#these past few episodes have been absolutely insane when it comes to their dynamic and also Sasuke backstory
draculagerard · 10 months
Guys the fucking rain scene after Sasuke supposedly kills naruto… what the fuck
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danlaw1991 · 4 months
Need to rant after the latest episode of #911onABC.
Athena instantly clocking that something was wrong when Bobby is given his medal. 🥺
The montage & moments Bobby has with the 118 truly made it feel like a goodbye. I don’t know whether I’m ready for Bobby to leave - be that retirement or possibly not making it out of the finale.
The few moments of Ravi really has me hoping that we get to see more of him in season 8. Such a brilliant character with great dynamics with others. I want to learn more about him & his life outside the 118.
Bobby’s moment with Buck… Absolutely love their relationship. Peter Krause & Oliver Stark scenes are always amazing. The reference to how far Buck has come & the easy acceptance of Buck’s new relationship with Tommy 🥹
Bobby seeing his father again just brought back all the pain from the last episode. Really hope he is able to come to a place of accepting that despite the past he truly is a hero, not just for the people in the field but also for his 118 family.
I feel, or hope, Amir is a red herring & the cartel member that was mentioned to have survived may be who actually caused the fire. Bobby saving Athena from the fire when he wasn’t able to save his family in the fire he caused… A redemption of sorts.
Really hope Bobby survives. If not his loss will impact all the characters so greatly.
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The councilwoman using her position to take Mara away from #Henren. Is it ironic that her own grief & loss is causing more. Hope someone is able to help shine a light on the clear abuse of power & get Mara back where she belongs.
Can I just say that Denny pushing the guy away & telling him to get away from his sister was both heartwarming & heartbreaking. 💔 The young talent on this show is amazing.
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The Eddie of it all. I can’t help but find it weird how this storyline has been handled. Him seeing Kim & then striking up a relationship instead of going to talk to his therapist is so ‘old Eddie’. I thought he was past this. I suppose it plays up the drama though.
Not surprised that Buck was able to pick up on what was going immediately after meeting Kim and that he confronted Eddie. The fact that Eddie acknowledged something was wrong. 😢
Kim herself dressing up like Shannon to help give Eddie closure is both very moving but also insane. So glad that nothing happened between the pair & it was just a catalyst for catharsis that Eddie clearly needed.
Obviously we’ll see the fallout of Marisol & Chris returning next week. Photos of Eddie & Chris on the bed must be from the finale. I am worried because Ryan stated in an interview that Eddie becomes isolated going into the next season.
Could Eddie ask Buck to look after Chris whilst he gets himself sorted, in a need to not want him to be hurt even more by his actions & trauma?
I’m both excited & nervous to see what the finale holds for us.
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benjiwyatt · 4 years
do you have any ben/leslie headcanons! i love your posts abt them so much it's great to see someone get as emotional abt them as i am asjdkajhjd
i got this message and i was like "god, i dont really know if i have any headcanons" and then i opened my notes app and started typing and didn't stop for over an hour
i'm literally putting this under a break and organizing it into categories bc it's absurdly long
here it is
basically canon but leslie definitely had a crush on a young benji wyatt and followed the story religiously for the first couple months before she started college
ben is only slightly jealous leslie had ann go out with chris to try and get more money for the parks budget rather than leslie asking him out with the same goal. he knows it’s insane, unethical, and illogical but he’s still excited that he gets to spend the night with her on a date plus two other people even if it is to accuse her of bribery.
ann realizes early on that leslie was attracted to ben and teases her mercilessly about it. she thinks it’s absolutely hilarious that leslie wants to make out with "mean ben.” after april and andy’s wedding, she realizes it's more than just attraction and she lays off.
before ben can even think rationally about what he’s doing, he’s in line at bed, bath, and beyond with a crock pot in his arms, calling stephanie to ask her to send him their family’s chicken soup recipe
ann knew ben liked her from the beginning and was totally positive when she ran into him in the hospital asking for leslie’s room number while holding jj’s waffles and a tub of homemade soup.
ben realizes he’s falling in love with leslie when he is at city hall with her until 3am one night trying to budget for the amount of cotton candy machines she wants for the harvest festival. in his exhaustion, he naively believes her when she tells him she’ll go home in a bit so he leaves. he never gets a text from saying she made it home so he stops at jj’s the next morning and brings a takeout container of waffles and a coffee complete with an outlandish amount of whipped cream and sugar to the parks department. he finds her asleep in the conference room. he starts trying to convince sweetums to donate more cotton candy machines that afternoon.
chris had to have known ben liked leslie. he’s not an idiot. in the deleted scene from their wedding, they read out emails from their “tumultuous first week in pawnee” and chris writes to ben saying, “why are you so focused on leslie knope?” ben replies saying, “i’m not. whatever. shut up.” there’s no way chris is this oblivious. ben takes her out for a beer. ben pays out of pocket for a children’s performer to help her out. ben shows up on chris and ann’s date just because he thinks leslie might be there. chris can’t be this dumb. but when they take the city manager jobs in pawnee, he knows it can’t happen so he cuts ben off when he starts to ask about dating someone in city hall. he cracks down on the rule in front of leslie after the tom incident to hammer it in. he starts setting ben up on a bunch of dates to try and head it off. he sends them to indianapolis for the little league pitch because, realistically, he knows they’re the best bet for success but makes sure to interrupt their dinner and invites them to his apartment to continue to run interference the rest of the night. after their fights in 4.06-4.08, he hopes he won’t have to worry anymore. the next work day, they come into his office looking nervous and happy and he knows he’s about to lose the partner and best friend that’s been by his side for the past decade.
april and andy knew they were secretly dating. it went unspoken aside from a few implicit teasing remarks from april and a few suggestive attempted high fives from andy but leslie assured ben they wouldn’t tell anyone despite their ostensible behavior.
ben had commissioned the li’l sebastian plush for leslie after he had died but the toy shop didn’t finish it until after they broke up. he felt bad not going to pick it up so he did despite not being able to give it to her. he kept it for all those months and sometimes thought about getting rid of it but could never bring himself to do it.
when leslie made personalized copies her books for her friends with individualized annotations and notes in the bylines, she had two copies for ben. there was one that she gave him during their breakup that was very simplified and watered down where the note basically just said “i’m really glad you decided to stay in pawnee.” then there was a second copy that she kept while they were split up that was totally covered in notes and random thoughts she couldn’t say during their time apart. she gives him that copy when they get back together and it may or may not be the best gift he’s ever received.
april was much less abrasive with them during the break up because she’s a sweetheart and wants her friends to be happy.
the first time leslie admitted she was in love with him was during a long night of drinking and crying at ann’s house
ben craved the taste of sugar during their breakup because he got used to tasting the sweetness when he kissed her
ben found himself unable to sleep at night without the sound of leslie talking in her sleep to comfort him
april texted leslie the night of the halloween party to let her know that ben and andy were at the hospital after a fight and everything was fine and she didn’t need to worry. leslie was mad at andy for a few days after and he couldn’t figure out why.
the only photo in ben’s bedroom was of himself, leslie, and li’l sebastian at the harvest festival. if he got caught staring at it and crying, he would just say he missed li’l sebastian so much.
april and andy started having star wars and star trek movie nights to try and cheer ben up
ben and leslie got in the habit of having weekly game nights with april and andy during the campaign since they were all basically living together. it became a tradition that kept going as often as they could make it happen, even after the kids were born. they try to have game night at least once a month. april pretends to hate it.
one of my absolute favorite ideas about them is that she sleeps much better when he’s around to keep her grounded. after they get together for good, she starts getting closer to 5 hours of sleep a night.
another favorite involving leslie’s sleeping: ben is typically accustomed to tuning out incoherent nonsense that she babbles in her sleep but she also has some of her best ideas when she’s not busy trying to focus on a million different things. when he hears her coming up with legitimately good ideas or making speeches or having solid debate arguments, he takes out the notebook he keeps in his nightstand to record her thoughts and quotes. he revisits and revises the notes to strengthen her statements and make them more professional and less rambling but makes sure to keep her distinct voice apparent in them.
ben prefers pancakes to waffles but he will go to the grave with that secret
this isn’t a headcanon because nbc posted it but one of ben’s holidays on leslie’s calendar is watch synchronization day which is the day they celebrate syncing their watches to, as leslie puts it, “always be in harmony, like our hearts” which is just one of the sweetest fucking things in the world
leslie makes ben read and watch all the harry potters because he didn’t get into them when he first tried. ben is much more of a success than ann. she buys him a ravenclaw scarf for christmas.
their first fight as a couple was a historical debate gone awry
since ben clearly has some affinity for custom stuffed animals, he has some made for the triplets.
they’re both dog people but they adopt a cat because sonia and stephen beg for one and it does fit their busy lifestyle much better. they love the cat. they get a dog when the kids are older and life is slightly less hectic.
they both love striped shirts and sweaters so much that they have to make a conscious effort to avoid wearing them on the same day and matching
leslie makes sweets and bakes desserts while ben typically handles cooking the actual meals
i always loved the ann/ben dynamic in bus tour because there’s been such an obvious shift in ann’s attitude towards him in this episode. maybe it’s because she and tom just broke up and she just turned chris down again and she’s frustrated with relationships but i think it’s her realizing ben isn’t going anywhere. since the campaign is winding down, she realizes that things aren’t gonna go back to the way they were because ben is now part of this and he’s clearly in it for the long haul. ann’s definitely jealous that ben is just as important to leslie as she is and she now knows she’s never gonna get that full attention back. ann sits ben down to have a real “don’t you dare hurt her” speech after this ep and before win, lose, or draw. this is when he tells ann he wants to marry her.
they discover they both adore the princess bride after ben says “as you wish” to her one night and after that it becomes their movie.
the wildflower mural becomes a thing between them when ben says he considered that to be their first date, prompting leslie to tell him what the mural means to her.
ben puts banjo boogie bonanza on one of the mix cds he gives leslie at the beginning of their relationship
harrison ford movie nights start after they both reveal they had a crush on him as a kid. ben was obsessed with han solo and leslie was into indiana jones’ whole history teacher vibe.
they basically hate each other’s taste in music and stop exchanging mix cds once that becomes apparent that they aren’t gonna find much common ground. they both love tom petty, al green, and etta james and music in that vein though.
ben makes leslie watch game of thrones just to try to explain why he’s called her khaleesi. she gets into it, not so much because of the show itself, but because of how passionate her boyfriend is about it.
they start learning basic french during the s4 campaign because they think it will be useful to have a basic multilingual vocabulary for their political careers and because leslie confesses she has always dreamed of seeing paris. they study spanish next.
ben makes leslie watch the star wars prequels just so he can complain to her during them. he doesn’t think she’s paying attention and then he reads about midichlorians in the paper.
ann is also in on ben’s plan to sneak vegetables into leslie’s waffles.
they will sometimes jokingly refer to themselves as the “dream team” or “dynamic duo” because, despite chris’s absurdity, it’s true
i’m open to literally any origin of this because no matter what it’s perfect but i like to think that “i love you and i like you” started at some point in season 4 when, at some point, leslie went “i like you” and ben replied “you like me?” “mhm” “hm just like me?” “yes i like you. i love you and i like you. both.” “mmm i love you and i like you too”
i barely even register some of these things as headcanons since they just live so solidly in my brain
this might be my favorite ask ever thank you for loving benslie enough to ask me this and be genuinely interested
if anyone read all of this, i love you
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kim-lexie · 5 years
itaewon class.
this drama was absolutely incredible an absolute gold mine. i was originally interested because park seo-joon is a part of the cast and let’s be real every drama he touches turns to gold. i loved how dynamic the characters and plots were present throughout. i loved that it attempted to touch various topics including racism and class structures. it had a little bit of everything. 
this drama follows sae-ro-yi, a steadfast and determined individual. it starts with him going to high school and protecting a fellow classmate. which ends him up in a debacle with the school bully, jang geun-won who is the son of the great jang ga group, jang dae-hee. this is the company whom sae-ro-yi father helped build from the bottom up. sae-ro-yi holds to his beliefs as he was protecting a fellow student he doesn’t bow in apology, and he ends up getting expelled and his father losing his job. through all this, his father continues to encourage his son and saying how proud he is of his son for standing for what is right. shortly after, his father is killed in a hit and run accident. when sae-ro-yi comes to find that it was all geun-won’s doing he violently beats him ending him up in jail. while in jail he desires to finish opening his restaurant that his father and himself started dreaming. it leaves him with a 10 year plan landing him in itaewon, where he comes to open danbam pub with a close knit group of soon to be lifelong friends. 
i would highly recommend this drama it was dynamic and i never knew what to expect coming from the various characters we had the pleasure of following. i thoroughly enjoyed the duration of this drama from seeing how he overcame his time in prison, and raising money to get to a place to open his pub it was great.
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*spoilers ahead * you have been warned.
sae-ro-yi. this man was incredibly steadfast in the pursuit of his dream. at first it was interesting, because it appeared to be a revenge plot to get back at jangga group. but by the end he realized that he had more to fight for. he went through years in prison, and a fishing boat, to make it to a place to raise enough money to open a pub in itaewon. he grew this pub with trusting those around him and learning the world of investments and stocks to then eventually be able to buy out jangga group after their countless scandals. it really came full circle for him. and it was because he was unwavering in his goal of making people the priority. 
jang geun-won is at the center of the incredible character development of sae-ro-yi. this kid. i am still conflicted on how to feel because at the center i feel that a lot of his evil qualities stem from his raising. his father made him kill a chicken and consider all the people around him livestock as the only way to get through life. then when he did screw up and ran away from a hit and run, he got it covered up by someone else. when one is taught with that perspective how can you not be a completely and utterly twisted human being. but then again he had many opportunities to switch his direction. when he was talking with soo-a all those times when she was like nah you’re not great, get it together. but then he went and kidnapped yi-seo because he knew it would get sae-ro-yi out so he could kill him. like that’s messed up. sooo yeah i take it back he was a horrible person. terribly twisted character. 
jang dae-hee. his man is messed up and i find it difficult to find that he was so thrown off by sae-ro-yi. it may be because he found a bit of his old self in him. because sae-ro-yi was steadfast in his beliefs where as the ceo wavered and changed with the times to further the company. i also need to add, that this man is an incredible actor especially as they had him age dramatically throughout this show. 
soo-a this woman was also messed up and worked for jangga group even though she knew that sae-ro-yi’s dad was killed by the son and covered up by the ceo. what a crap friend. i did not appreciate how in the last few episodes they wanted me to like her character because she did finally develop a conscience and payback sae-ro-yi’s dad two fold and turned in jangga group for all the crap they’ve done over the years. but sae-ro-yi pursued her for so long and then when he developed feelings for yi-seo is when she got woke and was like wait hold the phone. ya know what sister, you lost your chance, so good bye felicia. 
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yi-seo. this girl. *insert slow clap* i came to truly love this character. she was crazy and still is crazy but she has her lovely qualities as well. sae-ro-yi needed the balance in his life, and he was living his life in a deep revenge scheme, she was there to advocate for the best for him. she had no regards for herself in some instances, when she recorded geun-won confessing to killing sae-ro-yi’s dad, and how she got slapped dang. i appreciated that he finally got woke and realized that all this time he had feelings for her. when it came time to try and find her after geun-won had kidnapped them and the ceo jang was the only one who knew where they were, he easily got down on his knees because he knew that he needed to save her and that he had something worth more than his pride. 
i’m willing to do it thousands of times. 
there’s nothing easier than this. 
i love how sae-ro-yi also kept her in line, because she could never hold her tongue. and she hurt those around her without realizing the consequences of her actions. (also his little head pat thing TT)
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jang geun-soo. this kid should have been majorly twisted at the start, having the same raising as geun-won, but he was a sweet precious bean who found a friend in yi-seo. however, she never saw him in the same light he saw her. and that twisted his outlook and pursuit of his goals. he easily threw her feelings for sae-ro-yi under the bus and exposed her, and then went off to work for jangga to take over the company and win her heart. in the pruusit of his he released information about hyun-yi to the media during the cooking competition. and he became a different person. then at the end he came to his senses and went to apologize to the crew at danbam. i must also add i loved the hyung relationship that sae-ro-yi had developed with geun-soo even before he knew his family. and this lasted throughout the drama he was always there to offer advice and stand up for him, as well as forgive him when need be.
the danbam crew. choi seung-kwon went through major character development in the time he knew sae-ro-yi. he woke him up and showed him that he can change his perspective and elevate himself. he didn’t need to be a gangster even if that was his past self. and this was insanely prominent after yi-seo was kidnapped and he went to his previous gang to find out where they were, and he ended up calling the cops to solve the issue rather than doing so with his fists. he also developed in his perspective of those around him, especially in his growing feelings for ma hyuun-yi. she was the character who experienced a gender transformation in the early episodes of the show. her character was so great (and i must say that i love lee joo-young ever since ‘weightlifting fairy’). her character was insanely strong and went through so much as a part of her that she wished to be kept personal and secret was released to the public. she was strong and continued to hold her head high through it all. toni kim this boy brought light to the issue of racism and how deep set it is in the culture. i love that he started working there and how kim soon-rye, the investor and someone opposed to him, ended up being his grandmother. i found that all the members of danbam really enhanced each others qualities whether good or bad. and if bad they grew and developed to overcome them. 
