#these interviews aren't just off the cuff
deadnatura11 · 4 months
Thinking about how similar Ryan and Oliver's answers about Buddie are, almost like they had prepared them beforehand to not give anything away, show support, and also cover bases against the arguments people might make regarding the writers "turning another straight character gay".
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extasiswings · 5 months
I'm so curious your thoughts on this - all the PR and interviews with Oliver, Ryan and even Lou confirming these buddie related things and queer storylines for Eddie and Buck - why now? I believe in buddie canon, but it's so odd that they are no longer playing things close to the chest? Is it because they're trying to keep buddie fans? Or attract more viewers with the promise of it?
For the "why now," I think it's because they know that Buddie canon is happening and they're taking advantage of finally being able to speak their minds openly instead of being actively silenced. As to your two suggestions, I don't think they've ever needed to talk about Buddie-related things in PR to "keep" Buddie fans, and the show has gotten an influx of new viewers just from making Buck explicitly queer--the things they say in interviews imo aren't a factor. I also highly doubt it's any sort of targeted PR strategy, because to me it really sounds like Oliver just talking off the cuff about things he's probably been holding back sharing for years.
As to the "is it odd" of it all--Yes and No? It's not entirely out of the question for people who have worked on a show and had a terrible experience to spill the tea somewhere down the line. It's not common, because most people still want to work in Hollywood and don't want to burn bridges, but there are times when circumstances align to make it possible (like someone gets outed as a horrible person to work with in a very public fashion and then people who have worked with or under them can jump in like "yeah, I worked with them, worst experience of my life, they suck."). Or sometimes years later the cast of something might look back and go "oh yeah, XYZ." On rare occasions, someone who has been fired from a show might air all the dirty laundry because they're pissed. (Grain of salt, it's also hard sometimes to differentiate between what has been actively shared vs. info that is generally just an open secret?). For Oliver to say what he did though when Tim, for example, has been hedging about "oh it just felt like the right time" tells me that a) he feels secure enough right now to throw Fox under the bus by implication and b) he probably doesn't care if he ever works for another Fox show. Which! I can't blame him!
I will say this is a unique situation in that usually when bts issues like this come to light a show isn't still airing, at least in part because it's historically been rare for a show to move networks like this (especially while also keeping the entire cast and crew the same), but clearly Oliver in particular feels comfortable with what he's doing and no one is stopping him so I'm here for it.
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For the ask game, 3! I would love hearing about any ideas that have been bugging you to write them!
OKAY so I've been sitting on this one for a few days trying to recall an idea I haven't already talked about.
Soooo omegaverse can be very hit or miss for me, and at one point I asked myself can I make hot, desperate, out of control heat sex a lil more… consensual than often portrayed?
So, in the Read More, we have omega!Kim who's suppressants aren't working and hired heat mate!Chay and they're figuring things out one heat at a time.
So Kim has been using too many suppressants for too long against doctor recommendation, and something something, he gets kidnapped and it's fine except he misses his normal suppressant regimen and suddenly his hormones or whatever are completely out of whack. This is definitely just a contrived reason to make Kim have to experience a handful of heats before he can get back on them. He thinks about just waiting it out, but they end much faster with the assistance of an alpha nearby - they don't even have to fuck, just having an alpha's pheromones nearby can help.
So he goes about trying to find the least alpha-like alpha to hire as a heat mate and ends up with Chay, a college student who likes being helpful and making people feel safe and comfortable and happy and also likes earning some extra spending money so he doesn't have to ask his brother for some.
As Kim interviews Chay, Chay asks Kim what would make him feel safe and comfortable during their time together, and Kim says something grumpy snarky like "I'm not going to feel safe unless you're caged and chained," and Chay is like, "got it! no problem!"
So before Kim's heat kicks in he shows up at Kim's house with handcuffs and a cock cage and a ball gag. He puts the cage on in front of Kim and gives Kim the only key, then puts his pants back on and tells Kim to cuff his hands and legs however he sees fit. So Kim cuffs him to the bed, but then they have to sit and talk for a bit before KIm's heat really sets in, and they end up talking about music and Kim starts to catch the feelings, then Kim gags him when it's time.
But their first time just ends up with Kim jerking off and fucking himself with dildos next to Chay, while Chay provides the pheromones Kim needs. It still takes a long time for Kim's heat to end because Chay can't actually get hard with the cage and that would provide more scent.
The next time Kim trusts him a little more, so he foregoes the gag and absolutely loses it when Chay tells him he's lovely and he's good.
So the time after that there's even more trust, and decides to forego the cage and the ankle cuffs. NOT TO FUCK, just to get those good pheromones he so desperately wanted. So of course, in the midst of his heat he's like "but what if I fucked Chay??" but Chay stops him because Kim didn't consent to it before hand and Chay really does want to fuck him, but he won't right now.
So after, Kim likes Chay even MORE. But he's also paying Chay for his help, and it's Not Cool to fall for the sex worker you hired, so he tries to hide it. Chay also likes Kim a lot, but he knows it's Not Cool to fall in love with your client, so he tries to hide it.
Anyway, each heat Kim allows Chay to do a little bit more, but then the time comes when Kim can go back on suppressants and it's Emotional. They're gonna have to Talk about things.
Anyway I wanted to torture Kim by making him have to ask for the things he wants, and also Chay being his delightful self and somehow still doming Kim even when he's the one tied up.
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raggedyhive · 11 months
For moonknight representation i didn't like how Oscar Isaac implied that he portrayed only Steven as autistic, when the entire system would be autistic even if certain members can mask better
Ah, yeah, I remember seeing that initially and getting the ick. I understand it's one of those things people are often misinformed about (and--while not specifically autism--it's a sentiment I see rather often on Tumblr even among people trying to represent the community: disabilities or developmental disorders are rarely--if ever--only going to affect a single alter in a system).
I can respect his attempt for a degree--making sure Steven was a fully realized identity rather than just an "alternative" to Marc--and while it would be fantastic and brilliant were Steven Grant just Steven Grant, but it did fail to recognize that... yeah. It's... not just Steven. He's a part of the whole, and either that whole person/system is on the spectrum, or they aren't. So while the interview and this take respected Steven as a character and respected his development, the statement given failed to do that in tandem with respecting the reality of dissociative disorders as well. The fictional development unfortunately superseded the real-world facts there.
