#theres not a lot of boba but like fuck it
royaletiquette · 1 year
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mothmags · 10 months
omg nashi dragneel headcannons that no one asked for!
part 1 - part 3
is the bitch who would say "thats so Scorpio rising of you" ironicly and she intentionally gets the persons star sign wrong because she thinks its funny
she knows everyones birthday by heart, and their star sign, rising sign and the list goes on
gives people either very criptic or very specific horoscopes whether they ask for it or not
not just interested in astrology but also astronomy and can read celestial maps really well.
She would randomly say space facts as a kid and natsu would just smile and nod not knowing if she was just fucking with him
theres like a 50/50 chance that she is
she wanted to be an astronaut growing up
space is very much so her special interest
has cried to The Planets - Jupiter and will cry again (me too)
she becomes very emotionally attached to the bots the Fiore Space Institute (FSI) send into space
she does a lot of writing
After literal years of begging, Natsu and Lucy help her get into the FSI Mage Program when she was 14
its where they utilize celestial and other space based magic to better understand the cosmos
In-between jobs, she studies and researches for FIS and is eventually considered an accomplished astronomer when she's older.
when shes in what her family calls "research mode" she will forget to take care of herself
Is "best friends" with gray and juvias middle kid, Maree
She takes her out to the middle of the ocean occasionally to stargaze (they are definitely not dates. they dont know what you are talking about)
lightweight when it comes to alcohol
LOVES traveling and seeing new places
cat person (obviously)
is a sarcastic little shit in the best way
she and leo have little outings every week - like to get boba or to a bakery to get snacks
as the designated older sibling leo is "forced" to pay
he hands his card over to the cashier with a fake groan and complains about how unfair it is that HE has to pay despite nashi not saying shit about him paying
Fiercely independent, like oh my god girl its ok to ask for help jfc
It mainly stems from the pressure of living up to the dragneel name in the eyes of the public
being in one of the most famous guilds with your parents being some of the strongest in said guild will do that to you
she's working on it, guys. i promise
her love language is touch
shes always hooking her arm around someone elses, holding onto their sleeve or leaning on people she cares about
she might be independent, but she's a daddys girl at heart and will hook her arm around his whenever she can
she gets cold fast, so in the winter months, she constantly has her arm hooked around his
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whilomm · 2 months
U.S. election voting tips for anyone who hasn't done this before (or just doesnt know this stuff)
Figured a post like this might be useful, and if you agree I would appreciate a reblog. I'll block anyone doing vote-shaming shit though, cause once again yelling at people isnt the best tool for encouraging voter participation. I tried to make it readable but long post of course, sorry about that. brevity may be the soul of wit but I am a fucking fool and I have so many words to say.
I'm gonna do my best to note when local laws might be diff, but just in gen election laws vary a LOT state by state, even county by county. when in doubt, check your local laws, cause this shits confusing as hell sometimes
obviously this is about ya kno. U.S. elections and U.S. laws.
Doing my best, but in case I get deets wrong, please correct me in the comments, and readers please check the comments for corrections. I'll update the OG post if theres anything MAJOR so you can reblog the corrected version if needed.
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First things first: get your shit in order.
Does your state/county/area have a good elections website? check it out, sometimes its easier to look info up there than on the general nationwide sites, and itll give county specific information. just google like, "[county] elections", "[city] elections". Sometimes its its own website, sometimes its under the county clerk or something, and the quality of the site will probs depend on ya kno. the size of your county, how much they invest in it, etc. I'm sure some of them Suck Ass. Here's my county's for ref, its p good.
Are you registered to vote? Check. Even if you've registered before, its good to double check occasionally in case your info is out of date, or in case theres been a purge of voting rolls.
When is the registration deadline in your area? Look it up and get it done BEFORE then!
Have you moved recently? Reregister. Your address affects what's on your ballot, and if it was a big move (like across cities/counties), you might not be ABLE to vote where you are now, at least not without driving all the way back to wherever you're registered.
College student? You can either be registered to vote back home or at college. If you're studying in california but home is in texas for example, you can either register to vote in california, or keep your texas voting address, but not both! Registering to vote locally is the easier option since you can just vote like normal, while staying registered at home means you either have to go back home to vote, or vote absentee. Not too bad if homes an hour away and its just an excuse to visit anyway, lil bit more complicated if it's several states away. Your call, but if you choose to stay registered at home, either make travel plans or get your absentee ballot stuff done EARLY. like, look it up NOW what the deadlines are, which vary state by state. go do it. And remember, absentee ballots take time to mail.
Check what your voting options are. If you wanna vote by mail for example, check if you meet the requirements. Some states make it easy as hell (or make it the main/only voting method), others make it. a pain. a real goddamn pain. Figure out what your situation is.
Check if you need to vote at a specific polling place, or if you can vote anywhere in the area. I can vote anywhere in the city so i just choose whatever is closest/least busy/beside a good boba spot, but some areas have assigned polling places where you have to go to that specific one. If you go to the wrong polling place, you can't vote. Don't waste time in line at the wrong place.
Check if early voting is an option. If it is, and provided its an option for you (good locations/dates), trust me. do it. The lines are so much shorter, and its a lot easier to go on my day off cause I got a week and a half to choose when to go. But it ain't a thing everywhere, and some places make it difficult (weird hours, weird locations, etc) so your mileage may vary of course.
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Ready to vote? Cool. Now, research BEFORE you get into the booth, and maybe bring written notes with you.
"Oh, well, I just plan on voting straight ticker ya kno. anyone with a D next to their name..."
Yeah, that works for partisan races, but it aint gonna work for nonpartisan races and ballot measures.
First, nonpartisan races
These are races where the candidates do NOT have their political party noted, because well. its nonpartisan! no parties! This often applies to school board elections, sheriffs, judges, and other stuff. that means you dont get a helpful little letter to tell you who to vote for nothing but a name, and if you'll have to research to find out what their views are. This can be. Annoying on occasion. Sometimes these races have a lotta coverage, candidates with websites, endorsements, and sometimes theyre just fucking. Yeah no you just get names p much good luck 👍.
Whether or not you can look this info up in the booth depends on your area. In Texas for example, you can't get your phone out in the booth at ALL. I mean, technically the law makes it sound like you can't even have a phone within 100 feet of a polling station, but. well. I've never seen them do searches. Still, if you get stuck in the booth staring at the names, tough luck kid. Maybe if you ask theyll let you leave and come back? idk! I've never asked! But you know whats easier than that? looking up info beforehand, and writing down all those names
When looking up candidate info, make sure you keep an eye out for dogwhistles. Sometimes you only get a couple of sentences of info about a candidate for a school board election, but if those sentences mention "family values", "protecting the children", "critical race theory", "parent's rights", etc. well. you know they probably got some rightwing politics going on. Probably don't vote for them unless you want even MORE book bans. I feel like judges and sheriffs are usually easier to get more detailed info on, but again, look for dogwhistles, and if available, look at their records.