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sae-ro-yi’s father, park sung-yeol. this man was such an encouraging force for sae-ro-yi. he helped him finally realize what life was and how it should be lived. 
i’m going to embrace my yearning heart and continue tot love my life. 
you finally got it that is what life is. you can overcome anything as long as you’re alive. 
and the whole drinking alcohol thing, when it had been bitter tasting for so long and how it ended up being sweet in the end because he had the joy from those around him. i wept. 
plot & themes. 
i felt that they attempted to tackle large issues from transgender, racism, and social class structures. i found that they were are lightly touched and resurfaced every once in a while. i appreciate that they brought it to light, however i was disappointed that it was never fully addressed, but then again they did a lot considering other dramas don't even try. 
sae-ro-yi went through so many hardships and it really developed his character. being thrown in jail. having to work on a fishing vessel to raise funds. from having jangga company taking over his original building, to having to buy his own building to continue danbam. and all the twists from the cooking show they participated in and how even geun-soo realized information about hyun-yi in hopes of deterring their win. then as time went on they grew the company, our yi-seo ends up in the hospital and gets kidnapped. when sae-ro-yi goes to find her he gets run over just like his dad, another hit and run. then when he goes to ceo jang to find their location he gives him the go around and makes him bow to him. then when they find out where she and geun-soo are they get beaten up again. literally his bean went to hell and back again. i am glad that we saw them in the last clips as they found joy in their day to day, and he finally confessed to her as 
my head and heart are all filled with you. 
i love you. 
and how yi-seo now goes around asking him, ‘do you like me?’ and he makes the clarification nah i don’t just like you ‘i love you.’ i really appreciate this distinction because he followed soo-a around for years saying he liked her, and that this is different. 
there were so many favorite moments (sad happy and everything in between) throughout the drama so here are a few in no particular order:
yi-seo determining that she wants to help sae-ro-yi overcome everything and anything in his path
when sae-ro-yi opens up to yi-seo about his past and she sees all his scars and she cries while he holds her. 
when sae-ro-yi encourages hyun-yi to do what she wants even though it would throw their investment opportunities if they failed the best pub cooking show. but if it was best for hyun-yi that is what he was going to back.  and then how she is an incredible boss and says...
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yi-seo finally confessing to him, and all he has excuses as to why it wouldn’t work. when we all know he loves her but is too stubborn to see anything but soo-a. even though i knew her feelings weren’t reciprocated at the moment my heart still shattered into a millions billion pieces when he said he never had feelings and when she confessed saying she loved him and he made up excuses  and told her not to love him. 
when toni finds out that the investor ahjumma is his grandmother, and that they are family and she welcomes him in with open arms. 
when sae-ro-yi finally cries. because dang was this a moment. when he wakes up after being run over and realizing that he didn't save yi-seo and that he is at a total loss. it’s a breaking point for him, and really everyone in the room felt it. 
park bo gum being that handsome chef in the end at soo-a’s cafe. 
i hope everyone enjoyed this drama as much as i did, and as always i am sure i missed things, and it just ended so i am still processing. but dang this one was really good, and i’d rate it a 12 out of 10. 
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nikibogwater · 4 years
Halloween is coming to a close, but I don’t have any candy. So instead, I shall Treat myself to one (1) unsolicited personal gush-post. 
Buckle up.
Niki Rambles: The Magical Siblings and Me (Or: Why My Blog/Ao3 Suddenly Became a Tales of Arcadia/Douxie Stanning Disaster)
So I’m knee deep in my latest Tales of Arcadia fic (it’s a doozy, as a couple of you might have figured out lol) and very much kind of wanted to talk a bit about the Immortal Bonds series as a whole. Tales of Arcadia is a series that’s been dear to my heart since mid-2017 when I saw the first season of Trollhunters, but it wasn’t until Wizards dropped this past August that I began to take an active interest in the fandom, especially in regards to fanfiction. I think I just always felt like ToA had a very neat, thorough story that explored every aspect of the characters/relationships that I personally wanted to see. But Wizards being crunched down to only 10 episodes by the filthy artistic oppressors at Netflix was (much as I hate to say it) one of the best things to happen to me as a fandom creator, because it meant that suddenly I had a story with characters that I absolutely loved that was just brimming with unexplored potential--it was a fic-author’s empty playground, and add in the fact that Douxie has easily settled quite comfortably at the very top of my Favorite Fictional Characters Ever list, and I was more than ready to play. 
But it got even better for yours truly, thanks to this precious bean:
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If I have any sort of presence in the ToA fandom, it is as the Mother of the Magical Siblings. While I definitely write plenty of interaction between all three of them (Douxie, Nari, and Archie), it’s the relationship between the Punk Wizard and this Bean Goddess that really ignited the passion that would one day result in a 5-part (soon to be 6 and still counting!) series centered entirely around the family dynamic these three share. It’s one of the biggest and longest-running projects I’ve ever worked on, and also the one that has seen the most improvement to my writing skills. 
The reason Douxie’s relationship with Nari is so absurdly appealing/important to me is because I am a younger sibling--the youngest of five, actually, and I have been blessed with an absolutely STELLAR family, especially my older brothers, who have embodied every ideal associated with their position. I said a while back that Douxie shares traits with all three of my older brothers, and I think that’s why I latched onto his relationship with Nari so strongly. Of all the interactions he has with other characters, it’s his very brief exchanges with Nari that most closely resemble the relationship I had with my brothers when I was also a small bean who needed protecting from this big scary world. (Now I am what’s scary in this world. 😈 Jk, I’m actually a very nice person). Also insane amount of Kudos to the writers/animators working on the show for somehow managing to communicate such a specific feeling in like, 25 seconds?! You guys are insanely talented.
Obviously there’s a lot of differences, and Nari is a vastly different personality than my own, but the core of the interactions, the feelings they sparked within me, is very familiar and close to my heart. So you can imagine my absolute DELIGHT when the series ended with these two quite literally riding off into the sunrise together, embarking on a joint venture that we as the audience are not allowed to see (at least, not yet), the two giving each other a soft, affectionate glance before the camera cuts away. (I have no idea what face Archie is making here lol).
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(I could also write an entire essay on the significance of the expression on Douxie’s face right now--homeboy doesn’t look that soft for just ANYONE, but I do need to sleep at some point, so that’s not happening tonight). 
So there’s the first reason I became borderline obsessed with these two. What few interactions they had struck me as being very sibling-esque, in such a way that hearkened back to my own experiences and made me feel wonderfully nostalgic. The second reason is perhaps a bit less soft and sweet. 
I really want to push back against a particular idea that has become rooted in media, and especially in fandom: the idea that intense emotional intimacy is exclusive to romantic relationships. Modern society is almost feral with its obsession over romance (more specifically sex, but this is a PG blog and I don’t want to even go there), and while I will be the first in line to tell you that a good old-fashioned romantic love story (when done well and appropriately) is a joy to read/watch, I will never stop screaming into the void that platonic/familial relationships are just as important, just as dramatic, just as wonderful as romantic ones (albeit in a very different way). Douxie and Nari have given me an opportunity to write for a relationship dynamic that I know inside and out, for characters who I absolutely adore. And they’ve given me an outlet to celebrate something that I think is too-often forgotten in our modern world: the importance and intensity of familial/platonic love. The warm feeling that nestles in my chest when my mom asks me if I’d like a cup of tea while I’m writing, when my dad squeezes my shoulder, when my brother sends me into hysteric fits of laughter with the stupidest joke possible, when my best friend randomly texts me “Vibe check! How are you?” in the middle of the day without warning--that’s what I want to celebrate with The Immortal Bonds. And it’s you guys, my beautiful, beautiful followers/readers, who have made this venture so much more than just me hurling my opinions into the nether. You’ve all been so incredibly supportive, with your comments, your Kudos, even just your silent stalking of my Tumblr page, quietly leaving likes on all of my Magical Siblings content. You guys have been celebrating these things WITH me, and I can say with great certainty that my experience in this fandom has been the absolute best that I have ever had. 
Nobody asked for this post, and I can only think of one or two people who would actually care to read the whole thing, but it’s something I’ve wanted to do for a while. Just to put these words somewhere safe, where they can sit on display for those few who are interested. Also, huge thank you to the entire Tales of Arcadia team (who will probably never see this) for telling such a fantastic story and crafting such beloved characters that sparked the imaginations of so many of us. You guys make content that makes this cold dark world feel a little warmer and brighter. ✨
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punchdrunkdoc · 4 years
Updated K-Drama list (8)
After almost a year of watching KDramas, I’ve finally found a show that has knocked CLOY off the top spot!
1. Its Ok To Not Be Okay - NEW ENTRY
A children’s author with antisocial personality disorder becomes obsessed with a handsome (but closed-off) carer in a mental health hospital. 
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I could (and already have) written loads about this show - it became my all-encompassing obsession for the 8 weeks it was on telly. I LOVE IT SO MUCH!! I had a feeling only 1 episode in that it might become my all-time favourite K-drama, and I was right. The quality never dropped for a moment, and it absolutely nailed the ending. 
I pretty much love everything about it - the whimsical, fairytale-esque tone, the music, the costumes, the supporting characters, the side plots exploring different mental health issues, the humour, the set design, even the opening credits!
The two leads are so beautiful with SO MUCH chemistry that you could watch them read a phone book and it would be hot. But it became a real three-hander of a show, with the male lead’s autistic brother forming an integral part of the relationship dynamic. 
Honestly, I can’t do this show justice with such a short review - just WATCH IT!!
Male lead: Soooo handsome, quiet and compassionate but with a steel core; it’s so fun watching him come out of his shell. Actor also seen in (AASI): My Love from a Star (honestly, he didn’t make much of an impression in that show, but he was amazing in this - he conveys so much emotion with the most subtle facial movements)
Female lead: Absolutely fascinating; so wounded and vulnerable, but projecting this awesome, no-fucks-given, blunt-as-hell exterior. Actress also seen in (AASI): Lawless Lawyer, Hwarang (minor character)
2. Crash Landing on You
He’s from North Korea. She’s from South Korea. They never should have met, but they’ll change each other’s lives.
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This was my first K-drama, and although it’s been knocked off the top spot, it’s still fantastic. Its the full package - the entire cast of characters is great, the lead romance is ANGSTALICIOUS and its genuinely, laugh out loud funny (when its not making you cry or swoon). I’ve since discovered that they had a North Korean defector as a consultant working on the show, so apparently the NK scenes are fairly accurate which is SUPER interesting.
Male lead: Officially the best boyfriend ever - absolutely nails the small, romantic gestures. AASI: Hyde, Jekyll & Me.
Female lead: Smart, sassy, and funny. I love her.
3. Healer
The lives, and pasts, of a hot shot reporter, a spunky young tabloid journalist and a mysterious thief-for-hire intersect.
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I ADORE this show and its so rewatchable. The plot was tight and engaging, and this is one of the few shows I’ve watched where there didn’t seem to be a lot of filler. The central 3 characters are great, and the romance was amazing. I especially loved that the male lead started off such a brooding loner, but he became super-affectionate as soon as he admitted his feelings. So many good hugs and lots of face-cradling in this one. There’s also a great riff on the Superman/Clark Kent dynamic which was fun!
Male lead: Effortlessly beats up 2 henchmen while comforting his girl over the phone. What more do you need? AASI: The K2, Suspicious Partner, Melting me softly, Backstreet Rookie
Female lead: She doesn’t let her vulnerabilities stop her from getting the story or being with the man she loves. AASI: What’s wrong with secretary Kim, I’ll go to you when the weather is nice, Her private life
4. Itaewon Class
A young man’s life is forever altered when he runs afoul of a powerful family.
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This felt like a big step up in quality from everything else in this list, in terms of the production, soundtrack (which was brilliant), the lack of annoying sound effects, and just the overall ‘real world’ feel of the show. All of the characters were fleshed out and 3-dimensional, and they all had their ‘moment’ to shine. The story itself was gripping and so well done - some of the twists and reveals had me gasping! And what can I say about the 2 leads? I love them, both separately, and together. He is so wise beyond his years, and his journey will break your heart and inspire you. She is borderline sociopathic, but I adore her.
Male lead: Tenacious, principled, kind, innocent, caring, driven, loyal…and he can cook! AASI: What’s wrong with secretary Kim, Fight for my way, Hwarang
Female lead: One of the most original Kdrama female characters I’ve seen. Plus she retains her agency all the way through, which is (unfortunately) not always the case with these shows. 
5. W - Two worlds
A surgeon gets sucked into the world of her father’s webtoon when the main character’s life is threatened.
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This was a WILD ride! The first 4 episodes barrelled through plot at an amazing rate and certain events happen in episode 5 that had me wondering how the show could even continue! But it did…and the plot just got more insane! I loved this show SO much. It kept me guessing, had me on the edge of my seat, and even had room for some of my favourite romance tropes. The central relationship was great, and (because of the insane plot) you basically get 2 love stories for the price of 1. I’ve already watched this whole show again, which is why I’ve bumped it up the ratings a bit!
Male lead: Just a really, really cool guy. Can’t think of how else to describe him! Always in control, calm, unflappable, analysing the situation….but he can break out the cocky charm when needed. AASI: While you were sleeping, Doctor Stranger
Female lead: I really liked her - she had more agency than a lot of other female heroines and I really related to her freaked-out panic in the beginning when she didn’t feel like she was a capable enough doctor to save a life.
6. While you were sleeping
Not to be confused with the Sandra Bullock rom-com from the 90s. Instead, this is about a young woman who can dream the future who has her fate changed by a young prosecutor who suddenly develops the same ability
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I was thoroughly and utterly charmed by this show. Everything was so beautifully done - from the cinematography, to the music (OMG the music!), even the title cards were interesting and quirky. The characters were all great - the main leads are so sweet and relatable, the second lead is cute-as-a-button, the villain is properly hissable, and none of the supporting characters/extras annoyed me! The storyline itself was brilliant, with so many great set-ups, pay-offs and twists, and the romance was lovely.
Male lead: A bit of a hot mess of a human being (basically, the polar opposite of his character in W!)…but all the more loveable for it. AASI: W: 2 worlds, Doctor stranger.
Female lead: Smart, sweet, loyal (I really loved her relationship with her mum) and quietly brave.
7. Descendants of the Sun
A special forces Captain meets a capable and beautiful trauma surgeon. They feel an instant bond, but their jobs and philosophy on life get in the way, threatening to tear them apart.
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I absolutely LOVE the male lead character, and the romance in this was beautiful. Plus its chock-full of CompetencePorn, with lots of scenes of people being really, really good at their jobs (this is one of my favourite things!). However, it didn’t quite nail the angst, and the last minute was a bit twee which dropped it down the rankings a bit.
Male lead: A cocky, charming, absolute BADASS with the most adorable, cheeky smile.
Female lead: Sweet and a bit out of her depth in the dangerous situations…but put her in charge of a patient and watch her go!
8. Love in the Moonlight / Moonlight Drawn by Clouds
A young woman poses as a eunuch in the Royal Palace and falls in love with the Crown Prince
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This was the first period piece I watched and it’s still my favourite - almost entirely because of the male lead and his beautiful face! The start had a really light, comedic tone (and a lot of modern anachronisms - high fives everywhere!) and I loved all the identity-concealing hi-jinks. But then the romance kicked into gear and the DELICIOUS angst started flowing, and I became obsessed with it. It’s like loads of bits of my favourite regency historical romances were mashed up and transported to the Joseon Dynasty. I loved it so much!
Male lead: Manages to look amazingly handsome despite all the period headgear, kicks ass with a sword, and doesn’t allow himself to be manipulated by the corrupt officials surrounding him. Also acts like an adorable goofball when he’s in love.
Female lead: Loved her at the start - she’s scrappy and independent and capable. Unfortunately, becomes too much of a plot device by the end. AASI: Backstreet Rookie
9. I’ll Go to You When the Weather is Nice / I’ll Find You on a Beautiful Day
A cellist disillusioned with life in Seoul returns to her small home town for the winter.
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This was achingly sweet and wonderful. The slow unfolding of the story, the beautiful scenery, and the simple yet moving score all combine to make this feel like the type of small town contemporary romance novel I love to read on a rainy day in front of a fire. Whilst long-held, painful secrets are eventually revealed, there is no massive conflict involved, with no antagonist or over-wrought external drama. Its just the tale of two sad, lonely people who have withdrawn from the world forming a connection with each other and trying to overcome their issues (she has a fear of abandonment; he’s a loner who has a tendency to disappear). As a bonus, there’s a bookclub with a wonderful cast of secondary characters - I wanted to spend more time with all of them.
Male Lead: Precious Cinnamon Roll, to be protected at all costs. AASI: Are you human too
Female lead: Wears her heart on her sleeve. Refreshingly, she’s the instigator of the relationship and isn’t the usual passive, coy female. AASI: What’s wrong with secretary Kim, Healer, Her private life
10. Goblin
A 900yr old immortal guardian finally meets the ‘bride’ who will end his existence
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Once I got over the slight ick-factor of the age difference between the two characters at the beginning, I really fell for this show and it’s world. It had me in floods of tears at some points, and it was laugh out loud funny at others. I especially loved the secondary character of the Grim Reaper and his reluctant bromance with the Goblin.
Male lead: Surprising innocent and funny for a 900 year old
Female lead: Also innocent, but in some ways wise beyond her years. Her tears will make you cry (the actress is very good at sobbing her heart out!). AASI: The King, eternal monarch
11. What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim
An personal assistant decides to quits her job in order to get a life. Her boss has other ideas.
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This was my first Park Seo Joon drama, and he’s great in it. He somehow turns a self-centred, entitled and vain boss into an endearing character! The central romance is amazing - I can rewatch their scenes again and again - and its a bit more mature than some of the others on this list (be sure to check out the extended scene!!). It has some of the best kisses in Kdrama.
