eliasblaque · 2 years
We came into our own understanding of what reality was, the artifacts resonated olde energies and properties that were native to this place long before we were created thought. now we breathe in that which once upon a time was holy, we walk amongst its ruble, its ruins, we feed energies back to it, recycled recycled and on and on the whirlpool of existences couponed balance thrives. harbored galactic maps suppressed and housed in sentient manifested emotion, corporeal carbons made unique striving for the myth that is security, thriving for survival. Aliens amongst a specific place carved into times very self, beings bound for tombs and judgement. A primordial history turned fear Gatorade soups future, manifest: revised, scattered, ripped & tattered, raped, reshaped, packaged, priced & redistributed. Beginning the traverse of the given construct that is time, plagued by the bosoms embrace of change, forever to decay forever to play with the growing mushrooms that are fate fingers, the fantasies of will, the choices of the greatness that gives us purpose, just to rotate the sun for deaths greet. 
we came into our own understanding of what reality was, clean slate eyes blessed and cursed upon arrival. We cried out in Terror as we were saddled with names never truly our own for leased personal bodies eventually to be marked, maimed, intoxicated by the lusts of sensation. chug chug chug!! a perfect evil this life, full of beauties and wondrous notions to forever distract us from the narrow path of escape and divine, the saving fine print that if read after umbilical severance, possibilities of leaving ultimately mentally intact still can be entertained. popcorn popcorn and the film ventures on, map revealed and lesson learned, palace lost to the beating hearts of once humans, now bodies full of vaccines of unknown entities with dragon tales, end credits, finished sodas and sticky floors. This hell of a purgatory is the very battleground of futures war, how much are tickets to the next showing.
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kowabungadoodles · 6 months
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The Day After The Day The World Didn't End.
After their drift, Newt knows it's time. He loves Hermann, Hermann loves, him they've been in each other's brains for fuck's sake… It's easy math. So why aren't they together already?
(late) Newmann Winter Exchange fic for @laurasinele, who asked for Feelings realisation post drift, love confessions/ mutual pining with a Newt POV! -> Read here
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restbeyondtheriver · 6 months
I think my favorite declaration about God in the Bible is said by Rahab in Joshua 2:11 "& as soon as we heard it, our hearts melted, & there was no spirit left in any man because of you, for the LORD your God, He is God in the heavens above & on the earth beneath."
I just love those differentiations of all the peoples belief: the we whose hearts melted, the spies she’s speaking to & of, God who is yours & more than being mine too, He is. Her own belief inside is being confessed, but it moves out of her in into the frighteningly big eternity.
So similarly personal like Ruth’s more known declaration, but not so in the that linear individual approach to that same substance. Ruth says in Ruth 1:16, "Do not urge me to leave you or to return from following you. For where you go I will go, & where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, & your God my God."
Like a single horizontal acknowledgement, a covenant to Naomi, leads her toward Him. Whereas Rahab phrasing of it seems a chord flung out & up in front of her, over the two spies whose hearts own melting spoke to hers, & the acknowledgement is caught by God in the cosmos. Ruth is clinging. Rahab is accepting. One leaves with. One stays behind. It's the same following.
I don't know. Acceptance for these old testament women looking at these people whose testimonies melted their hearts was simply: God is scarier than my old home, & I am willing to leave it to know why.
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wyrdify · 2 years
I think we need to talk about when we as RPers fuck up and make mistakes. I'm talking like we accidentally trigger our RP partner, we say or do something mean, or we otherwise broke one of their rules. We didn't mean to, but, in one way or another, we hurt our RP partner, and they let us know that we did. It happens sometimes. We're human. We make mistakes.
The question is what we do from there.
First things first: listen to your RP partner, and do so without interrupting them. Let them tell you what they're feeling and why. It's hard confronting a friend and sharing your emotions, so give them the room to do so without judgment.
Secondly: ask for clarification on anything you're not sure about. Only do this when your partner says they are done talking. Use "I" statements like, "I'm not sure what [x] means. Can you explain it to me in a different way?" Or, "I'm confused about [y]. Can you talk about that more?" You are just trying to get an understanding for what your partner is trying to say at this stage, not anything else.
Thirdly: sit with your feelings. You might be feeling some sort of emotion(s) after hearing what your friend told you. Anger, sadness, disappointment, and others---those feelings are valid. Don't push them aside, but don't make them your partner's responsibility either. Take the time to think about what your partner told you while sorting through these feelings. One method I use is writing these thoughts down in a journal. Another method is talking things out with a neutral third party.
With this, you are allowed to say, "Hey, I need some time to think about what you said," to your partner. After all, you want to make sure you're giving them a good response. Just don't leave them waiting for days on end for a resolution or answer. They're going to think you're ignoring the problem. Silence does no one any favors. In fact, the silent treatment is a common abuse tactic.
