#they are lesbian ducks your honor
dexppomp · 11 months
OKAY So, Time travel episode ! Something goes wrong while the boys are trying to get rid of the timetub. Transporting them into the future.
Dewey gets transported near an adult Louie’s estate, who’m has actually been able to start up his own pretty successful company (with some funding from his good ol’ uncle ofcourse)
Huey, comes across an adult dewey who has taken over LP’s job as Scrooge’s personal driver, and at night is a local tv host (LP basically lives with Jim now)
Louie teleports near a woodchuck cabin in which, adult Huey is signing up new Junior junior woodchucks.
During all of this, in the main timeline, the magic gang is having another one of their sleepovers ! They are having their average fun, summoning spirits and ghouls.
Until suddenly they get suspicious of none of the boys showing up anywhere around the house.
No generic theme show music blaring from the boy’s bedroom. No Ottoman Empire™ being watched in the television room. No sound of book paper being whirled trough.
They go and ask Beakley, where the boys might be. Her telling them that they are cleaning up some mess they made in the attic. Going up there they come across the Timetub, beeping and booping, as if it has just been activated, with a date simply displaying “Future” with under it written in very small letters “Highly unstable, do not use”.
Violet is quickly to point out that there is a high probability that the boys have used the timetub to go into the future. But that it would be best to not follow in their footsteps.
However before she even gets the chance to get that far in her sentence. Webby is already dragging Lena with her into the tub yelling about bringing the boys back.
Violet decided to simply not join them and goes to search for Gyro at his lab, wanting to know what kind of “unstable” he exactly meant
(I did not expect to start writing like and actual story I was just trying to find a way to have those two go into the future)
Just like with the boys, the tub messes up and puts them near their counter parts adult version
(Going to use A!Name to differ adult versions from current version)
Dewey simply walks into the estate and upto the office where A!Louie is in the middle of a business call. The moment he notices Dewey walk in, he panics and ends the call. Confused about why a younger version of his brother, has entered the room.
Huey on the other hand simply climbs in to the car while A!Dewey is waiting for Scrooge to come. And simply just immediately begins explaining him the situation. Asking him questions about what year it is and if he knows how to get back and pretty much everything he needs to know to get back.
Louie has a different plan, thinking that it wouldn’t be a smart idea for his adult brother to know he is here, he decides disguise himself as a junior junior woodchuck and put on a whole thought out persona to be as in suspicious as possible. He gets signed up with pretty much no hastle outside of A!Huey being suspicious of him.
Webby deploying in the middle of Duckberg. Confused on where and when she exactly is she runs to the first person she can see, a tall woman sitting outside at a small cozy cafe.
She taps on the womans shoulders and asks where she exactly is and what the date might be.
As the woman turns around, It gets revealed she is adult Lena. (Insert your own adult design here). She first answers without too much thought and a giggle. As Webby gets absolute awestruck seeing how gorgeous her best friends becomes in the future.
Before A!Lena gets up and drags Webby away around the corner real quick. Webby is just whispering to her self about how pretty A!Lena looks and that she thought Lena already couldn’t get prettier.
A!Lena beside the fact that it makes her blush a bit she immediately asks what happened and why Webby is a child again all of a sudden. Thinking she probably got hit by another Treasure or Gyro invention.
After some back and forward A!Lena understands that this a past Webby and that this must be the day they went to so many years ago.
Webby starts asking about what things are like in the future, if flying cars have been invented yet and such. Till she suddenly notices that A!Lena is still wearing her friendship bracelet. Upon noticing she immediately gleefully asks “Are we still best friends ?!” A!Lena takes a second to answer and goes “Oh’ definitely Pink”
Lena pretty much does not move from her position at all, she is still in the mansion, but time has noticeably changed. She decides to walk back downstairs. The halls having new pictures on the walls. The boys in their teenage years, a photo of Donalds and Daisy’s wedding.
As she gets closer to the main hall she heard ever so familiar humming coming from near the bathrooms. As she goes to investigate she runs into A!Webby. Putting doing up her hair and fitting up her signature bow.
Lena quickly hides behind the corner, but not before getting a glimps of A!Webby. As her heart is pounding from both being in a situation where she’d rather not be found out, and seeing this girl she has had the longest crush on, growing up to be so pretty.
But before she can even think about that, the humming stops. As A!Webby detects something is amiss. She somehow gets behind Lena and manages to hold her at blade point.
Till she notices its Lena and immediately drops the sword and blurs out “OMD LENA ITS YOU BUT LIKE YOUNG YOU YOU ARE JUST AS CUTE AS I REMEMBER WOW !!… You know not to sneak up on me like that”
Lena now being dazed and confused was atleast able to pinpoint one thing out and that was the part where A!Webby said she was cute.
Lena asks A!Webby if she really used to think that she was cute. At which A!Webby simply answers “Wait you don’t know yet ?
Violet goes to ask Gyro about the TimeTub, and he explains some timey wimey shenanigans that pretty much means they can’t get them back and everyone has to get back themselves.
Dewey simply vibes with A!Louie for the majority of the time until A!Louie mentions he maybe should try and find a way back, Dewey agrees and they head towards the McDuck Manor.
Huey convinces A!Dewey to immediately drive him back to the manor (They where waiting at the Money Bin, I forgot to mention) As Scrooge just walks out of the door, the two drive away really quickly and Scrooge gets a bit annoyed
A!Huey keeps giving Louie a hard time as a junior junior woodchuck. Until Louie finally gives up the facade because he simply can’t be asked to keep doing all the physical work. At which A!Huey simply laughs and tells him he already knew that it was his brother, and tells him he remembers how they originally got back and also takes him back to the manor.
Lena asks A!Webby about what she doesn’t know yet. At which A!Webby answers that she used to have a crush on Lena and thought that she had said it already by the time Lena got teleported to future.
Which came as a surprise to Lena. Because for a matter of fact. That has not happened yet. She takes a second to breath and goes to sit down on the ground trying to recollect her thought.
A!Webby tries to comfort her, she knows it’s a lot to suddenly take in. Lena asks “Used to ?”
A!Webby doesn’t fully respond, she just gives her a little headpat, a reassuring smile and says “in a good way”
A!Lena tells Webby about how she remembers this day very well. Which makes Webby ask if she knows how they got back and if they could find the boys.
A!Lena answers that they just need to get back too the TimeTub and the boys will get there soon too. Webby wonders where Lena is currently and asks A!Lena if she remembers “Oh very clearly, I’m with you currently”
Webby gets all exited again, just like how A!Lena has seen her many many times, it reminds her how great Webby is every single time.
While walking to the mansion, Webby keeps asking questions. “How do I look in the future ? Ooh ! And is it dangerous for me to see my future self ?”
“I don’t really think I can remember if I saw… myself ? I guess ?” A!Lena snickers a bit to herself. “But for your future self? Well I can say, you never looked better before “ A!Lena does start to feel a bit nervous.
All the bots arrive at pretty much the same time. But the adults have to quickly leave again. As Donald calls them up to come and babysit their nephews for a bit. But everyone gets a small look at what their future holds.
They go inside and get greeded by Lena and A!Webby. Whom gleefully says hi to the boys and they ingage in small conversation about the future and such.
Lena and A!Webby have been talking for the entire time up to this point. A!Webby telling her multiple times that she knows not to sneak up on people especially not her (Exept ofcourse it a bad guy), also explains her that she caught her getting ready to go to a cafe with a special someone. But that she shouldn’t worry with who.
Lena kind of understands what A!Webby meant with all that. And now she anxiously awaits her best friends arrival.
Webby and A!Lena approach the front door, but before opening it A!Lena holds Webby back and asks her if she is ready to go inside, because things might never be the same anymore once she does.
Webby understanding the possible ramifications of seeing your own future self and what it might do to an individual, nods her head and says “I was born ready”
They walk inside and Webby get greeted by a hug from Lena, she jokes about the fact Lena doesn’t tend to hug much. She asks if she is okay by holding Lena’s head in her hands.
Lena answers “Never been better Pink”, she looks Webby in the eyes “I know now, and so do I” She gets very blushy and awkward for a second.
Webby looks confused back, it takes her a second to figure out what Lena is talking about, but for comfirmation she looks at A!Webby, who simply gives her a nod back.
She gets so filled with excitement and happiness that she starts to still her wings. Suddenly stops and turns to Lena and goes “Does this mean we are girlfriends ??” With the most dopey yet sincerest smile on her face, the one that Lena simply never could get enough of. And she answers “I’m pretty sure it does Pink” with a loving smirk that is Webby has gotten oh so familiar with.
(During all this the Louie and Dewey are trying to not get either uncomfortable or weirded out by this display of affection, while Huey simply notes how they do make a good pair)
After a few minutes, the boys mention it should be getting time for them to go back to their own time. They all head upstairs. Webby and Lena hand in hand, Lena still blushing whilst Webby is gleefully hopping along.
I am so sorry for how badly written it is I just had a few ideas that I tried to somewhat connect together, also it is like almost 2am where I am and I began writing this at like 9. I will not be doing an revisioning because I am too tired.
Yeah, kind of just didn’t expect it to turn out to be a whole story I kind of just kept writing as I saw fit. AGAIN not a lot of it is good, and it isn’t meant to be anyway. I’m just putting down my thoughts and late night ducktale ramblings.
Hope it was atleast somewhat enjoyable
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hollowwish · 16 days
List of arosepc headcanons I have below (it is quite long) (list subject to future updates/suggestions (you can send me propaganda for your blorbo))
Ford Pines - he literally just has the vibes tbh. Crazy uncle who doesn't want anyone bc he's aromantic and obsessed with portals. also it would make billford worse.
Mable Pines - she literally picks her crushes and then stops 'liking' them in week. Do you know how many aromantic people have done this.
Hollyleaf warrior cats - fallen leaves was her qpp. Okay. The website family tree is lying to you. If Lionblaze asked her when she would get married she'd respond with "I'm already married to the warrior code."
Sonic T. Hedgehog - it's in character. Sega themsleves said he would hate settling down.... (I also think hes bi)
huey dewey louie or webby duck(tales) - at least one of them is arosepc I just can't figure out which one. Or maybe it's all of them
Della duck - cool aromantic lesbian mom. She does not need a husband or a partner she just needs her ducklings (and donald ig)
lapis lazuil - ngl I was rewatching steven universe and I just had a Feeling. Also she's one of my favorite characters, so.
Rise Leo - he's like Mabel he's doing comphet. (I think he's gay aromantic specifically and just keeps mistaking "I want to be friends with this guy/wow they're attractive" with "I want to date him") (also makes the fandom wide headcanon of aro donnie really funny. Wrong twin guys..)
C!peal and c!gem - especially empires s1. Pearl being aroace and gem being arospec but she hasn't figured that out yet (insert "I'm probably nonbinary but I have a job" image)
On that note, empires 1 fwhip has and will always be demiromantic in my mind
No idea what e2 fwhip has going on but he is somewhere on the aro spectrum. Maybe it's why he's so weird abt jimmy.
ONE Jimmy solidarity character is also arosepc I just don't know which one. But one of them is i know it in my bones.
grian and scar- they are both aros who fuck and 3rd life was world shattering platonic love.
Donatello tmnt - I haven't seen every tmnt iteration but like. ONE of them is aro and it is NOT rise donnie
Scott smajor - @/funkily suggested he was cupio and it made way too much sense
Saiki kusuo - do I even need to explain this one. It's basically canon (unless it is canon and I just missed something)
Wednesday Addams - most aromantic coded girl ever and I'm going to fight netflix for making her kiss barista boy
Honorable mentions -
Oli theorionsound (suggested by sage thinkingabout-girls)
Whatever the fuck was going on with divorce quartet in double life specifically
Violet and lena saberwing ducktales
Also ducktales gosalyn
At least one of the powerpuff girls
Adrien agreste because (iirc) he sucks at romance and I need to escape love square hell
Mumbo jumbo
Arospec mythicalsausage
Maud Pie (I think if I finished mlp she'd be on the list)
Shadow T. Hedgehog
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foldable-mattress · 6 months
Dangan ask: 17 & 25
Sorry, I died for a bit. Anywho
17. List five headcanons for your favorite characters!
I think I did this last time the Danganronpa ask game was going around, so I'll do five of my other favorites since my top five haven't changed at all
Chubby Kaede, I love youuuu!
Since Novaselic is a big military country, I think Sonia should have a little muscle as a treat
I said Sakura enjoys gardening in her free time in the last one, so I like to think Hina might have started a small one in her honor with the other survivors after joining the Future Foundation
Kaito loved those little glow in the dark stars that you put on the ceiling as a kid, and he still does
I may be projecting, but I love Tenko being a weird earring lesbian. Imagine getting knocked out by a woman in rubber duck earrings
25. Which character surprised you when they were revealed to be the blackened?
I got really badly spoiled for the entire series, but I refused to believe Kaede was a culprit (I mean, she wasn't technically, but)
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mirkwoodshewolf · 3 years
People like us; Matt Murdock x reader x Foggy Nelson
*Author’s note*
And here we have the next little fic that I’ve created. Okay so for this fic this (like all my fics) is female reader but this is the first time in a LONG TIME since my Sebastian Stan daughter fic that I made the reader a lesbian. So to any and all LGBTQ readers out there, I hope I did alright with this fic. But just know there are some MAJOR warnings here.
Warning: LGBTQ HATE CRIMES, catfishing, angst, sexual discrimination, besties Foggy and Matty (yes that is a warning cause their friendship/bromance is freakin adorable!!) makeouts (PG-13 stuff nothing too XXX rated).
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I was gathering up the files from our previous case after another win for Nelson (L/n) and Murdock.
“Yo (N/n)! Josie’s tonight come on we’re gonna get our drink on!” Foggy exclaimed.
“Sorry Fog but I’ve got plans tonight.” I told him as I stacked the pages away into a box and put them alongside our few other files.
“What can be more important than a game of pool and endless shots of eel?”
“I thought you gave up the eel after last time?” I asked.
“Trust me, he hasn’t.” Karen spoke up.  As she grabbed her coat and put it on she asked me, “But seriously (Y/n) why not come along with us? This was mostly your case you should celebrate your victory. We’ll even buy all your drinks.”
“I appreciate it Karen but like I said. I’ve got plans tonight with someone.”
“Ahhh, the elusive Penelope you’ve been talking about. Finally made time to see her huh?” Matt said as he came out of his office.
“Zip it Murdock! But yes.” He chuckled as he wrapped an arm around me.
“Seriously this is unfair! Not only are girls attracted to your wounded, handsome duck that is Matt Murdock but there are girls attracted to the foxy, sassy BAB lawyer that is (Y/n) (L/n). Save some for the rest of us will yah?” Foggy whined.
“Aww Foggy. You know you will always be my number 1 man right?” I said as I went over and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulled him down and repeatedly kissed his cheek which made him whine in disgust.
“So much for loyalty.” Matt playfully jabbed.
“Number 1 blonde man. Most girls would go for someone like Steve Rogers no. If I were like most girls, I’d go for Foggy bear over here.” I said as I jabbed my finger into Foggy’s side.
