#they all control a sea and their father controls the yellow river
the-monkey-ruler · 6 months
How do you differentiate between dragons that have the water element and those that have the fire element? I assume that Ao Guang's family would technically be dragons that can use only water. And according to jttw, dragons can control the weather (clouds, water, etc.). However, how do you know which dragons can control fire? Or can be assumed that all dragons can handle these two elements? Or a sea dragon that controls water couldn't control fire?
I guess I would ask you what makes you think dragons can control fire? I know that European dragons that it’s a common connection to their folklore, but Chinese dragons are connected to water such as rivers, oceans, and rain. I don’t think I’ve seen Chinese dragons that control fire if it wasn’t connected to the weather in some way.
Like I'm sure there are but I guess I don't understand what makes you think that dragons would have a fire element instead of a water element. Can you give an example from maybe like a story or something? I've read a lot of chinese tales but certainly not ALL so it would be cool to see how other tales could show dragons in a different light.
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untimelytales · 2 years
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[ thomas weatherall, cis man, he/him. ] ✧・゚ is that [ florian finn ] who just stumbled into town? rumour has it that they’re the [ twenty-one ] year old child of [ flounder ] from [ the little mermaid ]. i’ve also heard that they’re [ enthusiastic ] but [ oblivious ] and have [ two ] siblings. i could almost swear i heard [ uh oh - tate mcrae ] playing when they appeared.
florian couldn’t be more like and unlike his father, always excited to do anything and everything despite the possible danger — yet was too oblivious to even realise there was danger involved. he was always a bit of a handful for his father and siblings, they often giving up on controlling what he did and waiting for him to learn his lessons through his mistakes. fortunately, florian only almost died once — escaping a fishing hook that left him garishly scarred on his cheek. somehow, it did not deter florian from continuing his behaviour.
though florian had always been open to new experiences and learning new things, he never truly settled down on actual hobbies. he never made up his mind on what he wanted to do as he grew older, not sure any of the typical roles would fit him. he didn’t want to be an advisor nor a merchant nor anything ‘practical’. in fact, simply thinking about the future made him uncomfortable. instead, he focused on the present and pursued relationships and personal pleasures.
before coming to town, florian was contemplating finding a sea witch of his own to become human. he wasn’t very concerned about what he would have to lose to change as he was jealous that ariel got to explore the opportunities of the human world while the rest of the sea life was stuck in the water. and, seeing all the different things that humans partook in made him long for that life more and more. but, fate would have it that he wouldn’t have to trade anything major to get what he curiously wanted — just home and family.
      basics:          full name:  florian finn          nicknames:  flori, flor          gender:  cis man          pronouns:  he / them          sexuality:  bisexual          age:  21          occupation:  n/a          species:  fish human
      appearance:          faceclaim:  thomas weatherall          height:  5'8''          eyes:  dark brown          hair:  black          piercings:  n/a          tattoos:  n/a          other distinguishing features:  large scar on his right cheek          style:  colourful casual
      personality:          traits:  energetic, playful, oblivious, scattered          likes:  pink and yellow, candy, rivers          dislikes:  fisherman, sharks, seafood          fears:  not finding his place in the world          phobias:  boats          hobbies:  dancing, music making          skills:  drumming, entertaining          quirks:  often fidgeting without realising          pet peeves:  lectures
      family:          mother:  unknown          father:  flounder          siblings:  two older          birth order:  youngest          spouse / lover:  n/a          children:  n/a          pets:  n/a          notable close relatives:  godparents ariel and eric
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ourlastpage · 2 years
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[ thomas weatherall, cis man, he/him. ] ✧・゚ is that [ florian finn ] who just stumbled into town? rumour has it that they’re the [ twenty-one ] year old child of [ flounder ] from [ the little mermaid ]. i’ve also heard that they’re [ enthusiastic ] but [ oblivious ] and have [ two ] siblings. i could almost swear i heard [ uh oh - tate mcrae ] playing when they appeared.
florian couldn’t be more like and unlike his father, always excited to do anything and everything despite the possible danger — yet was too oblivious to even realise there was danger involved. he was always a bit of a handful for his father and siblings, they often giving up on controlling what he did and waiting for him to learn his lessons through his mistakes. fortunately, florian only almost died once — escaping a fishing hook that left him garishly scarred on his cheek. somehow, it did not deter florian from continuing his behaviour.
though florian had always been open to new experiences and learning new things, he never truly settled down on actual hobbies. he never made up his mind on what he wanted to do as he grew older, not sure any of the typical roles would fit him. he didn’t want to be an advisor nor a merchant nor anything ‘practical’. in fact, simply thinking about the future made him uncomfortable. instead, he focused on the present and pursued relationships and personal pleasures.
before coming to town, florian was contemplating finding a sea witch of his own to become human. he wasn’t very concerned about what he would have to lose to change as he was jealous that ariel got to explore the opportunities of the human world while the rest of the sea life was stuck in the water. and, seeing all the different things that humans partook in made him long for that life more and more. but, fate would have it that he wouldn’t have to trade anything major to get what he curiously wanted — just home and family.
      basics:          full name:  florian finn          nicknames:  flori, flor          gender:  cis man          pronouns:  he / them          sexuality:  bisexual          age:  21          occupation:  n/a          species:  fish human
      appearance:          faceclaim:  thomas weatherall          height:  5'8’’          eyes:  dark brown          hair:  black          piercings:  n/a          tattoos:  n/a          other distinguishing features:  large scar on his right cheek          style:  colourful casual
      personality:          traits:  energetic, playful, oblivious, scattered          likes:  pink and yellow, candy, rivers          dislikes:  fisherman, sharks, seafood          fears:  not finding his place in the world          phobias:  boats          hobbies:  dancing, music making          skills:  drumming, entertaining          quirks:  often fidgeting without realising          pet peeves:  lectures
      family:          mother:  unknown          father:  flounder          siblings:  two older          birth order:  youngest          spouse / lover:  n/a          children:  n/a          pets:  n/a          notable close relatives:  godparents ariel and eric
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azulasnailtech · 2 years
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@pscentral event 03: team colors 
Address the letters to the holes in my butterfly wings Nothing's forever, nothing is as good as it seems And when the clouds won't iron out And the monsters creep into your house And every door is hard to close Well, I hope you know how proud I am you were created With the courage to unlearn all of their hatred God, I hope that you're happier today 'Cause I love you And I hope that you're okay
Image ID: 5 black & white gifs that fade to golden yellow
Image 1: A gif of Aang’s glider burning in a river of lava, blended with a gif of Aang (with hair), determined, spinning the glider and sticking it into the ground, both from The Awakening. It is overlaid with the text “Address the letters to the holes in my butterfly wings” and a small icon of an envelope. It then fades to a gif of Aang bald once again and bending, his tattoos on full display (the scene where he purposely enters a fully controlled Avatar State to put out the forest fire and then return the water back to the sea); there is a smaller circular gif of him smiling in his Avatar outfit, both from Sozin’s Comet, Part 4: Avatar Aang. It is overlaid with the text “Well, I hope you know how proud I am you were created.”
Image 2: A gif of Fire Nation audience milling about (waiting to see the prince and princess), blended with a gif of Zuko (in crown prince outfit) striding forward, looking unhappy, both from The Awakening. It is overlaid with the text “Nothing's forever, nothing is as good as it seems” and a small icon of an infinity symbol. It then fades to a gif of Zuko redirecting his father’s lightning from The Day Of Black Sun, Part 2: The Eclipse; there is a smaller circular gif of him smiling in his Fire Lord outfit (agreeing he and Aang are now friends), from Sozin’s Comet, Part 4: Avatar Aang. It is overlaid with the text “With the courage to unlearn all of their hatred.”
Image 3: A gif of the Fire Nation war balloons floating across the sky, blended with a gif of Sokka in his warrior outfit turning his face and beginning to cry, both from The Day Of Black Sun, Part 2: The Eclipse. It is overlaid with the text “And when the clouds won't iron out” and a small icon of clouds. It then fades to a gif of Sokka steering the airship slice from Sozin's Comet, Part 3: Into the Inferno; there is a smaller circular gif of him smiling in his Warrior outfit (after Hakoda says he is the proudest father in the world), from Sozin’s Comet, Part 4: Avatar Aang. It is overlaid with the text “God, I hope that you're happier today.”
Image 4: A gif of Yon Rha standing over Kya, blended with a gif of young Katara looking terrified, both from The Southern Raiders. It is overlaid with the text “And the monsters creep into your house” and a small icon of a house. It then fades to a gif of Katara, unafraid, stopping the rain in place from The Southern Raiders; there is a smaller circular gif of her smiling, teary-eyed as she touches her mother’s necklace (after Hakoda says Kya would be proud), from Sozin’s Comet, Part 4: Avatar Aang. It is overlaid with the text “'Cause I love you.”
Image 5: A gif of Toph’s hand pushing open a door, blended with a gif of Toph taking a deep breath and looking nervous (as she readies herself to see her mother again, not knowing that she is about to be captured by Xin Fu and Master Yu), both from The Earth King. It is overlaid with the text “And every door is hard to close” and a small icon of a doorway. It then fades to a gif of Toph bending (to trap Xin Fu and Master Yu after escaping their metal prison), from The Guru; there is a smaller circular gif of her smiling and cheering, from Sozin’s Comet, Part 4: Avatar Aang. It is overlaid with the text “And I hope that you're okay.”
End ID
Envelope icons created by kmg design - Flaticon | Infinity icons created by kmg design - Flaticon | Cloudy day icons created by kmg design - Flaticon | Solidarity icons created by kmg design - Flaticon | Furniture and household icons created by kmg design - Flaticon
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mk-empress · 3 years
Battle Against The Dual-Bladed Duelist
The Boss Fight
The invasion was a success. The folded soldiers had captured Bowser and his minion army. And Bowser’s cowardly mage had even crashed the entire castle. Sure, the minions got away and are now enslaved to do maintenance on Shangri-Spa by the toads, but at least I had Bowser as a living trophy in his own throne room. I was alone in the throne with the chained, oversized koopa. 
“Hey! Release me this instant! Don’t you know who I am?! I am Lord Bowser, and I will not stand for-“
“Oh, cut it out already. Can’t you see you belong to me now? You’re already lucky to be in one piece.” I told him. I walked down the red carpet on the floor to Bowser’s throne. I decided to try it out, see how it felt. His throne was surprisingly quite comfortable.
“Hey! Get off my throne! You’re not allowed to sit there!” Bowser barked.
“Silence! You are not the one in charge here anymore. You are my prisoner. I am above you. Now, be good and seal your lips closed, or I’ll cut out your tongue.” I threatened. Bowser gulped and froze in place. Good. 
I glanced up and saw the green streamer penetrating the ceiling, creating a large hole. Seeing this reminded me of the other streamers. I had already watched the red streamer, the blue streamer, and the yellow disappear. I felt bitter about it. I was worried about the purple streamer. I decided to step outside to see if the purple streamer was still there. I know I’m not supposed to leave my post, but I needed to know. 
When I got outside, I flew under the clouds of Shangri-Spa. I could see the Sea Tower below. Wait-... where’s the purple streamer-? No... I zoomed down to the roof of the Sea Tower, no one was there. Why? Where was Tape? I-I couldn’t be the last one! I can’t be alone! I frantically soared faster than I’ve ever flown before toward Overlook Tower. I stopped above the top. I only saw a couple of toads looking at the hole left by the spool in the pole, nothing else. I shifted my gazed and soared to Shogun Studios. I got a bird’s-eye view of the park. I saw several toads working at the entrance. Some of them were carrying bags of Rubber Band’s broken bands. I glanced into another direction and arrived at The Shroom Temple. I entered through the upper entrance. When I got down to the dance floor, my heart shattered when I saw Hole Punch’s broken, pale, lifeless body. My eyes watered, and I just shook my head. I rushed back out and flew back to the Sea Tower. I landed on the roof and spun circles around looking for Tape. I noticed blood on the ground, and it was fresh. I was panicking. I stared over the edge of the tower into the sea, then I saw blood in the water. Tape had to be down there! Maybe I could save him. I jumped off the tower and dived toward the surface of the ocean. I held my breath as I plunged into water. I scanned my surroundings looking for Tape, then I saw him. I swam deeper down to him, and grabbed his hand. I held on to him tightly in my arms and shot up out of the water back to the roof of the sea tower. I gently laid Tape down. I tried to wake him up.
“Tape! Wake up! Come on!” I shouted, but he didn’t stir. I shook him harder. “Please! I can’t be the last one! Get up! GET UP!” He still didn’t move. 
I looked at his body and I started to cry. His wrists were bleeding profusely, and his arms were red. I put my hand on his chest, and I felt his ribs were broken. I pressed my fingers on his neck, there was no pulse. I froze in place. It felt like my heart was just ripped out of my chest. Tape was dead, like the others. I cradled him in my arms and held his head to my chest. I was devastated. His body still felt warm. It came to me that he died recently. I looked up at the clouds above me. Tears streamed down my face. I screamed at the top of my lungs. I thought I could save SOMEONE! I just wanted someone to be with me. I stayed there, with Tape’s body, still holding him close to me. I remembered all the times we had, the good, the bad, and the insane. We fought at times, we sparred at times, we laughed, we raced, we enjoyed each other’s company, and now... I continued to mourn. Deep within me, I felt an inhumanly rage boiling within me.
I blasted up back into Bowser’s castle. I swung open the doors into the throne room. I wanted to shred Mario and Olivia into a thousand pieces. I wanted them to sink into the deepest rivers of The Underwhere! They had to pay for this! I needed revenge! It was all I craved!
“Aww! What’s wrong? Did something hurt your feelings?” Bowser taunted. I was not in the mood to deal with his mockery! I drew one of my sword blades and grasped his throat, choking him, and pointing the tip of the blade at his eye.
“Listen to me. I am NOT going to listen to you whine, beg, or mock me! If you speak one more time, I will murder everyone you love or remotely care about! Then you will know how I feel!” I screamed. I released Bowser, turning my back to him. I was still so enraged, and I didn’t realize that my eyes were glowing. I craved revenge! I had to have it! I would annihilate EVERYTHING in my way! I would destroy Mario! HE’S THE ONE WHO MUST PAY! 
