#theres someone else but im having trouble placing
anissapierce · 24 days
Brittany Carney - That Is My Horse | Full Comedy Special
If you're a fan of julio torres, jo firestone, atsuko okaysuka,jacqueline novak or aparna nancherla do urself a favor n give this special a try
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yunogf · 8 months
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jeansplaytoy · 4 months
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part four !
part three here. > if u didn’t read it. no proof read , sorry for the wait 😣 this parts kinda boring butttt i gotchu later.
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you were confused. really confused.
“what’re you doing at my window?” you whispered after opening it. “can you let me in? this ladder ain’t that sturdy.” armin muttered, glancing down.
you glanced back at your door and sighed, shaking your head and stepping back to let armin in. you went over to your door and locked it. “you should be happy we’re friends, because if we weren’t-“
“i know. i know.” armin mumbled, stumbling through the window and closing it behind him. he placed his backpack to the side and sat on the edge of your bed. “fuck.” he whispered to himself, resting his face in his hands.
“you okay? what happened?” you frowned a little and stood in front of him.
“what doesn’t happen at that dumbass house?” armin mumbled, laying back on your bed. you pursed your lips together. “was it your dad?” he looked at you. “hell yeah. it’s nobody else but him.”
you didn’t know much about armin, or learn much about him that night, other than the fact that his dad was a complete asshole and his mom was basically helpless when it came to him.
“you know.. theres not a lot i can say about the situation. but i think you need to talk to somebody about that. because it goes left.”
“tryna get me killed?”
“i’m tryna help.”
armin scoffed. “yeah, ‘cus telling somebody that my dad got physically with me is gonna help.”
“i didn’t know that.”
he stayed quiet after your statement. you couldn’t do anything but sit beside him and stare at the wall. “ion wanna involve you in nothing but…. you think i can stay here?"
you frowned. "what? are you… dumb?"
"no. or i would've ran away by now. but im asking someone thats actually willing to help."
"how do you know if im willing to help?"
"you cant say no."
you smacked your lips. "armin, you really piss me off sometimes. but i’ll help, just because i don’t want you to get in trouble or sum shit.” you stared at him with bored eyes. “but we gotta keep this a secret. if you’re gonna stay here, you have to stay in my room, unless you wanna go home.”
“believe me, i don’t.” he yawned.
as you looked at armin, you couldn’t help but notice the small bruise forming on his collarbone. “is he always like that?”
you could tell the question surprised armin, like he didn’t know you were gonna even bother to ask more about what him and his dad had going. but he answered anyway.
“he never got physical as in punching and shit like he did today. but ion really care.”
“well you should care because that’s not something a dad does.”
“well it’s something my dad did so what.” armin sat up and looked at you. “just because your dad doesn’t do that to you means my dads not gonna do it to me?”
“i never said that.” you stared blankly at armin.
he started back before resting his eyes. “right.” he muttered before standing up and reaching in his backpack. “there’s a shower in this room? or i gotta risk going out?” he looked at you. “there’s a shower in here, but make it quick. it’s already late, and my moms knows i don’t shower late.” you said.
armin nodded in response, taking his clothes in the bathroom. he stopped at the door. “is there men’s soap in here?”
you looked at him for a second.
“you fuckin serious?”
you couldn’t even get your words out from how long you were laughing at how armin smelled.
“you smell like a babyyy.” you said, wiping the tears that formed from laughing so hard. he basically used your soap instead of whatever soap you told him to use.
so there he was, standing there with shorts on, no shirt, pursing his lips together at how awkward it was.
“it’s literally not even a problem armin. you used my soap, i didn’t tell you to do that.” you shrugged as you got up to get your clothes ready for a shower. “you’re annoying.” he raised his eyebrows and sat down on your bed.
“well you’re gonna be here for a while, so you might as well get used to it.” you poked his head.
as time passed of you showering, armin looked around your room.
“peculiar ass room.” he mumbled, standing up to look at your dresser for things to cure his boredom.
you had random things on your vanity, like a random journal that he didn’t really care for looking in. or he did, he just didn’t wanna invade your privacy. and then random little glass figures like angels and stuff.
as his eyes glanced over almost everything, he picked up a bottle of perfume. he opened it and smelled it, it smelled good. like you, most of the time you were together. but as he shook it he saw it was almost gone. he bummed and put it back down.
then there was a picture. looked like you as a chubby little toddler. and someone else. armins eyes softened. he knew what he was thinking. he just didn’t wanna ask. yet.
that was until you walked out of the steamy bathroom, sighing loudly. “i’m done. after boiling for forty minutes.” you mumbled, waving yourself to cool off. he didn’t look up until you went over to him. “whatcha lookin at?”
“who’s this?” he pointed.
you tilted your head before raising your eyebrows. “that’s my dad.” you said, staring at the picture. “what happened?”
you thought about it. what did happen? “my mom ran him off. but she tells me he left because he didn’t want anything to do with a kid anymore.” you muttered while turning around to lay across your bed.
“fucked up.” armin said, picking up the frame. he looked at it. it looked like there were more pictures underneath. as he took the main picture out, smaller ones started to fall out. like little polaroids and cut outs.
“ain’t then when we was little or sum?” he held up another picture for you to see. “why’re you looking at those?”
“cause you’re life’s more interesting than mine.”
“so tell me about it.”
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part 5 soon.
