#these are just right after seeing episode thoughts I haven’t done like any deep thinking
creamecream · 1 year
Current omitb thoughts after the newest episode:
I’m assuming that Joy was the genius who did Ben’s makeup, and he was having like an allergic reaction to something in the cookies he probably ate.
I’m thinking she genuinely just misplaced her lipstick (based on her reaction when seeing it, just “oh! you found my lipstick!”, no snatching it, etc.) and that Ben probably wrote that bit on his mirror to himself because diet.
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yukine-sakamoto · 2 months
Shadows House Season 1 Review
I really liked this show, even more than I thought I would, actually, and I’m surprised it has so few members on my anime list. I want more people to watch it so they make more of it. I don’t think they can finish everything in the one more season that exists right now.
First, the mystery was done so well. The pacing of the small reveals that just lead to more questions. The way the world of the show slowly opens up to us. It just pulls you in. I love a show with really deep lore. And the characters were so well made. I came to love all of them, even though/because each has faults. The outfits of the shadows were each unique and beautiful, and despite having no features, the shadows were all so expressive. Honestly, the whole show is beautiful. They managed to do one of my favorite things which is blending fantasy/action with bits of slice of life. You have the mysterious soot stuff going on, but you also have these occasional cute moments of just life in the mansion. It’s difficult to get the pacing right, which is why I think it’s not often attempted, but this felt very smooth, and did a fantastic job of contributing to the character arcs. It wasn’t too scary either. There were definitely some unsettling scenes that set the dark undertones for the show, but it was still very palatable for me. The ED is fantastic too. Really captures the mood of the whole show. The last two episodes are apparently anime only, and they definitely felt a little different. I haven’t read the manga, so it didn’t really bother me, and the manga author is involved in the show, so I’m willing to believe they have a plan. I still thought the ending was satisfying. It ties up some smaller threads from earlier, while still leaving the broader questions open leaving you wanting more seasons.
I gave it 9/10, and I don’t give out a lot of nines. I actually think this show has become one of my favorites.
Now, some more detail on the last two episodes (spoilers)
The whole kidnapping thing felt very rushed. Edward had very little to go on to prove that Kate was involved in any kind of misconduct, so it seems odd that he would go straight to kidnapping Emilico as a plan. He is shown throughout the debut arc to be a meticulous planner and schemer, so this is fairly out of character. I saw some manga readers that were quite frustrated with this as it’s apparently well out of line for his manga character as well. I wasn’t too bothered by that aspect. I was more peeved by the way Ricky and Lou were cured of the soot coffee. It felt way too easy compared to what Emilico and Shawn went through. I don’t think the coffee effects would fade so quickly as to lower the bar that much.
I did like seeing all the kids work together to figure out how to save Emilico and get Kate into the other wing. John’s veiled doll impression was hilarious. I feel like Gerald and Aileen didn’t do anything all season, but it was especially painful that they did the same “they must be disguised as veiled dolls” bit twice. I liked that we got to see Kate’s wings again, but it felt like a stretch of John’s powers to push them like that. I found it an odd choice to have Kate and Emilico land on top of the boys. I don’t know, maybe it was supposed to be funny? I don’t get it. It was also very convenient that John was able to escape via the soot bird without any kind of difficulty or anyone noticing. Felt like the writers wrote themselves into a corner and had to make do. Honestly I’m kind of nitpicking though. I enjoyed the little arc overall, it was nice seeing Edward get caught (It was also clear that it was anime-only so they couldn’t give him any real consequences, but anyway). Still, I feel like they could have ended things in a fairly satisfying way right after Kate notices the soot coffee effects to leave a good cliffhanger, maybe when they’re meeting lord grandfather. Or maybe after Kate cures her. That would still leave the other three’s condition open ended. It felt like a very awkward transition right after that emotional scene to jump right into the kidnapping. I guess they wanted to get to a full cour.
Biggest reveal of that arc is that the little morph with a bow actually is Shirley. I thought I was deluding myself, but no somehow she survived. I can only imagine the reveal was done differently in the manga; the Shirley-morph had a surprisingly large roll in the rescue. Also, we see Shirley-morph seems to stay with Rum, which is adorable and heartbreaking. We know she’s alive, which is expected since we knew the plan was to make her a veiled doll, but we never see her face. We don’t know her mental condition right now, and we were told that the veiled dolls undergo some kind of extra soot coffee treatment. I’m not sure Rum will be able to be brought back like the others. It’s clear the coffee has different strengths as it was used to wipe memories in the very beginning. Rum might be saved but not be able to remember any of the events thus far. Also, Shirley-morph hasn’t taken her form again, so there must be more going on with her.
Other questions still open: How does Kate know so much and why does she seem to harbor such a personal hatred towards the house? Why is Edward so obsessed with getting to the third floor? How has he been watching Kate and the others? What’s his next move? Why does he suspect Kate so much? Why does he suspect the others in the third floor crew? What are their goals anyway? What is lord grandfather’s end goal? World domination? What do the star bearers do? What other types of soot powers are there? What’s in the box Kate found when searching for Emilico? What happens in that soot room we saw in the intro? Actually, I think we see it again in the outro. I really liked the parallelism of having those two montages book end the show. It looked like Kate, John, and Louise were getting instruction on soot powers in the same room. Also there were a couple shadows that were working on Emilico’s cage in the intro that we see again in the outro in some kind of workshop. I want to meet them. I want to meet all the characters. I think I will take a break before watching season 2, though, as this show has genuinely affected my sleep.
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spn-etc · 4 months
Deal and The Damage Done, Ch. 2
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It's been awhile, but I thought of picking this story back up for the fun of it. And, here's hoping we hear about a supernatural story coming to tv. I'm itching to see more of the Winchesters! The above pictures/gifs I use and any other media for my little series are for entertainment purposes of course. I think they add a nice aesthetic, and I'd like to hear what y'all think about the story or any mood boards I post.
Thank you,
The Author of this Fanfic
“Your brother, he got any places he’ll go for days or -?” the brunette asks. 
I’d gotten their names at the diner. They were detectives, Friedkin and Lynch.
“I’ve already called all his old friends. Unless there are people I don’t know about. But, I do know my brother. He’s not one for making friends in this backwater town. Unless some punk rolls into town and Cash is looking for trouble.” 
“So your brother ‘gets into trouble’. What exactly do you mean?”
I’m feeling a little sick and it’s the early morning after Cash first disappeared. I can already tell Mom’s stressed, as she swears to me and herself that Cash is having one of his episodes, and he’ll be back. She’s avoiding any calls and I know Nana will be on the phone any time now, squalling about how she saw this coming.
Cash has this thing, once in a blue moon, where he likes to run off, go on some little adventure. He’ll pick a fight with the wrong guy, or get a hold of some bottle rockets, or a pistol. Whatever it may be, he ends up in a jail cell. Truant from school multiple times, and almost sent to juvie another time, Cash grew up to be a little hellraiser. I shouldn’t be surprised about Cash disappearing, but on the same date as my dad’s own disappearance? It could just be coincidence, but my gut tells me something is off. 
“My brother’s a bit of a troublemaker,” I tell Detective Friedkin. “He’s gotten a little better now that he’s working, but he has these times where he causes problems - usually picking fights with some guy in town or drag racing, and such.” I think, perhaps it’s not much of a stretch that my brother’s just on another misadventure. But, that still only means I’ve got to find him much sooner.
The blonde, Detective Lynch, nods his head, and I see a grim smirk creeping across his face. “Your brother’s in deep shit.” 
“It’s whatever,” I insist, but it’s not. Not really. “He usually turns up somewhere, and I’ll have to bail him out, or my Nana will.” I hesitate. “My brother doesn't handle this time of year well.”
“Can’t be easy,” Lynch says.  “Losing a parent’s tough.” 
“Yeah,” I say. “I just - I feel like I have to pick up the slack, most of the time. I can’t step out of line. My family depends on me. And, I always worry, you know, who’s next?” I haven’t confided this way to a lot of people. It’s funny. I have a hard time with cops, but I let my guard down with these guys. That’s rare.
“Cash, my little brother - do you really think he's in trouble deeper than what I’m thinking?”
The brunette, Friedkin, hesitates, a trace of uncertainty apparent as he looks away to search for the words. “Leah - how much do you know about the supernatural?” 
The what? And it dawns on me. These guys surely can’t be some conspiracist whack jobs, right?
“The supernatural? You don’t mean ghosts, demons, and such. You think that’s what took Cash?” 
“And your father, possibly. Listen, listen. It might sound strange. This wouldn’t be the first time someone didn’t believe us. We know. My brother and I, we’ve been tracking, hunting, things that most people would never notice. Dean and I, we’ve done this for years. What took your father years ago, it could easily hurt your brother. Leah, have you ever seen anything strange before? Anything you couldn’t explain?” 
“Well sure, doesn’t everyone?” I laugh, almost scoff. It’s hilarious; I feel like I’m in one of those cheap B horror movies.   “Since I was a kid,” I continue,  “I’ve seen all kinds of things. Mom always said I’d had an overactive imagination.” 
And I mean it when I say this. Nana Lizzy, Elizabeth Jacobs, may be attuned to all that's supernatural, but my maternal line were all skeptics. I’d be inclined to believe my grandmother more if what I saw didn’t disturb me so much.  
Growing up, I’d fill journals full of drawings of these strange shadowy creatures with crimson red eyes, or eyes like black tar.  They used to talk to me in my dreams, and to this day, I still have dreams where something like a disembodied voice more or less, tells me that it's waiting to get me. It’s always the same dream. It’s in some derelict house at the end of a road I’d wandered on while playing ball. And no matter how much I try to resist, I’m always drawn back inside the house, and I’m always calling out for something. Then, there’s always the same bedroom at the back of the house, down the narrow hallway full of pictures of people I don’t recognize. Old pictures of people out of something like a black and white movie. It’s getting hotter and suffocating almost, but I still take tentative steps to the tattered door. It’s barely on its hinges and it just swings open. it comes out of the shadows of the closet, or claws its way from beneath the bed. Its body is something I recognize as barely human, if it ever was one. On the times I glimpsed it in my dreams, the creature’s body bears the kind of burns that expose raw flesh, even exposing the bone on parts of its body. What is left of its skin hangs rotting from its body. And, that’s what I can even see, but I always, always, wake up in a sweat. And I can smell the disgusting mixture of mold and sulfur. It’s the only dream that I can recall being so real; everything pales in comparison. I can’t comprehend the term ‘sweet dreams’. 
No one except Nana Lizzie had ever taken the dreams seriously. After all, Cash also had his own share of fear in the dark, what’s out there. It has been there for Cash and I from the beginning, and one of the few things we can connect on. And it’s just another reason we can’t get on in Proctor Hollow, West Virginia. When the only person who sympathizes is your eccentric old grandma, it gets pretty lonely. It’s just easier to accept that Cash and I were grieving to some extent, though the dreams had started long before Dad ever disappeared. And I could just joke like my father used to when the boogeyman came to the foot of my bed. 
I remember it with my brother in tow, and sitting me on his lap, Dad would laugh the demons away. “Little Leah? You’re not little, Leah. You’re my warrior, aren’t you? You can tell that ugly thing to go kick rocks. Ain’t no boogeyman gonna keep my Leah down. Or Cash,” my father would add. And Dad would grab us in a bear hug and tell us how much he loved us, before turning out the light at night. I’ll admit, the dreams were worse for Cash and I once Dad was gone. That's  when my grandmother stepped in. 
Nana’s foresight is uncanny, to the point she was on the phone minutes before Miss Ella’s husband had been declared dead, or when someone a holler over was about to go into labor. How she couldn’t locate Cash was beyond me. When I had contacted her last night, she was oddly resigned, and quiet.
 My grandmother can talk a mile a minute sometimes. Especially if something really gets her mad. Cash was often the source of some of her biggest ravings, or my lack of interest in what she had to say to me. Most of the time, though, she liked to complain about how ignorant everyone was, how unaware people were of what was around. “Even more now,” she griped. “They’re all sucked into their cellphones.” I love my Nana, Lizzy, as everyone in Proctor Hollow knows her. She took care of me and Cash, when Mom was at work, or stewing in her memories. Nana’s more often than not telling me what I ought to do about Cash. Always wondering why I don’t watch the boy much closer,  why I don’t look after his health or make sure he’s eating. She won’t talk to my mom half the time, because they can’t get five minutes into a conversation before they start arguing with each other. 
Mom won’t hardly talk to her at all, now. On more than one occasion, I’m reminded that Nana didn’t like my dad marrying my mother. Mom liked to mention it, alone with her bottle or if Charlie came by, reminiscing about Dad and the life they had before he disappeared that Saturday night. Nana complained about Mom's lack of motivation; she had no get-up-and-go attitude about her. Nana never had the luxury of someone else caring for her. She had to provide for her family when Grandpa died in a coal mine accident. She said that Mom was a spoiled beauty queen transplant from Charleston. She lacked for nothing because her dad could buy her whatever she wished for. Mom didn't have to do the same kind of work Grandma did.   So, anything important that needed to be said was through me.  
 “You telling me that you don’t think your brother’s involved in things that are outside the ordinary? It’s all real, and you know this. Now, when you saw Cash last, what was he doing? Who was around? You said at the diner that Cash had been with a group of buddies, someone in there that was the new chick? You hadn’t seen her around? Not a friend from another town or school?” 
I racked my brains trying to remember the details of the last time Cash was out. It was the usual lineup of friends from high school - Chris, JT, Andy, and a couple of girls they had with them. But, one of the girls stood out. She was all over Cash, hanging on to him like a bee to a flower. A brunette woman with a willowy figure underneath her skin tight t-shirt and jeans. Pretty brown eyes, and a bright grin. I could have mistaken her for a ditz, the way she acted. And, she clearly wanted him all to herself, which Cash loved as he was pawing at her all that evening before they went out. He hadn’t shut up about her for the next few days. I thought, well of course. She was one of the few girls in town to give him any attention. Cash always struggled pulling girls, according to his friends, so I guess this must have gone to his head enough for him to run away.
“This girl was all over my brother. She was the new girl, she must have been. I’d never seen her before. She said her name was Gwen. Never heard of her before that night. But, people come in from out of town all the time, usually college kids looking for a little fun. I never took her for someone who was up to something. She seemed like your typical bimbo.” 
“Well, she didn’t mention anything about going anywhere with him?” Sam said. 
“Didn’t hear anything outside the usual ‘she’s so amazing’ bit.” 
“He’s a lovesick idiot,” Dean says. “Do anything she says. Look, you just keep an eye out, okay? But, we’re not through here. And you keep that amulet on you, you hear? And -” reaching behind him to get something out of the car - “take this,” and Dean tosses me a bag of something a little heavy. Inside is an iron crucifix and a silver vial. 
“It’ll buy you some time if we’re not there,” Dean says. 
“Where are you going?” I say to the guys, as they take to their car.
“We can’t follow you around the whole time,” We’ve got  a case to investigate.” 
“So, I’m on my own with my brother?”
“Unless we get any leads now, it’s not getting us anywhere.” 
I can’t say anything, but I know in the pit of my stomach, it must be that the girl’s with Cash, and I’m behind the wheel.  Damn it, if Cash looked before he leaped, this wouldn’t have happened. I’m now going to have to grit my teeth, and snoop around for my brother. I watch the Chevy Impala disappear around the corner, and I’m off to JT’s once more with an ax to grind. 
“Son of a bitch. They’ve already gotten three, Sam. She has has no clue how bad this is.” 
“They claim enough souls, they could do worse.” 
“We’ve already got that point. What else?”
“Elizabeth gave me the files she had collected from the past few disappearances. Adam Goddard. Thirty. Last seen at Chance’s bar off of Main Street and County 109. Seen leaving with a dark haired woman. No mention of who she was. It was a bystander’s report. But, there are all mentions of the same type of woman. So, this could be our person.”
“Little girly’s ticking ‘em off one by one. The only people with any real knowledge are going to be the other buddies that night and the other woman, the old witch.” 
“Whatever it is,” Sam says, his voice on edge now, “Dean, I’ve got more than a feeling the gates of Hell will open again, and there may be more to worry about this time. Why else drag souls to Hell? The crossroad deals - they’re over.” 
Dean stared into the knotting trees on the West Virginia horizon. A loud gunshot sent blackbirds flying from the woods in a big, black shower. Having aged from the defiant young man into a sharp veteran, he bore a tired look. Both men had the rewards of a hard living life. 
“The more we keep going, the more I wonder about the good on Earth. Cas, I know you hear us! Where the hell'd you go?” Dean says. 
“Cas or no Cas, angels or demons be damned., We’ll do what we’ve always done, Dean. Hunting things, saving people. The family business.”
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somacruising · 1 year
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A White Future, Volume 2 Episode: Ion, Sync, & Florian Translation Part 8
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We’re past the halfway point of the novel now! This chapter has one of the original illustrations done for the novel in it. Unfortunately, I don’t have the ability to upload a perfect scan of it, but I hope that you’ll all enjoy it anyway. This is another Ion & Anise centric chapter, where Ion thinks about the Score (and Anise).
* * *
“Anise,” Ion spoke to get her attention, putting down the pen he’d been using at his writing desk.
“What is it, Ion~♪” Anise chirped.
“You’ve been watching me for a long time. You don’t have to do that.” Ion smiled with a troubled expression on his face.
Since this morning, Anise had been sitting by the wall across from Ion, wiggling her legs and looking at him.
“You’ve been sick, haven’t you, Ion? My supervisors told me that you could collapse at any moment, so I need to keep a close eye on you,” she replied.
“I recovered a long time ago. Besides, I won't collapse while I'm here. I don’t use up a lot of energy.”
“Oh,” Anise tilted her head. “When you say it like that, it sounds like you’re planning on going somewhere, Ion.”
“Well, I will, soon. There’s something I’ve been thinking about."
“Okay.” Anise’s expression grew curious, “Just checking, but when you go out, I have to go with you, right?"
“Yes, of course. I'll be counting on you.”
“Yes!” Anise leapt out of her chair without a second thought. Then, she paused before hurriedly making excuses. “I mean, doesn’t being indoors all the time feel suffocating? It’s like there’s always somebody watching.”
However, Anise then realized that once they were outside, she would have to keep an eye on the Fon Master, and her expression twitched.
“I'm happy, I'm really happy, but…”
“But what?” Ion asked happily.
“Um!? I-It's nothing. I'm just a little nervous because I'm not used to traveling.”
“I see.” Ion found that he really liked watching how drastically Anise’s facial expressions changed. From the very moment he’d met his new Fon Master Guardian, he’d felt drawn to her liveliness.
Ahmed had told him that the original Ion had feelings for Arietta. If that was the case, Ion wasn’t sure whether his affection towards Anise was his own or if they were imprinted into him. However, he knew for certain that he was having fun being around Anise.
“By the way, Anise,” Ion started, then stopped.
“What is it?” Anise asked.
“I’ve been wondering what that thing on your back is.”
“Are you talking about Tokunaga?” Anise slid the doll off her back and raised it up to Ion’s nose. “Isn’t he cute? So different from that weird thing Arietta carries around!”
“So… it is.” Ion gingerly touched Tokunaga’s face.
The doll was far from symmetrical, with one side sagging a little more. The stitching seemed to have been done carelessly in some areas, but Ion found that the imbalance and imperfections were refreshing. He figured that if Anise said it was cute, then it was probably cute.
“Do you play dolls with this?” Ion asked.
“Huh?” Anise trailed off, her voice sounding stupid to herself. “I mean, I used to when my mama made him for me. Now, he’s my comrade who responds to my fonic frequency…”
Anise explained what she could using vague terms. She called it a “fonic weapon”—and stated that Tokunaga had been turned into one by the God-General Dist—and that there was only so much she could share with the mild-mannered Ion.
“I’ll lend him to you whenever you want to play with him, Ion. He’s good luck~♪”
“Thank you, but…” Ion lightly grasped Tokunaga’s fingers and shook them after Anise had set him on his desk. “I’ll do that another time. There’s some research I wanted to do in the library.”