“Okay, okay, okay, okay. Well anyway we’ll drink in your honor my fair lady! To Josie’s!!!” Foggy exclaimed with his hand raised upward and spun towards the door before trudging out.
“Have fun on your date tonight (Y/n). I know how you’ve felt about this Penelope girl.” Karen said as she hugged me.
“Thanks Kare, I’m just really nervous about tonight. How’s my hair? Is my makeup still good?”
“You look beautiful as always.” She said.  “And there’s no need to be nervous. She’s gonna love you.” We gave each other a sisterly kiss on the cheek and then she walked out of the office.
“Still sure you won’t need a chaperone or at least an escort there, it’s the least I can do?” Matt said.
“No thank you for your offer but the park’s not that far. My bike can get me there in plenty of time.” Matt walked up to me and he said.
“I know. But you can’t blame me for worrying about you sometimes. You’re like the little sister I never had.”
“Same here Murdock.”
“I hope you mean but replacing little sister with big brother?”
“No it’s exactly what you said.” I teased with a laugh.  Matt shoved me which made me laugh harder and I said. “Kidding, kidding I’m kidding! In seriousness though Matt I know. But I promise, I’ll be okay. I’ve got my taser with me and I promise to only stay in the entrance of Central Park.”
“And if anything comes up, anything at all. Just give me a call okay?”
“Okay dad.” I stressed out the word ‘dad’ in the lowest range I could hit.  Matt shook his head at me as he pulled me close.
“Come on let’s lock up for the night.” The two of us walked out of the office building and he walked me over to my bike.  A red Yamaha V Star 250 that sported an LGBTQ flag at the rear.
“Have fun. But not too much fun, I don’t wanna get a call from the police saying my friends are out on the streets intoxicated. It’s bad for the firm yah know.” I advised him.
“I’ll make sure Karen and Foggy don’t overdo it. And I’ll make sure they stay far away from the eel as possible.” He said with a nonchalant wave of his hand.  I started my bike up and revved her up before riding down the road to meet Penelope.
Once I got to Central Park, just like we agreed I parked my bike near the entrance of the park along 59th street.  I took off my helmet and shut off my engine and set my helmet along the seat.  I hopped over the curb and took out my phone and texted Penelope.
‘Just arrived. Can’t wait to see you 😉’ I hit sent and soon enough I saw the little bubbles from our text train and she replied back.
‘Can’t wait to see you too mi vida <3 xoxox’.  My heart skipped a beat as I ran my fingers through my hair and exhaled deeply.  This was it, I was gonna meet my girlfriend for the first time in person.  After seven months of texting and facetime each other, we finally were able to get some time off to finally see each other in person.
I waited and waited and waited.  The night air of New York growing colder and colder by the second as I just stood there. I kept looking down at my phone every few seconds but it felt like hours as I waited for her to arrive.
Suddenly out of the darkness I saw someone coming towards me.  It looked like her body shape and finally when she came under the lights there she was in all her glorious, proud Puerta Rican beauty. When she saw me, she raised her hand and raced over to me and I ran over to her and we embraced each other.
“Oh my god I can’t believe this!” I said into her heavy fur coat.
“Me neither mi amor.” She whispered in my ear sending shivers up my body.
“Ohhh querida you know what Spanish does to me.” I moaned softly.
“I’ll talk to you dirty in Spanish all night if it meant I got to be with you.” I smiled and I leaned forward to give her a kiss.  Her hands cupped my jawline as she kissed me back with a bit more passion than me. Her tongue peeking out trying to ask for entrance.
“Maybe later, right now we better get to the restaurant before they give our table away.” I told her.
“Before we do, can we just—take a stroll through the park. I’ve always wanted to see Central Park but never got the chance to come here since I moved here.” I looked into the park.
I was no fool, even native New Yorker’s know that Central Park was a whole other place once the sun set.
“I don’t think that’s such a good idea Penelope.”
“Why not?” she pouted.
“Central Park isn’t just America’s famous park for no reason. At night, especially around this time. It’s a very, very, very dangerous place. Not even born and bred New Yorkers dare enter it’s endless pathways after dark.”
“Come on. You’re a kickass lawyer you can’t tell me you’re not afraid of putting the worst of the worst away but you’re afraid of a little park?” she sassed at me.
“I—don’t put the bad guys away I’m a Defense Attorney. Although my firm did help put away Wilson Fisk but anyway that’s beside the point! I promise you, we’ll do a morning tour. They’re a lot of fun, plus we’ll see all the statues and architecture clearer during the day.” She walked up to me, took my hand and her face right up to mine, her lips trailing along the side of my ear.
“But during the night, no one will be able to see us together. Making passionate love under the full moon and the stars.” Her hand slowly slid down and lightly groped my ass.
“Penelope I—” that’s when she really turned on the Spanish charm, whispering seductively in my ear.  Placing kisses along my skin making my heart race.  “I…..” I felt her drag me towards the park entrance, a seductive grin along her face.  God did she look so ethereal under the light of the moon.
Okay maybe if we just stayed as close to the entrance as possible.  I walked over to her and kissed her once again but this time with passion.  She kissed me back with the same ferocity.
“That’s my sexy abogado.” We proceeded to make out under the moon and stars.  Our hands trailing over the other’s body, our lips meshing together either softly or with passion.  She soon took off my jacket and began to unbutton my blouse one button at a time.  A smirk across her face as her tongue slowly licked her lips lustfully.
Oh god she was so sexy like this.  I knew she had a dominant side and I’ll admit I can be submissive if I wanted to, and boy did I want to.  Once she was done, she removed my blouse exposing my body to the cold.  Goosebumps instantly rising over my skin as her nails slowly dragged down from my ribs to my stomach.
I closed my eyes and smiled and even let out some giggles as she would give me a few tickles on my stomach.  She leaned down and began to give me kisses along my stomach as well.  However that’s when I heard the rustle of some bushes. Oh shit!
“Penelope. Penelope stop. Stop! Shhh shh!” she came over to me and I immediately put myself in front of her.  That’s when three big guys stood over us and a big black man said.
“Well look what we’ve got here boys.” His two goons laughed.  I buttoned my blouse back up and told them.
“Look. We don’t want any trouble here. We were just leaving. If you let us go now, we won’t press any charges against you.”
“Nah see we can’t let that happen. Especially not after what we just saw.” Oh god everytime.
“I know you have a say to say your opinion but you can’t stop two people from falling in love. Would it be any different if either of us were a guy and you came in and saw us making out?”
“Actually it’s a huge difference. See the world we live in, it’s always been one way. Men and women. Nothing more and nothing less. Sure you could cheat or have a threesome but—to see pieces of shit like you doing the stuff that you do……it’s not right. Not right by us and not right by what’s in the word of God.”
“I understand that. Believe me I’ve got a friend who—basically grew up with religion. But does it also not say in the New Testament that God and Jesus loves everyone. No matter what race, gender or sexuality.”
“That’s cute princess, but you’re wrong. All of you are wrong.” With a snap of his fingers his two good came after us.  I grabbed Penelope and we ran towards my bike.  Before I got on it, Penelope pulled me away and said.
“No time this way!” she and I ran down the street with the two men gaining right up on us until she turned us into an alleyway.  We threw down trashcans, boxes, old crates, anything to slow them down until we came to the other side of the alleyway.  “The warehouse come on!”
We ran towards the warehouse and she closed the door before locking it up.  We both collapsed to the ground panting heavily.  I cupped her face and asked her if she was okay. She nodded and I quickly took out my phone to call Matt.
I knew I shouldn’t disrupt their celebration but tonight Daredevil needed to make his appearance (yeah I’ve known about his vigilante acts for a while now. Even before Foggy knew).
“Who are you calling?”
“A friend. Don’t worry he’ll come and help us.”
“Oh I wouldn’t think so sweetheart.” A voice spoke up.  Soon coming out from various spots were more goons.  Most were men but there were some women and they all wore black biker jackets but what sickened me was the emblem on their breast pockets.  It showed the LGBTQ flag however it showed a black line across it like the DO NOT ENTER sign.
Oh god. This is a hate crime gang.  I turned and saw one of the women hand Penelope the very same Jacket and she put it on with dignity and pride as she glared at me.
“Penelope?” I asked bewildered.
“It’s Rita to you bitch. God for a lawyer you really are incredibly stupid. How could you not see it before?” I looked around to see some of the men take out baseball bats and the ladies stroking their knuckles as I saw the gleam of brass.
My heart sunk as I saw the gang starting to circle around me like wolves to a meal.
*Matt’s POV*
I took a shot of my whiskey, god it really was dry not the best but it’s Josie’s so what can you do.
“How do you think (Y/n)’s date is going?” Karen asked as I heard her take a shot at the pool table.
“If I know that girl, she and her lady lover are probably getting it on right about now.” Foggy said.  I rolled my eyes and that’s when my phone recording spoke (Y/n)’s name.
“Speak of the devil.” I said.  I took my phone out and answered it. “(Y/n)?”
‘God for a lawyer you really are incredibly stupid. How could you not see it before?!’ a voice spoke in the background.  I could hear no other voice except for the sounds of aluminum bats being played with. Oh god no!
“I have to go!” I said as I hung up my phone.
“What is it Matt is something wrong?” Foggy asked.
“Is (Y/n) okay?” Karen asked urgently.
“I think she’s in trouble.” I said.  I heard their hearts spike in fear.
“Wait what are you going to do?” Karen asked.
“I’m going to find her.”
“Matt let us come with you!” Foggy demanded.
“No Foggy. I—I will handle this. But call Mahoney and say it’s a penal code 485!” I trudged my way out of Josie’s bar and immediately raced to my apartment.
*My POV*
My body was numb and in so much pain.  I don’t know how long they tortured me.  Each of them took a turn to either beat or kick the living shit out of me.  I was dragged before shoved into a wall of crates. Pen—Rita I should say knelt down in front of me, a snide smirk spread across her face.
“Aww why so glum mi vida? Don’t you have anything to say to me?” I remained stoic as I stared her down.  I didn’t want to give her the satisfaction of getting any rise from me.  It was then I felt her slap me across the face, her nails scratching my cheek as I fell to the ground.
“Finish her off.” I heard her say.  A big fat guy came in with the aluminum bat, readying it to strike me with as many fatal blows to the head as possible to finally finish me off.
However that strike never came down upon me, in fact no more pain did.  I could hear the sounds of a fight going off, men grunting and women screaming as they fled into the darkness.  I could hear the men screaming in pain as the sound of their bones cracked before being silenced.  Soon all went still and quiet.
“Oh Jesus. Oh no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no (Y/n)? (Y/n) please tell me you can hear me!” I was very gently picked up and I looked up to see Matt in his Daredevil attire. Red suit and all.
“Matt?” I croaked out.
“I’m here I’m here. I’m gonna get you out of here (Y/n). I have you. It’s okay. I’m gonna pick you up now okay?”
“It hurts……it hurts Matty!”
“Shhhh, I know. I know. I’ll try to be gentle okay? Ready?” I gave a brief nod and he softly counted backwards from three before lifting me up.  The pain in my leg screamed at me as it merely just hung there limp.
“GAHH!!!” I exclaimed.
“Shh, I know. I know I can feel it. I won’t hold you up for long I promise. Just keep your eyes on me okay? Can you do that for me?” it hurt to nod so I just let out a soft groan. “I’ll take that as a yes.” He walked me out of that hell house and I felt my vision going dark.
“Matt……I—I can’t…..” I whispered.
“No, no, no. no, no! Don’t you give up on me (Y/n). Don’t you dare give in. Not now help’s on the way just hang on! I promise. Here look at me. Who did this to you? Can you tell me who did this to you? Do you remember a name? A symbol? Anything.”
“Penelope…..Penelope.” I whispered.
“Penelope? Wait you don’t mean your Penelope?”
“Hate group……Catfishing…..tricked me.” Soon I passed out.  Matt’s voice becoming only a blur, even his screams soon fell faint to my ears.
Next thing I knew I woke up in the hospital surrounded by flowers, my favorite candies and balloons. And one stuffed animal at the foot of my bed, a stuffed (f/a) holding a Valentine’s day heart to its chest.
“You’re awake.” Matt’s voice spoke up.  I slowly turned but it hurt to move my body.  “Try not to move. Your body is in serious pain. 10 broken ribs, dislocated pelvis, broken leg, shattered collarbone, and bruises on your bruises.”
“Wh—what happened?”
“You managed to call me and I heard you getting ganged up on. You told me that Penelope tricked you into the clutches of an Anti-LGBTQ gang’s warehouse. I-I thought……” he sighed heavily.  I slowly reached out and took his hand.
“I’m alive because of you.” I told him.  “If anything I should be the one apologizing.” The guilt finally sunk in.
Honestly how could I be so naïve? The second she pulled me into the park without a second thought, how did I not see it?
“No.” he firmly said as he gently gave my hand a comforting squeeze. “Don’t do that to yourself. You’re not to blame here.”
“Did you get them all?”
“Unfortunately not. Most of them yes but some escaped before I had the chance to get to them. Including Penelope.”
“Rita. Her real name is Rita.” I sneered lowly.  The door opened and in came Mahoney along with a couple detectives.
“Ms. (L/n). My name’s Detective Taylor, this is my partner Detective Deacon. We’d like to ask you some questions about the gang that attacked you.” An older man around his early 40’s spoke.  He had shirt tuff of dark hair and green eyes while his partner had slightly longer brown hair and blue eyes.
“Can’t this wait until tomorrow?” Matt snapped.
“Murdock you know they can’t.” Mahoney said.
“She just woke up from being unconscious for a full 24hrs!”
“Murdock.” I croaked. I groaned as I tried to adjust myself up.  Matt reached out to help me but I stopped him.  “This is my case. Not yours. Now please leave so I can give my statement to these detectives.” Through his glasses I knew his blind eyes were staring straight at me in rage.
I gave his hand another firm squeeze and I finally saw his body release his tension.
“Very well Ms. (L/n).” with that he left along with Mahoney and Detective Deacon took out his pen and pad and said to me.
“As best as you can remember, tell us everything that happened.”
For the next several weeks the cops and Matt tracked down the remaining members of the LGBTQ-CATFISHERS.  A group of Anti-LGBTQ supporters that make fake dating profiles to lure in any local members of LGBTQ, gain their trust and affection before luring them to their warehouse where they could proceed to as they put it:
“Put the Wrath of God into them and Beat them Straight.”
And when the day of my trail came—oh man it was not a pretty sight.  Of course Foggy and Matt tried to ensure that Nelson, (L/n) and Murdock were the ones to take this all the way to court however since they were my partners in the law firm, the judge saw that it would be too unbiased of them to represent me.
So we went with the next best thing from a mutual firm over at Hogarth’s.  All members went for a not guilty plea (what else) and going up on the stand to stare them all, especially Rita in the eye as I retold the events of what happened to me.
When the verdict came in for all members being tried as GUILTY, Matt, Foggy and Karen embraced me as all members of the gang were given Life without parole.  All of them were in shock that they were given such a sentence for something they believed was not even worth going to trial for. To which the judge told them.
“It’s a new millennium. Maybe you should have a look at a calendar.”
Five months after the trial and life was slowly going back to normal.  At least I could finally walk without a cast anymore, however mentally I wasn’t all the way there at times.