Male lead: Like I said, somehow makes vanity and narcissism endearing. Also not afraid to get his shirt off and flash his 6-pack. Bonus. AASI: Itaewon Class, Fight for my way, Hwarang
Female lead: I’m a sucker for uber-competent people so I loved this character. Park Min Young has become one of my favourites, and she is STUNNING in this. AASI: I’ll go to you when the weather is nice, Healer, Her private life
12. Legend of the Blue Sea
A mermaid comes onto land to find the man she loves
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The (literal) fish-out-of-water scenes in the first half of this show were hilarious - the actress is a comic genius! The romance was nicely done, and there wasn’t a lot of extraneous plot or too many characters. It also nicely incorporates scenes from the Joseon era, so you get a partial historical romance thrown in for free!
I couldn’t stop watching this one and I’ve since rewatched it too! Definitely one to check out.
Male lead: Cocky, arrogant conman with a soft mushy centre. AASI: The King, Eternal monarch, Heirs.
Female lead: Steals the show - funny, smart and beautiful. AASI: My love from the Star.
13. Into the Ring/The Ballot - NEW ENTRY
An out-of-work young woman decides to run for office and faces all sorts of challenges in her quest to right some wrongs and earn a living.
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This show has one of my favourite ever female characters - she’s headstrong, hard working, and quick to violence but so cute and charming with the most adorable laugh! She tries to act all cynical (that she’s only in it for the money) but she is actually really caring and kind. I sooo wanted her to succeed against the establishment of corrupt assholes that she worked with. Seeing her become disillusioned with politics and her colleagues was heartbreaking, and watching her fight back was great.
Her dynamic with the male lead was also great - he’s quietly in awe of her even when he’s exasperated and borderline scared of her.  And he’s super supportive. It was so much fun watching her drag him out of his monotonous, dull life. They also weren’t stingy with the PDA which was so refreshing.
On a superficial level, the show was also visually interesting, with loads of cool angles and blue lens flare. And the overall light, funny tone made it so watchable. 
Male lead: Adorkable
Female lead: The literal embodiment of sunshine and determination. I have a bit of a crush on her!
14. The King: Eternal Monarch
The reigning King of the Kingdom of Corea discovers a gateway to a parallel world - the Republic of Korea
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This is the first drama I’ve watched in ‘real time’ but I think it would work better as a binge - there are a LOT of characters, and many have dopplegangers (because of the parallel world thing) so it became hard to keep track of who was who. I also think the progression of the romance is better appreciated in a binge (I wrote about it here - ignore the speculation; i got it so wrong LOL!). Unfortunately, the plot also had major holes in it (the ‘rules’ for the gateway/magical flute didn’t make sense) and It was difficult at times to differentiate Corea from Korea - a major failing of the editing.  
Buuuuuut, it still made my ‘Great’ list because all of those issues were outweighed by the sheer epicness of this show. The gorgeous sets, the dramatic scenery, the ANGST-filled, beautiful romance…at one point the King rides a majestic white horse into battle with a sword on a neon-lit highway to save the woman he loves. I mean, come on! Plus, its really funny - the ‘fish out of water’ scenes when the King first arrives in Korea, the chalk and cheese dopplegangers Yeong and Eun-Seob, the King’s constant threats of beheading…I loved those elements so much!
Male lead:  Gives Ri Jeong-Hyeok from CHOY a run for his money in the ‘Best Boyfriend’ competition.  AASI: Legend of the blue sea, Heirs.
Female lead: A bad-ass cop. Takes a while to believe Lee Gon’s story, but once she decides to go all in…she goes all in, and loves unreservedly with her whole heart. AASI: Goblin
15. Tomorrow with you 
A time-traveller struggling to live in the present meets a woman trying to let go of her past.
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This reminded me a bit of ‘I’ll go to you when the weather is nice’ in terms of the melancholic tone, the simple but effective music, and the beautiful lighting etc. There were also some really interesting, innovative shots which I appreciated.
It took a few episodes to get into and it was a bit frustrating in the middle - so much could have been solved if people just TALKED to each other!! Plus the rules for this version of time travel weren’t really clear…But the last few episodes were brilliant; the way the story came together, and all the little bits of set up were paid off was really well done. These episodes alone were enough to bump this up to the ‘Great’ category (especially, given there was a bit of a Lake House vive at one point - I’m a sucker for that movie. The romance was also beautifully portrayed; I could endlessly watch their domestic scenes - they had such good chemistry and banter.
Male lead: Absolutely, but endearingly, terrible at relationships. He ends up falling in love against his will and largely without realising it.
Female lead: A bit of a mess and a borderline alcoholic, but so cute and innocent. I love the way she talks to herself, she’s so funny! AASI: Oh My Venus
16. Fight for my Way
Two life-long friends decide to go after their dreams
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I fast-forwarded large chunks of this (I wasn’t interested in the secondary couple at all), but it still made my ‘Great’ list because this is one of the best friends-to-lovers stories I’ve seen. You truly buy that these 2 have known each other their entire lives (their  bickering and teasing feels so natural). And then when they take the next step, they’re so affectionate and refreshingly open with their feelings. Speaking of which, this also has some great kissing scenes (Park Seo Joon is the master!)
Male lead: I love his contradictions. He’s goofy and childish…but can really turn on the sexy charm; he’s a badass MMA fighter…who loves when his girlfriend sticks up for him and protects him. AASI: What’s wrong with secretary Kim, Itaewon class, Hwarang
Female lead: Takes no shit from anyone and will fight for her man! AASI: Descendants of the sun (secondary character)
17. Suspicious Partner
A young, hardworking lawyer has her life turned upside down when she is put on trial for murder.
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This was officially bumped up the list a while ago, and I stand by the decision. Its still overly long, but the serial killer plot had some nice twists and it was central to the story, so it didn’t feel extraneous like some of these types of plots do. Mainly, I just loved the central romance - the 2 characters sparked off each other so well and I loved their evolution from sort-of enemies to lovers. This is another show where I can endlessly rewatch their scenes together.
Male lead: Its Ji Chang Wook! He’s so good at playing serious guys who are secretly big dorks. AASI: Healer, The K2, Melting me softly, Backstreet Rookie
Female lead: Fate deals her a shitty hand, but she perseveres with grace and determination. She’s great. AASI: Shopaholic Louis, 100 days my prince.
1. I Am Not a Robot
A man who is allergic to human contact finds companionship with a robot…or does he?
I honestly thought I wouldn’t make it passed a couple of episodes of this - the concept was just too ridiculous. But I’m glad I persevered, because it developed some real depth and some proper good angst towards the end and I LOVED the central relationship. I’ve rewatched loads of this one.
Actress ASI: Piece of Your Mind;  Love in the moonlight (secondary character)
2. I Remember You - NEW ENTRY
A famous criminal profiler gatecrashes the investigation of a serial killer, hoping it will restore the missing memories of his childhood trauma
I really liked the set up of this - the lead character is introduced like a young Sherlock Holmes (the music even reminded me of the score for the BBC Sherlock series). The super-observant, socially awkward thing kind of dropped off as the series progressed, but I still enjoyed how the plot developed, especially with Park Bo-Gum’s character; I’ve only ever seen him play innocent cutie-pies, so this role was a bit of a surprise!
The female lead was like an anime character come to life (she was petite and cute with enormous eyes), but I also loved her personality; she was tenacious, and dogged and took no shit from anyone. She had a cute, antagonistic relationship with the profiler at the start (which I loved) which eventually led to some really sweet, touching moments. 
Actor ASI: Shopping King Louis
3. Hotel del Luna 
A hotel for wandering spirits gets a new human manager - and he forms a surprising connection to the enigmatic 1300 year old owner
If I had to describe this show in one word it would be ’lavish’. It’s a feast for the eyes - from the set design, to the costumes, to the CGI views of the hotel towering over the moon-lit Seoul cityscape, its stunning. It also plays with aspect ratios in a cool way (watch for the shots where the action spills over into the black bars top and bottom of the screen).
In terms of the characters, I really liked IU in this; her character may be uncaring, world-weary, and money-hungry, but she’s also immensely charming. I admit I got more platonic vibes with her and the male lead, but I still liked their relationship. I also really liked the stories of the ghosts passing through (some reduced me to tears with very little screen time) and there were a couple of GREAT cameos. Especially the one at the very end - I want more of him, please!!
Actress ASI: Scarlet heart
4. My Holo Love
A lonely woman falls for a holographic AI and then meets his creator…
I love the concept of this show (I’m a big sci-fi nerd), and I think this stayed in my ‘favourite’ list for so long because it was the first Kdrama of this genre that I saw. I still love it - especially because of how beautifully it’s shot, and how well the story comes together - but I’m not dying to rewatch any of it, unlike all the others shows that are now on the ‘great’ list.
5. Extraordinary You
A high school student discovers she’s a supporting character in a comic book
The plot of this was so cool, and the way the comic story played out interspersed with the characters ‘real lives’ was really well done. Plus the central couple were so adorable. It dragged in the middle section (several versions of the same conversations were had, and the same exposition was spelled out multiple ways for no apparent reason) which kept it out of my favourite list, but it redeemed itself with some good angst at the end, and it had a really lovely ‘epilogue’.
AASI: A couple of the secondary male leads have a mini-reunion in ‘I’ll go to you when the weather is nice’!
6. Just Between Lovers - NEW ENTRY
Three people impacted by a tragic shopping mall collapse start working on a building project together, unaware of their shared past.
I absolutely adore the male lead in this - he is the archetypal tortured hero (I constantly wanted to give him a hug and a warm meal). He’s also wonderfully romantic in his own, straightfoward, no-nonsense way. The female lead was really likeable - l love capable women and she is the definition of that (she even drives a lorry at one point!). There’s a lot of pain and angst in this show, with very little levity, but it strangely never felt heavy. I really liked it. 
Actress ASI: Melting me Softly
7. Strong Girl Bong-Soon
A woman with inherited super-strength gets a job as a bodyguard for an eccentric young CEO
The lead couple in this are AD-OR-ABLE and I loved their relationship. But there was a weird tone issue in this show. The romance is super cute…but there’s a whole dark sub plot involving multiple women being held captive by a psychopath, and a really grating cast of ‘bad guy’ extras. I ended up fast forwarding most of that, and just concentrated on the romance - If someone could do a supercut of all their scenes, I would watch it on a loop.
Actor ASI: Hwarang, Heirs (minor character)
8. 30 but 17/Still 17 - NEW ENTRY
A 17 year old girl gets into an accident and wakes from a coma 13 years later.
I was worried going into this that the romance (between a 30 year old man and (essentially) a 17 year old girl) would feel icky and uncomfortable. But the writers made the wise choice of creating a 30 year old man with the emotional maturity of a 17 year old. He is so awkward and unworldly, that they actually work really well together. In fact, I loved their relationship. The secrets in this show took faaaar too long to be revealed, which made me worried that the eding would be too rushed, but there was actually time for a nice ‘epilogue’. Plus, all the supporting characters were great (including the wonderfully weird housekeeper Jennifer) and the cutest dog in the world was in this. So I definitely recommend it.  
9. Mystic Pop-up Bar - NEW ENTRY
As punishment for past sins, a woman must solve the grudges of 100,000 people by entering their dreams
This was an unexpected delight. I started watching it after spotting a cute gifset on tumblr (which I didn’t realise contained huge spoilers!). The story and tone is (mostly) light and quirky, and I particularly enjoyed the worldbuilding - the banal bureaucracy of the afterlife in this even reminds me a bit of The Good Place. I’m a sucker for a ‘found family’ theme and this one was done really nicely. It also had 2 main ships - one really cute and innocent, the other took me by surprise with how moving it was. Similarly, some of the episode-specific stories and characters (i.e. the individual grudges) made me tear up.  
10. 100 days my prince
A Prince loses his memory during an assassination attempt and ends up living as a peasant for 100 days.
Another period piece; the plots of these seem a little repetitive (Crown prince’s life is threatened by scheming Minister) but the  central cast and the romance usually makes up for it. Same for this show - I really enjoyed watching the spoiled, grumpy puppy of a Prince try to cope with manual labour, and the female lead was capable, and endearing.
Actress ASI: Suspicious partner, Shopaholic Louis
11. Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-Joo
A young talented weightlifter experiences first love
Honestly, I wasn’t sold on this at first; the female lead was a bit much (lot of gurning and over-acting) and there was a weird disconnect between how she was described (big, overweight, manly, unfeminine) and how she actually looked (thin and beautiful!). But the back half of this show saved it; her relationship with Joon-Hyung was sooooo cute. He is adorable, and they were both so supportive of each other’s dreams. I finished this with a big smile on my face.
Actor ASI: Bride of the Water God, Scarlet heart (tertiary character)
12. Are You Human Too
A mother separated from her son builds a robotic replacement. Decades later, he has to take the place of the ‘real’ son.
I loved the evolution of the robot in this - it never went the way of a full Pinnochio story, but it was fun to see him learning about the real world and how humans interact. It also posed some interesting questions - what does it mean to be human? And how would you react if you were ‘replaced’ by an artificial version?  
The actor in this was fantastic. The way he could change from the real Nam Shin to Nam Shin III with the most subtle shifts in posture and facial expression was really impressive. It took me longer to warm to the female lead, and by the end she was given very little to do…but her unflinching support and unconditional love for Nam Shin III won me over.  Some of the supporting characters didn’t work for me, and it was far too long…but worth a watch for the lead actor’s performance. Plus, Nam Shin III is an absolute cutie-pie.
Actor ASI: I’ll go to you when the weather is nice
13. Shopaholic Louis/ Shopping King Louis
The young, shopaholic heir to a large department store empire loses his memory and has to live as a poor man 
The male lead in this is an absolute puppy dog and I ADORE him. He squeals when he sees bugs, he can’t run to save his life, and he’s the type of guy who will punch someone and immediately apologise and ask if they’re ok. He’s spoilt, entitled, demanding and has no concept of the value of money…but thanks to the actor portraying him, he just comes across as innocent, sweet and lonely (he spends all his time shopping and accumulating stuff because they fills up his empty life). The female lead is just a really nice, kind person; at first Louis seems like he’ll be just one more burden she needs to take care of, but he makes it clear from the start that she can count on him to help her too - something she’s never had before. Their relationship develops so naturally and thoroughly that you cant help but feel they are perfect for each other. I watched this with a big smile on my face.
Actor ASI: I Remember You
Actress ASI: Suspicious partner, 100 days my prince
14. Oh My Venus 
The previously much-lusted after ‘Venus of Daegu’ fulfilled her dream of becoming a lawyer - but she gained weight and lost her self esteem in the process. 
I adored the female lead - she was so relentlessly bright and optimistic that you couldn’t help but love her and root for her. I was a bit worried going in that there was going to be a lot of fat-shaming, but the male lead made it clear that he was more interested in her internal health than her external appearance (and you could tell he started to fall for her when she was chubby, so it wasn’t superficial in that way). I wasn’t expecting for him to become so much of the focus in the second half of the show (I thought he was just going to be a hunky trainer;  I should have known better - in a Kdrama there is always a Tragic Backstory looming!). Their relationship was so natural and cute - the bit with the dimples never got old - and overall, this was a fun, easy watch.
Actress ASI: Tomorrow with you. 
Actor ASI: My secret Terrius, Master’s sun.
15. A Piece of your Mind - NEW ENTRY
A classical music recording engineer meets an AI designer.
I struggled to sum-up the concept of this in one sentence, because the ‘plot’ is so arbitrary (and the AI stuff makes no sense whatsoever!). It’s really more of a mood piece - the lighting, the music and the performance combine to make this a strangely ethereal show, dealing with unrequited love, grief and the importance of human connection. It’s slow and contemplative and a little odd in its structure (there’s very little set-up, so you feel like you’ve been dropped into episode 3 of an established show). This may put some people off, but I really liked it. 
I started watching it because of the leads (who I’ve loved in other shows) and they didn’t disappoint. She is so kind and lovely; he’s a little odd - like a robot learning about life. But their relationship is so beautiful (it even included one of my favourite niche tropes: insomniacs who can only sleep around each other). 
Apparently the episode run was cut down from 16 to 12 because of poor ratings, which is a real shame because i think a bit more time was needed to really sell the female lead’s emotional arc. It all felt a little rushed at the end, but I still enjoyed it, and admired that it tried something a little unconventional. 
Actor ASI: While you were sleeping (secondary lead).
Actress ASI: I am Not a Robot; Love in the moonlight (secondary character)
16. Rookie Historian - NEW ENTRY
An independent, educated woman choses to become one of the first female court historians, rather than get married.
This show had a really interesting premise and I enjoyed watching the rookie female historians navigate court-life (battling workplace harassment, misogyny and patriarchal values) and developing a real friendship with each other. 
The female lead was fantastic - she was headstrong, pragmatic, unapologetically intelligent, a lover of books and a hater of injustice. She shared that love of books with the male lead, who was sensitive, soft-spoken, and innocent. The ultimate beta hero, who’s romantic fantasies involved him feeding her cookies and fanning her while she sleeps! 
Their romance took a backseat for a lot of the show, but I didn’t mind as the plot was exploring interesting topics such as intruders from the West, catholicism, and censorship, etc.
Actor ASI: My ID is Gangnam Beauty
Actress ASI: Bride of Habaek
17. Tempted/The Great Seducer - NEW ENTRY
In an act of revenge, a wealthy heir makes a bet with his friends to seduce a hardworking female college student 
10 minutes into this I started to get major Cruel Intentions vibes…which made sense when I found out it was also an adaptation of Dangerous Liaisons! It doesn’t have the dark edge or overt sexuality of Cruel Intentions (which is one of my favs) but its still good - mainly due to the male lead. I ADORED him in TKEM and he’s really good here. I’m a sucker for the ‘bad boy falls in love for the first time’ trope and he played it so well. The female lead was also good - she was self-aware, strong, intelligent and took no shit. I was less interested by the love affairs of the adults around them, but overall it was a good show. 
Actor ASI: TKEM (secondary character)
18. My Love from the Star
Alien stranded on earth meets an actress soon before he’s due to be rescued.
