#they are the only reason i'm watching this tbh. i think i hate the mc 😂😭
the-mother-of-lions · 5 months
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| baby🤲 | | daddy🫦 |
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mobiuslab · 8 months
Reverse: 1999 seems unreal; too good to be true.
The reason I even took notice of it in the first place was its soundtrack. I hate jazz, but they made a jazz song that I actually like, and then there's ReReReRegulus!, what a banger. And then I watched the trailer, to get a feel of what the game is even about. First of all, the accents! Hello? I normally always play games in JP, but this game seems to be set not in some fictional world, but in our real world, in the real London, so the British English dub would be so much more immersive (but of course there are a lot of familiar JP seiyuu, I'm very conflicted.) If this game, unlike Genshin, has a good voice director, who actually does their work and tells the VA's how the character is supposed to sound, I might play in English tbh. As a former FGO player, traveling to the past isn't an entirely novel concept to me, however, we are going to the 20th century, which is quite interesting. I mean, think about it, the 20th century of our real world, there are so many fascinating historical events. And it seems that they are putting in much more effort in portraying the zeitgeist of the era than FGO ever did. The artistic direction seems to be on point for this game. Apparently there is a main character, with a canon personality and fully voiced dialogue. Hoyo making Honkai Impact 2.0's new MC a self-insert was the stupidest move, and I'm so glad that this game understands how much better a canon protagonist is. It really convinces me that they care about storytelling and characterization. The general artistic direction is so impressive, but the game itself also surprises me. The base rate of 6-stars is 1.5% (compared to Genshin and Star Rail's 0.6%) AND the soft pity starts at 60, with hard pity being at 70. There doesn't seem to be a weapon gacha and the dupes only increase skill multipliers instead of completely changing how a character can be played. At first, I thought it was unfortunate that pick-up rate was only 50%, but every character joins the standard pool, so losing the 50/50 won't be nearly as bad. Unless the gacha currency economy is completely fucked, this seems extremely generous. The combat is thankfully not one of those god-awful auto-fights like Blue Archive or PriConne, but it's turn-based, which is much more engaging, allowing for challenging battles that actually pick your brain and require some skill.
However, there is an auto-mode for the mundane stuff, and get this, you can record your actions, rather than having an AI do everything wrong. And thankfully, there is no PvP, so you don't need to compete with whales. Knowing all this, I really have to wonder, where is the catch? There must be some huge flaw, right? It is as if the devs of Reverse: 1999 looked at all the complaints and criticism of all other gacha games, and just decided to address all of them. As long as the game doesn't have a huge reliance on meta characters to clear endgame content and event-limited content and the writing doesn't absolutely suck, then this game might be the perfect gacha game. I'm so excited to give it a try!
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bugsbenefit · 10 months
It’s because some of us can’t stand fanon mike he’s not will or el at the end of the day it’s not our fault the duffers already messed up his character arc long ago. some of us aren’t really interested in mike like that and to be frank I hate how much trauma people are putting on him as if he isn’t a privileged middle class *maybe cis maybe not* kid with insecurities cause he can’t play hero anymore like he used to. Fanon mike is retaliation to whatever we got the last two season from the character and I get it, but why are we keep acting like he’s important to vecna or the plot like that he’s just els boyfriend and wills crush at this point.
You don’t agree with this most likely but idc I’m just here to let this out for those who sympathize with mike. He’s genuinely not a interesting character and if Will wasn’t in love with him I wouldn’t look his way.
Hello? Will solo stan that doesn't get the show in My asks? more likely than you think
i'm sorry but you clearly sent this knowing i wouldn't agree with you and you don't sound like you want a conversation so... why did you send this? was it just to tell me there's people that don't care about Mike? because shockingly, i know that already, the influx in open Mike hate was why everyone doubled down on his character being important and purposeful last week in the first place
i'm genuinely confused on how you're watching the show, though. i mean, at least you're admitting you're only in it for Will so i guess you're aware of your bias and shortcomings?
also lmao sorry but *maybe cis maybe not*?? are you trying to say being queer in the midwest 80s in a small town with a conservative environment wasn't that bad or damaging or worth elaborating on because he's "probably cis" and the family is middle class? hello? newsflash just in, the queers need to stop complaining about how scared they are of coming out and potential consequences of it, if you're cis you're basically getting cishet privileges anyway. i'm really not sure what you meant to say here, you okay? also, aren't All the characters cis??
the vendetta you have against "fanon Mike" is fascinating tbh. what exactly is "fanon Mike" to you, bc the ask suggests it's just Mike with any motivations and 3dimensional writing orrrr? also thank you for telling me that Mike El and Will are separate characters! i almost forgot! i really needed the reminder that these extremely different characters aren't actually the same person or re-skins. thanks for your service, you really showed the evil Mike-sympathizers today o7
but you know what, sure, i'll indulge this a bit, i like talking about the show after all, you don't have to read this ofc, i feel like we're both aware we won't find common ground here
saying that Mike isn't important to the plot is batshit crazy sorry not sorry. not even talking about s5, it's just plain wrong in general and i'm assuming you haven't seen the show in ages
even right from the beginning Mike is established as the first MC and then proceeds to be the main pov for the entirety of s1. in universe Mike is the parties dm unofficial leader and according to Will "heart of the party", out of universe Mike is the only character that has established relationships and evolving conflicts with every single party member and even most adults like Hopper and Joyce. i don't know how you're watching the show to take away that Mike is unimportant and a support character
ST is an ensemble show and Mike is one of the characters, alongside El, Joyce and Will that consistently fills an MC role. (while also being one of the only ones to outright get referred to as one of the mains by actors and writers) where you got the idea from that Mike is a useless character people are stupid to care about is beyond me
if you're genuinely going into s5 hoping for Mike to be as unimportant and off-your-screen as possible i feel like you're setting yourself up for the disappointment of the century. i feel stupid just listing the reasons for why Mike is clearly going to be an important player in s5 because of how obvious they are but oh well
Mike is the first protagonist ever introduced and the final season that wants to go "full circle" Has to finish his arc satisfyingly for it to work
Mike is Will's love interest, a character that's already confirmed to be more of a main on screen again, so focusing on both parties of the ship is necessary to get them together
also Mike is still in a relationship? if he's supposed to go from dating El to suddenly dating a guy that's also his childhood bff you need to elaborate on his feelings. otherwise Will's romance is also going to fall flat and i'm sure you don't want that anon
Mike is part of the people that only came back to town after everything in s4 went down already and part of the group that seems to be the main focus in s5 (see the hill shot)
also just regarding the hill shot, Mike is center stage here (and also between his two "love interests"), totally accidental i'm sure
also the only character Will told about Vecna being alive in s4 and already swore to kill him with Will, also totally not a s5 set up don't worry
and before i go on here, aside from the writers themselves mentioning Mike as a main in multiple interviews David talked about the s5 mains a few days ago and Obviously Mike is up there along with El, Will and Joyce, exactly the people you'd expect
i don't understand how people are trying so hard to claim that there's nothing interesting about Mike to get into, as if even just s4 itself doesn't go out of it's way to set up an excess of potential conflict for s5
obvious relationship drama with El left hanging after an "i love you" monologue which we didn't see a response to yet
feelings for his best friend while he's still dating his gf
the unresolved painting lie
also the sexuality issue that comes with being queer/gay, that's been going back to s1. also made more severe by the show going out of it's way to repeatedly hammer home that the Wheelers are conservative and don't have close relationships with their kids
"you're the heart", speech about leading the party and bringing everyone together. he can't just face into the bg after Will gave him that talk, there needs to be payoff
the whole hellfire thing that's set up with the members names and faces being broadcast as "satanists" and the potential reason for everything that's been going on ON TV, sure that won't have any consequences am i right?
the Vecna plot itself, s4 makes it a point to have Will tell Mike and only Mike about Vecna being alive and the two of them agree to kill him right before the season ends
and that's just the obvious set ups s4 leaves us with, not even touching on the fact that Mike's pov has been withheld for essentially 2 seasons. which is something you can do and ignore, but only if the characters don't have anything going on during that time. Mike meanwhile changes drastically in these two seasons and we never get to learn what actually happened, why he's suddenly so set on growing up and getting gfs in s3, why he's suddenly such an uninterested bf in s4, why he suddenly feels weird about kissing El in the s3 finale after already having made out with her. there's a lot happening and we only see the fall out of it, we don't get Mike's pov. you call it "bad writing" but that's a picture book writing 101 set up, if you don't see that i don't know what to tell you
but i feel like you said everything already, i'm just rambling because i like talking. we probably won't find any common ground here. you only tolerate Mike because you like Will and that's that. not everyone has to care about every aspect of a show, however, i don't get why you're going to other blogs to tell them about your personal preference and about how you don't like one of the MCs. this is an ensemble show, it's not the El-show, and it's not the Will-show either, both of these takes are equally wrong
i don't know what the ideal s5 would look like to you, but if it turned out Will was the only important thing and the only character we focused on it would be absolute ass and horrible writing
Lucas just lost Max and left him with a shit ton of trauma, also Erica's gone through so much too. Max is still lost in a coma. El is distraught over not being able to save Max and now not find her anymore. Dustin just lost Eddie right in front of him too. there's a military presence in Hawkins now, the hellfire club fallout still hasn't happened, and so on and on. (also things like the "Nancy love triangle" still need time to be resolved too)
there's a lot s5 has to focus on to be a good wrap up for all these arcs. and yes, handling Mike's arc well is also part of that, shockingly
also ending this with a: you know people are allowed to like and care about character even if you don't give a shit about that character, right? claiming a central character with a ton of conflict set up isn't interesting is well withing your right and i won't change your mind on that, i'm aware, but going after people for actually caring about the conflicts the show is setting up isn't the move either. not everyone is obligated to share your views, especially when they're this far out there. and i feel like you knew that going in here
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zaiban2989 · 1 year
Hi...if you don't mind, can I ask something from BNHA? What do you think are Bakugou and Midoriya’s greatest personality strengths and weaknesses? Why? What do you love about their dynamic (as a romantic or platonic, is up to you)?
Hey there! Oh that's such a great question, thanks for asking me!
I'm going to break this down into a few different things here, it might be a bit long, I apologise lol
First of, let's talk without the bkdk-glasses about their dynamics. So I'll be talking about it while trying to stay objective and looking at it from a platonic POV.
