#so these probably sound real dumb but I need to get them out somewhere
creamecream · 1 year
Current omitb thoughts after the newest episode:
I’m assuming that Joy was the genius who did Ben’s makeup, and he was having like an allergic reaction to something in the cookies he probably ate.
I’m thinking she genuinely just misplaced her lipstick (based on her reaction when seeing it, just “oh! you found my lipstick!”, no snatching it, etc.) and that Ben probably wrote that bit on his mirror to himself because diet.
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goldsbitch · 9 months
That second flight
part 4 to That one Christmas flight
summary: What happens when people stop lying to themselves? Sometimes, you get a good night out of it.
warnings: cheesy af, swear words and alcohoI guess, cliche probably, typos most definitely
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Do not fuck it up, do not fuck it up, do not fuck this up.
Hey you? What kind of a message even is that? Ugh. She ruined it. Now she will have to move away and start her life again.
The weather forecast predicted high levels of overreacting for today.
He must have liked the cool girl vibe she somehow gave of on the plane. Y/N prayed for the gods of cool vibes to bless her again.
Lando was just about to start an interview for Sky Sports when he received her message. He imagined this was how it felt to win a podium. On the top of the world. He gave an absolutely charismatic, energetic and funny interview. One that would surely create lots of gifs on the socials. PR manager even high-fived him when they finished. To be honest, he could not wait for a moment of solitude so that he could reply.
"hey" he started. "so I broke the rule, ups" Her reply came instantly.
"I've noticed. But then again, you radiate speeding tickets vibe from miles away. So no surprise."
He smiled, well aware of how efficient the Italian ticketing was running.
"paid one last week, so you got me there" "so, how's your cool student life going?"
"Trying gain some wisdom, as people just feel free to call me dumb on social media these days."
"compliments come in a variety of forms, don't discriminate"
From now on, there was no way back.
The next few days consisted of constant texting. Joking around, sending pictures capturing their daily life - both of them keeping in secret that lots of the information shared was nothing new. They were careful, somewhat distancing themselves from any real deep topics. But, days felt like blur, waiting for the next text to come and somehow managing to live the real life in between that. Y/N stayed in most evenings, almost making her friends concerned.
It did not take long enough for famously patient Lando to getting sick of it. They had a week between the next three week round of races. It was now or never. He missed one chance by being mr. mysterious, so mr. direct it was now.
"so, lady. what are you doing this weekend?" he asked out of the blue.
"I dunno. Probably studying, I guess."
"well, you're smart enough, you can skip that. let's meet up."
Y/N pretended to herself that she was second guessing. She headed out, to the bar where her friends were hanging out before they planned on heading to some faculty party. She felt joining them suddenly. Sat quietly, listening to their usual chit chat. Her charade lasted about seven minutes.
"Yes. Let's." she texted and threw her phone deep down to her bag. She was nervous, heart racing and mind quite not catching up yet.
"I need to tell you guys something," she interrupted them and almost demanded immediate attention. Questioning looks followed. "Uh, so I met this guy on a plane. And I'm gonna see him again this weekend."
Saying it like that, she realized that it was all kind of real and that she probably could not explain it in words how bizzare it all felt.
"Aw, that's cute! Tell us more!" Teresa clapped excitedly, the whole weird vibe surrounding her friend making more sense now.
Y/N expected her friends to be more shocked. "Um, yeah. It's just this guy. I don't really know how it's gonna happen, but yeah."
"Is he coming here? Can we meet him?"
Y/N kept the information that they already did to herself. Just in case she is left stranded alone and disappointed.
"I don't...I don't know actually. Yeah."
"We will do as we always do - sharing location and staying by if needed, honey."
Y/N missed a text notification. "great. i'll fly you out to somewhere where we can be alone, not to sound too creepy."
She landed an hour after him. Lando sent a picture of him waiting at the airport cafe.
He booked the best hotel room he could find. Well, technically he booked two rooms. Just in case she wanted to keep her distance or if by any chance he fucked up so royally, that she would refuse to share space with him. At least, he could walk away from this like a gentleman.
Since she last him, she forgot just how hot this guy was in person. Seeing him, sitting casually sipping coffee and glued to him phone, she took a moment to study him. It was as if he was tailored specifically to her taste. His clothes covering his godlike body, not too muscular but enough for the sight of his arms sending her to different dimension. The origin of her audacity she had to be the first one to talk to him on the plane was unknown to her. There was no more panic left in her body, as she had done nothing but panicking the whole flight.
She walked and sat opposite to him.
"Hey," he smiled.
"Hey yourself," she replied. There was a moment of awkward silence. Turns out there was a bit of panic left in Y/N after all. Last week she though she'd never see this guy. And now she was staring in his eyes.
"Do you want some coffee?," he asked innocently. He looked her up and down, excited to see her. All of his worries he refused to acknowledge were gone. After all, she got up and flew here just to hang out with him. The reality of this filled him with confidence.
"Yes. A small tiny espresso with no milk."
"Great. Let's grab that and hit the road."
Lando's car might have as well run on butterflies alone present in his vehicle. There was absolutely no way for him to drive some random rental car, so he called up McLaren people to provide him one for the night. It came up in the same conversation when he requested personal time off. Both things came to a certain level of surprise, as he had never done this before. Y/N knew she had to work on a group project for one of her minor classes. Just like him, she had done something she would not have dared - and completely ghosted her group for this weekend.
"You look nice, btw," he commented casually.
"Well yeah, when you're not on an overnight flight across half of the world wearing airport attire, it makes thing easier."
"Hm, I would say sweatpants have some magic to them."
It was hard for Y/N to get the image of him out of her head.
"So, where is my lovely kidnapper taking me?"
They discussed prior to this that the vibe they would like out of this was a casual dinner and then finding the shittiest club possible and have some fun, trying to remain as private as possible yet within the vicinity of the small Italian city.
"My assistant found this lovely little place in the centre. Don't get mad, but I had him completely book it out. You know, the privacy thing," he said with more insecurity than one would expect.
Y/N picked up on that and tried to lighten up the mood. It seemed a bit excessive to do that, but he probably knew what he was doing.
"Your assistant," she gagged over dramatically. "Jesus, am I not worth enough for you to google on your own? Mr. Busy man. Was he also the one who found me online them?" she joked?
"I'm sure I'd have to hire a special person to that if I planned on outsourcing it."
"You love it."
And she did.
He parked in front of the restaurant, without a care for the world.
"So you're telling me we're making a big deal about keeping a secret that you're here, yet you decide to park like a proper asshole?" she remarked while he opened the door for her. Jokes were making her focus on something else than the fact she was falling for him too hard.
"Oh, you're going absolutely hate my plan," he laughed as they were entering the full on empty restaurant.
"Wow, look at that. I invited all my friends!" he whispered to her ear before addressing the owner.
"Hello, you must be Dario?"
This Dario person smiled brightly at him. "Ah, mister Papaya!" Lando nodded and Y/N rolled her eyes. Dario then started speaking Italian without a care of the world. Language wise deaf Lando did not count for the fact people just did not speak English in this part of Italy. A tiny crack in his plan. What was he suppose to do, call Carlos? But, Y/N having spend a good year or two studying there was there to ease the situation. She whipped out her B1 Italian and greeted the man. Dario's happiness filled up the room.
He seated them and immediately brought local red wine and giving a long talk about where this wine was from and how his grandma used to pick up the grapes herself and how the notes did this and that. Y/N tried to translate at the beginning, but Dario looked like was ready to give a TED talk. She started to loose the grasp of the story, which Lando observed. And like good gentleman he helped her out. No, of course not, when he saw her getting lost, he put on a super interested face and asked about seven follow up questions. Y/N was super annoyed. The kind of annoyed that creates a smile on your face.
When this showdown finally ended, Y/N nearly gulped the wine down. "So rude, Dario just said, you're suppose to sit it and let it roll," said Lando and with too much affect sipped his wine. "Aah," he took a deep breath and the bit his tongue. Y/N stuck her tongue out completely like a five year old child. "Yes, I can your red tongue, that's also one of the reasons why you sip it."
They sat, talked and laughed. He seemed genuinely interested when she blabbed a little bit too long about her latest projects. And then he asked her for a feedback on his latest merch, which by sheer coincidence included lots of photos of him. It was hard to admit how much he enjoyed the idea of her looking at him.
"So, um. I'm not sure I understood Dario correctly. But it looks like he insists on getting us the local speciality," she said hesistantly.
"Well, only if his grandma would approve. But why is this strange look on your face?"
"I must have gotten it wrong. Because burnt pasta just sounds wrong. If I wanted that, I could have stayed and have my roommate cook for us."
"Hm, that is an interesting idea." Lando pretended he did not know her roommate's name.
Once Darion brought out the burnt pasta, the couple had a hard time not to laugh.
"When in Rome...well not in Rome, but you get the idea."
"Why is this good?" Y/N proclaimed with her mouth full to the limit.
Lando laughed. "Ah, we have a lady at the table, I see. I mean yeah, I am not supposed to be having pasta now, but this is so weirdly good."
They finished their strange pasta and the bottle of wine. Said goodbye to Dario, Y/N tried not to think on how much it cost to close a restaurant down.
"Wait, what are we going to do about the car? We can't drive now."
"Not to sound like a complete asshole, but I'd like we remove the WE from any sentence including driving now at the beginning, if that is ok. And like I said at the beginning, you're gonna hate this."
"Go on, Lando boy. Tell me."
"Yeah, the car was provided by my employer. And they really need me, so I'm just going to leave the car here to get towed and inform them later."
"Jesus, why!"
"Well, I figured we'll get a taxi in the morning. I want to enjoy all the time I have with you. Dealing with the car is not on the menu today."
There was nothing for Y/N to reply. She was having too much fun to be thinking.
They found what seemed to be the shittiest bar playing 80's and 90's songs, weirdly colored lights swinging out of the rhythm and with people there consisting of old papas and few probably underaged kids. They brought their own wine bottle from Dario, Lando paid 100 euro for two glasses and for the bartender leaving them alone. It did not take long for Y/N to break out to the dance floor. Lando watched her clumsy yet somehow elegant moves for a moment, before he joined her. They danced, as if they were the only people there, laughing and completely ignoring the looks they were getting. And to the tones of remix of Brother Louis, they kissed again. And this time, they kept kissing until late hours, hand roaming around each other, as if they were two teenagers making out for the first time.
part 5
Tagged all those who like to suffer: @prudyhoo @anuksunamon @sagestack @esquerkaren @ushygushybaby @ilove-tswizzle @thehufflepuffavenger1  @superlegend216 @mehrmonga @lovely-blackinnon @mylifeihate1029 @lausdigitaldiary @tswizzleismother
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danieyells · 2 months
Could you imagine if MC doesn't break the curse and dies? And then cutting to a year or two into the future and a couple of the boys are hunting an Anomaly only to get attacked by a bunch of flower monsters, they do manage to beat them back only for them to hear an all too familiar voice asking if they're still alive.
The Anomaly appears before the Ghouls in the most vicious and cruel way possible, in the corpse of MC and in the most mocking tone possible it says, "Hi~ Did you miss me?"
Idk I think that would really mess with the Ghouls.
I don't think the Academy would release them if they turned into the anomaly lmaooooo I guarantee you they will kill them on campus, if they don't keep them locked up for study. They sent Taiga to kill the one that cursed them specifically because Taiga kills things, they want those things dead. In the weeks leading up to their last day they'd be kept somewhere in Mortkranken, being studied and experimented on while flowers grow out of their head and eyes. And maybe some of their friends would want to let them out, but they'd be convinced against it--if they're released the Institute will send someone to kill them. Someone who isn't attached like they are. The best hope they have is being locked up right now.
But yeah if somehow they got out or something. . .I dunno, I think it depends on the ghoul. A lot of them would be very "you are not them anymore" and not show mercy--the ones who would be shaken by it would be more invested in capturing them. If they can talk they can be reasoned with, perhaps they'll come back willingly? But if they're attacking them they have to fight back--although it didn't attack Taiga that we're aware of. We don't even know if the Kyklos can fight, but assuming it does.
Oops my list of responses got long. Some are more intense(?) than others lol
Jin would feel a little tinge of regret that with all his money and power this couldn't have had been prevented. He would try and capture them, but if that weren't feasible. . .he might have had some kind of tracker made when he learned they got away from the Academy. They'll be able to find them and capture them. For their memory he'll make sure they find a way to cure this curse. Maybe, just maybe, they can be un-cursed and they're still in there. So they need to keep the body.
Tohma would do whatever Jin asked of him, assuming he's still working with/for Jin at this point. If Jin says capture it he'll try and capture it. If Jin says kill it, kill it. If he's on his own, he knows he should capture it so he'll try and do that but, again, if it can't be done then cut it down.
It'd definitely bother Kaito. Assuming he doesn't grow a backbone, he'd freeze up. He might try and talk to and reason with them. But if they start trying to attack him he'd have no choice but to fight back, or someone who's with him would fight it for him. Because he wouldn't be able to get past that he's hearing them talk and if they sound scared or in pain or upset by all of this it would be so hard to keep going. But they'd have to. He'd somehow end up capturing them by pure dumb luck.
Luca would just apologize and promise to avenge them before cutting them down, assuming he doesn't eventually understsnd that he needs to capture, not kill, the anomalies. Considering PC's dead, he'd probably have learned by then and he'd spend forever trying to capture them, even if it were on his own.
Alan, like Luca, might pause for a bit but then mercy kill them. He'd feel awful about it afterwards though. Like, you'd need to give the guy a minute for real. Yes, he knows they were already dead and that wasn't really them anymore. But it still feels bad.
Leo. . .I feel like he'd've learned whatever he could about Kyklos after the failure tk break their curse. Like, c'mon, they must've found something out. At some point, he'd learn Ed knew something too and he'd get information out of him. He'd know things the Institute doesn't know. For example, the Kyklos' victim may not be dead in there. The Institute said they'd die but Ed said they'd just turn into the anomaly--the Institute is likely the one that would kill them. So he'd make sure they get captured, or at least make sure they escape instead of get killed if they can't capture them yet. If they can be cured they might be able to come back. And they will fucking owe him. (But, man, he's used AI to fake people's voices before and it's 1000 times worse having that kind of thing used against you. Gross. Hopefully his gum over their mouth will shut them up. Even the way they breathe is way too loud.)
Sho, I think, would still be following Leo's lead. He's be surprised Leo doesn't want them killed until Leo fills him in on everything he learned from Ed. Sho'll be really determined to capture them if there's a chance they're still in there. He'd apologize that Hyde would probably be examining them though. If he tries anything weird, just threaten to curse him, okay? You can't unless he takes his stupid mask off but like. You can threaten him, I'm giving you permission.
