#these are all pictures of watson actually he's so cute
ofbakerst · 9 months
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projectcaramel · 5 months
Obey Me! Random Headcanon #5
The brothers' kissing styles ig:
This man makes up for his reluctance to kiss you in public by doubling up in private. Kisses you frequently all over the place, and I do mean all over the place.
His favorite place tends to be your neck, which he also has a habit of biting despite his preferences for privacy.
"If someone sees the marks I left on you... Well, you know what'll happen tonight, don't you?"
Naturally, The Great Mammon likes showing off that you're his partner, but he's usually too embarrassed to do anything more than a quick peck on the lips. That said, stressful situations (like you being in danger) make him less shy.
His favorite place is the tip of your nose, which he also likes to boop.
"Boooop. Boop. Hehe, are ya annoyed? No, no, no, wait, please I didn't mean ta make ya mad for real!"
Our poor otaku is the only one usually can't initiate kissing you first unless he's in one of his incredibly jealous and possessive swings. In which case, he'll attack you with kisses.
His favorite place to kiss happens to be your lips because they're just as soft as he always imagined.
"U-U-Uh, hm, yeah I was... Thinking about doing that since... I um... Nevermind! Let's play Super M*rio Bros!"
In front of anyone else, Satan will kiss your hand because he likes acting like a gentleman. In front of Lucifer, however, Satan has a habit of passionately making out with you like he's trying to prove a point.
His favorite place to kiss is your temple because it reminds him of when you read detective stories with him on his lap.
"So she was the culprit; you were right, MC. You're a veritable Sherlock, and I'm your ignorant Watson."
The avatar of lust kisses you as a greeting, usually on the cheek because he doesn't want to ruin your lipstick. If he really missed you though, he doesn't care and just fixes your makeup for you later.
His favorite place to kiss also happens to be your cheek since yours are so cute.
"They're so cute, that's how I'll tag the Devilgram photo! Oh, wait, let's take another picture with me in the background so you really shine!"
Kisses you the most often at mealtimes, usually because sharing food with you is when he's at his happiest.
His favorite place to kiss is usually the corner of your lip since he often gets away with saying you had food there (regardless of its actual presence).
"...okay, I'm sorry for lying; there was no chocolate that time. But it was true that I couldn't help myself, okay?"
This brat kisses you both in your dreams and and when he's asleep, and he kisses whatever part of you happens to be in front of his head. Arm? Yep. Foot? Yep. Collar? Yep.
His favorite place is at the corner of your eyes because he thinks your eyes are like galaxies, though he'll never tell you that and just says he likes the taste of your tears.
"Mmnnn? Don't wake me to ask something so stupid... Your eyes are... mn... hmm... zzz..."
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-- It's been done many times, but I love these anyway. No, this blog is not quite dead yet. --
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jhilsara · 7 months
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I Can See You
Pt. 1/ Pt. 2/ Pt. 3/ Pt. 4/ Pt. 5/pt. 6/Pt. 7/Pt. 8/Pt. 9/ Pt. 10/
Pt. 11/ Pt.12/Pt.13/Pt. 14/Pt.15/Pt.16/Pt.17/END
Mariana Jimenez-Watson or MJ works in a normal pub living life paycheck to paycheck. Nothing exciting happens to her except the occasional drunk getting thrown out. She's 24 working away and finds a wrench thrown into her very boring life. His name is Hobie and she thinks maybe, a little excitement isn't awful. In fact she might start to crave some change for once.
Small moments of Hobie meeting his world's MJ. AKA I made an MJ variant and I think she's neat.
Chapter 5
Life threatening events were not on her bucket list. In fact, MJ was content to mind her business and talk to pub patrons. She was happy to come in, pours some pints, make a cocktail, chat up the patrons and learn their stories, and then roll on home in the early morning hours. That was her routine every single day, she liked it that way. Her life wasn't supposed to be filled with crazy events and super villains. She was just a normal woman working in a small pub.
So why the hell does stuff just keep happening to her?
She’s been exhausted for the past two weeks, and it's not from any freak run ins with her local vigilante. To her surprise it's because of a single patron who started coming to the pub. Usually MJ is okay with the occasional drunkard. They always have at least one every other night.
MJ’s favorites are posted in small polaroid pictures behind the bar top that Andy has taken. The pub keeps a polaroid camera as a little gimmick for busy weekends. Andy will walk around to the tables and snap pictures of friends and couples. It’s just a cute extra thing they like to do, keeps patrons longer. The owner pays for the film and Andy likes talking to people. It’s a win-win. Especially the wall of shame, which has pictures of the unruly drunk bastards they’ve kicked out. It's her favorite photo section secretly, the faces they make when Andy points the flash at them is really entertaining. 
They have a new regular though and he drinks every night until her or Andy cuts him off. That's not uncommon, to have people come in and be cut off after an obscene amount of alcohol. It's not just the fact he's a heavy drinker... there's something unsettling about how he drinks that has starting to stress MJ out.
She can't put her finger on it, but it makes her stomach drop in dread every time she sees him. He drinks more than any patron they’ve seen before, but never gets unruly. He sits quietly, drinking beer after beer. His eyes following her, like a predator looking at their next meal. She hates interacting with him. It's his eyes, they're so... hollow.
The last time she handed him his tab he caressed her hand and she recoiled just as quickly. He gave her a slimy kind of smile that had her gritting her teeth. His eyes burning into her skin, making her itch and want to scream. She hasn’t served him tonight, but she feels him staring at her. She always feels his eyes following her, like a creepy portrait at night.
He genuinely scares her. Has her almost debating if she should just quite. She even tried to swap times with a coworker but he followed. He was there every time she was scheduled without fail. How he knew she was trying to change shifts made her even more unsettled. Making her skin prickle like she was being stabbed by tiny needles. 
She mentioned it to her manager but he just dismissed how she felt. Saying she was over reacting; the guy isn’t disruptive and he hasn’t actually done anything to her. All she could think was, ‘yet, he hadn’t done anything yet’.
She didn't bother trying to change shifts after that. She was ready to just leave the pub all together, but the pay was good. Too good to try and job hunt because of one man that creeped her out. 
She shakes herself out of her spiraling thoughts and tries to keep working. There was no use sitting there stewing on him, it would just terrify her. She wraps up her shift and goes in the back to clock out. Before she walks out though, she goes back to ask Andy a question about a show they were hosting the next night. She needed the contact information and Andy had taken the call. 
When she walks back out, she sees the guy is gone. Her gut is telling her it's wrong, he usually stays all night. Her face pales at the idea of walking out.
“Where did he go?” MJ asks pointing to his empty chair, her tone clipped. 
Andy shrugs nonchalantly, “He just closed out his tab. Why?”
MJ grows quiet and crosses her arms. “This is gonna sounds crazy, but something about him really freaks me out.”
Andy shakes her head. “No, not crazy. I don’t like how he looks at you. It’s fucking gross.” Andy frowns looking at her friend. It validates MJ's feelings and she sighs in mild relief. Someone else noticed. 
MJ leans on the back counter thinking, “Can I stay until you get off? I- I just have a bad feeling.” She asks looking at Andy with pleading eyes.
Andy nods her head, “Absolutely!" She replies reassuringly. "My boyfriends picking me up tonight and we can walk ya home or you can tag along with us. I’d hate for that guy to try and follow ya home.” She mutters bitterly making a disgusted face. 
MJ nods her head. “Thanks, I’m just gonna hang out in the office then. Maybe check the cameras.” She says pointing to the back.
MJ goes into the managers office, he wasn’t working tonight anyway, and she looks through his desktop to check the cameras. Her stomach was churning with uncertainty. 
Sure enough, the guy is creeping around the corner. He’s watching the back door. Suddenly a cold chill runs up her back. She jolts up and makes sure the back doors are locked. She quietly goes back into the office and curls in the chair, her body shaking. She takes a deep, nervous breath and just tries to not think about it.
There is no denying it, he definitely was waiting for her.
She shoves her face into her hands and tries to take some calming deep breathes. Her fingers dig into her hair and she holds it tightly. It doesn’t stop the panic rising in her chest. It burns in the back of her throat like bile and she squeezes her eyes shut.
With unsteady hands she shoots Hobie a text, asking if he could come pick her up. She doesn’t know if she can wait until Andy gets off. She looks back over to the cameras and the man isn't there anymore.
It should calm her down, she should be relieved, but it doesn’t. It's the opposite of reassuring... in fact it puts her on edge and she's more nervous than before.
Suddenly the back door handle starts to jiggle, almost as if someone’s trying to open it. She stares at the handle frozen in fear for what feels like forever. Her heart feels like it’s in her throat. 
Just as soon as the door handle shook, it ends. Leaving her alone in the silence.
She’s trembling and tries to calm herself down. He can’t get in.
He can’t get in. He can’t get in. He can’t get in. He can’t get in. He can’t get in. He can’t get in. She tells herself over and over again.
She locked it, it’s industrial, as long as she's in the back she's safe. She spends the next ten minutes trying to come down from her mini panic attack. Her body feels numb and she's never felt this frighten for her own life. Which feels trivial in the face of the strange super humans running around Old York.
Her phone buzzes, pulling her out. Hobie had texted her back, saying he was on his way. She was going to be fine.
She finally settles her breathing and feels calm enough to wait for Hobie. Her judgement was correct. She hears screaming and glasses shattering. The noise is so foreign she doesn't realize it's real until Andy comes plowing around the corner and barreling into the office. Andy slams the door shut, and turns off the lights. Her face is filled with fear as she turns around to grab MJ. 
“That guy, MJ, he- he came back!" Andy starts to whisper shout. Her voice hitching in anxiety. "He's bonkers! Threw a fit and breaking shit!" she says rushing over her words. "He was screaming for you MJ, Lars is handling it but I bolted." She grabs her hand and tries to drag MJ with her, "We have to go!” She’s whispering at her aggressively.
MJ moves to hold Andy's arms, she looks past her down at the computer's camera and sees Lars handing the man. The two girls take the opportunity to go to the back door and try to escape. They are met with an unbudging door.
“No, no, no, no!” MJ hisses and tries to open the door again, throwing her body weight at the door. She's frantic to get out, just escape.
“What the fuck!” Andy almost shouts. They try again and are meet with nothing. They're trapped. 
They hear glass breaking and it makes them freeze for only a moment before fear grips them. They run into the office, closing the door and locking it.
MJ makes her way over to the computer and sees the guy standing over Lars, holding a broken liquor bottle with a tight grip. She clutches at Andy and looks at her with wide eyes.
“I think he just killed Lars!” She hisses.
“What the fuck!” Andy replies and the two girls watch him through the camera. He’s blocking their only exit.
“We have to hide, that’s all we can do, or distract him…” MJ mutters.
“Where the hell are we gonna hide?!” Andy says in irritation.
MJ looks over to the closet in the office and shoves herself and Andy in it. The closet is filled with anything and everything, it’s honestly a mess. This could be to their advantage though. MJ finds an empty barrel, one used as decoration, and tells Andy to get in. Her friend looks at her like she’s mad.
“I’m not getting in that.” Andy hisses in a whisper.
“It’s the best spot you have and we don’t have a lot of time right now Andy!" MJ shots back quickly in irritation. "If he finds a locked door he’s breaking in. I’m gonna lock the closet but it can only give us so much time.” MJ whispers aggressively.
Andy sighs and gets in the barrel. “If he finds me first I’m killing you, not him.” She mutters.
MJ rolls her eyes but closes the barrel’s lid. She looks at the corner that’s filled with an abundance of random things. She moves some stuff around to hide behind. This is as good as it's going to get. The objects she's hiding behind are also hidden by a curtain. She hopes it'll be enough to save her. She’s shaking, clutching her phone to her chest. She turns it on silent, but texts Hobie quickly. She tells him in as little words as possible she’s hiding in the office and for him to call for help.
She knows the cops won’t come, even after their ‘reform’ they still don’t do much. Much less care about a local pub issue. That’s why they had Lars as their bouncer. Now Lars was maybe dead and it’s not like she could just call up the local vigilante.
She’s screwed unless she can somehow take this guy out herself with Andy. She’s trembling, clutching onto herself to not cry, this is not how she wants to go. Not from some creepy drunk patron. 
