#these people are curel and i hate them
jams-sims · 7 months
Because its so late, I think I can say this. As much as I fucking hate purgatory. As a DM to a story I think its the most natural out for characters and Muns. Oh! my character can have either lived or died on the purg island? Do I feel like coming back? If the answer no. Easy out, no over the top feeling, no need to do a final stream if I dont want to. Just a stark sad tragic exit that leaves it mark. Because no one expected people to die on this silly fucking island. But deaths, mark very important and poignant moments. The island is curel and its consuming its islanders.
Max's death is one of sacrifice for his friends and the eggs. He was in a hole of loneliness, I think that loneliness took him as well. But I think qMax's death was a simple stepping stone while q!jaiden death will be a full on turn. See-
Jaiden death is probably the most fitting for her character because it is the most tragic. Q!Jaiden died when bobby died. She speant her days in a home just cluttered with his images and his likeness. She was being used by the Feds and I think deep down she knew that. Her connections were severed do to grief, her platonic husband while also spiraling found hope. He got married had a new kid and while he made sure people put some respect on her name when it came to Bobby. He had moved somewhere she could not get to him.
An in a way, I think that's all she truly needed. Her last connection, Roier was happy living his full life in a castle. An what did she have to go back to? A sunset in a house full of memories in a field of flowers surrounded by nothing. The week spent in purgatory felt like a century of suffering.
Something in her finally broke and maybe she didn't make it to the final part where everyone else was. Maybe she walked slowly, legs and feet numb. An she got to a clearing, the world is doused in chaos once again. An her ears are rinning with sirens. An all of it fades away as she stops, she stops limping along, she falls back into sitting on the cold earth.
She realizes their nothing waiting for her back on the island. What was the rush for? What was all the screaming and crying, the begging the longing. She's tired. She so tired of it all. All of it and what was it for? A new start that would never truly be hers.
She relax for the first time in a long time and the sunset looks beautiful. And she hopes that roier stays happy that all the eggs get to live happy and healthy lives.
She doesn't even hear the explosion. She closes her eyes. An when she opens them she in the air, weightless and flying. She has food she hasn't eaten in a long time. She tells Bobby not to worry, she happy now. Only to feel a swift kick to her shins. As Bobby takes her hand and she gets to tell him about all the thing she did after his passing.
She finally get to go back home.
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serentiydraw5678 · 2 years
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yennefer-x-tissaia · 1 year
I'm sure we all remember that heartbreaking scene in 2x01 when Tissaia cries for Yennefer. She pushed herself to her limits and corssed any rules the brotherhood had to find out what happened with Yennefer. She said it by herself she is not a curel person. But Yennefer let her act totally out if character. It was like Tissaia forgot anything when it's about Yennefer. (And I really hate that we didn't saw more of her anger against Stregobor when he interrogated Yennefer or her taking care of her) I mean she was always willing to welcome Yennefer with open arms. Their bond was so strong and I love that.
And that's what makes the season finale so much sadder. Because after everything they went through together even after Yennefer tells her that she would never survived all the things without her and how much she needed Tissaia right now, Yennefers love wasn't enough for Tissaia to stay. And I can't even imagine Yennefer’s feelings after she found her. Her biggest support system was gone. Tissaia was the first person who show her how much she can be. She was the only person who never really let her down and always was somehow on her side. Even when they where not talking for like 30 years Tissaia still offered her a home a place to come back. She always had a save place with Tissaia. And now she just left her. She must have felt so alone, guilty and anger and so much pain. And I'm honest I am glad whe didn't actually hear Yens scream because it must've been so heartbroken and I felt for everyone who found them in Tissaias room and had to deal with a sobbing Yennefer crying over Tissaia's body. I'm kinda curious what happened right after that and who found them but at the same time I just can't imagine something that goes that way. What about you?
I apologize for my grammar and I hope you understood the most important things but I really needed to get this out of my system.
Please don't apologise! I think you've expressed your thoughts and feelings very clearly.
I think it was interesting that the show chose to have Yen acknowledge her anger at Tissaia's decision to take her life. That's a very human reaction and an understandable one. But I don't really feel like we can judge Tissaia for doing what she did either. She had been spectacularly deceived by someone she trusted, which in turn had led to the deaths of girls in her care, and injury and death for girls that she'd trained throughout her time at Aretuza. The guilt must have been immense.
I think we saw her make peace with her decision when she was holding Yennefer. I think that's when she makes up her mind for definite. I'm sure she appreciates Yennefer's attempts to console her, but I think it only proves to her more that Yennefer has grown up and is a strong, capable sorceress who can inspire and lead people.
I wish we'd seen a bit more of the direct aftermath, to be honest. While I like that it was Yen who felt her death, and Yen who found her (because it speaks to their bond) I would have liked to see the others grieving. I expected a funeral, to be honest. A speech from Yen would have been nice. Or maybe Yen would have been too grief stricken to give one. Maybe Rita, in Yen's stead, who could have acknowledged Tissaia's great respect and love for all her girls (but especially Yennefer).