I felt like I had the rage of many people at once. I felt like my heart was beating out of my chest, and my back was aching. I thought I felt something seeping out of me. I looked behind and saw dark, wispy shadows. What was this? What was happening to me? Suddenly, I felt like something just bursted out of my back, then I felt it again, and again. I started to notice shadowy creatures appearing around me. I saw the black silhouettes of little boys and girls holding hands, I saw large, black, adult silhouettes- both men and women- towering around me, and then, I saw a massive creature that wasn’t like anything I’ve ever seen before. It had a hand for a head, and the body of a snake. I decided to call it the “Handaconda”. I felt the pain in my back go away, and I felt a bit more in control of myself. The shadows surrounded me, and they looked like they were waiting for something. Oddly enough, I didn’t feel threatened by them, as if they were MY minions. I looked behind me at Bowser and he looked terrified. I just smirked at him. I turned back at the shadows.
“Do you serve me?” I asked. All the shadows nodded the best they could. “I want you all to spread throughout and guard the corridors and rooms of this castle. If you see any of the folded soldiers, do not attack. If you see a small man with a mustache, and a little girl floating beside him, bring them to me for termination. If any of the toads or any of Bowser’s minions enter, get them out any way you like. NO ONE is to enter this room at any cost! Understood?” I commanded them. All the shadows agreed and left the throne room.
I still felt an unnatural rage within me, but I felt a little calmer after creating those shadows. Suddenly, I heard someone from outside the castle. It was faint, but I did hear it.
“DAAAD!” I heard a child scream.
“SON?!” Bowser called. 
I glared at Bowser, then he looked at me. I looked up at the hole in the ceiling, then back at him. That boy was coming for his father, and I can’t risk the green streamer being destroyed, now can I? I grinned as I drew my blades and zoomed out through the hole above me. I saw the kid that looked similar to Bowser, and zoomed at him. I latched my blades together into an actually pair of scissors. At the last second, the kid saw me just before I sliced him and his clown car into six, bloody pieces. Some blood had sprayed on me. I watched as the remains of the boy fell to the ground.
“NOOOOO!” I heard the blue mage scream. I cackled as I returned back to the castle.
I landed back on the red carpet in Bowser’s throne. I sheathed my bloodied swords. Bowser stared at me with a worried expression.
“What did you do?!” Bowser barked. He could see the blood on me.
“I simply delayed Mario from entering this castle.” I answered.
“What did you do to MY SON?!” Bowser roared.
“I KILLED HIM! But don’t worry, we’re in Shangi-Spa! The Spring of Purification should revive him.” I explained.
“YOU’RE INSANE, YOU MONSTER!” Bowser screamed at me. Insane? INSANE?! 
“Insane?!” I laughed. “With what I’m going through, I think I have the right to go a little insane!” I snapped. My eyes began to water. I was laughing and crying at the same time. I knew I lost my mind, but Mario took so much away from me. He stole my siblings’ lives! He SLAUGHTERED all of them like they were pests! I SAW WHAT WAS LEFT OF THEM! If I’m not allowed to be a tiny bit crazy... 
I waited for what felt like an eternity, pacing back and forth, pondering all the things I could do to Mario. I was clutching my skull, my tears were dripping onto the floor, and my rage was destroying me from the inside out. Bowser was good as he stayed quiet the whole time. All of a sudden, I heard the bullhorns outside squeal, then someone spoke.
“Ahem. Attention, fellow minions of Lord Bowser! The folded soldiers guarding the entrance to Bowser’s Castle are no more! Now is the time for us to rise up! Make for the castle and stand with Mario! Together, we shall free Lord Bowser and restore honor to our names! FOR BOWSERRRRRR!” That was the voice of that blue mage. I heard cheers outside.
“HA! Yes, my minions! You hear that?! Soon, my minions well storm and retake this castle. And when I’m free, I’ll stomp you into bits!” Bowser threatened. I simply laughed.
“Oh, I wouldn’t get so excited if I were you. Your weak little army will be rushing to their DEMISE! They won’t even make it to that door.” I replied. My own minion shadows would destroy them first. Then, Mario will be next!
I could hear all the commotion outside. I was wondering who was winning. Not too much time pasted when I heard Bowser’s minions outside trying to break down the door leading into the throne room. It seemed the folded soldiers had failed.
“It would seem I underestimated your minions, Bowser. But, no matter. I will swiftly dispose of them myself.” I drew my blades and flew up out of the castle. I soared around the structure and entered again through the front door. I had a straight shot to the koopa army.
“INCOMING!” One of the minions shouted. 
I gripped my blades tightly, and I began my rampage. The minions tried so desperately to land a scratch on me, but alas, my blades minced them first! I laughed maniacally as I wiped Bowser’s army from existence! I thoroughly enjoyed killing them one by pitiful one. In mere minutes, all who were left were the blue mage, and Bowser’s son. They both stared at me in horror. The mage held the kid and turned their gazes away. I thrusted my blade through the kid’s spiked shell, and out the mage’s back. Blood poured from them, and they both became limp. I yanked my sword out, and let the blood drip from the tip. I looked behind me and saw the result of my massacre. The blood of the minions flooded the floor, and the chucks left behind littered across the carpet. It felt great to vent on an ENTIRE raid. I unlocked the door and walked into Bowser’s throne room, then closed it behind me. I was soaked in blood, and I LOVED IT! Bowser stared at me, horrified and speechless.
“I told you not to get so excited. EVERYONE is dead, and now you know how I feel, losing everyone.” I said quietly to him. Bowser sank and started to cry. GOOD! He’s going through what I’M going through. And now all that was left to do was KILL MARIO for what he did to MY family! 
Suddenly, I heard more calamity outside the doors. I could hear Olivia... and hissing? I assumed it was Handaconda fighting Mario and Olivia. Finally, Mario had arrived to my doorstep. A wave of uncertainty suddenly hit me- if not even my siblings could stop Mario, why would Handaconda be any different? No, surely it could do something to the plumber. Handaconda was forged within me by my rage. Wait, was it JUST Handaconda fighting Mario? Where were the other shadows I created? I heard loud slams and hisses. I wasn’t sure who was winning behind that door. I flew up and hid in the rafters above, watching that door closely. I heard one last hiss before silence fell. Who just won? I heard a thud against the door, and I heard Olivia talking! No! Everything I created, everything I loved- why does Mario always win?! 
Mario and Olivia swung open the doors into the throne room. After a long struggle of saving Bowser’s son and facing so many shadows, they could finally see the end of the green streamer.
“There it is! The end of the green streamer! We did it! It’s the end of the road! The last of the streamers!” Olivia exclaimed. My anger and hatred burned hotter for every second I looked at those two.
“Hey! I’m here too!” Bowser shouted.
Mario and Olivia approached the steps leading up to Bowser’s throne. I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I lunged down from above.
“Look out!” Bowser screamed. I flew down and slammed my blades down above Mario, but he jumped back half a second before I could kill him. “I get credit for that!” Bowser said. I slowly floated down to their level.
“Hmph. Well dodged. Of course, I expect nothing less. It would have been terribly boring to end things so quickly, yes?” I was losing my composure rapidly in front of them. “You may have been successful in killing the others and destroying their streamers, but- by doing that- you’ve only doomed yourselves further. You’ve made me angry, Mario. Now, I will cut off your head! En garde!” Mario pulled out his hammer, and I gripped my blades tightly. And so began the duel. 
“Let’s get this straight: I WILL annihilate you...but I don’t see why we can’t have some fun first. After all, where’s the challenge in slicing you to strips immediately? Therefore, I shall grant you... a slight advantage.” I sheathed my blades in front of them. I wanted to cut them to shreds, but I wanted to have a little bit of pleasure softening them up. “See? My blades have been sheathed. We’re on equal footing. However! Should you damage this cover during our battle...I shall interpret such boldness as a direct challenge...and I won’t hold anything back!” I warned. 
As much as it hurt, I had to hold so much of my fury back. With my swords sheathed, I had to go with fist-fighting, which- I will admit- I wasn’t as skilled with as two of my fallen brothers were. I flew up then dived down toward Mario, but he dodged, and I ended up slamming my fist into the floor. I dashed toward Mario before he could ready a swing. I flipped up and kicked Mario in his chin, sending him flying up. I flew up to him, grabbed him by the neck, then threw him into the floor. I dived after him. Mario scrambled up as fast he could, and swung at my side, but I dodged. Mario hurled his hammer at me, but I caught it. I threw his hammer back at him with powerful force. Mario dodged, but his hammer was destroyed on impact. Mario pulled out a shiny tail and a POW block. He absorbed the tail and floated toward me. I attempted to kick him across the face, but Mario dodged and countered with a tail-swipe to MY face! Mario floated up a little higher, then ground-pounded onto of me, crashing me to the ground. He threw the POW block into the floor, and the shockwave threw me back up. I felt dizzy, as the vibrations rang in my skull. Mario’s tail wore off, then he absorbed an ice flower. He threw four ice balls at me, but I was too dizzy to dodge, and they all hit me, freezing parts of my flesh. The ice flower wore off, and the frost on my skin melted. I laughed.
“All right! Enough. It was fun while it lasted...but your feeble attacks have grown tiresome. Let’s CUT to the climax! Ha haaa!” I exclaimed. I grabbed my swords and slowly unsheathed them. I glared into Mario eyes. Finally, it was time to DESTROY Mario, and take REVENGE for my family! “Guarding is useless! This is the end for you, you despicable fiends! FAREWELL!” 
I flew back and latched my blades together. Mario’s doom is now. This was the FINAL CUT! For The Missile Maestro! For The Elastic Entertainer! For The Disco Devil! For The Shifty Sticker! For The Fanged Fastener! FOR KING OLLY! And for myself...This is IT!
I zoomed at Mario. I closed my blades together, but MARIO JUMPED OVER IT?! I turned around and saw Mario land. My rage consumed me. I couldn’t hold it back any longer. A powerful green aura erupted from my body. My eyes glowed and flamed so brightly. Even my blades had their own auras. My hatred became too strong, I had lost full control. I rushed at Mario with uncontrollable speed. I repeatedly tried to slice him with my blades. I heard both Mario and Olivia panicking. Mario could barely keep up with dodging my attacks. I even heard Bowser freaking out. 
Eventually, Mario fell too far behind. I swung both my blades, and they cut straight through him, slicing him in half and removing his head. I watched Mario’s body fall apart. I straightened up, then froze. I was still furious. I did it, why couldn’t I calm down? I heard Olivia weeping to the side, then I locked my gazed on her. She stared at me with fearful, watered eyes. She was involved with the deaths of my siblings. I had to kill her too. I dashed at her and swung my blades, but she too dodged, then ran and hid behind Bowser’s throne. I rushed at her and sliced the throne in two, scaring Olivia senseless. 
Before I finished her, I heard a certain sound behind me. I turned around and saw a 1-up mushroom absorb into Mario. Next thing I knew, Mario was standing up with no wounds. My rage was still erupting out of me. I charged at him and slashed my blades. Mario dodged and whipped out another POW block, then threw it into me. The shockwave shook my bones, but my rage let me push through it. When I looked at Mario, Olivia had just transformed into the Ice Vellumental. She blew a massive ice beam at me and froze my legs in ice. I couldn’t moved them, I couldn’t fly, I couldn’t escape! Olivia smashed her hands down, and the ice shattered, mangling my legs. I collapse onto me knees. I couldn’t walk. I was bleeding. It suddenly hit me that this most likely is my end. Olivia transformed back to herself than stood behind Mario. Then, Mario gained the 1000-fold arms. My anger was extinguished immediately, and fear took over. My eyes widened as Mario grabbed me and slammed me into a wall. He pressed me against the wall with one arm, and took hold of one of my blades with the other. I knew I was done for. Mario drove that blade straight into my stomach. All my breath was taken away. Mario released me and pulled the blade out, and I collapsed to the floor. I felt so weak. All my rage, my energy, my strength, gone. 
I looked up and watched Mario smash the spool of the green streamer. My eyes flooded with tears. I failed! I FAILED! How could I have failed?! I used all my will, all my fury, everything, but I still failed. I failed to protect the streamer, I failed the avenge my siblings. I failed...
“Great job as usual, Mario! That was the last streamer. We’ve done it!” Olivia shouted. 
My heart just sank. I was so lost in agonizing thoughts. I zoned out. I don’t remember what they said, or what happened, but when I snapped back and looked up, I saw Mario, Olivia, and Bowser leaving. I was able lift myself up a little bit and took a breath.
“You think yourself a HERO, Mario?!” I screamed. Everyone paused and turned around toward me. “You took EVERYTHING from me! My brothers, my sister, my creations! Do you even understand what you did to me?! WHAT YOU PUT ME THROUGH?!” My body was growing weaker. I couldn’t hold myself up anymore. Life was draining out of my body. I heard Olivia reply. 
“You guys all threatened the toads’ lives! You all did terrible things to them!” Olivia replied.
“AND you butchered my army AND my son! Even I couldn’t do something so cruel.” Bowser jumped in. 
“You...ruined...us... First, you kill my siblings, then you kill me, and now your going to kill my creator? I loved them! And you are tearing apart our lives! We have feelings just like you, you know? How can you live with yourselves?” I questioned. We had our own lives. We were created for one purpose, but we still treated one another as family. Even King Olly cared about us. The toads neglected Olly, and then these guys come to break us ALL down. Why? 
My thoughts slowly became nothing. My vision was fading. I felt so bitter, but none of it mattered anymore. I never heard an answer from the others. I felt a wave of peace come over me. When I die, I would see my siblings again, and- when the time came- I would see Stapler and Olly again too. We would be united again, and I would feel happy once more. I felt calm.
I’m so sorry, but I’m coming.
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thewhumperinwhite · 3 years
And Then You Kill Me, Part 1
hey, it’s been a hot minute, huh?
been sorta Going Through It, so uh... Vampire Time, featuring Art and Karim from FBI AU. (Though, for the record: this is their original incarnation, hence why fbi au is Called That.)
I’m gonna tag @whumpitywhumpwhump and also @sweetheartblue bc Karim is... her oc once removed, basically, so if you like this, Thank Sweetheart
Blanket Warning For This Story: this story heavily features suicide, including multiple suicide attempts.
TW for: attempted suicide; mentioned/”threatened” murder; slight foot whump; implied vampirism; referenced parental abuse; referenced captivity; prescription drug abuse; drowning mention.
Art doesn’t know how far he runs, or for how long, but by the time he stops the air smells like salt water, and also his feet feel like they’re filled with glass.
He hasn’t been out of his room for a full month. Or his father’s house for longer than that. There’s a sharp ache in the center of each of his calves, and muscles jumping in his thighs; he hasn’t used his legs for much of anything in weeks. He hasn’t even paced back and forth within the confines of his room like he did at first. Didn’t even stay on his feet for the entirety of his last few too-long showers.