She hears the office door get kicked in and she tries to not gasp. He’s more than likely going to find her and not Andy, which she knew that was the risk. She’s holding onto a crowbar with a death grip. She’s just waiting for him to get in the closet. If he finds her she'll swing, fight, scream and claw her way out.
She wants to shut her eyes like a little kid and pretend this isn’t happening, but she can’t. Her hearts pounding as she hears the loud bangs on the closet door. With every hit it makes her jump. Then she hears it crash to the floor followed by heavy footsteps.
She’s trying to keep it together but tears fall down her face. She’s only human and fear is gripping at her heart.
She hears a loud grunt and a collapsing. She doesn’t dare look, but she hears something dragging against the floor.
“I don’t think ladies like stalkers much.” She hears, a new voice says mockingly.
She sits up quickly as she hears the familiar voice. She moves to stand up and quietly goes to look. She sees a distinctly spider silhouette through the broken down doorway.
His figure disappears but she can still hear him. He’s talking to the drunkard so she uses this opportunity to grab Andy. She rushes over to the barrel that Andy’s in and slides the lid off. She whispers to her, “Spider-Man’s here!”
“What?! How?” Andy says in surprise, they can hear the guy getting slammed into something, making them both jump. The noises they hear consist of loud banging and something being broken.
“Hell, if I know!” MJ hisses and makes her way over to the fallen doorway.
She peers around the corner, still trying to hide herself, and sees that Spider-Man has the guy pinned down. Arms tied behind his back and his face had been slammed into the desk. Specifically, the keyboard. The pieces are scattered and broken on the floor, a small pool of blood is underneath the man's head. 
She takes a shaky breath, one entirely too quiet, it’s enough to notify Spider-Man of her presence, his head shooting up to look at her. She sees his body relax, if just a fraction, upon seeing her.
“Mariana,” he whispers her name, so soft she almost misses it. “Always in trouble…” He says much louder, scoffing and shaking his head. She's frozen in place just watching him with large eyes.
He leans down next to the man's ear, “You’re lucky I got better things to do than rip you apart…” he hisses out.
He webs the guys arms together behind his back and throws him against the wall and webbing him there. He’s covered from the neck down to his feet, he is definitely not moving anytime soon.
Andy comes over next to her and grips MJ’s arm, letting out her own shuddering breath.
“Fuck, Lars!” Andy says in realization and bolts back to the front of the pub to assess their security guard.
MJ can’t move, her eyes are glued to Spider-Man, she feels like she’s going to pass out from the swell of relief. He turns back and silently comes over gently grabbing her shoulders to look at her.
“C’mon let’s get you outta here.” He says, voice a little gruff as he wraps an arm around her. She leans her weight into him as a support almost instinctively. She’s still trembling slightly from the fear that gripped her heart.
They walk through the front and MJ sees Andy helping Lars sit up. He was okay, just a little scratched up. MJ smiles, glad to know her bouncer was safe and not dead.
“We’re gonna call someone and I’m staying with Lars. MJ you should go.” Andy says looking over at the two.
Before she can open her mouth and protest staying with them the vigilante speaks up, “I’ll get her home.” 
Before MJ can even find her voice to respond the two are outside and he’s pulled her against him like before and starts swinging them across the city.
She’s confused and nauseous her grip tight as he swings them.
“You okay?” He asks her.
“Is this really the best time to ask me?” She mutters, groaning at the quick movements and feeling the air hit her face. Instead of it being refreshing, it stings instead.
“You gotta talk to me, it doesn’t have to be about that.” He says, voice a little rough. His grip on her tightening a fraction.
“Why?” She asks. She leans back enough to try and look at his face. Even covered in a mask, she’s trying to find something to help her read his expression.
“I just need a distraction or I’m gonna go back and rip him in half like the scum he is.” He mutters bitterly.
She narrows her eyes and whatever jumbled thoughts were swimming in her brain have finally clicked together, like pieces of a puzzle.
“Fine…but I can’t talk about what just happened.” she replies.
He grunts in acknowledgement, “Anything, we can talk about anything.” He keeps swinging, he doesn’t even need directions to get to her flat. He’s taking the right turns, as if he's done it a million times before.
“When were you gonna tell me you’re Spider-Man?” she accuses without hesitation. 
He misses his next web, causing them to fall a bit before he catches them again. His masks eyes widen as he looks at her.
Her brows are furrowed and she’s looking at him expectantly.
“What ya talkin’ about? Course I’m Spider-Man.” He tries to play off with a fake laugh.
Her face doesn’t change she raises a brow in irritation, “Hobie.” Her voice is shaking a bit, “When were you going to tell me?” She says again.
He groans and stops swinging them, he lands them on a random roof and he sets her down. His hands cover his masked face as he shakes his head. Pacing back and forth. He turns to look at her, pauses, and then rolls his head back again.
He pulls his mask off and gives her a look like he’s mildly impressed. “What gave it away?” He asks.
She takes a deep breath, “You, you were the only one I had texted…and well, you called me Mariana. Pretty sure I never told Spider-Man my name.” she whispers.
He nods and walks closer to her, he brushes his hand along her cheek, “You’re okay right? He didn’t find you?” he asks. His eyes looking over her, making his own assessment.
She nods, “No you got there just in time.” She whispers, she takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. She presses the heels of her palms into her eyes trying to stop herself from crying.
 She’s safe. She knows she’s safe. Hobie came like he said he would.
She runs her hands down her face and looks up at him, his body has relaxed and he pulls her to him. Tightly hugging her. She easily wraps her own arms around him, grounding herself.
“You’re too much trouble…” He murmurs into her hair.
She chuckles in response and presses her forehead to his shoulder, “Maybe it’s you who’s trouble.” She replies.
He gives a dry laugh, “Yeah, probably.”
The two hold onto each other tightly, breathing together, trying to match their hearts to the same gentle rhythm. 
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tarasmithshifts · 11 months
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𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐑. 4.5 months 𝐀𝐆𝐄. 26-27 𝐌𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐆𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐏: timothee chalamet, jenna ortega, billie eilish, amybeth mcnulty 𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐌𝐘 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓: pedro pascal, oscar isaac, emma watson, natalie portman, scarlett johansson etc.
well, there was a lot of going on in april :)
first: MY BIRTHDAYYYY i threw the whole party and invited the half of hollywood lmao. There was a lot of my co-stars, artists and singers. I did it like there was no tomorrow, the party was crazy, basically everyone got drunk and sang 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' like 5 times BUT IT WAS SO COOL UGHHHHH i love them all so so so fucking much. I caan't take it anymore.
I threw the party back in LA, where i was living since my hollywood debut in Ad Astra, but i was planning on moving into NYC fro like a year. SO I DID IT HAHAHAHAHHH it's so cool and i was so excited, but we will move to it later :))
What also happened: PEDRO'S BIRTHDAYYYYY my favourite (okay, he is not the only one BUT STILL) babygirl on earth turned 48 and he invited me to his party which was so COOL!!! idk how will i move on from this, i met BELLA RAMSEY (FINALLY???!?!?!? UGHHH) and met oscar isaac again (for those who don't know, he's my future s/o but it's a long slowburn lmao ✦ he was also my co-star in moon knight, but we knew each other for like a year before this series) after party he took me out to the city, we were talking and walking around LA for HOURS it was so cute he even bought me a rose literally when florist's wanted to close the shop, then we found out paparazzi took a pictures of us there 💀 they are so annoying i swear. but anyway, i had amazing night and oscar made it even better :')
Emma also had her birthday, but i couldn't show up, because of filming 'joker II' with JOAQUIN FUCKING PHEONIX I STILL CANNOT BELIEVE IT. But i sent her birtday present, which was the whole album of photos that i took on my digital camera on our summer & winter holidays - which i thought was super cute :')
April was super productive in a birthday-way as you can see, lmao
But also other super thing happened! Warner Bros. accepted my movie idea and hired me as a director of it. I'M SUPPER EXCITED TO BRING IT TO LIFE UGHHH
talking, talking & talking about my movie and me as a director - which was super stressfull for me but everything turned out okay! I started writing the script at the end of april, so until i will write it and it gets accepted by Warner Bros. it will take a while for me to cast people :(( but still so excited for it!
i bought cute little flat in Manhattan, and started to plan how to move there with all my things. but you know, i didn't sell my old house - no no no. i would never do that, actually. It's the best house in the whole world duhh🙄. I will be still using it!
My friends helped me a lot with planning the whole 'mission' lmao. Shout-out to pedro he told me to move to NYC and live with rats under brooklyn bridge LOL
ANYWAYYY oscar & i met for some coffee instead of actually putting my things into huge boxes for my flat in NYC which was super cute BUT I CAN'T STAND THAT I SCRPITED THE SLOWBURN MAN.
so freaking annoying. why would i do that. AND ANGST which is also annoying
but yup, he helped me a lot, also bc he also lives in new york, so he can help me there :))
(he gives me a little flower everytime we meet, but we are still 'friends' so it should mean nothing BUT IT MEANS SOMETHING TO ME GUYS. it's super super super cute and i wanna hug him so badly, but i am not doing it bc of paparazzi, those rats are following me and oscar literally everywhere 💀)
the whole may was me writing script for a movie, shooting joker II, planning on moving out and meeting oscar just for 'helping me with this nyc thing'
'Priscilla' movie with me in main role had its global premiere! I missed this vibe so so so so much, and being on the same red carpet as CILLA PRESLEY had me in tears. i think i've never been more stressed in this dr but she was sooooo kind to me like I CANNOT BELIEVE IT i will have this moment tatooed i swear to god!!!
(i hope this movie will give me an oscar nominee tbh OH WAIT I SCRIPTED IT)
i also got a 2 months break from joker II :) bc they are shooting the scenes without me, so i can finally 'rest' and get my life in new york together
well... beside that, nothing new happened. scripting, FINALLY all my things that i wanted in new york already are there, so week after the movie premiere i moved in :'))
also, i auditioned for some random (lmao) part in new kingsman movie that is in making
from funny things that happened: pedro locked himself in his car LMAO idk how did this happen but he literally called me and oscar to help him before calling the police or smth. HOW COULD YOU LOCK YOURSELF IN YOUR OWN CAR BRO this is too funny to be true. IF YOU COULD SEE OUR FACES
then we grabbed some coffee and went to central park (me and oscar of course were making fun of pedro but who wouldn't)
my beloved billie want ME to sing with HER on her new single? LIKE WHAT
ofc i said yes WHO WOULDN'T
this is ubelievable
i will NEVER shut up about this. we were working on this song for like the whole month, i came back from NYC to LA just to be close to her and finneas, so we would work together in one room, not online. UGHHH I CANNOT BELIEVE IT
i had A HUGEEEEEEE break from my fame dr but i am back? and im SO HAPPY? i still cannot believe that i truly was there again ;'(
me in priscilla movie? WHAT
me and billie making song together? WHAT
me and oscar living in new york, so i can see him more? W H A T
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Hi! I have a request for Florence. Can you you write one where the Florence is away filming and her and the reader are really missing each other, so either Harry Styles or Emma Watson helps the reader surprise Flo on set. You bring Billie as well. After shooting is over for the day they go back to the house Flo is renting, and just cook dinner and cuddle. For the rest of the week, the cast can see Florence is so much more at ease with the reader visiting. :)
── ⋆。゚☁︎ 𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗵𝗲𝗿
paring: florence pugh x fem!reader
tag(s): fluff, a bit of spice but sfw, short blurb, established relationship
warning(s): grammatical error, unedited, not proofread, alutions to sex
word count: 1,800
note: The whole set thing was really hard to picture, since I've never been to one, so the whole thing could be inaccurate, but just go with it (?). Apart from that, it was kinda fun. I really hope you like it. Also you just gave me the best excuse to add Mr. Harry Styles. (Should I write for Harry? I luv him so much). Also, let's pretend that Flo and Harry are the best of friends because I said so (*cries*). [By the way, should I try writing smut. I feel like I'm ready but I'm not 100% sure.] I'm not a native english speaker, so please let me know about any sort of mistake. Hope you guys enjoy <3
requests are open! <3
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Waking up everyday and not seeing her stupid cute face made your heart ache. 