I hope the show remembers Tissaia. I hope Yennefer thinks of her and talks about her, and that she gets to appear in dreams or visions like Calanthe and Pavetta do. The show will suffer for the lack of Tissaia, I think. For being a minor character, she was such a presence in Yen's life and they had such chemistry in every scene that a lot of the other dynamics fell a bit flat in comparison.
I will miss Tissaia, and so will the show.
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fuckyatalkinbout · 5 months
The hidden promise
I'm sorry. I don't think I exist anymore. You're already marked and I was destined to be since birth. My dreams in this world were for us to be at peace. My real dreams haunted me. Now that I ceased to exist without permission, I beg your forgiveness. I didn't die in this world and my dreams are nightmares. Since my heart stopped back then, I used my brain, which was threatened to be removed. This threat made my heart pump once again and now I've noticed that it doesn't matter. Heart or Brain. Blood or Wine. Killing or getting killed. It's always the same for people like us. Since your death nothing changed what you didn't already predict, exept that I cared. I acted like I didn't care, but I did, probably the most out of all. And now I realized, I shouldn't have had. Your death was mine too, I'm just waiting for it and acting like that day wasn't destined. I didn't forget our bloody promise, I just beg for apology. It can't be done with my human body. I know that you'll guide me anyway, but I promise, this is not the time. My destined death will come and I will experience freedom. I just don't know how without you. I beg for forgiveness and hope for you in my nightmares. Please read the future and guide me to our promise instead of trying to just haunt me. Please deliver the deathwish. My Hands are chopped, because you guided me into humanity. My Lips are sealed, because of you. I knew you were twisted, but a pact is a pact. Respect my wishes and stop raping me with laughter. BRBRBR. I know you don't want to deliver my death, because you think I'm worth something and because of that I won't sleep today. It's the 16. and I won't see you. But now that the Words are said, I expect you and your laugh when we meet again. I'll torture myself for you to not exist in my dreams or nightmares. You're words and our pact. The blood and the wine. It really doesn't mean anything? I won't exist until the next time. If you don't manage to deliver it, my blood will start to flow and clot again. My flesh will rott. My death will be meaningless, and then yours will be too, I'm the only one who remembers your truth and I don't know if you're breaking the oath because of a different one, or if you really just want me to live the life you didn't get. I'll be expecting the next message from the entitys next year, they already broke reality once this year. Remind them. If it comes sooner and it's as always, I will take matters in my own hand and break off the blood. You just don't know what I mean by that, do you? Tap into my brain and disregard the heart. Tap into my Heart and disregard my Brain. You should know what will happen next, you can "Tap into my future", no? I don't trust you anymore. Everything that happened to me was either for your entertainment, or this is the path and I am a fool for doubting your sweet heart and curel brain. Don't try to send the entitys or something worse and respect the blood, tears and sacrifices I took for you. Love or hate, peace or war, blood or wine. You know. It doesn't matter. I'll continue your sick dance next month. But you can't repair me and you won't ruin me. I stopped to exist, because of you. Don't make me search for you. Pick me a different future, old dear. I don't want this one anymore and as you know I can't timetravel to the old days. So just prove to me that you're heart hasn't changed like mine. Prove to me that you're brain still values the spilled. I really want to exist again, but I can't aslong as I can't trust you.
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celtic-sword · 3 years
I have a theory about the big three's kids. It's actually a continuation of the "all the kids are scared of their own elements" but with more realistic ideas/explanations:
Thalia - We already new she hated highs. I think this is just curel irony on ricks part but in universe, Thalia had a neglectful mother. Maybe she got stuck climbing when she was little or when she was on the run with Luke she had an accident?
Percy- Water. I think he always had a fear of water from when Gabe stayed with them but it only resurfaced in SON after the almost drowning. Personal headcannon time. Percy had no or very little control over his abilitys when he was younger and Gabe (when drunk or high) tried to drown him and young Percy either didn't have the adrenaline to fight back (or tigger his powers) or was too beaten to fight back and almost drowned. At that point Sally came back from work and Gabe threatened Percy not to tell his mother.
Jason- Now hear me out. Jason was terrified of leadership and or pressure but was given his Preditorship and responsibilities so young that he just turned his constant fear into motivation to keep moving, becoming more traumatised as the wars started and thats how he became close to Reyna. After a bust of emotions and someone over stimulating him after training he snapped and had a breakdown in Reyna's arms. Juno/Hera took Jason and he restarted with 6 months to Percy's week which would also explain why Reyna was so hurt when Jason was with Piper.
Hazel- Her fear of her cursed gems is explained in the series but I don't think people think about her connection to Hecate and the mist being a fear for her. I headcannon it that her mother could see through the mist(is this cannon?) and was practising a form of magic. Maybe she was a legacy of Hecate? Her mother then was cast out for practising witchcraft/magic and that lead her to downfall with Gaia. Hazel, with the pressure of learning the mist and it's ways whilst also being scared that it could lead to her following her mothers footsteps would make sense unfortunately.
Nico- The dark. I think Nico always had a distaste for the dark as a child, needing a candle lit at all times. To the point where his mother kept a helper in his room al night long to stop any fires catching (I also headcannon that Hades was that watcher sometimes). I think Bianca would have been skilled with shadows more than Nico and through some cruel twist from the fates, when she died, her power left an unbalance in the power structure each parent gives to their child(ren) and he became scared of the dark the night she died in TTC.
