#these were the vibes i got from ira okay
sparring-spirals · 2 years
Ira, uncomfortably sensually: We're....... friends......🥺🥺🥺🥺😈😈😈😘 right 😘🤫🥺 😈😈😈
Ashton, stonefaced: I'm more comfortable with "colleagues" at this point.
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these-detestable-hands · 10 months
OC design post!
This is what Augustus looked like in August of 2021. I spent so long on it because of the shape language, color choice, clothing, pose and even background. 2 years later, I'm still happy with it but I have significantly changed Augustus' entire character so it is unfortunately outdated.
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His outfit is fairly similar, but it's a little lighter, his build is a bulkier and the style is significantly softer.
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Also elephant in the room, he's white as crap in drawing one and black in the second one! In August of 2021, his mom was not Ione. That decision came around in early 2022. I changed his skin tone and hair texture to match.
So what about them? Glad you asked! Augustus is a king, but more importantly, he is a mentor character.
See, in 2021, he was a slimey pure evil villain but I changed that in 2022 (made him really good but spring this year, I made more edits and he is a little bit morally grey) and I think the design is a fun way of showing the change.
Design 1 is shape, he hides his body (and therefore himself) with a large cape and a blouse that is too big for him, he holds a sword but conceals it with his cape because he doesn't want the general public to know he's planning a war and he's got an excellent smirk. Not explaining how, but the background is just how his long dead wife still haunts him 900 years after he killed her. He's just really slimey and I've gotten loads of praise for this drawing on how well I captured that :]
Drawing 2, he's physically stronger. He still has a sword, but shows it because he's proud that he can defend his people from the monsters of the north western waste. He still has a cape because he's a very private person, but it isn't used to make himself seem bigger or greater than he is like in the first drawing.
What's the purpose of this post? EXCELLENT QUESTION! You've been BAMBOOZLED! It was dear emperor all along!
So I've talked about how Augustus' design has changed with his character, how he was a slimey pure evil villain then became a mentor. Why am I doing this?
Obviously it's because I love infodumping.
Well, also that, but it's actually about Volker. If I were to design a pure evil villain, I'd likely just look at some disney (classic, not recent, good grief) and anime villains I like, sketch up something neat and call it a day, right?
That would be a perfectly okay process, if it weren't for Volker's genre of pure evil. He's pure evil and obviously lies and uses everyone around him, but he's also physically huge and has led soldiers on a battle field, not to mention that my main inspiration for him is Damon Gant from ace attorney, Volker is a mentor figure for Ira and aesthetically then dear emperor is heavily inspired by triangle strategy and breath of the wild.
That's so many things to take into consideration!
He has to be pure evil, so horrible he would kill his own sister, the gods that protect the world from [unnamed thing] and lies with a bright smile, but he also has to look like a dad who would swing a battle axe with glee. Do you see the problem. He needs the vibes of Griffith (berserk) (minus the rape) and Harvey (octopath 2) but I also want him to look like Landroi (triangle strategy). Not to mention that I haven't even begun to think of what rich people might wear in Odeda! I only have commoners' clothing pinned down! And Volker isn't just rich, he's the king of a country that occupies like 5 other countries! He's rich rich!!!
Conclusion? Just thinking of Volker's design gives me a headache and I'm excited to start designing him and I'll document that miserable process.
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mitta-likes-moths · 1 year
firstly: it’s amazing, you have my sense of humour exactly
I THOUGHT THE FANDOM WAS DEAD, AND YET HERE YOU ARE. I don’t want to come across as pushy or anything, but,,please talk abt it. Like perhaps drop some headcanons if you have any 👉👈
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Okay first things first, I sincerely apologize for not answering your ask for so long 😭 this thing was sent last year
But like YES, glitter force and doki doki were big big parts of my childhood, I memorized the intro and eds, never danced along I don’t think but they fucking went hard man, I’m tellin ya
I grew up with English dubs of everything because I didn’t even know the original dub existed, all I knew was that pretty magical girls are fighting bad vibes and I loved it
I might watch the dubbed and subbed version of both versions at some point again since there’s a chance I didn’t see some stuff cuz of the 4kids treatment, I thought it just got things like SonicX not my magical girls 😔😔
also I kinda really wanna relive that shit, it was amazing and I’m going to use Ira and Rachel’s dynamic from glitter force doki doki as writing inspiration in the future
Ty so much for sending this in, again I apologize for not answering for so long but it you wanna send some more glitter force stuff i don’t mind, I can work with bathtub for writing trust 👉👈
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velocitic · 2 years
Do as many or as few of these as you want!
Band/Artist: Hippo Campus
Song: Simulation Swarm by Big Thief
Album: Ed Buys Houses by Sidney Gish
hey this is ira 4-5 days in the future this is going under a read more you'll see why thanks so much love you
Hippo Campus
Do I know them already?: yes :) and i am so normal about them come closer | no 
If I know them: 
Favourite Song: Usually Chapstick, Formerly Bambi, Currently Listerine ; okay i've been working on this ask for a few days because busy. i also really like ease up kid an abnormal amount.
Least Favourite Song: uhhh. not necessarily "least favourite" as much as "have listened to it less than 10 times" - baby
Favourite Album: i think landmark is just always going to be a part of my life forever and ever to be honest with you. it's the album that got me into hippo campus and the summer a few years ago now that it was the only album i listened to for 3 months was the lowest place i've ever been in and i think this music + walking aimless and flat broke in a city i had literally run away to on a manic whim for hours because i worked all the time but never made enough money to do anything there + listening to landmark on total flat out loop until i heard the music even when i wasn't listening to anything - is something i don't think i will ever be able to forget. those 3 months were...not ideal? but this one album has attached to it every single small shred of a good thing, a good feeling, a good meal, relief from sitting down after a 12 hour restaurant shift, sunset in the best autumn weather i've ever experienced, riding a bus that wasn't for school for the first time, my first taste of a real, actual city life, boardwalk wandering, the laughter however rare and even the month i spent in the hospital; which, mind you, was easily the best month of the whole three of them. really good album. lp3 is really bomb too :)
Least Favourite Album: mmm. demos I ? but not. all the songs on it i just vibe better with the mesh of how demos II is set up...
Song that got me into them: it has quite literally been. years and years but i think it was halocline, waaay. way back in 2015 on my not-boyfriend's 8tracks. then i forgot about the band when i stopped talking to my not-boyfriend. then found them again a few years later with bambi, which still is very very very dear to me and very important
Seen Live?: 
Not. Yet. Soon.
Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 100 this is literally my favorite band almost 10 years running babey #hippocampussweep
Song: Simulation Swarm by Big Thief
couldn’t finish it | not my thing | it’s fine | I could get into this | ooo I like | oh hell yeah | fuck this is some good shit | there aren’t even words, this transcends words 
Oh my g-d the lyrics are so fucking good. yeahyeahyeahyeah yes sing to me about the crooked corpses the empty horses yes yes the river of light yes yesyesyesyes i love when words are so good oh my G-D they say simulation swarm just now. yes. yes. yay. holy shit. i already really loved a few Big Thief songs going into this so i am of course not disappointed; i really love this. you should listen to bloodlust by aeseaes.
Album: Ed Buys Houses by Sidney Gish
wait holy shit i just looked it up i know this album. i did not recognize the artist name or album name at all. what do you want from me tonight is one of my fav songs that i point at and say look its me. hell yes
Opinion on cover design: it's so good it looks like the inside of my brain :]
Favourite song: what do you want from me tonight (before listening to full album) | ...Other than WDYWFMT (bc h. yes) probably either hexagons and other fun materials Or presumably dead arm. :) i also really like homecoming serf for sureeee!!
Least favourite song: midnight jingle sorry or not sorry depending on how you feel abt it
Underrated track: i do not follow a lot of ppl who talk abt gish. but probably buckets of fun
Overrated track: i do not follow a lot of ppl who talk abt gish. pbb wdywfmt because thats the one that came up on my discover weekly like 2 years ago when i foudn that song and proceeded to not listen to any of the rest of it until just now so thank you
Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9.5 | 10 
Song opinions:
!Ed Buys Houses! -- Cute and poppy absolutely zoned out during it though because I was so floored at the realization that i knew this album and haven't recognized it this almost whole week
Midnight Jingle -- Unfortunately i am extremely nitpicky about speaking voices in my songs and the niche where voices are good in a song and where i start getting bored / annoyed is thin and veneered in judgement. the actual song is good i just almost skipped it entirely because of the phone convo at the beginning
Homecoming Serf -- oh good the melancholy. hm this is less about the Song and more about the Experience thus far (oh hell yes jesus of suburbia reference <3) but i really love how the songs so far haven't been super jarring to the pace of listening to it straight through, midnight jingle is almost in my mind retroactively justified because i can't imagine the disappointment i'd feel about another I CAN EASILY ACT GAYER THAN FUCK HATE. i love you gish. thanks. i'd feel about another phone call dragging on for a minute before there's any Song. so if it has to exist it does make sense to be a "first song" after the "theme" song that !EBH! is serving as a role. this song though goes so fucking hard i relate so hard <3 i love the atmosphere. it's not a sad song? it's a song that's lowkey and expressionistic--okay, sorry to be...a theatre person but in this song specficially sidney sounds like veronica sawyer from o'keefe's running ?? i think ??
Vaudeville -- aw hey apparently i have vaudeville relatives on my mom's side that's fun. this song does sort of slow down but again the pace is very intentional / consistent still. almost like a heart beat! i don't know how to word it but there's some kind of specific Thing that gish is doing with the music overall that is very funky and i enjoy it very much. the words and phrases and curses placed so Casually throughout the music is very harsh in a very good way. like a scrape at a waterpark. or rope burn on a tire swing.
Friday Night Placebo -- i've been eyeing the title of this song this whole time... it definitely is starting to slow down, but again it's like the entire album is on a curve. okay it ramps up and then down. i also feel like it's possible the album is weaving a specific story but i can't read the lyrics while i type this so i struggle to hear all the words (#hohW) but i do love just this feeling. very hazy? is that the word? i'm trying to find this word that encompasses this feeling. it's not hazy, it's not juvenile. what is the word! sorry i kept getting called by a telemarketer during this song but tbh that added i think to the intended emotion overall. maybe. it feels very ... not rugged. what is the word. oh the song's over--
Hexagons and Other Fun Materials -- funky groovy ass bass line. hell yes. also i love shapes please explain math and shapes to me. oh no i relate to this song already oh g-d oh fuck fuck oh no. fuck. well. what a fun little story about wanting to find something to excel in so that you will seem in some way meshed with those around you, but you are not able to force yourself into it. okay. there's voices in this one but i relate so deeply to the song itself in a way that is a little shocking for some reason that actually i don't even care. i might even Like those voices being there. oh my g-d i need to call my therapist. sorry. hesus christ.
Cokesbury -- back down to the dampened tone... you know those hoodies? with the - like - wool, i think, or maybe hemp...? thick knit and super super rough textured, with the slow diamond patterns. you can get them in stoner shops a lot i think. that's what this sounds like. it smells like incense and a super dark, barely lit, cramped souveneir shop in a college town (not a college city. college Town.) there's like one employee who leans against the cashier counter and ignores you as long as they possibly can (as they should). this album is probably the type of music that would play on those shitty little sony speakers hung up way too far apart in each corner of the store and played at too low a volume to actual build into a song you can hear properly. it's great.
It's Afternoon, I'm Feeling Sick -- this album came out in 2016 which is when-ish i moved across the country to live with my dad i hadn't spoken to in 5+ years out of nowhere and i know this is not true this is a joke here but also i do think if you put this album to a wordless biopic of the last 2 years of high school and first 2 years of my dad having custody of me you would think it had been written for that biopic specifically. good song!
