#i gotta buy groceries more often now
royaletiquette · 1 year
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justonefeather · 2 years
I get packing underwear for myself so I feel better at work mostly. I don't go to a job where i wear sweatpants anymore but it just makes me more comfortable since i see these people nearly every day. But uhh they're a little expensive, relatively, or at least for me. But I'm finally both paying off debt and saving a little money every check, so I bought a 3-pack, since some of the underwear i have are getting holes around the waistband and the.. leg bands? The end bits. Idk i haven't bought myself new underwear in years because it's something I've thought of as kind of frivolous, what i have still lives so I should use it and not waste money on buying something new. But doing laundry today i was like hmm ok yeah i need to replace some of these (to be fair most of the ones in bad shape are not the packing underwear, i will rep this brand forever, $20 a pair is rough but if you can spare it they're great)
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shushmal · 5 months
merman steve pt 2
a continuation of this for @spectrum-spectre, now with some pre-steddie~!
Henderson is skulking around in the cereal aisle when Eddie spots him.
The kid has been a bit of enigma to Eddie since he met him at the beginning of last fall semester. Dustin had a tight group of friends, but often times, he caught the gang of them sans Henderson and the fact seemed to annoy the hell out of them.
"He just goes off on on his own sometimes," Baby Beyers would say.
"He won't tell anyone where or why or with who," Mini Wheeler would snarl.
"And it's definitely not to talk to his girlfriend, because we hear ALL about that," Big Sinclair would sigh, rolling his eyes.
So catching kid creeping around the grocery store minus the rest of his party, after hearing many complains of his mysterious disappearances? Color Eddie intrigued.
"Hendersooon," Eddie sang, wrapping an arm around Dustin's neck to keep him from escaping. "Whatcha doing?"
"Eddie!" he said brightly, grinning at him. "Just buying some snacks. Hey, which cereal do you think a fish can eat?"
Eddie stares at him for a moment, blinking. "Uh..."
Henderson's face scrunches up. "I guess he's not really a fish though, so I'll try whatever." He grabs a box of Honey Combs from the shelf.
"Dude, are you keeping a sea turtle at your house again? You know that's illegal."
"No!" Henderson snaps, flushing. "And I was going to take Dart back after show and tell, I had already promised Steve!"
"Steve?" That was a new name. Eddie hadn't heard Henderson talk about a Steve before, and the guy was kind of a motormouth and a terrible liar. The only time Eddie had seen him actually avoid a topic was when his little disappearing acts were brought up. "Who's Steve?"
Henderson's eyes go comically wide. "No-one! I don't know any Steves!"
Eddie knew at least three Steves, and two were in Henderson's grade. "Uh-huh."
"Anyways," Dustin says, clutching the box of Honey Combs to his chest as he backs down the aisle. "I gotta go man, nice seeing you, bye!"
Bemused, Eddie watches him go. He's planning to give Henderson a five minute head start before he goes to tail him, but apparently, he needn't to have planned a stake out after all. Henderson finds him again, two aisles over, panting and red-faced.
"Actually, can you give me a ride?"
"Eddie," Henderson says, voice even more serious and deadly than the time the party took on Vecna last month during their campaign. "I need you to swear that you will never, ever tell anyone about what I'm going to show you."
Eddie cocks a brow at him. "Is this a drugs thing? Dude, you—"
"No!" Henderson snaps. "This is not a drug thing! This is a very serious life and death thing, and I need you to swear on you life you won't tell anyone about it."
"Dude," Eddie says, a little in awe. He stares out his windshield for a moment where they're still parked just outside of town. He can hear sounds of the ocean just past the ridge, waves crashing on the cliffs. It's a remote little area, opposite of the tourist favored beaches. Eddie, in fact, deals just a few miles down the shoreline from here. "Did you bring me out here to kill me? Are you the world's dorkiest serial killer?"
"Eddie." Eddie turns to look at him. His face is grave, brows furrowed with real worry. "I'm serious."
"Okay... Okay, then."
"You have to swear."
"I swear."
And just like that, Henderson's face breaks into a bright smile. "I knew I could trust you!" he crows, grabbing up his bag from the store and kicking open his door.
Eddie stumbles out of his van after him, listening intently as they pick their way over the rocks.
"He's so cool, Eddie, you're going to love him. He totally saved my life when I was like ten and I got pulled out on a rip tide. Like, I really almost died dude and then he just swims up out of no where and helps me catch my breath. Helps me float there while I'm freaking out too until the life guard finally came out to get me. It was crazy! I come out here all the time to visit him, I think he gets a little lonely. So it's good you're here, I've been trying to think of someone else to introduce him to, but it's hard to figure out who's going to freak out and try to sell him to Sea World, or something."
They crest over the hill to a tiny little cove bitten out of the rocky shore, and carefully begin to make their way back down to the water's edge. Eddie's still not entirely sure Henderson hasn't brought him here to die. Maybe Steve is the serial killer and he uses Henderson as bait.
"Okay, okay," Dustin says, once they reach the water. It's calmer here, the cliffs cutting this spot off from the larger waves. "Are you ready to see the coolest thing EVER?"
"Uh, sure, kid—"
Eddie doesn't get the chance to finish his sentence when he starts yelling.
"Jesus Christ," Eddie hisses, covering his ears. The lungs on this kid! "What the fuck dude— WHAT THE FUCK!!"
Because when he looks down, there is a face in the water. Eddie falls back on his ass, uncaring of the water soaking his jeans, and screams when the face in the water rises up out the ocean.
It looks pissed.
"Dustin," it says, glaring at Eddie. Eddie screams again, because it—the guy—the mermaid lifts himself fully onto the rocks, and he doesn't have any legs. Because he has a fucking tail.
A fucking fish tail.
"Steve!" Dustin cheers. "You came out."
"You sure?" the goddamn mermaid asks, finally taking his piercing, alien eyes off of Eddie to look at him. "Sure it safe?"
"Absolutely," Dustin says hastily, crouching beside Eddie to put his hands on his shoulders. "Eddie just screams a lot, I promise you, he's totally safe."
"R-Right," Eddie says, because he does not want to be eaten. Maybe Dustin's been dragging unsuspecting victims here to feed his pet goddamn mermaid instead of a serial killer. "Totally safe, that's me."
Steve, the goddamn fucking mermaid, looks him up and down doubtfully, and it's terrifying having those eyes on him, unnaturally yellow surrounded by black. His face is distressingly human, nose and mouth and ears with a mop of dark hair on his head. He has these bright shimmering scales across his cheekbones that dot down his jaw and neck, iridescent and glimmering in the afternoon sun. Eddie can't bring himself to look down further, scared and enraptured all at once.
Steve is terrifying and beautiful to look at.
"Fine," says Steve and pushes himself gracefully back into the water, disappearing into the dark depths.
"What the fuck," Eddie breathes. He looks up at Dustin with wide eyes. "Dude, what the fuck."
Dustin just grins down at him. "Isn't he the coolest?!"
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Request for reader taking Rues place in s1 ep2 when mouse pays a visit to Fez
ofc, hope you like!
fezco x fem!reader (season one ep 02: stuntin' like my daddy)
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warning: drug use/abuse, coercion, violence, swearing, slight sexual language, mentions of overdosing, after effects of naloxone (narcan) and fentanyl like nausea, urinary retention, drowsiness.
wc: ±2465
a/n: requests welcome!
gif not mine, all credit to original creator.
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The only time you'd ever really see Fez at a party was if he was dealing. He wasn't one who really enjoyed going out or being around a lot of people, but parties were one of the fastest ways to sell his shit, and a guy's gotta eat. On the days he had all to himself, he'd often be at home doing nothing.
The only thing he enjoyed more than relaxing at home, was relaxing at home with you. You seemed to have that effect on him; he enjoyed doing things more when you were around. He'd take you shopping because he knew you'd buy actual food and not just any random stuff with no nutritional value. He'd take you with him on random night drives through the city because you had the best playlists to listen to and he wouldn't admit it, but he secretly loved listening to the different genres of music you enjoyed. He always enjoyed having your presence around the house, and around him.
Right now, however, he really really wished you had stayed home. Not that he didn't want to see you, but he was about 5 minutes away from doing business with one of his suppliers (not one of the nicests guys either), and he didn't want to anywhere near when they arrived.
"Hold on, you can't be in here right now," he drawled nervously when he saw your wet frame enter the living room. "I just came to make you guys dinner, got everything for your favorites," you smiled as you made your way inside, placing the groceries you had bought on the kitchen table. You toed off your shoes and made your way to Fez's room. "Nah, you gotta go Y/N," he said following after you.
"Why, am I not welcome anymore?" you joked, looking through his drawers for dry clothes. You settled for a pair of old sweatpants and a t-shirt you had forgotten there, and swiftly changed.
"I'm serious, come back in a few hours but right now you gotta get the fuck up outta my house," he said seriously. You frowned at his words. Was he seriously going to kick you out in the middle of a rainstorm? "It's fucking pouring outside, Fez. I can just—"
"Nah you ain't listening, you gotta go right now before these motherfuckers come through," he interrupted you. By now you had grown irritated by his behavior. "Who are you talking about?" you asked angrily, walking past him to go sit on the couch in the living room. "My guy's boutta come through and I don't want you here when he gets here, you understand?" he said following you. Right. His guy, as in his supplier. You were on the verge of asking him what the big deal was if you just stayed out of their way for the few minutes, when his phone buzzed from the table he was previously sitting at.
You peered behind the back of the couch towards the table and then back at him. He did the same, and when your eyes met, you could see the anger mixed with fear on his face. "I could fuckin' kill you right now," he muttered before reaching for his walkie talkie. "Yo Ash, they here," he spoke into it before he started packing stacks of money into a paper bag.
By now you had grown a bit nervous at what was about to go down. Fez never allowed you to join him when he was doing any of his deals. He wanted to keep you as far away as possible from that side of his life, and right now you were about to meet one of his suppliers.
He walked over to the couch were you still sat frozen in fear, pushing his hands between the two cushions and pulling out a gun, checking to see if it was loaded. Your eyes widened before meeting his. "Look I'm serious Y/N," he said quietly, "just stay right there, keep your mouth shut and be cool. These dudes ain't fuckin' around." You could only nod in response, watching closely as he placed the gun back between the cushions.
To say the big bald guy with the face tattoos currently standing behind you was scary, would be one hell of an understatement.
"So this your little bitch?" you heard him ask. You didn't dare turn around, nervously clasping your hands together in your lap to stop them from shaking too visibly. "Nah bruh, that's my girl," Fez subtly corrected him as the guy made his way around the back of the couch. He kneeled infront of the couch and extended his hand in greeting. "Well hello there," he said. You nervously unclasped your hands and placed one in his, which he took and kissed softly. You wanted to retract your hand from the feeling of his cold, dry lips on your skin, but you had no idea if that could potentially piss him off, and you didn't want to find out what he'd do if he got mad.