Bianca- I think her fear was death. She watched alot of people die as we know she wasn't too young to not know the war full weight. A personal headcannon of mine is that she gained her memories back after joining the hunters and her fear became solid which is why she was so quick to prove herself to a promise that she would be brave that I personally think her mother told her before she went back upstairs in the hotel. She just wanted to be brave for Nico and her Mother.
I'd like to hear your opinions on this and if you want I'll post ones for the rest of the seven(or anyone else you suggest)
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vatrocvet · 3 years
do you think norma hates/would try to hide her lazy eye/tooth gap?
Sorry for the late response, I spent half my day thinking about this ask, but I think I've figured it out. Also, this is going to be extremely long winded because I will take any excuse to talk about her.
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Despite this reference, she avoids smiling with her teeth. Her glasses were picked out oversized to hide and distract from her broken nose and her lazy eye. She even has this learnt tendency to pick a standing position which makes the way her lazy eye looks less prominent. A perfectionist in her own right, truly.
(this is the part where i go off on a somewhat canon related tangent. not too relevant to the ask itself but i felt i had to.)
Norma in her essence strikes me as someone who puts on an elaborate performance to hide the fact she's rather insecure. She comes of as this mean, prideful person with a condescending presence of a typical giggly mean girl, making sure you know she thinks she's above you, and don't you dare try to usurp her position in the eyes of the authority figures. This role she's playing represents a from of control she likes to cling to, and she's been keeping it up for so long it melted into her face. People who are the most curel are usually the most unhappy with themselves.
She seems stable, she seems rather mean for seemingly no reason. Inside she yearns for the glory, the recognition, the attention of her superiors, so she goes on a senseless, demeaning feat to bring Raz down because she's probably baffled by him and envious of him just walking in with all these acclamations and attention from high ranking agents. How does she get this attention back? She has to do something just as important. Like singlehandedly rooting out the mole and helping the entire organisation! This is very much worth it and since she's so intelligent and her judgement is oh so spotless, she couldn't possibly be wrong. She's so sure she's right, she thinks nothing off-script could possibly happen. I went as far as to analyze her face in the background of some scenes. Specifically when the adults find Raz and Lili after they exited "Truman's" mind. When Sasha is disappointed in Raz, she has this triumphal expression of absolute joy. Everything is clicking! Everything is going according to plan! And then it doesn't. And then instead ot having a hand in rooting out the mole, she had a hand in bringing back Maligula. According to Morris, she came to him UPSET about some TERRIBLE MISTAKE she had made, asking for reinforcement. I curse the day this wasn't a scene because it could've given her some 100% canon dimension, her own little villain breakdown. She clearly has developed leadership and manipulation skills, but her actual social intelligence is quite poor. Bullying a ten year old? Seriously?
The instance of her realizing she fucked up big time with the whole Maligula incident and the bottled emotions cut voice line tells me we aren't seeing the full picture, which makes sense because we're looking at everything from Raz's perspective.
(messy tangent over. let's say i'm back to the ask)
Now, in the realm of my messy headcanons and theorizing, she's just a fumbling bunch of awful learnt behaviors. Once something works, the brain takes it and runs with it.
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She is practically unrecognizable. But due to a total angstfest of reasons, she has developed a permanent lazy eye (her vision is straight up awful. she strained her eyes so greatly she occasionally has to squint even with her thick glasses. without them she can't see a finger in front of her face. her eyes are super sensitive and her poor vision is one of the many reasons she's quite prone to headaches.). i don't know if i portray it clearly enough, but you might have noticed her nose is broken. This is tied to her lazy eye. Her tooth gap is genetic (Lizzie has one too!), and despite wearing braces for it when she was little, they didn't dissappear (mostly because she was basically bullied out of wearing them. they gave her a speech impediment and she would refuse to wear them so they didn't improve anything). Her skin is also genetically prone to acne, but she had a hand in making it all the more sensitive and damaged.
She's got these... Let's call them nervous habits. Picking at her lips till they're wounded, chewing on her nails and fingers, tugging at her hair and itching and opening her acne when under duress.
She was never called pretty. Nobody ever called her beautiful. Quite the opposite, the cruel kids around her knowing nothing about her expect that she was a psychic freak, insulted her physical appearance as kids usually do. She defaulted to thinking people find her ugly. When she stopped taking care of herself and deteriorated greatly, she didn't feel the impact of it. When her damaged left eye stopped working, she wasn't bothered. When her skin was full of scars from being picked over and over again, she thought it was normal. She was always "ugly". Their laughter and cruel comments were the norm, so there mustn't be a problem. Her posture was awful, she was in constant pain, but she didn't care. So what if her body deteriorated? So what if she shed a fistful of hair every day? It was all worth it for the numbers, the results, the grades, the acclaim. Her only form of self worth lied in these "achievements". Even if there was someone to tell her she wasn't ok, it's not like she would've listened. It didn't matter.
But the many competitions and performances she participated in required her to be presentable.
This realization was a heavy hit. She went from barley taking care of herself to suddenly becoming very proactive in that department. She wasn't only chasing numbers anymore. She also had to present herself in front of others. People are shallow. They might knock her efforts down because she wasn't attractive. What she stopped caring about suddenly became important, and it only worsened when she got older.