Presumably Dead Arm -- yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes the intro. is nice. yes there's the words. oh i love this alreadyyyy. second to last song on the album yes babe i love it. honey you are nothing to me!!!! i am dying on the sofa and i'm . oh my G-D this one could be the ending of the biopic where i had run away from home and was insane for several years following. i want to have a coffee with gish gonna be honest with you i think we'd have some things to talk about. i love the "i want to go back, i want to know you when i didn't and i want to have what everyone i knew had" ... oh boy this song hits for me. i think this one's going on my "songs that look like me" playlist. btw i genuinely have no idea if any of this Says Anything about my mental state or whatever so like feel free to psychoanalyze me should you ever want to i love being perceived. 10/10 song. oh no we're almost done. i was just starting. where did the time go.
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vsnotresponding · 1 year
I mean, how could I not?
"fake dating au goes brbrbrbrb"
ask's about this tag game
how could you not indeed, púlsar fake dating au my beloved <3
I've posted two parts already (plus an introduction to it) in here:
part 0: whomst part 1: how it all started part 2: ready to go
basically i brought my two Very Ace main characters from a fantasy story into a fake dating au romcom for the funz, as you do. thinking about this au makes me very happy because look at them! being happy! no angst just vibes! no thoughts head empty just brbrbrbrbrbr
i have two documents for it, the one where i just word vomit Thoughts, and the one where I make it all readable
here's what the unedited text looks like sometimes (it's me talking to myself half the time and butchering the english language the other half):
og verbal diarrhea
social engagements get him out of there please he hates it
karma needs a date because now that Son Of Rich And Important Man Is Taken he has become the next victim
both ira and karma are very ace btw <- me telling this to myself like i don't already know lmao
oh yeah karma's father is responsible for The Thing That Happened
brunch with mom aka ira gets adopted
(she does see him trying with karma and being wholesome with sahare so okay maybe he does deserve rights i guess still not a fan 7-7 hisses at you) (sher can't believe karma has had a full conversation while holding someone's hand like it's nothing HELLO????)
oh shit who's this bitch arguing ira kicks him out u know <- what even is this sentence
hopefully i'll get my shit together and post part 3 soon (which means definitely this year)
lil teaser:
[their first ever date and irl meeting. they were talking but karma got distracted by someone on the other side of the square they are standing in]
“Who’s that?” 
She’s pretty, sitting on a bench with a thermo next to her and a big thick white binder opened on her knees. Raí would say she’s wearing fashionable clothes, but Ira only notices her long hair and how much effort would be necessary to take care of it.
“Sahare," Karma says automatically. His panicked look a second after tells Ira everything she’d already got from the name. Oh, so the future sister in law. Well, at least Sher has good taste.
“Let’s go and say hi.”
But she’s already gone, and Karma has no option but to trail behind her, quickly going over all they agreed upon about their non-existent relationship. Not that they have an actual relationship. Or do they? He doesn't think exchanging silly texts would count, but what would he know anyways. Although, he thinks as Sahare notices them, she might be interested in hearing about the thousands of cat pics he has on his phone now.
hi @my-cursed-prince you also asked about the fake dating au <3
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fisherrprince · 3 years
"I would also like to go off about titles in daybreak too. Lady, lord, master, foreteller…. All very made up in the moment, but if you give it to kids and say that’s how it is, they’re going to make it real"
OKAY SO THERE ARe there are two ways, this can go. One thing we know for sure is Ava, at least, was close with her kids, or at the very least Ephemer. He chats with her very casually. Another thing we know is the Foretellers are not consistently Around, they’re rather secluded and rare to just encounter on the street. They are also pretty much given mastery over their unions, and the kids do what they say. Lady, Master, and Foreteller mean the same thing. So, what this means is, either the titles they receive as apprentices to the Master of Masters are for all intents and purposes decorative, or they aren’t. How did I extrapolate from those two points come on a journey with me that will not explain how I got there
AUGH AND I LOST A WHOLE DRAFT HERE BUT I’LL TRY TO REPLICATE IT BEST I CAN. OKAY SO THERE ARE TWO SCENARIOS HERE and the two can mix it’s not mutually exclusive in here. Scenario 1. The titles are decorative. the foretellers know or know of basically every kid in their unions, they know their strengths and battle prowess and weaknesses and quirks. Ava is the leader, her name is Lady Ava, but it’s Lady Ava to distinguish her from Ava the 14 year old in Ursus. They lead in like… a camp counselor way. Advice, rallying, etcetcetc. Teachers. When Daybreak falls, Ephemer and the survivors build Scala out of the same basic structure. They see, though, the ruin that unions brought, so they change unions PLURAL to union SINGULAR, creating like… a monarchy, not a plutarchy. Ephemer leads the kids like Ava would. The aggregate citizens of Scala carry this on and extrapolate from it. Mastery is the highest rank, often accompanied by a title or an epithet to designate you master (think professors). So, Aqua could technically choose to be called Lady Aqua. However, Ephemer’s mastery lineage remains in power. Keyblade succession follows this rule, passed down from Master to apprentice if the Keyblade so chooses to persist. “Blueblood” is shorthand for… basically who Blaine’s keyblade has chosen to be next, avatar style.
scenario 2. The titles are given more weight. There are simply too many kids, Lord Ira cannot hope to know them all. They’re like the professors of those huge auditorium classes, or like enigmatic and mysterious leaders who give out tasks and promise rewards, increasingly against the other leaders’. Who knows where they are, or what they plan to do, but we know they’re powerful, and we know they know more than us, they’re called foretellers. My union leader taught me this — he taught me this. Thus, the kids learn to tie the titles and the masks and the knowledge and the mastery to each other in a bundle. They basically make knights’ oaths without even realizing that’s what theyre doing. When they make it to Scala, Ephemer is the only one in that spot, the only one who really truly knows everything — so whether he wants it or not, he’s getting a rank, and a title, and a statue. that’s just how they live, and Ephemer needs to give them SOME structure, or those poor kids will fall apart. It’s not bad, it’s gentle. He takes that responsibility, just like he already did once. Scala carries it on, and keeps going. In a divine souls sort of way, Lineage, not succession, is the way the ““monarch”” is chosen. Familial line becomes tied in with that whole bundle too, and the Keyblade stays in the family.
this is all. Very much heavier based on how the keyblade’s purpose is to maintain balance in the worlds. It’s such a weighty purpose. Wouldn’t it be easier to have someone shoulder that burden, and you just help then any way you can? Have one person, or a set of people, who can think about that for you? They, those who know, they have the right to direct. I think Scala started to go brrrooooo with that idea. Masters and Apprentices, yes — plenty of those. Teachers and students. All under… something. Some aggregate of things. Something tangible to be loyal to. Seekers are just masters who chose not to teach, to research instead (Scala Really is just dark academia), Masters are just professors, SOMEONE is in charge.
and thus the title system becomes a way to distinguish rank in the Literal way, not just the flippant way. Daybreak would function like we functioned playing it — missions are missions from Lord Gula. Dailies are dailies if you want to stay on top. Union rankings are important. They’re the same things, but with completely different vibes. Either the kids were going along with the war because what else would they do, or they were going along with it because what else would they do but follow yknow
if Scala extrapolates on this teaching, ostensibly made up by the Master and then carried on because they didn’t really know any other kind of societies, they can take it a more casual way or a more rigid way, basically. And I think they took it more rigidly. But Scala isnt important here actually Daybreak is as THEYRE the nexus of creating this odd new system where Everyone has this responsibility to the universe and a soul weapon and magic right. If I’m a kid promising a foreteller I will do anything to keep the light safe and collect Lux for you, Master Invi, whatever you ask of me, and she says good job, you’re a good student, there ought to be more keybearers as upright as you. What do you think that’ll do.
TO SAY NOTHING OF THE MORAL ABSOLUTISM THE FORETELLERS ARE SO FOND OF PREACHING and which MUST extend into dark road seeing as Eraqus is allowed to be Like That and Xehanort’s much more moderate take is kind of perceived as iffy. Even tho the narrative is like ( :/ hes got a point). If THEYRE right, and you my child can be wrong but if you follow you can be right too. tell me that doesn’t sound like a hotbed for the birth of paladins come on . mom wants some paladins. eraqus is just a case of deep rooted That.
anyways Um. pay me to write fake history and anthropology books about fake places but don’t actually because they will not have correct grammar
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eurydicees · 3 years
thoughts on the musicals y’all recommended!
tysm for all the recs! i had so much fun listening to them, i really appreciate it! always feel free to rec more :)  
to preface, there’s no actual judging system. it’s all about the vibes. so, in the order that i listened to them: 
the mad ones
i already made a post abt this one, but i have to mention it again. i’ve been listening to it on repeat. like. straight up on a loop. 
i’m obsessed with this
the storyline is so put together, and you can really feel the heart of the show
the characters were well written (with the exception of the boyfriend tbh, i could have done without him), and i’m so fascinated by sam and kelly’s relationship (writers were cowards for making them not gay) 
the songs felt super cohesive, and the repeated drum loop was super well integrated. the sound techie in me is fascinated by the way this show was put together, and i’d love to see it performed (like. fr. i was getting ideas for the design. which is always so much fun) 
romeo es julia
holy shit this slaps
costumes were weird
but the music was brilliant
some of the captioned lyrics were ???? bad translation or bad lyrics??? but the sound was incredible so i don’t even care 
mercutio and tybalt were spot on
the moms were GREAT. i LOVED their voices, like. could FEEL the emotions, even if i didn’t know wtf they were saying 
pretty much everyone was like that, like idk what’s going on via words, but i def can feel it, which is the best kind of song
my mother didn’t like this one but whatever, she didn’t get to see the choreo that went with it so what does she know 
the SET. the LIGHTS. the SOUND. the SET. the LIGHTS. the SOUND. chef’s kiss. 
ordinary days
i liked “favorite places” and “beautiful” a lot, but the rest of the songs were only okay
i wasn’t super attached to the characters and the singing was just. like. okay for me. i didn’t love any of them in particular 
my mother also didn’t like this one, rip. she has a lot of opinions on musicals. 
oh my fucking god???????? 
not what i expected at all. right from the first lines i was like. 😲😲😲 
like. this was so good??? wtf???? hamilton meets shakespeare meets the mechanisms meets les mis meets post-9/11 politics meets dystopia. i thought it couldn’t be done, but here i am, in awe
i was going to include some favorite lines but. it’s just all of them. ALL of them. 
further confirmation that i’m in love with jennifer damiano. 
also angela polk?? incredible 
it’s weird bc it’s so clearly Not Broadway Music, but it’s also not trying to be, which i enjoy. i can see why some critics hated it (read some really funny reviews lmao), but i really loved the sound (haven’t seen the show, though, and that’s half of a musical, so maybe gonna try and find a bootleg) 
count of monte cristo 
damn from the overture this was. Intense. like. damn. i’m a slut for any dies irae sequence, so i was a big fan of that
that being said. gonna be real. i had no idea what was happening throughout the entire musical. it’s a pretty music-light show, so that’s probably why? 
maybe it would make more sense if i watched a performance rather than just listening to the soundtrack??? idk. anyone got a bootleg? 
thomas borchert has a nice voice. very distinctive. googled him to see where else i can listen to him. he was rum tum tugger. anyways. mad respect for this man
sonically, it didn’t feel like a very cohesive show? like it felt like there were a lot of diff vibes going around
lots of good songs for my evil musicals playlist though 
once on this island (2017 revival)
ok turns out musicals are a lot better when sung by professionals than by sixth graders who think they can belt even tho their voices are still cracking 
also turns out that stories can be much more complex and interesting-- and have much deeper themes of racism and classism-- when on broadway than when in a sweaty middle school auditorium in an upper middle class white neighborhood 
funny how that works, huh 
i’m still a little unsure abt it, and probably wouldn’t listen to it just because i can, but i definitely don’t object to it anymore 
ty for making me give it a second try 
hailey kilgore is brilliant in this
the singing in general is REALLY impressive and beautiful 
death note
i cannot express enough in words how mad i am that i actually liked this
genuinely don’t know how to feel 
i do think that i would get more out of it if i watched the anime, but it was still pretty easy to follow, just knowing the premise 
idk who the cast is bc i found a weird shady playlist on spotify rather than a cast recording, but the girl’s voice (idk character names) was beautiful. “i’ll only love you more” was SO good
reminded me a little of jekyll and hyde? which? huh
also i’m now getting tik tok videos with audio from this musical can my iphone stop stalking me for ONE second
fucking unfair that this is actually a good soundtrack. the desire to find a bootleg is unholy. 
why did no one tell me that alex brightman is in this!!!!
i listened to a few songs and really enjoyed them, but didn't get through the whole album lmao
but i did really enjoy what i did listen to, and i'm gonna come back to it
ghost quartet
i wanted to like this one. SO badly. i REALLY wanted to like it.
but i couldn't really get into it? 
there were a few songs that absolutely slapped, but overall, it was just kinda. eh. which sucks bc i have heard such good things about it
i LOVED "the astronomer," "the telescope," and "lights out" 
but i didn't get through the entire album
i'll come back to it eventually and give it another try, i think. i might just not have been in the specific mood for it
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atomic-taco-muffin · 3 years
The Lost Princess Chapter 109
Warnings: You can guess
Rating: SFW
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Ava and Invi were sitting in the garden with your mother and they played with the flowers together. 