Haru would chat right back. Try and convince them to come willingly. If they couldn't be convinced. . .well, sorry, he has to take them in. No hard feelings, right? If they're still in there at all, they have to understand better than anyone how important this is!
Towa would be fucking furious. Like, for a while, too. He very well might slaughter them without mercy. How fucking dare it. The way Alan was beating on Takeru's ghost? Imagine that but with lightning. Maybe an explosion or two. Reduced to ashes. He did not give that thing permission to speak to him. And how dare it use his Dandelion's voice to do so. How fucking dare it think he would feel bad in response to it. It should have knelt and begged for mercy instead of mocking him if it wanted to keep living.
Ren would wince and complain about that being disgusting. C'mon, that's super tasteless. And corny. He's seen this exact kind of thing in a shitty horror movie he watched. . . .he watched it with PC even. Ugh, they're definitely mocking him. Okay, here comes the inner tube, time to go back to the Institute, buddy. Can you not talk the rest of the way maybe? It'll make him feel bad.
Taiga shot the thing before it could even talk. Not dead though, oh no, it just can't walk. Yeah, he did miss you, kitty cat. You've been wasting away out here! It's okay, you actually smell even better, you're gonna taste even better like this! Whoever Taiga is with has to watch him talk to this thing like he knew and loved it while he eats it alive. Keep fighting, kitty cat, keep scratching, good. If they're still in there at all he wants as much of them as he can eat. When he's done it's the most full he's felt in a long time.
Romeo, like Towa, would be disgusted and pissed off and just. Not even be there for it. Oh, no, the second it tried to use that disgusting imitation of PC's voice he was shooting it he was blowing it up. Stop talking. STOP TALKING. How dare you mock Romeo Scorpus Lucci! How dare you TAKE SOMETHING FROM HIM and dangle it, tarnished, in his face! Die!
Ritsu would inform them they've committed some crime against anomalous law by escaping the Institute with intent to spread their curse, and he would be taking them in and having them tried. Sorry, but he won't be defending them this time. He can't forgive what the curse has done to them, but if they come willingly perhaps they'll be given a more gentle treatment and sentencing. Perhaps if they help the Institute they'll be able to be treated and released. Isn't that better than running away forever?
Subaru would feel so bad. . .that they turned into the anomaly is only the anomaly doing what its nature dictated. And now they're only following their new instincts. They know he doesn't want to harm them. Please come back with him. He understands they aren't trying to hurt anyone, and he won't fight if they don't fight. But he can't let them get away, either. Surely if they can speak they're reasonable. If they keep running away someone will kill them. Please just come back. He knows they don't want to be locked up like Lyca was, but it might be what's best for everyone. . .he'll do everything he can to see to it that Darkwick or the Institute treat them well. . . . Of course, he'll fight if he has to. But he'll refuse to use lethal force. Either they'll be captured or they'll escape. No other options.
Haku. . .I think he'd feel bad, but it wouldn't impede him any. He doesn't wanna give them up to the Institute, knowing how they'll be treated, but. . .what's the other option, letting them run free and cursing more people? Letting the prophecy fulfil itself and some calamity happens? Nah, sorry, but they've gotta come back. Not even for the Institute--it's about the Prophecy. If they don't go back soon surely something bad will happen. Things have already been going downhill since they escaped. He'd laugh and play his flute and lock them in with him. Isn't this familiar--but a little backwards? Right back where they started. He's taking them to Darkwick. Time is a flat circle, or whatever.
Zenji, assuming he's still floating around and somehow ends up in this situation, would be so upset and frustrated. . .and he's pretty helpless in these situations too. I assume, as a ghost, Zenji is aware of spirits, and he'd see their soul may still be in there and implore whoever he's with, if they can hear him(I assume he'd be with Subaru) to carefully capture them. Because they may still be in there. Maybe he'd try and communicate with their spirit. Maybe he could get them to control their body just a little bit, just enough to get them captured. If nothing else, even if they die, their spirit can be released right? They should be allowed to move on if they want. They can't do that trapped inside their cursed shell. (But if not he wouldn't mind being ghost partners!)
Ed has met plenty of Kyklos before. He already knows the deal. They are a Kyklos now. There's nothing wrong with that. Congratulations on being freed of humanity--although perhaps they would be happier as a different sort of anomaly than this. He considers letting them go--this mission wasn't about them after all--but he asks if they're happy. He looks into their soul to find if they are happy. They are not. Their instincts will make them run or fight or seek humans to spread their curse to, and they, like a freshly turned vampire, don't have much control outside of their instincts. Kyklos never do. Ed has already graduated and he can go home now. . .and the Greek branch of the Institute will know better what to do with a Kyklos than the Japan branch, he suspects. He's not sure how they'll manage it. . .but instead of taking them to Darkwick, he'll get them out of the country somehow. He'll keep them safe until then. Somehow. Just don't get caught until then, okay? So he lets them go, because he, unlike others, can understand an anomaly. (Towa can also understand, but he was too pissed off to hear them out, of course.) He'll be back for them, because he isn't beholden to the Institute. He wanted to stay in Japan a little longer but this may be more pressing. . . .
Rui. . .god what could he even do. He would feel so bad because Ed already told him they're still in there, somewhere. Would it be more merciful to kill them? It's what the Institute would expect him to do, and they may get on his ass if they learn he didn't even try. . .he'd laugh about them putting him in a tough spot. The Institute didn't get any better in their absence. Will they kill them if he takes them back? Will they at least try to cure the curse after the fact or study them or something first? Is it better to just kill them now?? Is it better to just let them go???? But they'd hurt people. . .in the end, he's a pacifist. If it prevents damage to others and he doesn't have to do the killing, he has to capture them and hope for the best.
Lyca, I think it'd depend on how much they still smell like themself. If they smell like themself still, just heavily obscured by all the flowers, he might try and talk to them and capture them, but if not. . .he'd get mad that this awful thing is using his friend's voice and trying to trick him. He'd probably just kill them then.
Yuri isn't a fighter anyway, but he'd immediately take it out on them verbally. How dare they run away before they could make a breakthrough, how dare they make him look like a failure by escaping??? They should have felt honored to be his test subject! They should have felt honored to be advancing such a valuable study! Even if they died, someone else could live thanks to their sacrifice! Or they could have lived!! So they are getting captured and they sre going back to Yuri's lab and no one else is going to touch or study them without his approval and supervision and he WILL find a cure for their curse, even if that cure doesn't bring them back for additional scolding! Now, Jiro, capture it.
Jiro would be curious as to how much of that talking was still them. He'd keep talking to them. Asking them questions. Do you remember our names? Do you remember what you studied in class? Do you remember the missions we went on? Do you remember when Yuri did this? Do you remember when I did this? Do you remember when you said that? Do you remember how you felt then? Do you feel anything now? He'd be so curious about what's going on in their head and if it's still the PC or if it's just the parasitic anomaly. He'd be studying them and fighting them--and he'd be very certain to capture them. Because he needs to know everything. And if they're still in there, wouldn't it be amazing if they got them back? And, of course, because Yuri told him to. Even if they're gone and their life can't be salvaged, there's so much to be gained from capturing them. Don't make it easy on him. He needs to know what they can do, too.
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tilvcei · 2 years
⭢ In which: you feel left out and in the blind when ethan hangs out with his new friends and is around tara a lot, he barely tells you anything which makes you think he doesn’t like you anymore and has lost interest in you.
☆ | warning(s): language, alcohol,
☆ | note: I just wanna tell you guys or warn you guys, this may be a bit of ooc!ethan I don’t know, you’ll enjoy this though, I promise :)
☆ | gender: they/them (reader)
☆ | key: (e/c) means eye color
☆ | REMINDER: nothing in this fanfiction is real, it’s just all written for fun, do not take this seriously. writing is meant to be fun anyways! also do not copy nor translate without permission.
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Ethan had called your number, asking if you could pick him up. he was at some party with his friends, he probably got drunk again and is now wasted which makes you think you’ll probably have to carry him inside the car.
You had your car keys in your hand, making your way into the house and once you made it inside you were immediately faced with crowded people who were everywhere.
Making your way through the musty, drunk, and sweaty crowd you found yourself in the kitchen. Ethan wasn’t there either.
"Hey, excuse me-" the bystander was paying you no mind, her phone was in her other hand, she must’ve been facetiming someone.
She laughed, you could smell the alcohol from her breath, making your face scrunch in disgust.
"Hey, excuse me. ma’am?" you said again, trying to get her attention. she slammed her red party cup on the marble designed countertop, turning to glare at you.
She clicked her tongue, "can’t you see I’m talking on the phone with someone? or are you blind or something? people barely have any patience nowadays, it’s crazy!" she exclaimed.
You squeezed the car keys in your hands, sucking in some air through your nose, holding your composure.
"Listen, all I wanted to ask is if you seen ethan? he’s this boy with curly brown hair and a dorky weird smile and brown eyes." you explained, all she did was giggle.
Was she high? no, you didn’t have time for this dumb shit right now. you had to find ethan.
"I haven’t seen no kid with brown curly hair. lemme add the laughing emoji beside that. anyways hotshot, you want a drink? I can make a special one for you." The girl said, grabbing your hand and placing a sloppy kiss on the back of it.
Oh how you wanted to just sock her in the face from just doing that, but surprisingly you didn’t. if that was anyone else who wasn’t drunk they’d definitely knock her out. and you were one of them. but you’ll admit it was kind of nice of her but she was drunk right now— and it made you weirded out and uncomfortable.
Your face felt like it was about to go red, wasn’t she just annoyed by your presence a few minutes ago?
"Yes, yes I know I was annoyed by you a few minutes ago but when I see someone like you? I can make time for it. so, beautiful, what’s it gonna be?" She asked, her words sounded like they were slurring from how much alcohol she consumed.
You sighed and yanked your hand out of her grip, "okay look, I just need to find my friend. and my advice for you is to go home and sleep the alcohol off. alright?" you told her.
"My names Andrea by the way. I think I’ve seen you in my classes, which one is it? uh- English? yeah, that class. I’m not that drunk, but erm, the boy with the curly and weird smile? I saw him talking with his roommate Chad. he’s somewhere in this damn house." Andrea explained, you gave her a slight nod.
"Uhm, thanks Andrea." you said, her eyes had a flash of sadness in them for a moment before she smiled and it quickly went away, "I have this campaign coming up with a couple of people who are interested in science. I was hoping.." Andrea trailed off before handing you a flyer. you took it from her hands, her fingers brushing yours for a minute before she pulled away with a very visible blush which you somehow weren’t able to see.
"I was hoping you’d come. all seats are opened, we just need a few more members and I thought you’d fit the spot. it’s up to you if you feel like it." Andrea said, you stared down at the flyer with a tilted head, reading the guidelines.
"I’d love to come." you told her, but then it completely slipped your mind— you had to look for ethan.
Andrea felt a ghost of a smile appear on her lips, "okay, I’ll see you then. go find you’re friend." she continued and giggled while placing a hand over her mouth.
You nodded and left her in the kitchen, at least she had the courage to speak to you. if she wasn’t drunk then maybe she wouldn’t feel so embarrassed- but right now she felt extremely embarrassed. especially when you had to see her like that.
Making your way into the livingroom, you saw tara, anika, and Mindy. you barely talked to the three of them since ethan never introduced you.
"Hey, I know I don’t know the three of you, but have you guys seen Ethan? Ethan landry?" you asked frantically, Tara recognized who you were.
"Oh, you’re (Y/n)! it’s nice to finally meet you. he’s uhm, over there I think. he’s also slightly drunk. kissing a few girls here and there." Tara explained, you felt the world around you come to a halt.
"She joking. the dude could barely even walk up to a girl or ask her out." Mindy added, you sighed in relief and stood up.
"Thank you, guys." You said, his friends were rather cool. but you really had to get to know them first before befriending them.
Hm, the only place left to search was upstairs. you hurried and fastened your pace, getting through the crowd of sweaty and drunk people. it was weird how you managed to get upstairs but you did not want to go through the crowd again.
As you searched every room for ethan, you could hear what sounded like— moans? no, no, kissing. that’s what it sounded like.
What was this little dork up to again? if he could find a girl that likes him- that’d be the first time he ever got someone to date him.
But they said he was 'slightly' drunk. so what harm could it possibly be? you placed your hand on the doorknob and opened the door slightly.
Ethan pushed away the girl that was on top of him, "Sorry, sorry. I just don’t think I’m in the right mind to do any of that stuff right now—" the girl that he had pushed away rolled her eyes and walked out the room, brushing past you.
Don’t get it wrong, you would always come and help ethan if he needed anything. of course you would. but this? it’s a huge NO for you.
Ethan smiled, "heyyy." he said, dragging the 'y'. he tried standing up but could only find himself leaning against the wall for support.
"I was waiting for you, pretty thing." said ethan, he wasn’t that drunk. they were right, but you were extremely pissed.
Your hands balled into fist, "Are you..serious? you were supposed to come and study with me. not do this dumb shit, and you lied to me too? you told me you had econ. you said you weren’t going to a party with your friends." you stated, reminding him of what he told you over the phone.
"I was at econ. I swear." Ethan stuttered, you stood there with crossed arms, "you keep lying. this is the 10th lie you’ve told me. what is it ethan? why don’t you want me to hang out with your friends or meet them? why— why are you being so goddamn distant?" you questioned.
He didn’t answer and scratched the back of his neck nervously, "I just don’t want you to be around those type of people-" you cut him off.
"But you are? Ethan there’s more than what you’re telling me, isn’t it? you’re starting to change, man." You told him, Ethan frowned when those words came from your mouth.
"I-I’m sorry that I lied. there..there’s really not much more for me to say other than I’m sorry." Ethan replied, fiddling with his hands.
"Sorry? you think that’s going to cut it? Hell no! I come every night to see you just drunk. every single time. when you should be fucking studying with me and working with me! it wasn’t just assigned, I had to do all the work my goddamn self! it just goes to show how much you leave me out now. you’re slacking on a lot of shit. but guess what? I’m doing it alone now. all the shit I do I’m doing alone. alone." you said.
A sigh escaped from ethan’s mouth, he realized what it was now, "you’re just jealous. you’re mad that it’s not you who I’m kissing. isn’t that it?" he said.
a shocked expression came from you, did he really-?