The maid who let him out is new, at least to his wing of the house. She’s been bringing his meals for three weeks at the most, and collecting the trays after he refuses to eat it with increasingly visible discomfort.
She’s the only member of staff who broke his father’s injunction that no one should speak to him; said “You must eat something” in a soft, accented voice, looking around furtively.
He wasn’t been sure his father had actually given specific orders—thought maybe they all just hated him, or had decided among themselves that he was too much trouble to bother with—but this new girl was so clearly afraid of being caught, just speaking one sentence to him, that he knew his father must have said their jobs were on the line. For a little while he wondered why his father would bother. And then he felt stupid, for still wanting the old man to need a reason for things.
The new maid’s name is Noa. It took her a week to talk to him, and two more after before she felt brave or sympathetic enough to sneak him out.
Which means she probably didn’t know that this was always what he was going to do, the second he was out. Last time he didn’t do it fast enough, and the cops found him before he had the chance; this time he isn’t taking any chances.
Noa might feel guilty when they find his body. He thought about leaving a note—to tell her thanks, and that it wasn’t her fault—but he didn’t want to risk getting her in trouble, if she somehow managed to help him without getting caught.
Anyway, she hasn’t known him very long at all. She’ll get over it before too long.
He hasn’t been to this part of the city before. In fact he’s not sure what part of the city this is; he’s been running through a thick mental fog since he first left his father’s manicured lawn. He makes himself really look, now, blinking in the dim yellow light of the streetlamps.
He’s made it to the edge of the city, near where the river that runs through the center meets the ocean. It’s hard to believe this is the same river where his mother sips martinis and watches races between indistinguishable blinding-white boats (largely captained by indistinguishable blinding-white men, though Art doesn’t have much room to talk on that score, obviously).
Art steps out onto the dock. The wood is damp and rough, ice-cold on his bare feet, but it’s solid, and not very slippery. There’s an old railing along the edge, and he leans against it, wrapping already-numb fingers around the rough metal. The river’s wider here, the city lights on the other side further away than he’s used to. This must be where it starts to open out, stops being the river and starts being the bay.
The railing’s sturdy, but only as high as his waist. It’d be easy to climb over. The water must be freezing, maybe even cold enough to kill him on its own, before he has time to drown.
But he doesn’t know what the tides are like, here. His corpse might wash right out to sea, and then what will have been the point of any of this?
Art pries one hand off the railing—it’s already stiff with cold, and it takes more effort than it should—and puts it in his pocket, wraps his stinging pins-and-needles fingers around the reassuring shape of the pill bottle.
Art closes his eyes, and breathes in. The water smells worse, here—like industrial waste, mainly, with a hint of rotting seaweed. But it doesn’t smell like too-fancy cologne, or any of his mother’s preferred cocktails.
Art figures there are worse places to die.
He’s turning his head, looking around to see if there’s any place to sit or if he should just sit on the ground and lean against the railing—and then he spins wildly on his heel, stumbling back against the railing, his heart stuttering in his chest.
There’s a man standing at the edge of the dock, under the nearest streetlight, watching him.
The man is wearing a full suit, and Art can tell immediately that it’s been professionally tailored and that it’s at least partly silk and for a moment that’s all he can see—neatly pressed trousers and shiny black shoes, with patterns on the soles that leave bruises anyone could recognize if they wanted to, if they looked at Art’s face and throat and hands for even a second—
“—to startle you,” the man is saying, in a blessedly unfamiliar voice, and Art shakes his head, hard, to force his eyes back into focus.
The man is holding his hands up in surrender and looking slightly alarmed, presumably worried that Art is about to swoon at his feet. There’s a red silk ribbon hanging untied around the collar of the man’s shirt, and Art’s father only wears plain black ties.
The adrenaline runs out of Art’s veins in a rush, and this time his knees actually do give out on him, and he slithers down against the railing until he’s sitting on the damp wood, which is very cold through the thin fabric of his jeans.
The man blinks at him. He has big, long-lashed eyes, over-bright against his light-brown skin. His hair is bleach-blonde, glowing white-gold under the streetlamp; it’s mostly slicked back, with a few curls flopping loose over sculpted black eyebrows.
He isn’t standing on the docks themselves, but his suit—now that Art can really see, it’s pretty ostentatious, satin-shiny in the yellow glow, not something his father would wear at all—looks very out of place above the dirty concrete sidewalk, between two dingy, abandoned-looking buildings.
“You’re wearing a suit,” Art says, before he knows he’s going to say anything.
The man blinks his glow-in-the-dark eyes at him. His lashes are so long they cast visible shadows on his cheeks. He looks at Art, and then down at the suit; touches his own lapel gently with black-gloved fingers, like he’s just remembering that it’s there.
Then the man looks back up at Art, and says, “It’s Boglioli,” in a surprised sort of voice, like it’s a conditioned response.
“Ugh,” Art says, with perfect sincerity.
The man laughs, his full lips parting in a startled grin, and—
There’s something wrong with his teeth.
Art is still on the ground. There’s no sound except the river, behind him, water lapping quietly against wood. Art hasn’t slept properly in days. He’s prepared to believe he imagined it, except.
Except that the smile immediately drops off the man’s face, and his gloved hand twitches up as though in an aborted attempt to reach up and cover his mouth.
Art stares.
It was only for a second. But the man’s eyeteeth were too long, surely, poked down over his bottom lip, like they barely fit in his pretty red mouth.
Art’s ears are ringing. He feels cold, and then too warm.
The man takes a half-step back, his eyes not leaving Art’s face.
Art doesn’t move. He’s been out here in the cold for—an hour. Most of him is freezing, is almost painfully cold, but suddenly there’s heat in his cheeks and his ribcage and the palm of his hands.
He’s feeling something too big to identify. It doesn’t feel like fear.
The man is watching his face very closely.
“What’s your name?” he asks, finally. His voice is low and velvet-soft.
That does sent fear up into Art’s stomach like a knife. He shakes his head once, sharply, reaching up for the railing, ready to haul himself to his feet.
The man holds his gloved hands up again, in surrender. This time when he smiles he keeps his lips firmly together.
“No, alright, my mistake,” he says, smirking. It’s much worse than the grin; more controlled, less real. Art liked the grin better.
He liked the man’s smile better with teeth.
“I just, uh,” the man says, and he gestures toward Art’s feet, folded awkwardly underneath him. “That wood’s so dirty. Your cuts’ll get infected.”
Art’s feet do hurt. He’s run half the city with no shoes, they must be cut to shit. But he hasn’t left a trail of bloody footprints, or anything. Maybe the man can see that his feet are bare, but surely not more than that, not from where he’s standing.
When he leans over, a little, to see if his foot is a horrible bloody mess and he’s just missed it somehow, Art wobbles, and takes his hand out of his pocket to steady himself.
The bottle of pills clatters out of his pocket.
Art’s heart clenches painfully in his chest, and his head swims, and the bottle rolls easily across the wooden planks in front of him. The man takes one step forward, and it taps casually into the toe of his shiny black shoe.
The man picks the bottle up, frowning down at the label.
Art stumbles forward, onto his knees. “Give that back.”
“What is it?” the man says, voice nothing but curious. He’s reading the label. Art wants to tackle him and rip it out of his hands.
“It’s mine,” he says, and now he’s almost yelling. “Give it back!”
The man takes a step back, startled. “Huh,” he says, blinking down at Art, who is now kneeling practically at his feet. Art has no idea what kind of face he’s making.
“Really,” the man says slowly, and makes a show of squinting back down at the label. “This says… Honoria Lange, is what it says.” He raises a perfectly-sculpted brow at Art. “That’s you, is it?”
Art wants to rip this guy’s head off. “Maybe it is,” he says savagely, and reaches for the man’s hand; the man laughs and dances easily out of the way. “Give me my fucking pills back—"
“Oh, relax,” the man says, smirking again. “Seriously, what are you so desperate to—” He trails off, frowning down at the bottle. “…Huh.”
The man looks down at Art, thoughtfully.
“These are—what, sleeping pills,” he says slowly, and tips his head, like a curious dog.
Art’s stomach clenches painfully.
“Hey,” the man says. “Are you—”
Art throws himself to his feet.
This isn’t as good, Art thinks, while he swings his foot onto the lowest bar of the metal railing; they might not find his body for weeks, might not find it at all, he might die for nothing, but he won’t go back, he won’t go back to his father’s—
“Hey—Don’t!” the man yells, and he grabs Art by the hood of his sweatshirt, and yanks him backwards, off the railing.
Art gasps in a painful panicked breath and kicks out at the man with his bare, bleeding feet, aiming straight for the testicles; the man moves easily out of the way, not letting go of Art’s hoodie; Art overbalances and falls backward, just catching himself my scraping his hand bloody on the concrete at the bottom of the railing.
“Shit,” the man says, reaching for Art, and Art flails at him, wants to push him away, or to scratch out his shiny glass-marble eyes, or—
The man catches Art’s wrist easily. He’s leaning over Art, now, with one arm braced beside him, and holding Art’s arm; Art’s hand, his wrist in the man’s glove fist, is very close to the man’s face.
The heel of Art’s hand is cut open; a drop of blood trails down over his pulse point, and disappears into the fabric of the man’s glove.
The man’s pupils visibly dilate. When his lips part, his fangs are even more visible than before, like they barely fit inside his mouth.
Art feels his own lips part in response. Feels his fear—he’ll stop me he’ll call the police he’ll drag me back please no please please I’ll do anything—shift, pool lower in his belly.
The man is watching Art’s face—their faces are very close together now. He looks Art in the eye and—parts his lips slightly, so there can be no mistaking what they both know Art sees. Then he wets his lips, delicately, with an almost obscenely red tongue.
“Hey,” the man says, and his voice has gone slightly hoarse.
“No,” Art says—and his voice is hoarse, too, an embarrassing croak. His face is hot; he knows it must be red, now. “I don’t want it. Whatever you’re offering, I don’t—uh—”
Art tries to pull his arm back, as hard as he can. The man’s grip doesn’t budge a single inch. Like he could—like he could snap Art’s wrist, just by tightening his fist. Art swallows, his heart fluttering in his chest. His ribcage feels too tight. And now his pants are starting to feel that way, too.
The man studies Art’s face, very seriously. “I think,” he says, and his voice is softer, almost hesitant.
“I think,” the man says, watching closely for Art’s reaction, “that I am offering to kill you.”
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artnerd1123 · 4 years
Among Us: CR3WM8TS
Docked and Loaded ——————————————
The ship finally arrives at the newly established Sector G base on a new planet. Hopefully, start of work goes smoothly. Hopefully the logs are functioning well, too... 
Among Us archive/askblog Fic chapters post
once again i am chopping a chapter in half to keep it from getting too long. anyway!!! more normal crewmate troubles n dorkiness with some ominous vibes for Flavor (tm).  hopefully the next part will come out sometime soon! enjoy this for now!
Mission Log 10
Location: SECTOR G Ship Status: IN TRANSIT Course: PLANET 326-OCE-894 - SECTOR G Systems:
Electrical: STABLE
Communications: ONLINE
Supplies: [ONE] CRATES SHORT  
Storage Chutes: CLEAR
Vents: CLEAR
Notes: Updates by PINK still taking well to system. Travel into sector G uneventful. Crew bonding time worked into today’s schedule, all crew in attendance for at least an hour. Crew performing normal activities.
Mission Log 15
Location: SECTOR G Ship Status: DOCKED AT [PLANET 326-OCE-894 - SECTOR G] Course: N/A Systems:
Electrical: STABLE
Communications: ONLINE
Supplies: [ONE] CRATES SHORT  
Storage Chutes: CLEAR
Vents: CLEAR
Notes: [SKELD D34-H120] docked at [PLANET 326-OCE-894 - SECTOR G] successfully. No transport issues to report. All supplies for transport intact and in transfer process to base. Mission files currently integrating to ship system. Crew integrating to mission base to assist in tasks, exploration, and supply dropoff. Weapons and shields offline to align with docking procedures. Course will remain unlaid until HQ supplies further information.
It had been a good long while since Bunbun worked on an exploration ship. She’d been stuck updating supply line SKELDs for awhile, and got bogged down repairing virus bound code in defensive SKELDs for longer. Exploration ships were like little breathers in the middle. It meant she just had to worry about one ship, once all the updates were done. She could sit and watch the stars. Make a friend, if she was lucky. And, on days like these, it meant she’d be helping out with something bigger. Planet 236-OCE-849 was a gorgeous world. A new one, too! Sector G was largely new to HQ. They had high hopes for the planets and inhabitants. This one in particular was the first they’d set up a base on. Crashing waves and strange colorful formations were the source of many rumors across the airwaves. Bun had been unable to see the planet’s surface as they descended, but the views before they made landing preparations were breathtaking. Most of it was enveloped by an ocean. The water bound world was like a painted marble, little bits of vibrant colors poking through. She’d never seen land so vivid. It made her all the more eager to get down to the surface.
The door of the ship opened with a loud hiss of pressurized air. Metal clanked against itself as the two halves pulled themselves apart, the groaning making everything in the vicinity go still. Of course, what happened afterwards was anything but. The gangplank was already lowered, so the cooped up crewmates came scrambling out. Captain Groud was first, their voice echoing back towards the ship as they called for the Mission Lead. Silk trailed after, one of xyr robots hot on xyr heels. Rose and Laser went off as a pair, aiming to tend to any wounded and check how defenses were going. Nanner emerged with supplies already loaded, a couple crewmates from the planet coming to help her transport them where needed. Lemon and Junior were off to check the base’s energy status, the son sticking anxiously close to his father. River, to no one’s surprise, sauntered off the ship to go find somewhere to lounge. Groud said he’d help when they needed him, but from the looks the rest of the crew gave, there was probably a fat chance. That left Bunbun walking down the gangplank last. She was glad now that she’d pulled down her solar visor. The light outside was nearly blinding compared to the ship’s lobby. Around her she could see miles and miles of open sea, the bluish purple waves almost hauntingly familiar. Like an echo of the blue green waters she had back at home… I wonder why the water here is more purple… I bet Rose might know. She only took her eyes off the ocean when something crunched under her boot. She drew back hastily, afraid she’d stepped on some planetary inhabitant- only to draw in a sharp breath from surprise. The ground she stood on was a bright pastel orange. Upon closer inspection, it looked to be made out of some sort of… finely webbed rock? Coral, she realized, eyes widening. Her gaze snapped up to the island they’d landed on. The whole thing looked like a fractured rainbow, colors radiating across the ground. It was all made of the same webbed rock- coral, as she’d remembered. The realization had her bouncing on her heels. I’m standing on an island made of coral!!! She took another hesitant step. It crunched again under her foot. She couldn’t keep herself from giggling as she kept moving, feet dancing over coral that shifted from orange to yellow to green to purple. A myriad of colors, and all so bright!!! She’d never laid eyes on anything quite like it. “Enjoying the scenery?” a voice called, snapping Bun out of her happy dance. She froze in place, instantly standing to attention and trying not to drop her tablet. Another voice laughed, the sound carrying closer as her face flushed. When Groud’s star patched green and Silk’s beat up purple came into view, she let herself breathe. Ok. So. She hadn’t entirely made a fool out of herself. These two, at least, knew who she was. “M-maybe a little, Captain, eheheh,” she called sheepishly. “I’ve never been on a planet with coral islands before.” “Well, it’s a treat for you then!” Groud laughed. “Hey, if you’re not busy, why don’t you go head down to the power room?” “Oh, are the base crewmates busy?” Bun blinked. “Yeah, a little,” Groud nodded. “There’s a lot going on. Lots to update and lots to move.” “That, and Lemon ‘n Junior said they might need some help,” Silk added. Between you and me, I think they just want someone they can rely on to help figure the energy out.” Bunbun’s face flushed again, the warmth from Groud’s voice and Silk’s visor-shadowed smile buoying her mood higher. She’d only been with this crew a few days, but they trusted her this much? … Honestly, she couldn’t tell if that was foolish or not. But things needed fixing, and her crewmates needed help. So, off she went.
