probably wouldn’t have talked to you if you cleared it up, to be honest as well. would have moved on with my life and not think twice about it,” you shrugged, continuing to eat your breakfast. you always play the nonchalance role, but jungwon always has a way with his words that make butterflies flutter in your stomach and it almost makes you feel queasy even. “but, i still want to talk to you too.” you smile at him, and he returns your smile. he thinks you’ve definitely put in effort with tolerating him, because a week ago you probably would’ve spilled your guts if you heard what he said, and he appreciates your efforts. he’s still not really expecting an ‘i like you back’ from you, he still thinks its unrealistic. it doesn’t mean he’ll stop trying and vying for you. 
you finish your plate and grab jungwon’s empty plate to the sink to wash, and he watches idly since the baby is still asleep and there isn’t much to do. you think jungwon’s already used to the new life, but you really couldn’t be more wrong. he’s used to taking care of himself already, which is why it comes to natural to him, but he’s really not used to the whole thing of you being nice with him and the fact that there is a baby in the room above that is his. his baby, your baby. he gets fuzzy thinking about it, which is why he thinks he’s trying his best to take care of the baby with little to no experience. his cousins are the closest thing to experience he has. 
once you finish with the dishes, the two of you silently make your way onto the couch. it’s not really awkward silence, as again, you feel more comfortable around jungwon now. but you’ve been itching to ask him the question that you think about every night, and you think that it’s been an entire week; he must want to go home, right? so you ask, “hey, jungwon?” he perks his head up at your voice, wide eyes giving you his full attention and you melt a little bit unknowingly. “do you know…if we’ll ever go back?” you question and his brows raise in response. he purses his lips into a thin line, breaking eye contact with you to think. he knows his answer is something you don’t really want to hear, but he wants to be honest with you. 
“no… or well, i don’t know. but it’s not so bad here, is it? i think it’s kind of nice…” he answers you, but his voice fades out towards the end of his sentence because he knows you disagree. he sees the way you lie awake in bed, silently hoping to wake up to your childhood bed and return back to high school normally. you, however, don’t expect his answer. yes, it it’s not bad here. but you really miss home and your high school friends, and you feel like you’ll never be used to this new life that you and jungwon were thrown into. you don’t respond to him, and you slump into the couch a little bit. he meets your eyes again, and even though you’re looking straight ahead and not him, he slumps with you and leans a little bit towards you. his scent fills your senses, and if he didn’t smell so good you definitely would have pushed him away immediately. but it’s jungwon, so you don’t. 
he blows your hair in a playful manner, and it sticks to your face annoyingly. “hey!” you laugh as you push hair out of your face, finally meeting his gaze. he gives you a smile that you know and love, a smile that makes you forget what the two of you were talking about earlier. “even if we don’t get out of here, i’ll still be here for you,” he says sincerely, and you know it’s sincere with the way his eyes shine as he looks at you with so much admiration that it makes you feel like jello. you don’t doubt his words for a second, so you nod, giving him a slight smile. “thank you. me too, even though i know i don’t really do much around here,” you mumble, pouting slightly because you feel bad for him taking most of the responsibilities and setting aside his worries for taking care of you and the baby. 
jungwon simply shrugs, “you being here is enough for me.”
another two long days pass, and you’re snuggled up next to the baby in the master's bedroom where you and jungwon sleep. you and the baby are both fast asleep, even though you tried to stay awake until jungwon got home from his work. you’ve stayed up the past week whenever he’d go to work, but you suppose the sleepless nights have finally caught up to you. jungwon announces that he’s home from downstairs, and is appalled to not see you watching television or something in the living room. he assumes something is happening with the baby upstairs, so he quickly rushes up the steps and enters the baby’s room to only find neither of you there. he panics a little, and it feels a little bit like deja vu when you weren’t in bed that one morning. he prays that you didn’t find a way to leave, somehow taking the baby with you. he rushes to your shared bedroom, only opening the door to see you and the baby cuddled up together, eyes closed in a slumber. 
he thinks he must’ve done something in his past life to get such a beautiful sight in front of him, with his own eyes. 
he smiles at the two of you, before deciding to change into clean clothes so he can join you two in the bed. he decides, for just this once, he’ll let himself be selfish and enjoy this domestic moment. you feel the bed dip beside you, and it stirs you awake. you turn around, only to meet the soft eyes of jungwon. “i’m sorry, did i wake you?” he asks quietly, careful to not wake the baby up. you shake your head, “it’s okay. how was work?” you whisper back, and this conversation feels so real, it’s so domestic and you feel sick. mentally, the two of you are still teenagers so even having this conversation feels so surreal and you don’t know if you like it or not. you do know, however, that you like jungwon. you feel pushed to your limit, and everything that has happened made you realize a few things about yourself that you didn’t know before. you couldn’t ask for anyone better to be stuck with. 
“it was alright. are you tired?” he replies. his voice is laced with such genuine concern for you, and you can’t help but bury your head further into the pillow and towards his chest. jungwon’s taken aback slightly with this change of position, but he doesn’t show it, or at least you choose to not point it out. “i like you, so much. it makes me feel physically sick, not gonna lie.” you confess suddenly in a quiet whisper, and this time, it’s obvious that jungwon is shocked. if it weren’t for the silent white noise of the air conditioning and nothing else, he would have missed what you said but the words ‘i like you’ rings in his head and he has to remind himself that the baby is still sleeping beside the two of you. his absence in words make you feel even more sick; did his feelings for you disappear? you can understand it, if that’s the case. being stuck with someone for more than a week makes it easier to stop liking someone. you fear that’s what happened. 
“i literally can’t even believe this right now,” he whispers under his breath, and your head shoots up to look at him. his eyes are brighter than ever, you think it’s brighter than the sun and you can’t look away. “i like you too — even though you already know…but i like you so much too. sorry i make you sick. i’ll always be here to make you feel better, though!” he assures with a sweet, toothy smile. you hate him so much. you don’t understand how he was able to change your feelings about him into a complete 180 degrees, and yes you’re complaining about it but you secretly thank whoever put you both into the future. 
“ugh, you’re disgusting. please kiss me now.” you grin, and he grins back until both of your lips meet in a soft peck. it’s sweet and innocent, and it’s more than what jungwon and you could ask for. “you have no idea how long i’ve been waiting for this moment,” jungwon says cheesily, and you roll your eyes. you make another comment about how those words are so gross but you know you felt a part of you melt. the two of you soon fall into a blissful sleep, wrapped around each other’s arms. it doesn’t occur to either of you that it’s the first time you’re sharing the bed with jungwon, but it doesn’t matter because the next morning when you wake up, it feels like it’s the best sleep you’ve ever had in your life. 
a blaring alarm wakes you up, and when you open your eyes, you find yourself in your own bed again, in your parents house. you rush to get out of bed, checking your mirror, only to see the teenager version of you once again. you smile to yourself, touching your face and you’re relieved. but the feeling is quickly set aside when jungwon crosses your mind again, and you pick up your phone to text him. you then realize you don’t have his number, because you literally hated him. you suck in a breath and decide to get ready for school, because it’s the only way you’ll be able to see him. if you do. 
you put on the first thing you see in your closet, rushing down the stairs and your parents don’t even spare a glance at you, just a “good morning sweetie!”, as if time didn’t pass when you were in a different time. you speed walk to school, and the halls are already all crowded with students talking and walking to their first class of the day. your friend greets you, but you don’t really pay much attention to what they’re talking about, and you ask them, “where’s jungwon?” they give you an odd look, “why’re you looking for him? didn’t you literally tell him that ‘anyone who has to wake up next to him is the unluckiest person ever to exist’ just yesterday?” they quote you, and you roll your eyes, waving them off. “doesn’t matter. have you seen him?” you brush it off, but when you turn your head to the left you see the boy you’ve been looking for. “never mind. gotta go, see you!” you say goodbye to your friend, who is only left staring blankly at your running figure. 
“jungwon!” you say his name as you’re making your way towards him, and his eyes meet yours. it’s only been a night, and you’ve never missed someone this much before. he smiles upon seeing you, and the two of you meet in a hug. “how did we get back?!” you ask ecstatically, but you honestly don’t care about how. you’re just happy that you’re both back with newfound perspectives of each other. he shrugs his shoulders and laughs, “i don’t know! i guess a kiss solves everything?” he jokes and makes puckering lips to you. you scrunch your nose up, holding your hand in front of his face as you feign disgust. “shut up, i hate you,” you mumble. 
you both know it’s a lie. 
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taglist!: @hafsa-hoofsa-heefs @hyunes4ngel
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moodywyrm · 1 year
moony i have been THINKING about soft dom abby and i think i might explode bc of it. i just know she talks you through it
do you mean ,,, farm hand abby ,,,, because im thinking it ,,, @pinknightsinmymind my brain is being rotted
because farm hand abby is such a soft dom. she knows she's strong and she would never wanna hurt her girl! so she's extra careful during sex.
her grip is always firm but never hard, her hands planted on your hips to pull you back into her. even when she's trying to be so gentle, she sees the bruises she leaves on your hips. she's really sad about them until you tell her how much you like them. then she gets all flustered and needy when she sees them.
speaking of marks, farm abby is a sucker for hickies. she's so gentle with you, leaving them on you when she's trailing down your body, kissing over each mark. while she's still a farmhand, she leaves them in spots only she would have access to, like your inner thighs, your lower tummy, and your tits. she doesn't want her boss – your uncle – to see them, but she can't help but leave pretty little bites on you. you're just too delicious :(
she also loves when you leave marks on her! if you have nails long enough to leave a mark, those scratches are her pride and joy. when she's got you on your back, whining and moaning and soaking her cock, and she feels the sting of your nails on her back? she's going feral, grinding as deep as possible and pushing you over the edge.
soft dom abby my love, she's 100% a praise girl. literally unable to shut up when she's pleasing you. when she's eating you out on the front porch (farmer abby) or behind one of the barns (farmhand abby)? "That's it, you taste so good baby, fucking delicious"
when she's got you pinned under her, taking her strap and pawing at her, eyes rolled back? "look at you fucking taking it, such a good girl f'me, so pretty taking my dick like that"
when you're going down on her, having begged her to let you eat her out after she's been working so hard on the farm? like you're literally on your knees on the front porch, hands gripping her thighs and begging her, until you've got your mouth latched onto her sensitive clit, fingers working against her needy cunt? "sh-shit, feels so good baby - ah - fuck, making me feel so good princess, look so pretty looking up at me like that, gonna make me cum"
soft dom abby when two inherit the farm because your uncle goes to live with your parents, letting y'all take over the business,,,,, omgomgomg
it's like it's your fucking wedding night, she carries you into the house and up to your bedroom, laying you down on the bed and stripping you piece by piece. I wanna write a full thing about this, but it's the most beautiful, gentle, loving sex you've ever had. y'all have been dating for years at this point, but now everything y'all have ever wanted is being realized: y'all have the farm and a house and a stable future together. I'm not kidding when I say she fucks you like it's your wedding night, because it practically is. makes you cum over and over again, letting you recover from each one so you don't get too too overstimulated.
soft dom abby who loves fucking you in the morning. this is absolutely bc I can't stop thinking of the plowing farmhand audio by @jupiter-va,,,,,
abby who sees you come out super early in the morning, hiding something behind your back, and immediately knows you're needy. it's not made any better by the tiny sleep shorts you wear with nothing underneath, and one of her old shirts. it always ends with her bouncing you on her strap, doing all the work while you whine and writhe and paw at her as you two sit on one of the porch chairs.
