#these fuckerz man
deadpuppetboi · 1 year
Goretober Day 3: Jaw
There are four types of websites on the internet.
1. Regular: Regular: News articles, profile pages, and even forums discussing what was what and why. Anyone has access to such a thing.
2. Strange: Websites that cater to specific groups, such as children's shows or people's unusual interests. Take a few spins and you'll find the specific websites in the far corner.
3. Absurd: The similar websites, but catered to the ridiculous and delusory, most likely conspiracy theories ranging from aliens to Bigfoot. Ranging from the most remote regions, the ludicrous would be discovered after traveling through a few weird websites.
4. Illegal: Snuff videos, purchasing illegal substances, and discussing information that no sane person would communicate with another. If you're not careful, the men in blue might come around to inspect if the search bar was correct.
Harold would not describe himself as an expert; rather, he was an observer.
He had his fair share of watching both the most heinous and the cutest sections of the internet on the same day. Whatever caught his interest in what he watched, complete video, no pausing, and fully immersed himself in the experience from start to finish. Any other teenager his age would puke at the sight of a man being skinned alive, but Harold would merely watch while eating a fatty cheeseburger.
Tonight was just like any other.
Surfing the web on his computer, idly clicking on anything grabbed his eye and eating whatever greasy junk food was on his dirty desk. His room was disorganized, with crumpled papers and debris strewn around, all lighted by the computer screen. Harold hadn't been bothered by the mess, telling himself he'd pick up after himself when he had enough time.
But, if he was being honest, he just lacked the motivation to do so.
Harold sniffed as he moved his mouse to a search bar above. He typed in a URL he'd seen dozens of times before, his thoughts fixed on what he could see next. He considered one site but changed his mind after watching all the videos and participating in the forums with like-minded folks.
A good friend of his told him about this site months ago, and he used his account to go through the passcode and stuff like that. The grown man took a little break while typing in the URL to sip his drink before finishing it.
When he pressed enter, the computer blurred for a second before clearing up to reveal a familiar warning.
Harold scoffed and entered the information by clicking on the username and password. When he was completed, he clicked on the small 'terms and conditions' box and pressed enter, finally gaining access to the website.
Valiant Video Enterprises is one of the most popular websites for watching, distributing, and purchasing snuff films in any format.
While Harold hasn't purchased anything from the website (30 dollars for a plastic bag is ridiculous), he has browsed the many forums and viewed a film or two. Tonight, though, he arrived early, his gaze drawn to the huge and colorful words in the center of the page.
Harold clicked on the LIVE button, his computer trying to keep up with the quality before finally displaying the video.
The scenario in front of him was typical, but with a twist. Two battered guys his age were tied up and sitting on metal chairs, both with new and old injuries. One was sobbing, while the other was threatening the men behind the camera with whatever threat they could think of.
But it wasn't them that Harold was looking forward to seeing; it was the man who appeared out of nowhere and strode into the scene that piqued his curiosity.
“Oh, boys, why did it have to come to this?”
A man clothed completely in leather and latex walked out of the darkness, a big and white smile shining through the terrible quality. He was dressed in heavy leather boots lined with black and red, a coat with the same color variation, belts wrapped around each limb, and each corner was as sharp and exact as his nails. The man's face was entirely hidden by his costume, so there was no way of knowing who he was. Apart from the pinpricks of his eye holes in his mask, the only thing visible was his dazzling white teeth.
The man sporting such attire is named Mr. Nasty.
One of the most significant figures in the snuff film industry, his efforts paved the door for expansion not just from one country to the next. Profiting millions off his crazy thoughts and attracting the attention of both the sane and the insane. His heinous crimes landed him on the FIB's most-wanted list; among other criminals, his work is regarded as the worst of all.
Mr. Nasty placed his hands on the men's shoulders, causing them to scream in terror. He laughed as he tenderly padded their shaved heads, sensing their unwillingness to go through another session.
“I thought we had a genuine connection here. A real one. Not one of those fucked up fake ones you see on tv generally targeted towards the young teen demographic.”
He snatched each of their heads and drew them close to his, creating a pouty face as the two men apologized. Mr. Nasty looked over from behind the camera as if attempting to attract the attention of the men behind the camera.
“I really thought we had a connection, honestly, I thought we did.”
After looking down at the camera and witnessing the blinking red, he smiled and went forward into view. He knelt, his face neatly placed up against the camera, and smiled wide and triumphantly.
“Hi everyone.”
Harold eventually saw the chat beside the live broadcast and clicked on it to join the online chat. He smiled at the other remarks that immediately piled in while making a fast note to type up his response.
humperdick: Finally, something I can look forward to.
Rod_Wood: Fresh meat to squeeze! Make ‘em squirm!
captain nemo: Take their shoes off.
“Fuckin’ weirdos,” Harold muttered as he typed in his comment.
@@@l33tdo0d@@@: What did they do this time?