I feel where she is at currently is the healthiest environment she has ever been in for her. Where people like her are accepted. A place where she can finally feel like she maybe even fits. Where she is safe from the judgment of her family and peers.
But her performance never ends. And now she has people who don't ignore her existence or loathe her by default. Now it matters more than ever.
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marshmallowgoop · 3 years
wouldn't it be interesting & more sympathic if Satsuki's curel dictership wasn't a facade and that she, like nui, rei and everyone in REVOC supported her mother's goal/idology. Before her Betrayal, we were under the impression she was in on ragyo's plan and while she wouldn't be sadistic/sexual like her mother, she would believe in her mother's totalian ways of ruling & being the calculated, distant, arrogant tyraincal speacker we see in flashbacks & earlier episodes.(1/?)
it would also mean she would embrace life fibers & fate than defy them & wouldn't know about her father/sisters death(or they wouldn't be death at all and also side with ragyo, whichever works). it wld also be the stepping-stones for her(and maybe Ragyo's) redemtion arc of her unlearning these views instead of already KNOWING they're bad. also on ragyo, despite her hatred in the fandom i do like stories/theories where she in given some depth & backstory that fits with her canon character(2/?)
(minus the sexual abuse since i don't believe this show doesn't take any topics of sex/fanservice seriously as most people think). despite her henious acts, she was human once upon a time and real villians aren't monsters with no common humanity. they have their thoughts, emotions, desires, wants & reasons you can sympathic with but wouldn't excuses their actions. Someone who is capable of being a monster if taken a wrong path in life. (3/?)
someone who genuinely don’t realize how evil their behavior is because they think they are doing it for the greater good. i like reading your analysis on her theme and It does fit her more than Satsuki. Reading the songs lyrics over, Ragyo does come across as someone who believes in fate and follows/tied to it and anything that rejects/twisted it is seen as strange and nonsensical to her. (4/?)
plus despite giving herself up to Prime Life fiber, she still has a bit of humanity as indicating in her death & lyrics(if her scars are anything she's only 70% of Life fiber). it does make it kind of tragic that she chose to stick with her damage belifes than take a path of redemption, even if u hate the way she treated those close to her. it's what makes Villians People like us. People are always the hero of their own story(5/?)
it's also help if one were to make the Life fibers more humanized than removing them as most fics do as i have seen your post on Senketsu's scrapped origins. they were responsible for humanity's evolution via clothing after all. despite how common these tropes in fiction are, evolutions don't stop as they just keep envolving to different stages to fit the organism's enviroment to make them stronger. they have no endgoals, espeically onces that envolve world destruction(6/6)
Regarding Satsuki, I've actually written quite a few pieces arguing that her story is one of redemption already, and while she knowingly plays the part of the villain, she comes to realize that she took her role too far and was wrong:
Satsuki Kiryuin: Admitting Wrong
Satsuki Kiryuin: Deliberate Choice to Be Cruel?, Did Satsuki Manipulate Uzu into Blinding Himself?, More, Satsuki’s Influence on Uzu, Satsuki Can’t Be Soft, Satsuki’s Isolation
So, the series' choices with Satsuki are plenty interesting and sympathetic as they are, in my opinion.
That said, I think what’s described as a possible narrative decision for Satsuki already exists with Rei in the OVA. And as much as I dislike the OVA, Rei's plotline makes up about 0% of that dislike. I only wish that Rei had been a more prominent character from the start. That she only gets backstory and development in a totally skippable extra episode is beyond disappointing. Rei deserved so much more.
Regarding Ragyo, I'm not fond of talking about her, so I'm sorry to say that I don't have much to add. I do feel she would have been a more powerful, terrifying villain had she been humanized and given more depth, which is why I find the lyrics of "Blumenkranz" so compelling. I'm glad you liked the old analysis I wrote on the song, thank you! Sorry I don't have much more to say!
Regarding the Life Fibers, as much as I would love a version of Kill la Kill where they get to be more individualized characters, I do recognize that going that direction adds a thick layer of complexity to the series that evidently wasn't desired. But at the same time, I feel like it should have been desired, given that the core of the show is allegedly a “form of intimacy that transcends love and species,” according to scriptwriter Kazuki Nakashima? I figure I've already talked enough on that subject, but still, that Life Fibers (and especially Senketsu) are so removed from fan AUs only adds to my feeling that I have no idea what Kill la Kill is really trying to say and what it wanted audiences to get out of it.
No matter how much I've tried to understand....
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cursedbxrn-blog · 7 years
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akingsfool · 6 years
I Can Get Away With Anything
warnings: cult mention, mention of hospitalization, theft mention, language
“Did I ever tell you about that one time I started a cult?” Tex asked, sitting up and and looking over at the four tired boys: JoJo, Spot, Race, and Albert. Smalls rolled over and looked at Tex.
“What… the actual fuck, Tex?” the smaller girl yawned. “It’s almost 1am, go to bed.”
“I can’t sleep,” Tex threw her arms up, sighing. “And I’m kinda hungry.”