It’d only been a month since she left to start shooting her new movie, but it felt like it had been years since you last felt her touch, heard her laugh or felt her lips against yours. Yes, you two would facetime every morning and every night, but it wasn’t enough. It never was. You needed her close to you, you needed her hugs, you needed her to cuddle you to sleep. You just needed her badly. 
And she wasn’t coming home for at least one more month. You didn’t know how you were going to be without her for so long. You could tell that Billie missed her too, and that only made your heart ache even more. 
“You miss mama too, don’t you, babygirl?” she gave you the most heartbroken sad puppy eyes. “Yeah, that’s it. We are going to visit her, would you like that? Would you like to go and see mama?” as if understanding exactly what you were saying she started to bark at you, her tail swaying back and forth. 
So it was settled. You and Billie were going on a road trip. You knew it was a long ride for her, but she actually liked being in a car. Plus, she was a great companion. 
You didn’t know this, but Florence was missing you like crazy as well. She loved working, she was really excited about this new project of hers, she just didn’t expect to miss you so bad. She had grown used to waking up to your face, you making her breakfast when she had to leave for work early, or just taking Billie out for a walk with you. She missed all of those things.
If she didn’t have to shoot a scene, she would spend all her time rumbling about you to her castmates or crew. Especially to Harry Styles, who she had grown close to. He knew how she felt since he missed his partner as well. So they would spend their time telling eachother everything about their amazing lovers. 
Talking to Harry about you made her missing you a little bit easier. But still it wasn’t enough. She needed to feel you again, to smell your scent, to sleep next to you. She needed you badly. 
What she didn’t know was that you and Harry had spoken recently. He knew about you coming to visit your girlfriend, and was excited about his blonde friend's reaction when she’d see you. You had called him the night before, telling him your wonderful idea, he immediately agreed to help you in any way he could. You told him that you would be on your way the next day, and would probably arrive by 12 P.M. All he had to do was keep Florence off of her phone, so she couldn’t call you and you wouldn’t have to lie to her over the phone, since you were terrible at it. 
You guys woke up the next morning, everything already packed and hit the road at 8 AM. It was going to be a four hour trip to Las Vegas, where the shooting was taking place. You had about four stops, so both you and Billie could go to the bathroom and stretch your legs. And by 12.30 P.M. you arrived in Las Vegas. You thought Billie would be stressed by then, but she was actually having the time of her life sticking her tongue out the car window. 
Once you arrived, you called Harry and asked him about the set address, which he texted you immediately after ending the call. He told you that distracting Flo had been really easy since she had a lot of work to do, but by the time you would arrive at the set she would be free to spend some time with you. 
After another 20 minutes in your car, you arrived at the set. You were scared that the security guard wouldn't let you pass, but Harry was waiting for you outside, so you didn't have any issue with that. 
Once you got out of the car, Billie trailing behind, you made your way to him and hugged him. Over the past month you guys became some sort of online friends. You would always see each other while you would facetime Florence, and somehow developed a friendship once exchanging phone numbers.
You pulled apart from the hug and that’s when it hit you. After being away from your girlfriend you were actually going to see her. Billie could tell your excitement, her tail swaying back and forth. You smiled at her. She was as excited as you were.
“Okay, so she’s in her trailer right now. I believe she has a half an hour break. Let’s take you to your better half before they need me on set.”
Harry quickly made his way to this sort of parking lot filled with lots of caravans. He stopped at the first row and pointed to the fourth one. 
“That's hers.”
“Um, can you tell her to come out for a second?”
“Sure thing.”
He made his way to Florence’s trailer door, knocked and just opened the door. He stuck his head inside, and you heard him muttering something to her. Once he was done, he gave you a discreet thumbs up and stood next to you. He was as excited as you and Billie were, he noticed Florence's mood changed ever since the shooting had started, and knew that seeing you would make her really happy. 
The first thing Florence noticed was a white and brown blur coming her way. She didn’t realise it was her own dog until Billie was licking her face. 
 “What are you doing–?” She started but cut herself off once she saw you next to Harry. She couldn’t believe her eyes. 
She gently put Billie down and ran towards you. She hugged you and lifted you up from the ground, spinning you around. You both started to laugh. Once she put you down you rested your hands on her cheeks and smashed your lips against hers. It was a much needed kiss, showing each other how much you have been missing the other. You both heard Harry had said something about he had to go, but you two weren’t actually listening, too absorbed by each other. 
After what felt like hours, you and Flo could finally head home. Well, it wasn’t actually home, it was just a flat where Florence was staying until she was done shooting. You guys were all over each other as soon as you got there. Kissing and touching, making up for the lost time. But with Billie present, demanding Florence’s attention as well, you couldn’t do much more.
Florence wanted to cook for you. She wanted the both of you to feel at home. So she made one of her favourite recipes, which was obviously delicious. Florence's cooking abilities were like heaven itself. During dinner she told you the things she could about the movie she was working on, how excited she was to work with Greta Gerwig, since she was a remarkable film director. You listened to every word she said carefully, not getting enough of her raspy low voice you’d been missing for a whole month. You told her about your work, that you asked for a week off so you could do this trip. How the idea came to your mine all because of Billie, which upon hearing her name started to howl. You both laughed at her.
After dinner, you were the one cleaning everything up, since she did the cooking and you didn’t mind washing the dirty dishes. There was something relaxing about washing the dishes for some reason. You actually zoned out, lost in your own thoughts about how much you had been missing her, how badly you craved her. Florence noticed the shift in you right away. 
“What’s up in that head of yours?” she asked softly in your ear, her arms around your waist. 
“I was just thinking of how much I had been missing you,” you chuckled. 
“And how much is that?” she said as she buried her head in the crook of your neck, leaving small bites and kisses here and there. 
“Oh, you have no idea,” your head lifting upwards giving her more access to your sensitive skin.
“Then show me,” you could hear the grin on her face even though you weren’t facing her. 
You quickly washed your hands, turned the water off, turned around and smashed your lips against her. You could taste the wine in her mouth, making you feel a little bit dizzy. But it didn't compare to how she made you feel. You felt the butterflies in your stomach erupt, heat creeping all over your body. It was as if it caught up to you all that time being away from her. Missing her in every way possible. 
You two made your way to your now shared bedroom and made uo for the lost time.
You ended up in her arms for the rest of the night. Her holding your waist tightly as if never ever letting you go again. It was the first time in a month that you two could actually get some rest. You felt at ease with her being this close to you. That was what you had been missing, those little moments when it was just you and Florence. The rest of the world didn't matter, it was just the two of you. And Billie, of course, who was sleeping at Florence’s feet. 
For the rest of the week, Florence’s castmates and crew could tell that something had changed in her. She was less stressed, she appeared more rested and she wasn’t on her phone as much as she used to. They soon realised that you were the reason why once you showed up on set trailing behind her and Harry. 
They all immediately knew that you were Florence’s girlfriend. They already knew how you looked, since Florence was constantly showing you off, but it wasn’t your face that gave you away. It was the fact that Florence couldn’t get her hands nor her eyes off of you. 
Which everyone thought was really cute and hilarious. Especially Harry, who would constantly tease Florence about it. But they were all happy that she was back to her regular self. 
When you left, everyone thought that Florence would go back to her grumpy self, but she actually didn’t. She knew the shooting was almost done, so she was just counting the days to see you again. Only one more week and she could wake up to your cute snoring face.
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Likes, reblogs and comments are appreciated! <3
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deepdeanvsweston · 5 months
Detective gang and their tumblr blogs
Daisy's blog: dykes4detecting
- has one blog for absolutely everything she posts, and it's all a pretty pink colour
- does also have a rarely used sideblog for fashion
- occasionally makes alarming but nonchalant posts like 'someone threw me into the Nile yesterday lmao'
- but in the tags of the same post it'll be the most devastatingly tragic admittance of feelings you've ever seen like #it was so scary though... #im scared of showers now because of it and it makes me feel so stupid #like getting my feet wet gives me heart palpitations wtf???
- also makes posts like "you'd think people would put a little more effort to kill me considering the effort I put into stopping exactly that" and nobody can tell if she's shitposting or not
- reblogs a lot of historical lesbian content and the occasional Killing Eve gifset
- also reblogs poetry, especially sapphic obviously
- posts her own blackout poetry which is quite popular
Hazel's blog: woctordatson
- back when she was 12/13 Hazel had an entirely BBC Sherlock themed blog which was in fact actually popular and well known, in tumblr anyway
- did not change her blog name from this phase
- used to write Sherlock/Watson fanfic and post it
- (Daisy brings it up every so often and when she does Hazel tells her she wished she'd drowned (jokingly ofc))
- now has several blogs for different things because she likes having everything organised
- one of the blogs is called a-stamp-a-day where she (you guessed it!) posts a stamp a day, and a little bit about it
- (I hc Hazel to collect them and have a focused interest in them)
- another blog is poetry themed, and she ofc reblogs all of Daisy's blackout poems
- reblogs a lot of those gif stimboards (visual stimmer fr fr)
- LOVES the haiku bot
George's blog: beetles-and-boatles
- posts a lot about the Mary Celeste which are half detailed research posts and the other half is just 'the mystery of the Mary Celeste lives in my head rent free'
- may also post about other unsolved mysteries too
- made one joke post about Daisy acting like he didn't know her and posting 'ok so in December the Guardian says this girl died after a cult member threw her overboard a boat in Egypt and yet the BBC had an article last week reporting how she was at her father's funeral??? I have Questions'
- however it blew up and now Daisy Wells is lowkey an unsolved mystery tumblr superstar. George finds this hilarious
- also posts pictures of his pet beetles and infodumps about them
- very very very occasionally makes an incredible vague post about his crush like 'he adjusted my school tie and I leant into his hand,,, having a crush is horrific'
Alex's blog: spaceistrans
- says he doesn't have a doctor who blog but so clearly has a doctor who blog
- has doctor who quote "In 900 years of time and space, I’ve never met anyone who wasn’t important" as his header
- draws a lot of cute little pride icons, especially aromantic ones that are fairly popular
- also posts a lot about space like "there's an eclipse today!!!" and then he makes a post of the times in different countries you can see it
- reblogs all of George's unsolved mystery researched posts with super supportive tags like #this is so well researched!!!
- has a scheduled post each month that just says 'fuck you mom' (Daisy spam reblogs this every time it shows up on her dash)
- reblogs a lot of dw fanart and gif stimboards
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fancyfeathers · 2 months
the idea of louis carrying albert's shyer daughter around while doing stuff while she's just quiet is soooo cute also the thought of madeline being john's assisstant is sooooo stupidly adorable like i can't comprehend it. like these two would share the same braincell. plus i wanted to pitch an idea : 🩰 darling meeting john a couple of times when william and sherlock interact. i have this idea that john, to her, is one of those rare people who doesn't want anything from her. he is nice becuase he is. no ulterior motives. it is different from albert's darling since they have the same issues. but john is someone separate from her. he is nice for the sake of being. he is gentle and his eyes reflect no master plan. i can imagine him making small talk and she is silently blushing. better make sure william doesn't see the blush tho-
Ahhhh I know! Just imagining Louis caring her all the time because I honestly picture her probably having chronic fatigue (which fun fact I have and I write so much to help me with it) so I think he would have a very special bond with her since he was very sickly as a child and she is quite similar and just wants to be held all the time. Sorry about the tiny bit of angst lol.
But yes just picturing John and Madeline am trying to keep up with the detective and her elder sister would be like a mirror. Like Watson and her just watching the two of them trying to figure out what the fuck they are thinking.
But the idea of her and John being friends melts my heart. Like she has never had anyone truly kind in her life stick around and when they first meet probably on the train she probably doesn’t trust him at first and it wouldn’t be until their second meeting probably in Bath where the painting gets vandalized where she lets her guard around him. I’m just imagining the two of them looking at the paintings in the gallery and she knows how they are done from her time watching the crew making backdrops for the opera and John just listens, and it’s sweet and kind and reminds her of her dead friends. So just whenever Sherlock and William are talking or working together the two of them just go off with perhaps Sherlock’s darling if she is there and the three of them are actually very good friends.
Now I have the really sad visual of John and Sherlock’s darling reminding her of her two dead best friends when they are visiting, Sherlock and William talking on their own, and she just breaks down crying and the two quickly comfort her, wondering what’s wrong. Then William notices and walks over, pulling her away from John and asks her what’s wrong right when she was about to tell John and Sherlock’s darling what happened and why she was crying…
“I…I don’t remember… sorry.”