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Propositions and Ballot Measures
Sometimes, elections include you getting to vote on stuff DIRECTLY, rather than you know. The people you elected deciding everything. Sometimes these are relatively boring (but oftentimes still important) stuff like taxes and whatnot, sometimes theyre Major Ass Measures (like states literally putting abortion rights to a vote), and sometimes they LOOK boring on the surface but wooo boy, look a lil deeper and this shit is spicey.
The problem though? Well, a lotta these things are written to be confusing as hell. Sometimes this is just because its aforementioned boring (but important) tax stuff and you just have no idea what any of this means, other times its because the measures are deliberately written in a confusing manner to obfuscate what you're REALLY voting on. At least where I am, on the ballot itself you only get to see a the name of the measure and a quick paragraph explaining it, so there can be a LOT of shit hidden in the actual official text of the act.
theres lots of ways they do this, but a few major things:
Giving the measure a confusing name. "shelter animal welfare act". Well, that sounds nice! you like animals, and the welfare thereof! But you look a lil closer, and find out that the main thing the act will ACTUALLY do is shut down/defund shelters because they arent "meeting standards", which the act deliberately sets waaay too high, cause the goal of the act is actually to just. save a few bucks by diverting money away from shelters.
The actual wording of the prop being confusing. You read the little blurb beneath it, and it talks about beautifying parks to increase visitors. Cool! but uh, turns out that means selling it off to private investors who plan on developing those boring natural areas into a cool new concert venue, charge admission, and oh turns out its gonna ruin the habitat for an endangered salamander species. (Like, not that outdoor concert areas cant be cool, but not in the salamander habitat man. fuck off.)
deliberately making it confusing what voting "for" or "against" mean. Like. Okay, am i voting yes to NOT allow them to sell off the salamander habitat?? am i voting NO to not block the sale?? or is it the other way around?? what the fuck man. cant even read this shit my god.
having multiple similar sounding propositions which are actually Very Different. Happened here in austin recently, we had two "police reform acts", both with very similar ballot language, but one was sponsored by the police union and designed to fuck up the ACTUAL police reform act.
And many more!! i never trust the ballot language on the proposition. sometimes a quick look shows its just what it seems like, and other times boy howdy do i got some shit to sort thru.
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How hard it is to find out info on candidates and props varies. Good places to start:
Local newspapers, which often have candidate/prop info and endorsements. Personally, I usually look at the papers I know are more left-leaning for their endorsements to get me started (taking note of course of their reasonings for why they endorse certain candidates, cause of course sometimes i Disagree). Still good for getting some of the easier ones outta the way (like "this school board candidate is pro book bans, this ones anti", good enough for me, one less race to research!). You can also look at the shitty rightwing newspapers, see who they endorse, and vote the opposite way lmao
Sites like vote 411, ballotready, or ballotpedia, which let you enter in your address to find a sample ballot and ALSO give info on races. Some of them have a feature where you can go through, read info race-by-race and select your choices as you go, then give you a printable selection list. for example, they might have a short questionaire for each school board candidate where you can read their answers, or short blurbs for the "yes" and "no" endorsements for props. on that note,
LOOK AT ENDORSEMENTS! this one is huge sometimes. Maybe the "no" option on an act is endorsed by local wildlife orgs, conservation groups, leftwing orgs, etc, while the "yes" option is endorsed by chevron, Oil R Us, The Center For The Destruction Of Rare Endangered Salamanders, Autism Speaks for some goddamn reason... Well, it's not always that easy, but hell, sometimes it is. Keep in mind that you can't always tell a group's politics by their name though, cause the "deliberately misleading titles" thing also applies political groups formed for the specific purpose of endorsing shit to make it look better/worse, so if its not comically obvious like this, or theres names you dont recognize, give it another looksie. Also works for candidates!
Note that sometimes the "yes" and "no" options will have their own websites just like candidates do to make finding who endorses them easier, since they might just have lists of who endorses that option right there. Not all the time though (and sometimes theyre hard to find), but its a great tool when you do find em!
if you really wanna get deep into research, well, you can always snoop the candidates socials if they got em. thats usually too much for me unless i REALLY need to check em out, though.
Luckily, I usually find that I don't need to research every single little race or prop, and its just a few every once in a while i REALLY gotta dig into. dont worry, not every single election is a fucking research project, just go thru it and CHECK whether you gotta dig deeper on anything or nah
like, if i have a long ass ballot with 50 things to vote on, I might have 25 nonpartisian races and ballot measures I gotta look up first. Most of the NP races I super quickly choose bc the newspaper im looking at endorsements for straight up tells me some of them are conservatives, and most of the ballot measures are p straightforward, cool. Theres like 3 NP races im Not Sure About to dig into tho, and like 2 ballot measures im still confused on. So, out of 50 things to vote on, i might only have like, 5 i need to dig into to varying degrees. or, sometimes I get into it, and nah all of these are straightforward, im good.
Once you're done researching, write it down, get it on paper.
Unless its a mega short ballot that you can easily remember (or you just have crazy good memory), write it down, print out a sample ballot to fill out, or use a site like vote 411/ballotpedia to print your choices. you dont wanna get in the booth and forget half the shit. As far as I can tell, paper notes and stuff are always allowed.
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Actually Voting Stuff
Lots of states have pretty strict electioneering laws, and you can be kicked out or asked to change for stuff as simple as "wearing campaign apparel". Usually defined by distance from the polling place, which varies by state. Unless you're SURE your state doesnt outlaw it, I would skip those campaign shirts and pins, or just anything that could debately be called "political". Could stuff like queer pride shirts be called "political"? I honestly have no fuckin idea, seems like a kinda not set issue, and maybe it wouldnt hold up if someone DID say something, but personally I wouldnt chance it. Dress Boring. leave your pins at home or in the car.
Check what ID you need to bring, and bring it. you dont wanna get to the front of an hour long line and find out you forgot your ID.
Be careful about selfies and phone use! As Stated, some states like texas seem to outlaw phone use entirely around the polls (though last I checked I was a bit confused by some states whos laws were about "photography devices such as cell phones", are they only banned if being USED for photography or entirely? still confused tbh), some outlaw just photography in gen, some only outlaw pics of your ballot itself, and some states dont give a shit if you take a ballot selfie. If you don't wanna do the research, just go with the safest option: no phone in polling place, and take the selfie with your sticker after you leave. if you fuck up, your vote may be invalidated, meaning you basically didnt vote. If you KNOW you live in a state where its chill tho, do what you want 👍
Double check your votes when you're able to. If its a paper ballot give it a good glance afterward, if its electronic it should have a results screen before the final confirmation
yaaaay good job. you voted. dont forget the sticker. you should get yourself a lil treat too. I usually get boba. mmmmm balls in my mouth yum.