"darlin', just couldn't help it could ya? didn't I fuck you enough last night? sweet girl just needed to be taken care of, mhm?"
sometimes she's sweet and gentle, but sometimes she just can't control herself. cue her laying you down in the grass and fucking you until you leak all over her strap. or her guiding you down onto your hands and knees before hauling you back onto her cock and laughing at your sweet lil whines, and the hand you use to reach behind and push at her tummy that she just grabs and pins to your lower back before going even harder.
can I just say,,,, soft dom abby with a southern accent ,,,,, drooling. every she says sounds fucking beautiful, and if you're not Southern she Knows her accent has a profound effect on you.
farm abby ,,, her n sevika are taking over my brain,,,, woof
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kurogxrix · 1 year
Coming Of Age
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Neteyam x Metkayina!reader
IN WHICH you and your twin brother Ao’nung loved to tease the sully kids upon their arrival. Until you and neteyam grow to fall in love,you worry that he will choose another as his mate after doing his iknimaya.
A/N: Aged up!Neteyam of course. not edited or proofread idc
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You watched from the sidelines as Neteyam’s fist fastened amongst itself. His fangs were poking the inside of his soft lips harshly as the fine ends of the bone needles poked through his skin. Though the spikes were shallow, he couldn't bear the undying pain that came with it.
He was getting ready for the passing of his Iknimaya. He was receiving the first part of his tattoo, one that did not necessarily mean that he had passed his coming-of-age test. It was so far the less painful part of the tattooing, but he would only get to know that afterwards. You had already gone through the process, squeezing the poor hand of your father to the point where it paled.
You were happy for him, really. You had watched him grow into the fine Metkayina hunter that he was today. Though he was of Omatikayan origins, the clan had deemed them as one of theirs after the great war against the sky people. His partake in the
Iknimaya would only solidify this, as long as officially being able to choose the mate of his choice. A mate that he would serve his loyalty to for as long as he lives upon the lands of Pandora.
That’s what you had been worried about. It had not even been 5 months ago when the both of you had started to get closer than you already were. Before the war, when they had first arrived ; you had not been of an ounce nice to them. Your brother and you had been making them live through literal hell. Ao’nung as much like you, rough, prideful and a little bit of a bully. You two enjoyed teasing the Metkayina children, as much as it sucked to admit.
His family had just landed from their ikrans and onto the firm sandy beach of Awa’atlu, where they had been judged by your mother and clan. Nevertheless had your father given them what they had seeked for, Uturu. And for you and your brother, your father had given you the irritating responsibility of teaching the Sully kids.
Ao’nung, had taken his sweet pleasure in tourmentent the younger omatikayan children. Once it had even ended in a physical altercation, and the near death of Jake’s oldest son as he had met face to face with an akula - due to one of your brother’s amazing pranks.
You couldn’t lie when you said that teasing the darker na’vis was a fun pastime. Their reactions always managed to get the best laugh out of you, mainly the younger brother’s. He was trying too hard to be a better son for his father, a son that behaves like his perfect golden brother. You and Ao’nung had taken a pleasure in making sure that you would ruin his petty attempts at being the new perfect child amongst the sully’s.
You had noticed how your younger sister’s eyes held something particular in them whenever she would cast them towards Lo’ak. You had always been close to your little sister, although not as close as you were with your twin. She had been harsh on you that night, the night that she had confessed to you about her feelings for Jake Sully’s son. She had scolded you about your behavior, about how rude you had been treating the people who only wished for peace amongst their family.
You didn’t beg for forgiveness from your sister, because you weren’t that type of person. She knew that you would not even apologize to either her or the siblings for the way you had been acting, because being Ao’nung’s twin meant being just as much of a menace. So far about a month later, you and your sister had not spoken. You could tell that she had begun dating the Omatikaya, because they weren’t very slick. In between her loud footsteps when she snuck out at night and the longing stares, you had known it all before she could’ve even told you.
Time had passed as you had grown closer to the oldest sibling, Neteyam. He was beautiful, a pure work of art that had been moulded by Eywa herself. You had soon enough attained forgiveness from the Sully’s and had practically become best friends with their sister, Kiri. Your relationship with your sister had healed, and the one with your brother was still as strong as when you had both been birthed.
So how did you get yourself in this mess? How did you manage to fall headfirst for Jake Sully’s and Neytiri’s eldest son?
“You must catch me, or else it will be you that will be on babysitting duties tomorrow!” you yelled at him, swiftly making your way into the water. You dived down with so much grace that Neteyam couldn’t help but halt his movements for a moment as he observed you. You had called for your Ilu mid air, catching a ride on it as you broke through the water gates.
He quickly dived in after, with much less grace but he was still pretty much accurate with his dive. He too quickly mounted his ilu as he broke through the water. You raced through the vast ocean, grinning as Neteyam was far behind you. Soon enough, the two of you had arrived at your hidden spot, hidden away from the rest of the world.
You grinned cockily at him as he breached through the water, frowning and grumbling as he was now on babysitting duties for the newest addition of your family. Your baby brother that you loved with your entire heart, Mirime.
You had made yourself busy while he was grumbling, grabbing one of the many bioluminescent aqua flowers before you. They floated above the surface of the water and illuminated the small space that you were both in. They were simply beautiful. Your fingers moved expertly as you began weaving the flowers through your top, there were so many of them that it was kind of overwhelming.
‘Come sit here’ you signed to Neteyam by tapping at the spot beside you, and he wasted no time complying. He would do anything that you wished for him to, you were just too blind and obvious to notice. You gathered your breath shakily as you readied yourself to discourse about a topic that had been swirling through your mind recently.
“You will complete your iknimaya soon, given that you have already been chosen by your spirit brother.” you muttered, fingers fiddling nervously with a water flower besides you. Neteyam stared at you from his spot, tilting his head to the side at the pure confusion of your words.
“Once you finish it, you must choose a mate.”
“I’m i forced to?” He attempted to joke in order to ease the tension, but the lower of your ears caught him off guard. You looked sadly at the flower before you, before letting it go into the ocean.
“You don’t have to, silly.” You laughed at him slightly, bringing back that small smile upon your lips. “You will have the option to choose a mate now that you are of age,” the pause between your words and the next had made Neteyam’s heart race. You watched as the flower that you had previously released in the ocean rejoined the group of other similar flowers. Upon inspection, they were all ridiculously identical, and that was probably what Neteyam thought of you. That you were just like the others, that there was a better and more special woman out there for him.
If Tsireya was here and could hear your thoughts, she would’ve probably scolded you 10x more than she had done the last time. She was always so adamant on reminding you that you were particular, you were strong and quick-witted. Even though your brother would inherit the title of chief, she would always remind you of how special you were.
“Korzu is a good healer, she is a perfect match for a valiant hunter like you,” you joked, though your smile didn’t quite reach your eyes. The thought of Neteyam with another had really made your heart ache. You wanted him to be yours, and vice versa.
“Tiui is the best dancer in the clan, she’s the main dancer for every festival.” you informed him, as though he did not know who Tiui was. He had seen her before in a few celebrations, he had even complimented her before.
“She is a great dancer,” he said, a teasing smile on his face as he looked at the back of your head. At the sound of his words, you had never turned your head around fast. It strained your neck a little and the betrayed look on your face gave you away immediately. Your eyes burnt with jealousy and for a moment, you had really thought that Neteyam had already chosen the woman as his mate.
“She is a nice woman, you will find yourself at ease with her.” there it was, the self deprecating remark that Neteyam had wished not to hear. He knew that being with you would only bring him even more issues than him and his families had already been victims of. He knew that if he did choose you, Ronal would probably triple his duties just in spite.
The clan had accepted his family as theirs for months now, though your mother was still adamant. He knew that even if he was socially accepted, it could only take one mistake for them to get outcasted like they had been when they had first arrived.
Though he did not care about the predicaments, his heart was beating for you and you only. He only felt that soaring feeling when he was with you and Tiui definitely did not have the same effect that you had on him.
“I do not wish to be at ease, i think I’d prefer a troublesome life with an even more troublesome mate.” he finished and your beautiful aqua eyes widened at his confession. You wanted to jump in his arms, feel like the most special na’vi woman just for one night. But you knew that you could not afford it, you could not afford to see the sully family suffer more because of you. You had already been so mean to them in the past, being mated with Neteyam was like adding the final drop to the overflowing cup.
“We cannot Neteyam, you cannot. Being with me will only bring your family into more of a muddle.” you said dejectedly, looking down at your finned-hands.
“Hey, don’t say that. We can find a way, I will find a way for us to be happy together. We will run away if we must!” you could help yourself with the giggle that escaped your mouth at his wild request. If he hadn’t already made his love for you obvious before, then she surely had now. He stared into your light blue eyes before looking down at the congregation of flowers in front of the both of you.
Both of your legs were dangling in the water, the cool liquid soothing your nerves. He gazed at the similar looking flowers before his fiery yellow eyes had spotted a unique flower upon the midst of the others. Even though it held the same shape as the other flowers, its beauty had just seemed so different from the others. It shone a different colour than all the other flowers, definitely an eye catcher.
Neteyam wasted no time in grabbing the flower delicately, ripping it from its long roots that connected from the bottom of the sand. He brought it up to your face as he tucked it securely behind your ear. His concentrated look alongside his actions could only make you blush, an indigo colour overtaking your features.
“You are so special to me, yawne (beloved). I only wish to make you feel loved until my heart stops beating. Though, you must accept me first,” Neteyam softly whispered. His disgustingly sweet tone brought goosebumps riding up along your arms and the warm smile that he gave you only made it worse. He reached for his queue, bringing it to his front as your ears raised in awe.
He wasn’t pressuring you in anything. He was giving you an option. The option to love him or not to. Though to you it wasn’t an option, you had fallen madly in love with the boy for longer than you could recall. You reached for your own dark-coloured silky braid, bringing it forward as it hovered next to his.
“I can only wish to offer you the same, Neteyam.” you smiled, and without hesitating had you done the Tsaheylu. Your tendrils wrapped against each other, entangling under the soft light of the glowing flowers. Both your pupils dilated as you felt him. You felt his racked breathing and his excitement. The feeling was new to the both of you, and you loved to relish in the feeling of his heart beat. You could feel it, as well as how fast or hard it was beating.
He suddenly urged forward, dragging you in a long awaited kiss. His lips pressed against yours as he tilted his head for better access. You were currently in nirvana, on cloud 9. You could feel his love and devotion through the bond and through the passionate kiss that you both shared. Before the kiss could get anymore heated, you had pulled away to give him an adoring look before cupping his delicate face into your hand.