Obviously there was the nightmares.  It even got so bad at one point, Matt actually came in during his nightly patrols and asked me to move in with him.  To which I agreed with and I’ve been living with him ever since.
“(Y/n)? (Y/n)? (Y/n)!” I snapped out of my daze and saw Foggy outside my office.  “We’re closing up.”
“Oh. Right. Th-thanks Foggy.” I packed up my stuff and felt my left leg go stiff.  Even though I was out of the cast, I could still feel the pain of feeling it break from the baseball bat that cracked it.
“You okay?” Foggy asked me.  I remained silent as I slowly sat back down on my chair.  My chest starting to tighten up as tears built up in my eyes.
“I’m sorry.” I choked out before a sob came out of my mouth.  “I’m so sorry!” Foggy came up to me and embraced me as he said.
“Hey, hey, hey it’s alright. You’ve got nothing to apologize for (Y/n).” he assured me as his hand stroked down my hair and I sobbed into shoulder gripping his suit jacket tightly in my hands.
“Why me? Why did they target me?! I can’t help who I fall in love with or who I’m attracted to why can’t people just accept that and leave me alone? Why try to make me straight? It’s like my family all over again!” I ranted through my sobs.
“People suck. Even in a new age where people can come out openly unlike back in them olden days, some people are still stuck in the prehistoric times.” I chuckled at Foggy’s comparison. “Just know this (Y/n), you can’t let those people get inside your head. Like you said you can’t help who you choose to fall in love with. Men, women, both. Whether you love them but don’t want the sex or whatever it is that you kids are coming up with nowadays.”
God you can always count on Foggy to cheer you up.
“All I care about is that you are a kick-ass lesbian lawyer who redefined the world for young girls like you who think that just because they choose a certain sexuality or gender, they still have a shot of being whatever they want to be.”
“That’s true.” Matt’s voice spoke up.  We looked up and saw him leaning against my doorframe with his cane in his hands.  I sniffled and wiped my tears with my sleeve. That’s when Foggy picked up my box of tissues and held it out for me.  I nodded to him in thanks as I grabbed a tissue and dried my eyes as well as wiping my nose.
“What would I do without you guys?” I asked.
“Still a kickass lawyer that could’ve played for the other team instead of being here with us as DA’s.” Foggy replied.
“If she had Fog then we’d really be screwed. I seem to recall the time she swiped the floor with you at a mock trail back at college.” Matt teased which made me laugh.
“I know. Damn girl I still can’t begin how you did it that day. Recovering from that sorority party and coming to our dorm totally wasted and yet was still able to talk circles around me.”
“Advil?” I shrugged.
“Hey, why don’t we just go out? Tonight like the old days.” Foggy suggested.
“Uhh Fog I don’t know if—”
“I can take a night off.” Matt spoke up.  I looked at him wide eyed and mouth slightly gaped as did Foggy.
“Really? I’ve been trying to get you to come out with me for years since you became Daredevil and you say no everytime. But she gets hurt and you immediately drop the vigilante act for one night.”
“Guess you need to be cuter.” Matt said with a shrug.
“You twisted, blind-eyed son of a bitch.”
“You sure Matt? I know what it means to you and I…..”
“It’s fine (Y/n). Things have been quiet these past couple nights. Plus I could use a night off every once in a while that doesn’t have to involve a victory in court.”
“AWESOME! And I think I know just the place we can go to.” Foggy said.  We all got up and walked together to the heart of Hell’s Kitchen where the best place I knew we would have a good time.
Madame La Rue’s.
The best party bar in all of Hell’s Kitchen.  Anytime someone wants to party or to unwind everyone is welcome.  It’s also a safe haven for those of the LGBTQ community because well—
“As I live and breathe the famous lawyers of Nelson, (L/n) and Murdock have returned to our humble abode.” A black female transgender spoke as her hands were firmly placed on her hips. She wore her usual sparkling blue suit and overpriced pumps.  Her wig was curled to the max and stood up high like a lion’s mane.
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Each step she took toward us was with pride and dignity, like the Queen she was.
“Hey Mama Maura Lee.” I greeted her.  She stood in front of me, her form towering over me by a foot and she told me.
“You better give me the biggest goddamn hug for worrying me like that little miss.” I smiled and came up to her and we both embraced each other.
Back in my old state of (h/s), when I was 15 and came out to my parents as a lesbian.  My mother just about had a heart attack and my dad well—he couldn’t even look me in the eye and would give me the silent treatment.  Mom then tried to talk me out of it that my sexuality was just a ‘teenage phase’ I was going through and would try to set me up with some of her friend’s sons. For two years I was living in an absolute hell but I tried to push on and graduate high school as my class’s school Valedictorian.  Within an hour I packed my bags and just drove all the way up here to New York City.
However with hardly any cash and no plan I was practically living in my car.  One summer night, Maura found me sleeping on a bus bench (I had just sold my car to a dealer for some more money but not enough to pay one month’s rent) and she took me to her place for a shower and warm food. We got to know each other that night and she said she’d be willing to allow me to stay in her place till I got on my feet with a plan.
After getting a job I told her that I wanted to go to college and study law.  She then offered me a deal, if I helped around her club, she would be willing to pay my scholarship to get into Columbia University.  At first I tried to reject her offer since she had done so much for me but she refused to take no for an answer.
She told me she saw me as her own daughter and if she could have a hand in helping to make the world a better place, she didn’t care how much it would cost.  And the rest is history.
“How are you feeling dear?” she asked me as we separated from our embrace.
“More or less. Definitely staying away from dating and focusing more on work and of course these two knuckle heads.” I gestured to Matt and Foggy.
“Mm-hmm lord knows these two boys would be lost without you sweetie.” Maura said.
“Hey Mama Maura.” Foggy and Matt greeted her with a wave.
“I swear you both are getting handsomer everytime I see you.”
“Mama!” I exclaimed at her.
“Oh honey can’t a woman have her fun?” she said with a wink.
“Always a pleasure to be flirted by a Queen like you Mama Maura.” Matt said.
“Oh Matthew darling you are a charmer. All the ladies must be falling at your feet everytime you flash them that dazzling smile of yours.” Mama Maura said.
“He’s always had that problem when it came to finding beautiful women. And as always I’ve gotta suffer from it.” Foggy said.
“Now, now don’t get disgruntled Foggy dear. The right girl is out there somewhere for you. Heaven knows we need more gentlemen like you in the world.”
“Thanks Mama.”
“So kiddies, the usual booth?”
“Actually can we get a table?” I asked her.
“Sure thing dear. Follow me.” She led us through the crowd and down the steps that led to the dining area/dance floor.  And right up against the back was a large wide stage.  Dancers and performers were up on stage and some people were already getting their groove on the dancefloor.  “Here we are my fine kittens of the Law.”
Foggy pulled out my chair and I thanked him and I pulled out Matt’s chair as Mama Maura helped Matt sit down.
“Specials tonight are vodka martinis and Mojitos and a new deal we’ve got going on every Wed. is get two cocktail get the other at half price.”
“Think we’ll go with the Cocktails.” Foggy said.
“Coming right up Foggy bear.” She said to him with a wink before walking off.
“I can’t believe you wanted to come here.” I said.
“Why not? You used to work here after all, plus, and no offense to Josie’s, Maura lets us drink for free.”
“When she feels like it Fog.” Matt told him.
“I remember when you first brought us here. Man did we crash karaoke night or what.” Foggy said reminiscing back during our college days together when I first brought them here not only to relax after finals but also to come out to them.
“I barely remember anything from that night. I’m still racking my brain trying to wonder just how you ended up in the room with Suzie and Matt and I ended up with glitter and doodles of dicks on our faces.” I said.
“That was definitely a wild night. Even for me.” Matt said.  Maura came back with our drinks and we thanked her and she said.
“You’re welcome anything for my three favorite kittens. I swear it’s like I’ll need to file a lawsuit just to get you three to come over here.”
“We’ll try better Mama Maura. Cases have just been piling up on us.” Matt told her.
“I know Matt I’m just pulling your leg. The world—is a cruel, cruel place. It needs people like you to help make it seem not as dark or lost. Especially to the folks here.”
“We try our best Mama.” Foggy said.
“I know you do Foggy. I know all three of you do. And I couldn’t be prouder of how much you three have grown into your own firm. If you need anything else, call me over.” She walked off and we bid her goodbye for now.
“Well, here’s to—” Foggy said as he picked up his cocktail.
“Making the world a better place.” I said raising my glass.  Matt picked up his and we cling our glasses together before taking a sip of our drinks.
As the night went on we kept talking about stories of the past and trying to forget the weight of our jobs for once.
“I just remember feeling so afraid of revealing well—you know to you guys. Especially Matt.” I said.
“Gurl please. Matt would rather get his ass whooped tenfold and be standing on death’s door than give you up. Even if he had, you know I’ve got your back and would’ve beat his ass to apologize to you if he acted like a jerk-ass to yah.” Foggy said as he downed the last of his 4th cocktail.
I turned around but was horrified to see that Matt was gone.  His jacket still hanging over his chair and his drink abandoned.
“Foggy. Foggy did you see where Matt went?” I asked urgently.
“Probably to take a leak? I don’t know.” I looked around and could see the place getting a little too crowded.  Now I knew Matt could take care of himself but I also know that he could’ve had a sensory overload with all this noise in an enclosed space.  I feared he might’ve had a panic attack or got lost in the crowd.
“Excuse me could I have everyone’s attention please?” oh my god…..my attention turned to the stage and there stood Matt Murdock with a microphone in his hand and his cane resting in his other.  The crowd and music got quiet as he continued, “I know I don’t come here much, and I’m….not much of a singer but this is a song I’d like to dedicate to a good friend—wait scratch that. To the best goddamn little sister in the world, (Y/n) (L/n) ladies and gentlemen.”
A spotlight shined down on me and the crowd cheered for me.  I looked up at Matt who was just staring in my general direction with that famous Matt Murdock smile of his that made women weak in the knees, but to me it brought comfort and a brotherly love.
A song soon started up and Matt first spoke into the microphone.  Oh my god no he did not.  He knows this is my favorite song in the whole wide world and not just because it’s Kelly Clarkson.
After speaking the introduction, he began singing.  I stared up at him lovingly as I placed my hand over my heart at his sweet gesture.  He extended his hand out for me to take and come up there and join him.  I turned to Foggy and he gave me a smile and nodded telling me to go.
We come into this world unknown But know that we are not alone They try and knock us down But change is coming, it's our time now
Hey, everybody loses it Everybody wants to throw it all away sometimes And hey, yeah I know what you're going through Don't let it get the best of you, you'll make it out alive
I stood up and the audience cheered for me as I walked up on stage.  I took Matt’s hand and he pulled me up on stage we stood face to face his forehead leaning down until it rested against mine.
Like two cats nuzzling each other, he nuzzled his face against mine the tip of his nose occasionally grazing my forehead and I would nuzzle him back.  At the ‘keep your head up’ I felt his fingers lift my chin up which made me smile.  Our hands now joined with each other’s as we both took hold of the single microphone.
When the chorus kicked up, Matt and I stood shoulder to shoulder leaning over the mic as we sung proudly as we both found ourself bopping to the rhythm of the karaoke version of the song.  We then walked towards opposite sides of the stage as Minnie, the drag queen DJ, handed me an extra microphone.
Oh, people like us we've gotta stick together Keep your head up, nothing lasts forever Here's to the damned to the lost and forgotten It's hard to get high when you're living on the bottom
Oh, woah-oh-oh, woah-oh We are all misfits living in a world on fire Oh, woah-oh-oh, woah-oh Sing it for the people like us, the people like us
The crowd cheered for me as I stripped out of my overcoat and let my hair down fully from my bun. I walked across the stage over to Matt and quickly undid his tie which made some of the audience members go crazy. I looked over to our table and jogged over to Foggy wrapping Matt’s tie around him and pulled him to the stage.
As Foggy and I came on stage, Minnie gave Foggy his own mic and we all sung the bridge together standing side by side with my in the middle, Matt to my right and Foggy on my left.
Once again when the chorus came on, the lights flashed and this time the backup dancers in their flashy feather costumes came up behind us and danced while the three of us continued to sing.  Foggy and I jumping up and down before I went over to Matt and he would hold a hand out for me and everytime I took his hand he’d give me a spin.
Hey, this is not a funeral It's a revolution, after all
Your tears have turned to rage Just wait,
Everything will be okay Even when you're feeling like
It's going down in flames
People like us we've gotta stick together Keep your head up nothing lasts forever Here's to the damned, to the lost and forgotten It's hard to get high when you're living on the bottom
Oh, woah-oh-oh, woah-oh We are all misfits living in a world on fire Oh, woah-oh-oh, woah-oh Sing it for the people like us, the people like us
Oh, woah-oh-oh, woah-oh You've just gotta turn it up loud
When the flames get higher Oh, woah-oh-oh, woah-oh Sing it for the people like us,
The people like us
Everyone was now on their feet and even singing along to the song for this really was a theme song for all those who felt like outcasts by some society’s standards.  I stood on stage right while Matt and Foggy took stage left and at the last note of the bridge I sung that note with a proud and strong belt holding it out for a few seconds before panting softly and turning to the guys.
They can't do nothing to you,
They can't do nothing to me This is the life that we choose,
This is the life that we bleed So throw your fists in the air,
Come out, come out if you dare Tonight we're gonna change forever
I sung the next line while my boys sung in a duet, the two of them staring at me with proud smiles. As we sung the bridge one last time we came to one another with Foggy circling around Matt so that he was facing the audience.
Matt lifted his hand into a fist at the word ‘damned’, Foggy held his fist which brushed against Matt’s knuckles at the word ‘lost’ and I followed with ‘forgotten’.  We posed there for a second before we raised our fists in the air punching toward the ceiling.
Confetti came raining down from the rooftops and the lights continued to flash as the three of us continued to sing up until the end.  The crowd singing along loud and proud.
Everybody loses it *Matt and Foggy*
Everybody wants to throw it all away sometimes
Oh, people like us we've gotta stick together Keep your head up nothing lasts forever Here's to the damned, to the lost and forgotten It's hard to get high when you're living on the bottom
Oh, woah-oh-oh, woah-oh We are all misfits living in a world on fire Oh, woah-oh-oh, woah-oh Sing it for the people like us,
The people like us
Oh, woah-oh-oh, woah-oh You've just got to turn it up loud
When the flames get higher Oh, woah-oh-oh, woah-oh Sing it for the people like us,
The people like us
Oh, woah-oh-oh, woah-oh We're all misfits living in a world on fire Oh, woah-oh-oh, woah-oh Sing it for the people like us,
The people like us
Oh, woah-oh-oh, woah-oh You've just got to turn it up loud
When the flames get higher Oh, woah-oh-oh, woah-oh Sing it for the people like us,
The people like us
The crowd went crazy as they cheered for the three of us.  I stood between my two best friends and embraced them tightly as we joined in on the cheering.
We now sat at the bar having a beer and I said after I took a swig of my beer.
“I have not had that much fun in years.”