It took a couple of goes to get into this one, but I’m glad I finally watched the  whole thing (the female lead was initially very irritating, but she improved a lot).  I enjoyed the present-day romance and all the flashes back to the past. However, the ending was really abrupt and disappointing (which kept it out of my favourite list). There should have been 1 less filler episode in the middle, and a decent, fleshed out finale instead.
Actor ASI: Its ok to not be ok. 
Actress ASI: Legend of the blue sea
19. Because this is my First Life
A rational-to-a-fault software designer and an aspiring screenwriter come up with an unconventional way to solve their housing problem
When I started this, I thought it was going to be all light and fluffy (the main character’s job in the beginning was to insert the product placement in Korean dramas - hello, Red Ginseng! - which I found hilarious and meta) but it had a surprisingly melancholic tone throughout and touched on issues of workplace harassment and gender roles. I didn’t warm to the male lead until right at the end (which was probably partly intentional - he’s very remote and closed off) but overall I found the story quite lovely. Plus it had a really great central female friendship and their conversations actually passed the Bechdel test!
20. My shy boss / Introverted boss
An extroverted actress takes a job at a PR company working for a man with crippling shyness
This was another deceptive show; I thought from the title and the synopsis that it would just be a light opposites attract comedy about an introverted man and an extroverted woman. But I was almost in tears by the second episode when the Tragic Backstory came to light, and we saw the full extent of the Boss’ struggles to communicate with other human beings. He has such a rich, funny, and smart inner monologue, and the way he overthinks every interaction is really endearing…which makes the contrast with his silent and withdrawn external persona all the more stark and heartbreaking. You really root for him to find happiness. This was overly long (a common pitfall with these shows) and there was some distracting shaky camera work in some of the close ups. There were also implications early on about workplace sexual harassment and possibly dubious consent in a one night stand which were dropped, leaving a bit of a sour note.  Despite that, it was overall fairly enjoyable and has one of the cutest confession scenes!
The OK
1. The K2
An ex-mercenary takes a job as a bodyguard protecting the illegitimate daughter of a politician. A sort-of Snow White retelling.
This started off really well; there are some amazing fight sequences (hello, shower room scene!) and JCW has never been hotter - its worth watching for him alone. However, the back half became really bogged down in double crosses and manipulations, and it focussed too much on the politicians. The writers did well to give these characters some layers, but they were all essentially doing bad things for the wrong reasons, and I just didn’t care about them. The show was much better when it was following K2’s journey. The romance also started off well, but was a bit underdeveloped (mainly because they barely interacted).
Actor ASI: Healer, suspicious partner, Backstreet rookie, Melting me softly
2.Bride of Habaek / Bride of the Water God
A God of the Land of Water visits the human realm to fulfil a task before ascending to his throne. He enlists the help of a ‘divine servant’, a down-on-her-luck psychiatrist.
I started this because I liked the lead actor. His baby-face can’t quite pull off the intensity needed for this role, but he was still cute as the arrogant, imperious God brought low by his circumstances - no money, house, powers or (most importantly to him) driving license. I also liked the female lead - she so desperately wanted to hide her kind, compassionate heart from a world that had battered and bruised her. There were some good individual scenes (especially the 'confession’ moment, which was just lovely), but the show ran out of steam towards the end, and ultimately felt like a waste of potential.
Actor ASI: Weightlifting fairy Kim Bok-joo
Actress ASI: Rookie Historian
3. Her Private Life
A talented art curator tries to keep her professional persona separate from her fangirl obsession with a pop idol.
This was cute and I loved the central relationship - he was so supportive of her, and their interactions were refreshingly mature and their banter felt really natural. Ultimately, it was a bit forgettable (I’m not dying to rewatch any of it), and the last minute tacked-on childhood trauma subplot was really unnecessary.
Actress ASI: Healer, Whats wrong with secretary kim, I’ll go to you when the weather is nice.
4. Touch Your Heart
Star actress rocked by scandal works at a law firm to prepare for her comeback role
This starred the secondary couple from Goblin and I really like them, even though they are playing very different characters in this (more opposites attract, than doomed lovers). It’s a bit too ‘cutesy’ and I had to fast forward a lot of the secondary romances which I wasn’t invested in.
5. My Secret Terrius
A secret agent on the run gets embroiled in the life of his next door neighbour - a mum of young twins.
The romance in this was underwhelming; the two characters ended in a really cute place, but it felt like set up for a story I probably would have liked more than this one. In saying that, this was still a relatively enjoyable watch; the female lead was great - she was constantly underestimated as ‘just a housewife’ but she was smarter, and more determined and resourceful than the spies around her. The male lead’s interactions with the twins were adorable, and there was a good cast of supporting characters. However, I’ve already pretty much forgotten the main espionage plot!
Actor ASI: Oh My Venus
6. Lawless Lawyer
A gangster-turned-lawyer moves to Gisung to take on corruption with the help of a suspended female attorney
I liked this more at the beginning; it reminded me a bit of Itaewon Class, with a charismatic lead, an intricately plotted revenge scheme that the audience only becomes aware of as the series progresses, and a take-no-shit female lead who was introduced hitting an authority figure! However, it never really gripped me (it took me weeks to finish) and a couple of the villains were overacting and hamming it up all over the place.  But I loved the two leads, and their relationship was good, despite feeling a bit rushed. 
Actor ASI: Scarlet Heart
Actress ASI: Its ok to not be ok, Hwarang (tertiary character)
7. 1% of Something - NEW ENTRY
To gain his inheritance, an arrogant, aloof CEO has to enter into a marriage contract with a sweet primary school teacher.
I liked how streamlined this was: it was just a show about two people who fall in love despite their best intentions. There was no overly complicated plot, and even the conflict that keeps them apart towards the end felt very organic and unforced. 
She is a delightful ball of sunshine. He is a little overbearing but has his own charm. And bear with the bad haircut and appalling fashion sense - he improves at the end!
8. Melting Me Softly
Two people are accidentally cryogenically frozen for 20 years. They have to navigate the modern world and their new lives together.
Another good concept, but it ultimately descended into little more than a light work-place romance. Had a couple of good kissing scenes, but it was overall a bit forgettable.
Actor ASI: The K2, healer, suspicious partner, backstreet rookie
Actress ASI: Just Between Lovers
9. My Sassy Girl
A 'sassy’ princess meets an ambitious scholar in less than ideal circumstances…
I enjoyed the fact that this Joseon period drama focused on a Princess for a change, and not a prince. She came across as more 'obnoxious and immature’ than 'sassy’ in the beginning, but once it was made clear that she was actually a decent, kind person underneath, I soon warmed to her. I also liked the relationship with the male lead, which amounted to a pretty good enemies-to-lovers story. It took a bit of an unexpected turn right at the end, but my independent, feminine self was good with it. Overall, this was a pretty easy watch, but nothing special.
10. Hwarang
Follows a peasant who joins the newly-created Hwarang (Poet Warrior Youths in ancient Korea) to enact revenge for the death of his best friend
I enjoyed the scenes of the Hwarang hanging out and bonding - so many cute bromances in this! But I couldn’t really connect with the central story and romance, due to a major case of SLS (Second Lead Syndrome) - as much as I’m a fan of Park Seo-joon, I adore Park Hyung-sik, and I found his character, journey and relationship with the female lead much more compelling. The ending still managed to feel somewhat satisfying, but I won’t be rewatching any of it.
Actor ASI: Itaewon class, What’s wrong with secretary kim, Fight for my way
The BAD 
1. Hyde, Jekyll and Me
A woman becomes involved in the lives of 2 men, who share one body
Hyun Bin is sooo watchable in this, especially as the slick-haired, glasses-wearing, uptight Seo-Jin. And the show started well…but quickly went off the rails into a convoluted, dragged-out revenge plot. It was a bit of a slog to get through, to be honest.
2. Queen: Love and War
The long lost twin of a recently assassinated Queen assumes her identity to enter the Bridal selection to wed the resurrected King and seek revenge.
This was a bit of a mess (as you can tell from that synopsis!); it felt like the first few episodes were rushed through as a sort of ‘prologue’ before the main thrust of the story…but that prologue contained A LOT of plot with some major character revelations that were rapidly skimmed over (e.g. the female lead was introduced as having complete amnesia; but almost out of nowhere she casually mentions that she got all her memories back and now knows who she is). Because of this, it took me a while to get a sense of who the characters really were. A lot of the usual Joseon plot points played out (scheming ministers and untrustworthy queens) but it had some unique features - I especially enjoyed the bridal selection scenes and seeing the lead female outwitting her rivals in the various challenges. But ultimately, I fast forwarded a lot of this and it was pretty forgettable.
Actress ASI: Doctor Stranger. 
Actor ASI: Backstreet Rookie (secondary character)
3. Backstreet Rookie
A struggling young woman takes a part-time job at the convenience store run by her high school crush. 
I was really not a fan of this show, and probably would have stopped watching if it wasn’t for Kim Yoo-jung. Her character was really likeable - kickass, but vulnerable, and so loving and kind. You were really rooting for her throughout.  The show also had some interesting things to say about inequality (there was a lovely scene between the male leads’s parents in episode 10 touching on this theme)…but that’s about it for the positives. 
Overall, it was just too OTT and manic and most of the characters were barely more than cartoonish caricatures. One character was actually repulsive, and the fact that he got his own romantic subplot was just gross. I’m a big fan of Ji Chang-wook, but I didn’t like some of his acting choices in this, and his character spent far too long in a relationship with another woman, which meant the main romance felt underdeveloped. 
And…it ended without a kiss. I was so pissed off! I put up with 16 episodes of crap, expecting a decent pay-off at the end…but no. I wouldn’t recommend this one. 
Actress ASI: Love in the Moonlight
Actor ASI: Suspicious Partner, Healer, K2, Melting me Softly
Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo
A modern girl is transported 1000 years into the past where she becomes embroiled in the lives of the Royal Princes.
I honestly don’t know where I stand with this one! Did I love it? Did I hate it? I seriously don’t know!
I was reluctant to start this (I knew it didn’t have a happy ending) but I was told its a rite of passage for KDrama newbies to watch this show. And there were some great things about it - the male lead was amazing! So intense and tragic, with the most arresting face. The music was also GORGEOUS, as was the scenery - the whole production felt very sumptuous. The palace intrigue stuff was also more compelling than most of the other historic dramas I’ve seen. I recognised several of the Princes from other shows, and I became really invested in 3 of them…which made the constant threat of them betraying each other/killing each other AGONISING. This show was heavy on the Emotional Torture Porn, and some of it felt gratuitous, because I just didn’t understand the motivations behind some of the plot points/character’s actions.
I also wasn’t a big fan of the female lead; partly because the actress only seemed to have 2 facial expressions to work with, but partly because and any hints that she was a modern girl with modern sensibilities quickly disappeared. It was this independence and spunk that made all the princes fall for her (to varying degrees) but she lost all of that and it left me wondering why they bothered with the time travel aspect at all.
I finished the show feeling wrung out and with the overwhelming sense of “Why? What was the point of that?”
Buuuuuut…it has lingered with me - as @talenevertold said when we were discussing the show, “Nobody enjoys it in the process… but it leaves this unique bittersweet aftertaste…” and that’s absolutely true; and it probably true that this show IS a rite of passage that everyone should watch. But don’t say I didn’t warn you!
and...The MEH (i.e. DNF):
This list is getting long! I have a bit less patience with shows than I did in the beginning - there are so many to get through, so I’m not willing to waste my time on anything that either doesn’t grip me from a story perspective, is far too slow, has mediocre acting and/or is too soapy.
Master’s sun
Tale of Nokdu
The Heirs
Meow, the Secret Boy
Love Alarm
One Spring Night
Doctor Stranger 
The scholar who walks the night 
If I’ve made a heinous mistake by dropping any of these - get in touch and plead the case for why i should give them another chance!
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thegreenestofbeans · 5 years
I know i don’t usually do long text posts like this bc i hate cluttering up this blog but gkfjjkggl (feel free to scroll past)
WARNING: Ducktales Spoilers for The Golden Spear
okay but... can we just talk about this for a sec
Throughout the episode, we see how hopeful Della is to return to her family and how insanely stressed Donald is from trying so hard to take care of everyone and how his plans to take even a couple of minutes to relax are constantly thrown off course by crazy stuff happening, usually because of the kids he’s trying to take care of. it’s also awesome because it’s just showcasing how much he’s been sacrificing for the past ten years. Props to Huey for at least trying to help Donald. he’s just a good boi trying to help his dad and i love him
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(speaking of which, this moment is amazing. protective dad donald is best donald, plus he looks so cool with that chainsaw and the facial expression gsjbdbfhks)
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Meanwhile, Della is still doing what she’s been trying to do, but now she finally has some success, and most importantly, hope. She finally has exactly what she needs and isn’t alone anymore, but of course Penumbra isn’t taking too kindly to all of this. And let me just say, i was kinda dumb to not see that the general was the evil one there. Something seemed odd about him, but i kept brushing it off, so that’s pretty much just on me xD
and just... wow. It’s actually really beautiful to see della recounting her adventures. she has such hope and joy in her voice and you can just tell that she’s feeling happy just thinking about it, and she wants so badly to see her boys and to create that same kind of life with them, not even knowing about everything that they’ve already been through.
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Not to mention, Della is absolutely adorable here. I just love her dynamic with Penny and how she’s just so joyful and teasing, and it’s a delight to see her character traits shine through in those interactions, especially since we have never seen her interact with other people before she met them in s2e7.
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And donald is just... oof. I feel so bad for him ;-; someone pls get my poor baby a break and an appreciation day
...which is exactly why i was so happy to see them doing exactly that in the next scene. These little moments of donald appreciation make me so happy you have no idea. When his kids acknowledge him and understand how hard he works for them, it’s just so wonderful!!!! aaaaah i love them all
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(also scrooge is there too and he’s smiling 💗 my heaartt)
and finally... this.
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I have to say... i did not expect for della to return in this episode. I thought it would show her progress and how she’s holding up with the moon peeps, but... i could never have been prepared for this. Judging by how she looks like she’s alone in those moments after shadow war and last christmas, I thought that something would happen between her and penumbra, leaving her on her own to fend for herself once more. So... these next few moments i could have never EVER been prepared for, let me tell ya that right off the bat.
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I screamed when della actually got on the ship and managed to take off. When the ship was actually working, when it started heading right towards earth, when her eyes started filling with tears... wow.
While the plot twist with the general should have been predicted, i still thought it was pretty solid. Now i’ve changed my opinion on both of em: I love Penny and the general can go jump into a crater! xD also, that little tidbit of info that he gave penumbra at the end? how della apparently said that penny reminded her of a certain someone? ow.
and then... Donald happened.
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Donald... Donald sweetie, why must you hurt me in this way
he was so sure
when donald yelled “DELLA?!” i... i could not
Fun fact: up until this point (excluding young donnie), Donald has never said della’s name in the show. And... that hope and desperation and excitement in his voice, the childlike expectation that you hear when he says “Della, where are you??” and the fact that he just dropped absolutely everything behind him and reached out for her at that sign of hope after years and years of thinking that she was completely gone, just... shatters my heart into a million pieces.
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And the saddest part? They were so close.
They had only just missed each other but donald’s bad luck struck again. They were so close to actually being able to be together again after so many years and della didn’t even get to catch a glimpse of him before he was launched off. He was so close to her and that hope was ripped away from him because of an unlucky accident, right after the first accident had been finally resolved.
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And then... Donald is gone. Just like that, Della is finally home, but her brother isn’t there to see it. Another sad part (as if there weren’t enough already)? He has probably been dreaming, waiting, hoping, wishing for this day to come for years. He thought she was gone, but he came running at the first sign of her because he has been quietly wishing that this day would somehow come and his hope of that has probably been dying for the past ten years, although not truly extinguished. He wanted to be there if he ever lived to see that day that della would return and find him there with her three sons, and she had been waiting for that same day too.
Instead, the moment that one returns, the other, by unlucky coincidence, is gone. And nothing could be more heartbreaking.
It is so cruel. In that moment, fate is just so insanely cruel and i cannot stop thinking about how agonizing everything must be for donald. He was so stressed out that his feathers were just falling out and his family finally gave him his room, only for him to be hurt in the most cruel way possible. And as for della, sure she will be reunited with her kids, but... not with her twin there. Not with the brother who she missed so much and who raised her kids and who sacrificed everything for her.
I know that they’ll notice he’s gone, but... for now, they think he’s just on vacation and Della still won’t be able to see him. I personally have mixed feelings about it plot wise, since it’s sending us flying (no pun intended) from one plot point to the next, but we just have to wait and see how it plays out.
For now, I’ll just be here in my corner crying over cartoon ducks and screaming into the void T_T feel free to join me, I have ice cream
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writingpostmidnight · 4 years
TV Show Tag
thanks for taggin me @waterberry-strawmelon 🥰
Rules: Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. Tag 5 people.
realizing rn that i don’t watch a lot of tv shows???? i’ve been real into various youtubers lately & not watching actual tv
Star Trek: The Next Generation
The Umbrella Academy
The Good Place
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Disjointed (🤷‍♂️)
Who is your favorite character in 2?
i’m a simple gay. it’s klaus for sure. i mean come on.
Who is your favorite character 1?
data! he’s the reason i got into the show when i was a kid, and i still have a huge attachment to him. i see a lot of parallels in his “android trying to be human” plot and my experience as a trans person and as a mentally ill & neurodivergent kid.
What is your favorite episode of 4?
ooo okay this is hard ?? i do really like the coral palms episodes where jake & holt are in witness protection and being bc they’re dynamic is def my favorite of the entire cast. i also love almost all the doug judy episodes (except the most recent one ugh cops still be coppin).
overall though, i’d have to say season 5 Ep 9: “99.” we got rosa being confirmed bi. we got road trip content. we the squad supporting holt. good shit.