The Games We Play of Dust and Ash (Yandere Moriarty the Patriot Masterlist)
Father Like Daughter (Yandere William James Moriarty and his darling having a genius daughter)
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dross-the-fish · 8 months
Hi I'm the anon from before that talked about my show (it's Lupin the third part 6) But for more context the Holmes in the show isn't actually the og Holmes (it's his grandson) but they still had the Holmes and Watson dynamic.
And Holmes still does have some sadness towards Watson's death. Like for example he puts a picture face down that has Watson on it and does retire (but he still works but on smaller cases like finding lost pets)
He also takes care of Lily (watson's daughter). They do have a nice uncle/niece bond going on and they do have some cute bonding moments here and there.
It's just little things. Like we never fully got a sad moment where he actually cried or tried to talk to Lily about Watson.
Hell it took him about 10 or so years for him to find the murderer. And in those years we never really got any confirmation he was even looking for the killer.
Instead he had to wait for Lupin. (The main character) to help him out. And they also did a pointless "OH DID LUPIN KILL WATSON" mystery. Which is revealed that even Sherlock knows that Lupin didn't kill watson... so there wasn’t real point for that.
Another complaint I have is that Sherlock’s story was only told in 5 out of 24 episodes (technically 6 but even that doesn’t play into the overarching plot) and there was ALOT OF FILLER EPISODES in between. That focuses on Lupin and his crew. And those extra episodes could’ve been used to develop Sherlock, Lily, Mrs.Hudson, HELL EVEN WATSON TOO.
We don’t even really have a reason to care about Watson either. Other than the mystery of his death.
There’s still hope in the future for their development- like they did a bullshit Moriarty reveal. But now it’s just… a really rocky start.
(Btw Take this all with a grain of salt I’m only saying what I remembered from the arc)
That makes a little more sense. I haven't seen this show so I can't say if the handling of Watson's death was too much or too little but I do think a Sherlock without a Watson would always feel a bit like there's a huge part of his life that's missing. You know how some people lose a limb and can still feel it sometimes? I imagine that's how Sherlock would feel about Watson. He'd have moments where turn sometimes as if to say something, half expecting Watson to be there and he isn't and for just a moment Sherlock is surprised by how hard the emptiness hits him.
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hakureiryuu · 1 year
part 1
episode 2, and I just noticed the episode titles that call the flashback b plots minisodes. what's that about?
not-quite-a-liveblog ahoy!
crowley looks so effing weird in this outfit?? maybe it's the glasses, they're so anachronistic, almost steampunk.
I actually thought he was talking about isaac or something here lol
birds flying away after crowley firebombs the goats lmao
saying that eve was the first human birth implies that she is adam's daughter???? which I guess makes about as much sense as a single breeding pair populating the planet, we all know how much inbreeding that would take.
(side note: I remember this Flood adaptation movie that had emma watson in it. noah wanted to kill off all the humans and just let the animals survive. he said while watson was pregnant that if her twin kids were boys, they could live and humans would just die out. but if they were girls who could grow up to be mothers, he would kill them. and I'm like, implying that their father/grandfather/uncles would be the ones impregnating them? nevermind the incest, what about the age gap??? but anyway)
ofc when gabriel claimed to be an expert in human birth I immediately thought of mary, but that hasn't happened yet. I mean it makes sense that this idiot would think eve counts, but couldn't he at least make it to cain??
there's something to be said about this story and elspeth's story connecting virtue with economic status. aziraphale appears to think about that when it's pointed out, but takes entirely the wrong lesson from it, as we see with elspeth later.
"but no one would ever find them- actually that's a great idea" it reads as aziraphale not wanting to deal with gabe's bullshit rather than agreeing with it, as though he hasn't done variations of the same thing for years. I still laughed tho XD
oh hey, "every day" was gonna be the original opening song for the first season! what a cute reference that will likely have little to no further relevance!
this was the point where I was like "why the hell is crowley just hanging out in that same alleyway all the time? wait a goddamn minute, did shax take his apartment?!"
it's so cute how maggie takes aziraphale's social cluelessness in stride.
the jukebox at the resurrectionist is just like the bently turning cds into queen, what a cute reference that will likely have little to no further relevance!
trumpets sound, archangels approach.
saraquel miraclling a ramp lmao
gabriel's attempts at flyswatting never work!!!!!!
I'm assuming all those newspaper clipping say "every day" etc? for some reason? someone correct me if I'm wrong, I would really love to know.
also why is he DRAWING gabriel? later he just needed it to show someone, but why not take a picture? I'm sure you have an ancient camera where you have to hide under a blanket lying around somewhere.
shooing motion miracle at the pub, hahaha
I was a good deal sus of this plan to ship nina and maggie when nina already has a partner, but that was before I realized lindsay is a piece of shit. still, it's not like they know that either! ineffable homewreckers, they are.
everyone's talked about how crowley's first thought re: romance is taking shelter from the rain 😊
but my asexual brain is somehow always teetering over the gutter, so when he said "get them wet" I blinked a bit XDD
"you think you know someone..." "she had balls!" "what?"
actually it wasn't a what, it was a well. as in "well that's not relevant to my point" like, sir, did you know this already? in what context??
meanwhile back in job's era they're having a bit of a tense discussion. this is explicitly after the flood so it makes sense that aziraphale absolutely does not believe that crowley wants to kill some kids. I wonder why lying is such a big theme in this episode? I haven't been able to really boil it down yet.
aziraphale's smug grin really breaks the tension though XDD
jemimah is adorable. the others are the product of rich parents.
these two are playing chicken with children's lives, but hey, it's about the trust 😌
"can I be a blue one?" I love her
aziraphale discovering food is so deliberately gross, why this?
so many complicated feelings from both of them about god actually talking to someone.
god's pronouns are she/they, approved.
crowley says see you in hell but the next day when sitis is about to flip god off he says actually let's walk this all back pfffft
"reach into his robes... no, higher."
when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much, they share a very special hug...
aziraphale stating flat out with no equivocation that gabriel was awful is such a huge step forward for him 😊
(while pausing to write this I noticed that john hamm is credited simply as jim, love that for him)
this is the 2nd time aziraphale has insisted "our" in the face of crowley's "my" I'm sobbing
good omens inside good omens, gomensception
aziraphale really took that "see you in hell" seriously though huh.
the gentle, simple way he says "I don't think you'd like it" hurts me and heals me.
"you're not like me because you're a demon, you're like me because you don't want to toe the party line." y'know lining up their meetings - the wall of eden, the ark, and now this - must paint a very interesting picture of aziraphale for crowley. we always thought that crowley fell for this angel nigh immediately and spent the rest of time orbiting him. now I think aziraphale fell into crowley's orbit, and crowley gradually learned more and more contradictory (and therefore interesting) things about him. like the shelter of the wing, it's all reversed in this season.
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drabsyo · 3 years
I love that your Hermione is so broody. Her eyes are so distinct from the rest. If you don't mind me asking, what got you to characterize her like that?
Thank you, anon!!! That means a lot to me 😭🥺💕
Just like what influenced how I drew Fleur's hair (movie fleur's hair), it started with emma watson's 'Hermione glare' from the film adaptations.
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I looked up a lot of screen shots of Hermione, and I kind of wanted to emphasize that side of her where she's just always thinking, always trying to get two steps ahead of everyone, kind of unknowingly arrogant about it--and in most fics I've read, she addresses those shortcomings (usually with the significant other she's getting paired with) and it's actually sort of charming how she's so serious about it most of the time. So I wanted to focus on that. And that she's always kind of injured somehow because it's just... very Hermione of her.
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And then of course it was heavily influenced by the fanfictions that I've read (that sounds so typical LMAO) and everybody else's headcannons of Hermione that was left in my inbox, and it just sort of happened from there. The brooding part, post-war especially, happened because I kinda pictured someone who is as "morally righteous" as Hermione or someone who wears their heart on their sleeve, gets a bit burned after experiencing something as traumatic (as what she's gone through). So she broods a lot. She's always trying to get ahead. Making sure it doesn't happen again, or that she's prepared in case it does happen. Either that, or she runs away and tries to breathe, tries to feel like herself again (there are a bunch of fics that addresses a similar plot like this). I imagine going back to "normal life" after being on the run for so long takes its toll. At least that's just what I think, of course!
But what mostly helped me characterize her like that are the fanfictions I've read! So really, I owe it all to these very, very talented writers.
Here's your 🛑spoiler warning!🛑 and as always, feel free to skip ahead! These are scenes from fanfictions from different pairings that helped me to characterize Hermione that way. I just found these so memorable.
🔵 Crazy Little Things by dreiser in Chapter 16. Lunamione. The first hp fic I've ever read is Lunamione! Crazy Little Things heavily influenced how I sort of saw Hermione in my mind, and I adored her here. It made me think, 'oh, so hermione's kind of oblivious about it, that's cute!'
Searching her memories of the creature and frowning at the obscure nature of the hint and its strange phrasing, Hermione questioned, "You're positive that clue refers to the creature that Flavius Belby discovered in Papua New Guinea in 1782?"
"Oh yes," Luna nodded emphatically, beaming happily. "Erwin likes to write little riddles, he finds it entertaining."
Releasing a thoughtful but somewhat skeptical murmur at this, Hermione commented, "Hagrid spoke of Lethifolds once. He was friends with one of their keepers at the Center for Magizoology in London and was considering taking our class on a trip to see them. This was before that awful business with Buckbeak. Afterwards we were rather stuck on Flobberworms for the rest of the term."
"I know, I read your report," said Luna teasingly, causing Hermione to scowl in false irritation. An expression that instantly disappeared when Luna gently tugged her down for a kiss. When they parted she wore a longing expression as she cupped the brunette's cheek, her thumb moving in small caressing circles. "Even then you were so serious. I found it immensely charming though I wonder if you ever realized."
Her cheeks hot, Hermione lowered her eyes, avoiding Luna's gaze as she murmured with a hint of embarrassment, "I hadn't the slightest idea." Drawing her gaze back to Luna, struck with the need to look the younger girl in the eyes as she said this, Hermione continued, "I wish I had been closer to you then. I wasn't terribly patient in those days. Not with you, not with anything, in fact."
🔵 Saving Souls & Healing Hearts by BatwingLawyer, in Chapter 26: Run, Ladies and Gentlemen. Fleurmione. This was definitely one of the first fleurmione and hp fics I've read, and it was one of the major stories that influenced that characterization of Hermione. The entire story. But this chapter struck me the most. Hermione's scared, Hermione's angry, she's confused, she's trying to sift through what happened. But her priority is protecting Fleur. It's written in third person perspective through Hermione, and it's been hinted that she's a little clueless about how charming Fleur finds that protectiveness/seriousness.
“No!” Hermione’s shout startled them all and Oz reflexively gripped her tighter. Fleur stepped closer, unafraid, and stroked her cheek and neck again. Hermione dipped her head forward until it rested on Fleur’s shoulder. “How do you expect me to be calm?” It was practically moaned. “Someone is making threats.” She stood up straight again and Minerva and Fleur both noticed the fire in her eyes. “Someone is making threats against Fleur and I can’t- I won’t just…I can’t…”
“Okay, mon coeur.” Fleur was whispering softly. “Just ‘elp us understand. You saw my form in the pensieve at the scene where the latest incident was? And your first thought was that someone was making threats against me?”
“My only thought.” Hermione whispered. Why is she smiling? I get why there are tears in her eyes, this is scary and she’s in danger, but why is she smiling at me? “Fleur?”
The French witch seemed incapable of speech for a moment and lowered her head to press her lips against Hermione’s cheek.
“While I might have stayed slightly more rational,” Minerva’s voice held a hint of a smile at the two witches in her office, “I have to agree with Hermione’s assessment. I wouldn’t have believed you to be the guilty party for even a moment either, Ms. Delacour.”
“What?” Hermione gasped. Fleur? Guilty? The idea was unfathomable; ludicrous. So ludicrous that the aurors just might believe it. “I stopped the aurors following me because I needed to know that Fleur was safe before dealing with them. But now they’ll be coming for her.” Hermione hands instinctively pulled the Frenchwoman closer.
