th3-0bjectivist · 1 year
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“Thermohaline” - Animated painting
Original acrylic painting currently on sale for peanuts on Poshmark at https://poshmark.com/closet/galleryofluke
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allsortsoffuckedup · 1 year
Oh look New Apocalypse just dropped. Sixth Extinction here we come
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lithiumseven · 1 year
Thermohaline circulation my beloved
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afeelgoodblog · 1 year
The Best News of Last Week
1. ‘We are just getting started’: the plastic-eating bacteria that could change the world
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In 2016, Japanese scientists Oda and Hiraga published their discovery of Ideonella sakaiensis, a bacterium capable of breaking down PET plastic into basic nutrients. This finding marked a shift in microbiology's perception, recognizing the potential of microbes to solve pressing environmental issues.
France's Carbios has successfully applied bacterial enzyme technology to recycle PET plastic waste into new plastic products, aligning with the French government's goal of fully recycling plastic packaging by 2025.
2. HIV cases in Amsterdam drop to almost zero after PrEP scheme
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According to Dutch AIDS Fund, there were only nine new cases of the virus in Amsterdam in 2022, down from 66 people diagnosed in 2021. The organisation claimed that 128 people were diagnosed with HIV in Amsterdam in 2019, and since 2010, the number of new infections in the Dutch capital has fallen by 95 per cent.
3. Cheap and drinkable water from desalination is finally a reality
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In a groundbreaking endeavor, engineers from MIT and China have designed a passive solar desalination system aimed at converting seawater into drinkable water.
The concept, articulated in a study published in the journal Joule, harnesses the dual powers of the sun and the inherent properties of seawater, emulating the ocean’s “thermohaline” circulation on a smaller scale, to evaporate water and leave salt behind.
4. World’s 1st drug to regrow teeth enters clinical trials
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The ability to regrow your own teeth could be just around the corner. A team of scientists, led by a Japanese pharmaceutical startup, are getting set to start human trials on a new drug that has successfully grown new teeth in animal test subjects.
Toregem Biopharma is slated to begin clinical trials in July of next year after it succeeded growing new teeth in mice five years ago, the Japan Times reports.
5. After Decades of Pressure, US Drugmaker J&J Gives Up Patent on Life-Saving TB Drug
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In what can be termed a huge development for drug-resistant TB (DR-TB) patients across large parts of the world, bedaquiline maker Johnson and Johnson said on September 30 (Saturday) that it would drop its patent over the drug in 134 low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).
6. Stranded dolphins rescued from shallow river in Massachusetts
7. ‘Staggering’ green growth gives hope for 1.5C, says global energy chief
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The prospects of the world staying within the 1.5C limit on global heating have brightened owing to the “staggering” growth of renewable energy and green investment in the past two years, the chief of the world’s energy watchdog has said.
Fatih Birol, the executive director of the International Energy Agency, and the world’s foremost energy economist, said much more needed to be done but that the rapid uptake of solar power and electric vehicles were encouraging.
That's it for this week :)
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bestworstcase · 6 months
…so THAT's why there was so much lingering whale left after the magenuke. Grimmcromancy. Though if Monstra was that hefty (and toothy) before Salem started renovating, I figure those kaiju grimm often wind up on the food chain's other end. And no goddamn wonder the kingdoms stick with airfleets.
i am a normal fan with normal headcanons come closer
aside from the relative lack of biomechanical constraints on body mass underwater compared to terrestrial organisms one of variables correlated with massive size in marine animals is temperature, suggesting that there may be thermoregulatory advantages to getting REALLY LARGE in the ocean or else (with filter-feeding cetaceans specifically) it may be that colder oceans yield indirect benefits e.g. a greater abundance of plankton. with TOOTHED WHALES like our dear friend the cachalot the hard upper limit on size is a function of availability of food; deep-diving whales like the cachalot must exist in a sweet spot between “huge enough to efficiently dive down to where the squid are” and “small enough to not starve to death.” your average adult cachalot needs to eat about 1.3 tons every day. for example.