"JEALOUS? How can I be jealous? Half of the time when I try to fit my schedule in for you, I do it because I want us to hang out! I could never be jealous of someone I’m friends with, I’m not on that type of shit! I’ve been there for you since day one. day-fucking-one. there’s always excuse coming from you! there’s no time for me, for us! It’s always them. you’ve seem to have grown very close to them as I see. but I’m the one always picking up after you. of course I’d do that for you! only you. but what I’m upset about? I’m upset that we rarely hang out anymore. It’s been four months, ethan. four months. but you’re so stuck up on your 'friends' that I have to deal with the fact that I can’t even talk to you anymore. not even that, it’s the fact you hardly care what I have to say anymore! you were supposed to be the shoulder i lean and cry on for support. but no, I can’t have that either. but I’d do it for you. even if you didn’t ask, does it look like I care? I’ll only leave out of your life when you ask me to! but you keep disappearing ethan, you only call me or text me when you need me! And I don’t want our friendship to be like whatever the hell this is! I want us to be able to confide in each other and be able to speak our minds to one another without any judgement. and we can’t even do that. what is it ethan? what happened to us? I’m so desperately trying to reach out to you and grasp onto you, to see what changed. what really happened to us..?" you said, the tears were now falling down your eyes.
Ethan wasn’t able to say anything, he stood there speechless and shocked. this is what you expected anyways. he didn’t know you felt like that.
"If you want me out of you’re life just say that. but don’t keep me in the dark, I’m so sick of what you think is right for me. I’m so tired of everyone telling me that! so I’m asking you, to end this friendship either now or I end it for the both of us myself." You told him.
Ethan felt tears running down his eyes, you were his ray of sunshine. his everything. but he didn’t want it to end here like this. you were the only thing keeping him sane and protected.
"Say it already, so we can end this. I’m tired of being left in the dark, I’ve already been through enough. don’t make it harder for me." You said, he could see the dark bags under your eyes and as well as the tired look in your (e/c) eyes.
"I am so sorry, I didn’t want you to feel like that. I’ve never wanted you to feel like that, that wasn’t even my intention- I swear. I’ve just…been busy with some things." Ethan told you, and that was the truth.
"If not then why do I feel like it now? you don’t care about me. I see it now, there’s probably someone else you like. you go kissing these girls just for fun but they don’t like you. I know the truth stings but that’s the truth. they’re only using you to get things off their minds. it’s like having a one night stand." You explained.
Ethan walked closer to you, now the two of you barely inches away from each other, noses almost touching.
"I know that. but lately I’ve only been having one thing on my mind." Ethan told you, cupping your cheek.
"I’m not gonna be some fling, and I’m not like every other girl and guy. if what I’m feeling is real, then it’s real." You told him.
Ethan smirked, "so do something about it." he said.
"Wha-What?" you replied, stuttering a bit from the reply he gave.
He pulled you closer, "I said do something about it, love." he repeated.
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"I expected you to kiss me and everything but not this." Ethan said, leaning against the window.
You stopped at a stop light, the music you were listening to earlier was now on low volume, you were bopping your head to the music while tapping at the steering wheel.
The song (< press it) you were playing was pretty nice actually and you’ve grown to love it ever since.
"You done drunk all you can drank~." You sung while tapping the steering while in rhythm to the beats, Ethan chuckled.
"I think that lyric is specifically aimed at me, isn’t it?" Ethan asked, you nodded in answer while paying attention to the road.
He groaned, "fuck, my head hurts. I think those Jello shots weren’t meant for me." he said.
"You think?" you added while still tapping at the steering wheel with the rhythm of the song, he placed his hand on your thigh.
"Thank you for knocking some sense into me back there, I really needed it." Ethan said, you shrugged.
"Like I said, I’d do anything for you. but now you have to be around me 24/7. catch up on the times we missed." You explained, Ethan nodded and yawned.
"m'gonna take a quick nap, tell me when we get there." Ethan said and turned away, he grabbed your jacket from the backseat and used it as a blanket.
You found yourself giggling at his actions, the red light eventually turned into a green light, you were almost near campus which was about 50 minutes away.
You really loved Ethan. you just hoped he would learn from this. cause like he said before: you were his ray of sunshine.
And he’d remember to cherish it this time.
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Eh, I could’ve done better but let me know if you’d like a part to or just to keep this as a single and only part of Ray of sunshine :)
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vctrvn-ls · 2 months
treat me better p4
sharky x reader
There’s always a way to forget about a person. 
Some people focus on themselves, some start a spiritual journey or something like that and others look for other people.
You also had a way to forget about people. For one night at least.
And there were only three things you needed:
dance floor
lots of alcohol
Currently you were doing just that. Forgetting a person. You were on the dance floor with a scary amount of alcohol in you. You and Kenny were having the time of your lives, the two of you were probably the drunkest out of everyone here. Nella decided not to intervene, as long as you were having fun she thought.
You and Kenny bounced around, singing, no, more like yelling the lyrics to every dirty Weeknd song that came up. You spun each other round, scream-sang in each others faces and overall did some really energetic and weird shit.
While you were totally gone, Sharky was bitterly spectating from a dark corner. He was sober and sour. He just kept replaying the idea that he didn’t care about who you were dancing with or doing whatever in his head. 
It was easy for him to tell you to stay away from him. But he wasn’t sure if he could do the same.
“THIS IS SOOOO FUN!” You yelled out to Kenny.
“I KNOW RIGHT!?” He replied even louder.
“HEY DO YOU WAN-” your yelling was cut off by an unexpected sensation of Kenny’s lips on yours and his hands on your hips.
You were shocked at first, but the alcohol covered that shock with fake but quick surging lust.
Somewhere in the crowed Nella was paying attention to everything, watching you and Sharky at the same time. The audible gasp she let out when she saw you and Kenny making out made Niko turn around from beside her.
“What?” He said with his mouth full of food.
She pointed.
“Holy shi-” he began coughing on the crumbs he accidentally inhaled.
Nella glanced at Sharky who had the stupidest expression on his face. His eyebrows were furrowed but his face looked more disgusted than mad.
“Get them off eachother before Sharks sees!” Niko blurted.
“Yeah, he’s already on it.” Nella murmured, but Niko heard her.
Meanwhile you and Kenny were almost getting your clothes off. You were just beginning to slip your hand underneath his shirt when suddenly you felt yourself getting yanked backwards by your shoulders. 
Everything went sort of blurry after that and the next place you found yourself at was back in the hookah room.
“What the…” you squinted, looking around.
“Nice one.” Sharky whispered behind you.
You jumped up on the spot from the scare.
“Sharky,” you said. Your tone was innocent.
“The hell was that?”
“Don’t play dumb.”
“I’m nooot,” you whined drunkly.
“I tell you to stay away from me so you decide to make a move on my friend? Real mature, real mature.”
“Shut up,” your words were coming out slurred and messy “Kenny’s hot.” You grinned to yourself.
Sharky rolled his eyes.
“Whaaat? Don’t be jealous,” you shoved him playfully on the shoulder.
“I’m not.” He said seriously, despite you obviously playing around.
“You don’t actually care,” you laughed, fixing a strand of loose hair.
“Yeah, I don’t.” It didn’t sound convincing.
You tried to fix the strand of hair but it kept falling back. You sat there pulling at the strand until Sharky snapped “Fucking stop,” he made a haste move towards you, but the way he fixed your hair was plausibly delicate. You locked eyes with him. They were so dark and beautiful, you haven’t seen them this close in ages.
A sudden wave of sadness hit you as you remembered the whole situation that was happening between you and Sharky. 
Your eyes filled up with tears.
“W-why are you crying?” He asked, taken aback by your quick change of mood.
“You’re mean,” you sobbed, wiping your eyes “I don’t like you.”
Sharky watched you closely.
“A-and you don’t love me, you argue with me,” you fiddled with the bottom of your dress.
Sharky wanted to remain cold but he already broke his ‘mysterious uncaring’ character after intervening in what happened on the dance floor.
He sighed as you continued to sniff in front of him.
He felt sorry for you, but also mad at you. You and Kenny? He just couldn’t understand why you did what you did.
“Hey, I’m sorry ok? Now please stop crying.”
You looked up at him with glassy eyes.
He groaned, rolling his eyes and pulling you into a hug. 
It was more of an instinct for him. It felt right.
You smiled to yourself as your cheek rested on his chest. You could hear his heartbeat, smell the familiar scent of his cologne and the feeling of his fingers gently gliding up and down your bare arm made your stomach tingle. 
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s0lar-ch3ri · 9 days
mythborning in the year of our lord 2024
do we think about how ryan and aster probably never fully accepted connor being dead. after the first day reset and shit i mean. theyd go to bed, silently hoping tomorrow theyd wake up and itd be like that day never happened, hell maybe they get set back again to the day of the big game. and they both just. they dont want to think of the idea that connors gone.
asters the one who trys to fight for him back. she makes up new reasons and such as to why hes not gone, ways they could possibly bring him back (it doesnt help that in this state she sounds so much like him about his brother). she looks through her dads artifact collections, seeing if any would make sense in any way to bring him back to life, losing care of its cost. she even tries to find his book or something of its nature, but finding that, if even possible, doesnt help because its a book made to kill not bring to life again. i dont imagine asters religious, not in the sense that she doesnt think gods are real (one is her mother), but that she never felt a pull to worship one. for the first time in her life, she tries to pray. she prays to her mother, reciting every word and performing every detail, squishing the tears from her eyes because god she cant let herself be seen so broken by this boy infront of a divine being and sure its the first time shes tried reaching out like this but she just needs one chance to talk to her. of course, whether or not it works and she sees her, she doesnt revive him. the day doesnt reset and he comes back to life. and somewhere inside her she knows this couldnt have worked, shes the daughter of a goddess and knows the balance of mortality and immortality. shes known he was gone the moment the rats attacked. thats why she fought so hard, because the small amounts of divine energy she held surely could beat what has been written by those above her just this once, just for him.
ryan doesnt let himself break. he has a floatball team to be on and an act to keep up and a friend who needs him. he doesnt have the ability to stop and let himself process how hed join in the bullying of "con-nerd" and how he gave ryan that hug before going to that gym and getting to see the vulnerable sides of connor when he talked about or even showed them (he probably showed him his friends) his brother. sure, he may know what its like to have lost family and connor was close in a way similar (might be a small shipper of those two. what of it. /lh they can be friends too ofc) and now hes gone and hell never get to hear him call ryan stupid when hes wearing his goofy grin or does something actually dumb. ryan, whos meant to be strong, let his friend get crushed by rats. and he wont break. he'll just tell gary to fuck off when hes caught tearing up after a floatball game because he had to look in the stands and know that connors not gonna be there selling hotdogs again. he can just put another lie in his act when hes looking in these history textbooks and say he wasnt thinking of olden magic usages and how they might be able to bring him back, closing his eyes so he doesnt gaze on them.
it takes ryan grabbing asters wrists and looking her dead in the eyes and telling her "i dont fucking like it, but connors gone. you know it. i know it. this is just gonna hurt you more. please. i cant lose one more person." it takes her looking in ryans eyes to see how theyre tired and dried out and his muscles seem to instinctively hold up a smile and how his grips just slightly too strong and yet he just is so tired and wants more then anything his best friend back. his breaths getting shakey and louder and he starts sniffling and she just grabs him down and they become sobbing messes of kids on the floor because god fucking damn it connors gone and nothings magically fixing this and nothing will be the same ever again.
it takes them a bit to figure out where his gravestone is. its empty. they should have honored him sooner, they know it, but they just wanted to hope that it wasnt just connors memory they had left living.
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eleni-cherie · 1 year
a thief's end ✨ || bts • myg - chapter 0.8
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"so eager to be in a headlock again?"
"only if it's by you."
he thought he was done with the criminal life and ready for some peace and quiet. but his plans collapsed in the form of a strange girl who was in trouble.
© 2023 | eleni_cherie
masterlist: here
— genre: thief au, gangster comedy, adventure, romcom, humour, angst, fluff, sexual tensiON, slowburn, mutual pining, strangers to lovers s2l
The tires squeaked as the motorbike came to an abrupt halt as soon as the small airfield building appeared between trees further down the empty road.
Yoongi didn't want to attract anyone's attention and decided to leave it there behind and walk the rest, using the plants as cover.
It seemed to be one of those private airfields used by hobby pilots or private jets. And this noon, the small airfield seemed to be in use as indicated by the parked van in front of its entrance and the people scattered in a circle around the hangar at the very end of it.
Yoongi cut a whole in the fence with his sword and was about to sneak in as the building was probably hosting even more surprise guests, when his phone quietly vibrated in his pocket and he picked it up quickly. Making sure no one was near to have heard anything.
"What?" he asked in a hushed tone, not even having checked the caller ID.
It was silent for a moment and he wondered if he had declined accidently when Jimin finally spoke up. "Where are you? I'm at your apartment but you obviously not."
"I'm.. out."
It wasn't hard for Jimin to pick up the distress in his friend's voice though. "What's going on? Did something happen?"
"W-why are you at my apartment anyway?" Yoongi asked in a desperate attempt to change topics. Eyes narrowing when seeing the men entering the hangar. Something having startled them but he couldn't tell what.
"I came because of our conversation yesterday. I'm not an idiot, I know you and I know you won't ask for help even if you need it, which is clearly the case right now. You won't tell me what's going on though I can clearly tell y-"
"It's nothing, Jimin, seriously. Go back home," his voice softened. Trying his best to sound as casual as possible and for anyone else it might've been convincing enough, but not for Jimin. And he heard his younger friend sigh on the other end of the line.
"Fine, if you don't wanna tell me.."
A sad smile spread on Yoongi's lips hearing his disappointment. "Don't worry. It's nothing." And he hung up.
I can't let you get involved in this.
Dragging out a breath, he shook his head and decided to redirect his attention to his plan instead. So he slid through the hole to the airfield. Carefully nearing the airplane hangar by always staying close behind buildings and objects so no one would take notice of him. The fact they were still there meant Soyeon had to be somewhere near as well, which was soothing, but not soothing enough.
He counted five men dressed in cheap suits and sunglasses walking in and out.
Best case scenario, it was only them. Worst case scenario there were more either inside the hanger or the building - or both.
His dark eyes darted a guy who isolated himself from the rest, standing at the side and smoking a cigarette. Taking a long drag, he let the grey smoke evaporate into the warm air. 
With slow but steady steps Yoongi drew closer, nearing him from behind. After a few more drags, the man had finished his cigarette and tossed the butt to the ground, stepping on it with his heel. He was about to return inside when suddenly Yoongi's arm hooked around his neck and forced him to his knees. The katana's blade dangerously close to his throat, making him wince in agony.
"Don't do anything dumb like calling for help," he whispered into the man's ear, "How many are there?"
The man refused to tell, wiggling and trying freeing himself but Yoongi's leg pressed down on the back of his bent knees, preventing him from doing so. The blade almost slipped and touched his neck now. And the man immediatelly stopped when sensing its cool touch, his pulse picking up.