Ion then stood up.
“I’ll go with you,” Anise said.
“No, you go get some rest, Anise. I’ll be right back.”
“If you say so,” she replied.
Even still, Ion had to gesture for her to stay put. He walked into the library alone.
‘The smell of books is nice,’ Ion thought as he took a deep breath. The library smelled of ink, paper, and age—all wrapped up in silence.
Ion liked the library.
He slowly stepped between the stacks and pulled out a book on Auldrant’s history. It was one of the many books he had been required to read before becoming a Fon Master, but he wanted to go over it again.
Ion began to browse through descriptions of past wars.
‘War…the Score…the Planet’s Memory… Even though the Score is only a single path among many possible futures, it’s ridiculous to start a war and cause people to lose their lives by making the Score absolute…’
Ion was aware that the Grand Maestro faction was thinking of starting a war. If they were to do such a thing just to comply with the Score, what would happen to all the people who have supported their current prosperity?
The relationship between the Kingdom of Kimlasca-Lanvalder and the Malkuth Empire had already become fragile. Or, it may be more correct to say that it never recovered in the mere fifteen years since the Hod War.
‘If I don't do something about this, then my existence will be a waste,’ thought Ion, his lips pursing.
How ironic that Mohs, a member of the powerful Grand Maestro faction, would go to the trouble of creating a replica of Fon Master Ion.
Perhaps this is a good example of how observance of the Score can cause distortions,’ Ion thought sadly.
Returning to his office, Ion found Anise sleeping.
Anise was propped up on his desk and sleeping peacefully. Ion watched for a few moments as Tokunaga rose and fell with her back.
‘A future with many choices—’ Suddenly, the thought Ion had in the library rose to the forefront of his mind.
‘There will never be any choices available to me,’ Ion thought, ‘But ordinary people are different from me. The past that they have built up is what makes them important… Everyone should have an equal right to live in the future they wish for.’
Ion brought a blanket from the bed in his private office and gently draped it over Anise’s back. After thinking for another moment, he leaves the office once more.
Eventually, Anise woke up with her brows furrowed.
She yawned.
‘It's kind of heavy…and hot. Wha, I…fell asleep!?’ Anise thought frantically.
She pushed herself up with a huff, and the blanket on her back slipped to the floor.
“Oh no, Ion hasn’t called for me, has he!? What am I going to do!”
Who was protecting who here? Anise hurriedly picked up the blanket.
“Huh? Why are there two blankets? No wonder it was so heavy and hot!”
Anise’s hand froze.
‘Maybe one of them is for…’
“As I thought, Ion…this is slightly…”
Still, Anise reached back over her shoulder and lightly tapped the stuffed animal, "Good for you, Tokunaga.”
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* * *
If Anise Tatlin was a splash color that suddenly dyed his achromatic days as the Fon Master, Luke fon Fabre was another vibrant presence that jumped into Ion’s short life.
ND2018 was a truly special year out of the few that Ion would experience. It was the year he met Luke.
Ion was visited by a confidential emissary from Peony IX of the Malkuth Empire. Skirmishes with Kimlasca had continued unabated, and he would not be surprised if a full-scale war broke out on the front lines at any moment.
“So, you wish me to be an envoy of peace?" Ion asked.
“Yes. We will be dropping off a letter from His Imperial Majesty Peony at Engeve shortly.” The Malkuth messenger, disguised as a pilgrim, said. “Colonel Jade Curtis, the commander of the 3rd Division of the Malkuth Empire, will protect you, Fon Master. I would like to ask you to enter the Kingdom of Kimlasca-Lanvaldear with the Colonel, and request an audience with Ingobert VI—”
“I understand. I will depart at once.” Ion did not let him finish and nodded clearly to the messenger.
“As for the eyes of the Grand Maestro faction, who are trying to start a war, I have nothing to do with them. I will only take one companion, so please escort us to Engeve.”
“Yes, sir.”
As soon as the messenger withdrew, Anise, who was waiting in the corner of the room, pointed to her own face and said, "By 'one attendant,' you mean me, don't you?”
“Yes, you’re the one I intend to take with me.” Ion smiled at her.
Anise shuffled her feet and backed away. “Wai—wait a moment, Ion.”
“What is it?” Ion asked.
“That's—well, because I'm a girl, I have to prepare for the trip and stuff…”
Ion tilted his head to the side in confusion.
“That’s fine, but please make sure you come back quickly.”
Ion dismissed Anise, then. In hindsight, Ion was already fighting a faint suspicion that Anise was in contact with Mohs. Even when the God-Generals attacked and stole the Tartarus, Ion continued to deny these thoughts.
It was when Luke had met with Jade Curtis at Engeve while they were awaiting the arrival of Peony’s letter that Luke caused a commotion.
Accused of being an apple thief, Luke was ranting angrily beside Tear Grants, who was accompanying him. To be honest, he looked like nothing more than a ruffian to Ion, but Ion’s suspicions were confirmed when he discovered Cheagle fur.
The next day, when Ion ventured into the Cheagle Woods alone and used his Daathic artes to defeat a monster, Luke helped him after he’d collapsed.
It was a strange coincidence that brought them all together, but if Yulia had willed it, then Ion thought that this must have been part of her design.
Until Ion had met Luke, he’d rarely considered the existence of other replicas.
He remembered that there were five others when he was born through fomicry. However, he had been told that they had been disposed of. They were all made to stand naked on a table, and their synchron values were compared with a measuring instrument—all of Ion’s companions from that time had been killed.
If eight replicas had been made, the eighth Ion might have been closer to the original.
Ion was convinced that it was an accident that he had been chosen and survived, and that there was no freedom for him to decide his future.
Luke struggled to change himself in spite of his unique existence—a perfect isofon coexisting with an original named Asch, whose existence was even mentioned in the Closed Score.
For the first time, Ion realized that there were pieces that did not fit perfectly into the Score.
He had a premonition in his heart that his life would change its course now that he understood this.
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variousqueerthings · 2 years
where to start, where to start
(starts with “dreams” because I’m still screaming about it and will until time immemorial) 
also was thinking about how one of the big things about this show that I haven’t seen before outside of... deep space nine perhaps... (and not done as well)
is that the way it does continuation is so fascinating, as I’m sure is one of the main things that people go crazy about -- which is the fact that it’s syndication which gives you these long lines of episodes that standalone, but then it keeps referencing back to characters and events
and these self-references for the most part are either subtextual or single lines, but then every once in awhile you’ll be seeing something in a character (ex. BJ and Peggy are irrevocably changed, Margaret is constantly fighting herself in who she is and what she wants and who she’s expected to be, Hawkeye is falling to pieces, etcetc) that’s been growing for awhile and could have just stayed in the background and that would have been fine
but then certain episodes are like “hey, you know those things you’ve been seeing? we’re going to make them Text so that you can stare at a wall for a million years and think about the slowburn of it all”
which you also don’t get from modern TV, because the seasons are so short and the arcs are either so focused on plot, or the character-stuff has to be resolved within a season, so this really really long-form exploration of character psyche is... you know??????????????????????????
and so “dreams”.... and also “war-correspondent” for BJ specifics as an episode that follows on right after dreams and yeahyeah syndication but it fits! 
dreams first (out of order, I cannot remember the orders of the dreamers):
dreams really just took whatever it is the “dear [x]” episodes do and intensified the character exploration beam by a million percent, so that you’re left feeling like you’ve just stared straight into the sun and the afterimage is hurting your retinas and can never be fully explained (does that make sense???)
1. Margaret in the wedding dress with the guy in the bed being taken away from soldiers, then for dying, bleeding soldiers to pile up in her bed, and then for her wedding dress to be covered in blood but!!!! ok how much on purpose was it that the blood could also be read as the aftermath of a miscarriage? it was the first thing that I thought of because of the placement of it (usually when the characters have blood on them it’s spraying across their chest and it’s not in one big patch like that) -- obviously we’ve had a few episodes of Margaret making decisions about who she is and what she wants, but to see it haunting her like this, and (if one does read miscarriage) the death of her dreams of family, of being able to balance all these sides of herself, of the ways the violence of war has also stripped her of the ability to “just be” a woman in the traditionally expected and demanded sense. 
How do you fit into a box like that after what you’ve seen, what you’ve done, what you’ve become??? 
2. Father Mulcahy is a character who always exists juuust a little more on the periphery for me. He’s not got quite as much POV episodes as the others, and  a lot of his inner life episodes are around this idea of what his “use” is (the wondering if he has any use). And so his was so brilliantly done to, yeah, play with that, but there’s more there to to pick apart. I remember the interview, when he talked about how cutting into a body releases warmth, and it felt like it was hearkening back to that as well. 
I need to think more about it, but I’m sure the Mulcahy aficionados have broken it down expertly (AND I wonder if it will be in some way given even more in hindsight, since there’s still 3 seasons left), and will check on what’s been said further about it there -- I don’t know if it’s the religious upbringing in me, but this one also felt like it was the most visceral (ahead of Margaret’s even) in its surrealism. The soldier hanging on Jesus’ cross dripping blood onto his bible???? hello????????? Mulcahy has some feelings about this war, that’s for sure.
3. Potter’s is one that I’ll also talk a bit about in my longer post on him, because he’s really grown on me -- not that I didn’t like him from early-on, but simply that I kept him at arms-length for a few reasons (also to be gone into in that post), but the ongoing arc of age, of nostalgia, of a life well-lived, but with a longing to have been closer to family, of family and friends dying becoming commonplace, of the ways he balances out mourning the death of others’ innocence with his wisdom... and just remembering that he was a little boy once, who loved riding horses (and he still loves to do that)
4. Klinger and Potter gave us the first shots of America? right? like, sure, dreams, but... Potter was in a field in his home, and Klinger was in Toledo. That was... that was something for sure.... somehow terrifying. Something about how you can never go home, even if you return to the same place (which is also a future I predict for Hawkeye -- oh also the lake he’s on... Crabapple Cove?) 
it’s a more straightforward dream than the others (maybe because he’s quite a straightforward guy?). Klinger misses home desperately and is afraid he’ll die in Korea and never see it again. But interesting to see the streets empty like that. 
5. Charles!!! Charles!!!! oh I need to write a post about Charles too, because speaking of “things that were hinted at and even shown, but never as in-your-face,” the pressure to be Charles Who Is A Wondrous Surgeon! the performance of it! the eyes on him! (also Klinger as his sort-of-assistant wearing the earrings??? I will make it homoerotic). 
I mean, it’s obvious what the dream is saying, but he doesn’t allow himself to show those emotions (and we’ve seen him fail -- in major ego, with the piano player, in a small way by judging the acupuncture techniques -- and his failures often seem based in the assumption that He Knows What’s Best (also outside of medicine, see Honoria’s marriage), but!!! As we’ve been seeing throughout, it’s not that he simply “wants to know best,” it’s that he’s clinging to what he has -- the order of the world as he understands it, his place in that world, what his worth is -- something interesting there as well about some of the overlaps between him and Hawkeye that neither dares to acknowledge!) 
so to finally allow that to happen -- to be that intimate with him for a moment! 
6. I dunno whether to make BJ his own post, because I’ve mentioned it several times already, and may just keep doing so (so maybe I’ll wait and see what happens Next, because BJ’s journey has been a fascinating knot for me to untie since he was first introduced), but all of these things -- does Peggy still need me, are we still the same people (will we be able to create something new when I return), is anything from my old life still reconcilable with who I am now, should I let Peggy go???
and then -- because again I feel like they belong together -- what is Peggy to me, and that whole life that’s back home... what do I see when I look towards her and Erin and home? Why do I have to do that in order to keep sane?
(the line -- war correspondent -- where he says he has to live for tomorrow because he can’t live for today -- sir! Sir!!! the life-ring that Aggy illustrates around him! Fuck! anyway yeah, it’s whole own post I think or I won’t stop here)
7. And then... you know... Hawkeye Is Not Okay the saga continues -- I’d SEEN an image of that boat with the limbs floating around him!!! I’d seen it on hastily-scrolled-past posts, often also including an image of Hawkeye in a blue dressing gown and I mention it again because I note that in the dream his gown was blissfully still red (which I guess just means worse is yet to come)!  
I mean! I don’t even know you guys! He’s removing his own arms! which have become prosthetics! so he can give them to others!!! so he can no longer be a surgeon!!!!!!!!!!! because he has no arms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so he can’t do anything to help!!!!!!! and they keep coming anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and the boat!? the limbs floating all around him?!! while he’s in the boat?????!!! and he has no arms!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the young boy in class sequence before that????!!!! 
I don’t even. and then in s9 we got “letters” in which a young boy accuses (rightfully) doctors in Korea of being a part of the war machine, which, again, the show has intimated several times, but to just! Say It!! AND in the aftermath of “heal thyself” -- fucking! madness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he can’t be a surgeon if he has no arms you guys... he can’t do the thing that gives him purpose that’s become a monster because now it’s in service of war, because he’s falling to pieces, and maybe he wants that in some way, wants to be unable -- physically unable -- ,so that he’s relieved of the duty of it, but they’ll keep coming regardless, whether or not he has his arms mind
and is the lake crabapple cove?????????
most of them feel like they’re reaching forwards in time as well as backwards (Potter’s the main outlier, but then, he’s not afraid of the future, he’s seen it all). they’re not just about where they are, they’re where they may go? sometimes in a literal sense (Klinger and Toledo), sometimes more abstract, but quite obvious in its questions/fears (Margaret, BJ, Hawkeye), and then the ones that I’m waiting on, because their potential futures feel less defined/like they may still shift (Mulcahy dressed as a... Cardinal? but unable to divorce himself from the violence he’s seen in favour of personal ambition perhaps? Charles performing surgical tricks with growing desperation as he loses his audience)
this episode feels prophetic... 
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sylvie-brett-two-ts · 2 years
I have some long and rambling thoughts on Chicago Fire and the future of Sylvie and Brettsey:
All summer long I told myself that if they broke up Brettsey, I’d be done watching CF, and would completely disengage with the show. Despite my best efforts and the terrible/illogical way they broke them up, I can’t seem to make myself disengage. While I haven’t seen any of the episodes this season, I’m still watching the clips with Sylvie on Twitter, and still following along with what’s going on. Even though I know deep down that Sylvie’s “maybe someday” and Kara’s “at least for now” (https://www.nbc.com/nbc-insider/chicago-fire-season-11-episode-2-kara-killmer-talks-brett-and-casey) are 99.9% likely just baiting, I can’t help but still hope that they’re endgame.
Something that I can’t stop thinking about is how Sylvie has been pushed to the background again since her breakup, and we can’t reason that it’s because of the actor’s pregnancy like we could last season. So what in the world are they doing with Sylvie? They put out all these articles saying that she had to break up with Matt to focus on herself and her career, but other than the one episode of paramedicine we got (which was used to show she was throwing herself into work to deal with the breakup), Sylvie hasn’t had any career storylines and is being written as a supporting/background character. I’ve seen people on Twitter and Reddit say “it’s an ensemble show, she’s not always gonna have a lot of focus and screen time.” Well, she’s one of the main characters and always has been, so for the most part, yeah she is. Plus her being pushed to the background happened as soon as Jesse left, so it‘s been going on for an entire year now, not just the last few episodes.
In my opinion, there are only two reasons why the show would break up Brettsey. First and most likely, they want to put her with someone else. The writers don’t seem to be capable of writing Sylvie any real storylines that aren’t romantic or at least related to a love interest, except for maybe in her first couple seasons. It seems pretty obvious to me that they only gave her paramedicine as a reason for not leaving with Matt, especially since we’ve only had 2 episodes (10x09 and 11x02) on it since Jesse left. Other than 10x09, the only storylines she’s had since Jesse left were about her and Matt (eps 6, 7, 10, 11, 15, & 22 of S10, and eps 1, 2, & 3 of S11), otherwise she was just a supporting or background character. My best guess is that she’ll stay in the background until they introduce a love interest for her in the 2nd half of the season.
However, the second reason for breaking up Brettsey could be to set up for a dramatic reunion in the future. CF has always broken up their main ships and put them back together. Stellaride, Dawsey, and even Sylvie broke up and got back together with both both Antonio and Kyle. They are so repetitive with their storylines, I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if this was the case. Of course with Jesse not being on the show, a Brettsey reunion likely means Sylvie leaving. I can’t see Kara wanting to leave (I thought she might last season, but it seems unlikely now since she returned), but can’t help but wonder if the show runners might have her written off at the end of the season. They seem to have absolutely no idea what to write for Sylvie anymore and if a love interest isn’t introduced for her after the mid season finale, I’d say the chances are actually pretty high. They wrote off Mills and Otis because “there weren’t any stories left to tell,” and the actors weren’t as highly billed as Kara is. With all the money issues NBC Universal and Wolf Entertainment seem to be having, I can’t imagine them continuing to pay Kara to be in the background. Tbh, they might have wanted to write her out after last season, but knew how bad it would look if they fired an actress while/right after she was pregnant.
Just for fun, I’m going to predict that they’re going to go down the same path as Castle did. They’re gonna write Sylvie off at the end of the season and then end up getting cancelled too. Their last renewal came in February of 2020, I’m so curious to see what happens as we get closer to another renewal decision. A lot of people assume they’ll be renewed because the ratings are still pretty high, but that’s only one part of the equation. Shows tend to get more expensive to make as they get older because actors get raises. It’s pretty clear from the rescue scenes that their budget has dramatically declined and with so many other actors leaving Wolf Entertainment shows, it seems like they might just be trying to stay afloat at this point. Plus with NBC possibly axing their 10pm hour, they’d have 3 shows they’d have to cancel (New Amsterdam is on its last season) to fit the new schedule, and that’s without adding any new shows. I honestly just hope that if it is the last season for CF that they will have notice and be able to wrap things up and give everyone proper closure.
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bullfrogjoy · 9 months
Bullfrog Joy
December 15, 2023
Good Morning! Nine more days till Christmas. Seven more days till family is here. Gonna take a break from Bullfrog Joy to just relax and enjoy. I don’t even need any snow this year. The November snow was enough!!! I am loving this sunshine in December.
Funny joyful story, at least to me. Yesterday was my day to help serve a Christmas lunch at Macomb High School. At first I felt really weird being in the school that is such a rival to my Titans, but it was OK. I didn’t tell anyone! Thought about wearing my Titan sweatshirt but decided that might not be in good taste. Anyway, the project went fine though I spilled a bit of taco meat in my trunk. (easy cleanup because the mat comes out!) After the lunch, I decided I needed a Diet Coke for the drive home. Thought about Casey’s, but I didn’t have my refill cup. Decided on McDonalds. I went inside, saw a sign that said 1.00 and ordered. Then she said, “That will be 1.99.” What??? OK, the sign said buy one, get one for 1.00. I looked at her, decided it was too much to spend on a Coke I probably shouldn’t be drinking any way, and left. She gave me a pretty weird look.
Good for me, right? Well, I drove past Ayrco where the sign advertised 32 oz. drink for a dollar. More my style! I went in…only Pepsi products. Doesn’t matter, I was really thirsty and this was a deal. It tasted sooooo good! Not gonna switch to Pepsi for good, but for a deal, I can do it!
My day ended yesterday with the last two episodes of Joe Pickett on Paramount +. I read the entire book series by C. J. Box last year, at least 20 books. They are so good, easy to read, great stories, great characters. I love Joe Pickett. I even like Nate Romanowski, who often saves Joe’s life, though he doesn’t have as much loyalty to the law as Joe does, and he occasionally rips the bad guy’s ear off. The series is really nothing like the book, but it was still fun. Season number 2 tried to incorporate three books into 10 shows. Joe is pretty much how I pictured him. Nate is so different from the book, but I began to like him a little better. I am ready for the next season!
Pretty selfish joys, huh? I have lots of things to get done in the next few days to be ready for family to show up, but sometimes we just need to “chill” a little bit and take care of ourselves. The things that we need to do will eventually get done, even if I have to stay up a little later. The house will look good, the presents will all be wrapped and the food will get prepared. (the Christmas cards might go out after Christmas…oops!) There are still eight more days.