When you start to read/watch BNHA, you see Izuku as this little middle school boy who dreams every moment of the day to become a hero while being bullied by his childhood friend, right? This already sets the tone for the rest of the series because you can already tell that both of them are going to be important protagonists in the storyline: Izuku obviously because he is the main character, but Katsuki could have been a side character or even a one-off - once Izuku enters UA - as "the boy who bullied the MC and gave him hardship about being quirkless but now MC is following is dream and overcoming all of this", yet Hori decided to put them both to the front there, with All Might, the sludge villain accident, the fact that Katsuki runs to Deku afterwards to "talk" to him, etc.
You only need like 2-3 chapters/episodes to know that those two and their weird/broken relationship are going to be present throughout the rest of the show. Hell, you actually need the first 30 seconds of the show to understand that Katsuki will become an important pivot to Izuku's story, really: the whole childhood flashback of Izuku protecting one of his friends against "Kacchan"? Hori didn't start with that for no reason. It doesn't just show the fact that Izuku has been bullied about being quirkless since he was 4yo, it shows that the bullying has been done by "Kacchan", which we then see again when they're in middle school. If Hori wanted it to be about the quirkless factor alone, he would have picked either a different 4yo kid to do the bullying, or he would have left Izuku's "Kacchan" to the background and use a different idiot to bully him in middle school.
Therefore, it's already established that Izuku & Katsuki's personal storylines are closely interlinked with one another from the get-go. Whether people want to see it as enemies, rivals, rivals to friends, or lovers, the fact remains that these two are going to share the show until the end lol (and the fact that Hori himself keeps on pushing them to the fro any chance he gets with not so subtle bkdk moments is just the icing on the cake for me tbh)
The dynamic they have is so powerful it actually drives the entire plot and by extension the other characters around them, which is probably what I love the most to be honest. Plot-wise, like I said, it's driven from the beginning with the childhood friends' flashback, then the middle school period with the bullying and Kacchan being an absolute dick telling Izuku to take a swine dive if he wants to be a hero, and then the very same Izuku SAVING him because he looked like he was asking for help? Just thinking about it gives me goosebumps lol In that sense, Katsuki is both the catalyst to Izuku feeling absolutely useless (Deku), forcing him on an everyday basis to face the fact that he can never become a hero because he is quirkless, and being the trigger to the same Deku to turn into an actual hero by saving his sorry suffocated ass to the sludge villain. The fact that we see Kat's POV of the tree bridge and the river scene with small Izuku trying to help him just increases the focus on how that's a personality trait of Izuku that Katsuki hates (at first) and cannot comprehend for a very long long time.
Yep, with that I'm jumping into Izu's characterisation! I think that this is his biggest strength (though extremely dangerous): he has the spirit of a natural hero, he wants to save anyone who needs help without a fault (especially Kacchan) and that's what makes him so endearing. We know he is quirkless, he literally cannot do anything than most other people can, i.e. use a quirk to help someone; yet he still fucking runs in flames, crying, to try and save his childhood friend. That's hard to not like when starting BNHA. But this also brings up his self-sacrificing tendencies to the front and that's why this also easily turns into his biggest weakness. It's like a double-edged sword, really. This trait of his gives him the potential of becoming a great hero but Izuku needs to learn restraints when it comes to trying to save people because he ends up most of the time injured and then incapable to save everyone (see Kacchan's kidnapping arc for instance, he saves Kouta and then is unable to save Katsuki. It's the perfect example).
On the other side, you have Katsuki. He is brash, aggressive, basically the whole bad-boy "Imma blast you to the ninth level of hell" kind of attitude from the start, the huge ego thinking he is better than anyone else (because he's basically been fed this since he's a kid). He's got a powerful quirk and knows it, he knows how to use it and has this perfect physical strength which makes him shine during the UA exam. He's born to "win". And I think it's this very "win (to save)" attitude that's his personality strength. Even when he is facing hurdles (being humiliated by Deku saving his ass during the sludge accident, Deku beating him during their first fight at UA, being kidnapped, etc.), he takes it all upon himself to overcome them. (Like a lot of people, I strongly believe he doesn't just overcome them in a few days like it's shown in the anime/manga, it's hard to fucking let go of those fucked up situations like being kidnapped so easily, regardless of how strong-willed you are, but well that's another topic entirely) The fact remains that Katsuki is depicted to be this badass person - yes, with a shitty personality - but he is smart, knows his own physical strength, never sits on his ass thinking he cannot become better, he just keeps on trying to improve and be the best, and like Izuku does, we can only admire him for this.
Now for his weakness, I think it's pretty obvious? He lacks what Izuku have naturally: the empathy to help and save people, which is detrimental to being the best hero. And he has to face this on a daily basis as soon as he enters UA. It's been nagging him from childhood with Izu being a sore eye to him because subconsciously he can feel what he is lacking in himself, and having to confront that in the form of a quirless kid who adores him and keeps following him around despite Katsuki pushing him away every chance he gets is absolutely enraging. Whether you're a 4yo or a 14yo kid, it's still something very difficult to comprehend on your own, IMO. So when you actually see Katsuki facing this head-on in UA, first with anger and frustration but slowly with quiet comprehension and then understanding, it's just amazing really. His character development in the series is by far my favourite. That boy has grown so much and worked upon improving himself physically but mostly mentally over the span of a year, it's absolutely incredible (or like Izuku would say, "Kacchan sugoi!")
So all in all, those two idiots have their very own individual traits (the good and the bad ones) which make them who they are, and I think any real bnha fans (regardless of whether they are bkdk stans or not) can admit that these two are important to each other and for the story itself to move ahead.
One last thing I'm going to add regarding the dynamics is the fact that despite the huge drift that has happened between them once Katsuki had his quirk and Izuku was labelled as quirkless, despite the distance between the two and the bullying and horrible relationship they had in middle school, as soon as they're in UA, you have them work seamlessly with one another (however reluctantly, at first) whenever they have to fight a common enemy (example which comes to mind: class 1-A having to fight All Might as a villain in the first ova and Katsuki understanding what needs to be done without being told what Deku's plan was to defeat the baddy, that's just gold).
Aaaand I think this post is already super long, so I will make another post and tag you (if you want) to talk more about this from my rotten-to-infinity bkdk POV 💚🧡
I could honestly go all day about these two boys, I hope this answer didn't disappoint you. If it's too messy, well, sorry 😅 and if you have other questions please send them!
Thanks anyone who read till the end, the honour is mine, truly.
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okiecookie20 · 2 days
SM files lawsuit against Exo CBX
for 'using the brand name Exo for their own interests'?? (It's gonna be a long post) I realised that many K erries and some I fans are siding with Sm on this one. There is talk of Ex5 (ot9 minus CBX and lay) going around on some Korean forms. I hate these people sooo much, they don't even wanna support the members going through this Bs. I'm pretty sure CBX are stressed out already with their current variety appearances (Minseokie as mc, Chen for album promos, Baek finished recording a new album and is on tour). Tbh these "fans" never were concerned with idol's protection: we saw what happened with Chen marrying and Chanyeol was bashed wrongly on gf gaslighting accusations, come to think of it SM never supported them or clarified anything with the gp. Exo is always seen as their cash cow and they won't do the bare minimum because they get millions just mentioning the brand name Exo. We also saw that their vcr for this year's fanmeet was just bare minimum, baking theme for Love Fool?? In their defence these people are like "we're concerned with the grp's future and want the activities to go smoothly and that CBX are greedy who were trained and brought up by Sm and don't have any right to backstab them" I HATE THESE PEOPLE.
Sm did not reply to their pleas for 2 months. Also, with the ongoing investigation of Kakao/Sm because of Bpm, SM is just desperate to get revenge and sue them. They even mentioned the ex members (Luhan Tao and 😑) and it makes my blood boil. They cancelled Chanyeol and Junmyeon's overseas appearance too amidst this.
To have more creative freedom and actually get the right pay (SM is known for snatching more than it ought to from their artists), Baek established the company. Inb100 is taking the right stance but I do think they have some bad (or money hungry) advisors and higher ups in One hundred company (parent company who acquired Inb100 and Bpm as subsidiaries) who are hasty in doing a press conference. They had already signed a physical contract with the 10% criteria and it has been a year ig so many are questioning CBX why bring this up now? I just hope they have enough evidence against the company's shady dealings because so far SM seems right (according to contract but morally we know who is right) and we know that the court will probably side with Sm as they did even when the ex members left on valid accusations (yes, they must have paid 10% of their profits to SM till 2022 even though they left very early •_•). Due to the indulgence of MC Mong, the case looks bad for the boys since SM might not per se blocklist them but mistreat them terribly and get the pay + in worst case scenario even reimbursement for damages. Recording that rumoured winter album will be very awkward but I hope Exist was not the last full grp comeback 😭😭😭. Their reputation is on a decline in Sk and they have suffered damages already. I wonder whether Ch erries support them or the trashy morally bankrupt company.
Ik how many people have said over the years that exo could've gotten bigger even in the west if SM didn't fumble the bag, I agree because of how they mistreated and sabotaged them releasing lesser copies of physical albums, little to no promotion and creative freedom. SM is one company (even Yg look at 2ne1) who will not easily sell the rights to the brands and music catalogue they created otherwise the members would've left and established smth like how Got7 did. Even Suju managed to establish a label under SM but they had to go through a lot. The Exos genuinely seem to want to keep the grp together and they will also lose the rights to perform their own music which is the main reason why many veteran idols are still signed with the company albeit only a grp contract. It has been discovered that the company contacted ChanBaek during their enlistment and urged them to resign with the company. This is the problem with the company that they can't watch their artists get bigger than the company and will go through legal measures, media play etc to taint the image of their own artists.
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theintrovertbean · 2 years
The Arcana Main Six + MC as The Phantom of The Opera Characters
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It's Masquerade time, bitches.
I must admit, I have an unhealthy obsession with The Phantom of The Opera. And therefore, it was only a matter of time before I came up with this idea. The 2004 movie is like one of the best things I've ever watched in my entire life (but I also like the theater plays), and Gerard Butler is incredibly hot (have you seen those thighs?). This was the straightest thing I've ever said.
If you haven't watched the movie, then this is your sign to do it.
As I stated in my previous post, there's something going on with my left eye, and I'm in pain whenever I look at the screen. Right now, I'm feeling better, so I wrote this real quick. With this eye issue going on, it takes me longer to write the requests that you all have sent me, but I'm working on them. My requests are still open if anyone has ideas, but yeah, I'm taking my sweet time.
I would also like to thank everyone for their support and for all the requests you've sent me. It feels incredible and very motivating.
I'm not sure if anyone in the Arcana fandom is interested in POTO, but I had fun writing this, so it was worth it.
With that being said, we shall now progress to the good stuff before my cat sits on me and prevents me from moving.
And don't take this seriously. It's all just silly fun.