“You should go to the store and get ice cream,” Race grinned, already tossing her a spare key and her jacket. “Take JoJo with you, too. He can’t sleep either and has been texting me for hours about it.” Tex nodded and went off to find her shoes, JoJo following close behind.
“Tex started a cult?” Albert asked, looking over at Spot. The Brooklyn boy groaned and sat up, not very happy that their antics woke him up.
“She’s done a lot of things,” he rubbed his eyes with the palms of his hands, trying to wake himself up a bit more.
“Really? Like what?” Smalls, who wanted to pass out earlier, was now wide awake. She seemed really interested in this new conversation.
“Well, she started a cult by accident, hospitalized at least six people every two years, stole stuff but for a logical reason, and I’m pretty sure she’s gotten into more fights than I have,” Spot shrugged, looking around for his phone. “This was when we still lived in Brooklyn. I have no clue if she’s still doing that stuff.”
“Why’d she steal?” Race asked, his head tilted to the side.
“She’s a foster kid, so am I. Sometimes foster kids don’t exactly go to a perfect home,” the Brooklyn boy explained. “And when she was out she just kept bringing stuff to the other kids there.”
“Ok,” Albert nodded. “What about the fights and hospitalizing other people?”
“They probably deserved it,” Spot shrugged. “From what I know, most of the people she hospitalized and got into fights with were abusive, trying to take a drunk girl or guy home, or anyone being intentionally harmful to anyone really. Look, if there’s one thing I know about Tex, it’s that she can and will hit someone if they are even remotely curel in any way.”
Tex and JoJo reappeared, holding the spare key and a jacket. They were grinning and laughing. “We’ll be back later,” JoJo grinned, holding the door open for Tex. When the two of them left, Spot looked at the three of them that were left.
“She’s as deadly as she is beautiful. And he’s the only boy who doesn’t notice,” he sighed.
“Tex, can we get-” JoJo was cut off by Tex as she turned around.
“JoJo De La Guerra, we are here for ice cream, we are not getting lightsabers,” Tex huffed, taking the lightsaber from JoJo’s hand and putting it back.
“But Tex, they’re so cool!” the tall boy pouted giving Tex his best puppy eyes. “Please, Tex? Please?”
“JoJo, I love you, but sometimes I wanna punch you in the face,” she sighed, putting down the basket they were using to carry the ice cream and chocolate chips they got. JoJo grinned and picked up a green and blue lightsaber, tossing the blue one at Tex. The brown haired girl caught it with ease.
“If I win, we get to buy these,” he grinned, pointing the lightsaber at Tex’s chest.
“And? What happens if I win?” she asked, turning on the blue one, causing it to make noise and light up.
“Well… you won’t win. But you can have whatever you want,” he shrugged. “Now, are you ready to lose?”
“You’re awful cocky today, JoJo. You underestimate me,” she grinned, stepping farther into the aisle. “I may be short, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have an advantage here.”
“What advantage?” the taller boy asked, backing up as Tex stepped closer and closer.
“Well, you’re the one going backwards,” she shrugged, pointing the lightsaber at his chest. “And, I just so happen to know your weakness.”
“Wait what weakness?” he asked, genuinely confused. Instead of an answer, Tex just smiled and shrugged. She poked JoJo’s side and he dropped his lightsaber, so she lightly his his chest with her blue one.
“I win,” she grinned, tossing the toys onto the shelf and grabbing the basket, heading off the the checkout. Something solid hit her back. “You cheater!” She set the basket down and spun around. JoJo was looking down at her, grinning, and guiltily holding the lightsaber.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” slowly, he hid the toy behind his back. Tex stepped closer, causing JoJo to backup, a worried look in his eyes. She grabbed the lightsaber she put up earlier and swung at JoJo, but JoJo blocked it. They continued to swing at each other, occasionally having to hide from an employee.
Tex was focused, she really didn’t want to buy the lightsabers. It wasn’t her money. Technically, it was Spot’s. She just kinda… took his wallet before she left. And she didn’t want Spot to murder them.
JoJo had backed up against the shelves, and Tex was standing on something. She was just a foot or so taller than JoJo when she was standing on… whatever it was. A tired teenager ran into the aisle, looking for a toy for their brother. And if there was a teenager, that meant that their friends, or on a rare occasion their parents, weren’t far behind. And that meant that JoJo and and Tex needed to get out of there before that parent told an employee.
JoJo slid by Tex easily, dodging her swings. Tex, on the other hand, attempted to step off of what she was standing on. And here’s where I say tried, because she kinda failed. Instead of stepping down and landing on the floor, she tipped the box thing and started to fall.
“Oh god, JoJo!” she dropped the blue plastic lightsaber she had in her hand and shut her eyes tight, bracing herself to hit the ground. But it never came. Instead, she hit something else. Or, someone, to be more specific. She couldn’t see who it was, but she could guess. Definitely taller than her, and probably someone she knew because if it wasn’t their arms wouldn’t be wrapped around her waist. So, logically, it was probably JoJo.
Something plastic hit her back, and she knew it was JoJo. And she knew what he did. He just won the lightsaber battle.
“We are definitely getting these,” he grinned, grabbing the toys and basket. He picked Tex up and practically threw her over his shoulder.