“I agree. They’ll want to interrogate her.” Minerva nodded.
The noise that escaped Hermione’s throat sounded more animal like than human. “They can try.”
“No.” Fleur stopped her with a gentle hand. “Try to remain calm, ma chérie. I 'ave nothing to ‘ide from the aurors, I’ve done nothing wrong. Maybe I can ‘elp them figure some things out.”
Hermione’s hands trembled where they rest against Fleur’s waist. “The aurors highest priority will be catching the culprit by any means necessary, not about protecting you. So we’ll have to do it ourselves.”
“Actually, I disagree.” Minerva’s voice was calm.
“What?” Hermione nearly exploded again. “Headmistress, with Fleur in danger I don’t care about anything else other th-”
“That’s what I disagree about.” Minerva arched an eyebrow at Hermione’s belligerent tone. “I don’t think she’s in any danger.”
🔵 Extinction by rubikanon in Chapter 23: Build Up Your Defenses 2 of 2. Cissamione. This is such a tender moment between them. Narcissa tries to placate Hermione's worries, and to get her to stop scowling, by teasing her in the middle of a party. Lazily smiling at each other, Narcissa actually gets Hermione to relax for once. Because that's the whole point of the party, people from both sides of the war, mingling, hosted by Narcissa herself. I better stop before I gush over Extinction again.
Draco flirted with my mum again tonight, asking her to dance and waltzing around the outdoor ballroom. I had an inkling of how he must feel now, which was surely his intention. It was hard not to glare every time our eyes met.
"Relax, dear," Narcissa said, sidling up next to me. "He has no ill intentions toward her. Besides, I believe he has his eye on someone else. Luna is looking quite lovely tonight." She cupped my cheek and rubbed her thumb over the corner of my mouth until I stopped scowling. "Didn't your mother ever tell you your face can get stuck that way?"
"That's just an old wives' tale," I retorted. "I'll scowl if I want to." But I was smiling by then, and I kissed the pad of her thumb.
"Old wives are sometimes right, you know," she said, pulling me into the crowd of dancers. "Your face may not get stuck, but a mean attitude becomes a habit. You see?"
"I think you just made up that deeper meaning," I accused. We started waltzing with some difficulty. Neither of us had much practice leading.
"Guilty as charged," she said with a laugh, and we circled around the room until we couldn't concentrate on the steps any longer.
🔵 Blood Magic by Cumbersome in Chapter 1. Bellamione. Of course the only tense moment here would be something between Bella and Hermione. That's just how they are. It's just Bella being Bella. And Hermione matching that with defiance. Bit of background, Hermione's an auror here, she's a part of the team who inspects Black Manor, and the Blacks meet with them, in their own home, with equal hostility. There's a lot of quiet glaring involved from both parties. From Hermione, especially. But before the team of aurors leave the manor, Bellatrix confronts Hermione. Bella points out the scar she has left Hermione, the one from their honest to goodness fist fight. Hermione could have healed it, but for some reason, she doesn't. She just leaves it there. A reminder.
With that he spins on his heel, the Aurors moving to follow. Hermione lingers, eyeing the Blacks with open curiosity. They return her gaze but it is Bellatrix who rises, moving quickly into her space. She grins, raising a finger to tap against a pale scar on her (Hermione's) upper lip.
“I remember this,” Bellatrix says. “I quite enjoy seeing it. It gives me this warm, tingly feeling all over. The idea that I marked that pretty little smug face of yours.”
Hermione meets her eyes and says nothing.
Eyes narrowing, Bellatrix steps closer, her breath warm on Hermione’s face. There are storms in her eyes, flashes of something very much like grief.
“You’re on the wrong side,” she says. “You’ll see that soon.”
“And who’s side are you on?” Hermione asks.
“My own, of course.” Bellatrix smiles. She pauses, her eyes scanning Hermione’s face. “We’re very alike you know. You and I, I feel this thing between us. Like a beast.” She blinks, considers. “Makes me want a good sandwich, honestly.”
In spite of herself, Hermione snorts. She steps away, puts space between herself and Bellatrix. The other Blacks watch with intent expressions.
🔵 Blood Magic by Cumbersome in Chapter 2. Cissamione. Scruffy Hermione! Because she's, as usual, doing some very Hermione things (I just think this is very cute for some reason). Narcissa approaches Auror Hermione, and finds the situation she sees Hermione in a little bit endearing.
Hearing Lovegood’s warning, Mundus had immediately thrown his watch to Hermione. She caught it without thinking, and suddenly the creature was on her, biting, tearing, howling in fury.
“Hold still!” Mundus called, pointing his wand.
“Bloody hell!” Hermione shouted, scruffing the ghoul, desperately keeping her fingers away from its snapping teeth.
“Don’t be a drama queen,” Mundus said, closing an eye as he aimed. “It’s only a little thing.”
She fell back, landing painfully as the thing scrambled up her robes, lunged at her face.
She turns at the sound of her name, frowning deeply, her expression stormy.
The smiling young man falters under her stare, his cheeks flushing a deep pink.
“Uhm,” Smith says, swallowing. “Visitor for you?”
Only then does she notice the young woman at his side. She blinks, scanning the smooth, blank face, the immaculate clothes. Is that laughter she sees in those bright eyes?
“Narcissa,” she says. She clears her throat, self consciously straightening her tie. “What are you doing here?”
Something very like a smirk touches the woman’s lips. She allows her gaze to travel over Hermione’s ragged appearance, a single eyebrow raised.
“Really, Miss Granger,” she drawls. “I do remember you being much neater.”
She hates the way her face flushes under the woman’s gaze, despises that she would even for a moment care what she thinks of her.
“Yes, well.” She coughs.
Glancing between the two women, Smith smiles, discomfited. “I’ll be off, then.”
Hermione glowers. “Please.”
“I wish to speak with you,” Narcissa says, watching the flushing young man scurry away.
Hermione gestures, but Narcissa shakes her head.
“Not here.”
Okay okay so I don't want to make this post any longer than it needs to be, but basically there were a lot of stories that helped me characterize Hermione that way, and it's super interesting that it's a recurring "trope" or characterization for her, one that appears in different ships, written by different people.
I just think it's neat! Thanks for this ask anon, and I hope you're having a lovely day! 💕✨
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anne-i-write · 4 years
moriarty the patriot headcannons pt. 2
| requested by anon: Can you write about all male characters in moriarty has a same look of their  children and hpw many children they want? |
sherlock x reader; john x reader
word count: 645
pt. 1: moriarty group
a/n: these two couldn’t fit in the last post, surprisingly so here they are!!
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sherlock: 307 words
“i didn’t even say anything”
goes into detail about how you were looking at a mom and her child with a wistful gaze
but that was like a two weeks ago
he gives you a kid anyway
“what do you mean i can’t play my violin around our child”
“he’s going to wake up and be cranky and you’ll have to deal with him”
he figured since people don't scream around babies, miss hudson won’t scream about rent LMAO
oh miss hudson just adores your child
“he looks,,,, quite a lot like sherlock doesn’t he?”
forgets about rent every now and then
she loves to take care of your baby
until he starts exhibiting sherlock traits and she wants to cry
“you’re so much like your father,, curse you for being so cute”
shows the boy how to do hair just so she can mess with sherlock
“i think your father would look great with a braid, don’t you think?”
sherlock wants your son to stop hanging around her immediately when he wakes up one day and his hair is in tangles
yo my mans just wanted a normal family but then he got roped into the sherlock shenanigans 🤪
but he also loves your son
stops your child from searching too much around the flat
“mr. watson what’s this?” the young boy held up a syringe with unidentifiable liquid in it
“something a child of your age shouldn’t be holding. now, would you like to go out?”
works every time
sherlock loves your kid
he just doesn't know how to show it
dw, his son knows he loves him
he’s tried to do crazy experiments with your son but you caught them and scolded them
now he does experiments more fitting for his son’s age
that’s his own love language lol
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john: 338 words
and i mean this in the nicest way possible
john is the most normal one out of all these men LMAO
like yeah he has ptsd from the war BUT
he was raised by two loving parents and had a decent amount of friends in school
so it’s normal that he thought about children before meeting you and getting drafted
he wants two children
just two children he doesn’t care whether it’s a boy or a girl just two
aldjsk why would he subject them to siblings tho
anyways he did get that boy and girl he wanted
i mean,,, it’s not the most family life he pictured
but as long as he’s with you and his kids he couldn’t have it any other way
as much as he’s extremely impressed with sherlock’s deduction skills, he just prays to God that sherlock doesn’t show them anything terrible
they take a liking to sherlock BECAUSE he’s got the interesting stuff
john will try to teach them simple math but then sherlock will just waltz through the door and they’ll be all over him
wants to dislike the children bc he sees them as the women on the cruise
but they’re the only other ones super interested in his experiments even tho they don’t even understand half of the things he’s working with
they just think it looks cool
miss hudson loves your kids
they’re actually angels
john made sure they had proper manners
but she spent a good minute or so looking between you and your kids
“they look exactly like john”
cue your tears
you thought you got over the fact that they looked like john and john alone but just another painful reminder that john’s looks just overpowered yours
but you still love them
john makes the most out of his time whenever he’s with them
with sherlock going on more mysterious cases, he knows that he won’t be around too much
his kids understand that but they love him just as much as they love him
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moriarty the patriot general taglist: @zoehanji
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carnelianns · 4 years
(Ikesen and Ikevamp) Sorry if this has been asked before. But how about an MC who went back to her own time only to find out she was pregnant. How would the boys reaxt if she comes back somehow a few years later but with a young child she says is theirs.
im sorry for keeping u waiting this long anon huhu,, i only did the vamps but, if my askbox allows, i’ll come back to do the sen boys too ! i didn’t have a specific gender for their children so jus imagine the lil rascal any way u want
Napoleon Bonaparte
When you come back through that door with a fascinated child holding your hand, it’s him you meet first again, and the tears are already glossing his eyes over before you can say anything.
He literally has no words when you smile gently, saying it’s his. Napoleon swallows the bump in his throat before making his way to the both of you, holding the two of you in his arms for only god knows how long.
“I.. can’t wait to live my life with you both, nununche,” he mumbles into your hair, ears slightly tinged, only causing you to laugh at his adorable antics.
As a father, he isn’t very strict, and he isn’t all that good in child-rearing, either. But he tries — you have to keep reminding yourself of this when you catch them in a compromising position, usually when you see your child holding a foil with a goofy smile.
“Nunuche.. I can explain,” Napoleon says calmly when you first find the two of them — well, three; it seems Jean was in on this little practice, though he quickly bolted when he saw you — parading around the training room with the foils.
“Mamma, papa said he was the King! He teached me how to be King!” Your child exclaims, flailing the weapon around excitedly as your gaze only darkens.
“Well, you see, I meant emperor, but—” his words die down when he sees your unimpressed face practically dripping with the murderous intent he’s so used to fighting against on the battle field
Slowly kneeling down to meet your child’s eyes, you see him whispering something incoherent before the little one nods seriously, slowly putting down the foil.
Then, as if counting down ‘3, 2, 1′, Napoleon immediately hoists your child up in his arms, running out of the room as both his laughter and your child’s squeals echo throughout the halls.
“Napoleone di Buonaparte, get your ass back here right now!” You scream, running after them.
“3, 2, 1 — Vive L’Empereur!” The two of them scream back, before bursting into laughter. They’re always in sync. It’s exasperating.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
“That child is.. mine?” He asks, slightly jaw-slacked, pointing at the child that undeniably looks like him, if the identical beauty mark or violet eyes are anything to go by.
“Do you.. not want—”
“I never said that,” he instantly cuts you off, going over to kneel at the confused child. With a slight smile, in an attempt to hold his tears back, he manages, “So.. how was spending time with that clumsy mother of yours?”
Mozart doesn’t really know how to spend time with his child, though he’s clearly not opposed to carrying the little rascal around on his shoulders, or dragging the child clinging onto his leg around when stubbornness bites.
You often don’t know what he’s thinking whenever he spends time with your child, or the whole situation, but rest assured, he wouldn’t change it for the world, despite how he may look.
A clear example of this is when you once walked into the piano room only to see your little darling on top of the grand white piano itself, snoozing on top of a small comforter whilst your lover plays the soft tunes you’ve grown to love.