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anyway. hope this is vaguely helpful, reblog if you feel like it. if this ends up getting any notes, check em for extra advice, corrections, etc.
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aztr0punk · 1 year
hehe i wrote some headcanon stuff i had in mind about the High Stakes Club, mainly Helsie. its under the cut, freshly copy & pasted from my notes app :)
its somewhat angsty i suppose
⧫♢ ◎ ♢⧫
i feel like a shared theme among the high stakes club members and their internal problems is struggle with self worth/self esteem. Joni is probably the least insecure about it and hence why she's a bit more of the natural leader of the group; she is working through her own problems but knows enough to help Lucien and Helsie through theirs and uplift them. make them feel worthy
Helsie is a kinda eccentric individual. sort of bubbly but can have a mean streak. fun gal. good social skills, as she works at a job that requires and improves them anyway. shes more energetic and extroverted than the rest of the group for sure. probably hums and makes little noises to accentuate her speech/tone of voice. she tries to maintain a positive attitude but her lack of self esteem causes her to doubt her own abilities in GENERAL.
if one says "how do you live with yourself" to her she'll overthink it and turn it into something that haunts her and brings her down more and more. and why? it was just a dumb comment, not even a full sentence, yet just a word like that can really send her spiraling. doubting herself. wanting, NEEDING, to change herself but its just who she is. she cannot change her fundamental self; its enough she hardly knows herself beyond a persona she tries to keep up
"your friends seem ready to face the darkness, but are you?" - Countess Daraku, to Helsie
Helsie cannot face her own darkness, and if she does its rough. its one of those distressing things to her where she'll get this intense wave of emotion and just break down, like, "i cant, i cant, i cant" curling into a ball and just crying. Or she goes and chops some heads off monsters solo. either of the two
she ignores the darkness that grows more each day in her until its looming, singeing her very ability to be happy at all. she puts on a smile but inside she wants to rip and tear and maim and bite- but Has to maintain that happy face. she doesn't want to put her issues on others, even the HSC.
she isnt good at dealing with negative emotions besides maybe some anger, sadness too. oh, and stress during hunts. she's good with that, kinda
in a sense Helsie's style reflects this too. she looks sweet, a little mean(its the goth thing) theres an underlying bite (heh) to her style. you look at her and go "whoa she looks like she wants to rip something to shreds but she also looks so so fun"
a lot of her pent up emotions are only really let out during vampire hunts. she cant face her darkness so she'll be the darkness, fuck it. Joni and Lucien do help her through her personal problems, and it really helps having people who understand, who have been there before and are still there to some degree
with all that said. Helsie would much prefer trying to stay positive/maintain a badass sorta attitude, so she does activities and goes about her day in ways that make this happen.
this includes hanging with her found family, Joni and Lucien. her job as a barista helps, she always likes seeing customers happy to get their little boba drinks and treats and whatnot. she feels more worthy herself helping others out and making them happy. ah and of course, her side gig as a vampire hunter helps with the whole "badass" attitude boost. as much as it can contribute to her self doubt, having people by her side to boost her confidence and Also be badass with her is all she needs.
IF YOU READ ALL THIS. can we watch the sunset together?
i love these goobers and genuinely i want helsie to be ok. she is trying her BEST.
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subway salad-214kcal
waffle fries-92kcal
i feel kinda bad for not doing sit-ups, but i burnt more than i ate so at least theres that. I tried the subway salad and it was amazing, idk what they do to make it that good, it was the only place i could find that does salad and i could see the calories for it
it was so nice seeing my friend and we're planning to meet up regularly to study together and just enjoy eachothers company. we talked about how i relapsed and about me being mentally ill, i had my sunflower lanyard on the entire time, i caught both buses by myself which i know to most doesn't sound like an achievement but I've had to do a lot to get to this point.
at the bus stop the fact she used to bully me came up and she actually apologised for it, which i wasn't expecting, we also talked about exercise because we were walking a lot, and she made a comment about thunder thighs when she said i was talking like a gym bro, but i just laughed it off, she then called ne a skinny legend so im pretty sure she was just making a joke and doesn't actually think i have fat thighs, though i do. She also asked me if she could eat before me, like i would care if she ate, i told her she could eat whatever the fuck she wanted when she was with me, we shared the waffle fries between us and she refused to eat more than half
also apparently her parents like me, they dont know im trans but i also dont care if they think im a woman as long as i can continue being friends with her
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notthestarwar · 6 months
The unwanted and unintentionally abandoned for the WIP ask game? 👀
ah this ones fun!
ok so i took a few artistic liabilities lol i played round with ages a bit. korkie is obi wans son, but only by birth and obi wan was unaware that he knew. in satines eyes korkie didnt need a father (the story goes in to this a bit, its a very mandalorian perspective, which is fun)
the theme of this fic is:
He was a good man but he wasn't a good father
He wasn't a good man but he was a good father
the story begins post order 66. Korkie and Boba meet each other when theyre both doing bounty hunter esque work. korkie saves boba and they end up bonding and form this weird partnership/friendship based around the fact that they are both teenagers coming to terms with the fact that their fathers left them in this mess and now theyre having to fend for themselves in a fucked up galaxy.
theres a contrast between how the other adults in korkies life saw his birth father not being involved (and how they expected him to see it) and how korkie, raised pretty isolated from traditional mandalorian culture, and with satines death and the start of the empire, left to fend for himself when he's still a kid really. pretty much. everyone expected korkie to be fine with it and saw obi wan as nothing more than a sperm donor really, and korkie is very much not fine with obi wans absence and does not see him this way. he projects a lot of his anger towards how things have turned out and the galaxy he's now living with on to obi wan.
at the same time, boba is 15 in this. life has been tough for him these past few years and he's begun to feel kind of bitter towards jango for dying and leaving him in this mess (its a very 15 year old perspective, and he finds korkie at JUST the right time to encourage it. otherwise i think that boba would get over that pretty quickly and return to the idolisation of canon)
theyre working togethr and they wind up on tattoine for a job. korkie is heading through a market and hears someone mention 'ben kenobi' and he's like. surely not. no way. korkie ends up finding obi wan who in this au is living with luke raising him himself. korkie argues with him and then storms off and he and boba fly off. theres then a perspectibe switch, we see that obi wan who was unaware korkie even knew who he was is pretty surprised, and then shock! none other than jango steps outside of obi wans house, making a sarky remark about korkie, just in time for obi wan to call him a hypocrite.