That night you had explored each other, becoming one before Eywa. The repercussions of your actions would come later, for now you were both just trying to bask in each other’s love and comfort
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yourlocalstranger123 · 10 months
Hey! I was wondering if you could do obey me datebles with a yoimiya from genshin impact? She loves fireworks and has a child like way of looking at things and great with kids.
I love her so much🥰
Sorry if its to much or you not taking ask's. So just ignore if so😅 this way my first time so sorry.
《Summary》: You were quite the cheerful human to them. Being literally everyone's therapy as they enjoyed your cheerfulness and the warmth you give out. You were good with children too!
(Maybe they should start a family with you—)
Reader can be read as a girl or boy. Idk
A/N: I do not remember the lessons well so if I get some details wrong, apologies. Also Beel and Mammon has the same end color, sorry!!
Easter egg: Did you notice I did a little something about the brothers? Y'know, what demon they are. EXCEPT for asmodeus, instead of "lust," it's "attraction/attract" bc I don't really wanna use the word lust for this....❌️ Also, with Satan, too. I put in multiple words that can equal like some wrath in a friendly way? For ex: his heart felt tortured but felt in a good way or etc. (Love definitely lmao)
(No. I do not have a favorite just because I gave levi a sticker. I can't find a good one for his symbol, so...AND BECAUSE I DEFINITELY CAN SEE HIM TRYING TO DO PICK UP LINES WHILE CONFESSING HIS LOVE TO YOU LMAO—)
♤♡~《Obey me•°××× ×××°•Brothers》~◇♧
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(Both should be from obey me game official art)
× he always ignored you. Never really interacting with you unless necessary. You gained quite the popularity of being such a sweet, kind girl.
× But when you defended Luke and took responsibility when he accidentally took the grimoire as you and Beel were simply trying to hide him, he felt his heart ache. Why?
♤ He wanted to apologize to you for yelling at you and almost killing you, but his pride was overthrowing it. But....you...you still welcome him. Asking him if he wanted to join you and his brothers seeing your fireworks. Of course, he declined. Saying it's not worth his time and he's busy as the brothers complained at him for being so mean!
♤he secretly watched you out of the window of his office. Clenching his hands as he saw you all enjoying your fireworks. Heart thumping when he saw your beautiful and warm smile....how could you smile like that? Especially to demons...so freely..
♤ he decided to maybe try interacting with you. Only saying it's for business and only trying to make you comfortable. (He just wanted to spend time with you)
♤ seeing how busy he was, eyes drooping as his hair was messy while he was still doing papers. You decided to convince him to go outside, not letting him know something,,
♤ he went outside with a small blanket you wrapped around him. He sat down on a bench next to you as he looked where you pointed. His eyes shined, filling with bright colors as he saw fireworks firing beautiful into the night sky. He tried covering his face with his arm as he starting tearing up.
♤ he felt a warm hand wiping of his tears as you looked at him, patting his back. It wasn't out of pity, just pure warmth and concern. He finally lets himself rest. Leaning onto your shoulder as he listened to the popping of the fireworks....
♤ everyone was shocked when him, the work-alcoholic getting out of his office to spend some time outside?! He glared at the staring eyes but soften when you happily walked around. So cheerful as you played with the children approaching you. No wonder his brothers and other people had such a liking and attraction towards you.
♤ he was so proud and prideful that he had you on his side and in his life too.
"You're like the peace between heaven and hell. Bring warmth to both sides.....[name], I love you"
(When you kissed him, you could see him smiling as if he wasn't nervously blushing while doing it. And giving him an extra kiss on the cheek? You would make his day better)
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(1st is wedding art from obey me game) (2nd is from @angyefdez in Twitter)
× he did really care about you. Only after money, of course, but he didn't know why you kept cheering him up when he's precious Goldie, the credit card was taken away. Always trying to cheer him up with your fireworks and being playful in a random park, which he somehow enjoys a lot and always hopes it every time his precious credit card is taken away.
× the way you laughed but still respected him as the great mammon made a tug on his heart. Clenching on his chest as he thought about you. Whenever he goes shopping and sees something you like, he imagines how happy you would be. Then poof, he suddenly bought it.
$ blushing furiously as he just shoves the gift into your arms and says, "You're w- welcome!" And just walks away. But you can feel the stare burning a hole through your back behind a wall as you open it. Chuckling as you hugged the gift onto your chest. Keeping it near your heart as you smiled. Suddenly, his heart suddenly goes wild! And as he clutched onto his chest, he looks away and blushes.
$ now he buys you gifts every time he goes shopping. Small, big, cute, fancy, you always seem to appreciate it. Praising him and thanking him every time. He sometimes pouts when you hang out with some weak old demon. He's the avatar of greed?! Why hang out with them?!
$ but every time you ask him if he wants to hang out with you and watch your fireworks, always forget about it and willingly follow you. Sitting on the grass, he smiles when you light up a firework and see the usual big warm grin as you run to him and carelessly flop down and wait.
$ he felt quite greedy over you, wanting more of your attention and being more spoiled with your love and affection. (Like who wouldn't)
$ As he watches the fireworks burning brightly, giving light to the dark of the sky. As if the stars are shining even brighter and reflecting off your figure, he looks at you. Smiling as his hand scoots over and comes over yours.
"You're my treasure. I will put you on top of everything, my daimond. [Name], please become my everything, I love you"
(HE WOULD BLUSH SO MUCH THAT STEAM WOULD COME OFF HIS HEAD IF YOU KISSED HIM! and on the lips? You definitely would make him pass out)
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(Both are official art of obey me game)
× he enjoys fireworks, as it burns brightly and beautifully. He was surprised when he found you slightly messy and with your hair tied up as you're making fireworks. You noticed that he just stood there near the door of your room, watching you.
× You didn't touch him without washing your hands first, and he liked that. He liked that you respected his personal space and boundaries (even though he would love for you to touch him)
× Oh, how he loved to style your hair. It doesn't matter if it takes hours. He'll still do it. He watches you when you would play around with the children and twirl them around. He almost squealed when he felt you pick him up (even if you're shorter than him) and also twirl him around (like a pretty little princess fr. Just like the baby girl he is lmao-)
♡ His face goes slightly pink whenever he sits down as you show him some small fireworks for him to use. Every night, he lays down in bed, thinking about you and what you were gonna plan for him tomorrow. He giggles like a girl teenager in love as he drifts off to sleep, smiling.
♡ He walks along with you as you cover his eyes with a blindfold. He felt you stop and taking off his blindfold. Opening his eyes, he slightly gasped when he found himself near a lake as the night was a full moon. Hearing you chuckle and setting up the fireworks, he watches in awe. It was so beautiful.......
♡but the thing that most attracts his attention was you
"You are the one that shines brightly and beautifully in my eyes. You never wither away like a flower and always stay tall and strong, [name], I love you so much"
(He would kiss you first, definitely. Wrapping his arms around your neck or waist as he kisses you. You would take him aback if you kiss him back, and you could see him blushing as he grins. He'll definitely enjoy it if you picked him up and held him like a pretty little princess again and smothering his face with kisses)
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(Both from obey me game)
× He never really gave any thoughts about you. He always sees you playing games with children, either outside games, inside games, or even video games. Although your style of making up games was interesting, he still didn't pay much attention....Until you caught him wearing Ruri-Chan merch and her dress..... (You thought he enjoys cross-dressing or like wearing feminine clothing until he corrected you.....you may or may have not bought him more Ruri-Chan merch and dress)
× he was sooo embarrassed!!! He avoided you as much as he could and locked himself in his room for days!! Not until you knocked on the door, asking about Ruri-Chan and Anime. Saying that you were interested. Which made him hesitant but thrilled to show you the world of it. He squealed when he finally had someone to watch Ruri-Chan and Anime with him!
🎮 And when you asked him to play some video games with you, oh, you could see the excitement in his eyes. He made you come to his room every night and play with him [Don't let your dirty minds go wild >:( ] He would hog you so much that even the Brothers got jealous and tried taking you away from him for their own time with you.
🎮 He always envy those who captured your attention as if he doesn't already hog your attention. (Every brother would, especially Mammon since he is the demon of greed)
🎮 He would hesitate about going outside and spending time instead of staying in his room watching Ruri-Chan and playing video games. But he still followed you. He watches you play games with the children as you drag him over to join you and them. He never felt so active in physical activity. But it was worth it seeing the smile you had.
🎮 He found you making fireworks as you were excited to show him it. He quickly tried putting a blanket on the ground and patted the spot near him. You set off the fireworks as you ran back and laughed. Pointing at the sky, he saw fireworks blooming into a figure. It was Ruri-Chan! He was so excited and watched it as Ruri-Chan made different poses for each fireworks. He really loved spending time with you.....and he loves you
"U- uh, ahaha...." He flips the pages of a book as you stand there and chuckle. "A- are you Wi-fi? Because I can feel a connection!" Or "Are you my phone(life) charger? Because without you, I'd die!"
(Here's the real confession after those pick-up lines and he definitely still is stuttering hehe)
"[Name]...I- I uhm....I would love to spend my life with you...I love you!"
(He'll become redder than red itself if you kiss him anywhere, and he'll explode like a volcano if you kiss him on the lips.)
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(Both from game)
× he was interested in your fireworks. After you got closer with him, he actually asked for a custom firework. (The fireworks were like klee bombs on safety mode as fireworks) Amazed how it can burn so brightly without burning the near surrounding things since it was on fire....literally.....you kinda had to have a bucket of water ready since it was so hot that it actually burned something.(his heart) the plants ahhaah....
× his heart softly bounded against his chest lately. Did you put a spell on him? He grumbles for the whole day but soon lit up like a cat who sees their favorite person with a treat when he sees you. As soon as he realized, he blushed and quickly walked away. Leaving you behind cunfused.
🔥 this feeling felt painful, torturing, but felt so good. But it felt way worse when he wasn't with you for a while. And even WORSER when he sees you with some random demon. He just felt like ripping that demon to shreds, making them regret and wish they were dead.
🔥He starts to miss you, slightly pouting a bit. But he heard a meow outside his door, checking on it he sees you holding a cat as you have fireworks in a bag.
🔥 he happily held the cat in his arms as he excitedly followed you. Standing under a tree, he watches the fireworks with you. Leaning softly over to your shoulder. And he even invited himself to lay his head on your lap when you let him!
"You set my heart ablaze. It feels so hot but feels so good. But it hurts me to see you with someone else. You have my soul in your hands as it is on a firely blaze.....[name], I love you"
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halevren · 3 months
FHJY Spoilers || my live thoughts as I watch episode 10
Happy mid season episode! I am saddened by the fact that I work on Wednesdays because I will be late to watch fhjy until the forseeable future. If anyone cares though I plan on buying the adya statuette next week if my finances allow for it :3 also I am so tired rn but I NEED to watch fhjy
Do you guys think ayda will appear in this episode after her statuette was released last week? (Praying)
tttaking over teenage rebellion!