“And you deserve to have fun! You just had to let it out. LET IT OUT!!” Foggy slurred as he got a little too close to my bubble.  God Foggy was already steering off the path of sober street and entering shitfaced lane.
“Alright easy there champ.” Matt said as he pulled Foggy off of me and put him back onto his stool.
“In all seriousness guys, thank you. Tonight was—a start.”
“Anything is better than nothing.” Matt said as he held his beer up and I clanged mine softly against his.  
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i-am-bored · 2 years
Master List of Gay Cartoons
In honor of Pride month (and to help those who are suffering since Amphibia ended and The Owl House is on Hiatus), I decided to make a list of gay cartoons. Mainly because I realized younger members of fandoms might not be aware that these shows exist. Enjoy :)
The Legend of Korra (2012-2014)
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 4 Seasons
This is the show that started it all. Korra and Asami were the first canon gay couple in a kids cartoon. They became canon before gay marriage was even legal. Not much of their relationship is shown onscreen, but they paved the way for all that followed.
The show itself is great, especially seasons 3 and 4. Korra in particular has a great character arc, and like Avatar before it, it continues to have great worldbuilding and an epic magic system. It’s funny, it’s heartfelt, and the fight scenes are super cool. 
Adventure Time (2010-2018)
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10 Seasons
I’ve never seen this show, but I have seen clips of Princess Bubblegum and Marceline and they are amazing.
All I know about this show is that it’s in a post apocalyptic universe, the vampire writes awesome songs, and it’s gay. After ten seasons. (Which by the way shout out to the fans who shipped Bubbline since the beginning your strength of will is incredible)
Gravity Falls (2012-2014)
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2 Seasons
This show is incredible. It’s funny, has a really fun animation style, cool creatures, and it’s the parent show to Owl House and Amphibia. The characters are great, the mysteries and codes will keep you guessing, and the villain is a triangle in a top hat. There’s two gay minor side characters and a main character (Wendy) was confirmed Bi offscreen. 
Also, this show is a part of Disney’s pride collection, which is odd considering when it aired Disney was constantly censoring any of Alex Hirsch’s attempts at LGBTQ rep.
Steven Universe (2013-2020)
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5 Seasons, 1 movie, 1 sequel season 
Both over-hyped and over-hated this show seriously did so much for gay representation. So many modern cartoons wouldn’t be able to exist without it. Practically every character is gay in some way. You’ve got a lesbian wedding, an ace character, multiple non-binary characters, and a main character who doesn’t give a shit about gender stereotypes. 
It’s got lots of found family, gay pining, cool fight scenes, and amazing original songs. (Peace and Love on the Planet Earth is a bop) The characters and their relationships with each other are really complex. Season 1 is mostly fun filler episodes but after that, things start getting Intense. 
Star Vs. the Forces of Evil (2015-2019)
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4 Seasons
I also haven’t seen this show. All I know is that there are gay characters, and the show is semi-well liked, and the girl is considered a war criminal for some reason?  
Voltron Legendary Defender
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8 Seasons
I never finished this show, but what I watched was pretty good. There’s space, giant robots, and Pidge. One of the main characters is gay. (I also watched it after its prime and didn’t interact with the fandom, so I don’t really know what happened all I know is Shit Went Down.) 
Ducktales (2017-2020)
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3 Seasons
Like Gravity Falls, this show doesn’t have much in the way of on-screen rep (two background characters and one character confirmed offscreen), but it’s a great show nonetheless. Also, Webby and Lena, although not canon, raise the gayness level by a heck of a lot.  
It’s basically about a bunch of ducks going on adventures as a family. Its full of moments that will make you laugh, has a cool comic-style or animation, and gets surprisingly serious at times. It also has David Tennant as a Scottish duck and Catherine Tate as his nemesis. 
She Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018-2020)
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5 Seasons
Everyone in this show is gay. I’m not kidding. The main characters are lesbians. The other main characters are Bi. Pretty sure the only straight one is the main villain. It also has the classic Childhood Friends to Enemies to Lovers. 
As for the actual show, imagine a bunch of sparkly princesses, now add Star Wars, an evil cult, and then make it gay. That’s the show. There’s swordfights, robots, a character named Glimmer who likes blowing things up, a talking horse, Adora who is way too relatable, some war crimes, Catra who can never have a good day, Best Boy Bow, and they save the day with the power of love. It has everything you could want honestly. 
The Dragon Prince (2018- Present)
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3 Seasons (with more on the way)
Most of the gay characters in this show are side characters, but they’re all amazing. You got the lesbian moms, the gay dads, the twink elf with glasses, and a badass general who’s probably gonna end up with this fire elf girl. 
The first three seasons are great and the next one is hopefully coming out soon (It’s been a three-year hiatus. End me). It’s made by some of the same people who made Avatar. There’s a classic element based magic system, the animation is beautiful, and there’s dragons. The main couple is great and one of the main characters is voiced by Sokka. 
Amphibia (2019-2022)
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3 Seasons
Most of the rep in this show is minor characters, but in the finale one of the main characters was confirmed Bi and two side characters got together. 
This show has fun fantasy adventures with epic season finales. The worldbuilding is well done, the voice acting (especially Hop Pop) is excellent, and it never fails to make me laugh. There’s found family, childhood friends to enemies, and a whole lot of character growth throughout the show. Warning: this looks like a goofy frog show. You will cry. Many times.
this is also part of Disney’s pride collection which just proves that Sashannarcy is canon
Kipo and the Age of the Wonderbeasts (2020)
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3 Seasons
This show is seriously underrated. One of the main characters (Benson) is gay with another gay side character and a non-binary background character. 
It takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where giant mutant animals have pretty much taken over. The soundtrack is awesome, the characters are fun, and the villains are really well written. It’s just all around a fun time. 
The Owl House (2020-present)
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2 Seasons (shortened 3rd season upcoming)
This show man. 
You have a bi main character dating a lesbian (the word girlfriend is used several times onscreen), and several other characters who are gay including a non-binary character and an Aro-Ace character. 
It’s a fantasy show with a cool magic system. The animation (especially in some of the fight scenes) is incredible, the found family will warm your heart, the season finales will tear it out, and it’s just all around a great show. It will have you laughing one minute and sobbing the next. The characters are also well-written and complex. Especially in season 2, everyone gets their time to shine. 
This show is also like half of Disney’s pride collection Which is odd when you consider the fact that it was cut short for “not fitting the Disney brand” but it’s fine. I’m not bitter. 
Arcane (2021-present)
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1 Season (so far)
I can’t praise this show enough. It genuinely is one of the greatest shows I’ve ever seen. It’s Greek Tragedy but done with stunning animation and a steampunk vibe. The writing and music are excellent, and every character feels so real. Also, lesbians. 
(Side note: Unlike the other shows on this list, this is not a kids show, and it’s definitely not a happy show. If you’re bothered by blood or people being brutally killed, then don’t watch it.) 
Honorable Mentions
Teen Titans (2003-2006)
This show doesn’t have any gay characters, but its a great show, and definitely caused some people’s gay awakenings
Avatar the Last Airbender (2005-2008)
The show isn’t gay but the it’s sequel is and it also just one of the best cartoons I’ve ever seen.
RWBY (2013-present)
The only reason this didn’t make the list is because I’m not sure if it counts as a Cartoon or an Anime. One of the main characters is canonically Bi, there’s a few gay side characters, and they are hinting at a gay relationship soon, but whether or not it will happen is still up in the air. 
That’s about everything I could think of. If I missed anything please let me know so I can add it to the list (and watch it. I am out of gay cartoons to watch. help.) So yeah, enjoy and happy pride!
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scorpius-major · 3 years
-𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞!
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Pride parade headcannons with the girls of Teyvat!
Liyue edition!
Warnings: wlw, pride, fem! reader implied but still mostly gender neutral, gay and even more gay,
Characters included: Ganyu, Beidou, Ningguang, and Hu Tao
These are hella cheesy lmao. Also kinda just turned into normal headcannons of the girls at the end
Happy pride month everyone! Here are some simple headcannons honoring our lovely Liyue girls!
Ganyu took a lot of convincing to take off work
You persuaded her by saying it would be nice to take just a day for the two of you
She helps with your makeup to get you ready for the parade
As sort of the mom friend, Ganyu brings snacks, water, and all sorts of supplies in case something goes wrong
Buys you matching shirts specifically for the parade
Ngl she’s really good at arguing with the homophobes
You two got manicures before going out
Everyone at the Qixing was really supportive of you two coming out
After a day at the parade, you and Ganyu went out to eat and then went home
At home you two cuddles for the rest of the night
Laying in your bed with Ganyu, you feel her shift over a bit. Rolling over, you see Ganyu nuzzled into your side clinging to your arm. Wrapping your arms around her you pet her hair and smile. “I love you Ganyu”
Legit curb stomps homophobes without hesitation
Takes you out to drink after the parade
Celebrating pride with the Crux
High chances you’re in a poly with Ningguang
Gives off the intimidating vibe but is really a sweetheart
100% definitely a more masculine lesbian
Always takes care of you when you’re drunk or hungover
Lowkey very protective
Teaches you self defense for the parade in case it gets too crowded or some homophobes show up
Y’all have matching pride bracelets
After a day at the pride parade, you and your lovely girlfriend Beidou were having a nice relaxing evening at Thrid Round Knockout. She turned over and placed a drink next you. “Here, happy pride babe”
Spoils you all the way
Sugar mommy vibes
Would probably throw you a private pride celebration at the Jade Chamber
The most calm when dealing with homophobes
Until they disrespect you, then she’s threatening to buy and sell them
Thrives on pda
Ningguang will go out of her way to be extra affectionate in public
From snaking her arm around your waist to simply holding hands
You know the tattoo she has on her leg? Yeah you have one too
Wouldn’t get too drunk, but would have a glass of champagne or two with you
Helps you do your makeup
Overall treats you like royalty
“Ning, you don’t have to threaten every homophobe we see” Your girlfriend turns to you and chuckles, interlacing your fingers. “But then how would they learn their lesson, my darling?”
Hu Tao
Chaotic pansexual vibes
Pranks the hell out of homophobes
Also gives them a discount on coffins because she claims they’ll be sent to an early grave if they don’t stop messing with you two
Zhongli claims your girlfriend is “a menace to society”
Her little ghost loves you
It’ll always cuddle and snuggle up to you whenever you’re with Hu Tao
She teaches you her hilichurl song and dance if you haven’t memorized it already
Most of the time if not, you are always subject to her pranks no matter what
That or you help her prank Zhongli
It normally ends in Hu Tao duck taped to the wall
The type to decorate and paint the entirety of Wangsheng Funeral Parlor in rainbows
“I’m only showing our pride, what’s the problem?”
You were currently chasing around your beloved girlfriend Hu Tao, because she keeps offering people free discounts for their funerals. “S/O don’t worry! It’s fine, they were being homophobic anyway!”
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stonebutchcowboy · 4 years
Faggot Butch
“I hated that essay, “ he says to me, “about femmes who care for you when you travel; I really hated it.” And when I ask why  he tells me that he thinks it sounds like all butches should be soothed by femmes, and vica versa; he says, “Why would those femmes have assumed that you were a butch who liked femme?” He says, “Maybe you’re a faggot butch, did they even consider that?” He says, “I know you’re not just for femmes.”
That’s what he says, but I know what he’s thinking. And even though I know how dangerous it is to assume I know what someone is thinking, I know this butch maybe as well as I know myself, and he’s thinking, “Fuck you, for having it easy even in being queer. Fuck you for going along on your happy little way to San Francisco and finding a bunch of femmes who see you as a big stud-duck butch and just want to pour themselves through your fingers. It’s just as hard to be a faggot butch as it is to be any kind of fag.” 
There’s all that masculinity to consider when you want to rub up against someone, like that old joke about porcupines:
 How do porcupines mate? 
Very carefully 
He’s saying, “ I want to show up at brunch someplace and assume that anyone who I want to flirt with will want to flirt back, and will do it, will want to, without fear of recrimination from hir community. I want you to put something in that book of yours for me. I am a butch whose identity, sexual or otherwise, has nothing to do with femmes. They are not my natural partners in this gender crime the way they are yours.I wake up and sleep in the arms of butches like me, butches who understand the whole host of things about my life, my world, the way I see things, the way things affect me that no one else could understand. Write about us. Write about that we have sweet hot sex in which no one has to put on a pair of panties, or take them off; write about how good it feels when ze fucks me hard, so hard. Write about ho it feels to fall asleep with the weight of a butch on you, tattooed arm and one furry leg pinning you down and grounding you in your sleep. 
“Write about all the ways in which butches are for each other, comfort each other. Write about how we understand all the shit that comes in the world for our partners and salve it as best we can, about how I have all the more respect for hir because of all I know it takes to survive as a butch. 
“Write about how, as soon as butches were no longer the scourge of dykedom for aping masculinity, or whatever that baloney was, it became faggot butches who were scorned and derided. Everyone understands butch/femme because it seems familiar, like Ozzie and Harriet but with better hair and more pussy. Everyone understands femme on femme, even though you don’t see it often because it doesn’t read queer, you know, but it’s in the first images of ‘lesbian love’ most of us see, in porn or on television. Two long haired pretty girls smooching in a daring fashion wherever they happen to be. No one’s threatened by that, not the dykes, not the men, nobody, but if I want to kiss my butch anywhere, I’d be damned sure of my audience, or better yet, better be sure we don’t have one.
“I can be a butch without opening doors for girls,” He’s saying. “I can do it even if I follow while dancing, I can do it without spending mu Saturday afternoons as a femmes shopping bottom at the mall and I do. I am. I am honorable, I take good care of the people I love, as well as I possibly can; I watch out for my community. I have a butch heart full of love that I can express when I feel safe enough; I walk in the world resisting gender norms and transgressing gender rules, transcending them. I am fixing whatever I can, whenever I can, and I laugh, and play, and let the spaces in my masculinity show, just like you, just like every butch. I get all slicked up in a suit and tie and I pick up my date, also in a suit and tie, and we just open the door if we get to it first and we take turns paying, and it doesn’t make me less butch. It doesn’t make me less anything. It doesn’t mean that I don’t think femmes are swell, I surely do, but they are not my salvation when I travel, they are not the North of my heart’s compass. That’s butches for me, and I will always go a little weak when I see someone scared and hardened and delighted and ashamed and proud -- proud like me. 
“You’re writing a book? Of course, I’m glad, but don’t chicken out. Don’t write a book that speaks so many volumes about your adoration for femmes that it leaves out the ways in which I know you cherish butches too. Yes, not the same was as you cherish femmes, entirely differently, butches and femmes are different creatures, sure, but I don’t just mean how glad you are and will always be to have butch brothers, a butch tribe. I mean, make sure you don’t forget to mention that you put butches on their knees in front of you from and enjoy them, that you kneel down too, that you sit sometimes stunned by how much you want to lick a buzz cut or a hot tattoo, that you know what a great grace it is to fall asleep next to a butch’s heart nad muscle and skin and ink and fur, that you understand how wonderful it can be to feel butch arms around you. Make sure you mention me, make sure you give me and my lovers and my life the same benefit of some of your words, make sure you don’t write another book that leaves us on the cutting-room floor. Give us a place on the landscape, help us become visible. Say this: Say that when butches love butches they hold lightning between them, that it burns as much as it illuminates. That it’s the sweetest burn I’ve ever known in my life of searing pain, that keeps me from feeling the flames of the world’s hate licking the soles of my boots, that I hold it in my heart and it fuels me every day. Say that it shows me things I could never see in any other way, that without it I would grow cold and die. Say there is nothing else I’d rather be.”
