#these are all canon btw
simplylupin · 2 years
steddie headcanons because they’re the only thing in my mind rn
- steve traces eddie’s tattoos and sometimes comes up with concept ideas for a new tattoo 
- eddie always runs hot and steve runs cold so during the winter steve’s always clinging to eddie at night to try and steal some body warmth
- eddie’s dyslexic and usually he’ll try to read a book by himself but if he gets frustrated, steve will often read aloud to him although he doesn’t understand half of what’s happening when reading lord of the rings
- steve is the only person eddie will allow to attempt to style his hair 
- steve steals eddie’s rings ALL THE TIME. he even has a little tray on his dresser where he’ll keep them safe until he gives them back. (for their one year anniversary, eddie gave him the first ring he’d ever bought)
- eddie loves horror movies but steve despises them, so whenever he knows a jumpscare is coming, he’ll kiss steve to distract him
- steve = hates olives, eddie = loves olives
- although they didn’t properly meet until the day in the boathouse, they’d seen each other around before. eddie, naturally, knew of steve longer seeing as he used to prance around the school halls like a peacock, but the first time he interacted with him was when steve helped him up after tommy h pushed him over in gym class. he didn’t speak to eddie, but that silent exchange stuck with him for a long time. steve first properly acknowledged eddie when he came into scoops ahoy with his band mates. of course, he knew of him before and had seen him before, but that hot afternoon was the first time he stopped and properly saw him.
- eddie often stims by chewing and so steve makes sure whenever he wears hoodies they have drawstrings on so that eddie can chew on them
- steve actually has awful eyesight and he has to wear round, thin framed glasses he absolutely despises when reading — eddie finds it adorable the way he huffs and pouts when putting them on
- whenever steve gets a nightmare, eddie will make up a song on the spot and sing it to a random tune to distract him. it’ll always be about the most stupidest thing, like soup or pigeons or literally anything, but it always manages to calm steve down
- steve has always been interested in playing the guitar — ever since eddie practically saved his ass in the upside down by playing it — so one day eddie sits down right behind steve, places the guitar in steves lap and guides his hands to play the right chords. it takes nearly two hours for steve to be able to play the most simple tune, but eddie is proud nonetheless
- eddie will literally drive to the family video store, give steve a kiss and then drive back home. this is a daily occurrence.
- steve has mild memory issues due to his various amount of head injuries over the year, and so eddie will leave little sticky notes around the house to make sure he doesn’t forget anything, even if it’s as simple as “remember to brush your teeth, darling!”
- eddie is always insanely gentle whenever they’re trying out their “firsts” in their relationship because he knows it’s the first time steve has ever been with another boy
- eddie is awful at cooking. steve has banned him from the kitchen after he nearly set it on fire when trying to make eggs 
- his demo-bat scars make steve anxious about taking his shirt off/swimming because he’s afraid people will view him as scary or a monster. eddie makes sure to take his time tracing and kissing across every bump of skin to make sure steve knows that he’s the most beautiful person eddie has ever seen
- the first time steve met wayne was entirely by accident: he’d been on his way to sneak out the trailer after spending the night, not knowing that wayne had finished his shift early. they had stared at each other, stunned silent: steve shirtless, messy haired and covered in hickeys, wayne holding a cup of coffee, just trying to get some rest. (steve was absolutely mortified, but eddie promised him that wayne quite liked him, and that in hindsight, it was rather hilarious)
- steve has insomnia due to a lot of stress and paranoia, and him and eddie will often take late night drives around town because the sound of the engine helps lull steve to sleep 
- the first time he meets el, eddie is terrified she doesn’t like him because she seems wary around him, but after steve sets her aside and talks to her quietly, he learns that she’s simply admiring eddies hair and isn’t sure how to compliment him or bring it up in conversation. steve tells eddie this, and eddie immediately goes to el, giving her lots of tips on how to grow her hair out quickly
- they spend a whole year travelling — seeing as neither of them had ever left hawkins before — but they eventually return home because although they’d never admit it, they missed the kids more than anything
- steve wears eddies clothes more than he wears his own
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juno-box · 1 month
junert hi Do you have any headcanoned funny or strange interactions between twdg characters that you wish were real? -bals
When the heads of the Motor Inn group went to Warner Robins to find the military, they found Mark hiding out in a storage closet with a broom as a weapon and a bucket as a shield.
Ben had mandatory hang-outs/play-dates with Duck and Clementine.
Larry trying to teach people how to use a rifle but he's so out of touch with it he damn near cracked his collarbone. Lilly took over lol.
Luke tried to teach Clementine poker and lost to her.
Kenny down the stairs at the ski lodge once lol
Carver didn't give Luke a toothbrush like everybody else and proceeded to punctuate every order of him with "pretty boy".
Javi was banned from using the van radio because NOBODY wanted to listen to Backstreet Boys during those long drives. OR Boyz II Men.
A peach three fell on David back at the Shenandoah river.
Joan and Clint made a funny "cooking show" type of thing once just for fun but ended up with Joan beating his ass over a can of creamed corn.
Tenn accidentally shot Marlon in the ass with an arrow once.
Mitch got into a fight with Violet one time, so Sophie left passive aggressive art on his door that was just artistic ways of him getting hit by lightning.
Lilly pushed Abel off that boat approximately 3 times.
One time the kids threw a basketball tournament in the gym before it burned down. Violet won and Aasim had a concussion (as revenge he burned it down lmfao)
Louis tried to race Marlon from his office to the music room and then proceeded to fall down the stairs at Mach 20.
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gnomeniche · 4 months
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been kind of obsessed with putting this guy in different fits. me when i remember he was undead and immortal for the entire 20th century and i can do whatever i want
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beeejayy · 9 months
spirit from soul eater
Anon whoever you are I'm in love with you.