Lucy Frostblade... You were just a girl. You didn't deserve everything that happened to you
"We're feeling bad. But we're feeling... Hopefully positive."
stress isn't always the bed guy
big old burned down house
Cottoncandy Bitchfuck
"I'm.... Bored. That's not true. I'm not bored at all. I'm just tired."
Hindesight is 50/50
"Oh I love this. Tell me all about it."
Siobhan is loving Aelwyn rn
"I do sometimes believe in you"
"So Sentimental"
Aelwyn and Adaine are so important to me their sibling relationship is everything
"Oh, my sweet little boy is sick!"
"just don't tell fab— don't tell anyone my apartment looks like this"
The Gukgak
I'm the Gukgak guy!
"Oh, Riz, you have to sleep, Kiddo." "I can't, mom, I don't have time." Oh Riz....
Riz is so exhausted
It's been an hour and a half and his mom has chips and a drink 😭😭
"Mom, you have to be so careful."
"Keep my name out of your mouth." FIG 😭😭
"it's all good, mom"
"Fig has like 3 majors now" "maybe 4, i might take a level of wizard."
"Kristen Applebees, believe it or not." "... huh." HWHHWKWNEB
"You both keep my name out of your mouth."
"It's been our month!"
Lola Embers recommended Gorgug's place??
"Mom I'm going to go to Loam farm."
*shrug* "mom." *shrug*
"We're having a rough one." "GOT 'EM."
"I'll do it." Fig cleric teacher?!?!
TAMAGOTCHI. MaryAnn my beloves
The puppet master!
"Ha Ha! Darling Girl!"
Gilear is king for the day
"My mom called you?"
"I don't need a ride to school anymore"
"I believe she's wanted here."
"Can I say hi??"
That's so devastating
Coffee all over the DM screen
Yeah they haven't addressed the fact that fig is cursed
Pussy out, tits away
Theres so much going on
ohhh they might be sacrificing the rats
"I'm wearing a sports bra and a G-string, and I want to be closer with all of you."
Fabian with Mazey is so painful. He's so flustered and awkward I love him
"I'm here, for you."
"Kristen was in a mood."
Fried rice
"Wait, they don't like us??"
"When you think about me, why do you always bring up the ball?"
oh Fabian...,...........
"The legend continues."
"I was going to get a tattoo, actually."
"Even if you weren't maximum legend, I would still wanna hang out with you." MAZEEYYYYY 😭😭😭😭
Absence of divinity???
The gift is only mentioned in old texts??
"Well I guess I'll go to work."
Basrar is dead
"Literally your circus, literally your monkeys."
Tips are bad
Check the soil kids
Lydia mention 🔥🔥🔥
Kristen holds so much hostility for Kalina 😭😭
Oh Lydia...
AV club mention
The powerhouse of the cell
Aggression and protectiveness
7 becomes a 21?!?!!
22 Arcana, 25 religion
Elemental alignment???
Fiendish things going on
Yellow gold
Kinda like the pride of armor and lemon yogurt
Ratgrinders sticker
"I don't get angry, I think I get sad sometimes" me too buddy, me too
Sometimes a spell comes out and obliterates people
Comedy of errors
Bobby Dawn and Pam Dawn
Bobby Dawn coming to Aguefort sounds like a bad thing
"I'll never let you do that."
"Yours only came back once." *middle finger* Kristen Applebees you will always be famous
A+ in paladin classes!
"Sorry! Get away from me"
Reasons he won't divulge???
A+ in all classes!!!
Zara is gorgeous
The days of Goldenhoard is over 😭😭
Oh my god I almost prophesied this when I said Kristen would become a cleric/warlock of Fig.... instead Fig is the warlock/paladin of Kristen 😭😭😭
I'm the closest thing to a prophet holy shit
New god, agreement, todo list
Complicated Women: Lucy Frostblade 😭😭
Oh my god
"Frick. I'm so sorry." "I'm not." Wanda Childa
"I'm off the grid that's why I only have an iPod"
God... Wanda Childa
"Do you want me to get you a phone?"
"I want to do relationships with Riz."
Medal of Wit
You absolutely sweetie
29 performance 🔥🔥
Naked Kristen. Again.
Oh god Fabian is at 4 at his second roll
"Breaker Breaker, this is Fabian Seacaster, looking for his papa, Bill Seacaster, somewhere out there in the nine hells............"
This is so heartbreaking... Fabian...
Oh Fabian...
His papa.....
He probably feels so lonely
Rage token.....
This rage token is making me take a stress token
Everyone single one has been bad
Constitution saving throw???
oh no
oh no
oh no
"I shit myself"
"I've only been eating leftovers"
oh my god
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svt-nari · 11 months
svt reacts to nari and cheol (pt. 1) !
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— he always knew about cheol’s feelings and he was sure they would end up together.
— it was just a matter of time in his opinion.
— when cheol called him saying that it was the day he was gonna confess, that he was a nervous wreck, jeonghan was exploding from happiness.
— he just wants what’s best for his members!
— when nari told him through message that it had happened he just knew he had to tease them about it.
— the only one who has the balls to tease nari tho…
— he wasn’t surprised but he was really happy, one of the most excited ones once he found out that they were - finally - together.
— helps them with whatever he can just to see them happy and healthy.
— shua found out through nari because she was a nervous wreck about meeting cheol.
— poor baby was nervous for his friend :(
— i mean, nari made him nervous through their phone call…
— got so hyped up when he got the news that they were finally a couple!
— the one who takes most of their pictures ^^
— baby was so serious about letting the other members figure it out by themselves.
— like, bro acted all surprised when they decided to break the news to all of the others!
— acted all 😱😱😱😱
— and nari just rolled her eyes at him with a “bro you already knew it”
— which made him shush her bc he didn’t want the other to feel left out
— which earned him a lot of ‘boo’s.
— he’s just protective of his friends and wants the best for them.
— junnie was in china when cheolri decided to finally be a couple
— so, nari called him right after she got home from their date
— and SCREAMED to jun about it
— was all “WE ARE DATING!”
— and poor junhui was so startled that he just understood what she meant on the other day
— so he sent her a cute ‘im happy for you 🥰’
— he literally sent a message to minghao right after
— and was all like “bruh, they finally got together”
— so he ended up killing two birds with a stone
— he’s one of nari’s number 1 fanboy which results in him fighting cheol sometimes
— ^ only kidding tho, jun knows he’s too young to die so he doesn’t test cheol’s patience
— he’s overall just really happy that they found their happiness in each other.
— so. damn. dramatic.
— like, bro almost cried because, according to him:
— “my nari is too young to get married!”
— and the couple’s eyes got so wide with his statement
— started denying - even though they really considered the idea - that they would get married that soon.
— was upset for awhile
— especially when they told him he wasn’t the first one to know about it
— ^ full on sulking for an entire week until nari bribed him with a new phone case.
— really supportive!!!
— cries a lot about them when he drinks, saying that they only deserve happiness.
— cares a lot for them and nari is really grateful for it.
— my boy wonwoo was actually the one who first said that they really matched each other’s energies.
— like, in his gut he knew there was something else
— so he wasn’t that surprised when they told him that they were together.
— ^ just shocked with his newfound skill.
— likes to pride himself in that though.
— he secretly enjoy watching them together,
— brings a kind of comfort watching the two of them being all lovey-dovey with each other.
— he snaps a picture or two whenever he has the chance.
— tells them to enjoy every moment together
— he’s glad that they have each other.
— he knew that the lyrics nari wrote were describing someone he knew,,,
— all the sweet smiles whenever she talked about the song were the same ones she would direct to coups
— he pieced everything together quite quickly
— then, one day, nari arrived at the studio earlier with cheol
— ^ they were recording for the new album
— and woozi was in a meeting with the other producers before he went to the recording session
— to his surprise, when he entered it, the couple was holding hands while sitting on the couch
— with nari’s head on cheol’s shoulder
— and then he knew
— teased cheol for a good time
— like, whenever he receives lyrics that are all overly sweet
— he will immediately call seuncheol out on it and start the bickering
— though, he uses them for inspiration since he can feel the love whenever they are together.
— proud that they don’t care about what anyone has to say.
all rights reserved © svt-nari, 2023
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devvinn1ie · 4 months
an (un)helpful guide to 1-E
I just realized I barely talked about each individual 1-E kid, so here's that. Basically just a quick summary of everyone.
(going in order of the seating chart)
Wameku Nanase:
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Vice class-representative
Quirk: Volume, she's able to change the volume of any sound (from really blasting something to full-on muting it)
serious + uptight attitude, but also a natural born leader who looks out for others
Kudasai Rena:
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Class representative
Quirk: Memory Edition, Three parts basically: she members everything, can look into the memories of others, and change other people's memories.
A natural-born leader, seems put together and organized, but is secretly stressed.
Tanya Alfred:
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one of the few foreign exchange students of the 1st year class
Quirk: Limb Generation, she can generate additional limbs (arms, legs, fingers) on her body
confident, strong-willed, and hardworking. One she sets her mind on something, she will acheive it
Murasaki Hideki:
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1/3 of the mian trio
Quirk: Geometry, can make any three-dimensional shape from thin air, but at a cost of his energy
cold and sharp-tongued, but has a softer side that only few see
Kikuyu Seishi:
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Quirk: Jackson's Chameleon (often shortened to just "Chameleon"), a mutant quirk that makes him resemble a chameleon and makes him capable od doing what ever a chameleon can.
a quiet person, ot because he hates them but more like he lacks social skills. A socially awkward person who just trying his best.
Miyama Yashiro:
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Quirk: Stone Statue: can turn any inanimate object (+ eventually living things) into stone with all five fingers. All effects can be reversed.
A prideful person with an outward personality, a kinda a handful. Bros just a big goof tho
Kinzoku Ryosei:
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Quirk: Can generate (via iron content in blood) + manipulate metals at a certain range. Honestly, the fact he failed the entrance exam baffles like most of the class.
He’s a little goofy guy, often rambling about absolute nonsense but also a sweetheart
Kangae Noriko: 
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⅔ of the main trio
Main character moment
Quirk: Mind reader, literally the most self-explanatory one, she can read the mind of other people.
Impulsive and a bit of an airhead, but determined to meet her goals
Tsuzuko Kamon:
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Quirk: plush dool, makes him resemble that of a stuffed animal. Essentially makes him like a human shield (Cant feel pain, absorbs shocks, ect)
Sweet guy who radiates innocence, but is kinda oblivious tho
Fujimoto Ikumi:
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3/3 of the mian trio
Quirk: Yarn, her hair is yarn that can be manipulated and extended to great lengths.
Quiet and sweet when you first meet her, but can become just as lively as Noriko and Hideki with the right conditions.