I will say that I agree with the masking statement as well, of course. I know it's largely moot to what Oscar Isaac said (or, rather, what he didn't say), but many people in the fandom, at least, have embraced and do understand that having one alter on the spectrum means they all are, even if their experiences with it can and will differ. It's one thing I have come to especially appreciate from the fandom, honestly.
That aside, I do wish Oscar Isaac and the other creators had been a bit more aware of this reality. I do think that if he was educated about this, he'd likely roll with it, but perhaps that's just me being hopeful. Off-the-cuff remarks in interviews are harder to master, and while I understand they did a lot of work to educated themselves about DID and try to provide accurate representation, it still is frustrating to be left wondering if they'll ever realize that this was a mistake, that it is a misrepresentation. While the larger consumer base of Moon Knight will never see that interview or even hear about it to any degree, and perhaps will draw the same conclusions as much of the fandom of "they're all on the spectrum" instead of "just Steven," it still is frustrating to feel like we need to wave our hands and be like, "Ah, hello, actually! It's important to know that isn't how this works!!"
It was a pretty isolated statement. I'd be curious to have it dug into and expanded upon, because--if I'm honest--even in that initial interview, Oscar Isaac was very vague. It's good representation theoretically. But you can't just dismissively handwave something like autism and fail to research just because the focus is supposed to be on DID. I guess. Kind of.
I have complicated feelings about it, and sometimes am in disagreement with myself on the feelings of this, but I think that's mostly because there was never a moral prerogative in the intention here, and it was dismissive and a well-intentioned simple insight into character development. It's hard to be angry when you get the feeling that if the statement occurred in a back-and-forth and you brought up the, "Um, actually," to him, he'd receive it well.
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jackie-show · 7 months
Hi guys!!! I'm Jackie this is a multi parts enemies to lovers fanfiction about Hotch and a character I've created.For some reason I didn't wanna make the character an agent so I took an idea from an amazing tv show called "Psych" if you guys aren't familiar with it it's fine you can still read this,anyway this first part is very influenced by the pilot of Psych,hope you guys like it if you do please tell me so I'll make a part two plus if you have any questions feel free to ask <3
The BAU got assigned another case,this one was a little tough they have suspects but nothing's sure yet,after Jj finishes talking to the public the police gets a call that was immediately referred to the BAU;the call was from a girl that said who the unsub was and after making sure turns out she's right and after a few days they catch the unsub but there was one last thing to do.
Outside of the BAU Quantico:
Miry gets off  the cab and heads into the BAU, when she gets in she is escorted down the hall into an interrogation room.
Miry:So when do I get my money?
Miry:Yeah the reward.You guys arrested the man I told you about. Am I right?
Hotch:Why don't you let us ask the questions for a while.
Miry:Okay. (sits)So which questions might those be?
Hotch:Where were you the night of the murder?
Miry:I was robbing a stereo shop. (laughs) I wasn't. I don't know. I guess I was doing the same thing you were doing, not solving crime.
Hotch:You're not helping your case here.
Miry:My case? Wait, wait, wait. I'm actually a suspect?
Hotch:You're our lead suspect.
Miry:I gave you the guy.
Hotch:He could've had a partner.
Miry:I have to find that guy? I'm confused. When do you start chipping in?
Hotch:See, your information was good. So good, it could only have come from the inside.
Miry:Inside of what? Look, I've called in dozens of tips, okay? Just check it out.
Hotch:I did. I checked out a whole lot of stuff.Pardon me if I'm just a little skeptical. Believable as it is that you solved all these crimes... I'm sorry, what was it? Watching the local channel 8 news reports.
Miry:I confess. That's not true. Sometimes I watch channel 5. I prefer channel 8. The weather guy,hot.
Hotch:So you're telling us that you can read guilt off of tv interviews.
Miry:Can't you?
Hotch:Don't you try and trivialize police work.
Miry:I think you're doing a bang-up job of that all by yourself. You can't keep me here, guys. I know my rights.
(she stands and walks to the door)
Hotch:Good. Then you know you have the right to remain silent.
Miry opens the door and Morgan blocks her exit.
Hotch:You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you.
Miry:Wait,wait,wait.You're serious?
Jj:Just give us a reason that's all we need. How did you get this information?
Hotch:No. It is too late for that. (walks over) Morgan, book her.
Morgan walks up behind Miry and pulls her arms behind her back as he reaches for hiscuffs.
Miry:Book her?Oh, come on. Cuffs? What, for the walk back to the lobby?
Jj:Or you could give us a plausible explanation.
Miry doesn't know what to do so she goes with the first thing that comes to her mind,she puts her hands up
Miry:Okay. Okay. Fine. You win. I got the information because... I am a psychic.
Hotch:Get her out of here!
Miry:Oh, boy!(falls back against the door, hand to her head points to an agent behind Morgan)Hey you,your grandma would be so proud.
Agent:You spoke to her?
Miry:I did. She's... safe, comfortable. She wants you to stop spending all your money on those charlatans.
Agent(cups her face) The palm readers.
Miry:The palm readers.
Jj:Okay, just to be clear, um, you're claiming to be a psychic, Miss Wright
Miry:How else would I know that Mr. agent Hotchner here is having problems with his wife?
(Everybody looks at Hotch)
Miry:Ops did I touch a nerve?
Hotch:Oh c'mon who's buying this?
(Jj and Spencer slowly raise their hands,Penelope is in the corner raising her hand as well)
Miry:(she smiles,on her way out)Question.Do I pay taxes on reward money?
Spencer:I'll find out. Please feel free to call anytime.
Miry:You know I will. Magic touch.
(They touch fingertips,Spencer smiles then Miry leaves)
Miry exits the building with a smile and walks down the steps.
Gideon follows her out.
Gideon:Not so fast, Miss Wright
Miry stops and turns around.