Let’s just enjoy this season of Christmas. Go see some Christmas lights. Go out for ice cream. Call someone you haven’t talked to in a while. Go for a walk in this wonderful December weather. Jan rode his bike to the farm today. I walked outside. I have a friend who has pledged to walk outside every day in December. If the weather stays like this she will fulfill her pledge!
So my friends, let’s work at being joyful during the next couple of week. Sometimes I am sure it won’t be easy. Other times the laughter will be loud. When I think of Mary and Joseph having a baby outside in a barn, I wonder how they did it. Want to try celebrating Jesus’ birthday outside? So thankful for my home, even if it doesn’t quite meet the white glove inspection.
So slow down a little my friends. Make some lists, cross things off as you get them done.
Jesus is the reason for the season, the reason for the joy. “Joy to the World! All the boys and girls now. Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea. Joy to you and me.” Sing it out!!! I dare you! And “Joy to the world, the Lord is come. Let Earth receive her king!” Merry Christmas! See you next year!
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greg-montgomery · 2 years
Okay so imagine Derek has just left the team and Aaron starts to feel guilty that Derek left for his son and he didn’t do the same for jack.
he and reader have a hateful relationship (them not listing to orders and pissing him off and him punishing them pissing them off) but when it’s just them in the office and they take files to his office and sees him breaking down about how he thinks he’s an awful dad and they just have a really fluffy moment and feeling are revealed
Please don’t feel rushed to do this and I love you Aaron work 😊❤️
aahhh thank you!!
i love me some enemies to lovers <333 this takes place in the episode "tribute".
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
“Why are you staring at Hotch like you’re gonna be our next unsub?”
“Hmm?” you replied to Emily’s question, clearly distracted.
“That’s actually a daily occurrence,” Spencer commented, finally making you take your eyes off Hotch who was in his office.
“Is it now?” Emily asked.
“Oh please, you’re saying that as if he didn’t make me stay here with Penelope during the entire case,” you said.
“Come on, you love her,” JJ said, acting like she didn’t get what you were saying. “And she needed you today.”
“I know and I adore her. But he didn’t make me stay back for that.”
“Not taking any sides here,” Spencer said, lifting his hands up defensively, “but you did disobey his orders more times than I can count in our last cases.”
“It all worked out in the end, didn’t it?” you argued.
“Well yes, but we still need to follow his orders,” Spencer said.
“Come on, we’ve all done it!”
“Yeah,” Spencer sighed. “But you’ve broken everyone’s record.”
“At this point I think you’re just doing it to see Hotch all worked up,” JJ wiggled her eyebrows, elbowing you playfully.
“Shut up,” you said and they all laughed, Emily being the loudest. You could tell she silently wished she could be around all of you again every day.
When all the teasing at your expense ended, Emily left all excitedly to surprise Garcia and you excused yourself to go to Hotch’s office.
“Come in,” he said in his deep voice and you walked in.
“I thought you’d need these,” you said, leaving some files on his desk.
“Yes,” he answered surprised. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
You walked towards the door, but turned back to face him again after a few seconds.
“Hotch, is everything alright?”
“Why are you asking?”
“I don’t know. You just feel different.”
“Feel different?” he asked, confused.
“Yeah…You haven’t even yelled at me and I’ve been in your office for at least two minutes already,” you said.
“You haven’t done anything for me to yell at you,” he replied.
“Okay now I’m actually concerned.”
He laughed, but his laugh was weak. And your heart got so worried. Was he sad about something? And why did you care so much to figure that out?
“I’m fine.”
“Is this about Morgan? We all miss him, it’s okay if you miss him too,” you said, kindly.
“It’s…not exactly that,” he said. “Just forget it.”
“No,” you argued and sat down on the chair in front of his desk. “Tell me.”
He opened his mouth, clearly struggling to find the right words to explain what he was feeling.
“Morgan left for his family…” he started. “He made the choice to walk away from this job to be with them. What have I ever done for Jack? I stayed in this job after a killer took his mother away from him,” he said and his voice broke, breaking your heart with it.
“Hotch…” you said, but he interrupted you.
“What kind of father does that make me?”
��Don’t you dare speak like that about yourself,” you told him without even thinking. “You love Jack. Listen, not everyone has the same path in life. Derek felt that this was the right time for him to leave, so he did. You’ll leave when it feels right for you.”
He stared at you without saying a word, but his eyes were red and so, so sad. All you wanted to do was go close to him and kiss his eyelids. Stop these eyes from being so sad. But you couldn’t, so you tried to comfort him with your words instead. “This job is your calling. Helping people, saving them…I’m sure Jack wants you to be happy and do what you love.”
You allowed yourself to reach out for his hand and you were surprised when he let you hold it so easily.
“Y/N, you-you’re-” he said looking confused.
“What, I’m being too nice?”
“Yeah,” he exhaled with a smile. Now that was a win for you.
“Just because we have our disagreements doesn’t mean I don’t recognize the kind of man you are. And you are a man who loves his son more than anything.”
He smiled at you again. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Just so you know, I’m the only one allowed to get you all upset,” you teased him. “No one else. Not even yourself.”
“Noted,” he laughed.
“Now come on. I think we’re all gonna go out to dinner with Emily,” you said standing up.
“I like it when you’re nice to me,” he told you as he walked behind you towards his door.
“I would be nice to you more often if you didn’t yell at me all the time.”
“I wouldn’t have any reason to yell if you didn’t put yourself in danger every waking moment,” he said exasperated.
You looked up at him frowning before lowering your gaze. 
He moved close enough that you could feel his scent dance around you.
“You love torturing me, don’t you?” he asked.
“Hotch…” you said looking up again and into his eyes.
“Aaron,” he whispered and placed his hand on the left side of your throat, giving you a sweet kiss. He moved his thumb against your jaw softly and you could swear you had at least a thousand butterflies in your stomach.
“Aaron…” you whispered back against his lips, pulling him even closer using his tie.
When you broke your kiss, you let your head fall against his chest and laughed softly, not knowing how to express the happiness you were feeling in that moment.
He held your head close to him and kissed the top of it. “Come on,” he said. “They’ll be waiting for us.
Soon enough you met with the rest of the team.
“Hotch! Y/N! Come on, we’re all going – Oh my God, are you holding hands?” you heard Penelope squeal with joy.
You shyly turned to look at him and you swore you saw Aaron blush. You could hear everyone’s comments but it was hard to focus on anything else but Aaron’s sweet gaze.
“I’m so glad I got to be here today!” Emily laughed, and you grinned moving even closer to Aaron as you walked towards the elevator; your fingers still interwined.
send me aaron thoughts <33
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
awestruck || lee bodecker x modern!reader
based on a request for how lee would react to today's women.
word count: 1.7k
warnings: smut (including oral, m and f receiving, and anal... lots of anal), degradation/praise, reader being a complete hoe for lee bodecker because I know y'all bitches and I know what you're up to, essentially pwp because I refuse to explain how/why lee is in the modern era
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You were very, very different than the women Lee was used to.
With them it had been months of courting and flowers and seduction to get a few minutes of kissing, maybe even some over-the-clothes touching, but if he went too far he got slapped and dumped.
With you it was a swipe right and half an episode of something called "net flicks" and you were straddling him and grinding on him and kissing him like you had never wanted anything so much.
With them, sex was missionary only, every other week only, in bed only, and even when he made them feel good they didn't like to show too much enthusiasm because it was unladylike, apparently.
With you it was things he hadn't even realized were options-- like the very first time, when you were holding onto his knees for balance as you bounced your ass on him, moaning loudly, your pussy gripping him for dear life.
With women back then, sex was a thing women let men have as a begrudging favor, but you begged him for it, sobbed and shook and shivered beneath him, opened your legs for him constantly... he could barely keep up, honestly, but he was more than happy to try. When he couldn't come any more at least he could get you off with his fingers or devour your cunt, and you loved it.
Almost as much, you loved doing things women absolutely did not do in 1966. Only hookers gave blowjobs then, but you got on your knees and sucked him off gladly, getting wet just from his cock down your throat. You even swallowed his come; you even let him paint your face with it and it genuinely blew his mind.
He was totally in awe of you. You weren't just the woman of his dreams, you were beyond that: never in a million years could he have dreamed up a girl like you. Even further, he never would've thought he'd actually get to call you his girl.
"Yours, yours, all yours," you chanted as he pounded you into the mattress.
"Yeah you are," he agreed, "my fuckin whore, huh? My pretty fucktoy?"
"Yes," you sobbed, and he loved how much you loved being called rude things like that. "Whatever you want..."
"But it's not about what I want, is it?" he grinned. "It's about how you want to be used, all the filthy things you want me to do to you, ain't that right?"
You whined a little but nodded.
"So tell me what you want," he prompted.
"I want... I want you to take my ass," you admitted suddenly, biting your lip a bit as he stopped moving to stare down at you in shock.
"You— I— what?" he stammered.
"You... you don't have to, if you don't want—“
"Oh, I want," he cut you off to assure, "I wanna give you anything you ask for. I just... I didn't even know... How long have you been thinkin' about this?"
"Ever since the first time you fucked me," you admitted, making him choke on his gasp. "Remember, how I rode you and you kept staring at my ass? I kept hoping you'd hold me down and put your thumb in it while you fucked me..."
"Oh Christ," he groaned, "so that's how it is then? You're tryna kill me?"
You giggled, and he pulled out to roll you onto your back, kissing you suddenly.
"You're too fuckin good to be true," he sighed against your lips. You laughed and hugged him closer, wrapping your arms around his neck.
"I'm really nothing special," you denied with a smirk as he kissed his way to your neck, "a lot of girls will do that nowadays."
"It's not that you're willing to do it, honey, it's that you want it so bad," he explained in a whisper right against your ear. "I don't need half the stuff you do, I'd be happy with wholesome lovemaking three times a week. What's so amazing is that you want more... and for some goddamn reason you want it from me."
He kissed you again, a little slower but a lot harder, until he pulled back just enough to growl: "Turn over."
You happily flipped onto your stomach, arching your back to wiggle your butt out towards him.
"Quit actin' so desperate," he scolded with a hard spank that made you groan. "You're a hell of a woman but you sure as hell ain't no lady."
"You like it," you pointed out with a grin.
"Well, that's beside the point," he smirked back as he reached down to circle your tight rim with his finger. You reached up to your bedside drawer, from which a bottle of lube appeared in your hand that you passed back to him. "Now what's a sweet girl like you doing with this in her bedside drawer, huh?" he mocked, popping the cap to apply some to his fingers. "I see, you've got all sorts of guys coming over to fuck you in the ass, I'm just one of your hookups."
"No, just you," you sighed as he started to slide his lubed up finger over your hole. "I just want you, Lee, I swear."
"Hey, you're a modern woman, it would be too much to expect you to be a devil in the sheets and strictly monogamous..."
"Lee, baby, it's just you, haven't even thought about anybody else since I met you— fuck!" you gasped, interrupting yourself as he pushed one finger in.
"Just relax honey," he instructed, "if you can't take a finger I won't put my cock in you."
"No, please, need it," you whined. "I'll be good, please..."
He smiled and pushed the second finger in, slowly twisting within you and starting to stretch you out.
"More," you whispered, almost too quiet to hear but he heard you and quickly added a third finger which made you tense up at first before relaxing again.
He was entranced by watching your body open up for him, amazed at how well you were adjusting and how clearly your noises indicated enjoyment. He wouldn't have agreed to this if he didn't think you'd like it, and he had fully prepared himself for you to change your mind, but here you were... looking like you were having an even better time than he was.
"Please, I'm ready, I want it," you begged.
"No, baby, you need a little more," he assured, pushing his fingers deeper to be sure you'd be able to take him.
"Please please pleeeaaasse, I need your cock in me, I need you to fuck my ass—!"
He cut you off with another spank, pulling his fingers out of you to slather his cock with some lube and line it up with your hole. "You're sure?" he hissed.
You nodded eagerly and he barely moved his hips forward, just enough to start to slide his head into you, and you both let out a deep noise of pleasure together. But he didn't slow down until he met the end of you, one long smooth stroke into your waiting body until his hips met yours and he thought he might lose it right then and there.
"Oh my god," he sighed, "your ass is... so fuckin' tight..."
He started to move a little faster, pinning you down as you gasped and moaned so beautifully.
"Won't be by the time I'm done with it," he promised through his teeth, picking up his pace once again as you clutched at the sheets beneath you— yet your back arched to push your hips up towards him, so it was obvious you loved it. "That's whatcha want, sweetheart? For me to stretch out your ass?"
"Please," you whimpered.
"God, you're good, you're so good," he hissed, his hips slapping into your soft flesh loudly now, his rough hands pinning your shoulders down. “Too fuckin’ good…”
Your moans sounded different than usual— deeper, needier, desperate in a way he very much understood as he tried to hold himself back from fucking you too hard. It was difficult to pick where to look since every part of you looked so beautiful like this but he went ahead and settled his gaze on your face, the breathless moan you were perpetually caught in as your eyes fell shut and your mouth was open slack.
You chanted his name in a hoarse whisper as he fucked you harder, one more reminder to both of you that it was his body filling yours, his cock penetrating you in such a taboo way.
"I'm— I'm gonna come," you stammered, causing his brain to short circuit for a moment.
"You... you're gonna come, from this? Just this?" he realized.
You nodded, and he really had to hold back to not fill you instantly at the thought of you coming from anal alone. He understood now how he had suddenly appeared in this strange time, with no idea how or why; he must have died and gone to a very fucked up heaven.
“Go ahead and come then,” he instructed darkly. “Wanna see you come for me.”
He could all but see the shiver run up your spine, your upper teeth digging into your lip as you whimpered louder and louder— and it was a bit harder than normal to tell by the feel of you that you were coming, but the noises you made were incontrovertibly those of a woman thrown into pleasure. Your eyes rolled back, your moans exhausted and weak, and he couldn’t take it anymore: with a grunt of his own, he filled your insides with his spend, barely managing to hold his weight up so he wouldn’t crush you.
You hummed, wiggling a little under him as you caught your breath, and it was almost too much on his sensitive, softening cock.
“That was… you are…” he started over a few times, not even sure what to say.
“I’m gonna take a shower,” you announced as you sat up and gave him a quick kiss. “Join me later?”
“O-okay,” he mumbled, watching you dash to the bathroom as he fell back onto the bed and contemplated the wonderful insanity his life had become with you in it. Maybe the future really is bright after all...
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Smitten - Tom Hiddleston x Curvy Reader
Filming sex scenes wasn’t the easiest task. There are weird nude undergarments or socks or tape or sometimes just a nude co-star…With Tom, though? There were nerves and feelings and a deep down hope that he couldn’t tell that you were incredibly turned on as he mimed fucking you twelve ways to Sunday.
“Cut! That’s a wrap on today. Great work guys!” the director called.
Tom collapsed onto your chest, laughing as the tension left his body. “These never get easier.”
“I don’t know” you teased, playing with his hair as everyone left the set so you two could leave the bed with some of your dignity. “It’s a lot easier with you.”
Tom held himself up on his elbows. “Don’t tell me your past romantic co-stars have been less than gentlemanly.”
“Not all of them.” You shrugged. Being a ‘larger than the Hollywood standard’ actress had put you in some…not very flattering roles in the start of your career. Sure, now you were the romantic lead with a conventionally attractive male actor, but lets just say you’ve dealt with a lot to get here.
“Well, I hope you know you deserved better.” Tom kissed the back of one of your hands, rolling off of you.
“Coming from you, I may actually believe it.” You laughed, gathering the sheet around you as you left the bed, grabbed your robe, and started walking towards your trailer.
The two of you filmed the movie…Where you’d usually fall asleep in one of your two trailers watching other movies…
The two of you attended interviews…Where Tom would almost always defer to you and even stuck up for you when a few interviewers were borderline sexist or would comment on your appearance…
The two of you even walked a few red carpets together…Tom’s hand always placed at your middle or  on your hip or in one of your hands...
He invited you out to eat with him before or after any shindig the two of you went to…
He’d walk you to your hotel rooms with kisses left on your cheeks…
He’d even tried to convince you to spend the week before the premiere in London with him…
In your mind, Tom was just too nice. He was nice to everybody. It all seemed very friendly…Until…
You hadn’t been watching the interviews as they’d been posted. Some interviews you did together with Tom and others you’d been split up and put with other actors from the movie.
Your phone pinged…
*best friend* - HAVE YOU SEEN TOM ON FALLON?!?
Before you could reply, your phone started blowing up.
You scrolled through the texts until you saw Tom’s
Tom – Darling, I hope you know how much you mean to me. Regardless of what your answer is, I’d never want to lose your friendship. It’s not every day you get to work with one so incredibly kind and thoughtful and talented and beautiful and…every moment I’ve spent with you has been a privilege. Please put me out of my misery and let me know you’ll at least let me see you again.
“What the fuck?” you asked yourself, opening your laptop and googling “Tom Hiddleston and Jimmy Fallon”
You saw that the Fallon YouTube channel had just posted Tom’s segment of tonight’s episode…
“How are you doing, buddy?” Fallon asked, pulling Tom into a tight hug.
“I’m doing incredibly well at the moment, actually.” Tom answered, sharing that the movie you two had filmed together had done extremely well on its opening weekend just a few days earlier.
“I know! It was amazing. I’ve seen it twice!” Fallon replied, always enthusiastic.
“I’m so glad you liked it. Y/n is incredible, right?” Tom turned to the audience, loving that they cheered when he brought you up.
“Oh my god, you two are so good together. I kind of thought maybe you two were…you know…” Fallon waggled his eyebrows suggestively.
Tom threw his head back laughing, fidgeting with his tie and avoiding looking into the audience.
“Come on, you can’t tell me you two don’t have SOME sort of real chemistry. I saw the movie.” Fallon gave Tom a look like *Don’t lie*
“Well, perhaps we’re just incredible actors and you’re simply complimenting our craft.” Tom shrugged, trying to look anywhere but at Jimmy.
“Well, yes. The acting in the movie is amazing, but I don’t think that accounts for this.” Jimmy turned and pointed to the screen. It was a series of clips pulled from Tom’s interviews where all he did was gush about you.
“I missed being home, but it’s hard for anyone to stay upset when they’re around Y/n. She just lifts the mood in any room she’s in. You could say she makes anywhere feel a bit like home.” Tom had answered when a woman asked him if it was hard being on site away from home for 5 months.
When another interviewer asked Tom what his favorite line in the movie was, he answered, quoting one of your lines. “When she delivered it for the first time, it kind of took my breath away. I felt very unprofessional. I had to apologize and ask to start over. I couldn’t remember what I was supposed to say next. She tends to have that effect on me.” Tom laughed, a slight blush on his cheeks.
The final clip was one of an interviewer simply asking Tom how his day had gone. “I feel all out of sorts, if I’m being honest. Y/n isn’t here today because she woke up not feeling the best and with Covid still being an issue, she didn’t want to risk getting anyone else sick.” Tom answered with a sad smile on his face. When the interviewer shared that they hoped you would be okay and feel better soon, Tom answered with “I’ll make sure to pass on your sentiments when I bring her food later on.”
“COME ON!” Fallon laughed, throwing his arms up.
“I know, I know. I’m not very good at hiding how I feel, I guess.” Tom admitted, leaning back against the couch and laying his arm across the top. The crowd went wild.
“So, you admit it! Are you two together?!” Fallon asked, sitting on the edge of his seat.
“Unfortunately, not.” Tom answered, ducking his head as his cheeks flushed.
“Why?!” Jimmy asked. “You’re clearly smitten!”
“Hey, it’s not my fault!” Tom rebutted, looking to the audience for support. “I’ve tried!”
“Aww, now I feel bad for bringing it up.” Fallon chuckled and looked at the audience as they collectively ‘aww’ed. “How could anyone turn down this?!” He gestured towards Tom as the audience cheered.