"Twelve. We're twelve," he eventually choked out, screwing his eyes shut. Content with the information, Yoongi knocked him off with a hard hit on the back of his head.
Minus one, eleven.
Eleven against one wasn't good.
Even if he was skilled, even if he had two different weapons with him, it wouldn't be easy without help. But he couldn't ask for any. 
It wasn't pride nor egoism. It was concern that wouldn't let him.
He cared too much for his friends to ask them for help, although he was certain they'd be upset and perhaps offended if they knew what was going on, but that was a consequence he preferred over any alternative outcome.
They might've been in far more dangerous situations in the past and still always made it through them, however, he couldn't be certain about how this story now would unfold. And after all, they had all agreed on stepping out of this kind of life. He didn't want to drag them into it without reason.
And somehow Soyeon's words rang in his memory and perhaps he understood her better now. Because at the end, they both had similar reasons for acting the way they did.
Besides, it wasn't just the three of them anymore like in their early twenties. Others would get affected as well and he couldn't let Arabella or Cassandra grief for something that could've been avoided. Something that was solely his business anyway. 
He took a deep breath then and closed his eyes. Feeling blood flow from his head to his arms and hands, letting his fingers relax around the shaft as his mind went blank. 
With a smirk, he blinked them open again. Already spotting his next targets strolling around. And one by one he took down the other four men as well.
First the one who came out in search for his knocked out colleague. Then the second one standing next to the entrance. When the third and fourth one noticed it was already too late for them, they were too slow in drawing their guns and Yoongi had already moved quickly. Disabling their weapons with a swift swing of his sword. 
Yoongi wasn't an amateur, obviously he wouldn't just leave all the unconscious bodies laying around but instead tied them up and dumped them in a storeroom in the back. However, he knew their colleagues would get suspicious and ask questions about their whereabouts. So he already mentally prepared for that.
He was finished with them in no time, breathing out of his parted lips. His fingers ran through his hair then, combing back the strands that had fallen in front of his eyes. Letting his brown irises wander carefully around the empty looking area.
There didn't seem to be anyone else there and he wondered if they kept her in the main building or if they had already taken her somewhere else. 
Had she already been long gone? 
And why did they bring her there anyway? 
The sense of foreboding he'd had about them not just letting her off the hook so easily, proved more and more right. Even if getting the necklace, the type of people those guys worked for usually weren't so easily pleased. 
But why bringing her there? Did they.. did they plan to take her with them? To another city or.. His breath quickened when realisation hit him. Or another country?
No, why would they bring her to a different place? It didn't make sense.
He turned around, trying deciphering any clues. He didn't dare to call out for her just yet. There were supposed to be seven more guys around after all. So his focus shifted to the private jet parked in front of him instead. Standing idle there when noises were heard from outside suddenly. Still afar but approaching fast, nearing the hangar. 
Without thinking twice, he took cover behind wooden cargo boxes and a pile of stacked sacks. Calming his breath as he pricked up his ears to try distinguish any voices or words.
"Get the machine ready, I don't wanna waste any more time waiting for that guy," someone said in an upset tone. A clear accent audible in his words. Soon multiple steps echoed on the concrete floor.
Eight to nine people, Yoongi deducted by the sound of it. In total more than twelve people.
Had that guy lied to him?
The steps came to an abrupt halt then, a short silence following.
"Where's everyone? Weren't they supposed to keep an eye on everything?"
"You think they got cold feet?" someone else wondered out.
The person with the accent scoffed. "They should pray I don't find them then," he said through gritted teeth. The noise of the airplane's door opening being heard next and Yoongi peeked out of his stash. Seeing a man dressed in a pilot uniform climb up the stairs followed by another one in a navy blue suit that looked of a much higher quality than anyone else's. This particular guy actually catching his interest. After all, Yoongi could spot the platin watch around his wrist from a mile away. He was clearly a foreigner and if he had to make a wild guess, he'd say probably an Italian.
Whoever that was, he wasn't a simple goon like the others. No, he seemed of some kind of status.
His gaze wandered to the rest then, seeing another two men on the side dragging something towards the jet. 
His eyes widening when realising it was a person. Soyeon.
He almost called out her name. Biting his tongue to keep himself from doing anything foolish now. Instead, he observed her intensely. Jaw clenching at the sight of her dull expression.
Her usually sparkling eyes were resting on the ground, almost desoriented. And she looked exhausted. Exhausted from trying resisting and fighting back. The red scratches on her knuckles and knees saying it all. And his heart ached with rage.
She was quietly letting the two men lead her to the stairs of the plane and only then he noticed her wobbly knees, causing the scowl on his face to deepen. Wondering just what had happened in the past hour since he'd last seen her.
Another man pushed open the hangar's entrance completely then. Allowing a plane to fit through it.
That wasn't good. He didn't have any time left. No time at all. He had to act methodically though and not rush into it. He was in a clear disadvantage after all.
His hand went behind him, taking out the gun from his waistband. He might not be as good as a shooter as Taehyung, but he was definitely still good enough to aim at someone's leg from a distance and hitting them. Repeating it on another man. And another. 
Three down. Three left.
"The fck! Who shot?!"
Everyone got tense, pulling their guns out and pointing at all kinds of directions. Shooting randomly at objects.
"I think it came from behind there!" someone yelled and a bullet hit a nearby equipment.
"Hurry and get the plane ready!" another voice echoed.
Yoongi shot another time, hitting one guy in the shoulder this time. Hearing him yell in pain. "There!"
They spotted him, but that didn't mean they could get him. Dodging each one of their bullets with his blade and slicing their weapons with ease while cutting their suits in a way he could twist them around. Immobilizing them in seconds.
As soon as the last one dropped down, he came to a halt. Chest raising and falling when the clicking noise of an unlocking gun was heard behind him. "Impressive."
He didn't have to turn around to know it was the sleezy looking guy in the navy blue suit talking. His hand adjusted its grip around the sword's shaft and he slowly turned around, facing the foreigner standing at the top of the jet's stairs. His gun pointing at him.
"But now I'll close the door, if you allow."
Yoongi swallowed, puffing out a breath. "Let her go first, then do whatever you want."
The man frowned, an amused laugh flowing from his lips then when he began to understand.
"Who? You mean the little thief? That's what this is all about?"
He waved his hand to someone inside the plane. Soon Soyeon's slouched figure appearing at the door frame. And her afflicted expression softened into a stunned one when seeing Yoongi standing there. Her eyes finally having that gleam back.
Her lips mouthed his name, not having the energy anymore to say it out loud or perhaps she was simply too afraid to do so. And he was about to offer her a smile when he froze, seeing sleezy guy's gun pressed against her temple, aiming at her now instead.
"If you want me to let her go I'm afraid it'll only be possible if I shoot a bullet right through her head," the man sighed disappointedly, "But you wouldn't want that right?"
"I wouldn't do that if I was you," Yoongi smirked then with confidence, his eyes piercing his, "Wherever you plan to take her to, she's supposed to be alive when arriving, right? Otherwise you would've already get rid of her."
Soyeon's eyes closed and she exhaled in relief. Feeling the cool metal leaving her skin.
"Smart guy. It's true my boss wants her alive." The engine had started, the turbines were turning. The plane was ready to start rolling into the runway if it wasn't for the still opened door. Time was running. "But he didn't say anything about injuries." His sly grin exuded pure evil as he dragged the gun from her head down to her leg. "So please back off now and let me close that door."
Yoongi remained silent, not even considering succumbing or make the slightest inclination. Staring at the man dead in the eye, causing him to become impatient. He exhaled tiredly, his gun pointing back at Yoongi now.
"Let's just ask her then. Should I shoot your little puppy or will you come without protest?"
"Don't listen to him. I can dodge any bullet," he quickly countered, giving her an assuring glance.
The man bending forward at this to whisper into her ear.
"You wanna find out?" he smirked. His finger already hovering over the trigger.
Soyeon gulped, a deep crease between her brows as she glanced at Yoongi and then at the man. This was what she had feared of happening if she let him get involved in her mess. He'd get in the crossfire and perhaps even get hurt or worse.
She didn't want that, none of that. She just wanted him to continue living a normal life. 
If he had only listened, if he had only stayed away from her..
"I'm coming," she eventually breathed with no hesitation in her voice.
Yoongi's expression falling when hearing those words slip from her lips. "Don't!" he yelled perplexed. Taking a step forward only for a bullet to hit right in front of his feet.
"One more step and I won't be so generous," the man warned.
She gave Yoongi a weak smile. Eyes full of sorrow as she saw him standing there, holding her gaze with sadness and disbelief. "It's okay, don't worry." It was quite ironic and even humerous in a way, the fact she was the one comforting him. Although it seemed like she wanted to say much more than that when she blinked away a tear. As if she wanted to say:
this is my fault and I have to deal with the consequences.
But it wasn't her fault. Not in his eyes.
The man smirked triumphatically, but despite getting what he wanted, he didn't lower his gun. Instead he heaved it more, aiming at Yoongi's head. Noticing this, Soyeon instantly grabbed his wrist, spinning the gun away and twisting his arm around his body. It was one of the self-defense moves Yoongi had shown her. And before the man even realised what happened, she pushed the button next to the door. The stairs beginning to lift, her face along with the man's furious one disappearing behind them. And the last thing Yoongi caught her lips shaping was: I'm sorry.
The plane began moving, rolling out into the tarmac. And he stood there, watching it depart from afar without being able to do anything.
The memory of the last time he'd felt so useless and numb crossing his mind then, like an ugly arrow reminding him of his own mortality. The last time he'd felt like drawning in self-pity. The day his uncle had been murdered.
Feeling his breath sucked out of his lunges, he silently sunk down surrounded by the numerous unconscious bodies of those unknown men. And he allowed himself to take in the moment and accept his failures. Whether it was to save his uncle or Soyeon. 
In the end, her being the one saving him.
He didn't know how long he was sitting there buried in thoughts or how much time passed as he let his self-loathing to take over.
Only when a pair of legs appeared in front of his vision, he snapped back to reality and looked up. Seeing no other than Jimin standing in front of him. Confusion written all over his face while looking around the area. "Alright, what happened here? It looks like a battle field!"
Yoongi's lips parted, his mind too clouded with frustration and desperation to comprehend why his friend was there. "How.. did you get here?"
Jimin shrugged nonchalantly, his eyes wandering to him. "Tracked down your phone, since you wouldn't tell me what's going on. And seems like it was the right thing to do. Just what happened here?"
His jaw clenched at the memory of what had taken place. Anew guilt and shame overcoming his chest and his gaze lowered. "They.. they got her.." he choked out. The words not wanting to leave his mind. Feeling too embarrassed to admit them out loud. "These guys got her because this.. this.. ugh this stubborn woman left on her own and then.. they got her right in front of my fcking eyes!" His voice was picking up, anger building with every word he said, "And I.. I failed. I thought I could make it but I failed and now they took her to who-knows-where. Maybe Europe. Maybe not. I don't know."
The hot rage in his chest getting replaced by fright at the realisation he'd probably never find her.
"Alright, then let's go get her back."
He blinked, processing Jimin's calm words. 
"No, no, no there's no 'us' in this, I'll try finding her alone," he said sternly and got back on his feet. Brushing over his pants as Jimin snorted amused.
"You really think we'd let you go there alone? I'm definitely coming and Taehyung probably as well."
"You two stay away," Yoongi objected, shaking his head. "There's no need for you t-"
"Oh, Yoongi, don't you know me at all?" his friend pouted with a shake of his head, faking disappointment. "I'm definitely coming."
"No, Jimin, listen, you will not come. Am I clear?" Yoongi warned, pressing an index finger on his friend's chest. "I've got nothing to lose contrary to you guys. I won't let you risk getting -"
"No, you'll listen to me," Jimin huffed then, getting fed up with Yoongi's stubborness, "If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't even have something to lose. I owe you and Tae Bella's life and the least I can do is help you help this girl, who you clearly have feelings for."
Yoongi's hand lowered, falling down to his side. He swallowed hard and looked away, not wanting his friends to think they'd owe him anything because they didn't. But deep inside he knew he needed help. He had failed saving Soyeon when it was only twelve men. He definitely wouldn't have a chance if it was more.
His guilty conscious, however, kept telling him to refuse nonetheless. The risk simply being too high.
"You guys don't owe me anything," he mumbled, shaking his head. Jimin simply ignored him, though, and turned around. Beginning walking out of the empty airplane hangar. Making Yoongi huff as he followed.
"You know the moment we step a foot out of Taiwan, pops and his agents will be back on our tail." Contemplation creeping up his voice which Jimin immediately picked up on. Grinning at him with an unimpressed shrug. "So? Wouldn't be the first time. And even if they get us, we'd just escape like we always do."
They made their way out of the field and back to the lonely country road. Yoongi seemingly lost in thoughts as his eyes laid on the ground. And they stopped in front of Jimin's car parked at the entrance.
"Jimin?" he eventually spoke up again. The younger guy hummed with an arched brow as he unlocked his car, sliding onto the driver's seat. Yoongi frowned in concern. "Don't be an idiot. Seriously, it's fine," he tried arguing one last time.
But Jimin only slammed the door shut, starting the motor.
"Can't hear you, the engine is terribly loud!" he yelled purposely loud then through closed windows. Waving at him with a wide mischievious smile before Yoongi could even counter anything else. "See ya!"
And he drove off, calling up the third in the bunch.
It was way past noon when Taehyung's phone rang obnoxiously loud from the far back of the nightstand. For some reason, however, he didn't hear it or at least pretended not to, much to Cassandra's dismay as she got woken up by it on her free day.
Shuffling under his koala grip, which was definitely a nice thing in winter but quite stuffy in summer, she reached out and patted her hand around the nightstand until sensing the device. Accepting the call then in her half-sleepy state with a yawn, pressing it against her ear.
"H- Cas?"
"Huh, yeah. Jimin?" Her mind still too slow from sleep to fully process anything.
"Can I speak to Taehyung for a second."
"You can try," she lightly giggled then and turned around, "I don't know if he'll hear you though." She held the phone onto her husband's ear, soon hearing a deep hum. An indication he wasn't in a complete coma after all.
Her eyes closed and she was about to drift back to sleep when hearing an anew hum of acknowledge, sounding more like a growl this time. His hand grabbed the phone out of hers then as he got stirred up by whatever Jimin told him. Sitting abrubtly up then, the covers sliding off his chest as he rubbed his burning eyes, definitely regretting staying up till 4am with her. She watched his expression hardening and a line appeared between his brows.
"Alright," he eventually nodded and ended the call. Cassandra sitting up as well when seeing him walking away.