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yarrayora · 22 days
Idk how to explain properly, but I’m a really big fan of the dynamic you portray between Marcille and Falin. I’ve always loved . idk how to say.. divorce? trouble-in-paradise? arcs/portrayals that look at problems in otp, and yours is super interesting. Sorry if this is weird just wanted to say :)
not weird at all! im flattered, thanks!
i wasnt really into farcille at first, mostly i was just impressed an f/f ship managed to be the fandom's no1, basically proving that when two female characters in a mostly male dominated cast are allowed to bond with each others and be their own characters people will latch on to them
mostly though aro touden siblings is still my no1 and even back then i didnt care about shipping because any type of romantic relationship in dunmeshi is less interesting than the potential of political intrigue the worldbuilding set up (yes, even chilchuck's failing marriage is less interesting to me than how living in the dungeon was safer for the orcs than being neighbors to human civilization) (shocking, i know)
but it all changed when i saw the daydream hour about marcille thinking falin looks cute in feminine clothing while falin herself is obviously uncomfortable with it
i can't sleep. i have to think about this. i have to think about how it's their first love and their first relationship and one is going in blind while the other set up her expectations based on a harlequin romance novel. they are NOT in the same wavelength at all and neither of them are particularly good at communicating their intention, with falin who grew up a convenient kid because she thought it was the least she could do for her family and marcille who frankly speaking was used to being treated as someone superior back at the magic school
thank god kabru exists because who else is going to give them a real advice for their very real relationship? chilchuck will be like "okay just break up" while not seeing the mirror to his own relationship with his runaway wife. senshi, wise as he is, is never in a romantic relationship. laios would be like :((( you guys are fighting? and gets stressed out on his own which makes it even more stressful to the girls. namari is like. "i, uh, please talk to kabru."
anyway theres also the bonus comic about falin inviting marcille to watch daltian clan's opera adaptation and while there is something to say about marcille thinking the humans playing elves doesn't fit her aesthetic (and the difference of societal expectations of dressing up as a different race in dunmeshi universe compared to in ours) all i can think of is that in modern day au where daltian clan has a movie adaptation marcille has a tumblr blog where she posts Hate on the daltian clan movie tag and calling it criticism which it is but also not the place, girl, go to rotten tomatoes for that
falin also has a tumblr and she and marcille had no idea the other is a tumblr user. falin made a post like "just watched daltian clan with my gf i get why shes really obsessed with it now" and marcille, against her better judgement replies to the post like "really sorry that you were misled by your girlfriend like that, you should read the novels instead, it's way better."
laios who sees falin looking shocked at her phone asks whats up and then after receiving the answer says "wow sounds like a real jerk! just block them"
anyway thats my modern day farcille when there's no high fantasy problems involved
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ultra-raging-ghost · 6 months
I reached post limit so im gonna write this and save it for midnight to post later 🥰
-10:30 EST
Richas made a reference/mentioned outliving forever and bad started screaming and sobbing for a solid 2 minutes and then started talking about how no no forevers probably fine cucuruchos probably taking care of him, richas asked if thats what bad tells himself to sleep at night, if he just lies to himself and bad said yes! if all else fails, simply lie to yourself and push your true feelings down to make it through this meaningless existence :D and richas said "so if we said the sky is pink at all times a day and just lie to ourselves its ok?" and bad said yes, we already lie to ourselves all the time we just need to think about how much lying we accept :3
richas thinks dappers colorblind
bad said his chats british 😭
time to read books!
-10:40 EST
bad is making fun of us for being sad because of angst(/lh/j) and sang a brief song about us being sad and mentioned "the sun is gone" just to torment us over forever being gone. He also went f5 said something like “if you think it’s sad now… anyway..... spoilers!!" implying it will get even sadder!! (terrified)
oh theres a letter for bbh and forever :((( this might be sad now that forevers. in his place. chats crying
-10:50 EST
Bad is screaming and crying because forever will never be able to read his letter, hes literally head in hands screaming and crying and hes letting the TTS read it out
one of the qsmp purgatory programmers wrote bad a letter saying he was supposed to die more and bad said hes a bug tester at heart and richas is bullying bad because of how many bugs he found and exploited LMAO bad said he'll fudging do it again
-11:00 EST
bad found ANOTHER wall bug to glitch thru, hes insane
-11:10 EST
someone said the word forever and bad is reduced to shambles on the floor, hes crying and whining forevers name in tears and agony and he made the dying "bleh" sound like 4 times
also bad mentioned that as soon as its confirmed to the characters like in-character that max is dead theyre having a funeral for him, like bad as the grim reaper knows but he hasnt told anyone, nobodys aware of him being gone, >>>>also he was ominous and said he needed to shoot max a message oorp and refused to elaborate. what the fuck was that about badboyhalo? <<<<<
-11:30 EST
Bad and richas and pomme wanna make an elevator death trap and then call foolish over to trap/murder him <3 chat is advocating for this idea. chat also wants to see the museum, bad said yes!!! Museum time!
before that, bad is being ominously silent again and is texting off screen. that max comment earlier + this makes me worried. MOVING ON THO BC HES SINGING HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO RICHAS AND POMME GOT HIM A PRESENT FOR HIS BDAY!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY RICHAS!!!!! (in brazil time) The present is Honey cookies! because richas got covered in honey and used as bait while they were away LMAO
Bad was talking about the 1k snow golems prank and was wondering if the cleanup team would be upset or love that, and richas said "lets say im part of that tio" and bad is now saying richas will take 100% accountability for that and will clean all of it up by himself LMAOOOO richas placed down signs saying "NO TIO I NEVER SAID THAT!! I DIDNT" and bad read them out loud as "Yes tio i agree i did say that ill do it!"
oh god bads spamming richas signs everywhere this is gonna fucking lag everything LMAOOOO richas crashed and bad kept placing until he got bored and said "yessssss richas will get in so much trouble hahaha! messing with the server!!!! bad then said "Richas always comes back" in the FNAF voice, didnt need to know you were an even bigger nerd BBH but okay /aff
-11:40 EST
Pomme is dragging bbh around on a lasso and is trapping him somewhere <3333 theyre climbing up the big ben and bad is taking SO MUCH DAMAGE he has his auto eat on
he accidentally said the word "forever" again and started crying again, his chat is in shambles.