(also controversial opinion alert? i don’t like the last few seasons’ halloween heist episodes that much. i’m a Sensitive Babey and i just want them to be nice to each other. plus the way they get during the recent heists just feels kind of ooc to me?? idk)
What is your favorite season of 5?
Disjointed only has 2 seasons (or “parts” as they’re called on netflix) with ten episodes each 😔. i guess the first season, but there’s no dramatic shift in quality or whatever. the second season puts a lot more focus on romantic relationships and a realer plot & it’s fun, but i’m really just in it for the found family stoners & dumb little gags sjkssj.
Who is your favorite couple in 3?
chidi and eleanor. it’s the obvious choice, but i’m not exaggerating when i say that their romance completely changed the way that i viewed love, soulmates, and fate. before this how i used to believe hardcore in soulmates (not to knock anyone who does, i’m not the authority on the universe jsksjdks).
but chidi realizing that soulmates don’t exist in the good place when he spent his entire life wishing for one perfect person, and choosing to be with eleanor because he grew to be deeply in love with her was just *chef kiss.*
it made me realize that there’s something insanely romantic about just choosing to be with someone. maybe i didn’t know them in past lives long forgotten. maybe they aren’t a part of some cosmic plan. maybe it’s even lovelier that i’ve gotten to meet someone, to get to know them, to get close to them, to fall in love, to try, to choose them, to make them my soulmate. i’m rambling on i just loved that the good place explored that idea.
Who is your favorite couple in 2?
dave & klaus, obvi. klaus deserves l o v e
What is your favorite episode of 1?
oh there’s wayyy too many good episodes for me to figure out my absolute fave. i love love every data-centric episode tho. i also love the episodes where they time travel jdksks.
What is your favorite episode of 5?
i’d say part 1 ep 3 “rutherford b haze” (yeah this show’s about as intelligent as the ep titles would suggest). the gags and jokes in this one one crack me up tbh.
it does have a weird ‘did u just assume my gender’ seeming joke at the beginning that annoys me, but it has some trans rights jokes in other episodes so i can ignore it.
the commercial gags alway SEND me, & they’re real good in this episode.
What is your favorite season of 2?
there’s only one season out 😔
How long have you watched 1?
my family are all big fans of star trek, so i watched episodes here and there growing up, and i think i binged it in its entirety the summer after i turned eleven. i’ve rewatched it a Lot since then tho shdjshd
How did you become interested in 3?
everyone was hyped for it on tumblr, it was by micheal schur of parks n rec and b99, so made myself sit through the pilot, and then i was hooked. (actually i got bored halfway through the pilot and came back three weeks later when i finished binging b99 again and then i was hooked.)
Who is your favorite actor in 4?
andy samberg hands down. i mean come on. i think half of my sense of humor comes from watching him on SNL and thelonelyisland’s youtube channel as a kid. he’s hilarious.
Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?
TNG. it’s a big comfort show. it’s interesting & immersive enough to distract, but fun enough that it’s not stressful.
Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3?
i’ve seen all the episodes for both! i’ve definitely rewatched TNG more tho.
If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
Gina because she’s not a cop jeksjsnsksn.
Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?
imagine: jake peralta, rosa diaz, captain holt, amy santiago, etc., all arrive to the afterlife neighborhoods so they can confront their moral failing of being cops and ascend to the good place 😍 BDBSNSN
Pair two characters in 1. Who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple?
honestly let geordi and data date. cowards.
Overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5?
JDKSKSK THE GOOD PLACE BY A LONG SHOT. the good place gave me a spiritual, moral, emotional, and existential crisis. disjointed made me laugh when i was high. i love them both.
Which has better theme music, 2 or 4?
ugh. b99’s theme annoys me. so much brass. not a brass fan. uhh i think the umbrella academy’s theme is mostly strings and i like strings. also, tua has the best soundtrack jshdjsbd bops.
mkay i’ll tag: @winter-soltis @thelittlestspider @history-be-written @jorzuela @minniemao (ignore if u wanna)
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natsubeatsrock · 4 years
So, I watched and read Twin Star Exorcists, and...
This post has been long in coming. Back when I was watching the anime version of Twin Star Exorcists, I made it a point to mention how much I wanted people to watch it rather than read it. I even did it a few times here on this blog. At the time, this was because I was enjoying the anime version despite what fans of the original were saying. When Fairy Tail ended, I said that I was going to get into the manga version of this series. I tried it and I got 20 chapters before I decided to give up.
What happened?
What kind of insane parallel universe have I found myself in where I enjoy the Studio Pierrot adaptation of not one but two major shonen action manga series? Though, Black Clover seems to be a fairly straight adaptation with some filler here and there. There are plenty of changes in Twin Star Exorcists that make it easy for me to understand why fans of the Twin Star manga didn't like the adaptation. Why am I on the opposite side of this debate?
Fortunately, I actually have a few answers to this question. Good thing too. It's not like I have too many people on my side on this. Not to mention, when I mentioned my dislike, I was told it would be interesting to hear my thoughts. When the show was originally airing in 2016...
I've decided to stick to the material that happens before the time skip with this post. This reason is two-fold. One is around the point where I stopped reading the series. It makes sense to explain why my opinion soured on the manga before the point that I dropped it. Two, past that point, the manga and anime diverge from one another. It will be easier to talk about the adaptations’ differences if I’m operating on a level playing field.
If I could boil down the issues that I had with the jump from anime to manga, it would be the dynamic of the main relationship in the series. The focus, as far as the anime is concerned, was placed on their shared growth. They both have to grow stronger, but they also have to form a stronger bond as the Twin Star Exorcists.
That's not to say that isn't the case with the manga. If it weren't the case, I don't know that the series would be built around the Twin Star Exorcists as a concept. The series exists because it focuses on two people who have to work together and are expected to get married and have a kid. It would be wrong to say that there is only focus on this on the anime. But I can't say that it feels the same across both versions. It feels like that theme takes a back seat to Rokuro's growth in the manga.
If I was lazy, I could soley focus on moments in the anime that don’t in the manga. I could talk about how Subaru is actively pushing them to become closer as a couple in the anime. However, that feels kind of wrong in this kind of post. Rather, I want to focus on how the anime changed moments that came from the manga to fit this end.
For example, Ryogo is left behind on a mission in Magano in chapter 3 and episode 4. When Rokuro hears of this, he asks Benio for help in both versions. They go together to rescue Ryogo and Rokuro works to destroy one giant Kegare while Benio takes out the smaller ones. By the end of both the chapter and episode, Benio comes to recognize, as Ryogo said before the mission, that Rokuro is at his best as an exorcist before going on to squabble more.
Here's where the differences come in.
In the manga, Benio tells Rokuro that she's coming with him to help, whereas this is implied in the anime. Rokuro shows himself to be such a capable fighter in the manga that even the large Kegare is afraid of him. In the anime, he has to get bailed out by Benio in fighting the small Kegare and only fights the large Kegare by himself because he rushes for it. Benio's acknowledgment of Rokuro in the manga shows that she's probably fallen for him but he's dense and seems to have messed it up. In the anime, we're still far from getting this overt realization on her part (they save that for the fight against Kamui) and their squabble doesn't seem to hurt the chances of a romantic relationship in the same way.
Speaking of which, there's a similar moment to that conversation later on in the arc. After the fight with Yuto, they're reprimanded by the exorcist union for going without their permission. At one point in the conversation, Rokuro tells Benio they should get married and have the kid they're foretold to as part of the argument they make in their defense. Benio asks him about his sincerity regarding this strategy after the fact.
In the manga, he admits it was a bluff and that he wants to end their partnerships because there's likely someone else Benio would want to marry, which doesn't go over with her well. In the anime, he admits that he isn't exactly sure how he feels about the whole thing but, at the very least, wants things to stay the way they are. She agrees, but you can tell that she probably wished he was being honest. While Benio's feelings are the same in both versions, the way they're treated is different and I prefer the anime treatment.
I also prefer the treatment of Mayura in the anime. No adaptation of his series wasn't going to present her as Rokuro's childhood friend who had an unrequited crush on him. However, I'm glad that she was introduced early on and becomes one of Benio's friends as well. When she ends up becoming corrupted, the manga has Rokuro catch her as she's falling from the sky. In the anime, where both of them have formed a bond with her, they both catch her.
Then there's the main antagonist of this section: Ijika Yuto. With the split in adaptations, Yuto ends up serving a different role past their big fight at the Hinatsuki Dorm. Thankfully, I don't have to talk about that here and can focus on the revelation of his connection to Rokuro and the motive to defeat him, which plays out a bit differently in both versions. This is where the differences felt strongest for me.
Yuto and Rokuro met each other at the Hinatsuki Dorm. While they learn to get along, the big connection between them is that the Hinatsuki Tragedy, the main reason Rokuro stopped being an exorcist, happened because of Yuto. Up to the start of the series, it's believed that Rokuro killed Yuto because of the incident. This is a problem because Yuto is Benio's brother, who would otherwise be her last living family member.
In both versions, these revelations happen in the opposite order: we learn that Yuto was thought to be killed by Rokuro, then that he was responsible for the Hinatsuki tragedy. However, these revelations happen back to back in the anime. In the manga, these revelations are split in between a number of other events, including Mayura's corruption. That felt jarring to read the first time. Even as the resolution to their tension results in the discovery of Resonance, I absolutely preferred the anime order of events. 
That order would also include pushing Benio's apology for Yuto's actions earlier than it happened in the manga (it's also better framed in the anime and I'm sorry if you disagree). In the anime, this happens near the end of an episode and the episode ends when they both resolve to get stronger together. After she does, she asks him if she can come with him in the upcoming fight with Yuto which he's not willing to accept at first. That I didn't like. It made more sense to me that his objection would be if she could fight him, which is how the anime frames his sole objection to her coming. There's no reason he should think he can take on Yuto by himself. 
If I could sum up the reasons why I prefer the anime version with one example, it would be the beginning of chapter 13. The chapter begins with  Rokuro reflecting on the pain caused him by Yuto's antics. We see a younger version of himself in pain after the events and an older Rokuro offers words of encouragement before walking forward. Normally, I would lament the exclusion of this scene from before the fight in the anime.
However, the anime did one over the manga. In the second opening for the show, we don't just get events inspired by this moment. We get an equivalent set of scenes from Benio's perspective. We see her crying because of the loss of her family and an older version of herself comfort the younger. That I read chapter 13 and could tell that right away is marvelous, but the fact that I wanted a similar scene for Benio is why I prefer the anime.
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ramajmedia · 5 years
Grey's Anatomy: 10 Of The Worst Things Meredith Has Ever Done
Meredith Grey has been through more than her fair share of trauma throughout Grey's Anatomy's fifteen seasons. From losing her mother, her sister, her husband, and so many others, it's understandable that having to endure such hardship would change Meredith for the worst.
Meredith is, of course, the main focus of the series and has been from the beginning, but with everything that's happened and all that she's been through, has she really changed that much? Characters like Alex Karev have gone through significant evolution and impressive character development, but Meredith still seems very much like she did at the beginning of Grey's Anatomy.
Meredith Grey has been through some horrible things but she's also done some horrible things herself. Let's take a look at 10 of the worst.
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Throughout the series, Meredith has struggled with troubling mental health issues such as suicidal tendencies. This was primarily relevant in the early seasons, and Meredith has come a long way since then, but some of her risky moves just can't be forgotten.
RELATED: Grey's Anatomy: Every Season Finale, Ranked
It's The End Of The World and As We Know It were two episodes that followed the storyline of a patient arriving at Seattle Grace with a bomb in his body. The two episodes were some of the highest-rated in Grey's history and were certainly an unforgettable thrill ride. As great as the episodes were, though, Meredith grabbed the bomb and showed no attempt at self-preservation, which is just insane.
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Meredith and Derek's romance is still one of the most beloved on TV and it garnered a massive fanbase. People loved these two, but when you look past Ellen Pompeo and Patrick Dempsey's magic chemistry, the way Derek treated Meredith sometimes was pretty problematic.
RELATED: Grey's Anatomy: The 5 Best Cliffhangers (& 5 of the Worse)
There were countless red flags in the early stages of their relationship that Meredith probably should have picked up on. Derek's behavior is by no means her fault, but she should have known her worth and got out of that relationship. Maybe choosing Finn the veterinarian wouldn't have been such a bad choice after all...
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Meredith's friendship with George was questionable, to say the least. Their dynamic could have been cute and healthy, but the writers insisted on pushing the tired, cliche storyline in which George was madly in love with Meredith. If this had just gone on for a few episodes, that would have been fine.
RELATED: Grey's Anatomy: The 10 Best Love Triangles, Ranked
But George's crush on Meredith soon led her to use him after one of her many break-ups with Derek, and that was simply selfish.
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Lexie Grey was introduced late in Grey's Anatomy's third season, and would later die tragically in a plane crash at the end of season 8. This means that Meredith and Lexie had around five seasons together, and some sisterly bonding should have taken place.
RELATED: Grey's Anatomy: 10 Meredith Grey Quotes We Can All Relate To
But Meredith rejected Lexie immediately and shut her out for several seasons. The storyline was just a shame, especially Meredith had just started to get close to Lexie right before she died.
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Meredith has a real issue with shutting people out. Considering her difficult early life, that's obviously justified, but Meredith takes it to the extreme far too often. Not only did she shut out Lexie, Richard, several of her friends, and Derek at times, but she also shut out the Shepherd family at the worst possible time.
Derek's sudden death was absolutely heart-wrenching and arguably the worst thing Meredith has gone through on the show. But that doesn't mean she shouldn't have informed Derek's family when he was put on life support.
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Out of the many slightly suicidal risks Meredith has taken, begging a mentally ill man to shoot her instead of Derek has to be one of the worst. Meredith would do anything to protect the people she loves, of course, but that doesn't mean she has to throw herself under the bus for them.
Not to mention, Meredith was in the early stages of pregnancy at the time, so she was willing to give up her life and her potential child's life for Derek.
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When Meredith sympathized and attempted to help a murderer, both Cristina and Derek became furious with her. The patient was admitted to Seattle Grace with head trauma and Derek - along with several others - wanted to make sure the man lived so that he would rightfully spend the rest of his life in jail.
RELATED: Grey's Anatomy: 10 Hilarious Memes Only True Fans Will Understand
But Meredith just wanted to put the guy out of his misery and trying to help a murderer was just not a smart move on her part.
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This is not something that is completely Meredith's fault. Obviously, the show could not keep Cristina on the show after Sandra Oh departed, but they did attempt to have Meredith and Alex maintain contact with her...at least, for a short while.
RELATED: Grey's Anatomy: 10 Times the Show Broke Our Hearts
The end of the Meredith and Cristina friendship was one of the most heartbreaking moments on the show, the fact that the two "twisted sisters" have ultimately drifted apart makes matters even sadder.
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Meredith's issues with loving herself and accepting herself have been present since the very beginning of Grey's, and honestly, not much has changed, fifteen seasons later. Meredith has covered some ground and made a bit of progress with her issues, but they still rear their heads from time to time.
It seems that Meredith still wastes no time sabotaging herself when things are looking good. She has sabotaged career opportunities, relationships, and happiness countless times.
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It's a general consensus among the Grey's Anatomy fanbase that the show probably should have given Meredith more time to grieve Derek's passing before having her move on to new relationships. In the Grey's universe, a year had passed since Derek's death, but in real life, it had only been a few weeks.
Forcing romances with random guys was a bad move on Grey's part, and Meredith's whirlwind romance with Nathan Riggs is no exception. The two lacked chemistry, and the entire storyline made everyone look bad.
NEXT: Grey's Anatomy: 10 Storylines That Have Aged Poorly
source https://screenrant.com/greys-anatomy-10-worst-things-meredith-ever-done/
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nazm145 · 6 years
This was supposed to be a mildly long rant but ended up a dissertation I’m so sorry
Ok, can we just talk about Juliette Durand for a moment?
Like, I know people hate her, but I don’t get it. And I just can’t.
Let’s consider the facts, shall we?
This is going to be hella long, just a warning, so please don’t hate me. I have many feelings.
(I haven’t read the books, so I’m basing almost everything off of the show’s version of the characters.  Tell me if I get anything wrong. Also, general spoilers below.)
Juliette was sired, abused (strong implications of rape), confined, and conditioned by a (white) man who used and trained her specifically to get close to another (white) man and get information from him for his own personal gain.
We see the dynamics of their toxic relationship and its effects on Juliette from the moment she and Gerbert are introduced, augmented by the dark, claustrophobic interiors of their Venetian home – which is strange because the house should be airy and well-lit considering how open and spacious it is. Definitely a metaphor, I think, for the dark and twisted nature of what is supposed to be a “father-daughter” relationship.
The scene in which Gerbert is seeing her off on the boat after allowing/ordering her to go find Matthew, the creepy cheek-kiss, and her look of relief and what seems to be almost a mixture of triumph and freedom as she turns around and gets farther away from him is a pretty decent summation of what things are like between them. Of course, we hardly need to analyze anything this deeply when Gerbert’s treatment of Juliette and her strange, toxic dependence on him is so grossly obvious.
Enter Domenico.
For me, Juliette and Domenico are the most intriguing characters on show. I don’t know how extensive their roles were in the book, but to me their subtle exchanges, as short as they were, are so impactful. I definitely think this is in large part because Elarica Gallacher and Gregg Chillin are amazing actors who pack so much depth and nuance into their scenes.