"Where're you heading to, cool guy?"
With raised brows, Taehyung stopped in his tracks and turned around. Seemingly startled as if he'd forgotten about her and only now got reminded of her presence.
Slowly he sat back down, dragging a heavy sigh as an apologetic look softened his features.
"Remember that girl Yoongi brought over?"
Her eyes widened and she swallowed. Already feeling where this was leading to. "I-is she okay?"
"No.. not at all."
They exchanged a look and she could tell by his expression that it was serious.
"Alright, then what are you waiting for?"
"Cas.." He exhaled deeply and reached out to hold her hand, giving it a light squeeze. "If I do this, I'll need to leave the country and you know what that means.." His brows furrowed, giving her a stern look as his hand wrapped around hers tighter. "One word from you and I call it off. You know that, angel. After all, we said we're over this kind of life."
Cassandra fell quiet, drawing her lower lip between her teeth.
The consequences were obvious, she knew them. It was the same ones that had always lingered around them ever since she'd met them in that hospital so many years ago. She knew them, she had always known them. And just like back then, she accepted them.
If they hadn't hindered her from getting involved and eventually falling in love with him, he should've known that they wouldn't be reason enough for her to hold him back now either.
Moreover, a civilian was in danger and Yoongi was their friend. Considering all the times he'd selflessly helped them, it was the least they could do. Especially since Taehyung was obviously willing to help anyway. 
So she nodded, motioning with her chin to the direction of the door. "Go help them."
"You sure?" He still wasn't fully convinced, so she squeezed his hand back and gave him an reassuring smile
"Go. I'll be waiting here like I always do."
"Bella, no!"
"Oh c'mon, Jiminie, don't be such a party pooper," Arabella whined, crossing her arms in front of her like a child. "Let me come with you. Like in the good old days! It'll be fun!" Purposely squeezing her boobs together while giving him the pout and an innocent flutter of eyelashes. It was her go-to move to wrap him around her finger. Jimin knew that move too well and usually he didn't mind it, even allowing her to succeed with it. But not this time.
He looked at her sternly, shaking his head. "Bella, no, it might get dangerous and I don't want you to get in the crossfire," he reasoned with soft worry in his voice, "This is different from our little thefts here and there."
Her expression became sulkier and her eyes fell down at her bump. And for a moment she missed the life she'd had only half a year ago. Before the idiot in front of her had knocked her up.
She looked back at him with an evil eye, before eventually sighing and dropping down on the couch.
"I just feel so.. useless in a way and.. I don't know, boring? I can't do anything adventurous anymore while you still can." This time her pout was genuine as she did indeed feel disappointed and futile. It wasn't like she didn't understand his concerns or that she didn't care for the little human growing inside her, because she already cared for it more than anything, and yet she couldn't help but feel sad about her abruptly having to give up so much.
She was showing her vulnerable side, which was rare so Jimin could tell how it truly affected her. And he felt bad seeing her afflicted expression, taking a seat beside her and wrapping an arm around her shoulders to comfort her.
"Aw, love, I'd love to have you around. You know that," he mirrowed her pout. To which she only snorted, looking away.
"Yeah, sure as if. Bet you're glad about it. You can finally flirt around in peace again without me catching you."
He laughed at her adorable backtalk and grabbed her chin between his fingers, forcing her to look at him. His smile sweet when leaning in.
"I won't, I promise."
Arabella sighed into his kiss, something in his voice and the way his eyes smiled at hers convincing her. Because in the end, he was the only person she'd ever fully trust. So she eventually nodded. 
"Alright.. but I'll tag along the next time!"
"Of course, love!" he chuckled, planting a peck on her cheek before getting his phone out. "And besides, you're never useless.." The photo of a man showing up on the display when unlocking it and he held it up to her with a grin. "..we could use your help on a little background check."
and so the main action begins haha
next chapter: 0.9 here
Don't forget to like, reblog & leave feedback! ♡
It motivates me to keep writing :)
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astridthevalkyrie · 1 year
chand ko chakor dekhe, tujkho naseebo wala (the bird looks at the moon, a lucky one looks at you) | hawks x reader | chapter 5
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“You’ve died twice? From clocks? “I know you’re not blind to the rocks and debris flying literally everywhere! The world would be better off without you in it!” you scream at the villain. The machine is even louder as it breaks and jams into the ground. “Flying building pieces or something, I don’t know—one hit me yesterday. The first day I got knocked into a wall, and then I woke up hugging my body pillow. Same thing the next day. And the next, and the next. Did my number three pro hero partner save me? No, he let me get stuck in a fucking time loop!” Or, you’ll do a lot of things with infinite time on your hands, but falling in love with Keigo Takami isn’t one of them.
a/n: hey
warnings: hawks being an endeavor fanboy, fourth wall breakage sorta, shorter chapter because i’m lazy, death but at this point you know that, implied daddy kink, invasive thoughts make reader lick just a taste of her own blood
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
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Burning alive is, without a doubt, the most painful way to die.
“Do you have to kill Endeavor?” Hawks whines.
“Why the fuck would I skip him?” You roll your eyes as far as your eyes can roll (how much roll can an eyeroll roll if an eyeroll could roll eye aaaand now neither of them sound like real words). “Besides, he has a bad attitude. He needs to be knocked down a peg or two.”
Besides, as far as he knows, you’re not skipping anyone. No, you’re not going to tell Hawks that you haven’t actually killed him, because you’re not about to admit that shit publicly to anyone, least of all the spared victim himself. It’s not like you’re taking a break day! The second you’d decided to spare birdbrain, you’d immediately started drafting up plans to take down the number two. And yes, by drafting up plans, you mean seeing how many cheese puffs you can stuff into your mouth while thinking about whether or not it was a viable option to just rip that dumb fucking fire mustache from his face and then put him in the ground while he writhes in embarrassment. 
“Think you’re just mad he beat you so quick.” He slouches in his seat, crossing his arms like the child he is. You wrinkle your nose. Fanboy Hawks is, without a doubt, your least favorite version. There’s a few different Hawks, you’ve learned both during this nightmare and before it. There’s Hero Hawks, focused, careful, incredibly precise and incredibly dangerous, who can take anyone out in a matter of seconds. He’s not to be confused with Celebrity Hawks, who is a dumb bitch. 
Then there’s Foodie Hawks notasgoatedasChefHawks (seriously. when the man wants to cook he COOKS), Twenty-Two Year Old Hawks who does flips off buildings or whatever the fuck, Good Friend™ Hawks who likes karaoke and fried chicken and dancing terribly, Regrettably Sexy Hawks with his pornworthy voice and slutty muscles, and you’re sure somewhere in there is Real Hawks, whose name probably isn’t even Hawks, but that’s a mystery you don’t care about enough to uncover. 
And Fanboy Hawks. A pain in the ass.
“I’m not mad,” you correct, not gently, “I’m determined to make him experience every single level of hell he made me feel. Seriously, how is it legal for him to use his quirk? Firepower is destructive, and heroes don’t kill.”
Hawks gives you the most unimpressed look you’ve ever seen on him.
“Heroes that think the dead bodies will actually stay dead don’t kill. Shitbrain.”
“You never know,” he hums, wiggling his eyebrows at you. What the fuck is up with those brows? Why do they split off at the ends like that—OHHHH, LIKE WINGS. That makes sense. But it doesn’t really. Like, the man’s a bird, that doesn’t mean each individual body part is a bird, does it? Maybe if you take his shirt off (youhaveseenhimshirtlessbeforesuckitbitches🤪) his stomach will like…kakaw kakaw at you? What the fuck. “Maybe one of these days you don’t reset, and you have the best hero of our generation’s blood on your hands while you rot away in a cell.”
“He’s not our generation’s anything, dickrider. And even if we were fugly with wrinkles, the best hero would be All Might.”
“Endeavor isn’t fugly!” Hawks cries. This is definitely deep rooted. Deeeeep rooted. Daddy issues. He practically screams daddy issues. And mommy issues. Issues in general, parental or otherwise. “He’s hot. Pun intended. And All Might is so…” Both his arms go up high, as though he couldn’t just say the word ‘tall.’ 
You beckon for him to go on. “Hot? Sexy? Fuckable?”
“Ooh.” He grins. “Don’t say that, I might like it.”
You throw a french fry at him.
Endeavor’s hands are large. Large large. Super large. Ginormous, embiggen, elongate. You get the picture. (You, the reader, not you the self insert. But it’s you, you, who is talking to you. Nice to meet u, you, sincerely you. How’s that for fuckery).
Without breaking a single sweat, he’s able to grab you by the face and swing you halfway across the city, and even the wind can’t stop you with the force of his throw. You crash through glass, which breaks into your skin, because of COURSE it does, and you hit the ground of some office building with a scream. 
The most annoying part of dying constantly is that your body doesn’t become accustomed to the pain at all. When you wake up tomorrow, you won’t have any of the injuries you gain today, but you also have no resiliency and no change in your abilities. 
From this nice little comfortable spot (it’s not comfortable you can’t even be sarcastic about it that’s how uncomfortable it is), you can practically hear the jetpack flames or whatever Endeavor has on his feet come closer. You lie there, weakly kicking your feet as you bleed out like a pincushion, miserably enjoying your last few minutes before the restart.
An invasive thought makes you dip your finger in the pool under you, then push the digit past your lips.
Endeavor shows up, looks at you in abject disgust, aims, and sets you ablaze. 
And that’s how. The next year goes.
Maybe just a few months. Maybe a week. Who knows?
You’re tired, but you keep trying.
Sometimes you talk to Endeavor. He responds in mean words and dismissive grunts. Sometimes a rare word of acknowledgment. You get it on camera once to show Hawks later, but die before you get the chance and then your phone, y’know, doesn’t have it anymore, and for some reason Endeavor doesn’t do it again. Even though you ask the exact same way. 
Hawks doesn’t care. He finds you, shrieking and sobbing and clutching onto your pillow in your apartment, and pries it from you, holding your face in his hands asking you what’s wrong songbird and telling you i waited for you at patrol and you never showed and i got worried.
And you tell him, again. And you don’t show him how your foot is swollen from how you’d repeatedly banged it against the corner of your bed to force the tears out. It stays hidden under the sheets as he cradles you, thumbs away your tears and rubs two fingers against your neck that must unblock and activate a chakra because you suddenly feel free.
“Hawks,” you sniff, “do you wanna make me feel better?”
“‘Course,” he whispers, kissing the tip of your nose. “Say the word and it’s yours, songbird, what do you need?”
“How should I kill Endeavor?”
“Hawks,” you sniff, “do you wanna make me feel better?”
“‘Course,” he whispers, kissing the tip of your nose. “Say the word and it’s yours, songbird, what do you need?”
“I’m bored. Entertain me. Tell me how you would fight the other pros.”
“‘Course,” he whispers, kissing the tip of your nose. “Say the word and it’s yours, songbird, what do you need?”
“I’m bored. Entertain me. Tell me how you would fight Endeavor.”
“I’m bored. Entertain me. Tell me how you would come out on top in a fight against Endeavor.”
“Say Endeavor fights you, how would you try to survive?”
“If you were to, hypothetically, fight Endeavor, is there any way you could come out on top?”
“Poor baby,” your partner coos, feathers running to and fro to get you water and another blanket. “Are you entertained now? Feeling better?”
He wipes the final tear from your cheek as you close your eyes, smiling sickly. 
It’s the same office building. Fate is funny like that, throwing you in through maybe the same window, but sparing you some this time around. It knows victory is with you, no matter how hard it will punish for this later.
You lay there again, knowing now that there’s no need to move. Hawks wouldn’t, so you don’t either. And isn’t it fantastic that Endeavor’s biggest fan should give you the means to murder him in cold blood? 
The fiery mustache man flies in through the window, and all you do is wiggle your fingers a little. Hurricane does the rest. You don’t call it out. It’s more surprising this way. 
The broken shards rise, and they spin around you. A tornado with you in the dead center. It spins, and spins, likeLeviinAttackOnTitanhe’ssohotbarkbarkbark until the room is filled, and you’re still lying there, dead center and damaged and battered, with little bits of Endeavor flying around you too.
For the first time ever, Hawks doesn’t laugh at your story. He reels back, hurt and disgusted, and you may as well have jammed a glass shard into yourself. “That’s sick, Nightingale,” he looks like he might vomit, “that’s fucking sick.”
Tracking All Might down is hard, but then you find him, um? on some beach? even though you’re pretty sure the man is a teacher now, and you float down in front of him.
He has the famous smile and everything, beaming at you. “Ah, Nightingale, is it? What brings you to the coastline, young one?”
You stare at him. For an awfully long time. Not once does his smile disappear. He looks every bit the symbol of peace he is. 
You’ve lost count of time. Endeavor could have taken a century, as far as you’re aware.
Fuck it.
With barely two motions, you bring your fists together then separate them, and his smile doesn’t even fall from his face when the air is sucked from his lungs, and he drops to the ground, gone.
“All Might?”
When you turn around, there’s some green-haired dork there, standing frozen in place, staring not at you but at the corpse behind. He’d had a box of…something, likely food, that’s slipped from his hands. It’s not the first time you’ve killed with a child present, but definitely not in such close range. You sigh, rolling your eyes in whatever mock pity you have left in you.
Then his arm starts to glow.
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astroprompts · 2 years
“It’s not that bad, I can explain.”
“It’s not what it looks like... But it might be worse.”
“What you need to understand is that moose aren’t afraid of anything.”
“To be fair, when you can walk on water like moose christ and cripple cars, there’s not gonna be a lot of things that put fear in your heart.”
“When a moose decides to choose violence, only two things can save you; Jesus Christ and the Moosiah himself.”
“First of all, why would you ever put yourself in a position where you need to know any of this?”
“If you’re dumb enough to do that, you might as well just let natural selection do it’s thing.”
“Gorillas don’t usually attack anything that seems weaker than they are, which gives them more of a moral compass than high school bullies.”
“Are you serious? Did you really think I was gonna have actual advice here?”
“If it’s black, fight back. If it’s brown, get on the ground. If it’s white... You’re gonna die.”
“One uppercut, and he/she/they’re sending your jaw to Jerusalem with no return trip.”
“Evolution made humans smart enough to put a man on the moon, but it also made chimps swole enough to put a man on the news.”
“Be sure to save me a seat at heaven’s dining hall.”
"What makes you think they’ll go easy on you?”
“You think I’m exaggerating?”
“They’re built like a Toyota with the personality of Jeffery Dahmer.”
“Cocaine hippos are something the world doesn’t need to deal with.”
“Cougars are not to be taken lightly.”
“Humans are an evolutionary failure, because we can’t seem to run away from anything.”
