#these are my harmless hcs if you don't agree or not like them just keep scrolling
emmelinebones · 2 years
pre marauders era characters and alcohol hcs
i'm a wee tipsy so here are my favourite pre marauders (my hcs, ik in fanon some of them are placed in the actual marauders era) friend group characters when they're drunk (i'm not gonna talk about getting sick)
amelia: absolute lightweight to the point everyone is making fun of her for it (good for her though save your money). gets from a very talkative tipsy person who laughs a lot to a what the fuck is she saying drunk who can't stop laughing or stand up straight. especially fun to be around when you yourself are not proper drunk
emmeline: surprisingly good at passing off as sober. just gets very loud and her excessive use of moving her hands while talking always gives away she's had a few too many. generally prefers making sure no one is accidentally dying while drunk so stays away from getting super wasted, which she then prefers to do in a place where she know she can spend the night
andromeda: she can count one on hand how many times she's been drunk. usually sticks to no more than two cocktails a night, but as soon as she's had a bit more it's immediately noticeable. giggles so much
ted: loves going out to get wasted with his friends. surprisingly a good dancer up until his fourth drink. then it's just...amusing to watch. so painfully straightforward when intoxicated and always comes up with the weirdest questions
edgar: thinks he's the really cool and laid bad drunk person, but becomes incredibly emotional and tears up at everything. usually ends up on a friend's sofa without remembering how he got there. there's either sober or drunk no in between
hestia: the shy friend who becomes the life of the party with alcohol tm. also very flirty with everyone and always ends up getting a bunch of free drinks. also always ends up getting the worst hangovers, but does that stop her? no.
marlene: does not like getting drunk, but appreciates getting tipsy very much. makes sure to remember all the embarrassing things to remind her friends the next day. mum friend. always makes sure everyone gets home safe and if that means staying sober so it is. only a select few have seen her drunk (definitely amelia after marlene graduated hogwarts and they did a couple too many shots at a muggle pub)
fabian: gets very clingy and affectionate (either romantic or platonic depending on who it is). surprisingly very quiet and observant. when he's wasted his hands are always something that absolutely fascinates him ("it's like tiny arms coming out of my arm!")
gideon: sighs a lot when intoxicated? no one knows why? they sometimes mimic him when he's sober. always comes up with the weirdest fun facts no one knows where he got them from or why the fuck this drunk man suddenly remembers. weirdly entertaining. rarely remembers the night before if he gets really wasted
kingsley: absolute. muggle pub. enthusiast. why? no one knows. he loves them. also loves muggle drinks. drags his friends to a pub once a month. like emmeline very good at seeming to be sober. for the life of him has zero balance once he stands up though
alice: social drinker. only ever has one drink and just enjoys the others stupidity. always takes a camera with her for the really embarrassing things. loves playing along their nonsensical drunk talk
frank: surprisingly a lightweight. gets sleepy immediately and almost always ends up falling asleep by the end of the night before he gets home. talks during his intoxicated sleep. prefers to get a sugar high from butterbeer though ("kingsley stop taking us to pubs without butterbeer i'm begging you!")
pandora: gets one cocktail and one mocktail and then sticks to tap water or butterbeer. always brings potions for her drunk friends for the hangovers (not to point fingers, but absolutely fabian's fault)
sybill: does not drink. ever. has never had a sip. afraid it'll cloud her sight. everyone is always speculating what she'd be like drunk. also how did she get here? oh, right she's a friend of pandora
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lament-of-lydia · 3 months
help i love your hcs i need your opinion on onceler/greedler (or both if you want) trying horror escape room lol
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trying to escape, are you?
♱ pairing: slight onceler/greedler x reader
♱ note: had this sitting in my inbox, ty for your ask!
♱ warnings: slight suggestive themes/actions
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escaping with onceler 𖤐 it had been a harmless invitation at first, and onceler seemed excited with how quickly he had accepted, not at all afraid
𖤐 oh, how wrong you had been.
𖤐 for one, you had completely forgotten how much of an absolute scaredy cat this man was (and still is)
𖤐 i mean walking into the building, he was already nervous, wringing his hands constantly and messing with his hair
𖤐 as you walked up to the front desk with his lanky frame following close behind, you can hear him muttering to himself
"okay, this is starting to seem like a bad idea . . ." 𖤐 you had to reassure him constantly the entire time you were in that stuffy room that no, you wouldn't get stuck, and yes, they would let you out of the room if you failed to escape
𖤐 he of course, after your escapade, denied ever acting like a scaredy-cat jumping at the slightest noise or creaking of a door
𖤐 typical oncler.