"My name is Mouse, it's a pleasure to meet you," he said. How ironic you thought, but you couldn't find anything humorous in the way his stare sent chills down your spine. When he walked away you looked over to Fez again, who was sitting right across from you. He gave you a small nod as you tried your best to calm down your racing heart.
Mouse started unpacking and naming all the diffrent drugs he had available. You tried not to look as shocked as you felt, but truth was you weren't used to all of it. Yeah your boyfriend was a drug dealer, but you didn't do drugs, and he's made it his life's mission to keep it that way You turned around and caught a glimpse of all the different bottles and pills all packed in big plastic zip lock bags.
"7750," Mouse's lackey Custer said as he finished calculating the price of everything at a quite impressive speed. Fez quickly got the paper bag with the money, throwing it to Mouse, who threw it to Custer. "Sure you don't want no Fentanyl?" he asked. "Nah man I'm cool off that shit. Too many OD's, man. I don't want the heat," Fez said calmly.
Mouse turned around to where you sat. "How about you pretty girl," he asked, "you ever tried Fentanyl?"
"No," you said quietly, still looking down at your lap. "Nah, she's good bro," Fez said as Mouse took a seat next to you on the couch and placing his arm behind you on the back of it. He used his outstretched hand to play with the loose strands of your hair. "You gonna let your boy talk for you?" he asked with a smile. You looked over at Fez, not knowing of you should answer him or not. "I don't know—"
"Don't look at him, look at me." You felt as though you might burst into flames if you did look at him. You turned your head slightly towards him, and you were met with a smile that made your stomach churn nervously. "You ever tried it?" he asked again.
"Yo forreal bruh, I don't want her fuckin' wit that shit," Fez said through a clenched jaw. You could hear the irritation and anger in his voice. Whether it was aimed at you for being here right now or at Mouse talking to you, you didn't know.
Mouse ignored Fez's talking, moving closer to you until his mouth was at your ear. "You know that feeling when you cum so hard you can't feel or hear shit?" he asked. You frowned, turning your face away from him and looking down at your lap once again. You didn't want to answer him, you didn't want to be talking to him anymore. "You like that feeling?" he added. You couldn't do anything but nod dumbly, afraid of what he might do if you ignored him.
"Well shit, you gon' love this."
Soon he was reaching for his pockets, pulling out a knife and a pouch of liquid Fentanyl, placing a small amount of the substance on the tip of the blade. He bought it closer to your face, and before you could think you were instinctively shaking your head and moving your head away from the knife.
"I don't— I don't think I should," you said softly. "What, you don't trust me?" he asked. "Yo for real man, she's good," Fez said desperately trying to diffuse the situation. He was praying that you didn't come close to that blade, he didn't want you using that shit at all. "Shut the fuck up bitch," Mouse said, still looking at you, "ain't nobody talkin' to you."
"Tell your boy I ain't talking to him right now. Tell him to shut the fuck up," he said to you. You looked over at Fez, the tears already burning behind your eyes. "C'mon don't be scared. It won't bite you." His voice bought your attention back to the blade that was still infront of your face.
"C'mon, try it."
Fez was shaking his head at you, praying that you weren't stupid enough to take up his offer. You were shaking like a leaf. You didn't know what to do, you just wanted to get out of this situation as fast as possible.
Without a second thought you placed your mouth on the tip of the knife and licked the substance off. Please don't let me die the words replayed in your head over and over and over as you felt yourself slowly and quietly slip into a diffrent state. After a while you couldn't even sit up straight anymore, and you found yourself softly falling on the couch cushion. Please don't let me die please don't let me die please don't let me die please—
"It hits quick," you heard Mouse's voice faintly as you tried desperately to hold onto some form of lucidity. Fez was watching you closely, trying to see if you were still conscious. "You like the way that feels?" he asked placing your leg over his lap. "Mhm," you managed to get out through lips that felt as heavy as concrete. "You wanna couple of patches pretty girl?" he asked and you replied with what you hoped was a yes. He got the patches from his jacket pocket and placed them beneath the waistband of your sweatpants.
"Its gon' cost you three hundred," he said to you, but looking over at Fez, "C'mon, pay up pretty girl."
"I only have like, seven dollars on me," you said, slurring your words like a drunk. "I said three hundred," Mouse repeated running his fingertips along your leg. "I bought like, groceries and shit." You could feel the drool running out your mouth and down your cheek, but it felt like your body was nailed to the couch. You felt so relaxed, so good and fuzzy that you couldn't even be bothered by the drool.
"Yo Mouse, lemme pay for it man," Fez spoke up. "I thought you was too good for Fentanyl" Mouse said with a taunting smile. "What is it, everybody changing they motherfuckin' minds on me?" he asked turning to Custer who sat on the back edge of the couch laughing.
"She can't afford it, she gon' have to find another way of paying me. Straight up," he said, now rubbing along your leg. "Ok," you replied, thinking he was still talking to you. Fez wanted nothing more than to pull out the gun from between the two cushions and shoot Mouse right there and then. He could feel himself getting angrier with every stroke of Mouse's hand along your clothed leg.
"Yo man, jus' lemme pay for it. Got the money right here."
Fez stood up from the couch, and placed three hundreds in Mouse's hand. "Damn, your boy must love you. Its gon cost you six hundred now, man."
After Fez gave Mouse his extra money he counted the bills before standing up to leave. "It's always a pleasure doing business with you," he smiled, pushing your leg from his lap and getting up from the couch. As soon as the door closed behind him, Fez stood up, taking the Fentanyl Mouse had left on the couch and calling Ash. "Flush that shit down the toilet, and go grab the Narcan, just in case," he said placing the pouch in Ash's hand.
He went over to the couch were you were still laying quietly and motionless, your one leg still hanging off the couch. He carefully pulled it back up the couch, maneuvering it to prevent you from rolling onto your stomach, and covered your body with the small blanket that layed by the couch's end. He sat by your head on the couch, softly stroking your hair and praying that you were okay. Your eyes fluttered open when you felt his soft touch on your head. "'M sorry," you slurred, trying to keep your eyes open, to stay awake. Your breathing was irregular and soft, and you felt a dull discomfort in your chest.
"It's ok," he said softly, wiping away the layer of sweat from your forhead. "I ain't leaving you."
When Ash returned with the Narcan you were quickly given some in each nostril and after a while your breathing returned to a somewhat normal tempo. You couldn't fight the urge to sleep anymore and soon you were closing your eyes and dozing off.
You layed in bed next to Fez feeling like absolute shit. You couldn't fall asleep. The dull pressure in your bladder and the constant nausea made it impossible to get comfortable. You turned around slowly, to find Fez laying next to you, his eyes trained on you. He hadn't left your side since your little run-in with Mouse, and had you stay with him until you felt better. He even went as far as to ask one of your friend to bring you clean clothes from your house.
"How you feelin'?" he asked, voice thick from sleep. You only shook your head no, you couldn't even find the strength to talk. "You want some' to eat?" he asked softly. The mention of food made your stomach churn uncomfortably and before you knew it you were jumping out of bed and making a beeline for the bathroom for what felt like the millionth time.
You felt Fez's hand rubbing circles into your back softly as you threw up once again. "Let it all out, baby," you heard him say softly. He knew you hated throwing up, and he hated seeing you ill, so he tried his best to give you any sort of comfort.
After you finished you flushed the toilet and wiped your mouth. The cold tiles beneath your knees and the warm press of Fez's hand against your even warmer body grounded you. "I'm sorry for taking that shit," you said through quiet sobs. You hadn't even noticed you'd been crying. "Is alright," Fez said softly. He hated seeing you cry more than anything. "You'll be alright, okay?" he said, pulling you into a hug, "I ain't going no where. Gonna look after my girl."
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luvrrszn · 1 year
and they were roommates *
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summary miguel o'hara is your roommate, and then he's more than that
warnings [all sexual themes are at the bottom end of the post] explicit/18+ (smut), unprotected sex, dom!miguel, not proofread
a/n (gif posted originally by @/cantstoptheimagines, can't figure out tumblr's gif shit so i'm doing this instead, hope that's okay :)) guys i'm so bad at writing smut please go easy on me also if u have requests PLEASEEE send them in i'm so bored
"oi! you left your panties on the countertop again, you goblin! take it back!" miguel yells at you from your shared bathroom.
"my bad." you mumble, a piece of toast in your mouth as you shuffle into the bathroom, in a hurry to grab your underwear off the marble countertop.
miguel watches, amused, as you scramble to get your things together before your 8am class. it's 7:48am, and it takes you at least 15 minutes to drive to campus, and that's if you make every green light on your way there.
you're lacing up your sneakers by the door as miguel pours himself a cup of coffee. he walks over to shut the door behind you after you leave. as you run down the hallway to the elevator, he calls out after you, "buy some juice on the way back, we're out of that."
you give him a thumbs-up before disappearing around the corner.
you're cooking your favourite homemade meal—pesto pasta. turning off the stove, you turn around to grab a bowl from the shelves. when you turn back around, you see miguel hunched over your pan of pasta, mouth stuffed with food. YOUR food.
you slap him away from the pan, as he feigns hurt, "ow, ow, that hurts. now you gotta give me pasta to make up for it."
"you ate two bowls of instant noodles already, how are you still hungry? get away, boy." you swat his fork away.
"c'mon, please?"
you roll your eyes and give in.
you were never truly going to say no to miguel o'hara. you had cooked enough for two because you knew this was going to happen, and you knew you weren't going to say no to miguel.
"miguel! stop using my shampoo! and my lotion! you know they're super expensive, get your own!" you yell at him from the bathroom, inspecting the fullness—or now, emptiness of your body care products.
"hey, mami, what can i say? those are the real deal." he replies, barely looking away from his laptop.
"yeah, and they cost a shit ton. stop using my stuff and go back to your nasty 30-in-1 soap or whatever." you huff, glaring at miguel angrily.
saturday evenings are spent at the dining table going over the grocery list, preparing for your weekly sunday grocery runs.
saturday nights are spent on the sofa in the living room, watching a movie.
sunday mornings are spent at the grocery store, wandering down the aisles even though you've been there every sunday for the past year and a half, ever since you moved in with miguel after a mutual friend introduced the two of you upon finding out you were both looking for a roommate.
sunday noons are spent unpacking the bags of groceries, which more often that not contain bags of junk food that miguel somehow managed to sneak into the cart.
sunday afternoons are spent doing laundry. miguel loads the washing machine while you handwash the delicate pieces that require extra care. afterwards, you toss what can be put into the dryer into the dryer while miguel hangs up the rest of the clothes to dry. then, the two of you settle into a comfortable routine of folding laundry.
that's just how it was. every week, without fail.
the moment you fell for miguel was when you caught a horrible cold and he took care of you.
despite you trying to shoo him away multiple times, he never gave up.