“Unless you’re a gay hillbilly redneck with a Netflix series, I don’t see how you could ever possibly need this.”
“Disrespecting a tiger is really bad for your health.”
“Do not turn your back on a grizzly bear.”
“Unless your last name is De Caprio, there is no award for getting assaulted by a grizzly.”
“Not only are you gonna feel real stupid, you’re also gonna die.”
“If an elephant decides it wants to hurt you, there isn’t a force in nature that can save you.”
“Basically we’re dealing with a coked-up weasel with really bad roid rage.”
“They have no moral compass, no conscience, and no remorse.”
“If I have to be cursed with this knowledge, so do you.”
“Ducks are cancelled.”
“Ducks answer to no god.”
“How do you want to die?”
“I’d honestly rather get insta-killed by a tiger than dissected by a polar bear.”
“He’ll destroy my way of life, but at least I’ll have a life to live.”
“Can we please acknowledge the fact that the platypus makes no sense as an animal?”
“I should probably explain what the hell that was.”
“They’re found in South Africa and Australia, but they also own a good amount of real estate in my nightmares.”
“Can’t call it simping if it works.”
“The more you look at it, the worse it gets.”
“If someone handed you $100,000, no strings attached, what would be your first move?”
“Unconditional love might sound cute, but in nature, it is very much conditional.”
“I already don’t trust pelicans off principle.”
“It’s survival of the fittest, and there is no award for participation.”
“Somewhere a middle child just shed a single, silent tear.”
“Imagine having an older sister whose primary purpose in life is making sure you don’t have one.”
“If ‘men ain’t shit’ was an animal, it would be the hyena.”
“When you’re that good for that long, eventually time is gonna catch up to you.”
“Life is a brutal reality show where life is all about getting renewed to the next season.”
“Few animals have a worse PR team than hyenas.”
“I pay way too much for contacts for you to lie to me about what’s in front of my face.”
“Time for 50 shades of fuck around and find out.”
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ghostydrawsstuff · 2 months
Alright so since I can't really draw anything I thought I'd get a little something else outta the way.
How my Sona meet the Slender brothers and why I'd be staying/hanging out with them! General warning for a lotta self directed hatred and poor mental health!
But with no further ado, let the story begin :)
I sat under the willow tree, its low hanging branches and the vine-like leaves hid me enough so that I allowed myself to curl into a sort of ball and cry. I just wanted- no I needed to let it all out, I'd be able to properly compose myself afterwards and continue on with my shitty day. Just as always.
But something felt different, it was probably just because of my surroundings. I couldn't remember the last time I had cried in the forest or perhaps it was just an animal, watching from somewhere close by. I was washing away the tears when they came, even if it was useless, they just kept coming. It was my fault, I could've been better, I shouldn't have forgotten about something so important. Not again, not ever.
I felt so useless, but also angry, like I could just scream or punch a wall… or myself. I would deserve it. I need to be punished, need to learn, need to be better. Make no mistakes, be perfect. Be worth something. I hiccuped as my crying got worse, I could barely even see, but then suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was warm, almost comforting and it was big. I felt my heart skip a beat, no, no, no, no one can see me like this! This can't be happening.
I felt shame burn me from the inside as I held my breath, just don't cry, don't cry, you'll be fine just don't fucking cry. “Hey, are you okay? Do you need someone to talk to?” A soft, gentle voice, it was like a melody, intruding my mind and calming it down. It was… strange, but nice. I let go of the breath I was holding, sucking in air before I could even try to speak.
“I-I’m fine, just… leave me alone.” I said, I didn't mean how harsh I sounded, of course I messed that up too. He was just a concerned stranger and I was being rude, I already made him notice me. I should at least be nice, but noo of course I can't even manage that.
I sighed deeply, digging my fingernails into my arms, the slight twinge of pain almost felt like nothing, but it reminded me that I was here, this was real and not a dream. “Ugh, I'm sorry fo-” I apologized, but my voice caught in my throat when I looked up. What I saw made me doubt if this was actually real, how could he be here? Right before me? He was fiction. A figment of imagination that got popular on the internet.
And who was he exactly? Splendorman. His smile was soft, concerned. I made him worry, he shouldn't worry about someone like me. He was almost kneeling before me and he was still about two heads taller than me. “It's fine, don't worry about it.” He assured me and squeezed my shoulder gently.
I looked back down to the ground for a moment, feeling the ember of embarrassment again. "Can… Can I hug you?” I asked quietly. It felt dumb asking for something like that, but I needed comfort and I knew he'd be happy to offer it.
It almost seemed like his face lit up and he nodded enthusiastically. “Of course!” He said and quickly wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close until my face was against his chest. I drew in a sharp breath, but relaxed just as quickly. His comforting warmth engulfed me, calmed me, made me feel okay, like maybe it wasn't all too bad. Maybe, just maybe it would be okay.
I closed my eyes and hugged him back, I tried not to cry, but I hadn't realized how lonely I felt, how much I wanted to just be held, how much that aching hole in myself ate away at me. It was so nice, I wished it could've lasted forever, but after some time he pulled away.
I tried washing away the rest of my tears before looking at him again. “A little better now?” He asked and I nodded. “Thank you.” I mumbled and his smile grew wider. “Are you okay enough to go back home?” He asked and I felt another sting of sadness. That fight had been way too intense, I doubt she would want to see me again.
I looked away and hugged myself, it felt like coldness was creeping into my body and numbing me from the inside out. “I don't think I'm welcomed there anymore.” I answered honestly, even though it hurt, badly.
He patted my shoulder and stood up, for a moment I thought he would just leave me as well, but he extended a hand to me, offering me to take it. I didn't hesitate, honestly right now just being with him would be a thousand times better than anything else I could think of.
“You could come with me, I don't know if it's the best idea, but you could meet my siblings.” He said after a moment and I thought for a moment. It would be nice and where else could I go anyways? Besides I did kinda wanna meet them, I never thought they'd be real, but now I had the chance to literally hang out with them.
I felt almost buzzing with excitement, even if I still felt the emptiness it tried to cover up, I just tried to ignore it. At least for once I could enjoy something good and not feel like I didn't deserve it. At least that's what I hoped for. “Sure.” I said quietly, I wanted to say more, but I would definitely stumble over my words and embarasse myself in front of him, then he'd just go away. And I'd just be alone again and it would all be my fault and-
Suddenly I felt like I was falling into a void, filled with thousands of tiny needles, prickling my skin. It felt like the sensation when you sat on the toilet too long and your legs had fallen asleep. But just as fast as the feeling started, it stopped and I was in a different place.
It looked like a sort of foyer, I saw dark red wallpaper and a hanger for coats and other jackets nearby. I noticed the soft, muffled noises of a conversation in a different room. Splendorman turned to me and told me to stay here while he told his siblings that I was here now. I nodded, he went away with a little pep in his steps and I saw a red cushioned chair to my left and decided to go over to it and take a seat.
Then I decided to try and overhear the conversation. There was a set of a double door opening to another room, which judging by the muffled conversation was the room they were in. I strained my ears and it worked somewhat, I could understand some words, but not even half of what was being said.
“Why… bring… You know better… what if… something… wrong… is even… name” the last part sounded like it was part of a question. I lightly shook my head to redirect my focus again, I wanted to know what was being said, especially since it was about me.
“Are… sure?... Responsibility…on… I… mind… Bring… in. Okay.” Then I heard footsteps and silence. He peaked in from the double door and motioned for me to come to him.
I felt a little nervous, but followed him as he turned around and walked into a living room. On the other side of the room was a couch along with some sort of pillow like stools, they looked cute. Well I did notice the three other extremely tall beings in the room. And of course I recognised them pretty much instantly. Both Slenderman and Trenderman were sitting on the couch and to my left was a wooden table, Offenderman sitting on one of the four chairs with a glass of something. Probably wine or another kind of alcohol.
A shiver ran down my spine as I felt like I was watched very intently by all four of them. I stepped closer to Splendor as my anxiety was rising like crazy. God I hated being watched, I would do something wrong, make a fool of myself, ruin my opportunity. Luckily he extended his arm and I grabbed his hand, holding it like it could somehow save me.
What had I been thinking? It wouldn't be easy or anything to meet them, fuck I had probably made just another stupid mistake. He leaned down and quietly asked me to introduce myself. I felt like I was about to explode, I honestly just wanted to turn around and run away or conveniently melt into the ground.
And then I took a deep breath, I could use a nickname I like much more than my actual name, that was at least something good. “H-hi, you can call me Fin.” I say, feeling a light blush burn at my cheeks, goddammit I stuttered. They'll think I'm stupid now, why can't I ever do things right?!
I heard a dark and amused chuckle that made me wanna curl up and die of shame. “Sure cutie, I'm Sexual Offenderman, but ya can just shorten it if you want.” He said and I glanced at him for a moment, how could someone be so confident and just… relaxed?!
“I am Slenderman, and please if you must shorten it, just use Slender.” Slender introduced himself with a hint of a sigh at the end. I caught myself just in time to not snicker, sounds like he's had some interesting nicknames. “I'm Trenderman, welcome, I like your clothes.” My gaze shifted over to him.
Suddenly I couldn't remember just what exactly I was wearing, I tried to subtly glance down and for the second time wanted to just die on the spot. Of course this sort of thing happened when I was wearing my most emo stuff, if I wasn't blushing before I sure was now. “Thanks.” I muttered and looked away, rubbing the back of my neck.
I felt Splendor’s hand I had been holding onto move to my back. “Well I hope you'll enjoy staying with us for now!” He exclaimed happily, his joy was almost infectious and I caught myself grinning, maybe it wouldn't be too bad.
That was it for now, hope y'all enjoyed it. I'll be back home so then I can work on getting my asks done :3
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ignorant-rat-carcass · 7 months
Personal rant/vent incoming. Feel free to scroll past, I just needed somewhere to put this. Even if it’s just for future me to look back on.
Anyone else get itchy feet when they’ve been in a job for a while?
I’ve noticed a 4/5 year trend in my past jobs where (whether the job and/or company is good or bad) the role, and many (but not all of) the people just increasingly begin to grate on me and I start looking elsewhere.
I started feeling like this a few months ago and it dawned on me that I crossed the 4 year mark here late last year. Although this time it feels completely like entitled-self-sabotage-first-world-problems kinda shit which I’m annoying myself over.
My boss is lovely, generous and basically leaves me to my own devices. The job itself is cushy, I WFH since the pandemic so no commute for most of that time, and it’s better paid than any I’ve ever had. But - the subject matter I work with bores me to tears and I’m finding myself less and less motivated or even able to find any joy in the parts I used to manage to carve myself some creativity opportunities out of.
I’m aware I’m incredibly fortunate and luckier than many people so I really don’t want or mean to sound ungrateful or ignorant about my privilege. Not only to have a job to begin with, but to have one where my not only is my work valued but also my opinions.
However none of this seems to matter to my restless, relentless dumb-arse brain, which seems intent on destroying it for me by refusing to stay focused or remotely invested in what I’m doing. I mean look… I should be working right now and I’m writing this instead! 🤦‍♀️
It also probably doesn’t help that the longer I stay in jobs I’ve never really had any real invested interest in or passion about, and merely doing them because what I really want to do isn’t happening for me, the older I get the less willing I feel to ‘settle’.
So if anyone has any life experiences they feel like drawing on, or advice to give in finding meaning and joy in an otherwise joyless day-to-day existence, I am all ears!
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fleurmatisse · 1 year
(a mildly au vashwood meet-ugly i simply cannot stare at anymore enjoy)
A noise wakes Wolfwood. He has a pistol in his hand before he has rational thought in his head, on his feet and aiming at the bedroom door, the boarded window. Crammed into the corner where he can see both. His heart pounds in his chest—alive, alive, alive—and he hears the sound again: a shriek, raspy and piercing. 
But not human.
He keeps ahold of the gun. Leaving the bedroom, he can’t help creeping through the open back room of the house. There’s just enough space between the dusty curtains on this window to peer outside, where the suns clearly illuminate a pile of birds.
Wolfwood stares at them, adrenaline fading. There are crows perched on something red—some kind of fabric. A trio of hawks surround them, one with wings spread as it hops closer, an intimidation with no effect. The shadows of others drift over the sand around them. Wolfwood tracks one spiraling tighter, distorting over the crows, up the red (a blanket?) and brushing the profile of a pale, human face.
“Shit,” he mutters, wishing his base instincts included lighting himself a cigarette. He squints at the face—does he know it, is this a threat—but the angle makes it impossible to tell. He works his jaw, debating. With another curse, he sets out to find his boots.
Part of the reason Wolfwood picked this house is that it’s impossible to sneak up on—or if not impossible, at the very least difficult. Butted up to a sheer cliff that shades it from the worst of the suns’ heat, the rest of the house is surrounded by nothing but flat rock. In the distance, he can see the edge of the town he visits as infrequently as he can. And between them lies a body being pecked at by birds.
He doesn’t begrudge the birds their meal; it’s slim pickings for everyone out here, and if you’re dumb enough to be caught dead in the sand, something is sure to take advantage of your misfortune, be it bird or worm or man. If it turns out that the body is some random unlucky traveler, Wolfwood would simply prefer if the birds didn’t start chowing down this close to his door. He doesn’t feel like smelling rot for the next week or dealing with half-cleaned bones once it’s too dryed out to be worth the effort. 
And if it’s not a random traveler, Wolfwood won’t be sticking around long enough for the birds to even crack it open.
He scans the area around the house before he fully steps outside; if anyone’s waiting for him, he can’t see a sign of it. The crows pay him no mind as he approaches, though the hawks dance away enough that he can see the swath of red is a coat. He stops five feet away and eyes the birds that are eyeing him. When he lifts his gun, they all scram, sending up a swirl of dust and feathers as they squawk and scream. 
Wolfwood brings his shirt over his nose to avoid breathing in the dust and crouches to get a better look at the body’s face. Just as pale up close, with a mole under one eye and blond hair sticking up all over the place. A shred of familiarity tugs at him, but Wolfwood can’t place it. He scans the rest of the body but can’t see how this guy might’ve died. Exposure? His skin crawls to think of someone wandering so close while he was asleep. If he’s staying here, he needs to come up with some defenses.
Stowing the idea, he straightens and walks a circle around the body, skirting the long black bag at the guy’s back. Does he feel like carrying a dead body that probably weighs as much as him somewhere he won’t have to think about? No, definitely not. He could use the coat and drag him away, but that’s just as annoying. 
“Couldn’t you have died somewhere else?” he asks the body.
The body groans.