Gideon:Jason Gideon,Senior Supervisory Agent 
Miry:I know.
Gideon:Heard about what you did in there.
Miry:Oh, you're welcome.
Gideon:That wasn't the phrase I was going to use. I was going to say improbable. Possible, yet unlikely.
Miry:Look, it's hard to explain. I'm gifted. I was born that way.
Miry:(after a moment of silence)Am I still free to go?
Gideon:Not exactly,there's been another murder
Miry:Oh, come on. I had nothing to do with that
Gideon:Would you like to?What I need is a miracle.Or a facsimile of one.
Miry:I see,I see.Well,I make $1,200 a day.
Gideon:It's a try-out.
Miry:That's what I meant to say. This is pro bono, something for you.
Gideon:And if this psychic thing is a scam... we will prosecute. You know hindering a police investigation is a criminal offense. 
Miry:Sounds good. We're on the same team now.
(They both go back inside together)
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lazypanartist · 1 year
Chapter 3
A Rose By Any Other Name
Would Feel As Frigid
Warnings: mentions of violence, other questionable activities, theft, and the American school system
Notes: a little over half of you said to name Reader, so that's what we'll do!
SO chapter 2 finished up the 1st Belle Reve visit. Here we're starting round 2!
"And all you did was interview them."
Adam, our yearbook drag-along, seemed annoyed. "Some psych kids can only DREAM of seeing into thoughts of criminals like these!"
Rachel bumped her brother's shoulder, setting her lunch tray down next to his. "Big whoop. The staff, here AND at Belle Reve, don't want us to keep being delinquents or whatever."
"They're sick of us already," I offered. "Guards don't wanna see us, school doesn't want to deal with the fallout if we get arrested. And the inmates probably don't want us locked up with them, for the most part."
Adam scowled at me. Typical maneuver from him, really.
"Yeah? I'm sick of seeing you, too."
I smiled at him, watching as his scowl deepened.
"Feeling's mutual, A. Get any good pictures of Ray and Shimmer? Or did you get to everyone but me?"
"I'm getting student-inmate interactions next time. The guards gave me a small tour of the prison yesterday - it's massive!"
"No kidding.." My mind floated back to the giant gate we had gone in by. "Absolutely huge."
"Next visit's next Thursday." Rachel reached across her own tray, grabbing something off her brother's. He gave her a withering glare, but she only smirked in response.
Adam sighed, turning his attention back to me. "The guy in charge - Mister Strange, I think - said that you guys are doing something a little different next week. Apparently everyone's getting a guard this time around.. not just everyone but you."
"Huh." It was the only intelligent response I could find.
"Yeah," he filled in. "Must be bad if there aren't any exceptions."
I nodded. "What do you think it is? Pairing us off?"
He shrugged. "Good question. Whatever it is, it'll probably get into the school paper."
Rachel sighed. "So everyone knows how much trouble we're in?"
"Nope." Adam nudged his sister's arm gently. "Not if they don't already, of course. School's painting it as an excursion for the inmates to get outside interaction."
"Oh." Rachel perked up slightly. "Because they don't want to spoil their own name?"
"Probably." Adam shrugged. "If it was up to me, it'd be a chance for you guys to learn from your mistakes and see what you could become. Which it is, of course, but that's not what the school's saying."
"Right." I nodded. Rachel copied the action, grinning when our eyes met.
"Good thing, too," she giggled. "I'd hate to have everyone know my sins or whatever."
Adam rolled his eyes. "You were just dragged into it, Ray. You'll be fine."
"Yeah.." Rachel mumbled. All I could do was silently agree with her hesitation.
Cameron seemed excited the next time I went into the interview room. I noted in the back of my mind the lack of cuffs, and Bob stepping into the room behind me.
"Casey! Welcome back."
"You seem.. hyper?" I was wary, of course. He hadn't seemed this openly emotional the last visit, and the sudden presence of his demeanor..
His eyes widened, and he looked past me to the guard. "You didn't tell them?"
Bob huffed in what was probably contempt. "Nope. Get up." And with that he passed me, heading towards the door behind Junior.
I eyed the inmate questioningly, and he grinned.
"You're getting a tour! Of course you probably don't want to, but if you keep on your "current path" or whatever you're here for.." he trailed off with his air quotes before motioning for me to follow. Bob was holding the door open on the other side, a similar hallway to the civilian side laid out in front of me. I could see Lainey and Devastation, flanked by two guards, down the hall already.
She glanced back, and I waved. Lainey smiled, returning the gesture before rounding a corner I hadn't seen previously.
"So, today's agenda." Junior slowed down, walking next to me in the hall. "Is of course, the tour. From what I hear of my dad's chat with the director, Strange, you're sticking with me all day." He put emphasis on the "all", dragging it out. "That means bunk check, lunch, rec time, everything."
"Fun," I offered. "So, like 60 days in without the jumpsuit."
"Exactly!" He grinned, nudging my arm. I could hear Bob huff in front of us, but he obviously wasn't bothered enough to react further.
We rounded the corner, passing through a door (Bob was behind us now, holding it open.)
I must have gasped. All I know for sure is that the size of the intake was massive - probably to contain some of the larger incoming inmates.
We ventured through a few more hallways, Junior talking the whole way. Things about "two inmates per room", "twenty rooms per side of the hallway", "two sides per hallway", and a few more things about the bunk check. Something about the lifting and shaking of mattresses and bedding to check for stashed contraband.
It's been a while, so I don't remember for sure. I wasn't listening much anyways, instead taking in the concrete surroundings.
It took a minute before I noticed that we weren't following Lindsay and Devastation anymore.
"Hey, Junior?"
His nose wrinkled. "Please, Cameron's fine."
"Sorry.. Cameron. Where'd the girls end up?"
"Oh!" He gestured towards our left. "They took the left hall in intake. Whole place's segregated by gender except intake, outgoing, and interviews. I don't know why we took the long way to bunks.." he glanced back at Bob, who merely huffed as his answer. Cameron turned back to me and shrugged before taking an abrupt right, down another hallway.
"And.. here!" He stepped into a cell, turning around and spreading his arms. "Ta-da!"