A voice from the other side of the camera piped out, informing Mr. Nasty of the comments that were made. Mr. Nasty appeared content, but not as glad as he was to answer Harold's inquiry, swiftly rising to his feet and returning to the two men.
“What did they do?! My Lord, I can't answer that, these two need to answer for themselves!”
The latex man gripped the two men's shoulders again, this time sharp nails grasping their skin to catch their attention.
“Please, gentlemen, tell the wonderful viewers back home what the fuck you both did to piss me off! They’re dying to know!”
One of the men continued to cry, while the other maintained his cool and spat at the masked man.
“Man, fuck you, we didn't do shit!”
Mr. Nasty was taken aback and looked down at the man.
“You didn't do shit?”
He scoffed, glancing at the camera, and pointed at the man.
“You hear that boys and girls, he didn't do shit!”
He splayed his palms in the air, emulating his astonished expression, before his arm snapped to the side. Fist clenched, brass knuckles slamming the man's threats away, wrenching his head to the side as his jaw involuntarily closed on his tongue. The man let out a quick gasp, coughing up blood as his tongue bled freely from overbiting.
Before he could finish his sentence, he was hit again, this time right in the nose, a sharp crack emanating from the assault alone.
“Bull fucking shit you didn't do shit! You both exactly knew what you did and I'm not going to speak up for you both like I'm your fucking parents. You’re grown-ass men, act like it, dammit, and tell the truth!”
Nasty yelled, grabbed the man's head, and pulled him up to face him. The man on the opposite side exclaimed, yelling his response.
"We'd know if you just told us what we did! We've never seen you before, believe me!"
Nasty turned to face the bereaved guy, and Harold watched as he muttered and snapped his fingers.
“God, I have to do everything myself-”
Two masked men walked in, pushing bloodied stainless steel trolleys into view. Nasty stepped forward and picked out the weapons on the two men as they began to struggle.
“Well, I guess I just need to keep digging through those empty heads of yours to get you to think! But, I've used up all my options, I believe that the viewers should be the ones to pick out what to do tonight!”
The chat quickly became animated as they typed in their requests for what could be done to the two males. A few people inquired as to what brought these two men together in this chamber, but their questions were drowned by the others' desire to see the carnage.
Nasty laughed at every request until he read Harold's.
@@@l33tdo0d@@@: They must’ve talked shit about you Nasty, maybe they need to eat shit to realize what they've done to you.
Harold paused before typing in another comment.
@@@l33tdo0d@@@: Honestly, now that I think about it, not even shit could change their mind! I think they need their jaws rearranged to make them understand what they've done.
Nasty laughed, his sharp claws scraping the weapons in front of him, while the two men shook their heads and repeated apologies after apology. But that didn't appear to change the man's mentality, as his free hand continued to tap away at the stainless steel trolleys. He began to babble to himself in an almost hypnotic rhythm as he examined the weapons in front of him.
Harold turned up the volume to hear Nasty speak.
“I tried the hammer before. Scissors can only go so far. Pliers don't do much either.”
Nasty then snapped his fingers and had a eureka moment before beginning to search through the weaponry in front of him. He clicked his tongue a few times before grabbing the weapon and holding it up in the air for all to see.
While the other two men were perplexed by the thing, Harold recognized it and laughed.
“Oh, shit-”
“Wha-what is that?” One of the men inquired, staring at the equipment and attempting to make sense of it in his head.
“This, boys and girls, is called The Pear of Anguish!” Mr. Nasty answered, holding the pear-like device in his hands. “This baby was used often in medieval times, as a proper torture device, it was used to punish those of all kinds. Women, liars, non-believers, and most dreadful of all: Homosexuals.”
There was the sound of laughter from behind the camera, Mr. Nasty joining in as he stepped back and stood behind the two men.
“Now, if you don't know, The Pear of Anguish was used in two ways to garner its name. You see these four metal leaves here?” The man twisted the device's end to widen the metal leaves, revealing the sharp twisted metal from behind. Harold could see the device plainly even with the poor quality.
“They expand by a simple twist of my hand, now I want you to realize the goal isn't to puncture the flesh but rather stretch it. And I know what you may be asking. Mr. Nasty, where in God’s holy name and the domain would you put The Pear of Anguish?”
Mr. Nasty gave out another laugh, moving over towards the man who spat at him earlier.
“Boys and girls, you must know that the human race were ever so creative with their ideas on how to get answers out of one another. With this particular device, however, there were only certain places where it would be placed to gather the worst possible anguish known to man!”
He drew the device across the bloodied man's cheeks, making him cringe.
“The mouth and in the anus, and honestly, it doesn't take a scientist to put two and two together to know what happens next, does it?”
Harold's gaze wandered over to the conversation, which appeared to have figured out how the device operated. Their enthusiasm improved the ratings, and even more individuals joined in right before the show began. It was then that the men realized what was going to happen to them as well.