𖤐 when it came to finding clues, though, he was actually pretty good at noticing the little details
𖤐 he probably has 20/20 vision, cause how else did he find the false wall that opened into a secret little storage cupboard?
𖤐 solving clues involved a little more brain power, but he didn't let you down here either exactly
𖤐 eventually you two fell into a rhythm, with you mostly solving the clues onceler found while he hunted for more
𖤐 at one point, you had to reach for a red, thick book on the top shelf, and were struggling to do so
𖤐 you ignored the shock that trickled down your spine when he pressed up behind you, even if it were just for a second
𖤐 he seemed to have not even realized what he had just done, handing the book over to you with a goofy smile
𖤐 when you made your inevitable escape through the once-bolted door, he picked you up and swung you around
"we did it! we actually made it out of there! i can't believe it!" 𖤐 later at his tent-house, where you both had retreated to for the night for a celebratory meal of pancakes, you both laughed well into the morning over how onceler had kept hitting his head on various things in the escape room
𖤐 damn him and his tallness.
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escaping with greedler 𖤐 onceler's slight annoying ego when it came to admitting his initial fear of escape room was pale in comparison to greedler's
𖤐 let's face it, them being the same person and all, but greedler having 10 times greater of an ego? this was bound to go wrong
𖤐 you're not even sure why you invited him, especially when he seemed so cocky about it at first
"an escape room? how childish. don't get me wrong, i've done countless before. is this the best you could think of?" 𖤐 regardless, he agreed eventually and showed up, even if it was in much more dramatic than needed kind of way
𖤐 what kind of person rides a limousine to an escape room?
𖤐 he seemed bored and unimpressed by the interior of the building, like he'd seen much better rooms in his life
𖤐 still, you could still see he was slightly nervous with the way he ran his fingers through his hair
𖤐 old habits die hard, you supposed.
𖤐 compared to onceler, greedler was a lame excuse of a help
𖤐 sure, he pointed out a letter or two stowed away behind a desk, but he mostly just sat and lazily watched you do everything yourself
"me? oh you know i'm just here to keep you company. i am not getting these gloves dirty." 𖤐 the best part for you, though, was definitely when a plastic spider popped out of a wardrobe and right into his face
𖤐 the high pitched shriek he had let out then was beautiful.
𖤐 surprisingly, he didn't seem adverse to helping you solve clues, although it did give him more boasting rights, so there's that
𖤐 when the room suddenly grew uncomfortably hot with 10 minutes left (a clever design) he peeled off the many layers he was wearing, and so did you
𖤐 it would be a lie if you said you didn't stare as much as you did when greedler pulled his sleeves up
𖤐 working in the heat and being uncomfortably close was not a good combination, but you two surprisingly made it work
𖤐 when you finally cracked the code and opened the door, you squeezed him in a bone crushing hug as you cheered
𖤐 you were shocked when he didn't pull away instantly, and even more when he returned the hug, (ignoring, once again, the way you shivered when his hands settled on your waist)
𖤐 he pulled away eventually, of course
"don't get your sweat all over me. this is designer, you know."
𖤐 you went out to dinner afterwards, where you noticed he was smiling at you a lot more than usual, and you smiled right back.
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quartzofcoralcove · 1 year
Friend hcs (but he's the other friend lol)
Coraline Au! @stnaf-vn
You have the eeriest feeling whenever you see that little door ever since you moved into the pink palace but you ignore it and push on just doing your best to get comfortable in your new place.
Easier said than done though since strange things keep happening, first with estranged neighbors, lack of money and food, and now this little doll with button eyes that looks exactly like you appears on your doorstep. Well whatever, the doll is harmless enough and while that tiny door you've been ignoring is odd, you can ignore it.
It's so tantalizing though and you're confident that the weird key with a button on it just has to open it... And fortunately, or maybe unfortunately it does. The door opens almost and a tunnel is formed almost like it's alive but you've already gone through the trouble of finding the key so may as well go through the door. You crawl through the tunnel and one you reach the other side you're almost positive that you've gone insane. It's literally just your house... Wait what? You want to think it's your house but the slight aesthetic changes make you less and less certain by the second.