“Well, if I’m to be completely honest I guess I haven’t actually TOLD her how I feel.” Tom confessed.
“Wait, what do you mean?” Jimmy paused.
“Well, I thought she’d catch on. I assume she has.” Tom laughed, fidgeting in his seat. “I’m pretty sure everyone else that knows the two of us can tell I’ve fallen completely head over heels for her.”
“Tom, Tom, Tom.” Jimmy shook his head.
“What?” Tom asked, nervous about what the answer would be.
“I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but I think you may just be horrible at flirting.” Fallon said with a straight face, the audience busting up laughing after.
“Do you think?” Tom replied, eyes gone wide in exaggerated surprise.
“I mean, I think you’re just so nice.” Jimmy laughed, trying to stay serious…“that everyone thinks you’re flirting with them…Which means, when you’re trying to flirt it just blends in.”  
“Well, how would you suggest I stand out then?” Tom asked, putting his elbow on his knee and leaning his chin on his fist like he was really paying attention.
“I mean…” Fallon slowly pointed towards the camera. “You gotta shoot your shot, right?”
The audience went wild at the suggestion. “Oh, dear.”
“I can scrap this and we can just talk about the movie.” Jimmy offered, making sure Tom knew that none of this had to go on the air.
“I mean, if it’s truly that obvious to everyone what have I got to lose, right?” Tom answered.
“That’s what we like to hear!” Jimmy cheered with the audience.
“Well…Y/n.” Tom paused, a soft smile on his face. “I don’t quite know where to start. I feel as though I may have been remiss by not just telling you how I feel. The consequence of such is that now I’m doing it in front of all of these people *gestures to the audience*…and I’m sure you’re laughing at how red I’ve gone and how flustered I am so I’m going to get to the point. Darling, you’re an incredible woman. I could list a million reasons why, but hopefully later you’ll give me the time to tell you them in person. What I really want to tell you now is that you make me happy. You inspire me. You make me want to be the best version of myself and you even make me believe I can achieve it. I’d be honored if you’d give me a chance.”
Fallon had tears in his eyes and most of the audience did, as well. “I…That was so beautiful. I think we need to go to a commercial break.” He was all choked up and stood to give Tom a hug.
You pulled up Tom’s text, your fingers hovering over the keyboard. “Are you still in New York?” you text him. The two of you were there for interviews. You were even staying in the same hotel.
“I am.” He text back, but the ‘typing’ bubble stayed. “Did you watch it?”
“I did.” You answered. “Come over?”
You saw the ‘typing’ bubble pop up and then disappear a few times. Instead of a text, you heard a knock at your hotel door.
“So?” Tom asked when you opened the door. He looked nervous, a look you didn’t often see from him. He had his glasses on and his hair was an adorable mess. He was even already dressed in his night clothes.
You didn’t answer. Instead, you stepped forward and placed your hands on each side of his face, pulling his lips gently to yours. He quickly reciprocated, his hands finding your hips as he walked you backwards into your hotel room.
“And to think, I could have been doing that for a whole year already.” You teased him, connecting your lips again.
“Don’t worry, my sweet.” Tom answered, pressing kisses across your cheek and down your neck. His lips paused at the shell of your ear and his voice dropped. “It just means we’ve got a lot of catching up to do.”
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mousepsychologist · 3 years
With Aaron
Summary: Reader avoids Hotch after getting cleared for sex following a kidnapping incident because she is self-conscious about the scars left behind.
Pairing: soft!hotch X Female Reader
Content/warnings: 18+ (Minors DNI): Language, brief mentions of torture (similar to an episode of CM), brief mentions of knives and blood (as a means or result of aforementioned torture), mentions and descriptions of scars, insecurities, sexual content, oral sex: female receiving, fingering, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, praise, use of pet names and some fluff.
If I am missing anything please let me know!
Word count: 3,956
A/N: Submission for the @hotchafterhours Smutty One Shot Challenge. Also, this is the first fanfic I have ever written, so if it is super rough to read...my sincerest of apologies, and feel free to pretend this does not exist😅😂
Sex with Aaron…
That is all you ever think about. You are absolutely consumed with the idea of being with Aaron.
You love sex with Aaron. You’ve been having sex with Aaron almost everyday for two years now and holy shit...it is the best sex you’ve ever had. It is so good that even when you shouldn’t be thinking about it...you definitely are.
When you innocently watch him twirl a pen between his thumb, pointer and middle fingers while thinking, all you can think about is how those long, thick fingers feel inside of you. Or, when you watch him sip his coffee, all you can think about is how those soft lips feel sucking and nipping at your bare skin.
However, anything he does, innocent or not, it always gets you going. So, you can’t fully blame him. But, you know Aaron, and some days you are sure he intentionally tries to get you squirming...even at work.
Everyone knows he is Mr. Professional and you think just the same but you also know that you are his achilles heel. So, if and when he wants to play games, well...you can be his checkmate.
You will rock a deep v-neck blouse that gives him the perfect view of your cleavage or a tight pencil dress that accentuates your ass because you know it will cause his face to falter or his breathing patterns to become erratic.
The two of you are the King and Queen of the sexual chess board. He knows how to move in ways that make you scream out in pleasure while you know how to sacrifice your pawns so he can seize control of the bedroom.
And as much as you love thinking about sex with Aaron or actually having sex with Aaron, you are able to sometimes keep your sexual thoughts at bay.
However, when you aren’t thinking about sex with Aaron, you are thinking about cuddling with Aaron, watching TV with Aaron, going on dates with Aaron, cooking with Aaron, laughing until you’re crying with Aaron and everything else in-between. Anything and everything that the two of you could possibly do together is always what you’re thinking about.
Your relationship with Aaron has never been just about sex. However, sex with Aaron has always been a sacred thing between the two of you. He treats your body like a temple. Not just any temple though...rather a temple he seems to have built himself.
He knows your body better than you do and how to make you feel like putty.
He knows how to interpret your moans as well as assess your temperament and determine whether you want to have playful or rough sex or, just softer, lazier sex.
And up until now, sex with Aaron has never been something you were nervous or self-conscious about.
Everything changed following your kidnapping two months ago where an unsub managed to hold you hostage for a week.
It was the worst week of your life. It was a long week that consisted of beatings, cigarette burns and knives being dragged up and down your body.
***Two Months Ago***
When the team came bursting into the basement you were being held in, you looked like a bruised, bloodied, mangled mess. You are hunched over and tied to a chair with your clothes barely hanging on by a thread. Your body is littered with both long and short knife marks, small and large bruises, and multiple cigarette burns.
As your team stormed the area, you were so disoriented that you didn’t even comprehend what was happening around you.
A large, calloused hand gently touches your shoulder. You flinch and the hand immediately retracts itself.
“Y/N...” he pauses. “Y/N… it’s me. It's Aaron.” His voice is so quiet, calm, and soothing.
You immediately relax. You have never been more relieved in your life. You blink a few times and your vision unblurs to see an unfamiliar Aaron.
He is so panicked and scared. You are sure you’ve never seen him this scared. He is also tired. So so tired. You are positive he hasn’t slept since you’ve gone missing.
He slowly places his hand back on your shoulder once he realizes that you know it's him. You're slightly shaking and exceptionally weak.
“Sweetheart, I need to carry you to the ambulance. Is that okay?”
You nod and go to straighten up but immediately wince and whimper in pain.
“Y/N, no, don’t move. I’ve got you”.
To pick you up he gently places an arm under your knees and another behind your back. It hurts but you find solace in his touch and the faint smell of his cologne. You bury your face deep into his chest and feel your tears surface as you start to sniffle.
Aaron immediately notices and places a gentle kiss to the top of your head.
“Y/N, it's okay. I’ve got you.”
You press yourself further into him and grasp firmly at his shirt. Your tears start to come faster. “Please don’t leave me Aar. Please don’t go anywhere. I’m scared and I don’t want to be alone again.”
“Oh Love...it’s okay. You’re not alone. I am not going anywhere. I am right here. You have me. Always. I want you to forget everything and everyone else but me.”
You feel his grip on you tighten as you go unconscious.
That's the last thing you remember until you wake up in the hospital two days later.
***Present Day***
It has been 53 days since you have had sex with Aaron. But today is the day you are supposed to receive medical clearance from your doctor.
Up until this morning, all you wanted was to have sex with Aaron. Because of your doctor’s orders, Aaron wouldn’t give in to sex until you were cleared. You were totally okay with following the doctor’s orders but Aaron and you had decided that it was just best to not do anything remotely sexual until you were cleared.
So...for the last 53 days, the most the two of you have done is kissed and cuddled. No question about it, the two of you love to kiss and cuddle but...you also love to do SO...MUCH...MORE.
You understood where Aaron is coming from. He just wants you safe and healthy.
You, on the other hand, want so badly to be fucked by your boyfriend.
So, it’s safe to say that you are so excited to get cleared. You know Aaron is excited too... though he won’t admit it.
You have tried multiple times to get him off but it's never worked. You want to do it for him, but you selfishly need to have his large, veiny, cock deep in your throat. You want to taste him, to make him feel how he always makes you feel. You also miss the way his hips buck towards you causing you to choke on his pulsating dick.
But he never budged. And since he never did, this also meant that the two of you haven't seen each other naked in the last 53 days.
You miss his cock just as much as you miss his mouth sucking on your clit or having his hands pinch your nipples, but by waiting, you know that the first time back to having sex with Aaron will be worth the wait. As Aaron said it quite clearly one day, “Pretty girl, I’m going to make you cum so much that you won’t even be able to think straight. I may have to make you cum for every day you haven’t been able to.” He said this with a smirk and a wink, but you’re pretty sure he is not kidding.
...And damn it, you are so ready for it.
You wake up the morning of your appointment, and head to the bathroom to shower and get ready. This is what you’ve been waiting for. You are so excited to finally have sex with Aaron tonight. You take a little longer in the shower to prepare yourself. Using extra exfoliator, moisturizer and your more expensive shampoo and conditioner.
It isn’t until you step out of the shower and catch a glimpse of your naked body that your anxiety flares with a vengeance. Sure, a lot of the cuts and burns have healed and the bruises are long gone but there are still some scars that are still blatantly noticeable. They look so ugly, red and puffy.
The panic sets in at the thought of Aaron seeing you tonight. You feel the pressure of how tonight is supposed to go. You know Aaron loves you no matter what but that doesn’t silence the voices telling you otherwise.
A knock at the door pulls you from your self-deprecating thoughts. “Honey, are you almost ready?”
“Umm, ya. Just a sec.”
You quickly put your clothes on but your eyes never leave the mirror that is reflecting your damaged body. You exit your bathroom and head to the kitchen where Aaron is pouring two cups of coffee.
“Morning gorgeous.” You cringe at the name which you are sure he notices but he doesn’t acknowledge it and continues on. “You sure you don’t want me to come with you to your appointment?”
“No, it's okay. It shouldn’t take too long anyways.”
“Alright, my love. I will see you at work then.”
He walks up to you and kisses you gently. His hands lay on your hips and slowly take the ends of your sweater in them. You begin to feel his hands touch the skin just above your waistline and immediately grab both of them and pull away. He gives you a questioning look but before he can say anything you beat him to it.
“Babe, I really have to go. I don’t want to be late.” You place your hand on his cheek and give him a quick kiss on the lips. “I love you and I’ll see you later.”
You turn and walk out missing the clearly puzzled look on Aaron’s face.
You arrive at work a few hours later cleared to have sex again. And though you want to be excited, you aren't. You are so in your head that you don’t know what to do.
You know you can’t avoid Aaron so you walk into his office to tell him the “good” news.
Aaron hears you walk in and close the door. He quickly walks to you and kisses you before asking about the appointment. You inform him that you’re cleared and you panic more as you see the excitement spread across his face.
He cups one hand on your cheek while the other lays on your hip. He slowly starts to kiss you again. You love the taste of him. You can taste the coffee from this morning as his tongue makes its way into my mouth. Your hands go to his neck and begin tugging at his hair.
Aaron loves when you tug at his hair so you are not surprised when it elicits a few moans from him. And anytime a moan leaves those beautiful lips of his, it always runs straight to your core. You can feel your panties dampen as he sucks on your bottom lip and squeezes your hips.
You are so lost in this kiss and it’s the first time all day that you aren’t drowning in your thoughts.
You are in the moment and it's amazing.
The hand cupping your cheek moves to mimic his other hand squeezing your hip. You don’t even feel his thumbs rubbing the skin above your waistline and dipping under the top portion of your thong. You are so focused on rubbing your hands along his ribcage and chest. You love feeling his chest and tummy.
Aaron starts kissing down your jawline causing you to tilt your head back in pleasure. You can feel his soft lips dance their way down your neck. It's the stark contrast of his rough, calloused fingertips sliding up both sides of your ribcage that snaps you back to reality.
You quickly step away and readjust your blouse.
“Woah Y/N.” He gently grabs your wrists. “What is going on? What's wrong?” He asks with pleading puppy dog eyes.
“Nothing is wrong Aar. It’s just that we're at work with people around.”
“Okay, but that hasn’t stopped us in the past.” A slight smirk appears on his face.
“I know, but I would rather wait until we are home. Why don’t you come over to my place after work?” Hopefully being in the comfort of your own apartment will calm your nerves.
“I’d love to. I’ll meet you there as soon as I can.” He moves both hands to your cheeks and places a delicate kiss on your forehead.
“Sounds good. I just have a few more reports to finish before I head out.” You say as you head towards his office door.
“Alright, sweetheart. I’m looking forward to it!”
You can see the excitement on his face and hear the sweetness in his voice as you exit his office. The nerves fluttering in your stomach almost make you nauseous but you have to ignore your thoughts so you can focus on the remainder of the work day.
You are home for 30 minutes when Aaron finally enters your apartment. You're sitting on the bed, leaning up against the headboard with your knees tucked to your chest when you see Aaron’s broad shoulders lean against your door frame. You know you can’t keep up the facade any longer.
“Alright, Y/N. What's wrong? Something is clearly off with you. You’ve been distant all day today. If I did something wrong, please just tell me so I can fix it.”
The sincerity in his voice is almost too hard to handle. You can feel your eyes start to fill with tears but you don’t cry. You tilt your head down and stare at your fidgeting hands.
“It’s so bad, Aar.” As soon as those words left your mouth you knew that was the worst possible way to phrase the sentence.
Aaron immediately walks to the bed and sits cross-legged in front of you. The panic is evident in his eyes.
He grabs your wrists to move your arms up and begins touching along your stomach. His eyes are moving all over your body like a ball in a pinball machine.
He’s searching for an injury.
“What hurts Y/N? Let me see, please! I want to help fix it.” He’s so scared. You immediately feel guilty about how fast your words send him into panic mode but it's this caring nature that reassures you that Aaron loves you no matter what.
It's what finally gives you the strength to tell him how you feel.
“Nothing hurts, babe. I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to phrase it that way.” His face slowly begins to soften.
“Then what is it? I know something is wrong.”
“My scars, Aar. They are so bad. They are way redder and puffier than I thought they’d be at this point.” Your eyes are focused on your bedspread. Quite obviously avoiding the gorgeous ones you can feel piercing into you. “My entire torso is hideous...I just don’t want you to see it.”
“Oh, sweetheart.” His hands come up to cup both of your cheeks.
You cut him off before he can continue. You need to tell him the whole truth.
“I know it’s dumb but I have this fucking voice in my head telling me that you are going to be bothered by them and less attracted to me. Which I wouldn’t blame you because I am already thinking the same thing about myself.”
“Please, Y/N. Please don’t ever think that I would ever find you unattractive for any reason. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I love everything there is about you and nothing could ever change that.” He says this reassuringly while placing a gentle kiss on your forehead.
You can feel your anxiety slowly dissipate. “I know you do. I have just been so nervous thinking about you seeing them for the first time tonight. Plus, we’ve been talking about having sex so much once I got cleared and I didn’t want to ruin it.”
“Y/N.” He says with such conviction that you force yourself to look into his eyes. “I need you to know that we do not need to have sex tonight, tomorrow night or anytime soon.” His hands are now gently rubbing up and down your arms from your shoulders to elbows. “We will go at whatever pace you’re comfortable with. And that will always be the case.” He pauses and lightly squeezes your arms. “Whether following an injury or not, okay.”
“I know, Aar. And you don’t know how appreciative I am of that and how happy I am to have someone as caring and supportive as you in my life.” You gently grab his face and place a tender kiss on his lips.
The love you feel for Aaron is all consuming. He has managed in a matter of minutes to dilute your anxiety to almost nothing. Now, all you feel is this intense rush of passion for the love of your life.
The kiss starts to develop into something much more needy. You both are fighting for dominance but you quickly relent and let his tongue invade your mouth. His large hands make their way to your hair where they lightly tug and pull.
Your hands are now on his shoulders pulling him on top of you while simultaneously working to unbutton his dress shirt.
You feel him hesitate and look down at you. “Y/N, are you sure?”. His eyes have never looked so intently at you.
“Yes, I am sure.”
That’s enough for him to abruptly continue kissing you. Your eyes are now closed as you lose yourself once again in an unforgettable kiss with Aaron Hotchner.
You are obsessed with how he tastes and you continue to feel yourself relax as you breathe in his pine scented cologne. The smell has and always will make you feel at home.
Aaron slowly removes your top and stops all of his movements which leads you to opening your own eyes.
You see him staring at your stomach which brings all of your insecurities to the forefront.
You feel yourself moving to cover your stomach when Aaron catches them and pushes each to the side.
“You are so beautiful Y/N. I can’t believe I get to have someone as beautiful, kind, intelligent, and courageous as you in my life. So please don’t ever try to hide yourself from me.”
The genuineness exuding from him is enough to melt all your anxieties. You know that you want him no matter what.
“Thank you, Aar. I love you so much and I don’t know what I did to deserve a man like you.”
“I love you too, sweet girl.”
His soft lips return to you. He slowly makes his way nipping and sucking at the skin from your neck to your breast. He begins to suck on your nipple while massaging the other with his large hand. His teeth graze over your nipple causing a ripple effect down your spine.
You love feeling his warm breath and wet tongue move across your already hard bud. Aaron tends to your other breast with his mouth before moving down your torso.
He begins to gently kiss each of your scars. You feel your stomach nervously tighten.
Aaron, as always, senses how your body briefly tenses.
“It’s okay, Love. I am right here with you. I want you to forget everything and everyone else but me.”
You feel your body relax. “I am okay, I promise. Please Aaron.” You beg with a quiet whimper. “I need you.”
His lips continue moving down to where you need him most as he removes your pants and thong. No matter your insecurities, you always seem to be needy for all things Aaron. So it's no surprise that you are already wet from only being kissed by him.
Aaron’s tongue moves further down so he can tease your clit. The action causes you to squirm beneath him. As much as you love his mouth on you and feeling him lick and suck on your clit, you need more.
“Aar, please…” you moan and arch your back off the bed.
“What do you want Y/N? Tell me and I will make it happen.” He responds while inserting two fingers into you.
He is curling his finger inside of you while continuing to suck on your clit. Your breathing has increased significantly along with your moans.
“Aaron…please. Please I need you inside of me.”
In an instant he grabs your legs and pulls you towards him. Once your legs are wrapped tightly around his waist, he pulls his already hard cock out of his boxers and begins to line it up with your core. He teases your entrance with his tip before he finally thrusts into you.
He fills you so well as he thrusts in and out. You can feel yourself climb towards your release with every thrust.
“Fuck, Y/N. You feel so good.” His pace quickens and becomes a little harder but he holds you like you are the most precious thing to walk the earth.
“I’m so close, Aar.”
“I know, baby. Let go, I’ve got you.”
That’s all you need to fall apart. Your body tenses before spasming uncontrollably. Your back is arched as Aaron continues to thrust into you to help ride out your high. It doesn’t take much longer for him to find his release as well.
You both try to ride out your highs as long as possible. The two of you are breathing heavily and a slight layer of sweat is now covering your bodies.