"come on, princesa. you're sick, let me help you."
"i look like a hot mess right now, miguel. just leave me alone, i'll be okay." barely finishing your sentence, you broke out in a fit of coughs and wheezes.
"no can do. you're sick, so get your ass back into bed. i'll bring you some chicken soup, so for now, just rest." miguel replied, placing a bottle of water and some cold medicine on your bedside table.
when he returned, he found you curled up in your bed, duvet tucked under your chin. he placed the bowl of soup on your bedside table, before placing the back of his hand on your forehead, only to realise that you were burning up.
"take your meds, princesa. you're running a fever."
with his help, you washed your fever medicine down with a gulp of water. then, you snuggled back under the duvet. when miguel turned to leave, your hand shot out from under the duvet, grabbing his wrist. you croaked out a "stay".
without a word, miguel got into bed next to you, slipping his arm under your head. you curled into his chest, falling asleep to the steady rhythm of his heart beating.
the moment miguel fell for you was when you left to visit family during summer break and he opened the refrigerator to find each shelf lined with containers of food.
you had left that morning, hand gripping your suitcase handle as you said to miguel, "try not to die, finding a new roommate with such short notice would be hard."
miguel grinned and flipped you the bird as you turned around and disappeared down the hallway to the elevator. closing the door behind him, miguel beelined for the refrigerator. maybe there was some yogurt he could have for a quick breakfast.
upon opening the refrigerator, he found that each shelf was packed containers of home-cooked meals, all prepared by you. well, that answered the question of why the apartment smelled so good when he got home last night.
there were containers of pasta, rice, chicken, salad, whatever you could think of, it was there. turning around, miguel spotted the sticky note you had left on the kitchen island. he picked up the light pink sticky note and read your note.
"seriously though, miggy. try not to die. i'd be a little sad if you did."
he couldn't help but let out a little chuckle.
you are the one who first confesses your feelings. on saturday night, after movie night, you gather all your courage and say, "miguel, look, i-i have to tell you something. and when i do, or even after i do, i need you to promise you won't hate me."
miguel's heart is racing. worries fill his head and his heart, and he can't help but wonder if you are going to tell him that you want to move out. he takes a deep breath, and replies steadily, "i could never hate you. go ahead, princesa."
you turn to look at miguel, and you say, "you're my best friend, and there's nothing i wouldn't do for you. you know that, right?" he nods.
taking in a shaky breath, you continue, "i like you. and it's okay if you don't feel the same way. i can't remember a time where i didn't know you, and i'm not sure i want to either. so if you don't feel the same way, can we at least still stay—"
"shut up," miguel cuts you off.
you're taken aback, stammering, "w-what?"
"just shut up," miguel repeats as he moves towards you, encasing your lips with his. you let out a slight gasp, and miguel takes that opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth.
the kiss is everything you've imagined and more. it's hungry and passionate, but also gentle and reassuring. words were no longer needed; words weren't enough for miguel to express how much he liked you back.
you let miguel take control. you surrender, savouring every moment of the kiss.
and it leaves you breathless.
from that night on, nothing much changes. but at the same time, everything changes.
your weekend routines remain the same, but throughout the week, there's sex. so. much. sex.
miguel's sex drive is crazy, and you can barely keep up. not that you're complaining.
"miguel," you let out a breathy moan. your left hand is tangled in his hair, your right hand littering his back with scratches. miguel fucks you relentlessly, pulling his hips back and slamming into you in one fluid motion.
his hands slide downwards towards your nipple, and he toys with them, tugging gently and rubbing them between the pad of his thumb and his index finger. one of his hands slides even further downwards, and traps your clit. he rubs slow circles on it, drawing a moan past your lips.
his coordination is crazy, and you're stimulated in all the right places.
miguel senses that you're near your climax, and he speeds up, slamming into you with such tenacity that you almost believe he's in such a rush because the world might be ending in two seconds.
miguel goes faster, rougher, deeper, helping you chase your finish. the knot in your stomach tightens, tightens, tightens—then it snaps. you scream miguel's name as you cum all over his cock and go limp, seeing stars from what you think might have been the best orgasm of your life.
still deep in you, miguel feels every contraction of your pussy around his cock. you tighten around him, and after two more strokes of his hips, you're milking his cock for every drop of his cum.
out of breath, you lay there on the bed while miguel cleans up the mess on the bedsheets.
that afternoon, as you take out the trash, you bump into your next door neighbour, mrs palma. she looks and you and chuckles, "glad the two of you finally got together, but keep it down, wouldya, sweetheart?"
you turn as red as a tomato.
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matsur1 · 11 months
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A Ran Haitani fanfiction penned by Matsur1
Warnings: Just a bit of swearing, mentions of blood, and violence
Word Count: 1.8k
A/n: I HAVE BEEN ON A LONG LONG HIATUS AND I MISSED WRITING THESE SM!!! I HOPE YOU ALL ENJOY THISSSS!! I enjoyed writing thisss so muchhh so I hope you enjoy this as much as I diddd. It's not proofread yettt btww hehe🫶 andd! Credits to 주호 on twitter for the pic I used on the title heading! xoxo
He was breathing, drunk and alive. Your husband, Ran Haitani, went missing the whole night, and although your marriage was an arranged one and you aren’t as close as married couples should be, you were really worried about what might’ve happened to him. Turns out he just went drinking the whole night with his friends and is now sprawled on the floor of your penthouse in broad daylight. 
“Alright, come on now buddy. We gotta move you to the bed,” you tell him as you pick up his arm and put it over your shoulder. He groans, “Buddy? Hate to break it to you honey but I’m your husband.” You scoffed, “Yeah, my arranged husband. You know we both never wanted this.” You lay him down on the bed and he opens his eyes to look at you, “You can’t be so sure,” he says. “What?” you ask in shock and confusion while he closes his eyes shut. “Are you that drunk to be saying crazy things?” you sigh, “I’ll get you water, sit down for a moment.” You walk towards the fridge to get a glass of water without knowing Ran has a sly smirk on his face. He wipes it off as soon as you come back with a glass of water though. “Here, drink up,” you spoke while you hold his chin, slowly tilting the glass so he could drink. 
Later that afternoon, when he finally woke up sober, his first thought was you. “Y/N?” he calls out as he walks around, looking for you. “Yeah?” you answer him, getting out of the closet, meeting him. He towers you by a lot, so you look up in order to look into his eyes. “There’s food in the kitchen, in case you’re hungry. Should be able to help with a hangover too.” He looks at you with a question mark written all over his face. “Yeah? Well, have you already eaten?” he questions you. Now, you weren’t as close as a married couple but you were somewhat close. You often had conversations when you’re both home, you ate meals together. I guess you could say you both were close strangers. Not friends, close strangers. Even friends would know more information about each other, but you two, you know absolutely nothing about each other. Perhaps about each other’s personality but never about your separate lives. “Yeah, yes I have. I’m actually heading out right now, we ran out of butter. Anything else you want me to buy?” you respond to him. He thought for a minute, “No, not really,” he reaches for his back pocket and grabs his wallet, “Here, use this,” he hands over his credit card. “No, it’s fine. I have some cash,” you insisted. “Well, I can’t be having my wife pay for the groceries now, can I?” he insisted better. You scoff and give him a little smile, “Alright then, husband.” Teasing as always, you thought as you take his offer and start to head out.
After you successfully bought butter and flavored sparkling drinks for you and Ran, you decided to finally head back home. Home to your penthouse, which you begged for from Ran. Well, to be fair he wanted to live in a whole mansion and you honestly didn’t want such a grand thing just for an arranged marriage. He kept insisting on the mansion thing but a penthouse sounded more comfortable for you. 
You ride the elevator up to your penthouse, meeting with a very big man full of tattoos. It really sends the chills up your spine but you weren’t fazed to be met with that kind of man in this area. There are a lot of gangs and such where you and Ran live, so seeing a gangster here and there doesn’t shock you at all. Especially since you are in one. But not a single soul knows about that, you rarely even go out, and people during the night can’t possibly recognize you. Not that anyone needs to know. But then he strangely smiles when he sees you ride the elevator with him. Lucky you, not only is he a gangster, but he’s a pervert too. How you wished this ride would only last a second.
“Well well well, if it isn’t the well-known Vixen.” Your train of thoughts stop at the sudden voice you hear behind you. Shit, you thought, tightening your grip on the grocery bag you’re holding. You could only hope he was talking about someone else, but there’s no one else except you and him. Him and you. “And Bonten Ran’s wife too?” he smugly asks. Bonten? As in the most famous wanted gang in all Tokyo? Pfft, and Ran? No, that’s impossible. I would’ve at least known or found out at some point. Right? You slowly turn around him, hoping to turn this situation around as well. “I’m sorry? Well, I sure am Ran’s wife, but I’m not so sure about the Vixen and Bonten thing you’re talking about,” you give him a forced smile. Why the hell is this elevator ride taking so long, you thought. He laughs, “Are you kidding me, girlie? Ain’t no way I would mistake the Vixen for someone else. I know it when I see it.” He lifts his hand, gripping your jaw, testing you, “Ain’t I lucky now? Boss would sure be happy if I brought the Vixen to him. The Vixen who killed his best friend.” You scoff, “You wish, now take your hands off of me,” you threaten him. “You know, now that I look at it, you’re just a weakling. What could that small body of yours do against mine?” he tightens the grip on your jaw. “But anyway, you don’t know ‘bout your husband?” He sure is talkative. You glare at him and start to hold his wrist, “About him and what?” you ask curiously. “Bonten.” He says confidently. “He isn’t in Bonten. Now let go before I do things that’d make you go home crying to your boss.” His eyes widen, he starts to laugh even more loudly, “So you really don’t know about him? When he knows about you? And here I thought you were rumored to be crazily smart.” He’s really getting on your nerves now. But knows about you? Ran knows everything about you and didn’t even bother saying a word? He knows everything about you when you don’t know everything about him? Talk about marriage. You slyly get the pocket knife you had in your pocket and quickly swung it on the pulse at his wrist. His eyes widen, his body slowly sliding down the elevator floor. You look down at his body, kicking it to make sure he’s unable. You motioned to put the knife back into your pocket when you noticed the blood on your blouse. Great, this day’s really been doing nothing but put you in a bad mood. You put the knife back anyway, turning around once again and realizing the elevator buttons were all pushed. No wonder the ride was never-ending. You let out a tsk and patiently wait until you reach your penthouse. Oh, you were so ready to confront your dear husband. 