They each shook their heads, pleading for aid as they strained in their bindings. Nasty ignored their protests and seized the man's jaw, pressing his fingers in as he forced it open and inserted the gadget from inside. Nasty grabbed the man's neck and yanked him up.
“Hold still, baby, I need you still for this one.”
Nasty locked the gadget in place while the man sobbed uncontrollably. He started to apologize again, but he coughed as Nasty grabbed the end of the device and twisted it violently by the wrist. The metal flaps began to open forcefully, bracing the man's jaw wide open as his worries became a reality.
"Stop!" shouted the other man, "Stop this, God!"
Nasty shook his head, twisting the device yet again, prompting the man in front of him to open his mouth even wider.
“I’m not sure, should I keep going, my beautiful viewers?”
The discussion urged Nasty to continue, with people leaving comments and cheering to watch the vile and despicable gore. Nasty smiled and returned his attention to the man, offering him a simple shrug.
“Well, the people have said it, I have no responsibility for what I may do next!” The masked man then grasped the end of the gadget and twisted it violently, causing the victim to cry out in pain.
“Open wide~”
With each twist, his jaw seemed to expand more than it should. Fresh saliva dripped down his lower lip, his tongue smacking the gadget ineffectively as it grew. As the device ripped into his skin, the man yelled, his teeth clamping and groaning as the pressure grew. He tried to move away, only to have his gums bleed and his teeth fall out of their proper place.
His scream was similar to the others, but in Harold's opinion, it was exactly what he had hoped to hear from the start.
Flesh ripped like paper, blood spilled like a torrent, and bones snapped under pressure. No words could express the man's suffering at this particular moment, his body trembling slightly as his eyes rolled at the back of his head. He choked on his blood, fighting to breathe as he clutched for any mouth of air and his jaw began to break with another twist of the gadget within his mouth.
Mr. Nasty moved back, exposing the scene to the cameras in front of him, when he had gone as far as the device could go. The untouched man continued to scream, most likely to his now dead comrade, pleading for pity as he sobbed futilely. He screamed as Nasty yanked the device from the dying man, watching as his broken jaw bungled over itself, exposing flesh and bone and spewing blood like no other.
Nasty stood tall and proud, returning the equipment to its original form while singing a song to himself and inspecting the gore left on it.
"Oh, now isn't that beautiful?"
He angled the bleeding gadget to one side, allowing the light to shine on it.
"It's art, I'm telling you, it is."
He gently approached the distraught man, his smile never leaving his face. He tapped the bloodied device on the man's chest, causing him to flinch and wail even more.
"I'm sorry," he grumbled, "I'm so sorry." I am. I'm very sorry."
Nasty ignored the man's cries, feeble apologies, and ineffective excuses. He let him speak, keeping a close eye on his anguished expression while tapping the device on his chest. Nasty leaned in close, lovingly caressing the man's head back as he dried his tears with his thumb.
"This is what happens when you cut someone off on the freeway."
For a few seconds, the man appeared perplexed before his eyes widened, absolute disbelief written across his face. But before he could adequately respond, Nasty jumped to his feet and turned to face the cameras, chuckling.
“Now,” he said in a booming voice, “Who wants to see The Pear of Anguish on the other end of the line?!”
As the chatter grew louder, the man yelled out in response, and Mr. Nasty called in men to put the man in place, Harold yawned. He blinked slowly as the man was released from his bindings, only to be tossed onto the table, laying on his stomach, his garments ripped off by a simple grab and pull.
Harold paused the live feed as the camera panned to the man's terrified expression on his distraught face, taking a moment to stretch. He yawned again, looked at the time, realized it was late, clicked his tongue, and looked at his computer.
Harold then exited the website, shut down his computer, and grudgingly rose from his creaking seat, taking just two steps before collapsing onto his filthy bed.
That's enough internet for tonight.
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Shadowsight being a dead mf in starclan with Root and jsut being mildly annoyed bexause beinf dead is BORING there is NO DRAMA
TRAGICALLY i dont kno shit abt these fuckerz i havnt read past omen.
but this ask did giv me the idea of a bored starclan cat absolutely fucking with living catz 2 hell n back just bcuz theirz nothing else 2 do. making shit up visting dreamz. actually random med cat starclan wantz u 2 hav kitz. hey man the deputy is totally looking down on u itz yr fate 2 take her place. yr magic now starclan Chose u good luck. i absolutely am not just directing my own soap opera
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I am Christian I go by he/stab!!!
This blog is just for my "enchiment" because I am "too loud." I am a Christian fuck you. Also autistic. I'm 27 I think.
Trans gay man
☆ cats
☆ bands
☆ vampire anime
☆ murder >8D!!1!