FUN FACT #1: vale has snowy winters. vale sits ever so slightly north of the equator. it SNOWS in the TROPICS–
FUN FACT #2: argus—the northern province of mistral whose cold climate stymied the empire’s advance into the region until mantle extended a helping hand—is, eyeballing it, somewhere in the neighborhood of 35-40N. cold san francisco. (literally. sanfran is 37N.)
bangs gavel. the first rule of headcanon is no doylist answers to watsonian questions! how come people living in the city-state north of the polar circle dress like this:
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not huntsmen/huntresses whose auras protect them from the cold, but ordinary people. no aura training. no hat no gloves that reporter is wearing a PEA COAT.
remnant is cold! a lot colder than our own world. i imagine dust deposits interact with local climates in myriad ways that are well out of scope for This Post Which Is About Monster Whales but on average global temperatures on remnant are Cold. and people run around the polar north with their Bare Hands out because if you plonked them down in a balmy mediterranean summer they would overheat and die
(i am heroically restraining myself here but if you want the really HINGES OFF climate headcanon ask me about tdt!remnant <3) 
anyway whales.
abyssal gigantism—invertebrate organisms such as crustaceans and cephalopods that live in very deep water tending to be VERY LARGE in comparison to shallower-water relatives—is thought to be influenced by a combination of factors of which the one that interests us for the purpose of MONSTER WHALES is, of course, colder temperature. remnant is very cold—much colder than earth—and while this would have only a small impact in the very deepest parts of the ocean (the abyssal zone is 2-3 °C), the upper layers will be significantly colder. so we can imagine that marine lifeforms in the bathyal and middle pelagic zones in remnant’s oceans are subject to much harsher conditions than their equivalents in the real world, and extrapolate from this a phenomenon of pelagic gigantism.
with that in mind. the average adult male cachalot is about 16 meters long. they are known to eat colossal squid, which are estimated to grow between 10-14 meters in length, but the bulk of their diet is squid of more reasonable size, such as the clubhook squid (2m). and while this has never been observed, cachalots often have extensive scarring on their heads thought to be inflicted by colossal squids fighting to not be eaten.
consider a very cold ocean with a fairly low vertical temperature gradient—thus weak thermohaline circulation—and thus nutrient-poor and deoxygenated waters in the middle and upper layers—and thus marine lifeforms are sparser than in our world but tend to be VERY LARGE. in such an ocean, we can imagine that the colossal squid would not be an elusive deep-sea giant but rather a squid of normal size; the evolutionary pressures that exist in our abyssal zone to produce gigantism in this ocean extend into the pelagic zone.
in the real world, the colossal squid is difficult prey: living in deep waters, nearly as long as its hunter, armed with hooks all over its arms and tentacles. its great size makes it an important pillar of the cachalot’s diet, but data suggest these whales prefer to gorge themselves on much smaller animals. 
what does a cachalot look like in a world without an abundance of 1-2 meter long squid to feast on? plausibly… bigger. a lot bigger
perhaps even SO BIG that the colossal squid is as defenseless against the whale as the clubhook squid is to the cachalot. in fact for the sake of simplicity let’s say there’s a linear relationship between the size of the whale and the size of the squid such that the whale is always about eight times longer than its staple prey. and for maximum MONSTER WHALE let’s take the upper bound estimate for the colossal squid, 14m, and say that’s the average size of a squid in remnant’s oceans. the result is a whale 112 meters long.
which is a little bit less than FOUR TIMES the size of a blue whale
in war we can see that monstra’s teeth are about as long as salem. for simplicity let’s say that salem is exactly 180cm tall (5'11"). the teeth of a real cachalot is about 20cm long, and an adult male of average size is 16m; a single tooth is 1.25% the length of the body. 1.25% of 112m is 140cm, and 180cm is 1.25% of 144m. the largest adult males can grow as long as 19m, with the longest (verifiably) recorded specimen ever found measuring 20.7m. for our MONSTER WHALE, with an average length of 112m, that is equivalent to large male specimens in the neighborhood of 133m being fairly common and the largest known specimen in history being… 144.9 meters long :)
(rest in FUCKING pieces captain ahab)
now if monstra is 144 meters long that does
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imply that atlas is pretty gods damned small, way smaller than makes sense in relation to the size of these buildings. but the scale of atlas is just sort of weird in general—like the urbanized area bisecting the farmland, those buildings are shown to be skyscrapers in closer shots and that should make the shield-generator pylons like kilometers tall but they
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clearly aren’t because centinels are not That Big. meanwhile the size difference between monstra and a megoliath looks about right for “four times the size of a blue whale” so i’m inclined to just think atlas is supposed to be itty bitty and the proportional size of the buildings is off in the artwork in the long shots as a stylistic choice. because based on her proportions and interior scale i simply refuse to believe monstra is several kilometers long
about the grimm—their WOR episode implies that grimm Are In Fact obligate predators who will die if deprived of their prey: grimm are known to eat their kills and, contra popular belief that they “are not obligated to feed” but “choose to,” they cannot be kept in captivity for study because if they do not break free and slaughter their captors, they… die…
(this is my favorite fact about grimm and my favorite thing about that WOR; here’s the grimm lady outlining the modern-day scientific consensus about grimm with irony so thick you could cut it with a knife. here is a grimm eating! it lunges at a scavenger to drive the animal away from its kill! salem, deeply sarcastic: the common belief is that grimm don’t need to eat, they’re just evil and violent, also they die when you keep them in cages and don’t feed them, if you even CARE)
and in ‘before the dawn’ the characters make observations that lead them to theorize that grimm are actually after aura, not “negative emotions;” given a huge mass of people of whom a minority have supernaturally elevated aura, grimm swarm the ones with juiced aura and completely ignore everyone else.