As soon as the elevator doors open to your penthouse, you leave the body in the elevator, leaving it up to whoever sees that. To be honest, you could care less about the world because right now all that’s in your mind right now is killing Ran. You drop the grocery bag at the entrance, angrily removing your shoes as Ran greets you in a cheerful tone. “Welcome back home, Darling.” He doesn’t even bother looking at you, he’s too busy watching TV. “You got something to tell me, honey?” you question him in an angry tone. He was now confused, again. So confused he finally decides to look at you. His eyes widen when he sees the blood on your blouse. “Oh my God, Y/N! Is that your blood?” he panics. The genuine worry in his eyes just wants to make you forget about everything and kiss him instead, but no, you and Ran have a lot to unfold. “Don’t worry, Love. It’s not mine.” You respond mockingly. “What-“ you cut him off, “You knew about me?? And Bonten???? What’s that about! You knew everything about me when I didn’t even know a single thing about you!!!” You shout at his face, the betrayal in your eyes visible. His eyes widen even more, “Woah, slow down. What? About you? What do you mean?” Oh now he’s trying to act innocent? “Me! The Vixen! Stop trying to act innocent!!” you remark. “The Vixen?” he slowly processed this information, then he started to laugh. Now it was your turn to be confused. What was he laughing about? “Oh my Darling!” he walks toward you and hugs you. “Stop this. It isn’t something to celebrate about. Do you have any idea how frustrated this makes me feel? For years! For years I held back from getting to know you because this- this whole thing between us is arranged! I wanted to know so much about my husband even though he was arranged for me but I didn’t bother knowing because I thought you didn’t want all this! And all of a sudden you know almost everything about me? Do you know how unfair that is to me?” you rant to him, almost running out of breath. He loosens the hug, looking at you genuinely. “What?? What’s happening now?” you ask, still mad about the things happening. “You wanted to know more about me?” His voice softens. “Of course I do! You’re my husband, arranged or not, you’re still my husband so of course I’d want to” you start to cry, covering your face. “Oh doll face, I’m sorry.” He leans down and kisses the top of your head. “I’m so sorry,” he whispers. “But I didn’t know you were the Vixen, I never did. And yes, I am a part of Bonten. I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you. You know how I always put makeup on my tattoo just to hide it from you? I was terrified of the thought that you’d be scared of me,” he chuckles. Your tears suddenly stop, now you’re even more confused. “What? You didn’t know? But the- the man in the elevator told me you knew.” You explain to him, looking up at his eyes. His beautiful, genuine eyes. “Man in the elevator? Is he, you know, the one who owns that blood?” he points at your blouse. “Well yes, he got into my nerves and-“ He puts a finger on top of your lips, shushing you. “Well, at least now we know each other a bit better,” he places his forehead on top of yours. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I didn’t know. You always went on about how we never wanted this so I figured you didn’t want to get too involved in this.” Oh. The silence went on for quite a few minutes. Finally, you found the courage to voice out, “It isn’t too late now, is it?” you asked, almost in a whisper. He softly chuckles at your question, “No. Of course not, my lovely wife.” 
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© Matsuri
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ultriize · 6 months
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1 cherries started it all.
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song eunseok.
a man you knew all to well, looking back now, you wish you hadn't, but the universe just wasn't on your side.
late april, just a few weeks after your birthday, cherry season bloomed. you being the cherry lover you are, decided to go to the nearby grocery and pick up a few bags, wanting to gift a few to your friends, or even make cherry pie.
"y/n it's cherry season!" jaeyun exclaimed, showing you he calendar he made specifically for you since he knew they were by far your favorite fruit, or anything really. "i saw," you smiled at him, running your hands through heeseung's hair who was resting his head in your lap, taking a short nap. "im thinking about walking to the grocery store and buying some, might even make some desserts?"
jay nodded, agreeing "you should, jungwon texted me earlier asking if you'd make him a cherry pie" "yeah sunoo said the same" sunghoon added. "riki too." heeseung mumbled, looking up at the guys.
"you gotta get up heeseung, im about to go to the store" you said as you continued to stroke through his faded purple hair. he shook his head at you snuggling more into your lap.
"y'all are the most couple-like but not a couple friends i have." jake commented again poking at heeseung's side.
"oh shut up" heeseung said, sitting up from your lap, making a messy attempt to fix his hair. "here," you said, swiping through his hair, making it look less messy, more presentable. "thanks" he smiled, pulling his hood over his head.
sunghoon squinted his eyes at the two of you, then looked at jay and jaeyun, the three of them making eye contact. "you know, on second thought. we'll stay here and prep some things for the cherry pies" sunghoon said, pushing himself off the ground, motioning for the others to tag along.
"let's go," heeseung smirked, grabbing his hand in yours, pulling you to the front door. "we'll be back in like thirty minutes!" he shouted to the guys. "yeah sure man!" jay replied, him and the others bursting into small laughters.
"whatever!" he dismissively said, pulling you out the front door with him.
no, you and heeseung weren't dating. but yes, you'd often do things that couples do, hold hands, go on little dates, call eachother babe or baby. that was just how you two were.
yes, you have considered the thought of dating each other, knowing it won't change much, it just being a title
but if you were honest with yourself, you didn't want to link yourself officially to him yet, and he felt the same. both of you liked how it was now. it was like an unspoken bond. the thing you were most thankful for was that heeseung wasn't the jealous type, if anything, he was your wingman. if he saw you eyeing a dude for a minute to long on one of your little dates, he wouldn't hesitate to give him your details. he's always wanted to see you happy and in a loving relationship, and if he wasn't ready to commit to that just yet, he'd be more than willing to find someone who'd be ready to for you.
so when you were nearing the grocery store and he saw three guys, one of which was definitely your type in his eyes, he untangled his hand from yours, poking your side. "11 o'clock" he mumbled, walking slower, gesturing over to the group of three guys.
one with honey blonde hair joking around with one with dark brown hair who was significantly taller. and then there was one with jet black hair, with his phone in one hand, and a cigarette in the other, bringing it up to his mouth settling it in between his lips. "i see" you replied, glancing at the raven haired man.
"c'mon" he tapped your shoulder, opening the door for you, walking inside the grocery store.
you gasped, looking at the display of cherries in the fruit section. "there's so many!" you exclaimed, heeseung glancing over at you, smiling when he saw your excitement. he never understood your obsession with the fruit, he himself wasn't too crazy about them. but knowing you'd been in love with the small fruit since you both were small, he never questioned it. "c'mon let's grab some." he smiled, grabbing a cart, putting four bags of cherries in the cart.
"so," he started, following you onto the next aisle, "i know we're making cherry pies for the boys, what else?"
"im thinking of trying cherry ice cream this time! i also want to make pistachio ice cream too." you mentioned, throwing a bag of pistachios into the cart as well. heeseung hummed, following you again to the checkout line.
"someone were ready for cherry season, hm?" the cashier said, a boy who looked younger, perhaps in his first or second year of college said, who's name tag read anton. "this one was." heeseung nudged your side.
"babe can you grab my wallet from my jacket for me?" heeseung asked you, gesturing to his coat that he put in the cart moments before. "no, i got it heeseung, thanks though" you smiled, opening your phone to your online wallet, tapping your card on the scanner. "wait i was gonna pay-" "too late" for faked sadness, pouting, shoving your phone back into your pocket.
anton smiled at the two of you, adoring your relationship. "y'all are a beautiful couple." he complimented, getting to work on the next couple, "oh we're not together-" heeseung started before you interrupted him, muttering a short "thanks!" flashing a smile to him, pushing heeseung forward.
he put the cart back, holding the large bag of pistachios in one of hand, cherries in the other. both your hands holding the bags of cherries. "look again" he said, talking about the men from before who were beside the entrance of the grocery store.
maybe you were staring a bit too hard, because you tripped on your own two feet, stumbling a bit, dropping the cherries. luckily before you fell, heeseung grabbed your arm to stop you from doing so, but it was too late for one bag of cherries, which had started rolling down the sidewalk, a few roling to the group on men.
the one smoking knelt down to pick one up, the fruit being slightly crushed by the pavement. "it must be raining cherries," he joked, looking up at you and heeseung. "im so sorry." you said, joining him in picking up the small but many cherries. heeseung already started moments ago, along with the two other guys. "don't worry about it, next time you want to stare at someone though, remember, 'left, right, left, right' with your feet."
you sighed, deciding that this was enough embarrassment for today. "sorry-" "don't apologize, i don't mind" he mumbled, throwing away some of the cherries in the trash bin.
"here you are, cherry." he said, handing you the bag you dropped to pick up the loose cherries. "it's y/n." you smiled at him, opening the bag, offering him some, which he took. he took the burning cigarette out of his mouth, popping two into his mouth, only removing the stem, and spitting out the pit. then he placed the cigarette back into his mouth.
"look at that, cherry flavored cigarette."
you hummed, bending down to pick up something beside him. "well isn't that better than regular cigarettes- oh excuse me," you feigned shock, the man scoffed at your attempt to call him out "marlboro gold" you corrected yourself.
"yeah," the man quickly grabbed the box of cigarettes out of your hand "it is, wanna have a try cherry?" he took the cigarette out of his mouth turning it to you. you shook you head at him, pushing his hand away. "ill pass, i dont smoke"
he laughed, not at you per se, but the way you declined him.
"good girl" he commented, you hated the phase, but that's all you'd ever been called before, was a 'good girl'. "whatever you say" you smiled at him and he put out the cigarette.
the man sighed, glancing over at his friends who were busy on their phones once again. then you looked over at heeseung who was on a phone call, facing away from the two of you. "that's good though, never start smoking.
you don't want to mess up those pretty lips, now do you?" he said, pulling his cigarette box back out of his pocket, "this," he showed the box to you, "isn't good for you." now it was your turn to scoff, the irony hitting you hard, "crazy how you're trying to lecture me on why i shouldn't smoke, and you've been doing so quite literally this entire time?" he hummed, agreeing with you. "i guess you're right."
"eunseok." he said, sliding the box of cigarettes into his pocket once more. "sorry, i didn't catch that" "my name- it's eunseok." he said again, leaning against the building. "seok, like the rock?"
eunseok feigned a laugh, hearing that joke too many times to count. "yeah, like the rock."
"cool" you hummed, looking over at heeseung once again, who was still busy on the phone. "what do you need all those cherries for anyways?" eunseok asked, pulling a cigarette out to smoke again. you analyzed his facial expressions while he lit the cigarette, his eyes squinting, mouth firm to hold it between his plump lips.
"hm?" he said, exhaling the smoke out of his mouth, holding the cig in between his index and middle finger. "well i like cherries, and i make pies and stuff for my friends with them. hence why i have so many." you explained.
eunseok nodded, understanding your use for the cherries. "you should make me one" he suggested, pulling his phone out of his pocket. "maybe"
"maybe- you should also give me your number, cherry."
you rolled your eyes at him, snatching his phone out of his hand. "you're smooth," typing your number into the phone, handing it back to him. eunseok pressed the 'call' button waiting for your phone to ring. "fake number?" he said, hearing the ring, but no buzzing in your pocket.