Chijō Daishin:
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Quirk: Rock, can manipulate and generate rocks via minerals form the food he eats
Energetic and confident, but alos very, very loud
Hedoro Emika:
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Quirk: Slime Body, she can turn into a little blob of slime, can increase/decrease in size, trap things in her body, and fit through tight spaces
A cheerful person who likes being with other people can easily talk to anyone without any problems
Ikenoue Hakaru:
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Quirk: Melt Off, by touching an inanimate object (or even people) with all five fingers, he can turn anything into a more liquified state.
Straightforward, apathetic, overly sarcastic, and very, very honest. One of the least social people in the class.
Kagayaku Amiyuki:
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Quirk: Spherical Light, which can take sun rays and convert them into light orbs. Can be used to attack or just light up a room, can be stored
Very anti-social, not like “ew people”, more like “AAAAAA PEOPLE”, quiet and often tries to avoid her classmates
Hinazuki Satoru:
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Quirk: Switch Blade, his hands can turn into switchblades with one swift motion with his hands (Edward Scissorhands, more like Edward Knifehands)
A laidback guy who can get along with practically anyone
Anabuki Masada:
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“Quirk”: Bro isn't human, they can fire beams of light, extend their limb lengths, and have leg jets, They’re also fireproof and waterproof, with his only real weakness being electrocution
A being curious about the world around him, but is working on expressing emotion
Daiba Tokuro:
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Quirk: Bomb, can make explosives via the proteins in his cells, honestly one of the most powerful students in the class
Just seems like a pretty normal dude, but with the right conditions, he can turn into a chaotic, super acceptive, and hyperactive,
Yamazaki Takage:
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Quirk: Hallucination, can make others start to hallucinate by making eye contact with them
Despite his cheerful exterior, they are often described as weird and peculiar 
Hanasaka Kao:
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Quirk: Plant Growth, can grow plants from her body via planting seeds into her body (it's a fun process)
The older sister figure in the class, she often looks out for them and just wishes to protect them
Sakamata Kazuya:
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Quirk: Orca, can do whatever a orca can (in/out of water)
A very quiet person who often mind his own business, but tends to notice the smallest things
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merryfortune · 6 months
a white milk moustache.
Written for the Winter Holiday Bingo
Prompts provided by @sweetspicybingo
Prompt: Milk & Cookies
Ship: Takumi/Yui
Fandom: Delicious Party Pretty Cure
Rating: T
Word Count: 1,557
Warnings: None
Tags: Fluff, Crushes, Pining, Pre-Canon, Food as a Metaphor for Love
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   Takumi did not pride himself on being on time.
   In the metaphorical sense. Not a literal one.
   Literally, he was quite the punctual young man. However, metaphorically, he was very rarely at the right place at the right time. He was either too soon - hyper prepared for a scenario which never comes to fruition - or too late - hyper prepared for a scenario which never came to fruition. He was very good at sticking his foot in his mouth in his own unique way of being socially awkward.
   Surprisingly, this was not one of these times.
   “Good timing, Takumi-kun, I just got these cookies out of the oven. Want to eat them with me?” Yui asked, beaming. She looked adorable with a smile which was ear to ear. 
   The whole of her house smelled delicious. It always did, of course. Her family’s restaurant was award winning and very successful. However, usually, it smelt delicious with savoury smells. Not sweet ones, like perfectly cooked vanilla and a hint of chocolate.
   “I’d like that.” Takumi replied.
   He’d only come around to Yui’s place on a whim. He was already on top of his homework, there was nothing good to watch on television and it was pretty boring to sit around all day staring at the wall. At least doing that last thing with Yui would be preferable to doing it all by himself.
   “Then come and sit down. I’ll get us some plates.” Yui said.
   She grabbed Takumi’s hand and pulled him past the threshold of where her house started and where her family’s restaurant stopped. Her fingers wrapped around his wrist and she darted off into the back room where the sun room was. She was way too fast for Takumi, especially on slick lacquered floors in just her socks but despite being loud and boisterous as she was, Yui never slipped and never took Takumi down with her.
   She laughed as she dumped him on the edge of the sun room and it was there, so close to the open plan kitchen, where the smell of cookies was at its strongest and most delectable. Takumi got comfortable at the low table with a pillow underneath him and looked out to the garden.
   It really was the perfect day to bake cookies, no wonder the idea had dawned on Yui. It was a classic winter’s day. It was brisk and cold outside, trees bent and shook with a frigid wind that blew and the courtyard was glazed with a near permanent frost. Takumi wouldn’t be surprised if it started to snow later, it wasn’t on the forecast but looking out into Yui’s backyard, and what he could see of his own, it felt like it would. The clouds were the right colour and the sky was almost indigo.
   “So how’s your day been?” Yui asked.
   “Yeah, good, kinda boring.” Takumi replied.
   “Mm, same, not much you can do on a day like this except stay inside and make your own fun.” Yui mused. “I would much rather be out and about playing soccer or something but it's way too cold!”
   Takumi half laughed to himself. The way Yui had enunciated her complaint with the cold was just oddly funny to him. He heard the clatter of plates in the drawer and that caught his attention. He twisted around at his waist to look over his shoulder. Not only was Yui getting them both little saucer plates to put the cookies on, she was also arranging some empty glasses to go with them.
   Upon noticing that Takumi was staring, Yui asked, “Do you want any milk to go with them?”
   “Yeah, sure.” Takumi shrugged.
   “Cool, and do you want it warmed up?” Yui asked.
   Takumi screwed up his face, “I’m not a little kid.” he grumbled.
   “I wasn’t saying you were? I just think it’d go nice.” Yui pouted. Her cheek puffed out to the side.
   “No thank you then.” Takumi huffed. He hadn’t meant to offend Yui but it seemed like he had.
   “Okay then I’ll only warm enough for me.” Yui said.
   “Good for you.” Takumi said.
   Yui kept fluffing around in the kitchen and the conversation fell silent. Takumi waited at the low table and drummed his fingers on its surface. He kept stealing glances at her however. She just looked so cute in her element. Even when she was all rugged up in her winter casual wear.
   Christmas and New Year were right around the corner. It was the thick of winter and then the calendar year was going to change a week after one of the most romantic days of the year. It was no Valentine’s Day but… It was close enough, right, being a couple’s holiday.
   Takumi kept a sigh to himself. He felt thankful enough to spend any time during winter break with Yui before they moved into the second year of middle school. He’d had a crush on her for as long as he could remember and maybe someone with more bravado than he would have confessed by now but Takumi just wanted to wait for the right time. When he was certain of himself and what he would say and how Yui would react. They were the best of friends, he didn’t want to ruin that by making it a thing. 
   Still, his heart skipped a beat as Yui served him up some butter cookies with cold milk. 
   “Here you go.” she said, breaking him out of his reverie.
   “Thanks.” Takumi replied.
   “I hope you enjoy,” Yui said as she then sat down with him, “I baked them with love.” 
   Takumi blushed. Seriously… How could Yui say these things?! She laughed it off but even so, how dense and oblivious she could be. She was too sweet and forthright for her own good at times, her genuine earnest both her biggest virtue and her biggest flaw. It’s exactly what Takumi liked about her.
   “And a pinch of salt. It brings out the sweetness.” Yui said.
   “Yeah, I’ve heard that before somewhere, maybe from your grandmother…” Takumi said.
   “Yeah, maybe. Or me. Quoting my grandmother.” Yui said.
   She laughed awkwardly. It was still a touch raw but it was obvious to Takumi that giving Yui the space to talk about her grandmother and remember her, and more importantly cherish her, helped. He picked up his glass of milk, his fingertips were frozen by how chilled it was.
   “Cheers.” he said.
   “Cheers.” Yui agreed.
   She didn’t leave him hanging for long before clinking her own glass of milk - warmed - against his. They held that pose for a moment and shared a sustained smile. Then, they both tucked in.
   “Aah, they’re so good.” Yui praised herself and it was well deserved.
   Objectively, Yui was a kitchen goddess and to prove it, these cookies were nothing less than sublime. The texture was perfect: buttery, crumbly, yet at the same time melt in your mouth soft. They had just a hint of cocoa taste in the checkerboard pattern of vanilla and chocolate. Speaking of, the design and execution were so good, it really demonstrated how precise and steady her hand was. Best of all, they tasted better than how they looked.
   They paired perfectly with the milk, but of course, milk and cookies was a classic combination.
   “Thanks for sharing.” Takumi said.
   He took a sip of milk and enjoyed the coldness. The sun room was well air conditioned and so was comfortably warm, but looking out to the backyard and seeing the state of mid-winter, it felt right somehow. He glanced at Yui and sure enough, she was guzzling down her warmed milk.
   When she finished, she smacked her lips together and sighed contentedly, “Thank you for sharing your company, it made it even yummier.” Yui said.
   Takumi smiled a small smile. He glanced at Yui and his eyes widened. He laughed.
   “You have something on your face.” he said.
   She blinked, “huh? I do?”
   “Yup, right here.” Takumi said.
   He traced along his upper lip to show Yui exactly where she had something on her face: a white milk moustache.
   “Oh, oops.” she laughed embarrassedly upon realising it.
   She moved her lips around and her lips twitched. She could feel it now and it clearly bothered her.
   “Here, let me.” Takumi said.
   He plucked a serviette from a dispenser in the middle of the table. He leaned across it and Yui stilled herself for him. Meanwhile, his own heart raced as he got close - too close? - to her and dabbed along her upper lip. He was so close, he could steal a kiss if he wasn’t careful. In the meantime, he was gentle as he cleaned her up.
   “Thanks, Takumi-kun.” Yui said. “I can always depend on you.”
   “You're welcome.” Takumi replied as he scrubbed the last of Yui’s milk moustache off her face.
   Now would be a good time, some part of him knew, but not yet. He wasn’t ready, even though his heart swelled as he scrunched up the serviette now that it had been used. He and Yui began to chat some more, ate some more cookies, and Takumi began to wonder if next year might be when he would be neither too soon nor too late to confess his feelings. That, just like right now, he would have good timing.
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shankschewtoy · 2 years
hey, hi SO KAJAKS i read some of you works and 🛐🛐 damn, it is so good. (but why do you bully my man so much??😭😭 im talkin bout kid lmao)
my request is could you write for (surprise surprise) kid x gn!reader in where he is in a relationship w someone who's... like really quiet in school (plus sleeps in class) but talks waay too much when alone w him (about any stupid thing they like), they're tired 24/7, super sarcastic and love to "trash talk" people w kid (i just see that happening kajsk). and don't worry if you don't like the request or something, feel free to ignore and delete it!!!
a/n - Kajsjsbdjdbc you’re so sweet I’m so glad you like my stuff 🥺 Idk why I bully him sm sorryyy- and oml I feel like kid and reader would literally be the best trash talkers, whispering, gossiping, omg. Yes. And we all love a sleep deprived reader <3
Warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, sleep deprivation, I might bully kid, I’ll try my best not to :’)
No you.