Cursing up a storm, Wolfwood takes three quick steps back and lifts his gun again, aiming at the face now scrunching up with pain. His hands are steady as its eyes open, so blue they can’t be real, and land blearily on him. For a second, they just stare at each other. 
Then the body groans again and rolls onto its—his—front, a gloved hand pulling the coat over his head.
Wolfwood…doesn’t know what to do with that.
“Hey,” he says. The not-dead guy doesn’t answer. Wolfwood doesn’t move any closer. “I’m not gonna be so friendly if you keep ignoring me. What the hell are you doing out here?”
From under the coat, a soft voice says with an unconvincing lilt of cheer, “Just passing through!”
After a few seconds of Wolfwood’s unimpressed silence, the guy’s head pokes back out. In a much more tired voice he says, “I don’t want any trouble.”
Wolfwood considers this and tilts his head. “Then tell me how you ended up at my door getting eaten by birds.”
The guy frowns, eyes flicking down his coat and then to the house behind Wolfwood before locking on him again. “I was just getting out of town. I didn’t know anyone lived around here.”
They don’t, Wolfwood is tempted to say. He had found the place abandoned a few weeks ago and did himself the favor of staying put for once.
“And is what drove you out of town going to follow you here?” Wolfwood asks. 
The guy looks startled for a second before giving him a sheepish smile. It looks like it hurts. “I don’t think so.”
Wolfwood jerks his chin toward the valley, daring to lower his gun slightly. “Then keep passing through.”
“Much obliged,” the guy says and slowly gets to his knees. His movements are smooth, but Wolfwood catches the wince as he leans to grab his bag. And the blood where the guy had been laying, two crumpled lumps of metal amidst the pool of red. 
“Did you get shot?” Wolfwood blurts, searching the guy’s front where his coat hangs open. He’s wearing black, disguising any more blood, but there are two circular holes at his side that reveal red-coated skin when he shifts to his feet.
The guy looks down at the blood, free hand coming up to touch his stomach. He smiles again. “Of course not.” He kicks at the bloody bullets. “Must be leftovers from someone else.”
Wolfwood stares as the guy hefts his bag over his shoulder and flashes him a peace sign. 
“Bye!” he chirps, walking toward the valley. He turns about ten feet away, carrying on backwards, and says, “Oh, and if two girls come looking for me, could you tell ‘em I went that way?”
He points in the opposite direction with a hopeful expression. 
Wolfwood raises his eyebrows, blinks, and shrugs. “Sure, why not?”
The guy grins. “Thanks! I owe you one.”
“Two,” Wolfwood corrects, halting the guy’s heel-turn. At the puzzled look he receives, he gestures vaguely at the sky with his gun. “Kept you from getting eaten by scavengers.”
After a second, the guy lets out a quiet laugh, his hand coming up to his stomach again. He’s a terrible liar. “I owe you two.”
With a wave, he completes his turn and marches off. Wolfwood stays put and watches him for a moment, not entirely convinced he won’t just collapse again a little further away, but the guy’s steps don’t falter. He’s even whistling, the sound echoing off the cliffs. Whatever. Not Wolfwood’s problem. He goes back in the house and grabs one of the cigarettes spilled across the counter, lights it with one of the matches spilled next to the cigarettes, and puts the whole encounter out of his mind. Weird people are everywhere—even ones who can walk off bullet wounds. As long as they’re not shooting at him, it is none of his business.
(An hour or so later, a pair of girls knock on his door. The little one shows him a paper with a familiar smiling face printed on it, not folded well enough to hide the bottom edge of the WANTED printed at the top. Wolfwood finally makes the connection—Vash the fucking Stampede. He almost laughs and covers it by taking the cigarette out of his mouth.
“Yeah, I think saw that guy,” he says with a nod. “Big red coat, right?”
“Yes, that’s him!” the big one says, so happy Wolfwood almost feels bad as he points away from the valley.
“Saw him headed that way,” he says.
“Thank you!” the girls call, already racing to catch up with a walking legend.)
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wordsbymae · 2 years
I took ss of your response. So when at a place where there no wifi I’ll just over what you said, I’m low key kinda obsessed. And I the world building, with only women get to be magical inclined, like purr 💅. And I forgot to mention this from my previous ask, about name for your oc. I was thinking he would have formal full first name, but goes but a nickname. Like Charles-chuck, Ronald- Ron, Gabriel-Gabe, George- Georgie, Fredrick- Fred/Freddy, Robert- Robby, Edward- Ed/Eddie, Francis- Frank. Sorry that’s a lot 😭😭😭. I thought why not a silly name for a silly man. I have a headcanon that his mother probably named him this formal name in hopes he grows up to be some kind responsible and stern man, of course that’s not the case. His sisters probably gave him the silly nickname as some kind of teasing, which he probably didn’t like but eventually accepted. And for when he’s jealous? I think both are good, but depending on the mood of the story. Like is it going to be more silly and up beat, or does it have it’s fun moments but has its dark undertones. I definitely see them wrestle, it would be funny because he’ll think it’ll be cute to pretend that “he’s so weak” and she “got him” and let her win, when in reality SHE’S the one pretending not to be strong :D. I see him as this dumb lol country boy, with a southern accent, with flannel shirts, and belt buckles as big as his fist. I really like how the whole thing that’s pushing the plot is reader letting him do things, like letting him manhandle her, letting him be in control during sexy times, letting him think that he’s letting her win in wrestle matches. I find that fact so adorable. She’s the actually puppy but he’s acts like one. I think a funny scenario would be where they are at a bar, and manically he gets hit on right in front of reader. Shes pissed and he’s confused…he didn’t think it was possible for even one beautiful woman to like him, but two? Yeah he must drunk and past out somewhere, so reader and that woman duking it out in the floor, yeah that’s not real 🤓. Me: He’s a silly little man *The silly little man in question*: porbably 6ft, beefy, can kill a bear with one shot, can snap wood in half. And I can only imagine when she’s pregnant, like big belly and everything. Like he’ll be gone for a couple days to hunt down food, and he comes back just to get a scolding “I thought you were a good hunter, why did it take you a week (was like three days)” he’s already apologizing but confuse what she’s means by a week, must be the hormones… “now come and rub my feet.Do you have idea how heavy it is carrying your child?”, he so happy to do it. That is until he starts kissing on them and she’s like “don’t be a freak, I need them rub!” 😭😭😭😭. But yeah that’s what I came up with for our lil silly man 🌚. Hope you liked? I tried not to go over broad with the werid specific details, I mean it is your oc, so what am I doing lol 😂.
Thank you! Thank you! I very much loved it!!!! You always have such nice things to say and you always add a lot of thought. I never thought anyone would read my original one of his, least of all it would lead to our daily conversations about him!!! I love it.
Oh!!!!!! I am loving the name ideas, I think I'm partial to Fredrick, I can totally see his mama naming him that after his grandfather or great grandfather, a stern, responsible, no non-sense man. And then out pops Freddy. I love the idea that it's what his sisters nicknamed him and mini Freddy would cross his arms and pout whenever they called him that. After a while, he would get used to it but he still wanted everyone else outside his family to either call him Fred or Fredrick because those are manly men's names and Freddy makes him sound like a kid. Until reader! and then he gets sad when they don't call him Freddy and think something is wrong when they call him Fredrick.
I've had some thought about the jealousy stuff (I have a full one planned) and I think that it depends on the situation. Like if it's some guy who doesn't pose a threat to him or you at all, and if Freddy is drunk or if it's a friend or just another drunk guy who only said something Freddy didn't like, Freddy is going to go down the route of goofy-looking fighting. Like these two drunk guys are pulling each other's hair while locked in an embrace on the ground while shouting "you let go!", "no, you let go!", I then see them pretend to make up and then Freddy is just punching the other guy's dick and then tackling him to the ground. And you're just standing to the side in disappointment, shaking your head watching as he's doing the helicopter technique with his arms to hit the other guy.
But if he sees the other guy as an actual threat or it's someone who put their hands on you. Oh boy, I can just see him belting the other guy up and being an absolute feral, screaming and everything. And then you'll have to get involved and just rip him off the other guy, and I think because you are so used to restraining your strength around him you underestimate how hard it would be to take him off, and you almost need your full strength to rip him off. But as soon as he sees you he's fretting over you and any perceived damage, he's touching your face softly and asking if you're alright.
Ah!!! Play fighting!!! Why didn't I think of that before! Your mind is amazing. Of course, the reader would want to play fight, she's part canine. I love to see the reader initiate it as well, she's just in this silly goofy mood and she starts stalking him. Like he's doing yard work and just chopping wood, and here you are hiding in the bushes waiting for the right moment. And a part of me is torn between him like knowing your there and playing along because he just loves you so much and he thinks it's very cute (he thinks it's cute you think you could actually surprise him and actually win), and the other part of me wants it to be a surprise, every, single time. Like he's just walking past and you pounce, knocking him to the ground and just putting him in a headlock (not with your full strength otherwise he would be knocked out). Or another time when he steals a bit of meat from your plate and just laughs as he devours it, but it's near your time of the month (full moon) and you get a bit wild and your just sitting there mouth in a tight frown growling and he just slowly stops laughing and then he tries to defuse the situation by giving you a piece of his food but the damage is already done and you are both on the floor and you both are just wresting. I love to think he still has no idea the reader is a werewolf and he just thinks all the growling, play fighting, can be naked in the cold and not freeze, love your meat rare (a bit too rare), love it when he scratches your head and sometimes you just grab his hand and plop it on your belly and almost purr when he rubs it, are just apart of your personality. And when you get a bit wolfy getting closer to your time of month he just thinks it's your real-time of the month. He makes his mother's chocolate chip cookies (i don't care what anyone says werewolves can eat chocolate) and he gets water/wheaty bags for you in cute designs like a puppy or rabbit.
And yes!!! I totally see him holding back his strength and letting you win, and he says things like "oh you've got me pup!", "your so strong!", "Mercy!", "you're doing so well pup" and you're just thinking the entire time about how careful you have to be and how you cannot bite him even though your wolf mind is just like bite bite bite bite (not in a killing way just in an 'i want to bite my mate and play with him' way). I also see you letting him win sometimes, especially during sexy times. But that's for another time!!
Yeah!!! I love the idea that he really cannot do anything without her wanting it like she really has all the power, it's all about her allowing him to be in charge of certain situations and allowing him to do what he wants with her. He still of course asks for consent during sex and all that but it's in the little moments where she is actively giving up control to him.
I can see the reader getting far more jealous than he ever could. Freddy gets protective but the reader gets jealous to the point of grabbing some girl's hair and dragging her outside the bar and chucking her out. She wants to do more but that would be extra illegal. And Freddy has no clue!!! He just thinks the other lady is being nice, or he is very politely telling this lady no and the reader just comes out of nowhere growling and just telling her to fuck off and if she ever lays hands on her man again she'll rip them off. The lady quickly leaves. And Freddy thinks it's so cute!! You called him your man!!! You love him!! From then on he's telling everyone at the bar how sexy his mad wife is and how much he loves her. He then proceeds to pass out around the back of the bar and it's the only time you can use your full strength on him to just lift him up and walk home.
AHHHH!!! Pregnant reader and father-to-be Freddy! Like I said last time, I see him as someone who in the face of stress just mans up (not in a toxic way) and just gets things done. As soon as he finds out she is expecting he's building a cot and decorating it with little wolves (he still doesn't know but it makes you burst out in tears to see little wolves on your baby's crib). He's stocking up the cold room and the pantry with meat, preserves, homemade baby food, and canned vegetables. He's stocking up on firewood and he's making sure you are well rested and safe. I love the idea he goes away for a hunting trip and the reader is heavily pregnant, and he didn't want to go but he had to so off he went. And she thought she would be fine without him but it's the longest she's been without him since her first heat and she is pining for him. Luckily moose wasn't needed (the dog) so he got to stay behind and the two of you are just sitting on the couch practically crying for him. the reader is getting so worried for her mate and also she can't put on her shoes without him and her feet hurt and her back aches and shes craving deer bacon with ice cream and they have run out of ice cream but she can't go into town because her belly keeps bumping the steering wheel. And so she's just crying on the bed with moose curled up with her and it feels like he's been gone all week (it's been 3 days and only one has been a full day without him) and then the door is opening and he's calling out he's home and your rushing (or as quick as you can with the weight of the belly) to go see him. As soon as you see his stupid face (affectionately) your bawling again and then he freaks out, thinking your hurt or the baby is coming but you just hug him and then still sobbing you're scolding him. "Why did you take so long?" "you can kill a bear with one shoot but it takes you all week to track a stag?" "you were gone for so long, I thought something had happened" this last one leads him to just hug you as close as he can with the belly in the way and then him just putting both hands on it and kissing the top of your belly. you then switch moods and are dragging him to the couch so he can rub your feet while you tell him a list of all the stuff you need (ice cream, peaches, more of his mother's chocolate chip cookies) and he's just sitting there smiling up at you as he starts to leave kisses on your skin and knee. But you are not in the mood so you give him a look and tell him if he had gotten home quicker and didn't let you worry so much, he would have gotten what he wanted. He just pouts. he tries again an hour later when he's rubbing your back. You give in.
I loved it!!!!! That's ok, I love what you have to say! I never thought anyone would have read that first one I did of his or even get to this stage. Without you, I would have just left that one where it was and forgotten about him. but you brought him to life!!!
lots of love mae xx
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reflingthefox · 2 years
It's 4 am here. Feb 24th 2023, 4 am.
It's approximately a year since I was sitting awake, grinding the hell outta new Destiny 2 year content, when I heard weird, loud distant sounds. Then, the news broke out about war starting. Then, in less than hour, we were fleeing the city.
(Just in case, I'm not staying this late tonight because of some dumb anniversary. I'm prepping for another Destiny 2 year start. Timings are like this, sometimes.)
In fiction, it would be something something about horrors, obtaining trauma and looking for the ways to heal at this point. Sometimes, real life is like that. But sometimes, real life is dumbfuck, and it's dumbfuck I reminisce.
I think I scared my friends with the news I was fleeing more than I was hurt myself. Even now I feel like my stories hurt people I tell them to more than me. But at the same time, I have a superpower of not feeling how bad I am until it overflows. I mostly reacted to the air raids as "oh, huh", but then when I was left outta game raid event a couple weeks later, I broke down and cried for a day.
I farmed Flight Rising's Trickmurk Circus right in-between hiding in the cellar. It's the game's local holiday, it has so many things I didn't want to miss. When nothing was happening yet but tensions were rising, I even asked Ailinn to farm it wildly in case I go offline those days (so I'll have a place to get my stuff later). I didn't go offline, but I had to hide every so often.
Of course, it had to be called Trickmurk Circus.
Now every english-speaking person I tell this has to google "блядский цирк".