"i left it home" you shrugged, crossing your arms. he scoffed, sucking his teeth, "you'd better not be lying"
"why would i lie-" "y/n are you ready?" heeseung interrupted, looking in between you and eunseok, eunseok looking him up and down. "are you?" eunseok asked. heeseung looked awkward standing beside to two of you, so he threw his arm around your shoulders, pulling you away.
"thanks for keeping her company man!" he shouted to eunseok, turning back to you. "okay that wasn't the one i was referring to." he whispered to you, glancing back to eunseok once more. "but to each his own" he shrugged.
now, looking back on that day, eunseok didn't seem bad at first. he didn't seem bad at all. but that was before you got to know him, before you got to know the real him.
the eunseok that ruined you for anyone else.
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[ next, coming soon!! ] [ masterlist ]
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moody4world · 2 years
All for you
A/N: birthday fic for my babyyy and apparently my first fluff for him too
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I’ve been with Urban for about two years now almost three and it’s one of the best things that’s happened to me. Of course at first I was skeptical about his true intentions when he slid in my dm about 7 years ago asking if I wanted to do a photoshoot with him and his friends claiming that it was for a school project. I was gonna ignore it but then he offered to pay me and listen, what broke 17 year old would turn down some quick money? The photoshoot actually ended up being a lot of fun and that’s how I became friends with all of them.
Urban and I kept in contact the most out of all the other friends in our circle and as we got older our feelings became less platonic. However, i’m pretty sure he always liked me that way. He won’t admit it but i’m sure he did. Today was Urby’s birthday so I made sure I had everything planned out for him. Throughout our friendship and relationship he’s been so amazing to me and always caters to my needs no matter the time, no matter the place. It only felt right to absolutely spoil him on his 25th birthday. What better way to start his special day than some birthday morning head followed by some breakfast in bed?
After getting ready for his little birthday outing with his friends it was time for him to go. “Baby are you sure you can’t come with us?” I may or may not have lied about having an important work meeting to attend but in reality i took the day off so I could dedicate it to him. This whole day was my idea and this boy had no clue. “Yes i’m sure Urb you know how my boss gets” His plump bottom lip immediately started to jut out trying to persuade me to change my mind. “Stop that, if i’m done early, i’ll see where you guys are and i’ll come meet up with y’all. Does that sound good?” I asked him. “Would be better if you could just come with me but i’ll take what I can get. Speaking of things I can get, imma need a kiss before I leave” and he did not have to ask twice.
As soon as Urban was out of the house I started cleaning up the whole house, got ready and went out to buy a fresh bouquet of flowers along with some groceries to prepare our special dinner, candles and fresh flower petals.
Right when I was adding the last details to the dinner table my phone started buzzing indicating that someone was calling me. Once I grabbed my phone to pick up I noticed it was Urban. “Hey birthday boy, enjoying your day so far?” “ Yeah i’m not gonna lie I am, i’m actually on my way home right now to wait for you” “Okay baby I think I accidentally left the door unlocked cause I was rushing so if you can hurry home before anything happens that’d be great” “On it, alright i’ll see you when you get there” “I love you” “I love you too baby”
I got dressed as fast as I could and headed back downstairs just in time to see Urban walk through the door. His face twisted from confusion to his big adorable smile when he stepped on something only to realize that it was a pathway full of rose petals leading him to the dining table decorated in more petals and beautiful plates and candles. He looks up at me in adoration as I welcome him into my arms. “Happy birthday once again baby” I say to him as he sways me side to side in his tight grip. He pulls away and I hand him a nice flower bouquet and I could’ve sworn he was holding back tears. “You did all of this for me?” “All for you, love of mine” I answered as I nodded proudly. “You even got the jazz music going in the background I see you” “Only the best for my man, now let’s eat” “You don’t gotta tell me twice”
Once we were done eating we just sat and talked about his day and other things under the sun with my hand in his. “You’re so amazing you know that?” “You tell me often but your face is red as fuck right now you know that?” We both couldn’t help but laugh at his bashfulness. 7 years of knowing each other and we’ve been dating for 2 of those years yet we still had each other giggling and swinging our feet. “When the guys caught me stalking your instagram 7 years ago and dared me to dm you I did not expect us to end up here”
“So you DID have a crush on me since then!”
“I’m finally admitting the truth” He put his hands up defensively for a couple seconds only to hold your hands again right after.
“I got you one more gift” I bit my lips nervously not sure how he was going to react. Urban could feel my palm getting clammy in his. “You’re pregnant?” “I- what?! no” “Well damn it wouldn’t be that bad would it?” We couldn’t help but laugh at the turn the sentimental moment took. “No but seriously I really hope you like it…and….I hope you don’t get mad at me for getting you this gift” “Why would I get mad at a gift from you?” I only stared at him as I could see the gears in his brain starting to turn until an invisible light bulb went on. He seemed hesitant to say his guesses tho so it was only right I tell him what it is. I walk to the kitchen counter picking up a small gift box on top of it. Urban pulled his chair out from under the table beckoning me to come sit sideways on his lap and so I do.
With his arm around my waist and the other hand resting on my thighs I hand him the small box. “There’s no way this is what I think it is” He looked genuinely shocked without even opening it yet. “Well there’s only one way to find out” I shrugged. He opens the box and sees a familiar set of keys that he’s engraved in his memory for at least three years now. “No way” his jaw seemed to have lost its comprehension of remaining closed as he looked up at me in a way to confirm that his thoughts on what these keys are were true. All I could do was laugh at his reactions as I nodded to give him the confirmation he needed. “Yeah I got you the studio you wanted, no more paying other places to develop all those photos you be taking” Before I could say anything else I was pulled into a rib crushing hug and a chorus of “thank you’s” and “I love you’s” “I can’t believe you did this for me” He gave me a heated kiss that described all his emotions that words couldn’t. With our foreheads on each other’s I kissed his nose and say “All for you, love of mine”
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Louisville, Kentucky
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Liked by jackharlow and 8.333 others
urbanwyatt if we locked in, ain’t no switchin up. one of my best birthdays yet thanks to this one, almost got down on one knee when @yngotit pulled out that bouquet 😮‍💨
happy birthday to our baee
and every other urban girly reading this🫶🏾
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pinkiepiebones · 6 months
Passing this question back to you, how do you think Renfield felt after he was freed from Dracula and how did he cope (or not) ?
The day after Dracula's demise hordes of three-letter agencies descended on the apartment complex and the Lobo's estate to try to ascertain what the fuck had happened. Rebecca had sensed something like that happening and, after she and Robert revived his codependents group, she had driven Robert to his place so he could pack some things. "You're gonna crash with me a while," she said. It wasn't a question.
He picked up his Welcome mat and threw it down to the pile of Lobo and police bodies three stories down. His packing was rushed, but practiced. He had to learn how to flee places in a hurry over the decades. He had to learn how to move with blood sticking to his skin and wounds oozing. He had to learn to watch his hands move as a terrible voice roared in his head and claws wormed into his sinew. He turned to leave and startled at the sight of Rebecca sitting on his sofa.
"Dude, you took like three seconds." She frowned. "Did you just shove some shit in a grocery bag?" She stood, shaking her head. "C'mon big guy, let's try to not panic, okay?"
Robert nodded, obedient.
Rebecca found his backpack- not in use, sitting empty on the shelf in his closet, purchased because it made him smile (it was made to look as though it had been fashioned from sunny quilt blocks). Rebecca spoke gently, now, guiding him to pack three of most of his articles of clothing for the time being. There was no way to tell how long the investigations would take. "And we can always buy you more stuff," she added. She recounted a time when Kate had been packing for some trip in high school and their father had joked about the overpacking. "He said, 'funny how stores cease to exist when you travel, huh?' because she was gonna be gone for a week but she had like six suitcases..."
Robert nodded, attentive.
The ride back to Rebecca's house was quiet. Robert watched her most of the drive. He clambered out of the passenger seat and grabbed his backpack and followed her inside.
Rebecca guided him while telling him about her small house. He looked at the pictures on the wall in the hallway. He studied the lives inside the frames. Then he followed Rebecca into the guest room.
"You," she said as he neared, "need a shower. So do I, probably, but, y'know, age before beauty or whatever. I gotta go check the heater, so, uh." She spread her hands. "Make yourself at home, roomie."
Robert set his bag on the guest bed and stood in the middle of the room, the muffled sounds of suburbia beyond the heavy curtains overwhelming his senses. How often he had hunted in just such a world, how often those sounds- lawnmowers and dogs and children- had simply meant 'Master's meals.' He pressed a hand to his mouth to suppress a scream and the wave of nausea that hit him.
Your sole purpose in life is to serve me.
Robert swallowed his guilt and his self hatred and ventured back out into Rebecca's house.
Rebecca jumped when she turned to find Robert standing behind her.
"Is there anything I can do?"
She looked at him, scrutinizing. "I dunno, this thing's just getting on in years."
"I meant, uh, in general?" He smiled. "How can I be of service?"
Rebecca stormed past him. "You are not replacing him with me, don't even start down that path."
Robert chuckled nervously. "Oh, I didn't mean-"
Rebecca turned back and took Robert's hands in hers. "I know you didn't mean it. But you gotta know that this codependency stuff is going to keep messing with you, right? So, just-" She squeezed his hands. "You keep yourself from trying to be servanty, okay? I'm a big girl, I've been takin' care of myself a long time. You only have to serve you, got it?"
Robert felt tears sting his eyes.
"I don't know how to do this. God knows I'm trying, but now that he's gone, his voice isn't in my head, I can finally hear my own thoughts, and..." Robert gently pulled away from Rebecca.
"All I can think about is him."
His friend nodded. "I mean, we did just chop him up and mix him in cement and dump him into the sewer. I'm thinking about him too." She smiled and patted his arm. "C'mon, let's get the last of his blood offa you, maybe that'll help."
Rebecca had an idea; instead of Robert taking a shower, she offered to help him wash his hair as he took a bath, and he was glad for it. He felt a bit silly sitting in her tub, his long legs bent and a towel shoved around his waist for his sense of modesty, but that silly feeling ebbed as the warmth of the water around him seeped into his tired bones and Rebecca carefully leaned over to scrub at his hair with something that smelled like chamomile and lavender. He damn near purred at the sensation of her blunt nails gently scraping his scalp and her calloused fingers winding through his hair. He leaned his head back so she could pour a cup of water on his head to rinse, careful to guide the shampoo suds away from his face.
Rebecca pulled a few towels from a cabinet and plopped them on the counter by the sink. "Okay, I think you can handle it from here. I'm gonna grab a shower and then we'll figure out dinner. Sound good?"
Robert nodded, content.