The whole Juliette/Domenico/Gerbert dynamic is so interesting to me (to reiterate, I fully loathe Gerbert and want him to choke). While the nature of Juliette and Gerbert’s relationship is tragically obvious, Domenico’s relationship with both of them is much more complex. From their very first scene, it’s clear that there is a mutual dislike, distrust, and tension between them all, and like Juliette, Domenico answers to Gerbert. But of course, his level of subjugation can’t even begin to compare to hers.
What first caught my attention was when Gerbert called Domenico a “nosy fucker” even though Domenico looking into the dead body and reporting to Gerbert was clearly in his favor. This strongly leads me to believe that Domenico has indeed fucked with Gerbert in the past, either intentionally or unintentionally. Not surprising – Domenico obviously has no love for Gerbert and given the constant descriptions of him as a manipulator and strategist, it wouldn’t surprise me if he’s played his hand more than a few times in the past. He even tells Juliette that Venice is his home, so he does what he has to do in order to keep Baldwin and Gerbert happy. He is, in his own way, a victim of his situation - even though he holds a position of power, there is only so much he can do.
Which brings me to him and Juliette. God, I have so much to say about these two. So many of their scenes (both together and apart) force me to think about just what their feelings are towards each other and how much of that stems directly from the other and how much from their situations and the other people around them.
Like when Juliette tells Gerbert, “Domenico hates me.” It got me thinking – does he really hate her? Does she only think that he hates her? What has he said or done to make her feel that way? Or am I just thinking too much into this and it was really just a last-ditch effort on Juliette’s part to try and stop Gerbert from punishing her? Now, that last part is interesting – I’m positive Domenico knew what would happen to Juliette once he told Gerbert what happened. Everyone probably knows. But Domenico’s role in regards to both the Congregation and Gerbert seems to be that he’s the one who’s expected to keep everything in line on the Vampire front and report any problems, otherwise it’s his ass. And clearly, he’s under some sort of employment for Gerbert considering he reported the incident to him and not the Congregation, and it was him who was asked to fetch Gerbert when he didn’t show up at the meeting in episode 7. So I really believe he had no ill intentions towards Juliette when he ratted her out – it was more a fulfillment of duty, which in the world of ADoW, seems to be a necessity for survival.
Which brings me to The Scene. You know, the one where they unnecessarily angry-whisper-flirt with each other, have absolutely no regard for each other’s personal space and for two people who supposedly hate each other, look at each other’s lips a completely inappropriate number of times within a span of thirty seconds. This was the scene that made me complete trash for them, not in the very least because it was sinfully hotter than hell and had me feeling some type of way. There was so much to unpack here.
This didn’t occur to me until now, but when Domenico tells Juliette to not bother going home because Gerbert is disappointed, was he really mocking her? Or was it actually a subtle warning to wait until Gerbert cooled down so she wouldn’t have to go through what she did the last time she made a mistake? What leads me to believe the second option even more is that Juliette herself told Marcus that Gerbert will be angry with her if she doesn’t retrieve Matthew… so.
Next – Domenico shamelessly spilling the deets on how Matthew is in love with Diana, and goading Juliette to go to Sept Tours and confront them.  Here, I’d just like to take moment to appreciate Gregg’s delivery of “really” after Juliette tells him she can’t go without permission. It could easily be interpreted as “Really? Do you really need Gerbert’s permission, or are you just forcing yourself to believe that” OR “Oh really? You don’t say.” Like, I love how he could either be challenging her perception of the reality of her own confinement or just being a facetious asshole. But what really got to me was the look he was giving her as she walked away. It was both unreadable, and yet strangely… I don’t even know. Almost sympathetic? Dare I say longing?
And that’s what occupied my mind for an entire week until I saw episode 7. How genuine or underhanded were Domenico’s intentions when he tried to convince her to go to Matthew during the bar scene? Was he just trying to hurt her? Did he want her to go for her own sake? Or was it all a ploy to throw Gerbert in deep shit when his “daughter” showed up uninvited on ancestral De Clermont land? I honestly don’t believe that Domenico would be above grabbing any chance he could to fuck with Gerbert. And I absolutely don’t condone him using Juliette or manipulating her to accomplish that. Which got me thinking about another aspect of their relationship, until again, I saw episode 7.
Domenico obviously hates Gerbert, and he knows what he’s done to Juliette, possibly more so than anyone else considering the extent of their interactions. Why then, has he done nothing to help her? Why has he been, if not complicit in, then at the very least a bystander in her abuse? Now this bothered me a lot more until I saw the more recent episodes of ADoW (Don’t get me wrong, it still does. But I feel like I understand a lot more now.)
The magical world of ADoW works a lot differently than the mortal one. Law, intrigue, politics and revenge take precedence over even family and friends. Gillian sold Diana out because she thought it was her duty as a witch (although there was clearly some personal pettiness involved there). Sophie and Nathaniel wouldn’t tell Agatha that the baby might be a witch even though she’s the grandmother, and quite possibly the only genuinely kind, not insane member of the Congregation. And no one even questioned Baldwin’s claim that Knox had Diana and he himself didn’t know where she was because they never thought he would actually lie to protect his own brother (albeit only Vampire brother). So it’s not hard to believe that Domenico wouldn’t put his ass on the line to cross Gerbert that way, especially when, as we learned in episode 7, Juliette could have saved herself but chose not to.
You guys – their talk in 7 was so unexpected and touching to me. Not in a “Oh look how cute, he cares for her, aww” type of way. But in a “Wow. He really does realize her situation and is willing to help in whatever small way that he can so she can finally free herself – in whatever manner she chooses to do so.”
What really got to me was when Juliette asked him what he wanted in return for Diana’s file, and all he says is that she should finally free herself and just go anywhere. Just leave the horrible life she’s been living, while recognizing that in part it’s been her own choice because she either can’t or won’t forget Matthew. Contrast this with Baldwin asking Domenico what he wants in exchange for Satu, and Domenico saying “Someday… who knows?” Everyone knows how manipulative Domenico can be. But in that one instance with Juliette, we see him being genuinely kind and not asking her for anything in return. And his little smile after he sees her Power Walk out of that church like a Queen?
You guys. A girl is weak.
Coming back to Juliette, I’m so mad that all this likely won’t come to anything if the show stays true to her fate in the books. Which it looks like it will. As much as I felt her walking out on Gerbert, the fact that a black woman left her abuser only to put herself in a situation that her abuser conditioned her to be in is still so problematic. Not to mention the fact that that after years and years of being used by males (apparently she was a prostitute before she was sired, so even as a human?! Really?!?!) she is killed by the blonde-haired, blue-eyed lover of the white man she’s been obsessed with for centuries. Like. Ew. No thank you.
And honestly? I feel like she and Domenico could really be something if she would just try and get over Matthew. Again, not saying that her obsession with him is completely her fault. She is blatantly a victim of abuse, and so many of her actions stem from the violence, manipulation, and torture that she has suffered for centuries. Of course that would mess her up. And finally giving a black woman autonomy and power and the courage to stand up to her white abuser in one episode only to kill her off in the next in a situation that is indirectly the result of her abuse is just awful and unacceptable, especially in fucking 2018.
You know what I want to see? Juliette calling bullshit on the whole Matthew situation and finally becoming her own person.
Like, girl. First of all you don’t need no man. You are gorgeous, clever, resilient, and could probably seduce half the world’s population with one Look. And yes, I fully include myself in that. And even if you do want a man (eternity is a long time to spend alone tbh) Domenico is right there. I know their relationship is nowhere near healthy or good, but it is still light years better than the shitstorm that is the Diana/Matthew/Juliette triangle of a fucking toxic disaster fest.
Give Domenico and Juliette their own developed story where they do or do not get together (as long as they’re both happy tbh – I love my evil disasters, leave me alone), fucking rip Gerbert’s throat out, and then basically take over everything. Because – and I know I’m gonna get hate for this – Matthew and Diana’s story is sweet, and Goode and Palmer are lovely in their roles. But the whole “forbidden love/Person A not knowing about or repressing their powers only to find out they are SuperPowerful™ and now have to master their abilities with the help of Person B so they can fight the world together” is so overdone. Give me more magical world politics and intrigue with a concentration on Domenico and Juliette or give me death.
Also – more hate-bait, but whatever – Diana and Matthew may be cute and all, but this is what makes my heart beat.
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Domenico and Juliette are so fucking hot. Those curls. Those FACES. The adorably tiny height difference. His hand on her waist. The Looks being fucking Served. 
Don’t even try to tell me that they wouldn’t be That Power Couple
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papipopsicle · 6 years
Pairing: Archie Andrews X Short!Reader
Genre: fluff, smut
Summary: In which two best friends since childhood test whether friendship and can co-exist without causing conflict. Including my OC’s Flick & Cherry, a lesbian couple and best friends of Y/N. Set Pre-Veronica.
Warnings: FWB, swearing, smut, oral (female)
Words: 2.9K
feedback is always appreciated
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    It was early Thursday morning. Usually right about now Y/N, Flick and Cherry would be grumbling about the day of double English and AP Biology ahead of them. This wasn't the case though, thank goodness, as three days of Spring Break were still untouched by the world.
Wednesday night had been spent watching 'The Asylum', then followed by several episodes of 'Santa Clarita Diet' because neither the Y/L/N girl nor her brunette friend were able to sleep. Strange wasn't the right word to describe the trio's friendship; it was simply unique. Felicity Moore and Meredith Simmons have been together for just shy of a year, but nothing had changed about the almost decade long friendship they shared nor it's dynamic in that time.
The trio were residing in the bedroom of a blue haired-girl without a care in the world. The week, as it did when you were having too much fun, had gone by in a flash, and now, the teens of Riverdale didn't want to waste another precious second of their time away from hell.
Y/N messaged a group chat with ten or so of her closest friends and all but Kevin agreed to a picnic in the woods.
Three hours had passed and the group of Juniors now stood on the scorching pavement waiting on Moose to decide which sandwich he wanted. Y/N stood to the side of the group in the shade, leant up Reggie's chest as he stood against the wall. She loved the boy, sure he was a bit of an idiot now and again, but he knew how to make her laugh, and for that she could never stay mad at him.
The sun was shining down on the teens from above, making Archie regret ever bringing a Jacket. He huffed, adjusting his backpack a few times to manoeuvre the unnecessary piece of material away from his body. The boy was currently in a conversation with Betty about what they planned to do over the summer, and just as she asked him about his plans, almost by chance, his eyes landed on Y/N's unassuming figure.
She looked so content in that moment, absentminded smile making her dimples more prominent as she texted back and forth with her sister. Dressed in a simple white sundress and black sandals, she was effortlessly perfect in his eyes. Although the flawless red lipstick adorning her lips would suggest a lot of effort.
At this point, Archie had completely forgotten Betty was even talking to him, and almost jumped when she shook him lightly on the arm to gain his attention.
"Arch?" She implored, eyes flitting to the y/h/c his eyes were transfixed to just moments ago. Betty hid a hurt expression with a pointedly raised eyebrow, her heart aching at the thought of anything happening between them.
"Hm-what?" The redhead stumbled over his words, but luckily before the Cooper girl could question anymore Moose and Midge finally left Earls with a white plastic bag full of food in hand.
"Come on then, kids!" Felicity called a little too excitedly for someone currently getting over a hangover, zipping up her bag quickly then grabbing her girlfriend's hand and skipping ahead of her friends.
"You heard the lady." Reggie called with a smirk, squeezing at Y/N's waist lightly to get her attention. She glared at him, knowing he knew she didn't like her waist being touched, he simply winked and put his arm around her shoulder as they walked towards the park.
The walk was only short, the teens meandering down a secluded pathway which led to a number of different fields. They followed the dirt track down past the playground, through a small woodland area until it opened out into the most beautiful lakeside meadow. This was the other side of town to Sweet Water River, still on the North side though, but twice as beautiful. Water lapped and twinkled as rays of sunlight beat upon it creating s picturesque scene fit of a film.
There was a canopy on the tree boarder, and a few picnic tables scattered around but apart from that, the place was untouched by the hands of men. It encapsulated words like tranquil and peaceful in the most incredible way possible.
Y/N fared away from Reggie and began laying out a blanket with Cherry to put the food on. Setting her backpack on the steps of the canopy, the girl opened various containers and strategically put the foods she preferred closest to her. Her best friend began smiling rather widely partway through speaking, but she thought nothing of it. Up until two large arms wrapped around her waist and threw her over someone's shoulder.
"Archie Andrews put me down this instant you absolute bastard!" Y/N squealed helplessly, earning a wolf whistle from Reggie and giggles from the rest of their amused friends. She kicked and tussled about but his grip only tightened, right up until he stood on the very edge of a fishing pier. He brought her back into his arms properly, holding her princess style as she began to protest again, "Hell no! Put me down right now!"
"You want me to put you down, Tiger? Bad choice of words..." The redhead trailed off with the cheekiest of grins pulling at his lips, and not a moment later Y/N's small figure was flung a few metres into the lake, shortly followed my Archie cannon-balling after her.
She spluttered and manically waved her arms about for a few seconds before swimming over to where Archie was currently surfacing, "You're so fucking dead!" Y/N pushed a huge wave of water in his direction then quickly swam back to the pier not giving the boy a chance to retaliate.
The y/h/c girl pulled herself up onto the wooden walkway, flipping Archie off over her shoulder while wringing out her drenched dress. In that moment, she was thankful for the insane heat, and decided that if he wanted to make her wet, then two could play at that game. She pulled the white fabric over her head, exposing her lilac lace underwear.
"Oh man," Reggie chuckled and gave Archie a hand as he got out of the lake, both boys groaning as Y/N walked away from them "if you had some balls and were actually in a relationship, you just lost sex tonight. She's your best friend, all the more reason hit that, Andrews!"
The ginger boy rolled his eyes with a slight grin and began following after Y/N as she walked to the edge of the trees. He picked up his jacket along the way and draped it over her shoulders as he reached her, "Y/N/N, I'm sorry, baby. In my defence, Flick dared me to, I thought it'd be fun."
The girl put the jacket on and folded her arms, staring up at Archie slightly hurt, "You think I'm upset because of that? I don't really give a shit to be honest, I'm mad because you ignored me for four days straight and then when you see me today you don't even bother to say hello. And, by the way, you may be fucking me but you aren't my boyfriend, you don't get to call me baby."
Those words hit harder than they should've, he watched her for a few moments in shock before pulling her into the tightest hug possible. "I never meant to ignore you, Tiger, I'm so sorry I made you feel that way. You were having some time with the girls and I was helping my dad out at the construction site, not once did I mean to make you feel that way."
Y/N looked up at the puppy-eyed boy with a pout, "Stop making me feel bad for getting upset, you're too good at being cute you need to cut it out before I forget."
Archie took a step closer to the petite blonde, her ragged breaths heavy on his lips as he leant down ever so slightly to tuck a few strands of hair behind her ear. "Forget about what?" He asked lowly.
But the sound of their friends loud laughter shattered the moment, and Elodie simply smiled warmly, "Nothing, it's not important right now." She took his hand in hers and began leading him back to the group, "Let's just enjoy today while it lasts."
Hours of shenanigans later, the sun started hiding away behind a darkening blanket of clouds and the teens of Riverdale decided to call it a night. They'd eaten and laughed their way through the day and now it was time to head home. The y/h/c girl's dress had dried only an hour later, but still she found herself wrapped up in the warmth of her best friends hoodie.
Now, it was just Archie, Y/N and Betty walking back to their triangle of homes. The next door neighbours were wrapped up in some strange conversation and the Y/L/N girl happily listened, not having the energy to fully join in on whatever they were talking about. She had her earphones in playing soft music as her arm closest to Archie swung back and forth in the comfort of his.
But the girl was pulled from her champagne haze when Archie decided to flick one of her headphones out, she peered up at him curiously wondering if he'd been talking to her all this time. "My Dad's got to stay late working tonight, do you want to come back to mine for the night?"
"Sounds like a plan, Andrews." Y/N hummed happily, choosing to quickly message her Mum letting her know where she'd be for the night instead of allowing her worry for hours on end. The two said goodbye to Betty as they neared the driveways, finding it equally confusing when she left without even so much as looking back or replying.
But they shrugged off their friend's odd behaviour and entered the house, five seconds later deciding to try and be silent when they found Vegas fast asleep in his basket. Making their way to Archie's room, the girl didn't even wait for him to ask before taking one of his shirts from the drawer. Turning away from him instead of leaving for the bathroom, she unzipped his jacket and removed her dress, pulling the large black tee over her head. She unclasped her bra and pulled it out from one sleeve, flinging it into the pile of clothes now sat on the boy's floor.
"I hope you realise that jackets mine now, payment for ruining my dress." Y/N huffed, turning on her heel to see her red-headed friend leant against the doorway with a grin plastered all over his face. Her heart sped up at the sight, not able to gauge the meaning behind his expression.
"Keep it," he pushed off the frame and stepped towards her, making the petite girl take a step back. His eyes weren't darkened by lust but with the stern grip on her waist she knew he was in control. His smile faltered for a split second, looking so innocent just for a moment, "I'd say some sappy bullshit like it looks better on you anyway, which it does, but honestly all I could think about today was how you wearing that made you mine. I get so possessive it scares me, I just-"
Y/N cut him off with a simple deadpanned look as she concealed a smile, "Stop being annoyingly attractive, I'm not ready to not be mad at you yet."
"Would this make you less mad?" Archie's lips brushed against the shell of her ear, making the girl shiver involuntarily. He pushed her down onto the unmade bed, following and holding himself over her. His lips ghosted over her's momentarily before moving to the nape of her neck, biting and sucking at certain spots eliciting the most explicit winces of ecstasy from the blonde.