When the news came about some vehicles entering my city and getting lost in there, I wasn't surprised. I lived there all my life, and I know even locals get lost there every so often. The invaders didn't have a chance to beat the architecture clusterfuck.
The news I read consisted mostly of stuff like this for the first month. I guess people do need more dumbfuck in such moments.
Two months later I returned to the city. The people I was staying with were worse than bomb scares.
I started getting therapy. I started getting on track.
I shared at some point how the war felt liberating. Now I didn't have to worry if I'm a failure. "To survive is enough" was country-wide.
I promised myself I'd set up PayPal and do proper comms since it was relevant now. I never did. I struggle to draw unless I'm hyperfocused as hell.
Please make me hyperfocused more.
In the summer, I went to the countryside to meet my aunt and grandma. They relocated there before the war, fearing the city was too electricity-dependent. Then they got sieged. It wasn't probably too nice at that time, but when I got there, I was only greeted by more dumbfuck stories.
Then, half a year later, when I went again to visit for the late Christmas, I learned my cousin died on the frontlines, Jan 1st.
(I loved him. I didn't get enough time. He didn't go for a good reason. If he stayed alive for a month more, he would've returned for good. He helped me become me. I hoped his life gets better after this. It's not fair. Why.)
I'm not celebrating New Year next time.
In the autumn, some attacks managed to damage power infrastructure. We started getting scheduled blackouts - the city tried to preserve energy. Then we started getting sudden infrastructure drops for days straight. Sometimes there was no light, no water, no internet, and no way to learn the scale of stuff until one got to a public safety point.
I managed to download a few things before it got this bad. It was a right call. Nexomon Extinction, you're singlehandedly responsible for me staying sane the whole late autumnand early winter. Thank you so much.
Somewhere on the ride, I met Quotes and I'm so happy it happened. I thought I was not capable of making friends anymore, I tried so much, and kept failing, and drifting away the next day, and now with war in the picture, I wasn't capable to put the energy I was required to put for it to not fall apart. Turns out, it just has to be the right person, and then it clicks and isn't taxing at all.
I'm on my vacation right now. Somehow, between war and Covid and my work being not too mentally straining, I forgot to take my leaves and accumulated three months worth of vacation. So it's a month-long one, this time.
The last day at work, I just broke the fuck down. I think whatever was moving me forward turned off, and I finally felt how tired I am. I needed this rest. I hope I am getting rest.
My plants are dying, and I feel so guilty.
My snail didn't die, and that's both a relief and responsibility.
Time is a blur, and I'm crying again as I'm writing this post.
It's Feb 24th, 2023, and I survived. Please let me keep it on.
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calicomarie11 · 32 minutes
It’s the tail end of a 24 and A Shift is relaxing in the loft, enjoying a few moments of uninterrupted down time now that all the chores have been done. Gerrard is shut up in the captain’s office where he spends most of his time, only popping out every now and again like a demented jack in the box to berate and belittle them before returning to his lair.
Hen is actually reading a book for fun, something she hasn’t had time for in years. Quitting med school had been hard, but she is slowly rediscovering the joys of free time, catching up on TV shows, movies, books, all the things she’d had to forgo when her life was an endless parade of deadlines and responsibilities.
She glances up from her book and notices Buck, staring at his phone. His brow is furrowed and his lips turn down in a frown. Stormy is the word that comes to mind as Hen watches him glare at his phone like it personally offended him. He huffs and throws the phone face down on the couch cushion next to him.
Hen sighs and slips her bookmark into place, although she really doesn’t mind the opportunity to gather some new gossip. “Something the matter, Buck?” she asks. “Everything all right with Tommy?”
Buck starts at the sound of her voice, “Yeah, yes, everything’s great with Tommy.” His eyes cut to his phone again and a cloud passes over his face.
Well, Hen obviously isn’t going to let him get away with hiding whatever the problem is. “What’s wrong, Buckaroo?” she asks gently. She isn’t above using mom voice on Buck when he gets in a mood.
Buck finally looks at her, making eye contact and everything. “It’s just, this is so dumb, but-you know that show Hotshots? The one Bobby’s working on.”
And shit, Hen knows exactly where this conversation is going even as she works to keep her face blank. Karen has been obsessed with the show from the very first episode. She was so happy to see a Black lesbian couple on TV that she had steamrolled over Hen’s objections to watching a show based on Taylor Kelly’s book. Her argument that if it was their lives being mined for content then they might as well enjoy the representation had been persuasive.
So Hen has watched it, and for the most part has been pleased with how she is being represented. It helps that the actress playing Bea is hot. Although the night of the episode where Bea cheated on Janet with her ex had resulted with her sleeping on the couch and cursing Buck and his tendency to overshare, especially to reporters.
“I am…aware of the show,” she replies and then looks around to see if there’s anyone she can appeal to for help. Frustratingly, Chim and Ravi are playing pool across the room and Eddie’s off somewhere, probably trying to call Christopher again.
“So, I was telling Tommy about Bobby’s new job and it turns out everyone over at Harbor watches the show,” Buck says. “And, like, Tommy didn’t know about the book or the Taylor connection, but once I explained it he got this look on his face and smacked the table and said I was Sandy. And then he told be about this Randy thing the fans have concocted, so I was on Twitter looking at some of the hashtags and it’s wild.”
Buck looks at Hen with wide eyes as he trails off. He’s hisses out “They think I should be dating Eddie.” He gives her a ‘can you believe this look’ and Hen isn’t quite sure how to respond.
Because, sure, she has wondered at various points over the years if there was something more there. It’s not like she’s well versed in the complexities of male best friendships, but she can see they have something special. A kinship born of need. Buck’s need to be necessary to someone and Eddie’s need for validation and support. They had each filled a hole for the other, slotting together like the last two pieces of a 1000 piece puzzle, locking everyone else out.
But on the other hand, the pull between them has never seemed sexual to her. Buck always seemed to be searching for an emotional connection, aching for real relationships, wanting people to want and need him around. Trying to turn their work family into a real family to replace the family who hadn’t wanted him.
She tries not to think of Buck as a rescue dog, but that was the energy he put out into the world. Someone who has been hurt and thinks he deserved the hurt even though he’s the gentlest soul she’s ever come across. And Eddie had come along and adopted him, taken him home to his kid and accepted his help and earned Buck’s unending devotion.
But it had never stopped Buck from pursing romantic relationships with women and now Tommy. And he’d always been fine around Eddie’s girlfriends, except when he’d get mad at Eddie for how he treated them. Eddie really is a terrible boyfriend.
Hen knows she’s been quiet too long, thinking about her answer when Buck starts glaring at her. “You too?”he says, betrayal clear in his voice.
“No, no, I was just thinking.” Hen hurries to reassure him. “You and Eddie have a very special relationship, and to outsiders it might,”she holds up a finger, “just might, look like something else.”
“I just can’t believe Taylor would put that in her book or on TV.” Buck sounds so disappointed and hurt that Hen can’t let it stand.
“To be fair to her, the Randy thing is mostly coming from the fans. It happens all the time with popular shows, fans seeing something that isn’t there and building it up into a whole thing. Sure, there’s been a few suggestive scenes, but it’s not like they’re actually in a relationship on the show.”
Buck pouts, his arms crossed over his chest. “I just don’t see why they can’t give one of them a girlfriend so people would stop speculating.”
Hen laughs, “Oh, they have. In fact, last season Sandy started dating an investigative journalist. With red hair. ” She gives him a pointed look. “Named Tiffany.”
Buck groans. “Of course Taylor put herself into the show." He rolls his eyes. "I’m surprised she didn’t want to play the role herself.” 
Chim and Ravi wander over, their game of pool complete. Chim plops down on the couch next to Buck while Ravi perches on the arm of one of the chairs.
“What are we talking about?” Chim asks.
Hen gives him a significant look as she replies, “Hotshots.”
“Oh, are you and Karen still coming over for the season premiere?” he asks, not catching the warning glare Hen is sending his way.
Buck turns to Chimney, a look of stunned disbelief on his face. He smacks Chim on the bicep. “Dude, not cool. We all said we were going to boycott the show. We were sitting right here and everyone agreed not to watch it. I can’t believe this. My own family betraying me.”
Chim holds up his hands for protection, “It was Maddie’s idea. She and Josh started watching it together and I was just there.”
Ravi looks around at the three friends and the mixture of apologetic and angry faces. “What’s the problem with Hotshots? It’s a fun show, if a little unrealistic sometimes, but the characters are compelling.”
Buck stands up, his eyes narrow as he swings his finger to point at them each in turn. “Traitors, all of you.” He stomps off, heading towards the stairs to the roof.
Ravi watches him leave and then turns back to Hen and Chim. “So, do you think Sandy and Ricky are finally going to get together this season?”
Hen groans. “Probie, if you value your life you will not mention those names in this firehouse anywhere near Buck or Eddie. In fact, no mentions of Hotshots at all.”
“Not a probie anymore,” Ravi muttered under his breath. He can’t wait to get back to B Shift.
(Read on A03)
So I thought this would be a one and done, but it has taken on a life of it's own as I avoid my other WIPs. I'm thinking a 5 +1. Next convo will be between Buck and Eddie. Then maybe Bobby and Athena, ending with Taylor and Buck, but we'll see.
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the-firebird69 · 6 months
He was a friend in school and it still is and he saved my life and it wasn't that bad and people said it too but your injury looks bad but not bad enough so I kind of pull it out and I know how to do that and while I was doing it you had this horrifying look on your face no you were doing it before and I know what they look means and it means you need to die permanently and the horrified look went to nasty nastiness. You're an evil person this certainly seems real and you can see you earlier acting like you it was hard to pinpoint you but I want you dead for what you did and you're going to die not too long from now cuz you're having us mix it up with these guys cuz you're a loser
Danny and that's one of my names and he remembers it from somewhere it's also not Carlo I'm David Bowman's he had a lot of fun talking about the instrument that I played it was very curious and he wants to know about it if the mandolin and mandolin is the name of one of his mom's characters I'm disguise to someone else and you come out and you're gone and you think you're inside his body and I'm inside yours and a whole bunch of dumb s*** like that and your body is blown to bits and people need that because it's not really your body and I say it too
So you threaten me with a shovel because I stopped you from killing Stan we're getting killed or a stupid fight cuz I'm trying to leave big ship boy Tommy f and you're a dick for what you were doing and a loser. As usually you could not handle it that day at all and you meant to impress people that you can't. This looks like you earlier in the movie it sounds like your behavior and pretty much it looks like you're all done as he's walking around in circles your grandson is stepping on what's left of you because he knows what I did to help him and I didn't know it was you who had shot him and sincerely still think that it was my brother but he can't stand you anymore and says he did the research and it's not my brother
Not like it matters you are on trial Trump and so help me God if that head comes back it's not going to have anyone's brain in it but some newbie and I don't want it. If you look at the rest of the movie you don't really see it so that's not bad cuz you're at scourge on us all of us no matter what kind you are you're a dead piece of s*** no matter what you do and you did this to your grandchild and I know it and he wants revenge and Charlie Sheen shot you and you probably hounded him every second of his life in order to make him hate you so you can try and shoot him and take his stuff and have him shoot you again you're an insane piece of s***. And Garfield beheaded him and that was in New York City and people say you ate his body others say parts of it and our friend says you ate his whole body up and you told him about it over and over and he came to me one day in tears and told me I said it's a good thing you told me it's important and I heard there are others there and I questioned him and now you're dead man Trump you don't have any rights to say stuff you're going to die this is your head it sticks the gun in there to make sure your brain is gone and you can hear it there's nothing in there by the way if your head comes back people know that you're an airhead. There's some other people there who want you dead and one of them is Tommy f and he leans over to see if the brain is gone and he's walking around in the same spot. Huge numbers of people will rejoice at your death huge numbers of people hate you nobody wants to be kind to you no one wants to put you up in their house and nobody wants you next to our friend here I don't know how the hell you're doing it yeah you're sacrificing all your people because you're a moron
Mac daddy
We wish we could wish you wish you goodbye but really we have to go through all this stupid s*** just to get rid of one idiot who's messing us all up and you're sitting next door to him saying it's him and really everything's getting messed up so what's the damn point
Charlie Sheen
You're one of us I expect you to behave better and whatever this sucks so bad and I shot him and he's embarrassed and that's what happens in our realm and I've been avoiding it and I tried to stop him by putting clues as to what happened in the future and it is I'm sitting here threatening for my life he's telling me I'm going the wrong way the whole time and I know who it is it's David Bowman's and we had it out in Europe and he's saying I'm full of s*** and I actually I am I fell over on the bike I know it was and nobody will believe me that it was David audette and he deserved to die he's killing a lot of people his brother was in trouble still thinks that he shot you but yeah I act like I did and I won't leave it alone
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Ew gross
Thor and me too that's gross Freya for Christ's sake Trump get a hold of yourself uhhh gross
That's disgusting put yourself back together you slob who cares if people step on you in life
Nuada Arrianna hahaha my son and daughter-in-law are doing their alien routine yeah it was funny at the time he's stepping on it oh my God why would you do that to yourself Trump now we have to do it to you
I wonder if this is the band on the run
Zues 😂 hold on it's not funny and I said hahaha I didn't put the face there he did Hera
It is funny we think it is the band on the run cuz he's sailor Sam and he's singing about himself and it's a band and they used to call that and in Vietnam they're like a unit and boy I want to show you giving that guy and really we think it was JC who did the shooter shooting and we have proof if anyone wants to see it and he's still in Paris France is in the UK still
Who said he was threatening him somehow and it happened before you left and he threatened him with a gun at the cookout and it makes sense
David diamonds
Yeah I got hit a lot and I'm real stupid and mean but it's true will and Bill know who it was in Mac but they don't care anymore cuz I'm an a****** and it's true that's pretty gross
And you didn't influence me to do it and yeah you did and that's what I found out
David Bowman's
It's about greed folks and not caring about people I would never do this to any of mine not to mention people who are my family it is disgusting and repulsive
Zeus Hera
We need to hear it no we did not let's disgusting these people are gross and it's not syrup for Christ's sake that's terrible that we get it it's kind of what he was doing a lot to people
Savage opress
That's really gross really gross okay pig but for Christ's sake he deserves it and really he's doing this to all sorts of people and they just sit there like lumps on a log kind of late your whole clan up and it's his fault too
Frank Castle hardcastle
I want to put I don't want to put up with this anymore we have to get that guy he's such a dick and I guess cheeseman puts me back together and gets hit by Dave who's a complete imbecile
Mac Daddy and Trump tries to suffocate me as a big Indian tries to blame Dave who cares you're also goddamn dumb
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