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sorry-moots · 4 months
Inversion of Genesis But I Changed It
so i started mha and subsequently was imbued with the urge to Create but i harnessed my inspiration and finished chapter 11 because i left you guys starving so i could be emo and get a job characters featured: yvette (oc), nilou, pierre (oc) cws: none wc: 1,449
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Chapter Eleven
Yvette found you at some point. Being employed by Lord Scaramouche, she was in the same boat as you– stranded in a foreign nation with a comatose employer and no friends or family.
Having her around made things easier. The night that your master slipped into his coma, you were effectively jobless and homeless. The next morning, you leased an apartment together.
About a month has passed since then. Bit by bit, you’ve been chipping away from the savings that you brought with you. You were already low on funds from the deposit and the down payment. Though you had split the cost, Yvette couldn’t afford to cover more than a fourth.
I need to get a job… Only, it’s not that simple. Everyone could tell you were a Fatuus. It’s obvious from the way you dress, the way you talk, the way your eyes scan the entire environment as you move through it.
No one trusts the Fatui and less than no one likes the Fatui. Finding someone willing to hire you would be almost impossible and even then you could be fired for the smallest of slights.
Still, it’s not fair to Yvette. As soon as you told her what had happened, she went out in search of a job. Now, she’s working as a maid for the mysterious lord of the Palace of Alcazarzaray.
You get to work writing your resume. “Assistant to the Sixth Fatui Harbinger” might not get you anywhere with most people, but there’s gotta be someone out there who doesn’t care. Right?
Two months later, you finally strike out.
Since the Akasha was shut down, scholars from every Darshan are struggling with the return to traditional research. It’s been hard to get past the initial shock— they went from having all of Sumeru’s knowledge whispering in their ears to permanent radio silence. Everyone is desperate for any help they could get; the House of Daena librarians could only handle so many requests at a time.
Back in Snezhnaya, everything is filed analog-style. Chronologically ordered documents within filing cabinets of alphabetized folders, rolodexes with names and addresses for every Fatui contact of import, binders with detailed reports of missions and related expenses. Having the expertise of a professional secretary, you get a job working for some student researchers.
The pay isn’t glamorous in the least, but no one else would hire you. Not the stockbrokers, not the grocers, not even the owners of the Puspa Café or Lambad’s Tavern. No one with any customers to lose wanted a former Fatuus working for them, so this was your only option.
Your job is very straightforward: find and assess relevant subject matter. The actual execution isn’t quite as simple. The House of Daena is the largest library in Teyvat, boasting a collection of over three hundred million books, scriptures, and tomes. Combing through it all is a huge effort.
Once you find the suggested literature, you still have to make sure the contents are what is needed for the research study. Even just an inspectional reading— table of contents, indices, glossary, etc.— takes hours. The worst part is when the material proves to be useless in the context it’s needed in, making all your work in vain.
Nevertheless, poverty is a good motivator. Though your days at the library often stretch into the night, the hefty pouch of mora you claim at the end of each project brings you great relief.
With your jobs, you and Yvette find it easiest to do your grocery shopping late in the evening. Once a week, the two of you leave work early, meet at the apartment, and leave with a couple baskets each to buy the most basic of essentials.
Your first stop is always, without fail, the tavern. While you usually take turns cooking, it’s become a weekly ritual to dine out and relax before shopping. More often than not, this entails visiting the fortune teller to pet her cats.
Most of your groceries come from Hamawi’s stall, but you like to check out the Grand Bazaar every so often for some less-than-essential goods. On this particular evening, the atmosphere feels different… electrifying almost.
As you take in your surroundings, you realize that the shoppers and stall owners are murmuring and gravitating toward the stage. Forgetting the weight of the baskets on your arms, you pull Yvette with you into the crowd.
You get some looks, presumably because of your uniform, but it’s worth it. When you make it to the front, you hear the strum of a sitar and your eyes land on a lone dancer.
She bears a striking resemblance to Yvette. Her skin is pale, her hair is bright red, and her eyes are like aquamarines. The longer you stare at her form as she dances, the easier it is to imagine her as your companion.
Finally, her performance ends and you’re released from your trance. The crowd begins to disperse and you turn to leave with Yvette.
“Wait! You, with the red hair!”
The two of you turn to see the dancer pushing through the crowd. Your eyes meet, confirming your suspicion that she was referring to Yvette– there weren’t many people in the room with red hair. 
“I totally get if you don’t want to, but hear me out!” She takes a deep breath before continuing. “You and I look almost exactly alike. If you danced with me, I could choreograph new shows where you pose as my doppelganger! It doesn’t matter if you don’t have experience either, I can teach you!”
As you stare blankly at one another, she blurts, “It pays really well, too!”
From the look in her eye, you can tell just what Yvette is thinking: she’s interested. “How much would she earn?”
“Oh, I earn about 800,000 mora for every show,” the dancer responded.
Without sparing your roommate another glance, you give your answer.
“She’ll do it.”
A lot has changed in the few weeks since you met Nilou. With Yvette being a fast learner, the theater was able to include her in their most recent show as a backup dancer. Her paycheck was less than Nilou’s– 500,000 mora– but that was to be expected. It would be hard to shine as bright as the star of the Zubayr Theater.
Aside from your elevated financial status, your time in Sumeru had changed your appearance almost beyond recognition. The pallor from Snezhnaya’s inhospitable winters was chased out by Sumeru’s sunny weather. Your hair was no longer bound and trapped in unyielding updos.
Best of all was your updated wardrobe. One afternoon, as you were having lunch with Nilou and Yvette, you spotted a blue skirt with brightly colored fish. She noticed you staring at the garment and convinced the vendor to lower the price so you could buy it and a pretty white blouse to go with it.
The difference in treatment was instantaneous. Passersby no longer whispered when they walked past you, merchants called out to you to buy their goods, waiters smiled at you when you entered restaurants.
It would almost feel good if you could forget.
Eight months after the incident, you wait at Bayda Harbor, watching the ships pass by. Normally, you would go through research material while waiting for something, but today is different.
Any one of the dozens of ships in the harbor could be host to your most loyal companion, Apollo.
Before leaving the city, you did your best to make some snacks for Apollo. They didn’t have the same varieties of carrot that were available in Snezhnaya so you improvised and dipped some hay and mint leaves in boiling sugar water. Crystallized, it made the perfect rock candy for horses.
I hope he likes them, you think to yourself as you check to make sure the treats haven’t melted in the heat.
As the sun nears its peak, you think you hear your name being called. You look around until you see not just a familiar snout, but a familiar face as well.
“Pierre!” you call out with a grin. “What are you doing here?”
“Well, someone had to bring your horse, miss,” he replied fondly, with a tip of his hat. “Besides… It’s about time I went on vacation.”
The two of you chat for a while as you feed Apollo the snacks, which were much to his liking– he even nibbled at the tin when you ran out.
Once the two of you part ways, him to the desert and you to the city, you squeeze Apollo tightly.
“I missed you, Apollo,” you whisper, sniffling. “It’s been so hard without you. Without you both.”
He says nothing. He is a horse.
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tags: @lacunaanonymoused, @dollpoetwriting, @constantlyoverthinking, @littlesliceofcheese, @yourfavoritefreakyhan, @magicalink , @swivi a/n: if you saw the version of this where i mourned the loss of a tag list member no you didn't
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flowering-thought · 2 years
Omg omg omg your Daisuke nsfw headcanons were everything I wanted and MORE!!! THANK YOU!!! If it's okay to submit another ask so soon after the last one, but could we get some HC of Daisuke with a girl with some extra padding? Aka plus sized
Aww I'd love to! We chubby babes gotta have that literature to include our pretty figures <3 Anyway sweet Anon if you want an emoji or a name feel free to take them and I'll start a list of my lovely anons with you there as the first one <3
I keep forgetting to link the picrew </3
Not edited
Reader is AFAB and described with feminine words and also is chubby/plus sized
Yandere themes, implied murder,
⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚.
Daisuke Kawahara
Headcannons w/ Chubby Reader
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• Honestly? Daisuke doesn't care much about looks. All he worries about is your physical and mental health. And if you're happy then he's happy!
• But something about the clothes you wear that show just that right amount of curve makes him shiver at the thought of holding you.
• And cuddling with this man has honestly got to be the best thing-
• He loved holding you and cuddling with you. He understands that you may or may not be self conscious so he's careful on where he squeezes you with his hands. But boy does he love squeezing your hips.
• And he loves going shopping! He gives an honest opinion and always says something positive! And he doesn't mind if you like to dress masculine or feminine since he just loves to see you try things on ♡
• Sadly Japanese society can be pretty harsh on certain things. Same with some other Asian cultures who's focus is similar. But he doesn't let any of that bother him and glares at people to keep their mouths shut.
• And if someone does say something straight to you? Their going on a list to give to his little brother. Daisuke has his ways of getting rid of others that bother him.
• But one day, when you were having a rough day and ended up coming to his place crying, and he found out that some guys from your college class were making rude comments? I don't think you'll ever see him that angry often.
• Let's just say those boys moved away hm?
• After all its not like you know about the basement under his bar. And you won't ever need to because he's careful about what he let's you see.
• As for if you're ever just having a rough day where you don't love yourself as much as other days Daisuke will drop what he's doing to just come wrap you up in a blanket and watch some ghibli movies.
• Even if it's not self love issues and just plain mental health bringing you down he'll still drop everything to make sure you're okay.
• And no matter what, he supports you! Just so long as you're not breaking up with him or leaving him in any way.
• Also Daisuke will always try to make a good impression on your parents and friends. He needs them to approve of you staying in Japan with him after all!
• But if your family and friends are toxic let's just say digging up some blackmail on them with the help of his family is enough to fix those problems-
• And Daisuke will always make sure that you're eating good! While he can't cook for shit he does make sure you're able to buy food and stuff you need on a college student schedule.
• And if you feel uncomfortable qith him buying you stuff he does it in a roundabout way. He'll mention that he has too much or bought bulk of something by accident. Or he'll ask to come over to your dorm and come with groceries cause he wanted you to cook something for him since you know about his inability to cook. And if there's extra groceries he'll chop it up to being an accident-
• He also hates if you skip meals. How are you supossed to maintain your beautiful figure if you aren't eating right?
• Also can and will help you find stores that carry your sizes. He's good at looking for the right places and even goes beforehand to a shop without you just to make sure it's a good shop with an atmosphere you'll like.
• He's a big stalker so he works very hard to figure out your likes and dislikes. He wants to make sure you're always happy ♡
• He knows it's probably difficult being in a different country and getting used to the culture there, but he'll just make sure that you have the best time!
You need to like it there so you can stay with him forever after all.