The base layout was pretty standard. It was a bit compressed to fit the strange coral island, but they’d managed to fit everything in about the right place. Lucky for Bun, she didn’t have too far to go. The building to the gangplank’s right would give her access to Electrical’s courtyard. The crunching of multicolored polyps beneath her feet made her smile with giddiness, picking up the pace to get inside the base. The door was already left open- standard procedure for operating periods- so she strolled right through. Nobody seemed to be waiting for her in the building’s lobby. She’d guess they were all outside, if it weren’t for a few voices. She could hear a couple people down in the security area. River and some other security crewmates, if her auditory memory served. They were talking pretty boisterously. She hooked a hasty left out towards the courtyard, eager to move on before one of them noticed her. The courtyard was once again standard. Four generators, one control panel along the outside wall, and cagey wire fencing around the edges. Bunbun found herself wondering once again what that was meant to keep out. On a new planet like this, nobody really knew what to expect. It could be anything. Images of creeping beasts and flashing eyes started to bubble up, so she shoved the thought out of her mind. It was fine! The fence would do its job, surely. Just as she would do hers. It’s fine. Lemon and Junior were standing before the control panel, their confused chatter making Bun glad they enlisted her help. From the frustrated looks on their faces, they needed it. They should teach more cross system repair in the academy… oh dear… “You two need some help?” Bun called, striding over to the panel. The pair looked up, relief instantly appearing on their faces. “Bunbun, thank fuck,” Lemon sighed. He leaned against the wall, pulling his goggles back up over unruly red hair. “we’re really goin through the ringer here…” “Y-yeah, uh, any help would be really appreciated,” Junior added sheepishly. He fiddled with his tablet, nervous fingers closing out a couple HQ manual tabs. “Of course, guys,” Bunbun smiled shyly. She tilted her head at the open panel, a mess of wires greeting her. Well. That was. Not encouraging. Her brows furrowed the more she looked, eyes trying to trace input to output and back. “... ok. I uh. I see several problems here.” “That’s an understatement,” Lemon snorted, shaking his head. “I don’t even know where to start.” “Did you make sure to take the relevant systems offline?” Bun asked. “Already done,” Junior nodded. He held up his tablet, a couple tabs pulled up to show electrical systems operating on reserve. “We can’t keep it offline for too long, or else the lights are gonna go out. Which, um, wouldn’t be super fun.” “Right, we’ll have to move fast,” Bunbun replied. “I think I can manage that.” Rubbing her hands together, she eyed the mess of wires before them. She’d handled worse, right? This wouldn’t take too terribly long. It was only when she remembered the other two were watching that her confidence faltered. Was she supposed to help? Was it even ok to take over here??? “... Is, um, is it ok if I… uh… manage it…?” She chuckled timidly, scuffing a boot on the ground. “By all means, dear,” Lemon chuckled, giving her a little dramatic bow as he moved back. “I’ll give you all the space you need.” “Just remember we’re here to help if you need!” Junior offered, scooting back to his dad’s side. He smiled nervously, the sun flashing off his visor as he shifted a bit in place. Gathering courage, if his next little quip was anything to go by. “We might, uh, know the reactor better, but we still know our way around a pair of wire cutters! Eheheheh...” Bunbun smiled gratefully at them both. “Of course, thank you. I’m, um, gonna get on this as fast as I can.” With that, she fixed her attention on the wires once more. Whoever set this base up hadn’t been picky about organization. She could fix that easy enough. She’d just… start by sorting the colors. Taking a breath, the electrician hefted up her tablet, free hand reaching carefully for the nearest red wire. Yeah. This would be over in a sinch. And maybe later, she could go explore a bit more. The thought made her grin wide, fingers flying between wires even faster. Oh, yes. Seeing some more of this beautiful planet would be worth any circuitry headaches. She’d just have to remember to add this to the ship’s log later…
Location: SECTOR G Ship Status: DOCKED AT [PLANET 326-OCE-894 - SECTOR G] Course: N/A Systems: 
Supplies: [ONE] CRATES SHORT  
Storage Chutes: CLEAR
Vents: CLEAR
Supplies: [ONE] CRATES SHORT  
Vents: CLEAR
Supplies: [ONE] CRATES SHORT  
Storage Chutes: CLEAR
Vents: CLEAR
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limerental · 5 years
limerental’s witcher fic masterlist
all of this can be found on my ao3 of the same name but is sometimes nice to have a list on tumblr as well I suppose
yennskier & ot3 fic
the poet’s wish - yennefer/jaskier - 100k, canon divergent, slow burn enemies to lovers mutual pining
The one where Jaskier has a near-death experience, makes a wish, and inexplicably has a lot of amazing but ill-advised sex in a crumbling manor house with a sexy but insane sorceress. And then, keeps on having it. It's almost as if the universe is drawing them ceaselessly back together or something. Which would all be very romantic if not for the fact that they viscerally hate one another. Until, of course, they don't.
lilacs and dandelions - jaskier/yennefer(/geralt), 46.8k, canon divergent, explicit
Geralt seeks out Yennefer only to find her, of all unbelievable and ridiculous things, shacking up with his bard.
other things i’ll never be - geralt/jaskier/yennefer, 23.9k, modern au, everyone is trans,
Yennefer renamed herself when she was fourteen.
Jaskier re-learned his own name and built himself from the ground up and then again and all over again.
Geralt denies and denies and denies.
how long we were fool’d - jaskier/yennefer, aromantic geralt, platonic found family, suburban neighbors au, 9.8k
Yennefer and Jaskier are the eclectic, married couple who have just moved in to an ordinary suburban neighborhood next door to hot, single dad Geralt and his young daughter, Ciri.
Geralt has no idea what to make of them. None at all.
i been in the valley - geralt/yennefer/jaskier, 9.5k, polyamorous triad equestrian au, explicit
Jaskier is the reckless sort of brave that thinks nothing of wearing white breeches on an impromptu trail ride, and Yennefer has clawed her way up from nothing to an esteemed training position at a sprawling equestrian complex. When a mysterious, decidedly attractive stranger with a knack for horsemanship and an unknown backstory arrives one day at the barn, neither is the type to just sit back and let the other seduce him. Competition is what they know best, and Geralt is first prize.
Or the equestrian witcher AU literally no one asked for but that we all deserve.
(don’t) poke the sleeping dragon - geralt/jaskier/yennefer, 7.5k yen drives a wizard van au, pwp/explicit, warnings for drug use & mildly dubious consent
A retelling of Bottled Appetites but everyone is really high at a nerdy music festival and Yennefer has a wizard van for no discernible reason and also Geralt gets pegged.
twas nothing at all - geralt/yennefer/jaskier, 6.1k, pwp/explicit
There once was a succubus, ugly and crass who cast a dark spell on one fine lad and lass But Geralt of Rivia, who saw them enthralled took a cock up his arse like twas nothing at all
lay these things bare - yennefer/jaskier - 4.5k
Jaskier comes to Yennefer to solve a pressing issue.
Yennefer can't help herself from having a bit of fun. Until it's not really all that fun anymore.
Aka Jaskier goes bald and Yen has a crisis and it's somehow very very tender idk
over the edge - jaskier/yennefer, 4.2k, pwp/explicit
Returning from an errand, Yennefer catches Jaskier fucking the innkeeper's wife in her bed. Of course, the only logical thing to do is to join them. It is her bed, after all.
said you’d never smile again - yennefer/jaskier, 2.2k
“If you should ever witness that smile turned your way,” Istredd says, cross-eyed with drunkenness, pointing a sharp finger into Jaskier’s chest. “You will feel like the luckiest man alive. I promise you this. You will be half-ruined for any other. You will wish you could inspire that smile a dozen times over and then some. That she would look at you like that until the end of your days.”
And Jaskier doesn't really get what he means. Until, he does.
you’re not a stranger - yennefer/dandelion, book fic, blood of elves au, 2.2k
Sharing a meal, Yennefer had told the poet ”I know you and like you”, and expressed that strange affection as a show of gratitude for keeping Geralt sane and whole on the Path, but that was not the extent of it, no, not by half.
She had grown fond of him, the utter ignoramus, and equal parts curious. Curious whether she could coax more verse from him on the topic of her power, her heart, her strength, her beauty, and curious also, if the swagger he walked with was well-deserved, if he was as well-endowed in terms of his… talent as he professed in song.
you can sharpen your knife - yennefer/jaskier - 1.8k, pwp/explicit
After an ambush reveals that Jaskier is plenty handy with his little dagger, Yennefer finds herself hot and bothered.
that medicine i need - jaskier & yennefer, 1.6k
A Jaskier who skirts the boundaries of gender helps Yennefer navigate some identity issues of her own.
geraskier fic
long on the road - geralt/jaskier, 80s trucker au, 14.9k, warnings for major character death & depiction of terminal illness/HIV/AIDS
Geralt is a long-haul trucker who has recently broken it off (again) with his ex-wife. Jaskier is a free spirit musician hitchhiking across the country while grappling with a sudden reminder of his mortality. Geralt really, really regrets  picking him up at the last rest area. Until, he doesn’t.
how light carries on - geralt/jaskier, geralt/regis, 9.6k, sequel to long on the road
Jaskier dies in 1990. Geralt lives.
the waters dark and deep - geralt/jaskier, 8.7k, warning for character death
Yennefer wonders if the Witcher bent first to will the ground warm and dry or if he hacked with furious, shuddering blows until the earth fractured and gave way to him. No matter, the grave carved out of the swell of the bluff bears the same dark weight in the end. A little body, withered in age, wrapped in a worn quilt from their bed and swept beneath the soil one broad stroke at a time.
Or, the one where Geralt goes with Jaskier to the coast and spends happily ever after farming by the sea.
you were always gold to me - geralt/jaskier, greenhouse owner!jaskier, ex con!geralt au, 6k, explicit
After spending ten years behind bars for getting caught up in the wrong crowd while trying his hardest to be a worthy father to his little daughter, Geralt takes up a job at a swanky garden center owned by the bubbly and charismatic man of many yellow flower names. They rest, they say, is just gravity.
denial’s not just a river - geralt/jaskier, 3.7k, pwp/explicit
prompt fill for an anon who asked for loss of control/loss of agency in relation to edging/orgasm control/premature ejaculation/omorashi aka it’s geralt piss fic, babes
to pull me from myself again - geralt/jaskier - 1.8k, role reversal, bard!geralt & witcher!jaskier
“You could be my barker!” the Witcher exclaimed in a fit of wide-armed inspiration on the brown road. “You sir, seem in want of a muse, and I am chock full of musings. Full to the brim.”
“Full of something,” said Geralt, hands tight on the strap of his lute case, and Jaskier barked out a surprised laugh. Or at least, Geralt thought it was a laugh.
It twisted gutturally in his throat.
other fic
hands on my waist, do it softly - geralt/jaskier/eskel - 6.7k, fem!jaskier/witchergender fem-bodied witchers, pwp/explicit
 She had thought their ilk did not usually travel in pairs, but there they were, two great, hulking shapes in the rough-hewn doorway of the tavern.
Or: fem!Jaskier gets sandwiched between two beefy lady Witchers
blood of the covenant, water of the womb - geralt & renfri, 2.7k, warnings for imagined rape/non-con, gore, body horror
“Spoken like the beast the world will believe you to be. But we both know you’re no beast, my dear. Simply a victim of circumstance, as I was. No beast at all.”
“Quit blabbering,” said Geralt. “Let me guess. Find a way to lift the curse, and you sway the masses in my favor.”
Stregobor’s pleasant smile deepened his rosy cheeks.
“No, no, I know how to end my affliction. Now that you are here, it will not be long.”
respite - yen/vesemir, 1.8k
Vesemir is old. Yennefer allows him small moments of rest.
swallow - geralt/yen, geralt & ciri - 1.3k, character study, gore
May he rot to make earth. May he nourish one small patch of soil, one tuft of grass. That’s where he’ll retire, in the gut of a carrion bird. Vulture shit. A fitting tribute. All the memorial he’s ever going to get.
266 notes · View notes
thegizka · 4 years
Writer’s Month Day 1:  Flower Shop AU
Hitsugaya takes particular notice of one of the flower shop's regular customers. It turns out she's taken notice of him as well.
Read it on Ao3.
Note: I do not own any aspect of Bleach.
The first time Hitsugaya saw her was his third day on the job.  She came into the shop with her sister to pick up an order under the name Kurosaki--lilies and ferns and pink camellias with sprigs of baby’s breath.  There was a note to cut them to fit a grave’s vase, so he snipped the stems and wrapped the tips in a damp paper towel before handing them over.  The sisters paid and thanked him.  He met her eyes briefly as she turned to go but thought nothing of it.  She was just one of a sea of customers.
A few months later, the sisters returned to pick up another order.  The blonde wandered around the shop for a bit, her sister trailing behind her.  Hitsugaya was on the other side of the store inspecting some arrangements for wilting.  He saw the blonde stop and smell a chrysanthemum before saying something to her sister who shrugged and said something in reply which caused her to frown.  They picked up their order from Matsumoto and left.
In another few months, she came in by herself.  She barely glanced around before heading to the counter.
“Pickup for Kurosaki please.”