“So, I hear that you’re in love with Ira. Is it true?” Ava said. 
“Where did you hear that?” your mother asked.
“From Ira. He can never keep a secret.”
“It’s true,” Invi smiled. 
“Well, if he told you then, it’s obviously true. And I’m actually surprised that he kept it a secret for a long time since we’ve been married for over a year.” your mother said. 
“You got married?!” Ava asked.
“Well yes! Oh, I wish you girls were there! Ira was such a sap during the ceremony!” The three girls giggled. Suddenly, Ira walked over. 
“Oh, hey Ira!” Ava said. 
“Hi. (M/N), the Master wanted to see you,” Ira said. 
“Huh? Okay,” your mother said. 
“Maybe you’ll finally become a foreteller,” Invi said. 
“Let’s hope!” 
Your mother walked over to the Master’s desk and saw horrific drawings of her kind. The Spirits. 
“Like what you see?” Your mother gasped and saw the Master standing behind him. 
“What is this?” she asked. 
“This is what your destiny is.” 
“My destiny? Why? Why do you hate Spirits so much?!” 
“Because of what you did to your mother and me!” 
“So you blame me for her death. You’re the one who married a dying queen. And you killed almost half of my people so you could have her hand in marriage! If anything, it’s your fault. My people have done nothing.” 
“Ah, but forget that your people are also my people. And I say, kill the Spirits! You’re lucky you’re even alive.” 
“And if you do kill me? What would you tell Ira and the others? They have done nothing but love me unconditionally, unlike you.” 
“I don’t even know how you’re my daughter.” 
“I don’t know either. But I am and I can easily cut you out of my life.” 
“Fine then. But what would you tell poor Ira?” 
“Look, it’s bad enough I need to hide the fact that I am both your daughter and a Spirit from him. He doesn’t need anymore torture. Neither do the others.” Your mother couldn’t see it but she could tell that the Master was smirking.
“Have you checked out my new book?” he asked. 
“What does that have to with anything?” she asked. 
“Well, it does have something to do with that little thing growing inside you.” Your mother gasped and placed her hands on her belly.
“You mean...?” she asked.
“That’s right. But that thing will have a horrible ending.” 
“By that you mean...?”
“A girl with both time and a sword of a key shall be slayed by a black heart. There’s even a picture!” Your mother panicked and ran out of the room. She ran and ran until she found Ira. 
“Ira! I need to talk to you!” she said. 
“My dear, you’re shaking. Is everything okay?” he said. 
“I need to tell you something and it’s urgent.” 
“Well, what is it?” 
“I’m pregnant. And I’m scared.” 
“My dear, that’s amazing. I know that you’ll make an excellent mother. As long as you and I are together, our baby will live a happy life.” 
“Thank you, Ira.” 
“So, is that what the Master called you in for?” 
“Um, yeah.” She couldn’t let Ira know the truth. Not yet, anyway. “You know how he is. Always predicting stuff.” 
“Well, we should tell the others. And find a room for the nursery.” 
“One step at a time, Ira!” 
“Sorry, I’m just really excited.” 
“I can tell. Come on, let’s go tell the others.” She took his hand and the two of them went to go tell their friends. 
In Quadratum, a witch watched the moon rise into the sky (am i the only one who gets danganronpa vibes from looking at quadratum? just me?).
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“I’m sorry I didn’t warn you sooner, Ira. Please take care of our daughter for me,” she whispered. 
“Haru! Time to go!” an all to familiar voice said.
“Coming, father!” She stood up and headed over to her father, wishing she had a second chance.
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septicbro1005 · 4 years
This is just a music rant. A3! spoilers ahead for the Autumn Troupe’s story.
i’mma be honest, i’ve been listening to OneXone (song for the Autumn Troupe of A3!) for a solid while, and I can fucking vibe with it. 
sure, it’s all in japanese, and i can only understand what they’re saying when they briefly speak english, but i still fucking love it.
not only is it the song from my favorite troupe (i adore spring troupe, summer troupe and winter troupe, but i love the autumn troupe the most), but the way it sounds is just fucking brilliant.
when i refer to the lyrics in the song, i’ll use the romaji, so here we go! translations will be after the romaji, and it is from the lyrics video on the YouTube channel Jenne Frost. That link goes straight to the video, not their channel.
The beginning (which is in English) is gonna be skipped over. But you’ll hear it eventually.
We’ll also skip Banri’s first singing lines because reasons.
Now, here’s Juza’s lines:
“Risou motome agaku hodo PURESSHAA ga tsunotteiku” (The more I struggle to reach my ideal, the pressure builds)
I love the way that Juza’s line weaves into the bridge. The guitar, the way the voice rises. Just *chef’s kiss*
Now... the bridge and the chorus always get me. But I was first attracted to this song by the bridge. Mainly the way it sounds.
“(Come on!) Mada mada korekara da ikareta GEEMU wa. (Do it!) Kakatte koi yo ojikedzuiteru baai janee daro. (Shut up!) Gata gata urusee yo nani sama dattenda?” (This twisted game has only just begun. Bring it on, now’s no time to get scared. Stop yapping; who the hell do you think you are?)
I dunno what it is with me, but hearing contrast in music makes me fucking love it immediately. hearing the vocals and guitar differ from each other is just fucking perfect.
Now for the rest of the bridge:
“(Oh god!) Gattsuri dashi nukarete mo koukai suru na yo. (No way) Ato modori wa dekinai daro. Are you ready?” (No regrets if someone gets the better of you. There’s no turning back now.)
And that is a solid question. That part of the bridge is slower and much more... steady? Solid? Than the other part. Y’know? 
But the chorus.
“Don’t ever let me down; donna toki demo. Tagai ni takame au chikara o. (Yeah!) Did you ever get the feeling; mitomete ita. Tashika na jounetsu o.” (Don’t ever let me down; at any time. We give each other the power to improve. Did you ever get the feeling; acknowledge. This undeniable passion.)
Next is Omi and he just sounds phenomenal.
“Saiaku no kibunda nante tawagto haku hima wa dokoni mo naikara” (I’ve got no time to complain “I’m feeling sick as hell,” so)
The last few notes of “naikara” just make me fucking wanna cry at the angel who was sent down to us.
“Atama ni kobiritsuita chinpuna mousou o furiharatte ikou ze” (Let’s shake off this cheap delusion that’s latched itself onto our minds)
Same deal as with Juza’s first lines.
And for some reason, Sakyo’s next line has always caught my attention.
“(Get up!) Dara dara shitenna yo hayaku oi tsuite koi.” (Stop lazing around; hurry and catch up)
The “oi tsuite koi” has always rubbed me a certain way. It’s not terrible, not at all. It’s just always stuck out. I dunno if it’s the way he says it or the way the words sound, but it’s just always snatched my attention from something else.
“(Show me!) Damattenaide omae no PURAIDO butsukete miro. (Drop it!) Ira ira sasen na yo konna tokoro de. (Watch out!) Bonyarishita kao ni ippatsu kamashite yaru yo. (May be)” (Don’t stay silent; show me your pride. Don’t frustrate me with something like this. I’ll throw a punch into your spaced out face.)
Now, this is the same deal as the bridge before.
Banri said the last line (the one about punching), which makes Juza respond with this:
“Hari ai ga motto hoshiindaro?” (You want more competition, right?”
If you play A3! or know anything about Banri and Juza, it’s that Banri met Juza and they fought. Banri had never lost a fight up until that day. And he’s wanted to fight Juza and win ever since. But Juza doesn’t want to fight. he just wants to act, and become a new person. Someone less scary.
But Juza is just egging Banri on, and it’ll fucking kill both him and Banri.
Taichi and Omi ask this after.
“Don’t you want it?”
“I’ll be the one for you; nando datte sa. Hokoreru mono wo butsuke aeba. (Yeah!) Show me what you got; detarame demo ii yo? Riyuu nante iranai.” (I’ll be the one for you; as many times as it takes. Let our pride clash. Show me what you got; who cares if it’s bullshit? We don’t need a reason.)
This is my feral rat boys being feral rat boys, I love.
Then there’s a rad fucking guitar solo.
Sakyo: “Never lie to yourself.”
Omi: “Get up you motherfucker.”
Taichi: “Shout it out to the world.”
All Three: “You got to break through the wall! Here we go!”
There three are being bitches and I love them. Also, when I found out exactly what they were saying and who was saying what, I was shocked that Omi (the mom of the A3! dorms) literally said “motherfucker”. No censorship. Nothing.
Next is just Banri and Juza together.
“Are you ready? Don’t ever let me down; donna toki demo. Tagai ni takame au chikara o.” (Don’t ever let me down; at any time. We give each other the power to improve.)
This shows how their relationship developed, both onstage as their characters (Luciano and Lansky) and onstage as friends. As well as offstage.
Of course, they still have their scuffles, but now? They’re fucking better than before, that’s for damn sure.
The rest is the same shit as above, and I just love it.
Okay... that’s all. I think we’re good for now.
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canvas-the-florist · 4 years
Communication (BomBARDed)
Warnings: Possible second hand embarrassment, stupid decisions, brief all caps, vague episode 25 spoilers(?)
Word Count: 1.5K
Summary: Raz’ul and Neous reunite after years, working through emotional and communication issues one step at a time. I wrote a fic before this that correlates that might be nice for context: here. Enjoy!
Raz’ul was singing a song with Yashee and Randy. It was an upbeat song in some town they were attempting to help. He was trying to focus but couldn’t help searching the crowd as he sang along to the chorus. Raz’ul strummed quickly, unsure what he was searching for until he found it. Them. A fire genasi with a leather jacket. They were watching him with hands in their pockets. Raz’ul smiled as they made eye contact and turned back to the others to focus on the song once more. It finished and he immediately ran to climb off the stage.
“Where you going, Raz’ul?” Yashee asked. Raz’ul looked to her and back to where he was sure they were standing quickly. But they were gone. He sighed and sat on the edge of the stage.
    “I… Nowhere I guess.” Randy and Yashee sat next to him on either side. He leaned his face on his cheek. Yashee looked over at Randy who shrugged as if to say ‘why do you think I’d know what to do here?’ before looking back to Raz’ul. “What would you do if you hypothetically saw someone you maybe sort of liked from your home when you haven’t seen them in years?”
    Randy hummed. “And you… hypothetically miss this person?” Raz’ul nodded. “Well if you’re asking me I would probably avoid any possible chance of talking to them in case of messing up what we had in the past just in case they’ve decided to kill me over any mistakes. Obviously.”