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gaygothfarmer · 2 years
I don't know about ya'll but
I regularly remember the queerest shit that skz actually pulled off
and I can only laugh helplessly
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tohokuu · 3 years
jeon yunho - the mixed waters of love and hate 
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if you can read, you can reblog too. 
warnings : enemies to fuckerz. semi-public sex. pussy eating, wall sex, praise kink, degredation kink, yunho likes his hair pulled, big dick yunho, they hate each other, undeniable lust lol.
a/n : feeding you. 
wc : 1.8k
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“you are such a fucking bitch, you know that” yunho yelled. “oh yeah ? well i’m not the one who dragged a lawnmower through my neighbors fucking garden.” it was a stupid argument, or actually it was mostly a malfunction. (you wanted to blame it on the lawnmower.) you and your terrible, and excruciatingly hot neighbor were arguing on miss kims lawn, but somehow her lawnmower malfunctioned and just went off. 
the both of you had no idea how it happened. it wasn’t even your fault, you two just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. the lawnmower cut through the entire garden of colorful flowers miss kim had spent her summer on. you almost felt bad. 
almost. miss kim had came and harangued you both for what seemed like hours. you were forced to tend to her garden to repay her for the mess you two had not made. “but miss kim it was your lawn-” “don’t fucking patronize me, jeon !” she snapped. yunho ducked the slipper that was thrown at him, that then... directly hit you. 
“fucking bitch-” you snapped at yunho, before you and yunho could start again, miss kim handed you both her box of gardening tools. “discuss your wedding plans later. fix these and make them look like before they got chopped at the stems.” she snapped. 
and that is how you and yunho were forced to work together for the rest of the summer to fix your neighbors garden. “i fucking hate it here.” he groaned. you clapped back just as quick, “well it isn’t any better thanks to you.” yunho sent you a look of anger, one that had the vein in his neck popping out and his face red. 
“you irritating fucking bitch. this is all because of you. you’re the fucking reason we’re stuck here.” your eye twitched at his use of words. “well you know fuckin wha-” you were interrupted by miss kim’s son stepping outside. “you know.. you guys don’t have to fight all the time..” he sighed. “hey, joong.” you cheered
it was as if you were bipolar or something. your mood changed the second the other boy stepped outside. he was sunshine in its purest form and he radiated light everywhere he went, unlike yunho who left a trail of cigarettes at each street corner. “hello, y/n. my sweetheart, how have you been ?” he asked with a smile. you blushed, clearly taken aback by how sweet he was being. 
you felt someone staring holes into the back of your head and although, you knew exactly who it was, you continued to flirt with hongjoong. “aw, i’ve been good, joong. how are you ? how’s the bakery going ?” he giggled a bit, placing a dainty hand over his mouth. “quite good, actually. i’ve got these two boys working for me..” 
you felt bad that you were no longer paying attention to hongjoongs story, instead you were focusing on the man behind you. the taller male who had removed his shirt shamelessly and was digging dirt with a shovel. you couldn’t help but think of the sweat that ran down his body, trailing over his abs and dipping below his waistband. you couldn’t complain about the view you were receiving. “alright well, i’ll see you later. yeah ?” hongjoong said, softly. 
you turned your attention back to him. “ye- yeah of course. i”ll see you later.” it was when hongjoong had walked a safe distance away that you heard yunho mock your voice. “ye-yeah i-i’ll s-see you l-later joongie... fuckin whore.” he mumbled. whore ?... a whore ? well, this one was new. pure anger coursed throughout your veins and before you could think, you tossed a fist full of dirt into his hair. 
“you fuckin cunt !” he screamed. you stepped back with a menacing stare. “thats what you fuckin ge-” before you could even look at him, yunho was staring down at you and advancing towards you quickly. you backed up on instinct until your back hit the fence. “get what ? hm ? you’re mad i called you a whore ? don’t lie, y/n. i bet you liked it.” you didn’t say anything. what would you even say ? that you didn’t like it ? that would be a lie. 
“oh now you’re quiet. come on, say something.” he barked. “get out of my face, yunho.” you said quietly. he didn’t budge, instead he got even closer. you could feel his sweaty, shirtless body pressed against yours. his tanned, sweaty skin was getting distracting and you couldn’t help but stare. “like what you see, princess ? take a picture. it’ll last longer.” 
you cringed. “what the fuck, dude ?” yunho smiled, lifting your chin up to stare at him with the abnormally large scissors in his hands. the cool blade was a huge contrast against the searing heat of the sun. your clothes stuck to your body and yunho had noticed. he had noticed so fucking hard.. 