jango is not dead. he has just left boba to fend for himself believing that his father is dead, and bizzarely has ended up bumming off obi wan of all people. it started after obi wan stumbled on jango in cryro after the war and reluctantly resuced him, then jango never left. obi wan and jango's relationship in this is so fun. theyre such prickly arseholes to each other. but they keep the other around all the same.
boba and korkie do some more jobs while korkie thinks about obi wan (angrily). korkie ends up doing some research on luke and thanks to his inside knowledge, works out just who he is. then, completely coincidentally, they end up running in to leia whos been kidnapped. they save her. but before they return her, korkie figures out who she is and gets really angry at obi wan again, as he feels its pretty unforgivable to split a pair of twins like that. he goes back to tattoine with her to confront obi wan (the decision making in this fic is bizzare. you have to remember at all times that korkie and boba are traumatised teenagers and jango and obi wan are weirdos). this time boba comes with korkie to visit obi wan, jangos presence is revealed, and obi wan has a bit of a break down over the fact that his teenage son has kidnapped a princess after obi wan didnt pay him enough attention.
boba and korkie think its outrageous to keep the twins seperated and arent really willing to listen to jango or obi wan at this point. but theyre eventually convinced that the twins cant be together because of the empire as it isnt safe. at which point they kind of shrug and go. right then. time for the 4 of us to bring down the empire then i suppose
Here are some random snippets
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Thank you for the ask!
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engagemythrusters · 1 year
tag game by @star-burned mwuah mwuah thank u
1. ride or die ship (your otp):
kanera. nobody dids it like they dids.
2. most annoying ship:
reylo for sure. i still swear they should be cousins. its weird bc of that. also bc its just. soooo made for cishets.
3. second favourite ship:
cal/merrin, at this moment!
4. favourite platonic relationship:
theres a lot tbh there's so many good ones! for the sake of picking one i think i'lll say the seelos gang <3 love those old geezers <3
5. underrated ship:
tech/phee. autistic boy has swag. and she's hot <3
6. overrated ship:
******* im going to get killed saying it aloud.
7. one thing i would change in canon:
racism and ableism and sexism that is so downright disgustingly intrinsic to star wars. god. its so fucked up.
8. something canon did right:
9. a thing I'm proud of creating for the fandom PLEASE BRAG ABOUT YOURSELF I WANT TO SEE/READ YOUR ART:
not proud of any of them. Thing I dislike the least tho ig is Togs the Zabrak.
10. a character who is perfect to me (wouldn't change a thing):
star-burned said atin. i agree. mwuah mwuah mwuah i love you my autistic-loves-his-kits boy <3
11. the character I relate to the most and why:
Umm hm. I think Echo, bc of the more-than-likely chronic pain. And also bc boy does that guy have echolalia sdlkfj
12. character(-s) I hate the most and why:
skeevy sheev.
13. something i've learned from the fandom:
block button is a wonderful wonderful tool. and that so many fans are just bigots.
14. three tags i seek out on ao3:
chronic pain (just a usual one for me, i like to read those stories when i feel bad), boba fett (always looking for good boba fics i love him sm), annnnndd original clone troopers (i like clones <3)
15. a song i strongly associate with my otp/ favourite character:
said it a billion times will say it a billion more Dead of Night is a kanera song.
i uuuuh have nobody to tag unless tobytost or darlin-djarin or kyberjelly wants to do it but im too scraed to tag them xoxo SO anyone can do it and pretend i tagged them
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keysimash · 2 years
Cozy, Intricate, Leaves and Oven 😇🍂
Ideal fall day?
Ahhhh.... my best friend's birthday campout sleepover every November. It's always so fun and I love all my friends so much... and the snacks, and the bonfire, the games we play every year, and the hot tub, and the kitties and the headpats and scritches awww yess cuddle pile
For a more normal day probably something like, just got off work and I have a weekend ahead of me, nothing to worry about because I can do Tasks tomorrow, curl up in my quilts with my little doggy after dinner with my roomie and listen to the rain while I wind down to go to sleep, knowing i can sleep as long as i want in the morning. Maybe having gone to the boba tea place with her and gotten that fall drink I like during the day too. Yeah. Lavender and cream and black sugar boba pearls and cinnamon,, mmmnnnnnm
As for a subject I have random knowledge about... cantcomeupwithanythingnotmorbidanditsbeenhours
Um um. Ahhh...... eto, bleh....
You know, in psychology class in high school I remember the teacher being like, "I challenge you to give a fun fact that will make us go 'how and why do you know that'" and I said
"If you put a shock collar on a person it's safer to put it around the thigh instead of the neck,"
But I don't remember where I learned that or if it's even true, so theres that :'3
Onto favorite candle scent!
It used to be vanilla/sweets, but now I kinda lean towards linens/fresh laundry sorta scent. Have a sweet one I got as a gift in the living room and the clean linen one in my bathroom. But I love both ^_^ lavender is a good scent too, it makes me sleepy cos back when I was watching sleep hypnosis videos like every night the guy would always be like "and there is the comforting scent of lavender..." I can't believe I used to do that so much, cringe!! Maybe I'll listen to one again tonight...
Fave thing to bake!!! Shit uhhhhh
That awkward moment when the person with a huge sweet tooth hardly ever bakes anything -- the last thing I made that wasnt a box mix were these peach things my roomie liked and i didnt even like them :P theres a lot of desserts ruled out since she cant have dairy
Does.... do waffles count as baking?? I love making waffles... pulling them out of the nonstick heart shaped waffle maker so cleanly and neatly, putting butter directly on the waffle while it's still hot.... putting chocolate chips or blueberries in the batter, making some for my sibling or my friends.... <3
If not that, cookies. Because raw cookie dough is so. Fucking. Good. Better than cake batter <33 one time I was ready to make cookies and just decided to eat the dough over the course of a couple days. Best decision <3
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tesspieceface · 2 years
(points at you) for cherry, what would their weapon be in the apocalypse? (zombie or nuclear if theres a difference). whats their comfort food? standard boba order? favorite memory? if they could learn one skill instantly, what would it be?