Walking around this place almost feels wrong, you're confident that someone lives here, but that someone isn't yourself and then you see him. It's friend! How relieving... No wait. Your friend doesn't have b..b..buttons. Aren't they lovely, he did them himself, he's your other friend silly. He's so glad you're here, he's been waiting for your sweetheart, this place wasn't the same without you. He even cooked one of your favorite meals for you which, with how your wallet is doing right now is such a gift you don't even question how he knew.
Ok so friend absolutely already stalks you so it's no surprise that your other friend does as well. He's just more sneaky about it and dare I say more diligent. Because by the time your curiosity gets the better of you and you venture through the door, he'll know everything about you, even the miniscule details. Anything to impress you, anything to keep you in awe, anything to make you stay.
He'll constantly lure you away with promises of treasures and treats and games to play and that he'll always love you. He always cooks your favorites and loves to surprise you with handmade gifts just for his sweetheart and of course he knows your size silly~
"Friend" always loves when you visit and always has something fun planned for you to do with him (even if that may include something a little more lewd) because he loves nothing more than spending time with you, you sustain him, and that's not a joke.
Call him dramatic if you want but he's always so serious when he casually mentions that he'll "die without you" and that he wishes he could "keep you forever" but why would you ever want to leave this place anyway.
Be warned though, you shouldn't dangle your freedom over him like a toy because he'll surely grasp it, he mentions it in passing but you can stay here forever if that's what you really want sweetheart.
"You do love it here with me, don't you sweetheart? What if you could stay."
It's almost not a question, almost but he waits to see how you react anyway and of course you agree without hesitation, because you do love it here, and why wouldn't you? It's such an intricate and delicate trap made just for you. So naturally you indulge in his request wondering what it would take for you to stay and you swear those button eyes turn pink.
He says it's easier to show you rather than tell you and presents you gift box. But you're hesitant because what could possibly be in that box that could keep you here with him? Nevertheless you open it, and immediately feel the atmosphere shift. He slinks behind you resting his hands on your shoulders as if to encourage you to follow through as if you agreed already which you definitely haven't.
"For you, my little doll. I'll make sure it's quick and painless of course and you can even pick whatever color you want, although I'd like honored if you chose black to match with me."
You feel like time had stood still. Is he actually discussing sewing buttons in your eyes so casually? Is he insane, why would you ever agree to do something like that?
Your silence says plenty and your other friend understands, it's a big decision so why don't you sleep on it sweetheart, you'll feel better in the morning.
This was honestly so fun to write!! I'm like definitely down to do more if anyone actually cares to read more lol
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crowtrobotx · 5 months
I know this is out of the blue, but thank you so much for being a real one 👍✨️
Like I have nothing against people who see Heisenberg as a gay man, they’re entitled to think that. But I draw the hard line at people who feel the need to bash others just because their views don't align, and then when confronted use the piss poor "it's just a joke" or "it's just an observation" excuses. If you're going to be a bitch at least have the balls to own up to it.
Anyway, loved your work since 2021 and wishing you all the good vibes. 🤗
Oh my goodness, thank you!!! This is such a kind message and I appreciate you so much. ❤️ Good vibes right back at you. I’m glad that my rantings have resonated with folks because sometimes I wonder if *spongebob voice* I’M the maniac. Getting dragged into this stuff really makes me feel like it sometimes, haha.
Yes! To be clear I also truly do not care what your HC’s are! I love that there are people for whom gay Heisy is their thing and I hope they are having fun and keep making their art/fic/etc! Even if I really can’t stand the popular fanon ship I’m so glad it exists for folks who enjoy it and I am not going to spend my time posting about what I don’t like/agree with when they’re not hurting me and I can spend my time on stuff I do like!
And like. I know. I KNOW a lot of these people are teenagers. And I struggle sometimes because “do not fight literal children” is a rule I try to live by lmao but I also really don’t like seeing people target and mock folks for harmless fun. (It’s on sight if a 25+ year old starts putting this shit in the tags tho. I know they’re out there.)
Still, it’s extremely weird because they always defend themselves with “it’s just a joke/it’s not that deep” or “oh my god no one is stopping you from liking x why are you so pressed 🙄 i can’t believe you’re letting my nasty opinions bother you just because i put them right where you can see them with the intent of insulting you.” 💀💀💀 Like what could possibly be the point of doing this if not to, at the very least, actively try to dissuade people you don’t like from engaging with the community? Obviously no one can stop me but if I know that there are dickbags out there who are going to vaguepost and make fun of me when I do, I don’t care how confident and thick skinned you are (and I am very,) it’s still going to sting!