so they need to consume aura to sustain themselves, and their (supposedly) exclusive preference for human prey is probably driven by humans having a lot more aura proportionate to their size than plants or animals. but aura isn’t restricted to humans and faunus; it’s a life force that flows through all living things on remnant, including animals. aura is a kind of spiritual energy rising from the soul and seems to be (based on what pyrrha tells jaune in v1) correlated to knowledge, both of the self and of the world. 
so it makes a certain amount of sense to conclude that intelligence and social complexity are positively correlated with aura levels; cetaceans are both of those things. i also imagine that a creature nearly four times the size of a blue whale would need aura to maintain the structural integrity of its body, even suspended in water. also whales can get the bends! so i imagine deep-diving animals on remnant like our MONSTER WHALES tend to have proportionally much higher levels of aura compared to most marine lifeforms, because the long-term damage done by repeated dives (<- osteonecrosis) would be offset by aura’s healing factor and thus there is selective pressure favoring whales with whatever combination of physical and cognitive traits strengthen aura. 
which means i think really large marine grimm like the leviathan would hunt the MONSTER WHALES :)—maybe with hunting strategies akin to orcas preying on cachalots, i.e. in pods targeting calves and injured adults, but also i think grimm are immune to pressure on the grounds that the liquid core of the planet is grimm and i like to imagine grimm crawling out of mid-ocean ridges. so even a lone grimm could probably kill a MONSTER WHALE by forcing it to surface from a dive fast enough. OR HAGFISH-STYLE–
anyway. on the one hand, who is going to get onto a boat to hunt something That Big. but on the other, think of the spermaceti! the blubber! the ambergris! the bones! and the MEAT! you kill one whale and you can feed an entire city for months. and really all you need is a big natural deposit of gravity dust—something like the floating islands of lake matsu would do—that you can carve up to make drogues. few dozen boats, each armed with a couple harpoons roped to huge chunks of gravity dust. you harpoon the whale, fire the dust, the drogues lift it partially out of the water and prevent it from diving, you let it exhaust itself struggling and move in to kill it once it stops moving. salem’s flying battleship whale is just a modification of the technique traditionally used to hunt these things. or if you live on the coast but don’t have grav dust, you harvest drift whales and eat like kings.
in conclusion argus is a whaling town thanks for coming to my tedtalk
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wachinyeya · 1 year
For First Time, Seawater Made Drinkable by Sunlight to Be Even Cheaper Than Tap Water https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/for-first-time-water-produced-by-sunlight-to-be-even-cheaper-than-tap-water/
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nyxelestia · 1 month
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender (Cartoon 2005)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Relationships: Sokka/Yue (Avatar), Sokka/Zuko (Avatar), (light/endgame)
Characters: Sokka (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar), Shyu (Avatar), Zhao (Avatar), Original Characters, Iroh (Avatar), The Gaang (Avatar), Hakoda (Avatar), Hakoda's Crew (Avatar), Zuko's Crew (Avatar)
Additional Tags: Whump, Sokka Whump (Avatar), Torture, Aftermath of Torture, Prisoner of War, Imprisonment, Hurt Sokka (Avatar), Bisexual Sokka (Avatar), POV Outsider, Gender Issues, Sex Work discussion, War Crimes Discussion, The Gaang as Family (Avatar), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Additional Warnings In Author's Note
Series: Part 1 of Thermohaline Circulation
Whatever it was scaring Prince Zuko, apparently Sokka understood it, too. Shyu could hear the boy’s nervous gulp from across the brig. If it could scare the avatar’s companion and the crown prince, Shyu knew it must be terrifying. “I have some questions about the avatar,” Zhao drawled as he stood before Sokka’s cell. “And you will answer them if you know what’s good for you.” Despite the mounting fear in his eyes, Sokka lifted his chin in desperate defiance as he crossed his arms and stood upright. “And when I don’t answer them?” Zhao smiled.