>>>>>>bad's crying again, and being horny because of how "cute" forever looks in the fanart, but mostly crying<<<<<
pomme started bullying bad because he called forever cute LMAO
tinas on!!!!!
-11:50 EST
Bad's crying again over art of him and forever in the pool he made in forevers base, the admins want to hurt him specifically/j
"treasure the wholesome moments chat, for they are just dust in the wind" -BBH 2023
bad took his totems out of his offhand again :)
Bad's crying again over another image of him and forever!!
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awetistic-things · 1 year
hi! i'm prof dxd autism, and i know you support self dx. i have some struggles understanding it, bc i guess,,, black and white thinking and i just,,, its very hard to make that connection, bc like, i want to support it but like theres also like, bad experiences with people claiming autism to weaponise something or all the news about fakers which might not even be true but like. im at the point where this is my view:
i support self suspecting a diagnosis, but not self diagnosis bc i think there needs to be some degree of seperation. like you can research one condition but have another, so self suspecting and accommodating is a good thing, but self diagnosis isn't because you don't have like, the full picture, and you need someone else to analyze it, so self suspect, not diagnosis. (sorry if not clear im kinda out of words rn)
but i also recognise that that view isn't really correct anymore, but im having trouble changing it so i guess what im asking is do you have any account to follow/things to read to support self diagnosis so i can change my views. totally cool if you dont want to tho. anyway bye! have a nice day. sorry.
hi 👋🏼
i can't find any specific blogs, but i do have a few things to say:
getting out of the black-and-white thinking is difficult, and i appreciate that you're trying to do so
self-diagnosing in general can be life-saving (when done right, which most of the time it pretty much is, regardless of what you see online) whether it comes to autism or breast cancer. so often, people get passed up and can't get what they desperately need due to discrimination within the medical community (and every community) so they have to take matters into their own hands
a lot of the time even when people go to get evaluated for autism, the doctor is the one who says they "suspect" the patient has autism and then don't give a diagnosis at all (happened to me three times before I got officially diagnosed) there are so many autistic people who go to get evaluated and get straight-up turned down right to their face, which usually leads them to self-diagnosing because there’s nobody willing to actually ‘analyze’ them in the first place (/nm, this reads as passive aggressive i think, but that’s not my intention, i promise /gen)
even if you are officially diagnosed there’s no telling that you’ll get any ‘analysis’ information after an evaluation (most of the time it’s just a paragraph or two) which is why self-diagnosing can be so incredible, because that’s when you get to analyze your own behaviors and traits and work through your internalized ableism so that if you do end up getting a diagnosis you’re not blindsided and have (hopefully) already accepted the fact that you are autistic
essentially what i’m trying to say is that so, so, so many psychiatrists and psychologists have internalized (or fully conscious) prejudice which heavily affects their analyzations and makes self-diagnosing so often times necessary
honestly, i think self-diagnosing is the first step in acknowledging and accepting that you’re autistic
i think many autistics who were officially diagnosed and were surprised by the fact that they’re autistic should look at it from a self-diagnosed autistics point-of-view
and by that i mean actually taking the time to forget whatever your doctor said about how you operate and instead analyze your life, because it’s yours, and nobody knows it better than you (especially from a 30 minute evaluation in a converted supply closet)
sorry if any of this came off as aggressive, it’s all genuine and i do very much appreciate you asking me this question and i hope my numerous different answers helped somewhat :)
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Hi hi!! May i please request a romantic genshin and hsr matchup? I prefer to be matched with a guy <3
My pronouns are she/her and Im a girl. im 4'10 (i havent grown since i was 12 so uhm😭😭😭) My MBTI is INTP, 4w5. My friends describe my personality to be cat-like. i bite people i like for example on their arm, cheek, neck etc etc. i like knocking things over, being affectionate, and am sleepy. (this is super ironic because my name is Faline and it means feline/cat-like!!) i like getting into trouble in and out of school (i may or may not be banned from a few places ahaaaa-) i can be stupid and reckless uhmmm.. im definetly not smart. My mood changes very, very quickly. i can go from 0-100 real quick. i am not afraid to say what i want. Im quite loud around the people i like and dont like affection from people im not close with.
My aesthetic is best described as the downtown girl aesthetic. My hair is basicaly like ochako urarakas from MHA soo theres that. i have brown eyes and my skin is a light brown. (we love growing up in an asian household and wanting to be whiter ahaaaa.. :( )
My favourite color is purple. i LOVE purple so much its such a pretty colour i could talk about it forever. i love drawing, photography, baking, watching anime and k-dramas, listenin to music and shopping!! im definetly more of a nighttime person and i love animals. animals over people anyday.
I don’t like school… I’m not a very good student and the best part of school is seeing my friends, for sure. i never pay attention in class and end up walking out the class, zoning out or drawing allover my notes or on the table. i skip classes alot too.
I think that’s all, thank you in advance!
Hi Faline! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took a while. I hope you like your matchups!
In Genshin Impact, I match you with...
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Itto can appreciate your dislike for school. I don’t think he’s been to school a day in his life. Everything he knows has either been taught to him by Granny Oni or he’s learnt by himself.
