#they are HUSBANDS
lin-manuel-samantha · 5 months
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A bit of really indulgent radioapple for you…
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tetheredbysin · 22 days
oh, did you see the nordic gay couple who became investors at haas? no? well, let me show you-
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I am nordic so I am allowed to make this joke okay. this is not even stereotype, it's just accurate. literally used to live next door to a couple exactly like this.
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victorzhuzhakin · 11 months
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I had surgery yesterday and my teeth look normal for the first time in years. I present royalteeth angst to you
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antomatkoen · 6 months
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some price and nikolai doodles because they are husbands methinks
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spoopyoopy · 1 year
Are we really surprised though?
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moths-obsessions · 21 days
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don't think i ever posted this
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hisbucky · 9 months
Hen, concerned: You need to call Eddie. Buck: What? Why? Did something happen? Chimney: That's the thing, we don't know. He isn't answering any of our calls. Buck: Oh. Just a second... Buck, turning to his phone: Babe, why didn't you tell me the others were trying to reach you? Eddie, currently on a call with Buck for the past couple hours: I had better things to do. Chimney, whispered: ...What. Hen: ...I'm going to murder him.
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kevgansey · 1 month
all these couples at the olympics make me just thinking about andrew and neil.
andrew who never cheers with the others, he just stand next to the goal alone and neil who runs over him after they won a match. and thinking about that but setting it at the olympics makes everything more beautiful.
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ikealoki · 3 months
he said no pickles >:[
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psdrawsthings · 2 years
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Dancing through the years
1971 - 1981 - 1991 - 2001
Just love how snucius fandom decided that their dances are absolute canon (so did I)
(please read @sevsnapes post about it)
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cryptiduni · 8 months
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cw: reynauld’s flagellation scars ↓
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mobpsychoblog · 27 days
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: husbands?
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cottoncommitscrime · 7 months
Happy Valentine’s Day to the lovebirds out there! For the rest of you please consider this my gift to you
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The times I've thought about you have been plenty. It's a never-ending cycle, for you see, I am falure of a Prime.
Megatron, as you stand before me, blade stabbing through my spark, through the pain and sorrow, I can't help but feel relief. Relief that between the two of us, you are the one to remain alive. With the war over, you having won, I would like to make one final request of you old friend.
Don't kill my comrades.
No matter how much you hate them, what threat they may pose, I beg of you. Leave them alive. It pains me to say, but without me, they won't interfere much with your plans anymore. I can only hope you remember your roots. The kindness and hope for something better your spark held when I was but your archivist, and you, my warrior. It might be selfish to think this in my final moments. But I've always loved you, Megatron.
Perhaps in death, will these feelings finally meet their end.
I love you. I loved you. I never stopped loving you, even in my final moments. I hope to Primus we meet in our next lives and I hope again that it's a much kinder life. One without war or inequality or corruption. One where I can hold your servo in mine without shame. One where you are not Lord Megatron and I Optimus Prime. Leaders of the Decepticons and Autobots respectfully.
Until we meet again in the well of all sparks...
Megatron glared at the body of the deceased Prime. A dark pit in his spark. A black hole threatening to swallow all its light. He had thought it a good idea to have Shockwave and Soundwave make a machine that would make the last moments and thoughts of anybot visible and audible. He thought maybe he'd see the Prime's thoughts pleading him to not kill his comrades, as well as fear. Something to explain why Optimus in his final moments commed him ".: Spare them:."
Megatron didn't spare them, of course. He was frankly going to enjoy killing them one by one. But they had all escaped.
How bothersome.
He'd find them someday. He's sure of it. And just to spit in Optimus's last wish, he will torture them, too.
The Prime's face in his last moments echoed in his mind. He growled at the useless longing in his spark, squeezing a random object and breaking it.
He still couldn't believe it. Optimus Prime in love with his arch nemesis. How foolish. How stupid. Ridiculous!
Megatron clawed at the chesplates just over his spark. He could not cry, for his tears had run dry long ago. Foolish indeed. This is not what he thought he wanted. Ruling over Cybertron, having cyberformed earth into a second world for his species.. He had thought he wanted it. Now that he had it, Megatron found it empty. His ambitions were gone, no longer did he have a true equal in this whole galaxy.
None would ever be Optimus Prime.
No, he had to set things right. A world without Optimus is not a world Megatron can live with. Where's the fun in getting everything he wants without a little bit of a constant challenge?
. .
. . . .
Megatron, a true Decepticon, able to deceive even himself. Primus mused at this. Silly child, went on to kill his other half. This just won't do.
Their short story won't end like this. Primus will not allow it. He Who is Forever Tainted by Unicron, you will live life anew. You shall only know when the time is right, and your debt to Primus has been paid off of what they have done. Do not make the same choices that lead you to make your biggest regret. Make no mistake, this wish is not for you, but for he who is favored by me.
Make the child of Primus, he who was once Orion Pax and later one of Primus's true Primes enjoy a life worth living.
This is your one and only chance. Make it count.
. . . .
. .
Megatron woke up with a jolt. He tried to online his battle protocols, and they hummed loudly, ready to come out. But something stopped him. A servo, two, actually. Each cupped his cheeks and wiped away his tears. He turned to look at the bot whose servos they belonged to and found none other than Optimus Prime. "You're alive?"
Optimus looked bewildered for a moment, he could feel it through their bond. Bond? He felt affection, worry, and love from the Prime.
"I am very much alive, Megatron." Optimus leaned in to press their forehelms together. Megatron's servos easily reached to hold the Prime's waist as if they'd done so thousands of times. Maybe even more than that. "You must have had a nightmate."
"A nightmare.." It seemed so vivid. A world without Optimus, one where he had..
Megatron doesn't even want to think about it. His spark was still beating wildly in its chamber, and he recognized he still felt fear. A few well placed kisses from his bondmate further eased his worries and sorrow that still felt fresh in his processor and spark. Right. He and Optimus were Conjuxed now. Megatron greedily leaned into the kiss, but one small playful bap from his beloved made him huff and smile. Softening the kiss that would have become more desperate had it continued.
Megatron held Optimus for a long moment. His helm burrowed on the Prime's neck, the action mirrored by his other half. Small comforting kisses are being pressed on Megatron's neck along with quiet words of love. Primus, Optimus was a soft fool. But he was Megatron's soft fool.
They had layed back down at one point, still as close to one another as they could be. And they remained like that. Optimus having fallen asleep again at one point.
Megatron knew Optimus was a blessing, he just hadn't realized how much of one he was until he had that dream. No. The fragmented memories of his past life. Megatron had never seen them before, and even now they were hazy. But the feelings had persisted and carried over. He realized this now. It was thanks to them he reacted rather irrationally at many points in this life, but his longing for Optimus to be by his side remained the same. It had just taken a much, much more romantic turn than his other self would have thought.
Megatron had no regrets though. None at all. As he pressed a soft kiss on Optimus's audial, he smiled soft. "I love you." He wispered. He had said it so many times already, yet somehow this felt like the first.
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awesomeferret10 · 22 days
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Look at the way these two fools look at each other they are completely in their own world absorbed in only each other and all the dumb shit they used to do to make each other laugh
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randomtacoscry · 1 year
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Morning after - Icemav
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