“it makes me mad when you look at him like that.” he whispered. he was so close. his breath could be felt on your lips and the bulge in his cargo pants was getting more apparent. “what ? you fuckin jealous or something ?” you whispered back. “that’s exactly what i am.” he growled. “why do you care so much ?” you asked. you stared into his eyes, they were full of aggression and anger, but there was a small trace of something you couldn’t recognize. “because i’m in fucking love with you.” he said. 
yunho slammed his lips on you. they weren’t kind to your own but you kissed back. you wanted this just as much as he did. “you’re fucking mine. got that ?” he growled. his heavy arms were reaching around you to bring you closer. the heat of the sun was nothing compared to the heat you felt now. “if i’m yours, you gotta claim me first.” 
yunho smirked against your lips, “oh yeah ? then lemme just show you how much you’re mine.” he got down on his knees, not caring that if anyone turned the corner, they’d see yunho with his face between your thighs. he pulled your shorts and underwear down at once. none of his movements were kind, they were all desperate actions of lust. he dove straight into your cunt, licking up a stripe with his tongue. 
“so fucking good,” he groaned. the vibrations of his voice made you clench around nothing. hsi tongue dove straight inside you while his nose grazed your clit repeatedly. “if i knew you tasted this good, i would’ve done this a long time ago.” he moaned. he licked up everything you had to offer and if it wasn’t for his tight grip on your thighs, you would have fallen face first into the ground. his tongue was messy but it gave you so much pleasure and you couldn’t find it in you to complain. one particular thrust of his tongue sent you shaking. “fu-fuck, yunho-” he paused immediately. he pulled away with an angry look on his face. 
“shut up and stay still.” his angry face and commanding tone cut through you. you didn’t have a comeback for him while his face was between your thighs. he had control over your body and you didn’t mind. you needed something to ground you and that’s how your lithe fingers found their way coursing through his soft black hair. 
you tugged and he moaned into your cunt. “fuck.. do that again.” you smirked to yourself, not wanting to give in so easy. “say please” you whined. instead of receiving the response you wanted, yunho pulled away from fucking you with his tongue. his lips dragged to your clit and sucked harshly. “nghh- fuck fuck fuck, yunho please !” your back arched and your hands automatically pulled yunho’s hair even harder. he groaned into your pussy, “so fucking good..” 
your orgasm reached you quickly as he continued to suck on your clit. you squirted all your juiced against the bottom half of his face and he drank it up greedily. he licked you clean and it wasn’t until you were jerking in his hands from overstimulation that he let you go. he stood back up on his feet, towering over you. “gonna fuck you raw, sweetheart. you want that ?” he asked. you nodded with tears streaming down your face. the pleasure of being with him, someone like him, was a slap in the face. 
you swore your life up and down that you’d never do something like this with someone that you hated. but you couldn’t deny it when he was so unbelievably shameless each morning you stepped outside to grab the mail. he’d be watering his own lawn, shirtless with a pair of loose sweatpants and each time you would make eye contact. 
your train of thought was broken when you felt yunho’s large member breaching your cunt at once. he didn’t give you time to adjust. instead, your legs were wrapped around his waist and he was pressing you against the wall harder. you couldn’t do much but take his cock inside you. the stretch burned and you begged him to slow down. “please, yunho.. i can’t take it.” you whined 
he bit your collarbone, “nah, i think you’re gonna take what i give you.” he reprimanded. as yunho fucked into you, his tip hit your g-spot each time. he pulled you closer, kissing each part of your face and shoulders with every thrust. it almost felt like love. but the bitter reminders of the hate you two shared for each other was still present. 
the way you purposely dug your nails into his back harder than you needed to, the harsh bites he left along your body and the thrusts that seemingly had no rhythm. “i fucking hate you.” you moaned while pressing his lips against yours. you fisted the hair at his nape as he groaned back in your mouth and whispered a heated response of his own. “the feeling is fucking mutual.” 
your cunt clenched around him harder and harder as he kept thrusting. getting impatient, you leaned a hand down to rub your clit, oh and was that a big mistake. yunho grabbed both your hands and pinned them above your head. “you cum from my cock, or not at all.” he said before thrusting back into you at a pace that was unforgiving. 
you couldn’t keep your moans in any longer and you were sure that the whole neighborhood had heard you at this point. “dirty fuckin’ girl. taking my cock like a champ, huh ?” he crooned. his praise was the final step towards the crashing orgasm impending on you. your stomach did flips as you gushed around him once more, wetting his thighs in the process. 
he spilled inside you at the same time. thrusting into you harder to ride out his own orgasm. “fuck, yunho..” you moaned. “yeah that’s what i just did.” he quipped, and suddenly the tense energy between you two returned. “i am never fucking you again.” you snapped. 
“you sure ? because i wonder who’s cum is staining my thighs right now ?” 
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tagging : @12–8 @strangertides @getoswhore @deliciouslydisturbed365 @shiningstar-byulxx @perfectlysane24 @chittaphonstar @daisyxxmist @leicy0756 @rdiamondbts2727 @earth-to-leiki @in-san-ity @aesmstar @woosk1tten @itsbritnybitch @eggyeok @malewife-supremacy @luvaffaire @sxlver-sweet @ateezbabysitters @swimmingkpopblog + send an ask to be removed or added to the tag list. strictly asks.