People are not bothered because they’re disconnected from reality and think they’re really married to a pixel man, they’re upset because life is hard enough and you come into your hobby space to have a good time and then find lame ass idiots infesting it. I also think the whole “ohhh my god why are you so upset he’s/she’s not real!!” is a blatant attempt to discredit the hurt parties by once again insinuating that they are “crazy” which once again conveniently ignores multiple realities, chiefly that 1) most people are not upset by a simple opinion that their fave wouldn’t fuck them IRL, they are upset at the blatant meanness of the person making the accusations and 2) even if they are genuinely hurt by the thought because it’s a coping mechanism for them, why does that make it okay for you target them? What gives you the right to harass and mock people who are not bothering you? Do these people think they’re doing these folks a ‘favor’ by forcing them to contend with what they perceive to be some kind of delusion? Shut the hell up. Why do people decide it is their god given right to hold strangers on the internet accountable for psychological “problems” that they’ve completely made up.
Anyway SORRY I have a serious problem shutting the fuck up lol. I have never been good at phrasing my thoughts in a coherent way especially when I’m grumpy. I am very glad my little circle is full of awesome, open minded and levelheaded folks and not gatekeepers/weirdos (derogatory) who have decided that diversity of opinion in fandom is bad actually and that women and femmes specifically are enemy number one.
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thevalleyoftriumph · 1 month
One final ask before I head to bed
How does second meeting chosen go?
I’ve a hc that second simply comes to visit after showdown, to make sure chosen is alright, I’m curious what everyone’s thoughts is on that
He’s on beasts “yeah alright I trust him” list, but beast trusts him in combat, what about regular day to day things? Just hanging out? Eating sandwiches? That’s gotta be different right?
And chosen and killer, do they like him? Are they envious of him? Does one like him more than the other?
How quickly do they realise that uh. Second doesn’t remember how showdown ended. And who realises first?
Idk idk there’s a lot that can happen and I’m curious of your hc’s for it. Going to bed now. Goodnight
HEHE GOODNIGHT ANON!!! thank you dearly for the Even More questions <33 i hope you have a very nice sleep
as usual, responses are under the cut ^_^
1: How does second meeting chosen go?
Oh man okay. So like, if we don't count the brief meeting before the final fight, and then the little bow interaction after, then the two would've officially met sometime later I'd say? Somewhere between Showdown and Wanted for sure, I'm a sucker for the hollowheads actually interacting lol.
I'd say it'd be a very big "hey wait a minute what the hell are you doing here" moment at first, before Chosen just sorta resigns himself to the fact that Second is probably going to just keep dropping by to check in every once and a while whether he likes it or not [and if he's secretly fine with it because it's an excuse to actually clean up the house and keep the kitchen stocked instead of wallowing in his room all day well then that's his business and no one needs to know that damn it]
I think out of the three, Killer is actually the most trusting, and actually pretty fond of Second! Chosen is close behind, but he's got a healthy dose of respect for the guy after seeing them in action so there's a bit of "man you could totally kick my ass if you felt like it. That's cool I think. Please don't do that actually." in there lol. For the most part they like Second after a while, and warm up to them.
You'd be right to assume that it's definitely different with Beast though! Beasts little "trusted people" list can be pretty solidly split between "ally in combat" trust and "genuine everyday trust" , and while that does slightly spread to the others [ie, Chosen can respect and appreciate Second, but was a bit hesitant at first thanks to Literally Everything] it's mostly seen in Beast. Honestly if it saw Second again outside of a battle it'd probably briefly think "oh shit is something happening do I need to like. Attack someone. What's going on why're they here" and it'd take some time to unlearn that association with them.
Despite all this, though - despite eventually warming up, Chosen is shockingly the most hesitant to actually start liking them to any degree. Killer does the fastest, mostly because they're probably the only extroverted person there to match Second's energy, and Beast is next up solely because of previous reason to trust them, but Chosen?
Sure, he knows Second is on his side. He knows they're doing this to be a decent person and to be nice. He knows they literally saved him and their friends. But despite logically knowing that Second is [mostly] harmless, he cannot stop the instinctive fear that comes with the whole "watched this guy murk his best friend/brother like it was NOTHING" thing. It's not major, in comparison to a lot of things. It's not even enough to prevent him from interacting with Second, especially not in polite company. But it IS enough for him to be on edge for a while.
Though again, after a bit of time passes he does end up putting a lot of his real genuine trust into Second. They are the first person the three think to go to for help, after all. That is, at the very least, one thing they agree on.