Likes your catlike behaviour. He thinks it’s sweet, even if you do bite him sometimes. Just be warned, he will bite you back. He knows he has sharp teeth so he’ll never bite hard enough to hurt though.
Itto absolutely would watch k-drama with you! He would get so invested in the story and characters.
The height difference! Itto loves giving you piggybacks if that’s something you’re comfortable with. Especially if you’re at an event like a festival. He’ll lift you up so you can see over the crowd.
He would love eating anything you bake. He’s convinced your baking is the best in all of Teyvat. He’d love to help out sometimes but it’s up to you whether you want the company and the mess…
Please take photos of him. He’s oblivious half the time so you’d get really good candid shots. You might also be able to sell some of them to the news after he gets arrested for the third time in a month.
In Honkai Star Rail, I match you with...
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Dan Heng doesn't know how to feel about your cat-like tendencies. On one hand, he finds them cute and endearing. They’re a part of who you are as a person and he wouldn’t change that for the world.
But when you knock something off his desk for the fourth time that day, he really wonders…
Okay, this guy absolutely sees gentle bites as a form of affection. He’ll return any bites you give him.
He’s so glad you like night time. He’s a night owl and stays up very light almost every night. He likes his own company but it’s night having someone else there with him when he’s reading late at night.
Because of his passion for the archives, Dan Heng will do his best to get you interested in learning. He can appreciate that school doesn’t always teach things in the best way.
But he’d be grateful if you spend some time with him learning about a variety of different topics.
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luckyqueenreign · 1 year
LITG: Double Trouble EP 8 Recap
HERE WE GO!!! spoilers underneath!
ok now that I think of it...with 5 guys coming in for casa I guess we do have the same amount of bombshells for guys and girls. WHOOPSIE!!! still shocked a girl is going home!! and still have no idea who theyre gonna choose 😬
"steady grace...its a public vote. it sucks thinking someones going home" Ozzy are u thinking about mc???
awww Amelia tbh I would be SHOCKED if she was dumped tonight. it cant be double trouble without the double! aww the good old days option is cute...little twin sleepovers, missing prom to sit around eating and gossiping. they seemed super tight...I wonder what happened 👀 OZZY my guy...I love you sm BUT WHY INTERRUPT NOW WHEN SHE CLEARLY NEEDS TO CONFESS SOMETHING TO US??? is Amelia not who we think?!?!? 👀😩🫣
at least it was Ozzy tho, if it were literally anyone else I would be so mad at fb rn...as a Noah girly this Ozzy route is already SO MUCH BETTER. we get the angst, we get the little looks but Ozzy is actually pulling us for chats and letting us know where his head is at. It's confused but still we never got that from Noah. I always felt like I was the one chasing him around the villa. OBVIOUSLY im gonna flirt it up with Ozzy!! eeek sorry grace im moving in for a kiss. OK as much as I hate that he pulled away I kind of love that he's trying to be a respectful king 😭 EEEK Grace 😬😬😬 the worst part about this route really is ruining my budding friendship with grace. I wish Ozzy was coupled with Ivy would be so much easier 😭
Couples Quiz!! Roberto better get every question right since he came in knowing every tiny little thing about us 🙄 awww Ozzyyy 😭😭 Jamals fear being pigeons is so funny to me. slow and sensual...noted Bella! Lewie's a giver....also noted! they needed to bring the toe sucking in at some point...we all knew it was bound to happen and the restrain to only have it in the third volume is honestly impressive ill give fb that.
ahhhh ok fb all the answers were from my chats with the girls earlier got itttt. then Roberto is gonna ace too because he knew everything about mc on the date. Roberto's how do u say it...phallic? now im reading this in an accent and hes even cuter lol 😭 wait whattt lol how did Roberto get that wrong??? A scientist?? the man came in knowing every single tiny detail about MC INCLUDING HER JOB!!! HE MENTIONED IT ON THE DATE THAT IT WAS SIMILAR TO HIS SISTER'S!!! and he cant remember it here??? BOOOOO FB!
of course she picks Lewie for her date....can ivy just go now... obvi going to put her in her place.
EEEK Grace wants a chat.....ugh so not looking forward to this. wait Grace lolol you just came and said Ozzy is pulling away, somethings obvi up with him and I tell you he said he'd be sad if I left and theres something more there and you LAUGH??? lol im sorry but now she cant say I didnt tell her later...
still playing the middle ground with Roberto...did ask him if hes ever been in love..he said once a while ago.
the amount of snooping MC is doing this season is sooo good lol. lets not tell anyone about what happened??? What happened Lewie????
I reallyyyy need an option to skip the getting ready chat. I need it to be MC what are u wearing and immediately show me the closet.
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munchy-k · 2 years
I saw the art theft thing, I'm sorry you're having to deal with someone like that.
I know a lot of artists don't like doing this but you should really send them a DMCA through tumblr since this doesn't seem like someone who is willing to be reasonable. You own your fanart so it's completely within your legal rights to submit a DMCA.
You don't have to of course, I just wanted to make sure you knew you could. Sorry if this came off as pushy, I just get frustrated when people say fanartists don't have any legal rights to their works.