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izzymcfeegles · 3 years
Yet another post about Sebastian Stan:
I'm seriously tired of making these posts, but over the past few days, there has been a lot of controversy surrounding Sebastian's most recent IG post, and as a result,more things are resurfacing and its become impossible for me to ignore. I'm going to try my best to give a fair assessment, but if I'm being honest, this all appears to be a pretty troublesome pattern of behavior. Before I get into any of that, I think it's important to mention where I stand on cancel culture. As someone who is a longtime fan of wrestling and classic rock, I'm no stranger to seeing some of my favorite artists act in ways that would be considered unacceptable by today's standards. I do think that stan Twitter has a tendency to be a bit harsh when it comes to judging things that people have done in the past. That being said:
Context is important. The reality is that there were many things that were considered to be socially acceptable at one point in time, that we've since learned can be harmful, particularly to those who are marginalized on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc. Something that was considered to be acceptable 2005, we later find can be toxic and harmful. Do I think it's productive to cancel for someone for something they did decades ago that was considered to be acceptable at the time? Not necessarily. However, if this person continues to exhibit the same behaviors to this day, then yes, they should be rightfully taken to task.
In Sebastian's case, he has a documented history of saying and doing things that are ignorant and tone-deaf. In the early 2010's he made an comment about playing Bucky as a "transvestite," a word that is considered to be dated and offensive to Trans people. If I'm being honest, if I saw the interview the date it aired, I probably wouldn't have blinked twice as I was not as educated on Trans issues at that time. I now know that the comment was unacceptable and hope Sebastian does too.
Regarding the Jeff!Seb pedo memes, I'd be lying if I said my edgy 2009 self wouldn't have found them funny at one point, however in 2017, my adult self was not amused. And coming from someone who was playing an abuser at the time, liking those memes was a bad look. Same goes for the Kneegate meme, especially when you consider the amount of hatred black NFL players were receiving from people including the President of the United States for kneeling in protest during the national anthem. It was tasteless, tone-deaf, and he should have known better. The fact that his "apology" over the incident was surrounded by quotes, and as some fans speculated, copied and pasted did not help matters. Mind you, many fans were willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and forgive him, and for a while things seemed okay.
Fast forward to 2020. After the man made it a point to shame Miami spring breakers for vacationing during the pandemic, he is seen months later vacationing in Ibiza and later Tulum. The fact that he used his money and Romanian passport to go on vacation while many of us were either stuck at home or worse, putting our lives at risk to put food on the table, understandably did not sit well with many people, especially when taking his previous comments about pandemic vacationers into account. The fact that his traveling partner is a socialite who has a history of doing cultural appropriation, including doing brown face and using the word "savage" in reference to her friend doing a native war cry made it sting even more. I'm not going to go into depth about her because she doesn't deserve the attention and this is about holding Sebastian accountable, but the fact that he is still with her and they appear to be inseparable, it's clear that her history of CA is a non-issue for him. Make what you will of that.
Moving to recent actions. The current project Sebastian is working on is controversial in its own right. As someone who has been a Mötley Crüe fan for almost 20 years, I am familiar with the history of that relationship and how toxic is was and will never defend Tommy and the abuse Pamela suffered at his hand. While my issue is mostly with the producers, it doesn't change the fact Sebastian and Lily are still willfully participating in a series that Pamela herself does not wish to be made.
Sebastian's most recent post seems to be catalyst for the most recent wave of Twitter outrage. I am well aware that Tommy is/was a practicing Buddhist and that things like Buddha statues were part of his home decor. That's not the issue. The issue lies in the face Sebastian chose to make in the photo where he appears to be prying to the statue, along with the caption "find your zen fuckerz." Once again, I am aware of Tommy's speech patterns and get that it was "in character," but to use the combination of that photo and that caption as a non-Buddhist, it's understandable why some Buddhist fans were offended and saw it as disrespectful. And as a non-Buddist, I don't think it's right to tell these people what they should and should not be offended by.
So for those of you who hate paragraphs, TL/DR:
Sebastian has a documented history of ignorant behavior and posts and as of now does not seem to be interested in addressing these things and learning about why the aforementioned behaviors are problematic and why some fans are hurt. This is not okay and we should not be defending him.
I understand that for many of you, he has been a source of joy. Bucky is still my comfort character and I will always be grateful to Seb for portraying the him with the nuance and care he deserves. I'm not asking anyone to stop staning Bucky or to take down your Seb x Reader fanfics. Life is short and you're entitled to the things that make you happy. Just understand that his actions have hurt a lot of people and why fans are upset and lashing out. While I do not condone any threats or doxxing aimed at his direction, the same goes to people who criticize him. I've seen people go to some vile lengths to defend him, from going after Pamela, a victim of abuse, to telling Buddhists how they should feel about their own religion, to anons telling the blogs who call him out to go kill themselves. None of this is ok. At the end of the day, Sebastian is a 38-year-old white man who has a great deal of money and influence and has more social capital than the people calling him out. He will be fine regardless of what happens and does not need people to protect him. The same cannot be said about the people he hurt through his actions.