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It was another boring day in class. You felt like you were about to fall asleep, the teacher’s rambling on- whatever little nuances in the historical textbook the class was reading was only feeding your fatigue even more. You fiddled with your pencil, twirling it around in your fingers as you sunk into the plastic chair. The chair wasn’t that comfortable, but with the 1 hour of sleep you got, plus being in class made you think that literally anything was alright to sleep on. Some kid right next to you was diligently copying down every single word the teacher was saying. You looked at the font of the heading of the subject, “Slavery and Plague” was written in glittery pink letters, highlighted with a pastel purple. You could only look at it with a tired and deadpan look, and when the kid looked at you, she had a horrified look on her face. You saw the look in her eyes, that disgusting look of a nerdy tattle tale teacher’s pet. “Ms. Schusterman? The person next to me isn’t paying attention to your lesson!” She shouted in the most prissy, bratty, idiotic sounding voice you’ve ever heard. No one in your class but Kid knew your name, you didn’t think they needed to know, and honestly who cared. You were mostly the quiet kid in class. “I have a name- dumbass..” You muttered under your breath. You looked behind you, across the room until your eyes gazed at familiar, spiky red hair. Eustass Kidd, the scary, intimidating guy that you were together with. He looked over in your direction and he made a dumb face to mimic the girl that just ratted you out. You snickered softly, taking your hood off your head. “Oh really? Miss…” The teacher started to say before frantically scrambling to grab the class seating chart. You couldn’t help but silently try to not laugh while your teacher struggled to find your name according to her seating chart. “Ah, y/n l/n.. I suggest you pay attention, or else you might fail the upcoming exams.” The teacher said with an orderly tone before going back to her lecture. “Thanks a lot nerd.” You muttered angrily at the girl next to you. The girl had the smuggest look on her face, pride written all over her. “Hmph!” She huffed at you, turning back to her notebook and continuing to write her little dumb little notes on her paper. You rolled your eyes, sinking back into your chair, reluctantly pulling your gaze towards the textbook in front of you. You almost felt like slamming the book into the girl’s head, but you didn’t have the energy to do anything. You never did.
Right when the bell rang, you’ve never snapped out of a daze more quickly. You started to pack your backpack, putting your notebook and textbook into the big pocket. The girl walked up to you, unsurprisingly. “So y/n, if you ever need help with like- maybe not failing the tests? You can always ask me! I love helping the dumber kids.” She’d say with her textbook in her arms. She had the most- irritating expression on her face, just her voice made you want to slam her face into the ground. “Just go away. I hate teacher’s pets.” A familiar voice said, standing behind you and wrapping his arms around you. “K-Kid?!” She shouted, her cheeks flushing red. It hit you, Oh my god. This bitch has a crush on Kid- welp- that’s another thing to make fun of. You thought to yourself with a smirk. “What’s wrong? You scared of me? I said scram.” Kid said with a smile, leaning half his body into your back. The girl had the most frustrated expression on her face. It looked like her eyes were about to pop out of her head from embarrassment and anger. “You’re with him?! How could someone like- you end up with him?!” She yelled angrily. “Ohhh so you like him huh?? That’s cute. Maybe you should be with her Kid.” You joked with a lethargic tone, looking up at your boyfriend. He chuckled, smiling at the girl, leaving her speechless. You honestly didn’t know that she had a crush on him, but what better way to make fun of her than this? You hardly had to do any work which was also super convenient. The girl stomped off rather dramatically, and you two burst out laughing. “PFT- THE STOMPS- WHAT A BRAT-!” You cackled, almost falling to the ground in laughter. Kid was also about to collapse, he was wheezing so hard, banging the table form how stupid the girl was. That was a high note to end a school day, and you two still had so much more shit talking to do about the other dumbasses in school.
As you both walked down the pathways shaded by concrete roofs, you saw a classmate walk past you guys. “That’s the guy that farts and blames it on the guy sitting next to him.” You whispered into his ear as he stifled a laugh. “His hair looks like someone dropped the fucking razor.” He whispered back, making you cover your mouth to silence your laughs. You two were like bullies, just silently gossiping and shit-talking random kids that had nothing to do with you. When you saw a boy and girl sitting down together and making out, you tapped Kid’s shoulder, “I saw that dude making out with another girl last period.” You mentioned softly. He snickered, that relationship wasn’t going to last long. “Look at his red hair.. That looks so weird.” A kid whispered as they walked past you two. “Great...” You whispered, sighing sarcastically and leaning against the wall, this was going to be a while. “He even has that ugly shade of red on his nails- dumbass.” The other kid whispered with a silent laugh. Kid saw you already in a comfortable position to take a nap, and he was already storming over towards the two little pieces of shit. “What’d you say about my hair?” He asked, towering over them. They stopped in their tracks and looked up at him, their eyes instantly filled with regret. “W-we didn’t mean it- we promise!” The kid shouted, trying to run away as fast as he could. Kid grabbed both of them, carrying them up by their collars with one hand, “We’re new! We didn’t know-!” They protested, tears of fear starting to well up in their eyes. Kid slammed his fist into their faces, dropping their shaking bodies to the ground. “Welcome, shitheads.” He replied, walking back towards you. He tapped the top of your head, but there was no response, “Y/n.” He said, shaking you by your shoulders gently. Your head was resting in your curled up knees, and your arms were hugging your legs close to your chest. You were completely- asleep… “I’m not carrying you.” He mentioned into your ear, bending down to you. When he still got no response he sighed, “Y/n, you can sleep at home.” He said again, knocking on your head. “Leave me alone. I’m tired.” You replied, shifting away from him. Kid was often offended by other people- but never you. This time, that was actually kind of offensive to him. He got a bit sad, but looked angry instead. “That was rude, asshole.” He grumbled, grabbing you by your arm and slinging you over his shoulder with ease. “Yet you’re still carrying me.” You muttered into his ear with a tired smile. His cheeks flushed red, and he grunted, “I’m going to fucking drop you.” He replied threateningly. “Aaaaaaah I’m so scared..” You said with a very, very, unfazed sounding tone. You yawned, leaning your head in the crook of his neck, wrapping your arms and legs around him, nuzzling into his body warmth. If there was one thing that made Kid shut up, it was when you’d fall asleep on him. He instantly shut his mouth, keeping one arm around you to make sure you wouldn’t fall off of him. A soft smile spread across his face as he gazed at your sleeping figure, “Night, y/n.”
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a/n - I didn’t bully him ✨\(//∇//)\✨ (I’m so proud) I was rlly sleepy when I did this so I think it was a bit accurate hehe
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darth-lemoncupid · 1 year
🖊 + Emma!
so happy you asked! especially because a good chunk of my (now) 80 hours of playing is literally dedicated to my darling sith warrior. i played liffessia today and wasn't feeling it as much (but it may also be because i'm tired).
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anyways i think she's so pretty (the game doesn't run at a higher resolution rn because i don't want my computer to die running its fan).
anyways, here are some things about her (certain things).
sweetest tooth to ever exist
sweets can be expensive and desserts are very laborious to make. because of all the money and time and effort it takes into making them, she rarely had sweets as a child. as an adult, she eats anything sweet left and right. does not matter what. she's willing to try any dessert or sweet at least once. quinn finds it very concerning how much sweet things she eats.
everyone's asian mom
in that she's always cutting fruit when she can. to be fair, it's a habit. she used to work in the kitchen and spent a lot of time cutting fruit. she does love fruit, all kinds. but her taste in fruit can get quite expensive because she was restricted from eating these fruits as a child. not that she can't enjoy the simpler fruits but having access to wealth meant she could eat the fruits she was previously not allowed to eat. emma's favorite fruits are mango-like and dragonfruit-esque fruits native to eria, her home planet, as well as a fruit with a similar texture to a korean pear.
forget rations
emma very much has a preference for cooking, considering that was part of her labor as a servant. she would often go out to markets to buy the fresh produce and meats used for the meals that day. so when she can, she prefers to cook. it's time consuming yes, but the ship smells really good afterwards. although no one is allowed in the kitchen when emma's cooking. she almost stabbed quinn and pierce when they came in.
too many branches
the nymeria family is a big family. her grandfather, xandtris, had a good amount of children. six to be precise. three women, two men, and one child. emma is the child of the third child and secondborn daughter: carielia. all of her aunts and her uncles and her pibling are married with children so she has plenty of cousins. and then her mother also married and had kids, so she has half-siblings as well. she's the only child of her father, eddie. (so basically i have to visualize this family tree now)
cousins are awful
many people ask emma how she got her scar. from a brutal battle? did a smuggler attack her at an erian market? what about a hostile acolyte? the story is actually much sadder. when one of her cousins decided to take out his emotions on her father, who had done nothing but be a faithful servant, she had to step in. because of emma's defiance, her cousin cut her face. that was also the first time she used the force, force choking her cousin. it's not a bad scene to imagine, force choking someone while there's blood running down your face. but the scar became something her cousin constantly demeaned her for. "how can you be sith when i was able to cut you so easily?"
family heirloom
xandtris's daughters decided not to dedicate their lives to being sith. so when emma fell into his hands, he decided to turn her into the sith his daughters decided not to be. thus, he passes down onto her a ferronnière-esque headband with a metal ornament. it was a symbol of the sith women in their family.
battle scars
for a few years after getting her scar, emma would put cosmetics on it in order to hide it better. you could still tell it was there, but she was able to color correct and blend enough that it reduced its presence. it wasn't until she got to the sith academy on korriban did people tell her to stop hiding it. it was a symbol of pride, a symbol of being sith before she knew she was sith. so she stopped covering it up with the encouragement of her peers.
first love
before becoming sith, emma actually had a long term, healthy relationship with her childhood friend prialik. a red twi'lek boy, they interacted a lot as children while working on the nymeria estate. their relationship lasted a good four years, with her scarring and the revelation of her true parentage happening a year after they got together in secret. a lot of people are surprised to learn that emma had a relationship in general considering that she appears to be very career oriented. quinn was surprised to learn this and so was vette (it was something to tease her lord about). they grew distant as her grandfather started training her to be a sith and prep her for the sith academy on korriban. to be fair, not exactly their fault (that's kind of what happens when you have an asshole for a grandpa). emma used to skip her sith lessons to be with her boyfriend. but she stopped after her grandfather threatened to kill prialik. in turn, her grandfather gave the young twi'lek man a large sum of credits to use to start a new life and find his mother and sister. so like anyone, prialik took the money. he left emma at their spot, where she waited all night for him. they were supposed to spend her last night on eria together only for him to not show up, paid by her grandfather to basically break up with her. she left heartbroken and was given the advice to use her heartbreak as a fuel for her anger and hatred. but emma could never hate prialik, her first love.
gentle beauty
emma was considered a gentle beauty among the nymeria estate on eria whether it's from other servants or the people at the markets that saw her almost every day. she was known to be softspoken, have a light touch, and have soft hands. she also had long hair, often put in a hairnet or tied up. she didn't cut her hair until the morning she was supposed to leave for the korriban sith academy, deciding to enter the new stage of her life with a different look. after all, sith weren't supposed to look gentle and soft, right? even with her scar, lots of people on eria acknowledged her gentle beauty. the main issue now is that she's changed. she's changed a lot.