MC - Christine Daaé
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Come on; it's the obvious choice. 
Everyone wants to date MC, and MC loves everyone. Christine loves everyone regardless of their flaws, even the Phantom.
A bit of a dumbass, tbh.
Could probably solve world hunger with a kiss.
Asra - Viscount Raoul de Chagny
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Raoul would die for Christine (and he almost did), and Asra gave half his heart for MC. See the connection?
Pretty boys.
Has a few flaws, but is the obvious choice™
Raoul was Christine's childhood sweetheart and love interest. Reminds me of Asra and MC's relationship.
First love™
Brings stuff for their s/o.
Everyone thinks they slept with the protagonist.
Julian - Ubaldo Piangi
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Clumsy drama boys.
Gets hanged but also pegged. 
Do they like to sing? Hell yes. Should they sing? Hell no.
I'm sorry, I don't have much else to say.
Nadia - Carlotta Gudicelli
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Mommy. Fancy ma'am.
Is this even a question?
Actually, it is. I was torn between Christine, Madame Giry, and Carlotta, but I decided on the latter.
Carlotta played the role of Countess in Il Muto, so it has to be.
Also, Carlotta is a fucking leading lady and Prima Donna, and so is Nadia.
They both pegged their husbands, and they know their worth.
Husband is dead™
Professional girlbosses. 
Amazing taste in clothes.
Tired of everyone's bullshit.
Also, the actress who plays Carlotta in the 2004 movie (Minnie Driver) is the same height as Nadia. Tall women 😍
I am a slut for them, and I want them both to step on me. 
Prima donna, first lady of the stage! Your devotees are MC is on their knees to implore you! 🎶🎵
Portia - Meg Giry
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Lil girlboss™
They both look cute and innocent but would slap a bitch without hesitation.
Curious and sweet. 
Gives warm hugs. 
Secret passage girls.
Muriel - Madame Giry
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Sweethearts who take care of others. 
Madame Giry worked for the Phantom, and Muriel worked for Lucio. 
They run away when people try to talk to them.
They both look depressed until we see them in their Masquerade outfits.
Lucio - Erik/The Phantom
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Sexy drama boys with many issues.
They are tragic, they are violent, and they are ridiculously handsome.
Thighs. Look at their fucking thighs. 
Raoul hates Erik. Asra hates Lucio.
They are supposed to be the antagonists, but for some very understandable reason, a lot of people simp for them.
Dramatic cape swinging.
Rose lover plague boys.
The Phantom troubles Carlotta, and Lucio does the same with Nadia. 
They both show up at the Masquerade. Suddenly and uninvited. 
Everyone in the movie/game hates them.
But mama I'm in love with a criminal.
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illumoonated · 2 years
Thoughts about Wednesday (the show)
I wished i liked the Wednesday show more. Truly. But...
...the writing felt half-assed. The characters felt lazy. The addams family felt not quite weird enough. It seemed to be a very safe (somewhat boring) reboot that ppl are groveling over simply bc they want winclair to be canon (which, fine do your thing -- but you're setting yourselves up for heartbreak bc these writers/showrunners give zero effs about making wednesday canonically queer). The love triangle was actually painful to watch.
There was throw-away "representation" with her being asked if she was into someone a "guy...or you know, a girl?" to get woke points. Someone else pointed it out too, but the black male mayor being told he doesn't "know what it's like to be not heard" was so incredibly tone deaf it threw me off. As well as the only real POCs having a personality being the actual Addams crew.
(The siren queen bee was cool but she like immediately became Wednesday's bestie after 2 minutes of a heart to heart at a dance? Idk she felt wasted/characterized too quickly to feel impactful when she helped in the last episode. There was no emotional "oomph" to her being on Wednesday's team.) ((Also there was the aapi vampire who smiled once and had a single line of dialogue or smth...? wish we got more from her bc that's a cool-ass concept of being stuck in a place like nevermore where ppl know you're an immortal--like I was waiting for a big reveal to be pulled from this vamp being like "hey I knew your parents when they went here, oh, that fancy book you need? I have read all the nevermore books so many times I can just rewrite it for you by memory, where's your typewriter?")) Basically none of the students "banded together" for Wednesday in a believable way. They just...did....?
And if the intent was to simply get a flavor of the month moody white boi as Wednesday's love interest -- fine, but you didn't even make them likeable (not the actors' faults, bc they were clearly given no direction other than "go and be in love w wednesday for no reason bc she's MC"). And Wednesday as a character would avoid the moody bois and possessive "nice guys" like the plague (pun not intended) and would find interest in a strange/true social outcast more. (If she's gotta be with a boy make sure it's like whatshisface in Addams Family Values who is nerdy and nervous and a true social outcast that Wednesday had a real banter/challenge with instead of gross obsession/ownership like fuccboi #1 and #2. Again, not the actors' faults.)
I am so torn as an ace person bc I want her to be aroace so badly (and I believe it would be an appropriate identity for her). I also don't want to be the ace person being like "no winclair shouldn't be canon" bc I want sapphic stories to be represented but I hate how any close platonic relationships are automatically romanticized/ran away with despite how the characters feel about the other person. Again, if this is a friends(roomates) to lovers story fine. But there's zero chance that'll happen with the writing where it's currently at (I mean, they can change this but rn I don't see it happening).
TL;DR 1. wednesday shows how thirsty we all are for true queer rep/romantic or otherwise
2. the love triangle trope (esp the cishet ones) have to be damn good in this day and age to be worthwhile (the triangles in 1899 come to mind as good, current examples involving fleshed out characters with chemistry)
3. the show is trying to earn woke points without committing,
4. the addams family is mischaracterized from the source material,
5. this reboot entry is safe, lazy, and predictable from a plot, character, and worldbuilding standpoint (I was expecting far out weird/spooky shit like the Sabrina netflix series tbh and was really disappointed in how safe this reboot played it)
6. I wish I wanted winclair to be canon but i don't and I wish I did so ppl don't think i'm being "too ace" or "anti-" bc anytime platonic relationships occur between two pretty ppl the internet loses its mind and disregards what the characters actually feel about each other (reinforcing that friendship < romance)
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royaltozaki · 1 month
I got excited when I saw that you had posted about this tbh I SAW IT OMG???? the adds had me horrified omg like, the "You know full well a vow of celibacy is not the answer" like the 'you know full well' honestly got me a bit angry? cuz who even are you to say that?? there was another that said "thou shalt not give up on dating and become a nun" the disrespect???? and fr? from Bumble. An app that is self-proclaimed as being a "woman's app" cuz it has a certain empowerment to it (tbh i have beef with bumble and have had it for a while now)
Bro I watched it cuz I love Mark Ruffalo and I regret it. Even tho I think it was amazingly made in terms of design, the art direction was amazing, I can't like it cuz the main character was brought back with the brain of a child and then they categorized her new curiosity and her adventure as being "erotic". Tbh movie made me sick sometimes. I actually had to leave the theatre mid-movie cuz some parts just had me so shocked I couldn't watch them. The idea of lust in this was also so uncomfortable?? cuz she wasn't lusting for knowledge of these new things that she didn't know (cuz again, brain of a child) but she had a lot of sexual lust too, and therefore she had a lot of sex. And cuz there was so many sex scenes relating to her "liberation" and how she was becoming more mature and finding herself it seems like the people making this film really just think of sexualized feminism. And maybe this is cuz I love children and a younger cousin (a 10 yr old but still just a little kid in my eyes) but the way they kept reminding the audience that she had an immature brain, that she was essentially like a kid and then proceed to sexualize her was awful (me having a good relationship and loving kids should not be the only motive for being repulsed by the ideology of this movie tho, it should be common sense idk) And i know, that the brain was not accompanying the body cuz the body was of an adult, still, I don't think it's an excuse for using it as a way of saying that she's a character is an empowered woman because of her sexuality. The comments I saw after the movie also had me questioning the media literacy of some people cuz they were all "omg this is like the barbie movie but for adults" UH???? and "omg, this was such a good movie, feminism being in so many movies right now is so good" why do people only find women having sexual freedom as being feminist, and by sexual freedom (ex: this movie) is just the mc having a lot of sex. Like yes, it's good that they portray sexual freedom in movies, but the way that it's being portrayed in some of them is not a stamp for feminism imo. There were responses to people who didn't like the movie saying "it's supposed to be a commedy". It wasn't a funny movie bro???
Idk if you saw the "I have no mouth and I must scream" popularisation on tiktok but it being popularized right when this bear vs men is still in discourse had me logging out of tiktok. There's this character (ellen) that is imprisioned but AM that is AI. She goes through so much, like she has to literally use her body in so many ways to "calm" the others (who are men) AND PEOPLE ARE CALLING HER SO MANY DEGRADING THINGS LIKE- people are saying she's the one who has it easy when she's the one that has to at one point sell her body for the sanity of the others. Obviously this discourse against her is done by men and people who only see the edits and go all "oh there is only one woman in this entire story? lets villanize her even though she's one of the biggest victims out of all the characters!". In the video game i think you can choose who gets the happy ending or smt and I saw people saying that they were not gonna give it to ellen cuz she wasn't worth it because of how she used her body. This is one of the many reasons I hate popularization of certain books, movies or smt on tiktok, it always ends up like this
I'm sorry this is so long😭😭
omg no its fine i love to rant sorry it took me so long to reply and RIGHTTTTTT EXACTLY LIKE EVERY SINGLE THING UVE SAID IS LITERALLY WHAT I THINK ASW and omg ur so real for leaving halfway thru poor things AND YEAH NO LIKE U DONT HAVE TO HAVE A GOOD RELATIONSHIP W KIDS TO KNOW ITS WRONG TO WANT TO HAVE SEX W THEM??????? like one of the main problems i have w the film is the fact that she IS a child and the way that bcs she is one, men fawn over her bcs she’s basically stupid and easily impressionable and easy to ‘own’ and dominate which is disgusting bcs that means that ltr most mens ideal types is children?? and okay like sexual liberation and all but ur still talkijg about a CHILD rn a CHILD that is being sexually liberated like even the dad when the husband was asking like r u raising her to be ur sex slave and he was like i cant have sex (LIKE HE DIDNT SAY NO??? HE WOULD FUCK HER IF HE COULD??) ugh i hate this film sm
no i havent seen that but omg?!?!? I FUCKING HATE THAT ARGUMENT like when men call sex workers whores or wtv bcs excuse you?? its actually YOUR demographic that created that industry and YOUR demographic that keeps it alive and keeps fueling money into it. like yes it is some women’s choice to go into sex work but a lot of women also go into sex work just bcs u can make a decent amount of money if u cant find any other work and u need to support people at home or idk theres lots of scenarios where people are essentially forced into sex work and men think its a choice?? recognise ur privelege do u know how many more opportunities, whether its gaining citizenship, getting promoted at work, gender pay gap (WHICH STILL EXISTS ive heard men say it doesnt but thats naiive) how much easier it is to function as a society member if ur a man? if ur gonna shit on the sex industry go shit on the men who are raping women everyday but ‘its not rape bcs we paid them and thats their job’ pls (again nuance some women choose this and more power to them theyre taking advantage of the patriarchy) but others are doing it bcs they HAVE to they wouldnt fuck u if they just saw u on the street get over urself
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away-ward · 1 month
hey, thanks for the mbti discussions KO! It was fun talking to you about it. This might the last one from me about damon and kai though, because i cant lie, they really never interest me that much before, so for me to even put two and two together about their characters this week already got me feeling ☠️🙂‍↕️😵‍💫 however, unlike kai, it's kinda obvious in the way that i was pulling for straws to understand damon's arc, because ngl, even thinking about him then writing his name in the same discussion post with emmy made me feel nauseous, lmfao! (If you cant already tell, i really hate his character so much!!! 😭🤣)
But i agree with you in that i believe damon's characterisation suffered from PD wanting to do the most most mostest everything for him. Like Rika. Yeah no wonder idgaf about them. I hate it when authors just can't write characters with flaws and try to make characters be so complicated, only for us to watch them fail to do that by the end of the series. Like what was the point of all that toomfooleries? Damon and Rika look like clowns! I laughed when they said they wanted to build the world because they got no skills to execute that. Just because you got ideas doesn't mean you have the skills or talent to make them a reality. That's what Damon and Rika's characters felt like to me.