You gently begin dragging your nails up and down Aaron’s back as he is still laying on top of you. While still trying to come back to earth, he pulls out of you and rolls over to your side.
You miss the feeling of having him inside of you when he rolls over but the emptiness is quickly replaced as his arm is draped across your waist and is used to pull you to him. You are now laying more on him than the bed with your head nestled on his chest.
Aaron presses gentle kisses to the top of your head. “You okay, Y/N?”
“I’m perfect.” You are so at peace laying on his chest listening to his steady heartbeat.
Aaron is rolling the ends of your hair between his fingers as you continue to cuddle into him. “Okay, good. Are you sure that wasn’t too much this time?”
“It was perfect. I promise I would tell you if I wasn’t okay.”
“Alright, I just want you to be happy and comfortable no matter what.”
“I know, Love and I love you so much for that. You always make me feel amazing, especially when it comes to sex.” You giggle as you sit up to place a gentle kiss on his nose.
“Well, I am glad you enjoy it because I owe you 52 more when you're ready.” A devilish smirk is now plastered on his face.
“52 what?” Your puzzled look causes him to laugh.
“Orgasms, pretty girl.”
“52 orgasms!” Your eyes damn near pop out of your skull.
“Oh yes, 52...and not one less.”
And in this moment, well...all you can think about is 52 perfect orgasms with Aaron.
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fireflykaizoku · 3 years
Heya! I know you’ve done 3 soulmate fics now, but with the sort of angsty feel with Mimi-ya’s request I was wondering if a Katakuri x reader, in regards to the age difference he had given up hope that it was even possible for him to have happiness outside of his family, would make for a good read and also possibly dangerous for reader to come face to face with Big Mom and all those siblings! Thank you x
Hii! i'm sorry i took long to finish it, but i kept watching OP and reading more about Katakuri, since it's my first time writing for him. Since i'm still on episode 850, i was afraid it'd be a bit ooc. If it is, i'm so sorry! my writing for Katakuri will improve as i finish the arc. I hope you like it anyway, it was fun to write it ❤
Your family was rich and well-known around the Grand Line. Being the only daughter, they were trying to find a husband for you, a political marriage that could be good for both families, especially yours. They had a list of potential husbands, but you didn’t bother checking it since you were too focused on your birthday party. It was a small party, just with close friends and family, but you wanted everything to be perfect.
And it was. You had so much fun around people you loved, it was hard to fall asleep after that; you were genuinely happy.
Before opening your eyes, you could already feel the sweet smell, something like candy, donuts or cake. Thinking it was maybe a belated birthday breakfast, you opened your eyes and was ready to jump out of the bed when you realized the bedroom was completely different from yours. And as soon as you looked down, you realized that body definitely wasn’t yours. The toned chest, tattoos and the scarf around your neck weren’t yours.
You could only feel happiness and relief, you were glad you already switched bodies with your soulmate. Who knew it’d be that fast? But you wanted to see more of him, so you got up and started looking for a mirror in his room. The reflection surprised you at first, not being the kind of soulmate you expected to have. He had tattoos, crimson hair, and apparently was very tall. In fact, he was huge. When you put the scarf down a little, you noticed he had scars, and you assumed that’s why he covered his mouth. He also had fangs, which you thought were extremely charming. He wasn’t ugly, in fact, he was far from that. He was very handsome. Intimidating, of course. But very handsome.
Looking around, you found a vest, and on the back, you noticed “Charlotte” written on it.
— Charlotte? — you whispered to yourself, thinking you’ve seen that name somewhere until you finally realized after a couple of minutes.
— He’s one of Big Mom’s son!
You remember when your parents were trying to find a husband for you, his name came up a couple of times. It was probably Charlotte Katakuri. You’ve never seen any pictures of him, but you knew he was a very strong and powerful man.
After a couple of minutes just looking at his figure in the mirror, admiring his traits, a knock on the door brought you back to reality.
— Katakuri-sama, it’s almost time for Big Mom’s tea party. — someone said, outside the room before leaving right away.
You heard about the famous Tea Parties, but you didn’t even know how to behave. You knew there would be so many people, powerful people, and some probably well known as well, so you couldn’t take the risk of things going wrong.
You couldn’t describe the relief you felt when you noticed a den den mushi in the corner of the room. Perfect! You’d call him, explain everything and hopefully he’d be there just in time for the party.
It took a couple of minutes, but finally someone answered. You got quiet for a moment, not knowing what to say.
— Charlotte Katakuri? — you asked, a bit nervous.
— It’s me. I assume you’re (L/N) (F/N)? — you hummed in response. — I see you’re my soulmate and we switched bodies.
— Yes, and you have a Tea Party to attend today. Do you think we can switch back before then?
— Unfortunately, no. Your island is quite far from the Whole Cake Island. Can you go instead? You’ll just have to sit without saying anything. It won’t last too long, and when it’s over you go straight to your room.
— But what if… I need to fight? I don’t know how to… — he interrupted you.
— Don’t worry, it shouldn’t have an attack. But if anything happens, look for Brûlée and explain everything. I’ll be there before the sunrise, and we’ll be able to switch back, hopefully.
He seemed so calm even in a situation like this. But following his advice, you went to the party. It was fun and there was delicious food everywhere, but you couldn’t disrespect your soulmate and remove the scarf off. Maybe when you switch back you can ask Katakuri to let you eat a few.
You started sweating whenever Big Mom or any of his kids got near you, trying to talk. So to avoid raising any suspicions, you just nodded the whole time. And whenever you heard a fuss, your soul felt like it’d leave your body, worried it’d be a confront. If you had to fight today, acting like Katakuri, you wouldn’t know what to do.
You were hungry, but too shy to ask for anything. As if someone heard your thoughts, a few small men knocked on your door, bringing donuts. Not just two or three, but many donuts. They bowed and left quickly.
After eating half of it, you fell asleep. You were very anxious since you’d meet your soulmate in a few hours, but your eyelids got heavier and you couldn’t fight the sleep anymore. You woke up a few hours later with someone gently tapping your arm. When you opened your eyes, you realized Katakuri had arrived.
You were still sleepy, and sat on the bed, rubbing your eyes until you actually felt awake. The height difference was quite a lot, and it was funny. You had to sit on the floor so the two of you would be face to face.
— Hello, Katakuri. — you felt incredibly shy now.
— Good morning. — he tried to hide the fact he was embarrassed, and was hoping you couldn’t hear how fast his heart was beating.
— This… Is it the time when we kiss?— you suggested, looking away. Would he think you were being too straightforward?
— Yes… We should… Kiss.
You pulled the scarf down slowly with your now cold hands. You closed your eyes, feeling very nervous. You kissed a few times before, but it still felt like something new. Especially now that it wasn’t just a random person, it was your soulmate.
Noticing you were waiting for him to make a move, he moved closer, sealing your lips together. Just a peck at first, until you gave him permission to deepen the kiss. Both of you were shy, and the kiss was a bit clumsy. Maybe he haven’t had many kisses too.
You didn’t have to open your eyes to realize you two had switched back, his big and strong hands holding your face was a sign that it worked. You rested your head on his hand, looking at him with eyes full of admiration and a soft smile on your lips.
— Aren’t you… Scared or disgusted? — he asked, feeling insecure now that his face was exposed to you.
— Why would I be? — you genuinely asked, smiling softly.
— Because… Of my mouth. I’m not how you probably wanted your soulmate to look like, and I don’t want you to think you have to put up with me because we’re soulmates. Now that we switched back, you can go if you want to. — his voice didn’t seem angry, as if he was demanding you to leave. It sounded sad, as if he had been through a lot.
You heart ached just to think that someone had the courage to hurt your soulmate.
Little did you know that many people treated him differently, not wanting to be around him or making fun of him because of his appearance; little did you know that while most of his siblings found their soulmates already, and he spent most of his life thinking he didn’t deserve his other half. Little did you know that he gave up on finding someone and started to deal with the fact that only his family would be able to love him.
But now, after meeting you, he threw his rational self out of the window. He felt like he could love someone; marry someone for a reason other than just a political marriage. But would you want him just like he wants you?
— We switched back, right? — you caressed his face softly. He wasn’t expecting it, no one has ever been this gentle with him before. — That means we’re in love.
— I don’t want you to be with someone like me, you’d only be in danger. — he turned his face not to see you. — You wouldn’t be able to deal with my siblings. It won’t be like playing house, and it won’t be like the marriage you might be expecting.
You got quiet, taking a deep breath. He wouldn’t push you away easily. Katakuri noticed your silence, and was expecting you to leave the room, agreeing that life with him wouldn’t be the perfect calm life you probably wanted. Instead, before he could even use his haki to have a glimpse of the future, you turned his face and pecked his lips.
— I won’t give up so easily. — you crossed your arms. — You’re my soulmate and I won’t leave you just because you think I can’t deal with a dangerous lifestyle. I want you, and if you want me too… We can make this work.
Looking at your face that was looking at him with love in your eyes, how could he say “no”? Maybe Big Mom would be willing to accept this relationship and give her blessing, and his siblings would be happy for him. He could even pretend it was all because of your family and their power at first.
His stomach started growling before he could say anything.
— I’m sorry, I only ate a few donuts while I was in your body. — you felt a little embarrassed about what you were about to ask. — But I wanted to eat some of the sweets yesterday. Do you think… — he didn’t let you finish the question.
— You can have the sweets, I’ll ask to get them delivered for breakfast. — he covered his face with the scarf again. — For now, you should sleep. We’ll have a long day meeting my family tomorrow.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
If I Fell For You (Part 3) - A Moment
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Summary: Jensen is away from home for a few days but isn’t having the easiest time being away from the kids for the first time since the accident. When he returns home, he has a gala to attend on Saturday night but a kiss on the cheek and slip of the tongue will snowball into the reader and Jensen sharing a moment...
Pairing: Jensen x nanny!reader
Word Count: 6,100ish
Warnings: language, death of a spouse, death of a parent, anxiety, self-worth problems, referenced past harassment
A/N: I love this part so much for so many reasons. Please enjoy!
“Hi Jensen,” you asked Monday night when your phone rang. “How was your flight earlier?”
“Same old same old. I just got out of work,” he said with a yawn. “Gonna grab a bite out with a friend. Kids eat dinner okay?”
“We had honey sriracha glazed salmon with brussel sprouts and roasted red potatoes.”
“They had kraft mac and cheese and I had Taco Bell.”
“See this is why I like you,” he chuckled.
“I’ll try the salmon again tomorrow. I was gonna make it but they didn’t have any at the store,” you said, opening the fridge and taking out a pint of ice cream. “Hey can I have what’s left of this mint ice cream?”
“Sure. Pick some more up for me sometime before friday please,” he said. “Also, Taco Bell? You do realize we live in freaking Austin right. There are literally hundreds of places you can go that have better mexican food.”
“Yeah but fake cheese tastes good,” you said. He laughed and your stomach rumbled. “I so should have gotten more than two tacos.”
“You in the kitchen?” he asked. You hummed and you heard him let out an oof in the background.
“Yeah. You alright?”
“This bed in my hotel room is comfy,” he said. “But I was starting to say, go in the drawer at the end of the counter by the table. There’s only five hundred gajillion take out menus in there. Order a treat for yourself. It’s on me.”
“Jensen. I can get my own dinner.”
“True but you’re on call 24/7 until I get back.”
“Well in that case I bet you got a menu for a fancy steakhouse in here somewhere,” you teased as you picked up one for a tex mex looking restaurant. “Does this place really have quesadillas this big?”
“You must be looking at the menu on top. I almost ordered from there last week actually. The food’s great. They do delivery too. Just buzz the guy into the gate when they get there.”
“Any recommendations?” you asked, taking out the menu and flipping it over.
“Quesadillas are good. Loaded nachos are amazing. I’ve literally never had a bad thing from there,” he said. “To be honest I’d rather be getting that than where I’m going tonight.”
“Why’s that?” you asked, reading through your options, surprised to find such good prices.
“I have to wear a suit,” he said with a sigh. “After being poked and prodded all day I literally would rather just eat crap and watch food network.”
“How long have you known this friend of yours?” you asked.
“Twenty years, why?”
“Then you guys knew each other when you were young. It’s not too late out there. Call him, see if he’d rather get some crap food, a six pack and just catch up on his couch or in your room. I’m pretty sure he’s more looking forward to seeing an old friend again than the food,” you said.
“You make very good points. I should pay you more,” he said.
“You pay me plenty and barely let me spend a dime of my money on myself,” you said. “I don’t need more.”
“You got that fancy computer though.”
“You literally have the exact same mac in your office.”
“You moved in like three boxes and two computers,” he said.
“An ipad is not a computer,” you said.
“Well I like to draw sometimes and it’s easier on an ipad when you’re laying in bed,” you said. 
“Are you any good?” he asked.
“I bet they’re really good,” he said as you rolled your eyes. “I see you draw with the kids sometimes and those are good.”
“It’s a hobby is all,” you said, leaning back against the counter, your stomach grumbling again. “Anything else you want me to grab at the store? I’m going to hit it tomorrow while everyone’s at school.”
“Nah. Get the usual stuff,” he said. “The kiddos in bed?”
“Yeah, got the last one down about fifteen minutes ago,” you said. He hummed and you heard the sigh in it. “I got a video of them playing earlier I’ll send you.”
“Thanks. It’s my first night away from them in a long time. Normally I’m able to come back same day. I was kinda hoping they’d still be awake to say goodnight.”
“They’re safe and sound dad. We’ll call again after school tomorrow to talk like today,” you said.
“Yeah,” he breathed out. He was quiet and you pulled the phone away, taking a deep breath. 
“You okay?” 
“I haven’t been alone like this in a really long time.”
“I know. You check out your backpack yet?”
“No. Why?”
“You didn’t bring a jacket with you so I put that yellow hoodie that’s always on the hook in there in case you got cold.”
“That was Dee’s hoodie.”
“I was pretty sure it was,” you said. You heard him shuffle around briefly before he hummed, much happier that time. “I thought you might like to have a piece of...something-”
“I really don’t pay you enough,” he said quietly. “Thanks for putting this in there. I need something from home more than I realized.”
“Well put it on, call up your buddy and have some fun tonight, Ackles. Nanny’s orders.” He laughed and you felt that twinge in your stomach again, your eyes quickly closing.
“I will. Hey you mind if I call again tomorrow night? I don’t have any plans and sitting in a hotel room by myself isn’t very fun.” You smiled and felt heat in your cheeks, quickly thinking it away. He wanted company for a few minutes was all and you were friends. It was completely normal to talk with friends on the phone everyday.
“Of course. As long as you get a dinner in at some point that’s more than fine with me,” you said. “We can talk about The Bachelor!”
“Oh God no,” he groaned, chuckling after a few seconds. “I’ll settle for Grey’s Anatomy.”
“This Is Us?” you asked.
“I haven’t watched that yet. I’m working up to it,” you said. 
“Work faster woman. I only know legit everything about that one,” he chuckled. “But probably not a good idea to watch that one until I get back and you're not alone. First episode is kinda scary.”
“Oh well thanks for that,” you said, watching the clock tick by, knowing it had to be almost seven out there. “I’ll let you go. Have fun tonight Jensen.”
“I will Y/N. Promise.”
Friday Night
“Arrow,” you said after she’d flung her pasta bowl all over herself, covering her hair and face. She sniffled and you forced a smile. “Okay. How about a bath after dinner?”
Fifteen minutes later JJ and Zeppelin were in the movie room watching a cartoon while you had Arrow in the kids bathroom, scooping up some water over her head in the tub.
“Well hello ladies,” you heard behind you. You jumped and spun around, glaring for a moment before you recognized Jensen.
“Just me,” he said, backpack still on his shoulders. 
“Daddy I got ziti all over my head,” she said.
“You did?” he asked, dropping his bag and taking off his jacket, kneeling down next to you. You got the last bit of sauce off and squirted some shampoo in her hair, Jensen watching you with a smile. “How was your day?”
She told him all about breakfast and daycare, playing with a few toy boats with him while you rinsed out the soap. You did a bit of conditioner before getting it out as well and putting the spray nozzle back.
“I got the rest if you wanna get the dryer ready?” he asked you, reaching for the soap. You swapped spots with him, Jensen washing her up while she kept talking about her day. By the time he was all done you had the dryer out and plugged in, Jensen picking her up and wrapping her up in a big bundle of towels before he set her on the counter. You went to work drying her hair, Jensen draining the tub and finding some pajamas for her.
“Do you want your hair up or down, sweetie?” you asked. She tried gathering it up and you grabbed her soft scrunchie perfectly fine for sleeping in from the counter. You put her hair up in a soft little bun, Jensen making an adorable sound when he returned.
“Aw, you look so cute, baby. I’ll be right there alright?” he said. She hopped off the counter and got dressed, rushing off downstairs when she was all done. “Survive the day?”
“Somehow we always do,” you said, gathering up the towels. “Kids are in the movie room.”
“Thanks. I’m gonna shower but we’re all good for the night,” he said. “Thanks for watching them this week.”
“You gotta go do your job,” you said. “You working on a movie or something? You never said.”
“Uh gonna be in a show called The Boys,” he said. “I’m gonna be one of the superheroes so I gotta go out and get my suit made all special for me every so often.”
“You’re gonna be a supe! That’s so fucking cool!” you said. He grinned and you blushed, shaking your head. “I’m so sorry. That was so not appropriate.”
“I don’t see any little ears around,” he chuckled. “You like the show then?”
“Yeah. It’s great. Like no other show consistently makes me go what the fuck did I just see. That’s so cool you get to be a supe though. Are you a one off or like a main character?”
“I’ll be very present in the next season. Gonna deal with the seven, all that,” he said. “I’m gonna be Solider Boy.”
“I can see that. You have that all American boy thing about you.”
“It’s my adorable face,” he teased. 
“Well remember to not stay up too late. You have the gala tomorrow night remember?”
“Yes mom,” he said as you walked out. “Get the kids some takeout for dinner tomorrow and yourself.”
“Sounds good boss,” you said. “Night Jensen.”
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
The Next Night
You froze from where you were mixing up some brownie batter with JJ at the kitchen counter as Jensen popped downstairs. He was in a gorgeous black suit, a maroon pocket square and no tie going on, his hair scruffier looking than normal.
He started to laugh and you realized you were staring, your cheeks feeling hot as you went back to stirring.
“Mmm, you guys save me a brownie or two for when I get home?” he asked, leaning over and dipping his finger in the bowl of cream cheese frosting.
“We’ll spare one for dad,” you said, Jensen going back for seconds. “Ah, ah. No.”
He dipped his finger in and got another fingerful, kissing the top of JJ’s head and the twins at the counter.
“Be good for Y/N guys!” he called as he rushed out.
You whistled and he jogged back, catching you holding up his phone from the counter.
“Thank you,” he said, taking it and pecking a kiss on your cheek. You looked up at him and he froze. “I am so sorry. I…”
“It’s okay. Go have fun and be all charitable,” you said. He shoved his phone in his pocket and ran out, JJ scratching her head.
“Dad’s kinda weird sometimes,” she said.
“Yeah, he is. But so is everybody,” you said. “Let’s get this in the oven so you guys can pick out colors for your frosting, hm?”
“I really shouldn’t. But I really should,” you said to yourself, plopping your second brownie of the night in a bowl and sticking a scoop of ice cream on top. You carried it over to the couch and lay back, watching TV on the big screen as you heard the door open. Jensen came into view a minute later, taking his jacket off and groaning as he washed up at the sink. He went to the tray of brownies on the counter and picked one up with a big sigh. “Fun night?”
He jumped and whacked his head against the cabinet above, hissing before he spun around.
“You okay?” you asked. He nodded and left the brownie behind, pushing his sleeves up before taking a seat on the other end of the lounger.
“Y/N I’m really sorry about the kiss on the cheek. That was so inappropriate. You’ve kinda implied that there was some stuff that’s happened to you at other jobs you found over the line and I’m really truly sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I wasn’t...I forgot you’re my employee for a moment. I really am sorry.”