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lgbtubbling · 4 years
TUBBO CARRY FUCKERZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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High Seas and Southern Dreams {Jefferson x reader}
The afternoon sun shone high in the sky, warming the dark blue water above me. I soak the distorted light in, enjoying the little time I spend near the surface of the water each day. I open my eyes as a shadow casted over me, I look up to see a large brown ship. Oh no… not pirates… I shouldn’t have been out when the sun was high, I should have known. I quickly start for the deep, hoping that I still haven’t been spotted. I continue to swim quickly as as I hear an incredibly muffled yell from above me. Shit. I swim faster than I’ve ever swam before. All of a sudden there was a loud splash and something wrapped around me slightly, I’ve been captured… My life as I know it is over.
I hear more muffled yelling from above as I feel myself get dragged to the surface. I start to try to fight and struggle against the net, hoping that this last attempt of getting away will work. They start to slow down as they hoist me up, almost as if they were having a hard time. I smile a bit thinking I actually have a chance, I start to thrash around more violently. I start to make the rope attached to the net actually sway back and forth. I feel myself drop a little bit back into the water, as I hear more clamor from above. I continue flailing and writhing around. I feel myself sinker ever deeper into the watery depth. It’s actually working, I’ll be free in no time! All of a sudden I just feel a strong force suddenly yank me towards the surface. Whoever joined in to pulling me up did seem to care there was a living thing on the other side. Another strong swift pull, I’ll be at the surface in no time at this rate. I start to panic and flail more, trying my hardest to get free. I feel them hesitate then yank harder, I feel the strong force of the pull, the weight of the water against me. I look up and see I’m just a few feet from being imprisoned by pirates. This is it, I’ll be stuck in an aquarium for the rest of my life. I feel another yank, I’m just barely out of the water, I can feel the warm rays of sunshine on my face. I hear hollering, most of it being incomprehensible. I maneuver myself to face the boat, so I can see who has just ruined my life. I look at the crew, now a little confused about how many people were actually on the boat. There was only one person holding the rope hoisting me up.
“THOMAS! This isn't right!” The man shouted looking away from me and still holding the rope that’s keeping me just barely above sea level, just barely away from my home.
“I KNOW it's not! But it's captains orders to capture and detain any threat while traveling to the Monticelian islands.” (WHAT'D I MISSSS XD) A smooth southern voice quipped in reply.
“WELL I DON'T CA-wait. Did you say she?” hear the southern voice again. I hear the other voice sigh then explain.
“Yes Thomas I said she. Keep your dick in your pants. Jeez.” I would laugh if I wasn't getting kidnaped. With hesitation, the rope man finally pulled me up and completely out of the water.
“Well I can for this, you can't for Lafaye-woah she-she she…” I could almost hear his blood rushing from one head to the other as he began to stutter. As I get hoisted higher into the air I saw the two men. The man that was holding the rope was obviously a centaur. His short hair, which you could see little of, was tucked under a dark grey beanie and a bow and pack of arrows were draped around his chest(icles). The man that was probably the one talking to the centaur, was looking at me with wide eyes and um….something in his pants….His hair was dangling in his face and, well, everywhere. The floof was made of perfect curls that bounced in every direction. He had chestnut brown eyes and caramel colored skin. (no really?) His magenta coat was rolled up his arms and his his waistcoat was the same color, just a darker shade. His pants were a deep dark brown, which complimented his boots.
“What are you stari-oh.my.god.” The other man said facing you. “Hoyshitballssheisamermaidwhatthefuckweshouldn’thavedonethiswhatiswrongwithus.” He stammered.
“Yea no shit, what do you think I was? A fucking fairy? Connards.” I sassed while hanging in the net.
“Um no? But why in Gods putain de nom avez-vous appelé nous connards?” (fucking name did you call us assholes?) The floof said back.
“Regardez la situation de Goddamn dans laquelle je suis.”(look at THE GODDAMN SITUATION I AM IN.) I yelled back crossing my arms. (somehow).
“Ok désolé jeez.” (ok sorry jeez). He put his hands up.
“Can you two speak a language I can fuckin’ understand?” Horsie said to us. The man with the hair of the gods (aka floof hair) looks over to him and chuckles.
“Maybe you should just learn french…. it’ll make it easier on you were your boyfriend talks dirty to you.” He teased. Horsie looked over at him a little aghast.
“He’s not my boyfriend you southern twat…. anyways, back to the we caught a mermaid bit. I think we should just let her go and not tell the captain about this. I mean I don’t think one little mermaid could be a threat to us.” Horsie said looking back at me, away from floof. I suddenly heard a shout.