I glanced around. It was.. space. Four concrete walls, a metal bunk bed that looked older than Bob.. there wasn't much bedding either. A small toilet took its place in a far corner, a blanket strewn beside it.
He glanced behind me before chuckling, eyes falling slightly. "Yeah. It's not much, but until I'm 25, it's home."
My eyes widened. "Oh, wow."
He nodded before motioning me closer. I hesitated and he rolled his eyes.
"He can't check my bunk until one, you're out of the doorway." I stepped to the side, and Bob walked past me. "And two, my bunkmate's here."
I blinked before taking a step towards Cameron and the bunk. "Who's your bunkmate?"
"Oh, not a big name or anything." He smirked. "Just Mister Freeze."
I blinked. "Oh."
He looked quickly between Bob and I before rolling his eyes. "Oh, come ON! Do we even really have to wait for him?" When Bob didn't answer, he sighed. "He's still shadowing my dad! There's no way he'll get here in time for Case and I to finish the tour!"
Bob thought for a minute before huffing again, passing between Cameron and I. The other teen's eyes widened before meeting mine again, flashing a grin and thumbs-up as Bob struggled up the bunk's ladder.
We kept glancing between Bob and one another while we waited, Cameron offering a smile every time our eyes passed. I started returning them after the third.
Finally Bob came back down the ladder. I could hear footsteps coming down the hall as he painted quietly.. quite a few sets, actually.
"Congratulations, Junior." Cam's nose wrinkled again. "You're set. I'll walk you 'n Casey back t' the chow hall - if it 'as up to me, they'd fully integrate for the tour." He rolled his eyes before turning. "You two'll have plenty of supervision without me there too, but Director Strange made it clear that you," he turned momentarily from the door, pointing at Cameron, "should have another set of eyes on you."
Cameron chuckled. "Thanks for the vote of confidence."
"Like I said." Bob finally got the door back open - he must have jammed the lock - and started back down yet another hallway. "If it 'as my choice, they'd all be in suits with the same restrictions as you inmates. If the school's plan is to scare you kids straight, they need a better strategy!"
I sighed, rolling my eyes when Cameron shot me a confused look before smiling.
"Right. Guards want us here for real? Can't blame you."
I could tell that the previous day's sentiment was true - most people at Belle Reve were sick of us already. Cameron, though?
He offered me another smile in return, nudging my arm. "Please. It might actually be bearable if you stick around."
"For eight years?!" I laughed. "I don't think I'd make it!"
He shrugged. "Hey, if you and me stick together, you'll be okay."
I could tell, even back then, that he was right. Even if I didn't know what it was about..
WHOOH finally finished this chapter! So much brain fog rn! Chapter 4 coming asap, love y'all, ciao!
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paperstorm · 9 months
That max gao interview always kind of lightly upset me cause Rafa basically claims Carlos did nothing wrong in that break up at all and I just…don’t buy real estate for people without consent! 🤣 that’s an obvious no-no. At the time it was published in s3 there were sooo many people using it as fuel for anti-TK arguments claiming “even Rafa can see that Carlos deserves better than him” etc 😭😭 if y’all think the fandom was a battleground about Carlos and the wife plot? That was just WWII to the WWI that was all the arguments of how TK was a shitty boyfriend and person in s2 & 3. Here’s hoping s5 can finally be peace in the valley!!! ☮️
I think it wouldn't be entirely fair to say what he says in that interview is absolutely everything that he thinks right, he's talking off the cuff (on the phone, I assume) and is in real time answering questions he's just been asked that he isn't being given time to really think about, he's just chatting. So it's probably fair to assume the entirety of his thoughts aren't adequately expressed in the short answers in that interview. But I can see how it would have fueled some discourse, even if that's not what he meant to happen. Idk if there will ever be peace, people have strong feeling and that's fine, disagreements are fine. But hopefully most people are at least considerate about it 🤞
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demenior · 1 year
Mighty Nein PacRim au bc it's been 10 years since the movie hit the market and we've been sleeping on good PacRim aus utilizing the terrifying ordeal of being known and punching giant monsters through giant robots with the power of love.
Here's my stab at roles, off the cuff. The intention is to spread characters out bc if you make everyone Jaeger pilots it can be hard to have unique storylines happening cause they'd all be too similar, and by expanding on the roles you get a more 3D view of The World:
Caleb: by default all wizards are scientists. He was originally trained for espionage between countries, left the program, but came back to work in LOCCENT. Yes he's trained to be a killer in canon, but specifically he's an assassin and those aren't big brawlers. He's best utilized for his brain and making the hard calls.
Beau: young jeager pilot fresh out of or pulled early out of the training program. At the start of the story she's a nightmare bc while she has amazing solo stats she's unable to drift with anyone. (She and Fjord later become a lethal combination to anything that gets in their way)
Jester: she didn't go through jeager jockey school and actually came to the program as a civilian reporter/influencer wanting to interview jeager pilots. The point being that she has no formal jeager jockey training so she's very unpredictable. She ran a few compatibility trials during her interviews, and turns out she could form a link with basically anyone.
Veth: Secret backstory is that she was a high stats solo jockey in her training years, but was never drift compatible with anyone and left the program when she met her husband (a scientist). Was separated from husband and son during a Kaiju attack and was asked to step back into a jeager as there are so few pilots left.
Fjord: worked as part of the Tides Breath (a jeager) support crew, after failing out of the jockey training program for being mediocre. When Vandran and Avantika (the pilots) went AWOL, as someone with at least some training, both he and Sabian were thrown into the Tides Breath as a desperate "no other choice" pick. They got the kill and the jeager was destroyed in the fight. Both pilots were presumed dead until Fjord solo'd the remains of the jeager to shore. He doesn't remember any of it, but now everyone treats him like he's some sort of Big Hero and he's afraid of letting everyone know he's a mediocre sham.
Caduceus: biologist studying Kaiju. This is basically a given. He, Veth and Caleb spend a lot of time together.