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fumblingmusings · 9 months
I love your slow paced envy universe so much! It's so rich and I'm always a sucker for dysfunctional family dynamics. One thing I've noticed, both Alfred and Matthew are maybe not competing for Evelyns attentions but appreciating when that attention is on them even if its anger. Does this ever cause a rift? Is it something that would stroke Eva's ego, to have them both vying for her attention? Especially with Alfred sort of bringing all that focus on himself.
A rift over her attention? She would absolutely preen at the thought, but I doubt it. I think Matthew is too passive - and too smart - to fall into that trap. Swallow those feelings down down down... Alfred has too much pride to go down that rabbit hole either. Much easier to get angry at the person making you feel some sort of way than be vulnerable.
Having said that, I like the idea maybe, of when they were babies, Alfred would be hurt thinking she was so desperate to have a second boy was because Alfred wasn't enough, and you know Alfred loves to be the centre of attention, especially following the War of the Three Kingdoms when he was cut off from Evelyn so then getting her back only for her head to be elsewhere... So it all compounded a bit by the end of the 1600s. But I think that was weakened by the fact that no, he genuinely loved being around Matthew and his mama was trying to create scenario where they could be together, for Alfred's benefit as much as her own (so she says).
On the opposite end Mattie being lonely and kind of wistful thinking about Alfred who gets to spend all of his time with maman whilst Francis forgot to write that month. He knows what the alternative is, and she's forever promising him things she won't keep, but he's small and wants greener pastures and what Alfred has. But that's just little kids wanting to be the centre of the world because you are the centre of the world when you're a helpless little child. Figuratively. And it's a cold reality when it's harshly taken away, or you can see it with others, but you yourself are denied it. Resentful. Just a little. He thinks Alfred is a big dumb dumb after the fallout in Salem.
I think Matthew knew - as she told him - that Evelyn can be sweet and loving to Mattie and maybe even at time show preference to his company over Alfred until the cows come home, but there will be times that England will drop Canada in the shit because America - not even demands it - just the England infers that placating America is preferable. So he sort of internalised that hierarchy and thinks 'this is fine, this is the way it has to work', because what is a viable alternative? Realistically speaking. He was told that one of the main reasons England took him was for Alfred's safety - no more French on those borders. That screws with a kid's value and she definitely exploits it.
And I'm not sure Alfred for a long time quite understand how much leverage he had? Not until Evelyn says to him that she'll always pick him over Europe, when she tells him that the only time she will genuinely act is over his, Matt, Jack and Maia's safety, and then it becomes a game of 'well how far can we go beyond Europe then? Tell me the order of the children' and the answer is pretty much what you'd expect. And Matthew knows it too.
So Alfred, like Evelyn with Matthew, can have a relationship with his brother which is, on paper, perfectly normal and healthy and trusting, but I think there are times when - as nations - they all get a bit backstabby. I think they all accept it as part of the game - the nature of being a literal spirit. You cannot live a thousand years and hold on to every contradiction, it will drive a person mad. Some may hold a grudge and grumble (Alfred), some may be upset at the status quo but accept it (Matthew), some may excuse it and act even worse because 'it's just the way things have always worked' (Evelyn).
Maybe when they're adults it's just them drunkenly arguing about who is more of a momma's boy, but I don't think it would really go anyway genuinely hurtful. They're just dumb drunk 20 somethings rolling around on the street on a night out during a conference realising that they need a lift back to the hotel and do you think Eva would pick us up oh you would fucking say her wouldn't ya etc. etc...
I think the boys in modern day love each other more than her. And I think she comes to be actually very much at peace and happy with that fact.
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splinteredhq · 1 year
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**CHARACTER NAME:** Andromeda Tonks - Andy/Dromeda
**CHARACTER FACECLAIM:** margaret qually or  Danny Devito im not picky
**CHARACTER AGE/DOB:** October 5, 1994; 29
**OC OR CANON:** Canon 
**CHARACTER PROFESSION IF RELEVANT:** Portrait Painter/Freelance Charm Worker
**ALIGNMENT (the order/death eaters/etc) + GENERAL OPINIONS ON THE WAR/THEIR SIDE:** The ORder of the Phoenix, but more as a non-field member since they do have Dora/a whole ass child to be looking out for. She occasionally assists Ted in his potion making or helps with some charmed objects. 
Voldy bad and the Black’s (minus Sirius Black III) are dead to her.
very brief mentions of child abuse
The Noble House of Black sucks ass.
So, Andromeda is the middle sibling who never quite drank the Pureblood Kool-aid from the beginning. Sure, when she was younger (see around 6-9 age range wise), she had the sense of superiority, and even the pride from being a part of such a noble house. Hell, even the mudblood word left her mouth once or twice… It’s funny how one single moment can change everything.
It was an asinine pureblood party. One where she would much rather be hiding in her room, feigning a stomach ache and where the house elves had spent nearly an hour taming her curtly brown hair and begging her to put on pinchy shoes her mother wanted to wear. She was _10_, one year before she got her Hogwarts Letter, and she wanted something that wasn’t disgustingly fancy to eat. 
She slid away from her parents and her sisters, planning to sneak down the kitchens of the manor to see if they had any sweets, when she heard a ruckus. This wasn’t the Black manor, so she knew it wasn’t polite to eavesdrop, but the sound of a slap that got her attention.
The nice thing about being a little girl is it’s easy to slip by and see things you’re  not supposed to. The oldest, and only, Selwyn son - Lysander -  was with his father, the kid holding his cheek. He wasn’t really a kid, just turned 20, and was supposed to “have a rotten head on his shoulders”, according to her mother. He had slipped Andromeda and Narcissa a couple of chocolate frogs a few years back, so Andromeda didn’t really understand what that meant They’re arguing, speaking low and quiet, and Andromeda didn’t understand everything, but Lysander pretty firmly said that he didn’t give a flying fuck if his teacher was a muggleborn alchemist  - among other insults relating to Mr. Selwyn’s considerably large mustache and forehead - and that the entire pureblood line were going to die out because of inbreeding and misplaced, prideful intolerance. 
The fight got worse, and when the wands were drawn, Andromeda accidentally on purpose pushed over a pile of dishes. They stared at her. She stared at them. And then she ran away.
When Andromeda asked her mother about it the next day, what Lysander meant, she had slapped herself, and sent up to her room without supper. It didn’t change everything for her, but as the year went on, and Lysander was supposedly disowned for being a blood traitor, something never really sat right with her.
And then she started Hogwarts, was sorted into slytherin, and everything her parents told her was a _lie_. Imagine her surprise when Muggleborns were actually able to do magic - some of them, including a certain Edward Tonks, were even better than her in subjects like herbology and potions. 
Andromeda wished she could be like the true middle sibling, where everyone just ignored her… But the truth was she had to work twice as hard to meet her parents expectations. With grades and everything else… It was almost suffocating.Too many classes, too many people, too much _everything_ - and a lot of the other slytherin’s ran around the joint acting like they had time to be cruel when half the other muggleborns could run magic circles around them - literally. It was exhausting.
And then _Ted_. She hated him at first, but she hated the way her so-called friends acted towards him even more. More than once, she cut them off with sharp jabs, never quite… _defending_ Ted directly, at least not at first, but forcing them all to start focusing back on their school work. 
Hate quickly turned into tolerance, especially as they had a lot of classes together - ones she had to study very hard to be actually good at. And then he just had to go and punch her sister’s boyfriend in the face -- rightfully so, honestly, Andromeda had been considering punching Lucius Malfoy in the face for even looking at her the wrong way, but Ted didn’t understand what kind of retaliation that sort of thing would cause. What was the point in having moral if you were just going to be miserable later?
She was across the charms classroom when he was jinxed, so she couldn’t say for sure it was Lucius Malfoy, but she made an educated guess. She waited for the dust to settle, before she stole poison oak from Slughorn’s stores (a potion ingredient he had imported from America) and rubbed it all over Malfoy’s bed sheets, clothes, and shoes.
The secret relationship her and Ted started was a bad idea. Her family would blast her right off the family tree and probably do worse to Ted and his parents - so Andromeda knew she should stop it before it got too deep, before she fell too hard… But it was impossible. They were impossible, and she did it anyway.
Andromeda’s tensions with her family grew, not because of that, but because of grades. Mind you, Andromeda’s grades weren’t even that bad. Nothing below an Acceptable, and her Owl’s had all been O’s and E’s, but it didn’t help that Andromeda’s attitude with her parents had grown disrespectful - which they wrongly attributed to teen angst and rebellion. They also didn’t appreciate how much time she spent drawing and painting, and practically refused to let her partake in any of it when she was at home -- she soon learned to stash her art supplies in the castle, to keep it safe. 
She graduated Hogwarts, and had a big decision to make. They planned a life together, something that felt like it was a fairytale - something that could never actually come to pass. How could it? With how the world was … and then, one Hogsmeade trip towards the end of the year, she walked past a shop: Pendragon Jewellers. She stopped, looking in the window at the displays -- Lysander Pendragon was a name she recognized from the King Arthur legends, the same ones her mother bitched about bastardizing Merlin. But he was supposed to be one of the greatest up and coming alchemists there were, and his shop, while newly open, had already made a supposed fortune. 
But the man behind the counter was unmistakably Lysander Selwyn, looking far older than he should have been for 28, with a scar on the left side of his face, cutting through his eyebrow and down the side of his cheek. They made eye contact briefly, his eyes glossing over her without real recognition, and she realized that maybe being disowned wasn’t the worst thing in the world. 
She told Narcissa first. That did not go well. 
Immediately after, she sent the letter. It was a long letter, sent on thick, expensive stationary with expensive ink. Andromeda Black disavowed the Black Family: her parents, and her sisters, saying she would no longer stand with a family that represented hatred and unearned pride. She did not mention Ted, because she did want to protect him for a time. 
Andromeda started her new life -- except it wasn’t really all that new, was it? She was still Andromeda Black… but now she was _disowned and disgraced_ Andromeda Black, the girlfriend of Ted Tonks, Muggleborn. She started her life as a painter, apprenticed under a nice half-blood who was impressed by her O in NEWT level Charms. She went on to do university part time to obtain a  higher education degree in charms/enchantments to become a magical portrait painter - which she does professionally for hire, as well as work on charms/enchantments on a freelance level.
Oh I guess i should mention the elephant in the room aka the baby
That happened when she was 19 and it was a wHOOPS. As you can imagine, Andromeda FREAKED OUT, but it ended up okay. She’s still anxious raising a daughter, especially in the war effort
Ted and Andromeda rarely fight over anything other than the cleanliness of the house and perhaps a few tense conversations over Andromeda being worried sick about the War, but things are GOOD. 
Andromeda didn’t get married to Ted until Nymphadora was about 4 years old. They only did it so Andromeda could get rid of the Black family name completely and because it was easier for when Dora started primary school.
Dora was a flower girl at the wedding it was adorable.
Sometimes, Andy assists Ted with his potion making - but only as an assistant/bitch (affectionate) who gathers and cuts the up the ingredients, rather than someone who brews. 