“Oh here come the assbag.” Floof mumbled.
“YO what is this? Why is a mermaid here? Is she evil or some shit?” He walked, more like stormed, to us. His green waistshirt was buttoned neatly. Which was weird to me, considering they were a pirates. His dark hair was slicked back with a headband(?).
“Hey can you shut the fuck up because I'm literally going to DIE if I stay up here.” I said, sass slipping in my tone.
“Why the hell would we care if that happened?” Greenie sassed back.
“Because if I died, one, you would get no info from me to get to the Monticelian islands. Two, I AM the princess of N.Y.SEA. so that would be bad.” I said back, a smile on my face and happiness in my voice to make myself intimidating with this prick.
“Well shit” Floof laughed. Greenie was flabbergasted. Horsie was snickering.
“W-well i-o cou-ld sen-d y-you t-” Floof cut off Greenie.
“Don't even try dude.” With that Floof walked off into a room for a minute. He emerged back with a large (BAGUETTE) tank,as well as someone that looked like him but with a black cloak on carried it with Floof. He filled it with water and helped Cloak twin put me into the tank.
“TANK you.” I laughed putting some water on my face.
“No problemo. You don’t seem so FISHy now” Floof boy said back.
“Ok lovebirds, you just met don't get kinky in front of us.” Horsie crossed his arms.
“Go fuck your baguette. Besides, we can’t, she doesn't even have LEGS. Dumbass.” Floof replied. That's when Cloaky baguette boy spoke up.
“Oh s'il vous plait Lafayette, we all know that you and Herc like to SMASH.” Floof sassed back.
“Grennie?” Floof snickered.
“Shut up FLOOF” Greenie replied.
“WILL YOU ‘ORSE FUCKERZ SHUT UP FOR ONE GOD DAMN MINUTE, JEEZ seigneur s'il vous plaît….”(lord please) Lafayette said back.
“SAYS YOU LAF.” Floof smacked his head in his hand.
“ALL OF YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP! I AM ASKING YOUR NAMES GODDAMN. WHY ARE YOU ACTING LIKE FUCKING CHILDREN WHO CURSE?”(haha my other bookkkkkk. Read it XD) I slammed my head against the thick glass in frustration. We heard a door slam, which made my head jerk up and out of the water.
“WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU ACTING LIKE CHILDREN?!” A six foot man yelled in an authoritative tone while coming onto the dock.
“That’s what I just asked…” I mumbled.
“YOU’RE NICE AND CHILL FOR A MINUTE WHEN I LEAVE TO MY OFFICE AND THEN SOME MERMAID COMES ALONG AND YOU LOSE YOUR SHIT! THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T GO PLACES GODDAMNIT!” He yelled then sighs as he kneels beside my tank. “Sorry about them. Well, this is Thomas.” He points to Floof. “Lafayette,” He points to cloaky baguette boy. “Alexander,” Grennie. “And Hercules.” Horsie. “The rest of the crew is inside doing their fucking jobs, unlike these 4. James is up there doi-oh wait no he's not. FUCK we’re lost.”
“I can help. I know N.Y.Sea. like the back of my hand and I can show you where the Monticelian islands are.” I piped up once more.
“Ah thank you. By the way, I'm George Washington. The captain of The Revolution.”
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richywhizmusic · 5 years
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About to wreak vengeance on some dj bwoy!,, 🚨#HELLNOW 🚨think dem nuh know.. I'm out of the shell mother fuckerz. Di bwoy dem wake the sleeping giant. who deh round mi can tell you me no sleep is like me possessed! 👿😈Everything weh man seh dem run with, all dem big wig artiste yah to🏃,,,, RUN WITH THIS BITCH 💣 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz BEDTIME!💥 #novoilence #realworld #realwords #dancehall #london #Canada #china #germany #creative #christmastime #timeoftheyear #christmas #artiste #2020 #entertainment #Jamaica #lyricist #writer #picoftheday #photooftheday #art #hardwork #nevergiveup #stayfocused #focused #believeinyourself https://www.instagram.com/p/B5FxLnNglew/?igshid=1feixys2qpeb4
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Footworxx 30 april 2019 Locatie: Turbinehalle Oberhausen Line-up Live: Greazy Puzzy Fuckerz Anathema Blaster Brainrape Chok Dee Dedicator Deterrent Man Detest EddyHardcore Effection Emphaser Estasia Footworxx Militant Crew Goetia Hardbouncer Hatred Insane S Maotai Miss Enemy Rooler Sandy Warez Sei2ure Stolen Cult TerrorClown The Punisher The Satan Zion eDUB #hardcoremusic #dj #producer #uptempohardcore #uptempo #turbinenhalleoberhausen #hppnl #footworxx #gpf #alexevents #oberhausen (bij Turbinenhalle Oberhausen) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv6PzZ2lIIC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=hnpkcvb38khk
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