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oscurascout · 2 months
Y/N As A Doublegänger
From "That's Not My Neighbor" game
Part 5 (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11)
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We arrived at the building, and I turned around to look at Hoon. “Okay, wait for me here. Actually, hide, and then I will come out again, okay?” I said, not waiting for an answer before entering. I quickly made my way to the window and slipped my papers inside.
Doorman - “Woah there, where are you going in such a hurry?” *starts to look at the papers*
“Sorry, I just need to give a friend something, and well, I don't want to make them wait,” I said with a smile. Today was truly my day.
Doorman - *looks up with a serious expression* “… Friend?”
“Huh? Why are they making that face?” I thought as I saw their expression. “Um, yeah, they are my best friend. Oh, he is a friend from work, and, well, he needs a bit of help, and, um…” I said, not knowing what else to say at the end.
Doorman - *smiles, then chuckles* “Don't worry, I wasn't looking for a reason or whatever. I just never heard you mention other friends.”
“Huh? Oh! I have a lot of best friends, and you are one of them,” I said with a smile, feeling more relaxed. The doorman smile and let me in, and just as I was about to run, they passed me a necklace with a beautiful diamond.
Doorman - “Since you are just going for a little while, then it would be a waste of time to check you again when I already checked you. So take the necklace as a way to tell that it is you.”
I smiled and nodded, grabbed the necklace and my papers, and ran inside. I quickly got to my room and started grabbing the frozen TV Dinners. After I finished, I quickly went downstairs, passed through the entrance, and got outside, thankfully without dropping any of the dinners.
Hoon came out of hiding, and I smiled. I gave him the bag with the dinners. “Here, this is for today. I will get something else tomorrow, okay?” I said as I gasped a little from running so much.
Hoon - “Thank you. I'm sure everyone will enjoy today's dinner.”
“It's no problem. Now hurry up” I said, pushing him slightly to get him going. He chuckled and waved at me before heading back to the hideout.
I smiled, watching him walk away. I was about to enter when I saw Francis. I smiled and waited for him.
Francis - “Mm? Oh, um, hello, Y/N.”
“Good to see you, Francis. Come on, let's get inside,” I said happily. He nodded, a little surprise by my excitement, we both walked in. He let me go first, so I walked to the window, took out the necklace, and showed it to them.
Doorman - “Good to see you again.”
After they said that, they opened the door. “Oh hey, Francis is behind me. He is the real one, so you don't need to check” I said, giving the necklace back. Not really thinking, yet I suddenly remembered, “Uhhh well, I mean, he knew my name and all even though yesterday was the first time we interacted, so he must be the real one, right?” I asked nervously. The doorman only smiled at me.
Doorman - *smiles* “Yeah, I know what you mean. Don't worry.”
I smiled and got in. Just then, Francis also quickly got in. We both waited for the doorman to get to us, and we all went towards our rooms.
I got to my apartment and happily ate a TV Dinner while watching a comedy TV show.
The next morning, I had a lot of things planned. First on my list was getting the money and then going grocery shopping, so that's what I did first thing in the morning. As I got out of the bank with the money, I headed towards the market. While buying the things that I would need, and that my friends would also need, I noticed that I often came across other doppelgängers in disguise. Though I paid them no mind and continued on with my things.
Soon, I was done with the shopping. “Okay, so now I gotta go to the hideout and give them some of the food and things,” I thought as I started heading towards the hideout. Once I passed through the puzzles and traps, I opened the secret door and entered. There was only Stitch and Peach. Both of them where already on the defense, but soon they noticed who I was and relax.
Peach - “Peach!”
They both ran towards me and hugged me. I was so happy to finally meet my family again. “Hey guys, sorry for suddenly disappearing. I didn't think you guys would suffer because of me,” I said, looking ashamed and regretful. After all, among all doppelgängers, it was always the strongest of the fittest. That's why everyone was always aggressive towards each other, sometimes even within their own groups.
Stitch made me look at her and shook her head, telling me that none of it was my fault. Peach also agreed with her. I smiled and remembered the bag of food and things. “Hey, I have some things that I bought for all of you,” I said excitedly. They moved aside and let me put the bag on a little table. I moved aside and let them look through the bag.
I suddenly heard someone come in, and in that moment I took out my claws and attacked the “intruder,” yet they dodged and gently grabbed my hand.
Hoon - “Hey, it's just us. Calm down.”
I immediately stopped and retracted my claws. Hoon smiled more brightly. From behind him, I saw Sticky. In his sticky paper, there was a surprised face, but after he saw me, it changed to a smiley face.
Sticky - *happy* “You've returned!”
He came and gave me a hug. After he let go, Peach quickly guided him towards the table, showing him all of the things that I had brought for them.
Hoon - *curious* “What are those things for?”
“I've brought some food and some other materials for all of you,” I said happily, yet I saw Hoon's worried face.
Hoon - “It's nice of you to think of us, but I don't want you to get in trouble. Remember, you still need to pay rent.”
“Don't worry about that. I have leftover money, so please tell me when you need anything. After all, we are a family” I said happily. They nodded, and we started looking over the things that I had brought.
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ringlorn · 2 months
"Hey, I'm back with the stuff!"
Nezha all but glides in through the back door, arms laden with grocery bags while his Wheels do the work of leading him into the kitchen. Why his roommate wanted so much soymilk he'll never know, but he trusts Macaque's cooking skills.
Even if he makes lotus root dishes far too often.
There was a sale on kale this week—Nezha doesn't know whether Macaque would use that, but he buys one bunch anyways, figuring the macaque can always whip up extra snacks to take to his boyfriend, or Liu'er, or whoever he runs into around the city. Most of the time he doesn't know what the guy gets up to at all since his shadows make him virtually invisible—but that's on him for not really caring. The rest of the time they spend passing each other in the halls, through the windows, or actually sharing sauce over the meal table (and isn't that weird enough, him eating with a monkey that isn't Sun), living more or less...like roommates do, he guesses.
He's not sure why Macaque doesn't just move in with Monkey King at this point—they obviously like each other and even the third guy's been accepted by both—but it's the same question he could ask himself: why not move in with Sun? Too many monkeys, is his first reaction, but honestly the threat of Zhang San coming back someday and seeing the two of them in one house is what really keeps him in check.
(If he wanted to win over Sun, he would've done it first and a thousand years earlier rather than settle for second place now.)
Once in front of the fridge, Nezha opens it up and starts to put stuff around what's already inside, finally used to the proper placement of things. (Honestly, the looks he'd gotten from putting vegetables next to raw meat once upon a time?)
"Do you want me to take out any of this stuff?" he keeps talking as he works. ostensibly to no one. But having a roommate with six ears means you can whisper and he'll hear you just fine, so he might as well been shouting right now.
It's Nezha himself who needs to strain his ears for a response, only to hear nothing. He checks the clock on the wall—it's getting on evening, so the guy should be home to cook? Unless he ran off to hang with Monkey King again and pranked Nezha into coming back to an empty house or something.
Pah, joke's on him. He's rich enough to order takeout for the rest of his life.
Closing the fridge, the lotus prince saunters to the family room, still talking to empty air. "Also, do you know any good cooks? I mean, guys who do it for a living. A friend of mine's thinking to hire...I don't know where to get that kind of chef, snipe 'em from a restaurant or something?"
That's probably the easiest way to do it, but otherwise he was looking at online research instead. Magnolia could do that herself. It was also a pretty stupid question so he's expecting a snarky comeback, but the fact that no one replies is pretty telling.
Macaque's not home.
Just in case, Nezha decides to float upstairs, planning to listen in on the guy from outside his room. If the monkey's not sleeping, sick, or well, dealing with stuff like last time, he's likely MIA.
He doesn't expect to see Macaque's bedroom door standing ajar by the time he reaches the landing though. Exasperated, Nezha dismisses his Wheels and stalks over noisily on foot. "C'mon, you've never been this obvious with bait—"
The door creaks open. The inside is bare.
This...what, did he actually move out?
Looking around the empty space makes the ends of Nezha's hairs stand on end. It takes a moment before he unfreezes enough to scramble through his pockets for his phone. Fingers scrolls through his contacts—nothing, no name—then social media, where people are posting about the eclipse that dropped by while he was obliviously browsing the aisles of the supermarket.
Gone, just like that.
He's not sure what he feels at the moment. Honestly, the ones who should be missing him are—again, more scrolling back and forth—still here, so that's gotta suck. The other guy's gone too, though Nezha doesn't recall him as much as he does Monkey King with him, and—his brows wrinkle, thinking back to the fridge.
It's full of food, and right now he's the only one living in this house.
...tomorrow. He'd deal with it tomorrow. Keep what he could eat, donate the rest or something—it'd be a joke if he tried to cook like Macaque, but wasting his ingredients is even worse.
Do I tell someone? No, they'd probably find out for themselves—and maybe even sooner than he did, since they were actually close. He and Macaque were—well, they couldn't be friends as far as Heaven was concerned, but they weren't enemies.
They were comfortable, Nezha decides, in their special brand of impersonalized co-living that had the guy bossing him around with a spatula in one hand and a pan full of spicy sizzling vegetables in the other to scrub the toilets already, it's only fair, Nezha, before setting a full bowl of food in front of him for lunch half an hour later.
Wordlessly, Nezha walks to the bedroom windows and throws one open. A late summer breeze trickles through the opening, hot and heavy, making it hard to breathe. He inhales it anyways—and then climbs onto the windowsill before stepping out entirely. Of course his Wheels catch him before he falls, and Nezha turns mid-air to hover outside his building, staring at the windows darkening with the onset of incoming rain clouds.
The houses here are never left empty for long—the Stars always fill them with new, confused faces every few days. He'll probably get a new roommate next time, but he'd have to figure out the groceries before that, and there's no telling how the other monkeys are going to cope with this all, or if they'll even drop by to check.
He frowns at that thought. Would it be better or worse for him to be there when they do?
If he keeps the window open, they can let themselves in—or just use the balcony, another favorite. There's been no issue of thieves in this area of city so he can keep things unlocked—the locals know better to try against all the superpowered weirdos they get every month moving in. And even if nobody comes—
Well, maybe he's the one who needs time to readjust to living by himself again.
Nezha looks at his phone and decides to book a hotel for the night.