    “Or, you could say hi?” Yashee added.
    Raz’ul hid his face in his hands and sighed. “Never mind, forget I asked, it’s fin-” He looked up and that’s when he saw them again. They had a judgemental smile on their face, that was lit up with the light of their hair. Without, thinking he jumped off of the stage and ran to them, stopped a few feet away. “I… hey Neous… What’s up?”
    Neous laughed lightly. “Well I didn’t imagine that to be how this goes but I’m doing wonderfully, My Prince.” They bowed and Raz’ul shoved them back up playfully.
    “You’ve never cared about that stuff, you don’t have to pretend now.”
    “Oh, but pretending is so much more fun.” Raz’ul stuck out his tongue as Randy and Yashee walked up behind him. Neous looked at them. “Who are these folks? Never seen them around before.”
“I’m Yashee!” Neous nodded. 
“Randy. Are you the bard that Dank’ul and Donk’ul oh so lovingly mentioned?” Raz’ul sent a nervous look at Randy, darting between Randy and Neous. “We’ve heard a bit about you.”
“You have?” Neous seemed genuinely surprised before getting their composure back. “I mean, naturally. Not sure any of the royalty could ever stop talking about me, I leave quite the impression on people, after all.” They leaned on top of Raz’ul dramatically, who froze up but didn’t move. “Mind telling me what people have said.”
Yashee nodded. “Sure! We were playing truth or dare and Raz’ul chose truth against Randy who asked him to-”
“It’s nothing!” Raz’ul cut in, getting out from under Neous’s embrace. His face was hot and he crossed his arms stubbornly. “Don’t worry about it. What have you been, up to really? I heard you didn’t… you don’t play at the castle anymore.”
Neous rubbed the back of their neck. “The vibes weren’t right, not sure what to tell you.”
“Should we be here?” Randy whispered to Yashee off the side.
“I mean we weren’t told to so I don’t know why we would.” She responded.
“Yeah, fair enough I guess.” So the two sat on the ground as Raz’ul and Neous had whatever heart to heart they needed to have. Randy got out a deck of cards and started shuffling.
The two left standing were avoiding eye contact, like that could save them from emotional honesty. Raz’ul took a deep breath to start talking but Neous broke in. “Look, Raz’ul. I don’t know why you left and I don’t really feel like asking. But I do know that I care about you enough to say that I missed you. Your decisions are your own and I’m proud of you for doing things for yourself. Just, maybe call me on the IRa glass or something sometime you know?”
Raz’ul nodded. “Yeah that’d be… cool.” He looked up to finally make eye contact with Neous. “Can, can we hug?” Neous gave a smile and opened their arms.
“That’s the first time I’ve ever been emotionally vulnerable in my life.” Neous mumbled into Raz’ul’s hair. Raz’ul tightened his grip around them. “I hated it and I’m never doing it again.”
He gave a small laugh, burying his head in the hug. “You get used to it after a while. I… missed you, Neous. I care about you.”
“Yeah, I missed you too Raz’ul.”
They broke from the hug and looked down at Yashee and Randy playing Go Fish on the ground. Raz’ul wasn’t sure how, but he was pretty sure that Randy was cheating somehow. There was no way he could be “just good at the game”. So without much else to do, Neous and Raz’ul sat down on the ground to join the game. Raz’ul quietly held Neous’s hand, pretending that no one else could see it at all. They played until the sun set. Randy sat up and stretched.
“We should probably go back to the wagon now, right?” Randy asked. 
Neous frowned as they stood up too. “Are y’all leaving soon?”
Yashee shrugged. “It kind of depends on what happens next on the podcast, we aren’t really sure the timeline of events here.” The others looked at her blankly and she continued. “But yeah, probably. We have a lot to get to, y’know?”
“Oh.” They looked down but smiled. “Well, that’s fine! Have fun on your travels!”
The three could tell that it was not indeed “fine”. Randy pushed Raz’ul forward to Neous and started walking away with Yashee. She didn’t really protest but she did seem confused at what was happening. “Well, we’ll leave you two to your goodbyes!”
Neous and Raz’ul looked at each other, once again Neous made the first move. “Your friends seem nice.”
“Thanks, they drive me crazy sometimes but I love them a lot.” Raz’ul replied, honestly. He grabbed his arm, stepping closer to Neous. “I, thank you for hanging out with us, and watching us perform. I’m going to miss you, but I guess we have a way to communicate now, right? That’s pretty cool.”
“Yeah, I guess it is pretty cool, huh?” Neous teased lightly. 
“Shut up, I’m trying my best here!” Raz’ul fussed, but he wasn’t actually that angry. He was happy to see Neous and glad to be talking to them again. “You’re a really cool person and it’s a little intimidating sometimes, okay?”
“Okay I know you have a crush on me but I’m also intimidating? A bit of a mixed signal here to be honest.” Neous joked, but Raz’ul did not get the memo that it was a joke, immediately thinking of his very real crush on this person. His mind went through all possible ways that Neous would KNOW, he had been trying to be subtle about it… How did they know?
“How did you find out I have a crush on you?!” 
“YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON ME?!” Neous exclaimed, extremely shocked. 
Raz’ul looked at the wagon, Randy and Yashee seemed just about done getting it ready. And while they probably wouldn’t leave until morning but Raz’ul turned around dramatically and started towards it quickly. “Oh! Would you look at that, I should really get going to the wagon! It’s important to get a goodnight’s sleep before travel, you probably get that-”
“Raz’ul!” Neous yelled out, grabbing his arm lightly. “We should talk about this, right?”
He turned back. “Yeah, but do we have to right now?”
Neous shrugged, letting go of Raz’ul. “I mean, I guess not. Do you have a time you think we’ll see each other in person anytime soon? Like, I could make it happen but I don’t think it’s that likely.”
“No,” Raz’ul sighed. “It’s not. But I’m not sure if I’m ready to talk about it quite yet. We have a lot to do and as much as I’d like to be even more emotionally vulnerable… Well you should know that it is really difficult.”
“Yeah, I understand Raz’ul.” Neous thought for a moment. “Maybe I could come with you guys! Help you on your thing, and we can work on this emotional stuff together!”
“I…” Raz’ul felt the rebuttal die on his lips, not thinking of a single excuse. That it could be dangerous? He knew that wouldn’t deter them if not make them more motivated. It seemed pretty smart. And Randy would absolutely love to make fun of them over it and Yashee would be supportive. Raz’ul wanted this to happen, so maybe he should let it. “Okay. We’re leaving in the morning, do you have a place to sleep?”
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mc-doppomine · 3 years
My Ranking of Buster Bros!!! Songs
As I’ve put with my previous posts about song rankings, this is all done in good fun. What I think slaps may be what you think sucks and vice versa. So take it with a fistful of salt. I will not include the battles as that will be on its own list. I will include BB City, Nausa du Zuiqu and Ez Do Rap for fun.
I honestly feel bad for the Buster Bros because discography wise, I actually like most of the songs. Like if they came on, I probably wouldn’t switch it off. But at the same time, they do not have many that really slap for me. Like songs I’m obsessed with. Which kinda makes me feel bad because since I usually listen over the songs while I write this, I think...yeah these songs are good. 
14) New Star - Probably the only of songs that I’d lean more towards not liking. It really made think of a middle schooler, which I guess is the point since this was Saburo’s introductory song. But you know when you find like old recording of you performing in school and you’re just like ‘oh no.’ But yeah got that feeling. Also I was like ‘man, what a little shit’ from his lyrics. Which, again, makes sense. Does not mean I had to love it. 
13) School of IKB - Maybe because it just felt like a departure from Jiro’s usual sound that threw me off. It isn’t bad by any means but I guess I wasn’t expecting it. It really is a song that says a lot about Jiro’s growth and I’m super proud of him. I will admit that the chorus confused me and I while writing this figured out that he meant ‘I wanna be a cypher that continues after sunset.’ Because the other lyrics that kept coming in between the other ‘I wanna be a...’
12) Ez Do Rap - It is catchy but probably still one more forgettable, especially since I have to go look it up if I want to listen to it. 
11) Run This City - Fallen so far but it did a good job of keeping with the series and making me think that I could get into hypmic. So thank you for your service? Honestly, weirdly I think Buster Bros is one of the crews that actually had their anime versions sound really good for the music? 
10) BB City - I don’t know how all these extra songs end up having this energy of like just feel good and fun? I thought the subject was funny more than anything. Especially since they go so into their pettiness, they forgot the real goal here. It reminds me of another song but I cannot think of what it is. 
9) Ikebukuro West Game Park - This one actually hits pretty hard. Especially the break down near the end. I just had stronger feelings for the ones above it. I don’t mind the callbacks but I think i have to be in a mood with it though. Still thinking about the beatboxing though. 
8) Re:start!!! - I feel so bad that this is where it is but it’s primarily because of just liking fast over slow. But it is such an important song. Like for all that it is. Like this is a song where Jiro is actually the one supporting the entire song when normally it is Ichiro doing so. Like it is proof of him trying to be his own man and yet he is still a loving brother. And ah, I’m just crying over how they remain so strong together (and all these crews need to stop bullying them just because their (sibling) relationships are in shambles). 
7) Ore Ga Ichiro - Honestly think this one and number six could be switched around dependent on what kind of ‘I’m coming to kick your ass’ I felt like being that day. I actually remember it’s small feature in the anime. And it had given me hope for the music of the whole thing (it was half right). And honestly it really does tell you about everything about Ichiro with one song. And I honestly feel a little...proud? Like this sounds more like him than his TDD self. 
6) This Means War - Eyo my name is Jiro! But no, seriously, this song sounds like the kind of thing I’d listen if I was prepping to go fight someone. And Jiro’s words are so intense and take no prisoners about it. Plus instrumental??? Also intense, I love it. 
5) Requiem - Okay so this song was set up for success considering I thought Dies Irae was a banger of classical song to begin with. Add Saburo’s rap to it? Absolute banger. Sounds like a villain origin story to me. Too bad he’s like ‘but Ichi-nii would not like that.’
4) Break the Wall - Look man, they knew what they were doing when they based it off those dance songs. I personally get reminded of Earth, Wind and Fire. But yeah, it’s a good song and such a hopeful song. I am often in the back at work dancing to this song because it just has that vibe. 
3) Nausa du Zuiqu - The one song I can never spell right. But pretty high up for an insert song, huh? But yeah, I got nothing. This one, like Wrap & Rap, just gives me so a boost of seretonin. Because my first thought is ‘is this fucking Ievan polkka? Ichiro, you weeb!’ And he dragged Samatoki down with him. Then it was hilarious to find out they’re fucking go at it in a sauna while doing trivia about saunas. Like Samatoki said, ‘why do you know so much about saunas?!’ 
2) Ohayo Ikebukuro - I’m aware a lot of this is them talking but it’s also so bursting with their personalities and their dynamics. It’s ultra charming to me. Also I thought the breakdown when they’re doing haiku raps (don’t at me, that’s what they are) sounded too great considering they were just doing honestly silly haikus except Jiro. Also I was laughing because I found Ohayo Ikebukuro while writing an outline for an Ichiro/Reader and was like ‘wait, what’ when I found this talked about the kind of girl they liked. And Ichiro’s type...was kinda what I wrote for it. Guess his type is obvious, huh?
1) 3 Second Killer - I know, crazy that we get a Rhyme Anima song top the list. I had actually half forgotten this song. Like I know I thought it was fucking great even with the TV version but I didn’t listen to it because the TV version was so short. So when I found out that the Straight Outta Rhyme Anima extended all the songs, I was like ‘wait what?’ Came to this one, awesome. But it absolutely fits my love of let’s fuck shit up and being a badass vibe. Also my god, this must’ve been such a pain to record because if you look, almost every line is a different brother rapping for like the chorus. It also alternates between which and how many doing the line. And it sounds awesome! Also you hear that guitar in the fucking back? It is going ham. 