“Jensen if I had a problem with it or you or your behavior I would quit on the spot. I don’t let myself get pushed around anymore. You were happy and busy and you pecked a kiss on my cheek, not reach a hand down my pants. It’s really okay. You’re way too hard on yourself.”
“Are you sure?” he asked.
“Positive. It’s barely ten which means you left as soon as you could. You’re supposed to be out having fun,” you said.
“I was kinda freaking out that you hated me,” he said.
“Dude you gotta relax,” you said. “Have a brownie and some ice cream.”
He got up and after a minute took a seat at the other end with a bowl of his own, smiling as he got a taste.
“This is fucking awesome,” he said.
“I know,” you said, Jensen smirking. “Do you feel better now silly boy? I promise that if you ever do anything I find inappropriate I will promptly kick you in the balls.”
“I can agree to that,” he said. He ate for a moment, watching the TV and laying back. “Do you ever like, want to go do things with your friends on a Saturday night? If you do that’s totally cool. These aren’t normal hours anyways.”
“Being a nanny eats up a lot of your social life,” you said. “Kinda got kicked out of my friend group after I broke up with my ex anyways.”
“Well they sound like they suck,” he said.
“Yes, they do,” you said. “I don’t mind so much. I meet plenty of new people through work. Only person you can depend on is yourself and I don’t tend to let myself down.”
“That’s a very lonely way to go through life,” he said.
“It’s not easy to make friends in your thirties,” you said. “Maybe for someone like you who travels and meets new people a lot and stuff but you have like, real friendships. You know?”
“Well we have a real friendship, don’t we? You’re friends with Jared and Rob and Ruthie and Rich,” he said. “I don’t trust just anybody with my kids. That’s real.”
“Yeah,” you said, taking a bite. “So when’s your friend free?”
“Blind date guy. Maybe he could be a friend if things work out,” you said.
“Oh yeah. He uh, he actually got a gig up in Canada so you might need to wait like a month or so. But he’s excited to meet you,” said Jensen.
“Can I have his number?” you asked. “Or do you think that’d be weird?”
“No, not weird. I think he just kinda wants to do it old school if that’s okay. Meet you first and go from there.”
“This friend of yours better be like super hot,” you said.
“If it’s a problem-“
“I can respect him wanting to do things like that. But I’m gonna want a firm date soon,” you said.
“I’ll make sure to get you one,” he said. “I’ll get it down tomorrow, promise.”
“He better not mind me eating like this either. I ain’t a salad on the first date kinda girl. He’s gonna need to keep up with my eating while were at it,” you said. He snorted in his seat beside you and ran his hand over his face.
“I will keep that in mind. I have occasionally had dessert first truth be told,” he said.
“This is why I like you Ackles. You get my sweet tooth,” you laughed.
“It’s a good thing your dinners are healthy cause I swear I haven’t consumed this many baked goods in months,” he said. “The kids love it and my stomach loves it though.”
“I’m gonna need to start working out though if I keep this up. Oh hey is it okay if I do laps in the pool in the mornings? I’ll be super quiet and stuff.”
“You don’t gotta ask,” he smiled. “Like I said when you started, you got free reign to use the pool, the gym, whatever, aside from my room. You a swimmer?”
“Not really but I hate running and supposedly it’s a good workout or something,” you shrugged, eating another bite of brownie.
“Anything in the gym you’re free to use. I know you must get a little bored sometimes when I’m gone and the kids are,” he said.
“Not bored per say. Ordinarily I would do more chores but you have like a cleaner and a landscaper and you just...give me more time in the day than I’m used to is all. It’s actually great though. It gives me plenty of time to come up with ideas for the kids and stuff.”
“Well as long as you’re taking breaks and your lunch do as you please,” he said, his spoon scraping the bottom of his bowl.
“Now that’s just sad.”
“I really should get another one of these,” he said, sucking the spoon.
“It’s really the only choice you have,” you said. He laughed as he hopped up, skirting back into the kitchen and fixing up another brownie and ice cream combo.
“Hey you want more, Dee?” he asked. You popped your head up and he spun around. “I’m-“
“Don't apologize, Jensen,” you said. He tapped his fingers against the counter and took a deep breath, putting his back to you.
“That’s the second time tonight I’ve done that,” he said. 
“Jensen. There’s nothing wrong with missing your wife.”
“I’m still sorry.”
“You don’t...talk about her much.”
“It was...she wasn’t…” he trailed off. He sat down on a barstool and you got up, walking over and hopping up on the counter beside him. You set your feet in the stool next to his and paused before you put a hand on top of his head and ran your fingers through the short strands. “This shouldn’t have happened to her.”
“Death is the price for living. Pain’s the price for caring. Doesn’t mean it’s not worth it,” you said. You started to move your hand away when he turned his head. 
“Don’t…” he said, easing when you played with it gently again. “That’s always calmed me down since I was a little kid.”
“Someone should take care of you every once in a while you know. Your parents, siblings, friends. Everyone needs a break.”
“I had a lot of help at the beginning. I don’t need a whole day. Just a moment here and there,” he said quietly.
“It’ll be okay, Jensen,” you said. He nodded and you played with his hair a few moments, watching his shoulders ease. This time when you pulled away he smiled up at you. “Better?”
“Yeah. Thank you. That’s not in your job description to do that sort of thing.”
“Well I think your wife would want somebody to watch your back, even for only a minute or two,” you said.
“You don’t have any brain aneurysms I should know about, do you?” he chuckled. 
“No. That what happened?” you asked, a single nod coming from him.
“She was sleeping. Not a bad way to go I was told, you’d never even know,” he said. “Not a fun thing to wake up to in the morning though.”
“My dad had a mass at the back of his head. It was that same kind of thing where one second it’s fine and the next everything’s different deal. It was inoperable. Then he goes and dies from a car accident of all things before it got bad. My mom had a hard time with that.”
“You said she had a boyfriend later on right?” he asked.
“Yeah. I know you’ll be okay, Jensen,” you said. You ruffled his hair and he smiled, a soft look on his face. “Pro tip too from someone who’s been there, kids with a single parent turn out just fine.”
“Do they ever wish they had another parent?” he asked.
“They wish the parent they still have around is happy again someday. They won’t understand until they’re older that it’s a different kind of love between parents. But they’ll know it’s a little different and they’ll hope dad feels better too. Your kids are tough. They’ll be okay too.”
“Thanks, Y/N,” he said. You hopped off the counter and washed up your dish, sticking it in the dishwasher before you went to leave for your room. “So I gotta ask. Who takes care of you?”
“Me?” you asked, pointing to yourself. He shrugged and smiled, your gaze going past him. “I’m all good. I don’t need somebody to take care of me.”
“Liar,” he said softly. “You know my friend tells me everybody needs to be taken care of sometimes.”
“That’s the difference between us Jensen. You’re not like me.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he scoffed, his face scrunching up suddenly.
“It means you’re not on your own and even if you feel like it, it’s only been a little while. You’ll be okay. I’ve been taking care of myself since I was a kid. I don’t need anyone to take care of me.”
“That’s bullshit and you know it.”
“You haven’t lived my life and I haven’t lived yours. Don’t try to tell me that I’m not capable of-”
“It’s not about what you’re capable of. You said pain is part of life, it’s the price for living. You’ve had more than your fair share-”
“Lots of people have it a lot worse.”
“Don’t compare your pain to someone else's. They haven’t lived your life,” he said. You rolled your eyes and started to walk away, Jensen out of his seat and catching up with you in the hall. “You can be taken care of too you know.”
“By who? My non-existent circle of friends? My crappy ex? My mom’s ex boyfriend who’s got his own wife and kids? I am perfectly fine managing all of this by myself. I’ve been doing it for years.”
“You’re so frustratingly annoying,” he said, running his hand over his face. “Me. I’m talking about me. You just...you took care of me tonight. The least I can do is show you the same compassion.”
“No,” you said.
“No? Why not?”
“Because taking care of me turns into you walking into my shower without my permission and you being a dick and this going away and I don’t want you to be those things so no. We’re getting too friendly. Please leave me alone tomorrow.”
You left him in the hall and went down to your area of the house, shutting the door after you. There was quickly a knock and you growled, ripping it open.
“What?” you snapped at him.
“I am not going to hurt you or be a dick to you or whatever else you think. You need to realize in the real world, not everyone is an asshole.”
“You’re the one not living in the real world then, Jensen. Everybody’s an asshole.”
“Fine. I’m an asshole. But I’m not leaving until you say I can take care of you tomorrow. Two minutes is all I’m asking for.”
“This is my part of the house.”
“And technically I am outside your door,” he said. “Why are you so resistant to somebody doing something nice for you?”
“Because I don’t wanna get used to it,” you said. He stared and you shook your head. “You’re attractive and an actor and kind and funny and it’s not a matter of if you date again but when and when that day comes, we ain’t gonna be sitting on the couch eating ice cream anymore. Please do not invite me to anymore outings as a friend. I’ll attend if required as a nanny but this between us is done.”
“For the record, the only one around here that thinks of you as just the hired help is you. My children are completely like their old selves. I feel more like my old self. You seem happier than when I met you but for some reason, that’s a big problem to you. I do not understand that.”
“Leave or I resign and move out first thing,” you said. He crossed his arms and lifted his chin. “This is my formal resignation then. The company will-”
He moved quickly and you weren’t sure what he was doing at first but soon you realized he was hugging you, your hands resting against his chest. You swallowed and he didn’t move, your forehead resting against him.
“What are you doing?” you breathed out.
“When’s the last time you got a fucking hug?” he asked.
“The kids-”
“Not the kids.”
“I don’t remember,” you said quietly. 
“Then you are overdue,” he said. You let yourself reach your arms around him and return the hug, breathing deeply, a small bubble in you rising up. You tried to push it down but it came back harder and you were fighting back tears before you knew it. 
He could feel when you lost that battle, hand rubbing up and down your back. There was a soft shushing in the air and after a few minutes you felt better. You lifted your head but didn’t look at him, Jensen squeezing you in his hug again before it eased.
“You know you’re not allowed to quit on me...like ever,” he chuckled. You let out a small laugh, Jensen smiling at you when you forced your head up. He wiped off your cheeks and you let out one last sniffle. “You’re not alone. I promise you’re not. It’s not the quantity of people you have in your life but the quality and I’m sorry but we are friends and there’s nothing you can do about that so I’d just accept it now.”
“I’m sorry I was such a bitch.”
“You were scared, not a bitch,” he said. “I wish I could make you happier is all.”
“I wish I could bring back your wife for you,” you said.
“One of those is a lot more possible than the other,” he said. A small smile crossed his lips before he ducked his head down, shoulders heaving back before his head raised. “Y/N, can I confess something to you? I hope...I hope it doesn’t bother you but if it does, you don’t have to continue working for me. I’d still like to be friends regardless.”
“What’s wrong?” you asked, Jensen looking past you.
“My single friend I was going to set you up with? He doesn’t exist.”
“Cause he’s kinda me.”
“Oh,” you said, staring at him, a lot of his previous behavior starting to click into place. “That’s…”
“I know,” he said, stepping away and rubbing the back of his neck. “It’s weird and douchey and I’m sorry. I like you and I was trying to see if you would ever go for a 42 year old actor. I left out the widow and kids part but...I’m sorry.”
“When did you like me?” you asked quietly.
“The whole time?” he said, laughing nervously to himself. “It’s kinda snowballed since we met. I never in my life thought I’d like someone again. I didn’t want to like you. I hired you because you were the best candidate and I knew the kids would be in good hands but everyday it’s there, even more, and I know this is so inappropriate on so many levels and I’m really starting to ramble here but you make me think maybe your mom had a point and people are allowed to have...more than one…and sometimes the way you talk to me and treat me and look at me...” 
He swallowed as you stepped in front of him, taking a quick breath. 
“I will keep working for you and I’ll be your friend...and you can make me dinner tomorrow,” you said with a smile. “We’ll see where it goes from there?”
“You’re not...weirded out?” he asked.
“By your age, you’re my boss or the cheeky lying about a fake friend?” you said.
“All of the above.”
“Age doesn’t bother me. You have no idea how to be a boss, no offense, and the friend...I don’t blame you for wanting to test the waters first,” you said. “But I expect honesty from here on out.”
“Absolutely,” he said.
“Good,” you said.
“You do like me right?” he asked. “Like you don’t feel obligated or-”
“I like you Jensen. Why do you think I was trying to push you away before you got too close? I didn’t want to be hurt.”
“Give me a chance to not,” he said. “We can have dinner and see how it goes from there.”
“Normally the best course of action,” you said.
“But maybe with a few more hugs from now on,” he said. “For the both of us.”
“That’d be okay with me,” you said. He smiled and you returned it. “I guess I’ll see you in the morning then.”
“I guess you will,” he said. He turned to go when he spun back on his heels. “Or we could go back out there, eat way too much dessert and hang out?”
“Yeah,” you said with a smile. “Give me a minute to wash up my face.”
“Take all the time you want. I’m gonna change into something more comfortable anyways.”
He left and you washed off your face in the bathroom, drying it off and taking a deep breath.
You did like him. There was something calming about him to you and you enjoyed his company, even if it was just the two of you having a quiet cup of coffee in the morning.
But he was an actor. And kinda famous. And a widow. And had three kids. 
“But your face is cute,” you said aloud, looking the mirror. “Gah, of course you have to be like...into me. Nutjob. He must be a nutjob. That’s it.”
“Y/N?” you heard him saying and you smacked yourself in the face. “Are you talking to yourself?”
“Uh, yeah,” you said, stepping out and seeing him in the hall sporting a pair of pajama pants and a t shirt. “That was fast.”
“Well I didn’t go through an eight step skin routine too,” he chuckled.
“For your information, my routine is only three steps,” you said, walking past him and waggling your fingers.
“I didn’t realize I was living with such a savage,” he said. You laughed and went back to the kitchen, making up another dish of brownie for him while he went over to where he kept his liquor. “You a bourbon kind of girl?”
“Is there any other kind?” you said.
“Touche.” He poured out two glasses and slid one over while you passed his bowl to him. “So what’s this three step routine? Do I need to up my game or what?”
“I think I need your routine, not the other way around,” you said.
“Nah. I like looking at your face more than mine. Trust me.”
“Oh. How long you been holding back those kinds of comments?” you teased.
“Longer than you’d think,” he said, sharing the bowl with you. “Feel okay now?”
“Yeah. I can’t remember the last time I cried,” you said. “Especially in front of someone.”
“A good cry session has never hurt in my experience. I’ll do it for work and stuff but normally I’m not much of one. Aside from the past six months I mean.”
“Are you ready to try this?” you asked.
“Yeah. I know I am,” he said. “I’m positive of it.”
“How can you know that?”
“Because you make me happy. You make me...want to do stuff again, believe in all the romantic...if I wasn’t ready, I’d feel guilty. But I don’t. I just know that maybe some people get more than one chance and maybe I’m one of them.”
“I know you are, whoever it ends up being,” you said.
“Are you ready to try this?”
You took a drink and bite of ice cream, pushing the bowl back.
“I miss my family,” you said. “I miss being happy. I’d like to...have someone that could take care of me for a moment every once in a while. I might mess that up sometimes but I’m willing to try.”
“Me too,” he said. “I’d expect some screw ups on this end too. I’ve been out of the dating game for a long time.”
“I’m sure it hasn’t changed all that much,” you said.
“Well I’ve never dated with kids and as a widow,” he said.
“I’m just in this for them to be honest,” you laughed. 
“I see how it is,” he said with a smirk. 
“I don’t think it’ll be as hard as you think,” you said.
“I hope not,” he said. 
“Do they know? You want to date?”
“JJ does,” he said. “She’s little but she understands that it doesn’t mean I’ll never love her mother any less. She’s been strangely okay through this whole thing aside from the first few weeks. She helps her brother and sister out more now.”
“As someone who was that kid, minus the siblings, I know they’ll be okay. She’s a great kid. I’ve met plenty of spoiled brats. Yours are not.”
“Well that might just be the second best thing I’ve heard tonight,” he said.
“Whatever was the first?” you teased, eating a spoon of ice cream.
“Oh I think you know,” he said, stealing the spoon back. You smiled and heard some feet run around upstairs before the stairs creeped and a little head ducked down into view. “Arrow. It’s bedtime sweetie.”
“I had a accident,” she said. “Sorry.”
“Nothing to be sorry for, honey,” he said. “I’ll be right back.”
“Want help?” you asked.
“Sure,” he said. He scooped up Arrow on the way up the stairs, setting her down in the kids bathroom. He got some clean pajamas and you found a pair of pull ups, Arrow pouting at you. 
“I don’t need ‘em,” she said.
“Your brother wears them. I wore them and your mommy and daddy wore them. Everybody wears pull ups when they’re your age,” you said.
“Just tonight,” she said, stepping into them. Jensen walked past with the mattress liner and she was dressed by the time you heard the washer going off in the distance. You walked her back to bed, Jensen slipping in past you and tucking her in. “Night daddy.”
“Night sweetie,” he said, kissing her temple. 
“Night Y/N,” she said.
“Night night kiddo,” you said, giving her a tiny wave before you left, Jensen flipping off her light and pulling the door shut. 
“Come here a second,” he said, nodding and you saw him head towards his room. The double doors were open and you stepped inside, Jensen going past the bed and over to a set of french doors. He pushed one open and waved for you to follow, showing you out to a rooftop balcony.
“Wow,” you said, a set of chairs, a table and a lounger out there along with a whole lot soft string lights. “I didn’t realize you had this up here.”
“Kinda a place to go unwind, relax,” he said. “I disappear out here sometimes. Been out here a lot at night lately.”
“Thinking about what?” you asked.
“You,” he said. “I talk to Dee about you sometimes as crazy as that sounds.”
“Doesn’t sound crazy at all,” you said.
“I just wanted to say...this area isn’t off limits anymore. Nothing is,” he said. 
“She asked you out, didn’t she,” you said with a smile. He rubbed the back of his neck and blushed. “You’re cute.”
You leaned up and kissed his cheek, heading back towards inside.
“Come on, Jensen. Before the ice cream melts on us.”
A/N: Read Part 4 here!
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atlabeth · 3 years
everything happens for a reason part 11 - zuko x fem!reader
Memories, where'd you go?
part 10 | masterlist | part 12
a/n: alternative name for this fic: y/n gets a crush on every pretty girl she meets. yue, katara, and now suki. she can't help it (and she questions why they're all connected to sokka in some way lmaoo)
anyways, this is kind of filler but it establishes some more with relationships and finallyyy gets us into ba sing se at the end. i know it's a lil annoying because there's a lot of episode-to-text writing, but i promise it'll get more freeform as it goes on
also i know that i just posted something yesterday but i have literally zero patience. like i cant hold chapters i have to post them as soon as i write them loll
wc: 5.3k
warning(s): some feels over zuko as per usual, but overall a pretty tame chapter
chapter title comes from memories by panic! at the disco!
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Zuko could barely sleep anymore.
He didn’t know when his life became so complicated, but he wasn’t a fan of it.
Back when it was just him, his crew, and the open sea — it was simple. He had a job, a straightforward mission. Find the Avatar, capture him, return home to the Fire Nation and regain his honor.
Now, the waters were more muddied than ever. Now on the run from the Fire Nation just like the boy he was chasing, all he really felt nowadays was anger.
Angry at the world for setting him on this path, angry at the Avatar for refusing to see what was necessary, his sister and her friends for turning against him, angry at the waterbender for making things so damn hard.
He didn’t want to hurt her. A part of him wished that she had never come back into his life, if it meant he wouldn’t have to constantly be fighting against her. He hated himself for the thought, but maybe it would have been easier for her to remain a memory of a lover than his active enemy.
Late at night, when he was reaching fruitlessly for sleep that would never come, he saw her face. The carefree energy from their childhood morphed into the shock and disappointment from both the North and their fight with Azula, and…
It made him wonder what in Agni had happened to them.