I hope you have a good week. Here's a flower for your troubles 🌺
aah thank u thank u.. 🥲💕💕
ur not being pushy at all! i do agree that artists should know their rights regarding their fanart
however... im pretty sure they blocked me so i dont think i can file a DMCA now. i was hesitant to do it in the first place because it asks for personal info and i didnt rly feel like that was worth it for a small doodle..
hopefully someone else reports them.. im hoping their acc gets taken down because it mostly just consists of stolen art. (which again i find so stupid and weird since theres literally a reblog feature)
i would include their username here but honestly.. i dont remember what it is 😭😭
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jwirecs · 1 year
HI HRLLO i am in intense need of help with findinf this one fic ,,,,,, im coming here for help bc ur recs are awesome and since this is like a library,,,, u might know,,,,, if this bothers u in any way im truly sorry, you don't have to answer, i just hope someone can find it,,,,,
basically its a bts ot7 x reader a/b/o au where the reader has no pack, and they start working for bts in like their company or sumn,,, and one of the chapters is about how jimin's heat started and reader had to help him while someone else arrived, and jungkook got there and took care of jimin, but it triggered reader's heat,,,, and jungkook ends up getting in trouble for not helping reader during their heat as well
Ive been looking for it everywhere pls send help if u find it or might know perhaps what im talking about
hellooo!! so sorry that this took me a while for me to answer but like i THINK???? i know which fic you are talking about??? maybe??? idk..
okay so like i have two? in mind that i think is along the same plot line that you were lookin for? they are either:
petrichor by @purpleyoonn
office CEO Au by @jiminiesfavouritecolourisblue (theres no separate masterlist for this one but the link is directed to their masterlist!)
jks maybe this one too? no nvm idk, but MAYBE its one of those two?? hopefully, i might be like completely wrong though. i am not good at this.
if anyone happens to know a fic with this description, please do let us know just in case the ones i thought of doesnt happen to be it! 
EDIT: its finding a place by littleshygirl on ao3
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wizisbored · 4 months
Saw you say you were still going insane about Running Iron. Is there anything else you’d like to share about it since it’s on your mind so much? 👀
a significant point about the running iron is that im going to be writing it in american english. theres a number of reasons i usually write fic for american media in british english that i wont get into right now but since im chosing to make this one about the american old west i thought it would just be too at-ods with the genre. like, usually in my fics the character/setting being american isnt really that significant but in this one it is. the authors notes, tumblr ramblings, and my lore document will all still be in my usual dialect (tho this might change for the lore doc). this also means that for the first time in several years, im going to have a beta reader, purely to check my dialect - im sure theres differences i have no idea of.
anyway, that quick note ended up longer than planned. in other news, ive been building up a lore doc to flesh out the 'western but with centaurs' setting, so im going to grab an entry and then explain how it applies to the story.
lore doc entry: brush boxes
For the purposes of grooming, almost every centaur owns a personal brush box, and they are considered important cultural items. The box itself is most often made of wood or leather, and the contents will vary slightly based upon the preferences of its owner. However, they are not intended for use by the owner. Due to the shape of a centaur and their inability to comfortably reach all areas of their body, they rely on their herd to groom them, and so will use the grooming partner’s box for them. It is a reciprocal task, often with both centaurs grooming one another simultaneously. Usually this will be family members, but for those on the move it is not uncommon for two centaurs who met that evening in the saloon to groom one another.
The most common contents of a brush box include:
Hoof pick, sometimes having a secondary smaller point for the fingernails
Nail clippers
Curry comb
Dandy (hard) brush
Body (soft) brush
Wide bristle brush for mane and tail
Comb (more common for those with feathers)
Scissors (for those who like to keep mane, tail, feathers or beard trimmed)
Razor (for stallions who prefer to be clean shaven or feathered taurs who shave)
Soap and washcloth and/or sponge
Small water basin, usually only slightly smaller than the box with other items placed inside
Ties or wraps for hair, tail and feathers
so, in the running iron, lydia of course packed her brush box when she left the maitlands. shes never done grooming with someone other than her parents or foster parents before and is still a bit unsure of living with beetlejuice so she doesnt ask him, but he sees her struggling to pick her hooves and offers because hes kina desperate to interact. lydia accepts but does the polite thing and asks for his box to reciprocate. he doesnt have one. he lost it a while back, and has trouble finding people to groom with. explains why whats left of his tail after it was trimmed is so fucked up. so, they share Lydia's, on the condition that he cleans everything. and that's the arrangement they keep.
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iheartchv · 1 year
🍒🌿Mistletoe match up 🌿🍒
If it's not too much trouble I'd love a random match up!
I tend to be on the quiet side, I love to read and draw as much as possible. I have black belts in two different material arts styles and never back down from a challenge. I also rescue and re-home animals in need. because of this I have a few special needs animals that no one else wanted, but they mean the world to me.
Your match is... Leatherhead 💚🐊
You first met Leatherhead when the turtles introduced you to him
He liked you because any friend of the turtles were friends of his
He noticed you were quiet
He thought maybe you were just shy
But as he got to know you, he saw a different person
You're sweet and tough
You kinda remind him of a mixture of his friends Leonardo and Michelangelo
Mikey made Leatherhead feel welcomed, wanted, like he belonged
He was always seen as a monster
However you didn't;
You were different from other humans... considering you were friends with mutant turtles and their rat master/dad
His heart melted when you showed him what you do: rescuing and rehoming animals
Leatherhead fell in love with your kind heart
You made him feel.... more than wanted, etc.
Maybe that was why your eyes seemed to sparkle and he didn't feel nothing negative coming off of you
He understands the animals all too well
Anyone, human or animal, would be very lucky to meet someone like you
He started thinking about you all the time, wondering what you were doing
He comes to Mikey about it
The answer was quite shocking
"I think you're in love, dude"
"You should tell them, man"
After much needed courage, Leatherhead finally tells you how he feels
You've actually had a crush on him for a while, too, but didn't know how to go about telling him
This is his first Christmas with you
At the lair, there are lots of approving faces of your friends
"Way to go, both of you."