Sokka tried to rescue Sage Shyu from the collapse of Roku's temple. Instead, he got himself, Shyu, and Zuko captured by Commander Zhao.
And Zhao never wastes an opportunity.
Chapter 4 preview under cut:
Sokka whimpered and tried to kick Zhao away. At his angle, that meant hitting Zhao with soles of his feet. Pained whines pierced Shyu’s heart as Sokka’s feeble attempt to protect himself backfired. Not only did the boy hurt himself slamming his boiled skin against Zhao’s armor, but Zhao took the opportunity to press Sokka’s singed feet back down on the hard shelf. Sokka twisted in pain, but Zhao’s grip remained firm. Prince Zuko actually rose to his feet, but at a sharp look from Shyu he closed his mouth before he could yell anything that would make this worse for Sokka.
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justoceanmyth · 3 months
Happy FFWF! What’s the fic idea you’re dying to write the most? (Can be any fandom)
Okay I have way too many ideas and concepts and WIPs - all of which I'm super excited to write and have so much going for them, so I'm going to do a little recaps of my WIP folder here: - a draught of medoc: The Cask of Amontillado/Dredge fusion AU, because I love Poe and I love Dredge, and I think it'd be great fun to write an AU where the Collector gets tired of the Old Mayor and...well. The crossover gives it all away.
- herpetiform grief: With the Mindsuckers in the Twisted Strand dead, there's an ecological niche that needs filling. And so the Airman begins to change.
- chimaera oblivicsere: Look I'm weirdly attached to the Grieving Father for a side character who only shows up once. So this is an AU where the Fisherman doesn't go to Blackstone Isle, but there's a different man whose grief leads to terrible consequences. (Yes this does pair the Grieving Father/The Fisherman romantically) - thermohaline circulation: Another time loop fic (kinda), but this one's for the Pale Reach.
- rendered in the sealine: The Builder fic I've been talking about!! I've finally decided on some of the details of the plot, and who/how the Architect is going to fit into the plot, and all I can hint at is: toxic codependent lesbians, and the face you see in the mirror. I'm very excited for this one, and it involves an original Dredge "zone" which has a different ecosystem to any of the areas that exist in-game.
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mit · 1 year
Desalination system could produce freshwater that is cheaper than tap water
MIT engineers and collaborators developed a solar-powered device that avoids salt-clogging issues of other designs.
Jennifer Chu | MIT News
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Engineers at MIT and in China are aiming to turn seawater into drinking water with a completely passive device that is inspired by the ocean, and powered by the sun.
In a paper appearing today in the journal Joule, the team outlines the design for a new solar desalination system that takes in saltwater and heats it with natural sunlight.
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The configuration of the device allows water to circulate in swirling eddies, in a manner similar to the much larger “thermohaline” circulation of the ocean. This circulation, combined with the sun’s heat, drives water to evaporate, leaving salt behind. The resulting water vapor can then be condensed and collected as pure, drinkable water. In the meantime, the leftover salt continues to circulate through and out of the device, rather than accumulating and clogging the system.
The new system has a higher water-production rate and a higher salt-rejection rate than all other passive solar desalination concepts currently being tested.
The researchers estimate that if the system is scaled up to the size of a small suitcase, it could produce about 4 to 6 liters of drinking water per hour and last several years before requiring replacement parts. At this scale and performance, the system could produce drinking water at a rate and price that is cheaper than tap water.
“For the first time, it is possible for water, produced by sunlight, to be even cheaper than tap water,” says Lenan Zhang, a research scientist in MIT’s Device Research Laboratory.