Accidentally made this long sooo
🏳️‍⚧️ a gender hc- HES TRANS HES TRANS I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL. he is ftm TRUST ME.
😇 a hc about his religion/lack thereof- oh boy okay this dude? Yeah he definitely grew up religious. But now since he's literally besties with death Spirit doesn't really give a shit but he does still get religious guilt on bad moments of his.
🧸 a hc about his childhood- not good. Yeah not good. I hc he was born in the more uhh red states of America. Maybe Texas, south Carolina or even California. Spirit definitely was THE religious kiss ass kid before joining the academy. His mom acts a lot how I hc Kami to be which uh. Yeah I won't get into that. Spirit's father was absent and he was forced to go to church every time he did something his mom didn't like. After he even HINTED at wanting to be a boy he'd get sent to his grandparents place.
🪢 a hc about their family- okay this is basically like the last one. He was TOTALLY either the oldest child or middle child. He was in charge of raising his siblings and if he had an older sibling they DEFINITELY were the first one to find out he was a weapon and wield him for a while. His mom called him many bad names and sent him to the academy thinking it was a place to get rid of his ability, they kinda never showed up again after dropping him off though. His siblings accepted him as trans btw.
🖕 a hc relating to anger- ONG OMG OKAY OKAY SO I HC HIM HAVING ANGER ISSUES BECAUSE I HAVE THEM. He can get violent when angry, he's not a violent person by any means it just happens and usually happens when he's by himself. Stein though when Spirit is drunk and Stein jokes or presses his buttons too much about the dissecting thing, Spirit will start hitting him. Stein thinks it's funny tho.
🫂 a friendship hc- alright so this will never happen but it COULD IF THEY DIDN'T HAVE SO MANY PROBLEMS but Marie and Spirit COULD BE FRIENDS THEY COULD. Realistically Marie wouldn't want that at all. I've talked about this before with someone but they're like different sides of the same coin. Okay I'm gonna stop because I'm going to make this a really long fucking post but. They could be friends they'd bond over women and other shit TRUST ME.
👗 a hc about their clothes- everything he wears has a cross on it. If it isn't his clothing it's the cross necklace he wears under his shirt. This is pretty short but yeah. Spirit mainly likes his regular attire even if he's very sweaty under it. He does like Stein's clothes even if the stitching is tacky to him. Spirit doesn't really care about clothing much, his drawers are very empty.
💤 a hc about their sleep- ooooh boy. Spirit is still a heavy sleeper, he DEFINITELY snores LOUD. But does get a lot of nightmares, he wakes up a lot in the middle of the night, always feels cold he hates sleeping. He usually falls asleep accidentally on his couch or on the floor. Though, sorry about adding Stein in these but if he ever moved back in with Stein he'd enjoy sleeping next to Stein. At first he couldn't do it he'd sneak out to the couch or have VIOLENT nightmares but after a while trusting Stein wouldn't hurt him he'd be pretty good.
Wow did not mean to make that that long. Thank you SO much for the ask I genuinely love talking about Spirit Albarn.
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Michael Afton has bad eating habits in FNAF
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pouletpourri · 9 months
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I know the circustances didn't make it avaliable, but..I kinda wish we had a farewell scene
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tagerrkix · 5 months
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Eden was their ✨disney princess era✨
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emberglowfox · 1 year
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he did get those braids after all
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super-un-stable · 8 months
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Two cents. 1 failed evil experiment to another
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anna-scribbles · 10 months
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just thinking abt stuff
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rochenn · 4 months
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Thinking about how some very minor tweaks could make so many SW species way cooler than "funky-colored human" yknow. REPTILE TOG! SKINKSOKA!!
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gejnialnie · 4 months
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hi I don't think this duo gets enough love, so here are my fave screenshots of Raph and Leo mirroring each other! :D
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look at this frame! don't their poses look similar, even though they're in totally different places?? well, there's a simple reason for it! we can see raph in the driver seat, his left hand on the wheel, while the other one's searching for someting, it's symbolising his active role as leader, while leo stands alongside him, his left hand on a handhold while he gestures with the other, showing him being less active and more of a passive presence, but he's ready on his feet, it's symbolising his potential as raph's co-leader but also him not yet being ready, still gripping the safety rails instead of the driving wheel-
(nah i'm kidding- like, was it just artists drawing similar poses in one scene? oh yeah most definitively! will that stop me from over-analysing? nope! :D this basically wrote itself!)
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timothylawrence · 9 months
"Wyll is boring" he is the personification of daddy issues. he hides away at a beach TWICE and leaving the tav to go find him because he's not used to having people around who care abt him. he's been running around the sword coast for seven years just killing things and saving people because he got EXILED and chose to prove himself to his father and just help others. he spends his time training kids how to defend themselves. you find out his dad is the ARCHDUKE of Baldur's Gate. he almost drowned once trying to find mermaids. he has a literal devil haunting him that watches his every move. He managed to stop an entire cult of Tiamat AT AGE 17!!!!!!! he loves clowns.
Wyll isn't boring, ppl just haven't taken the time to explore his story and it SHOWS
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brokenclockgears · 24 hours
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oooohhhh bright one...... you think your friends can't stand you don't you,,,, oooohhhh.... fucking idiot lmaoo ooooohhh....
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smokestarrules · 1 year
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(Link to post here.)
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dwyntwo · 2 months
Kaz at the doctor's office.
Doctor: "Okay, so I found nothing wrong with your stomach."
Kaz, to Inej: "See, I told you I'm healthy."
Doctor: *laughing fit* "No you're not." Wipes tears out of his eyes. "You're ABSOLUTELY not."
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