"Im happy for ya"
"Told you to go for it" *wink*
The smell of food and sounds of laughter fill the room
Mikey the wingman sneaks a mistletoe between you and Leatherhead
You blush and LH looks away sheepishly
However you get closer to him and place a hand over his huge reptilian one
Your touch seems like its magic ( he had a few nightmares and you managed to bring him out of it with your voice and touch )
He looks back at you, and feels like theres noone else on the world but you
You pressed your lips to his snout in a sweet kiss
"I love you, my sweet Leatherhead"
"I love you, too, my darling, my love"
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Hope you like your match 👉💚🐊👈
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smoosnoom · 1 year
Hi! I have a couple of writing related questions. I was curious how you decide when a story is finished? Do you come up with the ending first or just go with it until it "feels right"? How do you motivate/discipline yourself to finish a story? Or do you not struggle with that so much? I'm having trouble structuring stories and finishing things. I find myself writing all the time, but it always ends up being little snippets or a couple thousand word scenes and I can't seem to fit them into an overall plot or story…? Does that make sense? I feel like I have like 18 different stories going on and sometimes there's like a bunch of scenes that could fit one story but I can't make them… Mesh. Also I can't just finish it off. I always feel like there's something missing or like I'm just not sure what the overall point of the story is so I don't know how or when to end it. Anyway, thinking about this made me curious what your general structure is. Do you start with a scene and then flesh out from there when starting a story? Or do you start by having an overall plot and writing based on an idea? Like do you block out your stories scenes/pacing etc first or just write in order, beginning to end or jump around from scene to scene and stick it together later? Does your process change depending on the story? So sorry for the kind of aimless questions. I'm just curious about your process. I'd love to be able to actually complete something, but I don't really have anyone to talk to about writing, and I thought maybe getting advice from someone who I see and enjoy the finished work from could help me in some way. No worries if you don't really know how to answer this and don't want to. I won't be offended lol Anyway ty love your work, have a good day :D
hello ! im so sorry for taking so so long to get to this, i would keep coming back to change or add something to say :)
I was curious how you decide when a story is finished? Do you come up with the ending first or just go with it until it "feels right"? ... I can't just finish it off. I always feel like there's something missing or like I'm just not sure what the overall point of the story is so I don't know how or when to end it. - this fluctuates from time to time; sometimes i feel like a story is done right when i write the last scene, and then i'll come back to it and add a whole other scene because it doesn't seem right . i try to consider if whether or not the entire story has come full circle, if it's satisfying and the ending is something worth having read the previous paragraphs for, if the last few lines are conclusive enough, or if it feels like something should be coming after it . i don't know a proper formula or fool-proof solution to this, its just a Feeling u get, but if u are at a complete loss, what i try to do is completely forget about it for a few days (at least five), and then come back and read the entire thing, editing Nothing, but only taking notes on what to fix, until u reach the end, where u, with a fresher perspective, can tell if the ending is right or not . sometimes, theres just no point to a story other than being written - if that's the case, then thats fine . writing is meant to be fun, if it feels incomplete, come back to it at a later time, don't look at it for a while . if u cant bear to do that, then maybe rewrite it completely - i've done this several times, rewriting thousands of words because something is just . missing . so i take the old work and rework it into something i like better, rewriting and removing and adding bits and pieces . try to spend some time away from the work, that helps me immensely !
another piece of advice from aaron sorkin is that sometimes when he finds a lull in his writing, he takes a shower - showers are great for getting ur imagination flowing :) something else i heard is to take the work and put it in a place not easily accessible, and then, after a few weeks, looking at it again . another version of this is putting it away and rewriting the entire thing from memory . ive done all three and they help as well :)
How do you motivate/discipline yourself to finish a story? Or do you not struggle with that so much? - if u mean continuously working on a story til the end, then absolutely i do struggle with it !!! half the time its the sheer want to write that keeps me going, or if its a story so daunting i dont know how to write it, then i try to make it easier to write for, maybe telling myself ill stop writing after thirty minutes, or until i get a thousand words done, or just until i reach a scene that i really want to write . that, as well as just Forcing myself sometimes really helps, sometimes i just need to get myself to do it in order to the words to flow out properly. ill also admit that sometimes what gets me going is the idea of feedback, what people might think of it or even how satisfied i might feel from writing and finishing it . if u need a friend to cheer u on, or u need to post a bit or two on here to get that encouragement, then feel free . also implementing a "write for thirty mins/for five hundred words/etc." really helps too :) maybe giving urself a deadline as well, such as getting a certain amount done by a certain day
I find myself writing all the time, but it always ends up being little snippets or a couple thousand word scenes and I can't seem to fit them into an overall plot or story…? ... I feel like I have like 18 different stories going on and sometimes there's like a bunch of scenes that could fit one story but I can't make them… Mesh. - it does make sense :) i have a doc just called "cut" that is a series of scenes and snippets and phrases that arent related in the slighted - its only for the sake of putting the idea in my head out and onto the screen, which i might later use for a story i write at a different time if i find that it fits . u don't need to make all these separate scenes fit, sometimes they just aren't meant to . if u find urself writing eighteen different stories, and then only extensively working on a specific few, then i suggest combing some of these stories where they fit . if they don't, then go for the one u want to work on the most, the one that matches ur current writing mood . i know saying "work on which one uwant to work on" is pretty unhelpful, but theres no better solution . maybe asking someone else which one they'd like to read the most also helps, something i do :)
Do you start with a scene and then flesh out from there when starting a story? Or do you start by having an overall plot and writing based on an idea? Like do you block out your stories scenes/pacing etc first or just write in order, beginning to end or jump around from scene to scene and stick it together later? Does your process change depending on the story? - sometimes i do all of these . it does change depending on the story ! for some, i get a flash of a scene that i quickly write out, and, from there, an entire story is inspired in me and i start writing it as quickly as i can, and this changes from just writing down the parts i really want to implement or i feel are imperative in the work, or i finish the initial scene and begin from the start . other times, i have a plot in my mind and i start to write it, but never have i stuck with the initial plot - it always morphs into something else, and ive never resisted from that urge . one plot point will turn into five, and i have sticky notes i keep next to my bed and desk and in my bag and by the door whenever these ideas stick, or i get a sudden scene idea, which i quickly jot down, and, most of the time, i start jotting down quick outlines for the next few scenes . these are never detailed, especially on a sticky note, it's usually just (bike scene, diner scene, "insert quote i just thought of/want to include", etc.) . things like that . i also almost always jump around - i've never written anything in a linear manner, and i probably never will . sometimes the place u are in during the story is in such a lull u want a change of pace, and that's fine :) let that happen ! then u go back to the part u need to work on, and sometimes its even easier to tie two separate scenes together .