Yasha: jeager pilot. Has a reputation of losing drift partners (and everyone assumes she doesn't care). Doesn't want to drift with anyone ever again, but also feels like giving up fighting means letting down all of the people she's lost. Maybe worked in the black market for a while??
Molly: might be one of the first pilots who could drift with Beau. Dies while deployed with her? Or was the last partner that Yasha lost? Undecided abt him tbh. His importance as a character to the (original) narrative is dying to be the catalyst for the Mighty Nein to aggressively trauma bond, so I'd aim for that in this au or, bc the Mighty Nein in this au would be bonded through a battle, I might even style a Kaiju after him haha.
They all meet/end up in a similar place a la similar events to the first PacRim movie: there aren't any other pilots or jeagers left and the attacks are only getting more frequent etc etc.
From this we can have any combo of drifting jeager pilots of: Beau, Jester, Yasha, Veth and Fjord.
If following first movie events; Veth, Caleb and/or Caduceus could attempt a drift (possibly together) with a Kaiju for information. There's a potential storyline tying Uk'otoa as a kaiju or a precursor, meaning we'd have Fjord drift with a kaiju at some point, and then have some, well, lingering issues as a result...
This doesn't rule out other drift combinations (Veth&Caleb, Fjord&Caduceus, etc), we'd just have to be creative with Reasons for why they'd use them :)
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lesbianwilby · 2 years
howdy wil! Answer any or all of these if you want :D
violet— do you like to cook or bake? if so, what is it that you like to make?
azalea— what is the most recent song you listened to? how do you feel about it?
lotus— what is your favorite color and in what shade? e.g. sage green, navy blue, ect. dahlia— do you like to follow current fashion trends or do you have a particular style that you prefer to stick to?
HELLOOOOOOO thank u for adding the questions w ur ask i an in the middle of watching youtube videos n i dont have the brainpower to copy/paste these LMAO (so sory i didn't for u i do not think very well)
violet: i do sometimes!! theres not a lot of food or ingredients n shit in my house n cant rly buy like .any n also massive lack of energy so i cant a lot but i love cooking n baking even if its usually just helping my mom 🫶 im very fond of making things w chicken massive safe food 4 me in many ways
azalea: salamander by deco*27‼️ i adore this song SO much i just have to ignore that its about cup noodles and im good .most recent english song tho would be electioneering by radiohead which!! is actually my current favorite song off of ok computer :3
lotus: this is such a hard question for me to answer bc im so odd w colors 😭 i think?????? probly like a dark brick red.. overall i tend to stick more to color schemes vs specific colors n .all my color schemes tend to center around either red or neutrals so
dahlia: RAHHHHHH FASHION QUESTION so. for me its kinda a mix of both? it REALLY depends on the trend n who i see in it n how accessible it is to me n if i actually LIKE it.. like im not going to sit here n deny that my style has never been influenced by or even changed by trends bc thatd be a goddamn lie but also its not been like. a permanent change ig???? leme like share examples to fully explain
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so heres two outfits i wore in 2021, first was sometime in summer second was during october or september probs?? now obviously these aren't like the same exact style but like in my brain n for how i dress they come close enough (also yes i had my hair dyed red two times in a row .no they were not the same shade or anything. btw think in second picture i already had my mullet why didnt i wear my hair up wth was up w that)
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these r some more recent outfits!! first one is actually the most recent picture i have of any of my outfits i wore it to a job interview :3 and yes the three others have the same exact top and yes i am wearing the same two pairs of pants in these and yes i did wear both my necklace and pocket watch with them all and yes i did carry the same bag .my style has been toned down a LOT recently tbh n im ngl its def been at least partly influenced by trends.. i dont mind it tho its comfy n cute n i dont have to think much
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however sometimes i do still go back to my "old" style that never rly left tbh (in the og pics the only thing i dont have anymore is the skirt n thats bc i dont wear those colors rly anymore).. first one was sometime this summer? second time i think was last month actually!!
n like even still w my toned-back style n shit i still make 3d kandi cuffs n i still listen to music that someone who would see me in passing wouldn't expect n even if these outfits r "tame" bc im way too lazy to go n find pictures from high school (my kandi cuffs used to get worn almost daily + my beloved reflective galaxy platforms have gotten so scuffed from the steps to the front 🫶) they're still pretty different in my mind i think to what i wear now so like .yeah what i wear out has been influenced by whatever trend i see on tiktok however its never been fully based on that 4 many reasons n the old parts of my style never rly "leave" they just get pushed back until a later time
#out there#i still have all of my bows n hair clips that overflow my accessory drawers n my tutus n my t-shirts from hot topic#bc even if its not me rn it was at one point n probs will be again#ngl. i very easily could've explained this both better + w/o these pictures LMAO#i just love showing off my outfits even old ones even tho these r TERRIBLE examples#unfortunately i don't have a lot of older examples bc i used to be rly insecure so i never took pictures EVER#so a lot of those outfits rly got lost to time#do have quite a few more recent outfits tho#including several where i wear my bralettes as tops .man those r cute outfits i love every single one#anyways .rly did use this as an excuse to share some of my (not greatest unfortunately) outfits oops !#ty for asking that question at least tho 🫡#ive always been a bit w fashion but it got a lot more extreme during my senior year#cuz yk .2020 tiktok had an impact on me n my style LMFAO#n that slowly ran out probs towards very end of 2021 where i never rly went out anywhere n if i did it was usually a basic outfit#n then .now again kinda following trends ig at least in what i see but to me its just like#ive always thought these styles were cute n now this gives me the push i needed to start wearing them#yk?#i think im rly just saying shit my brain is mush#ive had todays alpharad gold upload just paused on my tv while typing all this LMAK#pls dont judge my outfits too hard 🙏#ik theyre all kinda copy/paste esp w the items i wear#n to most people on here u wouldn't call any of these n tbh i wouldn't either#but in my defense i have always struggled with very low energy levels SO#done rambling if i forgot something ill edit idfk#ty for the ask again btw :3#ask#sparksnevadas#also fun fact! on tumblr mobile when answering asks u cant see ur whole tags w/o posting or saving to drafts#so if this seems very incoherent its bc i literally forgot what i just said n had no way to check n tried not to repeat things
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Ohh noo I don't like that music
Aww :'((
That sucks 😭 <3
They're investigating aren't they o.o
Yup 😬😭
Oogh everyone's getting interviewed 😬
Ohhh nooo
Heyyy sirr xdd
Okay you don't know he's drunk lol
Hmm :// :(
Ohh noo he's important isn't he, like his family
Yup o.o 😭 xd
Ohh no councilwoman lol
Well yeah but that doesn't tell you much
Okay sir but he refused?? That is not their problem
Nahh he's putting her on leave :(((
I know it's because of the family and the investigation and all but D:< it is not her fault
Oof and calling her firefighter 😭 xdd kinda felt cold and warm at the same time lol
Uh ohh 😳
Ohh it's because they can't contact anyone o.o 😬 uh ohh
Hmm maybe they'll find the bomb though if they're engineering? I mean I think there was one in the promos lol
Gosh bro is stealing money 🙄
Okay well?