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artzychic27 · 1 year
Witch Izuku
After not getting his quirk, and with the horribleness of discrimination, quirkless statistics all over the Internet, and middle school, Izuku embraced the darkness since there was no light for him
Inko is a great mom and does whatever she can to support her son, even selling all of his All Might merch to buy some new furniture for his room that fit his tastes
His choice of dress is gender neutral, often wearing corsets, ankle length skirts dresses, black Sun hats, and tops with lace sleeves
He started ignoring his classmates when he was eleven. He reads enough hateful news articles, that their words don’t sting anymore. And he began wearing padding under his uniform when they try to beat him up
Any spider lilies they put on his desk, he cuts the stem a bit and places the flower in his hair
Izuku just spends his days reading pre-quirk era books and conversing with spiders he finds on the roof of the school
One day, after a particularly tough day at school where his teacher decided to punish him for no reason, he had his lunch thrown in the toilet, his favorite book burned, and one of his spider friends killed right in front of him, Izuku goes home early that day, crying for the first time in years
While walking home, a black butterfly blocks his path and seems to beckon him to follow it… To an abandoned shop. It looks like an old curio store, and then the butterfly leads him to an old book, just sitting on a counter
Even though the shop appears to be abandoned, Izuku leaves a few yen on the counter before taking the book and when he leaves… It disappears. Ooo~
Upon returning home, Izuku discovers that he bought a spellboook. While he doesn’t really believe in magic, he decides to try on out and casts a spell on his teacher
The next day at school, when Izuku’s teacher is once again reprimanding him for some stupid reason, a colony of bats suddenly fly in through the window and attack him
That’s gotta be a coincidence, so he tries out another spell on a few students. This one is to make them suffer a great loss
Cue one losing his girlfriend, the other losing the hair he took such great pride in, and the other’s old nose growing back in place of the one from cosmetic surgery
Izuku: Okay. Magic is real.
Now Izuku’s a witch, and he’s going to have some fun all throughout middle school with no one being none the wiser
Inko knows he’s been using magic to get back at everyone, and has no problem with it. It’s about time those assholes got what was coming to them
Their last day of junior high, Izuku is once again ignoring the idiots who surround him when the teacher goes on about the hero course, and by that time, he’s got his ear buds in
Bitch teacher: Oh, Midoriya! Didn’t you want to go to Yuuei?
Izuku: Maybe, maybe not, but that was not your information to share, you quirkist bitch. Now, pick your jaw up off the floor and kindly explain to your demon students that quirk usage is forbidden on school property.
He gets sent to the principal’s office, but not before casting a spell to make his teacher’s hair catch on fire and for his principal’s clothes to restrict him
Izuku goes home with a bright smile on his face… Then he runs into the sludge monster. Using his powers, he turns the monster back into his human form, and the man, Akatani Mika is eternally grateful
When All Might arrives, he only sees a young goth boy and his “uncle”, and takes off to look for the sludge monster
Mika: Kid, I-I owe you my life.
Izuku: I accept tablespoons of blood only.
Mika: … What?
Izuku: What? I need more ingredients. It’s hard to get blood these days.
Mika becomes sort of a father figure over the months, often helps around the house, buys groceries, and even buys Izuku some books
Oh, and Izuku is going for Yuuei, the hero course, since society needs actual competent heroes
Using the hundreds of spells he memorized, he creates a black hole to suck up only what he wants it to- The robots piece by piece
When he comes across Uraraka, he just touches the debris, and it crumbles into bits, then he fucking possesses the Zero Pointer and has it destroy the other robots
Eraserhead/Vlad King: … I WANT HIM!
And after a brutal combat between the teachers, Izuku gets into 1-A where he becomes fast friends with Fumikage and Dark Shadow once the former senses his inner darkness
Fumikage: We shall revel in the dark, my black hearted brother.
Izuku: I look forward to it, bringer of despair.
Katsuki: Fuck! Now there’s two of them!
Izuku gets through the quirk assessment tests pretty easily since he’s spent the past couple of months with Mika going to the gym and building up his strength and endurance
He ends up in fifth, and is pleased to see that the grape got last… BUT ‘TWAS ALL A RUSE!
Izuku, Fumikage, and Dark Shadow spend most of their time together and even attract two new members to their little cult, Reiko Yanagi and Hitoshi Shinsou
It takes a few weeks before Izuku feels he can trust them enough to show him his spell book, AKA, his “quirk”, and they still accept him
After looking through the rules, Izuku sees there’s nothing about dying his uniform jacket black… So he does
Let’s see, what else? Oh yeah. Izuku’s hero costume makes him look like a necromancer, he teleports the villains back to wherever it was that they came from and puts a protective seal over the USJ, he comes in second at the Sports Festival, gets only ten work study from the heroes who weren’t little punk bitches, his hero name is Salem, he does his work study with the Witch Hero, Crimson, and the training camp goes wrong because Izuku forgot to put a seal over it
Katsuki gets kidnapped and now the goth squad has gotta save his ass, incognito
They manage to get him back without getting caught before the heroes can even get there, and Aizawa- who saw everything- promises not to say anything. Goths (plus an emo) gotta stick together
Cue Dorms!
Izuku’s room is similar to Fumikage’s, completely submerged in darkness with a Victorian charm to it. He, Yanagi, Shinsou, Fumikage, and Dark Shadow hold weekly seances there and convince the spirits to mess around with Katsuki and All Might (Who didn’t retire, by the way and still hasn’t passed down One For All)
Quirk Provisional License exam, the Goth Squad all pass, Katsuki and Shouto don’t, on with the show!
Instead of leaving Eri at the hands of that bastard, Izuku uses a spell to freeze Overhaul, drag him back to Crimson’s agency, and then use a truth spell to force him to give over any information he has
They infiltrate his base, arrest everyone, and Eri gets adopted by the Yamazawas
Eri clings to Izuku like a lifeline since he was the one who saved her. He doesn’t mind one bit and even takes her to a seance to meet one of his ghost friends
So now, Eri is a baby bat goth
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lumine-no-hikari · 3 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #199
I ate a peach today. Saturn peaches are in season. Do you know what those are? They're also called donut peaches sometimes. They look like this:
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They are softer and sweeter than ordinary peaches. I enjoy them a lot, so when they're in the grocery, I try to make it a point to get them. Do you like peaches? Have you ever had one like this? I wonder.
Today I mostly rested. That's because I stayed up a bit too late last night. I really shouldn't have. But sometimes I am not very good at taking care of the soft, squishy animal that is my body. I'll have to apologize and do a little better; after all, this soft, squishy animal carries me and enacts my will, despite all the genetic limitations it has. It earnestly does its best all the time, even when it's scared, tired, and hurting. I have to try to be more mindful of this, and to be more grateful for it.
I played a lot of Dead Cells today. I also tried helping a friend through some things. I feel sluggish, so I'm maybe not doing a very good job of either of these things. I dunno.
I feel empty. Maybe it's just the lack of sleep. Maybe I expended too much energy yesterday doing a thing. Or maybe I ate something weird. But I've been making it a point to hydrate well all day. So that's at least something.
Suppose there's the feeling like there's something I should be doing, but I don't know what it is. I have a vague feeling like I'm running out of time for… something. A feeling like if I don't get… something??? done very soon, something bad is gonna happen, like… like I'll be letting someone down, or like I'm a bad person for not figuring out what is The Thing that I'm supposed to be doing and then doing it.
…But that doesn't make any sense. I wonder if it's just leftover from when my ma used to yell at me for things I didn't think to do for her without her asking. I wonder if I'm just running the old "generalized dread" script because I didn't get enough sleep last night.
…That's probably it. That's gotta be it. Brains resort to instinct to try to protect us when we're low on resources (in this case, neuronal surface area, because I didn't do a good job of sleeping, which means my brain didn't get properly flushed of debris…). Instinct tells me that I'm gonna get screamed at or told all about what an annoying disappointment I am, any second now. Because this is the world I used to live in. And when I get tired, my body and brain forget that I'm not in that place anymore.
Sigh. Well. I guess I'll do my best to cradle the soft animal that is me. It's just tired, and when it gets tired, it gets scared. It gets scared because it remembers old things. And that's okay. We can comfort the soft animal like we would comfort a frightened child. We can be gentle. We can be kind.
Maybe I'll stop playing Dead Cells for now. I'm on three whole Boss Cells at this point, and it's a challenging game even without any Boss Cells. It requires a lot of focus and precise timing, because the way I play, I'm often enough under the influence of a Curse (dead in only one hit), and I'm also always trying to parry enemies so I can get gold from them (so that I can buy better gear). This play style is not very forgiving of mistakes, and I'm probably putting a bit too much pressure on myself to succeed.
...But you know what, Sephiroth? You know what? Do you remember when I said that I got my butt kicked by a Mimic in one of my Dead Cell runs? And then I said I would practice? Well, in one of my runs today, I ran into a Mimic. And this time, the butt that was kicked was not mine!! I did a really nice job of parrying its attacks this time, and I made fast work of it because I practiced!! I wish you could have seen it!! I wish you could have seen...
Maybe I just need to do something wholesome. Maybe I'll get a shower and watch The Zeta Project. The Zeta Project is incredibly wholesome. It's very good. I'd include a link, but I'm not sure if it's allowed.
…I wish the series wasn't cancelled… I wish I could know how it ends. I wish that I could see Zee get the peace and safety that he is so desperately striving for…
I wish I could see you achieve peace and safety, too. Please work towards it, won't you?
Hey Sephiroth? Don't forget that you're loved, okay? Because I'm right here. And lots of people who love you are right here, too, even if I didn't exist. Please keep yourself safe out there. Please don't get killed.
I'll write again tomorrow.
Your friend, Lumine
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rabbithexrt · 4 months
3, 9, 14, 31, 33, 40, 43, 44, 46, 50
Btw, hope life is treating you well and you get a lot of sunny days!!!🌻✨🤞🏼
hellooo my lovely friend ♥ we've had heavy rain the past week and a lot of places around me had to deal with flooding - my family is all safe and no flooding whatsoever so we got lucky - but we're getting sun now, so I am happy about that ♥ hope you have having a lovely lovely day, hon ♥ on to the questions: 3. do you leave the window open at night? I leave my balcony door open, so I think that counts
9. which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee? I like both, depending on the season, but I do drink iced coffee a lot more often
14. do you love the smell of earth after it rains? absolutely 100% it's one of my favourite scents ever ♥
31. what type of music keeps you grounded? simple answer Wardruna - any calm pagan folk-y kinda music works but Wardruna are my go-to when I need to calm my nerves or need to focus, etc
33. the last adventure you’ve been on? getting groceries in the heavy rainfall of last week haha
40. did you have any snacks today? I did not actually :O but I will get myself a snack later on when I have to buy groceries
43. what’s your take on spicy foods? I can deal with hot spicy to an extent, but I am sensitive so I cannot do super spicy food - I love a good curry tho for example. and the other spicy where it's basically just pain can rot in hell haha
44. you get a free pass to kill anyone, who is it? I would like to say no one but realistically either the cousin who tried to rape me when I was a child or my partners father for the suffering he has caused my partner
46. favorite holiday film? I AM a sucker for a good seasonal movie or show, gotta go with Nightmare before Christmas ( it works for spooky season and christmas ^-^)
50. can i tag you in random stuff? oh hell yea! I love being tagged in stuff! it's such a sweet thing when someone sees sth and thinks of you, I think ♥ thank you so much for these, I had a lot of fun answering them 🌻
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