- S. Bear Bergman, Faggot Butch, Butch is a Noun, 2006
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xxgothchatonxx · 2 years
Happy 1am! My uterus is trying to commit murder & I really want ice cream but I just brushed my teeth so I think The Kiss is the only thing sustaining me tonight.
* And we open withhhhhhh a drop of blood! As so many episodes do.
* OH SHIT THIS IS THE ONE WHERE HE WALKS AROUND FLORENCE LOOKING BEAT TO SHIT!!! Amazing, spectacular, dare I dykely say, sexy.
* No, the sexy part is Bedelia bathing him. Oh, to be cared for by a Milf. A lesbians dream come true.
* UGH THE SCORE IN THIS OPENING ALONE!!!!! The cracks & cranes & little ticks & drops & hums! AMAZING!!!!!!
* And our reunion on Florence!!!! With two limping old friends. One from a fight & one from *wheezing* falling off a train.
* “Will you slip away with him [Hanni]?” “Part of me will want to.” Don’t be shy, babe, you can do it.
* Oh NOOOOOOO NOT THE END!!!! Thank you for giving me this scene, my darling. I’m so grateful.
* History repeating itself is the central theme of this damn show.
* God damn, I don’t think I blinked that entire time. OH MY GOD, THAT CLICKING RETURNS WITH THE KISS!!!!
* “But not today.” Ma’am, what if I die? It will be your fault. God. Women. 😍
* Cordell is THIS close to loosing his job. Oh nvm, he’s Peking. I do love Peking duck😋
* LMAOOOOOOOOOO THIS IS HILARIOUS!!!!! The giant glazed Hannibal.
* Oh Margot looks GOOD!
* Bedelia, what are you OH RIGHT YOU’RE GONNA GET HIGH!
* Chiyoh & Bedelia. Yummmmmmmmy
* Cage him. Like that man now hanging.
* “I thought Will Graham was Hannibal’s biggest mistake…I wonder if it isn’t you.”
* I’m fine with needles, but THIS OH DID SHE HAVE TO BITE HER LIPS???
* I’M SORRY, I HAVE TO LAUGH!!!! High Bedelia with Will AND Jack?? YES, PLEASE!!!!
* Ugh, she’s so high, but So Cute.
* Oh, we love a reversal! Will doesn’t believe her like how she actually believed him!
* Lmao Jack’s impressed!🤣
* Of course Will pulls a Batman.
* Margot needs a new foundation. Or a just no foundation lips.
* “I could take parenting classes.”🤣🤣🤣
* OH HE’S BACK! Working on his art, once again.
* “If I saw you every day, forever, Will, I would remember this time.” “Strange seeing you here in from of me. Been staring at afterimages of you in places you haven’t been in years.” They’re so in love, your honor.
* “How is Chiyoh?” “She pushed me off a train.” “Atta girl.” SHUT UP, I LOVE HIM! Also, yes, OF COURSE I’m thinking Caro thoughts.
* “You & I have begun to blur.” & that’s what I love about this fucking show. THEY’RE CONNECTED, PEOPLE!!!!
* I know I haven’t finished this show, but that was easily my favorite scene of the entire thing so far. Nope; I lied. Season 2 ending THEN museum date.
* I’m sorry, did we just cut to The Sapphics? We did.
* Adore the kaleidoscope.
* Time to rank! This lesbian gives it a 7/10! (remind me to send you the podcast ep. I did on Lesbian in movies)
* Give Bedelia her Oscar! Hand over mouth theatrics. Amazing.
* Absolutely fucking dying over this God conversation. “Does God gloat?” “Often.” BASTARD!
* Did I blink and miss Hannibal injecting Will with something? Because I feel like I did.
* Ahhhh, the soup!!!! Let’s hope this one doesn’t kill his immune system.
* He’s so dramatic. Calm Down, Hanni.
* Oh no wait no. Please tell me this isn’t leg day.
* Jack, what are you snooping around for?
* OH WITH CHIYOH! My dark academia goddess.
* Let’s see how long it takes for them to try & kill each other.
* And what did you find? Your old friend!
* Damn, she’s still at it!!! Her eyes DONT YOU DARE TOUCH HER!!!!!
* Please babe, just punch his nose. We all want it.
* And I see that Jack has joined for dinner. So, not leg day.
* Every one’s eyes in this episode is extra emotional & sparkly!
* Hannibal, I know isn’t happening! You’d never do that to him! Right? RIGHT?!
* Fucking NBC Joker I STG!
* I will admit, very strong episode. But more so in the Florence department than anything else. I wasn’t that interested with the Vergers. The museum date was the best part.
Bloody and beaten!Hanni is one of the sexiest types of Hanni, which is why I think you're going to enjoy the next episode :D
Slight side-note, Gillian Anderson sounded so much like Anthony Hopkins (ok in terms of tone and such) when she said "but not today..." and that just makes it so much sexier to me.
Ahh yes, the legendary gallery reunion... which was turned into fanart that is now hanging in the U.S. Capitol... I am not kidding 😂 also Hanni is saying a quote that he said to Clarice in the book - "if I saw you every day forever" etc. so in case there is ANY doubt (not from you of course <3) that he is in love with Will... they literally used one of the most blatantly romantic lines from the books!
Ok, so the kaleidoscope s3x scene - I adored this scene because a) it's filmed so uniquely that it's such a "lol, what the fuck" moment when you first see it, but also b) this is the first s3x scene that is a pure, loving, no-hidden-agendas-and-no-thinking-about-other-people intercourse between two people. Like, it's such a beautiful intimate moment between these two women who have been hurt so much, but have found comfort and love in each other, you know what I mean? Also the writer of this episode is Don Mancini aka the creator of Chucky who recently gave us That Epic Scene in the Chucky show sooooo this is a very queer horror show 😂
Now onto the mid-season finale! I expect a lot of screaming, and I also have a bit of homework for you - try and work out which scene my grandma accidentally walked in on, and proceeded to go "wait, what on earth are you watching?" "Hannibal." "...that cannot be Hannibal Lecter, this man is attractive" 😂
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Top 5 Dumbest Things in The Final Season
I’ve played TWDG a lot, and I can confidently say that The Final Season is my favorite installment, and I’d argue that it’s the best of the series in terms of visuals, controls, characters, and storyline... but that doesn’t mean it’s a perfect game by any means. In fact, there are a lot of issues and inconsistencies you could pick out within the story and the arcs of our characters.
But today I don’t wanna tackle the big problems. The issues on today’s list aren’t a big deal and won’t ruin the experience of the game-- they’re minor and just really, really dumb. They’re things that you probably wouldn’t even notice during your first or second playthrough of the game. Honestly, most of these probably could be easily explained with “shhhh, don’t think about it.” 
But I’m thinkin’ about them because they’re dumb. So, here's my Top 5 dumbest things in TFS. Do note that these Top 5′s are all in good fun, and they’re my opinion. Obviously. 
[also, most of the screenshots used here are from @pi-creates​-- if you haven’t checked out Pi’s blog, I highly recommend you do! :D]
5. Doors make no sense. 
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The doors in this game are dumb and make little sense. And you might be scoffing like, “Really? Doors?” and to that I say, “YES DOORS OKAY!”
If you’re like me, you like to look at everything in hopes of finding interesting details and maybe an easter egg. If you look at the all the doors after breaking out of the dorm in ep1, they all have different locks which... why? 
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Wait, shouldn’t Clem be able to open this one...? The lock is right there on the outside. 
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Why are they different? Also, why are the dorms lockable from the outside? Like, okay, I get it-- ya gotta lock up the troubled youth so that they don’t escape. Fine. Cool, I can accept that... except does this mean that someone had to go around and unlock all the dorms every morning before the apocalypse? What if you forgot a door and a handful got stuck in there for the day? What happens if you lock all these children in their rooms and a fire starts??
And don’t you look at me and try to be like “Pfft, there’s not gonna be a fire--” excuse me?? With Aasim hanging around, and Mitch for that matter, you’re gonna tell me that the odds of fire happening are 0%?
Well, y’know, fine. If there’s a fire, then the kids can just escape through the windows... oh wait--
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Weeeeeell fuck the troubled youth, I guess. 
But the dorm doors aren’t even the dumbest doors here-- no, no. That would be the god damn basement door that apparently locks from both sides because game’s gotta game and I guess Marlon has the key?? This dumb door makes no sense. 
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Again! I feel like this is a safety hazard?? Sure hope no one gets locked down there, otherwise, you’re fucked I guess?? because there’s no way to unlock or open it from the inside?? After Brody dies and Clem’s looking for a way out, you’d think that she should be able to just open the door at the top of the stairs now that she’s inside but nooooo-- game’s gotta game. 
Ugh, dumb doors!
4. Abel’s magic shotgun
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Did you guys know that Abel actually has a special shotgun? A magical shotgun, if you will?
It’s true, he does. He uses a shotgun that, when he fires it, the buckshot curves around to hit the target when the plot demands it.
It’s true! And it’s dumb!
I know this, because if you yell for Violet to shoot Lilly in ep2, Abel will throw AJ to the grab, pull the shotgun out of nowhere, and fire at both her and Louis.... but somehow--
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--only Louis manages to get hit.
Soooo.... I guess the buckshot swerves around and above Violet to ONLY hit Louis? Like, I know she ducks a bit but I still feel like something should’ve nicked her as well?? At least?? Like, are lesbians immune to shotguns and that’s why nothing hit Violet?? Am I only learning this now??
Not only that, but it only got Louis in the arm?? H-how??
But that’s not all!
After Louis and Violet flee the scene, Clementine and AJ are on the run with Lilly and Abel shooting BEHIND them... sooo...
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If Abel was behind them.... how is it that AJ’s shot in the FRONT of his stomach??
Like, I guess Abel could’ve been at an angle when he shot but they only ever show him behind them soo?? Do I just not know how shotguns work? Do they curve to hit people in their front rather than shooting straight forward?? Because what??
On top of that, how is AJ not dead?? I know, I know, protagonist powers and whatnot but?? the boy took a shotgun to the belly?? other characters have survived lesser things??
But y’know, the dumbest part about this is the fact that I can’t take Abel’s magic shotgun for myself after the Ericson crew capture him. I could’ve just finished off every delta member if the shots curve and travel to hit their targets.
Or maybe Abel’s the only one who can harness its power.
Either way, Abel’s dumb shotgun is dumb.
3.You can’t hug Louis and Violet during their romance routes. 
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Sigh.... Why?
Y’all know that I’m a clouis shipper, and now lemme tell you a fun story that isn’t actually that fun-- Do you remember when the trailer dropped for ep3? And we got some teaser screenshots, with one of them being a shot of Clementine and Louis hugging? Well, I was excited for a plethora of reasons, and that hug? 
I could not wait for this hug.
Then I got through my first run of ep3 and... no hug? Wait, no hug? Why not? I thought--
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Oh. Oh, it turns out... it turns out you can only hug Louis if you don’t romance him. 
Ummmm. Huh. Wha- why?? Do you know how dumb that is?? What dingus who worked on this episode forgot to implement the hug option for the romance route?? Rather, what dingus thought it was a good idea to only give the Louis romance two options outside of doing nothing-- Slap Louis, or kiss him?? Where’s my hug?? Why is Clementine not allowed to comfort her boyfriend with a hug when he’s clearly anxious about everything that’s about to go down?
Look, the smooch is great and all BUT it’s not what Louis needs in this moment, ya dingus. 
I’m sure if I asked Kent for answers about this, he’d do one of two things-- go into a long winded essay about how the lack of hug and slapping him totally makes sense within the context of Louis’ character arc and route because of this and that and this subtle detail here... or he’d give a shrug and say “I dunno, reasons??”
Ugh, okay, well maybe they let you have the choice in Violet’s romance route--
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Again, if I choose to romance Violet, why am I not allowed to comfort my girlfriend with a hug before we do this rescue mission?? Sure, I can reassure her that I’m not going anywhere, which is definitely a better option for a love interest than, oh I don’t know, slapping. But the HUG!
They could’ve implemented the hug option into the romance routes but they didn’t and that’s incredibly dumb. 
2. Magic tree is magic. 
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Know what I don’t like? The dream theory. Y’know, the theory that the overly happy ending we got at the end of TFS was all just a dream in AJ’s head to cope with the devastation of the real ending-- the one where Clementine died.  
Now, I can already hear you scoffing at me once more like, “Dream theories are dumb, CJ.” and this time, I do agree with you. 
However, there’s actually some compelling evidence that could subtly point at this theory, such as the backward graffiti in the dorms that was present in Clementine’s nightmare, or the fact that Clementine is, y’know, alive despite being seconds away from death in the barn...
Oh, and then there’s this fucking magic tree. 
Oh, you know... the tree that magically grows in in ep4! The one with the tire swing! 
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Episode 3 vs Episode 4
This tree is dumb and makes no sense. What, did they just... plant a tree there? Did they push the tree up that was on the ground and use some magical wood glue to fix it?? Clementine said that Willy helped her with the tire swing so like... is Willy some sort of tree whisperer?? 
Or is this just further evidence of the dream theory where AJ’s lamenting the fact that Clementine never got to push him on the tire swing back at the train station and now she never will because she’s fucking dead??
I don’t wanna think about it. In fact, I’m pretty sure that’s what the devs would tell me-- “Shhhh... don’t think about it.” 
This tree is dumb! 
1. What even is the greenhouse??
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So.... the green house. It’s dumb. And inconsistent, both in the story and actual location of it. 
First of all, as you can see in the concept image above, it should be within the walls of Ericson, yeah? And if you’re like, “Well, it’s CONCEPT art so it might not be totally accurate CJ.” and I say, “Fair enough, let’s look that the actual in-game map the characters use then.”
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Look at that-- still within the walls of Ericson, though in a different location than the concept art. Make sense? Sooo....
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Where the hell is it?
Because it’s not within Ericson’s walls. No, no--
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It is WAAAAY the hell out here! You can see the bell tower in the distance so like... huh? Where are we?? This is a long as walk to the greenhouse! 
Oh, and if the weird inconsistent locations weren’t dumb enough, there are different conflicting stories surrounding it, as well! 
First, Marlon says that they had it functional with lots of vegetables, but then it became over grown so they don’t go out there anymore. Then, if you go fishing with Violet and Brody, Vi will tell you she worked in the greenhouse the day the twins were killed last year, which... doesn’t add up? Especially when we actually go there in ep2 and see that Ms. Martin died and became a walker inside, but she died a while ago?? 
Also, how did Ms. Martin get tied up like that? Did she get bit, barricade the doors-- wait, that doesn’t work because how did she barricade the science lab from the inside when there’s a shelf in front of the door?? In fact, shouldn’t the walkers that are inside be students that died?? 
“Sshhhh... don’t think about it.”