To add on; I think Killer likes Second for their creativity, Chosen likes Second for their kindness and eagerness to help others, and Beast likes Second for their strength and their loyalty to their friends [mostly because it relates to the need to protect those it cares about.]
2: How quickly do they realise that uh. Second doesn’t remember how showdown ended. And who realises first?
I'm gonna be so honest it's either Killer or Beast who put two-and-two together first. Killer because any time they bring it up to ask Literally Anything, Second just kinda politely nods along with this confused look and they know damn well Second's just playing along and has no idea what they're on about. Killer is pretty observant when it comes to other sticks and their feelings [probably the only emotionally aware alter there lol]. Beast because, well, surely someone that powerful would be displaying that power as much as they can, right? Be it as intimidation to ward off anyone wishing to do them or their loved ones harm, or maybe just as a casual brag, or even just for stupid everyday tasks. Anything to use the power given, anything to acknowledge it and the things they've done. To Beast, the only way it makes sense that they wouldn't is if they didn't know.
Chosen finds out literally the day of Wanted just like in source simply because I think it's a little funny lol. He's got his suspicions before that but he mostly just brushes it off as like.. trauma blocking the memory Mostly out like how his own memories do.
So like, while I don't know the FULL amount of time between Showdown and Wanted, let's just for the sake of discussion say it was about ehhh a year or two. Not saying I think it did but just for timeline purposes - feel free to stretch this out or compress it depending on the time You Personally think was between it.
With this in mind; if Chosen finds out during Wanted two years after Showdown, then Killer and Beast probably realize at first that somethin' ain't right with Second over the course of 8 or 9 months after Showdown, and ACTUALLY figure it out 2months after the 1st year passes [or 14 months after Showdown if that's easier for you to visualize]. Compress or stretch that timeline as you see fit bc timelines in AVA are a mess lol, but regardless; Chosen's a little slow on the realization here because it'd be funny.
This next half of the post isn't in response to any question and is just misc. rambling about anything that comes to mind about these guys interacting because you got me Thinking-
-but I just like the idea of Second meeting Killer and Beast and Knowing That That's Happening. LIKE IDK I feel like they'd end up getting along individually after a while. Second would probably be a little perplexed at first before just going No that makes sense carry on ^_^
I also like the idea of Beast, having since decided that Second is worth trusting Personally [which would take a hell of a long time considering the last time it trusted someone outside of battle it ended with Dark dead [presumably] somewhere and new issues regarding bugs/spiders.] had taken one look at Second, and one look at the CG, and went "no absolutely not you cannot go out fighting things as self taught fighters your stances are WRONG your punches are WEAK and you are NOT PROTECTING YOUR MIDDLE. Get INTO the sparring room I am TEACHING YOU PROPER TECHNIQUE" lol. Very aggressive signing and glaring. Chosen and Killer are in full support of this but for different reasons [Chosen just prefers the people he knows to be safe and able to protect themselves, Killer is silently cataloging as much as they can about the others' fighting styles]
Anyway I just think Beast is so used to itself knowing how to properly fight AND Dark knowing how that when it sees self taught fighters who are half its size and used to video game mechanics vs actual living experience, it just short circuits and briefly forgets that it's supposed to be scary and intimidating and instead is like Okay I gotta fix that they're gonna get themselves killed and that's gonna be REALLY upsetting for us. It's like when people joke that they were in the middle of a breakdown and then someone says something so baffling that they just. Stop crying. It is the FUNNIEST thing to me.
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scummy-writes · 1 year
I've been keeping myself busy with...life...for a few days before thinking about this blog some more. This is what I've decided to do, since in the past week I got upset and said no more this and that.
1. Anon is staying off. I can't promise I won't ever be reactive towards something weird or negative said towards me regardless, but anon being off will reduce that happening a lot. I'm sorry for being negative in regards to them lately, and I apologize for responding to any of them.
2. I think my decision of 'no further requests' is final. At the very least, it will be shut off for a long time. Everyone has *always* been consistently kind every time I have done them, no one has been awful. I am just awful to myself mentally when I keep having so many pile up, and I don't want to feel guilty every time I go to write. I apologize if that is disappointing.
3. I do want to keep writing for prince/gilbert, but I'm just going to take my time with it and have a focus on what I want to see. I have a post in drafts that is 90% done, since it's a short one, and what will happen is that once I finish that, then it'll likely be a break before writing further prince/gilbert. Primarily just because I don't want to pressure myself to, and to just write it as inspo/thirst comes along. Can't really promise what that schedule will look like, but I would say to expect a break after the next prince hc post I put out.