He didn’t know. The way he felt about her, it was different than anything he had experienced before. Zuko didn’t know what it was, but he understood that it was special. And now… it felt like he had just thrown it all away.
Zuko couldn’t stop thinking about what had happened with her in that town — what he had done to her.
He had burned her to try and get to the Avatar, and he hadn’t even allowed a glance back at the damage he had done. He had heard her cry out in pain, pain he had caused, and he didn’t even look back.
What had happened to them? What had happened to him?
He kept telling himself that the mission was the only thing that mattered. And it was, wasn’t it? Capture the Avatar, regain his honor, get his old life back and finally be enough for his father. He didn’t have time for friends, or for these feelings he had, or— or for anything but capturing the Avatar. Because the Avatar was the key to everything, to his honor, and that was all that mattered.
But now…
Now, he didn’t know what he was supposed to do. He didn’t know what was right, or what was wrong, or what path was the one he had to take.
Zuko just wished things could be like they used to be.
She didn’t really know when everything had become a mess again.
It all started out fine, like it usually did. Toph had become fully integrated into the group, any past squabbles put to rest in the name of a stronger friendship emerging between all five of them. Katara continued to work on Aang’s waterbending (oftentimes Y/N joining them in their sessions) while Toph slowly but steadily beat earthbending into him — literally.
They had all been working hard for so long that, by decree of Aang, it was ‘vacation time’. They would all get to pick out places they wanted to spend as a break, and after it was over they would get back to work.
Aang had chosen some sort of field with musical groundhogs, and Y/N had opted to revisit an Earth Kingdom village that she had passed through on her journey to the North. Sokka had complained the whole time about how they were ‘wasting valuable planning time’, but had finally conceded after the promise of ‘all the planning his heart could desire’ from Katara after their mini-vacations were over.
Y/N was actually feeling somewhat relaxed for once, but she had forgotten the golden rule — never let your guard down. Everytime she let her guard down, something bad happened without fail. So it shouldn’t have been any surprise with what happened in the desert.
Because after one trip to the Misty Palms Oasis and a journey into the desert with a professor to a long lost library, Appa had been taken by desert raiders.
It was… less than favourable. During their escape from the library, Professor Zei had insisted on staying behind, and now the five of them were stuck in the middle of the desert with no way out and zero guidance. Add some brewing tensions between Aang and Toph because of her being there when Appa was taken, and they had a recipe for a huge disaster.
And a disaster they had. Multiple disasters, actually.
There was only so much she and Katara could do to hold the group together, but by some miracle, they made it out of the desert with only one Avatar State mishap.
(And an incident with cactus juice, but… she didn’t really want to talk about that.)
....at least they had the information about the Eclipse. That was about the only thing keeping her together at the moment.
They had to get the information to the Earth King so they could formulate an attack with his warriors, but without Appa, they had to resort to more traditional methods of travel. Add in one passport problem, and that was how Y/N found herself braving the Serpent’s Pass alongside a refugee family with a baby on the way.
It was… intimidating, to say the least. Despite being surrounded by her element, Y/N didn’t feel any safer from the challenge that faced them. She took a deep breath, trying to tamp down on her fear the way her mother had taught her, as she followed the group, but her thoughts were soon interrupted.
“Hey.” She turned to see who the voice belonged to and was greeted by the girl that had teased Sokka early — Suki, if she remembered correctly. “I haven’t seen you around; are you with the Avatar or that family?”
“I’m with Aang,” Y/N explained. “I’m from the North, and they offered me a spot with them after they helped us defend our tribe against the Fire Nation. I’ve been with them ever since.” Suki nodded as they settled into a comfortable stride.
“That’s cool. Are you a waterbender?”
She gestured to her waterskin and smiled. “Yeah. I’ve been training with Aang and Katara ever since I left.” Y/N then turned her gaze back to Suki, raising an inquisitive brow. “Your makeup — what’s it for? I heard you talking about the Kyoshi Warriors back there; is that some kind of thing with Avatar Kyoshi?”
Suki grinned, her every expression heightened by the sharp reds and blacks above her eyes. “We’re a group of all-female warriors that use the teachings of Avatar Kyoshi and her partner Rangi to defend our home and the place she founded, Kyoshi Island. I’m the leader of our village section.”
“Wow,” she murmured, her eyes falling to the ground for a moment before finding their way back up to the warrior. “That’s really cool. You’re really cool.”
She laughed and shrugged. “Thanks. I’ve been training as a warrior for almost my whole life, so it just comes naturally. I like being able to protect people, and there’s no better way to pay back my home for all it’s done for me like protecting the whole village.”
“Wow,” she repeated with a small laugh of her own. “That’s really brave. I gotta say, I’m kinda jealous — I would love to see what would happen if Master Pakku met you all. Katara literally had to beat the sexism out of him in order to train to be a master.”
Suki chuckled. “Sounds like what I had to do with Sokka. Guess it’s a thing with Water Tribe guys, huh?”
At the mention of Sokka, she internally laughed. There had to be some kind of connection between the two of them, the way their interests kept aligning. “Sokka… he’s had it hard. I can’t blame him that much for any kind of attitude he had before he met you. Pakku, on the other hand? He had to have had something better to do than fight teenage girls.”
“You would think so, right?” Suki agreed. “And Sokka… I know. He’s got a heart of gold underneath all that, he just needed a little push to get it out.” As Y/N glanced over at the girl, noticing a slight pink tint under the white makeup, she gasped.
“La’s fins, are you two a thing?” she exclaimed with a grin.
Suki flushed even harder as she suddenly became very interested in the ocean around her, but she couldn’t help the smile on her lips. “No! I mean— yes— but… but—” she stopped to gather her thoughts before making eye contact again with a sheepish smile. “We’re not… really a thing, but… I do like him a lot. I didn’t really think I was going to see him again after they left the island, so this is really nice.”
“Then what are you waiting for?” Y/N asked. “I can already tell that he cares about you — have you seen how careful he’s being with you?”
“Well—” Whatever kind of excuse Suki would’ve made up was interrupted by a rock falling out just under Than, one of the refugees they were with, saved in the nick of time with Toph’s earthbending.
“I’m okay!” he reassured, but no sooner had the words left his mouth before the Fire Nation ship in the distance started firing.
“They’ve spotted us!” Sokka yelled. “Let’s go, let’s go!”
Aang flicked his glider open and deflected the blast, and Katara grabbed Y/N’s hand as they all began to run. Another blast rocked the mountain, causing several boulders to fall just above Suki. Y/N didn’t even have time to shout out a warning before Sokka tackled her out of the way, but it was ultimately more of Toph’s quick earthbending that saved him.
“Suki, are you okay?” Sokka brushed dust and pebbles off of her uniform as he examined her, and once he was satisfied he grabbed her hand and helped her up. “You have to be more careful! Come on!”
As the two of them caught up to Y/N and Katara, she gave Suki a knowing look. The warrior only blushed once again and glanced away.
After hours of navigating the pass, they were only about halfway through. Sokka made the executive decision to set up camp for the night to give everyone time to rest, and then they would get up at the crack of dawn to finish their trip. It only took a few minutes for Y/N to get a fire going, and soon everyone had settled in with their sleeping bags. Sokka got up from his spot as Suki wandered closer to the edge, and Katara nudged Y/N with her shoulder.
“Hey. How are your hands doing?”
“They’re fine,” she answered with a small smile, flipping her hands over as proof. Where there were once red burn scars on her palms only tiny white marks remained — one benefit to healing via waterbending was that most injuries were able to fade away completely after enough sessions. Her burns weren’t very serious and she was able to heal them almost immediately, so both her and Katara were sure that the marks would be completely gone soon.
The mental scars wouldn’t fade as easily.
“That’s good. And you’re taking care of them, right? Like, you’re not beating up people while we’re not looking?”
Y/N grinned. “No. I think I’ll leave that to Toph.”
Katara chuckled and nodded, turning her hands over in a final examination before nodding. “Good,” she repeated. The silence between them, although comfortable, stretched out for a little too long before she spoke again, this time much quieter. “He did this to you.”
“I know,” she said. “I know you probably don’t want to hear this from me, or really at all, but… I’m worried about you. Zuko isn’t good for you. Every time we’ve run into him, he’s hurt you. And you deserve so much more than that.”
“You don’t understand,” she countered. “You don’t know Zuko like I do. You weren’t there when I was. I know you think I’m insane for still believing in him, but I— I can’t let go of him, Katara. I know the Zuko I love is still in there somewhere, and I have to try and find it. For me and for him.”
Katara’s eyes were full of nothing but sympathy as she sighed — it was obvious she didn’t believe her words, but in true fashion she was still trying her best to be supportive.
“Okay. I don’t understand it, but… I don’t think I can change your mind.” Y/N chuckled sadly and nodded, Katara’s piercing gaze meeting her own once more. “It’s just… Why are you playing with fire when you know you’re going to get burned?”
And for once, Y/N didn’t have an answer for her friend.
The night went by quickly, which Y/N was thankful for. It meant that the nightmares didn’t last as long.
After a quick headcount to make sure no one had fallen off the pass overnight and an even quicker gathering of their things, they set off to finish their journey.
It went just as well as she had expected — a giant serpent, the namesake of the pass, had attacked them while crossing through an underwater section. Thankfully, she was able to aid Katara and Aang in defeating it with waterbending with no casualties
But in the wake of one disaster there was always another, and before Y/N knew it a baby had been born. She was mostly there for moral support — Katara had it all handled, and Y/N didn’t expect anything less.
But finally, they had made it across the pass, and they were so close to Ba Sing Se that she could almost smell the city air. Sadly, though, that meant it was time for them to part ways — Aang to find Appa, and Suki back to her warriors. After some sad but hopeful goodbyes with Aang, it was time to bid farewell to Suki.
“Are you sure you can’t travel a little longer with us?” Y/N questioned, apparently not above pleading to try and get the girl to stay. “You’re— you’re amazing, and we’d really love to have you with us.”
“I can’t even imagine what travelling with the Avatar would be like,” she smiled, causing Y/N to get her hopes up for just a moment before they fell back down. “But I can’t stay. I have to get back to the Kyoshi Warriors.”
Y/N sighed, her gaze falling slightly downcast. “I get that. I just really wish you could stay. Or that I could meet your warriors. You seriously don’t know how cool you are, Suki.”
“Well, if you’re ever in town on Kyoshi Island, find us. I’m sure we’ll be able to work something out and do you one better than just meeting them all,” she said with a grin. “I think it’d be pretty cool to have the first waterbending Kyoshi Warrior.”
Y/N was unable to prevent the heat rushing to her cheeks as she smiled shyly, once again averting eye contact. “That would be amazing. I’ll have to find my way back there after the war.”
Suki bumped shoulders with her, causing a startled laugh to spill from her lips. “We’d love to have you.”
“Wait, why does it sound like you’re saying goodbye to her?” Sokka questioned as he walked up to the two of them. Y/N winked at Suki and gestured at him with her head, walking off before Suki could protest to find Katara.
The conversation the two girls were sharing was an extremely thinly veiled excuse to eavesdrop on the lovebirds, and when they kissed Y/N actually had to hold back a scream.
Sokka deserved this. She knew how much he beat himself up over every little thing that went wrong, and it was about time he got to relax even for a moment. She only hoped that Suki would be in their corner of the world sooner rather than later.
What could she say? She was already fantasizing about life as a Kyoshi Warrior.
Although they had parted ways, they soon found themselves reunited with Aang to stop yet another Fire Nation threat.
“For the love of Kuruk,” Y/N murmured as she stared into the distance, her eyes wide at the sight of a large mechanical drill. “That was Ty Lee who just took down all those soldiers. And if she’s here, Mai and Azula are with her too. Guys, It’s one thing to stop this drill, it’s another thing to take those three down with it.”
“The question is, how do we do it?” Aang questioned.
“Why can nothing ever be easy?” Sokka lamented. His gaze remained trained on the drill for a moment before he realized theirs were on him. “Why are you all looking at me?”
“You’re the idea guy,” Aang said.
“Wait, so I’m the only one who can ever come up with a plan?” he protested. “That’s a lot of pressure!”
“And also the complaining guy,” Katara muttered, drawing a chuckle out from Y/N.
“Now that part I don’t mind,” Sokka admitted.
“Well, Sokka— you were a huge help in the North, and you figured out a way to defeat the Fire Nation during that eclipse at the library! Plus, there’s all that stuff that Katara told me you did before I joined.” She patted him on the back. “If anyone can figure out how to take that thing down, it’s you.”
He shrugged nonchalantly, his ego only slightly bolstered. “...okay. I think I can do it.”
“That’s the spirit!” she said with a smile.
Unfortunately, that smile faded as a young guard came running up to the wall. “Excuse me, Avatar and friends — I’ve heard that you’ve dealt with that… that pink girl down there before.” They nodded and he continued. “It would do us a great deal of help if you could come down and look at our injured soldiers, then.”
Y/N and Katara nodded in unison and started to follow the guard, the remaining three trailing after them. They ended up inside the wall, in what looked like an infirmary of sorts with all the cots and soldiers lying around, and the two waterbenders exchanged looks.
“You know what to do?” Katara asked.
Y/N hummed in acknowledgment, and they both knelt down next to separate cots. “This definitely looks like Ty Lee’s work,” she murmured as she bent water up from the pot and molded it over the man’s arm.
“What’s wrong with him?” the general questioned. “He doesn’t look injured.”
“His chi is blocked,” Katara explained. “Who did this to you?”
“Two girls ambushed us,” the soldier said, moving his arm as he regained feeling. “One of them hit me with a bunch of quick jabs and suddenly I couldn't earthbend anymore and I could barely move. Then she cartwheeled away.”
Katara sighed as she bent the water back into the pot. “You were right, Y/N. That was Ty Lee — she doesn’t look dangerous, but she knows the human body and its weak point. It’s like she takes you down from the inside.”
As if struck by lightning, Sokka lit up. “Oh, oh, oh! What you just said — that’s how we’re going to take down the drill; the same way Ty Lee took down all those earthbenders!”
“By hitting its pressure points!” Toph exclaimed with a grin.
The breakthrough brought a steely determination to Aang’s features as he looked out into the distance. “We’ll take it down from the inside.”
Like everything they did, it seemed so simple on paper. But now that she was actually inside the drill, it felt a lot more nerve wracking. Toph opted to stay outside where she could see and try to slow down the drill with the earth at her disposal, which left the four of them to somehow take it down from the inside.
Sokka led them through a hallway with a myriad of valves and pipes as he thought out loud. “I need a plan of this machine — some schematics that show what the inside looks like. Then we can find its weak points.”
“Where are we gonna get something like that?” Aang asked.
Sokka thought for a moment before he took his machete out and hacked a valve off a pipe. Y/N instinctively took a step back and shielded her face from the hot steam. “What are you doing?” she cried. “Someone’s gonna hear us!”
“That’s the point!” he exclaimed. “A machine this big needs engineers to run it, and when something breaks—”
“Someone will come down to fix it!” Katara finished with a smile at Aang, a sentiment the boy returned happily.
It was surprisingly easy to take down the engineer once he arrived — with a little bit of frozen mist on Katara’s end, they had the plans they needed. Sokka’s expertise combined with the blueprints got them to the beginning of the outer shell.
“Wow,” Sokka muttered. “It looks a lot thicker than it does in the plans. We’re gonna have to work pretty hard to cut through that.”
Katara crossed her arms. “What’s this ‘we’ stuff? The three of us are gonna have to do all the work.”
“Look, I’m the plan guy!” Sokka explained with a gesture to himself. “You three are the ‘cut up stuff with waterbending’ guys. Together, we’re Team Avatar!”
Katara and Aang looked wholly unamused while Y/N chuckled. “Team Avatar. I like it.”
“Thank you,” he smiled. “At least someone appreciates my genius.”
“Tui’s gills, why do you have to keep boosting his ego?” Katara complained. “Let’s just get this done before it gets worse.”
The three of them got in position — Katara and Aang on opposite sides so they could pass the stream of water between them, and Y/N making the point of the triangle to work on the other side on her own. They were hoping it would be more efficient being able to cut through both sides at the same time, but it was proving to be much more difficult than they had imagined — halfway through the three of them were already exhausted.
By some feat of strength they were able to completely cut through the brace, but their hard work didn’t pay off in quite the way they had imagined — when the beam only shifted a few inches she groaned.
“Oh, you have got to be kidding me,” she breathed as she wiped sweat off of her forehead.
“At this rate,” Katara paused to inhale deeply, “we won’t do enough damage before the drill reaches the wall.”
“I don’t know how many more of those I have in me,” Aang said sadly.
A large creak suddenly rang throughout the large chamber, and they all looked up for the source.
“Did you hear that?” Sokka asked, already backing up to make an exit. “We took it down! We gotta get out of here, fast!”
Just as they reached the door on the other side, a crackle followed by the sound of a man’s voice dashed their hopes. “Congratulations, crew. The drill has made contact with the wall of Ba Sing Se. Start the countdown to victory!”
A collective silence hung in the air between them, the threat now even more imminent as their situation sunk in. Mai and Ty Lee had proven effective in taking down any Earth Kingdom threat posed at them, and despite Toph’s skill they knew she couldn’t take down something like this on their own.
They either had to figure out a way to destroy this drill, or the Fire Nation was going to make it into the city.
Sokka ran back over to the brace and pushed against it, putting all his strength into the feat but to no avail. “Come…. on! Move!”
Katara started pacing around in a small circle, crossing her arms again as she tried to think of something. “This is bad. This is really bad.”
“Sokka, that’s not going to work!” Y/N didn’t mean to snap, but the grinding of metal on metal combined with her nervousness got to her. She sighed and ran her hand over her face. “I— I’m sorry. But it’s still not going to work.”
He groaned as he leaned against the brace. “We’re putting everything we have into busting these things, but it’s taking too long!”
Suddenly, Aang jumped up from the ground with stars in his eyes. “Maybe we don’t need to cut all the way through! Toph — she’s been teaching me that you shouldn’t put a hundred percent of your energy in any one strike. Sokka, get in a fighting stance.”
Sokka complied and as Aang talked through his points, he demonstrated it on Sokka. “You've got to be quick and accurate. Hit a series of points and break your opponent's stance. And when he's reeling back, you deliver the final blow. His own weight becomes his downfall, literally.”
As Sokka fell over from the attack, Katara lit up. “So we just need to weaken the braces instead of cutting all the way through—”
“—then I can go to the top of this thing and deliver the final blow!” Aang finished.
Y/N helped Sokka up from the ground, his spirits not dampened at all. “Then boom! This whole thing goes down!”
“Then what are we waiting for?” Y/N asked, flexing her fingers to refresh them for all the bending she was going to have to do. “Aang, Katara and I can handle the braces. Focus on getting up to the top before anyone sees you.”
He nodded and they all met each other with determined eyes. “Everyone inside that wall, the whole world — they’re all counting on us.”
“Here, take this. You need this more than I do. ” Katara took her waterskin off and handed it to Aang. “Good luck. And be careful.”
Y/N noticed a slight blush on her cheeks and she had to hold back her smile. That was definitely something she was going to tease her friend about later — when they weren’t trying to stop the Fire Nation from breaking into Ba Sing Se.
“I will,” he assured. Aang slung the strap of the waterskin around his shoulder and took off, and Y/N and Katara got to work breaking through the rest of the braces.
With the knowledge that they only had to cut through half of each column and the revitalization that came from having a plan, their work went by much quicker. Just when they finished the final brace, it all went wrong.
“Good work, Team Avatar!” Sokka cheered. “Now we— Y/N, duck!”
She didn’t question Sokka as she immediately dropped to the ground, something she was immensely thankful for as a blast of blue fire seared past her. Her eyes snapped up to the source of the attack and narrowed in recognition.
“Of course they’re here,” she growled as she pulled herself back up. “We gotta go, now!”
Katara and Sokka nodded and they all started running. Bringing up the rear, Y/N was able to hear Azula’s words right before they split off into an intersection:
“Follow them! I’m going to find the Avatar.”