Ugh, nothing adds up about this greenhouse and that makes it the dumbest thing in TFS.
Honorable Mentions
AJ magically teleporting behind Marlon with the gun. Because plot.
The dumb padlock on the gate Louis/Violet/Tenn climb over in ep4 that they could’ve easily broken
Louis’ jacket that somehow holds Chairles
The padding on Violet’s boot that’s rendered useless because they put it on the leg she doesn’t use to kick walkers away
Those are my Top 5 dumbest things in TFS, do you agree or disagree? Do you have anything from this game that’s dumber than what I have listed? Let me know! 
Next week’s T5F Top 5 Characters in ANF Who Would’ve Made Better Love Interests Than Kate
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chaptersofnow · 4 years
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the royal kiddos of Chrysalis, Cadance and Shining armor
Flurry Heart, Skyla, Instar Pale and Crimson Sweet
Bios under the cut
Name: Flurry Heart Nickname(s): Age: 26 Pronouns: She/her, They/Them Identity: Nonbinary Lesbian crush/relationship: Dating Pumpkin Cake Parents: Cadance, Shining Armor, Chrysalis Sibling: Skyla, Crimson Sweet, Instar Pale Special Talent: Magical blacksmith, Love magic Occupation: Princess Location: Crystal Kingdom Likes: Heavy metal, wrist bands, doing make up, teddy bears Dislikes: annoying men, people who think she isnt working hard as a princess Bio: Flurry Heart, oldest child to Shining armor and Cadance and heir to the crystal empire. she was an absolute sweet heart,  curly pigtails absolutely beloved by the kingdom. However when she entered her teen years she went into a hard goth phase and never got out of it. a real 180 on her personality. none the less she still works hard to work on her hobbies often, keeping up with her princess duties and making her family proud. At the end of the day she happily cuddles up with her girlfriend Pumpkin as they show each other funny pictures on their phones and watch stupid movies until they pass out. Growing up Flurry heart and Cozy Glow were good friends,when Cozy Glow had to come along with Celestia and Luna for trips to the empire for Flurry heart to cantorlot the two got to spend time together. it took a bit of warming up as Cozy glow was a few years older than the royal princes, but when the two started hanging out they were best friends. Cozy glow would often sneak her to cool places, steal snacks from the royal kitchen and so on. Cozy also was the one who introduce her to heavy metal saying quote "I don't know if you'll like this you seem like the type to like classy music like the nutcracker of sumthin'" the next visit  Flurry heart had dyed her whole mane black and had on the messiest smudgiest make up. it was a real kicker to watch this 15 year old walk is like she was hot shit. Cozy glow gave her more CD, taught her to style her hair, put on makeup and the whole thing. When they got older Flurry returned favor by custom making Cozy Glow her armor when she was officially made a guard of cantorlot. Flurry heart tries to not let the comments of the citizens and visiting dignitaries get to her, and it helps to have her parents supporting her . She met her girlfriend Pumpkin Cake when the mare began to take on Sugarcube corner deliveries herself, like Flurry heart recalls knowing her when they were real little, and seeing her at gatherings where pinkie brings the cake twins to come have fun. but they never really got to talk. but with the constant deliveries and Flurry Hearts development for a sweet tooth Pumpkin cake was around often. at some point the two started dating and Pumpkin moved to the Crystal empire and lives with flurry heart. Pumpkin works in the royal kitchen and Flurry heart is a black smith specializing is creating magic infused armor. 
Name: Skyla Nickname(s): Age: 24 Pronouns: She/her Identity: Agender Bi pony crush/relationship: Parents: Cadance, Shining Armor, Chrysalis Sibling: Flurry Heart, Crimson Sweet, Instar Pale Special Talent: Love Magic Occupation: Princess Location: Crystal Kingdom Likes: keeping on schedual, looking good, being looked up to, tradition Dislikes: not receiving recognition for her work, physical labor Bio: Second born to the empire, Skyla is defiantly the most cookie cutter princess of the four crystal heirs. She takes after her mother but is a lot of uptight in keeping tradition, making sure everything is set to be on scheduled and so forth. she may have picked this up from her aunt twilight more or less. while her family around her tries to keep her grounded and calm she can't help but get in a big tilly over not having control over things. its gone from not being able to control her pretend play dates as a filly to making sure the daily happening don't get off course. Her older sister Flurry Heart, while working hard and still making sure to get her work done, is a lot more laze in things and is ok with letting things slide if they don't go according to plan. Which tends to lead Skyla to try and follow after her and fix these things even if they don't need to be fixed. Skyla puts on a nice happy face for the people but all her siblings know she holds quite the temper when no one is looking, especially when Flurry tries to tell her to calm down. Flurry was originally the one being trained to take over Cadance's spot as queen of the empire one day, training in the use of her magic. However when Flurry found her true calling as a black smith the honor was passed down to Skyla who has happily worked hard to catch up. Skyla see's herself as bearing a torch for the future of the empire and that she has to be perfect and so must everything else around her. Fearing things to be able to fall apart at any moment. after the big war against darkness Skyla had begun to realize for a few years, realizing no great danger would ruining the kingdom. But after the Queen Erroria incident where her and her family had been captured she has brought back up her walls and has become more uptight then before. 
Name: Crimson Sweet Nickname(s): Stripes Age: 11 Pronouns: They/Them Identity: Nonbinary Girl crush/relationship: Parents: Cadance, Shining Armor, Chrysalis Sibling: Flurry Heart, Skyla, Instar Pale Special Talent: helping  people make friends Occupation: Princess, student Location: Crystal Kingdom Likes: friends, beetles, small notebooks, the beach Dislikes: Mirrors, thunder, rotten food Bio: Oldest of the two kids born after the marriage of Chrysalis to the crystal family. a marriage made out of many years of apologies, forgiveness and new found friendship. After Chrysalis accepted the friendship of twilight and equestria she spent many years making up for what she did, so her people and everyone else. She was blinded by anger and sadness, when she ruled she truly believed the only way to feed her people was to take their love, and when shown a new way she felt foolish for never realizing and having let her people starve that she denied the change at all. After the Hive came to accept her as their own again she led beside Thorax and his council. Thorax had always been too young to rule all by himself so with a queen with years of experience around to help him things in the Hive improved in new ways. now with her relationship with the Hive repaired Chrysalis slowly made progress to apologize for what she did to Candace and Shining armor. it took awhile to move past the day she invaded and tried to ruin their wedding, but in time over years of forming bonds they had a new wedding. introducing Chrysalis to their family. Chrysalis still lived in the Hive and though their wedding was official for the time it more stood for political alliance between the two, as chrysalis wasn't ready to let thorax stand alone as leader yet. Her staying ended up being what saved the colony, when the war of darkness arose through equestria the entity tried to reclaim the changlings once again as is minons. Had chrysalis not been there to protect them they would have surely been corrupted once again. After the war ended Chrysalis felt safe leaving Thorax as ruler, chrysalis now lives in the crystal empire with Cadance and Shining armor. over the years they have had two children, Crimson Sweet and later Instar Pale. Crimson sweet is still of the younger royal kids, they are quite rambunctious and love to run around with all the other kids in the kingdom. they love to eat and their favorite thing to do is make picnics, they take outings with their school friends almost every week. Bringing along cute snacks that Pumpkin Cake has made for them. 
Name: Instar Pale Nickname(s): Age: 10 Pronouns: He/him, Any Identity: Genderfuild bi pony crush/relationship: Parents: Cadance, Shining Armor, Chrysalis Sibling: Flurry Heart, Crimson Sweet, Skyla Special Talent: Studying Occupation: Royality, student Location: Crystal Kingdom Likes: cool weapons, books with cool covers, drawings, collecting things Dislikes: loud noises, making decisions, strangers Bio: Youngest of four, Instar is the quiet baby of the family. Growing up in a family as big as his everyone around him babied him, saying he was always so sweet and cuddly. Which led to an amount of coddling that turned him into a very antisocial pony. he struggles to talk to new people and wont go anywhere unless he is with someone he knows so he can duck behind them to avoid conversations. hes a total hypochondriac, believing to be constantly sick and feeling weak all the time dispute his health being fine. Instar likes to spend time with Flurry heart and shining armor the most, Flurry heart because she is quite and they get to just sit around listening to music and reading. and his father because he gets to sit on the side line and watch him work. Instar doesn't think they'd make much for a guard but they love to read all about the different weapons, armors and Technics taught through history and the country. watching his father display these things, or Flurry heart MAKE them is right up his ally. If you do manage to get him to talk to you he is an info dumping machine and will talk your ear off about some obscure history thing he's learned recently.
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cattles-bians · 3 years
damie vibecca exes au part 20
post directory
obsetress: ok but when they first meet
obsetress: at that bar on whatever night or whatever
obsetress: when dani and viola are talking
obsetress: viola's waving her hand around as she says something and dani's staring and then totally out of nowhere:
obsetress: "wanna compare hands?"
obsetress: "what?"
obsetress: "lemme see your hand"
obsetress: and dani is grabbing one of vi's with both of hers and pulling it towards her "like this"
obsetress: and then dani's pressing their palms together and viola's raising an eyebrow and dani just GRINS and then even once they lower their hands back to the bar, neither of them move away
em: dani is SO bold i would die for her
obsetress: god same
obsetress: dani keeps glancing down at them as they're talking and she is NOT subtle
obsetress: viola catches her every time
em: maybe dani gets a smidge of smthn on the corner of her mouth and viola...
obsetress: viola pulls her hand away and dani blinks and her brows do that lil thing but then viola's murmuring "here" and grazing her thumb along the corner of dani's mouth
obsetress: dani squeaks
em: love when dani gets out dani’d
obsetress: viola's like "sorry, was that... was that okay?" and dani just swallows and nods with big shining eyes and then vi kinda hesitates and (they've been talking for a couple hours at this point, touchin hands and obv v into each other) lets her thumb graze across dani's bottom lip and she murmurs "what about that?" and dani's eyes flutter shut
obsetress: cut to: them making out in the bathroom
obsetress: no um
obsetress: thinking about vi and dani's first kiss and like
obsetress: maybe like right after that up there vi's leaning in closer and i think she. asks dani "can i kiss you?" and dani's whispering "please" and then they're kissing all soft and THEN cut to: them making out in the bathroom and one of them slamming back against the door and kissing hard
em: dani whispering please…
em: also the smash cut between um nervous anticipation and SLAMMING against a door is so funny to me
em: sums them up
obsetress: RIGHT
obsetress: it's so good i love them
obsetress: i cant decide like
obsetress: because i don't think vi would be so rough with dani at first as to shove her hard against a door and i DO think dani would be shoving her against the door and her tongue down her throat first chance she gets
obsetress: but i think vi prob flips them p quick
em: i am. creasing thinking abt dani having to rename all of violas contacts like STOP FUCKING UR EX
obsetress: STOP FUCKING UR EX lskfjakdlsfjsd even BETTER
obsetress: edit the tumblr post coward
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em: obsetress: no um dani definitely calls the landline once and viola's like "HELLO?" and dani's like "hi?" and viola's so glad to hear her dumb voice but she's still like "dani, why are you..." and dani's like "well... i, uh... i... i was... and then i..."
obsetress: anyway they have phone sex on the landline
em: danis blocked all of vis numbers except the landline shes down Bad
obsetress: yeah,
obsetress: (dani still comes over after)
em: unstoppable force (danis thirst) meet immovable object (violas stubbornness)
obsetress: just imagining like
obsetress: i mean either after this or at literally any other time
obsetress: dani and viola laying side by side in vi's bed catching their breath immediately after and viola's just like
obsetress: "you have the libido of a teenage boy"
obsetress: and dani's head just flops to the side to look at her and she just GRINS
em: dani makes some quip abt um
em: danis like i read somewhere women don’t hit their sexual peak until their 40s or something and violas like (extremely tersely) i’m 35
obsetress: SCREECH
obsetress: dani "no, i... i know, i wasn't–– i was just––"
obsetress: viola can't stay pressed w her
em: dani tryna explain her way outta that one i’m
em: dani has never once seen violas drivers license nor ID
obsetress: "i was just... saying, because, you know, i mean... for me, i'm... you know, i'm only ever getting more..." (flush, head duck, grin up through her lashes) "you know. and i'm getting older, so i was just... thinking. for me, i mean. thinking for me"
em: dani; also i give WAY better head than a teenage boy
obsetress: viola biting her lip, grinning, melting because how could you not? and then dani kinda stops in her tracks and her brows pinch together and she tilts her head at viola "i'm... a lot better at going down on you than a teenage boy though, right? i think i am" (long pause) "i hope i am"
obsetress: anyway viola laughs and tugs dani over n on top of her "i wouldn't know" and dani does her lil nervous laugh and is like "yeah, you're right, i guess not" "but" and dani's face lights up and viola continues "i think you probably are. and you're definitely up there" and dani just GRINS
obsetress: her head is back between vi's legs not three minutes later
em: dani talks big game n then like immediately double checks for validation
em: it’s an important part of her character growth!!!
em: ok more ‘viola has been doing this lesbian thing for longer than jamie realises’ content but like
em: perhaps she has a whole lot of ear piercings that she just never wears
em: and then one day she’s like gosh gotta make sure these don’t heal over and jamies like
em: hey what the fuck
obsetress: um suddenly had a thought
obsetress: viola tattoos
em: oh
obsetress: yeah, like um
obsetress: vi wouldn't have heaps and they'd be hidden bc Propriety but
em: hidden tattoos my beloved
em: all tattoos my beloved
em: i mean defs has like. the date and coordinates of isabels birth somewhere
em: but um! hmm
em: haha violets
obsetress: violets are very vi tho like
obsetress: shade plant yk
em: under the tit
obsetress: GET OUTTA MY HEAD
obsetress: ok it has to be canon then if we both thought it
em: it’s canon!!
em: hmm what else
em: i think viola and dani have belly button piercings but like they got them separately
obsetress: omg when did they each get theirs
em: hmmmmmm
em: i mean wild child rich heiress viola (untapped potential here won’t lie)
obsetress: wild child rich heiress viola/boarding school wild child dani au
em: oh my god
em: viola defs went to a boarding school and dani n her commiserate over it
em: viola gets it done while she’s in highschool
em: dani post eddie break up
em: like symbolically reclaiming herself deal
em: doing things for Her
obsetress: YES
obsetress: i was gonna say vi highschool dani college
em: YES
em: idk what tattoos dani would get but am thinking abt viola holding her hand while she’s getting a tattoo or piercing done bc she’s braver than ppl think but Also
obsetress: vi holding dani's hand and telling her how good a job she's doing
obsetress: dani kissing vi's tattoos
obsetress: super fascinated even though shes seen them a hundred times
em: danis like haha and what’s this one mean (plants a big old smooch)
obsetress: Shananigans402: dani putting on 4 inch heels and being so content that she's finally her girlfriend's height and then viola kisses her before putting on 6 inch heels with a smug little grin
obsetress: i––
em: oh my god shannon
obsetress: oh shes on one
obsetress: Shananigans402: dani starts keeping things on a high shelf in her place just so she can ask viola to reach up to get them down for her
obsetress: i was talking to shan abt the shelf thing
obsetress: and i played myself i think
obsetress: because now i literally cannot stop thinking
obsetress: dani putting the strap on the top shelf in her closet "baby 🥺 can you get it 🥺"
[em note: once again it is the time honored timezone tradition of either sending ur friend something really good or really fucked up b4 they go to sleep]
em: what about
em: jamie and dani laying in bed after brunch w violas excessive amount of ear jewellery and jamies like ‘those were cool. i want some’ and danis like ‘with ur tiny lil ears??’ and jamies like ‘well. yeah…’ and danis like well. if u wanna. i think one would be cute here (mwah) and here (mwah) or maybe here (mwah)
em: ticklish jamie. that is my lil idea
obsetress: im Soft
em: thankyou
em: em softsbians
em: what was ur lil idea
obsetress: oh
obsetress: not obsoftress
obsetress: but um
em: look i was really hoping i could make it hornier but alas sometimes the idea is soft
em: can’t force the horny
obsetress: i will do my job n delivery the horny for u i suppose
obsetress: it's a hard job but somebody's gotta do it!