4. I do want to make it clear that I respect that not everyone will view any interpretation I have of any character as 'in character'. I don't want to cast the impression that I believe what I write is the word of the cybird bible.
In all honestly the rules I go for in terms of 'ic' and 'ooc' is this: none of us will ever write these characters truly 'in character' because we are not official writers for these games.
To elaborate: I try to get as close as the characterization that I personally have interpreted from playing these games, and what I have agreed upon with other's views. I write based off of that, and read others works fully knowing that their interpretation will likely always stray from mine in some ways, and that is what makes it *interesting* to me- because I WANT to see other's takes on characters. This is how I have always perceived fanfic and it's odd to me that this isn't the norm for a lot of folks who complain about whatever is 'ic' or 'ooc'.
I hope that explains my very tired and annoyed outburst at receiving unasked for criticism. Typically, I ask those I trust for criticism, not anons or people I've barely spoken to. But, above all, I just dislike people being rude when (harmless) fun is being had.
5. I apologize in general for being reactive, negative, and not always sounding very put together. I could list some reasons, but at the end of the day I feel like it's more important to apologize. I try to be pretty level headed, as difficult as that may seem!!, but I slip up often and I apologize for that.
I consistently feel extremely embarrassed sharing any kind of negative emotion, but I am constantly very thankful for those who put up with it regardless, and those who offer kind words. Thank you!!
Anyway I am going back to posting stupid horny on main posts and I'm not really going to make any further posts like this if I can help it. Hope the circumstances for me doing so makes a little sense! I am feeling a lot of embarrassment and just want to go back to dickage posts, but since I said some reactive things, I wanted to elaborate and make a final "yeah, this is what is or isn't gonna happen" post .
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eveenstar · 2 years
Howdy Howdy Eli, I was wondering if you would pander to my hankering for some more scrutinized headcanons; could you please cater to this with a few more headcanons you've got? Thank you in advance!
Howdy! Haven't done or seen anything Scrutinized related in a while, so I'll answer this with the memories I have of it! Hope you like it, and have a great day/night! ♡
Scrutinized - Doctor Tanner HC's (+gender-neutral!reader)
Tanner is human, like all of us - this includes needing sleep, food, the basics to survive. However, that does not exclude the fact that the doctor can and WILL sabotage his own body to see just how far his boundaries go. He must know if the human body can adapt to a new lifestyle.
Yes, he finds the human body beyond interesting and loves to study it in very...unsafe and unprofessional ways. Testing his theories on himself is just how far his sadistic-masochist mind will go - if he doesn't have any volunteers of course.
This is when you come in. After a while, Tanner's body is, saying in a uneducated way, running 1 mile per hour. He can stay awake up to three whole days and nights and his mind will be working full time - this allowed him to stalk your home longer without the boring tasks that take to keep his body functioning during daylight properly.
He's insane, even if he doesn't mean you any harm, Tanner is an insane man who proudly carries the burden of being, in his words, "a good doctor" - but is he really? If you've done your search, you'd have your theories...all pointing to a big, red 'NO'.
Of course, if you wish to remain alive and in your home, never bring up your discoveries to Tanner. Just accept his reality.
Still, Tanner still did his studies, so he'll become your personal doctor if you let him test some of his harmless theories on you, nothing too bad, he assures.
Don't agree with your doctor's opinion? Ask Tanner. Need someone to read clinical exams? Ask Tanner. It makes his ego swell with the attention and he can't help but feel like the best man alive. No, he doesn't see himself as better than the other doctors, some of them are just...close-minded. Inferior beings who refused to open their eyes to what the world could be if only they tried.
That topic can make Tanner rant for hours if you get this man in a pretty bad humor, which is usually rare. He doesn't show his vulnerable side, even to his S/O - Tanner would rather let you see his 'bright' and smiley self even if you know it was just somewhat of a facade.
Despite being clearly unstable, Tanner is great at small talk and always finds a way to get a laugh out of you - he does have his charms, after all, he's a human being. He can make it seem like you both are a perfectly normal couple despite being a wanted criminal and a escapee from a distant psyquiatric ward (don't let him know you know that last part tho.)
You love his bright, "normal" side. He'll hug you from behind, watch movies, help you around the kitchen, help with your studies/work, like a normal boyfriend would.