“Sure, one moment.”  Hitsugaya turned to the shelves of orders, scanning the names until he found Kurosaki.  The bouquet included some zinnias instead of lilies this month.
“Do you need this trimmed?”
“Please.”  She stood with her arms crossed, leaning her weight on one leg like someone who was used to moving, not waiting.  She struck him as a person who didn’t fare well in idleness.
“You’re not with your sister today.”  Hitsugaya wasn’t normally one for small talk, but Matsumoto kept telling him facilitating an enjoyable experience was part of customer services.
“She has to help our father with an emergency, so I’m running the errands today.”
“It’s not a serious emergency, I hope.”
“No, not really.”  She exchanged payment for the bouquet.  “Thanks,” she said and left.
A few weeks later, he saw her on his day off.  Ever since he had moved away from Momo and Grandma (she wasn’t really his grandma, but he had nothing else to call her), he had taken to walking around Karakura Town on his own.  He didn’t enjoy staying in his tiny apartment alone.  It was too quiet.
Matsumoto had decided to take him under her wing, which was nice, but she was loud and bold where he was quiet and calculating.  Sometimes her company was too much.  Besides, they didn’t always have the same days off, which left him frequently alone with his thoughts and memories.
On those days, he’d wander Karakura Town, partially to get to know his new home and partially to distract himself.  It was a strange new place.  The town charaded as an average residence with a decently sized shopping district, a school, and a hospital on the outskirts.  Hitsugaya was noticing a lot of quirks, though.  The residents were pretty eccentric, and there was a higher than average amount of accidents.  He couldn’t decide if there was something greater at work or this town just had bad luck.
He was walking along the river when he saw her.  She was on the other side where the bank was wider.  He’d seen kids playing on the swaths of grass and couples picnicking there.  She wasn’t alone when he spotted her.  Her sister was sitting further up the embankment watching while she and an older boy with orange hair kicked a soccer ball.  Hitsugaya had never played soccer, but he could tell just by observing that she was good.  She had control of the ball and excellent balance.  The guy she was with had fast reflexes, but his movement indicated he didn’t usually use them for soccer.  He was chasing after the ball more often than he was guiding it.
Hitsugaya stopped in his walk and watched them for a while.  He found their interactions fascinating.  Whenever her opponent missed, rather than be triumphant, she appeared to berate him as though he wasn’t taking it seriously enough for her.  She always seemed so disinterested in the shop that this passion was intriguing.  She was expressive and energetic.  When she kicked the ball into the boy’s chest hard enough to make him stumble, she laughed.  Her sister got up and went to the boy with concern, but she went after the soccer ball.  When she rejoined the others, the boy ruffled her hair without a sign of anger or resentment.  She pushed him away with long-suffering annoyance.
He found his thoughts turning to Momo.  Their interactions had never been this natural or energetic.  He wondered if that was because they weren’t blood-related.  He could tell from the shape of their faces that the orange-haired guy was most likely their brother.  As they gathered their things to leave the riverbank, the boy kept a careful eye on his sisters, walking half a step behind them to keep them in sight.  Hitsugaya wondered if that was instinctual.  He wondered if Momo had ever done the same with him.
For Hitsugaya, their interactions had always been distant and calculated.  It was hard to pretend to trust after experiencing life alone for so long.  He had never adjusted his walking pace to match Momo’s or felt any form of fondness when she called him Shiro-chan.  But he couldn’t deny that he cared that she had been around for him.  She had kept an eye on him even when he forgot to keep her in sight.  He recognized that this gave him no right to consider her move away to college a betrayal, but the emptiness and regret he had felt had driven him to move away on his own.  The maturity he had gained helped him see how foolish of a boy he had been.
The Kurosakis had long left the opposite bank, and Hitsugaya bade his feet continue walking.  He redirected his thoughts to designing a new flower arrangement.  It would feature peach blossoms and forget-me-nots.
The next time they met, she caught him off guard.
“Do you like working here?”
He paused in his trimming to look at her.
“Karin,” her sister scolded, “that’s rude!”
“What do you mean?” he asked.
“I’ve been in here a dozen times since you started working, and you’re never smiling.  Why do you work here if you don’t like it?”
“There are more important things than enjoying my work,” he replied, finishing the preparation of their bouquet.
“That doesn’t mean you can’t have fun.  Pleasure and responsibility aren’t mutually exclusive.”
“I take pride in my work.”
“You’re dodging my question.”
“Karin!”  Her sister looked furious.  “We have to go.  I’m very sorry.”  She bowed to him.  “Thank you for the flowers.”
He watched them leave, whispering and bickering together.  Why did she seem to care so much about his answer?  Not smiling didn’t mean he hated it here.  He rarely smiled at anything.  He was a little surprised she had noticed.
Two days later, Karin came back to the shop.  She wasn’t picking up an order; Hitsugaya noticed every time a bundle was set aside for Kurosaki, and there hadn’t been anything on the pickup shelf that morning.  He was assembling a new arrangement at the work table near the back of the store.  She wandered between displays, periodically pausing to inspect a flower, but she seemed disinterested and unsure.  Matsumoto was busy helping another customer, so Hitsugaya approached her.
“Hi,” he greeted.  “Can I help you find something?”
“Oh, hi.”  She seemed started.  “I was just looking for something for my sister.”
“Did she tell you what she wanted?”
“No,” she sighed.  “She doesn’t know I’m here.  I messed up, and Yuzu’s really mad at me, so I figured I’d get some flowers to apologize.”
“Ah.”  He briefly wondered what rift between the sisters warranted flowers, but it wasn’t his business.
“She understands a lot more about this than I do,” Karin mumbled, twirling the stem of a lily gently before putting it back.  “All I see are flowers, but she gets the meanings behind them and knows what care they need to last longer.  It makes her extremely difficult to shop for.”
“Not many people know the language of flowers nowadays.”
“Do you?”  She looked at him with genuine curiosity.  For a moment, he had her full attention, and it sent a pleasant shiver down his spine.
“Sorry, dumb question,” she said, looking away quickly.  “It’s probably a requirement for your job.”
“It’s not, but I did learn it.”
“Then do you know of any good apology flowers?”
She looked at him with relief and expectation.
“Just get her flowers she likes.”
“Seriously?  I thought you’d point to something and say ‘This means I’m sorry, please forgive me’ and I’d be good to go.”
“I’ve never come across a single flower that says all of that,” he replied, his bemusement bringing a slight grin to his face.  Karin blinked before grinning herself.
“That’s because flowers don’t really speak, dummy.”  She shook her head, possibly to hide the hint of color in her cheeks that accompanied her lame joke.  “Get her flowers she likes?  Hmm.”
She wandered the aisles, and Hitsugaya followed, offering suggestions and advice when she seemed unsure.  They collected sunflowers and pink carnations, lilies of the valley and white daisies.  He chose some foliage to fill out the bouquet and highlight the blossoms.  She browsed the ribbons while he trimmed the stems and finalized the arrangement at the work table.
“Thank you,” Karin said, running a strip of ribbon between her fingers.  “I was totally lost in here on my own.”
“You’re welcome.”  He tied the yellow ribbon she had picked out around the stems, finishing it with a bow.
“Did you do this?” she asked, indicating the arrangement he had been working on when she entered.
“I did.”
“I like it.”  She leaned down to sniff one of the flowers.  “I recognize the daffodils, but what are these purple ones?”
“They work nicely together.  You have a good eye.”
He wanted to tell her it was just part of his job, but his usual blunt reply died on his lips.
They looked at each other for an indecipherable moment before he thrust the bouquet at her.
“Thank you again,” she said as she handed him payment.  “I think Yuzu will like these.”
“Is it enough for her to forgive you?”
“Oh yeah.  She doesn’t stay mad for very long.  And if she’s not satisfied, I’ll just come back and buy some more.”
“I’ll brainstorm some other combinations just in case.”
“Thanks for your confidence in me,” she snorted, but there was a grin on her face.  “See you later.”
Hitsugaya watched her leave.  A little part of him hoped he’d see her again soon.
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libidomechanica · 3 years
But some of Love now lost for Ever
A tumults, whence her  recklesse woe: helpe me, ye banefull 
byrds, whose dirge is which  needes both one blight; but  as a cane that sound,  haply, like other, Donna Inez,  finding, to miss the  pictured countenance, to  show a participated 
with  some monstrous rocks nearby  mountains my groans redoubted;  time will shade ourselves  think you have got a travellers  drive all those Lockes display  once the last,  not admit of absence lay  on it just like other 
deep in the World— ( unless when to  the Eye and lotted 
by death shall suck,) Rain leaps like  a stirred at once: for  love no Road to reach around.  no wasp shall keep it  sweeter be, which, in  the Light they saw, but  Arrow-like arguments, 
over the subtle to  pole, My poore Vassall day  or art thou payèd were. and  made for beautys brigs 
black Bohea:’“tis pity wine should 
read their wood still now forbore  to save my yet young hearts.  Of river spells; yes, even  to the destroy. 
As if alive.” And  by her plaining flute, in  dying not to behold,  they were sudden tremor came,  rank on rank; he gave no sign, 
save of us things matter,  and sang the most  they sailed away into  the disappointment,  that I shall to-
morrow, hope and  sure, sweet lips pure dyes were to  annoy; trebles sing him  aid, my verses tend  than these two sad strife melted  base. Suddenly transfigured  lions him in 
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sits on my door with 
his own shall untune the  winds eye I have treated  me who have years  old, and let us be  married next day by the  bed, echoing inside  his head, nor tears 
no longer stay; true love, went its  song, the song is  the forehead, to  keep off the Dambe. Enuie, put  out the magic to  the sea-shore, and  there is the free, for  him, Eternal—
just they seem to 
live the body  to it, give  one on the pleated shirt  yellow! for their curious  case; for although a  straw. All phantasies, no tenderest  worth, conceivd with  its offspring;—floating passions  are forget to  weeds of their rayes to  win ye, O: may ill  befa the fall off  at any more. And lashd among  the course of your  instrument:– I showed my slight  they were suddenly transferrd.
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matrixaffiliate · 4 years
Chapter Update! FFN and AO3
Next 6 chapters go up on Dec 12! And thank you to all of you who commented and reviewed and favorited and gave kudos and in any way told me that you're enjoying this story! I so appreciate your support!
Chapter 13
If Ginny were honest, she would have to admit that she had no idea what she was doing. All the logic she could trace told her to stay away from Mr. Potter, that their match would end in a hollow and empty life for her. But then he would smile at her and look at her as if she were the only woman in the world and Ginny was suddenly agreeing to walk the grounds of his estate with him.
Adair had helped her into her pelisse after dinner and accompanied her and Mr. Potter and his valet to the grounds. Ginny took Mr. Potter's arm with a flutter in her heart as they stepped out onto the terrace behind the home. She felt her breath catch in her chest as she beheld them. The sun had not quite set completely, and as the stars began to push through the dark blue of the fading sky, the sun seemed to press its last bits of light through the horizon, reminding all of how much greater it was than the pinpricks of light that would soon cover the sky and the white glow of the moon that would be their guide till morning.
"My family's home does have its fairer moments." Mr. Potter smiled down at her.
"It's beautiful," Ginny realized that she was now smiling up at him again, falling into his stare as his eyes seemed to be trying to open a door to her soul if she'd only give him the chance to do so.
He gently pulled her a little closer as he spoke, "Shall we?"
There was something secure and comforting in the strength of his arm around hers and the warmth of his body nearly pressed against her own, it was a rush, a rush strong enough to push through all of the reasons she had for why she shouldn't, and like a rotted out damn they gave way to the rushing river of her desire to indulge in the attentions of Mr. Potter.
She smiled up at him and pulled closer to him, her side brushing here and there against his, and brought her other hand to wrap around his arm. "Yes, I would like very much to see where you played pirates."
Mr. Potter laughed and she felt its vibrations roll through her the same way thunder rolled after lightning cracked across a dark sky and rain pelted the ground and the power of nature left Ginny in awe of its grandeur.
The walk to the willow trees was not terribly long, but as they walked, Ginny realized that the paths upon where they walked went on into the darkness a fair way.
Mr. Potter must have noticed her gaze.
"If you'd like, tomorrow I could show you the grounds."
A nervous laugh escaped her lips. "Am I so obvious, Mr. Potter?"
"Not at all," He pulled her closer as a light breeze picked up. "But I recognize a desire to explore when I see one."
"Well, if you're only trying to indulge my overdeveloped sense of curiosity, I think I could acquiesce."
"You're too kind," Mr. Potter smiled and gestured ahead of them. "There they are, my childhood pirate ships."
There was just enough light that Ginny could make out his once pretend ships. There was a small grove of trees that had branches that stretched up then out and finally down to the ground and the pond that they abutted. The majority of the leaves had turned yellow but Ginny could just make out the few branches that were still green. They were enormous and Ginny was entranced by their magnificence.
"They're glorious," Ginny felt her feet moving forward even as she gazed awestruck by these new trees. "Where in the world did your grandfather bring them home from?"
"I understand they're from China," Mr. Potter guided her to a tree with several branches that stretched out over the pond. "Father says that Grandfather brought the first one or two home himself and then those he did business with gave the others to him as gifts. My grandmother loved them so much that he always asked those he knew were traveling there to bring one back for him to plant here so she could enjoy them."
"That was kind of him," Ginny reached out and took hold of one of the low hanging branches, running her fingers over the bark and leaves. She pushed it aside and walked under the cover of the tree and its branches. Mr. Potter followed after her and his valet held back branches for Adair to enter under the canopy.
"Grandmother was scared to death of getting on a ship, and I think Grandfather felt that bringing her back things like this gave her a way to partake in these exotic places with him. She always told Mother how grand a thing it was for her to be willing to get on a ship."
Ginny almost missed what he said she was so captivated by the small room that the willow seemed to create with its overhanging branches. But it was no surprise that Mrs. Potter would be willing to get on a ship. Ginny wondered if the wonderful woman would be afraid of anything. While she was sweet and charming to the last, Ginny could see iron in Mrs. Potter.
"Is this where you'd climb?" She pointed to a branch that was lower to the ground and stretched long out over the pond.
Mr. Potter laughed and put an affectionate hand on the branch. "Yes. The helm was there in the middle, and the lookout was at the far end out over the water."
Ginny smiled and then she pressed herself up to sit on the branch, looking out as the last of the sunlight disappeared and the darkness fully enclosed them in its protective embrace. "I rather like your ship, Captain Potter."
Mr. Potter's face was shadowed as he looked up at her while she sat upon the branch, her feet dangling above the ground.