(unhinges my jaw and drops this ask inside) thank you
the apocalypse thing already happened once but i dont think "creature from another dimension that gives you magic powers" is a weapon applicable to most apocalypse scenarios. if they were going with a blunt weapon, well, cherry's a little guy with not much meat on their bones so theyd need something relatively lightweight but can still deliver some force. like a crowbar maybe. a knife might be a more practical option for them, though. you can hide that under a poncho, at least, and it's a little more multipurpose. might fall short if they have to fight zombies, though. i don't think they'd go for a gun since they'd have the issue of acquiring ammo, and also the issue of their depth perception being a little off. i'm still on the first fucking question. help
"comfort" food is a tricky question because food isn't really something they derive a lot of comfort from, if that makes sense. historically they don't care too much about what goes into their mouth as long as it's edible (and if we're talking about golem cherry they can just skip that step too). their favourite food is potato croquettes so i guess that's the closest answer i have.
i don't think they're much for boba in general, to be honest. cherry's drink of choice is black coffee so boba probably skews too sweet for them most of the time. they probably just get a pretty standard milk tea with no fancy flavours. they do get the pearls, though. for the texture. monch
"favourite memory" hahaha. haha. this is an extremely setting-dependent question because they would not describe any of their Standard Backstory memories as good anymore. lol. okay next question
when has being proficient in something ever done them any good, really. but if they had to pick a skill that a regular human person could reasonably possess then honestly maybe knitting. or learning another language (primarily quechua, which their mother speaks much more fluently than they do) or like, codebreaking? this is also a bit setting-specific. if it can be literally any skill though then they'd like to be able to project radioactive energy at someone on command. just a little bit. for science.
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ishifted-jdayz · 3 months
something i love about my wr is the "know" feature. this time, i was able to "read" a bunch of classics ive never had time to read before. theres some books i want to read on my own time, but lord of the rings/the hobbit or the entire narnia series again or like. the bible or the torah or the quran. or textbooks/studies or archives etc etc etc. i have interest in the information but the amount of time itd take to read all that is frustrating to me so to be able to just say "know" and havr all the information in my head now and Memorized...... obsessed. i love it. ive been able to read so many classics w/o having to Read them which can be idk cheating or whatever but idc bc i know it now as if i did read it just without Reading it for however long it takes to do it manually.
i could also do this w like language textbooks and stuff but idr want to??? i like poring over those more slowly.
today i did more exploring, rode the train into town. it was interesting. everyone there greeted me like i was an old friend, a well respected figure in the town. it was really cool. i got like free boba and a croissant and sat in the park square and watched some kids play in the fountain. it was really cool to exist around people there. they felt so real, which ofc they would, but this was the first time i really Got that i control this whole. existence, and that includes these people, but it doesnt Feel fake or imposter syndrome-y. i think that was something that scared me abt shifting before.
i went back home and decided to rot on my couch for a bit (though there it doesnt make me feel lethargic or anything, and also i have all the time in the world), and watched some edits ill make here in the future. v excited bc i love making edits and they look SO GOOD
i dont want . idk spoilers ig for some of my drs so i havent watched any for them but i did decide to listen to some music i make in some of them which was so cool...... i love music guys did you know this.
anyway then i decided to try going thru my howls moving castle door (not to a DR dr but like a different time period), and it was really cool i ran into jane austen!!!!!! she was so interesting. a bit quiet at first but very passionate when you get her going <3. i also trained with my old piano teacher which was nice, and hung out with my grandpa.
oh yeah and then i went back to my house and like. viewed the details of what would change irt my family if i changed stuff (my appearance, my older sister's behavior, my parents (and the world's) homo/transphobia, my athleticness (like what would change irt the Me there if i hadnt gone through all the stuff i went through irt my older sister; would my younger sister be on estrogen already like she wants; how would i be treated by extended family if i did all my extracurriculars like i want to, and specifically soccer (the sport the whole family is obsessed w) etc etc etc)). it was really interesting to see the details, and also be able to see what my parents were like younger, what my grandpa truly feels, if my one uncle is cool or not, all these truths about my family that ik i can change but its cool to see it laid out this way. gives me a lot more confidence and surety in everything. and i feel so. godlike. omniscient yk????? omnipotent. etc. was just really cool.
so anyway yeah i pored over that and then decided to go to the best (not most famous or highest deigned in the country, but the best Quality and authenticity) restaurant in japan, and my GOD. it was so fucking good. i got to try new stuff, and the servers (?) and owner were so cool. im loving it here so much.
and then i went back home and pet my cat and horse for a little before finally retiring to bed. tomorrow i think im gonna shower/bathe for the first time in my bathroom whichll be cool.
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pencilscratchins · 3 years
Peli Moto AND Din have been in Boba Fett I think you're legally required to watch it now /j <3
babes i have been watching it don't worry
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orcelito · 2 years
Assistant manager abruptly quitting & me possibly becoming the next assistant manager: 😃
Me realizing that means there's only 2 of us who can make brown sugar syrup now & also the responsibility of ensuring inventory is completed each week would fall to me: 😥
#speculation nation#see becoming the next assistant manager is great until i remember that means Responsibilities#manager hasnt brought up the topic to me yet but it's probably only a matter of time#i am literally the only person who could reasonably take up her responsibilities#the owner was in today (hes been helping out a lot this week to deal with the immediate fallout of her abrupt departure)#b4 he left he gave me a fistbump & was like 'thanks for stepping up' & it left me kinda like '???' bc i havent officially Stepped Up#ive been backburner lead supervisor. never got told i was temp demoted but i definitely stopped doing as much#bc i was constantly avoiding being around the assistant manager lmao#but hmmhmhm i kinda hope i can go back to that.#being scheduled for like 23 ish hours & then me choosing when i work the extra ones to ensure the store is properly stocked#i Love those self driven hours where i can feel productive & not bogged down by the hell that is dealing with customers#that day where the assistant manager was nitpicking me to an Extreme amount definitely disillusioned me of it a bit#but she's gone now 😃 so like it's chill#lmfao ppl ranging from sad she left to Delighting In The Gossip to 'oh god this is gonna make things harder for us'#& then theres me staying Carefully neutral on the matter. just trying to deal with the practical side of it all.#when inside i am pleased as ALL hell that she's gone bc lmfao. fuck that girl for Real.#rly is just two of us who can make the syrup lmao. we go thru it SO quickly bc it's used in drinks and boba marinade & the boba itself#i made some tonight and i was just like 'aw fuck that's a thing i gotta keep up with now huh'#manager (the other person who can make it) has so many other things to do. so i am gonna b making brown sugar syrup. a Lot#i will be paying a price for her leaving but i will GLADLY pay it if i dont have to have that bitch around in my workplace lmao#MY CITY NOW: me finally becoming assistant manager
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ayo-cowbelly · 3 years
theres so many time travel fics where luke, rey, hell, even revan or some other Wise Jedi Pupil time travels to the clone wars. but i wanna see everyone in the original trilogy crew EXCEPT luke (or any jedi) show up on coruscant in the middle of TCW like “what in the back to the future is this shit”
think leia, han, chewie, and lando just fucking around trying to keep the world from going to shit
and theres SO MUCH CHAOS.