Oh, if you decide to study medicine, or show curiosity in his studies, you bet this man will be flying over the roof - he'll be so bubbly and giddy and he would start to call you his "little assistant" jokingly. Seriously, you being interested just makes this man feel butterflies in his stomach.
8.5/10 at taking care of you when you're sick. He can be a biiiiiit annoying at it and tell you how you "shouldn't eat snacks/unhealthy food while sick".
5.5/10 when being taking care of when HE'S sick. He basically tells his body to "handle it" and keeps his routine until it eventually gives up and you'll find him in the couch, coughing and trying to read some books about random medicine themes. He'll laugh at your attempts to help him feel better but deep down he finds it adorable.
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sevvie-posts · 4 years
Dad!Schlatt and Tubbo family dynamics? Thoughts about them?
I actually had this big idea of a Ghost DadSchlatt AU that I discussed with a friend. Let me make note of my main points for that.
Also as a general heads up, since I'll be talking about Schlatt, this is your warning for alcohol addictions and trauma related stuff.
Ghost Schlatt, much like Ghostbur, only remembers what he considers happy memories. This of course becomes a bit of a problem when you take into consideration the fact that Schlatt was an alcoholic with health problems, so happy memories probably aren't something he has a lot of.
Schlatt's presidency is a blur for him. He remembers very vague, very small details but nothing specific. 99% of his memories either he doesn't remember or they're very foggy.
What he does remember, however, is his son. Tubbo. Schlatt remembers more of raising Tubbo than he does of being president (His alcohol problem wasn't as bad when Tubbo was super young, but it eventually got worse and he ended up abandoning Tubbo. G!Schlatt does not remember this part).
So here he is, in ghost form, Tubbo as president, and Schlatt decides he's gonna be a lovely supportive dad and go see his son.
He first thing Schlatt says when he sees Tubbo for the first time is, "Oh! You've gotten taller!"
He makes a lot of comments like this. "Look at my son, all grown up." "I remember when you were tiny and your horns were just starting to grow in."
Tubbo at first hates this because obviously with the whole abandonment as a child, the alcohol abuse, the public execution, watching Schlatt die... It's all just a little too much for him on top of everything else he's trying to deal with.
Schlatt will kinda just float around Tubbo's office talking about what he remembers of Tubbo's childhood whole Tubbo tries to block him out. Schlatt wasn't necessarily a bad father to begin with, he was actually really great before the alcohol problem got worse, but Tubbo holds a lot of bitterness still and finds it easier to just block out all of the memories of Schlatt raising him, even the good ones.
Tubbo refuses to call Schlatt dad, which makes Schlatt sad because the last he remembers of Tubbo is Tubbo reaching up for a hug going, "Dad! Dad!"
Tubbo also doesn't have the heart to tell Schlatt the truth about why he doesn't see him as a father now.
Tubbo has a really bad time one week and he's sat alone in the office, hidden under the desk because he just wants a break. And from the corner of his eye he spots a half empty bottle of wine and he picks it up and Schlatt watches him very closely.
Tubbo looks up at Schlatt and he's so tired and he's scared and lost. And he says to Schlatt, "You used to drink a lot. Did it make you feel better?"
And Schlatt stays quiet, looks away, sighs and shakes his head. Replies with, "I don't remember drinking, kid. I don't think you should try it."
Tubbo gets rid of the bottle after that.
At some point Fundy and Quackity catch Tubbo and Ghost Schlatt together and both of them are immediately on edge (For good reason), and when Tubbo tries to defend Schlatt, Quackity gets mad.
They'd all agreed at some point to not talk about Schlatt's past, figured it'd be better for everyone to keep Schlatt as this harmless father figure. But Quackity is angry at how easily Tubbo seems to trust Schlatt. And then he snaps.
"Why the fuck would you trust him? Did you forget what he did to us? To you? Tubbo, he had you executed!"
Schlatt is immediately filled with this like... Dread. This dull aching feeling in his chest and a pit in his stomach and he feels hot and cold all at once. Because he doesn't remember doing this, doesn't remember ever hurting this kid, doesn't understand why he even would.
Schlatt panicking and like running/floating off and Tubbo shouting after him, "Dad, wait—"
Quackity and Fundy both staring at Tubbo in shock because he just called Schlatt Dad.
I'll leave it at that :) This AU had a lot of Quackity and Schlatt moments in it too but you asked for Tubbo and Schlatt so I'll leave the Quackity stuff out for now. Anyways I'm hoping to write this into a full fic at some point—
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generallybarzy · 3 years
lyss, she/her, 18+
-> follow/like from @generallylyss!