PD could just give their stories one or two trajectories and stick with that, but nooooo they just HAD to be and be in everything 🙄 At this point i'm trying to see the good in Damon's character or see any valid points to make him likeable TO ME but he always failed, because i feel like he was never gonna be enough, again FOR ME. Like Damon's character doesn't feel like he deserves all that happiness by the end of the series. His risk was not worth the pay, unlike Emory. I like villains, i like anti-heroes, but not the Wallmart versions like Damon Torrance. For example, i LOVE LOVE LOVEEEE Victor and Eli from Vicious. V.E. Schwab gave them clear trajectories and they never had to be everything or anyone else, never had to act like they're good or suddenly be everything like Damon was.
That's why Vicious' villain arcs are super interesting. Rin from the Poppy War by R.F Kuang had a really interesting hero-anti-hero-villain arc too, and she actually scare me sometimes with her craziness, hence why i really like her character. Pippa from a Good Girl's Guide to Murder had similar arc, and by the end of the trilogy made me feel like "damn, this is what dark romance could look like if authors have good writing, good plot, would want to deal with morally grey characters who have good reasons to be one, characterisation doesnt seem to come out of their asses but logical to the surroundings, wants and the nature of the MCs, and actually understand how romance can work even when there's no sex in their books, AT ALL". Dark romance today's just full of shocking sex/harems/orgies, absurd ass plot and "dark, broody, tall" characters. I truly believe that PD's bias towards Damon was what cheapened his arc and his potential.
Ugh sometimes i wish i am a damon torrance lover (or even bystander) so that i can relate to the majority of this fandom, but i can't choose who i like, and i definitely do not like him or his characterisation at all. Noo bcausee it's the way you counter my observation of him and even after some thinking, i really don't have any resoonse to that, because idgaf enough about him to think deeper, hahahahaha! Omg i realised today that i can be really bias with characters i hate, heh. Anywaym idk. I wish his fans, or rika and winter's fans are active on tumblr making discussion posts, because at least then maybe i can understand more of their fav characters?
Idk. These three, along with Michael are the shallowest characters in the series, and maybe that's why i don't like them? i would rather read about Micah and Rory's story than reread their books, tbh. Idk, their motives always felt so surfaced-level no matter how many times PD liked to write their conversations as "meaningful". I remember One ironic moment in Kill Switch when Damon was upset at Winter for having "a shallow heart" for not trusting him and i was like 😭🤣🤣🤣 broooooo, talking about a pot calling a kettle black. Like why was he looking down on Winter right now? She was the 16 year old blind girl who had to deal with the mess you started, not you! You deserved that jail time, not only for lying but for all the petty crimes in the phone too! OMFG! Like why do yall think yall soulmates for life? You both are dumb, AND SHALLOW! To a certain extend, You gotta attract what you are, and what you like most.
And Damon liked her enough that her shallowness didn't matter before, so why now? Winter too with Damon, she never expected him to be smart or good or with depth. She didn't even give a fuck if he was someone she didnt know when she was horny af. Like girl youre blind? And you dont have any allies at home or in town, why are you being YOUR best ally then? She literally just kept on believing lies left and right because she want to escape her life. Other than Damon, Dancing was the only thing that made her feel alive. So why was she even surprised taht he was sketch as hell? Winter is so fucking dumb! Like what? Not even until the end of KS had she ever acknowledged her own stupidity and fault in the trajectory of her own story. And I was again baffled when Damon was confused with Winter's arc, because when was she described as having depth? Even by him? Just pure and beautiful, untouched by anything ugly, the one who told him to use pain one at a time. Her character only exist to be a muse for Damon 🤣😭 and clearly winter never gaf enough about fucking her own sister's husband but why was she going around acting holier than thou all the time, and even in private, slut shaming girls left and right for fucking anyone? And not her shaming arion for her adventurous sex but continue to fuck damon and will at the ssame time? Winter's such a fucking dumb hypocrite.
and She sounds just like damon, only a very less ugly version of him! Like not damon slut shaming everyone and looking down on arion, when he was just as bad, if not worse than the girls he looked down on, but nobody called him a whore ass low life? Sometimes i wished in nightfall that emmy called him a slut and a motherfucker to see how he reacts because for all the hurtful things and pain he caused and said to his friends (especially the horsemen) and innocent people in this series, him betraying michael and working with his brother for no fucking reason than his stupid jealousy, i believe Damon's happy ending is not well-earned enough for me. I literally want someone to drown him in the sea like what he did to kai, will and rika, cause him all this turmoil and backstabbing like what he did to banks and michael, and torture and shame him in a chamber like what he did to rika and winter. When winter was angry at damon and spouting shit at him in KS, I was cheering for her, wishing she said more, because if that was me, i wouldve done and said worse.
Because TO ME, Damon really didn't deserve anything good in his life, not his sisters, not his wife, his bffs, his future. Shoudl've just died in a ditch somehwere. One thing that Damon and I are similar in that we both knew this was true. It's hard now for anyone to convince me that he does deserve them. Oh and also that scene in conclave with him and misha? What the fuck, misha didn't even do anything to him. Fuck Damon honestly. Suddenly be obsessed with rika? And for what? Ugh cringe as fuck! I can't believe winter wasn't suspicious of him having borderline polyamorous relationship with everyone, especially rika and will. (But winter has to only be close to him? 🙄) The high pain and disrespect from him to everyone, and him keep acting dumb and going around saying shit like "if theres anybody who knew how low life and hell life could be it was us" in KS, was not worth anything that he can offer them. But then i'm not them, and they're not me, clearly michael see enough value in him to want him on his team. Even emmy would pick him before the readers, so that's why i still don't see any reason to go so hard defending emmy. No characters in this series were ever painted as a righteous character, i don't trust any of them irl.
No matter how angry DamonWinter fans can be angry at me for this, this is just one point they can't deny. Winter is the most useless character in the series. Like how is her kid gone in fire night but we see more of other chars being distressed than herself? I can't with PD sometimes 😂 like at least they could try to not make it THAT obvious that they didn't care much about Winter's character. And just like how Damon only attracts what he is, it's also similar to how authors only know to write what they know, hence why not all "smart characters" are "smart", because some authors are just not smart enough to think of a plan for characters to show how their characters are capable of being smart without them shoving this shit in your face in their text explicitly all the time. Like how PD wanted to make Damon, Rika and Alex's characters capable of everything, but failed because when you lay them down with logic and timelines, they don't match up ☠️ like? Well, at least rika herself was aware of her flaws. But not PD, ofc. Like WTF? And just when we're about to see the real Alex, where her character has flaws too and not just strengths, PD glosses over them again when it's inconvenient for them to explain. PD really sucks at writing details and timelines, no matter how much they said they're a big planner. A big planner doesnt make a good planner.
idk how my initial MBTI discussion has become a Damon hate rant post but ugh i finally let out my unsatisfaction of how his character was written into the world. I too, love to read about villains, i too want to love an anti-hero, i too want to read soft characters like winter, but not when they're shallow as fuck, and until the end of fire night they did not change at all. Or even when they change, it's minimal. One thing that i agree with some of readswshelby's (from tiktok and youtube) take about about willemmy's story (unlike the rest of the couples) is for what it's worth with their shitty plot, you can see that from the start of the series and the start of the book to the end of the series and the end of the book, their characterisation and story changes from a to b. What does that mean? It means they have progressed, they have changed, and they have put work on themselves to change for the better. We dont always got to see them because PD didnt gaf enough to write about Willemmy more, but we knew willemmy had progressed. Which also leades to a differnt kind lf discussion.
Emmy started nightfall believing she cannot have the things she wants most and will started night with plans because he felt loss and alone but both still have understandble fears in building back their relationship and connecting with each other and with others around them, because they were nit ready and were always seen to be holding on to the past, but then one step forward, they decided how their story is gonna be like, and they ended nightfall with some of the most impactful closing scenes and lines from this series as a couple and individual, that summed up their past doubts and worries
"my life finally starts" because finally will executed what he wants by being beside emmy, even to bring down the gate to get to where she was, killing martin with his own hands, and was always seen running towards emmy despite what damon, aydin and alex kept on doing to him and his woman, he was fully ready now. Even to be a father and get back to academia. He was even ready to be there for his friends and family as compared to how he was scene in that hideaway extra. Just because emmy was there, will was tured of his past, and they wanted and will work forward together for their future. (Only damonwinter came close to this, but not the two other couples)
"i have everything i want, education, brothers, family, husband that i love, would love and fight for me", because emmy finally fought for the one thing she wanted the most, will, and she also had all the other things she wanted and need and are proud of like education, career, family, loving brothers etc., and she was finally ready to go on adventure with them now, and nothing else matters anymore, and not only this was true in nightfall, her character was also seen reassuring will's doubt in fire night about their life and their world, and her being part of the crew that handles the police report, then btpeating up ilya etc., solidifies not only willemmy's relationship in this series, but also her place in their family. We truly know now that even if we dont get bonuses of them, WillEmmy is thriving and nobody can touch that. Interesting how back then how at point a she was the one who kept on running around, and now, heakthier, at point b, she was the cornerstone that her husband, nephews, nieces, family and friends can rely only. This was what growth was supposed to look like in romance, which leads to the next point.