"You're so beautiful." He took off his own top before doing the same with the one she had wore, flinging them both who knows where before finally kissing her. It didn't last long though before his lips trailed down again. She yelped as Archie grabbed the back of her thighs and lifted her up to wrap her legs around his waist, quickly attaching his lips to her collar bone sucking and nibbling up her neck and along her jaw again.
"I mean it, you're stunning, you're so damn funny, and, most importantly, you're all mine." He said between heavy breaths as he left wet kisses down her panting chest and stomach, looking up every so often through his eyelashes. She squirmed slightly at the overwhelming sensations, warmth pooling between her legs starting to cause discomfort. Something primal stirred within Y/N when the redhead's voice became so low and full of lust. She was his, nobody else's.
But the girl was brought out of her thoughts at the hot breath coming down on her clothed pussy. She gasped, her petite hand shooting to grasp at his hair when he decided to lean forwards and nuzzle his nose on her clit.
"Oh god, Archie, carry on what you're doing don't you dare stop." Y/N moaned pornographically at the foreign feeling. The boy's hands explored her body intimately before meeting at her hips, sliding her thong down her legs irritatingly slow then slipping one over each shoulder, nestling between them with his mouth excruciatingly close.
He hovered there without touching her for a moment then looked his best friend dead in the eye with an expression she'd only seen one other time. "Tell me what you want, Kitten." Archie almost whispered his voice was so low, lips so close Y/N felt every word like quiet vibrations electrifying her skin.
"You." Was all she could muster, jutting her hips trying to find any kind of friction. The boy smirked, finding the sight of his headstrong friend writhing under him after he'd hardly touched her utterly entertaining. The soft moans she elicited were torturous, tonight was meant to be all about her, but of course, blood was rushing to other places too.
"Okay babygirl, as you wish." Archie and lowered his head, licking his tonged from the bottom of her entrance all the way to her clit. He sternly pushed against her stomach with one hand, lowering her increasingly arched back as the sensation became too much to handle.
It wasn't like anything she'd experienced before, Y/N was no saint but nobody had ever made her feel this good by doing so little. Not even her own hands had created such a sensation before.
"Holy shit! Oh my god Arch, fuck that's so good!" She rasped as he lapped at her cunt, licking circles on her clit and moaning in satisfaction as she became wetter from arousal. The boy toyed with her entrance, teasing and taunting her then finally slipping one finger into her pussy. His name rolled of her lips in waves of euphoria, only spurring Archie on to go faster and finger her in perfect rhythm.
"Baby, I'm so close." Y/N squeaked between heavy breaths, her core tightening into knots as she tried to hold onto the newfound feeling. He added another finger without warning, pumping faster in and out and grabbing her lest breast with the other hand, squeezing and harshly massaging it in attempts to overstimulate her.
And it fucking worked. "Cum for me, Kitten." Archie commanded gruffly before continuing his movements. Her entire body was covered in a sheen of sweat as a string of curses left her open lips between explicit noises. It was inexplicable. She grasped at the fabric of his bedsheets and moaned his name as loud as her voice would allow before breaking half way through.
He brought his fingers out of her and made eye contact as he licked them clean, which was probably the hottest and most sinful thing Y/N would ever see. Archie lay her legs against the bed and panted lightly, his back against the cool wall.
"I think now's a good time to say that's the first time someone else has ever made me cum, so, thanks, because that was fucking incredible." Y/N mused from her state of complete bliss with her eyes practically shut, missing the look of shock Archie shot at her.
He felt kind of proud truthfully and let a smile rest against his lips, "Happy to be of service, Tiger."
"Could you pick up my top please, it fells weird to sleep without one." She mumbled, curling onto her side to make room for the boy to hound her. He shook his head and chuckled, taking a second before getting up from the bed and picking up the top he'd leant her.
It didn't take long for her to put it on and cuddle up next to Archie once he lay down. It was quiet, serene even. "Get some rest." He kisses the top of her head before wrapping his arm around her protectively and comfortably.
For a while they stayed like that, it could've been hours for all they knew before Y/N decided to speak up again, "This doesn't mean you can call me baby, though."
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redrackham87 · 7 years
Salty Asks: 7, 9, 21
7. Is there anythingyou used to like but can’t stand now?*
There’s defs been some books/movies/shows along the way thatI remember loving but upon revisiting, are just noooot good (and because tasteschange and I’ve been exposed to so much more quality stuff etc etc). But twothings came to mind right away:
1. Big Bang Theory2. Star Wars Prequels
To be clear, I don’t hate the prequels – I actually stillrather love them, in a way, and it’s super easy to beat them up because theyare extremely problematic for so manyreasons. But I love so many things they triedto do. So “can’t stand” is too strong, but I used to be 10/10 obsessed and thought Attack of the Clones was pure magic (I was young and naive, friends) and now I know better. XD
BUT BIG BANG. I think they were just starting their 4thseason or so, and I binged the first 3. I thought they were super funny and Ireally liked it (except Leonard – I super, superdid not like Leonard, ever, he is the ACTUAL WORST). Then I took a break and started season 4.It just felt like they took the things that had been funny and started usingthem constantly instead of casually (which is why those elements were funny inthe first place), and I just got really irritated with a lot of decisions/moments/character things rightaway – things that had been present in those first few seasons but I either didn’t notice or didn’t mind, but now wereglaringly obviously bad things that I could not get past or ignore any longer (see: Leonard’s treatment of Penny, ever, in any episode, for starters). Anyways, I ended upquitting it in a hurry, and I get super annoyed when I see promos of certainthings happening and ya. I had a brief high love followed by a long lastingstrong dislike. XD
 9. Most dislikedcharacter(s)? Why?
 Alex Karev, of Grey’s Anatomy.
Look, it’s not like he’s a sadistic, murdering craphole oranything (Joffrey), but he is consistentlyan absolute jerk, who – and I am speaking from seasons 1-6, so this does notapply if he was magically redeemed/changed after that – was manipulative,whiny, and a total a-hole, but consistently excusedfor it, by writers and fandom alike (fandom especially). I am perfectly finewith ahole characters and “bad boys with hearts of gold” and whatever else, ifthey’re written so we understand thembut do not necessarily excuse them, orif we see some form of growth, even if they backslide (Sawyer, Lost). Thedifference is huge to me. Saying “well Alex had a bad childhood” by way ofexplaining why he lashes out at people he cares about or makes horribledecisions does not justify it. Nearly all of the core characters had badchildhoods in one way or another – Meredith’s mom, Cristina’s mom/losing herdad, Izzie’s trailer park life – yet they firstly, don’t act like completejerks constantly, and if they do, they’re not excused for it. When Izzie had actual brain cancer, Alex managed to yellat her about it and make it about him, and fandom smoothed it over as “well he’sfrustrated and overwhelmed and it’s hard”. Absolutely he is, of course hissituation is! It still doesn’t give him the right to treat her like crap – his supposedsignificant other of that time.
I could legit write an essay about this so I’m just going topull back now before I go into full on rage mode. XD
Also: Leonard from Big Bang. He’s annoying, whiny, entitled, blend of bad stereotypes, treats Penny horrifically, suffers from that (Not Actually Nice) Nice Guy thing, etc. Just, big no, thanks. 
21. Whatare your thoughts on crack ships?
I feel like…. How crack-y are we talkin? Because if we’retalking like, characters from different fandoms who will literally never everinteract but they’d made a good pair, I’m 100% in. 
If we’re talking twocharacters in the same fandom who canonically have no chance of being together butyou can find a plausible, in character scenario where they could? Gimme. I adore seeing different dynamics exploredand I literally love it when peoplethink “if they DID get together, HOW could/would they”, and proceed to come upwith a plausible AU. And even if it’s an insane pairing, I might sill give it achance, depending on the tags XD. RARE PAIRS ARE FUN!!
But if we’re talking like, Tony Stark/Giant Squid orVoldemort/Dobby or something, then Dear Lord, no thank you. To each their own,but no thanks.
So… I guess semi-reasonable crack!? XD
(Disclaimer: if you love these things, coolio! But they’re just not for me and let’s agree to disagree, I still love you. ;D)
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timelessish · 7 years
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[text: “I didn’t know where else to go.”] source: mine
Keenler Week Day 1: why I love them/the moment they became my OTP
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So, some backstory first: this is a show I only saw bits and pieces of on TV during season one but what I saw intrigued me. I remember seeing the Judge, Ivan, and Mako Tanido episodes in their entirety with my parents (they were hooked on the show during its first season) and being enthralled. The scenes I remember most from watching live were the Liz/Tom shower scene with blood on his hands (so sick but so compelling) and the Tom/Jolene scene while the song Jolene is played. That song just got to me, and I remember thinking, “Oh my god, this is perfect.” So that summer when The Blacklist got put on Netflix, I watched the full first season and loved it. I’d really never loved a procedural so much (or at all) before. I think it was a mix of the Liz/Red connection, Red’s mystery past, the Tom intrigue, creepy Apple Man, Liz being a badass, rootable-for heroine, and the unique, crazy Blacklisters in each episode that drew me in. I could and have watched season one over and over again without growing tired.
As for Keenler: while watching the show originally, shipping wasn’t on my mind. I just loved the story and plotting that was going on. I loved Tom’s story season one and all the second-guessing that went on between him and Liz, the questions of his connections to Red, Gina, and Victor Fokin, and just his being an awesome villain/spy/double agent. I loved his and Liz’s dynamic portraying the illusion of a perfect, happy marriage, but I loved it even more when it came shattering down around them. I thought Tom’s story season one was resolved perfectly with his death by Liz’s hands, and I was so thrilled to have writers who weren’t afraid to kill their darlings when it was time. Though I was more saddened by Meera’s death, I was more shocked by Tom’s. He’d had more of a main role, so I thought it was such a brave move by the writers and it reaffirmed my love of the show.
… but little did I know, the writers weren’t actually that brave. I rolled my eyes and sighed at the “Tom’s alive!!” reveal in season 2. I wasn’t surprised, but it did made me think a little less of the show. I think all the questions surrounding Tom could have been better answered after his death, because at this point, the answers haven’t been satisfactorily explained to me, and I still have so many questions. So while I loved their dynamic season one, I didn’t ship them, giving me no problem jumping onto the Keenler ship once they reeled me in.
Honestly, I saw something there from episode one. “Who the hell is Elizabeth Keen?” is such an iconic line, and it sets up so much of the story. Just who is Elizabeth Keen? Lizzie, Liz, Masha Rostova; adoptee, daughter, wife, profiler, agent, criminal, killer, fugitive, asset, mother, survivor. Her story keeps unfolding and I don’t think we’re done figuring her out yet. But beyond that, just who is she to Donald Ressler, and who will she become?
Then he shows up at her doorstep with helicopters and an army of SUVs. I mean. That’s such an amazing first meeting. You really can’t top that. Also, okay, the cinematography of the Pilot is just incredible. The way the focus shifts to Ressler watching Liz as she speaks to Cooper? That shot of him watching her, framed by golden light? It’s absolutely stunning and you can’t convince me that wasn’t the show setting the basis for a power couple. And the Pilot also gave us Ressler breaking the rules for Liz for the first time when he let her see Red in his hospital room, though it’s certainly not the last time he breaks the rules for her. It becomes such a recurring theme for him: he always follows the rules, except when it comes to Liz.
The tense banter Liz and Ress share in the next few episodes is amazing. It’s a dance of learning to trust each other and work together despite their misgivings, and I love every bit of it. There’s that shot of them squaring off after he busted in with the Canadian police to Red’s dinner with Liz, which pisses her off, and the way the camera circles around them and the way they play off each other there is insane. Can I just say: HOLY CHEMISTRY. HOLY SEXUAL TENSION.
Then comes the Stewmaker (my favorite episode of all time) and that infamous hug. Seeing that was my first, “… hmm.” I saw something there between them from the beginning, but this was the first moment I really felt it.
A highlight from the Courier: “That was hot.” “You know he can hear you, right?“ When Meera says that (oh, how I miss Meera!), Liz gives her this great side-eye and I’ll be honest, my first thought was - is someone a little jealous? Also there’s a lovely moment later when Liz asks Ressler about what he said about having nothing in the world, recognizing that on some level, he did mean it despite his denial. In that moment, she sees his vulnerability like he saw hers post-Stewmaker, and she knows not to push him, but I think she sees a bit of herself in him - in putting up a facade against the world to hide insecurities and loss. The way she described herself as being called a bitch, the way Ressler gets called an ass. There’s more alike there than there is different.
So they’re finally getting past their rocky start when Sam dies and then Anslo Garrick happens. Liz is such a brave badass, fighting instead of running away until she gets caught and brought to the box where Red and Ressler are. Her face and Ressler’s kill me there. Her expression, so sad and scared but determined, shaking her head no, don’t do it, don’t give him the code. Him in clear physical pain and indecision as Cooper tells him no. Agent Ressler, no. That’s an order. and all the while Red has a gun in his face. And Ressler gives up the code.
That’s a pivotal moment. I don’t think he gives up the code because he’s afraid of dying. I think it’s because he’s afraid of Liz dying. The Agent Ressler who’d been presented to us before would have followed his commanding officer’s orders. He would have followed protocol and protected the asset no matter the personal cost. He’s a by-the-book guy, not an emotional decision-maker. And with the career he chose, you have to figure he’s not afraid of dying in the line of duty. So he’s okay with his own death, but when it comes down to it, not Liz’s.
On top of everything, the code is Romeo. Liz loves Shakespeare, as stated by Aram at her funeral. Romeo and Juliet is a tragic romance. The connotation of Romeo in that moment draws the possibility of romance between Liz and Ress.
To go on a side tangent here, you could choose to find more connections. Romeo (Ressler) is enamored with Rosalind (Audrey), though she isn’t interested (left him), until he meets Juliet (Liz), who’s engaged (married) to Paris (Tom), who was chosen for her by her parents (inserted into her life by Red/Berlin). Romeo and Juliet fall in love but can’t be together. They get separated (she shoots the AG and goes on the run with Red) and Juliet, with the help of the Friar (Mr. Kaplan), fakes her death (she does this twice: once in Arioch Cain, once in Mr. Solomon: Conclusion). Romeo doesn’t receive the message that Juliet is actually alive (this fits slightly more for the Arioch Cain death, when all of the team was in on the plan except him), so he buys poison from the Apothecary (interestingly, they had a Blacklister by this name in the last episode) and travels back to see her body. Paris comes and they duel, Romeo killing him. Romeo then drinks the poison. When Juliet awakes, finding Romeo to be dead, she uses his dagger to kill herself. After their mutual deaths, there’s finally peace in Verona. Obviously, I don’t think all of these parallels are exact, but I do think that there are a lot of connections to be drawn between Shakespeare and the Blacklist. At any rate, it’s interesting to see some of the groundwork laid. Okay, end of side tangent.
Ressler and Liz keep growing stronger as partners and friends. He trusts her enough to talk about Audrey and Tassles, and she trusts him enough to talk about Tom. He offers to rough Tom up for her.
Another big moment: he chooses Liz over Audrey in Madeline Pratt. She’s distraught, saying she thinks Tom is going to leave her. Ressler is on his way out, but sits down at that. She tells him to leave. He says no, ditching his dinner date with Audrey, choosing to stay and be with her instead.
Then comes the Kingmaker, and this is the episode that did it for me. This is when I went … crap. I have an actual ship in this procedural crime show. First it was their moment on the bridge when he tells her it’s not over. The way they look at each other there, with the beautiful blue sky behind them… it’s breathtaking. And then he saves her life, killing the Kingmaker while he’s strangling her. I have a thing for Liz and Ress saving each other, okay? Don’t judge. And then comes the crowning moment (haha, Kingmaker, crown, get it?) : she shows up at his apartment. “I didn’t know where else to go.” No questions asked, he lets her in. For whatever reason, that’s when they got me. That wordless communication, those beautiful mooneyes. And then they cut the scene at the close of his door, which I both love and hate because yay, I get to come up with my own headcanons about what happened, but boo, I want to know what happened.
So. There’s that. And then the next day, they go to Liz’s house (now a crime scene) where she tells him, “I should have let you rough him up,” with this sad smile that he returns, and her body language is so relaxed around him in her home, where you’d think she’d feel more defensive and self-conscious. But there he is, standing in the ruins of her married life, and she seems okay with it. Alright with being vulnerable and real around him, and that’s what I love the most about them: when they can be wholly themselves with each other.
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Anyways, that’s about all from season one that sums up the development of my Keenler ship. Sorry for the long post, it sort of got away from me! I’ll be back tomorrow with my Day 2 post :)
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geekade · 7 years
Some Thoughts About Suicide Squad
Hi Geekade readers! I’m not taking to coding as quickly as I’d hoped, and find myself making the hard decision between using my Pi to learn and code or to install Retropie and play games, so I thought I’d take a brief departure from my normal tech talk to discuss another passion of mine: Harley Quinn.
She’s possibly one of the best, most tragic female characters in literature. There’s no one on earth in a better position to be fully lucid while they go insane than she is, nobody who consistently and knowingly chooses her own imprisonment and torture more frequently. It’s like if Jack Sparrow had a law enforcement degree and still made all the same decisions while pirate hunters repeatedly and desperately offered him help and companionship. I could go on, but I have an actual point, so I’ll spare you. As you can imagine, I was both fearful and thrilled as I awaited the Suicide Squad release, rightly imagining Margot Robbie to be absolutely perfect for the part, and wholly unconcerned with the building, meme-fied humiliation of Jared Leto’s Joker. (The Joker, arguably, is inessential to Harley’s transformation‑PLEASE ask me about this, I’d love to tell you.)
Suicide Squad was fine. It was nowhere near the let-down of Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland (which I’d awaited for 4 years by the time it was regrettably released in theaters instead of burned in the dead of night in ditches somewhere), but nowhere close to as satisfying and funny-while-successfully-introducing-otherwise-unknown-characters-to-mainstream-audiences as Guardians of the Galaxy had been. However, if you’d like to watch Suicide Squad, but also would kind of like to watch a good movie, I’ve got news for you.