em: it’s a thankless job!
obsetress: dani, sneaking up behind viola to wrap her arms around her waist and bury her face between her shoulder blades: baby 🥺 can you get the strap 🥺
obsetress: dani, laying on the bed, staring up at her, panting: baby 🥺 can you get the strap 🥺
obsetress: dani, pulling away mid-heated makeout, half naked, still grinding into vi even tho they're not kissing anymore without even realizing it: baby baby 🥺 can you get the strap 🥺
obsetress: dani, catching her breath after her first orgasm, letting her head flop to the side to look over at vi: baby 🥺 can you get the strap 🥺
em: insatiable dani clayton my beloved
obsetress: thank you i agree
obsetress: something about dani calling vi baby also........................
em: oh i love dani calling vi baby SO MUCH
em: fucked up that dani clayton is potentially just the right height to motorboat vi pretty much whenever
em: sappho may u plant ur self face first into the breast of ur tender gf or whatever
em: dani: haha i’m so short i can’t reach it. can u lift me
obsetress: vi sees thru all of dani's little tricks but entertains them anyway
obsetress: because she knows shes gonna get to rail her at the end of them
em: dani being a little shit is foreplay actually clayton
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gayregis · 4 years
what are your favorite hcs for the hansa?
canon universe headcanons... sorry if these turn out slightly angouleme-centric or regis-centric...
angouleme being trained by milva in archery, because milva learned that she had starved for a good amount of her past and wanted to give her the tools so that she would never have to starve again. the fact that she struck her with the belt weighed on her still, and she wants to have a better relationship with her because she’s just young and she also reminds milva of herself when she was young, but angouleme makes it so damn difficult because her favorite thing to do is get on milva’s nerves and milva can’t ever respond by being unfazed... so milva thinks she’ll do what she knows best and what how she and her father had a good relationship... teach her to shoot. it goes well... they talk... once angouleme has the basics, they go out once a week to the caoberta woods to shoot. angouleme isn’t great, but she’s not too bad, and ends up shooting some pheasants, which she’s quite proud of. 
cahir and angouleme being trained by geralt in swordfighting. geralt one day tells cahir he wants to train him, at first cahir is slightly offended and starts listing off times when they have fought side-by-side and he’s held his own perfectly, that he was an officer, that he has already been trained well... geralt agrees, and then gets to the point - he wants to train him specifically to be able to counter a witcher’s attacks, because ciri doesn’t know that cahir has joined geralt’s company, and when she sees him again, his other hand might also lose the use of two fingers, if he’s not careful. cahir pales a little, nods with resoluteness, and agrees, thanking geralt. angouleme joins in on occasion just because she doesn’t want to be left out and also all of the hansa members who are swordfighters need constant training to ensure their skills don’t get rusty. geralt at first is apprehensive for angouleme to join because he’s afraid that she’ll remind him too much of ciri and it will destroy him, but it turns out that this is one of the activities that actually allows him to notice more differences between the two and separate them more in his mind, since their fighting styles are extremely different and he as a professional can assess that. cahir’s training is helpful for him because all of his previous training was grounded in nilfgaardian techniques and thus propaganda, the only thing on his mind was seeking honor for his family and recognition for his valor. now, he trains not for the honor of his family, but just for his family, for the people he cares about... and also, for himself, not the concept of a country...
the only people more nocturnal than teenagers are vampires... angouleme arrives back at the palace in the middle of the night, around 2 to 4 AM, sneaks in stealthily... goes in through the kitchen, thinks she’s got it made, since no one’s up... she’s halfway through when regis coughs softly, to let her know he’s there... he was just sitting in the pitch dark, reading and drinking tea, when she happened to sneak in. cue a sapkowskian witty exchange of words, in the style that yennefer and fringilla exchange words at the lodge meeting in baptism of fire, where they dance around a concept and a hypothetical. “it’s good for you that i’m human, and because i’m human, i can’t see at all in the dark. but were i able to see, i might see a girl sneaking in from committing petty crimes, with shock on her face as she’s just been caught.” angouleme is snarky at first but then through conversation realizes that regis sincerely isn’t mad at her for sneaking out and isn’t going to admonish her or tell geralt who would likely ground her. they have a small conversation, angouleme sneaks back up to her room... sleeps in the next day. this continues occuring, except these times angouleme actually looks forward to regis being there when she gets back so they can talk. and she can tell him about the various exploits she got up to, brag about what she did, because unlike the rest of the company, regis doesn’t have that human-society instinct to scold a child when they’ve been sneaking around and stealing stuff and getting into danger. it’s good for her to be able to tell someone, not only so she can get validation, but also because if something goes wrong... if something got too dangerous... she’d have someone to tell about it. which does happen eventually...
milva tends to roam around toussaint because she dislikes the atmosphere at the palace... it’s snooty, it’s stuck-up, and they always talk nonsense. add this to the fact that they’re all posing as noble lords and ladies undercover, and you’ve got a cocktail for disaster... milva fears opening her mouth and saying something deemed stupid by those in the court, and blowing their whole cover. so she chooses to walk through toussaint, and since they have a good source of money, she goes to the shops and bargains and talks to the shopkeepers. she also hunts in the caoberta woods and sells what she kills, not out of survival, but out of habit and not wanting to let her skills rest. what she didn’t expect was that the entire female population of toussaint have never seen an archer lady before, a woman with such nice biceps... cue lesbianisms. milva doesn’t recognize that half of the entire city is flirting with her, until angouleme tags along with her one day to visit the fletchery, and almost bursts out laughing at how thirsty this fletcher woman is and how oblivious her aunt is to it all.
geralt is highly intimidated by the duchess and misses dandelion. everyone in the hansa likes to roast dandelion for bedding the duchess. it’s good fun, but they never do it when geralt is within earshot (earshot is quite a long distance for a witcher), because he’s jealous and begins to pout if they mention dandelion and the duchess in his company. geralt on occassion bemoaned how dandelion wasn’t at the breakfast table, but then stopped because he was repeating himself... this worried the company, so they all pleaded with dandelion to wake up earlier so he could have breakfast with them. one day geralt walks downstairs for breakfast and dandelion is sitting there, he can’t decide whether to enter the room or just skip breakfast for the day, when the hansa spots him and invites him in. he grumbles a little “i thought you were in bed with her enlightened ladyship...” but doesn’t say much else... how do you talk to your best friend when you haven’t seen them in a month? breakfast is awkward and geralt leaves early. the hansa is quiet, dandelion knows he’s offended geralt because he’s always so damn sensitive, and lightly chases after him to the stables. there they have a genuine conversation about the marriage, one with less haste and one with less shock and anger... geralt explains that it’s not about him being happy for dandelion but rather about dandelion leaving him and the company... dandelion admits he didn’t realize it was about that, he thought geralt was fine now, he didn’t need his company anymore because he had gathered a company and was sitting in pure safety in beauclair, with fringilla vigo, no less... that he didn’t need to be there anymore, he has others... but it’s not about how many he has, it’s about who he has, and he wants dandelion’s company, too... he still needs his company, even though he has others’ now, even though he’s not alone and even though his arm and leg aren’t broken and he’s not sleeping in a soverign forest nation of dryads.
geralt and regis’ garden meetings are comically interrrupted every time they’re about to discuss something important or intimate. geralt is just about to speak about his feelings about yennefer, and a man runs past them chased by a furious duck. regis is about to discuss exactly why he feels so committed to humanity, and angouleme interrupts them with a shout. after they stop being bothered by whatever it was, neither of them feel confident enough to re-pursue the topic at hand.
angouleme bothering everyone when they first meet in tower of the swallow and realizing she hasn’t bothered cahir yet... halfway through she realizes this guy’s a fuckin lawful goodie-goodie , starts pestering him about that... she mockingly asks if he’s ever been to prison, he just softly responds "i spent two years isolated in the imperial citadel under maximum security for treason,” and leaves it at that. the entire company is silent and it’s awkward as hell... but angouleme is impressed and concedes, says they’re not as different as she thought, is glad to be travelling with him... he smiles and nods. the rest of the company exhales.
regis cooks a lot and he’s genuinely a good home cook. it helps that he has expertise in spices and herbs, and can also touch searingly hot metal with no ill effects. milva will drag in prey that she hunted early that morning and he’ll cook it. the palace chef is glad to have the day off on these days. regis also teaches angouleme to cook because she kept watching intently when he chopped green onions. angouleme also gets pretty good at cooking, one day she wants to make cookies with cahir. cahir is like “are you sure you know how to do this” and angouleme’s like duh obviously i’ve been learning so yeah. she does everything extremely well until it’s time to take the cookies out of the oven and she forgets to put mitts on and burns both her hands because guess who is such a great visual teacher.
angouleme also exploded an alchemy lab when regis was teaching her principles of alchemy but it was ok bc he tossed her out before the explosion and subsequent lighting of the lab on fire happened. he just stands there in the fire like “don’t worry you did great!"
the palace in beauclair has a hall of mirrors like the palace of versailles has IRL. regis cries a little every time he walks past (not EVER through) it.
the company once was walking through the streets of beauclair together. a dog came up and started viciously barking at regis, no one knew what to do. angouleme started barking back at the dog. it actually worked, it scared it away and then she yelled at its owner
this is more canon than headcanon but the company sits around the kitchen table to talk almost every night. and they use the kitchen as their space to hang out and meet with one another, if they’re feeling like they need company, they’ll just head downstairs and sit in the kitchen, and wait for someone else to show up... it’s a foolproof plan, or at least, it was, until fringilla also began to bide her time in there, and cahir was unfortunately the first one to find this out when he went downstairs. it was even more awkward for him specifically because after he faked his way out of that situation by saying he just wanted to get a snack, fringilla said “assire says her greetings” just to fuck with him just as he was walking out of the door
fringilla realized regis was a vampire really late in the game. about a week into dating geralt (and having regis piss her off) she’s just like excuse me geralt but i have to tell you. regis is a vampire. and geralt’s like... thank you...? for that?
fringilla also gets on milva’s nerves more than anyone else, more than angouleme because angouleme only gets on her nerves out of pure joy. fringilla does it without being being intentional, or in fact being intentional about it but not betraying that it was intentional. she asks around milva’s insecurities and whatnot, tells her that there’s this great book she read and wants to recommend milva... while knowing that milva is illiterate because she read her mind and found that out. but to her surprise, milva actually thanks her and takes the book. milva is freaking out later because she dosn’t know why she fucking did that, and goes to the company for help. they offer to read it for her but she declines, and instead demands they teach her how to read it herself. she has a week to do it, because she said she’d give fringilla back the book in a week. cue everyone losing their shit because they want to help milva but are terrible teachers. regis wants to start milva off on the continent’s equivalent of plato, while cahir is busy referring to his nilfgaardian-common dictionary. somehow she succeeds and when fringilla smugly asks her what she thought of the book, she gives her honest opinion. it wasn’t a very good book, she says this in her own way, you know, it’s not some academic book review, “the guy who wrote this makes shitall sense” and such. she’s extremely proud of herself but doesn’t show it as much as she feels it.
geralt completes many contracts and at breakfast, just as he’s about to put his feet up and sit around the palace for the day, he is visited by multiple representors of various noble houses, who are being crowded by palace guards, trying to get them out of the palace’s kitchen. geralt shoos the guards away and asks what this is all about and why it’s so urgent. they all give varied witness accounts of a giant bat flying around last night during the full moon. everyone at the table glances at regis and then immediately breaks their glance as to not raise suspicion. geralt makes an appointment with them all to meet them after breakfast... regis just butters his bread and says deadpan “i hope you get to the bottom of this, geralt”
modern au headcanons
pizza orders: milva - chicken and ranch, regis - mushrooms and whatever with basil, cahir - prosciutto and feta, angouleme - hawaiian pizza
starbucks orders - milva - cold brew no cream, regis - passion fruit tea, cahir - macchiato, angouleme - caramel frappuchino
regis drops angouleme off to soccer practice or whatever while blasting bauhaus
“milva said it’s my turn on the xbox” between angouleme and cahir
"uh mom made green beans” tiktok except it’s angouleme coming into cahir’s room to tell him regis made green beans
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scarletwelly-boots · 4 years
In honor of Pride, I’m sharing my LGBT Disney headcanon identities. Some have maybe one detail in their narratives that I took and ran with, and some are more commonly considered queer or queer-coded (or at least have more signs that I picked up on). Happy Pride!
Mulan: Genderfluid. I know that canonically she had reasons to pretend to be a man and that after she was discovered she dressed more typically feminine, but I have read some truly fantastic Genderfluid!Mulan fics, and as a genderfluid person who has grown up fascinated by Mulan, I like to view her as like me.
Shang: Bisexual. C’mon, did you not see his face when Mulan kicked him over that first time?! Boy was in love with her before she was outed. 
Ling/Yao/Chien Po: Poly. Yes, I know they have a whole song about girls and in the sequel they marry a bunch of princesses, but they were super close friends and had really good chemistry, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they all got together. 
Sebastian: Gay. That blue crab in the Under the Sea number is his boyfriend. And my name is Bastien and I’m gay, so Sebastian is also gay. I don’t make the rules. 
Ursula: Trans. Listen. This is the epitome of queer-coded villains. She was designed after a drag queen. I’m not saying all drag queens are trans, but a lot of historically labeled drag queens have since turned out to actually probably be trans. And there isn’t a point where she’s not presenting as a woman, so she’s likely not just in drag. 
Melody/Henry (Prince Charming): trans. OH MY GOD. This is my most bonkers Disney conspiracy theory. I’m sorry in advance for the long story with this one. So a year or two ago I fell down a YouTube rabbit hole about Disney theories and crossover theories. One theory was that there was (albeit conspiracy-esque) evidence to suggest Ariel is Prince Charming AKA Henry’s mom. The main reason I remember is that both are ginger, but I know there were other details. So the video creator was trying to figure out what happened to Melody between Little Mermaid II and Cinderella, but never thought Melody and Henry might be the same person. My theory based on this: Henry IS Melody. After LM2 he realized he was trans. It fits with the crossover theory without needing to explain why Melody was not at her potential-brother’s wedding. I know there’s a lot of conditions for this to work, but I think it makes more sense than the Melody and Charming are siblings but Melody is inexplicably MIA theory.