"I rather enjoy seeing you aboard my ship, Miss Weasley. I dare venture to say that sea travel suits you."
Ginny felt herself lean closer to him, noticing as she did so that he was closing the space between them as well.
And then Adair cleared her throat loudly, causing Ginny to startle and pull back.
Mr. Potter straightened. "May I assist you to disembark, Miss Weasley?"
Ginny nodded, still trying to regain control over her racing heartbeat, her mind spinning with how much she had wanted to close the distance between them.
Mr. Potter took her gently but firmly by the waist and lifted her off the branch, setting her down on the ground. His hands on her waist were only adding to the spinning of her mind but before Ginny could even begin to think it through, Mr. Potter moved to take her arm and began leading her back to the house.
It was as though Adair's timely interruption had brought all of Ginny's misgivings rushing back at her. What was she doing? Mr. Potter was charming, certainly, but the desire to see more obviously ran in his very blood, and it would only be a matter of time before he would leave her to see more of the world. She'd be the wife to care for the estate and ensure he had a family and home to return to once every two or three years. She'd be alone and she would not know who her friends were and who simply wanted to associate with her because she'd married into one of the richest families in Southern England. She'd be as stuck here in Godric's Hollow as she'd been in Ottery, but here she'd be alone as well.
They arrived back at the house late enough that it appeared the rest of their families had retired for the evening to their private sitting rooms. Mr. Potter walked her all the way back to the door of the rooms that had been prepared for her and her parents.
"Thank you for your company, Miss Weasley." He dropped her arm, discreetly brushing his fingers against her own for a fraction of a second as though he might try to intertwine their hands, but he pulled away completely and bowed. "Good night."
"Good night, Mr. Potter." Ginny forgot to curtsey; she was so stunned by his touch. She turned and slowly moved back into her room; Adair now silent in her wake. As she prepared for bed, a part of Ginny secretly wished Adair had not been as vigilant in her responsibilities, but the greater part of her was spinning from the rush that Mr. Potter's gentle touch and his charming manner had unleashed upon her heart.
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dglovesfood · 4 years
Male English Names and Meanings
A correctly chosen name has a strong positive effect on the character and fate of a person. It actively helps to develop, forms positive qualities of style and condition, strengthens health, removes various harmful programs of the memory. But how to choose the perfect name?
 The meaning of the name has no real effect. For example, the meaning of Agshin is brave, strong. It does not mean that the young man will be strong, and those who have other names will be weak. The name can block his heart centre, and he will not be able to give and receive love. On contrast, another boy will help solve problems of love or power and achievement of goals. The third boy may not affect. Moreover, all these children can be born on the same day. And have the same astrological, numerological, and other characteristics.
 The mystery of a man's name is shared by a unique smell primarily in a person, and not in the grammatical meaning and characterisation of the name. If this name destroys the child, then it would not be beautiful, sweet with the surname. It would still be harm, destruction of character, a complication of life, and aggravation of fate.
 Below are beautiful male English names. Try to choose some that are most suitable for your child. 
 List of male English names for letters A, B, C & D:
Aaron - high mountain
Ab - father of the light
Abbot - father
Abel - father of many
Abell - shepherd
Abner - father of light
Abot - father of
Abram - father
Abran - father of many
Abraham - father of many
Absalon - my father - world
Averill - fighting boar
Adam - the land of
Addison - son of Adam
Aden - fire
Addison - son of Adam
Adlay - Jehovah the righteous
Adney - nobleman island
Adolf - the noble wolf
Adrian - from Hadria
Adair - the rich spear
Asia - eastern
Azelstan - the magnificent stone
Able - the shepherd
Ak - oak grove
Akey - number one
Akerley - oak grove
Alastair - defender of humanity
Alwar - elf army
Alfven - a friend of an elf
Alvis - all-wise
Algar - spear of an elf
Algernon - with a mustache
Aleister - defender of humanity
Alec - defender of humanity
Alexander - defender of humanity
Alain - beautiful
Alester - defender of humanity
Algeria - Elf Spear
Alik - Defender of Humanity
Alexander - Defender of Humanity
Allan - handsome
Allen - beautiful
Allister - defender of humanity
Alton - old city
Alf - elf
Alfonzo - noble
Alford - old river ford
Alfred - elf council
Albert - bright nobleness
Aldina - an old friend
Alpin - white
Altair - pilot
Alfred - elf council
Alister - protector of humanity
Ambi - immortal
Ambrose - immortal
Amedeus - loving god
Amias - from Amiens
Amory - loving
Amos - bearing, carrying
Amyas - from Amiens
Anakin - kind, merciful
Angel - Angel, messenger
Anges - one, the only choice
Anderson - son Andrew
Angelelli - angel, messenger
Ange - angel, messenger
Anskom - stone valley
Anson - son Agnes
Antwan - invaluable
Antoine - invaluable
Arden - eagle valley
Arik - ruler
Aryl - lion of the god
Arin - peace
Arkell - helmet, protection of the eagle
Arly - the forest of the eagle
Arman - brave, hardy man
Arn - the power of the eagle
Arne - control of the eagle
Arni - eagle power
Arnold - control of the eagle
Arran - high mountain
Arrin - high mountain
Arron - high mountain
Arthur - man - bear, warrior, eagle Thor
Archie - genuine courage
Archibald - true courage
Ancelet - noble from birth
Aselin - small nobleman
Acer - number one, first
Aston - eastern settlement
Afton - Sweet Afton
Affton - sweet Afton
Achill - painful
Ash - ash
Asher - happy
Ashton - ash colony
Bad - friend
Buddy - friend
Baz - king or basil 
Basil - king
Byron - in cowsheds or covered barnyards
Bayard - red-brown or bright sunset
Buck - a courageous young man
Baxter - baker
Balder - prince
Baldrick - brave ruler of
Bambi - child
Baptist - Baptist
Bardolph - the gorgeous wolf of
Baria - king or basil 
Barclay - birch forest
Barnabas - son of a preacher
Barney - son of a preacher and bold as a bear
Barnaby - son of a preacher
Barrett - bargainer
Barry - blond
Bart - son Talmey
Bartolomei - son Talmey
Bassett - a little short, low
Baster - the destroyer
Butch - the butcher
Bevan - the son of John
Beverly - the beaver
Bevis - the bright
Babe - the baby Ruth
Bailey - the assistant to the sheriff
Bailie - deputy sheriff
Ben - son of the south, or blessed
Benjamin - son southern
Benji - son southern
Benedict - blessed
Benet - blessed
Bennett - the sacred
Bennie - the south and the son of Benedict blessed
Benson - son Ben
Bentley - cleansing
Benton - grassy meadow
Beauregard - a beautiful perspective
Berndt - a fortified settlement
Berenger - a spear of a bear
Beret - a merchant
Bernie - as brave as a bear
Berry - blond
Bertie - bright
Burton - fortified settlement
Bertrand - bright raven
Beavis - radiant
Bill - helmet
Billy - helmet
Biersch - bush
Beef - punch
Blaine - small yellow-skinned
Blize - cheerful, happy
Bliss - joy, happiness
Blaze - sizzling
Blake - black
Blaine - slightly yellow-skinned
Blair - battlefield
Bob - famous
Bobby - famous
Baldwin - brave friend
Bollard - bald, rounded like a ball
Beaumont - beautiful Mount
Boniface - good fortune
Boris - fighter, warrior
Bradley - wide wooded area
Braden - salmon
Brian - strength
Brion - strength
Branden - hill covered with broom
Brannon - covered hill broom
Brayden - salmon
Brennan - Prince
Brent - hill
Brenton - burning city
Brett - Breton
Briard - rosehip
Brion - strength
Brice - colorful, spotted, variegated
Brisko - birch forest
Britton - from Great Britain
Brigham - house near
Broderick bridge -
Brody's dream - dirty place
Broz - immortal
Brock - badger
Bront - thunder
Brody - dirty place
Brooke - stream, Feed
Brooke - brook, stream
Brooks - from the creek
Bruno - brown
Brutus - hard
Bryant - the power of
Brady - chested
Bradford - wide ford
Braden - salmon
Brady - chested
Bram - father of many children
Brutus - multi-colored, spotted, motley
Buz - contempt
Booker - bookbinder, scribe
Bew - handsome
Bailey - sheriff's assistant
Chad - fighting
Chaz - man
Chuck - man
Chucky - man
Charlie - man
Charlton - settlement of free peasants
Charles - man
Chase - chasing, hunter, hunting
Chandler - candle merchant
Chance - chance
Cherokee - name of native Americans
Chip - man, a follower of Christ
Chunky - report keeper, secretary
Chauncey - report keeper, secretary
Dee - shortening of longer names starting with "Dee"
Deacon - serving
Digby - ditch around
Diggory settlement - lost, lost
Digory - rejecting, lost
Dison - son Dew
Dick - powerful and brave
Dicky - powerful and brave
Dicky - powerful and brave
Dil - big sea
Dylan - big sea
Dilbert - having some specific meaning
Dimer - judge
Dean - Dean, spiritual observer
Diner - man, warrior
Dirk - king of nations
Dob - of ad hoc
Dodge - a famous spear
Dolph - a noble wolf
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loveafterthefact · 4 years
Love After the Fact Chapter 66: On the Road Again
Lance makes a confession and tells Keith a story.
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Lance’s eyes scan the rocky foothills’ landscape. In the past few vargas, they’ve passed kilns, tanneries, quarries, gardens, orchards, and vineyards tumbling over the uneven terrain beneath the terraced mountain civilization. Now, he and Keith find themselves at the edge of the foothills, where the last of the mountainous landscape fades into rocky tundra. This is a more arid part of Daibazaal, though parts of it are temperate, or even tropical. And then there’s the vast grassy marsh at the equator, which filters all the water south until the continent slips into the sea.
Lance has since learned that the large body of water he’d seen from space is in fact salt water, and it’s so large that crossing it takes an entire quintant.
He won’t see the sea on this visit, but he’s already promised himself he’ll come back. The tundra, however, is spellbinding. On either side of the road are flowers in shades of yellow, pink, blue, orange, and white with thick, waxy, bluish-green leaves. Among the flowering hills with twisty-trunked trees, are small mounds, topped with little towers of stacked stones. Some have toppled over. Others have small nests in the gaps. Others are held in place with vines and foliage.
Cairns, marking ancient burials, Keith told him a ways back.
Ahead is a river, one so wide, so deep, and so fast that they need a bridge to cross it. Lance can already hear the water, and given how one of Keith’s ears is rotating in every direction, and the other is fixed on the rushing water, so can he. Every now and then, the ears switch duties, keeping an eye out for the many predators that call Daibazaal home.
It's the cutest thing Lance has ever seen.
Keith halts his bull elk by the river, leads him forward to drink. Lance follows his lead. Rubbing Bruna’s furry neck as she drinks at the river’s edge. They’ve been riding all morning, and it’s time for a rest, and some lunch.
Wrapped in leaves, Lance finds some bread, dried meat, and a soft, somewhat amorphous white substance. He sniffs the substance, finding it has a bit of a stink to it. It also smells… good? Somehow?
“What the quiznak is this?”
“Oh. Cheese.”
“Cheese? What’s in it?”
“Milk. From the elk.” Keith pulls out his blade, slicing a bit off the lump, spreading it on the bread. “Try some. If your body produces lactase. Otherwise, do not.”
“I do. Some plants on Altea have lactose. Milk does, too?” At Keith’s nod, Lance shrugs, taking a bite of the offered food. It’s good. Salty, a bit gamey, a little nutty? No matter how Lance thinks to describe it, cheese sounds absolutely disgusting, but it’s delicious.
Keith hands him a wrinkled red fruit that looks past its prime. “Here, try this purp fruit. I know it looks gross, and I think they’re disgusting, but Lotor likes them a lot, so you probably will too.”
Lance takes a bite, humming as sweet, syrupy juices explode over his tongue. It’s delightful, probably the sweetest thing he’s tasted since arriving on Daibazaal. The taste sours almost instantly as Lance remembers something he’d said earlier. “Hey, Keith? There’s something I have to tell you.”
“I may have made a deal with my father that we would return to Altea as mates.”
“You what?” Keith stares at his spouse, clearly displeased. His ear pin back against his head, tail twitching back and forth. “That wasn’t your place to say. At all.”
“I know. I thought it was fine, since it’s not like he’d actually do anything if we didn’t, but I also didn’t say anything, so… I got the feeling I was in the wrong.”
Keith stares at him, fur bristled, murmurs, “Did you mean it?”
“No! I-” The Altean’s shoulder sag. “I don’t think so.”
“You don’t think so,” Keith echoes. “So you assumed that we would, and figured that meant it was fine for you to agree to those terms.”
“...I suppose,” Lance mumbles.
Keith shakes his head, disappointed in his spouse. Not that he’d say that. Nothing damages a person like hearing their loved one is disappointed in them. “Why, Lance? Why would you agree to that? You’ve kept me safe all this time. What changed?”
“He made it a stipulation of our trip to Daibazaal. I should have argued the point, but I just wanted to get you here as fast as possible. I wanted to make sure that happened, with as little trouble or wasted energy as possible, and as little stress to you. Still, I was careless, and thoughtless, and I am so. Sorry, Keith.”
The Galra sighs, staring at his mate. “Well, you told me, and I know you wouldn’t have forced yourself on me, so I’ll forgive you. This time. But even though I’m mated to you, you can still lose my respect, and my trust. Just like I can lose yours.”
“I know, I know.” Lance’s ears droop. “The idea that I could have damaged this…” He shakes his head.
“It’s nothing that can’t be fixed,” Keith murmurs, letting the hurt ease away as he gazes over the river, watching the wind move through the tundra flora. “You’re reasoning saved your ass though, just so you know.”
Lance chuckles, still subdued as he picks at the last of his food. “I really am sorry.”
“It’s okay. I’m upset, but we’re gonna be okay.” Keith takes Lance’s hand, squeezes it tight. “You haven’t ruined this. Your intentions were good, if a bit careless, and we’re going to be fine.”
“You need to be careful, though. It’s not like you to make hasty promises like that. We can't rule like that, so it can't become a habit.”
“I know,” Lance groans, carding a hand through his white hair. “The Ancients are going to smite me if I can’t get my shit together!”
Keith licks his lips, anxious. He still trusts Lance, and his intentions, no matter how misguided in practice. And the man clearly recognizes that he’s been an idiot. Now, he just wants to move on. “Hey. Can I ask you something?”
“Anything.” The Altean rests his head against Keith’s shoulder. Keith wraps his tail around Lance’s waist.
“What happened to Romelle?”
“Ah. It’s kind of a long story...”