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The Wedding Date
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"You're really going to do this?" Your friend asked from beside you.
"It's a little late to back out now!" You told her. "He'll be here any minute."
"Isn't this how people get murdered? Posting ads online and people respond."
"Statistically it's the one who posted the ad that's the killer."
"Of course you know the statistics on something like that." 
"Remy, I needed to do this okay. He invited me to his wedding because he wants to see me miserable and alone. I can't let him win." You told her honestly.
"He's winning by you showing up. You should ignore the whole thing and binge watch Netflix with me tonight. What if your fake boyfriend is ugly?" Remy asked you.
"I purposefully didn't ask for a picture of his face. He was really funny over text and that's good enough for me. Someone who can keep up with my humor is more than enough."
"True. That's what was fundamentally wrong with Jon. He was so serious and had no sense of humor."
The girls were interrupted by a knock at their door.
"Can you answer it and I'll be out in a minute?" You asked her seriously, nerves getting the best of you.
"Fine but if I feel any serial killer vibes, I'm sending him away."
You were thankfully alone for long enough to finish getting ready.
You'd just finished the last touch ups on your hair when your bedroom door burst open.
Remy stood in the doorway looking frantic and awe struck.
"What the hell has gotten in to you?" You asked.
"Um, your fake boyfriend is total real boyfriend material. He's gorgeous, polite, and his smile is the most amazing thing I've ever seen."
"So he's not giving off killer vibes?" You asked, laughing at her.
"You're missing the point!" Remy yelled at you.
"You're missing the point! This is a one time thing. He's here so I can pretend not to be a loser in front of the person who made me this way!"
"Babe, you're not a loser. Jon is a stuck up prick who takes life way too seriously. No one can blame you that you weren't ready to settle down and be a trophy wife. You're free spirited, not a loser." Remy said as she came to stand next to you.
"That was one of your better pep talks." You laughed, pulling her into a hug.
"Alright, well let's go meet your boyfriend."
Awestruck indeed.
The man, Hongjoong, was a few inches taller than you. He wore an all white suit and his hair was dark and pushed back from his face.  He had a few piercings in his ears and was holding a small bouquet of flowers.
When your eyes met his, a wide smile broke out on his face and you were momentarily stuck in place.
Remy was right, his smile was amazing.
"You must be Y/N." He said, walking towards you.
"I am." You said, rooted in your spot.
"You look absolutely beautiful." He said. He handed you the flowers and leaned in slowly to kiss you on the cheek.
You felt your face get warmer as you blushed, but still leaned into him anyway.
"Alright. Well you two should head out so you're not late. See you later." Remy said as she all but pushed you out of the door.
Oh my God she mouthed to you as you turned to shut the door. She gave you a thumbs up before disappearing behind the door.
The car ride started off quiet but comfortable.
Hongjoong played quiet instrumental music in the background that helped calm your nerves.
"So...is there anything I should know for today?" He asked you after a moment.
"What do you mean?" You turned to him.
"Any nicknames you hate, any details about the ex we haven't covered? Anything that will help us not get caught today."
"Oh....um. Well... Jon used to call me Cookie. I hated that, don't know why but I did. My ex is... pretentious at best. Is very serious, doesn't joke well, and hates physical contact. So just a heads up, I may be real touchy with you. That's what I miss the most, affection. And I swore I'd meet someone who loved showing affection as well as receiving it." You felt instantly embarrassed as you were speaking about affection.
"I think affection is an integral part of relationships for me as well." He said confidently, pulling your hand into his as he rested it on the center console.
You immediately felt the butterflies in your stomach at the contact. It was something so small, but it had made an impact.
"Also" he started, before looking over at you "you do look incredible tonight. It will be harder for me to keep my hands to myself than to show you affection." He told you honestly.
"Fucking hell." You muttered to yourself.
"What was that?" He asked, smirking at you.
"Oh nothing. It's just kind of weird to me, that's all."
"What's weird?" He asked, worrying he'd been too forward
"You...you don't feel like a stranger. I know we've just met today, but we've talked quite a bit before this. I feel like I know parts of you and you know parts of me. Also...you're gorgeous and that may be a problem." You admitted.
"A problem? How is that?"
"I might jump you before dinner is even served."
Hongjoong coughed loudly, surprised by your statement.
"Sorry, just...being honest."
"Why does your ex look like that?" Hongjoong asked you as you walked past the engagement pictures on the way in to the venue.
"Like I said, he's serious."
"Yeah, but he looks like he's just had an unsuccessful discussion for a peace treaty, not taking pictures with his wife." Hongjoong whispered to you.
You had to put your hand over your mouth to stiffle your laughter.
True to his word, hongjoong had been quite touchy in the last few minutes. He'd helped you out of the car and held your hand as you walked. When he opened the door to the venue, he ushered you in with a hand on the small of your back, which he kept there as you walked.
Throughout the ceremony, his hand either held your or was resting lightly on your leg. You kept stealing glances at him, noticing he was watching you a lot too. You'd both just smile at each other before turning your attention to the front.
Once the ceremony was over, you'd gone to the banquet hall on the other side of the venue.
You found your assigned seats, scoffing when you realized he'd sat you with one of his cousins who was more pretentious than him as well as his stuffy coworkers.
You and Hongjoong were the first to arrive at the table, so you pulled your chairs closer together so you could talk. Within a few minutes, he had his arm around you, giving you an animated replay of his thoughts during the ceremony. You laughed loudly at the end before putting your face into the crook of his neck to try to hide the volume if your voice.
"I'm surprised to see you here." You heard someone say from behind you.
You turned around and came face to face with his cousin Ira.
"Ira. Good to see you as well." You said coldly.
"I can't believe Jon invited you. And you actually showed up." He said, sitting down across from you.
"We were friends for a long time before we dated. Of course I would come support him in his happiness." You replied.
"Yes...but being draped over some man at said wedding isn't really the most appropriate." He said, tone conveying how condescending he was being.
"Oh, where are my manners. Ira, this is Hongjoong, my boyfriend. Hongjoong, this is Jon's cousin Ira."
"Hey man, nice to meet you." Hongjoong said, sending a small wave towards the other man.
You had to stiffle another laugh at the look of shock on Ira's face. Most people got up to greet someone formally, but not Hongjoong.
"Likewise." Ira muttered.
After an award moment, Hongjoong grabbed your elbow and pulled you towards him so he could whisper in your ear.
"So...about jumping me before dinner. Is that still in the cards because this is horribly stuffy" Hongjoong said lowly.
You couldn't have hidden the laugh that bubbled out of you if you'd tried. Though you hadn't tried at all.
"The bride and groom will be arriving shortly. I suggest you look a little more appropriate." Ira said snidely.
"Hey sure man, no problem." Hongjoong said, keeping you close to him.
"So Y/N...still wasting you life doing freelance work?" Ira asked suddenly.
"You mean, doing my job? Yes, wasting my life away earning an honest living." You replied.
"What man is going to be ok with that? You leave for days at a time doing God knows what. Who would accept that?"
"Well, I mean the guy sitting next to her, ya know...her boyfriend, is accepting of it. I think what she does is amazing. She gets paid to travel and write about her journeys. It's better than being in a stuffy old office all day. That's wasting your life away." Hongjoong told Ira.
"And what is it you do for a living?" Ira asked.
"I'm a game programmer." Hongjoong replied.
"Ah, I understand now. You're okay with her lifestyle because you're a bum who plays video games all day."
"Or I'm okay with it because it's not my choice to decide how she leads her life and finds success. I do play games a lot. But I also founded, own and run a multi million dollar company who had the highest grossing game of the last decade so..." Hongjoong said nonchalantly as he took a drink of his wine.
The last part was news to you, but you weren't going to show the surprise in front of Ira.
"Hongjoong...Kim Hongjoong? Of HJ Gaming?" Ira asked, color draining from his face.
"That's me." Hongjoong said confidently, shooting you a wink.
What the hell have I gotten myself into?
Part 2
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inventors-fair · 5 years
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Fanwalker Notes, pt. 4 ~
@partytimesdeluxe — Zyshi, Songseeker
Looking at the SOI Sorin, I wouldn’t say that you have to Confidant the top card for that first one. Heck, you can even make it do damage! That’s where my only real major qualm with this card is, because for three colors you can push a little bit. My second one is more pondering, and it’s about the flavor of this card. On Tarkir, with (presumably) the Mardu, I can see where that last ability comes in for combat, but in general, I wish there was a little more warrior spirit in this card, y’know? What does songseeking look like on a card? What kind of bardic bloodlust are we spreading here? I’d lean into looking for what music looks like on RWB cards and implementing that into her abilities.
@quirkyotter — Eos Adraxus, Armorsmith
Elemental artifact? I would expect a Construct, and I would expect that it has a color. I do like how it gives things improvise, even if the artifacts that it creates have the tendency to blow up. They feel like jittery defenders, and I think that that’s okay. I also appreciate how you made it a rare with the static and two abilities, and that’s what those kinds of cards were made for. Might want to revise that last ability, though: “Artifacts you control are have indestructible.”
@rhys-the-redeemable — Ferox Ira
I think it’s up for discussion whether or not those first two abilities are in the RB color pie. The first one not being a “may” ability really feels volatile and might even discourage you from playing creature spells. Honestly, that second ability? I like it, and I’m pretty sure that it’s in pie. I’m also getting that Ixalan pirate vibe, but I’m not exactly sure what kind of character Ferox is to force your own things to fight. That kind of downside doesn’t really make me want to play the card right now. The emblem is probably fine, though - after you switch first strike and menace around. Keywords got order!
@sorustyitshines — Marric of the Northern Tradewinds
And another pirate! The second ability should have “You may” before all the other things. And man... Having the ability to have a pseudo-Insurrection on turn six might be a little too powerful considering that Marric creates a blocker each turn. And it’s permanent? Whoof. In terms of flavor, yeah, this is honestly probably one of the best pirate planeswalkers that we have here and I’m definitely for it. The card itself needs a little bit of revision to not be busted.
@thetabbybadger — Rhynn of the Combine
This card honestly feels Ravnican through and through. But additionally, I’m a little offput by the nonbo synergy. Giving the creatures Adapt after putting counters on them feels like trying to have your cake and eat it too. For the second ability, too, what happens if there are no counters among creatures you control? It’s not an “if” clause, so do you just make a Drake regardless? The heavy mana cost feels like it’s trying hard to be a Simic card more than it is just a plain planeswalker. I think that if you make the emblem a little more powerful, a little more removed from the counters, and maybe revise the mana cost, you can have a fine card.
@teaxch — V. S. Roseclair, Plagiarist
Hey, I came up with this card!.... Just kidding, anyway. Plus abilities on planeswalkers really shouldn’t target, because if your opponents have any kind of Sanctity effects then you can’t activate it. That second ability I do like a lot more, even though it falls into the same problem of needing TWO targets. Heh, well, it can always target the same creature, though, useless as that is. That last ability is pretty neat, but it’s easily circumvented by your opponents simply, well, not casting instants or sorceries. I know that’s a baseless argument, but hey, it’s true. Honestly, this whole concept is pretty awesome for a card, and I do like where you took your ideas. Maybe a couple winning tweaks and we could have something playable.
@ten-thousand-salamanders — Krimhilde
Unless either flashback or surveil are found throughout the set, I don’t think that the two separate abilities should be on the same card. Cards within a set can mix and match sometimes, but Planeswalkers are more universal. I think only Narset, Domri, Wrenn and Oko have plane-specific abilities like that, and most every planeswalker sticks to evergreen - and for good reason, considering the universality a planeswalker needs to be the face of any set. The first two abilities, though, are fine. The last one should read “You control target player” for whatever, and really, should just be a print of Worst Fears. Why only main and combat for an ult? You can make powerful abilities powerful. 