Lumiere and Cogsworth: Gay. Come on. Obviously. I will also accept that Lumiere is bi/pan and in a relationship with Cogsworth and Babette or w/e her name is. Doesn’t work as well with the live action BatB, but maybe Cogsworth is married and Lumiere is dating the feather duster and they’re also dating each other?
LeFou: Gay. Like even before the live action this much was obvious. Gaston should’ve A.) treated him way better, and B.) opened his goddamn eyes and stopped chasing Belle. (I’m on the fence about Gaston’s possible queerness though.)
Hades: Gay. I recently heard that James Woods, Hades’s VA, is homophobic. So now I’m headcanoning this out of spite in addition to, I’m sorry MF-er, but you played this guy ridiculously queer-coded. He’s gay. Deal, Woods. 
Timon/Pumbaa: Do I even have to say it? They raised TWO kids together!!! Gay!!!!
Scar: Gay. That lion was queer-coded to hell and back. I know there’s issues with villains being queer-coded, but if he’s gay, I’m counting him. 
Terk: Lesbian. Duhhh. She’s voiced by Rosie O’Donnell, of course she’s gay! Also all of her friends are guys, which I’m not saying makes you gay, but makes her butch-ness pretty damn overt.
Shere Khan: Gay. Sorry, I might ship him a leeetle bit with Scar. 
Baloo/Bagheera: These two were Timon and Pumbaa before Timon and Pumbaa. They’re gay. No, I will not take constructive criticism.
Jafar: Gay. Man, there is a huge problem with queer-coding villains in Disney. I know he sexually harasses Jasmine, but there could be a few reasons for this (other than the fact that he’s a jackass and needs to STOP): performative heterosexuality or bi. Or power-hungry AF and not caring what he has to do to get it. I’m leaning toward that one.
Genie: Pan or Ace. I could see him going either way. I think he gets a girlfriend in the tv show, so likely either pan or panromantic asexual. 
Elsa: Queer. Obviously.
Side note: I ship Elsa and Cinderella in the Wreck-It Ralph 2!verse. The bedroom eyes they give each other in the loungewear scene?! My gay ass felt that. 
Merida: Ace. C’mon. She’s literally an arrow ace! Isn’t this a thing? “I’ll be shooting for my own hand”???? Girl is ace AF.
Buzz/ Woody: Do I have to say gay? Is it not obvious? Get out of here with that Jessie/ Bo Peep shit. I can play in the poly sandbox just like with Lumiere and Cogsworth. And we do not acknowledge TS4 in this house. That movie was a disgrace. 
Jessie: Lesbian. I’ll take bi or pan if you want to insist she’s in a relationship with Buzz. She’s a cowgirl though.
7 Dwarves: Are they brothers? Or just roommates/coworkers? If they’re brothers, absolutely disregard because I’m not an incest shipper (okay, with the exception of Thorki). Otherwise, poly.
Donald Duck: genderfluid. Have you not seen that post going around of all the times Donald wears a dress and it’s not as a punchline? Donald is genderqueer in some capacity.
Live action BatB Stanley: genderfluid or bigender. He seems pretty chill about wearing typical men’s clothes, but when Madame de Garderobe gives him a dress he’s fucking thrilled. Stanley is me when I put on a binder. Genderfluid.
Kuzco: Pan and bigender. He’s very queer, both gender- and sexuality-related. Like he dresses as a woman in a whole scene and I don’t remember him putting up much of a fight about doing it? I could be wrong.
Feel free to add your own.
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fujinolover · 5 years
Hannah and Tammy from NCIS New Orleans keep reminding me of Root and Shaw, without the sociopathic tendencies (please, please, let Hannah ride a bike, thank you). I really just can’t help myself. This takes place after that lesbian bar scene from The Terminator Conundrum.
They were standing on the curb outside the bar, almost huddling against the cold night air. Hannah was on her phone while Tammy was on the lookout for Sebastian’s car. He had offered to drive Hannah home as well, but since hers was located on the opposite side of the city, she refused the offer on the base of inefficiency and opted to get an uber instead. After getting the confirmation from her driver, she pocketed her phone and stepped closer to bump her shoulder with Tammy’s.
“I had fun tonight.”
“We should do it again sometimes.”
“But not in a lesbian bar, please.” Before Tammy could tease her about how flustered she was with the amount of women who had showed interest throughout the night (or the many times they were thought to be together), she said, “I’m not a lesbian.”
Tammy was short on rolling her eyes at Hannah’s insistence on the matter. “I know,” she said instead, her guts telling her that there was more that Hannah wanted to say this time.
“But I’m attracted to women.”
Tammy’s grin was wide. “I know, baby,” she repeated, a lot smugger than before because she had read her right. The petname came easy, accompanying the pride and honor she felt for having Hannah coming out and trusting—
“I’m attracted to you.”
That had Tammy faltered. She paused mid-wrapping an arm around Hannah, let it fall behind them as she stared at her instead. Hannah looked back, smiling with just a smudge of nervousness that wasn’t typical of her.
“I wasn’t going to do anything about it before, but with recent development…” she trailed off. “I know you stared at me when you thought I wasn’t looking.”
Tammy had recovered from her initial surprise by then, but she didn’t even have the grace to look a bit sheepish for being caught red-handed. “It’s hard not to stare, you know.” She smirked a little when a new flush dusted Hannah’s cheeks. “I wasn’t going to do anything about it either ‘cause you were my boss,” she said and Hannah nodded along. “Didn’t ask you out expecting that either.”
“You didn’t know?”
“Being attracted to women doesn’t default into being attracted to all women.” Tammy shrugged. “I thought you’re just being friendly. I could use that too, a friend.”
Hannah bumped their shoulders again. “I’m your friend, Tammy.” She laced their hands together and tugged Tammy to her. “But I also have wanted to do this since we met.”
She ducked her head as she moved even closer to Tammy, invading her personal space and only pausing when she was an inch away from her lips. Tammy took the prompt and closed the remaining space between them. The kiss was short and sweet.
“Since we met?”
“Technically, before that.” Hannah let out a small breathless laugh as she reined back from kissing Tammy again. “I read your file, and I’m kinda a big fan.”
Her confession earned her another kiss. This time Tammy wrapped her free arm around her shoulder to pull her in. There were traces of laugh in the contact, but it soon died down when tongue swept over her bottom lip. One of them hummed, Hannah wasn’t sure who. They only parted when a car took an abrupt stop in front of them, a gaping Sebastian staring at them wide-eyed from the driver seat. Tammy groaned, leaning her head on Hannah to stall the inevitable and let Sebastian squirm a bit for interrupting their moment.
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I was tagged by @giulia-liddell so here I am!
Rules: answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to know better
1) Top 4 ships
TenRose (from Doctor Who)
He made her realize what was her place in the world and she save him from his past. Plus, they had such a chemistry 🤩
Schmosby (from How I met your mother)
Yes, I love 'How I met your mother' finale. These two loved each other, but they renounce to be together in order to make the other one follow his/her dreams and even after years, they still choose each other.
Weblena (from Ducktales reboot)
The optimist and native + the sarcastic with a dark past. The classic lesbian couple who is also the duck version of Hercules and Meg. And we all know how it ends in the Disney movie
Ineffable Husbands
THE slow burn.
I didn't ship them when I read the book, but at the end of episode 1 I was like: 'I'm totally on board!' The oddest couple and still so fucking complementary.
Honorable mention for the ship I didn't know I needed: Amadello
2) Last song I listened to
'Sk8er boy' by Avril Lavigne, because sometimes you need the rock songs from 2000
3) Last movie I watched
Dracula by Bram Stoker. I like the aesthetic and Anthony Hopkins as Van Helsing, but I hate how they ruined Mina Murray: they transformed a good and interesting character in a damsel in distress who betrays her fianceè for a vampire who was such in love with her and still abused her best friend... I'll reread the book
4) Reading
The gothic tales of Louisa May Alcott, because I planned to read and reread all her books. Thanks Greta Gerwig: I didn't watch your movie yet, but my love for Little Women returned stronger than ever
5) What food are you craving right now
Chocolate. Cake, bar, cupcake...
I tag:
@currylane @the-wannabe-elephant @flame88tongue @thatsthat24
Feel free to answer or not!
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takaraphoenix · 5 years
Hey really liked the story you based on my prompt do you think you maybe can write a story about Percy introducing nico and Jason to his mortal friends If you can do this would please consider it
(I’m glad you liked it. And I guess you can consider yourself lucky there because making Paul send the picture to the friends did kinda make me wanna write Grover and everyone’s reaction too... so here you go. ;3)
Grover had his brows furrowed as he looked from his phone up at the two boys in front of him, right back down to the picture. Paul had sent it one week ago, on the night Jason Grace and Nico di Angelo had met the parents.
“Annabeth told me to grill you”, stated Grover seriously.
Jason made a face and tried to hide a little behind Percy. Annabeth had already scared him on camera when Nico and Jason had walked in on Percy and Annabeth’s weekly video-call. She had used the opportunity to very creatively threaten Jason and Nico. She scared him.
“But I’m not Annabeth and I’m just happy that Percy is happy”, continued Grover with a smile and pulled both Nico and Jason into a hug.
“I like this one more than the scary blonde”, muttered Jason softly.
“You’ll like Annie too, once she got used to you”, huffed Percy and rolled his eyes. “She just... comes off a little strong when you first meet her. Believe me, it was the same for me.”
“Oh yeah, same here”, agreed Grover. “She’s just naturally suspicious and intimidating. But she’s... a warmer shade of suspicious and intimidating when you get to know her.”
“How comforting”, mumbled Jason.
“Personally, I have the perfect plan of diverting attention away from us when we meet her”, offered Nico, looking at Jason from behind Grover’s back (still hugging. Nico was not a hugger).
“Really? You do? What?”, asked Percy curiously. “I wanna know so I know when to laugh when it happens and fails.”
Nico narrowed his eyes at his boyfriend and when the hug finally ended, he went to pinch Percy’s arm in retaliation. “I am inviting my sister along too.”
There was a moment of silence in which Grover looked very confused while Jason heaved a sigh and face-palmed. Percy started cackling delighted.
“Nico, babe. Just because they’re both lesbians doesn’t mean they will magically fall in love and Annabeth will forgive you everything based on you being her new girlfriend’s brother”, pointed Percy out amused.
Nico crossed his arms stubbornly. “It is the perfect plan and Bianca has my charms. It will work, Percy. Stop doubting me.”
At that, Grover started laughing a little too. “I mean, it’d be worth a try. Annabeth could use a girlfriend to distract her from overworking herself.”
“Grover. Stop hogging the newbies. We have a lot of interrogation to do”, interrupted Rachel from behind him.
Grover laughed sheepishly and stepped aside. Rachel, Juniper, Clarisse, Chris, Silena, Beckendorf and Luke were all gathered as they were throwing a little “welcome home” party for Percy, now that Grover and Juniper were back from their vacation too. They all stood in a circle, varying degrees of intimidating as they stared down at the two boys.
“You”, started Luke, poking his finger into Jason’s chest as he stood as tall as possible. “You’re lucky you’re Thalia’s baby-brother. So I can’t hurt you, or else she will hurt me, but do know that this one is like a brother to me and anyone who hurts him will have to answer to me.”
At ‘this one’, Luke pulled Percy close and ruffled his hair. Jason being Thalia’s little brother was actually how Percy had met his two boyfriends. He had never before met Thalia’s younger brother, always just heard of him, but when Thalia had gotten word that Percy was going to attend the same college as Jason, she told Percy to go and get to know Jason, to have someone to keep an eye on him. What Thalia hadn’t anticipated was the relationship that followed.
“I think you’re both very lovely”, stated Silena as she pushed Luke out of the way.
“I think that it’d be really easy to break their necks if they hurt the runt”, offered Clarisse next to her. “Really, just one snap and those little nerds would be goners.”
“I am not a nerd”, grunted Nico defiantly.
“Ba--abe, you collect cards and figures that go along with the cards”, pointed Percy out, pecking Nico’s cheek. “You’re a nerd.”
“I’m not one for threatening people”, stated Beckendorf slowly, deliberately laying one muscular arm around each of Percy’s boyfriends’ neck. “I’d never do that. Just like I hope you’d never hurt Percy, right?”
Nico swallowed hard as he tipped his head back to look up at the large man. “N... No. Would never do that. We love Percy very much, we’d never hurt him.”
“Good answer, pipsqueak”, praised Chris amused.
“I don’t know, Percy”, sighed Rachel dramatically as she draped herself half over Percy. “I personally think you really downgraded from me to... those.”
“Can’t everyone be as much a badass as you, Red”, grinned Percy, hugging her.
“I think they’re both relatively handsome, no Grover of course but oh well. And I also think they’ve been threatened enough for today”, declared Juniper, ushering everyone toward the set tables. “Beckendorf, if you’d do the honors.”
Beckendorf looked pleased as he got behind the grill, while the others went to check out the salads. Everybody had brought a salad and meat (or tofu, in Juniper’s case), for them all to celebrate together with a good, home-made barbecue.
The atmosphere relaxed when they started eating food and started trading stories - mostly everyone was giving the most embarrassing Percy stories they had, much to Jason and Nico’s delight.
After his second steak, Percy went inside to made some fresh lemonade and get maybe a little time alone. Being back home was slightly overwhelming, with everyone who knew and loved him crowding in to harrass his boyfriends.
“You know Paul told us about them, right”, drawled Grover as he entered the kitchen.
Percy turned to smile at his best friend for a moment before returning to the task at hand. Grover came to join him and help with the lemonade, both looking out the window into Beckendorf’s garden where everyone was still eating.
“Yeah and he told you all to threaten them because they’re not good enough or something like that”, sighed Percy.
“Actually, no”, chuckled Grover. “I mean, the threatening was more on Poseidon than Paul. And Paul... gave his seal of approval.”
“He did?”, asked Percy surprised, looking at Grover.
Grover chuckled and nudged Percy. “C’mon. Paul just wants you to be happy and he saw the same thing I did out there. He saw just how happy they make you. You smile more with them than I’ve seen in... a while. They seem like good people.”
“They are. I mean, I don’t think they’d endure this torture if they weren’t”, huffed Percy and ducked his head.
Grover offered him an amused smile and after they finished the lemonade, they went back outside to join the others again. Percy gladly sat down between Jason and Nico, kissing both his boyfriends on the cheek.
“You know, you did good”, noted Rachel proudly. “Nearly no quivering. No running off. Good on you. The threat-level has been exponentially rising ever since I was dating him.”
“We’ll only see just how much they mean it after they face the final boss and still stick around”, declared Chris casually.
“The... final boss?”, asked Jason slowly. “You mean Annabeth?”
“We mean the boss. The mob boss”, countered Luke with a smirk. “Poseidon.”
“...You said your dad was joking about your other dad”, grunted Nico dryly.
Percy laughed sheepishly, trying to kiss Nico again to distract him. “Come on, it won’t be that bad. He usually doesn’t kill my exes.”
“Usually?!”, squeaked Jason. “What does Usually mean?!”
“Jackson. Jackson, answer him”, demanded Nico.
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