Suicide Squad is essentially a DCCU remake of the DCU movie Assault on Arkham, which was released a few years beforehand. It’s, honest to goodness, basically the same movie but instead of being potentially a waste of $9-14 dollars, it’s GREAT and a totally appropriate use of maybe $4 to rent on Amazon Prime. (I know, no smarthome stuff and I still manage to be a shill for Amazon. They’re not even paying me.)
Assault on Arkham is a part of a set of movies and shows that I don’t feel could possibly get enough attention - the Batman Animated Universe, encompassing everything from Batman: The Animated Series (arguably the definitive Batman) to the more recent The Killing Joke, and the upcoming Batman and Harley Quinn (which, AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH). In Assault on Arkham, Mark Hamill returns as the voice of the Joker facing Kevin Conroy as Batman, and Hynden Walch as Harley (Princess Bubblegum/Starfire/Penny from Chalkzone.)
I highly suggest that you go watch Assault on Arkham, but just a warning, there are spoilers ahead.
Assault on Arkham takes place at a time after the Suicide Squad had already been formed, so it saves us the trouble of a full origin tale, but it also begins with a bit of a changeup in the team - both from the Suicide Squad movie gang, and from the formation of the squad in the animated universe. We’re treated to the more characterized and strangely sympathetic King Shark in place of Killer Croc, who in the Suicide Squad movie is bold and violent, but not much else. We’re also introduced to Killer Frost, who is an icy villainess a-la Livewire from B:TAS. She’s sassy and has what appear to be magical ice powers; like Elsa, but mean. Black Spider, a bloodthirsty, crime-hating vigilante also joins the team, apparently only grudgingly in the company of everyone else. We keep Captain Boomerang, Deadshot, and Harley Quinn herself, but the dynamics of the team are the same. One hulk, one killer-killer, one elemental, one nutty Australian robber, one entrepreneurial dad, and one crazy former therapist.
Oh - and one sacrificial lamb. Both movies kick off with a “proof of concept”‑someone nobody particularly cares about to prove that Waller will actually blow their heads off. In Assault on Arkham, it’s a raging Red bull called “The KGBeast” who nobody would ever mourn, and in Suicide Squad, it’s “Slipknot,” the man who can climb anything.  This proves for us how cruel Waller really is‑and in both movies, Waller gets called out as the devil. This is a reference to the comics, as well as simply a fact. Waller is probably actually Satan.
See‑in each movie‑not only is Task Force X Waller’s vanity project (which is entirely unnecessary and completely inhumane, not to mention a complete violation of the constitutional rights of the prisoners involved), but the main conflict faced by our hostage heroes is a mishap of Waller’s own making. In Assault on Arkham, Waller had slipped a Suicide Seed into the Riddler’s neck to test her prototype, and he figured out how to disarm it, so, she created a fistfull more, stuffed them into some other criminals, and sent them to murder the Riddler. And also, the Joker has supposedly hidden a dirty bomb somewhere in Gotham and Batman is tearing the city apart to find it. (SEE DC? You still could have shoehorned Batman into this movie too.)
But all the plot-relevant stuff aside, the meat of Assault on Arkham is Harley and the Joker. They start the movie out broken up, which, if you follow their relationship as obsessively as I do, you’ll know is not actually an uncommon thing for them. Harley and Mister J are currently canonically canned. She’s even been out with Bruce Wayne on a legitimate and mutually enjoyable date. Heck, she only lives about 40 minutes from me, in Coney Island in a shabby apartment with her pets and pals and her primary non-monogamous partner, Pamela Isley (Ivy). But in Assault on Arkham, Ivy is is still incarcerated, and H&J are on the rocks.
It’s heavily implied, in Assault on Arkham, that Joker had thrown Harley out of a moving car and left her for dead, which might sound familiar because it’s almost exactly what they did in Suicide Squad‑but that’s hardly the only thing he’s done to her, and it’s hard to tell if Dr. Quinzel’s rage in the confrontation in Arkham comes from that particular assault or from his complete and utter destruction of her legitimate career, social abilities, criminal record, and sanity. Let’s say both. Harley starts Assault on Arkham out confidently and unconvincingly unattached and reinforces her apparent split by banging Deadshot.
Ok this part, I see why they didn’t snag for Suicide Squad. Will Smith is 48, and Margot Robbie is 26, and while she’s “Daddy’s Little Monster,” I personally don’t want to see her have a fling with someone who was already on Season 3 of Fresh Prince the year she was born. (Yes, Jared Leto is 45 and no, I don’t want to see her with him either.)
When, in Assault on Arkham, Harley (spoiler) breaks into Arkham with Deadshot, she (spoiler) runs into the Joker in his bulletproof cell and (spoiler): it doesn’t go well. He taunts her as only Mark Hamill’s Joker can, in the seductive and deranged varying pitch of a madman, and she is...triggered. (I got puns.)
She manages to keep it together while firing to help Deadshot with the task they’re there for; planting a small hacking device‑Batman-y technology that allows everyone else to sneak in past security, and here is where I pause to rant about Harley Quinn some more.
She knows that his cell is bulletproof and fires at it anyway. This convinces all of the onlooking guards that she’s currently deranged, and convinces Deadshot that she’s (oh, spoiler) not thrilled with the Joker. Her rampage allows Deadshot to complete their first mission, but it also helps the Joker to escape.
It takes Joker what seems like an hour to realize what she’s done for him, what she later confirms she did on purpose for him. This is one of my favorite pieces of evidence that Harley Quinn is the real criminal mastermind behind Joker’s modern accomplishments. For the other, watch “Mad Love,” Season 4 Episode 21 of Batman: The Animated Series, which Suicide Squad also clipped a bit, free on Amazon Prime. Harley has full knowledge of the entire schematics of Arkham Asylum, because, you know, she worked there, and throughout the movie uses passcodes and shortcuts that move the whole team forward, and she chooses to let her puddin loose in the halls, so she can catch up later. Yes, spoiler, she was faking the whole time, and is more than happy to be daddy’s little monster again. She’s even been hiding the dirty bomb.
Ask me what she gets for it.
So, you might at this point be thinking: Gabbie, you’re bizarrely passionate about this clearly unhealthy couple, but also, this movie sounds nothing like Suicide Squad.
Well, you’re wrong. About the second part, at least. Let me take you through it.
Amanda Waller wakes up one morning and decides to randomly create a huge problem‑murdering the Riddler (or releasing the Enchantress, in Suicide Squad). Granted, nerdy Nigma isn’t nearly as frightening as Cara Delevigne slowly building one of the mechanical space worms from Avengers in downtown Chicago, but both are problematic, and both are entirely Waller’s fault.
She pulls together her team of criminals, puts them through a suit-up montage, kills one of them, then drops their helicopter literally out of the sky into a situation that she does not explain to them fully. The Joker and Harley have some sort of private understanding between one another, as could probably have been expected. In both movies, Harley has a camaraderie with Deadshot. Harley also notably does a Matrix” lean in both movies for no discernable reason.
Inevitably, our villain-heroes are actually the patsies. Also inevitably, both the elemental and the tank are killed in explosions of the neck-bomb or fiery variety. And in both movies, the Joker appears to die in a helicopter crash, though in Suicide Squad, we actually get to see the happy couple reunited, whereas in Assault on Arkham, we’re merely told the body wasn’t found, which, for the Joker, is as good as proof that he’s alive.
To be totally honest with you, my main conclusion is that I’d have killed to see Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn in this Suicide Squad movie instead of the one that we got. She was the one part of Suicide Squad that makes watching it worth it, and while Princess Bubblegum did an amazing job in Assault on Arkham, I’d really like to see a live-action portrayal of Harley having her own hidden agenda, but giving us a full range of emotions and a tiny taste of her‑hate?‑for the Joker.
The Suicide Squad Harleen transformation was painfully unfulfilling, but the canonical story of their mad love is actually very interesting. While Suicide Squad paints Quinn as the Joker’s dupe‑tortured to madness and turned to a crime queen‑the older story is a little more compelling. Over multiple sessions, Harleen realizes that the Joker is able to make her laugh again after years of unwavering, humorless professionalism and ambition. Their sessions become discussions, and she falls in love. This not only makes the Joker seem more dangerous, capable of corrupting a psychiatrist with only his words like a genial, gentlemanly, green-haired Charles Manson, but tells us a lot about the good doctor. And it really makes Harley’s blow-up in Assault on Arkham an incredible moment, especially considering that it’s a dupe. How self-aware is Harley? How actively, and independently, is she choosing the Joker again and again? I for one would have enjoyed seeing that explored in Suicide Squad, just a bit more than I enjoyed the pin-up show we got instead.
I hope I’ve convinced you to check out Assault on Arkham. It’s really an amazing movie. And I hope I get a little bit better at Python, so that next month I can get back to writing about technology instead of rambling justifications of clown-on-criminal romance.
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end of year 2019 recs
this was meant to be posted two months ago and then it got buried in my drafts and i forgot that it existed while i started a new fic rec list for the first quarter of this year oops
[1 Borderlands, 1 Good Omens, 1 Life is Strange, 1 Marvel, 1 She-Ra, 9 Steven Universe, 1 Tangled, 1 The Adventure Zone, 1 The Last of Us, 2 The Umbrella Academy]
Burn Out by snufflyphoenix (VH1 gang, 5k):  As Mordecai and Brick prepare to ship out to Athenas as the Crimson Raiders' B Team with Not So Tiny Tina, Lilith worries about their safety and starts to wonder how she's going to manage without them now she's gotten so used to them always being with her again. She contemplates their relationship; how it's changed since when they first met and how they're going to manage going forwards with the world turned upside down again. [This fic balances tenderness and comfort and grief so well while capturing the dynamics between these characters and I just really love it.] 
Good Omens
Choose Your Faces Wisely by Poetry (Aziraphale/Crowley, 5k):  In a world where humans wear their souls on the outside, Crowley and Aziraphale learn to make their own. [Daemon AU! It’s well-written with lots of references, cool concepts about the daemons of supernatural beings, and strong character moments.]
Life is Strange
migratory animals by swapcats (Chloe/Max, 11k): “Here,” you say, tossing the photo her way. “Check it out. Blackwell was insane for kicking me out, right?”You give her your best grin. It’s not very good, but she’s not looking, anyway. She twists the photo in her hands, turns it upright, and does nothing but blink at it.For a moment, you’re scared she’s going to fall in. Not because it’s a photo -- it isn’t even of her, isn’t more than a few hours in the past -- but because you’re more convinced than terrified that she’s just going to up and vanish. If it’s not time-bullshit, then it’ll be her having enough of putting up with your bullshit; she’s got her family out there, over in Seattle, and you’ve got a beat up truck and a few thousand dollars to your name. [Road trip fic! Full of pining and a careful exploration of their traumas and healing, it serves as a perfect epilogue to their adventure]
dance, dance (we’re falling apart to half-time) by gleesquid (Gwen/MJ, 4k): “We were going to go dancing. Peter and I, I mean. We could still go. You and me, that is, it’s not like we need Peter to dance, or any boys at all, and he’s not very good anyways –,”“Gwen Stacy,” Mary Jane said and Gwen faltered at the sound of her own name on foreign lips. “It’s like you read my mind.”Or: Gwen and MJ will always be each other's favorite dance partner. [A perfect fic about Gwen and MJ’s growing friendship and feelings, with lots of dancing thrown in. The build-up is fantastic and it’s romantic and it’s very much them.]
I Can Make You Stronger by inkubusmb (Glimmer, 7k): "You can really make me that powerful?""You think of yourself only as a princess, but you're the child of a great sorcerer. You have a more powerful connection to magic then you've ever realized. Let me show you."Shadow Weaver couldn't be trusted. Glimmer knew that.But after losing her mother, she knew she had to get stronger. Strong enough to protect her friends from the same fate. Strong enough to destroy the Horde.And Shadow Weaver was the only one who could give her that power. [A neat character study of something that very well might happen in s4 - Glimmer learning magic from Shadow Weaver.]
Steven Universe
Before We Turn to Dust by Mintly (Ruby/Sapphire, 6k): Their days were dirt roads and endless blue sky. It would be freedom, except it wasn't. Sapphire is a quiet country storefront and Ruby dreams. [Human!AU set in a small rural town. The writing is beautiful, the relationship and yearning between Sapphire and Ruby comes through clearly, and the atmosphere shines. It’s really good and even if you’re not a human AU fan, you should check it out.]
Cleave by susan_voight, thingswithwings (Ruby/Sapphire, 8k): “Tell me a story,” Steven asks, as he shuts his eyes. Garnet, as far as she has the capacity for it, is surprised; Steven is seventeen, and while he still has a tendency towards whimsy, he hasn’t asked for this particular indulgence for years. Not since he was a lot smaller. Garnet feels a little angry at herself for not having noticed that earlier; she feels regretful, too, that she can never seem to see any part of Steven’s adulthood coming in advance. [Garnet tells Steven a story about Ruby and Sapphire and the time they had to separate for a mission. It’s absolutely lovely, a great study of their relationship and how they grow to be even stronger.]
Little Rebellions by CompletelyDifferent (gen, 58k):  Not all Pearls have the chance to run off to another planet and take up arms. Not all fights are grand and romantic. These are the little rebellions- little, but just as defiant. [A wonderful set of interconnected one-shots centered around themes of rebellion and freedom. And all the good world-building! I loved them all.]
Only Human by mllelaurel (gen, 23k):  When a malfunctioning artifact temporarily (they hope!) turns them all human, the Gems must face down a monster infestation, while dealing with the loss of their normal powers and their own sudden fragility. [This very much reads like a multi-episode arc and it’s absolutely delightful. The insecurities and vulnerabilities the Gems struggle with are ones that are always there, but they’ve been magnified and brought to the surface with their human state and it’s just really well-done.] 
Pushing By Like Hearts by mautadite (Lapis/Peridot, 13k): “Sounds like you’re really counting on that road trip magic.”(Peridot and Lapis do Midway City, and Empire City, and Plateau Ville, and all the places in between.) [Peridot and Lapis go on a road trip and it’s wonderful. Love the imagery, the development of their relationship, and the characterization.]
starwalker’s birthday by the_sockpuppet (Pearl/Garnet, 11k):  Garnet wonders if she is Rose’s replacement. Pearl wonders how Garnet could love her. [I love this fic and the way it navigates their relationship and all the insecurities they bring along to it. The focus is very much on communication and being open and working through things, and it’s very good.]
the meek shall inherit the earth by Ushio (Pearl gen, 958): "Where was her Pearl?" asks Blue Zircon. Well. She was holding the sword. [Even though this was supremely jossed, it makes for a good, poetic read.]
Waltz of the Nian by QuickYoke (Lapis/Peridot, 6k): Lapis doesn't understand fusion at heart, but she does know she's an unideal partner for it. Set after the season 3 finale. [A character study of Lapis and her relationship to fusion, and the moments when Lapis almost fuses with Peridot. It’s well-written and it handles the subject of trauma + navigating boundaries and intimacy beautifully.]
where we love is home by possibilityleft (Pearl/Garnet, 532): "You're looking at me differently now," Garnet says.Slight Pearl/Garnet. Post-regeneration for them both, Garnet and Pearl have a discussion. [Early rebellion days, a short conversation that holds a lot inside it.] 
Tangled the Series
strings by pathygen (Cassandra-centric, 19k):  The weight of the stone should be concerning, but it’s not. She’s never been unfamiliar with weight. [This fic is a fascinating exploration of what could happen with the Moonstone and the ghost. It’s also a fascinating story of becoming lost in your own anger and insecurity, how that can twist you and make you someone you’re not. It’s dark and painful and I read it in one sitting because I couldn’t tear myself away from what was going on. It’s also a slow build to the final confrontation, which is stunning and one of my favorite moments in any fics I’ve read this year.] 
The Adventure Zone 
tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow by fishycorvid (Taako-centric, 28k): The funeral of one of the birds should have more attendants than this, some part of Taako thinks. But Magnus hadn’t wanted that, of course; he’d told Taako as much decades ago, just a few years after the Day of Story and Song. Taako had laughed then, told him he’d regret it when there weren’t any adoring fans weeping and tossing flowers into his grave. Taako isn’t laughing now, here in this clearing with the body that used to be his friend. (What comes after the end.) [As you might expect from the summary and warning about character death,this fic is painful. You will cry and your heart will hurt. But it’s also very well-written and a beautiful exploration of grief and having to live on and how sometimes things don’t work. Sometimes you pretend you’re fine but you’re not, you’re on a self-destructive spiral. That said, it’s also juxtaposed with some really lovely moments between Taako and his family, his friends. Highly recommend!] 
The Last of Us
landscape by januarys (gen, 854): It's the moments that define who they are, the spaces in between, and as the seasons fade into one. [A lovely stream of moments over the course of the game between Joel and Ellie.]
The Umbrella Academy
Keep Trying by pprfaith (Vanya & Klaus, 8k): At thirteen, a drunk Klaus goes wandering the mansion instead of locking himself into his room. Seventeen years down the line, he saves the world. In between, they're all just trying not to drown. (Klaus and Vanya against the world.) [This fic is lovely and healing and imagines a different world where things are still messed up because Reginald is the worst dad but there’s also support and comfort and learning how to trust.]
Try Again by pprfaith (gen, 57k):   They have outlived their father. They've managed to fix themselves. A little. Sort of. So from here on out, things should be peachy, right? [The Hargreeves get the healing and recovery they deserve, lots of good sibling dynamics, confronting what Reginald did to them, I really love this fic.]
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