Oof that's taking a while xdd
Sir xD
Okay bro now that's too far D:<
Bro's been shot!!
Hm what?
Oh yeah that o.o
Also just. "Where's my wife" 🥰🥰
Yeeeah the snake xD
Ahh made it seem like he committed suicide
SLFJFHKSD "Why do you have zip ties?" "Because they wouldn't let me bring my cuffs on board" XDD
Uh ohhh
And it's gonna go off when it reboots isn't it-
Oof poor guy 😭
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d-targaryenshoe · 3 years
Liar Liar • Jesse Williams
word count: 1264
Summary: You put your relationship to the test with the Vanity Fair lie detector.
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“So, Y/n?" The interviewer spoke, sitting on a chair in front of you.
"Yeah?" Your voice sounded small as you already knew what was gonna happen next.
"Jesse?" The man spoke again, looking at your boyfriend.
"What?" Jesse answered, looking back at the man.
"We brought you here today to take a lie detector test, one of you will be hooked up to the machine while the other asks questions, and then you'll switch who wants to be in the hot seat first?" The man explained, watching both of you.
"Y/n would love to go first." Jesse avoided your slightly shocked face, looking to the other side of the room.
"You're just throwing me at the wolves aren't you?" You shook your head at your boyfriend, holding out your arm to the man that wrapped a cuff around your arm.
"You know Ellen Pompeo would love to do this too, I'm not saying this as a payback, Ellen." You gazed into the camera, trying to keep a straight face. "But I am."
The man walked back to his seat as Jesse sat in front of you already smirking which made you break into a nervous laugh.
"Let's take it easy first, is your name y/n y/l/n?"
"It's more accented but yes it is." You tried to keep a straight face and a calm heart.
"Were you born in (country/town)?" Your boyfriend asked once again.
"From what my parents have told me, yes." You mused while nodding your head while Jesse tried not to smile.
"So tell me babe, are you one of the bestselling artists/actresses of the United States?" He tested.
"Well if we're at nicknames, yes, Honey, I am." You shrugged, smiling at your boyfriend of four years.
"Are you about to take a polygraph test?" He asked.
"I wished I wasn't, but yes." You chuckled when releasing a deep sigh.
"Okay, then let's get started, shall we? You once told ELLE that if you wouldn't have taken the part in Greys you'd be in Station 19, would you ever leave this role?" Jesse asked, staring back at you.
"I mean on Grey's we're an actual family on and off-screen so no I wouldn't." You spoke, looking to the man at the machine. "I never would unless Shonda kills me."
"You're so dark, I can't with you sometimes." Jesse chuckled, rubbing his forehead. "Is it true?"
"She is telling the truth." The man nodded his head, eyes on the machine.
"Is she?" Jesse joked, raising an eyebrow at you.
You started to laugh at his words, running a hand through your hair before getting yourself together again.
"Onto the next, your fans say you have a very positive mindset, would you agree with that statement?" Jesse asked, keeping an eye on your thinking face.
"I'm not a Downtown Abby so yeah, I'd agree." You nodded your head at the question.
"That's the truth." The man spoke.
"And you'd also say it's a positive thing to date one of the directors of Grey's Anatomy?" He smirked, noticing how you were trying not to smile.
"Listen, you directed a few of them, don't get cocky, but yeah, it is." You answered as you tried to cover up your smile with the back of your hand.
"And also that is true." The man nodded.
"Would you still love me if I wasn't an actor or activist?" Jesse questioned, tilting his head at you.
"Of course I would, I don't know why I wouldn't." You spoke, shrugging your shoulders.
"This answer is also the truth." the man said.
"I mean you better, you say my brothers do get on your nerves sometimes, what are the reasons?" Jesse joked, folding his hands on the table.
"Well, Corie is just bluntly a little shit? And Matt can't stop talking about us having kids + he thinks he's funny and he's no.?" You blurted out while staring at your boyfriend that was close to laughing. "That's it."
"You barely have a filter do you?" Jesse snorted, looking at the man.
"She's saying the truth right now." He answered.
"Even though we're a couple, do you still find other men attractive?" Jesse asked.
"I mean Giacomo could get it, but sadly he is married, but yeah I do find other men attractive." You replied, smiling at Jesse.
"That's the truth."
"Okay so now, did you lie at any point of this interview?" Jesse asked, looking at you. "Seriously, any point?"
"You're lucky, I believe you."
"Why, thank you, sad thing you're not a teacher in History anymore eh?" You joked as you noticed the man undoing the cuff from your arm before it was placed on Jesse's.
"Alright smartass." You smacked your hand down on the table, laughing slightly. "You're lucky I'm just kidding
"Okay let's start simple, is your full name, Jesse Wesley Williams?" You asked when keeping your eyes on your boyfriend's.
"Yes." He answered, staying way more calm than you were.
"Are you the boyfriend of the actress y/n y/l/n?" You spoke, tapping your fingers on the table.
"Yes, I am, proudly."
"You're just kissing up now, you're unbelievable." You groaned, pinching the bridge of your nose.
"Do you carry the nationalities, afro American and Swedish?" You questioned, trying to look strict.