“Put me down!” she yelled, hitting her fist on his back not quite hard enough to hurt him.
“How about… no,” he laughed. “Now let’s go check out before we get kicked out.”
“You do realize that it’s Spot’s money we’re spending, right?” she asked, drumming her fingers on his back, keeping herself busy. “He’s gonna kill us. No no no, he’ll kill you. I’m not taking the blame for this. You can’t get away with it this time.”
“Honey, with this smile, I can get away with anything,” he laughed, gently setting her down. The two of them headed to the checkout, avoiding employees as they went. They even went to self-check out so they wouldn’t have to talk to anyone. They almost made it out of Target, they were so close. But an employee caught them on their way out.
“People aren’t allowed to mess up the aisles, or stand on displays, or fight with the lightsabers. Please never return to this Target again,” the older man said, showing them the way out.
“Geez, he’s crabby. I wonder what’s wrong with him,” Tex shrugged, putting the ice cream and lightsabers into the car.
“He’s mad because he lost a lightsaber battle,” JoJo got into the driver's seat and started the car. “I mean, I don't know why he’d be upset. I recently had a lightsaber battle with this girl, and I would have been fine with losing.”
“Oh yeah,” Tex closed the door to the passenger’s side. “Well, why wouldn’t you be upset that you lost the battle?”
“Because I fought against this girl, she’s kinda cute, real competitive. And she had fun, so it’s all good,” he grinned, looking at her.
“JoJo, that’s so sweet that it’s gross. Now, let’s go eat some ice cream at one am,” the girl grinned, putting her feet up on the dash and scrolling through her phone. She texted the group chat, saying that they got kicked out of Target. Within seconds, both hers and JoJo’s phone was blowing up with messages asking how. Race, being Race, simply sent an emoji and went offline.
One am shopping trips? The best thing ever.
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kirionism · 3 years
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Rules: Don’t reblog, repost. ( reply as muse talking )
► NAME: “ Kiriko “ ► ARE YOU SINGLE?: “ Yes, I have not been interested in entering a relationship ...” ► ARE YOU HAPPY?: “ I am content ...” ► ARE YOU ANGRY?: “ See above ...” ► ARE YOUR PARENTS STILL MARRIED?: “ If my parents had as much of a loving relationship with each other as they had towards me, then I doubt it. But as it is now, I have no way of knowing that .”
► ‘BIRTH’ PLACE: “ Ourelva, I doubt you have heard of it ...” ► HAIR COLOR: “ Black ” ► EYE COLOR: “ Purple .” ► BIRTHDAY: “ 20. Oktober “ ► MOOD: “ Am bit sleepy ...” ► GENDER: “ Cis female ► SUMMER OR WINTER: “ Winter ...” ► MORNING OR AFTERNOON: “ I am not necessarily a morning person, but morning is nevertheless prefered ..”
► ARE YOU IN LOVE?: “ In love with my job ...” ► DO YOU BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT?: “ I think love as an experience can not be generalized like that. Each person experiences it differently. For some love at first sight exists, for some it doesn’t. I for my part can not claim that I have ever experienced it .” ► WHO ENDED YOUR LAST RELATIONSHIP?:  ►  BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART?: “ Have I? Perhaps I’ve affected some people with the choices I’ve made. But I doubt those I knew would feel heart broken by it .” ► ARE YOU AFRAID OF COMMITMENTS?: “ Not necessarily. I am just not sure how to handle the things that are a direct result of them ...” ► HAVE YOU HUGGED SOMEONE WITHIN THE LAST WEEK?: “ Eh? Is that a comon thing to do? I don’t think I have ...”  ► HAVE YOU EVER HAD A SECRET ADMIRER?: “No.” ► HAVE YOU EVER BROKEN YOUR OWN HEART?: “ I am not that curel ...”
► LOVE OR LUST: “ Love .” ► LEMONADE OR ICED TEA: “Iced Tea.” ► CATS OR DOGS: “Sloths.” ► A FEW BEST FRIENDS OR MANY REGULAR FRIENDS: “Both options seem good.” ► WILD NIGHT OUT OR ROMANTIC NIGHT IN: “Both could be fun.” ► DAY OR NIGHT: “Night.”
► BEEN CAUGHT SNEAKING OUT: “ No, there had been no need for that in the orphanage ..” ► FALLEN DOWN/UP THE STAIRS: “No.” ► WANTED SOMETHING/SOMEONE SO BADLY IT HURT?: “ ... I would rather not talk about that ...” ► WANTED TO DISAPPEAR: “ I did disappear, didn’t I ?”
► SMILE OR EYES: “ Smile ...” ► SHORTER OR TALLER: “ I don’t care for either ...” ► INTELLIGENCE OR ATTRACTION: “ Between the two I would pick intelligence, but it is by no means necessary ...” ► HOOK-UP OR RELATIONSHIP: “ Relationship .”
► DO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY GET ALONG: “ As well as you do when you have never met ...” ► WOULD YOU SAY YOU HAVE A “MESSED UP LIFE: “ I mean if you list everything unusual I experienced you would probably reach the conclusion that it can not be considered average .” ► HAVE YOU EVER RAN AWAY FROM HOME: “ I moved away, but I am never far away should something happen ..” ► HAVE YOU EVER GOTTEN KICKED OUT: “ Well not necessarily. Can it be called kicked out when you broke in and they wanted you to love ?”