-> i'm heading to college in nyc this fall! I wanna eventually double major in entertainment management and sports marketing
-> my bday is june 20th, i'm a gemini ♊ so do with that what you will haha
-> bi???? 💗💜💙 probably but you'll mostly see me talking about hockey boys on here
-> i'm also always down to talk about music, it's one of my passions! Here's my spotify so you can judge my music!
-> i'm tired of seeing drama on my dash, whether it's a rude ass anon or it's just "harmless" hockey-related rivalries or opinions, even when i agree with the opinions, so i'm trying to keep this place drama free and just a little safe space for us to talk about our fav boys :)
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-> Islanders baby!!!!! 🔸️🔹️
-> i also watch the Flyers. those are the main two but i like some other teams (avs and canes) every now and then
-> as for players i like, mat barzal (obviously), anthony beauvillier, oliver wahlstrom, ilya sorokin!, all of the isles tbh, travis konecny (my og hockey boy fav haha), sebastion aho, tyson jost, pierre luc dubois, idk really but I'm open to being persuaded into liking other players!
-> players i DO NOT support: auston matthews, patrick kane, jake virtanen, semyan varlamov (I know I know, isles goalie 🤢), carter hart, nolan patrick, jamie benn, tom wilson, brock boeser, trevor zegras, deangelo, ya know, guys like that. Unfortunately, I'll probably be adding to this. I also don't think we'll get along if you can support them tbh
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-> i post my fics and hcs, you can find them in my masterlist, and the rules for requesting in my navigation page
-> every now and then i do gifs as well but i'm not too good
-> when it comes to requests: you can ALWAYS send in headcanon requests that'll be answered in a paragraph or two. occasionally i post prompt lists and you can request a blurb based on a prompt. Sometimes I just have open blurb requests where you can ask for anything so check if it says requests open or closed in my bio!!!
-> a lot of my stuff is 18+ and i prefer if minors didn't interact with the dirty stuff, but i know a lot of you do anyway cause i did too (hell I was a minor when I wrote my first smut). Just please be responsible with the type of content you consume. Don't consume dangerous or triggering content and please respect people's wishes and do not interact if they're uncomfortable with minors seeing their stuff.
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Please don't be afraid to hmu and talk anytime to be besties!
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fratboykate · 3 years
I like how in your smackdown, you & the quotes you used all state multiple times (& in very simple terms as well) that you can HC just about anything. From the most obvious ones to stuff completely out of thin air, you can do what you want bc ✨fiction✨. Like the only thing most ppl with a brain wants is for others to leave them the fuck alone to enjoy what they want. As in don’t force ppl to accept your own HCs & interpretations ESPECIALLY the ones that have a very different one from your own. Bc they do that & then start crying about how they’re getting pushed back when both parties could’ve just enjoyed their own things in their own little corners (like you only had to dress them down bc they wouldn’t stop after being asked to so it’s not undeserved). Someone can be “I think *character* is/does *this*” & without fail another someone will be “Wrong. *writes essay as to why & how this is an attack to them specifically*” like ??? Let them be wrong in peace? And then let the ppl who agree/relate enjoy it with them? Unless you’re distorting it to fit really harmful ideals, rhetoric, etc. I don’t see why we can’t just let live & let live. But then what I notice tends to happen with that is that ppl will find ways to label something as “harmful” for simply being different from their own opinions lol, when really either idea can co-exist (until ‘canon confirmation’ comes in to crush both dreams eventually 😅). Like ppl be fighting for their lives (not you Papi) about which is more likely to be canon when, in my opinion (my opinion, for emphasis), neither has a big chance bc it’s Disney/Marvel we’re talking about… but say that it does… Sure it will be good progress for rep on any front, but in real life? It won’t make sapphics, aroace, or demonic anons in your inbox any less real? Sure it sucks that we have to keep fighting for ppl like us to be seen on screen time & again, but fighting one another over harmless HCs when the real enemies are homophobic institutions is a choice.
1) Be respectful by not being something really gross like a p3d0, racist, antisemite, misogynist, or transphobe/lesbophobe/homophobe.
2) Don't be fucking annoying in general.
Those are the two rules of shipping. That should be it. I've shipped SO MANY rarepairs and never-canon shit but I don't mess with people. The amount of people that mess with me tho for the shit I ship when it has nothing to do with them is.............actually there's a third rule:
3) Mind your fucking business.
Anyway...yes, you are correct in every way.
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