leia’s trying to bullshit her way through why she looks so much like padme, with anakins temper, but is also weirdly, intimately familiar with alderaan and its customs
even though bail organa has no idea who this spicy feral politician child is or why she started crying when she first saw him
leia also probably has to be physically restrained the first time she sees anakin
han somehow gets tangled up with Young Boba Fett and that’s a whole issue- theres lot of explosions
(he probably stops that whole deal with the child trafficking and gets a reward from the republic or smth, which he wont stop talking about)
chewie finds ahsoka, somehow, and she recognizes him and is like “YOOO WHAT UP ITS MY HUNGER GAMES BUDDY”
and chewie is now hanging out with a teenager who thinks they met last week when really for him it was like 20 years ago.
this is how they meet up with the jedi and co.
and its awkward
leia is standing there seething, things floating in the air around her and she wont stop giving anakin the stink eye
while han (who is currently trying to mingle with the young version of that old dude luke was super attached to, so please dont ruin it, leia) just fake laughs and wraps his arm around her and whispers sweet nothings in her ear
chewie is having a blast freaking out the clones by just randomly roaring in their ears as they walk by
rex is ready to curl up in a ball because now his ship is even more chaotic
lando flirts with every jedi he meets Just Because
they tagged along to fight w the clones and jedi in a battle because what else do they have to do
and everyone is expecting them to all get killed because, i mean, have you met them?
and this little ragtag group ends up CARRYING the battle and its over very quickly
they decided to use Espionage and Sneaking to break into the separatist base and destroy it
chewie probably vaulted leia over a wall and she just fucked shit up
later, anakin offhandedly mentions palpatine and leia blurts out “if i see that old raisin, its on sight” and everyone is like o.O
luke is in the future wondering how THE FUCK hes supposed to fix this
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clonehub · 2 years
i mean part of the reason why arcane is as good as it is, besides the stunning visuals, is because it was in development for 6 years. they had six years to go back and forth on the look, the style, the story the story the story. 6 fucking years. that requires patience. that requires cooperation from all writers and directors. that requires seeing the culture change and responding in kind to reflect what people would like to see.
you notice how there's so many female characters, and while even though some of them are on thin ice a little (jinx/powder being that mentally unstable wide-eyed violent young woman/girl who doesn't really wear a lot) they've got beautiful stories that connect deeply with one another's without being centered on a man at all. look at vi's body shape. look at the range of body shapes for female characters, the range of faces. even how they walk (I love Vi's walk). you have a the tale of two cities, political depth and manipulation, meaning displayed in the way character's dress, stand, walk, how they're designed, what their hobbies and interests are, etc. all these things that would take time to figure out. that's partly why arcane is so good. they had time.
anyone who's been following me for a while knows where this is going. im sorry but the reason so many star wars shows falls flat for me is because these stories do not have the time to develop. i see development in the singular. one year here. one year for another show. maybe the concept existed for a while (with DF and GL, it seems they always have concepts that exist for a long time) but because they're concepts and because they basically go in the freezer until they're needed again, they don't really have the time to develop both deliberately and organically. the misbalance of the book of boba fett. whatever is happening with the mandalorian. the general mess that is the bad batch.
arcane is fundamentally a show about politics. you can't have a council, and oppressed class, the rich/poor divide, and all the ways that the class divisions have affected people (vi's incareceration, silco's manipulations, the lack of children in the undercity, viktor's disability) and not have the show be about politics. the writers understood this.
in the bad batch, a show about that takes place during the post-war rise of a fascist regime that has just speedily and aggressively replaced not only an entire republic, but also succesfully committed genocide and now spreads its terror throughout an entire galaxy, hunter, a soldier, says he and his team never cared about politics.
and indeed, theres a clunky way that the bad batch handles the inherently political existence of the clones, the empire, etc. politics should be permeating the interactions that the batch has with greater galactic society, but instead they relegate political discussion to specific episodes or scenes, and then say "okay we'll focus on that later, let's get back to X and Y". the extrajudicial execution of civilians is a political act. running from the empire is a political act. joining the empire is political. having one episode and a handful of scenes dedicated to the political side of their lives doesn't cut it.
its probably because i majored in political science that this is bugging me as much as it is. i know ive moved very far away from the thesis of this post, but bear with me lol. figuring out the political structure of a world and how it affects the characters within that world is hard. like. its not easy. it's not as simple as making a government and slapping a few laws onto it (and notice how even in the well-done political fantasies, there rarely is a government structure that hasn't already been seen in the west specifically). arcane's works as seamlessly as it does because they took the time to figure that out WHILE being aware that there would be large swaths of the audience that know nothing about league of legends (me, all my friends, etc).
people who wanted to watch the bad batch asked if they needed to have seen tcw or any other part of star wars to watch it. most bad batch fans said no. ive seen the bad batch and even i would tentatively say no. but then you watch the series, and nearly every episode has a cameo that you can tell is significant story wise, but if you've never seen tcw and have no idea who anyone is, you'd be really confused as to why everything grinds to a halt to dramatically reveal a character you've never seen before. and then they take two episodes to focus on the development of a character from another series. anyone watching can tell that they're filling in gaps and closing arcs or opening stories for people you will never see again. the bad batch wasn't written with non-star wars fans in mind, as much as people would like to insist otherwise. the main characters want to be apolitical in a politically tumultuous time, while living politicized lives. the political world is not set up very well.
(although i dont know that the "Right" amount of development would have changed much. DF and GL seemed dead set on having their little Trope Troupe, so they may have been doomed from the beginning)
so i know ive contradicted myself in some ways. if the bad batch had time they'd be better but also they've existed for a while and they're still bad and also theyve been doomed from the start. i think all of these are true. conceptually, as characters, doomed from the start--but at least an inch of thought and consideration for the current sociopolitical climate would have undoomed them at least a little. worldbuilding, not doomed from the start but the writers definitely needed more time to consider all their options and write a clear beginning, middle, and end to bridge through, if That Interview with Rau and Corbett signifies anything.
its time and its intent, and arcane takes the cake
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neoheros · 4 years
how would haikyuu boys handle falling in love feat. kuroo + akaashi + tsukishima !!
kuroo tetsuro
being in a relationship with him is just a pretty chill experience tbh
i feel like kuroo wouldn’t really date anyone he’s not close to on a comfortable level
people be like: omfg he looks like a player tho
he’s literally not ???? like y’all telling me this man doesn’t look like the idea of having to interact with people he doesn’t know repulses him ? bye
he’s not ignorant, he just isn’t the type to get out there unless necessary yk?
he’s got a good friend group and he’s totally satisfied with that !!!!!!
so when he was 100% sure that he saw you as somebody he’d want to be more than friends with he was just like :0
kuroo at 5:37 am, thinking of that one time you handed him a bottle of water first: oh— oh shit
he doesn’t act on it first though because y’all have been friends for so long and what if you don’t like him back ???