"we're free, nobody can stop us", and this is the truest thing ever because in the early stage of her fighting for Will, emmy finally initiated/ responds to the fight with anyone that tries to come in between her and will, be it her brother, aydin, alex, dmaon, michael and kai. Even her thought in the bridal room towards will's girl family members sounds provokinb of some sort, like how she was surprised they didnt say anything, which even if they did, she would definitely put them down for it. And then we see her in all the scenes after until FN, where her thoughts, beliefs and words match up with actions because not a single time she wasn't there for what she promised. Again, begins with point A and ends with point B. Her caharcter, and will had the most progress because they put in the work. (there were many more, but i dont feel like including them, but if you have anything to add KO, please do)
and this is why i think willemmy felt like the most balanced and full fleshed out characters. Because they have a worry of their own, and they have worres togetehr, but from point A where they couldn't sove it in the beginning, progress was done actively/passively then we got to point B the ending. idk if DN readers realised this, but this maybe why PD got so much criticisms for their MichaelRikaBanksKai content, because not only they fucked up with KaiBanks, they promise us now that they have no HEA for these two couples. And HEA is what the romance genre is mainly known for, especially by seasoned readers and writers. Writers, editors, readers, and even the industry knew that this is one of the biggest promise that consumers will get when they consume the romance genre. That's why readers got angry when couples dont have chemistry, or no promisin HEA. They felt cheated. Many famous authors have discussed this, and and many romance readers agreed to this rule, hence why the romance subreddit too, have a rule of "have to be HEA, if not, it's not romance" or redit users can put on a disclaimer on their book posts if they want to suggest non-HEA books.
You can look up to what make the romance genre a genre online, and also see all the many romance subreddit post about what makes romance a Romance to them. And this is what PD failed to deliver. But then i only found out later that PD actually labelled Corrupt as Dark Erotica (not Dark Romance) and PD had been known to not like to be boxed in strict labels, so maybe this was where one of the readers' misunderstanding, unsatisfaction and confusion of not getting enough romance in this series could come from? Idk, once i change my mindset of DN to dark erotica, i didn't feel like i was lied to as much, because erotica is very different from romance, and i dont have the same expectation of a romance book to an erotica. Erotica will have sex that progresses the story as compared to romance where the romantic tension was what build of the relationship. Maybe that's why DN felt out of place because it wasn't marketed right?
But i feel like THAT's also why labelling is so important in marketing and advertising especially for the romance genre, because the romance genre is so big, and it could literally change readers' opinions and understanding of the books they're reading, but PD is PD and their confusing vagueness was what started all of this 🙄 idk, but i feel like they're a messy person as in, they like to cause mess bu don't know how to clean that up, but then putting something in a box later felt too real and felt like they have to confront with what's expected from the box and the consequences of it, so the easiest way is for them to cop out and abandon that all, and just write what they want and leave the rest to everyone but PD themselves. Idk, but i think i associate PD's personality as being irresponsible and messy now, because clearly they cared enough about what readers thought of their works to the point the took a break from DN, but not enough to change i guess? No matter how i see it, i just cannot look past how they handle this. Like at all. And it's something to keep in mind when i come across other authors and how they respond to readers and their crafts.
wow, this was a long ass post KO. Hopefully you dont find them burdensome 😅 thanking you for taking your time to reading this and responding
This might the last one from me about damon and kai though
Heyy! Don't worry about it. I don’t think I have much new to say anyway.
Regarding your feelings on Damon, though, that’s totally understandable. Like everything in Corrupt, there was such good potential in him, but I think the more we shed light on him and the less mystery, the less interesting he becomes. That’s true about a lot of things though. Unfortunantely, I think it would even be true of Micah and Rory. You know PD would never just let them be a cute domestic couple forever if they were to expand on their story. The more you get to know about them, the less interesting they might become. Or worse, you might even come to be unsatisfied with them to the point where you hate it. Best to leave things be.
Some of the things you said got me thinking, and I’ve never mentioned this before because I kind of thought everyone thought the same way – like it was written in the subtext of the series, but maybe it wasn’t the same for everyone.
All of the characters are supposed to be soulmates, right? Platonic and otherwise.
Like, the way the story is written, they hear a unique call that nobody else hears and that’s why they are drawn together. They’re unable to resist the call, and the more they try to deny it, the more restless they become. When they finally admit that these are their people and this is who they’re supposed to be, they feel a sense of contentment and belonging. For Damon, it’s the basis of his obsession. These are his people, and they have to feel it, too. There’s no way they can’t feel it. It doesn’t matter what Winter is or isn’t; she’s meant to be his and for no rhyme or reasons, he’s not going to let her go. It doesn’t matter that he doesn’t get along with Kai most days. They’re drawn together because of this intangible thing and nothing can touch it or kill it. It's the same for all of them. Unlike Misha, who didn’t hear the call, and whom Damon eventually tolerates for Rika and Will’s sake. I just wish that it was touched on more from other character’s perspectives. I mean, I could be making this all up, but that was the impression I got.
For me, I think PD struggles the most with when to be over the top and when to bring it back down. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy they have fun with their ideas and fully lean into them, but it’s a skill to know when to pull back. Like the example you mentioned, Damon’s comment about ruling the world. Because, like, why? What would he want to rule the world for? And how are they going to convince themselves they’re not criminals when they’re trying to “rule” the world? Whereas, it would have had a more significant impact if he said something like, “we’re going to run this city, Rika.” Even though the Thunder Bay is much smaller than the world, it really shows how they’re going to carve out a corner for themselves, take control, and be a real threat to anything that tries to cross into their territory. And while I know Damon was probably speaking figuratively, it’s just such a weird way to say it.
I don’t expect a realistic plot from content like this. I expect over the top nonsense from start to finish. But there’s a balance to it. And when things are imbalanced, we get a laughable, cliché mess of a story. Which is why even some dark romance (or erotica, if that’s what it’s better termed as in this case) are still better written than DN, even though the intent behind them was the same. Character arcs, too, seem to be a mixture of darts thrown at a spinning table and “ohh won’t this be fun?” Which can be fine for a first draft but really should be refined before release. The narrow window between KS and NF, and possibly listening too much to fans and not enough to their own creative instincts, are two things I think really impacted how poorly some of these things came across.
I doubt I’ll ever understand the extent DamonWinter love, or even the Winter love. And I also wish there were Rika and Winter blogs, because I’d love some good analysis and insight on them. I’m so open to other people’s opinions, even if I don’t agree, and I know that there are others in this fandom that are, too. I also know how hard it can be to take things that you think and feel, and put them into sentences that make sense! But I’d love some explanation on Winter from a fan that’s as completely obsessed as I am with Emory. It doesn’t have to be good, it doesn’t have to be well written, it doesn’t even have to be in line with what I think; I’m open to changing. But just something thoughtful.
And just when we're about to see the real Alex, where her character has flaws too and not just strengths, PD glosses over them again when it's inconvenient for them to explain.
Yes! I was telling a friend that hasn’t read DN that part of the problem with Alex is that the other characters are never allowed to be mad at her. Friends sometimes cause problems, they offend, things go off track. Alex is a controversial character, not because she’s an escort, but because she doesn’t care about opinions. But not caring about opinions and always doing exactly what you want often times causes problems, especially with people you’re close to. PD is really trying to tell us that for five years, Alex has never done anything that didn’t sit right with any one of these incredibly different characters? Michael and Kai fight over how to handle Rika every two seconds, but nobody cares that Alex is trying to distract the security guards from their duties, because she’s just so cute? Alex roofies Michael and potentially jeopardizes the entire rescue mission, but as long as she’s safe it’s all okay? She leaves Emory open and exposed to violent predators and a man who by all visible signs hates her, but Emory can’t be mad because it’s Alex.
All of these things would be interesting and great characterization, a good way to look into the dynamics of the group, if the other characters were allowed to deal with it, but I can’t think of a single time a character has chastised her other than Banks on one or two occasions. They can be mad at her and still be her friend; it’s not one or the other. It would even be interesting to see how Alex uses her ability to manipulate on a character like Michael or Kai when she’s done something that upsets them – but they’re never that upset with her. It’s weird and annoying.
As for your Willemmy analysis, I see everything you’re getting at. I think willemmy’s characters and storyline make more sense than Damonwinter and is packs a more emotional punch that Michaelrika. And Will annoys me less than Kai (sorry KaiBanks fans).
idk if DN readers realised this, but this maybe why PD got so much criticisms for their MichaelRikaBanksKai content, because not only they fucked up with KaiBanks, they promise us now that they have no HEA for these two couples.
I think most readers probably know what their issue is. I wonder if PD realizes that’s why there was an uproar. See, if a fan wrote something like that, other fans who are into those scenarios probably would have gobbled it up. But having it come from the creator, making it canon, ruins the impression that other fans who don’t want that have. Even if PD had just said “Yeah, sometimes I think about the four of them together.” That would be different than an entire scene where it becomes “official”. As a fan, they have the right to think of DN however they want, but as the creator, their words carry power and authority. I remember when that scene came out, they were thinking that people didn’t like Rika and Banks, but that honestly wasn’t the issue. I’m not a Rika fan, but I would have read a boring scene just to see what’s going on with her.
PD had been known to not like to be boxed in strict labels, so maybe this was where one of the readers' misunderstanding, unsatisfaction and confusion of not getting enough romance in this series could come from?
Yeah, I would say DN fits a little better when I don’t think of it as a romance, but as a story with a romantic storyline
but PD is PD and their confusing vagueness was what started all of this
The way you’re saying this makes PD sound like one of those ao3 writers that’s like “no tags, just read” like the tags aren’t there to be spoilers; they’re there for a reason. But I don’t know if PD was intentionally being vague because they didn’t want to give anything away or just thought the “dark romance” would be enough to cover the content. Maybe like you said, there was a misunderstanding on what makes it a romance, and of course, they wanted to be seen, and it has a romance storyline, so it’s not lying to put it in romance…
The confusion is unfortunate, but I wouldn’t rake anyone over the coals for it.
Hopefully you dont find them burdensome
I don’t find them burdensome at all! It just sometimes takes me a while to get to them. I mostly always respond on a desktop, because reading the longer ones on mobile is hard. That’s why it takes me so long to respond. Thanks for your patience though! And for sending in your thoughts. I enjoy the discussions.