im so happy u enjoy the work i put out ! u mention not having anyone to talk about writing with, but my dms are always open and id love to chat if u want :) and if u ever want a second opinion/some help (it feels weird to say help because i am just trying my best on here LOL) then let me know !!! please feel free to just hit me up, i'd love to talk !!!!!!
none of these questions were aimless, and im so sorry for taking forever to reply this, i tried my best to answer as thoroughly as i possible could :) if i missed anything or u want any more clarification on anything, please let me know !!
thank u for the ask !
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gandalfsbignaturals · 2 years
Girl u cant just drop "furry space ocs" and NOT infodump about them!
ALRIGHT alright ok so theres a lot of side characters who are all very cool but the main ones to know about are chuck nova and snow. theyre the two main characters of chuck nova with chuck being the spotlight at first but snow coming in as a secret second main character. anyway this is them (ive been meaning to add text to snows but im lazy. oops)
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chuck is a scrappy little gremlin catgirl who also happens to have a spiritual connection with an unspeakably powerful ancient weapon, forged in the trauma of her childhood. she's a galactic outlaw with an enormous bounty on her head, courtesy of pissing off the queen of the xithican empire (bug cyborg aliens).
snow is a pristine and precise swordswoman and archeologist foxgirl with a penchant for the occult. she travels the galaxy searching for the remnants of ancient galactic civilizations, cataloguing them and returning them to the Galactic Library of Culture, a planet-sized library located in the far outskirts of the galaxy, in a place known as the Sunder, where one of the arms of the milky way was torn off by the gravity of Andromeda when they collided.
i havent finished references for all the characters, but theres also chucks adoptive guardian max, an old butch doggirl with a sword as big as her body, who used to be the bodyguard for chuck's mother until she eloped with someone else, after which max covered for her. when chuck's mom died, max took chuck in and raised her, and taught her how to use the weapon she had bonded to, using a system of magic called wavecasting that uses enchanted magical instruments to channel elemental powers.
theres aggy, chucks best friend and co-pilot, who is one of the aforementioned xithicans, only unlike most xithicans, she's completely synthetic, with no organic pieces to speak of. chuck found her broken body in a scrapyard and helped to repair her, but couldn't do anything to save her badly damaged memory. now mostly mute and missing any memory of how she was created, she's very loyal to chuck and is often the one who pulls her ass out of the fire.
she's also not a furry, but there's a juggalo princess who chuck meets and befriends after saving her from a xithican crime boss. shes spent most of her life pretty sheltered from the world outside her homeworld, a machine planet that's shrouded in eternal night, lit only by its own internal power, and her reckless nature and naive disposition serve to get her into lots of trouble.
those are all the main characters but theres lots more who will be met throughout as well!! im working on the comic, im almost done storyboarding chapter one... almost :x
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cruelsister-moved2 · 1 year
Im the hater anon omg i didnt mean to lead u astray but i haven't finished it i'm just over half done. i probably will finish just so i can coherently say why i don't like it bc rn my thoughts are all over the place but  u hit all the major points im like nodding and taking notes rn.  Its very shallow lore wise like its all overly complex exposition that barely effects the plot. I could write about this for 100 years but basically it was boring and i just feel like it has nothing to say like theres no purpose or message and i think speculative stuff should have SOME weight behind it idk.  That paired w how the writing itself is like..not pretty or artful or anything………………….
And on top of that its not even actually funny. Instead of real jokes its just 100 million mcu quips awkwardly inserted so that no situation is ever treated genuinely or seriously or with depth. For example. My personal least favorite part beyond general quality so far is how often they bring up gideon being inappropriately horny… idk how else to word it.. Its one of her 3 personality traits. they mention her porn collection i swear every couple of pages. its played 4 jokes but like the rest of it its literally unfunny and feels so out of place. Like this is right when they just discovered an incinerated body → ”she looked troubled, which made Gideon sad, but she was also soaked right through to the skin, which made Gideon need a lie-down.” Its like if someone whose only point of reference was tiktok during that era where every vaguely masc woman got made fun of for being a quote hey mamas lesbian unquote tried to write a masc woman.  Reading it as a masc lesbian myself is just sort of embarrassing idk if other ppl feel differently but it just feels overplayed and goofy. 