The team envisions a scaled-up device could passively produce enough drinking water to meet the daily requirements of a small family. The system could also supply off-grid, coastal communities where seawater is easily accessible.
Zhang’s study co-authors include MIT graduate student Yang Zhong and Evelyn Wang, the Ford Professor of Engineering, along with Jintong Gao, Jinfang You, Zhanyu Ye, Ruzhu Wang, and Zhenyuan Xu of Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China.
Keep reading.
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ao3feedzukka-blog · 3 months
https://archiveofourown.org/works/56669053 by Nyxelestia Whatever it was scaring Prince Zuko, apparently Sokka understood it, too. Shyu could hear the boy’s nervous gulp from across the brig. If it could scare the avatar’s companion and the crown prince, Shyu knew it must be terrifying. “I have some questions about the avatar,” Zhao drawled as he stood before Sokka’s cell. “And you will answer them if you know what’s good for you.” Despite the mounting fear in his eyes, Sokka lifted his chin in desperate defiance as he crossed his arms and stood upright. “And when I don’t answer them?” Zhao smiled. Sokka tried to rescue Sage Shyu from the collapse of Roku's temple. Instead, he got himself, Shyu, and Zuko captured by Commander Zhao. And Zhao never wastes an opportunity. (Repost due to glitch in original creation.) Words: 4572, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 1 of Thermohaline Circulation Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender (Cartoon 2005) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M Characters: Sokka (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar), Shyu (Avatar), Zhao (Avatar), Original Characters, Iroh (Avatar), The Gaang (Avatar), Hakoda (Avatar), Hakoda's Crew (Avatar), Zuko's Crew (Avatar) Relationships: Sokka/Yue (Avatar), Sokka/Zuko (Avatar), (light/endgame) Additional Tags: Whump, Sokka Whump (Avatar), Torture, Aftermath of Torture, Prisoner of War, Imprisonment, Hurt Sokka (Avatar), Bisexual Sokka (Avatar), POV Outsider, Gender Issues, Sex Work discussion, War Crimes Discussion, The Gaang as Family (Avatar), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Additional Warnings In Author's Note June 15, 2024 at 02:36PM
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ao3feed-zukka · 3 months
Read now on Ao3 at https://ift.tt/a9LxSQV by Nyxelestia Whatever it was scaring Prince Zuko, apparently Sokka understood it, too. Shyu could hear the boy’s nervous gulp from across the brig. If it could scare the avatar’s companion and the crown prince, Shyu knew it must be terrifying. “I have some questions about the avatar,” Zhao drawled as he stood before Sokka’s cell. “And you will answer them if you know what’s good for you.” Despite the mounting fear in his eyes, Sokka lifted his chin in desperate defiance as he crossed his arms and stood upright. “And when I don’t answer them?” Zhao smiled. Sokka tried to rescue Sage Shyu from the collapse of Roku's temple. Instead, he got himself, Shyu, and Zuko captured by Commander Zhao. And Zhao never wastes an opportunity. (Repost due to glitch in original creation.) Words: 4572, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 1 of Thermohaline Circulation Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender (Cartoon 2005) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M Characters: Sokka (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar), Shyu (Avatar), Zhao (Avatar), Original Characters, Iroh (Avatar), The Gaang (Avatar), Hakoda (Avatar), Hakoda's Crew (Avatar), Zuko's Crew (Avatar) Relationships: Sokka/Yue (Avatar), Sokka/Zuko (Avatar), (light/endgame) Additional Tags: Whump, Sokka Whump (Avatar), Torture, Aftermath of Torture, Prisoner of War, Imprisonment, Hurt Sokka (Avatar), Bisexual Sokka (Avatar), POV Outsider, Gender Issues, Sex Work discussion, War Crimes Discussion, The Gaang as Family (Avatar), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Additional Warnings In Author's Note Read it on Ao3 at https://ift.tt/a9LxSQV
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post-futurism · 7 months
Dread is defined by thinking about the imminent state of the thermohaline circulation belt
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kp777 · 1 year
Source: University of Copenhagen - Faculty of Science
July 25, 2023
Important ocean currents that redistribute heat, cold and precipitation between the tropics and the northernmost parts of the Atlantic region will shut down around the year 2060 if current greenhouse gas emissions persist. This is the conclusion based on new calculations from the University of Copenhagen that contradict the latest report from the IPCC.