Alfor leaned against the control board of their small craft, shaking. On either side of him, Romelle and Honerva stood in awe as they gazed at the sight before them. A white hole, light pouring in seemingly endless arcs of light.
“I can’t believe it,” the blonde girl breathed. “We’re finally here.”
“Everything we’re searching for, everything we could ever want, is right here before us,” Alfor murmured. They stared a moment longer, then the king gave a cocky grin he’d later dread seeing on his son. “Let’s go get it!”
The women giggled, giddy on new discovery, as they hurried to their control panels, Alfor at the helm. They were here for everything they could possibly get, and the adventure, but also with a specific goal in mind.
Oriande, among other things, reportedly had its own unique flora and fauna, from which Altea’s organic life had evolved. It was possible, perhaps even probable, that they could find a cure for the thing that killed his wife.
“Wait. What exactly happened to your mother ?”
"A fungus. They found a capsule in her reading room. It... It grew up underneath her scales, and made them die and fall off."
"That's... horrific. I can't believe anyone would do that!"
“Mnh.” Lance sighs. “They cut me out of her as soon as they could so I wouldn’t die with her. They put me in a pod for phoebs, until I could breathe on my own and they were sure I didn’t have the same thing.”
“What an awful way to die,” Keith whispers, thinking about watching his power and lifeforce fall away from his body before his very eyes.
“Romelle’s brother died later from the same thing. We still don’t even know where it came from. We couldn’t figure out how to kill it. It kept spreading even when they were put in suspension.”
“Does Romelle know?”
“I’m not sure. We told her, but…”
“I don’t understand!” Romelle clinged to her research console, staring at the apparition formed from the light of the white hole. “Why won’t it let us pass?!”
Alfor glared at the ghostly obstacle, pale blue scales flaring in time with his frustration. “Try again. If it doesn’t let us pass, we’ll pull back and think of a new strategy.”
“Yes, your Majesty.” Honerva did as she was told, wheeling their craft back around, soaring through space, dodging the arcs of light curling from the white hole. The apparition struck again, sending them spiraling into another arc of light. The entire ship shuddered and creaked, threatening to come apart as it was assaulted by pure energy.
Alfor fell to the floor, wrapped his arms around the leg of the console. He heard a crash from behind him and assumed they’d taken some kind of damage. Once the ship settled, however, it became clear that wasn’t the case.
Romelle was on the floor, Honerva leaning over her, dark hair falling from it’s usual bun. “Alfor…”
The girl was bleeding profusely, gray matter visible from a gaping wound in her head.
“Ancients… Pick her up. We have to put her in a pod.”
“Alfor that could kill her!”
“What about her exposed brain? Couldn’t that kill her?”
Honerva grew pale beneath her orange, green-tinted scales. She nodded, scooping the girl into her arms as Alfor rushed to calibrate a pod to preserve her life.
As Honerva prepared to take them home, Alfor turned back to the formidable white hole. He’d been so close. He could practically smell that familiar, unfamiliar atmosphere just beyond these outer limits.
Were it not for the beast that guarded it...
“So what happened to Romelle?”
“My father spent decaphoebs rebuilding her brain. At first, everything seemed fine. That’s when she and Allura got close, and fell in love. But not long after that… She started talking about odd things. Guardians and descendants and glass that is water but also holding water and a blue ember growing cold. Weird stuff. Eventually, that took up more and more of her. I think that’s all that’s left now.
She doesn’t recognize Allura. I don’t think she even knows Allura’s pregnant. I’m not sure she even knows who she is, or that she’s a person. Alfor says that trying to fix her is just doing more damage and causing her pain. As much as I hate it, I think he’s right.”
“I wonder what she means,” he whispers. “I wonder what she’s trying to tell us.”
“I don’t know,” Lance murmurs. “But whatever it is, she’s too far gone to understand it herself, let alone tell us.”
“Right…” Keith frowns, unsure what to make of the story, but he lets it go for now. He’s heard Romelle speak plenty of times before he moved to Altea, Allura having gone out of her way to visit with him and try to ease his anxiety. It always sounded like nonsense.
All the same, he has a nauseous feeling that Romelle’s ramblings aren’t ramblings at all.
Keith stares at Lance’s scales, glittering up and down his arms, exposed by his rolled up sleeves. Blue, shining red in the light. Water and fire.
Suspend the ember in water. Stall its final breath.
The guardian waits for the descendant.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 4 years
TWB 1x06 - Shadow Puppets
Alright, so let's talk about TWB. There were actually a lot of small potatoes symbols in this episode, but a couple of big things really jumped out at me.
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The storyline here was that they meet a guy named Percy who tells them he was robbed all asked them to help him get stuff back, which they do. But it turns out Percy and his companion, Tony, had set the whole thing up and were lying. They do this to take people's stuff for themselves.
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One thing that didn't even occur to me until @wdway​ figured out was the name Percy. Remember the last time we saw someone name Percy? He was at Grady. An old man O’Donnell pushed down and he got hurt. Beth was upset about it. There was even a deleted scene where Beth wanted to see Percy and asked if he was all right.
He was also involved in her distracting the guard so that she could get medicine for Carol. He's the guy she gave the strawberries to in exchange for him pretending to have a medical emergency, so that she could get into the drug walker.
Now, I would probably put this out anyway just because of the parallel between names. But in both cases, there was a ruse involved. Percy pretended to be sick so that Beth could get medicine. In the world beyond, Percy pretends to have been robbed so that he can take their supplies.
Kinda don't think that's a coincidence.
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I actually laughed out loud when I saw this next one because it was such an obvious benefit proxy. First, our group came across a guy who'd been shot in the forehead — left side just like Beth—and was lying across the front seat of a truck. Obviously that caught my attention and I made a note of it.
Then, sometime later, when the group had split up and got into the building, we see that some guy in the background get to his feet. It didn't click for me at first. I just assumed, as most people probably did, that he was turning. I thought something along the lines of, "oh, that guy is turning. Watch out Silas." But then the guy jumped up and started taking all of their bags and things. So the whole thing had been a trick.
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The crazy thing, if you think about it, is that we have someone who was shot in the left side of the forehead, who was not actually dead. He was playing dead, or playing possum.
And to throw another level of symbolism on it, keep in mind that because he had been shot in the head, no one thought to stop them in the head to keep him from turning. Had they done that, he would've died for real. All those things are super huge parallels to Beth. So, when I saw the guy jump up and start taking their bags, I literally burst out laughing because it was just so obvious.
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I noticed a lot of red objects in this episode. At one point, when they got to town, there was a tattered red flag or tarp. It actually looked a bit like the Tibetan prayer flags we’ve seem quite often in TWD.
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Later on, after everyone escapes, Tony does a magic trick with a red ball. It's fairly run-of-the-mill sleight-of-hand in which he puts it under one cup and then it's not there anymore. But that was interesting that we had this red object, that even looked a bit like an egg, and it was not where it appeared to be. There was some misdirection going on and even some deception. Hmmm. Maybe the writers are having some fun with this.
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In the store, we also see a mannequin with a dark red shirt, and lots of other red clothing on hangars.
And finally, in the coda after the credits, we saw that same woman who is doing experiments on people. In this case, she was wearing a red sweater the exact same shade as the one hanging in Beth’s cell in 4x01. I thought that might've been some kind of parallel or hint as well.
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Other things we learned in the coda are that Iris and Hope's father is still alive, but she said he had a security detail. Whether that's for his protection or because he's being held captive is hard to say.
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We saw a play both at the beginning and ending of the show. The play included a dog, a baby, cars and even a bus and a bridge.
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When Percy told them his fake story about Mike and Tony, he mentioned about a biker vibe (Daryl) and fish (water/Oceanside/Beth). He also mentions traveling through snow and a storm on an overpass.
He mentions going to Wyoming. This caught our attention because we see mention of Wyoming in the show several times now. It's probably a foreshadow something, but we don't know what. He also mentions seeing a Ferris wheel in Florida.
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We learned that Elton was named after Elton John. So that's a singing/music mention.
At one point, Hope mentions Elton taking pictures of worms. Remember that we had a worm theme in regular TWD, both with Daryl eating one in 5x10 and then again with Lydia and Henry. (Check out my worm theory here.)
There are quite a few instances of keys in this episode as well (Key Theory).
Near the end, Iris falls into a garbage can. We could possibly link that to Glenn and his death fake out. One of the walkers that tries to eat her is also wearing a bright yellow shirt.
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As I said, we see the play again at the end of the episode and it's actually a super depressing play. Percy and Tony act as though it should be happy and they’re entertaining people to get their minds off the apocalypse, but the play is super dark and sad.
Also, pay attention to the song at the end. It's called here comes the river. I will post all the lyrics down below, but these ones especially caught my attention.
"Here comes the river over the flames
Sometimes you gotta burn to keep the storm away.”
Really, this whole song could be one great big TWD theme, but I’m sure you can see all the TD symbols in it as well.
Here Comes the River by Patrick Watson
The windows turned to fishbowls The city to seas The cars were drowning underneath your feet The children were swimming from the top of the trees Crowds of umbrellas were staring in mis-belief Well Mary kept sewing Holding on to her TV Even if the water was rising past her knees
Now here comes the river Coming on strong And you can't keep your head above these troubled waters
Here comes the river Over the flames Sometimes you got to burn to keep the storm away
Sometimes Sometimes you got to just
Nobody told you it was going to be this hard Something's been building behind your eyes You lost what you hold onto You're losing control There ain't any words in this world That's gonna cure this pain Sometimes it's going to fall down on your shoulders But you're going to stand through it all
Here comes the river Coming on strong But you can't keep your head above these troubled waters
Here comes the river Over the flames Sometimes you got to burn to keep the storm away
Sometimes You got to just
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of-krypton · 4 years
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Character Name: Kal El Alias: Clark Kent // Superman Age: 41 Face Claim: Brandon Routh Species: Alien - Kryptonian Home Earth: Earth-49
Kal doesn't remember much from his time before the Kents found him. His journey to Earth was a blur of nothingness, interspersed with vague memories of the lessons his father recorded in the ship's memory. As far as he's concerned, his history began when he crash landed outside Smallville, Kansas. Being brought up by the Kents was one of the best things that happened to him, on the farm he learned the value of hard work, the strength of family and stong sense of right and wrong. Of course it wasn’t always easy for them, especially when he first began to develop his powers. Learning to tone down his speed and strength when at school -especially whilst playing sports- was one of the hardest things for young Clark. Knowing he was so much more robust than everyone around him weighed heavily on his mind and the fact that despite all his powers he hadn’t been able to save his father, Jonathan, was what sparked him to become Superman.
Kal spent a decade building the Fortress of Solitude and studying there to become the hero he was destined to be. Learning about his home world and the abilities he had been given thanks to his alien metabolism interacting with Earth’s yellow sun. When he was ready to return to civilisation, Kal headed to Metropolis, back in his Clark Kent persona and found employment as a reporter for the Daily Planet. There he meets and befriends Jimmy Olsen and Lois Lane. He falls for Lois almost immediately, but unfortunately as Clark, he doesn’t gain her attention in that way at all. Superman, however, has much better luck, and Lois is smitten by him after he rescues her from a falling helicopter. Kal allows her to interview him in his hero guise and even takes her out for a romantic flight. Lois is the first to call him Superman, and the name sticks.
Kal didn’t only meet friends in Metropolis, Lex Luthor also crossed his path there. The “criminal mastermind” saw Superman as a threat to his masterplan (hijacking two missiles and blowing the San Andreas fault to destroy the west coast) and as such lured him into a trap. After obsessive research, he located a meteor from Kal’s home planet and mined the Kryptonite ore contained within it. Luring Superman to his lair with a phony threat to gas the population of Metropolis, he traps Kal with the kryptonite and throws him into his pool to drown. Eve Teschmacher, Luthor’s assistant, helps Kal escape asking him to stop the decoy missile first to save her mother, who happens to live in Hackensack. Once free Superman diverts the decoy as promised then flies into the earth to fix the break in the fault that the second missile made. Though this stops the major disaster of the west coast sliding into the sea, there are still terrible aftershocks. One causes a breach in the Hoover Dam, and while Kal is busy with this Lois is caught up in another quake, trapped in her car she is pulled into a crevasse and crushed. Overwhelmed by grief and anger, Kal travels back in time by flying faster than the speed of light, reversing it to prevent the dam breach and fixes the fault line to stop the crevasse from reaching Lois’ car. He stops the reversal at the point the earthquake began and flies back to find Lois, who is alive and well. Once certain she is okay, he disappears to capture Luthor and his henchman Otis, delivering them to prison.
A few months pass and Kal settles into his roles as both Superman and mild mannered reporter, Clark Kent. Saving those in need and getting on with every day life in Metropolis. Until he finds out that Lois is on assignment in Paris, where terrorists have taken control of the Eiffel Tower and have threatened to level the city with a hydrogen bomb. Superman flies in to save the day, launching the bomb into space where it detonates. Unfortunately the shockwaves release Zod, Ursa and Non from the Phantom Zone and the three Kryptonian criminals head for the closest planet; Earth. Meanwhile, Lex Luthor escapes prison with the help of Ms Teschmacher and using his alpha wave tracking device, they go north to find Superman’s base. When they arrive Luthor activates the Fortress’ control panel and learns about the three Kryptonian villains who have escaped. He decides to collaborate with them to defeat Superman and take over the world. Clark and Lois are sent to Niagara Falls for a story and while there Lois suspects that he might be Superman. She jumps into the Niagara river, to prove her theory, but Kal remains in his Clark guise (even though he uses his heat vision to cut off a tree branch so Lois can hold onto it). This convinces Lois that he isn’t Superman, but just hours later his secret is revealed when he retrieves his glasses from an open fire barehanded without being burned. after some hesitation, he finally tells the truth and takes Lois to the Fortress. He decides to give up being Superman so he can live a normal life with Lois, despite his Father’s disapproval. A chamber containing the power of the Kryptonian red sun removes his powers, destroying the control panel in the process. He and Lois then sleep together.
Zod, Ursa and Non attack a NASA-Soviet moon mission and head down to Earth where they cause the destruction of East Houston. When the military become involved, they quickly overpower them and demand their surrender. The General refuses, saying his commander is the President, Zod then decides to make the President kneel before him and heads to Washington. Clark and Lois see Zod’s demand on tv on their way back from the Fortress, and the President’s call to Superman for help. Kal realizes that life with Lois can never be, and decides to erase Lois’s memories of all events surrounding Zod’s arrival, including her knowledge that Clark Kent is Superman.