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theharrowing · 7 months
OK Collateral thoughts:
The POV scenes are incredible and I will definitely be subscribing to read the entire things. I don't know how I missed those posts but I can imagine you were probably not pushing them too hard since you mentioned feeling awkward about asking for money (I would too!)
I love seeing the nickname list evolve, and I remember swooning over the idea of Jungkook calling mc "doll/dollface". It gets me every time. And I am obsessed with the fact that you randomly write scenes for future chapters with a vague plan to figure out how they fit into the story. I always just assume that everything is written linearly all at once, so to see how you plop scenes in is fascinating because it flows so well.
Also your note of, "changing the anime mc and Jimin are watching from Attack on Titan to Chainsaw man because i absolutely fucking hated the ending of AoT lmao." LOL. My older brother watches AoT and he was SO FUCKING MAD about the ending. He also read the manga and hated the ending then, and I remember him saying, "I sincerely hope the anime has a different ending because that was some genocide-loving bullshit." I would love to know your thoughts!
Also your little "he’s ready to love, 내게 말해 줘, can we stay together? can we stay together?" made me laugh so fucking hard and I even sang it aloud hahaha. Is this what you are like IRL? I wish we could be friends IRL because you always seem like so much fun. Are you a carat? Who is/are your bias?
ALSO YOUR FAVORITE PARTS FROM CHAPTER 18 SENT ME TO HELL. Like, I also loved those lines while reading the chapter but then to see them listed out was deadly. "You can hear the sound of his fists gripping the sheet below, soft material scratching against blunt fingernails—a quiet, tactile cry of desperation." !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Absolutely deadly. How do you think of these lines?
These are the end of my notes! I see that you posted 19 and I am so excited to dive in! I'm also really glad your bags are home safe and that you seem in much better spirits today than you were yesterday! Thanks again for all you do!!!!! - 🗡️
OMG DAGGER LMAO your recent message came in reminding me of this one!!! i saw this come in the other day while busy and then i forgot, as i am wont to do hahaha. gonna respond to this one and then immediately respond to that one.
you are correct that i don't push the pov scenes too hard haha. i feel awkward asking for money but i also spend a lot of my free time writing and was looking for a way to make a couple extra bucks back when i made that patreon (which is now a buymeacoffee.) it's a shame because those really do have scenes that i feel are important to the story, but i also can't ask people to give me even $2 (tbh i only see like $1.30 of it lolol. more like buymehalfofacoffee.)
i used to write everything linearly but my mind sometimes races and i do my best to keep up and jot ideas down as they come, because i will forget otherwise. i do a lot of daydreaming when i commute especially, and it is easy to get lost in imagining scenarios. also, i am glad you like doll/dollface. i wasn't sure people would, but it seems a few do! (i'm more of a kitten person but i ruined calling mc kitten for myself with boy blue.)
i did not read the AoT manga but i did read about the manga ending and i am mad for exactly the same reasons as your brother. i have A Lot of Thoughts™ but idk if this is the place for them lmaooo.
singing in the middle of a sentence IS how i am irl and i am glad you are charmed bc i always worry about being annoying. (i suppose both things can be true!) you're so sweet for wishing we could be friends! 🥺😭 i am not fully a carat because i don't have a lot of energy to give to other groups lately, but my biases are Hoshi & Jeonghan. i love them very much.
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING YOUR NOTES & THOUGHTS WITH ME!!! 😍🥰🥰 i love that you are so hyped about this, and i am excited to read the other message that just came in!!!
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obeymematches · 3 years
moving in with with your om! bf (GN MC) (not nsfw)
inspired by irl events🙈 see more at the end of this post dfghj
HoL = House of Lamentation
Lucifer: Stays in HoL but possibly renovates it a little bit to have more privacy. (as a compromise in case you reaaally didn't want to stay there - now you have your own bathroom + a small kitchen)
His brothers still depend on him so you continue to share family moments. (which isn't too bad, Lucifer is usually busy so sometimes you might actually want their company) Though now you get noticeably more alone time together - which makes him realize how it would've been a good idea to actually move out (he'd immediately regret that tho because he very care family).
Helps out with chores most of the time. Going OUT on dates is a must at least once a week or so otherwise both of you lose your minds. Nothing else changes, really. Mammon: More likely to move in with you in the human world but would (slightly) prefer the Devildom. (he'd only do that tho if he can secure a spot in a safer area for your sake. even if you are a powerful sorcerer.) Paying rent&bills is going to require hustle which might be a reason why you have to move back into HoL. (though...in canon if he is in love with u, u get rich even if u do nothing...so that'd be handy in this case) Definitely enjoys how he gets to keep you for himself and he is living for the small moments with you (such as morning cuddles) but also! with you everything is much more fun, even if both of you work multiple shifts; after each day you are so tired you can barely watch a movie. Both of you visit HoL on the regular.
Leviathan: The only reason he'd do it is to get more alone time with you. Would take ages to actually do it, but he'd prefer to live in the human world with you (it's safer + its better for anime and gaming). (Lucifer is against the idea which also slows down the process but he eventually gives in). You'd probably have an apartment in a city with fast internet connection (dw he's done his research) and where you can afford rent. He works from home (either esports or programming) so he is always there to greet you when you get home. Decorates the entire apartment with figurines and posters plus there is never enough space for him. Henry is there also. You'd think he cooks / bakes and you'd be wrong. 92% of the time it's take-out food time. Definitely needs help with chores at first but gets the hang of it easily. Occasionally you visit HoL.
Satan: Definitely would rather moving out and renting an apartment. I think he'd prefer the human world. I feel like he'd want to change cities often (every 3-5 yrs or so). He is a curious demon and there is always so much to learn about humans. Very domestic. Does the chores and he does them well. You can never complain. Somehow can balance work & you & chores. (probably needs explanation sometimes with equipment he isn't familiar with but we can excuse that) Every weekend is date weekend where you learn something new about each other and the culture of the country. Asmo visits every month or so & stays for ~3 days.
Asmodeus: hmm...i think he'd let you decide on the realm but he picks the exact location. He picks a very busy area with rich nightlife, but to your surprise he only participates like a couple of times a week, usually with you. Listen he adores being with you. Posts about your life together very often. Would start a new vlogging channel if you'd let him. Rent & bills are No Big Deal, though at first he is shocked at how expensive they are. Is fine with most of the chores but since he refuses to do the dishes, when it's him on dinner duty you both go on a date instead. Beelzebub: Refuses to move out if Belphie can't come, unless it's literally the house next to HoL. (/closest to. i'm not sure if they have like. a close neighbour) Rather domestic, does the chores and puts in work to get the bills. Sometimes you might not find him at home - he is either getting groceries or decided to visit Belphie. Would rather have a movie night with you than going out on a date. Depending on what kind of house it is, he might pick up gardening as a hobby. Belphegor: Similar to his twin he'd prefer staying close to him if possible, but if that can't happen he's fine with moving in with you in the human world. (yes he prefers that over the Devildom) Lucifer doesn't like this idea at all so you probably need to convince him.
Bills might be an issue as he keeps losing jobs but you can't really blame him for that, can you. Regaring chores, he only does the groceries, vacuuming, laundry, and changing sheets, everything else is up to you. Every Sunday you spend sleeping in & cuddling. Beelzebub visits you every week, usually on the weekends.
The rest of the characters are under the cut... long post
Barbatos: Hm... I think you'd probably need to move in the castle, or a small apartment very near. It is because of his job obviously, can't help it.
As he is the royal butler I imagine you wouldn't need to worry about bills / rent because. Yeah. Chores, on the other hand, fall on you very often - sometimes his job requires him to be there 24 hours a day. Even when he has more break time he'd rather not do chores at home as well because then he'd literally have no time left to spend with you. But when he can afford to do them, he definitely helps out & does them better than you (no shame in that tho he does this for a living)
Diavolo: Pretty obviously you move in the castle. No rent & no chores to worry about unless you are desperate to help Barbatos out.
He'd spend literally all his time with you if he could & Lucifer often scolds him for it. Neglecting work isn't a good idea right.
Every weekend there is something new to do, he spends lots of time thinking about how you are going to spend it. Also this would be the first time(s) you'd actually see him stress about work, since you live close enough to him now. (obviously he mentioned it many times before but that's a different experience) Solomon: Honestly you are free to choose where you'd want to live as he'd follow you anywhere.
Tbh I'm not sure about his finances but I'd like to imagine you don't have to worry about paying the bills. (as in: you have to work too if possible but that's ok)
He does his chores but he does them his way. If you do them differently he might comment but usually he just lets you be. It's entertaining to learn how many different ways there are to,,, doing dishes.
Simeon: Definitely prefers the Celestial Realm & I don't think there is much you can do to negotiate if you want to live with him. Similar to Solomon, paychecks aren't a big deal but it's something to consider; if possible you'd need to work to help out.
He has his favourite chores to do but occasionally he helps out with others as well, especially if he sees you might struggle / hate one.
a/n: for those wondering... no we didn't move in together yet because i'm still waiting for my vaccine... but once it's done we're ready<3 i'm a little bit nervous ngl but i'm so excited also dfgh
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everythingsinred · 2 years
Okay with the character bingo, I must inquire about your fandoms bc I don't want to be like "ahh what do you think of this fine lad"
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And you being like :/ idk who that is nice bird tho
Like that would be kinda funny, but also it would be neat to hear about your other fandoms than GA. Like I've seen Go Piss Girl (Gossip Girl, but the only thing I know about that show is that meme 😅), The Office, something to do with spies? And one with characters that have big ol eyes but idk what it is.
In any case, for the time being, what your thoughts about ✨Mikan✨? My impression of her has changed a lot over the years, I first thought she was annoying but now I'm just kinda sad for her :,)
yeah i dont watch owl house but im pretty sure thats hunter? if its not im sorry i only know what i see on my dash in passing lol. nice bird tho (hehe)
yeah i like gossip girl! i was at the height of that when i was 13 but its a nostalgic show for me. its not a show that i think too much abt ig. mostly i just quote it all the time w my sister. i have a gossip girl character as my icon now bc i like having matching icons w my sister! we like to switch through fictional friendships/sibling dynamics. 
i also LOVE the office and also all sitcoms of that nature (i love parks and rec, superstore, new girl, etc. i love funny shows that focus on sentimental relationships that end up making me ugly cry. i think the office might be my fav but tbh i thought that abt superstore AND new girl before so idk if i even have a fav).
spy x family is a new anime im into these days! its found family and very cute!
and show w big eyes... im not sure which one u mean hhh. i like a lot of anime, my favs being ga (ofc), jibaku shounen hanako-kun, and fruits basket. im also really into the webtoon hooky, which is abt witches.
anyway mikan time:
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ONE OF MY FAV CHARACTERS OF ALL TIME. i talk abt natsume all the time so it might feel like hes my all time fav, but he and mikan actually share that place in my heart. 
yes similarly i also felt she was annoying when i first watched the anime (i was twelve when i first got into it). at such a young age i had a tendency to get irritated with the female mcs in media (internalized misogyny, etc) and mikan was 1. loud 2. bold 3. stupid, which are naturally unforgivable traits for a character to have (sarcasm). when i rewatched/reread at 14 i realized that i was looking at her all wrong. around the time i started observing the ga tumblr fandom around age 15 (i only recently started being active in the ga fandom bc i was too nervous before), there was a pervasive idea that mikan was a mary sue.