Anyways… this is all very long and incoherent but thank u for complaining and vindicating me… i started reading it a couple days ago on a whim bc ive been seeing ppl talk abt it a lot lately and i was instantly SOOOOO disappointed. Part of it was definitely that i was expecting something very different because of how people talk about it but also its just like bad. Its insane. I also had no idea abt the roachpatrol thing so ummmmmm :(
hiiiiiiiiii omg so your suffering isn't even over yet my condolences.
the worldbuilding exposition industrial complex needs to end im so serious. I just had such a nice conversation with some writer friends about soft vs hard magic systems and world-building and how frustratingly common the assumption that more complex lore you dump the more sophisticated your story is at the moment. in reality many more sophisticated stories deliberately utilise abstraction and whimsy for thematic statements. v happy for brandon sanderson fans but again, a lot of those stories are basically like mystery novels except the magic is the mystery, whereas the speculative fiction authors who... actually speculate...are often using it as a tool to speculate about our own existence.
and the writing is so ugly like I've read a couple of chapters and I feel like i could get through a mid story if it's at least well written but it wasn't even inoffensive it was actively offputting like that prose was stinkyyyyyyyyy..... and the quips exactlyyy like who is laughing at none pizza with left beef anymore and the fact a lot of it isn't even the author being witty but just like. a reference to a meme? it's literally supposed to be like gritty but then everyone is memeing and quipping all the time how are you meant to take that seriously?
and okay the like sexualisation of Gideon had kind of been my suspicion but I hadn't read enough to make that claim for certain so. that's disappointing to have it confirmed. given that the author is a fem woman who calls herself a lesbian whilst being homestuck married to a guy, it really brings up some kind of discomfort in me to be using masc women that way and making a joke out of them and their sexuality and calling them himbos and shit like. it really doesn't seem like she actually knows any masc women??? and when that was a huge part of the marketing for the book it comes to feel exploitative.
one thing to be aware is that tor like. pushed it really hard marketing-wise for whatever reason. I guess they feel it symbolises a new era of sci-fi and like were using it as an outreach effort to engage the generation that mostly only reads fan fiction or whatever which I guess cheers if it achieves that. but the majority of negative reviews are specifically that it was nothing like what they expected it to be, because of the.... super gimmicky marketing.
the tagline being sword necromancer lesbians in space or something so lame 😭 and it really seems like the elements came first and the justification came second so it's never really explained why they use swords instead of more technologically advanced weapons (bc the answer is 'it sounds cool') or really why it needs to be in space at all (because the answer is 'it sounds cool'). even the necromancy is supposedly fairly tangential and ive seen people be underwhelmed how much actual lesbianism is involved too 💀
9mbut yeah the r0ach patr0l thing I wish people were more aware of because honestly above anything else, I've seen people who were fans and then found this out and felt super uncomfortable so I think people deserve to know what kind of background she has, and this is literally where she developed her writing and her name as a BNF so it's directly connected to her current career not just like a celebrity who tweeted something dumb when they were 14. like I think it's fair to take that into account + idk it's INTERESTING to me that she went from that to debuting with a masc lesbian whom she projects like comic hypersexuality onto it really is all much to think about truly
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codes · 1 year
hello matthew!! :D this ask isnt related to the little game u made unfortunately but id like to ask for some advice from someone who probably has to read a lot for school!!
i finished reading a classic of literature recently, jane austens persuasion. having repeated myself many times today, it was a very good thought provoking book. except that i didnt really realise that until i read the introduction of the book where they discuss her techniques and how she handles the themes!! argh.. in fact while i was readin the whole thing i didnt even really know what to feel! i knew about the instances of titular persuasion but i wasnt even really sure what they were saying with nuance...
since im so troubled by my lack of sensitivity and find no help elsewhere on the interwebs, as someone who i find can parse the complex muddled text of enstars with clarity, what should i do to become a more sensitive reader! or rather how do u read matthew?
hi lab! im a lil honored that u hold me in such high regard bc honestly, i dont always feel that my literary analysis skills are up to par! though i think thats an opinion shared by many but i often end up in the same position as you and even my professors say the same thing where they have to reread books before they start to really delve into analysis. its p normal, honestly. a lot of themes in literature are largely opinionated so some people pick up patterns faster than others and sometimes two readings can conflict with one another. it happens! one reading may be more clearly supported by evidence within the text but analyzing literature usually takes a lot of practice more than anything, but sometimes going back to the basics rlly helps and focusing on which critical theory may be applicable. could you maybe analyze the text through a character? perhaps the psychoanalytic theory may help! are gender roles present within the text? maybe looking at it through a feminist critical lens may give you a good ledge to start off. theres also formalism, post-colonialist, Marxist theory, eco-criticism, etc... the world is your oyster and having trouble with analyzing a text is normal! we're not all-knowing and sometimes it helps to look at what other people have to say will help you most of all.
also i asked my friend @cupidneos who is insanely smart for her advice since i bet that she would have something to say (also shes also a jane austen fan) and this is what she said:
i do wanna say that you shouldn’t be too hard on yourself since Persuasion is easily one of her hardest texts to really extend and make sense of so it’s no fault of your own … literature that uses free indirect discourse to hint towards our knowledge of character tends to be harder to understand bc of how limited that info can be! that being said, not being able to place our finger on something until it’s highlighted is completely okay! that’s what the introduction is there for; to help you out. there’s no set list of criteria to being a “more sensitive reader” since the phenomenon of reading itself is so mercurial. with practice i’m so certain that u will get a better sense of where to look for those literary themes. and don’t sell urself short in doing so either! if u find a passage important, pursue it!!! doesn’t matter what everyone else says abt it hehe
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