Fourthly: apologize. Now, I'm going to walk you through how to apologize to a person in case you were like me and grew up with less than ideal parents who didn't teach you that. I had to teach myself. So, here's what that looks like:
1. Taking ownership. "I'm sorry I..." statements are a good start.
2. Talk about why what you did was not a good thing. Avoid passive-aggressive statement here. Again, statements that start with "I" are typically a good way to start off. This is you acknowledging what your partner said.
3. The plan going forward. An apology means nothing if the behavior is just going to continue. So, how are you going to make sure you don't fuck up in the future? Talk about steps you will take so you can avoid making the mistake going forward.
One apology might look like this: "I'm sorry I triggered you when I was talking about su*c*de in the discord server. I always want you to feel safe around me, and I understand now how I made our server feel unsafe for you. In the future, I'll use spoiler tags along with trigger warnings before the topic so I can avoid triggering you."
The apology doesn't have to be long and drawn out depending on the context and situation, but you have to put effort in. Silence solves nothing. It allows the issue to fester, and it may lead to your RP partner deciding to disconnect from you entirely (as is their right). Owning your mistakes and working on fixing them shows you're willing to listen and grow as a person.
That's all I got. This has been bugging me for a long while. I know we're all anxious on this hell site, but better communication makes a huge difference for everybody. ❤️
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vitamin-zeeth · 9 months
every time I see someone with a doctor who take or theory or anything that puts any weight whatsoever on 13s run I like immediately stop reading and just skim the rest of it. No hate to them I just
- didn't like the run
- gave up watching it during the timeless child arc cause the lore inaccuracies pissed me off
- generally ignore its existence cause it's easier
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kaitkingthewriter · 4 months
At Lunch Today
 At lunch today I fell a little more in love with you Your smile grazes the inside of my heart with such passion At lunch today your blue eyes brighter for seeing me Sparkling over sparkling water with just a hint of lemon that cannot sour our chemistry At lunch today while I watched you talk I followed your lips watched your mouth heard nothing and thought just about kissing I love having Lunch…
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Deshaies / Guadeloupe ©2023 blueskipper
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chazzawrites · 2 years
I managed to do a little work on Apotheosis this evening, so have some more words :)
The Writers taglist: @writing-is-a-martial-art @kait-writes @hiddenhistoria @perditism @writingbyjillian @writeherewaiting @oasis-of-you @adie-dee @absolute-nonsense-scribblings @blind-the-winds @mmoonflower @maguayans @wildswrites @the-moving-finger-writes @vorskra @wizardfromthesea @generalblizzarddreamer @zonnemaagd @sleepy-night-child @foxy-lisard
Allyn POV
When I [straighten up], [my eyes] land on the gorgeous man now standing at Evangelina's side.
He looks so right in the space, classical beauty in his sculpted cheekbones and the fall of his dark hair, in a way that's almost difficult to process – wrong in its unedited starkness.
"So you're the ones Evangelina has been telling me all about," he says, a murmur more to himself than us. "I'm Marcus," he adds, voice clearer as he addresses me and Felix, who's hovering a little closer to the door.
His eyes drag over us as if he's trying to figure us out, and I find myself standing taller, meeting that gaze with my own.
"I certainly hope so. I'm Allyn," I say with a smile which hopefully doesn't betray the nerves bubbling in my stomach; the distinct feeling of being tested has settled over me, and the potential importance of the moment, coupled with his suave mannerism, bolsters my determination not to fail.
This has to work out. He has to hold all the answers.
Now that an opportunity has come to learn about this thing that makes me different, I don't think I could bear returning to the pretence of normality.
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arturobooks · 1 month
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Coma - Life in another time
In Italian, English and Spanish.
For you one month, for me 50 years in another time.
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daletraita · 2 months
Guarda il testo della canzone “The Writer” di Ellie Goulding
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ao3feed-todoroki · 3 months
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daletraesp · 4 months
Letra de la canción “The Writer” de Ellie Goulding
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kowabungadoodles · 7 months
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restbeyondtheriver · 2 years
I know there is the deconstruction rhetoric of I was told not to question God, but I have to tell you one of the first times God ever says something to a person in the Bible is in the form of a question.
Don’t be afraid to ask, don’t be afraid of the answer. The question isn’t the problem, it is the authority that has been asked. The desire to understand God is not the issue, it is where the hope of understanding is placed. The Bible doesn’t just have person after person asking God a question, but that time & again, God has questions for you. Don’t be afraid of being asked. Don’t be afraid to answer.
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wyrdify · 11 months
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For those who may want to know because of the news: my husband and I are safe. We live two hours north of where everything happened. We have friends down there, though, and we're still waiting to hear from them. I'm shaken, scared, and it's been hard to focus at work, but I am physically safe. Please keep Maine, especially the community of Lewiston, in your thoughts today. Maine is a state made up of small towns where everyone knows everyone, and this has shaken us to our core.
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junaiuslittleman · 5 months
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The Writer (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/367365030-the-writer?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=Sahararoko This book is a collection of reflections on characters based on myself. In each chapter of the book, I will discuss a character. The chapter will begin with a monologue from the character, and then I will share my personal story, revealing the true details of my experiences.
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