UGH so let me go off real quick. i will talk way more abt mikan in my next nm essay, but ill summarize some of my ideas briefly for this. mikan’s arc is all about feeling useful, having agency, and how best to help others. she is maybe one of the few characters who undergoes OVERWHELMINGLY negative character development. i dont mean she was flanderized or ruined, i mean that this little girl started developing the idea that she should smile all the time and hide all her negative feelings in order to make OTHERS feel better. this is not good! but its treated like its good, like thats the best choice she can make (this is the actual reason that i only ship her romantically w natsume actually, but ill go into that in my essay). it can be fun for a character to devolve, to make the wrong choice, but this change wasnt treated that way.
another issue is i genuinely HATE mikan having the stealing alice. she should never have had the stealing alice. do i realize thats more than half the manga im talking about? YES. it completely upended her character arc. her nullification alice was so understated! she felt like it was useless and was SO insecure about it. then all of a sudden she has the stealing alice, which can be dangerous, but definitely cannot be called “useless” and her story about uselessness/having a “boring” alice just. falls short. yukas story w the stealing alice was so meaningful and impactful on its own. mikan ALMOST being the next yuka couldve been compelling if it didnt ruin the set-up that the entire first half of the manga was focusing on. 
anyway mikan is NOT a mary sue for the above reasons. she is not effortlessly perfect. many people in the manga call her plain. she can be really stupid. she doesnt always save the day. in fact, other people often have to save her, making her feel useless (which is why she shouldve saved natsume. they were each other’s key to resolving arcs and yet. and YET.) she can be loud, brash, bold, and often says the wrong things. she has a really apparent character arc and calling her a mary sue ignores all that. ppl who think mikan is a mary sue are my worst enemy and i will fist fight them.
now ill talk a little about mikan in fanfics bc i think its worth mentioning, especially since i filled out that square abt her being done dirty. like i said, mikan is stupid. im not insulting her. some people are stupid. shes not good at academics. shes a lot more sporty than she is brainy. she rushes to conclusions and doesnt always think things through. shes not really a rational person all the time. fanfics often treat this stupidity as a negative trait to be fixed. maybe shes stupid when shes little but she’ll be a genius when she gets older! look how smart she is now! instead of just letting her be dumb. she has other traits, like deep empathy, athleticism, passion, optimism, that are often sacrificed in fanfic in order to make room for her made up intelligence. 
mikan in fanfic (especially if shes supposed to be older) is often painted as more subdued than her loud manga counterpart, more often cynical, introverted, skeptical, etc., and ALWAYS pretty even if SHE doesnt see it (despite being described often as plain in the manga). i have some theories about this. 
1: western fans are more comfortable making mikan like a western mc than one more typical of anime. if u think abt what a typical western female lead looks like, she’s usually less feminine, “not like other girls,” a smart bookworm who is cynical and rational. this is familiar so i think a lot of western fanfic writers end up leaning mikan this way even at the cost of making her unrecognizable. so mikan being stupid and loud and optimistic are all traits to be fixed, bc theyre not as familiar in a lead role. 
2. fans want to have a mature mikan, and they think theres no way she can keep her childish traits, like stupidity, boldness, impulsiveness, and idealism, and NOT be a child. i find that ridiculous. why cant mikan be a giddy, happy, upbeat adult? why does she have to lose all the traits that make her mikan in order to demonstrate maturity? 
3. i might be off base with all of these, but this one... i feel the most strongly about. mikan is the main character. in a lot of stories, the reader is invited to relate to the main character, to project onto her. often, the main character is vague or universal BC imagining her as you is the whole point. fanfic (especially the older fanfic) turns mikan into that easily recognizable and relatable mc we can insert ourselves into. 
anyway i have a lot more thoughts on mikan, way more than i could ever say in one post (which is why im doing an essay series) but these are some basic thoughts i have. im sorry its so long. 
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shannarous · 2 years
Why do you think, Sakura is so hated in the fandom?
Good question, anon, but also a hard one.
First of all, let's remember that Sakura is only hated that much in Western fandoms. Afaik she's quite popular in Japan, but at the very least, they don't hate her so much. This probably has cultural reasons, but I admit I lack the knowledge necessary to go deeper into that.
I can try to analyze some of the Western hate though. I think there are several reasons for it:
1. She's often reduced to the person she was in the very first episodes, despite changing quite fast after that. She started as a weak girl, probably one of the weakest kunoichi in their class when it comes to physical abilities, though she was always one of the smartest and did show a certain talent for ninjutsu too. But at that time she didn't know how to put her talents to use, and while she was trying to figure that out, she wasn't that much of a help in her team - especially since Naruto and Sasuke were improving their skills really fast. You probably know that's why many haters like to call her "useless". On top of that, she needed a little time to realize she wasn't all that good yet, though that realization really didn't take her long. The first impression of her, however, you can call it arrogant. She was overestimating her skills and she disrespected Naruto because he was a "loser" and had bad grades. As we all know, that only lasted for the very first chapters/episodes, yet for some fans this short time was enough to always hate her for that, no matter how much she changed afterwards. Forever.
2. She's a girl. Now, I'm not a big feminist tbh, but it's undeniable that this is a reason she's getting hate. Naruto is a shounen series, it's aimed primarily at young boys. This is also why shounen MCs are almost always male, and females rarely get much screentime or chances for development. You can see that in so, so many stories of that genre, and Naruto, as a very typical shounen, is no exception. There are many (of course, not nearly all!) male fans who are simply annoyed of Sakura, because she has never been and never will be able to compete on the same level as the "heroes" Naruto and Sasuke since she wasn't given the necessary spotlight. They see her as an unnecessary burden who cries all the time and slows the main characters down. And she has the audacity to be in love with one of the guys, fueling the hate of fujoshis too (we all know Sakura's haters aren't all male).
3. They're hating on an "inaccurate" version of Sakura, because her depiction in the anime sometimes differs from the one in the manga. And this might be where the cultural differences become important. Japanese people tend to read the manga first, since they have the best access to it, and if they're interested they watch the anime afterwards once it's released. Western fans most often than not do it the other way around, most of them never even read the manga but only watch the anime. Well, the problem is, the Naruto anime is full of fillers which are written by the studio (SP), and apart from the filler stories mostly being very bad, they also mischaracterize a lot. Especially Sakura. Now, my claim is that someone who only ever watches the anime sees a different Sakura than someone who only reads the manga. And that leads to a lot of hate too.
Tbh the list goes on, there is more I could elaborate on. But it's getting late here and this post is already quite long, so I'll make a cut here. Maybe I'll come back to this ask at a later time. Thanks for the question, anon!
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urlisalisa · 3 years
[Toradora, Boku wa Tomodachi ga
Sukunai, Jojo Bizarre Adventures part 4]
Okay so recap: I saw a continusous trend with the shows I watched where the characters I ship or root for either don't end up together or there isn't any closure to the romantic subplot. ALSO this is all anime based haven't read the manga.
Anyway on with the show.
5. Ryuji Takasu and Ami Kawashima (Toradora)
Now where do I start? First of all, I would like to say that I didn't mind Ryuji and Taiga. I think they were pretty cute. Is just her small body and his large one threw me off in a sense..yk? Like throughout the show, I was getting father-daughter vibes but anyway not the point. Tbh I don't remember why I liked Ryuji and Ami more than the cannon pairing. They seemed to fit for me. Ami seemed to have matured( at the beginning she was basically a liar and mean for no reason lol) and I think Ryuji helped bring that out. Commensalism lol. Also look how cute they look here. Like come on now.
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6. Sena and Kodaka (Boku wa tomodachi)
For this...ooh this show made my blood boil. I was rooting for the one with black hair but I can't stand the run arounds. I also hate characters that can't get what they want off their chest and just ugh I'm going off topic. I liked this ship because come on they were basically pushing it. He met her dad, slept over, (saw her naked by accident), went to the beach together, protected her from some guys, went on a date, went out with Kodaka's little sister and they were mistaken for a COUPLE plus she wasn't a bitch about her feelings she straight up said "Ayo I don't mind marrying you or whatever" (that's not a direct quote btw)
And to add to it they were already in an arranged type marriage already so there you go. I also think Sena was fun and more interesting that black hair girl. I normally like the long black hair characters but this time the money went to Sena, a blonde. They also had more chemistry which further pushed me to ship them. HOWEVER, did we get any closure??? NOPE. Idk what that ending was but I almost tried to cease to exist.
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7. Shinobu and Kira (Jojo Bizarre Adventures part 4)
Okay so let me dry my tears.....okay I'm done. I was NOT expecting to ship these two characters. I mean he killed her husband and took his body then impersonated him in his own home. However, Kira still treated Shinobu better than her real husband did which was....interesting? Shipping them made me feel guilty but happy at the same time. She was sooo sweet and easily became my fave female character in jojo part 4. Their relationship was cute and somewhere along the lines I could have sworn Kira would have changed for the better. (ie stop killing women for their hands lol). I think he started to like her too....wait the tears coming back.
Okay as I was saying. Unfortunately we all know what happened to Kira. He was obviously a bad guy and bad guys need to be pay for their actions. This made me sad because Shinobu finally got a "good" husband and then he got taken away.
This has to be one of my most tragic ships yet.
Romeo and Juliet? Nah bro I only know Shinobu and Kira
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Anyway that's about it of the major ones I remember off the top of my head. Ofc there are a lot more but I would either save that for later parts or not discuss them at all.
My next post would most likely be how boring and tasteless romance anime mcs are. The one's I have watched at least. And my least favourite troupe from that genre is the clueless or the scaredy cat mf that doesn't know what to do when a girl touches them tf? anyway let's not get into that here.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk bahahaha.