Shock holds you captive as you stare at the lovely sight, before finally trailing off, “Mozart..”
Without so much as glancing at you, he replies, voice hushed in a soft tone you don’t hear so often. The blissful smile on his face speaks thousands of words.
“I thought you were the only one foolish enough to let your guard down in front of me… It seems I was wrong.”
Leonardo da Vinci
He had an inkling the moment he saw the child sporting caramel eyes so similar to his own, tawny gaze regarding the large mansion with wonder.
And when you did reveal that the child is actually his, he only pulled you close to his chest, hoisting the little one up with his other arm.
“Papa has a lot of time to make up to you, doesn’t he?”
Leonardo is good with children, if it isn’t obvious. Not in your conventional dad way wherein he brings the child to school — in fact, he probably fell asleep in the hallway just when the two were about to leave — but he's awfully good at keeping his child entertained.
Running around the mansions, creating new inventions, learning a new language — sometimes, you have to remind yourself that this child’s father is literally Leonardo da Vinci.
A position you often see them in, however, is snoozing on the floor, probably near the library, your child a small ball curled into Leonardo’s arms and head in the crook of his neck.
“Again? Really?” You can only huff, though that doesn’t stop the small smile from spreading on your face as you brush the locks of hair out of your lover’s face.
“Cara mia,” he rasps out, cracking a bleary eye open and gripping your wrist softly. Then, he smiles, all sorts of soft and lovely and.. unguarded.
“You two.. are the best things that have happened to me.”
Arthur Conan Doyle
Arthur tries swallowing back the lump in his throat when he sees you standing in front of that damned door, though to no avail as a tear slips.
He starts full-on crying when you say that you’re back for good and that the child is his, and he’ll have to be comforted by yours and your child’s tiny arms before he even plans to stop.
“Ah, crying like that on our first meeting… Don’t you think your fath — I’m a bit embarrassing?” He asks, sniffling as he musters a smile.
Your child giggles, blue eyes crinkling. “No! Mommy told me a whooooole lot about you, daddy!”
He has to stop himself from sobbing again.
Arthur wastes no time in making up for what he’s missed, and every single day is one you’d find the two of them either in town or messing about at home.
If not, then they’re probably just chilling in the comforts of his room, doing god knows what. The day you peek in to see what exactly they were up to was a blessed day.
Maneuvering yourself in a way that lets you see through the tiny crack of the open door, your jaw drops at the adorable sight of your child in a tiny deerstalker and trench coat far too big for his form, Arthur nodding with a serious look on his face.
“So, Watson, do you think crepes make mummy happier?” Your child asks, holding his magnifying glass up — one you’re sure is from Leonardo — like a mic in front of Arthur’s face.
He strokes his chin for a moment, before answering, “Seeing her reaction when we gave her the ones we bought yesterday, I deduce they do, Sherlock.”
“Good dedoo – deduck – deduction, Watson! I thought so too.”
Your heart literally melts. The two are far too cute for you, you having to calm yourself before walking in with the widest smile on your face. Dorks. 
Vincent van Gogh
When you meet those familiar, cerulean eyes from your place in front of the door, they’re already glossy in seconds, a flurry of emotions clear on Vincent’s face, though his smile says it all.
“Is it too much to say I’ve been waiting for you this whole time?”
Vincent would be practically wallowing in regret that he wasn’t able to be a part of his child’s life for the first few years, leading him to do any and everything that will cause his child to smile. In simpler terms, he’s basically wrapped around the little one’s finger.
He’s so adorable and happy that he’s blessed with your lovely child, and there’s an immediate smile on his face when he so much as thinks about the little blondie.
He literally makes the other residents question whether or not they want a child too.
Their bonding time is painting and, more often than not, it ends up with all three of you cramped in the shower, scrubbing furiously at the sticky paint on their skin.
“I’m sorry for having you do this all the time,” Vincent’s soft voice only makes you sigh in relaxation as he massages your shoulders from behind you, causing your fingers to halt in their journey of rubbing some blue paint off your child.
“It’ll take more than that if you wanna make it up to me,” you hum, leaning back into his chest and looking up into his bright eyes.
Your lips were just about to meet, when —
“Mam, I’m not clean yet!”
You groan, Vincent only laughing as you meet the crossed arms of your child pouting child.
“Don’t give your mammie too much of a hard time, okay?” He never forgets to take care of you above all, of course.
Theodorus van Gogh
When he first sees you after years with a child, his child, grasping your hand, Theo has to literally disappear to cool his head off because he’s angry.
Not at you, no, never, but at himself. That he wasn’t there for his child, for you, and god, even if he were, would he have been a good father?
“Hon — Schatje,” he starts, running his fingers through his already messy hair and staring at you with eyes that practically bleed insecurity, his voice breaking. “How am I supposed to take care of a child when I couldn’t even take care of you?”
After many reassuring words and gentle touches, Theo’s finally okay, holding up and scrutinising your child much like how he does a painting. He’s, well, awkward.
Theo is surprisingly very gentle with your child because he honestly doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing.
He’s also very grounded and doesn’t fall for cute little tricks that much either, so out of the residents, he’d be one of the better fathers.
“Nee.” “Papje, pleaaase?” “No. Non. Nee.”
Your lover’s fixed refusal causes you to peek your head into a lovely picture. Theo was holding a chocolate bar high above his head, steely gaze fixed on your young child with his puppy dog eyes in full view.
“Je mama said no chocolate, right?” Your heart warms when you realise he remembered your scoldings, though you can’t help but to feel bad for your whining baby.
“Theo,” you say, both their heads turning towards you. “How about you give the little baby some chocolate and we all enjoy some pancakes, yeah?”
The way both their eyes shine almost identically is adorable.
Dazai Osamu
When you showed up again with the child in hand, one he knows is his, his first thought, first wish, is that for that tiny thing to not be his. Because no one knows how harsh this world is more than the man who wished to end it all, so much more than once.
But Dazai makes up his mind when he sees you and your — his child staring up at him with those eyes that look so much like your own. He makes up his mind, despite his own continuous suffering, that he’ll never let this child go through what he had to.
“Was I staring too much?” He smiles, slightly sad and, well, empty. “I suppose it’s because the little one looks far too much like you.” Bright. Too bright for me.
As a father, he’s surprisingly really good with children? He quite enjoys seeing your child smile more than anything, and one way he knows how to do so is by perching the little one on his shoulders, running around the mansion as his hands intertwine with small, tiny fingers.
You don’t know whether to yell at him and his close-eyed grin, or simply laugh at the resonating giggles of your child. Probably both as you chase the two down the halls.
Dazai often zones out whenever he’s playing with your child, a look you can only describe as pure bliss on those handsome features of his. As you stare up at him, confusion clear on your features, you ask, “Hey, Dazai, why do you.. Zone out so much? Whenever you’re with, you know,” you motion to the snoozing one in between the both of you.
“Why do I zone out, you ask?” He gives you a smile, a real one this time, and gently pokes at the little ones cheeks. “I think.. I’ve found a wonderful reason to live, is all.”
Isaac Newton
“That’s… mine??” “That?” “... It?” “It?” “The.. child?”
Isaac is very flustered, for lack of better terms. He can barely manage the children he and Napoleon go see intermittently, but his own child? Lord, help him.
He gets awfully flushed whenever he’s carrying his child around the mansion because even then, he isn’t spared by Arthur and Dazai’s teasing remarks — in fact, it only seems to have gotten worse.
Isaac is surprisingly good at getting your rascal child to sleep with his bedtime stories, which are usually all his unsaid rambles.
“And did daddy get that bruise on his forehead because he slipped while chasing Uncle Dazai and Uncle Arthur?”
Your child nods, bright eyes sparkling and toothy grin showing. “Daddy also said, ‘Get back here, you devilish imbeciles!’”
Your accusatory gaze turns towards Isaac, who averts his eyes, holding an ice pack to his bruising forehead.
“I-In my defense, they were—”
“One more time, Isaac, and I’m changing this baby’s legal godfathers to the two imbeciles you love so much.”
Gaping, his eyes widen to the size of saucers, “You wouldn’t.”
“Try me.”
He is now a grumbling mess when the two are around his child, but the lack of chasing them around with a stick in hand can be counted as an upgrade.
Jean d’Arc
When you walk through that door once more, nervously telling your lover that this child is his, you’re afraid of his reaction — after all, Jean is, despite his vampiric aging, barely an adult himself.
His jaw drops and he can’t stop staring at you nor the child with his inky locks, and you have to help him sit and calm down.
“Papa?” Your child asks, staring up at the still slightly panicked Jean as you hold your breath.
He stares for a moment, mouth wide, before finally, finally smiling, albeit a little awkward and rough around the edges. “Yes, little one?”
He’s extremely unaccustomed to this whole parent thing and can barely do anything without asking you first, so he feels bad quite often for having to lean on you so much.
Although he barely knows how to handle a sobbing child, nor can he entertain the child very well, you find that the both of them are quite content in each other’s presence as is.
Jean, well, looks ethereal as the sun shines through the windows in his room, a gentle smile gracing his face as he stares at his sleeping child.
He utters your name, causing you to look up, only to find him tracing circles around your child’s soft skin.
“Is this.. how it’s like to be happy?”
William Shakespeare
When Shakespeare wakes up to the news that you are, in fact, back at the mansion with a little surprise, he’s already there in no time.
He didn’t expect the little surprise to be a little child that’s practically an identical copy of him. But he’s always been more of a shoot first, ask questions later type of guy, so he immediately whisks you off to his manor, much to the exasperation of the residents who were surprisingly enjoying their time with the little Shakespeare lookalike.
Except he doesn’t really need to ask questions, because he’s already figured everything out through your soft, slightly nervous gaze, and your lovely little mannerisms.
“Alas, it seems the Heavens were kind enough to grant my wish,” he says as he stares at your child, only smiling to meet your confused gaze. “For I only wished you weren’t too lonely without my presence.”
William is always with his child, whatever the circumstances. Though he quite enjoys showing off his child, he’s also keen on spending his every waking second with the little tyke because he knows how it feels like to grow up lonely, and he wouldn't bestow that upon his own little one.
“Darling, it appears I has’t gotten myself into a slight predicament.”
If you could, you would have snapped a picture of your smiling lover practically itching to get up, yet unable to do so due to the sleeping child in his lap.
“And how did you get yourself into this predicament, my love?” You tease, your own smile on your face. He has a habit of reading his writings aloud, and it seems the little one fell asleep to William’s gentle voice.
“My works seem to be but a mere bedtime story to this little one,” he motions to the child, his smile softening. “I wonder why it does not dishearten me.”
Comte de Saint-Germain
“I was hoping you’d be back, ma chérie.” His perfunctory smile betrays the inner flurry of emotions inside him as he glances towards the child. “With a lovely little thing in hand.”
“Your lovely little thing,” you say gently, and the surprise outlining his normally composed face is something you’d forever save in your mind.
Comte is wrapped around the little one’s finger, his rotten spoiling being the effect of not being in your child’s life for a good while, and, of course, his indispensable regret for having you come back to him.
Many times have you asked Sebastian the whereabouts of your lover and your child, only for him to give you the look, responding that they were out yet again, and are probably not coming back without a few shopping bags in hand.
Then, to finally put a stop to it all, you decided to conduct a harmless experiment.
Placing a few coins on one side of his desk, a toy in the middle, and a beloved fruit on the side. After explaining to him that it’s to see what your child’s fate would be — picking between fortune, fun, and, well, snacks, you think — he simply leans back, interest shining in those eyes of his.
Unsurprisingly for you, your child pushes all these away in a second, opting to hug the wide-eyed man on the soft armchair behind the desk.
“And what.. does this mean, ma chérie?” He asks, honest-to-god confused as his hands slowly wrap around your child’s form.
You smile softly, “Isn’t it obvious, silly? The little rascal loves you more than anything.”
His eyes are suspiciously glossy before he laughs it off, preparing for yet another shopping spree — you regret everything.
He only gives you a knowing smile when you pass through the door with a young child gripping your hand.
“So.. this is the little one, is it?” He asks, tone soft as he walks towards you, wrapping a sturdy arm around your waist and meeting eyes with his child. “I’m a strict father, mind you.”