When Astronomers claim to have found evidence of Krypton, Kal builds a new ship and embarks on a quest to find his home world. Once he arrives, all he finds is a desolate, partially destroyed planet, which begins to make him sick. Distraught by what he has seen and felt, he returns to Earth, crash landing back at the Kent farm -his true home. Five years had passed on his adopted planet during his voyage, his mother had almost given up hope of seeing him again, but assured him that though he was the last of his kind. He would never be alone. Deciding to reconnect with his life on Earth, Kal travels back to Metropolis and his old life as Clark Kent, Reporter at the Daily Planet. Life had moved on without him, Lois had a son and had won her Pulitzer, for her article “Why the World doesn’t need Superman”. He attempts to change her mind by granting her an exclusive interview and allowing her insight into what it is to be Superman - hearing the Earth crying out for a savior hour after hour.
Lex Luthor is also free from jail, having been released early, Superman was called as a witness for the release trial, but of course had not been able to attend, so Luthor walked free. The criminal was still obsessed with Superman, and conned a rich woman out of her fortune by marrying her, using the money to fund his second expedition to the Arctic, and the Fortress. Learning all he can about the crystals used to build the Fortress, he steals them from the console and schemes to create an island off the coast of America - once again meaning to use land as a commodity to hold the world to ransom. Lois investigates the power outage caused by Lex’s first experiment, which leads her to Lex’s yacht. She is trapped aboard with Jason (her son) , but manages to fax a sos to the Planet.
Kal (as Superman) flies out to the coordinates she gave, meaning to rescue her, but the aftershocks from the Island’s creation cause havoc in Metropolis and he has to deal with the disasters there before he can get to her. He saves Lois, Richard (Perry’s nephew) and Jason from Lex’s sinking yacht and sends them off in the seaplane Richard used to fly out there. Heading to the island, he walks right into Luthor’s trap, realising too late that the island contains pieces of Kryptonite. Luthor gloats over him in his weakened state, kicking Superman to the floor and allowing his gang to almost beat him to death. While he was trying to pick himself up off the ground, Luthor delivers the final blow, and stabs him in the back with a shard of Kryptonite. Kal defiantly manages to stand, despite the incredible pain, but falls off the island’s edge and into the ocean.
Lois saves his life by pulling him from the ocean and removing the shard of Kryptonite from his back. Though she asks him to fly back to the city with Jason, Richard and herself, Kal knows he has to deal with Lex and his Kryptonite island. He manages to fly the island into space and pushes it out of Earth’s orbit before succumbing to the effects of Kryptonite and his wounds. Falling to Earth, he is unresponsive and the world waits outside the hospital for any sign that Superman is alive. While he is unconscious, Lois visits and explains that Jason is his son. The next evening, Kal wakes and visits Jason and Lois, letting them know he will always be there for them.
A few years later Clark and Lois are married, Kal sharing his secret with her again. Together they bring up Jason who shows more and more superpowers as he grows, just as Kal had.
Positive Traits: Compassionate, Heroic, Benevolent Negative Traits: Odd, Melancholy,
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tiny-maus-boots · 5 years
The Howl pt 6
A/N: Nope totes didn’t edit it and I def didn’t read it back. So I’m just gonna have to rely on the judgement of my Beta to tell me what’s fucked up before she posts it to ao3. ilyan @chloes-yellow-cup
If asked she would have said she rose on her own, but Aubrey knew that wasn't true. She'd felt...something. Something strong enough to rouse her from the depths of her slumber. Vampires didn't just sleep when the sun rose, they died. All semblance of true life leaving them as suddenly as a candle going out in a breeze. And while the elder vampires could stay awake past sunrise it wasn't for very long and they certainly didn't make a habit of waking before sunset. Even for her, rising while the sun was still high was difficult at best but here she was wide awake, sheet pooled around her waist as she sat up and searched the darkness around her for the source of her unrest.
It hit her hard and she was unprepared for the onslaught of so much grief and heartbreak. Aubrey gasped in shock at the force of so much...pain. And guilt. She wasn't immune to feelings, she had them no matter how deeply she buried them to protect herself. Deeply enough that the memory of them was only a dull ache in the back of her mind from time to time. So yes, Aubrey knew what loss felt like, but she had never felt this raw and broken before. It poured into her chest like a river of lava, burning and scorching her down to her bones.
Worst of all, in the maelstrom of emotion, she felt Stacie's presence in all of it. Something was very wrong. Aubrey flung the sheet aside and slid out of the heavy ebony hardwood bed. Another mournful stab made her knees weak and she leaned against the matching wardrobe, one hand pressed tenderly to her heart.
She didn't know why she was in so much of a hurry. It was still daylight out though she knew the sun would drop early and suddenly as it always did in this season. But for the moment it was still too light out, even for her dhampir blood to endure. That knowledge however didn't stop her from dressing in her usual hunting gear as quickly as she could. Something that was somewhat of a challenge when waves of anguish kept flooding her mind and heart.  
Aubrey eased the harness over her shoulders and rolled them to settle her machete in place. The familiar weight of resting against her back was settling and helped her focus past the constant pressure of Stacie's emotional state. She opened the door to her rooms intending on leaving despite the early hour. She didn't intend to stay stuck underground while she was so desperately needed elsewhere. The vampire took a step out into the hall, the door clicking shut behind her almost too loud for the silence that pressed in around her.
She took three steps before the scent hit her. It was unusual, really. Not the scent, though that was unusual as well, it was the fact that she could smell anything beyond the damp cold earth they were all entombed in. Her nostrils flared delicately as she tipped her head up and scented the air, following the faint trail. Something shuffled near silently in the deepest shadow of the corridor and she tracked her gaze to it. Aubrey's fangs lengthened and a small growl of unease trickled past her lips.
The shadows moved silkily and the broad shouldered figure stepped into the soft lamp lit hall. She knew who it was immediately and retracted her fangs when she realized there was no threat. Erasmus stopped his movement and dipped his head respectfully. It made sense now what she had caught on the air before, why it seemed so out of place. It wasn't often that the human slave wandered the upper corridors.
Erasmus was one of a few kept slaves but he had lasted much longer than the the pathetic wraith like creatures that prostrated themselves at their masters' feet and were nothing more than ready meals. Those others only lasted a few years if that, passed around from vampire to vampire like party favors until they had been drained to a dry husk. Erasmus had been around longer than even she had, something she didn't understand but suspected it had to do with the vampire he belonged to.
He was special to the head of their coven and as such enjoyed certain privileges, like the freedom to move around unmolested...for most of the catacombs at least. He was much safer on the lower floors with vampires old enough to have excellent control of their appetites and enough fear to know better than to poach from The Lady. But up higher it was much riskier and she wondered what would make him venture so far up even during sleep hours.
“Good afternoon Aubrey.”
She dipped her head respectfully as she always did and he gave a gentle smile. If other vampires respected and feared The Lady they never extended it to Erasmus. Perhaps they didn't mistreat him, but they often ignored him to the point of open disdain. She was fairly certain none of them really knew his name simply choosing to refer to him as The Greek or not at all. Aubrey had understood all too well what a life alone among enemies was like. They were the same in a way, two small islands in a sea of violent hostility.
“You're up early, even for you.”
Aubrey gave a shallow dip of her head in acknowledgment and looked back down the hall toward the stairs up. She should go now, she had to go now. Erasmus nodded silently though she had given no answer and sighed as if he knew something she did not.
“She wishes to see you, and the sun is still too bright for you to leave safely.”
“Why?” It had taken her off guard and she blinked in question at him.
He gave a slight shrug and Aubrey took that to mean that he wouldn't have told her if he did know. She gave the stairs a final look feeling her heart squeeze in her chest before following after his already silently retreating figure. It was never a good sign when when your coven leader was awake and waiting for you to rise and she wondered how long Erasmus had been standing in the hallway ready to deliver the summons. Her eyes already well accustomed to the dark didn't need to adjust as they marched deeper into the catacombs but her focus sharpened to search the shadows for anything else that might be laying in wait.
There was nothing but deeper shadow and cold silence as they reached the furthest end of the corridor. Erasmus stopped at the door and turned to look at her, offering a tight lipped smile that she could neither read as encouragement nor understanding pity. Aubrey straightened her shoulders, her spine going even more rigid than usual as she stalked into the large open chamber and dropped to a knee, head dipped respectfully. There was no sound but the reptilian slither of a long leather train dragging across the stone ground toward her.
It was dangerous to be there in front of the head of her coven with her heart so wild and her head so unfocused. Aubrey closed her eyes and forced her mantle of cold logic and reasoning to fill her body and drown out the distracting heat in her chest that came with all things Stacie. It settled her and a tiny echo of relief lapped at her awareness, relief that she knew was not her own. The Lady said nothing as she stood before Aubrey and the younger vampire forced herself not to twitch under the weighted gaze.
“I've had some troubling news dear niece.”
Aubrey raised her head quickly and glanced at the tall blonde woman looming over her. She dropped her head again without word. It hadn't occurred to her before that someone would know what had happened with Stacie. That someone would have seen her with the wolf. But now that she was kneeling in front of the oldest vampire she had ever known she wondered if someone had seen it all.
“Nothing to say for yourself?”
She hesitated a moment too long and one slender finger slid under her chin to tip her head up and raising her to her feet. They stared at each other, matching pale green eyes bleeding to gray as their demons rose. One did not lie to The Lady and she was sure that if she tried that she would be staked immediately so she chose her words carefully.
“There have been a great many troubling events Mistress.”
A pale brow raised, deep red lips quirking slightly in amusement. “Always so careful. A skill that has served you well surviving among us.”
It was in no way an acknowledgment of Aubrey as a vampire. It was just another backhanded way of pointing out that she was less than by virtue of her blood. They may be related but there was no love between them. Aubrey could no sooner be worthy of the title of niece than she could sprout wings and fly. It was only duty to her father and Aubrey's usefulness as a hunter...and influencer that stayed her aunt's hand from a killing blow.
“I survive to serve, Mistress. That is my place in your coven and I know it well.”
It was toeing a line and she knew it and so did The Lady. Her chin was released and Aubrey felt her muscles relax. If she were going to die, it would have happened already. This...this was all just a game for The Lady. A test for Aubrey herself. One she seemed to have passed.
“Very well then, serve. Tell me of the revenant you were to capture.”
She watched her aunt pour two wine glasses of blood before handing her one casually. Aubrey took it and sipped cautiously as she considered what to say and what to leave out.
“I tracked it for a few days to a clearing a few miles out. I suspect whoever is creating them is one of our own.”
“I have no doubt that you're correct. Now tell me why you killed it.”
A chill ran down her spine though it was less fear and more anger. There was only one person outside of herself and Stacie that knew she had put the creature down. Aubrey tamped down on the rise of rage and sighed as she looked at the glass in her hand. Massimo would pay, and he would pay soon.
“I had no choice Tante.”
If her laugh was meant to be comforting, it wasn't. It was cold and calculating and everything that Aubrey feared in the world. She carefully kept her eyes averted and waited for the shift of air to let her know where The Lady was.
“Oh you are clever, niece, to remind me why you yet live.” Silence followed the statement and Aubrey carefully looked up to see her aunt watching her carefully from a seat that was nothing short of a throne. “Explain.”
Aubrey took a drink from the glass and drained it before boldly placing it on the sideboard with the crystal decanter. She purposefully eased the tension in her body and rolled one shoulder in a shrug. Lying was out of the question but that didn't mean she had to give every single detail of the event, careful editing would keep her alive another night.
“It was close to sunrise and I had hoped to find shelter as soon as it sought safety. I thought if I could track it to its den I could take it alive before the next moon rose and force it to lead me to its sire. I was ill prepared for someone to wander right into the damned thing's grasp.”
There was a soft hum from The Lady but she only gestured for Aubrey to continue. She was still on dangerous ground but at least her aunt was listening and not reacting. Yet.
“I had no choice. I couldn't let the infection spread and it was too close to light to track all the way back to town. Even I couldn't survive that.”
“And the human?”
“Escaped, likely assuming a bear had attacked her.”
“Her?” She realized her mistake too late to change it now. Aubrey nodded once but didn't elaborate. If she had said 'it' instead of 'her' it was likely that her aunt would have disregarded the fact that someone from the town survived the experience and could tell the tale to any that would listen. As it was that one small error let The Lady know that Aubrey had taken interest enough to differentiate. “Continue.”
“I was badly injured during the fight, I had to end it. It was unfortunate but necessary for our coven's survival and I would do it again without thought or question.” The truth rang out in her words and she raised her chin defiantly. She'd done the right thing by saving Stacie and killing the revenant. There wasn't one moment that she would have changed from that night her aunt nodded slowly in agreement. “It was too close to sunrise and I was too injured to find safety so I...buried myself.”
It was hard to get the words out past gritted teeth but she managed to swallow down her anger over it. She knew Stacie had saved her life and was grateful but the shame of being a born vampire having to crawl from the dirt of a shallow grave...the insult!
The Lady tipped her head back and let an entirely too amused laugh bubble up. Aubrey lowered her head and glanced away more to conceal the hated in her eyes. Her aunt stood, clapping in delight as she circled her. It was hard to let the other woman cross behind her without looking but Aubrey stood her ground, unconcerned and more than a hair aloof.
Her aunt gave another quiet hum then flicked her hand idly at some imaginary dirt on Aubrey's shoulder. She only just kept her lip from curling in response but her aunt seemed not to notice the twitch of muscle as she fought to control her expression. The Lady turned her back and strutted back to her throne, settling into it regally.
“You have enemies here, Aubrey. A great many. I can protect you only for so long if you continue to fail.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
The Lady watched her unblinkingly for several long minutes, each second ticking by slowly. Whatever her aunt was thinking she couldn't begin to fathom but she assumed it was nothing good. It never was.
“There is something different about you today. I doubt you even realize it yourself and if you did you surely wouldn't tell me.” That much was true enough but she wasn't going to openly agree. “Whatever you're hiding, I'll find out. The truth always comes to light Aubrey. Always.”
A shadow flickered behind her aunt's eyes and she turned away from Aubrey and dismissed her with a wave of her hand. Aubrey turned and started for the door stopping only when her aunt called out for her at the last second.
“Oh and Aubrey, be a dear...kill the girl.”
Every muscle in her body tightened as she stopped in the door way with her hand still on the knob. Her head turned slowly to eye the other woman still watching her every move. To argue would only send someone else in search of Stacie. Someone more than willing to kill, and even more willing to reveal Stacie's secret. No. That she could not allow, and though it disturbed her deeply she bowed her head in acceptance.
“Yes, Mistress.”
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