"You're failing with the strict face, but yes I do." He nodded, pointing at your face.
"Alright, are you ready to get your ass kicked?" You joked. "also take a little breath, you look a little nervous?"
"I'm handling it, let's gets started."
"As a couple, would you say we're goals?" You read from the paper on the table.
"Apart from all your Instagram stories from the set, yes, I'd say we are." Jesse mused as you faked an offended face.
"That's not a lie, he's telling the truth." the man said.
"So, people always have imperfections, what are my imperfections?"
He released a laugh, leaning back in his chair.
"Why are you even laughing?" You deadpanned, crossing your arms.
"What do you even mean?" He threw back, holding back a smile. "Oh, I have one, when we're on set, you always go live and spill secrets on the next episode."
"That's true."
"That's baloney?" You huffed. "An example?"
"Sarah's small comeback in the next episode, you spilled that yesterday and the other one was Andrew Deluca's death, she spills secrets allll the time, guys." He spoke when looking at the camera.
"Come on, everyone practically already knew!" You defended, going to the next question. "You've said before you were sort of jealous of Justin Chambers when he and I had a slow-burn scene, is that true?"
"I didn't say jealous, but I said y/c/n and Jackson would have been a better storyline."
"And also that is true."
"Do you enjoy rewatching Greys with me?" You asked, watching in front of you.
"That's a lie." the man spoke.
"I just hate rewatching myself on screen, that's the thing." Jesse defended.
"So you're just being the good boyfriend huh?" You snorted. "Do you think 'pov' is a good song?"
"It's different than all the others you released."
"That's true."
"Okay so, at any point in this interview, did you lie, and we didn't catch you? you asked, folding your hands.
"That's true."
Raising an eyebrow at the man you noticed that your boyfriend in front of you started to do his victory moves. "I told you, I told you, I told you."
"Is this even a legal thing? the thing he does?"
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impostoradult · 2 years
So I've got to ask, because I stopped watching SPN at the end of season 4 (because Kripke said it'd end at the end of season 5 and I didn't want it to end, but then it didn't and a friend of mine just said that it turned into crap and I wanted to keep it good in my mind so... Well I didn't watch the seasons after that) but I'm kind of wondering if I should watch it? Is it... Good? I'm thinking about character developpement mostly, the story in general... And the finale: will I want to forget about it or... ?
Second ask which is totally non related: as for Jensen Ackles, what is it about people saying he is homophobic? Every interview I've seen... The guy seems pretty charming ? But I haven't been following him much so maybe I'm mistaking ?
Whew! You have asked 2 questions about which whole books could be written.
Here's what I'll say re: is Supernatural Good/Worth Watching all the way through. Seasons 4 & 5 are the peak of the show in terms of general story-telling quality. The entire show post season 5 is VERY hit or miss from episode to episode, and from season to season.
However, there's also a TON of great stuff that comes after season 5, particularly interesting character development stuff with all the leads at various points. And there are some awesome side characters that get introduced like Charlie and Rowena and Kevin, who are really fun and add a lot in their occasional appearances. Also there are some truly stand-out episodes and arcs in those later seasons. The problem is, you have to wade through a fair amount of eye-rolling, repetitive, and sometimes just plain lazy or ill-conceived nonsense to get to the good stuff. You DO have to slog. And you have to be willing to put up with some TRULY stupid writing choices along the way. Do I think it's worth it?
Ultimately, my answer is yes. But BARELY. Just barely.
I'll also say, while the incorporation of Castiel varies a lot in both amount and quality from season to season after S5, overall the Dean/Castiel storyline within the show is incredibly compelling. As a long-form slow-burn romance, it is one of the most gripping pieces of romantic storytelling I've ever seen (and I'm including hetero pairings in that statement as well). So if that is something you are invested in (or think you might be), Supernatural becomes A LOT more worth watching.
Which leads me to the ending, which in truth, I never watched. I stopped watching at 15x19. I know enough about what happened in 15x20 to know I don't need to see it. At this point, I'm also fairly certain they are gonna do a sequel/reboot and retcon it, so it doesn't really matter anyway. Jensen Ackles is bound and determined to bring it back at some point, so I'm 95% sure that ending isn't going to stand, no matter what. (Which I am more than fine with. Although I don't enjoy beating dead-horse media franchises in general, he is right to want to retcon it, IMO, and I support him in this endeavor).
And speaking of Jensen Ackles...
The question around his homophobia (or lack thereof) is also super complex. In my personal opinion, no, I don't think he is (though I understand why that idea persists among some fans)
He did demonstrate resistance to the idea of Destiel or queer interpretations of Dean in earlier eras of Supernatural's run, often in the context of Supernatural Fan Conventions when he was speaking off the cuff to questions directly posed to him by fans. And sometimes he wasn't super tactful in how he expressed himself.
But I get the feeling a lot of those incidences were a product of a variety of different things that aren't reducible to personal homophobia on his part:
In the context of those conventions, the actors are acting as PR extensions of the show. And The CW company line for basically ALL of Supernatural's run has been Dean's straight and Destiel is just fan shipping. Jensen Ackles, as a representative of the show, wasn't in a position to disagree publicly with the company line, regardless of how he felt privately. It would have caused a huge shit-storm of blow back if he'd done that. One of my big frustrations with the SPN fandom is the lack of awareness that actors are not allowed to just freely share their thoughts and feelings about the show's content, particularly when they might disagree or disapprove of it. It makes you look unprofessional, as an actor, when you do that. Its like going in front of an audience to announce publicly that you disagree with your boss and think they should have handled something very differently. That's OBVIOUSLY unprofessional, even if/when you are right. These actors have never been in a position to share how they really feel or think about this publicly because of the nature of entertainment PR. Again, I think Jensen hasn't always been tactful in how he handled those situations, but I also don't take ANY of those statements all that seriously because in those moments Jensen was acting primarily as a spokesperson for the "brand"/entity of Supernatural, regardless of his actual thoughts/feelings about anything.