@thekinglerp — Floarea Lunii
Trying to upset Vraska as the Ravnican Golgari planeswalker is a bold attempt. Moonflower tokens, though! I find that concept fascinating. I don’t think they’ll play well in practice, because, well, removal is crazy powerful as is, but I do appreciate you branching out. That ultimate, though, is both a rules nightmare (although maybe it’s allowed to be because it’s a walker) and kind of mediocre. For an ultimate, even Garruk has Overrun. Spending seven turns to give your team an anthem feels like a bad time. I’d rather have something bigger. And after seven turns, I’ll have to then spend twice as long explaining the interaction between deathtouch and trample.... Again, kidding, but it is a hard concept.
@walker-of-the-yellow-path — Coraline, Guild Coordinator
I could have sworn this card had something to do with Ravnica from the name, but I suppose not. I apologize for not capitalizing “Treasure” in that first ability - that was my bad. The missing second quotation in the emblem is a direct copy, though. So! This is another one of those cards that should be separate cards and not a single planeswalker. Tribal elements just don’t work well for walkers, fun as they may seem. They are universal cards. They need to fit in whatever shell they might find themselves in. A card like this literally only works in an ally deck, nowhere else, and it’s frustrating to see. Ability note: the second ability needs to search for a CARD, and to shuffle after.
That’s all there is, there ain’t no more walkers. Tune in tomorrow for one last contest for this year. It’s gonna be a doozy.
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borisbubbles · 5 years
Eurovision 2010s: 20 - 16
20. maNga - “We could be the same” Turkey 2010
You could see it in my eyes, it should come as no surprise that the highest rock entry on this ranking is OF COURSE the avant garde rock entry. 😍
It certainly isn’t a stretch to call “We could be the same” avant garde because it’s an experimental extravaganza if ever there was, a rag-rag fusion of indie rock, industrial, hiphop and folk. 😍 More importantly one that WORKS. It’s really hard to put all of these genres together and not disturb the flow between each segment, yet that is exactly what maNga do. Their song runs like an oiled machine, supported by an excellent score of orchestral rock (the fiddle is an especially nice touch.) The snappy libretto keeps the ensemble well together, creating an atmosphere of pure coolness. 
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This brave and creative entry is further supported by an act that has a well-defined aesthetic and artistic vision. (another sign of good avant garde. Pay attention because we are going to boot a LOT of them near the top of this ranking). MaNga don’t need much in terms of staging (since their song is already excellent), so a clever combo of strobe light seizure + dramatic helmet removal (FEATURING ACTUALLY CUTTING METAL AWAY WITH A BUZZSAW) is all it needs. 
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Eurovision is all about taking the hand that you’re dealt and running with it. maNga did exactly that. They weren’t vocally perfect but again, rock is a genre where it’s okay to sound unimpressive because the score will always out class you. They don’t have the best song, but again, it was something special, brave and inspired. Every small aspect of “We could be the same” comes together into a whole that is much bigger than the sum of its parts and for that, I shall always cherish them. 
19. Joci Pápai - “Origo” Hungary 2017
[2017 review here]
I was worried that Joci’s NQ in the latest contest would tarnish his legacy, but if anything “Az én apám”’s failure at being entertaining only made me appreciate “Origo” even more.😍 Let us not beat around the bush. “Origo” is art. Like all art, it’s largely hit-or-miss. You either love this wonderful fusion of rap, self-references to Samuraihood and gypsy folk traditions, or you’re a unevolved troglodyte with subpar taste.😈 Lol I remember the music journalists and juries HATING “Origo” and... honestly, I get it. Yes. I can understand that deeply personal anectodes and proudly displaying your cultural heritage can fly over the heads of those narrow of mind. It’s fine. Not every song has complex meaning. You can vote for the “Replays” of this world at your heart’s content. ^__^
Music is at its core a form of expression, of conducting emotion with sound, of telling a story. We use words as a crutch for our empathy, but truly good music doesn’t need to rely lyrics in order to spread its message around. The true message always lies in the score. “Origo” shatters those language barriers by slowly,
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 but steadily
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unfolding a melancholic and touching narrative
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that strikes everyone silent.
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18. Krista Siegfrids - “Marry me” Finland 2013
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Only logical we continue from artistic complexity to figurative cotton candy. 😍 but the same musical principles apply here as well, actually. “Marry me” has an upbeat tempo flanked by wedding bells that already carries its happy-go-lucky marriage vibe across even before the first words are spoken. 🤗 It is there to indulge and delight, which it does with all the zest and pluck you’d expect from Krista Siegfrids. 
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Anyway, I’m sure this will shock you but I FLOOOOOOOOVE Krista Siegfrids soooooooo fucking muuuuuch as a human and I am NOT backing down on my fanboyism. She’s one of the few Eurovision Alumni that ALWAYS makes me happy whenever she appears, either as a force of HIGH FASHION/UMK hostess or as a resident melfest flop queen.😍  HON SNURRA MIN JORD!!!
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As it happens, “Marry me” is the perfect canvas for her over-the-top, realhousewifesque personality. "Marry me” just delivers non-stop: it has a light-hearted, infectuously catchy beat, doubles down on lyrical and visual comedy, carries a happy vibed with a deliciously psychotic undercurrent, supplemented a superb act featuring a groom-into-bridesmaids twist and some hilariously opportunistic lgbtq pandering 😍 OH OH OH OH OH
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DING DONG!!!1!1!1!11!1!!
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ps: this being the entry that caused TRT to withdraw indefinitely because they can’t get on board with some hot girl-on-girl action. STAY PRESSED LOSERTWATS!!!
17. Laura Tesoro - “What’s the pressure?” Belgium 2016
“YOU’VE GOT A STUPID SMILE 😄” -- Alexander Rybak, when praising Laura Tesoro during the NF. (😍)
Lol this is where my degrees of separation come in, because I’ve met several people that personally know Laura Tesoro and... with one exception they ALL fucking loathe her. 😍 (and aforementioned exception is her cousin 😍)  The general concencus re: Laura is that she’s an insufferable conceited bitch. Now, this could have easily ended up terrible if LauraLaura was That Unfounded Girl but... um,
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can we say she has grounds to be a bit high on herself? She was fucking awesome in Stockholm. If anything Laura’s diva id helped “What’s the pressure”. First of all, there is the admirable confidence with which she takes the stage and completely NAILS every twist and turn with minimal effort. This is pure performance TALENT and if you can’t see that you’re Helen Keller. 
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And second there’s the message behind “What’s the pressure”, which is uplifting and cheerful in the hands of a normal person, but when brought by a narcissist like Laura becomes a hysterical exhibit of concern-trollery: “HEY PERSON SUFFERING FROM ANXIETY ~I~ *NEVER* SUFFER FROM ANXIETY. LET ME TELL YOU WHY YOU SUFFER FROM ANXIETY AND I DON’T” (god what an obnoxious human 😍 LOVE HER. 😍) 
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All in all, I think Laura has the justification she needs to have an ego, something her aforementioned haters (begrudgingly) admitted after seeing her own the live twice.🤭  She is a living conduit of confidence juju, a performance wonder, a Diva trapped in the body of an antropomorphic labrador. Dynamite comes in small packages and Laura Tesoro is more lit than Chinese Newyear fireworks.  🎇________________________________________________________________
16. Hovi Star - “Made of stars” Israel 2016
I’ll be honest, Hovi Star is one of my favourite human beings to ever participate in Eurovision.🤗  He has proven himself an UNSTOPPABLE force of sass, delivering interview gold on a terrifyingly consistent basis. There are enough examples, but the ones I’m going with are his impeccable Ira Losco Snatch Game  and his hilariously petty, one-sided feud with Douwe Bob (Dutch reporter: “what do you think about Douwe.” Hovi: “Oh I don’t think about him.😊 At all.🙂  Ever. 🙃 *hairflip*” god what a King of stonecold putdowns 😍)
Having said that, even though I loved Hovi as a ~human~ going in, I was still caught off-guard by how much I loved “Made of stars”. See, you know what I think about stripped down power-ballads: I don’t think about them. At all. Ever. *hairflip*. 
However, this fucking song
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pulls all of my heartstrings
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with mesmerizing efficacity.
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“Made of stars” showcases the best of Israel: they excel at classical drama: well-choreographed and sentimental, “Made of stars” is a genuinely touching ballad which Hovi magically imbibes with the spirit of Conchita. He whips up emotional tension so thick only his wit can penetrate it.
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As an entry “Made of stars” is very emotionally intelligent and so, so brave. It has clearly defined yet subtle undertones of homosexuality that make me feel represented and loved. It is staged in good taste, elegant, introverted and clever, yet accessible, direct and poignant. The middle-eight’s crescendo-into-starfall creates a bone-chilling moment of beauty, of pride, of empowerment. 
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For such a simple entry, it delivers a lot of great things, proving once more: it’s not what you perform, but how you perform it.
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And this update spelled the end for Turkey, Hungary, Finland and Israel.
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Not much to say, honestly. Turkey have three entries in this decade and two of them were good. They are a hit-or-miss nation for me overall, mostly because i LOVE them in the 80s and 90s and somewhat dislike them in the 00s. What mostly bothers me is TRT’s attitude towards the rainbow community AND their self-entitlement towards the jury vote/big five. Both are highly toxic and I’d rather they keep on sitting out until they’re willing to become a healthy part of the Eurovision community again. 
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Hungary are a good Eurovision country and their statistics reflect that. Boggie of COURSE ruined it by being the worst, but she’s an exception, not the rule. They are a really good country for indie gems and hopefully they’ll get their shit together. Could make a nice outsider winner pick in the upcoming decade, who knows?
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Finland is such an underrated eurovision nation. I mean, look at that chart, and then ponder on the fact, with 7 good entries out of 10,  they NQ’d six times and that NONE of their four qualifiers reached the top 10. Finland are bullied beyond belief and it fucking needs to end. 
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This looks more underwhelming on paper than it is in reality. Israel’s probelm is never the song. Their songs are nearly always good. The problem is the live performance, where they get their accents wrong (ie: Mei dying from wideshotitis, Kobi being reduced to a sobstory, Dana being a giant penis joke, Harel fucking up vocally and Netta being reduced to a parody of herself). They just need to lighten up more, which they did post-Nadav resulting in a few great entries, and Toy. Overall, Israel are one of my favourite Eurovision countries, and for good reason: when they are good, they are fucking excellent. 
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martiemcfliest · 6 years
Magic Lamps || Martina & Xander
Date: February 28th, 2018
Martina and Xander sit down and work on maintaining their weapons. For the first time in a long time, they are able to shed the seriousness that war caused. They work on a very serious business proposal. 
Xander had never exactly been the biggest fan of looking after his weapons - it wasn’t that he didn’t love his bow or sword, but he just found it incredibly boring having to sharpen it or keep it clean. But his grandfather had always told him you could judge a man by how they kept their weapon and Xander wasn’t about to let the family down even further with a few spots of rust. Entering the small set up being used to prepare weapons felt strangely quiet, but he supposed most people wouldn’t choose such a late hour to sort out their belongings. Nodding at someone he passed Xander made his way a little further into the area, trying to find a good spot to set up when a familiar face caught his attention. Walking a little closer he raised an eyebrow at Martina and the look of such concentration on her face, he wasn’t sure what sort of response he would get from her - though he was leaning more towards shouting - so decided to go with a casual, “I’m starting to think one of us is following the other if we keep meeting like that.”