Sure enough, when she allowed a glance back, Mai and Ty Lee were closing in on them. She flicked open the cap of her waterskin and bent some out, managing to freeze it at just the right moment to block the incoming daggers from Mai. Still running, she melted it quickly and let it fall to the ground before freezing it again, creating some ice on the ground that would hopefully give them a few more seconds of leeway.
“That should give us some time!” she yelled as they turned a corner, finally turning her attention back to the path in front of them. “Any idea how we’re gonna get out of this thing?”
“Maybe!” Sokka yelled back, slowing to a stop as they came to a dead end, a large hatch the only thing at their disposal. He started tugging on the wheel in an attempt to open it, and when Y/N joined in they were able to wrench it open.
“Slurry pipeline?” Katara frowned as she read the sign on the wall and looked at Sokka. “What does that mean?”
“It’s rock and water mixed together,” he explained as they looked into the rushing liquid underneath the hatch. “It means it’s our way out!”
Katara nodded and climbed in, Sokka following close after. The sound of metal footsteps got closer and closer, and Y/N ducked inside just as Mai’s knives clanked against the hatch. Never before had she been so happy to be floating in a stream of slurry.
The rest of their mission went by surprisingly easy — at least, on their end. All it took was some waterbending — earthbending, when Toph joined them — and encouragement from Sokka (though unappreciated by Katara). Whatever magic Aang was working at the top of the drill had done its job, because soon enough the drill had collapsed in on itself.
And now, they had reunited on the top of the wall overlooking the sunset. After the chaos that had been their day, it was nice to just relax for even a moment. And there was no better way to do so than with her friends.
“I just want to say, good effort out there, Team Avatar!” Sokka exclaimed as he threw an arm around Y/N’s shoulder.
“Enough with the ‘Team Avatar’ stuff,” Katara said dryly. “No matter how many times you say it, it’s not going to catch on.”
“I like it, Sokka,” Y/N smiled. “I’ve liked it this whole time.”
“You always appreciate my genius, Y/N,” he mused. “That’s why I appreciate you.” She laughed and leaned her head against his shoulder as he continued to list off names.
“How about… the Boomeraang squad! Eh? See, it’s good because it’s boomerang, and it has Aang in it—”
“Yeah Sokka,” Toph interrupted. “We got it.”
Aang grinned and scratched his head. “I kinda like that one.”
“The Aang Gang. Ooh, the Fearsome Fivesome!”
“You’re crazy,” Toph muttered as she walked away.
“Wait, Sokka—” Y/N pulled away from him and held up her pointer finger. “Aang Gang — what if we combine it, so it’s just the Gaang? But still with Aang’s name?”
And at that moment, Sokka looked more proud than ever. “Oh, you— you are a genius.”
“Oh, spirits,” Katara groaned. “Why do you insist on encouraging him?”
“You’re just jealous of our name-making abilities,” Sokka said haughtily.
She rolled her eyes but couldn’t stop herself from laughing. “You two are completely ridiculous, you know that? Let’s just get into the city before the trains stop running.”
Y/N and Sokka winked at each other as they all started walking, unable to keep the smile off of her face. She always thought it was amazing — they went through insane things every day, but at the end of it all she was always able to smile because of them. And as her gaze drifted towards the city in the distance, she hoped it would hold true.
She had no idea what Ba Sing Se had in store for her.
shit is gonna happen next chapter so i hope you all are READY bc im not
perm tags: @dv0412 @siriuslyslyslytherin @maruchan77
atla tags: @marianne1806 @brown-eyed-thang @akiris
ehfar tags: @chandies-sideblog @zacatecanaaaa @anzanity @randomthingssss @escapingthoughtsandsecrets @shanksfav @shephard17895 @ilovespideyyy @carisi-sonny @selfship-mishaps @i-belong-in-fandoms @ilistentotayswifttocope @i-make-questionable-choices @3leni
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Pairing: Kanan Jarrus/Hera Syndulla
Word count: no idea
A/N: This is my first fanfiction that I’m posting out in the world! This takes place an hour or two after the end of Star Wars Rebels Season 2 Episode 7: Wings of the Master. I found a fanart when surfing the internet for Kanera content (as one does) a few months ago and I haven’t stopped thinking about it since! I don’t know whose work the art is but I’ll paste it on here! If anyone knows who it’s by, please let me know :) the art isn’t mine, but all of the writing is! Obviously, Kanan isn’t blind yet in this fic like he is in the fanart. I hope anyone who reads this likes it!! I’m hoping to post more fanfiction in the future—I have three others in the works already! I’m open to any and all feedback!
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Hera rubs her temple as she steps out of the promotion briefing. Her head buzzes with new intel, and plans zip through her mind like starships. She is honored and ecstatic about her promotion to Phoenix Leader. At the same time, though, she can already feel the new responsibility settling onto her shoulders, all of the lives that will soon be placed under her supervision weighing on her. Hera can and will take on all of the privileges and authority her new position grants her, and she fully intends to own it, too. Still, her heart is heavy.
Truthfully, she’s still struggling with the losses they suffered on the first attempt to deliver supplies to Ibaar. Hera had been so determined to complete that mission, to find the right ship to make it possible, that the grief and sensation of failure hadn’t caught up with her. She had made sure of that. There wasn’t time to be crippled by guilt and loss when there was a mission to complete. Now that the mission was over, however, she can feel the effects of the losses setting in.
Thoughts swirl through her mind as she continues to head down the hallway towards the bay where the Ghost is docked.
If I had just let us turn back—if I hadn’t told everyone to keep going—maybe Phoenix Leader and the people on the transport would have survived.
She’d made the wrong call. Hera can still hear the panic-filled voice crying out, “Captain Syndulla!” as the transport—and the people inside—were blasted into a thousand pieces. She’d let her determination blind her, and lives had been lost because of it.
Guilt pours into her, paralyzing her. She stops walking in the middle of the empty hallway and steps into a nearby alcove to process it all. If I make a mistake like that again, the consequences will be worse now that I have more responsibility. What if I let everyone down?
Her churning vortex of thoughts and feelings is interrupted by a pair of strong, green-clad arms embracing her from behind, and a deep, warm voice comes from above her. “How’s it going, Captain?”
Pleasure surges through her lekku. His timing is perfect.
The pleasant surprise washes all of the guilt, fear, and sadness away, at least for now. Hera lets out a little “hey” of protest as Kanan Jarrus pulls her nearly off her feet, but an irrepressible smile spreads over her face. She closes her eyes and turns her face towards his, relishing the warmth emanating from him and the way his presence soothes her. Hera places her hands on the arms that envelop her, returning the embrace through a gentle squeeze.
“Better now, love,” she tells him. He releases her slightly so that her feet are fully on the ground and places his chin on her shoulder, still holding her close.
“And you usually hate PDAs.”
“If I’m not mistaken, there’s no one in this hallway.”
“What would you have done if there were?”
Hera is silent for a moment, eyes still closed. “Nothing differently.”
She can feel him grin. “Great,” he replies. “Because there’s someone walking by now.”
Hera’s eyes fly open and search the hallway—which is still empty. She elbows him. “Kanan!”
A deep laugh vibrates out of his chest. She rolls her eyes, but allows herself to settle back into his embrace.
“Really, though,” Kanan says gently, all traces of mirth disappearing. The care in his voice sends another ripple of affection through her lekku. “How are you? I could tell you needed this.”
“And you were right,” Hera admits as he guides them down onto the alcove’s bench, arms still entwined around her. Normally, she’d break away now to explain what she was feeling, the thought of fellow rebels walking by and being made uncomfortable by their display of affection present in her mind. This time, however, she isn’t ready to move away from him. Besides, this isn’t a heavily trafficked hallway anyway. She does move to the side rather than sitting on his lap, though, her shoulder overlapping his. “It’s those people we lost the first time we went to Ibaar to deliver the supplies,” she begins, her voice heavy with returning guilt. “They died because of me.”
Kanan lifts his head from her shoulder, his aquamarine eyes staring seriously into hers. “Hera, no.”
“They told me they were taking heavy fire,” she continues, her voice growing more and more agitated. “They lost their forward deflectors, and I still told them to keep going. I should’ve told them to turn back.” A sound of frustration escapes her throat. “Why am I so stubborn? Why are they putting more people under my leadership after my decision led to several deaths?”
“Hera,” Kanan’s voice cuts through her hysteria, rich and deep and sure. “Everyone here knows that any mission could be their last.”
“I know that,” she responds, voice still thrumming with anguish. “But that doesn’t mean lives should be thrown away just because of one person’s inability to retreat!” She breaks her gaze from his, shaking her head and staring down at the floor. “I don’t deserve that promotion.”
Kanan gently lifts her head so that her eyes meet his again. “No one trusting someone with authority expects them to be perfect,” Kanan reminds her. “Everyone here has made a wrong call, has failed to complete a mission—which you didn’t, by the way—but that doesn’t mean they’re a failure. You weren’t treating anyone like they were expendable—your optimism led you not to give up. You were determined to get those supplies to those in need and refused to give up hope.” Tones similar to those he uses when teaching Ezra a lesson color his voice, though with considerably less frustration. “The only way to rise above your mistakes is to accept the lessons they teach and apply them in the future. Letting your mistakes destroy your faith in yourself isn’t going to help anyone.”
Hera listens intently, his sincerity like a bacta patch on a wound.
“Sato could hear all of the comms between you and Phoenix Squadron, and he didn’t demote you or chastise you. Clearly, he doesn’t blame you for the lives that were lost.” Kanan squeezes her tighter reassuringly. “No one does.”
His voice becomes harder, more insistent. “And of course you deserve the promotion.” He sounds offended at the thought of anyone suggesting otherwise. “You didn’t volunteer to leave the mission—you were committed to seeing it through. But when I volunteered you for the mission to Shantipole, you dove in—literally—and headed straight into a world that no ship is supposed to be able to escape from—but you did. You’d only flown that B-wing once before joining the battle, but you flew it like it was built for you. You’re the reason those supplies did get to those people. When I recommended your promotion, Sato didn’t waste a second before agreeing with me.”
Kanan’s words replace her guilt and grief with a swelling of gratitude and comfort. Hera won’t forget those who had died today. She’ll be more careful to see when a situation requires a retreat, but she won’t let her confidence in herself die. “Thank you, Kanan,” she tells him, her heart full. He places his forehead against hers, and they share a rare moment of contentment and peace, enjoying each other’s presence.
Hera reluctantly breaks the silence after a minute or so, lifting her forehead from his.“We should probably get back home,” she tells the Jedi. “I liked that B-wing, but that doesn’t mean I’m letting the kids wreck the Ghost.” Kanan’s flash of disappointment is so endearing. She lifts his chin reassuringly.
“It’ll be all right, fearless leader.”
Kanan unravels his arms from around her, replying indignantly, “Hey, no, you’re officially the leader now.” They’d had the argument many times, each insisting that the other is the leader of their crew. Hera always tells him that “captain of the ship” and “leader” are two different things.
Now she rolls her eyes, smiling, but doesn’t correct him this time.
“I guess it’s about time we get back, anyway,” Kanan continues before she changes her mind and decides to refute him. “How long has it been since you’ve eaten something?”
Hera’s brows knit as she attempts to remember. “Yeah, too long,” Kanan’s suspicions seem to have been confirmed. “Come on.” He takes her hand and pulls her up, out of the alcove, and into the hallway. They share a comfortable silence all the way back to the Ghost, which Hera now realizes Kanan must have left to come find her. Even more affection for him to rises in her at the realization.
When the cockpit opens, the two release each others’ hands and are greeted by a rush of cheers and pumping fists. Even Chopper waves his grasping arms and spins around in celebration.
“Go Hera!” Ezra yells.
“About time you got promoted,” Zeb grins.
“Congratulations, Hera,” Sabine tells her earnestly.
“Mom got promoted! Mom got promoted!” Chopper chants triumphantly.
Hera chuckles, heart overflowing with fondness for her crew. “All right, all right,” she tells them. “You’re going to make the rest of the ship think that something’s wrong.”
“Who cares?” Ezra says as he pulls everyone into a group hug. “Hera cares,” Kanan replies, but he puts one arm around her and another around Sabine. The hug is a little awkward, with Zeb being so much taller than Ezra and Sabine and Chopper standing in the middle of the circle, but in that moment, the crew feels truly united.
“Okay, I can’t stand Zeb’s smell anymore,” Ezra quips, stepping out of the circle. Chopper rolls over and smacks him with a grasping arm.
“Ow! You always do that!” The blue-haired boy zips into the cargo hold, trying to get away from Chopper, who continues whacking him as he pursues.
The rest of the family shares exasperated smiles.
Kanan nudges Hera forward, dropping his arms from hers and Sabine’s shoulders.
“Lead the way, Captain Hera,” he tells her, that crooked smile of his setting the inside of Hera aglow. “We’re all behind you.”
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chainofclovers · 3 years
Ted Lasso 2x9 thoughts
It’s no secret that I absolutely adore Coach Beard; he’s one of my favorite characters on the show, and he’s so well-written and well-acted that somehow I tend to be both perfectly satisfied with the details we see and truly curious to understand more about the way he thinks, what’s really happening re: his professional and personal devotion to Ted, where he comes from and where he’s going. I don’t need to know his name beyond the name he wants to be called, but I want to know why we don’t have any other names for him. And I don’t need him to be a bigger focal point of every episode, but I very much needed this episode’s world-exploding reminder that every single character on this show has a rich inner life, full of joys and troubles.
“Beard After Hours” is like a movie, but one that scatters its climaxes and puts off its resolutions...because it’s not a movie. It’s episode nine of a twelve-episode season of TV. When the episode ended, I felt this almost frantic “But he needed to break up with Jane for good before the end of the episode!” feeling. I was so pulled in by the idea of being able to tell an entire story in one night, of going on an odyssey alongside a complicated hero, that watching Beard and Jane find each other in that club felt as intense as the fact that we don’t know if Ted responded to Rebecca’s voicemail and we don’t know what’s going to happen with Rebecca and Sam and we don’t know who isn’t getting married and who is having a funeral in 2x10 (I mean, I have my strong suspicions, but still!) and we don’t know if Richmond will be promoted back to the Premier League. And on and on. I didn’t mind feeling desperate for the story to resolve even though I understood after thinking about it for ten seconds that of course it couldn’t resolve yet. Or ever. Or yet.
I’m a big fan of the TL episode recaps/reviews Linda Holmes writes for NPR, and I have to quote something from this week’s directly because it so perfectly explains my feelings:
The power of the scene where Beard dances in the club isn't that it's a beautiful romantic climax. It's that it's an explanation of why he cannot seem to extricate himself from this bad relationship. What makes the worst relationships so dangerous is that they have elements that feel good that are very hard to get elsewhere. Beard knows that; he tells it to God. What's concerning isn't that Jane makes the world seem more interesting; what's concerning is she's the only thing that does. That doesn't take away from the joy of the dancing; it just tells you that even happiness is complicated.
I love Holmes’ perspective here so much, because it articulates something I was struggling to figure out: how it can feel so legitimate, like such a (temporary but nonetheless powerful) relief, for Beard to find Jane in that club and to have this moment of euphoria as his night nears an end. How it is possible to experience that relief on behalf of a character while fervently wishing it could end differently, because it’s so clear from the abusive text messages and the toxic calls and the manipulative interactions that Jane is terrible to him and they’re terrible for each other. But Beard knows this. He knows it when he hugs Higgins in the parking lot after Higgins is honest with him in a way Ted and Rebecca and Keeley have not learned how to be, and he knows it when part of his prayer includes the clear articulation that Jane isn’t the cure for what “ails me.” He’s inching closer to greater self-knowledge just as Ted is.
And the two big resolutions that really, really needed to happen did. I didn’t know I needed Paul, Baz, and Jeremy to get to wrap up their own night out on the pitch at Nelson Road, but I did. It brought actual tears to my eyes. And the other resolution was Beard showing up with the other coaches’ coffees for their meeting to watch the game film. As interesting as it would have been to see what Ted would have done if Beard hadn’t shown up, I’m so, so glad that he did. He’s got a messed-up face and some truly epic pants on, but otherwise this is just Beard showing up for work, showing up for his friends. It was incredible to realize that Beard and Ted haven’t been exaggerating when they’ve referred to his sex-and-drug proclivities in the past. The night documented in 2x9 might have been particularly scary and violent and euphoric and awful and meaningful, but this type of all-night adventure isn’t a foreign concept for this guy. In all the other episodes of this show, when we see Beard we’re seeing someone who might have been out all night, who might have spent the hours the sun was down desperately pushing himself closer to whatever edges he could find.
I don’t really want to touch upon all the allusions in this episode. They are abundant, they are well-documented, and also I haven’t even seen the movie After Hours. I enjoyed this episode for its allusive qualities and I enjoyed this episode for what it was and I feel like I have to be at peace with the fact that I’m never going to pick up on every single reference on this show and that is okay.
So, yeah, if this entry on my tumblr dot com blog seems remarkably devoid of references and allusions, it’s not because I’m not into it but because I find it too overwhelming to actually write about.
Very into the Misplaced and Discovered box at the Crown and Anchor. (That’s what Mae wrote on the Lost and Found box at the pub, right? Whatever it is, it’s so funny.)
Beard hallucinating Thierry Henry and Gary Lineker was truly upsetting and a great indicator not only of how broken things are between the Richmond coaching staff right now but also how deep Beard’s self-loathing might go. If you’d asked me before Thursday if I thought Beard loathed himself, I would say no. That deepening of knowledge alone makes 2x9 worth it.
James Tartt and his friends in the alley. Such a nightmare. I go back and forth on how much of the night was real, and part of me has decided all of it is, short of the images of Henry and Lineker. (And even that is real to the extent that it was a way of articulating what was in Beard’s head.) But watching Beard in physical danger brought on by the same abuser who had him so upset in the first place. It was a lot.
I’m so excited that Paul and Jeremy and Baz got some spotlight this episode. It was so wonderful to see them out of the pub. I love that they ended up telling the Oxford snots who they really were. They got to see Beard going to bat for them and smoothing over the situation socially, and that actually made it more possible for them to end up being truthful about themselves. Because they have nothing to be ashamed of, and they deserved the magic of that night. (And for it to end on Nelson Road. Every feeling. Oof.)
I feel like I barely have anything to say about the trouser-mending lady or the many places Beard goes or his key-dropping or the nightmarish feeling of wanting to be home and being unable to be home. It all happened and we all watched it and again, it was a lot. But I do feel incredibly moved and fascinated by the fact that Beard very obviously still hasn’t been home when he brings in the coffee. He’s had to sleep at the club for Jane- and key-related reasons in the past, and this time it’s not that he’s slept there but it still feels like a kind of homecoming he was robbed of for the entire night. Ted and Roy and Nate are there. He’s gotten their coffee orders correct. Ted is growing and evolving (he wants to learn from what’s happened, he’s insisting upon it even when the others resist) but he’s done a really perfect (almost romantic in its loveliness) thing by presumably spending his evening following a breakdown of his own speeding up the game film to 10x speed and adding Benny Hill. Ted is not OK and Beard is not OK and Nate is not OK and Roy is pretty OK but could very easily be not OK because he’s just joined a coaching staff with a whole lot of not OK. But they all showed up.
I am very into the realism of the lights being off in the club other than the coaches’ office (@talldecafcappuccino pointed this out!), and the way we’re seeing their desks from a different angle because this episode is unfocused on Ted. It really added to the mindset of being hungover and exhausted and unable to go home or even to know exactly what home should be; even this warm, familiar place feels off even as it’s a relief to be back there.
I am excited to return to our regularly scheduled programming with the full cast of characters, but I really adored this episode for what it taught us about Beard and what it illuminated about the humor, pain, and complexity of each person who inhabits this universe. Beard may not be loud about his long-standing beliefs or about the things he’s learned, but there’s a lot happening in there and I appreciated getting to spend 43 minutes with him and (in the case of the ticket he scrawls on a piece of paper so the pub guys can get into Nelson Road) the moments he sets in motion.
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