I also think he's probably evolved a lot on this issue over the years, both in terms of his personal politics AND his attitudes about the content of Supernatural. Now this gets into sticky territory because I am now 'reading' Jensen and his life as a public figure. And there is so much more that is hidden versus what is visible. So what follows is HIGHLY speculative on my part and should be understood as such. But, my personal interpretation of his queer politics is he grew up in Texas in the 80s & 90s in a fairly conservative and overtly Christian household (which he has spoken about publicly more than once). And while I doubt he was ever overtly hateful towards queer people, I do suspect he was raised with a lot of the general biases that come with that kind of background. I also think as a result of working in Hollywood for so many years, becoming such deeply close friends with Misha Collins (who, for all his whatever around this, is a polyamorous ultra-lefty hippie), and having the fandom that Supernatural has (which is at a conservative guess 80% queer people), he has probably come a long way from where he started about this. I ALSO think his ideas about queer Dean and Destiel have evolved a lot, though he's never said it explicitly in so many words (because again, I don't think he's ever really been at liberty to). BUT, it was incredibly clear in his very loud silence on the SPN 'finale' he really disliked what they chose to do in 15x20. It was also incredibly clear he was very emotional about 15x18. He had a cast member shoot a private video of the Castiel confession scene for him to keep on his phone. We also know they conducted formal market research on the idea of making the romance between Dean and Cas even more explicitly canon in final seasons. That didn't happen, for reasons we may never know. But it's pretty clear to me that at the start of season 13, they seemed to be setting up that romantic arc pretty heavily. And I think Jensen knew that and maybe even got attached to the idea before the powers that be shut it down for whatever reasons they did.
Again, all of this is my personal understanding which is based on real events and statements and such, but is still an inference based on all of those disparate pieces of data.
But in sum, no I don't think Jensen Ackles is homophobic. Yes, I think he has said a few insensitive things in the past, but I think there was a PR aspect to a lot of it, and I also think he's shown a lot of growth in the right direction over time.
I also think there's like a solid 35% chance he'll retcon the ending of SPN and give Dean and Cas a proper (romantic) ending, out of spite if nothing else. I think there's like a 95% chance he's gonna reboot it. He cannot shut up about it. Whether or not the reboot will do right by the Destiel storyline is far less certain for me. I'm not CONVINCED of the so-called "Jackles long-con" conspiracy theory. But I think there's a solid 1 in 3 chance its real, which is enough possibility that I'm not willing to wash my hands of this yet.
So many other insane fan conspiracy theories about Supernatural have turned out to be right. And this one has more evidence than a decent number of the others.
I hope this insanely long response helps!
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rahleeyah · 3 years
I thought I'd taken CM saying E's just figuring out how he feels for Liv ok. But somehow, this has been eating at me all week. Because IF I'm supposed to assume E didn't have romantic feelings for Liv all along, how tf can we excuse his behavior all this time? All the ghosting and avoiding and choosing other ppl only makes any sense if it was too complicated to face. Otherwise he just... doesn't deserve her. Makes me wanna hate him, but I still think he's her happy ending so it's not goin well..
i'm really glad you asked me about this bc it gives me the chance to say something that's been on my mind a lot lately:
it literally doesn't matter what chris says.
it literally doesn't matter. they do these interviews and the actors and producers give what are essentially their headcanons in answer to questions that have not been answered in the text but until those answers become text? they aren't real.
the only things that are real are 1) the actual, textual scenes and 2) your interpretation of them. you know that whole thing about how ten people can see the same thing and describe it ten different ways? that is so true and it applies here. your perspective on the scene is not less valid than someone else's. not even chris's.
chris said, off the cuff, in response to a question he presumably did not prepare remarks to answer, that he thinks elliot is figuring it out right now. does that mean that the actual canon character of elliot literally never thought he might be in love with olivia before now? does it mean that he's never been allowed to be in love with her before and he's figuring out what that means now? does that mean that he's figuring out how to be in love with her?
it's open to interpretation bestie!
what chris and mariska and the writers and producers think the characters are feeling, what they think their motivations are, inform what canon becomes. but again, until those thoughts become text, they are only one interpretation.
i throw a couple of phrases around here all loosey-goosey and i wanna talk about two of them you may have heard me use before. the first is "word of god". word of god refers to statements made by people with power in connection to the show. some fans treat those statements as "word of god", that is, as immutable truth that cannot be questioned and must be taken into account when viewing/analyzing a piece of media. some fans need word of god, want that affirmation that their perspective is the Correct(tm) one. and i understand it! we want to believe the creators are on our side, that our vision of what we think the show is and what it's trying to do is what's gonna happen.
i am not one of those people. i am interested in what they have to say but if i disagree with them i do not think that i have lost something, or that i am wrong bc the creators don't agree. i think we all have our headcanons and mine are as valid as anyone else's.
the second thing you'll hear me say a lot is "the author is dead". this is an actual theory of literary criticism that argues we should separate the work from the context of the author's identity and intentions. whatever an author intends, their work can have multiple meanings, perhaps even some meanings they didn't intend at all.
when i engage with a piece of media, i am engaging with what has been done on screen, and what i interpret from it. it doesn't matter if the producers and writers don't think elliot was in love with olivia, or think he didn't know he was; i've seen fault. whether it was intentional or not elliot's behavior in that episode can be interpreted as him being all too keenly aware of that love, and being afraid of it. that's how i interpret it. no one else, not even chris, saying otherwise will deter me from believing it.
so does elliot love olivia? how long has he known he does? does he deserve her?
you tell me, friend.
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Hey !! Do you think there is a chance that those collider ( sorry if that’s the wrong name ) interviews are fake ? Because they sound so different from the interviews in the magazine. Have a great day!
Fake? No. I may not like Collider, but they're not that bad.
They may sound much different because they were supposedly conducted back in the Summer, and only just now printed. I'm not aware of the magazine interviews having been done like that.
It's also important to keep in mind that interview answers are prepared for questions that are submitted in advance. The actors would be coached on how to answer based on how the questions are asked. They basically have to say a lot without saying much of anything of substance.
Take any interviews with a grain of salt. They aren't answering off the cuff. Maybe in those Fanmio things, I'm not sure how those work, but I do know how the media usually operates.
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