Martina didn’t want to fight with the people who killed her best friend. She didn’t want to walk around the Legion and wonder who had the killing blow. She didn’t want to fight. Yet, she continued to. It was her duty, her job. She had too many connections here. Too many people she could have trace her back to Milo if she left to join her son and her brother. She had to fight, she had to survive. She had begun to help with weapon maintenance, the job leaving it so that she didn’t have to speak to anyone else. Not that many people were looking to talk to the girl who exploded at nearly everything. Though lately, with the sadness simmering in her chest, she hadn’t yelled in a while. It was surprising and apparently more scary, considering just how many people were avoiding her now. She looked up surprised to hear another voice, and somehow was no surprised at all that it was Xander. “My guess is it’s you following me.” Her voice lacked the emotion it usually had, sounding tired and worn now. “Since you came in after me.”
Xander frowned at her words, well more how she sounded then the words themselves. He wouldn’t have said he knew her extremely well, but from all previous encounters Xander had gotten the feeling the girl didn’t do a lot of things quietly or without emotion. In the brief moment of pause, he wracked his brain, trying to remember if anything more awful had happened in the last few days. But as far as he knew since the news of the two legionnaires dying there hadn’t been much news. Unless of course she had known one of them… Xander didn’t want to push it and accidently say the wrong thing, though he wasn’t sure he could do a whole conversation like this. Was is weird to miss someone shouting at you? “Hm, that sounds like something a stalker might say. For all I know you’ve had my schedule copied.”
There were only a few things that made Martina as quiet as she was at the moment. They were rare moments. For all the terribleness she felt at the moment, at least she wasn’t so angry she couldn’t function. That was a worse time if she had to be honest. She was fine with her regular anger. That was fun at times. Yelling and scaring people could be fun. “Don’t check my journal, I certainly don’t have it copied in there next to my most intimate thoughts and feelings.”
“I’ll be sure to skip those pages when I have root through,” he joked before shifting from foot to foot a little awkwardly. After a moment of thought Xander shrugged his quiver off his shoulder followed quickly by his bow and he moved to stand diagonally opposite her. Xander was picking up on her vibe to want to be left alone, but something about the whole situation made him want to stay put, even if they did just work in silence. “Mind if I take this spot? I think you picked the best one.” He didn’t really wait for a response before putting down his weapons and starting to put them in some sort of order.
“Please do, they reveal all my deepest darkest secrets. Like who I’m crushing on this week.” Martina couldn’t imagine what someone would find in a journal of her deepest darkest secrets. She was not a good person. It wouldn’t be an easy read, and she was sure Xander would never look at her the same way again. Good thing the journal didn’t really exist. She shrugged,“Better you than someone who hates me. I don’t have the energy to have to bitch someone out today.”
“Oh well now I have to go looking for it. I’ve been dying to know who you’re crushing on,” he said shooting her a quick grin before turning his attention back to his weapons. Emptying his quiver of arrows Xander began sorting through thing until he found the ones that needed the most attention. “What you mean no shouting today? Are you feeling okay?” It was meant to be a joke but as soon as he said the words Xander worried maybe now wasn’t the right time.
“I’m sure the answer will shock you.” Martina answered. She didn’t have the time to have a crush on people. Especially after the last person she had a crush on turned into a sea monster and was killed. She didn’t know if crushes were worth it after that. “I’m just tired. Being mad all the time is really tiring, not that I can really help it. I don’t know I’m just too tired to be shouting right now.”
“Now you sound like one of those click-bait articles,” Xander mused, putting on his best announcer voice he continued, “You’ll never guess who THIS girl has a crush on!” He gave her a quick grin with eyebrows wagging before pulling his features into a more neutral expression, nodding in understanding. “I get that. People always seem to forget that being mad takes up so much energy.” And from the short time Xander had known her, he got the idea she was mad a lot. “But hey, if you want, I can shout at people for you? Give you a break.”
Martina couldn’t help the little laugh that left her at his voice. She was surprised by the sound herself and her face showed it. “You should go into that. Announcing stuff. That was pretty good.” The smile lingered on her face as she continued to work on her weapons. “I can’t really help getting mad, it’s an unfortunate genetic thing from Great Grandma Ira.” Now that she knew she was a legacy, she let it be mentioned more often. It was a little thing that she seemed to love, even if it made her mad. She let another laugh out,”If you could that’d be great.”
Xander felt oddly proud of that compliment, and though he knew his father would never allow it to happen it was nice to imagine a life where he just got to annonce thing into microphone. “I’ll remember you when I’m a famous voice over,” he joked. Rage and fury, that made her make a little more sense. “Bet that’s not easy, being mad all the time. I wish these godly relations of ours would give out some fun gifts for a change.” Sometimes when he really gave it some thought Xander realised he was actually quite lucky, at least Apollo and Victoria had only ever given him a deep sense of competition. “Think of me as your own personal shouter. Let me know when I can start work.”
Martina couldn’t fight the grin that was taking over her face,“I expect you to tell everyone I’m the one who convinced you to go into it.” She nodded, a little more solemn now,“It’s kind of exhausting. I’m so mad all the time it makes it hard to be a functioning person… And if I’m around people who are mad, I feel that too. All I got from being a demigod was a war, bein’ mad all the damn time, and visions that are usually about someone dying.” She smiled at him again, feeling more at ease in his presence than she did with most people. “When someone starts to piss me off, I’ll let you know?”
“Oh you can count on it. You’ll get an honorable mention when I win my first award for my work as well,” Xander let his hand rest dramatically on his chest as he tried to give her a serious look, but his face broke out into another grin and he pulled back, looking back down at the sword in his hands. He let out a low whistle as she talked, suddenly understanding why she always seemed to want to be alone these days. Anger wasn’t in short supply around here these days, and Martina must have been swimming in it. “Shit, and with all these going on you must be like...like an anger time bomb or something.” Xander hadn’t didn’t think he was ever particularly angry, but he was always in the mood to shout. “Sounds like a plan to me! I’ll be at your beck and call.”
“Wow, a famous person name dropping me in an awards speech, I would have never thought I’d see the day.” Martina was finding it rather easy to be around him, perhaps because he wasn’t prodding her with questions or his mood seemed stable enough that she didn’t have to worry about suddenly getting mad. “I constantly want to punch people in the face. I’ve come to blows with both walls and the floor quite often lately,” She said motioning to her bandaged knuckles. “You better be ready to yell at all the dumb dumbs around then,” She said with a little smile.
Xander gave her a lazy shrug and a quick grin, “I’m all about making those far off wishes come true, my friend.” With a sigh Xander let his sword fall back to the table with a dull clang and picked up an arrowhead instead, suddenly remembering how much he hated weapon maintenance, though he supposed it was slightly more fun doing it with someone not annoying. Glancing at her hands he couldn’t help but wince a little in sympathy, you had to really give the concrete a good pummeling to warrant bandages. “I think we need to get you a new anger outlet. Have you ever considered taking up painting?” He asked with a raised eyebrow, partly joking.
Martina rolled her eyes at him good naturedly, though her little smile showed how amusing she thought he was being. “You sounds like you’re trying to be a genie, should I get you a lamp to live in?” She has to be thankful that Xander was someone she could joke with. She very rarely was able to joke with people. She flexed her fists a little, before shrugging. “I used to make music, but between the Legion and university I stopped. Maybe I should go back into it. Painting has always been so… messy. I always feel like I’ll ruin my clothes.”
Shrugging Xander resisted the urge to start wiggling his fingers in her face, “Y’know what, I think I would be quite happy living in a lamp. At least there’d be less weapon maintenance to do.” It also meant he wouldn’t have to deal with an ongoing war or family problems, which seemed like an added bonus really. Raising an eyebrow at her he asked, “What kind of music did you make?” He didn’t really have her pegged as the musical type, but clearly he was missing something. “That’s the whole point of painting! To get a little messy,” he said with a laugh.
“Living in a lamp would be way easier than living out here at least, less people to deal with too.” Martina grinned at him,“I would honestly still probably do weapon maintenance in there. I think it’s relaxing.” She was sure a lot of people disagreed with her, but there was something prideful to it for her. People would know that she knew what she was doing if her weapons were kept nicely, she thought. “I switch  between club music, like remixes and things like that, and acoustic stuff,” Before she realized she wanted to be a surgeon, she was rather sure that she would have ended up in the DJ scene. “I hate cleaning up messes though! I’m guessing you paint then?” She asked with a smile.
“Y’know, I think we’re on to something here. Living in lamps could be next big trend. I think we should make it happen,” it was a wild and whimsical idea and Xander rarely had them that he felt the need to grab on to it tightly. Shaking his head at her he almost pushed the reminder of his arrowheads over to her side of the table, “How on earth do you find this relaxing? It’s so boring!” He wasn’t sure why that answer shocked him so much but Xander found himself blinking at her in confusion for a moment, “Huh. So like, DJ kinda stuff then, yeah? Are you any good?” The question left his mouth before he could stop it and he cringed a little before shaking his head at her, “Not much anymore, and it was more like...throwing paint. Don’t exactly have the time do much of anything, even before all this kicked off.”
“If anyone could make it happen, it would be us. We’ll start working on the protype lamp apartment as soon as we can,” Martina would admit that this conversation was rather silly, but she couldn’t really remember the last time she let herself just be silly. She smiled a little,“Probably because it’s so boring. When else do we get to do normal boring stuff? It makes me feel prepared for anything too. Like if my weapons are ready, so am I.” It was a bit like a tradition to her now, cleaning and preparing her weapons to make sure she was ready to face the next day head on. “Yeah, like DJ stuff,” She hummed, before pulling out her phone,“I’d like to say I’m pretty good, I’ve played a few places. You can take a listen if you want.” She wasn’t huge into sharing her music anymore, but she supposed this was as good of a time as any to start again. “Like Pollock? Were you any good?”
“The sooner the better if you ask me,” he said with another grin, glad that she was at least playing along with his stupid idea in the same manner as him. Tilting his head a little to the side he considered her point, he supposed there was some merit to it, sometimes getting to do the mundane activities was needed especially in a war. “Hm, I guess that makes sense. Gives you one less thing to worry about when you’re in the thick of it too,” now Xander felt like he should have been putting more effort into his own belongings and prepping for a fight. Dropping the now assembled arrows back on the table top and wiping his hands on his jeans Xander accepted the phone with a smile, “I just hit play?” he asked finger hovering. Letting out a laugh he shook his head, feeling hair brush against his forehead from the movement, “Oh no, i’m fucking terrible at it! But it’s a great stress reliever so,” he gave a nonchalant shrug.
“We’d probably be able to sell loads if we advertised right. Think of it, lamps will be the new yacht.” Martina didn’t get to relax often, she certainly never got to relax for this long. Some new terrible thing would come up, or she have some bad vision, or her brother would need something. “I’ve been the kid who broke their weapon during training because I wasn’t taking good care of it. It’s really not fun and I can’t imagine that it would do me any good to have it break during a battle.” She had broken enough weapons that she was at one point well known at the forges. Comes with fighting almost purely based on anger. She leaned over and pressed play for him, music beginning to play. It had a good beat to it and was certainly something people would dance to. “That sounds like something someone who was good at it would say, I’m not going to lie.”
“They’ll be so popular we’ll become millionaires overnight,” and have the perfect excuse to get the hell out of the city, it seemed like the perfect dream. Xander raises an eyebrow at her, holding back from laughing at the image of her getting angry at her own broken weapon, “Everyone's been that kid at least once. I don’t think many people start out with the desire to take the best care of their weapons.” At least he hadn’t. Raising the phone a little closer to his ear he nodded his head to the beat, it wasn’t hard to imagine it playing in a club or just in the background of high school tv show, “This is really good. You’re really good.” The music was still playing when someone across the room called out Martina’s name so Xander lowered the phone, thumb hitting pause as he passed it back to her with a grin. “Trust me, they’re awful. Maybe i’ll show you them sometime when there’s not a war or people asking for our attention,” he said with a nod toward the stranger, though Xander was sure she must know them.