“Sebastian!” “I was joking. Slightly.”
Despite being a father, Sebastian is as strict and precise as ever around the mansion, rarely having to leave either his work or his family unattended due to his impeccable time management skills.
And if he struggles with both, well, he just has to merge them into one task, doesn’t he? Many are the times wherein the residents catch Sebastian working, his little runt on his tail or on his hip.
“They’re at it again, you know,” Mozart says in passing, only causing you to groan.
“Sebastian! How many times have I told you not in the kitchen?” You exclaim, walking into the kitchen to find your lover and your child tackling yet another chore together.
It seemed to be baking this time, if the flour on both of their faces says anything.
“Mama!” Your child exclaims with powdered hands as Sebastian says blankly, “We’re doing chores.”
You merely roll your eyes, sighing as you walk out the room. Your apology comes later when a sloppy cupcake makes its way into your view.
Your eyes move up to your proud looking child, hair obviously patted down in an attempt to look presentable while your lover sports a tiny grin on his own face.
“We made this for you, mom! Papa said he wanted to make you reaaaally happy.”
Sebastian’s head instantly snaps down, eyes narrowing, “Hey.”
You can only laugh at your two babies, taking a bite of the surprisingly good and sweeter than an average cupcake.
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turnscote · 3 years
An AU where Luke was telling the truth about why he left and actually kept in touch with you.
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Pair: Luke/MC Rating: G Word count: 1310 Synopsis: As much as you wanted to believe that nothing was going to change, it was inevitable. There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact.
Also on AO3.
It was perhaps late spring or early summer. You could remember how your nose was mildly itchy from the pollen as you found him sitting by the windowsill yet again. The breeze had felt warm, and the trees outside were rustling. It was supposed to be just like any other day until you heard the news that Luke will be moving away. In a week, nonetheless. It was surprising, but it wasn't entirely unexpected. Luke has always been a genius. You often teased him for being a nerd (affectionately, of course, to which he'd respond with a pout, and, oh, of course, you just had to pinch his cheek). Why wouldn't the National Central University, the country's top university, want him?
Promises were made. You're free to read Luke's Sherlock Holmes collection that he left at his parents' house. You'd call. You'd keep each other updated, about your lives, about your reading progress on his books, about all the food the capital has to offer. His moving away isn't going to change anything. You'd take good care of yourselves, even without having the other around, even without Luke chasing off any geese who would harass you, even without you apologizing to the grumpy neighborhood grandpa for the ruckus Luke had made. You two were going to be just fine. Right?
As much as you wanted to believe that nothing was going to change, it was inevitable. There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact. You know that. You sighed and closed Luke's copy of The Boscombe Valley Mystery. Ever since the age of five, Luke's presence has always been a constant in your life. Now you're left anxiously waiting for him to call.
Luke had told you earlier this morning that he'd be rather busy today, what with all the classes he got, and he's not even done with settling in. Despite his tight schedule, he still managed to take the time to text you several times throughout the day. Luke sent a picture of the egg sandwich he had for lunch. Apparently, he was in a rush in between classes, and the meal from the convenience store was all he could manage. He then complained about how it wasn't enough for him, how he regretted not getting more.
He promised he'd call once he's done with one of his assignments. You weren't expecting it to take this long. It was past 10 already. You had finished your homework hours ago, and that's why you're left in the state you are now. Laying in bed, The Boscombe Valley Mystery still sitting on your chest because you couldn't be bothered to get up and put it away. Is college that much harder? Luke must have been exhausted by now. Not wanting to keep him up just so that you could talk to him, you decided to text him to wish him luck on his work and that you two can just call some other time when he's less busy. You considered adding a cute sticker of a bunny with pom-poms but decided against it. You're a high school student now. Using stickers seems kind of childish and silly, doesn't it?
You finally got up, put the book away, and went to the bathroom to wash up before bed. By the time you came back, you notice your phone screen lighting up, informing you of a missed call from Luke. You hurriedly dialled him back. Within two rings, you finally heard his voice.
"Hey." There wasn't much energy to his voice. "Did I keep my Watson waiting?"
As odd as it may be, despite you never going anywhere and staying in Stellis, hearing Luke's voice made you feel like you're finally home once again.
"You're busy, Luke. I understand. You could have gone to bed right away, you know?" It really wasn't a big deal. Sure, you missed him, but you'd rather have Luke be well-rested.
"Oh, uh, well," you could hear a nervous chuckle from the other end of the line. "I'm not done with work yet, actually. It's much harder than I had anticipated." A pause. "I just wanted to make sure I could hear how your day was before you go to bed," his voice softened.
You let out a long sigh. Luke putting yourself over his own wellbeing. That's one thing that hasn't changed, huh? You couldn't admit that you thought that he was being very sweet and that you're honestly happy about it. You can't enable this behavior of his, can you? He seriously needs to put himself first.
"Okay, we'll make this quick then. You really need to take better care of yourself, Luke. Make sure you get enough rest."
"Alright, alright, I get it."
This is how it's always been. You two worrying and nagging each other, to the point that it may seem overbearing.
"So, the braised pork granny made for lunch, we still got plenty of leftovers left, so we also had that for dinner." You could hear Luke groaning in jealousy. Granny's braised pork was great. "I also read a bit of The Boscombe Valley Mystery."
"Oh! How are you liking it so far?" Luke clearly perked up at that.
"I haven't gotten very far yet, but I'm curious to see how they're going to prove James' innocence. All the evidence seems to be pointing at him right now."
A hearty laugh. Oh, how you love the sound of it. "You'll soon see, my dear Watson."
It's Luke's voice. It's clear it's Luke's voice. You'd recognize his voice anywhere. It's just, it doesn't sound the same over phone calls. Obviously, there's the slight noise, it's not a bother, but you do miss how clear his voice sounds in person. There's also the fact that his voice doesn't sound as deep, but that's fine, this is fine, it can't be helped. You're just glad you could still hear his voice to begin with. You're glad he'd make time for you instead of making you feel like you're left behind.
"How about you, Luke?" you asked. "What are you working on?"
"Oh, it's just some stuff on engineering chemistry. I also had to review some stuff for my engineering physics class tomorrow."
Science has never been your best subject, so when Luke explained further all the things he had to do, you were honestly feeling a bit lost. You loved hearing him talk about it so giddily, though. It reminds you of all the times when you'd have a nightmare disrupt your sleep and Luke would come over to your room and tell you the lamest science facts to distract you and get you back to sleep.
Luke seems to have noticed your quieter yeahs and mms to his stories. "Hey, you should sleep." You couldn't see it, but you got his gentle smile perfectly imprinted in your mind. That's probably how he looks right now.
"Sure, but," normally you'd be too embarrassed to ask for something like this. But you're too sleepy and you can't think straight so you went ahead with it, "Is it okay if we stay on the phone like this?"
It took a while for Luke to respond, but he finally said, "What do you mean?" as if in disbelief of what you're asking of him. That's fair. It is a ridiculous request, after all. It almost makes you want to take back what you just said. Almost. It must be all the K-drama you've been watching.
"You can get back to work, and I can go sleep, we just leave the call on."
"Alright," Luke said. "We can do that."
As you settled in bed, you could hear him tenderly say, "Good night, my dearest Watson."
This is nice too, you thought. Things aren't the same, but you two are going to be just fine.
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sushiburritonoms · 3 years
My fingers slipped and I wrote @sadiebwrites a little bit more of the library AU instead of doing adult things or answering the other prompts. It's not really tied together in any narrative and it's 100% self-indulgent fluff. I really spent way too many years in libraries, folks. Sorry, I'll get to the other requests soon!
Previous library AU ficlet here.
“Being a librarian is my dream job,” Ms. Mothma admitted as Luke helped put the last of her romance novels into her bag. “To be surrounded by books every day sounds so wonderful. You must read all the time.”
Luke tilted his head and desperately tried to think of the last time he’d read an actual book and not a Horn Book review on the latest trends in YA Lit or a publisher’s summary of a title. Did picture books count? He read a lot of those, over and over again until he had the lines memorized and he could recite the story without looking while he moved tiny hungry caterpillars and angry pigeons across his felt board for inattentive 4-year-olds. Actual fiction...well there were the tabs of Sherlock Holmes/John Watson fanfiction that sat unread in his browser at home. Did webcomics count? He read the latest Ngozi post last night, right before he fell asleep with his mobile phone still in his hand and Artoo purring on his chest.
“All the time,” he lied as he handed her the last book.  “Real dream come true.”
Later when he texts his bestie from grad school, he is reassured that he’s not that bad of a librarian.
haven’t read a 📖for fun in 📅 Ezra texts back. last 1 finished was for our uni’s common read program 📚🤭😊
“I was going to read a chapter of Chernow’s Hamilton biography,” Tionne told him at lunch, “but instead I rewatched Gossip Girl and drank a lot of white wine.”  Luke approved of her life choice.
“Books?” Dak stared at him with a blank face, with one of his earbuds looking like it was about to make a bid for freedom from his head.
“Nevermind,” Luke sighed.
But of course, there’s always one overachiever on staff.
“Of course. I always make time to read, my young apprentice,” Obi-Wan said when Luke interrupted his daily chat with retired Head Librarian Jinn. “Would you like some recommendations? I could send you my Good Reads account.”
“You know he’s not that young anymore,” Qui-Gon reminded him. “Nor are you. Perhaps you should be spending less time with your head in books and more time out there in the real world.”
“Hmmm, I suppose I would take your suggestion seriously if you weren’t haunting the very building you retired from three years ago,” Obi-Wan argued as he adjusted his delicate wire-rim glasses on his face.
“Perhaps it is not the building that brings me back, but the company, my dear former colleague.”
“Hmm perhaps.”
Luke tiptoed away with a silly smile on his face. Old people in love are so cute, even if Obi-Wan was an insufferable perfect librarian.
On weekdays, when Luke was not lying to kind older ladies from the City Council, he was often hiding from his mortal enemies.
“Din! Hide me.”  Luke ducked into the Children’s Room reference desk and waved his crush over with a grim look on his face.
“What’s wrong?” Luke was slightly impressed and slightly worried when he saw Din’s hand automatically drift towards his waistband, in search of a weapon.  Their State was NOT open carry, but that was Future-Luke’s problem.
“The Imperial Solutions vendor is here,” Luke hissed. “They want me to be the majority vote to petition the county to switch to D. Star and I refuse, Din. I REFUSE.”
“I have no idea what any of that means,” Din replied.
“Imperial Solutions is evil and they’re gonna own us all!”
Din opened his mouth to reply but before he could say anything, a deep freeze fell upon the Children’s Room. Small infants started to wail and toddlers dropped their blocks and looked up in helpless confusion.
“Ah Mr. Skywalker,” a smarmy voice calls out.  “There you are, young man.”
“Hello Mr. Gideon,” Luke mutters. “It’s a ...pleasure to see you again.”
“I was in the neighborhood and I thought I’d drop by to see if you had considered last week’s presentation.” Mr. Gideon had the biggest, fakest smile to ever don a human’s face. He looked like just being inside of the Children’s Room was causing him to melt. But then Imperial vendors were never children--they were hatched from some dark dank cave in Illinois.
A three-hour presentation. Yeah, Luke had considered it right out of his head.
“Oh ah...gosh Mr. Gideon, it was a long...long...presentation and I’ve been so busy. In fact, I’m so, so, sorry but I’m kind of in the middle of something.” He gestured to Din, standing in front of the reference desk.
Din glared at Gideon for a moment before he slowly sat down on the patron’s side of the reference desk.  “Ah...right. I need a book. For my kid.”
“Great! What’s the title of the book?” Luke said as he saw Gideon roll his eyes.
“I don’t remember, but I know the cover is red,” Din replied. There was a sparkle of mischief in his eyes.  “Then after we find that book, I need all the books about whale sharks. In Spanish. Can you help me?”
“Of course! So sorry, Mr. Gideon! If you have to go I understand!”  Luke shrugged helplessly. “This is gonna take a while!”
The two of them kept their heads buried over Luke’s shared screen until Gideon stomped away. Then they fell apart laughing.
“Whale sharks?” Luke giggled. “Why whale sharks?”
“They are the biggest fish in the ocean and their mouths are 5 feet wide,” Din said robotically, obviously quoting from something.