Contrary to what we may imagine about the impact of climate change in Europe, a colder future may be in store. In a new study, researchers from the University of Copenhagen's Niels Bohr Institute and Department of Mathematical Sciences predict that the system of ocean currents which currently distributes cold and heat between the North Atlantic region and tropics will completely stop if we continue to emit the same levels of greenhouse gases as we do today.
Using advanced statistical tools and ocean temperature data from the last 150 years, the researchers calculated that the ocean current, known as the Thermohaline Circulation or the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), will collapse -- with 95 percent certainty -- between 2025 and 2095. This will most likely occur in 34 years, in 2057, and could result in major challenges, particularly warming in the tropics and increased storminess in the North Atlantic region.
"Shutting down the AMOC can have very serious consequences for Earth's climate, for example, by changing how heat and precipitation are distributed globally. While a cooling of Europe may seem less severe as the globe as a whole becomes warmer and heat waves occur more frequently, this shutdown will contribute to an increased warming of the tropics, where rising temperatures have already given rise to challenging living conditions," says Professor Peter Ditlevsen from the Niels Bohr Institute.
"Our result underscores the importance of reducing global greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible," says the researcher.
The calculations, just published in the scientific journal, Nature Communications, contradict the message of the latest IPCC report, which, based on climate model simulations, considers an abrupt change in the thermohaline circulation very unlikely during this century.
Early warning signals present
The researchers' prediction is based on observations of early warning signals that ocean currents exhibit as they become unstable. These Early Warning Signals for the Thermohaline Circulation have been reported previously, but only now has the development of advanced statistical methods made it possible to predict just when a collapse will occur.
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The Wonders of Ocean Currents
Have you ever wondered why the ocean is always moving? It’s all due to ocean currents. Ocean currents are a powerful force of nature that help move water around the world, and they have an enormous impact on our climate, weather patterns, and even marine life. Let’s explore how these mysterious currents work, and why they are so important.
What Causes Ocean Currents? Ocean currents are created by a variety of factors including winds, tides, and differences in temperature and salinity. Winds blow across the surface of the ocean causing waves which push against the shorelines creating what is known as “surface currents”. Tides also cause water to move from one place to another creating “tidal currents”. And finally, temperature and salinity differences create “thermohaline circulation” or deep-ocean current systems. These three types of ocean movements combine to create the intricate global system that sustains life on Earth.
The Effects of Ocean Currents Ocean currents play an important role in many aspects of life on Earth. They affect everything from climate change to food production to shipping routes. For example, warmer surface waters can cause more rainfall in certain areas while cooler waters can cause drought in other areas. Warmer temperatures also increase evaporation which can lead to higher sea levels which can affect coastal communities around the world. Additionally, ocean currents act as highways for migrating species such as whales and turtles allowing them to find food sources and travel long distances with relative ease. Finally, ocean currents allow ships to traverse vast distances quickly by using the existing current flow instead of having to fight against it with their engines alone.
As you can see, ocean currents are quite amazing! From influencing our weather patterns to helping migrating species find their way home—it is clear that these mysterious forces of nature have an incredible impact on our lives each day! So next time you look out at the horizon remember that beneath your feet lies an immense network of interconnected liquid highways that continues to provide us with endless wonders!
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bestworstcase · 1 year
Are you implying that volcanoes on Remnant erupt super hot Grimm goop?
fire elmo dot gif
pyroclastic flow but with grimm ash. lava but it’s molten grimm. also there’s an entire sabyr swimming around in that river which, as noted, is hot enough to incinerate an inexplicable polar bonsai (<- affectionate) on contact, so like. potentially slower eruptions might straight up just spew fully-formed grimm.
this also has delightfully fun implications for what the sea floor might look like. (<- you’ve heard of thermohaline circulation now get ready for—)
like the thing is we know that under the right conditions grimm can turn to stone, right. so it’s not wholly unreasonable to think that given, say, the deep cold and intense pressure at the bottom of the ocean, molten grimm liquid might harden into stone or at least something like stone. and in V3 that wyvern hatches out of a mountain. that’s exactly the sort of thing you’d expect to see if the planet’s mantle was grimm or even just had grimm liquid mixed in with the magma—orogenic grimm!!
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atoquarks · 2 months
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