he didn’t wanna ruin the thing he had with you because you were literally the only one who tolerated him sending tiktoks at 4 am in the morning
kuroo: omfg have you seen this one yet
you: bro it’s almost 5 am are you on crack
but eventually he got tired of just staring at you and admiring you from afar and having to make up some excuse when you catch him cause he just really likes looking at you :(
you: bro stop staring at me
kuroo: no, your face bothers me
you: due to personal reasons i will make you pass away ❤️
so one day he just decides to shoot his shot yk?
if you reject him that’s fine, he’ll just have to send numerous tiktoks to wash away the awkwardness afterwards
like he’ll be upset about it because holy crap he flat out adores you at this point but he’s also got a sense of boundaries and will totally respect your decision
BUT !!!! when you told him you liked him too he just 🥺👉👈
this man had the goofiest grin on his face for weeks on end and his heart is all over the place because all the things he imagined in his head to do with you is finally gonna come true !!!
don’t be fooled though !! nothing will change from your friendship !!! you’re still both really chill with each other except now y’all can hug and kiss and !!!!!
kuroo: don’t i look kinda good in this picture though
you: not really, let me take a better one
kuroo: stop taking me out of frame
in retrospect, it’s really fun to be in a relationship like the one you two have because there’s not much things to disagree on and the dynamic you both have just go so well !!!
there’s also not a lot of new things to do or be uncomfortable about because y’all have already done everything as best friends !!!!!!! it’s 🥺
you, seeing kuroo staring at you: what’re you looking at me for
kuroo, unnerved: you’re so pretty
you, caught off guard: it’s my time to pass away now i see 😌
you two joke around a lot but that doesn’t mean you two take whatever you say to heart
somewhere along the line, this made kuroo a bit worried on how you took his intentions though
he knew you were cool with messing with him but sometimes he wonders if what he says ever gets to you
so one night while the two of you are eating frozen yogurt in his car, you in his hoodie and just straight up vibing to the tiktoks that played as background music
he looks up, spoon in his mouth, “you know that i love you, right?”
“you’re so cheesy,” you tell him, laughing while you scroll up to the next video on the fyp
he leans back in his seat, eyeing you under the single yellow light of the car
you, barely looking up from your phone: i love you too though
akaashi keiji
being in a relationship with akaashi is quite literally the most gratifying thing
he’s 97% of your wise decision making and you’re very much thankful for that
when he first met you he honestly didn’t know what to think
his first impression of you? an indecisive impulsive mess
his second impression of you? a very cute indecisive impulsive mess
there’s not a single doubt that he was crushing on you H A R D
he doesn’t pay attention to it though because he knew how crushes often worked and most of the time they didn’t really work out
but the more he looked at you or stared at you from afar with a silly grin that he doesn’t even realize, everyone around him notices just how silent you make him
leave it up to the fukurodani volleyball club to be the best matchmakers in the world
so one night while akaashi was chilling in bed he gets a text from bokuto telling him about an impromptu team hang out sesh
akaashi: it’s 7 pm ..?
you, in the group chat: theres never a wrong time for milk tea !!!!!
when you sent that everyone else in the chat was just so frickin ecstatic because now that you’ve confirmed you were going, it’s obvious that akaashi was now too
he arrived like 2 minutes early from the designated time and the way it wasn’t at all shocking when no one else arrived except for you
akaashi: well they totally bailed :/
you: hey at least now we have a list of people to take revenge on when the purge strikes
it’s okay though because the two of you make most of the night anyways !!
you never thought sitting outside of a 7/11 at 7 pm on a friday could be fun but as you sat there with boba tea and a ramen cup with one of your closest friends next to you, you were just !!!! so frickin soft
akaashi on the other hand didn’t feel anything but utter nervousness the whole time
it was so cold under the night sky and you were so close to him, he’s praying that you take the redness on his cheeks from the weather and not from the rapid racing of his heart
bokuto texting him: bro i swear to god if you’re not taking this chance to shoot your shot i’m >:(
he’s so nervous because it actually was an ideal time to tell you how much he liked you
plus he’s pretty sure that you were eventually gonna notice just how often he glanced at you whenever you came to their practices or in general
so he’s like fine then !!! he’s gonna do this tonight and if you reject him then he’s just gonna have to deal !!!!
akaashi, anxious: hey i really li—
you, cutting him off: i like you a lot and i’m pretty sure bokuto did this on purpose because he knows and i’m sorry if it wasted your time !!!!
akaashi, less anxious: oh
he just smiles softly and tucks your hand in his and tells you he’d like to walk you home that night
after that something just changed between the two of you
suddenly he’s walking you home everyday with little forehead kisses before he leaves
going grocery shopping with him when you run out of food at home because he’s the only one who knows about your secret snack stash
akaashi: you don’t need that much yakult
you: ? don’t be alarmed but i think we just found the reason of our first fight
whenever you go out with him to shop for anything at all, he always has to be the person in front when you walk because he’s the one pushing the cart with his left hand while his right is tightly interlocked with yours
you just stray behind him, pointing out all the things you’d like and he’s the one who decides if it’s worth to buy because you’re absolutely sure that you’d be dead broke if you were left alone
akaashi: this hoodie looks cute, do you wanna try it out
you, recalling the four sweatshirts you haven’t returned to him: nah i have enough
sometimes you’d get in the cart whenever the grocery store you’re in is mega big and he’s just gonna have the most unbothered face as people eye him because he’s pushing a fucking cart with a person in it
you’d get worried though thinking that you’re too heavy for him to push around so you insist to get off but he just doesn’t let you because you were so cute and 😤
akaashi is just so frickin soft when it comes to you like most of the time when someone idly mentions your name a smile immediately comes up to his face and he doesn’t even realize it
he also almost always wake up to numerous snaps of you at 3 in the morning just doing the most random things
he goes through them with such a silly grin and has to fight the urge to screenshot all of them cause u were so FRICKEN cute
akaashi, looking at a photo of you with tears down your face from 4 am: that’s my baby 👉👈
everyone around y’all are just on the fence about the two of you dating since neither of you really cleared what was going on ???
you were scared to call him your boyfriend because there was never really a discussion about it and you didn’t want to come off as assuming
but one afternoon right before he left when he dropped you off at your house, he just stopped and looked at you and you were so confused
akaashi, taking off his sweatshirt and giving it to you: the news said it gets cold tonight
you, on the verge of tears: oh 🥺
tsukishima kei
he’s a salty little shit who complains 24/7 and that’s about as canon as it gets
BUT but !!! if there’s anything tsukishima is good at and i mean anything !!! it’s being observant and keen on the people around him !!! ESP TO YOU !!!