“Grogu’s into sharks now?”
“Blame Baby Shark,” Din groaned and laid his head on Luke’s desk.
Oh God. Luke winced and reached over to massage Din’s shoulder. “I’m so sorry.”
“Do do do dodododo,” Din hummed tunelessly.
Luke is going to have that damn song back in his head for the next year...but he’ll sing the song for library staff karaoke night if it means he gets to keep rubbing Din’s shoulder AND be protected from Gideon at the same time.  He’s got a mean singing voice after all.
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18 Versions of Sherlock Holmes Ranked from Most to Least Likely to Set a Building on Fire in a Fit of Rage
Updated list here!
1. Jonny Lee Miller — Elementary
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This cool modern gent had a Moment™ in the very first episode of this series wherein he crashed Watson’s car into the side of the villain’s for absolutely no reason except the guy had pissed him off. That’s only like half a step down from setting a building on fire, which makes it almost canon, so this fantastic band tee-wearing lunatic gets first place for sure.
2. Yuko Takeuchi — Miss Sherlock
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She may look cute, but this girl is fearless and feral. She would set a building on fire on a whim and dance away, leaving her poor Watson holding the matches as a joke. We haven’t really seen her angry, but she for sure would be unstoppable if she was. Sherlock Futaba has a secret heart of gold and a not-so-secret wit of arsenic and she’s not afraid to use either of them to end your ass.
3. Benedict Cumberbatch — Sherlock
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He might tie for second place with Miss Sherlock, actually, because we all remember that one American who dared to slap Mrs. Hudson and fell out a window, several times, for it. I don’t need to tell y’all this Sherlock Holmes is vicious as a viper when he wants to be, but he’s also sweet as a newborn kitten deep down. Still, #3 is pretty high on the list and I think this emotion-driven drama queen deserves it.
4. Christopher Plummer — Murder by Decree
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For most of this 1970s movie, you would never be able to picture this Holmes with a temper at all, much less one big enough to set anything on fire. He’s empathetic, easygoing, and even downright warm. But then, after discovering how a young woman has been mistreated by people in power, he suddenly goes for a guy’s throat—literally—and then it’s easier to see why he’s #4 on my list.
5. Basil of Baker Street — The Great Mouse Detective
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Excuse me, it absolutely counts as a legitimate adaptation. This manic little guy might be cute as a button but he will go absolutely rabid on you if you push him (although he might feel bad about it a second later). I’m not saying it’s super likely, but it’s not super unlikely either. Honestly I wouldn’t take the risk.
6. Peter Cushing — The Hound of the Baskervilles (1959)
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He might not be #1 on this list, but on a list of sassiest Sherlock Holmeses ever, he would definitely be at the top. More than once this sly gentleman was seconds away from Losing It(TM) in this movie; we might not ever have seen him show his temper completely, but between his impatient (but still affectionate) bickering with Watson and his mumbled sarcasm at every other character at every available opportunity, I wouldn’t doubt his capability of setting a fire in sheer annoyance.
7. Jeremy Brett — Sherlock Holmes
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Calm but intense, this Sherlock Holmes is extremely popular, thanks mostly to Brett’s love and passion for the role; with all his self-control, every once in a while there’s a little flash of something much bigger going on underneath–his voice gets louder and his eyes get sharper and for a second you might wonder what he’s going to do. It would just depend on the situation, I think; hurt Watson, for example, and yeah…his fire will get you for sure.
8. Original Books
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There’s no Sherlock Holmes like the original. Like Brett above, the Blueprint Holmes is cool, unruffled, and very much in control most of the time, but there are a few moments here and there when he turns into lightning personified, ready to strike someone down in a split second if they stir up his wrath. Nevertheless, he is softer and kinder and more patient than most adaptations give him credit for, so he’s lower on the list.
9. Yekaterina Vasilyeva — My Dearly Beloved Detective
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This Russian movie features a rare female Sherlock Holmes. Even though the story is more silly comedy than serious mystery, Shirley as a character stands out for her perfectly in-character intensity, cleverness, and of course deductive powers. But despite her intensity, she handles all the complete idiots in her life with more resigned annoyance than anger, and even when faced with extreme insult she hardly shrugs. When tested, she’s more prone to an irritated stare than anything else, so she’s number nine.
10. Basil Rathbone — Sherlock Holmes
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Ever wanted to see Sherlock Holmes take out Nazis? This might be the series for you, then. Despite the ‘40s vintage action vibe, though, this Sherlock Holmes really doesn’t have much in the way of a temper and a lot in the way of cool, observant preplanning. When it comes to high-emotion moments, this Holmes is more urgent action than fiery temper. With all that, he tends to lean more on the non-flammable side of the Sherlock Holmes spectrum.
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shyrose57 · 3 years
Brothers anon and ah, its just me than. Links on tumblr break half the time for me sorry bout that!
1: Mostly how it looks in the actual episode but with some changes. Its gaint, even has multiple floors, most rooms have a glass dome roof with iron railings (3-4) lining the bottom of the glass. The hallway typically have windows leading up to the roof, but the roof and both floor are a mix of materials like iron, copper, wood, and even gold. The most complex room is the Council room, which has a a higher roof than the rest, with mostly wood railings that go all the way up and lead to a circle at the top. The Council is the group that leads Mizu, they have 1 leader of every Idol to represent the different opinions of the citizens, with 1 special member that doesnt belong to any Idol, and is instead used to represent the opinions of people who either haven't chosen a idol yet, got kicked out of a idol following, and just to give a unbiased opinion most of the time. They do make most decisions, mostly those relating to topics like construction, farming, money distribution, where people can live, etc. And they also mostly agree on most subjects and don't agure, but they do have massive disagreements on topics and problems like Representation in other Cities/Kingdoms, trading, visitors and immigrants, and sometimes supply missions. 
3: Situations like taking care of his siblings (I have decided Benjamin shall have siblings) and friends, and he was also put under extreme stress as a kid in school and family life, but unlike Ranbob, he managed to successfully communicate his struggle and find coping mechanisms. Also when he went off to live by himself for a bit, he was under sudden extreme situations where he had to make split second decision. So he just learned from everything thats happened to him over time. 
8: Levi exists purely to make Watson and others go insane. People claimed it was made up because they claimed most events as unrealistic (like Doomsday, Techno escaping a death trial, Pandoras Vault (they believed it impossible for something to be inescapable)). Plus the fact it seemed cruel such young people where faced with such trauma that no sane person would let it happen, and the fact most historical important items couldn't be found, people claiming that they where made up (also cause if the land was that exposed to such devastation, it would've collapsed on itself). No to both of those, by this point their to far away from Dream for him to have a direct meaningful affect on the group, and while the residents of Kelalen know it was Dreams sword, the group does not know. Nope! Mizu came about years after Kelalen was forgotten about and shamed. And Mizu was only made because of the growing number of believers in the SMP history was causing disruptions in both the political sense and educational sense, so it was made to separate the "outcasts". Though Mizu eventually grew as big as most cities, and greatly civilized and advanced, though they where still often "forgotten" about and basically seperate from the Kingdom that set them up and became their own place (though not officially). 
They do have a friendship! Its not super close but their definitely friends. Ranbob is definitely a worrier, he heard that two of his friends almost died he immediately goes to them and fuses over them. And when their recovering he doesnt leave their side, infact Benjamin has to drag him away from the two just to get him to eat. And he refuses to sleep unless he's like directly on top of them. Yeah, Cletus challenges Grievous to a parkour challenge over a Delta Basalt, and he happily accepts. They end up giving everyone a heart attack after Cletus slips and almost falls onto a magma block. Jackie plays in soul sand and dumps a handful down Rans shirt, Watson teaches Charles and Isaac how to make gold from gold nuggets and more Piglin culture. When Cletus is cleared to be ok and Jackie stops getting soul sand in areas he didn't even know existed. They all sit in a circle and decide what they should try first, with Ran and Watson watching carefully and preventing them from drinking anything that they recognized as harmful. But other than that they just let the others do whatever. 
10: Because he couldn't use it, when Dream was a full human he used to be able to access his powers at his own will. But after his spirit got linked to his mask his power greatly reduced. To the point he relies on others for his powers, more specifically, he needs them to be exposed to him for a certain amount of time (like 2 weeks) until he can use their own essence/spirit to help his powers. When the group of people came after Ranbob left, they stayed for a long time, especially after they took the mask with them. Dream got the power back. Cause it is a "I worked to hard to give this up." Type situation. Ranbob was his first victim and the first person he had control over in decades, he considers Ranbob the puppet he was meant to have and refuses to let him go. Everyone is the nat to him, but specifically Ran. Cause Ran was the only person who survived the murders, so Dream sees him as a kill that was taken from him that he needs to fix. Everyone else to him is nothing more than an annoyance, and he's more than happy to use them as nothing more than a stepping stone to kill once he's done with them. 
13: Ran is stronger than everyone else, Jackie is faster than everyone else, and Watson is more acrobatic than everyone else. Sorry can you reword "Is Jackie considered stronger than them aside from shared tactics, or is it the other way around?"? I dont completely understand sorry. Kind of, I'll say. There can only be 3 ranking members, but it can also be 2 Corporals and 1 Sergeant. 
14: They where caught off guard, but also knew something must be going on due to the fishermen staying closer to Ranbob than normal. He never got too far, as he isnt very fast and Charles and both Isaac tend to be fast enough to get him. If the episode is really bad bringing him back can lead into physical fights but it rarely gets into that, as it seems like Ranbob really doesn't want to fight them most of the time, and holds himself back.
Well, I hope it’s working for you now, cause that sounds less than ideal, honestly.
1: Well, Mizu sounds gorgeous, quite frankly. As for the council having a member of no idol, what about that? People can get kicked out from an idol group? Why? Do some just never choose an idol? Also, how’s the housing situation there? Are there like, apartments on one of the floors, or something? Why does the council not really agree on outside affairs?
3: Not gonna lie, I’m rather curious. What kind of life did Benjamin lead to be under such heavy stress? Does he relate to Ranbob because of this? And what was he doing when he lived on his own to need to make fast-paced decisions? Also, siblings! What’re his siblings like?
8: He sounds like it.
And hm. There are several things I’ve taken from this. 
Do totems no longer exist, if they don’t believe Techno could have survived, or did that particular piece of the story just get left out over time?
Has Pandora’s vault fallen? And why would people find it unbelievable? If it’s the future, shouldn’t they have even more advanced technology than that? Or is it simply the lack of evidence that leads them to disagreeing about it’s existence? 
They don’t believe people would have been so cruel to the younger ones? Oof, um. Well, at least that says something about the future, I guess. 
Mizu sounds like it has an interesting history in it’s self. How do Ran and Ranbob feel about being in a world that basically shunned the people of what would eventually become their home? Do they ever have issues when people find out they originate from Mizu, or worship an idol? From how you put it, it seems like that wasn’t really looked upon well, since they shunted the people who did it to Mizu.
Friendships for the win! Maybe not close, but it sounds like an interesting dynamic. Charles honestly seems pretty mild, and as you said, shy, so putting him with Mr.Random And Chaotic certainly sounds like something. How did these two become friends?
And honestly, it sounds like everyone had a lot of unique experiences in the Nether. It also sounds like Ran and Ranbob were probably an inch from a heart-attack the entire time, considering the shenanigans ongoing. It sounds kind of cute that Ranbob was only sleeping when he was close to them though, and it gives me the image of a giant fluffy cat, so win-win there.
10: Interesting. Was Ranbob not enough to fully return that power to him when the Fishermen first came and took him? Or did Dream just not think they’d get that far and not react in time, when he still had that power from his puppet?
And, uh, wow. Dream was certainly off his rocker before, but that’s definitely cemented now. Is anyone aware he thinks of Ranbob in such a way? Does Ranbob know? How are everyone’s feelings on that-besides y’know, ‘gonna murder Mr.Mask Man’. How does everyone feel about being considered as ‘nats’?
13: Huh. And yeah, I confused myself rereading that. Basically, is Jackie considered stronger than those two? You said they were mostly on par, because of the shared tactics, so when it comes to cutting those shared tactics out of the picture, does Jackie come out on top?
14: So the gang could tell? If I may ask, what were the tells that gave Ranbob away?
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