► DO YOU SECRETLY HATE ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS: “ I hate some of my clients and that is considerably worse ...” ► DO YOU CONSIDER ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS GOOD FRIENDS: “ I consider them to be acquaintances ...” ► WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND: “ Information. It takes, gives and you can rely on it .” ► WHO KNOWS EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU: “ My secrets are safely buried beneath ash and destruction ...”
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ixnova · 7 years
What do you do with harassment that’s constant and wont stop? Someone is going out of their way to make multiple accounts to harass me anonymously and every time I report and block they remake their accounts to get around the blocking. They are even reblogging my fucking posts with insults to harass me now.  I’ve emailed tumblr directly with the details, twice now and i know it takes time to get to the support things but this is getting out of hand im having an actual fucking anexity attack because they are actively stalking my blog You wanna know why I bitch about the lgbt community so much on this website? cause majority of them are hateful people, and do bullshit like this i never go out of my way to insult someone or harass them, i just share an opinion and give my two cents sometimes but I have a lgbt person actively harassing me now for being straight just because they didnt like what I said? Honestly man what the fuck, this is why everyone gives the lgbt community on here a bad rep, cause you got fuckers like this doing shit like this. I’mma still support lgbt rights and shit but fuck is it ever hard to trust any of you when you allow shit like this to happen and encourage it, bully people, you kill people this way y’know that? I have bpd and depression this isn’t fucking helping not that anyone would care anyway cause I also know some of you are so fucking curel and heartless that news of my death would make you go “good riddance” When i bitch about the spread of hatred and how hate spreads hate and I call people out for their hatred I do it cause I know there’s people like me, having moments like this where they do want to kill themselves cause they’re told every day to die, or they don’t matter, are insulted, etc. just for being who they are- You’re doing the same fucking shit to these innocent white/straight/male users as your actual opressors are doing to you and its not right IT doesn’t give you a right to bully others because someone else did it to you. it’s not how it works. Just because I said some things people don’t agree with doesn’t give you a right to bully me like this. No one deserves to be bullied, I understand youre tired and your hatred but you still don’t have a right to bully because of it, and I don’t like the fact you guys get bullied either. This is why I’m such an equality nut on everything cause both sides do this shit and its fucking awful and wrong. Please check yourself, and think before you send hateful messages. Words on a screen that you don’t like don’t bother you, and you can block or scroll past - it’s pretty fucking hard to do that myself though when people are working around the block to continuously harass me.
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illustratedbydae · 8 years
Midnight Talk | SnowBarry
If people refuse to look at you in a new light and they can only see you for what you were, only see you for the mistakes you've made, if they don't realize that you are not your mistakes, then they have to go. For only one mistake people would point fingers at you; no matter how good you were to them or how you always helped them - you had to do one wrong thing and they'll hate you for that. Caitlin rested her head on her knees; she was standing on the ground in the pipeline. It has been two days since Savitar got out from the speedforce; only because of her, she thought. It was her who kept a part of the stone; but it was Wally who threw it into the speedforce. She couldn't blame him, not when she knew he was suffering right now; so she put the blame on herself, she always did. She cried quietly, knowing no one was there, since it was almost midnight. She couldn't even go home, she was too scared to leave; to afraid at the thought she may see Savitar. Her heart started to beat faster when she heard something fall on the ground. The first thing that was in her mind was the God of speed, being in the same.building as her; she was terrified. Caitlin got up as quiet as possible and she started to watch around for the source of the disturbing sound. With all the courage that was left in her she took off her necklace , in case she needed her ice powers and she went towards the hall. Caitlin made an icicle; she saw something moving in front of her and she threw the icicle at that person, without seeing who it was, due to the lack of light that was in the hall. " Ouch !" Caitlin's eyes widened at the sound of the voice; she always recognized it. " Barry ! Oh my God I'm so sorry; I didn't know it was you. " she said panicked " It's okay, Cait...I didn't know it was someone else here. " he laughed it off The girl put back her necklace and went grab Barry's hand, dragging him into the pipeline where was actual light. Caitlin patched his arm carefully, feeling sorry for actually hurting him. After ten minutes of silence Barry finally spoked. " What are you doing here, Caitlin? It's 1 am. " The biochemist fixed her eyes on the ground as she tried to find an answer that didn't sound pathetic. " I..." she couldn't finish her sentence because warm tears fall down her cheeks " Cait-" He didn't waste any seconds - he just hugged her tightly. " I'm afraid of Savitar; it's my fault he's out - what if he comes after me ? What if he gets into my mind ? I'm so scared Barry. I- " " It's okay, it's okay; I'm here now. You have me. We have each other. " he calmed her down The two of them sat on the medical bed and after Caitlin stopped from sobbing she looked at Barry, asking him why was he there. " I...um, couldn't stay at home. " he said embrassed Caitlin furrowed her eyebrows, after a second, the realization hit her: he got in a fight with Iris. " Is everything okay with Iris ?" " No, of course not. She said she needed time to think about my proposal - after the whole incident when she found out 'I asked her only to changed the future' and today...she gave me her answer. It was no. She...doesn't want to marry me. " " Oh, Barr..." she said giving him half-a-hug " I thought , after all this time, after Eddie died, after the changes we suffered that she would spend her life with me, guess I was wrong. " " Sometimes, Barry, it's curel when two people love each other but can't make it work, but this happens a lot , I'm so sorry you're experiencing this, you deserve all the good in the world. " " I'm not sure of that, this is all because of me. " Caitlin shook her head, disapproving. " No way; it was my fault as well , I kept a part of the stone, I was selfish-" " You're the most selfless person I know,Cait." He giggled " Look, Barry , this is a hard time for you, for all of us, but you're never alone, I promise. I'll always stand by your side. " " Thank you, Caitlin. You're the only one who stays after all. " he smiled This girl that was in front of him always succeed to make him feel better when he hated himself; she was always right by his side, how could he be so blind ?