“If I had money, I think I would be the happiest girl in the world,” Martina said, not even lying. She’d been half prepared to marry Fergus for money, which to be fair, he knew she was going in for. Her life would be much easier if she had money. “Sometimes I still don’t want to, but it’s part of a routine now, so I feel obligated.” At his praise, she grinned a bit sheepishly. For a while, before she started pre-med, she thought she’d end up being a touring DJ. Sometimes she still thought about doing it, though she need to be amazing to get enough money for Milo and her brother. “I can send you more, if you wanted. I know it’s not everyone’s style, but I like energetic music.” She looked over at the person who called her and sighed. She probably needed to help set up something with the second. She stood, taking her phone and grinned at him,“Yeah, I’d like to see them one day. Maybe you can teach me how to fling paint around. I’ll see you around.”
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sharingthesamesky · 8 years
Here’s the Kingdom Hearts 0.2: Fragmentary Passage and Kingdom Hearts Back Cover reactions thread I promised you
Back Cover:
Also, the cinematography is incredible. Like. From someone who studied film, this shit is really good. There was like. That one moment when it was a little on the nose with the flower petals, but this is a Kingdom Hearts game so comparatively it was downright subtle.
If the Master of Masters isn’t somehow connected with Braig I’d be surprised at this point. (Master of Masters, here after known as Mr. MoM). Plot says it should be Xehanort, but mannerism SCREAM Braig. (They also share the whole one-eyed thing.)
Is Kingdom Hearts using Norse mythology symbolism now too? Because Mr. MoM’s whole “takes one eye out and casts it into [the future] to know ultimate truth” thing is just Odin.
How on earth did Mr. MoM convince these 6 super serious people to listen to him. He doesn’t seem like someone any of them would agree to train under AT ALL. Maybe Gula? But Aced and Ira? I guess there just weren’t any other Mr. MoMs to pick from?
The fucker wrote the book of prophecy in vague rhyme because he’s terrible
I swear this time travel thing is so dumb. “Don’t want you to cause any temporal paradoxes” MY ASS. you can’t just make shit up because its sounds cool. How does this work? If you “can’t change the future” then like. What is even the point of anything? Are there some events that are fixed but the specifics are still in flux?
The real reason Luxu doesn’t get a book of prophesy is that Mr. MoM hand copied the thing five times already and didn’t feel like doing it again.
Alternatively he hand copied it six times but that foreteller moogle that gives you your medals got Luxu’s copy.
I mean clearly Mr. MoM saw the keyblade war and was like “what’s the best, most fun way I can cause this? Oh! I know! I’ll tell Gula to find a “traitor” and make them all fight each other. I mean if there was really a traitor, I could just tell Gula who it was, because I can SEE THE FUTURE, but that wouldn’t be fun at all!”
Seriously if Gula hadn’t preempted that speech what would he have said.
“Oh, I know. I’ll make Aced feel jealous and make him attack the leader because I’m totally a champion of light. TOTALLY.”
Why is Ira so sure that this event would have been in the book? What kind of events make it into the book? Clearly not everything or Ira wouldn’t need Invi’s reports at all, right? Seriously did I mention this time travel stuff is terrible?
“I might vanish or I might not - anyone’s guess” says the man whose entire shtick is knowing the future. Everyone: Sounds legit.
If Mr. MoM’s keyblade makes it all the way to the present, why the fuck do their books end with the keyblade war? I mean probably because they all die in it and telling them that is a sure way to cause those supposed temporal paradoxes, (or because Mr. MoM is just a conniving ass) but I swear none of them thought to ask why his vision of the future stops there? Well, I suppose “and then the world ends” is a good enough place as any to claim you can’t see past. Even if you’re lying liar about it.
We all know Luxu’s the traitor right? Let’s just get this out of the way. Not that he necessarily betrayed anyone or anything, but Gula’s magic paper says “bears the sigil” so it’s gotta be LuXu. Unless of course its one of our key kids who went all edgy and put an X in their names.
Okay, even not knowing that, why in the hell did no one mention Luxu as a possibility for the traitor in the first place?
I mean they know about Luxu even though he’s sort of implied to be a latecomer to the group. Did they all start out wearing those black cloaks before they got their fancy foreteller gear?
Okay who designed the fancy foreteller gear who made those masks and how did Mr. MoM convince them to go with that? I mean - scratch that last part these idiot’s will do anything he says apparently.
(You’ll pry my guilt bonuses from my cold dead, darkness ridden hands, KHuX)
Mr. MoM engineered this entire thing and use everyones unquestioning loyalty and sense of his own perfection to do it. No one bothered to question any of the details and that’s why it worked.
“Hey, Master, why to all the chirithy look the same? Wouldn’t it be easier to tell which one turned into a nightmare if they were like. Numbered or something?”
“Hey Master, you want us to… collect Lux? What are we collecting it for? Shouldn’t we… not do that?”
“Wait you want us to… take Lux from… the future?”
Seriously this movie answers zero of the questions about how time works in KHuX. None of them at all. Well, maybe Season Two will address it.
“Hey Master, why is it called a Nightmare if this isn’t the world of dreams because obviously it isn’t right? RIGHT?”
Ava tells her dandelions they are gonna practice leaving the world by going into the realm of dreams though so.
I’m sorry I couldn’t take that scene seriously with all the key kids in their default starter outfits. No keyblader that’s the “best of the best” is gonna be wearing a starter outfit with no perks.
Okay, I get that Gula couldn’t tell anyone his role, and that Aced’s “true role” aka the failsafe powder keg fuse makes sense to keep secret, but why didn’t Ava tell anyone her role?
The foretellers have different VA’s than the characters they obviously correspond to, but they’re similar (well, accept Aced) and they speak in a very similar way. Care to comment? (Mr. MoM giggling in the distance)
Ava, how does Ephemer even know about the book? Did you tell all the keykids about it or what? I kind of doubt that. Ephemer you clever little sneak.
The Foretellers have a secret castle no one is allowed to enter and yet they have their meeting in the warehouse that literally everyone goes into all the time.
"coolheaded Gula?" More like flips the fuck out when he can't figure something out and tries to SUMMON KINGDOM HEARTS Gula.
Too bad Spongebob can never know what’s inside my secret box.
Seriously, why does ANYONE trust this guy.
Luxu’s reaction to “it’s my eye” is amazing.
No Name. Really. You don’t say.
The NA rankings are pretty spot on though. Good on us.
Fragmentary Passage:
Holy shit I’m so sold on the “technical demo” aspects of this game. Next Gen I love you.
You have to understand the last gen I had was a PS2. Why is everything so reflective and responsive its amazing.
Aqua’s VA is better than she was in BBS, but it still definitely limited my enjoyment of the game.
I did not realize the top of Aqua’s outfit was supposed to be see-through mesh other than the boob pads. Not sure how I feel about that.
I hope that the FFXIII style “hallways simulator” thing was because of time constraints and not because it’s how KH3 is gonna go.
The whole “There’s no time in the realm of Darkness” thing is really interesting, especially given all this time travel nonsense in the Realm of Light. But. Things still clearly progress in a linear fashion in there. Aqua doesn’t see Riku running through the darkness and then walk for a long while and then see Mickey. People enter and leave the place in an order that seems to be shared. Which means there is time. I think the word you are looking for is vague, arbitrary, or inconsistent.
Goddammit Nomura, take a second to read about time between your Latin lessons and your comparative mythology classes.
The new Heartless look really cool. I like them. And the elemental effects are fantastic. I could watch those heartless throw water at me all day.
The world design, apart from the linearness of some of the levels, was amazing. The suspended structures and twisted landscapes were really compelling.
I can’t be the only one who got strong “American McGee’s Alice” series vibes though, right? In a good way.
The mirror puzzle was neat. Not sure how long it would have taken me to figure out had I been playing and not watching a walkthrough so I’m calling it neat entirely by concept and visuals.
Phantom Aqua attacks in a pattern pretty similar to Xehanort’s fight with Terra in BBS, but with a mix of Aqua’s moves thrown in.
Aqua’s attack style is… kind of Extra. That twirl where she sticks her leggy straight up vertically in the air is like… Was that necessary? It certainly isn’t physically possible. Ask figure skaters.
The Terra/Xehanort scene was surprisingly good despite Terra’s VA. It was nice to get some insight into how that relationship is going. Because the rest of time seems pretty linear, we know that scene takes place, for Terra, at some point AFTER the worlds start vanishing. But if we take the claim that time is - if not absent - weird in the Realm of Darkness, then we don’t have any sense other than that. Maleficent gathered the princesses from the worlds we saw before she met Riku so that isn’t any indication, really.
Did I start crying when I saw Destiny Islands? Almost. Did I take a million screenshots of HD Destiny Islands? You bet your ass I did.
I did kinda cry when I saw Riku in his dumb KH1 puffy pants, though.
So behind the door in the Realm of Light is the heart of the world, but when it’s in the realm of darkness, it’s a magic keyblade shrine? I’m not really gonna argue. It seems to be a symbolic thing. Whatever. Good to know it’s a “push” door I suppose.
I’m not looking forward to that Demon Tide boss showing up again.
Mickey says he’s been “working with” Sora and Riku and he’s a fucking liar you didn’t do shit for them during KH1, Your Majesty, I WAS THERE.
“Kingdom hearts.. well okay not really kingdom hearts but. It’s sorta like a mini kingdom hearts? look we didn’t have the lore finalized at this point so just. pretend for me, Aqua.”
I can’t believe the Darkness ate King Mickey’s shirt.
(I know it was for the sake of consistency, and if it hadn’t happened you’d have people saying Mickey took his shirt off to be all macho mouse for that scene but still. Did anyone remember going in what Mickey was or wasn’t wearing during that scene?)
Kairi gets 3 seconds of screen time, and they are THE BEST. She’s super on point and I love her and hope she beats Lea up repeatedly and that we get to watch. Or do it.
I’m so thankful that Yensid didn’t pull a “no, Kairi you’re a princess of heart you can’t do both.” I didn’t think he would but it wasn’t NOT a fear of mine.
Riku’s whole “I tried to hard too be a role model” thing had me in tears. My son. My beautiful darling son. I am so proud of you. So proud
Yen Sid’s “No, see you would have done some stupid brave shit and fucked it all up” was. Amazing. Surpassed only by his “Sora, you fool, you complete and utter fuckup.”
So… was Yensid actually talking about Hercules or did Sora just… guess wrong. Because Yensid never explicitly says to go to Olympus Coliseum. Sora’s just…. really literal minded.
Goddammit I take back what I said about Next Gen the canon Disney characters look TERRIBLE. I really hope they work on that before KH3 because I really don’t want to deal with plastic model Donald and Goofy the whole time. Please.
I did NOT miss Donald Ducks voice.
That Gummi ship scene was incredible? HD Sora is so expressive and adorable and precious.
I like watching the dynamic between those three. It’s weird as fuck to watch with these graphics, and Donald and Goofy’s voices make it near impossible to take seriously, but it was fun to see.
“May your heart be your guiding key” DID YOU ALL FORGET WHY SORA FUCKED UP SO BAD IN THE MARK OF MASTERY? GOD DIDN’T YOU HEAR WHAT XIGBAR SAID? “Aren’t hearts great? Lead us wrong every time.” GODDAMMIT.
(I suspect that Mr. MoM knew that too, and was counting on it, hard. Even if he isn’t Braig.)
Special Credits:
I don’t have much to say other than HOLY SHIT NOSTALGIA and that i’m such a sucker for parallels in fiction that I was kind of rolling around with glee.
I actually didn’t realize just how much hugging and touching there is in this series?
Everyone’s all “KH doesn’t have explicit Romantic Parings” But they DID just do a giant romance montage (which included Namine and Roxas?) just to lead up to Sora and Kairi so. Not all that subtle.
As much as I’m :/ about that last bit, it was nice to see this game remember that other parts of the Destiny Islands trio exist besides Sora and Riku’s dynamic. We got some Riku and Kairi in 0.2 and we got this little bit in the credits so at least they haven’t forgotten Kairi exists.
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