at first you were always just kinda there ?
like he noticed your presence cause you shared classes with him and you were also at his practices a lot cause you and kiyoko would walk home together
so he knew of you but didn’t really know know you, yk?
but then one day yamaguchi came to him introducing you because apparently he’s the only one left on the team who hasn’t met you and it may or may not be because you were low key scared of him
it’s all good though cause once you two shook hands and talked he became more open to actually including you in his life
you guys made out to be good friends considering that you balanced out his snarky attitude with your even worse comebacks
like they weren’t really all that clever but it’s annoying enough to get him to shut up when you want him to
everyone on the team was super surprised at the fact that you were able to talk to tsukishima like that but also they were like: “please don’t ever stop???”
so you became from someone he barely realized was there to always looking for you first when he enters a room
yamaguchi: you know some people would call that having a crush 😗
and he’s all confused cause he knew that the possibility of him getting through high school without having a crush was very slim but jesus christ a crush on YOU??
tsukki, internally: god has favorites and it is not me 💔
but when he gets over the idea that it’s completely revolting to like you like that he realizes something click and suddenly it wasn’t an annoying idea to see you romantically
so in full tsukishima style he asks you out and was pretty surprised when you said yes but you weren’t cause he wasn’t even mildly subtle at hiding his intentions
you: does this mean you won’t be mean to me anymore 🥺
tsukki: no but that’s a nice try ❤️
even when the two of you started dating, he didn’t really want anything to change cause he liked the dynamic he had with you
he was very relieved that you weren’t easily offended and you didn’t really get on his nerves a lot
you guys were hot heads but you also respected each other 🥺
something you quickly became accustomed to after dating though is being codependent when it came to sleeping
you’re usually always over at each other’s houses and his mom is totally over the moon at the fact that his son found someone like you
so every afternoon after school you two are at either houses and just chilling and vibing because school do be very tiring tho
most of the time naps happen and even if it is super hot outside and you’re on the verge of a heat stroke, you just can’t get comfortable unless you’re touching him yk?
tsukishima’s probably the same since he really likes it when his leg is over yours or when his arm is touching your arm
you, under a blanket against tsukki’s back in extremely warm weather: it’s hot
tsukki, sweating: yeah
you: so anyways
he didn’t even realize how much he’s used to you being there when he falls asleep that at night when he actually needs to rest and you’re not anywhere near him he just can’t ???
tsukishima, snapping you a picture of him with tired eyes at 2 in the morning: you ruined my life
you, just as tired, quickly replying: uno reverse card bitch
so it’s 2 am and neither of you can fall asleep and it’s just an entire frenzy of tiring yourselves out
the two of you end up facetiming and just talking endlessly about random thoughts and perspectives on people
his voice is 100% groggy and every 2 minutes he’s yawning but he really likes it when he’s talking to you because it’s always better when it’s you in the mix
he’s telling you all about how he thinks dinosaurs are super cool and fantastic that when he realizes you’ve fallen asleep he’s just like 🥺
he stares at the screen for a while, suddenly regretting that he wasn’t there to make sure you were comfortable
he’s got the softest smile on and he doesn’t even care that he’s staring at you while you’re asleep cause you just looked so peaceful and warm and sweet
tsukki: that’s my baby 🥺
he feels another yawn come up and he ends the call, hoping that the tone won’t wake you up when he does
at this point he’s also on the verge of falling asleep and he’s very glad that he talked to you because you always knew how to get him out of things like this
tsukki, texting you: thanks for falling asleep on me SNAKE
tsukki: love you, gn <3
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clonewarslover55 · 4 years
Fuck yeah!
Pleasuring Boba Fett while Fennec watches //NSFW//
Notes: I made the reader gender neutral! Also I didn’t do any specifics on what the relationships are, that’s for you to decide now.  
Warnings: Oral sex(Male recieving) public sex but theres only really Fennec there, Dom!Boba, Dom!Fennec, I don’t think it has a specific name…..Soo someone watching you pleasure someone else. Lets see how many times Abi can say cock in a short drabble!!!  
Tags are fucking hard okay??? 
Boba grabbed a fist full of your hair, shoving you to your knees in front of him. The hard floor in front of the throne made your knees ache, but the sight of Boba’s hard cock distracted you from the pain entirely. 
Fennec sat on the arm of the throne, watching as you began to lick Boba’s cock slowly. Boba relaxed in his throne, his head lolling when you wrapped your lips around him. You placed one of your hands on a thick thigh, anchoring yourself. 
You took him as far as you could, hollowing your cheeks and breathing steadily through your nose. What you couldn’t take you pumped with your fist. Your mouth and fist worked in a perfect rhythm, quickly driving Boba insane. Boba watched you, the black T-shaped visor sending shivers down your spine. 
You glanced at Fennec, her dark eyes watching you. She looked like a tame, but still dangerous, predator perched beside their master. You closed your eyes, focusing back on Boba’s large cock. Tears gathered in the corners of your eyes when he bucked his hips, a growl ripping from his throat. 
Boba gripped your hair even tighter, the force making your scalp sore. You shifted a little, your tongue tracing the veins of his cock. You were naked, the cold stone keeping your aroused body a little cooler. 
“Touch yourself.” Fennec spoke, Boba’s cock twitching at her words. You looked at Boba, “You heard her.” He growled out the words, his voice even darker from desire. You moaned around his cock, snaking a hand between your legs. 
Your hand moves in time with your mouth, quickly bringing yourself to that cliff edge. Boba’s muscles tense as he watches you. Fennec smirked, she knew you were both close. You moaned around Boba’s cock, his hips bucking hard at the vibrations.
You choked slightly around him, but kept up your efforts. It didn’t take much longer for Boba to cum, emptying his hot seed down your throat. The taste of him made you cum, a moan leaving your lips. 
Boba glanced at Fennec when you pulled off his softening cock, licking the drool and cum away from your lips. She smirked, they’d have a lot of fun with you in the upcoming future.
Tags: @leias-left-hair-bun @iamassbuttkingofhell @catsnkooks @colorfulloverbatturkey @ahsokatano-thetogruta @peacefulwizardfox @jedi-mando @julyzaa @feathersforclones @chr0nicbackpain @jedi-nila-rhyn @strangebroadwaykinks @fyrepen33 @mistflyer1102 @kamino-mermaid @cherry-cokes-world @darmanfi @silverinkandstardust @chewychewyque @majorshiraharu @ravenpuff01 @808tsuika @valkyrieofthehighfae @my-awakened-ghost @commanderrivercc-3628 @pinkiemme @kasianthus @apillowofstars @escapedthesarlacc @marvel-starwars-nerd
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