Considering making charmed weapons to use in battle in the war, but is unsure how to test something like that without killing someone and with a child in the house. Can and will develop this later.
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adoringhaikyuu · 3 years
they find out you hooked up with their friend/teammate before you started dating | 3
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characters: akaashi + iwaizumi + osamu + suna + (gn!reader)
requests: can you do a part 2 to the 'he finds out you hooked up with his best friend' with iwaizumi, suna and bokuto ? thank you and i LOVE your page 💞• by anonymous + s skfhsk s please do a they find out you hooked up with their friend/teammate before you started dating for suna osamu (even better if yn hooked up with his twin omfg) and akaashi 🥺 i love your writing please i will pass away • by anonymous
warnings: the second one is a lil angsty and the last two have suggestive tings 
notes: y’all are too sweet, everyone is 18+ in this! (i’d already gotten another request for bokuto by the time i got the first request so he’s in pt two) + they’re all different lengths btw sorry abt that <3
part one | part two | part three
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so you and bokuto hooked up like way before you and akaashi started dating
it was in high school but it wasn’t like there were any feelings involved
...okay maybe he ended up getting a lil crush on you but he got over it
your friends had dared you to hook up with someone to loosen up and you were too nervous to ask your real crush, akaashi (plus you’re not even sure if he was at that party)
and bokuto was kinda chatting u up so u thought why not
(this was before akaashi let him know that he liked you)
it wasn’t until one day that the three of you were hanging out that akaashi found out about it
bokuto had been talking to you and his best friend about this girl he met at a café, he wanted to ask her out but he wasn’t sure how to go about it, so he was asking you two for advice. 
“i’m thinking i take her to watch the stars and then i can swoop in and do my special move. that’ll have her swooning for sure, right?” he smiled to himself and looked at you both as if for reassurance that he was going about this the right way.
akaashi was about to respond when you spoke up first. 
“that thing you do with your tongue?” bokuto nodded, his brows raised up and down, showcasing his confidence. you shook your head immediately, “that’s a little too bold to do right away don’t you think?”
he deflated a bit,  “well... i’m not––” he backpedaled, looking to the side to cover his tracks, “not gonna do it right away...after... a couple dates maybe?” 
before you could say anything else, akaashi spoke up, placing a hand on your thigh to get your attention. you turned to see him looking at you intently, brows slightly furrowed, a small frown on his face. 
“how do you know about his special move?” 
“oh, um...” you blinked a few times and then looked back to bokuto. “we kind of hooked up?” you turned back to your boyfriend and you could see the thoughts processing in his mind. “it was only once though–”
“and what a time it was!–” 
you turned back to look at the loud boy incredulously and he shrugged. “what? i’m just saying you know what you’re doing–”
you rolled your eyes, “you’re not helping here.” you turned to face akaashi fully, taking his hand in yours. you noticed he was a little tense, clearly uncomfortable. “if it makes you feel any better, it’s not like i liked him or anything...to be honest i would’ve hooked up with you that day if i was brave enough to ask you...” 
he looked up at you, eyes wide and quickly glanced down, his cheeks turning pink. 
bokuto spoke up, “wait a minute, so i was second choice?” he crossed his arms and sunk down in his seat, mumbling to himself like a kid. 
you were about to make a comment when you felt akaashi raise your hand and pressed a soft kiss to your knuckles. he gave you a soft smile, “i would’ve liked that...i was too scared to ask you out for a while, bokuto-san is actually the one who convinced me to in the end, so i guess he’s off the hook for using his move on you...” 
bokuto perked up again, “oh great!–”
he pulled you closer to his side, his face serious. “but don’t ask y/n for any more kissing advice or i’m kicking you out.” 
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when iwa found out that you and oikawa hooked up before you started dating, admittedly he felt a little jealous
but it was mostly just his insecurities, he was used to everyone fawning over his best friend 
and the thought that you were potentially one of those people wasn’t surprising but it kinda upset him
what if you wanted to leave him for oikawa?
you and oikawa were actually the ones who told him that you’d hooked up, while the three of you were hanging out at your place, not thinking much of it since it was a one and done kind of thing for both of you
but you’d noticed the way he’d gotten a bit quieter afterwards, the way he seemed a bit more tense
you waited until oikawa went home to say something
he came back to sit on the couch after locking the door behind his friend and you turned to him. “baby?”
he grunted, eyes focused on his lap. 
“look at me please?” your voice was soft and he couldn’t help but listen, looking up into your eyes sheepishly. you put a hand on his arm, “what’s wrong? i can tell something’s bothering you.”
he looked away and shook his head once, “it’s nothing i just...”
you squeezed his arm reassuringly and he sighed. “just started thinking about you and... shittykawa.”
you moved to sit in his lap and his arms immediately came around to hold you. you placed a hand on his cheek and looked into his eyes fondly and sternly to get the message across. “haji listen to me, i love you and only you. i would never leave you, okay?” 
he nodded but you could tell he was still in his thoughts, so you went on. “i love how thoughtful you are, how sweet you are to me and to your family.” you kissed a spot on his face between every sentence. “i love your voice in the morning when you wake up and the way you tell me you love me every day. i love the way you hold me,” you trailed your hands down to his arms. “and i love your strong arms––” you let your fingers trace his veins and he shifted under you, flustered from your touch and your words. “i love everything about you, haji. i hope you know that...”
he brought his hands up to your cheeks and pulled you in for a kiss, “i know, doll. thank you for that. i love you too, so much. it drives me insane how much i’m in love with you.” his cheeks were dusted pink as he spoke to you and it couldn’t have been more endearing that he was still nervous around you, despite having been together for a good while now. 
“any time.” you smiled, pulling away after giving him another sweet kiss. “plus, you’re a way better kisser than him.” 
he threw his head back and laughed, his hands squeezing your sides as he looked back into your eyes, before kissing you. “oh i’m so telling him that.” 
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you and atsumu had hooked up once in high school 
see you were both kinda wasted at a party when it ‘happened’ 
the most you did was kiss and feel each other up, but after you accidentally moaned osamu’s name–––
things ended pretty quickly after that
you don’t know if it’s because you were drunk and mistook atsumu for his brother or if you were secretly wishing it was him, or both
all you know is the two of you agreed to never speak of that ever again
it was embarrassing enough for the both of you
but unfortunately it was one of those memories that came back to haunt you every now and then...even years later, now that you were dating osamu, and living with him
you visibly winced as you thought back to the awkward silence and the way the two of you paused when you said osamu’s name. you shouldn’t have been thinking about this, especially not now, when osamu was literally cooking dinner for you in your home. 
you spaced out for a bit and hadn’t noticed your boyfriend calling for your attention until you saw his hand wave in front of your face. you blinked quickly and looked up at him, “hi! yes i’m here–”
he raised a brow and laughed, amused, coming around the kitchen island to wrap his arms around you and put his head over your shoulder. you sunk into his embrace and he hummed, “what were you thinking about? i asked you what side dish you wanted and you were completely spaced out.” 
you shook your head, “oh um, nothing. i think what we had yesterday would be fine.” 
you tried to move on but he wasn’t having that. he narrowed his eyes as he turned his head to look at you. “well if it’s nothing then you won’t mind telling me, hm?”
his tone was calm but you could tell that he was suspicious and starting to get a little worried. you took a deep breath and buried your face in your hands––it’s not that you wanted to hide it from him, you were just embarrassed is all. 
your shoulders sunk down and you meekly admitted to what you were thinking about, your voice muffled by your palms, the only word osamu able to decipher being his brother’s name. 
he took a sharp intake of breath and stood up, rolling his eyes. “’tsumu? what did that idiot do now––”
you shook your head and took your hands away from your face. “no...it’s not something he did...it was me.” 
osamu crossed his arms and looked down at you, more curious now. “what happened?” 
“it’s not...it wasn’t recent––” he only looked at you blankly, silently telling you to continue. 
you sighed, “well we...hooked up in high school.” you could see his jaw clench. “it was only once, though. and he didn’t––we only kissed and we were fully clothed. honestly it only lasted a few minutes.” 
that seemed to put him at ease a bit more. “well that’s––fine...”
you looked down, “that’s not the bad part.” 
osamu’s hand came under your chin and tilted your head up to look at him, the look in his eyes warm. “come on, you can tell me.” 
you bit your lip, knowing he’d never let you live this down. “it was at suna’s party our third year and we were pretty wasted...we went to a random room and we were kissing and i...” you trailed off, your pride not wanting you to finish your sentence. 
you took a deep breath. “i moaned your name.” 
he blinked at you, once, then twice before he poked his tongue to the side of his mouth, clearly fighting off a laugh. “are you serious?”
you rolled your eyes, “like i would joke about that.” 
“i don’t know if that’s really funny or really sad, i feel like it’s both-”
he laughed, “i’m sorry, i’m sorry.” he pulled you in for a hug and you reluctantly held him back. “oh man that must’ve been such a blow to his ego,” he cackled.
you frowned, “stop samu, i felt really bad, i still do–”
he rolled his eyes, “he’s fine.” he looked down at you with a smirk, “so you’ve had a crush on me since we were juniors, huh?”
you raised a brow, “do i have to moan his name now to fix your ego?” 
he narrowed his eyes, “not unless you wanna be punished, no.”
that honestly didn’t sound too bad. 
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you and osamu hooked up on and off for a few months 
you were kinda friends with benefits tbh but no one knew about it 
well atsumu found out but that was an accident he just came home earlier than expected one day and caught you two
but other than him, and your best friend, no one knew
not even suna
i mean why would you tell him, it’s been years and it didn’t matter
you’d pushed it to the back of your mind and hadn’t expected it to come up ever again
one day suna went to hang out with his old teammates and atsumu for some reason decided to blurt out that you and his brother used to hook up, not thinking much of it––honestly it’s a shocker he kept it a secret for as long as he did
when suna came home, you were lying down in bed, scrolling on your phone and you perked up when you heard him get in, looking back to your screen. 
“hi baby, how was it?” 
he didn’t answer and you were about to sit up when you felt to hands pull you down by your legs. you looked up, eyes wide to see your boyfriend standing above you, a spark hiding behind his seemingly bored eyes. 
you tilted your head questioningly and he took your phone from your hands, throwing it aside. “atsumu told me something real interesting today.” 
you raised a brow, thinking it was something ridiculous. “oh yeah?” 
he nodded, his hands reaching for the hem of your sweatpants, making your breath hitch. “mhm. and you know, it’s not that i care.” he pulled them down after making sure you were okay with it. “but it did bother me, i won’t lie.” 
he reached for your underwear as well, licking his lips when they were out of the way. “he told me that you and osamu used to be fuck buddies.” you looked up at him, speechless for a few seconds but he kept going. “m’not mad, that would be stupid.” he lied down between your legs and looked up at you, a glint in his eyes. “but i feel like reminding you you’re mine, so i’m gonna play with you for a while, okay?” 
how could you say no to that––
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