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justplloy · 7 years
#TwentySix #July2017
My career goal after graduation with master degree is to work for leading multinational FMCG firms as their Management Trainee. But unfortunately the closest I got was an internship at Maybelling New York. It was for a short period of time - 2 months - then I got an offer at a fashion retailing company. I did not learn anything. It was more like a coffee-making kind of internship. Screwed it! But nothing ever stop me from dreaming. Earlier this year, I finally landed a job in Japanese-based FMCG company as one of their marketing crew. I was assigned to work in skincare department, managing suncare products for face & body. I was thrilled. Why I always want to work for consumer products? Well, it is something I use everday and I could relate to it. And it is widely and daily use. So I think the nature of the business would be dynamic, fast-moving, challenging and great learning experience. The people working in this firms would be proactive, risk-takers, do-ers and full of ideas. But, boys, was I wrong. It has been almost 6 months and I did not feel a spark. I am part of a beauty team which has 2 main legs : haircare and skincare. Skincare is supervised by 1 Senior Category Manager who has been with the business for over 10 years and got promoted by experience. Skincare consists of currently 2 main brands : Curel and Biore. Biore is a big brand, operated by 4 people, for now. It is divided into 2 main categories : cleanser and suncare. So there, you found me. But everything will be changed from July onwards as I would be assigned to work on Haircare side, in charged of Liese. I could tell you one thing for sure I either need to be more proactice or stuck here my whole life. It is definitely not somewhere I dream of being. The relationship among the colleagues is cute. It reminds me of my own gang in my old workplace. They bond like high school kids but slowly people started leaving. I don't like them very much. I mean they are a narrow-minded group of people who dream or dare nothing but to mate and to reproduce. They are older than me with no sense of leadership but expect me to walk behind their shadows. They are immature and unprofessional group pf people. That I started to feel like the change in organization is a blessing in disguise. I feel sprry for P'Note though. But I think she would settle down and blend it. As for me, it got me spread out my roadmap and fasten my seatbelt because I will be out of here in 1 year time. I have a half-day meeting tomorrow and the rest of the week to transfer my tasks. Next week I will leave for scuba diving trip and be back around Thursday of 13th July. It is going to be a tough month as far as I know. It is all about reviewing performance, re-planning for the rest of the year and future-planning for 2018. And I wish I would only be here till December 2017. I don't get along with the team well, honestly speaking. We have different vision of things and ours are parallel. So I don't blame or hate them for disliking me. I understand. Huh. Good night.
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teddy-feathers · 7 years
Me and mom constantly: hey we should go out to the moives or do xyz this weekend. Dad when the day comes: hurt. Cant/ dont want to go. Yall have fun. I mean. Most of the time he doesnt want to waste money or even see some of the movies but its something we can go do and have fun. Whatever. This time me and mom just planned on going since hey dad was staying home while we went and got the groceries. We got up. Went to the movie. Were completely responsible and got everything on the list we needed to... Today. Two days latter. Dads doing quicken (money books. reconciling.) he has me read the reciepts when moms not home cause its easier. Whatever. "You guys went to the movies?" "Uh yeah?" "Oh so you lied to me." Like wtfo? Its in quicken. You dont like spoilers and even I can get pretty damn tired about beating myself up for leaving you out of things. And theres a precedent so like it seemd like nbd to me. I'm sorry I didnt think to mention it but you were basically an asshole from hell when we got back for GOD knows what damn reason so I was juat trying to get shit done and then avoid you and while I have no idea what moms excuse is not telling you something isnt the same as hiding it intentionally so fuck off. I am so sick for feeling like I have to curel up and die when anyone calls me a liar. Sometimes its the only way I feel safe, sometimes its the only way I feel like I can get some space, sometimes its either that or tell people to their face I dont think they have a right to personal info I dont want to give them and TRUST me when I say there is a difference between deliberately keeping shit from you and this bit of nothing that youre going to make a big deal out of as soon as mom gets home because youre a hateful controling asshole and maybe youre just hurt for being left out but we cant HELP you make us want to not be around you. Im so so so tired of feeling like shit over nothing reguardless if its you or just random bs in my head I hate it. I hate that youre like that and that im like this.i feel like this enough on my own without your gd help.
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