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cafedanslanuit · 3 years
I appreciate you writing everything out for me but WHAT THE FUCK DHSHJSJSJ?!???
no, but seriously that was the craziest rollercoaster ride of a story I've ever seen like genuinely what the fuck? First of all, why did Jihyun POISONED everyone and then wanted to help saeran?
Second of all, please? Saeran has already went through so much why did he have to repeat his own dark history with rika I'm so sad? WHY DOES CHERITZ DO THAT TO HIM?!? I thought he'd be.. idk.. changed? and won't let people step on him no more? :( and when you said we can't do anything about saeran being held hostage and chained by rika, then we were just supposed to watch him suffer? What's the point i thought we were supposed to idk make everything BETTER?!?
AND THE PRIME MINISTER PART WHAT THE HELL. DOESN'T DESERVE RIGHTS. no but seriously, seriously. what the fuck? the mf pm beat him until he's almost dead and HE JUST HUGGED HIM? How's that a solution to anything at all? :( and mf touched saeyoung too oh my god I wanna swear in my mother language that's how angry I am.
I loved Cheritz's stories, but this one just sounds so messed up to the core. Like what's the point? Why do they love torturing him so much? I don't wanna sound like an ass but low-key kinda like lazy writing happening here.
But surely Jihyun's ae isn't.. This bad..? Right? I only unlocked like 2 of them and I already forgot
i love your reaction that was me in december as well sdkjfhsd i just hated the ae so much
i haven’t played v’s ae at all because i was told it was bad but what i read is that it’s even worse somehow? like in saeran’s ae at least we get a lot of cute cgs but in the v’s ae they don’t even gave us a kiss cg ;-; v is gone during almost all the ae and it’s just us talking with the rest of the rfa whether rika should be forgiven or not. 
if you choose not to forgive her (aka “the judge ending”), you are met with a weird video of saeyoung showing you how miserable rika is (the background is circus music for some reason????) and have everyone mock her and insult her and he says something like “but this is what you wanted, right?”
and the end is just v and mc like yeah rika is over it we should move on or something but it doesn’t feel like a good ending at all
the forgive ending is basically you saying hey rika had a hard life if it’s okay she almost blinded v and tortured saeran, all is forgiven <3 oh and also we get a cg of v, the mc and their daughter so that was cute ig
tbh it’s not worth your hourglasses just read a summary online or watch a playthrough on youtube ;-; saeran’s ae has some very very very cute cgs though <3
but yeah cheritz is GREAT... until another story. then everything they did after that was just a fucking mess. both saeran’s and v’s ae + jumin’s dark ending dlc is a fuuuuucking mess. i would never stop talking about jumin’s dlc so here is a review a friend did that was very much what i also think. i even wrote a fix-it-fic for that dlc i hated it lmao
and here’s a meme i made about the aes skdjhfsjkd
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woozi · 3 years
the thirst tweets yza 😭😭😭 i cannot. as much as fun this was, we were so close to getting jaebs with cats <//3
headlocking sk 😭😭 DJJDSKSK i would stand there like wonu clapping in the soop, for you <3. it's hindi ( actually it's my 2nd language but i speak in it the most w ppl outside of family djdjdjk ) my mother tongue is almost dwording djdjdkdk </3 i think im last gen who still speaks it, kids these days only know hindi or english.
ALSO!!! the footwork in senses choreo???? i liked it sm <3 yugyeom makes it look so easy to move like that?!?
same jdjdkddk godddd sometimes it takes a month to complete a drama which i like and started on my own will and sometimes it only takes 3 days. it doesn't matter how much i love something if i won't watch it, then I won't watch or consume it at all 💀.
ohhh, i've known jamie as an after school club mc first and singer second. like there was this time i was suddenly obsessed w eric nam's before we begin album i think around that time i first listened to one or two songs of jamie ( it was all spotify's doing jddjks) but then i forgot abt both and went back to listening to my regular ones. honestly i feel like i've gotten to know and appreciate jype artists ( those i know ) more, only after they've changed agencies it could just be me or my timing tho djdjdjh. have you listened to hanbin's solo album? honestly it's been no.1 album from 1st half of 2021 for me. i was not even looking forward to it or even knew djdjsk but i'm so glad i did i really like the songs & lyrics.
almost whatever jackson has released after mirrors has been to my taste leaving few bsides here and there. i love lmly <3 idk why for some reason i tend to mix pretty please and lmly up a lot djdjsk maybe it's bc of white tee and jeans. both mvs concept and songs are fantastic but if i have to pick one w/ mv & only considering the song, i do love lmly a little bit more then pretty please. wbu? <3
mark kept saying ' when we go back ' during the live so i got more confused each time, went on twt and got to know djdjdk. twt list of both svt & got7 of update accounts is like my newspaper, in free time i open it to see what is going on, sometimes jdjddk.
and of course i know abt woozi's cover <3 i've listened to it a lot jdjdksk he's so <//3
i could listen to his voice all day.
there is one cover of 10 cm hoshi dropped last year i like it sm <3 it made me so happy!!, around that i was obsessed with some of 10 cm's songs. help is one of my most favorite.
i really really wish for dokyeom to cover more day6 songs or just any songs </3 would really appreciate one from mr. joshu_acoustic too 😿.
did you see the way dokyeom woke up with a smile on his face in 5th in the sopp ep <//3 he's so precious 😭 (i'll try to link next time idk links go through asks tho djjddj sometimes tumblr eats it up). i don't even know what a smile is for first 2 hours after i've woken up. also i think i like this (sk coming and karaoke one - 5th) ep a lil more bc of that half minute of singer cheol it served us. i need him to sing more omg <//3
the soop song tho it's so sweet 😭💕. i love love how they brainstorm and make songs it's such an interesting process. i love what going seventeen is now but i miss watching the song making & recording process (even rho they do show it in inse after cb but jdjdks). the one where they made gose song, recorded it and made choreo/mv i love. it's still remains as one of my most favorite ep. they compose & write songs so smoothly & make it look so effortless <3
thank you for letting me ramble abt silly little things and responding to them, yza <3 love hanging out w/ you. i hope you're also having fun djjddj (i'll try to keep these short fr 😭 djdkdk i feel a bit bad for making you read so much nonsense :3)
take care of yourself, yza <3 sending good week wishes. - 🪂🪂🪂
also mood tbh we could've gotten something like jacks' puppy vid </3
LIKE WONU CLAPPING FJKDJKFDJFD in true infj fashion <3 wait naurr that's so sad </3 do they not teach it in schools?
ALSO YES OH MY GODDDDDDDDD house king show us ur fancy moves <3 as a fellow dancer i am throwing him my shoe rn <3 also i literally have never seen smth like this in kpop how did people fucking sleep on this icb it..
I FULLY RELATE HELLO????????????????? what dramas have u been watching? and which genres are u into? <3 i also just finished vincenzo today it was so good 😭 took me like.. a week, i think (?), though bc svt has SO MUCH content and i dont like being behind on svt shit esp bc i also run an update blog lmaooo 😭
WAIT I FORGOT SHE ALSO DID EMCEEING 😭 she's such a fun person </3 AND ERIC NAM FDKJDFJK i have one-sided beef w him lmao when he was still new to the scene he would reply to everyone's @s but he never replied to me so i felt v .. </3 (also this is what.. 13 year old me speaking so this def does not reflect how i feel abt him now JKJKFJKDFF) i also get that </3 i feel like jype doesn't manage them well (i dont know shit behind the scenes and shit abt the industry in-depth but u know... it Kind Of Shows esp w how the artists themselves speak abt the agency lol). and i have not!! i am truly a svtpoppie 😭 i will though bc u recommended it to me <3 i also have been seeing him frequently on tiktok lol, ALSO BC OF LEE HI!!
honestly i haven't been keeping up w his albums anymore just the title tracks so i cant say much 😭 i also def prefer lmly over pretty please i was actually obsessed w it for a while!! i love jackson's vision so much though, the cinematography is EVERYTHING
literally reading abt what our boys have been up to like reading the morning paper KJDSFKJDSJKSJKD
V GOOD FOR U TO HAVE COME ACROSS THE COVER... I JUST DISCOVERED IT BY ACCIDENT 😭 also i have to agree although i definitely do not want to admit that i am more than willing to listen to some man sing to me all day 😭😭😭😭😭 jihoon's voice is just... different to me for some reason. i have a hard time picking between him & seokmin tbh </3 hbu, who's ur fave svt vocalist?
ALSO YES THAT WAS SO CUTE OF HIM!! AND V ON BRAND TOO </3 the way u listen to 10cm..... im giving u an award rn <3 im guessing you listen to k-indie too?
DK THOUGH... I'M VERY MUCH WILLING TO ADMIT THAT I'D LISTEN TO HIM ALL DAY.... something about him... AND NOT THE JOSHU_ACOUSTIC FJDJFDJKFD 😭😭😭 i hate his username so much- why... WHY...
I DID!!!!!!!!! and i was so surprised too bc.. who wakes up smiling?????? what'd he dream of???????????? he's such a happy person i cant imagine what thats like 😭 the first thing i do when i wake up is make the >:| face JFJKFDKJFD also oh my god i just read that you're experiencing the same thing 😭😭 bestie trait!! KJJKFDKJFD ALSO YOU COULDN'T BE MORE RIGHT?????????? im always campaigning for vocalist coups im SOOO glad u feel the same way <3 his voice is just so comforting to me </3 idk i just really like his timbre
and v true omg i'm always fascinated to see how they actually work all this out!! the bts recording/choreo making vids are also my favorite gfkjdfkjdfj HOW ARE WE SO SIMILAR WE MIGHT AS WELL BE THE SAME PERSON 😭also jihoon in that gose behind vid........... in universe factory............... i still think about that Look from time to time... 😭this is also why i respect the boys sm tbh. everyone in the industry undeniably works so hard but to actually get this much creative freedom and to basically lead the group and their direction music and performance-wise is so insane to me... no wonder jihoon's always in his studio. i couldnt be happier that they get to live off of doing what they like im also so so proud of them they must work so hard <3 esp w all the content they're giving us.. icb it's always like this in caratland im so used to being an ahgase that gets like.... 1 cb a year😭
AND NOOO OMG DON'T BE SORRY I REALLY LOOOVE GETTING UR MESSAGES </3 and i love how lengthy they are makes me feel like ur just not making small talk (i hate small talk sm 😭) and that you're actually interested <3 i genuinely love bonding w u through these little asks i can never thank u enough for sending them <3 i hope ur having a lovely week as well!! u can always talk to me even if it's not kpop related and u just want to talk abt life or when u need some cheering up <3
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